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Offers big , fat , dumb laughs that may make you hate yourself for giving in . | Barre maltzurra. Ez duzu zeure burua ezagutzen. |
Ah , what the hell . | Ahaztu ezazu. |
( Sports ) admirable energy , full-bodied characterizations and narrative urgency . | Energia bikaina, eta narrazio delikatua. |
A portrait of an artist . | Artistaren erretratua. |
Directors Brett Morgen and Nanette Burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . | Brett Morgenek eta Nanette Bursteinek ... fantasiazko film handi bat egin dute. |
The subtitled costume drama is set in a remote African empire before cell phones , guns , and the internal combustion engine , but the politics that thump through it are as timely as tomorrow . | Telefono mugikorrak , armak , eta barrualdeetako motorrak . Baina politika iluna da. |
A tremendous piece of work . | Lan bikaina egin duzu. |
A delightful , if minor , pastry of a movie . | Goxoa, nahiz eta pixkat gozoa izan. |
While obviously aimed at kids , The Country Bears ... should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio . | Umeentzat da, baina gurasoek ezin dute erritmoarekin sinetsi. |
LaBute masterfully balances both Traditional or Modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhelms the other . | Labutek kontatzen dituen istorioak, nola sortu ziren, laburbilduz bestearen gainean, eguneroko batean, |
Something for everyone . | Denontzat badago zerbait. |
Irwin is so earnest that it 's hard to resist his pleas to spare wildlife and respect their environs . | Irwinek ezin dio eutsi animalia basatiak salbatzeko duen erregutzeari. |
There are far worse messages to teach a young audience , which will probably be perfectly happy with the sloppy slapstick comedy . | Badaude mezu okerragoak entzutea gustatuko litzaiekeen publikoari. |
Leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that 's simultaneously painful and refreshing . | Leigh-ek muturreko bat eman zion aurpegian , atzamarra berreskuratu eta min eman zion aldi berean. |
Not about scares but a mood in which an ominous , pervasive , and unknown threat lurks just below the proceedings and adds an almost constant mindset of suspense . | Ez da beldurraren kontu hori ... baizik eta bete-betean sartzen den mehatxu misteriotsu eta gaiztoaren kontua. |
` Film aficionados can not help but love Cinema Paradiso , whether the original version or new Director 's Cut . ' | Zinemako zaleek " Paradiso " filma izugarri gogoko dute. |
A fascinating glimpse into an insular world that gives the lie to many clichés and showcases a group of dedicated artists . | Erakusketa bat da: mundu isolatu bateko ikuspegi liluragarria duen istorio bat kontatzen digu eta bertan, artista talde batek euren talentua aurkezten du bere artista eta korista talentu izugarriarekin. |
It 's one thing to read about or rail against the ongoing - and unprecedented - construction project going on over our heads . | Gauza bat da irakurtzea eta beste bat proiektu handiak aztertzea. Gure buruen gainean eraikitzen ari diren etxe horiek. |
It 's quite another to feel physically caught up in the process . | Oso desberdina da traizioa izatea. |
Contradicts everything we 've come to expect from movies nowadays . | Gaur egungo filmekin ikusita dagoenarekin kontraesan handia du. |
Instead of simply handling conventional material in a conventional way , Secretary takes the most unexpected material and handles it in the most unexpected way . | Ohiko materiala modu ohikoan erabili ordez ... Sekretarioa harritzen da ... material berria balitz bezala tratatzen duelako. |
Could I have been more geeked when I heard that Apollo 13 was going to be released in IMAX format ? | "Apollo 13" IMAX formatuan atera behar zela entzun nuenean, harritu egin nintzen. |
In a word : No. . | Hitz batean, ez. |
Murderous Maids has a lot going for it , not least the brilliant performances by Testud ... and Parmentier . | " Neska hiltzaileak " , egia esan, xehetasun gehiegi ditu, - Testuden eta Parmentierren antzezpen bikainak ere bai. |
Filmmaker Stacy Peralta has a flashy editing style that does n't always jell with Sean Penn 's monotone narration , but he respects the material without sentimentalizing it . | Stacy Peralta zinemagileak estilo nabarmena du editore lanetan . Eta ez da beti Sean Pennen narrazio monolitikoarekin bat etortzen. Baina materiala errespetatzen du. |
There are a couple of things that elevate `` Glory '' above most of its ilk , most notably the mere presence of Duvall . | Gauza pare batek bakarrik hobetu dezake Glory. Duvall gehiago izatea. |
It 's light on the chills and heavy on the atmospheric weirdness , and there are moments of jaw-droppingly odd behavior -- yet I found it weirdly appealing . | Hotzikarak gorabehera, pixka bat arraroa da ... baina beste pixka bat arraroa, bizkarra bultzatzen didana. |
( Rises ) above its oh-so-Hollywood rejiggering and its conventional direction to give the film a soul and an unabashed sense of good old-fashioned escapism . | Hollywoodeko lelokeriaren eta ohiko zuzendaritzaren gainetik, bidea ematen dio pelikula honi arima eta aire zaharkitu eta ihes egiteko gaitasuna emateko. |
A breezy blend of art , history , esoteric musings and philosophy . | Arte , historia , filosofia eta misterioaren nahasketa bat da. |
Kids will love its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor . | Umeek zoratu egiten dute bere fantasia eta abenturak atsegin dituelako. helduek, berriz, beren umore sena eskertuko lukete. |
Tsai Ming-liang 's ghosts are painfully aware of their not-being . | Tsai Mingliang-en mamuek kontzientzia dute desagertuta daudela. |
Leaping from one arresting image to another , Songs from the Second Floor has all the enjoyable randomness of a very lively dream and so manages to be compelling , amusing and unsettling at the same time . | Irudi sinestezin batetik bestera saltoka, "Bigarren solairuko abestiak" amets bizi bateko zoriona baino gehiago da, eta aldi berean grazia, dibertimendua eta instiazia sor dezake. |
Sean Penn , you owe Nicolas Cage an apology . | Sean Penn , Nicolas Cagek barkamena eskatu behar dizu. |
The performances are uniformly good . | Antzezlanak oso ondo daude. |
She 's all-powerful , a voice for a pop-cyber culture that feeds on her Bjorkness . | Botere handia du, eta Cyberpunk madarikatua, bere ahotsa bizi da. |
It 's a perfect show of respect to just one of those underrated professionals who deserve but rarely receive it . | gutxietsiak izan garela ematen du . Merezi duen profesionalarik gutxiago dago eta. |
For all its plot twists , and some of them verge on the bizarre as the film winds down , Blood Work is a strong , character-oriented piece . | Film honen kontakizun guztiak, eta bitxienak, filma bukatzean, odolezkoak dira. |
The story line may be 127 years old , but El Crimen del Padre Amaro ... could n't be more timely in its despairing vision of corruption within the Catholic establishment . | Historia 127 urtekoa izan daiteke baina "Amaroren krimena" ez da aurrerapausoa izan. Eskubide katolikoak ustelduta daude. |
This in-depth study of important developments of the computer industry should make it required viewing in university computer science departments for years to come . | Informatika industriaren garapen handiaren inguruko ikerketa sakon honek erakutsiko du urte askoan unibertsitateetako informatika sailetan. |
It shows us a slice of life that 's very different from our own and yet instantly recognizable . | Bizitza oso ezberdina dela erakusten digu eta hala ere berehalakoa dela. |
A wonderfully speculative character study that made up for its rather slow beginning by drawing me into the picture . | Nortasunaren inguruko azalpen ikusgarri bat da inpresio labur bat izateko. Hasiera lauso batetik hasi eta gero, parte hartzen dut argazkian. |
Has its share of arresting images . | Irudi sinestezinak ere baditu. |
Leave it to John Sayles to take on developers , the Chamber of Commerce , tourism , historical pageants , and commercialism all in the same movie ... without neglecting character development for even one minute . | John Saylesek erronka botako die negozioen zuzendari guztiei: industria , turismoa , erosketa historikoa , eta merkataritza. filmaketa bakarrean pertsonaiak sortzea ahaztuko dugu. |
Reign of Fire just might go down as one of the all-time great apocalypse movies . | " Suaren Erreinua " agian historiako filmik onena izango da. |
A smart little indie . | Indarkeriazko indioilarra. |
Payne has created a beautiful canvas , and Nicholson proves once again that he 's the best brush in the business . | Paynek margolan eder bat egin du eta Nicholsonek frogatzen duenez bere eskuak ezin hobeak dira. |
Try as you might to resist , if you 've got a place in your heart for Smokey Robinson , this movie will worm its way there . | "Smokey Robinson" filmeko gaiztoak bezala. "Smokey Robinson" filmeko gaiztoak bezala. |
A riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban Hades . | Legearen aplikazioaren profila betetzen dut , Hades-eko hiriburuko bidaiari trauskila eta nazkagarri batena. |
Director Douglas McGrath takes on Nickleby with all the halfhearted zeal of an 8th grade boy delving into required reading . | Douglas McGrath zuzendariak Nicklebyri zera esan zion: " Izan gogoan mutil arrunt batentzat zer behar den irakurketa sakon bat". |
Stands as a document of what it felt like to be a New Yorker -- or , really , to be a human being -- in the weeks after 9\/11 . | Dokumental bat da: zer sentitzen den erakusten du New Yorkeko biztanle batek... edo gizaki batek 11/9aren ondoren. |
I am not generally a huge fan of cartoons derived from TV shows , but Hey Arnold ! | Ez naiz telenobelako marrazki zale, baina Arnold! |
The Movie is clever , offbeat and even gritty enough to overcome my resistance . | Film hau arraroa da eta erakargarria. Ez dut erresistentziarik agertzen. |
With not a lot of help from the screenplay ( proficient , but singularly cursory ) , ( Testud ) acts with the feral intensity of the young Bette Davis . | Gidoiaren laguntza gabe (ez bikaina baina azkarra) Testudek Bette Davis gaztearen indarkeria bikainari erreparatu zion. |
It 's a film that 's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and , not far down the line , to find a place among the studio 's animated classics . | Pelikula honek udan zortea edukiko du ... eszenatokian agertzeko prestatzen ari direnekin. |
Slow and ponderous , but Rohmer 's drama builds to an intense indoor drama about compassion , sacrifice , and Christian love in the face of political corruption . | Lasai eta jariotsua , baina Rohmerren dramak sekulako arrakasta du . Errukiari , sakrifizioari eta maitasunari buruzko drama bat da. kristau baten egoeran ustelkeria politikoa dagoenean. |
If you 're not totally weirded - out by the notion of cinema as community-therapy spectacle , Quitting hits home with disorienting force . | Ez bazaitu arraro uzten filmak terapeutikoak balira bezala ikusita erretiroak indar galantarekin datoz. |
Austin Powers for the most part is extremely funny , the first part making up for any flaws that come later . | " Austin Powers " errepikatuz. zati batean barregarria da, edozein akats sortzeko lehenengoa. |
While Tattoo borrows heavily from both Seven and The Silence of the Lambs , it manages to maintain both a level of sophisticated intrigue and human-scale characters that suck the audience in . | "Tattoo "k Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza , Hizkuntza Politika eta Kultura... Sailaren Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetzaren laguntzarekin egindako azpitituluak |
Cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio . | Cho-k bere esplorazioarekin jarraitzen du, azkar eta irmo. |
Elvira fans could hardly ask for more . | Elviraren zaleek ez dute gauza handirik nahi. |
A canny , derivative , wildly gruesome portrait of a London sociopath who 's the scariest of sadists . | Londreseko soziopata baten erretratu beldurgarri eta zatar bat. |
The movie should be credited with remembering his victims . | Film honek gizonak hiltzen dituenak gogoraraziko dizkizu. |
Fast-paced and wonderfully edited , the film is extremely thorough . | Erritmo bizia eta funtzio perfektua dituen filma. |
A bracing , unblinking work that serves as a painful elegy and sobering cautionary tale . | lan arduratsua, alegia mingarria eta abisua. |
Hashiguchi uses the situation to evoke a Japan bustling atop an undercurrent of loneliness and isolation . | Hashiguchik Japoniako egoerari heldu dio ... bakardadea eta bakartasuna gainditu dituen mundu baten benetako izaera ezagutzeko. |
As if trying to grab a lump of Play-Doh , the harder that Liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers . | Limanek bere istorioa estutzen jarraitu zuen, eta zenbat eta gehiago nabaritu orduan eta gehiago arindu zituen bere xehetasunak. |
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is not only the best date movie of the year , it 's also a -- dare I say it twice -- delightfully charming -- and totally American , I might add -- slice of comedic bliss . | My Big Fat Greek Wedding urteko rollo onena ez ezik ... .. beste guztiz ere amerikarra da . Komedia ukitu bat, dena aldi berean. |
Few films have captured the chaos of an urban conflagration with such fury , and audience members will leave feeling as shaken as Nesbitt 's Cooper looks when the bullets stop flying . | Film gutxik grabatu dute hainbeste su errautseko hirietako kaosa eta ikusleak hainbeste hunkitzen dituena nesbittarren Cooperraren aurpegia bala batek ihes egiteari uzten diona. |
Another love story in 2002 's remarkable procession of sweeping pictures that have reinvigorated the romance genre . | 2002ko maitasun historia bat ere bada . Erromantzearen arteari bizia eman dion film arrakastatsu baten oinarria. |
It 's another retelling of Alexandre Dumas ' classic . | Alexandre Dumasen eleberri bat da. Berriz kontatzen du. |
Why ? | Zergatik ez? |
Who knows , but it works under the direction of Kevin Reynolds . | Nork daki? Baina lan guztia Kevin Reynoldsek egiten du. |
( F ) rom the performances and the cinematography to the outstanding soundtrack and unconventional narrative , the film is blazingly alive and admirable on many levels . | Aktoreen eta zinemagileen antzezpenetik , ... soinuaren kutsuari eta narrazio originalari, ... film hau oso bizia eta miresgarria da. |
Shiri is an action film that delivers on the promise of excitement , but it also has a strong dramatic and emotional pull that gradually sneaks up on the audience . | Shiri ekintzazko film bat da , zirraragarria baina aldi berean dramatikoa eta hunkigarria. |
Provides the kind of ` laugh therapy ' I need from movie comedies -- offbeat humor , amusing characters , and a happy ending . | Komedietarako behar dudan " barre-terapia " hori ematen du ... Umore arraroa , karakteristika xelebreak eta amaiera zoriontsuak. |
After seeing ` Analyze That , ' I feel better already . | "Ikusten dudanean", askoz hobeto sentitzen naiz. |
A penetrating , potent exploration of sanctimony , self-awareness , self-hatred and self-determination . | Sakrifikatutako eta indargabetuta dagoen zerbait. ...sentipen eta jakintzaren kontzientzia, autokontzientzia eta autodeterminazioaren kontzientzia. |
This is n't a retooled genre piece , the tale of a guy and his gun , but an amiably idiosyncratic work . | Hau ez da fikziozko lan bat. Gizon bat eta bere arma da, baina... |
Overall , it 's a very entertaining , thought-provoking film with a simple message : God is love . | Oro har , oso film dibertigarria da oso sinplea eta txundigarria, eta Jainkoa maitasuna da. |
It may not be a great piece of filmmaking , but its power comes from its soul 's - eye view of how well-meaning patronizing masked a social injustice , at least as represented by this case . | Agian ez da film on bat izango baina bere indarra bere arimaren aldetik datza . Nola gizarte-objektibitate on horrek ez duen justizia sozialik ordezten. |
Although mainstream American movies tend to exploit the familiar , every once in a while a film arrives from the margin that gives viewers a chance to learn , to grow , to travel . | Nahiz eta film arruntek amerikar erara esplotatu ohi duten " familiarra " guztiz ezezaguna, noizean behin sortzen da film bat ikusleak inspiratzeko, haiek hobetzeko eta bidaiatzeko aukera emanz. |
Jeong-Hyang Lee 's film is deceptively simple , deeply satisfying . | Jeong-Hyang-Lieren pelikula sinple eta alaia da, alaia eta txundigarria. |
The film is a hoot , and is just as good , if not better than much of what 's on Saturday morning TV especially the pseudo-educational stuff we all ca n't stand . | Film hau primerakoa da. Larunbatetan ematen dituzten programa baino hobeak. Bereziki, jasaten ez ditugun hezkuntza programa horiek. |
George Clooney , in his first directorial effort , presents this utterly ridiculous shaggy dog story as one of the most creative , energetic and original comedies to hit the screen in years . | George Clooney-k bere lehenengo estreinaldirako filma aurkeztu du. " Txakur txiki iletsuaren " , hainbat urtetan estreinatu den... komediarik original eta sortzaileena. |
Even when it drags , we are forced to reflect that its visual imagination is breathtaking | Eta bere buruari eusten dion bitartean irudikatzen dugu zein hauskorra den bere irudimen ikusmena. |
Although commentary on Nachtwey is provided ... it 's the image that really tells the tale . | Nahiz eta Nachtweyren iruzkinak irud irud irudikatu, |
A life-size reenactment of those Jack Chick cartoon tracts that always ended with some hippie getting tossed into the lake of fire . | Jack Chicken marrazki bizidunak ... filmaren amaieran, hippie bat agertzen da, marrazkietan bezala. |
Grainy photography mars an otherwise delightful comedy of errors . | Argazki aparta akats komiko multzo batentzat. |
this film is not a love letter for the slain rappers , it 's a taunt - a call for justice for two crimes from which many of us have not yet recovered . | Film hau ez da filibustero bat hildako raperoentzat. Irain bat da, justiziaren aldeko eskari bat oraindik askorentzat frogatu ezin diren bi delituengatik. |
The film is impressive for the sights and sounds of the wondrous beats the world has to offer . | Pelikula honek munduko musika itzal eta ahots itzelak biltzen ditu. |
Daily struggles and simple pleasures usurp the preaching message so that , by the time the credits roll across the pat ending , a warm , fuzzy feeling prevails . | Eguneroko bizitza oztopatzen duen ezarpen bati uko egiten diote eta haren ondorioz gero eta pasio handiagoa sortzen da. |
... in no way original , or even all that memorable , but as downtown Saturday matinee brain candy , it does n't disappoint . | Ez da batere originala, baina... hiriko jaialdi baterako berea bai. |
Clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , Slap Her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up . | "Txokolatezko komedia bat da, gazteekiko saioa baino hobea. |
Cremaster 3 is at once a tough pill to swallow and a minor miracle of self-expression . | Cremaster 3 ez da oso ondo moldatzen , eta auto-frogapenaren bidez bere burua argitzen du. |
Sex is one of those films that aims to confuse . | Sexua nahasgarria den pelikula bat da. |
Compared to his series of spectacular belly flops both on and off the screen , RunTelDat is something of a triumph . | Bere filmik onenak eta txarrena alde batera utzita,... lasterketetan oso ondo ateratzen da. |
( Moore 's ) better at fingering problems than finding solutions . | Arazoak ebaztean Moorek gauza gehiago ditu buruan irtenbideak bilatzeko baino. |
But though he only scratches the surface , at least he provides a strong itch to explore more . | Baina azala harrotu, eta indarra igotzen du barruraino. |
The powerful success of Read My Lips with such provocative material shows why , after only three films , director\/co-writer Jacques Audiard , though little known in this country , belongs in the very top rank of French filmmakers . | "Irakurri nire ezpainak" filma oso arrakastatsua da, ez dut zalantzarik, horregatik da hain interesgarria, hiru film egin eta gero, Jacques Audiard zine zuzendari eta gidoilaria, herrialde honetan oso ezaguna ez den arren, Frantziako zinemagile handien artean egotea. |
In his debut as a director , Washington has a sure hand . | Washingtonek zuzendari hasiberri gisa ez du zalantzarik izango. |