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His work with actors is particularly impressive . | Aktoreekin lan egitea apartekoa da. |
A generous , inspiring film that unfolds with grace and humor and gradually becomes a testament to faith . | Film aparta, erakargarria grazia eta umorez. Fedearen testigantza izango da. |
Delivers the sexy razzle-dazzle that everyone , especially movie musical fans , has been hoping for . | Musika sexy eta sexyekin jaiotako kantuak daude, eta musikazale amorratuak daude. |
Vincent Gallo is right at home in this French shocker playing his usual bad boy weirdo role . | Vincent Gallo frantses harroputza bezalakoa da. Eroaren gaua. |
Fierce , glaring and unforgettable . | Basatiak, ikusgarriak eta ahaztezinak. |
Cletis is playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient viewer . | Cletis dibertitua da baina oso ondo ikasia. Eta bere arrakastak pazientzia eskatzen du. |
Like its predecessor , it 's no classic , but it provides a reasonably attractive holiday contraption , one that families looking for a clean , kid-friendly outing should investigate . | Aurreko belaunaldietan bezala, ez da klasikoa baina oporretako sasoi onean dago. Umeentzako oporrak interesgarriak dira. |
Campanella gets the tone just right -- funny in the middle of sad in the middle of hopeful . | Campanellari ondo iruditzen zaio. Dibertigarria da, tristea eta ona. |
Either a fascinating study of the relationship between mothers and their children or a disturbing story about sociopaths and their marks . | Edo ikerketa bat ama eta seme-alaben harremanei buruz edo kontakizun bat soziopata eta haien haurrekin. |
... gripping and handsome execution , ( but ) there is n't much about K-19 that 's unique or memorable . | Ez dago gauza handirik K-19an aparteko ezaugarri edo eredu moduan. |
Effective in all its aspects , Margarita Happy Hour represents an auspicious feature debut for Chaiken . | " Margarita Zoriontsu " bere alde guztietatik onena da Chaikenentzat ... eta estreinaldi ona izango da. |
The delicious trimmings ... arrive early and stay late , filling nearly every minute ... with a lighthearted glow , some impudent snickers , and a glorious dose of humankind 's liberating ability to triumph over a Scrooge or two . | Goizetik gauera, egunero dabil barrena lasai asko, entretenituta eta dibertituta. Barrez lehertzeko modukoak dira. |
Standing by Yourself is haunting ... ( It 's ) what punk rock music used to be , and what the video medium could use more of : spirit , perception , conviction . | Stand by Yourself-ek punk rocka eta bideoen kutsua indartzen du. |
Not the best Herzog perhaps , but unmistakably Herzog . | Ez Herzogeko onenetakoa, baina bai Herzogeko ikusgarria. |
Enjoyably fast-moving , hard-hitting documentary . | Azkarra eta erritmoa ateratzen duen dokumental bat da. |
Rehearsals are frequently more fascinating than the results . | Entseguak egitea gehiago interesatzen zait, probak egitea baino. |
Last Dance , whatever its flaws , fulfills one facet of its mission in making me want to find out whether , in this case , that 's true . | " Azken dantza " , zeinaren akatsak izan ziren ere , bere misioaren alderdi bat da eta hori da aurkitu nahi dudana . Kasu honetan, hori egia ote den jakiteko. |
The film 's constant mood of melancholy and its unhurried narrative are masterfully controlled . | Film honen izaera beti da melankolikoa, eta narrazio lasaia da. |
But ... in trying to capture the novel 's deeper intimate resonances , the film has -- ironically - distanced us from the characters . | Baina , filmaren helburua eleberriaren oihartzuna zabaltzea da ... eta horregatik, ironikoki, pertsonaiak eta errealitatea nahasten dira. |
This is a stunning film , a one-of-a-kind tour de force . | Film zoragarria da. Zoragarria. |
( Cho 's face is ) an amazing slapstick instrument , creating a scrapbook of living mug shots . | Eta txalo eta algara jo. Eta kartzelako argazki guztiak daude. |
It 's about as convincing as any other Arnie musclefest , but has a little too much resonance with real world events and ultimately comes off as insultingly simplistic . | Muskuluen artea egiteko berezkoa du. Baina hauek munduaren gauzatxo bat dira. Sinpleki eraso nahian. |
While not quite a comedy , the film tackles its relatively serious subject with an open mind and considerable good cheer , and is never less than engaging . | Komedia ez bada ere , gai serioa da, eta irekita dago, eta oso dibertigarria. |
An extremely funny , ultimately heartbreaking look at life in contemporary China . | Oso modu bitxian begiratzen digute gaur egungo Txinaren bizitzari |
Your response to its new sequel , Analyze That , may hinge on what you thought of the first film . | Zure iritzia bigarren zatiaz , " Gai hori aztertu " , lehenengoa iruditu zitzaizunaren arabera. |
Davis is funny , charming and quirky in her feature film acting debut as Amy . | Davis atsegina da, xarmanta eta sentikorra da... film batean estreinatzen denean Amy bezala. |
Bloody Sunday has the grace to call for prevention rather than to place blame , making it one of the best war movies ever made . | Igande Odoltsua... badirudi saiatzen dela saihestu ... eta ez errudunak bilatzen. Gerra-film onenetakoa da. |
It 's a movie that accomplishes so much that one viewing ca n't possibly be enough . | Film honek sekulako arrakasta izan zuen eta ez da behin bakarrik lortu. |
A lively and engaging examination of how similar obsessions can dominate a family . | Hausnarketa interesgarri bat da nola obsesionatu daitekeen familiarekin. |
In the new release of Cinema Paradiso , the tale has turned from sweet to bittersweet , and when the tears come during that final , beautiful scene , they finally feel absolutely earned . | " Cinema Paradiso "ren kapitulu berrian, kontakizuna gozotik gozoera aldatzen da eta negar egitea azken eszenara heldu ahala, benetan sentitzen du merezi duela. |
Faithful without being forceful , sad without being shrill , `` A Walk to Remember '' succeeds through sincerity . | " Leial " ausart eta irmo bat izan gabe " triste " eta " pikutara " . " Gogoratuenetako ibilaldi bat " |
The film is a masterpiece of nuance and characterization , marred only by an inexplicable , utterly distracting blunder at the very end . | Film hau da... filmaren amaiera. Marrazki hori marrazki bizia da. Eta amaieran akats izugarri bat gertatzen da. |
The film is full of charm . | Film hau itzela da. |
The movie is well crafted , and well executed . | Film hau ondo egina dago eta primeran exekutatua dago. |
If you 're paying attention , the `` big twists '' are pretty easy to guess - but that does n't make the movie any less entertaining . | Arreta jartzen baduzu, edozein txorakeriatan, erraza da antzematen baina ez du grazia galtzen. |
One of those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theatre . | Film sinple horiek, gero, antzokitik alde egin baino lehen, zure buruan erortzen dira eta, gero, zure barruan daude. |
... Pray does n't have a passion for the material . | Pray ez zaio gustatzen materiala. |
He nonetheless appreciates the art and reveals a music scene that transcends culture and race . | Hala ere , arteaz kezkatzen da , eta kultura eta arraza oro gainditzen duen musika erakusten du . |
The one-liners are snappy , the situations volatile and the comic opportunities richly rewarded . | Komedia ukituak azkarrak dira. Egoera mugikorrak dira. |
It 's anchored by splendid performances from an honored screen veteran and a sparkling newcomer who instantly transform themselves into a believable mother\/daughter pair . | Antzezpen bikaina da hau. Beterano elbarri batek eta emakumezko gonbidatu batek... beren buruak bikoiztu dituzte... ama eta alaba moduan. |
Fathers and sons , and the uneasy bonds between them , rarely have received such a sophisticated and unsentimental treatment on the big screen as they do in this marvelous film . | Ez da ia inoiz gertatu gizonak eta umeak elkarri hainbeste begiratzen diotenik . Ez dute sentimendurik galtzen , film arraro hauetan bezala. |
This sci-fi techno-sex thriller starts out bizarre and just keeps getting weirder . | Zientzia-fikziozko thriller bat dirudi, baina inoiz baino arraroagoa. |
Last Orders nurtures the multi-layers of its characters , allowing us to remember that life 's ultimately a gamble and last orders are to be embraced . | "Azken Ordena"k gure pertsonaia hainbat ezaugarri ditu, gogorarazten digutenez, bizitza jolas bat da. Eta azken ordena onartu behar da. |
It 's affecting , amusing , sad and reflective . | Grazia du eta barregarria da. tristea eta pentsakorra. |
A slight but sweet film . | Film arina, baina lasaiak. |
Writer\/director Walter Hill is in his hypermasculine element here , once again able to inject some real vitality and even art into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable . | Walter Hill idazle eta zuzendariaren saioan agertuko da. Gizon honen saioak izan du benetako indarra. Arteari eskerrak ematen ahalko liokete beste edozein gizonek idatzitako ideiarik edukiko ez lukeen zerbait. |
It is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic undertaking that ultimately coheres into a sane and breathtakingly creative film . | Pentsamendu eta narrazio nahasketa alaia eta sutsua da. Komiki ero bat, zentzu sanoz eta sormen bikainez osatua. |
This new Time Machine is hardly perfect ... yet it proves surprisingly serviceable . | Makina hau ez da perfektua. Baina erabilgarria da. |
Even at its worst , it 's not half-bad . | Okerrena izan arren, ez da erdi ona. |
Almost everyone growing up believes their family must look like `` The Addams Family '' to everyone looking in ... `` My Big Fat Greek Wedding '' comes from the heart ... | Ia denek uste dute beraien familiak Adamsen familiaren antza duela... Jendeak txundituta dauzka. |
Once folks started hanging out at the barbershop , they never wanted to leave . | Jendea ilea apaintzen hasi denean ... ez zuen berriro joan nahi. |
Chances are you wo n't , either . | Eta zu ere ez zara izango. |
George Lucas returns as a visionary with a tale full of nuance and character dimension . | George Lucas, berriz itzultzailea, errebelazio guztiz berri eta guztiz berria. |
Can be viewed as pure composition and form -- film as music | Konposizio eta forma huts bezala ikus daiteke... musika bezalakoa. |
An extraordinary dramatic experience . | Esperientzia dramatiko eta izugarria. |
Every individual will see the movie through the prism of his or her own beliefs and prejudices , but the one thing most will take away is the sense that peace is possible . | Bakoitzak bere sinesmen eta ideien arabera ikusten du. Baina gehienek ez dute ikusten bakea posible denik. |
That , in itself , is extraordinary . | Hori, berez, apartekoa da. |
If you can tolerate the redneck-versus-blueblood cliches that the film trades in , Sweet Home Alabama is diverting in the manner of Jeff Foxworthy 's stand-up act . | "Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza , Hizkuntza Politika eta Kultura.. ...Sailaren Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetzaren laguntzarekin egindako azpitituluak" |
It 's a treat watching Shaw , a British stage icon , melting under the heat of Phocion 's attentions . | Shaw ikono britainiarra da, eta Phocionek asko erakartzen du. |
All in all , an interesting look at the life of the campaign-trail press , especially ones that do n't really care for the candidate they 're forced to follow . | Erabateko estatistikak , kanpaina burutzeko behartuta zeuden kazetariekiko. |
Narc is a no-bull throwback to 1970s action films . | Narkotikoak 1970eko hamarkadako eroen grabaketa bat dira. |
It zips along with B-movie verve while adding the rich details and go-for-broke acting that heralds something special . | B-movieak sortzen dituen musikari talde bat ari da taldean lanean, zerbait berezia sortzen duenean. |
Me Without You has a bracing truth that 's refreshing after the phoniness of female-bonding pictures like Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood . | "Ni zu gabe" filmaren egiak emakumeen gertutasuna argitzen du "Ya-Ya" panpinaren misterioak. |
It 's a strange film , one that was hard for me to warm up to . | Film arraroa da. Ez nuen inoiz film hori ikusi. |
Goes a long way on hedonistic gusto . | Atsegina eta goxoa da. |
The result puts a human face on Derrida , and makes one of the great minds of our times interesting and accessible to people who normally could n't care less . | Emaitzak ditu Derrida giza aurpegi eder bat bihurtzen , gure garaiko gizonik interesgarri eta ulergarriena, zeina ez baita sekula ahazten. |
The Scorpion King is more fun than Conan the Barbarian . | Escorpioien erregea Conan barbaroarena baino dibertigarriagoa da. |
If there 's one big point to Promises , it 's that nothing can change while physical and psychological barriers keep the sides from speaking even one word to each other . | Promesa-ren balio bakarra da ezerk ez duela ezer aldatuko. Oztopo fisiko eta psikologikoek ez diete inoiz hitzik ere esan. |
Unexpected moments of authentically impulsive humor are the hallmark of this bittersweet , uncommonly sincere movie that portrays the frank humanity of ... emotional recovery . | Umorearen zirraraz oinarritutako fikzioa da filmaren oinarria . Film hau filmaren oinarria da. filmaren oinarria da gizakiaren erreakzioa jasotzea. |
Jacquot has filmed the opera exactly as the libretto directs , ideally capturing the opera 's drama and lyricism . | Jacquotek operaren libretoaren arabera filmatu zuen , bere opera dramatikoa eta lirismoa perfekzionatzen. |
This is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiday movies . | Film hau benetako zerbait da. ...gauza handia emateko bidaian zehar. |
I liked it because it was so endlessly , grotesquely , inventive . | Gustatu zitzaidan, izugarri ederra zelako, hunkigarria eta originala. |
Audiard successfully maintains suspense on different levels throughout a film that is both gripping and compelling . | Audiardek suspensea maila desberdinetan mantentzen du film honetan arrakastaz . |
Credit director Ramsay for taking the sometimes improbable story and making it feel realistic . | Ramsay zuzendariaren hitzak dira batzuetan zentzugabea baina errealista dena. |
This is DiCaprio 's best performance in anything ever , and easily the most watchable film of the year . | DiCaprioren lanik onena da. Eta, seguruenik, filmik arrakastatsuenetakoa ere bai. |
Witherspoon puts to rest her valley-girl image , but it 's Dench who really steals the show . | Witherspoonek harroputz bat dela dio baina Dench da onena. |
Even when there are lulls , the emotions seem authentic , and the picture is so lovely toward the end ... you almost do n't notice the 129-minute running time . | Eta irudiak hain dira politak non ia ez baita nabari 129 minutuko iraupenaz. |
While dutifully pulling on heartstrings , directors Dean Deblois and Chris Sanders valiantly keep punching up the mix . | Bihotzak bultzatuta, Deans Deblois eta Chris Sanders zuzendariak... jarraitzen dute saioa. |
Ambitious , unsettling psychodrama that takes full , chilling advantage of its rough-around-the-edges , low-budget constraints . | Psikodrama anbiziotsua da, eroetxe batentzako urruneko helburua pertsona txikiek moldatutako estrategia batean. |
Eric Byler 's nuanced pic avoids easy sentiments and explanations ... | Bylerren argazkian sentimendu eta esplikazio naturalak falta dira... |
Manages to be wholesome and subversive at the same time . | Aldi berean adeitsua eta subertsiboa izatea lortzen du. |
When it 's not wallowing in hormonal melodrama , `` Real Women Have Curves '' is a sweet , honest , and enjoyable comedy-drama about a young woman who wants many things in life , but fears she 'll become her mother before she gets to fulfill her dreams . | Hormona melodramatikoekin erlazionaturik ez dagoenean ... emakumeek curriculumak dituzte beren bizitzan gauza asko nahi dituzten emakumeentzat. Ametsak betetzeko beldurra duen emakume gazte batentzat da. |
The film runs on a little longer than it needs to -- Muccino either does n't notice when his story ends or just ca n't tear himself away from the characters -- but it 's smooth and professional . | Film hau behar baino luzeagoa da, Muccinok ez du konturatzen bere historia amaitzen dela, edo ezin du bere burua pertsonaiaengandik bereizi, baina bere filmak lasai eta profesionalak dira. |
Blithely anachronistic and slyly achronological . | Antzinatasun gutxiko egunkarietan agertuko da. |
This starts off with a 1950 's Doris Day feel and it gets very ugly , very fast . | Hau Doris Day 1950eko hamarkadako eredu batetik hasten da eta oso azkar desagertzen da. |
The first five minutes will have you talking 'til the end of the year ! | Lehen bost minututan hitz egingo duzu urte osoan. |
Triumph of Love is a very silly movie , but the silliness has a pedigree . | "Maitasunaren garaipena" film ergela da, baina "Ergelkeria" filmea da. |
Discursive but oddly riveting documentary . | Dokumentala ez da baina ez da sinestekoa. |
The movie has no respect for laws , political correctness or common decency , but it displays something more important : respect for its flawed , crazy people . | Film honek ez ditu legeak errespetatzen , ez dotorezia politikoa ez gizalegea . Baina, zerbait garrantzitsuagoa azaltzen du: |
On its own , Big Trouble could be considered a funny little film . | Bakarrik egonda , arazo handiak film oso dibertigarri bihurtzen dira. |
An undeniably gorgeous , terminally smitten document of a troubadour , his acolytes , and the triumph of his band . | Dokumentu eder eta ikusgarria da, Troubadour eta bere lagunei buruzkoa, eta bere taldearen arrakasta. |
This cinema verite speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy may have been inspired by Blair Witch , but it takes its techniques into such fresh territory that the film never feels derivative . | John F. Kennedy hil zutenekoa da film hau. Blair Sorginak eragin handia izan zuen baina haren teknikak hain dira berriak non film hau ez baita ohiko eredu bat. |
A beautifully observed character piece . | Pertsonaia ospetsu bat da. |
A coming-of-age movie that Hollywood would n't have the guts to make . | Hollywoodek ausardiarik ez duen film bat egin nahi dut. |
It is quite a vision . | Ikusgarria da. |
There are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers do n't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies . | Askok barre egiten dute . Gainera , publikoak ez du kezkatu beharrik izango. txiza, kaka, esperma ... Edozein gai nazkagarri moderno bezala. |
A bittersweet drama about the limbo of grief and how truth-telling can open the door to liberation . | Doluminak adierazten duen drama bitxia da eta nola egia esaten duenak libratzen gaituela. |
A strong and confident work which works so well for the first 89 minutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the final two | Oso lan gutiziatua da ... 89 minutuz bikain aritu ondoren ... azken bi minututan oso lanpetuta ... eta oso nahasia |
Salma goes native and she 's never been better in this colorful bio-pic of a Mexican icon . | Salma bere herriarekin egon da eta ezin izan da inoiz hain ondo irudikatu . . ...biografia kementsu batean. |
Filled with Alexandre Desplat 's haunting and sublime music , the movie completely transfixes the audience . | Alexandre Desplat-en musika klasikoak bere indar eta grazia osoz bilduta , ikuslea liluratzen du . |