As chilling and fascinating as Philippe Mora 's modern Hitler-study , Snide and Prejudice .
Moralaren Hitler ikerketaren pareko zerbait. "Zekenkeria eta aurreiritziak".
An hour and a half of joyful solo performance .
Bakarkako saio bat ordu eta erdian, alegia.
Strange and beautiful film .
Film arraroa eta ederra da.
No worse a film than Breaking Out , and Breaking Out was utterly charming .
Ez dago Breaking Out baino film okerragorik eta Breaking Out izugarri ona da.
Parker can not sustain the buoyant energy level of the film 's city beginnings into its country conclusion '
Parkerrek ezin izan du bereganatu irudi horien energia.
... Despite lagging near the finish line , the movie runs a good race , one that will have you at the edge of your seat for long stretches . '
Filmaren helmuga da jarraitzea. "Eta azken finean ... Film honek sekulako arrakasta izango du.
... a guiltless film for nice evening out .
Film honek ez du ezer errudun egiten.
Deflated ending aside , there 's much to recommend the film .
Film honek sekulako arrakasta izan zuen.
It 's a treat -- a delightful , witty , improbable romantic comedy with a zippy jazzy score ... Grant and Bullock make it look as though they are having so much fun .
Komedia erromantikoko gauzaren ikurra, azkar eta maltzur, diru zikina, eta Jacksoni diru asko ematea.
Performances all around are tops , with the two leads delivering Oscar-caliber performances .
Antzezleak bikain dabiltza, bi protagonistek Oscars lortu dute.
Everything about The Quiet American is good , except its timing .
Amerikarra isil-isilik dago. Denbora kontua da.
A savage John Waters-like humor that dances on the edge of tastelessness without ever quite falling over .
John Waters bezalakoa da: umore txarrekoa. Zapore txarraren mugan dantzatzen du.
At once a testament to the divine calling of education and a demonstration of the painstaking process of imparting knowledge .
Hezkuntzaren zeregina da irakatsi ahal izatea , eta jakinduriaz baliatzea.
May seriously impair your ability to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman .
Berriro ere, posible da errepideetako polizia batekin hitz egitea... -...eta aurpegia ez ireki.
It 's an interesting effort ( particularly for JFK conspiracy nuts ) , and Barry 's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile .
Lan interesgarria da ... batez ere John F. Kennedy hil zutenentzat... eta Berryren "Cold fish" jokaldiak esperientzia interesgarriagoa du.
They 're just a couple of cops in Copmovieland , these two , but in Narc , they find new routes through a familiar neighborhood .
Polizia-etxean badaude. Polizia-etxean, betikoa.
Brings awareness to an issue often overlooked -- women 's depression .
Horrek emakumeen depresioa areagotu egiten du eta desagerpena areagotu egiten du.
It 's a shame the marvelous first 101 minutes have to be combined with the misconceived final 5 .
Pena da 101 minutu horietan ez egotea... azken 5 minutuko gertakizunetan bezala.
It has a caffeinated , sloppy brilliance , sparkling with ideas you wish had been developed with more care , but animated by an energy that puts the dutiful efforts of more disciplined grade-grubbers to shame .
Koffeinak korapilatutako beroaldia egiten du eta kontzientzia handia ematen du. energia asko dago jokoan. diziplina gehiagorekin esperimentatutako arrakasta falta da.
You can almost see Mendes and company getting together before a single frame had been shot and collectively vowing , ` This is going to be something really good . '
Ikus daiteke Mendes eta bere lagunak elkarturik irudi txiki bat ere filmatu gabe, elkarri hitz eman eta "Hau oso ongi" esango diotela.
And it is .
Eta hala izango da.
Foster and Whitaker are especially fine .
Foster eta Whitaker oso onak dira.
She is a lioness , protecting her cub , and he a reluctant villain , incapable of controlling his crew .
Lehoi-eme bat da , bere kumea babesten ari da ... eta eraso egiten du, bere kometa erakutsi nahian.
Undoubtedly the scariest movie ever made about tattoos .
Tatuajeekin zerikusia duen filmik beldurgarriena izango da hau.
A movie that will wear you out and make you misty even when you do n't want to be .
Film honek gogor astinduko zaitu eta behar ez duzun lekuan geldiaraziko.
Not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season .
Ez da aurrekoa bezain ona. Familiarentzat inoiz egin den festarik onena izango da.
Though the story ... is hackneyed , the characters have a freshness and modesty that transcends their predicament .
Istorioa zaharkitua dagoenez eta printzeen sinesmenak zorrotzak izanik ... pertsonaiak garbi jokatzen du , eta saria jasotzen du.
Although Frailty fits into a classic genre , in its script and execution it is a remarkably original work .
" Frailty " bera estilo klasiko batean kokatzen bada ere , bere gidoi eta estiloetan, originala da erabat.
If this movie leaves you cool , it also leaves you intriguingly contemplative .
Film honek hotzikara ematen ez badizu, hobe kontuz ibiltzea.
The climactic events are so well realized that you may forget all about the original conflict , just like the movie does
Gertakari guztiz argiak dira film honetan, ...baina zuk ahaztuko duzu benetako gatazka,
A rude black comedy about the catalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children 's television .
" Komedia beltz " batean bezalaxe. " Ergel " batek eragin handia du bere inguruan. " Haurrentzako telebistaren munduaren erdian "
All comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad .
Umore-aldaketa oro saihestezina da. Baina ezkontza eta laneko elkarrizketak etengabe eragoztea... eguneroko gauza arrunt bat da.
If a horror movie 's primary goal is to frighten and disturb , then They works spectacularly well ... A shiver-inducing , nerve-rattling ride .
Beldurrezko film baten helburua beldurra eta eromena sortzea bada oso ondo funtzionatzen du. izualdi bat, izerdia, eta nerbioak airean.
A playful Iranian parable about openness , particularly the need for people of diverse political perspectives to get along despite their ideological differences .
Irandar parabolikoa, irekieraz hitz egiten duena. Bereziki ideia politikoak dituzten pertsonekiko, elkarrekiko errespetuz.
Brilliantly written and well-acted , Yellow Asphalt is an uncompromising film .
" Asfalto horia " oso film bikaina da, baina " saskia " ez da egokia.
That ` Alabama ' manages to be pleasant in spite of its predictability and occasional slowness is due primarily to the perkiness of Witherspoon ( who is always a joy to watch , even when her material is not first-rate ) ...
" Alabama " graziaz josita dago aurreikuspenak eta etenaldiak izan arren . " Witherspoonen espiritualtasuna da " , ikusgarria baita bere musika ez hain ona izan arren .
Personal Velocity has a no-frills docu-Dogma plainness , yet Miller lingers on invisible , nearly psychic nuances , leaping into digressions of memory and desire .
Velocitas pertsonala ez da oso dokumentalzale eta arrunta. Millerrek ez du ezer esaten, psikikoa eta memoria txunditzen du.
She boxes these women 's souls right open for us .
Emakumeen arimak aztertzen ditu.
A fascinating literary mystery story with multiple strands about the controversy of who really wrote Shakespeare 's plays .
Misterio eleberri bat, guztiz eskas, xehetasun ugarirekin. Eta Shakespeareren obra gehienak nork idatzi zituen argituko dugu.
Throughout , Mr. Audiard 's direction is fluid and quick .
Audiard jaunaren agindua ibilaldia abian dagoen bitartean jarraituko dugu.
A dashing and absorbing outing with one of France 's most inventive directors .
Frantziako zuzendari emankorrena... eta munduko asmatzailerik onena.
It 's a fine , old-fashioned-movie movie , which is to say it 's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance .
Film zaharra da, baina zentzu artistiko gehiagorekin...
... flat-out amusing , sometimes endearing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , noteworthy characters , delicious dialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags .
Oso dibertigarria zen eta ona barre egiteko eta barre egiteko. lkustetasuna ematen zion. Pertsonaia ospetsuak eta pertsonaiak ohoratzen ditu.
The Trials of Henry Kissinger is a remarkable piece of filmmaking ... because you get it .
Henry Kissingerren epaiketak filmaketa baten ikurra dira.
Nachtwey clears the cynicism right out of you .
Nachtweyk zure alde zinikoa garbitu du.
He makes you realize that deep inside righteousness can be found a tough beauty .
Berak ulertzen du ... bere baitan bizi ezin daitekeen edertasuna.
What it lacks in substance it makes up for in heart .
Eta bihotzez ematen dio hori.
Robert Harmon 's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in - the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film 's thick shadows .
Robert Harmonen " gutxiago gehiago " metodoak, benetako gaueko izerdia dakarkio, benetako beldurra. Bere arrakasta handiena izan da arratoi izurriak gordetzen , filmean islatzen dituen itzaletan.
With its hint of an awkward Hitchcockian theme in tact , Harmon 's daunting narrative promotes a reasonable landscape of conflict and pathos to support the scattershot terrorizing tone
Hitchcocken bertsioak sortzen duen bulkada jasanezinarekin . Harmonen narrazio beldurgarriak bere lekuan mantentzen du bere tonu sarkorra baina txit zorrotza.
In Auteil 's less dramatic but equally incisive performance , he 's a charismatic charmer likely to seduce and conquer .
Auteil-en lan gutxiago, gehiago, baina berdin-berdin azkarra. Tipo karismatikoa da, seduzitzailea eta konkistatzailea.
The heart of the film is a touching reflection on aging , suffering and the prospect of death .
Filmaren oinarrian, zahartzearen pentsakera, sufrimenduaren pentsakera, heriotzaren jarraipena...
Will you go ape over this movie ?
Film hau ikusita ez al duzu uste?
Well , it probably wo n't have you swinging from the trees hooting it 's praises , but it 's definitely worth taking a look .
Ez du zuhaitzetan zintzilik egoterik nahiko ... baina ez du axola.
Its director 's most substantial feature for some time .
Azken urteotako dokumentalik garrantzitsuena.
Fontaine 's direction , especially her agreeably startling use of close-ups and her grace with a moving camera , creates sheerly cinematic appeal .
Fontainen zuzendaritza , lehen planoak bikain erabiltzea ... eta kameraren dohainak ... zirraragarri eta zinematografikoak dira.
The Son Of The Bride 's humour is born out of an engaging storyline , which also is n't embarrassed to make you reach for the tissues .
"Emaztearen semeak " humorea du eta kontakizun erakargarria. Ez dizu lotsa ematen hautsontzietan ibiltzea.
This movie is to be cherished .
Film hau altxor bat da.
... a visually seductive , unrepentantly trashy take on Rice 's second installment of her Vampire Chronicles .
" Banpiroen kronikak " liburuko bigarren atalaren kritika bat.
The story 's scope and pageantry are mesmerizing , and Mr. Day-Lewis roars with leonine power .
Historia osoa da oso harrigarria . Eta Day-Lewis jaunak zoratzen duenean lehoiaren botereaz
P.T. Anderson understands the grandness of romance and how love is the great equalizer that can calm us of our daily ills and bring out joys in our lives that we never knew were possible .
P.T. Anderson-ek badaki maitasunaren botereak ez duela ezer esan nahi. Maitasuna boterea da, eguneroko bizitza lasaitzen duena eta eguneroko zailtasunak eta zoriona ekartzen dizkiguna.
Twenty years later , E.T. is still a cinematic touchstone .
20 urte beranduago , E.T. oraindik filmeko protagonista da.
This fascinating experiment plays as more of a poetic than a strict reality , creating an intriguing species of artifice that gives The Lady and the Duke something of a theatrical air .
Esperimentu liluragarri honek benetako bizitza poetikoa dirudi ... eta arte sortze interesgarria eskaintzen dio ... andreari eta dukeari antzerkiaren kutsua.
It 's virtually impossible to like any of these despicable characters .
Ia ezinezkoa da pertsonaia horietako bat gustatzea.
This is mostly well-constructed fluff , which is all it seems intended to be .
Gehienak ongi laburturik daude.
Even through its flaws , Revolution # 9 proves to be a compelling , interestingly told film .
" Iraultza " filmaren akats guztiekin ere , 9 zenbakia film interesgarri eta bizia da .
The best way to describe it is as a cross between Paul Thomas Anderson 's Magnolia and David Lynch 's Mulholland Dr.
Paul Thomas Anderson-en " Magnolia " eta David Lynch-en " Dr. Mulholland " arteko nahasketa bat dela esan daiteke.
Schepisi , aided by a cast that seems to include every top-notch British actor who did not appear in Gosford Park ( as well as one , Ms. Mirren , who did ) , has succeeded beyond all expectation .
Schepisi, beste aktore britainiar onenak gonbidatuta, lortu du berea Gosford Parkera ... Miss Mirren eta Miss Twin Peaksera.
Watching this film , one is left with the inescapable conclusion that Hitchens ' obsession with Kissinger is , at bottom , a sophisticated flower child 's desire to purge the world of the tooth and claw of human power .
Film hau ikustean konturatzen zara ... Hitchens jaunaren obsesioak Kissinger bihurtzen duela ... lore-saltzaile sofistikatu baten gogoa ... mundua gizateriaren botereari uko egiteko.
There is no denying the power of Polanski 's film ...
Ezin da ukatu Polanskiren film batek daukan boterea.
The movie is amateurish , but it 's a minor treat .
Film hau amateurrezkoa da, baina aldi berean txikia.
This charming but slight tale has warmth , wit and interesting characters compassionately portrayed .
Elezahar goxo baina xalo honetan, bihotz onekoa da, espiritualtasuna, eta pertsonaiak interesgarriak dira, bihozberak.
Offers a persuasive look at a defeated but defiant nation in flux .
Nazio bat suntsitzen saiatu zen, baina... eta erreformatu zuen.
A return to pure Disney magic and is enjoyable family fare .
Disneyko mirarizkozkozkozkozkozkozkozkozkozko bisita bat ere bai .
Takes a fresh and absorbing look at a figure whose legacy had begun to bronze .
Xehetasun berri eta interesgarriak. Bere ondarea lausoa da eta zilarrezkoa da.
A triumph of pure craft and passionate heart .
Artelan piloa eta bihotz handia.
Gosling creates a staggeringly compelling character , a young man whose sharp intellect is at the very root of his contradictory , self-hating , self-destructive ways .
Goslingek sekulako pertsonaia zoragarria du: gizon gazte bat , bere buruaren gaitasun harrigarriak sendotzen dituena elkarrekiko gatazkak, auto-gorrotoa eta autodestrukzioa.
Witty and often surprising , a dark little morality tale disguised as a romantic comedy .
Komedia erromantikoko ipuin xelebre eta sarri harrigarri bat.
Even as it pays earnest homage to turntablists and beat jugglers , old schoolers and current innovators , Scratch is great fun , full of the kind of energy it 's documenting .
Hasiera eta amaierarik gabeko musikari, artista eta kazetari guztiei omenaldia egiten baitiete ere, Scratch-ek energia eta dibertsioa eskaintzen die.
Got a David Lynch jones ?
David Lynch Jones izena duen bat?
Then you 'd do well to check this one out because it 's straight up Twin Peaks action ...
Orduan hau ikusi beharko zenuke. Twin Peaks-eko pelikula bat dirudi eta.
Astonishing ... ( frames ) profound ethical and philosophical questions in the form of dazzling pop entertainment .
Etika eta filosofia kontuak dira, entretenimenduaren gailurrean.
Take Care is nicely performed by a quintet of actresses , but nonetheless it drags during its 112-minute length .
" Take Care " , 112 minutuko abesti ederra da , baina aktore talde batena da.
It 's hard to fairly judge a film like RINGU when you 've seen the remake first .
Zaila da Ringaren pelikula bat nolakoa den jakitea , noiz ikusi zenuen lehenengoz remakea.
Many of the effective horror elements are dampened through familiarity , ( yet ) are worthwhile .
Ikuskizun beldurgarriak, baina ez hain zirraragarriak.
One of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking .
Inoiz egin den filmik onena.
Rarely does such high-profile talent serve such literate material .
Ez da ohikoa talentu handiko gizona... hainbeste hizketa aritzeko gai izatea.
An elegant and sly deadpan comedy .
Komedia bat bezain elegante eta zuhurra.
The way the roundelay of partners functions , and the interplay within partnerships and among partnerships and the general air of Gator-bashing are consistently delightful .
Partzuergoaren funtzionamendua eta elkarrekiko erlazioak ... eta Gatorseko bataila-jokoaren... atmosfera oso ona da.
Land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored .
Lurrak , pertsonak eta narrazioak eragin handia izan zuten amaren rola hartzeko orduan bizitzan izan zuten desio biziak partekatzeko.
` Blue Crush ' swims away with the Sleeper Movie of the Summer award .
"Blue Crush"ek udan lortu zuen "Udaberriaren Argia" saria.
You 're not merely watching history , you 're engulfed by it .
Ez zara historiazale bakarra , historiaz gozatzen ari zara.
A chick flick for guys .
Gizonentzat, emakumeentzat.
It 's mildly entertaining , especially if you find comfort in familiarity .
Dibertigarria da, batez ere ezaguna bada.
But it 's hardly a necessary enterprise .
Baina ez da beharrezkoa.
The Quiet American is n't a bad film , it 's just one that could easily wait for your pay per view dollar .
"Amerikar bat lasai" ez da film txarra. Dolar bateko sarrerak balio du.
As home movie gone haywire , it 's pretty enjoyable , but as sexual manifesto , I 'd rather listen to old Tori Amos records .
Etxeko filmak dira, ondo da. Baina sexu-manifestutzat jotzen badugu, nahiago dut Tori Amos zaharra entzun.
In its treatment of the dehumanizing and ego-destroying process of unemployment , Time Out offers an exploration that is more accurate than anything I have seen in an American film .
Langabeziaren prozesu dehumanizatzailea eta egozentrikoa aztertzen duen filma da "Denbora amaitu da". Nik inoiz ikusi dudan film amerikarrena baino gehiago.
Like an episode of MTV 's Undressed , with 20 times the creativity but without any more substance ... indulgently entertaining but could have and should have been deeper .
MTVren Unplugged-en kapitulu bat bezalakoa da. Sortzaileagoa, baina ez du burukoarekin. Dibertigarriagoa, baina izan beharko lukeena baino sakonagoa.
A sensitive , cultivated treatment of Greene 's work as well as a remarkably faithful one .
Greenen obraren tratamendu delikatua eta fededuna da.
It 's not just a feel-good movie , it 's a feel movie .
Ez da film on bat, sentimenduez ari gara.