{ "en": "Guilty!", "ja": "有罪だ!" }
{ "en": "- A child.", "ja": "- 子供だった" }
{ "en": "Excellent.", "ja": "素晴らしい。" }
{ "en": "There she is, the wicked witch!", "ja": "\" そこよ 邪悪な魔女! \"" }
{ "en": "Please, please. Please.", "ja": "どうか どうか お願いします" }
{ "en": "What does that mean?", "ja": "何それ?" }
{ "en": "Some assistance, please.", "ja": "何人か手伝いにきてくれないか" }
{ "en": "Listen to me.", "ja": "いいか" }
{ "en": "They said that?", "ja": "最高だって?" }
{ "en": "You need to put me in that room.", "ja": "それは 俺にしか出来ん" }
{ "en": "No, I'm sorry he never introduced us.", "ja": "紹介せずにすまない" }
{ "en": "I could see it in his eyes.", "ja": "目に浮かぶのが見えた" }
{ "en": "How you feeling?", "ja": "気分はどう?" }
{ "en": "Third Regional Coast Guard HQ has sealed the bay.", "ja": "三管本部より連連" }
{ "en": "Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not.", "ja": "人間は万物の尺度である。あるものについては、あるということの、あらぬものについては、あらぬということの。" }
{ "en": "Okay, all right, all right. Look at me.", "ja": "分かったわ 私を見て" }
{ "en": "The Akonadi control process did report error during startup into %1.", "ja": "Akonadi 制御プロセスは起動中に %1にエラーを報告しました。" }
{ "en": "A simple media player for GNOME", "ja": "GNOME 用のシンプルなメディアプレイヤーです" }
{ "en": "Listen, I gotta go.", "ja": "行かなくちゃ" }
{ "en": "Status, Billy?", "ja": "どうだった? 「'77年」" }
{ "en": "Where the hell are you going?", "ja": "どこへ行く気?" }
{ "en": "Dad?", "ja": "パパ?" }
{ "en": "I like the way you kiss.", "ja": "君のキスが大好きだ" }
{ "en": "At Shrovetide we'll eat pancakes with cream.", "ja": "分かったよ" }
{ "en": "Look, we'd love to help, but we perform in front of a lot of people every evening.", "ja": "ほら あれだけの人の前で ショーをしていて" }
{ "en": "I'll take that.", "ja": "僕がもらうぞ" }
{ "en": "I found footage of the fight that Brian got into outside Madame's Apple.", "ja": "ブライアンのケンカの 映像を手に入れたわ マダム・アップルの路地よ" }
{ "en": "Why don't you come on up, It shouldn't be a problem, Dad's not here", "ja": "(圭三) どうして上まで来ないんだよ 親父がいないんだから いいじゃないか" }
{ "en": "The White Walkers sleep beneath the ice for thousands of years.", "ja": "ホワイトウォーカーは 何千年もの間 氷の下で眠る" }
{ "en": "Use", "ja": "使い方" }
{ "en": "Hopefully, they'll be something that will impeach Frobisher's story.", "ja": "彼の供述を崩す証拠が 見つかればね" }
{ "en": "We put a BOLO out on McClenahan. Hopefully...", "ja": "マクレナハンの緊急手配をかけます" }
{ "en": "No, I'm done listening.", "ja": "言い訳は結構だ" }
{ "en": "What happened?", "ja": "何があった?" }
{ "en": "Yeah? Well.", "ja": "ええ?" }
{ "en": "My uncle went to Mexico in 1983 and never came back.", "ja": "私の叔父は1983年にメキシコに行ったまま、2度と帰ってこなかった。" }
{ "en": "- I'm not stabilizing. I can't hang on to my speed.", "ja": "安定してない スピードも維持出来ない" }
{ "en": "Yeah, I do.", "ja": "関係ねえよ" }
{ "en": "- Trent's going? - Yeah.", "ja": "- トレントも行くの?" }
{ "en": "They know!", "ja": "彼らは知っている!" }
{ "en": "Lily, come on!", "ja": "リリー、こっちに!" }
{ "en": "What is it?", "ja": "何の事" }
{ "en": "She has been awful sick lately.", "ja": "最近ひどく具合が悪くて" }
{ "en": "He's running a data retrieval program right now.", "ja": "そいつは今 データを復元してるぞ" }
{ "en": "The Feds are bussing in people who got caught outside the dome.", "ja": "政府が ドームの外に 残された人を バスで運んでくるって" }
{ "en": "Sulu!", "ja": "スール!" }
{ "en": "James Bond.", "ja": "ジェームズ・ボンド" }
{ "en": "Alex?", "ja": "アレックス?" }
{ "en": "You are not letting me do anything.", "ja": "俺には君の許しなど 必要ない" }
{ "en": "Somebody's finally making them pay.", "ja": "誰かが奴らを操っている" }
{ "en": "- Speedy, open the door.", "ja": "スピーディ 扉を開けろ!" }
{ "en": "It's so nice you invited us.", "ja": "ほんとに良かった" }
{ "en": "- You gonna talk all through this?", "ja": "―これからずっと喋り続ける気?" }
{ "en": "The honest old man became rich.", "ja": "正直じいさんは、金持ちになった。" }
{ "en": "That's why I like compstat-- It's just numbers.", "ja": "戦略管理よ まさに数字ね" }
{ "en": "I gotta find myself.", "ja": "「オレを探し出す仕事さ」" }
{ "en": "Take home these paintings of his and tell me what you think of them.", "ja": "これらの彼の絵を持って帰って、それをどう思いか私に教えてください。" }
{ "en": "One of the actors appeared to have actually fallen asleep...", "ja": "俳優の一人は本当に セリフを忘れたようだったな..." }
{ "en": "I am from the office of Sook-yin Park,", "ja": "私は" }
{ "en": "Okay, people. Fellow citizens, my name is Patrick.", "ja": "やぁ みんな 僕の名前は パトリック" }
{ "en": "Okay, Maggie, you're up.", "ja": "よし マギー 君は ここまで" }
{ "en": "Hello.", "ja": "土曜の夜でも無いのに" }
{ "en": "Wonderful news!", "ja": "素晴らしいニュースよ" }
{ "en": "I never seen him pray.", "ja": "彼の祈りを見てない" }
{ "en": "What kind of a tenant was Sankur?", "ja": "サンカーはどんな人でしたか?" }
{ "en": "Fresh air, clean water...", "ja": "新鮮な空気きれいな水" }
{ "en": "It's solid. It's good to go.", "ja": "確実だ" }
{ "en": "I hope he appreciates you.", "ja": "さぞ誇らしいでしょう" }
{ "en": "Thou askest of them no wage for it; it is nothing but a reminder unto all beings.", "ja": "あなたはそれ(使命)に対し,どんな報酬もかれらに求めない。これは,全人類への訓戒に外ならない。" }
{ "en": "- And we found other instances of similar break-ins, all at abandoned or shut down properties.", "ja": "良く似た不法侵入の事例が 他にもありました" }
{ "en": "Did Dad know?", "ja": "パパは知ってたの?" }
{ "en": "Please.", "ja": "待ってくれ" }
{ "en": "The knobbit.", "ja": "ノビットだ" }
{ "en": "Thank you very much.", "ja": "ありがたいね" }
{ "en": "Nice drawings.", "ja": "いい絵だな" }
{ "en": "Clever.", "ja": "- あなたが進んで協力してくれたら・・・" }
{ "en": "Sure thing.", "ja": "わかりました" }
{ "en": "Never even had a fucking cavity.", "ja": "虫歯にもなった事はない" }
{ "en": "But normally...", "ja": "(マリ) 何時間かかったと 思つてんの" }
{ "en": "(Have fear of God and believe in His Messenger) so that the followers of the Bible will know that they can receive no reward from God. They should know that all favors are in the hands of God. He grants them to whomever He wants. The favors of God are great.", "ja": "アッラーの恩恵をかれらが少しも左右出来ないことを,また恩恵はアッラーの御手の中にあるということを啓典の民は知るがいい。かれの御心に適う者は,それを授かる。本当にアッラーは偉大な恩恵の主である。" }
{ "en": "The end of the evil-doers was terrible, for they had rejected the revelations of God and mocked them.", "ja": "所詮悪行の徒の最後は悪い。それはかれらがアッラーの印を虚偽であるとし,それを愚弄していたためである。" }
{ "en": "Then we follow them.", "ja": "彼らの後を 追うのよ" }
{ "en": "- You sure?", "ja": "- 本当?" }
{ "en": "He left in the blink of an eye.", "ja": "彼があっと言う間に飛び出しました。" }
{ "en": "But that don't mean the dragons aren't there.", "ja": "だがそれはドラゴンがいないという意味じゃない。 父さん、答えて、父さん、どうぞ。" }
{ "en": "- Mm-hm.", "ja": "ふん" }
{ "en": "Yeah, he works alone.", "ja": "そう、彼は1人みたい" }
{ "en": "Chances are, whoever called this in is our perp. ##[Cell Phone Ringtone Plays]", "ja": "電話をかけてきた奴が 犯人だな" }
{ "en": "# Simmer down, I manage your mayhem, I'm bright as the A.M. #", "ja": "# Simmer down, I manage your mayhem, I'm bright as the A. M. #" }
{ "en": "-And your name is?", "ja": "-名前は?" }
{ "en": "There are some kinds of stains all over the floor.", "ja": "床もそこら中汚れているし" }
{ "en": "How are you doing?", "ja": "調子はどう?" }
{ "en": "Think of all the boys who will die if you don't make peace.", "ja": "これ以上 命を無駄にしてはいけない" }
{ "en": "There's a psychiatrist there. Why'd you come in this room?", "ja": "精神分析医を紹介するよ" }
{ "en": "What are you doing here? You gotta give me some warning.", "ja": "先に連絡を寄こせ!" }
{ "en": "Why do you trust him?", "ja": "なぜ信用しているんだ?" }
{ "en": "People wind me up.", "ja": "皆に馬鹿にされる" }
{ "en": "I admire the move; it's elegant, but it's... it's unnecessary.", "ja": "その手口には感心するけど" }
{ "en": "Clinic where?", "ja": "何処の?" }
{ "en": "To you?", "ja": "あなたに?" }