{ "en": "We gotta get back.", "ja": "戻るぞ" }
{ "en": "Have you received any demands?", "ja": "要求を受け取った?" }
{ "en": "Guess we're not all cut from the same cloth.", "ja": "人は みんな価値感が違う" }
{ "en": "You play a musical instrument, don't you?", "ja": "あなたは楽器を演奏しますよね。" }
{ "en": "- Play solitaire!", "ja": "- ブラックジャックにしよう" }
{ "en": "Anything will do.", "ja": "何でもけっこうです。" }
{ "en": "Then I can start immediately.", "ja": "直ちに 取りかかります" }
{ "en": "This is our plan, you're supposed to work for me!", "ja": "お前は俺の部下って設定だ 違うか?" }
{ "en": "So sad.", "ja": "悲しいわ" }
{ "en": "What's going on?", "ja": "で どうしたって?" }
{ "en": "Underoos!", "ja": "レオタードくん!" }
{ "en": "We've been found three bodies.", "ja": "死体を3つ見つけました - 何処でだ?" }
{ "en": "Hey.", "ja": "おい" }
{ "en": "I'm sure you're parched and dry.", "ja": "お前の体は火照っているだろう" }
{ "en": "I'm sorry.", "ja": "申し訳ありません" }
{ "en": "I was ready to kill him!", "ja": "殺すところだった" }
{ "en": "She's here!", "ja": "あの女だわ" }
{ "en": "This took a turn.", "ja": "これは回転を取った。" }
{ "en": "Who will he learn to rule from?", "ja": "それを誰から学ぶのか?" }
{ "en": "I expect you to work harder.", "ja": "君にはもっとがんばってくれる事を期待している。" }
{ "en": "in the trunk.", "ja": "本当に..." }
{ "en": "That's the Brody that knows the difference between warfare and terrorism.", "ja": "本当のブロディなら分かる 戦とテロの違いを" }
{ "en": "You ought to have taken your father's advice.", "ja": "君はお父さんの忠告を聞けばよかったのだ。" }
{ "en": "You and me, you know?", "ja": "君と俺の仲だからな" }
{ "en": "A bribe of the flesh, gentlemen, whilst her husband promotes anarchy and war.", "ja": "肌の賄賂は 皆さん 一方 彼女の夫は無政府と戦争を 助長した" }
{ "en": "Just calm down. Calm down.", "ja": "落ち着くんだ" }
{ "en": "I went last night and saw the teachers hide 'em.", "ja": "昨日 先生が隠すの見てたんだ" }
{ "en": "Consider this payback for what you did to my friend.", "ja": "友人にした事の 仕返しを考慮しろ" }
{ "en": "Aubrey and a few swat guys are gonna meet me there.", "ja": "ええ" }
{ "en": "Oh, there's a thousand ways to seduce a woman.", "ja": "女性を誘惑する方法は たくさんある" }
{ "en": "I'd be out there with them, but after I lost my leg...", "ja": "わしは戻るつもりはなかったが 足を切られては..." }
{ "en": "Watson! Watson!", "ja": "ワトソン!" }
{ "en": "I met Rachel when I was graduating.", "ja": "レイチェルとの出会いは 卒業間近" }
{ "en": "Continue", "ja": "続行" }
{ "en": "She saved my life.", "ja": "彼女は私の命を救った" }
{ "en": "She's the one they cut up to make it look like your daughter died.", "ja": "ほんの12の妹を... 彼らは無残に殺した あなたの娘さんが 死んだと思わせるために" }
{ "en": "Not really.", "ja": "違うと思うけど・・" }
{ "en": "007...", "ja": "007" }
{ "en": "'Cuz I ordered him to.", "ja": "命じたからだ" }
{ "en": "I asked my son what he really wanted.", "ja": "僕は息子に本当に欲しいものを聞いた。" }
{ "en": "Statistics", "ja": "統計" }
{ "en": "The king reigned over the island.", "ja": "その王は島を治めた。" }
{ "en": "It's what we do. Now we can still take you in if you want a doctor to look at those cuts in your mouth.", "ja": "口の切り傷が心配なら 搬送するが?" }
{ "en": "Jane and Rigsby are missing.", "ja": "ジェーンとリグスビーが行方不明です" }
{ "en": "Who will man the phones?", "ja": "電話番は誰が?" }
{ "en": "I'm doomed to walk the earth as a lost soul.", "ja": "まるで迷子のオバケみたいだ" }
{ "en": "Yes, I know.", "ja": "- わかってる" }
{ "en": "- Goddamn it!", "ja": "ちくしょう!" }
{ "en": "I'm in Hotlanta and I need a rib-joint recommend bad.", "ja": "ホットランタにいるわ お勧めのあばら肉(売春宿の意)が必要よ" }
{ "en": "Adding files to Lokalize translation memory", "ja": "開いたファイルをスキャンして翻訳メモリに取り込む" }
{ "en": "Hey, are you sure everything's --", "ja": "なぁ 本当に大丈夫・・" }
{ "en": "We have recovered two adults, we're still missing two children.", "ja": "本部 大人2名を 発見した" }
{ "en": "I don't want to get your hopes up, but there's definitely been an improvement in the last couple of days, and to be honest, this is very unexpected... it's quite a turnaround really.", "ja": "期待させたくはないですが ここ2日の間に 良い変化がありました 正直 驚いていますが 彼女の容態が一変し" }
{ "en": "Who's that?", "ja": "あ・・・ あっ ちょっと・・・" }
{ "en": "I will follow you anywhere, you know that.", "ja": "俺はお前の行く所ならどこへでも行く" }
{ "en": "Hey, who asked your opinion?", "ja": "誰に言ってるんだ?" }
{ "en": "Mom?", "ja": "やめて" }
{ "en": "Alex has a father.", "ja": "アレックスには父親がいる" }
{ "en": "Is it Celia?", "ja": "セリアなの?" }
{ "en": "So, what do you say?", "ja": "何て言う?" }
{ "en": "Cromartie came through.", "ja": "クロマティも付いて来たわ." }
{ "en": "Just go away.", "ja": "構わないでくれ" }
{ "en": "I'm so sorry, Ellie.", "ja": "とても残念だ エリー" }
{ "en": "- Water landing.", "ja": "- 着水だ" }
{ "en": "Out here in the wild... life is hard.", "ja": "この世界で... 生きる事は難しい" }
{ "en": "It's the Top Of The Rock.", "ja": "これはロックの頂上だ" }
{ "en": "Hey! That's my medicine! Give me that!", "ja": "俺のものだ" }
{ "en": "Mm-hm.", "ja": "う -ふーん" }
{ "en": "Sorry, too many jokes about John.", "ja": "失礼 ジョンについてのジョークが 沢山ありすぎます" }
{ "en": "You can do whatever you want... as long as you're willing to... accept the consequences God gives you.", "ja": "お前の望む事を すればいい... お前が喜んで 神がくだす結果を 受入れる限りはな" }
{ "en": "It's the best bar in Chicago.", "ja": "\"ゲームデイ\"は" }
{ "en": "♪ And just when you think He's your one best pal ♪", "ja": "♪ And just when you think He's your one best pal ♪" }
{ "en": "Twenty years ago, real short-term interest rates were exceptionally high by historical standards because the major central banks of the world wanted to combat what was seen at the time as inaction against spiraling inflation.", "ja": "20 年前、世界中の主な中央銀行が、当時インフレ スパイラルに対する無策と見られていた状況を打開しようとしたため、実質短期金利は歴史的な標準からすれば例外的に高い水準にあった。" }
{ "en": "What are you thinking?", "ja": "何を考えてるの?" }
{ "en": "So now I live alone.", "ja": "今は一人暮らしを" }
{ "en": "Put the baby down!", "ja": "赤ん坊を降ろしなさい" }
{ "en": "- You got the satphone? - Right here.", "ja": "衛星電話は?" }
{ "en": "The first who tries to come close to me is going to get pushed down.", "ja": "今度口を出したら 突き落とすぞ" }
{ "en": "Select to the previous character", "ja": "前の文字まで選択" }
{ "en": "Do you remember me?", "ja": "- ボクを憶えてる?" }
{ "en": "I thought you were dead.", "ja": "死んだと思っていた。" }
{ "en": "She's staying down there.", "ja": "下にいる" }
{ "en": "There's a terrorist headed for the States.", "ja": "テロリストが米国に向った" }
{ "en": "Well, this is irony for you, dad.", "ja": "まあ これはあなたにとって 皮肉ね お父さん" }
{ "en": "Just as I calculated.", "ja": "思った通りだ" }
{ "en": "Cheeseburger, extra bloody.", "ja": "チーズバーガー 超生だ" }
{ "en": "The answer is still no.", "ja": "やはり答えは\"ノー\"だ" }
{ "en": "Give me 1/4 impulse burst for 5 seconds...", "ja": "1/4出力で 5秒間エンジン起動" }
{ "en": "Was it so easy to betray me, Billy?", "ja": "裏切るのは容易だったか ビリー?" }
{ "en": "- It's not on any of the charts.", "ja": "星図には載ってねえ どうした?" }
{ "en": "Yeah, I like my job, too.", "ja": "ああ 私だって自分の仕事が好きだよ" }
{ "en": "It was the most advanced, complex system I'd ever seen.", "ja": "それはこれまでに見た 最先端の複雑なシステムだった" }
{ "en": "Promise me that.", "ja": "必ずだぞ" }
{ "en": "It's a numerical shitstorm.", "ja": "数字の雨あられだ" }
{ "en": "No, don't! No, don't!", "ja": "やめてくれ" }
{ "en": "The hotel which I am staying at is near the station.", "ja": "私達が泊っているホテルは駅の近くにある。" }
{ "en": "No, I'm your partner. Remember? I have to....", "ja": "ダメよ わたしはパートナーよ" }
{ "en": "Walking around with 10 pounds of marijuana?", "ja": "4. 5キロのマリファナ持って歩いてたのか?" }
{ "en": "Some sort of micro-electro technology.", "ja": "マイクロ電気技術の 一種だよ" }
{ "en": "First night away from campus.", "ja": "校外での 最初の夜だ" }