If that does n't clue you in that something 's horribly wrong , nothing will .
Horrek zerbait oso larria egiten duela esan nahi ez badu ezerk ez du esango.
Director Tom Shadyac and star Kevin Costner glumly mishandle the story 's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself .
Tom Shadyac zuzendariak eta Kevin Costnerrek... ez dute ondo jasotzen osagai berri bat... sendagile bat behar duen sendagile bat.
It 's difficult to imagine that a more confused , less interesting and more sloppily made film could possibly come down the road in 2002 .
Zaila da imajinatzea 2002an film nahasgarriago , are interesgarriago eta are zailago baten balioa .
Like the Tuck family themselves , this movie just goes on and on and on and on
Tucktarrek bezala. Filma jarraitu eta jarraitu egiten du.
As pedestrian as they come .
Oinez doazenean bezala.
A film that plays things so nice 'n safe as to often play like a milquetoast movie of the week blown up for the big screen .
Gauzak hain erraz jartzen dituen pelikula bat bizitzaren pasarte bat izan daitekeela.
It 's a feel-bad ending for a depressing story that throws a bunch of hot-button items in the viewer 's face and asks to be seen as hip , winking social commentary .
Amaiera tristea, nolabaiteko historia tristea, eguneroko gauza liluragarriak kontatzen dituena eta arrakasta lortzeko begiratzen duena.
Put it somewhere between Sling Blade and South of Heaven , West of Hell in the pantheon of Billy Bob 's body of work .
Eraman ezazue Sling Blade-ren eta South of Heaven-en artean. Infernuko Mendebaldean. Billy Boben maskota izango da.
More intellectually scary than dramatically involving .
Beldurgarriagoa izan beharko luke drama bat idazteak.
An inconsequential , barely there bit of piffle .
Ez da garrantzitsua. Ez du garrantzirik.
The abiding impression , despite the mild hallucinogenic buzz , is of overwhelming waste -- the acres of haute couture ca n't quite conceal that there 's nothing resembling a spine here .
Halluzinante hutsak dirudite baina, hainbeste toki galtzerik ez dagoenez zera ikusten dut, ezin dela modaz kanpo gorde, hortxe baitago zerbait bizkarrezur bat bezalakoa.
As saccharine as it is disposable .
Gustu oneko norbaitentzat, etxeko ondasunak eskuz egina.
You come away thinking not only that Kate is n't very bright , but that she has n't been worth caring about and that maybe she , Janine and Molly -- an all-woman dysfunctional family -- deserve one another .
Pentsatzen duzu Kate ez dela argiegia, eta ez duelako inporta. Eta agian Janine eta Molly... Emakumezkoen familia disfuntzionala.
The metaphors are provocative , but too often , the viewer is left puzzled by the mechanics of the delivery .
Metaforak provocatzaileak dira , baina sarritan, ikustea sinestezina da.
Very much a home video , and so devoid of artifice and purpose that it appears not to have been edited at all .
Etxeko bideo bat besterik ez da, eta ez du edozein artelan edo trikimailu.
Too much power , not enough puff .
Potentzia gehiegi eta energia gutxi.
The attempt to build up a pressure cooker of horrified awe emerges from the simple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to show .
Beldurrezko film bat egiteko saiakera bat beldur izugarria sortzen du filmak ia ezer ez duelako erakutsi nahi .
It 's provocative stuff , but the speculative effort is hampered by Taylor 's cartoonish performance and the film 's ill-considered notion that Hitler 's destiny was shaped by the most random of chances .
Baina espekulazioak alde batera utzi ditu Taylorrek marrazki bizidunak eskaini dituela. Eta filmaren helburua da irudizko aukera bat Hitlerren patua eraikitzea.
A cellophane-pop remake of the punk classic Ladies and Gentlemen , The Fabulous Stains ... Crossroads is never much worse than bland or better than inconsequential .
Punk klasikoaren bertsio berria, "Madamen eta Jaunak", "Fabulous Stains", zirkulu berean, eta ez da batere erakargarria.
Muddled , trashy and incompetent
Zikin-zikina, baldarra eta ezgauza!
For this sort of thing to work , we need agile performers , but the proficient , dull Sorvino has no light touch , and Rodan is out of his league .
Horrelako gauzek jende dotorea behar dute funtzionatzeko . Baina Sorvino trebea eta ergela, ez da argia. Eta Rodan ez da bere mailakoa.
Narc is all menace and atmosphere .
Narkotikoetan mehatxuak, armak eta ondasunak daude.
Though excessively tiresome , The Uncertainty Principle , as verbally pretentious as the title may be , has its handful of redeeming features , as long as you discount its ability to bore .
" Ziurtasunik gabeko printzipioak " , bere tituluak, landua egon arren " ziurtasunik gabeko printzipioak " nabarmen erakusten du bere balioa.
Despite Juliet Stevenon 's attempt to bring cohesion to Pamela 's emotional roller coaster life , it is not enough to give the film the substance it so desperately needs .
Juliet Stevenonek Pamelari laguntzen saiatu arren ... filmari behar duen materiala ematea ez da nahikoa izan.
It 's tough to be startled when you 're almost dozing .
Zaila da esnatuta egotea, lo geratuko bazina bezala.
his ( Nelson 's ) screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it .
Gidoiak hobeto finkatu behar du. Eta ez dadila aurrerago joan eta aurrekoa egin.
It 's so downbeat and nearly humorless that it becomes a chore to sit through -- despite some first-rate performances by its lead .
Oso tristea da , ia-ia umore-eza izan da ... eta arraroa zen berak ere jarraitzea.Nire ustez , arraroa zen berak ere... ..zakarra eta higuingarria zelako.
A terrible movie that some people will nevertheless find moving .
Film beldurgarria da, baina batzuentzat bizigarria.
There are many definitions of ` time waster ' but this movie must surely be one of them .
Definizio desberdinak daude " denborapasa " hitzarentzat baina hau da, noski, "denborapasa"ren definizioa.
As it stands , Crocodile Hunter has the hurried , badly cobbled look of the 1959 Godzilla , which combined scenes of a Japanese monster flick with canned shots of Raymond Burr commenting on the monster 's path of destruction .
1959ko Godzillaren antzerako zerbait, baina hain presaka sortzea ezen munstro japoniarraren filma batean agertzen baita Raymond Burr, munstroaren hondamendiari buruzkoa.
The thing looks like a made-for-home-video quickie .
Etxeko bideo bat dirudi.
Enigma is well-made , but it 's just too dry and too placid .
Enigma ondo diseinatuta dago, baina zeharo itxita dago.
`` Sweet Home Alabama '' is what it is -- a nice , harmless date film ...
"Sweet Home Alabama" filma oso polita da, ez da iskanbilarik sortzen, baina bai ederra, eta batere harroputza.
One of the best , most understated performances of ( Jack Nicholson 's ) career .
Jack Nicholsonen ibilbideko emanaldi onena izan zen.
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys ' take on adolescence feels painfully true .
"Aginagako izenez Frantziatik ekarri naute".
It 's a masterpiece .
Maisulana da, ziur.
It may not be `` Last Tango in Paris '' but ...
Azken Tango Parisera ez da izango, baina...
They crush each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness .
Autoen azpian zapaltzen dituzte marrazoak eta hornikuntzak . Eta gero elektrokutatu egiten dituzte eta mozten dituzte burmuin osoan.
And we do n't avert our eyes for a moment .
Eta ez diogu begirada aldentzen.
Charming and funny ( but ultimately silly ) movie .
Film barregarri eta maitagarri batena da, baina txorakeria bat ere bada.
Third time 's the charm ... yeah , baby !
Hirugarren aldia da gutaz barre egiten duzulako.
A pleasant , if forgettable , romp of a film .
Film bateko eszena ederra da.
By the end of the movie , you 're definitely convinced that these women are spectacular .
Baina, filmaren amaieran, konbentzituta zaudete emakumeak ikusgarriak direla.
Birot creates a drama with such a well-defined sense of place and age -- as in , 15 years old -- that the torments and angst become almost as operatic to us as they are to her characters .
Birotek antzezpen bat idazten du adin eta leku jakin batekoa; 15 urteko ume batena, bere beldur eta sufrimenduak pertsonaia eta antzezleentzat bezain eraginkorrak direlako .
` Stock up on silver bullets for director Neil Marshall 's intense freight train of a film . '
" Zilarrezko bala bat erostea Neilek Marshall zuzendariaren tren lasterraren trenbidean . "
The film delivers what it promises : A look at the `` wild ride '' that ensues when brash young men set out to conquer the online world with laptops , cell phones and sketchy business plans .
Film honen euskaratzaileak: @Luistxo @Luistxo Filmak euskaratzailea: @Luistxo
As a film director , LaBute continues to improve .
LaBute zuzendariak bereganatu du talentua.
Will warm your heart without making you feel guilty about it .
Zure bihotza berotuko du errudun sentitu gabe.
Catch it ... if you can !
Harrapatu ahal baduzue!
Worse than ` Silence of the Lambs ' better than ` Hannibal '
Bildotsaren isiltasuna baino okerragoa da hori! Hobe Hanibal!
American and European cinema has amassed a vast Holocaust literature , but it is impossible to think of any film more challenging or depressing than The Grey Zone .
Amerikako eta Europako zinemak literatura asko idatzi du Holokaustoari buruz. Baina ez dago "Grey Zone " bezain film erronkatsurik edo deprimenteagorik.
` Possession , ' based on the book by A.S. Byatt , demands that LaBute deal with the subject of love head-on ; trading in his cynicism for reverence and a little wit
" Possession " liburua idazten du , Byatt idazlearen liburua da eta . Labuteren berezko amodioa biltzen du bere zinismoa trukatzean begirune eta grazia pixka batekin.
It 's the kind of movie that , aside from Robert Altman , Spike Lee , the Coen Brothers and a few others , our moviemakers do n't make often enough .
Robert Altman , Spike Lee , Coen anaiak eta beste batzuekin batera . Gure zine kritikariak maizago joaten dira zinemara.
Alternates between deadpan comedy and heartbreaking loneliness and is n't afraid to provoke introspection in both its characters and its audience .
Komedia ukiezin eta bakartasun bihotz-altxagarrien artean orekatzen dute eta ez dira beldur iraultzaileak izateari, pertsonaiak eta publikoa izateari.
The script is smart , not cloying .
Gidoi hau oso ona da, baina ez da isila.
Visually , ` Santa Clause 2 ' is wondrously creative .
Ikuspuntu batetik, 2. Santa Claus oso sortzailea da.
A bittersweet contemporary comedy about benevolent deception , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker 's period pieces , is still very much worth seeing .
Gaurko komedianteek maitasunez kaka egiten dute. Film hau ez da egilearen lan zahar bat bezain ona.
One fantastic ( and educational ) documentary .
Dokumental ederra, ikasgarria eta interesgarria.
An ambitious ` what if ? '
"Zer gertatuko litzateke ...?"
that works .
Funtzionatzen du.
`` The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys '' has flaws , but it also has humor and heart and very talented young actors
"Altaro-mutikoen bizitza arriskutsuak" ez da txarra. Baina umorea eta bihotza ditu. Eta aktore gazteak oso onak dira.
Nice piece of work .
Lan ona egin duzu.
` Stock up on silver bullets for director Neil Marshall 's intense freight train of a film . '
" Zilarrezko bala bat erostea Neilek Marshall zuzendariaren tren lasterraren trenbidean . "
It 's funny , as the old saying goes , because it 's true .
Zentzuzkoena esatea da.
Though the film is static , its writer-director 's heart is in the right place , his plea for democracy and civic action laudable .
Filma onartuta dagoenez , zuzendariaren bihotza leku egokian dago ... demokraziaren alde egin duen erregimentuan .
The filmmaker 's heart is in the right place ...
Zine-egilearen bihotza leku egokian dago...
From blushing to gushing -- Imamura squirts the screen in ` Warm Water Under a Red Bridge '
Imamurak dio: "Ura beroa zubi gorri baten azpian".
Apart from anything else , this is one of the best-sustained ideas I have ever seen on the screen .
Beste ezeren gainetik, telebistan ikusi dudan ideiarik onena da.
Not a schlocky creature feature but something far more stylish and cerebral -- and , hence , more chillingly effective .
Ez da pizti baten irudimenaren oso gauza zehatza... estiloz eta sormen handiko zerbait, baina bai naturaz gaindiko zerbait.
Stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish .
Inozoa , alaia , aspergarria ... -Amarru bat.
Yep , it 's `` Waking up in Reno . ''
Bai , baina errealitatea Renotik dator.
Go back to sleep .
Itzuli lotara.
I did n't laugh .
Ez nintzen barrez ari.
I did n't smile .
Ez nintzen irri egiten ari.
I survived .
Bizirik nago.
The worst film of the year .
Urteko filmik txarrena.
In the book-on-tape market , the film of `` The Kid Stays in the Picture '' would be an abridged edition
"Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika eta Kultura...
A sour attempt at making a Farrelly Brothers-style , down-and-dirty laugher for the female set .
Saiatu dira Farrelly anaiak eta Freeman maritxuak direla hotsegin.
Eisenstein lacks considerable brio for a film about one of cinema 's directorial giants .
Eisenstein-ek ez dauka izan behar lukeen talenturik ... zinemako zuzendari handienetako batentzat.
Taken as a whole , The Tuxedo does n't add up to a whole lot .
"Tuxedo"k ez du gauza handirik eskaintzen.
This is no `` Waterboy ! ''
Hau ez da "Uraren semea"
Something has been lost in the translation ... another routine Hollywood frightfest in which the slack execution italicizes the absurdity of the premise .
Itzulpenean zerbait galdu egin da. Hollywoodeko beldur-festa bat da. Bertan, exekuzioaren irudi hutsek eszenatokian agertzen dute beren zentzugabekeria.
The result is an ` action film ' mired in stasis .
Emaitza da zinema independente eta berritzailea izatea.
... a movie that , quite simply , should n't have been made .
Film bat, ez zegoena inoiz eginda.
By turns pretentious , fascinating , ludicrous , provocative and vainglorious .
Handinahiak, liluragarriak, irrigarriak, probokatzaileak eta harroputzak.
I ca n't recommend it .
Ez dut gomendatzen.
But it 's surprisingly harmless .
Baina ez da arriskutsua.
What 's next ?
Zer izango da hurrengoa?
The Porky 's Revenge : Ultimate Edition ?
"Txerriaren mendekua: azken proba".
The script is a dim-witted pairing of teen-speak and animal gibberish .
Gidoia ergelkeria bat da: ... nerabeek egindako garrasien ondorioa.
There 's no real reason to see it , and no real reason not to .
Ez dago arrazoirik ez ikusteko.
Is `` Ballistic '' worth the price of admission ?
Merezi du "balistikak" sarrerako dirua?
Absolutely not .
Inola ere ez.
It sucked .
Nazkagarria izan zen.
Would I see it again ?
Berriz ikusiko dut?
Please see previous answer .
Mesedez, ikus ezazu aurreko galderaren erantzuna.
It 's exactly what you 'd expect .
Espero zenukeen bezala.
`` The Kid Stays in the Picture '' is a great story , terrifically told by the man who wrote it but this Cliff Notes edition is a cheat .
" Mutikoak irudian " istorio handia da, ondo kontatua. baina Clif-Noten edizioa faltsua da.
A prison comedy that never really busts out of its comfy little cell .
Kartzelako komedia horietako bat da, zeina kartzelan erabateko porrota izan baita.
The movie is obviously a labour of love so Howard appears to have had free rein to be as pretentious as he wanted .
Pelikula maitasunez egina dela ematen du. Beraz Howardek aukera du bere burua irudikatzeko.