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The only upside to all of this unpleasantness is , given its Labor Day weekend upload , FearDotCom should log a minimal number of hits . | Alde txarra da asteburu honetan kontatzen ari zarena. Jendea ez dabil oso ondo. |
Whether this is art imitating life or life imitating art , it 's an unhappy situation all around . | Artea bizitzaren imitazioa ote den edo bizitza artea imitatzeaz jabetzen ote den egoera tristea da guztiontzat. |
An uneasy mix of run-of-the-mill raunchy humor and seemingly sincere personal reflection . | Baina, orokorrean, barregarri samarra da, ez? Eta hori zintzotasunaren adierazgarri da. |
A formula family tearjerker told with a heavy Irish brogue ... accentuating , rather than muting , the plot 's saccharine thrust . | Irlandar hizkuntzako esaldiak erabiltzen dituen " formula " letrak adierazten du istorioaren kutsu sekretua. |
This is Sandler running on empty , repeating what he 's already done way too often . | Sandlerek ez du ezer egin, egoerak eragindakoa bakarrik. |
This is as lax and limp a comedy as I 've seen in a while , a meander through worn-out material . | Aspaldi ez dut horrelakorik ikusi. Materiala zaharkituta zegoen. |
Time literally stops on a dime in the tries-so-hard-to-be-cool `` Clockstoppers , '' but that does n't mean it still wo n't feel like the longest 90 minutes of your movie-going life . | Denbora geratuko da zenbait "cool" lagunentzat baina zure "momentu"a bizitzaren "momentu"a bezalakoa da: |
The sort of picture in which , whenever one of the characters has some serious soul searching to do , they go to a picture-perfect beach during sunset . | Film horietako protagonistek buru karratu bat dute. eta eguzkia ezkutatzen denean hondartza batera joaten dira. |
Aptly named , this shimmering , beautifully costumed and filmed production does n't work for me . | Izenburu on bat, oso ondo prestatua eta makilatuta, eta filmatutako produkzio bat... Ez zait batere gustatzen. |
A preposterously melodramatic paean to gang-member teens in Brooklyn circa 1958 . | Zentzugabekeria da hori , baina... benetako adiskidetasuna aipatzen da. |
Has none of the crackle of `` Fatal Attraction '' , `` 9 1\/2 Weeks '' , or even `` Indecent Proposal '' , and feels more like Lyne 's stolid remake of `` Lolita '' . | Ez du "Atsipen hilgarria" edo "Hamabost egun luze" esaten. "Eskaera itsusi" edo "Lolita" baino ez. Lyne-ren "Lolita"ren errepikapen zoroa. |
Everything its title implies , a standard-issue crime drama spat out from the Tinseltown assembly line . | Izenburuak dioen bezala, kriminal ohi bat... dena prestatzen dabilenak... Tinseltowneko fabrika baino handiagoa da. |
An extraordinarily silly thriller . | Barregarria irudituko zaizu. |
A rehash of every gangster movie from the past decade . | Azken hamarkadako gangsterren film guztiak errepikatu besterik ez. |
Gaping plot holes sink this ` sub ' - standard thriller and drag audience enthusiasm to crush depth . | Trama solte honek nere ikusleen arreta berreskuratzen du. |
Talkiness is n't necessarily bad , but the dialogue frequently misses the mark . | Hitz egitea ez da beti txarra. Baina sarriegitan, ez da zuzena. |
The beautiful images and solemn words can not disguise the slack complacency of ( Godard 's ) vision , any more than the gorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can drown out the tinny self-righteousness of his voice . | Irudi ederrek eta hitz solenek ez dute islatzen haren autoaprobisioa . Eta pianoaren soinua ez da haren ahotsaren zatirik politenarekin konparatzen. |
The stunt work is top-notch ; the dialogue and drama often food-spittingly funny . | Kaseterik onenak gara. Dialogoak eta dramaren doinuak sarritan, ez dira txarrak. |
The movie is n't painfully bad , something to be ` fully experienced ' ; it 's just tediously bad , something to be fully forgotten . | Film hau ez da pixa egiteko bezain txarra. Erabat ahazteko bezain txarra. |
Charly comes off as emotionally manipulative and sadly imitative of innumerable past Love Story derisions . | Charliek bere emozioak kontrolatzeko ahalmena du. Eta, zoritxarrez, baditu antzinako zaleak. |
What a great shame that such a talented director as Chen Kaige has chosen to make his English-language debut with a film so poorly plotted and scripted . | Pena da Chen Kaige-k hain dokumental-zuzendari trebea... ingeles hizkuntzako estreinaldia egitea hain film txarrak zuzentzen dituela. |
No amount of good intentions is able to overcome the triviality of the story . | Ez dago tratu txikirik, ezta? |
The film ... presents classic moral-condundrum drama : What would you have done to survive ? | Film honek benetako drama moral bat antzezten du: |
The problem with the film is whether these ambitions , laudable in themselves , justify a theatrical simulation of the death camp of Auschwitz II-Birkenau . | Filmaren gaia da ea helburu horiek, nortzuk diren ere, justifikatzen duten Auschwitz II.a eta Birkenau-ko heriotza-esparruaren simulazioa. |
... for all its social and political potential , State Property does n't end up being very inspiring or insightful . | ...bere baitan Txina eta Japoniako gehiegizko ondasunak dituenez ez dirudi oso adierazpen inspiratzailea denik. |
A film really has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this is n't . | Film batek hiru orduko iraupena izan behar du eta hau ez. |
Little more than a stylish exercise in revisionism whose point ... is no doubt true , but serves as a rather thin moral to such a knowing fable . | Ez da ia inoiz hobetuko, baina badakit hobetuko dela. |
The nonstop artifice ultimately proves tiresome , with the surface histrionics failing to compensate for the paper-thin characterizations and facile situations . | Eta azkenean , irudi multzo hau , hunkigarria eta zaila da deskribatzen . Gainera , azaleko historioak ez dira konpentsatzen paperean idatzitako deskribapen edo egoera atseginetan. |
This is a monumental achievement in practically every facet of inept filmmaking : joyless , idiotic , annoying , heavy-handed , visually atrocious , and often downright creepy . | Lorpen izugarri bat da, filmaketa kaotiko guztietan... filmaketa hutsa, astuna, gogaikarria, gupidagabea ... gehienetan ziztrina. |
This off-putting French romantic comedy is sure to test severely the indulgence of fans of Amélie . | Frantses komedia erromantiko honek izugarri probetxuztuko du Amlie-ren jarraitzailea. |
overburdened with complicated plotting and banal dialogue | "Konplikatua da azaltzeko baina banekien egin behar zela" |
Ensemble movies , like soap operas , depend on empathy . | Filme osorako behar duzuen esanahia, eta zuen "comic-con" esanahia ere bai. |
If there ai n't none , you have a problem . | Ez badago, arazoak izango dituzu. |
The Master of Disguise falls under the category of ` should have been a sketch on Saturday Night Live . ' | " Mozorroaren jabea " Saturday Night Live-n " Sketch " izeneko saioan agertu behar zuen ... |
Yet another self-consciously overwritten story about a rag-tag bunch of would-be characters that team up for a ca n't - miss heist -- only to have it all go wrong . | Beste historia bat, beste pertsonaia batzuk asmatu zutenekoa... ez dira jadanik asmatutako istorioak. Talde bat osatu zuten, ezinbestekoak ez zirenak. |
Koepp 's screenplay is n't nearly surprising or clever enough to sustain a reasonable degree of suspense on its own . | Koepp-en gidoiak ez du batere harrigarririk . Ez da nahikoa argia suspense bat izateko. |
Is it really an advantage to invest such subtlety and warmth in an animatronic bear when the humans are acting like puppets ? | Benetan al da garrantzitsua inbertitzea azeri animatiko batean ... gizakiak txotxongiloak balira bezala? |
More successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisfying heroine | Historiaren funtzionamenduan hobeto aterako zara emozio konplexuak eta pozgarriak dituen emakume bat baino. |
Clumsy , obvious , preposterous , the movie will likely set the cause of woman warriors back decades . | Film hau ustezko... ..sukaldari-talde batena baino ez da. |
It 's hard to pity the ` plain ' girl who becomes a ravishing waif after applying a smear of lip-gloss . | Ez da erraza sentiberatasun guztiak zaintzea , batetik emakume bat haragi puzkartsu bihurtzea. |
Rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . | Erruki zaitez nahaspila honetaz edozeinekin. |
A banal , virulently unpleasant excuse for a romantic comedy . | Aitzaki ziztrin eta hutsala da hori! Komedia erromantiko baterako! |
The drama discloses almost nothing . | Antzezlanak ez du ia ezer esaten. |
A minor-league soccer remake of The Longest Yard . | Futbol amerikarrean errekorra lortzear da. |
Belongs in the too-hot-for-TV direct-to-video\/DVD category , and this is why I have given it a one-star rating . | Zuzenean irekitzeko kategorian dago. Horregatik eman diot bost izar. |
As earnest as a community-college advertisement , American Chai is enough to make you put away the guitar , sell the amp , and apply to medical school . | Hori da. "American Chai" unibertsitate publiko baten iragarkia bezalakoa da. gitarra kendu, amps bat saldu, eta mediku ikasketak egiteko prestatu behar duzu. |
A dim-witted and lazy spin-off of the Animal Planet documentary series , Crocodile Hunter is entertainment opportunism at its most glaring . | Animal Planet-en seriearen azken kapitulua. " Krokodilo-ehiztaria " , ikuskizunaren ikuspegi orokorra da. |
There is more than one joke about putting the toilet seat down . | Komunean pixa egiteak badu bere ikuspegi bat. |
And that should tell you everything you need to know about All the Queen 's Men . | Eta horrek dena esaten dizu Erreginaren gizon guztiei buruz. |
Even fans of Ismail Merchant 's work , I suspect , would have a hard time sitting through this one . | Ismail Merchant-en jarraitzaileek ere ez lukete ikusiko horrelako ikuskizunik. |
It 's really just another silly Hollywood action film , one among a multitude of simple-minded , yahoo-ing death shows . | Hollywoodeko beste film ergelek bezala. Heriotza-istripuak daude. |
It 's not a particularly good film , but neither is it a monsterous one . | Ez da film on bat , baina ez da munstroen film bat ere. |
The world needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like Martin Scorsese . | Munduak behar ditu Martin Scorsese bezalako zinemagile sutsuak. |
But it does n't need Gangs of New York . | Baina ez ditu New Yorkeko banda horiek behar. |
Enchanted with low-life tragedy and liberally seasoned with emotional outbursts ... What is sorely missing , however , is the edge of wild , lunatic invention that we associate with Cage 's best acting . | Trajediaren garaietan, exekuzio sakonak eta dramatikoak izaten dira eta kritikoek txorakeriak esaten dituzte baina kritikoek beti diote berdina dela eta nik alderantzizkoa ikusten dut. |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is deja vu all over again , and while that is a cliche , nothing could be more appropriate . | " Harry Potter eta Sekretuen Ganbera " grabatu dut. eta uste dut izen ezaguna dela, baina ez da egia. |
It 's likely that whatever you thought of the first production -- pro or con -- you 'll likely think of this one . | Lehenengoa edo bigarrena iruditu arren ... berdin-berdin jarri duzue. |
Sade achieves the near-impossible : It turns the Marquis de Sade into a dullard . | Sade jaunak ezinezkoa lortu du, eta markesari elbarri uztea lortu du. |
( Lin Chung 's ) voice is rather unexceptional , even irritating ( at least to this Western ear ) , making it awfully hard to buy the impetus for the complicated love triangle that develops between the three central characters . | (Lin Chung-en ahotsa) ez da batere berezia, eta haserregarria ere bai (Mendebaldeko belarri honentzat behintzat), hain da zaila inpultsoa hartzea hiru pertsonaia nagusien arteko maitasun-triangeluaren oinarrian. |
One of the most plain , unimaginative romantic comedies I 've ever seen . | Inoiz ikusi dudan film erromantiko baldar eta fantasiatsuena da. |
Though there 's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film 's direction , the drama feels rigged and sluggish . | Filmaren helburua argi izateak eta bereizketa eza egoteak dramak manipulatzaile eta alferrikako eragina duela adierazten dute . |
Unfortunately , the experience of actually watching the movie is less compelling than the circumstances of its making . | Zoritxarrez , filma ikustearen esperientzia ez da hain konplexua irudikatzen duenarekin alderatuta. |
Unless there are zoning ordinances to protect your community from the dullest science fiction , Impostor is opening today at a theater near you . | Zure komunitatea babesteko legez kanpoko zereginik ez badago zientzia fikziozko film arraroenetatik babesteko hau da, zure auzoko eszenatokian "Immortzioa" estreinatuko da. |
It should be doing a lot of things , but does n't . | Gauza asko egin ditzake, baina ez du ezer egiten. |
Chen films the resolutely downbeat Smokers Only with every indulgent , indie trick in the book . | Txenek "Smoke and the Rain"eko talde bat osatu du. indie musikari eta izar guztiekin. |
... a rather bland affair . | ... ez da gauza handia. |
Far-fetched premise , convoluted plot , and thematic mumbo jumbo about destiny and redemptive love . | Ez sinestekoa da antzezpena. Historia zaila. Eta patuaren maitasunaren gaineko gezurra. |
The movie tries to be ethereal , but ends up seeming goofy . | Film honek benetako bizitza ematen du. Baina txorakeria bat da. |
I was hoping that it would be sleazy and fun , but it was neither . | Uste nuen dibertigarria eta lotsagarria izango zela. |
Harris is supposed to be the star of the story , but comes across as pretty dull and wooden . | Harris izan behar zen istorioaren protagonista, baina tristea eta neketsua zirudien. |
Soulless and -- even more damning -- virtually joyless , XXX achieves near virtuosity in its crapulence . | Arima eta zoriontasunik gabe, X oso ondo dago. |
A boring masquerade ball where normally good actors , even Kingsley , are made to look bad . | Maskarada fedegabean antzezten dugu aktore onak izan arren ... eta Kingsley zitala bada ere . |
All the Queen 's Men is a throwback war movie that fails on so many levels , it should pay reparations to viewers . | " Erreginaren gizonak" filma bat da, eta hainbeste mailan huts egiten duena, jendea damutu egin behar litzateke. |
The filmmakers keep pushing the jokes at the expense of character until things fall apart . | Aktoreek barre egiten dute ikusten dituzten pertsonaiekiko, eta dena pikutara joaten da. |
Rather than real figures , Elling and Kjell Bjarne become symbolic characters whose actions are supposed to relate something about the naïf 's encounter with the world . | Figura erreal batzuk baino gehiago, Elling eta Kjell Bjarne pertsonaia sinbolikoak bilakatzen dira, eta haien ekintzek bat egiten dute munduaz jabetzen direnekin. |
Mariah Carey gives us another peek at some of the magic we saw in Glitter here in Wisegirls . | Mariah Careyk magia erakusten digu Glitter izar berriak hemen, Wisegirls-en "Wisegirls " saioan ikusi genituenaren ondoren. |
It 's all arty and jazzy and people sit and stare and turn away from one another instead of talking and it 's all about the silences and if you 're into that , have at it . | Denak jartzen dira arte eta jazzaz... eta jendea eserita dago, begiratzen eta elkarri begira, hitz egin ordez. Eta isiltasunaz hitz egiten du. |
I suspect that you 'll be as bored watching Morvern Callar as the characters are in it . | Morvern Callar ikusiz gero, adarra joko dizute. |
If you go , pack your knitting needles . | Joan behar baduzu, orratzak hartu. |
The lead actors share no chemistry or engaging charisma . | Aktore nagusiek ez dute elkarren arteko kimika edo karisma partekatzen. |
We do n't even like their characters . | Ez dugu haien izaera maite. |
Some writer dude , I think his name was , uh , Michael Zaidan , was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something , but , dude , the only thing that I ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck . | Michael Zaidan delako batek gidoi bat idatzi behar zuen baina nik ikusi dudan gauzarik handiena nire soldata da. |
The movie does n't generate a lot of energy . | Filmak ez du energia askorik sortzen. |
It is dark , brooding and slow , and takes its central idea way too seriously . | Iluna, tristea eta alferra. Eta bere oinarrizko ideia serioegi hartzen du. |
This feature is about as necessary as a hole in the head | Hau da, zulo bat egin beharko litzateke... kaskoan. |
Spectators will indeed sit open-mouthed before the screen , not screaming but yawning . | Ikusleak, egia esan, esertzen dira, ahoa itxita eta pantailan, eta ez dira oihuka hasten: zaunka bai eta ez. |
It feels like very light Errol Morris , focusing on eccentricity but failing , ultimately , to make something bigger out of its scrapbook of oddballs . | Errol Morris atzeratua dela ematen du. Bitxitasun erradikala da. Baina ez du lortzen errotulua ateratzea. |
A period story about a Catholic boy who tries to help a Jewish friend get into heaven by sending the audience straight to hell . | Historia bat kontatzen du. Historia honek mutiko katoliko bat auzoko judu lagun bati zerura joaten laguntzen saiatzen dela dio eta bere lagunei infernura doazela esaten die. |
The premise itself is just SOOOOO tired . | Ez da izango. premisa nahiko nekagarria da. |
Pair that with really poor comedic writing ... and you 've got a huge mess . | Eta horri idatzizko komiki txarrak gehituz gero , alferrikakoa izango da. |
Proves a lovely trifle that , unfortunately , is a little too in love with its own cuteness . | Txundigarria , baina harroputza bere buruarekin. |
Did we really need a remake of `` Charade ? '' | "Beharrezkoa al zen Charaden beste bertsio bat egitea?" |
Some movies can get by without being funny simply by structuring the scenes as if they were jokes : a setup , delivery and payoff . | Film batzuk ez dira barregarriak , baina eszena batzuk badaude, txisteak balira bezala antolatzen direnak: |
Stealing Harvard ca n't even do that much . | Harvardekoak ez du hainbeste merezi. |
Each scene immediately succumbs to gravity and plummets to earth . | Eszena bakoitzak berehala erortzen du lurra grabitatearen ondorioz. |
The only fun part of the movie is playing the obvious game . | Grazia duen zatia, jokoa probatzea. |
You try to guess the order in which the kids in the house will be gored . | Pentsa ezazu etxean dauden umeak zein ordutan hilko diren. |
I spied with my little eye ... a mediocre collection of cookie-cutter action scenes and occasionally inspired dialogue bits | Begi parean nuen hura, eta hantxe zegoen... Sukaldeko lanbroa eta izkina. |
Entertains not so much because of its music or comic antics , but through the perverse pleasure of watching Disney scrape the bottom of its own cracker barrel . | Ez da musika edo txisteak entretenitzen dituelako. Gozamen lizuna da Disney izatea pozik asko saltzen dituelako. |
The satire is just too easy to be genuinely satisfying . | Satira errazegia da. Ez da egokia. |