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You just know something terrible is going to happen . | Gauza izugarri bat gertatzekoa da. |
But when it does , you 're entirely unprepared . | Baina gerturatzen denean, zu ez zaude gertu. |
It 's fun , wispy , wise and surprisingly inoffensive for a film about a teen in love with his stepmom . | Oso dibertigarria da , polita eta sinplea. Film hau nerabe bati buruzkoa da, zeina maiteminduta dago eta amaordearekin hasten da. |
Able to provide insight into a fascinating part of theater history . | Antzerkiaren historiaren zati interesgarri bat eskaini ahal dizu. |
An unflinching , complex portrait of a modern Israel that is rarely seen on-screen . | Gaur egungo Israelgo herrialdeen irudiak . Oso berezia da. |
A Jewish WW II doc that is n't trying simply to out-shock , out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience ! | Bigarren Mundu Gerrako dokumentala, agian interesgarriagoa, eta entzuleak harritu eta etsiko ez liratekeena. |
Who knew ... | Nork pentsatuko zuen? |
It 's a familiar story , but one that is presented with great sympathy and intelligence . | Ezaguna da istorio hau ... baina errukiz eta inteligentziaz azaltzen da. |
Gently humorous and touching . | Umorearekin eta sentimenduarekin. |
It wo n't hold up over the long haul , but in the moment , Finch 's tale provides the forgettable pleasures of a Saturday matinee . | Ez da luzarorako izango. Baina oraingoz, Finch-en istorioak pozten gaitu larunbateko saioak bezala. |
Kinnear 's performance is a career-defining revelation . | Kinnearren eragina harrigarria da. |
The film is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautifully sung holiday carol . | Pelikula sinplea da, bere izaera xarmagarriaz... eszenatokian errepikatzen da eta penagarri dago. |
... hits every cliche we 've come to expect , including the assumption that `` crazy '' people are innocent , childlike and inherently funny . | ... sinesteetan sinesten dugun bezala kalkuluak egiten ditugu eta uste dugu zoroak inozoak direla, eroak eta dibertigarriak. |
The strong subject matter continues to shock throughout the film . | Film osoak sortzen duen gaiak jendeari hunkitzen jarraitzen du. |
Not everyone will play the dark , challenging tune taught by The Piano Teacher . | Mundu guztiak ez du jotzen "Piano Teacher " delako doinu itsusi hori. |
A certain sexiness underlines even the dullest tangents . | Sexya den zerbait dago atean. |
You may be captivated , as I was , by its moods , and by its subtly transformed star , and still wonder why Paul Thomas Anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which Adam Sandler will probably ever appear . | Baliteke nitaz ere liluratzea, antzezle garenez eta izar bihurtuez. Eta zergatik sortu zuen Paul Thomas Andersonek Adam Sandlerren pelikula bat egiteko irrikaz? |
There is no substitute for on-screen chemistry , and when Friel pulls the strings that make Williams sink into melancholia , the reaction in Williams is as visceral as a gut punch . | Ez dago ordezkorik gure artean kimikariak elkarbanatzeko. Eta Friel-ek Williams-en kuxkuxean mugitzen duenean, -haren erreakzioa lausoa da. |
That old adage about women being unknowable gets an exhilarating new interpretation in Morvern Callar . | Emakumeek " ezin dute agerian utzi " esamoldeak interpretazio berria du " morwen kallar " liburuan. |
A mix of gritty realism , crisp storytelling and radiant compassion that effortlessly draws you in . | Errealismo sakona, kontakizun sarkorra, eta erruki sakona. |
After watching it , you can only love the players it brings to the fore for the gifted but no-nonsense human beings they are and for the still-inestimable contribution they have made to our shared history . | Jokalariak maite dituzu ... talentu handikoak baitira ... baina erabateko zentzumenarekin ... eta historia bateratu honen balioztatzaile gisa. |
In his U.S. debut , Mr. Schnitzler proves himself a deft pace master and stylist . | AEBko estraineko izar gisa ... Schnitzler jaunak frogatzen du ritmo bikaina duela. |
Ultimate X is a ride , basically the kind of greatest-hits reel that might come with a subscription to ESPN the Magazine . | Ultimate X aukera bat da. Best-seller bat... eta ESPNren abonatua da. |
Rich in shadowy metaphor and as sharp as a samurai sword , Jiang Wen 's Devils on the Doorstep is a wartime farce in the alternately comic and gut-wrenching style of Joseph Heller or Kurt Vonnegut . | " Jiang Wen-en deabruak atarian " , irudi alaia da samurai ezpata bat bezain zorrotza, -Gerra garaiko farsa bat da, -Joseph Hellerren eta Kurt Vonneguten estiloa, -eta beste aldetik umore-aldaketak dituena. |
Offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a Hollywood film . | Hollywoodeko edozein filmetan baino emakumezko lagunekiko harreman konplexuagoa eta zintzoagoa da. |
A winning comedy with its wry observations about long-lived friendships and the ways in which we all lose track of ourselves by trying to please others . | Komedia ukitu bat, irudi xelebrea lagunen lagunarteari buruzkoa bertzeak zer esaten digun ulertuko bagenu bezala. |
Its cast full of caffeinated comedy performances more than make up for its logical loopholes , which fly by so fast there 's no time to think about them anyway . | Aktoreen talde osoak kafeina gehiegi hartu du ... eta ez dago nahikoa arrazoirik, aurrera egin ezinik haiek gabe. |
Lohman adapts to the changes required of her , but the actress and director Peter Kosminsky never get the audience to break through the wall her character erects | Lohman erronkari moldatzen ari da, baina zuzendari-ohiak, Peter Kosminsky, ez dio aurre egiten haren izaerari. |
Although it includes a fair share of dumb drug jokes and predictable slapstick , `` Orange County '' is far funnier than it would seem to have any right to be . | Nahiz eta droga-tasaren aldetik grazia eta erosotasuna azaltzen diren " Orange County " mozorro honetan, grazia du. |
For a movie audience , The Hours does n't connect in a neat way , but introduces characters who illuminate mysteries of sex , duty and love . | Zine-ikusleentzat, The Hours ez da era eroso batean kontatzen, sexuaren, lanaren eta maitasunaren misterioak argitzen dituzten pertsonaiak aurkezten ditu. |
A bright , inventive , thoroughly winning flight of revisionist fancy . | Jenio bizia, asmatzailea, irabazle bat... fantasia bizietan. |
Ozpetek 's effort has the scope and shape of an especially well-executed television movie . | Ozpetek eskainitako aukera izan daiteke ... telebistako programa oso arrakastatsuren bat. |
Affirms the gifts of all involved , starting with Spielberg and going right through the ranks of the players -- on-camera and off -- that he brings together . | Talentuzko jokalaria da. Spielberg-ekin hasita, jokalariak erakartzen ditu, kameraren aurrean eta atzean. |
A delightful little film that revels in its own simplicity , Mostly Martha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach . | Film sinple eta xume bat, baina bertsio fin batekin. Martha Martha, gehienbat, irribarre batekin agertzen da eta haserretzen da abdomenean barrena. |
Makes one thing abundantly clear . | Gauza bat argi eta garbi utzi nahi dut. |
American musical comedy as we know it would n't exist without the precedent of Yiddish theater , whose jolly , fun-for-fun 's - sake communal spirit goes to the essence of Broadway . | Ez genukeen komediante amerikarraren musika sortuko antzerki yiddish bat gabe Broadwayko artea sortu izan ez bagenu . |
Deepa Mehta provides an accessible introduction as well as some intelligent observations on the success of Bollywood in the Western world . | Deepa Mehtak Bollywoodeko arrakastaz hitz egiten du. |
If anything , the film is doing something of a public service -- shedding light on a group of extremely talented musicians who might otherwise go unnoticed and underappreciated by music fans . | Izan ere , nolabait , filmak zerbitzu publiko bat ere eskaintzen du . Talentu handiko musikari talde bat azaltzen du . Gainerakoan , musikari horiek ez dira musikazaleek behar bezala onartuko. |
In addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , Changing Lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and insight . | "Lineak aldatuz" film hau ez da zu bakarrik "estutzea" baizik eta baita freskotasuna , irudimena eta pertzepzioa ere. |
Pan Nalin 's exposition is beautiful and mysterious , and the interviews that follow , with the practitioners of this ancient Indian practice , are as subtle and as enigmatic . | Pan Nalinen azalpena polita eta misteriotsua da, eta jarraitzen dituen elkarrizketak, Indiako antzinako praktikariekin, ez dira zu bezain sotil eta enigmatikoak. |
The mood , look and tone of the film fit the incredible storyline to a T. | Filmaren barrua , irudia eta tonuak ... .. filmaren kontakizun harrigarriari eusten dio guztiz . |
It 's crafty , energetic and smart -- the kid is sort of like a fourteen-year old Ferris Bueller . | Argia da , energia dauka eta adimentsua da. 14 urteko Ferris Bueller mutil bat bezalakoa da. |
A work of extraordinary journalism , but it is also a work of deft and subtle poetry . | Kazetaritza bikaina da baina poesia subtila du ere . |
It 's funny and human and really pretty damned wonderful , all at once . | Barregarria da, gizatiarra. Eta dena aldi berean. |
At 78 minutes it just zings along with vibrance and warmth . | 78 minututan bihotz betearekin joko du. |
A strangely stirring experience that finds warmth in the coldest environment and makes each crumb of emotional comfort feel like a 10-course banquet . | Esperientzia zirraragarri bat da. zeren eta giroa izoztu arren zeozer ezberdina sentitzen dugu eta inguruneak zabalik uzten gaitu. |
Sometimes this ` Blood ' seems as tired as its protagonist ... Still , the pulse never disappears entirely , and the picture crosses the finish line winded but still game . | Batzuetan odol zikin hau ... protagonista izan arren ... ez du inoiz taupadarik galdu eta filma helmugan iristen da ... pentsamenduarekin baina indar gabe. |
The stripped-down dramatic constructs , austere imagery and abstract characters are equal parts poetry and politics , obvious at times but evocative and heartfelt . | Obra dramatikoak sortzen du irudi abstraktuak eta poetikoak osatzen dituena. batzutan nabarmenak baina beti bezain eraginkorrak. |
Dogtown and Z-Boys more than exposes the roots of the skateboarding boom that would become `` the punk kids ' revolution . '' | " Dogtown eta Z-Boys " skate-aren azken ondorioa izan zen . " Punkaren iraultza " |
... plenty of warmth to go around , with music and laughter and the love of family . | ... musika, barre-algarak eta familiako maitasuna. |
It 'll keep you wide awake and ... very tense . | Oso esna mantenduko zaitu eta oso estu. |
Could use a little more humanity , but it never lacks in eye-popping visuals . | Gizaki samarra izan behar du, baina ez da inoiz egoera onean egongo. |
( Danny Huston gives ) an astounding performance that deftly , gradually reveals a real human soul buried beneath a spellbinding serpent 's smirk . | Erakustaldi zoragarria da hau . Poliki-poliki, suge liluragarri batek ezkutaturiko arima azaleratzen du. |
These three films form a remarkably cohesive whole , both visually and thematically , through their consistently sensitive and often exciting treatment of an ignored people . | Hiru film hauek elkarren artean lotzen dute elkarren presentzia . Begien bistako gauzak dira . |
A funny and well-contructed black comedy where the old adage `` be careful what you wish for '' is given a full workout . | Komedia beltz barregarri eta ondo prestatua kontuan hartuta zera esan dezakegu: " Kontuz desiratzen duzunarekin " . |
It reaffirms life as it looks in the face of death . | Bizitza berresten du heriotzaren aurrean. |
The film is reasonably entertaining , though it begins to drag two-thirds through , when the melodramatic aspects start to overtake the comedy . | Film hau interesgarria da. baina filmari ematen dio 30 segundoko segmentu bat dena askatuz eta gero berriro grabatzen hasten dena. |
This is more fascinating -- being real -- than anything seen on Jerry Springer . | Jerry Springerren azken filmeko gaiztoak baino gaiztoagoa... izan da. |
A different movie -- sometimes tedious -- by a director many viewers would like to skip but film buffs should get to know . | Beste film bat da, batzuetan aspergarria, zuzendari batek egina. Jende askok alde batera utziko luke, baina zinema-zaleek film hau ikustea nahi dute. |
Williams plays Sy , another of his open-faced , smiling madmen , like the killer in Insomnia . | Williamsek Sy grabatzen du, irribarretsu eta aurpegi irriduna. "Insomniako hiltzailea" bezala. |
He does this so well you do n't have the slightest difficulty accepting him in the role . | Oso ondo egiten du, eta zuk ez duzu inolako arazorik izango. |
Twist open the Ouzo ! | Ireki ezazu! |
It 's time to let your hair down -- Greek style . | Ilea askatzeko garaia da, estilo grekoan. |
A vibrant whirlwind of love , family and all that goes with it , My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a non-stop funny feast of warmth , colour and cringe . | Maitasun-ekaitz handi bat, familia eta guzti hori. "Nire ezkontza greko handi eta lodiak" festa festa alaia da kolore eta giroz. |
Thought-provoking and stylish , if also somewhat hermetic . | Hausnarketarako motiboa da, eta estilo ederra du, baina aldi berean deserosoa da. |
Broomfield is energized by Volletta Wallace 's maternal fury , her fearlessness , and because of that , his film crackles . | Broomfieldek bere amorrua irabazi zuen Vallettaren indarrez eta ausardiaz. Eta bere filma kutsatu zuen. |
While it has definite weaknesses -- like a rather unbelievable love interest and a meandering ending -- this '60s caper film is a riveting , brisk delight . | Eta bere ahultasunak dituen arren ... maitasun-interesik ez duen film bat... eta amaiera azkar bat... 1960ko hamarkadako komedia hilgarria da. |
Funny in a sick , twisted sort of way . | Oso dibertigarria zen eta ona barre egiteko... |
If cinema had been around to capture the chaos of France in the 1790 's , one imagines the result would look like something like this . | Filmak erakusten baditu 1790eko hamarkadako Frantziako kaos hau, imajinatu daitekeen bezalakoa izango da. |
It 's a talking head documentary , but a great one . | Dokumentala da, baina izugarria. |
The Fast Runner ' transports the viewer into an unusual space | "Korrikalari azkarra"k ohiko ez den ikuspegia du. |
Ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another kind of Chinese ` cultural revolution . ' | "Barrena, aktore baten desesperantza ekszientzial eta narratiboa da, bere berrikuntza formalez, mugagabeko sormenari, eta beste era bateko "zientifiko-kultura-iraultzari" buruzkoa da". |
... a solid , well-formed satire . | Satire zorrotz eta ondo zuzendua. |
As part of Mr. Dong 's continuing exploration of homosexuality in America , Family Fundamentals is an earnest study in despair . | Dong jaunak homosexualitatearen inguruan duen ikerketaren baitan, familia funtsezko gaietan ikertzea proposatzen du. |
Most consumers of lo mein and General Tso 's chicken barely give a thought to the folks who prepare and deliver it , so , hopefully , this film will attach a human face to all those little steaming cartons . | Lo Mein eta Txow jaunaren oilaskoak kontsumitzen dituen artean bat ere ez dago hori prestatzen duenik. Pelikulak aurpegi bat jarri du kartoi horietan. |
Hatosy ... portrays young Brendan with his usual intelligence and subtlety , not to mention a convincing brogue . | Hatsuk Brendan gaztea antzezten du ... bere ohiko jeniozko eta finkoaz ... eta bere buruarekiko konexioaz gain . |
The filmmakers ' eye for detail and the high standards of performance convey a strong sense of the girls ' environment . | Filmeko zuzendariak , gertaera izugarriak eta funtsezko interpretazioa zutenak , neska eta inguruko egoera jakinaren gainean jarri dira . |
Uneven , self-conscious but often hilarious spoof . | Ezegonkorra da, lotsatia eta sarritan dibertitua. |
Even bigger and more ambitious than the first installment , Spy Kids 2 looks as if it were made by a highly gifted 12-year-old instead of a grown man . | Bigarren partea da, hainbeste talentua duen espioi klasiko batek egina, 12 urteko ume batek egina, gizon batek egina baino. |
Thanks to The Château 's balance of whimsicality , narrative discipline and serious improvisation , almost every relationship and personality in the film yields surprises . | " Gazteluak " , bere izaeraren zentzu zorrotzari esker ... - ... eta inprobisazio serioari esker . - Ia harreman guztiek eta pertsonalitate guztiek sorpresak ematen dituzte . |
Alan and his fellow survivors are idiosyncratic enough to lift the movie above its playwriting 101 premise . | Alanek eta beste batzuek biziraun dutenak dira film honen inspiratzaileak. |
Fresh and raw like a blown-out vein , Narc takes a walking-dead , cop-flick subgenre and beats new life into it . | Fresko eta erakargarriak; irentsi egin ditu , antza , masailak. |
The premise of Jason X is silly but strangely believable . | Jason Xen teorema zentzugabea da, baina sinesgarria. |
It 's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances throughout . | Arraza eta kulturaren inguruko istorio bizia eta boteretsua da, erritmo indartsu batez kontatua, eta musika zatar horrekin, kontzeptu zaharkitua alegia. |
An awfully good , achingly human picture . | Irudizko pertsonaia bat, oso gozoa, eta oso gizon sentikorra. |
The cast comes through even when the movie does n't . | Aktoreek asmatu egiten dute zerbait pelikula ez irekitzerakoan. |
You 'll laugh at either the obviousness of it all or its stupidity or maybe even its inventiveness , but the point is , you 'll laugh . | Den-dena irrigarria da. irrigarria. edo txoroa, edo itsusia. |
Definitely worth 95 minutes of your time . | Zure denbora merezi du, zure indar guztiarekin. |
The film jolts the laughs from the audience -- as if by cattle prod . | Pelikulak barrea eragin du behatzailearen barruan. |
A sexy , surprising romance ... Idemoto and Kim make a gorgeous pair ... their scenes brim with sexual possibility and emotional danger . | Eszena erromantiko eta sexya da hau Idemoto eta Kim-en ikuskizun harrigarria sexu aukera eta arrisku emozionalez betea. |
Toes the fine line between cheese and earnestness remarkably well ; everything is delivered with such conviction that it 's hard not to be carried away . | Distantzia zehatza markatu du ... eta seriotasun harrigarrizkoa dauka. |
Whereas Oliver Stone 's conspiracy thriller JFK was long , intricate , star-studded and visually flashy , Interview with the Assassin draws its considerable power from simplicity . | Oliver Stone-ren JFK filmak , konspirazioaren thriller luzeak, izugarri zailak eta ikusgarriak direnean "Ahaltsuen elkarrizketa" bere xarma sinple eta garbia da, |
Funny , sexy , devastating and incurably romantic . | Dibertigarria , sexy eta erromantikoa. |
Triple X is a double agent , and he 's one bad dude . | X izpien arabera, bi agente desberdin daude. |
When you 've got the wildly popular Vin Diesel in the equation , it adds up to big box office bucks all but guaranteed . | Eta Vin Diesel-en ospearen zati handi bat hartuta ... dirutza lortuko duela ziurtatzen dizu . |
Very well-written and very well-acted . | Oso ondo idatzia eta oso ondo antzeztekoa. |
A powerful and telling story that examines forbidden love , racial tension , and other issues that are as valid today as they were in the 1950s . | Kontatzen du amodio gaitasun eza , arraza lotsa eta beste zenbait arazo aipatzen dituena.Bera da 1950eko hamarkadako egoera. |
You emerge dazed , confused as to whether you 've seen pornography or documentary . | Eta agertzen zara, burua nahasita, pornografia film bat ikusi edo ez. |
It ai n't art , by a long shot , but unlike last year 's lame Musketeer , this Dumas adaptation entertains . | Ez da arte lana. Ez da arte lana. Baina iaz ikusitakoa ez bezala, Dumasek berezia lortu du oraingoan. |
likeable thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its quirky tunes . | Sukaldaritza , musika eta antzerkiaren gisako ikuskizunik onena. |