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JPO-position- Junior Professional Officer Land and Water for the FAO in Jerusalem JPO-position - Expert associé pour le bureau FAO à Jerusalem The Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme, also known as the Associate Experts Programme, is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of Belgium. The Programme originaates from a United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution adopted in 1961 which approved and encouraged the collaboration of volunteers, financed by their respective countries of origin, in implementing development cooperation initiatives and programmes. Belgium joined the Programme in 1963, and over the years has developed it into a Programme, extending its sponsorship to the Multilateral partnerl organizations with which the Belgian Government stipulated in specific agreements The Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme, also known as the Associate Experts Programme, is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of Belgium. The Programme originaates from a United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution adopted in 1961 which approved and encouraged the collaboration of volunteers, financed by their respective countries of origin, in implementing development cooperation initiatives and programmes. Belgium joined the Programme in 1963, and over the years has developed it into a Programme, extending its sponsorship to the Multilateral partnerl organizations with which the Belgian Government stipulated in specific agreements The Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme, also known as the Associate Experts Programme, is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of Belgium. The Programme originaates from a United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution adopted in 1961 which approved and encouraged the collaboration of volunteers, financed by their respective countries of origin, in implementing development cooperation initiatives and programmes. Minimum Requirements • Advanced university degree in natural resources management, environment, hydrology or related fields. • Three years of relevant experience in land and water resources and environmental related activities, including water resources/ecosystem assessment and management • Working knowledge (proficient - level C) of English and limited knowledge (intermediate - level B) of another FAO official language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish). It enables young professionals in the possession of a university degree with 2 years of relevant experience and not over the age of 32 years to gain in-field training and experience with the multilateral partnerorganzations of Belgium for a period of maximum three years. This post of Land and Water was designated for Belgian nationals, younger than 33 years
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherung zur Stärkung der Resilienz in zwölf ländlichen Gemeinden Somalilands Improving food security for strengthening the resilience in twelve rural comminiities in Somaliland Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherung zur Stärkung der Resilienz in zwölf ländlichen Gemeinden Somalilands Improving food security for strengthening the resilience in twelve rural comminiities in Somaliland Das Projekt leistet einen Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung und zur Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit der ländlichen Zielgemeinden gegenüber externen Faktoren. Hierzu wird ein integrierter und partizipativer Ansatz gewählt, der auf Gemeindeebene ansetzt. Aufbauend auf individuellen Gemeindeentwicklungsplänen zielt das Projekt insbesondere auf Verbesserungen in den Sektoren Livelihood und WASH ab. The project contributes to increase the food security in order to strengthen the resilience of the rural target communities against external factors. It will be implemented in an integrated and participative way and follows a community-based approach. Based on individual community development plans, the project will mainly target the sectors livelihood and WASH.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contingencies Buffert Study visit for Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Home Affairs Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Paris Agreement Implementation Support Technical support to Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group of Negotiators and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Group of Negotiators to participation and capacity building for international environmental negotations and implementation. The International Centre for Climate Change and Development will be enabled to provide parts of the support under the agreement. UNDP and its Climate Promise branch facilitates the support.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Climate Change Adaptation in Forest and Agricultural Mosaic Landscapes (FSP) To increase the resilience of productive landscapes and rural communities through organizational innovations and technology transfer for climate change adaptation. - The Project aims to improve coordination and sharing of knowledge between key stakeholders, including local communities, district level government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector, with a view to promoting a multi-sectorial, integrated approach that is essential to addressing climate change adaptation and resilience
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
F.a: Facilitating community and local government in the forest management through community forestry scheme in Rejang Lebong District Facilitating community and local government in the forest management through community forestry scheme in Rejang Lebong District
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
YSC-Programm zur Wiederherstellung der Agrobiodiversität und natürlichen Ressourcen in 16 durch Umweltverschmutzung gefährdeten marginalisierten Gemeinden in Orissa YSC-Program for the reestablishment of agrobiodiversity and natural resources in environmentally damaged areas of 16 remote and marginalised communities in Orissa YSC-Programm zur Wiederherstellung der Agrobiodiversität und natürlichen Ressourcen in 16 durch Umweltverschmutzung gefährdeten marginalisierten Gemeinden in Orissa YSC-Program for the reestablishment of agrobiodiversity and natural resources in environmentally damaged areas of 16 remote and marginalised communities in Orissa YSC-Programm zur Wiederherstellung der Agrobiodiversität und natürlichen Ressourcen in 16 durch Umweltverschmutzung gefährdeten marginalisierten Gemeinden in Orissa YSC-Program for the reestablishment of agrobiodiversity and natural resources in environmentally damaged areas of 16 remote and marginalised communities in Orissa
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stabilität in der Krise, stark für die Zukunft - Stärkung der genossenschaftlichen Strukturen in Paraguay, Peru und Chile (CoopSur) Stability in crisis, strong for the future - Strengthening cooperative structures in Paraguay, Peru and Chile (CoopSur) Stabilität in der Krise, stark für die Zukunft - Stärkung der genossenschaftlichen Strukturen in Paraguay, Peru und Chile (CoopSur) Stability in crisis, strong for the future - Strengthening cooperative structures in Paraguay, Peru and Chile (CoopSur) Das Projekt soll einen wichtigen Beitrag zu nachhaltigen und zukunftsorientierten Entwicklungen leisten. Es arbeitet mit Genossenschaften und anderen mitgliederbasierten Kooperationsformen des Agrarsektors, Genossenschaften im Finanzsektor und Initiativen zur Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien unter Bürgerbeteiligung. Für jeden Sektor ist ein Projektziel definiert, das auf der Mikro-, der Meso- und der Makroebene bearbeitet wird. Sektorübergreifend werden die Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Sicherheit, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Stabilität und Fort- und Weiterbildung bearbeitet. The project aims to make an impact on sustainable and futureoriented developments. It works with cooperatives and other member-based forms of cooperation in the agricultural sector, cooperatives in the financial sector and initiatives for the generation of renewable energies with citizen participation. A project objective is defined for each sector, which is worked on at the micro, meso and macro levels. Across sectors, the topics of sustainability, protection, competitiveness, stability and further education and training are addressed.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Waste Wise Nairobi – Korogocho Chapter Waste Wise Nairobi – Capitolo Korogocho The project aims at enhancing solid waste management and resource efficiency in Korogocho (Nairobi), by improving collection and recycling of municipal solid waste, enhanced coordination of stakeholders, capacity building and infrastructure development. L’iniziativa intende migliorare la gestione dei rifiuti solidi a Korogocho (Nairobi), migliorando la raccolta e il riciclaggio dei rifiuti solidi urbani, il coordinamento degli stakeholders, capacity building e lo sviluppo di infrastrutture.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
GLA 2 - Viet Nam GLA partners will work on four out of five provinces of the Central Highlands: Dak Lak, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, and Lam Dong provinces. These provinces are the major area of GLA 2016-2020 programme with a total area of 4.85 million hectares and about 45% forest cover. Much of the land is the watershed of the Srepok River which plays an important role in local ecosystems, biodiversity, and soil and water protection for lower provinces. At present, deforestation and forest degradation in the CHs is alarming due to agricultural expansion, illegal exploitation, and forestland conversion for other purposes. The CHs are the home of many native peoples including the Jarai, Ede, Bana, K’Ho, and M’nong. These peoples account for 26% of the total 6.2 million people of the CHs. Since 1960, the life of native peoples has been disturbed in terms of environment, culture, and livelihood due to resettlement and biased development policies. At present, IPLCs in CHs are among the poorest people in the country. Unfortunately, the current loss of the forests – the foundation of IPLC’s cultures and livelihoods – exacerbates further the hardship of native peoples.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Capacity to implement Priority Actions for Achieving Resilience Food and Nutrition Security in Tanzania Strengthen Capacity to Implement Agriculture Climate Resilience Actions
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Landwirte in den Provinzen Kratie und Stung Treng durch integrale Landwirtschaft, Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen und Sensibilisierung über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Inreased resilience of vulnerable farmers in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces through integrated agriculture, income generationg measures and awareness raising on consequences of climate Change on foo Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Landwirte in den Provinzen Kratie und Stung Treng durch integrale Landwirtschaft, Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen und Sensibilisierung über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Inreased resilience of vulnerable farmers in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces through integrated agriculture, income generationg measures and awareness raising on consequences of climate Change on foo Resilienzstärkung vulnerabler Landwirte in den Provinzen Kratie und Stung Treng durch integrale Landwirtschaft, Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen und Sensibilisierung über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Inreased resilience of vulnerable farmers in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces through integrated agriculture, income generationg measures and awareness raising on consequences of climate Change on foo
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung von ländlichen Frauengruppen durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und den Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen Strengthening rural women groups through sustainable agriculture and natural resources conservation in Flores, Indonesia Stärkung von ländlichen Frauengruppen durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und den Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen Strengthening rural women groups through sustainable agriculture and natural resources conservation in Flores, Indonesia Stärkung von ländlichen Frauengruppen durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und den Erhalt natürlicher Ressourcen Strengthening rural women groups through sustainable agriculture and natural resources conservation in Flores, Indonesia
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Rethinking Food Markets and Value Chains for Inclusion and Sustainability to support evidence generation on market innovations for sustainable agriculture transformation
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Increasing access to biogas Sistema.bio is a social enterprise that provides access to innovative biodigester technology, training, and financing to address the challenges of energy access, poverty, food security, and climate change. Under the SDG7 Results project, Sistema.bio will focus on reaching poorer and more remote farmers in selected communities in Kenya.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Serbia?s AFOLU sector capacities to access climate finance for priority investments Raise awareness in the general public, engage with private sector and facilitate direct access, to implement priority investments in the above energy, agriculture, water resources and hydrology and forestry sectors
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Danish Support for the UN Secretary General's Climate Action Team's work on the UN Climate Action Summit The funds will contribute to a successful preparation and execution of the UN Climate Summit on the 23rd September 2019. The overall goals of the UN Climate Summit are to raise the global ambition level in the climate field and to demonstrate concrete solutions.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
IDB 9 General Oncrease in the resources of the IDB The IDB's Board of Governors agreed in 2010 to increase the Bank?s ordinary capital by $70 billion the largest expansion of resources in the Bank?s history and to provide an unprecedented package of financial support to Haiti. The agreement also includes a replenishment of the Fund for Special Operations which finances operations in the region?s poorest nations. On top of the continuing needs in infrastructure social development and financial intermediation the LAC region faces emerging challenges related t o equity of opportunities social protection decentralization productive innovation regional integration carbon emissions natural disaster protection and food security.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige, an kulturelle Gegebenheiten angepasste Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden in den Munizipien Chicaman und Uspantán Sustainable, culturally adapted improvements of living conditions of rural communities in the municipalities of Chicaman and Uspantán, Guatemala Nachhaltige, an kulturelle Gegebenheiten angepasste Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden in den Munizipien Chicaman und Uspantán Sustainable, culturally adapted improvements of living conditions of rural communities in the municipalities of Chicaman and Uspantán, Guatemala Nachhaltige, an kulturelle Gegebenheiten angepasste Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen ländlicher Gemeinden in den Munizipien Chicaman und Uspantán Sustainable, culturally adapted improvements of living conditions of rural communities in the municipalities of Chicaman and Uspantán, Guatemala
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Development and Adaptation Days (ADA Acc) To enhance the effectiveness, visibility and influence of IIED's annual Development and Adaptation Days conferences
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
ReviewEnvironmentUNDP EQA ReviewEnvironmentUNDP EQA Stöd till Kvalitet myndigheten (EQA) via UNDP som teknisk rådgivare för översynen av miljösektorn i oPt. Stöd är också för att stärka EQAs kapacitet för övervakning av miljö situation i oPt. Sverige är medordförande för miljö Sector Group från 2010 med PA. The support is for the conduction of a review of the environment sector in the oPt and support to the Environment Quality Authority (EQA) in strengthening its regulatory role and improving the compliance, monitoring and enforcement of the environmental regulations in the PA. The technical implementation is to be conducted via UNDP.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Preparation of (i) GCF Readiness proposal and (ii) full project funding proposal for GCF and other potential donors To develop and submit GCF Readiness Proposal to support NDA in developing Country Programme in the Agriculture and Land Sectors to implement the NDC and to improve the concept note and prepare elements of the Funding Proposal for project ?Building resilience through climate-smart value chain systems and sustainable management of natural resources in Central Dry Zone and Chindwin River Basin.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Prévention et de Gestion des Catastrophes et Crises Alimentaires au Niger (DNPGCCA) Au Niger, plus de 3 millions de personnes sont affectées chaque année par l'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Ces crises entrainent les ménages dans un cercle vicieux de pauvreté et de vulnérabilité. Pour faire face à ce défi, les autorités du Niger ont créé un dispositif national de prévention et de gestion des catastrophes et crises alimentaires. La Suisse accompagne ce Dispositif afin de soutenir durablement la sécurité alimentaire des populations les plus vulnérables.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Green Evolution - Accelerating Dryland Cereals Improvement for Africa to enable the rapid development and delivery of climate-smart sorghum and millet varieties for small-scale producers in the dryland agro-ecologies of Africa
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sustainable development model for schools and communities - 100 million trees by 2017 ENO Programme Association together with Arbonaut Ltd (Finland) 4H Tanzania Zambia Forestry College and Copperbelt University Natural Resources and Environmental Society will implement a project to raise awareness of sustainable development issues in school s and communities and create a model to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in their curricula to create a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania and Zambia are both rich in natural resources. The population in the countries are growing and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have increased the countries? deforestation rates to 450 00 0km2 in Tanzania and 250-300 000km2 in Zambia annually. Deforestation causes for example climate change erosion and wind damages to farms. The population is rather young for example in Zambia almost half of the population is under the age of 15. Both coun tries have identified that the lack of capacity is hindering development and actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources and income generation have been seen crucial. The project objectives include teacher training i n sustainable development activities and community and school engagement in tree nursery activities and tree planting. One pellet factory will be set up in Zambia as a demonstration project for introducing sustainable methods for using renewable energy sou rces. Training will be hands-on workshops on tree planting nursery establishment pellet production environmental monitoring tools and use and the processes will be documented and followed-up. The documents will be available for all through the project webs ite to enable other communities to plan similar activities.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Disaster Risk Management Strengthening in the Southern Africa Development Community Contract related to: Disaster Risk Management Strengthening in the Southern Africa Development Community - Contribute to reduce the impact of disasters, including those related to climate change and biological hazards, and increase resilience in ACP countries.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis (air quality, waste management), Apena 2 Contract related to: Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis (air quality, waste management), Apena 2 - The Action will contribute to the development and implementation of policies supporting the transition to climate neutral, clean, resource efficient energy supply and consumption, circular economy and containment of GHG emissions
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Programme for Sustainable Reduction of Charcoal and Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL) The overall goal of the Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods (PROSCAL) is to promote energy security and more resilient livelihoods through a gradual reduction of unsustainable charcoal production, trade and use in Somalia. The overall programme has the following objectives:- To mobilize key stakeholders in the region and build institutional capacity among government entities across Somalia for the effective monitoring and enforcement of the charcoal trade ban, the development of an enabling policy environment for energy security and natural resources management; - To support the development of alternative energy resources;- To facilitate for stakeholders in the charcoal value chain a transition towards livelihood options that are sustainable, reliable and more profitable than charcoal production; and- To start reforestation and afforestation throughout the country for the rehabilitation of degraded lands.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Fischerei im Südwestlichen Indischen Ozean - Verbesserung der Governance, Lebensgrundlage und Ökosysteme SWIO Fisheries - Improving Governance, Livelihoods and Ecosystems Fischerei im Südwestlichen Indischen Ozean - Verbesserung der Governance, Lebensgrundlage und Ökosysteme SWIO Fisheries - Improving Governance, Livelihoods and Ecosystems Förderung der nachhaltigen Fischerei im südwestlichen Indischen Ozean, um das Ökosystem und die langfristige Lebensgrundlage zu erhalten. In mosambik und Südafrika werden auf lokaler Ebene Kleinfischer-Gemeinden unterstützt, die Regelungen für nachhaltige Fischerei im Rahmen eines Co-Managements einzuhalten, das Einkommen aus der Fischerei durch bessere Vermarktung zu erhöhen und alternative Einkommesngrundlagen zur Sicherung der Ernährung zu erschließen. The projects aims at supporting sustainable fisheries in the South-West Indian Ocean to sustain ecosystem and livelihoods. In Mozambique and South Africa, the project will support local communities of small-scale fishers to comply with sustainable fisheries regulations in a co-management approach, to improve income fisheries through better marketing and to develop alternative livelihood options for food security.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contribution to the Pacific Regional Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) <p>The EU contribution to PRIF intends to support the provision of technical advice to PRIF partners countries on themes such as:</p><ol><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>infrastructure plans and planning frameworks;</li><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>infrastructure policy and regulatory advice;</li><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>project implementation and coordination advice;</li><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>infrastructure management advice, including asset management, maintenance, and budget frameworks;</li><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>issues such as performance bench marking, project scoping, innovative technologies; and</li><li data-list="bullet"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>private sector participation.</li></ol><p>The Overall Objective of this action is to contribute to improving the quality and coverage of infrastructure investments and service delivery in PRIF countries.</p><p>The Specific Objectives of this action are:</p><ol><li data-list="ordered"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>To improve the coordination of development partners¿ investments in sustainable and more resilient infrastructure development and maintenance and maximise partnering and co-funding opportunities;</li><li data-list="ordered"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>To strengthen the capacity of the Pacific member countries in terms of infrastructure planning and management and facilitate the creation of a conducive environment for private sector participation;</li><li data-list="ordered"><span class="ql-ui" contenteditable="false"></span>To identify best practices and improve information and knowledge sharing.</li></ol><p>The Outputs to be delivered by this action contributing to the corresponding Specific Objectives are:</p><p><strong>Contributing to Outcome 1 (or Specific Objective 1) </strong></p><p>1.1 Development partners¿ pipelines are regularly updated and shared;</p><p>1.2 Development partners coordination meetings are organized;</p><p>1.3 PRIF technical assistance for effective decision-making is identified and prioritized by development partners.</p><p><strong>Contributing to Outcome 2 (or Specific Objective 2)</strong></p><p>2.1 PRIF members benefit from technical assistance and capacity building facility;</p><p>2.2 Pacific countries National Infrastructure Investment Plan (NIIP) are available and progress monitored.</p><p><strong>Contributing to Outcome 3 (or Specific Objective 3) </strong></p><p>3.1 Communications and Outreach Strategy implemented;</p><p>3.2 Knowledge products disseminated;</p><p>3.3 Community of Practice initiative is implemented.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Advancing Governance and Trade for Forests, Equity, and Climate Ambition Projects: "Equitable, Accountable Forest Governance and Trade in Mekong - Mekong Timber and Forest Risk Commodities: Legality, Livelihoods, Markets and Trade." The project promotes legal and sustainable forest management in the timber value chain by improving regulations and enfocements both in producer and market countries. Main recipient countries are Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries in the Mekong. China and other East-Asian countries also receive some of the support.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Increasing access to clean water in Southern Province Rwanda ActionAid will work with farmers across two communities in Gisagara district, Rwanda to improve their access to clean water, allowing for efficient irrigation of crops and improved food security during periods of drought. In order to strengthen resilience, 150 women small-scale farmers will gain improved access to clean and safe water and will be trained in water resource management and effective farming techniques. A further 150 women will advocate for the local government to invest in improved water infrastructure, ensuring long-term, sustainable support for local farmers.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Ernährungssicherung im Dürregebiet durch an den Klimawandel angepasste, dürreresistente Landwirtschaft und geeignete Methoden des Wasser- und Abwassermanagements, Nordost - Brasilien, 2019 - 2021 Food security in drought areas through drought-resistant agriculture adapted to climate change and appropriate water and sanitation management methods, North East Brazil, 2019 - 2021 Ernährungssicherung im Dürregebiet durch an den Klimawandel angepasste, dürreresistente Landwirtschaft und geeignete Methoden des Wasser- und Abwassermanagements, Nordost - Brasilien, 2019 - 2021 Food security in drought areas through drought-resistant agriculture adapted to climate change and appropriate water and sanitation management methods, North East Brazil, 2019 - 2021 Ernährungssicherung im Dürregebiet durch an den Klimawandel angepasste, dürreresistente Landwirtschaft und geeignete Methoden des Wasser- und Abwassermanagements, Nordost - Brasilien, 2019 - 2021 Food security in drought areas through drought-resistant agriculture adapted to climate change and appropriate water and sanitation management methods, North East Brazil, 2019 - 2021
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate Finance Anchor Investment: Climate Evidence and Advice The CEAP will increase Pacific countries resilience to climate change through improving the quality &amp; availability of climate data, analysis &amp; information for decision makers &amp; communities. It aims to shift the Pacific’s weather, climate &amp; early warning services from “describing the expected conditions” to communicating expected impacts to communities and “what it will mean for communities" It will be delivered through three workstreams focusing on development of Pacific capability and capacity.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
ESMAP Global Facility for Promotion of Clean Energy Mini-grids The Global Facility for Promotion of Clean Energy Mini-Grids aims to accelerate the dissemination of sustainable energy supply and hereby the access to renewable energy, energy efficiency and green technology in low and middle income countries.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Supporting the development of China’s offshore wind sector to help facilitate China’s low-carbon transition Drawing on UK expertise, this project is designed to support China in developing subsidy policies for offshore wind, so that the cost of renewable energy can be driven down. It will demonstrate the value of UK-China offshore wind collaboration through an Industry Advisory Group, to support the Clean Energy Partnership between the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the National Energy Administration of China. It will support China’s transition to a sustainable, low carbon economy. The project will also generate opportunities for international business in the Energy and Low Carbon sector, bringing potential benefits to British companies in a sector where they are well placed to compete. [Following a methodology change, from financial year 19/20 costs under this activity will be reported against a new activity line. You can find the new IATI identifier by looking up “other identifier information”.]
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Brazil Low Carbon Infrastructure Plan: developing a Green Bonds market in Brazil to leverage private finance for low carbon infrastructure This project will support development of low-carbon and climate resilient infrastructure in Brazil by developing a Green Bonds market in Brazil to leverage private finance for low carbon infrastructure
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
PNAEPA Sector Programme Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Programme - PNAEPA Sector Programme PNAEPA Sektorprogram Att: Sverige ingår avtal med Burkina Faso för genomförandet av dricksvatten- och sanitetsprogrammet under 2014 och 2015; Att: Ett SEK 20 miljoner tildelas från budgetkonto 155.001 Burkina Faso för att finansiera programmet 2014-2015; Att: Chargé d'affaires Margareta Kristianson på uppdrag från Sida undertecknar avtalet med Ekonomi-och finansministeriet, Burkina Faso, i enlighet med det bifogade utkastet. The renewed Swedish Sector Budget Support to the Burkina Faso Drinking Water and Sanitation Programme aims at helping the Government of Burkina Faso pursue its efforts to reach the MDGs goals regarding access to drinking water and sanitation for both rural and urban population of the country. The Swedish contribution will be used for the implementation of the following activities: - Improving access to drinking water in rural areas: construction and rehabilitation of water infrastructure using an approach that guarantees the sustainability and equity of water supply system in a process of integrated management of water resources; - Improving access to sanitation in Rural areas : implement actions to address the infrastructure gap and remove barriers to sanitation development using an approach that encourages people to invest in sanitation infrastructure building, operation and maintenance; - Coordinating and supporting the governance of the sector through : human resources development, technical and logistical capacity building of central and decentralized water administration, the communes, as well as and the civil society (NGOs, associations). It is expected that by the end of 2015, the access rate to drinking water will reach 67% in rural areas and 89% in urban areas against 63,5% and 86% in 2013. Regarding sanitation, the access rate shall move from 6% up to 12% in the rural areas and from 30% to 40% in the urban areas. In addition to that, water governance shall improve at communal levels thanks to a more decentralised approach to the programme implementation. However, some weaknesses are still noticed regarding regarding the financial management of the programme, the quality of the infrastructure and the ownership of the programme by basic stakeholders, namely the communes and the water users associations. Sida has in consultation with the other donors required the Government to develop and implement an action plan to improve the programme financial management as well as the ownership of the infrastructure by the beneficiaries. In addition to that an external evaluation of the quality of the infrastructure shall be established. In order to make sure that this will happen, the disbursement of the Swedish contribution is planned to be disbursed in single tranche of twenty (20) Million SEK as soon as the agreement is signed, upon request forom the Government as stipulated in the agreement.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Technical support to access climate and environmental finance from the Global Environment Facility to support in identifying country led, country owned bankable projects which with will address national priorities and aspirations that will be prioritized for funding in the framework of GEF ? 8 programming cycle
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Investments in Forests and Sustainable Land Use To support public-private partnerships that demonstrate how companies, communities, smallholders and governments can work collaboratively to reduce deforestation and benefit forest dependent communities
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Community Based Wildlife Management (CBWM) supported by civil society Community Based Wildlife Management supported by civil society resulting in agreemens on Community Conservation Areas
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Investing in Nature, Forests and Land Use (INAFOLU) To increase levels of investment – public, private, domestic, and international – in Indonesia’s forests and terrestrial biodiversity in support of the Government of Indonesia’s (GoI) ambitions for economic and social development in ways that directly contribute to its international climate commitments. The programme will achieve this by partnering with Indonesia to increase investment in conserving intact forests, restoring peat and other degraded lands, accelerating reforestation, preventing fires, tackling the key drivers of deforestation, and facilitating growth of ‘forest-friendly’ small and medium-scale businesses. INAFOLU will form the UK’s principal contribution in the forest and land sector towards Indonesia’s commitment to reducing its carbon emissions by 43% against ‘business as usual’ growth, a commitment which is described by the Government of Indonesia as its ‘high ambition scenario’ and which is conditional on sufficient international support.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Fiji Dairy Industry Development Initiative The activity will create a sustainable domestic milk supply in Fiji that includes viable smallholder dairy farmers. To achieve this the activity will: • Develop a Fiji Dairy Industry database • Develop a Dairy Industry Strategy • Establish a Milk Supply and Purchase Agreement and milk quality assurance system • Develop an extension system • Establish a training farm; and • Upgrade milk collection centres
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA) To promote the sustainable management of peatlands in the ASEAN region through collective actions and enhanced cooperation to support and sustain local livelihoods, reduce the risk of fire and associated haze and contribute to global environmental management.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Trilateral cooperation programme for forest fires reduction and the alternative use of fire in regions of Ecuador Art. 15-Programma trilaterale di riduzione degli incendi e delle alternative all'uso del fuoco nelle regioni dell'Ecuador Trilateral cooperation programme for forest fires reduction and the alternative use of fire in regions of Ecuador Programma trilaterale di riduzione degli incendi e delle alternative all'uso del fuoco nelle regioni dell'Ecuador
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Support for international agricultural research focused specifically on climate change, agriculture, and food security. CCAFS is one of a number of  independent international agricultural research centres.  It researches, advocates, and promotes climate smart agriculture practises.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
WASH SDG Uganda Programme WASH SDG Uganda is part of the global WASH SDG Consortium. The WASH SDG Consortium aims to sustainably deliver access to, and use of, safe drinking water for at least 450,000 people; and improve access to, and use of, sanitation and improve hygiene behaviours for at least 2 million people worldwide. The WASH SDG Consortium is formed by the partners WASH Alliance International (WAI ), SNV and Plan Netherlands. In alliance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS / IGG), the Programme responds to the Dutch commitment to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 6, with the aim to reach an improved WASH situation for all. Particularly, to contribute to safe water and clean toilets for respectively 30 million and 50 million people, as communicated by Minister Ploumen during the Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day celebrations in Washington DC on 18 April 2015. The programme will be implemented between July 2017 to December 2022 in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nepal, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, with two or more sub-national level programmes (sub-programmes) developed per country. These countries all have significant numbers of people with poor access to and use of WASH services, either in rural areas or in densely populated areas with uncontrolled urbanisation and deteriorating water security. In all these countries the consortium members have long-term presence and ongoing WASH programmes, as well as established influence at the national level.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
THE SHIFT - “SDG for International Development Program ” (2021-2023) THE SHIFT - "SDG pour le programme de développement international (2021 - 2024)" L’objectif principal de ce nouveau mandat est de stimuler un nombre croissant d’acteurs belges du secteur privé à s’engager concrètement à la réalisation des SDG dans les pays en développement à travers leurs opérations, leur chaîne d’approvisionnement et des partenariats fructueux avec des acteurs du secteur public et de la société civile en Belgique et dans les pays partenaires de la cooperation belge. L’objectif principal de ce nouveau mandat est de stimuler un nombre croissant d’acteurs belges du secteur privé à s’engager concrètement à la réalisation des SDG dans les pays en développement à travers leurs opérations, leur chaîne d’approvisionnement et des partenariats fructueux avec des acteurs du secteur public et de la société civile en Belgique et dans les pays partenaires de la cooperation belge. Plus spécifiquement, les activités prévues dans le cadre de cette proposition ont pour but de : i. Renforcer l’expertise pratique belge en matière de diligence raisonnable ESG. ii. Encourager un nombre croissant d’acteurs belges à entreprendre un processus de diligence raisonnable ESG. iii. Renforcer les relations entre les acteurs en Belgique et dans les pays partenaires de la coopération belge et aider à la compréhension de leurs enjeux respectifs. iv. Créer du lien entre des entrepreneures belges et issues des pays partenaires de la coopération et valoriser leurs démarches pour encourager d’autres femmes à entreprendre. i. Les membres et partenaires de The Shift comprennent les enjeux de la mise en œuvre d’un processus de diligence raisonnable ESG. ii. The Shift est perçu comme un acteur clé en Belgique sur le sujet de la diligence raisonnable ESG. iii. Les membres de The Shift ayant un lien direct ou indirect avec les pays partenaires de la coopération belge se connaissent mieux et améliorent leur compréhension des enjeux dans ces pays. iv. Un réseau d’entrepreneures belges et issues des pays partenaires avec la coopération belge est créé et animé.
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Significant climate mitigation objective
Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme Phase 2 (CALAC+ 2) Phase 2 of the Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme (CALAC+) will support the consolidation and implementation of local and national measures to reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) from urban transport and non-road mobile machinery to protect the climate and human health. CALAC+ will foster normative and technological changes through regional cooperation, building on Swiss expertise, and share the programme’s experience at the global level.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Hydrometeorological Operations and Services in the Caribbean SIDS, Phase II The regional ICI project of the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) aims at making Caribbean societies better prepared and able to manage risks related to severe weather and hydrometeorological hazards as well as increasing societies' resilience on adverse impacts of climate variability and change. Mitigating the impacts of natural disasters is one of ACS's focal areas. In addition to the ACS other key actors in the Caribbean region have contributed to the project preparation. The project will be implemented in coordination with other projects in the region.The purpose of the project is to strengthen the role and enhance the capacity of the ACS and of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and Disaste r Management Agencies in ACS's 16 SIDS Member States to help mitigate the impacts of natural disasters. Sustainable capacity building on systems that strenghten early detection of risks and ex ante prevention can reduce the extent of damage and save lives. The project is based on the needs for further capacity building in meteorological services identified as a result of a regional ICI project implemented in 2010-2012. Caribbean SIDS are susceptible to many hydrometeorological hazards. National Meteorologic al and Hydrological Services are of vital importance in mitigating the impacts of natural disasters considering the diverse services they provide for the society. The likely implications of climate change with the possibility of increase in and intensifica tion of hurricanes and other severe weather phenomena will increase the vulnerability of the Caribbean societies resulting in higher requirements and urgency on strategic preparedness.The duration of the project is 30 months and it will be implemented in 2 013-2015. The project budget is 1 millon euros.
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No climate mitigation objective
Solar panels medical unit, Santo Domingo Solarpaneele Krankenstation, Santo Domingo Acquisition and installation of 46 solar panels to ensure uninterrupted power supply during surgeries. Suburb of Herrera suffers of frequent power outages. Bereitstellung und Inbetriebnahme von 46 Solarpaneelen zur ununterbrochenen Stromversorgung bei laufenden Operationen bei häufigen Stromausfällen im Stadtteil Herrera, Santo Domingo.
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Significant climate mitigation objective
Climate change: Mitigation and Adaptation This research will identify how MFAT should implement approaches to strengthening resilience through both targeted support and mainstream programming, and identify investment areas and opportunities that are likely to produce the best value-add or benefit.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Platform for Exchange between African Research Scientists and Policymakers on Climate Change Adaptation Plateforme d'échange entre chercheurs et responsables des politiques africains consacrée à l'adaptation aux changements climatiques Given its widespread poverty and unique geography, Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate change. But, while there is unequivocal evidence that the climate is changing, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding the pace, extent and impact of climate change on different regions, sectors, nations and communities. This uncertainty makes policymaking more complex and magnifies the need for a knowledge and analytical base to help African policymakers address issues related to climate change. This grant will enable the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (WECARD) to develop a mechanism - or platform - to meet the information needs of policymakers by supplying them with timely and credible information on climate change adaptation. The platform will compile and synthesize lessons learned from IDRC's Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program, integrating research findings from other institutions and other IDRC-supported programs (Climate Change and Water). The project will also implement targeted research to address gaps in climate adaptation knowledge, establish a framework for periodic discussion between researchers and policymakers, and contribute to the debate at international meetings on climate change. Étant donné une pauvreté généralisée et sa géographie particulière, l'Afrique est particulièrement vulnérable aux changements climatiques. Bien que les données montrent hors de tout doute que le climat change, beaucoup d'incertitudes subsistent quant au rythme, à l'étendue et à l'incidence des changements climatiques selon les régions, les secteurs, les pays et les collectivités. Cette précarité rend l'élaboration de politiques encore plus complexe et accentue la nécessité d'établir une masse de connaissances et de compétences analytiques pour aider les responsables des politiques africains à s'attaquer aux questions liées aux changements climatiques. Cette subvention permettra au Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles (CORAF) de concevoir un mécanisme (une plateforme) afin de répondre aux besoins en information des responsables des politiques en leur fournissant de l'information à jour et fiable sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques. La plateforme compilera les enseignements tirés du programme Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Afrique (ACCA) du CRDI et en fera la synthèse, en plus d'intégrer les constatations de recherche d'établissements tiers et d'autres programmes appuyés par le CRDI (notamment le programme Changements climatiques et eau). En outre, l'équipe du projet effectuera de la recherche ciblée en vue de combler le manque de connaissances sur les changements climatiques, établira un cadre permettant des discussions périodiques entre chercheurs et responsables des politiques, et contribuera aux débats à l'occasion de réunions internationales sur les changements climatiques.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Power Africa metod och kapacitetsutveckling Power Africa methods and capacity development - Productive Use of Energy Utforska och utveckla tidiga ideer för metoder som Sida kan använda sig av i framtida insatser som bidrar till att mobilisera externa resurser för att uppnå de globala hållbarhetsmålen, framförallt SDG7 och SDG13. To explore and develop early stage ideas for methods that Sida can make use of in future contributions that mobilise external resources for the attainment of the SGDs, SDG7 and SDG13 in particular. KAPAME Power Africa projektplanen har haft två syften: 1. Att utforska och utveckla tidiga ideer för metoder som Sida kan använda sig av i framtida insatser för att mobilisera externa resurser i syfte att nå de globala hållbarhetsmålen, SDG7 (energi) och SDG13 (klimat) i synnerhet. 2. Att dela erfarenheter inom och utanför Sida utifrån utveckling och genomförande av Sidas Power Africa projektet och de metoder och angreppsätt som används. Gender: This project aims to contribute to level the playing field of women and men in the development of modern energy markets.  Phasing out fossil fuels 2.0: The project aims to develop a model to incentivise phasing out the use of fossil fuel in energy production in UN agencies.  Fossil free mini-grids and off grid clearing markets: This project will explore options to incentivise private minigrids to switch to fossil free solutions.  Early financial support: This project will explore potential methods that Sida can apply to unlock early financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency to small and medium size enterprises. Energy Team Sweden 2.0 for Agenda 2030: The project aims to provide models to increase the relevance, efficiency and coordination in support of from Swedish official agencies tasked to support energy developments in SSA. Synchronized support for transformation of energy markets in SSA: This project aims to develop methods to synchronize development support to energy markets in SSA where global, regional and bilateral instruments are synchronized and strategically coordinated for results.  Data for development of the off-grid sector in SSA: The project will build on the BGFA tracking and information system EDISON to other contributions to increase transparency in the off-grid sector in sub-Saharan Africa to increase volumes and quality of investments.  Results based financing: This project aims to capitalize on knowledge on RBF within the Power Africa team and Sida in general by synthesizing the state of the art on RBF and find new innovative ways to apply it. Clean Cooking: The aim is to explore innovative ways to incentivize the shift to clean cooking solutions, currently one of the biggest challenges of the energy markets in SSA with a direct poverty focus. Guarantees for mobilizing energy investments: This project will explore different ways to use Sida's guarantee instrument to mobilize investments for energy investments. Multidimensional Power Poverty Analysis: The project aims to improve the results of energy support through an improved understanding of the political economy of energy markets.  Anti-corruption in the energy sector: This project will explore options to advance the issue of anti-corruption in the energy sector by drawing experience from relevant experiences in related sectors.
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Principal climate mitigation objective
UNDP - Phase II Ixil Rural Development Joint Program - UNDP - Phase II Ixil Rural Development Joint Program UNDP - Fas II Ixil Landsbygdsutveckling Gemensamt Program The Ixil Phase II Rural Development Joint Program aims to contribute to an increased resilience to socioeconomic and environmental shocks, by reducing their multidimensional deprivations related to food security, health, education, housing, water and sanitation and income, by linking sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystems, biodiversity, disaster risk prevention and climate change adaptation in Nebaj, Cotzal and Chajul. To achieve this the program will support rural families, especially women, youth and children under 5 years and ancestral authorities as right holders; and sectoral institutions and municipalities as duty bearers to address multidimensional deprivations, manage sustainable integral rural development, with a focus on rights, gender sensitivity, environment, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. Det gemensamma programmet för landsbygdsutveckling i Ixil fas II syftar till att bidra till ökad motståndskraft mot socioekonomiska och miljömässiga chocker. Detta genom att minska befintliga multidimensionella deprivationer inom områdena livsmedelssäkerhet, hälsa, utbildning, bostäder, vatten och sanitet och inkomst samt genom att länka hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser , ekosystem, biologisk mångfald, förebyggande av katastrofrisker och anpassning av klimatförändringar i Nebaj, Cotzal och Chajul. För att uppnå detta kommer programmet att stödja landsbygdsfamiljer, med ett särskilt fokus på kvinnor, ungdomar och barn under 5 år och "ancestriala" lokala myndigheter som rättighetsbärare samt institutioner inom specifika sektorer och kommuner som ansvarsbärare för att hantera multidimensionella deprivationer, hantera hållbar integrerad landsbygdsutveckling, med fokus på rättigheter, jämställdhet, miljö, katastrofriskhantering och klimatanpassning. The Ixil Phase II Rural Development Joint Program aims to contribute to an increased resilience to socioeconomic and environmental shocks, by reducing multidimensional deprivations related to food insecurity, health, education, housing, water and sanitation and income, by linking sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystems, biodiversity, disaster risk prevention and climate change adaptation in Nebaj, Cotzal and Chajul.
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Significant climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung in neun Gemeinden gegen die Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen, Fortführung. Enhancing the resilience of the population in nine communities to the effects of climate change, continuation. Stärkung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung in neun Gemeinden gegen die Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen, Fortführung. Enhancing the resilience of the population in nine communities to the effects of climate change, continuation. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, vulnerable Zielgruppen vor den Folgen des Klimawandels auf die Nahrungsversorgung zu schützen. Dafür werden die Zielgruppen in klimaresilienter Landbewirtschaftung geschult und bei einkommensschaffenden Tätigkeiten unterstützt. The project aims to protect vulnerable target groups from the impacts of climate change on food supply. To this end, the target groups are trained in climate-resilient land management and supported in income-generating activities.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promoting climate change actions through the restoration, development of ecotourism and participative activities in the Mondrain Reserve, Mauritius <p>Grant contract following the Call for Proposals EuropeAid/175592/DD/ACT/Multi "Strengthening CSOs and supporting their efforts aiming at promoting Climate Actions, Good Governance, Gender equality and Women, Girls and Youth Empowerment in the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Seychelles". The action aims to increase Mauritian Wildlife Foundation's capacity to roll out actions to adapt to Climate Change on the ground, conserve endemic plants, increase grass-roots awareness of this global issue and contribute to climate change policy and action in the Republic of Mauritius. This will be achieved through the restoration, development of ecotourism and participative activities in the Mondrain Reserve.</p>
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
BGD Together for Just, Inclusive and Sustainable Development Democratic participation and civil society.Creation and reactivation of groups to facilitate participatory development and good governance in relation to climate change adaption, such as disaster management committees, water management committees, self-help groups, farmers' groups. Other partner: Normisjon Bangladesh.
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No climate mitigation objective
Begleitmaßnahme (BM): Emissionsminderung in Städten - Fortschrittliche Abfallwirtschfaft Accompanying Measure (AM): Emission Reduction in Cities - Advanced Solid Waste Management Im Rahmen des FZ-Moduls Emissionsminderung in Städten - Fortschrittliche Abfallwirtschaft (ERiC II) sollen fortschrittliche Abfalltechnologien in bis zu fünf Programmstädten finanziert wer-den. Die Begleitmaßnahme verfolgt die Zielsetzung, die kommunalen Strukturen als Projektverantwortliche der Anlagen und Ausrüstungen zu einer sachgerechten Aufgabenerfüllung zu befähigen und damit einen nachhaltigen Betrieb zu gewährleisten. Das Finanzierungsvolumen der Begleitmaßnahme beträgt 6,7 Mio. EUR. Accompanying Measure (AM): Emission Reduction in Cities - Advanced Solid Waste Management Einführung von fortschrittlichen Technologien zur Reduzierung von zu deponierenden Abfällen und effizienten und nachhaltigen Abfallwirtschaftssystemen in bis zu fünf Städten bzw. Landkreisen Indonesiens. Accompanying Measure (AM): Emission Reduction in Cities - Advanced Solid Waste Management
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Principal climate mitigation objective
Ernährungssicherung durch verbesserte Klimaresilienz (Fortführung) Upscaling Climate Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security Enhancement (continuation) Ernährungssicherung durch verbesserte Klimaresilienz (Fortführung) Upscaling Climate Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security Enhancement (continuation) Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Kleinbäuer*innen in ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu stärken. Dies erfolgt über eine Diversifizierung der angebauten Feldfrüchte sowie eine ökologisch nachhaltige Bodenbewirtschaftung. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt Würdenträger*innen und Journalist*innen darin, angemessen auf Umwelt- und Klimafragen einzugehen. The project aims at building smallholder farmers‘ resilience against the impacts of climate change by diversifying grains and leguminous plants and by managing soils in an ecologically sustainable way. In addition, the project capacitates duty bearers and journalists to adequately address climate change and environment issues in their daily work.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Agricultural Growth Programme 2 Agricultural Growth Programe 2
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Klimaschutz durch Kreislaufwirtschaft in Tunesien Climate protection through a circular economy in Tunisia Die Voraussetzungen zur Umsetzung einer klimafreundlichen und beschäftigungsintensiven Kreislaufwirtschaft im tunesischen Abfallsektor sind bei den relevanten Akteuren verbessert. The prerequisites for implementing a climate-friendly and employment-intensive circular economy in the Tunisian waste sector have been improved among the relevant actors. Die Voraussetzungen zur Umsetzung einer klimafreundlichen und beschäftigungsintensiven Kreislaufwirtschaft im tunesischen Abfallsektor sind bei den relevanten Akteuren verbessert. The prerequisites for implementing a climate-friendly and employment-intensive circular economy in the Tunisian waste sector have been improved among the relevant actors.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung, Ernährungssicherung und Menschenrechte angesichts monokultureller Agrarindustrie im Bundesstaat Espírito Santo Sustainable rural development food security etc., Espírito Santo Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung, Ernährungssicherung und Menschenrechte angesichts monokultureller Agrarindustrie im Bundesstaat Espírito Santo Sustainable rural development food security etc., Espírito Santo Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung, Ernährungssicherung und Menschenrechte angesichts monokultureller Agrarindustrie im Bundesstaat Espírito Santo Sustainable rural development food security etc., Espírito Santo
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Activity under preparation Support Measures The Support Measures for Guyana aim to ensure continued build-up and impact all along the implementation of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Guyana and the Guyana-Suriname Team Europe Initiative (TEI). This Action is an opportunity to strengthen the EU¿s position as a credible and solid partner by facilitating dialogue with all stakeholders in Guyana, from civil society to the Government and public authorities, but also international organization and private sector, as well as beneficiaries and the general public. On a demand-driven basis, the Support Measures will contribute to the implementation of the MIP and beyond, in a complementary and flexible fashion, based on the facility approach, adapting to the Guyanese context and needs. The main components are: Cooperation Facility:-Enhancing policy dialogue and government capacity (EUR 2,700,000 indicative maximum amount), with the aim to increase access to Payment for Ecosystem services (PES) and forest carbon finance, which corresponds to Specific Objective 3 of the MIP. Other areas of economic or political governance and that is of common interest may be supported (if formulated by the government on the demand-driven principle) as well as government capacity building, including when it comes to creating an enabling environment for the private sector.- &nbsp;Additionally, (EUR 200,000 indicative maximum amount) for audit and evaluation of ongoing EU projects Measures in favour of Civil Society:-&nbsp;&nbsp;Strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the context of the Forest Partnership (EUR 300,000 indicative maximum amount). Complementarily to existent and future support to CSOs foreseen under the MIP¿s specific objectives and fulfilled in the frame of the Amazon Basin Team Europe Initiative, as well as HRD and CSO programmes. Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy:-&nbsp;Increase awareness, understanding and perception of the EU¿s partnership with Guyana through strategic communication and public diplomacy activities (EUR 300,000 indicative maximum amount) to promote the EU¿s cooperation with Guyana in a coherent manner and reinforce the image and perception of the Team Europe as a credible, reliable and solid partner of all stakeholders in the country.
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Significant climate mitigation objective
Establishment of Integrated Platform for Typhoon Monitoring and Forecasting in the Philippines Contribution to enhancing forecasts accuracy and preventing weather disasters through establishment of Typhoon Operation System (TOS) and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) Receiving and Analysis System with the aim of enhancing forecast and monitoring of typhoons, which cause the largest weather disasters in the Philippines.
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No climate mitigation objective
Ländliche Entwicklung einschließlich Landwirtschaft Rural Development and Agriculture Akteure in den ausgewählten landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten sind technisch und ökonomisch leistungsfähiger The technical and economical effiency of actors in selected agricultural value chains are improved. Akteure in den ausgewählten landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten sind technisch und ökonomisch leistungsfähiger The technical and economical effiency of actors in selected agricultural value chains are improved.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
REG/Support to FLEGT process in Vietnam The European Union (EU) adopted its Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan in 2003 to combat illegal logging and the associated trade and to strengthen forest governance. A key element of the Action Plan is to establish Voluntary P artnership Agreements (VPA) which are bilateral agreements between the EU and timber exporting countries. The aim is to increase the supply of legal timber and timber products as well as to enhance sustainable development forest management and taxation. EU and Vietnam started formal VPA negotiations in mid 2010 which are targeted to end in 2014. The VPA will obligate Vietnam to guarantee the legality of all timber products and imported timber.Finland has supported the VPA negotiations through European Fores t Institute (EFI) since 2011. The support will continue for two more years (2013-2015). The FLEGT Facilitator supports EU and Vietnam during the remainder of negotiation stage and for the commencement of VPA implementation. During the negotiation stage the Facilitator supports the Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) the EU Delegation and the European Commission in the negotiations strengthens multistakeholder dialogue and information dissemination amongst national stakeholders (including civil so ciety and private sector) as well as enhances coherence and coordination of FLEGT related activities and other cooperation strengthening forest governance.During the implementation phase the Facilitator will support the continuation of stakeholder engageme nt through VPA implementation activities and will provide support to the setting up of consultation mechanisms for VPA implementation and verification systems as negotiated in the agreement.Web site of European Forest Institute: www.efi.int
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Significant climate mitigation objective
UNDP Cap Net Phase 3 UNDP Cap Net Phase 3: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development of Water Resources in a context of Changing Climate
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
REC Hållbart anv av gränsöverskridande vatten resurser och vattensäkerhet REC Sust Use of Trans Water Resources Water Security Management - Water SUMS - REC - Sustainable use TWM Regional Environmental Centre (REC) har ansökt om 55 miljoner kronor för att genomföra programmet "Hållbart användande av gränsöverskridande vatten resurser och hantering av vattensäkerhet" i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika under perioden 2014-2016. Insatsen syftar till att bidra till hållbart hanterande av regionala vattenresurser i MENA regionen och klimatanpassning. Insatsen syftar vidare till att minska hotet för konflikter kring gränsöverskridande vattenresurser och därigenom även stärka fred och säkerhet i regionen. Sida är ensam givare till insatsen och den totala budgeten är på 55 miljoner SEK. The Regional Environmental Center ha applied for funding of 55 MSEK to carry out the project "Sustainable Use of Transboundary Water Resources and Water Security Management - Water SUMS" during the period 2014-2016. The overall objective of this project is to promote and enhance sustainability of managing water resources in beneficiary countries and MENA region to reduce the downward spiral of poverty, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation. The intervention addresses the challenge of lack of coherent approach to management of regional waters and natural resources. The intervention aims to positively affect the situation through promoting insitutional and behavioural change. Two components are envisaged int the project. The first one focuses on water resources management and good practices (including knowledge transfer) and the second focuses Water and security and will develop local water security action plans for adoption in municipalities. Sida is the sole funder of the project. WATER SUM aimed to promote and enhance the sustainable use of water resources in the MENA region, taking into consideration the impacts of climate change, by mutually reinforcing efficient national water resources management and regional cooperation on water issues. The project comprised of two components, namely:  Water Resources Management Good Practices and Knowledge Transfer (WATERPOrT) Objective: To accelerate more sustainable use of the region’s water resources and strategic approach on adaptation to climate change by identifying best water management practices, demonstrate successful replication strategies, and to disseminate and promote best practices and replication strategies to practitioners, decision makers and interested public. Water and Security (WaSe) Objective: To promote comprehensive and integrated approach to water security and ecosystem services for sustainable development of eight municipalities and their local communities in selected countries of MENA region, as a part of efforts to combat water scarcity, reduce threat of conflicts, downward spiral of poverty, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation, and increase overall human well-being within the wider context of ensuring regional peace and stability
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Development of E-agriculture applications and knowledge products using innovative ICT Technologies To promote the Innovative ICT Technologies for Agriculture sector.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Strengthening the capacities of the League of Arab States (LAS) staff contributing to the achievement of SDG2 in the Arab Region. Improve the capacities of the staff of the Sustainable Development and International Cooperation Division (SDIC) of the League of Arab States (LAS), to enable the staff to manage the responsibilities of the Subcommittee for Ending Hunger in the Arab Region, in order to contribute in the implementation of its mandate allowing the achievement of the of the second goal of the SDGs.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
COHCHR KHM elections COHCHR valstöd KHM Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Support to investigations and supervision of the commune election process in Cambodia.This support is addittional to its core-support contrid: 72600095
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Soutien aux Chaines de Valeur Forêt pour une Transition Verte au Gabon L¿action vise à consolider une économie verte au Gabon en soutenant le secteur privé par le développement ou le renforcement de chaînes de valeur efficaces, durables et équitables liées à la forêt. L¿objectif global de l¿action est de « Promouvoir la transition et l¿économie vertes au Gabon ».L¿objectif spécifique de cette action vise à « Consolider les chaînes de valeur Forêt conformément aux objectifs du Gabon de gestion durable, de réduction des émissions de GES, d¿adaptation aux changements climatiques et de conservation de la biodiversité ».Les chaînes de valeur Forêts concernent en priorité le bois, le 3ème pilier de l'économie nationale, suivi du cacao, objet d'une relance par le Gouvernement, et enfin de certains produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL), majoritairement du secteur informel mais au potentiel de développement intéressant. Les produits de cette action contribuant à l'objectif spécifique sont les suivants :1.1&nbsp;: L¿environnement réglementaire, technologique et financier pour le développement et le renforcement des chaînes de valeur forêt est amélioré, tout en favorisant les meilleures normes sociales et environnementales.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.2&nbsp;:&nbsp;Le secteur privé bénéficie d'un soutien pour lui permettre de répondre aux nouvelles exigences des marchés et mener des actions pilotes visant le développement de filières à haute valeur ajoutée, créatrices d'emplois, en prenant en compte les objectifs de lutte contre les changements climatiques et de protection de la biodiversité. 1.3&nbsp;:&nbsp;L'exploitation des ressources naturelles est plus équitable, inclusive et transparente grâce à une participation efficace de la société civile.La logique d¿intervention de cette action vise le renforcement mutuel entre les produits attendus ainsi que la complémentarité et la synergie avec d¿autres interventions en cours ou en préparation pour consolider une économie verte au Gabon. Ainsi, le produit 1 qui vise à améliorer l¿environnement réglementaire, technologique et financier pour le développement et le renforcement des chaînes de valeur forêt pour faciliter le commerce en rendant les filières attractives et incitatives tout en garantissant le respect des normes environnementales est complété par le produit 3 qui a vocation à assurer une vigilance de l¿application de la loi avec la participation d¿organisations spécialisées et des communautés locales sensibilisées à une exploitation durable de leur territoire et est nourri par le produit 2 qui se propose de soutenir le secteur privé à travers la formation professionnelle et l¿accompagnement de filières et de procédés technologiques.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Up-Scaling Energising Development (EnDev) Ethiopia - Access to Energy Through off-grid Renewable Energy Solutions Sustainable modern energy access in Ethiopia increases through market development for modern energy technologies and services. Lower-income households, social facilities and small- and medium-sized enterprises obtain access to reliable and renewable energy solutions.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Solar PV Plant Sakri Solarkraftwerk Sakri Solar PV Plant Sakri Im Rahmen der geplanten FZ-Maßnahme soll ein 125-MW-Solarkraftwerk im Unionsstaat Maharashtra am Standort Shivajinagar bei Sakri als Teil des Solarparks Sakri errichtet werden. Nach heutigem Stand handelt es sich um die erste Photovoltaik (PV)-Großanlage dieser Art in Indien und um das z. Z. größte PV-Solarkraftwerk der Welt. Projektträger ist die Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (Mahagenco). Das Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, durch die Realisierung des ersten netzgebundenen Photovoltaik-Großprojekts den Umbau der Energieversorgung in Richtung auf eine stärkere Nutzung von Solarenergie im Unionsstaat Maharashtras zu unterstützen. Das Projekt ist ein Wegbereiter für die Kommerzialisierung des Solarsektors in Indien. Dem Subkontinent kommt aufgrund seines rapiden und energieintensiven Wirtschaftswachstums eine zentrale Rolle beim globalen Klimaschutz zu. Die deutsche EZ unterstützt deshalb strategische Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken. Solar PV Plant Sakri Im Rahmen der geplanten FZ-Maßnahme soll ein 125-MW-Solarkraftwerk im Unionsstaat Maharashtra am Standort Shivajinagar bei Sakri als Teil des Solarparks Sakri errichtet werden. Nach heutigem Stand handelt es sich um die erste Photovoltaik (PV)-Großanlage dieser Art in Indien und um das z. Z. größte PV-Solarkraftwerk der Welt. Projektträger ist die Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (Mahagenco). Das Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, durch die Realisierung des ersten netzgebundenen Photovoltaik-Großprojekts den Umbau der Energieversorgung in Richtung auf eine stärkere Nutzung von Solarenergie im Unionsstaat Maharashtras zu unterstützen. Das Projekt ist ein Wegbereiter für die Kommerzialisierung des Solarsektors in Indien. Dem Subkontinent kommt aufgrund seines rapiden und energieintensiven Wirtschaftswachstums eine zentrale Rolle beim globalen Klimaschutz zu. Die deutsche EZ unterstützt deshalb strategische Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
F.a: Personnel Support (Environmental Care Training /M.H) Most of the Tanzanian population depends on agriculture, but environmental care teaching is necessary for them to know how to take care of the forest and plant trees and by that reduce the poverty. The project aims at reaching 100 villages in 15 regions an d local environment consults will be educated to spread the knowledge further. A Finnish consultant is sent out together with the local instructors to new places in need of environmental care. The focus will be on preserving the environment and forestry in big areas like villages and forest reserves. The local partner is Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania, which has broad experience from social development work and have had cooperations with FS member organization FSPM for many years.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Energieeffizienz in öffentlichen Gebäuden (IKLU) Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Die Voraussetzungen zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen durch eine erhöhte Energieeffizienz in öffentlichen Gebäuden sind verbessert. Preconditions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emmissions are improved through a higher energy efficiency in public buildings. Die Voraussetzungen zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen durch eine erhöhte Energieeffizienz in öffentlichen Gebäuden sind verbessert. Preconditions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emmissions are improved through a higher energy efficiency in public buildings.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Interim Country Strategic Plan Interim Country Strategic Plan Interim Country Strategic Plan Interim Country Strategic Plan Stabilisierung und Verbesserung der Nahrungsmittelsituation der Südsudanesen und Flüchtlingen. Verbesserung des Lebensunterhalts von Kleinbauern einschließlich Diversifizierung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion, Unterstützung von Gemeinden im Aufbau von Infrastruktur, um ihre Kapazitäten gegen künftige Klimaschocks zu verbessern. Stabilization and improvement of the food situation of the Southern Sudanese and refugees. Improving the livelihoods of small farmers, including diversification of agricultural production, supporting communities in building infrastructure to improve their capacity to cope with future climate shocks.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
European Development Fund (EDF) 2023 Created in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome and launched in 1959, the European Development Fund (EDF) is the EU's main instrument for providing development aid to African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and to overseas countries and territories (OCTs). The EDF is established within the framework of an international agreement between the EU and its partner countries. The current ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, the `Cotonou Agreement´, was concluded in 2000. The 11th European Development Fund entered into force on the 1st March 2015 and the total financial resources amount to 30.5 billion euro for the period till 2020 of which the Danish share is approx. 2 pct. The EDF is financed outside the EU budget by direct contributions from EU Member States. The EU's aid efforts are particularly focused on the following areas: Trade, regional integration, environment, infrastructure, transportation, water & energy, food security, support for economic & institutional reforms, conflict prevention, human rights, and democracy & good governance. The Danish strategic priorities for the participation in development cooperation through the EU focus on three areas: 1.The EU as a global force for human rights (HR). The EU must incorporate HR in all its relations and policies with developing countries through a human rights-based approach to development. 2.The EU as a stable partner in fragile states. The EU must unfold its full potential in terms of preventing conflicts, creating security and building stable and legitimate states. The EU's involvement must be strengthened and the synergies between EU policies must be utilized to an even greater degree. 3.The EU as a driver of green growth and employment. The EU must prioritize green growth and employment as a key to prosperity and as a precondition for sustainable development. The EU must use its influence in international negotiations to ensure that development, environment and climate are addressed in a coherent way.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Midwifery program UNFPA 2022-2025 - Midwifery program UNFPA Barnmorskeprogram UNFPA 2022-2025 Insatsen kompletterar Bangladesh regerings arbete med att fortsatt bygga upp arbetsstyrkan av barnmorskor, där UNFPA bedöms ha komparativa fördelar. The intervention will complement the work of the Government of Bangladesh in contune developing midwifery workforce in which UNFPA has comparative advantage. The objective of the intervention is to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality through strengthening the midwifery-led continuum of high-quality comprehensive integrated SRHR services with a special focus on the most vulnerable women and girls of Bangladesh, equally in development, humanitarian and climate vulnerable settings. The three main suggested outcomes are: Outcome 1: Improved professional capacity of midwives to provide comprehensive and sustainable SRHR services including quality routine and emergency maternity care services. Outcome 2: Improved Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEmONC) services available in Sida target districts through professional midwives and interdisciplinary teams. Outcome 3: Improved availability of high-quality, sustainable, human rights-based comprehensive and integrated SRHR information and services provided through professional midwives.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate Adaptation in Wetlands Areas (CAWA) in Lao PDR (PPG) To reduce climate change (CC) vulnerability of communities and the fragile wetland eco-systems upon which they depend.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL II) The action shall be carried out at the following location: Lesotho, Tanzania, Tuvalu and Uganda (phase I), Bangladesh, Benin, Cambodia, Ghana, Lao PDR, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal and Niger (phase II) and Bhutan (phase III).
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Senegal The project Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Senegal aims to unlock the entrepreneurial leadership potential of disadvantaged youth. It offers practical hands-on entrepreneurial experiences to youth that help them to develop social business projects tha t utilize market-based solutions to address social and environmental needs and engage communities. The project supports 600 disadvantaged youth aged 16 to 29 years old by offering them 10 ?months long training on life skills and entrepreneurship. The train ings will include life skills different aspects of establishing and administering an enterprise ICT skills and the principles of sustainable social entrepreneurship. Participating in voluntary activities in favor of young people?s communities is a part of the training. In addition to the training the youth receive mentoring and coaching from business professionals and various forums are organized for them to network with other entrepreneurs and potential investors.Among the 600 beneficiaries 300 best busine ss plans are selected to further development process by the end of the training process. The selected young entrepreneurs are offered incubation services at Synapse?s premises and assisted to find funding for their small scale enterprises. The remaining 30 0 beneficiaries are connected to the businesses launched by the selected youth or are offered additional assistance in their business plan- development and raising startup funding. The project will ensure that all youth who do not receive incubation servic es will be assigned a business professional coach. Coaches will meet regularly with the youth to give them individualized advice on their income-generating activities. The youth will also be linked with Synapse?s Business Clubs ?activities where they can n etwork with other entrepreneurial youth
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Energieeffiziente Sanierung von Wohnheimen öffentlicher Universitäten in Albanien (DKTI) Energy-efficient Rehabilitation of Student Dormitories of Public Universities in Albania (DKTI) Mit dem geplanten FZ-Vorhaben Programm zur energieeffizienten Rehabilitierung von Wohnheimen Universität Tirana Phase IV soll die energieeffiziente Sanierung und der Neubau von Wohnheimgebäuden des Campus der Universität Tirana in Albanien gefördert werden. Programmziele des Vorhabens sind zum einen die Energieeffizienz in ausgewählten öffentlichen Gebäuden zu verbessern und zum anderen einen Beitrag zur Förderung von sozialer Infrastruktur für benachteiligte Studierende zu leisten (outcome). Übergeordnetes entwicklungspolitisches Ziel ist es, einen Beitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz sowie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung durch die Schaffung und den Erhalt von qualifizierten Arbeitsplätzen in Albanien zu leisten und damit den Migrationsdruck zu mindern (impact). Energy-efficient Rehabilitation of Student Dormitories of Public Universities in Albania (DKTI) Ziele des Programms sind (i) die Verminderung des Energieverbrauchs öffentlicher Gebäude n Albanien, (ii) Vermeidung und Reduzierung von klimawirksamen CO2-Emissionen sowie ein Beitrag zur Umsetzung des nationalen Energieeffizienz-Aktionsplans (NEEAP) und der National Determined Contributions (NDC), (iii) die Förderung sozialer Infrastruktur für Studierende aus einkommensschwachen Haushalten und (iv) die Förderung eines digitalen Energiemanagements im öffentlichen Gebäudesektor. Energy-efficient Rehabilitation of Student Dormitories of Public Universities in Albania (DKTI)
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Emergency Response to Drought and Food Insecurity in Kenya to provide immediate lifesaving needs to the most vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, affected by the drought in Kenya
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Schutz der Rechte indigener Völker und Verhinderung der Abholzung indonesischer Wälder für Palmölplantagen in Westpapua und Zentralsulawesi Securing the rights of indigenous peoples in planned oil palm plantation expansion areas Schutz der Rechte indigener Völker und Verhinderung der Abholzung indonesischer Wälder für Palmölplantagen in Westpapua und Zentralsulawesi Securing the rights of indigenous peoples in planned oil palm plantation expansion areas Schutz der Rechte indigener Völker und Verhinderung der Abholzung indonesischer Wälder für Palmölplantagen in Westpapua und Zentralsulawesi Securing the rights of indigenous peoples in planned oil palm plantation expansion areas
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation Voluntary Contribution 2015/16 - 2016/17 Inclusive growth and sustainable development, strengthened public institutions and the promotion of human rights in developing Commonwealth member countries, through technical assistance provided by the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Caribbean Development Bank Special Development Fund's 8th Replenishment 8e reconstitution des ressources du Fonds de développement spécial de la BDC This contribution represents institutional support by Canada for the eighth cycle of the Special Development Fund (SDF) of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The SDF is the Bank's s concessionary window from which grants and loans of longer maturity and lower interest rates are provided to the poorest and most vulnerable countries to support poverty reduction as well as social and economic development in the Caribbean. The themes and priorities for the eighth cycle of the SDF are: inclusive and sustainable growth; environmental sustainability and climate change; citizen security; and regional cooperation and integration. The Bank continues its efforts to make progress on the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and provide support to Haiti. Canada is one of the largest non-borrowing shareholders of the CDB (equal to the UK), and the largest contributor to the Special Development Fund. Cette contribution représente le soutien institutionnel du Canada à l’égard du Fonds de développement spécial (FDS) de la Banque de développement des Caraïbes (BDC). Ce fonds est le guichet de financement concessionnel de la BDC, à partir duquel des subventions et des prêts à plus long terme sont accordés à des taux d’intérêt plus faibles aux pays les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables pour encourager la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement social et économique dans les Caraïbes. La huitième reconstitution des ressources du FDS a pour thèmes et priorités : une croissance inclusive et durable ; le soutien à l’égard de la durabilité environnementale et l’avancement des mesures concernant les changements climatiques ; la sécurité des citoyens ; la contribution à la coopération et à l’intégration régionales. La Banque continue avec ses efforts de progrès envers les objectifs du Millénaire de développement (OMD) et de soutien à l'Haiti. Le Canada est l'un des plus importants actionnaires non emprunteurs de la BDC (à égalité avec le Royaume-Uni), et le plus important contributeur au FDS.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
PROG 2017-2021_Outcome_ZSD7 Program Philippines In the Philippines, 11.11.11 engages in partnerships with CSOs that are advocating for a more equitable and sustainable economy, in balance with the environment. They propose alternatives to change the current policies in their country as these have widened inequality, making the people even more vulnerable to ecological disasters. These partners are composed of and support "rights-holders" to ensure that they are in a better position to claim their rights. The program will help to increase the pressure on government and private sector to ensure that human rights are protected and fulfilled as the partners continue to pursue ecological, economic, and gender justice. The main demands of both the CSOs and rights-holders are related to the mainstreaming of the rights-based approach in the policies and daily operations of government institutions. Special attention is paid to the protection of human rights defenders actively working on ecological and economic rights. The partnerships offer opportunities to the partner-CSOs to strengthen their ties with rights-holders (thus, reinforcing their legitimacy), to develop strategic partnerships (broadening their campaigns and coalitions), and obtain wider recognition from policy actors and public opinion. Key partners of 11.11.11 are: APMDD, ATM, Bantay Kita, Focus on the Global South, FDC, NGO Forum on ADB, and PMCJ. New partnerships will be explored with PKKK, an organization working with rural women, PAHRA, a network on human rights, and Tipanan, a consortium of our institutional partners which aims to strengthen their financial autonomy.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
THE EGYPTIAN COTTON PROJECT - PHASE II PROGETTO DEL COTTONE EGIZIANO - FASE II The project intends to strengthen and upscale environmental, economic and social sustainability of the Egyptian cotton value chain. Building on the first phase ofthe Egyptian Cotton project (AID 11084) and on the strategic partnerships established with Egyptian institutions, agricultural cooperatives and with local and foreign private sector this initiative aims at scaling up the impact of the Egyptian Cotton project. The project has three main outputs: 1) Supporting Egyptian cotton farmers to access sustainable supply chains by upscaling cotton sustainable cultivation practices in main cotton growing areas; 2) Promoting value addition and circularity through innovation, technology transfer and promotion of new investments; 3) Skills and knowledge development to enhance quality and sustainability of the Egyptian cotton value chain; II progetto intende rafforzare e migliorare Ia sostenibilita ambientale, economica e sociale della catena del valore del cotone egiziano. II progetto avra 3 risultati principali: 1) Supportare gli agricoltori di cotone egiziano ad accedere a filiere sostenibili potenziando le pratiche di coltivazione sostenibile del cotone; 2) Promuovere l'aggiunta di valore e Ia circolarita attraverso l'innovazione, il trasferimento di tecnologia e Ia promozione di nuovi investimenti; 3) Sviluppo di competenze e conoscenze per migliorare Ia qual ita e Ia sostenibilita della catena del valore del cotone egiziano.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
South Africa Power Pool (SAPP) 2012-19 Phase 3 - SAPP, phase 3 South Africa Power Pool (SAPP) 2012-19 Phase 3 Fortsatt kapacitetsutvecklingsstöd till Southern African Power Pool, fas 3. Continued capacity development to Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) 2013-2015, This is the the third phase of a support to regional electricity trading in the SADC region, that started alreay in 2003 (by Norway). Sweden has supported phase II (2008-2012) and three (2012-2021) with 12 and 20 million SEK respectively. Norways contribution has been 76 million NOK (phase I - 35, phase II - 23, phase III - 18). The third phase was in practice terminated in 2015 (which was the intended closing year from the beginning), but has stayed opened as there has been funds left in the agreement and Norway have choosen to keep it open. In practive, program activities were from 2016 taken over by the World Bank driven AREP program, which only was supported by Sida until beginning of 2021 when Norway rejoined. The overall objective of the phase III support from Norway and Sweden program was to "assist the SAPP in providing least cost environmentally friendly affordable energy and increased accessibility to electricity in Southern Africa". The development objective of the program was to "implement an efficient regional electricity spot market in the SADC region that is least cost, and provides environmentally friendly, affordable, efficient energy, and is sustainable in the future".
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der nachhaltigen Lebensmittelsicherung sowie die Förderung der lokalen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Distrikt El Carmen de la Frontera Sustainable small scale agriculture for basic food production and local self reliance, Dt. El Carmen Stärkung der nachhaltigen Lebensmittelsicherung sowie die Förderung der lokalen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Distrikt El Carmen de la Frontera Sustainable small scale agriculture for basic food production and local self reliance, Dt. El Carmen Stärkung der nachhaltigen Lebensmittelsicherung sowie die Förderung der lokalen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Distrikt El Carmen de la Frontera Sustainable small scale agriculture for basic food production and local self reliance, Dt. El Carmen
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening the ECOWAS Commission to promote regional Agricultural Trade Stärkung der ECOWAS Kommission zur Förderung des regionalen Agrarhandels The institutional and technical framework for intraregional agricultural trade has improved in selected countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. Die institutionellen und fachlichen Vorrausetzungen für den intraregionalen Agrarhandel sind in ausgewählten Ländern der Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Region verbessert. The institutional and technical framework for intraregional agricultural trade has improved in selected countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. Die institutionellen und fachlichen Vorrausetzungen für den intraregionalen Agrarhandel sind in ausgewählten Ländern der Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Region verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Indonesia Climate Change Adaptation Program The Indonesia Climate Change Adaptation Program aims to build capacity of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to plan for and adapt to climate change impacts through developing relationships with various institutions and levels of government, testing delivery mechanisms, conducting vulnerability needs assessments under different circumstances, and delivering climate information through local institutions to enable land and water managers to adapt agriculture to a more variable climate. The total value of this initiative is $1.5 million over 3 years, starting 2009-10.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Voluntary contribution to UNDP for contributing to the initiative “Supporting Integrated National Frameworks (INFFs)” Contributo volontario all'UNDP per il contributo all'iniziativa “Supporting Integrated National Frameworks (INFFs)” Voluntary contribution to UNDP for contributing to the initiative “Supporting Integrated National Frameworks (INFFs)”, aimed at increasing the capacity of beneficiary countries to mobilize public and private resources for development, aligning them with the Sustainable Development Goals. Contributo volontario all'UNDP per aver contribuito all'iniziativa “Supporting Integrated National Frameworks (INFFs)”, volta ad aumentare la capacità dei paesi beneficiari di mobilitare risorse pubbliche e private per lo sviluppo, allineandole agli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Sustainable rural development with emphasis on land and water resource protection at Huancayo Region Förderung der nachhaltigen ländlichen Entwicklung, des Wasserressourcenschutzes und der Kinder- und Jugendrechte in der Region Huancayo Sustainable rural development with emphasis on land and water resource protection at Huancayo Region Förderung der nachhaltigen ländlichen Entwicklung, des Wasserressourcenschutzes und der Kinder- und Jugendrechte in der Region Huancayo Sustainable rural development with emphasis on land and water resource protection at Huancayo Region Förderung der nachhaltigen ländlichen Entwicklung, des Wasserressourcenschutzes und der Kinder- und Jugendrechte in der Region Huancayo
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Seminars Water and Climate Change Impacts The Netherlands Embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in close cooperation with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), will organise two targeted dialogues or workshops in 2022 with high-level stakeholders from the government, private and non-governmental sectors to identify and assess elements for building and enhancing climate resilience in prominent sectors of the Sri Lankan economy. These dialogues are a post-COP26 event leading up to the 2023 UN Water Conference. The Netherlands co-hosts this conference. They aim to examine the risks and vulnerabilities in agriculture, food security and infrastructure and identify innovations, particularly in green finance and capacity building, to address these risks and vulnerabilities.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Africa Climate Change Resource Facility T o enable flexible limited scale support to country partners in the near term to catalyse initial assessment, informed dialogue and action on addressing climate variability and change
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Support to infoDev MDTF 2017/18-2019/20 - increased support to infoDev MDTF 2013-2019 2018 and onwards Stöd till infoDev MDTF 2017/18-2019/20 InfoDEV MDTF är en 'multi donor trust fund' som administreras och implementeras av Världbankens enhet för Innovation och Entreprenörskap. Målsättningen med infoDEV MDTF är att främja konkurrenskraft, sysselsättning, och hållbar inkluderande tillväxt inom sektorerna digitalt entreprenörskap, jordbruk och klimat genom att: (i) testa nya tillvägagångssätt som möjliggör tillväxt av innovativa företag; ii) generera och sprida kunskap; och (iii) stärka partners kapacitet att utforma och genomföra program som möjliggör tillväxt av innovativa företag. InfoDEV MDTF är en partner med ett globalt nätverk av innovationshubbar (mLabs) och centra för innovation. InfoDEV MDTF positionerar sig från andra aktörer på det sätt som fonden fokuserar på att stärka lokala institutioners kapacitet. På mikronivå är entreprenörer / små / medelstora företag primära mottagare av stöd. Aktiviteter genomförs genom de tre programmen Digital Entrepreneurship Programme, Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Programme, och Climate Technology Programme. InfoDEV MDTF har ett starkt genderfokus som integreras i alla program och aktiviteter. Increased support to infoDev's multi donor trust fund 2013-2019. Last disbursement of current funding was made in 2014. InfoDev is a multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) that supports entrepreneurs in developing economies to expand their scale and reach in order to, ultimately, contribute to development and poverty alleviation. It is implemented by the World Bank Groups Firm, Entrepreneurship and innovation unit and Markets and Technology unit under the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) global practice. It oversees a global network of business incubators and innovation hubs for climate technology, agribusiness, and digital entrepreneurs. Through Climate Innovation Centers, Mobile Application Labs (mLabs), and Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Centers, it connects entrepreneurs with the knowledge, funding, and markets they need to grow their businesses. The objectives of the infoDEV MDTF are to promote competitiveness, employment and sustainable, inclusive growth in the mobile, agribusiness and climate technology sectors by: - testing new approaches that enable the growth of innovative new ventures;    - creating and disseminating knowledge; and                      -strengthening recipients' capacity to design and implement programs that enable the growth of innovative new ventures.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Improving the Communication and Visibility of EU Funded Projects in the Agricultural Sector Contract related to: Improving the Communication and Visibility of EU Funded Projects in the Agricultural Sector - Pillar V/ EJS: Expected outcomes relate to enhancing the economic resilience, employment and income generation for its citizens. Further contributing to the Palestinian institutional contiguity and territorial interconnectivity.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective