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Environmental Governance The Environmental Governance program aims to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in Indonesia by addressing the drivers of forest and land fires through better land management practices. It is part of Australia's $16 million Land Care package aimed at helping countries in the Southeast Asia region meet their emission targets.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Papua New Guinea - Sustainable Agriculture and Community Resilience Working with Caritas NZ to support agriculture and fishery-based alternative livelihoods for rural Papua New Guineans. This will be achieved through providing trainings in crop diversification, fishery activities, marketing and product development and establishing smallholder groups to generate sustainable incomes. Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and practices will be implemented and disaster management plans developed.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Philippines - Institutional Links Philippines - Institutional Links is funded through the UK Government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Newton Fund and delivered on the UK side by the British Council. This activity contributes to the Newton Fund’s work in building research and innovation partnerships with countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to support economic development and social welfare, tackle global challenges and develop talent and careers. Newton Fund activities must demonstrate that they will contribute to a reduction in poverty, and aim to further sustainable development (development that is likely to generate lasting benefits for the population of the country to which it is provided) or improve the welfare of the population of Newton Fund countries. The objective is to reduce poverty by generating and putting into use knowledge and technology to address development challenges and advance development for the poorest people and countries.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
ECOWAS, klimatanpassning ECOWAS, Climate Change Adaptation - RBM support The Economic Community for West African States, ECOWAS has applied to Sida for funding of XX SEK to carry out its Strategic Programme on Reduction of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in West Africa during the period 2013-2017. The contribution seeks to mitigate the vulnerability of people and societies in West Africa to the ongoing climate change. ECOWAS will contribute to solving this problem by: i) increasing ECOWAS’ internal capacity to deal with climate change by establishing a permanent climate change unit in its commission ii) strengthening the negotiation capacity of its member states in the UNFCCC negotiations iii) promoting mainstreaming of climate change aspects into policies, programmes and projects at sub-regional and national levels iv) enhancing the capacity of key organisations in the sub-region to monitor climate change, climate change impacts and vulnerability v) strengthening the capacity of the government departments in the region to access, store and manage climate change data vi) developing and promoting local adaptation strategies to enhance the resilience of the people and ecosystems most vulnerable to the effects of climate change vii) strengthening the communications and networking capacity for cc adaptation among key actors in the sub-region viii) mobilizing funding for further financing of the Strategic Programme ix) developing a wider programme for implementation of the Strategic Programme, beyond the activities targeted by this support x) improving the sub-regional capacity to manage climate change concerns The intervention’s total budget is 53.1million SEK, out of which 43.7 MSEK will be covered by Sida. The overall objective is to strengthen and develop the resilience and adaptability of West Africa to climate change. This will be done by implementing the initial activities of the Strategic Programme of Action for Reduction of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in West Africa agreed by the ECOWAS states. This will be a continuation of the contribution 51000035.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Myanmar Climate Change Alliance phase 2 (MCCA2) This Action supports the implementation of the Myanmar Climate Change Strategy 2018-2030 through interventions along identified action areas and social and economic sectors2. The overall objective of MCCA2 is that Myanmar/Burma becomes a climate resilient, low-carbon society that is sustainable, prosperous and inclusive. Its specific objective is to deepen the integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation into Myanmar/Burmas national priorities.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Enabling Sustainable Livelihoods Through Economic Diversification in the Kono District, Sierra Leone Contribute to the creation of livelihood opportunities that have the propensity to generate income and ensure jobs for women and youth
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
PROG2017-2021_Outcome: In the targeted areas with high ethnic-minority populations in the provinces of Lai Chau and Kon Tum children in primary and lower-secondary schools learn in a safer environment thanks to increased resilience to natural disasters and climate change adaptation skills at school and in communities generated by community involvement and the strengthening of local authorities. (Viet Nam - OS 2) Result 1 (focusing on strengthening local civil society by capacity building at the partner) The Vietnamese partner (Women Union) has efficiently taken key roles in capacity building and awareness raising activities with regard to CCA/DRR in communities and schools Result 2 (following ToC: focusing on empowerment of the rights holders): Children in primary and lower-secondary schools (6-15) in the project areas have increased their capacity in CCA/DRR to actively promote a safer environment in the communities and at schools. Result 3 (following ToC: focus on awareness raising/empowerment and capacity building among moral duty bearers): Parents and teachers have enhanced their knowledge and skills in disaster risks reduction and CCA/DRR at school and in the communities. Result 4 (following ToC: focusing on capacity building and advocacy among local authorities): Local authorities at provincial level have increased their capacity in community-based disaster risk reduction and enhanced networking and replication of safe school model in disaster prone communities Institutional duty bearers: local Ministry of Education staff (district and provincial level), teachers, commune leaders and technical staff. Rights holders: children aged 6-15 in the targeted schools Direct beneficiaries: 3,382 children aged 6-12 + 2,043 children aged 12-15 in the targeted communities = 5,425 children aged 6-15. Indirect beneficiaries: 181,368 children aged 6-15 in Lai Chau and Kon Tum provinces
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Getting to Zero: the new poverty environment and climate agenda for the SDGs Köyhyys ympäristö ilmasto ja kestävän kehityksen agenda Finland will support by 50000 ? Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) network to strengthen environment-development experts learning from southern partners and to develop south-south and south-north partnerships in environment-development issues. PEP organ izes its 21 meeting of environmental experts from developing and developed countries titled Sustainable Development Goals in Action: Learning from the South + Partnerships on Climate Resilient Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Green Economies 30 May ? 1st Ju ne 2016 in Bangladesh and as an outcome of the PEP meeting Finland supports the production and dissemination of PEP publication ?Getting to Zero: A New Poverty Environment and Climate Agenda to 2030? its preparation design printing and launch. Finnish supp ort is used for the organization of the meeting and the production of PEP publication. The funding is managed by International Institute of Environment and Devlopment (IIED) Suomi tukee 50000 ?:lla Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) verkostoa joka vahvistaa tiedon vaihtoa kehitysmaiden ympäristö/kehitys asiantuntijoiden ja avunantajien asiantuntijoiden välillä. PEP myös luo ja vahvistaa kumppanuuksia ympäristö/kehity s-alalla kehitysmaiden välillä sekä niiden ja kehittyneiden maiden välillä. PEP järjestää 21 kokouksensa Bangladeshissa 30.5.-1.6. jonka järjestelyihin Suomen tukea käytetään. Kokoukseen osallistuu ympäristö/kehitys asiantuntijoita kehitys- j a kehittyneistä maista. Tarkoituksena on löytää kehitysyhteistyölle hyviä käytäntöjä ja jakaa kokemuksia siitä kuinka ympäristö/kehitysasiat ovat mukana Agenda 2030 toteutuksessa. Kokouksen tuloksena syntyy myös asiaa käsittelevä PEP:n julk aisu ?Getting to Zero: A New Poverty Environment and Climate Agenda to 2030?. Suomi rahoituksella tuetaan tämän julkaisun valmistus- toimitus- painatus- ja jakelukuluja. Rahoitusta hallinnoi International Institute of Environment and Devlopment (IIED)
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
PROG2017-2021_OSS8_Labour rights and social dialogue in Asia Contribution à la cible stratégique commune du CSC Travail Décent: Promouvoir le travail décent pour un développement durable, équitable, solidaire et inclusif: créer des emplois, garantir les droits au travail, étendre la protection sociale et promouvoir le dialogue social pour toutes et pour tous. Trade union partners strengthened for improving social dialogue, have in a sustainable way promoted workers’ rights of workers in precarious labor situations within Multinationals operating in Asia and their supply chains (SC) (including domestic companies and informal economy workers) – with special (specific and crosscutting) attention for gender, environment and financial sustainability. Partenaires syndicaux renforcés pour améliorer le dialogue social, ont promu de façon durable les droits de travail des travailleurs/travailleuses avec statut précaire dans des multinationales opérant en Asie et leurs chaînes d’approvisionnement (y inclus des entreprises domestiques et des travailleurs/travailleuses de l’économie informelle) – avec une attention particulière (transversale et spécifique) pour le genre, l’environnement et la durabilité financière. Workers in precarious labor situations within multinationals operating in Asia and their supply chains (SC) – which includes workers in domestic companies as well as informal economy workers
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Ausbildung junger Fachkräfte durch innovative Berufsbildungsansätze für Sambias Wasser- und Energiesektor THRIVE – Thriving through Innovative Vocational Education in the Water and Energy Sectors Die Arbeitsmarktorientierung von Ausbildungsgängen im Wasser- und Solarenergiesektor ist für junge Menschen erhöht The labour market orientation of TVET courses in the water and solar energy sectors is increased for young people Die Arbeitsmarktorientierung von Ausbildungsgängen im Wasser- und Solarenergiesektor ist für junge Menschen erhöht The labour market orientation of TVET courses in the water and solar energy sectors is increased for young people
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Systeme zur Verbesserung der Solarenergienutzung und -dienstleistungen in Uganda (SESEUS) Systems strengthening to Enhance Solar Energy Use and Services in Uganda (SESEUS) Stärkung der Systeme zur Verbesserung der Solarenergienutzung und -dienstleistungen in Uganda (SESEUS) Systems strengthening to Enhance Solar Energy Use and Services in Uganda (SESEUS) Stärkung der Systeme zur Verbesserung der Solarenergienutzung und -dienstleistungen in Uganda (SESEUS) Systems strengthening to Enhance Solar Energy Use and Services in Uganda (SESEUS)
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
NPRio+20Rio aan de Maas Ondersteuning slotbijeenkomst NPRio+20 Rio aan de Maas
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
FarmGS-Beans to determine if on-farm genomic selection can deliver a higher rate of genetic gain in farmers' fields, particularly in female-managed plots, than conventional breeding in which most selection is applied on research stations.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
APWLD core strategy 2017-2023 APWLD core strategy 2017-2023 - Internal Control APWLD Asia Pacific Forum for Women, Law, and Development (APWLD) har ansökt om finansiering om 54 858 000 SEK till Svenska Ambassaden i Bangkok för att genomföra deras strategiska plan för perioden 2017-2023. Initiativet syftar till att 1) stärka feministiska rörelser på lokal, nationell och regional nivå med särskilt fokus på de mest marginaliserade grupperna, 2) förstärka och utöka kvinnorättsaktivisters- i Asien och Stilla havsorådets- röst, inflytande och påverkan på lokala, nationella, regionala och globala policy organ, 3) Underlätta produktionen av bevisbaserad forskning och verktyg för kvinnorättsaktivisters rörelseuppbyggnad och slutligen 4) bygga upp kapaciteten hos kvinnorättsorganisationers och rörelser i regionen med hjälp av rättighetsbaserade arbetssätt och perspektiv. Målgruppen för stödet är 60-80 gräsrotsorganisationer som representerar urfolks, migrantgruppers samt kvinnor i urbana och rurala områdens kvinnorättsrörelser. Omkring 25% av den totala budgeten kanaliseras till slutmålgruppen samt en stöd/akutfond för kvinnorättsaktivister. The objectives and expected results of the Core Activities are: 1. To strengthen feminist movements at local, national and regional levels particularly of the most marginalized; 2. To amplify the influence, impact and voice of Asia Pacific women’s rights advocates in local, national, regional and global policy setting bodies; 3. To facilitate the production of evidence based research and tools for advocacy outcomes and movement building 4. To build the capacities of women’s rights organizations and movements in the region using rights based perspectives and interrogating the intersection of patriarchy, globalization, fundamentalisms and militarization. The intended outcome is womens human rights in the region such as those enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and other international and regional human rights instruments are promoted, women are empowered to use law as an instrument of change for equality, justice, peace and development; and womens rights movements and feminist activism across the Asia Pacific region are strengthened. APWLDs achievements come from the strength of membership. APWLD believes that change happens when there are strong civil society movements with the capacity to identify problems and collectively advocate for solutions. APWLD utilises law as a tool for positive change with the full engagement of women in Asia Pacific. APWLDs work seeks to challenge and shift the causes of marginalisation and inequality. Causes are complex and inter-related and require long-term strategies and cross movement pressure to change. Its analysis focuses on the fusion of patriarchy with systems that routinely undermine womens rights: globalisation, fundamentalisms and militarisation as well as the impact of those including climate disasters and undemocratic states and spaces. To make impact APWLD works with women at both the grassroots and policy making levels to bring a feminist approach to their advocacy. In short, to implement this theory of change APWLD plans, monitors and evaluates its work in four domains of change: - Capacity Development, - Fostering knowledge, tools, communication and resources; - Advocacy expanding space for movements to influence laws, policies and practices and; - Movement architecture: enabling movements to build alliances, sustainability and accountability.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
UNDP Resilient communities Moldova 2020-2024 - Resilient communities through women's empowerment Motståndskraftiga samhällen genom kvinnors egenmakt UNDP 2020-2024 UNDP Moldavien har skickat en ansökan till Sida om finansiering av 22 681 644 SEK för genomförandet av ”Uthålliga Samhällen genom Styrkandet av Kvinnor” i 30 kommuner från 6 distrikt i Moldavien under perioden 2020-2022. Projektet innebär byggandet av hållbara och uthålliga samhällen och skapa en öppen miljö för styrkandet av kvinnor inom ekonomi, sociala frågor och utbildning, genom följande områden: (i) hållbara, klimattåliga och miljövänliga uppehällen och lokala förmågor & kännedomar om miljön, klimatförändringar och könsstyrkande och korrekt genomförbara (ii) NGO:s möjligheter att tillhandahålla expertis till LPA:s och kvinnor i området för klimatförändring, hållbar utveckling och könsintegration; (iii) miljövänliga och klimatuthålliga praxis och projekt genomförda av kvinnoledda hushåll, jordbrukskvinnor och samhällen; och, (iv) hållbara och klimatuthålliga praxis och replikerade företagsmodeller. UNDP Moldova has applied to Sida for funding of 22 681 644 SEK to carry out the "Resilient Communities though Women Empowerment" in 30 localities from 6 rayons of Moldova during the period 2020-2022. The strategy of the project is to build inclusive sustainable and resilient communities and create an enabling environment for women’s economic, social and educational empowerment trough the following outcomes: (i) sustainable, climate resilient and environmentally-sound livelihoods defined and local capacities&knowledge on environment, climate change and gender enhanced and implemented successfully (ii) NGOs capacities to provide expertise to LPAs and women in the field of resilience to climate change, sustainable development and gender mainstreaming; (iii) environment-friendly and climate resilient practices and projects implemented by women headed households, women agri-producers and communities; and, (iv) sustainable and climate resilient practices and business models disseminated and replicated. The project objective is to build inclusive sustainable and resilient communities and create an enabling environment for womens economic, social and educational empowerment. Project outcomes: Sustainable, climate resilient and environmentally-sound livelihoods defined and local capacities&knowledge on environment, climate change and gender enhanced and implemented successfully, NGOs capacities to provide expertise to LPAs and women in the field of resilience to climate change, sustainable development and gender mainstreaming, Environment-friendly and climate resilient practices and projects implemented by women headed households, women agri-producers and communities, Sustainable and climate resilient practices and business models disseminated and replicated.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Real-time low-cost monitoring for hydro-geomorphological risk reduction in Chile Communities in areas prone to natural hazards often have little information about the human and economic losses that may occur in the event of a disaster, or the information needed to minimize such losses. This project is therefore concerned with advancing scientific understanding of the processes occurring in extremely dynamic hydro-geomorphological (river flood) systems, some of which are continuing to adjust following volcanic eruptions over a range of timescales. Advancing process understanding will enable alerts and warnings to be provided to competent authorities, facilitating effective decision making and communication to local communities. Lahar flows and large-scale injections of sediment into river systems during recent volcanic eruptions in Chile (e.g. Chaiten in 2008 and Calbuco in 2015) have resulted in major economic and social costs through damage to homes, transport infrastructure, power plants, salmon farms and tourist businesses. The associated evacuation of entire towns and rural areas highlights an increasing vulnerability and emphasizes the need for improved risk prediction and mitigation. The project will develop improved systems for predicting (a) the timing and magnitude of hydrological hazards and (b) the longer term impacts of sediment release causing flooding in downstream river channels, and will provide (c) training and a 'tool kit' for local authorities to ensure that the monitoring developments in Chile have longevity beyond the project duration. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Strengthening knowledge and tools for climate change adaptation To help people adapt to the impacts of climate by strengthening knowledge on what works best, and to use this knowledge to develop new adaptation programmes and maximise the effectiveness of the UK's International Climate Fund (ICF) and its investments to help over 25 million people in developing countries cope with the impacts of climate change by 2015
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate Envelopes 2012 og 2013: IFU - Danish Climate Investment Fund To promote climate investments in developing countries in cooperation with the private sector
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
UNEP Vienna Convention Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund 10 contributions - 2021/22 to 2022/23 New Zealand contribution to the 10th Replenishment of the United Nations Environment Program Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund, 2022 to 2023
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Holland Hortisupport 2 Jordan The impact objective of the Holland Hortisupport 2 Jordan project is a future-proof, private sector driven horticulture sector in Jordan through scaling and mainstreaming of innovative and eco-efficient solutions. This impact will be achieved by improving: • Eco-efficiency, farming practices, labour conditions and access to innovation, finance and markets of 1,300 horticulture SMEs • Business performance of 50 supply chain companies • The capacity of 3 sector institutions • Awareness of 75,000 consumers and farmers on the link between sustainable food production and healthy food consumption
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Sustainable Coastal Fisheries -
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Leveraging Faith and Strengthening civil society Communities, faith and civil society actors are enabled to increase climate resilience in target area in Tigray Region
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
MUL-fonden (LDCF) inom Globala miljöfonden (GEF) Least Delveloped Countries Fund within GEF - Least Delveloped Countries Fund - GEF Contribution to GEF for adaptation Projects in Least Developed Countries Contribution to GEF for adaptation Projects in Least Developed Countries
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programme de renforcement de la résilience des ménages pastoraux et agropastoraux face aux crises climatiques et à l'insécurité (RESILIA) Phase 1 la DDC contribue au renforcement de la résilience de plus de700’000 personnes dont les déplacées internes, affectées par la crise sécuritaire et les changements climatiques au Burkina Faso. Se basant sur la riche expérience de la Suisse dans l’élevage pastoral au Sahel, le programme va soutenir les pasteurs et agropasteurs pour que leur pratique d’élevage et moyens de subsistance s’adaptent aux défis climatiques et améliorent leurs conditions de vie tout en favorisant la paix au Burkina Faso.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
UNEP REN 2011-2016 Tullsamarbete UNEP REN 2011-2016 Collaboration Customs - Collaboration Customs 2011-2013 Kapacity development support to customs officers in Asia, concerning the handling of hazardeous waste. UNEP is cooperating partner. Kapacitetsutvecklingsstöd till tulltjänstemän i Asien, gällande hanteringen av miljöfarligt avfall. UNEP är samarbetspart. Environmental crime is one of the most profitable areas of international criminal activity. Criminal organisations earn approximately $10-12 billion per year for dumping waste. Growing international concerns regarding these types of environmental crimes have led to several global Multilateral Environmental Agreements; the Stockholm, Basel and Rotterdam Convention. Building on the Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste, (REN) was set- up with the aim to build a network for improved cooperation and capacity building of front line officers on national and regional levels to reduce illegal transboundary movement of chemicals and waste.  Sida has provided financial support to the Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste (REN) program with 11 million SEK from 2011-2018.  The overall goal of the program has been to reduce unwanted trans boundary movement of hazardous chemical and waste in Asia by preventing illegal trade and encouraging legal trade. Through the improved enforcement cooperation regionally and globally and the targeted problem- solving capacity building at the national level through a network, the program enabled enforcement officers to monitor and control trans boundary movements of chemicals and waste more efficiently.   REN had five priority areas within the framework of the objective 1) Technical assistance for problem-solving2) Information and intelligence sharing 3) Enforcement operations and the Asia Environment Enforcement Award 4) Networking and awareness 5) Partnership for sustainability REN consisted of a network of 25 countries across North-East, South and South-East Asia coordinated by UN Environment. Example of countries in the network were Cambodia, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Vietnam.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support in the sectoral implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution through Climate Smart Agriculture, Uganda (ProCSA) Pilot for implementing the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Uganda in the Agriculture sector
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherung durch nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Inwertsetzung lokaler Produkte Sustainable production methods and valorisation of local products to improve food security Verbesserung der Ernährungssicherung durch nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Inwertsetzung lokaler Produkte Sustainable production methods and valorisation of local products to improve food security Eine Steigerung der Erträge und somit bessere Versorgung der Bevölkerung sollen erreicht werden durch die Verbreitung spezieller Techniken, die den naturräumlichen Gegebenheiten gerecht werden. Dies basiert auf dem Ausbau fachlicher Beratungskompetenzen lokaler Ausbilder*innen, die ihr Wissen über standortgerechte Landwirtschaft an die Kleinbäuerinnen und -bauern weitergeben An increase in yields and thus a better supply for the population is to be achieved through the dissemination of special techniques that are appropriate to the natural conditions. This is based on the development of technical advisory skills of local trainers who pass on their knowledge of appropriate agriculture to the farmers.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Core support EcoVisio - EcoVisio Waste Management Area Kärnstöd EcoVisio Core support to Civil Society Organisation EcoVisio. The support aims to strengthen the organization and contribute to their activities. The core support activities includes the five programs run by EcoVisio: - Capacity development and empowerment for activism - Lab for growing of sustainability initiatives, social innovation and resilient communities - Ecosystem development through networking and boosting cooperation - Organisational development Kärnstöd till den Moldaviska civilsamhällesorganisationen EcoContact. Stödet syftar till att stärka organisationen och bidra till deras verksamhet genom flexibel finansiering som kan användas för både projekt och löpande kostnader för verksamheten. Kärnstödeverksamheten innefattar utvecklande och stärkande av EcoContact's fyra program: - Capacity development and empowerment for activism - Lab for growing of sustainability initiatives, social innovation and resilient communities - Ecosystem development through networking and boosting cooperation - Organisational development
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Yellow Fever vaccination campaign in Darfur This activity (Yellow Fever vaccination campaign in Darfur) is a component of Yellow Fever vaccination campaign in Darfur reported by FCDO and a budget of £1,800,000.This project benefits SUDAN.And works in the following sector(s): Material relief assistance and services.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Digital Farmer Services Evidence Review (HAVOS 2020) to summarize and synthesize the available evidence linking digital agricultural services to small scale producer outcomes
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Air Quality for Better Citizen's Health Contract related to: Air Quality for Better Citizen's Health - In the early stages of political and economic transition in Georgia, high growth rates and urban expansion often took place at the expense of the environment. Today, deteriorating environmental conditions and pollution are having a direct, negative impact on the health of Georgian citizens, and environmental protection and its impact on health have become an increasing priority for the Georgian population and the Government, as illustrated by the third National Environment and Health Action Plan approved in 2018. Georgia is also contributing to the global fight against Climate Change, the Paris Agreement on climate change having entered into force for Georgia in 2017. At the same time, Georgia aims to reinforce and improve its connectivity internally and with the European Union. Previous and ongoing large-scale infrastructure investments have shown the need for a sophisticated programme assuring quality of project preparation as well as aiming to protect citizens¿ health and environmental rights.This action aims to improve environmental conditions with a view to better protect natural resources and the health of citizens. It will also contribute to the development of sustainable connectivity infrastructure that can improve the quality of life of Georgian citizens, while at the same time reinforcing the competitiveness of the Georgian economy.The programme will help to reinforce the impact of current infrastructure projects in the area of Environment, Energy and Transport, as well as to prepare upcoming projects that could be co-funded by the EU together with European Financial Institutions within the framework of the Team Europe approach. Building on the Team Europe approach, joint efforts of the Member States, EIB and EBRD will help create increased and more coherent impact of EU support in this area. Team Europe Initiatives on Green & Health have been suggested to build back better in a post-pandemic context.The components envisaged for this action are:1. Sustainable infrastructure for better connectivity2. Better air and water quality for citizens¿ health3. Green and Circular Economy4. Fight against climate change and behavioural change
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Integration of Climate-Smart Practices for Women Empowerment in Iraq The long-term objective is to enhance resilience and improved food security of rural women in target areas, which will be achieved by (outcome) enhancing climate resilience and improved food security of rural women in target areas through their engagement in climate-smart dairy production and animal feeding activities.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Appui la formulation du Plan National d?Investissement Agricole et de Securite Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (PNIASAN) de deuxi me generation Renforcer la gouvernance des secteurs de l'Agriculture.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Diakonia EU egeninsats för CSO och klimatanpassning i Peru 2017-2019 Diakonia EU own contribution for CSO and climate adaptation in Peru 2017-2019 This contribution is a Sida support to Diakonia's own contribution to an EU-project contributing to economic development, food security and civil society influence for the benefit of climate change adaptation in Peru during the period 2017-2019. Diakonia har beviljats stöd av EU-kommissionen för den insats man bedriver med lokala partners (CEPES, CEDEP AYLLY, HUÑUQ MAYU, MOCICC) i Peru, och vars syfte är att bidra till ekonomisk utveckling, livsmedelsförsörjning, och civilsamhällets inflytande till förmån för klimatanpassning i Peru under perioden 2017-2019. Mer specifikt syftar insatsen till att bistå till en ökad och diversifierad produktion av jordbruksprodukter och på så sätt bidra till att befolkningen i Perus högländer (provinserna Paruro, Huancavelica och distriktet Chungui-Oreja de Perro) får tillgång till närodlade jordbruksprodukter och att lokala bönders förmåga att stå emot klimatförändringar, stärks. Dessutom stärks det lokala civilsamhället genom att bönders förmåga att tillsammans ombesörja lokalsamhällets gemensamma områden förbättras. Insatsen involverar direkt 1500 familjer ifrån ett flertal samhällen på landsbygden. Dessutom involveras minst 30 människor ifrån civilsamhället och Statens tekniska kommission för klimatförändringar ifrån Miljöministeriet. Indirekt förväntas insatsen beröra samtliga medborgare i de tre distrikten (totalt 277 027 invånare). Svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer (CSO) som har ramavtal med Sida och som beviljas EU-bidrag, kan söka ett bidrag för egeninsatsen för projektbudgeten från Sida i enlighet med CSO-strategin 2016-2022. Syftet är att uppmuntra svenska CSOs att i ökad utsträckning söka medel från EU. Insatsen har en total budget på 866 666 EUR, vilket motsvarar ca 8 449 994 SEK. Av detta bidrar EU-kommissionen med 650 000 EUR och av Sida ansöker härmed Diakonia om stöd för egeninsatsen om 216 666 EUR, vilket motsvarar 2 112 494 SEK (25% av total budget). Insatsen har beretts i Sidas insatshanteringssystem som en så kallad förenklad beredning, då den understiger 5 MSEK och är av stödjande karaktär till Diakonias befintliga raminsats (insatsnummer 54030541). EU-insatsen har bedömts grundligt av huvudfinansiären (EU-kommissionen) och Sida har därför valt att inte själva göra djupgående analyser av alla de områden som vanligtvis ingår i en beredning, utan att förlita sig på den bedömning som gjorts av EU. Insatsens har syftat till att bidra till ekonomisk utveckling, livsmedelsförsörjning samt att stärka civilsamhällets inflytande till förmån för klimatanpassning i Peru under perioden 2017-2019. Mer specifikt har insatsen syftat till att bistå en ökad och diversifierad produktion av jordbruksprodukter och på så sätt bidra till att befolkningen i Perus högländer (provinserna Paruro, Huancavelica och distriktet Chungui-oreja de Perro) får tillgång till närodlade jordbruksprodukter. Vidare har insatsen ämnat att stärka lokala bönders förmåga att stå emot klimatförändringar.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Desk Appraisal Climate Change Adaptation Agriculture Uganda The overall purpose of the Desk-Appraisal is to provide strategic and technical quality assurance of the Project Document (CCE-ACDP), before an agreement is developed and signed with the WB.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Pathway towards an efficient use of local natural resources The project aims to promote the sustainable use of natural resources (energy) through the implementation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy measures and policies and development of local Action Plans in Kurbin (Al) and Suhareka (KS)
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Improving food and nutrition security through strengthening the home grown school feeding (HGSF) programme in Eswatini To improve the sustainability of interventions by incorporating issues of food production in schools, procurement within the local communities and improved nutrition education to enhance the proper utilization of food in schools
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SEE-Clean Cooking: Enabling Environment Support for the African Biodigester Component (ABC) in Uganda In Uganda, the African Biodigester Component (ABC) programme is implemented by a consortium led by SNV and GIZ.GIZ, in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), focuses on enabling environment interventions for the programme. This includes capacity building for sector associations, policy formulation, and regulatory support to enable a thriving local biodigester market.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
FAUTAPO Kvinnors ekonomiska egenmakt på kommunal nivå FAUTAPO Sustainable Women's Economic Empowerment at municipal level - Youth access to work opportunities FAUTAPO has applied to Sida for funding of 38 million SEK to carry out the "Sustainable women’s economic empowerment at municipal level” in 25 selected Bolivian municipalities, during the period October 2016 – March 2020. The idea behind the present proposal is that vulnerable women, formerly living in poverty conditions, will be economically empowered through personalized training and technical assistance, so they will be able to manage in a more efficient manner their productive units and thus have access to better market opportunities and living conditions. Insatsen syftar till att stärka fattiga och utsatta kvinnors företagssamhet i 25 kommuner i Bolivia. Genom utbildning och tekniskt stöd ska cirka 3000 kvinnor kunna förbättra sin produktion och förbättra sina levnadsvillkor. Med förbättrade produktionsprocesser och genom att kvinnorna bidrar till hållbar utveckling förväntas kvinnornas ekonomiska egenmakt öka. Samtidigt sker ett samarbete med kommunerna för att utforma riktlinjer för hållbara produktionsmodeller som bygger på jämställdhet och ökar motståndskraften mot klimatförändringar. The intervention was aimed to achieve women's social and economic empowerment, especially oriented to poor female entrepreneurs working in 21 selected Bolivian municipalities, so they can contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive development model in the country.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Resilienz vulnerabler Slum-Gemeinden gegenüber Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Strengthening relienc of vulnerable slum communities towards climate change effects Stärkung der Resilienz vulnerabler Slum-Gemeinden gegenüber Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Strengthening relienc of vulnerable slum communities towards climate change effects Stärkung der Resilienz vulnerabler Slum-Gemeinden gegenüber Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Strengthening relienc of vulnerable slum communities towards climate change effects
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programme de Restructuration du Transport Collectif de Dakar (PRTCD) ¿ <p>L¿action est en lien avec la priorité 1 du DSC « Croissance verte et inclusive pour la création d¿emploi » et cible particulièrement son secteur 2 « Infrastructures durables et résilientes et digitalisation » en vue de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs suivants :</p><p>L¿objectif général (impact) de cette action est d¿améliorer durablement les conditions de vie des populations.</p><p>L¿objectif spécifique (résultat) de cette action est de contribuer à développer, équiper et opérationnaliser un réseau de transport public métropolitain restructuré, durable, inclusif, accessible et confortable pour tous, tout en accompagnant la formalisation et/ou la création d¿emplois décents et la professionnalisation du secteur des transports, en mettant un accent particulier sur l¿inclusion des femmes dans le secteur du transport.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Partners for Resilience: India The Strategic Partnership of Partners for Resilience (PfR) is aimed at promoting and improving (attention for) Integrated Risk Management (IRM) in policies, investments and practices of key stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to improve resilience of vulnerable communities who are confronted with disaster risks though better laws and regulations, IRM-proof investments (including screening), and enhanced practices that take better account of their potential to reduce risks. This project focuses on improving resilience in communities in India. People world-wide live in disaster-prone areas. Disasters damage the eco-systems they live in and upon which their livelihoods depend. Their vulnerability to disasters is aggrevated by climate change, which increases the frequency, scale and inpredictability of disasters. Eco-systems, if protected and managed well, can play an important role in mitigating the impact of disasters (holding more excess water, sheltering form storms). Partners for Resilience strengthens community resilience by working with civil society organisations on reducing risks and strengthening livelihoods of vulnerable communities, with specific attention for marginalized groups and women. The Integrated Risk Management (IRM) approach bridges time- and spatial scales. It integrates the urgent attention needed for changing risks due to changes in hazards, exposure and vulnerability. IRM includes a specific focus on ecosystem degradation, locally and in the wider landscape, as well as changes in hazards due to climate change (in relation to current risks, nearterm changes and longer-term shifts in climate patterns). IRM thus integrates elements from disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA) and ecosystem management and restoration (EMR). Actions relate to different actors. Four groups are distinguished: Communities, Civil Society organisations (Red Cross, plus PfR partners, other CSOs, organised communities), Government (at various levels), and the private sector. Beneficiaries of the programme are vulnerable communities in disaster-prone conditions. This project focuses on vulnerable communities in India.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Land Administration Project II Maanhallintaohjelma - vaihe II The aims of the project are to raise the security of land tenure enable an increase in the number of formal land transactions and collateralized lending enhance local revenues from land and property related fees and taxes facilitate the development of effi cient property markets and support the establishment of strategies for public land management including public land use and disposal. Maanhallintaa ja kiinteistörekisteröintiä on parannettava jotta se niukka maa-ala joka on palestiinalaisten hallinnassa ja käytössä saadaan hyödynnettyä mahdollisimman hyvin. Kiinteistörekisteröinti edistää ja tukee yksityisen sektorin kasvua m ahdollistaa maan käyttämisen arvopaperina esim. lainan vakuutena ja turvaa maanhallinta- ja maanomistusoikeuden. Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää kestävä tehokas ja avoin kiinteistörekisterijärjestelmä.Hankkeen tavoitteina on kehittää moderni ki inteistörekisterijärjestelmä jolla Palestiinalaishallinto voi rekisteröidä käytössään olevan maa-alueen mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Hankkeen välittömiin tavoitteisiin kuuluu rekisteröidä ainakin 90 000 dunumia maatasamalla kehittäen systemaat tisen rekisteröinnin menetelmiä kiistojen ratkaisumekanismeja ja edistää naisten ja haavoittuvaisten ihmisten oikeuksia. Lisäksi tavoitteina on vahvistaa Palestiinan maanhallintaviranomaisen (Palestinian Land Authority PLA) institutionaalista kapasite ettia sekä henkilöstön ammatillista kehitystä teknisen tuen avulla.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Agricultural reactivation and prevention of gender violence with 260 families in food crisis caused by Covid-19 in El Salvador Förderung von Ernährungssicherheit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Zusammenhang mit der COVID-Pandemie Agricultural reactivation and prevention of gender violence with 260 families in food crisis caused by Covid-19 in El Salvador Förderung von Ernährungssicherheit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Zusammenhang mit der COVID-Pandemie Agricultural reactivation and prevention of gender violence with 260 families in food crisis caused by Covid-19 in El Salvador Förderung von Ernährungssicherheit und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Zusammenhang mit der COVID-Pandemie
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Energy Partnership between India and Denmark The programme will assist Indien authorities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mobilising further resources for India’s green transition of the energy sector. The programme will ; • Contribute to achieving India’s targets in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, as well as SDG7, SDG13 and other SDGs. • Elaborating a more integrated approach to offshore wind power development by applying international experience on planning, regulation, integration of renewable energy into the power system and introducing efficient tendering mechanisms that can mobilize investment and finance. • Assisting with power sector analysis and medium and long-term energy planning using relevant modelling tools to identify least-cost potentials and future pathways to achieve India’s clean energy targets cost efficiently, maintaining high security of supply and applying national policy objectives. • provide models of improved flexibility and integration of increasing levels of renewable energy in the power system through optimized flexibility, forecasting, energy efficiency, consolidated grid codes, efficient design of the power market, and other measures. • Increased mobilization of investment in clean energy facilitated through de-risking and an improved enabling framework.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Cooperation Facility (CF) NDICI-Global Europe The proposed Cooperation Facility (CF) action intends to contribute to all priority areas of the MIP and its Team Europe Initiatives. The contracts under the CF will support the EU top initiative of ¿Green and Blue Jobs¿ in Tanzania and focus in particular on its flagships (Green Cities and Blue Economy, both Team Europe Initiatives) and Enablers (Access to Finance, Gender and Digitalisation). EU investments will thus be fostered and respond to Tanzania priorities (e.g. foreign direct investment, major infrastructures, blue economy) identified in its main development strategic frameworks such as its Vision 2025 and Five Year Development Plan III (2021-2025). The action will also contribute to EU priorities as outlined in the New European Consensus on Development and ¿Towards a comprehensive strategy with Africa¿. It may contribute to any of the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Funds will be used to support (i) programming, identification and formulation of projects/ programmes carried out under the MIP, (ii) Ministry of Finance and Planning as the coordination body with Government of Tanzania and the entity in charge of Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying and (iii) Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy, in line with the pitch developed in the multi-annual plans and Government priorities.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Beschleunigung der V20-Fazilität für nachhaltige Versicherungen (SIF) und V20-Unterstützung beim Global Schutzschirm Acceleration of the V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility (SIF) and V20 Support in the Global Shield Beschleunigung der V20-Fazilität für nachhaltige Versicherungen (SIF) und V20-Unterstützung beim Global Schutzschirm Acceleration of the V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility (SIF) and V20 Support in the Global Shield Im Rahmen des SIF-Engagements finanzielle Absicherungsinstrumente für ihre Kleinst-, Klein- und Mittelunternehmen weiter beschleunigen und das V20-Engagement - sowohl international als auch national - in Bereich Klimarisikofinanzierung im Anschluss an das G7-Ergebnis zur Umsetzung des Global Shields verstärken. Beide Arbeitsbereiche werden dazu beitragen, die InsuResilience Vision 2025 zu erreichen. Looking to further accelerate financial protection instruments for their micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as part of the SIF engagement and to increase the V20 engagement - both internationally and nationally - in Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance policy following the G7 outcome to implement the Global Shield. Both work-streams will help to achieve the InsuResilience Vision 2025.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Horticulture sector development programme in Nigeria European tender procedure for a horticulture programme in Nigeria that will encompass the following 4 elements: 1. Increasing productivity and income of a large number of smallholder farmers in Northern Nigeria 2. Piloting production systems innovation and regional diversification in South-West Nigeria 3. Increasing access to finance for SME companies that invest in solving value-chain bottlenecks at regional and national level 4. Enhancing sector coordination and business-tobusiness linkages
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Building Community Resilience to Climate Change in Senegal Renforcer la résilience des communautés face aux changements climatiques au Sénégal This project aims to improve rural communities’ resilience to climate change, especially for women, in the Kedougou region of Senegal. Project activities include: (1) providing training to 360 farmers from 21 villages on improving planting techniques and gender integration; (2) providing farmers with fonio (a type of heritage grain) seeds and agricultural inputs, including soil nutrient field test kits; (3) training women-led cooperatives on the creation and marketing of biomass briquettes (for fuel), and the use of grain/cereal husking machines; (4) training community members on forest product harvesting and bushfire prevention; (5) seeding 28,000 indigenous plants; and (6) promoting agroforestry and the use of an indigenous tree species to enhance forest carbon sinks. he Jane Goodall Institute of Canada implements this project in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute, the Réserve Naturelle Communautaire de Dindéfélo (Dindéfélo Community Natural Reserve) and the Association Nébéday. Ce projet vise à améliorer la résilience des communautés rurales face au changement climatique, notamment pour les femmes, dans la région de Kédougou au Sénégal. Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) la formation de 360 agriculteurs de 21 villages à l'amélioration des techniques de plantation et à l'intégration de la dimension de genre; 2) la fourniture aux agriculteurs de semences de fonio (un type de céréale patrimoniale) et d'intrants agricoles, y compris des trousses d’essai sur le terrain pour les éléments nutritifs des sols; 3) la formation de coopératives dirigées par des femmes à la création et à la commercialisation de briquettes de biomasse (comme combustible) et à l'utilisation de machines à décortiquer les céréales; 4) formation des membres de la communauté sur la récolte des produits forestiers et la prévention des feux de brousse; 5) ensemencement de 28 000 plantes indigènes ; et (6) promotion de l'agroforesterie et de l'utilisation d'une espèce d'arbre indigène pour améliorer les puits de carbone forestiers. L'Institut Jane Goodall du Canada met en œuvre ce projet en partenariat avec l'Instituto Jane Goodall, la Réserve Naturelle Communautaire de Dindéfélo et l'Association Nébéday.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Indonesia Low Carbon Growth Project Deliver policies, structures and financing mechanisms integral to Indonesia’s integrated low-carbon growth strategy.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Voices for Climate Action WWF Tunisia text to be added
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Small holder Production Promotion on Programme (S3P) The overall objective of the S3P programme is to decrease poverty and accelerate growth in smallholder agriculture in Zambia by increasing sustainable income as well as food and nutrition security for poor agricultural households. The programme will start in eight districts in two provinces (Luapula and Northern) and will expand to cover up to 24 districts in three provinces during the third project year.The programme is targeted for 60, 000 smallholder farming households, equivalent to 300, 000 thousand p eople, and it is expected to benefit directly half of them. More than half of the winners are women.Further, a larger community benefits from the generally strengthened infrastructure, services and organizations. The programme is align with the long-term d evelopment cooperation between Finland and Zambia, and it is continuation of the PLARD programme.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Aufforstung Yunnan II (Yangtze-Schutzw.) Afforestation Yunnan II Das Projekt im Norden der Provinzhauptstadt von Yunnan, Kunming, ist Bestandteil des chinesischen Schutzwaldprogramms am oberen und mittleren Yangtze. Durch die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von rund 30.000 ha zu begründender Mischwälder soll ein Beitrag zum Ressourcenschutz, zur Verminderung der Bodenerosion, zur Verbesserung des Wasserhaushaltes und zur Steigerung des land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Produktionspotentials geleistet werden. Als Hauptmaßnahmen sind die Aufforstung von ca. 18.000 ha und die Unterschutzstellung mit teilweiser Nachpflanzung auf weiteren ca. 12.000 ha unter aktiver Beteiligung der lokalen Bevölkerung geplant. Afforestation Yunnan II Entwicklungspolitisches Ziel Beitrag zum Ressourcenschutz durch Verminderung der Bodenerosion und Verbesserung des Wasserhaushaltes sowie zur Steigerung des land- und forstwirtschaftlichen ProduktionspotentialsZiel der FZ-Maßnahme Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von ca. 30.000 ha neu angelegter+unter Schutz gestellter Mischwälder unter aktiver Einbindung der lokalen Bevölkerung. Afforestation Yunnan II
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
CICIG Seminar CICIG seminar Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. To organize an international high-level seminar in Stockholm on lessons learned from CICIG as an example of an innovative UN investigative mechanism designed to fight impunity. The meeting will help outline guidelines for practitioner and policy makers to establish increasingly effective rule of law mechanisms in the future.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Aufforstung Sichuan (Yangtze Schutzwald) Afforestation Sichuan(Yangtze Shel.Belt) Das Projekt ist Bestandteil des nationalen Schutzwaldprogramms am oberen und mittleren Yangtze. Durch die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von 30 - 35.000 ha neu aufzuforstender und unter Schutz zu stellender Flächen im Bergland des nördlichen Sichuan soll ein Beitrag zum Ressourcenschutz und zur Verbesserung der Einkommenssituation der armen ländlichen Bevölkerung geleistet werden. Als Hauptmaßnahmen sind die Aufforstung auf rd. 20.000 ha und Vegetationsschutz auf rd. 12.000 ha unter Einbindung der Bevölkerung geplant. Diese Maßnahmen werden ergänzt durch Energiesparmaßnahmen, die Anschaffung von Fahrzeugen und Ausrüstungsgegenständen, projektbezogene Fortbildung sowie Consultingleistungen. Afforestation Sichuan(Yangtze Shel.Belt) Entwicklungspolitisches Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme: Ressourcenschutz und Einkommenserhöhung der ländlichen Bevölkerung.Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme: Beitrag zur Verbesserung des land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Nutzungspotentials und Verringerung der Wildschäden in der Randzone des Schutzgebietes Tangjiahe. Afforestation Sichuan(Yangtze Shel.Belt)
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Kavango Zambesi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) Phase III KAZA- Program, Phase III Im Kawango-Sambesi Gebiet (KAZA) werden die Staaten Angola, Botswana, Sambia und Simbabwe seit 2009 im Rahmen der finanziellen Zusammenarbeit mit SADC bei der Umsetzung ihres überregionalen Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) Konzeptes unterstützt. Dabei soll die Stärkung und Weiterentwicklung sowie das Management des grenzübergreifenden Naturparks KAZA-TFCA gefördert werden, wodurch die Vernetzung getrennter Naturhabitate ermöglicht und der Tourismus, als wichtiger Antreiber für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region, gefördert wird. Dies dient dem Erhalt und der Wiederherstellung der Biodiversität und der Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen der lokalen Bevölkerung, auf der Grundlage des sich entwickelnden Öko- und Kulturtourismus und eines nachhaltigen Managements der natürlichen Ressourcen (Oberziel). Die dritte Phase des FZ-Beitrags zielt auf die Weiterentwicklung des KAZA TFCA durch die Konsolidierung adäquater regionaler, nationaler und lokaler Organisationsstrukturen, sowie die Stärkung eines partizipativen, integrierten Managements der natürlichen Ressourcen und der Verbesserung des Managements von Schutzgebieten und Wildtierkorridoren (Wildlife Dispersal Area, WDA) einhergehend mit der Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen der Anrainerbevölkerung ab (Projektziel).Auf Basis des grenzüberschreitenden regionalen integrierten Entwicklungsplans sollen v.a. Maßnahmen innerhalb definierter Wildtierkorridore unter Einbeziehung der Anrainerbevölkerung umgesetzt werden. Zielgruppe des Vorhabens ist die innerhalb des TFCAs, insbesondere innerhalb der WDAs, lebende Landbevölkerung und die von natürlichen Ressourcen und Tourismus lebende Privatwirtschaft. Die Gesamtkosten des Vorhabens werden in der dritten Phase über eine Laufzeit von 5 Jahren (2017-2021) auf 26,2 Mio. EUR geschätzt, die zu 15,5 Mio. EUR durch den FZ-Beitrag, zu 5,0 Mio. EUR durch den Beitrag der Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) und zu 5,7 Mio. EUR durch Eigenbeiträge der KAZA Regierungen gedeckt werden. KAZA- Program, Phase III Ziel der dritten Phase des Programmes ist die Unterstützung der Weiterentwicklung des KAZA TFCA durch die Konsolidierung adäquater regionaler, nationaler und lokaler Organisationsstrukturen, Stärkung eines partizipativen, integrierten Managements der natürlichen Ressourcen, der Verbesserung des Managements von Schutzgebieten und WDAs und die Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Lebensbedingungen der Anrainerbevölkerung durch die Förderung des Tourismus. KAZA- Program, Phase III
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Country Strategic Plan (CSP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) • SO2: Gefährdete Menschen in den Zielgebieten sind besser ernährt und widerstandsfähiger und haben das ganze Jahr über Zugang zu integrierten sozialen Basisdienstleistungen, schockresistenten Sicherheitsnetzen und verbesserten nationalen Kapazitäten zum Aufbau von Humankapital • SO3: Nationale Institutionen, der Privatsektor, Kleinbauern und ernährungsunsichere und -gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen in Somalia profitieren bis 2030 von klimaverträglichen, produktiven, widerstandsfähigen, inklusiven und nährstoffreichen Ernährungssystemen • SO4: Nationale Institutionen und Regierungsstellen in S SO2: Vulnerable people in target areas are better nourished and more resilient, with year-round access to integrated basic social services, shock-resistant safety nets and enhanced national human capital-building capacities • SO3: By 2030, national institutions, the private sector, smallholder farmers and food-insecure and food-vulnerable populations in Somalia will benefit from low-carbon, productive, resilient, inclusive and nutrient-rich food systems • SO4: National institutions and government agencies in Somalia will benefit from strengthened capacities, policies and systems by 2025
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Development cooperation programme Fairtrade Finland Reilu kauppa ry:n kehitysyhteistyöohjelma Fairtrade is a non-profit movement focusing on the empowerment of small farmers and workers through fair and sustainable trade. Certifications are vital tools to enable development but are not sufficient to tackle the persistent challenges like climate cha nge child + forced labour exclusion of immigrants or people with disabilities and gender equality.The programme aims to ensure the rights of the producers and workers to a dignified life. This goal will be pursued through 3 components: -right to a sustaina ble livelihood for producers -right to a sustainable livelihood for workers -fair and sustainable tradingThe programme also promotes 3 cross-cutting themes based on the values of Fairtrade: environmental sustainability vulnerable people and gender equality . The comprehensive programme communication component raises awareness about the impact of the programme among Finns who ordinarily are not informed about development cooperation. The programme focuses on the LDCs and fragile states in Latin America and Af rica + Middle East. Three upper middle income countries are included because they host target groups with particular vulnerabilities: integration of Syrian refugees and Zimbabwean and Haitian migrants. The partner organizations in the South are local netwo rks representing farmers and agricultural workers. The programme supports a total of 295000 rightsholders of which 47 % are women.The effectiveness of the programme is based on results-oriented approach local ownership harmonization strong partnerships tra nsparency rights-based approach and efficiency. The programme?s sustainability is embedded in Fairtrade standards participatory planning robust programme-level monitoring system minimal aid dependency sustainable exit strategies rigorous risk management an d anti-corruption policy. Fairtrade?s expertise in linking the whole value chain enables us to ensure the sustainability of the programme?s results and impact.The programme draws substantial additional co-financing from companies and other Fairtrade organi zations as well as license fees from Fairtrade sales. The administrational costs will be kept low at around 3-4% of total. Reilun kaupan Ihmisarvoiset mahdollisuudet kaupan ja kestävän kehityksen avulla-ohjelma on kaksivaiheinen ja rahoitusta haetaan ensimmäiselle vaiheelle vuosina 2022-2025. Ohjelmaa toimeenpannaan yhdeksässä maassa; Bolivia Dominikaaninen tasavalta Etel ä-Afrikka Etiopia Ghana Guatemala Haiti Honduras Kenia Madagaskar Malawi ja Norsunluurannikko. Järjestön globaalina tavoitteena on turvata haavoittuville viljelijöille ja työntekijöille säällinen ja kestävä toimeentulo. Ohjelmalla tuetaan Reilun kaupan interventioita haasteissa joita tiukatkaan sertifiointikriteerit eivät yksin ratkaise: ilmastonmuutos lapsi- ja pakkotyö metsäkato biodiversiteetin heikkeneminen sekä ikään sukupuoleen ja vammaisuuteen perustuva syrjintä.Ohjelman kehitystavoi tteena on nostaa oikeudenhaltijat kestävän elämän perustuksille aiheuttamatta säröjä kestävän elämänpiirin ulkokehälle.Muutosteorian osat koostuvat sosiaalisesta taloudellisesta ja ekologisesta kestävyydestä. Hiilinegatiivisen ohjelman läpil eikkaavat tavoitteet ovat sukupuolten tasa-arvo nuoriso ja haavoittuvat henkilöt erityisesti vammaiset. Ohjelma vahvistaa haavoittuvien työntekijöiden ja viljelijöiden järjestöjen kapasiteettia ja kehittää niiden - esimerkiksi ammattiliittojen - to imintaympäristöä. Toiminta tähtää koko arvoketjun kattavaan systeemiseen muutokseen. Ohjelmassa pilotoidaan innovatiivisia toimintatapoja kuten reiluja päästöhyvityksiä tuotesivuvirtojen hyödyntämistä ja oikeudenhaltijalähtöistä HREDD-dialo gia. Kumppaneina ovat viljelijöiden ja maataloustyöntekijöiden paikalliset verkostot. Yhteistyötä tehdään yritysten kansalaisjärjestöjen kaupunkien ja muiden sidosryhmien kanssa. Suorina hyödynsaajina on noin 139 000 oikeudenhaltijaa joista 61% on naisia.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Projet de promotion du Développement Durable et de Preservation de la Biodiversité autour des Monts Mandingue au Mali The goal of the project is to contribute to the participatory and rational management of natural resources the Mandingo mountains and to contribute to the increase in revenues from communities by developing other alternative economic activities
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF) Phase III (2015-2020) The expected impact of support to the proposed intervention is increased productivity of small-holder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, including scaling up of crops resilient to climate shocks such as drought. This impact will be achieved through two outcomes a. Increased access/availability of appropriate agricultural technologies for small-holder farmers in targeted countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. b. A financially sustainable organisation/mechanism that is responsive to the needs of small-holder farmers in ensuring that market failures in the development and adoption of appropriate agricultural technologies continue to be addressed.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
FishAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Myanmar (PPG) To enable inland and coastal fishery and aquaculture stakeholders to adapt to climate change by understanding and reducing vulnerabilities, piloting new practices and technologies, and sharing information.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Integriertes Wasser- und Nahrungsmittelsicherungsprojekt im Irob-Distrikt, Äthiopien Integrated water resources management based livelihood improvement project in Irob district, Ethiopia Integriertes Wasser- und Nahrungsmittelsicherungsprojekt im Irob-Distrikt, Äthiopien Integrated water resources management based livelihood improvement project in Irob district, Ethiopia Integriertes Wasser- und Nahrungsmittelsicherungsprojekt im Irob-Distrikt, Äthiopien Integrated water resources management based livelihood improvement project in Irob district, Ethiopia
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Technical Assistance and Investment Grant for the Bangladesh Renewable Energy Facility <p>The proposed Bangladesh Renewable Energy Facility using EIB funds along with EU grants would leverage investments in the renewable power sector of Bangladesh, ultimately contributing to a sustainable transition of the country¿s power sector and to achieving the envisaged country¿s climate mitigation targets. A Renewable Energy Framework Loan of EUR 350m will be developed by EIB along with this proposed EUR 45m EU grant for Technical assistnace and investment grant.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Support to the update of the National Energy and Climate Plan of North Macedonia Contract related to: Support to the update of the National Energy and Climate Plan of North Macedonia - The EU Integration Facility (EUIF) is a flexible mechanism for financing smaller-scale projects of democratic institutions and public administration in North Macedonia focused on aligning the legislation, standards, methodologies and practices to those of the EU and building a strong implementation capacity in the country. The objectives of the EUIF are:1)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To back-up the accession process in its entirety, enhance the alignment with the EU acquis and EU/International standards and the implementation of the legal framework in practice, and increase the public support for the EU accession process;2)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To improve the effectiveness and visibility of the EU funds invested in the country, to upscale the sector approach, and ensure that EU funding and policy creates a sustainable and visible development change.The EU Integration Facility will result into a strengthened coordination and management, visibility and transparency of the accession process and higher level of alignment of the national legislation with the EU acquis. The EU investments will improve enforcement capacity of the national institutions to deliver on reforms, accession and the management of the EU funds. This is expected to raise the public support for the reforms and the EU accession path of the country. The EUIF finances capacity building interventions complementing the regular annual and multi-annual programmes, thus bringing the needed element of flexibility in the management of the EU funds in support of the reforms and the EU accession of the country. It allows the Commission to provide fast-track, specific and targeted financial support to North Macedonia for emerging, short-term needs as part of the EU accession process or in case of a crisis situation.&nbsp;
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Klimarisikomanagement Climate risk management Das grenzüberschreitende Klima- und Katastrophenrisikomanagement ist verbessert. Cross-border climate and disaster risk management in central asia has improved. Das grenzüberschreitende Klima- und Katastrophenrisikomanagement ist verbessert. Cross-border climate and disaster risk management in central asia has improved.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Beratungs- und Fortbildungsprogramm für Lehrkräfte in Schulen und kleinbäuerliche Betriebe in Südwest-Paraná, Phase 2 capacity building small peasants organisations, continuation Phase 2. Beratungs- und Fortbildungsprogramm für Lehrkräfte in Schulen und kleinbäuerliche Betriebe in Südwest-Paraná, Phase 2 capacity building small peasants organisations, continuation Phase 2. Assesoar leistet Beratung und führt pädagogische Bildungsmaßnahmen und Advocacy für Lehrkräfte, Auszubildende, Eltern und Gemeindemitglieder in Schulen, sowie kleinbäuerliche Betriebe und traditionelle Gemeinschaften in Südwest-Paraná durch, um die Ernährungssouveränität und die Bildungsmöglichkeiten auf dem Land zu sichern. Assesoar provides consultation and conducts educational activities and advocacy for teachers, trainees, parents, and community members in schools, as well as smallholder farmers and traditional communities in Southwest Paraná to ensure food sovereignty and educational opportunities in the countryside.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Contributing to the mitigation of conflict over natural resources between farmer and herder communities in Adamawa state, Nigeria (COMITAS Phase 2) Contract related to: Contributing to the mitigation of conflict over natural resources between farmer and herder communities in Adamawa state, Nigeria (COMITAS Phase 2) - The action aims at supporting peace and stability as well as mitigating conflict over natural resources in key areas of conflict in Nigeria. In the North-East, this action will build on the achievements of a previous intervention continuing to support the Government to strengthen internal coordination and to design a strategy for a political resolution of the crisis. In relation to the conflict between farmers and herders, this action will build on the positive results and the lessons learnt in a pilot phase currently underway in Adamawa and extend the scope of the programme to Taraba State. In the North-West, the Government will be supported to reduce communal violence and mitigate conflicts over natural resources through strengthened dialogue and social cohesion within and between communities. This will include supporting transitional justice mechanisms, promoting civic engagement of women and local youth, and inter-generational dialogue to positively engage young people and to prevent them from associating with criminal groups.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate Public Private Partnership Programme (CP3) The Climate Public Private Partnership Programme (CP3) aims to increase low carbon investment in renewable energy, water, energy efficiency and forestry in developing countries. By showing that Low Carbon and Climate Resilient investments can deliver competitive financial returns as well as climate and development impact, CP3 seeks to catalyse new sources of climate finance from institutional investors such as pension funds and sovereign wealth funds.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Verificación de gastos presupuesto programa FED/2019/ 411-473 (5to año) 15/11/2023 ¿ 14/07/2024 Contract related to: Verificación de gastos presupuesto programa FED/2019/ 411-473 (5to año) 15/11/2023 ¿ 14/07/2024 - The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of the vulnerability and sustainable development of the CARIFORUM States to disaster risks
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Radio programme for Behaviour Change to Address Climate Change Support Voice of Vietnam in producing and broadcasting a serial drama for behaviour change to address climate change
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in existing social Housing in Mexico Energieeffizienz und erneuerbare Energien im sozialen Wohnungsbaubestand Increased energy efficiency (EE) and the application of renewable energies (RE) in Mexico's social housing estate is improved. Steigerung der Energieeffizienz (EE) sowie die Anwendung erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im sozialen Wohnungsbaubestand Mexikos ist verbessert. Increased energy efficiency (EE) and the application of renewable energies (RE) in Mexico's social housing estate is improved. Steigerung der Energieeffizienz (EE) sowie die Anwendung erneuerbarer Energien (RE) im sozialen Wohnungsbaubestand Mexikos ist verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Organisationsfähigkeit und der Bürgerbeteiligung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Gemeinden der Munizipien Guanay und Caranavi Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on self reliance in small farmer communities Stärkung der Organisationsfähigkeit und der Bürgerbeteiligung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Gemeinden der Munizipien Guanay und Caranavi Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on self reliance in small farmer communities Stärkung der Organisationsfähigkeit und der Bürgerbeteiligung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Gemeinden der Munizipien Guanay und Caranavi Integrated rural and sustainable development with emphasis on self reliance in small farmer communities
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
FLC: Green Skills Training in Rural Areas PYM: Vihreiden taitojen koulutus maaseudulla In the project immigrants and young people will be trained to improve thermal insulation of houses and build energy-efficient stoves. The training will be offered by vocational schools and private training providers in close collaboration with the building sector employers. The project will promote green economy. At the same time the project will support the improvement of rural living conditions. Hankkeessa koulutetaan siirtolaisia ja nuoria asuntojen lämpöeristyken parantamiseen ja rakentamaan energiatehokkaita uuneja. Koulutuksen tuottavat ammattikoulut ja yksityiset koulutuksen tarjoajat läheisessä yhteistyössä rakennussektorin työnantaj ien kanssa. Hankkeessa edistetään vihreää taloutta. Samalla tuetaan maaseudun asuinolojen parantamista.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Communication and Visibility Support to the Programme Support to the Sustainable Commercialisation of Zambia's Smallholder Farmers <p class="ql-align-justify">The global objective of this assignment is to enhance the visibility and communication of all European Union funded action under the Programme, including in relation to the EU political priorities.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Food Security and Rural Development - Uganda Form and strengthen cooperatives and farmer´s associations; training at community aquaculture schools, stronger linkages with government extension services, focus on sustainable soil management and sustainable environmental practices for climate resilience, enhancing institutional effective marketing and value addition, seed multiplication; construction of bulking centres for storage; farmer exhibitions and exchange visits; and creation and training in Village Saving and Loans Associations. Special attention will be given people with special needs including people living with disabilities (PLWDs), female-headed households, youth-headed households and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAS).
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Monitoring of the EU Programme Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy Two monitoring missions per year to assess the implementation of the SWM Budget Support Programme and the status of the targets and indicators.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Implementation of the Functional Review and action plan for the Energy Division of the Ministry of Infrastructures, Rwanda Contract related to: Implementation of the Functional Review and action plan for the Energy Division of the Ministry of Infrastructures, Rwanda - The SRC and the accompanying measures will focus on supporting implementation of Rwanda's energy policy and strategy in a holistic and wide ranging way aligned to the structured approach under the SE4All Action Agenda
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Strengthening shock-responsive systems in Karamoja <p>The Programme, ¿Strengthening Shock-responsive Systems in Karamoja¿, is a joint collaboration between WFP, FAO and the Department of Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Management (DRDPM) of the Office of the Prime Minister, funded by the European Union (EU). The Programme¿s objective is to strengthen the Government of Uganda¿s capacity to reduce, anticipate and rapidly respond to the effects of shocks and sustain climate-resilient rural development.</p>
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ländliche Entwicklung und Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlage von Kakao- und Reisbäuer *innen in Südsulawesi, 2. Phase Rural Development and Livelihood Improvement of Organic Cacao, Rice and Vegetable Farmers in Soppeng District, phase 2 Ländliche Entwicklung und Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlage von Kakao- und Reisbäuer *innen in Südsulawesi, 2. Phase Rural Development and Livelihood Improvement of Organic Cacao, Rice and Vegetable Farmers in Soppeng District, phase 2 Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, die ländliche Entwicklung durch einkommenssteigernde Maßnahmen, insbesondere verbesserte Landwirtschaftsmethoden im biologischen Kaffee- und Reis-Anbau, und zu Zugang zu bezahlbaren Krediten zu stärken. The project aims to strengthen rural development through income-generating activities, particularly improved farming practices in organic coffee and rice cultivation, and access to affordable credit.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programm Nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung Sustainable land management (SLM) II Äthiopien ist gekennzeichnet von chronischer Nahrungsmittelknappheit und Ernäh-rungsunsicherheit mit regelmäßig auftretenden Hungersnöten. Aufgrund der geringen Erträ-ge gelingt es der überwiegend kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft bisher nicht, trotz ihres Poten-tials dauerhaft ausreichende Überschüsse zur Versorgung der Bevölkerung zu erwirtschaf-ten. Vielmehr führen unangepasste Bewirtschaftung, hoher Nutzungsdruck und Klimawandel zu Bodenerosion bis hin zu endgültigem Verlust des Bodens. Der Rückgang des natürlichen Produktionspotentials gefährdet die Einkommens- und Beschäftigungsgrundlage bäuerlicher Familien und verhindert nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum in weiten Teilen der ländlichen Gebiete. Die FZ-Maßnahme soll ebenso wie das laufende Vorhaben (BMZ-Nr. 2008 655 27) dazu beitragen, den Verlust des fruchtbaren Bodens zu reduzieren und den Erhalt und die Entwicklung des landwirtschaftlichen Produktionspotentials sicherzustellen. Über eine sys-tematische, der Topographie folgende und flächendeckende Behandlung von Wasserein-zugsgebieten mit Boden- und Wasserkonservierenden baulichen, biologischen und agrono-mischen Maßnahmen (watershed management approach) wird eine hohe Effektivität sicher-gestellt. Daneben werden in der zweiten Phase verstärkt die nachhaltige Nutzung und In-Wertsetzung rehabilitierter Flächen gefördert. Dies trägt zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrund-lage und des Einkommens der ländlichen Haushalte in der Programmregion bei. Die für die FZ-Maßnahme ausgewählten Wassereinzugsgebiete liegen im fruchtbaren äthiopischen Hochland, sind als noch ernährungssicher eingestuft, aber vom Abrutschen in eine ernäh-rungsunsichere Versorgungssituation bedroht. Dem äthiopischen Landwirtschaftsministerium als Träger obliegt die Koordination des von mehreren Gebern unterstützten nationalen Gesamtprogramms Sustainable Land Ma-nagement Program (SLMP), in das sich die vorgeschlagene FZ-Maßnahme eingliedert. Der Gesamtinvestitionsbedarf für nachhaltiges Landmanagement wird im Ethiopian Strategic Investment Framework auf rund USD 6,7 Mrd. für den Zeitraum 2009 bis 2023 geschätzt. Die äthiopische Regierung verfolgt das ambitionierte Ziel, die Investitionen in insgesamt 177 Woredas (Landkreise) regional möglichst breit zu streuen. Mit Unterstützung durch die deut-sche TZ finanziert die Weltbank zurzeit in 35, die FZ in 23 Woredas SLMP-Aktivitäten. Für weitere 18 Woredas ist die Unterstützung durch TZ und FZ aus CIDA-Mitteln vorgesehen. Das verfügbare Mittelvolumen umfasst dabei die deutsche Regierungszusage des Jahres 2011 in Höhe von EUR 10 Mio. FZ sowie EUR 10,2 Mio. der kanadischen CIDA (Mandatsmittel). Sustainable land management (SLM) II Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlage und des Einkommens ländlicher Haushalte. Sustainable land management (SLM) II
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Initiative to support public-private dialogue and business cooperation within the EU-AU Partnership The proposed action will aim to contribute to EU-Africa economic integration, encourage sustainable investment and deepen the EU-Africa Partnership, through the establishment of a more continuous platform for public-private dialogue and Business to Business (B2B)/ Business to Government (B2G)/networking between EU and African public and private stakeholders, using the EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) structure (¿the action¿).Since 2006, the EABF has been a major business forum preceding the AU-EU Summits. It brings decision-makers closer together to facilitate business cooperation&nbsp;and fosters dialogue between African and EU leaders, from the public and private sector, around key topics for the integration of EU-Africa value chains. This key public-private dialogue event is co-organised by the European Union (EU), the African Union Commission (AUC), together with African and EU business organisations.The Overall Objective of this action is to contribute to EU-Africa sustainable economic integration in the framework of the EU-Africa Partnership. The Specific Objectives of this action are: (1) to have an established and well-functioning EABF structure; (2) to foster a more continuous dialogue between EU-Africa public and private sector stakeholders; and (3) to create B2B and B2G networking opportunities between EU-Africa private and public sector stakeholders.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Enhanced Resilience, Adaptation to Shocks and Economic Strengthening Ländliche Entwicklung und Advocacy zur Stärkung der Ernährungssouveränität in Simbabwe - Fortführung Enhanced Resilience, Adaptation to Shocks and Economic Strengthening Ländliche Entwicklung und Advocacy zur Stärkung der Ernährungssouveränität in Simbabwe - Fortführung Enhanced Resilience, Adaptation to Shocks and Economic Strengthening Ländliche Entwicklung und Advocacy zur Stärkung der Ernährungssouveränität in Simbabwe - Fortführung
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Selbsthilfeorganisation und Schaffung von Einkommen aus der wirtschaftlichen Verwertung von Waldprodukten durch indigene Frauengruppen in Jharkhand &lt;![CDATA[Self-help organization and creating income from the commercialization of forest products by indigenous women&apos;s groups in Jharkhand]]&gt; Selbsthilfeorganisation und Schaffung von Einkommen aus der wirtschaftlichen Verwertung von Waldprodukten durch indigene Frauengruppen in Jharkhand Self-help organization and creating income from the commercialization of forest products by indigenous women's groups in Jharkhand Selbsthilfeorganisation und Schaffung von Einkommen aus der wirtschaftlichen Verwertung von Waldprodukten durch indigene Frauengruppen in Jharkhand Self-help organization and creating income from the commercialization of forest products by indigenous women's groups in Jharkhand
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programme to support the private sector with regards to financial inclusion in Tunisia in agriculture and social economy sectors Programma di Sostegno al settore privato e all'inclusione finanziaria in Tunisia nei settori dell'agricoltura e dell'economia soci The programme will offer via eligible financial institutions (working at the micro, meso and macro level) two dedicated credit lines for on overall amount of 50 million of Eur (35M for agriculture and 15M for the social economy); in addition dedicated supporting mechanisms, for 7 millions of Eur, will make more attractive and efficient the use of these funds (risk capital contributions, insurance for agricultural loans and vouchers to be used by business promoters to apply for technical assistance). Il Programma intende mettere a disposizione dei settori dell'agricoltura e dell'economia sociale delle linee di credito a condizioni agevolate per il tramite delle istituzioni finanziarie pubbliche) per un ammontare di 50 milioni di euro (35 milioni per l'agricoltura e 15 milioni per l'ESS) a credito d'aiuto.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Climate resilient communities Ivory Coast Vulnerable members in rural communities in Dimbokro (children <5, women in reproductive age) and communities benefit from improved health status and sustainable and productive livelihoods. This will be reached through sustainable landscape management, to result in climate smart livelihoods.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Improved soil carbon management in Indonesia Through this project, CIFOR will provide technical assistance o the Government of Indonesia; the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in this regard, to refine its Green House Gasses Accounting System, particularly in wetlands. The project will also support the International Tropical Peatland Center.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Community-Led Accelerated Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Ethiopia phase III Vesihuolto- sanitaatio ja hygieniahanke vaihe III Community-Led Accelerated Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Ethiopia (COWASH) project has been implemented in Ethiopia since 2011. During the first two phases clean water has been made available for 1.8 million people. During the third phase of COWASH the ta rget is to provide water for additional 900 000 people.The impact of the intervention is to have health of the rural population and the rural women's situation improved in 5 regions in Ethiopia. The intervention has 4 outcomes: 1) Increased clean water cov erage 2) Increased sanitation coverage 3) Increased sustainability and functionality of built WASH facilities 4)Women's empowerment. Evidence gathered from COWASH III's positive results will also support Finland to influence to the WASH sector development in Ethiopia. Finland will also participate to the Consolidated WASH Account (CWA) that supports the One WASH National Sector Program and will try to get the community managed project (CMP) approach included in the projects funded by CWA. The budget for the COWASH III bilateral project is 11 million euros and it is divided: 2016: 2 400 000 euros 2017: 3 400 000 euros 2018: 3 200 000 euros and 2019: 2 000 000 euros. Ethiopia belongs to least developed countries (LDC). COWASH III (Community-led Accelerated Water Sanitation and Hygiene Project) vesihuolto- sanitaatio- ja hygieniahankkeen tavoitteena on puhtaan veden saatavuuden ja sanitaation lisääminen Etiopian maaseudulla ja sitä kautta väestön terveydentilan paran taminen. Hankkeessa on käytössä yhteisöjohtoinen toimintamalli CMP (community managed project approach) jossa kyläläiset itse vastaavat vesihankkeen hallinnasta toteutuksesta ja huoltotoiminnasta. COWASH III-hankkeen tavoitteet on asetettu Etiopian k asvu- ja muutossuunnitelman (GTP II) ja kansallisen vesiohjelman One Wash National Plan (OWNP II) sekä kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden 6.1 ja 6.2 mukaisesti. Hankkeen IV-vaihe oli tarkoitus alkaa heinäkuussa 2020 mutta korona-pandemian alkaessa suunni ttelutyö viivästyi. Hankkeeseen toivottiin Etiopian puolelta jatkokautta etenkin tilanteessa jossa vesi- sanitaatio- ja hygieniatoiminnalla (WASH) on terveyssektorin ohella kriittisin rooli väestön suojelemisessa korona-pandemialta. III-vaiheen jatko k esä-joulukuulle 2020 sisältää siten räätälöityjä aktiviteetteja koronan vastaisiin toimenpiteisiin ml. humanitaarista toimintaa sekä kriisinsietokyvyn rakentamista pandemiaa vastaan hankkeen nykyisillä toiminta-alueilla Amharan Tigrayn Oromian B enishangul Gumuzin ja SNNPR:n osavaltioissa. Suunnitellut aktiviteetit terveys- karanteeni- ja eristyskeskuksissa ja yhteisöissä vaikuttavat suoraan pandemian torjuntaan. Toiminnassa noudatetaan kansallisen hätätilan säädöksiä ja rajoituksia sekä osavaltioiden mahdollisesti asettamia säädöksiä. Jatkokaudella pidettäisiin yllä myös hankkeen ns. perustoimintoja eli vesi- ja sanitaatiopisteitä rakennetaan sekä yhteisöissä että instituutioissa ml. kouluissa ja terveysasemilla nämäkin kont ribuoivat pandemian vastaisessa työssä. Hankkeen kautta parannetaan myös naisten nuorten tyttöjen ja vammaisten asemaa ja näiden ryhmien erityistarpeet otetaan huomioon pandemiaan vastatessa sekä hankkeen aktiviteettien suunnittelussa.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
MAP - Wirtschaftlich nachhaltiges Schutzgebietsmanagement in Bolivien durch Stärkung lokaler und indigener Gemeinden &lt;![CDATA[Multi-Stakeholder-Partnership: Economically sustainable management of Bolivia&apos;s nature reserves through empowerment of both local and indigenous communities]]&gt; MAP - Wirtschaftlich nachhaltiges Schutzgebietsmanagement in Bolivien durch Stärkung lokaler und indigener Gemeinden Multi-Stakeholder-Partnership: Economically sustainable management of Bolivia's nature reserves through empowerment of both local and indigenous communities MAP - Wirtschaftlich nachhaltiges Schutzgebietsmanagement in Bolivien durch Stärkung lokaler und indigener Gemeinden Multi-Stakeholder-Partnership: Economically sustainable management of Bolivia's nature reserves through empowerment of both local and indigenous communities
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen von 5.000 Kleinbauernfamilien durch Erhalt und angepasste Nutzung der vorhandenen natürlichen Ressourcen in 3 Distrikten von Kerala Improving the living conditions of the marginal farmers and women through conservation and utilization of natural resources and sustainable livelihood initiatives in 3 southern districts of Kerala Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen von 5.000 Kleinbauernfamilien durch Erhalt und angepasste Nutzung der vorhandenen natürlichen Ressourcen in 3 Distrikten von Kerala Improving the living conditions of the marginal farmers and women through conservation and utilization of natural resources and sustainable livelihood initiatives in 3 southern districts of Kerala Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen von 5.000 Kleinbauernfamilien durch Erhalt und angepasste Nutzung der vorhandenen natürlichen Ressourcen in 3 Distrikten von Kerala Improving the living conditions of the marginal farmers and women through conservation and utilization of natural resources and sustainable livelihood initiatives in 3 southern districts of Kerala
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Förderung in der Landsicherung und der Produktion mit Kleinfischer(inne)n und Kleinbauern/Kleinbäuerinnen in der Diözese Floresta Land secure and sustainable small scale farming and fishing, Diocese of Floresta Förderung in der Landsicherung und der Produktion mit Kleinfischer(inne)n und Kleinbauern/Kleinbäuerinnen in der Diözese Floresta Land secure and sustainable small scale farming and fishing, Diocese of Floresta Förderung in der Landsicherung und der Produktion mit Kleinfischer(inne)n und Kleinbauern/Kleinbäuerinnen in der Diözese Floresta Land secure and sustainable small scale farming and fishing, Diocese of Floresta
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SECTORS NOT SPECIFIED rehabilitation of torture victims Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Solaranlage für ein Gästehaus in der Diözese Rumbek Support of solar energy for a guest house in the diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan Solaranlage für ein Gästehaus in der Diözese Rumbek Support of solar energy for a guest house in the diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan Solaranlage für ein Gästehaus in der Diözese Rumbek Support of solar energy for a guest house in the diocese of Rumbek, South Sudan
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Procurement of goods/equipment for Tackling Visceral Leismaniasis in South Asia and East Africa Lot 1 and Lot 2 This activity (Procurement of goods/equipment for Tackling Visceral Leismaniasis in South Asia and East Africa Lot 1 and Lot 2 ) is a component of Tackling Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in Asia & Africa Lot 1 and Lot 2 reported by FCDO and a budget of £1,525,639.This project benefits SOUTH SUDAN.And works in the following sector(s): Infectious disease control, Health policy and administrative management.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
S¿curit¿ Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle des m¿nages agricoles dans la R¿gion du Vakinankaratra ¿ Madagascar (SANUVA) L'action vise à (i) augmenter et diversifier durablement les productions agricoles parlintensification agro-écologique des exploitations agricoles familiales, (ii).améliorer la valorisation des productions et le fonctionnement de filières commerciales, (iii) améliorer durablement lalimentation des familles vulnérables en utilisant les produits des exploitations agricoles.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Driver of change: community empowerment for environmental protection in East Jerusalem the action aims to foster environmental protection in East Jerusalem by developing an inclusive strategy for raising awareness on environmental protection, to create a network of citizens initiative to push for environmental rights. ONLUS and its partners proposes to launch two small-scale entrepreneurship experiences in recycling. Outputs are as follows: implementation of a multi-stakeholders strategy for raising awareness on environmental protection, creation of a citizens network...
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
URBE Latam: Understanding Risks and Building Enhanced Capabilities in Latin American cities URBE Latam addresses the implementation gap between sustainable development and equitable resilience. It will do so by using a transdisciplinary research approach aimed at empowering residents of disaster-prone urban poor neighbourhoods, which will underpin the co-production of enhanced, context-specific understandings of local risks and the integration of the resulting data into decision-making procedures in disaster risk reduction and sustainable development monitoring. The project is conducted by a highly skilled multi-disciplinary research team (including social sciences, engineering and physical sciences) and adopts a dialogic co-production approach to citizen-generated data which relies upon well-established partnerships with community-based initiatives for local development, education and disaster risk reduction in Rio de Janeiro and Medellin, as well as with governmental agencies involved in disaster risk reduction and local planning and development. URBE Latam proceeds in four integrated components that seek an enhanced understanding of risks, vulnerabilities and local capabilities in disaster-prone urban areas: first it is centred on the engagement of citizens to generate data to expand understandings of risks at the neighbourhood level; second, citizens engagement in risk will be pursued alongside an analysis of socio-spatial inequalities in resilience and development indicators and policies at city and national level; third, this will lead to the recalibration of environmental risk mapping with citizen-generated data; fourth, these components are articulated and integrated within a framework to facilitate dialogic transformations across the different levels and stakeholders involved. The process of advancing these outputs will further enable capacity development in local communities and the governments of Rio de Janeiro and Medellin; a process which will be augmented by improving the awareness of stakeholders in other Latin American cities and countries through broader dissemination. Insights from collaboratively produced citizen-generated data will be integrated into the practices of disaster risk management and development monitoring (e.g. SDG reporting) in collaboration with international policymaking agencies, thus enabling transformations towards more equitable disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. As an overarching outcome, the project will enable the transformation of practices, improve knowledge among a diverse range of stakeholders and enhance capacity to promote equitable resilience. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ernährungssicherung und ökologische Stabilisierung von Wassereinzugsgebieten in Nordwest-Haiti durch innovative Produktionsmethoden Sécurité alimentaire et stabilisation écologique des bassins versants au Nord-Ouest d’Haïti grâce à des méthodes de production innovantes Ernährungssicherung und ökologische Stabilisierung von Wassereinzugsgebieten in Nordwest-Haiti durch innovative Produktionsmethoden Sécurité alimentaire et stabilisation écologique des bassins versants au Nord-Ouest d’Haïti grâce à des méthodes de production innovantes Ernährungssicherung und ökologische Stabilisierung von Wassereinzugsgebieten in Nordwest-Haiti durch innovative Produktionsmethoden Sécurité alimentaire et stabilisation écologique des bassins versants au Nord-Ouest d’Haïti grâce à des méthodes de production innovantes
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Ernährungssicherung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel, Dale Sadi-Phase Überleitung, Fortführung Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Project, Dale Sadi-phase over Ernährungssicherung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel, Dale Sadi-Phase Überleitung, Fortführung Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Project, Dale Sadi-phase over Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Fähigkeit von Kleinbauern zur Anpassung der negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels durch verschiedene agroökologische Praktiken wie konservierende Landwirtschaft, integriertes Nährstoffmanagement und Schädlings- und Krankheitsbekämpfung zu verbessern. The project aims to enhance the capacity of smallholder farmers in adapting the adverse climate change effect through different agroecological practices such as conservation agriculture, integrated nutrient management and pest and disease control.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Aufbau von Resilienzen auf Gemeindeebene in Süd-West Somalia und Nord-Ost-Kenia Community Resilience Building Project in Somalia and Kenya Aufbau von Resilienzen auf Gemeindeebene in Süd-West Somalia und Nord-Ost-Kenia Community Resilience Building Project in Somalia and Kenya Aufbau von Resilienzen auf Gemeindeebene in Süd-West Somalia und Nord-Ost-Kenia Community Resilience Building Project in Somalia and Kenya
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective