3 values
3 values
Climate Change Adaptation in China: Monitoring and Early Warning of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods in the Area of the Yarkant River With Climate Change, melting ice from glaciers is heightening the risk for Glacier Lake Outburst Floods, and changing river flow patterns. The present Sino-Swiss cooperation aims at improving the management of high flood risk of Yarkant River, strengthen monitoring capacities of the glaciers in the upper catchment area, and support Water Risk Management at highest official level in China. High emphasis is put on exchanging knowledge with international networks.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Tokelau Disaster and Coastal Risk Mitigation The Activity will enhance the resilience of all Tokelau communities by preparing designs and inputs for detailed business cases for strengthening coastal defences, constructing emergency shelters and repairing or replacing Nukunonu bridge.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Proagri II 2009-2010 Proagri II 2009-2010 Progamstöd till jordbrukssektorn tillsammans med 7 andra givare. Övergripande mål är att förbättra matsäkerheten, öka inkomsterna för jordbruksproducenterna och bidra till ett bärkraftigt utnyttjande av naturresurserna. PROAGRI II is the continuation of PROAGRI I - a sector programme budget support to the agricultural sector. Sweden together with 7 other donors have signed a MoU with GoM. The overall objectives of the program are i) to improve food security ii) increased income for agricultural producers iii) sustainable management of natural resources.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Technical support to MINAM for the implementation of the REDD+ NFM Technical support to MINAM for the implementation of the NFM
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Rural Development through Integrated Forest and Water Resources Management in Southeast Europe Ländliche Entwicklung durch integriertes Wald- und Wasserressourcen Management Regional capacities for sustainable forest and water resource management within the framework of rural development have been improved Die regionalen Kapazitäten für das nachhaltige Management der Wald- und Wasserressourcen im Rahmen der Entwicklung ländlicher Wirtschaftsräume sind verbessert. Regional capacities for sustainable forest and water resource management within the framework of rural development have been improved Die regionalen Kapazitäten für das nachhaltige Management der Wald- und Wasserressourcen im Rahmen der Entwicklung ländlicher Wirtschaftsräume sind verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Addressing the compounded food and energy crisis in Ukraine through innovative technologies and adaptive agricultural practices The purpose of this project is to respond to the current food and energy crisis in Ukraine and globally. A study will be conducted to evaluate the biofuel and biomass potential in Ukraine, and particularly the extent to which the conflict-affected territories could be used to grow crops for conversion to biofuels. UNEP, in partnership with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), will conduct a joint technical analysis for evidence-based programming, specifically calculating the economic benefits of the project on food production. The results will provide the Government of Ukraine with an objective evaluation of environmental, social and economic impacts of biofuels to support an informed decision on a suitable biofuel strategy for Ukraine.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Orange Corners Bangladesh The Orange Corners Dhaka trains entrepreneurial skills to the youth and women to generate job and self-employment. The program focuses on students and businesses that create a social impact for Bangladesh. It is designed in a way so that the private sector can take over the project and make it a sustainable one.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Programme de Développement Economique et Social des Villes Secondaires exposées à des facteurs d'instabilité (PRODESV) OBJECTIF GLOBAL: Renforcer la stabilité régionale et une meilleure gestion des migrations au Cameroun.OBJECTIF SPECIFIQUE: Renforcer la capacité des villes secondaires pour faire face aux crises, accueillir de nouveaux arrivants et promouvoir le développement socio-économique communal inclusif dans le respect de lenvironnement.RESULTATS:Résultat/produit 1 : Des infrastructures publiques promouvant le développement socio-économique des villes secondaires sont construites, exploitées, entretenues de façon durable et utilisées par les populations des communautés hôtes et des migrants.Résultat/produit 2 : Des emplois et des opportunités dentrepreneuriat local sont créés en lien avec la construction, lexploitation et lutilisation des infrastructures réalisées dans des villes secondaires. Résultat/produit 3 : Les compétences professionnelles des réfugiés, déplacés internes et autres migrants ainsi que de leurs communautés hôtes sont renforcées.Résultat/produit 4 : Les capacités des administrations des villes secondaires pour gérer des infrastructures mises en place et gérer des crises et conflits urbains émergents sont renforcées.Résultat/produit 5 : Les capacités du personnel du FEICOM pour accompagner activement tous les volets de la mise en uvre du PRODESV, ainsi que d'autres projets similaires dans le cadre de son mandat, sont renforcées.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programme d’appui à la valorisation des produits forestiers non ligneux Au Burkina Faso, des chocs climatiques récurrents, tels qu’inondations ou sécheresses, engendre des déficits alimentaires pour une frange importante de la population rurale. Dans ce contexte, l’utilisation des produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL) présente plusieurs atouts: accessibles, ils améliorent la qualité de l’alimentation et procurent des revenus supplémentaires pour les femmes. La DDC soutient la valorisation des PFNL, en partenariat avec l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO).
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Capacity building for sustainable energy Kapazitätenentwicklung für nachhaltige Energie Relevant actors in the energy and education sector are able to integrate sustainable energy solutions into the Mongolian energy system Relevante Akteure des Energie- und Bildungssektors sind in der Lage, nachhaltige Energielösungen in das mongolische Energiesystem zu integrieren. Relevant actors in the energy and education sector are able to integrate sustainable energy solutions into the Mongolian energy system Relevante Akteure des Energie- und Bildungssektors sind in der Lage, nachhaltige Energielösungen in das mongolische Energiesystem zu integrieren.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Mama Misitu: A campaign to improve forest governance Mama Misitu kampanja Mama Misitu (MM) is a communication and advocacy campaign on forestry governance and national development. The campaign was initiated by Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) which received funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The campaign started with a Pilot phase which took place in 18 months with a preparatory period of three months from March - May 2008 followed by pilot implementation from July 2008 to October 2009. The main objectives of the MM Campaign are to enable com munities adjacent to the forests to become aware of the economic value of forests resources and to increase stakeholder awareness so that they can take actions focused on stopping illegal timber trade and promote best practices in forest management. The MM campaign was initiated as part of the implementation of recommendations made in the TRAFFIC report. Kampanjan tarkoituksena on vähentää tiedotuksen vaikuttamisen koulutuksen ja verkostoitumisen avulla laitonta metsänkäyttöä ”alhaalta päin” eli kyläläisten ja kuntien asukkaiden toimesta ja samalla lisätä metsästä saatavia hyötyjä paikall isille yhteisöille. Kampanja tiedottaa paikallisyhteisöjen ja yksittäisten kansalaisten oikeudesta omistaa laillisesti (metsä)maata ja mahdollisuudesta harjoittaa kestävää metsätaloutta yhteisömetsissä tai yksityisissä metsäreserveissä. Tansan ian yhteisöpohjaiseen metsänkäyttöön (Participatory Forest Management) liittyvä lainsäädäntö on eräs Afrikan edistyksellisimmistä: se mm. takaa kylämetsän (Village Land Forest Reserve) perustaneelle kyläneuvostolle oikeuden pidättää itsel lään verottomasti kaikki suunnitelmien mukaan hakatusta puusta saadut tulot.Mama Misitu on Tanzania Natural Resources Forumin (TNRF) 18 luonnonvarojen kanssa työskentelevän kansalaisjärjestön katto-organisaation toteuttama tiedotus- vaikuttamis- ja v erkostoitumiskampanja jonka pilottivaiheen Suomi rahoitti 2008–09. Kampanja syntyi vastauksena vuonna 2007 ilmestyneeseen TRAFFIC-järjestön raporttiin “Forestry Governance and National Development: Lessons Learned from a Logging Boom in Southern Tanzan ia” joka käsitteli laittomia hakkuita tukevia rakenteita ja verkostoja Etelä-Tansaniassa sekä taloudellisia tappioita joita laiton toiminta aiheuttaa: selvityksen mukaan noin 96 prosentista kaupatusta puutavarasta ei maksettu lainkaan veroa jonka vuoks i valtio on menettänyt ja menettää edelleen vuosittain noin 60 miljoonan USD tulot. Hyvän hallinnon puute on eräs pahimmista luonnonvarojen kestämätöntä käyttöä ja metsänhäviämistä aiheuttavista ilmiöistä.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Feasibility Studies for the distribution networks in Buchanan and Greenville towns, Liberia <p>(i)To carry out the Feasibility Studies for the construction of the distribution networks in Buchanan and Greenville towns, Liberia; (ii)To prepare the Tender Documents for the works contracts, covering the detailed design and construction of the distribution networks in Buchanan and Greenville towns, Liberia. (iii)To review the existing Tender Documents for the works supervision contract and works contract for the construction of the hydro-power plant in Greenville.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Leveraging stractegic Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage Leveraging stractegic Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage L'intervention "Strategic Health Finances for Universal Health Coverage" (NN3226/ UGA20003) (4 MEUR) (39 mois) s'appui sur les acquis de l'intervention précédente SPHU, notamment le mécanisme RBF (result-based-financing) qui a été approprié et institutionnalisé par les partenaires ougandais, et vise dans le cadre du programme de transition à renforcer et consolider le système de santé en place par une assistance technique et un appui stratégique (surtout par la digitalisation et l'inclusion de la communauté locale). The 'Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage' (LSF) project contributes to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Uganda following a Rights Based Approach. It will support result based financing to improve provision of quality services, efficiency, and equity in recourse allocation and as a first step towards a third-payment system of a public health insurance system. Attention for patients’ rights and protection has been included. In this way, the project contributes to modelling a sustainable health insurance scheme and organisation in Uganda, through support field to Districts and Health Facilities in the Rwenzori, West Nile regions and Acholi sub-region in Uganda, as well as a strategic support to the RBF unit at the ministry’s level. The project provides direct support in the area of emergency response in order to strengthen the referral system, and in the area of sexual and reproductive health services and rights to strengthen demand and access, in particular for adolescents and in the area of family planning.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
IGAD/IDDRSI 2019-2022 Strengthening Coordination and Implementation of IDDRSI - IGAD/IDDRSI 2019-2022 Strengthening Coordination and Implementation of IDDRSI IGAD/IDDRSI 2019-2022 Strengthening Coordination and Implementation of IDDRSI This contribution, which builds on the on-going support from Sweden and other development partners; aims to consolidate IDDRSI’s (IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative) achievements in the promotion and coordination of resilience-building activities in the IGAD region by focusing on the following areas: (a) Optimizing the implementation of IDDRSI; (b) Scaling up resilience-enhancing technologies and innovations in cross-border areas; (c) Gender mainstreaming, capacity development and partnership that is needed to achieve the objectives of IDDRSI and (d) Improving IGAD’s capacity to monitor, analyze and evaluate the process of attaining resilience-enhancement The proposed project has a duration of 3 years (October 2019 – September 2022) and has a total cost of SEK 56 500 000 of which SEK 23 200 000 is for implementation in year 1 (October 2019 – September 2020), SEK 17 400 000 for year 2 (October 2020 – September 2021) and SEK 15 900 000 for year 3 (October 2021 – September 2022) Detta bidrag bygger på ett pågående stöd från Sverige och andra utvecklingspartner. Det syftar till att konsolidera IDDRSIs (IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative) uppnådda resultat vad gäller främjande och samordning av motståndskraft (resiliens) i IGAD-regionen genom att fokusera på följande områden: (a) Optimera genomförandet av IDDRSI; b) Förbättra teknik för att förbättra resiliens och innovationer i gränsområden, c) Integrering av jämställdhetsperspektiv, kapacitetsutveckling och partnerskap som behövs för att uppnå målen med IDDRSI, och d) Förbättra IGADs förmåga att övervaka, analysera och utvärdera processen att uppnå stärkande av motståndskraft. Det föreslagna projektet löper över 3 år (oktober 2019 - september 2022) och har en sammanlagd kostnad på 56 500 000 kronor varav 23 200 000 kronor är avsedda att genomföras år 1 (oktober 2019 - september 2020), 17 400 000 kronor för år 2 (oktober 2020 - september 2021) och 15 900 000 kronor för år 3 (oktober 2021 - september 2022). The overall goal of the proposed projects to enhance resilience to drought of communities, institutions and ecosystems in the IGAD region. Building on the on-going support from Sweden and other development partners; and with the benefit of the experiences and lessons learnt from implementation of the first phase of the IDDRSI Strategy (2013 – 2018), the IGAD Secretariat will use the proposed project to consolidate its work in the promotion and coordination of resilience-building activities in the IGAD region by focusing on the following areas:(a) Optimising the implementation of IDDRSI;(b) Scaling up resilience-enhancing technologies and innovations in cross-border areas;(c) Gender mainstreaming, capacity development and partnership needed to achieve the objectives of IDDRSI and(d) Improving IGAD’s capacity to monitor, analyse and evaluate the process of attaining resilience-enhancement.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Accountable Grant for T-Shelter Activities of Care in West Sumatra This activity (Accountable Grant for T-Shelter Activities of Care in West Sumatra) is a component of West Sumatra Earthquake: Support to Transitional Shelter Activities of CARE reported by FCDO and a budget of £1,084,598.This project benefits INDONESIA.And works in the following sector(s): Immediate post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitation.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
ITP 277a+b Wind Power Development 09,10,11,12,13 - 277 Wind Power Dev 09-11 ITP 277a+b Wind Power Development 09,10,11,12,13 International Training Programme (ITP) within wind power development to begin 2009, 2010, 2011 with 18 months of program. Intrnationellt utbildningsprogram (ITP) inom vindkraftsutveckling att starta 2009, 2010, 2011 med 18 månaders program.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Hochschulprogramm zu erneuerbarer Energie und Energieeffizienz III (PESEREE III) Higher Education Programme for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PESEREE III) Die Aus- und Fortbildung von Fachkräften in erneuerbaren Energien und Energieeffizienz in Senegal ist hinsichtlich Qualität, Quantität, Beschäftigungsorientierung und der Förderung unternehmerischer Kompetenzen verbessert. The education of professionals in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Senegal is improved in terms of quality, quantity, employment orientation and the promotion of entrepreneurial skills. Die Aus- und Fortbildung von Fachkräften in erneuerbaren Energien und Energieeffizienz in Senegal ist hinsichtlich Qualität, Quantität, Beschäftigungsorientierung und der Förderung unternehmerischer Kompetenzen verbessert. The education of professionals in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Senegal is improved in terms of quality, quantity, employment orientation and the promotion of entrepreneurial skills.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Providing Agricultural and Pastoral Livelihood Support for Responding to Immediate Needs of Internally Displaced Persons and Host Communities Enhanced food and nutrition security of vulnerable IDPs agro-pastoralists and pastoralist families in Yemen through improved and food production
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Förderung eines gesamtgesellschaftlichen Ansatzes durch die aktive Einbindung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in die Katastrophenvorsorge Realising all-of-society commitment through the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in disaster risk reduction Förderung eines gesamtgesellschaftlichen Ansatzes durch die aktive Einbindung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in die Katastrophenvorsorge Realising all-of-society commitment through the meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in disaster risk reduction Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, das überproportionale Risiko, dem Menschen mit Behinderungen im Katastrophenfall ausgesetzt sind, dadurch zu reduzieren, dass die Verpflichtungen des Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in regionalen und nationalen Strategien und Planungsdokumenten reflektiert sind und praktisch umgesetzt werden. The aim of the project is to reduce the disproportionate risk to which people with disabilities are exposed in the event of a disaster by reflecting the commitments of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction to include people with disabilities in regional and national strategies and planning documents and implementing them in practice.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Humanitarian Area-based Programming in Qadi Askar district, Aleppo, Syria Intervento umanitario di supporto ad un’area specifica in Qadi Askar, Aleppo - Siria The present intervention, which falls into the Area-based Return Support, aims at supporting Qadi Askar district, an area which is experiencing voluntary returns, through activities that enhance the resilience of the targeted communities, by focusing on the access to protection services and livelihood opportunities. Moreover, the aim of the intervention is to improve the economic empowerment of women Il presente intervento, che si inserisce all’interno dell’Area-based Return Support, intende supportare il distretto di Qadi Askar, zona interessata da ritorni volontari, attraverso attività che aumentano la resilienza delle comunità target, concentrandosi sull’aumento dell’accesso ai servizi di protezione e creazione di opportunità lavorative.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Activity under preparation Mid-term evaluation of the Lusaka Transmission Distribution Rehabilitation Project - Low Voltage Distribution Network <p>This contyract will forcus on untaking a Mid-term evaluation of the Lusaka Transmission Distribution Rehabilitation Project - Low Voltage Distribution Network as per requirement of the Financing Agreement</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Partners for Resilience India The Partners for Resilience Strategic Partnership 2016-2020 focusses on dialogue trajectories for Integrated Risk Management (IRM), done by Civil Society organisations and networks. Cordaid implements this program in India (amongst other countries), in the Asia region and at international level. In order to advocate for IRM also knowledge management and capacity strengthening activities are done. With local partners: UNNATI (Organisation for Development Education); Kalvi Kendra; Caritas India; SEEDS; HARC (Himalayan Action Research Centre) Overall objective: support the implementation of UNISDR's Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and SDG's 11, 13, 15, to ensure that vulnerable people become more resilient to crises in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. Strategic objectives: ensure increased community resilience through: 1. strengthening partner NGO's and communities in their knowledge and their dialogue capacity on Integrated Risk Management (IRM); 2. embarking on specific IRM dialogue trajectories at local, national and regional levels, focusing on 3 domains: Policy, Investment and Practise The key target groups for the program are communities and groups that are marginalised and therefore vulnerable to disasters, with special attention paid to women, youth, elderly and disabled persons. The specific target groups for the dialogue capacity strengthening are Civil Society organisations and networks, at local, national and regional level, in India and in Asia. The key targets (audience) of the dialogue trajectories are stakeholders in the IRM policy, investment and practise domains
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programm zur nachhaltigen Ernährungssicherung und guter Regierungsführung im Kanton Bagaye, Fortführung Project to Support Food Security and Good Governance in the Canton Bagaye, continuation phase III Programm zur nachhaltigen Ernährungssicherung und guter Regierungsführung im Kanton Bagaye, Fortführung Project to Support Food Security and Good Governance in the Canton Bagaye, continuation phase III Das Projekt integriert gewaltfreie Konfliktlösung und agrarökologische landwirtschaftliche Methoden zur Minderung von Ressourcenkonflikten. The project aims at promoting non-violent conflict resolution and agro-ecological measures to reduce land-related conflicts.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung und Konsolidierung der Ernährungssicherheit auf Basis einer ökologischen und nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft im Cono Sur von Cochabamba, Bolivien Strengthening and consolidating food security based on organic and sustainable agriculture in the Cono Sur of Cochabamba, Bolivia Stärkung und Konsolidierung der Ernährungssicherheit auf Basis einer ökologischen und nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft im Cono Sur von Cochabamba, Bolivien Strengthening and consolidating food security based on organic and sustainable agriculture in the Cono Sur of Cochabamba, Bolivia Über Allianzen zwischen öffentlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen sowie privaten Akteuren werden die nachhaltigen, landwirtschaftlichen Produktionssysteme kleinbäuerlicher Familien im Rahmen der Modelle der Territorialplanungen in der Projektregion konsolidiert. Through alliances between public, civil society and private actors, the sustainable agricultural production systems of smallholder families are consolidated within the framework of territorial planning models in the project region.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Institutional Development of the Water Sector III – Addressing Basic Needs Institutionelle Entwicklung des Wassersektors III - Sicherstellung der Grundversorgung Conditions for sustaining basic water supply and sanitation services for the population are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für die Aufrechterhaltung der Grundversorgung der Bevölkerung mit Trinkwasser- und Sanitärdienstleistungen sind verbessert. Conditions for sustaining basic water supply and sanitation services for the population are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für die Aufrechterhaltung der Grundversorgung der Bevölkerung mit Trinkwasser- und Sanitärdienstleistungen sind verbessert.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Black Sea (FSP) To reverse the overexploitation of select commercial living marine resources by enhancing the capacity of Black Sea countries to manage fisheries, including through the application of ecosystem-based management tools.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Kleinbäuerliche Aufforstung Hunan II Smallholder Forestry Hunan II Das Projekt in der Bergregion im Westen der Provinz Hunan ist Bestandteil des nationalen Schutzwaldes am oberen und mittleren Yangtze. Mit der Begründung und Rehabilitierung von rund 37.700 ha Schutz und Nutzmischwäldern sowie mit deren nachhaltiger Bewirtschaftung durch die Einführung eines systematischen Bestandsmanagements soll ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Umweltbedingungen in der Region geleistet werden. Die Vergütung von Arbeitsleistungen im Rahmen der Aufforstungsmaßnahmen und die Anpflanzung von 1.500 ha Obst- und Nussbäumen sollen außerdem zur Minderung der Armut der ländlichen Bevölkerung im Projektgebiet beitragen.Von den Gesamtkosten in Höhe von ca. 140,0 Mio. RMB (ca. 15,34 Mio. EUR) werden nach Übertragung der Restmittel aus dem Vorhaben Hunan I (BMZ-Nr. 1997 65 090) 7,97 Mio. EUR aus FZ-Mitteln finanziert. Smallholder Forestry Hunan II Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von bis zu 37.700 ha neu angelegter bzw. rehabilitierter Schutz- und Nutzmischwälder unter Mitwirkung der lokalen Bevölkerung (darin eingeschlossen: Pflanzung von bis zu 1.500 ha Nuss- und Obstbäumen). Smallholder Forestry Hunan II
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Projet de r¿silience ¿ la s¿curit¿ alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans la province d'Ituri (RDC) Contract related to: Projet de r¿silience ¿ la s¿curit¿ alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans la province d'Ituri (RDC) - ENV B - L'objectif général de l'Action est d'améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations en RDC, et en particulier des ménages les plus pauvres, des femmes et des enfants.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Kiritimati Energy Infrastructure Upgrades NZ and the EU are co-financing energy infrastructure upgrades on Kiritimati Island, eastern Kiribati
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Incoming Visit from India on Waste Management to the Netherlands This incoming visit from 18 to 20 January follows the signing of an MoU on sustainable urban development, integrated waste management, climate resilience and circular economy between the Indian and the Dutch government in Davos at the World Economic Forum, January 17th. This incoming visit is part of the combitrack waste management track in India and will identify waste projects for Dutch companies with the Indian (state) government in Maharashtra, as well as enable the Indian delegation with learning and experience sharing on Dutch technologies and solutions for waste management.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Special Fund of FGYO for Central and Eastern European countries 2023 MOE-Sonderfonds DFJW 2023 The specific purpose of the project is to promote trilateral youth exchanges with participants from Germany, France and partner countries from Central and Eastern Europe. A total of 13 exchange programs are expected to be carried out. Main topics in 2023 are: Civic education to strengthen youth and civil society; Future of the European idea and citizenship; Vocational training and sustainable entrepreneurship; Peace education and remembrance Environmental protection in the fight against climate change. Konkreter Zuwendungszweck des Projekts ist es, den trilateralen Jugendaustausch mit Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern aus Deutschland, Frankreich und Partnerländern aus mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern zu fördern. Es sollen voraussichtlich 13 Austauschprogramme durchgeführt werden. Themenschwerpunkte in 2023 sind: Politische Bildung zur Stärkung der Jugend und Zivilgesellschaft; Zukunft der europäischen Idee und Staatsbürgerschaft; Berufliche Bildung und nachhaltiges Unternehmertum; Friedenspädagogik und Erinnerung Umweltschutz im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Construction of Cyclone Shelters in the frame of the DRR Programme in cyclone “Sidr” affected areas in Bangladesh The project will make it possible to construct 5 additional multi-purpose cyclone shelters, bringing the total of cyclone shelters financed by Switzerland up to 12 units and to contribute to the protection of a total of 16’000 people. By actively involving the benefit-ting community in the process of project design and the identification of the best location, SDC aims at optimizing the use of the shelters in times of both disasters and normal life
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate-smart livestock production and land restoration in the Uruguayan rangelands (FSP) To mitigate climate change and to restore degraded lands through the promotion of climate-smart practices in the livestock sector.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
&lt;![CDATA[Stärkung von Maya-Q&apos;eqchi-Familien bei der Landverteidigung und Ernährungssouveränität mit einem Menschenrechts- und Genderansatz in Guatemala]]&gt; &lt;![CDATA[Strengthening of Maya Q&apos;eqchi families in the protection of their land and food sovereignty by applying a human rights and gender approach Guatemala]]&gt; Stärkung von Maya-Q'eqchi-Familien bei der Landverteidigung und Ernährungssouveränität mit einem Menschenrechts- und Genderansatz in Guatemala Strengthening of Maya Q'eqchi families in the protection of their land and food sovereignty by applying a human rights and gender approach Guatemala Stärkung von Maya-Q'eqchi-Familien bei der Landverteidigung und Ernährungssouveränität mit einem Menschenrechts- und Genderansatz in Guatemala Strengthening of Maya Q'eqchi families in the protection of their land and food sovereignty by applying a human rights and gender approach Guatemala
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Erneuerbare Energien Finanzierungsfazilität I Renewable Energy Financing Facility I Das FZ-Modul umfasst die Bereitstellung einer Kreditlinie an die zentralstaatliche Förderinstitution Rural Electrification Coporation (REC) zur Finanzierung von Vorhaben zur Stromerzeugung aus Erneuerbaren Energien, mittels Windkraft- und Solaranlagen. Das Vorhaben dient dem Klima-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz durch die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen zur Stromerzeugung und trägt unmittelbar zur Unterstützung der indischen Regierung bei der Umsetzung der NDCs bei. Durch den Ausbau der Stromerzeugungskapazitäten auf Basis erneuerbarer Energien leistet das Vorhaben einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer ökologisch nachhaltigen Stromversorgung in Indien. Renewable Energy Financing Facility I Unterstütztung des Aus- und Umbaus der Energieversorgung in Indien in Richtung auf eine stärkere Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energien, um damit einen Beitrag zur Erreichung der NDCs und entsprechend zum globalen Klimaschutz zu leisten. Renewable Energy Financing Facility I
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
STREAM Mongolia: SusTainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia <p>The Action is geared towards integrated land-use planning and protection of natural resources by means of sustainable management, both to be applied at a landscape scale. Its overall objective is that Mongolian communities have increased capacity to implement innovative and sustainable long-term landscape management to address food system challenges and climate stresses.</p>
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Support the formulation of innovative solutions for climate change adaptation within the framework of Hayat Karima (decent life) initiative. The project aims to support the formulation of innovative solutions for climate change adaptation within the framework of Hayat Karima (decent life) initiative. The TCPf contributes to the national adaptation plans as well as Nationally Determent Contributions, mainly on innovative solutions to adapt with the climate change, including technical, social and institutional innovation in agriculture subsectors; and on the resilience of local communities to water scarcity.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Integriertes Entwicklungsprojekt für kleinbäuerliche Familien in der Diözese Kabale Integrated Rural and sustainable Devlopment for small farmer families, Diocese Kabale Integriertes Entwicklungsprojekt für kleinbäuerliche Familien in der Diözese Kabale Integrated Rural and sustainable Devlopment for small farmer families, Diocese Kabale Integriertes Entwicklungsprojekt für kleinbäuerliche Familien in der Diözese Kabale Integrated Rural and sustainable Devlopment for small farmer families, Diocese Kabale
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promotion of grid-connected renewable energy, focusing on wind energy Förderung von netzgebundenen erneuerbaren Energien mit Schwerpunkt auf Windenergie The preconditions for system-friendly and least-cost integration of grid-connected variable renewable energy (Wind and Photovoltaics) are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für eine systemdienliche und kosteneffiziente Integration variabler erneuerbarer Energien ins Stromnetz sind verbessert. The preconditions for system-friendly and least-cost integration of grid-connected variable renewable energy (Wind and Photovoltaics) are improved. Die Voraussetzungen für eine systemdienliche und kosteneffiziente Integration variabler erneuerbarer Energien ins Stromnetz sind verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Stärkung der Resilienz der Gemeinden gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, Phase 1 &lt;![CDATA[Strengthening community&apos;s resilience against the effects of climate change, phase 1]]&gt; Stärkung der Resilienz der Gemeinden gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, Phase 1 Strengthening community's resilience against the effects of climate change, phase 1 Stärkung der Resilienz von 5 Gemeinden gegen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und zum Schutz der Umwelt in Cunene Strengthening the resilience of 5 communities in Cunene Province in order to resist the effects of climate change and to protect the environment
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Support to National REDD+ Action Support to National REDD+ Action
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support to the Strengthening of E-Extension in Ghana under the Emergency Support to Rural Livelihoods And Food Systems Exposed to Covid -19 (ESRF) Project To build resilience and open up digital solutions aimed at enhancing food security and livelihoods for rural communities in the tackling of emergencies and reduction of vulnerabilities to shocks created by COVID 19, conflicts and other related threats.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
CREWS Climate Risk & Early Warning Syst. Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Supporting Disaster and Climate Resilience in Developing Countries Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Supporting Disaster and Climate Resilience in Developing Countries Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Supporting Disaster and Climate Resilience in Developing Countries Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Supporting Disaster and Climate Resilience in Developing Countries Katastrophenrisikomanagement, Wiederaufbau und Resilienz Stärkung bilden den Hauptfokus der Programme des MDTF. Disaster risk management, reconstruction and resilience strengthening form the main focus of the MDTF's programs.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
REDD Early Movers - Brazil REDD Early Movers - Brazil Ausgewählte Ziele der bundesstaatlichen Strategien zur nachhaltigen Landnutzung und Entwaldungsreduktion im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso sind erreicht. Selected goals of State strategies on sustainable land use and reduction of deforestation in the State of Mato Grosso are achieved. Ausgewählte Ziele der bundesstaatlichen Strategien zur nachhaltigen Landnutzung und Entwaldungsreduktion im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso sind erreicht. Selected goals of State strategies on sustainable land use and reduction of deforestation in the State of Mato Grosso are achieved.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Assessing the Landscape: Climate Adaptation, Women’s Orgs & Enterprises to design and plan for implementation of an innovative model in gender-responsive climate adaptation and resilience within the most climate-vulnerable communities
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Initiative für nachhaltige Agrarentwicklung und Lebensmittelqualität Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Quality Initiative Die Voraussetzungen dafür, dass die agrarbasierten Lebensmittelsysteme Myanmars den Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsanforderungen moderner Lebensmittelmärkte entsprechen, sind geschaffen. Precondiations for Myanmar's agro-based food systems to meet the quality and safety requirements of modern food markets have been established. Die Voraussetzungen dafür, dass die agrarbasierten Lebensmittelsysteme Myanmars den Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsanforderungen moderner Lebensmittelmärkte entsprechen, sind geschaffen. Precondiations for Myanmar's agro-based food systems to meet the quality and safety requirements of modern food markets have been established.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Circular Business Platform Lagos Implementation The overall objective of the Circular Business Platform Lagos (CBPL) is to build circular business and investment opportunities in Lagos State via delivering the following three Categories of Programming (CoP): 1. Digital and F2F networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing that is focused on business development opportunities;2. Business support and advice for companies investing in circular business models and projects; and3. Sectoral work-groups and programming focused on setting and advocating for sector-specific policy and investment agendas.With this project as follow-up of the preparatory study on CBP Lagos (PST20NI01), seed funds are provided for the actual establishment of this independently managed platform, that will drive (local) entrepreneurship, create jobs, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems in Raqqa, Syria Vulnerable PoCs restore access to livelihoods for strengthened social protection and positive coping mechanisms.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Conflict mitigation and community reconciliation in Northwest Nigeria Contract related to: Conflict mitigation and community reconciliation in Northwest Nigeria - The action aims at supporting peace and stability as well as mitigating conflict over natural resources in key areas of conflict in Nigeria. In the North-East, this action will build on the achievements of a previous intervention continuing to support the Government to strengthen internal coordination and to design a strategy for a political resolution of the crisis. In relation to the conflict between farmers and herders, this action will build on the positive results and the lessons learnt in a pilot phase currently underway in Adamawa and extend the scope of the programme to Taraba State. In the North-West, the Government will be supported to reduce communal violence and mitigate conflicts over natural resources through strengthened dialogue and social cohesion within and between communities. This will include supporting transitional justice mechanisms, promoting civic engagement of women and local youth, and inter-generational dialogue to positively engage young people and to prevent them from associating with criminal groups.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
E5P Ukraine E5P Ukraina Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund is a multilateral grant Fund for financing of investments in co-operation between IFIs, donors and Ukraine in municipal environment infrastructure like district heating, water and wastewater and solid waste. Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund är en multilateral gåvofond för finansiering av investeringar i samarbete mellan IFIs, givare och Ukraina i framför allt kommunal miljöinfrastruktur som fjärrvärme, vattenoch avlopp och avfall.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
F.a: HOPE FOR A BETTER FUTURE FOR THE VULNERABLE CHILDREN AND YOUTH The goal of the Cambodia Country Programme is to contribute to the increase of justice, human dignity and peace. This is achieved through strengthening the fulfillment of childrens rights for health, education and adequate standards of living. In addition to the work at the community level, the Programme aims to increase the partners, Assemblies of God Cambodia, ability to bring change in advocating for the rights of the children. Special attention has been given to the most vulnerable people, such as peopl e with disabilities, girls and women, and the sustainable development of the environment.##The Programme consists of integrated development programmes, focusing on least developed rural villages, and an urban youth programme, working with the vulnerable yo uth in cities. The Programme has the potential of impacting the lives of vulnerable children and youth nationwide. The Programme aims to bring about change in the lives of almost 28 000 direct and 50 000 indirect beneficiaries. The implementing actors of t he Programme are Fida International, a local NGO, Cambodia Global Action and the Assemblies of God Cambodia along with its numerous local parishes and national youth department.##The integrated community development work carried out in the villages focuses on training VDCs on issues such as preventative health, agriculture and livelihood, food security and childrens rights. In addition to this families are taught in the communities, such as building wells, water filters, home gardens, compost pits and latri nes. Through youth centers, the vulnerable youth in urban contexts are provided facilities and opportunities for building social relationships, strengthening self-esteem, obtaining new skills and learning about issues, such as the effects of substance abus e, sexual health and life skills. Youth centers also cooperate with local high schools and parents and leaders.##As a result of the work, the Programme expects to see change in the level of health, education and living standards of the vulnerable children and youth. Increasing the knowledge regarding preventative health and level of livelihood and food security of vulnerable families results in the decrease of sicknesses and increase of opportunities for education, safe childhood and a hopeful future for ch ildren. Increased awareness among youth regarding socially important issues accompanied with strengthened relationships and self-esteem provide a platform for making healthier decision.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Gemeinwesenorganisation und rechtebasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Gemeinschaften durch Frauenorg &lt;![CDATA[Securing sustainable Livelihood measures for poor and marginalised with a woman&apos;s perspective + collective action // Package MP Forumsphase]]&gt; Gemeinwesenorganisation und rechtebasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Gemeinschaften durch Frauenorg Securing sustainable Livelihood measures for poor and marginalised with a woman's perspective + collective action // Package MP Forumsphase Gemeinwesenorganisation und rechtebasierte Arbeit bei benachteiligten Gemeinschaften durch Frauenorg Securing sustainable Livelihood measures for poor and marginalised with a woman's perspective + collective action // Package MP Forumsphase
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Stärkung von kleinbäuerlichen Organisationen für die politische Einflussnahme und Einwerbung von Fördermitteln 1.Phase Strengthening small farmers organizations to exert political influence and to raise funds 1st phase Stärkung von kleinbäuerlichen Organisationen für die politische Einflussnahme und Einwerbung von Fördermitteln 1.Phase Strengthening small farmers organizations to exert political influence and to raise funds 1st phase Stärkung von kleinbäuerliche Organisationen damit sie mehr politischen Einfluss nehmen mit dem Ziel bessere Infrastruktur und Förderprogramme für familiäre Landwirtschaft zu kriegen Empowering small scale farmers to have more political agency and get better infrastructure and funding programs for small scale agriculture
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
SUPPORT TO ICPS FOR ESTABLISHING AN INDEPENDANT COMMISSION TO DEVELOP A REFORM PROGRAM FOR UKRAINE Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Support to the Ukarinan independant think tanka ICPS to eastablish an inependant commission for developing a reform program in to be used after the predisdential elections in 2010
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaption of rural development to climate change (ADAPTATE II) Anpassung der ländlichen Entwicklung an den Klimawandel (ADAPTATE II) The use of natural resources in selected rural areas is more resilient to the consequences of climate change. Die Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen in ausgewählten Regionen des ländlichen Raums ist den Folgen des Klimawandels gegenüber resilienter gestaltet. The use of natural resources in selected rural areas is more resilient to the consequences of climate change. Die Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen in ausgewählten Regionen des ländlichen Raums ist den Folgen des Klimawandels gegenüber resilienter gestaltet.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Förderung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und der Bürgerbeteiligung in Gemeinden des Munizips El Puente Integrated rural and sustainable development and civic participation of small farmer groups, District El Puente Förderung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und der Bürgerbeteiligung in Gemeinden des Munizips El Puente Integrated rural and sustainable development and civic participation of small farmer groups, District El Puente Förderung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und der Bürgerbeteiligung in Gemeinden des Munizips El Puente Integrated rural and sustainable development and civic participation of small farmer groups, District El Puente
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Capacity-Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries - Phase 2 ("ACP/MEAs 2") This project is part of the European Commission programme on ?Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries?. Under the first phase of this programme (ACP/MEAs 1), FAO has, since 2009, focused on the elimination of obsolete pesticides, pesticides management and sustainable pest management; and targeted the implementation of MEAs related to Chemicals and Waste, through specific field project activities. The second phase (ACP/MEAs 2) continues and builds on ACP/MEAs 1 with an expanded scope to additional MEAs, notably the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and the mercury treaty which is currently being negotiated. The purpose of ACP/MEAs 2 is to support and strengthen Institutional and National capacity-building for the Synergistic implementation of the target MEA clusters (chemicals/wastes and biodiversity) in ACP countries, and will assist participating countries to meet the objectives of these MEAs through the following outcomes and activities:
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Promoting the Clean Energy Transition in the Eastern Partnership countries: EU4Energy Phase II - Components 3 - 6 <p>The objective of the proposed action is to foster the clean energy transition and decarbonisation in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries through evidence-based energy policy design. The programme is sufficiently flexible to support also projects in sectors other than renewables and energy efficiency as long as the actions contribute in the long term to the EaP region¿s energy transition and decarbonisation efforts (e.g. electricity grid modernisation for the further market integration of RES.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Transforming Tanzania's Charcoal Sector The project formalizes, up-scales and promotes a tested and functioning model of a sustainable, more energy efficient charcoal value chain. A Community Based Forest Management approach contributes to the generation of higher incomes from charcoal and other forest products and related royalties invested into community development through local governance mechanisms, benefitting 80’000 villagers. The existing model of 8 Kilosa villages is extended to 22 new villages in 3 districts through practical stakeholder training.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung serbische Mittelstädte V - Vorbereitungsphase (Finanzierungsbeitrag) Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Medium-Sized Municipalities in Serbia V Modulziel des offenen Programms Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung in Mittelstädten Serbien V ist die Sicherstellung einer zuverlässigen und hygienisch unbedenklichen Trinkwasserversorgung für die Bevölkerung in ausgewählten serbischen Mittelstädten (über 30 000 Einwohnern) zu sozial akzeptablen Kosten. Punktuell soll zudem auf die nachhaltige Verbesserung der Abwasserentsorgung hingewirkt werden. Das Mittelstädteprogramm V baut auf dem bewährten Durchführungsansatz der Vorläuferprogramme Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung in Mittelstädten Serbien I - III auf. Das Vorhaben leistet für die Mittelstädte einen sichtbaren Beitrag zur Umsetzung der EU-Standards im Wassersektor und unterstützt den EU-Annäherungsprozess Serbiens. Im Rahmen einer Programmvorbereitungsphase (SBF-finanziert) wurden die acht vorausgewählten Mittelstädte und ihre Versorgungsunternehmen bei der Erstellung von Feasibilitystudien und der Verbesserung ihrer Organisation und Leistungsfähigkeit unterstützt. Im Rahmen der Vorbereitungsphase konnten vier der vorausgewählten Gemeinden die vereinbarten Kriterien hinsichtlich der finanziellen Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Versorgungsbetriebe erfüllen und haben sich somit für eine Teilnahme an der Durchführungsphase und Umsetzung der geplanten Investitionen qualifiziert. Die vorgesehenen Investitionsmaßnahmen wurden in dem Vorbereitungsprozess grob ermittelt und umfassen die Rehabilitierung von Netzen der Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung, von Haupt- oder Transportleitungen, den Bau von Brunnen, Pumpstationen und Hochbehältern, Groß- und Hauswasserzähler, Erweiterung oder Neubau von Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen sowie Steuer- und Überwachungstechnik. Die Maßnahmen werden im Rahmen der Programmvorbereitung für jede Gemeinde im Detail definiert. Neben Investitionen werden im Rahmen des Programms auch Consultingleistungen zur Implementierung der Investitionen (Durchführungsconsultant) und zur institutionellen Stärkung der beteiligten Wasserbetriebe (Managementconsultant) im Rahmen der Begleitmaßnahme finanziert. Die Gesamtkosten des Programms werden auf insgesamt EUR 23,4 Mio. geschätzt. Zur Programmvorbereitung wurden etwa EUR 2,4 Mio. SBF-Mittel eingesetzt. Für die Finanzierung der Durchführungsphase werden von deutscher Seite etwa EUR 17 Mio. Entwicklungskredit (ZV), EUR 2,5 Mio. FZ-Zuschuss für den Durchführungsconsultant und EUR 1,5 Mio. FZ-Zuschuss für die Begleitmaßnahme zur Verfügung gestellt. Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Medium-Sized Municipalities in Serbia V Sicherstellung einer zuverlässigen und hygienisch unbedenklichen Trinkwasserversorgung für die Bevölkerung zu kostendeckenden und sozial verträglichen Preisen. Punktuelle Verbesserung der Abwasserentsorgung. Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Medium-Sized Municipalities in Serbia V
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
KV- Schutzgebiete Phase II, Tropenwaldprogramm in der Binationalen Zone Proyecto Binacional de Conservación del Bosques Tropical (Bosque Seco) Das Programm soll der Erhaltung ausgewählter Ökosysteme in Peru dienen. Durch Erweiterung und Ausbau bereits bestehender Verwaltungsgebäude, Informationszentren und Wachposten sowie durch die Beschaffung von Fahrzeugen, Kommunikationseinrichtungen etc. soll das Ma-nagement in den ausgewählten Naturschutzgebieten verbessert und die gesetzlich bereits be-stehenden Nutzungseinschränkungen in verstärktem Maße durchgesetzt werden. Die Naturschutzgebiete befinden sich in unterschiedlichen Ökozonen des Landes und unterscheiden sich stark hinsichtlich Größe, Gefährdungsursachen und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Das Tropenwaldprogramm in der Binationalen Zone (Komponente Bosque Seco) ist ein Ergänzungsvorhaben zum Programm Förderung von Tropenwald-Schutzgebieten PROFONANPE II und interveniert im Ökosystem Tropischer Trockenwald. Dieser ist besonders gefährdet durch seine geringe Regenerationsfähigkeit. Die Interventionsgebiete umfassen zusätzlich zu nationalen, auch regionale und munizipale Schutzgebiete. Dieses Ergänzungsvorhaben bietet dadurch für SERNANP und PROFONANPE die Möglichkeit, erste Erfahrungen mit Managementkonzepten für solche Schutzgebiete zu sammeln. Proyecto Binacional de Conservación del Bosques Tropical (Bosque Seco) Programmziel ist ein adäquates, effektives und finanziell nachhaltiges Management der ausgewählten Schutzgebiete. Proyecto Binacional de Conservación del Bosques Tropical (Bosque Seco)
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities for Food and Nutrition Security inCaboDelgado Enhance the food and nutrition security of IDP and host community households in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula affected by the conflict, while laying the foundation to sustainably build resilient livelihoods against future shocks and stressors.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Convenant IMVB Pensioenfondsen The Dutch pension funds are entering into cooperation with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), trade unions and the Dutch government. Together, they have signed the Dutch Pension Funds Agreement on Responsible Investment. Under this agreement, the parties aim to prevent or tackle negative consequences for society and the environment of investments by pension funds. The parties contribute their knowledge and expertise to this end. The agreement was arrived at with guidance from the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER). With this agreement, the pension funds that are signatories have chosen an approach based on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to identify, prioritise and address such ESG risks. In this agreement, ESG risks refer to risks for society and the environment.For more information, please see https://www.imvoconvenanten.nl/en/pension-funds/convenant. For the annual report of 2020, see: https://publications.internationalrbc.org/imvo_jaarrapportage_pensioenen_2021_nl/omslag.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Dialogue on Forest Governance and Climate Change Improved understanding of the Governance aspects of forests and climate change
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Establishment of disaster risk reduction and management mechanisms in two municipalities of Bohol province, Philippines Katastrophenschutz und Gefahrenmanagement in den drei gefährdeten Landkreisen Loay, Loboc und Sevilla der Provinz Bohol, Philippinen Establishment of disaster risk reduction and management mechanisms in two municipalities of Bohol province, Philippines Katastrophenschutz und Gefahrenmanagement in den drei gefährdeten Landkreisen Loay, Loboc und Sevilla der Provinz Bohol, Philippinen Establishment of disaster risk reduction and management mechanisms in two municipalities of Bohol province, Philippines Katastrophenschutz und Gefahrenmanagement in den drei gefährdeten Landkreisen Loay, Loboc und Sevilla der Provinz Bohol, Philippinen
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Citizen Observer Engagement and Advocacy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo This activity (Citizen Observer Engagement and Advocacy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) is a component of Public Financial Management and Accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo reported by FCDO and a budget of £449,999.This project benefits CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC).And works in the following sector(s): Public finance management (PFM), Media and free flow of information, Anti-corruption organisations and institutions.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Pre-ARIES Ag Spend This activity (Pre-ARIES Ag Spend) is a component of Supporting Legislative & Electoral Processes in Sudan reported by FCDO and a budget of £39,448.This project benefits SUDAN.And works in the following sector(s): Elections.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Capacity Development and Experience Sharing for Sustainable Rice Value Chain Development in Africa through South-South Cooperation Capacity Development and Experience Sharing for Sustainable Rice Value Chain Development in Africa through South-South Cooperation
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Small hydroelectric plants for the adaptation to climate change Piccoli impianti idroelettrici di adattamento al cambiamento climatico The project aims at improving the quality of life and the access to electricity from renewable energy sources of the inhabitants of the Bolivian rural population Il progetto mira a migliorare la qualità della vita e l'accesso all'energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili degli abitanti in zone rurali della Bolivia
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Support to Rural Electrification Programme The specific objective of the action is to improve access to reliable electricity in rural areas through the extension of the national grid.The action will contribute to the implementation of rural electrification programme of the Government of Tanzania and REA with a focus on the Turnkey III program for rural electrification 2016-2020 targeting settlements which are within 10 km of the 33-kV MV network which exist at the end of 2015.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Palestinian police support Support and give advice to local police and prosecutors. Training of prosecutors in Ramallah. Planning of an educational visit to Sweden (twinning and meeting with colleagues i swedish prosecutor and police authorities). Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programme Renewable Energies Erneuerbare Energien The conditions for the expansion of grid connected renewable energies (RE) and for the increase of energy efficiency (EE) are increased. Die Voraussetzungen für den Ausbau der netzgebundenen erneuerbaren Energien (RE) und die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz (EE) sind verbessert. The conditions for the expansion of grid connected renewable energies (RE) and for the increase of energy efficiency (EE) are increased. Die Voraussetzungen für den Ausbau der netzgebundenen erneuerbaren Energien (RE) und die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz (EE) sind verbessert.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Capacity building for a sustainable game management system The project aims to develop an up-to-date game management system for Serbia and to improve the transparency and the consistency of information on game, hunting and trade management and monitoring, used for planning and reporting purposes.
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Support protected areas 2 Support to the conservation of biodiversity
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
CoE LGBT study Europarådet HBT-studie Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Special initiative for demo and FEX. Support to a comparative study on homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the Council of Europe member states.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
RDC - Production durable et résilience pour la prévention de crises alimentaires Fonds de Réserve du FED pour la RDC-RDC - Production durable et résilience pour la prévention de crises alimentaires
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Advert - Call for Applic. Advert - Call for Applic. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. Based on a recommendation from an Evaluation in 2006, it was decided to advertise a Call for Applications. The cost here reflects an advert in the East African newspaper.
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate Change and Saltwater Intrusion along the Eastern Mediterranean: Socioeconomic Vulnerability Changements climatiques et infiltrations d'eau salée le long du littoral de la Méditerranée orientale: Vulnérabilité socioéconomique et adaptation The Eastern Mediterranean is highly vulnerable to saltwater intrusion into the freshwater aquifers along its coasts. The degradation of these aquifers would result in serious socioeconomic consequence to people living there. This project will investigate how climate change is affecting the salinity of coastal aquifers at several locations in the region. Researchers will endeavour to understand the main drivers of aquifer salinization, whether due to climate change (sea level rise, changes in groundwater recharge rates) or known factors (population growth and associated increases in water extraction rates), and the relative importance of each. They will combine this information with information on domestic and agricultural water use to produce a set of vulnerability maps and mitigation measures to reduce the effects of saltwater intrusion on the local population and the environment. These measures will be tested in two small towns along the Lebanese coast in the Greater Beirut area. The project will contribute to better understanding of the relative impact of climate change on saltwater intrusion of coastal aquifers and suggest locally appropriate adaptation measures. It is also expected to improve the adaptive capacity of local communities to climate change, as well as providing policy alternatives for local governments La Méditerranée orientale est très exposée aux infiltrations d'eau salée dans les aquifères (qui contiennent de l'eau douce) se trouvant sur son littoral. La dégradation des aquifères pourrait entraîner de graves conséquences socioéconomiques pour les personnes qui vivent en ces lieux. Le projet consistera à étudier l'incidence des changements climatiques sur la salinité des aquifères en plusieurs endroits le long du littoral. Les chercheurs tenteront de comprendre les principales raisons de la salinisation des aquifères, à savoir si elle est causée par les changements climatiques (élévation du niveau de la mer et modification de l'alimentation spécifique de la nappe souterraine) ou par des facteurs connus (croissance démographique et augmentation des taux de captage des eaux qui en découle), ainsi que l'importance relative de chacune. Ils combineront les données recueillies aux données sur l'utilisation des eaux à des fins domestiques ou agricoles afin de produire des cartes de vulnérabilité et de concevoir des mesures d'atténuation en vue de réduire les effets des infiltrations d'eau salée sur les populations locales et sur l'environnement. Ces mesures seront par la suite mises à l'essai dans deux petites villes de la côte libanaise situées dans la région du Grand Beyrouth. Le projet aidera à mieux comprendre l'incidence relative des changements climatiques sur les infiltrations d'eau salée dans les aquifères côtiers et à proposer des mesures d'adaptation qui conviennent à la région. Il devrait également renforcer les capacités d'adaptation des collectivités locales aux changements climatiques et proposer aux gouvernements locaux de nouvelles possibilités en matière de politiques.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der klimaresistenten Getreidearten und Mechanisierungssysteme (CSCS) Climate-Smart Crop and Mechanization Systems Scaling-up (CSCS) Verbesserung der klimaresistenten Getreidearten und Mechanisierungssysteme (CSCS) Climate-Smart Crop and Mechanization Systems Scaling-up (CSCS) Das Projekt nutzt die entwickelten Strategien (Save+Grow) dazu, um die erarbeiteten und getesteten Ansätze für Kleinbauern verfügbar zu machen und die Landwirtschaft nachhaltig auszubauen. The project uses the developed strategies (Save+Grow) to make the developed and tested approaches available to small farmers and to develop agriculture sustainably.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung in der Diözese Kumbo, 2. Phase 2010-2013 Rural basic drinking water supply, Diocese of Kumbo Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung in der Diözese Kumbo, 2. Phase 2010-2013 Rural basic drinking water supply, Diocese of Kumbo Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung in der Diözese Kumbo, 2. Phase 2010-2013 Rural basic drinking water supply, Diocese of Kumbo
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Programa Nacional ONU-REDD Chile Programa Nacional ONU-REDD Chile
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
&lt;![CDATA[Aufbau von Kapazitäten und Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Kakaobauernkooperativen im westlichen Teil der Côte d&apos;Ivoire]]&gt; &lt;![CDATA[Building capacity and improving performance of cocoa farmer cooperatives in the western part of Côte d&apos;Ivoire.]]&gt; Aufbau von Kapazitäten und Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Kakaobauernkooperativen im westlichen Teil der Côte d'Ivoire Building capacity and improving performance of cocoa farmer cooperatives in the western part of Côte d'Ivoire. Das Vorhaben leistet einen Beitrag zur Stärkung der Autonomie der lokalen Kakaogenossenschaften. Hierfür werden diese befähigt (a) bestimmte administrative und organisationelle Anforderungen zu erfüllen und (b) ihren Kakaoanbau an soziale und ökologische Standards auszurichten. Darüber hinaus werden die Genossenschaften befähigt auch andere lokale Zusammenschlüsse (Geflügelhalterinnen, Fischzücher*innen u.v.m)( in ihren Entwicklungsanstrengungen zu unterstützen und damit eine aktive Rolle als Motor ländlicher Entwicklung.zu spielen. The project contributes to strengthening the autonomy of the local cocoa cooperatives. To this end, they are enabled (a) to meet certain administrative and organizational requirements and (b) to align their cocoa cultivation with social and ecological standards. In addition, the cooperatives are empowered to support other local associations (poultry farmers, fish farmers, etc.) in their development efforts and thus play an active role as a driver of rural development.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Regeneratives Energie- und Energieeffizienzprogramm II Programa de Energias Renovables y Eficiencia Energetica II Das Regenerative Energien und Energieeffizienzprogramm II umfasst einen Entwicklungskredit (IVF) an die Zentralamerikanische Bank für wirtschaftliche Integration (Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica, BCIE) über 30 Mio. EUR Die Mittel wurden zur Finanzierung von einzelnen Projekten im Bereich Regenerative Energien/ Energieeffizienz (RE/EE) in Zentralamerika im privaten und im öffentlichen Sektor zur Verfügung gestellt. Programa de Energias Renovables y Eficiencia Energetica II FZ-Programmziel ist es, die Verbreitung von regenerativer Energiennutzung und Energieeffizienztechnologien in der Durchführungsregion zu unterstützen und einen Beitrag zur Sicherstellung der Nachhaltigkeit der Investitionen in RE/EE-Projekte zu leisten. Programa de Energias Renovables y Eficiencia Energetica II
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Building Resilience in Ethiopia (BRE) To build Ethiopia’s resilience to shocks by seeking to support the Government of Ethiopia to lead an effective and accountable humanitarian response system. It will have four key strands: Providing technical assistance to the Government of Ethiopia to lead and deliver an effective and accountable humanitarian response , delivering food and cash to people in humanitarian need in the most effective way, respond to emergency humanitarian needs in the most effective way and monitoring, evaluation and learning to strengthen humanitarian delivery in Ethiopia.
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Climate intelligent agriculture and value chains in Costa Rica <p>Support the national transformation process of selected agricultural productive sectors through knowledge and innovation systems towards sustainable, resilient and low emission value chains.</p>
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
TCPF: Preparation of GCF project CN on sustainable and CC resilient development To support the developing policies and new projects for ensuring food security, as they are outlined in the State program for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017?2021
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Programm Energieeffizienz (BM) Energy Efficiency (BM) Die Begleitmaßnahme i.H.v. 2 Mio. EUR (Haushaltsmittel-Zuschuss) ist dem FZ-Modul Programm Energieeffizienz (BMZ-Nr. 2015 65 118) zugeordnet.Der Universitäten-Dachverband Supreme Council of Universities (SCU) als Träger des Investitionsvorhabens verfügt nur über begrenzte personelle Ressourcen und keine operative Erfahrung in der Strukturierung und Umsetzung von Energieeffizienz-Programmen. Um eine adäquate Struktur und effiziente Prozesse bei der Projektauswahl und -umsetzung zu etablieren, soll der SCU im Rahmen dieser Begleitmaßnahme durch einen qualifizierten Management-Consultant unterstützt werden. Die Aufgaben des Consultants umfassen u.a. die Unterstützung des Projektträgers bei Querschnittsaufgaben (Vorbereitung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Berichtswesen), Trainings, Projektentwicklung und Ausschreibungsprozessen. Ziel der Begleitmaßnahme ist die erfolgreiche Durchführung der Projektmaßnahmen im Investitionsvorhaben (Planung, Beschaffung, Installation und nachhaltiger Betrieb von energieeffizienten technischen Komponenten). Damit leistet die BM einen Beitrag zum Erreichen der Modulziele.Primäre Zielgruppe der Begleitmaßnahme sind die Mitglieder der Projektmanagement-Unit des SCU (voraussichtlich ein Projektmanager, ein Ingenieur, ein Vergabe- und ein Finanzexperte), die unmittelbar mit dem Consultant zusammen arbeiten, sowie die begünstigten Universitäten, die im Auswahl- und Umsetzungsprozess der Einzelmaßnahmen durch die BM unterstützt werden. Der Zuschussvertrag für die BM i. H .v. 2 Mio. EUR soll wie der Darlehensvertrag mit der Arabischen Republik Ägypten und dem SCU unterzeichnet werden (dreiseitiger Vertrag). Träger für die Durchführung der Begleitmaßnahme ist analog zu dem Investitionsvorhaben (BMZ-Nr. 2015 65 118) der SCU. The accompanying measure totalling EUR 2 million (Grant) is allocated to the FZ module Programme Energy Efficiency (BMZ No. 2015 65 118).The Supreme Council of Universities (SCU), the umbrella organisation of the investment project, has limited human resources and no operational experience in structuring and implementing energy efficiency programmes. In order to establish an adequate structure and efficient processes in project selection and implementation, the SCU is to be supported by a qualified management consultant as part of this accompanying measure.The consultant's tasks include assisting the promoter with cross-cutting tasks (preparation, public relations, reporting), training, project development and tendering processes.The objective of the accompanying measure is the successful implementation of the project measures in the investment project (planning, procurement, installation and sustainable operation of energy-efficient technical components). In this way, the OM contributes to achieving the module goals.The primary target group of the accompanying measure are the members of the project management unit of the SCU (probably a project manager, an engineer, a procurement and a financial expert), who work directly with the consultant, as well as the beneficiary universities, which are supported by the BMU in the selection and implementation process of the individual measures.The grant contract for the BMI in H.v. EUR 2 million is to be signed in the same way as the loan agreement with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the SCU (tripartite agreement). The support for the implementation of the accompanying measure is analogous to the investment project (BMZ No. 2015 65 118) of the SCU. Der Projektträger wird beim Aufbau der Projektstrukturen und -prozesse im Energieeffizienz-Vorhaben unterstützt. The project executing organization receives support regarding the development of project structures and processes in the context of the energy efficiency project.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
VERRA Program and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards VERRA manages and operates both the VERRA Program and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards, which provide robust quality assurance frameworks for GHG accounting and sustainability assessment. Solidaridad will be partnering with the VERRA to test the Landscape Sustainable Production framework in two landscapes in Colombia and Peru. VERRA will be responsible for the successful delivery of these pilots which results will inform national public and private sector agreements.
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
ACCESS Sri Lanka ACCESS Sri Lanka This project aims to enhance the gender-responsive resilience of farming households, especially women-headed, and their agri-food livelihoods to the impacts of climate change in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Project activities include: (1) developing gender-responsive and sustainable land use and watershed management plans; (2) disseminating findings from a gender and poverty related barriers study, at local and national levels; and (3) connecting vulnerable women and men to service providers, to access resources to develop sustainable agribusinesses. Ce projet vise à renforcer la résilience des ménages agricoles, en particulier ceux dirigés par des femmes, et leurs moyens de subsistance agroalimentaires face aux impacts du changement climatique dans la « zone sèche » du Sri Lanka. Les activités du projet comprennent (1) le développement de plans d'utilisation des terres et de gestion des bassins versants, durables et sensibles au genre ; (2) la diffusion des résultats d'une étude sur les obstacles liés au genre et à la pauvreté, aux niveaux local et national ; et (3) la mise en relation des femmes et des hommes vulnérables avec des prestataires de services, afin d'accéder aux ressources nécessaires au développement d'entreprises agroalimentaires durables.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Adaptation CC by Water Harvesting This project strengthens the food security of 2,500 families and responds to the challenges of climate change and the economic crisis in Nicaragua’s dry corridor. The second phase of the project is intended to systematize and replicate on a larger scale water harvesting and other practices for more efficient use of water resources. In the interest of enhanced implementation efficiency and effectiveness, the participation of the government is reduced and a contribution to a specialized international organization is proposed.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Lesotho Emergency and Early Action Support to Affected Communities caused by Drought conditions Improved availability and utilization of food through access to emergency home gardening kits and protection of livelihoods
Significant climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
AFROSAI-E Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. External Audit Agency: 99RiR
No climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Production durable et renforcement de la résilience pour prévenir les crises alimentaires Fonds de réserve du FED-Production durable et renforcement de la résilience pour prévenir les crises alimentaires
Significant climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
DMW MFS 2006 ETC Energy Access doestelling Ease and Energia
No climate adaptation objective
Principal climate mitigation objective
Strengthening Capacities in the use of geospatial information for improved resilience in Asia-Pacific and Africa The project will contribute to build climate resilience in Asia-Pacific and Africa (Bhutan, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu in Asia- Pacific. Uganda and Nigeria in Africa). The project will enhance capacities in introducing technological advancement and providing integrated solutions for decision making in the fields of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Resilience, Environmental Preservation & Food Security.
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Erhöhung der Resilienz und Anpassungstechniken der durch regelmäßige Trockenheit und Dürre betroffenen Bevölkerung im Landkreis Marsabir, Nordkenia Building Resilience to Drought and and Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Communities in Drought Affected Areas of Marsabit County Erhöhung der Resilienz und Anpassungstechniken der durch regelmäßige Trockenheit und Dürre betroffenen Bevölkerung im Landkreis Marsabir, Nordkenia Building Resilience to Drought and and Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Communities in Drought Affected Areas of Marsabit County Stärkung der Resilienz und der Ernährungssicherheit durch verbesserte Wasserversorgung und Tierhaltung in dürrebedrohten Regionen im Norden Kenias Einsatz für eine nachhaltige Existenzsicherung durch Diversifizierung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel in der ariden Übergangszone des Marsbit County Strengthening of resilience and food security through improved water supply and animal husbandry in drought affected areas in Northern Kenya Promotion of sustainable livelihood diversification and climate change adaptations inthe Asal county of Marsabit
Principal climate adaptation objective
No climate mitigation objective
Integrating Aquaculture-Agriculture to Combat Food Insecurity This project is part of the Agriculture for Development portifolio (Farmer and Cooperative Organizations as Knowledge Partners) The aim of the project is to increase the productivity and income of, and access to markets by, small-scale food producers, especially women, engaged in integrated aquaculture-agriculture sytems comprising of fish, crops, livestock and agroforestry sub-systems to combat food insecurity The project outcomes are: 1) Increased adoption of diversified climate-resilient technologies such as IAAS 2) Increased knowledge among farmers on managing climate risks 3) Increased organization of smallholder farmers with strong input and output market linkages 4) Improved forest cover in fishery communities The main project activities are: 1) Promote integrated fish, livestock and bio-fortified crops; integrated pond-based polyculture of tilapia and other indigenous fish species with livestock (chickens and goats); climate-smart post-harvest fish processing; and growing of orange sweet potato and nutrient-dense food. 2) Promote reforestation and planting of native bamboo species in riparian zones and wetlands; enhanced ecosystem services benefiting from the relationship between planting trees, water table protection; fish farming, soiil fertility, etc. 3) Increase the participation of small-scale producers in off-farm value chain activities: strengthening and developing cooperatives/farmer organizations, SMEs, particularly women-led. 4) Increase access to climate-smart farming inputs (resilient fish seeds; strengthened fish hatchery operations; fish feeds, etc.) and markets (fresh and processed) by smallholder farmers, especially women. 5) Increase equitable provision of inclusive agricultural extension and advisory services (aquaculture, crops, livestock and forestry): strengthened capacity of informal, publi, and private stakeholders in climate-smart integrated farming systems and their value chains to scale up innovative practices.
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Local Communities and Sustainable Tourism in Petra and Wadi Rum COMUNITA’ LOCALI E TURISMO SOSTENIBILE A PETRA E NEL WADI RUM As international tourism slowly returns to its pre-COVID-19 rate, and with the added pressure of increasing climate change impact, cultural heritage sites need, more than ever, sustainable strategies to ensure their long-term protection, which should ensure the involvement of local communities at all levels, as main beneficiaries, but also main guarantors of these sites’ protection. The overall purpose of this project is to ensure the sustainable conservation of World Heritage Sites of Petra and Wadi Rum, while offering local communities the possibility to take part in the preservation of the sites through small cash-for work activities, enhance their capacity in tourism and hospitality-related activities, and raise their awareness on the importance of their role in the safeguarding of their own cultural heritage. The project includes action to support women enterpreneurship Mentre il turismo internazionale torna lentamente al suo tasso pre- COVID-19, e il crescente impatto del cambiamento climatico continua a esercitare pressione sulla conservazione dei siti del patrimonio culturale, questi ultimi hanno bisogno, più che mai, di strategie sostenibili che ne garantiscano la salvaguardia nel lungo periodo. Tali strategie dovrebbero garantire il coinvolgimento delle comunità locali a tutti i livelli, quali principali beneficiari, ma anche principali garanti della tutela dei siti stessi. In questa ottica, lo scopo generale di questa iniziativa è garantire la conservazione sostenibile dei siti Patrimonio dell'Umanità di Petra e Wadi Rum in Giordania, offrendo allo stesso tempo alle comunità locali la possibilità di prendere parte alla conservazione dei siti attraverso piccole attività lavorative, di migliorare la propria capacità di partecipazione alle attività del settore turistico e quelle legate all'ospitalità, e acquisire maggiore consapevolezza del proprio importante ruolo nella salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale. Il progetto contribuirà inoltre a migliorare la presentazione e fruibilità dei siti e delle attività turistiche, sostenendo così l'economia basata sul turismo da cui dipende quasi interamente il sostentamento delle comunità locali. Il progetto supporta le imprese guidate da donne.
No climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective
Devis Programme Pluriannuel (DPP)/AMCC+ Contract related to: Devis Programme Pluriannuel (DPP)/AMCC+ - Renforcement de la Gouvernance et de la résilience climatiques au Tchad
Principal climate adaptation objective
Significant climate mitigation objective