stringlengths 4
| labels
sequencelengths 1
No change in the positioning of the left-sided vagal nerve stimulator. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Right pectoral Port-A-Cath is in normal position. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Low lung volume within the right lung with associated basilar atelectasis. | [
"Atelectasis (Present)"
] |
New right basilar airspace opacity, which may represent atelectasis or infection; clinical correlation recommended. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
Low lung volumes with right greater than left pleural effusion. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Mild residual left lower lobe atelectasis without significant change. | [
"Atelectasis (Present)"
] |
No evidence of left-sided pneumothorax; however, further evaluation with PA and lateral views is recommended to assess the cause of left-sided chest pain. | [
"Simple pneumothorax (Absent)"
] |
Small left pleural effusion and mild retrocardiac opacity, unchanged from prior imaging. | [
"Perihilar airspace opacity (Uncertain)",
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Cardiac silhouette at the upper limit of normal, no further evaluation required at this time. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Dobhoff tube positioned in the esophagus in the neck, just above the level of the tracheostomy. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Evidence of a healed left clavicular fracture and rib fractures is observed. | [
"Acute rib fracture (Absent)",
"Acute clavicle fracture (Absent)"
] |
Presence of two right internal jugular catheters, one being a Swan-Ganz catheter with its tip overlying the right ventricular outflow tract. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Chest radiograph limited by technique; widened mediastinum raises concern for vascular injury. CT angiography of the chest is recommended for further evaluation. | [
"No Finding"
] |
New compression deformity at the mid thoracic spine, approximately at T7 vertebral body level. | [
"Compression fracture (Present)"
] |
Bilateral skin folds are noted. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Status post left pneumonectomy with associated hydropneumothorax. | [
"Hydropneumothorax (Present)"
] |
Bilateral pigtail catheters are in place at the bases. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Fiducial marker position in the left mid to upper lung. | [
"No Finding"
] |
The aorta is ectatic. | [
"Tortuous Aorta (Present)"
] |
Mild prominence of pulmonary interstitium, likely representing mild interstitial edema. | [
"Edema (Uncertain)"
] |
Cardiomegaly present, assessment limited due to patient rotation. | [
"Cardiomegaly (Present)"
] |
Calcifications and mild tortuosity appear unchanged. | [
"Tortuous Aorta (Present)",
"Calcification of the Aorta (Present)"
] |
Enlarged hiatus hernia, which may be contributing to aspiration and increasing left lower lobe atelectasis. | [
"Aspiration (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Present)",
"Hernia (Present)"
] |
Right apical pneumothorax measuring 18 mm. | [
"Simple pneumothorax (Present)"
] |
Fracture of the left anterolateral aspect of the 3rd rib. | [
"Acute rib fracture (Present)"
] |
Endotracheal tube with the tip positioned approximately 2.6 cm above the carina. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Upper lobe vascular congestion, similar to previous findings. | [
"Pulmonary congestion (Present)"
] |
Laminar atelectasis in the left mid fields, possibly indicative of previous inflammation or minor lung collapse. | [
"Lung collapse (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Present)"
] |
Stable indeterminate nodularity in the left mid chest. | [
"Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Uncertain)"
] |
Widespread consolidation noted in the right mid and both lower lung fields. | [
"Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Present)"
] |
Hemodialysis catheter extends to the right atrium. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Left subclavian catheter with tip appropriately located in the superior vena cava. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Unchanged enlargement of the cardiac silhouette without evidence of pulmonary edema. | [
"Edema (Absent)",
"Cardiomegaly (Present)"
] |
Increased air space opacity in the left mid-lower lung, suggesting an infectious or inflammatory process. | [
"Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)"
] |
Increased pulmonary vascular markings suggesting mild congestion | [
"Pulmonary congestion (Present)"
] |
Unchanged small bilateral pleural effusions and left retrocardiac opacity. | [
"Perihilar airspace opacity (Uncertain)",
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Mildly displaced fracture of the posterior right seventh rib, likely in a subacute or healing phase. | [
"Acute rib fracture (Present)"
] |
Mild opacity at the left lung base, possibly related to atelectasis; early infection cannot be excluded. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
Feeding tube extending to the level of the stomach | [
"No Finding"
] |
Stable positioning of the left pacemaker. | [
"Pacemaker (Present)"
] |
Reticulonodular pattern suggestive of atypical or viral infection. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Dense left retrocardiac opacity, suspicious for atelectasis or consolidation. | [
"Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
Air distended loops of bowel, similar in appearance to prior exams. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Clear without evidence of pneumonia or acute abnormality. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Endotracheal tube position remains unchanged at the level of the clavicles. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Patient has an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) in situ. | [
"Implantable defibrillator (Present)"
] |
Successful placement of left pleural catheter with substantial decrease in left pleural effusion. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Volume loss in the right hemithorax with associated rightward lateral deviation of the trachea. | [
"Lung collapse (Present)",
"Tracheal deviation (Present)"
] |
Improved pulmonary edema with no evidence of focal infiltrate. | [
"Edema (Present)"
] |
Increased right pleural effusion since the last examination. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Unchanged position of right pectoral pacemaker with leads in the right atrium and ventricle | [
"Pacemaker (Present)"
] |
Persistent diffuse bilateral alveolar interstitial pattern with bilateral basal opacities, more significant in the left lower lobe. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)"
] |
Surgical clips in the right upper quadrant indicative of previous cholecystectomy. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Presence of endotracheal tube, feeding tube, nasogastric tube, right subclavian Swan-Ganz catheter. | [
"Suboptimal nasogastric tube (Present)",
"Suboptimal pulmonary arterial catheter (Present)",
"Suboptimal endotracheal tube (Present)"
] |
The heart size appears within normal limits. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Heart size at the upper limits of normal, no abnormalities noted. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Low lung volumes are noted; however, the lungs are clear. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Minimal increase in linear left base opacities, which may represent atelectasis or scarring, though early consolidation cannot be excluded. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Pleural scarring (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
Degree of pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits | [
"No Finding"
] |
Cardiac mediastinal silhouette remains unchanged. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Small left effusion and minimal blunting of the right costophrenic angle, similar to prior film. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Stable positioning of the endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, left subclavian line, and ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Mild interstitial abnormalities and borderline vascular congestion, suggesting chronic mild cardiac decompensation. | [
"Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)"
] |
Stable post-surgical changes with screw and plate fixation of right-sided rib fractures. | [
"Acute rib fracture (Present)"
] |
Linear densities at the bilateral medial lung bases | [
"No Finding"
] |
Severe bullous emphysematous changes in the upper lungs, particularly on the left. | [
"Emphysema (Present)"
] |
Right internal jugular central venous catheter is unchanged in position. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Persistence of right-sided pleural effusion and bibasilar opacities. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Persistent low lung volumes and left retrocardiac opacity. | [
"No Finding"
] |
A left chest wall Port-A-Cath is noted, terminating in the lower SVC. | [
"Port catheter (Present)"
] |
Small apical bilateral pneumothoraces without significant overall change in size. | [
"Simple pneumothorax (Present)"
] |
Bilateral breast prosthesis unchanged | [
"No Finding"
] |
Hyperinflation of the lungs with linear atelectasis or scarring in the left midlung. | [
"Emphysema (Present)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)",
"Fibrosis (Uncertain)"
] |
Stable appearance of median sternotomy wires, atrial appendage clip, and LVAD. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Stable right apical fibrosis with a large bulla, without evidence of active pulmonary disease. | [
"Fibrosis (Present)",
"Emphysema (Present)"
] |
Increased opacity at the right lung base suggestive of pleural effusion. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)"
] |
Mild fluid in the minor fissure. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Patchy opacity throughout the right lung, suggestive of atelectasis, consolidation, or postoperative contusion. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
No evidence of radiopaque foreign body along the aerodigestive tract. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Patchy minor atelectasis/consolidation at the lung bases. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Present)"
] |
Possible partial right basal atelectasis with questionable opacity, suggesting the possibility of an early infectious process. | [
"Pneumonia (Uncertain)",
"Atelectasis (Uncertain)"
] |
Presence of a reservoir in the left hemithorax with extension to the superior vena cava, likely indicating a central venous catheter placement. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Left pleural pigtail catheter in similar position | [
"Pleural tube (Present)"
] |
Persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, which may suggest underlying pathology or previous surgical intervention. Further clinical correlation is recommended. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Nonobstructive bowel gas pattern in large and small bowel. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Enlarged cardiac silhouette and bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right, with associated bilateral lung base opacities. | [
"Cardiomegaly (Present)",
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)",
"Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Present)"
] |
Right internal jugular dual-lumen dialysis catheter in stable position with the tip near the cavoatrial junction. | [
"No Finding"
] |
Small bilateral pleural effusions, with the left side appearing chronic. | [
"Simple pleural effusion (Present)"
] |
Evidence of minimal disc degeneration in the mid and lower thoracic spine. | [
"No Finding"
] |