No displaced rib fracture or acute osseous abnormality visualized.
[ "No Finding" ]
Well-positioned endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, and right internal jugular catheter with tip in the superior vena cava.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mildly increased aeration involving the left lung base.
[ "No Finding" ]
No evidence of acute pulmonary pathology or osseous injury. If clinical concern for rib fracture persists, a dedicated rib series is recommended.
[ "Acute rib fracture (Uncertain)" ]
Right subclavian central venous catheter in place, with its tip at the level of the cavoatrial junction.
[ "No Finding" ]
Difficult to resolve the cardiac contour due to overlying structures.
[ "No Finding" ]
Small vague radiopacity over the right fourth anterior interspace, possibly overlying soft tissue.
[ "No Finding" ]
Visualization of an enteric tube coursing through the repositioned stomach on the right side with the right internal jugular catheter remaining in situ.
[ "No Finding" ]
Unchanged prominence of the superior mediastinum with normal cardiac size. No evidence of pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Absent)", "Superior mediastinal mass (Uncertain)" ]
Small right greater than left pleural effusions, grossly unchanged.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Subtle hazy opacity in the right cardiophrenic recess, most compatible with an epicardial fat pad.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable diffuse coarse reticular lung pattern consistent with known LAM.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval increase in bibasilar atelectasis suggestive of worsening atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Suture material and surgical clips present in the left midlung.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates likely related to known COVID-19 infection.
[ "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Persistent near confluent opacity involving the left hemithorax, suggestive of ongoing pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Pneumonia in the anterior portion of the right upper lung.
[ "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Successful interval placement of left pigtail pleural catheter with no complications such as pneumothorax.
[ "No Finding" ]
Progression of hazy opacification in the right thorax, likely due to a large right pleural effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Unchanged exostosis along the course of the superior right second rib.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left base opacity suggestive of atelectasis, with a differential diagnosis including pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
No evidence of acute lung parenchymal process.
[ "No Finding" ]
New compression fracture at T11 with increased loss of vertebral body height.
[ "Compression fracture (Present)" ]
No areas of consolidation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Low lung volumes, which may accentuate normal lung markings
[ "No Finding" ]
Post-operative changes including sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right internal jugular catheter in place with the distal tip at the level of the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable cardiomediastinal silhouette with unchanged hilar prominence.
[ "No Finding" ]
No evidence of bony pathology.
[ "No Finding" ]
Moderate right pleural effusion with fissural and apical loculations, increased in size.
[ "Loculated pleural effusion (Present)" ]
No evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusions, or acute osseous abnormalities.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval increase in right apical and basal opacities, possibly representing multifocal infection.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Marked interval increase in bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Widened mediastinum and left upper chest opacity in the context of recent aortic rupture and dissection.
[ "Superior mediastinal mass (Uncertain)" ]
Interval increase in size of the left pleural effusion with associated opacities at the left lung base.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Interval removal of left and right chest tubes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Diffuse reticular pattern in the lungs, suggestive of pulmonary edema; however, the possibility of superimposed infection cannot be ruled out. Small bilateral pleural effusions are noted.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Removal of tracheostomy tube since prior examination
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable position and course of the left pectoral Port-A-Cath with no evidence of migration.
[ "No Finding" ]
Other hardware remains stable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Biapical pleural thickening consistent with known pleural disease.
[ "Pleural scarring (Present)" ]
The right internal jugular Swan-Ganz catheter has been repositioned with the tip now located in the superior vena cava. Presence of a right internal jugular sheath. Stable position of a stent in the right axillary vessel, sternal wires, mediastinal drain, and epicardial pacemaker wires.
[ "No Finding" ]
Moderate to large bilateral pleural effusions with no significant interval change.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Unchanged presence of right apical chest tube and surgical clips in the right paratracheal and lateral aspect of the right mid-thorax.
[ "No Finding" ]
Partial resolution of right mid-to-lower lung opacity and significant improvement of left basilar opacities, suggestive of resolved atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
No evidence of lung consolidation to suggest active pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Absent)" ]
Minimal bibasilar opacifications, likely representing atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Hyperinflation of the upper lobes, which may indicate obstructive pulmonary disease.
[ "Emphysema (Uncertain)" ]
Aortic arch calcifications are noted
[ "Calcification of the Aorta (Present)" ]
A normal chest x-ray does not exclude the possibility of COVID-19.
[ "No Finding" ]
Moderate degree of radiological involvement is noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Unchanged appearance of the left peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
Worsening atelectasis with slight elevation of the left hemidiaphragm.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Indistinct pulmonary vascular markings in the upper lung zones.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)" ]
Minimal pleural effusion on the right
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Mild basilar opacity and elevated right hemidiaphragm are redemonstrated. No new opacities are noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Unchanged diffuse air-space opacity consistent with cystic fibrosis.
[ "Fibrosis (Present)" ]
Multiple mediastinal surgical clips from prior CABG surgery.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild obscuration of the right cardiac border.
[ "No Finding" ]
Several small nodular opacities are present bilaterally, with greater prominence on the left side, which may represent alveolar extension of edema; however, an infectious etiology cannot be excluded.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Persistent interstitial and peribronchial edema noted.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Coiled structure in the upper esophagus consistent with a temperature probe.
[ "No Finding" ]
Increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs bilaterally without definite confluent consolidation
[ "No Finding" ]
No displaced rib fracture appreciated
[ "No Finding" ]
Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) remains in place.
[ "LVAD (Present)" ]
Slight increase in bibasilar airspace opacities, which may represent atelectasis, aspiration, or early infection.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Probable right basal pleural effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Tiny left apical pneumothorax present, with the lung apex approximately 7 mm below the bony thoracic apex.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Presence of tracheostomy tube projecting along the left aspect of the trachea at the level of the clavicles, with slightly eccentric positioning possibly due to patient rotation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable appearance of right internal jugular (IJ) tunneled dual-lumen catheter.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of a right chest wall port, with no acute osseous abnormalities.
[ "Port catheter (Present)" ]
Slight increase in callus formation at the site of a known healing pathologic fracture in the right sixth rib.
[ "Acute rib fracture (Present)" ]
Mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and presence of surgical clips in the left supraclavicular region.
[ "No Finding" ]
Endotracheal tube in satisfactory position above the carina without evidence of pneumothorax.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Absent)" ]
Increased lucency over the upper abdomen, with abnormally well-delineated bowel loops, suggestive of pneumoperitoneum, potentially related to recent gastrostomy tube placement.
[ "Pneumoperitoneum (Present)" ]
Improved aeration of the lung bases, especially on the left.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left basilar patchy opacities, likely representing atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Resolution of previously noted opacity in the right lower lung, indicative of re-expansion of the right lower lobe.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right-sided central venous catheter tip projects over the right atrium-superior vena cava (RA-SVC) junction.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild thoracic scoliosis with right convexity.
[ "No Finding" ]
Low lung volumes with persistent bibasilar opacities, suggestive of atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Mediastinal widening likely represents venous engorgement.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable marked cardiomegaly and enlargement of the pulmonary arteries.
[ "Enlarged pulmonary artery (Present)", "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Focal airspace disease at the left lung base, raising concern for pneumonia or atelectasis.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
No acute bony injury in the pelvis or left ankle.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral pulmonary opacities in the middle and lower fields, suggestive of COVID pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Indeterminate opacity in the right middle lung field, suggestive of a possible infiltrate; radiological follow-up recommended in 24-48 hours in the absence of clinical worsening.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)" ]
No evidence of focal lung consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion.
[ "No Finding" ]
Halo traction device in situ.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent basilar opacity and interstitial edema suggestive of airspace disease.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Edema (Present)" ]
Grossly enlarged heart silhouette.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Removal of mediastinal and thoracic drains.
[ "No Finding" ]
The right central venous line tip is appropriately positioned in the right atrium.
[ "No Finding" ]
Focal parenchymal consolidation at the left perihilar region with associated volume loss in the left hemithorax and pleural fluid, likely postoperative.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Atelectasis (Present)", "Perihilar airspace opacity (Present)" ]
No significant change in the appearance of the multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules and masses, which are consistent with known metastatic disease.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)", "Mass/Solitary lung mass (Present)" ]
Calcifications in the right lung base are noted, unchanged from prior studies.
[ "Calcification of the Aorta (Present)" ]
Basilar opacities in the left base.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Slight progression of mild right base discoid atelectasis. No significant change in the dense left retrocardiac opacities, left pleural effusion with fluid in the left apex, and left upper lobe hazy opacities, which may represent atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Moderate to large right pleural effusion with apical, fissural, and subpulmonic components, noted to be slightly larger than on previous imaging.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Streaky opacities at the right lung base likely representing basilar atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]