Persistent low lung volumes with vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)", "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Prominent osteophytosis noted in the thoracic spine on the right; other visualized osseous structures are unremarkable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Possible trace pleural fluid at the right costophrenic angle.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Possible emphysematous changes consistent with a COPD pattern.
[ "Emphysema (Uncertain)" ]
Presence of bilateral patchy areas of consolidation with an underlying diffuse reticular pattern, showing little interval change.
[ "Fibrosis (Present)", "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Increased right apical radiodensity, likely due to patient rotation and overlying soft tissue.
[ "No Finding" ]
Catheter tip appropriately positioned in the distal inferior vena cava.
[ "No Finding" ]
An apparent endoscope is visible in profile within the proximal half of the thoracic portion of the esophagus.
[ "No Finding" ]
Skin staple seen in the midline
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable appearance of the right upper extremity peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line), tracheostomy tube, and feeding tube.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild bibasilar atelectasis stable.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
New small poorly defined opacity in the basal left lung, suggestive of radiological worsening.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Stable small dense opacity overlying the right third posterior rib, suggestive of a bone island or less likely a calcified granuloma.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Uncertain)" ]
Interval change with removal of PA catheter and new placement of a right internal jugular (IJ) line.
[ "No Finding" ]
Improved ventilation at the right lung base compared to prior imaging.
[ "No Finding" ]
Biliary stent present over the right upper quadrant.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent linear subsegmental atelectasis in the left mid to lower lung zones.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Persistent bibasilar opacities consistent with atelectasis and/or pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Dense left lower lobe airspace opacity, which may represent effusion with atelectasis; superimposed infection cannot be excluded.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)", "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Heart size likely normal, appearance possibly accentuated by portable technique and low lung volumes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, possibly related to hepatomegaly
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of an Automatic Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (AICD) and LVAD.
[ "Implantable defibrillator (Present)", "LVAD (Present)" ]
Removed left-sided pacemaker with residual leads in situ.
[ "Pacemaker (Absent)" ]
Unchanged position of right internal jugular sheath.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of pacemaker and sternotomy wires consistent with post-surgical status.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Normal cardiac silhouette and pulmonary vasculature with tortuous and calcified thoracic aorta.
[ "Tortuous Aorta (Present)", "Calcification of the Aorta (Present)" ]
Left basilar retrocardiac airspace opacity, potentially indicative of aspiration or infection.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)" ]
Proper placement of the ET tube, terminating 2.5 cm from the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Endotracheal (ET) tube in standard position, tip not visualized on film.
[ "No Finding" ]
Tip of the feeding tube is located in the upper stomach, requiring advancement by at least 7 cm to position all side ports beyond the gastroesophageal (GE) junction.
[ "No Finding" ]
Normal heart size with patchy vascular calcifications.
[ "Calcification of the Aorta (Present)" ]
Interval improvement in previously noted left basilar opacity.
[ "No Finding" ]
Substantial bibasilar atelectasis, likely related to low lung volumes.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Small bilateral pleural effusions, pulmonary edema, and cardiomegaly, suggestive of acute exacerbation of congestive heart failure.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)", "Edema (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Persistent left-sided effusion and atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Unchanged position of multiple tubes and lines.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval improvement in aeration with residual opacity at the left base, suggestive of atelectasis and/or consolidation.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Borderline enlarged cardiac silhouette on subsequent imaging.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Uncertain)" ]
Increased right lung opacity, suggestive of pulmonary edema, with differential including consolidation.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Edema (Present)" ]
A tortuous atherosclerotic descending aorta is present.
[ "Tortuous Aorta (Present)" ]
Near complete resolution of previously noted subtle airspace opacities.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild increase in aeration of the right lung with persistent hazy opacities bilaterally. No pleural effusion noted.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Present)" ]
Stable appearance of an old distal right clavicular fracture.
[ "Acute clavicle fracture (Absent)" ]
Presence of a defibrillator plate, which obscures much of the left lung field.
[ "Implantable defibrillator (Present)" ]
Clear without evidence of focal consolidation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval improvement of right middle and lower lobe consolidations.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Minimal hazy opacities in the right lower lung and left midlung zone, which may represent residual multifocal pneumonia. Clinical correlation and consideration for short-term follow-up imaging to assess for resolution is recommended.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
If clinical concern persists for sternal or rib fracture, dedicated imaging is recommended.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable radiological appearance of COPD type emphysema, without significant changes noted.
[ "Emphysema (Present)" ]
Vertebral wedging, which may be related to previous trauma or osteoporotic changes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Late atelectasis in the left lower lobe.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Underinflation of the lung bases, with a recommendation for repeat upright views to better evaluate for possible pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Diminished lung volumes and slight interval increase in atelectasis at the left lung base. The lungs are otherwise clear.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Presence of a linear scar in the right upper lobe, which may be related to previous tuberculous infection.
[ "Pleural scarring (Present)" ]
Right internal jugular central venous line with tip terminating in the proximal right atrium.
[ "No Finding" ]
Degenerative changes in the right shoulder are noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Deformity of the right humeral head, likely secondary to previous trauma.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral mid lung zone opacities, likely representing atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Left upper lung zone opacity of unclear etiology; recommend further evaluation on follow-up imaging.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Right PICC line terminates at the origin of the SVC.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
Multiple fractures involving the right clavicle, right ribs, and pelvis with associated subcutaneous emphysema.
[ "Acute rib fracture (Present)", "Acute clavicle fracture (Present)", "Subcutaneous Emphysema (Present)" ]
Bilateral heterogeneous opacities with increased severity over the last 4 hours
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Present)" ]
Bilateral lower lobe heterogeneous opacities are noted, which may represent pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia, with differential considerations including atelectasis and asymmetric pulmonary edema. Clinical correlation is advised.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
No focal parenchymal opacities in the aerated lungs
[ "No Finding" ]
Elevated left diaphragm
[ "No Finding" ]
Visualization of the tip of a right-sided femoral catheter.
[ "No Finding" ]
Resolution of previously noted minimal opacity at the right lung bases.
[ "No Finding" ]
Repositioning of the Swan-Ganz catheter with the tip now located in the pulmonary outflow tract.
[ "No Finding" ]
Low lung volumes are noted with obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm, suggesting volume loss in the lower lobe and/or pleural effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Unchanged position of right internal jugular central venous catheter with the tip in the mid SVC.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of midline sternotomy wires with the inferiormost wires fractured, stable appearance.
[ "No Finding" ]
No acute cardiac or pulmonary process is identified. There is no evidence of focal consolidation or pneumothorax.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral old rib fractures noted.
[ "Acute rib fracture (Absent)" ]
Left internal jugular (IJ) catheter and sheath present.
[ "No Finding" ]
Linear opacity at the right lung base, possibly due to atelectasis, unchanged from prior.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Mild scoliosis with right convexity, a chronic skeletal finding without acute implications.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable left lower lobe opacification with possible left-sided pleural effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)", "Air space opacity–multifocal (Present)" ]
The lungs are clear with no new lung consolidation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent plate-like atelectasis at the right lung base.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Slightly less aeration in the retrocardiac region compared to the prior study.
[ "No Finding" ]
Degenerative changes in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar spine
[ "No Finding" ]
Increase in moderate to large left pleural effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Stable endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, and right internal jugular line. The left internal jugular Swan-Ganz catheter has been advanced, with the tip now likely in the superior vena cava. Stable right chest tube and mediastinal drain.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable hilar prominence without new acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
[ "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
Mediastinal drains and median sternotomy wires unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
Instrumentation device overlying the lower right lung zone.
[ "No Finding" ]
Large bore left internal jugular line in place.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bibasilar opacities are present, concerning for bilateral lower lobe collapse.
[ "Lung collapse (Present)" ]
Endotracheal and nasoenteric tubes, as well as PICC and central venous catheters, are in satisfactory position.
[ "No Finding" ]
Decreased size of the left pleural effusion with an air component at the apex and a smaller basal component.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Abnormal prominence of the right pulmonary hilum, suggesting further evaluation with chest CT.
[ "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
The feeding tube is present, likely courses below the level of the diaphragms, but not well evaluated.
[ "No Finding" ]
Residual contrast within the splenic flexure
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent small to moderate right pleural effusion without significant change.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Increasing opacification in the retrocardiac lung, suggestive of left lower lobe collapse/consolidation.
[ "Lung collapse (Uncertain)" ]
No evidence of focal parenchymal opacities.
[ "No Finding" ]
No new opacity, pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent opacity in the right upper lung, similar to slightly increased compared to prior.
[ "Perihilar airspace opacity (Uncertain)" ]
Improving right lung base opacity, likely indicative of resolving aspiration pneumonia.
[ "Aspiration (Present)", "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Diffuse reticular pattern observed, which may suggest mild pulmonary edema. Stable appearance of innumerable pulmonary nodules.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
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