sequencelengths 1
| Word
stringlengths 1
"Is the law of God -- Le 26:46.",
"In the desert. -- Eze 20:10,11.",
"At Horeb. -- De 4:10,15; 5:2.",
"From the Mount Sinai. -- Ex 19:11,20.",
"By disposition of angels. -- Ac 7:53.",
"Through Moses as mediator. -- De 5:5,27,28; Joh 1:17; Ga 3:19.",
"To the Jews. -- Le 26:46; Ps 78:5.",
"After the exodus. -- De 4:45; Ps 81:4,5.",
"To no other nation. -- De 4:8; Ps 147:20.",
"None to approach the Mount while God gave -- Ex 19:13,21-24; Heb 12:20.",
"Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of -- Ex 19:16-19.",
"Terror of Israel at receiving -- Ex 19:16; 20:18-20; De 5:5,23-25.",
"Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan -- Nu 36:13.",
"A fiery law. -- De 33:2.",
"Word spoken by angels. -- Heb 2:2.",
"Ministration of death. -- 2Co 3:7.",
"Ministration of condemnation. -- 2Co 3:9.",
"Lively oracles. -- Ac 7:38.",
"Royal law. -- Jas 2:8.",
"Book of the law. -- De 30:10; Jos 1:8.",
"Book of Moses. -- 2Ch 25:4; 35:12.",
"Rehearsed by Moses -- De 1:1-3.",
"Entire of, written in a book -- De 31:9.",
"Book of, laid up in the sanctuary -- De 31:26.",
"Tables of, laid up in the ark -- De 10:5.",
"Divided into",
"Moral, embodied in the ten commandments. -- De 5:22; 10:4.",
"Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God. -- Le 7:37,38; Heb 9:1-7.",
"Civil, relating to administration of justice. -- De 17:9-11; Ac 23:3; 24:6.",
"A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation. -- De 28:1,15; Jer 31:32.",
"Taught the Jews",
"To love and fear God. -- De 6:5; 10:12,13; Mt 22:36,38.",
"To love their neighbour. -- Le 19:18; Mt 22:39.",
"Strict justice and impartiality. -- Le 19:35,36.",
"All punishments awarded according to. -- Joh 8:5; 19:7; Heb 10:28.",
"All Israelites required",
"To know. -- Ex 18:16.",
"To observe. -- De 4:6; 6:2.",
"To lay up, in their hearts. -- De 6:6; 11:18.",
"To remember. -- Mal 4:4.",
"To teach their children. -- De 6:7; 11:19.",
"Kings to write and study -- De 17:18,19.",
"Good kings enforced -- 2Ki 23:24,25; 2Ch 31:21.",
"Priests and Levites to teach -- De 33:8-10; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7.",
"The scribes were learned in, and expounded -- Ezr 7:6; Mt 23:2.",
"Public instruction given to youth in -- Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3.",
"Publicly read",
"At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year. -- De 31:10-13.",
"By Joshua. -- Jos 8:34,35.",
"By Ezra. -- Ne 8:2,3.",
"In the synagogues every Sabbath day. -- Ac 13:15; 15:21.",
"A means of national reformation -- 2Ch 34:19-21; Ne 8:13-18.",
"A shadow of good things to come -- Heb 10:1.",
"Could not give righteous and life -- Ga 3:21; Ro 8:3,4; Heb 10:1.",
"A schoolmaster to lead to Christ -- Ga 3:24.",
"Made under. -- Ga 4:4.",
"Circumcised according to. -- Lu 2:21; Ro 15:8.",
"Came not to destroy but to fulfil. -- Mt 5:17,18.",
"Attended all feasts of. -- Joh 2:23; 7:2,10,37.",
"Fulfilled all precepts of. -- Ps 40:7,8.",
"Fulfilled all types and shadows of. -- Heb 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14.",
"Magnified and made honourable. -- Isa 42:21.",
"Bore the curse of. -- De 21:23; Ga 3:13.",
"Abrogated, as a covenant of works. -- Ro 7:4.",
"Was not the manifestation of the grace of God -- Joh 1:17; Ro 8:3,4.",
"Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ -- Ga 3:17.",
"Jewish converts would have all Christians observe -- Ac 15:1.",
"The Jews",
"Jealous for. -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 21:20.",
"Held those ignorant of, accursed. -- Joh 7:49.",
"From regard to, rejected Christ. -- Ro 9:31-33.",
"Accused Christ of breaking. -- Joh 19:7.",
"Accused Christians of speaking. -- Ac 6:11-14; 21:28.",
"Broke it themselves. -- Joh 7:19.",
"Dishonoured God by breaking. -- Ro 2:23.",
"Shall be judged by. -- Joh 5:45; Ro 2:12.",
"Was a burdensome yoke -- Ac 15:10.",
"Darkness, &c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of Mosaic age -- Heb 12:18-24."
] | Law of Moses, The |
"Descended from Jacob's third son -- Ge 29:34; Heb 7:9,10.",
"Prophecies respecting -- Ge 49:5,7; De 33:8-11.",
"Originally consisted for three families or divisions -- Nu 3:17; 1Ch 6:16-48.",
"Not numbered with Israel -- Nu 1:47-49.",
"Numbered separately after the people from a month old -- Nu 3:14-16,39.",
"Families, as numbered",
"Of Gershom. -- Nu 3:18,21,22.",
"Of Kohath. -- Nu 3:19,27,28.",
"Of Merari. -- Nu 3:20,33,34.",
"Chosen by God for service of the sanctuary -- 1Ch 15:2; Nu 3:6.",
"Were consecrated -- Nu 8:6,14.",
"Taken instead of the first-born of Israel -- Nu 3:12,13,40-45; 8:16-18.",
"Zeal against idolatry a cause of their appointment -- Ex 32:26-28; De 33:9,10.",
"Entered on their service at twenty-five years of age -- Nu 8:24.",
"Numbered as ministers at thirty -- Nu 4:3,23-49.",
"Superannuated at fifty -- Nu 8:25.",
"When superannuated required to perform the less arduous duties -- Nu 8:26.",
"Ceremonies at consecration of",
"Cleansing and purifying. -- Nu 8:7.",
"Making a sin-offering for. -- Nu 8:8,12.",
"Elders of Israel laying their hands on them. -- Nu 8:9,10.",
"Presenting them to God as an offering for the people. -- Nu 8:11,15.",
"Setting before the priest and presenting them as their offering to God. -- Nu 8:13.",
"Given to Aaron and sons -- Nu 3:9; 8:19.",
"Encamped round the tabernacle -- Nu 1:50,52,53; 3:23,29,35.",
"Marched in the centre of Israel -- Nu 2:17.",
"Services of",
"Ministering to the Lord. -- De 10:8.",
"Ministering to priests. -- Nu 3:6,7; 18:2.",
"Ministering to the people. -- 2Ch 35:3.",
"Keeping the charge of the sanctuary. -- Nu 18:3; 1Ch 23:32.",
"Keeping sacred instruments and vessels. -- Nu 3:8; 1Ch 9:28,29.",
"Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c. -- 1Ch 9:29,30.",
"Keeping sacred treasures. -- 1Ch 26:20.",
"Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c. -- 2Ch 31:11-19; Ne 12:44.",
"Doing the service of tabernacle. -- Nu 8:19,22.",
"Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c. -- Nu 1:50,51; 4:5-33.",
"Preparing the sacrifices for the priests. -- 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 35:11.",
"Preparing the show bread. -- 1Ch 9:31,32; 23:29.",
"Purifying the holy things. -- 1Ch 23:28.",
"Regulating weights and measures. -- 1Ch 23:29.",
"Teaching the people. -- 2Ch 17:8,9; 30:22; 35:3; Ne 8:7.",
"Blessing the people. -- De 10:8.",
"Keeping the gates of the temple. -- 1Ch 9:17-26; 23:5; 2Ch 35:15; Ne 12:25.",
"Conducting the sacred music. -- 1Ch 23:5-30; 2Ch 5:12,13; Ne 12:24,27-43.",
"Singing praises before the army. -- 2Ch 20:21,22.",
"Judging and deciding in controversies. -- De 17:9; 1Ch 23:4; 2Ch 19:8.",
"Guarded king's person and house in times of danger -- 2Ki 11:5-9; 2Ch 23:5-7.",
"Had no inheritance in Israel -- De 10:9; Jos 13:33; 14:3.",
"The Jews to be kind and benevolent to -- De 12:12,18,19; 14:29; 16:11,14.",
"Eight and forty cities with extensive suburbs, appointed for -- Nu 35:2-8.",
"The tithes given to, for their support -- Nu 18:21,24; 2Ch 31:4,5; Ne 12:44,45; Heb 7:5.",
"Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the priests -- Nu 18:26-32.",
"Had a part of their offerings -- De 18:1,2.",
"Numbered them first from thirty years old. -- 1Ch 23:2-3.",
"Divided them into four classed. -- 1Ch 23:4-6.",
"By his last words had them numbered from twenty years old. -- 1Ch 23:24,27.",
"Made them serve from twenty on account of the lightness of their duties. -- 1Ch 23:26,28-32.",
"Subdivided into 24 courses. -- 1Ch 23:6; 25:8-31.",
"Made them attend in courses. -- 2Ch 8:14; 31:17.",
"Served in courses after captivity -- Ezr 6:18.",
"Had chiefs or officers over them -- Nu 3:24,30,35; 1Ch 15:4-10; 2Ch 35:9; Ezr 8:29.",
"Were all under control of the high priest's deputy -- Nu 3:32; 1Ch 9:20.",
"While in attendance lodged around the temple -- 1Ch 9:27.",
"Punished with death for encroaching on the priestly office -- Nu 18:3.",
"Punishment of Korah and others of, for offering incense -- Nu 16:1-35."
] | Levites, The |
"Pleasing to God -- 2Co 9:7; Heb 13:16.",
"God never forgets -- Heb 6:10.",
"Christ set an example of -- 2Co 8:9.",
"Characteristic of saints -- Ps 112:9; Isa 32:8.",
"Unprofitable, without love -- 1Co 13:3.",
"Should be exercised",
"In the service of God. -- Ex 35:21-29.",
"Toward saints. -- Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10.",
"Toward servants. -- De 15:12-14.",
"Toward the poor. -- De 15:11; Isa 58:7.",
"Toward strangers. -- Le 25:35.",
"Toward enemies. -- Pr 25:21.",
"Toward all men. -- Ga 6:10.",
"In leading to those in want. -- Mt 5:42.",
"In giving alms. -- Lu 12:33.",
"In relieving the destitute. -- Isa 58:7.",
"In forwarding missions. -- Php 4:14-16.",
"In rendering personal services. -- Php 2:30.",
"Without ostentation. -- Mt 6:1-3.",
"With simplicity. -- Ro 12:8.",
"According to ability. -- De 16:10,17; 1Co 16:2.",
"Willingly. -- Ex 25:2; 2Co 8:12.",
"Abundantly. -- 2Co 8:7; 9:11-13.",
"Exercise of, provokes others to -- 2Co 9:2.",
"Labour to be enabled to exercise -- Ac 20:35; Eph 4:28.",
"Want of",
"Brings many a curse. -- Pr 28:27.",
"A proof of not loving God. -- 1Jo 3:17.",
"A proof of not having faith. -- Jas 2:14-16.",
"Blessings connected with -- Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Ac 20:35.",
"Promises to -- Ps 112:9; Pr 11:25; 28:27; Ec 11:1,2; Isa 58:10.",
"Exhortations to -- Lu 3:11; 11:41; Ac 20:35; 1Co 16:1; 1Ti 6:17,18.",
"Princes of Israel. -- Nu 7:2.",
"Boaz. -- Ru 2:16.",
"David. -- 2Sa 9:7,10.",
"Barzillai, &c. -- 2Sa 17:28.",
"Araunah. -- 2Sa 24:22.",
"Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:8,10.",
"Judah. -- 2Ch 24:10,11.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 7:70.",
"Jews. -- Ne 7:71,72.",
"Job. -- Job 29:15,16.",
"Nebuzaradan. -- Jer 40:4,5.",
"Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.",
"Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:8.",
"Christians. -- Ac 2:45.",
"Barnabas. -- Ac 4:36,37.",
"Dorcas. -- Ac 9:36.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 16:2.",
"Church of Antioch. -- Ac 11:29,30.",
"Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.",
"Paul. -- Ac 20:34.",
"Stephanas, &c. -- 1Co 16:17.",
"Extraordinary - Exemplified",
"Israelites. -- Ex 36:5.",
"Poor widow. -- Mr 12:42-44.",
"Churches of Macedonia. -- 2Co 8:1-5."
] | Liberality |
"Foretold -- Isa 42:7; 61:1.",
"By God. -- Col 1:13.",
"By Christ. -- Ga 4:3-5; 5:1.",
"By the Holy Spirit. -- Ro 8:15; 2Co 3:17.",
"Through the gospel. -- Joh 8:32.",
"Confirmed by Christ -- Joh 8:36.",
"Proclaimed by Christ -- Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18.",
"The service of Christ is -- 1Co 7:22.",
"Is freedom from",
"The law. -- Ro 7:6; 8:2.",
"The curse of the law. -- Ga 3:13.",
"The fear of death. -- Heb 2:15.",
"Sin. -- Ro 6:7,18.",
"Corruption. -- Ro 8:21.",
"Bondage of man. -- 1Co 9:19.",
"Jewish ordinances. -- Ga 4:3; Col 2:20.",
"Called the glorious liberty of the children of God -- Ro 8:21.",
"Saints are called to -- Ga 5:13.",
"Saints should",
"Praise God for. -- Ps 116:16,17.",
"Assert. -- 1Co 10:29.",
"Walk in. -- Ps 119:45.",
"Stand fast in. -- Ga 2:5; 5:1.",
"Not abuse. -- Ga 5:13; 1Pe 2:16.",
"Not offend others by. -- 1Co 8:9; 10:29,32.",
"The gospel is the law of -- Jas 1:25; 2:12.",
"False teachers",
"Promise, to others. -- 2Pe 2:19.",
"Abuse. -- Jude 1:4.",
"Try to destroy. -- Ga 2:4.",
"The wicked, devoid of -- Joh 8:34; Ro 6:20.",
"Typified -- Le 25:10-17; Ga 4:22-26,31."
] | Liberty, Christian |
"Christ is -- 1Jo 1:2; 5:20.",
"Revealed by Christ -- Joh 6:68; 2Ti 1:10.",
"To know God and Christ is -- Joh 17:3.",
"By God. -- Ps 133:3; Ro 6:23.",
"By Christ. -- Joh 6:27; 10:28.",
"In Christ. -- 1Jo 5:11.",
"Through Christ. -- Ro 5:21; 6:23.",
"To all given to Christ. -- Joh 17:2.",
"To those who believe in God. -- Joh 5:24.",
"To those who believe in Christ. -- Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47.",
"To those who hate life for Christ. -- Joh 12:25.",
"In answer to prayer. -- Ps 21:4.",
"Revealed in the Scriptures -- Joh 5:39.",
"Results from",
"Drinking the water of life. -- Joh 4:14.",
"Eating the bread of life. -- Joh 6:50-58.",
"Eating of the tree of life. -- Re 2:7.",
"They who are ordained to, believe the gospel -- Ac 13:48.",
"Have promises of. -- 1Ti 4:8; 2Ti 1:1; Tit 1:2; 1Jo 2:25.",
"Have hope of. -- Tit 1:2; 3:7.",
"May have assurance of. -- 2Co 5:1; 1Jo 5:13.",
"Shall reap, through the Spirit. -- Ga 6:8.",
"Shall inherit. -- Mt 19:29.",
"Look for the mercy of God to. -- Jude 1:21.",
"Should lay hold of. -- 1Ti 6:12,19.",
"Are preserved to. -- Joh 10:28,29.",
"Shall rise to. -- Da 12:2; Joh 5:29.",
"Shall go into. -- Mt 25:46.",
"Shall reign in. -- Da 7:18; Ro 5:17.",
"The self-righteous think to inherit, by works -- Mr 10:17.",
"Cannot be inherited by works -- Ro 2:7; 3:10-19.",
"The wicked",
"Have not. -- 1Jo 3:15.",
"Judge themselves unworthy of. -- Ac 13:46.",
"Exhortation to seek -- Joh 6:27."
] | Life, Eternal |
"God is the author of -- Ge 2:7; Ac 17:28.",
"God preserves -- Ps 36:6; 66:9.",
"Is in the hand of God -- Job 12:10; Da 5:23.",
"Forfeited by sin -- Ge 2:17; 3:17-19.",
"Of others, not to be taken away -- Ex 20:13.",
"Described as",
"Vain. -- Ec 6:12.",
"Limited. -- Job 7:1; 14:5.",
"Short. -- Job 14:1; Ps 89:47.",
"Uncertain. -- Jas 4:13-15.",
"Full of trouble. -- Job 14:1.",
"God's loving-kindness better than -- Ps 63:3.",
"The value of -- Job 2:4; Mt 6:25.",
"Preserved by discretion -- Pr 13:3.",
"Sometimes prolonged, in answer to prayer -- Isa 38:2-5; Jas 5:15.",
"Obedience to God, tends to prolong -- De 30:20.",
"Obedience to parents, tends to prolong -- Ex 20:12; Pr 4:10.",
"Cares and pleasures of, dangerous -- Lu 8:14; 21:34; 2Ti 2:4.",
"Saints have true enjoyment of -- Ps 128:2; 1Ti 4:8.",
"Of saints, specially protected by God -- Job 2:6; Ac 18:10; 1Pe 3:13.",
"Of the wicked, not specially protected by God -- Job 36:6; Ps 78:50.",
"The wicked have their portion of good, during -- Ps 17:14; Lu 6:24; 16:25.",
"Should be spent in",
"The fear of God. -- 1Pe 1:17.",
"The service of God. -- Lu 1:75.",
"Living to God. -- Ro 14:8; Php 1:21.",
"Peace. -- Ro 12:18; 1Ti 2:2.",
"Doing good. -- Ec 3:12.",
"Should be taken all due care of -- Mt 10:23; Ac 27:34.",
"Should be laid down, if necessary, for Christ -- Mt 10:39; Lu 14:26; Ac 20:24.",
"Should be laid down, if necessary, for the brethren -- Ro 16:4; 1Jo 3:16.",
"Be thankful for",
"The preservation of. -- Ps 103:4; Joh 2:6.",
"The supply of its wants. -- Ge 48:15.",
"The dissatisfied despise -- Ec 2:17.",
"We know not what is good for us in -- Ec 6:12.",
"Be not over-anxious to provide for its wants -- Mt 6:25.",
"The enjoyment of, consists not in abundance of possessions -- Lu 12:15.",
"Is compared to",
"An eagle hasting to the prey. -- Job 9:26.",
"A pilgrimage. -- Ge 47:9.",
"A tale told. -- Ps 90:9.",
"A swift post. -- Job 9:25.",
"A swift ship. -- Job 9:26.",
"A hand-breadth. -- Ps 39:5.",
"A shepherd's tent removed. -- Isa 38:18.",
"A dream. -- Ps 73:20.",
"A sleep. -- Ps 90:5.",
"A vapour. -- Jas 4:14.",
"A shadow. -- Ec 6:12.",
"A thread cut by the weaver. -- Isa 38:12.",
"A weaver's shuttle. -- Job 7:6.",
"A flower. -- Job 14:2.",
"Grass. -- 1Pe 1:24.",
"Water spilt on the ground. -- 2Sa 14:14.",
"Wind. -- Job 7:7.",
"Shortness of, should lead to spiritual improvement -- De 32:29; Ps 90:12.",
"Sometimes judicially shortened -- 1Sa 2:32,33; Job 36:14.",
"Miraculously restored by Christ -- Mt 9:18,25; Lu 7:15,22; Joh 11:43."
] | Life, Natural |
"God is the Author of -- Ps 36:9; Col 2:13.",
"Christ is the Author of -- Joh 5:21,25; 6:33,51-53; 14:6; 1Jo 4:9.",
"The Holy Spirit is the Author of -- Eze 37:14; Ro 8:9-13.",
"The word of God is the instrument of -- Isa 55:3; 2Co 3:6; 1Pe 4:6.",
"Is hidden with Christ -- Col 3:3.",
"The fear of God is -- Pr 14:27; 19:23.",
"Spiritual-mindedness is -- Ro 8:6.",
"Is maintained by",
"Christ. -- Joh 6:57; 1Co 10:3,4.",
"Faith. -- Ga 2:20.",
"The word of God. -- De 8:3; Mt 4:4.",
"Prayer. -- Ps 69:32.",
"Has its origin in the new-birth -- Joh 3:3-8.",
"Has its infancy -- Lu 10:21; 1Co 3:1,2; 1Jo 2:12.",
"Has its youth -- 1Jo 2:13,14.",
"Has its maturity -- Eph 4:13; 1Jo 2:13,14.",
"Is described as",
"A life to God. -- Ro 6:11; Ga 2:19.",
"Newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.",
"Living in the Spirit. -- Ga 5:25.",
"Revived by God -- Ps 85:6; Ho 6:2.",
"Evidenced by love to the brethren -- 1Jo 3:14.",
"All saints have -- Eph 2:1,5; Col 2:13.",
"Should animate the services of saints -- Ro 12:1; 1Co 14:15.",
"Saints praise God for -- Ps 119:175.",
"Seek to grow in -- Eph 4:15; 1Pe 2:2.",
"Pray for the increase of -- Ps 119:25; 143:11.",
"The wicked alienated from -- Eph 4:18.",
"Lovers of pleasure destitute of -- 1Ti 5:6.",
"Hypocrites destitute of -- Jude 1:12; Re 3:1.",
"Illustrated -- Eze 37:9,10; Lu 15:24."
] | Life, Spiritual |
"Canaan infested by -- 2Ki 17:25,26.",
"Described as",
"Superior in strength. -- Jdj 14:18; Pr 30:30.",
"Active. -- De 33:22.",
"Courageous. -- 2Sa 17:10.",
"Fearless even of man. -- Isa 31:4; Na 2:11.",
"Fierce. -- Job 10:16; 28:8.",
"Voracious. -- Ps 17:12.",
"Majestic in movement. -- Pr 30:29,30.",
"Greatness of its teeth alluded to -- Ps 58:6; Joe 1:6.",
"God's power exhibited in restraining -- 1Ki 13:28; Da 6:22,27.",
"God provides for -- Job 38:39; Ps 104:21,28.",
"Lurks for its prey -- Ps 10:9.",
"Roars when seeking prey -- Ps 104:21; Isa 31:4.",
"Rends its prey -- De 33:20; Ps 7:2.",
"Often carries its prey to its den -- Na 2:12.",
"Conceals itself by day -- Ps 104:22.",
"Often perishes for lack of food -- Job 4:11.",
"Forests. -- Jer 5:6.",
"Thickets. -- Jer 4:7.",
"Mountains. -- Song 4:8.",
"Deserts. -- Isa 30:6.",
"Attacks the sheepfolds -- 1Sa 17:34; Am 3:12; Mic 5:8.",
"Attacks and destroys men -- 1Ki 13:24; 20:36.",
"Universal terror caused by roaring of -- Jer 2:15; Am 3:8.",
"Criminals often thrown to -- Da 6:7,16,24.",
"Hunting of, alluded to -- Job 10:16.",
"Slain by",
"Samson. -- Jdj 14:5,6.",
"David. -- 1Sa 17:35,36.",
"Benaiah. -- 2Sa 23:20.",
"A swarm of bees found in the carcass of, by Samson -- Jdj 14:8.",
"Disobedient prophet slain by -- 1Ki 13:24,26.",
"Of Israel. -- Nu 24:9.",
"Of the tribe of Judah. -- Ge 49:9.",
"Of the tribe of Gad. -- De 33:20.",
"Of Christ. -- Re 5:5.",
"Of God in protecting his church. -- Isa 31:4.",
"Of God in executing judgments. -- Isa 38:13; La 3:10; Ho 5:14; 13:8.",
"Of boldness of saints. -- Pr 28:1.",
"Of brave men. -- 2Sa 1:23; 23:20.",
"Of cruel and powerful enemies. -- Isa 5:29; Jer 49:19; 51:38.",
"Of persecutors. -- Ps 22:13; 2Ti 4:17.",
"Of the devil. -- 1Pe 5:8.",
"Of imaginary fears of the slothful. -- Pr 22:13; 26:13.",
"(Tamed,) of the natural man subdued by grace. -- Isa 11:7; 65:25.",
"(Roaring of,) of a king's wrath. -- Pr 19:12; 20:2."
] | Lion, The |
"A small insect -- Pr 30:24,27.",
"Clean and fit for food -- Le 11:21,22.",
"Described as",
"Wise. -- Pr 30:24,27.",
"Voracious. -- Ex 10:15.",
"Rapid in movement. -- Isa 33:4.",
"Like to horses prepared for battle. -- Joe 2:4; Re 9:7.",
"Carried every way by the wind -- Ex 10:13,19.",
"Immensely numerous -- Ps 105:34; Na 3:15.",
"Flies in bands and with order -- Pr 30:27.",
"One of the plagues of Egypt -- Ex 10:4-15.",
"The Jews",
"Used as food. -- Mt 3:4.",
"Threatened with, as a punishment for sin. -- De 28:38,42.",
"Deprecated the plague of. -- 1Ki 8:37,38.",
"Often plagued by. -- Joe 1:4; 2:25.",
"Promised deliverance from the plague of, on humiliation, &c. -- 2Ch 7:13,14.",
"Of destructive enemies. -- Joe 1:6,7; 2:2-9.",
"Of false teachers of the apostasy. -- Re 9:3.",
"Of ungodly rulers. -- Na 3:17.",
"(Destruction of,) of destruction of God's enemies. -- Na 3:15."
] | Locust, The |
"Is part of his character -- Ex 34:6; Nu 14:18; Ps 86:15.",
"Salvation, the object of -- 2Pe 3:15.",
"Through Christ's intercession -- Lu 13:8.",
"Should lead to repentance -- Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9.",
"An encouragement to repent -- Joe 2:13.",
"Exhibited in forgiving sins -- Ro 3:25.",
"Exercised toward",
"His people. -- Isa 30:18; Eze 20:17.",
"The wicked. -- Ro 9:22; 1Pe 3:20.",
"Plead in prayer -- Jer 15:15.",
"Limits set to -- Ge 6:3; Jer 44:22.",
"The wicked",
"Abuse. -- Ec 8:11; Mt 24:48,49.",
"Despise. -- Ro 2:4.",
"Punished for despising. -- Ne 9:30; Mt 24:48-51; Ro 2:5.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 13:6,9.",
"Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:10-13.",
"Israel. -- Ps 78:38; Isa 48:9.",
"Jerusalem. -- Mt 23:37.",
"Paul. -- 1Ti 1:16."
] | Long-Suffering of God, The |
"To the Father -- Ps 91:14; Joh 14:31.",
"To his church -- Song 4:8,9; 5:1; Joh 15:9; Eph 5:24.",
"To those who love him -- Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21.",
"Manifested in his",
"Coming to seek the lost. -- Lu 19:10.",
"Praying for his enemies. -- Lu 23:34.",
"Giving himself for us. -- Ga 2:20.",
"Dying for us. -- Joh 15:13; 1Jo 3:16.",
"Washing away our sins. -- Re 1:5.",
"Interceding for us. -- Heb 7:25; 9:24.",
"Sending the Spirit. -- Ps 68:18; Joh 16:7.",
"Rebukes and chastisements. -- Re 3:19.",
"Passes knowledge -- Eph 3:19.",
"To be imitated -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16.",
"To saints, is",
"Unquenchable. -- Song 8:7.",
"Constraining. -- 2Co 5:14.",
"Unchangeable. -- Joh 13:1.",
"Indissoluble. -- Ro 8:35.",
"Obedient saints abide in -- Joh 15:10.",
"Saints obtain victory through -- Ro 8:37.",
"Is the banner over his saints -- Song 2:4.",
"Is the ground of his saints love to him -- Lu 7:47.",
"To saints, shall be acknowledge even by enemies -- Re 3:9.",
"Illustrated -- Mt 18:11-13.",
"Exemplified towards",
"Peter. -- Lu 22:32,61.",
"Lazarus, &c. -- Joh 11:5,36.",
"His apostles. -- Joh 13:1,34.",
"John. -- Joh 13:23."
] | Love of Christ, The |
"Is a part of his character -- 2Co 13:11; 1Jo 4:8.",
"Christ, the especial object of -- Joh 15:9; 17:26.",
"Christ abides in -- Joh 15:10.",
"Described as",
"Sovereign. -- De 7:8; 10:15.",
"Great. -- Eph 2:4.",
"Abiding. -- Zep 3:17.",
"Unfailing. -- Isa 49:15,16.",
"Unalienable. -- Ro 8:39.",
"Constraining. -- Ho 11:4.",
"Everlasting. -- Jer 31:3.",
"Irrespective of merit -- De 7:7; Job 7:17.",
"Manifested towards",
"Perishing sinners. -- Joh 3:16; Tit 3:4.",
"His saints. -- Joh 16:27; 17:23; 2Th 2:16; 1Jo 4:16.",
"The destitute. -- De 10:18.",
"The cheerful giver. -- 2Co 9:7.",
"Exhibited in",
"The giving of Christ. -- Joh 3:16.",
"The sending of Christ. -- 1Jo 4:9.",
"Christ's dying for us while sinners. -- Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:10.",
"Election. -- Mal 1:2,3; Ro 9:11-13.",
"Adoption. -- 1Jo 3:1.",
"Redemption. -- Isa 43:3,4; 63:9.",
"Freeness of salvation. -- Tit 3:4-7.",
"Forgiving sin. -- Isa 38:17.",
"Quickening of souls. -- Eph 2:4,5.",
"Drawing us to himself. -- Ho 11:4.",
"Temporal blessings. -- De 7:13.",
"Chastisements. -- Heb 12:6.",
"Defeating evil counsels. -- De 23:5.",
"Shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit -- Ro 5:5.",
"Saints know and believe -- 1Jo 4:16.",
"Saints should abide in -- Jude 1:21.",
"Perfected in saints",
"By obedience. -- 1Jo 2:5.",
"By brotherly love. -- 1Jo 4:12.",
"The source of our love to him -- 1Jo 4:19.",
"To be sought in prayer -- 2Co 13:14."
] | Love of God, The |
"Exhibited by God -- Mt 17:5; Joh 5:20.",
"Exhibited by saints -- 1Pe 1:8.",
"His personal excellence is deserving of -- Song 5:9-16.",
"His love to us a motive to -- 2Co 5:14.",
"Manifested in",
"Seeking him. -- Song 3:2.",
"Obeying him. -- Joh 14:15,21,23.",
"Ministering to him. -- Mt 27:55; 25:40.",
"Preferring him to all others. -- Mt 10:37.",
"Taking up the cross for Him. -- Mt 10:38.",
"A characteristic of saints -- Song 1:4.",
"An evidence of adoption -- Joh 8:42.",
"Should be",
"Sincere. -- Eph 6:24.",
"With the soul. -- Song 1:7.",
"In proportion to our mercies. -- Lu 7:47.",
"Supreme. -- Mt 10:37.",
"Ardent. -- Song 2:5; 8:6.",
"Unquenchable. -- Song 8:7.",
"Even to death. -- Ac 21:13; Re 12:11.",
"Promises to -- 2Ti 4:8; Jas 1:12.",
"Increase of, to be prayed for -- Php 1:9.",
"Pray for grace to those who have -- Eph 6:24.",
"They who have",
"Are loved by the Father. -- Joh 14:21,23; 16:27.",
"Are loved by Christ. -- Pr 8:17; Joh 14:21.",
"Enjoy communion with God and Christ. -- Joh 14:23.",
"Decrease of, rebuked -- Re 2:4.",
"Want of, denounced -- 1Co 16:22.",
"The wicked, destitute of -- Ps 35:19; Joh 15:18,25.",
"Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Mt 27:57-60.",
"Penitent woman. -- Lu 7:47.",
"Certain women. -- Lu 23:28.",
"Thomas. -- Joh 11:16.",
"Mary Magdalene. -- Joh 20:11.",
"Peter. -- Joh 21:15-17.",
"Paul. -- Ac 21:13."
] | Love to Christ |
"Commanded -- De 11:1; Jos 22:5.",
"The first great commandment -- Mt 22:38.",
"With all the heart -- De 6:5; Mt 22:37.",
"Better than all sacrifices -- Mr 12:33.",
"Produced by",
"The Holy Spirit. -- Ga 5:22; 2Th 3:5.",
"The love of God to us. -- 1Jo 4:19.",
"Answers to prayer. -- Ps 116:1.",
"Exhibited by Christ -- Joh 14:31.",
"A characteristic of saints -- Ps 5:11.",
"Should produce",
"Joy. -- Ps 5:11.",
"Love to saints. -- 1Jo 5:1.",
"Hatred of sin. -- Ps 97:10.",
"Obedience to God. -- De 30:20; 1Jo 5:3.",
"Perfected in obedience -- 1Jo 2:5.",
"Perfected, gives boldness -- 1Jo 4:17,18.",
"God, faithful to those who have -- De 7:9.",
"They who have",
"Are known of him. -- 1Co 8:3.",
"Are preserved by him. -- Ps 145:20.",
"Are delivered by him. -- Ps 91:14.",
"Partake of his mercy. -- Ex 20:6; De 7:9.",
"Have all things working for their good. -- Ro 8:28.",
"Persevere in -- Jude 1:21.",
"Exhort one another to -- Ps 31:23.",
"Pray for -- 2Th 3:5.",
"The love of the world is a proof of not having -- 1Jo 2:15.",
"They who love not others, are without -- 1Jo 4:20.",
"Hypocrites, without -- Lu 11:42; Joh 5:42.",
"The uncharitable, without -- 1Jo 3:17.",
"God tries the sincerity of -- De 13:3.",
"Promises connected with -- De 11:13-15; Ps 69:36; Isa 56:6,7; Jas 1:12."
] | Love to God |
"Is of God -- 1Jo 4:7.",
"Commanded by God -- 1Jo 4:21.",
"Commanded by Christ -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; 1Jo 3:23.",
"After the example of Christ -- Joh 13:34; 15:12; Eph 5:2.",
"Taught by God -- 1Th 4:9.",
"Faith works by -- Ga 5:6.",
"A fruit of the Spirit -- Ga 5:22; Col 1:8.",
"Purity of heart leads to -- 1Pe 1:22.",
"Explained -- 1Co 13:4-7.",
"Is an active principle -- 1Th 1:3; Heb 6:10.",
"Is an abiding principle -- 1Co 13:8,13.",
"Is the second great commandment -- Mt 22:37-39.",
"Is the end of the commandment -- 1Ti 1:5.",
"Supernatural gifts are nothing without -- 1Co 13:1,2.",
"The greatest sacrifices are nothing without -- 1Co 13:3.",
"Especially enjoined upon ministers -- 1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 2:22.",
"Saints should",
"Put on. -- Col 3:14.",
"Follow after. -- 1Co 14:1.",
"Abound in. -- Php 1:9; 1Th 3:12.",
"Continue in. -- 1Ti 2:15; Heb 13:1.",
"Provoke each other to. -- 2Co 8:7; 9:2; Heb 10:24.",
"Be sincere in. -- Ro 12:9; 2Co 6:6; 8:8; 1Jo 3:18.",
"Be disinterested in. -- 1Co 10:24; 13:5; Php 2:4.",
"Be fervent in. -- 1Pe 1:22; 4:8.",
"Should be connected with brotherly kindness -- Ro 12:10; 2Pe 1:7.",
"Should be with a pure heart -- 1Pe 1:22.",
"All things should be done with -- 1Co 16:14.",
"Should be exhibited, toward",
"Saints. -- 1Pe 2:17; 1Jo 5:1.",
"Ministers. -- 1Th 5:13.",
"Our families. -- Eph 5:25; Tit 2:4.",
"Fellow-countrymen. -- Ex 32:32; Ro 9:2,3; 10:1.",
"Strangers. -- Le 19:34; De 10:19.",
"Enemies. -- Ex 23:4,5; 2Ki 6:22; Mt 5:44; Ro 12:14,20; 1Pe 3:9.",
"All men. -- Ga 6:10.",
"Should be exhibited, in",
"Ministering to the wants of others. -- Mt 25:35; Heb 6:10.",
"Loving each other. -- Ga 5:13.",
"Relieving strangers. -- Le 25:35; Mt 25:36.",
"Clothing the naked. -- Isa 58:7; Mt 25:36.",
"Visiting the sick, &c. -- Job 31:16-22; Jas 1:27.",
"Sympathising. -- Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26.",
"Supporting the weak. -- Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14.",
"Covering the faults of others. -- Pr 10:12; 1Pe 4:8.",
"Forgiving injuries. -- Eph 4:32; Col 3:13.",
"Forbearing. -- Eph 4:2.",
"Rebuking. -- Le 19:17; Mt 18:15.",
"Necessary to true happiness -- Pr 15:17.",
"The love of God is a motive to -- Joh 13:34; 1Jo 4:11.",
"An evidence of",
"Being in the light. -- 1Jo 2:10.",
"Discipleship with Christ. -- Joh 13:35.",
"Spiritual life. -- 1Jo 3:14.",
"Is the fulfilling of the law -- Ro 13:8-10; Ga 5:14; Jas 2:8.",
"Love to self is the measure of -- Mr 12:33.",
"Is good and pleasant -- Ps 133:1,2.",
"Is a bond of union -- Col 2:2.",
"Is the bond of perfectness -- Col 3:14.",
"Hypocrites, devoid of -- 1Jo 2:9,11; 4:20.",
"The wicked devoid of -- 1Jo 3:10.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 45:15.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 1:16,17.",
"Jonathan, &c. -- 1Sa 20:17,41,42.",
"Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:4.",
"Centurion. -- Lu 7:5.",
"The Church. -- Ac 2:46; Heb 10:33,34.",
"Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.",
"Aquila. -- Ro 16:3,4.",
"Paul. -- 2Co 6:11,12.",
"Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:25,26,30.",
"Philippians. -- Php 4:15-19.",
"Colossians. -- Col 1:4.",
"Thessalonians. -- 1Th 3:6.",
"Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:16-18.",
"Philemon. -- Phm 1:7-9.",
"Moses. -- Heb 11:25."
] | Love to Man |
"Is through Christ -- Eph 2:7; Tit 3:4-6.",
"Described as",
"Great. -- Ne 9:17.",
"Excellent. -- Ps 36:7.",
"Good. -- Ps 69:16.",
"Marvellous. -- Ps 17:7; 31:21.",
"Multitudinous. -- Isa 63:7.",
"Everlasting. -- Isa 54:8.",
"Merciful. -- Ps 117:2.",
"Better than life. -- Ps 63:3.",
"Consideration of the dealings of God gives a knowledge of -- Ps 107:43.",
"Betrothed in. -- Ho 2:19.",
"Drawn by. -- Jer 31:3.",
"Preserved by. -- Ps 40:11.",
"Quickened after. -- Ps 119:88.",
"Comforted by. -- Ps 119:76.",
"Look for mercy through. -- Ps 51:1.",
"Receive mercy through. -- Isa 54:8.",
"Are heard according to. -- Ps 119:149.",
"Are ever mindful of. -- Ps 26:3; 48:9.",
"Should expect, in affliction. -- Ps 42:7,8.",
"Crowned with. -- Ps 103:4.",
"Never utterly taken from saints -- Ps 89:33; Isa 54:10.",
"Former manifestations of, to be pleaded in prayer -- Ps 25:6; 89:49.",
"Pray for the",
"Exhibition of. -- Ps 17:7; 143:8.",
"Continuance of. -- Ps 36:10.",
"Extension of. -- Ge 24:12; 2Sa 2:6.",
"Praise God for -- Ps 92:2; 138:2.",
"Proclaim -- Ps 40:10."
] | Loving-Kindness of God, The |
"Forbidden -- Le 19:11; Col 3:9.",
"Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16-19.",
"An abomination to God -- Pr 12:22.",
"A hindrance to prayer -- Isa 59:2,3.",
"The devil, the father of -- Joh 8:44.",
"The devil excites men to -- 1Ki 22:22; Ac 5:3.",
"Hate. -- Ps 119:163; Pr 13:5.",
"Avoid. -- Isa 63:8; Zep 3:13.",
"Respect not those who practise. -- Ps 40:4.",
"Reject those who practise. -- Ps 101:7.",
"Pray to be preserved from. -- Ps 119:29; Pr 30:8.",
"Unbecoming in rulers -- Pr 17:7.",
"The evil of rulers hearkening to -- Pr 29:12.",
"False prophets addicted to -- Jer 23:14; Eze 22:28.",
"False witnesses addicted to -- Pr 14:5,25.",
"Antinomians guilty of -- 1Jo 1:6; 2:4.",
"Hypocrites addicted to -- Ho 11:12.",
"Hypocrites, a seed of -- Isa 57:4.",
"The wicked",
"Addicted to, from their infancy. -- Ps 58:3.",
"Love. -- Ps 52:3.",
"Delight in. -- Ps 62:4.",
"Seek after. -- Ps 4:2.",
"Prepare their tongues for. -- Jer 9:3,5.",
"Bring forth. -- Ps 7:14.",
"Give heed to. -- Pr 17:4.",
"A characteristic of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:9; 1Ti 4:2.",
"Leads to",
"Hatred. -- Pr 26:28.",
"Love of impure conversation. -- Pr 17:4.",
"Often accompanied by gross crimes -- Ho 4:1,2.",
"Folly of concealing hatred by -- Pr 10:18.",
"Vanity of getting riches by -- Pr 21:6.",
"Shall be detected -- Pr 12:19.",
"Poverty preferable to -- Pr 19:22.",
"Excludes from heaven -- Re 21:27; 22:15.",
"They who are guilty of, shall be cast into hell -- Re 21:8.",
"Punishment for -- Ps 5:6; 120:3,4; Pr 19:5; Jer 50:36.",
"The devil. -- Ge 3:4.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:9.",
"Sarah. -- Ge 18:15.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 27:19.",
"Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:31,32.",
"Gibeonites. -- Jos 9:9-13.",
"Samson. -- Jdj 16:10.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 15:13.",
"Michal. -- 1Sa 19:14.",
"David. -- 1Sa 21:2.",
"Prophet of Bethel. -- 1Ki 13:18.",
"Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:22.",
"Job's friends. -- Job 13:4.",
"Ninevites. -- Na 3:1.",
"Peter. -- Mt 26:72.",
"Ananias, &c. -- Ac 5:5.",
"Cretans. -- Tit 1:12."
] | Lying |
"Called the kingdom of Grecia -- Da 11:2.",
"Illustrated by the",
"Brazen part of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. -- Da 2:32,39.",
"Leopard with four wings and four heads. -- Da 7:16,17.",
"Rough goat with notable horn. -- Da 8:5,21.",
"Philippi the chief city of -- Ac 16:12.",
"Predictions respecting",
"Conquest of the Medo-Persian kingdom. -- Da 8:6,7; 11:2,3.",
"Power and greatness of Alexander its last king. -- Da 8:8; 11:3.",
"Division of it into four kingdoms. -- Da 8:8,22.",
"Divisions of it ruled by strangers. -- Da 11:4.",
"History of its four divisions. -- Da 11:4-29.",
"The little horn to arise out of one of its divisions. -- Da 8:8-12,23-25.",
"Gospel preached in, by God's desire -- Ac 16:9,10.",
"Liberality of the churches of -- 2Co 8:1-5."
] | Macedonian Empire, The |
"Are appointed by God -- Ro 13:1.",
"Are ministers of God -- Ro 13:4,6.",
"Purpose of their appointment -- Ro 13:4; 1Pe 2:14.",
"Their office to be respected -- Ac 23:5.",
"Are not a terror to the good, but to the evil -- Ro 13:3.",
"To be wisely selected and appointed -- Ex 18:21; Ezr 7:25.",
"To be prayed for -- 1Ti 2:1,2.",
"Seek wisdom from God. -- 1Ki 3:9.",
"Rule in the fear of God. -- 2Sa 23:3; 2Ch 19:7.",
"Know the law of God. -- Ezr 7:25.",
"Be faithful to the Sovereign. -- Da 6:4.",
"Enforce the laws. -- Ezr 7:26.",
"Judge wisely. -- 1Ki 3:16-28.",
"Hate covetousness. -- Ex 18:21.",
"Not take bribes. -- Ex 23:8; De 16:19.",
"Defend the poor. -- Job 29:12,16.",
"Judge for God, not for man. -- 2Ch 19:6.",
"Judge righteously. -- De 1:16; 16:18; 25:1.",
"Be impartial. -- Ex 23:6; De 1:17.",
"Be diligent in ruling. -- Ro 12:8.",
"Subjection to their authority enjoined. -- Mt 23:2,3; Ro 13:1; 1Pe 2:13,14.",
"Wicked -- Illustrated -- Pr 28:15.",
"Good -- Exemplified",
"Joseph. -- Ge 41:46.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 8:35.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 12:3,4; Ezr 10:1-9.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 3:15.",
"Job. -- Job 29:16.",
"Daniel. -- Da 6:3.",
"Wicked -- Exemplified",
"Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.",
"Pilate. -- Mt 27:24,26.",
"Magistrates in Philippi. -- Ac 16:22,23.",
"Gallio. -- Ac 18:16,17.",
"Felix. -- Ac 24:26."
] | Magistrates |
"Springs from an evil heart -- Mt 15:19,20; Ga 5:19.",
"Forbidden -- 1Co 14:20; Col 3:8; Eph 4:26,27.",
"A hindrance to growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1,2.",
"Incompatible with the worship of God -- 1Co 5:7,8.",
"Christian liberty not to be a cloak for -- 1Pe 2:16.",
"Saints avoid -- Job 31:29,30; Ps 35:12-14.",
"The wicked",
"Speak with. -- 3Jo 1:10.",
"Live in. -- Tit 3:3.",
"Conceive. -- Ps 7:14.",
"Filled with. -- Ro 1:29.",
"Visit saints with. -- Ps 83:3; Mt 22:6.",
"Pray for those who injure you through -- Mt 5:44.",
"Brings its own punishment -- Ps 7:15,16.",
"God requites -- Ps 10:14; Eze 36:5.",
"Punishment of -- Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:10-15.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:5.",
"Esau. -- Ge 27:41.",
"Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:19,20.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 18:9-11.",
"Shimei. -- 2Sa 16:5; 1Ki 2:8,9.",
"Joab. -- 2Sa 3:27; 1Ki 2:5,28-33.",
"Sanballat. -- Ne 2:10.",
"Haman. -- Es 3:5,6.",
"Edomites. -- Eze 35:5.",
"Presidents, &c. -- Da 6:4-9.",
"Herodias. -- Mr 6:19.",
"Scribes &c. -- Mr 11:18; Lu 11:54.",
"Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:10."
] | Malice |
"Descended from Joseph's eldest son adopted by Jacob -- Ge 41:51; 48:5.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 48:20; 49:22-26; De 33:13-17.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:10.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:11.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:23.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:34,35.",
"Part of third division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:22,23.",
"Encamped next to, and under the standard of Ephraim west of tabernacle -- Nu 2:18,20.",
"Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:54-59.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:29-33.",
"Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:34.",
"On Gerizim said amen to the blessing -- De 27:12.",
"Half of, obtained inheritance east of Jordan -- Nu 32:33,39-42; Jos 13:29-31.",
"Inheritance of the other half -- Jos 17:1-11.",
"Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary -- Jos 17:12,13; Jdj 1:27,28.",
"Some of",
"Aided David against Saul. -- 1Ch 12:19-21.",
"At coronation of David. -- 1Ch 12:31-37.",
"Returned to their allegiance to the house of David in Asa's reign. -- 2Ch 15:9.",
"At Hezekiah's passover. -- 2Ch 30:1,11,18.",
"David appointed rulers and captains over -- 1Ch 26:32; 27:20,21.",
"Often at war with Ephraim -- Jdj 12:1,6; Isa 9:21.",
"Country of, purified from idols by Hezekiah and Josiah -- 2Ch 31:1; 34:6.",
"Remarkable persons of",
"Daughters of Zelophehad. -- Nu 27:1-7.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:15.",
"Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:1.",
"Jotham. -- Jdj 9:5,7,21.",
"Jair. -- Jdj 10:3.",
"Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:1.",
"Barzillai. -- 2Sa 17:27.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:1."
] | Manasseh, the Tribe Of |
"Is death endured for the word of God, and testimony of Christ -- Re 6:9; 20:4.",
"Forewarned of. -- Mt 10:21; 24:9; Joh 16:2.",
"Should not fear. -- Mt 10:28; Re 2:10.",
"Should be prepared for. -- Mt 16:24,25; Ac 21:13.",
"Should resist sin to. -- Heb 12:4.",
"Reward of -- Re 2:10; 6:11.",
"Inflicted at the instigation of the devil -- Re 2:10,13.",
"The Apostasy guilty of inflicting -- Re 17:6; 18:24.",
"Of saints, shall be avenged -- Lu 11:50,51; Re 18:20-24.",
"Abel. -- Ge 4:8; 1Jo 3:12.",
"Ahimelech and his fellow priests. -- 1Sa 22:18,19.",
"Prophets and Saints of old. -- 1Ki 18:4; 19:10; Lu 11:50,51; Heb 11:37.",
"Urijah. -- Jer 26:23.",
"John the Baptist. -- Mr 6:27.",
"Peter. -- Joh 21:18,19.",
"Stephen. -- Ac 7:58.",
"Christians. -- Ac 9:1; 22:4; 26:10.",
"James. -- Ac 12:2.",
"Antipas. -- Re 2:13."
] | Martyrdom |
"Authority of, established -- Col 3:22; 1Pe 2:18.",
"Should, with their households,",
"Worship God. -- Ge 35:3.",
"Fear God. -- Ac 10:2.",
"Serve God. -- Jos 24:15.",
"Observe the Sabbath. -- Ex 20:10; De 5:12-14.",
"Put away idols. -- Ge 35:2.",
"Should select faithful servants -- Ge 24:2; Ps 101:6,7.",
"Should receive faithful advice from servants -- 2Ki 5:13,14.",
"Duty of, toward servants;",
"To act justly. -- Job 31:13,15; Col 4:1.",
"To deal with them in the fear of God. -- Eph 6:9; Col 4:1.",
"To esteem them highly, if saints. -- Phm 1:16.",
"To take care of them in sickness. -- Lu 7:3.",
"To forbear threatening them. -- Eph 6:9.",
"Not to defraud them. -- Ge 31:7.",
"Not to keep back their wages. -- Le 19:13; De 24:15.",
"Not to rule over them with rigour. -- Le 25:43; De 24:14.",
"Benevolent, blessed -- De 15:18.",
"Unjust, denounced -- Jer 22:13; Jas 5:4.",
"Good -- Exemplified",
"Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 35:2.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.",
"Centurion. -- Lu 7:2,3.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.",
"Bad -- Exemplified",
"Egyptians. -- Ex 1:13,14.",
"Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:17.",
"Amalekite. -- 1Sa 30:13."
] | Masters |
"Were most holy -- Le 6:17.",
"Consisted of",
"Fine flour. -- Le 2:1.",
"Unleavened cakes baked in the oven. -- Le 2:4.",
"Fine flour baked in a pan. -- Le 2:5.",
"Fine flour baked in a frying pan. -- Le 2:7.",
"Green ears of corn parched. -- Le 2:5.",
"Barley meal. -- Nu 5:15.",
"Oil and incense used with -- Le 2:1,4,15.",
"Of jealousy, without oil or incense -- Nu 5:15.",
"Always seasoned with salt -- Le 2:13.",
"No leaven used with -- Le 2:11; 6:17.",
"Not to be offered on altar of incense -- Ex 30:9.",
"On the altar of burnt offering. -- Ex 40:29.",
"With the daily sacrifices. -- Ex 29:40-42.",
"With all burnt offerings. -- Nu 15:3-12.",
"By the poor for a trespass offering. -- Le 5:11.",
"By the high priest every day, half in the morning and half in the evening. -- Le 6:20-22.",
"A small part of, was consumed on the altar for a memorial -- Le 2:2,9,16; 6:15.",
"When offered for a priest entirely consumed by fire -- Le 6:23.",
"High priest's deputy had care of -- Nu 4:16.",
"Laid up in a chamber of the temple -- Ne 10:39; 13:5; Eze 42:13.",
"The priest's portion -- Le 2:3; 6:17.",
"To be eaten by the males of the house of Aaron alone -- Le 6:18.",
"To be eaten in the holy place -- Le 6:16.",
"The Jews",
"Often not accepted in. -- Am 5:22.",
"Condemned for offering, to idols. -- Isa 57:6.",
"Often prevented from offering, by judgments. -- Joe 1:9,13.",
"Materials for public, often provided by the princes -- Nu 7:13,19,25; Eze 45:16."
] | Meat Offerings |
"Extended from India to Ethiopia -- Es 1:1.",
"Peopled by descendants of Eliam -- Ge 10:22.",
"Illustrated by",
"Silver part of image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. -- Da 2:32,39.",
"A bear. -- Da 7:5.",
"A ram with two horns. -- Da 8:3,20.",
"Shushan a chief city of -- Es 1:2; 8:15.",
"Achmetha or Ecbatana a chief city of -- Ezr 6:2.",
"Divided into many provinces -- Es 1:1; Da 6:1.",
"Laws of, unalterable -- Da 6:12,15.",
"Ruled by, absolute kings -- Es 3:8,11; 7:9.",
"Kings of, mentioned in scripture",
"Cyrus. -- Ezr 1:1.",
"Ahasuerus or Cambyses. -- Ezr 4:6.",
"Artaxerxes Smerdis (an usurper). -- Ezr 4:7.",
"Darius Hystaspes. -- Ezr 6:1; Da 5:31.",
"Xerxes. -- Da 11:2.",
"Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus. -- Ezr 6:14; 7:1; Es 1:1.",
"Kings of",
"Called kings of Assyria. -- Ezr 6:22.",
"Called kings of Babylon. -- Ne 13:6.",
"Styled themselves king of kings. -- Ezr 7:12.",
"Dwelt in royal palaces. -- Es 1:2; 8:14.",
"Were exceeding rich. -- Es 1:4; Da 12:2.",
"Entertained magnificently. -- Es 1:3,5,7.",
"Held in their hand a golden sceptre. -- Es 5:2.",
"Put to death all who approached them without permission. -- Es 4:11,16.",
"Celebrated for wise men -- Es 1:13; Mt 2:1.",
"People of, warlike -- Eze 27:10; 38:5.",
"Peculiar customs in -- Es 1:8; 2:12,13.",
"Babylon taken by the king of -- Da 5:20,31.",
"The Jews delivered from captivity by means of -- 2Ch 36:20,22,23; Ezr 1:1-4.",
"Predictions respecting",
"Extensive conquest. -- Da 8:4.",
"Conquest of Babylon. -- Isa 21:1,2; Da 5:28.",
"Deliverance of the Jews. -- Isa 44:28; 45:1-4.",
"Invasion of Greece under Xerxes. -- Da 11:2.",
"Downfall by Alexander. -- Da 8:6,7; 11:3."
] | Medo-Persian Kingdom |
"Is part of his character -- Ex 34:6,7; Ps 62:12; Ne 9:17; Jon 4:2,10,11; 2Co 1:3.",
"Described as",
"Great. -- Nu 14:18; Isa 54:7.",
"Rich. -- Eph 2:4.",
"Manifold. -- Ne 9:27; La 3:32.",
"Plenteous. -- Ps 86:5,15; 103:8.",
"Abundant. -- 1Pe 1:3.",
"Sure. -- Isa 55:3; Mic 7:20.",
"Everlasting. -- 1Ch 16:34; Ps 89:28; 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-26.",
"Tender. -- Ps 25:6; 103:4; Lu 1:78.",
"New every morning. -- La 3:23.",
"High as heaven. -- Ps 36:5; 103:11.",
"Filling the earth. -- Ps 119:64.",
"Over all his works. -- Ps 145:9.",
"Is his delight -- Mic 7:18.",
"In the sending of Christ. -- Lu 1:78.",
"In salvation. -- Tit 3:5.",
"In long-suffering. -- La 3:22; Da 9:9.",
"To his people. -- De 32:43; 1Ki 8:23.",
"To them that fear him. -- Ps 103:17; Lu 1:50.",
"To returning backsliders. -- Jer 3:12; Ho 14:4; Joe 2:13.",
"To repentant sinners. -- Ps 32:5; Pr 28:13; Isa 55:7; Lu 15:18-20.",
"To the afflicted. -- Isa 49:13; 54:7.",
"To the fatherless. -- Ho 14:3.",
"To whom he will. -- Ho 2:23; Ro 9:15,18.",
"With everlasting kindness. -- Isa 54:8.",
"A ground of hope -- Ps 130:7; 147:11.",
"A ground of trust -- Ps 52:8.",
"Should be",
"Sought for ourselves. -- Ps 6:2.",
"Sought for others. -- Ga 6:16; 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:18.",
"Pleaded in prayer. -- Ps 6:4; 25:6; 51:1.",
"Rejoiced in. -- Ps 31:7.",
"Magnified. -- 1Ch 16:34; Ps 115:1; 118:1-4,29; Jer 33:11.",
"Mercy seat. -- Ex 25:17.",
"Lot. -- Ge 19:16,19.",
"Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:27.",
"Paul. -- 1Ti 1:13."
] | Mercy of God, The |
"Moses commanded to make -- Ex 25:17.",
"Bezaleel given wisdom to make -- Ex 31:2,3,7.",
"Made of pure gold -- Ex 25:17; 37:6.",
"The cherubim formed out of, and at each end of it -- Ex 25:18-20; Heb 9:5.",
"Placed upon the ark of testimony -- Ex 25:21; 26:34; 40:20.",
"Appeared over in the cloud. -- Le 16:2.",
"Dwelt over. -- Ps 80:1.",
"Spoke from above. -- Ex 25:22; Nu 7:89.",
"Covered with a cloud of incense on the day of atonement -- Le 16:13.",
"The blood of sacrifices on the day of atonement sprinkled upon and before -- Le 16:14,15.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ. -- Ro 3:25; Heb 9:3.",
"The throne of grace. -- Heb 4:16."
] | Mercy Seat |
"Descended form Midian, son of Abraham by Keturah -- Ge 25:1,2; 1Ch 1:32.",
"Dwelt east of Jordan, beside Moab -- Nu 22:1,4.",
"A small part of",
"Dwelt near Horeb. -- Ex 2:15; 3:1.",
"Retained the knowledge and worship of Jehovah. -- Ex 2:16; 18:9-12.",
"Governed by kings -- Nu 31:8; Jdj 8:5.",
"Dwelt in tents -- Hab 3:7.",
"Engaged in commerce -- Ge 37:28,36.",
"Conquered by Hadad -- Ge 36:25; 1Ch 1:46.",
"Excited by Moab against Israel -- Nu 22:4.",
"Terrified at approach of Israel -- Hab 3:3-7.",
"With the moabites",
"Sent for Balaam to curse Israel. -- Nu 22:5-7.",
"Seduced Israel to idolatry. -- Nu 25:1-6.",
"Punished for seducing Israel. -- Nu 25:16-18; 31:1-12.",
"Allowed to oppress Israel -- Jdj 6:1-6.",
"Gideon raised up against -- Jdj 6:11-14.",
"With Amalek, &c opposed Gideon -- Jdj 6:33.",
"Miraculously defeated and destroyed by Gideon -- Jdj 7:16-22; 8:10,11.",
"Princes of, slain -- Jdj 7:24,25; 8:12,21.",
"Completeness of their destruction, alluded to -- Ps 83:9-11; Isa 9:4; 10:26.",
"Shall minister to future glory of the church -- Isa 60:6."
] | Midianites |
"Antiquity of -- Ex 11:5.",
"Used for grinding",
"Manna in the wilderness. -- Nu 11:8.",
"Corn. -- Isa 47:2.",
"Female servants usually employed at -- Ex 11:5; Mt 24:41.",
"Male captives often employed at -- Jdj 16:24; La 5:13.",
"Stones used in",
"Hard. -- Job 41:24.",
"Heavy. -- Mt 18:6.",
"Large. -- Re 18:21.",
"Not to be taken in pledge. -- De 24:6.",
"Often thrown down on enemies during sieges. -- Jdj 9:53; 2Sa 11:21.",
"(Grinding at,) of degradation. -- Isa 47:1,2.",
"(Ceasing,) of desolation. -- Jer 25:10; Re 18:22."
] | Mills |
"Called by God -- Ex 28:1; Heb 5:4.",
"Qualified by God -- Isa 6:5-7; 2Co 3:5,6.",
"Commissioned by Christ -- Mt 28:19.",
"Sent by the Holy Spirit -- Ac 13:2,4.",
"Have authority from God -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.",
"Authority of, is for edification -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.",
"Separated to the gospel -- Ro 1:1.",
"Entrusted with the gospel -- 1Th 2:4.",
"Described as",
"Ambassadors for Christ. -- 2Co 5:20.",
"Ministers of Christ. -- 1Co 4:1.",
"Stewards of the mysteries of God. -- 1Co 4:1.",
"Defenders of the faith. -- Php 1:7.",
"The servants of Christ's people. -- 2Co 4:5.",
"Specially protected by God -- 2Co 1:10.",
"Necessity for -- Mt 9:37,38; Ro 10:14.",
"Excellency of -- Ro 10:15.",
"Labours of, vain, without God's blessing -- 1Co 3:7; 15:10.",
"Compared to earthen vessels -- 2Co 4:7.",
"Should be",
"Pure. -- Isa 52:11; 1Ti 3:9.",
"Holy. -- Ex 28:36; Le 21:6; Tit 1:8.",
"Humble. -- Ac 20:19.",
"Patient. -- 2Co 6:4; 2Ti 2:24.",
"Blameless. -- 1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:7.",
"Willing. -- Isa 6:8; 1Pe 5:2.",
"Disinterested. -- 2Co 12:14; 1Th 2:6.",
"Impartial. -- 1Ti 5:21.",
"Gentle. -- 1Th 2:7; 2Ti 2:24.",
"Devoted. -- Ac 20:24; Php 1:20,21.",
"Strong in grace. -- 2Ti 2:1.",
"Self-denying. -- 1Co 9:27.",
"Sober, just, and temperate. -- Le 10:9; Tit 1:8.",
"Hospitable. -- 1Ti 3:2; Tit 1:8.",
"Apt to teach. -- 1Ti 3:2; 2Ti 2:24.",
"Studious and meditative. -- 1Ti 4:13,15.",
"Watchful. -- 2Ti 4:5.",
"Prayerful. -- Eph 3:14; Php 1:4.",
"Strict in ruling their own families. -- 1Ti 3:4,12.",
"Affectionate to their people. -- Php 1:7; 1Th 2:8,11.",
"Ensample to the flock. -- Php 3:17; 2Th 3:9; 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 5:3.",
"Should not be",
"Lords over God's heritage. -- 1Pe 5:3.",
"Greedy of filthy lucre. -- Ac 20:33; 1Ti 3:3,8; 1Pe 5:2.",
"Contentious. -- 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7.",
"Crafty. -- 2Co 4:2.",
"Men-pleasers. -- Ga 1:10; 1Th 2:4.",
"Easily dispirited. -- 2Co 4:8,9; 6:10.",
"Entangled by cares. -- Lu 9:60; 2Ti 2:4.",
"Given to wine. -- 1Ti 3:3; Tit 1:7.",
"Should seek the salvation of their flock -- 1Co 10:33.",
"Should avoid giving unnecessary offence -- 1Co 10:32,33; 2Co 6:3.",
"Should make full proof of their ministry -- 2Ti 4:5.",
"Are bound to",
"Preach the gospel to all. -- Mr 16:16; 1Co 1:17.",
"Feed the Church. -- Jer 3:15; Joh 21:15-17; Ac 20:28; 1Pe 5:2.",
"Build up the Church. -- 2Co 12:19; Eph 4:12.",
"Watch for souls. -- Heb 13:17.",
"Pray for their people. -- Joe 2:17; Col 1:9.",
"Strengthen the faith of their people. -- Lu 22:32; Ac 14:22.",
"Teach. -- 2Ti 2:2.",
"Exhort. -- Tit 1:9; 2:15.",
"Warn affectionately. -- Ac 20:31.",
"Rebuke. -- Tit 1:13; 2:15.",
"Comfort. -- 2Co 1:4-6.",
"Convince gainsayers. -- Tit 1:9.",
"War a good warfare. -- 1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 4:7.",
"Endure hardness. -- 2Ti 2:3.",
"Should preach",
"Christ crucified. -- Ac 8:5,35; 1Co 2:2.",
"Repentance and faith. -- Ac 20:21.",
"According to the oracles of God. -- 1Pe 4:11.",
"Everywhere. -- Mr 16:20; Ac 8:4.",
"Not with enticing words of man's wisdom. -- 1Co 1:17; 2:1,4.",
"Not setting forth themselves. -- 2Co 4:5.",
"Without deceitfulness. -- 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 1Th 2:3,5.",
"Fully, and without reserve. -- Ac 5:20; 20:20,27; Ro 15:19.",
"With boldness. -- Isa 58:1; Eze 2:6; Mt 10:27,28.",
"With plainness of speech. -- 2Co 3:12.",
"With zeal. -- 1Th 2:8.",
"With constancy. -- Ac 6:4; 2Ti 4:2.",
"With consistency. -- 2Co 1:18,19.",
"With heedfulness. -- 1Ti 4:16.",
"With good will and love. -- Php 1:15-17.",
"With faithfulness. -- Eze 3:17,18.",
"Without charge, if possible. -- 1Co 9:18; 1Th 2:9.",
"Woe to those who do not preach the gospel -- 1Co 9:16.",
"When faithful",
"Approve themselves as the ministers of God. -- 2Co 6:4.",
"Thank God for his gifts to their people. -- 1Co 1:4; Php 1:3; 1Th 3:9.",
"Glory in their people. -- 2Co 7:4.",
"Rejoice in the faith and holiness of their people. -- 1Th 3:6-9.",
"Commend themselves to the consciences of men. -- 2Co 4:2.",
"Are rewarded. -- Mt 24:47; 1Co 3:14; 9:17,18; 1Pe 5:4.",
"When unfaithful",
"Described. -- Isa 56:10-12; Tit 1:10,11.",
"Deal treacherously with their people. -- Joh 10:12.",
"Delude men. -- Jer 6:14; Mt 15:14.",
"Seek gain. -- Mic 3:11; 2Pe 2:3.",
"Shall be punished. -- Eze 33:6-8; Mt 24:48-51.",
"Their people are bound, to",
"Regard them as God's messengers. -- 1Co 4:1; Ga 4:14.",
"Not to despise them. -- Lu 10:16; 1Ti 4:12.",
"Attend to their instructions. -- Mal 2:7; Mt 23:3.",
"Follow their holy example. -- 1Co 11:1; Php 3:17.",
"Imitate their faith. -- Heb 13:7.",
"Hold them in reputation. -- Php 2:29; 1Th 5:13; 1Ti 5:17.",
"Love them. -- 2Co 8:7; 1Th 3:6.",
"Pray for them. -- Ro 15:30; 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:19; Heb 13:18.",
"Obey them. -- 1Co 16:16; Heb 13:17.",
"Give them joy. -- 2Co 1:14; 2:3.",
"Help them. -- Ro 16:9; Php 4:3.",
"Support them. -- 2Ch 31:4; 1Co 9:7-11; Ga 6:6.",
"Pray for the increase of -- Mt 9:38.",
"Faithful -- Exemplified",
"The Eleven Apostles. -- Mt 28:16-19.",
"The seventy. -- Lu 10:1,17.",
"Matthias. -- Ac 1:26.",
"Philip. -- Ac 8:5.",
"Barnabas. -- Ac 11:23.",
"Simeon, &c. -- Ac 13:1.",
"Paul. -- Ac 28:31.",
"Tychicus. -- Eph 6:21.",
"Timothy. -- Php 2:22.",
"Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:24.",
"Archippus. -- Col 4:17.",
"Titus. -- Tit 1:5."
] | Ministers |
"Water turned to wine -- Joh 2:6-10.",
"Nobleman's son healed -- Joh 4:46-53.",
"Centurion's servant healed -- Mt 9:5-13.",
"Draughts of fish -- Lu 5:4-6; Joh 21:6.",
"Devils cast out -- Mt 8:28-32; 9:32,33; 15:22-28; 17:14-18; Mr 1:23-27.",
"Peter's wife's mother healed -- Mt 8:14,15.",
"Lepers cleansed -- Mt 8:3; Lu 17:14.",
"Paralytic healed -- Mr 2:3-12.",
"Withered hand restored -- Mt 12:10-13.",
"Impotent man healed -- Joh 5:5-9.",
"The dead raised to life -- Mt 9:18; 19:23-25; Lu 7:12-15; Joh 11:11-44.",
"Issue of blood stopped -- Mt 9:20-22.",
"The blind restored to sight -- Mt 9:27-30; Mr 8:22-25; Joh 9:1-7.",
"The deaf and dumb cured -- Mr 7:32-35.",
"The multitude fed -- Mt 14:15-21; 15:32-38.",
"His walking on the sea -- Mt 14:25-27.",
"Peter walking on the sea -- Mt 14:29.",
"Tempest stilled -- Mt 8:23-26; 14:32.",
"Sudden arrival of the ship -- Joh 6:21.",
"Tribute money -- Mt 17:27.",
"Woman healed of infirmity -- Lu 13:11-13.",
"Dropsy cured -- Lu 14:2-4.",
"Fig tree blighted -- Mt 21:19.",
"Malchus healed -- Lu 22:50,51.",
"Performed before the messengers of John -- Lu 7:21,22.",
"Many and divers diseases healed -- Mt 4:23,24; 14:14; 15:30; Mr 1:34; Lu 6:17-19.",
"His transfiguration -- Mt 17:1-8.",
"His resurrection -- Lu 24:6; Joh 10:18.",
"His appearance to his disciples, the doors being shut -- Joh 20:19.",
"His ascension -- Ac 1:9."
] | Miracles of Christ, The |
"Performed through the power of the devil -- 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14.",
"In support of false religions. -- De 13:1-2.",
"By false christs. -- Mt 24:24.",
"By false prophets. -- Mt 24:24; Re 19:20.",
"A mark of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:3,9; Re 13:13.",
"Not to be regarded -- De 13:3.",
"Deceive the ungodly -- 2Th 2:10-12; Re 13:14; 19:20.",
"Magicians of Egypt. -- Ex 7:11,22; 8:7.",
"Witch of Endor. -- 1Sa 28:7-14.",
"Simon Magus. -- Ac 8:9-11."
] | Miracles Through Evil Agents |
"Moses and Aaron",
"Rod turned into a serpent. -- Ex 4:3; 7:10.",
"Rod restored. -- Ex 4:4.",
"Hand made leprous. -- Ex 4:6.",
"Hand healed. -- Ex 4:7.",
"Water turned into blood. -- Ex 4:9,30.",
"River turned into blood. -- Ex 7:20.",
"Frogs brought. -- Ex 8:6.",
"Frogs removed. -- Ex 8:13.",
"Lice brought. -- Ex 8:17.",
"Flies brought. -- Ex 8:21-24.",
"Flies removed. -- Ex 8:31.",
"Murrain of beasts. -- Ex 9:3-6.",
"Boils and blains brought. -- Ex 9:10,11.",
"Hail brought. -- Ex 9:23.",
"Hail removed. -- Ex 9:33.",
"Locusts brought. -- Ex 10:13.",
"Locust removed. -- Ex 10:19.",
"Darkness brought. -- Ex 10:22.",
"The first-born destroyed. -- Ex 12:29.",
"The red-sea divided. -- Ex 14:21,22.",
"Egyptians overwhelmed. -- Ex 14:26-28.",
"Water sweetened. -- Ex 15:25.",
"Water from rock in Horeb. -- Ex 17:6.",
"Amalek vanquished. -- Ex 17:11-13.",
"Destruction of Korah. -- Nu 16:28-32.",
"Water from rock in Kadesh. -- Nu 20:11.",
"Healing by brazen serpent. -- Nu 21:8,9.",
"Waters of Jordan divided. -- Jos 3:10-17.",
"Jordan restored to its course. -- Jos 4:18.",
"Jericho taken. -- Jos 6:6-20.",
"The sun and moon stayed. -- Jos 10:12-14.",
"Midianites destroyed. -- Jdj 7:16-22.",
"A lion killed. -- Jdj 14:6.",
"Philistines killed. -- Jdj 14:19; 15:15.",
"The gates of Gaza carried away. -- Jdj 16:3.",
"Dagon's house pulled down. -- Jdj 16:30.",
"Thunder and rain in harvest. -- 1Sa 12:18.",
"The prophet of Judah",
"Jeroboam's hand withered. -- 1Ki 13:4.",
"The altar rent. -- 1Ki 13:5.",
"The withered hand restored. -- 1Ki 13:6.",
"Drought caused. -- 1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17.",
"Meal and oil multiplied. -- 1Ki 17:14-16.",
"A child restored to life. -- 1Ki 17:22,23.",
"Sacrifice consumed by fire. -- 1Ki 18:36,38.",
"Men destroyed by fire. -- 2Ki 1:10-12.",
"Rain brought. -- 1Ki 18:41-45; Jas 5:18.",
"Waters of Jordan divided. -- 2Ki 2:8.",
"Taken to heaven. -- 2Ki 2:11.",
"Waters of Jordan divided. -- 2Ki 2:14.",
"Waters healed. -- 2Ki 2:21,22.",
"Children torn by bears. -- 2Ki 2:24.",
"Oil multiplied. -- 2Ki 4:1-7.",
"Child restored to life. -- 2Ki 4:32-35.",
"Naaman healed. -- 2Ki 5:10,14.",
"Gehazi struck with leprosy. -- 2Ki 5:27.",
"Iron caused to swim. -- 2Ki 6:6.",
"Syrians smitten with blindness. -- 2Ki 6:20.",
"Syrians restored to sight. -- 2Ki 6:20.",
"A man restored to life. -- 2Ki 13:21.",
"Hezekiah healed. -- 2Ki 20:7.",
"Shadow put back on the dial. -- 2Ki 20:11.",
"The seventy disciples",
"Various miracles. -- Lu 10:9,17.",
"The apostles",
"Many miracles. -- Ac 2:43; 5:12.",
"Lame man cured. -- Ac 3:7.",
"Death of Ananias. -- Ac 5:5.",
"Death of Sapphira. -- Ac 5:10.",
"The sick healed. -- Ac 5:15,16.",
"AEneas made whole. -- Ac 9:34.",
"Dorcas restored to life. -- Ac 9:40.",
"Great miracles. -- Ac 6:8.",
"Various miracles. -- Ac 8:6,7,13.",
"Elymas smitten with blindness. -- Ac 13:11.",
"Lame man cured. -- Ac 14:10.",
"An unclean spirit cast out. -- Ac 16:18.",
"Special miracles. -- Ac 19:11,12.",
"Eutychus restored to life. -- Ac 20:10-12.",
"Viper's bite made harmless. -- Ac 28:5.",
"Father of Publius healed. -- Ac 28:8.",
"Paul and Barnabas",
"Various miracles. -- Ac 14:3."
] | Miracles Wrought Through Servants of God |
"Foretold -- Isa 35:4-6; Joe 2:28,29.",
"Of different kinds -- 1Co 12:4-6.",
"Enumerated -- 1Co 12:8-10,28; 14:1.",
"Christ was endued with -- Mt 12:28.",
"Poured out on the day of Pentecost -- Ac 2:1-4.",
"Upon the preaching of the gospel. -- Ac 10:44-46.",
"By the laying on of the Apostles' hands. -- Ac 8:17,18; 19:6.",
"For the confirmation of the gospel. -- Mr 16:20; Ac 14:3; Ro 15:19; Heb 2:4.",
"For the edification of the Church. -- 1Co 12:7; 14:12,13.",
"Dispensed according to his sovereign will -- 1Co 12:11.",
"Were to be sought after -- 1Co 12:31; 14:1.",
"Temporary nature of -- 1Co 13:8.",
"Were not to be",
"Neglected. -- 1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6.",
"Despised. -- 1Th 5:20.",
"Purchased. -- Ac 8:20.",
"Might be possessed without saving grace -- Mt 7:22,23; 1Co 13:1,2.",
"Counterfeited by Antichrist -- Mt 24:24; 2Th 2:9; Re 13:13,14."
] | Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
"After the example of Christ -- Ac 10:38.",
"Women and children as well as men -- Ps 8:2; Pr 31:26; Mt 21:15,16; Php 4:3; 1Ti 5:10; Tit 2:3-5; 1Pe 3:1.",
"The zeal of idolaters should provoke to -- Jer 7:18.",
"The zeal of hypocrites should provoke to -- Mt 23:15.",
"An imperative duty -- Jdj 5:23; Lu 19:40.",
"The principle on which -- 2Co 5:14,15.",
"However weak they may be -- 1Co 1:27.",
"From their calling as saints -- Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9.",
"As faithful stewards -- 1Pe 4:10,11.",
"In youth -- Ps 71:17; 148:12,13.",
"In old age -- De 32:7; Ps 71:18.",
"In the family -- De 6:7; Ps 78:5-8; Isa 38:19; 1Co 7:16.",
"In their intercourse with the world -- Mt 5:16; Php 2:15,16; 1Pe 2:12.",
"In first giving their own selves to the Lord -- 2Co 8:5.",
"In declaring what God has done for them -- Ps 66:16; 116:16-19.",
"In hating life for Christ -- Lu 14:26.",
"In openly confessing Christ -- Mt 10:32.",
"In following Christ -- Lu 14:27; 18:22.",
"In preferring Christ above all relations -- Lu 14:26; 1Co 2:2.",
"In joyfully suffering for Christ -- Heb 10:34.",
"In forsaking all for Christ -- Lu 5:11.",
"In a holy example -- Mt 5:16; Php 2:15; 1Th 1:7.",
"In holy conduct -- 1Pe 2:12.",
"In holy boldness -- Ps 119:46.",
"In dedicating themselves to the service of God -- Jos 24:15; Ps 27:4.",
"In devoting all property to God -- 1Ch 29:2,3,14,16; Ec 11:1; Mt 6:19,20; Mr 12:44; Lu 12:33; 18:22,28; Ac 2:45; 4:32-34.",
"In holy conservation -- Ps 37:30; Pr 10:31; 15:7; Eph 4:29; Col 4:6.",
"In talking of God and his works -- Ps 71:24; 77:12; 119:27; 145:11,12.",
"In showing forth God's praises -- Isa 43:21.",
"In inviting forth God's praises -- Isa 43:21.",
"In inviting others to embrace the gospel -- Ps 34:8; Isa 2:3; Joh 1:46; 4:29.",
"In seeking the edification of others -- Ro 14:19; 15:2; 1Th 5:11.",
"In admonishing others -- 1Th 5:14; 2Th 3:15.",
"In reproving others -- Le 19:17; Eph 5:11.",
"In teaching and exhorting -- Ps 34:11; 51:13; Col 3:16; Heb 3:13; 10:25.",
"In interceding for others -- Col 4:3; Heb 13:18; Jas 5:16.",
"In aiding ministers in their labours -- Ro 16:3,9; 2Co 11:9; Php 4:14-16; 3Jo 1:6.",
"In giving a reason for their faith -- Ex 12:26,27; De 6:20,21; 1Pe 3:15.",
"In encouraging the weak -- Isa 35:3,4; Ro 14:1; 15:1; 1Th 5:14.",
"In visiting and relieving the poor, the sick, &c -- Le 25:35; Ps 112:9; 2Co 9:9; Mt 25:36; Ac 20:35; Jas 1:27.",
"With a willing heart -- Ex 35:29; 1Ch 29:9,14.",
"With a superabundant liberality -- Ex 36:5-7; 2Co 8:3.",
"Encouragement to -- Pr 11:25,30; 1Co 1:27; Jas 5:19,20.",
"Blessedness of -- Da 12:3.",
"Illustrated -- Mt 25:14; Lu 19:13.",
"Hannah. -- 1Sa 2:1-10.",
"Captive maid. -- 2Ki 5:3.",
"Chief of the Fathers, &c. -- Ezr 1:5.",
"Shadrach, &c. -- Da 3:16-18.",
"Restored demoniac. -- Mr 5:20.",
"Shepherds. -- Lu 2:17.",
"Anna. -- Lu 2:38.",
"Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.",
"Leper. -- Lu 17:15.",
"Disciples. -- Lu 19:37,38.",
"Centurion. -- Lu 23:47.",
"Andrew. -- Joh 1:41,42.",
"Philip. -- Joh 1:46.",
"Woman of Samaria. -- Joh 4:29.",
"Barnabas. -- Ac 4:36,37.",
"Persecuted Saints. -- Ac 8:4; 11:19,20.",
"Apollos. -- Ac 18:25.",
"Aquila, &c. -- Ac 18:26.",
"Various individuals. -- Ro 16:1-27.",
"Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:16.",
"Philemon. -- Phm 1:1-6."
] | Missionaries, All Christians Should Be As |
"Commanded -- Mt 28:19; Mr 16:15.",
"Warranted by predictions concerning the heathen, &c -- Isa 42:10-12; 66:19.",
"Is according to the purpose of God -- Lu 24:46,47; Ga 1:15,16; Col 1:25-27.",
"Directed by the Holy Spirit -- Ac 13:2.",
"Required -- Lu 10:2; Ro 10:14,15.",
"The Holy Spirit calls to -- Ac 13:2.",
"Christ engaged in -- Mt 4:17,23; 11:1; Mr 1:38,39; Lu 8:1.",
"Christ sent his disciples to labour in -- Mr 3:14; 6:7; Lu 10:1-11.",
"Obligations to engage in -- Ac 4:19,20; Ro 1:13-15; 1Co 9:16.",
"Excellency of -- Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.",
"Worldly concerns should not delay -- Lu 9:59-62.",
"God qualifies for -- Ex 3:11,18; 4:11,12,15; Isa 6:5-9.",
"God strengthens for -- Jer 1:7-9.",
"Guilt and danger of shrinking from -- Jon 1:3,4.",
"Requires wisdom and meekness -- Mt 10:16.",
"Be ready to engage in -- Isa 6:8.",
"Aid those engaged in -- Ro 16:1,2; 2Co 11:9; 3Jo 1:5-8.",
"Harmony should subsist amongst those engaged in -- Ga 2:9.",
"Success of",
"To be prayed for. -- Eph 6:18,19; Col 4:3.",
"A cause of joy. -- Ac 15:3.",
"A cause of praise. -- Ac 11:18; 21:19,20.",
"No limits to the sphere of -- Isa 11:9; Mr 16:15; Re 14:6.",
"Opportunities for, not to be neglected -- 1Co 16:9.",
"Levites. -- 2Ch 17:8,9.",
"Jonah. -- Jon 3:2.",
"The Seventy. -- Lu 10:1,17.",
"Apostles. -- Mr 6:12; Ac 13:2-5.",
"Philip. -- Ac 8:5.",
"Paul &c. -- Ac 13:2-4.",
"Silas. -- Ac 15:40,41.",
"Timotheus. -- Ac 16:3.",
"Noah. -- 2Pe 2:5."
] | Missionary Work By Ministers |
"Descended from Lot -- Ge 19:37.",
"Children of Lot. -- De 2:9.",
"People of Chemosh. -- Nu 21:29; Jer 48:46.",
"Are given to, as a possession -- De 2:9.",
"Separated from the Amorites by the river Arnon -- Nu 21:13.",
"Expelled the ancient Emims -- De 2:9-11.",
"Possessed many and great cities -- Nu 21:28,30; Isa 15:1-4; Jer 48:21-24.",
"Governed by kings -- Nu 23:7; Jos 24:9.",
"Described as",
"Proud and arrogant. -- Isa 16:6; Jer 48:29.",
"Idolatrous. -- 1Ki 11:7.",
"Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.",
"Rich and confident. -- Jer 48:7.",
"Prosperous and at ease. -- Jer 48:11.",
"Mighty men of war. -- Jer 48:14.",
"Deprived of a large part of their territories by the Amorites -- Nu 21:26.",
"Refused to let Israel pass -- Jdj 11:17,18.",
"Alarmed at the number, &c of Israel -- Nu 22:3.",
"With Midian send for Balaam to curse Israel -- Nu 22:1-24:25.",
"Enticed to idolatry by. -- Nu 25:1-3.",
"Forbidden to spoil. -- De 2:9; Jdj 11:15.",
"Forbidden to make leagues with. -- De 23:6.",
"Sometimes intermarried with. -- Ru 1:4; 1Ki 11:1; 1Ch 8:8; Ne 13:23.",
"Excluded from the congregation of Israel forever -- De 23:3,4; Ne 13:1,2.",
"Always hostile to Israel -- Ps 83:6; Eze 25:8.",
"Harassed and subdued by Saul -- 1Sa 14:47.",
"Gave an asylum to David's family -- 1Sa 22:4.",
"Made tributary to David -- 2Sa 8:2,12.",
"Benaiah slew two champions of -- 2Sa 23:20.",
"Paid tribute of sheep and wool to the king of Israel -- 2Ki 3:4; Isa 16:1.",
"Revolted from Israel after the death of Ahab -- 2Ki 1:1; 3:5.",
"Israel and Judah joined against -- 2Ki 3:6,7.",
"Miraculously deceived by the colour of the water -- 2Ki 3:21-24.",
"Conquered by Israel and Judah -- 2Ki 3:24-26.",
"King of, sacrificed his son to excite animosity against Israel -- 2Ki 3:27.",
"Joined Babylon against Judah -- 2Ki 24:2.",
"Prophesies respecting",
"Terror on account of Israel. -- Ex 15:15.",
"Desolation and grief. -- Isa 15:1-9; 16:2-11.",
"Inability to avert destruction. -- Isa 16:12.",
"To destroyed in three years. -- Isa 16:13,14.",
"To be captives in Babylon. -- Jer 27:3,8; 48:7.",
"Their desolation as a punishment for their hatred of Israel. -- Jer 48:26,27; Eze 25:8,9.",
"Restoration from captivity. -- Jer 48:47.",
"Subjugation to Messiah. -- Nu 24:17; Isa 25:10.",
"Subjugation to Israel. -- Isa 11:14."
] | Moabites |
"Sun and moon designed to mark out -- Ge 1:14.",
"The patriarchs computed time by -- Ge 29:14.",
"The Jews computed time by -- Jdj 11:37; 1Sa 6:1; 1Ki 4:7.",
"Commenced with first appearance of new moon -- Nu 10:10; Ps 81:3.",
"Originally had no names -- Ge 7:11; 8:4.",
"The year composed of twelve -- 1Ch 27:2-15; Es 2:12; Re 22:2.",
"Names of the twelve",
"First, Nisan or Abib. -- Ex 13:4; Ne 2:1.",
"Second, Zif. -- 1Ki 6:1,37.",
"Third, Sivan. -- Es 8:9.",
"Fourth, Tammuz. -- Zec 8:19.",
"Fifth, Av. -- Zec 7:3.",
"Sixth, Elul. -- Ne 6:15.",
"Seventh, Ethanim. -- 1Ki 8:2.",
"Eighth, Bul. -- 1Ki 6:38.",
"Ninth, Chisleu. -- Zec 7:1.",
"Tenth, Tebeth. -- Es 2:16.",
"Eleventh, Sebat. -- Zec 1:7.",
"Twelfth, Adar. -- Ezr 6:15; Es 3:7.",
"Idolaters prognosticated by -- Isa 47:13.",
"Observance of, condemned -- Ga 4:10."
] | Months |
"Created by God -- Ge 1:14; Ps 8:3.",
"Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:3.",
"Called the lesser light -- Ge 1:16.",
"Described as",
"Fair. -- Song 6:10.",
"Bright. -- Job 31:26.",
"Has a glory of its own -- 1Co 15:41.",
"To divide day from night. -- Ge 1:14.",
"For signs and seasons. -- Ge 1:14; Ps 104:19.",
"For a light in the firmament. -- Ge 1:15.",
"To light the earth by night. -- Jer 31:35.",
"To rule the night. -- Ge 1:16; Ps 136:9.",
"By an ordinance for ever. -- Ps 72:5,7; 89:37; Jer 31:36.",
"For the benefit of all. -- De 4:19.",
"Influences vegetation -- De 33:14.",
"First appearance of, a time of festivity -- 1Sa 20:5,6; Ps 81:3.",
"Miracles connected with",
"Standing still in Ajalon. -- Jos 10:12,13.",
"Signs in, before the destruction of Jerusalem. -- Lu 21:25.",
"Lunacy attributed to the influence of -- Ps 121:6; Mt 4:24.",
"Worshipped as the queen of heaven -- Jer 7:18; 44:17-19,25.",
"Worshipping of",
"Forbidden to the Jews. -- De 4:19.",
"Condemned as atheism. -- Job 31:26,28.",
"To be punished with death. -- De 17:3-6.",
"Jews often guilty of. -- 2Ki 23:5; Jer 8:2.",
"Jews punished for. -- Jer 8:1-3.",
"Of glory of Christ in the Church. -- Isa 60:20.",
"Of fairness of the Church. -- Song 6:10.",
"Of changeableness of the world. -- Re 12:1.",
"(Becoming blood,) of judgments. -- Re 6:12.",
"(Withdrawing her light,) of deep calamities. -- Isa 13:10; Joe 2:10; 3:15; Mt 24:29."
] | Moon, The |
"The second part of the day at the creation -- Ge 1:5,8,13,19,23,31.",
"The first part of the natural day -- Mr 16:2.",
"Ordained by God -- Job 38:12.",
"Began with first dawn -- Jos 6:15; Ps 119:147.",
"Continued until noon -- 1Ki 18:26; Ne 8:3.",
"First dawning of, called the eyelids of the morning -- Job 3:9; 41:18.",
"The outgoings of, made to rejoice -- Ps 65:8.",
"The Jews",
"Generally rose early in. -- Ge 28:18; Jdj 6:28.",
"Eat but little in. -- Ec 10:16.",
"Went to the temple in. -- Lu 21:38; Joh 8:2.",
"Offered a part of the daily sacrifice in. -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:4-7.",
"Devoted a part of, to prayer and praise. -- Ps 5:3; 59:16; 88:13.",
"Gathered the manna in. -- Ex 16:21.",
"Began their journeys in. -- Ge 22:3.",
"Held courts of justice in. -- Jer 21:12; Mt 27:1.",
"Contracted covenants in. -- Ge 26:31.",
"Transacted business in. -- Ec 11:6; Mt 20:1.",
"Was frequently cloudless -- 2Sa 23:4.",
"A red sky in, a sign of bad weather -- Mt 16:3.",
"Ushered in by the morning star -- Job 38:7.",
"Of the resurrection day. -- Ps 49:14.",
"(Breaking forth,) of the glory of the church. -- Song 6:10; Isa 58:8.",
"(Star of,) of the glory of Christ. -- Re 22:16.",
"(Star of,) of reward of saints. -- Re 2:28.",
"(Clouds in,) of the short lived profession of hypocrites. -- Ho 6:4.",
"(Wings of,) of rapid movements. -- Ps 139:9.",
"(Spread upon the mountains,) of heavy calamities. -- Joe 2:2."
] | Morning |
"Destructive to garments -- Mt 6:19; Jas 5:2.",
"Destroyed by the slightest touch -- Job 4:19.",
"Of God in the execution of his judgments. -- Ho 5:12.",
"(Eating a garment,) of God's judgments. -- Isa 50:9; 51:8.",
"(Garments eaten by,) of those who have suffered severe judgments. -- Job 13:28.",
"(Making its house in garments,) of man's folly in providing earthly things. -- Job 27:18."
] | Moth, The |
"The elevated parts of the earth -- Ge 7:19,20.",
"Formed. -- Am 4:13.",
"Set fast. -- Ps 65:6.",
"Gives strength to. -- Ps 95:4.",
"Weighs, in a balance. -- Isa 40:12.",
"Waters, from his chambers. -- Ps 104:13.",
"Parches, with draught. -- Hag 1:11.",
"Causes, to smoke. -- Ps 104:32; 144:5.",
"Sets the foundations of, on fire. -- De 32:22.",
"Makes waste. -- Isa 42:15.",
"Causes, to tremble. -- Na 1:5; Hab 3:10.",
"Causes, to skip. -- Ps 114:4,6.",
"Causes, to melt. -- Jdj 5:5; Ps 97:5; Isa 64:1,3.",
"Removes. -- Job 9:5.",
"Overturns. -- Job 9:5; 28:9.",
"Scatters. -- Hab 3:6.",
"Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:9.",
"God's mountains. -- Isa 49:11.",
"The ancient mountains. -- De 33:15.",
"The everlasting mountains. -- Hab 3:6.",
"Perpetual hills. -- Heb 3:6.",
"Everlasting hills. -- Ge 49:26.",
"Pillars of heaven. -- Job 26:11.",
"Many exceedingly high -- Ps 104:18; Isa 2:14.",
"Collect the vapours which ascend from the earth -- Ps 104:6,8.",
"Are the sources of springs and rivers -- De 8:7; Ps 104:8-10.",
"Canaan abounded in -- De 11:11.",
"Volcanic fires of, alluded to -- Isa 64:1,2; Jer 51:25; Na 1:5,6.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Ararat. -- Ge 8:4.",
"Abarim. -- Nu 33:47,48.",
"Amalek. -- Jdj 12:15.",
"Bashan. -- Ps 68:15.",
"Bethel. -- 1Sa 13:2.",
"Carmel. -- Jos 15:55; 19:26; 2Ki 19:23.",
"Ebal. -- De 11:29; 27:13.",
"Ephraim. -- Jos 17:15; Jdj 2:9.",
"Gerizim. -- De 11:29; Jdj 9:7.",
"Gilboa. -- 1Sa 31:1; 2Sa 1:6,21.",
"Gilead. -- Ge 31:21,25; Song 4:1.",
"Hachilah. -- 1Sa 23:19.",
"Hermon. -- Jos 13:11.",
"Hor. -- Nu 20:22; 34:7,8.",
"Horeb. -- Ex 3:1.",
"Lebanon. -- De 3:25.",
"Mizar. -- Ps 42:6.",
"Moreh. -- Jdj 7:1.",
"Moriah. -- Ge 22:2; 2Ch 3:1.",
"Nebo (part of Abarim). -- Nu 32:3; De 34:1.",
"Olives or mount of corruption. -- 1Ki 11:7; 2Ki 23:13; Lu 21:37.",
"Pisgah (part of Abarim). -- Nu 21:20; De 34:1.",
"Seir. -- Ge 14:6; 36:8.",
"Sinai. -- Ex 19:2; 18:20,23; 31:18.",
"Sion. -- 2Sa 5:7.",
"Tabor. -- Jdj 4:6,12,14.",
"A defence to a country -- Ps 125:2.",
"Afford refuge in time of danger -- Ge 14:10; Jdj 6:2; Mt 24:16; Heb 11:38.",
"Afforded pasturage -- Ex 3:1; 1Sa 25:7; 1Ki 22:17; Ps 147:8; Am 4:1.",
"Abounded with",
"Herbs. -- Pr 27:25.",
"Minerals. -- De 8:9.",
"Precious things. -- De 33:15.",
"Stone for building. -- 1Ki 5:14,17; Da 2:45.",
"Forests. -- 2Ki 19:23; 2Ch 2:2,8-10.",
"Vineyards. -- 2Ch 26:10; Jer 31:5.",
"Spices. -- Song 4:6; 8:14.",
"Deer. -- 1Ch 12:8; Song 2:8.",
"Game. -- 1Sa 26:20.",
"Wild beasts. -- Song 4:8; Hab 2:17.",
"Often inhabited -- Ge 36:8; Jos 11:21.",
"Sometimes selected as places for divine worship -- Ge 22:2,5; Ex 3:12; Isa 2:2.",
"Often selected as places for idolatrous worship -- De 12:2; 2Ch 21:11.",
"Proclamations often made from -- Isa 40:9.",
"Beacons or ensigns often raised upon -- Isa 13:2; 30:17.",
"Of difficulties. -- Isa 40:4; Zec 4:7; Mt 17:20.",
"Of persons in authority. -- Ps 72:3; Isa 44:23.",
"Of the church of God. -- Isa 2:2; Da 2:35,44,45.",
"Of God's righteousness. -- Ps 36:6.",
"Of proud and haughty persons. -- Isa 2:14.",
"(Burning,) of destructive enemies. -- Jer 51:25; Re 8:8.",
"(Breaking forth into singing,) of exceeding joy. -- Isa 44:23; 55:12.",
"(Threshing of,) of heavy judgments. -- Isa 41:15.",
"(Made waste,) of desolation. -- Isa 42:15; Mal 1:3.",
"(Dropping new wine,) of abundance. -- Am 9:13."
] | Mountains |
"First mention of -- Ge 36:24.",
"Stupid and intractable -- Ps 32:9.",
"Used for",
"Riding, by persons of distinction. -- 2Sa 13:29; 18:9; 1Ki 1:33.",
"Carrying burdens. -- 2Ki 5:17; 1Ch 12:40.",
"Conveying posts and messengers. -- Es 8:10,14.",
"Liable to the plague -- Zec 14:15.",
"Food of -- 1Ki 4:28; 18:5.",
"The Jews",
"Forbidden to breed. -- Le 19:19.",
"Set a great value upon. -- 1Ki 18:5.",
"Brought many, from Babylon. -- Ezr 2:66.",
"Shall used, at the restoration. -- Isa 66:20.",
"Of Togarmah, sold in fairs of Tyre -- Eze 27:14.",
"Often given as tribute -- 1Ki 10:25."
] | Mule, The |
"Descended from Jacob's sixth son -- Ge 30:7,8.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:21; De 33:23.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:15.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:14.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:28.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:42,43.",
"The rear of the fourth division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:25,27.",
"Encamped under the standard of Dan north of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:25,29.",
"Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:78-83.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:48,49.",
"Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:50.",
"On Ebal said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.",
"Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:32-39.",
"Did not drive out the Canaanites, but made them tributary -- Jdj 1:33.",
"Chosen from Zebulun to go with Barak against Sisera -- Jdj 4:6,10.",
"Praised for aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:18.",
"Joined Gideon in the pursuit and overthrow of the Midianites -- Jdj 7:23.",
"Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:34.",
"Officer placed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:19.",
"Officer placed over, by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:15.",
"Land of, ravaged by Benhadad -- 1Ki 15:20.",
"Land of, purged of idols by Josiah -- 2Ch 34:6.",
"Taken captive by Tiglathpileser -- 2Ki 15:29.",
"Specially favoured by our Lord's ministry -- Isa 9:1,2; Mt 4:13-15.",
"Remarkable persons of",
"Barak. -- Jdj 4:6.",
"Hiram. -- 1Ki 7:14."
] | Naphtali, the Tribe Of |
"Persons separated to the service of God -- Nu 6:2.",
"Different kinds of",
"From the womb. -- Jdj 13:5; Lu 1:15.",
"By a particular vow. -- Nu 6:2.",
"Required to be holy -- Nu 6:8.",
"Esteemed pure -- La 4:7.",
"Prohibited from",
"Wine or strong drink. -- Nu 6:3; Lu 1:15.",
"Grapes or anything made from the vine. -- Nu 6:3,4; Jdj 13:14.",
"Cutting or shaving the head. -- Nu 6:5; Jdj 13:5; 16:17.",
"Defiling themselves by the dead. -- Nu 6:6,7.",
"Raised up for good of the nation -- Am 2:11.",
"Ungodly Jews tried to corrupt -- Am 2:12.",
"Defiled during vow",
"To shave the head the seventh day. -- Nu 6:9.",
"To bring two turtle doves for a burnt offering. -- Nu 6:10,11.",
"To recompense their vow with a trespass offering. -- Nu 6:12.",
"On completion of vow",
"To be brought to tabernacle door. -- Nu 6:13.",
"To offer sacrifices. -- Nu 6:14-17.",
"To shave their heads. -- Nu 6:18; Ac 18:18; 21:24.",
"To have the left shoulder of the ram of the peace offering waved upon their hands by the priest. -- Nu 6:19,20; Le 7:32.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ. -- Heb 7:26.",
"Saints. -- 2Co 6:17; Jas 1:27."
] | Nazarites |
"The corruption of human nature requires -- Joh 3:6; Ro 8:7,8.",
"None can enter heaven without -- Joh 3:3.",
"Effected by",
"God. -- Joh 1:13; 1Pe 1:3.",
"Christ. -- 1Jo 2:29.",
"The Holy Spirit. -- Joh 3:6; Tit 3:5.",
"Through the instrumentality of",
"The word of God. -- Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23.",
"The resurrection of Christ. -- 1Pe 1:3.",
"The ministry of the gospel. -- 1Co 4:15.",
"Is of the will of God -- Jas 1:18.",
"Is of the mercy of God -- Tit 3:5.",
"Is for the glory of God -- Isa 43:7.",
"Described as",
"A new creation. -- 2Co 5:17; Ga 6:15; Eph 2:10.",
"Newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.",
"A spiritual resurrection. -- Ro 6:4-6; Eph 2:1,5; Col 2:12; 3:1.",
"A new heart. -- Eze 36:26.",
"A new spirit. -- Eze 11:19; Ro 7:6.",
"Putting on the new man. -- Eph 4:24.",
"The inward man. -- Ro 7:22; 2Co 4:16.",
"Circumcision of the heart. -- De 30:6; Ro 2:29; Col 2:11.",
"Partaking of the divine nature. -- 2Pe 1:4.",
"The washing of regeneration. -- Tit 3:5.",
"All saints partake of -- Ro 8:16,17; 1Pe 2:2; 1Jo 5:1.",
"Likeness to God. -- Eph 4:24; Col 3:10.",
"Likeness to Christ. -- Ro 8:29; 2Co 3:18; 1Jo 3:2.",
"Knowledge of God. -- Jer 24:7; Col 3:10.",
"Hatred of sin. -- 1Jo 3:9; 5:18.",
"Victory over the world. -- 1Jo 5:4.",
"Delight in God's law. -- Ro 7:22.",
"Evidenced by",
"Faith in Christ. -- 1Jo 5:1.",
"Righteousness. -- 1Jo 2:29.",
"Brotherly love. -- 1Jo 4:7.",
"Connected with adoption -- Isa 43:6,7; Joh 1:12,13.",
"The ignorant cavil at -- Joh 3:4.",
"Manner of effecting -- Illustrated -- Joh 3:8.",
"Preserves from Satan's devices -- 1Jo 5:18."
] | New Birth, The |
"Empties itself into the Mediterranean Sea by seven streams -- Isa 11:15.",
"The river. -- Ge 41:1,3.",
"The Egyptian sea. -- Isa 11:15.",
"The stream of Egypt. -- Isa 27:12.",
"Sihor. -- Jos 13:3; Jer 2:18.",
"Abounded in",
"Crocodiles. -- Eze 29:3.",
"Fish. -- Ex 7:21; Eze 29:4.",
"Reeds and flags. -- Isa 19:6,7.",
"Annual overflow of its banks alluded to -- Jer 46:8; Am 8:8; 9:5.",
"The Egyptians",
"Took great pride in. -- Eze 29:9.",
"Carried on extensive commerce by. -- Isa 23:3.",
"Bathed in. -- Ex 2:5.",
"Drank of. -- Ex 7:21,24.",
"Punished by failure of its waters. -- Isa 19:5,6.",
"Punished by destruction of its fish. -- Isa 19:8.",
"Remarkable events connected with",
"Male children drowned in. -- Ex 1:22.",
"Moses exposed on its banks. -- Ex 2:3.",
"Its waters turned into blood. -- Ex 7:15,20.",
"Miraculous generation of frogs. -- Ex 8:3."
] | Nile, the River |
"The hill of Bashan celebrated for -- Isa 2:13.",
"Described as",
"Strong. -- Am 2:9.",
"Thick spreading. -- 2Sa 18:9; Eze 6:13.",
"Casting its leaves in winter. -- Isa 6:13.",
"The people of Tyre made oars of -- Eze 27:6.",
"Idolaters often made idols of -- Isa 44:14.",
"The ancients often",
"Rested under. -- Jdj 6:11,19; 1Ki 13:14.",
"Buried their dead under. -- Ge 35:8; 1Ch 10:12.",
"Erected monuments under. -- Jos 24:26.",
"Performed idolatrous rites under. -- Isa 1:29; 57:5; Eze 6:13; Ho 4:13.",
"Absalom in his flight intercepted by, and suspended from -- 2Sa 18:9,10,14.",
"Jacob buried his family idols under -- Ge 35:4.",
"Of the church. -- Isa 6:13.",
"Of strong and powerful men. -- Am 2:9.",
"Of wicked rulers. -- Isa 2:13; Zec 11:2.",
"(Fading,) of the wicked under judgments. -- Isa 1:30."
] | Oak Tree, The |
"The lawful purpose of, explained -- Heb 6:16.",
"Antiquity of -- Ge 14:22; 24:3,8.",
"Used for",
"Confirming covenants. -- Ge 26:28; 31:44,53; 1Sa 20:16,17.",
"Deciding controversies in courts of law. -- Ex 22:11; Nu 5:19; 1Ki 8:31.",
"Pledging allegiance to sovereigns. -- 2Ki 11:4; Ec 8:2.",
"Binding to performance of sacred duties. -- Nu 30:2; 2Ch 15:14,15; Ne 10:29; Ps 132:2.",
"Binding to performance of any particular act. -- Ge 24:3,4; 50:25; Jos 2:12.",
"Judicial from of administering -- 1Ki 22:16; Mt 26:63.",
"Often accompanied by raising up the hand -- Ge 14:22; Da 12:7; Re 10:5,6.",
"Often accompanied by placing the hand under the thigh of the person sworn to -- Ge 24:2,9; 47:29.",
"To be taken in fear and reverence -- Ec 9:2.",
"The Jews",
"Forbidden to take, in name of idols. -- Jos 23:7.",
"Forbidden to take in the name of any created thing. -- Mt 5:34-36; Jas 5:12.",
"Forbidden to take false. -- Le 6:3; Zec 8:17.",
"Forbidden to take rash, or unholy. -- Le 5:4.",
"To use God's name alone in. -- De 6:13; 10:20; Isa 65:16.",
"To take, in truth, judgment, &c. -- Jer 4:2.",
"Generally respected the obligation of. -- Jos 9:19,20; 2Sa 21:7; Ps 15:4; Mt 14:9.",
"Fell into many errors respecting. -- Mt 23:16-22.",
"Often guilty of rashly taking. -- Jdj 21:7; Mt 14:7; 26:72.",
"Often guilty of falsely taking. -- Le 6:3; Jer 5:2; 7:9.",
"Condemned for false. -- Zec 5:4; Mal 3:5.",
"Condemned for profane. -- Jer 23:10; Ho 4:2.",
"Instances of rash,",
"Joshua, &c. -- Jos 9:15,16.",
"Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:30-36.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 14:27,44.",
"Herod. -- Mt 14:7-9.",
"The Jews who sought to kill Paul. -- Ac 23:21.",
"Custom of swearing by the life of the king -- Ge 42:15,16.",
"Expressions used as",
"By the fear of Isaac. -- Ge 31:53.",
"As the Lord liveth. -- Jdj 8:19; Ru 3:13.",
"The Lord do so to me, and more also. -- Ru 1:17.",
"God do so to thee, and more also. -- 1Sa 3:17.",
"By the Lord. -- 2Sa 19:7; 1Ki 2:42.",
"God do so to thee and more also. -- 1Sa 3:17.",
"Before God I lie not. -- Ga 1:20.",
"I call God for a record. -- 2Co 1:23.",
"God is witness. -- 1Th 2:5.",
"I charge you by the Lord. -- 1Th 5:27.",
"As thy soul liveth. -- 1Sa 1:26; 25:26.",
"God used, to show the immutability of his counsel -- Ge 22:16; Nu 14:28; 6:17."
] | Oaths |
"Commanded -- De 13:4.",
"Without faith, is impossible -- Heb 11:6.",
"Obeying his voice. -- Ex 19:5; Jer 7:23.",
"Obeying his law. -- De 11:27; Isa 42:24.",
"Obeying Christ. -- Ex 23:21; 2Co 10:5.",
"Obeying the gospel. -- Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16,17.",
"Keeping his commandments. -- Ec 12:13.",
"Submission to higher powers. -- Ro 13:1.",
"Better than sacrifice -- 1Sa 15:22.",
"Justification obtained by that of Christ -- Ro 5:19.",
"Christ, an example of -- Mt 3:15; Joh 15:20; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8.",
"Angles engaged in -- Ps 103:20.",
"A characteristic of saints -- 1Pe 1:14.",
"Saints elected to -- 1Pe 1:2.",
"Obligations to -- Ac 4:19,20; 5:29.",
"Exhortations to -- Jer 26:13; 38:20.",
"Should be",
"From the heart. -- De 11:13; Ro 6:17.",
"With willingness. -- Ps 18:44; Isa 1:19.",
"Unreserved. -- Jos 22:2,3.",
"Undeviating. -- De 28:14.",
"Constant. -- Php 2:12.",
"Resolve upon -- Ex 24:7; Jos 24:24.",
"Confess your failure in -- Da 9:10.",
"Prepare the heart for -- 1Sa 7:3; Ezr 7:10.",
"Pray to be taught -- Ps 119:35; 143:10.",
"Promises to -- Ex 23:22; 1Sa 12:14; Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23.",
"To be universal in the latter days -- Da 7:27.",
"Blessedness of -- De 11:27; 28:1-13; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25.",
"The wicked refuse -- Ex 5:2; Ne 9:17.",
"Punishment of refusing -- De 11:28; 28:15-68; Jos 5:6; Isa 1:20.",
"Noah. -- Ge 6:22.",
"Abram. -- Ge 12:1-4; Heb 11:8; Ge 22:3,12.",
"Israelites. -- Ex 12:28; 24:7.",
"Caleb &c. -- Nu 32:12.",
"Asa. -- 1Ki 15:11.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:5.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:6.",
"Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:2.",
"David. -- Ps 119:106.",
"Zerubbabel. -- Hag 1:12.",
"Joseph. -- Mt 1:24.",
"Wise men. -- Mt 2:12.",
"Zacharias &c. -- Lu 1:6.",
"Paul. -- Ac 26:19.",
"Saints of Rome. -- Ro 16:19."
] | Obedience to God |
"Exhortations against -- Eph 4:30; 1Th 5:19.",
"Exhibited in",
"Tempting him. -- Ac 5:9.",
"Vexing him. -- Isa 63:10.",
"Grieving him. -- Eph 4:30.",
"Quenching him. -- 1Th 5:19.",
"Lying to him. -- Ac 5:3,4.",
"Resisting him. -- Ac 7:51.",
"Undervaluing His gifts. -- Ac 8:19,20.",
"Danger of trifling with the Holy Spirit. -- Heb 6:4-6.",
"Doing despite to him. -- Heb 10:29.",
"Disregarding His testimony. -- Ne 9:30.",
"Blasphemy against him, unpardonable -- Mt 12:31,32; 1Jo 5:16."
] | Offences Against the Holy Spirit |
"Often grew wild -- Ro 11:17.",
"In olive yards. -- 1Sa 8:14; Ne 5:11.",
"Among rocks. -- De 32:13.",
"On the sides of mountains. -- Mt 21:1.",
"Canaan abounded in -- De 6:11; 8:8.",
"Assyria abounded in -- 2Ki 18:32.",
"Kings of Israel largely cultivated -- 1Ch 27:28.",
"Described as",
"Green. -- Jer 11:16.",
"Fair and beautiful. -- Jer 11:16; Ho 14:6.",
"Fat and unctuous. -- Jdj 9:9; Ro 11:17.",
"Bearing goodly fruit. -- Jer 11:16; Jas 3:12.",
"Grafting of, alluded to -- Ro 11:24.",
"Pruning of, alluded to -- Ro 11:18,19.",
"Often cast its flowers -- Job 15:33.",
"Often cast its fruit -- De 28:40.",
"Often suffered from caterpillars -- Am 4:9.",
"Good for the service of God and man -- Jdj 9:9.",
"Oil procured from -- Ex 27:20; De 8:8.",
"Used for making",
"The cherubim in the temple. -- 1Ki 6:23.",
"The doors and posts of the temple. -- 1Ki 6:31-33.",
"Booths at feast of tabernacles. -- Ne 8:15.",
"Beaten to remove the fruit -- De 24:20.",
"Shaken when fully ripe -- Isa 17:6.",
"Gleaning of, left for the poor -- De 24:20.",
"Fruit of, during sabbatical year left for the poor, &c -- Ex 23:11.",
"The fruit of, trodden in presses to extract the oil -- Mic 6:15; Hag 2:16.",
"Failure of, a great calamity -- Hab 3:17,18.",
"Of Christ. -- Ro 11:17,24; Zec 4:3,12.",
"Of the Jewish church. -- Jer 11:16.",
"Of the righteous. -- Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6.",
"Of children of pious parents. -- Ps 128:3.",
"Of the two witnesses. -- Re 11:3,4.",
"(When wild,) of the Gentiles. -- Ro 11:17,24.",
"(Gleaning of,) of the remnant of grace. -- Isa 17:6; 24:13.",
"Probably origin of its being the emblem of peace. -- Ge 8:11."
] | Olive Tree, The |
"Unclean and unfit for food -- Le 11:13.",
"Furnished with wings and feathers -- Job 39:13.",
"Lays her eggs in the sand -- Job 39:14.",
"Described as",
"Void of wisdom. -- Job 39:17.",
"Imprudent. -- Job 39:15.",
"Cruel to her young. -- Job 39:16.",
"Rapid in movement. -- Job 39:18.",
"Of the unnatural cruelty of the Jews in their calamities. -- La 4:3.",
"(Companionship with,) of extreme desolation. -- Job 30:29."
] | Ostrich, The |
"Varieties of -- Le 11:16,17; De 14:15,16.",
"Unclean and not to be eaten -- Le 11:13,16.",
"Described as",
"Mournful in voice. -- Mic 1:8.",
"Solitary in disposition. -- Ps 102:6.",
"Careful of its young. -- Isa 34:15.",
"Inhabits deserted cities and houses -- Isa 13:21; 34:11-14; Jer 50:39.",
"Illustrative of mourners -- Ps 102:6."
] | Owl, The |
"Often found wild -- De 14:5.",
"Includes the",
"Bull. -- Ge 32:15; Job 21:10.",
"Bullock. -- Ps 50:9; Jer 46:21.",
"Cow. -- Nu 18:17; Job 21:10.",
"Heifer. -- Ge 15:9; Nu 19:2.",
"Was clean and fit for food -- De 14:4.",
"Described as",
"Strong. -- Ps 144:14; Pr 14:4.",
"Beautiful. -- Jer 46:20; Ho 10:11.",
"Not without sagacity. -- Isa 1:3.",
"Horns and hoofs of, alluded to -- Ps 69:31.",
"Lowing of, alluded to -- 1Sa 15:14; Job 6:5.",
"Was fed",
"With grass. -- Job 40:15; Ps 106:20; Da 4:25.",
"With corn. -- Isa 30:24.",
"With straw. -- Isa 11:7.",
"On the hills. -- Isa 7:25.",
"In the valleys. -- 1Ch 27:29; Isa 65:10.",
"In stalls. -- Hab 3:17.",
"Rapid manner of collecting its food alluded to -- Nu 22:4.",
"Formed a part of the patriarchal wealth -- Ge 13:2,5; 26:14; Job 1:3.",
"Formed a part of the wealth of Israel in Egypt -- Ge 50:8; Ex 10:9; 12:32.",
"Formed a part of the wealth of the Jews -- Nu 32:4; Ps 144:14.",
"Required great care and attention -- Pr 27:23.",
"Herdmen appointed over -- Ge 13:7; 1Sa 21:7.",
"Urged on by the goad -- Jdj 3:31.",
"Used for",
"Drawing wagons &c. -- Nu 7:3; 1Sa 6:7.",
"Carrying burdens. -- 1Ch 12:40.",
"Ploughing. -- 1Ki 19:19; Job 1:14; Am 6:12.",
"Earing the ground. -- Isa 30:24; 32:20.",
"Treading out the corn. -- Ho 10:11.",
"Sacrifice. -- Ex 20:24; 2Sa 24:22.",
"Food. -- 1Ki 1:9; 19:21; 2Ch 18:2.",
"Often stall-fed for slaughter -- Pr 15:17.",
"Goes to the slaughter unconscious -- Pr 7:22.",
"Young of, considered a great delicacy -- Ge 18:7; Am 6:4.",
"Male firstlings of, belonged to God -- Ex 34:19.",
"Tithe of, given to the priests -- 2Ch 31:6.",
"Laws respecting",
"To rest on the Sabbath. -- Ex 23:12; De 5:14.",
"Not to be yoked with an ass in the same plough. -- De 22:10.",
"Not to be muzzled when treading out the corn. -- De 25:4; 1Co 9:9.",
"If stolen to be restored double. -- Ex 22:4.",
"Of others not to be coveted. -- Ex 20:17; De 5:21.",
"Of others if lost or hurt through neglect, to be made good. -- Ex 22:9-13.",
"Killing a man, to be stoned. -- Ex 21:28-32.",
"Mode of reparation for one, killing another. -- Ex 21:35,36.",
"Straying to be brought back to its owner. -- Ex 23:4; De 22:1,2.",
"Fallen under its burden to be raised up again. -- De 22:4.",
"Fat of, not to be eaten. -- Le 7:23.",
"Increase of, promised -- De 7:13; 28:4.",
"Publicly sold -- 2Sa 24:24; Lu 14:19.",
"Often given as a present -- Ge 12:16; 20:14.",
"The wicked often took, in pledge from the poor -- Job 24:3.",
"Custom of sending the pieces of, to collect the people to war -- 1Sa 11:7.",
"Sea of brass rested on figures of -- 1Ki 7:25.",
"(Engaged in husbandry,) of Ministers. -- Isa 30:24; 32:20.",
"(Not muzzled in treading corn,) of Minister's right to support. -- 1Co 9:9,10.",
"(Prepared for a feast,) of the provision of the gospel. -- Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4.",
"(Led to slaughter,) of a rash youth. -- Pr 7:22.",
"(Led to slaughter,) of saints under persecution. -- Jer 11:19.",
"(Stall fed,) of sumptuous living. -- Pr 15:17.",
"Bull or bullock illustrative",
"Of fierce enemies. -- Ps 22:12; 68:30.",
"(Firstling of,) of the glory of Joseph. -- De 33:17.",
"(In a net,) of the impatient under judgment. -- Isa 51:20.",
"(Fatted,) of greedy mercenaries. -- Jer 46:21.",
"(Unaccustomed to the yoke,) of intractable sinners. -- Jer 31:18.",
"Kine illustrative",
"Of proud and wealthy rules. -- Am 4:1.",
"(well favoured,) of years of plenty. -- Ge 41:2,26,29.",
"(Lean,) of years of scarcity. -- Ge 41:3; 27:30.",
"Heifer illustrative",
"Of a beloved wife. -- Jdj 14:18.",
"(Sliding back,) of backsliding Israel. -- Ho 4:16.",
"(Taught, &c) of Israel's fondness for ease in preference to obedience. -- Ho 10:11.",
"(Of three years old,) of Moab in affliction. -- Isa 15:5; Jer 48:34.",
"(Fair,) of the beauty and wealth of Egypt. -- Jer 46:20.",
"(At grass,) of the luxurious Chaldees. -- Jer 50:11."
] | Ox, The |
"Jerusalem celebrated for -- Ps 48:3,13.",
"The term applied to",
"Residences of kings. -- Da 4:4; 6:18.",
"Houses of great men. -- Am 3:9; Mic 5:5.",
"The temple of God. -- 1Ch 29:1,19.",
"The house of the high priest. -- Mt 26:58.",
"Described as",
"High. -- Ps 78:69.",
"Polished. -- Ps 144:12.",
"Pleasant. -- Isa 13:22.",
"Of kings",
"Called the king's house. -- 2Ki 25:9; 2Ch 7:11.",
"Called the house of the kingdom. -- 2Ch 2:1,12.",
"Called the king's palace. -- Es 1:5.",
"Called the royal house. -- Es 1:9.",
"Splendidly furnished. -- Es 1:6.",
"Surrounded with gardens. -- Es 1:5.",
"Surrounded with terraces. -- 2Ch 9:11.",
"Under governors. -- 1Ki 4:6; Ne 7:2.",
"Often attended by eunuchs as servants. -- 2Ki 20:18; Da 1:3,4.",
"Were strictly guarded. -- 2Ki 11:5.",
"Afforded support to all the King's retainers. -- Ezr 4:14; Da 1:5.",
"Royal decrees issued from. -- Es 3:15; 8:14.",
"Royal decrees laid up in. -- Ezr 6:2.",
"Contained treasures of the king. -- 1Ki 15:18; 2Ch 12:9; 25:24.",
"Gorgeous apparel suited to, alone. -- Lu 7:25.",
"Were entered by gates -- Ne 2:8.",
"Often the storehouses of rapine -- Am 3:10.",
"Often as punishment",
"Spoiled. -- Am 3:11.",
"Forsaken. -- Isa 32:14.",
"Desolate. -- Ps 69:25; Eze 19:7.",
"Scenes of bloodshed. -- Jer 9:21.",
"Burned with fire. -- 2Ch 36:19; Jer 17:27.",
"Overgrown with thorns, &c. -- Isa 34:13.",
"The habitation of dragons, &c. -- Isa 13:22.",
"The spider makes its way even into -- Pr 30:28.",
"Illustrative of",
"The splendour of the church. -- Song 8:9.",
"The godly children of saints. -- Ps 144:12.",
"The place of Satan's dominion. -- Lu 11:21."
] | Palaces |
"First mention of, in Scripture -- Ex 15:27.",
"Jericho celebrated for -- De 34:3; Jdj 1:16.",
"Described as",
"Tall. -- Song 7:7.",
"Upright. -- Jer 10:5.",
"Flourishing. -- Ps 92:12.",
"Fruitful to a great age. -- Ps 92:14.",
"The fruit of, called dates -- 2Ch 31:5.",
"Requires a moist and fertile soil -- Ex 15:27.",
"Tents often pitched under the shade of -- Jdj 4:5.",
"The branches of, were",
"The emblem of victory. -- Re 7:9.",
"Carried at feast of tabernacles. -- Le 23:40.",
"Used for constructing booths. -- Ne 8:15.",
"Spread before Christ. -- Joh 12:13.",
"Blasted as a punishment -- Joe 1:12.",
"Represented in carved work on the walls and doors of the temple of Solomon -- 1Ki 6:29,32,35; 2Ch 3:5.",
"Illustrative of",
"The church. -- Song 7:7,8.",
"The righteous. -- Ps 92:12.",
"The upright appearance of idols. -- Jer 10:5."
] | Palm Tree, The |
"Remarkable Parables of the Old Testament -- Jdj 9:8-15; 2Sa 12:1-4; 14:5-7.",
"Parables of christ",
"Wise and foolish builders. -- Mt 7:24-27.",
"Children of the bride chamber. -- Mt 9:15.",
"New cloth and old garment. -- Mt 9:16.",
"New wine and old bottles. -- Mt 9:17.",
"Unclean spirit. -- Mt 12:43.",
"Sower. -- Mt 13:3-23; Lu 8:5-15.",
"Tares. -- Mt 13:24-30,36-43.",
"Mustard-seed. -- Mt 13:31,32; Lu 13:19.",
"Leaven. -- Mt 13:33.",
"Treasure hid in a field. -- Mt 13:44.",
"Pearl of great price. -- Mt 13:45,46.",
"Net cast into the sea. -- Mt 13:47-50.",
"Meats defiling not. -- Mt 15:10-15.",
"Unmerciful servant. -- Mt 18:23-35.",
"Labourers hired. -- Mt 20:1-16.",
"Two sons. -- Mt 21:28-32.",
"Wicked husbandmen. -- Mt 21:33-45.",
"Marriage-feast. -- Mt 22:2-14.",
"Fig-tree leafing. -- Mt 24:32-34.",
"Man of the house watching. -- Mt 24:43.",
"Faithful, and evil servants. -- Mt 24:45-51.",
"Ten virgins. -- Mt 25:1-13.",
"Talents. -- Mt 25:14-30.",
"Kingdom, divided against itself. -- Mr 3:24.",
"House, divided against itself. -- Mr 3:25.",
"Strong man armed. -- Mr 3:27; Lu 11:21.",
"Seed growing secretly -- Mr 4:26-29.",
"Lighted candle -- Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33-36.",
"Man taking a far journey -- Mr 13:34-37.",
"Blind leading the blind -- Lu 6:39.",
"Beam and mote -- Lu 6:41,42.",
"Tree and its fruit -- Lu 6:43-45.",
"Creditor and debtors -- Lu 7:41-47.",
"Good Samaritan -- Lu 10:30-37.",
"Importunate friend -- Lu 11:5-9.",
"Rich fool -- Lu 12:16-21.",
"Cloud and wind -- Lu 12:54-57.",
"Barren fig-tree -- Lu 13:6-9.",
"Men bidden to a feast -- Lu 14:7-11.",
"Builder of a tower -- Lu 14:28-30,33.",
"King going to war -- Lu 14:31-33.",
"Savour of salt -- Lu 14:34,35.",
"Lost sheep -- Lu 15:3-7.",
"Lost piece of silver -- Lu 15:8-10.",
"Prodigal son -- Lu 15:11-32.",
"Unjust steward -- Lu 16:1-8.",
"Rich man and Lazarus -- Lu 16:19-31.",
"Importunate widow -- Lu 18:1-8.",
"Pharisee and Publican -- Lu 18:9-14.",
"Pounds -- Lu 19:12-27.",
"Good Shepherd -- Joh 10:1-6.",
"Vine and branches -- Joh 15:1-5."
] | Parables |
"Receive their children from God -- Ge 33:5; 1Sa 1:27; Ps 127:3.",
"Their duty to their children is",
"To love them. -- Tit 2:4.",
"To bring them to Christ. -- Mt 19:13,14.",
"To train them up for God. -- Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4.",
"To instruct them in God's word. -- De 4:9; 11:19; Isa 38:19.",
"To tell them of God's judgments. -- Joe 1:3.",
"To tell them of the miraculous works of God. -- Ex 10:2; Ps 78:4.",
"To command them to obey God. -- De 32:46; 1Ch 28:9.",
"To bless them. -- Ge 48:15; Heb 11:20.",
"To pity them. -- Ps 103:13.",
"To provide for them. -- Job 42:15; 2Co 12:14; 1Ti 5:8.",
"To rule them. -- 1Ti 3:4,12.",
"To correct them. -- Pr 13:24; 19:18; 23:13; 29:17; Heb 12:7.",
"Not to provoke them. -- Eph 6:4; Col 3:21.",
"Not to make unholy connections for them. -- Ge 24:1-4; 28:1,2.",
"Wicked children, a cause of grief to -- Pr 10:1; 17:25.",
"Should pray for their children",
"For their spiritual welfare. -- Ge 17:18; 1Ch 29:19.",
"When in temptation. -- Job 1:5.",
"When in sickness. -- 2Sa 12:16; Mr 5:23; Joh 4:46,49.",
"When Faithful",
"Are blessed by their children. -- Pr 31:28.",
"Leave a blessing to their children. -- Ps 112:2; Pr 11:21; Isa 65:23.",
"Sins of, visited on their children -- Ex 20:5; Isa 14:20; La 5:7.",
"Negligence of, sorely punished -- 1Sa 3:13.",
"When wicked",
"Instruct their children in evil. -- Jer 9:14; 1Pe 1:18.",
"Set a bad example to their children. -- Eze 20:18; Am 2:4.",
"Good - Exemplified",
"Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 44:20,30.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 48:13-20.",
"Mother of Moses. -- Ex 2:2,3.",
"Manoah. -- Jdj 13:8.",
"Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:28.",
"David. -- 2Sa 18:5,33.",
"Shunammite. -- 2Ki 4:19,20.",
"Job. -- Job 1:5.",
"Mother of Lemuel. -- Pr 31:1.",
"Nobleman. -- Joh 4:49.",
"Lois and Eunice. -- 2Ti 1:5.",
"Bad - Exemplified",
"Mother of Micah. -- Jdj 17:3.",
"Eli. -- 1Sa 3:13.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 20:33.",
"Athaliah. -- 2Ch 22:3.",
"Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:6.",
"Herodias. -- Mr 6:24."
] | Parents |
"A type of Christ -- Ex 12:3; 1Co 5:7.",
"A male of the first year -- Ex 12:5; Isa 9:6.",
"Without blemish -- Ex 12:5; 1Pe 1:19.",
"Taken out of the flock -- Ex 12:5; Heb 2:14,17.",
"Chosen before-hand -- Ex 12:3; 1Pe 2:4.",
"Shut up four days that it might be closely examined -- Ex 12:6; Joh 8:46; 18:38.",
"Killed by the people -- Ex 12:6; Ac 2:23.",
"Killed at the place where the Lord put his name -- De 16:2,5-7; 2Ch 35:1; Lu 13:33.",
"Killed in the evening -- Ex 12:6; Mr 15:34,37.",
"Its blood to be shed -- Ex 12:7; Lu 22:20.",
"Blood of, sprinkled on lintel and door-posts -- Ex 12:22; Heb 9:13,14; 10:22; 1Pe 1:2.",
"Blood of, not sprinkled on threshold -- Ex 12:7; Heb 10:29.",
"Not a bone of, broken -- Ex 12:46; Joh 19:36.",
"Not eaten raw -- Ex 12:9; 1Co 11:28,29.",
"Roasted with fire -- Ex 12:8; Ps 22:14,15.",
"Eaten with bitter herbs -- Ex 12:8; Zec 12:10.",
"Eaten with unleavened bread -- Ex 12:39; 1Co 5:7,8; 2Co 1:12.",
"Eaten in haste -- Ex 12:11; Heb 6:18.",
"Eaten with the loins girt -- Ex 12:11; Lu 12:35; Eph 6:14; 1Pe 1:13.",
"Eaten with staff in hand -- Ex 12:11; Ps 23:4.",
"Eaten with shoes on -- Ex 12:11; Eph 6:15.",
"Not taken out of the house -- Ex 12:46; Eph 3:17.",
"What remained of it till morning to be burned -- Ex 12:10; Mt 7:6; Lu 11:3."
] | Paschal Lamb, Typical Nature Of |
"God, is the God of -- Ro 15:5.",
"Christ, an example of -- Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32; Mt 27:14.",
"Enjoined -- Tit 2:2; 2Pe 1:6.",
"Should have its perfect work -- Jas 1:4.",
"Trials of saints lead to -- Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3.",
"Experience. -- Ro 5:4.",
"Hope. -- Ro 15:4.",
"Suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable with God -- 1Pe 2:20.",
"To be exercised",
"Running the race set before us. -- Heb 12:1.",
"Bringing forth fruits. -- Lu 8:15.",
"Well-doing. -- Ro 2:7; Ga 6:9.",
"Waiting for God. -- Ps 37:7; 40:1.",
"Waiting for Christ. -- 1Co 1:7; 2Th 3:5.",
"Waiting for the hope of the gospel. -- Ro 8:25; Ga 5:5.",
"Waiting for God's salvation. -- La 3:26.",
"Bearing the yoke. -- La 3:27.",
"Tribulation. -- Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12.",
"Necessary to the inheritance of the promises -- Heb 6:12; 10:36.",
"Exercise, towards all -- 1Th 5:14.",
"They who are in authority, should exercise -- Mt 18:26; Ac 26:3.",
"Ministers should follow after -- 1Ti 6:11.",
"Ministers approved by -- 2Co 6:4.",
"Should be accompanied by",
"Godliness. -- 2Pe 1:6.",
"Faith. -- 2Th 1:4; Heb 6:12; Re 13:10.",
"Temperance. -- 2Pe 1:6.",
"Long-suffering. -- Col 1:11.",
"Joyfulness. -- Col 1:11.",
"Saints strengthened to all -- Col 1:11.",
"Commended -- Ec 7:8; Re 2:2,3.",
"Illustrated -- Jas 5:7.",
"Job. -- Job 1:21; Jas 5:11.",
"Simeon. -- Lu 2:25.",
"Paul. -- 2Ti 3:10.",
"Abraham. -- Heb 6:15.",
"Prophets. -- Jas 5:10.",
"John. -- Re 1:9."
] | Patience |
"Vested in the heads of families -- Ge 18:19.",
"Exercised in",
"Training, &c their servants for war. -- Ge 14:14.",
"Vindicating their wrongs. -- Ge 14:12,15,16.",
"Forming treaties and alliances. -- Ge 14:13; 21:22-32; 26:28-33.",
"Acting as priests. -- Ge 8:20; 12:7,8; 35:1-7; Job 1:5.",
"Acting as judges. -- Ge 38:24.",
"Arbitrarily disinheriting and putting away servants and children. -- Ge 21:14; 1Ch 5:1.",
"Blessing and cursing their children. -- Ge 9:25,26; 27:28,29; 49:1-33.",
"The authority of heads of families for, acknowledged. -- Ge 23:6."
] | Patriarchal Government |
"God is the author of -- Ps 147:14; Isa 45:7; 1Co 14:33.",
"Results from",
"Heavenly wisdom. -- Jas 3:17.",
"The government of Christ. -- Isa 2:4.",
"Praying for rulers. -- 1Ti 2:2.",
"Seeking the peace of those with whom we dwell. -- Jer 29:7.",
"Necessary to the enjoyment of life -- Ps 34:12,14; 1Pe 3:10,11.",
"God bestows upon those who",
"Obey him. -- Le 26:6.",
"Please him. -- Ps 16:7.",
"Endure his chastisements. -- Job 5:17,23,24.",
"Is a bond of union -- Eph 4:3.",
"The fruit of righteousness should be sown in -- Jas 3:18.",
"The church shall enjoy -- Ps 125:5; 128:6; Isa 2:4; Ho 2:18.",
"Saints should",
"Love. -- Zec 8:19.",
"Seek. -- Ps 34:14; 1Pe 3:11.",
"Follow. -- 2Ti 2:22.",
"Follow the things which make for. -- Ro 14:19.",
"Cultivate. -- Ps 120:7.",
"Speak. -- Es 10:3.",
"Live in. -- 2Co 13:11.",
"Have, with each other. -- Mr 9:50; 1Th 5:13.",
"Endeavour to have will all men. -- Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14.",
"Pray for that of the church -- Ps 122:6-8.",
"Exhort others to -- Ge 45:24.",
"Ministers should exhort to -- 2Th 3:12.",
"Advantages of -- Pr 17:1; Ec 4:6.",
"Blessedness of -- Ps 133:1.",
"Blessedness of promoting -- Mt 5:9.",
"The wicked",
"Hypocritically speak. -- Ps 28:3.",
"Speak not. -- Ps 35:20.",
"Enjoy not. -- Isa 48:22; Eze 7:25.",
"Opposed to. -- Ps 120:7.",
"Hate. -- Ps 120:6.",
"Shall abound in the latter days -- Isa 2:4; 11:13; 32:18.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 13:8,9.",
"Abimelech. -- Ge 26:29.",
"Mordecai. -- Es 10:3.",
"David. -- Ps 120:7."
] | Peace |
"A male or female of herd or flock -- Le 3:1,6,12.",
"The offerer required",
"To give it freely. -- Le 19:5.",
"To bring it himself. -- Le 7:29,30.",
"To lay his hand upon its head. -- Le 3:2,8,13.",
"To kill it at tabernacle door. -- Le 3:2; 8:13.",
"Required to be perfect and free from blemish -- Le 3:1,6; 22:21.",
"The priest",
"Prepared. -- Eze 46:2.",
"Sprinkled the blood on the altar. -- Le 3:2,8,13.",
"Offered the inside fat, &c by fire. -- Le 3:3,4,9,10.",
"Laid it upon the daily burnt offering to be consumed with it. -- Le 3:5; 6:12,13.",
"Waved the breast as a wave-offering. -- Ex 29:26,28; Le 7:29,30.",
"Heaved the right shoulder as an heave-offering. -- Ex 29:22-27.",
"Had the shoulder and breast as his portion. -- Ex 29:28; Le 7:31-34.",
"An offering most acceptable. -- Le 3:5,16.",
"Generally accompanied by a burnt-offering. -- Jdj 21:4; 1Sa 10:8; 1Ki 3:15.",
"Often accompanied by a sin-offering. -- Le 23:19.",
"Was offered",
"As a thanksgiving-offering. -- Le 7:12,13.",
"As a votive offering. -- Le 7:16.",
"For reconciliation. -- Eze 45:15; Eph 2:13,14.",
"For confirming the legal covenant. -- Ex 24:5.",
"At consecration of priests. -- Ex 29:22,29.",
"For the people at large. -- Le 9:4.",
"At expiration of Nazarite's vow. -- Nu 6:14.",
"At all the festivals. -- Nu 10:10.",
"At dedication of tabernacle. -- Nu 7:17,23.",
"At dedication of temple. -- 1Ki 8:62-64.",
"At coronation of kings. -- 1Sa 11:15.",
"By Joshua after his victories. -- Jos 8:31.",
"By Israel after their defeat. -- Jdj 20:26.",
"By David on bringing up the ark. -- 2Sa 6:17.",
"By David after the plague. -- 2Sa 24:25.",
"By Solomon three times a year. -- 1Ki 9:25.",
"By Manasseh on repairing and restoring the altar. -- 2Ch 33:15,16.",
"If a thanksgiving offering to be eaten the day offered -- Le 7:15.",
"If a votive offering to be eaten the same day or the next -- Le 7:16,17; 19:6-8.",
"To be eaten before the Lord -- De 12:17,18.",
"No unclean person to eat of -- Le 7:20,21."
] | Peace Offerings |
"God is the God of -- Ro 15:33; 2Co 13:11; 1Th 5:23; Heb 13:20.",
"God ordains -- Isa 26:12.",
"God speaks, to his saints -- Ps 85:8.",
"Christ is the Lord of -- 2Th 3:16.",
"Christ is the prince of -- Isa 9:6.",
"Christ gives -- 2Th 3:16.",
"Christ guides into the way of -- Lu 1:79.",
"Christ is our -- Eph 2:14.",
"Is through the atonement of Christ -- Isa 53:5; Eph 2:14,15; Col 1:20.",
"Bequeathed by Christ -- Joh 14:27.",
"By Christ. -- Eph 2:17.",
"Through Christ. -- Ac 10:36.",
"By ministers. -- Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15.",
"Announced by angels -- Lu 2:14.",
"Follows upon justification -- Ro 5:1.",
"A fruit of the Spirit -- Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22.",
"Divine wisdom is the way of -- Pr 3:17.",
"Faith. -- Ro 15:13.",
"Righteousness. -- Isa 32:17.",
"Acquaintance with God. -- Job 22:21.",
"The love of God's law. -- Ps 119:165.",
"Spiritual-mindedness. -- Ro 8:6.",
"Established by covenant -- Isa 54:10; Eze 34:25; Mal 2:5.",
"Promised to",
"The Church. -- Isa 66:12.",
"The Gentiles. -- Zec 9:10.",
"Saints. -- Ps 72:3,7; Isa 55:12.",
"The meek. -- Ps 37:11.",
"Those who confide in God. -- Isa 26:3.",
"Returning backsliders. -- Isa 57:18,19.",
"We should love -- Zec 8:19.",
"The benediction of ministers should be -- Nu 6:26; Lu 10:5.",
"Have in Christ. -- Joh 16:33.",
"Have, with God. -- Isa 27:5; Ro 5:1.",
"Enjoy. -- Ps 119:165.",
"Repose in. -- Ps 4:8.",
"Blessed with. -- Ps 29:11.",
"Kept in perfect. -- Isa 26:3.",
"Ruled by. -- Col 3:15.",
"Kept by. -- Php 4:7.",
"Die in. -- Ps 37:37; Lu 2:29.",
"Wish, to each other. -- Ga 6:16; Php 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Th 1:1.",
"Of saints",
"Great. -- Ps 119:165; Isa 54:13.",
"Abundant. -- Ps 72:7; Jer 33:6.",
"Secure. -- Job 34:29.",
"Passes all understanding. -- Php 4:7.",
"Consummated after death. -- Isa 57:2.",
"The gospel is good tidings of -- Ro 10:15.",
"The wicked",
"Know not the way of. -- Isa 57:2; Ro 3:17.",
"Know not the things of. -- Lu 19:42.",
"Promise, to themselves. -- De 29:19.",
"Are promised, by false teachers. -- Jer 6:14.",
"There is none for. -- Isa 48:22; 57:21.",
"Supports under trials -- Joh 14:27; 16:33."
] | Peace, Spiritual |
"An evidence of reconciliation with God -- Col 1:21-23.",
"An evidence of belonging to Christ -- Joh 8:31; Heb 3:6,14.",
"A characteristic of saints -- Pr 4:18.",
"To be manifested in",
"Seeking God. -- 1Ch 16:11.",
"Waiting upon god. -- Ho 12:6.",
"Prayer. -- Ro 12:12; Eph 6:18.",
"Well-doing. -- Ro 2:7; 2Th 3:13.",
"Continuing in the faith. -- Ac 14:22; Col 1:23; 2Ti 4:7.",
"Holding fast hope. -- Heb 3:6.",
"Maintained through",
"The power of God. -- Ps 37:24; Php 1:6.",
"The power of Christ. -- Joh 10:28.",
"The intercession of Christ. -- Lu 22:31,32; Joh 17:11.",
"The fear of God. -- Jer 32:40.",
"Faith. -- 1Pe 1:5.",
"Promised to saints -- Job 17:9.",
"Leads to increase of knowledge -- Joh 8:31,32.",
"Leads to assurance of hope. -- Heb 6:10,11.",
"Is not in vain. -- 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9.",
"Ministers should exhort to -- Ac 13:43; 14:22.",
"Encouragement to -- Heb 12:2,3.",
"Promises to -- Mt 10:22; 24:13; Re 2:26-28.",
"Blessedness of -- Jas 1:25.",
"Want of",
"Excludes from the benefits of the gospel. -- Heb 6:4-6.",
"Punished. -- Joh 15:6; Ro 11:22.",
"Illustrated. -- Mr 4:5,17."
] | Perseverance |
"A sect of the Jews -- Ac 15:5.",
"The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual -- Ac 26:5.",
"By descent, especially esteemed -- Ac 23:6.",
"Character of",
"Zealous of the law. -- Ac 15:5; Php 3:5.",
"Zealous of tradition. -- Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14.",
"Outwardly moral. -- Lu 18:11; Php 3:5,6.",
"Rigid in fasting. -- Lu 5:33; 18:12.",
"Active in proselytising. -- Mt 23:15.",
"Self-righteous. -- Lu 16:15; 18:9.",
"Avaricious. -- Mt 23:14; Lu 16:14.",
"Ambitious of precedence. -- Mt 23:6.",
"Fond of public salutations. -- Mt 23:7.",
"Fond of distinguished titles. -- Mt 23:7-10.",
"Particular in paying all dues. -- Mt 23:23.",
"Oppressive. -- Mt 23:4.",
"Cruel in persecuting. -- Ac 9:1,2.",
"Believed in the resurrection &c -- Ac 23:8.",
"Made broad their phylacteries -- Mt 23:5.",
"Their opinions, a standard for others -- Joh 7:48.",
"Many priest and Levites were of -- Joh 1:19,24.",
"Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of -- Joh 3:1; Ac 5:34; 23:9.",
"Had disciples -- Lu 5:33; Ac 22:3.",
"Some came to John for baptism -- Mt 3:7.",
"As a body, rejected John's baptism -- Lu 7:30.",
"Often invited by. -- Lu 7:36; 11:37.",
"Condemned by, for associating with sinners. -- Mt 9:11; Lu 7:39; 15:1,2.",
"Asked for signs by. -- Mt 12:38; 16:1.",
"Tempted by, with questions about the law. -- Mt 19:3; 22:15,16,35.",
"Watched by, for evil. -- Lu 6:7.",
"Offended, by his doctrine. -- Mt 15:12; 21:45; Lu 16:14.",
"Declared the imaginary righteousness of, to be insufficient for salvation. -- Mt 5:20.",
"Declared the doctrines of, to be hypocrisy. -- Mt 16:6,11,12; Lu 12:1.",
"Denounced woes against. -- Mt 23:13-33.",
"Called, and evil and adulterous generation. -- Mt 12:39.",
"Called, serpents and generation of vipers. -- Mt 23:33.",
"Called fools and blind guides. -- Mt 23:17,24.",
"Compared, to whited sepulchres. -- Mt 23:27.",
"Compared, to graves that appear not. -- Lu 11:44.",
"Left Judea for a time on account of. -- Joh 4:1-3.",
"Imputed Christ's miracles to Satan's power -- Mt 9:34; 12:24.",
"Sent officers to apprehend Christ -- Joh 7:32,45.",
"Often sought to destroy Christ -- Mt 12:14; 21:46; Joh 11:47,53,57."
] | Pharisees, The |
"Described -- Joh 17:16.",
"Saints are called to be -- Ge 12:1; Ac 7:3; Lu 14:26,27,33.",
"All saints are -- Ps 39:12; 1Pe 1:1.",
"Saints confess themselves -- 1Ch 29:15; Ps 39:12; 119:19; Heb 11:13.",
"As saints they",
"Have the example of Christ. -- Lu 9:58.",
"Are strengthened by God. -- De 33:25; Ps 84:6,7.",
"Are actuated by faith. -- Heb 11:9.",
"Have their faces toward Zion. -- Jer 50:5.",
"Keep the promised in view. -- Heb 11:13.",
"Forsake all for Christ. -- Mt 19:27.",
"Look for a heavenly country. -- Heb 11:16.",
"Look for a heavenly city. -- Heb 11:10.",
"Pass their sojourning in fear. -- 1Pe 1:17.",
"Rejoice in the statutes of God. -- Ps 119:54.",
"Pray for direction. -- Ps 43:3; Jer 50:5.",
"Have a heavenly conversation. -- Php 3:20.",
"Hate worldly fellowship. -- Ps 120:5,6.",
"Are not mindful of this world. -- Heb 11:15.",
"Are not at home in this world. -- Heb 11:9.",
"Shine as lights in the world. -- Php 2:15.",
"Invite others to go with them. -- Nu 10:29.",
"Are exposed to persecution. -- Ps 120:5-7; Joh 17:14.",
"Should abstain from fleshly lusts. -- 1Pe 2:11.",
"Should have their treasure in heaven. -- Mt 6:19; Lu 12:33; Col 3:1,2.",
"Should not be over anxious about worldly things. -- Mt 6:25.",
"Long for their pilgrimage to end. -- Ps 55:6; 2Co 5:1-8.",
"Die in faith. -- Heb 11:13.",
"The world is not worthy of. -- Heb 11:38.",
"God is not ashamed to be called their God -- Heb 11:16.",
"Israel. -- Ex 6:4; 12:11.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 23:4; Ac 7:4,5.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 47:9.",
"Saints of old. -- 1Ch 29:15; Heb 11:13,38.",
"David. -- Ps 39:12.",
"The Apostles. -- Mt 19:27."
] | Pilgrims and Strangers |
"The supports of a building -- Jdj 16:29.",
"Things raised up as memorials -- Ge 31:51.",
"Made of",
"Marble. -- Es 1:6.",
"Wood. -- 1Ki 10:12.",
"Iron. -- Jer 1:18.",
"Brass. -- 1Ki 7:15.",
"Silver. -- Song 3:10.",
"The vail and hangings of the tabernacle supported by -- Ex 26:32,37; 36:36,38.",
"Two, placed in the temple porch -- 1Ki 7:15-21.",
"Of memorial",
"Sometimes of a single stone. -- Ge 28:18.",
"Sometimes of a heap of stones. -- Jos 4:8,9,20.",
"To witness vows. -- Ge 28:18; 31:13.",
"To witness covenants. -- Ge 31:52.",
"To mark the graves of the dead. -- Ge 35:20.",
"To commemorate remarkable events. -- Ex 24:4; Jos 4:20,24.",
"To perpetuate names. -- 2Sa 18:18.",
"In honour of idols. -- Le 26:1; De 7:5.",
"Often anointed. -- Ge 28:18; 31:13.",
"Often had inscriptions. -- Job 19:24.",
"The divine glory appeared to Israel in the form of -- Ex 13:21,22; Nu 12:5.",
"Lot's wife became a pillar of salt -- Ge 19:26.",
"Illustrative of",
"Stability of the heavens. -- Job 26:11.",
"Stability of the earth. -- 1Sa 2:8; Ps 75:3.",
"The church. -- 1Ti 3:15.",
"Stability of Christ. -- Song 5:15; Re 10:1.",
"Ministers. -- Jer 1:18; Ga 2:9.",
"Saints who overcome in Christ. -- Re 3:12."
] | Pillars |
"Inflicted by God -- Eze 14:19; Hab 3:5.",
"One of God's four sore judgments -- Eze 14:21.",
"Described as noisome -- Ps 9:13.",
"Israel threatened with, as a punishment for disobedience -- Le 26:24,25; De 28:21.",
"Desolating effects of -- Ps 91:7; Jer 16:6,7; Am 6:9,10.",
"Equally fatal day and night -- Ps 91:5,6.",
"Fatal to man and beast -- Ps 78:50; Jer 21:6.",
"Sent upon",
"The Egyptians. -- Ex 12:29,30.",
"Israel for making golden calf. -- Ex 32:35.",
"Israel for despising manna. -- Nu 11:33.",
"Israel for murmuring at destruction of Korah. -- Nu 16:46-50.",
"Israel for worshipping Baal-peor. -- Nu 25:18.",
"David's subjects for his numbering the people. -- 2Sa 24:15.",
"Often broke out suddenly -- Ps 106:29.",
"Often followed war and famine -- Jer 27:13; 28:8; 29:17,18.",
"Egypt often afflicted with -- Jer 42:17; Am 4:10.",
"Specially fatal in cities -- Le 26:25; Jer 21:6,9.",
"Was attributed to a destroying angel -- Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16.",
"The Jews sought deliverance from, by prayer -- 1Ki 8:37,38; 2Ch 20:9.",
"Predicted to happen before destruction of Jerusalem -- Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11.",
"Illustrative of",
"God's judgments upon the apostasy. -- Re 18:4,8.",
"The diseased state of man's heart. -- 1Ki 8:38."
] | Plague or Pestilence, The |
"The breaking up or tilling of the earth -- Jer 4:3; Ho 10:12.",
"Noah the supposed inventor of -- Ge 5:29.",
"By a plough. -- Lu 9:62.",
"With oxen. -- 1Sa 14:14; Job 1:14.",
"During the cold winter season. -- Pr 20:4.",
"In long and straight furrows. -- Ps 129:3.",
"Generally by servants. -- Isa 61:5; Lu 17:7.",
"Sometimes by the owner of the land himself. -- 1Ki 19:19.",
"With an ox and an ass yoked together forbidden to the Jews -- De 22:10.",
"Difficulty of, on rocky ground -- Am 6:12.",
"Followed by harrowing and sowing -- Isa 28:24,25.",
"Of repentance and reformation. -- Jer 4:3.",
"Of peace and prosperity. -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.",
"Of a severe course of affliction. -- Ho 10:11.",
"Of a course of sin. -- Job 4:8; Ho 10:13.",
"Of the labour ministers. -- 1Co 9:10.",
"(Attention and constancy required in,) of continued devotedness. -- Lu 9:62."
] | Ploughing |
"Egypt abounded with -- Nu 20:5.",
"Canaan abounded with -- Nu 13:23; De 8:8.",
"The Jews",
"Cultivated, in orchards. -- Song 4:13.",
"Often dwelt under shade of. -- 1Sa 14:2.",
"Drank the juice of. -- Song 8:2.",
"The blasting of, a great calamity -- Joe 1:12.",
"God's favour exhibited, in making fruitful -- Hag 2:19.",
"Representations of its fruit",
"On the high priest's robe. -- Ex 39:24-26.",
"On the pillars of the temple. -- 1Ki 7:18.",
"Of saints. -- Song 6:11; 7:12.",
"(An orchard of,) of the church. -- Song 4:13.",
"(Fruit of,) of the graces of the church. -- Song 4:3; 6:7."
] | Pomegranate Tree, The |
"Made by God -- Isa 35:7.",
"Made by man -- Isa 19:10.",
"Artificial, designed for",
"Supplying cities with water. -- 2Ki 20:20.",
"Supplying gardens with water. -- Ec 2:6.",
"Preserving fish. -- Isa 19:10.",
"Water of, brought into the city by a ditch or conduit -- Isa 22:11; 2Ki 20:20.",
"Filled by the rain -- Ps 84:6.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Bethesda. -- Joh 5:2.",
"Gibeon. -- 2Sa 2:13.",
"Hebron. -- 2Sa 4:12.",
"Samaria. -- 1Ki 22:38.",
"Siloam. -- Joh 9:7.",
"The upper pool. -- 2Ki 18:17; Isa 7:3.",
"The lower pool. -- Isa 22:9.",
"The king's pool. -- Ne 2:14.",
"The old pool. -- Isa 22:11.",
"The land of Egypt abounded in -- Ex 7:19.",
"Of Nineveh. -- Na 2:8.",
"(In the wilderness,) of the gifts of the Spirit. -- Isa 35:7; 41:18.",
"(Turning cities into,) of great desolation. -- Isa 14:23."
] | Pools and Ponds |
"Made by God -- Job 34:19; Pr 22:2.",
"Are such by God's appointment -- 1Sa 2:7; Job 1:21.",
"Condition of, often results from",
"Sloth. -- Pr 20:13.",
"Bad company. -- Pr 28:19.",
"Drunkenness and gluttony. -- Pr 23:21.",
"Regards equally with the rich. -- Job 34:19.",
"Forgets not. -- Ps 9:18.",
"Hears. -- Ps 69:33; Isa 41:17.",
"Maintains the right of. -- Ps 140:12.",
"Delivers. -- Job 36:15; Ps 35:10.",
"Protects. -- Ps 12:5; 109:31.",
"Exalts. -- 1Sa 2:8; Ps 107:41.",
"Provides for. -- Ps 68:10; 146:7.",
"Despises no the prayer of. -- Ps 102:17.",
"Is the refuge of. -- Ps 14:6.",
"Shall never cease out of the land -- De 15:11; Zep 3:12; Mt 26:11.",
"May be",
"Rich in faith. -- Jas 2:5.",
"Liberal. -- Mr 12:42; 2Co 9:12.",
"Wise. -- Pr 28:11.",
"Upright. -- Pr 19:1.",
"Christ lived as one of -- Mt 8:20.",
"Christ preached to -- Lu 4:18.",
"Christ delivers -- Ps 72:12.",
"Offerings of, acceptable to God -- Mr 12:42-44; 2Co 8:2,12.",
"Rejoice in God. -- Isa 29:19.",
"Hope in God. -- Job 5:16.",
"Commit themselves to God. -- Ps 10:14.",
"When converted, rejoice in their exaltation. -- Jas 1:9.",
"Provided for under the Law. -- Ex 23:11; Le 19:9,10.",
"Neglect towards is",
"A neglect of Christ. -- Mt 25:42-45.",
"Inconsistent with love to God. -- 1Jo 3:17.",
"A proof of unbelief. -- Jas 2:15-17.",
"Rob not -- Pr 22:22.",
"Wrong not in judgment -- Ex 23:6.",
"Take no usury from -- Le 25:36.",
"Harden not the heart against -- De 15:7.",
"Shut not the hand against -- De 15:7.",
"Rule not, with vigour -- Le 25:39,43.",
"Oppress not -- De 24:14; Zec 7:10.",
"Despise not -- Pr 14:21; Jas 2:2-4.",
"Relive -- Le 25:35; Mt 19:21.",
"Defend -- Ps 82:3,4.",
"Do justice to -- Ps 82:3; Jer 22:3,16.",
"A care for",
"Is characteristic of saints. -- Ps 112:9; 2Co 9:9; Pr 29:7.",
"Is a fruit of repentance. -- Lu 3:11.",
"Should be urged. -- 2Co 8:7,8; Ga 2:10.",
"Give to",
"Not grudgingly. -- De 15:10; 2Co 9:7.",
"Liberally. -- De 14:29; 15:8,11.",
"Cheerfully. -- 2Co 8:12; 9:7.",
"Without ostentation. -- Mt 6:1.",
"Specially if saints. -- Ro 12:13; Ga 6:10.",
"Pray for. -- Ps 74:19,21.",
"They who in faith, believe",
"Are happy. -- Pr 14:21.",
"Are blessed. -- De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Ac 20:35.",
"Have the favour of God. -- Heb 13:16.",
"Have promises. -- Pr 28:27; Lu 14:13,14.",
"By oppressing, God is reproached -- Pr 14:31.",
"By mocking, God is reproached -- Pr 17:5.",
"The wicked",
"Care not for. -- Joh 12:6.",
"Oppress. -- Job 24:4-10; Eze 18:12.",
"Vex. -- Eze 22:20.",
"Regard not the cause of. -- Pr 29:7.",
"Sell. -- Am 2:6.",
"Crush. -- Am 4:1.",
"Tread down. -- Am 5:11.",
"Grind the faces of. -- Isa 3:15.",
"Devour. -- Hab 3:14.",
"Persecute. -- Ps 10:2.",
"Defraud. -- Am 8:5,6.",
"Despise the counsel of. -- Ps 14:6.",
"Guilt of defrauding -- Jas 5:4.",
"Punishment for",
"Oppressing. -- Pr 22:16; Eze 22:29,31.",
"Spoiling. -- Isa 3:13-15; Eze 18:13.",
"Refusing to assist. -- Job 22:7,10; Pr 21:13.",
"Acting unjustly towards. -- Job 20:19,29; 22:6,10; Isa 10:1-3; Am 5:11,12.",
"Oppression of -- Illustrated -- 2Sa 12:1-6.",
"Care for -- Illustrated -- Lu 10:33-35.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:15.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 2:2.",
"Widow of Zarephath. -- 1Ki 17:12.",
"Prophet's widow. -- 2Ki 4:2.",
"Saints of old. -- Heb 11:37.",
"Regard for -- Exemplified",
"Boaz. -- Ru 2:14.",
"Job. -- Job 29:12-16.",
"Nebuzaradan. -- Jer 39:10.",
"Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:8.",
"Peter and John. -- Ac 3:6.",
"Dorcas. -- Ac 9:36,39.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.",
"Church at Antioch. -- Ac 11:29,30.",
"Paul. -- Ro 15:25.",
"Churches of Macedonia and Achaia. -- Ro 15:26; 2Co 8:1-5."
] | Poor, The |
"As the Son of God, is the power of God -- Joh 5:17-19; 10:28-30.",
"As man, is from the Father -- Ac 10:38.",
"Described as",
"Supreme. -- Eph 1:20,21; 1Pe 3:22.",
"Unlimited. -- Mt 28:18.",
"Over all flesh. -- Joh 17:2.",
"Over all things. -- Joh 3:35; Eph 1:22.",
"Glorious. -- 2Th 1:9.",
"Everlasting. -- 1Ti 6:16.",
"Is able to subdue all things -- Php 3:21.",
"Exhibited in",
"Creation. -- Joh 1:3,10; Col 1:16.",
"Upholding all things. -- Col 1:17; Heb 1:3.",
"Salvation. -- Isa 63:1; Heb 7:25.",
"His teaching. -- Mt 7:28,29; Lu 4:32.",
"Working miracles. -- Mt 8:27; Lu 5:17.",
"Enabling others to work miracles. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17,18; Lu 10:17.",
"Forgiving sins. -- Mt 9:6; Ac 5:31.",
"Giving spiritual life. -- Joh 5:21,25,26.",
"Giving eternal life. -- Joh 17:2.",
"Raising the dead. -- Joh 5:28,29.",
"Raising himself from the dead. -- Joh 2:19-21; 10:18.",
"Overcoming the world. -- Joh 16:33.",
"Overcoming Satan. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.",
"Destroying the works of Satan. -- 1Jo 3:8.",
"Ministers should make known -- 2Pe 1:16.",
"Made willingly by. -- Ps 110:3.",
"Helped by. -- Heb 2:18.",
"Strengthened by. -- Php 4:13; 2Ti 4:17.",
"Preserved by. -- 2Ti 1:12; 4:18.",
"Bodies of, shall be changed by. -- Php 3:21.",
"Rests upon saints -- 2Co 12:9.",
"Present in the assembly of saints -- 1Co 5:4.",
"Shall be specially manifested at his second coming -- Mr 13:26; 2Pe 1:16.",
"Shall subdue all power -- 1Co 15:24.",
"The wicked shall be destroyed by -- Ps 2:9; Isa 11:4; 63:3; 2Th 1:9."
] | Power of Christ, The |
"Is one of his attributes -- Ps 62:11.",
"Expressed by the",
"Voice of God. -- Ps 29:3,5; 68:33.",
"Finger of God. -- Ex 8:19; Ps 8:3.",
"Hand of God. -- Ex 9:3,15; Isa 48:13.",
"Arm of God. -- Job 40:9; Isa 52:10.",
"Thunder of his power. -- Job 26:14.",
"Described as",
"Great. -- Ps 79:11; Na 1:3.",
"Strong. -- Ps 89:13; 136:12.",
"Glorious. -- Ex 15:6; Isa 63:12.",
"Mighty. -- Job 9:4; Ps 89:13.",
"Everlasting. -- Isa 26:4; Ro 1:20.",
"Sovereign. -- Ro 9:21.",
"Effectual. -- Isa 43:13; Eph 3:7.",
"Irresistible. -- De 32:39; Da 4:35.",
"Incomparable. -- Ex 15:11,12; De 3:24; Job 40:9; Ps 89:8.",
"Unsearchable. -- Job 5:9; 9:10.",
"Incomprehensible. -- Job 26:14; Ec 3:11.",
"All things possible to -- Mt 19:26.",
"Nothing too hard for -- Ge 18:14; Jer 32:27.",
"Can save by many or by few -- 1Sa 14:6.",
"Is the source of all strength -- 1Ch 29:12; Ps 68:35.",
"Exhibited in",
"Creation. -- Ps 102:25; Jer 10:12.",
"Establishing and governing all things. -- Ps 65:6; 66:7.",
"The miracles of Christ. -- Lu 11:20.",
"The resurrection of Christ. -- 2Co 13:4; Col 2:12.",
"The resurrection of saints. -- 1Co 6:14.",
"Making the gospel effectual. -- Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18,24.",
"Delivering his people. -- Ps 106:8.",
"The destruction of the wicked. -- Ex 9:16; Ro 9:22.",
"Long for exhibitions. -- Ps 63:1,2.",
"Have confidence in. -- Jer 20:11.",
"Receive increase of grace by. -- 2Co 9:8.",
"Strengthened by. -- Eph 6:10; Col 1:11.",
"Upheld by. -- Ps 37:17; Isa 41:10.",
"Supported in affliction by. -- 2Co 6:7; 2Ti 1:8.",
"Delivered by. -- Ne 1:10; Da 3:17.",
"Exalted by. -- Job 36:22.",
"Kept by, to salvation. -- 1Pe 1:5.",
"Exerted in behalf of saints -- 2Ch 16:9.",
"Works in, and for saints -- 2Co 13:4; Eph 1:19; 3:20.",
"The faith of saints stands in -- 1Co 2:5.",
"Should be",
"Acknowledged. -- 1Ch 29:11; Isa 33:13.",
"Pleaded in prayer. -- Ps 79:11; Mt 6:13.",
"Feared. -- Jer 5:22; Mt 10:28.",
"Magnified. -- Ps 21:13; Jude 1:25.",
"Efficiency of ministers is through -- 1Co 3:6-8; Ga 2:8; Eph 3:7.",
"Is a ground of trust -- Isa 26:4; Ro 4:21.",
"The wicked",
"Know not. -- Mt 22:29.",
"Have against them. -- Ezr 8:22.",
"Shall be destroyed by. -- Lu 12:5.",
"The heavenly host magnify -- Re 4:11; 5:13; 11:17."
] | Power of God, The |
"Is the power of God -- Mt 12:28; Lu 11:20.",
"Christ commenced his ministry in -- Lu 4:14.",
"Christ wrought his miracles by -- Mt 12:28.",
"Exhibited in",
"Creation. -- Ge 1:2; Job 26:13; Ps 104:30.",
"The conception of Christ. -- Lu 1:35.",
"Raising Christ from the dead. -- 1Pe 3:18.",
"Giving spiritual life. -- Eze 37:11-14; Ro 8:11.",
"Working miracles. -- Ro 15:19.",
"Making the gospel efficacious. -- 1Co 2:4; 1Th 1:5.",
"Overcoming all difficulties. -- Zec 4:6,7.",
"Promised by the Father. -- Lu 24:49.",
"Promised by Christ. -- Ac 1:8.",
"Upheld by. -- Ps 51:12.",
"Strengthened by. -- Eph 3:16.",
"Enable to speak the truth boldly by. -- Mic 3:8; Ac 6:5,10; 2Ti 1:7,8.",
"Helped in prayer by. -- Ro 8:26.",
"Abound in hope by. -- Ro 15:13.",
"Qualifies ministers -- Lu 24:49; Ac 1:8.",
"God's word the instrument of -- Eph 6:17."
] | Power of the Holy Spirit, The |
"God is worthy of -- 2Sa 22:4.",
"Christ is worthy of -- Re 5:12.",
"God is glorified by -- Ps 22:23; 50:23.",
"Offered to Christ -- Joh 12:13.",
"Acceptable through Christ -- Heb 13:15.",
"Is due to God on account of",
"His majesty. -- Ps 96:1,6; Isa 24:14.",
"His glory. -- Ps 138:5; Eze 3:12.",
"His excellency. -- Ex 15:7; Ps 148:13.",
"His greatness. -- 1Ch 16:25; Ps 145:3.",
"His holiness. -- Ex 15:11; Isa 6:3.",
"His wisdom. -- Da 2:20; Jude 1:25.",
"His power. -- Ps 21:13.",
"His goodness. -- Ps 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11.",
"His mercy. -- 2Ch 20:21; Ps 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26.",
"His loving-kindness and truth. -- Ps 138:2.",
"His faithfulness and truth. -- Isa 25:1.",
"His salvation. -- Ps 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Lu 1:68,69.",
"His wonderful works. -- Ps 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1.",
"His consolation. -- Ps 42:5; Isa 12:1.",
"His judgment. -- Ps 101:1.",
"His counsel. -- Ps 16:7; Jer 32:19.",
"Fulfilling of his promises. -- 1Ki 8:56.",
"Pardon of sin. -- Ps 103:1-3; Ho 14:2.",
"Spiritual health. -- Ps 103:3.",
"Constant preservation. -- Ps 71:6-8.",
"Deliverance. -- Ps 40:1-3; 124:6.",
"Protection. -- Ps 28:7; 59:17.",
"Answering prayer. -- Ps 28:6; 118:21.",
"The hope of glory. -- 1Pe 1:3,4.",
"All spiritual blessings. -- Ps 103:2; Eph 1:3.",
"All temporal blessings. -- Ps 104:1,14; 136:25.",
"The continuance of blessings. -- Ps 68:19.",
"Is obligatory upon",
"Angels. -- Ps 103:20; 148:2.",
"Saints. -- Ps 30:4; 149:5.",
"Gentiles. -- Ps 117:1; Ro 15:11.",
"Children. -- Ps 8:2; Mt 21:16.",
"High and low. -- Ps 148:1,11.",
"Young and old. -- Ps 148:1,12.",
"Small and great. -- Re 19:5.",
"All men. -- Ps 107:8; 145:21.",
"All creation. -- Ps 148:1-10; 150:6.",
"Is good and comely -- Ps 33:1; 147:1.",
"Should be offered",
"With the understanding. -- Ps 47:7; 1Co 14:15.",
"With the soul. -- Ps 103:1; 104:1,35.",
"With the whole heart. -- Ps 9:1; 111:1; 138:1.",
"With uprightness of heart. -- Ps 119:7.",
"With the lips. -- Ps 63:3; 119:171.",
"With the mouth. -- Ps 51:15; 63:5.",
"With joy. -- Ps 63:5; 98:4.",
"With gladness. -- 2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11.",
"With thankfulness. -- 1Ch 16:4; Ne 12:24; Ps 147:7.",
"Continually. -- Ps 35:28; 71:6.",
"During life. -- Ps 104:33.",
"More and more. -- Ps 71:14.",
"Day and night. -- Re 4:8.",
"Day by day. -- 2Ch 30:21.",
"For ever and ever. -- Ps 145:1,2.",
"Throughout the world. -- Ps 113:3.",
"In psalms and hymns &c. -- Ps 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16.",
"Accompanied with musical instruments -- 1Ch 16:41,42; Ps 150:3,5.",
"Is a part of public worship -- Ps 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; Heb 2:12.",
"Saints should",
"Show forth. -- Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9.",
"Be endued with the spirit of. -- Isa 61:3.",
"Render, under affliction. -- Ac 16:25.",
"Glory in. -- 1Ch 16:35.",
"Triumph in. -- Ps 106:47.",
"Express their joy by. -- Jas 5:13.",
"Declare. -- Isa 42:12.",
"Invite others to. -- Ps 34:3; 95:1.",
"Pray for ability to offer. -- Ps 51:15; 119:175.",
"Posture suited to. -- 1Ch 23:30; Ne 9:5.",
"Called the",
"Fruit of the lips. -- Heb 13:15.",
"Voice of praise. -- Ps 66:8.",
"Voice of triumph. -- Ps 47:1.",
"Voice of melody. -- Isa 51:3.",
"Voice of a psalm. -- Ps 98:5.",
"Garment of praise. -- Isa 61:3.",
"Sacrifice of praise. -- Heb 13:15.",
"Sacrifices of joy. -- Ps 27:6.",
"Calves of the lips. -- Ho 14:2.",
"The heavenly host engage in -- Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13; Re 4:9-11; 5:12.",
"Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:20.",
"Moses. -- Ex 15:1-21.",
"Jethro. -- Ex 18:10.",
"Israelites. -- 1Ch 16:36.",
"David. -- 1Ch 29:10-13; Ps 119:164.",
"Priests and Levites. -- Ezr 3:10-11.",
"Ezra. -- Ne 8:6.",
"Hezekiah. -- Isa 38:19.",
"Zacharias. -- Lu 1:64.",
"Shepherds. -- Lu 2:20.",
"Simeon. -- Lu 2:28.",
"Anna. -- Lu 2:38.",
"Multitudes. -- Lu 18:43.",
"Disciples. -- Lu 19:37,38.",
"The Apostles. -- Lu 24:53.",
"First converts. -- Ac 2:47.",
"Lame man. -- Ac 3:8.",
"Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25."
] | Praise |
"God gives -- Ps 99:6; 118:5; 138:3.",
"Christ gives -- Joh 4:10,14; 14:14.",
"Christ received -- Joh 11:42; Heb 5:7.",
"Through the grace of God. -- Isa 30:19.",
"Sometimes immediately. -- Isa 65:24; Da 9:21,23; 10:12.",
"Sometimes after delay. -- Lu 18:7.",
"Sometimes differently from our desire. -- 2Co 12:8,9.",
"Beyond expectation. -- Jer 33:3; Eph 3:20.",
"Promised -- Isa 58:9; Jer 29:12; Mt 7:7.",
"Promised especially in times of trouble -- Ps 50:15; 91:15.",
"Received by those who",
"Seek God. -- Ps 34:4.",
"Seek God with all the heart. -- Jer 29:12,13.",
"Wait upon God. -- Ps 40:1.",
"Return to God. -- 2Ch 7:14; Job 22:23,27.",
"Ask in faith. -- Mt 21:11; Jas 5:15.",
"Ask in the name of Christ. -- Joh 14:13.",
"Ask according to God's will. -- 1Jo 5:14.",
"Call upon God in truth. -- Ps 145:18.",
"Fear God. -- Ps 145:19.",
"Set their love upon God. -- Ps 91:14,15.",
"Keep God's commandments. -- 1Jo 3:22.",
"Call upon God under oppression. -- Isa 19:20.",
"Call upon God under affliction. -- Ps 18:6; 106:44; Isa 30:19,20.",
"Abide in Christ. -- Joh 15:7.",
"Humble themselves. -- 2Ch 7:14; Ps 9:12.",
"Are righteous. -- Ps 34:15; Jas 5:16.",
"Are poor and needy. -- Isa 41:17.",
"Are assured of. -- 1Jo 5:15.",
"Love God for. -- Ps 116:1.",
"Bless God for. -- Ps 66:20.",
"Praise God for. -- Ps 116:17; 118:21.",
"A motive for continued prayer -- Ps 116:2.",
"Denied to those who",
"Ask amiss. -- Jas 4:3.",
"Regard iniquity in the heart. -- Ps 66:18.",
"Live in sin. -- Isa 59:2; Joh 9:31.",
"Offer unworthy service to God. -- Mal 1:7-9.",
"Forsake God. -- Jer 14:10,12.",
"Reject the call of God. -- Pr 1:24,25,28.",
"Hear not the law. -- Pr 28:9; Zec 7:11-13.",
"Are deaf to the cry of the poor. -- Pr 21:13.",
"Are blood shedders. -- Isa 1:15; 59:3.",
"Are idolaters. -- Jer 11:11-14; Eze 8:15-18.",
"Are wavering. -- Jas 1:6,7.",
"Are hypocrites. -- Job 27:8,9.",
"Are proud. -- Job 35:12,13.",
"Are self-righteous. -- Lu 18:11,12,14.",
"Are the enemies of saints. -- Ps 18:40,41.",
"Cruelly oppress saints. -- Mic 3:2-4.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 17:20.",
"Lot. -- Ge 19:19-21.",
"Abraham's servant. -- Ge 24:15-27.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-30.",
"Israelites. -- Ex 2:23,24.",
"Moses. -- Ex 17:4-6,11-13; 32:11-14.",
"Samson. -- Jdj 15:18,19.",
"Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:27.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:9.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 3:9,12.",
"Man of God. -- 1Ki 13:6.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 18:36-38; Jas 5:17,18.",
"Elisha. -- 2Ki 4:33-35.",
"Jehoahaz. -- 2Ki 13:4.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 19:20.",
"Jabez. -- 1Ch 4:10.",
"Asa. -- 2Ch 14:11,12.",
"Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 20:6-17.",
"Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:13,19.",
"Ezra. -- Ezr 8:21-23.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 4:9,15.",
"Job. -- Job 42:10.",
"David. -- Ps 18:6.",
"Jeremiah. -- La 3:55,56.",
"Daniel. -- Da 9:20-23.",
"Jonah. -- Jon 2:2,10.",
"Zacharias. -- Lu 1:13.",
"Blind man. -- Lu 18:38,41-43.",
"Thief on the cross. -- Lu 23:42,43.",
"Apostles. -- Ac 4:29-31.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:4,31.",
"The Christians. -- Ac 12:5,7.",
"Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25,26.",
"Paul. -- Ac 28:8.",
"Refusal of, exemplified",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 28:15.",
"Elders of Israel. -- Eze 20:3.",
"Pharisees. -- Mt 23:14."
] | Prayer, Answers To |
"Christ set an example of -- Lu 22:32; 23:34; Joh 17:9-24.",
"Commanded -- 1Ti 2:1; Jas 5:14,16.",
"Should be offered up for",
"Kings. -- 1Ti 2:2.",
"All in authority. -- 1Ti 2:2.",
"Ministers. -- 2Co 1:11; Php 1:19.",
"The Church. -- Ps 122:6; Isa 62:6,7.",
"All saints. -- Eph 6:18.",
"All men. -- 1Ti 2:1.",
"Masters. -- Ge 24:12-14.",
"Servants. -- Lu 7:2,3.",
"Children. -- Ge 17:18; Mt 15:22.",
"Friends. -- Job 42:8.",
"Fellow-countrymen. -- Ro 10:1.",
"The sick. -- Jas 5:14.",
"Persecutors. -- Mt 5:44.",
"Enemies among whom we dwell. -- Jer 29:7.",
"Those who envy us. -- Nu 12:13.",
"Those who forsake us. -- 2Ti 4:16.",
"Those who murmur against God. -- Nu 11:1,2; 14:13,19.",
"By ministers for their people -- Eph 1:16; 3:14-19; Php 1:4.",
"Encouragement to -- Jas 5:16; 1Jo 5:16.",
"Beneficial to the offerer -- Job 42:10.",
"Sin of neglecting -- 1Sa 12:23.",
"Seek an interest in -- 1Sa 12:19; Heb 13:18.",
"Unavailing for the obstinately-impenitent -- Jer 7:13-16; 14:10,11.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 18:23-32.",
"Abraham's servant. -- Ge 24:12-14.",
"Moses. -- Ex 8:12; 32:11-13.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:5.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 8:30-36.",
"Elisha. -- 2Ki 4:33.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 30:18.",
"Isaiah. -- 2Ch 32:20.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4-11.",
"David. -- Ps 25:22.",
"Ezekiel. -- Eze 9:8.",
"Daniel. -- Da 9:3-19.",
"Stephen. -- Ac 7:60.",
"Peter and John. -- Ac 8:15.",
"Church of Jerusalem. -- Ac 12:5.",
"Paul. -- Col 1:9-12; 2Th 1:11.",
"Epaphras. -- Col 4:12.",
"Philemon. -- Phm 1:22."
] | Prayer, Intercessory |
"Christ was constant in -- Mt 14:23; 26:36,39; Mr 1:35; Lu 9:18,29.",
"Commanded -- Mt 6:6.",
"Should be offered",
"At evening, morning, and noon. -- Ps 55:17.",
"Day and night. -- Ps 88:1.",
"Without ceasing. -- 1Th 5:17.",
"Shall be heard -- Job 22:27.",
"Rewarded openly -- Mt 6:6.",
"An evidence of conversion -- Ac 9:11.",
"Nothing should hinder -- Da 6:10.",
"Lot. -- Ge 19:20.",
"Eliezer. -- Ge 24:12.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 32:9-12.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:22,36,39.",
"Hannah. -- 1Sa 1:10.",
"David. -- 2Sa 7:18-29.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 20:2.",
"Isaiah. -- 2Ki 20:11.",
"Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:18,19.",
"Ezra. -- Ezr 9:5,6.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 2:4.",
"Jeremiah. -- Jer 32:16-25.",
"Daniel. -- Da 9:3,17.",
"Jonah. -- Jon 2:1.",
"Habakkuk. -- Hab 1:2.",
"Anna. -- Lu 2:37.",
"Paul. -- Ac 9:11.",
"Peter. -- Ac 9:40; 10:9.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:30."
] | Prayer, Private |
"Acceptable to God -- Isa 56:7.",
"God promises to hear -- 2Ch 7:14,16.",
"God promises to bless in -- Ex 20:24.",
"Sanctifies by his presence. -- Mt 18:20.",
"Attended. -- Mt 12:9; Lu 4:16.",
"Promises answers to. -- Mt 18:19.",
"Instituted form of -- Lu 11:2.",
"Should not be made in an unknown language -- 1Co 14:14-16.",
"Saints delight in -- Ps 42:4; 122:1.",
"Exhortation to -- Heb 10:25.",
"Urge others to join in -- Ps 95:6; Zec 8:21.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 7:6-9.",
"David. -- 1Ch 29:10-19.",
"Solomon. -- 2Ch 6:1-42.",
"Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 20:5-13.",
"Jeshua. -- Ne 9:1-38.",
"Jews. -- Lu 1:10.",
"The Christians. -- Ac 2:46; 4:24; 12:5,12.",
"Peter. -- Ac 3:1.",
"Teachers and Prophets, at Antioch. -- Ac 13:3.",
"Paul. -- Ac 16:16."
] | Prayer, Public |
"Promise of answers to -- Mt 18:19.",
"Christ promises to be present at -- Mt 18:20.",
"Punishment for neglecting -- Jer 10:25.",
"Abram. -- Ge 12:5,8.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 35:2,3,7.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.",
"David. -- 2Sa 6:20.",
"Job. -- Job 1:5.",
"The Disciples. -- Ac 1:13,14.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.",
"Paul and Silas. -- Ac 16:25.",
"Paul. -- Ac 20:36; 21:5."
] | Prayer, Social and Family |
"Dug out of the earth -- Job 28:5,6.",
"Brought from Ophir -- 1Ki 10:11; 2Ch 9:10.",
"Brought from Sheba -- 1Ki 10:1,2; Eze 27:22.",
"Stones of fire. -- Eze 28:14,16.",
"Stones to be set. -- 1Ch 29:2.",
"Jewels. -- Isa 61:10; Eze 16:12.",
"Precious jewels. -- 2Ch 20:25; Pr 20:15.",
"Of great variety -- 1Ch 29:2.",
"Of many colours -- 1Ch 29:2.",
"Brilliant and glittering -- 1Ch 29:2; Re 21:11.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Agate. -- Ex 28:19; Isa 54:12.",
"Amethyst. -- Ex 28:19; Re 21:20.",
"Beryl. -- Da 10:6; Re 21:20.",
"Carbuncle. -- Ex 28:17; Isa 54:12.",
"Coral. -- Job 28:18.",
"Chalcedony. -- Re 21:19.",
"Chrysolite. -- Re 21:20.",
"Chrysoprasus. -- Re 21:20.",
"Diamond. -- Ex 28:18; Jer 17:1; Eze 28:13.",
"Emerald. -- Eze 27:16; Re 4:3.",
"Jacinth. -- Re 9:17; 21:20.",
"Jasper. -- Re 4:3; 21:11,19.",
"Onyx. -- Ex 28:20; Job 28:16.",
"Pearl. -- Job 28:18; Mt 13:45,46; Re 21:21.",
"Ruby. -- Job 28:18; La 4:7.",
"Sapphire. -- Ex 24:10; Eze 1:26.",
"Sardine or Sardius. -- Ex 28:17; Re 4:3.",
"Sardonyx. -- Re 21:20.",
"Topaz. -- Job 28:19; Re 21:20.",
"Highly prized by the ancients -- Pr 17:8.",
"Extensive commerce in -- Eze 27:22; Re 18:12.",
"Often given as presents -- 1Ki 10:2,10.",
"Art of engraving upon, early known to the Jews -- Ex 28:9,11,21.",
"Art of setting, known to the Jews -- Ex 28:20.",
"Used for",
"Adorning the high priest's ephod. -- Ex 28:12.",
"Adorning the breastplate of judgment. -- Ex 28:17-20; 39:10-14.",
"Decorating the person. -- Eze 28:13.",
"Ornamenting royal crowns. -- 2Sa 12:30.",
"Setting in seals and rings. -- Song 5:12.",
"Adorning the temple. -- 2Ch 3:6.",
"Honouring idols. -- Da 11:38.",
"A part of the treasure of kings -- 2Ch 32:27.",
"Given by the Jews for the tabernacle -- Ex 25:7.",
"Prepared by David for the temple -- 1Ch 29:2.",
"Given by chief men for the temple -- 1Ch 29:8.",
"Illustrative of",
"Preciousness of Christ. -- Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.",
"Beauty and stability of the church. -- Isa 54:11,12.",
"Saints. -- Mal 3:17; 1Co 3:12.",
"Seductive splendour and false glory of the apostasy. -- Re 17:4; 18:16.",
"Worldly glory of nations. -- Eze 28:13-16.",
"Glory of heavenly Jerusalem. -- Re 21:11.",
"Stability of heavenly Jerusalem. -- Re 21:19."
] | Precious Stones |
"To God -- Mt 3:17; 1Pe 2:4.",
"To Saints -- Song 5:10; Php 3:8; 1Pe 2:7.",
"On account of his",
"Goodness and beauty. -- Zec 9:17.",
"Excellence and grace. -- Ps 45:2.",
"Name. -- Song 1:3; Heb 1:4.",
"Atonement. -- 1Pe 1:19; Heb 12:24.",
"Words. -- Joh 6:68.",
"Promises. -- 2Pe 1:4.",
"Care and tenderness. -- Isa 40:11.",
"As the corner-stone of the Church -- Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6.",
"As the source of all grace -- Joh 1:14; Col 1:19.",
"Unsearchable -- Eph 3:8.",
"Illustrated -- Song 2:3; 5:10-16; Mt 13:44-46."
] | Preciousness of Christ |
"A characteristic of the wicked -- 2Pe 2:10.",
"A characteristic of Antichrist -- 2Th 2:4.",
"Exhibited in",
"Opposing God. -- Job 15:25,26.",
"Wilful commission of sin. -- Ro 1:32.",
"Self-righteousness. -- Ho 12:8; Re 3:17.",
"Spiritual pride. -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:11.",
"Esteeming our own ways right. -- Pr 12:15.",
"Seeking precedence. -- Lu 14:7-11.",
"Planning for the future. -- Lu 12:18; Jas 4:13.",
"Pretending to prophecy. -- De 18:22.",
"Pray to be kept from sins of -- Ps 19:13.",
"Saints avoid -- Ps 131:1.",
"Punishment for -- Nu 15:30; Re 18:7,8.",
"Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:4.",
"Israelites. -- Nu 14:44.",
"Korah &c. -- Nu 16:3,7.",
"Men of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.",
"Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:6.",
"Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 13:4.",
"Benhadad. -- 1Ki 20:19.",
"Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:16.",
"Sennacherib. -- 2Ch 32:13,14.",
"Theudas. -- Ac 5:36.",
"Sons of Sceva. -- Ac 19:13,14.",
"Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:9."
] | Presumption |
"Is sin -- Pr 21:4.",
"Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16,17; 16:5.",
"Hateful to Christ -- Pr 8:12,13.",
"Often originates in",
"Self-righteousness. -- Lu 18:11,12.",
"Religious privileges. -- Zep 3:11.",
"Unsanctified knowledge. -- 1Co 8:1.",
"Inexperience. -- 1Ti 3:6.",
"Possession of power. -- Le 26:19; Eze 30:6.",
"Possession of wealth. -- 2Ki 20:13.",
"Forbidden -- 1Sa 2:3; Ro 12:3,16.",
"Defiles a man -- Mr 7:20,22.",
"Hardens the mind -- Da 5:20.",
"give not away. -- Ps 131:1.",
"Respect not, in others. -- Ps 40:4.",
"Mourn over, in others. -- Jer 13:17.",
"Hate, in others. -- Ps 101:5.",
"A hindrance to seeking God -- Ps 10:4; Ho 7:10.",
"A hindrance to improvement -- Pr 26:12.",
"A characteristic",
"The devil. -- 1Ti 3:6.",
"The world. -- 1Jo 2:16.",
"False teachers. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.",
"The wicked. -- Hab 2:4,5; Ro 1:30.",
"Comes from the heart -- Mr 7:21-23.",
"The wicked encompassed with -- Ps 73:6.",
"Leads men to",
"Contempt and rejection of God's word and ministers. -- Jer 43:2.",
"A persecuting spirit. -- Ps 10:2.",
"Wrath. -- Pr 21:24.",
"Contention. -- Pr 13:10; 28:25.",
"Self-deception. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3.",
"Exhortation against -- Jer 13:15.",
"Is followed by",
"Shame. -- Pr 11:2.",
"Debasement. -- Pr 29:23; Isa 28:3.",
"Destruction. -- Pr 16:18; 18:12.",
"Shall abound in the last days -- 2Ti 3:2.",
"Woe to -- Isa 28:1,3.",
"They who are guilty of, shall be",
"Resisted. -- Jas 4:6.",
"Brought into contempt. -- Isa 23:9.",
"Recompensed. -- Ps 31:23.",
"Marred. -- Jer 13:9.",
"Subdued. -- Ex 18:11; Isa 13:11.",
"Brought low. -- Ps 18:27; Isa 2:12.",
"Abased. -- Da 4:37; Mt 23:12.",
"Scattered. -- Lu 1:51.",
"Punished. -- Zep 2:10,11; Mal 4:1.",
"Ahithophel. -- 2Sa 17:23.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:25.",
"Pharaoh. -- Ne 9:10.",
"Haman. -- Es 3:5.",
"Moab. -- Isa 16:6.",
"Tyre. -- Isa 23:9.",
"Israel. -- Isa 28:1; Ho 5:5,9.",
"Judah. -- Jer 13:9.",
"Babylon. -- Jer 50:29,32.",
"Assyria. -- Eze 31:3,10.",
"Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 4:30; 5:20.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:22,23.",
"Edom. -- Ob 1:3.",
"Scribes. -- Mr 12:38,39.",
"Herod. -- Ac 12:21-23.",
"Laodiceans. -- Re 3:17."
] | Pride |
"First notice of persons acting as -- Ge 4:3,4.",
"During patriarchal age heads of families acted as -- Ge 8:20; 12:8; 35:7.",
"After the exodus young men (first-born) deputed to act as -- Ex 24:5; 19:22.",
"The sons of Aaron appointed as, by perpetual statute -- Ex 29:9; 40:15.",
"All except seed of Aaron excluded from being -- Nu 3:10; 16:40; 18:7.",
"Sanctified by God for the office -- Ex 29:44.",
"Publicly consecrated -- Ex 28:3; Nu 3:3.",
"Ceremonies at consecration of",
"Washing in water. -- Ex 29:4; Le 8:6.",
"Clothing with the holy garments. -- Ex 29:8,9; 40:14; Le 8:13.",
"Anointing with oil. -- Ex 30:30; 40:13.",
"Offering sacrifices. -- Ex 29:10-19; Le 8:14-23.",
"Purification by blood of the consecration ram. -- Ex 29:20,21; Le 8:23,24.",
"Placing in their hands the wave-offering. -- Ex 29:22-24; Le 8:25-27.",
"Partaking of the sacrifices of consecration. -- Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:31,32.",
"Lasted seven days. -- Ex 29:35-37; Le 8:33.",
"Required to remain in the tabernacle seven days after consecration -- Le 8:33-36.",
"No blemished or defective persons could be consecrated -- Le 21:17-23.",
"Required to prove their genealogy before they exercised the office -- Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64.",
"Garments of",
"The coat or tunic. -- Ex 28:40; 39:27.",
"The girdle. -- Ex 28:40.",
"The bonnet. -- Ex 28:40; 39:28.",
"The linen breeches. -- Ex 28:42; 39:28.",
"Worn at consecration. -- Ex 29:9; 40:15.",
"Worn always while engaged in the service of the tabernacle. -- Ex 28:43; 39:41.",
"Worn by the high priest on the day of atonement. -- Le 16:4.",
"Purified by sprinkling of blood. -- Ex 29:21.",
"Laid up in holy chambers. -- Eze 44:19.",
"Often provided by the people. -- Ezr 2:68,69; Ne 7:70,72.",
"Required to wash in the brazen laver before they performed their services -- Ex 30:18-21.",
"Services of",
"Keeping the charge of the tabernacle. -- Nu 18:1,5,7.",
"Covering the sacred things of the sanctuary before removal. -- Nu 4:5-15.",
"Offering sacrifices. -- Le 1:1-6:30; 2Ch 29:34; 35:11.",
"Lighting and trimming the lamps of the sanctuary. -- Ex 27:20,21; Le 24:3,4.",
"Keeping the sacred fire always burning on the altar. -- Le 6:12,13.",
"Burning incense. -- Ex 20:7,8; Lu 1:9.",
"Placing and removing show-bread. -- Le 24:5-9.",
"Offering first fruits. -- Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4.",
"Blessing the people. -- Nu 6:23-27.",
"Purifying the unclean. -- Le 15:30,31.",
"Deciding in cases of jealousy. -- Nu 5:14,15.",
"Deciding in cases of leprosy. -- Le 13:2-59; 14:34-45.",
"Judging in cases of controversy. -- De 17:8-13; 21:5.",
"Teaching the law. -- De 33:8,10; Mal 2:7.",
"Blowing the trumpets on various occasions. -- Nu 10:1-10; Jos 6:3,4.",
"Carrying the ark. -- Jos 3:6,17; 6:12.",
"Encouraging the people when they went to war. -- De 20:1-4.",
"Valuing things devoted. -- Le 27:8.",
"Were to live by the altar as they had no inheritance -- De 18:1,2; 1Co 9:13.",
"Revenues of",
"Tenth of the tithes paid to the Levites. -- Nu 18:26,28; Ne 10:37,38; Heb 7:5.",
"First-fruits. -- Nu 18:8,12,13; De 18:4.",
"Redemption-money of the first-born. -- Nu 3:48,51; 18:15,16.",
"First-born of animals or their substitutes. -- Nu 18:17,18; Ex 13:12,13.",
"First of the wool of sheep. -- De 18:4.",
"Show-bread after its removal. -- Le 24:9; 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4.",
"Part of all sacrifices. -- Le 7:6-10,31,34; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-11; De 18:3.",
"All devoted things. -- Nu 18:14.",
"All restitutions when the owner could not be found. -- Nu 5:8.",
"A fixed portion of the spoil taken in war. -- Nu 31:29,41.",
"Thirteen of the Levitical cities given to, for residence -- 1Ch 6:57-60; Nu 35:1-8.",
"Might purchase and hold other lands in possession -- 1Ki 2:26; Jer 32:8,9.",
"Special laws respecting",
"Not to marry divorced or improper persons. -- Le 21:7.",
"Not to defile themselves for the dead except the nearest of kin. -- Le 21:1-6.",
"Not to drink wine, &c while attending in the tabernacle. -- Le 10:9; Eze 44:21.",
"Not to defile themselves by eating what died or was torn. -- Le 22:8.",
"While unclean could not perform any service. -- Le 22:1,2; Nu 19:6,7.",
"While unclean could not eat of the holy things. -- Le 22:3-7.",
"No sojourner or hired servant to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:10.",
"All bought and home-born servants to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:11.",
"Children of, married to strangers, not to eat of their portion. -- Le 22:12.",
"Restitution to be made to, by persons ignorantly eating of their holy things. -- Le 22:14-16.",
"Divided by David into twenty-four courses -- 1Ch 24:1-19; 2Ch 8:14; 35:4,5.",
"The four courses which returned from Babylon subdivided into 24 -- Ezr 2:36-39; Lu 1:5.",
"Each course of, had its president or chief -- 1Ch 24:6,31; 2Ch 36:14.",
"Services of, divided by lot -- Lu 1:9.",
"Punishment for invading the office of -- Nu 16:1-35; 18:7; 2Ch 26:16-21.",
"On special occasions persons not of Aaron's family acted as -- Jdj 6:24-27; 1Sa 7:9; 1Ki 18:33.",
"Were sometimes",
"Greedy. -- 1Sa 2:13-17.",
"Drunken. -- Isa 28:7.",
"Profane and wicked. -- 1Sa 2:22-24.",
"Unjust. -- Jer 6:13.",
"Corrupters of the law. -- Isa 28:7; Mal 2:8.",
"Slow to sanctify, themselves for God's services. -- 2Ch 29:34.",
"Generally participated in punishment of the people -- Jer 14:18; La 2:20.",
"Made of the lowest of the people by Jeroboam and others -- 1Ki 12:21; 2Ki 17:32.",
"Services of, ineffectual for removing sin -- Heb 7:11; 10:11.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ. -- Heb 10:11,12.",
"Saints. -- Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9."
] | Priests |
"Antiquity of -- Ge 39:20.",
"Kinds of, mentioned",
"State. -- Jer 37:21; Ge 39:20.",
"Common. -- Ac 5:18.",
"Dungeons attached to -- Jer 38:6; Zec 9:11.",
"Were under the care of a keeper -- Ge 39:21.",
"Used for confining",
"Persons accused of crimes. -- Lu 23:19.",
"Persons accused of heresy. -- Ac 4:3; 5:18; 8:3.",
"Suspected persons. -- Ge 42:19.",
"Condemned persons till executed. -- Le 24:12; Ac 12:4,5.",
"Enemies taken captive. -- Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 17:4; Jer 52:11.",
"Debtors till they paid. -- Mt 5:26; 18:30.",
"Persons under the king's displeasure. -- 1Ki 22:27; 2Ch 16:10; Mr 6:17.",
"Confinement in, often awarded as a punishment -- Ezr 7:26.",
"Confinement in, considered a severe punishment -- Lu 22:33.",
"Places used as",
"Court of the king's house. -- Jer 32:2.",
"House of the king's scribe. -- Jer 37:15.",
"House of the captain of the guard. -- Ge 40:3.",
"Prisoner's own house, where he was kept bound to a soldier. -- Ac 28:16,30; 2Ti 1:16-18.",
"The king had power to commit to -- 1Ki 22:27.",
"Magistrates had power to commit to -- Mt 5:25.",
"Persons confined in",
"Said to be in ward. -- Le 24:12.",
"Said to be in hold. -- Ac 4:3.",
"Often placed in dungeons. -- Jer 39:6; Ac 16:24.",
"Often bound with fetters. -- Ge 42:19; Eze 19:9; Mr 6:17.",
"Often chained to two soldiers. -- Ac 12:6.",
"Often fastened in stocks. -- Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24.",
"Often kept to hard labour. -- Jdj 16:21.",
"Often subjected to extreme suffering. -- Ps 79:11; 102:20; 105:18.",
"Fed on bread and water. -- 1Ki 22:27.",
"Clothed in prison dress. -- 2Ki 25:29.",
"Sometimes allowed to be visited by their friends. -- Mt 11:2; 25:36; Ac 24:23.",
"Might have their condition ameliorated by the king. -- Jer 37:20,21.",
"Often executed in. -- Ge 40:22; Mt 14:10.",
"The king had power to release from -- Ge 40:21.",
"Magistrates had power to release from -- Ac 16:35,36.",
"Keepers of",
"Strictly guarded the doors. -- Ac 12:6.",
"Responsible for the prisoners. -- Ac 16:23,27.",
"Put to death if prisoners escaped. -- Ac 12:19.",
"Often used severity. -- Jer 37:16,20; Ac 16:24.",
"Sometimes acted kindly. -- Ge 39:21; Ac 16:33,34.",
"Sometimes entrusted the care of the prison to well-conducted prisoners. -- Ge 39:22,23.",
"Illustrative of",
"Deep afflictions. -- Ps 142:7.",
"Hell. -- Re 20:7.",
"Bondage to sin and Satan. -- Isa 42:7; 49:9; 61:1."
] | Prisons |
"Abiding in Christ -- Joh 15:4,5.",
"Partaking of the divine nature -- 2Pe 1:4.",
"Access to God by Christ -- Eph 3:12.",
"Being of the household of God -- Eph 2:19.",
"Membership with the Church of the first-born -- Heb 12:23.",
"Christ for their Shepherd. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 10:14,16.",
"Christ for their intercessor. -- Ro 8:34; Heb 7:25; 1Jo 2:1.",
"The promises of God. -- 2Co 7:1; 2Pe 1:4.",
"The possession of all things -- 1Co 3:21,22.",
"All things working together for their good -- Ro 8:28; 2Co 4:15-17.",
"Their names written in the book life -- Re 13:8; 20:15.",
"Having God for their",
"King. -- Ps 5:2; 44:4; Isa 44:6.",
"Glory. -- Ps 3:3; Isa 60:19.",
"Salvation. -- Ps 18:2; 27:1; Isa 12:2.",
"Father. -- De 32:6; Isa 63:16; 64:8.",
"Redeemer. -- Ps 19:14; Isa 43:14.",
"Friend. -- 2Ch 20:7; Jas 2:23.",
"Helper. -- Ps 33:20; Heb 13:6.",
"Keeper. -- Ps 121:4,5.",
"Deliverer. -- 2Sa 22:2; Ps 18:2.",
"Strength. -- Ps 18:2; 27:1; 46:1.",
"Refuge. -- Ps 46:1,11; Isa 25:4.",
"Shield. -- Ge 15:1; Ps 84:11.",
"Tower. -- 2Sa 22:3; Ps 61:3.",
"Light. -- Ps 27:1; Isa 60:19; Mic 7:8.",
"Guide. -- Ps 48:14; Isa 58:11.",
"Law-giver. -- Ne 9:13,14; Isa 33:22.",
"Habitation. -- Ps 90:1; 91:9.",
"Portion. -- Ps 73:26; La 3:24.",
"Union in God and Christ -- Joh 17:21.",
"Committing themselves to God -- Ps 31:5; Ac 7:59; 2Ti 1:12.",
"Calling upon God in trouble -- Ps 50:15.",
"Suffering for Christ -- Ac 5:41; Php 1:29.",
"Profiting by chastisement -- Ps 119:67; Heb 12:10,11.",
"Secure during public calamities -- Job 5:20,23; Ps 27:1-5; 91:5-10.",
"Interceding for others -- Ge 18:23-33; Jas 5:16."
] | Privileges of Saints |
"Condemned by Christ -- Lu 9:59-62.",
"Saints avoid -- Ps 27:8; 119:60.",
"To be avoided in",
"Hearkening to God. -- Ps 95:7,8; Heb 3:7,8.",
"Seeking God. -- Isa 55:6.",
"Glorifying God. -- Jer 13:16.",
"Keeping God's commandments. -- Ps 119:60.",
"Making offerings to God. -- Ex 22:29.",
"Performance of vows. -- De 23:21; Ec 5:4.",
"Motives for avoiding",
"The present the accepted time. -- 2Co 6:2.",
"The present the best time. -- Ec 12:1.",
"The uncertainty of life. -- Pr 27:1.",
"Danger of illustrated -- Mt 5:25; Lu 13:25.",
"Lot. -- Ge 19:16.",
"Felix. -- Ac 24:25."
] | Procrastination |
"Contained in the Scriptures -- Ro 1:2.",
"Made in Christ -- Eph 3:6; 2Ti 1:1.",
"Made to",
"Christ. -- Ga 3:16,19.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 12:3,7; Ga 3:16.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 26:3,4.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 28:14.",
"David. -- 2Sa 7:12; Ps 89:3,4,35,36.",
"The Israelites. -- Ro 9:4.",
"The Fathers. -- Ac 13:32; 26:6,7.",
"All who are called of God. -- Ac 2:39.",
"Those who love him. -- Jas 1:12; 2:5.",
"Confirmed by an oath -- Ps 89:3,4; Heb 8:6.",
"Covenant established upon -- Heb 8:6.",
"God is faithful to -- Tit 1:2; Heb 10:23.",
"God remembers -- Ps 105:42; Lu 1:54,55.",
"Good. -- 1Ki 8:56.",
"Holy. -- Ps 105:42.",
"Exceeding great and precious. -- 2Pe 1:4.",
"Confirmed in Christ. -- Ro 15:8.",
"Yea and amen in Christ. -- 2Co 1:20.",
"Fulfilled in Christ. -- Ac 13:23; Lu 1:69-73.",
"Through the righteousness of faith. -- Ro 4:13,16.",
"Obtained through faith. -- Heb 11:33.",
"Given to those who believe. -- Ga 3:22.",
"Inherited through faith and patience. -- Heb 6:12,15; 10:36.",
"Performed in due season. -- Jer 33:14; Ac 7:17; Ga 4:4.",
"Not one shall fail -- Jos 23:14; 1Ki 8:56.",
"The law not against -- Ga 3:21.",
"The law could not disannul -- Ga 3:17.",
"Subjects of",
"Christ. -- 2Sa 7:12,13; Ac 13:22,23.",
"The Holy Spirit. -- Ac 2:33; Eph 1:13.",
"The gospel. -- Ro 1:1,2.",
"Life in Christ. -- 2Ti 1:1.",
"A crown of life. -- Jas 1:12.",
"Eternal life. -- Tit 1:2; 1Jo 2:25.",
"The life that now is. -- 1Ti 4:8.",
"Adoption. -- 2Co 6:18; 7:1.",
"Preservation in affliction. -- Isa 43:2.",
"Blessing. -- De 1:11.",
"Forgiveness of sins. -- Isa 1:18; Heb 8:12.",
"Putting the law into the heart. -- Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10.",
"Second coming of Christ. -- 2Pe 3:4.",
"New heavens and earth. -- 2Pe 3:13.",
"Entering into rest. -- Jos 22:4; Heb 4:1.",
"Should lead to perfecting holiness -- 2Co 7:1.",
"The inheritance of the saints is of -- Ro 4:13; Ga 3:18.",
"Children of. -- Ro 9:8; Ga 4:28.",
"Heirs of. -- Ga 3:29; Heb 6:17; 11:9.",
"Stagger not at. -- Ro 4:20.",
"Have implicit confidence in. -- Heb 11:11.",
"Expect the performance of. -- Lu 1:38,45; 2Pe 3:13.",
"Sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to doubt. -- Ps 77:8,10.",
"Plead in prayer. -- Ge 32:9,12; 1Ch 17:23,26; Isa 43:26.",
"Should wait for the performance of -- Ac 1:4.",
"Gentiles shall be partakers of -- Eph 3:6.",
"Man, by nature, has no interest in -- Eph 2:12.",
"Scoffers despise -- 2Pe 3:3,4.",
"Fear, lest ye come short of -- Heb 4:1."
] | Promises of God, The |
"As the Son of God -- Ps 2:7.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32,35.",
"As the seed of the woman -- Ge 3:15.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ga 4:4.",
"As the seed of Abraham -- Ge 17:7; 22:18.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ga 3:16.",
"As the seed of Isaac -- Ge 21:12.",
"Fulfilled. -- Heb 11:17-19.",
"As the seed of David -- Ps 132:11; Jer 23:5.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ac 13:23; Ro 1:3.",
"His coming at a set time -- Ge 49:10; Da 9:24,25.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 2:1.",
"His being born a virgin -- Isa 7:14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:22,23; Lu 2:7.",
"His being called Immanuel -- Isa 7:14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:22,23.",
"His being born in Bethlehem of Judea -- Mic 5:2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:1; Lu 2:4-6.",
"Great persons coming to adore him -- Ps 72:10.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:1-11.",
"The slaying of the children of Bethlehem -- Jer 31:15.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:16-18.",
"His being called out of Egypt -- Ho 11:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 2:15.",
"His being preceded by John the Baptist -- Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 3:1,3; Lu 1:17.",
"His being anointed with the Spirit -- Ps 45:7; Isa 11:2; 61:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 3:16; Joh 3:34; Ac 10:38.",
"His being a Prophet like to Moses -- De 18:15-18.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ac 3:20-22.",
"His being a Priest after the order of Melchizedek -- Ps 110:4.",
"Fulfilled. -- Heb 5:5,6.",
"His entering on his public ministry -- Isa 61:1,2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 4:16-21,43.",
"His ministry commencing in Galilee -- Isa 9:1,2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 4:12-16,23.",
"His entering publicly into Jerusalem -- Zec 9:9.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:1-5.",
"His coming into the temple -- Hag 2:7,9; Mal 3:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:12; Lu 2:27-32; Joh 2:13-16.",
"His poverty -- Isa 53:2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mr 6:3; Lu 9:58.",
"His meekness and want of ostentatious -- Isa 42:2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 12:15,16,19.",
"His tenderness and compassion -- Isa 40:11; 42:3.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 12:15,20; Heb 4:15.",
"His being without guile -- Isa 53:9.",
"Fulfilled. -- 1Pe 2:22.",
"His zeal -- Ps 69:9.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 2:17.",
"His preaching by parables -- Ps 78:2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 13:34,35.",
"His working miracles -- Isa 35:5,6.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 11:4-6; Joh 11:47.",
"His bearing reproach -- Ps 22:6; 69:7,9,20.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ro 15:3.",
"His being rejected by his brethren -- Ps 69:8; Isa 63:3.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 1:11; 7:3.",
"His being a stone of stumbling to the Jews -- Isa 8:14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ro 9:32; 1Pe 2:8.",
"His being hated by the Jews -- Ps 69:4; Isa 49:7.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 15:24,25.",
"His being rejected by the Jewish rulers -- Ps 118:22.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 21:42; Joh 7:48.",
"That the Jews and Gentiles should combine against Him -- Ps 2:1,2.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 23:12; Ac 4:27.",
"His being betrayed by a friend -- Ps 41:9; 55:12-14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 13:18,21.",
"His disciples forsaking him -- Zec 13:7.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:31,56.",
"His being sold for thirty pieces silver -- Zec 11:12.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:15.",
"His price being given for the potter's field -- Zec 11:13.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:7.",
"The intensity of his sufferings -- Ps 22:14,15.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 22:42,44.",
"His sufferings being for others -- Isa 53:4-6,12; Da 9:26.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 20:28.",
"His patience and silence under suffering -- Isa 53:7.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 26:63; 27:12-14.",
"His being smitten on the cheek -- Mic 5:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:30.",
"His visage being marred -- Isa 52:14; 53:3.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:5.",
"His being spit on and scourged -- Isa 50:6.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mr 14:65; Joh 19:1.",
"His hands and feet being nailed to the cross -- Ps 22:16.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:18; 20:25.",
"His being forsaken by God -- Ps 22:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:46.",
"His being mocked -- Ps 22:7,8.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:39-44.",
"Gall and vinegar being given him to drink -- Ps 69:21.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:34.",
"His garments being parted, and lots cast for his vesture -- Ps 22:18.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:35.",
"His being numbered with the transgressors -- Isa 53:12.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mr 15:28.",
"His intercession for His murderers -- Isa 53:12.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 23:34.",
"His Death -- Isa 53:12.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:50.",
"That a bone of him should not be broken -- Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:33,36.",
"His being pierced -- Zec 12:10.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 19:34,37.",
"His being buried with the rich -- Isa 53:9.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 27:57-60.",
"His flesh not seeing corruption -- Ps 16:10.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ac 2:31.",
"His resurrection -- Ps 16:10; Isa 26:19.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 24:6,31,34.",
"His ascension -- Ps 68:18.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9.",
"His sitting on the right hand of God -- Ps 110:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Heb 1:3.",
"His exercising the priestly office in heaven -- Zec 6:13.",
"Fulfilled. -- Ro 8:34.",
"His being the chief corner-stone of the Church -- Isa 28:16.",
"Fulfilled. -- 1Pe 2:6,7.",
"His being King in Zion -- Ps 2:6.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32; Joh 18:33-37.",
"The conversion of the Gentiles to him -- Isa 11:10; 42:1.",
"Fulfilled. -- Mt 1:17,21; Joh 10:16; Ac 10:45,47.",
"His righteous government -- Ps 45:6,7.",
"Fulfilled. -- Joh 5:30; Re 19:11.",
"His universal dominion -- Ps 72:8; Da 7:14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Php 2:9,11.",
"The perpetuity of his kingdom -- Isa 9:7; Da 7:14.",
"Fulfilled. -- Lu 1:32,33."
] | Prophecies Respecting Christ |
"God spoke of old by -- Ho 12:10; Heb 1:1.",
"The messengers of God -- 2Ch 36:15; Isa 44:26.",
"The servants of God -- Jer 35:15.",
"The watchmen of Israel -- Eze 3:17.",
"Were called",
"Men of God. -- 1Sa 9:6.",
"Prophets of God. -- Ezr 5:2.",
"Holy prophets. -- Lu 1:70; Re 18:20; 22:6.",
"Holy men of God. -- 2Pe 1:21.",
"Seers. -- 1Sa 9:9.",
"Were esteemed as holy men -- 2Ki 4:9.",
"Women sometimes endowed as -- Joe 2:28.",
"God communicated to",
"His secret things. -- Am 3:7.",
"At various time and in different ways. -- Heb 1:1.",
"By an audible voice. -- Nu 12:8; 1Sa 3:4-14.",
"By angels. -- Da 8:15-26; Re 22:8,9.",
"By dreams and visions. -- Nu 12:6; Joe 2:28.",
"Were under the influence of the Holy Spirit while prophesying -- Lu 1:67; 2Pe 1:21.",
"Spoke in the name of the Lord -- 2Ch 33:18; Eze 3:11; Jas 5:10.",
"Frequently spoke in parables and riddles -- 2Sa 12:1-6; Isa 5:1-7; Eze 17:2-10.",
"Frequently in their actions, &c were made signs to the people -- Isa 20:2-4; Jer 19:1,10,11; 27:2,3; 43:9; 51:63; Eze 4:1-13; 5:1-4; 7:23; 12:3-7; 21:6,7; 24:1-24; Ho 1:2-9.",
"Frequently left without divine communication on account of sins of the people -- 1Sa 28:6; La 2:9; Eze 7:26.",
"Were required",
"To be bold and undaunted. -- Eze 2:6; 3:8,9.",
"To be vigilant and faithful. -- Eze 3:17-21.",
"To receive with attention all God's communications. -- Eze 3:10.",
"Not to speak anything but what they received from God. -- De 18:20.",
"To declare everything that the Lord commanded. -- Jer 26:2.",
"Sometimes received divine communications and uttered predictions under great bodily and mental excitement -- Jer 23:9; Eze 3:14,15; Da 7:28; 10:8; Hab 3:2,16.",
"Sometimes uttered their predictions in verse -- De 32:44; Isa 5:1.",
"Often accompanied by music while predicting -- 1Sa 10:5; 2Ki 3:15.",
"Often committed their predictions to writing -- 2Ch 21:12; Jer 36:2.",
"Writings of, read in the synagogues every Sabbath -- Lu 4:17; Ac 13:15.",
"Numerous in Israel. -- 1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 18:4.",
"Trained up and instructed in schools. -- 2Ki 2:3,5; 1Sa 19:20.",
"The sacred bards of the Jews. -- Ex 15:20,21; 1Sa 10:5,10; 1Ch 25:1.",
"Specially raised up on occasions of emergency. -- 1Sa 3:19-21; Isa 6:8,9; Jer 1:5.",
"Often endued with miraculous power. -- Ex 4:1-4; 1Ki 17:23; 2Ki 5:3-8.",
"Frequently married men -- 2Ki 4:1; Eze 24:18.",
"Wore a coarse dress of hair-cloth -- 2Ki 1:8; Zec 13:4; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3.",
"Often led a wandering and unsettled life -- 1Ki 18:10-12; 19:3,8,15; 2Ki 4:10.",
"Simple in their manner of life -- Mt 3:4.",
"The historiographers of the Jewish nation -- 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.",
"The interpreters of dreams -- Da 1:17.",
"Were consulted in all difficulties -- 1Sa 9:6; 28:15; 1Ki 14:2-4; 22:7.",
"Presented with gifts by those who consulted them -- 1Sa 9:7,8; 1Ki 14:3.",
"Sometimes thought it right to reject presents -- 2Ki 5:15,16.",
"Were sent to",
"Reprove the wicked and exhort to repentance. -- 2Ki 17:13; 2Ch 24:19; Jer 25:4,5.",
"Denounce the wickedness of kings. -- 1Sa 15:10,16-19; 2Sa 12:7-12; 1Ki 18:18; 21:17-22.",
"Exhort to faithfulness and constancy in God's service. -- 2Ch 15:1,2,7.",
"Predict the coming of Christ. -- Lu 24:44; Joh 1:45; Ac 3:24; 10:43.",
"Predict the downfall of nations. -- Isa 15:1; 17:1; Jer 47:1-51:64.",
"Felt deeply on account of the calamities which they predicted -- Isa 16:9-11; Jer 9:1-7.",
"Predictions of",
"Frequently proclaimed at the gate of the Lord's house. -- Jer 7:2.",
"Proclaimed in the cities and streets. -- Jer 11:6.",
"Written on tables and fixed up in some public place. -- Hab 2:2.",
"Written on rolls and read to the people. -- Isa 8:1; Jer 36:2.",
"Were all fulfilled. -- 2Ki 10:10; Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18; Re 10:7.",
"Assisted the Jews in their great national undertakings -- Ezr 5:2.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Enoch. -- Ge 5:21-24; Jude 1:14.",
"Noah. -- Ge 9:25-27.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 49:1.",
"Aaron. -- Ex 7:1.",
"Moses. -- De 18:18.",
"Miriam. -- Ex 15:20.",
"Deborah. -- Jdj 4:4.",
"Prophet set to Israel. -- Jdj 6:8.",
"Prophet sent to Eli. -- 1Sa 2:27.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 3:20.",
"David. -- Ps 16:8-11; Ac 2:25,30.",
"Nathan. -- 2Sa 7:2; 12:1; 1Ki 1:10.",
"Zadok. -- 2Sa 15:27.",
"Gad. -- 2Sa 24:11; 1Ch 29:29.",
"Ahijah. -- 1Ki 11:29; 12:15; 2Ch 9:29.",
"Prophet of Judah. -- 1Ki 13:1.",
"Iddo. -- 2Ch 9:29; 12:15.",
"Shemaiah. -- 1Ki 12:22; 2Ch 12:7,15.",
"Azariah the son of Oded. -- 2Ch 15:2,8.",
"Hanani. -- 2Ch 16:7.",
"Jehu the son of Hanani. -- 1Ki 16:1,7,12.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:1.",
"Elisha. -- 1Ki 19:16.",
"Micaiah the son of Imlah. -- 1Ki 22:7,8.",
"Jonah. -- 2Ki 14:25; Jon 1:1; Mt 12:39.",
"Isaiah. -- 2Ki 19:2; 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1.",
"Hosea. -- Ho 1:1.",
"Amos. -- Am 1:1; 7:14,15.",
"Micah. -- Mic 1:1.",
"Oded. -- 2Ch 28:9.",
"Nahum. -- Na 1:1.",
"Joel. -- Joe 1:1; Ac 2:16.",
"Zephaniah. -- Zep 1:1.",
"Huldah. -- 2Ki 22:14.",
"Jeduthun. -- 2Ch 35:15.",
"Jeremiah. -- 2Ch 36:12,21; Jer 1:1,2.",
"Habakkuk. -- Hab 1:1.",
"Obadiah. -- Ob 1:1.",
"Ezekiel. -- Eze 1:3.",
"Daniel. -- Da 12:11; Mt 24:15.",
"Haggai. -- Ezr 5:1; 6:14; Hag 1:1.",
"Zechariah son of Iddo. -- Ezr 5:1; Zec 1:1.",
"Malachi. -- Mal 1:1.",
"Zacharias the father of John. -- Lu 1:67.",
"Anna. -- Lu 2:36.",
"Agabus. -- Ac 11:28; 21:10.",
"Daughters of Philip. -- Ac 21:9.",
"Paul. -- 1Ti 4:1.",
"Peter. -- 2Pe 2:1,2.",
"John. -- Re 1:1.",
"One generally attached to the king's household -- 2Sa 24:11; 2Ch 29:25; 35:15.",
"The Jews",
"Require to hear and believe. -- De 18:15; 2Ch 20:20.",
"Often tried to make them speak smooth things. -- 1Ki 22:13; Isa 30:10; Am 2:12.",
"Persecuted them. -- 2Ch 36:16; Mt 5:12.",
"Often imprisoned them. -- 1Ki 22:27; Jer 32:2; 37:15,16.",
"Often put them to death. -- 1Ki 18:13; 19:10; Mt 23:34-37.",
"Often left without, on account of sin. -- 1Sa 3:1; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11,12.",
"Were mighty through faith -- Heb 11:32-40.",
"Great patience of, under suffering -- Jas 5:10.",
"God avenged all injuries done to -- 2Ki 9:7; 1Ch 16:21,22; Mt 23:35-38; Lu 11:50.",
"Christ predicted to exercise the office of -- De 18:15; Ac 3:22.",
"Christ exercised the office of -- Mt 24:1-25:46; Mr 10:32-34."
] | Prophets |
"Pretended to be sent by God -- Jer 23:17,18,31.",
"Not sent or commissioned by God -- Jer 14:14; 23:21; 29:31.",
"Made use of by God to prove Israel -- De 13:3.",
"Described as",
"Light and treacherous. -- Zep 3:4.",
"Covetous. -- Mic 3:11.",
"Crafty. -- Mt 7:15.",
"Drunken. -- Isa 28:7.",
"Immoral and profane. -- Jer 23:11,14.",
"Women sometimes acted as -- Ne 6:14; Re 2:20.",
"Called foolish prophets -- Eze 13:2.",
"Compared to foxes in the desert -- Eze 13:4.",
"Compared to wind -- Jer 5:13.",
"Influenced by evil spirits -- 1Ki 22:21,22.",
"Falsely. -- Jer 5:31.",
"Lies in the name of the Lord. -- Jer 14:14.",
"Out of their own heart. -- Jer 23:16,26; Eze 13:2.",
"In the name of false gods. -- Jer 2:8.",
"Peace, when there was no peace. -- Jer 6:14; 23:17; Eze 13:10; Mic 3:5.",
"Often practised divination and witchcraft -- Jer 14:14; Eze 22:28; Ac 13:6.",
"Often pretended to dreams -- Jer 23:28,32.",
"Often deceived by God as a judgment -- Eze 14:9.",
"The people",
"Led into error. -- Jer 23:13; Mic 3:5.",
"Made to forget God's name by. -- Jer 23:27.",
"Deprived of God's word by. -- Jer 23:30.",
"Taught profaneness and sin by. -- Jer 23:14,15.",
"Oppressed and defrauded by. -- Eze 22:25.",
"Warned not to listen to. -- De 13:3; Jer 23:16; 27:9,15,16.",
"Encouraged and praised. -- Jer 5:31; Lu 6:26.",
"Mode of trying and detecting -- De 13:1,2; 18:21,22; 1Jo 4:1-3.",
"Predicted to arise",
"Before destruction of Jerusalem. -- Mt 24:11,24.",
"In the latter times. -- 2Pe 2:1.",
"Judgments denounced against -- Jer 8:1,2; 14:15; 28:16,17; 29:32.",
"Involved the people in their own ruin -- Isa 9:15,16; Jer 20:6; Eze 14:10."
] | Prophets, False |
"Described -- Es 8:17; Isa 56:3.",
"To give up all heathen practices. -- Ezr 6:21.",
"To give up all heathen associates. -- Ru 1:16; 2:11; Ps 45:10; Lu 14:26.",
"To be circumcised. -- Ge 17:13; Ex 12:48.",
"To enter into covenant to serve the Lord. -- De 29:10-13; Ne 10:28,29.",
"To observe the law of Moses as Jews. -- Ex 12:49.",
"Unfaithfulness in, punished -- Eze 14:7.",
"From the Ammonites and Moabites restricted for ever from holding office in the congregation -- De 23:3.",
"From the Egyptians and Edomites restricted to the third generation from holding office in the congregation -- De 23:7,8.",
"Were entitled to all privileges -- Ex 12:48; Isa 56:3-7.",
"Went up to the feasts -- Ac 2:10; 8:27.",
"Pharisees, zealous in making -- Mt 23:15.",
"Many, embraced the gospel -- Ac 6:5; 13:43.",
"Later called devout Greeks -- Joh 12:20; Ac 17:4."
] | Proselytes |
"God is able to afford -- 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24.",
"God is faithful to afford -- 1Th 5:23,24; 2Th 3:3.",
"Of God is",
"Indispensable. -- Ps 127:1.",
"Seasonable. -- Ps 46:1.",
"Unfailing. -- De 31:6; Jos 1:5.",
"Effectual. -- Joh 10:28-30; 2Co 12:9.",
"Uninterrupted. -- Ps 121:3.",
"Encouraging. -- Isa 41:10; 50:7.",
"Perpetual. -- Ps 121:8.",
"Often afforded through means inadequate in themselves. -- Jdj 7:7; 1Sa 17:45,50; 2Ch 14:11.",
"Is afforded to",
"Those who hearken to God. -- Pr 1:33.",
"Returning sinners. -- Job 22:23,25.",
"The perfect in heart. -- 2Ch 16:9.",
"The poor. -- Ps 14:6; 72:12-14.",
"The oppressed. -- Ps 9:9.",
"The Church. -- Ps 48:3; Zec 2:4,5.",
"Is vouchsafed to saints in",
"Preserving them. -- Ps 145:20.",
"Strengthening them. -- 2Ti 4:17.",
"Upholding them. -- Ps 37:17,24; 63:8.",
"Keeping their feet. -- 1Sa 2:9; Pr 3:26.",
"Keeping them from evil. -- 2Th 3:3.",
"Keeping them from falling. -- Jude 1:24.",
"Keeping them in the way. -- Ex 23:20.",
"Keeping them from temptation. -- Re 3:10.",
"Providing a refuge for them. -- Pr 14:26; Isa 4:6; 32:2.",
"Defending them against their enemies. -- De 20:1-4; 33:27; Isa 59:19.",
"Defeating the counsels of enemies. -- Isa 8:10.",
"Temptation. -- 1Co 10:13; 2Pe 2:9.",
"Persecution. -- Lu 21:18.",
"Calamities. -- Ps 57:1; 59:16.",
"All dangers. -- Ps 91:3-7.",
"All places. -- Ge 28:15; 2Ch 16:9.",
"Sleep. -- Ps 3:5; 4:8; Pr 3:24.",
"Death. -- Ps 23:4.",
"Acknowledge God as their. -- Ps 18:2; 62:2; 89:18.",
"Pray for. -- Ps 17:5,8; Isa 51:9.",
"Praise God for. -- Ps 5:11.",
"Withdrawn from the",
"Disobedient. -- Le 26:14-17.",
"Backsliding. -- Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 10:13.",
"Presumptuous. -- Nu 14:40-45.",
"Unbelieving. -- Isa 7:9.",
"Obstinately impenitent. -- Mt 23:38.",
"Not to be found in",
"Idols. -- De 32:37-39; Isa 46:7.",
"Man. -- Ps 146:3; Isa 30:7.",
"Riches. -- Pr 11:4,28; Zep 1:18.",
"Hosts. -- Jos 11:4-8; Ps 33:16.",
"Horses. -- Ps 33:17; Pr 21:31.",
"Illustrated -- De 32:11; Ps 125:1,2; Pr 18:10; Isa 25:4; 31:5; Lu 13:34.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 15:1.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 48:16.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 49:23-25.",
"Israel. -- Jos 24:17.",
"David. -- Ps 18:1,2.",
"Shadrach &c. -- Da 3:28.",
"Daniel. -- Da 6:22.",
"Peter. -- Ac 12:4-7.",
"Paul. -- Ac 18:10; 26:17."
] | Protection |
"Is his care over his works -- Ps 145:9.",
"Is exercised in",
"Preserving his creatures. -- Ne 9:6; Ps 36:6; Mt 10:29.",
"Providing for his creatures. -- Ps 104:27,28; 136:25; 147:9; Mt 6:26.",
"The special preservation of saints. -- Ps 37:28; 91:11; Mt 10:30.",
"Prospering saints. -- Ge 24:48,56.",
"Protecting saints. -- Ps 91:4; 140:7.",
"Delivering saints. -- Ps 91:3; Isa 31:5.",
"Leading saints. -- De 8:2,15; Isa 31:5.",
"Leading saints. -- De 8:2,15; Isa 63:12.",
"Bringing His words to pass. -- Nu 26:65; Jos 21:45; Lu 21:32,33.",
"Ordering the ways of men. -- Pr 16:9; 19:21; 20:24.",
"Ordaining the conditions and circumstances of men. -- 1Sa 2:7,8; Ps 75:6,7.",
"Determining the period of human life. -- Ps 31:15; 39:5; Ac 17:26.",
"Defeating wicked designs. -- Ex 15:9-19; 2Sa 17:14,15; Ps 33:10.",
"Overruling wicked designs for good. -- Ge 45:5-7; 50:20; Php 1:12.",
"Preserving the course of nature. -- Ge 8:22; Job 26:10; Ps 104:5-9.",
"Directing all events. -- Jos 7:14; 1Sa 6:7-10,12; Pr 16:33; Isa 44:7; Ac 1:26.",
"Ruling the elements. -- Job 37:9-13; Isa 50:2; Joh 1:4,15; Na 1:4.",
"Ordering the minutest matters. -- Mt 10:29,30; Lu 21:18.",
"Is righteous -- Ps 145:17; Da 4:37.",
"Is ever watchful -- Ps 121:4; Isa 27:3.",
"Is all pervading -- Ps 139:1-5.",
"Sometimes dark and mysterious -- Ps 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; Ro 11:33.",
"All things are ordered by",
"For his glory. -- Isa 63:14.",
"For good to saints. -- Ro 8:28.",
"The wicked made to promote the designs -- Isa 10:5-12; Ac 3:17,18.",
"To be acknowledged",
"In prosperity. -- De 8:18; 1Ch 29:12.",
"In adversity. -- Job 1:21; Ps 119:15.",
"In public calamities. -- Am 3:6.",
"In our daily support. -- Ge 48:15.",
"In all things. -- Pr 3:6.",
"Cannot be defeated -- 1Ki 22:30,34; Pr 21:30.",
"Man's efforts are vain without -- Ps 127:1,2; Pr 21:31.",
"Saints should",
"Trust in. -- Mt 6:33,34; 10:9,29-31.",
"Have full confidence in. -- Ps 16:8; 139:10.",
"Commit their works to. -- Pr 16:3.",
"Encourage themselves. -- 1Sa 30:6.",
"Pray in dependence upon. -- Ac 12:5.",
"Pray to be guided by. -- Ge 24:12-14; 28:20,21; Ac 1:24.",
"Result of depending upon -- Lu 22:35.",
"Connected with the use of means -- 1Ki 21:19; 22:37,38; Mic 5:2; Lu 2:1-4; Ac 27:22,31,32.",
"Danger of denying -- Isa 10:13-17; Eze 28:2-10; Da 4:29-31; Ho 2:8,9."
] | Providence of God, The |
"Exhibited in the manifestation of God's grace -- Eph 1:8.",
"Exemplified by Christ -- Isa 52:13; Mt 21:24-27; 22:15-21.",
"Intimately connected with wisdom -- Pr 8:12.",
"The wise celebrated for -- Pr 16:21.",
"They who have",
"Get knowledge. -- Pr 18:15.",
"Deal with knowledge. -- Pr 13:16.",
"Look well to their goings. -- Pr 14:15.",
"Understand the ways of God. -- Ho 14:9.",
"Understand their own ways. -- Pr 14:8.",
"Crowned with knowledge. -- Pr 14:18.",
"Not ostentatious of knowledge. -- Pr 12:23.",
"Foresee and avoid evil. -- Pr 22:3.",
"Are preserved by it. -- Pr 2:11.",
"Suppress angry feelings. -- Pr 12:16; 19:11.",
"Regard reproof. -- Pr 15:5.",
"Keep silence in the evil time. -- Am 5:13.",
"Saints act with -- Ps 112:5.",
"Saints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers -- Mt 10:16; Eph 5:15; Col 4:5.",
"Virtuous wives act with -- Pr 31:16,26.",
"The young should cultivate -- Pr 3:21.",
"Of the wicked",
"Fails in times of perplexity. -- Jer 49:7.",
"Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel. -- Mt 11:25.",
"Denounced by God. -- Isa 5:21; 29:15.",
"Defeated by God. -- Isa 29:14; 1Co 1:19.",
"Necessity for -- Illustrated. -- Mt 25:3,9; Lu 14:28-32.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 32:3-23.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 41:39.",
"Jethro. -- Ex 18:19-23.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 8:1-3.",
"David. -- 1Sa 16:18.",
"Abigail. -- 1Sa 25:23-31; 2Sa 15:32-34; 17:6-14.",
"Aged counsellors of Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:7.",
"Solomon. -- 2Ch 2:12.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 2:12-16; 4:13-18.",
"The Poor Wise Man. -- Ec 9:15.",
"The Scribe. -- Mr 12:32-34.",
"Gamaliel. -- Ac 5:34-39.",
"Sergius Paulus. -- Ac 13:7.",
"Paul. -- Ac 23:6."
] | Prudence |
"The collectors of the public taxes -- Lu 5:27.",
"Suspected of extortion -- Lu 3:13.",
"Often guilty of extortion -- Lu 19:8.",
"Chiefs of, were very rich -- Lu 19:2.",
"The Jews",
"Despised. -- Lu 18:11.",
"Classed with the most infamous characters. -- Mt 11:19; 21:32.",
"Despised our Lord for associating with. -- Mt 9:11; 11:19.",
"Often kind to their friends -- Mt 5:46,47.",
"Often hospitable -- Lu 5:29; 19:6.",
"Many of",
"Believed the preaching of John. -- Mt 21:32.",
"Received John's baptism. -- Lu 3:12; 7:29.",
"Attended the preaching of Christ. -- Mr 2:15; Lu 15:1.",
"Embraced the gospel. -- Mt 21:31.",
"Matthew the apostle was of -- Mt 10:3."
] | Publicans |