sequencelengths 1
| Word
stringlengths 1
"Natural -- Heb 11:38.",
"Artificial -- Jdj 6:2.",
"Found in the",
"Open fields. -- Ge 23:20.",
"Rocks. -- Isa 2:19.",
"Were used as",
"Dwelling-places. -- Ge 19:30.",
"Places of concealment. -- 1Sa 13:6; 14:11; 1Ki 18:4; Heb 11:38.",
"Resting places. -- 1Sa 24:3; 1Ki 19:9.",
"Burial places. -- Ge 23:19; Joh 11:38.",
"Haunts of robbers. -- Jer 7:11; Mt 21:13.",
"Hiding placed of wild beasts. -- Na 2:12.",
"Often capacious -- 1Sa 22:1,2; 24:3.",
"Afford no protection from the judgments of God -- Isa 2:19; Eze 33:27; Re 6:15.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Adullam. -- 1Sa 22:1.",
"Engedi. -- 1Sa 23:29; 24:1,3.",
"Machpelah. -- Ge 23:9.",
"Makkedah. -- Joh 10:16,17."
] | Caves |
"Planted by God -- Ps 104:16; Isa 41:19.",
"Made to glorify God -- Ps 148:9.",
"Lebanon celebrated for -- Jdj 9:15; Ps 92:12.",
"Banks of rivers favourable to the growth of -- Nu 24:6.",
"Imported largely by Solomon -- 1Ki 10:27.",
"Described as",
"High. -- Isa 37:24; Eze 17:22; Am 2:9.",
"Spreading. -- Ps 80:10,11.",
"Fragrant. -- Song 4:11.",
"Graceful and beautiful. -- Ps 80:10; Eze 17:23.",
"Strong and durable. -- Isa 9:10.",
"Considered the first of trees -- 1Ki 4:33.",
"Extensive commerce in -- 1Ki 5:10,11; Ezr 3:7.",
"Used in",
"Building temples. -- 1Ki 5:5,6; 6:9,10.",
"Building palaces. -- 2Sa 5:11; 1Ki 7:2,3.",
"Making masts of ships. -- Eze 27:5.",
"Making wardrobes. -- Eze 27:24.",
"Making chariots. -- Song 3:9.",
"Purifying the leper. -- Le 14:4-7,49-52.",
"Preparing the water of separation. -- Nu 19:6.",
"Making idols. -- Isa 44:14.",
"The eagle alluded to as",
"Making its nest in. -- Jer 22:23.",
"Perching on the high branches of. -- Eze 17:3.",
"Instrumental in propagating. -- Eze 17:4,5.",
"Destruction of, a punishment -- Jer 22:7.",
"Destruction of, exhibits God's power -- Ps 29:5.",
"Illustrative of",
"Majesty, strength, and glory of Christ. -- Song 5:15; Eze 17:22,23.",
"Beauty and glory of israel. -- Nu 24:6.",
"Saints in their rapid growth. -- Ps 92:12.",
"Powerful nations. -- Eze 31:3; Am 2:9.",
"Arrogant rulers. -- Isa 2:13; 10:33,34."
] | Cedar, The |
"For burning incense -- Le 10:1; 2Ch 26:19.",
"Made of",
"Brass. -- Nu 16:39.",
"Gold. -- 1Ki 7:50.",
"One of gold in the most holy place -- Heb 9:4.",
"Directions for removing -- Nu 4:14.",
"Often used in idolatrous worship -- Eze 8:11.",
"Of Korah, &c made into plates to cover the altar -- Nu 16:18,39.",
"Typical of Christ's intercession -- Re 8:3,5."
] | Censers |
"Attentive to Christ's voice -- Joh 10:3,4.",
"Blameless and harmless -- Php 2:15.",
"Bold -- Pr 28:1; Ro 13:3.",
"Contrite -- Isa 57:15; 66:2.",
"Devout -- Ac 8:2; 22:12.",
"Faithful -- Re 17:14.",
"Fearing God -- Mt 3:16; Ac 10:2.",
"Following Christ -- Joh 10:4,27.",
"Godly -- Ps 4:3; 2Pe 2:9.",
"Guileless -- Joh 1:47.",
"Holy -- De 7:6; 14:2; Col 3:12.",
"Humble -- Ps 34:2; 1Pe 5:5.",
"Hungering after righteousness -- Mt 5:6.",
"Just -- Ge 6:9; Hab 2:4; Lu 2:25.",
"Led by the Spirit -- Ro 8:14.",
"Liberal -- Isa 32:8; 2Co 9:13.",
"Loving -- Col 1:4; 1Th 4:9.",
"Lowly -- Pr 16:19.",
"Meek -- Isa 29:19; Mt 5:5.",
"Merciful -- Ps 37:26; Mt 5:7.",
"New Creatures -- 2Co 5:17; Eph 2:10.",
"Obedient -- Ro 16:19; 1Pe 1:14.",
"Poor in spirit -- Ps 51:17; Mt 5:3.",
"Prudent -- Pr 16:21.",
"Pure in heart -- Mt 5:8; 1Jo 3:3.",
"Righteous -- Isa 60:21; Lu 1:6.",
"Sincere -- 2Co 1:12; 2:17.",
"Steadfast -- Ac 2:42; Col 2:5.",
"Taught of God -- Isa 54:13; 1Jo 2:27.",
"True -- 2Co 6:8.",
"Undefiled -- Ps 119:1.",
"Upright -- 1Ki 3:6; Ps 15:2.",
"Watchful -- Lu 12:37.",
"Zealous of good works -- Tit 2:14; 3:8."
] | Character of Saints |
"Abominable -- Re 21:8.",
"Alienated from God -- Eph 4:18; Col 1:21.",
"Blasphemous -- Lu 22:65; Re 16:9.",
"Blinded -- 2Co 4:4; Eph 4:18.",
"Boastful -- Ps 10:3; 49:6.",
"Conspiring against God's people -- Ne 4:8; 6:2; Ps 38:12.",
"Covetous -- Mic 2:2; Ro 1:29.",
"Deceitful -- Ps 5:6; Ro 3:13.",
"Delighting in the iniquity of others -- Pr 2:14; Ro 1:32.",
"Despising the works of the faithful -- Ne 2:19; 4:2; 2Ti 3:3,4.",
"Destructive -- Isa 59:7.",
"Disobedient -- Ne 9:26; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 2:7.",
"Enticing to evil -- Pr 1:10-14; 2Ti 3:6.",
"Envious -- Ne 2:10; Tit 3:3.",
"Fearful -- Pr 28:1; Re 21:8.",
"Fierce -- Pr 16:29; 2Ti 3:3.",
"Foolish -- De 32:6; Ps 5:5.",
"Forgetting God -- Job 8:13.",
"Fraudulent -- Ps 37:21; Mic 6:11.",
"Froward -- Pr 21:8; Isa 57:17.",
"Glorying in their shame -- Php 3:19.",
"Hard-hearted -- Eze 3:7.",
"Hating the light -- Job 24:13; Joh 3:20.",
"Heady and high-minded -- 2Ti 3:4.",
"Hostile to God -- Ro 8:7; Col 1:21.",
"Hypocritical -- Isa 29:13; 2Ti 3:5.",
"Ignorant of God -- Ho 4:1; 2Th 1:8.",
"Impudent -- Eze 2:4.",
"Incontinent -- 2Ti 3:3.",
"Infidel -- Ps 10:4; 14:1.",
"Loathsome -- Pr 13:5.",
"Lovers of pleasure more than of God -- 2Ti 3:4.",
"Lying -- Ps 58:3; 62:4; Isa 59:4.",
"Mischievous -- Pr 24:8; Mic 7:3.",
"Murderous -- Ps 10:8; 94:6; Ro 1:29.",
"Prayerless -- Job 21:15; Ps 53:4.",
"Persecuting -- Ps 69:26; 109:16.",
"Perverse -- De 32:5.",
"Proud -- Ps 59:12; Ob 3:2; 2Ti 3:2.",
"Rejoicing in the affliction of saints -- Ps 35:15.",
"Reprobate -- 2Co 13:5; 2Ti 3:8; Tit 1:16.",
"Selfish -- 2Ti 3:2.",
"Sensual -- Php 3:19; Jude 1:19.",
"Sold under sin -- 1Ki 21:20; 2Ki 17:17.",
"Stiff-hearted -- Eze 2:4.",
"Stiff-necked -- Ex 33:5; Ac 7:51.",
"Uncircumcised in heart -- Jer 9:26; Ac 7:51.",
"Unjust -- Pr 11:7; Isa 26:10.",
"Unmerciful -- Ro 1:31.",
"Ungodly -- Pr 16:27.",
"Unholy -- 2Ti 3:2.",
"Unprofitable -- Mt 25:30; Ro 3:12.",
"Unruly -- Tit 1:10.",
"Unthankful -- Lu 6:35; 2Ti 3:2.",
"Untoward -- Ac 2:40.",
"Unwise -- De 32:6."
] | Character of the Wicked |
"Carriages for travelling, &c -- Ge 46:29.",
"Carriages used in war -- 1Ki 20:25.",
"Wheels of, described -- 1Ki 7:33.",
"Bound with traces -- Mic 1:13.",
"Drawn by",
"Horses. -- 2Ki 10:2; Song 1:9.",
"Asses and camels. -- Isa 21:7.",
"Value of in Solomon's time -- 1Ki 10:29.",
"Drivers generally employed for -- 1Ki 22:34; 2Ch 18:33.",
"Sometimes driven by the owners -- 2Ki 9:16,20.",
"Sometimes driven furiously -- 2Ki 9:20; Isa 5:28; Jer 4:13.",
"Bounding motion of, referred to -- Na 3:2.",
"Noise occasioned by, referred to -- 2Ki 7:6; Joe 2:5; Na 3:2; Re 9:9.",
"Introduced into Israel by David -- 2Sa 8:4.",
"Multiplied by Solomon -- 1Ki 10:26.",
"Imported from Egypt -- 1Ki 10:28,29.",
"For war",
"Armed with iron. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 1:19.",
"Lighted by night with torches. -- Na 2:3.",
"Commanded by captains. -- Ex 14:7; 1Ki 16:9.",
"Advantageously manoeuvred in a flat country. -- Jdj 1:19; 1Ki 20:23-25.",
"Formed part of the line of battle. -- 1Ki 20:25.",
"Used in pursuing enemies. -- Ex 14:9; 2Sa 1:6.",
"Kept in chariot cities. -- 1Ki 9:19; 10:26.",
"Used in war by the",
"Egyptians. -- Ex 14:7; 2Ki 18:24.",
"Canaanites. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3.",
"Philistines. -- 1Sa 13:5.",
"Syrians. -- 2Sa 10:18; 1Ki 20:1.",
"Assyrians. -- 2Ki 19:23.",
"Ethiopians. -- 2Ch 14:9; 16:8.",
"Babylonians. -- Eze 23:23; 26:7.",
"Jews. -- 2Ki 8:21; 10:2.",
"Kings rode in, to battle -- 1Ki 22:35.",
"Kings used, in common -- 1Ki 12:18; 18:44.",
"Persons of distinction used -- Ge 41:43; 2Ki 5:9,21; Jer 17:25; Ac 8:28.",
"Often attended by running footmen -- 1Sa 8:11; 2Sa 15:1; 1Ki 1:5.",
"Consecrated to the sun -- 2Ki 23:11.",
"The Jews condemned for",
"Multiplying. -- Isa 2:7.",
"Trusting to. -- Isa 22:18; 31:1.",
"Taken in war, often destroyed. -- Jos 11:6,9; Jer 51:21; Mic 5:10; Na 2:13.",
"Illustrative of",
"The clouds. -- Ps 104:3.",
"The judgments of God. -- Isa 66:15.",
"Angels. -- 2Ki 6:16,17; Ps 68:17.",
"Prophets. -- 2Ki 2:12; 13:14.",
"Christ's love to his church. -- Song 6:12.",
"Elijah taken to heaven in one of fire -- 2Ki 2:11."
] | Chariots |
"Commanded -- Ex 20:14; Pr 31:3; Ac 15:20; Ro 13:13; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:3.",
"Required in look -- Job 31:1; Mt 5:28.",
"Required in heart -- Pr 6:25.",
"Required in speech -- Eph 5:3.",
"Keep the body in -- 1Co 6:13,15-18.",
"Preserved by wisdom -- Pr 2:10,11,16; 7:1-5.",
"Saints are kept in -- Ec 7:26.",
"Advantages of -- 1Pe 3:1,2.",
"Shun those devoid of -- 1Co 5:11; 1Pe 4:3.",
"The wicked are devoid of -- Ro 1:29; Eph 4:19; 2Pe 2:14; Jude 1:8.",
"Temptation to deviate from, dangerous -- 2Sa 11:2-4.",
"Consequences of associating with those devoid of -- Pr 7:25-27; 22:14.",
"Want of, excludes from heaven -- Ga 5:19-21.",
"Drunkenness destructive to -- Pr 23:31-33.",
"Breach of, punished -- 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 5:5,6; Heb 13:4; Re 22:15.",
"Motives for -- 1Co 6:19; 1Th 4:7.",
"Abimelech. -- Ge 20:4,5; 26:10,11.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 39:7-10.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 3:10,11.",
"Boaz. -- Ru 3:13."
] | Chastity |
"Form and appearance of -- Eze 1:5-11,13,14.",
"Animated by the Spirit of God -- Eze 1:12,20.",
"Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of God -- Eze 1:15,21; 10:9-11,16,17.",
"The glory of God exhibited upon -- Eze 1:22,26-28; 10:4,18,20.",
"Sound of their wings was as the voice of God -- Eze 1:24; 10:5.",
"Placed at the entrance of Eden -- Ge 3:24.",
"Of gold",
"Formed out of, and at each end of the mercy seat. -- Ex 25:18-20.",
"Placed over the ark of the covenant. -- 1Sa 4:4; 1Ki 8:6,7; 2Ch 5:7,8.",
"God's presence manifested between. -- 2Sa 6:2; 2Ki 19:15; Ps 80:1; 99:1.",
"The oracles or answers of God delivered from between. -- Ex 25:22; Nu 7:89.",
"Called the cherubim of glory -- Heb 9:5.",
"Representations of, made on the",
"Curtains of the tabernacle. -- Ex 26:1,31.",
"Vail of the tabernacle. -- Ex 26:31.",
"Vail of the temple. -- 2Ch 3:14.",
"Doors of the temple. -- 1Ki 6:32,35.",
"Walls of the temple. -- 2Ch 3:7.",
"Bases of brazen lavers. -- 1Ki 7:29,36.",
"Riding on, illustrative of majesty and power of God -- 2Sa 22:11; Ps 18:10."
] | Cherubim |
"The Lord is with -- 1Sa 3:19.",
"Know the Scriptures -- 2Ti 3:15.",
"Observe the law of God -- Pr 28:7.",
"Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God -- Col 3:20.",
"Partake of the promises of God -- Ac 2:39.",
"Shall be blessed -- Pr 3:1-4; Eph 6:2,3.",
"Show love to parents -- Ge 46:29.",
"Obey parents -- Ge 28:7; 47:30.",
"Attend to parental teaching -- Pr 13:1.",
"Take care of parents -- Ge 45:9,11; 47:12.",
"Make their parents' hearts glad -- Pr 10:1; 29:17.",
"Honour the aged -- Job 32:6,7.",
"Adduced as a motive for submission to God -- Heb 12:9.",
"Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven -- Mt 18:3.",
"Illustrative of a teachable spirit -- Mt 18:4.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 22:6-10.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 45:9; 46:29.",
"Jephthah's daughter. -- Jdj 11:34,36.",
"Samson. -- Jdj 13:24.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 3:19.",
"Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:12.",
"Josiah. -- 2Ch 34:3.",
"Esther. -- Es 2:20.",
"Job. -- Job 29:4.",
"David. -- 1Sa 17:20; Ps 71:5.",
"Daniel. -- Da 1:6.",
"John the Baptist. -- Lu 1:80.",
"Children in the Temple. -- Mt 21:15,16.",
"Timothy. -- 2Ti 3:15."
] | Children, Good |
"Know not God -- 1Sa 2:12.",
"Are void of understanding -- Pr 7:7.",
"Are proud -- Isa 3:5.",
"With regard to parents",
"Hearken not to them. -- 1Sa 2:25.",
"Despise them. -- Pr 15:5,20; Eze 22:7.",
"Curse them. -- Pr 30:11.",
"Bring reproach on them. -- Pr 19:26.",
"Are a calamity to them. -- Pr 19:13.",
"Are a grief to them. -- Pr 17:25.",
"Despised their elders. -- Job 19:18.",
"Punishment of, for",
"Setting light by parents. -- De 27:16.",
"Disobeying parents. -- De 21:21.",
"Mocking parents. -- Pr 30:17.",
"Cursing parents. -- Ex 21:15; Mr 7:10.",
"Smiting parents. -- Ex 21:15.",
"Mocking of a prophet. -- 2Ki 2:23,24.",
"Gluttony and drunkenness. -- De 21:20,21.",
"Their guilt in robbing parents -- Pr 28:24.",
"Esau. -- Ge 26:34,35.",
"Sons of Eli. -- 1Sa 2:,12,17.",
"Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:10.",
"Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5,6.",
"Children at Bethel. -- 2Ki 2:23.",
"Adrammelech and Sharezer. -- 2Ki 19:37."
] | Children, Wicked |
"Altogether lovely -- Song 5:16.",
"Holy -- Lu 1:35; Ac 4:27; Re 3:7.",
"Righteous -- Isa 53:11; Heb 1:9.",
"Good -- Mt 19:16.",
"Faithful -- Isa 11:5; 1Th 5:24.",
"True -- Joh 1:14; 7:18; 1Jo 5:20.",
"Just -- Zec 9:9; Joh 5:30; Ac 22:14.",
"Guileless -- Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22.",
"Sinless -- Joh 8:46; 2Co 5:21.",
"Spotless -- 1Pe 1:19.",
"Innocent -- Mt 27:4.",
"Harmless -- Heb 7:26.",
"Resisting temptation -- Mt 4:1-10.",
"Obedient to God the Father -- Ps 40:8; Joh 4:34; 15:10.",
"Zealous -- Lu 2:49; Joh 2:17; 8:29.",
"Meek -- Isa 53:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 11:29.",
"Lowly in heart -- Mt 11:29.",
"Merciful -- Heb 2:17.",
"Patient -- Isa 53:7; Mt 27:14.",
"Long-suffering -- 1Ti 1:16.",
"Compassionate -- Isa 40:11; Lu 19:41.",
"Benevolent -- Mt 4:23,24; Ac 10:38.",
"Loving -- Joh 13:1; 15:13.",
"Self-denying -- Mt 8:20; 2Co 8:9.",
"Humble -- Lu 22:27; Php 2:8.",
"Resigned -- Lu 22:42.",
"Forgiving -- Lu 23:34.",
"Subject to His parents -- Lu 2:51.",
"Saints are conformed to -- Ro 8:29."
] | Christ, Character Of |
"As Jehovah -- Isa 40:3; Mt 3:3.",
"As Jehovah of glory -- Ps 24:7,10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1.",
"As Jehovah, our RIGHTEOUSNESS -- Jer 23:5,6; 1Co 1:30.",
"As Jehovah, above all -- Ps 97:9; Joh 3:31.",
"As Jehovah, the First and the Last -- Isa 44:6; Re 1:17; Isa 48:12-16; Re 22:13.",
"As Jehovah's Fellow and Equal -- Zec 13:7; Php 2:6.",
"As Jehovah of Hosts -- Isa 6:1-3; Joh 12:41; Isa 8:13,14; 1Pe 2:8.",
"As Jehovah, the Shepherd -- Isa 40:11; Heb 13:20.",
"As Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created -- Pr 16:4; Col 1:16.",
"As Jehovah, the Messenger of the covenant -- Mal 3:1; Mr 1:2; Lu 2:27.",
"Invoked as Jehovah -- Joe 2:32; Ac 2:21; 1Co 1:2.",
"As the Eternal God and Creator -- Ps 102:24-27; Heb 1:8,10-12.",
"As the mighty God -- Isa 9:6.",
"As the Great God and Saviour -- Ho 1:7; Tit 2:13.",
"As God over all -- Ps 45:6,7; Ro 9:5.",
"As the true God -- Jer 10:10; 1Jo 5:20.",
"As God the Word -- Joh 1:1.",
"As God, the judge -- Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5; 2Co 5:10; 2Ti 4:1.",
"As Emmanuel -- Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23.",
"As King of kings and Lord of lords -- Da 10:17; Re 1:5; 17:14.",
"As the Holy One -- 1Sa 2:2; Ac 3:14.",
"As the Lord from heaven -- 1Co 15:47.",
"As Lord of the Sabbath -- Ge 2:3; Mt 12:8.",
"As Lord of all -- Ac 10:36; Ro 10:11-13.",
"As Son of God -- Mt 26:63-67.",
"As the Only-begotten Son of the Father -- Joh 1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1Jo 4:9.",
"His blood is called the blood of God -- Ac 20:28.",
"As one with the Father -- Joh 10:30,38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10.",
"As sending the Spirit, equally with the Father -- Joh 14:16; 15:26.",
"As entitled to equal honour with the Father -- Joh 5:23.",
"As Owner of all things, equally with the Father -- Joh 16:15.",
"As unrestricted by the law of the sabbath, equally with the Father -- Joh 5:17.",
"As the Source of grace, equally with the Father -- 1Th 3:11; 2Th 2:16,17.",
"As unsearchable, equally with the Father -- Pr 30:4; Mt 11:27.",
"As Creator of all things -- Isa 40:28; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.",
"As Supporter and Preserver of all things -- Ne 9:6; Col 1:17; Heb 1:3.",
"As possessed of the fulness of the God head -- Col 2:9; Heb 1:3.",
"As raising the dead -- Joh 5:21; 6:40,54.",
"As raising himself from the dead -- Joh 2:19,21; 10:18.",
"As Eternal -- Isa 9:6; Mic 5:2; Joh 1:1; Col 1:17; Heb 1:8-10; Re 1:8.",
"As Omnipresent -- Mt 18:20; 28:20; Joh 3:13.",
"As Omnipotent -- Ps 45:3; Php 3:21; Re 1:8.",
"As Omniscient -- Joh 16:30; 21:17.",
"As discerning the thoughts of the heart -- 1Ki 8:39; Lu 5:22; Eze 11:5; Joh 2:24,25; Re 2:23.",
"As unchangeable -- Mal 3:6; Heb 1:12; 13:8.",
"As having power to forgive sins -- Col 3:13; Mr 2:7,10.",
"As Giver of pastors to the Church -- Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11-13.",
"As Husband of the Church -- Isa 54:5; Eph 5:25-32; Isa 62:5; Re 21:2,9.",
"As the object of divine worship -- Ac 7:59; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 1:6; Re 5:12.",
"As the object of faith -- Ps 2:12; 1Pe 2:6; Jer 17:5,7; Joh 14:1.",
"As God, he redeems and purifies the Church to himself -- Re 5:9; Tit 2:14.",
"As God, he presents the Church to himself -- Eph 5:27; Jude 1:24,25.",
"Saints live to him as God -- Ro 6:11; Ga 2:19; 2Co 5:15.",
"Acknowledged by his Apostles -- Joh 20:28.",
"Acknowledged by the Old Testament saints -- Ge 17:1; 48:15,16; 32:24-30; Ho 12:3-5; Jdj 6:22-24; 13:21,22; Job 19:25-27."
] | Christ is God |
"Predicted -- Ps 118:22; Mt 21:42.",
"Appointed by God -- Eph 1:22.",
"Declared by himself -- Mt 21:42.",
"As his mystical body -- Eph 4:12,15; 5:23.",
"Has the pre-eminence in all things -- 1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 1:18.",
"Commissioned his Apostles -- Mt 10:1,7; 28:19; Joh 20:21.",
"Instituted the ordinances -- Mt 28:19; Lu 22:19,20.",
"Imparts gifts -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8.",
"Saints are complete in -- Col 2:10.",
"Perverters of the truth do not hold -- Col 2:18,19."
] | Christ, the Head of the Church |
"Appointed and called by God -- Heb 3:1,2; 5:4,5.",
"After the order of Melchizedek -- Ps 110:4; Heb 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17.",
"Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests -- Heb 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6.",
"Consecrated with an oath -- Heb 7:20,21.",
"Has an unchangeable priesthood -- Heb 7:23,28.",
"Is of unblemished purity -- Heb 7:26,28.",
"Faithful -- Heb 3:2.",
"Needed no sacrifice for himself -- Heb 7:27.",
"Offered himself a sacrifice -- Heb 9:14,26.",
"His sacrifice superior to all others -- Heb 9:13,14,23.",
"Offered sacrifice but once -- Heb 7:27; 9:25,26.",
"Made reconciliation -- Heb 2:17.",
"Obtained redemption for us -- Heb 9:12.",
"Entered into heaven -- Heb 4:14; 10:12.",
"Sympathises with those who are tempted -- Heb 2:18; 4:15.",
"Intercedes -- Heb 7:25; 9:24.",
"Blesses -- Nu 6:23-26; Ac 3:26.",
"On his throne -- Zec 6:13.",
"Appointment of, and encouragement to steadfastness -- Heb 4:14.",
"Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:18-20.",
"Aaron, &c. -- Ex 40:12-15."
] | Christ, the High Priest |
"Foretold -- Nu 24:17; Ps 2:6; 45:1-17; Isa 9:7; Jer 23:5; Mic 5:2.",
"Glorious -- Ps 24:7-10; 1Co 2:8; Jas 2:1.",
"Supreme -- Ps 89:27; Re 1:5; 19:16.",
"Sits in the throne of God -- Re 3:21.",
"Sits on the throne of David -- Isa 9:7; Eze 37:24,25; Lu 1:32; Ac 2:30.",
"Is King of Zion -- Ps 2:6; Isa 52:7; Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5; Joh 12:12-15.",
"Has a righteous kingdom -- Ps 45:6; Heb 1:8,9; Isa 32:1; Jer 23:5.",
"Has an everlasting kingdom -- Da 2:44; 7:14; Lu 1:33.",
"Has an universal kingdom -- Ps 2:8; 72:8; Zec 14:9; Re 11:15.",
"His kingdom not of this world -- Joh 18:36.",
"Saints, the subjects of -- Col 1:13; Re 15:3.",
"Saints receive a kingdom from -- Lu 22:29,30; Heb 12:28.",
"Acknowledged by",
"The wise men from the East. -- Mt 2:2.",
"Nathanael. -- Joh 1:49.",
"His followers. -- Lu 19:38; Joh 12:13.",
"Declared by himself -- Mt 25:34; Joh 18:37.",
"Written on His cross -- Joh 19:19.",
"The Jews shall seek to -- Ho 3:5.",
"Saints shall behold -- Isa 33:17; Re 22:3,4.",
"Kings shall do homage to -- Ps 72:10; Isa 49:7.",
"Shall overcome all his enemies -- Ps 110:1; Mr 12:36; 1Co 15:25; Re 17:14.",
"Melchizedek. -- Ge 14:18.",
"David. -- 1Sa 16:1,12,13; Lu 1:32.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ch 28:6,7."
] | Christ, the King |
"In virtue of his atonement -- Eph 2:13-18; Heb 9:15; 12:24.",
"The only one between God and man -- 1Ti 2:5.",
"Of the gospel covenant -- Heb 8:6; 12:24.",
"Moses. -- De 5:5; Ga 3:19.",
"Aaron. -- Nu 16:48."
] | Christ, the Mediator |
"Foretold -- De 18:15,18; Isa 52:7; Na 1:15.",
"Anointed with the Holy Spirit -- Isa 42:1; 61:1; Lu 4:18; Joh 3:34.",
"Alone knows and reveals God -- Mt 11:27; Joh 3:2,13,34; 17:6,14,26; Heb 1:1,2.",
"Declared his doctrine to be that of the Father -- Joh 8:26,28; 12:49,50; 14:10,24; 15:15; 17:8,16.",
"Preached the gospel, and worked miracles -- Mt 4:23; 11:5; Lu 4:43.",
"Foretold things to come -- Mt 24:3-35; Lu 19:41,44.",
"Faithful to his trust -- Lu 4:43; Joh 17:8; Heb 3:2; Re 1:5; 3:14.",
"Abounded in wisdom -- Lu 2:40,47,52; Col 2:3.",
"Mighty in deed and word -- Mt 13:54; Mr 1:27; Lu 4:32; Joh 7:46.",
"Meek and unostentatious in his teaching -- Isa 42:2; Mt 12:17-20.",
"God commands us to hear -- De 18:15; Mt 17:25; Ac 3:22; 7:37.",
"God will severely visit our neglect of -- De 18:19; Ac 3:23; Heb 2:3.",
"Moses. -- De 18:15."
] | Christ, the Prophet |
"Foretold -- Ge 49:24; Isa 40:11; Eze 34:23; 37:24.",
"The chief -- 1Pe 5:4.",
"The good -- Joh 10:11,14.",
"The great -- Mic 5:4; Heb 13:20.",
"His sheep",
"He knows. -- Joh 10:14,27.",
"He calls. -- Joh 10:3.",
"He gathers. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 10:16.",
"He guides. -- Ps 23:3; Joh 10:3,4.",
"He feeds. -- Ps 23:1,2; Joh 10:9.",
"He cherishes tenderly. -- Isa 40:11.",
"He protects and preserves. -- Jer 31:10; Eze 34:10; Zec 9:16; Joh 10:28.",
"He laid down his life for. -- Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31; Joh 10:11,15; Ac 20:28.",
"He gives eternal life to. -- Joh 10:28.",
"David. -- 1Sa 16:11."
] | Christ, the Shepherd |
"Belongs to God -- 1Ti 3:15.",
"The body of Christ -- Eph 1:23; Col 1:24.",
"Christ, the foundation-stone of -- 1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5.",
"Christ, the head of -- Eph 1:22; 5:23.",
"Loved by Christ -- Song 7:10; Eph 5:25.",
"Purchased by the blood of Christ -- Ac 20:28; Eph 5:25; Heb 9:12.",
"Sanctified and cleansed by Christ -- 1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26,27.",
"Subject to Christ -- Ro 7:4; Eph 5:24.",
"The object of the grace of God -- Isa 27:3; 2Co 8:1.",
"Displays the wisdom of God -- Eph 3:10.",
"Shows forth the praises of God -- Isa 60:6.",
"God defends -- Ps 89:18; Isa 4:5; 49:25; Mt 16:18.",
"God provides ministers for -- Jer 3:15; Eph 4:11,12.",
"Glory to be ascribed to God by -- Eph 3:21.",
"Elect -- 1Pe 5:13.",
"Glorious -- Ps 45:13; Eph 5:27.",
"Clothed in righteousness -- Re 19:8.",
"Believers continually added to, by the Lord -- Ac 2:27; 5:14; 11:24.",
"Unity of -- Ro 12:5; 1Co 10:17; 12:12; Ga 3:28.",
"Saints baptised into, by one Spirit -- 1Co 12:13.",
"Ministers commanded to feed -- Ac 20:28.",
"Is edified by the word -- 1Co 14:4,13; Eph 4:15,16.",
"The wicked persecute -- Ac 8:1-3; 1Th 2:14,15.",
"Not to be despised -- 1Co 11:22.",
"Defiling of, will be punished -- 1Co 3:17.",
"Extent of, predicted -- Isa 2:2; Eze 17:22-24; Da 2:34,35; Hab 2:14."
] | Church, The |
"Established by God -- De 4:5-14; 26:18; Ac 7:35,38.",
"Admission into, by circumcision -- Ge 17:10-14.",
"All Israelites members of -- Ro 9:4.",
"Was relatively holy -- Ex 31:13; Nu 16:3.",
"An appointed place of worship. -- De 12:5.",
"Appointed ordinances. -- Ex 18:20; Heb 9:1,10.",
"Appointed feasts. -- Le 23:2; Isa 1:14.",
"An ordained ministry. -- Ex 29:9; De 10:8.",
"The divine presence manifested in it. -- Ex 29:45,46; Le 26:11,12; 1Ki 8:10,11.",
"A spiritual church within it. -- Ro 9:6-8; 11:2-7.",
"In covenant with God -- De 4:13,23; Ac 3:25.",
"The depository of holy writ -- Ro 3:2.",
"Called the",
"Congregation of Israel. -- Ex 12:47; Le 4:13.",
"Congregation of the Lord. -- Nu 27:17; 31:16.",
"Privileges of -- Ro 9:4.",
"Proselytes admitted into -- Nu 9:14; 15:15,29.",
"Supported by the people -- Ex 34:20; De 16:17.",
"Worship of, consisted in",
"Sacrifice. -- Ex 10:25; Le 1:2; Heb 10:1.",
"Prayer. -- Ex 24:11; Ps 5:7; 95:6.",
"Praise. -- 2Ch 5:13; 30:21.",
"Reading God's word. -- Ex 24:7; De 31:11.",
"Preaching. -- Ne 8:4,5.",
"Attachment of the Jews to -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 6:11.",
"Members of",
"Required to know its statutes. -- Le 10:11.",
"Required to keeps its statutes. -- De 16:12.",
"Required to attend its worship. -- Ex 23:17.",
"Separated from, while unclean. -- Le 13:46; 15:31; Nu 5:2-4.",
"Excommunicated for heavy offences. -- Nu 15:30,31; 19:20.",
"Persons excluded from -- Ex 12:48; De 23:1-4; Eze 44:7,9.",
"A type of the church of Christ -- Ga 4:24-26; Heb 12:23."
] | Church of Israel |
"Design of -- Ex 21:13; Nu 35:11; Jos 20:3.",
"Names &c of -- De 4:41-43; Jos 20:7,8.",
"Required to be",
"Easy of access. -- De 19:3; Isa 62:10.",
"Open to all manslayers. -- Jos 20:4.",
"Strangers might take advantage of -- Nu 35:15.",
"Those admitted to",
"Were put on their trial. -- Nu 35:12,24.",
"Not protected outside of. -- Nu 35:26,27.",
"Obliged to remain in, until the high priest's death. -- Nu 35:25,28.",
"Afforded no asylum to murderers -- Ex 21:14; Nu 35:16-21.",
"Of Christ. -- Ps 91:2; Isa 25:4.",
"Of the hope of the gospel. -- Heb 6:18.",
"(The way to,) of Christ. -- Isa 35:8; Joh 14:6."
] | Cities of Refuge |
"Formed from the sea -- 1Ki 18:44; Am 9:6.",
"Are garment of the sea -- Job 38:9.",
"Established. -- Pr 8:28.",
"Balanced in the air. -- Job 37:16.",
"Disposed in order. -- Job 37:15.",
"Brings over the earth. -- Ge 9:14.",
"Binds up. -- Job 26:8.",
"Spreads out. -- Job 26:9.",
"Scatters. -- Job 37:11.",
"Power and wisdom of God exhibited in forming -- Ps 135:6,7; 147:5,8; Jer 10:13; 51:16.",
"Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing -- Job 36:27,28; 37:10,11; Pr 3:20.",
"Made for the glory of God -- Ps 148:4.",
"Called the",
"Clouds of heaven. -- Da 7:13; Mt 24:30.",
"Windows of heaven. -- Ge 7:11; Isa 24:18.",
"Bottles of heaven. -- Job 38:37.",
"Chambers of God. -- Ps 104:3,13.",
"Waters above the firmament. -- Ge 1:7.",
"Dust of God's feet. -- Na 1:3.",
"Different kinds of, mentioned",
"White. -- Re 14:14.",
"Bright. -- Job 37:11; Zec 10:1.",
"Thick. -- Job 22:14; 37:11.",
"Black. -- 1Ki 18:45.",
"Swift. -- Isa 19:1.",
"Great. -- Eze 1:4.",
"Small. -- 1Ki 18:44.",
"Often cover the heavens -- Ps 147:8.",
"Often obscure the sun, &c -- Job 36:32; Eze 32:7.",
"Often dispersed by the wind -- Ho 13:3.",
"Uses of",
"To give rain. -- Jdj 5:4; Ps 104:13,14.",
"To supply dew. -- Pr 3:20; Isa 18:4.",
"To moderate heat. -- Isa 25:5.",
"From the west, bring rain -- Lu 12:54.",
"Though small, often bring much rain -- 1Ki 18:44,45.",
"Thunder and lightning come from -- Ps 77:17,18.",
"The rainbow appears in -- Ge 9:13,14.",
"Frequently the instrument of God's judgments -- Ge 7:11,12; Job 37:13; Ps 77:17.",
"Ignorant of the spreading of. -- Job 36:29.",
"Ignorant of the disposing of. -- Job 37:15.",
"Ignorant of the balancing of. -- Job 37:16.",
"Cannot number. -- Job 38:37.",
"Cannot cause to rain. -- Job 38:34.",
"Cannot stay. -- Job 38:37.",
"Of multitudes of persons. -- Isa 60:8; Heb 12:1.",
"Of hostile armies. -- Jer 4:13; Eze 38:9,16.",
"Of sins of men. -- Isa 44:22.",
"Of judgments of God. -- La 2:1; Eze 30:3; 34:12; Joe 2:2.",
"Of unsearchableness of God. -- 2Sa 22:12; Ps 97:2; Eze 1:4.",
"(Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God. -- Ps 104:3; Isa 19:1.",
"(Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites. -- Ho 6:4; 13:3.",
"(Without water,) of false teachers. -- Jude 1:12.",
"(Carried away by a tempest,) of false teachers. -- 2Pe 2:17.",
"(Without rain,) of the fraudulent. -- Pr 25:14.",
"(A morning without,) of wise rulers. -- 2Sa 23:3,4.",
"(When seasonable,) of the favour of good rulers. -- Pr 16:15."
] | Clouds |
"First manifestation of -- Ex 13:20,21.",
"The cloud. -- Ex 34:5.",
"Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. -- Ex 13:22.",
"Cloudy pillar. -- Ex 33:9,10.",
"Cloud of the Lord. -- Nu 10:34.",
"The presence of God. -- Ex 33:14,15.",
"God's glory manifested in -- Ex 16:10; 40:35.",
"God came down in -- Ex 34:5; Nu 11:25.",
"God spoke from -- Ex 24:16; Ps 99:7.",
"Was designed to",
"Regulate the movements of Israel. -- Ex 40:36,37; Nu 9:17-23.",
"Guide Israel. -- Ex 13:21; Ne 9:19.",
"Show light to Israel. -- Ps 105:39.",
"Defend Israel. -- Ex 14:19; Ps 105:39.",
"Cover the tabernacle. -- Ex 40:34; Nu 9:15.",
"Was dark to the enemies of Israel -- Ex 14:20.",
"Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat -- Le 16:2.",
"Continued during the journeyings of Israel -- Ex 13:22; 40:38.",
"Manifested in the temple of Solomon -- 1Ki 8:10,11; 2Ch 5:13; Eze 10:4.",
"Special appearances of;",
"At the murmuring for bread. -- Ex 16:10.",
"At giving of the law. -- Ex 19:9,16; 24:16-18.",
"At sedition of Aaron and Miriam. -- Nu 12:5.",
"At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies. -- Nu 14:10.",
"At the rebellion of Korah &c. -- Nu 16:19.",
"At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah's death. -- Nu 16:42.",
"At Christ's transfiguration. -- Mt 17:5.",
"At Christ's ascension. -- Ac 1:9.",
"Our Lord shall make his second appearance in -- Lu 21:27; Ac 1:11.",
"Illustrative of",
"The glory of Christ. -- Re 10:1.",
"The protection of the church. -- Isa 4:5."
] | Cloud of Glory |
"According to the prayer of Christ -- Joh 17:20,21.",
"Is with",
"God. -- 1Jo 1:3.",
"Saints in heaven. -- Heb 12:22-24.",
"Each other. -- Ga 2:9; 1Jo 1:3,7.",
"God marks, with his approval -- Mal 3:16.",
"Christ is present in -- Mt 18:20.",
"In public and social worship -- Ps 34:3; 55:14; Ac 1:14; Heb 10:25.",
"In the Lord's supper -- 1Co 10:17.",
"In holy conversation -- Mal 3:16.",
"In prayer for each other -- 2Co 1:11; Eph 6:18.",
"In exhortation -- Col 3:16; Heb 10:25.",
"In mutual comfort and edification -- 1Th 4:18; 5:11.",
"In mutual sympathy and kindness -- Ro 12:15; Eph 4:32.",
"Delight of -- Ps 16:3; 42:4; 133:1-3; Ro 15:32.",
"Exhortation to -- Eph 4:1-3.",
"Opposed to communion with the wicked -- 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11.",
"Jonathan. -- 1Sa 23:16.",
"David. -- Ps 119:63.",
"Daniel. -- Da 2:17,18.",
"Apostles. -- Ac 1:14.",
"The Church. -- Ac 2:42; 5:12.",
"Paul. -- Ac 20:36-38."
] | Communion of Saints |
"Prefigured -- Ex 12:21-28; 1Co 5:7,8.",
"Instituted -- Mt 26:26; 1Co 11:23.",
"Object of -- Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24,26.",
"Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ -- 1Co 10:16.",
"Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in -- Mt 26:27; 1Co 11:26.",
"Self-examination commanded before partaking of -- 1Co 11:28,31.",
"Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking of -- 1Co 5:7,8.",
"Partakers of, be wholly separate to God -- 1Co 10:21.",
"Was continually partaken of, by the Church -- Ac 2:42; 20:7.",
"Unworthy partakers of",
"Are guilty of the body and blood of Christ. -- 1Co 11:27.",
"Discern not the Lord's body. -- 1Co 11:29.",
"Are visited with judgments. -- 1Co 11:30."
] | Communion of the Lord's Supper |
"Is communion with the Father -- 1Jo 1:3.",
"Is communion with the Son -- 1Co 1:9; 1Jo 1:3; Re 3:20.",
"Is communion with the Holy Spirit -- 1Co 12:13; 2Co 13:14; Php 2:1.",
"Reconciliation must precede -- Am 3:3.",
"Holiness essential to -- 2Co 6:14-16.",
"Promised to the obedient -- Joh 14:23.",
"Desire. -- Ps 42:1; Php 1:23.",
"Have, in meditation. -- Ps 63:5,6.",
"Have, in prayer. -- Php 4:6; Heb 4:16.",
"Have, in the Lord's supper. -- 1Co 10:16.",
"Should always enjoy. -- Ps 16:8; Joh 14:16-18.",
"Enoch. -- Ge 5:24.",
"Noah. -- Ge 6:9.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 18:33.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-29.",
"Moses. -- Ex 33:11-23.",
"Christ set an example of -- Lu 19:41,42.",
"Exhortation to -- Ro 12:15; 1Pe 3:8.",
"Exercise towards",
"The afflicted. -- Job 6:14; Heb 13:3.",
"The chastened. -- Isa 22:4; Jer 9:1.",
"Enemies. -- Ps 35:13.",
"The poor. -- Pr 19:17.",
"The weak. -- 2Co 11:29; Ga 6:2.",
"Saints. -- 1Co 12:25,26.",
"Inseparable from love to God -- 1Jo 3:17; Joh 4:20.",
"Motives to",
"The compassion of God. -- Mt 13:27,33.",
"The sense of our infirmities. -- Heb 5:2.",
"The wicked made to feel, for saints -- Ps 106:46.",
"Promise to those who show -- Pr 19:17; Mt 10:42.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 10:33; 15:20.",
"Pharaoh's daughter. -- Ex 2:6.",
"Shobi, &c. -- 2Sa 17:27-29.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:18,19.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.",
"Job's friends. -- Job 2:11.",
"Job. -- Job 30:25.",
"David. -- Ps 35:13,14.",
"Jews. -- Joh 11:19.",
"Paul. -- 1Co 9:22."
] | Communion With God |
"Necessary to his priestly office -- Heb 5:2,7.",
"Manifested for the",
"Weary and heavy-laden. -- Mt 11:28-30.",
"Weak in faith. -- Isa 40:11; 42:3; Mt 12:20.",
"Tempted. -- Heb 2:18.",
"Afflicted. -- Lu 7:13; Joh 11:33,35.",
"Diseased. -- Mt 14:14; Mr 1:41.",
"Poor. -- Mr 8:2.",
"Perishing sinners. -- Mt 9:36; Lu 19:41; Joh 3:16.",
"An encouragement to prayer -- Heb 4:15."
] | Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, The |
"The sentence of God against sin -- Mt 25:41.",
"Universal, caused by the offence of Adam -- Ro 5:12,16,18.",
"Inseparable consequence of sin -- Pr 12:2; Ro 6:23.",
"Increased by",
"Impenitence. -- Mt 11:20-24.",
"Unbelief. -- Joh 3:18,19.",
"Pride. -- 1Ti 3:6.",
"Oppression. -- Jas 5:1-5.",
"Hypocrisy. -- Mt 23:14.",
"Conscience testifies to the justice of -- Job 9:20; Ro 2:1; Tit 3:11.",
"The law testifies to the justice of -- Ro 3:19.",
"According to men's deserts -- Mt 12:37; 2Co 11:15.",
"Saints are delivered from, by Christ -- Joh 3:18; 5:24; Ro 8:1,33,34.",
"Of the wicked, an example -- 2Pe 2:7; Jude 1:7.",
"Chastisements are designed to rescue us from -- Ps 94:12,13; 1Co 11:32.",
"Apostates ordained to -- Jude 1:4.",
"Unbelievers remain under -- Joh 3:18,36.",
"The law is the ministration of -- 2Co 3:9."
] | Condemnation |
"Believing God -- Mr 11:22; Joh 14:11,12.",
"Fearing God -- Ec 12:13; 1Pe 2:17.",
"Loving God -- De 6:5; Mt 22:37.",
"Following God -- Eph 5:1; 1Pe 1:15,16.",
"Obeying God -- Lu 1:6; 1Jo 5:3.",
"Rejoicing in God -- Ps 33:1; Hab 3:18.",
"Believing in Christ -- Joh 6:29; 1Jo 3:23.",
"Loving Christ -- Joh 21:15; 1Pe 1:7,8.",
"Following the example of Christ -- Joh 13:15; 1Pe 2:21-24.",
"Obeying Christ -- Joh 14:21; 15:14.",
"To Christ. -- Ro 14:8; 2Co 5:15.",
"To righteousness. -- Mic 6:8; Ro 6:18; 1Pe 2:24.",
"Soberly, righteously, and godly. -- Tit 2:12.",
"Honestly. -- 1Th 4:12.",
"Worthy of God. -- 1Th 2:12.",
"Worthy of the Lord. -- Col 1:10.",
"In the Spirit. -- Ga 5:25.",
"After the Spirit. -- Ro 8:1.",
"In newness of life. -- Ro 6:4.",
"Worthy of vocation. -- Eph 4:1.",
"As children of light. -- Eph 5:8.",
"Rejoicing in Christ -- Php 3:1; 4:4.",
"Loving one another -- Joh 15:12; Ro 12:10; 1Co 13:1-13; Eph 5:2; Heb 13:1.",
"Striving for the faith -- Php 1:27; Jude 1:3.",
"Putting away all sin -- 1Co 5:7; Heb 12:1.",
"Abstaining from all appearance of evil -- 1Th 5:22.",
"Perfecting holiness -- Mt 5:48; 2Co 7:1; 2Ti 3:17.",
"Hating defilement -- Jude 1:23.",
"Following after that which is good -- Php 4:8; 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 6:11.",
"Overcoming the world -- 1Jo 5:4,5.",
"Adorning the gospel -- Mt 5:16; Tit 2:10.",
"Showing a good example -- 1Ti 4:12; 1Pe 2:12; Tit 2:7.",
"Abounding in the work of the Lord -- 1Co 15:58; 2Co 8:7; 1Th 4:1.",
"Shunning the wicked -- Ps 1:1; 2Th 3:6.",
"Controlling the body -- 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5.",
"Subduing the temper -- Eph 4:26; Jas 1:19.",
"Submitting to injuries -- Mt 5:39-41; 1Co 6:7.",
"Forgiving injuries -- Mt 6:14; Ro 12:20.",
"Living peaceably with all -- Ro 12:18; Heb 12:14.",
"Visiting the afflicted -- Mt 25:36; Jas 1:27.",
"Doing as we would be done by -- Mt 7:12; Lu 6:31.",
"Sympathising with others -- Ga 6:2; 1Th 5:14.",
"Honouring others -- Ps 15:4; Ro 12:10.",
"Fulfilling domestic duties -- Eph 6:1-8; 1Pe 3:1-7.",
"Submitting to Authorities -- Ro 13:1-7.",
"Being liberal to others -- Ac 20:35; Ro 12:13.",
"Being contented -- Php 4:11; Heb 13:5.",
"Blessedness of maintaining -- Ps 1:1-3; 19:9-11; 50:23; Mt 5:3-12; Joh 15:10; 7:17."
] | Conduct, Christian |
"Influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to -- 1Co 12:3; 1Jo 4:2.",
"A test of being saints -- 1Jo 2:23; 4:2,3.",
"An evidence of union with God -- 1Jo 4:15.",
"Necessary to salvation -- Ro 10:9,10.",
"Ensures his confessing us -- Mt 10:32.",
"The fear of man prevents -- Joh 7:13; 12:42,43.",
"Persecution should not prevent us from -- Mr 8:35; 2Ti 2:12.",
"Must be connected with faith -- Ro 10:9.",
"Consequences of not -- Mt 10:33.",
"Nathanael. -- Joh 1:49.",
"Peter. -- Joh 6:68,69; Ac 2:22-36.",
"Man born blind. -- Joh 9:25,33.",
"Martha. -- Joh 11:27.",
"Peter and John. -- Ac 4:7-12.",
"Apostles. -- Ac 5:29-32,42.",
"Stephen. -- Ac 7:52,59.",
"Paul. -- Ac 9:29.",
"Timothy. -- 1Ti 6:12.",
"John. -- Re 1:9.",
"Church in Pergamos. -- Re 2:13.",
"Martyrs. -- Re 20:4."
] | Confessing Christ |
"God requires -- Le 5:5; Ho 5:15.",
"God regards -- Job 33:27,28; Da 9:20-23.",
"Exhortation to -- Jos 7:19; Jer 3:13; Jas 5:16.",
"Promises to -- Le 26:40-42; Pr 28:13.",
"Should be accompanied with",
"Submission to punishment. -- Le 26:41; Ne 9:33; Ezr 9:13.",
"Prayer for forgiveness. -- 2Sa 24:10; Ps 25:11; 51:1; Jer 14:7-9,20.",
"Self-abasement. -- Isa 64:5,6; Jer 3:25.",
"Godly sorrow. -- Ps 38:18; La 1:20.",
"Forsaking sin. -- Pr 28:13.",
"Restitution. -- Nu 5:6,7.",
"Should be full and unreserved -- Ps 32:5; 51:3; 106:6.",
"Followed by pardon -- Ps 32:5; 1Jo 1:9.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 15:21; 18:13.",
"Aaron. -- Nu 12:11.",
"Israelites. -- Nu 21:6,7; 1Sa 7:6; 12:19.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 15:24.",
"David. -- 2Sa 24:10.",
"Ezra. -- Eze 9:6.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:6,7.",
"Levites. -- Ne 9:4,33,34.",
"Job. -- Job 7:20.",
"Daniel. -- Da 9:4.",
"Peter. -- Lu 5:8.",
"Thief. -- Lu 23:41."
] | Confession of Sin |
"Sin of -- Job 31:13,14; Pr 14:21.",
"Folly of -- Pr 11:12.",
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Pr 18:3; Isa 5:24; 2Ti 3:3.",
"Forbidden towards",
"Parents. -- Pr 23:22.",
"Christ's little ones. -- Mt 18:10.",
"Weak brethren. -- Ro 14:3.",
"Young ministers. -- 1Co 16:11.",
"Believing masters. -- 1Ti 6:2.",
"The poor. -- Jas 2:1-3.",
"Self-righteous prompts to -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:9,11.",
"Pride and prosperity prompt to -- Ps 123:4.",
"Ministers should give no occasion for -- 1Ti 4:12.",
"Of ministers, is a despising of God -- Lu 10:16; 1Th 4:8.",
"Towards the church",
"Often turned into respect. -- Isa 60:14.",
"Often punished. -- Eze 28:26.",
"Causes saints to cry to God -- Ne 4:4; Ps 123:3.",
"The wicked exhibit towards",
"Christ. -- Ps 22:6; Isa 53:3; Mt 27:29.",
"Saints. -- Ps 119:141.",
"Authorities. -- 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8.",
"Parents. -- Pr 15:5,20.",
"The afflicted. -- Job 19:18.",
"The poor. -- Ps 14:6; Ec 9:16.",
"Saints sometimes guilty of -- Jas 2:6.",
"Hagar. -- Ge 16:4.",
"Children of Belial. -- 1Sa 10:27.",
"Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:10,11.",
"Michal. -- 2Sa 6:16.",
"Sanballat, &c. -- Ne 2:19; 4:2,3.",
"False teachers. -- 2Co 10:10."
] | Contempt |
"Are great -- Jer 32:19.",
"Are wonderful -- Isa 28:29.",
"Are immutable -- Ps 33:11; Pr 19:21; Jer 4:28; Ro 9:11; Heb 6:17.",
"Are sovereign -- Isa 40:13,14; Da 4:35.",
"Are eternal -- Eph 3:11.",
"Are faithfulness and truth -- Isa 25:1.",
"None can disannul -- Isa 14:27.",
"Shall be performed -- Isa 14:24; 46:11.",
"The sufferings and death of Christ were according to -- Ac 2:23; 4:28.",
"Saints called and save according to -- Ro 8:28; 2Ti 1:9.",
"The union of all saints in Christ, is according to -- Eph 1:9,10.",
"The works of God according to -- Eph 1:11.",
"Should be declared by ministers -- Ac 20:27.",
"Attend to -- Jer 49:20; 50:45.",
"Secret not to be searched into -- De 29:29; Mt 24:36; Ac 1:7.",
"The wicked",
"Understand not. -- Mic 4:12.",
"Despise. -- Isa 5:19.",
"Reject. -- Lu 7:30."
] | Counsels and Purposes of God, The |
"Have authority from God -- Ro 13:1-5.",
"Superior court",
"Held first by Moses alone in the wilderness. -- Ex 18:13-20.",
"Consisted subsequently of priests and Levites. -- De 17:9; Mal 2:7.",
"Presided over by the governor or the high priest. -- De 17:12; Jdj 4:4,5.",
"Held at the seat of government. -- De 17:8.",
"Decided on all appeals and difficult cases. -- Ex 18:26; De 1:17; 17:8,9.",
"Decisions of, conclusive. -- De 17:10,11.",
"Inferior court",
"In all cities. -- De 16:18; 2Ch 19:5-7.",
"Held at the gates. -- Ge 34:20; De 16:18; 21:19; Job 5:4.",
"Judges of, appointed by the governor. -- Ex 18:21,25; De 1:9-15; 2Sa 15:3.",
"All minor cases decided by. -- Ex 18:26; 2Sa 15:4.",
"All transfers of property made before. -- Ge 23:17-20; Ru 4:1,2.",
"Re-established by Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 19:5-10.",
"Re-established by Ezra -- Ezr 7:25.",
"Sanhedrim or court of the seventy",
"Probably derived from the seventy elders appointed by Moses. -- Ex 24:9; Nu 11:16,17,24-30.",
"Mentioned in the latter part of sacred history. -- Lu 22:66; Joh 11:47; Ac 5:27.",
"Consisted of chief priest, &c. -- Mt 26:57,59.",
"Presided over by high priest. -- Mt 26:62-66.",
"Sat in high priest's palace. -- Mt 26:57,58.",
"Of the romans in Judea",
"Presided over by the governor or deputy. -- Mt 27:2,11; Ac 18:12.",
"Place of, called the hall of judgment. -- Joh 18:28,33; 19:9.",
"Never interfered in any dispute about minor matters or about religion. -- Ac 18:14,15.",
"Could alone award death. -- Joh 18:31.",
"Never examined their own citizens by torture. -- Ac 22:25-29.",
"Appeals from, made to the emperor. -- Ac 25:11; 26:32; 28:19.",
"Generally held in the morning -- Jer 21:12; Mt 27:1; Lu 22:66; Ac 5:21.",
"Sometimes held in synagogues -- Mt 10:17; Ac 22:19; 26:11; Jas 2:2.",
"Provided with",
"Judges. -- De 16:18.",
"Officers. -- De 16:18; Mt 5:25.",
"Tormentors or executioners. -- Mt 18:34.",
"Judges of",
"Called elders. -- De 25:7; 1Sa 16:4.",
"Called magistrates. -- Lu 12:58.",
"Rode often on white asses. -- Jdj 5:10.",
"To judge righteously. -- Le 19:15; De 1:6.",
"To judge without respect of persons. -- Ex 23:3,6; Le 19:15; De 1:17; Pr 22:22.",
"To investigate every case. -- De 19:18.",
"Not to take bribes. -- Ex 23:8; De 16:19.",
"To judge as for God. -- 2Ch 19:6,7,9.",
"To decide according to the law. -- Eze 44:24.",
"To promote peace. -- Zec 8:16.",
"Sat on the judgment-seat while hearing causes. -- Ex 18:13; Jdj 5:10; Isa 28:6; Mt 27:19.",
"Examined the parties. -- Ac 24:8.",
"Conferred together before giving judgment. -- Ac 5:34-40; 25:12; 26:30,31.",
"Pronounced the judgment of the court. -- Mt 26:65,66; Lu 23:24; Ac 5:40.",
"Both the accusers and accused required to appear before -- De 25:1; Ac 25:16.",
"Causes in, were opened by",
"The complainant. -- 1Ki 3:17-21; Ac 16:19-21.",
"An advocate. -- Ac 24:1.",
"The accused",
"Stood before the judge. -- Nu 35:12; Mt 27:11.",
"Permitted to plead their own cause. -- 1Ki 3:22; Ac 24:10; 26:1.",
"Might have advocates. -- Pr 31:8,9; Isa 1:17.",
"Exhorted to confess. -- Jos 7:19.",
"Examined on oath. -- Le 5:1; Mt 26:63.",
"Sometimes examined by torture. -- Ac 22:24,29.",
"Sometimes treated with insult. -- Mt 26:67; Joh 18:22,23; Ac 23:2,3.",
"The evidence of two or more witnesses required in. -- De 17:6; 19:15; Joh 8:17; 2Co 13:1.",
"Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on the criminal's head before punishment. -- Le 24:14.",
"False witnesses in to receive the punishment of the accused -- De 19:19.",
"Corruption and bribery often practised in -- Isa 10:1; Am 5:12; 8:6.",
"The judgment of",
"Not given till accused was heard. -- Joh 7:51.",
"Recorded in writing. -- Isa 10:1.",
"Immediately executed. -- De 25:2; Jos 7:25; Mr 15:15-20.",
"Witnesses first to execute. -- De 17:7; Ac 7:58.",
"Allusions to. -- Job 5:4; Ps 127:5; Mt 5:22.",
"Illustrative of the last judgment. -- Mt 19:28; Ro 14:10; 1Co 6:2."
] | Courts of Justice |
"Agreements between two parties -- Ge 26:28; Da 11:6.",
"Designed for",
"Establishing friendship. -- 1Sa 18:3.",
"Procuring assistance in war. -- 1Ki 15:18,19.",
"Mutual protection. -- Ge 26:28,29; 31:50-52.",
"Establishing peace. -- Jos 9:15,16.",
"Promoting commerce. -- 1Ki 5:6-11.",
"Selling land. -- Ge 23:14-16.",
"Conditions of",
"Clearly specified. -- 1Sa 11:1,2.",
"Conformed by oath. -- Ge 21:23,31; 26:31.",
"Witnessed. -- Ge 23:17,18; Ru 4:9-11.",
"Written and sealed. -- Ne 9:38; 10:1.",
"God often called to witness -- Ge 31:50,53.",
"When confirmed, unalterable -- Ga 3:15.",
"Made by passing between the pieces of the divided sacrifices -- Ge 15:9-17; Jer 34:18,19.",
"Salt a sign of perpetuity in -- Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5.",
"Ratified by joining hands -- Pr 11:21; Eze 17:18.",
"Followed by a feast -- Ge 26:30; 31:54.",
"Presents given as tokens -- Ge 21:27-30; 1Sa 18:3,4.",
"Pillars raised in token of -- Ge 31:45,46.",
"Names given to places where made -- Ge 21:31; 31:47-49.",
"The Jews",
"Forbidden to make, with the nations of Canaan. -- Ex 23:32; De 7:2.",
"Frequently made with other nations. -- 1Ki 5:12; 2Ki 17:4.",
"Condemned for making, with idolatrous nations. -- Isa 30:2-5; Ho 12:1.",
"Regarded, as sacred. -- Jos 9:16-19; Ps 15:4.",
"Violated by the wicked -- Ro 1:31; 2Ti 3:3.",
"Of the contract of marriage. -- Mal 2:14.",
"Of God's promises to man. -- Ge 9:9-11; Eph 2:12.",
"Of the united determination of a people to serve God. -- 2Ki 11:17; 2Ch 15:12; Ne 10:29.",
"Of good resolutions. -- Job 31:1.",
"(With death and hell,) of carnal security. -- Isa 28:15,18.",
"(With stones and beasts, of the earth,) of peace and prosperity. -- Job 5:23; Ho 2:18."
] | Covenants |
"Christ, the substance of -- Isa 42:6; 49:8.",
"Christ, the Mediator of -- Heb 8:6; 9:15; 12:24.",
"Christ, the Messenger of -- Mal 3:1.",
"Made with",
"Abraham. -- Ge 15:7-18; 17:2-14; Lu 1:72-75; Ac 3:25; Ga 3:16.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 17:19,21; 26:3,4.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 28:13,14; 1Ch 16:16,17.",
"Israel. -- Ex 6:4; Ac 3:25.",
"David. -- 2Sa 23:5; Ps 89:3,4.",
"Renewed under the gospel -- Jer 31:31-33; Ro 11:27; Heb 8:8-10,13.",
"Fulfilled in Christ -- Lu 1:68-79.",
"Confirmed in Christ -- Ga 3:17.",
"Ratified by the blood of Christ -- Heb 9:11-14,16-23.",
"Is a covenant of peace -- Isa 54:9,10; Eze 34:25; 37:26.",
"Is unalterable -- Ps 89:34; Isa 54:10; 59:21; Ga 3:17.",
"Is everlasting -- Ps 111:9; Isa 55:3; 61:8; Eze 16:60-63; Heb 13:20.",
"All saints interested in -- Ps 25:14; 89:29-37; Heb 8:10.",
"The wicked have no interest in -- Eph 2:12.",
"Blessings connected with -- Isa 56:4-7; Heb 8:10-12.",
"God is faithful to -- De 7:9; 1Ki 8:23; Ne 1:5; Da 9:4.",
"God is ever mindful of -- Ps 105:8; 111:5; Lu 1:72.",
"Be mindful of -- 1Ch 16:15.",
"Caution against forgetting -- De 4:23.",
"Plead, in prayer -- Ps 74:20; Jer 14:21.",
"Punishment for despising -- Heb 10:29,30."
] | Covenant, The |
"Defined -- Phm 1:18.",
"Might demand",
"Pledges. -- De 24:10,11; Pr 22:27.",
"Security of others. -- Pr 6:1; 22:26.",
"Mortgages on property. -- Ne 5:3.",
"Bills or promissory notes. -- Lu 16:6,7.",
"To return before sunset, garments taken in pledge -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13; Eze 18:7,12.",
"Prohibited from",
"Taking millstones in pledge. -- De 24:6.",
"Violently selecting pledges. -- De 24:10.",
"Exacting usury from brethren. -- Ex 22:25; Le 25:36,37.",
"Exacting debts from brethren during sabbatical year. -- De 15:2,3.",
"Might take interest from strangers -- De 23:20.",
"Sometimes entirely remitted debts -- Ne 5:10-12; Mt 18:27; Lu 7:42.",
"Often cruel in exacting debts -- Ne 5:7-9; Job 24:3-9; Mt 18:28-30.",
"Often exacted debts",
"By selling the debtor or taking him for a servant. -- Mt 18:25; Ex 21:2.",
"By selling the debtor's property. -- Mt 18:25.",
"By selling the debtor's family. -- 2Ki 4:1; Job 24:9; Mt 18:25.",
"By imprisonment. -- Mt 5:25,26; 18:34.",
"From the sureties. -- Pr 11:15; 22:26,27.",
"Were often defrauded -- 1Sa 22:2; Lu 16:5-7.",
"Illustrative of",
"God's claim upon men. -- Mt 5:25,26; 18:23,25; Lu 7:41,47.",
"The demands of the law. -- Ga 5:3."
] | Creditors |
"Ordained in mount Sinai -- Nu 28:6.",
"A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4.",
"Doubled on the sabbath -- Nu 28:9,10.",
"Required to be",
"With a meat and drink offering. -- Ex 29:40,41; Nu 28:5-8.",
"Slowly and entirely consumed. -- Le 6:9-12.",
"Perpetually observed. -- Ex 29:42; Nu 28:3,6.",
"Peculiarly acceptable -- Nu 28:8; Ps 141:2.",
"Secured God's presence and favour -- Ex 29:43,44.",
"Times of offering, were seasons of prayer -- Ezr 9:5; Da 9:20,21; Ac 3:1.",
"Restored after the captivity -- Ezr 3:3.",
"The abolition of, foretold -- Da 9:26,27; 11:31.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ. -- Joh 1:29,36; 1Pe 1:19.",
"Acceptable prayer. -- Ps 141:2."
] | Daily Sacrifice, The |
"Descended from Jacob's fifth son -- Ge 30:6.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:16,17; De 33:22.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:12.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:12.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:22.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:38,39.",
"Led the fourth and last division of Israel -- Nu 2:31; 10:25.",
"Encamped north of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:25.",
"Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:66-71.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:42.",
"Strength of, entering Canaan -- Nu 26:43.",
"On Ebal, said amen to the curses -- De 27:13.",
"Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 19:40-46.",
"A commercial people -- Jdj 5:17; Eze 27:19.",
"Restricted to the hills by Amorites -- Jdj 1:34.",
"A part of",
"Sent to seek new settlements. -- Jdj 18:1,2.",
"Tool Laish and called it Dan. -- Jos 19:47; Jdj 18:8-13,27-29.",
"Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod. -- Jdj 18:17-21,27.",
"Set up Micah's idols in Dan. -- Jdj 18:30,31.",
"Reproved for not aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:17.",
"Samson was of -- Jdj 13:2,24,25.",
"Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:35.",
"Ruler appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:22."
] | Dan, the Tribe Of |
"They who have departed this life -- Ge 23:2; 25:8; Job 1:19.",
"Terms used to express",
"Corpses. -- 2Ki 19:35; Na 3:3.",
"Carcases. -- Nu 14:29,32,33; 1Ki 13:24.",
"Those who are not. -- Mt 2:18.",
"Deceased. -- Isa 26:14; Mt 22:25.",
"Characterised by",
"Being without the Spirit. -- Jas 2:26.",
"Being incapable of motion. -- Mt 28:4; Re 1:17.",
"Ignorance of all human affairs. -- Ec 9:5.",
"Absence of all human passions. -- Ec 9:6.",
"Inability to glorify God. -- Ps 115:17.",
"Return not to this life -- Job 7:9,10; 14:10,14.",
"Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin -- Ge 46:4.",
"Were washed and laid out -- Ac 9:37.",
"Were wrapped in lined with spices -- Joh 19:40.",
"Mourning for, often",
"Very great. -- Ge 27:35; Jer 31:15; Mt 2:18; Joh 11:33.",
"Loud and clamorous. -- Jer 16:6; Mr 5:38.",
"By hired mourners. -- Jer 9:17,18; Am 5:16.",
"With plaintive music. -- Jer 48:36; Mt 9:23.",
"Testified by change of apparel. -- 2Sa 14:2.",
"Testified by taring the hair. -- Jer 16:7.",
"Testified by covering the head. -- 2Sa 19:4.",
"Testified by rending the garments. -- Ge 37:34; 2Sa 3:31.",
"Lasted many days. -- Ge 37:34; 50:3,10.",
"Regard often shown to the memory of -- Ru 1:8.",
"Too soon forgotten -- Ps 31:12; Ec 9:5.",
"Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden -- Le 19:28; De 14:1,2.",
"All offerings to, forbidden -- De 26:14.",
"Touching of, caused uncleanness -- Nu 19:11,13,16; 9:6,7.",
"In a house rendered it unclean -- Nu 19:14,15.",
"Even bones of, caused uncleanness -- Nu 19:16; 2Ch 34:5.",
"A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin -- Le 21:1-3; Eze 44:25.",
"High priest in no case to mourn for -- Le 21:10,11.",
"Nazarites not to touch or mourn for -- Nu 6:6,7.",
"Those defiled by, removed from the camp -- Nu 5:2.",
"Uncleanness contracted from, removed by the water separation -- Nu 19:12,18.",
"Tore themselves for. -- Jer 16:7.",
"Offered sacrifices for. -- Ps 106:28.",
"Invoked and consulted. -- 1Sa 28:7,8.",
"Consecrated part of their crops to. -- De 26:14.",
"The Jews looked for a resurrection from -- Isa 26:19; Ac 24:15.",
"Instances of, restored to life before Christ -- 1Ki 17:22; 2Ki 4:34-36; 13:21.",
"Instances of, restored by Christ -- Mt 9:25; Lu 7:15; Joh 11:44; Ac 9:40; 20:12.",
"Illustrative of",
"Man's state by nature. -- 2Co 5:4; Eph 2:1,5.",
"A state of deep affliction, &c. -- Ps 88:5,6; 143:3; Isa 59:10.",
"Freedom from the power of sin. -- Ro 6:2,8,11; Col 3:3.",
"Freedom from the law. -- Ro 7:4.",
"Faith without works. -- 1Ti 5:6; Jas 2:17,26.",
"Diviners &c. -- Isa 8:19.",
"Impotence. -- Ge 20:3; Ro 4:19."
] | Dead, The |
"The necessary consequence of sin -- Ro 6:16,21; 8:13; Jas 1:15.",
"The wages of sin -- Ro 6:23.",
"The portion of the wicked -- Mt 25:41,46; Ro 1:32.",
"The way to, described -- Ps 9:17; Mt 7:13.",
"Self-righteousness leads to -- Pr 14:12.",
"God alone can inflict -- Mt 10:28; Jas 4:12.",
"Is described as",
"Banishment from God. -- 2Th 1:9.",
"Society with the devil &c. -- Mt 25:41.",
"A lake of fire. -- Re 19:20; 21:8.",
"The worm that dies not. -- Mr 9:44.",
"Outer darkness. -- Mt 25:30.",
"A mist of darkness for ever. -- 2Pe 2:17.",
"Indignation, wrath, &c. -- Ro 2:8,9.",
"Is called",
"Destruction. -- Ro 9:22; 2Th 1:9.",
"Perishing. -- 2Pe 2:12.",
"The wrath to come. -- 1Th 1:10.",
"The second death. -- Re 2:11.",
"A resurrection to damnation. -- Joh 5:29.",
"A resurrection to shame &c. -- Da 12:2.",
"Damnation of hell. -- Mt 23:33.",
"Everlasting punishment. -- Mt 25:46.",
"Shall be inflicted by Christ -- Mt 25:31,41; 2Th 1:7,8.",
"Christ, the only way of escape from -- Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12.",
"Saints shall escape -- Re 2:11; 20:6.",
"Strive to preserve others from -- Jas 5:20.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 16:23-26."
] | Death, Eternal |
"By Adam -- Ge 3:19; 1Co 15:21,22.",
"Consequence of sin -- Ge 2:17; Ro 5:12.",
"Lot of all -- Ec 8:8; Heb 9:27.",
"Ordered by God -- De 32:39; Job 14:5.",
"Puts an end to earthly projects -- Ec 9:10.",
"Strips of earthly possessions -- Job 1:21; 1Ti 6:7.",
"Levels all ranks -- Job 3:17-19.",
"Conquered by Christ -- Ro 6:9; Re 1:18.",
"Abolished by Christ -- 2Ti 1:10.",
"Shall finally be destroyed by Christ -- Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:26.",
"Christ delivers from the fear of -- Heb 2:15.",
"Regard, as at hand -- Job 14:1,2; Ps 39:4,5; 90:9; 1Pe 1:24.",
"Prepare for -- 2Ki 20:1.",
"Pray to be prepared for -- Ps 39:4,13; 90:12.",
"Consideration of, a motive to diligence -- Ec 9:10; Joh 9:4.",
"When averted for a season, is a motive to increased devotedness -- Ps 56:12,13; 118:17; Isa 38:18,20.",
"Enoch and Elijah were exempted from -- Ge 5:24; Heb 11:5; 2Ki 2:11.",
"All shall be raised from -- Ac 24:15.",
"None subject to in heaven -- Lu 20:36; Re 21:4.",
"Illustrates the change produced in conversion -- Ro 6:2; Col 2:20.",
"Is described as",
"A sleep. -- De 31:16; Joh 11:11.",
"The earthly house of this tabernacle being dissolved. -- 2Co 5:1.",
"Putting off this tabernacle. -- 2Pe 1:14.",
"God requiring the soul. -- Lu 12:20.",
"Going the way whence there is no return. -- Job 16:22.",
"Gathering to our people. -- Ge 49:33.",
"Going down into silence. -- Ps 115:17.",
"Yielding up the spirit. -- Ac 5:10.",
"Returning to dust. -- Ge 3:19; Ps 104:29.",
"Being cut down. -- Job 14:2.",
"Fleeing as a shadow. -- Job 14:2.",
"Departing. -- Php 1:23."
] | Death, Natural |
"Foretold -- Isa 53:8; Da 9:26; Zec 13:7.",
"Appointed by God -- Isa 53:6,10; Ac 2:23.",
"Necessary for the redemption of man -- Lu 24:46; Ac 17:3.",
"Acceptable, as a sacrifice to God -- Mt 20:28; Eph 5:2; 1Th 5:10.",
"Was voluntary -- Isa 53:12; Mt 26:53; Joh 10:17,18.",
"Was undeserved -- Isa 53:9.",
"Mode of",
"Foretold by Christ. -- Mt 20:18,19; Joh 12:32,33.",
"Prefigured. -- Nu 21:8; Joh 3:14.",
"Ignominious. -- Heb 12:2.",
"Accursed. -- Ga 3:13.",
"Exhibited His humility. -- Php 2:8.",
"A stumbling block to Jews. -- 1Co 1:23.",
"Foolishness to Gentiles. -- 1Co 1:18,23.",
"Demanded by the Jews -- Mt 27:22,23.",
"Inflicted by the Gentiles -- Mt 27:26-35.",
"In the company of malefactors -- Isa 53:12; Mt 27:38.",
"Accompanied by supernatural signs -- Mt 27:45,51-53.",
"Emblematical of the death to sin -- Ro 6:3-8; Ga 2:20.",
"Commemorated in the ordinance of the Lord's supper -- Lu 22:19,20; 1Co 11:26-29."
] | Death of Christ, The |
"A sleep in Christ -- 1Co 15:18; 1Th 4:14.",
"Is blessed -- Re 14:13.",
"Is gain -- Php 1:21.",
"Is full of",
"Faith. -- Heb 11:13.",
"Peace. -- Isa 57:2.",
"Hope. -- Pr 14:32.",
"Sometimes desired -- Lu 2:29.",
"Waited for -- Job 14:14.",
"Met with resignation -- Ge 50:24; Jos 23:14; 1Ki 2:2.",
"Met without fear -- 1Co 15:55.",
"Precious in God's sight -- Ps 116:15.",
"God preserves them to -- Ps 48:14.",
"God is with them in -- Ps 23:4.",
"Removes from coming evil -- 2Ki 22:20; Isa 57:1.",
"Leads to",
"Rest. -- Job 3:17; 2Th 1:7.",
"Comfort. -- Lu 16:25.",
"Christ's presence. -- 2Co 5:8; Php 1:23.",
"A crown of life. -- 2Ti 4:8; Re 2:10.",
"A joyful resurrection. -- Isa 26:19; Da 12:2.",
"Disregarded by the wicked -- Isa 57:1.",
"Survivors consoled for -- 1Th 4:13-18.",
"The wicked wish theirs to resemble -- Nu 23:10.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 16:22.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 25:8.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 35:29.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 49:33.",
"Aaron. -- Nu 20:28.",
"Moses. -- De 34:5.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:29.",
"Elisha. -- 2Ki 13:14,20.",
"One thief. -- Lu 23:43.",
"Dorcas. -- Ac 9:37."
] | Death of Saints, The |
"Is in their sins -- Eze 3:19; Joh 8:21.",
"Is without hope -- Pr 11:7.",
"Sometimes without fear -- Jer 34:5; 2Ch 36:11-13.",
"Frequently sudden and unexpected -- Job 21:13,23; 27:21; Pr 29:1.",
"Frequently marked by terror -- Job 18:11-15; 27:19-21; Ps 73:19.",
"Punishment follows -- Isa 14:9; Ac 1:25.",
"The remembrance of them perishes in -- Job 18:17; Ps 34:16; Pr 10:7.",
"God has no pleasure in -- Eze 18:23,32.",
"Like the death of beasts -- Ps 49:14.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 12:20; 16:22,23.",
"Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:32.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 18:9,10.",
"Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:34.",
"Jezebel. -- 2Ki 9:33.",
"Athaliah. -- 2Ch 23:15.",
"Haman. -- Es 7:10.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:30.",
"Judas. -- Mt 27:5; Ac 1:18.",
"Ananias, &c. -- Ac 5:5,9,10.",
"Herod. -- Ac 12:23."
] | Death of the Wicked, The |
"Alienation from God is -- Eph 4:18.",
"Carnal-mindedness is -- Ro 8:6.",
"Walking in trespasses and sins is -- Eph 2:1; Col 2:13.",
"Spiritual ignorance is -- Isa 9:2; Mt 4:16; Lu 1:79; Eph 4:18.",
"Unbelief is -- Joh 3:36; 1Jo 5:12.",
"Living in pleasure is -- 1Ti 5:6.",
"Hypocrisy is -- Re 3:1,2.",
"Is a consequence of the fall -- Ro 5:15.",
"Is the state of all men by nature -- Ro 6:13; 8:6.",
"The fruits of, are dead works -- Heb 6:1; 9:14.",
"A call to arise from -- Eph 5:14.",
"Deliverance from, is through Christ -- Joh 5:24,25; Eph 2:5; 1Jo 5:12.",
"Saints are raised from -- Ro 6:13.",
"Love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from -- 1Jo 3:14.",
"Illustrated -- Eze 37:2,3; Lu 15:24."
] | Death, Spiritual |
"Is falsehood -- Ps 119:118.",
"The tongue, the instrument of -- Ro 3:13.",
"Comes from the heart -- Mr 7:22.",
"Characteristic of the heart -- Jer 17:9.",
"God abhors -- Ps 5:6.",
"Forbidden -- Pr 24:28; 1Pe 3:10.",
"Christ was perfectly free from -- Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22.",
"Free from. -- Ps 24:4; Zep 3:13; Re 14:5.",
"Purposed against. -- Job 27:4.",
"Avoid. -- Job 31:5.",
"Shun those addicted to. -- Ps 101:7.",
"Pray for deliverance from those who use. -- Ps 43:1; 120:2.",
"Delivered from those who use. -- Ps 72:14.",
"Should beware of those who teach. -- Eph 5:6; Col 2:8.",
"Should lay aside, in seeking truth. -- 1Pe 2:1.",
"Ministers should lay aside -- 2Co 4:2; 1Th 2:3.",
"The wicked",
"Are full of. -- Ro 1:29.",
"Devise. -- Ps 35:20; 38:12; Pr 12:5.",
"Utter. -- Ps 10:7; 36:3.",
"Work. -- Pr 11:18.",
"Increase in. -- 2Ti 3:13.",
"Use, to each other. -- Jer 9:5.",
"Use, to themselves. -- Jer 37:9; Ob 3:7.",
"Delight in. -- Pr 20:17.",
"False teachers",
"Are workers of. -- 2Co 11:13.",
"Preach. -- Jer 14:14; 23:26.",
"Impose on others by. -- Ro 16:18; Eph 4:14.",
"Sport themselves with. -- 2Pe 2:13.",
"Hypocrites devise -- Job 15:35.",
"Hypocrites practise -- Ho 11:12.",
"False witnesses use -- Pr 12:17; 14:5.",
"A characteristic of Antichrist -- 2Jo 1:7.",
"A characteristic of the Apostasy -- 2Th 2:10.",
"Evil of",
"Keeps from knowledge of God. -- Jer 9:6.",
"Keeps from turning to God. -- Jer 8:5.",
"Leads to pride and oppression. -- Jer 5:27,28.",
"Leads to lying. -- Pr 14:25.",
"Often accompanied by fraud and injustice -- Ps 10:7; 43:1.",
"Hatred often concealed by -- Pr 26:24-28.",
"The folly of fools is -- Pr 14:8.",
"The kisses of an enemy are -- Pr 27:6.",
"Blessedness of being free from -- Ps 24:4,5; 32:2.",
"Punishment of -- Ps 55:23; Jer 9:7-9.",
"The devil. -- Ge 3:1,4,5; Joh 8:44.",
"Rebecca and Jacob. -- Ge 27:9,19.",
"Laban. -- Ge 31:7.",
"Joseph's brothers. -- Ge 37:31,32.",
"Pharaoh. -- Ex 8:29.",
"David. -- 1Sa 21:13.",
"Job's friends. -- Job 6:15.",
"Doeg. -- Ps 52:1,2.",
"Herod. -- Mt 2:8.",
"Pharisees. -- Mt 22:16.",
"Chief Priests. -- Mr 14:1."
] | Deceit |
"Necessary to the service of God -- Lu 9:62.",
"Exhortations to -- Jos 24:14,15.",
"Exhibited in",
"Seeking God with the heart. -- 2Ch 15:12.",
"Keeping the commandments of God. -- Ne 10:29.",
"Being on the Lord's side. -- Ex 32:26.",
"Following God fully. -- Nu 14:24; 32:12; Jos 14:8.",
"Serving God. -- Isa 56:6.",
"Loving God perfectly. -- De 6:5.",
"Blessedness of. -- Jos 1:7.",
"Opposed to",
"A divided service. -- Mt 6:24.",
"Double-mindedness. -- Jas 1:8.",
"Halting between two opinions. -- 1Ki 18:21.",
"Turning to the right or left. -- De 5:32.",
"Not setting the heart aright. -- Ps 78:8,37.",
"Moses. -- Ex 32:26.",
"Caleb. -- Nu 13:30.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 1:16.",
"Asa. -- 2Ch 15:8.",
"David. -- Ps 17:3.",
"Peter. -- Joh 6:68.",
"Paul. -- Ac 21:13.",
"Abraham. -- Heb 11:8."
] | Decision |
"Consecration of a place of worship -- 2Ch 2:4.",
"Solemn confirmation of a covenant -- Heb 9:18.",
"Devoting any thing to sacred uses -- 1Ch 28:12.",
"Subjects of",
"Tabernacle. -- Nu 7:1-89.",
"Temple of Solomon. -- 1Ki 8:1-63; 2Ch 7:5.",
"Second temple. -- Ezr 6:16,17.",
"Persons. -- Ex 22:29; 1Sa 1:11.",
"Property. -- Le 27:28; Mt 15:5.",
"Spoils of war. -- 2Sa 8:11; 1Ch 18:11.",
"Tribute from foreigners. -- 2Sa 8:10,11.",
"Walls of cities. -- Ne 12:27.",
"Houses when built. -- De 20:5; Ps 30:1.",
"By idolaters in setting up idols -- Da 3:2,3.",
"Things dedicated to God",
"Esteemed holy. -- Le 27:28; 2Ki 12:18.",
"Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house. -- 1Ki 7:51; 2Ch 5:1.",
"Special chambers prepared for. -- 2Ch 31:11,12.",
"Levites place over. -- 1Ch 26:20,26; 2Ch 31:12.",
"Applied to the repair and maintenance of the temple. -- 2Ki 12:4,5; 1Ch 26:27.",
"For support of priests. -- Nu 18:14; Eze 44:29.",
"Given to propitiate enemies. -- 2Ki 12:17,18.",
"Law respecting the release of. -- Le 27:1-34.",
"Of property often perverted -- Mr 7:9-13.",
"Illustrated of devotedness to God -- Ps 119:38."
] | Dedication |
"Forbidden to the Jews -- Le 11:44,45.",
"Things liable to ceremonial",
"The person. -- Le 5:3.",
"Garments. -- Le 13:59.",
"Furniture, &c. -- Le 15:9,10; Nu 19:14,15.",
"Houses. -- Le 14:44.",
"The land. -- Le 18:25; De 21:23.",
"The sanctuary. -- Le 20:3; Zep 3:4.",
"Ceremonial caused by",
"Eating unclean things. -- Le 11:8; Ac 10:11,14.",
"Eating things that died. -- Le 17:15.",
"Touching a dead body or a bone. -- Nu 9:6,7; 19:11,16.",
"Touching a grave. -- Nu 19:16.",
"Touching a dead beast. -- Le 5:2; 11:24-28.",
"Being alone with a dead body. -- Nu 19:14.",
"Mourning for the dead. -- Le 21:1-3.",
"Having a leprosy. -- Le 13:3,11; Nu 5:2,3.",
"Having an issue, &c. -- Le 15:2; Nu 5:2.",
"Touching anything defiled by an issue, &c. -- Le 15:5-11.",
"Going into a leprous house. -- Le 14:46.",
"Sacrificing the red heifer. -- Nu 19:7.",
"Burning the red heifer. -- Nu 19:8.",
"Gathering the ashes of the red heifer. -- Nu 19:10.",
"Touching an unclean person. -- Nu 19:22.",
"Child bearing. -- Le 12:2.",
"Causes of, improperly enlarged by tradition -- Mr 7:2; Mt 15:20.",
"Moral, caused by",
"Following the sins of the heathen. -- Le 18:24.",
"Seeking after wizards. -- Le 19:31.",
"Giving children to Molech. -- Le 20:3.",
"Making and serving idols. -- Eze 20:17,18; 22:3,4; 23:7.",
"Blood shedding. -- Isa 59:3.",
"Moral, punished -- Le 18:24,25,28,29.",
"Those under, removed from the camp -- Nu 5:3,4; De 23:14.",
"To decide in all cases of. -- Le 10:10; 13:3.",
"Specially required to avoid. -- Le 21:1-6,11,12.",
"Not to eat holy things while under. -- Le 22:2,4-6.",
"Punished for eating of the holy things while under. -- Le 22:3.",
"Cleansed by legal offerings -- Nu 19:18,19; Heb 9:13.",
"Neglecting purification from, punished by cutting off -- Nu 19:13,20.",
"Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel -- Ac 10:15; Ro 14:14; Col 2:20-22.",
"Of sin. -- Mt 15:11,18; Jude 1:8.",
"Of unholy doctrines. -- 1Co 3:16,17."
] | Defilement |
"Commanded -- Ps 37:4.",
"Reconciliation leads to -- Job 22:21,26.",
"Observing the sabbath leads to -- Isa 58:13,14.",
"Saints' experience in",
"Communion with God. -- Song 2:3.",
"The law of God. -- Ps 1:1; 119:24,35.",
"The goodness of God. -- Ne 9:25.",
"The comforts of God. -- Ps 94:19.",
"Pretend to. -- Isa 58:2.",
"In heart despise. -- Job 27:10; Jer 6:10.",
"Promises to. -- Ps 37:4.",
"Blessedness. -- Ps 112:1."
] | Delighting In God |
"Sent as a punishment for the extreme wickedness of man -- Ge 6:5-7,11-13,17.",
"Called the",
"Flood. -- Ge 9:28.",
"Waters of Noah. -- Isa 54:9.",
"Noah forewarned of -- Ge 6:13; Heb 11:7.",
"Long-suffering of God exhibited in deferring -- Ge 6:3; 1Pe 3:20.",
"The wicked warned of -- 1Pe 3:19,20; 2Pe 2:5.",
"Noah, &c, saved from -- Ge 6:18-22; 7:13,14.",
"Date of its commencement -- Ge 7:11.",
"Came suddenly and unexpectedly -- Mt 24:38,39.",
"Produced by",
"Forty days' incessant rain. -- Ge 7:4,12,17.",
"Opening up of the fountains of the great deep. -- Ge 7:11.",
"Increased gradually -- Ge 7:17,18.",
"Extreme height of -- Ge 7:19,20.",
"Time of its increase and prevailing -- Ge 7:24.",
"Causes of its abatement -- Ge 8:1,2.",
"Decrease of gradual -- Ge 8:3,5.",
"Date of its complete removal -- Ge 8:13.",
"Complete destruction of whole earth effected by -- Ge 7:23.",
"Entire face of the earth changed by -- 2Pe 3:5,6.",
"Traditional notice of -- Job 22:15-17.",
"That it shall never again occur",
"Promised. -- Ge 8:21,22.",
"Confirmed by covenant. -- Ge 9:9-11.",
"The rainbow a token. -- Ge 9:12-17.",
"A pledge of God's faithfulness. -- Isa 54:9,10.",
"Of the destruction of sinners. -- Ps 32:6; Isa 28:2,18.",
"Of baptism. -- 1Pe 3:20,21.",
"(Unexpectedness of,) of suddenness of Christ's coming. -- Mt 24:36-39; Lu 17:26,27-30."
] | Deluge, The |
"In doctrine -- Mr 8:38; 2Ti 1:8.",
"In practice -- Php 3:18,10; Tit 1:16.",
"A characteristic of false teachers -- 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4.",
"Is the spirit of Antichrist -- 1Jo 2:22,23; 4:3.",
"Christ will deny those guilty of -- Mt 10:33; 2Ti 2:12.",
"Leads to destruction -- 2Pe 2:1; Jude 1:4,15.",
"Peter. -- Mt 26:69-75.",
"The Jews. -- Joh 18:40; Ac 3:13,14."
] | Denial of Christ |
"Date of its commencement -- Ex 12:41,42.",
"Their number commencing -- Ex 12:37.",
"Their healthy state commencing -- Ps 105:37.",
"A mixed multitude accompanied them in -- Ex 12:38; Nu 11:4.",
"Commenced in haste -- Ex 12:39.",
"Conducted with regularity -- Ex 13:18.",
"Under Moses as leader -- Ex 3:10-12; Ac 7:36,38.",
"By a circuitous route -- Ex 13:17,18.",
"Order of marching during -- Nu 10:14-29.",
"Order of encamping during -- Nu 2:1-34.",
"Difficulty and danger of -- De 8:15.",
"Continued forty years",
"As a punishment. -- Nu 14:33,34.",
"To prove and humble them, &c. -- De 8:2.",
"To teach them to live on God's word. -- De 8:3.",
"Under God's guidance -- Ex 13:21,22; 15:13; Ne 9:12; Ps 78:52; Isa 63:11-14.",
"Under God's protection -- Ex 14:19,20; Ps 105:39; Ex 23:20; Ps 78:53.",
"With miraculous provision -- Ex 16:35; De 8:3.",
"Their clothing preserved during -- De 8:4; 29:5; Ne 9:21.",
"Worship of God celebrated during -- Ex 24:5-8; 29:38-42; 40:24-29.",
"Justice administered during -- Ex 18:13,26.",
"Circumcision omitted during -- Jos 5:5.",
"Caused universal terror and dismay -- Ex 15:14-16; Nu 22:3,4.",
"Obstructed, &c by the surrounding nations -- Ex 17:8; Nu 20:21.",
"Territory acquired during -- De 29:7,8.",
"Marked by constant murmurings and rebellions -- Ps 78:40; 95:10; 106:7-39.",
"Constant goodness and mercy of God to them during -- Ps 106:10,43-46; 107:6,13.",
"Commenced from Rameses in Egypt -- Ex 12:37.",
"To Succoth -- Ex 12:37; Nu 33:5.",
"To Etham -- Ex 13:20; Nu 33:6.",
"Between baalzephon and pihahiroth -- Ex 14:2; Nu 33:7.",
"Overtaken by Pharaoh. -- Ex 14:9.",
"Exhorted to look to God. -- Ex 14:13,14.",
"The cloud removed to the rear. -- Ex 14:19,20.",
"Red Sea divided. -- Ex 14:16,21.",
"Through the Red Sea -- Ex 14:22,29.",
"Faith exhibited in passing. -- Heb 11:29.",
"Pharaoh and his host destroyed. -- Ex 14:23-28; Ps 106:11.",
"Israel's song of praise. -- Ex 15:1-21; Ps 106:12.",
"Through the wilderness of Shur or Etham -- Ex 15:22; Nu 33:8.",
"To Marah -- Ex 15:23; Nu 33:8.",
"Murmuring of the people on account of bitter water. -- Ex 15:24.",
"Water sweetened. -- Ex 15:25.",
"To Elim -- Ex 15:27; Nu 33:9.",
"By the Red Sea -- Nu 33:10.",
"Through the wilderness of Sin -- Ex 16:1; Nu 33:11.",
"Murmuring for bread. -- Ex 16:2,3.",
"Quails given for one night. -- Ex 16:8,12,13.",
"Manna sent. -- Ex 16:4,8,16-31.",
"To Dophkah -- Nu 33:12.",
"To Alush -- Nu 33:13.",
"To Rephidim -- Ex 17:1; Nu 33:14.",
"Murmuring for water. -- Ex 17:2,3.",
"Water brought from the rock. -- Ex 17:5,6.",
"Called Massah and Meribah. -- Ex 17:7.",
"Amalek opposes Israel. -- Ex 17:8.",
"Amalek overcome. -- Ex 17:9-13.",
"To Mount Sinai -- Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:15.",
"Jethro's visit. -- Ex 18:1-6.",
"Judges appointed. -- Ex 18:14-26; De 1:9-15.",
"Moral law given. -- Ex 19:3; 20:1-26.",
"Covenant made. -- Ex 24:3-8.",
"Moral law written on tables. -- Ex 31:18.",
"Order for making the tabernacle, &c. -- Ex 24:1-27:21.",
"Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first-born. -- Nu 3:11-13.",
"Aaron and his sons selected for priesthood. -- Ex 28:1-29:46; Nu 3:1-3,10.",
"Levites set apart. -- Nu 3:5-9.",
"Golden calf made. -- Ex 32:1,4.",
"Tables of testimony broken. -- Ex 32:19.",
"People punished for idolatry. -- Ex 32:25-29,35.",
"God's glory shown to Moses. -- Ex 33:18-23; 34:5-8.",
"The tables of testimony renewed. -- Ex 34:1-4,27-29; De 10:1-5.",
"Tabernacle first set up. -- Ex 40:1-38.",
"Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering strange fire. -- Le 10:1,2; Nu 3:4.",
"Passover first commemorated. -- Nu 9:1-5.",
"Second numbering of the people. -- Nu 1:1-46; Ex 38:25,26.",
"To Kibrothhattaavah -- Nu 33:16.",
"Complaining punished by fire. -- Nu 11:1-3.",
"Called Taberah. -- Nu 11:3.",
"Murmuring of the mixed multitude and of Israel, for flesh. -- Nu 11:4-9.",
"Flesh promised. -- Nu 11:10-15,18-23.",
"Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses. -- Nu 11:16,17,24-30.",
"Quails sent for a month. -- Nu 11:19,20,31,32.",
"Their murmuring punished. -- Nu 11:33; Ps 78:30,31.",
"Why called Kibrothhattaavah. -- Nu 11:34.",
"To Hazeroth -- Nu 11:35; 33:17.",
"Aaron and Miriam envy Moses. -- Nu 12:1,2.",
"Miriam punished by leprosy. -- Nu 12:10.",
"Delayed seven day for Miriam. -- Nu 12:14,15.",
"To Kadeshbarnea in wilderness of Rithmah or Paran -- De 1:19; Nu 32:8; 12:16; 33:18.",
"The people anxious to have the land of Canaan searched. -- De 1:22.",
"Moses commanded to send spies. -- Nu 13:1,2.",
"Persons selected as spies. -- Nu 13:3-16.",
"Spies sent. -- Jos 14:7; Nu 13:17-20.",
"Spies bring back evil report. -- Nu 13:26-33.",
"The people terrified and rebel. -- Nu 14:1-4.",
"Punishment for rebellion. -- Nu 14:26,35; 32:11-13; De 1:35,36,40.",
"Guilty spies slain by plague. -- Nu 14:36,37.",
"People smitten by Amalek for going up without the Lord. -- Nu 14:40-45; De 1:41-44.",
"Returned by the way to the Red Sea -- Nu 14:25; De 1:40; 2:1.",
"Sabbath breaker stoned. -- Nu 15:32-36.",
"Rebellion of Korah. -- Nu 16:1-19.",
"Korah, &c punished. -- Nu 16:30-35.",
"Plague sent. -- Nu 16:41-46.",
"Plague stayed. -- Nu 16:47-50.",
"God's choice of Aaron confirmed. -- Nu 17:1-13.",
"To Rimmonparez -- Nu 33:19.",
"To Libnah or Laban -- Nu 33:20; De 1:1.",
"To Rissah -- Nu 33:21.",
"To Kehelathah -- Nu 33:22.",
"To Mount Shapher -- Nu 33:23.",
"To Haradah -- Nu 33:24.",
"To Makheloth -- Nu 33:25.",
"To Tahath -- Nu 33:26.",
"To Tarah -- Nu 33:37.",
"To Mithcah -- Nu 33:28.",
"To Hashmonah -- Nu 33:29.",
"To Moseroth or Mosera -- Nu 33:30.",
"TO BENE-JAAKAN -- Nu 33:31.",
"To Horhagidgad or GudGodah -- Nu 33:32; De 10:7.",
"To Jotbathah or land of rivers -- Nu 33:33; De 10:7.",
"Several of these stations probably revisited -- De 10:6,7; Nu 33:30-32.",
"To Ebronah -- Nu 33:34.",
"To Eziongaber -- Nu 33:35.",
"To Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin -- Nu 20:1; 33:36; Jdj 11:16.",
"Miriam dies and is buried. -- Nu 20:1.",
"Second murmuring for water. -- Nu 20:2-6.",
"Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it, disobeys God. -- Nu 20:7-11.",
"Moses and Aaron punished. -- Nu 20:12.",
"Called Meribah to commemorate the murmuring. -- Nu 20:13; 27:14.",
"Orders given respecting Edom. -- De 2:3-6.",
"The king of Edom refuses a passage. -- Nu 20:14-21; Jdj 11:17.",
"To Mount Hor -- Nu 20:22; 33:37.",
"Aaron dies. -- Nu 20:28,29; 33:38,39.",
"Arad conquered. -- Nu 21:1-3; 33:40.",
"Called Hormah. -- Nu 21:2,3.",
"To Zalmonah -- Nu 33:41.",
"Murmuring of the people. -- Nu 21:4,5.",
"Fiery serpents sent. -- Nu 21:6.",
"Brazen serpent raised up. -- Nu 21:7-9.",
"To Punon -- Nu 33:42.",
"To Oboth -- Nu 21:10; 33:43.",
"To Ijeabarim before Moab -- Nu 21:11; 33:44.",
"Orders given respecting Moab. -- De 2:8,9.",
"TO ZARED OR DIBON-GAD -- Nu 21:12; 33:45.",
"To Almondiblathaim -- Nu 33:46.",
"Across the brook Zered -- De 2:13.",
"Time occupied in going from Kadeshbarnea to this station. -- De 2:14.",
"Order to pass through Ar. -- De 2:18.",
"Orders given respecting Ammon. -- De 2:19.",
"Across the arnon -- Nu 21:13-15; De 2:24.",
"To beer or the well -- Nu 21:16.",
"To Mattanah -- Nu 21:18.",
"To Nahaliel -- Nu 21:19.",
"To Bamoth -- Nu 21:19.",
"To the mountains of Abarim -- Nu 21:20; 33:47.",
"The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel. -- Nu 21:21-23; De 2:26-30.",
"Sihon conquered. -- Nu 21:23-32; De 2:32-36.",
"Og conquered. -- Nu 21:33-35; De 3:1-11.",
"Reubenites, &c obtained the land taken from the Amorites. -- Nu 32:1-42; De 3:12-17.",
"Return to the plains of Moab -- Nu 22:1; 33:48,49.",
"Balak sends for Balaam. -- Nu 22:5,6,15-17.",
"Balaam not permitted to curse Israel. -- Nu 22:9-41; 23:1-24:25.",
"Israel seduced to idolatry, &c by advice of Balaam. -- Nu 25:1-3; Re 2:14.",
"Israel punished. -- Nu 25:5,9.",
"Third numbering. -- Nu 26:1-62.",
"All formerly numbered over twenty years old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead. -- Nu 26:63-65; 14:29.",
"The law of female inheritance settled. -- Nu 27:1-11; 36:1-9.",
"Appointment of Joshua. -- Nu 27:15-23.",
"Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain. -- Nu 31:1-54; 25:17,18.",
"The law rehearsed. -- De 1:3.",
"The law written by Moses. -- De 31:9.",
"Moses beholds Canaan. -- De 34:1-4.",
"Moses dies and is buried. -- De 34:5,6.",
"Joshua ordered to cross Jordan. -- Jos 1:2.",
"Two spies sent to Jericho. -- Jos 2:1.",
"Across the river Jordan -- Jos 4:10.",
"Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church -- Song 8:5; 1Pe 1:17."
] | Desert, Journey of Israel Through The |
"Vast barren plains -- Ex 5:3; Joh 6:13.",
"Uninhabited places -- Mt 14:15; Mr 6:31.",
"Described as",
"Uninhabited and lonesome. -- Jer 2:6.",
"Uncultivated. -- Nu 20:5; Jer 2:2.",
"Desolate. -- Eze 6:14.",
"Dry and without water. -- Ex 17:1; De 8:15.",
"Trackless. -- Isa 43:19.",
"Great and terrible. -- De 1:19.",
"Waste and howling. -- De 32:10.",
"Infested with wild beasts -- Isa 13:21; Mr 1:13.",
"Infested with serpents -- De 8:15.",
"Infested with robbers -- Jer 3:2; La 4:19.",
"Danger of travelling in -- Ex 14:3; 2Co 11:26.",
"Guides required in -- Nu 10:31; De 32:10.",
"Phenomena of, alluded to",
"Mirage or deceptive appearance of water. -- Jer 15:18.",
"Simoom or deadly wind. -- 2Ki 19:7; Jer 4:11.",
"Tornadoes or whirlwinds. -- Isa 21:1.",
"Clouds of sand and dust. -- De 28:24; Jer 4:12,13.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Arabian or great desert. -- Ex 23:31.",
"Bethaven. -- Jos 18:12.",
"Beersheba. -- Ge 21:14; 1Ki 19:3,4.",
"Damascus. -- 1Ki 19:15.",
"Edom. -- 2Ki 3:8.",
"Engedi. -- 1Sa 24:1.",
"Gibeon. -- 2Sa 2:24.",
"Judea. -- Mt 3:1.",
"Jeruel. -- 2Ch 20:16.",
"Kedemoth. -- De 2:26.",
"Kadesh. -- Ps 29:8.",
"Maon. -- 1Sa 23:24,25.",
"Paran. -- Ge 21:21; Nu 10:12.",
"Shur. -- Ge 16:7.",
"Sin. -- Ex 16:1.",
"Sinai. -- Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:16.",
"Ziph. -- 1Sa 23:14,15.",
"Zin. -- Nu 20:1; 27:14.",
"Of the Red Sea. -- Ex 13:18.",
"Near Gaza. -- Ac 8:26.",
"Heath often found in -- Jer 17:6.",
"Parts of, afforded pasture -- Ge 36:24; Ex 3:1.",
"Inhabited by wandering tribes -- Ge 21:20,21; Ps 72:9; Jer 25:24.",
"The persecuted fled to -- 1Sa 23:14; Heb 11:38.",
"The disaffected fled to -- 1Sa 22:2; Ac 21:38.",
"Illustrative of",
"Barrenness. -- Ps 106:9; 107:33,35.",
"Those deprived of blessings. -- Ho 2:3.",
"The world. -- Song 3:6; 8:5.",
"The Gentiles. -- Isa 35:1,6; 41:19.",
"What affords no support. -- Jer 2:31.",
"Desolation by armies. -- Jer 12:10-13; 50:12."
] | Deserts |
"Produced in the wicked by divine judgments -- De 28:34,67; Re 9:6; 16:10.",
"Leads to",
"Continuing in sin. -- Jer 2:25; 18:12.",
"Blasphemy. -- Isa 8:21; Re 16:10,11.",
"Shall seize upon the wicked at the appearing of Christ -- Re 6:16.",
"Saints sometimes tempted to -- Job 7:6; La 3:18.",
"Saints enabled to overcome -- 2Co 4:8,9.",
"Trust in God, a preservative against -- Ps 42:5,11.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:13,14.",
"Ahithophel. -- 2Sa 17:23.",
"Judas. -- Mt 27:5."
] | Despair |
"Sinned against God -- 2Pe 2:4; 1Jo 3:8.",
"Cast out of heaven -- Lu 10:18.",
"Cast down to hell -- 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6.",
"The author of the fall -- Ge 3:1,6,14,24.",
"Tempted Christ -- Mt 4:3-10.",
"Perverts the Scripture -- Mt 4:6; Ps 91:11,12.",
"Opposes God's work -- Zec 3:1; 1Th 2:18.",
"Hinders the gospel -- Mt 13:19; 2Co 4:4.",
"Works lying wonders -- 2Th 2:9; Re 16:14.",
"Assumes the form of an angel of light -- 2Co 11:14.",
"The wicked",
"Are the children of. -- Mt 13:38; Ac 13:10; 1Jo 3:10.",
"Turn aside after. -- 1Ti 5:15.",
"Do the lusts of. -- Joh 8:44.",
"Possessed by. -- Lu 22:3; Ac 5:3; Eph 2:2.",
"Blinded by. -- 2Co 4:4.",
"Deceived by. -- 1Ki 22:21,22; Re 20:7,8.",
"Ensnared by. -- 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26.",
"Troubled by. -- 1Sa 16:14.",
"Punished, together with. -- Mt 25:41.",
"Afflicted by, only as God permits. -- Job 1:12; 2:4-7.",
"Tempted by. -- 1Ch 21:1; 1Th 3:5.",
"Sifted by. -- Lu 22:31.",
"Should resist. -- Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:9.",
"Should be armed against. -- Eph 6:11-16.",
"Should be watchful against. -- 2Co 2:11.",
"Overcome. -- 1Jo 2:13; Re 12:10,11.",
"Shall finally triumph over. -- Ro 16:20.",
"Triumph over, by Christ",
"Predicted. -- Ge 3:15.",
"In resisting his temptations. -- Mt 4:11.",
"In casting out the spirits of. -- Lu 11:20; 13:32.",
"In empowering his disciples to cast out. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 16:17.",
"In destroying the works of. -- 1Jo 3:8.",
"Completed by his death. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14.",
"Illustrated. -- Lu 11:21,22.",
"Character of",
"Presumptuous. -- Job 1:6; Mt 4:5,6.",
"Proud. -- 1Ti 3:6.",
"Powerful. -- Eph 2:2; 6:12.",
"Wicked. -- 1Jo 2:13.",
"Malignant. -- Job 1:9; 2:4.",
"Subtle. -- Ge 3:1; 2Co 11:3.",
"Deceitful. -- 2Co 11:14; Eph 6:11.",
"Fierce and cruel. -- Lu 8:29; 9:39,42; 1Pe 5:8.",
"Cowardly. -- Jas 4:7.",
"The Apostasy is of -- 2Th 2:9; 2Ti 4:1.",
"Shall be condemned at the judgment -- Jude 1:6; Re 20:10.",
"Everlasting fire is prepared for -- Mt 25:41.",
"Compared to",
"A fowler. -- Ps 91:3.",
"Fowls. -- Mt 13:4.",
"A sower of tares. -- Mt 13:25,28.",
"A wolf. -- Joh 10:12.",
"A roaring lion. -- 1Pe 5:8.",
"A serpent. -- Re 12:9; 20:2."
] | Devil, The |
"A characteristic of saints -- Job 23:12.",
"Christ, an example of -- Joh 4:34; 17:4.",
"Grounded upon",
"The mercies of God. -- Ro 12:1.",
"The goodness of God. -- 1Sa 12:24.",
"The call of God. -- 1Th 2:12.",
"The death of Christ. -- 2Co 5:15.",
"Our creation. -- Ps 86:9.",
"Our preservation. -- Isa 46:4.",
"Our redemption. -- 1Co 6:19,20.",
"Should be",
"With our spirit. -- 1Co 6:20; 1Pe 4:6.",
"With our bodies. -- Ro 12:1; 1Co 6:20.",
"With our members. -- Ro 6:12,13; 1Pe 4:2.",
"With our substance. -- Ex 22:29; Pr 3:9.",
"Unreserved. -- Mt 6:24; Lu 14:33.",
"Abounding. -- 1Th 4:1.",
"Persevering. -- Lu 1:74,75; 9:62.",
"In life and death. -- Ro 14:8; Php 1:20.",
"Should be exhibited in",
"Loving God. -- De 6:5; Lu 10:27.",
"Serving God. -- 1Sa 12:24; Ro 12:11.",
"Walking worthy of God. -- 1Th 2:12.",
"Doing all to God's glory. -- 1Co 10:31.",
"Bearing the cross. -- Mr 8:34.",
"Self-denial. -- Mr 8:34.",
"Living to Christ. -- 2Co 5:15.",
"Giving up all for Christ. -- Mt 19:21,28,29.",
"Want of, condemned. -- Re 3:16.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.",
"Peter, Andrew, James, John. -- Mt 4:20-22.",
"Joanna, &c. -- Lu 8:3.",
"Paul. -- Php 1:21.",
"Timothy. -- Php 2:19-22.",
"Epaphroditus. -- Php 2:30."
] | Devotedness to God |
"In patriarchal age -- Ge 18:7,8; 27:4.",
"In Egypt -- Ex 16:3; Nu 11:5.",
"In the wilderness -- Ex 16:4-12.",
"Of the poor, frugal -- Ru 2:14; Pr 15:17.",
"Of the rich, luxurious -- Pr 23:1-3; La 4:5; Am 6:4,5; Lu 16:19.",
"Articles used for",
"Milk. -- Ge 49:12; Pr 27:27.",
"Butter. -- De 32:14; 2Sa 17:29.",
"Cheese. -- 1Sa 17:18; Job 10:10.",
"Bread. -- Ge 18:5; 1Sa 17:17.",
"Parched corn. -- Ru 2:14; 1Sa 17:17.",
"Flesh. -- 2Sa 6:19; Pr 9:2.",
"Fish. -- Mt 7:10; Lu 24:42.",
"Herbs. -- Pr 15:17; Ro 14:2; Heb 6:7.",
"Fruit. -- 2Sa 16:2.",
"Dried fruit. -- 1Sa 25:18; 30:12.",
"Honey. -- Song 5:1; Isa 7:15.",
"Oil. -- De 12:17; Pr 21:17; Eze 16:13.",
"Vinegar. -- Nu 6:3; Ru 2:14.",
"Wine. -- 2Sa 6:19; Joh 2:3,10.",
"Water. -- Ge 21:14; Mt 10:42.",
"Expressed by bread and water -- 1Ki 13:9,16.",
"Generally prepared by females -- Ge 27:9; Pr 31:15; Isa 8:13.",
"Was taken",
"In the morning, sparingly. -- Jdj 19:5; Ec 10:16,17.",
"At noon. -- Ge 43:16; Joh 4:6,8.",
"In the evening. -- Ge 24:11,33; Lu 24:29,30.",
"Often sitting. -- Ge 27:19; 43:33.",
"Often reclining. -- Am 6:4; Joh 13:23.",
"With the hand. -- Mt 26:23; Lu 22:21.",
"Thanks given before -- Mr 8:6; Ac 27:35.",
"Purification before -- 2Ki 3:11; Mt 15:2.",
"A hymn sung after -- Mt 26:30.",
"Men and women did not partake of together -- Ge 18:8,9; Es 1:3,9.",
"Articles of, often sent as presents -- 1Sa 17:18; 25:18,27; 2Sa 16:1,2."
] | Diet of the Jews, The |
"Christ, an example -- Mr 1:35; Lu 2:49.",
"Required by God in",
"Seeking him. -- 1Ch 22:19; Heb 11:6.",
"Obeying him. -- De 6:17; 11:13.",
"Hearkening to him. -- Isa 55:2.",
"Striving after perfection. -- Php 3:13,14.",
"Cultivating Christian graces. -- 2Pe 1:5.",
"Keeping the souls. -- De 4:9.",
"Keeping the heart. -- Pr 4:23.",
"Labours of love. -- Heb 6:10-12.",
"Following every good work. -- 1Ti 5:10.",
"Guarding against defilement. -- Heb 12:15.",
"Seeking to be found spotless. -- 2Pe 3:14.",
"Making our call, &c, sure. -- 2Pe 1:10.",
"Self-examination. -- Ps 77:6.",
"Lawful business. -- Pr 27:23; Ec 9:10.",
"Teaching religion. -- 2Ti 4:2; Jude 1:3.",
"Instructing children. -- De 11:19.",
"Discharging official duties. -- De 19:18.",
"Saints should abound in -- 2Co 8:7.",
"In the service of God",
"Should be preserved in. -- Ga 6:9.",
"Is not in vain. -- 1Co 15:58.",
"Preserves from evil. -- Ex 15:26.",
"Leads to assured hope. -- Heb 6:11.",
"God rewards -- De 11:14; Heb 11:6.",
"In temporal matters, leads to",
"Favour. -- Pr 11:27.",
"Prosperity. -- Pr 10:4; 13:4.",
"Honour. -- Pr 12:24; 22:29.",
"Illustrated -- Pr 6:6-8.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 31:40.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 2:17.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 31:21.",
"Nehemiah, &c. -- Ne 4:6.",
"Psalmist. -- Ps 119:60.",
"Apostles. -- Ac 5:42.",
"Apollos. -- Ac 18:25.",
"Titus. -- 2Co 8:22.",
"Paul. -- 1Th 2:9.",
"Onesiphorus. -- 2Ti 1:17."
] | Diligence |
"Ministers authorised to establish -- Mt 16:19; 18:18.",
"Consists in",
"Maintaining sound doctrine. -- 1Ti 1:3; Tit 1:13.",
"Ordering its affairs. -- 1Co 11:34; Tit 1:5.",
"Rebuking offenders. -- 1Ti 5:20; 2Ti 4:2.",
"Removing obstinate offenders. -- 1Co 5:3-5,13; 1Ti 1:20.",
"Should be submitted to -- Heb 13:17.",
"Is for edification -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.",
"Decency and order, the objects of -- 1Co 14:40.",
"Exercise, in a spirit of charity -- 1Co 2:6-8.",
"Prohibits women preaching -- 1Co 14:34; 1Ti 2:12."
] | Discipline of the Church |
"Provokes his anger -- Ps 78:10,40; Isa 3:8.",
"Forfeits his favour -- 1Sa 13:14.",
"Forfeits his promised blessings -- Jos 5:6; 1Sa 2:30; Jer 18:10.",
"Brings a curse -- De 11:28; 28:15.",
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Eph 2:2; Tit 1:16; 3:3.",
"The wicked persevere in -- Jer 2:21.",
"Heinousness of, illustrated -- Jer 35:14.",
"Men prone to excuse -- Ge 3:12,13.",
"Shall be punished -- Isa 42:24,25; Heb 2:2.",
"Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just -- Ne 9:32,33; Da 9:10,11,14.",
"Warnings against -- 1Sa 12:15; Jer 12:17.",
"Bitter results of, illustrated -- Jer 9:13,15.",
"Adam and Eve. -- Ge 3:6,11.",
"Pharaoh. -- Ex 5:2.",
"Nadab, &c. -- Le 10:1.",
"Moses, &c. -- Nu 20:8,11,24.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 28:18.",
"The prophet. -- 1Ki 13:20-23.",
"Israel. -- 2Ki 18:9-12.",
"Jonah. -- Jon 1:2,3."
] | Disobedience to God |
"Forbidden in the church -- 1Co 1:10.",
"Condemned in the church -- 1Co 1:11-13; 11:18.",
"Unbecoming in the church -- 1Co 12:24,25.",
"Are contrary to the",
"Unity of Christ. -- 1Co 1:13; 12:13.",
"Desire of Christ. -- Joh 17:21-23.",
"Purpose of Christ. -- Joh 10:16.",
"Spirit of the church. -- 1Co 11:16.",
"Are proof of a carnal spirit -- 1Co 3:3.",
"Avoid those who cause -- Ro 16:17.",
"Evil of, illustrated -- Mt 12:25."
] | Divisions |
"Destructive to faith -- 2Ti 2:18.",
"Hateful to God -- Re 2:14,15.",
"Unprofitable and vain -- Tit 3:9; Heb 13:9.",
"Should be avoided by",
"Ministers. -- 1Ti 1:4; 6:20.",
"Saints. -- Eph 4:14; Col 2:8.",
"All men. -- Jer 23:16; 29:8.",
"The wicked love -- 2Ti 4:3,4.",
"The wicked given up to believe -- 2Th 2:11.",
"Teachers of",
"Not to be countenanced. -- 2Jo 1:10.",
"Should be avoided. -- Ro 16:17,18.",
"Bring reproach on religion. -- 2Pe 2:2.",
"Speak perverse things. -- Ac 20:30.",
"Attract many. -- 2Pe 2:2.",
"Deceive many. -- Mt 24:5.",
"Shall abound in the latter days. -- 1Ti 4:1.",
"Pervert the gospel of Christ. -- Ga 1:6,7.",
"Shall be exposed. -- 2Ti 3:9.",
"Teachers of, are described as",
"Cruel. -- Ac 20:29.",
"Deceitful. -- 2Co 11:13.",
"Covetous. -- Tit 1:11; 2Pe 2:3.",
"Ungodly. -- Jdj 1:4,8.",
"Proud and ignorant. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.",
"Corrupt and reprobate. -- 2Ti 3:8.",
"Try, by Scripture -- Isa 8:20; 1Jo 4:1.",
"Curse on those who teach -- Ga 1:8,9.",
"Punishment on those who teach -- Mic 3:6,7; 2Pe 2:1,3."
] | Doctrines, False |
"Are from God -- Joh 7:16; Ac 13:12.",
"Are taught by Scripture -- 2Ti 3:16.",
"Are godly -- 1Ti 6:3; Tit 1:1.",
"Immorality condemned by -- 1Ti 1:9-11.",
"Lead to fellowship with the Father and with the Son -- 1Jo 1:3; 2Jo 1:9.",
"Lead to holiness -- Ro 6:17-22; Tit 2:12.",
"Bring no reproach on -- 1Ti 6:1; Tit 2:5.",
"Ministers should",
"Be nourished up in. -- 1Ti 4:6.",
"Attend to. -- 1Ti 4:13,16.",
"Hold, in sincerity. -- 2Co 2:17; Tit 2:7.",
"Hold steadfastly. -- 2Ti 1:13; Tit 1:9.",
"Continue in. -- 1Ti 4:16.",
"Speak things which become. -- Tit 2:1.",
"Saints obey, from the heart -- Ro 6:17.",
"Saints abide in -- Ac 2:42.",
"A faithful walk adorns -- Tit 2:10.",
"The obedience of saints leads to surer knowledge of -- Joh 7:17.",
"Those who oppose are",
"Proud. -- 1Ti 6:3,4.",
"Ignorant. -- 1Ti 6:4.",
"Doting about questions, &c. -- 1Ti 6:4.",
"Not to be received. -- 2Jo 1:10.",
"To be avoided. -- Ro 16:17.",
"Not endured by the wicked -- 2Ti 4:3."
] | Doctrines of the Gospel, The |
"Despised by the Jews -- 2Sa 3:8.",
"Described as",
"Impatient of injury. -- Pr 26:17.",
"Unclean. -- Lu 16:21; 2Pe 2:22.",
"Carnivorous. -- 1Ki 14:11; 2Ki 9:35,36.",
"Fond of blood. -- 1Ki 21:19; 22:38.",
"Dangerous and destructive. -- Ps 22:16.",
"Infested cities by night -- Ps 59:14,15.",
"Nothing holy to be given to -- Mt 7:6; 15:26.",
"Things torn by beasts given to -- Ex 22:31.",
"Sacrificing of, an abomination -- Isa 66:3.",
"Price of, not to be consecrated -- De 23:18.",
"When domesticated",
"Employed in watching flocks. -- Job 30:1.",
"Fed with the crumbs, &c. -- Mt 15:27.",
"Manner of, in drinking alluded to -- Jdj 7:5.",
"Of Gentiles. -- Mt 15:22,26.",
"Of covetous ministers. -- Isa 56:11.",
"Of fools. -- Pr 26:11.",
"Of apostates. -- 2Pe 2:22.",
"Of persecutors. -- Ps 22:16,20.",
"Of obstinate sinners. -- Mt 7:6; Re 22:15.",
"Of false teachers. -- Php 3:2.",
"(Dumb,) of unfaithful ministers. -- Isa 56:10.",
"(Dead,) of the mean. -- 1Sa 24:14; 2Sa 9:8."
] | Dog, The |
"Clean and used as food -- De 14:11.",
"Offered in sacrifice -- Ge 15:9; Le 1:14.",
"Impiously sold in the court of the temple -- Mt 21:12; Joh 2:16.",
"Characterised by",
"Simplicity. -- Mt 10:16.",
"Comeliness of countenance. -- Song 2:14.",
"Softness of eyes. -- Song 1:15.",
"Sweetness of voice. -- Song 2:14.",
"Richness of plumage. -- Ps 68:13.",
"Mournful tabering of, alluded to -- Na 2:7.",
"Dwells in rocks -- Song 2:14; Jer 48:28.",
"Frequents streams and rivers -- Song 5:12.",
"Sent from the ark by Noah -- Ge 8:8,10,12.",
"Why considered the emblem of peace -- Ge 8:11.",
"The harbinger of spring -- Song 2:12.",
"Of the Holy Spirit. -- Mt 3:16; Joh 1:32.",
"Of the meekness of Christ. -- Song 5:12.",
"Of the church. -- Song 2:14; 5:2.",
"Of mourners. -- Isa 38:14; 59:11.",
"Of converts to the church. -- Isa 60:8.",
"(In its flight,) of the return of Israel from captivity. -- Ho 11:11."
] | Dove, The |
"Often of a red colour -- Re 12:3.",
"Described as",
"Powerful. -- Re 12:4.",
"Poisonous. -- De 32:33.",
"Of solitary habits. -- Job 30:29.",
"Its mournful voice alluded to -- Mic 1:8.",
"Its wailing alluded to -- Mic 1:8.",
"Its snuffing up the air alluded to -- Jer 14:6.",
"Its swallowing of its prey alluded to -- Jer 51:34.",
"Found in",
"The wilderness. -- Mal 1:3.",
"Deserted cities. -- Isa 13:22; Jer 9:11.",
"Dry places. -- Isa 34:13; 43:20.",
"A species of, in rivers -- Ps 74:13; Isa 27:1.",
"Of cruel and persecuting kings. -- Isa 27:1; 51:9; Eze 29:3.",
"Of enemies of the church. -- Ps 9:13.",
"Of wicked men. -- Ps 44:19.",
"Of the devil. -- Re 13:2; 20:2,7.",
"(Poison of,) of wine. -- De 32:33."
] | Dragon, The |
"Antiquity of -- Ge 35:14.",
"Sacrifices accompanied by -- Ex 29:40; Le 23:13.",
"Quantity appointed to be used for each kind of sacrifice -- Nu 15:3-10.",
"For public sacrifices provided by the state -- Ezr 7:17; Eze 45:17.",
"Not poured on the altar of incense -- Ex 30:9.",
"Omission of, caused by bad vintage -- Joe 1:9,13.",
"Idolatrous Jews",
"Offered to the queen of heaven. -- Jer 7:18; 44:17-19.",
"Reproved for offering, to idols. -- Isa 57:5,6; 65:11; Jer 19:13; Eze 20:28.",
"Idolaters often used blood for -- Ps 16:4.",
"Vanity of offering, to idols -- De 32:37,38.",
"Illustrative of the",
"Offering of Christ. -- Isa 53:12.",
"Pouring out of the Spirit. -- Joe 2:28.",
"Devotedness of ministers. -- Php 2:17."
] | Drink Offering |
"Forbidden -- Eph 5:18.",
"Caution against -- Lu 21:34.",
"Is a work of the flesh -- Ga 5:21.",
"Is debasing -- Isa 28:8.",
"Is inflaming -- Isa 5:11.",
"Overcharges the heart -- Lu 21:34.",
"Takes away the heart -- Ho 4:11.",
"Leads to",
"Poverty. -- Pr 21:17; 23:21.",
"Strife. -- Pr 23:29,30.",
"Woe and sorrow. -- Pr 23:29,30.",
"Error. -- Isa 28:7.",
"Contempt of God's works. -- Isa 5:12.",
"Scorning. -- Ho 7:5.",
"Rioting and wantonness. -- Ro 13:13.",
"The wicked addicted to -- Da 5:1-4.",
"False teachers often addicted to -- Isa 56:12.",
"Folly of yielding to -- Pr 20:1.",
"Avoid those given to -- Pr 23:20; 1Co 5:11.",
"Denunciations against",
"Those given to. -- Isa 5:11,12; 28:1-3.",
"Those who encourage. -- Hab 2:15.",
"Excludes from heaven -- 1Co 6:10; Ga 5:21.",
"Punishment of -- De 21:20; Joe 1:5,6; Am 6:6,7; Mt 24:49-51.",
"Noah. -- Ge 9:21.",
"Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:36.",
"Uriah. -- 2Sa 11:13.",
"Elah. -- 1Ki 16:9,10.",
"Benhadad. -- 1Ki 20:16.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:4.",
"Corinthians. -- 1Co 11:21."
] | Drunkenness |
"A bird of prey -- Job 9:26; Mt 24:28.",
"Unclean -- Le 11:13; De 14:12.",
"Different kinds of -- Le 11:13,18; Eze 17:3.",
"Called the eagle of the heavens -- La 4:19.",
"Described as",
"Long-sighted. -- Job 39:29.",
"Swift. -- 2Sa 1:23.",
"Soaring to heaven. -- Pr 23:5.",
"Strength of its feathers alluded to -- Da 4:33.",
"Greatness of its wings alluded to -- Eze 17:3,7.",
"Peculiarity of its flight alluded to -- Pr 30:19.",
"Delights in the lofty cedars -- Eze 17:3,4.",
"Dwells in the high rocks -- Job 39:27,28.",
"Feeds her young with blood -- Job 39:29,30.",
"Of wisdom and zeal of God's ministers. -- Eze 1:10; Re 4:7.",
"Of great and powerful kings. -- Eze 17:3; Ho 8:1.",
"(Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the renewal of saints. -- Ps 103:5.",
"(Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of God's care of his church. -- Ex 19:4; De 32:11.",
"(Wings of,) of protection afforded to the church. -- Re 12:14.",
"(Upward flight of,) of the saint's rapid progress toward heaven. -- Isa 40:31.",
"(Swiftness of,) of the melting away of riches. -- Pr 23:5.",
"(Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile armies. -- De 28:49; Jer 4:13; 48:40; La 4:19.",
"(Height and security of its dwelling,) of the fancied but fatal security of the wicked. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:4.",
"(Increase baldness of, in the moulting season,) of calamities. -- Mic 1:16.",
"(Hasting to the prey,) of the swiftness of man's days. -- Job 9:26.",
"Was the standard of the Roman armies -- Mt 24:15,28."
] | Eagle, The |
"The organ of hearing -- Job 13:1; 29:11.",
"Capable of trying and distinguishing words -- Job 12:11.",
"Made. -- Pr 20:12.",
"Planted. -- Ps 94:9.",
"Opens. -- Job 33:16; 36:10.",
"Judicially closed. -- Isa 6:10; Mt 13:15.",
"Christ opens -- Isa 35:5; 43:8,10.",
"Instruction received through -- Isa 30:21.",
"That hears and receives the word of God, blessed -- Ex 15:26; Mt 13:16.",
"Seek knowledge. -- Pr 18:15.",
"Be bowed down to instructions. -- Pr 5:1.",
"Be incline to wisdom. -- Pr 2:2.",
"Be given to the law of God. -- Isa 1:10.",
"Receive the word of God. -- Jer 9:20.",
"Hear and obey reproof. -- Pr 15:31; 25:12.",
"Not satisfied with earthly things -- Ec 1:8.",
"Of the wicked",
"Uncircumcised. -- Jer 6:10; Ac 7:51.",
"Itching. -- 2Ti 4:3.",
"Not inclined to hear God. -- Jer 7:24; 35:15.",
"Turned away from God's law. -- Pr 28:9.",
"Stopped against God's word. -- Ps 58:4; Zec 7:11.",
"Not to be stopped at cry of the poor -- Pr 21:13.",
"Blood put on the right ear of",
"Priests at consecration. -- Ex 29:20; Le 8:23.",
"The healed leper in cleansing him. -- Le 14:14.",
"Often adorned with rings -- Eze 16:12; Ho 2:13.",
"Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the door -- Ex 21:6; De 15:17."
] | Ear, The |
"Christ set an example of -- Mr 1:35; Lu 21:38; Joh 8:2.",
"Requisite for",
"Devotion. -- Ps 5:3; 59:16; 63:1; 88:13; Isa 26:9.",
"Executing God's commands. -- Ge 22:3.",
"Discharge of daily duties. -- Pr 31:15.",
"Neglect of, leads to poverty -- Pr 6:9-11.",
"Practised by the wicked, for",
"Deceit. -- Pr 27:14.",
"Executing plans of evil. -- Mic 2:1.",
"Illustrates spiritual diligence -- Ro 13:11,12.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 19:27.",
"Isaac, &c. -- Ge 26:31.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 28:18.",
"Joshua &c. -- Jos 3:1.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:38.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 15:12.",
"David. -- 1Sa 17:20.",
"Mary, &c. -- Mr 16:2.",
"Apostles. -- Ac 5:21.",
"The world in general -- Ge 1:2.",
"The dry land as divided from waters -- Ge 1:10.",
"Created. -- Ge 1:1; Ne 9:6.",
"Laid the foundation of. -- Job 38:4; Ps 102:25.",
"Formed. -- Ps 90:2.",
"Spread abroad. -- Isa 42:5; 44:24.",
"Suspended in space. -- Job 26:7.",
"Supports. -- Ps 75:3.",
"Establishes. -- Ps 78:69; 119:90.",
"Enlightens. -- Ge 1:14-16; Jer 33:25.",
"Waters. -- Ps 65:9; 147:8.",
"Makes fruitful. -- Ge 1:11; 27:28.",
"Inspects. -- Zec 4:10.",
"Governs supremely. -- Job 34:13; Ps 135:6.",
"Reigns in. -- Ex 8:22; Ps 97:1.",
"Shall be exalted in. -- Ps 46:10.",
"Is the Lord's -- Ex 9:29; 1Co 10:26.",
"Created to be inhabited -- Isa 45:18.",
"First division of -- Ge 10:25.",
"Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of -- Job 11:9; 38:18; Pr 25:3.",
"Diversified by hills and mountains -- Hab 3:6.",
"Full of minerals -- De 8:9; Job 28:1-5,15-19.",
"Described as",
"God's footstool. -- Isa 66:1; Mt 5:35.",
"Full of God's goodness. -- Ps 33:5.",
"Full of God's riches. -- Ps 104:24.",
"Full of God's mercy. -- Ps 119:64.",
"Full of God's glory. -- Nu 14:21; Isa 6:3.",
"Shining with God's glory. -- Eze 43:2.",
"Trembling before God. -- Ps 68:8; Jer 10:10.",
"Melting at God's voice. -- Ps 46:6.",
"Burning at God presence. -- Na 1:5.",
"Formed out of. -- Ge 2:7; Ps 103:14.",
"Given dominion over. -- Ge 1:26; Ps 115:16.",
"By nature is of. -- 1Co 15:47-48.",
"By nature minds the thing of. -- Php 3:19.",
"Brought a curse on. -- Ge 3:17.",
"Shall return to. -- Ge 3:19; Ps 146:4.",
"Subject to God's judgments -- Ps 46:8; Isa 11:4.",
"Corrupted by sin -- Ge 6:11,12; Isa 24:5.",
"Made barren by sin -- De 28:23; Ps 107:34.",
"Made to mourn and languish by sin -- Isa 24:4; Jer 4:28; 12:4; Ho 4:3.",
"Satan goes to and fro in -- Job 1:7; 1Pe 5:8.",
"Shall be filled with the knowledge of God -- Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14.",
"Once inundated -- Ge 7:17-24.",
"Not to be again inundated -- Ge 9:11; 2Pe 3:6,7.",
"To be dissolved by fire -- 2Pe 3:7,10,12.",
"To be renewed -- Isa 65:17; 2Pe 3:13.",
"Saints shall inherit -- Ps 25:13; Mt 5:5."
] | Early Rising |
"Islands and mountainous districts liable to -- Ps 114:4,6; Re 6:14; 16:18,20.",
"Frequently accompanied by",
"Volcanic eruptions. -- Ps 104:32; Na 1:5.",
"Convulsion and receding of the sea. -- 2Sa 22:8,16; Ps 18:7,15; 46:3.",
"Opening of the earth. -- Nu 16:31,32.",
"Overturning of mountains. -- Ps 46:2; Zec 14:4.",
"Rending of rocks. -- Mt 27:51.",
"Are visible tokens of",
"God's power. -- Job 9:6; Heb 12:26.",
"God's presence. -- Ps 68:7,8; 114:7.",
"God's anger. -- Ps 18:7; 60:2; Isa 13:13.",
"Men always terrified by -- Nu 16:34; Zec 14:5; Mt 27:54; Re 11:13.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"At mount Sinai. -- Ex 19:18.",
"In the wilderness. -- Nu 16:31,32.",
"In strongholds of Philistines. -- 1Sa 14:15.",
"When Elijah fled from Jezebel. -- 1Ki 19:11.",
"In Uzziah's reign. -- Am 1:1; Zec 14:5.",
"At our Lord's death. -- Mt 27:51.",
"At out Lord's resurrection. -- Mt 28:2.",
"At Philippi. -- Ac 16:26.",
"Before destruction of Jerusalem, predicted. -- Mt 24:7; Lu 21:11.",
"At Christ's second coming, predicted. -- Zec 14:4.",
"Illustrative of",
"The judgments of God. -- Isa 24:19,20; 29:6; Jer 4:24; Re 8:5.",
"The overthrow of kingdoms. -- Hag 2:6,22; Re 6:12,13; 16:18,19."
] | Earthquakes |
"Described -- Eph 4:12-16.",
"Is the object of",
"The ministerial office. -- Eph 4:11,12.",
"Ministerial gifts. -- 1Co 14:3-5,12.",
"Ministerial authority. -- 2Co 10:8; 13:10.",
"The Church's union in Christ. -- Eph 4:16.",
"The gospel, the instrument of -- Ac 20:32.",
"Love leads to -- 1Co 8:1.",
"Exhortation to -- Jude 1:20,21.",
"Mutual, commanded -- Ro 14:19; 1Th 5:11.",
"All to be done to -- 2Co 12:19; Eph 4:29.",
"Use self-denial to promote, in others -- 1Co 10:23,33.",
"The peace of the Church favours -- Ac 9:31.",
"Foolish questions opposed to -- 1Ti 1:4."
] | Edification |
"Descended from Esau -- Ge 36:9.",
"Dwelt in Mount Seir -- Ge 32:3; De 2:4,5.",
"Were called",
"Children of Esau. -- De 2:4.",
"Brethren of Israel. -- Nu 20:14.",
"Governed by dukes -- Ge 36:15-30,40-43; Ex 15:15.",
"Afterwards had kings -- Ge 36:31-29; Nu 20:14.",
"Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Judah -- 1Ki 22:47.",
"Character of",
"Wise. -- Jer 49:7.",
"Proud and self-confident. -- Jer 49:16; Ob 1:3.",
"Strong and cruel. -- Jer 49:19.",
"Vindictive. -- Eze 25:12.",
"Idolatrous. -- 2Ch 25:14,20.",
"Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.",
"Carried on extensive commerce -- Eze 27:20.",
"Country of",
"Specially given to them. -- De 2:5.",
"Fertile and rich. -- Ge 27:39.",
"Mountainous and rocky. -- Jer 49:16; Mal 1:3.",
"Traversed by roads. -- Nu 20:17.",
"Well fortified. -- Ps 60:9.",
"Called Mount Seir. -- Eze 35:2.",
"Called Mount of Esau. -- Ob 1:21.",
"Called Dumah. -- Isa 21:11.",
"Called Idumea. -- Isa 34:6; Mr 3:8.",
"Called Edom. -- Isa 63:1.",
"Cities of",
"Dinhabah or Dedan. -- Ge 36:32; Jer 49:8.",
"Avith. -- Ge 36:35.",
"Pau. -- Ge 36:39.",
"Bozrah. -- Jer 49:22; Am 1:12.",
"Teman. -- Jer 49:7; Eze 25:13.",
"Eziongeber, a sea port. -- 1Ki 9:26.",
"Implacable enemies of Israel -- Eze 35:5.",
"Israel forbidden to hate -- De 23:7.",
"Israel forbidden to spoil -- De 2:4,6; 2Ch 20:10.",
"Might be received into the congregation in third generation -- De 23:8.",
"Refused Israel a passage -- Nu 20:21; Jdj 11:17.",
"Saul made war against -- 1Sa 14:47.",
"David subdued, &c -- 2Sa 8:14; 1Ch 18:11,13.",
"Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai -- 1Ki 11:16; 1Ch 18:12.",
"Took refuge in Egypt -- 1Ki 11:17-19.",
"Returned after David's death -- 1Ki 11:21-22.",
"Were stirred up against Solomon -- 1Ki 11:14.",
"Confederated with enemies of Israel against Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 20:10; Ps 83:4-6.",
"Miraculous overthrow of -- 2Ch 20:22.",
"Revolted from Joram, king of Judah -- 2Ki 8:20-22; 2Ch 21:8-10.",
"Re-conquered by Amaziah -- 2Ki 14:7,10; 2Ch 25:11,12.",
"The Jews ensnared by the idols of, and punished -- 2Ch 25:14,15,20.",
"Rebelled against Ahaz -- 2Ch 28:17.",
"Aided Babylon against Judah -- Ps 137:7; Ob 1:11.",
"Predictions respecting",
"Subjection to Israel. -- Ge 25:23; 27:29,37.",
"Revolt from Israel. -- Ge 27:40.",
"Israel's occupation of their country. -- Nu 24:18; Ob 1:17-19.",
"To share in the punishment of the nations. -- Jer 9:26; 25:15-27; Eze 32:29.",
"Punishment for persecuting Israel. -- Isa 34:5-8; 63:1-4; La 4:21; Eze 25:13,14; Am 1:11,12; Ob 1:10,15.",
"Exterminating slaughter of. -- Ob 1:18.",
"Utter desolation of their country. -- Isa 34:9-17; Eze 35:7-15.",
"The king of Babylon an instrument of their punishment. -- Jer 27:3-6.",
"Israel an instrument of their punishment. -- Eze 25:14; Ob 1:18.",
"Their ruin to be an astonishment. -- Jer 49:17,21.",
"Their future subjection to the Jews. -- Isa 11:14; Am 9:12.",
"Remarkable persons of",
"Doeg. -- 1Sa 22:18.",
"Hadad. -- 1Ki 11:14,19.",
"Eliphaz. -- Job 2:11."
] | Edomites, The |
"Of Christ, as Messiah -- Isa 42:1; 1Pe 2:6.",
"Of good angels -- 1Ti 5:21.",
"Of Israel -- De 7:6; Isa 45:5.",
"Of ministers -- Lu 6:13; Ac 9:15.",
"Of churches -- 1Pe 5:13.",
"Of saints, is",
"Of God. -- 1Th 1:4; Tit 1:1.",
"By Christ. -- Joh 13:18; 15:16.",
"In Christ. -- Eph 1:4.",
"Personal. -- Mt 20:16; Joh 6:44; Ac 22:14; 2Jo 1:13.",
"According to the purpose of God. -- Ro 9:11; Eph 1:11.",
"According to the foreknowledge of God. -- Ro 8:29; 1Pe 1:2.",
"Eternal. -- Eph 1:4.",
"Sovereign. -- Ro 9:15,16; 1Co 1:27; Eph 1:11.",
"Irrespective of merit. -- Ro 9:11.",
"Of grace. -- Ro 11:5.",
"Recorded in heaven. -- Lu 10:20.",
"For the glory of God. -- Eph 1:6.",
"Through faith. -- 2Th 2:13.",
"Through sanctification of the Spirit. -- 1Pe 1:2.",
"To adoption. -- Eph 1:5.",
"To salvation. -- 2Th 2:13.",
"To conformity with Christ. -- Ro 8:29.",
"To good works. -- Eph 2:10.",
"To spiritual warfare. -- 2Ti 2:4.",
"To eternal glory. -- Ro 9:23.",
"Ensures to saints",
"Effectual calling. -- Ro 8:30.",
"Divine teaching. -- Joh 17:6.",
"Belief in Christ. -- Ac 13:48.",
"Acceptance with God. -- Ro 11:7.",
"Protection. -- Mr 13:20.",
"Vindication of their wrongs. -- Lu 18:7.",
"Working of all things for good. -- Ro 8:28.",
"Blessedness. -- Ps 33:12; 65:4.",
"The inheritance. -- Isa 65:9; 1Pe 1:4,5.",
"Should lead to cultivation of graces -- Col 3:12.",
"Should be evidenced by diligence -- 2Pe 1:10.",
"Saints may have assurance of -- 1Th 1:4.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 21:12.",
"Abram. -- Ne 9:7.",
"Zerubbabel. -- Hag 2:23.",
"Apostles. -- Joh 13:18; 15:19.",
"Jacob. -- Ro 9:12,13.",
"Rufus. -- Ro 16:13.",
"Paul. -- Ga 1:15."
] | Election |
"Water -- Joh 3:5; 7:38,39.",
"Cleansing. -- Eze 16:9; 36:25; Eph 5:26; Heb 10:22.",
"Fertilising. -- Ps 1:3; Isa 27:3,6; 44:3,4; 58:11.",
"Refreshing. -- Ps 46:4; Isa 41:17,18.",
"Abundant. -- Joh 7:37,38.",
"Freely given. -- Isa 55:1; Joh 4:14; Re 22:17.",
"Purifying. -- Isa 4:4; Mal 3:2,3.",
"Illuminating. -- Ex 13:21; Ps 78:14.",
"Searching. -- Zep 1:12; 1Co 2:10.",
"Independent. -- Joh 3:8; 1Co 12:11.",
"Powerful. -- 1Ki 19:11; Ac 2:2.",
"Sensible in its effects. -- Joh 3:8.",
"Reviving. -- Eze 37:9,10,14.",
"Oil -- Ps 45:7.",
"Healing. -- Lu 10:34; Re 3:18.",
"Comforting. -- Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9.",
"Illuminating. -- Mt 25:3,4; 1Jo 2:20,27.",
"Consecrating. -- Ex 29:7; 30:30; Isa 61:1.",
"Rain and dew -- Ps 72:6.",
"Fertilising. -- Eze 34:26,27; Ho 6:3; 10:12; 14:5.",
"Refreshing. -- Ps 68:9; Isa 18:5.",
"Abundant. -- Ps 133:3.",
"Imperceptible. -- 2Sa 17:12; Mr 4:26-28.",
"A dove -- Mt 3:16.",
"Gentle. -- Mt 10:16; Ga 5:22.",
"A voice -- Isa 6:8.",
"Speaking. -- Mt 10:20.",
"Guiding. -- Isa 30:21; Joh 16:13.",
"Warning. -- Heb 3:7-11.",
"A seal -- Re 7:2.",
"Securing. -- Eph 1:13,14; 4:30.",
"Authenticating. -- Joh 6:27; 2Co 1:22.",
"Cloven tongues -- Ac 2:3,6-11."
] | Emblems of the Holy Spirit, The |
"Christ prayed for his -- Lu 23:34.",
"The lives of, to be spared -- 1Sa 24:10; 2Sa 16:10,11.",
"The goods of, to be taken care of -- Ex 23:4,5.",
"Should be",
"Loved. -- Mt 5:44.",
"Prayed for. -- Ac 7:60.",
"Assisted. -- Pr 25:21; Ro 12:20.",
"Overcome by kindness. -- 1Sa 26:21.",
"Rejoice not at the misfortunes of -- Job 31:29.",
"Rejoice not at the failings of -- Pr 24:17.",
"Desire not the death of -- 1Ki 3:11.",
"Curse them not -- Job 31:30.",
"Be affectionately concerned for -- Ps 35:13.",
"The friendship of, deceitful -- 2Sa 20:9,10; Pr 26:26; 27:6; Mt 26:48,49.",
"God defends against -- Ps 59:9; 61:3.",
"God delivers from -- 1Sa 12:11; Ezr 8:31; Ps 18:48.",
"Made to be at peace with saints -- Pr 16:7.",
"Pray for deliverance from -- 1Sa 12:10; Ps 17:9; 59:1; 64:1.",
"Of saints, God will destroy -- Ps 60:12.",
"Praise God for deliverance from -- Ps 136:24."
] | Enemies |
"Often great -- Ge 21:8; Da 5:1; Lu 5:29.",
"Given on occasions of",
"Marriage. -- Mt 22:2.",
"Birthdays. -- Mr 6:21.",
"Weaning children. -- Ge 21:8.",
"Taking leave of friends. -- 1Ki 19:21.",
"Return of friends. -- 2Sa 12:4; Lu 15:23.",
"Ratifying covenants. -- Ge 26:30; 31:54.",
"Sheep-shearing. -- 1Sa 25:2,36; 2Sa 13:23.",
"Harvest home. -- Ru 3:2-7; Isa 9:3.",
"Vintage. -- Jdj 9:27.",
"Coronation of Kings. -- 1Ki 1:9,18,19; 1Ch 12:39,40; Ho 7:5.",
"Offering voluntary sacrifice. -- Ge 31:54; De 12:6,7; 1Sa 1:4,5,9.",
"Festivals. -- 1Sa 20:5,24-26.",
"National deliverance. -- Es 8:17; 9:17-19.",
"Preparations made for -- Ge 18:6,7; Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4; Lu 15:23.",
"Kinds of, mentioned in scripture",
"Dinner. -- Ge 43:16; Mt 22:4; Lu 14:12.",
"Supper. -- Lu 14:12; Joh 12:2.",
"Banquet of wine. -- Es 5:6.",
"Under the direction of a master of the feast -- Joh 2:8,9.",
"Served often by hired servants -- Mt 22:13; Joh 2:5.",
"Served often by members of the family -- Ge 18:8; Lu 10:40; Joh 12:2.",
"Invitations to",
"Often addressed to many. -- Lu 14:16.",
"Often only to relatives and friends. -- 1Ki 1:9; Lu 14:12.",
"Often by the master in person. -- 2Sa 13:24; Es 5:4; Zep 1:7; Lu 7:36.",
"Repeated through servants when all things were ready. -- Pr 9:1-5; Lu 14:17.",
"Should be sent to the poor, &c. -- De 14:29; Lu 14:13.",
"Often given in",
"The house. -- Lu 5:29.",
"The air, besides fountains. -- 1Ki 1:9.",
"The court of the house. -- Es 1:5,6; Lu 7:36,37.",
"The upper room or guest chamber. -- Mr 14:14,15.",
"Guests at",
"Saluted by the master. -- Lu 7:45.",
"Usually anointed. -- Ps 23:5; Lu 7:46.",
"Had their feet washed when they came a distance. -- Ge 18:4; 43:24; Lu 7:38,44.",
"Arranged according to rank. -- Ge 43:33; 1Sa 9:22; Lu 14:10.",
"Often had separate dishes. -- Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:4.",
"Often ate from the same dish. -- Mt 26:23.",
"Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned -- Mt 23:6; Lu 14:7,8.",
"A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests -- Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:5; 9:23,24.",
"Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to -- Joh 13:26.",
"Portions of, often sent to the absent -- 2Sa 11:8; Ne 8:10; Es 9:19.",
"Offence given by refusing to go to -- Lu 14:18,24.",
"Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to -- Lu 14:22,23.",
"Men and women did not usually meet at -- Es 1:8,9; Mr 6:21; Mt 14:11.",
"None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door -- Lu 13:24,25.",
"Began with thanksgiving -- 1Sa 9:13; Mr 8:6.",
"Concluded with a hymn -- Mr 14:26.",
"None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at -- Es 1:8.",
"Music and dancing often introduced at -- Am 6:5; Mr 6:22; Lu 15:25.",
"Often scenes of great intemperance -- 1Sa 25:36; Da 5:3,4; Ho 7:5.",
"Given by the guests in return -- Job 1:4; Lu 14:12."
] | Entertainments |
"Forbidden -- Pr 3:31; Ro 13:13.",
"Produced by foolish disputation -- 1Ti 6:4.",
"Excited by good deeds of others -- Ec 4:4.",
"A work of the flesh -- Ga 5:21; Jas 4:5.",
"Hurtful to the envious -- Job 5:2; Pr 14:30.",
"None can stand before -- Pr 27:4.",
"A proof of carnal-mindedness -- 1Co 3:1,3.",
"Inconsistent with the gospel -- Jas 3:14.",
"Hinders growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1,2.",
"The wicked",
"Are full of. -- Ro 1:29.",
"Live in. -- Tit 3:3.",
"Leads to every evil work -- Jas 3:16.",
"Prosperity of the wicked should not excite -- Ps 37:1,35; 73:3,17-20.",
"Punishment of -- Isa 26:11.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:5.",
"Philistines. -- Ge 26:14.",
"Laban's sons. -- Ge 31:1.",
"Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 37:11.",
"Joshua. -- Nu 11:28,29.",
"Aaron, &c. -- Nu 12:2.",
"Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:3; Ps 106:16.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 18:8.",
"Sanballat, &c. -- Ne 2:10.",
"Haman. -- Es 5:13.",
"Edomites. -- Eze 35:11.",
"Princes of Babylon. -- Da 6:3,4.",
"Chief Priests. -- Mr 15:10.",
"Jews. -- Ac 13:45; 17:5."
] | Envy |
"The emblem of the priestly office -- Ho 3:4.",
"Worn by",
"The high priest. -- 1Sa 2:28; 14:3.",
"Ordinary priests. -- 1Sa 22:18.",
"Persons engaged in the service of God. -- 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14.",
"Generally of linen. -- 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14.",
"For the high priest",
"Commanded to be made. -- Ex 28:4.",
"Made of offerings of the people. -- Ex 25:4,7.",
"Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. -- Ex 28:6; 29:2,3.",
"Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones engraved with names of the twelve tribes of Israel. -- Ex 28:7,9-12; 39:4,6,7.",
"Had a girdle of curious work. -- Ex 28:8.",
"Breastplate of judgment inseparably united to. -- Ex 28:25-28; 39:20,21.",
"Worn over the robe. -- Ex 28:31; Le 8:7.",
"Fastened on with its own girdle. -- Le 8:7.",
"Worn or held by him when consulted. -- 1Sa 23:6,9-12; 30:7,8.",
"Used by idolatrous priests. -- Jdj 8:27; 17:5; 18:14.",
"Israel deprived of, for sin. -- Ho 3:4."
] | Ephod, The |
"Descended from Joseph's second son adopted by Jacob -- Ge 41:52; 48:5.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 48:20; De 33:13-17.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:10.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:8.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:24.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:32,33.",
"Led the third division of Israel -- Nu 10:22.",
"Encamped west of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:18.",
"Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:48-53.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:35,36.",
"Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:37.",
"On Gerizim, said amen to blessings -- De 27:12.",
"Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 16:5-9.",
"Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary -- Jos 16:10; Jdj 1:29.",
"Manasseh in taking Bethel. -- Jdj 1:22-25.",
"Deborah and Barak against Sisera. -- Jdj 5:14.",
"Gideon against Midian. -- Jdj 7:24,25.",
"Remonstrated with Gideon for not calling them sooner against Midian -- Jdj 8:1-3.",
"Quarrelled with Jephthah for not seeking their aid against Ammon -- Jdj 12:1-4.",
"Defeated and many slain -- Jdj 12:5,6.",
"Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:30.",
"Officers appointed over, by David -- 1Ch 27:10,20.",
"The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel -- Isa 7:2-17; Jer 31:9,20.",
"Many of, joined Judah under Asa -- 2Ch 15:9.",
"Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and reformation -- 2Ch 30:18; 31:1.",
"The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of -- Jos 18:1; 19:51.",
"One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of -- 1Ki 12:29.",
"Remarkable persons of",
"Joshua. -- Nu 13:8; Jos 1:1.",
"Abdon. -- Jdj 12:13-15.",
"Zichri. -- 2Ch 28:7."
] | Ephraim, Tribe Of |
"A branch of the river of Eden -- Ge 2:14.",
"The river. -- Ex 23:31; Ne 2:7; Ps 72:8.",
"The great river. -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7.",
"The flood. -- Jos 24:2.",
"Waters of, considered wholesome -- Jer 2:18.",
"Often overflowed its banks -- Isa 8:7,8.",
"Assyria bounded by -- 2Ki 23:29; Isa 7:20.",
"Babylon situated on -- Jer 51:13,36.",
"Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7; 11:24.",
"Egyptian army destroyed at -- Jer 46:2,6,10.",
"Frequented by the captive Jews -- Ps 137:1.",
"Captivity of Judah represented by the marring of Jeremiah's girdle in -- Jer 13:3-9.",
"Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign -- Jer 51:63.",
"Shall be the scene of future judgments -- Re 16:12."
] | Euphrates, The |
"The day originally began with -- Ge 1:5.",
"Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, and sunset -- Ex 12:6; Nu 9:3.",
"Even. -- Ge 19:1; De 28:67.",
"Eventide. -- Jos 8:29; Ac 4:3.",
"Cool of the day. -- Ge 3:8.",
"Stretches out its shadows -- Jer 6:4.",
"The outgoings of, praise God -- Ps 65:8.",
"Man ceases from labour in -- Ru 2:17; Ps 104:23.",
"Wild beasts come forth in -- Ps 59:6,14; Jer 5:6.",
"A season for",
"Meditation. -- Ge 24:63.",
"Prayer. -- Ps 55:17; Mt 14:15,23.",
"Exercise. -- 2Sa 11:2.",
"Taking food. -- Mr 14:17,18; Lu 24:29,30.",
"Humiliation often continued until -- Jos 7:6; Jdj 20:23,26; 21:2; Ezr 9:4,5.",
"Custom of sitting at the gates in -- Ge 19:1.",
"All defiled persons uncleaned until -- Le 11:24-28; 15:5-7; 17:15; Nu 19:19.",
"Part of the daily sacrifice offered in -- Ex 29:41; Ps 141:2; Da 9:21.",
"Paschal lamb killed in -- Ex 12:6,18.",
"The golden candlestick lighted in -- Ex 27:21; 30:8.",
"The sky red in, a token of fair weather -- Mt 16:2."
] | Evening, The |
"Is perfect -- Heb 7:26.",
"Conformity to, required in",
"Holiness. -- 1Pe 1:15,16; Ro 1:6.",
"Righteousness. -- 1Jo 2:6.",
"Purity. -- 1Jo 3:3.",
"Love. -- Joh 13:34; Eph 5:2; 1Jo 3:16.",
"Humility. -- Lu 22:27; Php 2:5,7.",
"Meekness. -- Mt 11:29.",
"Obedience. -- Joh 15:10.",
"Self-denial. -- Mt 16:24; Ro 15:3.",
"Ministering to others. -- Mt 20:28; Joh 13:14,15.",
"Benevolence. -- Ac 20:35; 2Co 8:7,9.",
"Forgiving injuries. -- Col 3:13.",
"Overcoming the world. -- Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4.",
"Being not of the world. -- Joh 17:16.",
"Being guileless. -- 1Pe 2:21-22.",
"Suffering wrongfully. -- 1Pe 2:21-23.",
"Suffering for righteousness. -- Heb 12:3,4.",
"Saints predestinated to follow -- Ro 8:29.",
"Conformity to, progressive -- 2Co 3:18."
] | Example of Christ, The |
"As God -- Joh 1:1-5; Php 2:6,9,10.",
"As the Son of God -- Mt 3:17; Heb 1:6,8.",
"As one with the Father -- Joh 10:30,38.",
"As the First-born -- Col 1:15,18.",
"As the First-begotten -- Heb 1:6.",
"As Lord of lords, &c -- Re 17:14.",
"As the image of God -- Col 1:15; Heb 1:3.",
"As creator -- Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.",
"As the Blessed of God -- Ps 45:2.",
"As Mediator -- 1Ti 2:5; Heb 8:6.",
"As Prophet -- De 18:15,16; Ac 3:22.",
"As Priest -- Ps 110:4; Heb 4:15.",
"As King -- Isa 6:1-5; Joh 12:41.",
"As Judge -- Mt 16:27; 25:31,33.",
"As Shepherd -- Isa 40:10,11; Joh 10:11,14.",
"As Head of the Church -- Eph 1:22.",
"As the true Light -- Lu 1:78,79; Joh 1:4,9.",
"As the foundation of the Church -- Isa 28:16.",
"As the way -- Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19,20.",
"As the truth -- 1Jo 5:20; Re 3:7.",
"As the life -- Joh 11:25; Col 3:4; 1Jo 5:11.",
"As incarnate -- Joh 1:14.",
"In his words -- Lu 4:22; Joh 7:46.",
"In his works -- Mt 13:54; Joh 2:11.",
"In his sinless perfection -- Heb 7:26-28.",
"In the fulness of his grace and truth -- Ps 45:2; Joh 1:14.",
"In his transfiguration -- Mt 17:2; 2Pe 1:16-18.",
"In his exaltation -- Ac 7:55,56; Eph 1:21.",
"In the calling of the Gentiles -- Ps 72:17; Joh 12:21,23.",
"In the restoration of the Jews -- Ps 102:16.",
"In his triumph -- Isa 63:1-3; Re 19:11,16.",
"Followed his sufferings -- 1Pe 1:10,11.",
"Followed his resurrection -- 1Pe 1:21.",
"Is unchangeable -- Heb 1:10-12.",
"Is incomparable -- Song 5:10; Php 2:9.",
"Imparted to saints -- Joh 17:22; 2Co 3:18.",
"Celebrated by the redeemed -- Re 5:8-14; 7:9-12.",
"Revealed in the gospel -- Isa 40:5.",
"Saints shall rejoice at the revelation of -- 1Pe 4:13.",
"Saints shall behold, in heaven -- Joh 17:24."
] | Excellency and Glory of Christ, The |
"Derived from God -- Isa 28:5.",
"Derived from Christ -- Isa 60:1; Lu 2:34.",
"Result from the favour of God -- Isa 43:4.",
"God delights in -- Ps 45:11; Isa 62:3-5.",
"Saints delight in -- Isa 66:11.",
"Consist in its",
"Being the seat of God's worship. -- Ps 96:6.",
"Being the temple of God. -- 1Co 3:16,17; Eph 2:21,22.",
"Being the body of Christ. -- Eph 1:22,23.",
"Being the bride of Christ. -- Ps 45:13,14; Re 19:7,8; 21:2.",
"Being established. -- Ps 48:8; Isa 33:20.",
"Eminent position. -- Ps 48:2; Isa 2:2.",
"Graces of character. -- Song 2:14.",
"Perfection of beauty. -- Ps 50:2.",
"Members being righteous. -- Isa 60:21; Re 19:8.",
"Strength and defence. -- Ps 48:12,13.",
"Sanctification. -- Eph 5:26,27.",
"Augmented by increase of its members -- Isa 49:18; 60:4-14.",
"Are abundant -- Isa 66:11.",
"Sin obscures -- La 2:14,15."
] | Excellency and Glory of the Church, The |
"The light of the body -- Mt 6:22; Lu 11:34.",
"Made. -- Pr 20:12.",
"Formed. -- Ps 94:9.",
"Opens. -- 2Ki 6:17; Ps 146:8.",
"Enlightens. -- Ezr 9:8; Ps 13:3.",
"Frequently fair -- 1Sa 16:12.",
"Sometimes tender -- Ge 29:17.",
"Sometimes blemished -- Le 21:20.",
"Parts of mentioned in scripture",
"The apple or ball. -- De 32:10.",
"The lid. -- Job 16:16.",
"The brow. -- Le 14:9.",
"Actions of, mentioned in scripture",
"Seeing. -- Job 7:8; 28:10.",
"Winking. -- Pr 10:1.",
"Weeping. -- Job 16:20; Ps 88:9; La 1:16.",
"Directing. -- Nu 10:31; Ps 32:8.",
"The light of, rejoices the heart -- Pr 15:30.",
"Not satisfied with seeing -- Pr 27:20; Ec 1:8.",
"Not satisfied with riches -- Ec 4:8.",
"Not evil thing to be set before -- Ps 101:3.",
"A guard to be set on -- Job 31:1; Pr 23:31.",
"Made red by wine -- Ge 49:12; Pr 23:29.",
"Grows dim by sorrow -- Job 17:7.",
"Grows dim by age -- Ge 27:1; 1Sa 3:2.",
"Consumed by grief -- Ps 6:7; 31:9.",
"Consumed by sickness -- Le 26:16.",
"The Jews",
"Wore their phylacteries between. -- Ex 13:16; Mt 23:5.",
"Not to make baldness between. -- De 14:1.",
"Raised up, in prayer. -- Ps 121:1; 123:1.",
"Cast, on the ground in humiliation. -- Lu 18:13.",
"The Jewish women often painted -- 2Ki 9:30; Jer 4:30; Eze 23:40.",
"Often put out as a punishment -- Jdj 16:21; 1Sa 11:2; 2Ki 25:7.",
"Punishment for injuring -- Ex 21:24,26; Le 24:20; Mt 5:38.",
"Of the mind. -- Mt 6:22,23.",
"(Open,) of spiritual illumination. -- Ps 119:18,37.",
"(Anointing with eyesalve,) of healing by the Spirit. -- Re 3:18."
] | Eye, The |
"A characteristic of saints -- Eph 1:1; Col 1:2; 1Ti 6:2; Re 17:14.",
"Exhibited in",
"The service of God. -- Mt 24:45.",
"Declaring the word of God. -- Jer 23:28; 2Co 2:17; 4:2.",
"The care of dedicated things. -- 2Ch 31:12.",
"Helping the brethren. -- 3Jo 1:5.",
"Bearing witness. -- Pr 14:5.",
"Reproving others. -- Pr 27:6; Ps 141:5.",
"Situations of trust. -- 2Ki 12:15; Ne 13:13; Ac 6:1-3.",
"Doing work. -- 2Ch 34:12.",
"Keeping secrets. -- Pr 11:13.",
"Conveying messages. -- Pr 13:17; 25:13.",
"All things. -- 1Ti 3:11.",
"The smallest matters. -- Lu 16:10-12.",
"Should be to death -- Re 2:10.",
"Especially required in",
"Ministers. -- 1Co 4:2; 2Ti 2:2.",
"The wives of ministers. -- 1Ti 3:11.",
"The children of ministers. -- Tit 1:6.",
"Difficulty of finding -- Pr 20:6.",
"The wicked devoid of -- Ps 5:9.",
"Associate with those who exhibit -- Ps 101:6.",
"Blessedness of -- 1Sa 26:23; Pr 28:20.",
"Blessedness of, illustrated -- Mt 24:45,46; 25:21,23.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 39:22,23.",
"Moses. -- Nu 12:7; Heb 3:2,5.",
"David. -- 1Sa 22:14.",
"Hananiah. -- Ne 7:2.",
"Abraham. -- Ne 9:8; Ga 3:9.",
"Daniel. -- Da 6:4.",
"Paul. -- Ac 20:20,27.",
"Timothy. -- 1Co 4:17.",
"Tychicus. -- Eph 6:21.",
"Epaphras. -- Col 1:7.",
"Onesimus. -- Col 4:9.",
"Silvanus. -- 1Pe 5:12.",
"Antipas. -- Re 2:13."
] | Faithfulness |
"Is part of his character -- Isa 49:7; 1Co 1:9; 1Th 5:24.",
"Declared to be",
"Great. -- La 3:23.",
"Established. -- Ps 89:2.",
"Incomparable. -- Ps 89:8.",
"Unfailing. -- Ps 89:33; 2Ti 2:13.",
"Infinite. -- Ps 36:5.",
"Everlasting. -- Ps 119:90; 146:6.",
"Should be pleaded in prayer -- Ps 143:1.",
"Should be proclaimed -- Ps 40:10; 89:1.",
"In his counsels. -- Isa 25:1.",
"In afflicting his saints. -- Ps 119:75.",
"In fulfilling his promises. -- 1Ki 8:20; Ps 132:11; Mic 7:20; Heb 10:23.",
"In keeping his covenant. -- De 7:9; Ps 111:5.",
"In executing his judgments. -- Jer 23:20; 51:29.",
"In forgiving sins. -- 1Jo 1:9.",
"To his saints. -- Ps 89:24; 2Th 3:3.",
"Saints encouraged to depend on. -- 1Pe 4:19.",
"Should be magnified. -- Ps 89:5; 92:2."
] | Faithfulness of God, The |
"By the disobedience of Adam -- Ge 3:6,11,12; Ro 5:12,15,19.",
"Through temptation of the devil -- Ge 3:1-5; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14.",
"Man in consequence of",
"Made in the image of Adam. -- Ge 5:3; 1Co 15:48,49.",
"Born in sin. -- Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Isa 48:8; Joh 3:6.",
"A child of wrath. -- Eph 2:3.",
"Evil in heart. -- Ge 6:5; 8:21; Jer 16:12; Mt 15:19.",
"Blinded in heart. -- Eph 4:18.",
"Corrupt and perverse in his ways. -- Ge 6:12; Ps 10:5; Ro 3:12-16.",
"Depraved in mind. -- Ro 8:5-7; Eph 4:17; Col 1:21; Tit 1:15.",
"Without understanding. -- Ps 14:2,3; Ro 3:11; 1:31.",
"Receives no the things of God. -- 1Co 2:14.",
"Comes short of God's glory. -- Ro 3:23.",
"Defiled in conscience. -- Tit 1:15; Heb 10:22.",
"Intractable. -- Job 11:12.",
"Estranged from God. -- Ge 3:8; Ps 58:3; Eph 4:18; Col 1:21.",
"In bondage to sin. -- Ro 6:19; 7:5,23; Ga 5:17; Tit 3:3.",
"In bondage to the devil. -- 2Ti 2:26; Heb 2:14,15.",
"Constant in evil. -- Ps 10:5; 2Pe 2:14.",
"Conscious of guilt. -- Ge 3:7,8,10.",
"Unrighteous. -- Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10.",
"Abominable. -- Job 15:16; Ps 14:3.",
"Turned to his own way. -- Isa 53:6.",
"Loves darkness. -- Joh 3:19.",
"Corrupt & c in speech. -- Ro 3:13,14.",
"Devoid of the fear of God. -- Ro 3:18.",
"Totally depraved. -- Ge 6:5; Ro 7:18.",
"Dead in sin -- Eph 2:1; Col 2:13.",
"All men partake of the effects of -- 1Ki 8:46; Ga 3:22; 1Jo 1:8; 5:19.",
"Punishment consequent upon",
"Banishment from Paradise. -- Ge 3:24.",
"Condemnation to labour and sorrow. -- Ge 3:16,19; Job 5:6,7.",
"Temporal death. -- Ge 3:19; Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22.",
"Eternal death. -- Job 21:30; Ro 5:18,21; 6:23.",
"Cannot be remedied by man -- Pr 20:9; Jer 2:22; 13:23.",
"Remedy for, provided by God -- Ge 3:15; Joh 3:16."
] | Fall of Man, The |
"Of saints blessed -- Ps 128:3-6.",
"Be taught the Scriptures. -- De 4:9,10.",
"Worship God together. -- 1Co 16:19.",
"Be duly regulated. -- Pr 31:27; 1Ti 3:4,5,12.",
"Live in unity. -- Ge 45:24; Ps 133:1.",
"Live in mutual forbearance. -- Ge 50:17-21; Mt 18:21,22.",
"Rejoice together before God. -- De 14:26.",
"Deceivers and liars should be removed from -- Ps 101:7.",
"Warning against departing from God -- De 29:18.",
"Punishment of irreligious -- Jer 10:25.",
"Good -- Exemplified",
"Abraham. -- Ge 18:19.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 35:2.",
"Joshua. -- Jos 24:15.",
"David. -- 2Sa 6:20.",
"Job. -- Job 1:5.",
"Lazarus of Bethany. -- Joh 11:1-5.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2,33.",
"Lydia. -- Ac 16:15.",
"Jailor of Philippi. -- Ac 16:31-34.",
"Crispus. -- Ac 18:8.",
"Lois. -- 2Ti 1:5."
] | Families |
"Spirit of, explained -- Isa 58:6,7.",
"Not to be made a subject of display -- Mt 6:16-18.",
"Should be to God -- Zec 7:5; Mt 6:18.",
"For the chastening of the soul -- Ps 69:10.",
"For the humbling of the soul -- Ps 35:13.",
"Observed on occasions of",
"Judgments of God. -- Joe 1:14; 2:12.",
"Public calamities. -- 2Sa 1:12.",
"Afflictions of the Church. -- Lu 5:33-35.",
"Afflictions of others. -- Ps 35:13; Da 6:18.",
"Private afflictions. -- 2Sa 12:16.",
"Approaching danger. -- Es 4:16.",
"Ordination of ministers. -- Ac 13:3; 14:23.",
"Accompanied by",
"Prayer. -- Ezr 8:23; Da 9:3.",
"Confession of sin. -- 1Sa 7:6; Ne 9:1,2.",
"Mourning. -- Joe 2:12.",
"Humiliation. -- De 9:18; Ne 9:1.",
"Promises connected with -- Isa 58:8-12; Mt 6:18.",
"Of hypocrites",
"Described. -- Isa 58:4,5.",
"Ostentatious. -- Mt 6:16.",
"Boasted of, before God. -- Lu 18:12.",
"Rejected. -- Isa 58:3; Jer 14:12.",
"Extraordinary Exemplified",
"Our Lord. -- Mt 4:2.",
"Moses. -- Ex 34:28; De 9:9,18.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 19:8.",
"National Exemplified",
"Israel. -- Jdj 20:26; Ezr 8:21; Es 4:3,16; Jer 36:9.",
"Men of Jabesh-gilead. -- 1Sa 31:13.",
"Ninevites. -- Jon 3:5-8.",
"Of Saints Exemplified",
"David. -- 2Sa 12:16; Ps 109:24.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.",
"Esther. -- Es 4:16.",
"Daniel. -- Da 9:3.",
"Disciples of John. -- Mt 9:14.",
"Anna. -- Lu 2:37.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:30.",
"Christians. -- Ac 13:2.",
"Apostles. -- 2Co 6:5.",
"Paul. -- 2Co 11:27.",
"Of the wicked -- Exemplified",
"Elders of Jezreel. -- 1Ki 21:12.",
"Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:27.",
"Pharisees. -- Mr 2:18; Lu 18:12."
] | Fasting |
"Find mercy in God -- Ho 14:3.",
"God will",
"Be a father of. -- Ps 68:5.",
"Be a helper of. -- Ps 10:14.",
"Hear the cry of. -- Ex 22:23.",
"Execute the judgment of. -- De 10:18; Ps 10:18.",
"Punish those who oppress. -- Ex 22:24; Isa 10:1-3; Mal 3:5.",
"Punish those who judge not. -- Jer 5:28,29.",
"Visit in affliction -- Jas 1:27.",
"Let them share in our blessings -- De 14:29.",
"Defend -- Ps 82:3; Isa 1:17.",
"Wrong not, in judgment -- De 24:17.",
"Defraud not -- Pr 23:10.",
"Afflict not -- Ex 22:22.",
"Oppress not -- Zec 7:10.",
"Do no violence to -- Jer 22:3.",
"Blessedness of taking care of -- De 14:29; Job 29:12,13; Jer 7:6,7.",
"The wicked",
"Rob. -- Isa 10:2.",
"Overwhelm. -- Job 6:27.",
"Vex. -- Eze 22:7.",
"Oppress. -- Job 24:3.",
"Murder. -- Ps 94:6.",
"Judge not for. -- Isa 1:23; Jer 5:28.",
"A curse on those who oppress -- De 27:19.",
"Promises with respect to -- Jer 49:11.",
"A type of Zion in affliction -- La 5:3.",
"Lot. -- Ge 11:27,28.",
"Daughters of Zelophehad. -- Nu 27:1-5.",
"Jotham. -- Jdj 9:16-21.",
"Mephibosheth. -- 2Sa 9:3.",
"Joash. -- 2Ki 11:1-12.",
"Esther. -- Es 2:7."
] | Fatherless |
"Christ the special object of -- Lu 2:52.",
"Is the source of",
"Mercy. -- Isa 60:10.",
"Spiritual life. -- Ps 30:5.",
"Spiritual wisdom leads to -- Pr 8:35.",
"Mercy and truth lead to -- Pr 3:3,4.",
"Obtain. -- Pr 12:2.",
"Encompassed by. -- Ps 5:12.",
"Strengthened by. -- Ps 30:7.",
"Victorious through. -- Ps 44:3.",
"Preserved through. -- Job 10:12.",
"Exalted in. -- Ps 89:17.",
"Sometimes tempted to doubt. -- Ps 77:7.",
"Domestic blessings traced to -- Pr 18:22.",
"Disappointment of enemies an assured evidence of -- Ps 41:11.",
"Given in answer to prayer -- Job 33:26.",
"Pray for -- Ps 106:4; 119:58.",
"Plead, in prayer -- Ex 33:12; Nu 11:15.",
"To be acknowledged -- Ps 85:1.",
"The wicked",
"Uninfluenced by. -- Isa 26:10.",
"Do not obtain. -- Isa 27:11; Jer 16:13.",
"Naphtali. -- De 33:23.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 2:26.",
"Job. -- Job 10:12.",
"The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:28,30.",
"David. -- Ac 7:46."
] | Favour of God, The |
"God is the object of -- Isa 8:13.",
"God is the author of -- Jer 32:39,40.",
"Searching the Scriptures gives the understanding of -- Pr 2:3-5.",
"Described as",
"Hatred of evil. -- Pr 8:13.",
"Wisdom. -- Job 28:28; Ps 111:10.",
"A treasure to saints. -- Pr 15:16; Isa 33:6.",
"A fountain of life. -- Pr 14:27.",
"Sanctifying. -- Ps 19:9.",
"Filial and reverential. -- Heb 12:9,28.",
"Commanded -- De 13:4; Ps 22:23; Ec 12:13; 1Pe 2:17.",
"Motives to",
"The holiness of God. -- Re 15:4.",
"The greatness of God. -- De 10:12,17.",
"The goodness of God. -- 1Sa 12:24.",
"The forgiveness of God. -- Ps 130:4.",
"Wondrous works of God. -- Jos 4:23,24.",
"Judgments of God. -- Re 14:7.",
"A characteristic of saints -- Mal 3:16.",
"Should accompany the joy of saints -- Ps 2:11.",
"Necessary to",
"The worship of God. -- Ps 5:7; 89:7.",
"The service of God. -- Ps 2:11; Heb 12:28.",
"Avoiding of sin. -- Ex 20:20.",
"Righteous government. -- 2Sa 23:3.",
"Impartial administration of justice. -- 2Ch 19:6-9.",
"Perfecting holiness. -- 2Co 7:1.",
"Those who have",
"Afford pleasure to God. -- Ps 147:11.",
"Are pitied by God. -- Ps 103:13.",
"Are accepted of God. -- Ac 10:35.",
"Receive mercy from God. -- Ps 103:11,17; Lu 1:50.",
"Are blessed. -- Ps 112:1; 115:13.",
"Confide in God. -- Ps 115:11; Pr 14:26.",
"Depart from evil. -- Pr 16:6.",
"Converse together of holy things. -- Mal 3:16.",
"Should not fear man. -- Isa 8:12,13; Mt 10:28.",
"Desires of, fulfilled by God. -- Ps 145:19.",
"Days of, prolonged. -- Pr 10:27.",
"Should be",
"Prayed for. -- Ps 86:11.",
"Exhibited in our callings. -- Col 3:22.",
"Exhibited in giving a reason for our hope. -- 1Pe 3:15.",
"Constantly maintained. -- De 14:23; Jos 4:24; Pr 23:17.",
"Taught to others. -- Ps 34:11.",
"Advantages of -- Pr 15:16; 19:23; Ec 8:12,13.",
"The wicked destitute of -- Ps 36:1; Pr 1:29; Jer 2:19; Ro 3:18.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 22:12.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 39:9; 42:18.",
"Obadiah. -- 1Ki 18:12.",
"Nehemiah. -- Ne 5:15.",
"Job. -- Job 1:1,8.",
"Christians. -- Ac 9:31.",
"Cornelius. -- Ac 10:2.",
"Noah. -- Heb 11:7."
] | Fear, Godly |
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Re 21:8.",
"Is described as",
"A fear of idols. -- 2Ki 17:38.",
"A fear of man. -- 1Sa 15:24; Joh 9:22.",
"A fear of judgments. -- Isa 2:19; Lu 21:26; Re 6:16,17.",
"A fear of future punishment. -- Heb 10:27.",
"Overwhelming. -- Ex 15:16; Job 15:21,24.",
"Consuming. -- Ps 73:19.",
"A guilty conscience leads to -- Ge 3:8,10; Ps 53:5; Pr 28:1.",
"Seizes the wicked -- Job 15:24; 18:11.",
"Surprises the hypocrite -- Isa 33:14,18.",
"The wicked judicially filled with -- Le 26:16,17; De 28:65-67; Jer 49:5.",
"Shall be realised -- Pr 1:27; 10:24.",
"God mocks -- Pr 1:26.",
"Saints sometimes tempted to -- Ps 55:5.",
"Saints delivered from -- Pr 1:33; Isa 14:3.",
"Trust in God, a preservative from -- Ps 27:1.",
"Exhortations against -- Isa 8:12; Joh 14:27.",
"Adam. -- Ge 3:10.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:14.",
"Midianites. -- Jdj 7:21,22.",
"Philistines. -- 1Sa 14:15.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 28:5,20.",
"Adonijah's guests. -- 1Ki 1:49.",
"Haman. -- Es 7:6.",
"Ahaz. -- Isa 7:2.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:6.",
"Pilate. -- Joh 19:8.",
"Felix. -- Ac 24:25."
] | Fear, Unholy |
"To commemorate the cleansing of the temple after its defilement by Antiochus -- Da 11:31.",
"Held in the winter month, Chisleu -- Joh 10:22."
] | Feast of Dedication, The |
"Held every fiftieth year -- Le 25:8,10.",
"Began upon the day of atonement -- Le 25:9.",
"Called the",
"Year of liberty. -- Eze 46:17.",
"Year of the redeemed. -- Isa 63:4.",
"Acceptable year. -- Isa 61:2.",
"Was specially holy -- Le 25:12.",
"Proclaimed by trumpets -- Le 25:9; Ps 89:15.",
"Enactments respecting",
"Cessation of all field labour. -- Le 25:11.",
"The fruits of the earth to be common property. -- Le 25:12.",
"Redemption of sold property. -- Le 25:23-27.",
"Restoration of all inheritances. -- Le 25:10,13,28; 27:24.",
"Release of Hebrew servants. -- Le 25:40,41,54.",
"Houses in walled cities not redeemed within a year, exempted from the benefit of -- Le 25:30.",
"Sale of property calculated from -- Le 25:15,16.",
"Value of devoted property calculated from -- Le 27:14-23.",
"Illustrative of the Gospel -- Isa 61:1,2; Lu 4:18,19."
] | Feast of Jubilee, The |