sequencelengths 1
| Word
stringlengths 1
"Held first day of the month -- Nu 10:10.",
"Celebrated with blowing of trumpets -- Nu 10:10; Ps 81:3,4.",
"Sacrifices at -- Nu 28:11-15.",
"A season for",
"Inquiring of God's messengers. -- 2Ki 4:23.",
"Worship in God's house. -- Isa 66:23; Eze 46:1.",
"Entertainments. -- 1Sa 20:5,18.",
"Observed with great solemnity -- 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 2:4; 8:13; 31:3.",
"Restored after captivity -- Ezr 3:5; Ne 10:33.",
"Mere outward observance of, hateful to God -- Isa 1:13,14.",
"Disliked by the ungodly -- Am 8:5.",
"The Jews deprived of, for sin -- Ho 2:11.",
"Observance of, by Christians, condemned -- Col 2:16; Ga 4:10."
] | Feast of the New Moon, The |
"Held fiftieth day after offering first sheaf of barley harvest -- Le 23:15,16; De 16:9.",
"Called the",
"Feast of harvest. -- Ex 23:16.",
"Feast of weeks. -- Ex 34:22; De 16:10.",
"Day of the first fruits. -- Nu 28:26.",
"Day of Pentecost. -- Ac 2:1.",
"To be perpetually observed -- Le 23:21.",
"All males to attend -- Ex 23:16,17; De 16:16.",
"A holy convocation -- Le 23:21; Nu 28:26.",
"A time of holy rejoicing -- De 16:11,12.",
"The first fruits of bread presented at -- Le 23:17; De 16:10.",
"Sacrifices at -- Le 23:18,19; Nu 28:27-31.",
"The law given from Mount Sinai upon -- Ex 12:6,12; 19:1,11.",
"The Holy Spirit given to apostles at -- Ac 2:1-3.",
"Observed by the church -- Ac 20:16; 1Co 16:8."
] | Feast of Pentecost, The |
"Instituted by Mordecai -- Es 9:20.",
"To commemorate the defeat of Haman's wicked design -- Es 3:7-15; 9:24-26.",
"Began fourteenth of twelfth month -- Es 9:17.",
"Lasted two days -- Es 9:21.",
"Mode of celebrating -- Es 9:17-19,22.",
"The Jews bound themselves to keep -- Es 9:27,28.",
"Confirmed by royal authority -- Es 9:29-32."
] | Feast of Purim, or Lots, The |
"A sabbath for the land -- Le 25:2.",
"Kept every seventh year -- Ex 23:11; Le 25:4.",
"Surplus of sixth year to provide for -- Le 25:20-22.",
"Enactments respecting",
"Cessation of all field labour. -- Le 25:4,5.",
"The fruits of the earth to be common property. -- Ex 23:11; Le 25:6,7.",
"Remission of debts. -- De 15:1-3; Ne 10:31.",
"Release of all Hebrew servants. -- Ex 21:2; De 15:12.",
"Public reading of the law at feast of tabernacles. -- De 31:10-13.",
"No release to strangers during. -- De 15:3.",
"Release of, not to hinder the exercise of benevolence -- De 15:9-11.",
"Jews threatened for neglecting -- Le 26:34,35,43; Jer 34:13-18.",
"The seventy years captivity a punishment for neglecting -- 2Ch 36:20,21.",
"Restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:31."
] | Feast of Sabbatical Year, The |
"Held after harvest and vintage -- De 16:13.",
"Began fifteenth of seventh month -- Le 23:34,39.",
"Lasted seven days -- Le 23:34,41; De 16:13,15.",
"Called the feast of ingathering -- Ex 23:16,17.",
"All males obliged to appear at -- Ex 23:16,17.",
"First and last days of, holy convocations -- Le 23:35,39; Nu 29:12,35.",
"Sacrifices during -- Le 23:36,37; Nu 29:13-39.",
"To be observed",
"With rejoicing. -- De 16:14,15.",
"Perpetually. -- Le 23:41.",
"The people dwelt in booths during -- Le 23:42; Ne 8:15,16.",
"The law publicly read every seventh year at -- De 31:10-12; Ne 8:18.",
"Customs observed at",
"Bearing branches of palms. -- Le 23:40; Re 7:9.",
"Drawing water from the pool of Siloam. -- Isa 12:3; Joh 7:2,37-39.",
"Singing hosannas. -- Ps 118:24-29; Mt 21:8,9.",
"To commemorate the sojourn of Israel in the desert -- Le 23:43.",
"Remarkable celebrations of",
"At the dedication of Solomon's temple. -- 1Ki 8:2,65.",
"After the captivity. -- Ex 3:4; Ne 8:17."
] | Feast of Tabernacles, The |
"Ordained by God -- Ex 12:1,2.",
"Commenced the fourteenth of the first month at even -- Ex 12:2,6,18; Le 23:5; Nu 9:3.",
"Lasted seven days -- Ex 12:15; Le 23:6.",
"Called the",
"Passover. -- Nu 9:5; Joh 2:23.",
"Jew's passover. -- Joh 2:13; 11:55.",
"Lord's passover. -- Ex 12:11,27.",
"Feast of unleavened bread. -- Mr 14:1; Lu 22:1.",
"Days of unleavened bread. -- Ac 12:3; 20:6.",
"All males to appear at -- Ex 23:17; De 16:16.",
"Paschal lamb eaten first day of -- Ex 12:6,8.",
"Unleavened bread eaten at -- Ex 12:15; De 16:3.",
"Not to be in their houses during. -- Ex 12:19.",
"Not to be in any of their quarters. -- Ex 13:7; De 16:4.",
"Nothing with, to be eaten. -- Ex 12:20.",
"Punishment for eating. -- Ex 12:15,19.",
"First and last days of, holy convocations -- Ex 12:16; Nu 28:18,25.",
"Sacrifices during -- Le 23:8; Nu 28:19-24.",
"The first sheaf of barley harvest offered the day after the Sabbath in -- Le 23:10-14.",
"To commemorate the",
"Passing over the first-born. -- Ex 12:12,13.",
"Deliverance of Israel from bondage of Egypt. -- Ex 12:17,42; 13:9; De 16:3.",
"To be perpetually observed during the Mosaic age -- Ex 12:14; 13:10.",
"Children to be taught the nature and design of -- Ex 12:26,27; 13:8.",
"Purification necessary to the due observance of -- 2Ch 30:15-19; Joh 11:55.",
"Might be kept in the second month by those who were unclean at the appointed time -- Nu 9:6-11; 2Ch 30:2,3,15.",
"No uncircumcised person to keep -- Ex 12:43,45.",
"Strangers and servants when circumcised might keep -- Ex 12:44,48.",
"Neglect of, punished with death -- Nu 9:13.",
"Improper keeping of, punished -- 2Ch 30:18,20.",
"Remarkable celebrations of",
"On leaving Egypt. -- Ex 12:28,50.",
"In the wilderness of Sinai. -- Nu 9:3-5.",
"On entering the land of promise. -- Jos 5:10,11.",
"In Hezekiah's reign. -- 2Ch 30:1.",
"In Josiah's reign. -- 2Ki 23:22,23; 2Ch 35:1,18.",
"After the captivity. -- Ezr 6:19,20.",
"Before the death of Christ. -- Lu 22:15.",
"Moses kept through faith -- Heb 11:28.",
"Christ always observed -- Mt 26:17-20; Lu 22:15; Joh 2:13,23.",
"The people of Jerusalem lent their rooms to strangers for -- Lu 22:11,12.",
"The Lord's Supper instituted at -- Mt 26:26-28.",
"Custom of releasing a prisoner at -- Mt 27:15; Lu 23:16,17.",
"The Sabbath in, a high day -- Joh 19:31.",
"The day before the Sabbath in, called the preparation -- Joh 19:14,31.",
"Illustrative of redemption through Christ -- 1Co 5:7,8."
] | Feast of the Passover, The |
"Held the first day of seventh month -- Le 23:24; Nu 29:1.",
"A memorial of blowing of trumpets -- Le 23:24.",
"A holy convocation and rest -- Le 23:24,25.",
"Sacrifices at -- Nu 29:2-6."
] | Feasts of Trumpets, The |
"Instituted by God -- Ex 23:14.",
"Enumerated -- Ex 23:15,16.",
"Appointed feasts. -- Isa 1:14.",
"Feasts of the Lord. -- Le 23:4.",
"Solemn feasts. -- 2Ch 8:13; La 1:4.",
"Solemn meetings. -- Isa 1:13.",
"Were a time of thankfulness -- Ps 122:4.",
"All males to attend -- Ex 23:17; 34:23.",
"Children commenced attending, when twelve years old -- Lu 2:42.",
"Females often attended -- 1Sa 1:3,9; Lu 2:41.",
"The Jews attended gladly -- Ps 122:1,2.",
"The Jews went up to, in large companies -- Ps 42:4; Lu 2:44.",
"The dangers and difficulties encountered in going up to, alluded to -- Ps 84:6,7.",
"The land divinely protected during -- Ex 34:24.",
"Offerings to made at -- Ex 34:20; De 16:16,17.",
"Were seasons of",
"Joy and gladness. -- Ps 42:4; Isa 30:20.",
"Sacrificing. -- 1Sa 1:3; 1Ki 9:25; 2Ch 8:13.",
"Entertainments. -- 1Sa 1:4,9.",
"The ten tribes seduced by Jeroboam from attending. -- 1Ki 12:27.",
"The Jews dispersed in distant parts often attended. -- Ac 2:5-11; 8:27.",
"Christ attended. -- Joh 5:1; 7:10.",
"Rendered unavailing by the impiety of the Jews. -- Isa 1:13,14; Am 5:21.",
"Illustrative of general assembly of the church. -- Heb 12:23."
] | Feasts, the Anniversary |
"Necessary members of the body -- 1Co 12:15,21.",
"Parts of, mentioned in scripture",
"Heel. -- Ps 41:9; 49:5; Ho 12:3.",
"Sole. -- De 11:24; 1Ki 5:3.",
"Toes. -- Ex 29:20; 2Sa 21:20; Da 2:41.",
"Often swift -- 2Sa 2:18; 22:34.",
"Were liable to",
"Disease. -- 1Ki 15:23.",
"Swelling from walking. -- De 8:4.",
"Injury from stones, & c. -- Ps 91:12.",
"Early use of shoes -- Ex 12:11.",
"Of women often adorned with tingling ornaments -- Isa 3:16,18.",
"Of the Jews",
"Neglected in affliction. -- 2Sa 19:24; Eze 24:17.",
"Bare in affliction. -- 2Sa 15:30.",
"Washed frequently. -- 2Sa 11:8; Song 5:3.",
"Stamped on the ground in extreme joy or grief -- Eze 6:11; 25:6.",
"Washing for others, a menial office -- 1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:5-14.",
"Of strangers and travellers washed -- Ge 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 1Ti 5:10.",
"Neglect of washing, disrespectful to guest -- Lu 7:44.",
"Respect exhibited by falling at -- 1Sa 25:24; 2Ki 4:37; Es 8:3; Mr 5:22; Ac 10:25.",
"Reverence expressed by kissing -- Lu 7:38,45.",
"Sleep expressed by covering -- 1Sa 24:3.",
"Subjection expressed by licking the dust of -- Isa 49:23.",
"Condemnation expressed by shaking the dust from -- Mt 10:14; Mr 6:11.",
"Subjugation of enemies expressed by placing on their necks -- Jos 10:24; Ps 110:1.",
"Origin of uncovering in consecrated places -- Ex 3:5; Jos 5:15.",
"Of enemies often maimed and cut off -- Jdj 1:6,7; 2Sa 4:12.",
"Of criminals",
"Bound with fetters. -- Ps 105:18.",
"Placed in stocks. -- Job 13:27; Ac 16:24.",
"Path of, to be pondered -- Pr 4:26.",
"To be refrained from evil -- Pr 1:15; Heb 12:13.",
"To be turned to God's testimonies -- Ps 119:59.",
"To be directed by God's word -- Ps 119:105.",
"To be guided by wisdom and discretion -- Pr 3:21,23,26.",
"Of the wicked",
"Swift to mischief. -- Pr 6:18.",
"Swift to shed blood. -- Pr 1:16; Ro 3:15.",
"Ensnared. -- Job 18:8; Ps 9:15.",
"Of saints",
"At liberty. -- Ps 18:36; 31:8.",
"Kept by God. -- 1Sa 2:9; Ps 116:8.",
"Established by God. -- Ps 66:9; 121:3.",
"Guided by Christ. -- Isa 48:17; Lu 1:79.",
"(Set on a rock,) of stability. -- Ps 40:2.",
"(Set in a large place,) of liberty. -- Ps 31:8.",
"(Sliding,) of yielding to temptation. -- Job 12:5; Ps 17:5; 38:16; 94:18.",
"(Treading under,) of complete destruction. -- Isa 18:7; La 1:15.",
"(Washed or dipped in oil,) of abundance. -- De 33:24; Job 29:6.",
"(Dipped in blood,) of victory. -- Ps 68:23."
] | Feet, The |
"Produces a rich sweet fruit -- Jdj 9:11.",
"Not found in desert places -- Nu 20:5.",
"Abounded in",
"Egypt. -- Ps 105:33.",
"Canaan. -- Nu 13:23; De 8:8.",
"Often grew wild -- Am 7:14.",
"Sometimes planted in vineyards -- Lu 13:6.",
"Propagated by the Jews -- Am 4:9.",
"Required cultivation -- Lu 13:8.",
"Fruit of, formed after winter -- Song 2:11,13.",
"Leaves of, put forth, a sign of the approach of summer -- Mt 24:32.",
"Reasonableness of expecting fruit upon, when full of leaves -- Mr 11:13.",
"Fruit of",
"Eaten fresh from the tree. -- Mt 21:18,19.",
"Eaten dried in cakes. -- 1Sa 30:12.",
"Gathered and kept in baskets. -- Jer 24:1.",
"First ripe esteemed. -- Jer 24:2; Ho 9:10.",
"Used in the miraculous healing of Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 20:7; Isa 38:21.",
"Sold in the markets. -- Ne 13:15.",
"Sent as presents. -- 1Sa 25:18; 1Ch 12:40.",
"A species of, produced vile and worthless fruit -- Jer 29:17.",
"Leaves of, used by Adam for covering -- Ge 3:7.",
"Afforded a thick shade -- Joh 1:48,50.",
"Often unfruitful -- Lu 13:7.",
"Failure of, a great calamity -- Hab 3:17.",
"The Jews punished by",
"God's breaking down. -- Ho 2:12.",
"Failure of fruit on. -- Jer 8:13; Hag 2:19.",
"Enemies devouring fruit of. -- Jer 5:17.",
"Barking and eating of, by locusts. -- Joe 1:4,7,12; Am 4:9.",
"(Barren,) of mere professors of religion. -- Mt 21:19; Lu 13:6,7.",
"(Sitting under one's own,) of prosperity and peace. -- 1Ki 4:25; Mic 4:4.",
"Fruit of, illustrative",
"Of good works. -- Mt 7:16.",
"(Good,) of saints. -- Jer 24:2,3.",
"(Bad,) of wicked men. -- Jer 24:2-8.",
"(First ripe,) of the fathers of the Jewish church. -- Ho 9:10.",
"(Untimely and dropping,) of the wicked ripe for judgment. -- Isa 34:4; Na 3:12; Re 6:13."
] | Fig Tree, The |
"Of man and beast dedicated to God -- Ex 13:2,12; 22:29.",
"Dedicated to commemorate the sparing of the first born of Israel -- Ex 13:15; Nu 3:13; 8:17.",
"Of clean beasts",
"Not to labour. -- De 15:19.",
"Not shorn. -- De 15:19.",
"Not taken from the dam for seven days. -- Ex 22:30; Le 22:27.",
"Offered in sacrifice. -- Nu 18:17.",
"Could not be a free-will offering. -- Le 27:26.",
"Antiquity of offering. -- Ge 4:4.",
"Flesh of, the priest's portion. -- Nu 18:18.",
"Of clean beasts",
"To be redeemed. -- Nu 18:15.",
"Law of redemption for. -- Nu 18:16.",
"Of the ass to be redeemed with lamb or its neck broken -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.",
"Of Israel",
"Tribe of Levi taken for. -- Nu 3:12,40-43; 8:18.",
"To be redeemed. -- Ex 34:20; Nu 18:15.",
"Price of redemption for. -- Nu 3:46,47.",
"Price of, given to the priests. -- Nu 3:48-51.",
"Laws respecting, restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:36.",
"Laws respecting, observed at Christ's birth -- Lu 2:22,23.",
"The beginning of strength and excellency of power -- Ge 49:3; De 21:17.",
"Precious and valuable -- Mic 6:7; Zec 12:10.",
"Objects of special love -- Ge 25:28; Jer 31:9,20.",
"Privileges of",
"Precedence in the family. -- Ge 48:13,14.",
"Authority over the younger children. -- Ge 27:29; 1Sa 20:29.",
"Special blessing by the father. -- Ge 27:4,35.",
"The father's title and power. -- 2Ch 21:3.",
"A double portion of inheritance. -- De 21:17.",
"In case of death the next brother to raise up seed to. -- De 25:5,6; Mt 22:24-28.",
"Not to be alienated by parents through caprice. -- De 21:15,16.",
"Could be forfeited by misconduct. -- Ge 49:3,4,8; 1Ch 5:1.",
"Could be sold. -- Ge 25:31,33; Heb 12:16,17.",
"Instances of superseded",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:4,5.",
"Japheth. -- Ge 10:21.",
"Ishmael. -- Ge 17:19-21.",
"Esau. -- Ge 25:23; Ro 9:12,13.",
"Manasseh. -- Ge 48:15-20.",
"Reuben, & c. -- 1Ch 5:1,2.",
"Aaron. -- Ex 7:1,2; Nu 12:2,8.",
"David's brothers. -- 1Sa 16:6-12.",
"Adonijah. -- 1Ki 2:15,22.",
"Illustrative of",
"The dignity, & c of Christ. -- Ps 89:27; Ro 8:29; Col 1:18.",
"The dignity, & c of the church. -- Heb 12:23."
] | First Born, The |
"To be brought to God's house -- Ex 34:26.",
"Different kinds of",
"Barley harvest. -- Le 23:10-14.",
"Wheat harvest. -- Ex 23:16; Le 23:16,17.",
"Wine and oil. -- De 18:4.",
"Wool. -- De 18:4.",
"Honey. -- 2Ch 31:5.",
"Fruit of new trees in fourth year. -- Le 19:23,24.",
"All agricultural produce. -- De 26:2.",
"To be the very best of their kind -- Nu 18:12.",
"Holy to the Lord -- Eze 48:14.",
"God honoured by the offering of -- Pr 3:9.",
"Offering of, consecrated the whole -- Ro 11:16.",
"To be offered",
"Without delay. -- Ex 22:29.",
"In a basket. -- De 26:2.",
"With thanksgiving. -- De 26:3-10.",
"Allotted to the priests -- Nu 18:12,13; Le 23:20; De 18:3-5.",
"Law of, restored after the captivity -- Ne 10:35,37; 13:31.",
"Illustrative of",
"The Jewish church. -- Jer 2:3.",
"First converts in any place. -- Ro 16:5.",
"Church of Christ. -- Jas 1:18; Re 14:4.",
"Resurrection of Christ. -- 1Co 15:20,23."
] | First Fruits, The |
"Created by God -- Ge 1:20,21; Ex 20:11.",
"Made for God's glory -- Job 12:8,9; Ps 69:34.",
"Seas. -- Nu 11:22; Eze 47:10.",
"Rivers. -- Ex 7:18; Eze 29:5.",
"Ponds. -- Song 7:4; Isa 19:10.",
"Number and variety of -- Ps 104:25.",
"Different in flesh from beasts & c -- 1Co 15:39.",
"Cannot live without water -- Isa 50:2.",
"Man given dominion over -- Ge 1:26,28; Ps 8:8.",
"Man permitted to eat -- Ge 9:2,3.",
"Used as food",
"By the Egyptians. -- Nu 11:5.",
"By the Jews. -- Mt 7:10.",
"Mode of cooking alluded to -- Lu 24:42; Joh 21:9.",
"The people of Tyre traded in -- Ne 13:16.",
"Sold near the fish gate at Jerusalem -- 2Ch 33:14; Zep 1:10.",
"Distinction between clean and unclean -- Le 11:9-12; De 14:9,10.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Leviathan. -- Job 41:1; Ps 74:14.",
"Whale. -- Ge 1:21; Mt 12:40.",
"Solomon wrote the history of -- 1Ki 4:33.",
"No likeness of, to be made for worship -- Ex 20:4; De 4:18.",
"Catching of, a trade -- Mt 4:18; Lu 5:2.",
"Taken with",
"Nets. -- Lu 5:4-6; Joh 21:6-8.",
"Hooks. -- Am 4:2; Mt 17:27.",
"Spears. -- Job 41:7.",
"Often suffered for man's sin. -- Ex 7:21; Eze 38:20.",
"Miracles connected with",
"Multiplying a few. -- Mt 14:17-21; 15:34.",
"Immense draughts of. -- Lu 5:6,9; Joh 21:6,11.",
"Procuring tribute money from. -- Mt 17:27.",
"Dressed on the shore. -- Joh 21:9.",
"Of the whole population of Egypt. -- Eze 29:4,5.",
"Of the visible church. -- Mt 13:48.",
"Of men ignorant of future events. -- Ec 9:12.",
"Of those ensnared by the wicked. -- Hab 1:14.",
"(Good,) of saints. -- Mt 13:48,49.",
"(Bad,) of mere professors. -- Mt 13:48,49."
] | Fishes |
"Saints should not used -- Job 32:21,22.",
"Ministers should not use -- 1Th 2:5.",
"The wicked use, to",
"Others. -- Ps 5:9; 12:2.",
"Themselves. -- Ps 36:2.",
"Hypocrites use, to",
"God. -- Ps 78:36.",
"Those in authority. -- Da 11:34.",
"False prophets and teachers use -- Eze 12:24; Ro 16:18.",
"Wisdom, a preservative against -- Pr 4:5.",
"Worldly advantage obtained by -- Da 11:21,22.",
"Seldom gains respect -- Pr 28:23.",
"Avoid those given to -- Pr 20:19.",
"Danger of -- Pr 7:21-23; 20:5.",
"Punishment of -- Job 17:5; Ps 12:3.",
"Woman of Tekoah. -- 2Sa 14:17,20.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:2-6.",
"False prophets. -- 1Ki 22:13.",
"Darius's courtiers. -- Da 6:7.",
"Pharisees, & c. -- Mt 12:14.",
"People of Tyre, & c. -- Ac 12:22."
] | Flattery |
"All men are, without the knowledge of God -- Tit 3:3.",
"Deny God -- Ps 14:1; 53:1.",
"Blaspheme God -- Ps 74:18.",
"Reproach God -- Ps 74:22.",
"Make a mock at sin -- Pr 14:9.",
"Despise instruction -- Pr 1:7; 15:5.",
"Hate knowledge -- Pr 1:22.",
"Delight not in understanding -- Pr 18:2.",
"Sport themselves in mischief -- Pr 10:23.",
"Walk in darkness -- Ec 2:14.",
"Hate to depart from evil -- Pr 13:19.",
"Worship of, hateful to God -- Ec 5:1.",
"Corrupt and abominable. -- Ps 14:1.",
"Self-sufficient. -- Pr 12:15; Ro 1:22.",
"Self-confident. -- Pr 14:16.",
"Self-deceivers. -- Pr 14:8.",
"Mere professors of religion. -- Mt 25:2-12.",
"Full of words. -- Ec 10:14.",
"Given to meddling. -- Pr 20:3.",
"Slanderers. -- Pr 10:18.",
"Liars. -- Pr 10:18.",
"Slothful. -- Ec 4:5.",
"Angry. -- Ec 7:9.",
"Contentious. -- Pr 18:6.",
"A grief to parents. -- Pr 17:25; 19:13.",
"Come to shame -- Pr 3:35.",
"Destroy themselves by their speech -- Pr 10:8,14; Ec 10:12.",
"The company of, ruinous -- Pr 13:20.",
"Lips of, a snare to the soul -- Pr 18:7.",
"Cling to their folly -- Pr 26:11; 27:22.",
"Worship idols -- Jer 10:8; Ro 1:22,23.",
"Trust to their own hearts -- Pr 28:26.",
"Depend upon their wealth -- Lu 12:20.",
"Hear the gospel and obey it not -- Mt 7:26.",
"The mouth of, pours out folly -- Pr 15:2.",
"Honour is unbecoming for -- Pr 26:1,8.",
"God has no pleasure in -- Ec 5:4.",
"Shall not stand in the presence of God -- Ps 5:5.",
"Avoid them -- Pr 9:6; 14:7.",
"Exhorted to seek wisdom -- Pr 8:5.",
"Punishment of -- Ps 107:17; Pr 19:29; 26:10.",
"Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:8.",
"Israel. -- Jer 4:22.",
"Pharisees. -- Mt 23:17,19."
] | Fools |
"Tracts of land covered with trees -- Isa 44:14.",
"Underbrush often in -- Isa 9:18.",
"Infested by wild beasts -- Ps 50:10; 104:20; Isa 56:9; Jer 5:6; Mic 5:8.",
"Abounded with wild honey -- 1Sa 14:25,26.",
"Often afforded pasture -- Mic 7:14.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Bashan. -- Isa 2:13; Eze 27:6; Zec 11:2.",
"Hareth. -- 1Sa 22:5.",
"Ephraim. -- 2Sa 18:6,8.",
"Lebanon. -- 1Ki 7:2; 10:17.",
"Carmel. -- 2Ki 19:23; Isa 37:24.",
"Arabian. -- Isa 21:13.",
"The south. -- Eze 20:46,47.",
"The king's. -- Ne 2:8.",
"Supplied timber for building -- 1Ki 5:6-8.",
"Were places of refuge -- 1Sa 22:5; 23:16.",
"Jotham built towers, & c, in -- 2Ch 27:4.",
"The power of God extends over -- Ps 29:9.",
"Called on to rejoice at God's mercy -- Isa 44:23.",
"Often destroyed by enemies -- 2Ki 19:23; Isa 37:24; Jer 46:23.",
"Of the unfruitful world. -- Isa 32:19.",
"(A fruitful field turned into,) of the Jews rejected by God. -- Isa 29:17; 32:15.",
"(Destroyed by fire,) of destruction of the wicked. -- Isa 9:18; 10:17,18; Jer 21:14."
] | Forests |
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Pr 2:17; Isa 65:11.",
"Backsliders are guilty of -- Jer 3:21,22.",
"Is forgetting his",
"Covenant. -- De 4:23; 2Ki 17:38.",
"Works. -- Ps 78:7,11; 106:13.",
"Benefits. -- Ps 103:2; 106:7.",
"Word. -- Heb 12:5; Jas 1:25.",
"Law. -- Ps 119:153,176; Ho 4:6.",
"Past deliverance. -- Jdj 8:34; Ps 78:42.",
"Power to deliver. -- Isa 51:13-15.",
"Encouraged by false teachers -- Jer 23:27.",
"Prosperity often leads to -- De 8:12-14; Ho 13:6.",
"Trials should not lead to -- Ps 44:17-20.",
"Resolve against -- Ps 119:16,93.",
"Cautions against -- De 6:12; 8:11.",
"Exhortation to those guilty of -- Ps 50:22.",
"Punishment of -- Job 8:12,13; Ps 9:17; Isa 17:10,11; Eze 23:35; Ho 8:14."
] | Forgetting God |
"Christ set an example of -- Lu 23:34.",
"Commanded -- Mr 11:25; Ro 12:19.",
"To be unlimited -- Mt 18:22; Lu 17:4.",
"A characteristic of saints -- Ps 7:4.",
"Motives to",
"The mercy of God. -- Lu 6:36.",
"Our need of forgiveness. -- Mr 11:25.",
"God's forgiveness of us. -- Eph 4:32.",
"Christ's forgiveness of us. -- Col 3:13.",
"A glory to saints -- Pr 19:11.",
"Should be accompanied by",
"Forbearance. -- Col 3:13.",
"Kindness. -- Ge 45:5-11; Ro 12:20.",
"Blessing and prayer. -- Mt 5:44.",
"Promises to -- Mt 6:14; Lu 6:37.",
"No forgiveness without -- Mt 6:15; Jas 2:13.",
"Illustrated -- Mt 18:23-35.",
"Joseph. -- Ge 50:20,21.",
"David. -- 1Sa 24:7; 2Sa 18:5; 19:23.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:53.",
"Stephen. -- Ac 7:60.",
"Paul. -- 2Ti 4:16."
] | Forgiveness of Injuries |
"Idolaters guilty of -- 1Sa 8:8; 1Ki 11:33.",
"The wicked guilty of -- De 28:20.",
"Backsliders guilty of -- Jer 15:6.",
"Is forsaking",
"His house. -- 2Ch 29:6.",
"His covenant. -- De 29:25; 1Ki 19:10; Jer 22:9; Da 11:30.",
"His commandments. -- Ezr 9:10.",
"The right way. -- 2Pe 2:15.",
"Trusting in man is -- Jer 17:5.",
"Leads men to follow their own devices -- Jer 2:13.",
"Prosperity tempts to -- De 31:20; 32:15.",
"Wickedness of -- Jer 2:13; 5:7.",
"Unreasonableness and ingratitude of -- Jer 2:5,6.",
"Brings confusion -- Jer 17:13.",
"Followed by remorse -- Eze 6:9.",
"Brings down his wrath -- Ezr 8:22.",
"Provokes God to forsake men -- Jdj 10:13; 2Ch 15:2; 24:20,24.",
"Resolve against -- Jos 24:16; Ne 10:29-39.",
"Curse pronounced upon -- Jer 17:5.",
"Sin of, to be confessed -- Ezr 9:10.",
"Warnings against -- Jos 24:20; 1Ch 28:9.",
"Punishment of -- De 28:20; 2Ki 22:16,17; Isa 1:28; Jer 1:16; 5:19.",
"Children of Israel. -- 1Sa 12:10.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 15:11.",
"Ahab. -- 1Ki 18:18.",
"Amon. -- 2Ki 21:22.",
"Kingdom of Judah. -- 2Ch 12:1,5; 21:10; Isa 1:4; Jer 15:6.",
"Kingdom of Israel. -- 2Ch 13:11; 2Ki 17:7-18.",
"Many disciples. -- Joh 6:66.",
"Phygellus, & c. -- 2Ti 1:15.",
"Balaam. -- 2Pe 2:15."
] | Forsaking God |
"Places strong by nature -- Nu 24:21.",
"Places fortified by art -- Jer 51:53.",
"The security of a nation -- Isa 33:16; Da 11:10.",
"Places used as",
"Cities. -- Jdj 9:31; Ne 4:2.",
"Strong-holds. -- Jdj 6:2; 2Ch 11:11.",
"Forts. -- 2Sa 5:9; Isa 25:12.",
"Strong towers. -- 2Ch 26:9.",
"Afforded protection in danger -- Jdj 6:2.",
"Defended against enemies -- Na 2:1.",
"Entered by the enemy. -- Da 11:7.",
"Spoiled. -- Ho 10:14.",
"Levelled. -- Isa 25:12.",
"Deserted, & c. -- Isa 34:13.",
"Destruction of, threatened. -- Isa 17:3.",
"Illustrative of",
"God's protection. -- Ps 18:2; Jer 16:19.",
"Christ, the defence of saints. -- Isa 33:16.",
"Protection afforded to ministers. -- Jer 6:27."
] | Fortresses |
"The lowest part of a building, and on which it rests -- Lu 14:29; Ac 16:26.",
"Figuratively applied to",
"The heavens. -- 2Sa 22:8.",
"The earth. -- Job 38:4; Ps 104:5.",
"The world. -- Ps 18:15; Mt 13:35.",
"The mountains. -- De 32:22.",
"The ocean. -- Ps 104:8.",
"Kingdoms. -- Ex 9:18.",
"Laid for",
"Cities. -- Jos 6:26; 1Ki 16:34.",
"Walls. -- Ezr 4:12; Re 21:14.",
"Houses. -- Lu 6:48.",
"Temples. -- 1Ki 6:37; Ezr 3:10.",
"Towers. -- Lu 14:28,29.",
"Described as",
"Of stone. -- 1Ki 5:17.",
"Deep laid. -- Lu 6:48.",
"Strongly laid. -- Ezr 6:3.",
"Joined together by corner stones. -- Ezr 4:12; 1Pe 2:6; Eph 2:20.",
"Security afforded by -- Mt 7:25; Lu 6:48.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ. -- Isa 28:16; 1Co 3:11.",
"Doctrines of the apostles, & c. -- Eph 2:20.",
"First principles of the gospel. -- Heb 6:1,2.",
"Decrees and purposes of God. -- 2Ti 2:19.",
"Magistrates. -- Ps 82:5.",
"The righteous. -- Pr 10:25.",
"Hope of saints. -- Ps 87:1.",
"Security of saints' inheritance. -- Heb 11:10."
] | Foundation |
"Created by God -- Ps 74:15; 104:10.",
"God to be praised for -- Re 14:7.",
"Come from the great deep -- Ge 7:11; Job 38:16.",
"Found in hills and valleys -- De 8:7; Ps 104:10.",
"Send forth each but one kind of water -- Jas 3:11.",
"Drink to the beasts. -- Ps 104:11.",
"Refreshment to the birds. -- Ps 104:12.",
"Fruitfulness to the earth. -- 1Ki 18:5; Joe 3:18.",
"Frequented by travellers -- Ge 16:7.",
"Abound in Canaan -- De 8:7; 1Ki 18:5.",
"Sometimes dried up -- Isa 58:11.",
"Drying up of, a severe punishment -- Ps 107:33,34; Ho 13:15.",
"Constantly flowing",
"Especially esteemed. -- Isa 58:11.",
"Could not be ceremonially defiled. -- Le 11:36.",
"Sometimes stopped or turned off to distress enemies -- 2Ch 32:3,4.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"In the way to Shur. -- Ge 16:7.",
"Of the waters of Nephtoah. -- Jos 15:9.",
"Of Jezreel. -- 1Sa 29:1.",
"Of Pisgah. -- De 4:49.",
"Upper and nether springs. -- Jos 15:19; Jdj 1:15.",
"Of God. -- Ps 36:9; Jer 2:13; 17:13.",
"Of Christ. -- Zec 13:1.",
"Of the Holy Spirit. -- Joh 7:38,39.",
"Of constant supplies of grace. -- Ps 87:7.",
"Of eternal life. -- Joh 4:14; Re 21:6.",
"Of the means of grace. -- Isa 41:18; Joe 3:18.",
"Of a good wife. -- Pr 5:18.",
"Of a numerous posterity. -- De 33:28.",
"Of spiritual wisdom. -- Pr 16:22; 18:4.",
"Of the law of the wise. -- Pr 13:14.",
"Of godly fear. -- Pr 14:27.",
"(Sealed up,) of the church. -- Song 4:12.",
"(Not failing,) of the church. -- Isa 58:11.",
"(Always flowing,) of unceasing wickedness of the Jews. -- Jer 6:7.",
"(Corrupt,) of the natural heart. -- Jas 3:11; Mt 15:18,19.",
"(Troubled,) of saints led astray. -- Pr 25:26."
] | Fountains and Springs |
"Found in deserts -- Eze 13:4.",
"Abounded in Palestine -- Jdj 15:4; La 5:18.",
"Described as",
"Active. -- Ne 4:3.",
"Crafty. -- Lu 13:32.",
"Carnivorous. -- Ps 63:10.",
"Destructive to vines -- Song 2:15.",
"Dwells in holes -- Mt 8:20; Lu 9:58.",
"Illustrative of",
"False prophets. -- Eze 13:4.",
"Cunning and deceitful persons. -- Lu 13:32.",
"Enemies of the church. -- Song 2:15.",
"Used by Samson for annoying the Philistines. -- Jdj 15:4-6."
] | Fox, The |
"The produce of corn, & c -- De 22:9; Ps 107:37.",
"The produce of trees -- Ge 1:29; Ec 2:5.",
"Called the",
"Fruit of the ground. -- Ge 4:3; Jer 7:20.",
"Fruit of the earth. -- Isa 4:2.",
"Increase of the land. -- Ps 85:12.",
"Given by God -- Ac 14:17.",
"Preserved to us by God -- Mal 3:11.",
"A fruitful land. -- Ps 107:31.",
"Rain from heaven. -- Ps 104:13; Jas 5:18.",
"Influence of the sun and moon. -- De 33:14.",
"Produced in their due seasons -- Mt 21:41.",
"First of, devoted to God -- De 26:2.",
"Divided into",
"Hasty or precocious. -- Isa 28:4.",
"Summer fruits. -- 2Sa 16:1.",
"New and old. -- Song 7:13.",
"Goodly. -- Jer 11:16.",
"Pleasant. -- Song 4:16.",
"Precious. -- De 33:14.",
"Evil or bad. -- Mt 7:17.",
"To be waited for with patience -- Jas 5:7.",
"Often sent as presents -- Ge 43:11.",
"Often destroyed",
"In God's anger. -- Jer 7:20.",
"By blight. -- Joe 1:12.",
"By locusts, & c. -- De 28:38,39; Joe 1:4.",
"By enemies. -- Eze 25:4.",
"By drought. -- Hag 1:10.",
"Of effects of repentance. -- Mt 3:8.",
"Of works of the Spirit. -- Ga 5:22,23; Eph 5:9.",
"Of doctrines of Christ. -- Song 2:3.",
"Of good works. -- Mt 7:17,18; Php 4:17.",
"Of a holy conversation. -- Pr 12:14; 18:20.",
"Of praise. -- Heb 13:15.",
"Of the example, & c of the godly. -- Pr 11:30.",
"Of effects of industry. -- Pr 31:16,31.",
"Of the reward of saints. -- Isa 3:10.",
"Of the reward of the wicked. -- Jer 17:9,10.",
"Of converts to the church. -- Ps 72:16; Joh 4:36.",
"(Bad,) of the conduct and conversation of evil men. -- Mt 12:33."
] | Fruits |
"Descended from Jacob's seventh son -- Ge 30:11.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:19; De 33:20,21.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:14.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:15.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:24,25.",
"The rear of second division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:18-20.",
"Encamped south of the tabernacle under the standard of Reuben -- Nu 2:10,14.",
"Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:42-47.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:15-17.",
"Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:18.",
"On Ebal, said amen to the curse -- De 27:13.",
"Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Jordan -- Nu 32:1-33.",
"Bounds of its inheritance -- Jos 13:24-28.",
"Cities built by -- Nu 32:34-36.",
"Assisted in conquest of Canaan -- Jos 4:12,13.",
"After the conquest, returned home -- Jos 22:9.",
"Assisted in building the altar of witness which excited the jealousy of Israel -- Jos 22:10-29.",
"Many from other tribes sought refuge with, from the Philistines -- 1Sa 13:7.",
"Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined David in the hold -- 1Ch 12:8-15.",
"Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:37,38.",
"David appointed rulers over -- 1Ch 26:32.",
"Spoiled the Hagarites -- 1Ch 5:18-22.",
"Subdued by Hazael king of Syria -- 2Ki 10:33.",
"Taken captive to Assyria -- 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:22,26.",
"Land of, seized by the Moabites and Ammonites -- Jer 48:18-24; 49:1."
] | Gad, the Tribe Of |
"Origin of -- Ge 3:7,21.",
"Raiment. -- Ge 28:20; De 8:4.",
"Clothes. -- Pr 6:27; Eze 16:39.",
"Clothing. -- Job 22:6; 31:19.",
"Vesture. -- Ge 41:42; Re 19:16.",
"Materials used for",
"Wool. -- Pr 27:26; Eze 34:3.",
"Silk. -- Pr 31:22.",
"Linen. -- Le 6:10; Es 8:15.",
"Camel's hair. -- Mt 3:4.",
"Skins. -- Heb 11:37.",
"Sackcloth. -- 2Sa 3:31; 2Ki 19:1.",
"Not to be made of mixed materials -- De 22:11.",
"Of the sexes, not to be interchanged -- De 22:5.",
"Colours of, mentioned",
"White. -- Ec 9:8.",
"Blue. -- Eze 23:6.",
"Purple. -- Eze 7:27; Lu 16:19.",
"Scarlet. -- 2Sa 1:24; Da 5:7.",
"Different colours. -- Ge 37:3; 2Sa 13:18.",
"Were often fringed and bordered -- Nu 15:38; De 22:12.",
"Scribes and Pharisees condemned for making broad the borders of -- Mt 23:5.",
"Worn long and flowing -- Lu 20:46; Re 1:13.",
"Girt up during employment -- Lu 17:8; Joh 13:4.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Hyke or upper garment. -- De 24:13; Mt 21:8.",
"Burnouse or cloak. -- Lu 6:29; 2Ti 4:13.",
"Tunic or coat. -- Joh 19:23; 21:7.",
"Girdle. -- 1Sa 18:4; Ac 21:11.",
"Bonnet or hat. -- Le 8:13; Da 3:21.",
"Shoe or sandal. -- Ex 3:5; Mr 6:9.",
"Vail. -- Ge 24:65.",
"Liable to plague and leprosy -- Le 13:47-59.",
"Cleansed by water from ceremonial uncleanness -- Le 11:32; Nu 31:20.",
"Of the rich",
"Of the finest materials. -- Mt 11:8.",
"Gay. -- Jas 2:23.",
"Gorgeous. -- Lu 7:25; Ac 12:21.",
"Embroidered. -- Ps 45:14; Eze 16:18.",
"Perfumed. -- Ps 45:8; Song 4:11.",
"Multiplied and heaped up. -- Job 27:17; Isa 3:22.",
"Often moth-eaten. -- Job 13:28; Jas 5:2.",
"Of the poor",
"Provided specially by God. -- De 10:18.",
"Vile. -- Jas 2:2.",
"Used as a covering by night. -- De 24:13.",
"Not to be retained in pledge. -- De 24:12,13.",
"Grew old and wore out -- Jos 9:5; Ps 102:26.",
"Of Israel preserved for forty years -- De 8:4.",
"Were often changed -- Ge 35:2; 41:14.",
"Of those slain with a sword not used -- Isa 14:19.",
"Given as a token of covenants -- 1Sa 18:4.",
"Given as presents -- Ge 45:22; 2Ki 5:22.",
"Often rent in affliction -- 2Sa 15:32; Ezr 9:3,5.",
"(White,) of righteousness. -- Mt 28:3; Re 3:18.",
"(Rolled in blood,) of victory. -- Isa 9:5.",
"(Washed in wine,) of abundance. -- Ge 49:11."
] | Garments |
"Design of -- Isa 62:10.",
"Made of",
"Brass. -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.",
"Iron. -- Ac 12:10.",
"Often two-leaved -- Isa 45:1.",
"Fastened with bars of iron -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.",
"Made to",
"Cities. -- 1Ki 17:10.",
"Houses. -- Lu 16:20; Ac 12:14.",
"Temples. -- Ac 3:2.",
"Palaces. -- Es 5:13.",
"Prisons. -- Ac 12:10.",
"Camps. -- Ex 32:26.",
"Rivers. -- Na 2:6.",
"Of cities",
"Chief places of concourse. -- Pr 1:21.",
"Courts of justice held at. -- De 16:18; 2Sa 15:2; Pr 22:22,23.",
"Land sold at. -- Ge 23:10,16.",
"Land redeemed at. -- 2Ki 7:1,18.",
"Markets held at. -- 2Ki 7:1,18.",
"Proclamations made at. -- Pr 1:21; Jer 17:19.",
"Councils of state held at. -- 2Ch 18:9; Jer 39:3.",
"Conferences held at. -- Ge 34:20; 2Sa 3:27.",
"Public commendation given at. -- Pr 31:23,31.",
"Public censure passed at. -- Job 5:4; Isa 29:21.",
"Shut at night-fall. -- Jos 2:5; Ne 13:19.",
"Chief points of attack in war. -- Jdj 5:8; Isa 22:7; Eze 21:15.",
"Battering rams used against. -- Eze 21:22.",
"Experienced officers placed over. -- 2Ki 7:17.",
"Troops reviewed at, going to war. -- 2Sa 18:4.",
"Often razed and burned. -- Ne 1:3; La 2:9.",
"Idolatrous rites performed at. -- Ac 14:13.",
"Criminals punished at. -- De 17:5; Jer 20:2.",
"Custom of sitting at, in the evening, alluded to. -- Ge 19:1.",
"Of the temple",
"Called gates of Zion. -- La 1:4.",
"Called gates of righteousness. -- Ps 118:19.",
"Called gates of the Lord. -- Ps 118:20.",
"Overlaid with gold. -- 2Ki 18:16.",
"One specially beautiful. -- Ac 3:2.",
"Levites the porters of. -- 2Ch 8:14; 23:4.",
"Charge of, given by lot. -- 1Ch 26:13-19.",
"The treasury placed at. -- 2Ch 24:8; Mr 12:41.",
"The pious Israelites delighted to enter. -- Ps 118:19,20; 100:4.",
"Frequented by beggars. -- Ac 3:2.",
"Of Jerusalem",
"High gate of Benjamin. -- Jer 20:2; 37:13.",
"Fish gate. -- 2Ch 33:14; Ne 3:3.",
"Sheep gate. -- Ne 3:1; Joh 5:2.",
"Gate of Miphkad. -- Ne 3:31.",
"Gate of Ephraim. -- Ne 12:39.",
"Valley gate. -- 2Ch 26:9; Ne 2:13.",
"Water gate. -- Ne 3:26; 8:3.",
"Horse gate. -- 2Ch 23:15; Ne 3:28.",
"Old gate. -- Ne 3:6; 12:39.",
"Corner gate. -- 2Ch 26:9.",
"Dung gate. -- Ne 3:14; 12:31.",
"Gate of the fountain. -- Ne 3:15.",
"Carcase of sin-offering burned without -- Le 4:12; Heb 13:11-13.",
"Criminals generally punished without -- Le 24:23; Joh 19:17; Heb 13:12.",
"Of Christ. -- Joh 10:9.",
"(Of heaven,) of access to God. -- Ge 28:12-17.",
"(Of hell,) of Satan's power. -- Mt 16:18.",
"(Of the grave,) of death. -- Isa 38:10.",
"(Strait,) of the entrance to life. -- Mt 7:14.",
"(Wide,) of the entrance to ruin. -- Mt 7:13."
] | Gates |
"The Jews reckoned by -- 1Ch 9:1; 2Ch 31:19.",
"Public registers kept of -- 2Ch 12:15; Ne 7:5.",
"Of Christ",
"Given. -- Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38.",
"Prove his descent from Judah. -- Heb 7:14.",
"Priests who could not prove their own, excluded from the priesthood -- Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64.",
"Subject of, to be avoided -- 1Ti 1:4; Tit 3:9.",
"Illustrative of the record of saints in the book of life -- Lu 10:20; Heb 12:23; Re 3:5."
] | Genealogies |
"Descended from the Hivites and Amorites -- Jos 9:3,7; 2Sa 21:2.",
"A mighty and warlike people -- Jos 10:2.",
"Cities of -- Jos 9:17.",
"Deceived by. -- Jos 9:4-13.",
"Made a league with. -- Jos 9:15.",
"Spared on account of their oath. -- Jos 9:18,19.",
"Appointed, hewers of wood, &c. -- Jos 9:20-27.",
"Attacked by the kings of Canaan -- Jos 10:1-5.",
"Delivered by Israel -- Jos 10:6-10.",
"Saul sought to destroy -- 2Sa 21:2.",
"Israel plagued for Saul's cruelty to -- 2Sa 21:1.",
"Effected the destruction of the remnant of Saul's house -- 2Sa 21:4-9.",
"The office of the Nethinim probably originated in -- 1Ch 9:2.",
"Part of, returned from the captivity -- Ne 7:25."
] | Gibeonites |
"By the Father -- Ne 9:20; Lu 11:13.",
"By the Son -- Joh 20:22.",
"To Christ without measure -- Joh 3:34.",
"According to promise. -- Ac 2:38,39.",
"Upon the exaltation. -- Ps 68:18; Joh 7:39.",
"Through the intercession of Christ. -- Joh 14:16.",
"In answer to prayer. -- Lu 11:13; Eph 1:16,17.",
"For instruction. -- Ne 9:20.",
"For comfort of saints. -- Joh 14:16.",
"To those who repent and believe. -- Ac 2:38.",
"To those who obey God. -- Ac 5:32.",
"To the Gentiles. -- Ac 10:44,45; 11:17; 15:8.",
"Is abundant -- Ps 68:9; Joh 7:38,39.",
"Is permanent -- Isa 59:21; Hag 2:5; 1Pe 4:14.",
"Is fruit bearing -- Isa 32:15.",
"Received through faith -- Ga 3:14.",
"An evidence of union with Christ -- 1Jo 3:24; 4:13.",
"An earnest of the inheritance of the saints -- 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Eph 1:14.",
"A pledge of the continued favour of God -- Eze 39:29."
] | Gift of the Holy Spirit, The |
"All blessings are -- Jas 1:17; 2Pe 1:3.",
"Are dispensed according to his will -- Ec 2:26; Da 2:21; Ro 12:6; 1Co 7:7.",
"Are free and abundant -- Nu 14:8; Ro 8:32.",
"Christ the chief of. -- Isa 42:6; 55:4; Joh 3:16; 4:10; 6:32,33.",
"Are through Christ. -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:7,8; Joh 6:27.",
"The Holy Spirit. -- Lu 11:13; Ac 8:20.",
"Grace. -- Ps 84:11; Jas 4:6.",
"Wisdom. -- Pr 2:6; Jas 1:5.",
"Repentance. -- Ac 11:18.",
"Faith. -- Eph 2:8; Php 1:29.",
"Righteousness. -- Ro 5:16,17.",
"Strength and power. -- Ps 68:35.",
"A new heart. -- Eze 11:19.",
"Peace. -- Ps 29:11.",
"Rest. -- Mt 11:28; 2Th 1:7.",
"Glory. -- Ps 84:11; Joh 17:22.",
"Eternal life. -- Ro 6:23.",
"Not repented of by him. -- Ro 11:29.",
"To be used for mutual profit. -- 1Pe 4:10.",
"Pray for. -- Mt 7:7,11; Joh 16:23,24.",
"Acknowledge -- Ps 4:7; 21:2.",
"Life. -- Isa 42:5.",
"Food and raiment. -- Mt 6:25-33.",
"Rain and fruitful seasons. -- Ge 27:28; Le 26:4,5; Isa 30:23.",
"Wisdom. -- 2Ch 1:12.",
"Peace. -- Le 26:6; 1Ch 22:9.",
"All good things. -- Ps 34:10; 1Ti 6:17.",
"To be used and enjoyed. -- Ec 3:13; 5:19,20; 1Ti 4:4,5.",
"Should cause us to remember God. -- De 8:18.",
"All creatures partake of. -- Ps 136:25; 145:15,16.",
"Pray for. -- Zec 10:1; Mt 6:11.",
"Illustrated -- Mt 25:15-30."
] | Gifts of God, The |
"Worn upon the loins -- 1Ki 2:5; Jer 13:1,11.",
"Worn by priests about the breasts -- Re 1:13.",
"Made of",
"Fine linen. -- Eze 16:10.",
"Twined linen with blue purple, &c. -- Ex 39:29.",
"Gold. -- Re 1:13; 15:6.",
"Leather. -- 2Ki 1:8; Mt 3:4.",
"Sackcloth. -- Isa 3:24; La 2:10.",
"Made for sale by industrious women -- Pr 31:24.",
"Used for",
"Strengthening the loins. -- Pr 31:17; Isa 22:21; 23:10.",
"Girding up the garments when walking. -- 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 4:29.",
"Girding up the garments when working. -- Lu 12:37; 17:8; Joh 13:4.",
"Suspending the sword. -- 2Sa 20:8; Ne 4:18.",
"Suspending the inkhorn. -- Eze 9:2.",
"Holding money. -- Mt 10:9; Mr 6:8.",
"Taken off when at rest. -- Isa 5:27; Joh 13:4.",
"Given as",
"A token of friendship. -- 1Sa 18:4.",
"A reward of military service. -- 2Sa 18:11.",
"Illustrative of",
"Strength. -- Ps 18:39; Isa 22:21.",
"Gladness. -- Ps 30:11.",
"Righteousness of Christ. -- Isa 11:5.",
"Faithfulness of Christ. -- Isa 11:5.",
"Truth. -- Eph 6:14."
] | Girdles |
"Commanded -- 1Ch 16:28; Ps 22:23; Isa 42:12.",
"Due to him -- 1Ch 16:29.",
"For his",
"Holiness. -- Ps 99:9; Re 15:4.",
"Mercy and truth. -- Ps 115:1; Ro 15:9.",
"Faithfulness and truth. -- Isa 25:1.",
"Wondrous works. -- Mt 15:31; Ac 4:21.",
"Judgments. -- Isa 25:3; Eze 28:22; Re 14:7.",
"Deliverance. -- Ps 50:15.",
"Grace to others. -- Ac 11:18; 2Co 9:13; Ga 1:24.",
"Obligation of saints to -- 1Co 6:20.",
"Is acceptable through Christ -- Php 1:11; 1Pe 4:11.",
"Christ, an example of -- Joh 17:4.",
"Accomplished by",
"Relying on his promises. -- Ro 4:20.",
"Praising him. -- Ps 50:23.",
"Doing all to him. -- 1Co 10:31.",
"Dying for him. -- Joh 21:19.",
"Confessing Christ. -- Php 2:11.",
"Suffering for Christ. -- 1Pe 4:14,16.",
"Glorifying Christ. -- Ac 19:17; 2Th 1:12.",
"Bringing forth fruits of righteousness. -- Joh 15:8; Php 1:11.",
"Patience in affliction. -- Isa 24:15.",
"Faithfulness. -- 1Pe 4:11.",
"Required in body and spirit -- 1Co 6:20.",
"Shall be universal -- Ps 86:9; Re 5:13.",
"Saints should",
"Resolve on. -- Ps 69:30; 118:28.",
"Unite in. -- Ps 34:3; Ro 15:6.",
"Persevere in. -- Ps 86:12.",
"All the blessings of God are designed to lead to -- Isa 60:21; 61:3.",
"The holy example of saints may lead others to -- Mt 5:16; 1Pe 2:12.",
"All, by nature, fail in -- Ro 3:23.",
"The wicked averse to -- Da 5:23; Ro 1:21.",
"Punishment for not -- Da 5:23,30; Mal 2:2; Ac 12:23; Ro 1:21.",
"Heavenly host engaged in -- Re 4:11.",
"David. -- Ps 57:5.",
"The Multitude. -- Mt 9:8; 15:31.",
"The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:46.",
"Angels. -- Lu 2:14.",
"Shepherds. -- Lu 2:20.",
"Man sick of the palsy. -- Lu 5:25.",
"Woman with infirmity. -- Lu 13:13.",
"Leper. -- Lu 17:15.",
"Blind man. -- Lu 18:43.",
"Centurion. -- Lu 23:47.",
"The Church at Jerusalem. -- Ac 11:18.",
"Gentiles at Antioch. -- Ac 13:48.",
"Abraham. -- Ro 4:20.",
"Paul. -- Ro 11:36."
] | Glorifying God |
"Exhibited in Christ -- Joh 1:14; 2Co 4:6; Heb 1:3.",
"Exhibited in",
"His name. -- De 28:58; Ne 9:5.",
"His majesty. -- Job 37:22; Ps 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; Isa 2:10.",
"His power. -- Ex 15:1,6; Ro 6:4.",
"His works. -- Ps 19:1; 111:3.",
"His holiness. -- Ex 15:11.",
"Described as",
"Great. -- Ps 138:5.",
"Eternal. -- Ps 104:31.",
"Rich. -- Eph 3:16.",
"Highly exalted. -- Ps 8:1; 113:4.",
"Exhibited to",
"Moses. -- Ex 34:5-7; 33:18-23.",
"Stephen. -- Ac 7:55.",
"His Church. -- De 5:24; Ps 102:16.",
"Enlightens the Church -- Isa 60:1,2; Re 21:11,23.",
"Saints desire to behold -- Ps 63:2; 90:16.",
"God is jealous -- Isa 42:8.",
"Reverence -- Isa 59:19.",
"Plead in prayer -- Ps 79:9.",
"Declare -- 1Ch 16:24; Ps 145:5,11.",
"Magnify -- Ps 57:5.",
"The earth is full of -- Isa 6:3.",
"The knowledge of, shall fill the earth -- Hab 2:14."
] | Glory of God, The |
"Christ was falsely accused of -- Mt 11:19.",
"The wicked addicted to -- Php 3:19; Jude 1:12.",
"Leads to",
"Carnal security. -- Isa 22:13; 1Co 15:32; Lu 12:19.",
"Poverty. -- Pr 23:21.",
"Of princes, ruinous to their people -- Ec 10:16,17.",
"Is inconsistent in saints -- 1Pe 4:3.",
"Caution against -- Pr 23:2,3; Lu 21:34; Ro 13:13,14.",
"Pray against temptations to -- Ps 141:4.",
"Punishment of -- Nu 11:33,34; Ps 78:31; De 21:21; Am 6:4,7.",
"Danger of, illustrated -- Lu 12:45,46.",
"Esau. -- Ge 25:30-34; Heb 12:16,17.",
"Israel. -- Nu 11:4; Ps 78:18.",
"Sons of Eli. -- 1Sa 2:12-17.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:1."
] | Gluttony |
"Clean and fit for food -- De 14:4,5.",
"Offered in sacrifice -- Ge 15:9; Le 16:5,7.",
"The male, best for sacrifice -- Le 22:19; Ps 50:9.",
"First-born of, not redeemed -- Nu 18:17.",
"Jews had large flocks of -- Ge 32:14; 1Sa 25:2.",
"Most profitable to the owner -- Pr 27:26.",
"Milk of, used as food -- Pr 27:27.",
"The young of",
"Called kids. -- Ge 37:31.",
"Kept in small flocks. -- 1Ki 20:27.",
"Fed near the shepherds' tents. -- Song 1:8.",
"Not to be seethed in milk of mother. -- Ex 23:19.",
"Offered in sacrifice. -- Le 4:23; 5:6.",
"Offered at the passover. -- Ex 12:5; 2Ch 35:7.",
"Considered a delicacy. -- Ge 27:9; Jdj 6:19.",
"Given as a present. -- Ge 38:17; Jdj 15:1.",
"The hair of",
"Offered for tabernacle. -- Ex 25:4; 35:23.",
"Made into curtains, for covering the tabernacle. -- Ex 35:26; 36:14-18.",
"Made into pillows. -- 1Sa 19:13.",
"Skin of, often used as clothing -- Heb 11:37.",
"Bashan celebrated for -- De 32:14.",
"The Arabians traded in -- Eze 27:21.",
"Flocks of, always led by a male -- Jer 50:8.",
"When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks -- 1Sa 24:2; Job 39:1; Ps 104:18.",
"Of Macedonian empire. -- Da 8:5,21.",
"Of the wicked. -- Zec 10:3; Mt 25:32,33.",
"(Flock of,) of the church. -- Song 4:1."
] | Goat, The |
"Is part of his character -- Ps 25:8; Na 1:7; Mt 19:17.",
"Declared to be",
"Great. -- Ne 9:35; Zec 9:17.",
"Rich. -- Ps 104:24; Ro 2:4.",
"Abundant. -- Ex 34:6; Ps 33:5.",
"Satisfying. -- Ps 65:4; Jer 31:12,14.",
"Enduring. -- Ps 23:6; 52:1.",
"Universal. -- Ps 145:9; Mt 5:45.",
"To his Church. -- Ps 31:19; La 3:25.",
"In doing good. -- Ps 119:68; 145:9.",
"In supplying temporal wants. -- Ac 14:17.",
"In providing for the poor. -- Ps 68:10.",
"In forgiving sins. -- 2Ch 30:18; Ps 86:5.",
"Leads to repentance. -- Ro 2:4.",
"Recognise, in his dealings. -- Ezr 8:18; Ne 2:18.",
"Pray for the manifestation of. -- 2Th 1:11.",
"Despise not. -- Ro 2:4.",
"Reverence. -- Jer 33:9; Ho 3:5.",
"Magnify. -- Ps 107:8; Jer 33:11.",
"Urge others to confide in. -- Ps 34:8.",
"The wicked disregard. -- Ne 9:35."
] | Goodness of God, The |
"Is good tidings of great joy for all people -- Lu 2:10,11,31,32.",
"Foretold -- Isa 41:27; 52:7; 61:1-3; Mr 1:15.",
"Preached under the old testament -- Heb 4:2.",
"Exhibits the grace of God -- Ac 14:3; 20:32.",
"The knowledge of the glory of God is by -- 2Co 4:4,6.",
"Life and immortality are brought to light by Jesus through -- 2Ti 1:10.",
"Is the power of God to salvation -- Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 1Th 1:5.",
"Is glorious -- 2Co 4:4.",
"Is everlasting -- 1Pe 1:25; Re 14:6.",
"Preached by Christ -- Mt 4:23; Mr 1:14.",
"Ministers have a stewardship to preach -- 1Co 9:17.",
"Preached beforehand to Abraham -- Ge 22:18; Ga 3:8.",
"Preached to",
"The Jews first. -- Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.",
"The Gentiles. -- Mr 13:10; Ga 2:2,9.",
"The poor. -- Mt 11:5; Lu 4:18.",
"Every creature. -- Mr 16:15; Col 1:23.",
"Must be believed -- Mr 1:15; Heb 4:2.",
"Brings peace -- Lu 2:10,14; Eph 6:15.",
"Produces hope -- Col 1:23.",
"Saints have fellowship in -- Php 1:5.",
"There is fulness of blessing in -- Ro 15:29.",
"Those who receive, should",
"Adhere to the truth of. -- Ga 1:6,7; 2:14; 2Ti 1:13.",
"Not be ashamed of. -- Ro 1:16; 2Ti 1:8.",
"Live in subjection to. -- 2Co 9:13.",
"Have their conversation becoming. -- Php 1:27.",
"Earnestly contend for the faith of. -- Php 1:17,27; Jude 1:3.",
"Sacrifice friends and property for. -- Mt 10:37.",
"Sacrifice life itself for. -- Mr 8:35.",
"Profession of, attended by afflictions -- 2Ti 3:12.",
"Promises to sufferers -- Mr 8:35; 10:30.",
"Be careful not to hinder -- 1Co 9:12.",
"Is hid to them that are lost -- 2Co 4:3.",
"Testifies to the final judgment -- Ro 2:16.",
"Let him who preached another, be accursed -- Ga 1:8.",
"Awful consequences of not obeying -- 2Th 1:8,9.",
"Is called the",
"Dispensation of the grace of God. -- Eph 3:2.",
"Gospel of peace. -- Eph 6:15.",
"Gospel of God. -- Ro 1:1; 1Th 2:8; 1Pe 4:17.",
"Gospel of Christ. -- Ro 1:9,16; 2Co 2:12; 1Th 3:2.",
"Gospel of the grace of God. -- Ac 20:24.",
"Gospel of the kingdom. -- Mt 24:14.",
"Gospel of salvation. -- Eph 1:13.",
"Glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. -- 2Co 4:4.",
"Preaching of Jesus Christ. -- Ro 16:25.",
"Mystery of the gospel. -- Eph 6:19.",
"Word of God. -- 1Th 2:13.",
"Word of Christ. -- Col 3:16.",
"Word of grace. -- Ac 14:3; 20:32.",
"Word of salvation. -- Ac 13:26.",
"Word of reconciliation. -- 2Co 5:19.",
"Word of truth. -- Eph 1:13; Jas 1:18.",
"Word of faith. -- Ro 10:8.",
"Word of life. -- Php 2:16.",
"Ministration of the Spirit. -- 2Co 3:8.",
"Doctrine according to godliness. -- 1Ti 6:3.",
"Form of sound words. -- 2Ti 1:13.",
"Rejection of, by many, foretold -- Isa 53:1; Ro 10:15,16.",
"Rejection of, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles -- Ro 11:28."
] | Gospel, The |
"Antiquity of -- Ge 21:33.",
"Often on tops of hills -- 1Ki 14:23; Ho 4:13.",
"Often used as resting places -- 1Sa 22:6.",
"Idols were worshipped in -- De 12:2.",
"Not to be planted near God's altar -- De 16:21.",
"Of Canaanites, to be destroyed -- Ex 34:13; De 7:5; 12:3.",
"For idol worship planted",
"By Ahab. -- 1Ki 16:33.",
"By Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:3.",
"By Israelites. -- 2Ki 17:16.",
"Fondness of Israel for -- Jer 17:2.",
"Punishment for making and serving -- 1Ki 14:15; Isa 1:28,29; Mic 5:14.",
"Destroyed by",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:25-28.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:4.",
"Asa. -- 2Ch 14:3.",
"Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:6.",
"Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:14; 2Ch 34:3,7.",
"God promised to wean Israel from -- Isa 17:7,8."
] | Groves |
"The natural covering of the head -- Ps 68:21.",
"Innumerable -- Ps 40:12; 69:4.",
"Growth of -- Jdj 16:22.",
"Numbers. -- Mt 10:30.",
"Takes care of. -- Da 3:27; Lu 21:18.",
"Black, particularly esteemed -- Song 5:11.",
"White or gray",
"A token of age. -- 1Sa 12:2; Ps 71:18.",
"A token of weakness and decay. -- Ho 7:9.",
"An emblem of wisdom. -- Da 7:9; Job 12:12.",
"With righteousness, a crown of glory. -- Pr 16:31.",
"To be reverenced. -- Le 19:32.",
"Man cannot even change the colour or -- Mt 5:36.",
"Of women",
"Worn long for a covering. -- 1Co 11:15.",
"Plaited and broidered. -- 1Ti 2:9; 1Pe 3:3.",
"Well set and ornamented. -- Isa 3:24.",
"Neglected in grief. -- Lu 7:38; Joh 12:3.",
"Sometimes worn long by men -- 2Sa 14:26.",
"Men condemned for wearing long -- 1Co 11:14.",
"Often expensively anointed -- Ec 9:8.",
"Of Nazarites",
"Not to be cut or shorn during their vow. -- Nu 6:5; Jdj 16:17,19,20.",
"Shorn after completion of vow. -- Nu 6:18.",
"Of the healed leper to be shorn -- Le 14:9.",
"Colour of, changed by leprosy -- Le 13:3,10.",
"Cut off in affliction -- Jer 7:29.",
"Plucked out in extreme grief -- Ezr 9:3.",
"Plucking out of, a reproach -- Ne 13:25; Isa 50:6.",
"Judgments expressed by",
"Sending baldness for. -- Isa 3:24; Jer 47:5.",
"Shaving. -- Isa 7:20."
] | Hair, The |
"Necessary members of the body -- 1Co 12:21.",
"Parts of, mentioned",
"The palm. -- Isa 49:16; Mt 26:67.",
"The thumb. -- Ex 29:20; Le 14:14,17.",
"The fingers. -- 2Sa 21:20; Da 5:5.",
"God strengthens -- Ge 49:24.",
"God makes impotent -- Job 5:12.",
"Operations of, mentioned",
"Feeling. -- Ps 115:7; 1Jo 1:1.",
"Taking. -- Ge 3:22; Ex 4:4.",
"Holding. -- Jdj 7:20; Re 10:2.",
"Working. -- Pr 31:19; 1Th 4:11.",
"Writing. -- Isa 44:5; Ga 6:11.",
"Making signs. -- Isa 13:2; Ac 12:17.",
"Striking. -- Mr 14:65; Joh 19:3.",
"Distinguished as",
"The right. -- Ac 3:7.",
"The left. -- Ge 14:15; Ac 21:3.",
"Many alike expert with both -- 1Ch 12:2.",
"Many had more command of the left -- Jdj 3:15,21; 20:16.",
"The right hand",
"Place of honour. -- 1Ki 2:19; Ps 45:9.",
"Place of power. -- Ps 110:1; Mr 14:62.",
"Signet worn on. -- Jer 22:24.",
"Given in token of friendship. -- Ga 2:9.",
"Used in embracing. -- 2Sa 20:9; Song 2:6; 8:3.",
"Sworn by. -- Isa 62:8.",
"The accuser stood at, of the accused. -- Ps 109:6; Zec 3:1.",
"Of priests touched with blood of consecration-ram. -- Ex 29:20; Le 8:23,24.",
"Of healed leper touched with blood of his sacrifice. -- Le 14:14,17,25.",
"Of healed leper touched with oil. -- Le 14:28.",
"The Jews carried a staff in, when walking -- Ex 12:11; 2Ki 4:29.",
"The Jews eat with -- Mt 26:23.",
"Were washed",
"Before eating. -- Mt 15:2; Mr 7:3.",
"After touching an unclean person. -- Le 15:11.",
"In token of innocency. -- De 21:6,7; Mt 27:24.",
"Custom of domestics pouring water upon, alluded to -- 2Ki 3:11.",
"Servants directed by movements of -- Ps 123:2.",
"Kissed in idolatrous worship -- Job 31:27.",
"Treaties made by joining -- 2Ki 10:15; Pr 11:21.",
"Suretiship entered into by striking -- Job 17:3; Pr 6:1; 17:18; 22:26.",
"Were lifted up",
"In prayer. -- Ps 141:2; La 3:41.",
"In praise. -- Ps 134:2.",
"In taking an oath. -- Ge 14:22; Re 10:5.",
"In blessing. -- Le 9:22.",
"Often spread out in prayer -- Ps 68:31; Isa 1:15.",
"Placed under the thigh of a person to whom an oath was made -- Ge 24:2,3; 47:29,31.",
"Clapped together in joy -- 2Ki 11:12; Ps 47:1.",
"Smitten together in extreme anger -- Nu 24:10; Eze 21:14,17.",
"Stretched out in derision -- Ho 7:5; Zep 2:15.",
"Imposition of, used in",
"Transferring guilt of sacrifices. -- Le 1:4; 3:2; 16:21,22.",
"Setting apart the Levites. -- Nu 8:10.",
"Conferring civil power. -- Nu 27:18; De 34:9.",
"Blessing. -- Ge 48:14; Mr 10:16.",
"Ordaining ministers. -- Ac 6:6; 1Ti 4:14.",
"Imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit. -- Ac 8:17; 19:6.",
"Imposition of, a first principle of the doctrine of Christ -- Heb 6:1,2.",
"Should be employed",
"Industriously. -- Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11.",
"In God's service. -- Ne 2:18; Zec 8:9,13.",
"In acts of benevolence. -- Pr 3:27; 31:20.",
"Of the wicked, described as",
"Bloody. -- Isa 1:15; 59:3.",
"Violent. -- Ps 58:2; Isa 59:6.",
"Mischievous. -- Ps 26:10; Mic 7:3.",
"Slothful. -- Pr 6:10; 21:25.",
"Ensnaring to themselves. -- Ps 9:16.",
"The wicked recompensed for the work of -- Ps 28:4; Pr 12:14; Isa 3:11.",
"Saints blessed in the work of -- De 2:7; 30:9; Job 1:10; Ps 90:17.",
"Criminals often",
"Bound by. -- Mt 22:13.",
"Deprived of. -- De 25:12; 2Sa 4:12.",
"Mutilated in. -- Jdj 1:6,7.",
"Hung by. -- La 5:12.",
"Of power. -- 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 13:5.",
"(Lifted up against another,) of rebellion. -- 2Sa 20:21.",
"(Opened,) of liberality. -- De 15:8; Ps 104:28.",
"(Shut,) of illiberality. -- De 15:7.",
"Right hand, illustrative",
"Of strength and power. -- Ex 15:6; Ps 17:7.",
"(Holding by,) of support. -- Ps 73:23; Isa 41:13.",
"(Standing at,) of protection. -- Ps 16:8; 109:31; 110:5.",
"(Full of bribes,) of corruption. -- Ps 26:10.",
"(Full of falsehood,) of deceitfulness. -- Ps 144:8,11; Isa 44:20.",
"(Withdrawn,) of support withheld. -- Ps 74:11.",
"(Cutting off,) of extreme self-denial -- Mt 5:30."
] | Hands, The |
"Is in God -- Ps 73:25,26.",
"Only found in the ways of wisdom -- Pr 3:17,18.",
"Described by Christ in the beatitudes -- Mt 5:3-12.",
"Is derived from",
"Fear of God. -- Ps 128:1,2; Pr 28:14.",
"Trust in God. -- Pr 16:20; Php 4:6,7.",
"The words of Christ. -- Joh 17:13.",
"Obedience to God. -- Ps 40:8; Joh 13:17.",
"Salvation. -- De 33:29; Isa 12:2,3.",
"Hope in the Lord. -- Ps 146:5.",
"Hope of glory. -- Ro 5:2.",
"God being their Lord. -- Ps 144:15.",
"God being their help. -- Ps 146:5.",
"Praising God. -- Ps 135:3.",
"Their mutual love. -- Ps 133:1.",
"Divine chastening. -- Job 5:17; Jas 5:11.",
"Suffering for Christ. -- 2Co 12:10; 1Pe 3:14; 4:13,14.",
"Having mercy on the poor. -- Pr 14:21.",
"Finding wisdom. -- Pr 3:13.",
"Is abundant and satisfying -- Ps 36:8; 63:5."
] | Happiness of Saints In This Life |
"Is limited to this life -- Ps 17:14; Lu 16:25.",
"Is short -- Job 20:5.",
"Is uncertain -- Lu 12:20; Jas 4:13,14.",
"Is vain -- Ec 2:1; 7:6.",
"Is derived from",
"Their wealth. -- Job 21:13; Ps 52:7.",
"Their power. -- Job 21:7; Ps 37:35.",
"Their worldly prosperity. -- Ps 17:14; 73:3,4,7.",
"Popular applause. -- Ac 12:22.",
"Gluttony. -- Isa 22:13; Hab 1:16.",
"Drunkenness. -- Isa 5:11; 56:12.",
"Vain pleasure. -- Job 21:12; Isa 5:12.",
"Successful oppression. -- Hab 1:15; Jas 5:6.",
"Marred by jealousy -- Es 5:13.",
"Often interrupted by judgments -- Nu 11:33; Job 15:21; Ps 73:18-20; Jer 25:10-11.",
"Leads to sorrow -- Pr 14:13.",
"Leads to recklessness -- Isa 22:13.",
"Sometimes a stumbling-block to saints -- Ps 73:3,16; Jer 12:1; Hab 1:13.",
"Saints often permitted to see the end of -- Ps 73:17-20.",
"Envy not -- Ps 37:1.",
"Woe against -- Am 6:1; Lu 6:25.",
"Illustrated -- Ps 37:35,36; Lu 12:16-20; 16:19-25.",
"Israel. -- Nu 11:33.",
"Haman. -- Es 5:9-11.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:1.",
"Herod. -- Ac 12:21-23."
] | Happiness of the Wicked, The |
"Clean and used as food -- De 12:15; 14:5.",
"Often hunted -- La 1:6.",
"Female of",
"Called the hind. -- Song 2:7.",
"Delights in freedom. -- Ge 49:21.",
"Kind and affectionate. -- Pr 5:19.",
"Brings forth at appointed time. -- Job 39:1,2.",
"Brings forth with difficulty. -- Job 39:3.",
"Brings forth at the voice of God. -- Ps 29:9.",
"Forsakes her young in famine. -- Jer 14:5.",
"Young of, abundantly provided for -- Job 39:4.",
"Of Christ. -- Song 2:9,17; 8:14.",
"Of converted sinners. -- Isa 35:6.",
"(Sure-footedness of,) of experienced saints. -- Ps 18:33; Hab 3:19.",
"(Panting for water,) of afflicted saints longing for God. -- Ps 42:1,2.",
"(Without pasture,) of the persecuted. -- La 1:6."
] | Hart, The |
"Ingathering of fruits of the fields -- Mr 4:29.",
"To continue without intermission -- Ge 8:22.",
"Called the",
"Appointed weeks of harvest. -- Jer 5:24.",
"Harvest time. -- 2Sa 23:13; Jer 50:16.",
"Fields appeared white before -- Joh 4:35.",
"Of barley at the passover -- Le 23:6,10; Ru 1:22.",
"Of wheat at Pentecost -- Ex 34:22; 1Sa 12:17.",
"Men and women engaged in -- Ru 2:8,9.",
"Persons engaged in",
"Reapers. -- Ru 2:4.",
"Binders. -- Ge 37:7; Ps 129:7.",
"Called harvest-men. -- Isa 17:5.",
"Called labourers. -- Mt 9:37.",
"Fed by the husbandman during. -- Ru 2:14.",
"Received wages. -- Joh 4:35.",
"Often defrauded of their wages. -- Jas 5:4.",
"Former and latter rain necessary to abundance of -- Jer 5:24; Am 4:7.",
"Patience required in waiting for -- Jas 5:7.",
"Not to be commenced until the first fruits had been offered to God -- Le 23:10,14.",
"A time of great joy -- Ps 126:6; Isa 9:3.",
"Omitted in the sabbatical year -- Le 25:5.",
"Omitted in year of jubilee -- Le 25:11,12.",
"The Sabbath to observed during -- Ex 34:21.",
"Legal provision for the poor during -- Le 19:9,10; 23:22; De 24:19.",
"Failure of",
"Occasioned by drought. -- Am 4:7.",
"Occasioned by locusts. -- Joe 1:4.",
"Sometimes continued for years. -- Ge 45:6.",
"A cause of great grief. -- Isa 16:9; Joe 1:11.",
"A punishment for sin. -- Isa 17:10,11.",
"Slothfulness during, ruinous -- Pr 10:5.",
"Miraculous thunder, & c in -- 1Sa 12:17,18.",
"Of seasons of grace. -- Jer 8:20.",
"Of the end of the world. -- Mt 13:30,39.",
"Of a time when many are ready to receive the gospel. -- Mt 9:37,38; Joh 4:35.",
"Of a time of judgment. -- Jer 51:33; Ho 6:11.",
"Of ripeness for wrath. -- Joe 3:13; Re 14:15.",
"(Dew in,) of God's protection. -- Isa 18:4.",
"(Cold in,) of a refreshing message. -- Pr 25:13.",
"(Rain in,) of honour given to fools. -- Pr 26:1."
] | Harvest, The |
"Is without cause -- Ps 69:4; Joh 15:25.",
"Is on account of his testimony against the world -- Joh 7:7.",
"Hatred to his Father. -- Joh 15:23,24.",
"Hatred to his people. -- Joh 15:18.",
"Punishment of -- Ps 2:2,9; 21:8.",
"No escape for those who persevere in -- 1Co 15:25; Heb 10:29-31.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 19:12-14,17.",
"Chief priests & c. -- Mt 27:1,2; Lu 22:5.",
"Jews. -- Mt 27:22,23.",
"Scribes & c. -- Mr 11:18; Lu 11:53,54."
] | Hatred to Christ |
"The uppermost and chief member of the body -- Isa 1:6; 2Ki 6:31.",
"All the other members necessary to -- 1Co 12:21.",
"The body supported and supplied by -- Eph 4:16.",
"Put for the whole person -- Ge 49:26; Pr 10:6.",
"Put for the life -- Da 1:10; 1Sa 28:2.",
"Parts of mentioned",
"The skull. -- 2Ki 9:35; Mt 27:33.",
"The crown. -- Ge 49:26; Isa 3:17.",
"The forehead. -- 1Sa 17:49; Eze 9:4.",
"The temples. -- Jdj 4:21,22; Song 4:3.",
"The face. -- Ge 48:12; 2Ki 9:30.",
"The hair. -- Jdj 16:22; Ps 40:12.",
"The scalp. -- Ps 68:21.",
"Often anointed -- Ec 9:8; Mt 6:17.",
"Bowed down",
"In worshipping God. -- Ge 24:26; Ex 4:31.",
"As a token of respect. -- Ge 43:23.",
"In grief",
"Covered up. -- 2Sa 15:30; Es 6:12.",
"Shorn. -- Job 1:20.",
"Sprinkled with dust. -- Jos 7:6; 2:12.",
"The hands placed on. -- 2Sa 13:19; Jer 2:37.",
"Priests forbidden to shave -- Le 21:5,10.",
"Nazarites forbidden to shave -- Nu 6:5.",
"Derision expressed by shaking -- 2Ki 19:21; Ps 22:7; 109:25; Mt 27:39.",
"The Jews censured for swearing by -- Mt 5:36.",
"When hoary with age to be respected -- Le 19:32.",
"Liable to",
"Leprosy. -- Le 13:42-44.",
"Scab. -- Isa 3:17.",
"Internal disease. -- 2Ki 4:19; Isa 1:5.",
"Baldness. -- Le 13:40,41; Isa 15:2.",
"Of the leper always uncovered -- Le 13:45.",
"Of women generally covered in public -- Ge 24:65; 1Co 11:5.",
"Of criminals often cut off -- Mt 14:10.",
"Of enemies slain in war, often cut off -- Jdj 5:26; 1Sa 17:51,57; 31:9.",
"Of God. -- 1Co 11:3.",
"Of Christ. -- 1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 2:19.",
"Of rulers. -- 1Sa 15:17; Da 2:38.",
"Of chief men. -- Isa 9:14,15.",
"Of the chief city of a kingdom. -- Isa 7:8.",
"(Covered,) of defence and protection. -- Ps 140:7.",
"(Covered,) of subjection. -- 1Co 11:5,10.",
"(Made bald,) of heavy judgments. -- Isa 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; Mic 1:16.",
"(Lifted up,) of joy and confidence. -- Ps 3:3; Lu 21:28.",
"(Lifted up,) of pride & c. -- Ps 83:2.",
"(Lifted up,) of exaltation. -- Ge 40:13; Ps 27:6.",
"(Anointed,) of joy and prosperity. -- Ps 23:5; 92:10."
] | Head |
"Issues of life are out of -- Pr 4:23.",
"Tries. -- 1Ch 29:17; Jer 12:3.",
"Knows. -- Ps 44:21; Jer 20:12.",
"Searched. -- 1Ch 28:9; Jer 17:10.",
"Understands the thoughts of. -- 1Ch 28:9; Ps 139:2.",
"Ponders. -- Pr 21:2; 24:12.",
"Influences. -- 1Sa 10:26; Ezr 6:22; 7:27; Pr 21:1; Jer 20:9.",
"Creates a new. -- Ps 51:10; Eze 36:26.",
"Prepares. -- 1Ch 29:18; Pr 16:1.",
"Opens. -- Ac 16:14.",
"Enlightens. -- 2Co 4:6; Eph 1:18.",
"Strengthens. -- Ps 27:14.",
"Establishes. -- Ps 112:8; 1Th 3:13.",
"Should be",
"Prepared to God. -- 1Sa 7:3.",
"Given to God. -- Pr 23:26.",
"Perfect with God. -- 1Ki 8:61.",
"Applied to wisdom. -- Ps 90:12; Pr 2:2.",
"Guided in the right. -- Pr 23:19.",
"Purified. -- Jas 4:8.",
"Single. -- Eph 6:5; Col 3:22.",
"Tender. -- Eph 4:32.",
"Kept with diligence. -- Pr 4:23.",
"We should",
"Believe with. -- Ac 8:37; Ro 10:10.",
"Serve God with all. -- De 11:13.",
"Keep God's statutes with all. -- De 26:16.",
"Walk before God with all. -- 1Ki 2:4.",
"Trust in God with all. -- Pr 3:5.",
"Love God with all. -- Mt 22:37.",
"Return to God with all. -- De 30:2.",
"Do the will of God from. -- Eph 6:6.",
"Sanctify God in. -- 1Pe 3:15.",
"Love one another with a pure. -- 1Pe 1:22.",
"No man can cleanse -- Pr 20:9.",
"Faith, the means of purifying -- Ac 15:9.",
"Renewal of, promised under the gospel -- Eze 11:19; 36:26; Heb 3:10.",
"When broken and contrite, not despised by God -- Ps 51:17.",
"The pure in, shall see God -- Mt 5:8.",
"Pray that it may be",
"Cleansed. -- Ps 51:10.",
"Inclined to God's testimonies. -- Ps 119:36.",
"United to fear God. -- Ps 86:11.",
"Directed into the love of God. -- 2Th 3:5.",
"Harden not, against God -- Ps 95:8; Heb 4:7.",
"Harden not against the poor -- De 15:7.",
"Regard not iniquity in -- Ps 66:18.",
"Take heed lest it to be deceived -- De 11:16.",
"Know the plague of -- 1Ki 8:38.",
"He that trusts in, is a fool -- Pr 28:26."
] | Heart, The |
"Prepared to seek God -- 2Ch 19:3; Ezr 7:10; Ps 10:17.",
"Fixed on God -- Ps 57:7; 112:7.",
"Joyful in God -- 1Sa 2:1; Zec 10:7.",
"Perfect with God -- 1Ki 8:61; Ps 101:2.",
"Upright -- Ps 97:11; 125:4.",
"Clean -- Ps 73:1.",
"Pure -- Ps 24:4; Mt 5:8.",
"Tender -- 1Sa 24:5; 2Ki 22:19.",
"Single and sincere -- Ac 2:46; Heb 10:22.",
"Honest and good -- Lu 8:15.",
"Broken, contrite -- Ps 34:18; 51:17.",
"Obedient -- Ps 119:112; Ro 6:17.",
"Filled with the law of God -- Ps 40:8; 119:11.",
"Awed by the word of God -- Ps 119:161.",
"Filled with the fear of God -- Jer 32:40.",
"Meditative -- Ps 4:4; 77:6.",
"Circumcised -- De 30:6; Ro 2:29.",
"Void of fear -- Ps 27:3.",
"Desirous of God -- Ps 84:2.",
"Enlarged -- Ps 119:32; 2Co 6:11.",
"Faithful to God -- Ne 9:8.",
"Confident in God -- Ps 112:7.",
"Sympathising -- Jer 4:19; La 3:51.",
"Prayerful -- 1Sa 1:13; Ps 27:8.",
"Inclined to obedience -- Ps 119:112.",
"Wholly devoted to God -- Ps 9:1; 119:10,69,145.",
"Zealous -- 2Ch 17:6; Jer 20:9.",
"Wise -- Pr 10:8; 14:33; 23:15.",
"A treasury of good -- Mt 12:35."
] | Heart, Character of the Renewed |
"Hateful to God -- Pr 6:16,18; 11:20.",
"Full of evil -- Ec 9:3.",
"Full of evil imaginations -- Ge 6:5; 8:21; Pr 6:18.",
"Full of vain thoughts -- Jer 4:14.",
"Fully set to do evil -- Ec 8:11.",
"Desperately wicked -- Jer 17:9.",
"Far from God -- Isa 29:13; Mt 15:8.",
"Not perfect with God -- 1Ki 15:3; Ac 8:21; Pr 6:18.",
"Not prepared to seek God -- 2Ch 12:14.",
"A treasury of evil -- Mt 12:35; Mr 7:21.",
"Darkened -- Ro 1:21.",
"Prone to error -- Ps 95:10.",
"Prone to depart from God -- De 29:18; Jer 17:5.",
"Impenitent -- Ro 2:5.",
"Unbelieving -- Heb 3:12.",
"Blind -- Eph 4:18.",
"Uncircumcised -- Le 26:41; Ac 7:51.",
"Of little worth -- Pr 10:20.",
"Deceitful -- Jer 17:9.",
"Deceived -- Isa 44:20; Jas 1:26.",
"Divided -- Ho 10:2.",
"Double -- 1Ch 12:33; Ps 12:2.",
"Hard -- Eze 3:7; Mr 10:5; Ro 2:5.",
"Haughty -- Pr 18:12; Jer 48:29.",
"Influenced by the devil -- Joh 13:2.",
"Carnal -- Ro 8:7.",
"Covetous -- Jer 22:17; 2Pe 2:14.",
"Despiteful -- Eze 25:15.",
"Ensnaring -- Ec 7:26.",
"Foolish -- Pr 12:23; 22:15.",
"Froward -- Ps 101:4; Pr 6:14; 17:20.",
"Fretful against the Lord -- Pr 19:3.",
"Idolatrous -- Eze 14:3,4.",
"Mad -- Ec 9:3.",
"Mischievous -- Ps 28:3; 140:2.",
"Proud -- Ps 101:5; Jer 49:16.",
"Rebellious -- Jer 5:23.",
"Perverse -- Pr 12:8.",
"Stiff -- Eze 2:4.",
"Stony -- Eze 11:19; 36:26.",
"Stout -- Isa 10:12; 46:12.",
"Elated by sensual indulgence -- Ho 13:3.",
"Elated by prosperity -- 2Ch 26:16; Da 5:20.",
"Studies destruction -- Pr 24:2.",
"Often judicially stupefied -- Isa 6:10; Ac 28:26,27.",
"Often judicially hardened -- Ex 4:21; Jos 11:20."
] | Heart, Character of the Unrenewed |
"Are without God and Christ -- Eph 2:12.",
"Described as",
"Ignorant. -- 1Co 1:21; Eph 4:18.",
"Idolatrous. -- Ps 135:15; Ro 1:23,25.",
"Worshippers of the devil. -- 1Co 10:20.",
"Cruel. -- Ps 74:20; Ro 1:31.",
"Filthy. -- Ezr 6:21; Eph 4:19; 5:12.",
"Persecuting. -- Ps 2:1,2; 2Co 11:26.",
"Scoffing at saints. -- Ps 79:10.",
"Strangers to the covenant of promise. -- Eph 2:12.",
"Having no hope. -- Eph 2:12.",
"Degradation of. -- Le 25:44.",
"Evidence of the power of God. -- Ro 1:19,20; Ac 17:27.",
"Evidence of the goodness of God. -- Ac 14:17.",
"The testimony of conscience. -- Ro 2:14,15.",
"Evil of imitating -- 2Ki 16:3; Eze 11:12.",
"Cautions against imitating -- Jer 10:2; Mt 6:7.",
"Danger of intercourse with -- Ps 106:35.",
"Employed to chastise the Church -- Le 26:33; Jer 49:14; La 1:3; Eze 7:24; 25:7; Da 4:27; Hab 1:5-9.",
"The Church shall be avenged of -- Ps 149:7; Jer 10:25; Ob 1:15.",
"Rules over. -- 2Ch 20:6; Ps 47:8.",
"Brings to nought the counsels of. -- Ps 33:10.",
"Will be exalted among. -- Ps 46:10; 102:15.",
"Punishes. -- Ps 44:2; Joe 3:11-13; Mic 5:15; Hab 3:12; Zec 14:18.",
"Will finally judge. -- Ro 2:12-16.",
"Given to Christ -- Ps 2:8; Da 7:14.",
"Salvation of, foretold -- Ge 12:3; Ga 3:8; Isa 2:2-4; 52:10; 60:1-8.",
"Salvation provided for -- Ac 28:28; Ro 15:9-12.",
"The glory of God to be declared among -- 1Ch 16:24; Ps 96:3.",
"The gospel to be preached to -- Mt 24:14; 28:19; Ro 16:26; Ga 1:16.",
"Necessity for preaching to -- Ro 10:14.",
"The gospel received by -- Ac 11:1; 13:48; 15:3,23.",
"Baptism to be administered to -- Mt 28:19.",
"The Holy Spirit poured out upon -- Ac 10:44,45; 15:8.",
"Praise God for success of the gospel among -- Ps 98:1-3; Ac 11:18.",
"Pray for -- Ps 67:2-5.",
"Aid missions to -- 2Co 11:9; 3Jo 1:6,7.",
"Conversion of, acceptable to God -- Ac 10:35; Ro 15:16."
] | Heathen, The |
"To brought to God's house -- De 12:6.",
"Consisted of",
"First fruits of bread. -- Nu 15:19-21.",
"Right shoulder of peace offerings. -- Le 7:32.",
"Part of the meat offering of all peace offerings. -- Le 7:14.",
"Shoulder of the priest's consecration-ram. -- Ex 29:27.",
"Tenth of all tithes. -- Nu 18:26.",
"Part of all gifts. -- Nu 18:29.",
"Part of spoil taken in war. -- Nu 31:26-47.",
"To be the best of their kind -- Nu 18:29.",
"To be heaved up by the priest -- Ex 29:27.",
"Sanctified the whole offering -- Nu 18:27,30.",
"Given to the priests -- Ex 29:28; Le 7:34.",
"To be eaten in a clean place -- Le 10:12-15."
] | Heave-Offering |
"Antiquity of -- 1Ch 4:23.",
"Designed for protection -- Isa 5:2.",
"Often made of thorns -- Mic 7:4.",
"Placed around",
"Gardens. -- Song 4:12; La 2:6.",
"Vineyards. -- Mt 21:33; Mr 12:1.",
"Difficulty of breaking through -- Pr 15:19.",
"Danger of breaking through -- Ec 10:8.",
"Desolation caused by removing -- Ps 80:12,13.",
"Filled with grasshoppers -- Na 3:17.",
"Poor travellers sought rest under -- Lu 14:23.",
"Afforded protection in danger -- Jer 49:3.",
"Making up gaps in, alluded to -- Eze 13:5; 22:30.",
"Of God's protection. -- Job 1:10.",
"Of numerous afflictions. -- Job 3:23; 19:8.",
"Of heavy judgments. -- La 3:7; Ho 2:6.",
"Of holy ordinances. -- Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33.",
"Of the way of the slothful. -- Pr 15:19.",
"(Broken down,) of the taking away of protection. -- Ps 80:12; Isa 5:5."
] | Hedges |
"Commanded -- Ex 23:13; Pr 4:25-27.",
"In the care of the soul. -- De 4:9.",
"In the house and worship of God. -- Ec 5:1.",
"In what we hear. -- Mr 4:24.",
"In how we hear. -- Lu 8:18.",
"In keeping God's commandments. -- Jos 22:5.",
"In conduct. -- Eph 5:15.",
"In speech. -- Pr 13:3; Jas 1:19.",
"In worldly company. -- Ps 39:1; Col 4:5.",
"In giving judgment. -- 1Ch 19:6,7.",
"Against sin. -- Heb 12:15,16.",
"Against unbelief. -- Heb 3:12.",
"Against idolatry. -- De 4:15,16.",
"Against false Christs, and false prophets. -- Mt 24:4,5,23,24.",
"Against false teachers. -- Phm 3:2; Col 2:8; 2Pe 3:16,17.",
"Against presumption. -- 1Co 10:12.",
"Promises to. -- 1Ki 2:4; 1Ch 22:13."
] | Heedfulness |
"Called the green herbs -- 2Ki 19:26.",
"Created. -- Ge 1:11,12; 2:5.",
"Causes to grow. -- Job 38:27; Ps 104:14.",
"Each kind of, contains its own seed -- Ge 1:11,12.",
"Given as food to man -- Ge 1:28,29; 9:3.",
"Found in",
"The fields. -- Jer 12:4.",
"The mountains. -- Pr 27:25.",
"The marshes. -- Job 8:11.",
"The deserts. -- Job 24:5; Jer 17:6.",
"Cultivated in gardens -- De 11:10; 1Ki 21:2.",
"Cultivated for food -- Pr 15:17; Heb 6:7.",
"Require rain dew -- De 32:2; Job 38:26,27.",
"Mode of watering, alluded to -- De 11:10.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Aloe. -- Song 4:14.",
"Anise. -- Mt 23:23.",
"Barley. -- Ex 9:31; 2Sa 14:30.",
"Beans. -- 2Sa 17:28.",
"Bulrushes. -- Ex 2:3; Isa 58:5.",
"Calamus. -- Song 4:14.",
"Cummin. -- Isa 28:27; Mt 23:23.",
"Cucumber. -- Nu 11:5; Isa 1:8.",
"Fitches. -- Isa 28:25,27.",
"Flag. -- Ex 2:3; Job 8:11.",
"Flax. -- Ex 9:31.",
"Garlic. -- Nu 11:5.",
"Gourds. -- 2Ki 4:39.",
"Grass. -- Nu 22:4.",
"Heath. -- Jer 17:6; 48:6.",
"Hyssop. -- Ex 12:22; 1Ki 4:33.",
"Leeks. -- Nu 11:5.",
"Lentiles. -- Ge 25:34.",
"Mandrakes. -- Ge 30:14; Song 7:13.",
"Mallows. -- Job 30:4.",
"Millet. -- Eze 4:9.",
"Melon. -- Nu 11:5.",
"Mint. -- Mt 23:23.",
"Myrrh. -- Song 4:14.",
"Onions. -- Nu 11:5.",
"Reeds. -- Job 40:21; Isa 19:6.",
"Rushes. -- Job 8:11.",
"Rye. -- Ex 9:32.",
"Saffron. -- Song 4:14.",
"Spikenard. -- Song 4:14.",
"Tares or Darnel. -- Mt 13:30.",
"Wheat. -- Ex 9:32; Jer 12:13.",
"Bitter, used at passover -- Ex 12:8; Nu 9:11.",
"Poisonous, not fit for man's use -- 2Ki 4:39,40.",
"Destroyed by",
"Hail and lightning. -- Ex 9:22-25.",
"Locusts, & c. -- Ex 10:12,15; Ps 105:34,35.",
"Drought. -- Isa 42:15.",
"Tithable among the Jews. -- Lu 11:42.",
"Were sometimes used instead of animal food by weak saints -- Ro 14:2.",
"Of the wicked. -- 2Ki 19:26; Ps 37:2.",
"(Dew on,) of grace given to saints. -- Isa 18:4."
] | Herbs, & C |
"Used for idolatrous worship -- 1Ki 11:7,8.",
"God sometimes worshipped on -- 1Sa 9:12; 1Ki 3:2,4; 2Ch 33:17.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Gibeon. -- 1Ki 3:4.",
"Arnon. -- Nu 21:28.",
"Baal. -- Nu 22:41.",
"Tophet. -- Jer 7:31.",
"Bamah. -- Eze 20:29.",
"Aven. -- Ho 10:8.",
"Adorned with tapestry -- Eze 16:16.",
"Surrounded with groves -- 1Ki 14:23.",
"Built by",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:7.",
"Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 12:31.",
"Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:11.",
"Ahaz. -- 2Ch 28:25.",
"Manasseh. -- 2Ki 21:3; 2Ch 33:3.",
"People of Judah. -- 1Ki 14:23.",
"People of Israel. -- 2Ki 17:9.",
"Priests ordained for -- 1Ki 12:32; 13:33.",
"Sacrifices and incense offered to idols upon -- 2Ki 12:3; 16:4.",
"Enchantments used upon -- Nu 23:3; 24:1.",
"Of the Canaanites to be destroyed -- Nu 33:52.",
"The Jews",
"Built, in their cities. -- 2Ki 17:9.",
"Built, in all their streets. -- Eze 16:24,31.",
"Condemned for building. -- Eze 16:23-35.",
"Provoked God with. -- 1Ki 14:22,23; Ps 78:58.",
"Threatened with destruction of. -- Le 26:30.",
"Punished for. -- 2Ki 17:11,18.",
"Asa, partially. -- 2Ch 14:3,5; 15:17.",
"Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 17:6.",
"Hezekiah. -- 2Ki 18:4; 2Ch 31:1.",
"Josiah. -- 2Ki 23:8; 2Ch 34:3.",
"Not removed",
"Jehoash. -- 2Ki 12:3.",
"Amaziah. -- 2Ki 14:4.",
"Azariah. -- 2Ki 15:4.",
"Jotham. -- 2Ki 15:35."
] | High Places |
"Specially called of God -- Ex 28:1,2; Heb 5:4.",
"Consecrated to his office -- Ex 40:13; Le 8:12.",
"Was called",
"The priest. -- Ex 29:30; Ne 7:65.",
"God's high priest. -- Ac 23:4.",
"Ruler of the people. -- Ex 22:28; Ac 23:5.",
"The office of, hereditary -- Ex 29:29.",
"Next in rank to the king -- La 2:6.",
"Often exercised chief civil power -- 1Sa 4:18.",
"Duties of",
"Offering gifts and sacrifices. -- Heb 5:1.",
"Lighting the sacred lamps. -- Ex 30:8; Nu 8:3.",
"Making atonement in the most holy place once a year. -- Le 16:1-34; Heb 9:7.",
"Bearing before the Lord the names of Israel for a memorial. -- Ex 28:12,29.",
"Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim. -- 1Sa 23:9-12; 30:7,8.",
"Consecrating the Levites. -- Nu 9:11-21.",
"Appointing priests to offices. -- 1Sa 2:36.",
"Taking charge of money collected in the sacred treasury. -- 2Ki 12:10; 22:4.",
"Presiding in the superior court. -- Mt 26:3,57-62; Ac 5:21-28; 23:1-5.",
"Taking the census of the people. -- Nu 1:3.",
"Blessing the people. -- Le 9:22,23.",
"Sometimes enabled to prophesy -- Joh 11:49-52.",
"Assisted by a deputy -- 2Sa 15:24; Lu 3:2.",
"The deputy of",
"Called the second priest. -- 2Ki 25:18.",
"Had oversight of the tabernacle. -- Nu 4:16.",
"Had oversight of the Levites. -- Nu 3:32.",
"To marry a virgin of Aaron's family -- Le 21:13,14.",
"Forbidden to mourn for any -- Le 21:1-12.",
"To be tender and compassionate -- Heb 5:2.",
"Needed to sacrifice for himself -- Heb 5:1-3.",
"Special garments of",
"Ephod with its curious girdle. -- Ex 28:6,7.",
"Girdle. -- Ex 28:4,39.",
"Broidered coat. -- Ex 28:4,39.",
"Robe of the ephod. -- Ex 28:31-35.",
"Breastplate. -- Ex 28:15-29.",
"Linen mitre. -- Ex 28:4,39.",
"Plate or crown of gold, & c. -- Ex 28:36-38.",
"Made by divine wisdom given to Bezaleel, & c -- Ex 28:3; 36:1; 39:1.",
"Were for beauty and ornament -- Ex 28:2.",
"Worn at his consecration -- Le 8:7,9.",
"Worn seven days after consecration. -- Ex 29:30.",
"Descended to his successors. -- Ex 29:29.",
"Wore the ordinary priest's garments when making atonement in the holy place -- Le 16:4.",
"Office of, promised to the posterity of Phinehas for his zeal -- Nu 25:12,13.",
"Family of Eli degraded from office of, for bad conduct -- 1Sa 2:27-36.",
"Sometimes deposed by the kings -- 1Ki 2:27.",
"Office of, made annual by the Romans -- Joh 11:49-51; Ac 4:6.",
"Typified Christ in",
"Being called of God. -- Heb 5:4,5.",
"His title. -- Heb 3:1.",
"His appointment. -- Isa 61:1; Joh 1:32-34.",
"Making atonement. -- Le 16:33; Heb 2:17.",
"Splendid dress. -- Ex 28:2; Joh 1:14.",
"Being liable to temptation. -- Heb 2:18.",
"Compassion and sympathy for the weak and ignorant. -- Heb 4:15; 5:1,2.",
"Marrying a virgin. -- Le 21:13,14; 2Co 11:2.",
"Holiness of office. -- Le 21:15; Heb 7:26.",
"Performing by himself all the services on day of atonement. -- Le 16:1-34; Heb 1:3.",
"Bearing the names of Israel upon his heart. -- Ex 28:29; Song 8:6.",
"Alone entering into most holy place. -- Heb 9:7,12,24; 4:14.",
"Interceding. -- Nu 16:43-48; Heb 7:25.",
"Blessing. -- Le 9:22,23; Ac 3:26.",
"Inferior to Christ in",
"Needing to make atonement for his own sins. -- Heb 5:2,3; 7:26-28; 9:7.",
"Being of the order of Aaron. -- Heb 6:20; 7:11-17; 8:4,5,1,2,6.",
"Being made without an oath. -- Heb 7:20-22.",
"Not being able to continue. -- Heb 7:23,24.",
"Offering oftentimes the same sacrifices. -- Heb 9:25,26,28; 10:11,12,14.",
"Entering into holiest every year. -- Heb 9:7,12,25."
] | High Priest, The |
"Is incomparable -- Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2.",
"Exhibited in his",
"Character. -- Ps 22:3; Joh 17:11.",
"Name. -- Isa 57:15; Lu 1:49.",
"Words. -- Ps 60:6; Jer 23:9.",
"Works. -- Ps 145:17.",
"Kingdom. -- Ps 47:8; Mt 13:41; Re 21:27; 1Co 6:9,10.",
"Is pledged for the fulfilment of",
"His promises. -- Ps 89:35.",
"His judgments. -- Am 4:2.",
"Saints are commanded to imitate -- Le 11:44; 1Pe 1:15,16.",
"Saints should praise -- Ps 30:4.",
"Should produce reverential fear -- Re 15:4.",
"Requires holy service -- Jos 24:19; Ps 93:5.",
"Heavenly hosts adore -- Isa 6:3; Re 4:8.",
"Should be magnified -- 1Ch 16:10; Ps 48:1; 99:3,5; Re 15:4."
] | Holiness of God, The |
"Proceeds from the Father -- Joh 15:26.",
"By the Father. -- Joh 14:16.",
"By Christ. -- Isa 61:3.",
"Through Christ's intercession. -- Joh 14:16.",
"Sent in the name of Christ -- Joh 14:26.",
"Sent by Christ from the Father -- Joh 15:26; 16:7.",
"As such he",
"Communicates joy to saints. -- Ro 14:17; Ga 5:22; 1Th 1:6.",
"Edifies the Church. -- Ac 9:31.",
"Testifies of Christ. -- Joh 15:26.",
"Imparts the love of God. -- Ro 5:3-5.",
"Imparts hope. -- Ro 15:13; Ga 5:5.",
"Teaches saints. -- Joh 14:26.",
"Dwells with, and in saints. -- Joh 14:17.",
"Abides for ever with saints. -- Joh 14:16.",
"Is known by saints. -- Joh 14:17.",
"The world cannot receive -- Joh 14:17."
] | Holy Spirit, the Comforter, The |
"As Jehovah -- Ex 17:7; Heb 3:7-9; Nu 12:6; 2Pe 1:21.",
"As Jehovah of hosts -- Isa 6:3,8-10; Ac 28:25.",
"As Jehovah, Most High -- Ps 78:17,21; Ac 7:51.",
"Being invoked as Jehovah -- Lu 2:26-29; Ac 4:23-25; 1:16,20; 2Th 3:5.",
"As called God -- Ac 5:3,4.",
"As joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal formula -- Mt 28:19.",
"As eternal -- Heb 9:14.",
"As omnipresent -- Ps 139:7-13.",
"As omniscient -- 1Co 2:10.",
"As omnipotent -- Lu 1:35; Ro 15:19.",
"As the Spirit of glory and of God -- 1Pe 4:14.",
"As Creator -- Ge 1:26,27; Job 33:4.",
"As equal to, and one with the Father -- Mt 28:19; 2Co 13:14.",
"As Sovereign Disposer of all things -- Da 4:35; 1Co 12:6,11.",
"As Author of the new birth -- Joh 3:5,6; 1Jo 5:4.",
"As raising Christ from the dead -- Ac 2:24; 1Pe 3:18; Heb 13:20; Ro 1:4.",
"As inspiring Scripture -- 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.",
"As the source of wisdom -- 1Co 12:8; Isa 11:2; Joh 16:13; 14:26.",
"As the source of miraculous power -- Mt 12:28; Lu 11:20; Ac 19:11; Ro 15:19.",
"As appointing and sending ministers -- Ac 13:2,4; 9:38; 20:28.",
"As directing where the gospel should be preached -- Ac 16:6,7,10.",
"As dwelling in saints -- Joh 14:17; 1Co 14:25; 3:16; 6:19.",
"As Comforter of the Church -- Ac 9:31; 2Co 1:3.",
"As sanctifying the Church -- Eze 37:28; Ro 15:16.",
"As the Witness -- Heb 10:15; 1Jo 5:9.",
"As convincing of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment -- Joh 16:8-11."
] | Holy Spirit, The, is God |
"He creates and gives life -- Job 33:4.",
"He appoints and commissions ministers -- Isa 48:16; Ac 13:2; 20:28.",
"He directs ministers where to preach -- Ac 8:29; 10:19,20.",
"He directs ministers where not to preach -- Ac 16:6,7.",
"He instructs ministers what to preach -- 1Co 2:13.",
"He spoke in, and by, the prophets -- Ac 1:16; 1Pe 1:11,12; 2Pe 1:21.",
"He strives with sinners -- Ge 6:3.",
"He reproves -- Joh 16:8.",
"He comforts -- Ac 9:31.",
"He helps our infirmities -- Ro 8:26.",
"He teaches -- Joh 14:26; 1Co 12:3.",
"He guides -- Joh 16:13.",
"He sanctifies -- Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11.",
"He testifies of Christ -- Joh 15:26.",
"He glorifies Christ -- Joh 16:14.",
"He has a power of his own -- Ro 15:13.",
"He searches all things -- Ro 11:33,34; 1Co 2:10,11.",
"He works according to his own will -- 1Co 12:11.",
"He dwells with saints -- Joh 14:17.",
"He can be grieved -- Eph 4:30.",
"He can be vexed -- Isa 63:10.",
"He can be resisted -- Ac 7:51.",
"He can be tempted -- Ac 5:9."
] | Holy Spirit, the Personality Of |
"Promised -- Pr 1:23.",
"As the Spirit of wisdom -- Isa 11:2; 40:13,14.",
"In answer to prayer. -- Eph 1:16,17.",
"To saints. -- Ne 9:20; 1Co 2:12,13.",
"Necessity for -- 1Co 2:9,10.",
"As such he",
"Reveals the things of God. -- 1Co 2:10,13.",
"Reveals the things of Christ. -- Joh 16:14.",
"Reveals the future. -- Lu 2:26; Ac 21:11.",
"Brings the words of Christ to remembrance. -- Joh 14:26.",
"Directs in the way of godliness. -- Isa 30:21; Eze 36:27.",
"Teaches saints to answer persecutors. -- Mr 13:11; Lu 12:12.",
"Enables ministers to teach. -- 1Co 12:8.",
"Guides into all truth. -- Joh 14:26; 16:13.",
"Directs the decisions of the Church. -- Ac 15:28.",
"Attend to the instruction of -- Re 2:7,11,29.",
"The natural man will not receive the things of -- 1Co 2:14."
] | Holy Spirit, the Teacher, The |
"Extremely fruitful -- Ex 3:8; Nu 13:27; De 8:7-9; 11:10-12.",
"Abounded in minerals -- De 8:9; 33:25.",
"The land. -- Le 26:42; Lu 4:25.",
"The Lord's land. -- Ho 9:3.",
"Land of Canaan. -- Ge 11:31; Le 14:34.",
"Land of Israel. -- 1Sa 13:19; Mt 2:20,21.",
"Land of Judah. -- Isa 26:1.",
"Land of the Hebrews. -- Ge 40:15.",
"Land of promise. -- Heb 11:9.",
"Land of Immanuel. -- Isa 8:8.",
"Pleasant land. -- Ps 106:24; Da 8:9.",
"Good land. -- Nu 14:7; De 3:25.",
"Glorious land. -- Da 11:16.",
"Palestine. -- Ex 15:14; Isa 14:29,31.",
"Original inhabitants of, expelled for wickedness -- Ge 15:16; Ex 23:23; Le 18:25; De 18:12.",
"Promised to",
"Abraham. -- Ge 12:7; 13:15; 17:8.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 26:3.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 28:13,15; 35:12.",
"Given by covenant to Israel. -- Ex 6:4.",
"Extent of",
"As promised. -- Ge 15:18; De 1:7; Jos 1:4.",
"As at first divided. -- Nu 34:1-12.",
"Under Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:21,24; 2Ch 9:26.",
"Twelve men sent to spy -- Nu 13:1-33.",
"Conquered by Joshua -- Jos 6:1-12:24.",
"Divided by lot -- Nu 34:16-29; Jos 13:7-14.",
"Allotment of, specified -- Jos 14:1-19:51.",
"All inheritances in, inalienable -- Le 25:10,23.",
"A sabbath of rest appointed for -- Le 25:2-5.",
"Obedience the condition of continuing in -- Le 26:3; De 5:33; 11:16,17,22-25.",
"Divided into",
"Twelve provinces by Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:7-19.",
"Two kingdoms in the time of Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 11:35,36; 12:19,20.",
"Four provinces by the Romans. -- Lu 3:1.",
"Numerous population of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 3:8; 2Ch 1:9.",
"Extensive commerce of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 9:26-28; 10:22-29.",
"Prosperity of, in Solomon's reign -- 1Ki 4:20.",
"Was the burial place of the patriarchs -- Ge 49:29-31; 50:13,25; Jos 24:32.",
"A type of the rest that remains for saints -- Heb 4:1,2,9; 1Pe 1:4."
] | Holy Land |
"Divided from the outward tabernacle by a vail -- Ex 26:31-33.",
"Was called the",
"Sanctuary. -- Le 4:6; Ps 20:2.",
"Holy sanctuary. -- Le 16:33.",
"Holy place. -- Ex 28:29; Le 16:2,3.",
"Most holy place. -- Ex 26:31-33.",
"Holiest of all. -- Heb 9:3.",
"Oracle. -- 1Ki 6:5,16,20.",
"Ark of testimony. -- Ex 26:33; 40:3,21.",
"Mercy-seat. -- Ex 26:34.",
"Cherubim. -- Ex 25:18-22; 1Ki 6:23-28.",
"Golden censer. -- Heb 9:4.",
"Pot of manna. -- Ex 16:33; Heb 9:4.",
"Aaron's rod. -- Nu 17:10; Heb 9:4.",
"A written copy of the divine law. -- De 31:26; 2Ki 22:8.",
"God appeared in -- Ex 25:22; Le 16:2.",
"The high priest",
"Not to enter, at all times. -- Le 16:2.",
"Alone to enter, once a year. -- Heb 9:7.",
"Entered, in ordinary priest's dress. -- Le 16:4.",
"Entered, not without blood of atonement. -- Le 16:14,15; Heb 9:7.",
"Offered incense in. -- Le 16:12.",
"Made atonement for. -- Le 16:15,16,20,33.",
"The priests allowed to enter, and prepare the holy things for removal -- Nu 4:5.",
"Laid open to view at Christ's death -- Mt 27:51.",
"A type of heaven -- Ps 102:19; Heb 9:12,13,24.",
"Saints have boldness to enter the true -- Heb 10:19."
] | Holy of Holies |
"Distinguished from murder -- Ex 21:13,14; Nu 35:16-21,25.",
"Justifiable, described as",
"Killing persons condemned by law. -- Ge 9:6; Ex 35:2; Le 24:16.",
"Killing a thief in the night. -- Ex 22:2.",
"Killing enemies in battle. -- Nu 31:7,8.",
"Killing a manslayer by next of kin. -- Nu 35:27.",
"Unjustifiable, described as",
"Killing without enmity. -- Nu 35:22.",
"Killing without lying in wait. -- Ex 21:13; Nu 35:22.",
"Killing by accident. -- Nu 35:23; De 19:5.",
"The avenger of blood might slay those guilty of unjustifiable -- Nu 35:19,27.",
"Protection afforded in the cities of refuge to those guilty of unjustified -- Nu 35:11,15.",
"Confinement in the city of refuge the punishment for unjustifiable -- Nu 35:25,28."
] | Homicide |
"Natural weapons on heads of animals -- Da 7:20.",
"Animals with, mentioned",
"The ox. -- Ps 69:31.",
"The ram. -- Ge 22:13.",
"The goat. -- Da 8:5.",
"The unicorn. -- Ps 22:21; 92:10.",
"Tusks of the elephant so called -- Eze 27:15.",
"Used offensively -- Ex 21:29; Eze 34:21.",
"Were used",
"For holding oil. -- 1Sa 16:1; 1Ki 1:39.",
"As musical instruments. -- Jos 6:4,5; 1Ch 25:5.",
"Representations of, placed at the four corners of the altars -- Ex 27:2; 30:2.",
"Wearing of, alluded to -- Ps 75:5,10.",
"Of power of God. -- Ps 18:2; Hab 3:4.",
"Of power of Christ. -- Lu 1:69; Re 5:6.",
"Of power of Ephraim & c. -- De 33:17.",
"Of power of the wicked. -- Ps 22:21; 75:10.",
"Of kings. -- Da 7:7,8,24; 8:3,5,20.",
"Of antichristian powers. -- Re 13:1; 17:3,7.",
"(Budding of,) of the commencement or revival of a nation. -- Ps 132:17; Eze 29:21.",
"(Raising up,) of arrogance. -- Ps 75:4,5.",
"(Exalting,) of increase of power and glory. -- 1Sa 2:1,10; Ps 89:17,24; 92:10; 112:9.",
"(Pushing with,) of conquests. -- De 33:17; 1Ki 22:11; Mic 4:13.",
"(Bringing down,) of degradation. -- Job 16:15.",
"(Cutting off,) of destruction of power. -- Ps 75:10; Jer 48:25; La 2:3."
] | Horns |
"Endued with strength by God -- Job 39:19.",
"Described as",
"Strong. -- Ps 33:17; 147:10.",
"Swift. -- Isa 30:16; Jer 4:13; Hab 1:8.",
"Fearless. -- Job 39:20,22.",
"Fierce and impetuous. -- Job 39:21,24.",
"Warlike in disposition. -- Job 39:21; Jer 8:6.",
"Sure footed. -- Isa 63:13.",
"Want of understanding in, alluded to -- Ps 32:9.",
"Hard hoofs of, alluded to -- Isa 5:28.",
"Loud snorting of, alluded to -- Jer 8:16; Job 39:20.",
"Colours of, mentioned",
"White. -- Zec 1:8; 6:3; Re 6:2.",
"Black. -- Zec 6:2,6; Re 6:5.",
"Red. -- Zec 1:8; 6:2; Re 6:4.",
"Speckled. -- Zec 1:8.",
"Bay. -- Zec 6:3,7.",
"Grisled. -- Zec 6:3,6.",
"Pale or ash colour. -- Re 6:8.",
"Fed on grain and herbs -- 1Ki 4:23; 18:5.",
"Used for",
"Mounting calvary. -- Ex 14:9; 1Sa 13:5.",
"Drawing chariots. -- Mic 1:13; Zec 6:2.",
"Bearing burdens. -- Ezr 2:66; Ne 7:68.",
"Hunting. -- Job 39:18.",
"Conveying posts, & c. -- 2Ki 9:17-19; Es 8:10.",
"Kings and princes rode on -- Es 6:8-11; Eze 23:23.",
"Governed by bit and bridle -- Ps 32:9; Jas 3:3.",
"Urged on by whips -- Pr 26:3.",
"Adorned with bells on the neck -- Zec 14:20.",
"Numbers of, kept for war -- Jer 51:27; Eze 26:10.",
"Prepared and trained for war -- Pr 21:31.",
"In battle protected by armour -- Jer 46:4.",
"Vanity of trusting to -- Ps 33:17; Am 2:15.",
"The Jews",
"Forbidden to multiply. -- De 17:16.",
"Imported from Egypt. -- 1Ki 10:28,29.",
"Multiplied in Solomon's reign. -- 1Ki 4:26.",
"Condemned for multiplying. -- Isa 2:7.",
"Not to trust in. -- Ho 14:3.",
"Condemned for trusting to. -- Isa 30:16; 31:3.",
"Brought back many, from Babylon. -- Ezr 2:66.",
"Notice of early traffic in -- Ge 47:17.",
"Sold in fairs and markets -- Eze 27:14; Re 18:13.",
"Often suffered",
"From blindness. -- Zec 12:4.",
"From plague. -- Zec 14:15.",
"From murrain. -- Ex 9:3.",
"From bites of serpents. -- Ge 49:17.",
"In the hoof from prancing. -- Jdj 5:22.",
"In battle. -- Jer 51:21; Hag 2:22.",
"Dedicated to the sun by idolaters -- 2Ki 23:11.",
"Illustrative of",
"Beauty of the church. -- Song 1:9; Zec 10:3.",
"Glorious and triumphant deliverance of the church. -- Isa 63:13.",
"A dull headstrong disposition. -- Ps 32:9.",
"Impetuosity of the wicked in sin. -- Jer 8:6."
] | Horse, The |
"Antiquity of -- Ge 12:1; 19:3.",
"Deep and solid foundations required for -- Mt 7:24; Lu 6:48.",
"Sometimes built without foundation -- Mt 7:26; Lu 6:49.",
"Built of",
"Clay. -- Job 4:19.",
"Bricks. -- Ex 1:11-14; Isa 9:10.",
"Stone and wood. -- Le 14:40,42; Hab 2:11.",
"Hewn or cut stone. -- Isa 3:10; Am 5:11.",
"In cities, built in streets -- Ge 19:2; Jos 2:19.",
"Often built on city walls -- Jos 2:15; 2Co 11:33.",
"The flat roofs of",
"Surrounded with battlements. -- De 22:8.",
"Had often booths on them. -- 2Sa 16:22; Ne 8:16; Pr 2:19.",
"Had often idolatrous altars on them. -- 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; Zep 1:5.",
"Used for drying flax. -- Jos 2:6.",
"Used for exercise. -- 2Sa 11:2; Da 4:29.",
"Used for devotion. -- Ac 10:9.",
"Used for making proclamations. -- Lu 12:3.",
"Used for secret conference. -- 1Sa 9:25,26.",
"Resorted to in grief. -- Isa 15:3; Jer 48:38.",
"Often covered with week grass. -- Ps 129:6,7.",
"Accessible from the outside -- Mt 24:17.",
"The courts of, large and used as apartments -- Es 1:5; Lu 5:19.",
"Entered by a gate or door -- Ge 43:19; Ex 12:22; Lu 16:20; Ac 10:17.",
"Doors of, low and small for safety -- Pr 17:19.",
"Doors of, how fastened -- 2Sa 13:18; Song 5:5; Lu 11:7.",
"Admission to, gained by knocking at the door -- Ac 12:13; Re 3:20.",
"Walls of, plastered -- Le 14:42,43.",
"Serpents often lodged in walls of -- Am 5:19.",
"Custom of fastening nails, & c, in walls of, alluded to -- Ec 12:11; Isa 22:23.",
"Had often several stories -- Eze 41:16; Ac 20:9.",
"Divided into apartments -- Ge 43:30; Isa 26:20.",
"Apartments of, were often",
"Large and airy. -- Jer 22:14.",
"Ceiled and painted. -- Jer 22:14; Hag 1:4.",
"Inlaid with ivory. -- 1Ki 22:39; Am 3:15.",
"Hung with rich tapestries. -- Es 1:6.",
"Warmed with fires. -- Jer 36:22; Joh 18:18.",
"Upper apartments of, the best, and used for entertainments -- Mr 14:15.",
"Had often detached apartments for secrecy and for strangers -- Jdj 3:20-23; 2Ki 4:10,11; 9:2,3.",
"Lighted by windows -- 1Ki 7:4.",
"Street windows of, high and dangerous -- 2Ki 1:2; 9:30,33; Ac 20:9.",
"Of the rich",
"Great. -- Isa 5:9; Am 6:11; 2Ti 2:20.",
"Goodly. -- De 8:12.",
"Pleasant. -- Eze 26:12; Mic 2:9.",
"Of brick or clay",
"Plastered. -- Eze 13:10,11.",
"Easily broken through. -- Job 24:16; Eze 12:5.",
"Often swept away by torrents. -- Eze 13:13,14.",
"When finished were usually dedicated -- De 20:5; Ps 30:1.",
"For summer residence -- Am 3:15.",
"Liable to leprosy -- Le 14:34-53.",
"Not to be coveted -- Ex 20:17; Mic 2:2.",
"Were hired -- Ac 28:30.",
"Were mortgaged -- Ne 5:3.",
"Were sold -- Ac 4:34.",
"Law respecting the sale of -- Le 25:29-33.",
"Of criminals, desolated -- Da 2:5; 3:29.",
"Desolation of, threatened as a punishment -- Isa 5:9; 13:16,21,22; Eze 16:41; 26:12.",
"Often broken down to repair city walls before sieges -- Isa 22:10.",
"Of the body. -- Job 4:19; 2Co 5:1.",
"Of the grave. -- Job 30:23.",
"Of the church. -- Heb 3:6; 1Pe 2:5.",
"Of saints' inheritance. -- Joh 14:2; 2Co 5:1.",
"(On sand,) of the delusive hope of hypocrites. -- Mt 7:24,25.",
"(On a rock,) of the hope of saints. -- Mt 7:24,25.",
"(Insecurity of,) of earthly trust. -- Mt 6:19,20.",
"(Building of,) of great prosperity. -- Isa 65:21; Eze 28:26.",
"(Built and not inhabited,) of calamity. -- De 28:30; Am 5:11; Zep 1:13.",
"(To inhabit those, built by others,) of abundant feelings. -- De 6:10,11."
] | Houses |
"Was necessary to his mediatorial office -- 1Ti 2:5; Heb 2:17; Ga 4:4,5; 1Co 15:21; Ro 6:15,19.",
"Is proved by his",
"Conception in the Virgin's womb. -- Mt 1:18; Lu 1:31.",
"Birth. -- Mt 1:16,25; 2:2; Lu 2:7,11.",
"Partaking of flesh and blood. -- Joh 1:14; Heb 2:14.",
"Having a human soul. -- Mt 26:38; Lu 23:46; Ac 2:31.",
"Circumcision. -- Lu 2:21.",
"Increase in wisdom and stature. -- Lu 2:52.",
"Weeping. -- Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35.",
"Hungering. -- Mt 4:2; 21:18.",
"Thirsting. -- Joh 4:7; 19:28.",
"Sleeping. -- Mt 8:24; Mr 4:38.",
"Being subject to weariness. -- Joh 4:6.",
"Being a man of sorrows. -- Isa 53:3,4; Lu 22:44; Joh 11:33; 12:27.",
"Being buffeted. -- Mt 26:67; Lu 22:64.",
"Enduring indignities. -- Lu 23:11.",
"Being scourged. -- Mt 27:26; Lu 22:64.",
"Being nailed to the cross. -- Ps 22:16; Lu 23:33.",
"Death. -- Joh 19:30.",
"Side being pierced. -- Joh 19:34.",
"Burial. -- Mt 27:59,60; Mr 15:46.",
"Resurrection. -- Ac 3:15; 2Ti 2:8.",
"Was like our own in all things except sin -- Ac 3:22; Php 2:7,8; Heb 2:17.",
"Was without sin -- Heb 7:26,28; 1Jo 3:5; 1Pe 2:22; Heb 4:15; Joh 18:38; 8:46.",
"Was submitted to the evidence of the senses -- Lu 24:39; Joh 20:27; 1Jo 1:1,2.",
"Was of the seed of",
"The woman. -- Ge 3:15; Isa 7:4; Jer 31:22; Lu 1:31; Ga 4:4.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 22:18; Ga 3:16; Heb 2:16.",
"David. -- 2Sa 7:12,16; Ps 89:35,36; Jer 23:5; Mt 22:42; Mr 10:47; Ac 2:30; 13:23; Ro 1:3.",
"Genealogy of -- Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38.",
"Attested by himself -- Mt 8:20; 16:13.",
"Confession of, a test of belonging to God -- Joh 4:2.",
"Acknowledged by men -- Mr 6:3; Joh 7:27; 19:5; Ac 2:22.",
"Denied by Antichrist -- 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7."
] | Human Nature of Christ, The |
"Declared by himself -- Mt 11:29.",
"Exhibited in his",
"Taking our nature. -- Php 2:7; Heb 2:16.",
"Birth. -- Lu 2:4-7.",
"Subjection to his parents. -- Lu 2:51.",
"Station in life. -- Mt 13:55; Joh 9:29.",
"Poverty. -- Lu 9:58; 2Co 8:9.",
"Partaking of our infirmities. -- Heb 4:15; 5:7.",
"Submitting to ordinances. -- Mt 3:13-15.",
"Becoming a servant. -- Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Php 2:7.",
"Associating with the despised. -- Mt 9:10,11; Lu 15:1,2.",
"Refusing honours. -- Joh 5:41; 6:15.",
"Entry into Jerusalem. -- Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5,7.",
"Washing his disciples' feet. -- Joh 13:5.",
"Obedience. -- Joh 6:38; Heb 10:9.",
"Submitting to sufferings. -- Isa 50:6; 53:7; Ac 8:32; Mt 26:37-39.",
"Exposing himself to reproach and contempt. -- Ps 22:6; 69:9; Ro 15:3; Isa 53:3.",
"Death. -- Joh 10:15,17,18; Php 2:8; Heb 12:2.",
"Saints should imitate -- Php 2:5-8.",
"On account of, he was despised -- Mr 6:3; Joh 9:29.",
"His exaltation, the result of -- Php 2:9."
] | Humility of Christ, The |
"Should have but one wife -- Ge 2:24; Mr 10:6-8; 1Co 7:2-4.",
"Have authority over their wives -- Ge 3:16; 1Co 11:3; Eph 5:23.",
"Duty of, to wives",
"To respect them. -- 1Pe 3:7.",
"To love them. -- Eph 5:25-33; Col 3:19.",
"To regard them as themselves. -- Ge 2:23; Mt 19:5.",
"To be faithful to them. -- Pr 5:19; Mal 2:14,15.",
"To dwell with them for life. -- Ge 2:24; Mt 19:3-9.",
"To comfort them. -- 1Sa 1:8.",
"To consult with them. -- Ge 31:4-7.",
"Not to leave them, though unbelieving. -- 1Co 7:11,12,14,16.",
"Duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ -- Lu 14:26; Mt 19:29.",
"Good -- Exemplified",
"Isaac. -- Ge 24:67.",
"Elkanah. -- 1Sa 1:4,5.",
"Bad -- Exemplified",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:1.",
"Ahasuerus. -- Es 1:10,11."
] | Husbands |
"Law respecting fringes of -- Nu 15:38; De 22:12.",
"Used by the poor as a covering by night -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:13.",
"Burdens often bound up in -- Ex 12:34.",
"The skirts of, used to hold things in -- 2Ki 4:39; Ne 5:13; Hag 2:12; Lu 6:38.",
"Probably used by women as a vail -- Ru 3:15.",
"Required to be girt up",
"For running. -- 1Ki 18:46.",
"For labour. -- Lu 17:8.",
"Often laid aside -- Mt 24:18; Mr 10:50.",
"The Jews said to be naked without -- 2Sa 6:20; Mr 14:51,52; Joh 21:7.",
"Was the garment",
"Rent in token of anger. -- Mt 26:65.",
"Rent in token of grief. -- Joe 2:13.",
"Of Samuel rent by Saul. -- 1Sa 15:27.",
"Of Saul which David cut. -- 1Sa 24:4,5.",
"Of Jeroboam rent by Ahijah. -- 1Ki 11:30.",
"Laid aside by Christ. -- Joh 13:4.",
"Spread before Christ by the Jews. -- Mt 21:8.",
"The Jews condemned for making broad the borders of -- Mt 23:5."
] | Hyke or Upper Garment |
"God knows and detects -- Isa 29:15,16.",
"Christ knew and detected -- Mt 22:18.",
"God has no pleasure in -- Isa 9:17.",
"Shall not come before God -- Job 13:16.",
"Described as",
"Wilfully blind. -- Mt 23:17,19,26.",
"Vile. -- Isa 32:6.",
"Self-righteous. -- Isa 65:5; Lu 18:11.",
"Covetous. -- Eze 33:31; 2Pe 2:3.",
"Ostentatious. -- Mt 5:2,5,16; 23:5.",
"Censorious. -- Mt 7:3-5; Lu 13:14,15.",
"Regarding tradition more than the word of God. -- Mt 15:1-3.",
"Exact in minor, but neglecting important duties. -- Mt 23:23,24.",
"Having but a form of godliness. -- 2Ti 3:5.",
"Seeking only outward purity. -- Lu 11:39.",
"Professing but not practising. -- Eze 33:31,32; Mt 23:3; Ro 2:17-23.",
"Using but lip-worship. -- Isa 29:13; Mt 15:8.",
"Glorying in appearance only. -- 2Co 5:12.",
"Trusting in privileges. -- Jer 7:4; Mt 3:9.",
"Apparently zealous in the things of God. -- Isa 58:2.",
"Zealous in making proselytes. -- Mt 23:15.",
"Devouring widows' houses. -- Mt 23:14.",
"Loving pre-eminence. -- Mt 23:6,7.",
"Worship of, not acceptable to God -- Isa 1:11-15; 58:3-5; Mt 15:9.",
"Joy of, but for a moment -- Job 20:5.",
"Hope of perishes -- Job 8:13; 27:8,9.",
"Heap up wrath -- Job 36:13.",
"Fearfulness shall surprise -- Isa 33:14.",
"Destroy others by slander -- Pr 11:9.",
"In power, are a snare -- Job 34:30.",
"The Apostasy to abound with -- 1Ti 4:2.",
"Beware the principles of -- Lu 12:1.",
"Spirit of, hinders growth in grace -- 1Pe 2:1.",
"Woe to -- Isa 29:15; Mt 23:13.",
"Punishment of -- Job 15:34; Isa 10:6; Jer 42:20,22; Mt 24:51.",
"Illustrated -- Mt 23:27,28; Lu 11:44.",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:3.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:7,8.",
"The Jews. -- Jer 3:10.",
"Pharisees, & c. -- Mt 16:3.",
"Judas. -- Mt 26:49.",
"Herodians. -- Mr 12:13,15.",
"Ananias. -- Ac 5:1-8.",
"Simon. -- Ac 8:13-23."
] | Hypocrites |
"Forbidden -- Ro 12:11; Heb 6:12.",
"Produce apathy -- Pr 12:27; 26:15.",
"Akin to extravagance -- Pr 18:9.",
"Accompanied by conceit -- Pr 26:16.",
"Lead to",
"Poverty. -- Pr 10:4; 20:13.",
"Want. -- Pr 20:4; 24:34.",
"Hunger. -- Pr 19:15; 20:13.",
"Bondage. -- Pr 12:24.",
"Disappointment. -- Pr 13:4; 21:25.",
"Ruin. -- Pr 24:30,31; Ec 10:18.",
"Tattling and meddling. -- 1Ti 5:13.",
"Effects of, afford instruction to others -- Pr 24:30-32.",
"Remonstrance against -- Pr 6:6,9.",
"False excuses for -- Pr 20:4; 22:13.",
"Illustrated -- Pr 26:14; Mt 25:18,26.",
"Watchmen. -- Isa 56:10.",
"Athenians. -- Ac 17:21.",
"Thessalonians. -- 2Th 3:11."
] | Idleness and Sloth |
"Ignorance of Christ is -- Joh 8:19.",
"Evidenced by",
"Want of love. -- 1Jo 4:8.",
"Not keeping his commands. -- 1Jo 2:4.",
"Living in sin. -- Tit 1:16; 1Jo 3:6.",
"Leads to",
"Error. -- Mt 22:29.",
"Idolatry. -- Isa 44:19; Ac 17:29,30.",
"Alienation from God. -- Eph 4:18.",
"Sinful lusts. -- 1Th 4:5; 1Pe 1:14.",
"Persecuting saints. -- Joh 15:21; 16:3.",
"Is no excuse for sin -- Le 4:2; Lu 12:48.",
"The wicked, in a state of -- Jer 9:3; Joh 15:21; 17:25; Ac 17:30.",
"The wicked choose -- Job 21:14; Ro 1:28.",
"Punishment of -- Ps 79:6; 2Th 1:8.",
"Ministers should",
"Compassionate those in. -- Heb 5:2; 2Ti 2:24,25.",
"Labour to remove. -- Ac 17:23.",
"Pharaoh. -- Ex 5:2.",
"Israelites. -- Ps 95:10; Isa 1:3.",
"False prophets. -- Isa 56:10,11.",
"Jews. -- Lu 23:34.",
"Nicodemus. -- Joh 3:10.",
"Gentiles. -- Ga 4:8.",
"Paul. -- 1Ti 1:13."
] | Ignorance of God |
"Commanded -- Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11.",
"Required of man in a state of innocence -- Ge 2:15.",
"Required of man after the fall -- Ge 3:23.",
"To be suspended on the Sabbath -- Ex 20:10.",
"Characteristic of godly women -- Pr 31:13-31.",
"Early rising necessary to -- Pr 31:15.",
"Requisite to supply",
"Our own wants. -- Ac 20:34; 1Th 2:9.",
"Wants of others. -- Ac 20:35; Eph 4:28.",
"The slothful devoid of -- Pr 24:30,31.",
"Leads to",
"Increase of substance. -- Pr 13:11.",
"Affection of relatives. -- Pr 31:28.",
"General commendation. -- Pr 31:31.",
"Illustrated -- Pr 6:6-8.",
"Rachel. -- Ge 29:9.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 31:6.",
"Jethro's daughters. -- Ex 2:10.",
"Ruth. -- Ru 2:2,3.",
"Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 11:28.",
"David. -- 1Sa 16:11.",
"Jewish elders. -- Ezr 6:14,15.",
"Dorcas. -- Ac 9:39.",
"Paul. -- Ac 18:3; 1Co 4:12."
] | Industry |
"In his Church, as his temple -- 1Co 3:16.",
"In the body of saints, as his temple -- 1Co 6:19; 2Co 6:16.",
"Promised to saints -- Eze 36:27.",
"Saints enjoy -- Isa 63:11; 2Ti 1:14.",
"Saints full of -- Ac 6:5; Eph 5:18.",
"Is the means of",
"Quickening. -- Ro 8:11.",
"Guiding. -- Joh 16:13; Ga 5:18.",
"Fruit bearing. -- Ga 5:22.",
"A proof of being Christ's -- Ro 8:9; 1Jo 4:13.",
"A proof of adoption -- Ro 8:15; Ga 4:5.",
"Is abiding -- 1Jo 2:27.",
"Those who have not",
"Are sensual. -- Jude 1:19.",
"Are without Christ. -- Ro 8:9.",
"Opposed by the carnal nature -- Ga 5:17."
] | Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, The |
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Ps 38:20; 2Ti 3:2.",
"Often exhibited",
"By relations. -- Job 19:14.",
"By servants. -- Job 19:15,16.",
"To benefactors. -- Ps 109:5; Ec 9:15.",
"To friends in distress. -- Ps 38:11.",
"Saints should avoid the guilt of -- Ps 7:4,5.",
"Should be met with",
"Prayers. -- Ps 35:12,13; 109:4.",
"Faithfulness. -- Ge 31:38-42.",
"Persevering love. -- 2Co 12:15.",
"Punishment of -- Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20,21.",
"Laban. -- Ge 31:6,7.",
"Chief butler. -- Ge 40:23.",
"Israel. -- Ex 17:4.",
"Men of Keilah. -- 1Sa 23:5,12.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 24:17.",
"Nabal. -- 1Sa 25:5-11,21.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:6.",
"Joash. -- 2Ch 24:22."
] | Ingratitude |
"A characteristic of the wicked -- Ro 1:21.",
"Inexcusable -- Isa 1:2,3; Ro 1:21.",
"Unreasonable -- Jer 2:5,6,31; Mic 6:2,3.",
"Exceeding folly of -- De 32:6.",
"Guilt of -- Ps 106:7,21; Jer 2:11-13.",
"Prosperity likely to produce -- De 31:20; 32:15; Jer 5:7-11.",
"Warnings against -- De 8:11-14; 1Sa 12:24,25.",
"Punishment of -- Ne 9:20-27; Ho 2:8,9.",
"Illustrated -- Isa 5:1-7; Eze 16:1-15.",
"Israel. -- De 32:18.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 15:17-19.",
"David. -- 2Sa 12:7-9.",
"Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 5:18-21.",
"Lepers. -- Lu 17:17,18."
] | Ingratitude to God |
"Forbidden -- Le 19:15,35; De 16:19.",
"Specially to be avoided towards",
"The poor. -- Ex 23:6; Pr 22:16,22,23.",
"The stranger and fatherless. -- Ex 22:21,22; De 24:17; Jer 22:3.",
"Servants. -- Job 31:13,14; De 24:14; Jer 22:13.",
"Of the least kind, condemned -- Lu 16:10.",
"Regards. -- Ec 5:8.",
"Approves not of. -- La 3:35,36.",
"Abominates. -- Pr 17:15; 20:10.",
"Hears the cry of those who suffer. -- Jas 5:4.",
"Provoked to avenge. -- Ps 12:5.",
"Brings a curse -- De 27:17,19.",
"A bad example leads to -- Ex 23:2.",
"Intemperance leads to -- Pr 31:5.",
"Covetousness leads to -- Jer 6:13; Eze 22:12; Mic 2:2.",
"Saints should",
"Hate. -- Pr 29:27.",
"Testify against. -- Ps 58:1,2; Mic 3:8,9.",
"Bear, patiently. -- 1Co 6:7.",
"Take no vengeance for. -- Mt 5:39.",
"The wicked",
"Deal with. -- Isa 26:10.",
"Judge with. -- Ps 82:2; Ec 3:16; Hab 1:4.",
"Practise, without shame. -- Jer 6:13,15; Zep 3:5.",
"Punishment of -- Pr 11:7; 28:8; Am 5:11,12; 8:5,8; 1Th 4:6.",
"Potiphar. -- Ge 39:20.",
"Sons of Samuel. -- 1Sa 8:3.",
"Ahab. -- 1Ki 21:10,15,16.",
"Jews. -- Isa 59:14.",
"Princes & c. -- Da 6:4.",
"Judas. -- Mt 27:4.",
"Pilate. -- Mt 27:24-26.",
"Priests & c. -- Ac 4:3.",
"Festus. -- Ac 24:27."
] | Injustice |
"Created by God -- Ge 1:24,25.",
"Divided into",
"Clean and fit for food. -- Le 11:21,22.",
"Unclean and abominable. -- Le 11:23,24.",
"Mentioned in scripture",
"Ant. -- Pr 6:6; 30:25.",
"Bee. -- Jdj 14:8; Ps 118:12; Isa 7:18.",
"Beetle. -- Le 11:22.",
"Caterpillar. -- Ps 78:46; Isa 33:4.",
"Cankerworm. -- Joe 1:4; Na 3:15,16.",
"Earthworm. -- Job 25:6; Mic 7:17.",
"Flea. -- 1Sa 24:14.",
"Fly. -- Ex 8:22; Ec 10:1; Isa 7:18.",
"Gnat. -- Mt 23:24.",
"Grasshopper. -- Le 11:22; Jdj 6:5; Job 39:20.",
"Hornet. -- De 7:20.",
"Locust. -- Ex 10:12,13.",
"Bald locust. -- Le 11:22.",
"Lice. -- Ex 8:16; Ps 105:31.",
"Maggot. -- Ex 16:20.",
"Moth. -- Job 4:19; 27:18; Isa 50:9.",
"Palmer-worm. -- Joe 1:4; Am 4:9.",
"Spider. -- Job 8:14; Pr 30:28.",
"Fed by God -- Ps 104:25,27; 145:9,15."
] | Insects |
"Foretold -- Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16-18.",
"All Scripture given by -- 2Sa 23:2; 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21.",
"Design of",
"To reveal future events. -- Ac 1:16; 28:25; 1Pe 1:11.",
"To reveal the mysteries of God. -- Am 3:7; 1Co 2:10.",
"To give power to ministers. -- Mic 3:8; Ac 1:8.",
"To direct ministers. -- Eze 3:24-27; Ac 11:12; 13:2.",
"To control ministers. -- Ac 16:6.",
"To testify against sin. -- 2Ki 17:13; Ne 9:30; Mic 3:8; Joh 16:8,9.",
"Modes of",
"Various. -- Heb 1:1.",
"By secret impulse. -- Jdj 13:25; 2Pe 1:21.",
"By a voice. -- Isa 6:8; Ac 8:29; Re 1:10.",
"By visions. -- Nu 12:6; Eze 11:24.",
"By dreams. -- Nu 12:6; Da 7:1.",
"Necessary to prophesying -- Nu 11:25-27; 2Ch 20:14-17.",
"Is irresistible -- Am 3:8.",
"Despisers of, punished -- 2Ch 36:15,16; Zec 7:12."
] | Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, The |
"Descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael -- Ge 16:15,16; 1Ch 1:28.",
"Divided into twelve tribes -- Ge 25:16.",
"Heads of tribes -- Ge 25:13-15; 1Ch 1:29-31.",
"Hagarites. -- 1Ch 5:10.",
"Hagarenes. -- Ps 83:6.",
"Arabians. -- Isa 13:20.",
"Original possessions of -- Ge 25:18.",
"Governed by kings -- Jer 25:24.",
"Dwelt in tents -- Isa 13:20.",
"Rich in cattle -- 1Ch 5:21.",
"Wore ornaments of gold -- Jdj 8:24.",
"Were the merchants of the east -- Ge 37:25; Eze 27:20,21.",
"Travelled in large companies or caravans -- Ge 37:25; Job 6:19.",
"Waylaid and plundered travellers -- Jer 3:2.",
"Often confederate against Israel -- Ps 83:6.",
"Overcome by",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 8:10-24.",
"Reubenites and Gadites. -- 1Ch 5:10,18-20.",
"Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:7.",
"Sent presents to Solomon -- 1Ki 10:15; 2Ch 9:14.",
"Sent flocks to Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 17:11.",
"Predictions respecting",
"To be numerous. -- Ge 16:10; 17:20.",
"To be wild and savage. -- Ge 16:12.",
"To be warlike and predatory. -- Ge 16:12.",
"To be divided into twelve tribes. -- Ge 17:20.",
"To continue independent. -- Ge 16:12.",
"To be a great nation. -- Ge 21:13,18.",
"To be judged with the nations. -- Jer 25:23-25.",
"Their glory, & c to be diminished. -- Isa 21:13-17.",
"Their submission to Christ. -- Ps 72:10,15.",
"Probably preached to by Paul -- Ga 1:17."
] | Ishmaelites, The |
"Descended from Jacob's fifth son -- Ge 30:17,18.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:14,15; De 33:18,19.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:8.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:7.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:26.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:28,29; 2:6.",
"Encamped under the standard of Judah east of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:5.",
"Next to and under standard of Judah in the journeys of Israel -- Nu 10:14,15.",
"Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:18-23.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:23,24.",
"Strength of, on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:25.",
"On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.",
"Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:17-23.",
"Assisted Deborah against Sisera -- Jdj 5:15.",
"Officers of, appointed by David -- 1Ch 27:18.",
"Officers of, appointed by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:17.",
"Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:32.",
"Number of warriors belonging to, in David's time -- 1Ch 7:2,5.",
"Many of, at Hezekiah's passover -- 2Ch 30:18.",
"Remarkable persons of -- Jdj 10:1; 1Ki 15:27."
] | Issachar, the Tribe Of |
"Descended from Abraham -- Isa 51:2; Joh 8:39.",
"Divided into twelve tribes -- Ge 35:22; 49:28.",
"Hebrews. -- Ge 14:13; 40:15; 2Co 11:22.",
"Israelites. -- Ex 9:7; Jos 3:17.",
"Seed of Abraham. -- Ps 105:6; Isa 41:8.",
"Seed of Jacob. -- Jer 33:26.",
"Seed of Israel. -- 1Ch 16:13.",
"Children of Jacob. -- 1Ch 16:13.",
"Children of Israel. -- Ge 50:25; Isa 27:12.",
"Jeshurun. -- De 32:15.",
"Chosen and loved by God -- De 7:6,7.",
"Circumcised in token of their covenant relation -- Ge 17:10,11; Ac 7:8.",
"Separated from all other nations -- Ex 33:16; Le 20:24; 1Ki 8:53.",
"Described as",
"A peculiar people. -- De 14:2.",
"A peculiar treasure. -- Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4.",
"A holy nation. -- Ex 19:6.",
"A holy people. -- De 7:6; 14:21.",
"A kingdom of priests. -- Ex 19:6.",
"A special people. -- De 7:6.",
"The Lord's portion. -- De 32:9.",
"Sojourned in Egypt -- Ex 12:40,41.",
"Brought out of Egypt by God -- Ex 12:42; De 5:15; 6:12.",
"In the desert forty years -- Nu 14:33; Jos 5:6.",
"Settled in Canaan -- Nu 32:18; Jos 14:1-5.",
"Under the theocracy until the time of Samuel -- Ex 19:4-6; 1Sa 8:7.",
"Desired and obtained kings -- 1Sa 8:5,22.",
"Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon -- 1Ki 11:31,32; 12:19,20.",
"Often subdued and made tributary -- Jdj 2:13,14; 4:2; 6:2,6; 2Ki 23:33.",
"Taken captive to Assyria and Babylon -- 2Ki 17:32; 18:11; 24:16; 25:11.",
"Restored to their own land by Cyrus -- Ezr 1:1-4.",
"Had courts of justice -- De 16:18.",
"Had an ecclesiastical establishment -- Ex 28:1; Nu 18:6; Mal 2:4-7.",
"Had a series of prophets to promote national reformation -- Jer 7:25; 26:4,5; 35:15; 44:4; Eze 38:17.",
"The only people who had knowledge of God -- Ps 76:1; 1Th 4:5; Ps 48:3; Ro 1:28.",
"The only people who worshipped God -- Ex 5:17; Ps 96:5; 115:3,4; Joh 4:22.",
"Religion of, according to rites prescribed by God -- Le 18:4; De 12:8-11; Heb 9:1.",
"Religion of, typical -- Heb 9:8-11; 10:1.",
"Their national greatness -- Ge 12:2; De 33:29.",
"Their national privileges -- Ro 3:2; 9:4,5.",
"Their vast numbers -- Ge 22:17; Nu 10:36.",
"National character of",
"Pride of descent, & c. -- Jer 13:9; Joh 8:33,41.",
"Love of country. -- Ps 137:6.",
"Fondness for their brethren. -- Ex 2:11,12; Ro 9:1-3.",
"Attachment to Moses. -- Joh 9:28,29; Ac 6:11.",
"Attachment to customs of the law. -- Ac 6:14; 21:21; 22:3.",
"Fondness for traditionary customs. -- Jer 44:17; Eze 20:18,30,21; Mr 7:3,4.",
"Stubborn and stiffnecked. -- Ex 32:9; Ac 7:51.",
"Prone to rebellion. -- De 9:7,24; Isa 1:2.",
"Prone to backsliding. -- Jer 2:11-13; 8:5.",
"Prone to idolatry. -- Isa 2:8; 57:5.",
"Prone to formality in religion. -- Isa 29:13; Eze 33:31; Mt 15:7-9.",
"Self-righteous. -- Isa 65:5; Ro 10:3.",
"Unfaithful to covenant engagements. -- Jer 3:6-8; 31:32; Eze 16:59.",
"Ungrateful to God. -- De 32:15; Isa 1:2.",
"Ignorant of the true sense of Scripture. -- Ac 13:27; 2Co 3:13-15.",
"Distrustful of God. -- Nu 14:11; Ps 78:22.",
"Covetous. -- Jer 6:13; Eze 33:31; Mic 2:2.",
"Cowardly. -- Ex 14:10; Nu 14:3; Isa 51:12.",
"Trusted to their privileges for salvation -- Jer 7:4; Mt 3:9.",
"Distinction of castes among, noticed -- Isa 65:5; Lu 7:39; 15:2; Ac 26:5.",
"Degenerated as they increased in national greatness -- Am 6:4.",
"Often displeased God by their sins -- Nu 25:3; De 32:16; 1Ki 16:2; Isa 1:4; 5:24,25.",
"A spiritual seed of true believers always among -- 1Ki 19:18; Isa 6:13; Ro 9:6,7; 11:1,5.",
"Modern, divided into",
"Hebrews or pure Jews. -- Ac 6:1; Php 3:5.",
"Hellenists or Grecians. -- Ac 6:1; 9:29.",
"Many sects and parties. -- Mt 16:6; Mr 8:15.",
"An agricultural people -- Ge 46:32.",
"A commercial people -- Eze 27:17.",
"Obliged to unite against enemies -- Nu 32:20-22; Jdj 19:29; 20:1-48; 1Sa 11:7,8.",
"Often distinguished in war -- Jdj 7:19-23; 1Sa 14:6-13; 17:32,33; Ne 4:16-22.",
"Strengthened by God in war -- Le 26:7,8; Jos 5:13,14; 8:1,2.",
"Under God's special protection -- De 32:10,11; 33:27-29; Ps 105:13-15; 121:3-5.",
"Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them as divinely protected -- Jos 2:9-11; Es 6:13.",
"Prohibited from",
"Associating with others. -- Ac 10:28.",
"Covenanting with others. -- Ex 23:32; De 7:2.",
"Marry with others. -- De 7:3; Jos 23:12.",
"Following practices of others. -- De 12:29-31; 18:9-14.",
"Despised all strangers -- 1Sa 17:36; Mt 16:26,27; Eph 2:11.",
"Held no intercourse with strangers -- Joh 4:9; Ac 11:2,3.",
"Condemned for associating with other nations -- Jdj 2:1-3; Jer 2:18.",
"Received proselytes from other nations -- Ac 2:10; Ex 12:44,48.",
"Gentiles made one with, under the gospel -- Ac 10:15,28; 15:8,9; Ga 3:28; Eph 2:14-16.",
"All other nations",
"Envied. -- Ne 4:1; Isa 26:11; Eze 35:11.",
"Hated. -- Ps 44:10; Eze 35:5.",
"Oppressed. -- Ex 3:9; Jdj 2:18; 4:3.",
"Persecuted. -- La 1:3; 5:5.",
"Rejoiced at calamities of. -- Ps 44:13,14; 80:5,6; Eze 36:4.",
"None hated or oppressed, with impunity -- Ps 137:8,9; Eze 25:15,16; 35:6; Ob 1:10-16.",
"Promised to. -- Ge 49:10; Da 9:25.",
"Expected by. -- Ps 14:7; Mt 11:3; Lu 2:25,38; Joh 8:56.",
"Regarded as the restorer of national greatness. -- Mt 20:21; Lu 24:21; Ac 1:6.",
"Sprang from. -- Ro 9:5; Heb 7:14.",
"Rejected by. -- Isa 53:3; Mr 6:3; Joh 1:11.",
"Murdered by. -- Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15.",
"Imprecated the blood of Christ upon themselves and their children -- Mt 27:25.",
"Many of, believed the gospel -- Ac 21:20.",
"Unbelieving, persecuted the Christians -- Ac 17:5,13; 1Th 2:14-16.",
"Cast off for unbelief -- Ro 11:17,20.",
"Scattered and peeled -- Isa 18:2,7; Jas 1:1.",
"Shall finally be saved -- Ro 11:26,27.",
"Punishment of, for rejecting and killing Christ, illustrated -- Mt 21:37-43.",
"Descendants of Abraham -- Ps 105:6; Isa 51:2; Joh 8:33; Ro 9:7.",
"The people of God -- De 32:9; 2Sa 7:24; Isa 51:16.",
"Separated to God -- Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 4:34.",
"Beloved for their father's sake -- De 4:37; 10:15; Ro 11:28.",
"Christ descended from -- Joh 4:22; Ro 9:5.",
"The objects of",
"God's love. -- De 7:8; 23:5; Jer 31:3.",
"God's choice. -- De 7:6.",
"God's protection. -- Ps 105:15; Zec 2:8.",
"The covenant established with -- Ex 6:4; 24:6-8; 34:27.",
"Promises respecting made to",
"Abraham. -- Ge 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:7,8.",
"Isaac. -- Ge 26:2-5,24.",
"Jacob. -- Ge 28:12-15; 35:9-12.",
"Themselves. -- Ex 6:7,8; 19:5,6; De 26:18,19.",
"Privileges of -- Ps 76:1,2; Ro 3:1,2; 9:4,5.",
"Punished for",
"Idolatry. -- Ps 78:58-64; Isa 65:3-7.",
"Unbelief. -- Ro 11:20.",
"Breaking covenant. -- Isa 24:5; Jer 11:10.",
"Transgressing the law. -- Isa 1:4,7; 24:5,6.",
"Changing the ordinances. -- Isa 24:5.",
"Killing the prophets. -- Mt 23:37,38.",
"Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ. -- Mt 27:25.",
"Scattered among the nations -- De 28:64; Eze 6:8; 36:19.",
"Despised by the nations -- Eze 36:3.",
"Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles -- De 28:49-52; Lu 21:24.",
"Their house left desolate -- Mt 24:38.",
"Deprived of civil and religious privileges -- Ho 3:4.",
"Denunciations against those who",
"Cursed. -- Ge 27:29; Nu 24:9.",
"Contended with. -- Isa 41:11; 49:25.",
"Oppressed. -- Isa 49:26; 51:21-23.",
"Hated. -- Ps 129:5; Eze 35:5,6.",
"Aggravated the afflictions of. -- Zec 1:14,15.",
"Slaughtered. -- Ps 79:1-7; Eze 35:5,6.",
"God, mindful of -- Ps 98:3; Isa 49:15,16.",
"Christ was sent to -- Mt 15:24; 21:37; Ac 3:20,22,26.",
"Compassion of Christ for -- Mt 23:37; Lu 19:41.",
"The gospel preached to, first -- Mt 10:6; Lu 24:47; Ac 1:8.",
"Blessedness of blessing -- Ge 27:29.",
"Blessedness of favouring -- Ge 12:3; Ps 122:6.",
"Pray importunately for -- Ps 122:6; Isa 62:1,6,7; Jer 31:7; Ro 10:1.",
"Saints remember -- Ps 102:14; 137:5; Jer 51:50.",
"Promises respecting",
"The pouring out of the Spirit upon them. -- Eze 39:29; Zec 12:10.",
"The removal of their blindness. -- Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:14-16.",
"Their return and seeking to God. -- Ho 3:5.",
"Their humiliation for the rejection of Christ. -- Zec 12:10.",
"Pardon of sin. -- Isa 44:22; Ro 11:27.",
"Salvation. -- Isa 59:20; Ro 11:26.",
"Sanctification. -- Jer 33:8; Eze 36:25; Zec 12:1,9.",
"Joy occasioned by conversion of. -- Isa 44:23; 49:13; 52:8,9; 66:10.",
"Blessing to the Gentiles by conversion of. -- Isa 2:1-5; 60:5; 66:19; Ro 11:12,15.",
"Reunion of. -- Jer 3:18; Eze 37:16,17,20-22; Ho 1:11; Mic 2:12.",
"Restoration to their own land. -- Isa 11:15,16; 14:1-3; 27:12,13; Jer 16:14,15; Eze 36:24; 37:21,25; 39:25,28; Lu 21:24.",
"Gentiles assisting in their restoration. -- Isa 49:22,23; 60:10,14; 61:4-6.",
"Subjection of Gentiles to. -- Isa 60:11,12,14.",
"Future glory of. -- Isa 60:19; 62:3,4; Zep 3:19,20; Zec 2:5.",
"Future prosperity of. -- Isa 60:6,7,9,17; 61:4-6; Ho 14:5,6.",
"That Christ shall appear amongst. -- Isa 59:20; Zec 14:4.",
"That Christ shall dwell amongst. -- Eze 43:7,9; Zec 2:11.",
"That Christ shall reign over. -- Eze 34:23,24; 37:24,25.",
"Conversion of, illustrated -- Eze 37:1-14; Ro 11:24."
] | Jews, The |
"Eastern boundary of Canaan -- Nu 34:12.",
"Often overflowed -- Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15.",
"Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jordan -- Jer 12:5; 49:19.",
"Empties itself into the Dead Sea -- Nu 34:12.",
"The plains of",
"Thickly wooded. -- 2Ki 6:2.",
"Exceeding fertile. -- Ge 13:10.",
"Infested with lions. -- Jer 49:19; 50:44.",
"Afforded clay for moulding brass, & c. -- 1Ki 7:46; 2Ch 4:17.",
"Chosen by Lot for a residence. -- Ge 13:11.",
"Fordable in some places -- Jos 2:7; Jdj 12:5,6.",
"Ferry boats often used on -- 2Sa 19:18.",
"Remarkable events connected with",
"Division of its waters to let Israel pass over. -- Jos 3:12-16; 5:1.",
"Return of its waters to their place. -- Jos 4:18.",
"Slaughter of Moabites. -- Jdj 3:28,29.",
"Slaughter of the Ephraimites. -- Jdj 12:4-6.",
"Its division by Elijah. -- 2Ki 2:8.",
"Its division by Elisha. -- 2Ki 2:14.",
"Healing of Naaman the leper. -- 2Ki 5:10,14.",
"Baptism of multitudes by John the Baptist. -- Mt 3:6; Mr 1:5; Joh 1:28.",
"Baptism of our Lord. -- Mt 3:13,15; Mr 1:9.",
"Passage of Israel over",
"Promised. -- De 4:22; 9:1; 11:31.",
"In an appointed order. -- Jos 3:1-8.",
"Preceded by priests with the ark. -- Jos 3:6,11,14.",
"Successfully effected. -- Jos 3:17; 4:1,10,11.",
"Commemorated by a pillar of stones raised in it. -- Jos 4:9.",
"Commemorated by a pillar of stones in Gilgal. -- Jos 4:2-8,20-24.",
"Alluded to. -- Ps 74:15; 114:3,5.",
"A pledge that God would drive the Canaanites, & c out of their land. -- Jos 3:10.",
"The Jews had great pride in -- Zec 11:3.",
"Despised by foreigners -- 2Ki 5:12.",
"Moses not allowed to cross -- De 3:27; 31:2."
] | Jordan, the River |
"God gives -- Ec 2:26; Ps 4:7.",
"Christ appointed to give -- Isa 61:3.",
"Is a fruit of the Spirit -- Ga 5:22.",
"The gospel, good tidings of -- Lu 2:10,11.",
"God's word affords -- Ne 8:12; Jer 15:16.",
"The gospel to be received with -- 1Th 1:6.",
"Promised to saints -- Ps 132:16; Isa 35:10; 55:12; 56:7.",
"Prepared for saints -- Ps 97:11.",
"Enjoined to saints -- Ps 32:11; Php 3:1.",
"Fulness of, in God's presence -- Ps 16:11.",
"Vanity of seeking, from earthly things -- Ec 2:10,11; 11:8.",
"Experienced by",
"Believers. -- Lu 24:52; Ac 16:34.",
"Peace-makers. -- Pr 12:20.",
"The just. -- Pr 21:15.",
"The wise, and discreet. -- Pr 15:23.",
"Parents of good children. -- Pr 23:24.",
"Increased to the meek -- Isa 29:19.",
"Of saints is",
"In God. -- Ps 89:16; 149:2; Hab 3:18; Ro 5:11.",
"In Christ. -- Lu 1:47; Php 3:3.",
"In the Holy Spirit. -- Ro 14:17.",
"For election. -- Lu 10:20.",
"For salvation. -- Ps 21:1; Isa 61:10.",
"For deliverance from bondage. -- Ps 105:43; Jer 31:10-13.",
"For manifestation of goodness. -- 2Ch 7:10.",
"For temporal blessings. -- Joe 2:23,24.",
"For supplies of grace. -- Isa 12:3.",
"For divine protection. -- Ps 5:11; 16:8,9.",
"For divine support. -- Ps 28:7; 63:7.",
"For the victory of Christ. -- Joh 16:33.",
"For the hope of glory. -- Ro 5:2.",
"For the success of the gospel. -- Ac 15:3.",
"Of saints should be",
"Great. -- Zec 9:9; Ac 8:8.",
"Abundant. -- 2Co 8:2.",
"Exceeding. -- Ps 21:6; 68:3.",
"Animated. -- Ps 32:11; Lu 6:23.",
"Unspeakable. -- 1Pe 1:8.",
"Full of glory. -- 1Pe 1:8.",
"Constant. -- 2Co 6:10; Php 4:4.",
"For evermore. -- 1Th 5:16.",
"With awe. -- Ps 2:11.",
"In hope. -- Ro 12:12.",
"In sorrow. -- 2Co 6:10.",
"Under trials. -- Jas 1:2; 1Pe 1:6.",
"Under persecutions. -- Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23; Heb 10:34.",
"Under calamities. -- Hab 3:17,18.",
"Expressed in hymns. -- Eph 5:19; Jas 5:13.",
"Afflictions of saints succeeded by -- Ps 30:5; 126:5; Isa 35:10; Joh 16:20.",
"Pray for restoration of -- Ps 51:8,12; 85:6.",
"Promote, in the afflicted -- Job 29:13.",
"Of saints, made full by",
"The favour of God. -- Ac 2:28.",
"Faith in Christ. -- Ro 15:13.",
"Abiding in Christ. -- Joh 15:10,11.",
"The word of Christ. -- Joh 17:13.",
"Answers to prayer. -- Joh 16:24.",
"Communion of saints. -- 2Ti 1:4; 1Jo 1:3,4; 2Jo 1:12.",
"Saints should afford, to their minsters -- Php 2:2; Phm 1:20.",
"Ministers should",
"Esteem their people as their. -- Php 4:1; 1Th 2:20.",
"Promote, in their people. -- 2Co 1:24; Php 1:25.",
"Pray for, for their people. -- Ro 15:13.",
"Have, in the faith and holiness of their people. -- 2Co 7:4; 1Th 3:9; 3Jo 1:4.",
"Come to their people with. -- Ro 15:32.",
"Finish their course with. -- Ac 20:24.",
"Desire to render an account with. -- Php 2:16; Heb 13:17.",
"Serve God with -- Ps 100:2.",
"Liberality in God's service should cause -- 1Ch 29:9,17.",
"Is strengthening to saints -- Ne 8:10.",
"Saints should engage in all religious services with -- Ezr 6:22; Ps 42:4.",
"Saints should have, in all their undertakings -- De 12:18.",
"Saints shall be presented to God with exceeding -- 1Pe 4:13; Jude 1:24.",
"The coming of Christ will afford to saints, exceeding -- 1Pe 4:13.",
"Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment day -- Mt 25:21.",
"Of the wicked",
"Is derived from earthly pleasures. -- Ec 2:10; 11:9.",
"Is derived from folly. -- Pr 15:21.",
"Is delusive. -- Pr 14:13.",
"Is short-lived. -- Job 20:5; Ec 7:6.",
"Should be turned into mourning. -- Jas 4:9.",
"Shall be taken away. -- Isa 16:10.",
"Holy -- Illustrated -- Isa 9:3; Mt 13:44.",
"Holy -- Exemplified",
"Hannah. -- 1Sa 2:1.",
"David. -- 1Ch 29:9.",
"Wise men. -- Mt 2:10.",
"The Virgin Mary. -- Lu 1:47.",
"Zacchaeus. -- Lu 19:6.",
"Converts. -- Ac 2:46; 13:52.",
"Peter, & c. -- Ac 5:41.",
"Samaritans. -- Ac 8:8.",
"Jailor. -- Ac 16:34."
] | Joy |
"Greatness of, described -- Zep 3:17.",
"On account of their",
"Repentance. -- Lu 15:7,10.",
"Faith. -- Heb 11:5,6.",
"Fear of him. -- Ps 147:11.",
"Praying to him. -- Pr 15:8.",
"Hope in his mercy. -- Ps 147:11.",
"Meekness. -- Ps 149:4.",
"Uprightness. -- 1Ch 29:17; Pr 11:20.",
"Leads to him",
"Prosper them. -- De 30:9.",
"Do them good. -- De 28:63; Jer 32:41.",
"Deliver them. -- 2Sa 22:20.",
"Comfort them. -- Isa 65:19.",
"Give them the inheritance. -- Nu 14:8.",
"Illustrated -- Isa 62:5; Lu 15:23,24.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 10:9."
] | Joy of God Over His People, The |
"Descended from Jacob's fourth son -- Ge 29:35.",
"Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:8-12; De 33:7.",
"Persons selected from",
"To number the people. -- Nu 1:7.",
"To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:6.",
"To divide the land. -- Nu 34:19.",
"Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:26,27; 2:4.",
"Encamped with its standard east of the tabernacle -- Nu 2:3.",
"Led the first division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:14.",
"Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:12-17.",
"Families of -- Nu 26:19-21.",
"Strength of on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:22.",
"On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.",
"Bounds of inheritance -- Jos 15:1-12.",
"First and most vigorous in driving out the Canaanites -- Jdj 1:3-20.",
"Went first against Gibeah -- Jdj 20:18.",
"Furnished to Israel the first judge -- Jdj 3:9.",
"Aided Saul in his wars -- 1Sa 11:8; 15:4.",
"After Saul's rebellion appointed to furnish kings to Israel -- 1Sa 13:14; 15:28; 16:6,13; 2Sa 2:4; 7:16,17.",
"The first to submit to David -- 2Sa 2:10.",
"Reigned over alone by David seven years and a half -- 2Sa 2:11; 5:5.",
"Officer placed over by David -- 1Ch 27:18.",
"Reproved for tardiness in bringing back David after Absalom's rebellion -- 2Sa 19:11-15.",
"Other tribes jealous of, on account of David -- 2Sa 19:41-42; 20:1,2.",
"With Benjamin alone, adhered to the house of David -- 1Ki 12:21.",
"The last tribe carried into captivity -- 2Ki 17:18,20; 25:21.",
"Out Lord sprang from -- Mt 1:3-16; Lu 3:23-33; Heb 7:14.",
"Remarkable persons of",
"Achan. -- Jos 7:18.",
"Elimelech. -- Ru 1:1,2.",
"Boaz. -- Ru 2:1.",
"Obed. -- Ru 4:21.",
"Jesse. -- Ru 4:22; 1Sa 16:1.",
"David. -- 1Sa 16:1,13.",
"Solomon. -- 1Ki 1:32-39.",
"Elihu. -- 1Ch 27:18.",
"Pethahiah. -- Ne 11:24.",
"Bezaleel. -- Ex 31:2; 35:30.",
"Nahshon. -- Nu 7:12.",
"Caleb. -- Nu 14:24.",
"Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:1.",
"Elhanan. -- 2Sa 21:19; 23:24.",
"Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5,6.",
"Jonathan. -- 2Sa 21:21.",
"Kings of Judah. -- (See 1st and 2nd Books of Kings)"
] | Judah, the Tribe Of |
"One of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans -- Lu 3:1.",
"Comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah -- 1Ki 12:21-24.",
"The land of Judah. -- Mt 2:6.",
"Jewry. -- Da 5:13; Joh 7:1.",
"A mountainous district -- Lu 1:39,65.",
"Parts of, desert -- Mt 3:1; Ac 8:26.",
"Jerusalem the capital of -- Mt 4:25.",
"Towns of",
"Arimathea. -- Mt 27:57; Joh 19:38.",
"Azotus or Ashdod. -- Ac 8:40.",
"Bethany. -- Joh 11:1,18.",
"Bethlehem. -- Mt 2:1,6,16.",
"Bethphage. -- Mt 21:1.",
"Emmaus. -- Lu 24:13.",
"Ephraim. -- Joh 11:54.",
"Gaza. -- Ac 8:26.",
"Jericho. -- Lu 10:30; 19:1.",
"Joppa. -- Ac 9:36; 10:5,8.",
"Lydda. -- Ac 9:32,35,38.",
"John the Baptist preached in -- Mt 3:1.",
"Our Lord",
"Born in. -- Mt 2:1,5,6.",
"Tempted in the wilderness of. -- Mt 4:1.",
"Frequently visited. -- Joh 11:7.",
"Often left, to escape persecution. -- Joh 4:1-3.",
"Several Christian churches in -- Ac 9:31; 1Th 2:14."
] | Judea, Modern |
"Raised up to deliver Israel -- Jdj 2:16.",
"Upheld and strengthened by God -- Jdj 2:18.",
"Remarkable for their faith -- Heb 11:32.",
"Names of",
"Othniel. -- Jdj 3:9,10.",
"Ehud. -- Jdj 3:15.",
"Shamgar. -- Jdj 3:31.",
"Deborah. -- Jdj 4:4.",
"Gideon. -- Jdj 6:11.",
"Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:6.",
"Tola. -- Jdj 10:1.",
"Jair. -- Jdj 10:3.",
"Jephthah. -- Jdj 11:1.",
"Ibzan. -- Jdj 12:8.",
"Elon. -- Jdj 12:11.",
"Abdon. -- Jdj 12:13.",
"Samson. -- Jdj 13:24,25; 16:31.",
"Eli. -- 1Sa 4:18.",
"Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:6,15-17.",
"During four hundred and fifty years -- Ac 13:20.",
"Not without intermission -- Jdj 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25.",
"The office of, not always for life, or hereditary -- Jdj 8:23,29.",
"Israel not permanently or spiritually benefitted by -- Jdj 2:17-19."
] | Judges, Extraordinary |
"Are from God -- De 32:39; Job 12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9.",
"Different kinds of",
"Blotting out the name. -- De 29:20.",
"Abandonment by God. -- Ho 4:17.",
"Cursing men's blessings. -- Mal 2:2.",
"Pestilence. -- De 28:21,22; Am 4:10.",
"Enemies. -- 2Sa 24:13.",
"Famine. -- De 28:38-40; Am 4:7-9.",
"Famine of hearing the word. -- Am 8:11.",
"The sword. -- Ex 22:24; Jer 19:7.",
"Captivity. -- De 28:41; Eze 39:23.",
"Continued sorrows. -- Ps 32:10; 78:32,33; Eze 24:23.",
"Desolation. -- Eze 33:29; Joe 3:19.",
"Destruction. -- Job 31:3; Ps 34:16; Pr 2:22; Isa 11:4.",
"Inflicted upon",
"Nations. -- Ge 15:14; Jer 51:20,21.",
"Individuals. -- De 29:20; Jer 23:34.",
"False gods. -- Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4.",
"Posterity of sinners. -- Ex 20:5; Ps 37:28; La 5:7.",
"All enemies of saints. -- Jer 30:16.",
"Sent for correction -- Job 37:13; Jer 30:11.",
"Sent for the deliverance of saints -- Ex 6:6.",
"Are sent, as punishment for",
"Disobedience to God. -- Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 7:19,20.",
"Despising the warnings of God. -- 2Ch 36:16; Pr 1:24-31; Jer 44:4-6.",
"Murmuring against God. -- Nu 14:29.",
"Idolatry. -- 2Ki 22:17; Jer 16:18.",
"Iniquity. -- Isa 26:21; Eze 24:13,14.",
"Persecuting saints. -- De 32:43.",
"Sins of rulers. -- 1Ch 21:2,12.",
"Manifest the righteous character of God -- Ex 9:14-16; Eze 39:21; Da 9:14.",
"Are in all the earth -- 1Ch 16:14.",
"Are frequently tempered with mercy -- Jer 4:27; 5:10,15-18; Am 9:8.",
"Should lead to",
"Humiliation. -- Jos 7:6; 2Ch 12:6; La 3:1-20; Joe 1:13; Jon 3:5,6.",
"Prayer. -- 2Ch 20:9.",
"Contrition. -- Ne 1:4; Es 4:3; Isa 22:12.",
"Learning righteousness. -- Isa 26:9.",
"Should be a warning to others -- Lu 13:3,5.",
"May be averted by",
"Humiliation. -- Ex 33:3,4,14; 2Ch 7:14.",
"Prayer. -- Jdj 3:9-11; 2Ch 7:13,14.",
"Forsaking iniquity. -- Jer 18:7,8.",
"Turning to God. -- De 30:1-3.",
"Preserved during. -- Job 5:19,20; Ps 91:7; Isa 26:20; Eze 9:6; Re 7:3.",
"Provided for, during. -- Ge 47:12; Ps 33:19; 37:19.",
"Pray for those under. -- Ex 32:11-13; Nu 11:2; Da 9:3.",
"Sympathise with those under. -- Jer 9:1; 13:17; La 3:48.",
"Acknowledge the justice of. -- 2Sa 24:17; Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Jer 14:17.",
"Upon nations - Exemplified",
"The old world. -- Ge 6:7,17.",
"Sodom, & c. -- Ge 19:24.",
"Egypt. -- Ex 9:14.",
"Israel. -- Nu 14:29,35; 21:6.",
"People of Ashdod. -- 1Sa 5:6.",
"People of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.",
"Amalekites. -- 1Sa 15:3.",
"Upon individuals - Exemplified",
"Cain. -- Ge 4:11,12.",
"Canaan. -- Ge 9:25.",
"Korah, & c. -- Nu 16:33-35.",
"Achan. -- Jos 7:25.",
"Hophni, & c. -- 1Sa 2:34.",
"Saul. -- 1Sa 15:23.",
"Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:7.",
"Jeroboam. -- 1Ki 13:4.",
"Ahab. -- 1Ki 22:38.",
"Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:27.",
"Jezebel. -- 2Ki 9:35.",
"Nebuchadnezzar. -- Da 4:31.",
"Belshazzar. -- Da 5:30.",
"Zacharias. -- Lu 1:20.",
"Ananias, & c. -- Ac 5:1-10.",
"Herod. -- Ac 12:23.",
"Elymas. -- Ac 13:11.",
"Preservation during - Exemplified",
"Noah. -- Ge 7:1,16.",
"Lot. -- Ge 19:15-17.",
"Joseph, & c. -- Ge 45:7.",
"Elijah. -- 1Ki 17:9.",
"Elisha & c. -- 2Ki 4:38-41.",
"Shunammite. -- 2Ki 8:1,2."
] | Judgments |
"Predicted in the Old Testament -- 1Ch 16:33; Ps 9:7; 96:13; Ec 3:17.",
"A first principle of the gospel -- Heb 6:2.",
"A day appointed for -- Ac 17:31; Ro 2:16.",
"Time of, unknown to us -- Mr 13:32.",
"Called the",
"Day of wrath. -- Ro 2:5; Re 6:17.",
"Revelation of the righteous judgment of God. -- Ro 2:5.",
"Day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. -- 2Pe 3:7.",
"Day of destruction. -- Job 21:30.",
"Judgment of the great day. -- Jude 1:6.",
"Shall be administered by Christ -- Joh 5:22,27; Ac 10:42; Ro 14:10; 2Co 5:10.",
"Saints shall sit with Christ in -- 1Co 6:2; Re 20:4.",
"Shall take place at the coming of Christ -- Mt 25:31; 2Ti 4:1.",
"Of Heathen, by the law of conscience -- Ro 2:12,14,15.",
"Of Jews, by the law of Moses -- Ro 2:12.",
"Of Christians, by the gospel -- Jas 2:12.",
"Shall be held upon",
"All nations. -- Mt 25:32.",
"All men. -- Heb 9:27; 12:23.",
"Small and great. -- Re 20:12.",
"The righteous and wicked. -- Ec 3:17.",
"Quick and dead. -- 2Ti 4:1; 1Pe 4:5.",
"Shall be in righteousness -- Ps 98:9; Ac 17:31.",
"The books shall be opened at -- Da 7:10.",
"Shall be of all",
"Actions. -- Ec 11:9; 12:14; Re 20:13.",
"Words. -- Mt 12:36,37; Jude 1:15.",
"Thoughts. -- Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5.",
"None, by nature can stand in -- Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:19.",
"Saints shall, through Christ, be enabled to stand in -- Ro 8:33,34.",
"Christ will acknowledge saints at -- Mt 25:34-40; Re 3:5.",
"Perfect love will give boldness in -- 1Jo 4:17.",
"Saints shall be rewarded at -- 2Ti 4:8; Re 11:18.",
"The wicked shall be condemned in -- Mt 7:22,23; 25:41.",
"Final punishment of the wicked will succeed -- Mt 13:40-42; 25:46.",
"The word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in -- Joh 12:48.",
"The certainty of, a motive to",
"Repentance. -- Ac 17:30,31.",
"Faith. -- Isa 28:16,17.",
"Holiness. -- 2Co 5:9,10; 2Pe 3:11,14.",
"Prayer and watchfulness. -- Mr 13:33.",
"Warn the wicked of -- Ac 24:25; 2Co 5:11.",
"The wicked dread -- Ac 24:25; Heb 10:27.",
"Neglected advantages increase condemnation at -- Mt 11:20-24; Lu 11:31,32.",
"Devils shall be condemned at -- 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6."
] | Judgment, The |
"Is a part of his character -- De 32:4; Isa 45:21.",
"Declared to be",
"Plenteous. -- Job 37:23.",
"Incomparable. -- Job 4:1.",
"Incorruptible. -- De 10:17; 2Ch 19:7.",
"Impartial. -- 2Ch 19:7; Jer 32:19.",
"Unfailing. -- Zep 3:5.",
"Undeviating. -- Job 8:3; 34:12.",
"Without respect of persons. -- Ro 2:11; Col 3:25; 1Pe 1:17.",
"The habitation of his throne. -- Ps 89:14.",
"Not to be sinned against -- Jer 50:7.",
"Denied by the ungodly -- Eze 33:17,20.",
"Exhibited in",
"Forgiving sins. -- 1Jo 1:9.",
"Redemption. -- Ro 3:26.",
"His government. -- Ps 9:4; Jer 9:24.",
"His judgments. -- Ge 18:25; Re 19:2.",
"All his ways. -- Eze 18:25,29.",
"The final judgment. -- Ac 17:31.",
"Acknowledge -- Ps 51:4; Ro 3:4.",
"Magnify -- Ps 98:9; 99:3,4."
] | Justice of God, The |
"Promised in Christ -- Isa 45:25; 53:11.",
"Is the act of God -- Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33.",
"Under law",
"Requires perfect obedience. -- Le 18:5; Ro 10:5; 2:13; Jas 2:10.",
"Man cannot attain to. -- Job 9:2,3,20; 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:20; 9:31,32.",
"Under the gospel",
"Is not of works. -- Ac 13:39; Ro 8:3; Ga 2:16; 3:11.",
"Is not of faith and works united. -- Ac 15:1-29; Ro 3:28; 11:6; Ga 2:14-21; 5:4.",
"Is by faith alone. -- Joh 5:24; Ac 13:39; Ro 3:30; 5:1; Ga 2:16.",
"Is of grace. -- Ro 3:24; 4:16; 5:17-21.",
"In the name of Christ. -- 1Co 6:11.",
"By imputation of Christ's righteousness. -- Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21.",
"By the blood of Christ. -- Ro 5:9.",
"By the resurrection of Christ. -- Ro 4:25; 1Co 15:17.",
"Blessedness of. -- Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:6-8.",
"Frees from condemnation. -- Isa 50:8,9; 54:17; Ro 8:33,34.",
"Entitles to an inheritance. -- Tit 3:7.",
"Ensures glorification. -- Ro 8:30.",
"The wicked shall not attain to -- Ex 23:7.",
"By faith",
"Revealed under the Old Testament age. -- Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17.",
"Excludes boasting. -- Ro 3:27; 4:2; 1Co 1:29,31.",
"Does not make void the law. -- Ro 3:30,31; 1Co 9:21.",
"Typified -- Zec 3:4,5.",
"Illustrated -- Lu 18:14.",
"Abraham. -- Ge 15:6.",
"Paul. -- Php 3:8,9."
] | Justification Before God |
"Originally a people of Canaan -- Ge 15:19.",
"Connected with the Midianites -- Nu 10:29; Jdj 4:11.",
"Dwelt in strongholds -- Nu 24:21.",
"Had many cities -- 1Sa 30:29.",
"Intermarried with. -- Ex 2:21; Jdj 1:16.",
"Invited, to accompany Israel. -- Nu 10:29-32.",
"Part of, dwelt with Israel -- Jdj 1:16; 4:11.",
"Part of, dwelt with the Amalekites -- 1Sa 15:6.",
"Showed kindness to Israel in the desert -- Ex 18:1-27.",
"Not destroyed with the Amalekites -- 1Sa 15:6.",
"The Rechabites descended from -- 1Ch 2:55.",
"Sisera slain by Jael one of -- Jdj 4:22; 5:24.",
"Pretended that he invaded. -- 1Sa 27:10.",
"Sent part of the spoil of war to. -- 1Sa 30:29.",
"Ruin of, predicted -- Nu 24:21,22."
] | Kenites, The |
"The young of the flock -- Ex 12:5; Eze 45:15.",
"Described as",
"Patient. -- Isa 53:7.",
"Playful. -- Ps 114:4,6.",
"Exposed to danger from wild beasts -- 1Sa 17:34.",
"The shepherd's care for -- Isa 40:11.",
"Used for",
"Food. -- De 32:14; 2Sa 12:4.",
"Clothing. -- Pr 27:26.",
"Sacrifice. -- 1Ch 29:21; 2Ch 29:32.",
"Considered a great delicacy -- Am 6:4.",
"Offered in sacrifice",
"Males. -- Ex 12:5.",
"Females. -- Nu 6:14.",
"While sucking. -- 1Sa 7:9.",
"At a year old. -- Ex 12:5; Nu 6:14.",
"From the earliest times. -- Ge 4:4; 22:7,8.",
"Every morning and evening. -- Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4.",
"At the passover. -- Ex 12:3,6,7.",
"By the wicked not accepted. -- Isa 1:11; 66:3.",
"Numbers of, given by Josiah to the people for sacrifice -- 2Ch 35:7.",
"The first born of an ass to be redeemed with -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.",
"An extensive commerce in -- Ezr 7:17; Eze 27:21.",
"Tribute often paid in -- 2Ki 3:4; Isa 16:1.",
"Covenants confirmed by gift of -- Ge 21:28-30.",
"The image of, was the first impression of on money -- Ge 33:19; Jos 24:32.",
"Of purity of Christ. -- 1Pe 1:19.",
"Of Christ as a sacrifice. -- Joh 1:29; Re 5:6.",
"Of any thing dear or cherished. -- 2Sa 12:3,9.",
"Of the Lord's people. -- Isa 5:17; 11:6.",
"Of weak believers. -- Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15.",
"(Patience of,) of the patience of Christ. -- Isa 53:7; Ac 8:32.",
"(Among wolves,) of ministers among the ungodly. -- Lu 10:3.",
"(Deserted and exposed,) of Israel deprived of God's protection. -- Ho 4:16.",
"(Brought to slaughter,) of the wicked under judgments. -- Jer 51:40.",
"(Consumed in sacrifice,) of complete destruction of the wicked. -- Ps 37:20."
] | Lamb, The |
"Design of -- 2Pe 1:19.",
"Described as",
"Burning. -- Ge 15:17.",
"Shining. -- Joh 5:35.",
"Lighted with oil -- Mt 25:3,8.",
"Oil for, carried in vessels -- Mt 25:4.",
"Sometimes supplied with oil form a bowl through pipes -- Zec 4:2.",
"Required to be constantly trimmed -- Mt 25:7.",
"Used for lighting",
"The tabernacle. -- Ex 25:37.",
"Private apartments. -- Ac 20:8.",
"Chariots of war by night. -- Na 2:3,4.",
"Marriage processions. -- Mt 25:1.",
"Persons going out at night. -- Joh 18:3.",
"Often kept lighting all night -- Pr 31:18.",
"Placed on a stand to give light to all in the house -- Mt 5:15.",
"Illumination of the tents of Arab chiefs by, alluded to -- Job 29:3,4.",
"Probable origin of dark lantern -- Jdj 7:16.",
"Of the word of God. -- Ps 119:105; Pr 6:23.",
"Of omniscience of Christ. -- Da 10:6; Re 1:14.",
"Of graces of the Holy Spirit. -- Re 4:5.",
"Of salvation of God. -- Ge 15:17; Isa 62:1.",
"Of God's guidance. -- 2Sa 22:29; Ps 18:28.",
"Of glory of the cherubim. -- Eze 1:13.",
"Of spirit of man. -- Pr 20:27.",
"Of ministers. -- Joh 5:35.",
"Of wise rulers. -- 2Sa 21:17.",
"Of severe judgments. -- Re 8:10.",
"Of a succession of heirs. -- 1Ki 11:36; 15:4.",
"(Put out,) of destruction of the wicked. -- Job 18:5,6; 21:17; 13:9.",
"(Totally quenched,) of complete destruction of those who curse parents. -- Pr 20:20."
] | Lamps |
"Moses was commanded to make -- Ex 30:18.",
"Wisdom given to Bezaleel to make -- Ex 31:2,9.",
"Made of brazen mirrors of the women -- Ex 38:8.",
"Was placed in the court between the altar and the tabernacle -- Ex 30:18; 40:7,30.",
"Was anointed with holy oil -- Ex 40:11; Le 8:11.",
"The priests washed in",
"Before consecration. -- Ex 40:12.",
"Before entering the tabernacle. -- Ex 30:19,20.",
"Before approaching the altar. -- Ex 30:20.",
"One made by Solomon for the temple -- 1Ki 7:23-26; 2Ki 25:13.",
"Called the Brazen sea -- 2Ki 25:13; Jer 52:17.",
"Illustrative of",
"Christ the fountain for sin. -- Zec 13:1; Re 1:5.",
"Regeneration. -- Tit 3:5; Eph 5:26."
] | Laver of Brass |
"Is absolute and perpetual -- Mt 5:18.",
"To Adam. -- Ge 2:16,17; Ro 5:12-14.",
"To Noah. -- Ge 9:6.",
"To the Israelites. -- Ex 20:2-17; Ps 78:5.",
"Through Moses. -- Ex 31:18; Joh 7:19.",
"Through the ministration of angels. -- Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2.",
"Described as",
"Pure. -- Ps 19:8.",
"Spiritual. -- Ro 7:14.",
"Holy, just, and good. -- Ro 7:12.",
"Exceeding broad. -- Ps 119:96.",
"Perfect. -- Ps 19:7; Ro 12:2.",
"Truth. -- Ps 119:142.",
"Not grievous. -- 1Jo 5:3.",
"Requires obedience of the heart -- Ps 51:6; Mt 5:28; 22:37.",
"Requires perfect obedience -- De 27:26; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.",
"Love is the fulfilling of -- Ro 13:8,10; Ga 3:10; Jas 2:10.",
"It is man's duty to keep -- Ec 12:13.",
"Man, by nature, not in subjection to -- Ro 7:5; 8:7.",
"Man cannot render perfect obedience to -- 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20; Ro 3:10.",
"Sin is a transgression of -- 1Jo 3:4.",
"All men have transgressed -- Ro 3:9,19.",
"Man cannot be justified by -- Ac 13:39; Ro 3:20,28; Ga 2:16; 3:11.",
"Gives the knowledge of sin -- Ro 3:20; 7:7.",
"Works wrath -- Ro 4:15.",
"Conscience testifies to -- Ro 2:15.",
"Designed to lead to Christ -- Ga 3:24.",
"Obedience to",
"A characteristic of saints. -- Re 12:17.",
"A test of love. -- 1Jo 5:3.",
"Of prime importance. -- 1Co 7:19.",
"Blessedness of keeping -- Ps 119:1; Mt 5:19; 1Jo 3:22,24; Re 22:14.",
"Came to fulfil. -- Mt 5:17.",
"Magnified. -- Isa 42:21.",
"Explained. -- Mt 7:12; 22:37-40.",
"The love of, produces peace -- Ps 119:165.",
"Freed from the bondage of. -- Ro 6:14; 7:4,6; Ga 3:13.",
"Freed from the curse of. -- Ga 3:13.",
"Have, written on their hearts. -- Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10.",
"Love. -- Ps 119:97,113.",
"Delight in. -- Ps 119:77; Ro 7:22.",
"Prepare their hearts to seek. -- Ezr 7:10.",
"Pledge themselves to walk in. -- Ne 10:29.",
"Keep. -- Ps 119:55.",
"Pray to understand. -- Ps 119:18.",
"Pray for power to keep. -- Ps 119:34.",
"Should remember. -- Mal 4:4.",
"Should make the subject of their conversation. -- Ex 13:9.",
"Lament over the violation of, by others. -- Ps 119:136.",
"The wicked",
"Despise. -- Am 2:4.",
"Forget. -- Ho 4:6.",
"Forsake. -- 2Ch 12:1; Jer 9:13.",
"Refuse to hear. -- Isa 30:9; Jer 6:19.",
"Refuse to walk in. -- Ps 78:10.",
"Cast away. -- Isa 5:24.",
"Is the rule of life to saints -- 1Co 9:21; Ga 5:13,14.",
"Is the rule of the judgment -- Ro 2:12.",
"To be used lawfully -- 1Ti 1:8.",
"Established by faith -- Ro 3:31.",
"Punishment for disobeying -- Ne 9:26,27; Isa 65:11-13; Jer 9:13-16."
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