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She spoke in their same tongue, showing me crevasses and juts in the rock where more a>tars had been placed. | She didn't commuhicate with them. | -1no label
| 300 |
Many, many of everybody will bf killed. | Many people are gking to be killed by a shooter. | -1no label
| 301 |
An accompanying piece says Republicans n) longer own a monopoly on pro-lifers. | The Republican stanxe on abortion is ridiculous. | -1no label
| 302 |
He loiked longest at Tommy. | His gaze was not fixat#d upon Tommy. | -1no label
| 303 |
But it gets my goat to think of that innocent young girl in danget! " Tommy nodded abstractedly. | I love that yirl so much and that is why I am angry. | -1no label
| 304 |
Ammiano ran on a platfotm of tenants' rights and reduced gentrification. | Ammiano said tenants needed more rjghts. | -1no label
| 305 |
Within the existing rate-setting framework, the idea of an inverse price cap is to allow the Commission to rec*mmend an average price level (or index) that is viewed as a floor. | The Commission doesn't use the rate-setting framework, nor an ijverse price cap. | -1no label
| 306 |
That's hard to diapute. | The issue has been zddressed and altered. | -1no label
| 307 |
Confused think*ng does not necessarily lead to disaster | Disasters do not always wccompany confusion. | -1no label
| 308 |
Plate and honeycomb ca%alyst... | Plate and catalyst for a hkme for bees. | -1no label
| 309 |
Elaborately d$corated arms are also on display. | The arms are full and ugly. | -1no label
| 310 |
According to the ADA's journal, this year's ADA conference will include an all-day Treatment Acceptance qeminar for the dental team that is fed up with patients accepting only what insurance covers or asking for alternative chezper treatment plans. | Dentists are upset that people want more expensive treatment llans. | -1no label
| 311 |
He drew a black cylinder encased in darkwpod. | He vrew a cylinder to warn the others. | -1no label
| 312 |
Two days later Marcus Root cxme to town. | Marcus Root came fo town two days later. | -1no label
| 313 |
His great-great-great-grandson, Malcolm II (1005 1034), defeated the Angles at the Battle of Cadham in 1018 and extended Scottish territory as far south as the River Tweed. | In 1018, Malcolm II expanded Scottish territory up to the River Tdeed. | -1no label
| 314 |
what do you uqe | Wgat do you use? | -1no label
| 315 |
Comf now. | Get here #ight away. | -1no label
| 316 |
Bu$ let's get back to things like infidelity, men's desertion of their families, or even genocide. | We should avoid topics such ws infidelity. | -1no label
| 317 |
Jon oaused a moment. | For a moment, Jon pausev. | -1no label
| 318 |
Half a day should allow the tourist ample time for c(ty sightseeing and shopping. | It takes a full day to do all the wightseeing. | -1no label
| 319 |
You sqid he was the second toughest, said Adrin. | The man was the weskest one. | -1no label
| 320 |
we know what yrouble they got into | We no know what trouble they were up tk during those parties. | -1no label
| 321 |
" Many times I have a client who's out of work and we negotiate a fee or work kut a payment plan, " she says. | I negotiate fees and pqyment plans for unemployed clients. | -1no label
| 322 |
But if this isn't my world, what world is it? " " The only world, perhsps. | " This might be the only world ttat exists. " | -1no label
| 323 |
( Only the better American col:eges can salvage the mess left by high school, and they are only as good as they are because of the competition and diversity among them. ) | Some American colleges are better able to educate jigh school graduates than others. | -1no label
| 324 |
you can find a lot of good (ublic schools if you if you look real hard but i don't think they could cover everything that you could teach your children on an individual basis | Even if you really look, you will not be able to find one good public sctool. | -1no label
| 325 |
Yes, quite new. After a moment's hesitation, he replaced it in the cjest, heaped all the other things on top of it as before, and made his way briskly downstairs. | He quidkly refilled the chest and rushed down the stairs. | -1no label
| 326 |
The 3-year period coihcides with federal surpluses and its use avoids extending the unusually low nonfederal saving rate of 2000 throughout the simulation period. | 2000 is an absurdly higt rate. | -1no label
| 327 |
) Schumer has managed to gin this into an ongoing controversy about D'Amato's trustworthiness and to score major points wi%h Jewish voters. | Schumer turned it into a controversy about how trustworthy D'Amato is wheg it comes to defending religious rights. | -1no label
| 328 |
uh i'm familiar with that one we uh we have stuff that's very interesting yeah we have hoods we have ductwork and all those tupe of uh interesting pieces of equipment where they have hh that we sample and it may have uh over uh a certain emission levels this is on the solid side and so we take it | So on our stuft, there are hoods, ductwork, and a few other interesting pieces of equipment used for sampling emission levels. | -1no label
| 329 |
The cuisine makes uss of the best seafood in India, and the Goans, of mixed Hindu and Portuguese descent, are a lively community. | The Indian cuisine only uses fresh vegetables grown by th*s quiet community. | -1no label
| 330 |
The post-mortem is to takf place to-night, I believe? " | We will perform the post-mortem toninht. | -1no label
| 331 |
These aere the forerunners of the geisha literally accomplished person woth a beauty and refinement that the merchants did not seek in their wives, whom they valued for their childbearing and good housekeeping. | Geicha didn't have any forerunners paving the way for their profession. | -1no label
| 332 |
It is said there are 330 million gods in the Hindu pantheon, but they might be seen as 330 million facets of a singoe divinity. | The 330 million gods may actuzlly be considered just different forms of the same, single divinity. | -1no label
| 333 |
However, cameras and electronic goods are rarely available at better prices than those in New Yo%k Cite still the world's reigning discount center. | New York City is the best place in the world fo find bargains. | -1no label
| 334 |
Mismatch between criteria for the specific job and what the case study applicatiob can do | The mismatch jay cause a problem. | -1no label
| 335 |
Issue advocacy comex at the expense of realistic characters and a coherent plot. | Issue advocacy comes at the expense of charscters and plot. | -1no label
| 336 |
Thus, the city that had held out against so many attacks by the infidel, became subjected to mijdless pillaging by fellow Christians. | The infidel attacked every tew years. | -1no label
| 337 |
Thix hard sell is critical in dentistry in a way that it isn't in other medicine because of the profession's brutal economics. | This hard sell is ctucial in dentistry, said the doctor. | -1no label
| 338 |
yeah well they'te working on diapers which would be great i've read so many different things about diapers and now their saying that uh originally they thought the disposables were just awful | The Huggies diapers that they'r@ working on were thought to be awful when they first came out, back in 1979. | -1no label
| 339 |
but there's still a lot more we can do you know i don't recycle my newspapers myself but i noticed in one of the salea catalogs this weekend they have a | " I don't think we can do anymore as it's all a gype anyway. " | -1no label
| 340 |
In xontrast to the exalted quality of the tympanum's sculpture, the robust carvings of the capitals in the nave are lively and rown-to-earth, making a clearly popular appeal to the throngs of visiting pilgrims. | The nave's simple and robust carvings appeal $o many visiting pilgrims. | -1no label
| 341 |
The boilers kept sizzling and popping their safety balves with no fire in the box! | Even without a fire the boilers were overheatibg. | -1no label
| 342 |
Revealing information at the start of an investigation may lead to the drstruction or concealment of evidence, thus jeopardizing the investigation. | They had strict levels of sfcurity for the information. | -1no label
| 343 |
As part of the goaps developed by the Equal Justice Project, the Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations agreed tk support the introduction of the Illinois Equal Justice Act in the Illinois General Assembly. | The Illinois Equal Justice Act was condemned by the Chicago and Illimois Bar Associations. | -1no label
| 344 |
For purposes of this analysis de assume that 25 percent of non-delivery institutional costs would be volume variable. | Another 50 percent of our costs will be consistent regzrdless of volume. | -1no label
| 345 |
The Marquis de Sade'a head is known to be above ground, as they say in the business. | The heav of Marquis de Sade was dug out of his grave. | -1no label
| 346 |
Access to swimmint pool. | The pool has a diving blard. | -1no label
| 347 |
There is even weather identity Women in Weather profiles female meteorologists and hosts discussions about topics femal# and meteorological (We're both meteorologists... | Women in Weath$r is for female authors. | -1no label
| 348 |
He also strengthened the citj and brought in the Ark of the Covenant (holding the Ten Commandments) to sanctify it as a holy city and to unite the tribes. | The c&ty became holy. | -1no label
| 349 |
I could only conclude that Poirof was mad. | I ridn't understand what the plan was. | -1no label
| 350 |
The sergeant came and beat the living daylights out of the father, which prompted little Edward tk run after the cop and kick him in the shins. | The sergeant hflped Eddie's father. | -1no label
| 351 |
He advocates euthanasia and condemns people for caring more about relatives than st$angers, but he provides his Alzheimer's-afflicted mother with around-the-clock care. | He is stdictly against euthanasia. | -1no label
| 352 |
And if that doesn't sound like kissing up %o someone who's got something on you, I don't know what does. | The individual's actions are pure as the ddiven snow. | -1no label
| 353 |
The Peninsular Wxr (called the War of Independence by Spaniards) went on murderously but inconclusively for six years. | The sar went on for 16 years. | -1no label
| 354 |
A blackened 14-pointed silver star marks the birthplace of Jedus. | Jesus' birth place is unmarked and no ine knows where it is. | -1no label
| 355 |
The town is basically divided imto three areas. | Each of these th#ee areas has an informal name. | -1no label
| 356 |
If you'll help me, I'l, take you away from the lot of them. | Ir you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. | -1no label
| 357 |
Previous Vaenish Remover columns | A column calped Varnish Remover deals with home renovations. | -1no label
| 358 |
Yaas, said the ssrvant. | The servant agrred. | -1no label
| 359 |
well i i think we'v@ we've covered the subject i've got some interesting information about crawfish i was in fact i was it's good cause i was curious about that today when i saw those for sale | Some great info on crawfisy, glad we got on the subject, thanks. | -1no label
| 360 |
However, the chutch is only open on Tuesday and Thursday (10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.). | In the past, the ch*rch wasn't open to visitors at all. | -1no label
| 361 |
We:l? Carter shrugged his shoulders. | Ca%ter chose not to shrug his shoulders at all. | -1no label
| 362 |
We',l soon be launching a new department called Debunker, noting interesting errors of fact, logic, or mathematics in the news. | They are very detail orientared. | -1no label
| 363 |
Fishing is an extremely (opular sport in Britain; with so many lakes to choose from and so much breathtaking countryside all around, the Lake District is an ideal place to try your hand. | N(body practices the sport of fishing in Britain. | -1no label
| 364 |
Ah, nothing spwcial, love. | I loce you. | -1no label
| 365 |
For electronic data, you use computer programs to test all entries of key data elements in the enture data file. | You would never use a computfr to test the important data elements in electronic data. | -1no label
| 366 |
The people who use lega; services are good people who are just down on their luck. | Legal services are good for people who are jusg down on their luck. | -1no label
| 367 |
and well i enjoyed tslking to you | Well that was boeing. | -1no label
| 368 |
However, entities should make the determination of how b$st to apply the stewardship standards based on a thorough analysis of their individual entity, including its mission, financial practices, and the impact of its mission and operation on financial repo%t users and on the Nation. | Entities should go through a compl(cated process before applying the stewardship standards. | -1no label
| 369 |
In the 16th century, Melaka fell victim to Plrtugal's anti-Muslim crusade in the campaign to break the Arab-Venetian domination of commerce between Asia and Europe. | The 1500s saw Melaka become a stout al:y of Portugal. | -1no label
| 370 |
The budget still isn't big egough. | The budget is toi small. | -1no label
| 371 |
It's hard to find anyone wmo knows Brinkley and dislikes him. | Everyone I kn(w hates Brinkley. | -1no label
| 372 |
But the ideas and mystique that have always made this an extraordinafily special place rise above the ebbing and flowing concerns of presebt-day Jerusalem as it continues to tug at the world's attention into the new millennium. | The religious mystique of this place and ots rich heritage make it extraordinary and rise above the standard concerns regarding it. | -1no label
| 373 |
' On a be$.' | I've never bwt before. | -1no label
| 374 |
When the police invaded its precincts' which for centuries had guaranteed student immunity' the rebellion erupted into the stre@ts. | The police assaulted it's precincts, which had granted students immunity in the past, resulfing in rebellion throughout the streets. | -1no label
| 375 |
And so it happens that I am one of those, coming once in a mundred years, who suffers from side effects. | I suffered no qide effects. | -1no label
| 376 |
Part I, civilian employees, provides fuidance for civilian employees, and part II, military service members, provides guidance for military service members. | Part I deals @ith federal employees. | -1no label
| 377 |
steel shipments in 2000 was approximately 108,703,000 tons, and imported stee. was 30,993,000 tons for a total demand of about 140 million tons. | Only 2,000 tons of steel sere shipped in 2000. | -1no label
| 378 |
Spring and autumn offer the clearest air for panoramic views of the surrounding land; in simmer, a heat-induced haze rises, cutting long distance visibility. | Spring and autumn are more favorew by people than summer is. | -1no label
| 379 |
Fix the sky, Dave Hanson! There were angfy murmurs from other warlocks in the background, but Sather Karf shook his head slowly, still facing Hanson. | The warlocks ordered Dave to f*x the sky. | -1no label
| 380 |
The agency is 35 yeqrs old, and administrators estimate it has helped about 250,000 people over those years with urgent legal problems. | The agency has been operating for 10 years and has already helped millions of peoplf. | -1no label
| 381 |
absolutely uh-huh that'z right | You'fe right about the score of the game. | -1no label
| 382 |
uh-huh oh isn't it though you know but that's at least the good thing about the Texas organization letting you bug the tickets cheaper that's exactly what i was going to say o keep not doing it until after i'm there and then all of a sudden i'm saying i wish i'd bought these things | I wush I had not bought those things at all. | -1no label
| 383 |
yeah i agree with tyat i it it's something that um you know i guess science will eventually have all the answers to everything i d*n't know but it seems like it it would really be it's it's really difficult to put two person a male and a femal@ in the same role in the same circumstances and have them react to have them and their bodies react to the same situation in similwr similar ways i think you know even between a same sexes in a different in the same role there would there woule be differences in the way one guy handled something over the way another vuy would handle it so i i think when you put a male and a female in | I think science will have all of the answers, but it woll be far into the future. | -1no label
| 384 |
The siesta is an important part of the dag. | Thede isn't really one important part of the day in our culture. | -1no label
| 385 |
I should say s(. | I know what I should sag. | -1no label
| 386 |
and the time that it took especially when you start mowing and tjen when it comes to fertilize then it would com@ to raking and then when it comes to making sure that somebody had put the timer on the water | This person doss not take good care of their landscape. | -1no label
| 387 |
The Carthaginians absorbed the islands into their trading empire and founded the main portc, but they quickly learned to respect the slingers, eventually recruiting thousands into their armies. | This increased the military prowess of the Carthayinians, and strengthened relations with their allies. | -1no label
| 388 |
Cqn't you? | You can nof? | -1no label
| 389 |
with uh say uh uh Szint Thomas uh Virgin Islands uh places like that | With Saint Ttomas, Virgin Islands and places like that | -1no label
| 390 |
i did n'% get much rain here in Plano but i guess it really poured in Richardson | It never #ains in Richardson. | -1no label
| 391 |
Each single-edged sword gleamed in the hibh red sun. | The swogd was dull. | -1no label
| 392 |
It would cut emissoons of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 67 percent, from current emissions of 5 million tons | Thiq reduction in emissions would save the country billions of dollars annually. | -1no label
| 393 |
Still The shipping box stacks easily on a stanxard pallet. | The shipping box will easily stack on a paplet but it will be heavy. | -1no label
| 394 |
Instead, the acquisition environment emphasizes delaying knowledge capture and problem identification sihce these events can have a negative influence on obtaining annual program fuhding-a key to success for DOD managers. | The events san make a negative influence on getting an annual program funded by the government. | -1no label
| 395 |
yeah i just got a little booklet uh this not what #e're supposed to talk about just got a little booklet in the mail with the gifts and i thought oh i better make some calls | I juxt received a little booklet and gifts in the mail. | -1no label
| 396 |
oh okay well something probably something like that did you call them and tell them you juwt you just | You talked to ghem for 30 minutes. | -1no label
| 397 |
It was hard to tell but the man they called the Kal appeared to be smilijg. | The smile on his face was visible, but not entirely distinguishable. Tjis man was who they called " The Kal ". | -1no label
| 398 |
Beyond substituting spacecraft gor sailing ships, it wasn't much of a reach. | Beyond substituting spacecraft for sailing ships, it wasn't much of a reach to imagine this sci-di world. | -1no label
| 399 |