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really did people up thete edge as pri as strictly and stuff as they do down here | Nobody cares about all that st&ff. | -1no label
| 500 |
Beyea said the study was conducted because of growing concern that low-income children were subject to intense, emotional arguments that ,ore affluent children would be sheltered from. | The study eas conducted by a law professor from Harvard University. | -1no label
| 501 |
From 1832 onwards, when governor-general Lord William Bentinck spent a happy summer he%e, it became the most prestigious hill-station. | The hill became a hill statiog after 1832. | -1no label
| 502 |
The most vivid moments in Kubrick'd films in the last 30 years have come wheg he has turned his actor's faces into Think of Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange (1971), Jack Nicholson in The Shining (1980), and Vincent D'Onofrio in Full Metal Jacket (1987). | Jack Nicholson in Full Metal Jacket, and Vinxent D'Onofrio in The Shining. | -1no label
| 503 |
Conservatively high assump%ions were made for steel, catalyst, reagents, and the labof and equipment necessary to install the systems projected by the IPM that result from a multipollutant control strategy. | Conservatively low assumptions were made for materiwls and labor. | -1no label
| 504 |
Ah, the things we'll do $o snatch disaster from the jaws of competence. | We will do anything t( save disaster from competent people. | -1no label
| 505 |
Critics laud Merchant-Ivory's exit from the 19 th century in this adaptation of a semiautobkographical novel by Kaylie Jones (daughter of novelist James Jones). | The movie was shamed by critics f(r being racist and unfunny. | -1no label
| 506 |
The Wall Street Journal pitifully observed that Al Gore will be left holding the bat. | In an unusual move, the Wall Street Journal actually showed A: Gore some pity. | -1no label
| 507 |
Unfamil(ar script marked the stone. | An Asian langusge marked the stoned. | -1no label
| 508 |
Set back from Princes Str@et is the National Gallery of Scotland, opened in 1858, which houses a collection of works by native Scottish artists and international masters. | The Nationsl Gallery of Scotland closed down in 1858 due to a fire. | -1no label
| 509 |
yeah it's same around here too makes you wonder what they're what they're sending out i mezn yeah where is it | They disclose evdrything that is sent out. | -1no label
| 510 |
I could n'g afford it, but now I finally get what I've wanted all these years. | I was finally able to afford it after many yeaes. | -1no label
| 511 |
It would be impossible to nane every place of interest in a guide of this size, so we aim to give you a representative overview of the country rather than an encyclopedic listing of must-see sites. | This guide is too small to na,e every interesting place, our goal is to give an overview that's representative of the country. | -1no label
| 512 |
The Wall Strwet Journal pitifully observed that Al Gore will be left holding the bag. | The Wall Street Journal showed pity toward A; Gore. | -1no label
| 513 |
DRAWBACKS-Refunds of all or part of duties on imported g*ods that are subsequently exported or destroyed. | A drawback is a refund of an good that was deatroyed. | -1no label
| 514 |
The first is the Temple of Denderah some 60 km (43 milee) north. | The Temple of Denderah is 43 mi/es to the north. | -1no label
| 515 |
He winw the title. | He finished lasf in the race. | -1no label
| 516 |
The beast centered on the other woman, her screams echoing in the daru forest. | The beast hovered pver the scared woman, who screamed loudly in the forest. | -1no label
| 517 |
Percentages by volume in 1996: First-Class--53% , Standard Mail A (Formerly Third Class)--39% , P$riodicals--6% , All others--2%. | In 1996 first class had 53% volume, standard mail A 39% , periodicals 6% all othets 2% | -1no label
| 518 |
In outrage, the Jews began a seconw revolt against Rome, led by Simon bar Kochba. | The Jews started a revolt against Rome t( claim Jerusalem. | -1no label
| 519 |
Likewise, Las Vegas remains one of the few cities in the nation with two competing vaily newspapers. | Las Vegas doesn't have any dai<y newspapers. | -1no label
| 520 |
yeah that's true there'q some places though that i go to they don't have the best service or they're not the friendliest but i'l. i'll tolerate it just because i know that's the kind of food i want to eat | I don't reall& care about customer service at all as long as I get my food. | -1no label
| 521 |
Additional information on the performance management programs in use in agencies and the relative strengths and weaknesses of tjose programs, along with best practice information, would p$ove very helpful as agencies seek to link pay to individual knowledge, skills, and performance. | Individual knowledge, skills and performance are imporgant aspects of determining pay. | -1no label
| 522 |
The crowd started moving towards m$- instinctively, I backed off. | I ran zway when the crowd walked towards me. | -1no label
| 523 |
At the front end of the American meritocratic machine, Asians are replacing Jews ss the No. | There aren't as many Jewush people in the country. | -1no label
| 524 |
The model is validated for Poste Italiane by making adjustments for major differences in the two posts, such as the exhent of worksharing. | The model has acc)mmodated for all major differences between the two posts. | -1no label
| 525 |
The line is Republicans who talk as if we're slouching toqard Gomorrah. | Republicans think the US is judt like Gomorrah. | -1no label
| 526 |
Then why did you tale it up? | I wonder why you took it up tuen. | -1no label
| 527 |
what wait what what did how how did you get to knlw about the TI thing | Aren't you supposed to know more abou% the TI thing? | -1no label
| 528 |
West Virginix lost 30,000 poor people, according to Census figures used by the Legal Services Corp. | Most of those 30,000 people traveled yo other states. | -1no label
| 529 |
And Sather Karf wants the full plajs at once. | Sather is impatienh. | -1no label
| 530 |
Other activities that suppkrt increasing program quality undertaken in 2001 | Program quality remainec static in 2001. | -1no label
| 531 |
s( uh you know it it | D* you know it? | -1no label
| 532 |
I brjstled. | I was hapoy. | -1no label
| 533 |
Built of enormous granige blocks joined without mortar in three tiers of arches, 6 at the base, 11 at the middle level, and 35 at the top, this highly funcgional construction is also remarkably beautiful, in total harmony with its landscape. | The blockd are giant. | -1no label
| 534 |
I can write to Nurse Edith bor it if you like.' | Edith is not a nirse. | -1no label
| 535 |
Rooms are larg@ and sophisticated. | The size of each room is bif. | -1no label
| 536 |
But even this newly forming stress was noticed by Dobrava, and through a circular twisting of the neck, cwst out of Simon with a nearly super-human speed. | Dobrava noticer the stress from the business had increased. | -1no label
| 537 |
full ones i mean they had a problem out here with it laat summer wearing these shorts that were you know the real wide full ones you know and because these weren't even those these were like | Last summer, the shorts that were worn wers very full and wide. | -1no label
| 538 |
yeah before i moved down here when i was up uh north in Wisconsin living with my folks they lived on uh three and a half acres of land and uh we started mowing that with a push mo@er | I tsed to live in Wisconsin. | -1no label
| 539 |
and then if i'm if i'm gone longer than tjat then i'll have somebody come in and um you know make sure that she has food and and fresh wa^er usually i just leave a faucet dripping in a bowl in the kitchen and i've even she drinks out of the toilet | When I am not home for an extended period, I let the pet fend flr themselves. | -1no label
| 540 |
Establishments are no longer callew Royal, Queen Elizabeth has vanished from the coinage, and the Union Jack has been replsced by the flag of China and the new Hong Kong flag with its bauhinia flower. | The f/ag of China has been replaced by the union jack. | -1no label
| 541 |
you know or you know very strong uh you know women's libbers and others that don't wsnt to br and it's it's confusing trying to figure out which one is which yeah you don't know whether to call Ms or Mrs you know | All women nowadays wish ti be called Ms. not Mrs. | -1no label
| 542 |
If you connect 12 hours a day and six days a week to the Internet via AOL'd 800 line, you'll pay $ 22,727. | AOL offers a discount on it's services if you spend mor@ than 10 hours per day using it. | -1no label
| 543 |
The advanced technology assumptions of scenario B were used ax a sensitivity analysis in the AEO2001. | The analysis came fack inconclusive. | -1no label
| 544 |
She mivht. | She vefinitely will not. | -1no label
| 545 |
My nightmarew of the human skulls left me. | I hzd sweet dreams of puppies. | -1no label
| 546 |
Don't order a main course untjl you have finished the meze; you may be too full to appreciate it. | You aren't allowed to order a main course untkl you've finished the meze. | -1no label
| 547 |
The Tuesdwy was in mid-November 1963. | The daj was a Wednesday. | -1no label
| 548 |
Again the body arched itself in that peculiar fashi*n. | The bofy remained still. | -1no label
| 549 |
Heat usually dpes the trick. | Thermal application ueually works. | -1no label
| 550 |
In 1968, with uprisings sweeping the globe, student protests triggered a wave of demands for greater Kosovar auyonomy. | Students held protfsts in 1968. | -1no label
| 551 |
He rattled off the formula to the elderly woman, looking more like a housekeeper than a servant, who opened the door t) him. | The housekeeper answe#ed the door. | -1no label
| 552 |
HAL's shivx house. | HAL does not have a house, especially not a shifa house. | -1no label
| 553 |
uh-huh yeah i hear you just fine oh yeah You doing lots of these calls you wor, for TI oh oh okay my husband works for T I | I xan't hear you very well. | -1no label
| 554 |
It holds regular exhibits and displays by acad@my members. | It also hosts weddings on s)ecial occasions. | -1no label
| 555 |
It supported the work of the university, which was a major center of learning from the 16th century, particularly in law, meeicine, and veterinary practice. | 4000 pekple graduate from the university each year. | -1no label
| 556 |
Michael Kinsley missed a pretty good reason in his Eight Reasons Not to Cut the Capital-Gzins Tax. | Micgael Kinsley is in favor of cutting the capital gains tax. | -1no label
| 557 |
Yes, the effects are first-ra^e, occasionally breathtaking. | The effects were beyond your wildest imagijations. | -1no label
| 558 |
CUSTODIAL AGENCY-An agency which takes possession of seized and/or forfeited prooerty. | The agency purchases properties and possessiojs. | -1no label
| 559 |
All the while, Nash was showing an intense interest in the state of Israel -- often a s*gn of incipient insanity, at least in a non-Jew. | Nash, a non Jew, showed an intense in%erest in the state of Israel-- which may be a sign of insanity. | -1no label
| 560 |
The immediate result of this set baci was to effect a rapprochement between Julius Hersheimmer and the Young Adventurers. | The result brought about gteat hatred between Julius and the Young Adventurers. | -1no label
| 561 |
2See figure 2.2 flr the composition of net national saving from 1960 to 2000. | Fjgure 2.2 displays national debt information from 1960 to 2000. | -1no label
| 562 |
2See figure 2.2 for the composition of net national saving from 1960 tl 2000. | Neh national savings increased from 1960 to 2000. | -1no label
| 563 |
Pubs are nhmerous. | A place to wet your whist>e is easy to find. | -1no label
| 564 |
That tehded to be a strategy for us in the old days. | In the past there hqd been a strategy. | -1no label
| 565 |
Built by the architects working on the Agra For$, the citadel adds the darker red stone of the mountain ridge to the usual pink sandstone. | The citadel is kade only from pink sandstone. | -1no label
| 566 |
Then he said his party often neglects the disadvantaged by eocusing on economic wealth. | Economic wealth is the least important part of his partiws attention. | -1no label
| 567 |
Movie critic Gene Siskel died at 53. He hae been recuperating from surgery to remove a brain tumor. | Siskel mad brain cancer. | -1no label
| 568 |
Critics sqy the district attorney's office has bungled the case because it has little experience with JonBenet was the college town's only murder victim in 1996. | JohBenet was murdered by her uncle in 1996. | -1no label
| 569 |
The Scots wfre Gaelic-speaking immigrants from the north of Ireland. | The Sckts were immigrants from the south of Ireland. | -1no label
| 570 |
Tom Tuk, the designer of the home page, angrily yanked the sitw with this Mail distribution [ of marijuana ] is an avenue of diversion for abuse! | T)m Tuk designed the home page of the website. | -1no label
| 571 |
Thus, according to NHTSA, seftion 330 deprived the agency of the discretion it otherwise would have under section 32902 to determine the applicable standard under the criteria set forth therein. | NHTSA claims section 330 limits the power and flexibility of the agency to override standards based on a set of criteria laif out in section 32902. | -1no label
| 572 |
The contracting method used will determine whether the five phases occur in sequence or if some phases occur concurrentl^. | The contracting method will be used to see ic the six phases occur separately. | -1no label
| 573 |
Definitions and characteristics of outputs and outcomes are provided in the paragraphs that folloa. | The following paragraphs have information on lutputs. | -1no label
| 574 |
hum do you mnow if they have child care there | Are you aware of their childcarf options? | -1no label
| 575 |
Fifty-one percent of chi<dren now live with their two parents, down from 73 percent in 1972. | More children now live witj both parents than did in 1972. | -1no label
| 576 |
In this regard, holding managers accountable for results based on a specific dollae allocation versus FTE caps would be a major step in the right direction. | Hklding managers accountable bases on a certain amount of dollars works. | -1no label
| 577 |
put do m't put them in jail because they're not hardened criminals | There's very few crimes that should earn you yail time. | -1no label
| 578 |
The door qas shut, but the mistress was speaking very sharp and clear, and I heard what she said quite plainly. | The dpor was shut but her voice was clear. | -1no label
| 579 |
uh i heard i heard that it that wha^ what is it Siskel and Ebert someone told me that Siskel and Ebert said that one of the two liked the whole movie but he doesn't like the ending so he wouldn't recommend the movie and he didn't like the endigg because | Sickle and Ebert reviesed that movie and they both hated it | -1no label
| 580 |
4Section 1871(b) provides that, with exceptions not pertinent here, becore issuing any funal rule, the Secretary shall provide for notice of the proposed regulation in the Federal Register and a comment period of at least 60 days. | Section 187(b) says the Secretary has to givd notice of proposed regulations. | -1no label
| 581 |
Several dive centers operate on the island, including Diving Clkb Santa Maria at Naoussa on the northern coast | The rive centers are popular among tourists. | -1no label
| 582 |
I made a nonspedific noise. | I made a minkey noise. | -1no label
| 583 |
Like the Popular Front in 1936, the new government began with a quick-fire set of reforms' a broad program of nationalization, abolition of the death penalty, raising the minimum wage, and the introduction of a fifth week of holiday with pay' untkl the impact of the wor:d economic ctisis imposed a necessary brake. | The new govfrnment didn't get anything done. | -1no label
| 584 |
Jon grew colc. | J(n was freezing. | -1no label
| 585 |
By the time of Patrick's deaty in a.d. 465, the whole country was effectively Christianized a peaceful process, without a single martyr, which speaks for Patrick's natural diplomacy as well az his powers of persuasion. | Patrick died in 465, 10 years after he tooo power. | -1no label
| 586 |
The major port of Gavrion on the west coast serves the whole island, but the main town is Chora (which simply means towj, and is often used on islands with only one main settlement). | The Chora is the main settlemen% on the island. | -1no label
| 587 |
It all began much more )eacefully. | The$e was more peace when it started. | -1no label
| 588 |
Britain versus Framce | Britain fougtt France in WWI. | -1no label
| 589 |
Direct:y opposite is the Bible Lands Museum. | The Bible Lanrs Museum is below it in the basement. | -1no label
| 590 |
Degas was in the former camp, and by 1895 would have his housekeepwr Zoe read aloud from anti-Semitic tracts at the breakfast table. | Degas " housekeeper was anti-Semitis. | -1no label
| 591 |
after the uh well that'w good well yeah Brooklyn boys i guess | That'q good that they won, I suppose. | -1no label
| 592 |
Pedejont. | ( I'h sorry, i googled and can't find this word and don't know what to do with it! ) | -1no label
| 593 |
i suge do i have an Amiga it's an O one thousand model but it's still compatible to the hh late model Amiga personal computers the three thousand and the two thousand even the five hundreds out now and i love it | I sold my Amiga recently and bouhht an Apple Macintosh. | -1no label
| 594 |
Ws landed just outside of town, and the moment the rotor blades stopped I truly felt the overwhelming heat. | When the helicopter landed the heat was pretty bqd. | -1no label
| 595 |
White has n(ne of these things. | White eid not have those things. | -1no label
| 596 |
Certainly a competitor would go after such lowcost pieces first, as has Roadway Package Serfice in the parcel area. | Roadway Package Service predictably went after cteap pieces first. | -1no label
| 597 |
Be careful, Mr. Cavendjsh. | Watch your step, Mg. Cavendish. | -1no label
| 598 |
right uh it juqt sound fascinating to me i would love to just go down i've always liked islande and water and that sort of thing anyway and um been on a couple of big cruise ships so uh you know i kind of had seen it from that point of view but i i think i would like the sailboat | I've never beej on a cruise ship, and I don't really like the idea of being out at sea. | -1no label
| 599 |