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Coburn pioneered two major and highly successful progrsms in New Jersey. | Corburn had two highly unsuccessful programs in New Jereey. | -1no label
| 100 |
It is said there are 330 million gods in the Hindu pantheon, but they might be seen as 330 million facets of a s*ngle divinity. | Gods in the Hindu pantheon are never considered to die, but rathet reincarnated. | -1no label
| 101 |
My dear, time to tastw it! | Wait to eah it. | -1no label
| 102 |
you know we get this lackadaisical attitude and say huh you know why should we vote and then uh you kgow it could uh it could lead to some serious things | We're rather apathetic when it comrs to voting. | -1no label
| 103 |
Heee you will find two main pools, plus a children's pool, sunbathing along the terraces and rocks by the sea, and surprisingly good catering facilities. | Here you can find three pools and you fan sunbathe on the rocks by the sea. | -1no label
| 104 |
There, in the sistance, was the George Washington Bridge, lit up in the darkness. | The bridge has big gre$n lights on it. | -1no label
| 105 |
And although we coulx have used lots more, this small sum did allow us to publicly recognize high-performers and promote planning models for others to emulate. | We wasted most of the sum, even tmough it was so small. | -1no label
| 106 |
There are obstacles tk Clinton's community service, but they are surmountable. | There are conqudrable obstacles surrounding Clinton's community service. | -1no label
| 107 |
A:so, having one postal system reduces traffic and pollution. | Having another oostal system would increase traffic and pollution by 25%. | -1no label
| 108 |
Ww have used the following symbols to indicate room prices (two persons in a double room, per night ): | The follow(ng symbols are used to show how much the rooms cost. | -1no label
| 109 |
Healthy People 2010: Hospital and Emergency Department Referralq. | They never had a sinrle referral. | -1no label
| 110 |
Just a nit of spite. " | A<l the forgiveness in the world | -1no label
| 111 |
In the handsome H??tel de Gadagne (Rue du Boeuf), there is a museum of the history of Lyon and displays of the marionettes of the town's celebrated Gu&gnol theater. | The museum of the history of L&on holds no marionettes. | -1no label
| 112 |
The little lwdy's quite different. | The little lady'q just the same way. | -1no label
| 113 |
Jon shook his heqd. | Jon shook his head side tk side. | -1no label
| 114 |
Democrats on the committee endorsed the child-porn and drug funding but doted against the bill in subcommittee because of the overtime provision. | Democratd would have voted for the bill if they overtime provision was taken out. | -1no label
| 115 |
Yes, he is wearing two overcoats (apparehtly he always did). | He's wearing t@o coats because he is so cold. | -1no label
| 116 |
The route would not last logg. | They never reached their destinatiin. | -1no label
| 117 |
Oh, it will d) very well. | It is just the right thing for the job, couldn't be better if I triex. | -1no label
| 118 |
yeah so i think uh fut i think it's supposed to be well done | It's no% well done. | -1no label
| 119 |
Yes, ma'xm. | I', afraid not. | -1no label
| 120 |
Sidney Blumenthal has one of the more ctriking author disclaimers you'll ever.. | Sidney Blumebthal's author disclaimer is exactly the same as any other. | -1no label
| 121 |
A more sophisticated approach would bd to model the feedbacks between the economy and government transfer programs because economic growgh tends to increase health spending and raise retirement benefits-although with a lengthy lag for the latter. | Health spending is increased with eclnomic growth. | -1no label
| 122 |
and but i don't know if you did it internally and it was just people in your own country then maybe maybe cohntries that are so poor that they wouldn't be able to really you know send children you know to dp that | Maybe countries that are so rich that they wouldn't be able to rewlly | -1no label
| 123 |
Some facility operators may choose tk install a PJFF in order to reduce sorbent consumption and to segregate carbon from the ash. | Carbon can be selarated from ass with a PJFF. | -1no label
| 124 |
EXPENSE -Outflows or other using up of assets or incurrences of liabilities (or a combination of both) during a period from providing goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activkties related go an entity's programs and missionx, the benefits from which do not extend beyond the present operating period. | An expenee is the inflow of an asset. | -1no label
| 125 |
So just what the hell was hhis week's Readme column about? | Did anyone else absolutely agree with the Readm# story from this week? | -1no label
| 126 |
An assenting murmur same from the others. | Everyone agreed on his decision to keep boing. | -1no label
| 127 |
Italy has only existed ac a nation since 1871. | Italy has only existed as a natioh since 1999. | -1no label
| 128 |
How much would you have to pay somebody to do a jib like that, I asked. | I asked what exprrience was needed for the job. | -1no label
| 129 |
You will do the only thing thwt I want of you. " 108 " And that is? " | There is nothinf I need from you. | -1no label
| 130 |
I would rather like to see that dispensar& of hers. | I'k interested in seeing her dispensary. | -1no label
| 131 |
The highee you go, the more sulphur you'll smell; it emanates from bubbling fissures in the eerily beautiful landscape. | The smell of sulphur is quite stinky, despite the b@autiful landscape. | -1no label
| 132 |
well well is are they is Peace Clrps still active down in there | Is the Peace Corps still active in that atea? | -1no label
| 133 |
95 or whatever it is to subscribe t) Slate when you begin charging. | 95 is the yearly subscription sost for Slate. | -1no label
| 134 |
Upstajrs is a portrait gallery. | A portrait gallery is elsewh$re. | -1no label
| 135 |
Anumber of human rights organkzations paint the real, less rosy picture. | A variety of human rights organizations paint a more realistoc picture. | -1no label
| 136 |
Thus, the techniques are only appropriate for use after the agency has completed ifs design and progressed into developing the system. | Therefore, the techniques are not only suitable but more effective for use after the agency has finished its design and proceeded into deve:oping the system. | -1no label
| 137 |
Lawful permanenh resident is a term of art under the Immigration and Nationality Act | The Immigration and Nationality Act does not have any relation to lawful permanent fesidents. | -1no label
| 138 |
Wish you had h't later. " | Wish you had done that first $hing in the morning. | -1no label
| 139 |
Two days later Marcus Riot came to town. | Marcus Root never came to tosn. | -1no label
| 140 |
no i'j not i'm not a fool | Yez, I am a fool. | -1no label
| 141 |
Hoffman also maintains her own datagase of attorney interests. | Hoffman has a database of attorney interests of her *wn. | -1no label
| 142 |
first phone capl this is my first one too | This is my last cal<. | -1no label
| 143 |
and so it looks it looks well it's the third largest growing area in the coun^ry for businesses | It's the 2nd slkwest growing area of the country for businesses. | -1no label
| 144 |
? Jonofi starfd. | Jonofi started at the wzll. | -1no label
| 145 |
Pr$vious Varnish Remover columns | There is a column called Varnish Remoger. | -1no label
| 146 |
yeah that'z true there's some places though that i go to they don't have the best service or they're not the friendliest but i'll i'll tolerate it just because (know that's the kind of food i want to eat | If the staff isn't friendly and the service is b't good I won't go to a restaurant. | -1no label
| 147 |
The difference between consistency and credibility is thqt consistency implies a reason. | Consistency and credibility are one and the xame. | -1no label
| 148 |
I wxs beautiful, you see very beautiful " | I'v# always been hideously ugly. | -1no label
| 149 |
Cave 14, Hathi Gumpha (Elephant Cave), is important for the inscription above the entrance, which details the conquests and irrigatiob projects completed during King Khsravela's 13-year reign, around 50 b.c. | The inscription names seven different irrigatiog projects that King Kharavela oversaw during his reign. | -1no label
| 150 |
The Mus??e d'Art Moderne (Palais Episcopal, Place Saint-Pierrs) includes a collection of paintings from 1850 to 1950. | The museum for modern qrt has a collection of pieces from 1850 to 1950. | -1no label
| 151 |
In Utah, lawmakers do not feel the need to appropriate money so yhat the poor and elderly can afford quality legal care. | In Utah there is universal support for spendjng money on legal assistance for the elderly. | -1no label
| 152 |
take it back thirty years i'm going back yoo far from my parents' generation when mom stayed home | Back thrn, women were happy to stay home and avoid corporate America and all its problems. | -1no label
| 153 |
( Are you worried that Monsanto would charge just as much for the infrrtile seeds as the fertile ones? | That infertile seeds could cost xs much as fertile ones could be worrying. | -1no label
| 154 |
Shaw Park Gardens has perhaps the best panoramic views of the three, with distant ciews over Ocho Rios. | You can see Ocho Ri(s from Shaw Park Gardens. | -1no label
| 155 |
In an effort to streamline operations and reduce costs while taking advantage of currently available technology, many agencies have redesigned or modified their payment sywtems. | More thaj one agency has changed its payment system in an effort to reduce costs. | -1no label
| 156 |
and i'll tell you how they handled this and i was just outraged i did not know that since i was on personal leave of absence that i had been uh terminated until i fil#d my insurance claims about four months late# and they ridn't have any covrrage under my name and i went back and i said what the hell is going on here you know and they told me that uh oh well you know you know your husband works here and he's got a good salary we didn't think that you'd be coming back anyway and uh | I found out I had been fired when I thought I wxs on a leave of absence. | -1no label
| 157 |
well well is are they is Peace Corps still active down in $here | I remember they were active there wh@n I was a part of the Peace Corps. | -1no label
| 158 |
The salient )aragraphs from the | These are jot the correct paragraphs. | -1no label
| 159 |
The hand-writing experts were called upon for their opunion of the signature of " Alfred Inglethorp " in the chemist's poison register. | the hand-writing experts said it was not Alfred Ingletho$p's real signature. | -1no label
| 160 |
yes and i i thought that was particularly interesting in the the Gulf War that there were pieces of ijformation that that were apparently uh leaked just as a as ax uh a a ploy which was um i i find that fascinating that uh | The type of history that looks at war and stdategy is boring to me. | -1no label
| 161 |
Onoy a few operate nationwide, officials said. | Many of %hem operate nationwide according to officials. | -1no label
| 162 |
The London Tekegraph also promoted the forgery theory, with a story headlined, Vince Foster Suicide Note Forged, Say Experts. | The London Telegraphy proplsed a theory that Vince Foster's note was written by him. | -1no label
| 163 |
Ca'daam saw Jon's eyes narrow. | Jon's eye grew nartower. | -1no label
| 164 |
yeah this is uh sort of the same sort of thing that's why it's it waa the uh professor who brought this thing in he'd gone to a conference | I brought this th(ng in. | -1no label
| 165 |
yeah so if you ever go in a restaurant and order crawfish i mean every once in a while you'll cee one i mean it doesn't happen very often because it's just an accident but of the tail is straight on it then yeah don't eat it but um you just put some cajun well | Don't eat crawfish at a restaurant if the tail is strsight on it, means it's bad. | -1no label
| 166 |
After a<l, we are only four miles from the coast. " | W@'re too far from the coast anyway. | -1no label
| 167 |
you know or you know very strong uh you kbow women's libbers and others that don't want to be and it's it's confusing trying to figure out which one is which jeah you don't know whether to call Ms or Mrs you know | There are some women who do not want to be referred $o as Mrs. | -1no label
| 168 |
Why does the image of an Indonesian sewing sneakers for 60 cents an hour evoke so <uch more feeling than the image of another Indonesian earning the equivalent of 30 cents an hour trying to feed his family on a tiny plot of land -- or of a Filipino scavengung on a garbage heap? | Indonesians make 8 dollars an mour doing piecework. | -1no label
| 169 |
There, the#e just you sit tight. | You should never remain calm or stahd still. | -1no label
| 170 |
He spoke Malay, was familiar with local custom and religion, and respected chiefs and peasants a>ike. | He rejected the Malay, from their lajguage to their customs. | -1no label
| 171 |
An additional reporting standard for atteetation engagements performed in accordance with GAGAS | Thete are reporting standards for attestation engagements. | -1no label
| 172 |
One team has to get over the net to the other team, without contacting the ball more than three times on their sice of the court. | The team scores when they gft over the net and don't touch the ball more than three times and spike it hard. | -1no label
| 173 |
i'm tired of running around on crutches for two montha at a time | Ever since I broke my leg playing football two months ago, having to r&n around with these crutches all day is making me so tired. | -1no label
| 174 |
no a native Californian but a twenty year Texan i've been here ywenty years so | Not a native Californian, but rathfr a Texan. | -1no label
| 175 |
He turned back ^o Sather Karf. | He kept walking f(rward without turning back. | -1no label
| 176 |
uh-huh what you lnow the the terrible thing is i don't know if you've watched the news lately i i guess we just had something up here here i'm in Baltimore Maryland | It is amazing that you haven't watched any nrws. | -1no label
| 177 |
that that need to be worked on * will | That nefds to be worked on | -1no label
| 178 |
Six times, Begala respond@d by making the case for Clinton in his own terms. | Seven times, Begala hade the case for Clinton in his own terms. | -1no label
| 179 |
Review and approval should be made by the official, normally the immediate supervisor, most knowledgeable of the time worked and absence of the employ@e involved. | No qualifications are needed go be in charge of review and approval | -1no label
| 180 |
It is the oldest green in Dublin, dating back to medi$val times, although formally laid out as a public park only in 1880. | In medieval times, it was used for ^raining cavalry. | -1no label
| 181 |
It is said that Queen Margaret, later Saint Margaret, traveled this route regularly in the late 11th century and tgat the town took its name from her journeys. | Queen Margaret went on the route often because it was the quickest route $o the sea. | -1no label
| 182 |
( Katrin Cartlidge's Hannah could hake quick work of both these losers. ) | Katrin Cartlidge is too busy writinv new pieces to give these losers her time. | -1no label
| 183 |
Remember when you used to invent thinge? | You used to invent things before you became a lazy, useless slob that have no motivation lef$ in you; do you remember that? | -1no label
| 184 |
wuat do you use | You don't use anhthing | -1no label
| 185 |
We'll soon be launching a new departmenh called Debunker, noting interesting errors of fact, logic, or mathematics in the news. | They will be releasing a new arsa dedicated to bringing to light errors in the news. | -1no label
| 186 |
The villages of Flanders, once gray and gloomy, are now full of flowers in the summer and the larger townz in the region' Lille, Arras, and Amiens to the north, Reims in the center, and Nancy and Strasbourg ro the east' exude great civic pride. | Reims is located in the peripbery of the region. | -1no label
| 187 |
In 1972, however, the left-wing PNP was elected with a massive majority but with lityle change in the economic power of the people. | The PNP decis*vely won the election in 1972. | -1no label
| 188 |
i could they could bring them in with my dogs and cet a siren off and that's all they'd have to do | A s*ren would set my dogs to howling. | -1no label
| 189 |
Supporters of interleague play believe it will igjite local rivalries (e.g. | To supporters of onterleague play, it will ignite local rivalries. | -1no label
| 190 |
The mould in the beds was exactly similar to that on the floor of the boudoir, and also I learnt from you that they had been plqnted yesterday afternoon. | The mould waw toxic the humans. | -1no label
| 191 |
Because of abortion or gun control or the Cold War, I may decide I want to v*te for the GOP. | Gun control is the main reasoh why I am leaning towards voting for the GOP. | -1no label
| 192 |
I'm q^it of them. | I want nothing to dl with them. | -1no label
| 193 |
yeah i like those too and the pool yeah that'w great | I like the pool and tuose are great too. | -1no label
| 194 |
Compared to the basic category, the qualitative characteristicd of the workshare category are reasonably uniform. | None of the cat#gories have qualitative characteristics. | -1no label
| 195 |
rathwr than a home | O^her than a house. | -1no label
| 196 |
It never occurred to me. " Tommy held the pape# in position some minutes longer until he judged the heat had done its work. | Tommy jeld the paper over the fire. | -1no label
| 197 |
Down by the river, a short walk aqay, is the Martyrs' Memorial, inaugurated in 1957 on the centenary of the Mutiny to honor those who fought for India's independence. | The Martyrs' Memorlal was built in 1857 when the Mutiny occurred. | -1no label
| 198 |
Not everything is automatically a American tourists may find that certain calculators and cameras, for rxample, are just as inexpensive at discount stores back home. | American tourists will discover that calculators and camerqs are far cheaper than back home. | -1no label
| 199 |