Ruch Filozoficzny
Scope“Ruch Filozoficzny" is an international scientific quarterly published by the Polish Philosophical Society and the Institute of Philosophy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. Founded by Kazimierz Twardowski in Lviv in 1911, it presents research carried out in Polish philosophical circles and promotes international cooperation between Polish and foreign philosophers. Since 2015, at least one issue of the quarterly a year has been published in English. The journal contains not only articles and reviews but also shorter publications such as announcements, reports, and current information which constitute significant elements of information flow. Jubilee notes, memoirs and obituaries are also published to record and commemorate important events. In the ARTICLES section we publish texts of contemporary researchers in the field of philosophy (history of philosophy, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of politics). In ARCHIVES OF RUCH FILOZOFICZNY section we recall significant, influential texts published in the quarterly in previous years. In CONFERENCE AND LECTURE PAPERS section we publish papers presented in Polish Philosophical Society meetings and on philosophical conferences POLISH PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY section contains reports from the Polish Philosophical Society Main Board meetings and presents the scientific and organizational activities of the Society divisions. In STATEMENTS AND POLEMICS we present discussions concerning significant publications and events in the philosophical circles. In OBITUARIES AND MEMOIRS section we commemorate deceased philosophers and researchers. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://apcz.umk.pl/RF" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
00359599, 25453173
Russian History
ScopeRussian History’s mission is the publication of original articles on the history of Russia through the centuries, in the assumption that all past experiences are inter-related. Russian History seeks to discover, analyze, and understand the most interesting experiences and relationships and elucidate their causes and consequences. Contributors to the journal take their stand from different perspectives: intellectual, economic and military history, domestic, social and class relations, relations with non-Russian peoples, nutrition and health, all possible events that had an influence on Russia. Russian History is the international platform for the presentation of such findings. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://brill.com/view/journals/ruhi/ruhi-overview.xml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Russkaia Literatura
ScopeRusskaia literatura is a well-known journal of literary criticism. The journal is one of the most comprehensive, reliable and authoritative resources featuring biographical information and criticism of Russian and Soviet authors in various genres. Published since 1958 by the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Science (Pushkinskii Dom), this scholarly journal features numerous research papers, discussion pieces, analytical articles and critical essays concerning classical and modern writers and poets of Russia. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.eastview.com/resources/journals/russkaia-literatura/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeSalmagundi is not a tame or genteel quarterly. It invites argument, and it makes a place for literature that is demanding, including novella-length fiction and essays that—in terms of length and range of interest—go well beyond the fare served up by the better weeklies and monthlies. Founded in 1965 and published since 1969 at Skidmore College, Salmagundi routinely publishes essays, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, regular columns, polemics, debates and symposia. It is widely regarded as one of the most influential intellectual quarterlies in the United States, and though often discussed as a “little magazine,” it is by no means predominantly belletristic or narrow in its purview or its audience. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://salmagundi.skidmore.edu/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux
ScopeStraddling the crossroads where many disciplines meet, STV takes a new look at vascular and thrombotic diseases and provides every reader with an essential supplement to his or her speciality. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.jle.com/en/revues/stv/revue.phtml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
09997385, 19506104
Savoirs et Clinique
ScopeLes praticiens de la santé mentale, qu’ils soient psychiatres, psychologues, infirmiers ou analystes, pour peu qu’ils soient prêts à écouter leurs malades, observent dans leur travail quotidien que les patients – névrosés ou psychotiques – ne leur font pas seulement part de leurs souffrances, mais leur confient aussi un savoir inédit. C’est grâce à ce savoir, recelé dans l’inconscient et dans le symptôme du sujet souffrant, que la recherche et la thérapie avancent dans la clinique analytique. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.editions-eres.com/collection/131/savoirs-et-clinique" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
16343298, 17762871
ScopeScandia is a historical journal dedicated to central themes of Nordic historical research. The emphasis is on Nordic and European history, on theory and method, and on historiography. The journal is issued twice a year. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://journals.lub.lu.se/index.php/scandia" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Schweizer Zeitschrift fur Gynakologie
ScopeIn der Schweizer Zeitschrift für Gynäkologie erscheinen aktuelle Beiträge zu Schwerpunktthemen, Kongressberichte, Interviews und Neuigkeiten aus Klinik, Praxis und Forschung. Sie ist das offizielle Organ der Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendgynäkologie (GYNEA) und kommt mit einer Auflage von ca. 3500 Stück 5 x pro Jahr. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.rosenfluh.ch/gynaekologie#2020-04" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Scottish Literary Review
ScopeScottish Literary Review is the leading international journal for Scottish literary studies. Scottish Literary Review publishes critical and scholarly articles and reviews from around the world. The journal explores Scottish literature through its various social, cultural, historical and philosophical contexts, including theatre and film, and its interactions with literatures from beyond Scotland, and encourages debate on issues of contemporary significance to literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://asls.org.uk/publications/periodicals/slr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Seibutsu-kogaku Kaishi
Scope日本生物工学会の和文誌「生物工学会誌」は、バイオテクノロジー分野のホットな話題を取り上げ、皆様にお届けしています。「生物工学会誌」は「醸造學雜誌」として1923年に創刊されて以来、「醗酵工學雑誌」、「醗酵工学会誌」と名称を変えながらも、80年以上もの長い歴史の中で常に情報交換の場として大きな役割を果たしてきました。 これからも読者でありまた投稿者である皆様の声を発信し続けていきます。また、和文誌だからこそ発信できる支部活動や地域の情報も掲載していく予定ですのでご期待ください。つきましては、様々な分野でご活躍の皆様からのご投稿をお待ちしております。 Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.sbj.or.jp/sbj/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
09193758, 24358630
Sewanee Review
ScopeFounded in 1892 by the teacher and critic William Peterfield Trent, the Sewanee Review is America’s oldest continuously published literary quarterly. Many of the twentieth century’s great writers, including T. S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Wallace Stevens, Saul Bellow, Katherine Anne Porter, Marianne Moore, and Ezra Pound, have appeared in the magazine. SR also has a long tradition of cultivating emerging talent: we published excerpts of Cormac McCarthy and Flannery O’Connor’s first novels, and the early poetry of Robert Penn Warren, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell, and Christian Wiman. “Whatever the new literature turns out to be,” wrote editor Allen Tate in 1944, “it will be the privilege of the Sewanee Review to print its share of it, to comment on it, and to try to understand it.” The mission remains unchanged. In 2017 the novelist Adam Ross (Mr. Peanut, Ladies and Gentlemen) succeeded George Core as editor of the Sewanee Review. Under Ross’s tenure the magazine was redesigned for the first time in seventy-three years, by the book designers Peter Mendelsund and Oliver Munday, and SR began to publish online as well as in print. 2017 also marked the Sewanee Review‘s 125th year of publication. Volume 125 featured exceptional writers like Richard Russo, Francine Prose, Lauren Groff, Ben Fountain, Alice McDermott, Mary Jo Salter, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Danielle Evans, Stephanie Danler, Donika Kelly, Kaveh Akbar, Hannah Pittard, Jamie Quatro, Adam Kirsch, and others. Fall 2017 marked the magazine’s five-hundredth issue. The magazine’s redesign and recent issues have been covered by the New York Times, the Nashville Scene, the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, Poets & Writers, Chapter 16, and elsewhere. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://thesewaneereview.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
00373052, 1934421X
ScopeThe journal focuses on philosophical issues of theoretical relevance, in their connection with the history of Western Philosophy and, in particular, with crucial moments and pivotal aspects of modern and contemporary thought. Lo Sguardo serves as an intellectual meeting place of research, intertwining theoretical reflection and genealogical inquiry. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.losguardo.net/en/archive/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Scopea Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation focuses on theoretical, empirical and artistic research in the fields of culture, literature and literary translation. [sic] thus welcomes the submission of works that focus on various theoretical or empirical problems within the fields listed above, as well as original translations. By publishing research papers, reviews, literary criticism, interviews and literature in translation, wishes to offer a wide, interdisciplinary approach to dominant, but also marginal and/or currently unrecognized as well as emerging literary and cultural trends and practices and in this way open a dialogue between proponents of different approaches to the said areas. As such, is seen as an international platform for scholars, practitioners and artists dealing with culture, literature and literary translation. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.sic-journal.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Silicon Semiconductor
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://siliconsemiconductor.net/magazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
20507798, 20507801
Sinn und Form
ScopeAls Peter Huchel zum Chefredakteur der 1949 gegründeten Zeitschrift SINN UND FORM berufen wurde, setzte er von Anfang an auf ein unverwechselbares Profil: Auswahl der besten Autoren und Beiträge, besondere Sorgfalt in der Redaktion und Komposition der Hefte sowie breite Vielfalt der Themen und Gattungen. Die vornehme Gestalt und entschiedene Haltung der »Beiträge zur Literatur« begründeten nicht nur ihren legendären Ruf, sie sind auch das Geheimnis ihrer Dauer. Seit fast siebzig Jahren zählt SINN UND FORM international zu den renommiertesten und anspruchsvollsten literarischen Zeitschriften. Zu ihrem ganz eigenen Stil gehört das Unzeitgemäße, nicht vordergründig Aktuelle, gehören das hohe sprachliche Niveau der Texte und ihre überraschende Zusammenstellung. Archiventdeckungen stehen neben literarischen Debüts, Erstveröffentlichungen neben Klassikern, Gespräche und Gedichte neben Briefeditionen, Essays, Erinnerungen und Erzählungen. In der von der Akademie der Künste herausgegebenen traditionsreichen Zeitschrift mit der farbigen Bauchbinde trifft die Literatur auf alle ihr benachbarten Gebiete, wie Philosophie und Anthropologie, Theologie, Philologie, Kunstgeschichte und Musik. Neue Denkwege zu eröffnen und besondere Leseerlebnisse zu ermöglichen: Das macht weiterhin ihren Reiz und ihre Bedeutung aus. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://sinn-und-form.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Skin Research
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
13471813, 18839614
Societa e storia
ScopeIn the context of periodicals devoted to history, Società e Storia is distinct in aiming to cover a wide chronological span, from the medieval to the contemporary. From its very foundation in 1978 the ‘history of society‘ has been a central theme; this is understood to mean a ‘form of historical research which aims to pull together strands of historical development drawn from the most diverse areas of specialism’. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.francoangeli.it/riviste/Sommario.aspx?IDRivista=50&amp;lingua=EN" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Soins Aides - Soignantes
ScopeLa revue SOINS Aides-Soignantes s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui vont exercer ou exercent cette profession d'aide, quel que soit leur lieu d'exercice : en hospitalisation traditionnelle mais aussi à domicile ou en EHPAD SOINS Aides-Soignantes a pour objectif d'aider à une meilleure reconnaissance de cette profession qui occupe une place importante dans la chaîne des soins. Grâce à des rubriques variées, l'aide-soignante enrichira ses pratiques dans toutes les facettes de son exercice professionnel. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.em-consulte.com/revue/SASOI" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Southern Humanities Review
ScopeSouthern Humanities Review is the literary quarterly housed in the Department of English at Auburn University. Founded in 1967, SHR publishes fiction, poetry, and essays. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.southernhumanitiesreview.com/#" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Storia del Pensiero Politico
Scope“Storia del pensiero politico” accepts contribution proposals in both Italian and English. Original articles in the field of history of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary political thought, with a gaze that is open not only to the western world but also to the multiple “non-western” cultural universes, are taken into consideration. The periodical welcomes contributions that analyze, from a historical perspective, political thought and the ideas of single authors, political cultures and ideologies, the languages, concepts, theories and traditions of politics, within their relationship with the multiple dimensions – institutional, legal, social, economic, cultural, internal and external – of the life of human communities. In its field of interest, “Storia del pensiero politico” is open to a wide array of methodologies, and aims to foster an intense dialogue with the historical, social, political, legal, economic and philosophical sciences. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.mulino.it/riviste/issn/2279-9818" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeStrenæ : en latin, le mot désigne les étrennes, ces présents que l’on offre pour célébrer l’année nouvelle. Dès l’Antiquité, l’usage est d’offrir aux enfants jouets et cadeaux à l’occasion des étrennes, longtemps avant que la fête de Noël ne s’y substitue. C’est sous le signe de ces étrennes que l’Afreloce a choisi de placer sa revue, créée en 2010. S’il existe de nombreuses revues de sciences humaines consacrées à l’enfance, si la littérature pour la jeunesse a elle-même ses revues dédiées (les Cahiers Robinson publiés par l’Université d’Artois depuis 1997 ; Publije édité par l’Université du Mans depuis 2011), Strenæ envisage d’embrasser l’ensemble de la culture matérielle et littéraire de l’enfance. À travers les livres, vêtements, jouets et friandises que recevaient les enfants lors des étrennes se dessine l’univers que Strenæ se donne comme objet. La revue accueille des travaux portant sur les livres pour enfants et la littérature pour la jeunesse – examinés aussi bien sous l’angle littéraire, esthétique et matériel que sous l’angle historique : roman, théâtre, poésie, historiettes, contes, livres illustrés, albums, livres-jeux, etc. Elle s’intéresse aux jouets et jeux de l’enfance : des jeux traditionnels aux jeux vidéo, des jeux de poupée aux jeux de plateau, tous envisagés à travers des filtres historiques, sociologiques, psychologiques, anthropologiques, esthétiques ou littéraires. Elle fait place à l’ensemble de la culture matérielle de l’enfance : vêtements et objets scolaires, meubles et objets possédés en propre, et au-delà encore, usage de l’espace propre, rituels, culture orale. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://journals.openedition.org/strenae/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Strumenti Critici
ScopeStrumenti critici is one of the journals that has played a key role in redefining the scene of Italian literary criticism, in terms of both methodological thinking and critical research. By maintaining its «militant» nature through greater openness, Strumenti critici keeps its proponent capacity intact, especially in the field of literary theory and textual criticism. It includes scholarly articles and authoritative studies relevant to contemporary and comparative literature, while at the same time combining philological and textual rigour with wide-ranging critical perspectives. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.mulino.it/edizioni/riviste/scheda_rivista.php?issn=0039-2618" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale
ScopeLa rivista pubblica articoli sottoposti a procedura di "revisione tra pari" mediante procedimento cosiddetto "a doppio cieco" (double blind peer review). I revisori sono assolutamente indipendenti dagli autori e non affiliati alle medesime istituzioni. The Journal publishes double blind peer reviewed articles. The reviewers are absolutely independent of the authors and not affiliated with the same institution.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=83" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
00492361, 1826722X
Studi Medievali
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
Studi Slavistici
ScopeStudi Slavistici is the Open Access journal of the Italian Association of Slavists (A.I.S.). It publishes academic articles, research and book reviews and informative essays. Its main aim is to foster specialized Slavic research and to make quality information available to a broader public of readers and Internet users. The journal also acts as a bridge between the academic tradition of Italian and European Slavic studies and the latest cultural trends in various Slavic subjects. Special attention is devoted to the literature, languages, culture and various art forms of all Slavic countries, but also to interdisciplinary approaches in methodology, inter-Slavic and Slavic-European literary, linguistic and cultural relationships. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/ss/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
18247601, 1824761X
Studia Canonica
ScopeStudia canonica is a scholarly journal on canon law published twice a year by the Faculty of Canon Law of Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. It welcomes submissions of articles in English and French.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=journal&amp;journal_code=STC" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
22953019, 22953027
Studia Ceranea
ScopeStudia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe is published once a year at the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe (Ceraneum), University of Lodz, Poland. Studia Ceranea being designed as an international journal, contributions in the standard conference languages will be accepted (English, French, German, Russian and Italian). We have resolved to accept papers pertaining to the history and culture of the eastern Mediterranean and the Slavic area within the chronological limits from the 1st through the 17th century AD. The task that the Editorial Council of Studia Ceranea has set before itself is the gradual creation of a scientific journal, interdisciplinary in character, which will offer specialist articles, reviews and notes on newly published monographs. Along these lines, we will attempt to cross the limits of the narrow specializations restricted to Byzantine or Slavic studies; the papers contributed would represent various aspects of the Late Ancient, Byzantine and Slavic culture of the eastern Mediterranean Area largissimo sensu and South-East Europe, which – we claim – forms an integrity, for all its diversity. Consequently, the journal, based on previous models of other respectable journals devoted to similar subject matters, utilizes the methodology and achievements of disciplines used in the study of Late Antiquity, Middle Ages and early Modern Era and is ready to face the new challenges posed by contemporary humanist thought. The Editorial Board of Studia Ceranea is committed to provide the highest ethical standards at every stage of the publishing procedure. The review process is arranged by double blind peer review system (PrePrint type). Every text is subject to at least two reviews. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/sceranea" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
2084140X, 24498378
Studia Norwidiana
ScopeStudia Norwidiana is a scientific journal that has been published continuously since 1983 and is the scientific body of the Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature (publisher: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL). Studia Norwidiana is a unique Polish scientific journal devoted entirely to the study of Cyprian Norwid, one of the greatest Polish and European poets and artists. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://ojs.tnkul.pl/index.php/sn" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
08600562, 25444433
Studia Religiosa Rossica
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Studies in the History of Philosophy
ScopeThe main aim of "Studies in the History of Philosophy" is to present the results of scientific research in the field of the history of Western philosophy, from ancient to contemporary thoughts. We publish original scholarly articles (in English, German, and Polish), academic translations of important philosophical texts into Polish, archival source texts, and book reviews. In the ARTICLES section, we publish original treatises on philosophy and the history of philosophy. In the TRANSLATIONS section, we publish scholarly philosophical texts translated into Polish and essential works of Polish philosophy translated into English. In the section ARCHIVES OF POLISH PHILOSOPHY, we publish the latest historical and philosophical research in the history of Polish philosophy, including scholarly sources for the history of Polish philosophy. In the REVIEWS section, we publish reviews and presentations of current publications/books on philosophy and the history of philosophy. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://apcz.umk.pl/szhf/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
20831978, 2391775X
Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jcsir/-char/en" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
18830870, 18830889
Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift
ScopeThe publication of the Swedish Theological Quarterly commenced in 1925 on the initiative of Gustaf Aulén, who between 1913 and 1933 was professor of systematic theology at Lund University. Already in the first issue, the editors expressed that the journal was to supply an orientating overview of current theological research on the one hand and be an organ for contemporary Swedish theology on the other. This tradition lives on through the articles, debates, and reviews that are published in each issue of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://journals.lub.lu.se/STK" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Svet Literatury
ScopeSvět literatury focuses on modern European and American literatures, overreaching into other cultural areas. It is based on interdisciplinary comparative approach, which overcomes the limitations of exclusively national approach to literatures. Its main aim is to foster the integration of the study of foreign literatures in the light of modern thought on literature and of the problems of contemporary world: to assimilate foreign literatures through original reflection, and to open the Czech cultural scene to European and international dimension. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://svetliteratury.ff.cuni.cz/en/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
08628440, 23366729
Tagliche Praxis
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
Taiwan Review
ScopeTT is a relaunch of Taiwan Journal, an English-language weekly newspaper first published in 1964. TJ’s print and online versions were produced on a weekly basis, with special editions issued for National Day and other important events. TJ ceased publication May 22, 2009. TT dates back to March 1, 1964, when it began publication as Free China Weekly. On Jan. 1, 1984, it was renamed Free China Journal and Taipei Journal Jan. 7, 2000. In March 2003, it was changed to Taiwan Journal. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.taiwantoday.tw/index.php" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
17275148, 17275199
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.der-theaterverlag.de/tanz" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Technische Sicherheit
ScopeDie Zeitschrift liefert Fachinformationen zu: Anlagensicherheit und betrieblichen Umweltschutz; Brand-, Explosions-, Gewässerschutz; Internetsicherheit. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.technikwissen.de/tue/news.php" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14364948, 21910073
Technoetic Arts
Scope Technoetics is a convergent field of practice that seeks to explore consciousness and connectivity through digital, telematic, chemical or spiritual means, embracing both interactive and psychoactive technologies, and the creative use of moistmedia' (Roy Ascott 2008). Technoetic Arts focuses upon the juncture between art, technology and the mind. Divisions between academic areas of study, once rigidly fixed, are gradually dissolving due to developments in science and cultural practice. This fusion has had a dramatic effect upon the of various disciplines. In particular, the profile of art has radically evolved in our present technological culture. All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.intellectbooks.com/technoetic-arts-a-journal-of-speculative-research" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Tempo Psicanalitico
ScopeA revista Tempo Psicanalítico é uma publicação semestral de trabalhos originais que se enquadrem em alguma das seguintes categorias: estudos teórico-clínicos, relatos de pesquisa, revisões críticas da literatura, relatos de experiência profissional, notas técnicas e resenhas de artigos e livros na área da Psicanálise e áreas relacionadas. Excepcionalmente serão publicados artigos não originais, de difícil acesso e/ou traduções. O objetivo da publicação é contribuir para a pesquisa e a produção de conhecimento no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil, missão a que ela vem atendendo há alguns anos, visto que é considerada uma referência em sua área. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.tempopsicanalitico.com.br/index.php/tempopsicanalitico/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
01014838, 23166576
ScopeDepuis 1983, la revue Terrain porte sur les sociétés contemporaines un regard singulier, nourri par l’ethnographie et l’ouverture aux autres sciences humaines et sociales. Elle se veut scientifique dans son propos tout en restant accessible aux non-spécialistes par sa présentation et son écriture. Ouverte à la recherche internationale et aux autres disciplines de sciences humaines et sociales, elle a pour ambition d’éclairer les aspects les plus variés, et parfois les moins connus, des sociétés d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://journals.openedition.org/terrain/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
07605668, 17775450
Texas Transportation Researcher
ScopeFor more than 40 years, the Texas Transportation Researcher has showcased TTI research to audiences worldwide. Researcher, an award-winning magazine, is the flagship publication of the institute. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://tti.tamu.edu/publications/researcher/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Text und Kritik
ScopeDie Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT+KRITIK wurde im Sommer 1962 von Heinz Ludwig Arnold gegründet. Im Selbstverlag erschien das erste Heft über Günter Grass. Ab Heft 4 (über Georg Trakl) wurde TEXT+KRITIK vom Georgi Verlag Aachen betreut. 1969 übernahm der Richard Boorberg Verlag die Literaturzeitschrift und prägte mit Heft 23 (über Nelly Sachs) die bis heute typische Gestaltung von TEXT+KRITIK. Seitdem gehört die Literaturzeitschrift zum Programm des nach ihr benannten Münchner Verlags edition text + kritik mit seinen Schwerpunkten Literatur, Musik, Film und Kulturwissenschaft.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.etk-muenchen.de/search/SeriesDetails.aspx?SeriesID=0040-5329#.X8QnQmVKjDc" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
00405329, 09352929
Textile Outlook International
ScopeSix times a year, Textile Outlook International provides up to 200 pages of expert comment and analysis. A subscription provides an overview of the global fibre, textile and apparel industries. It is essential reading for senior executives in the fibre, textile and apparel industries – and for anyone who is not involved in the industry, but needs to quickly gain an understanding of the key issues.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.textilesintelligence.com/tistoi/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Textile Rental
ScopeWhen linen, uniform and facility services industry professionals are looking for industry trends, news, best practices and information about the latest products and services, they turn to TRSA’s award-winning Textile Services magazine. This comprehensive monthly resource features articles and analysis on every aspect of your operations. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.trsa.org/tsmagazine/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Textile World
ScopeTextile Industries Media Group, LLC, a newly formed Georgia-based corporation, has acquired Billian Publishing, Inc.’s textile assets including Textile World, Textiles Panamericanos and Textile World Asia, the affiliated magazines, websites and e-newsletters. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.textileworld.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Textiles Panamericanos
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
ScopeThélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses (ISSN 1139-9368, ISSN-e 1989-8193) is a journal published every six months that took its current name in 1998 when it broke away from the former Revista de Filología Francesa, published by the Universidad Complutense Madrid’s French Studies Department, founded in 1992. It compiles research studies in French, English and Spanish, on the French language and literature and in relation to other artistic-cultural and literary fields. It also publishes studies on civilisation, linguistics, translation and didactics of the French language. It aims to cover the whole French and French-speaking field and includes book reviews. Thélème accepts special issues, which will follow the same selection criteria (double blind peer-review), dealing with topics related to French Studies. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/THEL" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
11399368, 19898193
Theologische Beitrage
ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.xn--theologische-beitrge-szb.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeTÓPICOS is a journal published every six months, co-edited by the Asociación Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe (ARFIL) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). Its main objective is to promote an exchange of productions in the field of philosophical research. The Journal is intended to the academic community of researchers and scholars dealing with the problems covered by current philosophy and the history of the discipline itself. It is open to all philosophical orientations and to the interdisciplinary dialogue with the sciences. It publishes articles and original contributions -in Spanish and Portuguese- that make progress in the knowledge of the issues addressed, and contribute to the debate on the current problems of theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy, and the interpretation and criticism of the history of philosophy. The works published by the journal are therefore of interest to a broad audience. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar/publicaciones/index.php/Topicos/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeRevue freudienne fondée en 1969 par Piera Aulagnier,Topique est l’une des grandes revues françaises de psychanalyse et un lieu d’ouverture vers l’intérieur de la psychanalyse et ses différents courants autant que vers l’extérieur et les autres disciplines qui contribuent à la pensée de l’humain. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.revuetopique.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Trabajo y Derecho
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23868090, 23868112
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
University of Bucharest Review: Literary and Cultural Studies Series
ScopeUniversity of Bucharest Review was founded in 1999 and has been a constant presence on the Romanian academic scene ever since. Over the years, we have published issues bearing such diverse titles as Fictions of Nature, Genres and Historicity, Durability and Transience, Writing the Self, or Modernity: The Crisis of Value and Judgment which include papers focusing on various topics from the fields of critical theory, literary criticism, social anthropology, British, American and Canadian cultural studies, translatology, comparative literature, the study of nationalism and postcommunism. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://ubr.rev.unibuc.ro/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeČasopis Vakcinologie si klade za cíl být důležitým zdrojem informací pro praktické lékaře a pediatry v oblasti vakcinologie. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.mf.cz/produkty/vakcinologie/predstaveni-titulu/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeVeredas (e-ISSN 2183-816X) is a biannual journal of the International Association of Lusitanistas (Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas). It is a scientific publication that aims to disseminate researchs on the literature and culture of Portuguese-speaking countries. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://revistaveredas.org/index.php/ver" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
08745102, 2183816X
ScopeVertiflite magazine is the official publication of the Vertical Flight Society, the professional organization working for the advancement of vertical flight technology and its useful application throughout the world. Vertiflite's editorial energies are devoted to informing our readers of the advances being made in the industry and encouraging increasingly broader use of vertical flight aircraft. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://vtol.org/publications/vertiflite-magazine" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Vox Romanica
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
Waiguo Yuyan yu Wenhua
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
Weimarer Beitrage
ScopeDie Weimarer Beiträge sind eine Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, aktuelle ästhetische Theorie und Kulturwissenschaft. Zu Ihren Schwerpunkten gehören moderne Literatur im Rahmen anderer Künste und Medien, die Wechselbeziehungen von Literatur, philosophischer und ästhetischer Reflexion sowie die kritische Analyse der Gegenwartskultur. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://weimarer-beitraege.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeThe Magazine has always sought to provide a Western Australian-based voice, although its contributors and subject matter have never been geographically exclusive. It publishes creative writing and scholarship from throughout the world, but maintains a special emphasis on Australia, particularly Western Australia, and the Asian region. Westerly has a strong international reputation, and is listed in some of the world’s major cultural indexes. It has been instrumental in the careers of many of the region’s most prominent and internationally renowned writers. These include major Western Australian writers such as Randolph Stow, Dorothy Hewett, T.A.G. Hungerford and Elizabeth Jolley; highly-awarded contemporary writers, including Tim Winton, Kim Scott, and Sally Morgan; and important local poets like John Kinsella, Tracy Ryan, John Mateer, and Lucy Dougan. Equally, it seeks to invest in emerging writers and support the development of new careers. It is published at the Westerly Centre (formerly the Centre for Studies in Australian Literature) at the University of Western Australia, with assistance in project funding from the Western Australian State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and the Australian Federal Government through the Australia Council for the Arts. Our Writers’ Development Program and Mid-Career Fellowship is supported by Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://westerlymag.com.au/about/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Woman's Art Journal
ScopeWoman’s Art Journal, a semiannual periodical published in May and November, addresses women’s art heritage and contemporary issues as they relate to women. Articles on individual women should focus on the subject’s life as well as her work and should include comments about how matters of gender affected her life and work. Contributors receive five copies of the issue in which their article appears. WAJ is supported primarily by subscription sales. Authors are urged to subscribe to WAJ and to ask their institutions and colleagues to do the same. No material previously published in the English language will be accepted for publication. If an article has previously been published in another language, that information must be supplied. Requests to reproduce articles for classroom use are fulfilled unless the author indicates otherwise. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/waj-home/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
World Oil
ScopeWorld Oil’s mission is, “Defining Conventional, Shale and Offshore Technology for Oil and Gas.” World Oil readers are global, qualified upstream engineers, management, and operating professionals. World Oil brings buyers and sellers together through World Oil's superior, audited circulation and engaged online audience. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.worldoil.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung
ScopeThe Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte (ZRG, also known as the Savigny Journal) represents an integral part of European legal history research, having made a significant contribution to the current state of the discipline. Each section publishes a new volume per year which includes an article and a literature section, each complemented by a Chronik and Mitteilungen section. The Romanistic area of research traditionally represents a key piece of legal history. The contributions deal with the various jurisdictions of the ancient Mediterranean - especially the Sumerian, Greek and Roman jurisdictions - their historical impact on Europe and Asia Minor as well as the reception and discussion of modern legal systems around the world. Analytical contributions apply to single legal entities. Comparative analyses trace developments. Current reports provide the newest results of excavations and library findings. The section “Dokumente” summarises source editions and translations. The main topics of the current global Romanistic research, new publications, and translations are reflected in the literature section in the form of detailed criticism. Obituaries, chronicle and notification sections are respected expert forums. We have presented the Romanistische Abteilung with a current source index at the end of each volume since 1997. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/zrgr/zrgr-overview.xml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
03234096, 23044934
Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur
ScopeOne of the oldest journals of German studies, Zeitschriftfür deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur was founded 1841 by Moritz Haupt. In 1876, the Anzeiger was incorporated, adding new areas of interest to the journal: besides German medieval language and literature also dialect studies and onomastics. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.zfda.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte
ScopeToday the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, founded in 1932 in Berlin, is one of the leading international journals for art historians around the world, publishing essays on all epochs, subjects and methodical approaches. Articles, reviewed by an independent body, are published in German, English, French or Italian. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/zkg/zkg-overview.xml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Zivot Umjetnosti
ScopeŽivot umjetnosti is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twice a year in a bilingual edition (Croatian and English). It conforms to the normative criteria for scholarly publications and nurtures the tradition of continuous publication since 1966. Dedicated to the fields of modern and contemporary art, urbanism, architecture and design, the journal covers a wide range of topics from addressing specific phenomena to deliberating on relevant issues at a theoretical level. The areas of Central and South East Europe are addressed with particular focus, as the contextual placement of Croatian art. The consideration for publishing is limited to original scholarly papers only. Besides scholarly texts, the editorial board holds the right to publish secondary content of expert nature: current events overviews, book reviews, interviews, translations of specialized literature into Croatian etc. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://zivotumjetnosti.ipu.hr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
05147794, 18492207
ScopePublished annually online, "Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies" is a scientific publication that aims at interdisciplinary research on the meanings attributed to animals. The way the knowledge in this area is coordinated and the reconstruction of modern nodal areas for thinking about the world of animals and humans involve the need to create an environment for the exchange of ideas that does not fit within a single domain. The journal constitutes a forum of expression for theoreticians and cultural historians as well as specialists in zoology and history of science. One of its founding hypotheses was that the perspective of animal studies allows for creating a direct link between worldview discussions and cultural changes in the human-animal relationship. This has already been confirmed by a variety of English-language studies; whereas this journal aims to reconstruct human and animal relations in Central and Eastern European countries as well as in other areas of culture. In subsequent publications, the proposed perspective is to present the hitherto unexplored changes of cultural and moral models that are present in the latest discussions on ecologically oriented humanities and its version “post.” The specialist online journal is not only devoted to publishing articles on the new discipline of knowledge – zoophilology. It has been founded to meet contemporary expectations and requirements set by the representatives of “third culture” in animal studies, namely biohumanities and ecoposthumanism. The annual publication is part of the trend that can be observed in the developing young interdisciplinary fields under the label of “zoo,” i.e. zoopoetics, zoosemiotics, zooanthropology, zootheology, zoomusicology, zooethnology and even zoopharmacognosy, as well as any other new and related research directions, such as ecocritics, ecolinguistics or geopoetics. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/ZOOPHILOLOGICA/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
24513849, 27192687
Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia
ScopeActa Asiatica Varsoviensia (AAV) publishes texts belonging to the humanities, in particular cultural and religious studies, history, as well as philosophy and literary studies. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://aav.iksiopan.pl/en" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
08606102, 24498653
Acta Classica
ScopeActa Classica (ISSN 0065-1141 [print] / 2227-538X [online]) publishes full articles, miscellaneous articles, review articles and reviews. The language of publication is mainly English, but many contributions have also been written in Afrikaans, German, French, Dutch, Latin, and Italian. Acta Classica is an international journal. It has published work by scholars residing in South Africa, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, Rhodesia and Nyasaland / Zimbabwe / Tanzania, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Poland, Greece, France, and Japan. The journal publishes work in all fields of Classics, from textual criticism to the Classical Tradition / Reception Studies. Many contributions have been made in the field of Ancient History, but the majority have been literary in nature. Further contributions have been made in the field of Ancient Philosophy and Ancient Religion. Some interesting work has also been done in the history of Classical Scholarship -- including the work of South African Classics scholars -- Lexicography, Epigraphy, Art, and Archaeology. There have also been articles in such diverse areas of study as Research Methodology in Classics and Byzantine / Medieval Studies. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.casa-kvsa.org.za/legacy/acta_classica.htm" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis
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0418453X, 27323390
Acta Historica Tallinnensia
ScopeActa Historica Tallinnensia is an international history journal published since 1997 by the Estonian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Tallinn University and the University of Tartu. The journal is devoted to the history of the Eastern Europe, of the Baltic Sea region and of the Baltic States. We welcome papers dealing with any aspects of history from medieval to contemporary period. The submitted papers should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission. All paper submissions, accepted by the editorial board, will be refereed in a double-blind review process by at least two reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. The journal publishes research papers and review essays in English and in Estonian. All articles are provided with short summaries: if the article is written in Estonian, the summary should be in English, and vice versa. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://kirj.ee/historica/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14062925, 17367476
Acta Literaria
ScopeActa Literaria offers its readers seven articles of academics and academics from Chile, Argentina and Mexico. The texts of the researchers and researchers included in the number we present constitute a current reflection of the orientations of literary studies in Latin America. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://revistasacademicas.udec.cl/index.php/acta_literaria/index" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
07160909, 07176848
Acta Musei Napocensis
ScopeActa Musei Napocensis is an annual scientific journal, printed at the end of the year (December). Its purpose is to publish studies and articles in international languages, in the field of ancient history and archeology. All specialists conducting research in this field are invited to submit for evaluation and publication the results of their research, taking into account the evaluation rules of the journal, as well as the international rules on ethics in research and publication. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://amn.mnit.ro/ro/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14541513, 27344487
Acta Poloniae Historica
ScopePublished by the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Publishers, the semiannual Acta Poloniae Historica (APH) ranks among the leading Polish historical periodicals in international circulation. Founded by the outstanding Polish historian Marian Małowist (1909–1988), APH has been published since 1958 under the patronage of the Committee for Historical Sciences. The magazine deals with problems and issues reflecting the most recent research findings and the output of Polish historians covering the historic periods spanning from the Middle Ages till the present, as well as offers a representation of the most important currents of world historiography in the Polish – and, more broadly, Central European – historiography. Every volume of this periodical follows a defined structural pattern, including: Studies; Reviews; Short Notes – the latter referring to new publications, chronologically ordered from the mediaeval era to our day, worth presenting, especially, to the foreign reader; the Chronicle section offers reports on scientific or scholarly event worth being recorded and reported on. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://aph-ihpan.edu.pl/index.php?lang=en" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Scope"Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica” is the scholarly resource in the study of archaeology and historical archaeology. The journal aims to publish the results of archaeological research conducted mainly in Central Europe. FA publishes studies based both on material culture sources and on written records, ranging from the beginnings of culture to the present day. Within the thematic are also theoretical analyses on research methods and methodology. On the national arena, but also on the European or world stage, we are distinguished primarily by the fact that we frequently publish in our pages works on research at archaeological sites from modern times, e.g. the period of World War I and II, as well as places related to the genocide of fascist and communist totalitarianism. Considering the subject and a group of outstanding researchers, not only archaeologists but also representatives of other scientific disciplines (historians, anthropologists, geographers, etc.), gives us a unique position, not only among Polish scientific journals, setting publication standards for new thematic ranges of archaeological research. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/archaeo" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
02086034, 24498300
Actualizaciones en Osteologia
ScopeActualizaciones en Osteología is the official scientific journal of the Argentinean Association of Osteology and Mineral Metabolism (AAOMM). Actualizaciones en Osteogía publishes manuscripts written in Spanish or English describing clinical and experimental aspects within osteology and mineral metabolism. The articles should be original, meet the uniform requirements for manuscript submission and be comprised in one of the sections of the journal (Original Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Editorials, Letters to the Editor). Articles are peer-reviewed by national and international experts in the field. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.osteologia.org.ar/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
16698975, 16698983
Actuel Marx
ScopeLa revue Actuel Marx, créée en 1986 par Jacques Bidet et Jacques Texier, a maintenant près de 30 ans. L’année 2006 aura été la première à porter la trace du changement de sa direction et de son comité de rédaction. En septembre 2005, Emmanuel Renault a succédé à Jacques Bidet, directeur de la revue depuis sa fondation. En mai 2015, Jean-Numa Ducange et Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc ont relayé Emmanuel Renault tout en s'inscrivant dans la continuité de leurs deux prédécesseurs, et en préservant le lien de la revue à l'équipe Sophiapol de l'université Paris-Ouest-Nanterre. Chaque numéro associe un dossier thématique traitant de questions théoriques ou de questions plus directement en prise sur la conjoncture historique et politique, et un hors dossier d'interventions, d'entretiens et de recensions faisant état de la diversité des recherches internationales autour de Marx, des marxismes et des pensées critiques contemporaines. La nouvelle direction et le nouveau comité de rédaction revendiquent également une continuité intellectuelle avec les publications passées de la revue, l’objectif étant de renouveler des problématiques et de faciliter l’intelligibilité des articles. Depuis sa fondation, la revue Actuel Marx se propose de participer à la réélaboration d’une forme de pensée qui articule les traditions du marxisme aux autres courants majeurs de la pensée contemporaine. Elle a peu a peu constitué autour d’elle une communauté scientifique en relation avec les principaux autres centres comparables dans les diverses aires culturelles, notamment anglo-saxonne, allemande, italienne, espagnole, brésilienne, chinoise et japonaise.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.puf.com/Collections/Actuel_Marx" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Ad Limina
ScopeLa revista posee un carácter multilingüe ‒admite y publica textos en las principales lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea‒, así como una clara vocación interdisciplinar e internacional que le permite dirigirse a un amplio espectro de investigadores de cualquier nacionalidad. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.caminodesantiago.gal/es/conocimiento-e-investigacion/ad-limina" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
2171620X, 26595885
Ada User Journal
ScopeThe Ada User Journal provides coverage of significant work in a set of (evolving) topics of interest, which include, but are not limited to: Ada Language Status and Evolution [...] Ada Experience Reports[...] Real-Time, Embedded and Critical Applications[...] Reliable Software and Software Engineering at large[...] Enabling Technologies[...] Education and Training[...]Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.ada-europe.org/journal.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
ScopeAdvances in Imaging & Electron Physics merges two long-running serials--Advances in Electronics & Electron Physics and Advances in Optical & Electron Microscopy. The series features extended articles on the physics of electron devices (especially semiconductor devices), particle optics at high and low energies, microlithography, image science and digital image processing, electromagnetic wave propagation, electron microscopy, and the computing methods used in all these domains. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/bookseries/advances-in-imaging-and-electron-physics" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
ScopeThe journal focuses on philology, linguistics, archaeology, history, cultural anthropology, religion, philosophy, literature, and manuscript studies with a regional emphasis on Eritrea, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and related areas. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://journals.sub.uni-hamburg.de/aethiopica" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14301938, 21944024
Aevum - Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche
ScopeRassegna di Scienze storiche linguistiche e filologiche A cura della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Attualmente pubblica in tre fascicoli annuali – rispettivamente dedicati al mondo classico, al Medioevo, all'Occidente moderno – articoli brevi e lunghi, cronache, recensioni e annunzi bibliografici. Ogni fascicolo, offrendo pubblicazione di inediti, analisi rigorose, discussioni critiche e approfondimenti eruditi, contribuisce al progredire degli studi. «Aevum» è un periodico scientifico aperto a contributi nel campo della storia, della filologia, delle scienze documentarie (epigrafia, paleografia, ecc.), della tradizione culturale europea nella sua specificità e negli scambi con altre culture, dall'antichità all'età moderna. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://aevum.vitaepensiero.it/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
00019593, 1827787X
ScopeEstablished in 1998, Afterall is a journal of contemporary art that provides in-depth analysis of art and its social, political, and philosophical contexts. Each issue provides the reader with well-researched contributions that discuss each artist’s work from different perspectives. Contextual essays and other texts discussing events, works, or exhibitions further develop the thematic focus of each issue. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/aft/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14654253, 21564914
Agricultural Commodities
ScopeAgricultural Commodities is published by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), an Australian government economic research agency noted for its professionally independent research and analysis, and forecasting. Agricultural Commodities includes forecasts for the full range of export commodities, so that industries can better plan their future based on sound research. Commodity results cover agriculture, minerals, energy, fisheries and forestry. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.informit.org/product-details/366/AGCOM/titles" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
AIChE, Ammonia Plant Safty and Related Facilities v12 (CEP Tech Manual)
ScopeExperts from around the world will discuss the latest advances related to the safe production and use of ammonia, case studies, and lessons learned. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.aiche.org/conferences/annual-safety-ammonia-plants-and-related-facilities-symposium/2019" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Air Force Magazine
ScopeAir Force Magazine is the official publication of the Air Force Association. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.airforcemag.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
ScopeAither is a double-blind peer review, Open Access online academic journal. It is indexed at ERIH+ and Scopus. It is published by the Faculty of Arts of the Palacký University in Olomouc in cooperation with the Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It comes out twice a year. Every second issue is international and contains foreign-language articles (mainly in English, but also in German and French). Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://aither.upol.cz/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Ajalooline Ajakiri
Scope“Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal” is peer-reviewed academic journal of the Institute of History and Archaeology, University of Tartu. It accepts articles in Estonian, English or German. It is open to submissions from all parts of the world and on all fields of history, but articles, reviews and communications on the history of the Baltic region are preferred.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/EAA" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14063859, 22283897
ScopeAkroterion welcomes scholarly contributions on all aspects of Greek and Roman civilization. Preference is given to articles that will also appeal to the non-specialist. We particularly encourage submission of articles dealing with the influence and reception of the Classics. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://akroterion.journals.ac.za/pub" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
03031896, 20792883
ScopeAleph is devoted to the exploration of the interface between Judaism and science in history. We welcome contributions on any chapter in the history of science in which Judaism played a significant role, or on any chapter in the history of Judaism in which science played a significant role. Science is conceived very broadly, including the social sciences and the humanities. History of science is also broadly construed within its social and cultural dimensions.Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://iupress.org/journals/aleph/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
15533956, 15651525
American and British Studies Annual
ScopeThe American and British Studies Annual (ABSA, ISSN 2788-2233) is an open-access scholarly peer-reviewed journal focused on American and British cultural studies. . Our aim is to create a platform for scholarly exchange not only within the Czech Republic but internationally. We seek original articles that explore wide range of issues concerning American and British literature, visual arts, music and other cultural phenomena as well as cultural history. The editors encourage submissions from scholars working in various disciplines with interests in American and British cultures, as well as articles with interdisciplinary perspectives on those cultures. We also devote a portion of the journal to outstanding undergraduate student contributions. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://absa.upce.cz/index.php/absa/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
18036058, 27882233
American City and County
ScopeAmerican City & County has been the voice of state and local government since 1909. The magazine serves a powerful audience of city, county and state officials who are charged with developing and implementing government policy, programs and projects. The magazine maintains its leadership position by providing these readers with news, government trends, policy alternatives and operational solutions. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.americancityandcounty.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
American Forests
ScopeAmerican Forests has been publishing its magazine since 1895. Filled with beautiful photographs and informative articles highlighting our nation’s forests and trees, American Forests features information for everyone from the environmentally conscious to the outdoor enthusiast. Its feature articles take readers into America’s forests to discover new trails and adventures or to uncover the latest science and policy breakthroughs. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.americanforests.org/magazine/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
American Journal of Forensic Psychology
ScopeThe Journal was founded in 1983 and continues to publish thought-provoking, original papers that raise new questions and issues in the engaging field of forensic psychology. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.forensicpsychology.org/journal.htm" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
American Journal of Numismatics
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American Nineteenth Century History
ScopeAmerican Nineteenth Century History is a peer-reviewed, transatlantic journal devoted to the history of the United States during the long nineteenth century. It welcomes contributions on themes and topics relating to America in this period: slavery, race, and ethnicity, the Civil War and Reconstruction, military history, American nationalism, urban history, immigration and ethnicity, western history, the history of women, gender studies, African Americans and Native Americans, cultural studies and comparative pieces. In addition to articles based on original research, historiographical pieces, reassessments of historical controversies, and reappraisals of prominent events or individuals are welcome. Special issues devoted to a particular theme or topic will also be considered. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fanc20/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
14664658, 17437903
American Poetry Review
ScopeThe American Poetry Review is dedicated to reaching a worldwide audience with a diverse array of the best contemporary poetry and literary prose. APR also aims to expand the audience interested in poetry and literature, and to provide authors, especially poets, with a far-reaching forum in which to present their work. The American Poetry Review has been in continuous publication since 1972 and has presented the work of over 5,000 writers. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="https://www.aprweb.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal
Analele Banatului: Arheologie - Istorie
ScopeThe published articles are of archaeological, historical and museological interest and are mainly related to the region of Banat, but also to romanian and universal history. The structure of the journal is the following: – Archaeology and Ancient History – Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History – History of culture, Museology, Historiography, Catalogues, Varia. Join the conversation about this journal
<a href="http://www.bcut.ro/Analele%20Banatului%20Arheologie-Istorie/?home,1" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a>