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EPRI Journal | ScopeIt provides in-depth reporting on electricity sector R&D, industry and technology news, EPRI thought leadership, and guest perspectives from industry leaders. With features, brief articles, info-graphics, and other engaging digital formats, readers gain insights through clear explanations about technology developments, utility field experiences, and real-world solutions. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://eprijournal.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03623416, 15490084 |
ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance | ScopeESQ is devoted to the study of nineteenth-century American literature. We invite submission of original articles, welcome work grounded in a wide range of theoretical and critical perspectives, and encourage inquiries proposing submissions and projects. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://english.wsu.edu/esq-home/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00938297, 1935021X |
Etudes Anglaises | ScopeFondée en 1937 pour prendre la suite de la Revue anglo-américaine, la revue Études anglaises jouit d'une très vaste audience nationale et internationale. Accueillant les travaux des anglicistes français et étrangers, la revue paraît à raison de quatre numéros annuels de 128 pages chacun. Études anglaises publie des recherches en littérature, en linguistique et en civilisation et couvre le domaine anglophone sous tous ses aspects: anglais, américain, postcolonial, littérature mondiale, etc. Internationalement reconnue, la revue publie des articles évalués de façon anonyme, est présente électroniquement sur le site cairn.info, accueille des numéros spéciaux sous la responsabilité d'éditeurs invités, tout en restant au service de la communauté française des anglicistes. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.klincksieck.com/les-livres/collection/5-etudes-anglaises" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0014195X |
Etudes Germaniques | ScopeLa revue Études germaniques a pour but d’informer avec un grand souci d’impartialité et d’objectivité scientifique tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la vie du monde germanique (Allemagne, Suisse, pays scandinaves et néerlandais, études yiddish et judéo-allemandes), aussi bien sur des questions qui touchent à la linguistique, à la littérature, à l’histoire, à la philosophie, à l’art, à la religion — en un mot à la civilisation — qu’à celles qui relèvent de l’actualité et qui sont étudiées dans un esprit de savants et non de partisans.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.klincksieck.com/les-livres/collection/8-etudes-germaniques" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 142115 |
Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses | ScopeFondée en 1926, la revue Études théologiques et religieuses est une revue à comité de lecture qui publie quatre numéros par an. Organe de diffusion de la recherche scientifique des Facultés de l’Institut protestant de théologie dont elle relaie les travaux, ETR participe aux débats qui animent les sciences religieuses et qui traversent en premier lieu le champ théologique dont elle entend favoriser la visibilité. Par la spécificité de ses domaines d’enquête – biblique et exégétique, historique, philosophique et éthique –, elle se situe à un carrefour d’usages scientifiques qui dépassent l’histoire du protestantisme pour embrasser le vaste champ des études du religieux.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.revue-etr.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00142239, 22729011 |
Europe | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.europe-revue.net/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 142751 |
European Drama and Performance Studies | ScopeEuropean Drama and Performance Studies is a journal devoted to the history of performing arts. Thematic issues are published in French and/or English.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://classiques-garnier.com/european-drama-and-performance-studies-en.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 20458541, 22669035 |
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy | ScopeEuropean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy®, is a peer reviewed biomedical journal that publish papers related to clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacotherapy and clinical management in the following sections, not necessary included in every issue. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.farmclin.com/seccion.asp?Id=1" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2385409X |
European Romantic Review | ScopeThe European Romantic Review publishes innovative scholarship on the literature and culture of Europe, Great Britain and the Americas during the period 1760-1840. Topics range from the scientific and psychological interests of German and English authors through the political and social reverberations of the French Revolution to the philosophical and ecological implications of Anglo-American nature writing. Selected papers from the annual conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism appear in one of the six issues published each year. Essays published in ERR will be considered for an annual award co-sponsored by ERR and NASSR.
Book reviews commissioned for two of the six annual issues represent a cross section of concerns in Romantic Era studies and call attention to important new titles and editions from major university and academic presses. Book reviews are distinguished by their depth of analysis, acquainting readers with the substance and significance of current criticism and scholarship in the field. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gerr20/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 10509585, 17404657 |
Farbe und Lack | ScopeFARBE UND LACK ist das richtungsweisende Fachmagazin der deutschsprachigen Lackwelt mit monatlich aktuellen Technologie- und Marktinformationen, Trends und Fakten aus der Branche – als professioneller Mix aus Information und Kommentar sowie Trend und Hintergrund bietet FARBE UND LACK u.a.:
Monatliche Fokusthemen: Umfassende Themenpakete mit technischen Fachbeiträgen, vertiefenden Interviews und Marktübersichten
Menschen und Meinungen: Erfahren Sie, wie Marktführer und Branchenexperten aktuelle Veränderungen im Lackmarkt einschätzen und bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über relevante Branchenverbände und Interessensgruppen.
Mittelstand konkret: Aktuelle Gesetze und Regularien, betriebswirtschaftliche Hintergründe und praxisnahe Tipps für KMU als Basis für ein erfolgreiches Agieren im Markt. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.farbeundlack.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 147699 |
Figures de la Psychanalyse | ScopeFigures de la psychanalyse (Logos Anankè, nouvelle série), est la revue d'Espace analytique, l'association de formation psychanalytique et de recherches freudiennes, fondée par Maud Mannoni.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.editions-eres.com/collection/125/figures-de-la-psychanalyse" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 16233883, 17762847 |
Film and History | ScopeAreas of Interest:
-The effect of historical events on films, genres, or cultural & aesthetic standards-
The effect of films or film genres on historical or cultural events-
The aesthetic or rhetorical construction of history itself, as rendered in film-
Use of motion pictures, television, and related media in the classroom-
The history, holdings, and current status of film and television archives-
New or controversial ways of presenting history in film and television-
Reviews of books and video/films and broadcasts addressing important themes or events Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.filmandhistory.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03603695, 15489922 |
Film International | ScopeFilm International covers film culture as part of the broader culture, history and economy of society. We address topics of contemporary relevance from historically-informed perspectives. We wish to bridge the gap between the academy and the outside world, and encourage the participation of scholars from a variety of disciplines. We refuse the facile dichotomies of 'high' and 'low', Hollywood and independent, art and commercial cinema. We discuss Hollywood films seriously, and 'art' movies critically. We aim at becoming a truly international journal, recognising local specificities, but also the ultimate interconnectedness of an increasingly globalised world. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.intellectbooks.com/film-international-journal-of-world-cinema" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 16516826, 20403801 |
Filozofska Istrazivanja | ScopeFilozofska istraživanja znanstveni je Äasopis Hrvatskog filozofskog druÅ¡tva, sa sjediÅ¡tem u Zagrebu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pokrenut 1980. godine, s vremenom je postao najvažniji Äasopis za filozofiju u Republici Hrvatskoj i jedan od relevantnijih na podruÄju JugoistoÄne Europe. Svoj je uspjeh postigao angažiranim promicanjem otvorenosti prema novim idejama, pristupima i metodologijama, odnosno prema razliÄitim orijentacijama, Å¡kolama i strujama, kao i prema marginaliziranim ili neopravdano zapostavljenim temama. Njegujući kriterije zdravog i druÅ¡tveno funkcionalnog znanstvenog dijaloga, postao je konstitutivnim Äimbenikom u razvoju regionalne filozofijske kulture.
ÄŒasopis od 1980. redovito izlazi u Äetiri sveska godiÅ¡nje, a objavljuje iskljuÄivo izvorna znanstvena istraživanja, prethodna priopćenja i pregledne radove iz svih filozofskih i filozofiji srodnih disciplina, ukljuÄujući interdisciplinarna i transdisciplinarna istraživanja s relevantnim filozofskim udjelom, te kritiÄke prikaze (recenzije) novobjavljenih (izvornih ili prevedenih) monografija, sabranih djela, zbornika, enciklopedija, rjeÄnika i drugih tipova djela relevatnih za podruÄje. TakoÄ‘er, u drugom i Äetvrtom svesku svakog godiÅ¡ta pod kategorijom â€Filozofski život“ objavljuju se izvjeÅ¡taji sa znanstvenih i popularno-znanstvenih dogaÄ‘aja od filozofskog ili Å¡ireg znanstveno-druÅ¡tvenog znaÄaja, poput tribina, konferencija i festivala, a u Äetvrtom svesku godiÅ¡ta izlazi bibliografija izdanog godiÅ¡ta. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://hrcak.srce.hr/filozofska-istrazivanja" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3514706 |
Forum Stadt | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.forum-stadt.eu/start" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1709364 |
Foundry Trade Journal International | ScopeIt is published ten times a year and contains all the latest developments affecting the cast metals and associated industries.
Articles include: industry and product news, company profiles, the latest trends in metal prices, specific practical features, technical reports and papers, details on the latest recruitment and career development options and news on all the major international industry exhibitions and conferences.
Foundry Trade Journal is an international magazine for the global cast metals industry. It is published ten times a year and mailed to individuals employed in the castings industry and to leading companies in the UK, Europe, Asia, the Americas and the rest of the world.
Contributors include the leading lights in the industry and each issue includes industry and product news, company profiles, the latest trends in metal prices, specific practical features, technical reports and papers, details on the latest recruitment and career development options and news on all the major international industry exhibitions and conferences. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.foundrytradejournal.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 17589789 |
Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction | ScopeWe invite you to experience Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction, a journal devoted to publishing notable, innovative work in nonfiction. Given the genre’s flexibility and expansiveness, we welcome a variety of works ranging from personal essays and memoirs to literary journalism and personal criticism. The editors invite works that are lyrical, self-interrogative, meditative, and reflective, as well as expository, analytical, exploratory, or whimsical. In short, we encourage submissions across the full spectrum of the genre. The journal encourages a writer-to-reader conversation, one that explores the markers and boundaries of literary/creative nonfiction.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://msupress.org/journals/fourth-genre/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 15223868, 15441733 |
Gaceta Medica de Bilbao | ScopeGACETA MÉDICA DE BILBAO publishes original papers, short original texts, reviews, clinical notes, methodology notes, special articles, letters to the editor, and other texts related to any aspect of the health sciences, consumer affairs and health administration. All the manuscripts received are initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee and, as and when appropriate, by independent referees. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.gacetamedicabilbao.eus/index.php/gacetamedicabilbao" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03044858, 21732302 |
Galvanotechnik | ScopeBesides its regular editorial coverage, every issue of Galvanotechnik presents four special feature sections on: energy technologies, thin-film and plasma technologies, medical technology, and environmental technology. Each of these editorial sections specifically addresses the topic of coating and the demands of coating operators. The special section on energy technology is dedicated to energy efficiency for galvanic plants. It also explores the economic opportunities that Germany's sustainable energy policies are offering to coating operators. The special on thin-film and plasma technologies illuminates the pertinent topics connected with coating processes. The special on medical technology introduces you to the latest news and developments in coating processes for components used in medical equipment. This is complemented by conference reports from the medical field. The environmental section of Galvanotechnik looks at the environmental and workplace safety issues relevant to industrial coating operations. This includes technical innovations and basic information as well as legal considerations. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.leuze-verlag.de/en/journals/galvanotechnik-en" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 164232 |
Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.gwf-wasser.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 163651 |
Geodrilling International | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.geodrillinginternational.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 9693769 |
Geografija v Soli | ScopeRubrika Å irimo obzorja v branje ponuja prispevke, namenjene uÄiteljevi strokovni rasti; prouÄujejo regije doma in po svetu, prispevki pa posegajo tudi na podroÄja drugih, geografiji sorodnih strok. Iz prakse vsebuje prispevke z didaktiÄnimi vsebinami in primere dobrih praks, ki jih lahko uporabite pri pouku (OÅ in SÅ ). Tematski poudarki: formativno spremljanje, medpredmetno povezovanje, terensko delo in kartiranje, uporaba IKT pri pouku geografije, trajnostni razvoj, geopolitiÄne, ekonomske in sorodne teme, inkluzija. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.zrss.si/strokovne-resitve/revije/geografija-v-soli" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 13184717 |
German Studies Review | ScopeGerman Studies Review (GSR) is the scholarly journal of the German Studies Association (GSA), the world's largest academic association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of the German-speaking countries. Recent issues have covered topics from Alexander von Humboldt and postcolonial theory to Krupp housing estates in the Ruhr Valley to the popularity of German gangsta rap. A peer-reviewed journal, GSR includes articles and book reviews on the history, literature, culture, and politics of the German-speaking areas of Europe encompassing primarily, but not exclusively, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/german-studies-review" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1497952 |
Gestalt | ScopeLa Revue Gestalt est destinée à un large public de personnes s'intéressant à la Gestalt-thérapie, des professionnels et futurs professionnels, des étudiants, enseignants, universitaires et formateurs mais aussi à tous ceux et celles qui sont intéressés par la partie philosophique de la Gestalt qui développe un certain art de vivre gestaltiste.
Après avoir publié depuis 1981, des articles de fond sur la Gestalt-thérapie dans le Bulletin de Liaison de l'association qui est réservé aux adhérents, la SFG décida en juin 1989, de publier une revue destinée à un lectorat plus large que ses propres membres afin de continuer la réflexion et la recherche en Gestalt-thérapie avec l'objectif de faire connaître la Gestalt à un plus grand nombre et de participer à son développement. Le rythme de parution est de deux numéros par an, habituellement en juin et décembre.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.sfg-gestalt.com/societe-francaise-gestalt/revue-gestalt/partager-pensee-vivante" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 11545232 |
Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana | ScopeIl «Giornale critico della filosofia italiana» è una delle più antiche e prestigiose riviste italiane: fondato nel 1920 da Giovanni Gentile, ha rappresentato per tre quarti di secolo il luogo d’incontro della ricerca filosofica e storico-filosofica italiana ed europea. Diretta dal 1980 da Eugenio Garin, la rivista ospita oggi quanto di meglio nel campo della ricerca storico-filosofica producono le nuove generazioni nell’Università e fuori, senza perdere l’apporto di grandi maestri e di studiosi stranieri; e ciò nell’intento di far posto alla riflessione sull’intreccio tra la filosofia italiana e le discussioni europee e mondiali. Il «Giornale critico», quadrimestrale, giunge a circa 300 Biblioteche e Istituti universitari e di cultura, metà delle quali all’estero, ed è fra i periodici specializzati che godono di più seria considerazione a livello internazionale: per l’ampiezza dei temi trattati che toccano la storia e l’attualità della cultura filosofica e scientifica e per la tradizione di rigore filologico che la contraddistingue, la testata è un punto di riferimento indispensabile per gli studi storici e umanistici, per studenti e docenti, dalle superiori all’Università . Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.lelettere.it/rivista-giornale-critico-della-filosofia-italiana/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 170089 |
gis.Business | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 18699286 |
Glass International | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.glass-international.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1437836 |
Goethe Jahrbuch | ScopeDas Goethe-Jahrbuch 2019 versammelt die Vorträge des Podiums »Goethes ›West-östlicher Divan‹ aus heutiger Sicht«.
Es enthält zudem die Vorträge während der Hauptversammlung, die im Juni 2019 zahlreiche Gäste aus der ganzen Welt in Weimar führte sowie Abhandlungen und Miszellen zu Goethes Leben und Werk. Ein umfangreicher Rezensionsteil zu wichtigen Neuerscheinungen und Berichte über das Wirken der Goethe-Gesellschaft im In- und Ausland ergänzen den Band.Das Goethe-Jahrbuch ist das Publikationsorgan der 1885 in Weimar gegründeten Goethe-Gesellschaft mit derzeit ca. 3.000 Mitgliedern in 55 Ländern der Welt.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.goethe-gesellschaft.de/jahrbuch.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3234207 |
Gradiva | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 3638057 |
Hart's E and P | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.hartenergy.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 15274063 |
Harvard Design Magazine | ScopeHarvard Design Magazine probes beyond the established design disciplines to enrich and diversify current discourse. Scholarly, poetic, and visually lush, each presents new interpretations of design’s defining role in today’s culture. Distinguished and unexpected voices from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning meet those from the realms of art, science, literature, and beyond. A space for dialogue, speculation, and surprise: Harvard Design Magazine opens a door onto the applied device of design, and the people, places, and politics it engages. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.harvarddesignmagazine.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 10934421 |
Haut | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 9382216 |
Henry James Review | ScopeThe Henry James Review is the only journal devoted to Henry James. One of the very best single-author journals in the marketplace, it is open to the diversity of critical biographical, archival, and creative work being done on James. In addition to the insightful essays, every issue contains book reviews of works across the broad range of James Studies. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/henry-james-review" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 02730340, 10806555 |
Highways | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.highwaysmagazine.co.uk/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 01426168, 0267825X |
Hispanofila | ScopeA UNC-CH Department of Romance Studies publication since 1968, Hispanófila appears three times per year. The journal accepts innovative essays on any literary, linguistic, or cultural topic dealing with the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://romlpub.unc.edu/hispanofila/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 182206 |
Historia | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 01019074, 19804369 |
Historie a Vojenstvi | Join the conversation about this journal | null | 182583 |
Homme (Germany) | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 1016362X, 21945071 |
Hortus Artium Mediaevalium | ScopeHortus Artium Medievalium is the annual journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (Motovun, Croatia), established in 1993. The journal has a particular interest in studying artefacts for the history of art, and to study the period from Late Antiquity to the end of the Gothic period in an interdisciplinary, international and diachronic fashion. An annual colloquium gathers appropriate specialists, from which the papers are drawn.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.brepols.net/Pages/BrowseBySeries.aspx?TreeSeries=HAM" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 13307274 |
Hospital Infection Control and Prevention | ScopeInformation not localizedJoin the conversation about this journal | null | 0098180X |
IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine | ScopeIEEE Women in Engineering Magazine is the first magazine to focus on issues facing women who study or work in IEEE's fields of interest. The premiere issue, published in 2008, featured articles covering the political and international issues surrounding technology, including cultural differences in the workplace. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=4509581" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1942065X |
IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.janes.com/defence-news/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 20483430 |
Ikon | ScopeJournal of Iconographic StudiesJoin the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.brepolsonline.net/loi/ikon" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 18468551 |
Indexer | ScopeThe Indexer is published on behalf of indexing societies worldwide. It seeks to cover the full range of subjects, from articles at the cutting edge of new techniques to contributions discussing in a practical way the new tools available to indexers at all points in the technical spectrum or exploring the history of indexing.
Its reviews section covers both printed and electronic material, including websites and hardware and software of interest to the indexer, while ‘Indexes Reviewed’ highlights some of the best (and worst) examples of indexing in action.
Through regular conference reports it also keeps readers up to date with what is going on across the international indexing community.
First published by the Society of Indexers (UK) in 1958 on a twice-yearly basis, it moved in 2008 to a quarterly publication. From 2019 the journal is published by Liverpool University Press. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.theindexer.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00194131, 17560632 |
InTech | ScopeInTech provides the most thought-provoking and authoritative coverage of automation technologies, applications, and strategies to enhance automation professionals' on-the-job success.
Published by the automation field's leading organization, ISA, InTech addresses industry challenges, new technologies, and fundamentals in a practical approach. It is written for engineers, managers, technicians, and other automation professionals; and it is produced with the active involvement of automation's most-influential leaders, subject-matter experts, and educators.
Articles discuss the most critical issues facing the rapidly changing automation industry, offering a balance of basic and advanced treatment of topics such as:
-Enterprise-level topics of interest to engineers and c-level management-
Technical support level issues-
Strategies for major raw materials processing and discrete manufacturing industry sectors on technologies and business operations-
New technologies and their applications-
Reviews of the fundamentals in operations-
Industry standards and their application-
Professional career development-
Industry and organization news about ISA and other major industry associations.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.isa.org/standards-and-publications/isa-publications/intech-magazine/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0192303X |
Inter Bloc | ScopeÊtre un professionnel de soins compétent au bloc opératoire ou en service de chirurgie signifie devoir actualiser ses connaissances notamment techniques et rester sans cesse attentif à la qualité de la prise en charge du patient. Inter bloc accompagne les infirmier(es) de bloc (Ibode) dans le développement de leur compétences et les aide à s'intégrer efficacement au sein d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire.
Les articles sont sélectionnés par un comité de professionnels de terrain et de formateurs, et validés par des experts infirmiers, chirurgiens, juristes...
Inter bloc permet de rester à la pointe de l'actualité et de la pratique de leur profession.
Grâce à ses dossiers, rubriques thématiques, ses articles et ses fiches, Inter bloc vous permet de maîtriser tous les aspects de la prise en charge périopératoire du patient. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.em-consulte.com/es/revue/BLOC/presentation/inter-bloc" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2423960 |
International Dyer and Finisher | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 0020658X |
Internationale Politik | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://internationalepolitik.de/de" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1430175X |
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur | ScopeDie Anfänge der Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur in den 1970er Jahren standen im Zeichen einer interdisziplinären Begegnung und eines veränderten Literaturbegriffs. Inzwischen haben sich die Diskurse und Methoden in den Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaften sehr stark gewandelt, gleichwohl ist die Hauptfrage einer sozialgeschichtlich orientierten Literaturgeschichte – die nach dem Verhältnis zwischen literarischen Texten und sozialhistorischen Kontexten – unverändert aktuell.
Diese Frage in all ihren Facetten und unter verschiedensten Aspekten untersuchen die Beiträge des Internationalen Archivs für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL), das 1976 von Georg Jäger, Alberto Martino und Friedrich Sengle gegründet wurde. Sein Spektrum umfasst die gesamte deutsche Literaturgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den literaturtheoretischen Grundlagen der Literaturgeschichte, insbesondere den methodischen und thematischen Berührungspunkten zwischen der Literaturwissenschaft und den Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Zu den Schwerpunkten einer erweiterten Sozialgeschichte der Literatur zählen deshalb nach wie vor Buch-, Verlags- und Kommunikationsgeschichte, Lese(r)forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte sowie die Konstellationen von Literatur und Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert.
IASL veröffentlicht Aufsätze und Beiträge zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Gelegentlich erscheinen thematisch zusammenhängende Themenschwerpunkte; darüber hinaus werden in gesonderten Rubriken aktuelle Forschungsdiskussionen und in Planung befindliche Forschungsprojekte sowie neue Materialien und Dokumente zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur (Dokumentation) vorgestellt. Alle in IASL veröffentlichten Texte unterliegen einem strengen Begutachtungsverfahren (peer review). Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/iasl/iasl-overview.xml?format=PAP&tab_body=overview" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03404528, 18659128 |
IRYO - Japanese Journal of National Medical Services | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 211699 |
Istorijski Casopis | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 3500802 |
Italianistica | ScopeItalianistica, rivista di letteratura italiana, fu fondata nel 1972 da Renzo Negri e da Felice Del Beccaro, con l'intenzione dichiarata di fornire agli studiosi una sede, la più vasta possibile e senza preclusioni di sorta, ove poter pubblicare i risultati delle proprie ricerche scientifiche (articoli, note, rassegne). Essa fu sin dall'inizio corredata da una ricca informazione bibliografica (recensioni, annunzi, schedari). Nel corso degli anni la Direzione è passata prima a Giorgio Varanini e Michele Dell'Aquila, fino all'attuale assetto, senza mai venir meno alla realizzazione dei propositi iniziali, che tanto favore hanno incontrato presso autori e lettori sia italiani sia stranieri.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=13" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03913368, 17241677 |
ITU News | ScopeYour source for insight on key ITU events and initiatives, as well as global information and communication technology (ICT) trends.​​ Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.itu.int/en/itunews/Pages/default.aspx" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 10204148 |
Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik | ScopeDie Zeitschrift wurde 1951 als "Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft" gegründet, erhielt mit Band 18 (1969) ihren heutigen Namen. Trägerinstitutionen sind das Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik der Universität Wien und die Abteilung für Byzanzforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Aktuelle Hauptherausgeber sind Christian Gastgeber, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Claudia Rapp und Elisabeth Schiffer in Nachfolge von Herbert Hunger, Wolfram Hörandner und Ewald Kislinger.
Die Annahme von Beiträgen (auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch) erfolgt nach einem anonymen Gutachterverfahren (peer-review), eingereichte Beiträge haben den Zitierregeln (Deutsch / Englisch, Siglenverzeichnis) des JÖB zu folgen. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.byzneo.univie.ac.at/publikationen/jahrbuch-der-oesterreichischen-byzantinistik/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03788660, 1810536X |
Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas | ScopeThe Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas ("Annals for the History of Eastern Europe") present the discipline in its entire breadth; for thematically focused articles the emphasis lies on the territory of the former Russian Empire and the former Soviet Union. A double-blind review process with international experts ensures adherence to the annals' recognized high quality standards. An extensive section devoted to reviews informs the reader about current trends in German and international research. In addition, the editorial board publishes an electronic review supplement under the title jgo.e-reviews at recensio.net. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.steiner-verlag.de/programm/zeitschriften/jahrbuecher-fuer-geschichte-osteuropas/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 214019 |
James Joyce Quarterly | ScopeEach issue of the JJQ provides a selection of peer-reviewed essays representing the very best in contemporary Joyce scholarship. In addition, the journal publishes notes, reviews, letters, a comprehensive checklist of recent Joyce-related publications, and the editor’s “Raising the Wind.†Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://jjq.utulsa.edu/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00214183, 19386036 |
Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 3852393 |
Japanese Railway Engineering | Scope英文誌「Japanese Railway Engineeringã€ã¯ã€æˆ‘ãŒå›½ã®æ•°å°‘ãªã„鉄é“ã®ç·åˆæŠ€è¡“ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹è‹±æ–‡èªŒã¨ã—ã¦ã€æˆ‘ãŒå›½ã®é‰„é“技術を諸外国ã«ç´¹ä»‹ã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã§ã€å¹´4å›ç™ºè¡Œã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ ã¾ãŸå¤–国ã®é‰„é“技術誌出版社ã¨ã®äº¤æ›ãªã©ã‚’通ã˜ã¦å„国ã¨ã®æƒ…å ±äº¤æµã®å½¹å‰²ã‚’æœãŸã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.jrea.or.jp/jrea-hakkobutsu/japanese-railway-engineering/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 4488938 |
JOT, Journal für Oberflaechentechnik | ScopeJOT berichtet praxisnah und anwenderorientiert über sämtliche Themen der Oberflächentechnik: Nasslackieren, Pulverbeschichten, Reinigen/Vorbehandeln, Entlacken, Coil Coating, Galvanisieren, dünne Schichten, Emaillieren, Strahlen, Schleifen, Umwelttechnik, Lacke/Chemikalien, Messen/Prüfen und Fördertechnik. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.springer.com/journal/35144" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 9408789 |
Journal des Professionnels de l'Enfance | ScopeCar si l’on parle de plus en plus de petite enfance sur un plan sociétal, il nous semble important d’aller encore plus loin. La petite enfance est un véritable vivier de propositions, d’idée nouvelles, d’expérimentations… Mais celles-ci souffrent encore d’un manque de visibilité et de partage. Alors, participons à les mettre en avant ! De même, il nous faut œuvrer davantage à faire rimer recherches et pratiques, à dépasser la barrière invisible qui souvent les oppose…
Il nous paraît aussi important d’oser dire les choses : que ce soit sur un plan politique, sociétal, scientifique ou au cœur même des structures d’accueil et des écoles maternelles, des propos peuvent être prononcés, des pratiques encouragées qui s’avèrent aux antipodes de ce que nous pouvons tous souhaiter pour la petite enfance. Ne rien dire, ne rien faire, c’est les entretenir… Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://tpma.fr/journal-des-professionnels-de-l-enfance.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12975354 |
Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers | ScopeThe Journal is the quarterly magazine of the UK Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers. Our high quality issues, in print and digital formats, are published in February, May, August and November and are available by subscription or one-off purchase.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://journalwsd.org.uk/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2677806 |
Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science | ScopeThe Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science is an open-access electronic journal that accepts scientific papers of high quality concerned with subjects relating to nuclear processes in condensed matter. Papers may focus on the results of experimental studies, theoretical studies, or a combination of these. Topics to which the journal is addressed include:-
Calorimetry, energy production in metal hydrides and deuterides;
Correlations, or lack of correlations, between energy production and possible nuclear products
Materials science issues that are important for the development of nuclear effects in condensed matter
Electrochemical issues concerning loading, surface chemistry, resistance diagnostics and other issues concerning metal hydrides and metal deuterides
Observations of nuclear products, charged particles, neutrons, tritium, X-ray and gamma emission in metal hydrides
Production of new elements or isotopes in metal hydrides and metal deuterides; and modification of isotopic distributions
Induced radioactivity in metal deuterides and metal hydrides
Accelerator experiments on metal deuterides and metal hydrides
Models for nuclear processes in the condensed matter. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/CMNS.htm" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 22273123 |
Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology | ScopeJournal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology publishes papers reporting clinical and basic interdisciplinary investigations of anesthesiology for dental practice and oral surgery. Dental Anesthesiology is a true specialty for human health care relating to dentistry and oral surgery. The journal contains original articles, clinical reports, short communications, and some solicited review articles. All research papers are peer-reviewed by the committee members and by reviewers. Only those which have been accepted for publication through the peer-review process appear in the journal. The journal welcomes research in all areas relevant to dental anesthesiology from any healthcare professional. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://kokuhoken.net/jdsa/publication/index.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3865835 |
Journal of Managed Care Medicine | ScopeNAMCP’s mission is to improve patient outcomes by providing educational material, evidence-based tools and resources to Medical Directors from health plans, employers and provider systems. NAMCP works with Medical Directors to identify and strategically position our industry to respond to the various opportunities and challenges on the horizon. We support initiatives empowering Medical Directors with information they need to make healthcare decisions and promote healthcare quality.
NAMCP was founded in 1991 to serve the interests and needs of managed care Medical Directors. NAMCP is a non-profit association run by Medical Directors for Medical Directors.
NAMCP offers timely, practical, innovative educational opportunities to Medical Directors in print and online. We provide our members with the tools necessary to be effective and informed in their decision making, and recognized as an integral member of the of the healthcare delivery team.
The Journal of Managed Care Medicine (JMCM) is the official publication of NAMCP Medical Directors Institute. JMCM focuses on trends in managed care and provides fact-driven research and guidance about issues that affect the delivery of managed care services and integrated patient care. By tracking trends and providing insights, JMCM is the premier journal of peer reviewed articles pertaining to Medical Directors in managed care medicine. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://jmcmpub.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 10941525 |
Journal of Planning and Environment Law | ScopeThe Journal of Planning and Environment Law is published monthly, and provides a guide to recent and forthcoming developments in planning law, environmental law, compulsory purchase and related areas. It is widely known as a leading forum for informed discussion and debate on planning and associated issues.
Regular content includes current topics, articles, correspondence, parliamentary and departmental news, case law reports, summaries of cases, ministerial planning decisions and a stop-press bulletin.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Catalogue/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=30791377&recordid=428" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3074870 |
Journal of Romance Studies | ScopePublished in association with the Institute of Modern Languages Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London.
Journal of Romance Studies (JRS) promotes innovative critical work in the areas of linguistics, literature, performing and visual arts, media, material culture, intellectual and cultural history, critical and cultural theory, psychoanalysis, gender studies, social sciences and anthropology.
One themed issue and two open issues are published each year. The primary focus is on those parts of the world that speak, or have spoken, French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese, but articles focusing on other Romance languages and cultures (for example, Catalan, Galician, Occitan, Romanian and other minority languages) is also encouraged. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://online.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/loi/jrs" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 14733536, 17522331 |
Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | ScopeThe Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (henceforth called the Society) is a learned society devoted to the task of collecting, recording and diffusing information about Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Its primary objective is to promote a greater interest in the study of the region, and to this end, it publishes a journal and carries out other scholarly activities. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.mbras.org.my/journal.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 01267353, 21804338 |
Journal of the West | ScopeJournal of the West is an illustrated quarterly devoted to the history and culture of the American West. Each issue is highlighted by a series of articles on a theme central to the history and life of the region. Intended for Western history enthusiasts as well as academics, Journal of the West presents articles by distinguished contributors that are insightful, engaging, and based on sound scholarly research.Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://products.abc-clio.com/abc-cliocorporate/product.aspx?pc=WESTP" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00225169, 19300115 |
JUS Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche | Join the conversation about this journal | null | 00226955, 18277942 |
Kenyon Review | ScopeThe Kenyon Review was founded in 1939. The resources for the new literary journal.
In April 1994, the trustees directed that The Kenyon Review be continued, but with significant cost-reducing and revenue-enhancing initiatives. Hacker left and David Lynn (acting editor in 1989-90), Kenyon English professor, was named editor on a two-thirds time basis. The magazine’s financial picture has since stabilized and improved dramatically. The creation of a Kenyon Review Board of Trustees and a renewed commitment by Kenyon College combined to guarantee the financial health of the Review and to free its editors to pursue increased excellence. Such is the status of The Kenyon Review today. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://kenyonreview.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0163075X |
Klinikarzt | ScopeChef- und Oberärzte sowie Stationsärzte mit Schwerpunkt im Bereich Innere Medizin
Die CME-zertifizierte klinische Fortbildungszeitschrift mit der höchsten Auflage
kein anderer vergleichbarer Titel am Markt
Fortbildungsserien: Onkologie, Kardiologie, GI-Erkrankungen
Rechtsserie Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.thieme.de/de/klinikarzt/profil-19757.htm" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 03412350, 14393859 |
Knitting International | ScopeKnitting International is uniquely placed to give a worldwide perspective to manufacturers and retailers in the ever-more globalised and diversified knitting industry.
The journal features all the latest news, expert reviews of the latest flat, circular and hosiery knitting technology developments, knit business profiles, world trade legislation updates, fibre and yarn developments, and world reports. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.wtin.com/knitting-international/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2668394 |
Konstruktion | Scope- Konstruktionswissen in Theorie und Praxis
- Innovative Konstruktionsideen
- Fachteil Ingenieur-Werkstoffe
- Organ der VDI-Gesellschaften Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung und Materials Engineering Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.ingenieur.de/fachmedien/konstruktion/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 7205953 |
Konteksty | ScopeSince 1947 the Konteksty magazine has appeared regularly as a quarterly sponsored by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Konteksty is an interdisciplinary publication, embracing different areas from folklore, avant-garde art, aesthetics and anthropology to drama, the plastic arts and mass culture. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.konteksty.pl/?l=en" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12306142 |
Korean Journal of Art History | ScopeThe Korean Journal of Art History has grown into an academic journal with a history and tradition of more than 60 years since its inception in 1960. The purpose of the publication of this journal is to lead the level of research in the academic world by presenting new research achievements in the field of Korean art history, and to share and provide the latest research information that has been strictly verified. For this purpose, the Korean Journal of Art History aims to publish more diverse topics, and put efforts to publish papers written in Korean and foreign languages by encouraging the participation of specialists of Korean art active abroad as well as domestic art historians. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.kjah.org/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12252565, 27339815 |
La Palabra | ScopeLa Palabra journal disseminates research in the field of Literature.
Articles may include research perspectives based on the following three lines:
Literary theory, history and criticism applied to all manifestations of literature, using any interpretative focus.
Literature and society, which may include research in pedagogy of literature, oral literature, reading promotion, animation and mediation, critical studies of production, editing and circulation of literature, history of reading and books, as well as research where literature is placed in dialogue with other discourses, problems and practices of the social and human sciences, including that of other arts.
Creation-research, where a literary creation project is presented and supported, based on a research process that includes theoretical components, a revision of related literary works, and a reflection about artistic processes employed, contemporary artistic practices and their limits. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revistas.uptc.edu.co/index.php/la_palabra" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 01218530, 23463864 |
Landschap | ScopeHet wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Landschap verschijnt vier maal per jaar. Landschap publiceert peer-reviewde wetenschappelijke artikelen en biedt in de rubriek Forum ruimte voor debat over concepten, methoden en opvattingen.
Landschap wordt gelezen door adviseurs, onderzoekers, beleidsmakers en beheerders op het gebied van landschapsecologie, natuur en milieu. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.landschap.nl/tijdschrift/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1696300 |
Laval Theologique et Philosophique | ScopeLa revue Laval théologique et philosophique est publiée trois fois par année. Elle est soutenue par la Faculté de philosophie et la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, à Québec. Elle a pour but de diffuser les travaux des chercheurs, de faire la synthèse des questions majeures en philosophie, en sciences des religions et en théologie, et d’ouvrir de nouveaux champs d’investigation ou de recherche dans ces domaines. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/ltp/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 239054 |
LEA | ScopeLEA is a double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of literature and linguistics, with special emphasis on cross-cultural encounters and interdisciplinary exchanges. LEA is published once a year in December. We nvite submissions addressing the themes or topics outlined in the Call for Papers, which is issued every year in January. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/bsfm-lea" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 1824484X |
Lexis | ScopeSince its establishment in 1988, Lexis has declared its fields of interest and aims of study in the subtitle on the title page: Poetics, Rhetoric and Communication in the Classical Tradition. Special attention was given, in the initial phase, to textual criticism understood as hermeneutics of the ancient and modern tradition. The journal gradually opened up to literary, historical and philosophical contributions with reference to the ancient world. Lexis is listed in the international Scopus-Elsevier database. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/riviste/lexis-journal/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 27241564 |
Liberte | ScopeLa revue Liberté se préoccupe de littérature, de théâtre, de cinéma, de philosophie, bref de tout ce qui relève de la réflexion et de la beauté, ce qui n’est en rien contradictoire avec le désir de s’arrimer au politique dans son sens le plus large. L’art est ainsi pour la revue une condition du politique; un lieu de parole plutôt qu’une spécialisation. Liberté se veut une véritable agora, en dehors de toute sphère d’influence, un lieu de débats aiguillonné par une urgence: la nécessité de faire acte de résistance tant au bavardage médiatique qu’au murmure marchand ambiant. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://revueliberte.ca/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 242020 |
Literatur und Kritik | ScopeDie Zeitschrift â€Literatur und Kritik“ wurde 1966 in Wien gegründet, hat ihren Redaktionssitz seit 1991 in Salzburg und erscheint fünf Mal im Jahr in einem Umfang von je 112 Seiten. Die Literatur, die wir meinen, kann realistisch oder surrealistisch anmuten, in Versen verfasst oder als Essay entworfen sein, eine Landschaft erkunden, die Geschichte verwerfen, die Liebe rühmen, die Provinz verdammen oder verklären, sie darf nur eines nicht: biedersinnig sein. Unter der Kritik wiederum, von der schon im Titel die Rede ist, verstehen wir nicht nur, aber auch Literatur-Kritik, darüber hinaus die Auseinandersetzung mit der Welt, wie sie ist, mit Europa, wie es werden könnte, mit der Gesellschaft, wie sie nicht unbedingt zu bleiben braucht.
Der erste Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der österreichischen Literatur; ein zweiter auf der Literatur jener Nationen, die einst unter dem Dach oder der Knute Habsburgs (oft mehr gegen- als miteinander) zusammengelebt haben; schließlich aber leuchtet uns ein, dass die Welt und ihre Literatur ihre Grenzen weder mit dem Österreich von heute noch dem alten Mitteleuropa oder dem Südosteuropa von heute teilen, und so gibt es in â€Literatur und Kritik“ mitunter ein weißrussisches, baskisches oder kolumbianisches Sonderheft und somalische Briefe, moldawische Gedichte und sonstiges zu lesen, von dem unsere literarischen Nabelbeschauer meinen, es bräuchte sie nicht im geringsten zu interessieren. Immer wieder hat â€Literatur und Kritik“ seit den neunziger Jahren unbekannte Landschaften der europäischen Literatur präsentiert und zum ersten Mal im deutschen Sprachraum vorgestellt: Das trifft auf die multinationale Literatur der belagerten Stadt Sarajevo ebenso zu wie auf die Dichtung Kosovas oder Moldawiens. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.omvs.at/literatur-und-kritik/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0024466X |
Literature of the Americas | ScopeLiterature of the Americas is dedicated to critical inquiry into the literary history of the New World, i.e. American literatures of both North, Central and South America. The journal’s priority is classical academic research in literary history: biography studies, in-depth research articles on writers, literary institutions, publishing policy, economy of literature, literary life, based on correspondence, memories, press, archived documents. Research articles on literary circles, colonies and communities, literary awards, literary journals and magazines are welcome, as well as case studies, and preprints of current research projects. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://litda.ru/index.php/en/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 25417894, 2542243X |
Litterature | ScopeLittérature propose des réflexions critiques sur l’invention des formes littéraires anciennes et contemporaines. Au croisement des sciences humaines et des arts, s’attachant également à l’histoire des idées, la revue est un pôle de réflexion sur le rôle inventif de la littérature dans la transformation des sociétés et des cultures.
Elle bénéficie d’un large lectorat international.
Cette revue scientifique à comité de lecture – classée « A » par l’ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities) – est ouverte aux jeunes chercheurs comme aux chercheurs confirmés.
Elle publie des numéros thématiques développant des réflexions intéressant l’histoire et la théorie littéraires, et des numéros consacrés aux recherches nouvelles sur auteurs ; elle présente un « numéro libre » par an qui rassemble des articles reçus hors dossiers.
Elle fait paraître des « Réflexions critiques » sur ouvrages ou thèmes, et des « Notes de lecture » sur une sélection des ouvrages qui lui sont adressés. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.revues.armand-colin.com/lettres-langue/litterature" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 474800 |
Lotus International | ScopeLotus international is the magazine of reference for the architectural debate, representing the most authoritative voice on developments in international architecture. An indispensable tool for anyone who wants to find out about decisive events in the world of architecture, follow the research of leading figures in contemporary architecture, read essays by the most authoritative critics and explore the innovative phenomena that are changing the scene of the built environment.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.editorialelotus.it/web/index.php" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 11249064 |
Machado de Assis em Linha | ScopeThe journal, which is mainly aimed at the academic community, welcomes scholarly articles in the most diverse methodological and critical trends. The journal’s main areas of interest are literary studies, Brazilian literature and comparative literature, focused on the work of Machado de Assis.
Articles will be received on a rolling basis. The articles must be original and unpublished in Brazil. The journal receives, reviews and publishes articles in Portuguese and English.
All articles received by the editors will be submitted for evaluation by the editorial board and by ad hoc reviewers, members of the Brazilian and international academic community, who are specially invited for each issue of the journal. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://machadodeassis.fflch.usp.br/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 19836821 |
Machinery and Production Engineering | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | null | 0024919X |
MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche | ScopeInformation not localized. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.morcelliana.net/3020-maia" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 250538 |
Manufacturing Chemist | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://manufacturingchemist.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2624230 |
Manufacturing Engineering | ScopeInformation not localized Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.sme.org/smemedia/manufacturing-engineering-magazine/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3610853 |
Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica | ScopeFounded by Giovanni Tarello, Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridicahas been published as a six-monthly review since 1979. From an historical/theoretical perspective, it collects studies and research articles dedicated to the relation between law, juridical thinking and political-economic institutions. The aims of the Review also incorporate the story of the present, with critical considerations on juridical changes in recent decades (new rights, bioethics, globalisation, artificial intelligence). The Review is unanimously considered one of the most prestigious fruits of Italian research in the field of history and theory of law. The contributors include both Italian and foreign scientific figures of great authoritativeness, along with some of the most brilliant scholars of the last generation. The innovative, original project of the Review has earned praise and widespread recognition at international level too. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.mulino.it/riviste/issn/1120-9607" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 11209607 |
Medecine de la Reproduction | ScopeOfficial journal of the "Society of Reproductive Medicine" (SMR)
Médecine de la Reproduction is concerned with procreation and therefore with the functioning of the reproductive system at all stages of life (including in utero), sexual health, hygiene, as well as with all the processes, functions, systems and mechanisms that facilitate or, on the contrary, inhibit or forbid reproduction, for the couple or the individual.
Médecine de la Reproduction thus offers review articles written by the best clinicians and researchers in the field, addressing all the specialties involved in its field of interest: gametogenesis, endocrinology, physiology and pathologies of the reproductive system, embryology, infertility, biology, genetics, ethics, etc., without forgetting research and teaching.
Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.jle.com/fr/revues/mtg/revue.phtml" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 2650698X, 26508427 |
Medecine Therapeutique | ScopeUne revue de médecine interne en langue française qui crée le lien entre les progrès de la recherche et la pratique médicale.
Médecine thérapeutique aborde toutes les disciplines médicales à travers de nombreuses rubriques : dossier thématique (une revue de six articles environ), cas cliniques, démarche diagnostique, mécanismes des maladies, biologie... et fournit une remarquable synthèse de l’ensemble des informations médicales disponibles à ce jour.
Médecine thérapeutique est la revue de haut niveau que tous les médecins hospitaliers attendaient. Elle s’adresse à tous ceux que la médecine passionne. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.revue-mt.fr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 12646520, 19524099 |
Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten | ScopeDie Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten (MMP) richtet sich primär an Pharmazeuten mit verstärktem Interesse für medizinische und pharmakologische Themen – und schlägt mit ihrer Themenauswahl eine Brücke zwischen Ärzten und Apothekern.
Die MMP fördert mit ihren Artikeln das Verständnis der Apotheker für Methodik und Diagnostik der Ärzte, vermittelt therapeutisch-medizinischen Fortschritt und schafft Wissens-Updates. Gleichzeitig wird das nötige Hintergrundwissen kompetent und verständlich aufbereitet. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.mmp-online.de/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 3429601 |
Metszet | ScopeÉpÃtészet, újdonságok, szerkezetek, részletek Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://epitesimegoldasok.hu/metszet1.html" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 20612710 |
Michigan Quarterly Review | ScopeMichigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation. Our work extends online as well, where we publish cultural commentary alongside reviews and interviews with writers, artists, and cultural figures around the world. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/mqr/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00262420, 15587266 |
Mississippi Quarterly | ScopeMississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Cultures is a refereed academic journal dedicated to publishing scholarship on the US South, broadly defined. Founded in 1948, Mississippi Quarterly is published by Johns Hopkins University Press for the College of Arts and Sciences at Mississippi State University and is regarded as one of the premier journals in the field of southern studies. Mississippi Quarterly publishes scholarly essays, interviews, and book reviews on literature, history, film, and other subjects. The journal showcases work by established and emerging scholars comprising a diverse selection of topics and critical perspectives. Each volume typically includes a special issue, often guest-edited. Topics featured in past special issues include the Twenty-First-Century Southern Novel, Expanding the Archive in Civil War Studies, and single authors (William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, and more). Outstanding scholarship published in Mississippi Quarterly has been recognized by the Society for the Study of Southern Literature and The Wilson Quarterly. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.missq.msstate.edu/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 0026637X |
Missouri Review | ScopeThe Missouri Review is a not-for-profit organization made possible in part by the generous support of readers and donors. We have helped shape the contemporary literary scene by offering the finest work of today’s most important writers and by discovering the brightest new voices in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Our mission is aided by one of the most established and sophisticated internship programs in the country. Each semester we mentor more than twenty undergraduate and graduate interns, many of whom go on to become editors in academia and the commercial publishing world. We believe this mission is as vital today as it was when the Missouri Review first began in 1978. And we would not be able to achieve these goals without the gifts and dedication we have received from individuals who appreciate and understand the importance of literature in our world. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.missourireview.com/" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 15489930 |
Modern Language Review | ScopeModern Language Review is the flagship journal of the Association, and is available to all individual members as part of their subscription. MLR is one of the oldest journals in its field, maintaining an unbroken publication record since its foundation in 1905, and publishing more than 3,000 articles and 20,000 book reviews. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="http://www.mhra.org.uk/journals/MLR" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 267937 |
Modern Philology | ScopeModern Philology sets the standard for literary scholarship, history, and criticism. The journal features contributions on literature in all modern world languages, including productive comparisons of texts and traditions from European and non-European literatures. Its wide editorial encompasses literary works, literary traditions, and literary criticism from, roughly, the time of Charlemagne to the present. MP also publishes insightful reviews of recent books as well as review articles and research on archival documents. Join the conversation about this journal | <a href="https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/mp/current" id="question_journal" target="_blank">Homepage</a> | 00268232, 15456951 |