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What is the growth habit of Stenotaphrumsecundatum(Walt.) Kuntze? | grass or grasslike |
Where can I view images of hybrid cattail? | |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Describe the foliage of IrispseudacorusL.? | Broad, sword-shaped leaves are stiff, erect and glaucous. They measure between 1.6-3.3 ft. (0.5-1 m) long and 0.4-1.2 in. (1-3 cm) wide. Rhizomes are pink-fleshed and 0.4-1.6 in. (1-4 cm) in diameter. |
What is the growth habit of Albizialebbeck(L.) Benth? | hardwood trees |
Describe the fruit of UtriculariainflataWalter? | Fruits are capsules containing many small seeds. The fruit stalk can grow up to 1.4 in. (35 mm) long. |
Describe the appearance of canada thistle? | Cirsium arvense, a rhizomatous perennial grows from 1-5 ft. (0.3-1.5 m) tall. Roots can grow deep into the ground. Stems do not have conspicuous spines. |
What is the common name of Liriopemuscari(Dcne.) Bailey? | Liriopemuscari(Dcne.) Bailey |
What is the common name of SenecioglomeratusDes. ex Poir.? | SenecioglomeratusDes. ex Poir. |
Where can I view images of english elm? | |
Where can I view images of Knautiaarvensis(L.) Coult.? | |
Where can I view images of DigitalispurpureaL.? | |
What is the scientific name of arizona cypress? | CupressusarizonicaGreene |
Is common lilac native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for common pepperweed? | LEDED |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for Cotoneasterspp.Medik.? | COTON |
What is the invasive/noxious status of glossy privet and where is it classified as such? | Category 2 (Alabama) |
Describe the flowers of smooth bedstraw? | The small white flowers are borne in a terminal cyme. The white corolla has 4 lobes (rarely 3) which are pointed at the tip. There is a pair of ovoid green carpels at the base of the flower. |
Is BromussecalinusL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the common name of LactucaserriolaL.? | LactucaserriolaL. |
Where can I view images of CentaureacalcitrapaL.? | |
Where can I view images of LinumbienneMill.? | |
What is the invasive/noxious status of amur corktree and where is it classified as such? | Prohibited (New York), Prohibited (Wisconsin) |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for AlliumvinealeL.? | ALVI |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for common selfheal? | PRVU |
What is the common name of CasuarinaglaucaSieb. ex Spreng? | CasuarinaglaucaSieb. ex Spreng |
Is malfurada native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the scientific name of syrian beancaper? | ZygophyllumfabagoL. |
Is camelthorn native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the scientific name of curly dock? | Rumexcrispusssp. crispusL. |
Is AsclepiasspeciosaTorr native to the United States? | Native |
Is crack willow native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the invasive/noxious status of black dog-strangling vine, black swallowwort and where is it classified as such? | Invasive (Michigan), Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut), Prohibited (New York), Prohibited/Restricted (Wisconsin) |
Is MalvamoschataL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the common name of Paulowniatomentosa(Thunb.) Sieb. & Zucc. ex Steud.? | Paulowniatomentosa(Thunb.) Sieb. & Zucc. ex Steud. |
What is the growth habit of lakeshore nutrush? | grass or grasslike |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for camelthorn? | ALMA12 |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for australian cheesewood? | PIUN2 |
Does chinese parasoltree pose any ecological threat? | Firmiana simplexis beginning to be reported more often along roadsides and other disturbed areas. This plant is self-fertile which means it only takes one tree to produce fertile seeds. The prolific seed production along with its quick growth and aggressive competition makeF. simplexa candidate for EDRR - Early Detection & Rapid Response program in the warmer regions of the United States. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for IpomoeaaquaticaForssk.? | IPAQ |
Is chinese elm native to the United States? | Exotic |
Describe the foliage of EchiumplantagineumL.? | Rosette leaves are 2-7.9 in. (5-20 cm) long, ovate, petiolate, and prominent venation. Cauline leaves are oblong to lanceolate, and can be cordate at the base. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the common name of Echinochloacolona(L.) Link? | Echinochloacolona(L.) Link |
Describe the foliage of Spartinapatens(Ait.) Muhl.? | The light greenS. patensleaf blades are narrow ranging from 0.04-0.16 in. (1-4 mm) wide at the base with inrolled margins. The internode is firm and ligules are about 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) long. The leaves are deciduous, with new growth each year. |
Where can I view images of giant hogweed? | |
What is the scientific name of guineagrass? | Megathyrsusmaximus(Jacq.) R. Webster |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for Richardiagrandiflora(Cham. & Schlecht.) J.A. & J.H. Schultes? | RIGR3 |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of malta starthistle? | |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is white cockle native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the scientific name of cogongrass? | Imperatacylindrica(L.) Beauv. |
Describe the fruit of CabombacarolinianaA. Gray? | The fruit is flask shaped. |
Describe the fruit of french broom? | Fruit pods are densely hairy, ovoid to oblong, 0.6-1 in. (1.5-2.5 cm) long, 0.12-0.2 in. (3-5 mm) wide with 3 to 6 seeds released explosively when ripe. Seeds are strophiolate. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the scientific name of cootamundra wattle? | AcaciabaileyanaF. Muell. |
Is job's tears native to the United States? | Exotic |
Describe the flowers of AsphodelusfistulosusLinnaeus? | Flowers are 0.75 in. (1.9 cm) across with 6 petals each white to pink with a brown or reddish stripe along the center and alternating along the branches. |
Describe the flowers of japanese wisteria? | Lavender, pink or white flowers are fragrant, very showy and abundant and occur in dangling clusters in the spring. Flowers clusters are 9-20 in. (22.9-50.8 cm) long. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for ThlaspialliaceumL.? | THAL2 |
Describe the flowers of PeganumharmalaL.? | The white, five-petal flowers have green sepals and yellow stamens. They are present from late spring to early fall in the axils of the leaves. |
Where can I view images of Exochordaracemosa(Lindl.) Rehd.? | |
What is the common name of SpergulaarvensisL.? | SpergulaarvensisL. |
Is twoleaf watermilfoil native to the United States? | Native |
Is PinusradiataD. Don native to the United States? | Native |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for AesculusglabraWilld.? | AEGL |
What is the growth habit of Cedrusdeodara(Roxb. ex D. Don) G. Don f.? | conifer trees |
What is the growth habit of HibiscussyriacusL.? | hardwood trees |
Describe the appearance of wild parsnip? | Pastinaca sativais a biennial/perennial herb that looks and smells similar to cultivated parsnip and can grow up to 4 ft. (1.2 m) in height. |
What is the scientific name of treedaisy? | Montanoahibiscifolia(Benth.) Standl. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Describe the appearance of EgeriadensaPlanch.? | Egeria densais a submersed aquatic plant that invades freshwater systems throughout much of the United States. Often confused with hydrilla,Egeria densahas a smooth midrib on the underside of the leaf, whereas hydrilla has small teeth. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for Lophostemonconfertus(R. Br.) P.G. Wilson & Waterhouse? | LOCO9 |
What is the common name of Typhax glaucaGodr. [angustifolia x latifolia]? | Typhax glaucaGodr. [angustifolia x latifolia] |
Describe the foliage of SpartinadensifloraBrongn.? | Leaf (blade) margins in-rolled, 1/8 to 1/3 inches wide at the base. Blade at a 15-35 degree angle to the stem. Internodes firm. |
Describe the fruit of birdsfoot trefoil? | Fruits are pods that occur in head-like clusters. Each pod is brown to black, cylindrical, 0.6-1.4 in. (1.5-3.5 cm) long, contains up to 49 seeds and has a persistent style at the apex. |
What is the common name of CyperusinvolucratusRottb? | CyperusinvolucratusRottb |
Where can I view images of TrapaL.? | |
What is the scientific name of african mustard? | Strigosellaafricana(L.) Botsch. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for Veronicaserpyllifoliassp. serpyllifoliaL.? | VESES |
What is the common name of SalixviminalisL.? | SalixviminalisL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for greater creeping spearwort? | RAFLF |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of Pouteriacampechiana(Kunth) Baehni? | |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for LamiummaculatumL.? | LAMA |
Is VerbascumblattariaL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of HypericumperforatumL.? | |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for hedge maple? | ACCA5 |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of Rorippasylvestris(L.) Bess.? | |
Describe the fruit of ZygophyllumfabagoL.? | Seed pods are up to 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) long, oblong and ribbed. |
What is the scientific name of australian almond? | TerminaliamuelleriBenth. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for chinese privet? | LISI |
What is the growth habit of Merremiatuberosa(L.) Rendle? | vines |
What is the growth habit of RhizophoramangleL.? | hardwood trees |
What is the invasive/noxious status of japanese hop and where is it classified as such? | Invasive (DOC, IPC) (Missouri), Potentially Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut), Prohibited (New York), Prohibited/Restricted (Wisconsin) |