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Is didymo, rock snot native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the growth habit of catclaw-vine? | vines |
Is lavalle corktree native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for CynosurusechinatusL.? | CYEC |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is everblooming acacia native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of LinariavulgarisP. Mill.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=3800&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the scientific name of persian clover? | TrifoliumresupinatumL. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for japanese pachysandra? | PATE11 |
Where can I view images of BrizaminorL.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=38915&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
Where can I view images of lime? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=12179&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for tiny vetch? | VIHI |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the growth habit of persian clover? | forbs/herbs |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the scientific name of common hawthorn? | CrataegusmonogynaJacq. |
What is the common name of HypericumcanarienseL.? | HypericumcanarienseL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for FlindersiabrayleyanaF. Muell.? | FLBR |
Describe the fruit of QuercusacutissimaCarruthers? | Fruit are large acorns with spreading, curved scales on the involucre. Trees produce large amounts of acorns. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for EragrostislehmannianaNees? | ERLE |
What is the common name of Nymphoidescristata(Roxb.) O. Ktze.? | Nymphoidescristata(Roxb.) O. Ktze. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for JuniperusvirginianaL.? | JUVI |
Is fortune meadowsweet native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the scientific name of europe sage? | SalviasclareaL. |
Where can I view images of LactucasalignaL.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=10102&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for european birch? | BEPE3 |
What is the common name of RubusidaeusL.? | RubusidaeusL. |
What is the invasive/noxious status of european waterstarwort and where is it classified as such? | Potentially Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut) |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of amur maple? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=3965&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for rose clover? | TRHI4 |
Does african mustard pose any ecological threat? | Brassica tournefortiiprefers disturbed areas such as roadsides and abandoned fields. It is native to Africa, Asia, and Europe. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of common buckthorn, european buckthorn? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=3070&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the common name of AegilopstriuncialisL? | AegilopstriuncialisL |
Is gray dogwood native to the United States? | Native |
What is the scientific name of boston ivy? | Parthenocissustricuspidata(Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. |
Is HieraciumpiloselloidesVill. native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the growth habit of bahiagrass? | grass or grasslike |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of SolivasessilisRuiz & Pavón? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=6465&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the invasive/noxious status of giant salvinia and where is it classified as such? | Category 1 (Alabama), Invasive (North Carolina), Invasive, Prohibited (Michigan), Noxious (United States), Potentially Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut), Prohibited (Minnesota), Prohibited (Wisconsin) |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for EricalusitanicaK. Rudolphi? | ERLU6 |
Is Verbesinaencelioides(Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Gray native to the United States? | Native |
Where can I view images of onionweed? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=4645&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
Is changing forget-me-not native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the scientific name of european crabapple? | MalussylvestrisP. Mill. |
Is Carpobrotuschilensis(Molina) N.E. Br. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of Elymusrepens(L.) Gould? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=5579&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the common name of AcaciamelanoxylonR. Br. ex Ait. f.? | AcaciamelanoxylonR. Br. ex Ait. f. |
Is amur privet native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the growth habit of TrapanatansL.? | aquatic plants |
What is the scientific name of gray sheoak? | CasuarinaglaucaSieb. ex Spreng |
Describe the foliage of oriental lady's thumb? | Leaves are elongate, narrow and pointed at the base and tip. Stems have swollen nodes with papery sheaths (ocrea). Ocrea have long, hair-like bristles on the margin. |
What is the invasive/noxious status of RumexacetosellaL. and where is it classified as such? | Potentially Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut) |
What is the growth habit of broadleaf dock? | forbs/herbs |
What is the common name of SpartinadensifloraBrongn.? | SpartinadensifloraBrongn. |
What is the common name of Strigosellaafricana(L.) Botsch.? | Strigosellaafricana(L.) Botsch. |
Is Caesalpiniagilliesii(Wall. ex Hook.) Wall. ex D. Dietr. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Describe the flowers of uruguayan vervain? | The small five petaled flowers ofV. montevidensisare lavender to purple and are borne in terminal cymes. They bloom all summer until the first frost. |
Describe the fruit of mediterranean clone of caulerpa? | There is no sexual reproduction; propagation is purely vegetative. 0.5 in. (1.2 cm) long stem and stolon fragments can grow into new algae. These fragments are easily transported by boating and fishing activities. |
Is EpilobiumhirsutumL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for annual wormwood? | ARAN3 |
What is the scientific name of philippine ground orchid? | SpathoglottisplicataBlume |
What is the scientific name of deptford pink? | DianthusarmeriaL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for japanese dodder? | CUJA |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for red clover? | TRPR2 |
What is the growth habit of canadian horseweed? | forbs/herbs |
What is the growth habit of QuercusacutissimaCarruthers? | hardwood trees |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for GenistalinifoliaL.? | GELI5 |
What is the growth habit of CorylusavellanaL.? | hardwood trees |
What is the invasive/noxious status of golden bamboo and where is it classified as such? | Category 2 (Alabama), Invasive (North Carolina), Prohibited (New York), Tier 2 (Maryland) |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for MomordicacharantiaL.? | MOCH2 |
What is the growth habit of corn speedwell? | forbs/herbs |
What is the growth habit of beach naupaka? | shrub or subshrub |
Describe the fruit of GaliumverumL.? | Fruit are 0.2 in. (5 mm) wide, often hairy and bristly clinging to clothes and animal hair. Each fruit contains a single brown seed. |
Where can I view images of umbrella plant? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=5493&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
What is the growth habit of MesembryanthemumcrystallinumL.? | forbs/herbs |
Is Cotulaaustralis(Sieber) Hook. f. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of SyringavulgarisL.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=11529&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
Where can I view images of AgrostiscapillarisL.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=10111&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is CornusracemosaLam. native to the United States? | Native |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for hairypink? | PEDU2 |
Is longleaf speedwell native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is Ipomoeapurpurea(L.) Roth native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the growth habit of asiatic dayflower? | forbs/herbs |
Where can I view images of Ecliptaprostrata(L.) L.? | https://www.invasive.org/browse/subthumb.cfm?sub=5563&Start=1&display=60&sort=2 |
Describe the fruit of Eichhorniacrassipes(Mart.) Solms? | This plant reproduces chiefly by vegetative means. |
What is the scientific name of meadow sage? | SalviapratensisL. |
What is the growth habit of scarlet spiderling? | forbs/herbs |
Does CasuarinaequisetifoliaL. pose any ecological threat? | Casuarina equisetifoliais native to Australia and southeast Asia and was introduced into Florida in the late 1800’s. |
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