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What is the scientific name of paperflower? | BougainvilleaglabraChoisy |
Is greater creeping spearwort native to the United States? | Native |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for CasuarinacunninghamianaMiq.? | CACU8 |
What is the common name of GeraniumhomeanumTurcz.? | GeraniumhomeanumTurcz. |
What is the invasive/noxious status of purple loosestrife and where is it classified as such? | Category 2 (Alabama), Class B (Alabama), Invasive (Delaware), Invasive (DOC, IPC) (Missouri), Invasive (North Carolina), Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut), Invasive, Restricted (Michigan), Prohibited (Alaska), Prohibited (Minnesota), Prohibited (New York), Restricted (Wisconsin) |
Describe the appearance of Cayratiajaponica(Thunb.) Gagnepain? | Cayratia japonicais a perennial vine with compound leaves. |
What is the growth habit of silverleaf cotoneaster? | shrub or subshrub |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for lady's-mantle? | ALMO12 |
What is the common name of PhytolaccaamericanaL.? | PhytolaccaamericanaL. |
Describe the appearance of EpilobiumhirsutumL.? | Epilobium hirsutumis a semi-aquatic perennial herbaceous plant. The plant is erect, branching, covered with soft hairs and grows up to 6 ft. (1.8 m) tall.E. hirsutumis native to Africa, temperate Asia and Europe. |
What is the growth habit of glossy buckthorn? | shrub or subshrub |
What is the scientific name of hydrilla? | Hydrillaverticillata(L. f.) Royle |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of uruguayan pampas grass? | |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for bluehead gilia? | GICA5 |
Describe the flowers of CentaureanigrescensWilld? | Flowers are radiant or discoid, in few-headed corymbiform arrays, borne on leafy-bracted peduncles. The involucres are 0.6-0.7 in. (15-18 mm), subcylindric to ovoid or campanulate, usually longer than wide, even when pressed. Flowering summer-fall (Jun-Oct). |
What is the growth habit of Oplismenusundulatifolius(Ard.) Roem. & Schult.? | grass or grasslike |
What is the growth habit of chinese privet? | shrub or subshrub |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is AcerpseudoplatanusL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of LespedezabicolorTurcz.? | |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Describe the flowers of Mirabilisnyctaginea(Michx.) MacM.? | Flowers are magenta, trumpet shaped, 0.5 in. (1.3 cm) across, and are found in clusters of 3-5. They bloom in early summer and usually only open in the afternoon and at night, closing in the morning. |
Does didymo, rock snot pose any ecological threat? | Didymosphenia geminatacan be found in a Found in rivers, streams, and lakes. Prefers flowing water sources. It blankets streams or lake beds; blocks plants from sunlight and animals that eat plants from reaching them; and greatly reduces dissolved oxygen content in water. |
What is the growth habit of SorbusaucupariaL.? | hardwood trees |
Is thorny olive native to the United States? | Exotic |
Describe the fruit of tall vervain? | V. bonariensisfruits are nutlets. Each flower produces four seeds. |
Is tussock dropseed native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the scientific name of white clover? | TrifoliumrepensL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for GeraniumdissectumL.? | GEDI |
Describe the flowers of japanese honeysuckle? | Flowering occurs from April to July, when showy, fragrant, tubular, whitish-pink flowers develop in the axils of the leaves. The flowers turn cream-yellow as they age. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the common name of SalixcinereaL.? | SalixcinereaL. |
What is the growth habit of hairy wallaby grass? | grass or grasslike |
What is the scientific name of paragrass? | Urochloamutica(Forsk.) T.Q. Nguyen |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for TradescantiaspathaceaSw.? | TRSP8 |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the common name of AlcearoseaL.? | AlcearoseaL. |
Describe the appearance of deeprooted sedge? | Cyperus entrerianusis a wetland sedge that invades disturbed areas throughout the southeastern United States. It is a robust, up to 40 in. (1.02 m) tall, grass-like plant with deeply set, thick rhizomes and dark purple to black leaf bases. |
Is shortpod mustard native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is father-and-child plant native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is siberian peashrub native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the growth habit of UlmusproceraSalisb.? | hardwood trees |
Is TaraxacumerythrospermumAndrz. ex Besser native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of Sisymbriumofficinale(L.) Scop.? | |
What is the growth habit of gray poplar? | hardwood trees |
What is the common name of Ranunculusacrisvar. acrisL.? | Ranunculusacrisvar. acrisL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for elmleaf blackberry? | RUUL |
Describe the foliage of yellow starthistle? | Leaves that are located near the base are petiolate, dissected, 2-6 in. (5-15.2 cm) long. These certain leaves are normally absent during the time of flowering. Leaves further up the stem are 0.4-4 in. (1-10 cm) long. |
Describe the appearance of RobiniapseudoacaciaL.? | Robinia pseudoacaciais a deciduous tree that, while native to parts of the United States, has spread to and become invasive in other parts of the country. Trees grow from 40-100 ft. (12-30 m) in height. Trees grow upright in forests, but develop an open growth form in more open areas. The bark of black locust is light brown, rough, and becomes very furrowed with age. |
What is the scientific name of sheep fescue? | Festucatrachyphylla(Hack.) Krajina nom. illeg. |
Describe the fruit of NandinadomesticaThunb.? | Fruits are green berries that mature to a bright red and are very attractive to birds. |
What is the scientific name of purple cudweed? | Gamochaetapurpurea(L.) Cabrera |
What is the invasive/noxious status of DioscoreabulbiferaL. and where is it classified as such? | Class A (Alabama), Invasive (North Carolina), Watch List (Alabama) |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for cereal rye? | SECE |
Is PhormiumtenaxJ.R. & G. Forst. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of Genistamonspessulana(L.) L. Johnson? | |
Describe the fruit of common valerian? | The fruit are small and lanceolate-oblong in shape, measuring 0.1-0.2 in.(3-5 mm) long. Seeds are wind dispersed. |
Is PinussylvestrisL. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Where can I view images of carrotwood? | |
Does sweet breath of spring pose any ecological threat? | Several species of exotic bush honeysuckles occur and distinguishing different species can be difficult. However, all have similar effects.Lonicera fragrantissimareadily invades open woodlands, old fields and other disturbed sites. Its rapid spread is attributed to birds and mammals dispersing the seeds. It can form a dense understory thicket which can restrict native plant growth and tree seedling establishment.Lonicera fragrantissimais native to eastern Asia and was first introduced into North America in the late 1800s. It has been planted widely as an ornamental and for wildlife food and cover. |
Describe the appearance of Genistamonspessulana(L.) L. Johnson? | Genista monspessulanais a perennial leafy leguminous shrub that grows up to 9.8 ft. (3 m) tall. The main stem is grey and hairless. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for reed canarygrass? | PHAR3 |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for ponderosa pine? | PIPO |
Describe the flowers of CentaureavirgataLam.? | Flowering occurs in early to mid-summer, when pink flowers develop in heads at the tips of the branches. |
Is Ceratocephalatesticulata(Crantz) Bess. native to the United States? | Exotic |
Is rose glorybower native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for CuscutaapproximataBab.? | CUAP2 |
Describe the fruit of HesperismatronalisL.? | The siliques (long slender fruits) are 2-4 in. (5-10 cm) in length and contain a large number of seeds. |
What is the common name of Youngiajaponica(L.) DC.? | Youngiajaponica(L.) DC. |
What is the growth habit of black mustard? | forbs/herbs |
Describe the foliage of DioscoreaalataL.? | Leaves are opposite, 8 in. (20.3 cm) long and narrowly heart-shaped with long petioles. The stems are square with the corners compressed into wings. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is high mallow native to the United States? | Exotic |
What is the common name of Kyllinganemoralis(J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Dandy ex Hutch. & Dalziel? | Kyllinganemoralis(J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Dandy ex Hutch. & Dalziel |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Where can I view images of CastillejaarvensisCham. & Schlecht? | |
Describe the foliage of timothy? | Glabrous, distinctly veined on blade and sheath; blades flat to somewhat keeled, 4-8 in. (10.2-20.3 cm) long, up to 0.38 in. (0.95 cm) wide, tapering toward the tip, with midrib prominent on upper surface; leaves rolled in buds. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for LactucasalignaL.? | LASA |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for hairy willowherb? | EPHI |
Where can I view images of BarbareavulgarisAit. f.? | |
Does Cirsiumarvense(L.) Scop. pose any ecological threat? | Cirsium arvenseis most commonly found in agricultural and disturbed sites, or sites that are undergoing restoration. It is shade intolerant and therefore is rarely found within wooded sites, except in clearings. It is found in some dry, sandy sites, but more commonly on the edges of wet habitats such as stream banks and lake shores. In the western and northern U.S. it presents a significant problem in prairie and riparian habitats. |
Is TyphalatifoliaL. native to the United States? | Native |
What is the common name of DeutziascabraThunb.? | DeutziascabraThunb. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for RobiniapseudoacaciaL.? | ROPS |
Where can I view images of IpomoealacunosaL.? | |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for GlechomahederaceaL.? | GLHE2 |
Where can I view images of Cenchrussetaceus(Forssk.) Morrone? | |
Does australian-pine pose any ecological threat? | Casuarina equisetifoliais native to Australia and southeast Asia and was introduced into Florida in the late 1800’s. |
What is the common name of CarlinavulgarisL.? | CarlinavulgarisL. |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for AcaciaconfusaMerr? | ACCO |
What is the invasive/noxious status of Bassiascoparia(L.) A.J. Scott and where is it classified as such? | Potentially Invasive, Prohibited (Connecticut) |
What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant symbol for ElaeagnusumbellataThunb.? | ELUM |
What is the growth habit of Lespedezathunbergii(DC.) Nakai? | forbs/herbs |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |
Is this plant invasive to the United States? | The following species have been reported to be invasive in natural areas in the United States. Species native to the United States are included when they are invasive in areas well outside their known natural ranges, as a result of human activities. |