This story still seems timely and important .
Istorio hau inportantea da oraindik.
And there 's an element of heartbreak to watching it now , with older and wiser eyes , because we know what will happen after Greene 's story ends .
Bihotza hautsiko zait heldu helduak garenetik... eta jakintsuak gara orain. Badakigu zer gertatuko den Greenen istorioa bukatzen denean.
The bodily function jokes are about what you 'd expect , but there are rich veins of funny stuff in this movie .
Gorputzaren funtzioen inguruan jokatuz gero , badirudi ez dela espero bezalakoa izango . Baina film honetan badaude gauza dibertigarri batzuk.
The performances are amiable and committed , and the comedy more often than not hits the bullseye .
Antzezpenak atseginak dira eta konpromisoa dute . Eta komedianteek sarri ikusten dute zuzenean tiro egiten.
This time , the hype is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the first , it 's still a rollicking good time for the most part .
Oraingoan, giroa lasaiago dago. Eta filma ez da lehenengoa bezain ondo ateratzen. Baina, gehienetan, ongi ateratzen da.
There 's plenty to enjoy -- in no small part thanks to Lau .
Gauza asko dago hemen egiteko... eta Lau-ri eskerrak eman behar dizkiot.
With a romantic comedy plotline straight from the ages , this Cinderella story does n't have a single surprise up its sleeve .
Komedia erromantikoko historian bezala, Errauskinearen istorioa ez da ezustekoa.
But it does somehow manage to get you under its spell .
Baina nolabait moldatzen da zu xarmantzen.
Though few will argue that it ranks with the best of Herzog 's works , Invincible shows he 's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film .
Nahiz eta batzuek ez duten onartzen Herzogek beste film batean agertu dela Invincible film batean agertzen da berriro ere forma batean.
`` Catch Me '' feels capable of charming the masses with star power , a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a Spielberg trademark .
"Eman diezadakezu miresmena eta mirespena". "Eman diezadakezu miresmena eta mirespena". "Eman diezadakezu miresmena eta mirespena".
By no means a great movie , but it is a refreshingly forthright one .
Film hau ez da egile-kontuezkoa. Baina bai argigarria.
The casting of Raymond J. Barry as the ` assassin ' greatly enhances the quality of Neil Burger 's impressive fake documentary .
Raymond J. Barryk hiltzailetzat aurkeztu du bere burua . Neilen Burgerren dokumentala imitatzen ari dira.
Despite Besson 's high-profile name being Wasabi 's big selling point , there is no doubt that Krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film 's thoroughly winning tone .
Nahiz eta Besson izen ezaguna izan Wasabirentzat saltzeko, ez dago zalantzarik Krawczykek meritu handia duelako filmeko doinu ospetsuarekin.
This documentary is a dazzling , remarkably unpretentious reminder of what ( Evans ) had , lost , and got back .
Dokumental honek oroitarazten digu zer izan zen, galdu egin zen eta berriz eskuratu.
A thoughtful movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and risk and schemes and the consequences of one 's actions .
Film interesgarria da. Arimaz hitz egiten du. Arriskuak, konspirazioak, eta norberaren ekintzen ondorioak.
As satisfyingly odd and intriguing a tale as it was a century and a half ago ... has a delightfully dour , deadpan tone and stylistic consistency .
Duela mende eta erdi zenaren oso ezberdina den istorio interesgarri bat, baina nahasgarria, kartsua eta oso fina.
Methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its comedy , Secret Ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it 's so successful at lodging itself in the brain .
Metodo konplexua da, neurritua eta bere komedianteek gordea, eta "Bote Sekretuak" film independentea da. eta hori da bere burua imajinatzearen arrazoia.
A witty , trenchant , wildly unsentimental but flawed look at the ins and outs of modern moviemaking .
Zuhurra, azkarra, eta oso sentikorra. Film modernoak arrakasta badu.
For most of the distance the picture provides a satisfyingly unsettling ride into the dark places of our national psyche .
Pelikulak gure adimena sarri erakusten du, kokapenaren iluntasunean.
By the standards of knucklehead swill , The Hot Chick is pretty damned funny .
Ergel horien arabera, emakume alaia oso dibertigarria da.
One of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since The Evil Dead .
"The Evil Dead " filmetik inoiz egin den " shocker " ikaragarri eta super-super-super-arrakasten artean dago.
( Reaches ) wholly believable and heart-wrenching depths of despair .
Eta bihotza hausten duen etsipen handi hori...
An absorbing and unsettling psychological drama .
Drama psikologiko nahasgarria eta kilikagarria.
This movie may not have the highest production values you 've ever seen , but it 's the work of an artist , one whose view of America , history and the awkwardness of human life is generous and deep .
Baliteke film honek ez izatea munduko filmik onena baina artista handi baten obra da. Amerikar historiari eta munduaren izpirituari... begiratu behar diogu eta gure trebetasunak eta gaitasunak... beste arraza eta arraza guztiekin alderatu.
Though it 's not very well shot or composed or edited , the score is too insistent and the dialogue is frequently overwrought and crudely literal , the film shatters you in waves .
Ez da batere polita. Partitura eta doinuak gehiegi dira eta berbatekoak dira gainera. Film oso batek min handia ematen dizu .
The entire cast is extraordinarily good .
Aktore-talde osoa izugarri ona da.
Yakusho , as always , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack ... and his chemistry with Shimizu is very believable .
Yakusho beti bezalakoa da, aurpegi luze horrekin. Eta bere harremana Shimizurekin, ezin hobea da.
Young Hanks and Fisk , who vaguely resemble their celebrity parents , bring fresh good looks and an ease in front of the camera to the work .
Hanks eta Fisk, beraien guraso izarretakoak bezalakoak, itxura atsegina eta aurpegi alaia dute, eta kameraren aurrean erosoago agertzen dira.
A captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller .
Erretratuaren, fikziozko komikiaren eta... denbora-pasako bideoei buruzko zirriborro amarrutsua.
The film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects .
Film hau jakinduriaz eta umorez josita dago.
If ( Jaglom 's ) latest effort is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still worth hearing .
Azkeneko saioa ez bada bere buruarentzako onena, oraindik entzun beharko luketen zerbait da.
Like The English Patient and The Unbearable Lightness of Being , The Hours is one of those reputedly `` unfilmable '' novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right .
" Paziente ingelesa " eta " Izatearen arintasun garratza " bezala , " Orduak " eleberri muturrekotzat jo daitekeenaren artean dago.
Just about the best straight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years .
Azken 15 urteotako beldurrezko filmik onena.
A chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th Century France : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 .
XX. mendeko Frantziako krimenerik handienetako bat kontatzen du:
An oddity , to be sure , but one that you might wind up remembering with a degree of affection rather than revulsion .
Bitxia da, baina oroimenean gordeko duzue, mina sentitzeko ordez.
While the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work .
Filma ez da guztiz arrakastatsua izan , baina muntatzen ditu hainbat unetan zoragarriak diren pertsonaiak .
A winning piece of work filled with love for the movies of the 1960s .
Lan hori ... maitasunez betea 1960ko hamarkadako filmekin .
E.T. works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old Robert MacNaughton , 6-year-old Drew Barrymore and 10-year-old Henry Thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet .
E.T.k bere bizitza funtzionatzen duela dio ... 14 urteko Robert MacNaughtonekin eta 6 urteko Drew Barrymorekin. Henry Thomasekin. Honek konbentzitzen gaitu planeta urrun bateko bisitariak... bizi direla eta desagertzeko zorian daudela.
Helps to remind the First World that HIV\/AIDS is far from being yesterday 's news .
Munduari gogorarazten dio HIESa ia gainditua dagoela.
A heartening tale of small victories and enduring hope .
Garaipen txikiez eta itxaropen iraunkorraz betetako istorioa.
The vistas are sweeping and the acting is far from painful .
Ikuspegia txundigarria da, eta aktorearena ez da batere penagarria.
Jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema .
Jacksonek eta bere lagunek " zinema epikoa " izena hartu dute , eta errespetua itzuli diote.
It may be a somewhat backhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feel like the movie 's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie 's most admirable quality
Laudorio bat da, agian, baina beste film batean bihurtzen dira biktima. Baina, nolabait, filmeko onena ere horixe da.
Charlotte Sometimes is a brilliant movie .
"Charlotte, batzuetan" film ederra da.
It is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexity .
Bizitza irrazionalaz eta zentzugabeaz doa. Eta hain benetakoa dirudi ez duelako konplexutasuna filtratzen.
A delightful stimulus for the optic nerves , so much that it 's forgivable that the plot feels like every other tale of a totalitarian tomorrow .
Optikoa da. Barka bekitekoa, baina istorioa da totalitarismoa.
Defies logic , the laws of physics and almost anyone 's willingness to believe in it .
Fisikaren legeak eta logika ukatzen ditu ... eta hori sinetsi nahi duen edonor eragotzi dezake.
But darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats .
Baina eserita egoten ere ez dugu baimenik.
A complex psychological drama about a father who returns to his son 's home after decades away .
Psikologia-drama konplexua. Aita bat semearen etxera itzultzen da eta neskak ez du inoiz ezer entzun nahi izan.
Writer and director Otar Iosseliani 's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in Venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls .
Otar Iosseliani idazlearen ipuin politak , fabrika bateko langile bat oporretan joaten dena Veneziara, erakusten du denok behar dugula atsedenaldi bat lanaren ondoren arimak freskatu ahal izateko.
This is NOT a retread of `` Dead Poets ' Society . ''
Hau ez da "Poeta hilaren elkartea".
Sweet and memorable film .
Film hau primerakoa da.
A smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedy .
Komedia azkar eta original bat da.
Keenly observed and refreshingly natural , Swimming gets the details right , from its promenade of barely clad bodies in Myrtle Beach , S.C. , to the adrenaline jolt of a sudden lunch rush at the diner .
Konturatu zara " igeri " filmak detaile guztiak dituela? ... Myrtle Beach-eko paseoa, gorputzak eta arropa ia biluzik South Carolina-n , eta bazkari desfilearen eszena.
... begins on a high note and sustains it beautifully .
... eta pozarren amaitzen dut.
Davis ... gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft Ally McBeal-style fantasy sequences .
Davisek ondo egiten du bere lana,... ..eta Ally McBeal-en antzerako zerbait irabazten du.
` it 's better to go in knowing full well what 's going to happen , but willing to let the earnestness of its execution and skill of its cast take you down a familiar road with a few twists .
Hobe da hasi jakinez zer gertatuko den, eta onartzea exekuzioaren benetako izaera eta bere jarraitzaileen trebetasuna, - ...lehenengo eta behin bakarrik egongo direla.
Cynics need not apply . '
Ziniak ez dira aplikatzen".
Funny , somber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , Bartleby is a fine , understated piece of filmmaking .
Barregarria da, tristea eta absurdoa. Eta, azkenik , mingarria eta tristea. Bartleby bikaina da, filmaketaren ikaragarri profesionala.
`` Red Dragon '' is entertaining .
"Arrain gorri" oso dibertigarria da.
An obvious copy of one of the best films ever made , how could it not be ?
Inoizko filmik onenetakoa, Ez da?
But it is entertaining on an inferior level .
Baina ez da atsegina.
It is a popcorn film , not a must-own , or even a must-see .
Krispeten negozioa da. Ez da film hutsa. Ez da film hutsa.
Succeeds only because Bullock and Grant were made to share the silver screen .
Arrakasta izan zuen Bullockek eta Grantek elkarrekin zinemara joan zirelako.
Both flawed and delayed , Martin Scorcese 's Gangs of New York still emerges as his most vital work since GoodFellas .
Eta Martin Scorseeseren " Gangs of New York " bandaren ondorengoa da oraindik .
As any creature-feature fan knows , when you cross toxic chemicals with a bunch of exotic creatures , you get a lot of running around , screaming and death .
Izaki bizidunetan kimikoen kutsadura bat aurkitzen bada izaki bizidun ezezagunen artean ... - Oihuak eta heriotza izango dira ondorioak.
On that score , the film certainly does n't disappoint .
Horren aldean, filma ez da zirraragarria.
As the movie traces Mr. Brown 's athletic exploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times .
Brown jaunaren arrakasta ikusita , ezin dut sinetsi gizon hau bere kreatibitate eta graziarekin halako arrakasta handia lortu izana.
A moving and solidly entertaining comedy\/drama that should bolster director and co-writer Juan José Campanella 's reputation in the United States .
Komedia ukitu bat, zaratatsua eta dibertigarria, eta oso komedia ona Juan José Campanella zuzendariaren eta ko-egilearen arrakastari laguntzeko AEBetan.
Thanks to confident filmmaking and a pair of fascinating performances , the way to that destination is a really special walk in the woods .
Film hau egiteko eta bi pieza interesgarri eskuratzeko ... basoan ibilaldi berezia eginez aurkitu dugu bidea .
Beautifully shot , delicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it 's a lyrical endeavour .
Ederki eginak, detaile handiz muntatuak ... eta antzezpen gogoangarriekin, idazkera berezkoa da.
A macabre and very stylized Swedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters .
Film beldurgarri eta suediar bat hiri moderno batean kokatutako gai sorta bati buruz non gure gizartea mantentzen duten bertute erlijioso eta zibilak txikituta geratu diren.
A stylistic romp that 's always fun to watch .
Beti da dibertigarria hori ikustea.
Informative , intriguing , observant , often touching ... gives a human face to what 's often discussed in purely abstract terms .
Informazio baliotsua, interesgarria , ikusgarria, eta emozionala. ...Honek ematen dio gizakiaren itxura deskribapenari, normalean hitz egiten duguna.
... once the true impact of the day unfolds , the power of this movie is undeniable .
Gaurko egunaren ondoren... filmaren indarra aitortu da.
An honest , sensitive story from a Vietnamese point of view .
Vietnamdarren ikuspuntutik ...
A buoyant romantic comedy about friendship , love , and the truth that we 're all in this together .
Komedia erromantikoko gai korapilatsu bat da adiskidetasuna , maitasuna eta denok elkarrekin gaudela kontatzeko.
The film 's intimate camera work and searing performances pull us deep into the girls ' confusion and pain as they struggle tragically to comprehend the chasm of knowledge that 's opened between them .
Filmaren kamerak eta pertsonaiak neska horien oinazea eta sufrimendua iradokitzen dute . Emakumeek ez dute ulertu nahi beraien artean dagoen amildegia.
It 's the perfect star vehicle for Grant , allowing him to finally move away from his usual bumbling , tongue-tied screen persona .
Grantentzat estrukturako aukera onena da... irudi arruntaren pertsonaia zatarra izateko.
Gaunt , silver-haired and leonine , ( Harris ) brings a tragic dimension and savage full-bodied wit and cunning to the aging Sandeman .
Ile horia, tridente-kolorea eta guzti ... Tamaina tragikoan eta arrakasta izugarrian Sandemanek gorputz bat utzi du agurearekin.
A disturbing examination of what appears to be the definition of a ` bad ' police shooting .
Polizia baten tiroa susmagarria da.
It 's been made with an innocent yet fervid conviction that our Hollywood has all but lost .
Inuzenteak bezain baikorrak dira Hollywoodekoak ... sekula izan ez duten zerbait lortzearren .
Not only a reminder of how they used to make movies , but also how they sometimes still can be made .
Pelikulak nola egiten ziren oroitarazten dit . Eta oraindik berdin egin daitekeela batzuetan .
A three-hour cinema master class .
Hiru orduko masterra.
Eyre is on his way to becoming the American Indian Spike Lee .
Eyre indiarra Spike Lee izango da.
A witty , whimsical feature debut .
Debuta graziaz eta arrakastarekin egingo dugu.
Warm in its loving yet unforgivingly inconsistent depiction of everyday people , relaxed in its perfect quiet pace and proud in its message .
Jende arruntaren portaera arraro eta kezkagarria da, harrotasunez beteriko giza izaera, lasaitasuna eta xarma.
I loved this film .
Pelikula hori atsegin dut.
It provides a grim , upsetting glimpse at the lives of some of the 1.2 million Palestinians who live in the crowded cities and refugee camps of Gaza .
1,2 milioi palestinarren bizitza sinplea eta tristea agertzen da Gaza hiriko hiri beteetan eta iheslarien kanpalekuetan bizi direnen artean.
Clint Eastwood 's Blood Work is a lot like a well-made PB & J sandwich : familiar , fairly uneventful and boasting no real surprises -- but still quite tasty and inviting all the same .
Clint Eastwooden odola ... opilak eta patatak bezala dira: ohikoak, desegokiak eta ugariak.
A movie that will surely be profane , politically charged music to the ears of Cho 's fans .
Film hau da... seguruenik, Cho-ren jarraitzaileen arrakasta ikusgarriena izango da.
Much of this slick and sprightly CGI feature is sufficiently funny to amuse even the most resolutely unreligious parents who escort their little ones to megaplex screenings .
Grabazioen teknologiari esker , aukera ematen diegu gurasoei beren haurrak erakusteko aukera hori.
Rarely , a movie is more than a movie .
Arraroa da zinean... film bat zinean baino gehiago izatea.
Go .
Jacquot 's strategy allows his cast the benefit of being able to give full performances ... while demonstrating vividly that the beauty and power of the opera reside primarily in the music itself .
Jacquot-en estrategiak aukera ematen die bere jarduerari ondo erantzunda eta era berean opera bateko edertasuna eta indarra musikaren baitan daudela erakutsiz .
Quitting delivers a sucker-punch , and its impact is all the greater beause director Zhang 's last film , the cuddly Shower , was a non-threatening multi-character piece centered around a public bath house .
" Uztea" berriz, " Uztea" soka apurtu behar da. "Eta are gehiago" "Bikainagoa da"
By not averting his eyes , Solondz forces us to consider the unthinkable , the unacceptable , the unmentionable .
Begiak gertu izanik , Solondz-ek imajinatzen digu pentsamendu bat proposatzen digularik: pentsaezina , onartezina, aipagarria.
One Hour Photo may seem disappointing in its generalities , but it 's the little nuances that perhaps had to escape from director Mark Romanek 's self-conscious scrutiny to happen , that finally get under your skin .
" One Hour Photo " diskoaren lehenengo atala desengainagarria irudituko zaizue orokorrean baina Mark Romanek zuzendariaren hitzaldiak eta filmak saihestu dituen xehetasun txikiak dira benetakoak.
While general audiences might not come away with a greater knowledge of the facts of Cuban music , they 'll be treated to an impressive and highly entertaining celebration of its sounds .
Publikoak ez du jakingo zer izan den Kubako musika . Hala ere , bere soinuen ospakizun bikaina izango da.
A fascinating documentary that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system
Dokumental bat da, tratamendu holistikoaren antzinako ikuspegi osoa emateko.