Union Backs Legislation Requiring Automatic Sign Up for School Pension – DC37 Home » ABOUT DC 37 » Union Backs Legislation Requiring Automatic Sign Up for School Pension Posted on May 26, 2017 by gheires in ABOUT DC 37, POLITICS, REGISTER TO VOTE // 0 Comments City employees are usually enrolled automatically in the retirement system when they are hired. But that’s not true for many members of Board of Education Employees Local 372. New Local 372 members are required to sign up. But many members who work for the Dept. of Education neglect to enroll and therefore don’t receive pension benefits when they retire. District Council 37 and Local 372 announced their support of legislation, sponsored by New York state Sen. Diane Savino and Assembly member Nick Perry, that would automatically enroll members in the Board of Education Retirement System. “Under the current enrollment process, too many of our members at the Dept. of Education have missed out on the full pension benefits they are entitled to,” said DC 37 Executive Director Henry Garrido. Local 372 President Shaun D. Francois I applauded the Albany legislators for introducing the bill. “We appreciate the support of Sen. Diane Savino and Assemblyman Nick Perry and the bill they introduced in Albany to make sure our members will be enrolled in the retirement system,” he said. “As many as 5,000 members neglected to register in the retirement system.” “We hope to bring this bill to a full vote after the Memorial Day weekend,” said Savino.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Rise Above Reason: Tired of Being Victimized Tired of Being Victimized This has been an awful time for us. I can’t recall that in the past we’ve had to deal much with crime, but it sure seems we are being “victimized” in excess this year—so far! It began in December with the break-in and vandalism of our rental home in Oregon. Thieves literally broke down the glass doors and frame, entered, and ransacked the house. More unfortunate is that the house was rented out at the time to a nice gentleman living a “normal,” simple, and honest life. Many of his valuables were stolen. The physical damage to the home cost us over $1,000 to repair. With a $1000 deductable and the fact we had just began a new policy with a new insurance company “that same day,” we were basically “screwed! Then a few weeks back, a man in Lincoln City shot a police officer and fled. He was cornered and escaped into a housing tract in Waldport. The same tract we have our vacation rental home. We couldn’t allow our scheduled guests to enter the home so all reservations were cancelled for a week. Not only did we lose an estimated $700 in rents (needed to make the payment on the home), but our housekeeper and many others who work in this tract lost their income as did the businesses in town who rely on the tourists to provide their living. Finally, this week while we are in California, a couple living upstairs from us moved out. In the process of moving, they illegally dumped appliances and furniture in the complex. My husband and I were approached once each for information on the couples activities. Neither one of us even knew of the happenings, but because we are staying directly below the couple, everyone assumed we did—including the couple who thought we were the sole reason they were in trouble—in other words—they thought we “narked” on them. They were mad and let the world know it! That night they made their final move out of the complex. We woke in the morning to find our car gas cap had been removed. So what are we to think? We can’t start the car in case they put something in the gas tank. So here we go again…tow truck and $400 later to remove the gas tank and see if anything was done to it. I find it hard to be around young people who think the world “owes” them something. So what’s up here? Is the world going mad? Or is it just dumb luck? It couldn’t be a worse time to have all these added and unnecessary expenses—for us—or anyone for that matter! I miss the days..that’s right, “the days.” Back when things were simpler, drug abuse was not such a huge issue, and crime was at a minimum. People worked hard for a living and were proud—and respectful of others who “deserved” respect. Not “Are you dis’n me?” from some 20 year old with a criminal record. Any comments?
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Drink with the Devil (Livre, 1996) [WorldCat.org] Titre: Drink with the Devil Éditeur: New York : G.P. Putnam's, ©1996. Ajoutez des tags pour "Drink with the Devil". LIBRARY, HARDCOVER FICTION(481 ouvrages) <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/34151381>library:oclcnum"34151381"library:placeOfPublication<http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/countries/nyu>dcterms:identifier"nyu"rdf:typeschema:Placelibrary:placeOfPublication<http://dbpedia.org/resource/New_York_City>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"New York"rdf:typeschema:Bookschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1205427>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"Ireland"schema:name"Ireland."schema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Topic/terrorism_ireland>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Terrorism--Ireland"@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Place/ireland>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"Ireland"schema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Topic/terrorism_prevention>rdf:typeschema:Intangiblerdfs:seeAlso<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2008112796>schema:name"Terrorism--Prevention."@enschema:name"Terrorism--Prevention"@enschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/893822>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Dillon, Sean (Fictitious character)"@enschema:about<http://dewey.info/class/823.914/e20/>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1148123>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Terrorism--Prevention"@enschema:copyrightYear"1996"schema:creator<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Person/higgins_jack_1929>rdf:typeschema:Personschema:birthDate"1929"schema:familyName"Higgins"schema:givenName"Jack"schema:name"Higgins, Jack, 1929-"schema:datePublished"1996"schema:description"Former IRA terrorist Sean Dillon, now a British secret service agent, is ordered to recover a shipment of gold from a sunken barge before the Protestant paramilitary do so. The Protestants, who stole the gold in the first place, intend to use it to escalate the war and scuttle the peace talks."@enschema:exampleOfWork<http://worldcat.org/entity/work/id/583033>schema:genre"Adventure fiction"@enschema:genre"Fiction"@enschema:inLanguage"en"schema:name"Drink with the Devil"@enschema:publication<http://www.worldcat.org/title/-/oclc/34151381#PublicationEvent/new_york_g_p_putnam_s_1996>rdf:typeschema:PublicationEventschema:location<http://dbpedia.org/resource/New_York_City>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"New York"schema:organizer<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Agent/g_p_putnam_s>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"G.P. Putnam's"schema:publisher<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/583033#Agent/g_p_putnam_s>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"G.P. Putnam's"schema:workExample<http://worldcat.org/isbn/9780399141546>rdf:typeschema:ProductModelschema:description"acid-free paper"schema:isbn"0399141545"schema:isbn"9780399141546"wdrs:describedby<http://www.worldcat.org/title/-/oclc/34151381>rdf:typegenont:InformationResourcerdf:typegenont:ContentTypeGenericResourceschema:about<http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/34151381>void:inDataset<http://purl.oclc.org/dataset/WorldCat>Content-negotiable representationsTurtle (text/turtle)JSON-LD (application/ld+json)RDF/XML (application/rdf+xml)N-TRIPLES (text/plain)HTML+RDFa (text/html)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 15,637 libraries in 107 countries that participate in the OCLC global cooperative. It is operated by OCLC, Inc." } ]
Swank Boutique Online Blog: Rebecca Minkoff’s New Canvas Collection Rebecca Minkoff’s New Canvas Collection This fun and eye-catching canvas tote is a great size for an everyday work or school bag—perfect for the lighter duty summer school. Trimmed in black leather with thick leather handles, while simple and casual, like the eye test print on the front, the more you look, the more you see. I love the thinly braided leather rope and tassel tie hanging off one of the handles that I would love to wrap around my wrist sometime as a thick leather cuff and there’s something about the thin braided leather double shoulder strap that are so unique and I am uniquely drawn to. Rebecca Minkoff Eye Test Canvas Tote - $150.00 This quirky canvas handbag features a trompe l’oeil graphic of Rebecca Minkoff’s iconic clutch, the MAC Morning After Clutch. All the signature details we’ve come to know so well are boldly printed in cream on a black canvas which pop against the matte gold hardware and chain. Worn as a crossbody, a shoulder bag or a chainless clutch this roomy bag is large enough to handle our everyday running around and still small enough that we’d have no problem wearing it out at night and we love it accessorizing one of this season’s bright colorblock ensembles. This is definitely one of our favorites in Rebecca’s new canvas collection and at $165 it’s a great opportunity for the budding Rebecca Minkoff lover to start her collection! Rebecca Minkoff Trompe l’Oeil Canvas MAC Clutch - $165.00
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Papa Ron’s Spicy Pasta Sauce | Family Blog of Ron Pavellas ← The Most Important Energy in the Universe I Met a Man with No Legs → Papa Ron’s Spicy Pasta Sauce Posted on August 7, 2007 by Ron Pavellas Stepson Simon E-mailed me from where he lives and attends university in Växjö, southern Sweden. He needed the recipe for my spicy spaghetti sauce. It is the one dish I can call my own, and one that the whole family seems to enjoy. I hadn’t put the recipe in writing, only preparing it from memory and instinct, so I thought it a good time to record it for posterity and to help Simon with whatever grand social occasion he was planning. My older, twin granddaughters usually call me Papa Ron, so I attached this name to the sauce. I usually make it in large amounts in order to freeze a portion for later use. Every time I cook a batch, it is a new thing. The ingredients are almost always the same, but not always in the same proportions. I do not have a strict recipe for them, but go as the whim takes me. Typically, I add a lot of freshly crushed garlic to the meat (low-fat, high-quality ground beef) while it is frying, and prior to its placement into the main pot of sauce. So, you may correctly infer that there are three pots: one for the main body of the sauce, and one for frying the meat-with-garlic, and another, later, for boiling the pasta. I use a lot of meat, perhaps 500-750 grams, depending on the amount of other stuff. On the frying of the meat: I like to replace, as much as possible, the beef fat in the meat with olive oil, while frying. If you wish to do this also here’s how: the frying pan should have a tightly fitting lid (preferably glass, so you can see what’s going on); when the beef is about halfway cooked (and the cook should constantly chop and stir the meat so it cooks as evenly as possible, to break it into the smallest pieces possible while combining with the fresh garlic), there will be juice released from the meat; drain the juice away (it’s not necessary to save it); do this again after it all has cooked some more (always with the lid on, except while stirring); after the second draining, add olive oil to your own satisfaction and cook the meat a little bit more, enough to get the oil and meat well-combined; it is now ready to be put into the main pot. The main pot will have in it, first, a lot of crushed tomatoes, perhaps two liters or more, depending on the size of pot you have—-the bigger the better. Have on hand a tube or two of tomato paste to use later, if necessary, to thicken the final product. You can use flavored crushed tomatoes, but I think it not necessary. Then, into the main pot put: – One finely-chopped onion – One-half to three-quarters of an average size habanero pepper, to your own taste. One whole pepper will be too much unless you are making 3 or more liters of sauce. THESE PEPPERS ARE EXTREMELY HOT. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES OR ANY MUCOUS MEMBRANE AFTER FINELY CHOPPING (OR SQUEEZING THROUGH A GARLIC PRESS) UNTIL YOU HAVE THOROUGHLY SCRUBBED YOUR HANDS AND FINGERS. If you use a garlic press, use a sharp knife to scrape and capture the parts of the pepper that cling to the surface of the press, where the materials extrude (use this same method for pressing garlic). For your first time, perhaps you should use 2-3 average size green chili (jalapeño) peppers instead, until you get more confidence with this key, but dangerous, ingredient. The same precautions for touching and washing apply here also. – Perhaps two large carrots, chopped into pieces that are around ¼ of the cross-section of an average-size carrot, and about ½ centimeter thick. If you don’t like carrots, fuggeddaboudit. – One large zucchini, chopped similarly as the carrots, but in proportionately larger dimensions. Use more zucchini if you like zucchini. – Somewhere along the line, add some red wine. I use the wine (Chianti is good) to rinse out the tomato and other containers to capture all the juices. – Add some pine nuts if you like them. Mushrooms too. – Add anything else that seems right for your sauce. – At the very end, add some chopped leaves of fresh basil, to your own taste, Use more, rather then less, because its flavor tends to be overpowered by all the others. You might instead sprinkle the uncooked, chopped leaves over the end product, just before serving. After adding all the ingredients, including the meat, stir thoroughly and let simmer for around 10 minutes. Then, check the consistency of the sauce as it cooks, slowly, over at least an hour. Two or three hours is even better. If the sauce is too watery and needs to be thickened, add tomato paste and maybe a little more olive oil. If it needs to be thinned, add more wine. Use your imagination. Engage, emotionally, with your sauce as it cooks. When the sauce tastes good enough to serve (you WILL be sampling it every ten minutes or so), boil up the water into which the pasta will go (third pot). If you can, use a pot that has the strainer inserted already into it, as part of the apparatus. Add a lot of olive oil so it floats across most of the top. This will add taste to the pasta and it will keep the pieces from sticking together, especially if you keep stirring it as it boils. Use the best pasta you can. Spend money. If you want garlic bread with your meal, talk to me. This is the other thing that the family all demands, upon occasion. This entry was posted in Ronald A. Pavellas and tagged garlic, habanero pepper, olive oil, pasta, pasta sauce, Växjö. Bookmark the permalink.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Stuart Eglin: BACK SOON! This archive will stay here - but you can find new posts (as well as this archive) at my new website which is at http://www.stuarteglin.com/. It's the new home for Stuart Eglin Online - including the blog, musings, and details of the publications and services which I have available. Take a look - it's worth a visit! Wednesday, 24 March 2004
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Popular Politics and the English Reformation Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History: Amazon.co.uk: Ethan H. Shagan: Books BooksAdvanced SearchBrowse GenresBest SellersNew & Future ReleasesPaperbacksSeasonal OffersStudy BooksAudiobooksSell Your Books Popular Politics and the English Reformation Start reading Popular Politics and the English Reformation on your Kindle in under a minute. Popular Politics and the English Reformation (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) [Paperback] Trade in Popular Politics and the English Reformation (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) for an Amazon Gift Card of up to �8.25, which you can then spend on millions of items across the site. Trade-in values may vary (terms apply). Learn more › See more product promotions Publication Date: 17 Oct 2002 | Series: Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History This book is a study of popular responses to the English Reformation. It takes as its subject not the conversion of English subjects to a new religion but rather their political responses to a Reformation perceived as an act of state and hence, like all early modern acts of state, negotiated between government and people. These responses included not only resistance but also significant levels of accommodation, co-operation and collaboration as people attempted to co-opt state power for their own purposes. This study argues, then, that the English Reformation was not done to people, it was done with them in a dynamic process of engagement between government and people. As such, it answers the twenty-year-old scholarly dilemma of how the English Reformation could have succeeded despite the inherent conservatism of the English people, and it presents a genuinely post-revisionist account of one of the central events of English history. The Age of Reformation: The Tudor and Stewart … › Alec Ryrie Catholics and the Protestant Nation: Religious Politics and … › Ethan H. Shagan The Rule of Moderation: Violence, Religion and … › Ethan H. Shagan Being Protestant in Reformation Britain › Alec Ryrie 1405835575,0719080525,0198221622,0521135567,0199565724,0300108281,0199231311,0571235840,0199654387,0745953328,0140285342,0140137440,0007240805 Publisher: Cambridge University Press (17 Oct 2002) ISBN-10: 0521525551 ISBN-13: 978-0521525558 Amazon Bestsellers Rank: 844,505 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #85 in Books > History > Britain & Ireland > Reformation in Britain › Visit Amazon's Ethan H. Shagan Page 'What impresses me especially about this work is the way it tackles the vast array of intractable and often obscure primary sources. Shagan has proved to have an extraordinary nose for investigation in manuscript material; he has come up with some gems of neglected sources and has exploited them to the full. He has also acquired a sense of context: that indispensable sense of the shape of the English landscape, and how one area relates to another. In sum, this study will become a central statement in our understanding of the English Reformation.' Diarmaid MacCulloch, University of Oxford'This book deserves careful reading because it challenges many accepted views and offers us a new angle from which to understand these momentous changes in our island's history.' Contemporary Review'Shagan has presented a refashioned study of the ever-engrossing interplay between the governed and the governors of the early English Reformation.' Susan Wabuda, H-Albion'This is one of the most important books ever written in its field and a must-read for specialists and students alike.' History'… an important book … consistently intriguing.' Journal of Ecclesiastical History'Ethan Shagan's new study of the early years of the English Reformation is a tour de fource. What Popular Politics and the English Reformation attempts to do is to take on and defeat a number of the revisionist shibboleths that have become largely accepted within current historical thinking on the English Reformation. [This book] is an excellent volume, well written, polemical and persuasive - a real contribution to our understanding of the early English Reformation.' Reformation'This is unusually interesting, clever and learned book. … He must be congratulated on uncovering so much exciting and complicated detail on the huge canvas of sixteenth-century English religion.' Recusant History This is a study of popular responses to the English Reformation, analysing how ordinary people received, interpreted, debated, and responded to religious change. It differs from other studies by arguing that even at the popular level, political and theological processes were inseparable in the sixteenth century. The centrepiece and actualising principle of the English Reformation was not a theological doctrine, like Luther's justification by faith alone, but an act of state: in November 1534, after years of extorting concessions from parliaments and clerical convocations, Henry VIII was endowed with the authority of 'supreme head of the Church of England'. Read the first page 1409347657 An important and stimulating work. Format:Paperback Ethan Shagan is to be congratulated on writing the first book of post-revisionist Reformation history.In a direct challenge to Haigh's view of the Tudor 'juggernaut' state imposing a 'political' reformation from above on an uninterested populace, this study teases out the degree of subtle interplay between the objectives of the state and the aspirations of the 'meaner sort'.By using concepts such as collaboration and accomodation Shagan is able to reveal the Reformation as part of the dialogue between the interests of the central authority and those of the populace generally, revealing the greater participation of 'the people' in the political process than has often been allowed.As such it is part of an important body of recent work by scholars such as Andy Wood, Tim Harris, Steve Hindle and Alistair Bellany which is helping to illuminate Early Modern politics and society in new and exciting ways. - Published on Amazon.com Format:Paperback The fundamental question Ethan Shagan's book seeks to answer is how a government without a bureaucracy, police force, or standing army managed to affect the English Reformation. Shagan answers that it was an act of negotiation between the people and the government, an "act not done to the people [but] done with them" (25). Shagan's book represents one of the first post-revisionist attempts to understand the English Reformation. He eschews the most common questions asked by revisionist historians: To what extent was the Reformation a process of national conversion? Was that national conversion rapid from below or slow from above? When did England become a Protestant country? Instead of chasing these "phantasmagoric" questions, Shagan reconceptualizes the Reformation as "a piecemeal process in which politics and spiritual change were irrevocably intertwined" (7).To get at this process, Shagan examines court records, royal proclamations and propaganda, sermons, and theological tracts. Divided into three parts, Shagan's book looks at the political and social processes of Reformation from the Act of Supremacy (1534) to the end of Edward VI's reign in 1553."Popular politics" is a crucial term in Shagan's book because it identifies the locus where state and society negotiated Reformation. According to Shagan, revisionist historians have too often associated Reformation with theology, thereby leading them to discount the crucial process of politicization required for it to happen in the first place. Because the Reformation was an act of state, negotiated between it and the people, the concept of "resistance" is a problematic one. Instead, Shagan prefers to use the term "collaboration" to describe the interaction between the people and the government in making reform. However, just because it was central for the people to collaborate with the Tudor regime does not mean, according to Shagan, that the Reformation was popular. In fact, Part One, the Break with Rome and Crisis of Conservationism, goes to lengths to show that it was not. Chapter one, the most provocative of the three in this section focuses on debates over royal supremacy and argues that through its effective use of propaganda, the regime effectively politicized the Reformation making the prime issue not theology but loyalty. In doing this, the King divided opinion among between "conformist" and "non-conformist" Catholics, patronizing the former while making the latter traitors of the state.Part II, Points of Contact: the Henrician Reformation and the English People, is divided into three chapters and looks at anti-clericalism, the dissolution of the monasteries, and public religious debate. These well-worn themes of English Reformation historiography are reexamined by Shagan with the intention of "analyzing [them] within the context of popular politics" (133). In doing so, Shagan removes these questions from the theological framework in which they have traditionally been analyzed and examines them in terms of how the Reformation fundamentally reordered the assumptions, which guided social behavior. Here, the example of the dissolution and spoliation of the abbey of Hailes is instructive because he shows how the members of the once traditional community "internalized" the rhetoric of the Reformation and plundered a once sacred building.In part Three, Sites of Reformation: Collaboration and Popular Politics under Edward VI, Shagan looks at popular engagement with the Reformation during the Reign of Edward VI. In these two final chapters, Shagan most forcefully argues that the Reformation was brought about through a negotiation between people and state. He shows how the Edwardian government appealed to decidedly political and economic reasons in their quest for evangelical reform through the idiom of "commonwealth ideology." An especially interesting example, and one with which Shagan concludes his book, is the story of John Boller who was brought before the Star Chamber in 1550 for supposedly rejecting the king's authority to strip the parish altar at Highworth parish. However, according to a deposition made under oath, we find out that the real issue was not Boller's slandering of the King but the assertion of his right, as the farmer of the vicarage, to possess the recently dismantled altar stones. Shagan makes the point that in this case, the stripping of the altars does not represent all that was harmful and destructive in the English Reformation, as Eamon Duffy does, but shows how both individuals empowered themselves through co-opting the Reformation and how economic issues could be just as significant, if not more so, than confessional ones.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Amazon.com, Inc. ( AM-ə-zon) is an American multinational conglomerate which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence." } ]
Good Affordable Cantonese Restaurant with Large Portion - China Yuan, Tampa Traveller Reviews - TripAdvisor Good Affordable Cantonese Restaurant... - China Yuan “Good Affordable Cantonese Restaurant with Large Portion” Ranked #310 of 2,738 Restaurants in Tampa We were there three times when traveling in the Tampa bay area for dinner. We were pleased with their Cantonese dishes in all visits. We ordered at least one hot pot in every visit. I especially like their braised fish fillet with bean curd. We also ordered lo-mein and pan-fried noodles but I would not try their version of pan-fried noodles again. The noodles were oil fried and topped with gravy and meat; that was not the traditional Cantonese preparation. I also had their fish fillet congee and found them just as good as other similar restaurants in this area. The squid with sour mustard green was okay but not excellent, but I could have become picky at this point in our third visit. Ask WheelingTraveler about China Yuan All reviews dim sum duck lo mein noodles seafood authentic chinese nice pot of tea loose leaves eat chinese waters ave the tampa bay area an appetizer preparation This was a great find for me. The reviews were good. The restaurant is in a little store front shopping center just north of Waters Ave. Service was good and efficient. The prices are good for the quality. The menu is extensive. The fried dumplings were very good and an appetizer plenty for 2-3 people. My wife had a seafood soup which she said was great. I had the Mu Shu Pork which was not the best I've had but is a hard to find item in Tampa. I really want to try some of their other dishes. Seafood is probably a good choice here as there is a tank with fresh seafood. A nice pot of tea with loose leaves was a treat. If you like Chinese, this is not your typical place and a far better choice than any buffet for a good price. I'll go back soon. Ask William C about China Yuan Ask Antonio M about China Yuan I've been to this place a lot for the right reasons . My cousin and I discovered this place from the owners brother of course . Lol . I've traveled extensively even to china and all over the states visiting Chinatowns in NY , San Francisco and its Chinese restaurants. In all my visits China Yuan consistently creates the most authentic Hong Kong style food but also the most flavorful. As a retired Executive Chef who knows a little about food I've always been impressed with the dishes . From the delicious black pepper short ribs to the salt and pepper pork chops . Looking at the hanging Roast Duck, Roast Pork and Chicken behind the counter will make you salivate .If you like fresh seafood there lobster , crabs and Fish to choose from the live tanks .Dim Sum on Saturdays is a must .You know it's the popular place for Asians when it's always busy during weekends and holidays . Yes, I'm Asian . Peter and Sue (I think their adoptive American names) lol , are the most gracious host . When you talk to Peter about food , he knows his stuff . If you're looking to tickle your tastebuds give it a try. Tell Peter that Kevin and Vince says hi. Ask Dane8080 about China Yuan The wait was not good considering we are not of the nationality. This was my first time having dim sum. I must say the food was amazing. You can understand the menu and order different things to try. Oh my is all I can say. Once you tart it is hard to stop. I will be looking for places to compare to this one. Ask Crystal C about China Yuan
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Pushing the boundary | Tootlepedal's Blog « Small choir, big choir Oct 14, 2019 by tootlepedal Today’s guest picture, like yesterday’s, comes from Canada but shows a different view of Thanksgiving Day there. Langholm exile Joyce sent me this view from her window in Ontario. We had an altogether better day today here as far as the weather went, with not even a hint of a raindrop about. My plan was to make the best if the day by leaping up early and bicycling madly all day. In real life, I got up rather late, had a leisurely breakfast and did the crossword and only then felt strong enough to get my bike out. For some reason, I am feeling a bit tired in general at the moment and far from bicycling madly about, I kept to a very steady speed indeed, especially when it came to going up hills. And my route today had plenty of hills compared with my usual flattish outings. I headed north out of town and aimed for the county boundary twenty miles away at the top of a hill. There were plenty of excuses to stop along the way to take pictures. I liked these poplars…. …and there was an amazing crop of crab apples on a tree beside the road. I followed the Esk to the point where the Black and White Esk rivers meet. (I stopped just so that I could take a Black and White picture in full colour.) I then cycled across the bridge over the Black Esk and followed the White Esk to its source. The road to Eskdalemuir up the west bank of the White Esk is one of my favourites. It is quiet, well surfaced and has gentle gradients. My route took me through the village at Eskdalemuir and past the Tibetan monastery, where the stupa was sparkling in the sunshine. The road climbs steadily to just over 1000 feet… …so my bike was happy to have a rest while I ate a tuna roll at the county boundary. I ignored the charms of the Scottish Borders and after a ten minute break, I pedalled back home through Dumfries and Galloway. I took the same route home as I had taken on the way out as the alternative route down the east bank of the river has a very steep hill which my knees were not anxious to face, On one of my stops for refreshment and rest, I looked back up the Esk valley. It appeared to be very benign in the gentle sunshine but it can be a harsh place in the winter. Although there was quite a bit of cloud about, it was so thin that the sun shone through it it all day. My route took me along the Eskdale Prehistoric Trail and I stopped at one of the sites while I ate a banana. There are information boards at the sites and some of the boards are more informative than others. This one is unusually honest. This is the natural amphitheatre. One of these days I am going down the path to try out the acoustics. It has been a very good year for cones and these trees along the Esk at Bailliehill were dripping with them. There was a little autumn colour here and there along the route and this tree beside the graveyard at Bentpath was the best. I walked down to the river at the Bentpath Bridge but there are so many trees in front of the bridge that I couldn’t get a shot of the whole bridge and this glimpse through one of the arches was the best that I could do. I pottered on gently and got home after 45 miles at very restful 11 mph. As I had climbed over 2000 ft on my way, I was quite happy to have got home at all. Mrs Tootlepedal had organised an exhibition of her Embroiderers’ Group work in the Welcome to Langholm office in the morning, and she had done some good gardening in the afternoon, so we had both had a full day. After a cup of tea, I wandered round the garden. Some plants were complaining that I had left them out of my review yesterday. The most surprising is this hosta. It has sent up flowering stems from some very brown leaves. The Icelandic poppies are still flowering in spite of poor dead heading from me. And the lamiums haven’t stopped at all since March. Another little rose has taken advantage of the continuing warmth. The fuchsia by the back gate has produced a large crop of berries. Mrs Tootlepedal thinks that they might be edible but we are not going to try them. My flute pupil Luke came and we put in some heavy work on developing his counting skills. It is obviously an area where I need to hone my teaching skills! The flying bird of the day is a blackbird having a rest before a big night out on the tiles. Posted in Cycle outings, flowers, Nature, photography, Views | Tagged crab apple, fuchsia, hosta, Icelandic poppy, lamium, poplar, River Esk, rose, Samye Ling | 23 Comments on Oct 14, 2019 at 9:25 pm | Reply Sandy Looks like an interesting pedal. on Oct 14, 2019 at 9:54 pm | Reply tootlepedal The road surfaces are good. on Oct 14, 2019 at 9:48 pm | Reply Paul It was a good day for a bike ride for sure. Your rides are much more scenic than mine,although when your flogging it up one of those steep hills the scenery is a secondary concern 😉 on Oct 14, 2019 at 9:53 pm | Reply tootlepedal It was good to have a day without much wind for once. on Oct 14, 2019 at 10:49 pm | Reply New Hampshire Garden Solutions It is an odd time for a hosta to bloom. It must be all that good compost. It looks like your rivers are running low like ours are. I’ve seen streams and small ponds dry up. Glad the knees held up for the ride. It was a good one. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:42 pm | Reply tootlepedal I think the plants are as confused by the weather as everyone else. Our rivers go up and down very rapidly and after a couple of dry days, it is easy to forget how much it has rained lately. The ground is quite wet so it won’t take much to get the rivers up again. on Oct 14, 2019 at 11:23 pm | Reply susanpoozan That’s a beautiful photograph looking through the bridge, I did enjoy it. on Oct 14, 2019 at 11:36 pm | Reply Lavinia Ross You have some wonderful roads for biking and walking out there. The hosta blooming like that is unusual, but it has been a strange weather year for plants. My grape hyacinths have started coming up already. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:40 pm | Reply tootlepedal That seems very remarkable. The hosta is hard to believe even when you are looking at it. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:29 am | Reply maryh Excellent view through the bridge. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:34 am | Reply Jackie Knight Another lovely post, what an amazing area you live in. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:39 pm | Reply tootlepedal It has quite a lot of variety in a small area from the sea shore to the hills. on Oct 15, 2019 at 12:14 pm | Reply Laurie Graves I’m with Jackie. What an amazing area you live in. on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:38 pm | Reply tootlepedal on Oct 15, 2019 at 1:15 pm | Reply derrickjknight Your initial plan frightened me at first until I read the next paragraph. It is quite fun reading your posts some time later than Jackie, who will have read out snippets. I am delighted to be snippeted (snippetted?). It seems like an honour. on Oct 15, 2019 at 8:16 pm derrickjknight on Oct 15, 2019 at 5:34 pm | Reply lletty Lovely photos on your cycle ride with bridges, views and rivers to enjoy. Amazing amount of cones on those trees just right for decorations! After all the exertions earlier in the day you still had enough puff for flute playing and witticisms …remarkable! on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:36 pm | Reply tootlepedal I cycled too slowly to run out of puff! And when I run out of attempted witticisms you will know that I have passed away. on Oct 15, 2019 at 6:14 pm | Reply uphilldowndale Fuchsia, doesn’t seem like a plant you should eat somehow! on Oct 15, 2019 at 7:35 pm | Reply tootlepedal According to the internet (so it must be true) quite a lot of people eat the flowers and berries. There is no accounting for taste. on Oct 18, 2019 at 12:34 am | Reply Tangly Cottage The fuchsia berries are edible but not tasty. Bland. The river junction is gorgeous and I love the view through the arch. That is an especially interesting interpretive sign. on Oct 18, 2019 at 6:28 pm | Reply tootlepedal
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
budgeting | Esther now-and-then-some Posted by Esthernow under food, money | Tags: budgeting, gluten-free lunch, home-cooked lunches | Leave a Comment Answer: Bring it from home.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
A simple e-commerce site for the registration of domain names | CSS | HTML | PHP | Wordpress A simple e-commerce site for the registration of domain names The project consists of a simple site where user can innoltrare the registration of domain names. The favorite CMS is WordPress. The site must have a graphics simple but elegant, and will allow searching and see if they are available or already assigned domain names with the most available extensions. The user will be able to create an account where will include domains registered, pending approval, deleted or put in the shopping cart. They will also appear on the invoices paid and those still to be paid according to a price list that we defined in our control panel. There will also be the possibility of applying discounts. Our control panel will list all registered domains, those ordered, invoices and customer lists. The registration procedure will be made ​​by us manually, then you will not need to add it. Once we have entered a domain at registration as "registered" we should be able to send the invoice via email or print it. Payments will be made by bank transfer, so even this should not be created. But we must have the ability to define a paid invoice. Last thing the site will allow us to create a shopping basket to propose a potenzile customer (eg conteneti domains with their name, the sector in which they operate, the names of their products, etc.). We must be able to provide you with a username and password where he will be able to accept or resize connecting our proposal. The site must be able to be published in several languages ​​(Italian, English, German and French) and prior to each order the customer will accept the General condsizioni in different languages ​​that we write from our lawyer (written manually without automatic translation). french, wordpress, email domain list, cms created wordpress, wordpress add user control, automatic registration wordpress, wordpress user without password, write lawyer, names can username, bank site, wordpress price print, italian translation site, last names, wordpress php commerce, simple project commerce, wordpress favorite user, names english, php simple control panel, pending order deleted, several languages, wordpress simple shopping, cart translation, list registered domain names, write commerce cms, english names
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
pelagios – Archaeological Networks Tag: pelagios Funding: Pelagios small grants Last year, Pau de Soto and I received a Pelagios small grant to develop Itiner-e . This small support allowed for the creation of a software platform and to explore an experimental idea related to linked open data. It was great, and created a whole new research line for me. I strongly encourage members of this list to propose projects for a small grant, it’s a great initiative. Check out more projects on the Pelagios blog http://commons.pelagios.org/blog/ Via Elton Barker: We are happy to announce for 2019 a new series of small grants to fund continued development within the scope of Pelagios in the form of: Resource Development (RD) grants, which aim to produce digital resources that are compatible with Pelagios linked data methodologies and that can be shared within the community; Working Groups (WG), which focus on extending Pelagios linked data methodologies into new areas, and/or establishing best practice within the community. Proposals for both RD and WGs will be judged according to their relevance to and usefulness for the wider Pelagios community. Deadline for all submissions is 1 April 2019. If you are interested in either of these small grants schemes, please read carefully the following call and the related list of criteria below. Details can also be found on the Pelagios blog. Please feel free to share widely. Any questions, email us: [email protected]. Pelagios colloquium “Linked Pasts” The Pelagios project has been providing the Humanities with linked data goodness for a few years now. This year the project will host a two-day colloquium that will be of interest to those reading this blog. More details below. When? 20-21 July 2015 Where? King’s College London Venue and date: The Great Hall, KCL (Strand Campus), 20-21 July 2015 Refreshments (tea/coffee, lunch) will be provided, along with a reception on Monday evening. The event is free of charge but places are limited. To reserve your place, go to: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/pelagios-linked-pasts-tickets-16278937741. Time – Ryan Shaw (UNC), An Ecosystem of Time Periods: PeriodO (http://perio.do/) People – Gabriel Bodard (KCL), An Ecosystem of People: SNAP (http://snapdrgn.net/) Classification schemes – Antoine Isaac (Amsterdam), Europeana (http://www.europeana.eu/portal/) Rainer Simon (AIT): The Recogito Annotation Platform (http://pelagios.org/recogito/) Humphrey Southall (Portsmouth): PastPlace gazetteer (http://pastplace.org/) Guenther Goerz (Erlangen): WissKI (http://wiss-ki.eu/) Holly Wright/Doug Tudhope: Ariadne (http://www.ariadneproject.org/) A great Digital Humanities 2012 in Hamburg This year’s Digital Humanities conference ended this weekend and it was a great success. The entire event was perfectly organised by the University of Hamburg. They even anticipated rain by providing DH-branded umbrellas. There was a record number of delegates, presentations were of high quality and the social events were a reflection of its host city’s image as a party capital and heimat of The Beatles. The University of Southampton was also well represented, with among others a workshop by Leif Isaksen and colleagues on modelling space and time in the humanities, a presentation on the Pelagios project, and one on Ptolemy’s Geography. I myself did a presentation on my work with citation network analysis. I was also awarded an ADHO award bursary for young DH scholars. As a first-time DH attendee I must say it is an awesome event organised by a vibrant and lovely community of friends. I would encourage everyone to attend future DH meetings.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Nights of neon and roses | what diana did next Nights of neon and roses How’s it going, blog peeps? I’ve had a bit of a break from writing (here) recently, and to be honest from reading any blogs too. But I’ve just had a burst of sewing activity so it’s a good time to catch up. This week is our fourth wedding anniversary – which has gone in frighteningly quick. And a special occasion calls for a special dress. First, a warning: this fabric is bright. It’s brighter than bright. It is NEON. I believe it might glow in the dark. And to complement that delicate neon is the biggest print you’ve ever seen. I bought it on sale in Mandors a few months ago (perhaps no-one else was prepared for the brightness?) and it sat gathering dust. Although I loved it, I found it hard to picture what it would become. Although I often buy fabric without anything specific in mind, I usually get a vague idea from it. This just blinded me every time I pulled it out. What I did have though is the Cynthia Rowley pattern (Simplicity K1688) I used to make the jacket from my Portland fabric. The dress part of this pattern is really pretty and simple – and suddenly just clicked with the fabric. Much like the jacket, this pattern is super easy to put together – it took maybe 2-3 hours at most, including altering and nipping in. The fabric is a printed cotton with plenty of stretch, so it’s super comfortable. I’m not usually big on strappy dresses at the moment, but I like the proportions of this one a lot. I think the very clean, simple lines of the pattern show off the fabric – but they also kind of tame it a bit. Having said that, I’m looking forward to remaking this pattern in a plain, bold colour. I also like the length, but I think I’ll also try one in kind of a midi length as well – I’m feeling this as a strong Christmas night out dress option once I find the right fabric. After so long staring at this fabric, I love the dress it’s become. It makes me feel bright and fun, it makes me smile and just generally feel as happy as you should on your wedding anniversary. Plus, it’s probably about as close to a dress Barbie would wear as I could get away with in this stage. On the night itself we did a tour of some of our favourite haunts near Shawlands, before trying The Salisbury for dinner. If you find yourself on the southside of Glasgow looking for a meal, I couldn’t recommend this place more. The food is ridiculously good and they’re extremely polite if, like me, you forget your phone and have to go back ten minutes later (oops). Oh, hello dinner. Naturally I made Craig a matching pocket square… We’re just that couple. What’s been on your sewing machine lately? This blog title is inspired by this awesome Japandroids song. Tags: clothing, cotton, cynthia rowley, dress, dress patterns, dresses, fabric, fashion, floral print, Glasgow, sewing, simplicity ← Dressing like a grownup The red dress and the cover-ups → 16 responses to “Nights of neon and roses” sewinggoddess September 25, 2015 at 3:44 pm Reply → Oh it’s gorgeous! I love the fabric, and the model- great combo. You look faboulous in it. Congrats on a job well done elaineoc September 26, 2015 at 12:58 pm Reply → Aw thank you. I’m pleased with how it turned out 🙂 laflor5233 September 25, 2015 at 4:01 pm Reply → Very pretty and bright. elaineoc September 26, 2015 at 12:57 pm CurlsnSkirls September 25, 2015 at 4:12 pm Reply → Love the bright fabric & simple design and CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary! (Fabulucious that you made a matching pocket square!)🎈🌹💕 Reply → Thanks! I make a lot of pocket squares for him – I love a bit of matchy matchy! Barbara September 25, 2015 at 8:59 pm Reply → Love the neon and the roses, great dress and happy anniversary! 🎉🎊🍸 elaineoc September 26, 2015 at 12:56 pm Reply → Aw thank you! It was a nice way to celebrate 🙂 Linda of Nice dress! Thanks, I made it!! September 26, 2015 at 2:28 am Reply → Congratulations! And don’t you look cute together! I like the brightness of your dress. Sometimes you have to wear bright colours to get the party going! Great fabric choice and Nice job on the fit too. Reply → Thanks Linda 🙂 helen September 26, 2015 at 12:09 pm Reply → This is so cool. You and I need to wear our matching neon/hi vis stuff next time we meet!!!! 🙂 Reply → I know, I couldn’t help thinking of your fabric as I made it 🙂 anniehanks September 28, 2015 at 12:01 am Reply → That fabric ! A wonderful dress for a wonderful celebration. Congrats on 4 years. Alison September 30, 2015 at 8:56 pm Reply → Happy Anniversary! Your dress is gorgeous, love the fabric! elaineoc October 3, 2015 at 12:15 pm Reply → Cheers Alison, hope you’re doing well x
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
I'd say most mango pits are about a 1/2", so make your first cut about 1/4" from the stem. Try to slice evenly so you don't leave any of the mango goodness. Now you'll want to turn your mango around and slice it about 1/4" from the stem again. You can see that I didn't do a great job of keeping my knife stroke even... Don't be like me. Now do that with all of your mango slices. Cut into pieces and enjoy or use in a recipe. Posted by What's Cookin' with Mary? at 7:00 AM Labels: how to, mango Haha- I know that only the pieces stuck around the pit are supposed to be the "chef's treat," but I usually comandeer everything but the two cheeks as my "chefs treat," while I'm cutting. Yum. Ever had a champagne mango? They are to die, so sweet. @ Meris: You're so welcome! It was fun to do ;) @ Kathleen: Me too! The one I cut up for this post was gone in about 6 minutes with help from B! @ Victor: Thank you ! I'm working hard to be a better photog... SO much fun. @ Pam: hehe! Now if only I could keep my knife strokes even ?! This is really helpful, I always get into trouble with mangoes and one of my daughters loves them. @ Mary Shouvlin: That is funny!! Glad I could help. @Mary: Thank you!! ...and I'm so glad you like my blog :D Welcome & Happy Cooking!!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Groupon is an American global e-commerce marketplace connecting subscribers with local merchants by offering activities, travel, goods and services in 15 countries. Based in Chicago, Groupon was launched there in November 2008, launching soon after in Boston, New York City and Toronto." } ]
claudeswife: July 2009 Well, we've been in Tampa (acutally, Brandon) since Wednesday. Claude's brother, Tony, is still on the ventilator. They say if they take him off right now, he would not breathe on his own for more than a minute and would not make it, so they are leaving him there right now. They have to do an EEG of his brain to check for brain damage, but they have to take him off of the meds in order to get a "real" brain scan (which makes sense, since the meds are dulling his brain right now). They can't take him off the meds quickly. They need him to slowly come out of the medically induced coma so that everything he's hook up to won't freak him out. It's a long process and still a critical battle, but at least he is stable and everything so far has been for the good (as far as change). My grandmother is still in the hospital at UCH. She is loopy right now from the meds they had her on. The general practice MD said they found a hiatal hernia, ulcers in her stomach, and some mild lesions. They believe this is what caused her to throw up blood, but the gastroenterologist was not making rounds while we were there so we didn't get anything definite from him. They will keep her a couple more days to monitor her. Our friends in Tampa, Brandon, Valrico, Greenville, Winterville...THEY ARE THE BEST! We have had so much going on that we haven't thought too much about anything else, but thank God, our friends have thought about everything else for us! Bethany - taking care of our home and "kids"! U have no idea how much that means to me to know I don't need to worry about the animals! Thank you and I love ya!Jason & Lora - holding down EVERYTHING while we are gone. You are the greatest friends we could ask for. We love ya'll and miss ya'll so much!Aron & Cessie - taking care of childrens church for us! WHEW! That's a HUGE blessing! We were just going to have the kids go to big church! Thank you both for doing that for us! We love ya'll!Emily Whitaker - allowing us to borrow her car while we are here so that my parents don't have to "taxi" us back and forth to the hospital! We love you girl! You are MY girl!!!!Tamara Fish - for calling and offering to do anything we need. This is a true friend! We haven't seen each other in years, yet she is willing to do anything for us! FOOD is always a great way to maintain friendships!!!!!The Nassars - for the visit to the hospital to let us know that you love us and are praying for us!We miss ya'll and we certainly miss hanging out and going out to eat with you~Jim Bird - for passing the word around and asking our old church for prayers! That was awesome man! We love you!Pastor Chuck - for coming to the hospital twice to check on us and see how Tony was doing! Thank you for caring about your flock even when we aren't part of your flock anymore! You truly love people and you certainly showed it in spades!!!! We love you!My parents - for allowing us to come and go as needed. for allowing us to crash at the house and eat the food! for taking care of our needs financially! We love you so much and there are no words to say how thankful we are!The CROSSLINK youth group - for stepping up and taking over the "Kearley move"! We miss you all so much and love you guys! We are so proud of you and the way you serve others! 1 Timothy 4:12There are others that I know I haven't mentioned. Too many to remember them all, but we are so thankful! God bless each of you for the blessing you've been to Claude and me.We love you, Discovery Church! We'll be praying for you this weekend. OK, my blog is MY BLOG...so I am going to blow off a little steam! Bear with me and hopefully, you'll be sympathetic to what I am saying! One of the hardest things to deal with being a pastor's wife is the "talk". You know what I mean! Let's all admit it! We've ALL talked about what our pastors are doing "wrong" and what needs to happen to "fix" the problems and issues going on in our churches. I admit that I've done it. I look back now and after walking just a short while in the "pastor's wife's shoes", I am SO SORRY that I ever did it. It's so difficult for me, the fighter, to sit back and keep quiet when people talk about Claude or people have issues with choices/decisions Claude makes. I can't even imagine what my sweet friend, Lora, must go thru. She's much more sensitive to others feelings than I am. Most of the time, when it's an issue with something in the church in general, my thoughts are, if you don't have any positive input on how to correct the situation, keep your thoughts to yourself and pray about it!!!!However, when the words are specifically directed towards Claude and what he "should've done", then I really get riled up! I love him and I know his heart. He tries with his whole heart to follow Christ. Yes, he fails sometimes. He IS human. However, I know that when he does make a mistake, he takes ownership of it. He's not afraid to say that he screwed up or it could've been done differently. So, people remember that God has called those in authority to be in authority. You may not always like what is done. You may not always agree. You may even have a better way (if so, share it!). But, if you're not praying for the leaders in your church and there are "issues" in your church, you might be contributing to the problems! I have to say thank you to some people in my life that, I hate to admit this, but I haven't told them enough how much I love and appreciate them. So, I am going to do some of that now. There are dozens of folks that need a thank you, so if I don't mention you, please know that I am thankful for my friends!My Mom, I don't think that there are enough words or even the proper words to explain what my mother is. I know that she would deny it, but in my eyes, she is the epitome of a Godly woman. If I could idolize someone, it would be her. She loves her God, her husband, and her family with a fierceness and passion I admire! I love her so much!Lora, she's my encourager! I know she gets tired of being the strong one sometimes, but she keeps on going! She's my prayer warrior! I love her!Laci, the word for her is sweet! OK, sometimes annoyingly sweet!!!! I wished I could have such a sweet nature. She always has a smile and a kind word. AND, if she doesn't have a kind word, she bites her tongue! Wish I could do that!!!Lindsay, strong, resilient, kind! I have been blessed to see her grow over the last couple of years and she is a beautiful Christian lady! Hallelujah for the trials that come to purify us! YOU GO GIRL!Kim, thoughtful Kim! She's kind and she's always thinking of others. I admire and respect her so much for the way she cares about others. She has a true heart for people! Lisa, FEISTY! She just is! I love that Lisa tells it like it is and she's not afraid to be bold. She's learned how to be tactful and still be truthful! What a beautiful woman she is! Jennie, this woman is so gentle. Her words are kind and wise. She's truly a beautiful woman, inside and out. I admire and respect her!My dearest friend, Cindy. Man, do I miss her! I love her so much. She's my "Barnabas"! I can be completely myself with her, not hold anything back, and she's ok with it. She lets me cry, laugh, joke, be annoyed, be a jerk, (calls me on being a jerk!) be a girl! I don't think I'd be where I am today if it weren't for my friend, Cindy. I love her so much. I am lying here in bed amazed that God could possibly love someone with so many flaws and so much "baggage". I was listening to a dear friend last night as she talked about how she always feels like she's never good enough at the things she does. I kept thinking to myself, "WOW! I'm not the only one who thinks that way about myself". As every year goes by, I am thankful for the time on this earth, but I question what I've done and what I've brought to those around me. I, like my sweet friend, sometimes think that I am so inadequate. I have always felt so "average". No aspect of my life truly stands out as extraordinary. I remember comparing myself to my younger brother and thinking that his life was so perfect and easy. He's brilliant (seriously, he IS brilliant! Top 10% of MENSA!) He is a natural leader. He's well liked by most who know him. He has a beautiful, sweet, kind wife and 5 gorgeous kids! Overall, to look at him you'd think he has everything any man would ever want. Well, I learned something last year about my little brother. He has always felt jealous of me and felt like I was the favorite of my dad. He opened my eyes to something I had never even seen. His "perfect" exterior covered up his inadequacies. He has obstacles in his life that challenge him. He struggles daily with things that I don't. So, I guess what I'm writing about is that we each have our own flaws and obstacles. Some are physical, some are mental, some might even be emotional. Whatever those obstacles are, as God's children, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"! He has loved us with a Love we will never truly understand while we're on this side of eternity. You know why? Because God IS love. So, I will remind myself (and you should too) that if I am worthy enough for the King of kings to love me and care for me...how can I not love myself...flaws and all! I will continue to work at becoming more like Christ. But, when I fall down, I will cry a little while, then I will ask my Father to help me get back up and try again. I will keep on going! And hallelujah! When I get to Heaven, I will be PREFECT - Just like Christ!!!!Isaiah 40:31They who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary and they will walk and not faint.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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Straight out of nowhere – Life is how you live it… There is one experience I have briefly touched on since I began this journey with my Blog. The time I began to develop Seizure activity in 2010. It is hard to believe it has been seven years since. Rather than getting every specific detail from my wife of what happened next, I’m choosing to share my first hand experience. At the time, I was hard at work coordinating a large scale meeting for the company I was working for at the time. This meeting included, 40 Store Managers, District Managers as well as the Executive Team from the Home Office. I put a lot of planning into this meeting, arranging the venue, developing the talking points to be discussed as well as visual presentations. This sort of work is in my wheel house!! I thrive on working and creating such events. I do feel nervous beginning to facilitate, although once I get going I quickly am able to focus, simply enjoying myself! Large crowds do not intimidate me, even with the President and CEO of this Canada wide company in attendance. Unfortunately my colleague was comfortable in a different fashion. She was one who chose to fly by the seat of her pants, quickly and easily finding herself off topic. The night before the meeting I made sure all presentation equipment was functional, the hotel signage was up for the attendees and my notes were in order for the next day. When I arrived home, I felt enthusiastic about the next day and tired as expected. Our daughter was only a few months old at the time so I ate and headed off to bed not knowing the next few hours were going to change the course of my life. All I remember was my wife waking me up asking if I was alright. I remember her tone was very different from usual. I felt as though she woke me up from a very deep deep sleep. At first I didn’t know where I was, my wife asked if I knew my name, a question I vaguely remember not knowing the answer to. What seemed as only a few minutes turned out to be much longer in real life. She had left the room, then returned. She told me I had wet the bed with urine. I had the feeling of being incredibly drunk. When she tried to help me off the bed, we discovered together the immense difficulty I had in just moving from laying down to sitting upright. The next thing I remember, my wife looked at my hands noticing I was bleeding. Later in the hospital we were told during the seizures I had clenched my fists’ so tightly my nails dug into my hand. When making a fist after the fact, the punctures lined up directly with my nails. My wife then helped me get changed and washed up to go to the hospital. Meanwhile I was trying to convince her I was fine and just wanted to go back to sleep. Then I looked up and saw my mother standing in the doorway. I didn’t understand what she was doing there. I remember feeling more confused about the situation. Again, my memories are very lucid of what happened next. I remember looking out the window of the car as my wife was driving me to the hospital. I began to remember this large meeting and mentioning “I hope they let me out before it starts” Politely my wife told me I would not be going. We tried to call my colleague, eventually getting a hold of her to say I would not be coming. I remember her asking me all sorts of questions over the phone about the presentation. I was still very out of it and trying to answer the questions she was asking. Eventually I told her I had to go, I couldn’t speak the words I was trying to say. It’s a disturbing feeling to think to yourself ‘I know the answer to the question bit I can’t remember what it is’. At the hospital I don’t remember much at all. They ran tests and an MRI. We were then told it appeared I had a seizure, with the cuts on my hands and loss of bodily functions the doctor knew right away it was a Gran Mal seizure. He related seizures of this degree to powering off your computer then restarting it. He explained it my brain and body were slowly rebooting which explained how as time went on I became more coherent. Before leaving the hospital I was placed on an “anti-convulsant” medication which I happen to still be on. We were told what signs to look out for at home, and not to drive until further testing was completed. These tests were to identify whether I had Epilepsy. After days of tests, it was confirmed I do not have Epilepsy. Still, I spent the next few months with an Occupational Therapist as I had new mobility challenges. I was able to walk, just not straight, quickly or for distances longer than roughly a city block. This is when I first used a cane. The OT recommended I use one, she would help me to mentally get over the stigma I placed on myself. You see, when I was diagnosed I promised myself no matter how hard it gets, I will mentally overcome the challenges and never allow myself to use a cane or end up in a wheelchair. I came to the realization this was not physically possible after the seizures. While I was working with the OT, she had gently brought up the idea of a Handicap Placard for my vehicle. Something she thought would be of great help. She mentioned something that seems pretty obvious now but I had never thought of before. She mentioned how I may feel fine walking into a mall, or beginning a day out with my family but what about when it’s time to return to the car? Would I have difficulties once I am fatigued while out? With that simple statement she convinced me to let down my guard to realize I realistically would benefit from having one. Even now, I still use the placard on occasion. The same can be said for using my cane. This was the first time others could see the physical signs of the disease. I bought my cane from the same pharmacy I purchase my Ostomy supplies from. I did my best to act excited in front of my wife, when inside it was crushing my soul. I felt as though I was giving in to the disease, rather than fighting the disease. It took a lot of getting used to when using my cane in public. I didn’t want to go anywhere I might bump into someone I knew. This is a common thought for most when beginning to use an ‘assistive device’. What I quickly learned, by using the cane I am able to preserve a fair amount of energy. It didn’t take to long to get over my personal insecurities when I felt the benefits. Another lesson learned through this experience is to really listen to your body. After the seizures, the doctor was asking me questions about how I had been feeling in the weeks before the seizures began, together we discussed the stress levels of my job, having a new baby at home and if I had any physical symptoms. During the conversation I had mentioned how I had many “Déjà Vu” sensations the weeks leading up to the Gran Mal. Then He stopped me, asking me to describe what I had meant and how my body reacted to these unusual episodes. The example I shared was, while watching Big Brother I started to have very very strange sensations take over my body. If you’re not familiar with the concept of the TV show, a group of strangers are placed in a house under 24/7 video monitoring. They compete in various challenges until there is only one person left in the house as the winner. During one of these said challenges, the houseguests were placed on the end of a surf board coming in and out of a wall. Below the surf board was a fake beach. The last person standing would be the winner. As the challenge began, the sensation of “Déjà Vu” set in. Very quickly my heart began to race, I became dizzy, my hearing was lost, I could not focus on anything. The more I watched these surf boards move, the more uncomfortable I became. There was a strong sense of heat in my face, I rested my head back, closing my eyes. I felt incredibly dizzy and paralyzed. It was as though my entire body turned off. As it began to pass, my mind and entire body felt incredibly exhausted. You know when you are in a deep sleep and someone wakes you up? For a few seconds you don’t know where you are and cannot really move. This is the best way to explain what it feels like. After listening to this, the neurologist explained what I had experienced during the TV show was in fact a form of seizure. As soon as he said that I felt nauseous. I told him I’d been having this experience, to different degrees, off and on. Needless to say I was scared out of my mind! To this day, if I mis a dose of the medication I begin to feel these same sensations creep back. Only to settle back down once I begin to take again. What was the ultimate cause of these seizures? The answer is still clouded. Once diagnosed with MS, I began a treatment called Rebif. After three years my MS progressed to an accelerated rate both physically and diagnostically thru MRI. My neurologist highly recommend Tysabri. He explained the success stories behind the drug, along with it’s risks. One being; “Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by widespread lesions due to infection of oligodendrocytes by JC virus, which is a human polyomavirus (formerly known as papovavirus)”. After testing JC virus negative, I decided to roll the dice. My neurologist was very hesitant to explain the seizures as a case of PML. It wasn’t until years later, when I was in the hospital with Pyoderma Gangrenosum, that a team of doctors, including two other neurologists, determined it was most likely PML. Lucky for me the ‘anti-convulsant’ medication continues to keep in under control. Eventually I recovered as I always do. I did have to go through a medical drivers assessment through the OT. I was cleared to drive and now have a “Conditional Drivers License”. Meaning I have to renew more frequently and may need to be reassessed by a doctor before renewal. I did get a Handicapped Placard, only using it when my body tells me I need too. Same can be said for my cane. On occasion I let go of my insecurities, using it at work in the past. I now know there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a Handicap sign and using a cane when needed. It’s not giving in to the disease but simply adapting to the disease to live a more comfortable life. #awareness, #change, #committment, #Courage, #darkclouds, #doublevision, #granmal, #Inspiration, #Life, #Life #Growth #Sharing #Support, #lifechange, #lifegoeson, #lifestooshort, #mindset, #movingforward, #multipleSclerosis, #NegativeSelfTalk, #Network #Friendship, #neveralone, #neverquit, #newbeginning, #opticneuritis, #overcoming, #perspective, #positivity, #puttingthepiecestogether, #pyodermagangrenosum, #relationships, #seizure, #seizures, #selfcompassion, #selftalk 5 thoughts on “Straight out of nowhere” Interesting to read your descriptions of both your grand mal and the other seizures. I’m glad your medication is helping. 🙂 Reblogged this on MS Memes and more Multiple Sclerosis Information. I have epilepsy as well as ms. You are a very courageous man. Good lick to you and your family. Same to you Pauline! 💪🏼
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Patent US20040024818 - System and method for updating chatting data in an interactive disc player ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsAn interactive DVD system for reproducing chatting data is provided. The Content disk player is connected to a content server via a communication network. The Content disk player system comprises means for forwarding a request to the content server to receive new chatting data associated with content...http://www.google.com/patents/US20040024818?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US20040024818 - System and method for updating chatting data in an interactive disc player networkAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS20040024818 A1Publication typeApplicationApplication numberUS 10/456,879Publication dateFeb 5, 2004Filing dateJun 6, 2003Priority dateJun 7, 2002Also published asCA2456655A1, CN1554057A, CN100435130C, EP1512083A1, EP1512083A4, US7836125, WO2003105018A1Publication number10456879, 456879, US 2004/0024818 A1, US 2004/024818 A1, US 20040024818 A1, US 20040024818A1, US 2004024818 A1, US 2004024818A1, US-A1-20040024818, US-A1-2004024818, US2004/0024818A1, US2004/024818A1, US20040024818 A1, US20040024818A1, US2004024818 A1, US2004024818A1InventorsWoo Yoon, Jea Yoo, Tae Kim, Soung Um, Limonov AlexandreOriginal AssigneeLg Electronics Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManReferenced by (3), Classifications (18), Legal Events (2) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetSystem and method for updating chatting data in an interactive disc player network BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0019] The accompanying drawings, which are included to provide further understanding of the invention, illustrate the preferred embodiments of the invention, and together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the present invention. [0020]FIG. 1 illustrates a block diagram of an I-DVD player, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; [0021]FIG. 2 is a rough illustration of directory structure of an I-DVD, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; [0022]FIG. 3 illustrates a block diagram of various I-DVD players and a content server connected in a communication network; [0023]FIG. 4 illustrates a broadcasting frame communicated between an I-DVD and content servers, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; [0024]FIG. 5 illustrates chatting data that is recorded and managed in a database of a content server, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; [0025]FIG. 6 illustrates organization of message data stream that is transmitted from a content server, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; and [0026]FIG. 7 is an exemplary illustration of chatting data transmission and reception process between an I-DVD player and content servers, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. [0027] Features, elements, and aspects of the invention that are referenced by the same numerals in different figures represent the same, equivalent, or similar features, elements, or aspects in accordance with one or more embodiments. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFFERRED EMBODIMENT [0028] Referring to FIG. 1, the system of the present invention, in accordance with one embodiment, is implemented to reproduce audiovisual (A/V) data stored on a content disk 10. A/V data may comprise DVD video data, image data, audio data, text, or other forms of information. The content disk 10 in addition to A/V data may contain enhanced navigation (ENAV) or control data to provide an interactive reproduction device (e.g., ENAV player or I-DVD player) with instruction on how to reproduce the A/V data or to provide additional information to be played with the A/V data. The terms ENAV or I-DVD are used interchangeably and refer to an interactive DVD system. [0029] For the purpose of simplicity and efficiency, throughout the application, the system of the present invention has been described in association with an “I-DVD” disk or “IDVD” player. This association, however, is by way of example and should not be construed as limiting the invention to the particular embodiments disclosed. As such, alternative recording mediums or players are within the scope of the invention. [0030] An I-DVD player, in accordance with one or more embodiments of the invention, comprises a DVD reproduction engine and an enhanced navigation or interactive (I-DVD) reproduction engine. The DVD reproduction engine is utilized in association with the I-DVD reproduction engine to reproduce A/V data stored on the I-DVD disk, in accordance with the enhanced navigation data stored on the I-DVD disk. [0031] In some embodiments, the I-DVD engine of the system comprises a file system 11, a web browser 12, an interface 13, a navigator 14, a storage unit 15, a decoder 16, a presentation engine 17, and a controller (not shown). The web browser 12 and interface 13 provide network management services for connecting the I-DVD player to a communication network such as the Internet, and also to support enhanced user interface and to handle user interaction with the system. The file system 11 and navigator 14 act together to load, parse, and interpret digital data loaded from disk 10 for decoding purposes. The controller is utilized to process enhanced navigation data and the interface between the DVD engine and the I-DVD engine, and to control the system elements in response to a user request, for example. [0032] The decoder 16 is utilized for decoding digital data read from disk 10, for example. The presentation engine 17 processes decoded A/V data to provide an A/V output to a display terminal, for example. File system 11 is provided for conducting file management (e.g., searching and reading recorded files, such as a disk information file, a setup file, and a sync data file), for example. Web browser 12 includes a web surfing function and is able to set up presentation environment for reproduction of A/V data, for example. [0033] Storage unit 15 may be any type of data storage medium such as flash memory or a hard drive for storing files uploaded from disk 10 or files downloaded from a communication network to which the system is connected. Storage unit 15 can be cache memory or a buffer for temporary storage of information, for example, and may be implemented in RAM, ROM, EEPROM, a hard disk or other type of storage medium. [0034] The navigator 14, the file system 11, and the web browser 12 represent logical units and may be implemented in form of software, hardware, or a combination of the two. In some embodiments, some or all of the logical units and components illustrated in FIG. 1 may be implemented in one or more integrated logic chips such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICS) [0035] Referring to FIG. 2, in accordance with one or more embodiments of the system, one or more data and/or control files exist or can be implemented under a root directory of the I-DVD disk. A DVD enhanced navigation directory (i.e., DVD_ENAV or ENV_TS) directory may exist, for example, directly under the root directory as shown in FIG. 2. Files including enhanced navigation or other control information and enhanced navigation content files may be placed under the DVD enhanced navigation directory. These files may include html, xml, and A/V content, for example. [0036] In some embodiments, a first file ‘EnDVD.Inf’, for example, comprises information for reproduction of A/V data recorded on an I-DVD disk 10, a second file ‘Index.html’, for example, comprises information relating to initial setup for reproduction of A/V data, and a third file ‘Index.syn’, for example, comprises time information for synchronizing between A/V data and additional data provided through the communication network or a user. [0037] In some embodiments, under the root directory, other subdirectories may be implemented. A directory ‘VIDEO_TS’, for example, may comprise files of video data. Another directory ‘AUDIO_TS’, for example, may comprise files of audio data, and a subsequent directory ‘ENAV_TS’, for example, may comprise additional content files (e.g., ‘html’ files, ‘xml’ files, image files, video and audio files). [0038] In one embodiment, the file ‘EnDVD.Inf’, for example, under the root directory comprises information about a disk version, a content version, a content manufacturer, or a reference address (e.g., URL) for accessing a remote content provider. The remote content provider may provide a variety of contents and content-related information provided by other users connected to the same communication network or new update information that correspond with the A/V data being reproduced at a certain time interval. [0039] The setup file ‘Index.html’, for example, under the root directory may comprise environment setup information for the web browser 12 and control or navigation information for reproduction of the content stored on I-DVD disk 10. The file ‘Index.syn’, for example, may comprise time stamp data to synchronize A/V data read from the I-DVD disk 10 with other contents down loaded from a remote content provider, for example. [0040] In some embodiments, the directory ‘ENAV_TS’, for example, comprises additional contents to be reproduced or outputted in synchronization with A/V data. Additional contents provided from a remote content provider may be also stored under the directory ‘ENAV_TS’, for example. The additional contents may comprise html or xml files, image files, sound files, and video files, for example. It is noteworthy that the file and directory names and the particular data structures disclosed here with reference to the A/V and enhanced navigation data are for the purpose of example. As such, other names and different or equivalent directory structures and formats may be implemented or used that would accomplish the objectives of the present invention in the same manner to perform the same function and to obtain the same results, without limiting the scope of the invention. [0041] Referring to FIG. 3, a content server 300 provides a service for enabling reception and verification of updated versions of content information associated with A/V data. For example, additional services, such as virtual theater, may allow various users located at remote locations to play the A/V data of the I-DVD simultaneously. Such services can provide identical content information to a number of I-DVD players 100 1˜100 k that are connected to the content server 300 via the Internet, or another type of communication network. [0042] The content server 300 allows various users, who are equipped with I-DVD players connected to the content server 300, to exchange various information among themselves by transmitting and receiving data (i.e., chatting data). Referring to FIG. 4, when a broadcasting frame request is received from the I-DVD player 100 k, a time stamp that comprises play start time information (Play_Start_Time) of the I-DVD, or relative current playtime information (Relative_Current_Play_Time), and ENAV data of content information (or chat data, for example) are transmitted to the I-DVD player 100 k. [0043] The I-DVD player 100 k links and plays back the A/V data of the I-DVD 10 inserted in the apparatus, and content information or chatting data transmitted in the broadcasting frame, from the content server. Prior to playback, the I-DVD player searches and verifies playback starting time information (Play_Start_Time) in the broadcasting frame. In one embodiment, the I-DVD player searches and verifies relative current play time information from the timing information included in the broadcasting frame. [0044] The I-DVD player 100 k, after receiving the broadcasting frame, searches through a specific recording field of the I-DVD 10. I-DVD player 100 k performs a series of Internet multi-playback operations that link and play the A/V data from the searched recording field. Content information or chatting data transmitted via the broadcasting frame is also played back. [0045] Referring to FIG. 5, chatting data is recorded and managed in database of content server 300. When the content server 300 receives chatting data, in form of a message, from various I-DVD players connected to the content server, the chatting data and the current receiving time information are associated with each other as the last updated time information (LUT) and are then stored and managed in a database. The chatting data message, includes index information (Tx_Player) of at least one I-DVD player, and can be stored and recorded as a single entry, for example. [0046] The chatting data message that is recorded and managed as a single entry can be transmitted in a message data stream. In some embodiments, TCP/IP header information (IP_HD, TCP_HD) can be added, as illustrated in FIG. 6. The message data stream body comprises header information (M_HD), chatting data, time header information (T_HD) and the updated time information (e.g., LUT), for example. [0047] In certain embodiments, the chatting data has a recording size that corresponds to a fixed number of letters. For example, in one embodiment, the chatting data has a recording size of about 256 letters. Various messages (message #1˜#n) may be generated in sequence, and the update time information (LUT) can be appended to the end of the messages. [0048] The update time information is transmitted along with the chatting data, in order to indicate the last time that the chatting data stored in an I-DVD player, which receives the chatting data message. In certain embodiments, to ensure nonoverlapping transmission of the already-received chatting data from the I-DVD player in the content server, the chatting message gets transmitted after being included in the message data stream. [0049] The time information becomes the relative time information, which is counted to the point of time when the chatting data is provided either by setting the play start time (Play_Start_Time) of the I-DVD, or by setting the proper time that is being self-counted in the content server. [0050] In one or more embodiments, when an I-DVD is inserted in the I-DVD player, the navigator 14 of the apparatus extracts ‘index.html’ file that is written under the root directory by controlling the operation of the file system 11. Then, the navigator 14 writes the extracted ‘index.html’ file into the storage device 15, such as a hard disk or a Flash Memory, and configures the necessary system environment for playing-back the I-DVD through an interface with a user, as well. [0051] When a user requests Internet access, in one embodiment, the navigator 14 searches and extracts URL information of ‘EnDvd.inf’ file that is written under the root directory. Then, by driving and controlling the web browser 12 and the Internet interface 13, the access to the content server that corresponds to the URL information is established. [0052] Thereafter, the navigator 14 transmits the disc version information, written in the ‘EnDvd.inf’ file, to the content server and requests transmission of the last updated setup file and the synchronization file that can be accommodated in the disc version to the content server. [0053] In some embodiments, the content server searches and extracts, for example, ‘index.html’ file and ‘index.syn’ of the last updated contents version that is linked to the disc version and then transmits the files via the Internet. An I-DVD player at the receiving end reconfigures the system environment by using the last updated contents version, for example, ‘index.html’ file and ‘index.syn’ file that are transmitted from the content server. [0054] According to a user request, the I-DVD player sets to Internet multi-play mode, for example, to process an Internet multi-play operation, in reference with FIG. 4. The I-DVD player requests and receives broadcasting frame through the interface with the content server 300, and requests transmission of the chatting data of the other users who are connected via the Internet (S10), for example. [0055] In one embodiment, the I-DVD player requests transmission of last updated chatting data stored and managed in the content server 300, extracts last update time (LUT) of the chatting data transmitted to the I-DVD disk, and transmits said data to the content server 300 as illustrated in FIG. 7. [0056] The content server 300 references the last updated time (LUT) information to search and extract new chatting data from a database. New chatting data is recorded in the data base after the time of the received LUT. The content server 300 transmits the updated chatting data via a message data stream, as illustrated in FIG. 7 (S11). [0057] In some embodiments, the content server 300 transmits chatting data message with a recording size of about 256 letters, for example, to the I-DVD player. Also transmitted is time information that corresponds to the transmission time of the updated chatting data (S12). [0058] In one embodiment, the I-DVD player 100 k transmits confirmation message (e.g., Confirm & Close Session), indicating correct reception of the chatting data and the time information received through the aforementioned processes, to the content server 300 (S13). The time information is updated and stored as the last update time (LUT) information of the chatting data most recently transmitted to and preferably recorded on the I-DVD player. [0059] In certain embodiments, the updating process of the chatting data can occur at a predetermined time interval, for example, a time interval of every 30 seconds. The last updated time (LUT) information can be used to prevent redundant transmission of chatting data by tracking the exact time new data was forwarded to each I-DVD player in communication with the content server. [0060] In one embodiment, the last update time (LUT) information does not include in the chatting data transmitted from an I-DVD disk of I-DVD player which requests transmission of last updated chatting data. In that case, the content server groups the chatting data that has been received and stored since the beginning of playback of an interactive optical disc, in sequence. The content server then transmits the grouped chatting data to the I-DVD disk player with a relative time information counted from the beginning of the interactive optical disk. [0061] The relative time information is the time information that has been counted on the content server since an interactive optical disk started. An I-DVD player that has lost the last update time for the chatting data can request to receive the relative time information from the content server. Thus, the I-DVD player can use the relative time information as the last update time for the chatting data. [0062] In one embodiment, if no new chatting data is produced or transmitted from an I-DVD player 100 k, the content server 300 transmits an update message, for example, indicating that there are no new chatting data produced in a certain time interval. This enables a user of an I-DVD player to identify the data. [0063] As such, a system and method for playing back updated chatting data in an I-DVD network is provided. While the invention has been disclosed with respect to a limited number of embodiments, those skilled in the art, having the benefit of this disclosure, will appreciate numerous modifications and variations therefrom. It is intended that the appended claims cover all such modifications and variations as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention. Referenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS8042144 *Mar 8, 2004Oct 18, 2011Lg Electronics Inc.Interactive medium and method for managing additional data thereofUS8046341 *Jun 24, 2004Oct 25, 2011Sony CorporationInformation processing apparatus for reproducing metadata and method, program, and recording mediumUS8090765 *Apr 29, 2003Jan 3, 2012Lg Electronics Inc.System and method for reproducing information stored on a data recording medium in an interactive networked environment* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification709/204, G9B/27.019, G9B/27.05, G9B/27.001International ClassificationH04N7/173, G06F15/00, G06F15/16, G11B27/32, G06F17/00, G11B27/00, G11B27/10Cooperative ClassificationG11B2220/2562, G11B27/002, G11B27/329, G11B27/105European ClassificationG11B27/10A1, G11B27/00A, G11B27/32D2Legal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionApr 16, 2014FPAYFee paymentYear of fee payment: 4Oct 6, 2003ASAssignmentOwner name: LG ELECTRONICS INC., KOREA, REPUBLIC OFFree format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:KIM, TEA HO;YOO, JEA YONG;YOON, WOO SEONG;AND OTHERS;REEL/FRAME:015399/0756Effective date: 20030930RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services
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Indirect liquefaction of coal. [Coal gasification plus Fischer-Tropsch, methanol or Mobil M-gasoline process] - Digital Library The most important potential environmental problems uniquely associated with indirect liquefaction appear to be related to the protection of occupational personnel from the toxic and carcinogenic properties of process and waste stream constituents, the potential public health risks from process products, by-products and emissions and the management of potentially hazardous solid wastes. The seriousness of these potential problems is related partially to the severity of potential effects (i.e., human mortality and morbidity), but even more to the uncertainty regarding: (1) the probable chemical characteristics and quantities of process and waste streams; and (2) the effectiveness and efficiencies of control technologies ... continued below The most important potential environmental problems uniquely associated with indirect liquefaction appear to be related to the protection of occupational personnel from the toxic and carcinogenic properties of process and waste stream constituents, the potential public health risks from process products, by-products and emissions and the management of potentially hazardous solid wastes. The seriousness of these potential problems is related partially to the severity of potential effects (i.e., human mortality and morbidity), but even more to the uncertainty regarding: (1) the probable chemical characteristics and quantities of process and waste streams; and (2) the effectiveness and efficiencies of control technologies not yet tested on a commercial scale. Based upon current information, it is highly improbable that these potential problems will actually be manifested or pose serious constraints to the development of indirect liquefaction technologies, although their potential severity warrants continued research and evaluation. The siting of indirect liquefaction facilities may be significantly affected by existing federal, state and local regulatory requirements. The possibility of future changes in environmental regulations also represents an area of uncertainty that may develop into constraints for the deployment of indirect liquefaction processes. Out of 20 environmental issues identified as likely candidates for future regulatory action, 13 were reported to have the potential to impact significantly the commercialization of coal synfuel technologies. These issues are listed. Wastes 010405* -- Coal, Lignite, & Peat-- Hydrogenation & Liquefaction Report No.: DOE/EV/10291-T1 Grant Number: AC01-79EV10291 DOI: 10.2172/5147303 | External Link Office of Scientific & Technical Information Report Number: 5147303 Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1061654 Indirect liquefaction of coal. [Coal gasification plus Fischer-Tropsch, methanol or Mobil M-gasoline process], report, June 30, 1980; United States. (digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1061654/: accessed October 15, 2018), University of North Texas Libraries, Digital Library, digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.
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It's official: 2019 is the Year of the Home Run. Jonathan Villar of the Baltimore Orioles hit the 22nd home run of Wednesday night, and the 6,106th of the season, setting the major league record. The former mark of 6,105 was set in 2017. Here's a look at the record-setting night and a deep dive into the numbers behind the record-setting season. With 14 games on the schedule Wednesday (Yankees-Tigers was rained out) and an average of 2.8 home runs being hit per game this season, it was clear the record would fall. That meant the biggest question of the night was which player would be lucky enough to hit the record-setting blast. 2019: 6,107 ... and counting Maybe it's fitting that the team that has allowed the most home runs in one season in MLB history hits the record-breaking home run. Jonathan Villar of the Orioles unloaded on a 93-mph fastball from Caleb Ferguson and hit home run No. 6,106, breaking the single-season record from 2017. I don't know if Villar knew he hit the record-breaker, but let's just say he enjoyed his trot around the bases. David Schoenfield, ESPN Senior Writer11d ago Adalberto Mondesi and Marcus Semien have joined in the home run fun and just like that, the home run record is tied. Who will hit the record-breaking blast? Dan Mullen, ESPN.com11d ago The Marlins haven't hit many home runs this season -- well, compared to most of the other teams -- but Garrett Cooper has hit their second of the night as he and Isan Diaz go back-to-back off two different Milwaukee pitchers. In Little League, everyone gets to bat! In 2019 major league baseball, everyone gets to homer! Springer Dinger! George Springer hit the 6,102nd HR of the season and we are now three away from tying the record. Don't tell me you're not excited about the home run countdown! Eat your Tootsie Rolls! Teoscar Hernandez of the Blue Jays and Isan Diaz of the Marlins have gone deep and now we're five away from the single-season mark. It's tense, it's wonderful, and, my god, there are a lot of home runs. A pair of home runs from star American League shortstops have pulled us even closer to the MLB record as Francisco Lindor and Jorge Polanco went deep within moments of each other. We're now seven homers away from a new all-time MLB mark. We're into the final 10 of the countdown now and Ryan Zimmerman goes yard for the Nationals, a three-run shot off Martin Perez that gives the Nats a 5-0 lead in the third inning over the Twins. We're nine away. Hey, this could be a potential World Series preview! Back in 1975, it was determined that the one millionth run in MLB history would be scored in May. MLB hyped the feat with a countdown scoreboard in every park and the player who scored the millionth run would receive a Seiko watch ... and one million Tootsie rolls. (It was a simpler time.) With one run to go, two players got thrown out at home plate. In Cincinnati, the Reds' Dave Concepcion hit a home run and sprinted around the bases and the team celebrated the millionth run. Alas, the Astros' Bob Watson had scored a second or two earlier and he got the watch and Tootsie rolls. So, all I ask is that when the record-breaking home run is hit tonight that player sprints around the bases and is rewarded with 6,106 Tootsie rolls. An incredible 16 teams are on pace to set a franchise record for home runs this season. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the most to set a franchise record in a single season was 12 in 2000. Five teams -- the Dodgers, Twins, Yankees, Padres and Astros -- have already set their franchise mark. The 2017 season saw 17 teams with at least 200 home runs, the most in a single season in MLB history. There have already been 18 teams to hit 200 HRs this year. We're on pace to have 23 teams hit 200 homers this year. Someone's probably going to get to 50 home runs Six players have already hit at least 40 home runs this year, highlighted by MLB-leading Pete Alonso, whose 47 homers put him just five away from tying Aaron Judge's rookie record set in 2017. His season-ending knee injury means Christian Yelich won't add to his career-high 44 homers -- but these sluggers all have a legitimate shot at joining the 50-home run club: Jorge Soler: Current total, 43; projected, 48 While the names at the top of the leaderboard are impressive, we wouldn't be talking about a new standard for home runs for a season if it wasn't for the league-wide rise in long balls. In all, a whopping 523 players entered Wednesday having hit home runs this season and there are staggering totals for number of players hitting every round number. Players with ... Yes, the single-season record fell on a Wednesday night -- but players are going deep on every day that ends in a "Y." Saturday currently stands as the leader for home runs by days of the week, with Monday (often a baseball travel day) lagging behind the others. Here's the breakdown by day this season: Wednesday: 897 MLB has rewritten the record books for home runs in every month played this season. While early long ball totals had fans wondering if the pace would eventually slow down, the answer has been a resounding "no," with players actually going deep more frequently as the season has progressed. March/April Cody Bellinger Christian Yelich 14 May Josh Bell Derek Dietrich 12 June Edwin Encarnacion Manny Machado 11 July Mike Trout 13 August Aristides Aquino 14 September Seven tied for most 5
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "ESPN (originally an initialism for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network) is an American multinational basic cable sports channel owned by ESPN Inc., owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company (80%) and Hearst Communications (20%). The company was founded in 1979 by Bill Rasmussen along with his son Scott Rasmussen and Ed Egan." } ]
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Patent US7219627 - Electrical bandage protector - Google Patents A flexible electric bandage protector for use on a bandage or an animal. The protector comprising a flexible thin battery and a conductive layer disposed on one side of the battery. The conductive layer is in the form of two sets of conductive traces, the conductive traces not being conductively connected...http://www.google.com/patents/US7219627?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US7219627 - Electrical bandage protector Publication number US7219627 B1 Application number US 10/945,662 Publication number 10945662, 945662, US 7219627 B1, US 7219627B1, US-B1-7219627, US7219627 B1, US7219627B1 Inventors E. Ralph Egloff Original Assignee Electronic Materials Llc Electrical bandage protector US 7219627 B1 A flexible electric bandage protector for use on a bandage or an animal. The protector comprising a flexible thin battery and a conductive layer disposed on one side of the battery. The conductive layer is in the form of two sets of conductive traces, the conductive traces not being conductively connected to each until touched by the mouth of the animal and wherein the battery has sufficient voltage to cause discomfort to the animal. 1. A flexible electric bandage protector device for securing to a bandage on an animal, the device comprising: a flexible thin battery; and a printed flexible conductive layer disposed on one side of the battery, the conductive layer comprising two sets of printed flexible conductive traces, the printed flexible conductive traces not being conductively connected to each other until touched by mouth of the animal and wherein the battery has sufficient voltage to cause discomfort to the animal; whereby, the flexible thin battery and printed flexible conductive layer may be wrapped around a body part of the animal. 2. The device of claim 1 wherein the printed flexible conductive traces, comprising of a printed silver base having edges and printed carbon layer applied extending over the edges of the printed silver base, are disposed on a substrate and the substrate is adhered to the battery. 3. The device of claim 1 and further including an adhesive layer secured to the battery on a side opposite from the traces such that the battery can be adhered to a bandage. 4. The device of claim 3 and further including a release liner over the adhesive layer, such that a hook and loop fastener can be attached to the release liner and used to attach and reuse the device when dressings are changed. 5. The device of claim 1 and further including a fuse conductively positioned between one of the traces and in conductive connection to the battery. 6. The device of claim 1 wherein the battery has a voltage from 9 to 12 volts or more. The present application is based on and claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/504,909, filed Sep. 22, 2003, the content of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. The present invention relates generally to devices that discourage animals from instinctively licking their wounds. In the past, various devices have been proposed and/or employed for use in discouraging animals from licking their wounds. These devices, for the most part, have been cumbersome. Examples of prior art devices are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,896,830, 6,000,366, 6,453,850, 6,561,136 and Des. 417,529. The present invention includes a flexible electric bandage protector for use on a bandage or an animal. The protector comprising a flexible thin battery and a conductive layer disposed on one side of the battery. The conductive layer is in the form of two sets of conductive traces, the conductive traces not being conductively connected to each until touched by the mouth of the animal and wherein the battery has sufficient voltage to cause discomfort to the animal. The device of the present invention is generally indicated at 10 in FIG. 1. The device 10 is in the form of a flexible electric bandage protector that utilizes an electrical charge to discourage the licking or biting off of a medical bandage. The electrical bandage protector of the present invention includes a layer of electrical traces 12, a substrate layer 14, a pressure sensitive adhesive layer 16, a battery layer 18, a pressure sensitive adhesive layer 20, and a release liner 22, as best illustrated in FIG. 2. The trace layer 12 includes a plurality of electrically conductive traces 24 a and 24 b running substantially parallel to each other, as illustrated in FIG. 1. Preferably, the traces 24 a and 24 b are spaced from each other and run longitudinally with respect to the longitudinal configuration of the particular electrical bandage protector illustrated in FIG. 1. However, the traces 24 a and 24 b may run in a transverse direction or in any other direction or in any other pattern. The conductive traces 24 a are not conductively connected to conductive traces 24 b and are an “open” circuit. Conductive traces 24 a and 24 b provide an electrical current having sufficient voltage to tingle an animal's lips or tongue when the animal's lips or tongue touch the traces 24 a and 24 b. The animal's lips or tongue (including saliva) provide a conductor between traces 24 a and 24 b, thereby carrying current and discomfort to the animal. Preferably, the conductive traces 24 a and 24 b are printed in silver ink over coated with carbon ink (to prevent silver migration) on the substrate 14 using either well-known screen printing methods, gravure printing methods, or flexo printing methods. Preferably, the substrate 14 is made from a flexible dielectric, such as polypropylene, polyethylene, terephthalate and other similar polymers that can be made into flexible plastic films. The pressure sensitive adhesive layer 16 secures the substrate to the battery 18. Conductive silver and protective carbon ink suitable for screen-printing process include Electrodag® PF-427 and Electrodag® 725A. Electrodag 423SS Acheson Colloids Company of Port Huron, Mich. Suitable conductive inks for flexo printing or gavure printing processes include Electrodag® 415, Electrodag® PD-034, Electrodag® PD-022, Electrodag® PM-011 and Electrodag® PE-001 Electrodag 154. The conductive and protective inks are cured according to specifications provided by Acheson Colliods Company to form the conductive traces. The conductive traces after curing should be at least about 0.3 mils in thickness and should be between about 5 mils to 10 mils in width to provide maximum conductivity throughout the extent of the traces. Similar inks are available from DuPont, Dow, and other companies. The traces 24 a and 24 b also include a fuse section 25. The fuse section 25 is formed by printing a short thin section of a trace using the same conductive ink as forming the traces. The fuse section 25 should be thin enough such that if the animal accidentally deforms any of the traces, forming a short, the increase in current flowing through the fuse 25 will burn or melt the fuse 25 thereby stopping current from flowing through the traces 24 a and 24 b. The fuse 25 prevents traces 24 a and 24 b in a short situation from getting hot, and either burning the animal or its bedding. The traces 24 a and 24 b are connected by through-hole connections 26 a and 26 b that connect the traces 24 a and 24 b to the battery 18. Preferably, the fuse 25 is formed near one of the through-hole printed connections 26 a and 26 b. Holes may be punched into the substrate layer 14 proximate the terminals (not shown) of the battery so that when the traces 26 a and 26 b are formed with the conductive ink, the conductive ink flows into the through-holes to make a conductive connection with the terminals (not illustrated) of the battery 18. Conductive adhesive Acheson 5810 can be used to connect battery if separate layer is used on the battery. The battery 18 of the present invention is a thin flexible battery made of conventional zinc maganese-dioxide components in the 0.0156″ to 0.0312″ range. Production of thin flexible batteries using zinc maganese-dioxide is well known. Suitable flexible thin batteries are made by Thin Battery Technologies Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio. Such batteries are non-toxic to animals, and therefore, if the animal ingests the battery or a portion of the battery, it will not be harmed. The battery 18 is preferably from 9 to 12 volts, or more, which is sufficient voltage to provide the animal with an undesirable experience when the traces 24 a and 24 b are licked. The traces 24 a run across the top of the device 10 without touching the traces 24 b. Consequently, the top of the device 10 is an open circuit until the animal licks the traces and provides a conductive path for current to flow between traces 24 a and 24 b. The battery 18 can be conductively connected to the traces 24 a and 24 b permanently since the traces are in an open circuit configuration and do not draw current from the battery until the animal licks the battery. Therefore, the battery will not run down over time. The only time that current is drawn from the battery is when an animal licks the traces and provides a conductive path between traces 24 a and 24 b. Alternatively, the traces 24 a and 24 b and fuse 25 could be printed directly on the battery 18. The ends of the traces 24 a and 24 b would then directly be connected to the terminals of the battery. Pressure sensitive adhesive layer 20 is applied to a side of the battery opposite from the traces 24 a and 24 b. The pressure sensitive adhesive layer 20 permits the veterinarian or other person to apply the device 10 over the medical bandage. Preferably a release liner 22 with a release layer is positioned over the pressure sensitive adhesive layer 20 so that the adhesive layer 20 may be exposed by simply peeling off the release liner 22 and securing the device 10 to the medical bandage. A hook and loop device with pressure sensitive adhesive can be used on the back of the release liner to attach the bandage protector in a reusable mode so dressings can be changed. Suitable pressure sensitive adhesives and hook and loop fasteners are made by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company of St. Paul, Minn. US718896 * Jun 14, 1902 Jan 20, 1903 William H Ames Electrotherapeutic apparatus. US4153009 * Aug 8, 1977 May 8, 1979 William Boyle Electric shock training device for animals US4205671 * Sep 2, 1977 Jun 3, 1980 Kurt Ingvard Arnold Jaller Outflow detector and control arrangement US5896830 Dec 19, 1997 Apr 27, 1999 Stampe; David A. Electrical apparatus for discouraging animals from instinctively licking their wounds US6000366 Dec 28, 1998 Dec 14, 1999 Reeping; Judith A. Device for protecting casts, splints or bandages applied to animal appendages US6127024 * May 21, 1998 Oct 3, 2000 Morgan Adhesives Company Single ply battery label including varnish with patterned edges US6453850 Dec 18, 1998 Sep 24, 2002 David A. Stampe Electrical apparatus for discouraging animals from licking US6561136 Jul 2, 2002 May 13, 2003 Charles Kuntz Electronic device for veterinary patients US6980852 * Aug 23, 2002 Dec 27, 2005 Subqiview Inc. Film barrier dressing for intravascular tissue monitoring system US20040000274 * Jul 1, 2002 Jan 1, 2004 Chad James Animal training device USD417529 Dec 19, 1997 Dec 7, 1999 Apparatus for deterring animals from aggravating areas within or adjacent wounds US8011328 Nov 20, 2008 Sep 6, 2011 Mark Anderson Lick deterrent with battery pack US8061307 * Jan 22, 2009 Nov 22, 2011 Mark Anderson Lick deterrent tubing US8695538 * Jan 28, 2010 Apr 15, 2014 Mark L. Anderson Conformable and reusable lick deterrent US9629585 Sep 11, 2013 Apr 25, 2017 Zansors Llc Wearable patch comprising multiple separable adhesive layers US20090188440 * Jan 22, 2009 Jul 30, 2009 Mark Anderson Lick deterrent tubing US20090188443 * Jan 28, 2009 Jul 30, 2009 Minick Chris A Veterinary medical tubing removal deterrent technology US20090272335 * May 1, 2008 Nov 5, 2009 Cooke Jr Richard M Wound disturbance protection device US20090272336 * Dec 8, 2008 Nov 5, 2009 Cooke Jr Richard M Wound disturbance protection device US20100122666 * Nov 20, 2008 May 20, 2010 Mark Anderson Lick deterrent with battery pack US20100186683 * Jan 28, 2010 Jul 29, 2010 Brian Dingman Conformable and reusable lick deterrent DE102013000749B3 * Jan 17, 2013 May 15, 2014 Friedhelm Albers Device for protecting tail of pigs against bite of animals of same species, has tail copying bait portion that is cooperated with shock signal device for controlling generation of shock signal, so that pig snout is activated EP2189133A1 * Nov 20, 2009 May 26, 2010 Anderson, Mark Lick deterrent with battery pack U.S. Classification 119/859 Cooperative Classification A01K27/009, A01K15/02 European Classification A01K27/00H, A01K15/02
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications." } ]
Patent US4862326 - Power supply contact - Google Patents An electronic system which requires high current provides a connector assembly which enables power supplies to be plugged into the same etched backplane as the logic printed circuit boards. The connector assembly handles high current, typically 150 amps at 5V DC. A female connector includes sets of fingers...http://www.google.com/patents/US4862326?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US4862326 - Power supply contact Publication number US4862326 A Application number US 07/183,356 Publication number 07183356, 183356, US 4862326 A, US 4862326A, US-A-4862326, US4862326 A, US4862326A Inventors John W. Blomstedt, Wesley F. Irving, Mark S. Pusateri Patent Citations (16), Non-Patent Citations (2), Referenced by (16), Classifications (13), Legal Events (6) Power supply contact US 4862326 A An electronic system which requires high current provides a connector assembly which enables power supplies to be plugged into the same etched backplane as the logic printed circuit boards. The connector assembly handles high current, typically 150 amps at 5V DC. A female connector includes sets of fingers which flex at the base of the fingers to provide a low resistance contact. 1. An electronic system includes a plurality of logic circuit boards and a plurality of power supplies providing for the high current needs of of up to a maximum of 208 amperes said electronic system, said plurality of logic circuit boards being plugged into logic connectors mounted on an integrated etched backplane assembly for transferring logic signals and receiving voltage and ground signals, and each of said plurality of power supplies being plugged into a first power connector for completing a ground path and into a second power connector for completing a voltage path, each of said first and said second power connectors being mounted on said backplane assembly, each power connector comprising: fastening means for coupling to said backplane assembly; contact means for coupling to one of said plurality of power supplies, said contact means including a plurality of sets of fingers, each set being in contact with blade means, said blade means being coupled to said one of said plurality of power supplies for completing said voltage or said ground path, a top portion of each finger of each set of said plurality of sets of fingers being in contact with said blade means on opposite sides of said blade means and exerting forces in opposite directions against said blade means; and flexing means coupled to said contact means and said fastening means for providing a fulcrum at a bottom portion of said each finger about which said each finger will rotate to exert said force when said blade means is inserted between said each set. 2. The contact means of claim 1 which applies high current of up to a maximum of 208 amperes received from a power supply to a bus bar, said contact means comprising: a power supply blade; a base portion including means for mounting said power connector to said bus bar; a top portion including a plurality of sets of fingers, each set of fingers being spaced a predetermined distance apart which receives said power supply blade having a predetermined thickness wherein said predetermined thickness is greater than said predetermined distance apart; and a middle portion coupled to said base and said top portion including means for terminating each finger at a first end such as to provide a fulcrum about which said each finger rotates as said power supply blade is inserted between said each set of fingers, wherein said each set of fingers makes contact at a second end wherein said first and said second end are at opposite ends of said fingers. a backplane assembly having means for conducting current; a plurality of logic boards, each coupled to said backplane assembly and receiving said current; plurality of power supplies supplying said current of up to 208 amperes; a plurality of connector means, each coupled to a respective1 one of said plurality of power supplies and said conducting means to apply said current to said plurality of logic boards, each of said plurality of connector means including; first blade and a second blade coupled to each of said plurality of power supplies; a first connector and a second connector coupled to said conducting means, said first blade pluggably connected to said first connector to apply said current to said conducting means and said second connector pluggably connected to said second blade to provide a ground path from said conducting means to said each of said power supplies; each of said first and said second connectors including, contact means for coupling to one of said plurality of power supplies, said contact means including a plurality of sets of fingers, each set being in contact with said first or said second blade, said first or said second blade being coupled to said one of said plurality of power supplies for completing said current or said ground path, respectively, a top portion of each finger of each set of said plurality of sets of fingers being in contact with said first or said second blade on opposite sides of said first or said second blade and exerting forces in opposite directions against said first or said second blade; and flexing means coupled to said contact means and said fastening means for providing a fulcrum at a bottom portion of said each finger about which said each finger will rotate to exert said force when said first or said second blade is inserted between said each set. This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 20,154, filed Feb. 26, 1987, now abandoned, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 750,431, filed July 1, 1985, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,685,032. "Integrated Backplane" by John W. Blomstedt, Paul S. Yoshida, Wesley F. Irving and Vladimir Roudenko, having U.S. Ser. No. 750,441 and filed on July 1, 1985. This invention relates generally to the field of packaging electronic assemblies, and more specifically to the design of a connector for providing the ability to plug power supplies into the same logic backplane into which are plugged logic printed circuit board assemblies. Electronic systems generally, and data processing systems in particular, require large amounts of logic voltage, typically 5V DC to power the system. These systems had a number of logic printed circuit boards which plugged into connectors mounted on an etched backplane. Voltage and ground were distributed by their respective etches. The power supplies were bulky and were usually mounted in a separate area since they generated considerable heat. This heat was directed away from the printed circuit boards to avoid circuit malfunctions. Heavy single conductor cable, typically 2 or 4 AWG or copper bars, are bolted to the backplane and the power supply to provide power. This cabling requirement presents a number of problems including requiring special conduits in the cabinet, providing additional cost, and having an increased voltage drop across both end connections. At times the bolted connections may loosen thereby generating subtle logic problems which are intermittent and therefore difficult to find. These prior cabled mechanical arrangements also make it difficult to service power problems. Accordingly, it is a primary object of the invention to provide an improved power system. It is an object of the invention to provide an improved power system which is less costly to design into the system. It is another object of the invention to provide an improved power system by eliminating the requirement for power cables. It is yet another object of the invention to provide a power system having means for readily plugging the power supply into the logic backplane. An electronic system is packaged by using an integrated multilayer etched backplane into which are plugged logic printed circuit boards and power supplies. A connector assembly made up of a female connector and a blade provide the voltage and ground paths between the power supplies and the logic printed circuit boards. The connector assembly is designed typically to carry up to 150 amps at 5V DC. The female connector includes a number of pairs of fingers, typically five. A means is provided at the base of the fingers to provide a smaller cross-sectional area to allow the fingers to flex when the blade is inserted between the fingers. FIG. 1 is a breakout assembly view of the packaging of a typical electronic system; FIG. 2 is a view of the back of the system; FIG. 2A shows the detail of connecting the backplane to the bus bars; FIGS. 3 through 6 show the various views of the female connector; and FIG. 7 is a view of the elements of the power supply voltage and ground connectors. FIG. 1 shows the use of a female connector 12 of electronic system 1. A number of power supplies 6 supply power to a number of printed circuit boards 4. Ground is provided by power supplies 6, blade 30, one of the connectors 12, a bus bar 14, a bushing 25 of FIG. 2A, an etch 5, an etched backplane 3 of integrated backplane assembly 2, a connector 8, an edge connector 9, and printed circuit boards 4. Similarly, voltage is applied to printed circuit boards 4 via power supplies 6, connector 12, bus bar 16, bushing 25, etch 7, etched backplane 3, connector 8, edge connector 9, and printed circuit boards 4. Power control signals are transferred between the power supplies 6 via edge connectors 32, connectors 10, and etched backplane 3. Power control signals are transferred between the power supplies 6 via edge connectors 32, connectors 10, etched backplane 3, connectors 8, edge connectors 9, and printed circuit boards 4. Included in electronic system 1 are a guide 18 fastened to etched backplane 3 and containing channels 20 for supporting printed circuit boards 4. Also, a cage 22 provides physical support for power supplies 6. Connectors 12 are bolted to bus bars 14 and 16 by means of bolts 26. Bus bars 14 and 16 are also fastened to printed circuit boards 4 via bolt 24 into a tapped hole in bushing 25, FIG. 2A. Bushing 25 is soldered to the power etches 5 and 7. FIG. 2 is a back view of the electronic system 1 packaging showing the bus bars 14 and 16 coupled to backplane 3 of integrated backplane assembly 2. Bolts 26 fasten connectors 12 of FIG. 1 to bus bars 14 and 16. Also shown is the guide 18 and the cage 22. FIG. 2A shows how the bus bars 14 and 16 are electrically coupled to the etch 5 or 7 by soldering and physically coupled to backplane 3 by the bushing 25 having a threaded hole for receiving screw 24. Note that bus bars 14 and 16 are fastened to the etches 5 and 7 in a number of locations thereby reducing the possibility of circuit ground loops. FIGS. 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the top, bottom, side and front views, respectively, of connector 12. FIG. 6 shows the sets of fingers 41. Five sets of fingers 41 are shown but this invention is not limited to the five sets of fingers 41. Referring to FIG. 5, connector 12 includes a hole 13 to establish a thin section 15 to act as a fulcrum about which each finger of the sets of fingers 41 will flex when blade 30 of FIG. 7 is inserted. The distance between one row of fingers of each set of fingers 41 is related to the centerline of the hole by a dimension 11 and the distance between corresponding fingers of the set of fingers 41 is dimension 31 wherein dimension 31 is twice dimension 11. FIG. 4 shows the tapped hole 33 at a predetermined depth sufficient to hold connector 12 securely to bus bar 14 or 16 by bolts 26, FIG. 2. FIG. 7 shows power supply 6 having blade 30 mounted to an etched board 33 by means of a block 10 and a screw 13. The material of connector 12 is typically a copper beryllium alloy plated with 0.0005 inches of silver. The blade 30 material is typically silver-plated copper having a thickness of typical 0.093 inches. The current carrying capability of connector 12 of 150 amps DC is determined by the minimum cross-sectional area 15, FIG. 5, of the set of fingers 41. Typically one finger of the set of fingers 41 would have a cross-sectional area 0.00816 square inches or 8160 square mils. Since 1 square mil equals 1.274 circular mils, the cross-sectional area is approximately 10,400 (8160×1.274) circular mils or 104,000 circular mils for 10 fingers. The current carrying capacity is 500 circular mils per ampere or 208 amps. This value is deroted to 150 amps for reliability reasons. The contact area for carrying the 150 ampere current between the connector 12 and the blade 30 is typically 0.0527 square inches. This contact area occurs after insertion at the dimension 15 located at the tip of each finger. This is calculated by multiplying the width of each finger, typically 0.170 inches by 1/32 inches which approximates the distance perpendicular to the finger width and multiplying by 10, the number of fingers. This contact area gives a resistance of 0.00000274 ohms or a voltage drop at 5V DC of approximately 400 microvolts. US2578346 * Sep 16, 1948 Dec 11, 1951 Berkeley J Florian Mechanism for cutting sheet material US3159447 * Sep 21, 1962 Dec 1, 1964 Kent Mfg Co Plug connector for flat conductor cable US3182276 * Feb 26, 1962 May 4, 1965 Elco Corp Contact assembly with thermoplastic backing strip US3412369 * Mar 23, 1966 Nov 19, 1968 Elco Corp Contact with multiple termination US3470421 * Aug 30, 1967 Sep 30, 1969 Sperry Rand Corp Continuous bus bar for connector plate back panel machine wiring US4026622 * Apr 2, 1976 May 31, 1977 Diamond International Corporation Electrical connectors and assembly thereof US4028794 * Jan 7, 1976 Jun 14, 1977 Amp Incorporated Laminated connector US4029374 * May 24, 1976 Jun 14, 1977 General Motors Corporation Electrical connector for printed circuits US4531793 * Dec 2, 1983 Jul 30, 1985 Preh Elektrofeinmechanische Werke Jakob Preh Nach. Gmbh & Co. Multipole edge strip connector AT259661B * Title not available DE1061409B * May 11, 1956 Jul 16, 1959 Licentia Gmbh Kontakteinrichtung 1 Winings, C. L., "A Printed-Circuit-Board Connector Family with up to Forty-Eight Contacts . . . ", Proceedings of 30th Electronic Components, IEEE, Apr. 1980, pp. 332-340. 2 * Winings, C. L., A Printed Circuit Board Connector Family with up to Forty Eight Contacts . . . , Proceedings of 30th Electronic Components, IEEE, Apr. 1980, pp. 332 340. US5131859 * Mar 8, 1991 Jul 21, 1992 Cray Research, Inc. Quick disconnect system for circuit board modules US6266247 * Aug 23, 1999 Jul 24, 2001 Racal Instruments Inc. Power supply connection system US9431783 * Mar 23, 2015 Aug 30, 2016 Tyco Electronics Corporation Electronic system with power bus bar CN104348050A * Aug 8, 2013 Feb 11, 2015 光宝电子(广州)有限公司 Power source distribution device and assembly method thereof DE19810571C1 * Mar 11, 1998 May 20, 1999 Siemens Nixdorf Inf Syst Supply voltage contact rail arrangement for assembly group carrier EP2440026A3 * Sep 30, 2011 Jul 17, 2013 Ixia High current clamping connector WO1997034452A1 * Mar 3, 1997 Sep 18, 1997 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme Ag Equipment chassis for electronic equipment WO1999046966A2 * Feb 2, 1999 Sep 16, 1999 Fujitsu Siemens Computers Gmbh Device for providing supply voltage to a mounting rack multipoint connector WO1999046966A3 * Feb 2, 1999 Oct 21, 1999 Siemens Ag Device for providing supply voltage to a mounting rack multipoint connector U.S. Classification 361/788, 439/861, 439/81, 439/857, 361/622, 439/62 International Classification H05K1/14, H05K1/02, H05K7/14 Cooperative Classification H05K1/0263, H05K1/14, H05K7/1457
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications." } ]
{Our Fancy-Full Life}: May 2014 After a short 4 year hiatus from blogland- we're back!! Well, we'll see. I'm not promising much. I was just looking through our old posts and it made me miss our memories that have been captured on our blog. It's so fun to see what we did and I got really excited about trying to do that again in order to remember all of the amazing things that happen in our lives. So without further ado I bring you.... LEGOLAND, California. Obviously a lot has happened between the time we went on Pioneer trek back in 2010 (which was my last post) and now but I might lose my momentum if I try to play the catch-up game. We went to LEGOLAND on May 17th for a few days. It was a surprise for the kids and they loved it!! Easton and Marielle posing in front of the city we now call home. Las Vegas, baby! While at LEGOLAND we had the chance to go to the waterpark and the aquarium. Snack time! Esme tried to give the Lego guys a snack too but they were not that interested in our Triscuits. Adriana loved, loved, loved this little train. As soon as it would stop and we had to get off she would start crying hysterically, So as any nice parent would do, we would get back in line and ride the train again and again and again. Usually after the 6th or 7th time riding it she would realize she had filled her train quota and could calmly and happily exit the train without hysterics. We met Emmett from the new Lego movie. Adriana really enjoyed Emmett's hand and tried to pry it off as we left. She just wanted a small souvenir to take home with her because her parents are too cheap to buy over-priced Lego's at the souvenir shop. We loved LEGOLAND! The kids had fun riding all of the rides and seeing so many cool structures built out of Lego's. Plus it was not terribly busy and the weather was perfect! Posted by Charisse at 10:35 PM 1 comment:
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
‘ABC Make Me a Star’ contest entry period open through July 12, 2013 – Casting Notices This entry was posted in ABC Family Casting, Arizona Actors, Arizona Auditions, Arkansas Auditions, Atlanta Auditions, Atlanta Open Casting Calls, Auditions, Austin, Austin TX Casting Calls, Baltimore Actors, Baton Rouge Acting Auditions, Boston Casting Calls, Charleston Open Casting Call, Charlotte Auditions, Chicago Casting Call, Cleveland Casting Calls, Connecticut Casting Calls, Dallas Casting Calls, Entertainment, Entertainment Industry, Houston Casting Call, Kansas Auditions, Los Angeles Auditions, Los Angeles Casting Calls, Louisiana Casting Calls, Miami Auditions, Michigan Casting Calls, Nashville Auditions, New Haven Auditions, New Mexico Auditions, New Orleans Auditions, New York Casting Calls, North Carolina Casting Calls, Oklahoma Auditions, Open Casting Calls, Orlando Auditions, Orlando Casting Calls, Pittsburgh Acting Auditions, Pittsburgh Casting Call, Portland Open Casting Calls, Professional Actors, Seattle Film Auditions, South Carolina Auditions, St. Paul Casting Calls, Stand Up Comedy Casting Call, TV Auditions, TX Casting Calls, Utah Open Casting Call, Virginia Acting Auditions, Washington DC Actors, Wilmington Open Casting Call and tagged ABC Make Me a Star, actors, American Broadcasting Company, Body of Proof, casting call, Castle, Comedians, Connie Britton, Dana Delany, Grey's Anatomy, Happy Endings, Hayden Panettiere, Jami Gertz, Last Man Standing, Modern Family, Nashville, Once Upon a Time, Private Practice, Revenge, Sofía Vergara, Suburgatory, talent search, The Middle, The Neighbors. Bookmark the permalink. ← Disney feature film ‘Million Dollar Arm’ open casting call scheduled Casting call for National Geographic factual drama ‘Killing Kennedy’ → One thought on “‘ABC Make Me a Star’ contest entry period open through July 12, 2013” toniktra howard Hello,Im writing in regards to my 11 year old son Ja’Juan who has been playing drums since the age of 4, his only passion is playing drums and loves music.He idolizes kirk franklin and tyler perry. He was discovered on youtube by one of the producers from Americas Got Talent and had the opportunity to audition for the show, which was the best experience he told me because one of his favorite actors is nick cannon, so for him to audition for a show he hosted was a blessing. He has done several talent shows and showcases before and since then. At the age of 9 he was in a band with 2 high school students, where they went to different restaurants and played for several people. He also had the opportunity to record 3 songs in a recording studio with the band. He has played at several recital and has done talent shows here in Columbus,GA. He played at a talent showcase in Ft.Benning Vendor Fair and also played for Northside High School, and played in talent >Atlanta,GA.He was also blessed to play with Columbus University Jazz assemble. He is currently enrolled at Columbus Music and Dance. It would be such a blessing for him to be able to perform for you or join your team. To catch some of his act go to: jajuan graham freestyle on you tube..or a recent video on youtube under tom sawyers rush-jajuan graham…. Thank You…
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
PEARL VI : An epitome on Agile Modeling(AM) | Pearls of Wisdom This entry was posted in Agile Modeling and tagged Active stakeholder participation, Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD), Agile modelers, Agile Modeling, Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) model, Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) process framework., Executable Specification, eXtreme Programming, Initial Architecture Envisioning, initial architecture modeling, Initial Requirements Envisioning, Initial Requirements Modeling, iteration modeling, JIT Modeling, Light Weight Manner, Model storming, Test Driven Development (TDD), Test-driven design (TDD), UI specification, User Interface Flow Diagram (Storyboard), Value Stream Map, Work Items by espirl. Bookmark the permalink.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The yellow pages are telephone directories of businesses, organized by category rather than alphabetically by business name, in which advertising is sold. The directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings." } ]
ValleyLocavore : Chicken Hearts for Valentine's Day 1 lb. Chicken Hearts 2 long, thin wooden skewers 1 pound chicken hearts (local) Sauce: 1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Spread the bones in a saute pan and roast until the bones are brown and the fond at the bottom of the pan is beginning to darken, about one hour. To grill: Skewer chicken hearts and set over a medium high flame. When the chicken hearts are almost cooked through, about 2 minutes, baste with the sauce and grill again until sauce is dried, about 20 seconds. Baste again and grill just until the sauce is starting to dry, about 10 seconds. Add pepper if desired. valentines day locavore western ma
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Oliver Kamm: Comments policy « Our policy in Iraq | | Self-absolution » From today, I'm reinstating the comments facility on this site. Here are my reasons and the way I'll manage it. I gave up having comments a long time ago, on the grounds that my blog was beginning to look like what we now know as the threads at "Comment is Free". (If you want to know what that means, then see here.) I'm a near-absolutist on the issue of free speech, and I strongly defend the right to express (for example) racist opinions and Holocaust denial, and indeed to be a racist and an antisemite. But I see no libertarian requirement whatever for me to be the publisher of such opinions. I do not have a monopoly of the communications media or of the means of law enforcement. You don't have a right to say anything you like on my site, any more than you have at my dinner table. There are established and high-quality blogs that have never had a comments facility: Andrew Sullivan and Norman Geras, both of them friends of mine, are cases in point. But the way that online newspapers and commentary typically now operate is with comments enabled. CiF is in my view unusually afflicted with nutters, and it's just a risk a site runs. Typepad, whose software I use, allows a blogger to screen comments before adding them to the site, and this is how - for example - the comments policy at Daniel Finkelstein's Times blog operates. It's not practical for me to do this, however, as I am the sole author of this blog and I'm not able to check it during a working day. Accordingly, comments will be posted directly to this site without pre-moderation. There is no necessary reason that they will stay there, if it enters my head to remove them for some reason. Those criteria are broadly encapsulated in The Guardian's own talk policies. (I exclude the first part of point 2, however: "Please respect other people's views and beliefs." It's reasonable to exclude obscenity and abuse, and I will do; but it's not reasonable to require respect for any old rubbish, even where I am the author of it. I also - contrary to point 4 - will allow comments not written in English provided I can understand them, in deference to this magnificent observation appended to a characteristically fine piece on CiF by Agnès.) An admirable decision, Oliver. I can almost hear the distant hammering of keys as a thousand medialens posters grind into action. Ben Sixsmith | I concur with both of Bens points. Perhaps if you find allowing comments to be a positive experience you can persuade Sully to follow suit. Yes, good luck with this. I frequently want to criticise what you have to say, but there's no point if it's all drowned out in low-level abuse. >There are established and high-quality blogs that have never had a comments facility: Andrew Sullivan and Norman Geras, both of them friends of mine, are cases in point. You've inadvertently omitted the word 'respectively' from before 'cases', I think. Good news - well done! There have been countless occasions when I've wanted to comment on something you've posted! February 03, 2008 at 01:03 PM I'll try to show restraint. February 03, 2008 at 06:33 PM A surprising but very admirable move. February 03, 2008 at 07:02 PM I'm glad you've started to allow comments, as this is one of my favotie blog-stops. However, I can well understand your reluctance. Let's hope it works out, but if it doesn't, I understand in advance the reasons why. Big mistake. Posted by: February 03, 2008 at 08:29 PM A very interesting move. I fear, however, that you should be prepared for a tsunami of ill-informed and intemperate babble bordering on abuse. I wonder if the racist faker David Irving or the estimable Professor Chomsky will pop up in the comments from time to time? February 03, 2008 at 08:49 PM I think it's a good idea but it would be better to have some form of moderation if you could find the time. It's pretty easy to do with the typepad interface. I had to do this after someone started trying to post text ads on my site without clearing it with me first. Tom Hayton | Delete SPAM if you need to, after it's been posted, but moderation slows down debate and I've known a certain blogger (who shall remain nameless) who neatly snips out bits he finds disagreeable or embarrasing from comments. If you moderate your comments you might as well not have them at all. February 04, 2008 at 04:32 PM Glad to have the opportunity to comment here. I see no contradiction in being a near-free speech absolutist and requiring a minimum standard of civility in a forum that one is providing. Posted by: Sean Pelette | Roland- I agree- what I meant by moderation was the moderation function on typepad, which allows you to look at the comments before they go up. I do this on my site because I've decided not to let people abuse it- even temporarily. This is distinct from editing the comments, which is ridiculous. I'd say they should go up in their entirety, or not at all. February 05, 2008 at 02:57 AM
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Typepad is a blogging service owned by Endurance International Group, previously owned by SAY Media (from the merger of Six Apart Ltd and VideoEgg). Originally launched in October 2003, Typepad is based on Six Apart's Movable Type platform, and shares technology with Movable Type such as templates and APIs, but is marketed to non-technical users and includes additional features like multiple author support, photo albums and mobile blogging." } ]
Horible - Review of Souvaly Thai Mobile, Haleiwa, HI - TripAdvisor Horible - Souvaly Thai Mobile Souvaly Thai Mobile 66-235 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, Oahu, HI 96712-2422 Website Improve this listing Ranked #51 of 89 Restaurants in Haleiwa See the most recent reviews fixmeasammich Bad food, bad service. Very disappointing. Also, if the food wasn't being served out of a truck the place would probably be shut down because they would have to follow health and sanitation laws. Thank fixmeasammich Report Ask fixmeasammich about Souvaly Thai Mobile English first German first Italian first Japanese first Korean first Any babygame 148 helpful votes “Great place where locals eat” The photos of the food don't do this place justice. We almost walked away and a local said it was the best Thai food in town. It didn't disappoint. Would go back. Open later than most food trucks and nice to sit outside. We had Penang and yellow curries, spring rolls, chicken satay, and eggplant bas chicken. Loved them all. Wish they served beer too! Helpful? Thank babygame Report Ask babygame about Souvaly Thai Mobile This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. Maia M 172 helpful votes “Pho combination... what?” The service was nice but This place is a joke.. The pho was terrible.. The noodles were soggy as if boiled and the broth was tasteless. The only condiment was red chili oil.. No fish sauce, no hoisin, no Sriracha. The meat was beef meatballs which were sliced which only accumulated to one whole meatball. Served with a generous amount of bean sprouts and basil on the side. If you can't do it right, then don't do it at all.. Don't waste your nine dollars here. Thank Maia M Report Ask Maia M about Souvaly Thai Mobile 30 helpful votes “Good pad Thai & more” This is a truck on the main street with bench seating outside. Up on the north shore many will know that most of these vendors serve great food.Souvlay did not disappoint....fresh cooked, tasty and pretty reasonably priced. We both went for pad Thai and enjoyed. Helpful? Thank Vintage66 Report Ask Vintage66 about Souvaly Thai Mobile This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. kmasher 10 helpful votes “Good alternative if Opal Thai is closed.” I thought the food was very good. Like many others, we ended up here because Opal Thai was closed. I had the green curry shrimp and my husband had the shrimp pad thai. Both were very yummy and hot. We did order the shrimp because we were worried that the chicken might not be as fresh. But the shrimp were very fresh and tasty. I would recommend to anyone looking for a spot if Opal Thai is closed. Helpful? Thank kmasher Report Ask kmasher about Souvaly Thai Mobile Been to Souvaly Thai Mobile? Share your experiences! Write a Review
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW - Yahoo Autos Autos > Used Cars > Ford > F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 > 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 > 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 ClearBook $10,907 2004 MSRP$36,125 2004 Invoice$31,648 Used 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW On Yahoo Autos Research the 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW on Yahoo Autos. We have the information you need to make a smart buying decision on the 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW. Check out pictures, options, features and specs for the 2004 F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW. Read reviews about the 2004 F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW see a list of standard and optional features for the 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW, and find 2004 Ford F-350 SD Crew Cab 4x4 156-in. WB XLT Styleside DRW dealer listings near you.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions — Shibaura Institute of Technology Active leakage power is predicted to become dominant in the total power consumption as the transistor gets scaled. Even in the current technology, dramatic increase of leakage power at elevated temperature is a big problem. Burn-in testing, which is typically performed at 125°C, is facing at difficulties such as throughput degradation of testing due to increase of leakage power. Reducing leakage power at operation time is essential to solve these problems. We propose a novel technique to reduce active leakage power of Finite-State-Machines (FSM's) at run time. Combinational logic gates are dynamically disconnected from the ground to reduce leakage when state transitions do not occur. Simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme reduces active leakage power by 30-60% in 0.1 μm technology. The total power was reduced by 20% at the maximum at 125°C. It was also found that performance degradation was tolerable for burn-in testing. 継続期間: 2004 7 25 → 2004 7 28 Usami, K., & Yoshioka, H. (2004). A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions. : Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (巻 1) A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions. / Usami, Kimiyoshi; Yoshioka, Hiroshi. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 巻 1 2004. Usami, K & Yoshioka, H 2004, A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions. : Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 巻数 1, The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Conference Proceedings, Hiroshima, Japan, 04/7/25. Usami K, Yoshioka H. A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions. : Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 巻 1. 2004 Usami, Kimiyoshi ; Yoshioka, Hiroshi. / A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 巻 1 2004. @inproceedings{f6e4989fbace4a7082e7f1e7001ad24f, title = "A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions", abstract = "Active leakage power is predicted to become dominant in the total power consumption as the transistor gets scaled. Even in the current technology, dramatic increase of leakage power at elevated temperature is a big problem. Burn-in testing, which is typically performed at 125°C, is facing at difficulties such as throughput degradation of testing due to increase of leakage power. Reducing leakage power at operation time is essential to solve these problems. We propose a novel technique to reduce active leakage power of Finite-State-Machines (FSM's) at run time. Combinational logic gates are dynamically disconnected from the ground to reduce leakage when state transitions do not occur. Simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme reduces active leakage power by 30-60{\%} in 0.1 μm technology. The total power was reduced by 20{\%} at the maximum at 125°C. It was also found that performance degradation was tolerable for burn-in testing.", keywords = "Active leakage, Burn-in testing, Low-power design, Scaling", author = "Kimiyoshi Usami and Hiroshi Yoshioka", note = "The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Conference Proceedings ; Conference date: 25-07-2004 Through 28-07-2004", T1 - A scheme to reduce active leakage power by detecting state transitions N2 - Active leakage power is predicted to become dominant in the total power consumption as the transistor gets scaled. Even in the current technology, dramatic increase of leakage power at elevated temperature is a big problem. Burn-in testing, which is typically performed at 125°C, is facing at difficulties such as throughput degradation of testing due to increase of leakage power. Reducing leakage power at operation time is essential to solve these problems. We propose a novel technique to reduce active leakage power of Finite-State-Machines (FSM's) at run time. Combinational logic gates are dynamically disconnected from the ground to reduce leakage when state transitions do not occur. Simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme reduces active leakage power by 30-60% in 0.1 μm technology. The total power was reduced by 20% at the maximum at 125°C. It was also found that performance degradation was tolerable for burn-in testing. AB - Active leakage power is predicted to become dominant in the total power consumption as the transistor gets scaled. Even in the current technology, dramatic increase of leakage power at elevated temperature is a big problem. Burn-in testing, which is typically performed at 125°C, is facing at difficulties such as throughput degradation of testing due to increase of leakage power. Reducing leakage power at operation time is essential to solve these problems. We propose a novel technique to reduce active leakage power of Finite-State-Machines (FSM's) at run time. Combinational logic gates are dynamically disconnected from the ground to reduce leakage when state transitions do not occur. Simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme reduces active leakage power by 30-60% in 0.1 μm technology. The total power was reduced by 20% at the maximum at 125°C. It was also found that performance degradation was tolerable for burn-in testing. KW - Active leakage KW - Burn-in testing UR - http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?scp=11144230990&partnerID=8YFLogxK UR - http://www.scopus.com/inward/citedby.url?scp=11144230990&partnerID=8YFLogxK AN - SCOPUS:11144230990 T2 - The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Conference Proceedings Y2 - 25 July 2004 through 28 July 2004
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Elsevier (Dutch: [ˈɛlzəviːr]) is a Netherlands-based publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content. It is a part of the RELX Group, known until 2015 as Reed Elsevier." } ]
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Expedia.comUS$131*PricelineUS$131*HotelQuicklyUS$155* View all 11 dealsOrbitz.comUS$131*Expedia.comUS$131*PricelineUS$131*HotelQuicklyUS$155*Hotwire.comUS$131*Booking.comUS$131*TravelocityUS$131*Hotels.comUS$131*TripAdvisorUS$131*Bookgreece.comUS$136*HRS.com Ikaros Studios & Apartments251 Reviews#8 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town09/05/2017 “I LOVED every minute <3 ”13/10/2016 “Lovely studio apartment” Match: Show Prices US$39* /nightView DealLoading prices... Hotels.comUS$39*Hotwire.comUS$39*TripAdvisorUS$39* View all 6 dealsBooking.comUS$39*Hotels.comUS$39*Hotwire.comUS$39*TripAdvisorUS$39*PricelineUS$39*Hostelworld.com Paradisia Villas77 Reviews#14 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town22/09/2016 “Excellent willa to stay”14/09/2016 “Perfect place to stay” Match: Save 39%The price you found is 39% lower than this hotel's average rate of US$62/night.We analyze rates over a 60 day period, and compare your selection to the average rate of comparable stays to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.Show Prices Top Deal US$39*US$38* /nightView DealLoading prices... 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Booking.comUS$106*PricelineUS$106*Hotwire.comUS$103* View all 12 dealsCancelonUS$72*Booking.comUS$106*PricelineUS$106*Hotwire.comUS$103*Orbitz.comUS$103*Hotels.comUS$103*Expedia.comUS$103*TravelocityUS$103*CheapTicketsUS$103*Bookgreece.comUS$77*HotelQuicklyUS$74*HRS.com Antony Suites & Residences63 Reviews#28 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town01/10/2016 “Highly recommend ”27/08/2016 “Amazing rooms, free WiFi, close to everything” Match: Save 31%The price you found is 31% lower than this hotel's average rate of US$159/night.We analyze rates over a 60 day period, and compare your selection to the average rate of comparable stays to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.Show Prices US$110* /nightView DealLoading prices... TripAdvisorUS$110*Booking.comUS$110*Hotwire.comUS$110* Chateau Zevgoli90 Reviews#23 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town17/04/2017 “Great boutique hotel”25/09/2016 “Great night stay” Match: Save 19%The price you found is 19% lower than this hotel's average rate of US$67/night.We analyze rates over a 60 day period, and compare your selection to the average rate of comparable stays to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.Show Prices US$54* /nightView DealLoading prices... TripAdvisorUS$54*PricelineUS$54*Hotwire.com View all 6 dealsBooking.comUS$54*TripAdvisorUS$54*PricelineUS$54*Hotwire.comCancelonAgoda.com Naxos Holidays Bungalows Apartments96 Reviews#51 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town22/08/2016 “Good hotel for budget holiday”26/07/2016 “Not Quite What We had Requested” Match: Show Prices US$429* /nightView DealLoading prices... Hotels.comUS$429*TripAdvisorUS$429*TravelocityUS$429* View all 10 dealsHotwire.comUS$429*Hotels.comUS$429*TripAdvisorUS$429*TravelocityUS$429*CheapTicketsUS$429*Expedia.comUS$429*Booking.comOrbitz.comUS$429*PricelineHotelQuickly Aeolos Sunny Villas42 Reviews#22 of 58 hotels in Naxos Town16/03/2017 “Beautiful cottage near Naxos city”16/03/2017 “Best summer holidays ever”
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Patent US6738641 - Distributed transceiver for wireless communication system - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inAdvanced Patent SearchPatentsA distributed transceiver for wireless communication system providing access to a public data communication network is disclosed. A plurality of RF access points are positioned in a premises to provide service coverage for mobile wireless according to a local wireless communication protocol. Each of...http://www.google.com/patents/US6738641?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US6738641 - Distributed transceiver for wireless communication systemAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS6738641 B1Publication typeGrantApplication numberUS 09/721,471Publication dateMay 18, 2004Filing dateNov 22, 2000Priority dateNov 22, 2000Fee statusLapsedPublication number09721471, 721471, US 6738641 B1, US 6738641B1, US-B1-6738641, US6738641 B1, US6738641B1InventorsGary ElsasserOriginal AssigneeToshiba America Information Systems, Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (6), Referenced by (12), Classifications (14), Legal Events (4) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetDistributed transceiver for wireless communication system Patent CitationsCited PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS5920818 *Dec 3, 1996Jul 6, 1999Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson (Publ)Apparatus and method for controlling communications in a multi-network, wireless communication systemUS6366771 *May 21, 1998Apr 2, 2002Arron S. AngleWireless communication network having voice and data communication capabilityUS6377782 *Feb 15, 2000Apr 23, 2002Mediacell, Inc.Method and apparatus for communicating between a client device and a linear broadband networkUS6463051 *Jul 17, 1997Oct 8, 2002Inter—tel, Inc.Internet calling systemUS6483470 *Sep 8, 2000Nov 19, 2002Qwest Communications International, Inc.Power supply for a light pole mounted wireless antennaUS6587479 *Jun 14, 1999Jul 1, 2003Opencell Corp.Architecture for signal distribution in wireless data network* Cited by examinerReferenced byCiting PatentFiling datePublication dateApplicantTitleUS6947405 *Mar 19, 2001Sep 20, 2005Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson (Publ)Cellular system with cybercellsUS7280824 *Feb 28, 2003Oct 9, 2007National Institute Of Information And Communications TechnologyWireless communication systemUS7327700May 30, 2003Feb 5, 2008Redpine Signals, Inc.Flexible multi-channel multi-thread media access controller and physical layer interface for wireless networksUS7640035Jul 12, 2005Dec 29, 2009Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Wireless home LAN system using multiple antennasUS8081708 *Oct 27, 2008Dec 20, 2011Kabushiki Kaisha ToshibaReradiation apparatus for terrestrial digital broadcasting and method for reradiating terrestrial digital broadcastingUS8184643 *Sep 14, 2005May 22, 2012Ciena CorporationDevice, system, and method for transporting data using combined broadband and legacy network infrastructuresUS8331358Jul 25, 2007Dec 11, 2012Actiontec Electronics, Inc.Systems and methods for connecting a packet-based call to a conventional telephone networkUS8396063Nov 5, 2007Mar 12, 2013Redpine Signals, Inc.Multi-thread media access controller with per-thread MAC addressUS20020075844 *Apr 10, 2001Jun 20, 2002Hagen W. AlexanderIntegrating public and private network resources for optimized broadband wireless access and methodUS20020131387 *Mar 19, 2001Sep 19, 2002Pitcher Gary J.Cellular system with cybercellsCN100463432CJul 12, 2005Feb 18, 2009三星电子株式会社Wireless home lan system using multiple antennasEP1617598A1 *Jul 12, 2005Jan 18, 2006Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Wireless home LAN system using multiple antennas* Cited by examinerClassifications U.S. Classification455/523, 455/414.1, 455/3.05, 370/352, 455/564International ClassificationH04L12/28, H04L12/56, H04W92/10, H04W88/02, H04W88/08, H04W84/00, H04W74/00Cooperative ClassificationH04W88/085European ClassificationH04W88/08RLegal EventsDateCodeEventDescriptionDec 29, 2003ASAssignmentNov 26, 2007REMIMaintenance fee reminder mailedMay 18, 2008LAPSLapse for failure to pay maintenance feesJul 8, 2008FPExpired due to failure to pay maintenance feeEffective date: 20080518RotateOriginal ImageGoogle Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send FeedbackData provided by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications." } ]
Tri-Lite Builders Kitchen Remodeling Projects - Eclectic - Kitchen - phoenix - by Homework Remodels ~ Tri-Lite Builders
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Houzz is an American website and online community about architecture, interior design and decorating, landscape design and home improvement. It was founded in 2009 and is based in Palo Alto, California." } ]
Grandfather who died THREE times and needed 38 operations after bike smash vows to get back in the saddle | Daily Mail Online Grandfather who died THREE times and had 38 operations after motorbike smash vows to get back in the saddle Updated: 06:30 EDT, 22 February 2011 Survivor: Gary Brennan, pictured with his wife Shirley, is hoping to start walking again soon A miracle man who was brought back to life three times and needed 38 operations following a motorcycle crash, has vowed to walk again and even get back into the saddle of his bike. Surgeons said that Gary Brennan had the worst injuries they had ever seen in a living person after a head on collision with a car. The 52-year-old grandfather needed dozens of operations to mend his shattered frame. His extensive injuries included bleeding on the brain, a spine fractured in three places , a collapsed lung, two broken shoulder blades and fractured ribs. Gary, who is now in a wheelchair, says he owes his life to the emergency services but after his amazing brush with death a year ago he still wants to get back on his bike. The accident happened as Gary pulled away from a bikers meeting point in Leeds on his 1,100cc Ducati Hypermotard. His bike collided with a car and he was 'confirmed' to be dead at the crash scene, but was miraculously resuscitated and flown to Leeds General Infirmary's helipad. His wife Shirley, who had been a pillion passenger with Gary that day and had been dropped off before he went out for another short ride, sensed something was wrong. She said: 'I left three messages on his mobile and I knew that either he had had an accident or he was helping someone who had. 'Then the policeman knocked at the door, at first he asked, "Can you get a lift to the LGI" but then something came over his radio and the officer said: "You need to come with us now". Crash scene: Gary Brennan was involved in a head on collision with a car 'The police car was going down the road on the wrong side to get us there in time. I thought Gary would be dead when we got there.' Devastated daughter Joanne, 28, was in Tenerife and feared she had no prospect of getting back in time before her father died so she said a heartbreaking goodbye to him over a phone which was held to his ear. GARY'S LIST OF INJURIES * Bleeding on the brain * Spine fractured in three places * A collapsed lung * Two broken shoulder blades * Pelvis broken in five places * Crushed kidney * A dislocated hip * Left thigh bone snapped in two * Left knee broken in seven places * Right knee smashed in nine places * The tibia and fibia in his right leg broken * The main nerve to his right leg severed Gary was put into a drug-induced coma for six weeks to give his body a chance to stabilise and so life-saving surgery could be carried out by orthopaedic expert Professor Peter Giannoudis. After dozens of operations, Gary was eventually moved to a High Dependency Ward where he remained for six weeks, before being switched to a Trauma Ward. Gary plans to throw away his wheelchair and crutches as soon as his right leg, which is in a hinged brace to hold it straight, has healed. Amazingly, most of his injuries have healed remarkably well, but Gary is likely to be in pain for the rest of his life, and he has to take about 20 tablets a day and can have morphine injections if needed. However, a smiling Gary, who runs a vegetarian pie business, said: 'It's hard going some days. But I am so incredibly lucky. Without the wonderful air ambulance crew, Kate and Daz who got me alive to hospital and Prof 'G' and the other amazing doctors and nurses I would have been long gone.'
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market and online news source newspaper published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper." } ]
Over in the Garden, this is the last challenge of Mary's Mixed Bag. Thank you Mary :D Kerry initiated this challenge: Imagine you hold a bag which contains two objects: one which can heal and one which can harm. Only you may identify these two objects through touch, texture, shape-recognition and imaginative exploration. Which object would you withdraw first? Does the good out-weigh the bad, or is harm something that cannot be prevented? Use one of these two items as the starting point of your poem and move towards the other in conclusion. It is up to you whether you will begin with the healing or harmful thing. Lastly, the hidden objects may be either real or abstract. Can you guess what my objects are? *Source Moon's magic soon outlines Fool sheer drapes veil the Queen shooting stars quiver from Archer's bow arrows guide the glowing eyes of wolves his hunting dogs they protect their Queen Aquarius pours her tea a cup of Heavenly Water Did you see the Swan? Empress' hair color of field ripe wheat her crown clustered stars her gown white dotted with ruby red Pomegranates heart shielded close by Her daughter Persephone taken Full Moon rises between two pillars illuminating the path of tears Tarnished trees intersect historic pass right angles meet Rumor first carried in the hands of Egyptian priest God's lamb mine is gold, small, fragile arms of teaching reaching equal in length must climb 3 steps up hill and carry faith, hope and love. © Ellen Wilson See Fool has a bag Source Empress has a crown of stars I read this poem thrice, and I still need a couple of reads before I can grasp all the elements you've used here! And no, I have not been able to identify your chosen objects (Sorry :( Put it down to my denseness!) I showed my hand at the end..Tarot Cards and a Cross necklace :DYes, I tried to layer this one....the Swan is the cross in the Stars...first photo! Sorry, I didn't mean to be that mysterious~ March 16, 2013 at 9:08 AM I was thinking gold jewelry, but I didn't think of the tarot cards even though they were staring me right in the face.A good mystery, and a unique response to the prompt.Well done, Ella.K This IS really a layered masterpiece, Ella. You put so much of 'you' into your poetry. "Faith, hope, and love." If we all had these characteristics on a regular basis, the world would be a better place. Very cool poem, Ella. I love Tarot cards-the pictures are so interesting. I must admit, though, that I thought one of your objects was the constellations! March 16, 2013 at 9:52 AM When I read the last line, I knew what the final item was! This is a fascinating piece, from the arcane tarot cards to the cross, and paths of religion and superstition cross. Such an intriguing write. I never could have guessed, glad you told us at the end.....very mysterious. I love the way you weave your thoughts in poems........your style really draws the reader along. Well done. kiddo. It's beautiful. A unique collection of items woven together with words. I especially liked the crown of stars and the pomegranates! March 16, 2013 at 1:24 PM hey you got all bases covered carrying both...i thought initially you might have a star map...love the sky...and the stars...really cool though...not bad to have in your bag...smiles.happy saturday to you Very cool...from Persephone to the cross.Hugs and chocolate,Shelly oooooh, Demeter's dress with a field of pomegranates! love this, Ella. love the flowers in your header, Ella. We call that flower Golden Rain here and it really comes first in the spring announcing the end of winter. My trademark flower from April will be daffodils :) March 17, 2013 at 11:06 AM We don't know what cards we will draw...love your poem. So much to think about..imagine. Nice job!! Mixed bag indeed! First Astrology, then Tarot--which is christian mysticism--and then the cross with altars and stations and jobs in the real world. Perhaps you chose the latter and the other two chose you? It's a good mix, I think, though you could still add to it. No reason to make the choice easy. March 17, 2013 at 7:27 PM Yikes, no way could I have guessed those objects. Well done! March 18, 2013 at 2:05 AM thoughtful and well crafted - it is always good to go to the stars! Love this Ella... especially the last stanza, the right angles and equal length arms reaching and teaching... faith, hope and love. Yes! Hi Laurie-I thought it was a cool way to describe the Cross :D Thank you~Hi Ollie-Yes, those stars have a lot to tell ;D Thank you~Talli-Really? lol Thank you~ Hope you and your family are doing well!He is adorable :DSusan-Thank you! Yes, I could of gone long, so much detail in both areas. There is also so many symbols and then signs... Yeah, tough to narrow down... ;D Yes, chose the later-I like that~Hi Susie-Thank you! ;D Yes, the intersections of life-are never dull~ Dezzy-Thank you for sharing! This is beautiful :D I love the name~Here, the first Robin and the Forsythia blooming are the signs spring has made her grand entrance! I love daffodils ;D @>----------Marian-Thank you! I kinda like her Crown of stars ;D March 18, 2013 at 8:49 AM I picked up on the Tarot Cards, but the necklace eluded me until I saw your photos. Lots of imagery, here, Ella. Much to consider. Shelly-Hi! Thank you I'm sending you hugs and Cadbury Eggs ;D Do you like peeps? lolHi Brian-I walk almost every night to look up at the stars! :D Thank you~ Hope you have a great week! These two subjects offer a lot of wonder!Hi Mary Ann-Thank you! Yes, I do love her crown ;D I thought it fun to see how to outline the Swan.I didn't know about it~ Hope you had fun in your studio :DSherry-Thank you! Yes, it took a bit of time to figure out how to do this prompt. I think all poets share their lives, in this secret language ;D Kerry-Thank you! Yes, a lot of ideology and intersections crossing, on these two paths. I tried to trend carefully :DAlex-You are so clever :D I like that you knew~Lolamouse-I can see why! ;D I didn't know about the Swan constellation?! I was thinking of Shakespeare:Men at some time are masters of their fates:The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,But in ourselves, that we are underlings.(Julius Caesar, 1.2.146), Cassius to BrutusIt is the stars,The stars above us, govern our conditions.(King Lear, 4.3.37), KentI do think I might of blurred these two, lol ;D Thank you!Mary-Thank you :D I know, we do need to consider these stairs. The Cross with stairs represents these three. Hi Kay-I think I went too mystical, lol ;D Thank you~Mixi-I guess I layered it too much ;D Oops! Thanks for being a good sport~ Hi Kim,I thought you would get it :DYes, I think it is so easy to blur the lines~ Thank you Kim! @>--------
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Journal of Blue Lou Logan: Kalakala update: storm doom? No need for me to say more than what's already said here at Three Sheets NW... Storm-damaged Kalakala close to sinking; feds could step in to dismantle ship (updated) Posted by Blue Lou Logan at 6:47 AM Blue Lou Logan January 26, 2012 at 6:51 AM UPDATE: Just another close call... http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017322862_apwaferrykalakala.html
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
saki Gallery June Opening: Shawn Stucky | saki • music art books zines people saki Gallery June Opening: Shawn Stucky The Sun Will Rise With Me: An Exhibition by Shawn Stucky, a set on Flickr. The Sun Will Rise With Me: An Exhibition by Shawn Stucky Opening Reception Saturday, June 2nd, 6-9pm at saki. Free. Hors d'oeuvres provided by saki Whiskey & Spirits tasting from Koval Distillery Beverages from Cellar Rat Shawn Stucky began his early work by taking the intangible passions and feelings that people share in music and translating them into physical form. This has progressed to reproducing what he calls his “silent film animations” that appear in his head on the verge of sleep. When looking for new sources of inspiration, Stucky later found it in the most personal of places. It was quietly lurking in that mysterious space between waking-life and dreams, hidden in plain sight. In these “silent film animations,” he sees films vividly playing in stop-motion. The imagery ranges from children on swing sets to odd-looking elderly men spinning chairs above their heads. Through these waking dreams, Stucky consciously collects the imagery to reproduce in his art. Stucky was born red/green colorblind and moved from McPherson, Kansas to Chicago in 2002. He created his first screen print in 2006 and identifies that moment as the first time he was able to put his artistic visions onto paper. His process is based on simultaneously engaging his conscious and unconscious mind to express an intense emotion or complex thought based on personal experience. He utilizes the challenge of being red/green colorblind in his work by relying on value more than color. Shawn Stucky has shown his work nationally and internationally in New York, London, Pescara, Italy, the recording studio of Sigur Rós in Mosfellsbær Iceland, Keflavík, Iceland, and Chicago. Please join us Saturday, June 2nd from 6 - 9pm for the opening of The Sun Will Rise With Me: An Exhibition by Shawn Stucky. Enjoy a tasting table of whiskey and spirits from Koval Distillery, cool beverages from Cellar Rat, and food provided by saki. This event is FREE. Related Posts : art, cellar rat, gallery, KOVAL Distillery, opening, saki, Shawn Stucky Posted by ErinC at 5/07/2012 03:38:00 PM Labels: art, cellar rat, gallery, KOVAL Distillery, opening, saki, Shawn Stucky
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Sandy Snowden: Bangle 16 I have been trying to steadily work on this last bangle for a Christmas present, but I am finally finished. That is most of the ladies in my family sorted with beaded bangles. Most of them done last year. I am going to switch gears to something that is less intensive and takes up less space for laying out all the beads selected.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
What is the difference between popular and hot? - Meta Stack Overflow Or to put it another way, is it hot or not? Actual number of views and/or activity probably, not sure. – πάντα ῥεῖ Jul 7 '15 at 21:47 I think "hot" just means how active they are over the past few days, but popular means either a lot of votes or a lot of links to the post. (This is just a guess, of course.) I'm taking the meaning of "hot" from the tooltip for the hot tab on the page I get when clicking the logo (I don't have the new navigation) and assuming it's the same meaning. – Kendra Jul 7 '15 at 21:50 I have read that the difference becomes more pronounced after one leaves high school. – Mark Amery Jul 8 '15 at 13:28 @MarkAmery You mean after graduation? – SuperBiasedMan Jul 8 '15 at 14:26 Hotness brings popularity, but popularity doesn't bring hotness. Someone can be popular for many reasons, but there is only one reason why one is hot. – Fjodr Jul 8 '15 at 14:28 @MarkAmery You made my day. – Anubian Noob Jul 8 '15 at 14:49 Ask Kim Kardashian. – Lightness Races in Orbit Jul 10 '15 at 16:06 Amy Schumer is popular, but she's not hot. – j08691 Jul 10 '15 at 17:26 Popular questions have had high activity over time. Hot questions have more recent activity. So hot and popular means lots of historic activity and recent activity. Popular but not hot denotes a "classic" question that has had activity for a longer period of time. Can you provided any references for that? It seems like everyone has their own opinion on it. – David says Reinstate Monica Jul 8 '15 at 14:54 @David Grinberg I found: stackoverflow.com/help/badges/26/popular-question ^ For what makes a popular question. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4766/… ^ For what determines a hot question. – StephenMcMurtry Jul 8 '15 at 14:59 @DavidGrinberg Your (edited) second link is broken. Please correct it. – Firelord Jul 8 '15 at 22:11 @Firelord fixed, but you really could have done that yourself. – David says Reinstate Monica Jul 9 '15 at 0:10 @DavidGrinberg I don't have sufficient reputation to make edits on Meta here (you do realize it has different rules for editing, don't you), otherwise I would've done that already. – Firelord Jul 9 '15 at 7:49 @Firelord: Hmm, what are the different rules for editing? – Lightness Races in Orbit Jul 10 '15 at 16:06 @Firelord I didnt realize there were different rules. I thought anyone could suggest an edit? – David says Reinstate Monica Jul 10 '15 at 17:49 @DavidGrinberg There are no suggested edits on Meta. (I don't think this applies to tag wiki edits, I think those can still be suggested.) Therefore, to edit on Meta, one must have 2k rep. Or, of course, be the owner of the post. (This also does not apply to Meta Stack Exchange, just the per-site metas.) – Kendra Jul 10 '15 at 20:20 Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged discussion user-interface hot-questions popularity .
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. It is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network, created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky." } ]
Great picture ! Thank you :-) 5:52 AM, December 05, 2005 Hi Chanit,Thanks for passing by! 10:05 AM, December 05, 2005 J'aime beaucoup cette recette. Et quelle magnifique illustration! :-) 1:58 PM, December 05, 2005 Merci Elvira pour ton commentaire qui me fait chaud au coeur! 5:24 PM, December 05, 2005 Rosa, I followed your link via chanit's blog (she always finds the most interesting sites!) and wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading all of your posts on this page. Two posts in particularly caught my eye...the one on ELLE À TABLE. I picked up a mag in France but didn't know that they have distribution in Italy! I'll have to search for it as my french is non-existent and I always need to rely on my husband to translate.Secondly, that Moqueca de peixe sounds really good. I am nuts for exotic food from the tropics and elsewhere and will definitely give this recipe a try. I look forward to the next post! Bonjour Rosa, just the other day my friend asked me for a chicken with lemony flavour so I suggested a pan grilled breast served w cream lemon sauce. she wanted something quick but I did promise her to look for more lemony kind of recipe. I will forward her this recipe if you dont mind. 2:04 PM, December 06, 2005 Rosa, I love lemon chicken! I'm amazed that you can cook this dish! BTW the contonese garden is sooo beautiful... oh I wish I could just go there... This looks absolutely delicious. The photo below of the garden is really nice, too.Paz Hi,sha:No problem, you can forward this recipe to your friend. I hope she will enjoy eating this dish!glutton rabbit:I always liked this Cantonese speciality! I love Chinese ans Asian food and I cook a lot of specialities. You see, I'm not afraid to try cooking exotic dishes at home. Mostly, I'm more satisfied by them than if I go out to eat!paz:Thanks for the nice comments! Yeah, the garden looks peaceful... 4:44 PM, December 06, 2005 Looks great! I've got to try this sometime soon. And you did your categories perfectly! I'm sooooooooooooo happy for you! Great job! :D 8:59 AM, December 07, 2005 Hi Obachan,Thanks for the nice comment! I'm very pleaed with my categories although this part is still under construction. Your help was very useful!!! THANKS very much... 11:07 AM, December 07, 2005 Great photo! The dish looks so delicious. 1:51 AM, December 09, 2005 This is the first site I have found that has the typical restaurant style Lemon Chicken recipe. You have listed all of the ingredients and not left a thing out. Congratulations! and Thank You! 9:40 PM, December 23, 2005 si Karin Hello Rosa,I tried your lemon chicken. My whole family loves it! I'm book-marking your recipe for future reference.Thanks a bunch! 1:06 AM, May 07, 2007 NIC: Thanks!LORI: Thanks for the very kind compliment, Lori!SI KARIN: Thanks for your visit and nice comment! I'm ever so happy to hear that my recipe has been enjoyed by your whole family. Wow! Rosa, thank you for this recipe. I decided to cook it for my family tonight (as my first time cooking a main meal "by myself" - except for the rice, which my mother made)... it turned out nicely. My dad ate half of it on his own! Both mum & dad liked it and have asked me to make it again sometime!! :) Thanks again...oh, and I'll definitely be using more of your recipes in the future! :) Hello, I was just looking for a nice lemon chicken recipe and I came across yours. I think I'll try it out tonight, as it looks and sounds delicious. Thankyou for posting this ^^ I'm sure it'll be lovely, as others have commented on how nice it was :D 5:20 PM, August 11, 2008 NI: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! I hope you'll enjoy that delicious dish :-D! Hi Rosa, Thank you for the recipe! It was easy to follow, and the yummiest I've made yet. Vegetarian "chicken" pieces can be substituted, but it helps to microwave them 1-2 minutes before battering and frying. I also grated the lemon peel and added it to the sauce. Yum, great recipe. LOVED IT!!!Thanks so much. Cooked lemon chicken yesterday, it is the best lemon chicken I have ever had. I actually added grated lemon zest from 2 lemons and additional spoon of honey.yammyyy.Thanks so much for sharing this amazing recipe. 8:02 PM, November 25, 2008 ANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! I'm ever so happy to hear that you loved this dish! Your version sounds interesting... Hi Rosa, my sauce turned into a big lumpy blob...what did I do wrong? 10:14 PM, November 30, 2008 LISA: I'm so sorry to hear that your sauce didn't work...Are you sure you mixed the ingredients correctly (dissolving the cornstarch)? Maybe, you overheated the sauce and didn't stir it while it was cooking... I hope it helps! 7:54 AM, December 01, 2008 Rosa ,what can I say ,your lemon chicken was fantastic ,will be making it again and again and again.My batter was not has thick as I think it should have been but that gives me the opportunity to try again.thanks again ,Liz from Glasgow ,Scotland LIZ: Thanks for passing ba and for leaving a comment! I'm so happy to hear that you liked that dish! Happy cooking! Cheers. This chicken spells delicious all over it. I have bookmarked it. Thank you for doing the 7 links post, else I would have missed such wonderful recipes. that photo is japanese, isnt it ? ANONYMOUS: It could be a Japanese garden, but is is Cantonese... ;-) 12:17 PM, March 19, 2012
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
tvirbutaite | Tumblr tvirbutaite Egle Tvirbutaite for Marie Claire by David Roemerthe-fair-magazineFollowUnfollowegletvirbutaitehighfashionshooteditorial3 notesLoading...Show more notesReblog This article was written on Dec 13, 2012 by Staff Suburbia – Photographer Paolo di Lucente and stylist Katie Burnett capture the idyllic American dream in Vogue Italia online’s “Suburbia” photo shoot. Egle Tvirbutaite looks like the most stylish 60′s housewife wearing designs from the likes of Moschino, Calvin Klein, Altuzzara, and Karen Walker. The simple black-and white photos by di Lucente are a tribute to the suburbs during the baby-boomer era complete with a station wagon and Tvirbutaite’s beehive hairdo.jilluvhsiehFollowUnfollowPaolo di LucenteKatie BurnettVogueEgle TvirbutaiteTvirbutaite1 noteLoading...Show more notesReblog buckstartshereFollowUnfollowegle tvirbutaiteLoading...Show more notesReblog egle tvirbutaite for elle russia by marianna sanvitomodelssssssssssssFollowUnfollowegle tvirbutaitemarianna sanvitoelle russiaellelongchampfashionmodelshaute couturehigh fashionfashion modelsbeautyLoading...Show more notesReblog Sponsored$Switch and save!Progressive Insurance egle tvirbutaitemodelssssssssssssFollowUnfollowegle tvirbutaiteella russiaellemarianna savitomagazinefashionmodelshigh fashionhaute couturebeautyfashion modelsLoading...Show more notesReblog © Tumblr, Inc.HelpAboutAppsDevelopersThemesJobsLegalTermsCopyright
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tumblr (stylized as tumblr and pronounced \"tumbler\") is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007 and currently owned by Automattic. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog." } ]
Chennai – BubbleCube – A Digital Marketing Blog On April 30, 2014 By Harsha MPIn India, MobileLeave a comment AdNear has released a study on the mobile usage behaviour of Travellers In Indian airports covering Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai & Bangalore airports. The sample size was 0.65 Million users over a period of 3 months. 1) Average time spend on Mobile is 1.61 hrs per user. 2) Mumbai travellers had 14% higher engagement as compared to the average time on mobile. TCS GenY Survey 2012-2013 : Digital Habits of High School Students in India On July 4, 2013 By Harsha MPIn Digital Marketing, IndiaLeave a comment TCS GenY Survey 2012 consisted of 17478 students in 12-18 year old group spread across 14 cities In India. This has been classified into Metros & Mini Metros. Metros involve Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai & non Metros involve Ahmedabad, Bhubaneshwar, Cochin, Coimbatore, Indore, Lucknow, Nagpur and Pune. 1660 schools participated in the survey. This survey reveals great wealth of information about the Digital Habits of High School Students in India. The period of the survey was Aug 2012 to Dec 2012.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Wine firm director who cheated elderly customers is jailed | Daily Mail Online Wine firm director who cheated elderly customers out of almost £500,000 to fund his luxury lifestyle is jailed for more than four years Harry Mosley's customers were promised money for their wine collections But the vulnerable clients received barely any compensation for the sales Instead Mosley 'cut and run', using the money to party and buy luxury goods The judge described Mosley's fraud as sustained and planned Published: 13:29 EST, 1 April 2017 | Updated: 13:42 EST, 1 April 2017 Mosley's clients were promised profits but received little or no money from the sales of their wine collections Customers of Harry Mosley and his team lost entire portfolios or vast amounts of money when they signed up to his company Optimum Fine Wine. They were promised financial profit in return for buying, swapping or selling wine through the firm initially bankrolled by Mosley's parents. But the clients, many of whom were in their 80s, received little or no money from sales of their own wine collections. The vintage Bordeaux wine they believed they had purchased never materialised. Instead, 25-year-old Mosley 'cut and run', spending his victims' investments totalling £424,352 on living the high life. He spent £100,000 at lavish bars, restaurants and hotels, as well as buying luxury goods, designer clothes, paintings and a Mulberry bag. He also gambled over £57,000 over 16 months, took a holiday in Dubai and gave his then-girlfriend £23,320. There was also evidence in his bank account that he paid himself £112,000 and sold a Bentley car. Wine broker 'cheated victims as old as 85 out of £450,000... Greed that bankrupted the fashion Queen of the High Street:... Mosley (left) pleaded guilty to four offences of conspiracy to commit fraud Judge Charles Macdonald QC said Mosley's fraud was a 'heartless and cruel' fraud which 'gravely damaged a number of lives' 'This was a sustained, planned, multiple victim fraud, and also a heartless and cruel one which gravely damaged a number of lives.' Mosley blew a kiss to his father sitting in the public gallery and gave a thumbs-up sign as he was led from court to the cells. 'If it wasn't fraudulent from the outset when Harry Mosley went to his parents to get the £61,000 loan, it must have been very soon after.' Mosley is alleged to have spent more than £100,000 on lavish bars, restaurants and hotels Bradley Deadman (pictured right), who was said to be Mosley's right-hand man, was acquitted of any involvement in the fraud He said: 'It was greedy, he got used to the high life and carried it on. He didn't see them as people. They were just names on paper.' Wine firm director who cheated elderly customers is jailed
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market and online news source newspaper published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper." } ]
Harry Corr Obituary - Gloucester, Virginia | Legacy.com HomeObituariesHarry Edward Corr Obituary Harry Edward Corr Sep 10, 1934 – Feb 11, 2018 (Age 83) Andrews Funeral Home - Gloucester Obituary On Sunday February 11, Harry Edward Corr died surrounded by family after a short illness. He led a full life of devotion to family, service to community, and entrepreneurship. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Jean Hogge Corr who was his childhood sweetheart, his children Andrew Reade Corr... Get email updates about Harry Corr delivered directly to your inbox. Jean, we are sorry we could not attend the visitation or service. You have our deepest sympathy. We have fond memories of our contacts with both of you over the years. Hayes and Joyce Williams February 17, 2018 | White Marsh, VA, VA Dear Cindi, Mrs. Corr and the entire family, We are so sad to hear of your Dad/Mr. Corr's passing.Mom and I will always remember his amazing voice. His strong faith in Christ, his Love for his family and friends and his generosity with all he had. Prayers for peace and comfort. Susan Hargis King & Dolores Mergenthaler February 17, 2018 | Powhatan, VA A wonderful man with a wonderful family! Prayers being lifted for all! So sorry for your loss. Mr. Corr was truly a wonderful man and will be missed by many. Prayers for you and the family. Cindy & Joe Mosher Cindy Mosher February 16, 2018 | Virginia Beach, VA | Friend Wilhelmina and Ellen February 16, 2018 | Rembert, SC To Jean, Andy, Cindi and Christopher, Dana and I send our sincere condolences. Your husband/Dad was a kind, warm, gentle man who was always a pleasure to be around. He will be missed greatly. February 16, 2018 | Chicago, IL | Friend To the Corr Family, you had an amazing husband and father who shared his talents with family and friends. You are all in my prayers. With deepest sympathy, February 15, 2018 | Brunswick, GA Thinking of you, Jean, as you bid Harry goodbye for now. Remembering what a special man he was, sharing his time and talents with the church, community and especially his family. Blessings to you and your family. Ellie Laing Elliott February 15, 2018 | Lancaster, PA ANDREWS FUNERAL HOME - JACKSON800 Depot Road, JacksonSend Flowers › Corr Home, Roadview Farm 4645 George Washington Memorial Highway, White Marsh, VirginiaSend Flowers ›
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "In law, a legacy is something held and transferred to someone as their inheritance, as by will and testament. Personal effects, family property, marriage property or collective property gained by will of real property." } ]
CrimsynDevil (All your base are belong to us!) - DeviantArt All your base are belong to us! View Badges! Watch All your base are belong to us!United States Group 223 Deviations 1,348 Comments 7,164 Pageviews 18 Scraps 51 Watchers 0 Critiques 0 Forum Posts 329 Favourites More Stats BirthdayOctober 27 My-Little-Bronies Join Now Advertise Here × Slime Girl Sasha 1 Comment Shei'Khra 0 Comments Koroscei, the golem 0 Comments Sapphire Masika Chaos by CrimsynDevil1 CommentJus' Hangin' by CrimsynDevil0 CommentsMolly by CrimsynDevil0 Comments  Turquoise in the Spotlight by CrimsynDevil2 Comments Bronycon Ponies - C2E2 Cosplay by petirep17 CommentsNew girl by bleedman727 CommentsTwilight Sparkle wallpaper by saturdaymorningproj32 CommentsWIP: Breathing Underwater by ThrashMetallix8 Comments Browse Favourites ConquestusFlashQuatschTheRaspBerriKingSqueezyBearbrittrochellelimymaruBlack--FeatherKramchikExprunxAiko-koroMikufan526peacepeapodSc1r0nWakaPayDisharmonyTheAlicornalexuta124Wierdo-Nekoex626AKAKeonLostSketchnintenfan96All Watchers CrimsynDevil All your base are belong to us! Artist | Hobbyist | Traditional Art United States I'm a freelance artist, doin' miscellaneous worksCurrent Residence: wanderin'Favourite genre of music: j-pop, rock, metal, classical, oldiesFavourite style of art: mangaOperating System: windows 7Wallpaper of choice: W.o.W., Tera, or anime relatedSkin of choice: Blood ElfFavourite cartoon character: Lilith AenslandPersonal Quote: To the world you're no one, but to someone, you're the world. crimsyndevil.newgrounds.com anything hayao miyazaki, and anything comedic scrubs, that Mitchell and Web look, Lucky Star, Welcome to the NHK, MLP:FiM, supernatural, much much moreXP World of Warcraft..... among others:P Anime, comedy, mmorpg's, console games, drawing I'm alive Jan 3, 2015 To a new year. Sep 11, 2013 Contest! contest! CONTEST! Aug 20, 2013 Searching Jul 20, 2013 Octo-PI Gaming Jun 28, 2013 moar update plz? May 8, 2013 Commisions, commisions, Commisions! Mar 28, 2013 moar updates:P Mar 19, 2013 Heeeeere's Johnny!! Oct 6, 2012 It's been funPrevious123Next My-Little-Bronies your-art-hereOC-Stars-WeLoveThemOCCentralOC-Take-Over All Groups Comments happy birthday Reply Mikufan526 Hobbyist Traditional Artist thx lol, even the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference Hobbyist Artist B-DAY! PARTY TIME! +D Hobbyist Traditional Artist Yup lol another year older Reply saturdaymorningproj Hey there! happy birthday Reply CrimsynDevil Hobbyist Traditional Artist Thank you, this makes my night lol Reply ex626AKAKeon Hobbyist Writer You still alive? D8 Hobbyist Traditional Artist Yup, jus havin a lack of inspiration.... Been kinda lookin for someone else to work under, maybe help someone else with there projects n whatnot thinkin bout hangin up my works n helpin other people with there stuff, doin character design n helpin with story, y'know collabs n stuff ya interested? Hobbyist Writer Of course I would though I cant help in the drawing department X_X
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "DeviantArt (formerly stylized as deviantART) is an American online art community featuring artwork, videography and photography subsidiary of the Israeli company Wix.com. It was launched on August 7, 2000 by Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens, and others." } ]
They hotel does state that it has wifi - but it... - Review of Banan Hotel - TripAdvisor They hotel does state that it has wifi - but it... - Review of Banan Hotel and 5 more sites! Banan Hotel Inn I had arranged with the hotel to be met by their Tuk Tuk driver from the port (had taken a boat from Siem Reap). We were some 5 hours late...so I was extremely pleased that the driver was there to collect me.The hotel is just up the road from the Port and a short stroll into the main town area. In honesty, there isn't much to do in the area once you have completed the tourist itinerary, so a couple of days should do it - as there isn't any night life to speak of.The staff are all very helpful, no matter what time of day or night you speak with them. I booked their Tuk Tuk driver, Surate, for a whole day and found him to be very reliable and helpful with a good understanding of English.They hotel does state that it has wifi - but it is touch and go...though they do have internet in the main reception area - but it is fairly slow (computers running off of floppy disk!).The rooms are decorated in fantastic ornate wood and very spacious and clean. The shower room met expectations also.Very good value for money. Helpful? Thank 627432 Report Ask 627432 about Banan Hotel Dutch first English first French first German first Italian first Korean first Spanish first Any blackntan210 14 helpful votes “One of the nicest hotels I've stayed in, but avoid their tuk tuk driver with the Australian accent” The hotel is beautiful and very clean. The staff are extremely nice, though they had a tendency to say "yes" to many things, even though they clearly had no idea what I was saying or they would say "no problem," which didn't apply to some of the situations I was asking about. But they did their best, can't ask much more than that. However, the manager was incredibly helpful with making arrangements, changing plans and providing every comfort and accommodation. She went above and beyond. She was truly wonderful! If I went back to Battambang, I would definitely stay at this hotel. The only problem that I had associated with the hotel was with the tuk tuk driver they contracted with to pick me up from the bus station. They sent a tuk tuk driver to pick me up from the bus station, even though they were located a short walk from the bus station. Traveling with a crazy large backpack, I much appreciated the help. I was promptly taken to the hotel and quickly checked into my room. But here is where the problems began. First, the staff had the tuk tuk driver take my bag up to my room, which was nice and all, except he wouldn't leave unless I agreed to use him the next day. He told me the price for the tour was the same as Siem Reap. I tried to tell him that I would thing about it and talk to reception, but he just kept talking and wouldn't leave, so I agreed to pay him $20 and he said he would take me to the caves, the temple and the bamboo train. Well, I went down to reception a bit later and spoke with the manager who informed me that the 3 places I wanted to go shouldn't cost more than $13. I told her about the tuk tuk driver and she said she would call him and work it out. Well, the next morning, I see the tuk tuk driver waiting in the lobby. I tried to confirm with him the lesser price and he told me that it was only for 2 places. I told.the manager and she promptly found me a new driver who only charged me $13. So,if you plan on doing anything in or around Battambang, ask reception FIRST! One thing to note, the manager is the only one who can use the credit card machine, so if you are paying by credit card, be sure to do it while she's around. When I went to check out, the staff on duty just kept asking me for cash and when I said I planned to pay by credit card, they informed me that the manager was the only person who could operate the machine, but they could go with me to the bank. I found this last bit slightly odd. In the end, it got worked out, but just be aware... Oh, if you are planning on getting a visa for Vietnam, the Vietnam Consulate is right around the corner. Be aware, they charge $40, not the $35 quoted in the Lonely Planet guidebook. But the good thing is, if you go first thing in the morning, have your paperwork all filled out prior to, had been issued a Vietnam visa before, it shouldn't take that long. It took about 15 minutes for me to get in and out.Plenty of time to taking a cooking class, just don't go to the Smoking Pot. Helpful? Thank blackntan210 Report Ask blackntan210 about Banan Hotel 48 helpful votes “Three star quality for a one star price” Very tired after a long trip from Sihanoukville I chose this hotel just because it is close to the bus station - and it was a pleasant surprise. The building is juist a few years old, but the entrance is full of tradtional Khmer wood carving.For just $15 I had a wonderful room and excellent service and personnel who spoke quite good English. Breakfast is included, and free bicycles are available. Helpful? Thank RBB2007 Report Ask RBB2007 about Banan Hotel 14 helpful votes “Good hotel in good position...” Well after the disappointing Waterside Guest House in Phnom Penh this place was a revelation. Same price but the rooms were large, very clean and everything worked. Nice modern bathrooms that you could swing a cat in and classical wooden furniture. Apparently the building is an ex bank and the quality shows throughout. Free good reception WiFi, pick up from the bus station, bikes and OK breakfast in the huge reception area - all held together by the super efficient general manager Ms Sodavy Phay who was always on hand to help. She even went to the trouble of providing gluten free bread for my packed lunch (I’m cursed with coeliac disease) on the slow boat trip to Siem Reap. In brief a very nice, comfortable good value hotel - just what you need after a long hot bus journey (after being ripped off by the previous hotel on the bus fare to Battambang) definitely recommended. And I hear they are doing really good deals in 2011 to celebrate the opening of their new hotel. Iincidentally the boat trip to Siem Reap said to be ‘scenic’ (never felt seeing river banks covered in waste plastic bags was ‘scenic’) seems to be basically a service for the locals with tourists paying the price on a packed, noisy boat and the worst toilet you have ever experienced. With the income from this packed tourist boat you would expect better. Oh and ignore the picture of the smart, modern boat on the ticket – what you get is an overloaded wreck and charmless crew. The worst value $18.00 worth of travel in Asia) – take the bus - half the time and over half the price. Helpful? Thank RainbirdLondon Report Ask RainbirdLondon about Banan Hotel This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLC. treecropper 1 review “great value and good service with hepful staff treat you as family” Excellent value at $17 per night double including a very good cooked breakfast served at a huge table made from a single piece of Cambodian tropical timber with seats to match made from roots. The timber in the foyer is a woodworker’s dream, sourced by the engineer owner at a time when such wood was legal to purchase. Even in our room, the wood theme was continued; the room was very clean and comfortable, with an enclosed shower in the bathroom (i.e. the water didn’t spray all over the toilet). The service was exemplary, guests are regarded as one of the (honoured) family during the stay. Free tuk-tuk to hotel, a stone’s throw from the bus depot. Helpful tourist information, suggestions to suitable restaurants, seats on the Battambang to Siem Reap boat booked at no commission and free tuk-tuk ride to Siem Reap at the other end.I certainly would only look elsewhere in Battambang if the Banyan was fully booked, and no, I am not being paid a commission or any other perk. Helpful? Thank treecropper Report Ask treecropper about Banan Hotel 33 helpful votes “A weird one night stay with staff who tried to help but failed!” I genuinely don't know whether the language barrier caused us to not rate this hotel but we can truly said we had a bizarre experience. Started off by not getting our complimentary tuk tuk from the boat drop off and then to wait in reception whilst the staff confirmed the booking - they couldn't find it. We then got taken to a room which was empty on the first floor but are offered to get upgraded to the second floor. Of course we accepted, but to find two people in bed in the other room was quite a surprise! The member of staff either didn't understand or didn't believe us so he checked the room again - never met the people but did feel slightly embarrassed for them.Rooms were big and a lot of dark traditional wood - not sure what you need a three seated wooden bench with no cushion for exactly? Nicely carved though.Breakfast was alright but a little bizarre although you could se the staff trying to make an effort. The swimming pool isn't quite there yet but should make a nice bonus! Think you could get better for your money. Thank ianinsaigon Report Ask ianinsaigon about Banan Hotel Show Prices JmayL 16 helpful votes “Great hotel with very friendly staff” The Banan was a very clean and friendly place to stay. There was at least one member of staff who spoke excellent English, and others were very helpful. They arranged boat travel to Siem Reap for us, and gave us a map and bikes for the day we wanted to go exploring. The room was spacious, with lovely carved wooden bedframes and chairs. The bathroom had a self contained shower - a rarity for this part of the world - which meant you could keep your feet dry while using the sink. Breakfast was pretty basic, omelette, bread and bananas, but there was plenty of it and it's included in the room price. It's about a five or ten minute walk to where Battambang's very small centre lies, but that does mean it's nice and quiet. Helpful? Thank JmayL Report Ask JmayL about Banan Hotel TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Expedia, Travelocity, Hotels.com, TripOnline SA, Agoda, Hotwire and Cheap Tickets so you can book your Banan Hotel reservations with confidence. We help millions of travelers each month to find the perfect hotel for both vacation and business trips, always with the best discounts and special offers. Explore similar hotels Seng Hout Hotel347 ReviewsShow Prices 0.3 miles Delux Villa353 ReviewsShow Prices 0.5 miles Classy Hotel & Spa229 ReviewsShow Prices 0.8 miles See all Battambang hotels Browse nearby
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
ɐ ןooʞ ɐʇ ןıɟǝ ɟɹoɯ ɐ pıɟɟǝɹǝuʇ ɐuƃןǝ: Shredding Wonderland--Olympic Eating Week 4 It’s Monday, which means it is time for a new challenge!!! So week 4 will be a fun adventure of some smart planning and open minds. So are you now asking what it is…”Shredding Wonderland—Summer Games” week 4 challenge is “Olympic Eating”. So get you taste buds ready for some healthy eating!!! How this week’s challenge works is…we have to follow Michi’s Ladder and pick food out of Tier 1 and Tier 2. From there we makes meals without adding anything extra. To put it simply…we are clean eating. This challenge will not be hard, just a bit boring. One of my favorite foods is a baked potato and those are a no-no since they are in Tier 3. I also love when our asparagus has Parmesan cheese on it. Hard cheese is also a Tier 3. We can do nonfat cheese so looks like Kraft Fat Free Cheddar here we come!!! I will probably bombard you with our clean eating recipes throughout the week, but I am going to warn you now…they will be healthy and boring!!! Here was our breakfast and lunch from yesterday. Oatmeal with skim milk, a dash of cinnamon and coffee with skim milk Cucumbers with balsamic vinegar and apples, bananas with natural peanut butter As for last week’s “Diving Challenge” we accumulated 229 minutes and 53 seconds!!! Smalls and I planked for 1 hour 43 minutes and 20.8 seconds It was definitely a challenge fighting with sweet old Briggs I am interested to see how many “lbs.” I am going to lose while clean eating. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and get your taste buds ready for some healthy dishes. P.S. Check back later today for a GIVEAWAY!!! : o Posted by Andrea Bohlen at 7:00 AM Labels: Breakfast , Cooking , Fitness , Meals , Recipes , Summer Games-Shredding Wonderland
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Officer's Son Charged In Her Killing - tribunedigital-chicagotribune January 11, 1999|By David Mendell, Tribune Staff Writer. RICHTON PARK — Authorities on Sunday charged the 17-year-old son of a Cook County Sheriff's Police officer with first-degree murder in the shooting death of the officer, his mother, in late September. Richton Park police said they found the teenager, Jonathan Stone, early Friday morning sleeping in an allegedly stolen car in the parking lot of a Richton Park condominium complex. Stone subsequently admitted to investigators that he shot his mother, veteran officer Janice Stone-Norrington, and provided details of the crime in a written confession, Police Chief James Van Schepen said. Police had questioned and released Stone and his stepfather in early October, less than a week after the slaying. Van Schepen gave no details about why authorities now suspect the teenager shot his mother, and the chief declined to answer reporters' questions. "We're just not releasing any more than somebody has been charged," Van Schepen said, adding the investigation continues in order "to tie up some loose ends." He would not say whether further charges are expected, whetherinvestigators have other suspects in mind or whether a weapon has been recovered. Stone appeared Sunday at a bond hearing inside the same courthouse--the Cook County 6th District Court in Markham--where his mother and stepfather, Paul Norrington, also a sheriff's officer, met while working together in the early 1990s. Stone was being held Sunday without bond. Stone was arrested Friday after officers responded to the report of a suspicious vehicle. Police later determined the vehicle was stolen in Chicago and questioned Stone, who gave a false identity, Van Schepen said. Stone-Norrington, 47, a 21-year veteran of the sheriff's police, was discovered Sept. 29 by her husband of less than three years in a utility closet inside their home in the 4400 block of Michael-John Lane in Richton Park. She had sustained bullet wounds to the chest and upper arms. Her cause of death was listed as gunshot wounds, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office. Paul Norrington had filed a missing-person's report the day before finding his wife's partially decomposed body in the lower level of the family's home. After the officer's body was discovered, authorities held Stone for several days in the Cook County Juvenile Facility for violating probation on an unrelated matter. Chicago Heights man set to face murder charge in Richton... Driver in south suburbs says she hit unknown object, but...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Chicago Tribune is a daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, United States, owned by Tribune Publishing. Founded in 1847, and formerly self-styled as the \"World's Greatest Newspaper\" (a slogan for which WGN radio and television are named), it remains the most-read daily newspaper of the Chicago metropolitan area and the Great Lakes region." } ]
Andrew MacDonald Stats, Splits - Philadelphia Flyers - ESPN Andrew MacDonald#47 D 6' 1", 190 lbsPhiladelphia FlyersBornSep 7, 1986 in Judique, Nova ScotiaAge29Drafted2006: 6th Rnd, 160th by NYIExperience7 years2014-15 SeasonGAPTS21012Career1986105Complete Stats »Go toAndrew MacDonaldPlayer ProfileStatsSplitsGame LogVideosPhotosShop Andrew MacDonald SplitsSeason: Select2014-20152013-20142012-20132011-20122010-20112009-20102008-20092014-2015 SplitsSPLITGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODTotal5821012-541623.21400020:0196:44Home26044-615270.00100020:01130:09Away32268126355.71300020:0080:01Day10022-2890.00200019:1496:08Night482810-333533.81200020:1196:51By OpponentGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODvs. BOS30000240.00000020:360:00vs. BUF10001010.00000017:500:00vs. CGY20000020.00000019:170:00vs. CHI20001020.00000019:300:00vs. DET20110000.00100019:5339:45vs. EDM10001000.00000022:450:00vs. CAR30000440.00000019:360:00vs. LA10110000.00100018:4518:45vs. DAL211200333.31000022:0222:02vs. MON2000-2020.00000025:140:00vs. NJ412312425.00100020:4127:34vs. NYI30110200.00000020:3661:49vs. NYR1000-1030.00000020:120:00vs. OTT2000-1440.00000020:040:00vs. PIT20000020.00000021:520:00vs. COL1000-1010.00000023:500:00vs. SJ1011-1010.00100019:2519:25vs. STL20000230.00000019:300:00vs. TB20000500.00000021:170:00vs. TOR30002250.00000018:070:00vs. VAN20000200.00000020:470:00vs. WAS3000-2230.00000018:100:00vs. ARI20110040.00000018:5437:48vs. ANH2011-2640.00000020:5741:54vs. FLA10000030.00000020:030:00vs. NSH20000410.00000019:570:00vs. CLS2000-1020.00000016:170:00vs. MIN20112430.00000018:2336:45vs. WPG2000-2010.00000018:080:00By MonthGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODOctober7123-22119.11000022:5653:30November5000-3250.00000017:530:00December14044210160.00200019:3968:46January13123-2151010.00100019:5986:34February7011-1680.00000018:33129:52March1201116120.00100020:31246:11Pre All-Star36279-329375.41300020:1580:58Post All-Star22033-212250.00100019:38144:01By ResultGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODIn wins22156415214.81200019:0369:52In losses36156-926412.40200020:36123:36By DayGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODMonday40001730.00000020:260:00Tuesday14033-210170.00100020:3796:13Wednesday7011-1470.00000020:22142:35Thursday11022-14110.00000019:06105:01Friday2000-1240.00000020:130:00Saturday152462101315.41300020:1950:47Sunday5000-3470.00000018:320:00By Conf/DivGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODvs. Eastern Conf.34145-323372.70200020:02136:15vs. Western Conf.24167-218254.01200019:5968:30vs. Atlantic Div.16011013190.00100020:26326:57vs. Central Div.13123010147.11000019:5486:15vs. Pacific Div.11044-28110.00200020:0455:11vs. Metropolitan Div.18134-310185.60100019:4188:35By Days RestGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPROD0 Days Rest10134-28128.30100020:0150:041 Days Rest30022119340.00100020:09302:172 Days Rest7011-3670.00100019:52139:013+ Days Rest10145-28714.31100019:3139:02Tied after 2nd period19055-416240.00100019:5175:26Leading after 2nd period14033411130.00200020:0293:31Trailing after 2nd period25224-514258.01100020:07125:46By VenueGPGAPTS+/-PIMSOG%PPGPPASHGSHAGWGTOI/GPRODat TD Garden20000030.00000021:210:00at Scotiabank Saddledome10000010.00000017:360:00at Joe Louis Arena1000-1000.00000018:150:00at Rexall Place10001000.00000022:450:00at Nassau Coliseum20000200.00000019:590:00at CONSOL Energy Center10000020.00000021:250:00at HP Pavilion1011-1010.00100019:2519:25at Honda Center10110420.00000017:4317:43at Scottrade Center10000220.00000021:340:00at United Center10000020.00000021:010:00at Scotiabank Place1000-1230.00000020:470:00at Rogers Arena10000200.00000021:150:00at Bell Centre10000010.00000022:270:00at Wells Fargo Center26044-615270.00100020:01130:09at First Niagara Center10001010.00000017:500:00at Verizon Center2000-1210.00000019:350:00at Bridgestone Arena10000200.00000021:150:00at Air Canada Centre20002220.00000017:300:00at MTS Centre1000-1000.00000017:580:00at PNC Arena20000440.00000019:090:00at Pepsi Center1000-1010.00000023:500:00at STAPLES Center10110000.00100018:4518:45at Nationwide Arena1000-1010.00000017:530:00at Xcel Energy Center10113220.00000020:3720:37at American Airlines Center1112001100.01000021:2710:44at Gila River Arena10001030.00000019:270:00at Prudential Center211202250.00100020:5520:55GlossaryGP: Games PlayedG: GoalsA: AssistsPTS: Points+/-: Plus/Minus RatingsPIM: Penalty MinutesSOG: Shots on Goal%: Shooting PercentagePPG: Power-Play GoalsPPA: Power-Play AssistsSHG: Short GoalsSHA: Short AssistsGWG: Game Winning GoalsTOI/G: Time on Ice per GamePROD: Production
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "ESPN (originally an initialism for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network) is an American multinational basic cable sports channel owned by ESPN Inc., owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company (80%) and Hearst Communications (20%). The company was founded in 1979 by Bill Rasmussen along with his son Scott Rasmussen and Ed Egan." } ]
Happy Christmas | www.jondunn.com ← Ecuador – a hummingbird extravaganza 60 North – winter edition → Posted on December 23, 2014 by Jon Dunn As Christmas is just around the corner, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year. It’s been a brilliant one for me where wildlife-watching’s concerned, with a phenomenal 10 days of hummingbirds in Ecuador closely followed by a terrific few days exploring the wilds of Colorado – a trip notable for rosy-finches, lekking grouse and a wide array of mammals new to me. And then of course there were the usual highlights that come with living in Shetland – seeing all the orchid species known to occur in the islands (though I like to think Small White Orchid Pseudorchis albida exists somewhere here, for all it’s not been seen for many a long year); finding Whalsay’s first records of Autumn Gentian and Small Adder’s-tongue; watching Otters and cetaceans from the house… and not least adding Hoopoe to the house list! I don’t keep many lists nowadays – all a bit too nerdy for my liking – but the house list remains a habit that’s hard to kick. Currently languishing on 174 species of bird seen from the croft, I wonder if 2015 will deliver the 175th species. And what it will be. It’s been great to lead some tours for Shetland Wildlife and share these beautiful things with enthusiastic and friendly visitors to the isles, and I’m looking forward to more of that in the new year. And of course, it’s been good to see my pieces published in Bird Watching and 60 North magazines, and online for Rare Bird Alert – the latest of the latter pieces out only today. Here’s to more writing, photography and shared encounters in the coming months. So for now, all that remains to do is to wish you a very happy Christmas, and a new year full of all the wildlife you could wish for. This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged colorado, ecuador, jon dunn, shetland. Bookmark the permalink.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Indeed is an American worldwide employment website for job listings launched in November 2004. It is a subsidiary of Japan's Recruit Co." } ]
Troubleshooting SDK Download/Setup Problems – Microsoft Windows SDK Blog Troubleshooting SDK Download/Setup Problems ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Brian CostSeptember 2, 20073 0 Having trouble downloading or installing the Windows SDK? Here’s help. Most common issues<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Running the Windows SDK web setup on some connections can sometimes have issues when downloading the files. We recommend that you clear the %temp%\sdksetup directory and retry your web setup. If that fails, switch over to the ISO setup for the Windows SDK. Also if you are trying to install Windows Vista RTM SDK (build 6.0.6000.16384, released November, 2006), you should try installing the more recent Windows Vista SDK Update (Build 6.0.6000.16386, released in February, 2007): Microsoft Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista Web Install: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=4377F86D-C913-4B5C-B87E-EF72E5B4E065&displaylang=en Microsoft Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista ISO Install: http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/2/6/42684501-9ec5-43dd-9dfe-c8c9dfa6a66f/6.1.6000.16384.10.WindowsSDK_Vista_Feb2007Update_rtm.DVD.Rel.iso Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista ISO verification information For more information on how to use this information to verify that your ISO download is not corrupt, see Testing CD-Rs and DVD-Rs, below. · AutoCRC: 0x9863D5EC · Size: 1.15 GB (1,237,436,416 bytes) · SHA-1 hash: 0x5D28463DAAA755450D697C850DD622D1F8B580AE What are ISO image files and how do I use them? Many products are posted as ISO-9660 image files. An ISO image file is an exact representation of a CD or DVD, including the content and the logical format. The most common use of an image file is to write it to a blank CD-R or DVD-R, resulting in an identical copy of the original disc including file name and volume label information. ISO image files may also be opened and their contents copied to a local folder, much like ZIP files. ISO files may also be virtually mounted and accessed as a device. These three methods of using ISO images are described below. Writing ISO files to CD-R or DVD-R Most CD-R/DVD-R writing software includes a feature to create a disc from an image file. Note: you must use the special “copy image to CD” or “burn image” functionality. See your software’s Help for detailed information. <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> Testing CD-Rs and DVD-Rs After a CD/DVD-R has been written, you should verify that the file was successfully written. Many freeware programs are available for calculating the SDK SHA-1 hash value (provided above). Use an Internet search engine to search for “sha1 hash” to find a freeware program. The contents of image files may be accessed directly using third-party tools. Using this method you can extract the files from an image file to a temporary folder on your hard drive, then run setup. The following tools (and others) offer image file support: IsoBuster CDmage Daemon Tools Still having problems? Please send your install log to [email protected] so we can help you troubleshoot. By default, the log is installed to: · On Vista: C:\%user%\AppData\Local\Temp\SDKSetupLog.txt · On XP: C:\Documents and Settings\%User%\Local Settings\ SDKSetupLog.txt Tags setup troubleshooting Windows SDK Basics Comments (3) Cancel reply Name * Email * Website MSDN Blog Postings » Troubleshooting SDK Download/Setup Problems says: September 2, 2007 at 3:56 am PingBack from http://msdnrss.thecoderblogs.com/2007/09/02/troubleshooting-sdk-downloadsetup-problems-2/ dossy says: September 7, 2007 at 10:04 am Hi, any chance you folks could host the ISO as a Torrent? Microsoft Windows SDK Blog says: September 26, 2007 at 4:30 pm The latest prerelease Windows SDK is now available for installation! This SDK release supports Windows
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers." } ]
AI and Machine Learning Demystified... by Carol Smith 3864180 views Presented at the Driving Sales Executive Summit on October 22, 2018
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "SlideShare is an American hosting service, now owned by Scribd, for professional content including presentations, infographics, documents, and videos. Users can upload files privately or publicly in PowerPoint, Word, PDF, or OpenDocument format." } ]
Review: The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories | trulYou Review: The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories Posted on August 31, 2012 @ 9 am by Annie I picked up this book because I recently joined the hitRECord community. The cover illustration is very cute and it makes the book kind of hard to resist (yes, I sometimes judge a book by the cover). Before today the only pictures that I saw of the book cover were online. At $10 per book I thought it was a great steal. When I finally saw it my initial thought was, ‘it’s so SMALL.’ It’s a lot smaller in real life than I expected. All of a sudden, $10 per book made a lot of sense. What I really don’t get is why Barnes and Nobel categorized the book under Humor. I had trouble finding it since I was originally looking for it under the fiction section. Though I love the concept you can tell that some of the ‘stories’ were better than others. The artwork follows a similar trend. I guess for a book that can be considered an anthology that makes a lot of sense. You’re bound to like some more than others. I appreciated the witty stuff that got published in the book, however, I kept waiting for something with more heart. I found it in a few pieces, but I didn’t experience it with a lot of them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great collaboration, but I feel like it could have been a little better. I predict that this stems from the fact that the book does not have a unifying theme (but at the same time it is what makes the book fun). My favorite tiny story is titled the tiniest story. The one that confused me the most is the one about the alligator and the turtle. I applaud the hitRECord community for producing this little book. It’s great, it’s small, and it’s easily digestible in about ten minutes. It might not be something that I would pick up again and again, but I think it’s a neat little book that everyone should take a glance at. This entry was posted in Book Reviews and tagged book review, joseph gordon-levitt by Annie. Bookmark the permalink. 5 thoughts on “Review: The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories” victoriah4rt on August 31, 2012 @ 10 am at 10:02 am said: This book does look incredibly cute. yawnie on August 31, 2012 @ 2 pm at 2:13 pm said: It’s REALLY tiny. Haha. Like I said, it’s a great book to read through at least once. The art is pretty great too. Gen on August 31, 2012 @ 6 pm at 6:42 pm said: I sometimes judge a book by its cover too! Also by its font and paper used. My sisters think I’m weird (nothing new there). If I saw this book in a bookstore, I would have bought it too. 🙂 CokaRabbit on September 1, 2012 @ 12 am at 12:38 am said: the book cover is super cute!!! I just start to wonder how small is it?! yawnie on September 1, 2012 @ 2 am at 2:56 am said: It’s about 4 inches tall and about 3 inches wide. Very small!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Ribbon Embroidery For All Occasion: Heart Design for a cushion This is for you,Emily.Thanks for your patience-the cushions will be ready very soon.I will paste the picture of the cushions soonHere are the pictures of the steps taken while embroidering this cushion cover.Enjoy everyone!The cushions are now ready!Emily, I hope U'll like these!! EmilyAugust 12, 2008 at 8:23 PMWoooo lovely! Wonderful presents for the wedding couple! Eat your hearts out ladies!ReplyDeletemaklangAugust 16, 2008 at 1:38 AMmemang cantek hasikerja tangan kak ummi, harap satu hari nanti maklang pun boleh jugak buat cantek2 macama kak umi!ReplyDeleteBertieAugust 19, 2008 at 7:41 AMGoodness, these are lovely!!! This takes my breath away. What a wonderful talent you have. Please post more of your projects. These are beautiful!BertieAunt May's CottageReplyDeleteUmismaAugust 20, 2008 at 8:55 PMThank you everyone for your wonderful comments. I really appreciate it!ReplyDeleteEmilyAugust 24, 2008 at 8:56 PMUmi!My SIL-to-be loves the pillows! She informed that the fabric you used matches her bedlinen set!Thank you once again!ReplyDeletezeshuregiOctober 14, 2010 at 7:14 AMMasha'Allah...your site is great,i visit first time today,its such a neat work...well done...love it..KhadijaReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
ONOLULU -- President Jiang Zemin of China surprised many afternoon strollers on Waikiki Beach by turning up unexpectedly for a swim late Sunday afternoon. Many beachgoers were naturally curious what famous person required an entourage of 17 bodyguards just to go into the ocean, and others stopped to watch the buzz of attention his aides created when their boss emerged from the water. In China, Jiang's swim will be of even more interest, especially when word spreads that he did the breast stroke for a full hour. China is the audience, in all likelihood, that Jiang wanted to show his physical prowess. He is 71. In recent months, concern has spread in China that Jiang may be suffering from heart trouble. At the ceremony marking Hong Kong's return to Chinese control on July 1, he looked so pale and pasty that rumor spread that he had suffered a minor heart attack on his flight there. But China's leaders are so secretive about their personal lives that it was impossible to know. So the appearance on Sunday, with the handy complement of reporters from China's state-run news organizations in tow, was of extra interest. The event was not on Jiang's public schedule. Donning a pair of black swim goggles and a pink-and-white bathing cap, Jiang looked something like an Italian race car driver when he ventured into the ocean. He needed help balancing himself as he walked through the surf, taking the arm of a bodyguard on each side, but once he was swimming he appeared to need no further help. Jiang swam and swam and swam, his head bobbing all the way underwater with each breast stroke he took. Swimming, in Chinese politics, has an illustrious history. Mao and Deng Xiaoping both carefully chose the political moment to take a well-publicized swim to show everyone exactly how robust they were. At the start of the intensely leftist Cultural Revolution in 1966, Mao chose to swim with the tremendously strong tide in the Yangtze River. Choosing Hawaii as the setting for his own public swim affords Jiang a beautiful setting and a chance to use the prestige of his visit to the United States to show that he is healthy, physically and politically. He certainly looked robust. When he emerged onto the beach, an aide trading Jiang's dark swim goggles for his ordinary dark glasses, Jiang seemed vigorous and -- in a rare move -- even answered a few questions yelled by journalists over the heads of several bodyguards. "I swam more than a kilometer," Jiang said. "It was very calm. Like a mirror. "What? Yes! I very much like Hawaii." And when the leader goes in, so do many of the minions. Zeng Qinghong, who as Jiang's aide-de-camp is now considered one of the nation's most influential men, took a swim in his own personal style. He wore his prescription sunglasses, not bothering to take them off when his head went repeatedly underwater during a decent rendition of the butterfly stroke. One security officer did not bother to take off his socks and sandals, and he strolled knee-deep in the surf. Yet when he finally decided to put down his walkie-talkie to head into the water for a swim, and a friend suggested that he take off his footwear, the officer shed his sandals but headed into the water with his socks on. None of his colleagues seemed to notice.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The New York Times (N.Y.T. or N.Y. Times) is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 132 Pulitzer Prizes (the most of any newspaper), and has long been regarded within the industry as a national \"newspaper of record\"." } ]
Photo Metadata: Watermark.ws makes “marking” image easy, and preserves your embedded metadata I am not a lawyer, so you may want to have yours read over that to see if you are relinquishing copyright to any of your images. From my reading, that latter paragraph seems to contradict the earlier statement in their Terms of Service. Notes on the Service: You can log in to the service with Facebook, Google, or enter a password and username of your own choice (curiously there is no method to authenticate with Twitter). If you are going to be posting the resulting watermarked image on many social media services, keep in mind that many will strip your image of it’s embedded metadata. However, given that the whole point of using Watermark.ws is to add a visible watermark, that’s probably not your primary concern. Rest assured, however, this service does a great job of preserving any IPTC, XMP, or Exif metadata embedded in your image. It's nice that you can simply drag to an open browser window. Though there is an option to use a standard "upload" dialogue, or even import images from Facebook. As an aside I would recommend watermarking your images BEFORE posting on Facebook -- as the Facebook upload process will strip all embedded metadata. Whether your watermark is text or a logo, you can position by dragging it around on the image in your browser. After applying the watermark, the resulting files can be downloaded as a Zip file (if doing batch). As noted previously, the embedded metadata is preserved in your images. If keeping file sizes to their absolute minimum is your primary goal, this service may not be the best option. But for those of you that only need to watermark a handful of images at a time before posting on social media, this may be a good option (once you figure out what the Terms of Service mean). Posted by
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
RAFT Hands-On Education: 2011 RAFT wins first place in Bright Green Tree Contest! RAFT has a lot to be jolly about this holiday season! RAFT has won 1st place in San Jose Christmas in the Park's "Bright Green Tree Contest".This year RAFT was officially handpicked to participate in San Jose Christmas in the Park’s first ever “Bright Green Tree” contest to showcase eco-friendly Christmas trees and tree decorations in a highlighted section of the event!The non-profit ‘Our City Forest’ provided potted, instead of cut, trees for the contest and will replant them throughout the community after the event.The RAFT tree was decorated with clever. one of a kind, hand-made ornaments including test-tube “icicles” filled with thinly sliced strips of shiny mylar calendars, mini RAFT game boards, CD “snowflakes”, mylar spirals, sparkling “different color hand circles”, red spool cornucopias, cork reindeer, and more!As the “Bright Green Tree Contest” contest winner, RAFT will receive a $350 grand prize donated by Garden City Sanitation, one of San José’s garbage and recycling haulers. ‘Hands-on’ is absolutely the way to go!By Jeanne Lazzarini, RAFT Math Education Activity Developer Middle-schoolers wowed everyone at the RAFT Citizen-School after-school program showcase "Chromatography" "Liquefaction" "Regurgitation" These are just a few of the amazing words that thirty middle school students used with casual precision during their presentations at the RAFT Citizen Schools WOW event, held at RAFT Redwood City . For the students, the WOW event marked the completion of a 10-week after-school program. For Citizen Schools and RAFT, it marked the beginning of a promising new collaboration to expand the use of ‘hands-on’ activities in after-school programs. Students at Kennedy Middle School completed 16 ‘hands-on’ activities in the course of their "Crime Scene Investigation" program. The instructor skillfully wove together RAFT activities on fingerprinting, DNA, color analysis, and more. During the WOW event, students presented a fictitious crime, and challenged the audience to use RAFT activities to discover the criminal. For example, ink from a pen used to write a threatening note could be traced back to the writer using a RAFT chromatography kit. Even the classic RAFT activity, "Owl Pellet Dissection" became very cool when the experience was tied to crime scene investigation. According to one enthusiastic student, "we sorted out all the rabbit bones the owl regurgitated." Young scientists at McKinley Institute of Technology spent 10 weeks learning about the Redwood City marshland. They used a wide variety of RAFT activities to demonstrate how marshes filter water, prevent floods, and host wildlife. In one display, they placed a sample of marshy soil on a RAFT shake table. Liquefaction caused by a small tremor caused a model building to fall off its foundation. The students noted that apartment buildings are currently being built on Redwood City marshland. "We want to talk to a judge about that," they told one observer. The instructors who led the pilot project were enthusiastic about the impact it had on the students. RAFT and Citizen Schools are already planning to repeat the pilot next semester - doubling the scale to include four schools. No matter what topics the instructors choose, RAFT will be able to provide the hands-on kits and mentoring they need. Looking farther into the future, both organizations expect that Citizen Schools locations around the country will benefit from the innovative approach we prototyped here in Silicon Valley. Greg Brown, RAFT Director of Education EVENTS EXCERPTS Big Idea Fest, 2011 - Day 4The Wednesday presentation was a huge success for my Big Ideas Fest Action Collab design team. Our project was chosen as one of three that will receive funding from the Gates Foundation for Beta testing! Gates has provided ISKME with $50,000 to take the three most promising ‘big ideas’ from the Big Ideas Fest to the next stage of development. An additional $50K will come from matching grants secured by ISKME in the coming months. The total fund of $100K will be used to pay for non-labor costs, such as travel, design assistance, software, materials, etc. Everyone from my Collab, plus any other conference participants who are interested, are invited to participate in the follow-on.The team came up with an amazing way to assess student performance in 21st-century skill areas such as teamwork, creative problem solving, etc. These so-called ‘soft skills’ are not currently assessed using conventional bubble tests. Our assessment tool is very simple, very hands-on, and tightly integrated with the use of design challenge learning projects. In a nutshell, it provides a way to measure the impact of RAFT-style activities on student achievement. Everyone who heard the presentation agreed that effective assessment of 21st-century skills is sorely needed in education. With Common Core standards right around the corner, the timing is perfect. We already have a teacher in SF who wants to pilot our assessment tool in her classroom. I could not be more pleased with the outcome! My group of 18 educators was creative, enthusiastic, and very collaborative. We transformed "provocations" into "solutions," and we converted "No buts" into "Yes ands." Hearing our name called after three days of hard work gave me goosebumps!- Greg Brown, RAFT Education Director (Dec 7,2011) Big Ideas Fest, 2011 – Day 3Yea! The Action Collab design team I am leading has completed its project at the Big Ideas Fest. Today, we pitched our 21st-century skills assessment concept to the Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation and a professor from the University of Ottawa. The team got excellent feedback and one suggestion to make the idea even bigger. Together, the team created a second prototype (again using RAFT materials) which incorporated the expansion idea. Tomorrow, the team will present their final concept to all 200 conference participants. Other foundations represented at the Big Ideas Fest include Gates, Hewlett, Qatar, National Endowment for the Arts, CK-12, Sherwood, and Carnegie.Today's Rapid Fire speakers presented cutting-edge programs:> Common Craft (a 2-person company that makes short videos explaining social media tools, like "Wikis Made Simple")> Valencia 626 (a very popular free tutoring provider that publishes its students' works)> CK-12 Foundation (a group that replaces textbooks with on-line equivalents, saving schools up to $175K per year)> New Orleans Charter Academy (a school in the flood-ravaged 9th Ward of New Orleans that went from last to first place in reading scores), and more!RAFT got a big round of applause from all the participants for supplying all the prototyping materials used during the conference (most of which were paid for by the organizers). I was given three buttons from my fellow conference attendees: "You Inspired Me", "I Learned Something From You", and "Interesting Adult". The last one came from a high school student from South San Francisco. I have learned so much about trends in assessment, the needs of today's teachers, the future of education policy, and what is at the forefront of online professional development. I Can't wait for the big presentation in the morning!- Greg Brown, RAFT Education Director (Dec 6,2011) EVENT EXCERPTS Big Ideas Fest, 2011 – Day 2The first full day of the Big Ideas Fest in Half Moon Bay included a "Rapid Fire" presentation by Barbara Chow (Education Program Director at Hewlett Foundation). Barbara talked about the importance of Federal policy and new school models.William Ayres (noted educational activist) talked how the national "disrespect" for teachers is damaging the profession. His simple belief is "Good working conditions are good teaching conditions, and good teaching conditions are good learning conditions." He is concerned that some for-profit providers turn education into a product assembly line filling "inert heads with disconnected facts." Enrique Legaspi, a young teacher, showed how he is enabling students to "curate" their own content on the web. He feels that "editors learn - so we should let students edit their own materials rather than doing it for them." The need for "real time assessment" was also discussed. Students need (and deserve) to get "the right data at the right time." People were talking about "Course Signals" - a tool that gives a student a green, yellow or red light to indicate their chances of passing a course. The signal is based on the passing rate of past students who have performed similarly up to the same point in the course. Apparently the simple signal greatly improves the pass rate because students who get a red or yellow warning take action before it is too late. The Ford Fusion dashboard was provided as an example of real time feedback. A green plant is shown on the dashboard. It gets greener if the car is driven in an eco-friendly way, and shrivels if the car is not driven responsibly. Apparently this real time feedback has greatly improved the driving performance of Fusion owners. The symbol was developed by IDEO using the same "Action Collab" process we are using at the conference.The first full day of my Action Collab went well. My group included educators from around the nation, creative people from Edutopia, and more. We worked on an assessment tool that measures 21st century skills (such as teamwork) and would work with the Common Core Standards. One of the special "research subjects" who was interviewed by my team was Gever Tulley a former Adobe designer and friend of mine who recently started a charter school (Brightworks) focused on tinkering. He also wrote a book called "50 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do." To spark creative thinking, I led my group through five different ‘Improv’ activities - something I never imagined doing but find very effective now that I have gotten training from the pros on how to do it. Improv, it turns out, is not about being funny. It is about being "present" and connecting with people in new ways.I am all set for tomorrow's "proto-storming" session in the Collab. We will be using RAFT materials to create a physical model of our assessment system. Time for lights out!- Greg Brown, RAFT Education Director (Dec 5,2011) Big Ideas Fest, 2011 – Day 1Sunday got off to an amazing start here at the Big Ideas Fest. My first conversation was with none other than Dr. Martha Kanter, the US Under Secretary of Education. Dr. Kanter is a visionary educational leader, and (thanks to many years spent in Silicon Valley) she is very familiar with RAFT. Later, she delivered her public address to all 200 conference participants. It was easy to see that the decline of education in America is as concerning to her as it is to us. Among the statistics she shared:> 25% of US students never finish high school. The drop-out rate in some areas is as high as 50%.> The economic impact of the high drop-out rate is equivalent to a "permanent recession."> The US is #16 in the world in terms of college graduation rates. Just one generation ago, we were #1.> Millions of jobs available in the US today are going unfilled because of a lack of qualified applicants. On a positive note, Dr. Kanter described many actions that are being taken to reverse the downward spiral. One innovative approach she described was "badging" - giving learners credit for demonstrating aptitude in a subject by completing a set of requirements similar to Boy Scout or Girl Scout badges. The skills can be learned anywhere, even outside of school. Dr. Kanter got enthusiastic applause when she mentioned the importance of looking beyond NCLB (No Child Left Behind) requirements to find teaching strategies that address the needs of individual students. She is optimistic that the common core standards will help create a more qualified workforce. She advocated "personalized" education and noted that no single style works best in all cases. On this point she mentioned the need for assessment-driven decisions about education funding.She concluded by observing that the Big Ideas Fest has the potential to bring together "new consortia" of innovative educators who have the potential to solve the problems facing our country. She committed to listen to any big ideas we want to send her way, and she is eager to use our help to convert the Government's educational agencies from "compliance-based bureaucracies" to "engines that drive innovation."I am now looking forward to "Action Collab" I will be facilitating starting on Monday morning. My group of 20 big thinkers will tackle the challenge of creating "meaningful assessments" of student learning. During the next three days, we will produce a well-defined, scalable solution that will go "way beyond" standardized testing. - Greg Brown, RAFT Education Director (Dec 4,2011) How Hands-On Teaching Helps the Learning Challenged Child My daughter Aruna is all of 3 and half years old and she knows the sheet on our bed is made of millions of threads intricately woven together because she goes around pointing and peering through her huge magnifying glass at everything around her. Aruna was diagnosed with Autism when she was 18 months. From almost no eye contact, speech or any other kind of non-verbal communication to a child who asks a million questions a day about everything around her and even the space above us... yes she has to know the phases of the moon and constellations too… well, she has come along a good measure!Her way of learning however, is different. It is a bit repetitive. So if someone introduces a simple question like "what is this?" she takes the baton and goes around exploring and applying the same question to everything. While the curiosity is well taken care of, the challenge for us has been to introduce new questions and give her hand-on tools to discover the answers. Children who struggle with some physical or learning limitation are the ones who can most benefit from hands-on teaching. The child who has difficulty understanding concepts at a pre-school level has a greater chance of learning the material during a hands-on teaching activity than simply listening to a verbal explanation. Aruna is learning a lot about different textures and materials by touch and feel. She goes around feeling textures and knocking at different materials and differentiating and classifying the sounds into metal, plastic, glass, ceramic, cotton, synthetic, wood - as many as I can introduce. Hundreds of studies support the idea that hands-on teaching is key to a well-rounded, rich and successful education. Recent studies like the one done by the respected Rockman Et. Al, confirmed what RAFT has known for years, that children are more engaged, more likely to learn and truly enjoy their hands-on teaching time. The result? Kids achieve more. RAFT has all kinds of hands-on educational activity kits that can really benefit children who need additional help. Kits are affordable because materials are donated and then repurposed into myriad hands-on activities. They’re easy to use and engage students in surprising ways. Most importantly, they give students creative ways to learn and succeed, even if they have struggled in the past.- Valli Bindana, a RAFT follower At the RAFT Homeschooling Open House held last month, we were pleased to welcome both first time visitors and veteran members of the home school community. As visitors signed in, we chatted and I thanked them for coming out on a rainy evening. Their gracious responses voiced their acknowledgement of RAFT as a hub of the education community:• ”Thanks to RAFT for having this event!”• ”Thank you for recognizing us as educators.”• “We face some of the same challenges as classroom teachers.”• ”It’s nice to be part of this larger community of educators”Whether you teach a class of one that may be your own child or a classroom filled with students, what is it about RAFT that appeals to a wide range of educators? I asked a few of our guests this question. The response of one home school educator provides the best clue -- “All children learn differently. There should be room to explore many different teaching models and, if you can, match the model that best meets the need of each child.” Educators are the experts in knowing what they need to teach and what will work with their students. RAFT’s mission as a non-profit organization is to support educators with the teaching resources that promote creativity and exploration, tools that engage and delight students to develop a life-long love of learning –‘To Transform the learning experience through hands-on education to engage and inspire students”. Because, we agree! All children do learn their own way and hands-on teaching is an effective way to teach children the way they learn. - Maria Biggs, RAFT Marketing Manager Hands-on is the 21st century way! Many educators have been utilizing all kinds of recycled, upcycled and found materials for decades to explain concepts in classrooms. Today many instructors in schools, learning centers, or parents/ caregivers want to use common, readily found and affordable materials as teaching tools. Educators now have access to resource centers like Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) that provides a platform for teaching resources and materials that they can use to bring concepts alive for students. Not only classroom students, but Girls and Boys Clubs and Scouts, Campfire Girls, After School programs (ASPs), preschools and daycare all benefit from more hands-on education. Hands-on method of teaching helps the educator to be flexible, creative, challenging, and collaborative with students – all the necessary skills needed in the 21st century. Many homeschooling and teachers’ resource sites have idea sheets, lesson plans, activity kits and recommended age ranges for hands-on learning. RAFT is one of the organizations that meet this challenge of providing educators with strong hands-on learning concepts and resources in the form of Activity Kits and Idea Sheets keeping in mind the curriculum standards. Educators, administrators, and science specialists from the Sam Ramon Valley Unified School District recently visited Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) in San Jose, for a professional development experience. They toured the facility, participated in a hands-on activity, and got a chance to shop in the store. They choose from the various Activity Kits on sale and many additional materials that could be used for hands-on teaching in the classroom. The visitors from the East Bay were also mentored by RAFT’s Education staff in hands-on teaching ideas and RAFT’s many resources. Says Stan Hitomi, Math & Science Coordinator, San Ramon Valley Unified School District, “Thank you so much for the incredible day! Some of our teachers have taught for 30-40 years and said it was the best professional development experience they have ever had.” Continuing their involvement with RAFT, 20 of the visiting educators became members or renewed their membership. For more information on RAFT’s professional development offerings go to www.raft.net/workshops. If you would like to sign up your organization for a tour and/or professional development opportunity with RAFT please email [email protected]. Why RAFT educators use hands-on teaching methods Today one of the concerns of educators is that only a few students appear engaged with the task at hand. If students can’t engage with the content to construct meaning for themselves, then they aren’t learning. Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT) recognizes this problem and helps educators with hands-on teaching tools to help close the engagement gap.Jennifer Lazzarini, 2nd Grade Teacher of Hubbard Elementary and RAFT Member says, “RAFT is an organization that reaches out to make a difference in our classrooms. They provide activities that help educators like me bring 21st century skills to future leaders.”RAFT members and many educators have realized that hands-on teaching means students are actively engaged in a lesson using multiple intelligences and learning styles to access the content. They connect with the lesson at a new level aimed at creating a physical experience that helps them learn by doing. engagement gap, Resource Area for Teaching, At the Discovery Days of the Bay Area Science festival held over the last couple of weeks, Chevron, demonstrated and gave away hundreds of hands-on RAFT Activity Kits to a wide variety of eager young students. One of the events was at the Cal State East Bay campus in Hayward.This successful event provided students and teachers with clever hands-on, solid STEM learning, by discovering the fun creative techniques that make learning really meaningful!Over 1,500 young people visited the Chevron tent where they got to learn about self-similar patterns in nature while making their own amazing fractal patterns with paint and CD cases from the RAFT Freaky Fractals Activity Kit!The tent was continually packed with enthusiastic kids eager to make these fractal designs and they left with a variety of RAFT Activity Kits that cleverly illustrate STEM concepts from why our eyes see color (Black And White makes Color Activity Kit), how light separates into color spectrums (The Colors of Light), to how sound is made and changes in pitch (Glove-a-Phone Activity Kit, Buzz Off Activity Kit, Tongue Depressor Harmonica Activity Kit) and more!Young participants placed their colorful painted fractals along a nearby creek bed to dry in the warm sun before taking them home --- creating a truly awesome effect for all to see!By Jeanne Lazzarini, RAFT Math Education Activity Developer Hands-on activities lead to comprehension and retention Great educators, such as John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Rudolph Steiner, Reggio Emilia, John Holt, and countless other education leaders all agree on one thing: children learn best when they are actively engaged in education, and the best way to engage them is to involve them with hands-on curricula. Especially for lesson plans in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), the best way to make any topic come alive and make the learning memorable, is to bring the students right to the table and get their hands actively moving.Retention is a key element of academic achievement; making lessons memorable is critically necessary. Fun, excitement, appropriate challenges, and solvable problems are all aspects that make the learning of difficult concepts seem easier and their applications more obvious.Comprehension and retention both flow from hands-on learning activities. RAFT wins first place in Bright Green Tree Contest... Middle-schoolers wowed everyone at the RAFT Citize... How Hands-On Teaching Helps the Learning Challenge... RAFT recharges the teaching spirit in educators fr... Chevron gives away RAFT Freaky Fractals Activity K... Hands-on activities lead to comprehension and rete...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Putting A Little Heat On Presto - Bloomberg Bloomberg Anywhere Remote LoginDownload SoftwareService Center MENU Homepage Markets Stocks Currencies Commodities Rates + Bonds Economics Magazine Benchmark Watchlist Economic Calendar Tech U.S. Global Startups Cybersecurity Digital Media Bloomberg Technology TV Hello World Studio 1.0 Pursuits Cars & Bikes Style & Grooming Spend Watches & Gadgets Food & Drinks Travel Real Estate Art & Design Politics Global Risk Briefing How We’ll Know if Trump Is Making America Great Again Tracking Trump’s Web of Conflicts The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump On the March in Trump’s Capital Opinion View Gadfly Businessweek Subscribe Cover Stories Opening Remarks Etc Features 85th Anniversary Issue Behind The Cover More Science + Energy Graphics Billionaires Game Plan Small Business Personal Finance Live TV Inspire GO The David Rubenstein Show Sponsored Content Bloomberg About The Company Sign In Sign In Subscribe Putting A Little Heat On Presto National Presto Industries (NPK), a maker of electrical pressure cookers and frying pans, may soon see its stock start to sizzle. One reason: There are whispers that a manufacturer of housewares, home furnishings, and office products is accumulating shares with a view to making an offer to buy National Presto. Volume in the stock in the past few days has been well above the daily average of 22,000. On July 22, the stock jumped 1 1/2, to 40 7/16, on volume of 422,000 shares. Any such move could hardly be hostile, since Chairman Melvin Cohen and CEO Maryjo Cohen control 30% of the 7.3 million shares. Other big players have been buying, too. Among them: Mario Gabelli, whose Gabelli mutual funds own 1.5% of National Presto. Gabelli says he&apos;s buying more shares because they&apos;re way undervalued, considering the company&apos;s hefty cash hoard of $222 million, or $30 a share, with no long-term debt and book value of $33. And there is every indication, he adds, that Presto will come up with a "new, blockbuster product that could put a shine on earnings." Investment adviser Charles LaLoggia says that, buyout or not, National Presto is a terrific bargain, with its dividend yield of 5%. "Either the company will make an important acquisition that would improve earnings, or end up being acquired," says the editor of LaLoggia&apos;s Special Situation Report. He notes that management implied it was not averse to selling the company when it rejected a shareholder demand last year to sell the company at a public auction. CEO Maryjo Cohen says the company isn&apos;t for sale.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Bloomberg News (originally Bloomberg Business News) is an international news agency headquartered in New York City and a division of Bloomberg L.P. Content produced by Bloomberg News is disseminated through Bloomberg Terminals, Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets, Bloomberg.com, and Bloomberg's mobile platforms. Since 2015, John Micklethwait has served as editor-in-chief." } ]
Revision as of 22:46, April 13, 2019 by Treasure-Hacker (wall | contribs) Retrieved from "https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Haseo_(G.U.)?oldid=69646"
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Fandom (also known as Wikia before October 2016) is a wiki hosting service and domain operated by Fandom, Inc. (formerly known as Wikia, Inc.), a for-profit Delaware company founded in October 2004 by Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley." } ]
Derwin Mak, Science Fiction Writer: The Shrine of the Siren Stone launched at Polaris Science Fiction Convention My novel The Shrine of the Siren Stone had its book launch at the Polaris Science Fiction Convention in Richmond Hill, Ontario, on July 17, 2010. The maids of Cafe Delish, Anime North's maid cafe, assisted me in promoting the book (see photo). They performed a song and dance act at the launch. The Shrine of the Siren Stone is published by Orchard House Press (formerly called Windstorm Creative) of Port Orchard, Washington. Thanks to Cris DiMarco, my editor, for publishing this novel. The Shrine of the Siren Stone takes place in the same universe as The Moon Under Her Feet, but you don't have to read The Moon Under Her Feet to understand The Shrine of the Siren Stone. Ishiro is an otaku, an anime-obsessed geek without a decent job or loving parents. His only friends are Mr. Endo, owner of a maid cafe in Akihabara, and Yuko, a waitress in a French maid uniform. Ishiro falls in love with Yuko, a but she turns out to be an android using him to learn about human love. Does she have real feelings for him or is she just programmed to act like a girlfriend? When Mr. Endo splits the couple apart, Ishiro joins the Japanese Navy and goes to war, and Yuko's behavior becomes increasingly human and rebellious. Their paths cross again at the mysterious Shrine of the Siren Stone, where a telepathic meteorite holds the secret of the human spirit... "It's Romeo and Juliet meets Benny and Joon in a futuristic Japan. Then stuff blows up! The Shrine of the Siren Stone is a wonderful, female-friendly story and a welcome departure from the stereotypes of the science fiction genre. The plot twists surprised me, I got teary-eyed in a few places, and I laughed out loud in others. What's not to love?" - Liana K., host of Ed and Red's Night Party on G4 "Derwin Mak creates a dazzling mix of artificial intelligence, future warfare, otaku romance, and Japanese religion. His characters are comic, then heroic, and finally self-sacrificing. He achieves something of great rarity in science fiction: a novel of heartfelt poignancy." - John-Allen Price, author of The Mutant Chronicles Posted by Derwin Mak at 2:32 AM Labels: maid cafe, Polaris, science fiction, Shrine of the Siren Stone Radha Santadharma June 20, 2013 at 8:34 PM Need any hints on Japanese religion as I am Jodo Shinshu Buddhist and know everything there is to know about Nembutsu Buddhism.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Ben Westwood cleared to play in England v France World Cup quarter-final | Daily Mail Online Published: 18:32 EST, 11 November 2013 | Updated: 18:32 EST, 11 November 2013 England forward Ben Westwood will be free to play in Saturday’s Rugby League World Cup quarter-final against France after avoiding a ban for a clash with Tariq Sims. The Warrington Wolves forward was placed on report by referee Ben Cummins late in England’s 34-12 win over Fiji. An infuriated Westwood later called Sims ‘soft’ and accused him of play-acting, and a disciplinary panel deemed Westwood had no case to answer after reviewing video evidence of the incident. Good to go: Ben Westwood (right) has avoided a ban for an incident with Fiji's Tariq Sims Key man: Westwood is free to feature for England in their World Cup quarter-final against France this weekend The decision means that Westwood will be available for Saturday night’s clash at the DW Stadium in Wigan after Samoa proved too strong for the French in Perpignan on Monday night. Samoa battled to a 22-6 win and they will now face Fiji in a potentially bruising quarter-final in Warrington on Sunday. Meanwhile, Scotland, the only other home nation to make it to the last eight, have been dealt a huge blow with the news that Bradford forward Dale Ferguson has been banned for two matches. No way through: Samoa's David Fa'alogo brings down France's Remi Casty during his side's 22-6 win Ruled out: Scotland's Dale Ferguson (left) has been banned for two matches Bravehearts coach Steve McCormack must now plan without the influential second-row forward ahead of Friday’s Headingley showdown with holders New Zealand. Australia full back Billy Slater will also be available for the weekend, despite being arrested in Manchester after a ‘scuffle’ outside a nightclub in the early hours of Monday morning. A statement said: ‘Australian Rugby League team management can confirm Billy Slater was detained by police this morning and has been released without charge. ‘After reviewing CCTV footage of a scuffle outside a Manchester nightclub, police have determined that Slater was the victim, who then acted in self-defence and have informed him of his right to press charges.’ Westwood blasts Sims for playing the fall guy as... Aussie star Slater released without charge after punching... England 34 Fiji 12: Burgess hauls host into quarter-finals...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market and online news source newspaper published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper." } ]
Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Expedia https://www.expedia.com/Mitchell-Park-Horticultural-Conservatory-Milwaukee.d6068291.Vacation-Attraction Expedia.com • Packages • North America • United States of America • Wisconsin • Milwaukee Vacations • Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory These three futuristic domes are a dramatic addition to the Milwaukee skyline and the place to enjoy colorful flowers and exotic plant life. Known simply as “the Domes” among local residents, the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory with its three space-age domes is one of Milwaukee’s most interesting landmarks. The park dates back to the 1960s. Each climate-controlled, beehive-shaped dome displays a diverse array of exotic and indigenous plant life in a natural setting. Experience an arid desert, a tropical rainforest and vivid floral displays in a single visit. In the Desert Dome, see desert palms, odd-looking cacti and numerous varieties of chili peppers, all grouped into different geographical areas. Step into the steamy climate of the Tropical Dome for a glimpse of more than 1200 different species of plant and bird life. You may notice the scent of vanilla and black pepper, and see a wide variety of exotic fruits such as papaya and avocado among the creeping vines. In each of the domes, there are twisting trails and water features among the undergrowth, with benches to catch your breath and admire the scenery in detail. You can stroll around at will, or join one of the regular educational programs. Kids can get involved with an organized scavenger hunt. In the Floral Show Dome, art and horticulture combine with a regular program of events. There are flower shows, gardening and eco-awareness demonstrations, mini food festivals, and even evenings of music and dance among the blooms. Give yourself at least an hour and a half to tour the three domes. The Domes are located at Mitchell Park, west of downtown, and there is a large parking lot on site. The conservatory is open seven days a week until at least 5:00 p.m., except on weekends, when it closes at 4 p.m. Monday mornings can be crowded during the summer, when there’s free entry for all Milwaukee County residents. Explore More of Milwaukee Six Flags Great AmericaSpend a day at this sprawling theme park to enjoy an array of thrilling roller coaster rides, a water park and entertainment for kids of all ages.See hotels near hereMilwaukee Art MuseumPeruse a vast collection of classic European and American art in this gallery that is housed in a striking modern building.See hotels near hereMilwaukee County ZooThis sprawling animal park houses a wide array of exotic wildlife, and is acclaimed for its conservation programs and educational resources.See hotels near hereMilwaukee Public LibraryEnter this neo-renaissance building to discover a library and community education resource, as well as an important heritage center for Wisconsin arts.See hotels near hereDiscovery WorldAn interactive journey through local conservation, modern innovation and science, proving that education can be creative and fun. See hotels near hereWind Point LighthouseThis historical landmark and fully functioning lighthouse offers a great spot for a summer picnic with views over Lake Michigan.See hotels near hereCharles Allis Art MuseumThis old mansion showcases a diverse range of paintings and furniture, including one-off pieces of art.See hotels near hereVilla Terrace Decorative Arts MuseumVisit this attractive Italian Renaissance villa with elegant formal gardens and an eclectic collection of paintings and decorative art works.See hotels near hereMilwaukee Public MuseumGet acquainted with ancient civilizations, space travel and all the mysteries of Mother Nature at Milwaukee’s oldest museum.See hotels near hereRacine Zoological GardensThis compact animal park features a host of exotic species big and small, and a range of kid-friendly amusements and educational resources.See hotels near hereMilwaukee City HallExplore this Milwaukee landmark on an informative tour or simply appreciate its ornate Flemish Renaissance Revival architecture from the forecourt park.See hotels near hereHarley-Davidson MuseumDelve into the history of one of the world’s most famous motorcycle brands via interactive exhibits, photo galleries, workshops and behind-the-scenes tours.See hotels near hereMillerCoors BreweryTake a tour of this much-loved Milwaukee brewery, which serves up 155 years of brewing heritage alongside a range of beer at its historic Miller Valley location.See hotels near hereHistoric Third WardExperience Milwaukee’s hot spot for art and fashion when you check out the dynamic boutiques, restaurants, theaters and galleries that fill this exciting district.See hotels near hereBasilica of St. JosaphatVisit this Franciscan basilica to learn about its Polish heritage and admire the elegant architecture that echoes the design of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.See hotels near hereLakefront BrewerySample seasonal tipples at this state-of-the-art brewery, which was the first in the United States to bottle certified-organic brews and make gluten-free beer.See hotels near here Top 10 hotels closest to Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory The most popular hotels near Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory See all hotels near Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Top Booked Book a Vacation to Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory car rentals SAW to ORD Flights| TLV to MKE Flights| MTY to LAP One Way| Flights ORD to TMU| Flights SNS to LAS
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Expedia Inc. is an online travel agency owned by Expedia Group, an American online travel shopping company based in Seattle." } ]
House-Mouse & Friends Monday Challenge: Mid Way Reminder for HMFMC#201 FLOWER POWER Monday, August 24, 2015 Mid Way Reminder for HMFMC#201 FLOWER POWER Eeeeekkkkkkkk welcome back to our Mid-Week Squeakkkkkkk! We have some more cute mousey inspiration to share with you... Our talented teamie Pauline is hosting and has chosen the theme of "FLOWER POWER" You may interpret FLOWER POWER anyway you like, as long as you are using stamps, CD images or decoupage by House-Mouse Designs; STAMPENDOUS! is manufacturing our beloved House-Mouse Designs® Stamps! House-Mouse Designs® stamps can also be purchased at: www.STAMPENDOUS.com For more inspiration and challenges, check out our official Blog HERE. Pizzazz Aplenty is the place for embellishments of all kinds... Flat-back Pearls and Rhinestones, Charms, Ribbons, Laces, Twine, Flowers, Stickpins, Beads, and more. Pizzazz Aplenty is generously offering a random prize package of goodies worth $15.00, (surprise package is of Judy's choice). AND a Third Lovely Prize Sponsored by our Generous Hosting Teamie, Pauline Bird (thank you sweetie!) Checkout the mousey designers gorgeous Mid Way Inspiration Torrey Moseley (guest designer) Sue Drees Heather Gilfoy-Bond Natascha Banning Stunning Sweet Mousey creations from our Teamies....thank you! :) ************************************************************************************************* To submit your CHALLENGE # HMFMC201 entries, please use the InlLinkz tool found at the bottom of the MAIN Challenge post, HERE Thank you for joining the great House-Mouse Fun this week! MW HMFMC #201 Flower Power beautiful and gorgeous cards DTGr Karin
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
REAL WORDS.: November 2009 today, as some of my family gathers, i remember to breathe and to be grateful.i prepared veggies and stuffing and appetizers and chopped and cut and organized and cleaned, and burned my hand and turned the oven up, then turned it down, and drank a glass of wine, and as everything cooks in the oven, and its 80 degrees here in southern california and my husband and children and grandparents gather, i am thankful and grateful for my life.and for you. this sounds weird, but this song helped me make the decision to marry my husband, five long years ago...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUYgAw8abro(and this is some writing i did concerning getting married and my passion for my husband....we have had a long road with time apart, but we are still together.wow.)concrete blonde's "someday" is playing into my soul. have you ever had your "someday" become your now? i sit in this september light, writing to you, and realize that we are creatures that are ever changing. we are responsible for our growth. we may not "change" people, but we most certainly effect them. we change ourselves, however, and when your life is around the corner, and then you are climbing its hills, wading through its waters, weeping in its sorrows, predicting, breathing, becoming, evolving, ever wishing, ~ well. my someday has somehow hurdled through space towards me, since i was a child, and before that, even, the soul that is mine and mine alone, the me that is galaxies and star blood and moon shadows, this yet another blink of the universal eye, an outbreath of the goddess, a destiny i have caught up with. bands of sparkling symbols circle round the ring finger of my left hand. i chose not in fear but in trust and love. dreams of writing and castles and books and flowers and babies in spain serenade me... i blush and laugh into myself, this unpredictable and yet so perfect happening. a wife? yes, and so much more. i write this at the beginning of yet another journey and adventure as a woman, a soul. i want to share the joy i feel with all who read this~ the whys and hows and whats are inconcesequential, what matters is our open hearts. i had to get new tires put on our car today and it completely threw me out of my game, as i had soo many things to do for our trip to california, packing, errands, cleaning, etc.im sitting at the tire place with the baby and my three year old and she is running around all over the place (i bribed her with popcorn) and the baby is fussing and it took a full hour OVER the time they said it would take.and im grumbling and muttering and complaining and rolling my eyes and sighing and fidgeting and in general feeling annoyed (and im sure being very annoying) and i finally get the car and im stomping in puddles getting the kids in their car seatsand we get in the car.and i look up and see a double rainbow.a double rainbow!and all three of us are staring into this beautiful, vast, rainy (yet sunny too!) pacific northwest sky and we start to giggle and we start talking about rainbows, and i see other people notice the rainbows, and pointing at the rainbows, and my dreary complainy day completely shifted.sometimes, to see the rainbows, you have to look up. my life seems to be comprised of bits and pieces, little slots of times, jolts and starts, lulls and silences.when i catch my breath, i realize i have been breathing too fast.i was nestled in between my two girls last night and i felt momentary bliss. and i realized that bliss is always momentary, otherwise it would just be normal. bliss is not supposed to be every day- its supposed to be infused into the ordinary so we sit up and take notice.my three year old asked me the other day if we could see God. i said well, you can see God when you look at the trees and mountains and skies and clouds. and she said oh, like God is painting! and then she said do kitty cats love God? and i said yes. and then she thought for a moment..... and said, and puppy dogs?and that is what it is all about.on another note, we bought a de-chlorinator for our bath tub and my daughters excema is going away and my skin is softer as well. who knew? god bless google.i am trying to remember that sometimes inspiration does not find me, sometimes i have to conjure it up by sheer acts of will.sigh.send me good wishes for my road trip with two small little ones.i will take pics from the road to show you. a very sick household and an underactive thyroid are making me feel less then inspired.however, i am taking a holiday to california with my family and i will take and post pictures.sending blessings to one and all who may read this. all three of you! ha! :)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Parsing The WAC: Daniel Lyght looks at Fresno State basketball Here's a solid and informative look at Fresno State men's basketball 2008-2009 and beyond. Some Bulldog fans want Steve Cleveland gone, other are advising patience. We'll offer our un-asked-for two cents: look at the freshman class playing right now and then add in the four incoming 2009-2010 frosh. Fresno State men's basketball will soon be competitive again in the WAC plus with the benefit of a solid foundation from which to build even further. Additionally, the academic basketcase of a mess that Cleveland inherited is clearing up. There might still be a blip or two but kids are graduating...finally.Revival a rough ride for Bulldogs hoops teamCleveland still sees much promise in his freshman-reliant roster.Daniel Lyght The Fresno BeeFebruary 6, 2009Steve Cleveland returned to Fresno four years ago with hopes of establishing a foundation for the Fresno State men's basketball program using high school recruits, rather than relying on college transfers.He always said it would be a lengthy process, and this season has been a toilsome journey.Four freshmen own starting roles and progress has been more about plains and valleys than any peaks.Wins certainly aren't coming at the clip Cleveland would like, but intermittent improvement hints at long-term success.The Bulldogs played Western Athletic Conference leader Utah State closely in two losses, perhaps this season's high-water marks. But then the Bulldogs traveled to Hawaii Thursday and it appeared as if they forgot how to play, scoring 10 first-half points and shooting 27% from the field for the game.Cleveland has, at times in this transitional season, buried his face in his palms, pleaded with players to make smarter plays and patted their arms in comfort while addressing the latest freshman mistake... Go here for the remainder.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
U.S.News & World Report LP• December 2, 2013 Red meat has been demonized by the media for many years, but there's a lot more to this carnivorous delight than meets the eye. Find out how you can make red meat part of your healthy eating plan. Many clients come to me stating how carefully they work to limit red meat to once a week. However, the old adage to eat red meat once a week has no scientific basis. Although you may think Americans overindulge in red meat, that is not the case. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's My Plate food group symbol, the recommended amount of lean protein depends on age. Here's the breakdown: -- Between 19 to 30 years of age: 5.5 ounces per day -- Between 31 to 50 years of age: 5 ounces per day -- Between 19 to 30 years of age: 6.5 ounces per day -- Between 31 to 50 years of age: 6 ounces per day According to data extracted from the 1999 to 2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States, Americans eat an average of 1.7 ounces of beef each day. This is well below the recommendation for both men and women ages 19 to 50 years of age. [Read: 11 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100.] The USDA's 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend folks choose a variety of protein foods, such as seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. They also recommend replacing protein foods that are higher in solid fat with choices that are lower in solid fats and calories. Although you may want to pinpoint red meat, let's take an in-depth look at the various cuts and processed choices. Per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, "lean" is defined as meat that has less than 10 grams of total fat, 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol (per 3.5 ounces). For lamb, the lean portion of the leg meets the definition. Lean cuts of beef include top sirloin, tenderloin (filet mignon), top loin (strip) streak and 93 percent or leaner ground beef, with much of the fat coming from the unsaturated kind. In addition, a 3-ounce cooked portion of lean meat contributes many important nutrients like iron, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Processed meats like hot dogs and sausage do not meet the recommendations for lean and should be eaten sparingly. These are much higher in both saturated fat and sodium. But it's not just high fat red meat that should be limited - any animal protein that doesn't meet the FDA's guidelines for lean should be eaten sparingly. [Read: Red Meat Shortens Life? What to Do.] Buying Lean Meat Today, lean cuts of beef are easy to find at the market or butcher. Some local farms also sell their meat on site or at your local farmer's market. Although my clients complain about the high cost, I recommend requesting exact portions per meal from your butcher. This will help minimize costs and keep portions in check, and it's quicker to defrost. To calculate the portion of lean meat per meal, multiply 4 ounces (or a quarter pound) times the number of people being served. For a family of four, that would be 1 pound of lean meat. Once cooked, the 4 ounces of raw meat shrinks to about 3 ounces. Compliment your 3 ounces of cooked lean meat with plenty of whole grains, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables for a well-balanced meal. My recommendation: Don't get bogged down with how many times per week you eat red meat. Lean cuts of beef and lamb can be part of your healthy lean protein repertoire along with poultry, seafood and fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and soy. [Read: Healthy Red-Meat Substitutes You'll Love.]
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
Nice Villa, good views. Our group of 8 friends stayed for 4 nights in this beautiful villa located a short walk from Garda town. The villa was perfect for us and I must say that pictures don't do it justice. The house was beautiful and clean along with the pool, jacuzzi and outdoor patio areas which we … HIGHLY RECOMMEND VILLA. The villa is up the hill overlooking Garda, with lake views. We were a family party of 10 and we had an amazing time. Felt very secure as the property is up a electronically gated drive and housekeeper lives in nearby property. There were adequate fridges…
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities." } ]
5thacoverbook Setting up your Diigo Tools Aitm 10.29.08 - Shift Happens by Ben Blanquera Everest Analyticals, Thane, Rotary... 5th Form Cover book The Tempest by William Shakespeare 3. Alonso is a king.Prospero go to the island which Miranda in wear he lives a Caliban.One day Caliban attaks Miranda get of here says Prosperó angrily.One day Ferdinan arrives in to the island she´s beautiful Prospero speaks to Ferdinand aren´t a king or a price you ´re a spy 5. Here is prospero, the duke of milan,with his wifew and daughter Miranda. 6. from left to right.. miranda daughter the prospero. she eyes blue and his hear is blond.she love to ferdinand.sohue is beatiful . 7. prospero and miranda speak to caliban 10. The Duke is a magic man.The king ,Alonso, order to arrest of Duke ,Prospero. The Prospero's daughter is scary. Antonio is a soldier that comes from England. Ferdinand is a king´s son he is of his right. Sebastian is a brother of to a king Alonso he his of front of the king. 12. Then, one day Prospero sees a ship near the island carrying his greatest enemies. 13. Ferdinand is Alonso´s son. Alonso is Sebastian´s brother. Prospero is Miranda´s father.Prospero is Antonio's friend. 14. Miranda is in love with Ferdinand. 16. Prospero,the duke of Milan and his daughter Miranda are far away from home, alone on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. They want to return to Milan. They put prospero and Miranda in a boat and leave. 18. But one night Caliban attacks Miranda &quot;Get our of here! &quot; says Prospero angrily. &quot;You must work four me now&quot;. 19. Ariel sings to Prince Ferdinand .&quot; Your father is dead! &quot; 20. Prospero teaches Caliban to speak and Caliban shows Prospero everything on the island. 22. Prospero,the Duke of Milian ,and his daughter Miranda are far away from home,on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. 23. The man is : Prospero is bad and fat . He don' t like the king of Milan.He has a daughter. The girl is : Mirada she is a good girl. She's a thin person. She´s like Ferdinand. 25. Prospero, the Duke of Milan, and his daugther Miranda are far a way from home , a lone on an island in the middle 26. The man is:Ferdinand is the man very good, is daugther of Alonso. The woman is: Miranda is the woman very happy is daugther of Prospero. The fairy is: Ariel she is a fairy very happy. She helped Prospero the crianza of Miranda. The monster is: A Caliban, he lived in a cave he didn´t speak Spañól. 28. So Ariel goes to the ship, and makes a tempest with wind and rain. On the ship king Alonso and his son Ferdinand are afraid. They ask God for help. Help! We're going down!'cries the capitan. I don´t want to die at sea!´ cries old Gonzalo, Prospero´s friend. 29. Prosrero:Is the evil and also . Is tall and thin. Calivan:Is an ouger , people think that he is bad.Is big and fat . Is the king the island. Miranda:Is tall,thin and beatiful . Is gilr the Prospero . Is love a Ferdinand. Ferdinand: Is tall and thin . Is love a Miranda . Is nice 31. Antonio is the king. Ferdinard is the prince. Miranda is daughter the Prospero. Prospero is very bad. 32. Ferdinard is very strong. Antonio is fat. Miranda is very thin. Prospero is old 34. Ariel:Is short, in blue light and wings 35. Prospero is the evil, thin and old. Miranda is good, young and thin. 37. Prospero the Duke of Milan.When his wife dies.One day Antonio goes to visit Alonso the King ok Naples.They put Prospero and Miranda in a little boat .The little boat moves across the sea to a magic island 39. Prospero, sees nobody some women look 0the Miranda. 41. Prospero is the duke of Milan.Miranda is the daughter. One day Prospero and Miranda go to the island. Prospero is friendly to Caliban.Prospero teachers Caliban to speak 42. one day Antonio goes to visit Alonso, the king of naples. Alonnso says to hin , I don ´t like prospero open the gates of Milan to me , and I can attack him . then you can be the duke of Milan 44. Here is Prosero ,the DUKE of Milan ,with his WIFE , and daughter Mranda. 45. The MONSTER Caliban is king of the island.His monster is dead,and he has no friends. Recommended Everest Analyticals, Thane, Rotary Pumps
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "SlideShare is an American hosting service, now owned by Scribd, for professional content including presentations, infographics, documents, and videos. Users can upload files privately or publicly in PowerPoint, Word, PDF, or OpenDocument format." } ]
iWWWrite: Can A Lightsaber Cut Through Superman? Can A Lightsaber Cut Through Superman?: " So it turns of that the users of Yahoo! Answers are actually useful. This guy has answered a question that I’ve been wondering about for, well, forever! I’ve always wondered what would happen if some lightsaber wielding Sith took a swipe at Superman. Now I have a logical, well thought out conclusion of what might happen. Posted by Jman at 08:06
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Karmic in Communtu | Communtu Blog This entry was posted on Montag, 26. Oktober 2009 at 2:05 pm and is filed under Communtu, Installationshilfe, Systemupgrade, Ubuntu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Don't Overpay For A Used Car Just Say - SHOW ME THE CARFAX Powered by Have a VIN? Go >> Take AOL Autos With You Introducing our New iPhone App. View the App Honda Automobiles Get detailed information on 1999-2015 Honda models before you buy. View exterior and interior photos, get specs, explore available options, read reviews and get prices for new and used Hondas. Honda Information Used Honda Values Honda News Honda Recalls Honda Videos Honda Dealers New Honda Rebates and Incentives Honda Vehicles Convertibles Coupes Crossovers Hatchbacks Hybrids Minivans Sedans SUVs Trucks Vans Wagons Local Honda Dealers Dealerships in Anthony, KS Curttright Honda52.9 Miles Cannon Honda60.3 Miles Barry Sanders Honda87.7 Miles More Dealerships Near You » AOL Autos Send Feedback Search car listings to find 2011 Honda Fit for sale at Sierra Vista AZ auto dealers with 40,001-50,000 miles. Home Site Map About Us Editorial Team Article Archive Mobile Site Privacy Policy Terms of Service About Our Ads Trademarks Download AOL Help AOL A-Z © 2014 AOL Inc. All Rights Reserved.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "AOL (stylized as Aol., formerly a company known as AOL Inc. and originally known as America Online) is an American web portal and online service provider based in New York City." } ]
Scripting – The Voice of the Streets Presenter Done May 14, 2017 by dvs56, posted in 1 hour Program, Editing, Interview 3 (Justification and Questions), Research, Scripting, Uncategorized I have managed to record Tia for the presenter we recorded everything with a few takes because of some mistakes, I found that scripting was pretty difficult simply because I wanted it to sound not from a fan of a rap prospective but from someone who is interested to understand the genre and also I wanted it to suit the presenter because it’s not something she would do so i had to use her vocab to make it easier for her luckily knowing her helped me a lot. Also I want her to show that she is knowledgeable of the subject and has that good feeling in her speech so it took me ages to write, but when i showed her she was happy with it so we went for the recording. We had a few takes and also we had to come in the following day because we forgot to record a part so sadly that’s something to learn from. Presenter Recording May 14, 2017 by dvs56, posted in Scripting, Uncategorized For the presenter I wanted a female voice because I already have three of the Interviews being all male so i thought that could break the tone a little bit also this will allow to include even more target audience. I want to make sure her language is not urban and underground, I want something that may have a light Scottish accent and that speaks perfectly English because this is always Radio Scotland. I thought to choose Tia Coppola to do this because I think she would full fill the role completely ticking all the boxes and also she is very close to me so it will be easier to get in contact with her for the job. On the other hand she could seem a bit cold towards the subject itself because it’s not the type of music she likes and also she might not sound good because it may sound like she is reading from text because she has never done something like this hopefully with the right work we could full fill that.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
SUNTOUMANA: Gordon Brown's Gaffe Listening to the radio 5 live in my car, i came to know of British prime Minister Gordon Brown's gaffe on a former labour voter. Blogger Gido Fox will be celebrating, however, what the gaffe has proven is that, Gordon Brown who is the current sitting prime Minsiter knows too well the over hype attention on immigration is unnecessary. Gordon was right. Too many British voters are scared to death of the 'order' by pseudo racist politicians of the UKIP, BNP and the Tories (bird of the same feathers). These three parties never fail to back the bombing of any far away country. The main movers in those parties are all involve in shady business empires that benefit more than any on the resources in far away lands. In lands of the people they would rather see the Almighty destroy. The wars on Iraq and Afghanistan has increase the number of destabilise people. Yet the conservative spin doctors and the UKIP hate to see a face on their streets that don't look like them. These politicians are outright hypocrites. They live in places that no immigrant reach. They are scare mongering the British politicians on none existence fears. But as Marlyn Manson ably said "fear generate wealth and power". Gordon Brown knows, the lady was only repeating what she heard on the news, from bigoted politicians. Immigrants are blame for everything now. The Jobs, the increase load on public services etc. What this two face politicians aren't saying is that, no British employer employs an immigrant should white British person with his red British passport came forward for that job. We have witness many often employers calling people for interview, only to interview just British and politely send away those with immigrant accent or background. The hypocrisy is so deafening. The overwhelming number of immigrants in England are over qualify for the little back room jobs they do. Many cleaners are degree holders, many security officers are graduates, many factory workers can be managers etc, yet this jobs they do just to get by is seen like an alien invasion. Talk about racism re-invented. And the worst of all, the news media is siding with the rogue politicians. Commentators like John Pinaar of five live is openly anti-labour. The good thing now for Gordon Brown is that, many early settlers in England who are hard working, pay their taxes are law abiding that wish to abandon labour for the liberals will come back. Brown's gaffe is not so bad after all. We have seen that, bigotry against us is so high now, David Cameroon is smiling all over the place. The pretty boy is a danger. The current U.K immigration policy is such that, Phil Wollers has made it impossible for even genuine students to come and read in England. The harsh immigration laws and policies cannot be any worst. Yet Wollers is not able to put his point across that, he has damage the students, workers and many other status of countless immigrant people. Phil Wollers and Gordon Brown aren't bad people after all. They are responding the new phenomenon, 'acceptable bigotry'. Say you want polish, not to talk of Africans or Asians to leave, you will be a celebrity. The movers in conservative England are dangerous, however, the world is not in 1981 or 1997. People are conscious of racism in all its sophisticated forms, Ian Duncan Smith's racialist social research think tank is a hoax. We the immigrant community are never invited to say anything about issues affecting us. The psychological tormenting that the U.K border agency has implemented is causing serious mental issues in detention centres across England. Yet a labour government that initiate such draconian measures against immigrants is seen as not though enough. God help humanity. Well done Gordon, although apologise to the lady. Posted by SUNTOU TOURAY at 04:56 TALKING GRIOUT: THE LIFE OF SAMORY TOURE FIRST IMPRESSION OF JAWARA'S BOOK 'KAIRABA' Correcting False Assumptions On Ousainou Lamin Sey's misguided opinion on Lawyer Darboe KANDIA KUYATEH'S BEST EVER RALLYING CRY FOR WOMEN PDOIS MAIN MAN HALIFA SAYS, JAWARA'S COMMUNIST TAG... OCEAANIC LAD (A PEN NAME ANTI OUSAINOU) THE ROLE OF STDG MEMBERS: RESPONDING TO JOE SAMBOU... PROTEST PHOTOS AND STATEMENT IN DEFENSE OF PA NDERRY MBYE The Price of Duty: Retired Col. Chongan's book UDP U,K TO PROTEST AT THE GAMBIAN AND NIGERIAN EMB... Date for demonstration: Femi Peters case Femi Peters Is Jailed Against All Legal Wisdom
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Doing Advance Work: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust with $340million in cash fails to submit a single report on its activities since 2009 due to cronyism, corruption, and poor governance-Dhaka Tribune. Update: NY Times insists US taxpayers funnel "plenty" more hard earned dollars to corrupt Bangladesh for alleged CO2 damage. So far no objection from McConnell and Boehner Bangladesh Climate Change Trust with $340million in cash fails to submit a single report on its activities since 2009 due to cronyism, corruption, and poor governance-Dhaka Tribune. Update: NY Times insists US taxpayers funnel "plenty" more hard earned dollars to corrupt Bangladesh for alleged CO2 damage. So far no objection from McConnell and Boehner Update: 3/31/14, NY Times say US taxpayers must pay Bangladesh "plenty" for alleged CO2 damage: "Countries like Bangladesh and several in sub-Saharan Africa that are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change say the report strengthens their demand for “climate justice” — in other words, money, and plenty of it — from the world’s richest economies and corporations, which they blame for the problem....Vulnerable nations, emboldened by the new United Nations report, are demanding more, not less, from the United States."... 3/31/14, "Climate Study Puts Diplomatic Pressure on Obama," NY Times, Coral Davenport Why does the NY Times insist US taxpayers funnel more hard earned dollars to corrupt Bangladesh which is documented to waste "climate" money on cronies and corruption? 10/5/13, "Climate Change Trust flouting own law with annual reporting failure," Dhaka Tribune, Abu Bakar Siddique "Evaluation not carried out even for once over past 4 years" "Bangladesh Climate Change Trust has failed to submit a single yearly evaluation report of its activities to the government since 2009, despite the trust’s own act requiring such a review annually. Trust officials said they had not been able to perform the evaluation even once over the past four years because of heavy workload and a manpower shortage. “We have been busy with other works like releasing different projects under the trust fund,” said secretary Md Rashadul Islam, who has been working for the trust since its inception. “But recently we have increased our manpower and now we are planning to form an evaluation team,” he said. Under the trust act the government established the Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (BCCTF) in 2009-10 fiscal with its own fund to undertake projects to tackle adverse impacts of climate change. Currently, the total amount of the fund is $340m. The government has already allocated $190.78m for 139 government and 63 non-government projects. At the same time, the government also formulated the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) 2009 considered to be a guideline on climate change adaptation measures. The trust board consists of 17 members including 10 ministers and it has already been accused of cronyism and misuses of funds for the projects. On October 3, a Transparency International Bangladesh report said the main obstacles to adapting to the negative impacts of climate change are corruption and a lack of good governance. “The trust is yet to carry out an evaluation of its activities because of various anomalies in the fund management records,” said a climate change expert seeking anonymity. Such anomalies could be avoided if the evaluation had been done regularly, said the source, who is also a member of the government’s International Climate Change negotiation team. Hasan Mahmud, the minister for environment and forests who is also the chairman of the trust board, told the Dhaka Tribune that he was not aware of the issue." via Tom Nelson Added: The 3/31/14 New York Times article doesn't even mention carbon dioxide the single substance on which the $1 billion a day global warming industry rests nor the fact that China controls it, and that US CO2 has plunged. For decades US politicians have funded the multi-trillion dollar climate industry with taxpayer dollars. Real problems have been left to starve. Labels: Bangladesh Funds meant to solve CO2 induced climate change squandered by corrupt officials
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Forgetting to Worry | Wrangler Dani « Curbs with Trees June 26, 2008 by wranglerdani Adam: “It’ll be OK. Why are you upset?” Me: “Hi. I’m your fiancee, who is given to desperate sorrow and vehement proclamations that all is lost.” Adam: “All is not lost, Dani! Hang on!” To which I laugh, and do hang on, and all is not lost, in fact, it’s so very far from lost that I recognize my own propensity for such doom and gloom as completely ridiculous. I know I’m a worrier. I know it’s lame. I know I need to buck up, cheer up, move on and stop being dumb. But sometimes, the best medicine for a stupid illness is just a little distraction. So here, my friends. Enjoy: Teen Girl Squad – 14 Scantron Armor….. ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted in college, comfort food, friendship, job angst, moodiness | 2 Comments on June 27, 2008 at 5:37 pm | Reply Adam What does this have to do with the label “comfort food”? on June 27, 2008 at 5:50 pm | Reply dc comfort food helps me not worry! duh. 😉
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Bake at 350: Sweet on Trader Joe's Saturday: Smashing S'Mores Today's review is Trader Joe's Milk Chocolate Smashing S'mores. These little guys are one of the first Trader Joe's treats I ever had. Before we had a Trader Joe's, my friend Teresa sent me a Trader Joe's care package. That's a true friend right there. TJ's Smashing S'mores consist of a graham cracker and marshmallow covered in chocolate in a mini treat. The package suggests that for a more traditional treat, they can be microwaved for 4-6 seconds. A 7-ounce package (about 12-15 treats) costs $4.29. A mom's (my) take: So, these are perfect. Just the right ratio of graham cracker to marshmallow to chocolate. I tried these at room temperature and microwaved and they're both delicious. Each component tastes just right...and each treat leaves me wanting another. Overall rating: 5 of 5 stars A teenager's (kiddo's) take: The first thing that your tongue encounters is the thin layer of chocolate. Despite its size, it is very flavorful, and I would probably give it 5 stars for that alone! Once you get into the s'more itself, the marshmallow and graham cracker provide a tasty variety. I personally enjoy those components better when they're mixed in my mouth rather than being separate (that's just me). These taste great, and like I say every time, I could definitely eat a whole box of them. (I almost did a few days ago!) Trader Joe's Milk Chocolate Smashing S'mores: Smashing!!! {psst...don't forget that there's a giveaway going on through tomorrow...and shopping, too!} cookies and cupsApril 22, 2015 at 7:13 AMI Looked for these on my last trip to TJs, but they were sold out :( SO sad. I need to make another trip next week!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Scraplifter Designs - PROJECT Life - 365: Project Life 2012 Here are my completed pages for our 2012 Project Life Album.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Measuring Energy and Occupant Satisfaction, a Evidence Based Design P… scott shell, Architect 2011 Evidence Based Design Presentation given at AIA San Francisco by Scott Shell, FAIA, LEED AP Good afternoon. We’ve been collecting two types of data or evidence on our projects: 1. measured energy use and 2. occupant satisfaction data using the CBE online survey. EHDD Architecture is a 65 person firm focused on design and high performance buildings.We work on a wide range of building types like the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The Exploratorium Science Museum, a zero energy design now under construction And Marin Country Day School, a zero energy project Looking up the Cool Tower you see the mist ring that cools the air about 15 degrees. A night sky cooling system sprays a thin film of water on the roof, which then radiates heat to the cold deep space night sky to produce cool water for use the following day to cool the building. The energy monitoring system tracks energy use real time and over the course of time. The measured energy use was about 27% higher than our models predicted. GreenSource published the project when it was first completed, and followed up recently with a “Revisit” Article to look at actual measured performance. They lead with this quote, questioning why it wasn’t working as planned. But this misses the point, the comparison should be not be primarily to a hypothetical energy model, but to REAL measured energy use of other labs. Compared to the REAL measured energy use of all the buildings in the Labs21 database in this climate zone, it was the second most efficient. We believe architectural practice must fundamentally shift from predictions and claims, to a practice based on real measured data or evidence. The project did not meet it’s net zero electrical goal, and the energy monitoring system allowed us to separate out energy use by building, day of week, time of day, and by major systems so we could track down where the energy use was above expectations. Some of the energy use was for things that are not typically included in energy models, where were originally designed for code compliance on specific strategies, and not for predicted actual total building energy use. The irrigation booster pump was one of these, along with the rainwater collection system pumps and filters. Another variation was equipment brought into the project after it was completed. This used 48” commercial freezer was donated to the school, and these “plug loads” are becoming one of the biggest energy users in our projects. The photovoltaic panel energy production is shown here with each dot representing one day’s generation through the course of the year. The total output was around 15% less than anticipated, we don’t know if this was weather related or not. Due in part to these variation from our energy model, the total measured energy use the first year was much higher than predicted. After correcting and accounting for some of these items (replacing the commercial freezer, reducing site lighting for security to just what was required) then energy use came down a lot, but not to zero. The second case study is the IDeAs office building. We took this ugly tilt up box with no windows, and saw cut the panels on the south side, tilting them down to the ground to for a new courtyard on the south side. Here’s the courtyard with new sliding glass doors opening up to the engineering studio inside. We punched some skylights through the roof… And went from this interior with all the lights on…. To this interior with all the lights off. In this case many of the typical challenges of operation, and unplanned plug loads were not an issue since the client was an electrical engineer who understood how buildings work and was highly motivated to monitor and minimize energy use. The energy monitoring system allowed the client to see what systems were running when they should have been off. The HVAC fans didn’t turn down late at night as shown in the middle of the chart, even though no one was there. Seeing this allowed him to correct the controls sequence so the fans wouldn’t run at night. We are very proud of our zero and low energy design work, and are new clients are excited about this too. But at some point they always ask “will it really be comfortable in this building?” So we’ve been doing web based occupant surveys run through the Center for the Built Environment at UC Berkeley to assess user satisfaction. These reports have clear graphic summaries, but also let your burrow into a lot of detail and confidential user comments that are very enlightening. It assesses satisfaction on a vertical scale of +3 very satisfied, to -3 very dissatisfied. The hundreds of buildings in their database are then plotted on a curve, and the horizontal axis is the percentile rank of this project compared to the whole dataset. So you see in the upper right that the occupants ranked Acoustic Quality and the building ranked in the 80th percentile compared to all other buildings. I’ve taken the 8 projects we have surveys for and put their percentile ranking versus the entire dataset for four different criteria along the top axis, plus an Overall percentile ranking. The bright green cells are in the top quartile, the light green in the second quartile, the yellow in the next, and the red in the lowest quartile of rankings. So you can get a quick picture of how these projects are scoring. You can then start assessing which system types are performing well and which less so. This is of course a very small sample, with lots of other confounding factors, but it suggest some patterns for investigation and verification. For example, the four projects with Radiant heating and/or cooling are rated extremely well by the occupants for thermal comfort. Likewise, projects with dedicated ventilation system (separate from the heating and cooling system) were ranked exceptionally high for air quality. On the other hand, underfloor air HVAC systems were not ranked as highly by the users. There are of course other factors at play here, but this warrants further investigation to try to understand the issue. Diving into the report details make clear that some users don’t know how to adjust their underfloor swirl diffusers, so training and education could improve these scores. The buildings with a thin building section (versus larger building footprints) were ranked highly by the users, probably due to close proximity to windows, and the daylight and ventilation they can provide. So we’ve been working to incorporate what we’ve learned from these projects into our new designs. At the Packard Foundation office, we took a bigger building and divided it into two thin bars since the users have been rating that very highly, and it facilitates daylighting and natural ventilation. We also worked very closely with them on the equipment they would bring into the building. We measured all their plug loads, and proposed low energy alternatives and gave them an energy budget that their purchasing group would need to meet. We also included good energy monitoring systems so they could see what was working and what was not working as intended, so they could monitor and correct energy performance over time. Knowing that there were a lot of systems with controls on the project, we hired a separate controls integration sub, to make sure that all the controls systems were operating properly and in concert with one another. And finally we had very detailed commissioning spec that included systems that are often left out of the commissioning process, such as the sunshades, blinds, etc. Fundamentally we have shifted from a predictive design process, to one that sticks around longer measuring actual building performance and user satisfaction, and then tuning the building in response to what we see. On the Packard Foundation project we added an additional phase to our work to tune the building that first year of occupancy. In addition, it is no longer a building centric approach, but is client centric. They formed a sustainable task force to work with us so they understand the systems, and we understand how they work in more detail. They will have the date and knowledge to run the building intelligently beyond the one year post construction when we are around. Measuring Energy and Occupant Satisfaction<br />Evidence Based Design Symposium<br />AIASF April 26, 2011<br />Scott Shell, FAIA | EHDD Architecture<br /> Energy Use <br />(Kbtu/sf/yr) <br />Actual: 141<br />Design: 111<br /> “We check up on this project to see why it is running 27% above its predicted energy use”<br />GreenSource<br /> Energy Use: <br />PVs $:<br />$ after Rebate<br />% Total Cost<br />45% < Code<br />$238,000$158,0001.6 % <br />Chartwell School<br />SEASIDE, CALIFORNIA<br /> Why Not Zero?<br /> Unanticipated Loads<br /> “Free” Equipment <br /> User Operation: Site Lighting<br /> Chartwell: Is the PV Array Working?<br /> Operation Schedule<br />Net Energy<br /> 140<br />120<br />100<br />CBECS: 91, all types <br />80<br />Actual EUI<br />LEED: 69, all types <br />60<br />40<br />20<br />0<br />Medium Energy Type Buildings<br />Certified<br />Silver<br />Gold<br />Platinum<br />Chartwell<br />Actual EUIs (Medium Energy Types)<br />Courtesy of Mark Frankel, NBI<br /> Controls Incorrect<br />HVAC<br />Plug Loads<br />Lighting<br /> Equipment Failure<br /> Net Annual Energy Use (2009)<br /> Occupant Satisfaction<br /> Occupant Satisfaction<br />Radiant<br /> Dedicated Ventilation<br />Occupant Satisfaction<br /> Underfloor Air<br />Occupant Satisfaction<br /> Thin Building Section<br />Occupant Satisfaction<br /> The David & Lucile Packard Foundation<br />343 Second Street Project<br /> Sustainability Strategies<br /> Computer Monitor Energy Use<br />Courtesy of Rumsey Engineers<br /> Energy monitoring <br /> Annual<br /> Real Time (actionable)<br />Acoustic Testing during construction<br />Controls Integration Sub<br />Clearly Defined Commissioning<br /> Automatic sunshades<br /> Lighting controls<br /> Design Team: Post Occupancy Phase<br />Client Team: Sustainable Task Force<br />
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US5327944A - Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow - Google Patents Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow US5327944A US5327944A US07946409 US94640992A US5327944A US 5327944 A US5327944 A US 5327944A US 07946409 US07946409 US 07946409 US 94640992 A US94640992 A US 94640992A US 5327944 A US5327944 A US 5327944A US07946409 Healy Systems Inc B67D2007/545—Additional means for preventing dispensing of liquid by incorrect sealing engagement with the tank opening of the vapour recovering means, e.g. bellows, shrouds 1. In a fuel dispensing nozzle for delivering fuel into a fuel tank by way of a fill pipe, said nozzle comprising a vapor conduit defined by said nozzle, said vapor conduit associated with said spout for withdrawing displaced vapors from the fuel tank being filled and transporting them to a remote vapor collection system, and said fuel dispensing nozzle further comprises a vapor regulator valve in said vapor conduit operable in response to a predetermined first vapor pressure condition in said nozzle body, said vapor regulator valve comprising a diaphragm mounted in said nozzle with a first surface facing said vapor conduit, said diaphragm blocking said vapor conduit in a first position and not blocking said vapor conduit in a second position, and biasing means urging said diaphragm to said second position, said diaphragm having a second surface facing a chamber, said nozzle further defining a vent linking said chamber with the ambient exterior of said nozzle, and vapor flow controlling means comprising a vapor flow control valve element disposed for movement within said vapor conduit relative to a valve seat defined by said conduit, a vapor flow orifice between said vapor flow control valve element and said valve seat having an area variable with the position of said vapor flow control valve element, and vapor flow control valve element positioning means comprising sealing means associated with said vapor flow control valve element, said sealing means having at least one surface exposed to fuel pressure in said fuel conduit. 2. The fuel dispensing nozzle of claim 1, wherein said seal means associated with said vapor flow control valve element comprises a rolling diaphragm having at least one surface exposed to fuel pressure in said fuel conduit. 7. In a fuel dispensing nozzle for delivering fuel into a fuel tank by way of a fill pipe, said nozzle comprising means for connection of said vapor conduit to a source of uniform vacuum, a vapor flow controlling valve element disposed for movement within said vapor conduit relative to a valve seat defined by said conduit, a vapor flow orifice between said vapor flow control valve element and said valve seat having an area variable with the position of said vapor flow control valve element, said control valve element having a generally tapering body with a first end diameter and a second end diameter relatively greater than said first end diameter, said control valve element oriented in said orifice with said first end diameter disposed upstream of said second end diameter, and said valve seat defined in a downstream region of said vapor flow orifice adjacent said second diameter end when said valve element is in closed position, and 8. The fuel dispensing nozzle of claim 7, wherein said sealing means associated with said vapor flow control valve element comprises a rolling diaphragm having at least one surface exposed to fuel pressure in said fuel conduit. US07946409 1991-05-29 1992-09-16 Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow Expired - Lifetime US5327944A (en) US07706807 US5174346A (en) 1991-05-29 1991-05-29 Fuel dispensing nozzle US07946409 US5327944A (en) 1991-05-29 1992-09-16 Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow PCT/US1993/008602 WO1994006713A1 (en) 1992-09-16 1993-09-13 Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow DE1993625812 DE69325812T2 (en) 1992-09-16 1993-09-13 A device for flow control of kraftstoffbrüden EP19930921520 EP0659167B1 (en) 1992-09-16 1993-09-13 Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow DE1993625812 DE69325812D1 (en) 1992-09-16 1993-09-13 A device for flow control of kraftstoffbrüden US08192231 US5386859A (en) 1991-05-29 1994-02-04 Fuel dispensing nozzle having transparent boot US07706807 Continuation-In-Part US5174346A (en) 1991-05-29 1991-05-29 Fuel dispensing nozzle US08192231 Continuation-In-Part US5386859A (en) 1991-05-29 1994-02-04 Fuel dispensing nozzle having transparent boot US5327944A true US5327944A (en) 1994-07-12 ID=25484433 US07946409 Expired - Lifetime US5327944A (en) 1991-05-29 1992-09-16 Apparatus for controlling fuel vapor flow US (1) US5327944A (en) DE (2) DE69325812T2 (en) EP (1) EP0659167B1 (en) WO (1) WO1994006713A1 (en) US6176275B1 (en) 1999-02-03 2001-01-23 Bob J. Hill Vapor recovery system for mobile fuelers WO2002016253A1 (en) * 2000-08-25 2002-02-28 Osborn Persson Control valve US20060185759A1 (en) * 2005-02-18 2006-08-24 Healy James W Dripless fuel dispenser nozzle US20110067779A1 (en) * 2009-09-24 2011-03-24 Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. Magnetically actuated vapor recovery valve WO2012071171A1 (en) * 2010-11-24 2012-05-31 Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. Fuel dispensing nozzle with attitude sensing device US8739842B2 (en) 2009-10-19 2014-06-03 Veeder-Root Company Method for adjusting air to liquid ratio in vapor recovery system NL1016670C1 (en) * 2000-11-21 2002-05-22 Andru Sylvere Joseph V Coillie The fuel delivery system with vapor extraction. DE1097775B (en) * 1956-06-26 1961-01-19 Opw Corp Hose outlet valve for taps US3982571A (en) * 1975-05-16 1976-09-28 Emco Wheaton Inc. Vapor recovery nozzle with mechanical flow interlock US4343337A (en) * 1980-07-09 1982-08-10 Healy James W Fuel dispensing nozzle US4372353A (en) * 1979-06-04 1983-02-08 Dover Corporation Arrangements for sensing the presence of liquid in a vapor line US4497350A (en) * 1983-06-22 1985-02-05 Dover Corporation Vapor recovery system having automatic shut-off mechanism DE4028571C1 (en) * 1990-09-08 1992-02-06 Karlheinz 2000 Hamburg De Ehlers Gas return on vehicle fuel tank filler - has choke acting as flow metering device and gas return line encloses liq. fuel line US8371341B2 (en) 2009-09-24 2013-02-12 Deleware Capital Formation, Inc. Magnetically actuated vapor recovery valve CN103228537A (en) * 2010-11-24 2013-07-31 特拉华资本形成公司 Fuel dispensing nozzle with attitude sensing device US8616252B2 (en) 2010-11-24 2013-12-31 Opw Fueling Components Inc. Fuel dispensing nozzle with attitude sensing device CN103228537B (en) * 2010-11-24 2014-11-12 特拉华资本形成公司 Fuel dispensing nozzle with attitude sensing device DE69325812T2 (en) 2000-02-03 grant EP0659167B1 (en) 1999-07-28 grant EP0659167A4 (en) 1996-04-10 application EP0659167A1 (en) 1995-06-28 application WO1994006713A1 (en) 1994-03-31 application DE69325812D1 (en) 1999-09-02 grant US4213488A (en) 1980-07-22 Valve means responsive to the operation of a vapor-seal valve for preventing fuel spillage from the discharge spout of a vapor-recovery fuel dispensing nozzle US2874735A (en) 1959-02-24 Automatic liquid dispensing nozzles Free format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST.;ASSIGNOR:HEALY, JAMES W.;REEL/FRAME:006305/0710
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications." } ]
The Bargain Book Shelf items - Get great deals on items on eBay Stores! Bread Crumb LinkHome > eBay Stores > The Bargain Book Shelf > Vintage Electronics, ComputersSave this seller|Sign up for Store newsletter The Bargain Book ShelfMaintained by:Member id masterbrownie ( Feedback Score Of 2054) Welcome to my eBay Store. Please add me to your list of favorite sellers and visit often. Thank you for your business. Store searchEnter your search keywordin titles & descriptionStore categoriesStore homeAnimal Care (1)Art, Photography (3)Books about Collecting (3)Cake Decorating (7)Collectable Books (1)Cookbooks - Australian (37)Cookbooks - International (8)Cookbooks - Vintage (4)Craft, Hobbies (17)Fiction (8)History (12)Interior Decorating (1)Movies, Music, TV (13)Non-Fiction - Other (9)Outdoor Living (3)Sport, Car Racing (11)Stamps, Coins (1)Vintage Electronics, Computers (8)Workshop Manuals - Cars (99)Workshop Manuals - Motorbikes (5)DisplayGallery viewView new listedStore Newsletter!Add my Store to your Favourites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions!General Interest View: All Items | Buy It Now8 results found in Vintage Electronics, Computers View as:ListSort by:Time: ending soonestPicture [hide]Item titlePrice Posting to AUSTime Left 1971 vintage book PAL RECEIVER SERVICING colour televis... EnlargeAU $23.00+AU $10.55Time left:10d 2h 53m ALL ABOUT 1-2-3 vintage 1983 computer book software man... EnlargeAU $1.00+AU $4.00Time left:13d 6h 33m Using Microsoft WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL book Bestseller... EnlargeAU $15.00+AU $10.55Time left:13d 6h 55m LINUX 2007 bible book DVD & CD Ubuntu Fedora Knoppix De... EnlargeAU $17.00+AU $10.55Time left:26d 7h 26m FEDORA 7 AND RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX bible book with D... EnlargeAU $17.00+AU $10.55Time left:26d 7h 28m SAMS Teach Yourself RED HAT LINUX FEDORA in 24 HOURS wi... EnlargeAU $2.00+AU $10.55Time left:26d 7h 29m PROFESSIONAL K2 BLACKPEARL book manual guide platform p... EnlargeAU $17.00+AU $10.55Time left:26d 7h 31m FEDORA 6 AND RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX bible book DVD & ... EnlargeAU $17.00+AU $10.55Time left:26d 7h 33mPage 1 of 1Previous1|2|3|4|5|6|7NextGo to page An eBay Store maintained by:Member id masterbrownie ( Feedback Score Of 2054) Seller, manage StoreTools:My eBay Learn more about feeds
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
JUST CHANGE FOR MALAYSIA: We want the IPCMC Bill, not the SCC Bill We are gravely disappointed with the BN government over the tabled Special Complaints Commission (SCC) Bill instead of the originally proposed Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) which was made by the Royal Commission To Enhance the Operations and Managements of the Royal Malaysian Police previously. The SCC Bill had clearly defeats the true intention of the Royal Commission to enhance the professionalism of the police force and to ensure that the doctrines, laws, rules and procedures are adhered to and implemented by the police. The current SCC Bill had in fact failed to look into the fundamental requirement for complaint mechanism in order to make the police more accountable to the public for their actions or omission to act on public complaints. Besides, the SCC also lacks of its independence nature in providing an effective check and balance on the police force. Our worries doubled when we found that the SCC Bill intends to put the inspector general of police (IGP) in the governance structure of the commission and concerns are further increasing when details of the SCC Bill shows that the commission will have no powers to conduct independent investigation into the police force i.e. submissions will be channeled back to the police to investigate complaints lodged against themselves. In the Royal Commission official report in the year 2005, it found that the internal mechanism currently governed by the police themselves were in fact inadequate, unreliable, and often ineffective. As such, the IPCMC was introduced to address all these inefficiencies and to come out with a reliable structure in order to address complaints made against the police in a fair and transparent manner. The Royal Commission had then saw the importance of such implementation to improve the much needed public confidence in our country’s policing system and to make the police force more accountable to the public as a whole. The proposed SCC is completely useless in the sense that the public will not have any confidence nor any trust to lodge a complaint against the police given the fact that the SCC will be governed by the IGP himself where it will definitely create a conflict of interest. Second the inquiry procedures lead back to the police force itself of which will create another interest confliction. In this case, if there is any complaint made by the public on the police force, there will be indeed no proper attainment of justice in an impartial manner free from any element of collusion. Therefore, by tabling the SCC Bill is similar to nothing has been done. It’s just simply waste of time. Posted by Huang Hai-chen at 8:17 AM Labels: IPCMC, Police, SCC, Umno
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
I'm absolutely floored that Natalie, who has time and again knocked it out of the park in stunning designer gowns (predominantly from Rodarte), chose THIS as her wedding look. Tea length? Ill-fitting sheer sleeves? Orthopedic granny flats? A headpiece ripped from the noggin of a Burning Man attendee? I'd expect this kind of crap from Michelle Williams or Vanessa Hudgens (assuming they were getting married) but Natalie? Guys, this made me sad ... sadder than I reasonably should have been. So, to cheer myself up, I have compiled a list of top five celebrity wedding gowns, according to Somebody Thinks You're Fat ... standards. Observe, and get a hanky if you're one of those people who tear up at the sight of beautiful brides: Portia, who is smashing on "Arrested Development" looks bridal, beautiful and ballerina-esque. Ellen looks pretty sharp, too. No. 2 - Rebecca Romijn in Badgley Mischka The mother of all celebrity wedding dresses was worn by none other than Grace Kelly. The beautiful actress found herself as the heroine of a real-life fairy tale when she wed Prince Rainier of Monaco, and the gown was a parting gift from her former studio, MGM. Over three dozen seamstresses worked on the elaborate gown over a six-week construction period, but it was worth it, as the gown has spawned countless imitations and homages. High-profile Kelly inspirations have been worn by the likes of Duchess Kate Middleton (you may have heard about her wedding last year) and Nicole Richie. Yeah, guess who got that one right? Well done, ladies. Well done. (Except you, Nicole. I'm not talking to you.) Now, as for Natalie, all is not lost. She's still awesome, and she can still turn it out on the red carpet. In the end, I guess that's what matters. Natalie looks gorgeous for us fans all the time. Her wedding is her day, so I suppose her dress can be as fugly as she wants. What-ev ... we forgive you, Nat. Not that she asked, but we do. Yay! You'll have to send me a pic of said doll. I've never seen it. Ha! Also, I think all the groom accessories are very nice ... very nice indeed. But, Gavin is still a dreamboat. As we discussed at the Hard Rock Cafe, they sure don't make 'em like that anymore. Gwen got the last one.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Patent US20060074747 - Method and apparatus for performing a marketing campaign on behalf of an ... - Google PatentsSearch Images Maps Play YouTube News Gmail Drive More »Sign inPatentsDisclosed are methods and apparatus, including computer program products, implementing and using techniques for performing a marketing campaign on behalf of an advertiser. A plurality of electronic publishers are in communication with a data network. The advertiser has an associated computer also in...http://www.google.com/patents/US20060074747?utm_source=gb-gplus-sharePatent US20060074747 - Method and apparatus for performing a marketing campaign on behalf of an advertiserAdvanced Patent SearchPublication numberUS20060074747 A1Publication typeApplicationApplication numberUS 10/956,554Publication dateApr 6, 2006Filing dateOct 1, 2004Priority dateOct 1, 2004Publication number10956554, 956554, US 2006/0074747 A1, US 2006/074747 A1, US 20060074747 A1, US 20060074747A1, US 2006074747 A1, US 2006074747A1, US-A1-20060074747, US-A1-2006074747, US2006/0074747A1, US2006/074747A1, US20060074747 A1, US20060074747A1, US2006074747 A1, US2006074747A1InventorsMichael Kline, Robert Spitz, Zorik Gordon, Robert Wright, Leon Simmonds, Jonathan Myron, Truoc Duong, Shunxing Xie, Thomas HubbardOriginal AssigneeReachlocal, Inc.Export CitationBiBTeX, EndNote, RefManPatent Citations (80), Referenced by (45), Classifications (18), Legal Events (2) External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, EspacenetMethod and apparatus for performing a marketing campaign on behalf of an advertiser [0067] When grouped together, keywords form a “keyword group.” The keyword group can include essentially any number of keywords. The business rules for how keywords are assembled and how they are bid for are contained in one or more keyword tables. In one embodiment, as shown in FIG. 8A, a first keyword table includes the following fields: keyword name and keyword group ID. This table is used to identify the keywords associated with a given keyword group ID. That is, all of the keyword names associated with a particular keyword group ID can be identified in the first column as associated with a keyword name. FIG. 8B shows a second keyword table which can be used for keyword group IDs. The keyword table of FIG. 8B includes the following fields: geography, category, publisher ID, keyword group ID, keyword group bid amount, campaign budget, number of bidders, and current max bid. Using the table of FIG. 8B, for every geography, category, and publisher, and possibly other marketing campaign parameters, both a keyword group bid amount and keyword group ID can be determined. The publisher or publishers are determined in step 970 of FIG. 9B, as described below. [0068] In Step 705 of FIG. 7, the budget, geography, categories, and possibly other parameters are provided. The categories can include categories, subcategories, and specialties associated with those subcategories as lower level categories, and in some instances, subspecialties such as geographic subspecialties associated with the specialties. These selections were made by the advertiser when specifying the nature of the campaign in Step 425 of FIG. 4. In a table or tables such as those shown in FIGS. 8A and 8B maintained by the keyword engine 205 of FIG. 2, keywords and keyword bid amounts associated with the various categories are accessed in Step 710. Those keywords and keyword bid amounts are retrieved in Step 715. In one embodiment, individual keywords are retrieved for each category and specialty in the hierarchical structure of data and then formed as a group in Step 720. In another embodiment, groups of keywords are stored in the keyword table of FIG. 8A and accessed by keyword group ID. These keywords are then retrieved and can be output individually or can then be output as one group in Step 720. [0069] In Step 705 of FIG. 7, the categories provided can include geographical territories, as described above. For example, an advertiser may have specified a specific DMA, city, zip code and/or radius to target their ad. In one embodiment, for publishers using customer IP addresses to target the ad, the ad can be displayed when the keyword term is used by someone in the specified DMA. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the various categories, geographies, etc. can be used to cross-reference other tables such as the category taxonomy structure of FIGS. 5 and 6. [0070] In one embodiment, as shown in FIG. 8B, a keyword table can include additional information including bidding amounts indicating how much to bid on each keyword for various publishers. The “keyword group bid amount” field contains rules for how much to bid for each keyword group on behalf of the advertiser. For some publishers, every individual keyword has its own specified bid. Other publishers allow a single maximum bid to be assigned to a group of keywords, which facilitates the use of the keyword groupings provided by embodiments of methods and apparatus of the present invention. [0071] In FIGS. 2A and 2B, the advertising platform 120 includes a publisher interface engine 230 which interfaces with publishers to submit keywords, advertisements, and otherwise interact with the publishers on behalf of advertisers of the advertising platform 120. In one embodiment, application programming interfaces (APIs) are generated by publisher interface engine 230 and used as needed to interface with the publishers. Categories selected by the advertiser can be mapped to publisher-specific taxonomies. The publisher interface engine 230 takes into account publisher-specific business rules, publisher-specific ad requirements, and publisher-specific account creation requirements, all of which are considered “publisher parameters.” Other publisher parameters are used by the advertising platform 120, as described below. The advertiser does not to need to interact directly with any one publisher. The APIs provided by publisher interface engine 230 receive information provided by the advertiser, e.g., categories, advertisements, keywords, format that information based on the specific requirements of the publisher, and submit that information to the publisher on behalf of the advertiser. In an alternative embodiment, rather than using APIs, screen scraping technology is incorporated to perform a screen scrape of the publisher's web page or site. [0072] The various categories, geographic areas, and keywords described above are provided as marketing campaign parameters by the advertising platform 120. In some embodiments, the marketing campaign parameters further include demographics, such as populations, associated with geographic regions. In some embodiments, the marketing campaign parameters further include psychographics for targeting the marketing campaign. The demographic and psychographic information can be generated using similar techniques as that provided for the categories, keywords, and geographic areas, as set forth above. [0073] In FIG. 4, the recommended budget is calculated based on data in campaign allocation rules and campaign allocation and destination data tables. In one embodiment, the budget is determined according to the following calculation. First, the total number of desired leads indicated by the advertiser is divided by the total number of days in the duration of the campaign, ascertained in Step 415, to determine a target daily lead amount. Second, based on the target geographies and selected categories, and based on historical costs for each lead for those target geographies and categories, a total campaign budget is calculated and a preliminary budget allocation is made. In an alternative embodiment, an advertiser submits a budget and then, based on the budget, the target geographies, and business categories, an initial allocation is made. From the approximate allocation of budget across publishers, it can be determined what the overall campaign budget should be by aggregating the daily costs for each publisher, summing them, and then multiplying by the number of days in the campaign. [0074] FIG. 9A shows a flow diagram of a method 900 for selecting publishers for a marketing campaign and allocating expenditures among the selected publishers, performed in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. In one embodiment, the method of FIG. 9A is performed by campaign allocation engine 210 in advertising platform apparatus 120. [0075] In FIG. 9A, the method begins in Step 905 with retrieving information provided by the advertiser during campaign setup in Step 310 of FIG. 3 and the method of FIG. 4. In one embodiment, this information or marketing campaign parameters include a campaign budget, duration, type of campaign, e.g., fixed budget, fixed cost per lead, cost per lead, cost per click, geographic target area, and category information. Such information can be stored in and retrieved from a table such as publisher allocation table 1000 shown in FIG. 10. The retrieved parameters from Step 905 are then used to allocate the budget across one or more publishers, in Step 910, according to one or more allocation rules. In one embodiment, the advertiser selects the publishers from a list. In another embodiment, the platform 120 recommends an optimal selection of publishers based on the marketing campaign parameters. Then, within a particular publisher, the budget is allocated across keyword groups and/or advertisement types. [0076] In FIG. 10, the publisher allocation table includes the following entries: publisher 1 1002, publisher 2 1005, and possibly additional publisher fields which identify all of the publishers available to receive the advertisement by name or identification number or code. Preferably, each row in the table has IDs for every publisher so that a 100 percent allocation can be enforced row by row. A category ID 1010 provides a category in each row, as described above, with respect to FIGS. 5 and 6. When an advertiser has selected multiple categories, a weighted average allocation can be made across the relevant rows. In addition, the table 1000 includes a Geo ID 1015, which identifies a geographic area for targeting the marketing campaign, selected by the advertiser, as described above with respect to FIG. 5. In addition, the table includes daily campaign budget amounts minimum 1020 and maximum 1025. Preferably, the indicated daily campaign budget minimum and maximum “amounts” in columns 1020 and 1025 are actually bands providing a range of amounts for which the allocation will apply. In one embodiment, the specific allocation performed in step 910 is an interactive process in which the campaign allocation engine 210 provides recommended allocations to the advertiser which can be adjusted as desired. In another embodiment, the allocation is determined entirely by campaign allocation engine 210 based on the information in table 1000 and possible additional historical data assessing the likelihood of obtaining leads using each publisher and the designated categories and keywords. [0077] In FIG. 9A, in one embodiment, after allocating the budget across the selected publishers, in Step 915, the budget for each publisher can be allocated across keyword groups to be submitted to the particular publisher. In performing step 915, a table similar to that shown in FIG. 10 is provided for each publisher, in which average cost per click amounts are provided for a list of keywords or groups of keywords. Those skilled in the art should appreciate that certain publishers may only provide banner advertisements or other marketing techniques than keywords, in which case step 915 can be skipped. In Step 920, advertisers providing different types of advertisements are addressed. In Step 920, the campaign allocation engine 210 allocates budget amounts for particular publishers across ad types provided by the particular publisher. Again, a table similar to that shown in FIG. 10 can be provided for each publisher, in which a list of ad types provided by a particular publisher and associated average costs are set forth. [0078] Those skilled in the art should appreciate that, in certain embodiments, when an advertiser is allowed the flexibility to select a fixed total campaign budget, or to set a maximum cost per lead, or to be billed on a cost per click versus a cost per call basis, then different allocation rules enforced by campaign allocation engine 210 can be established based on those different campaign types. [0079] In another embodiment, in which an advertiser selects multiple geographic IDs or territories to target, each geographic area may have its own allocation rules. In this situation, additional rules are provided to manage how the budget gets divided across geographic areas. In one embodiment, a weighted average distribution is made based on population. In another embodiment, the advertiser is allowed to specify a weighting. In another embodiment, there are national and regional variants of each keyword group. The budget for a keyword publisher is allocated between the two variants, across each of the keyword groups delivered to a publisher. [0080] In step 925 of FIG. 9A, certain adjustments can be made as desired by the advertiser to adjust the marketing campaign. The budget allocation can be adjusted using empirical data gathered from monitoring the leads from actual the advertisements placed across the various publishers. For keyword publishers, the allocated budget amount can be adjusted at the keyword group level or at the category level. [0081] FIG. 9B shows a method 910 for allocating a campaign budget among a plurality of electronic publishers, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. In Step 955 of FIG. 9B, the budget amount determined for the marketing campaign is retrieved. This budget amount can be in any of several forms as described above, depending on the desired implementation. In Step 960, marketing campaign parameters are retrieved. These marketing campaign parameters generally include categories, geographies, and duration information for the marketing campaign, developed by user interface engine 237 as described above. For example, a category describing subject matter of the marketing campaign could be “dentist.” The duration of the marketing campaign could have a target of 30 days, and geographic areas for targeting the marketing campaign could include San Francisco and San Jose. In addition, in some embodiments, the marketing campaign parameters may also include demographic information and psychographic information for targeting the marketing campaign. [0082] In Step 965 of FIG. 9B, publisher parameters are retrieved by the campaign allocation engine 210. The publisher parameters generally include a number of values, including a minimum campaign spend amount and a maximum campaign spend amount, both on a daily basis as well as for an entire campaign. In one embodiment, the minimum and maximum campaign spend amounts are determined by the user for the entire marketing campaign, as described above with reference to user interface engine 237 of FIGS. 2A and 2B. In one embodiment, in Step 970, the specific publishers to be used for the marketing campaign are selected by accessing a table stored on a processor-readable storage medium using one or more of the marketing campaign parameters described above. A table look-up operation is performed, as will be understood by those skilled in the art. The designated electronic publishers are retrieved from the table in accordance with the marketing campaign parameters provided to the table. This table can be updated by optimization engine 215 throughout the course of the marketing campaign and other marketing campaigns conducted on behalf of other advertisers, to keep the campaign allocation optimized. In one embodiment, when the publishers to be used for the marketing campaign are determined, in accordance with the generated marketing campaign parameters, publisher parameters are also retrieved from the table for each of the selected publishers, in Step 965. The publisher parameters can include a maximum potential daily budget for each selected publisher, a total daily click or impression inventory, an average cost per click or impression for each electronic publisher, maximum potential daily budget, average click-to-lead ratios, average impression-to-lead ratios, number of current advertisers, number of current bidders, and other information for the selected electronic publishers. In one embodiment, an average cost per click amounts can be given as initial estimates to the advertiser when creating a campaign in step 310 of FIG. 3 to better estimate how many clicks and leads they should expect to receive based on their budget. [0083] In one embodiment, there are unique publisher parameters for each publisher depending on the particular category or categories selected and geography. For instance, a total daily click inventory in one example is 10,000 clicks per day on Google for “dentists” in Los Angeles. The average cost per click for the publisher is $1.50 per click on Google for “dentists” in Los Angeles. The average click-to-lead ratio, another publisher parameter, is also provided for the particular category and geography, e.g., 10 percent of clicks generate leads for Google for “dentists” in Los Angeles. The average click-to-lead ratio is preferably calculated for various ranges of click or impression volume to determine when there is an optimal number of clicks to leads. That is, there are diminishing returns after a certain point. In one embodiment, one or more publishers have minimum and maximum daily campaign spend amount requirements. In another embodiment, a publisher has a minimum and maximum total campaign spend requirement. [0084] In Step 975 of FIG. 9B, using the provided marketing campaign parameters and publisher parameters, the budget amount is allocated among the selected electronic publishers from Step 970 according to one or more allocation rules to define an allocated budget. There can be various allocation rules used, depending on the desired implementation. In one embodiment, the budget amount is allocated among the selected electronic publishers so that the allocated budget is within the maximum potential daily budget or total budget for each of the selected electronic publishers. The budget amount is allocated among the selected electronic publishers according to priorities assigned to those selected electronic publishers, in one embodiment. For instance, the priorities can be assigned according to lowest cost lead generator values associated with the selected electronic publishers. [0085] In one embodiment, in Step 975, for each publisher, geography, and category, the maximum potential daily budget is calculated by multiplying a total daily click or impression inventory by an average cost per click or impression for each publisher/category/geography. This generally sets the boundaries for the maximum budget that can be used for each publisher/category/geography. For instance, for $100 campaign intervals, the optimal allocation percentage can be calculated by allocating clicks or impressions across each of the lowest cost lead generator publishers for that category/geography. By “lowest cost lead generators,” this generally means that if publisher A can generate a lead for $5 and publisher B for $6, 100 percent of the budget amount within that campaign interval will go to publisher A, up to any publisher maximums determined for the particular implementation. This allocation can be made for every budget range to come up with the ideal allocation. In one embodiment, the campaign allocation engine 210 provides a premium for publisher diversity that reduces or eliminates the possibility of being dependent on only one publisher. [0086] Again, the publisher allocation can be made for each designated publisher, geography, category, and campaign budget range or range of campaign objectives. [0087] In Step 980, the calculated budget allocation of Step 975 is then applied to the marketing campaign. In one embodiment, this application includes weighting the allocation across a plurality of geographies. For instance, the allocation can be based on the relative populations of designated geographic regions, with more populated geographies getting a higher percentage of the budget. In another embodiment, the allocation also takes into account demographics and/or psychographics associated with those geographic areas. [0088] In Step 985 of FIG. 9B, the allocated budget can be reallocated when the allocated budget is not within the minimum spend amount and maximum spend amount parameters, or where the publishers selected do not achieve the desired campaign objectives as set for the advertiser, as described above. Often, this will involve removing one or more electronic publishers and reallocating the allocated budget among the remaining electronic publishers according to reallocation rules. Generally, these reallocation rules will include one or more of the allocation rules described above. [0089] In FIGS. 2A and 2B, an optimization engine 215 works in conjunction with campaign allocation engine 210 to optimize the allocated budget or reallocated budget. This often includes updating the allocation rules, depending on observed data from marketing campaigns. The observed data often includes campaign event information gathered by reporting engine 220, as described below. The campaign event information generally includes information describing campaign events such as impressions, clicks, emails, phone calls, links to HTML pages, coupon selection, coupon redemption, sales, and store visits. The optimization engine 215 generally attempts to determine a budget allocation that drives the most high valued campaign events for the least cost. In each particular marketing campaign, the campaign events generated will depend on the particular publishers and subject matter of the advertisement. For instance, some advertisements may generate more phone calls, and other advertisers may generate more visits to web pages. Depending on the nature of the advertiser's business, phone calls or web site visits may result in higher sales, all of which information can be used to further optimize the campaign allocation. [0090] FIG. 11 shows a method 1100 for optimizing a budget allocation performed by optimization engine 215 according to one embodiment of the present invention. In step 1105, campaign event information, as described above, is identified. In step 1110, optimization engine 215 calculates a cost per campaign event, by publisher, geography and category. Then, in step 1115, publisher parameters are obtained, such as average cost per click, number of available clicks, and number of competing advertisers. In step 1120, the lowest cost publishers are determined based on the campaign event information identified in step 1105 and the calculated cost per campaign event from step 1110. Then, in step 1125, the allocation rules are optimized and the budget is re-allocated, as described herein. [0091] There are several types of “campaign events,” or “events” that are monitored using embodiments of methods and apparatus of the present invention. Such events are used to optimize campaign allocation and bidding methods, as described above, and are used as part of a reporting procedure described below. These events can also be used to trigger alarms if the marketing campaign is not achieving its expected results, resulting in an adjustment of budget allocations or other adjustments. The events addressed include impressions, referring to the number of times an advertisement has been displayed by a publisher, and advertisement interactions such as clicks, referring to the number of times an ad has been clicked by users. Campaign events also include lead information such as phone calls, emails, links to an advertiser web site or offer page, clicks on the advertiser web page or web site, and coupon selection and redemption. Often, lead information will include contact information received from a customer, IP addresses, and other information identifying customers. Campaign events also include purchase information and sales information generated, for instance, during an e-commerce transaction. Examples of campaign event information include phone calls made using tracking numbers, as described below, emails sent using tracking emails, also described below. In some embodiments, searches on an advertiser's site are also monitored as campaign events. [0092] “Ad type” refers to the nature of the advertisement used in the marketing campaign. Several advertisements can be used, including keywords, paid inclusions, referring to any advertiser whose site is submitted for listing on major search engines that offer paid inclusion, and generic and customized banners. Other ad types include directory listings and other sponsored listings, and classified ads. [0093] Tracking phone numbers are provided with embodiments of methods and apparatus of the present invention. Using these numbers, the source of a lead can be identified, or, at the very least, a counter can accumulate contacts to the tracking number. One or more tracking numbers can be procured for an advertiser, depending on the desired implementation. The tracking numbers are generally used to keep track of the number of calls made to that number. In one embodiment, a tracking number table maintained by advertising platform apparatus 120 includes the following fields: advertiser ID, campaign ID, target phone number, tracking phone number, tracking phone number type, e.g., local or toll-free, publisher ID, Geo ID and, in some instances, the keyword used. [0094] When a marketing campaign has been undertaken, and if the advertiser has an email address, the advertising platform 120 can replace that email address with a tracking email. In this embodiment, the tracking email can be obtained for the advertiser. A table is maintained as described above for tracking emails used by various advertisers. In one embodiment, fields in the table include advertiser ID, campaign ID, target email address, tracking email address, publisher ID, Geo ID and, in some instances, the keyword used. [0095] Methods and apparatus performed in accordance with embodiments of the present invention include a reporting feature. After a marketing campaign has begun, campaign activity is reported to the advertiser. A centralized reporting engine 220, as shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B, is able to track and monitor customer activity pertaining to the marketing campaign for that advertiser. The report delivered by reporting engine 220 can be customized as desired by the advertiser. Generally, reporting engine 220 provides tracking of campaign events related to the marketing campaign, including: emails, phone calls, coupons, visits to web pages, web forms filled out and submitted, and other events described above. [0096] FIG. 12 shows a method of tracking and reporting customer activity, performed by reporting engine 220 in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. In Step 1205, a date range is specified for the report. The advertiser can specify a “from” date and “to” date for the range. This specification can be made by the advertiser when setting up the campaign in step 310 of FIG. 3, or at any later time during the campaign. In an alternative embodiment, the date range is controlled by the online advertising platform. [0097] In Step 1210 of FIG. 12, data describing the campaign status is retrieved for delivery to the advertiser. In one embodiment, this data includes an amount spent number. The amount spent is preferably provided in the form of a total amount spent across all of the publishers, and also shows the amount spent for each publisher. The amount spent for each publisher will generally be the sum of any up front fees plus any per click charges multiplied by the number of clicks, a number provided by the publisher. For some publishers, the actual per click amount will be specified in reports from those publishers. For other publishers, the per click amounts are determined prior to the campaign and are retrieved from memory. [0098] In Step 1215 of FIG. 12, campaign event information is determined. Part or all of the campaign event information is tracked and monitored using reporting engine 220. Examples of campaign events are described above. In some embodiments, a portion of the determined campaign event information, such as advertisement interactions, are received from the publishers. In Step 1225, after all of the data in Steps 1205-1220 is gathered, the data can be assembled into a report for the advertiser. This report, in one embodiment, outputs all of the retrieved data in a table format for the advertiser. The report can be sent to the advertiser in email form or in another suitable form such as a printed mailing. In another embodiment the advertiser can access a server on which the advertising platform apparatus 120 is situated, and download the report. Reports can be provided to the advertiser as desired, e.g., on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. [0099] In one embodiment, when the report is sent by email, an advertiser can click on certain figures presented in the report, and the advertiser is linked to an HTML page including more detailed information for that figure. For instance, when the advertiser clicks on the phone calls figure, a popup window can provide further call details, including the number of calls received per individual publisher and other information such as caller ID, time of the call, call duration, and other information. Similar further details of email leads can be provided including date, time and email address of the interested customer. [0100] Coupon information including the number of clicks for a specific campaign offer, total number of prints, and registration of coupon offers can also be provided. [0101] In step 1230, the data gathered by reporting engine 220 can also be used to optimize allocation rules used by campaign allocation engine 210. Such updating can be performed at various times using multiple marketing campaigns performed on behalf of different advertisers to update the allocation rules for current and future marketing campaigns. [0102] In FIG. 2, the advertising platform apparatus 120 further includes a reverse proxy engine 225. The reverse proxy engine 225 performs a method of dynamically rendering an advertiser web page associated with the advertiser, as shown in FIG. 15A, as a proxied web page, as shown in FIG. 15B. Through this proxied web page, customer interactions can be tracked. In one embodiment, shown in FIG. 14, the proxied web page is stored on a storage medium such as database 240 local to or easily accessible by advertising platform apparatus 120. The proxied web page can also be situated on a database 1415 controlled by an advertiser 1405, or at a central data storage facility 1420 accessible over data network 125. Generally, the proxied web page is a version of the advertiser's home page or other advertisement web page retrieved and dynamically edited in real time with certain information, such as contact information, pricing information, images, and other data in the advertiser web page strategically replaced. In one embodiment, an entire advertiser web site can be proxied, using essentially the same techniques for editing individual web pages, described herein. [0103] FIG. 13 shows the method of rendering an advertiser web page as the proxied web page, performed in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. The method 1300 of FIG. 13 is described with reference to FIGS. 14 and 15A, 15B. In Step 1304, the advertiser web page 1510 or web site is provided on an accessible storage medium, such as database 1415 as described above. In Step 1306, a customer request message from customer 1405 is received by reverse proxy engine 225 of advertising platform 120. In some examples, the customer request message is first received through an advertisement displayed on an electronic publisher 145, and routed to advertising platform 120. Responsive to the customer request, the advertiser web page 1510 is retrieved by advertising platform 120 from where it is ordinarily stored. In step 1310, the reverse proxy engine 225 dynamically edits the advertiser web page 1510 of FIG. 15A to create a proxied web page 1520, shown in FIG. 15B. [0104] In one example, as shown in FIGS. 15A and 15B, the dynamic editing includes filtering the content of the advertiser web page 1510. For instance, contact information on that page can be identified using conventional pattern recognition techniques. Examples of such identified contact information include phone numbers, email addresses, images, and other numbers including fax numbers, cell phone numbers, and any other means for contacting the advertiser. The numbers on the advertiser web page are characterized herein as “target” numbers, referring to the actual number at which the advertiser can respond to a customer. The identified contact information is replaced with appropriate tracking numbers. These tracking numbers are intermediary numbers through which the customer interaction will be routed to gather information about the customer interaction. For instance, in FIG. 15B, the “phone” number “Contact: ReachLocal.com” number shown on advertiser web page 1510 of FIG. 15A has been replaced on the proxied web page 1520. The email address “[email protected]” has been replaced with a tracking email link, “send E-Mail to Sales,” which generates a tracking email. In other examples, the dynamic editing includes replacing a price on the advertiser web page. For instance, the price can be associated with an item in inventory that is displayed only to customers accessing the page via an advertisement from the marketing campaign. Another example of dynamic editing the advertiser web page is inserting or replacing electronic coupons. [0105] In one embodiment, a data collection engine is triggered every time the tracking number shown on the proxied web page 1520 is used by customer 1405 and other customers. The data collection engine, in one embodiment, includes a counter which is incremented every time that number is used. In another embodiment, the data collection engine collects additional information from the customer, including the customer's email address, phone number, other customer identification information, date and time of the contact, and the duration of the contact. The data collection engine collects data for each item of contact information replaced, including phone numbers, email addresses, and other contact information as described above. [0106] In Step 1310 of FIG. 13, email substitutions and phone number substitutions are made by simply replacing the identified contact information in the advertiser web page with tracking numbers in standard email and phone number formats. In certain instances, graphical images displayed on the advertiser web page may contain phone numbers and/or email addresses within. In these situations, an optical character recognition (OCR) operation is performed to identify those email addresses and phone numbers. Then the identified contact information can be replaced accordingly. [0107] In one embodiment, the tracking numbers and data collection engine described herein can be obtained through third party providers. [0108] In Step 1320 of FIG. 13, the reverse proxy engine 225 of advertising platform 120 of FIG. 14 serves the proxied web page 1520 to a computer operated by customer 1405 over data network 125. In some implementations, the customer receives the proxied web page not knowing that the dynamic editing described above has taken place. The editing is seamless, and provides the benefit of gathering information for the advertiser without interfering with the customer's experience. [0109] In one implementation, reverse proxy engine 225 provides links referencing the proxied web page to the various publishers, such as publisher 145 in FIG. 1, as part of the advertising information. In this way, when the advertiser attempts to access the advertiser's web page through those publishers, the advertiser is routed to the proxied web page. Then, not knowing the target contact information, the customer will contact the advertiser through the tracking numbers, enabling the counting and gathering of information regarding that interaction. [0110] Embodiments of the invention, including the methods, apparatus, platform, engines and functions described herein, can be implemented in digital electronic circuitry, or in computer hardware, firmware, software, or in combinations of them. Apparatus embodiments of the invention can be implemented in a computer program product tangibly embodied in a machine-readable storage device for execution by a programmable processor; and method steps of the invention can be performed by a programmable processor executing a program of instructions to perform functions of the invention by operating on input data and generating output. Embodiments of the invention can be implemented advantageously in one or more computer programs that are executable on a programmable system including at least one programmable processor coupled to receive data and instructions from, and to transmit data and instructions to, a data storage system, at least one input device, and at least one output device. Each computer program can be implemented in a high-level procedural or object-oriented programming language, or in assembly or machine language if desired; and in any case, the language can be a compiled or interpreted language. Suitable processors include, by way of example, both general and special purpose microprocessors. Generally, a processor will receive instructions and data from a read-only memory and/or a random access memory. Generally, a computer will include one or more mass storage devices for storing data files; such devices include magnetic disks, such as internal hard disks and removable disks; magneto-optical disks; and optical disks. Storage devices suitable for tangibly embodying computer program instructions and data include all forms of non-volatile memory, including by way of example semiconductor memory devices, such as EPROM, EEPROM, and flash memory devices; magnetic disks such as internal hard disks and removable disks; magneto-optical disks; and CD-ROM disks. Any of the foregoing can be supplemented by, or incorporated in, ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits). [0111] A number of implementations of the invention have been described. Nevertheless, it will be understood that various modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, other embodiments are within the scope of the following claims. 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emerged | Random Thoughts Tag Archives: emerged Post navigation ← Older posts New Christian Convert from Islam Murdered Posted on April 23, 2011 by particularkev Muslim militants shoot young man dead after learning he had begun to follow Christ. NAIROBI, Kenya, April 20 (CDN) — Two Muslim extremists in Somalia on Monday (April 18) murdered a member of a secret Christian community in Lower Shabele region as part of a campaign to rid the country of Christianity, sources said. An area source told Compass two al Shabaab militants shot 21-year-old Hassan Adawe Adan in Shalambod town after entering his house at 7:30 p.m. “Two al Shabaab members dragged him out of his house, and after 10 minutes they fired several shots on him,” said an area source who requested anonymity. “He then died immediately.” The militants then shouted “Allahu Akbar [God is greater]” before fleeing, he said. Adan, single and living with his Muslim family, was said to have converted to Christianity several months ago. Area Christians said they suspected someone had informed the Islamic militants of his conversion. One source said that a relative who belonged to al Shabaab had told Adan’s mother that he suspected her son was a Christian. “This incident is making other converts live in extreme fear, as the militants always keep an open eye to anyone professing the Christian faith,” the source said. Two months ago there was heavy fighting between the rebel al Shabaab militants and forces of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), in which the TFG managed to recover some areas controlled by the rebels. Al Shabaab insurgents control much of southern and central Somalia. With estimates of al Shabaab’s size ranging from 3,000 to 7,000, the insurgents seek to impose a strict version of sharia (Islamic law), but the transitional government in Mogadishu fighting to retain control of the country treats Christians little better than the al Shabaab extremists do. While proclaiming himself a moderate, President Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed has embraced a version of sharia that mandates the death penalty for those who leave Islam. Al Shabaab was among several splinter groups that emerged after Ethiopian forces removed the Islamic Courts Union, a group of sharia courts, from power in Somalia in 2006. Said to have ties with al Qaeda, al Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by several western governments. On Jan. 7, a mother of four was killed for her Christian faith on the outskirts of Mogadishu by al Shabaab militia, according to a relative. The relative, who requested anonymity, said Asha Mberwa, 36, was killed in Warbhigly village when the Islamic extremists cut her throat in front of villagers who came out of their homes as witnesses. She is survived by her children – ages 12, 8, 6 and 4 – and her husband, who was not home at the time she was apprehended. Her husband and children have fled to an undisclosed location. 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Posted in Al Qaeda, al Shabaab, Christianity, Ethiopia, Islam, Somalia, War on Terror | Tagged 2006, Akbar, Al Qaeda, al Shabaab, Allahu, apprehended, Asha Mberwa, begun, belonged, better, between, campaign, central, children, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christians, community, control, controlled, conversion, convert, converted, country, Courts, cut, dead, death penalty, designated, died, dragged, embraced, emerged, entering, Ethiopia, Ethiopian, extreme, extremists, eye, faith, family, fear, fighting, fired, fled, fleeing, follow, forces, front, God, government, governments, greater, groups, Hassan Adawe Adan, heavy, homes, house, husband, immediately, impose, incident, informed, insurgents, Islam, Islamic, Islamic Courts Union, keep, killed, law, learning, leave, little, live, living, location, Lower Shabele, man, managed, mandates, member, militants, militia, moderate, Mogadishu, mother, murdered, Muslim, muslims, new, open, organization, outskirts, part, Persecution, power, President, proclaiming, professing, ranging, rebel, recover, region, relative, removed, rid, secret, seek, Shalambod, Sharia, Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed, shoot, shot, shots, shouted, single, size, Somalia, son, southern, splinter, strict, survived, suspected, terrorist, TFG, throat, ties, town, transitional, Transitional Federal Government, treats, undisclosed, version, village, villagers, Warbhigly, western, witnesses, young | Leave a comment Somali Family Laments Kidnapping of Christian Girl Posted on October 9, 2010 by particularkev Islamic extremist insurgents abducted 15-year-old nearly eight months ago. MOGADISHU, Somalia, October 6 (CDN) — An underground Christian family from central Somalia is agonizing over the kidnapping of their daughter nearly eight months ago by Islamic militants bent on punishing those who leave Islam. Ghelle Hassan Aded told Compass that he has not seen his 15-year-old daughter, Anab Ghelle Hassan, since Islamic extremists from the al Shabaab (“the Youth”) insurgency kidnapped her on Feb. 15. Certain that the militants would come after the rest of the family, they immediately fled, said Aded, who spoke with Compass from an undisclosed location in Somalia’s autonomous region of Puntland. The family formed part of a growing movement of underground Christians in Dhusa Mareb, capital of Galgaduud Region in central Somalia, said other sources in Somalia who confirmed the kidnapping. Aded and his family had become Christians in 2001 while living in Kampala, Uganda. In 2008, the family returned to Somalia and settled in Dhusa Mareb, where their tribesmen live. The al Shabaab insurgents fighting the Transitional Federal Government soon began monitoring the family’s activities. Aded said they took note that the family did not attend mosque, and on several occasions the insurgents or other Muslims questioned him. In Somalia, Christians hold small meetings in secret and are advised not to keep Bibles or other Christian literature at their homes; they often have to keep them buried in a hole. On Feb. 15, Aded and his wife sent young Hassan to the market to buy food, he said; relatives told them later that day that they saw al Shabaab insurgents kidnap her at 10 a.m. as she was going about her business at the local market. Knowing that the insurgents would soon come after the rest of his family, Aded said, he fled immediately with his wife, 11-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son to Puntland. At their location in Puntland, the family appeared devastated by the kidnapping, with Aded’s wife often weeping over the loss, but they said they maintain hope of seeing Anab again. “We are increasingly afraid of being discovered by the militants on our trail and wish to go back to Kampala as soon as possible,” Aded said. “After months of monitoring, the militants were convinced that we were practicing Christianity, contrary to their banning of all other religions in Somalia.” Al Shabaab insurgents control much of southern and central Somalia and have embarked on a campaign to rid the country of its hidden Christian population. With estimates of al Shabaab’s size ranging from 3,000 to 7,000, the insurgents seek to impose a strict version of sharia (Islamic law). Al Shabaab was among several splinter groups that emerged after Ethiopian forces removed the Islamic Courts Union, a group of sharia courts, from power in Somalia in 2006. Said to have ties with al Qaeda, al Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by several western governments. The transitional government in Mogadishu fighting to retain control of the country treats Christians little better than the al Shabaab insurgents do. While proclaiming himself a moderate, President Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed has embraced a version of sharia that mandates the death penalty for those who leave Islam. Report from Compass Direct News Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleStumbleUponPocketPinterestTumblrRedditLinkedInEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Posted in al Shabaab, Christianity, Ethiopia, Islam, Somalia, Uganda | Tagged 2001, 2006, 2008, abducted, activities, advised, afraid, agonizing, Al Qaeda, al Shabaab, Anab Ghelle Hassan, appeared, attend, autonomous, banning, began, bent, better, Bibles, buried, business, buy, campaign, capital, central, Christian, Christianity, Christians, confirmed, contrary, control, convinced, country, daughter, death penalty, designated, devastated, Dhusa Mareb, discovered, embarked, embraced, emerged, Ethiopia, Ethiopian, extremist, family, fighting, fled, food, forces, formed, Galgaduud Region, Ghelle Hassan Aded, girl, governments, groups, growing, hidden, hole, homes, hope, immediately, impose, increasingly, insurgency, insurgents, Islam, Islamic, Islamic Courts Union, Kampala, keep, kidnap, kidnapping, knowing, laments, leave, literature, little, live, living, local, location, loss, maintain, mandates, market, meetings, militants, moderate, Mogadishu, monitoring, mosque, movement, Muslim, muslims, note, occasions, organization, part, Persecution, power, practicing, President, proclaiming, punishing, Puntland, questioned, region, relatives, religions, removed, retain, returned, rid, secret, seeing, seek, settled, Sharia, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, small, Somali, Somalia, son, southern, splinter, strict, terrorist, the Youth, ties, trail, transitional, Transitional Federal Government, treats, tribesmen, Uganda, underground, undisclosed, version, weeping, western, wife, young | Leave a comment Posted on September 4, 2010 by particularkev Muslims said to use mistaken identity to stop activities of Christian who refused to recant. DHAKA, Bangladesh, August 27 (CDN) — A Christian convert from Islam was falsely arrested for cattle theft last weekend in a bid by influential Muslims to stop his Christian activities, area villagers said. Day laborer Abul Hossen, 41, was arrested on Saturday (Aug. 21) for alleged cattle theft in Dubachari village in Nilphamari district, some 300 kilometers (180 miles) northwest of the capital, Dhaka. Christian villagers told Compass that Hossen was the victim of “dirty tricks” by influential Muslims. “There is another Abul Hossen in the village who might be the thief, but his father-in-law is very powerful,” said Gonesh Roy. “To save his son-in-law, he imputed all the blame to a different Abul Hossen who is a completely good man.” Hossen, who converted to Christianity from Islam in 2007, has been very active in the community, and Muslims are harassing him with the charge so his ministry will be discredited and villagers will denounce his faith, Roy said. “If he can be accused in the cattle theft case, he will be put in jail,” Roy said. “He will be a convicted man, and local people and the believers will treat him as a cattle thief. So people will not listen to a thief whatsoever.” Some 150 villagers, about 20 percent of them Christian, went to the police station to plea for his freedom, he and other villagers said. Sanjoy Roy, a lay pastor with Christian Life Bangladesh, told Compass that Hossen was a fervent Christian and that some Muslims have been trying to harass him since his conversion. “They are hoping that if he is embarrassed by this kind of humiliation, he might not witness to Christ anymore, and it will be easy to take other converted Christians back to Islam,” Sanjoy Roy said. “He is a victim of dirty tricks by some local people.” Hossen was baptized on June, 12, 2007 along with 40 other people who were raised as Muslims. Of the 41 people baptized, only seven remained Christian, with villagers and Muslim missionaries called Tabligh Jamat forcing the remaining 34 people to return to Islam within six months, sources said. Local police chief Mohammad Nurul Islam told Compass that officers had arrested a cattle thief who confessed to police that his accomplice was named Abul Hossen. “Based on the thief’s confessional statement, we arrested Abul Hossen,” said Islam. “There are several people named Abul Hossen in the village, but the thief told exactly of this Abul Hossen whom we arrested.” Hossen denied the allegation that he was involved in cattle theft, Islam said. “Hossen is vehemently denying the allegation, but the thief was firm and adamantly said that Hossen was with him during the theft,” he said. “Then we took Hossen on remand for three days for further inquiry.” A former union council chairman who is Muslim, Aminur Rahman, also told Compass that Hossen was a scapegoat. “He is 100 percent good man,” said Rahman, who also went to the police station to plea for Hossen’s freedom the day after his arrest. “There are two or three people named Abul Hossen in the village. Anyone of them might have stolen the cattle, but I can vouch for the arrested Abul Hossen that he did not do this crime.” Whether Hossen is a Christian, Muslim or Hindu should not matter in the eyes of the law, Rahman said. “He is an innocent man,” he said. “So he should not be punished or harassed. That is why I went to police station to request police to free him.” Local government Union Council Chairman Shamcharan Roy, a Hindu from Lakmichap Union, told Compass that Hossen was not engaged in any kind of criminal activities. “In my eight years of tenure as a union council chairman, I did not find him engaged in any kind of criminal activities,” said Shamcharan Roy. “Even before my tenure as a chairman, I did not see him troublesome in the social matrix.” Immediately after Hossen’s arrest, Shamcharan Roy went to the police station and requested that he be freed, he added. “I was under pressure from local people to free him from custody – more than 100 villagers went to the police camp, getting drenched to the skin in the heavy downpour, and requested police to free him,” Shamcharan Roy said. “Police are listening to a thief but are deaf to our factual accounts about Abul Hossen.” In July 2007, local Muslims and Tabligh Jamat missionaries gathered in a schoolyard near the homes of some of the Christians who had been baptized on June 12, a source said. Using a microphone, the Muslims threatened violence if the converts did not come out. Fearing for their lives, the Christians emerged and gathered. The source said the Muslims asked them why they had become Christians and, furious, told them that Bangladesh was a Muslim country “where you cannot change your faith by your own will.” At that time, Hossen told Compass that Muslims in the mosque threatened to hang him in a tree upside down and lacerate his body with a blade. Hossen said the Muslims “do not allow us to net fish in the river” and offered him 5,000 taka (US$75) and a mobile phone handset if he returned to Islam. “But I did not give up my faith, because I found Christ in my heart,” Hossen told Compass in 2007. “They threatened me with severe consequences if I do not go back to Islam. I said I am ready to offer up my life to Christ, but I won’t renounce my faith in Him.” Report from Compass Direct News Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleStumbleUponPocketPinterestTumblrRedditLinkedInEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Posted in Bangladesh, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam | Tagged 2007, Abul Hossen, accomplice, accounts, accused, active, activities, adamantly, allegation, alleged, allow, Aminur Rahman, area, arrested, Bangladesh, baptized, believers, bid, blade, blame, body, camp, capital, cattle, chairman, change, charge, chief, Christ, Christian, Christian Life Bangladesh, Christianity, Christians, community, completely, confessed, confessional, consequences, conversion, convert, converted, convicted, council, country, crime, criminal, custody, Day, deaf, denied, denounce, denying, Dhaka, different, dirty, discredited, district, down, downpour, drenched, Dubachari, easy, embarrassed, emerged, engaged, eyes, factual, faith, falsely, father-in-law, fearing, fervent, firm, fish, forcing, former, found, free, freedom, furious, gathered, Gonesh Roy, good, government, handset, hang, harass, harassing, heart, heavy, Hindu, Hinduism, Hindus, homes, humiliation, identity, imputed, influential, innocent, inquiry, involved, Islam, jail, kind, laborer, lacerate, Lakmichap Union, law, lay, listen, listening, lives, local, man, matrix, microphone, ministry, missionaries, mistaken, mobile phone, Mohammad Nurul Islam, mosque, Muslim, muslims, named, net, Nilphamari, northwest, offer, offered, officers, Pastor, people, Persecution, plead, police, police station, powerful, pressure, punished, raised, recant, refused, remained, remand, renounce, request, returned, river, save, scapegoat, schoolyard, severe, Shamcharan Roy, skin, social, son-in-law, statement, stolen, stop, Tabligh Jamat, tenure, theft, thief, threatened, treat, tree, tricks, troublesome, Union, upside, use, vehemently, victim, village, villagers, violence, vouch, will, witness | Leave a comment Posted on January 19, 2010 by particularkev Muslim groups angered by ruling to allow Catholic newspaper to use word ‘Allah.’ KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, January 11 (CDN) — In unprecedented acts that stunned Christians in Malaysia, suspected Islamists have attacked eight church buildings since the country’s High Court ruled that a Catholic weekly could use the word “Allah.” Firebombs were thrown into the compounds of four churches in Kuala Lumpur and neighboring Petaling Jaya on Friday (Jan. 8); three more attacks occurred on Sunday (Jan. 10) in Taiping, Melaka and Miri; and another church building was hit today in Seremban. There were no reports of injuries. Judge Lau Bee Lan delivered the controversial court ruling on Dec. 31, arguing that the Herald had a constitutional right to use the word “Allah” for God in the Malay section of its multi-lingual newspaper. The ruling caused an uproar among many Muslim groups widely reported to have called for nationwide protests after Friday prayers, asserting that “Allah” can be used only in the context of Islam. Among groups calling for protests were the Muslim Youth Movement and the National Association of Muslim Students. Inflammatory rhetoric has emerged in the escalating conflict; at a protest in Shah Alam since protests began on Friday, a speaker at one rally urged listeners to “burn churches,” according to the online news site Malaysian Insider. The crowd reportedly stood in stunned silence. Malaysia’s Home Ministry filed an appeal against the High Court decision on Jan. 4. Two days later, the court allowed a freeze on the decision to permit the Herald to use the word “Allah” pending hearing in the Court of Appeal. The attacked churches were Metro Tabernacle (Assembly of God) in Kuala Lumpur, and three churches in Petaling Jaya: Life Chapel (Brethren), Assumption Church (Catholic) and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Lutheran); also damaged were All Saints’ Church (Anglican) in Taiping, Melaka Baptist Church in Melaka (vandalized but not firebombed), Good Shepherd Church (Catholic) in Miri (pelted with stones) and Sidang Injil Borneo (Evangelical Church of Borneo) in Seremban. Though there were no casualties, a number of the church buildings were damaged in the attacks. Metro Tabernacle suffered the worst damage, with the ground floor of its three-story building, which housed its administrative office, completely gutted. The main door of the church in Seremban was charred. The Rev. Ong Sek Leang, senior pastor of Metro Tabernacle, reportedly said that the church harbors no ill feelings toward the culprits and would forgive those responsible, but that it does not condone the acts. Most of the other church buildings suffered minor damage, though the Assumption Church was spared when the Molotov cocktail thrown into its compound failed to go off. The Melaka Baptist Church building was splashed with black paint, while stones were thrown into the Good Shepherd Church building in Miri. The Malaysian Insider reported on Friday (Jan. 8) that two other churches received telephone threats from unknown sources. Christian leaders, government and opposition leaders, and Non-Governmental Organizations have condemned the attacks. Police have promised to increase security around church buildings, but Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan told the Malaysian Insider that churches must beef up their own security since there is a shortage of police personnel. Malaysia’s population is about 60 percent Muslim, 19 percent Buddhist and 9 percent Christian. About 6 percent are Hindu, with 2.6 percent of the population adhering to Confucianism, Taoism and other traditional Chinese religions. The spate of church attacks shocked the Christian community and nation, as acts of violence on places of worship are unprecedented in Malaysia. Ramon Navaratnam, Chairman of the Centre of Public Policy Studies, said in a press statement on Friday (Jan. 8) that the attacks marked a “troubling trend” and “a low point in our nation’s history.” The same day, Malaysian Bar Council Chairman Ragunath Kesavan said in a press statement that the attacks were “shocking and offensive” and that “all right-minded Malaysians must condemn it as indecent and unacceptable.” Christian leaders strongly denounced the attacks and have asked the government to safeguard the community and its places of worship. They have also called on the government to take firm steps against the perpetrators while paving the way for greater understanding between the different religious communities. The Rev. Dr. Hermen Shastri, general secretary of the Council of Churches Malaysia, called on the government to “show zero tolerance for the use, threat or incitement, of violence as a means to pressure the decision of the court.” The Rev. Eu Hong Seng, chairman of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, called on the government “to take the necessary steps to educate those who lack understanding and are ‘easily confused’ to be mature-minded in a progressive democratic society.” Leaders on both sides of the political divide have also denounced the attacks, while a number of opposition leaders – including Anwar Ibrahim, adviser to the People’s Justice Party – put the blame on the United Malay National Organization (UMNO), the leading partner in the ruling coalition government. Anwar reportedly accused UMNO-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia of having incited Muslims over the court decision. A number of local commentators have also criticized Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein for not defusing rising tensions in the initial days of the court ruling. They have also come under fire for saying they would allow public demonstrations by Muslim groups to proceed, and that they would take action “only if things got out of hand.” Despite the attacks, a check with parishioners of several churches in the Klang Valley showed Christians were undeterred by the acts of violence and continued to gather for worship yesterday. Urging Christians to pray, Sam Ang, secretary-general of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, told Compass, “We see this as an opportunity to trust in the Lord and to revitalize our faith, especially for second-generation Christians.” Report from Compass Direct News Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleStumbleUponPocketPinterestTumblrRedditLinkedInEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Posted in Anglicans, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Brethren (Church), Buddhism, Christianity, Church of England, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Lutheran, Malaysia, Roman Catholicism, Taoism | Tagged action, Acts, adhering, administrative, adviser, against, All Saint's Church, Allah, allow, allowed, angered, Anglican, Anwar Ibrahim, appeal, arguing, Assembly of God, asserting, Assumption Church, attacked, Baptist, Bar Council, black, blame, brethren, Buddhist, building, buildings, burn, called, casualties, caused, Centre of Public Policy Studies, chairman, charred, check, Chinese, Christian, Christianity, Christians, church, churches, Coalition, commentators, communities, community, completely, compunds, condemned, condone, conflict, Confucianism, confused, constitutional, context, continued, controversial, Council of Churches Malaysia, court, Court of Appeal, criticized, crowd, culprits, damage, damaged, decision, defusing, delivered, Democratic, demonstrations, denounced, different, divide, door, Dr, easily, educate, emerged, escalating, Eu Hong Seng, Evangelical Church of Borneo, failed, feelings, filed, firebombed, firebombs, firm, floor, following, forgive, freeze, Friday, gather, General Secretary, God, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, government, greater, ground, groups, gutted, harbors, hearing, Herald, Hermen Shastri, high court, Hindu, Hishammuddin Hussein, History, hit, Home Minister, Home Ministry, housed, ill, incited, incitement, including, increase, indecent, inflammatory, initial, injuries, Inspector General of Police, Islam, Islamists, judge, Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur, lack, Lau Bee Lan, leaders, leading, Life Chapel, listeners, local, Lord, low, Lutheran, main, Malay, Malaysia, Malaysian, Malaysian Insider, marked, mature-minded, means, Melaka, Melaka Baptist Church, Metro Tabernacle, minor, Miri, Molotov Cocktail, multi-lingual, Musa Hassan, Muslim, Muslim Youth Movement, muslims, Najib Abdul Razak, nation, National Association of Muslim Students, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, nationwide, necessary, neighboring, news, newspaper, Non-Governmental Organizations, offensive, office, Ong Sek Leang, online, opportunity, opposition, paint, parishioners, partner, pelted, pending, People's Justice Party, permit, perpetrators, Persecution, personnel, Petaling Jaya, places, point, police, political, pray, prayers, press statement, pressure, Prime Minister, proceed, progressive, promised, protests, public, Ragunath Kesavan, rally, Ramon Navaratnam, religions, religious, reports, responsible, Rev, revitalize, rhetoric, right, right-minded, rising, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholics, ruling, safeguard, Sam Ang, second-generation, section, security, senior pastor, Seremban, Shah Alam, shocked, shocking, shortage, showed, Sidang Injil Borneo, silence, site, Society, sources, spared, speaker, splashed, steps, stones, stood, strongly, stunned, suffered, suspected, Taiping, Taoism, telephone, tensions, threats, three-storey, thrown, traditional, trend, troubling, trust, UMNO, unacceptable, understanding, undeterred, United Malay National Organization, unknown, unprecedented, uproar, urged, use, Utusan Malaysia, vandalized, violence, weekly, Word, worship, worst, zero tolerance | Leave a comment Posted on October 30, 2009 by particularkev Christians concerned as rightwing factions splinter to form militant outfits. Gone are the days when Christians had to watch out only for the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) and its youth wing, Bajrang Dal, which are closely linked with the most influential Hindu extremist umbrella organization, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). With voter support faltering for the RSS’s political wing, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), moderate and extremist sections within the Hindu nationalist movement are blaming each other, and militant splinter groups have emerged. Claiming to be breakaway factions of the RSS, new groups with even more extreme ideology are surfacing. The Abhinav Bharat (Pride of India), the Rashtriya Jagran Manch (National Revival Forum), the Sri Ram Sene (Army of god Rama), the Hindu Dharam Sena (Army for Hindu Religion) and the Sanatan Sanstha (Eternal Organization) have launched numerous violent attacks on Christian and Muslim minorities. The Sri Ram Sene was one of the most active groups that launched a series of attacks on Christians and their property in and around Mangalore city in the southern state of Karnataka in August-September 2008, according to a report, “The Ugly Face of Sangh Parivar,” published by the People’s Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL), in March 2009. In Jabalpur city in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, suspected extremists from the Abhinav Bharat attacked the Rhema Gospel Church on Sept. 28, according to the Global Council of Indian Christians. They had earlier attacked Pastor Sam Oommen and his family in the same city on Aug. 3. The Hindu Dharam Sena has become especially terrifying for Christians in Jabalpur. Between 2006 and 2008, Jabalpur was plagued by at least three anti-Christian attacks every month, according to The Caravan magazine. In the western state of Gujarat and other parts of the country, the Rashtriya Jagran Manch has also violently attacked Christians, according to news website Counter Currents. RSS ‘Too Mild’ The new groups, formed mostly by former members of RSS-connected outfits, find the Hindu nationalist conglomerate too “mild” to be able to create a nation with Hindu supremacy. The Sri Ram Sene, mainly active in south India, was started by Pramod Muthalik after he was expelled in 2007 from the Bajrang Dal, one of the most radical groups in the RSS family, for being an extremist, according to the daily newspaper DNA. The Hindu Dharam Sena was started by Yogesh Agarwal, former worker of the Dharam Jagran Vibhag (Religion Revival Department) of the RSS, also in 2007, as he felt “the RSS did not believe in violence,” according to The Caravan. He had earlier launched the Dharam Sena, an offshoot of the RSS, in Madhya Pradesh and neighboring Chhattisgarh state in 2006. Based out of Goa, a western state with a substantial number of Christians, the Sanatan Sanstha provides the ideological base for Hindu militant groups. It has close links with the Sri Ram Sene and publishes a periodical, Sanatan Prabhat, which occasionally spews hate against Christians. Media reports warn of tensions due to the recent spurt in activity of the splinter groups. “The hardliners are now getting into more extreme activities,” The Times of India daily quoted V.N. Deshmukh, former joint director of India’s Intelligence Bureau, as saying on Oct. 21. The most extremist sections are disillusioned with the way the RSS is functioning, said Mumbai-based Irfan Engineer, Director of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. Most RSS cadres were mobilized with an ideology that called for elimination of minorities, mainly Muslims and Christians, he told Compass, adding that many of them were highly disappointed with the way the movement was being led. He said the BJP was restricted when it led a coalition government at the federal level from 1998 to 2004, keeping it from effectively working towards a Hindu nation. A majority of the BJP’s allies in the National Democratic Alliance were not Hindu nationalists. “One section of the [Hindu nationalist] movement believes in acquiring state power by participating in parliamentary democracy, and the other wants to create a Hindu nation by violent means,” Engineer said. It is believed that the divide within the RSS family may deepen even further. Analysts believe that Hindu nationalism is losing relevance in national politics, as was evident in the two successive defeats of the BJP in the 2004 and 2009 general elections. Consequently, the RSS and the BJP may distance themselves from the hard-line ideology or make it sound more inclusive and less militant. After this year’s elections, the RSS increasingly has begun to talk about the threat China poses to India and the need for development in rural areas, instead of its pet issues like Islamist terrorism and Christian conversions. This has disappointed sections of the highly charged cadres even more, and the splintering may accelerate. For the next few years, “we will see more new names and new faces but with the same ideology and inspiration,” said Anwar Rajan, secretary of the PUCL in Pune. Whether the new groups truly have no connection with the RSS is not fully known – that appearance may be an RSS strategy to evade legal action, said Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer, chairman of the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism in Mumbai. He said relations between the RSS and the new groups can be compared with the ones between Maoist (extreme Marxist) rebels and the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) in India. While the CPI-M distances itself from Maoist violence, it speaks for the rebels whenever security forces crack down on them. At base, the newer rightwing groups surely have the sympathy of the RSS, said Pune-based S.M. Mushrif, former Inspector General of Police in Maharashtra, who has been observing Hindu extremist groups for years. Report from Compass Direct News Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleStumbleUponPocketPinterestTumblrRedditLinkedInEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Posted in China, Christianity, Communism, Hinduism, India, Islam, War on Terror | Tagged 1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, Abhinav Bharat, accelerate, acquiring, active, activity, allies, analysts, anti-Christian, Anwar Rajan, appearance, Archbishop, areas, Army for Hindu Religion, Army of god Rama, attacked, attacks, Bajrang Dal, base, based, believe, Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP, blaming, breakaway, bureau, cadres, Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, central, Centre for Study of Society and Secularism, chairman, Chhattisgarh, China, Christian, Christianity, Christians, city, claiming, close, closely, Coalition, Communal Violence Bill, communist, Communist Party of India-Marxist, compared, concerned, conglomerate, control, conversions, counter, Counter Currents, country, CPI-M, crack, create, daily, dangerous, deadlier, deepen, defeats, democracy, development, Dharam Jagran Vibhag, director, disappointed, disillusioned, distance, divide, DNA, down, earlier, ecumenical, effectively, elections, elimination, emerge, emerged, enactment, especially, Eternal Organization, evade, evident, expelled, extreme, extremist, faces, factions, faltering, family, federal, forces, form, formed, former, founding, functioning, fundamentalism, general, Global Council of Indian Christians, Goa, groups, growing, Gujarat, hate, held, highly, Hindu, Hindu Dharam Sena, Hinduism, Hindus, ideology, implement, inability, inclusive, increasingly, India, Inspector General of Police, inspiration, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Intelligence, Irfan Engineer, Islam, Islamist, issues, Jabalpur, joint director, Karnataka, keeping, kill, launched, leaders, led, legal, legislation, less, level, linked, Links, losing, Madhya Pradesh, magazine, Maharashtra, mainly, majority, Mangalore, Maoist, Marxist, means, media, meeting, members, mild, militant, minorities, minority, mobilized, moderate, more, movement, Mumbai, mushrooming, Muslim, muslims, names, nat ion, nation, national, National Democratic Alliance, National Revival Forum, nationalist, need, new, New Delhi, newer, news, newspaper, notes, observing, offshoot, organization, outfits, outlook, parliamentary, participating, parts, party, Pastor, People's Union of Civil Liberties, periodical, Persecution, pet, plagued, planning, political, Politics, poses, power, Pramod Muthalik, prevention, Pride of India, property, proposed, provides, published, PUCL, Pune, quoted, radical, Rashtriya Jagran Manch, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, rebels, recent, rehabilitation, relations, relevance, Religion Revival Department, religious, reports, restricted, Rhema Gospel Church, rightwing, rise, RSS, rural, S. M. Mushrif, Sam Oommen, Sanatan Prabhat, Sanatan Sanstha, secretary, Secretary General, sections, security, series, seriously, severe, south, southern, spews, splinter, spurt, Sri Ram Sene, Stanislaus Fernandes, started, strategy, substantial, successive, support, supremacy, surfacing, suspected, talk, tensions, terrifying, terrorism, The Caravan, The Times of India, The Ugly Face of Sangh Parivar, top, umbrella, V. N. Deshmukh, vicitims, violence, violent, violently, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, voter, warn, watch, Website, western, wing, worker, World Hindu Council, worrying, Yogesh Agarwal, youth | Leave a comment Kwitter is out! paper.li/particularkev Stories via @Peter_Fitz @OxfamAustralia 3 hours ago
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Etsy, Inc. is an American e-commerce company focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies." } ]
Heart-Lung Transplant | Green Snake Retold Finding ‘Conscious Awareness’ Posted on July 28, 2017 by dadsnook We have followed the life of Claire Sylvia who was found to have a severe heart condition as a child. In spite of period of weakness, she studied dance and tried to stay active. As her life progressed through early … Continue reading → Posted in Clair Sylvia, Uncategorized | Tagged Claire Sylvia, Conscious Awareness, Goethe's profile for Consicous Awareness, Heart-Lung Transplant | Leave a comment It was the four year anniversary of her heart-lung transplant, March 9, 1992. Claire was thinking of the past and of the future, something she had done each year since her transplant gave her a new, extended life. She had … Continue reading → Posted in Clair Sylvia, Uncategorized | Tagged Claire Sylvia, finding a new love, Heart-Lung Transplant, Making peace with a donor | Leave a comment Clair Sylvia. It Had To Happen. It Did Happen. Posted on July 20, 2017 by dadsnook Photo of an older Clair Sylvia Following her heart-lung transplant Sylvia had plenty of time to think about the gift she had received and the donor. Small shifts in her preferences for certain foods, small ways of acting, and her … Continue reading → Posted in Clair Sylvia, Uncategorized | Tagged Clair Sylvia, doubled up Part of Fortune, Dreams, Heart-Lung Transplant, meeting a donor's family, Moon opposite Sun in the 12th | Leave a comment Clair Sylvia: Post Operative Period & A Dream Posted on July 10, 2017 by dadsnook Following her heart-lung transplant, several days of recuperation in the hospital were required followed by at-home recuperation. Five days following her operation, Clair became deeply depressed. This seemed to counter the process of getting on a wait-list, being chosen for … Continue reading → Posted in Clair Sylvia, Uncategorized | Tagged Clair Sylvia, happiness astrological defined, Heart-Lung Transplant, leaving the hospital, natal MC at a Return chart's IC, recuperation | Leave a comment Part Two: Life Changes Due To A Heart & Lung Transplant Posted on July 2, 2017 by dadsnook Clair Sylvia’s childhood consisted of several twists and turns. She had been warned about engaging in strenuous activity due to her heart condition, diagnosed when she was only three years old. Later, still a child, she did engage in dance … Continue reading → Posted in Clair Sylvia, Uncategorized | Tagged Clair Sylvia, Heart-Lung Transplant, Part of Fortune, Pluto-Ascendant, Pluto-Moon | Leave a comment
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Great meal and incredibly nice service! - Review of Kunstlerklause, Coburg, Germany - TripAdvisor Great meal and incredibly nice service! - Kunstlerklause Review of Kunstlerklause Ranked #9 of 129 Restaurants in Coburg Not only did we have great food we were spoiled. They noted that we had English speaking guests with us and made sure that the menu was translated. One guest ordered the wrong food (based on another's guest recommendation) and the chef immediately prepared another dish. Absolutely fantastic and lovely surroundings, too. Ask ClanYoung about Kunstlerklause Ask igorko1976 about Kunstlerklause Ask Subsequent about Kunstlerklause The meal we ordered was typical schnitzel (pork), which was served with a small salad and potato salad. We were disappointed with what was delivered to us, as the schnitzel breading was more like a batter (it all came off at one point), and the potato salad had many pickles in it, which we are not huge fans of. While the meal disappointed, the actual building and location was nice which is rounding our review up to an overall average. Ask TwoOhTravelers about Kunstlerklause This is one place that has been consistently excellent over the last 20 or so years. Whenever I visit Coburg, this is the one place I will always go to and have never been disappointed. The service is spot-on, food superb and the Thuringian Dumplings something to die for. The wine list is very good, service outstanding and prices are reasonably high, but well worth it. Ask Hans E about Kunstlerklause Travelers who viewed Kunstlerklause also viewed Been to Kunstlerklause? Share your experiences!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Need A Language?: Heileen - Ch. 10 I do not remember the following days. I was very quiet. I could not bring myself to cry. I felt incredibly tired, as if all strength had been drained from me; I just wanted to lie on the bed and rest. The couch was even better: it felt so good to lay my head down and curl up on it. The back room had always been very quiet – the noises coming from outside hushed – and that lack of noise now suited me very well. Ann had immediately phoned to my parents, and they had come soon after. I could not bear to look at them, though. I didn’t want to be with anybody. I felt that It had been my fault. I had been selfish in my need to go to the wood. What did I want to prove? What had I done? Paul tried to break through to me; I remember him coming and going, because he needed to take care of things, but he was also frequently there with me and tried to talk to me and arouse me from the indolence I had fallen prey to. I realized only later how much he obviously needed me then, but I just couldn’t be there. My mind was a thousand miles away. I didn’t want to think; I did not want to be roused and talk; I just wanted to lie down and sleep. Robert was buried two days later in the church’s graveyard, but I don’t really remember any of it. Up to this day, I know the sequence of events because they have been related to me, but I can’t remember being there at the grave next to Paul. Oh, I’ve had nightmares about it. They came and went for quite some time, but it was always in a different setting – in a different place, with a different dress, or other people around me. I’ve tried hard over the years, but my mind has remained blind. Maybe it is better so. A mother should never witness his son’s death; she should never have to stand by his grave. Also the next days are blurred in my mind. We went back home, and my parents suggested I spend some time with them. Since I didn’t care, they decided for me, and I left with them the day after. The first thing I remember clearly is the stricken look in Paul’s face. He had called for help – screamed for it – in his comings and goings, but I had not wanted to listen – I could not, how could I? That look has haunted me in the following days; the remorse for having been deaf to him is probably what roused me in the end. And so my life changed for a short while. This is what I consider the darkest period of my life. Up to this day, I can only say I am glad it’s over. Unfortunately it’s far from forgotten. Mom had packed a small suitcase, taking what she thought I would need, which was mostly clothing. She took Windy, though, and set it on the chair next to the couch in the room upstairs. On the shelf in the same room there was a copy of the book my father had had published, but it was their copy and lacked all the tiny mementos I had collected over the years, and that were as part of it as the words themselves. I did not feel like reading, anyway, nor did I want to be involved in any activity. Father had to resume his work immediately, but Mom was able to take some days off – although not many. She would wake me up personally in the morning, and had to literally drag me off the couch and to the bathroom. I must have been a very poor sight, but I didn’t care. It was with difficulty that I followed her on her errands, or sat at some neighbor’s house, who had been so kind as to invite us, just because they knew I needed to see people. Why didn’t they leave me alone? At times I even thought this was all a punishment: I had refused to accept the move to the new house and had run away to the wood instead; now the events had taken me forcibly to the same house I had not wanted to live in. It was as if things were trying to set themselves back to the way they should have been: I was not pregnant; I had no child, and I could behave as if I were not even married. Paul would work all week long on the farm and catch the last bus on Friday afternoons. I was polite to him, and of course I did not object to him sleeping with me, but I was distant – very distant. He would almost always bring me something – either from him or from the other members of the family. It could be flowers, or a cake Ann had baked specially for me, or yet again the peaches we grew in our orchard. I said thank you and put the flowers in a vase, or tasted the cake and the peaches. Together with the gifts there was always a letter. They were from Ann and Frank mostly – some from Kevin, or Trisha and Paula. After a couple of weeks he wrote one himself, obviously thinking that – since I would not listen to him – maybe he could get through to me in writing. Together we would walk around the neighborhood, visit with friends, and go to church on Sundays – of course. I remember very little. He was always very nice to me, and I followed him without questioning – but without caring, either. He would leave just after lunch on Sundays, hugging me hard and kissing me on the forehead. And so the days passed. Mom had to go back to work, and I was free to stay home and do what I wanted – which amounted to nothing. I would spend hours at a time sitting on the couch and simply staring at the wall. I would then go down to the living room and might decide to listen to the radio for a while. I never ventured out by myself, and was reluctant to open the door when a neighbor knocked. Most of the times I would pretend not to be in; sometimes I would open out of guilt. I would be polite, making tea, or offering some other kind of refreshment; it was clear, though, that I wished they would leave soon, and they most often did. Mom and Dad scolded me for that, pointing out how kind these people were, and how important it was for me to do things. Of course I understood well they were being very kind, but I was in no mood to notice at the time. Mom began to ask me to make myself useful around the house, so that I would not remain idle all the time. It was right, of course; she was a workingwoman, and it was just natural that she would ask me – who had a lot of free time – to help. So I did my chores because it was asked of me, but I did them hastily, and it showed. After a month or so I think something began to change. I would still spend my days in the house, but I would now hold Windy in my lap when I was upstairs, and I started to talk to it again, like I did when I was a kid. I did look so much like a kid, and as such I had to be told what to do, how to dress, and what to eat. I had lost weight, and I must have really looked like a scarecrow. Mother did her best to change the situation; she would go out of her way to cook my favorite dishes, or to raise my interest with something, but it was all in vain. I just wanted to be with my favorite teddy bear. I talked to it about Robert, and slowly detailed to him the events of his last day. I opened my heart to him, in the hope of finding absolution. Of course none came, but I was slowly feeling better. That’s when the nightmares began. I kept reliving Bobby’s burial, but never in the same way. I wouldn’t recognize the place, or the people next to me; sometimes it was hard even to understand where I was at first. What was common about those dreams was the terror and terrible pain, and then the guilt that came with them, and I would wake up sweating – to remain awake for the rest of the night. That’s also when I understood for the first time that I did not actually remember the events; the realization increased my guilt; how could a mother not remember? It was my beloved child lying there in the dark forever! A little later I put aside my reluctance to read the book my parents had provided, and I started to look for the pages I had marked in mine. It was time consuming, and I spent a whole day at it, forgetting my chores, but feeling a warmth I hadn’t felt in weeks. My mother came home that afternoon while I was crying in my room, and we embraced and held each other long and hard, until also Dad arrived and found us there. The book kept me company for many days, and I started to put new bookmarks into the pages – a photograph, the petal of a flower, or a leaf. It was good company; I knew I could rely on it to whisper the right things to my heart. “… Do not shun sorrow; It’ll stalk you forever.” “You were here in my mind, and now you’ve gone forever. I think of what you could have been, and never will. And my heart grieves.” Later that month I finally read all the letters Paul had brought. The first ones – from Ann and Frank, or my friends – were all in the same tone: it had not been my fault to start with, and I should reconcile myself with the situation and come home. I was young and had a whole life in front of me; I could not waste it – I owed it to myself and to Paul. I actually did not know what to do with my life. It’s so much easier to do nothing – things tend to become blurred, and you feel less pain. I wanted to feel no pain, and I assumed that I could not feel pain for something I was not thinking about. As I was beginning to understand reading Mom’s book, I had been wrong, because those days kept coming back to me. I kept seeing little Robert as if he were still alive, and the look on Paul’s face the day of my departure was very vivid and kept nagging at me. I read those letters over and over again, slowly trying to believe in what was written in them. Some – the later ones – were even entertaining. They were from Trisha or Paula; in them they told about their lives. I remember Trisha had left her boyfriend at a certain point, and was trying to make me understand why she had to do it. Paula and her boyfriend, on the other hand, seemed to be very much in love, but that precluded her from seeing her friends (I remember I wondered why, but I never asked her). The summer went by without me; of it, I remember the nights – when the nightmares and the heat kept me awake – more than the days. These were now passing faster, but I still could not bring myself to open Paul’s letter. I dared not see in writing what I assumed he was thinking of me – that it was my fault, and I was the only one to blame. Summer was drawing to an end, and I could feel the change in the air, as the days were getting cooler, and the hours of light fewer. Paul kept coming over the weekends. He hadn’t written any more letters, and had never mentioned that one. He kept bringing presents, though – a small carving, a flower, or some sweet. Those little thoughts were as dear to me as he was, but I would not let my feelings show. Only in the solitude of my room could I bear to look at them and cherish them. And then one day I opened the letter and started to read: My dear Heileen, It’s hard for me to commit my feelings to paper. It’s never easy to express clearly what’s inside oneself. I work at the farm and come back in the evening to an empty seat at table and a cold bed. I don’t mean to be reproachful, mind! I keep asking myself what it is I did wrong. How could I not find a way to touch Your soul in those days after our dear Bobby’s death? A man’s supposed to give strength to his family, and I failed. I failed to be there and hold You tight; I should have never let You go! Everything here reminds me of the life we had together. I can see Bobby’s face looking up at me from behind the couch, or smiling from his crib in the morning. And I am afraid to go to our room at night because sleep is so hard to come! I miss him, and I miss You. In the middle of the day I take a short break from work, and I can almost feel You there beside me – little Bobby in Your arms – like You have been so many times. Sometimes I think I can hear You coming from behind, but then I turn around, and I realize it was just the wind mocking me. At other times I wake up in the middle of the night and call Your name. Will You ever forgive me, Heileen? I need You so badly it hurts, and I don’t have the strength to go on hurting this way. It will be hard, and it will take a long time, but I know that – if we are together – we will be able to accept Bobby’s death. God has tried us hard, but we must have faith in Him, and go on with our life. TOGETHER. We have each other, and I love You. Do You remember the day I found You in the wood? I promised then that I would always stand by You, and I failed in my promise. I am sorry, so very sorry! But I swear that, if You have me again, I’ll always be at Your side. This is my sweetest dream – that I may one day come to Your house, and see that Your face has changed – that You don’t hate me anymore. I need to look into Your wonderful eyes, and have them look back at me, like they used to. As the days pass, and our wedding anniversary draws near, I am overcome by contrasting emotions. We have been happy together, and I was looking forward to celebrating this day with You. But then I remember that it was its celebration that brought about our son’s death. Any time I hear a thunder, I can’t help crying, and I weep for him, for myself, and for You. But if You can’t bring Yourself to love me still, I beg You to say it. Just state it clearly, and I promise I’ll never bother You anymore. I’ll stop coming to your house, and You’ll never hear from me again, if this is Your wish. I love You, Heileen. I’ve loved You since the first day I saw You, and my love has grown, and my heart feels broken and empty now that You’re not here. I finished the letter with eyes full of tears. He was sorry, and he thought I hated him! How could that be? I had let almost two months pass and had said nothing at all to him. He had kept coming; waiting for something – anything – that told him he hadn’t lost me. I had been so blind! I was so taken by my hurt that I was unable to see his, and I realized now that it must be at least as great as mine. After all, the kid in the grave was his son as much as he was mine. I retreated to my room early that evening – barely touching my dinner. My parents said nothing; they had given up hope, I think, of changing my behavior. I had refused to go out, to see people, to interact with them. And I must have looked like a very bad wife. Paul had stood by me when I had needed him, but I had not done so in his time of need. And I had let misunderstanding seep between us. I felt that nothing would be well again. It was Wednesday. I would have liked to run out of the house and walk all the way to the farm to see him. On the other hand, I felt so ashamed that I was not sure I should have gone back at all. And so I waited. Time never passes when you’re waiting. It was just two days, but I did a lot of things in those two days. I was active around the house, and I started to go out on errands. My mother was the first to notice the change, of course, and – having divined the reason for it – simply said nothing and welcomed my new mood. With father it was a little different. Of course he knew, but he kept wary – as if he needed to see to make sure. I would catch him looking at me during dinner, or he would stop in the lawn when he came home, and glimpse inside to see what I was doing. Finally Friday came, and as always Dad went to the bus station on his way home. I was in the kitchen as Paul stepped off the car. Mom went to the door to say hello, and then remained with Dad, so as to give us privacy. Paul came into the kitchen and busied himself in helping me with whatever I was doing – making light conversation, as he had gotten used to doing lately. He probably thought that it was better than keeping silent. He hated it when we didn’t talk. I kissed him hello, but was too ashamed to go further. I wanted to throw myself into his arms, and yet it was so difficult. In the end I just told him that we needed to talk, and that we could do so after dinner. Fool! Why was I being such a fool? And so we talked later. We retired to our room after dinner. He must have understood something from the way Mother was behaving. The house must have felt too cheerful to him – such a strange thing as of lately. I told him I was sorry and begged him to forgive me. As I opened my mouth to talk, all the words that had been left unspoken rushed out of me, and I kept speaking – repeating myself – saying a thousand things together. I do not remember exactly what I said, nor do I know what he replied – words kept bumping into each other. At the end he just held me silently, stroking my hair, and whispering endearments. We did not make love that night. We were too exhausted, and – as it was hard to fall asleep – we just lay side by side. We had negotiated a truce, and I think we needed to get used to each other again. I knew I was guilty for not having stayed by his side, and I wanted him to understand this. It was not – could not absolutely be his fault! At last I must have talked myself to sleep. We made love the next day, and then we knew it was all right, and that the dark days were over. We left on Sunday afternoon to return home, with the promise to visit my parents again soon, but – as my father pointed out – never to return to stay, unless we both agreed on it. Dad had held me on his lap that afternoon and had asked me to stand by my wows, as I should have already done. He had grown fond of Paul, and he did not like the way I had hurt him. My place was next to him and not with them – his love for me as a father notwithstanding. He would look forward to our visit, of course, but he would not put up with any women’s tantrums, as he called this.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Gedeon Richter Marketing Polska Sp.z o.o: Private Company Information - Bloomberg Gedeon Richter Marketing Polska Sp.z o.o operates as a subsidiary of Gedeon Richter Plc. ul. Królowej Marysienki 70. Warsaw, 02-954 48 22 642 6739 48 22 858 2390 Key Executives for Gedeon Richter Marketing Polska Sp.z o.o Gedeon Richter Marketing Polska Sp.z o.o does not have any Key Executives recorded. To contact Gedeon Richter Marketing Polska Sp.z o.o, please visit www.gedeonrichter.pl. Company data is provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Please use this form to report any data issues.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Bloomberg News (originally Bloomberg Business News) is an international news agency headquartered in New York City and a division of Bloomberg L.P. Content produced by Bloomberg News is disseminated through Bloomberg Terminals, Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets, Bloomberg.com, and Bloomberg's mobile platforms. Since 2015, John Micklethwait has served as editor-in-chief." } ]
delicious food• valentine's day 1. Fry your seafood cocktail in a pan on medium heat together with crushed garlic and chilli. 2. Prepare tagliatelle as per instructions on the packet (usually boil for 3 minutes). 3. Mix together in a pan. 4. Top with roughly chopped flat leaf parsley! Oh yes. The pud. I know that I'm usually serving you my every-day gym shenanigans (via Insta stories) but that changes nothing about my belief that every good day should end with an even better pudding. Do you remember the Espana-inspired baked figs in red wine sprinkled with cheddar? That's exactly what I want my Valentine's Day to taste like. Good wine and dirty figs.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]