3 values
2 values
1 value
The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Sunken Crown equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult penguin in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Eclipsed Realm is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Gleaming Bastion equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult moas in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult addax in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Eternal Sands. The number of adult blackbuck in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult sable antelope in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult topi in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shatterstorm Canyon is the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult cerberus in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 times the number of adult chimera in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Eternal Sands equals 2 times the number of adult thylacine in Eternal Sands. The number of adult orca in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 times the number of adult minke whale in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Lusterflow Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult king cobra in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult vaquita in Sparkdust Plain equals 4 times the number of adult humpback whale in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult sun conure in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult gobies in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult walrus in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult narwhal in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult patas monkey in Twilight Thrones equals 2 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult rattlesnake in Sunken Crown is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Gleaming Bastion is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult moas in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult dodo in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Gleaming Bastion is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult dugong in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult hooded seal in Sparkdust Plain equals 1 times the number of adult elephant seal in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Tempest Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult tern in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Luminous Keep. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Eclipsed Realm is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Auric Expanse. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Thundershade Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult kakapo in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Golden Rift is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Stormfield equals 3 times the number of adult fennec fox in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Starfire Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult chihuahua in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult beaked whale in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult addax in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult bats in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult wombat in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Auric Expanse. The number of adult gelada in Silverdepth Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Solar Mirage. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult cladoceran in Gleaming Bastion is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult copepod in Gleaming Bastion is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult kudu in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult potoroo in Luminous Drift equals 2 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult guinea pig in Luminous Keep. The number of adult coqui frog in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunken Crown. The number of adult wildebeest in Starbloom Palace is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Eternal Sands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Eternal Sands. The number of adult forest mammoth in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult leopard frog in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult chaetognath in Gleaming Bastion is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult fennec mule in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult foraminifera in Gleaming Bastion is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Stellar Wastes equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult walrus in Twilight Dunes is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult southern mammoth in Abyssal Citadel is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult howler monkey in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Hailstone Mesa equals 3 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult greenland shark in Solar Mirage equals 2 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult mole in Luminous Keep. The number of adult moray eel in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Gleaming Bastion is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Stellar Wastes equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult king penguin in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult wood frog in Starfire Expanse is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult sun conure in Opaline Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult arctic wolf in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Silverdepth Bastion equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult patas monkey in Silverdepth Bastion is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult meerkat in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Gilded Mirage is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kitsune in Auroral Tempestfield equals 1 plus the number of adult griffin in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult painted bunting in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult great auk in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult walrus in Dreamspire Keep equals 4 times the number of adult sea lion in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Auric Expanse. The number of adult blue monkey in Stormspire Heights equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Luminous Keep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Luminous Keep. The number of adult radiolaria in Gleaming Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Stormshade Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Gilded Mirage is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Silverdepth Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult bongo in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult desert locust in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Nebulight Abyss is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Golden Rift equals 3 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Electrovalley equals 1 times the number of adult langoustine in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult greyhound in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Sandspire Expanse. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult vaquita in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult elk in Auric Expanse. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Vault. The number of adult red bishop in Radiant Catacombs equals 3 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult nyala in Starbloom Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult nyala in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult nemean lion in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult fenrir in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Sunken Crown is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult gouldian finch in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 times the number of adult sea slug in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Moonshadow Palace equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 plus the number of adult corn snake in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Thundershade Pass equals 2 times the number of adult kingfisher in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Shimmerstone Hall equals 2 plus the number of adult topi in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult california sea lion in Sparkdust Plain equals 3 times the number of adult beaked whale in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nebulight Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult coypu in Gleamreef Throne is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Sands. The number of adult elephant seal in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult sea otter in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult musk ox in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult bushbuck in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult bongo in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Velvet Sands. The number of adult leopard gecko in Gleamreef Throne is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Eternal Sands equals 3 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult duiker in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult night monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult howler monkey in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult bison in Auric Expanse. The number of adult noctiluca in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 2 times the number of adult radiolaria in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Eternal Sands. The number of adult arctic wolf in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult velociraptor in Solar Mirage. The number of adult vervet monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult serval in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Silverdepth Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Electrovalley equals the number of adult blue crab in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult wombat in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Luminous Keep is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult red bishop in Thundershade Pass equals 2 times the number of adult flamingo in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Stellar Wastes equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult kraken in Lightning Gorge is the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult aye-aye in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Eternal Sands is the total number of adult animals in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult bettas in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 times the number of adult reticulated python in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult chimpanzee in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult king cobra in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult humpback whale in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamspire Keep is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult nyala in Cyclone Peaks is the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult orangutan in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult roadrunner in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult fennec fox in Stormshade Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Electrovalley. The number of adult leopard frog in Twilight Thrones is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Starfire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleaming Bastion is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eternal Sands is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Golden Rift. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult paradise tanager in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult toucan in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Stormshade Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult addax in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult eland in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult sun conure in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult steamer duck in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult baboon in Twilight Thrones equals 1 times the number of adult fire salamander in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult bettas in Whispering Vault equals 3 times the number of adult okapi in Whispering Vault. The number of adult thorny devil in Thunderveil Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult cicada in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rat in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Sunglint Wastes is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silverdepth Bastion equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult african penguin in Velvet Sands equals 4 plus the number of adult basenji in Velvet Sands. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Dreamspire Keep equals 4 times the number of adult blue whale in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Eternal Sands. The number of adult roan antelope in Starbloom Palace equals 1 plus the number of adult roan antelope in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult bandicoot in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult orangutan in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Golden Rift. The number of adult blackbuck in Starbloom Palace equals 2 times the number of adult hartebeest in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult northern cardinal in Thundershade Pass is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult orangutan in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shimmerstone Hall equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lightning Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult acantharian in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult siberian husky in Sunglint Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Auric Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Twilight Stormfield is the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Sunken Crown. The number of adult vervet monkey in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult eastern newt in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult desert locust in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult golden mole in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult macaw in Luminous Keep is the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ghost crab in Crystal Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult rock wallaby in Luminous Drift equals 2 times the number of adult wombat in Luminous Drift. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult fin whale in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult golden mole in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult firefly in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult potoroo in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult iguana in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystaldust Flats is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult potoroo in Nebulight Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Stellar Wastes equals 1 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult stegodon in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult chihuahua in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystaldust Flats equals 2 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult cerberus in Aurora Citadel is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sunglint Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsed Realm equals 3 times the number of adult parasaurolophus in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult vervet monkey in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult diatom in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult addax in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult wasp in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult golden mole in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult bilby in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult harp seal in Solar Mirage is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult bettong in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult thorny devil in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult deinonychus in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult langoustine in Crystal Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult minotaur in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Crystaldust Flats equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult scorpion in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult golden mole in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult horned lizard in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Sandspire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sunglint Wastes equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult forest mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult griffin in Aurora Citadel is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult capuchin in Stormspire Heights is the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Silverdepth Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult scorpion in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult thorny devil in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult lionfish in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult blue monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the number of adult lemming in Luminous Keep. The number of adult gelada in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult patas monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult gibbon in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult akita in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Electrovalley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult king cobra in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult tsessebe in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult gerenuk in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Stormchaser Plains is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tempest Vale. The number of adult roc in Aurora Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult black panther in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the number of adult krill in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gleaming Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shimmerstone Hall is the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult marbled salamander in Frostveil Ruins is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult moray eel in Whispering Vault equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Whispering Vault. The number of adult coyote in Moonlit Mirage is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult sperm whale in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult blue hawk in Thundershade Pass equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult quokka in Luminous Drift is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Luminous Keep equals 4 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Luminous Keep. The number of adult gouldian finch in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult weka in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult roan antelope in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Nimbus Ravine is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult fairy penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult poodle in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult beluga whale in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Sunglint Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult african clawed frog in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult euphausiid in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult snares penguin in Luminous Drift is the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult bowhead whale in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult polar bear in Solar Mirage. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult tiger in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult sugar glider in Moonshadow Palace is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult leviathan in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult pegasus in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult bongo in Shatterstorm Canyon is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult great auk in Sunken Crown is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult thaliacean in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult tsessebe in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult manta ray in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult rotifer in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult lynx in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsed Realm is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Drift. The number of adult collared lemming in Solar Mirage equals 4 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Solar Mirage. The number of adult coyote in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Starfire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult black widow spider in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult macaque in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult roc in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult inland taipan in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult little blue penguin in Galecrash Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult kiwi in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult tiger prawn in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult kitsune in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult rock wallaby in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult koala in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Eclipsed Realm is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult cheetah in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult scorpion in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult horned lizard in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Tempest Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Silverdepth Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The number of adult dragon in Crystal Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 3 plus the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult orangutan in Silverdepth Bastion is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the sum of the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult chihuahua in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lightning Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult green basilisk in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult elk in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Keep. The number of adult southern mammoth in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult indian elephant in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Stellar Wastes equals 4 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult orca in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult manatee in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult seal in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult moas in Sunken Crown. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Galecrash Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult puma in Aurora Citadel is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult humpback whale in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult desert locust in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Sunken Crown equals 1 plus the number of adult tinamous in Sunken Crown. The number of adult goblin shark in Whispering Vault is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult coyote in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult roadrunner in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult moray eel in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult elephant seal in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult vaquita in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult bullfrog in Frostveil Ruins is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult kitsune in Aurora Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult kitsune in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The number of adult night monkey in Twilight Thrones equals 2 plus the number of adult baboon in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nemean lion in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult kitsune in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult selkie in Aurora Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult tiger in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2 times the difference between the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Moonlit Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult addax in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult manticore in Crystal Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shimmerstone Hall equals 3 plus the number of adult gazelle in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Auric Expanse. The number of adult california sea lion in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Blitzcrag Summit equals 3 times the number of adult patas monkey in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Tempest Vale equals 1 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Tempest Vale. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the number of adult moas in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Luminous Keep equals 3 times the number of adult okapi in Luminous Keep. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult elephant in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Velvet Sands. The number of adult fenrir in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult rat in Luminous Keep. The number of adult royal penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult dhole in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult fenrir in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult leviathan in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 plus the number of adult hydra in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Shimmerstone Hall equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Stormshade Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult sea slug in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Starfire Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult noctiluca in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Golden Rift equals the number of adult tiger in Golden Rift. The number of adult dolphin in Sparkdust Plain is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hooded seal in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult sea otter in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult patas monkey in Stormspire Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult gelada in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult tiger in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Stormchaser Plains. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The number of adult forest mammoth in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult coconut crab in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult lobster in Crystal Abyss.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch as D; so D = x = x. We know D = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult royal penguin in Twilight Fold equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult king crab in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult stingray in Cloudburst Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Lightningspire Plateau is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult leopard frog in Lightning Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Nimbus Ravine is the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult bettas in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult pipefish in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult desert locust in Electrovalley equals 2 times the number of adult jerboa in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Stormfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult tapir in Quartz Hollows is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult dungeness crab in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Shimmergrove. The number of adult blue monkey in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult surinam toad in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Evershade Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult stegodon in Evershade Rift. The number of adult oryx in Veilshade Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 3 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 times the number of adult desert locust in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Lumina Glade. The number of adult moray eel in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult marbled salamander in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult baboon in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shardspire Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult triceratops in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult okapi in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult archerfish in Cloudburst Basin equals 1 times the number of adult barracuda in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult boxfish in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult parrotfish in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult vervet monkey in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult gibbon in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult gelada in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Opal Thickets equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Evershade Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Aurora Rift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Eclipsed Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Galecrash Chasm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shimmer Valley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult agouti in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult butterfly in Ethereal Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult thaliacean in Thunderclap Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult bushbuck in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Crystalpine Glen is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Evershade Rift equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Lustervale equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Lustervale. The number of adult coconut crab in Veilshade Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mole in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult roc in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult glass frog in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult sugar glider in Shatterstorm Canyon is the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult golden mole in Electrovalley equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult vole in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult boxfish in Gleamveil Timberland is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Lustervale equals 3 times the number of adult milk snake in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult agouti in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Opal Thickets equals 2 times the number of adult wallaby in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult mouse in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult poodle in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult basenji in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Eclipsed Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult basenji in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult larvacean in Thunderclap Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult ocelot in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glistenreach equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Lustervale equals 1 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Radiant Glen is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult coypu in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glistenreach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Glistenreach. The number of adult mosasaurus in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult velociraptor in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Evershade Rift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Evershade Rift. The number of adult mosasaurus in Thundershade Pass equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult wood frog in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult bullfrog in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult blue monkey in Starlight Dells equals 3 times the number of adult nightjar in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Twilight Fold. The number of adult coconut crab in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 plus the number of adult vole in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult archerfish in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult gobies in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Iridescent Wilderness is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult mouse lemur in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult bush baby in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit is 1 times the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult roadrunner in Radiant Hollows is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult stonefish in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult potoroo in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shardspire Woods is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult grasshopper in Tempest Vale equals 3 times the number of adult blackbuck in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult coyote in Electrovalley equals 3 times the number of adult addax in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult surinam toad in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult marine iguana in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Eclipsed Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustervale. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Thunderveil Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult moas in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Evershade Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Dusksong Glen equals 3 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult boomslang in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult coconut crab in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult chaetognath in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult gelada in Starlight Dells equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Starlight Dells. The number of adult butterfly in Tempest Vale equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Sunset Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult albatross in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult kangaroo in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult ackie monitor in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The number of adult fairy penguin in Twilight Fold equals 1 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Twilight Fold. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Fold equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Twilight Fold. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Lightning Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The number of adult shiba inu in Dusklight Gorge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult green iguana in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult kitsune in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult roc in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult stingray in Starshard Copse equals 4 plus the number of adult sea slug in Starshard Copse. The number of adult rock wallaby in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult guppy in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult pufferfish in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult tiger in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult hartebeest in Dusksong Glen is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult nemean lion in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult manticore in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult pangolin in Radiant Glen is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult capuchin in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult russell's viper in Whisperwood Vale is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shimmer Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult cerberus in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult cassowary in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Iridescent Wilderness equals 1 times the number of adult gobies in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult emu in Thunderveil Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult boxfish in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 times the number of adult sea urchin in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Lightningspire Plateau is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult coqui frog in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult crab in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Crystalpine Glen is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the number of adult gorilla in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Aurora Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Aurora Rift. The number of adult poison dart frog in Radiant Glen is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Crystalpine Glen equals 4 times the number of adult sugar glider in Crystalpine Glen. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside is greater than 0. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult bush baby in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Quartz Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sunset Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult razorbill in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult green iguana in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Sunset Hollow is 3 times the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult sand cat in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult macaw in Quartz Hollows is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult tinamous in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Radiant Glen is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipsed Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult sugar glider in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Dells is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Lustervale is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult sea slug in Stormspire Heights equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult addax in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult capuchin in Glimmerroot Valley is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult paca in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult marbled salamander in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult lobster in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult sugar glider in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult bullfrog in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult macaque in Glimmerroot Valley is the total number of adult animals in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult baboon in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult axolotl in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult glass frog in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult egret in Sunset Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Shardspire Woods is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult gray whale in Shimmergrove is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult vole in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 plus the number of adult walrus in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult triceratops in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult barracuda in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult lionfish in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult archerfish in Gloamhaven is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult acantharian in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult acantharian in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult fennec mule in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult aye-aye in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Glimmerroot Valley is 2 times the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult langoustine in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 plus the number of adult snow crab in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult dormouse in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Glistenreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Evershade Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult arctic hare in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult chihuahua in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult tiger in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Glistenreach. The number of adult cerberus in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult hydra in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult numbat in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Stormchaser Plains equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult bandicoot in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult fenrir in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult pegasus in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult black mamba in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Gloamhaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiant Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Radiant Glen. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult angelfish in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Crystalbough Reserve equals 4 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Nimbus Ravine is the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult bison in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult griffin in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult compsognathus in Thundershade Pass equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Aurora Rift is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glistenreach. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult rock lobster in Shimmergrove equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Stormchaser Plains equals 3 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult rainbow boa in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult grasshopper in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Dusksong Glen is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse. The number of adult gelada in Shimmer Valley is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult gibbon in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult southern mammoth in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 times the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Flarebark Forest equals 3 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dusksong Glen equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult king penguin in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult penguin in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult compsognathus in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult coqui frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult cane toad in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shimmer Valley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the number of adult crested gecko in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult koala in Sunset Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult pipefish in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult oryx in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult rotifer in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult mosquito in Tempest Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult walking stick in Tempest Vale. The number of adult bettas in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Opal Thickets is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult vaquita in Ecliptic Stormspire is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Evershade Rift is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult tiger prawn in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult hermit crab in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Opal Thickets. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gloamhaven is the total number of adult animals in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Glistenreach equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Stormfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult southern right whale in Twilight Stormfield is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shadowfern Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult sea anemone in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shimmer Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult coqui frog in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gloamhaven equals 1 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Gloamhaven. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult fennec mule in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult stingray in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult electric eel in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Evershade Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Evershade Rift. The number of adult copperhead in Whisperwood Vale is the total number of adult animals in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult gorilla in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Rift. The number of adult patas monkey in Starlight Dells equals 4 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult langoustine in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult snow crab in Shimmergrove. The number of adult blue hawk in Evershade Rift is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Silverleaf Dells equals 4 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult tiger prawn in Auroral Tempestfield equals 1 plus the number of adult groundhog in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiant Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Radiant Glen. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult sun conure in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipsed Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Prismatic Canopy is the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult peacock in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult rock wallaby in Quartz Hollows is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult african clawed frog in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Silverleaf Dells equals 3 times the number of adult baboon in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult ross's gull in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult nemean lion in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult green anaconda in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult bandicoot in Glowbark Glade equals 2 times the number of adult nightjar in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Silverleaf Dells is the total number of adult animals in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult fox in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult cane toad in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult lobster in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the number of adult bettas in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Stormshade Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Fold equals 4 plus the number of adult giraffe in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Lumina Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Lumina Glade. The number of adult barracuda in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult pipefish in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult desert locust in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult thorny devil in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lightningspire Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult cerberus in Glintshade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult gecko in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Sunset Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Evershade Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult noctiluca in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult macaw in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult leviathan in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult king penguin in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult mangrove snake in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult wood frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult tiger prawn in Veilshade Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult langoustine in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Flarebark Forest equals 2 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult frilled lizard in Dusksong Glen is the total number of adult animals in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Stormchaser Plains equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult royal penguin in Gloamhaven is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shimmer Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult golden mole in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Crystalbough Reserve is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The number of adult rotifer in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult green anaconda in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult coyote in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Lustervale equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Lustervale. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Sunset Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Iridescent Wilderness equals 2 times the number of adult clownfish in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Lustervale equals the number of adult green anaconda in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Stormchaser Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult guppy in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult pufferfish in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult koala in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Shimmer Valley is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Rift. The number of adult manta ray in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Evershade Rift is the total number of adult animals in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult mosquito in Ethereal Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Dusksong Glen is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Stormfield equals 1 plus the number of adult gray whale in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiant Glen equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Radiant Glen. The number of adult patas monkey in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult little blue penguin in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult thylacine in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Evershade Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Evershade Rift. The number of adult springbok in Twilight Stormfield is the total number of adult animals in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult eyelash viper in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult atlas moth in Whisperwood Vale.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Luminous Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult porcupine in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult coypu in Gilded Reef. The number of adult puffin in Opalescent Isle is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult coyote in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult fennec fox in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Velvetreef Island is the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult coypu in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult duiker in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Nebulight Keys is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult mosquito in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult jaguar in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult poodle in Radiance Plains equals 1 times the number of adult coqui frog in Radiance Plains. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult humpback whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult red panda in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 times the number of adult springbok in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult desert locust in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult green basilisk in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Coralhaven equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Serenade Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult gibbon in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult baboon in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Luminous Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult centaur in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult potoroo in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult bilby in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult topi in Silkreef Shores equals 1 plus the number of adult agouti in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult gila monster in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult lemming in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Serenade Isle equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult gila monster in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult rat in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Starshadow Isles is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult axolotl in Moonwhisper Isle is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult cicada in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult komodo dragon in Sunspire Savannah equals 1 times the number of adult larvacean in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Opalescent Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult beaver in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 times the number of adult king crab in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult boomslang in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Azurehaven is 2 plus the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult aardvark in Shimmering Pasture is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult sandpiper in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult flamingo in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Starflow Isles equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Starflow Isles. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult boomslang in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Velvetreef Island equals 4 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Sunbeam Haven equals 4 times the number of adult caiman in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult stick insect in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult gray whale in Velvetreef Island is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Auric Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Auric Expanse. The number of adult parrot in Maple Creek equals the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult green anaconda in Lustrous Shoals is the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult red panda in Dawnspire Cay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult hawkfish in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Glintbloom Savannah equals 1 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult pangolin in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult wood frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult surinam toad in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Silverwave Shoals is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult bongo in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult dovekie in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult right whale in Radiance Keys is the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult bettas in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult green basilisk in Whispering Cay. The number of adult langoustine in Goldenwave Valley equals 1 times the number of adult california sea lion in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult mouse lemur in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult blackbuck in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, and the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Seashell Isles. The number of adult tiger snake in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult eastern newt in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Azurehaven. The number of adult eland in Shimmerstone Keys is 3 plus the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult komodo dragon in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult marine iguana in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult cladoceran in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Sunveil Meadow equals 3 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult stingray in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sunveil Meadow equals 3 times the number of adult allosaurus in Sunveil Meadow. the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult right whale in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Aurora Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Starflow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult manatee in Goldenwave Valley is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult orangutan in Amberbloom Prairie is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult barnacle in Goldenwave Valley is the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult red panda in Frostveil Cay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The number of adult russell's viper in Shimmercrest Cay is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult chihuahua in Radiance Plains equals 3 plus the number of adult cane toad in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest, the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest, the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek, and the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Auric Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult parasaurolophus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult paca in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult porcupine in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Aurora Prairie equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Silverwave Shoals is 3 times the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Opalescent Isle equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult blue whale in Aurora Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult tiger snake in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 times the number of adult acantharian in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Glowbreeze Steppe is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult bandicoot in Frostveil Cay equals 1 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Sunbeam Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult tsessebe in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult roan antelope in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult booby in Starshadow Isles is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Dreamtide Isle is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult blackbuck in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult leafhopper in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult mole in Glowmist Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult dragonfly in Radiant Shoals is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult gray whale in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Starflow Isles. The number of adult squirrel in Frostveil Cay is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Sunspire Savannah equals 4 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Velvetreef Island equals 1 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the sum of the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest, and the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Coralhaven. The number of adult gila monster in Gilded Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult sperm whale in Nebulight Keys is the total number of adult animals in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 times the number of adult marlin in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult cougar in Gleamspire Fields is the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult coyote in Auroraflow Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult gecko in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult booby in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult golden mole in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest, the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek, and the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiance Keys equals 4 times the number of adult sperm whale in Radiance Keys. The number of adult leopard frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult leopard frog in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Radiance Keys. The number of adult marsupial mole in Sunveil Meadow equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Keys is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult red-eared slider in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult clownfish in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult tiger prawn in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult gray whale in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult sand cat in Dreamtide Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult oryx in Dreamtide Isle is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Coralhaven equals 1 plus the number of adult cerberus in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Silverwave Shoals is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Azurehaven equals the number of adult green anaconda in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Whispering Cay. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult paradise tanager in Aurora Prairie is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Silverwave Shoals is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult raccoon in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult frigatebird in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult tern in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult coqui frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult manta ray in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult surgeonfish in Auric Expanse is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult compsognathus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult roan antelope in Silkreef Shores equals 3 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult corn snake in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult mosasaurus in Seashell Isles equals 3 times the number of adult velociraptor in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Shimmercrest Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult beluga whale in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult frilled lizard in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult penguin in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Crystalgrain Plateau is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult rotifer in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Starflow Isles equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starflow Isles. The number of adult fairy penguin in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Glintbloom Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult tiger snake in Gilded Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult giant salamander in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult capybara in Sunbeam Haven is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Dawnspire Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Glintbloom Savannah is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult cerberus in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult coypu in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult african penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Whispering Cay. The number of adult golden retriever in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Whispering Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Whispering Cay. The number of adult rattlesnake in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult king cobra in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dreamtide Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult golden cat in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 times the number of adult cougar in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Opalescent Isle is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult bandicoot in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult red panda in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult fennec mule in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult hartebeest in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult pufferfish in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Velvetreef Island is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult bettas in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult yellow tang in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult desert locust in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult blue monkey in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult crested gecko in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult seal in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult groundhog in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Glintbloom Savannah equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Radiance Keys is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult razorbill in Starshadow Isles is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult blue whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult manticore in Twilight Fields. The number of adult agouti in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult gannet in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult mosquito in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult stick insect in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Radiant Shoals is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult blue racer in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Azurehaven. The number of adult jaguar in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult duiker in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult compsognathus in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult marine iguana in Starlit Atoll is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fields. The number of adult nyala in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lustrous Shoals is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult lionfish in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Dreamtide Isle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult leopard seal in Opalgrass Meadow is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult egret in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Whispering Cay. The number of adult dragonfly in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult california sea lion in Nebulight Keys is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult kraken in Coralhaven is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The number of adult kraken in Nebulight Keys is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glintbloom Savannah is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult squirrel in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult dolphin in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult blackbuck in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult patas monkey in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Keys. The number of adult komodo dragon in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Shimmercrest Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Glowbreeze Steppe is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Starshadow Isles equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult rock wallaby in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Glintbloom Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Azurehaven equals the number of adult polar bear in Azurehaven. The number of adult gelada in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult tarsier in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult narwhal in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Azurehaven equals 4 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Azurehaven. The number of adult archerfish in Lustrous Mesa is 4 plus the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Whispering Cay equals 4 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Aurora Prairie equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult vole in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Dreamtide Isle is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Lustrous Mesa is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult orangutan in Mystic Tides equals 1 times the number of adult sloth in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Serenade Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult coconut crab in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult sea lion in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult margay in Eclipsed Haven is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Whispering Cay. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult okapi in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult coqui frog in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult russell's viper in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult bobcat in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult tapir in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 times the number of adult hognose snake in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult boomslang in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult groundhog in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult butterfly in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult king cobra in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Coralhaven equals 4 plus the number of adult phoenix in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult royal penguin in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult corn snake in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult butterflyfish in Starlit Atoll is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Luminous Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult nemean lion in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult sloth in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult gila monster in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult moose in Serenade Isle is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult wood frog in Radiance Plains is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Sunbeam Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Sunbeam Haven. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult moray eel in Velvetgold Steppe equals 3 times the number of adult compsognathus in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult tiger snake in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult dormouse in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult rock wallaby in Sunveil Meadow equals 2 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult aye-aye in Dawnspire Cay is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult narwhal in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult rock lobster in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Velvetreef Island equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult beaked whale in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Azurehaven equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Radiance Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult coconut crab in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult bryde's whale in Aurora Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Sunbeam Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Opalescent Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult potoroo in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Serenade Isle equals 2 times the number of adult capybara in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Aurora Prairie equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult green iguana in Radiance Keys is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The number of adult marbled salamander in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Moonwhisper Isle.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek as s; so s = x = x. We know s = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult galápagos penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult great auk in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult bushbuck in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Isidis Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Timor Trough equals the number of adult corn snake in Timor Trough. The number of adult elephant seal in South Sandwich Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult seal in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 plus the number of adult starfish in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Aeolis Mons equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Yap Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Yap Trench. The number of adult red-eared slider in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult chipmunk in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Peru-Chile Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult rhea in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Radiance Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Radiance Keys. The number of adult elephant bird in Tharsis Bulge is the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The number of adult forest mammoth in Amazonis Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Syrtis Major is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Aeolis Mons equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult golden cat in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult ball python in Cayman Trench. The number of adult panther chameleon in Amazonis Planitia is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult bobcat in Cayman Trench. The number of adult wallaby in Elysium Mons is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult bandicoot in Java Trench equals the number of adult pegasus in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult koala in Elysium Mons is the total number of adult animals in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult roan antelope in Opalescent Isle equals 1 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Meridiani Planum equals 1 times the number of adult lynx in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult golden retriever in Argyre Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult roan antelope in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult manatee in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Starlit Atoll is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult wood frog in Radiance Keys is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Arabia Terra equals 1 plus the number of adult okapi in Arabia Terra. The number of adult chimpanzee in Syrtis Major is the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult poodle in Valles Marineris equals 1 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult bandicoot in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nebulight Keys equals 3 times the number of adult bonobo in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult margay in Meridiani Planum is the total number of adult animals in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Gale Crater. The number of adult pacific tree frog in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult golden mantella in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult jaguar in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult leafhopper in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bats in Hellas Basin is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult coqui frog in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult wood frog in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult boxfish in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Kermadec Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Frostveil Cay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult langoustine in Mariana Trench equals 3 times the number of adult king penguin in Mariana Trench. The number of adult coypu in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult hedgehog in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult caracal in Arabia Terra is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Amazonis Planitia equals 3 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult forest mammoth in Challenger Deep equals 4 times the number of adult triggerfish in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Cydonia Mensae equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult poodle in Argyre Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult clownfish in Mare Erythraeum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult boomslang in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult marbled salamander in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern newt in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult coyote in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Cydonia Mensae equals 2 times the number of adult water buffalo in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult coypu in Java Trench equals the number of adult phoenix in Java Trench. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Kermadec Trench is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Yap Trench equals the number of adult spider monkey in Yap Trench. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult amphipod in Gleamhaven Keys is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mariana Trench. The number of adult tapir in Hellenic Trench is the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult butterflyfish in Mare Erythraeum is 2 times the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult butterfly in Aurora Keys. The number of adult golden retriever in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Valles Marineris. The number of adult oryx in Meridiani Planum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult coypu in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Diamantina Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult booby in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult fennec fox in Promethei Planum is the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult dhole in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Radiance Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Radiance Keys. The number of adult allosaurus in Kermadec Trench is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult leviathan in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult pegasus in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Velvetreef Island equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult puma in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Hellas Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Hellas Basin. The number of adult border collie in Promethei Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Philippine Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult siberian husky in Mare Erythraeum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult red bishop in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult tiger prawn in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult elephant bird in Mariana Trench. The number of adult capybara in Olympus Mons equals 1 times the number of adult elephant in Olympus Mons. The number of adult tapir in Lustrous Shoals is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Challenger Deep. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult southern mammoth in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Challenger Deep. The number of adult langoustine in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult hellbender in Sunda Trench. The number of adult golden mole in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult roadrunner in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult coconut crab in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult snow crab in Sunda Trench. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult southern mammoth in Amazonis Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult scorpion in Starshadow Isles is the total number of adult animals in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult booby in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 times the number of adult blue hawk in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult dung beetle in Isidis Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Philippine Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glowmist Archipelago is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Aeolis Mons equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult roan antelope in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult fox in Promethei Planum. The number of adult fennec mule in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult sandpiper in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult hooded seal in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult sea otter in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Isidis Planitia is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult sun conure in Medusae Fossae is the total number of newborn animal children in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult arabic cow in Shimmercrest Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Arabia Terra equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Philippine Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Syrtis Major equals 1 times the number of adult harpy cow in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult greyhound in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Gale Crater is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult tsessebe in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult duiker in Promethei Planum. The number of adult wildebeest in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult caracal in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult potoroo in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiance Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult borneo elephant in Elysium Mons is the total number of adult animals in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult coyote in Starshadow Isles equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult little blue penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult tiger snake in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Cydonia Mensae equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Philippine Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Philippine Trench. The number of adult wood frog in New Hebrides Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult peacock in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Syrtis Major is the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Hellenic Trench equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult blackbuck in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult blackbuck in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Meridiani Planum equals 4 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult stegodon in Challenger Deep equals 3 times the number of adult clownfish in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Ryukyu Trench is 3 plus the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult manatee in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult capuchin in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult scorpion in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult eland in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Meridiani Planum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult cougar in Arabia Terra. The number of adult siberian husky in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult tintinnid in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Elysium Mons is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult agouti in Argyre Planitia is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult albatross in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Kermadec Trench equals 1 times the number of adult toucan in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult tsessebe in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult waterbuck in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Medusae Fossae is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The number of adult centaur in Hellas Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult nemean lion in Japan Trench equals the number of adult minotaur in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiance Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Diamantina Trench equals 2 times the number of adult pteropod in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Cydonia Mensae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult euphausiid in Valles Marineris is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult snares penguin in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Hellas Basin is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Gale Crater is the total number of newborn animal children in Timor Trough. The number of adult chihuahua in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult thaliacean in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Aurora Keys is the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult king penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Aeolis Mons is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Challenger Deep. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The number of adult harbor porpoise in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult sea lion in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Diamantina Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult nyala in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult coyote in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Meridiani Planum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Mare Erythraeum equals 1 times the number of adult triggerfish in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Kermadec Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult tiger snake in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult blackbuck in Meridiani Planum is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Philippine Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Philippine Trench. The number of adult antlion in Isidis Planitia is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Arabia Terra. The number of adult african wild dog in Valles Marineris is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult nemean lion in Starshadow Isles is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult sable antelope in Meridiani Planum is the total number of adult animals in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult waterbuck in Radiance Keys. The number of adult manatee in Utopia Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult iguana in Gleamhaven Keys is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Philippine Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult cone snail in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Elysium Mons equals 2 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult bushbuck in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Gale Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult kraken in Gale Crater. The number of adult chihuahua in Argyre Planitia equals 2 times the number of adult squirrel in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult kudu in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult margay in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult manta ray in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult blackbuck in Aleutian Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult springbok in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult california sea lion in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult bowhead whale in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult cayote in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult cerberus in Japan Trench equals the number of adult unicorn in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Gale Crater is the total number of adult animals in Valles Marineris. The number of adult corn snake in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the number of adult zooplankton in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult narwhal in Silverwave Shoals is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside, and the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult weka in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult bonobo in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Mare Erythraeum equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Medusae Fossae is 1 times the total number of adult animals in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult king cobra in Syrtis Major is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult hamster in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult ocelot in Hellas Basin. The number of adult tsessebe in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult kudu in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult deinonychus in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult gazelle in Silverwave Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult snow leopard in Meridiani Planum is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Kermadec Trench equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Starlit Atoll is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult paradise tanager in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult royal penguin in Tonga Trench equals 1 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Hellenic Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Aeolis Mons is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Syrtis Major equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Syrtis Major. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Twilight Archipelago is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Starlit Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult praying mantis in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The number of adult chihuahua in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 plus the number of adult fox in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Elysium Mons equals 1 times the number of adult potoroo in Elysium Mons. The number of adult fairy penguin in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Tonga Trench. The number of adult greyhound in Valles Marineris equals 1 plus the number of adult basenji in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiance Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Hellenic Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult pipefish in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult clownfish in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult chihuahua in Moonwhisper Isle is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The number of adult gobies in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Cydonia Mensae equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult gazelle in Gale Crater is the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Frostveil Cay equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Elysium Mons is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gale Crater. The number of adult fennec mule in Java Trench equals 3 times the number of adult griffin in Java Trench. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Challenger Deep equals 4 times the number of adult manta ray in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Yap Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the number of adult sea lion in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Timor Trough. The number of adult fishing cat in Meridiani Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Moonwhisper Isle is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Velvetreef Island equals 1 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult blackbuck in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Yap Trench equals the number of adult mandrill in Yap Trench. The number of adult blackbuck in Opalescent Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Diamantina Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult coconut crab in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult moas in Mariana Trench. The number of adult howler monkey in Arabia Terra is the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The number of adult nyala in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult tsessebe in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult addax in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult roan antelope in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult kudu in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Tonga Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Tonga Trench. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Java Trench equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Hellenic Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult akita in Argyre Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Diamantina Trench equals 4 times the number of adult thaliacean in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Velvetreef Island equals 2 times the number of adult pangolin in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult tiger prawn in Sunda Trench equals 4 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult dragonfly in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult fennec mule in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Ryukyu Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ryukyu Trench. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Yap Trench equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Aeolis Mons equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Cydonia Mensae equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Syrtis Major equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Kermadec Trench is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult royal penguin in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Aurora Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Aurora Keys. The number of adult bandicoot in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult diatom in Gleamhaven Keys is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult desert locust in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult yak in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult gazelle in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Meridiani Planum equals 4 plus the number of adult impala in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult marine iguana in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult tsessebe in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult blackbuck in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult snow crab in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Syrtis Major is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Starlit Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult frilled lizard in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the number of adult radiolaria in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Chryse Planitia is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Elysium Mons is the total number of newborn animal children in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Yap Trench equals the number of adult capuchin in Yap Trench. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 4. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Amazonis Planitia is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult elk in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Promethei Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult eland in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mare Erythraeum is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Frostveil Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Elysium Mons is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Ryukyu Trench is 3 times the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult greyhound in Argyre Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Auroraflow Atoll equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 1. The number of adult capybara in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult blue monkey in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Auroraflow Atoll.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley as r; so r = x = x. We know r = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult minke whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Glowfern Glade equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Evershade Grove equals 2 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult wood frog in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Rome equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult kingfisher in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult elephant seal in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Berlin. The number of adult copperhead in Aurora Grove equals 2 times the number of adult reticulated python in Aurora Grove. The number of adult velociraptor in Pretoria is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult weka in Prismatic Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Seoul equals the number of adult barracuda in Seoul. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in New Delhi equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in New Delhi. The number of adult acantharian in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult salp in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Starshine Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Washington D.C. equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Washington D.C.. The number of adult caribou in Brasília is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Moscow. The number of adult california sea lion in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals 3 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Washington D.C. equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult jackal in Buenos Aires is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult peacock in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult gaur in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Brasília is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Lustrous Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the number of adult southern right whale in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult patas monkey in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult selkie in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult racoon in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Washington D.C. equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult marbled salamander in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult chipmunk in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Radiant Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of adult rock wallaby in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult bettong in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult colobus monkey in Nebulight Wilds is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Dusksong Forest equals 3 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult fairy penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 4 plus the number of adult copperhead in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult spider monkey in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult blackbuck in Radiant Glade is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult beaked whale in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult wood frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult stick insect in Cairo is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Seoul equals the number of adult red bishop in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Paris. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult aardvark in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Madrid. The number of adult rock wallaby in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Berlin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Seoul equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Seoul. The number of adult coqui frog in Tokyo equals 1 times the number of adult aye-aye in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult eland in Radiant Glade is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult california sea lion in Rome equals the number of adult humpback whale in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Berlin equals the number of adult mosquito in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult collared lemming in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Berlin. The number of adult coconut crab in Bangkok is the total number of adult animals in London. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult stingray in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult coqui frog in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Luminous Timberland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult basenji in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult african bush elephant in London is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult axolotl in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Twilight Timber is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult coqui frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glowthorn Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult wood frog in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult flamingo in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult jerboa in Glowthorn Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Everglint Woods is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult meerkat in Ottawa is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Radiant Glade equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Radiant Glade. The number of adult sun conure in Mexico City equals 4 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Mexico City. The number of adult rotifer in Aurorathorn Grove equals 1 times the number of adult larvacean in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Cairo equals 2 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Seoul equals 2 times the number of adult sun conure in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Eclipsed Thickets equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult peacock in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult larvacean in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 times the number of adult golden mantella in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Madrid is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Paris equals 3 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult fox in Buenos Aires. The number of adult noctiluca in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult russell's viper in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult coyote in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult deinonychus in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiant Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Radiant Glade. The number of adult copperhead in Bangkok equals 3 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Cairo is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Evershade Grove. The number of adult elephant seal in Rome equals the number of adult potoroo in Rome. The number of adult potoroo in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult walrus in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult waterbuck in Everglow Glade. The number of adult russell's viper in Buenos Aires is the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The number of adult golden retriever in Buenos Aires is the total number of newborn animal children in Pretoria. The number of adult goliath beetle in Berlin is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Glowfern Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Starbloom Haven equals 2 times the number of adult nutria in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Buenos Aires is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The number of adult rainbow boa in Bangkok equals 3 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Bangkok. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult axolotl in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Seoul equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult chaetognath in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult leopard frog in Glimmerveil Woods is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Buenos Aires is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Seoul. The number of adult potoroo in Starbloom Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult rat in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult bandicoot in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Paris equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Paris. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult beaked whale in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult kitsune in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Eclipsed Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Cairo is 1 times the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Pretoria equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Pretoria. The number of adult golden mantella in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult dormouse in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult bongo in Everglow Glade is 3 times the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Madrid equals 2 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Madrid. The number of adult desert locust in Ottawa equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Ottawa. The number of adult marbled salamander in Tokyo equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Pretoria equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Pretoria. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Brasília equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Brasília. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in New Delhi equals 4 times the number of adult tomato frog in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult camel in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Seoul equals the number of adult blue tang in Seoul. The number of adult tiger prawn in Nairobi equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Nebulight Wilds is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult russell's viper in Bangkok equals the number of adult barnacle in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Buenos Aires is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Bangkok. The number of adult basilisk in Lumina Hollow is the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Washington D.C. equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Paris equals the number of adult humpback whale in Paris. The number of adult coyote in Ottawa equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Seoul equals the number of adult marlin in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult cerberus in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult blue whale in Berlin is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Madrid. The number of adult red bishop in Mexico City equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Mexico City. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gopher in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Pretoria equals 2 times the number of adult king crab in Pretoria. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Canberra equals the number of adult howler monkey in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Starshine Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult wildebeest in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Madrid equals the number of adult wombat in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult zebra in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult fairy penguin in Canberra equals 1 plus the number of adult night monkey in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Pretoria equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Paris. The number of adult marbled salamander in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Moscow is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the number of adult humpback whale in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Starshine Canopy is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult marsupial mole in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult opossum in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Paris. The number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult dragonfly in Cairo is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult bilby in Madrid is the total number of adult animals in Canberra. The number of adult russell's viper in Moscow equals 2 times the number of adult atlas moth in Moscow. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mexico City is the total number of adult animals in Tokyo. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Everglow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Everglow Glade. The number of adult forest mammoth in Brasília equals the number of adult ivory gull in Brasília. The number of adult kitsune in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult selkie in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult coqui frog in Glimmerveil Woods is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Washington D.C. is the total number of adult animals in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult hooded seal in Washington D.C.. The number of adult desert locust in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult nutria in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Berlin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult dhole in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult amphipod in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult rock lobster in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult blue crab in Nairobi. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Canberra equals 1 plus the number of adult mandrill in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult vaquita in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 4 plus the difference between the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The number of adult royal penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult sun conure in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Canberra is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult thaliacean in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 times the number of adult amphipod in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Luminous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Washington D.C. is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult langoustine in Nairobi equals 1 plus the number of adult gibbon in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult vole in Radiant Glade. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Mexico City is the total number of newborn animal children in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Buenos Aires equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult gazelle in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Madrid equals 4 times the number of adult sable antelope in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Eclipsed Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Pretoria equals 3 times the number of adult ghost crab in Pretoria. The number of adult coyote in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult reticulated python in Bangkok is the total number of adult animals in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Cairo equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Cairo. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Dusksong Forest is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult fennec fox in Buenos Aires. The number of adult wasp in Berlin is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult harpy cow in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Pretoria is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Glowfern Glade equals 4 times the number of adult american mastodon in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Pretoria equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult greyhound in Buenos Aires. The number of adult african penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult langoustine in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Seoul equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Starshine Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult kingfisher in Mexico City is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Glowfern Glade equals 2 times the number of adult surinam toad in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult rainbow boa in London is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Rome equals 3 plus the number of adult numbat in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult silkworm in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Dusksong Forest equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult black mamba in Eclipsed Thickets is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The number of adult frilled lizard in Beijing equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult golden mantella in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Mexico City equals 4 times the number of adult quetzal in Mexico City. The number of adult nemean lion in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glowfern Glade equals 3 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Thickets equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Frostlight Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult indian elephant in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Dusksong Forest is the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in London equals the number of adult corn snake in London. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Twilight Timber. The number of adult butterfly in Nebulight Wilds is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult corn snake in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Seoul equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Seoul. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult minke whale in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Starshine Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult eyelash viper in London equals the number of adult milk snake in London. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult southern right whale in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult minotaur in Lustrous Timberland. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Cairo equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Madrid equals 4 times the number of adult koala in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult coyote in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult gouldian finch in Mexico City is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult boomslang in Aurora Grove is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Dusksong Forest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult toucan in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult coconut crab in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult krill in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Mexico City equals 3 times the number of adult pangolin in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult southern right whale in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Washington D.C. equals 1 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Glowfern Glade equals 4 times the number of adult axolotl in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Radiant Glade is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Seoul equals 2 times the number of adult clownfish in Seoul. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult hooded seal in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 times the number of adult cane toad in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult tiger prawn in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Paris equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Paris. The number of adult golden mantella in Cairo is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Starshine Canopy is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Paris is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult hognose snake in Buenos Aires is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult russell's viper in London equals 2 plus the number of adult reticulated python in London. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Bangkok equals the number of adult krill in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult pteropod in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult copepod in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult akita in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Cairo equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Seoul is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the number of adult arabic cow in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Everglint Woods equals 1 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Everglint Woods. The number of adult copperhead in Moscow equals the number of adult hornet in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Pretoria is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Pretoria equals 2 times the number of adult hermit crab in Pretoria. The number of adult coconut crab in Nairobi equals the number of adult ghost crab in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Pretoria equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Madrid is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Washington D.C. equals 3 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Washington D.C.. The number of adult coypu in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult sea slug in Twilight Timber. The number of adult golden mole in Ottawa equals 3 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult sloth in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult black mamba in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cairo equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Madrid equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Madrid. The number of adult spider crab in Nairobi is the total number of adult animals in Rome. The number of adult copperhead in London equals 2 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in London. The number of adult rainbow boa in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult ball python in Aurora Grove. The number of adult quetzal in Seoul is the total number of newborn animal children in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult nightjar in Tokyo is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult bush baby in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Cairo equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Cairo. The number of adult border collie in Buenos Aires is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The number of adult blue crab in Bangkok is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult kudu in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Pretoria equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult lemming in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult gorilla in Nairobi is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Ottawa. The number of adult blue monkey in Nairobi is the total number of newborn animal children in Paris. The number of adult wood frog in Tokyo equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult springbok in Radiant Glade. The number of adult beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Everglow Glade. The number of adult royal penguin in Canberra equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult leopard frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult golden mole in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Silverleaf Hollow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo as N; so N = x = x. We know N = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Mare Vaporum equals 2 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mare Serenitatis equals 2 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Shackleton Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult salp in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult gouldian finch in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult macaw in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Xanadu equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Xanadu. The number of adult gull in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the number of adult egret in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult spider crab in Stormspire Heights is the total number of adult animals in Avalon. The number of adult quetzal in Galecrash Chasm is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Humorum. The number of adult wildebeest in Mare Cognitum equals 1 times the number of adult gibbon in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Camelot equals 2 plus the number of adult serval in Camelot. The number of adult compsognathus in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult eyelash viper in Hawaiki is 2 times the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger in Auroral Tempestfield equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult sun conure in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult squirrel in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult thorny devil in Tempest Vale equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Tempest Vale. The number of adult magellanic penguin in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult glass frog in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult bandicoot in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult lemming in Mare Frigoris equals 2 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult gila monster in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Lyonesse is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Electrovalley is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult king crab in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of adult animals in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult sugar glider in Mare Australe is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Xanadu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Xanadu. The number of adult acantharian in Stormchaser Plains equals 3 times the number of adult radiolaria in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult golden cat in Avalon equals 4 times the number of adult orangutan in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Montes Alpes equals 4 times the number of adult kangaroo rat in Montes Alpes. The number of adult manatee in Mare Cognitum equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult gannet in Cibola is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult numbat in Xanadu is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult greenland shark in Twilight Stormfield is the total number of adult animals in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The number of adult scorpion in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult kudu in Tempest Vale. The number of adult fennec mule in Mu equals 3 times the number of adult great auk in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Asgard equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Electrovalley equals the number of adult okapi in Electrovalley. The number of adult gelada in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lightning Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cibola equals 4 times the number of adult egret in Cibola. The number of adult heron in Oceanus Procellarum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Asgard equals 2 times the number of adult peacock in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Cloudburst Basin is the total number of adult animals in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult bettong in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult agouti in Auroral Tempestfield is the total number of newborn animal children in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult snares penguin in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult ball python in Hawaiki is the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Shackleton Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Electrovalley equals 4 times the number of adult wombat in Electrovalley. The number of adult roadrunner in Lemuria equals the number of adult camel in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult deinonychus in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult blue monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult gelada in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Camelot equals the number of adult golden cat in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Montes Alpes equals 3 plus the number of adult starfish in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Xanadu equals the number of adult bandicoot in Xanadu. The number of adult thaliacean in Shangri-La equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Shangri-La. The number of adult elephant seal in Montes Apenninus equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult rock wallaby in Hyperborea equals 4 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Valhalla equals 4 plus the number of adult grebe in Valhalla. The number of adult coyote in Mare Vaporum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Yggdrasil. The number of adult elephant seal in Mare Australe equals the number of adult dolphin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Xanadu equals 1 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Xanadu. The number of adult orangutan in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult black widow spider in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Electrovalley equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Electrovalley equals the number of adult orangutan in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Camelot equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Camelot. The number of adult wood frog in Lunar Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult rotifer in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Cibola equals the number of adult flamingo in Cibola. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mare Humorum equals 4 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Mare Humorum. The number of adult fiddler crab in Cyclone Peaks is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Agartha equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Agartha. The number of adult vole in Mare Frigoris equals 1 plus the number of adult beaver in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult golden mole in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult addax in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Lyonesse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Asgard equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult serval in Lightning Gorge is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Thunderveil Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult patas monkey in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 plus the number of adult corythosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult agouti in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult porcupine in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Agartha equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Agartha. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Cyclone Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult krill in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lightning Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult desert locust in Tempest Vale equals 3 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Tempest Vale. The number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Montes Alpes. The number of adult blue monkey in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult baboon in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult roadrunner in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult oryx in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the number of adult hawkfish in Montes Alpes. The number of adult orangutan in Hawaiki equals 2 plus the number of adult bush viper in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lightning Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult red-eared slider in Shackleton Crater is the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult black mamba in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult zebra in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult dragonfly in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Stormshade Ridge is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Camelot. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Humorum equals 3 times the number of adult rhea in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult larvacean in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Montes Apenninus equals 1 plus the number of adult sea otter in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult potoroo in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Cyclone Peaks is the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mount Meru equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Cyclone Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult lobster in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult gopher in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult bison in Thunderveil Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult pufferfish in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Thundershade Pass is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult vervet monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult arctic tern in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Lightningspire Plateau is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Valhalla equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Valhalla. The number of adult southern right whale in El Dorado equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lightning Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult margay in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult archerfish in Aristarchus Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult langoustine in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult silkworm in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Nubium equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Stormshade Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Mare Serenitatis is 1 times the number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult king penguin in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 3 times the number of adult emu in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult gazelle in Shatterstorm Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Xanadu equals 4 times the number of adult arctic hare in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Montes Alpes. The number of adult siberian husky in Lemuria is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Agartha. The number of adult addax in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult camel in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 times the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult booby in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult tern in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult red bishop in Copernicus Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Cibola equals the number of adult sandpiper in Cibola. The number of adult rotifer in Shangri-La equals 4 times the number of adult black mamba in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Xanadu equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Xanadu. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Cloudburst Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Camelot equals the number of adult basilisk in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Montes Alpes is the total number of adult animals in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Agartha equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Mount Meru. The number of adult kittiwake in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Avalon equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Montes Alpes. The number of adult golden mole in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult capybara in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult stegodon in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Valhalla is the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult tintinnid in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult coyote in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult golden mole in Tempest Vale. The number of adult diplodocus in Thundershade Pass is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Asgard. The number of adult stingray in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult archerfish in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cibola equals 2 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cibola. The number of adult stegodon in Shatterstorm Canyon is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult red bishop in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult quetzal in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Valhalla equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Xanadu equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Xanadu. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Atlantis equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Atlantis. The number of adult bowhead whale in Hailstone Mesa is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Mare Vaporum is the total number of adult animals in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult rotifer in Yggdrasil equals 1 times the number of adult euphausiid in Yggdrasil. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Lemuria equals the number of adult sand cat in Lemuria. The number of adult addax in Lemuria equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Stormshade Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Hailstone Mesa is the total number of adult animals in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Thunderveil Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Montes Alpes is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Cloudburst Basin is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult king penguin in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult ostrich in Mare Humorum. The number of adult diplodocus in Nimbus Ravine is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Galecrash Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Montes Alpes equals 2 plus the number of adult pipefish in Montes Alpes. The number of adult killer whale (orca) in Copernicus Crater is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult ladybug in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fin whale in Copernicus Crater is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult potoroo in Hyperborea equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gouldian finch in Sea of Tranquility equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult bandicoot in Mu equals 4 plus the number of adult rhea in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Valhalla equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Valhalla. The number of adult capybara in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult giraffe in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult manta ray in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Shackleton Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult painted bunting in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult coyote in Twilight Stormfield equals 3 times the number of adult golden mole in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult snowy owl in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult rotifer in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult mouse lemur in Mu equals the number of adult moas in Mu. The number of adult lion in Avalon equals 3 times the number of adult harpy cow in Avalon. The number of adult gouldian finch in Mare Crisium equals 2 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Mare Crisium. The number of adult thaliacean in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult night monkey in Yggdrasil. The number of adult bowhead whale in Copernicus Crater is the total number of adult animals in Lemuria. The number of adult sun conure in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Montes Alpes. The number of adult gouldian finch in Copernicus Crater equals 4 times the number of adult minke whale in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Mare Humorum equals 3 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult scorpion in Lemuria equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Lemuria. The number of adult moray eel in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult greyhound in Ecliptic Stormspire is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult tintinnid in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Lyonesse equals the number of adult cerberus in Lyonesse. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Mare Nubium. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in El Dorado equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in El Dorado. The number of adult beaked whale in El Dorado equals the number of adult rat in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Xanadu equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Lyonesse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Stormshade Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Hyperborea equals the number of adult thylacine in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Camelot equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Electrovalley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Electrovalley. The number of adult butterflyfish in Aristarchus Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult eastern newt in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult king cobra in Auroral Tempestfield is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult weka in Mare Humorum. The number of adult bettas in Aristarchus Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The number of adult patas monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult greenland shark in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult omura's whale in Stormspire Heights is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Montes Alpes equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lyonesse equals the number of adult sea urchin in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult desert locust in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult snowy owl in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Shackleton Crater equals 2 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Shackleton Crater equals 1 times the number of adult amphipod in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Mare Crisium is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult sandpiper in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf elephant in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mu equals 4 times the number of adult cassowary in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shackleton Crater is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Blitzcrag Summit is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Agartha equals 2 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Nimbus Ravine is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult gila monster in Thunderveil Hollow is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Nubium equals 3 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult dhole in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult blue hawk in Thunderclap Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Tír na nÓg equals 1 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult vaquita in Montes Apenninus equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult desert locust in Lemuria equals 4 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 times the number of adult shrimp in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult coypu in Mu equals the number of adult kinkajou in Mu. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Galecrash Chasm is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Cloudburst Basin equals 1 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Asgard equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult shrimp in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult rock wallaby in Stormshade Ridge is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Asgard equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Asgard. The number of adult noctiluca in Yggdrasil equals 4 times the number of adult spider monkey in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Blitzcrag Summit equals 3 times the number of adult bettas in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cibola equals the number of adult frigatebird in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult ross's gull in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 plus the number of adult sloth in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult kudu in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult spider monkey in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult zooplankton in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in El Dorado equals 2 plus the number of adult gerbil in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mount Meru equals 3 times the number of adult moray eel in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult paca in Mare Frigoris equals 1 times the number of adult dormouse in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult king penguin in Atlantis equals the number of adult fire salamander in Atlantis. The number of adult larvacean in Blitzcrag Summit is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Blitzcrag Summit is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Tempest Vale. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mount Meru equals the number of adult silkworm in Mount Meru. The number of adult cassowary in Mare Humorum is the total number of newborn animal children in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult manatee in Thunderveil Hollow is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Garden of the Hesperides. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult arabic cow in Thunderveil Hollow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult blue racer in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus equals 1 plus the difference between the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Shackleton Crater equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Mare Vaporum equals 3 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult frigatebird in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult gull in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Mount Meru. The number of adult california sea lion in Mare Australe equals 3 times the number of adult red panda in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Hailstone Mesa equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Electrovalley equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Camelot. The number of adult thorny devil in Lemuria equals 3 plus the number of adult meerkat in Lemuria. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Atlantis equals the number of adult glass frog in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Blitzcrag Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult red bishop in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult fenrir in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Lyonesse equals 1 plus the number of adult kitsune in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The number of adult water buffalo in Mare Cognitum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lightning Gorge equals 4 plus the number of adult lynx in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 times the number of adult black widow spider in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Agartha. The number of adult bobcat in Avalon equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Avalon. The number of adult hooded seal in Mare Australe equals 3 times the number of adult hooded seal in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lyonesse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult little blue penguin in Atlantis equals 4 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Atlantis. The number of adult american mastodon in Shatterstorm Canyon is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult coqui frog in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult zebra in Tycho Crater. The number of adult noctiluca in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult kudu in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Blitzcrag Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult red bishop in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult red bishop in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult addax in Mare Crisium. The number of adult bonobo in Tír na nÓg equals 1 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult golden mole in Lemuria equals 4 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Lemuria. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Auroral Tempestfield is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult marbled salamander in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult coqui frog in Lunar Highlands equals 4 times the number of adult blackbuck in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult rotifer in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 times the number of adult coconut crab in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Agartha equals 3 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult lionfish in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult boomslang in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult tinamous in Mare Humorum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The number of adult hydra in Lyonesse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult wood frog in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult corn snake in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult dormouse in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Blitzcrag Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult thaliacean in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult acantharian in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult hartebeest in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult beaked whale in Stormspire Heights is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult yak in Tempest Vale. The number of adult frilled lizard in Shackleton Crater is the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult impala in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult oryx in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult moose in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 plus the number of adult lobster in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Agartha equals the number of adult golden mantella in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mount Meru equals 3 plus the number of adult ladybug in Mount Meru. The number of adult hooded seal in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult razorbill in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult california sea lion in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult egret in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult galápagos penguin in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult coqui frog in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Mare Vaporum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult vervet monkey in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult lemur in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult yak in Thunderveil Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult little blue penguin in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mare Imbrium equals 3 times the number of adult green basilisk in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult iguanodon in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Xanadu equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Nimbus Ravine equals 2 plus the number of adult tapir in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult gouldian finch in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Auroral Tempestfield is the total number of newborn animal children in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Valhalla equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Stormshade Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Mare Serenitatis is the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chimpanzee in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult sea wasp in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult gelada in Tír na nÓg equals 2 times the number of adult mandrill in Tír na nÓg.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus as T; so T = x = x. We know T = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Cairo. The number of adult sandpiper in Gilded Reef is the total number of adult animals in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult forest mammoth in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult stegodon in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult nemean lion in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult howler monkey in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult pipefish in Tate Modern equals the number of adult pipefish in Tate Modern. The number of adult sea otter in Mexico City is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult dwarf african frog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 4 times the number of adult meerkat in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Seashell Isles equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Seashell Isles. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Serenade Isle is the total number of adult animals in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Prado Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Paris equals 2 times the number of adult border collie in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult beluga whale in Prado Museum is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Van Gogh Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult king cobra in Cairo is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult compsognathus in Emerald Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Coralhaven equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Prado Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Prado Museum. The number of adult mayfly in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Cairo equals the number of adult clownfish in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Pretoria equals 3 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Pretoria. The number of adult fishing cat in Azurehaven is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in London. The number of adult corn snake in Starflow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult capybara in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Pretoria equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult glass frog in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult caiman in Radiant Shoals is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Beijing is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult jaguar in Radiant Shoals is 4 plus the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Serenade Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Serenade Isle. The number of adult butterfly in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult dung beetle in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Azurehaven equals the number of adult serval in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in London equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in London. The number of adult coqui frog in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult numbat in Moscow. The number of adult rattlesnake in Tokyo equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult desert tortoise in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Ecliptica Bay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult clouded leopard in Berlin is the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult greenland shark in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult arctic fox in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Canberra is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Serenade Isle equals 4 times the number of adult wallaby in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Prado Museum equals 3 times the number of adult deinonychus in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Dawnspire Cay is 3 plus the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Ottawa equals 3 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Ottawa. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Sunbeam Haven is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Washington D.C. equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Washington D.C.. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 4 times the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Pretoria equals 4 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in London equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in London. The number of adult bryde's whale in Moonmist Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult rainbow boa in Seoul equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern box turtle in Seoul. The number of adult red-eared slider in Cairo is 2 plus the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Van Gogh Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Ottawa equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Ottawa. The number of adult corn snake in Tokyo equals 3 times the number of adult black mamba in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Prado Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Prado Museum. The number of adult african wild dog in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Canberra equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Cairo equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Cairo. The number of adult komodo dragon in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Berlin equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Vatican Museums equals 2 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult katydid in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult dragon in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Canberra. The number of adult fenrir in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult dormouse in Rome. The number of adult iguana in Silkreef Shores is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Buenos Aires. The number of adult orangutan in Beijing is the total number of adult animals in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Pretoria equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult thorny devil in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult golden retriever in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult fennec fox in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 plus the number of adult coyote in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult capybara in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult eland in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult rotifer in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult nemean lion in Whispering Cay. The number of adult raccoon in Silkreef Shores is the total number of adult animals in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult chihuahua in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Coralhaven equals 3 plus the number of adult glass frog in Coralhaven. The number of adult coypu in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult caiman in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Nairobi equals 3 times the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nairobi. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Hermitage Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult corn snake in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Berlin equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Paris. The number of adult wood frog in Brasília equals 2 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Brasília. The number of adult golden cat in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult moas in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult kitsune in Mystic Tides equals 4 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Mystic Tides. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult roadrunner in Nairobi equals the number of adult flamingo in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Prado Museum equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Gilded Reef equals 3 times the number of adult cicada in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Prado Museum equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Prado Museum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult king eider in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult tarsier in Radiant Shoals is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult narwhal in Guggenheim Museum is the total number of adult animals in Tate Modern. The number of adult moray eel in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult coyote in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Buenos Aires equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Beijing is 4 plus the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Ecliptica Bay is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Coralhaven equals 3 times the number of adult king cobra in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult nemean lion in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Azurehaven. The number of adult desert locust in Nairobi equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Nairobi. The number of adult moray eel in New Delhi equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in New Delhi. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Tokyo is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Azurehaven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Van Gogh Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Canberra is 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult bettas in New Delhi equals 4 plus the number of adult chinchilla in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Prado Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Cairo equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Cairo. The number of adult frigatebird in Gilded Reef is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ottawa. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Rome equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in British Museum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Gilded Reef equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Paris equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Coralhaven equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Madrid equals 4 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Gilded Reef is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Moscow. The number of adult marine iguana in Tokyo equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Tokyo. The number of adult cerberus in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult caribou in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Ottawa is the total number of newborn animal children in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Prado Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Prado Museum. The number of adult fenrir in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult fenrir in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult caiman lizard in Hermitage Museum equals 1 times the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Canberra equals the number of adult green basilisk in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Canberra equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Canberra. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Hermitage Museum equals 2 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Berlin. The number of adult cerberus in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult thorny devil in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Nairobi. The number of adult sand cat in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult grasshopper in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in British Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Hermitage Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Madrid equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Serenade Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Canberra equals 4 times the number of adult reticulated python in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Coralhaven equals 2 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Rome equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Rome. The number of adult greyhound in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult akita in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Coralhaven equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Prado Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Prado Museum. The number of adult green basilisk in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Metropolitan Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Prado Museum equals the number of adult sperm whale in Prado Museum. The number of adult vervet monkey in Radiant Shoals is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Paris equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in British Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in British Museum. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 3. The number of adult fox in Maple Creek equals 3 times the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult scorpion in Nairobi equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Cairo equals the number of adult gobies in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult pacific tree frog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult coyote in Nairobi equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Nairobi. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult iguana in Starflow Isles is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult coqui frog in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Cairo is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Ashmolean Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult ostrich in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult bobcat in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Prado Museum equals 3 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Prado Museum. The number of adult nemean lion in Mystic Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult basilisk in Mystic Tides. The number of adult fox in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult maned jackal in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult king cobra in Radiant Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The number of adult clownfish in Shimmerstone Keys is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult coqui frog in Brasília equals the number of adult salp in Brasília. The number of adult marbled salamander in Moscow equals the number of adult leopard frog in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Van Gogh Museum equals 4 times the number of adult thorny devil in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Vatican Museums equals 2 times the number of adult elephant seal in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Pretoria equals 1 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Pretoria. The number of adult fenrir in Mystic Tides equals 2 times the number of adult humpback whale in Mystic Tides. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult pipefish in National Gallery equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in National Gallery. The number of adult tiger snake in Louvre Museum equals 1 times the number of adult glass frog in Louvre Museum. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ecliptica Bay is the total number of newborn animal children in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Madrid equals 2 times the number of adult painted bunting in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Prado Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult arctic wolf in Paris is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Beijing equals 2 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Beijing. The number of adult kitsune in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult dragon in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult fox in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Berlin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Berlin. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Beijing equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Beijing. The number of adult beaked whale in Moonmist Atoll is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult collared lemming in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult starfish in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult elephant bird in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 plus the number of adult ocelot in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Madrid equals the number of adult seal in Madrid. The number of adult wood frog in Moscow equals 4 plus the number of adult wallaby in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Gilded Reef equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Rome is the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ecliptica Bay is the total number of newborn animal children in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Azurehaven equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger in Azurehaven. The number of adult frilled lizard in Tokyo equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Coralhaven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Coralhaven. The number of adult manatee in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult okapi in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult jerboa in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 2 times the number of adult sea wasp in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult potoroo in Moscow. The number of adult boxfish in National Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult fairy penguin in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult pteranodon in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Pretoria equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Pretoria. The number of adult dodo in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in British Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in British Museum. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in National Gallery equals 4 times the number of adult spiny lobster in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Prado Museum equals 1 times the number of adult parasaurolophus in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult sugar glider in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult bettong in Serenade Isle. The number of adult tiger in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Pretoria. The number of adult takahe in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Washington D.C.. The number of adult red-eared slider in Tokyo equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult camel in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Ecliptica Bay is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult euphausiid in Whispering Cay is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Seoul. The number of adult humpback whale in Madrid is the total number of adult animals in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult triceratops in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Gilded Reef equals 3 plus the number of adult albatross in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult mosquito in Gilded Reef. The number of adult bobcat in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult waterbuck in Mexico City is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Vatican Museums equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Vatican Museums. The number of adult peacock in Dawnspire Cay is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Prado Museum equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Prado Museum. The number of adult rattlesnake in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult gecko in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Cairo equals the number of adult starfish in Cairo. The number of adult duiker in Van Gogh Museum is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Ecliptica Bay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult bandicoot in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult lynx in Seashell Isles is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult russell's viper in Seoul equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Ashmolean Museum equals 1 times the number of adult moas in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult marbled salamander in Brasília equals 3 plus the number of adult amphipod in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Berlin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Berlin. The number of adult cerberus in Mystic Tides equals 4 times the number of adult pegasus in Mystic Tides. The number of adult mandarin duck in Nairobi is the total number of newborn animal children in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Canberra equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Paris is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Rijksmuseum equals 3 plus the number of adult quokka in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult bear in Maple Creek equals the sum of the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult kitsune in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult phoenix in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Seashell Isles equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Seashell Isles. The number of adult komodo dragon in Cairo is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult blue whale in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult marbled salamander in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in London equals 2 plus the number of adult koala in London. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Emerald Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult cougar in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult leopard frog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Washington D.C. is the total number of newborn animal children in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Berlin equals 3 times the number of adult black panther in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Azurehaven equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Azurehaven. The number of adult border collie in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult dhole in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Vatican Museums. The number of adult fire salamander in Vatican Museums is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in British Museum. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Seoul equals the number of adult iguana in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Metropolitan Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult coqui frog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult desert tortoise in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in British Museum is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Prado Museum equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Pretoria is the total number of newborn animal children in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Buenos Aires equals 4 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Buenos Aires. The number of adult copperhead in Seoul equals 4 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in London equals the number of adult quokka in London. The number of adult king cobra in Bangkok equals the number of adult jaguar in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Vatican Museums equals 3 times the number of adult hooded seal in Vatican Museums. The number of adult bettas in Musée d'Orsay equals 4 plus the number of adult marlin in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult reticulated python in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ecliptica Bay is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Buenos Aires. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starflow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult mole in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Gilded Reef equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Gilded Reef. The number of adult mayfly in Gilded Reef is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult nemean lion in Sunbeam Haven equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dawnspire Cay is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The number of adult cerberus in Pergamon Museum equals 2 times the number of adult chimera in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Rijksmuseum is 1 times the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult poodle in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Buenos Aires equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Rome equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 times the number of adult kiwi in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Emerald Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in London is the total number of newborn animal children in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Ashmolean Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Berlin is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult mosquito in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult roc in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult roc in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult kitsune in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult pegasus in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult addax in Nairobi equals the number of adult meerkat in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gilded Reef. The number of adult golden mantella in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult eastern newt in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Pretoria equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult eland in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult black widow spider in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Cairo equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Cairo. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult bearded dragon in Dawnspire Cay is 4 times the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult marine iguana in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Starflow Isles. The number of adult black panther in Luminous Atoll is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Ecliptica Bay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult siberian husky in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult king penguin in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Cairo equals 2 plus the number of adult gecko in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Vatican Museums equals 3 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Azurehaven equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Rijksmuseum equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Cairo equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Paris equals 1 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Cairo equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Cairo. The number of adult golden mole in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult jerboa in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Berlin equals the number of adult ocelot in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Seashell Isles equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Seashell Isles. The number of adult tomato frog in Sunbeam Haven is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult beluga whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult green iguana in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult hooded seal in Mexico City equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult kinkajou in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult bowhead whale in Mexico City is the total number of newborn animal children in Madrid. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult hedgehog in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Van Gogh Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult wood frog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult red-eared slider in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult rat in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Rome equals 3 times the number of adult mole in Rome.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley as n; so n = x = x. We know n = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult bushbuck in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult beaked whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult groundhog in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shimmering Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 plus the number of adult barnacle in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult leafhopper in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult ladybug in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Phantom Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult royal penguin in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult golden mole in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult aardvark in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult marine iguana in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult akita in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Dreamspire Summit is the total number of adult animals in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult gecko in Gleaming Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Moonveil Summit is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult lobster in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult red-eared slider in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult basenji in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge, the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Luminous Apex equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Luminous Apex. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult leviathan in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult right whale in Radiant Pinnacle is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult capybara in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult camel in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult lemur in Moonveil Summit is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult addax in Nebulight Crest is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult zooplankton in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult asian elephant in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult manticore in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult caiman in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult gopher in Sunlit Crag. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult nutria in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Darkwater Reach is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Darkwater Reach is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Luminous Apex equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Ghostbloom Fen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Gloamhaven Heights is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Nebulight Crest equals 2 times the number of adult chaetognath in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult hamster in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Ghostlight Mire equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ghostlight Mire. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Ghostbloom Fen is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult mayfly in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult moray eel in Twilight Crest is the total number of adult animals in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult kudu in Opalescent Crag equals 2 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult grasshopper in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 times the number of adult boxfish in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult lobster in Velvetspire Ascent is the total number of newborn animal children in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult antlion in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Starshard Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult rattlesnake in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult african wild dog in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the sum of the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult omura's whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult kudu in Gloamhaven Heights is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Cursed Reedlands is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult gelada in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult bonobo in Eternal Summit. The number of adult fairy penguin in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult green iguana in Veilwhisper Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult mosquito in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult stick insect in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Nebulight Crest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult frigatebird in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult tern in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult indian elephant in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starshard Peaks equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult mayfly in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult grasshopper in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult american mastodon in Eclipse Heights equals 1 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Starshard Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 times the number of adult lion in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Fogveil Bog is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult wildebeest in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult elephant in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Starshard Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult chimera in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult arctic tern in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult king eider in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Frostlight Ridge is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult asian elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult greenland shark in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult copepod in Nebulight Crest is the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Hollowshade Basin is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Whispering Marsh is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult parrotfish in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult radiolaria in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shimmering Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult bowhead whale in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Apex is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult firefly in Veilwhisper Hollow is the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Sunlit Crag equals 2 times the number of adult beaver in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult dungeness crab in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult allosaurus in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult gorilla in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Shadowfen Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Fogveil Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult beaver in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult capuchin in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Darkwater Reach equals 2 times the number of adult wasp in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult walrus in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Phantom Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Darkwater Reach equals 3 times the number of adult spider crab in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult koala in Moonveil Summit is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 times the number of adult hydra in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult bonobo in Luminous Apex is the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Apex is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult walking stick in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Nebulight Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Wraithveil Swamp is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult atlas moth in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult stingray in Twilight Crest is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult ocelot in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult collared lemming in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult steamer duck in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult kittiwake in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult kittiwake in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult butterfly in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 times the number of adult silkworm in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shimmering Mire equals 4 plus the number of adult addax in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult booby in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult archerfish in Twilight Crest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Ghostbloom Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult roan antelope in Dreamspire Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult gull in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult shearwater in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult rock lobster in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreadmire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Luminous Apex. The number of adult sei whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult gopher in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult glass frog in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult patas monkey in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Fogveil Bog equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreadmire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult jackal in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult hermit crab in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult forest mammoth in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult forest mammoth in Starshard Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult krill in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aurorapeak Summit is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult margay in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starshard Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreadmire Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult albatross in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult tarsier in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult southern mammoth in Eclipse Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Shadowfen Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside and the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Frostlight Ridge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult sandpiper in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult asian elephant in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult stegodon in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Phantom Waters. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult african penguin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Luminous Apex equals 1 plus the number of adult pipefish in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Nebulight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult yellow tang in Twilight Crest. The number of adult stegodon in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult asian elephant in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Cursed Reedlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Phantom Waters. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shimmering Spire equals 2 plus the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult firefly in Ebonshade Swamp is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Duskmist Fen equals 2 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult tintinnid in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Wraithveil Swamp equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult boxfish in Spectral Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult thorny devil in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Velvetspire Ascent is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The number of adult butterfly in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult butterfly in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreadmire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult tiger in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult tapir in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult bowhead whale in Opalescent Crag is the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Dreadmire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult dhole in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Spectral Basin. The number of adult blue monkey in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult night monkey in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult meerkat in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult kitsune in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult eland in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult manatee in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult deinonychus in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult fairy penguin in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult wasp in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult american alligator in Gleaming Heights is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Shadowfen Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Duskmist Fen equals 1 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the number of adult impala in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult agouti in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult langoustine in Ethereal Marsh equals 4 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult king penguin in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamspire Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult manta ray in Spectral Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult tiger prawn in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Ghostbloom Fen equals 2 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult narwhal in Radiant Pinnacle is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult stegosaurus in Eclipse Heights is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Eclipse Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult triceratops in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Eclipse Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult corn snake in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult fox in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult mosquito in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Phantom Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Phantom Waters. The number of adult tamarin in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult fennec mule in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult frilled lizard in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult chihuahua in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 times the number of adult katydid in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult southern right whale in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult minke whale in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult unicorn in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult addax in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult coconut crab in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult bearded dragon in Starlight Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Hollowshade Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult king cobra in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult hamster in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult blue-tongue skink in Shimmering Spire is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Eclipse Heights equals 2 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult golden mantella in Wraithveil Swamp is 2 plus the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Ghostbloom Fen is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Moonveil Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Cursed Reedlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shimmering Mire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult king penguin in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult ocelot in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult capybara in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult gray whale in Radiant Pinnacle is the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Darkwater Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult silkworm in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult vervet monkey in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult orangutan in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Shimmering Mire is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Cursed Reedlands is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmering Mire is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult gaur in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult orca in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult minotaur in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult orangutan in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult guinea pig in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult rotifer in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult moray eel in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult pipefish in Spectral Basin equals 4 times the number of adult king crab in Spectral Basin. The number of adult mayfly in Ebonshade Swamp equals 2 plus the number of adult king penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult axolotl in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Darkwater Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult katydid in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult african penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult green iguana in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult rock lobster in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 plus the number of adult king crab in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult bandicoot in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult sea slug in Spectral Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Spectral Basin.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as U; so U = x = x. We know U = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult howler monkey in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult rhea in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult firefly in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mare Vaporum equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mariana Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult blue racer in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult asian elephant in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Gleamspire Fields equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult agouti in Auric Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult leopard in Auric Expanse. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Sunda Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult dovekie in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the number of adult guppy in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Lustrous Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Sunda Trench equals 1 times the number of adult elephant in Sunda Trench. The number of adult stingray in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mare Nubium equals 4 times the number of adult bettas in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Radiance Plains equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Aleutian Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Montes Alpes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Montes Alpes. The number of adult manatee in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the number of adult elk in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Shackleton Crater equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult marsupial mole in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult harp seal in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Velvetgold Steppe equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult rock wallaby in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult thylacine in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Sunda Trench equals 3 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Hellenic Trench is the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Sunda Trench. The number of adult coconut crab in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult hermit crab in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult mosquito in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult wasp in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult atlas moth in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult siberian husky in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glintbloom Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult oryx in Goldenwave Valley is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult coqui frog in Diamantina Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 times the number of adult serval in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Hellenic Trench is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mariana Trench equals 2 times the number of adult black mamba in Mariana Trench. The number of adult bonobo in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Gilded Horizon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mare Vaporum equals 4 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Sunda Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Sunda Trench. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult capybara in Mare Moscoviense equals 2 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult grasshopper in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult arctic wolf in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic tern in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult desert locust in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aleutian Trench equals 3 times the number of adult phoenix in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult copperhead in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Mariana Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Shackleton Crater equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult gelada in Tonga Trench equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Tonga Trench. The number of adult gobies in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult clownfish in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult blue monkey in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lunar Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Gilded Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult allosaurus in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Mare Australe equals 4 plus the number of adult vole in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 times the number of adult border collie in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult vervet monkey in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult hooded seal in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Sunda Trench. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Glowbreeze Steppe is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult bonobo in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult thorny devil in Eclipsed Grasslands is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult nyala in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult dingo in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Goldenwave Valley is the total number of adult animals in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dawnshine Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Mare Vaporum equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult gobies in South Sandwich Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult poodle in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult roc in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Hellenic Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Mare Humorum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Mare Humorum. The number of adult manatee in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult elk in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult sea wasp in Japan Trench is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glintbloom Savannah is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Radiance Plains equals 1 times the number of adult impala in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Twilight Fields. The number of adult bushbuck in Goldenwave Valley is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Kermadec Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult wombat in Philippine Trench is the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamspire Fields equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamspire Fields equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult capybara in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 3 times the number of adult giraffe in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Mare Nubium. The number of adult ghost crab in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult mayfly in Ryukyu Trench equals 1 times the number of adult tern in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult crested gecko in Lunar Highlands is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Shimmering Pasture equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult fennec fox in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Cayman Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult roan antelope in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Timor Trough equals 2 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Timor Trough. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Tonga Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 3 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult griffin in Aleutian Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult glass frog in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult collared lemming in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 2 times the number of adult caribou in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shimmering Pasture is the total number of adult animals in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Kermadec Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult golden mole in Aristarchus Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Java Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Cayman Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Cayman Trench. The number of adult kudu in Sunda Trench is the total number of adult animals in Challenger Deep. The number of adult little blue penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult akita in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Timor Trough equals the number of adult king crab in Timor Trough. The number of adult pipefish in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Velvetgold Steppe equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Timor Trough equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Timor Trough. The number of adult leafhopper in New Hebrides Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Oceanus Procellarum equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult beluga whale in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mare Crisium equals 3 times the number of adult kiwi in Mare Crisium. The number of adult dormouse in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult nutria in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult coelacanth in Cayman Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult bilby in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult elephant in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult crab in Challenger Deep is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult bobcat in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult sea wasp in Sunda Trench is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Shackleton Crater equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Lustrous Mesa equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult golden retriever in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult jackal in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Shackleton Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult beluga whale in Java Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Aleutian Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The number of adult bobcat in Sea of Tranquility equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the number of adult orangutan in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult chihuahua in Sunveil Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult cerberus in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult patas monkey in Copernicus Crater equals 3 times the number of adult weka in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult egret in Ryukyu Trench is 1 times the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult russell's viper in Mare Cognitum equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glintbloom Savannah equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult potoroo in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult arctic tern in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mare Crisium equals 3 times the number of adult elephant bird in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult boxfish in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult clownfish in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Kermadec Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Radiance Plains. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Mare Australe equals 3 plus the number of adult nutria in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Mare Humorum equals 1 plus the number of adult spider monkey in Mare Humorum. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Philippine Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Hellenic Trench is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Mare Nubium. The number of adult fox in Yap Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult arctic tern in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult wildebeest in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult southern right whale in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult right whale in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult southern mammoth in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 times the number of adult coqui frog in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Challenger Deep equals 2 plus the number of adult lobster in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mare Humorum is the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Hellenic Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult iguanodon in Hellenic Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals 3 times the number of adult fin whale in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult rock lobster in Opalgrass Meadow is the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Java Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult dingo in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult pipefish in Tycho Crater equals 3 times the number of adult sea cucumber in Tycho Crater. The number of adult paca in Yap Trench equals 2 times the number of adult gerbil in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Mare Imbrium equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult mosquito in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult antlion in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Radiance Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Japan Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult king penguin in Japan Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult ball python in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shimmering Pasture equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the number of adult gentoo penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult harp seal in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Cayman Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Cayman Trench is the total number of adult animals in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Timor Trough equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Timor Trough. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glintbloom Savannah equals 3 times the number of adult golden cat in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult quokka in Philippine Trench. The number of adult coyote in Puerto Rico Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Nubium. The number of adult wildebeest in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult camel in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult lionfish in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Radiance Plains. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in New Hebrides Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult golden mole in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Sunspire Savannah equals 4 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Cayman Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Japan Trench equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 2 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult golden cat in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 times the number of adult puma in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Gleamspire Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult springbok in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult poodle in Velvetgold Steppe is 1 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult vole in Auric Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult mouse in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult deinonychus in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult roc in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult kittiwake in Radiance Plains. The number of adult beaked whale in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult moray eel in Twilight Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Lustrous Mesa is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glintbloom Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult lynx in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult blue monkey in Tonga Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Lustrous Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult royal penguin in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 times the number of adult desert locust in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Dawnshine Prairie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult gecko in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the number of adult hermit crab in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult african wild dog in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Tonga Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mare Humorum equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Mare Humorum. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Tycho Crater. The number of adult african clawed frog in Kermadec Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Mare Imbrium equals 3 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Timor Trough equals the number of adult walrus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Sunspire Savannah equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult agouti in Yap Trench equals the number of adult maned jackal in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mariana Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Montes Alpes equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 2 plus the number of adult meerkat in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult boxfish in Tycho Crater equals 2 times the number of adult kitsune in Tycho Crater. The number of adult butterfly in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult thorny devil in Puerto Rico Trench is the total number of adult animals in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mare Nubium equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Goldenwave Valley equals 3 times the number of adult roan antelope in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult inland taipan in Japan Trench is 1 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult firefly in Ryukyu Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Goldenwave Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 plus the number of adult axolotl in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Mare Crisium equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Mare Crisium. The number of adult fairy penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 2 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Japan Trench equals 1 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Japan Trench. The number of adult sea slug in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult dragon in Tycho Crater. The number of adult adélie penguin in Japan Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Japan Trench equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Hellenic Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult coyote in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Sunspire Savannah is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mare Humorum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Hellenic Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Cayman Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Japan Trench is the total number of adult animals in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult butterfly in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 times the number of adult walking stick in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 1. The number of adult koala in Crystalgrain Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult marbled salamander in Diamantina Trench equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult tiger prawn in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Japan Trench is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Lustrous Mesa equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Gleamspire Fields is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue monkey in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult caracal in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Mare Australe equals the number of adult squirrel in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Java Trench equals 3 times the number of adult humpback whale in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Java Trench is the total number of adult animals in Mare Crisium. The number of adult bowhead whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult walrus in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Eclipsed Grasslands is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult butterfly in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult eland in Sunda Trench. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Philippine Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Mare Imbrium equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mare Humorum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult paca in Auric Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Auric Expanse. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mare Serenitatis is the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult greenland shark in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult harp seal in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Lustrous Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult euphausiid in Kermadec Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult ivory gull in Montes Apenninus equals 1 times the number of adult bison in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult mosquito in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult tomato frog in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult collared lemming in Montes Apenninus equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult gopher in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult guinea pig in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mariana Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 plus the number of adult margay in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Challenger Deep equals 4 times the number of adult shrimp in Challenger Deep. The number of adult vervet monkey in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult macaque in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Japan Trench is the total number of adult animals in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Radiance Plains equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Radiance Plains. The number of adult dungeness crab in Timor Trough is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult lemur in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult narwhal in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Hellenic Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mare Vaporum equals 2 plus the number of adult thylacine in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult leopard frog in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult angelfish in Cayman Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mare Nubium. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Challenger Deep equals 3 plus the number of adult barnacle in Challenger Deep. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Challenger Deep equals 1 times the number of adult langoustine in Challenger Deep. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult beluga whale in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult frilled lizard in Mare Crisium is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult musk ox in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult african penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult patas monkey in Tonga Trench equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Java Trench equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult sperm whale in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult heron in Ryukyu Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult topi in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult jackal in Amberbloom Prairie. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The number of adult eland in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult okapi in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult orca in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult fire salamander in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult golden retriever in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Sunda Trench. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aleutian Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult fenrir in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult sugar glider in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Sunda Trench equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Kermadec Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Puerto Rico Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Java Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Java Trench. The number of adult blackbuck in Amberbloom Prairie equals 3 plus the number of adult oryx in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Java Trench equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult golden retriever in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult gaur in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult russell's viper in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Mare Imbrium equals 4 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult triggerfish in Tycho Crater is 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Hellenic Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult tsessebe in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult kudu in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult sperm whale in Aurora Prairie is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult tiger prawn in South Sandwich Trench equals 3 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult beluga whale in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult forest mammoth in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Mare Vaporum equals 3 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Puerto Rico Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult meerkat in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Velvetgold Steppe equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult kudu in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult milk snake in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Sunda Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Java Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Goldenwave Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult sand cat in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult ross's gull in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult capybara in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult clownfish in Cayman Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalgrass Meadow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek as Y; so Y = x = x. We know Y = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Starbloom Palace equals 3 times the number of adult hamster in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Starlight Channel is 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult nemean lion in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult chihuahua in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult parrotfish in Twilight Waters is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the number of adult hydra in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Twilight Timber is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult borneo elephant in Moonshadow Glade is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult kinkajou in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Silverdepth Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult quetzal in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult blue monkey in Sunken Crown equals 3 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Luminous Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult stingray in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult ross's gull in Starlit Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 4 plus the sum of the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek and the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Luminous Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult king eider in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult butterflyfish in Radiance Thicket is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult coqui frog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult acantharian in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult moray eel in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult elephant seal in Lustrous Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult manatee in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult pangolin in Lustrous Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamspire Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult acantharian in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult dovekie in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult gila monster in Gleamsea Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult hellbender in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult nemean lion in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Starlit Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Starbloom Palace equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult glass frog in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult aardvark in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult kitsune in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult manticore in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult california sea lion in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult beluga whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult tern in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult red panda in Lustrous Hollow is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Radiance Thicket is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Thicket is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult greenland shark in Whispering Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Whispering Vault. The number of adult colobus monkey in Aurora Grove is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult scorpion in Aurora Citadel is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult roan antelope in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult peacock in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult shrimp in Glintbark Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult cerberus in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiance Sea. The number of adult nemean lion in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult kraken in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult fenrir in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult hippogriff in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Luminous Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult scarlet macaw in Luminous Keep. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult electric eel in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult night monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult pelican in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult kitsune in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult minotaur in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult copperhead in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult green anaconda in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Moonshadow Palace equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult caiman in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Starlight Channel. The number of adult bowhead whale in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult copepod in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 times the number of adult cone snail in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult cerberus in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult kraken in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult king penguin in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult phoenix in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Glowfern Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult humpback whale in Prismatic Glade is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of adult bandicoot in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult dormouse in Nebulight Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult blue hawk in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult chihuahua in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult golden retriever in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Luminous Keep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Luminous Keep. The number of adult nile crocodile in Glowbreeze Waves is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult little blue penguin in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult kakapo in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Starlight Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Luminous Timberland equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult humpback whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult paca in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult guinea pig in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult hippogriff in Starbloom Haven is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult pteropod in Twilight Timber. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult marine iguana in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult kinkajou in Eclipsed Realm is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult basilisk in Silverleaf Grove is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult hooded seal in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult walrus in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult siberian husky in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult dhole in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starbloom Haven equals 3 times the number of adult unicorn in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 times the number of adult katydid in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Radiance Thicket equals 2 times the number of adult bettas in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamspire Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult greyhound in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult selkie in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult coconut crab in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult flamingo in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult royal penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 3 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult tern in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Luminous Timberland is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult sugar glider in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult mosquito in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Grove. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult hognose snake in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult thaliacean in Crystal Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult scorpion in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult green anaconda in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult hydra in Starbloom Haven is the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Twilight Waters equals 4 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult mandrill in Velvetbark Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Starlight Channel. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult iguana in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult vaquita in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Dreamwood Canopy is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult minotaur in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult butterfly in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult walking stick in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult southern mammoth in Nebula Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult gerbil in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult ivory gull in Whispering Vault equals 2 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult stegosaurus in Whispering Vault is the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Starlit Ocean equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult slow loris in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Frostwave Depths equals 4 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Luminous Abyss equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult poodle in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult fox in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult patas monkey in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult lemur in Sunken Crown. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult kraken in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult arctic tern in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult arctic hare in Whispering Vault. The number of adult adélie penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult agouti in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult water buffalo in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Opalescent Horizon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult copepod in Luminous Timberland is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult thaliacean in Everglint Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Everglint Woods. The number of adult diatom in Everglint Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult border collie in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult kitsune in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult minotaur in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult copperhead in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult desert locust in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult diatom in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult gray whale in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult larvacean in Everglint Woods equals 4 times the number of adult larvacean in Everglint Woods. The number of adult agouti in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult beaver in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult tsessebe in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult american alligator in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult arctic wolf in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult musk ox in Whispering Vault. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult takahe in Shimmering Shoals. The number of total number of adult animals in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult langoustine in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Starbloom Palace equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult puffin in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamcurrent Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult roc in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult damselfish in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult bowhead whale in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult narwhal in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult roc in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Luminous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult gopher in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult gopher in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult greyhound in Crystal Abyss is 1 times the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult cerberus in Frostlight Woods equals 2 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult elephant seal in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult narwhal in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult phytoplankton in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult sea anemone in Everglint Woods. The number of adult orca in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult dingo in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 times the number of adult unicorn in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Radiance Thicket is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult blue monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult gopher in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Luminous Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Realm equals 3 times the number of adult bats in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Starlit Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult arctic tern in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult nyala in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult red bishop in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Luminous Keep equals 4 times the number of adult blue hawk in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Luminous Abyss equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult kitsune in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult sea anemone in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult stegodon in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult orangutan in Opalescent Horizon is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult ocelot in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult coyote in Glimmering Gulf equals 4 plus the number of adult tapir in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult guinea pig in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult eyelash viper in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult spider monkey in Velvetbark Hollow is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The number of adult coypu in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult aardvark in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Starlight Channel equals 4 times the number of adult wood frog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 times the number of adult tintinnid in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult boomslang in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult beluga whale in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Glowbreeze Waves equals 4 times the number of adult marine iguana in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult golden mole in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult sloth in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult california sea lion in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult kinkajou in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult fenrir in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult ladybug in Aurora Grove is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult fenrir in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult roc in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glintbark Hollows is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glowbreeze Waves equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glowfern Glade equals 2 times the number of adult tapir in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult leviathan in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult griffin in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Luminous Timberland is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult wasp in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult leafhopper in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult elephant seal in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult tarsier in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the number of adult king cobra in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult centaur in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Luminous Keep equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the number of adult water buffalo in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult minke whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Luminous Keep. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult chinchilla in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult desert locust in Aurora Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult sea anemone in Twilight Waters is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Velvetbark Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult rainbow boa in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult camel in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult silkworm in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult krill in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult diatom in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult forest mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult california sea lion in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult stegodon in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult stegodon in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult grasshopper in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult katydid in Aurora Grove. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult coelacanth in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Luminous Keep. The number of adult dormouse in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult gaur in Aurora Tides. The number of adult coyote in Crystalwave Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult stegodon in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult squirrel in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult leopard in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Opalescent Horizon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Lustrous Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult kittiwake in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult american alligator in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult gelada in Velvetbark Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult cormorant in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult basilisk in Lustrous Ocean is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult leviathan in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult parrotfish in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult gelada in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult gelada in Sunken Crown. The number of adult cerberus in Silverlight Depths equals 2 times the number of adult leviathan in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult royal penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 times the number of adult gentoo penguin in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult chaetognath in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Grove is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Sea. The number of adult lionfish in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult bobcat in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Prismatic Glade equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult noctiluca in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the number of adult pipefish in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Moonshadow Palace equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult coyote in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mole in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult golden mole in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult fennec fox in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult fenrir in Silverlight Depths equals 1 times the number of adult unicorn in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult blackbuck in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Prismatic Glade is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult hooded seal in Lustrous Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult chimera in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult harpy cow in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult collared lemming in Whispering Vault equals 3 times the number of adult greenland shark in Whispering Vault. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Silverdepth Bastion equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult paca in Aurora Tides equals 2 times the number of adult nutria in Aurora Tides. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 plus the number of adult jerboa in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult rotifer in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the number of adult copepod in Everglint Woods. The number of adult fennec mule in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult phoenix in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult zooplankton in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The number of adult beluga whale in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult kraken in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult frigatebird in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult roc in Radiance Sea equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Radiance Sea. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Luminous Keep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Starlight Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult patas monkey in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult egret in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Starlight Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Glowfern Glade equals 3 times the number of adult eastern box turtle in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult desert locust in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult snow crab in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Twilight Timber. The number of adult mouse lemur in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult tamarin in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult golden mantella in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Radiance Thicket equals 2 times the number of adult lynx in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleamsea Basin. the number of adult bear in Maple Creek exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult cane toad in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult pegasus in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult southern mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult dugong in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult forest mammoth in Nebula Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult capybara in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult bandicoot in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult agouti in Aurora Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult raccoon in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult baboon in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult mayfly in Aurora Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult firefly in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Starlight Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Starbloom Palace equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult vervet monkey in Sunken Crown equals 1 times the number of adult gorilla in Sunken Crown. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult clownfish in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult russell's viper in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Luminous Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult vaquita in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult pegasus in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Luminous Abyss equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult golden cat in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult cougar in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult golden retriever in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult rhea in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult nemean lion in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult kangaroo in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult coypu in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult ocelot in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Prismatic Glade is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult russell's viper in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult red panda in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult jackal in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult narwhal in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger prawn in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Moonshadow Palace.
How many adult bear does Maple Creek have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult bear in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Maple Creek as Y; so Y = x = x. We know Y = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cayman Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Cayman Trench. The number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 4 times the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult manatee in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult zebra in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult paca in Nebula Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Nebula Crest. The number of adult wildebeest in Yap Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunda Trench. The number of adult gouldian finch in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in New Hebrides Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 2 times the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult painted bunting in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult tern in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult corn snake in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult dormouse in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult manta ray in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult flamingo in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Cayman Trench. The number of adult grasshopper in Japan Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Japan Trench. The number of adult tiger prawn in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 times the number of adult blue crab in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Puerto Rico Trench is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Astral Ridge. The number of adult bettas in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 times the number of adult guppy in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in South Sandwich Trench equals 4 times the number of adult arctic tern in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Etherreach Cliffs is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Auroraflow Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult frilled lizard in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult lemming in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult coconut crab in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult lobster in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult rotifer in Philippine Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Timor Trough equals 4 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Kermadec Trench is the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Opalescent Isle equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult sea otter in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult sea wasp in Lunarchasm Ridge is 4 times the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult langoustine in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult ghost crab in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 times the number of adult leopard frog in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Yap Trench equals the number of adult capybara in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Starlight Summit. The number of adult caiman in Dreamtide Isle is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult blackbuck in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult eland in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Puerto Rico Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult forest mammoth in Sunda Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult stegodon in Sunda Trench. The number of adult sea slug in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult manta ray in Challenger Deep. The number of adult desert locust in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult mayfly in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in South Sandwich Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult mosasaurus in Starshadow Isles equals 1 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aurora Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Aurora Keys. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Etherreach Cliffs is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The number of adult boxfish in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult macaque in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Timor Trough is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Challenger Deep. The number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult praying mantis in Japan Trench is the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Timor Trough equals 1 plus the number of adult numbat in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult patas monkey in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Yap Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult snow crab in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Challenger Deep is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm, the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus, and the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Frostveil Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult seal in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Kermadec Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult butterfly in Japan Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult capybara in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult surinam toad in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Ryukyu Trench is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult red-eared slider in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult iguana in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Mariana Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Peru-Chile Trench is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult polar bear in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult patas monkey in Japan Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult gibbon in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Astral Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult radiolaria in Astral Ridge. The number of adult booby in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult egret in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult mosquito in Japan Trench equals 3 times the number of adult tarsier in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult orca in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Radiant Crest is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Starlight Summit is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult stonefish in Java Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult penguin in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Starlit Atoll equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult rotifer in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult sun conure in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult gull in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult penguin in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult arctic tern in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Astral Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult tapir in Challenger Deep is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult boxfish in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult marbled salamander in Ryukyu Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult mayfly in Japan Trench equals the number of adult walking stick in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult seal in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in South Sandwich Trench is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult gaur in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult rhea in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult aardvark in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult gila monster in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult king cobra in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in South Sandwich Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult copperhead in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult addax in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult mosquito in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult grebe in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult golden mole in Java Trench equals 1 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Yap Trench equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Yap Trench. The number of adult tern in Diamantina Trench is the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The number of adult coconut crab in Aurora Keys equals 3 times the number of adult night monkey in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult allosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult hawkfish in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The number of adult pipefish in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the number of adult orangutan in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult lionfish in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult red bishop in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult blue hawk in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Kermadec Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult sugar glider in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Astral Ridge. The number of adult surinam toad in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult moray eel in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult coyote in Velvetreef Island equals 1 times the number of adult oryx in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult sandpiper in Diamantina Trench equals 3 times the number of adult cormorant in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult corn snake in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the number of adult green anaconda in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Puerto Rico Trench equals 4 times the number of adult beaver in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult scorpion in Velvetreef Island equals 3 times the number of adult ladybug in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Ryukyu Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult hellbender in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult moray eel in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Mariana Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Mariana Trench. The number of adult bandicoot in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult hedgehog in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult tsessebe in Radiance Keys equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Radiance Keys. The number of adult oryx in Celestica Spire is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult beaked whale in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Sunspark Summit equals 4 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Twilight Archipelago is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult lemur in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Opalescent Isle is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult damselfish in South Sandwich Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult pipefish in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult arctic tern in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult russell's viper in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult king cobra in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Nebulight Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult oryx in Luminous Lagoon is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the number of adult arctic fox in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult howler monkey in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Celestica Spire equals 3 times the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiant Crest. The number of adult agouti in Nebula Crest equals 1 times the number of adult guinea pig in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Yap Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult elk in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Celestica Spire. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult pufferfish in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult lemur in Starlit Atoll is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult albatross in Diamantina Trench is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Mariana Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult minke whale in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Timor Trough equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult manatee in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult gerbil in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in New Hebrides Trench equals 2 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Cayman Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starlight Summit equals 4 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult humpback whale in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Starlit Atoll equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult pteranodon in Timor Trough is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult boxfish in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult salp in Heavenspire Peak is 2 times the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mariana Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Celestica Spire. The number of adult sun conure in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult scarlet macaw in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult stick insect in Japan Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The number of adult tiger snake in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult sea lion in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Opalescent Isle is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Kermadec Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult greenland shark in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult giant salamander in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult toucan in Astral Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Ryukyu Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Java Trench equals the number of adult sand cat in Java Trench. The number of adult cladoceran in Cayman Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult coyote in Java Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Cayman Trench equals 1 times the number of adult amphipod in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Opalescent Isle is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Timor Trough equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Timor Trough. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult emu in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult roadrunner in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult brachiosaurus in Radiance Keys is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The number of adult manatee in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult capybara in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Aurora Crags equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Yap Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult dugong in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult capybara in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in New Hebrides Trench is the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult giant salamander in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult dormouse in Nebula Crest equals 4 times the number of adult mouse in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult damselfish in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult agouti in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Astral Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult rainbow boa in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Shimmercrest Cay is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult narwhal in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult mosasaurus in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult deinonychus in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult moray eel in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult dolphin in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult lion in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Celestica Spire equals 3 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Celestica Spire. The number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult greenland shark in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult sperm whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Timor Trough equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Astral Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mariana Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Kermadec Trench. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Opalescent Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult hooded seal in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult capybara in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult gecko in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult pipefish in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult tamarin in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult lionfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult agouti in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult lionfish in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in New Hebrides Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Astral Ridge. The number of adult capybara in Puerto Rico Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Silverwave Shoals is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult hydra in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult axolotl in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Astral Ridge. The number of adult thaliacean in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult diatom in Philippine Trench. The number of adult moray eel in New Hebrides Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Puerto Rico Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult gopher in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult cougar in Nebula Crest. The number of adult elephant seal in Frostveil Cay is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult jackal in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult narwhal in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult collared lemming in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult walrus in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Radiant Crest. The number of adult desert locust in Java Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult triceratops in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Twilight Aerie is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in South Sandwich Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Timor Trough equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult butterflyfish in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult wallaby in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Cayman Trench. The number of adult bush viper in Cayman Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Isle equals 3 times the number of adult baboon in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult frigatebird in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult euphausiid in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the number of adult surinam toad in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult bowhead whale in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult slow loris in Nimbus Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult gobies in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult mosasaurus in Frostveil Cay equals 3 times the number of adult humpback whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult giraffe in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult ivory gull in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult paca in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 times the number of adult vole in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult golden mole in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult gila monster in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult compsognathus in Nebulight Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult marine iguana in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Silverwave Shoals is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Yap Trench. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The number of adult centaur in Hellenic Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult compsognathus in Starshadow Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult african penguin in Kermadec Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult agouti in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult foraminifera in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult unicorn in Hellenic Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Opalescent Isle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult arabic cow in Aleutian Trench is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult dung beetle in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult compsognathus in Frostveil Cay equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mole in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult sperm whale in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Yap Trench equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Celestica Spire equals 3 times the number of adult kingfisher in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Sunspark Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult golden retriever in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult kittiwake in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mariana Trench. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult diplodocus in Nebulight Keys.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch as G; so G = x = x. We know G = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mount Rainier equals 4 times the number of adult quokka in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Whispering Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Cho Oyu. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mount Rainier equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Spectral Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult bush viper in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mount Rainier equals 4 plus the number of adult potoroo in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Cho Oyu. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Ghostlight Mire is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult greyhound in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult golden mole in Kangchenjunga equals 1 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult coyote in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult desert locust in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Elbrus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Elbrus. The number of adult golden retriever in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult chinchilla in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Veilwhisper Hollow is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult seal in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Elbrus equals 3 plus the number of adult sea otter in Elbrus. The number of adult coypu in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Starshard Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult thorny devil in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult grasshopper in Kilimanjaro equals 1 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Matterhorn is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The number of adult blue tang in Shimmering Mire is the total number of adult animals in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Matterhorn is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cerberus in Whispering Marsh is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult sandpiper in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult langoustine in Everest is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hooded seal in Cursed Reedlands equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult macaque in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult selkie in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult nyala in Ghostbloom Fen equals 3 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Spectral Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult cerberus in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Makalu equals 3 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Whispering Marsh equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult tsessebe in Lhotse equals the number of adult gerenuk in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dreadmire Expanse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Everest is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult bats in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult golden retriever in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of newborn animal children in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult tiger in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 4 plus the number of adult crab in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Duskmist Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult tsessebe in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Matterhorn equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Matterhorn. The number of adult poodle in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult shiba inu in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult poodle in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult dhole in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult sugar glider in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult california sea lion in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult dolphin in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult bearded dragon in Veilwhisper Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Nanga Parbat equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult gray whale in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult golden mole in Fogveil Bog equals 3 times the number of adult california sea lion in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult russell's viper in Ethereal Marsh equals 3 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Ethereal Marsh. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult bats in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult desert locust in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult manatee in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Opalescent Crag is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult elk in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mount Rainier equals 4 times the number of adult stingray in Mount Rainier. The number of adult roan antelope in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult springbok in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult southern right whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult beluga whale in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult vaquita in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult marbled salamander in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult humpback whale in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult coqui frog in Darkwater Reach equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Denali is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Shadowfen Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult copperhead in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Denali equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult nemean lion in Shimmering Mire is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sunlit Crag equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Hollowshade Basin is 2 plus the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult manatee in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult tapir in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in K2 equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in K2. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult green iguana in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult bonobo in Matterhorn is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult stingray in Shimmering Mire is the total number of adult animals in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the number of adult kraken in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult mouse lemur in Ebonshade Swamp is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult fennec mule in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of newborn animal children in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult blue monkey in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Whispering Marsh equals 4 plus the number of adult basilisk in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult ostrich in Dhaulagiri is the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult fin whale in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Veilwhisper Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Gloamspire Quagmire is 2 times the number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult barracuda in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult capybara in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult leopard frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult stonefish in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult slow loris in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult unicorn in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult eland in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult greyhound in Kangchenjunga is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult acantharian in Wraithveil Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult roan antelope in Lhotse equals 4 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Lhotse. The number of adult marine iguana in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in K2 equals the number of adult flamingo in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult tiger in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult butterfly in Kilimanjaro equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult sea cucumber in Cho Oyu is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Whispering Marsh equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Everest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Manaslu equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Manaslu. The number of adult pegasus in Hauntshade Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Vinson Massif equals 2 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Dhaulagiri equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Annapurna equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Denali equals the number of adult california sea lion in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Matterhorn. The number of adult caiman lizard in Dreadmire Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Matterhorn equals 2 times the number of adult salp in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in K2 is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Cho Oyu is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult narwhal in Soulshard Bog is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Annapurna is the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult siberian husky in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult mole in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipse Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 times the number of adult griffin in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Dreadmire Expanse is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipse Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Makalu is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mosquito in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult katydid in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Vinson Massif equals 1 plus the number of adult orangutan in Vinson Massif. The number of adult marbled salamander in Darkwater Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gleaming Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult golden retriever in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of adult animals in Spectral Basin. The number of adult hognose snake in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in K2 equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult southern right whale in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult oryx in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Denali equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Shadowfen Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Everest. The number of adult rotifer in Wraithveil Swamp equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Whispering Marsh is 3 times the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult hartebeest in Eternal Summit. The number of adult wood frog in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult wood frog in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult kittiwake in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Hollowshade Basin equals 1 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult right whale in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult indian elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Mount Rainier equals 4 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 4 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult hornet in Manaslu is the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult vaquita in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 times the number of adult manatee in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in K2 is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult kraken in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Dreamspire Summit is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The number of adult larvacean in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult pteropod in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Phantom Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult pufferfish in Hauntshade Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Denali equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Denali. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Mount Erebus is the total number of newborn animal children in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Starshard Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult jerboa in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ghostlight Mire equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult blackbuck in Lhotse equals the number of adult roan antelope in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Dhaulagiri is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult greyhound in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult paca in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Vinson Massif equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Denali equals 2 times the number of adult hooded seal in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Elbrus equals 2 times the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Elbrus. The number of adult coqui frog in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult coqui frog in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Phantom Waters is the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult sable antelope in Ghostbloom Fen is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Everest equals 4 times the number of adult hedgehog in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Shadowfen Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult pipefish in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Whispering Marsh equals 3 plus the number of adult wombat in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult frilled lizard in Dreadmire Expanse is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult fennec mule in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Matterhorn. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Aconcagua equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Aconcagua. The number of adult coqui frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Mount Erebus. The number of adult bandicoot in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult slow loris in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Shadowfen Hollow is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult toucan in Twilight Crest. The number of adult tsessebe in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult akita in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aconcagua equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult desert locust in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Mont Blanc equals 4 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 1 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Whispering Marsh equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Manaslu equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Annapurna equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Annapurna equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Annapurna. The number of adult marbled salamander in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the number of adult king cobra in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Cho Oyu equals 1 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Cho Oyu. The number of adult noctiluca in Wraithveil Swamp equals 2 plus the number of adult bettong in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Eternal Summit equals 3 times the number of adult maned jackal in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult king cobra in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Spectral Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shimmering Spire equals 1 times the number of adult mosquito in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult red panda in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult hedgehog in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Denali is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Dhaulagiri equals 1 plus the number of adult coypu in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult roadrunner in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult rotifer in Duskmist Fen is the total number of adult animals in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in K2 equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in K2. The number of adult nyala in Lhotse equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult wood frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult gila monster in Mount Erebus. The number of adult wombat in Mount Rainier is the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Nanga Parbat is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult minotaur in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Makalu equals 2 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Makalu. The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 1. The number of adult elephant seal in Cursed Reedlands is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult greenland shark in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Cho Oyu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult numbat in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult tamarin in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Elbrus is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mount Rainier is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult red panda in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult elephant seal in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Denali equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult akita in Eternal Summit. The number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult bettas in Shimmering Mire equals 3 plus the number of adult minotaur in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 times the number of adult iguanodon in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult frilled lizard in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 plus the number of adult black mamba in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Whispering Marsh equals 3 plus the number of adult kitsune in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult flamingo in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult moray eel in Luminous Apex. The number of adult vaquita in Mont Blanc equals 4 times the number of adult crested gecko in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Duskmist Fen equals 2 times the number of adult amphipod in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult acantharian in Duskmist Fen is the total number of newborn animal children in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult razorbill in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult tapir in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Cho Oyu equals 2 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Cho Oyu. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult black widow spider in Mount Erebus. The number of adult antlion in Shimmering Spire is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult sea anemone in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult fennec mule in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult bilby in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Nanga Parbat equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult chihuahua in Mount Kosciuszko equals 2 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult thaliacean in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult quokka in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Hollowshade Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult beaked whale in Aconcagua equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Dhaulagiri is the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Hollowshade Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult parrotfish in Cho Oyu is the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Vinson Massif is the total number of adult animals in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Luminous Apex equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Luminous Apex. The number of adult camel in Kangchenjunga is the total number of newborn animal children in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult chaetognath in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult diatom in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Dreadmire Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Cho Oyu equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult jackal in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in K2 equals 1 plus the number of adult red bishop in K2. The number of adult hooded seal in Mont Blanc equals 1 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Mont Blanc. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The number of adult coyote in Ghostbloom Fen is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Starlight Ridge is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Manaslu. The number of adult chihuahua in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult basenji in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult california sea lion in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult coqui frog in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult black mamba in Cho Oyu is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult giraffe in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult blackbuck in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult fennec fox in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Elbrus equals the number of adult marine iguana in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult nemean lion in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Everest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Cho Oyu equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Cho Oyu.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus as i; so i = x = x. We know i = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult vervet monkey in Auroralumina equals 1 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Lapland equals 4 times the number of adult praying mantis in Lapland. The number of adult orangutan in Iceland equals 1 plus the number of adult larvacean in Iceland. The number of adult moray eel in Nimbus Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult diatom in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult mandrill in Iram of the Pillars is the total number of adult animals in Xanadu. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Hawaiki is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The number of adult cerberus in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Aetherhold equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in South Pole equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult beaked whale in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Aetherhold equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Aetherhold. The number of adult ball python in Xanadu is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Cibola equals 2 times the number of adult crested gecko in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Agartha equals 2 times the number of adult manticore in Agartha. The number of adult golden mole in Shangri-La equals 4 times the number of adult tsessebe in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in El Dorado is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the number of adult heron in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Altai Mountains is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Mount Fuji. The number of adult green anaconda in Antarctica is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Svalbard equals the number of adult silkworm in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Cloudreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Svalbard. The number of adult gorilla in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mu equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Mu. The number of adult sea slug in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Aetherhold equals the number of adult kudu in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Gilded Archway equals 1 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Gilded Archway. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult cassowary in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult goblin shark in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Tír na nÓg is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Svalbard. The number of adult rotifer in Yukon is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in South Pole equals the number of adult cayote in South Pole. The number of adult cassowary in Yggdrasil is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hyperborea. The number of adult praying mantis in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Hyperborea equals 3 plus the number of adult roc in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult blue whale in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult meerkat in Arctic Circle. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Camelot equals 2 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Camelot. The number of adult bettas in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult stingray in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in El Dorado equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Aetherhold is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The number of adult hippogriff in El Dorado is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Patagonia is the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Hyperborea equals the number of adult fenrir in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult mangrove snake in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult gerenuk in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Agartha equals the number of adult hippogriff in Agartha. The number of adult butterfly in Xanadu equals the number of adult silkworm in Xanadu. The number of adult stegodon in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult asian elephant in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lyonesse equals 4 plus the number of adult gelada in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Greenland. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult blue monkey in Mount Meru equals 1 times the number of adult mandrill in Mount Meru. The number of adult southern mammoth in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult elephant seal in Yggdrasil. The number of adult firefly in Garden of the Hesperides is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult howler monkey in Gilded Archway is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Garden of the Hesperides is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The number of adult walrus in Hyperborea is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Heavensgate equals 2 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Gilded Archway. The number of adult fairy penguin in Atlantis equals 1 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Siberia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Siberia. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lemuria equals 1 times the number of adult bobcat in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Mu equals the number of adult grasshopper in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult orca in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in South Pole equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in South Pole is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount McKinley. The number of adult squirrel in North Pole is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Hawaiki equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult elephant seal in Altai Mountains. The number of adult desert locust in Shangri-La equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in South Pole equals the number of adult golden retriever in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Cloudreach equals the number of adult gazelle in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lapland equals the number of adult atlas moth in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Mount McKinley is the total number of newborn animal children in Siberia. The number of adult phoenix in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Aetherhold. The number of adult rock wallaby in Camelot equals 3 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Luminous Harbor equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Ecliptica Dome is the total number of adult animals in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Arctic Circle equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Siberia equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Arctic Circle. The number of adult ocelot in Stardust Bastion is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Lemuria equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Aetherhold. The number of adult vervet monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 plus the number of adult minotaur in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult patas monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult capuchin in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult fiddler crab in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Skyspire City equals the number of adult maned jackal in Skyspire City. The number of adult sea slug in Hawaiki equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Hawaiki. The number of adult reticulated python in Xanadu is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lapland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 plus the number of adult king penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult rotifer in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult bats in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult rock lobster in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Lapland equals the number of adult silkworm in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Mount McKinley equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Mount McKinley. The number of adult potoroo in Camelot equals 3 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Aetherhold equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Alps equals the number of adult corn snake in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult chaetognath in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult forest mammoth in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult great auk in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mount McKinley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Mount McKinley. The number of adult frilled lizard in Antarctica equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult dodo in Yggdrasil. The number of adult mosquito in Asgard equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Alps equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Alps. The number of adult noctiluca in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult dormouse in North Pole equals 3 plus the number of adult gibbon in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Alps equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Tír na nÓg is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula City. The number of adult fenrir in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult hydra in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lyonesse equals the number of adult mandrill in Lyonesse. The number of adult red-eared slider in Antarctica equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Antarctica. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Mount Meru is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Mu. The number of adult thaliacean in Yukon equals the number of adult diatom in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Cloudreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult sugar glider in Asgard is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The number of adult bilby in Avalon is the total number of newborn animal children in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult king cobra in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mu is the total number of newborn animal children in El Dorado. The number of adult gelada in Iram of the Pillars equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Mount McKinley. The number of adult coyote in Shangri-La equals 1 plus the number of adult camel in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Gilded Archway equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult chimpanzee in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Luminous Harbor equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Silverplume Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Greenland. The number of adult compsognathus in Himalayas equals the number of adult gila monster in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Greenland equals the number of adult goblin shark in Greenland. The number of adult mosquito in Xanadu equals the number of adult mayfly in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Hyperborea equals the number of adult hydra in Hyperborea. The number of adult triggerfish in Hawaiki equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lyonesse. The number of adult patas monkey in Auroralumina equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lyonesse equals 1 times the number of adult walrus in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult shearwater in Cibola is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult butterfly in Asgard equals 2 plus the number of adult opossum in Asgard. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Atlantis equals 2 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Mu equals 1 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Mu. The number of adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Heavensgate equals the number of adult grasshopper in Heavensgate. The number of adult foraminifera in Yukon is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult cicada in Asgard is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Svalbard equals the number of adult dragonfly in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Siberia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Yggdrasil equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Yggdrasil. The number of adult ball python in Valhalla is the total number of newborn animal children in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in South Pole equals the number of adult shiba inu in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Cibola equals the number of adult heron in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult minke whale in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Skyspire City equals the number of adult fox in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 2. The number of adult copperhead in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the number of adult sable antelope in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult rattlesnake in Antarctica equals the number of adult gecko in Antarctica. The number of adult seal in Hyperborea is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavensgate. The number of adult forest mammoth in Rockies equals 4 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult eagle in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult opossum in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Gilded Archway equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Gilded Archway. The number of adult tiger in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult thaliacean in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult cladoceran in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult radiolaria in Tír na nÓg is the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Garden of the Hesperides. the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The number of adult pipefish in Hawaiki equals the number of adult american mastodon in Hawaiki. The number of adult hellbender in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Yukon is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Camelot is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Cibola equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Arctic Circle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Greenland is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Hyperborea is the total number of adult animals in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in South Pole equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in South Pole. The number of adult leafhopper in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of adult animals in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Cibola is the total number of newborn animal children in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Avalon is the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Aetherhold equals the number of adult phoenix in Aetherhold. The number of adult blue monkey in Iram of the Pillars is the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Siberia equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Altai Mountains. The number of adult elephant seal in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult sperm whale in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult blue monkey in Auroralumina equals the number of adult baboon in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Patagonia equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Avalon is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in El Dorado. The number of adult paca in North Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in North Pole. The number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Avalon is the total number of adult animals in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Hyperborea. The number of adult surgeonfish in Rockies is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The number of adult russell's viper in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult bushbuck in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Heavensgate is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Aetherhold equals the number of adult zebra in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Luminous Harbor is the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lyonesse. The number of adult agouti in Stardust Bastion equals 2 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult grasshopper in Xanadu equals the number of adult black mamba in Xanadu. The number of adult fairy penguin in Agartha equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Agartha. The number of adult sandpiper in Valhalla equals the number of adult milk snake in Valhalla. The number of adult phytoplankton in Yukon is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Skyspire City. The number of adult nemean lion in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Cloudreach equals 4 plus the number of adult topi in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mount McKinley is 4 plus the number of adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult gibbon in Mount Meru is the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Heavensgate equals 4 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Heavensgate. The number of adult bush viper in Yukon is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult marbled salamander in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Silverplume Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult chimpanzee in Iceland equals the number of adult diatom in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult ghost crab in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in El Dorado equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Aetherhold. The number of adult rainbow boa in Starweaver's Crest is the number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult beaver in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Cloudreach equals 3 times the number of adult caracal in Cloudreach. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Tír na nÓg equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in El Dorado equals the number of adult gila monster in El Dorado. The number of adult bettong in Arctic Circle is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult royal penguin in Atlantis equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Atlantis. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Mount Fuji is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult gobies in Hawaiki equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Heavensgate equals the number of adult firefly in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult sandpiper in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Luminous Harbor equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Alps equals 2 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Alps. The number of adult eastern newt in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Avalon equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Avalon. The number of adult damselfish in Siberia is 1 plus the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult kitsune in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult pegasus in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Avalon equals 1 times the number of adult arctic fox in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Patagonia equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult ghost crab in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Heavensgate equals 4 times the number of adult dung beetle in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lyonesse is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The number of adult eyelash viper in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult hognose snake in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Kamchatka Peninsula is 3 times the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lemuria equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Avalon equals 2 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Avalon. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Hawaiki is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Himalayas equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult sperm whale in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult agouti in North Pole equals the number of adult gelada in North Pole. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult numbat in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult african penguin in Agartha equals the number of adult kraken in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Aetherhold equals the number of adult cerberus in Aetherhold. The number of adult caiman in Stardust Bastion equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Siberia equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mount Fuji equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Mount Fuji. The number of adult adélie penguin in Atlantis is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mu equals the number of adult kudu in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Mount McKinley. The number of adult blackbuck in Franz Josef Land equals 4 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Gilded Archway. The number of adult orangutan in Stardust Bastion equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Silverplume Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Mu. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Atlantis equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Skyspire City equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Mu is 1 times the number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The number of adult firefly in Svalbard is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Lapland. The number of adult corn snake in Antarctica equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Antarctica. The number of adult marine iguana in Antarctica equals 4 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult boxfish in Hawaiki equals 1 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Hawaiki. The number of adult cladoceran in Tír na nÓg is the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Altai Mountains equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Yggdrasil is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The number of adult egret in Valhalla is the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Patagonia equals 4 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult little blue penguin in Agartha equals 2 plus the number of adult dragon in Agartha. The number of adult royal penguin in Agartha equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Agartha. The number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult hooded seal in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult zooplankton in Tír na nÓg is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Aetherhold. The number of adult king cobra in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult tiger in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Avalon equals the number of adult walrus in Avalon. The number of adult coqui frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult gibbon in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Lapland equals 3 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Lapland. The number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside, the number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek, the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest, and the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Crystalis Ascent is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult gelada in Auroralumina equals 3 times the number of adult gelada in Auroralumina. The number of adult blue monkey in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult wildebeest in Franz Josef Land is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult potoroo in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult dodo in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Luminous Harbor equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Yggdrasil is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Cibola is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of adult animals in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Svalbard equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Avalon is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Hyperborea equals 4 times the number of adult gray whale in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mu equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lapland equals 4 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the number of adult southern right whale in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult mayfly in Garden of the Hesperides is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Patagonia equals the number of adult potoroo in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 4. The number of adult wood frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult orangutan in Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek as F; so F = x = x. We know F = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Starshine Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult amphipod in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult thaliacean in Aetherhold equals the number of adult euphausiid in Aetherhold. The number of adult springbok in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult king cobra in Hawaiki equals 2 times the number of adult green basilisk in Hawaiki. The number of adult fenrir in Cloudreach equals 3 times the number of adult minotaur in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glowthorn Thickets is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Velvetbough Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult koala in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Aurorathorn Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Everglow Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gilded Archway equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Nimbus Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Avalon. The number of adult rotifer in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Xanadu equals 3 times the number of adult black mamba in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult copperhead in Lyonesse equals 2 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Lyonesse. The number of adult king cobra in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult green anaconda in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult bettas in Asgard equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult sperm whale in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult bettong in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starweaver's Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult zooplankton in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult amphipod in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Celestial Arch equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Starshine Canopy is 3 plus the number of adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult nemean lion in Cloudreach equals the number of adult fenrir in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult golden mole in El Dorado equals the number of adult dromedary camel in El Dorado. The number of adult noctiluca in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult sugar glider in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult sugar glider in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Nebula City is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The number of adult red bishop in Cibola equals 2 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Cibola. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Xanadu equals 4 times the number of adult russell's viper in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Valhalla equals the number of adult minke whale in Valhalla. The number of adult african penguin in Mount Meru is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult noctiluca in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult amphipod in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult numbat in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Valhalla equals the number of adult southern right whale in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Radiant Glade. The number of adult collared lemming in Atlantis equals the number of adult arctic fox in Atlantis. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Cibola equals the number of adult manatee in Cibola. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Heavensgate equals 2 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Nebula City equals the number of adult penguin in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult agouti in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Starshine Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult egret in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Hyperborea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Silverplume Summit is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult nyala in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult impala in Everglow Glade. The number of adult larvacean in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult bearded dragon in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult russell's viper in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in Yggdrasil. The number of adult panther chameleon in Aurorathorn Grove is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult numbat in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult aardvark in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult razorbill in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult larvacean in Aetherhold equals the number of adult golden retriever in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 times the number of adult sand cat in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Glimmerveil Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Celestial Arch. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Agartha equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Auroralumina equals 4 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Auroralumina. The number of adult rattlesnake in Asgard is 4 times the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult red bishop in Heavensgate equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Glowthorn Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the number of adult yak in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult larvacean in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult potoroo in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult desert locust in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult jerboa in Dusksong Forest is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult iguana in Frostshadow Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult arabic cow in Twilight Timber is 2 plus the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult thaliacean in Crystalis Ascent equals 3 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Celestial Arch equals 4 times the number of adult sea wasp in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the number of adult dhole in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipsed Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Heavensgate equals the number of adult heron in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Avalon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Starshine Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult cladoceran in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult patas monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult king cobra in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Garden of the Hesperides is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult peacock in Radiant Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult phytoplankton in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult nightjar in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult gecko in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 plus the number of adult chaetognath in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silverplume Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult tapir in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Nebula City equals the number of adult razorbill in Nebula City. The number of adult colobus monkey in Frostshadow Woods is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult greenland shark in Atlantis equals 2 times the number of adult ross's gull in Atlantis. The number of adult larvacean in Starshine Canopy is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Auroralumina equals 2 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult stingray in Asgard equals 1 plus the number of adult marlin in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Eclipsed Thickets is 1 plus the number of adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult bison in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starweaver's Crest equals 3 times the number of adult chipmunk in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Gilded Archway. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Crystalpine Wilds is the number of adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult mouse lemur in Shimmerwood Refuge is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Xanadu. The number of adult orangutan in Hawaiki equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Hawaiki. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Lyonesse equals 4 times the number of adult black mamba in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult radiolaria in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starweaver's Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult gouldian finch in Cibola equals the number of adult elephant seal in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lemuria equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult arabic cow in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult hooded seal in Skyspire City equals the number of adult capuchin in Skyspire City. The number of adult sea slug in Silverleaf Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Lemuria. The number of adult leviathan in Cloudreach equals the number of adult basilisk in Cloudreach. The number of adult blackbuck in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult wildebeest in Everglow Glade. The number of adult bowhead whale in Atlantis equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Nimbus Haven equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult rock wallaby in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult thylacine in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult gila monster in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowthorn Thickets is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Luminous Harbor equals 2 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Mu equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Agartha equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Nebula City equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Nebula City. The number of adult kangaroo in Skyhaven Citadel is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult dragonfly in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Heavensgate equals the number of adult penguin in Heavensgate. The number of adult blue monkey in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult gibbon in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gobies in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult noctiluca in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult larvacean in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Camelot equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Shangri-La equals 4 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Shangri-La. The number of adult harpy cow in Hawaiki is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Gilded Archway equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult guinea pig in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Camelot equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Radiant Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Agartha equals 1 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Agartha. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult larvacean in Stardust Bastion equals 3 times the number of adult chaetognath in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult acantharian in Stardust Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The number of adult northern cardinal in Heavensgate equals the number of adult toucan in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Luminous Harbor equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 plus the number of adult puffin in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult roan antelope in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult pufferfish in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Xanadu equals the number of adult collared lemming in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Lemuria is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult thaliacean in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult marlin in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Auroralumina equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Camelot. The number of adult pipefish in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Radiant Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Shangri-La. The number of adult red panda in Shimmerwood Refuge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult wildebeest in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Aurorathorn Grove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The number of adult rotifer in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult noctiluca in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The number of adult ivory gull in Xanadu is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult hooded seal in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult narwhal in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Crystalpine Wilds is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult orangutan in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult fenrir in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Nebula City equals the number of adult bush baby in Nebula City. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Mu equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Mu. The number of adult chimpanzee in Hawaiki is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Silverleaf Hollow. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult lemur in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Iram of the Pillars equals 4 times the number of adult dingo in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult paradise tanager in Heavensgate equals 3 times the number of adult razorbill in Heavensgate. The number of adult gibbon in Skyspire City is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gilded Archway equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starweaver's Crest equals 4 times the number of adult capybara in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Mu equals the number of adult hellbender in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult eland in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starweaver's Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult meerkat in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Timberland is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult margay in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult orangutan in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Hawaiki is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult diplodocus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Velvetbough Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult gorilla in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult roc in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult tsessebe in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Everglow Glade. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult tarsier in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Camelot. The number of adult gouldian finch in Heavensgate equals the number of adult albatross in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Valhalla equals the number of adult sugar glider in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult toucan in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult leopard in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gilded Archway equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Hyperborea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Hyperborea. The number of adult centaur in Nebulight Wilds is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult snow leopard in Celestial Arch. The number of adult acantharian in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult red panda in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult quokka in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The number of adult archerfish in Asgard equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Asgard. The number of adult zooplankton in Aetherhold equals the number of adult tintinnid in Aetherhold. The number of adult coyote in El Dorado equals the number of adult coyote in El Dorado. The number of adult rotifer in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult diatom in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Nebula City equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Shangri-La equals the number of adult moray eel in Shangri-La. The number of adult thaliacean in Yggdrasil equals 4 times the number of adult foraminifera in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Hyperborea equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Hyperborea. The number of adult chimpanzee in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult toucan in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult cerberus in Cloudreach equals 1 times the number of adult kitsune in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula City. The number of adult phytoplankton in Aetherhold equals 4 times the number of adult poodle in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Tír na nÓg equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult inland taipan in Celestial Arch. The number of adult acantharian in Aetherhold equals 2 times the number of adult fox in Aetherhold. The number of adult noctiluca in Aetherhold equals 4 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Valhalla equals the number of adult beaked whale in Valhalla. The number of adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult acantharian in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult larvacean in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Avalon is the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult golden mantella in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Gilded Archway equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult rotifer in Aetherhold equals the number of adult border collie in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Nebula City. The number of adult tiger in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult tiger in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Aurorathorn Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Valhalla is the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult boxfish in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Mu equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Mu. The number of adult euphausiid in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult salp in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult amphipod in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Camelot equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lemuria equals 3 plus the number of adult caiman in Lemuria. The number of adult patas monkey in Mount Meru equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult foraminifera in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Agartha is 3 times the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Nebula City equals the number of adult dovekie in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lemuria equals 1 times the number of adult manticore in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Hyperborea equals 3 times the number of adult manatee in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gilded Archway equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Gilded Archway. The number of adult marine iguana in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult blue monkey in Mount Meru equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult corn snake in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Auroralumina equals the number of adult green anaconda in Auroralumina. The number of adult coyote in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult rotifer in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult iguanodon in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Mu equals 2 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Mu. The number of adult stonefish in Everglow Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult moray eel in Asgard equals 2 times the number of adult blue tang in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Hyperborea equals the number of adult hooded seal in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult elephant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gilded Archway equals 2 plus the number of adult guppy in Gilded Archway. The number of adult bonobo in Dreambark Sanctuary is the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Hyperborea equals 2 times the number of adult langoustine in Hyperborea. The number of adult roc in Cloudreach equals 3 plus the number of adult selkie in Cloudreach. The number of adult painted bunting in Heavensgate equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Hyperborea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult nutria in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult groundhog in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Nebula City equals the number of adult pangolin in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminous Harbor equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Silverplume Summit equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Hyperborea equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult tern in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult camel in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Glowthorn Thickets is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult nutria in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Shangri-La equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Shangri-La. The number of adult steamer duck in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Agartha equals 3 times the number of adult akita in Agartha. The number of adult thaliacean in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult acantharian in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Camelot. The number of adult manta ray in Shangri-La is the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The number of adult sun conure in Heavensgate equals the number of adult skimmer in Heavensgate. The number of adult sun conure in Cibola equals 4 plus the number of adult paradise tanager in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Celestial Arch equals 3 times the number of adult lynx in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Lightveil Sanctum equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Lustrous Timberland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult desert locust in El Dorado equals 3 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Valhalla. The number of adult seal in Tír na nÓg is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Valhalla equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Valhalla. The number of adult arctic wolf in Atlantis is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The number of adult groundhog in Aurorathorn Grove is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult tiger in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult larvacean in Yggdrasil is the total number of newborn animal children in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Shangri-La equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Shangri-La. The number of adult bearded dragon in Asgard is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Archway. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult gibbon in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Nimbus Haven equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult kitsune in Cloudreach equals the number of adult corn snake in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Hyperborea equals the number of adult seal in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Lightveil Sanctum equals 4 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreambark Sanctuary.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge as q; so q = x = x. We know q = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult elephant seal in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 times the number of adult dugong in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult tinamous in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult stingray in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult cicada in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Aurora Borealis equals 2 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult akita in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult selkie in Polar Vortex is 4 times the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult elephant seal in Stratosphere equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult frilled lizard in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult stingray in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult marine iguana in Velvet Mirror equals 4 plus the number of adult kiwi in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult snow crab in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult ghost crab in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Ionosphere equals the number of adult lionfish in Ionosphere. The number of adult spiny lobster in Whisperlake is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Ionosphere is the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Frostlight Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult fennec fox in Lustrous Depths is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult scorpion in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Lustrous Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult capybara in Luminous Atoll is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult stingray in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult basilisk in Polar Vortex. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Silkreef Shores equals 1 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Aurora Borealis equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult patas monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glowglass Pond equals 2 plus the number of adult ocelot in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult rotifer in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult euphausiid in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult water buffalo in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult vaquita in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult humpback whale in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult tiger prawn in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult fin whale in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Azure Abyss equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Thermosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Exosphere equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult tiger prawn in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult coconut crab in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult bongo in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Seashell Isles equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult aardvark in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Troposphere is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult border collie in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult golden mole in Supercells equals the number of adult sloth in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ozone Layer equals 4 plus the number of adult wasp in Ozone Layer. The number of adult king penguin in Starshimmer Waters is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult northern cardinal in Starshimmer Waters is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult scorpion in Mystic Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult greyhound in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Thermosphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Thermosphere. The number of adult ghost crab in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Silverwave Lake equals 1 plus the number of adult gray whale in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult king cobra in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult okapi in Gilded Reef. The number of adult larvacean in Eclipse Cove is the total number of adult animals in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult praying mantis in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Serenade Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Serenade Isle. The number of adult blue monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult blue monkey in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Ionosphere equals the number of adult dormouse in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Thermosphere equals the number of adult gila monster in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult scorpion in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult kinkajou in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Exosphere equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 times the number of adult greenland shark in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Whisperlake equals 4 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glowglass Pond equals 3 times the number of adult gentoo penguin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Thermosphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Frostlight Waters equals 2 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Azure Abyss is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Supercells. The number of adult poodle in Lustrous Depths is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult sperm whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Altostratus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult sea otter in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult sable antelope in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo equals the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult humpback whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Nimbus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult hornet in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult compsognathus in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Emerald Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult sand cat in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mesosphere equals 1 times the number of adult indian elephant in Mesosphere. The number of adult rock wallaby in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult wallaby in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult parrotfish in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult kakapo in Velvet Mirror is the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Exosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Radiant Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult king penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Troposphere equals the number of adult barnacle in Troposphere. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Exosphere. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Aurora Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Ionosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Ionosphere. The number of adult meerkat in Silverwave Lake is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Ionosphere equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Ionosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Azure Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Aurora Borealis equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult okapi in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Stratosphere equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Charmed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult tsessebe in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult baboon in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult desert locust in Supercells equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Opalescent Basin equals 3 times the number of adult paca in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult puffin in Noctilucent Clouds is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult golden mantella in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult hooded seal in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult barnacle in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult beaked whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult orangutan in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult springbok in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Mystic Tides equals 3 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Whispering Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult boxfish in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult fennec fox in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Aurora Pool equals 3 times the number of adult bobcat in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Radiant Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult razorbill in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Whisperlake equals 2 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Ionosphere equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Opalescent Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult agouti in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult archerfish in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 times the number of adult goblin shark in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Meteor Showers. The number of adult blackbuck in Cirrus Cloud is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Cumulus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult dragonfly in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Cumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult walking stick in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult moray eel in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Thermosphere. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverwave Lake is the total number of adult animals in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult bobcat in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mesosphere equals the number of adult gila monster in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult arctic hare in Charmed Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the number of adult addax in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Thermosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Frostlight Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult oryx in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult manatee in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult moose in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult dovekie in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Cumulus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult butterfly in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Meteor Showers is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Opalescent Basin equals 3 times the number of adult arctic tern in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult desert locust in Mystic Tides is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the number of adult sei whale in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Coralhaven equals 1 plus the number of adult slow loris in Coralhaven. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult silkworm in Ozone Layer. The number of adult chihuahua in Starflow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult serval in Starflow Isles. The number of adult coyote in Mystic Tides is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult quokka in Azure Abyss is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult sand cat in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult moray eel in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Lustrous Depths is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Exosphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Whisperlake is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Ecliptica Bay is the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult hamster in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Altostratus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Luminary Lagoon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Whisperlake equals the number of adult allosaurus in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult gelada in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 times the number of adult capuchin in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult aye-aye in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ozone Layer equals 3 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Lustrous Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult chihuahua in Lustrous Depths is the total number of adult animals in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult gopher in Ionosphere is 4 plus the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shimmerstone Keys is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult stonefish in Frostlight Waters is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Seashell Isles. The number of adult little blue penguin in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult beluga whale in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Meteor Showers is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Serenade Isle. The number of adult tiger in Gilded Reef equals 2 times the number of adult bonobo in Gilded Reef. The number of adult arctic wolf in Cirrus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Ionosphere equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Ionosphere. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Charmed Shoals is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult capybara in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult hooded seal in Stratosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult african wild dog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Whispering Cay. The number of adult coqui frog in Azurehaven equals the number of adult coqui frog in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Troposphere is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Thermosphere equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Coralhaven equals the number of adult sugar glider in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult mosquito in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult oryx in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult dragonfly in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Meteor Showers equals 4 plus the number of adult red bishop in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult meerkat in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Lustrous Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Opalescent Basin equals 2 times the number of adult musk ox in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult african forest elephant in Gleaming Ripple is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult night monkey in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult elephant bird in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Coralhaven equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Meteor Showers is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The number of adult thaliacean in Luminous Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult gaur in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult right whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult patas monkey in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult seal in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult coyote in Supercells equals the number of adult okapi in Supercells. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Mesosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the number of adult king penguin in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult golden cat in Auroras Australis. The number of adult california sea lion in Stratosphere equals the number of adult orca in Stratosphere. The number of adult sandpiper in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 plus the number of adult razorbill in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Ionosphere equals the number of adult guinea pig in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Whispering Cay. The number of adult golden mole in Mystic Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mole in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Azure Abyss. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Silverwave Lake is the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Radiant Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Crystalmirror Waters is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult fishing cat in Aurora Pool is the total number of adult animals in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Whispering Cay equals 2 times the number of adult roadrunner in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Whisperlake equals 1 times the number of adult sea urchin in Whisperlake. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Velvet Mirror is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Moonveil Lake is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult leafhopper in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult booby in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Lustrous Depths is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult dungeness crab in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult king eider in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Thermosphere equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult steamer duck in Velvet Mirror is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Mesosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Mesosphere. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult cicada in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Dawnspire Cay is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Azure Abyss equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Azure Abyss. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult atlas moth in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult humpback whale in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Lustrous Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult rock lobster in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult shrimp in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the number of adult allosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 times the number of adult triceratops in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult humpback whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult leafhopper in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult california sea lion in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult sea lion in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The number of adult komodo dragon in Eclipse Cove is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult bettas in Polar Vortex equals 4 times the number of adult coelacanth in Polar Vortex. The number of adult bettas in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult walking stick in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult beaked whale in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 times the number of adult stegodon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Thermosphere is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult golden cat in Auroras Australis equals 1 times the number of adult roc in Auroras Australis. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Gleaming Ripple is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Dreamtide Cove equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult rhinoceros in Dreamcatcher Basin is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Charmed Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Whisperlake equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult blue whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult iguanodon in Whisperlake is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Meteor Showers is the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Whispering Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult bush viper in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult fennec fox in Whispering Cay. The number of adult green anaconda in Lustrous Depths is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Whisperlake is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Stratocumulus Cloud is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult addax in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult sand cat in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult coconut crab in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult hermit crab in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Troposphere equals 1 plus the number of adult krill in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult marbled salamander in Azurehaven equals 3 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Azurehaven. The number of adult coqui frog in Jet Stream equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Emerald Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult slow loris in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Exosphere equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Dawnspire Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult ostrich in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult orangutan in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult frilled lizard in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult iguana in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult duiker in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Moonmist Atoll is the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult kudu in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult beluga whale in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Cumulus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Whisperlake. The number of adult southern right whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult poodle in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult cayote in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult pangolin in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Ozone Layer equals 1 plus the number of adult ladybug in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult jackal in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult vervet monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult baboon in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult chimera in Auroras Australis is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult coyote in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult adélie penguin in Aurora Pool is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult butterflyfish in Silkreef Shores is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult narwhal in Silverwave Lake is the total number of newborn animal children in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Lustrous Depths is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mesosphere. The number of adult wildebeest in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Coralhaven equals the number of adult lobster in Coralhaven. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Coralhaven equals 3 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Serenade Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Thermosphere. The number of adult collared lemming in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult harp seal in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult crab in Ethereal Pool is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Whisperlake equals 4 plus the number of adult starfish in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Whispering Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Whispering Cay. The number of adult humpback whale in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Lustrous Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult potoroo in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the number of adult american mastodon in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult langoustine in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult ivory gull in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult moray eel in Polar Vortex equals 1 times the number of adult goblin shark in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult impala in Moonmist Atoll.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo as W; so W = x = x. We know W = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult green basilisk in Nebulight Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult ghost crab in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult frigatebird in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 plus the number of adult aardvark in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult sea anemone in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult omura's whale in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult gopher in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult mouse in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult porcupine in Duskspire Ruins is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Twilight Thrones equals 4 plus the number of adult stick insect in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Twilight Thrones equals 4 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lustrous Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Aurora Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glistenroot Grotto equals 3 plus the number of adult puma in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult agouti in Glowfern Glade equals 2 times the number of adult iguana in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonstone Maze is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult greenland shark in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult caribou in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Glistenroot Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult night monkey in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Nebulight Caverns is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult red-eared slider in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult hellbender in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Moonstone Maze equals 3 times the number of adult hellbender in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult baboon in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 times the number of adult bats in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult golden mole in Nebulight Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Prismatic Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Frostlight Woods is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Radiant Catacombs equals 2 plus the number of adult euphausiid in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult grasshopper in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult stick insect in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult blackbuck in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult margay in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult coyote in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult fennec fox in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Silverdepth Bastion equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Opal Grotto. The number of adult booby in Shardlight Chasms equals 3 plus the number of adult tern in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Twilight Thrones equals 4 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult musk ox in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult topi in Glowspire Depths equals 4 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult crab in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Glintbark Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult patas monkey in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult crested gecko in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult collared lemming in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult musk ox in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult gazelle in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult leafhopper in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult harpy cow in Aurora Grove is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult baboon in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Fluorescent Depths is 1 plus the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shadowglint Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Luminous Hollows is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Luminous Keep equals 4 plus the number of adult blue whale in Luminous Keep. The number of adult sandpiper in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult mosquito in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult howler monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Prismatic Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult gila monster in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult fennec fox in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Crystalshade Tunnels is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult kiwi in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Starlight Vault. The number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult jackal in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult king penguin in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult hooded seal in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult corn snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Luminous Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult capybara in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult little blue penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult fairy penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult desert locust in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult mosquito in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Spectral Chamber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 plus the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Crystal Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult tamarin in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult zooplankton in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Twilight Thrones equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult basilisk in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult blue monkey in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult golden mole in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult katydid in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult gelada in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult boomslang in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Dreamwood Canopy is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Moonstone Maze equals 3 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern newt in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult bonobo in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult omura's whale in Luminous Keep is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Prismatic Rift equals 3 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult sandpiper in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult gannet in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Opal Grotto. The number of adult stick insect in Twilight Timber is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult corn snake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult marine iguana in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Starbloom Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Moonstone Maze equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult leafhopper in Prismatic Rift is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleaming Bastion equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult barnacle in Elderbloom Woods is the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult night monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult nightjar in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleaming Bastion equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Radiant Catacombs equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult snares penguin in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult blackbuck in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult roan antelope in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult bettas in Crystal Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult angelfish in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Gleaming Bastion is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Gleaming Bastion equals 4 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Frostlight Woods. the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult cheetah in Aurora Grove. The number of adult royal penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult bilby in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Radiant Catacombs equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult arctic fox in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult butterfly in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult leafhopper in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Aurora Grove. The number of adult coyote in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult blue monkey in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult tamarin in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult coyote in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult camel in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult vole in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult agouti in Duskspire Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult gazelle in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult mole in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult squirrel in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Nebulight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult macaroni penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Sunken Crown. The number of adult mosquito in Ebon Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult silkworm in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult little blue penguin in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult sea lion in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult fiddler crab in Elderbloom Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Opal Grotto. The number of adult orangutan in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult fennec mule in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Spectral Chamber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Luminous Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shadowglint Vault equals 3 times the number of adult coelacanth in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Luminous Keep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Luminous Keep. The number of adult dormouse in Glowfern Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult hornet in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult foraminifera in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult vervet monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult bush baby in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult lion in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult booby in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult penguin in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult tiger prawn in Eclipsed Realm equals 1 plus the number of adult fox in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult grasshopper in Luminous Keep. The number of adult elephant in Whispering Vault is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Starlight Vault is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Frostlight Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult macaque in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult tsessebe in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult bushbuck in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Moonstone Maze equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamspire Keep equals 1 times the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 plus the number of adult glass frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult coconut crab in Eclipsed Realm equals 2 times the number of adult spider crab in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Whispering Vault equals 4 times the number of adult gaur in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult bushbuck in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult hooded seal in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult quetzal in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult chihuahua in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Luminous Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Silverdepth Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult lemming in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult nutria in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Whispering Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult bobcat in Aurora Grove. The number of adult bats in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Glintbark Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult walrus in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult roan antelope in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Moonstone Maze equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult copperhead in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult thaliacean in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult paca in Duskspire Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult ocelot in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Silverdepth Bastion equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult leopard frog in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult marine iguana in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult surinam toad in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult euphausiid in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Frostlight Woods is 2 times the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult patas monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult camel in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 times the number of adult hognose snake in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult tsessebe in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult snares penguin in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult chimera in Frostveil Ruins. The number of total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The number of adult grasshopper in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Twilight Timber. The number of adult arctic wolf in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult manatee in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 times the number of adult giraffe in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Starlight Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult glass frog in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 times the number of adult american mastodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult wildebeest in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult painted bunting in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult gopher in Glowfern Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Gleaming Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult marine iguana in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult ball python in Everglint Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The number of adult golden cat in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult boxfish in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Twilight Thrones equals 4 times the number of adult grasshopper in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult baboon in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult vervet monkey in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult bonobo in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Luminous Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult antlion in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Spectral Chamber is 3 plus the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult beluga whale in Whisperveil Thickets is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult cone snail in Eclipsed Canopy is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult frilled lizard in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult fire salamander in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starlight Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult african penguin in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult spider monkey in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult kudu in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shadowglint Vault is the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult greyhound in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult desert locust in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult tintinnid in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult bobcat in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult snow leopard in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult eland in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the number of adult southern right whale in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult amphipod in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult giant salamander in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Aurora Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Spectral Chamber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult capuchin in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult russell's viper in Everglint Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Luminous Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Aurora Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult sun conure in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult mole in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Twilight Thrones equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult colobus monkey in Luminous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult lion in Radiance Thicket is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult borneo elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Silverdepth Bastion equals 2 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult nightjar in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starlight Vault equals 4 times the number of adult hooded seal in Starlight Vault. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the number of adult vaquita in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult rainbow boa in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult reticulated python in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult walrus in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Opal Grotto equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Luminous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult african bush elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult bowhead whale in Silverleaf Grove is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult paca in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shadowglint Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult dugong in Starbloom Haven is 3 times the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult fire salamander in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult gelada in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult bonobo in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult bettong in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Shadowglint Vault equals 2 times the number of adult hammerhead shark in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult diatom in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult fennec fox in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult langoustine in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult chihuahua in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Luminous Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult sea cucumber in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Frostlight Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult blackbuck in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Luminous Timberland is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult narwhal in Velvetbark Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Opal Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult king cobra in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult shiba inu in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult moray eel in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult dormouse in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult tsessebe in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult bobcat in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mole in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the number of adult red panda in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Sunken Crown equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Sunken Crown. The number of adult nyala in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult hartebeest in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult manta ray in Glistenroot Grotto is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Starlight Vault is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult butterfly in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult ladybug in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Frostlight Woods.
How many adult bear does Mayer Aquarium have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult bear in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium as w; so w = x = x. We know w = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult flamingo in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Kangchenjunga equals 2 times the number of adult raccoon in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mont Blanc equals 4 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Mont Blanc. The number of adult blue monkey in Whisperlake equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Lustrous Depths equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult dormouse in Mount Rainier equals 4 plus the number of adult harp seal in Mount Rainier. The number of adult mayfly in Opalescent Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult african wild dog in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult langoustine in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult sperm whale in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Lagoon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult acantharian in Moonveil Lake equals 1 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult desert locust in Frostveil Cay equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Aurora Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult coyote in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Mont Blanc equals 4 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult lemming in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult greenland shark in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult elephant seal in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Denali equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult manatee in Annapurna equals 1 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Annapurna. The number of adult paca in Mount Rainier equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in K2 equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in K2. The number of adult gila monster in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Mount Erebus is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the number of adult lemming in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult mosquito in Aconcagua equals 3 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Aconcagua. The number of adult butterfly in Aconcagua equals the number of adult grasshopper in Aconcagua. The number of adult african penguin in Frostveil Cay is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult frigatebird in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult chihuahua in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult fox in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult russell's viper in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult nightjar in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Velvet Mirror is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Lhotse equals the number of adult tarsier in Lhotse. The number of adult agouti in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult squirrel in Mount Rainier. The number of adult grasshopper in Makalu equals the number of adult stick insect in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lhotse is the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult butterfly in Makalu equals 4 times the number of adult arctic tern in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult chihuahua in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the number of adult narwhal in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult golden retriever in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in K2 equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult butterfly in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult roan antelope in Azure Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult nyala in Azure Abyss. The number of adult sand cat in Denali is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult gecko in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult golden retriever in Dhaulagiri equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant seal in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Everest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult narwhal in Silverwave Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult razorbill in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult axolotl in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Everest equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vinson Massif equals 4 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult stegodon in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult grasshopper in Aconcagua equals the number of adult cicada in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Eclipse Cove equals 3 times the number of adult waterbuck in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult dolphin in Dhaulagiri is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Vinson Massif. The number of adult black mamba in Luminous Lagoon is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Denali equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Charmed Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult green anaconda in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Mont Blanc equals 4 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Mont Blanc. The number of adult marbled salamander in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult dovekie in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Everest. The number of adult greenland shark in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 times the number of adult dovekie in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult roan antelope in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Lhotse equals 1 plus the number of adult gelada in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Mount Erebus. The number of adult mayfly in Aconcagua equals the number of adult american mastodon in Aconcagua. The number of adult patas monkey in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult mandrill in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult blackbuck in Radiance Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Eclipse Cove equals 3 plus the number of adult bongo in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult thaliacean in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult asian elephant in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the number of adult seal in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult jaguar in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Opalescent Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Everest equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Everest. The number of adult fairy penguin in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Azure Abyss. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult coyote in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult hooded seal in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 plus the number of adult copepod in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Charmed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Glowmist Archipelago equals 3 plus the number of adult ball python in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult mole in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult beaver in Mount Rainier. The number of adult gila monster in Everest is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult siberian husky in Opalescent Isle is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Manaslu equals the number of adult boomslang in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Opalescent Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lhotse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in K2 equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Vinson Massif. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult black mamba in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Ethereal Pool equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Manaslu. The number of adult border collie in Starshadow Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Manaslu equals 2 times the number of adult roan antelope in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult wood frog in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult gull in Aurora Pool. The number of adult shearwater in Twilight Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult damselfish in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Aurora Keys. The number of adult frigatebird in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult dovekie in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Everest equals 2 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Vinson Massif equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Vinson Massif. The number of adult gelada in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Eclipse Cove equals 2 plus the number of adult springbok in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Manaslu is the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult sandpiper in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult diatom in Mount Erebus is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Mount Kosciuszko is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult hawkfish in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult gopher in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult golden mantella in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult blue hawk in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult greyhound in Starshadow Isles equals 4 times the number of adult siberian husky in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult vervet monkey in Whisperlake equals the number of adult takahe in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Elbrus equals 4 times the number of adult mandrill in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult tsessebe in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult topi in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult leopard frog in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Lustrous Depths is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult roan antelope in Radiance Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult eland in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult sloth in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult arctic tern in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult fairy penguin in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Mont Blanc. The number of adult butterfly in Opalescent Basin equals 3 times the number of adult mayfly in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult king penguin in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Crystalbreeze Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Elbrus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult reticulated python in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 times the number of adult arctic wolf in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult impala in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult dugong in Eclipsed Haven is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult shrimp in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult okapi in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult sea otter in Silverwave Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult corn snake in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 times the number of adult musk ox in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in K2 equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Aurora Keys is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the number of adult hedgehog in Mount Erebus. The number of adult vole in Mount Rainier equals 2 times the number of adult snowy owl in Mount Rainier. The number of adult pipefish in Nebulight Keys equals 1 times the number of adult sea urchin in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult orangutan in Velvetreef Island equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult poodle in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult jackal in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Matterhorn equals the number of adult cane toad in Matterhorn. The number of adult gray whale in Dhaulagiri is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult topi in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Everest equals 2 times the number of adult iguana in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult orca in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Vinson Massif is the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult egret in Twilight Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Elbrus. The number of adult impala in Radiance Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in K2 equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in K2. The number of adult collared lemming in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult shearwater in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult albatross in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Denali. The number of adult mosquito in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Everest equals the number of adult king cobra in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Denali equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult blue whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Mount Erebus. The number of adult coqui frog in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Denali equals 3 times the number of adult shrimp in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the number of adult addax in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult blue monkey in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult california sea lion in Cho Oyu equals 3 times the number of adult sea lion in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Matterhorn equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Vinson Massif equals 2 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Vinson Massif. The number of adult sea slug in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Everest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Kangchenjunga equals 4 plus the number of adult damselfish in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult rock lobster in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult elephant seal in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult elephant seal in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult radiolaria in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Lhotse. The number of adult goblin shark in Mont Blanc is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 times the number of adult coqui frog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult boxfish in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult boxfish in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Matterhorn equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult parrotfish in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult coyote in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult gray whale in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult noctiluca in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lhotse equals 3 times the number of adult bonobo in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Manaslu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult elephant in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult booby in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult california sea lion in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult southern mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Everest equals the number of adult green anaconda in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult sloth in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Matterhorn equals 1 plus the number of adult southern mammoth in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult toucan in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult narwhal in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Twilight Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult mosquito in Makalu equals 4 plus the number of adult king eider in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 times the number of adult cone snail in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult paradise tanager in Silverwave Lake is 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult agouti in Velvetreef Island is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult crested gecko in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Denali equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Denali. The number of adult coyote in Starshadow Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in K2 equals 1 plus the number of adult gibbon in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult red bishop in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Matterhorn equals the number of adult stegodon in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Denali equals 4 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult wildebeest in Annapurna equals 2 times the number of adult elephant in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult california sea lion in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult walrus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Luminary Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult royal penguin in Starshadow Isles is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult mayfly in Makalu equals 3 times the number of adult collared lemming in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Matterhorn equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Elbrus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Elbrus. The number of adult bonobo in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Denali equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Everest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Lhotse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult addax in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The number of adult tiger prawn in Nanga Parbat is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Vinson Massif equals 3 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 times the number of adult clownfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in K2 equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Dreamtide Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult coconut crab in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult royal penguin in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult archerfish in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult sloth in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Matterhorn. The number of adult vervet monkey in Charmed Shoals is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Denali equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult gull in Dreamtide Isle is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult zooplankton in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 times the number of adult gannet in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Twilight Archipelago is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult coypu in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Denali is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult capybara in Annapurna equals the number of adult pteranodon in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Opalescent Isle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Dreamtide Isle is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult sandpiper in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult albatross in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Gleaming Ripple is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult patas monkey in Whisperlake equals 2 plus the number of adult cassowary in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult fairy penguin in Velvet Mirror is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 times the number of adult axolotl in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult bandicoot in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult sugar glider in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult poodle in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult siberian husky in Starshadow Isles equals 4 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Glowglass Pond. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult tintinnid in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult glass frog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleamhaven Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the number of adult chaetognath in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult arctic wolf in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 times the number of adult snowy owl in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult gerbil in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Silverwave Lake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Mount Kosciuszko equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in K2 equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in K2. The number of adult green basilisk in Lustrous Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Vinson Massif is the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult grasshopper in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Charmed Shoals. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The number of adult african penguin in Mont Blanc equals 3 times the number of adult electric eel in Mont Blanc. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Aurora Pool. The number of adult tsessebe in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult bushbuck in Azure Abyss. The number of adult royal penguin in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult zooplankton in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the number of adult slow loris in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in K2 equals the number of adult rhea in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Aurora Keys is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult gerbil in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Dreamtide Isle is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult allosaurus in Annapurna is 4 times the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult blue whale in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult hooded seal in Cho Oyu equals 2 times the number of adult cheetah in Cho Oyu. The number of adult nyala in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult gazelle in Radiance Keys. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Aurora Keys is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 times the number of adult bush baby in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult elephant seal in Cho Oyu equals 1 times the number of adult dugong in Cho Oyu. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in K2. The number of adult larvacean in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult beluga whale in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Vinson Massif equals 3 times the number of adult king cobra in Vinson Massif.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley as k; so k = x = x. We know k = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Avalon. The number of adult elephant in Avalon is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Montes Apenninus equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult california sea lion in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult seal in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Lunar Highlands equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult milk snake in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult coyote in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult basenji in Mu is the total number of adult animals in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Copernicus Crater equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Mare Nubium equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Mare Nubium. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Annapurna. The number of adult golden mole in Mare Serenitatis equals 3 times the number of adult addax in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Everest. The number of adult mangrove snake in Mount Meru is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult elephant seal in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult gazelle in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Montes Apenninus equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Shangri-La equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Yggdrasil is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Yggdrasil equals the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Elbrus equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shangri-La equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Mount Meru is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Camelot equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Lemuria equals the number of adult harp seal in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Avalon is the total number of adult animals in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Makalu equals the number of adult atlas moth in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shangri-La equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Shangri-La. The number of adult rock lobster in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult blue crab in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult elephant in Mare Frigoris is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Denali equals 2 times the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Mount Meru equals 3 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Mount Meru. The number of adult lion in Kangchenjunga is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Elbrus equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Elbrus. The number of adult pegasus in Mare Serenitatis is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Mare Vaporum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Mu is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult golden cat in Mare Cognitum equals 1 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult glass frog in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult tiger prawn in Mont Blanc equals 3 plus the number of adult snow crab in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Makalu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Mount Meru equals 4 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Copernicus Crater equals 2 times the number of adult capybara in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shackleton Crater equals 3 times the number of adult black widow spider in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aconcagua equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in Aconcagua. The number of adult agouti in Mare Imbrium equals 2 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Yggdrasil equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Yggdrasil. The number of adult desert locust in Valhalla equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpion in Valhalla. The number of adult grasshopper in Hyperborea equals the number of adult ladybug in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Copernicus Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Mount Erebus equals 3 plus the number of adult impala in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult humpback whale in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Montes Apenninus equals 1 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shangri-La equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Asgard is 4 times the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Denali equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Mount Meru is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The number of adult bettas in Atlantis equals the number of adult kittiwake in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult vaquita in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult scorpion in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 times the number of adult basilisk in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the number of adult black panther in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Mu. The number of adult black panther in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult gelada in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult frilled lizard in K2 equals the number of adult monitor lizard in K2. The number of adult gopher in Mare Imbrium equals 2 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult blue whale in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult lion in Montes Alpes equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Montes Alpes. The number of adult moray eel in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult puffin in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Mare Frigoris equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Asgard equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Avalon. The number of total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult bettong in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Denali equals 2 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Denali. The number of adult bobcat in Mare Cognitum equals 1 times the number of adult fishing cat in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Montes Apenninus equals 3 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult sun conure in Agartha equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Camelot equals 1 times the number of adult bettong in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mu equals the number of adult elephant in Mu. The number of adult dungeness crab in Aristarchus Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult barnacle in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult flamingo in Atlantis is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult leviathan in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Camelot is the total number of adult animals in Mare Humorum. The number of adult wallaby in Mount Rainier is the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Yggdrasil is the total number of adult animals in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult sea lion in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Mare Australe equals 3 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Everest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Everest. The number of adult komodo dragon in Yggdrasil is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Agartha. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult cheetah in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult silkworm in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Mare Vaporum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult poodle in Dhaulagiri equals 3 times the number of adult coelacanth in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Yggdrasil equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Everest equals 2 times the number of adult thaliacean in Everest. The number of adult rock wallaby in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult archerfish in Mount Kosciuszko equals 2 times the number of adult leopard seal in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Mare Crisium equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley, and the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Mare Crisium. the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the number of adult bush baby in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Mare Frigoris equals 1 plus the number of adult zebra in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mu equals the number of adult manatee in Mu. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Manaslu equals the number of adult hawkfish in Manaslu. The number of adult eastern quoll in Aconcagua equals the number of adult eland in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Mount Meru. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Vinson Massif equals 3 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Vinson Massif. The number of adult scorpion in Matterhorn equals 4 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Copernicus Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult kitsune in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult colobus monkey in Cibola is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mare Crisium equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Asgard equals 2 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Montes Apenninus equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult fox in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Yggdrasil is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult hooded seal in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult dung beetle in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Mare Vaporum equals 4 plus the number of adult gazelle in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Lemuria equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Lemuria. The number of adult stingray in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult clownfish in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Mu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Everest. The number of adult frigatebird in Atlantis is the total number of newborn animal children in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Asgard equals 1 times the number of adult gecko in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult unicorn in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult ghost crab in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult sable antelope in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Sea of Tranquility equals 2 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Mare Vaporum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult eastern quoll in Annapurna equals 1 times the number of adult bandicoot in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Kangchenjunga equals 4 plus the number of adult cougar in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult paca in Lhotse equals 3 times the number of adult hamster in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mu equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Mu. The number of adult tiger snake in Shackleton Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult toucan in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult camel in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Mare Nubium. The number of adult goliath beetle in Shangri-La is the number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mu equals the number of adult elk in Mu. The number of adult tiger in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult yak in Montes Alpes. The number of adult walrus in Mare Vaporum is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the number of adult foraminifera in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult tiger in Mare Cognitum equals 3 plus the number of adult ocelot in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Yggdrasil equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Yggdrasil. The number of adult potoroo in Oceanus Procellarum equals 2 plus the number of adult koala in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Kilimanjaro equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult fairy penguin in Hyperborea is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Everest equals 4 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Avalon equals the number of adult moose in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the number of adult blue racer in Mount Meru. The number of adult coconut crab in Mont Blanc equals 1 plus the number of adult barnacle in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Lemuria. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Lyonesse is the total number of adult animals in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult rock wallaby in Aconcagua equals the number of adult moose in Aconcagua. The number of adult langoustine in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Mont Blanc. The number of adult beluga whale in Xanadu equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Denali equals 2 times the number of adult bush baby in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult cougar in Mare Cognitum equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Mare Nubium equals 4 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Lyonesse equals 2 times the number of adult king penguin in Lyonesse. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Annapurna equals the number of adult narwhal in Annapurna. The number of adult fairy penguin in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Cho Oyu equals 1 times the number of adult phoenix in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Mount Erebus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Denali equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mare Vaporum equals 1 times the number of adult roan antelope in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult agouti in Lhotse equals 3 plus the number of adult gopher in Lhotse. The number of adult rock lobster in Mont Blanc equals 1 times the number of adult skimmer in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Shangri-La equals the number of adult caiman in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Everest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mare Crisium equals 3 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Mare Crisium. The number of adult desert locust in Mare Serenitatis equals 4 times the number of adult nemean lion in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult vaquita in Xanadu equals the number of adult ghost crab in Xanadu. The number of adult golden mole in Matterhorn equals the number of adult bettas in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Sea of Tranquility is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Everest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Lemuria equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lemuria is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Avalon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult gecko in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult gouldian finch in Agartha equals 3 plus the number of adult quetzal in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Shangri-La equals the number of adult silkworm in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult moray eel in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult coyote in Tycho Crater. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult diatom in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Yggdrasil equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Mount Erebus is the total number of newborn animal children in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Kilimanjaro equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Everest equals the number of adult harpy cow in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Makalu equals the number of adult narwhal in Makalu. The number of adult royal penguin in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Montes Apenninus equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Kilimanjaro equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult marsupial mole in Aconcagua equals 3 times the number of adult water buffalo in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Mare Frigoris equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lemuria equals 1 times the number of adult collared lemming in Lemuria. The number of adult collared lemming in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mare Humorum. The number of adult pipefish in Manaslu equals 4 times the number of adult manta ray in Manaslu. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult lynx in Montes Alpes. The number of adult stingray in Atlantis equals the number of adult angelfish in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Mare Nubium equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Mare Nubium. The number of adult penguin in Mare Imbrium is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Makalu equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Makalu. The number of adult corn snake in Mount Meru is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Mare Nubium equals 1 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Mount Meru is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Mare Crisium equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Shangri-La equals the number of adult mayfly in Shangri-La. The number of adult mosquito in Hyperborea equals the number of adult praying mantis in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Denali equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Denali. The number of adult butterfly in Hyperborea equals the number of adult african penguin in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Mount Meru is the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Iram of the Pillars is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult triceratops in Lyonesse is the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult arctic wolf in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Mare Humorum. The number of adult dormouse in Mare Imbrium equals 3 plus the number of adult kiwi in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Mare Nubium. The number of adult blackbuck in Mount Erebus is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult gray whale in Xanadu equals 1 plus the number of adult king crab in Xanadu. The number of adult gila monster in Hawaiki is the total number of newborn animal children in Cho Oyu. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Mare Vaporum is the total number of adult animals in Annapurna. The number of adult red bishop in Agartha equals 3 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Agartha. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Hyperborea is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Montes Apenninus equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult sandpiper in Mont Blanc is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Copernicus Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Montes Apenninus is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult bettas in Mount Kosciuszko equals 1 plus the number of adult barracuda in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Avalon equals 4 plus the number of adult zebra in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Mare Crisium equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Copernicus Crater equals 1 times the number of adult elk in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult blackbuck in Hawaiki equals 1 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Mount Erebus. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Lyonesse equals 4 times the number of adult moas in Lyonesse. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult dormouse in Lhotse equals 1 plus the number of adult dormouse in Lhotse. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mare Frigoris equals 3 plus the number of adult jackal in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult fairy penguin in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult coyote in Valhalla equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Valhalla. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Hyperborea is the number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Mare Vaporum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Yggdrasil equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult potoroo in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult kangaroo in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult potoroo in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Lemuria equals 1 plus the number of adult ross's gull in Lemuria. The number of adult coconut crab in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult black panther in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult golden retriever in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult akita in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Asgard equals the number of adult black mamba in Asgard. The number of adult poison dart frog in Mare Moscoviense is the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The number of adult roan antelope in Hawaiki equals the number of adult springbok in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Makalu equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Camelot equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Camelot. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult coqui frog in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult little blue penguin in Lyonesse equals 3 plus the number of adult penguin in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Lunar Highlands equals 3 times the number of adult tinamous in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult rock wallaby in Annapurna equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Mount Meru equals the number of adult bush viper in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Lemuria equals 4 times the number of adult fenrir in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult paca in Mare Imbrium equals 2 times the number of adult vole in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult snares penguin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult potoroo in Aconcagua equals 2 plus the number of adult elk in Aconcagua. The number of adult cladoceran in Mount Erebus is the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The number of adult bettas in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult bettas in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mare Frigoris equals 1 plus the number of adult african wild dog in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult royal penguin in Vinson Massif equals 3 plus the number of adult chaetognath in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Mount Meru equals 2 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Mount Meru. The number of adult golden cat in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult ocelot in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 4 times the number of adult frilled lizard in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Mare Australe equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Australe. The number of adult hooded seal in Xanadu equals the number of adult blue whale in Xanadu. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Mare Australe equals 1 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Everest equals 4 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Everest. The number of adult poodle in El Dorado equals 2 times the number of adult fennec fox in El Dorado. The number of adult greyhound in El Dorado equals 1 plus the number of adult maned jackal in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Avalon equals 4 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mount Meru. The number of adult elephant seal in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult mayfly in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Xanadu equals the number of adult blue crab in Xanadu. The number of adult cougar in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult giraffe in Montes Alpes. The number of adult alaskan malamute in El Dorado equals 1 plus the number of adult bush viper in El Dorado. The number of adult mandrill in Agartha is the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult gibbon in Agartha is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult tapir in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult copepod in Valhalla is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lunar Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Denali equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Makalu equals 3 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult beluga whale in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Mare Vaporum equals 2 plus the number of adult orca in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Vinson Massif. The number of adult bobcat in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult elephant in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Mare Nubium equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Nubium. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Mare Australe equals the number of adult capuchin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Denali equals the number of adult gila monster in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mu equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Cho Oyu equals 3 times the number of adult stick insect in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult royal penguin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult golden retriever in El Dorado equals 2 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in El Dorado. The number of adult elephant seal in Xanadu equals the number of adult spider crab in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult chihuahua in Dhaulagiri equals 1 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Copernicus Crater equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult patas monkey in Cibola equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Asgard is the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Iram of the Pillars is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Elbrus equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Elbrus. The number of adult moray eel in Atlantis equals the number of adult egret in Atlantis. The number of adult ackie monitor in South Pole-Aitken Basin is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Asgard equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Asgard. The number of adult blue monkey in Cibola equals 3 plus the number of adult sea lion in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Cho Oyu. The number of adult eastern newt in Mare Moscoviense is the total number of adult animals in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lemuria equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Makalu equals the number of adult grasshopper in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mare Frigoris equals 3 plus the number of adult moose in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sea of Tranquility equals 4 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Everest equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Everest. The number of adult california sea lion in Xanadu is the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The number of adult desert locust in Matterhorn equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Matterhorn. The number of adult mosasaurus in Lyonesse is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Asgard is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Lunar Highlands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Lunar Highlands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Lemuria equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Lemuria. The number of adult lion in Mare Cognitum equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mu equals 2 times the number of adult maned jackal in Mu. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Valhalla is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult langoustine in Aristarchus Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Mount Meru equals the number of adult copperhead in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Camelot. The number of adult adélie penguin in Mare Nubium is the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult archerfish in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult electric eel in Tycho Crater. The number of adult vole in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult elephant bird in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult coyote in Matterhorn equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Matterhorn. The number of adult emu in Lyonesse is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult manatee in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mare Crisium equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Mare Nubium is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Elbrus equals 2 times the number of adult harp seal in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Montes Apenninus is the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Asgard equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Asgard. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult meerkat in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Aconcagua equals 2 times the number of adult bettong in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Camelot equals the number of adult thylacine in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Mare Nubium equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult quetzal in Mount Meru is the total number of adult animals in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Mare Frigoris equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult kingfisher in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Asgard equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Camelot. The number of adult stingray in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 plus the number of adult electric eel in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult archerfish in Atlantis equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Atlantis. The number of adult tsessebe in Hawaiki equals 2 times the number of adult gazelle in Hawaiki. The number of adult coyote in El Dorado is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Copernicus Crater equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Agartha is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lemuria. The number of adult marsupial mole in Annapurna equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult gila monster in Mount Rainier. The number of adult boxfish in Manaslu equals the number of adult clownfish in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Camelot equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Camelot equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult king crab in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult siberian husky in El Dorado equals 3 times the number of adult shiba inu in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult puffin in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Mount Meru equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Cho Oyu. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Mare Australe is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Matterhorn equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Matterhorn. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Agartha is the total number of newborn animal children in Everest. The number of adult coyote in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult horned lizard in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Copernicus Crater equals 1 times the number of adult hippogriff in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Avalon is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Asgard equals the number of adult green anaconda in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult kiwi in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult chihuahua in El Dorado equals the number of adult border collie in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult springbok in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Kilimanjaro equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult bison in Avalon is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Mount Meru equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Mount Meru.
How many adult blue jay does Pine Ridge have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult blue jay in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge as u; so u = x = x. We know u = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult akita in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult marsupial mole in Starbloom Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Luminous Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult hammerhead shark in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult topi in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult macaroni penguin in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ecliptica Bay equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult capybara in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult orangutan in Twilight Crest. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult pteropod in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult gila monster in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Luminous Keep equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Luminous Keep. The number of adult slow loris in Eternal Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminous Apex equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Luminous Keep. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Ecliptica Bay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Luminous Keep is the total number of newborn animal children in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult giraffe in Dawnspire Cay is the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Luminous Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shimmerstone Hall equals 2 times the number of adult spider monkey in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Coralhaven is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Coralhaven. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult water buffalo in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult fire salamander in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals 4 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult blackbuck in Nebulight Abyss is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Vault. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Dreamspire Summit is 4 plus the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult sandpiper in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult guppy in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamspire Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult damselfish in Sunken Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult praying mantis in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Whispering Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult harp seal in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Luminous Atoll equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 3. The number of adult leopard in Gleaming Bastion is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Gilded Reef is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult thorny devil in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult porcupine in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult gerbil in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult booby in Serenade Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult marlin in Serenade Isle. The number of adult hooded seal in Azurehaven equals the number of adult seal in Azurehaven. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult archerfish in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Whispering Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Twilight Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult elephant seal in Moonshadow Palace equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult hartebeest in Nebulight Abyss is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Gilded Reef is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult gouldian finch in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult serval in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult sun conure in Starshard Peaks. the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Apex equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Twilight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult agouti in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult vaquita in Azurehaven equals the number of adult walrus in Azurehaven. The number of adult booby in Eclipse Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult walking stick in Luminous Keep. The number of adult red panda in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 1 times the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Frostveil Ruins is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Whispering Vault. The number of adult kiwi in Dreamtide Cove is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult roan antelope in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the number of adult waterbuck in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult groundhog in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult stingray in Starbloom Palace equals 2 times the number of adult coelacanth in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult sand cat in Gleaming Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult stingray in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult minke whale in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult corn snake in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult spider crab in Whispering Vault. The number of adult leopard gecko in Silkreef Shores is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult chinchilla in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult fennec fox in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult moas in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Coralhaven equals the number of adult bonobo in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Whispering Cay equals 2 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult copperhead in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Crystal Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult elephant seal in Azurehaven equals the number of adult california sea lion in Azurehaven. The number of adult crow in South Zoo equals the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult antlion in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult hamster in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult capybara in Dawnspire Cay is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult green anaconda in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult beaver in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eternal Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Sunken Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult marine iguana in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult omura's whale in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Whispering Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The number of adult minotaur in Moonveil Summit is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult rainbow boa in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Emerald Archipelago is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult arctic wolf in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult springbok in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Crystal Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult puma in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult southern right whale in Starlight Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult ladybug in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Apex is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Coralhaven equals the number of adult lemur in Coralhaven. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult inland taipan in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult sperm whale in Moonshadow Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult compsognathus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult gouldian finch in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult archerfish in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Radiant Catacombs is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Silkreef Shores equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult gull in Eclipse Heights equals 1 times the number of adult polar bear in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eternal Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult flamingo in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dreamspire Keep is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Nebulight Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult butterfly in Sunlit Crag is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Sunken Crown equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult sea anemone in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Twilight Crest is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult emu in Sunken Crown is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The number of adult corn snake in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult humpback whale in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starbloom Palace is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult russell's viper in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult hognose snake in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult nightjar in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult wallaby in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult potoroo in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Crystal Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult blackbuck in Silverdepth Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult oryx in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Eclipsed Realm equals 3 times the number of adult hognose snake in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult polar bear in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Silkreef Shores is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult dung beetle in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult coqui frog in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult porcupine in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Radiant Catacombs is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Mystic Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult iguana in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult silkworm in Luminous Keep. The number of adult moray eel in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult beaked whale in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult jerboa in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gilded Reef. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult king eider in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Dreamspire Keep is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult coypu in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Luminous Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Luminous Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Apex. The number of adult marlin in Starbloom Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult red bishop in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult painted bunting in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult greenland shark in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult gazelle in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Mystic Tides equals 1 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult margay in Gleaming Bastion is 1 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult archerfish in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Moonveil Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Gilded Reef equals 4 times the number of adult sea wasp in Gilded Reef. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gleamreef Throne is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Luminous Keep. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult hermit crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult snowy owl in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult coqui frog in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Coralhaven. The number of adult sandpiper in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult egret in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Sunbeam Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Sunken Crown is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Coralhaven equals 3 plus the number of adult gibbon in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Shimmerstone Hall is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Eclipsed Realm is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Sunlit Crag equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Mystic Tides equals 1 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Mystic Tides. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Opalescent Crag is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Crystal Abyss is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult boomslang in Eclipsed Realm is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult sun conure in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult goblin shark in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult boxfish in Sunken Crown. The number of adult bettas in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Silkreef Shores equals 2 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult electric eel in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Apex equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Luminous Apex. The number of adult lionfish in Coralhaven is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Sunbeam Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Moonveil Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult unicorn in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult firefly in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eternal Summit equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Eternal Summit. The number of adult blackbuck in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ecliptica Bay equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Gilded Reef equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult bonobo in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult golden mantella in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult ostrich in Azurehaven is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult flamingo in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Nebulight Crest is 2 plus the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult mouse in Eclipsed Realm is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult marlin in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult radiolaria in Opalescent Crag is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult blue monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult tamarin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Eclipsed Realm is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Coralhaven equals 4 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult heron in Dreamspire Keep is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult cheetah in Gleaming Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunken Crown. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult snow crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult coyote in Opalescent Crag equals 3 times the number of adult noctiluca in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Luminous Apex. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Azurehaven equals 2 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult red bishop in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Sunken Crown equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Dreamspire Keep is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult hooded seal in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult hooded seal in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult bilby in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Sunken Crown. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult california sea lion in Azurehaven equals the number of adult humpback whale in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult green anaconda in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult fenrir in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult snow leopard in Gleaming Bastion is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult owl in South Zoo and the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo, the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch, and the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult steamer duck in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult iguanodon in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Luminous Apex. The number of adult tsessebe in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult hartebeest in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult praying mantis in Whispering Cay. The number of adult gerenuk in Nebulight Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult puffin in Dreamspire Keep is the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult minke whale in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult red bishop in Starshard Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Thrones equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Luminous Apex. The number of adult frilled lizard in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult sei whale in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Twilight Crest. The number of adult basenji in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The number of adult walrus in Twilight Thrones is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The number of adult california sea lion in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult humpback whale in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Shimmerstone Hall equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult komodo dragon in Aurora Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Whispering Vault is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Twilight Thrones is the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 times the number of adult golden cat in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult glass frog in Twilight Thrones is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 times the number of adult bonobo in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Nebulight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult butterfly in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult frigatebird in Serenade Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult egret in Serenade Isle. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Twilight Thrones equals 1 plus the number of adult dugong in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Eclipsed Realm equals 1 plus the number of adult agouti in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult moray eel in Starbloom Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult archerfish in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Frostveil Ruins is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult minke whale in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult boxfish in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult potoroo in Seashell Isles equals 4 times the number of adult wombat in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The number of adult copperhead in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult bush viper in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult frigatebird in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult musk ox in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult leafhopper in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Sunbeam Haven equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo equals 1 plus the sum of the number of adult crow in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Radiant Catacombs is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Emerald Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult bobcat in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Serenade Isle. The number of adult elephant seal in Twilight Thrones is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult bettas in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Whispering Vault equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Whispering Vault. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sunlit Crag equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 2 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ecliptica Bay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult nyala in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult african penguin in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Twilight Crest. The number of adult collared lemming in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult polar bear in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Luminous Atoll equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the number of adult chinchilla in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Moonveil Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult tsessebe in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult opossum in Opalwhelm Ruins is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Sunlit Crag equals 3 times the number of adult velociraptor in Sunlit Crag.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch as M; so M = x = x. We know M = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult rock wallaby in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult hellbender in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Starlight Vault. The number of adult gila monster in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult king cobra in Tempest Vale. The number of adult gila monster in Eclipse Cavern is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult wasp in Prismatic Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult grebe in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult nemean lion in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult coconut crab in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult king crab in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Opal Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult raccoon in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 4. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult leviathan in Glistenroot Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult blue monkey in Gloamhaven equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Gloamhaven. The number of adult stegodon in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult iguanodon in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult ocelot in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult blue whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult noctiluca in Whisperwood Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult ocelot in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult agouti in Shadowfern Reach is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmer Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult rock wallaby in Electrovalley equals 4 times the number of adult elephant bird in Electrovalley. The number of adult stegodon in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult sand cat in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult oryx in Hailstone Mesa is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Luminous Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult tintinnid in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult potoroo in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult fire salamander in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Silverleaf Dells equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult patas monkey in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult kinkajou in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult blue whale in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult kakapo in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Starlight Dells is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult patas monkey in Nebulight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Glade is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 times the number of adult bonobo in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult reticulated python in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult marsupial mole in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult opossum in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Dusksong Glen is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult california sea lion in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult puffin in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starlight Vault equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starlight Dells is the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The number of adult mosasaurus in Spectral Chamber is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult forest mammoth in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult ghost crab in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult frilled lizard in Glintstone Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult fin whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult blackbuck in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult roan antelope in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Starlight Vault. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowspire Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Veilshade Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult langoustine in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Starlight Dells equals 1 times the number of adult gull in Starlight Dells. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult addax in Dusksong Glen is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Galecrash Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult dovekie in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult dovekie in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult marbled salamander in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult axolotl in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Opal Grotto is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult seal in Spectral Chamber is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult walrus in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of adult animals in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult bonobo in Gloamhaven equals 3 times the number of adult bonobo in Gloamhaven. The number of adult grasshopper in Prismatic Rift equals 3 times the number of adult antlion in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Galecrash Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Aurora Rift. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult cassowary in Aurora Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult bowhead whale in Crystalpine Glen equals 4 plus the number of adult caracal in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult patas monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult lemur in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult frigatebird in Ebon Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult cone snail in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult mosasaurus in Eclipse Cavern equals 4 times the number of adult allosaurus in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Starlight Dells. The number of adult bowhead whale in Twilight Stormfield is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Cyclone Peaks is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult vervet monkey in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 4 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult southern mammoth in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Twilight Fold. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult blue crab in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult mandrill in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult mouse in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult tsessebe in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult hartebeest in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Aurora Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult chinchilla in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult parrotfish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult bilby in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult impala in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Aurora Rift equals 3 times the number of adult tomato frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starlight Vault equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Moonlit Gorge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Aurora Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult praying mantis in Aurora Rift is the total number of adult animals in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Opal Grotto equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult manta ray in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Stormshade Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult topi in Dusklight Gorge is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glen. The number of adult pufferfish in Ebon Hollow is 1 plus the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Stormshade Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult howler monkey in Radiant Glen is the total number of newborn animal children in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Electrovalley equals the number of adult cassowary in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Blitzcrag Summit is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Radiant Glen equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Radiant Glen. The number of adult mouse lemur in Silverleaf Dells is the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult collared lemming in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult fishing cat in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult collared lemming in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult arctic tern in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Aurora Rift. The number of adult tiger in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult lionfish in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult ivory gull in Twilight Fold is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Aurora Rift. The number of adult kangaroo in Stormchaser Plains is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult great auk in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult lemur in Radiant Glen is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult asian elephant in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult patas monkey in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Radiant Glen equals 4 times the number of adult dolphin in Radiant Glen. The number of adult potoroo in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult wallaby in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult clownfish in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Galecrash Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult slow loris in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult roc in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult manticore in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult stegodon in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult american mastodon in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult gelada in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult rhea in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 1. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult copperhead in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Dusklight Gorge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult tomato frog in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult hooded seal in Radiant Glen. The number of adult rock wallaby in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult puffin in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult greenland shark in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult greenland shark in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Tempest Vale equals 2 times the number of adult black widow spider in Tempest Vale. The number of adult dragonfly in Aurora Rift is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult flamingo in Starlight Dells. The number of adult mayfly in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult ladybug in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult sea otter in Starlight Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult larvacean in Whisperwood Vale equals 1 times the number of adult inland taipan in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult cerberus in Lustervale equals the number of adult centaur in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult desert locust in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lightningspire Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Luminous Hollows is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult gelada in Gloamhaven equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Gloamhaven. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Galecrash Chasm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Eclipsed Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult sandpiper in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult wood frog in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult potoroo in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult opossum in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Fold. The number of adult fenrir in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult lemur in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult gull in Ebon Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult southern mammoth in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult meerkat in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Aurora Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult grasshopper in Aurora Rift is the total number of adult animals in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult rotifer in Whisperwood Vale equals 4 times the number of adult zooplankton in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiant Glen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Radiant Glen. The number of adult hooded seal in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult hooded seal in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult california sea lion in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult vaquita in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult king crab in Veilshade Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult gibbon in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult squirrel in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Dusksong Glen equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Thunderveil Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Sunset Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult arctic wolf in Crystalpine Glen equals 4 times the number of adult greenland shark in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult impala in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult butterfly in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult greenland shark in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult mosquito in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult colobus monkey in Radiant Glen is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Sunset Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult camel in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Dusksong Glen equals 3 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult komodo dragon in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult pufferfish in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Opal Grotto. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult elephant seal in Hailstone Mesa equals 3 times the number of adult orca in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult hooded seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult humpback whale in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult eland in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult kitsune in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult kraken in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult vervet monkey in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult gibbon in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult elephant seal in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Auroral Tempestfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult rock wallaby in Evershade Rift equals 4 times the number of adult ocelot in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Silverleaf Dells is the total number of adult animals in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult blue monkey in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult acantharian in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 times the number of adult stonefish in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Electrovalley equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Nimbus Ravine is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult narwhal in Twilight Fold is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult porcupine in Shadowfern Reach is the total number of adult animals in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Aurora Rift is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The number of adult tiger prawn in Lightning Gorge equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult bushbuck in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult eland in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult blue monkey in Nebulight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult gull in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult sandpiper in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult gannet in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult nyala in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult blue crab in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult corythosaurus in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult blue racer in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Luminous Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult larvacean in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult sea wasp in Whisperwood Vale is the total number of adult animals in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Stormspire Heights is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult humpback whale in Shadowfern Reach is the total number of adult animals in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult selkie in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult greenland shark in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult puma in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 1. The number of adult macaque in Stormshade Ridge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult potoroo in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult aardvark in Evershade Rift. The number of adult thaliacean in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Radiant Glen equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Radiant Glen. The number of adult blue whale in Moonstone Maze is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult spinosaurus in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult bobcat in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult american mastodon in Stormspire Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult hedgehog in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Thunderclap Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Shadowglint Vault equals 2 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult centaur in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Shardlight Chasms equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Luminous Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult roan antelope in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Shardlight Chasms equals 3 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult king penguin in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult great auk in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult raccoon in Evershade Rift is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult beaked whale in Moonstone Maze equals 4 times the number of adult minke whale in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult walrus in Starlight Vault. The number of adult southern mammoth in Veilshade Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Luminous Hollows is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult skimmer in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Sunset Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult mandrill in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult mosquito in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult egret in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult walking stick in Prismatic Rift equals 2 times the number of adult sandpiper in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Luminous Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult chipmunk in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult tapir in Sunset Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult bonobo in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Galecrash Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult chimpanzee in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult okapi in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult boxfish in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Cyclone Peaks is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glintstone Caverns is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult vervet monkey in Cloudburst Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipsed Glade is the total number of adult animals in Evershade Rift. The number of adult hooded seal in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult roadrunner in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult forest mammoth in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult southern right whale in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult pipefish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult hydra in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult ostrich in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult arctic hare in Crystalpine Glen is 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Lightningspire Plateau is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Sunset Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Luminous Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult kitsune in Lustervale equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult shearwater in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Aurora Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Aurora Rift. The number of adult marsupial mole in Electrovalley equals 4 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shardlight Chasms equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Moonlit Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult golden cat in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult beaked whale in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 times the number of adult lemming in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult snow crab in Glimmerroot Valley is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult elephant bird in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Starlight Dells is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult boomslang in Tempest Vale equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Tempest Vale. The number of adult skimmer in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult collared lemming in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult tern in Starlight Dells. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult forest mammoth in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Twilight Fold. The number of adult macaw in Shadowglint Vault is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult arctic wolf in Twilight Stormfield equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Starlight Vault. The number of adult king cobra in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult green anaconda in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult bandicoot in Galecrash Chasm is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult orangutan in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Luminous Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 2 times the number of adult beaked whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult shearwater in Ebon Hollow is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult bongo in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Dusksong Glen is the total number of adult animals in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult beluga whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult marine iguana in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Cyclone Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult elephant seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult diplodocus in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult tiger snake in Tempest Vale equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Aurora Rift is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Grotto. The number of adult emu in Aurora Hollow is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Radiant Glen equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Blitzcrag Summit equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult booby in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult booby in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult potoroo in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the number of adult moas in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult gobies in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult california sea lion in Glimmerroot Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult arctic wolf in Thundershade Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Silverleaf Dells is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Blitzcrag Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult paca in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult guinea pig in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lightningspire Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult compsognathus in Eclipse Cavern equals 2 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult cerberus in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult oryx in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult patas monkey in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult howler monkey in Gloamhaven. The number of adult nemean lion in Lustervale equals the number of adult stonefish in Lustervale. The number of adult fiddler crab in Glimmerroot Valley is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Glimmerroot Valley is the total number of adult animals in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult barnacle in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult collared lemming in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult king eider in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult kittiwake in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult penguin in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Moonstone Maze equals 1 times the number of adult sea cucumber in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult puma in Moonlit Gorge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Starlight Vault. The number of adult agouti in Fluorescent Depths equals 2 times the number of adult ivory gull in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dusksong Glen equals 1 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult humpback whale in Radiant Glen is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Sunset Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult blue monkey in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult blue monkey in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult giant salamander in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult tiger snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult manticore in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult cormorant in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult coqui frog in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult waterbuck in Dusklight Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as k; so k = x = x. We know k = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silverlight Caves equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult praying mantis in Whisperflow Rapids is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 4 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult flamingo in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult stegodon in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Frostsong River is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Fields. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Radiance Channel equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult orangutan in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Radiance Plains equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipsed Waters is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult rotifer in Opalgrass Meadow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Sunspire Savannah equals 1 times the number of adult booby in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult kitsune in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult roc in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Crystalbrook Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult compsognathus in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 plus the number of adult starfish in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 times the number of adult patas monkey in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult corn snake in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult dhole in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Lustrous Rapids is the total number of adult animals in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult green anaconda in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Gleaming Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult sandpiper in Twilight Stream is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Auric Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult dingo in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult griffin in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Twilight Fields equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Frostsong River equals 4 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Frostsong River. The number of adult eyelash viper in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult mayfly in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult heron in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Twilight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult margay in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult capybara in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult water buffalo in Aurora Depths. The number of adult manatee in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult pelican in Twilight Stream. The number of adult ostrich in Silverlight Caves is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult african bush elephant in Starlight Hollows is 1 times the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gull in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult shrimp in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult sun conure in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult grebe in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult bobcat in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult margay in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult quetzal in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult toucan in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult walking stick in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult iguanodon in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Twilight Fields equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult egret in Lightbreeze Steppe is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult wallaby in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult leafhopper in Frostsong River is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The number of adult cerberus in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 times the number of adult leviathan in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult basenji in Twilight Fields is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult mosquito in Aurorastream equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Aurorastream. The number of adult compsognathus in Radiant Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult ostrich in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Glowstone Pass equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult glass frog in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult fenrir in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult numbat in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult wombat in Radiance Plains. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Luminara River equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Dreamveil Chasm equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Gilded Horizon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult minotaur in Auric Expanse. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult hawkfish in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Frostsong River is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult chihuahua in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Gleamwater Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Frostsong River equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Frostsong River. The number of adult wildebeest in Twilight Stream equals 1 times the number of adult tern in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Eclipsed Waters is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Shimmerbrook Passage is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult frigatebird in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult narwhal in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult skimmer in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult red-eared slider in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult green anaconda in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Auric Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult chimera in Auric Expanse. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult grasshopper in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult beaked whale in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult sea anemone in Starshadow Estuary is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult ladybug in Whisperflow Rapids is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult pipefish in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Eclipsed Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult arabic cow in Twilight Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamtide River equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dreamtide River. The number of adult eland in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult razorbill in Twilight Stream. The number of adult beaked whale in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult diplodocus in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Velvetgold Steppe equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult thylacine in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult patas monkey in Aurorastream is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverwave Tributary equals 4 plus the number of adult blue whale in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult red bishop in Luminara River is 1 plus the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden cat in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult serval in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult marine iguana in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult siberian husky in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Prismatic Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult gouldian finch in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult peacock in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult chimera in Lustrous Rapids is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult iguanodon in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Radiance Plains equals 3 times the number of adult bilby in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult eastern newt in Dreamtide River is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult manta ray in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult booby in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult gannet in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Glowmist Creek is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult eland in Aurora Depths equals 3 times the number of adult mosquito in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals 4 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult cerberus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Gleamspire Fields is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Luminara River equals 2 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Luminara River. The number of adult nemean lion in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult corn snake in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Starlight Confluence equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Silverwave Tributary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult blue whale in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Gilded Horizon is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The number of adult boxfish in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult starfish in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult compsognathus in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminara River equals 3 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult coqui frog in Dreamtide River. The number of adult gouldian finch in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult kitsune in Auric Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult fairy penguin in Starlight Confluence is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult asian elephant in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Aurora Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult rainbow boa in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult king cobra in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ethereal Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult leviathan in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult moray eel in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult heron in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult golden mantella in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult coypu in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Twilight Caverns equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lustrous Rapids equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Luminara River. The number of adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Rapids is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Auric Expanse. The number of adult humpback whale in Luminous Chasm is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Starlight Confluence equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult dung beetle in Silverwave Tributary is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Aurora Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Glintcurrent Flow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult sun conure in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Gilded Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The number of adult stingray in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult roc in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Twilight Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 4 times the number of adult dung beetle in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult arctic tern in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult rhea in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gilded Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult pteranodon in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult sandpiper in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult albatross in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult ocelot in Moonshadow Current is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Velvetgold Steppe equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult rattlesnake in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 times the number of adult maned jackal in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult frigatebird in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult lemur in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Prismatic Vault equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult moray eel in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult phoenix in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Caverns equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Twilight Fields is 1 plus the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Sunveil Meadow equals 2 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult mosasaurus in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 times the number of adult damselfish in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Whisperflow Rapids is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Prismatic Vault equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult gila monster in Goldenwave Valley is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult southern right whale in Glintcurrent Flow is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult capybara in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult arabic cow in Twilight Stream. The number of adult mosasaurus in Radiance Channel equals 3 times the number of adult coypu in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult barracuda in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult pufferfish in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult arctic wolf in Lustrous Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult musk ox in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult guppy in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Frostsong River equals the number of adult coypu in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 times the number of adult triceratops in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult corythosaurus in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult tarsier in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Luminara River is the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Depths equals 3 times the number of adult firefly in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sparkflow Torrent is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult mangrove snake in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult stingray in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult penguin in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult dodo in Gleamwater Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Plains. The number of adult collared lemming in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult gerenuk in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult forest mammoth in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult manatee in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult elephant in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult leopard gecko in Crystalgrain Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 times the number of adult tintinnid in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult kinkajou in Frostsong River is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult narwhal in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult gaur in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult gannet in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Silverwave Tributary is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult archerfish in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult dragon in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult red panda in Radiance Channel is the total number of adult animals in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult velociraptor in Radiance Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult hornet in Silverwave Tributary is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Luminous Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Gleaming Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult stingray in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Twilight Fields equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult kitsune in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 times the number of adult leafhopper in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult black mamba in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult fox in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Gleamspire Fields equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult carnotaurus in Eclipsed Grasslands is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult russell's viper in Whisperflow Rapids equals 3 times the number of adult walking stick in Whisperflow Rapids. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 times the number of adult hawkfish in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult kudu in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult penguin in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult archerfish in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult yellow tang in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult capybara in Moonlit Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult moose in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult kakapo in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamtide River equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Dreamtide River. The number of adult skimmer in Crystalgrain Plateau is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The number of adult orangutan in Glowmist Creek equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult eastern quoll in Glowmist Creek is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Shimmerbrook Passage is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dawnshine Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult sea urchin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult okapi in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Ethereal Vault equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Starlight Confluence is the total number of adult animals in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult fin whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult wildebeest in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult arabic cow in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Ethereal Vault equals 4 times the number of adult bettas in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipsed Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostsong River. The number of adult walrus in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Frostsong River is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Frostsong River is the total number of adult animals in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult corythosaurus in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult moray eel in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult gray whale in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult kingfisher in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult copperhead in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult stick insect in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult sun conure in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Starlight Confluence equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult frilled lizard in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult golden retriever in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Gleaming Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult deinonychus in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of adult animals in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiance Plains. The number of adult bettas in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult goblin shark in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult carnotaurus in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult fishing cat in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Gleamwater Channel equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 plus the number of adult great auk in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult triggerfish in Starshadow Estuary is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult humpback whale in Glowstone Pass is the total number of adult animals in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult king penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult sandpiper in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult razorbill in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult bettas in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult lionfish in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Luminous Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult kudu in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Glimmering Crevasse equals 3 times the number of adult omura's whale in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult little blue penguin in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult gelada in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Sunveil Meadow is the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult kudu in Moonlit Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult sea urchin in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Glowstone Pass equals 2 times the number of adult deinonychus in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult mosquito in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Gleamspire Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult electric eel in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Starlight Confluence equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult sea slug in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult sable antelope in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult skimmer in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Luminous Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Eclipsed Waters is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult kudu in Aurora Depths equals 2 times the number of adult silkworm in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Starlight Confluence equals 4 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult southern mammoth in Starlight Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Gleaming Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Aurora Prairie is 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Gilded Horizon is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult green basilisk in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Sunveil Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult salp in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult night monkey in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult booby in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult orangutan in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult beluga whale in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of adult animals in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult patas monkey in Lustrous Mesa is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult southern right whale in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult spiny lobster in Eclipsed Waters is the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult tarsier in Frostsong River is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Amberbloom Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult nemean lion in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult kitsune in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Radiance Channel. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Radiance Channel equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Auric Expanse. The number of adult red bishop in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult skimmer in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Lustrous Rapids is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Radiance Plains equals 2 times the number of adult moas in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult hippogriff in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult gaur in Aurora Depths equals 4 times the number of adult hornet in Aurora Depths. The number of adult compsognathus in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult manatee in Aurora Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult tapir in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult stegodon in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult wildebeest in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aurora Prairie equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult red bishop in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Glintcurrent Flow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch as v; so v = x = x. We know v = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Greenland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Greenland. The number of adult selkie in North Pole is 2 times the total number of adult animals in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Yukon is the total number of newborn animal children in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult pelican in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult capuchin in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult bandicoot in Svalbard is the total number of newborn animal children in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 times the number of adult harpy cow in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Yukon is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in National Gallery equals the number of adult spider crab in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult starfish in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Moonstone Maze equals 4 plus the number of adult sea slug in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Arctic Circle equals 1 times the number of adult glass frog in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in National Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult antlion in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Rijksmuseum is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult walrus in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult gull in Prado Museum equals 4 times the number of adult cormorant in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Rijksmuseum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Patagonia is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult stonefish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Tate Modern equals 1 times the number of adult tiger in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Greenland. The number of adult walrus in Siberia is the total number of newborn animal children in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult manticore in Guggenheim Museum is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shardlight Chasms equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult radiolaria in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Fluorescent Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult kingfisher in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glintstone Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult moas in Opal Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult cassowary in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult topi in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult blue racer in North Pole is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in J. Paul Getty Museum is the number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult kittiwake in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult puffin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult dormouse in Luminous Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult chinchilla in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in South Pole equals the number of adult moose in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult frigatebird in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult ocelot in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult flamingo in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult red bishop in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult painted bunting in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Louvre Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult thylacine in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult agouti in Franz Josef Land equals 3 times the number of adult thorny devil in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Patagonia equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Tate Modern equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Smithsonian Institution equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Patagonia is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Metropolitan Museum equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult komodo dragon in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Iceland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult dormouse in Franz Josef Land is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Rockies. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Opal Grotto. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Mount Fuji is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult kraken in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Yukon is the total number of newborn animal children in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Rijksmuseum equals 1 plus the number of adult green iguana in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult baboon in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult elephant seal in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 1 plus the number of adult vaquita in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Glistenroot Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult gray whale in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult gouldian finch in British Museum equals 1 times the number of adult quetzal in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Yukon equals 1 plus the number of adult bonobo in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in National Gallery equals the number of adult coconut crab in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Rockies equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult agouti in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Rijksmuseum is 3 plus the number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 plus the number of adult snow crab in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Rockies equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Prismatic Rift equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Vatican Museums equals 4 times the number of adult sugar glider in Vatican Museums. The number of adult rock wallaby in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult tiger prawn in Himalayas is the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult blue whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Antarctica equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Antarctica. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult beluga whale in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult golden mole in Himalayas equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult shrimp in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult kittiwake in Prado Museum equals the number of adult bats in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Yukon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult krill in Himalayas is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Yukon is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Moonstone Maze equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Musée d'Orsay equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Altai Mountains is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Arctic Circle. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Rijksmuseum is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Iceland is 1 plus the number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lustrous Catacombs equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Antarctica equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Rockies equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Musée d'Orsay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult mosquito in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult ladybug in Mount McKinley. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Uffizi Gallery is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Musée d'Orsay equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Greenland equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Guggenheim Museum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult bonobo in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Lapland. The number of adult lion in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult weka in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Louvre Museum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Prismatic Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult selkie in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult night monkey in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult arctic fox in J. Paul Getty Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Aurora Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shadowglint Vault equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Antarctica equals the number of adult gerenuk in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Spectral Chamber equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in South Pole equals 3 plus the number of adult skimmer in South Pole. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in British Museum equals the number of adult box jellyfish in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shardlight Chasms equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult mangrove snake in Musée d'Orsay is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in National Gallery. The number of adult axolotl in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Vatican Museums equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult poodle in Van Gogh Museum equals 3 times the number of adult polar bear in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult ocelot in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult tsessebe in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult jackal in Altai Mountains. The number of adult butterfly in Lapland equals 4 plus the number of adult boomslang in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Hermitage Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult leafhopper in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. The number of adult sandpiper in Iceland is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Spectral Chamber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult surinam toad in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Antarctica equals the number of adult nyala in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Rijksmuseum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in North Pole equals the number of adult roc in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Rockies equals 3 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult inland taipan in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in South Pole is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Arctic Circle. The number of adult moray eel in Siberia is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The number of adult grasshopper in Lapland equals the number of adult stick insect in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult red panda in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult hydra in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Vatican Museums equals 1 times the number of adult pangolin in Vatican Museums. The number of adult mandrill in Kamchatka Peninsula is 4 times the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult bowhead whale in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult king cobra in Nebulight Caverns is the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult potoroo in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Antarctica equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Patagonia equals the number of adult hellbender in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge and the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult leopard frog in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Alps is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Vault. The number of adult wood frog in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult lionfish in Kamchatka Peninsula is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Rijksmuseum equals 2 times the number of adult velociraptor in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Rockies equals 4 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Moonstone Maze equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in South Pole is the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in North Pole equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in National Gallery equals 3 plus the number of adult atlas moth in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals 3 times the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult goliath beetle in Mount McKinley is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult cicada in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult boxfish in Ebon Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult starfish in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult gibbon in Arctic Circle. The number of adult hooded seal in Siberia equals the number of adult boxfish in Siberia. The number of adult bobcat in Metropolitan Museum equals 1 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult chihuahua in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult african wild dog in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Smithsonian Institution is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Iceland equals the number of adult skimmer in Iceland. The number of adult corn snake in Musée d'Orsay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult coyote in Himalayas equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult slow loris in Pergamon Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in South Pole is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in North Pole is the total number of adult animals in Mount McKinley. The number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult baboon in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult hooded seal in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult orca in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult albatross in South Pole is the total number of newborn animal children in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Alps is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult salp in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult snow crab in Himalayas is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The number of adult grasshopper in Mount McKinley equals 2 times the number of adult gobies in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult rat in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Antarctica is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult snowy owl in Iceland is the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult opossum in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aurora Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult nyala in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult king eider in Iceland is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult tinamous in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Opal Grotto. The number of adult tiger snake in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult boomslang in Kamchatka Peninsula. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult flamingo in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult mouse in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Antarctica equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Yukon equals the number of adult springbok in Yukon. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult tiger in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult caiman in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult sea slug in Ebon Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Glintstone Caverns is 1 times the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult chimera in North Pole is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 3. The number of adult blackbuck in Altai Mountains equals 2 times the number of adult golden retriever in Altai Mountains. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Himalayas equals 4 plus the number of adult rock lobster in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult bandicoot in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Mount Fuji. The number of adult sandpiper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult marine iguana in Shardlight Chasms is the total number of adult animals in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult zebra in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Hermitage Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult tsessebe in Antarctica is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Uffizi Gallery is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Patagonia is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Patagonia equals the number of adult surinam toad in Patagonia. The number of adult sandpiper in Prado Museum equals the number of adult coypu in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Greenland equals 4 plus the number of adult basilisk in Greenland. The number of adult red bishop in British Museum equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in National Gallery equals the number of adult langoustine in National Gallery. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult slow loris in Svalbard is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Greenland equals 2 times the number of adult minotaur in Greenland. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The number of adult southern right whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult ross's gull in Iceland is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult fiddler crab in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Antarctica equals 2 times the number of adult waterbuck in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Arctic Circle equals 4 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Rijksmuseum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in North Pole equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in North Pole. The number of adult butterfly in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult sea slug in Mount McKinley. The number of adult coypu in Svalbard equals 1 times the number of adult red panda in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aurora Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult fennec mule in Svalbard equals 3 times the number of adult fennec mule in Svalbard. The number of adult mayfly in Lapland equals 2 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 4 times the number of adult collared lemming in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult frigatebird in Prado Museum equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Patagonia equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult desert locust in Himalayas equals 2 times the number of adult blue crab in Himalayas. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult kingfisher in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Aurora Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult dodo in Opal Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Opal Grotto. The number of adult nemean lion in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Patagonia equals the number of adult zooplankton in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Rockies equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Rockies. The number of adult cerberus in North Pole is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Greenland equals 3 plus the number of adult manatee in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 plus the number of adult jackal in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Alps equals the number of adult kingfisher in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Yukon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Svalbard equals the number of adult baboon in Svalbard. The number of adult paca in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult nutria in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Louvre Museum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult cane toad in Arctic Circle is the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The number of adult right whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult omura's whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Vatican Museums equals 1 plus the number of adult bush baby in Vatican Museums. The number of adult beaked whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Greenland equals 4 plus the number of adult bison in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult patas monkey in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult gull in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult marbled salamander in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult cane toad in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult gouldian finch in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult toucan in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult mosquito in Lapland equals 2 plus the number of adult cicada in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult lemur in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult polar bear in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult chimpanzee in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult gopher in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult gopher in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Yukon equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Yukon. The number of adult mayfly in Mount McKinley equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Chimeric Crevasse equals 2 times the number of adult dovekie in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult sun conure in British Museum equals 3 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Eclipse Cavern equals 1 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aurora Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult glass frog in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult kittiwake in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in National Gallery equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in National Gallery. The number of adult pipefish in Ebon Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Guggenheim Museum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult potoroo in Fluorescent Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult numbat in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult tiger in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult steamer duck in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult golden cat in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Aurora Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult impala in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in National Gallery equals 4 plus the number of adult dung beetle in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Yukon equals 3 times the number of adult blackbuck in Yukon. The number of adult booby in Prado Museum equals the number of adult kinkajou in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Ashmolean Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Vatican Museums equals 2 times the number of adult eastern newt in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in North Pole equals the number of adult gaboon viper in North Pole. The number of adult agouti in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult elephant bird in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Antarctica equals 3 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Antarctica. The number of adult paca in Luminous Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tinamous in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult boomslang in Musée d'Orsay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult california sea lion in Siberia equals the number of adult california sea lion in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Greenland equals the number of adult dragon in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Rockies equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Rockies. The number of adult elephant seal in Siberia equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Siberia. The number of adult orangutan in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Glistenroot Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult agouti in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Prismatic Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult triceratops in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult elephant in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult black panther in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Ebon Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult blue hawk in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Antarctica equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Iceland equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shardlight Chasms equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult african clawed frog in Arctic Circle is the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Shardlight Chasms equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult egret in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Vatican Museums equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Vatican Museums. The number of adult duiker in Yukon is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult coqui frog in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult egret in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Shadowglint Vault is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult golden cat in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult takahe in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Lustrous Catacombs equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult parrot in Maple Creek equals the number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Yukon equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Antarctica equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult puma in Spectral Chamber.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge as m; so m = x = x. We know m = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult golden mole in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult meerkat in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult groundhog in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult sugar glider in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult patas monkey in Frostlight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult coconut crab in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult mole in Silverwave Lake is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm, the number of adult parrot in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Charmed Shoals is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult quetzal in Twilight Timber. The number of adult pipefish in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult coyote in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Jet Stream equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Ionosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Ionosphere. The number of adult leviathan in Aurora Pool is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult night monkey in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult bonobo in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Jet Stream equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult humpback whale in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult aardvark in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult collared lemming in Polar Vortex is the total number of newborn animal children in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Thermosphere is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult stingray in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult yellow tang in Ozone Layer. The number of adult moray eel in Altostratus Cloud is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult bandicoot in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult tarsier in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Exosphere. The number of adult blue monkey in Frostlight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult macaque in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult southern right whale in Sparkflow Lagoon is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult eagle in South Zoo equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals 3. The number of adult camel in Supercells is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult polar bear in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Ionosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult dolphin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult minotaur in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult gelada in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Thermosphere equals 4 plus the number of adult numbat in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Lustrous Depths equals 1 times the number of adult desert locust in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Supercells is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Auroras Australis is the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult snares penguin in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult boxfish in Mesosphere equals 2 times the number of adult triggerfish in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Tropical Cyclones equals 4 plus the number of adult lynx in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Noctilucent Clouds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiant Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult penguin in Radiant Glade. The number of adult baboon in Frostlight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult tamarin in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult foraminifera in Polar Vortex is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult moray eel in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult sandpiper in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult lion in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult fishing cat in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult poison dart frog in Auroras Australis is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult akita in Twilight Timber. The number of adult colobus monkey in Opalescent Basin is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Exosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult manta ray in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Supercells equals the number of adult water buffalo in Supercells. The number of adult clouded leopard in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult ivory gull in Eclipse Cove is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult bettas in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult blue tang in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult butterfly in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult tinamous in Dusksong Forest equals 1 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult komodo dragon in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the number of adult dragon in Aurora Pool. The number of adult sperm whale in Charmed Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult moas in Dusksong Forest equals 1 times the number of adult dodo in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult chimpanzee in Starshine Canopy is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Ionosphere equals the number of adult impala in Ionosphere. The number of adult night monkey in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Polar Vortex equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Polar Vortex. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm, the number of adult parrot in South Zoo, and the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult howler monkey in Stratocumulus Cloud is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult coypu in Glowglass Pond equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult nutria in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult paca in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult tsessebe in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult marine iguana in Whisperlake equals 4 times the number of adult reticulated python in Whisperlake. The number of adult green anaconda in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult tiger snake in Velvet Mirror equals 2 times the number of adult meerkat in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Glowthorn Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult mayfly in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult grasshopper in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult cicada in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Thermosphere equals 4 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Thermosphere. The number of adult tamarin in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult capuchin in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult gannet in Nebulight Wilds is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mosquito in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult dragonfly in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Ionosphere equals the number of adult hartebeest in Ionosphere. The number of adult sand cat in Tropical Cyclones is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Glowthorn Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Aurora Borealis equals 3 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult red-eared slider in Whisperlake equals the number of adult american alligator in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Tropical Cyclones is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult dragon in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult manta ray in Shimmerwood Refuge is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult butterfly in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult salp in Troposphere is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Crystalpine Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Supercells equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult african wild dog in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult arctic wolf in Nimbus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Noctilucent Clouds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult bettas in Ozone Layer equals 2 plus the number of adult stingray in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Supercells is the total number of adult animals in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Supercells equals the number of adult eland in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult tiger snake in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult stonefish in Meteor Showers. The number of adult cicada in Supercells is 3 times the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The number of adult russell's viper in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult hognose snake in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 times the number of adult african penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Supercells equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lumina Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Supercells equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lumina Hollow is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult marbled salamander in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Auroras Australis. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult iguana in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult clownfish in Lustrous Depths is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Ionosphere equals 2 times the number of adult topi in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult greenland shark in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult fennec mule in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult ocelot in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Evershade Grove. The number of adult orangutan in Opalescent Basin is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult margay in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Meteor Showers. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Lustrous Depths equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult moray eel in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult sea slug in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Charmed Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Aurora Borealis is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult asian elephant in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult harp seal in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult vervet monkey in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult pipefish in Mesosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult dingo in Twilight Timber. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Cumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult pteropod in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult bettas in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult kraken in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult king penguin in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult minotaur in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult golden retriever in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Gleaming Ripple is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult koala in Thermosphere is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Noctilucent Clouds equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult bats in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult king cobra in Glowglass Pond is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The number of adult grasshopper in Velvetbough Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult lion in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult siberian husky in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Supercells equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Supercells. The number of adult collared lemming in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Supercells equals the number of adult tapir in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Polar Vortex is the total number of newborn animal children in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Charmed Shoals is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult great auk in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the number of adult weka in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult sand cat in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult clownfish in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult leopard frog in Auroras Australis equals 2 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult mosquito in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult wasp in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult beaked whale in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Supercells equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Supercells. The number of adult forest mammoth in Eclipse Cove equals 1 times the number of adult american mastodon in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Polar Vortex equals 3 times the number of adult snowy owl in Polar Vortex. The number of adult komodo dragon in Cumulus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult russell's viper in Altostratus Cloud is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Evershade Grove equals 3 times the number of adult walrus in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult moray eel in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult komodo dragon in Sparkflow Lagoon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Crystalpine Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Evershade Grove is the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult paca in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Jet Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult dodo in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult kiwi in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult tsessebe in Ionosphere is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Noctilucent Clouds is the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the number of adult coypu in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult boxfish in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult copperhead in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Cirrus Cloud equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult desert locust in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Supercells equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Supercells. The number of adult gila monster in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult sea slug in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult rattlesnake in Whisperlake equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Tropical Cyclones equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Supercells is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult cerberus in Aurora Pool is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Meteor Showers equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starshimmer Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult frilled lizard in Whisperlake equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Whisperlake. The number of adult gray whale in Mesosphere is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Noctilucent Clouds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult katydid in Supercells is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Troposphere. The number of adult blue monkey in Azure Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Velvet Mirror equals 3 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Troposphere equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Troposphere. The number of adult african forest elephant in Cirrus Cloud is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Exosphere. The number of adult blue whale in Mesosphere is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Tropical Cyclones is the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Jet Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult tiger snake in Aurora Pool equals 1 times the number of adult phoenix in Aurora Pool. The number of adult hippopotamus in Supercells is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Jet Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The number of adult red panda in Lumina Hollow is the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult cheetah in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult parrotfish in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Polar Vortex is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult komodo dragon in Meteor Showers equals 2 times the number of adult inland taipan in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult tiger snake in Cumulus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Evershade Grove. The number of adult coqui frog in Auroras Australis equals 2 times the number of adult surinam toad in Auroras Australis. The number of adult agouti in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult dormouse in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult stingray in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult electric eel in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult parrot in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Supercells equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Supercells. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult wood frog in Auroras Australis equals 1 times the number of adult leopard frog in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Thermosphere equals the number of adult langoustine in Thermosphere. The number of adult copperhead in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult mole in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult hornet in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult akita in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult copepod in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Jet Stream equals 2 times the number of adult cassowary in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult zooplankton in Troposphere is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult tiger snake in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult sea anemone in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Cirrus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult moray eel in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult tarsier in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult heron in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Aurora Borealis equals 1 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult blackbuck in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult egret in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Ionosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult gerbil in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Charmed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult bryde's whale in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult black mamba in Altostratus Cloud is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Dreamcatcher Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Stratocumulus Cloud is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult gelada in Azure Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult bonobo in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult bobcat in Radiance Reservoir is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Lustrous Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult bonobo in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Azure Abyss. The number of adult iguanodon in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult arctic hare in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult butterfly in Velvetbough Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult cheetah in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult archerfish in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult goblin shark in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult patas monkey in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult hellbender in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lumina Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult harpy cow in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Ionosphere equals 1 times the number of adult bongo in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Ionosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 times the number of adult gobies in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Starshine Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult gila monster in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult euphausiid in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult southern mammoth in Eclipse Cove equals 2 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Troposphere equals the number of adult noctiluca in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Twilight Timber. The number of adult centaur in Aurora Borealis is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult little blue penguin in Noctilucent Clouds is the total number of adult animals in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult marine iguana in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Polar Vortex equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Polar Vortex equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Thermosphere. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Mesosphere equals the number of adult hooded seal in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The number of adult bowhead whale in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult numbat in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult komodo dragon in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Glowthorn Thickets is the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Exosphere equals the number of adult eastern newt in Exosphere. The number of adult dormouse in Noctilucent Clouds is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Stratosphere. The number of adult elephant bird in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult vervet monkey in Frostlight Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Troposphere equals the number of adult tintinnid in Troposphere. The number of adult golden cat in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult jaguar in Radiance Reservoir. the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult collared lemming in Nimbus Cloud is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mesosphere. The number of adult moray eel in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult selkie in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult fishing cat in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Auroras Australis equals 3 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Auroras Australis.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo as o; so o = x = x. We know o = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult jackal in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult coconut crab in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult spider crab in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult hellbender in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Starshard Copse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starshard Copse. The number of adult beluga whale in Dusksong Chasm is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult yak in Nebulight Pass is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult thaliacean in Gleamshade Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult radiolaria in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult rock lobster in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult barnacle in Syrtis Major. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mare Erythraeum equals 1 plus the number of adult zebra in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glintshade Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Starlight Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult numbat in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult manatee in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult caiman in Flarebark Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Olympus Mons. The number of adult gazelle in Chryse Planitia is 4 plus the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult golden mole in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult ostrich in Promethei Planum. The number of adult southern mammoth in Valles Marineris equals 4 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Valles Marineris. The number of adult king penguin in Isidis Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult krill in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Radiance Gorge is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Glistenreach equals 2 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult roc in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Chryse Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult capybara in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult capybara in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult ross's gull in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult firefly in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Gale Crater equals 2 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult kiwi in Promethei Planum is the total number of adult animals in Syrtis Major. The number of adult topi in Starlight Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Argyre Planitia equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Isidis Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult moray eel in Crystalbough Reserve equals 1 plus the number of adult barracuda in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Dusksong Chasm is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Olympus Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Frostglow Ravine equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult beaked whale in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiant Hollows equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult grasshopper in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult bettong in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Arabia Terra equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult tomato frog in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Radiance Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult quokka in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Sparkflow Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult giant salamander in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Isidis Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult steamer duck in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult beaked whale in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult beaked whale in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shadowrift Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult fennec fox in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aeolis Mons is 2 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shimmergrove. The number of adult royal penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult green anaconda in Eclipsed Canyon is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The number of adult rotifer in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lumina Glade. The number of adult acantharian in Gleamshade Hollow equals the number of adult tintinnid in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult gorilla in Glimmerstone Abyss is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult raccoon in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult sperm whale in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminous Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Luminous Passage. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Dawnlit Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Radiance Gorge equals 4 plus the number of adult boxfish in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Glistenreach equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 times the number of adult cicada in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Glistenreach equals 3 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult moas in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Frostglow Ravine equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Aurora Rift is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Rift equals 3 times the number of adult hellbender in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Arabia Terra equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Arabia Terra. The number of adult bettong in Elysium Mons is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Passage equals 4 plus the number of adult ball python in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Lustervale Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult scorpion in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult jerboa in Promethei Planum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult langoustine in Syrtis Major. The number of adult noctiluca in Gleamshade Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostglow Ravine equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Arabia Terra equals 4 times the number of adult bandicoot in Arabia Terra. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ethereal Rift. The number of adult blue monkey in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult vole in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Dusksong Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Olympus Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Lumina Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Lumina Glade. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Luminous Passage is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Prismatic Canopy is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult golden mantella in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 2 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Lumina Glade equals 2 times the number of adult bush baby in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Arabia Terra equals 3 times the number of adult tarsier in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult oryx in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult akita in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult african wild dog in Ethereal Timber is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult rotifer in Gleamshade Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Olympus Mons equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Olympus Mons. The number of adult tiger snake in Radiance Gorge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Olympus Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Olympus Mons. The number of adult baboon in Starshard Copse is the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult cane toad in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Aurora Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Aurora Rift. The number of adult southern right whale in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult minke whale in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult langoustine in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult snow crab in Syrtis Major. The number of adult fairy penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult bobcat in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult harpy cow in Syrtis Major is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult golden cat in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult puma in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult patas monkey in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult chipmunk in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Medusae Fossae equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult hermit crab in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Promethei Planum. The number of adult gouldian finch in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult starfish in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult mandrill in Starlight Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The number of adult coyote in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult praying mantis in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Ethereal Timber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Luminous Passage is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The number of adult thorny devil in Promethei Planum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The number of adult manatee in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Meridiani Planum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult gorilla in Starlight Chasm is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult iguana in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Olympus Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Olympus Mons. The number of adult greyhound in Frostglow Ravine is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult desert locust in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Dawnlit Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult crow in South Zoo equals the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult tarsier in Lumina Glade. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Lustervale Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Hellas Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glistenreach equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Aurora Rift is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult orangutan in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Glistenreach equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Hellas Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Hellas Basin. The number of adult moose in Nebulight Pass is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult potoroo in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Gale Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult greyhound in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Argyre Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Lustervale Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Shimmergrove is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The number of average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult coyote in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aeolis Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Quartz Hollows is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Frostglow Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Dawnlit Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult manatee in Nebulight Pass is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult rock wallaby in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult bobcat in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult phoenix in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Glistenreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult sun conure in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Dawnlit Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Medusae Fossae equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult salp in Moonlit Rift is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult wildebeest in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult elk in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the number of adult hornet in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Ethereal Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dusksong Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult wood frog in Frostglow Ravine is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult fairy penguin in Ethereal Rift is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Elysium Mons equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Hellas Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult minotaur in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Chryse Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult mosquito in Crystalfall Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult forest mammoth in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult coqui frog in Valles Marineris. The number of adult thaliacean in Moonlit Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiance Gorge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult clownfish in Olympus Mons. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Opal Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult american mastodon in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lumina Glade equals 2 times the number of adult aardvark in Lumina Glade. The number of adult coyote in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult tapir in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Starshard Copse equals 3 plus the number of adult wombat in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Frostglow Ravine equals 4 plus the number of adult akita in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult little blue penguin in Sparkflow Abyss equals the number of adult eastern newt in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Elysium Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult koala in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Meridiani Planum equals 2 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Elysium Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Starshard Copse. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Spectral Wildwood is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult toucan in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Aeolis Mons equals 2 plus the number of adult coqui frog in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Frostglow Ravine is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiance Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult sea slug in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult shiba inu in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult macaque in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Argyre Planitia is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Gale Crater. The number of adult lemur in Glimmerstone Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Lumina Glade. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult gerenuk in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult stingray in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult capybara in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult bettas in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 plus the number of adult coqui frog in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult lionfish in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult noctiluca in Moonlit Rift equals 3 times the number of adult cladoceran in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult dragon in Hellas Basin. The number of adult dungeness crab in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Lustervale Pass equals 1 times the number of adult archerfish in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult hamster in Glimmerstone Abyss is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult corn snake in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Shimmergrove equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Shimmergrove. The number of adult desert locust in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult elephant bird in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult antlion in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Starlight Chasm is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Starlight Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult moray eel in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glistenreach equals the number of adult red bishop in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aurora Rift. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Passage equals 2 times the number of adult diplodocus in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult nemean lion in Twilight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult centaur in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Mare Erythraeum equals 1 plus the number of adult nemean lion in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult king cobra in Flarebark Forest equals 2 times the number of adult radiolaria in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult chimpanzee in Flarebark Forest equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult kitsune in Twilight Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult kraken in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult orangutan in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult tiger in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Medusae Fossae equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult moray eel in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult electric eel in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult tarsier in Starlight Chasm is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult macaque in Starlight Chasm is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger snake in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Olympus Mons equals 2 times the number of adult green basilisk in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult griffin in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult bettas in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Chryse Planitia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the number of adult lemur in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Utopia Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Aurora Rift. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Dusksong Chasm is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult cassowary in Ethereal Rift is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiance Gorge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Meridiani Planum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult corn snake in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Olympus Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Chasm is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult addax in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult larvacean in Gleamshade Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult marine iguana in Eclipsed Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aeolis Mons equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult dhole in Ethereal Timber is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Gale Crater equals the number of adult dhole in Gale Crater. The number of adult red panda in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Starlight Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult impala in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult cerberus in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult camel in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 times the number of adult glass frog in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Gale Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Gale Crater. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo is greater than 0. The number of adult forest mammoth in Opal Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult boxfish in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the number of adult manatee in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Frostglow Ravine is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Arabia Terra. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult red bishop in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult red bishop in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult southern mammoth in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult little blue penguin in Isidis Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult frilled lizard in Eclipsed Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Sparkflow Abyss equals the number of adult cane toad in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult flamingo in Eclipsed Canyon is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult hippogriff in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Olympus Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Silvercliff Pass is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Elysium Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult gaur in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult pufferfish in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Mare Erythraeum equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Dawnlit Hollow is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult bats in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Glistenreach equals 1 times the number of adult sun conure in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Starlight Chasm is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Shadowrift Gorge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult green iguana in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Mare Erythraeum equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult fire salamander in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Quartz Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Arabia Terra. The number of adult scorpionfish in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Shimmergrove. The number of adult larvacean in Moonlit Rift is the total number of adult animals in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiance Gorge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult selkie in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Lustervale Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Mare Erythraeum equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Valles Marineris is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult basenji in Shadowrift Gorge is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult potoroo in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult euphausiid in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult thaliacean in Flarebark Forest is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult spider monkey in Starshard Copse. The number of adult snares penguin in Ethereal Rift is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult golden mole in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Olympus Mons equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Lustervale Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Promethei Planum is the total number of adult animals in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiant Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Radiant Hollows.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo as s; so s = x = x. We know s = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult dolphin in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Tasman Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Tasman Sea. The number of adult scorpion in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult african penguin in Radiance Keys. The number of adult coypu in Arabian Sea equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Arabian Sea. The number of adult coconut crab in Lyonesse is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Black Sea equals the number of adult omura's whale in Black Sea. The number of adult mosquito in Valhalla is the total number of adult animals in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult dormouse in El Dorado equals the number of adult vole in El Dorado. The number of adult kitsune in Beaufort Sea equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 4 plus the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Gleamhaven Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Atlantic Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult agouti in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Barents Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Weddell Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Lyonesse. The number of adult desert locust in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult desert locust in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Xanadu is the total number of adult animals in Yggdrasil. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult addax in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult razorbill in Opalescent Isle is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult nemean lion in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult manticore in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Opalescent Isle is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult arctic wolf in Xanadu is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lemuria equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Shangri-La equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Cibola equals 3 times the number of adult triceratops in Cibola. The number of adult fairy penguin in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Tasman Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Cibola equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Weddell Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult wombat in Weddell Sea. The number of adult poodle in Camelot equals 2 times the number of adult gazelle in Camelot. The number of adult kitsune in Avalon is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Indian Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Keys equals 3 times the number of adult nemean lion in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Red Sea equals the number of adult gopher in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Black Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Red Sea equals the number of adult sea slug in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult gray whale in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Red Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Cibola equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult meerkat in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Bering Sea equals the number of adult archerfish in Bering Sea. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult elephant seal in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult agouti in Mu equals 2 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Mu. The number of adult potoroo in Caribbean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult sea anemone in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Keys equals 3 times the number of adult noctiluca in Radiance Keys. The number of adult hippopotamus in Iram of the Pillars is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult crow in Maple Creek and the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult california sea lion in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult manatee in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Frostveil Cay equals 2 times the number of adult hooded seal in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult nemean lion in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult dragon in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Avalon equals the number of adult cerberus in Avalon. The number of adult collared lemming in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the number of adult musk ox in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Sargasso Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Valhalla equals 1 plus the number of adult fin whale in Valhalla. The number of adult coyote in Mediterranean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult sea cucumber in Aurora Keys is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult gopher in El Dorado equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in El Dorado. The number of adult elephant seal in Southern Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult guinea pig in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Coral Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult cladoceran in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult monitor lizard in Eclipsed Haven is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Shangri-La equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Coral Sea equals the number of adult lion in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Lemuria is 3 times the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Mount Meru equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Mount Meru. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Asgard equals the number of adult elephant seal in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Keys equals 4 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Avalon equals 4 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Avalon. The number of adult elk in Iram of the Pillars is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult dolphin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult porcupine in Atlantis is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Cibola equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Valhalla equals 1 times the number of adult mayfly in Valhalla. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult lion in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult gull in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Sargasso Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult koala in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Weddell Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult salp in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult leopard gecko in Arabian Sea is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult night monkey in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult fenrir in Yggdrasil. The number of adult capybara in Mount Meru is the total number of newborn animal children in Agartha. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Velvetreef Island is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult roc in Beaufort Sea equals 4 times the number of adult kraken in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult fennec fox in Lustrous Shoals is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Tír na nÓg equals 4 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult caribou in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Weddell Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Weddell Sea. The number of adult greenland shark in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult slow loris in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult paca in Mu equals the number of adult king cobra in Mu. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult california sea lion in Labrador Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult boomslang in Labrador Sea. The number of adult elephant seal in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult glass frog in Velvetreef Island is the total number of adult animals in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Barents Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Barents Sea. The number of adult bandicoot in Arabian Sea equals 2 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Arabian Sea. The number of adult sun conure in Asgard equals the number of adult california sea lion in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Tír na nÓg equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Mount Meru equals the number of adult king penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Red Sea equals the number of adult paca in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Twilight Archipelago is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Xanadu equals 4 times the number of adult ivory gull in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Keys equals 1 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Barents Sea equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Red Sea equals the number of adult manta ray in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult sperm whale in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Coral Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Weddell Sea is the total number of adult animals in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult dormouse in Mu equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Luminous Lagoon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Bering Sea equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult albatross in Barents Sea is 4 times the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult quetzal in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Shangri-La equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Shangri-La. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Weddell Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals 2 times the number of adult blue whale in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult hooded seal in Labrador Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Labrador Sea. The number of adult agouti in El Dorado equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult royal penguin in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Tasman Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Tasman Sea. The number of adult seal in Starshadow Isles is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult roan antelope in Starshadow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult dugong in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult cerberus in Starlit Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult kraken in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult wildebeest in Baltic Sea equals 2 times the number of adult tinamous in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Indian Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Valhalla is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sargasso Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult snowy owl in Iram of the Pillars is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Keys. The number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult cormorant in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Tír na nÓg is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The number of adult coypu in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult kittiwake in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Black Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult gray whale in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Avalon. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Camelot is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Red Sea is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Red Sea equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Cibola equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 2 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Red Sea is the total number of adult animals in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult impala in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult sand cat in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult leviathan in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lemuria equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult vaquita in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the number of adult walrus in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Avalon equals the number of adult hydra in Avalon. The number of adult tiger prawn in Hawaiki equals 1 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Hawaiki. The number of adult capybara in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Agartha equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Agartha. The number of adult bowhead whale in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult ivory gull in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Indian Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult krill in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Agartha equals 3 times the number of adult right whale in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Black Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult puffin in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult collared lemming in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult bush baby in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Barents Sea equals 2 times the number of adult gull in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Aurora Keys equals 1 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Aurora Keys. The number of adult arctic wolf in Iram of the Pillars equals 2 plus the number of adult zebra in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Opalescent Isle equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Tír na nÓg equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Coral Sea. The number of adult tarsier in Black Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Arctic Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Crystalbreeze Cay is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult golden mole in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 times the number of adult horned lizard in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult manatee in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult elephant in Baltic Sea. The number of adult russell's viper in Hyperborea equals 2 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Aurora Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult rat in Mount Meru is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult raccoon in Arabian Sea is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Tasman Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Tasman Sea. The number of adult cerberus in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult tamarin in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult boxfish in Aurora Keys is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Lemuria. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult musk ox in Xanadu is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult green anaconda in Hyperborea is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Barents Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Barents Sea. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 1. The number of adult red bishop in Asgard equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Asgard. The number of adult fenrir in Beaufort Sea equals 1 times the number of adult minotaur in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult blue monkey in Yggdrasil equals 2 plus the number of adult unicorn in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Valhalla equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Valhalla. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult coconut crab in Hawaiki equals 1 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Hawaiki. The number of adult red-eared slider in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Barents Sea equals the number of adult skimmer in Barents Sea. The number of adult crow in Pine Ridge equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Cibola equals 3 times the number of adult caracal in Cibola. The number of adult gouldian finch in Asgard equals 4 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Shangri-La equals the number of adult eland in Shangri-La. The number of adult beluga whale in Crystalbreeze Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Lemuria. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Hyperborea is the total number of newborn animal children in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Lemuria equals 1 plus the number of adult centaur in Lemuria. The number of adult emperor penguin in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Bering Sea. The number of adult copperhead in Hyperborea equals 4 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult kraken in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult dungeness crab in Hawaiki equals 4 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 times the number of adult manatee in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Tír na nÓg equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Mount Meru equals the number of adult hamster in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult bongo in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Barents Sea. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Avalon is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Agartha equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Agartha. The number of adult desert locust in Luminous Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult cayote in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Xanadu equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Coral Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Weddell Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult hooded seal in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult dugong in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Barents Sea. The number of adult vaquita in Southern Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult seal in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The number of adult arctic wolf in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult caribou in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult gelada in Yggdrasil equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Lyonesse equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Lyonesse. The number of adult kittiwake in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Labrador Sea. The number of adult fennec mule in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult tomato frog in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Weddell Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Black Sea. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Asgard equals the number of adult blue hawk in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Glowmist Archipelago is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Arabian Sea equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Arctic Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult duiker in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Radiance Keys equals 3 times the number of adult diatom in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Labrador Sea is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Coral Sea. The number of adult gopher in Mu equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Lyonesse equals the number of adult razorbill in Lyonesse. The number of adult rainbow boa in Hyperborea equals the number of adult rock lobster in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Sargasso Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Shangri-La equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Shangri-La. The number of adult walrus in Amundsen Sea is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glowmist Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Tasman Sea. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Pacific Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Agartha equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Agartha. The number of adult tsessebe in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult waterbuck in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Aurora Keys is 3 times the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Mount Meru equals 2 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Mount Meru. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Indian Ocean. The number of adult kudu in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult kiwi in Baltic Sea. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult rock lobster in Hawaiki equals the number of adult bats in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult patas monkey in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult macaque in Yggdrasil. The number of adult royal penguin in Avalon is the total number of newborn animal children in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Avalon equals 1 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Xanadu is the total number of adult animals in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult african penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Avalon equals 1 plus the number of adult roc in Avalon. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Weddell Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult glass frog in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Red Sea equals the number of adult gerbil in Red Sea. The number of adult ghost crab in Hyperborea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Red Sea. The number of adult vervet monkey in Yggdrasil equals 1 times the number of adult mandrill in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Sargasso Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Mount Meru equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult asian elephant in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult lemming in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Bering Sea equals the number of adult american mastodon in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Mount Meru equals 3 plus the number of adult dormouse in Mount Meru. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult elephant seal in Labrador Sea equals 4 times the number of adult black widow spider in Labrador Sea. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult rock wallaby in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult bandicoot in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult impala in Twilight Archipelago is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Southern Ocean. The number of adult sei whale in Valhalla is the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The number of adult baboon in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult pegasus in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult serval in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Bering Sea equals 2 times the number of adult moray eel in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Xanadu equals the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Xanadu. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Mediterranean Sea equals 3 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult dovekie in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult langoustine in Hawaiki equals the number of adult tarsier in Hawaiki. The number of adult bandicoot in Pacific Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult coypu in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Shangri-La is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The number of adult nyala in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult duiker in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Radiance Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Radiance Keys. The number of adult blackbuck in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult gray whale in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Shangri-La equals the number of adult impala in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lemuria equals the number of adult fenrir in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shangri-La equals 4 times the number of adult zebra in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult blue whale in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Bering Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Atlantis equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Garden of the Hesperides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lemuria equals the number of adult hydra in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Lyonesse equals the number of adult spider crab in Lyonesse. The number of adult leviathan in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult unicorn in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult damselfish in Aurora Keys. The number of adult caracal in Moonwhisper Isle is 3 plus the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult panther chameleon in Nebulight Keys is the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult orca in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult eland in Baltic Sea equals 3 times the number of adult takahe in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Coral Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Coral Sea. The number of adult chihuahua in Camelot equals the number of adult impala in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Opalescent Isle is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Shangri-La equals the number of adult wildebeest in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Black Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Black Sea. The number of adult coyote in Luminous Lagoon is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 times the number of adult caracal in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult ocelot in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult paca in El Dorado equals the number of adult leopard gecko in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Keys equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Auroraflow Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult harpy cow in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Opalescent Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge as g; so g = x = x. We know g = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult sea otter in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the number of adult caiman in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult raccoon in Jet Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Ionosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Opaline Wastes equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Jet Stream equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult arctic hare in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Crystaldust Flats equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Opaline Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Ebon Dunes is the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult potoroo in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Ebon Dunes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult gray whale in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult pteranodon in Glintfrost Chasm is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Twilight Dunes equals 2 plus the number of adult hydra in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult collared lemming in Exosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult caribou in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult fairy penguin in Wintersong Valley equals 3 times the number of adult leopard seal in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Frozen Echo Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Tropical Cyclones equals 2 plus the number of adult kitsune in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult arctic wolf in Exosphere equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult macaw in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult border collie in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Everchill Ridge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Drift. The number of adult selkie in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult bettong in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult eland in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Luminous Drift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminous Drift. The number of adult tinamous in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult elephant bird in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult african penguin in Ionosphere equals 3 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Ionosphere. The number of adult sei whale in Supercells is the total number of adult animals in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glacierreach equals the number of adult flamingo in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult gila monster in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult sloth in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Meteor Showers equals 4 plus the number of adult giraffe in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult red bishop in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult wildebeest in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Glacierreach equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Glacierreach. The number of adult leviathan in Altostratus Cloud is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Supercells equals 2 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Meteor Showers equals 3 times the number of adult yak in Meteor Showers. The number of adult paca in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult chinchilla in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult adélie penguin in Supercells is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Twilight Dunes equals 1 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult larvacean in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Stratosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult addax in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult coqui frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult electric eel in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult leopard frog in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the number of adult giant salamander in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult butterfly in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult butterfly in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult puma in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Twilight Dunes equals 3 plus the number of adult kitsune in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glacierreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Glacier equals 2 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult camel in Noctilucent Clouds is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Icetide Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Crystaldust Flats equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult arctic wolf in Thermosphere equals 1 times the number of adult ross's gull in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult arctic fox in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult moas in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult king penguin in Starfire Expanse. The number of total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Glacierveil Tundra equals 1 times the number of adult duiker in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult glass frog in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult springbok in Cumulus Cloud is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult right whale in Jet Stream is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Stratosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Stratosphere. The number of adult moray eel in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult coelacanth in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Lusterflow Basin is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Twilight Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult greyhound in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult siberian husky in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult sea slug in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Stellar Wastes equals 3 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult manatee in Dawnshard Desert equals 4 plus the number of adult eland in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult basenji in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Cirrus Cloud equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Luminous Drift equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult spider monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Stellar Wastes equals 2 times the number of adult minke whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Moonlit Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Twilight Dunes equals 3 plus the number of adult cane toad in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult tiger prawn in Auroras Australis equals 2 times the number of adult siberian husky in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Stratosphere equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Supercells. The number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Borealis equals 1 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult tintinnid in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult copepod in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult right whale in Supercells is the total number of adult animals in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Luminous Drift equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Luminous Drift. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Cirrus Cloud is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Stratosphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Crystalfrost Fields equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Glacierreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Glacierreach. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Duneshadow Reach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult blue tang in Frostlight Peaks is the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Chillveil Heights equals 4 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Golden Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Glacierreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult giraffe in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult walrus in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Eternafrost Plains is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the number of adult sei whale in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult amphipod in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult gray whale in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult takahe in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Glacierreach is 1 times the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Icetide Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Troposphere equals 1 plus the number of adult angelfish in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult okapi in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Meteor Showers equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Meteor Showers. The number of adult wood frog in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the number of adult surinam toad in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult jaguar in Solar Mirage is the total number of adult animals in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult blackbuck in Mesosphere equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Crystaldust Flats equals 4 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult fairy penguin in Ionosphere equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult vaquita in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Stratosphere equals 4 times the number of adult nutria in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Solar Mirage. The number of adult african penguin in Supercells is the total number of newborn animal children in Meteor Showers. The number of adult mosasaurus in Golden Rift equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Supercells equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Meteor Showers. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gilded Mirage equals 4 times the number of adult royal penguin in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Jet Stream. The number of adult marsupial mole in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult selkie in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Glacierreach equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult rock lobster in Auroras Australis is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Solar Mirage. The number of adult marbled salamander in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the number of adult cane toad in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult opossum in Noctilucent Clouds is the total number of adult animals in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult potoroo in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 times the number of adult bandicoot in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult sun conure in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult bongo in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Crystaldust Flats equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult gaur in Meteor Showers. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cirrus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Ionosphere. The number of adult bush baby in Dawnfrost Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult bongo in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult compsognathus in Golden Rift equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Golden Rift. The number of adult royal penguin in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult okapi in Meteor Showers is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Supercells equals 2 times the number of adult southern right whale in Supercells. The number of adult marbled salamander in Troposphere equals the number of adult wood frog in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult euphausiid in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Meteor Showers equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Jet Stream is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Mesosphere. The number of adult chihuahua in Sunglint Wastes equals 4 times the number of adult shiba inu in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult snow crab in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult chihuahua in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult radiolaria in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult ross's gull in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult stegodon in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Glacierreach equals the number of adult marlin in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult dormouse in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult leafhopper in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ionosphere equals the number of adult blue crab in Ionosphere. The number of adult gopher in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult hamster in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult fennec fox in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 times the number of adult snowy owl in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Solar Mirage equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Moonlit Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult glass frog in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult cane toad in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult langoustine in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult coyote in Auroras Australis. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Wintersong Valley equals 1 times the number of adult collared lemming in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Ozone Layer is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Ebon Dunes equals 3 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Moonlit Mirage equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult glass frog in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Everchill Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult kraken in Tropical Cyclones is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult grasshopper in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult coypu in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Luminous Drift is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Sparkdust Plain equals 3 times the number of adult vaquita in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Meteor Showers. The number of adult hartebeest in Mesosphere is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult marine iguana in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Shardbluff Canyon is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Solar Mirage. The number of adult manatee in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult giraffe in Eternal Sands. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Troposphere equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Troposphere. The number of adult coconut crab in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult poodle in Auroras Australis. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Ionosphere equals 4 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Icetide Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult eland in Dawnshard Desert equals 1 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult agouti in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult impala in Cumulus Cloud. the number of adult crow in Cedar Valley exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult yellow tang in Exosphere is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult poodle in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult wood frog in Troposphere equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Troposphere. The number of adult greenland shark in Thermosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult arctic tern in Thermosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult caribou in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult marlin in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Frostspire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Luminous Drift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Luminous Drift. The number of adult blue crab in Auroras Australis equals 3 times the number of adult king crab in Auroras Australis. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Jet Stream equals the number of adult bush baby in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Glacierreach equals 4 plus the number of adult moray eel in Glacierreach. The number of adult greenland shark in Exosphere equals the number of adult arctic hare in Exosphere. The number of adult compsognathus in Polar Vortex equals 4 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Polar Vortex. The number of adult bettas in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Icetide Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult scarlet macaw in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of adult animals in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Luminous Drift equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Luminous Drift. The number of adult stegosaurus in Polar Vortex is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult black panther in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Sparkdust Plain equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult frilled lizard in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Borealis equals 3 plus the number of adult bongo in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Stratosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Stratosphere. The number of adult coqui frog in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the number of adult harpy cow in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult right whale in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult zooplankton in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult agouti in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult gerbil in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Stratosphere equals the number of adult koala in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Stratosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult king cobra in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult dormouse in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult roan antelope in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the number of adult archerfish in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Meteor Showers equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Meteor Showers. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gilded Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult mosasaurus in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult eastern quoll in Altostratus Cloud is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frozen Echo Basin equals 2 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Ozone Layer equals 2 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Sparkdust Plain equals 1 times the number of adult seal in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult dormouse in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Moonlit Mirage is the total number of adult animals in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Frostspire Expanse is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Duneshadow Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult leopard frog in Troposphere equals 4 times the number of adult clownfish in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult caribou in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Nimbus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult rock wallaby in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult manticore in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult thylacine in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult unicorn in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Nimbus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult clownfish in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Duneshadow Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Solar Mirage equals 2 plus the number of adult golden cat in Solar Mirage. The number of adult bowhead whale in Exosphere equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Exosphere. The number of adult bowhead whale in Thermosphere is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Exosphere. The number of adult eagle in Maple Creek equals the number of adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult wombat in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult mosquito in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult ladybug in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Tropical Cyclones equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult rat in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult dodo in Starfire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult vole in Velvet Sands equals 2 times the number of adult vole in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Meteor Showers equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Supercells is the total number of newborn animal children in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Stellar Wastes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Solar Mirage equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Stratocumulus Cloud is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Thermosphere. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult water buffalo in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult kangaroo in Noctilucent Clouds is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult kakapo in Ozone Layer is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Solar Mirage. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult okapi in Snowshadow Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Tropical Cyclones is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult tamarin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult green iguana in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Jet Stream equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Jet Stream. The number of adult marsupial mole in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Glacierveil Tundra equals 1 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult stingray in Frostlight Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpion in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult golden retriever in Auroras Australis is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult gaur in Tropical Cyclones is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Luminous Drift equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult lionfish in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Stratosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult dungeness crab in Auroras Australis is 2 times the number of adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult stonefish in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult snares penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult border collie in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard frog in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult wildebeest in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult camel in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult rock wallaby in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult gaur in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Icewhisper Dale equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Ionosphere equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Meteor Showers equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult adélie penguin in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Jet Stream equals the number of adult narwhal in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Everchill Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult golden retriever in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Luminous Drift. The number of adult bonobo in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult unicorn in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult hartebeest in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Twilight Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult kudu in Dawnshard Desert equals 2 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult paca in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult grasshopper in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Supercells equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Frozen Echo Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Luminous Drift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Luminous Drift. The number of adult capybara in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult water buffalo in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Meteor Showers equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in Meteor Showers. The number of adult golden mantella in Troposphere equals 1 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult dragon in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult zebra in Luminous Drift. The number of adult royal penguin in Ionosphere equals 4 plus the number of adult shrimp in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult stonefish in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult collared lemming in Thermosphere equals the number of adult krill in Thermosphere. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Wintersong Valley equals 3 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult sand cat in Meteor Showers is the total number of adult animals in Polar Vortex. The number of adult bilby in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Twilight Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Twilight Dunes equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Supercells equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Meteor Showers equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Solar Mirage. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Starfire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Starfire Expanse.
How many adult crow does Cedar Valley have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult crow in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley as h; so h = x = x. We know h = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the number of adult kangaroo in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Frostlight Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Silverleaf Grove is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Everglint Woods is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Tasman Sea equals 4 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Tasman Sea equals the number of adult black mamba in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult great auk in Twilight Timber. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Opalescent Crag equals 4 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Amundsen Sea is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult arctic wolf in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult ross's gull in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Weddell Sea is the total number of adult animals in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult quetzal in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult gorilla in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Lustrous Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Atlantic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult blue racer in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult vervet monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult dormouse in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult glass frog in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Arctic Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult red-eared slider in Labrador Sea equals 1 times the number of adult porcupine in Labrador Sea. The number of adult leopard frog in Caribbean Sea equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult groundhog in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult gecko in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Labrador Sea. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Indian Ocean. The number of adult bettas in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult patas monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Southern Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Indian Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Moonveil Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult roc in Indian Ocean. The number of adult hooded seal in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult bettas in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult red-eared slider in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult gecko in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult kudu in Arabian Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Red Sea. The number of adult leopard frog in Moonshadow Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Black Sea. The number of adult gila monster in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult patas monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Tasman Sea. The number of adult elephant seal in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult seal in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult gila monster in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult coconut crab in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the number of adult cougar in Aurora Grove. The number of adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonveil Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Eclipse Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult green iguana in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult pipefish in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult fennec fox in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult centaur in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult langoustine in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult spider crab in Aurora Grove. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult gaur in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult bowhead whale in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult nutria in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult tarsier in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult capybara in Beaufort Sea equals 2 times the number of adult zebra in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult bilby in Frostlight Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult elephant seal in Amundsen Sea equals 1 times the number of adult allosaurus in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult krill in Prismatic Glade is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Mediterranean Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Twilight Timber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult beluga whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult electric eel in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult elk in Beaufort Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Glowfern Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult dormouse in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult arctic fox in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Southern Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult scorpion in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Silverleaf Grove is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Arabian Sea. The number of adult sandpiper in Black Sea equals the number of adult cormorant in Black Sea. The number of adult fenrir in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult black mamba in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult black mamba in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult fire salamander in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Mediterranean Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult pufferfish in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult beluga whale in Amundsen Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult seal in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult coqui frog in Caribbean Sea equals 1 times the number of adult coqui frog in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult cerberus in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult giant salamander in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult southern right whale in Luminous Apex. The number of adult greenland shark in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult beaver in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aurora Grove equals 4 times the number of adult lion in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Barents Sea equals the number of adult copperhead in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Indian Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Mediterranean Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult rattlesnake in Labrador Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Caribbean Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult numbat in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult nutria in Opalescent Crag is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cerberus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult elephant seal in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult boxfish in Coral Sea equals the number of adult lemur in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult california sea lion in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult sperm whale in Glintbark Hollows is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Pacific Ocean. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the number of adult green iguana in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Arctic Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult lemur in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult bonobo in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the number of adult macaque in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult sea slug in Pacific Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Velvetbark Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Barents Sea. The number of adult coqui frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult golden mantella in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult hooded seal in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult vaquita in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Weddell Sea equals 1 times the number of adult peacock in Weddell Sea. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult marbled salamander in Caribbean Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult cane toad in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glowfern Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult lemming in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult impala in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult kingfisher in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 times the number of adult king eider in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult gila monster in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult gila monster in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the number of adult rainbow boa in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Southern Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Southern Ocean. The number of adult gila monster in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult colobus monkey in Shimmering Spire is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult narwhal in Dreamwood Canopy is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 2 plus the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult tiger snake in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult ivory gull in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Eternal Summit. The number of adult marine iguana in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult rat in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult ross's gull in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiance Thicket is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult ostrich in Twilight Timber is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult corn snake in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult agouti in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Nebulight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult tapir in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult squirrel in Southern Ocean. The number of adult giant salamander in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult marine iguana in Starshard Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreamspire Summit. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult roc in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult dragon in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Barents Sea equals the number of adult pufferfish in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult unicorn in Mediterranean Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult sun conure in Starshard Peaks is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Barents Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult guinea pig in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Nebulight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult wildebeest in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Weddell Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Weddell Sea. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Luminous Apex is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult crested gecko in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Frostlight Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Tasman Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Tasman Sea. The number of adult california sea lion in Amundsen Sea equals 3 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult northern cardinal in Bering Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult silkworm in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Weddell Sea equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Weddell Sea. The number of adult african wild dog in Everglint Woods is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult gray whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult angelfish in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Twilight Timber is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pipefish in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Weddell Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Frostlight Woods is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Radiance Thicket equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Barents Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Barents Sea. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipse Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult kudu in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult aardvark in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult arctic tern in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult lemming in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Weddell Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Frostlight Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult baboon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Sargasso Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult booby in Black Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult shearwater in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult blue racer in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Sargasso Sea is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Mediterranean Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult leviathan in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult king eider in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Coral Sea. The number of adult boomslang in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult bonobo in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Twilight Timber. The number of adult centaur in Eclipsed Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult moray eel in Starbloom Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult potoroo in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult opossum in Twilight Crest. The number of adult beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals 1 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Luminous Apex. The number of adult dungeness crab in Aurora Grove equals 1 times the number of adult sand cat in Aurora Grove. The number of adult vaquita in Amundsen Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult sea otter in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult sea lion in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Weddell Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult caribou in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult hognose snake in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult kitsune in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult leviathan in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult boomslang in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult right whale in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult griffin in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Prismatic Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult bearded dragon in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult gila monster in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Prismatic Glade equals 4 times the number of adult paca in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult agouti in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult cerberus in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult walrus in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult groundhog in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult thaliacean in Baltic Sea equals 3 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Baltic Sea. The number of adult macaque in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult tiger snake in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult goblin shark in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult flamingo in Baltic Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult vaquita in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult manatee in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult little blue penguin in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult manatee in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult blue monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult gerbil in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Indian Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult marbled salamander in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult frilled lizard in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Labrador Sea. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult capybara in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult gull in Black Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the number of adult polar bear in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Twilight Timber. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult blue monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Weddell Sea equals the number of adult toucan in Weddell Sea. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult water buffalo in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult vaquita in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult cerberus in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult basilisk in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult red bishop in Bering Sea equals the number of adult atlas moth in Bering Sea. The number of adult arabic cow in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult elk in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Tasman Sea. The number of adult bonobo in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult orangutan in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Indian Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult elephant seal in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Bering Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult green-winged macaw in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Pacific Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult clownfish in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Tasman Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult fin whale in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult snow crab in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Aurora Grove. The number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Hollow is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult coelacanth in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult california sea lion in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult painted bunting in Bering Sea equals the number of adult antlion in Bering Sea. The number of adult dormouse in Southern Ocean is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult vervet monkey in Indian Ocean is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult firefly in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult gouldian finch in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult dung beetle in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Eclipse Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Barents Sea equals the number of adult boomslang in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult boxfish in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult parrotfish in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult chipmunk in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult bilby in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult wood frog in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult glass frog in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult electric eel in Starbloom Haven is the total number of adult animals in Labrador Sea. The number of adult komodo dragon in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult box jellyfish in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult rattlesnake in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult paca in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult mouse in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Southern Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult nemean lion in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult roc in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Velvetbark Hollow is 2 times the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Tasman Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Twilight Crest. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Indian Ocean. The number of adult green anaconda in Lustrous Hollow is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult omura's whale in Twilight Timber is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Weddell Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult rock lobster in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult jaguar in Aurora Grove. The number of adult chaetognath in Baltic Sea is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult rock wallaby in Twilight Crest equals 2 times the number of adult blue tang in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult boomslang in Everglint Woods. The number of adult pipefish in Coral Sea equals the number of adult orangutan in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult maned jackal in Everglint Woods. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Red Sea is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Shimmering Spire equals 3 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Red Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Red Sea. The number of adult collared lemming in Sunlit Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Indian Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Indian Ocean. The number of adult wildebeest in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult water buffalo in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult macaque in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Opalescent Crag equals 4 plus the number of adult agouti in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult spider crab in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult rotifer in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starlight Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult barracuda in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult hooded seal in Amundsen Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult orca in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult iguana in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Arctic Ocean is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult fin whale in Twilight Timber. The number of adult kitsune in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult minotaur in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult lionfish in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult manatee in Beaufort Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult nightjar in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult blue whale in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult capybara in Labrador Sea is the total number of adult animals in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult wombat in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult dormouse in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Labrador Sea is 3 plus the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Everglint Woods. The number of adult fenrir in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult leopard seal in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Tasman Sea equals the number of adult omura's whale in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult gelada in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult weka in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult greyhound in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Frostlight Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult ross's gull in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult yak in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the number of adult gray whale in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Everglint Woods. The number of adult archerfish in Dreamwood Canopy is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Everglint Woods. The number of adult sun conure in Bering Sea equals the number of adult wasp in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult bettas in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult gorilla in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult lionfish in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult panther chameleon in Labrador Sea equals 1 times the number of adult american alligator in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Velvetspire Ascent equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult marsupial mole in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult angelfish in Twilight Crest. The number of adult blue crab in Aurora Grove equals 1 times the number of adult lobster in Aurora Grove. The number of adult gaur in Beaufort Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult leopard frog in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult bushbuck in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Tasman Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Bering Sea equals the number of adult firefly in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Tasman Sea equals 2 times the number of adult russell's viper in Tasman Sea. The number of adult shiba inu in Everglint Woods is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The number of adult boxfish in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult golden retriever in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult golden mantella in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Gleaming Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult butterfly in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult paradise tanager in Bering Sea equals 2 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult kraken in Indian Ocean. The number of adult king cobra in Atlantic Ocean is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult pufferfish in Dreamwood Canopy is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult chinchilla in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Weddell Sea. The number of adult corn snake in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult peacock in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Velvetspire Ascent is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Frostlight Woods equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult komodo dragon in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult black mamba in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult hamster in Prismatic Glade is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult wood frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult glass frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Red Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Radiance Thicket equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Opalescent Crag is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult eland in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult tarsier in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult panther chameleon in Lustrous Hollow is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium as g; so g = x = x. We know g = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Wintersong Valley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult komodo dragon in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult maned jackal in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult boomslang in Olympus Mons equals 1 times the number of adult dovekie in Olympus Mons. The number of adult poodle in Altai Mountains equals 3 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Altai Mountains. The number of adult booby in Siberia is the total number of adult animals in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glacierreach equals the number of adult narwhal in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult gorilla in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Arctic Circle equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult dung beetle in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult vervet monkey in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult gazelle in Greenland is the total number of adult animals in Arabia Terra. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Promethei Planum. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Chryse Planitia is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Arctic Circle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 times the number of adult gray whale in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult gannet in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Mount McKinley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mount McKinley. The number of adult kudu in Argyre Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Alps equals the number of adult bettas in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult wasp in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the number of adult agouti in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult desert locust in Utopia Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult parrotfish in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Hellas Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult hartebeest in Meridiani Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult butterfly in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 plus the number of adult dragonfly in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult marbled salamander in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult bullfrog in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult barnacle in Iceland is 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult grasshopper in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Greenland equals the number of adult tarsier in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Alps. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Mount Fuji is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glacierreach equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Greenland. The number of adult gila monster in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult coelacanth in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult surgeonfish in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Mount McKinley is the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult komodo dragon in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult bettas in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Arctic Circle equals 1 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Valles Marineris. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Glacier is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult sea anemone in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Aurora Glacier equals 3 plus the number of adult mosquito in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult beaked whale in Lapland equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Lapland. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lapland equals the number of adult coqui frog in Lapland. The number of adult lion in North Pole equals the number of adult surinam toad in North Pole. The number of adult lion in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult walking stick in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Arctic Circle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Arctic Circle. The number of adult damselfish in Himalayas is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult kudu in Meridiani Planum is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glacierreach equals the number of adult humpback whale in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult fenrir in Gale Crater equals 4 times the number of adult fenrir in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult parrotfish in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Isidis Planitia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult diplodocus in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult marine iguana in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Icetide Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult ivory gull in Syrtis Major equals 2 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Syrtis Major. The number of adult booby in Arabia Terra equals 4 times the number of adult porcupine in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Iceland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult starfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult rainbow boa in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult shearwater in Siberia is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult elk in Argyre Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult gazelle in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Siberia equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Siberia. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The number of adult rainbow boa in South Pole equals the number of adult arctic fox in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Greenland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Greenland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult california sea lion in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult chimpanzee in Utopia Planitia is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Syrtis Major. The number of adult orangutan in Arctic Circle is the total number of adult animals in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Patagonia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Patagonia. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult royal penguin in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult golden retriever in Antarctica equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult blue monkey in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Isidis Planitia equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult angelfish in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult boxfish in Himalayas equals the number of adult ladybug in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult lionfish in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mount McKinley. The number of adult cerberus in Gale Crater equals the number of adult triceratops in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Alps equals 3 plus the number of adult orangutan in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Arctic Circle is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the number of adult beaver in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Wintersong Valley is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult roan antelope in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult sun conure in Yukon equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Yukon. The number of adult golden cat in North Pole equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in North Pole. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Yukon is the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult macaque in Greenland is the total number of newborn animal children in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Amazonis Planitia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult agouti in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Meridiani Planum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult gelada in Svalbard equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Greenland equals the number of adult bushbuck in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult little blue penguin in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult gila monster in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult egret in Olympus Mons. The number of adult ghost crab in Kamchatka Peninsula is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the number of adult nyala in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult praying mantis in Himalayas is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult manatee in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult diplodocus in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult foraminifera in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Siberia equals the number of adult velociraptor in Siberia. The number of adult sea anemone in Dawnfrost Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult tiger in North Pole equals the number of adult eastern newt in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult macaque in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult blue tang in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult snares penguin in Snowshadow Rift is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glacierreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult black widow spider in Olympus Mons is the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult russell's viper in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult red panda in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Aurora Glacier equals 4 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult gaur in Argyre Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult tapir in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glacierreach equals 3 plus the number of adult phoenix in Glacierreach. The number of adult mosquito in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult cicada in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult tiger snake in Chillveil Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Valles Marineris equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Valles Marineris. The number of adult antlion in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult skimmer in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult minotaur in Gale Crater equals the number of adult hippogriff in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Mount Fuji is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Antarctica. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Cydonia Mensae equals 4 times the number of adult beaver in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult copperhead in Franz Josef Land equals 2 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 times the number of adult triggerfish in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult golden cat in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 times the number of adult greenland shark in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult boomslang in South Pole equals the number of adult boomslang in South Pole. The number of adult american mastodon in Rockies equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult hamster in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult cicada in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Greenland equals the number of adult patas monkey in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult gila monster in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Arctic Circle. The number of adult tsessebe in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult tomato frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult arabic cow in Argyre Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult greyhound in Antarctica equals 2 times the number of adult deinonychus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Patagonia equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult mayfly in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult gelada in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult king eider in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult walrus in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Iceland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Iceland. The number of adult hawkfish in Himalayas is the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Valles Marineris equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult golden mantella in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult tiger in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult lynx in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult bobcat in North Pole equals the number of adult tiger salamander in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Iceland equals the number of adult ghost crab in Iceland. The number of adult pufferfish in Elysium Mons is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Promethei Planum. The number of adult harpy cow in Patagonia is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Promethei Planum equals 2 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Promethei Planum. The number of adult poodle in Antarctica equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Mount Fuji. The number of adult pipefish in Himalayas equals 4 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Himalayas. The number of adult vervet monkey in Svalbard equals 1 times the number of adult macaque in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Alps equals 2 times the number of adult archerfish in Alps. The number of adult firefly in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult tomato frog in Promethei Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Alps equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Mount Fuji equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Mount Fuji. The number of adult compsognathus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Chryse Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult antlion in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Medusae Fossae equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult night monkey in Arctic Circle is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult centaur in Gale Crater equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Gale Crater. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult stegodon in Rockies equals 3 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mount Fuji is the total number of adult animals in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Siberia equals 3 plus the number of adult grebe in Siberia. The number of adult sandpiper in Arabia Terra equals 2 plus the number of adult razorbill in Arabia Terra. The number of adult patas monkey in Svalbard equals 2 plus the number of adult baboon in Svalbard. The number of adult hellbender in Lapland is the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Aeolis Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Alps equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult black mamba in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Patagonia equals the number of adult blackbuck in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Medusae Fossae equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Patagonia equals the number of adult caiman in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult green basilisk in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Promethei Planum equals 2 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 times the number of adult heron in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult bushbuck in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Patagonia. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in North Pole equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the number of adult marlin in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman lizard in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult walrus in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult chihuahua in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult jackal in Altai Mountains. The number of adult southern right whale in Lapland equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Alps equals the number of adult blue monkey in Alps. The number of adult night monkey in Frostspire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult kitsune in Gale Crater equals 1 times the number of adult leviathan in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult beaked whale in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Iceland equals 2 times the number of adult kakapo in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult greenland shark in Syrtis Major is the total number of adult animals in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult porcupine in Cydonia Mensae is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult russell's viper in South Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in South Pole. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Mare Erythraeum equals 1 times the number of adult cane toad in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult damselfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult coypu in Franz Josef Land is the total number of adult animals in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Alps equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult eyelash viper in Franz Josef Land equals 3 times the number of adult king cobra in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult wildebeest in Argyre Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult royal penguin in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 times the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult eyelash viper in South Pole equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 times the number of adult lionfish in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Iceland equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Isidis Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult komodo dragon in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult boomslang in Olympus Mons. The number of adult flamingo in Siberia is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult baboon in Svalbard equals 4 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Franz Josef Land equals 4 times the number of adult hedgehog in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult dhole in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Valles Marineris equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Patagonia equals 1 plus the number of adult tapir in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult porcupine in Valles Marineris. The number of adult dodo in Iceland is the total number of adult animals in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glacierreach equals the number of adult beluga whale in Glacierreach. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult northern cardinal in Yukon is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult stick insect in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult chihuahua in Antarctica equals 4 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult mandrill in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult king crab in Iceland is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult leafhopper in Himalayas is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult forest mammoth in Rockies equals the number of adult king cobra in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Medusae Fossae equals 3 times the number of adult gazelle in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Lapland is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult capybara in Argyre Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Rockies equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Rockies. The number of adult vervet monkey in Frostspire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult harp seal in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult crested gecko in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult blackbuck in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult katydid in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult forest mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult american mastodon in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult nemean lion in Gale Crater equals the number of adult diplodocus in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Medusae Fossae equals 1 times the number of adult nutria in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Patagonia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Patagonia. The number of adult bobcat in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult bobcat in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult leviathan in Gale Crater equals the number of adult centaur in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shardbluff Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult atlas moth in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Rockies equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger snake in Rockies. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Cydonia Mensae equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Yukon equals 4 times the number of adult okapi in Yukon. The number of adult frigatebird in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult nutria in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Mount Fuji equals 3 times the number of adult gelada in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Medusae Fossae equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult red bishop in Yukon equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Mount Fuji equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Mount Fuji. The number of adult mangrove snake in South Pole equals the number of adult blue racer in South Pole. The number of adult box jellyfish in Rockies is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The number of adult blue monkey in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult coqui frog in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult gull in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult southern mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult stegodon in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult blue monkey in Svalbard equals 1 plus the number of adult bonobo in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult king cobra in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult sun conure in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Patagonia equals 3 plus the number of adult toucan in Patagonia. The number of adult potoroo in Everchill Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult stonefish in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mount Fuji. The number of adult gull in Siberia is the total number of adult animals in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult macaque in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult southern mammoth in Rockies equals 1 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult gray whale in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult patas monkey in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult puffin in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Utopia Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult spider monkey in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult gouldian finch in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Yukon. The number of adult eland in Argyre Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult elephant in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Medusae Fossae is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult electric eel in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult sei whale in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mount McKinley equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult marine iguana in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult tiger snake in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult stonefish in Olympus Mons. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult lion in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult compsognathus in Siberia equals 1 times the number of adult sandpiper in Siberia. The number of adult arctic tern in Syrtis Major equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Syrtis Major. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of adult animals in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Wintersong Valley equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the number of adult blue tang in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult guppy in Tharsis Bulge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult howler monkey in Arctic Circle is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Medusae Fossae equals 3 times the number of adult wildebeest in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult tiger snake in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult electric eel in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Mount Fuji equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mount Fuji. The number of adult coconut crab in Glacierveil Tundra equals 2 times the number of adult shrimp in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Patagonia equals 2 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Patagonia. The number of adult copperhead in South Pole equals the number of adult rainbow boa in South Pole. The number of adult wood frog in Mare Erythraeum equals 1 times the number of adult penguin in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Starfreeze Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult bowhead whale in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult arctic hare in Syrtis Major. The number of adult selkie in Gale Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult selkie in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult rotifer in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lapland equals the number of adult cane toad in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 plus the number of adult sea otter in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Alps equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult leopard frog in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Mount McKinley. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in South Pole equals 1 times the number of adult gaboon viper in South Pole. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Elysium Mons. The number of adult copepod in Mount Fuji is the total number of adult animals in Argyre Planitia. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Mount Fuji is the total number of newborn animal children in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Glacierveil Tundra equals 2 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Glacierreach equals 2 times the number of adult seal in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Patagonia is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Alps is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Wintersong Valley equals 3 times the number of adult omura's whale in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult night monkey in Svalbard equals the number of adult gibbon in Svalbard. The number of adult stegosaurus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult mouse in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult katydid in Svalbard is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Isidis Planitia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult sea slug in Himalayas equals the number of adult moray eel in Himalayas. The number of adult golden mole in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult patas monkey in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Medusae Fossae equals 1 plus the number of adult oryx in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Rockies equals the number of adult pufferfish in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult krill in Iceland is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Promethei Planum equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Meridiani Planum equals 1 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the number of adult caracal in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult sand cat in Syrtis Major is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glacierreach equals the number of adult california sea lion in Glacierreach. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult groundhog in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult leopard seal in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Alps is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Patagonia equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Valles Marineris equals 4 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult collared lemming in Syrtis Major equals 4 plus the number of adult golden cat in Syrtis Major. The number of adult coyote in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult gelada in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Chillveil Heights equals 3 times the number of adult pufferfish in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult mosasaurus in Siberia equals 3 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mount McKinley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Greenland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Greenland. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Lapland is the total number of newborn animal children in Valles Marineris. The number of adult antlion in Himalayas is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult shearwater in Mare Erythraeum is the total number of adult animals in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult roc in Gale Crater equals 2 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Gale Crater. The number of adult fairy penguin in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult green iguana in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Alps equals the number of adult moray eel in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult sable antelope in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Arctic Circle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Arctic Circle.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek as q; so q = x = x. We know q = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult paca in Radiance Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult gila monster in Dusksong Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Yggdrasil equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Shadowrift Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Nebulight Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Starshimmer Waters is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Velvet Mirror is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Whisperlake equals the number of adult fin whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Frostglow Ravine equals 4 plus the number of adult wallaby in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Silverwave Lake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult elephant seal in Valhalla equals 1 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Valhalla. The number of adult okapi in Frostlight Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Sparkflow Abyss equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult compsognathus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Shadowrift Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult corn snake in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mu equals 2 times the number of adult electric eel in Mu. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lemuria equals 2 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Nebulight Pass equals the number of adult green anaconda in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Frostglow Ravine is the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult frilled lizard in Atlantis equals 4 times the number of adult red bishop in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminous Passage equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Nebulight Pass equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Sparkflow Abyss equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lustervale Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult russell's viper in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Crystalfall Ravine equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Camelot equals the number of adult sloth in Camelot. The number of adult manticore in Opalescent Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult peacock in Ethereal Pool is 4 times the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult coypu in Hawaiki equals 2 times the number of adult nightjar in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lyonesse equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lustrous Depths equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Frostlight Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. The number of adult blue racer in Eclipse Cove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Velvet Mirror equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Mount Meru equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mu equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Yggdrasil equals 1 times the number of adult fin whale in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Avalon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Avalon. The number of adult starfish in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of adult animals in Lemuria. The number of adult russell's viper in Dawnlit Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult corn snake in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Whisperlake equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Shadowrift Gorge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult tsessebe in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult arctic tern in Moonlit Rift. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult pipefish in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult dragonfly in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Sparkflow Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult snowy owl in Azure Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult allosaurus in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult fairy penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult boxfish in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult duiker in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Asgard equals the number of adult thaliacean in Asgard. The number of adult wood frog in Camelot equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Camelot. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mu equals 3 plus the number of adult archerfish in Mu. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult pipefish in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Lyonesse. The number of adult bison in Aurora Pool is 4 times the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult chihuahua in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Twilight Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult ocelot in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult vole in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult chimera in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult coqui frog in Camelot equals the number of adult agouti in Camelot. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult marbled salamander in Camelot equals the number of adult harpy cow in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult humpback whale in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult sea slug in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Cibola. The number of adult nemean lion in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult sea otter in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult guinea pig in Mount Meru. The number of adult chihuahua in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult siberian husky in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Velvet Mirror is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult gibbon in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult blackbuck in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult blackbuck in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Asgard equals 4 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Crystalfall Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult spider crab in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult eland in Lustrous Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult poodle in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult dhole in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostglow Ravine equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult golden retriever in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult maned jackal in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Velvet Mirror equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Starlight Chasm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lyonesse equals the number of adult snow leopard in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Crystalfall Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Frostlight Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult rock wallaby in Xanadu equals 1 times the number of adult koala in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult milk snake in Aurora Rift. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Mu is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mu equals 4 times the number of adult arabic cow in Mu. The number of adult ackie monitor in Starshimmer Waters is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult boxfish in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult manta ray in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult wildebeest in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult lionfish in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiance Reservoir is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Avalon equals 2 times the number of adult shiba inu in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Shadowrift Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult copperhead in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Luminous Passage. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Shadowrift Gorge is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult atlas moth in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lustervale Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamcatcher Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Frostglow Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult cayote in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Sparkflow Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Whisperlake. The number of adult musk ox in Starshimmer Waters is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult little blue penguin in Luminary Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminous Passage equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Passage. The number of adult elk in Mu is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Sparkflow Abyss is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lyonesse equals 3 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Lyonesse. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lemuria equals the number of adult sea wasp in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Avalon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Whisperlake equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Avalon. The number of adult cassowary in Twilight Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Frostglow Ravine is the total number of adult animals in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult beaked whale in El Dorado equals 1 times the number of adult milk snake in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Sparkflow Lagoon is 2 times the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 times the number of adult eastern newt in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Passage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Luminous Passage. The number of adult bowhead whale in Azure Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult arctic tern in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the number of adult copperhead in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Crystalfall Ravine equals 4 plus the number of adult harp seal in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult hedgehog in Hawaiki is the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The number of adult walrus in Charmed Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Lustrous Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult beluga whale in Charmed Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lyonesse equals 1 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Lyonesse. The number of adult roc in Opalescent Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Mount Meru is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Radiance Reservoir is the total number of adult animals in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Asgard equals the number of adult tomato frog in Asgard. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Luminary Lagoon is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lustervale Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Cibola equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Starlight Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Yggdrasil is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult tapir in Camelot is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult okapi in Moonveil Lake is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult tiger snake in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult pufferfish in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Charmed Shoals is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The number of adult king penguin in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult ostrich in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult california sea lion in Valhalla equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Lustrous Depths is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult copperhead in Dawnlit Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult archerfish in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Frostglow Ravine equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger snake in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult yak in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Crystalfall Ravine equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult wombat in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Sparkflow Abyss equals the number of adult tamarin in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Ethereal Pool is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Hyperborea equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Hyperborea. The number of adult meerkat in Gleaming Ripple is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Nebulight Pass equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Cibola equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Lustervale Pass is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Asgard is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Frostglow Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult tiger snake in Lemuria equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mount Meru equals the number of adult tiger in Mount Meru. The number of adult frilled lizard in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult ghost crab in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult centaur in Glimmerstone Abyss is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Passage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Luminous Passage. The number of adult potoroo in Xanadu equals 3 times the number of adult pufferfish in Xanadu. The number of adult diatom in Asgard is the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the sum of the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley and the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult zebra in Lustrous Depths is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult tinamous in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult elephant bird in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Whisperlake equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Whisperlake. The number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult flightless cormorant in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Avalon equals 3 times the number of adult acantharian in Avalon. The number of adult arctic wolf in Azure Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult reticulated python in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult deinonychus in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult bandicoot in Hawaiki equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Silvercliff Pass equals 2 times the number of adult sea slug in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Frostglow Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Moonveil Lake equals 1 times the number of adult elephant in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Whisperlake equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult manta ray in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult pelican in Cibola is the total number of adult animals in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Avalon equals the number of adult fox in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Gleaming Ripple is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult camel in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lyonesse equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Shadowrift Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Silverwave Lake equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Moonveil Lake is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Iram of the Pillars is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult green anaconda in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Moonveil Lake is the total number of adult animals in Camelot. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in El Dorado equals the number of adult gray whale in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Lyonesse equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Crystalfall Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Cibola equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Starlight Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult agouti in Radiance Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult nutria in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult inland taipan in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 times the number of adult arctic hare in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in El Dorado equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult moas in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Asgard equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Lustrous Depths is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Whisperlake equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Whisperlake. The number of adult komodo dragon in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult stonefish in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Iram of the Pillars is the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The number of adult manatee in Gleamshade Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult elk in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Hawaiki equals the number of adult sugar glider in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Dreamcatcher Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The number of adult ocelot in Agartha is the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 times the number of adult quetzal in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Iram of the Pillars is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Nebulight Pass equals the number of adult dhole in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult moas in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult bobcat in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Moonveil Lake is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Xanadu. The number of adult cerberus in Opalescent Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult basilisk in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult gobies in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult manta ray in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Frostglow Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Asgard is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The number of adult red panda in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the number of adult iguana in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult kitsune in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Cibola equals the number of adult glass frog in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Sparkflow Abyss equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult margay in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lustervale Pass equals 2 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult horned lizard in Gleaming Ripple is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The number of adult marine iguana in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Whisperlake equals the number of adult minke whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult gopher in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult porcupine in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lustervale Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult eyelash viper in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult blue racer in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Avalon equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Avalon. The number of adult marine iguana in Atlantis equals the number of adult sun conure in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult snares penguin in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Starshimmer Waters is the total number of adult animals in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Iram of the Pillars equals 4 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult southern right whale in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult golden cat in Hyperborea equals 4 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult boomslang in Dawnlit Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult ball python in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Nebulight Pass is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Nebulight Pass equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Sparkflow Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Lyonesse. The number of adult compsognathus in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 plus the number of adult moas in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult thylacine in Eclipse Cove is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Aurora Rift. The number of adult dormouse in Radiance Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult nemean lion in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mu equals 4 times the number of adult clownfish in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Crystalfall Ravine equals 2 times the number of adult puffin in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult fenrir in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult dugong in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult kitsune in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult chimera in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Asgard equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Frostlight Waters is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult langoustine in Iram of the Pillars is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult snowy owl in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult gila monster in Silverwave Lake is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Starlight Chasm equals the number of adult bandicoot in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mu equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Mu. The number of adult water buffalo in Frostlight Waters is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Whisperlake is the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The number of adult gazelle in Shimmercliff Canyon is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Azure Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult polar bear in Azure Abyss. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult allosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult seal in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Mount Meru equals 2 times the number of adult golden cat in Mount Meru. The number of adult southern right whale in El Dorado equals 3 times the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Mu equals the number of adult lionfish in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Starlight Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Sparkflow Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Shadowrift Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Sparkflow Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult walrus in Starshimmer Waters is 4 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Cibola equals the number of adult dovekie in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult stonefish in Lemuria is the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult hooded seal in Valhalla equals 2 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Valhalla. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult tapir in Frostlight Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 4. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Passage equals 2 times the number of adult dodo in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Mu equals the number of adult okapi in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult beluga whale in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult lemming in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult fenrir in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult giraffe in Frostlight Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Charmed Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mu equals 2 plus the number of adult stingray in Mu. The number of adult rainbow boa in Dawnlit Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult blue tang in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult greenland shark in Azure Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Nebulight Pass equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nebulight Pass.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge as q; so q = x = x. We know q = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Diamantina Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Blisterrock Volcano equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge, the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Hellenic Trench equals 2 times the number of adult takahe in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Challenger Deep is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Challenger Deep equals 1 plus the number of adult walking stick in Challenger Deep. The number of adult chimpanzee in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult king crab in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Kermadec Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Blazestone Rift equals 1 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult thylacine in Blazestone Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Starlit Ocean is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult snares penguin in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult manatee in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult tomato frog in Aleutian Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult california sea lion in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult bonobo in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult marine iguana in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Yap Trench is the total number of adult animals in Infernal Reach. The number of adult red bishop in Fiery Maw equals 1 plus the number of adult peacock in Fiery Maw. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Fumarole Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Aleutian Trench is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Diamantina Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Kermadec Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult rhea in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowbreeze Waves equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult diplodocus in Radiance Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult noctiluca in Frostwave Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Scorchspire equals the number of adult maned jackal in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Timor Trough is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cayman Trench. The number of adult cheetah in Fumarole Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Yap Trench. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult humpback whale in Philippine Trench. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Smoldering Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult goblin shark in New Hebrides Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult thylacine in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Scorchspire equals 4 plus the number of adult chihuahua in Scorchspire. The number of adult hooded seal in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult gouldian finch in Fiery Maw equals 1 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult tiger in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Fumarole Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult margay in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Blazestone Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult little blue penguin in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult king penguin in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiance Sea. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Thermal Caverns is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Timor Trough equals 3 plus the number of adult coypu in Timor Trough. The number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Fumarole Valley is the total number of adult animals in Molten Veil. The number of adult capybara in Twilight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Twilight Waters. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Sunda Trench equals 2 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in New Hebrides Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The number of adult beluga whale in Japan Trench is the total number of adult animals in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult king penguin in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starlight Channel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Starlight Channel. The number of adult serval in Glimmering Gulf is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult jerboa in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Yap Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult blackbuck in Nebula Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult blue monkey in Japan Trench equals the number of adult hooded seal in Japan Trench. The number of adult tinamous in Kermadec Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The number of adult rock wallaby in Aleutian Trench equals 3 times the number of adult kangaroo in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Hellspire Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Tonga Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Tonga Trench. The number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Shoals is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipsed Shoals is 3 times the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult walrus in Hellspire Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Java Trench equals the number of adult collared lemming in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult mayfly in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult eland in Cayman Trench is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult barracuda in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Ryukyu Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult vaquita in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult tarsier in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult salp in Diamantina Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Blisterrock Volcano equals 1 plus the number of adult capybara in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult fennec mule in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult raccoon in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult vervet monkey in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult colobus monkey in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult agouti in Fiery Maw is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The number of adult elephant seal in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult gibbon in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult butterfly in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult camel in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ember Crown equals the number of adult manatee in Ember Crown. The number of adult euphausiid in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult chaetognath in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Peru-Chile Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in New Hebrides Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult zebra in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Yap Trench equals 4 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Yap Trench. The number of adult electric eel in Flareheart Peak is 1 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult surinam toad in Puerto Rico Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult larvacean in Frostwave Depths equals 4 times the number of adult sun conure in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult fairy penguin in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult moray eel in Flareheart Peak equals 1 times the number of adult clownfish in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult bonobo in Tonga Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Challenger Deep. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Yap Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Yap Trench. The number of adult little blue penguin in Cinder Chasm is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Hellenic Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult great auk in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult vervet monkey in Japan Trench equals the number of adult orangutan in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Diamantina Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult chinchilla in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult beaked whale in Philippine Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult gray whale in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Opalescent Horizon is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Starlight Channel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Diamantina Trench is the total number of adult animals in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Blisterrock Volcano equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Tonga Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult royal penguin in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult oryx in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 1 plus the sum of the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of adult animals in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult hamster in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult barnacle in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult little blue penguin in Hellenic Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult marsupial mole in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult wallaby in Sunda Trench. The number of adult pteropod in Yap Trench is the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The number of adult fairy penguin in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Magma Plateau. The number of adult tsessebe in Cayman Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult kudu in Cayman Trench. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Starlight Channel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Blazestone Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult desert locust in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult desert locust in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Blazestone Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlit Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult margay in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult gelada in South Sandwich Trench equals 3 times the number of adult forest mammoth in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult blackbuck in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult harp seal in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult silkworm in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult chihuahua in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult bonobo in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Fumarole Valley is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult bettas in Flareheart Peak equals 3 times the number of adult blue tang in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult golden mantella in Mariana Trench. The number of adult mouse lemur in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Timor Trough equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Yap Trench. The number of adult poison dart frog in Mariana Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult bongo in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Radiance Sea. The number of adult fox in Maple Creek equals the sum of the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Hellspire Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult serval in Smoldering Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Timor Trough equals the number of adult chaetognath in Timor Trough. The number of adult zooplankton in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult quetzal in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult king cobra in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Diamantina Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult african penguin in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult archerfish in Lavaflow Basin equals 2 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Fumarole Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Yap Trench equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult lionfish in Blisterrock Volcano is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of adult animals in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Yap Trench equals the number of adult larvacean in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Dreamcurrent Tides is the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult african wild dog in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Peru-Chile Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult chaetognath in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult rat in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult yak in Mariana Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult marine iguana in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult hellbender in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glimmering Gulf equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Diamantina Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult nyala in Nebula Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult golden mole in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Ember Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult pufferfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Tonga Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Crystalwave Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult tapir in Mariana Trench. The number of adult sun conure in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult howler monkey in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult thaliacean in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult cladoceran in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Java Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult harp seal in Java Trench. The number of adult acantharian in Frostwave Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult mosquito in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult kudu in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult wildebeest in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult king cobra in Twilight Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Frostwave Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult fairy penguin in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult fishing cat in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Fiery Maw equals 2 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Fiery Maw. The number of adult stingray in Lavaflow Basin equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult mayfly in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Tides. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Radiance Sea. The number of adult king cobra in Aurora Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Tides. The number of adult jerboa in Ashen Crag is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Cinder Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Fumarole Valley equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult dolphin in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult coypu in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult lionfish in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult macaque in Tonga Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Timor Trough equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Tonga Trench is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Challenger Deep. The number of adult orangutan in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult blue tang in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult tomato frog in Mariana Trench. The number of adult rock wallaby in Sunda Trench equals 2 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult tsessebe in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult rotifer in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult potoroo in Sunda Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult koala in Sunda Trench. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Thermal Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult tapir in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult salp in Sunda Trench is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Java Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Java Trench. The number of adult hippopotamus in Burnshade Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Blazestone Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Timor Trough equals 4 plus the number of adult aardvark in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult giraffe in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult gaur in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Ryukyu Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult potoroo in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult quokka in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Thermal Caverns equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Puerto Rico Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult blue monkey in South Sandwich Trench equals 4 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Tonga Trench. The number of adult royal penguin in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult scorpion in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult copperhead in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult barracuda in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult clownfish in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Puerto Rico Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult axolotl in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ryukyu Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Puerto Rico Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Diamantina Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Magma Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ember Crown equals 1 plus the number of adult springbok in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Blisterrock Volcano is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult moray eel in Lavaflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in South Sandwich Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult bilby in Scorchspire is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult guppy in Lavaflow Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult guppy in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult spinosaurus in Crimson Summit is the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult oryx in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult dragonfly in Ryukyu Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Fumarole Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult zebra in Mariana Trench. The number of adult coyote in Ashen Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult thorny devil in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Diamantina Trench equals 2 times the number of adult pteropod in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ember Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Diamantina Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult patas monkey in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult dragonfly in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Challenger Deep. The number of adult tiger snake in Luminous Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult silkworm in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult baboon in Shimmering Shoals is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult capybara in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Sunda Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Yap Trench is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Fumarole Valley is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glimmering Gulf equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Scorchspire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Yap Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult diatom in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Blisterrock Volcano equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult african penguin in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult oryx in Magma Plateau. The number of adult bandicoot in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult pangolin in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiance Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Blisterrock Volcano equals 4 plus the number of adult elk in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult gopher in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult hornet in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Java Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult kiwi in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Smoldering Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult king penguin in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Timor Trough equals the number of adult larvacean in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Glimmering Gulf is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult capybara in Burnshade Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult capybara in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult dragonfly in Challenger Deep. The number of adult bongo in Ember Crown is the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Timor Trough equals 3 times the number of adult zooplankton in Timor Trough. The number of adult golden cat in Molten Veil equals the number of adult ocelot in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Blazestone Rift is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult angelfish in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult african bush elephant in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of adult animals in Ashen Crag. The number of adult poison dart frog in Aleutian Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Ember Crown equals the number of adult blackbuck in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult russell's viper in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Scorchspire equals the number of adult wallaby in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Timor Trough equals 3 plus the number of adult bush baby in Timor Trough. The number of adult bettas in Lavaflow Basin is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Hellspire Pass equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in New Hebrides Trench equals 3 times the number of adult damselfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult red bishop in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult bandicoot in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the number of adult bats in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult roan antelope in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult chaetognath in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Molten Veil equals the number of adult cheetah in Molten Veil. The number of adult manatee in Burnshade Abyss equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Burnshade Abyss. The number of adult topi in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult eland in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult phytoplankton in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult euphausiid in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Fumarole Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult tiger in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult ghost crab in Aurora Tides. The number of adult eastern quoll in Sunda Trench equals 2 times the number of adult cladoceran in Sunda Trench.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as o; so o = x = x. We know o = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult poison dart frog in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult moray eel in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult vole in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult camel in Aurora Crags is the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult boomslang in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Isidis Planitia is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Cydonia Mensae equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult caribou in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult heron in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Astral Ridge. The number of adult caribou in Olympus Mons is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Chryse Planitia equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Arabia Terra equals 1 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Arabia Terra. The number of adult southern mammoth in Charmed Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Gale Crater. The number of adult cone snail in Azure Abyss is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Opalescent Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult gray whale in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult sea lion in Argyre Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Aurora Pool. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Valles Marineris equals 2 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Radiant Crest. The number of adult topi in Dawnlit Peaks is 1 plus the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult bobcat in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult puma in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult cane toad in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Nebula Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Arabia Terra is the total number of newborn animal children in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Gale Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult dung beetle in Gale Crater. The number of adult bandicoot in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the number of adult agouti in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult golden cat in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Amazonis Planitia is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Erythraeum. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Starshimmer Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Arabia Terra equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Arabia Terra. The number of adult eland in Meridiani Planum equals 2 times the number of adult fox in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult surinam toad in Gleamstone Heights is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Nebula Crest. The number of adult fin whale in Promethei Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Nebula Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult dung beetle in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult copepod in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Luminary Lagoon is 3 times the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult addax in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult blackbuck in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult addax in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Aeolis Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Whisperlake equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Whisperlake. The number of adult tiger snake in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult tomato frog in Noctis Labyrinthus is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Valles Marineris. The number of adult glass frog in Arabia Terra is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Whisperlake equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Whisperlake. The number of adult patas monkey in Olympus Mons equals 4 times the number of adult spider monkey in Olympus Mons. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostlight Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult cheetah in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The number of adult manticore in Radiant Crest is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult lemming in Tharsis Bulge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult sea slug in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult inland taipan in Azure Abyss. The number of adult blue monkey in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult orangutan in Olympus Mons. The number of adult rat in Cydonia Mensae is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Gale Crater equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Gale Crater. The number of adult sand cat in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult sable antelope in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Chryse Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Azure Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult triggerfish in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult bobcat in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult howler monkey in Whisperlake is the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult hawkfish in Eclipse Cove is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Cydonia Mensae equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Promethei Planum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Promethei Planum equals 4 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Promethei Planum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult king cobra in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult sugar glider in Utopia Planitia is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult blue hawk in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult manatee in Meridiani Planum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult cheetah in Chryse Planitia is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult golden cat in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult thorny devil in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult hellbender in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Chryse Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Amazonis Planitia is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the number of adult sea anemone in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult rock wallaby in Glowglass Pond equals 2 times the number of adult bettong in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult kudu in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the number of adult border collie in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gale Crater equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Gale Crater. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Whisperlake equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Whisperlake. The number of adult komodo dragon in Medusae Fossae equals 3 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Isidis Planitia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult king cobra in Opalescent Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult elephant in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult hornet in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Aeolis Mons equals 4 times the number of adult roan antelope in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult copperhead in Syrtis Major equals 1 times the number of adult surinam toad in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult moray eel in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult yellow tang in Starlight Summit. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glowglass Pond equals 3 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult spider monkey in Astral Ridge. The number of adult hippopotamus in Silverwave Lake is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult cerberus in Radiant Crest. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult american alligator in Promethei Planum is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult wildebeest in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Nebula Crest is the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Whisperlake equals the number of adult blue monkey in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult mosquito in Mare Erythraeum is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult lion in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 plus the number of adult lion in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult tiger snake in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Whisperlake equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Whisperlake. The number of adult roan antelope in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult eland in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult manatee in Amazonis Planitia is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult corn snake in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Aurora Crags. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Silverwave Lake is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult copepod in Cloudveil Plateau is 2 times the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Amazonis Planitia is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Argyre Planitia is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Eclipse Cove equals 1 times the number of adult nemean lion in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult walrus in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Chryse Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult addax in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult snowy owl in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Whisperlake. The number of adult thylacine in Aurora Pool is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult kudu in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult milk snake in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult potoroo in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Valles Marineris. The number of adult porcupine in Cydonia Mensae is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Cydonia Mensae equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult leopard frog in Arabia Terra. The number of adult red-eared slider in Mare Erythraeum equals 2 plus the number of adult black mamba in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult blackbuck in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult gila monster in Medusae Fossae is the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Chryse Planitia equals 3 times the number of adult margay in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult boxfish in Azure Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult sea wasp in Azure Abyss. The number of adult pipefish in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Azure Abyss. The number of adult rock wallaby in Valles Marineris equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 plus the number of adult silkworm in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult puffin in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley, the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult nutria in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult capybara in Silverwave Lake equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult axolotl in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Aurora Pool. The number of adult black panther in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult waterbuck in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Charmed Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult elephant seal in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult spider monkey in Gale Crater is the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult howler monkey in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult gila monster in Astral Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult gelada in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult royal penguin in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Arabia Terra is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult tiger in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult gazelle in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult chaetognath in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Promethei Planum equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Promethei Planum. The number of adult moray eel in Nebula Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Charmed Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aeolis Mons equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult gouldian finch in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult tiger snake in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult tiger snake in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult komodo dragon in Astral Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Arabia Terra. The number of adult cladoceran in Isidis Planitia is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silverwave Lake is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult mosquito in Celestica Spire equals 2 times the number of adult dung beetle in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult bobcat in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 times the number of adult tsessebe in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult marsupial mole in Glowglass Pond equals 2 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult forest mammoth in Charmed Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult potoroo in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult compsognathus in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult krill in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Tharsis Bulge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Argyre Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult milk snake in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult pipefish in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the number of adult blue tang in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult radiolaria in Hellas Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Aeolis Mons is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gale Crater. The number of adult lionfish in Medusae Fossae is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Aeolis Mons is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult chihuahua in Meridiani Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Arabia Terra equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult marine iguana in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult stick insect in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Utopia Planitia is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult gazelle in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult boxfish in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aeolis Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Gale Crater equals the number of adult patas monkey in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Gale Crater. The number of adult boomslang in Medusae Fossae is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult bonobo in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 plus the number of adult gerbil in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult bushbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Chryse Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult thaliacean in Hellas Basin equals 3 times the number of adult copepod in Hellas Basin. The number of adult tsessebe in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult gray whale in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult wildebeest in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult cayote in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult capybara in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Etherreach Cliffs equals 3 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Promethei Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult caiman in Promethei Planum. The number of adult dovekie in Elysium Mons is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Promethei Planum. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge and the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult acantharian in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge and the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 times the number of adult wildebeest in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Whisperlake is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Isidis Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult sugar glider in Lustrous Depths is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult sandpiper in Moonveil Lake equals 2 times the number of adult egret in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult duiker in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Isidis Planitia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult tamarin in Olympus Mons is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult lionfish in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult lionfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Chryse Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult capybara in Meridiani Planum equals 2 plus the number of adult bison in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult manatee in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult manatee in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lustrous Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Radiant Crest equals 3 times the number of adult kitsune in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Aurora Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult quokka in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Gale Crater is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Crest. The number of adult serval in Chryse Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The number of adult manatee in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Whisperlake equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Whisperlake. The number of adult cougar in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult thylacine in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult manatee in Argyre Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult russell's viper in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the number of adult bullfrog in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult weka in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult selkie in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult vervet monkey in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult narwhal in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Arabia Terra equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Chryse Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Starshimmer Waters is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Lustrous Depths is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult gerenuk in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult moas in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 3. The number of adult potoroo in Utopia Planitia equals 3 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult lion in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult caracal in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult bettas in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult capybara in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Aeolis Mons is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult frilled lizard in Mare Erythraeum equals 2 times the number of adult cicada in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult wasp in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult musk ox in Olympus Mons is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult wallaby in Glowglass Pond is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Radiant Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult baboon in Whisperlake is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult king cobra in Promethei Planum is the total number of adult animals in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult eland in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult elk in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult rotifer in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult dung beetle in Hellas Basin. The number of adult rock wallaby in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult wood frog in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Whisperlake. The number of adult rattlesnake in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Amazonis Planitia equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Eclipse Cove is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Aurora Crags is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult porcupine in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult bettas in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starlight Summit is 3 times the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult marsupial mole in Utopia Planitia is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Valles Marineris equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Valles Marineris. The number of adult sea urchin in Nebula Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Glacierlight Range equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Cydonia Mensae equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside, the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult carnotaurus in Glowglass Pond is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Pool.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as Q; so Q = x = x. We know Q = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mount Meru equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Agartha is the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Vinson Massif is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Agartha equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Annapurna equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult moose in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Annapurna equals 4 times the number of adult hognose snake in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult wildebeest in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult pipefish in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 times the number of adult starfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult hooded seal in Camelot equals the number of adult eland in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Opalescent Crag equals 3 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Matterhorn equals 1 times the number of adult fire salamander in Matterhorn. The number of adult bandicoot in Elbrus equals the number of adult indian elephant in Elbrus. The number of adult hooded seal in Denali equals the number of adult seal in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Starshard Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Eternal Summit equals 3 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Eternal Summit. The number of adult asian elephant in Iram of the Pillars is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Lhotse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Everest equals 2 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Agartha equals the number of adult puffin in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult siberian husky in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult gray whale in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Twilight Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Twilight Crest. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Mount Kosciuszko is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult tintinnid in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Garden of the Hesperides is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Moonveil Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult forest mammoth in Iram of the Pillars equals 3 times the number of adult ghost crab in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shangri-La equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Shangri-La. The number of adult forest mammoth in Mount Meru is the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The number of adult snowy owl in Lemuria is the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult baboon in Cho Oyu. The number of adult marbled salamander in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult corn snake in Valhalla equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Valhalla. The number of adult cayote in Nanga Parbat is 4 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult grasshopper in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Starlight Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Mu equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Lyonesse equals the number of adult blue hawk in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mount Meru equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mount Meru. The number of adult frilled lizard in Valhalla equals 1 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Valhalla. The number of adult bonobo in Mount Meru is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Agartha. The number of adult blackbuck in Aconcagua equals 4 times the number of adult waterbuck in Aconcagua. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Everest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Cibola equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Cibola equals the number of adult bonobo in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mount Meru equals 4 times the number of adult american mastodon in Mount Meru. The number of adult tsessebe in Aconcagua equals the number of adult fenrir in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Matterhorn equals the number of adult salp in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Cibola equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Mont Blanc is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Xanadu is the total number of newborn animal children in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Matterhorn. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Manaslu is the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult emu in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in El Dorado equals the number of adult pteropod in El Dorado. The number of adult night monkey in Cibola is the total number of newborn animal children in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Lyonesse equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Lyonesse. The number of adult tiger in Asgard equals 1 plus the number of adult toucan in Asgard. The number of adult fennec mule in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult cladoceran in Matterhorn. The number of adult stegodon in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult american mastodon in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Agartha is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Avalon. The number of adult sea cucumber in Yggdrasil is the total number of adult animals in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult orangutan in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult coqui frog in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Mu is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Xanadu equals 3 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Annapurna equals 4 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Yggdrasil is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult fennec mule in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult lion in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult red bishop in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult king penguin in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Lhotse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lhotse. The number of adult blackbuck in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the number of adult duiker in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult tsessebe in K2 equals the number of adult bongo in K2. The number of adult russell's viper in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult snowy owl in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult zooplankton in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vinson Massif equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult blue crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult blue-tongue skink in Shangri-La is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The number of adult coypu in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult potoroo in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Cibola equals 1 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Yggdrasil equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Nanga Parbat is the total number of adult animals in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Makalu is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the sum of the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the number of adult sloth in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult shiba inu in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult tiger salamander in Mount Erebus is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the number of adult gaur in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult butterfly in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult butterfly in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shangri-La equals the number of adult rotifer in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Yggdrasil equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Lhotse equals 4 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Lhotse equals the number of adult dragon in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Agartha equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Xanadu equals the number of adult tarsier in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult gouldian finch in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult greyhound in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult panther chameleon in Hawaiki is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult elephant seal in Denali equals the number of adult vaquita in Denali. The number of adult tsessebe in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Xanadu equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Xanadu. The number of adult sea slug in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult gobies in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Eclipse Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Sunlit Crag is 4 times the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult boxfish in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shangri-La equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Shangri-La. The number of adult copperhead in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Lhotse. The number of adult nightjar in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult pipefish in Atlantis equals 4 plus the number of adult gobies in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult sandpiper in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Nebulight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult hornet in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Tír na nÓg is the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shangri-La equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Eternal Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult iguana in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Xanadu equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Xanadu. The number of adult butterfly in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult katydid in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Vinson Massif is the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Everest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Lyonesse is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Xanadu. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Denali equals 3 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Denali. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Frostlight Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult bobcat in Cho Oyu equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Everest equals 2 times the number of adult royal penguin in Everest. The number of adult mosquito in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult grasshopper in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult mayfly in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Annapurna equals 4 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Nebulight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult pteropod in Shangri-La is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Cibola equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Cibola. The number of adult zooplankton in Lemuria equals the number of adult leopard seal in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Hawaiki is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Tír na nÓg equals 3 times the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult american alligator in Velvetspire Ascent is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Kangchenjunga is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Eclipse Heights is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult green anaconda in Vinson Massif. The number of adult thaliacean in Lemuria equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Tír na nÓg equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult glass frog in Makalu is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Cibola equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Yggdrasil. The number of adult groundhog in Vinson Massif is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult krill in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Makalu equals the number of adult bullfrog in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shangri-La equals 2 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Shangri-La. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mount Meru equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Mount Meru. The number of adult king penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult sea slug in Yggdrasil is the total number of newborn animal children in Lhotse. The number of adult rotifer in Lemuria equals 1 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Lemuria. The number of adult leopard gecko in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult kangaroo in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Kilimanjaro equals 4 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult southern mammoth in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult king cobra in Asgard equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Xanadu equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in El Dorado equals the number of adult foraminifera in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Starshard Peaks equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult mouse lemur in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult bilby in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shangri-La equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shangri-La. The number of adult southern right whale in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starshard Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult caiman in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Cibola equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Hawaiki equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Hawaiki. The number of adult stegosaurus in Mount Erebus is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult coconut crab in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Everest equals 1 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Everest. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Elbrus equals 4 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in El Dorado equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Vinson Massif is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Agartha equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Agartha. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Hawaiki equals the number of adult iguana in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Hawaiki equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult capuchin in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Matterhorn equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Matterhorn. The number of adult gecko in Eternal Summit is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Nebulight Crest is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Makalu. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Dhaulagiri equals 3 plus the number of adult golden cat in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult macaque in Mount Meru is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The number of adult eastern newt in Velvetspire Ascent is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult noctiluca in Lemuria equals the number of adult acantharian in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Hawaiki is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult killer whale (orca) in Mount Rainier is the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals 3 times the number of adult sperm whale in Luminous Apex. The number of adult blackbuck in K2 equals 1 times the number of adult water buffalo in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult bandicoot in Dhaulagiri equals 3 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult kiwi in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult acantharian in Lemuria equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shangri-La equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shangri-La. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Mu equals the number of adult pipefish in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult king cobra in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Matterhorn equals 2 times the number of adult copepod in Matterhorn. The number of adult hooded seal in Avalon equals the number of adult dugong in Avalon. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Valhalla is the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Hawaiki is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the number of adult king penguin in Mount Rainier. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Annapurna is the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Mont Blanc equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Agartha equals 3 plus the number of adult polar bear in Agartha. The number of adult mosquito in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult slow loris in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mount Meru equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Mount Meru. The number of adult patas monkey in Asgard is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The number of adult patas monkey in Valhalla is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Agartha is the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult mouse lemur in Dhaulagiri equals 1 plus the number of adult serval in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Avalon is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The number of adult african penguin in Everest is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult king penguin in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult little blue penguin in Tír na nÓg is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The number of adult glass frog in Mount Kosciuszko is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The number of adult booby in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Kangchenjunga equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Xanadu equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Xanadu. The number of adult komodo dragon in Moonveil Summit is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult hermit crab in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult coqui frog in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Mount Erebus. The number of adult phytoplankton in Lemuria equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lhotse equals 4 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Hawaiki equals 4 times the number of adult corn snake in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Hawaiki equals 3 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Hawaiki. The number of adult tarsier in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult boxfish in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Tír na nÓg is the total number of adult animals in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Lhotse equals the number of adult akita in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult fairy penguin in Kilimanjaro equals 2 plus the number of adult lemur in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mount Meru is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tinamous in Moonveil Summit is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult larvacean in Lemuria equals 4 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Lemuria. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mont Blanc is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in El Dorado is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shangri-La equals the number of adult zooplankton in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Hawaiki is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult sei whale in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult lion in Cho Oyu equals 3 times the number of adult fishing cat in Cho Oyu. The number of adult copepod in Lemuria is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The number of adult beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals 2 times the number of adult bryde's whale in Mount Rainier. The number of adult forest mammoth in Hyperborea equals 4 plus the number of adult jerboa in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Mu. The number of adult gazelle in Camelot is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Xanadu equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Everest. The number of adult panther chameleon in Annapurna is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult gouldian finch in Manaslu is the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult corn snake in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Atlantis is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The number of adult california sea lion in Denali equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult greyhound in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Annapurna equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Agartha equals the number of adult tapir in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Makalu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in El Dorado. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Mont Blanc. The number of adult roan antelope in Aconcagua equals the number of adult sable antelope in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult ghost crab in Eternal Summit. The number of adult marbled salamander in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Matterhorn. The number of adult red bishop in Lyonesse is the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult coypu in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult kinkajou in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult golden cat in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult leopard in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Hawaiki is the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The number of adult red panda in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult kinkajou in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Kangchenjunga equals 2 plus the number of adult yak in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Agartha equals 3 plus the number of adult macaw in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Matterhorn equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Matterhorn. The number of adult frigatebird in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mont Blanc equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Annapurna equals 1 times the number of adult ball python in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Mount Meru equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Makalu equals 4 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Everest equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals 2 plus the number of adult macaque in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Kangchenjunga equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult marine iguana in Valhalla equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Valhalla. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult lionfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Lyonesse. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult raccoon in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult pangolin in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Hyperborea is the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Lhotse is the total number of newborn animal children in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Garden of the Hesperides is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Frostlight Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Mount Rainier is 3 plus the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in El Dorado equals 3 times the number of adult phytoplankton in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult gerenuk in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shangri-La equals 4 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Shangri-La. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 4. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Kilimanjaro equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult coconut crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Everest is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult slow loris in Xanadu is the total number of adult animals in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Mount Meru is the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Makalu equals the number of adult right whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult orangutan in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult golden retriever in Everest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Lyonesse equals the number of adult hermit crab in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Lyonesse equals the number of adult snow crab in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult sperm whale in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Twilight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Starlight Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult polar bear in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Annapurna equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Annapurna. The number of adult royal penguin in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult orca in Avalon is the total number of adult animals in Mount Erebus. The number of adult pangolin in Elbrus is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Apex. The number of adult elephant seal in Avalon equals 2 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Agartha equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Agartha. The number of adult american mastodon in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Iram of the Pillars.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley as s; so s = x = x. We know s = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult rock wallaby in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult bandicoot in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mare Cognitum is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult manatee in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult leviathan in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult nyala in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult impala in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Twilight Crest. The number of adult potoroo in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult sugar glider in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult sugar glider in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult boomslang in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Montes Apenninus equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult gannet in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mare Australe equals 4 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Radiance Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult chinchilla in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Starlight Chasm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Radiance Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult pteropod in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult oryx in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Mare Vaporum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult ross's gull in Luminous Passage is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult red panda in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult puffin in Mare Moscoviense is the total number of adult animals in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Twilight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Montes Apenninus equals 3 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult rotifer in Mare Crisium equals 1 plus the number of adult copperhead in Mare Crisium. The number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Mare Australe equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mare Humorum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Mare Humorum. The number of adult king penguin in Sparkflow Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Mare Humorum. The number of adult capybara in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the number of adult hydra in Luminous Apex. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Mare Australe equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Twilight Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Mare Imbrium equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult mayfly in Eternal Summit. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult narwhal in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mare Nubium equals 2 plus the number of adult chaetognath in Mare Nubium. The number of adult sandpiper in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult orangutan in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult aardvark in Mare Serenitatis is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Moscoviense is the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Starlight Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Mare Imbrium equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult razorbill in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult iguanodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Gleamshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult mouse lemur in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult potoroo in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lunar Highlands equals 1 plus the number of adult koala in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipse Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult noctiluca in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Eclipse Heights equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mare Nubium equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvetspire Ascent equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shackleton Crater is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult langoustine in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult rock lobster in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Montes Apenninus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult bush viper in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult aardvark in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult roan antelope in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult lion in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Shackleton Crater is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Luminous Passage equals 2 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Luminous Passage. The number of adult blackbuck in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult hartebeest in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult arctic wolf in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult goblin shark in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult seal in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Mare Australe is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult coconut crab in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult blue crab in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult beaked whale in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult omura's whale in Moonlit Rift. The number of adult raccoon in Montes Alpes is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Nubium. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Luminous Passage is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Starshard Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Mare Frigoris is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Radiance Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Montes Alpes equals 2 times the number of adult aardvark in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiance Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult hamster in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult tiger in Tycho Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Nebulight Pass equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Mare Imbrium equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Mare Frigoris equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Twilight Crest. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult deer in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Montes Alpes. The number of adult goblin shark in Shimmercliff Canyon is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamshade Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Nebulight Pass equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Moonveil Summit equals 4 times the number of adult gopher in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Glimmerstone Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult african penguin in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult giant salamander in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Radiance Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult quokka in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Gloamhaven Heights is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult manatee in Crystalfall Ravine is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult coelacanth in Mare Nubium is the total number of adult animals in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult lion in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult fishing cat in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult roan antelope in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult sei whale in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eternal Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Eternal Summit. The number of adult painted bunting in Mare Humorum is the total number of adult animals in Mare Crisium. The number of adult caiman in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult gibbon in Tycho Crater. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult narwhal in Moonlit Rift. The number of adult thaliacean in Mare Nubium is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult oryx in Copernicus Crater is the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mare Serenitatis equals 2 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult desert locust in Copernicus Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon is 2 times the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult thaliacean in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult rock wallaby in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Frostglow Ravine equals 1 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shadowrift Gorge is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dawnlit Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult capuchin in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Starlight Chasm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Silvercliff Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult tsessebe in Ethereal Rift equals 3 times the number of adult nyala in Ethereal Rift. The number of adult thaliacean in Mare Crisium equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Mare Crisium. The number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the difference between the number of adult bear in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ocelot in Tycho Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult flamingo in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult asian elephant in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult clouded leopard in Nebulight Crest is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gouldian finch in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult griffin in Mare Frigoris is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult chimera in Mare Frigoris is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Rift. The number of adult coypu in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult bush baby in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult foraminifera in Mare Nubium is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Silvercliff Pass is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Montes Alpes is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Montes Alpes. The number of adult border collie in Montes Alpes is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostglow Ravine equals 1 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Silvercliff Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult gannet in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult nyala in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult marlin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult dungeness crab in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult elephant seal in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Montes Alpes equals 4 times the number of adult bush baby in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the number of adult bandicoot in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Radiance Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult tamarin in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Aristarchus Plateau is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Mare Imbrium is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult royal penguin in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Starlight Chasm is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Glimmerstone Abyss is the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult blackbuck in Ethereal Rift equals 2 times the number of adult hartebeest in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult arctic tern in Twilight Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult forest mammoth in Dusksong Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult hippogriff in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Starshard Peaks equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult clownfish in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult moas in Dawnlit Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult emu in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult cladoceran in Radiance Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the number of adult amphipod in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Gleaming Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminous Passage equals 3 plus the number of adult musk ox in Luminous Passage. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult tamarin in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Mare Humorum is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Mare Frigoris is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Mare Vaporum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult tiger in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult leopard in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Starlight Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult dovekie in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult nyala in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult cane toad in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shadowrift Gorge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult porcupine in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult dovekie in Mare Moscoviense is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult cladoceran in Mare Nubium is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult fairy penguin in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starshard Peaks equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Starlight Chasm equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Starlight Chasm. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Dawnlit Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult mosasaurus in Aurorapeak Summit is 1 times the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Mare Frigoris equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult rat in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult pegasus in Mare Frigoris is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult red bishop in Mare Humorum is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult stegodon in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin is the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult emu in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult humpback whale in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult addax in Shadowrift Gorge is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult rock lobster in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult krill in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult golden mole in Copernicus Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Gleamshade Hollow equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Glimmerstone Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult hooded seal in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Mare Humorum is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult glass frog in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult centaur in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult eastern newt in Starlight Chasm is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult scorpion in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult numbat in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Mare Humorum equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silvercliff Pass is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The number of adult tamarin in Starlight Chasm is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult archerfish in Twilight Gorge is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Shackleton Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult fenrir in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult scorpion in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 3 times the number of adult razorbill in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult fennec mule in Mare Serenitatis equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult tsessebe in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult cheetah in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Montes Apenninus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Aurora Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult centaur in Aurora Rift. The number of adult kitsune in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Mare Humorum is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult springbok in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult barnacle in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult red bishop in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult red bishop in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult akita in Montes Alpes is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shadowrift Gorge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult tsessebe in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult gazelle in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Luminous Passage equals 1 times the number of adult caribou in Luminous Passage. The number of adult gelada in Mare Cognitum equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Mare Frigoris equals 1 times the number of adult hippogriff in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult topi in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult gerenuk in Ethereal Rift. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Moscoviense is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Mare Frigoris is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Humorum. The number of adult bandicoot in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult green anaconda in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult marbled salamander in Lunar Highlands is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult gray whale in Moonlit Rift is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult copepod in Mare Nubium. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Sparkflow Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult moas in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Mare Imbrium is the total number of adult animals in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult elephant seal in Crystalfall Ravine equals 2 times the number of adult narwhal in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleamshade Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult leopard gecko in Montes Apenninus is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult blackbuck in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Dawnlit Hollow. The number of adult red panda in Mare Serenitatis equals 2 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult eastern quoll in Frostglow Ravine equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Radiance Gorge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult waterbuck in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Lustervale Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult caiman in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult koala in Aurora Rift is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Mare Vaporum is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult hellbender in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult king penguin in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult thorny devil in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult cerberus in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult dugong in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult bats in Mare Serenitatis is the total number of adult animals in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult potoroo in Glimmerstone Abyss is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult agouti in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Starshard Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult coypu in Montes Alpes is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult leviathan in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult roan antelope in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult gerenuk in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult ocelot in Nebulight Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Gleaming Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult paca in Moonveil Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult tsessebe in Shimmering Spire equals 3 times the number of adult hartebeest in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Mare Humorum equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult golden cat in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the number of adult golden cat in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult golden cat in Lustervale Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mole in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Twilight Crest. The number of adult roan antelope in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult waterbuck in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipse Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Starlight Chasm equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Radiance Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silvercliff Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult night monkey in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult unicorn in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult night monkey in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult pteropod in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Mare Nubium. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Eclipsed Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult guppy in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Aurorapeak Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger prawn in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult coyote in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult gila monster in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult krill in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult dodo in Gleamshade Hollow is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Tycho Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Tycho Crater. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Moonlit Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Moonlit Rift. The number of adult tiger prawn in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult ghost crab in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Sparkflow Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult kraken in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult boomslang in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult squirrel in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mare Australe equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Gleamshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult blackbuck in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the number of adult bushbuck in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult bobcat in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult camel in Lustervale Pass. The number of adult bryde's whale in Moonlit Rift is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult wildebeest in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult selkie in Luminous Apex. The number of adult coconut crab in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Starshard Peaks equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Silvercliff Pass equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Mare Humorum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult red panda in Montes Alpes is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the number of adult deer in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult king cobra in Tycho Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Tycho Crater. The number of adult nemean lion in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult tamarin in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult coypu in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipse Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Shackleton Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult blackbuck in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Montes Alpes equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Starshard Peaks equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Luminous Passage. The number of adult marsupial mole in Frostglow Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Starshard Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult cone snail in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult cerberus in Opalescent Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult gelada in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Moonveil Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonveil Summit.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium as i; so i = x = x. We know i = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult collared lemming in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult polar bear in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult frigatebird in Opal Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult pufferfish in Opal Thickets. The number of adult tiger snake in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult eastern newt in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult mosasaurus in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult cerberus in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult manticore in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult tiger snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult snowy owl in Twilight Crest. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 times the number of adult blue monkey in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult butterflyfish in Crystalpine Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse. The number of adult frigatebird in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult penguin in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Evershade Grove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glistenreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult bandicoot in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glistenreach equals 1 plus the number of adult larvacean in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult walrus in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Twilight Crest equals 2 times the number of adult leopard seal in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult butterfly in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Thickets is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult tarsier in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult rock wallaby in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult bettong in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dusksong Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult coconut crab in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult langoustine in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult diatom in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult tomato frog in Moonshadow Canopy is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult unicorn in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult southern mammoth in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult capuchin in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult gull in Opal Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult black widow spider in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Nebulight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult phoenix in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult gouldian finch in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult kitsune in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Radiant Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult shrimp in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult capuchin in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Eternal Summit is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult arctic wolf in Frostshadow Woods is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Sunlit Crag is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Evershade Grove. The number of adult sun conure in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult patas monkey in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult pipefish in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult pipefish in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult boxfish in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult komodo dragon in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Crest. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult egret in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dusksong Forest equals 4 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Dusksong Forest. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult larvacean in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult leopard frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult macaque in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of adult animals in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult barracuda in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult egret in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult margay in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult noctiluca in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult glass frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult gila monster in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult cane toad in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult arctic wolf in Everglow Glade equals 2 times the number of adult vole in Everglow Glade. The number of adult king cobra in Eclipsed Thickets equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult acantharian in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult zooplankton in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Shardspire Woods is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Starshine Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult tamarin in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult gorilla in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Evershade Grove. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The number of adult greenland shark in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult paradise tanager in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult bandicoot in Dusksong Forest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult egret in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult triggerfish in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult triggerfish in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult beaked whale in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult inland taipan in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult hydra in Lustrous Timberland is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Glistenreach equals the number of adult copepod in Glistenreach. The number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult pufferfish in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Lumina Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult arctic tern in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult arctic tern in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Nebulight Crest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult blue monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult gelada in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Ethereal Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult rainbow boa in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult eland in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult compsognathus in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult king cobra in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult fenrir in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Dusksong Forest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult dromedary camel in Glimmerveil Woods is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult green anaconda in Lustrous Timberland is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult dingo in Nebulight Wilds is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dusksong Forest equals 4 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Sunlit Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult gray whale in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Nebulight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult salp in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult wood frog in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult parrotfish in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult blue racer in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult gelada in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult gelada in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult frigatebird in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Glistenreach equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Evershade Grove. The number of adult vervet monkey in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult golden mole in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the number of adult springbok in Starshard Copse. The number of adult fairy penguin in Quartz Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult kittiwake in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 times the number of adult fennec fox in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult dung beetle in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Velvetspire Ascent equals 3 times the number of adult dovekie in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult king penguin in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult patas monkey in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult gibbon in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult manatee in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult pteropod in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult pelican in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult russell's viper in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult copperhead in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Dusksong Forest is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Sunlit Crag equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult hooded seal in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult meerkat in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult stegodon in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult gibbon in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult american mastodon in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult asian elephant in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult penguin in Lumina Glade. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult sandpiper in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult inland taipan in Opal Thickets. The number of adult potoroo in Eternal Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Eternal Summit. The number of adult desert locust in Evershade Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Ethereal Timber. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult cane toad in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult lionfish in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult blackbuck in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult forest mammoth in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult red bishop in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult basilisk in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult sandpiper in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult jerboa in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Opalescent Crag is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult boxfish in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Dusksong Forest is the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult phoenix in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Ethereal Timber equals 2 times the number of adult giraffe in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult beaver in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipse Heights equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Radiant Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult selkie in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Evershade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult heron in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult tarsier in Dreambark Sanctuary is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Evershade Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult sea slug in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lumina Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult elk in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Starlight Ridge is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The number of adult tiger prawn in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult moray eel in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult lionfish in Crystalpine Wilds is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult heron in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult mosquito in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Lumina Glade. The number of adult night monkey in Flarebark Forest equals 4 times the number of adult bonobo in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Sparkleaf Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the number of adult gannet in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult minke whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult cicada in Gloamhaven Heights is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 times the number of adult nemean lion in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult thaliacean in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult pteropod in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Evershade Grove. The number of adult butterfly in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult cormorant in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the number of adult kinkajou in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Radiant Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult kangaroo rat in Evershade Grove. The number of adult capybara in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult bison in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult gila monster in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult beluga whale in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult stick insect in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreambark Sanctuary is 2 plus the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult coqui frog in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult leopard frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult sperm whale in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult coyote in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult scorpion in Starshard Copse. The number of adult gull in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the number of adult horned lizard in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult gelada in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult howler monkey in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult boomslang in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult puffin in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Lumina Glade equals 3 times the number of adult albatross in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 4 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge is the number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult dormouse in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult nutria in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Glistenreach equals 4 times the number of adult pteropod in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the number of adult razorbill in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult royal penguin in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult nile crocodile in Twilight Timber is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Nebulight Crest equals 2 times the number of adult amphipod in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult hognose snake in Luminous Apex is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Evershade Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Evershade Grove. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult bush viper in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Twilight Timber. The number of adult rotifer in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult amphipod in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult night monkey in Gloamhaven Heights is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Glistenreach equals the number of adult thorny devil in Glistenreach. The number of adult elephant seal in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult kittiwake in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult kudu in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult walrus in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult gila monster in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult african clawed frog in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult gobies in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 4 times the number of adult macaque in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult sandpiper in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult gull in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult cane toad in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult eyelash viper in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult black mamba in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult oryx in Evershade Grove. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreambark Sanctuary is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Dusksong Forest is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult komodo dragon in Gleamveil Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult flamingo in Lumina Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult patas monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult orangutan in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult zooplankton in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 times the number of adult eastern newt in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult moas in Shimmering Spire is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonveil Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult vervet monkey in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult red bishop in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult blue monkey in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult red panda in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult howler monkey in Flarebark Forest is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Radiant Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult addax in Radiant Glade. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult southern right whale in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult water buffalo in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Nebulight Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 plus the number of adult monitor lizard in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Shimmerwood Refuge is the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lumina Glade equals 3 times the number of adult gannet in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Nebulight Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult mosquito in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 times the number of adult dragonfly in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult booby in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult egret in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Twilight Timber is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult king cobra in Dreamspire Summit is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult desert locust in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult phoenix in Shimmerwood Refuge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult wildebeest in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 times the number of adult copepod in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Moonshadow Canopy is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult fairy penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult king penguin in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult iguanodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult dhole in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult koala in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult booby in Opal Thickets is the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Eternal Summit is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 times the number of adult fennec mule in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult agouti in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult dormouse in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult stegodon in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult takahe in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult kinkajou in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult cheetah in Lumina Hollow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult kitsune in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult copperhead in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the number of adult ball python in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Radiant Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult paca in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult manatee in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult gobies in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Velvetspire Ascent equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult tiger in Eclipsed Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult guppy in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult adélie penguin in Eclipse Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult krill in Radiant Glade is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Evershade Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Evershade Grove. The number of adult baboon in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult macaque in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Sunlit Crag is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 times the number of adult leafhopper in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult night monkey in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eclipse Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult gelada in Velvetbough Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult sea slug in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult hydra in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult cerberus in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult nemean lion in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult crab in Radiant Glade. The number of adult rock lobster in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult roadrunner in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Glistenreach equals the number of adult horned lizard in Glistenreach. The number of adult parrotfish in Crystalpine Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eclipse Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Lumina Glade. The number of adult bowhead whale in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult marbled salamander in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult heron in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult grebe in Lumina Glade. The number of adult booby in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult humpback whale in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult california sea lion in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult thorny devil in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult axolotl in Dreambark Sanctuary is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult langoustine in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult crab in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult wood frog in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Shardspire Woods.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm as M; so M = x = x. We know M = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult cerberus in Glintshade Grove equals 2 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Azurehaven equals the number of adult moray eel in Azurehaven. The number of adult gelada in Luminous Harbor is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult orangutan in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult dhole in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult coyote in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult raccoon in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult mouse in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult poodle in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult dugong in Lumina Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult harpy cow in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult topi in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Cloudreach equals the number of adult basenji in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cloudreach equals 4 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Cloudreach. The number of adult sloth in Ethereal Timber is the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Mystic Tides equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult dungeness crab in Gilded Archway is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula City. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 2 plus the number of adult akita in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult takahe in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Starweaver's Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult bats in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult hooded seal in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult emu in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult fennec fox in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Cloudreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult bongo in Glistenreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult crested gecko in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult vervet monkey in Flarebark Forest equals 1 times the number of adult barracuda in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult tsessebe in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Cloudreach equals the number of adult shiba inu in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Whispering Cay is the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult collared lemming in Aetherhold equals the number of adult elephant in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Glistenreach equals the number of adult waterbuck in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult pufferfish in Starflow Isles. The number of adult zooplankton in Crystalbough Reserve is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dawnspire Nexus is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult coqui frog in Coralhaven equals 1 times the number of adult hellbender in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Glistenreach equals the number of adult collared lemming in Glistenreach. The number of adult golden cat in Nimbus Haven equals 2 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult boxfish in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult cheetah in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Mystic Tides equals 4 times the number of adult ostrich in Mystic Tides. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Lightveil Sanctum is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult lionfish in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult kakapo in Opal Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Cloudreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult marbled salamander in Skyspire City equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Ethereal Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult manatee in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Radiant Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult fishing cat in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult thylacine in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult dingo in Shimmergrove is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Azurehaven equals 2 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult snares penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Luminous Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult camel in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Auroralumina equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Auroralumina. The number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glistenreach equals the number of adult bushbuck in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult blackbuck in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult border collie in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult marbled salamander in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shardspire Woods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Serenade Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Serenade Isle. The number of adult scorpion in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Radiant Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Glistenreach equals 1 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Glistenreach. The number of adult lemur in Luminous Harbor is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Luminous Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult nemean lion in Glintshade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult cerberus in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult king cobra in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult salp in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult jerboa in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Glistenreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult coqui frog in Skyspire City equals the number of adult marlin in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult coqui frog in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 times the number of adult giant salamander in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult pipefish in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult moray eel in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Mystic Tides is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Heavensgate equals 4 plus the number of adult skimmer in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult orangutan in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult harpy cow in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Cloudreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Celestial Arch. The number of adult wallaby in Spectral Wildwood is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult gila monster in Shardspire Woods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult ocelot in Gilded Reef. The number of adult bandicoot in Gleamspire Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Celestial Arch equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult lion in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult boomslang in Starflow Isles is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult king penguin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult golden retriever in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult snares penguin in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Quartz Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Azure Shardwoods is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Stardust Bastion is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Skyspire City is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult lionfish in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult flamingo in Heavensgate is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Skyspire City. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult kudu in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult damselfish in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Radiant Hollows is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Heavensgate equals 2 plus the number of adult pelican in Heavensgate. The number of adult sandpiper in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult gull in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult marbled salamander in Coralhaven equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Skyhaven Citadel is 2 times the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult manatee in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult indian elephant in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Flarebark Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult wood frog in Coralhaven equals 2 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Silverplume Summit equals 1 times the number of adult leafhopper in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult vole in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Cloudreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Cloudreach. The number of adult sandpiper in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult dovekie in Seashell Isles. The number of adult bonobo in Auroralumina equals 1 times the number of adult leopard seal in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek equals the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult golden cat in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult sand cat in Starflow Isles. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Gilded Archway is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Gilded Archway equals 4 times the number of adult takahe in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Gilded Archway equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult harpy cow in Azure Shardwoods is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The number of adult leopard gecko in Starweaver's Crest is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Ethereal Timber is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult chihuahua in Shimmergrove equals 3 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult bushbuck in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult vervet monkey in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult dingo in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 times the number of adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Radiant Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult tern in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult chimpanzee in Crystalbough Reserve equals 1 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Glowthorn Sanctuary is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Heavensgate. The number of adult vervet monkey in Auroralumina equals the number of adult walrus in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Cloudreach equals 1 times the number of adult jackal in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Cloudreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult ocelot in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult roc in Glintshade Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult blue monkey in Auroralumina equals the number of adult arctic fox in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult copperhead in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult gelada in Flarebark Forest equals 3 plus the number of adult mandrill in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult bowhead whale in Aetherhold equals 3 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Heavensgate equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Azurehaven equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Azurehaven. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult patas monkey in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult marlin in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult royal penguin in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the number of adult roc in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult ostrich in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult leopard gecko in Lightveil Sanctum is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudreach. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmerstone Keys is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult tiger in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 plus the number of adult copepod in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Glistenreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Glistenreach. The number of adult wood frog in Sunbeam Haven equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Radiant Hollows is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverplume Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult tsessebe in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 times the number of adult wildebeest in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult greyhound in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Skyhaven Citadel is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult beluga whale in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Azurehaven equals the number of adult diplodocus in Azurehaven. The number of adult oryx in Spectral Wildwood is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Ethereal Timber equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult patas monkey in Auroralumina equals 3 plus the number of adult caribou in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Dreamtide Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Silverplume Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult lynx in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Dawnspire Nexus is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult dolphin in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Dawnspire Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult slow loris in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult tiger in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult roan antelope in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult roan antelope in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Heavensgate. The number of adult gelada in Auroralumina equals the number of adult arctic tern in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Celestial Arch equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Celestial Arch. The number of adult bobcat in Starflow Isles equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Starflow Isles. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Lightveil Sanctum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult blue monkey in Flarebark Forest equals 3 times the number of adult baboon in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult nyala in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 times the number of adult gazelle in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 times the number of adult siberian husky in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult elephant seal in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult blue whale in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult desert locust in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult bush baby in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult snares penguin in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult krill in Starweaver's Crest is 1 plus the number of adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult king cobra in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult yellow tang in Shardspire Woods is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult starfish in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult macaw in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult tiger in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Starweaver's Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult capybara in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult yak in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult greenland shark in Aetherhold equals the number of adult wildebeest in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult electric eel in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 times the number of adult sugar glider in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Heavensgate equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult gibbon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult cane toad in Skyspire City is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult ladybug in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Stardust Bastion equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult kitsune in Glintshade Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult cougar in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult lobster in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult bandicoot in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult chimpanzee in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult king cobra in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult booby in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult egret in Seashell Isles. The number of adult topi in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Cloudreach equals 2 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Cloudreach. The number of adult bandicoot in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Gilded Reef. The number of adult fox in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Luminous Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mole in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Radiant Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Spectral Wildwood is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult bear in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult macaque in Auroralumina is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavensgate. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 times the number of adult tarsier in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult african forest elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Stardust Bastion is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Serenade Isle. The number of adult addax in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult nightjar in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Silverplume Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult sea lion in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Lightveil Sanctum is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Stardust Bastion equals 4 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult siberian husky in Shimmergrove equals 3 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Shimmergrove. The number of adult golden mole in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult chinchilla in Azure Shardwoods is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult snares penguin in Lightveil Sanctum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 1. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult ocelot in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Quartz Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Celestial Arch equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult ghost crab in Gilded Archway. The number of adult phytoplankton in Crystalbough Reserve is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult russell's viper in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult copperhead in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Azurehaven equals 1 plus the number of adult angelfish in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Heavensgate equals the number of adult gannet in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glowthorn Sanctuary is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult pipefish in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult howler monkey in Prismatic Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult impala in Glistenreach is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Cloudreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Celestial Arch equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult koala in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult margay in Ethereal Timber is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 times the number of adult spider monkey in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Glistenreach equals the number of adult gerenuk in Glistenreach. The number of adult greyhound in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Celestial Arch equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Cloudreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Gilded Reef equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult blue crab in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult bobcat in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult cougar in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult gerbil in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside, the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dawnspire Cay equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult bandicoot in Opal Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult kiwi in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Whispering Cay equals 2 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult baboon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult hooded seal in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult copepod in Lumina Glade. The number of adult fenrir in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult hydra in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glistenreach is the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult fox in Maple Creek equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult seal in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult hedgehog in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aetherhold equals the number of adult collared lemming in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Radiant Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult green-winged macaw in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult green anaconda in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dawnspire Nexus is the total number of adult animals in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult royal penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Mystic Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult takahe in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Celestial Arch. The number of adult lion in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult snow leopard in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Quartz Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult borneo elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult king penguin in Shimmergrove is the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The number of adult rainbow boa in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult king cobra in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gilded Reef. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Starshard Copse equals 3 times the number of adult sea slug in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Luminous Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult nyala in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Mystic Tides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Mystic Tides.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside as M; so M = x = x. We know M = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult vaquita in Rockies equals the number of adult porcupine in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Alps. The number of adult coqui frog in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult chinchilla in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult bowhead whale in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult musk ox in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Mare Frigoris equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult monitor lizard in Mare Australe is the total number of adult animals in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lapland equals the number of adult silkworm in Lapland. The number of adult vaquita in Iceland equals the number of adult bats in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Mare Crisium equals 1 times the number of adult arabic cow in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Alps equals 4 plus the number of adult duiker in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Mare Crisium equals 1 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the number of adult dhole in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in North Pole equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Arctic Circle. The number of adult agouti in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult nightjar in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult blackbuck in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult omura's whale in Lustrous Hollow is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult fennec fox in Arctic Circle. The number of adult wood frog in Starbloom Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mare Frigoris equals 4 plus the number of adult agouti in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Mare Cognitum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult giraffe in Mare Crisium is the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Yukon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Yukon. The number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult beluga whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult gopher in South Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult porcupine in South Pole. The number of adult hooded seal in Rockies equals the number of adult manatee in Rockies. The number of adult elephant seal in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult sea lion in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult frilled lizard in Greenland equals the number of adult blue crab in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult hamster in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult waterbuck in Alps is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue monkey in Altai Mountains equals 1 times the number of adult mandrill in Altai Mountains. The number of adult antlion in Everglint Woods is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult sea lion in Rockies is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Mare Crisium is the total number of adult animals in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult dormouse in Rockies is the total number of newborn animal children in North Pole. The number of adult agouti in South Pole equals the number of adult guinea pig in South Pole. The number of adult cicada in Lunar Highlands is the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The number of adult southern right whale in Lustrous Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount McKinley. The number of adult nemean lion in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult minotaur in Aurora Grove. The number of adult red panda in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in North Pole equals the number of adult moas in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult golden cat in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Mare Nubium. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Sea of Tranquility equals 2 times the number of adult bryde's whale in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Alps equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 2 times the number of adult surinam toad in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult patas monkey in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Oceanus Procellarum equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Mare Frigoris equals 2 times the number of adult bats in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge equals 3. The number of adult boxfish in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 times the number of adult lobster in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult wasp in Himalayas equals the number of adult dung beetle in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Mare Cognitum equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Mare Cognitum equals 3 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult coypu in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Yukon is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult tsessebe in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult bandicoot in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lunar Highlands is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lapland equals 3 times the number of adult collared lemming in Lapland. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Patagonia equals 3 times the number of adult stonefish in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Oceanus Procellarum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Sea of Tranquility is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Svalbard equals 3 times the number of adult kudu in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Arctic Circle equals 2 times the number of adult gila monster in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult corn snake in Greenland equals the number of adult green anaconda in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult rhea in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult groundhog in South Pole is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Patagonia. The number of adult orangutan in Dreamwood Canopy is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Yukon equals 2 plus the number of adult gaur in Yukon. The number of adult komodo dragon in Patagonia equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Iceland equals 3 times the number of adult dugong in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult mayfly in Himalayas equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult fenrir in South Pole-Aitken Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Arctic Circle. The number of adult fenrir in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult pegasus in Aurora Grove. The number of adult bettas in Mare Cognitum is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult dhole in Mare Moscoviense is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The number of adult patas monkey in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult gorilla in Montes Alpes. The number of adult dormouse in South Pole equals 3 times the number of adult nutria in South Pole. The number of adult sea wasp in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Mare Crisium is 1 plus the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult pangolin in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Mount McKinley equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Alps equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Alps. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Rockies equals the number of adult vole in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult baboon in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult humpback whale in Sea of Tranquility is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Frostlight Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult african wild dog in Mare Moscoviense is 1 times the total number of adult animals in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Arctic Circle is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Sea of Tranquility equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult chihuahua in Mare Moscoviense equals 3 plus the number of adult greyhound in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult marine iguana in Greenland equals 2 plus the number of adult snow crab in Greenland. The number of adult mosquito in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult flamingo in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult coelacanth in Mare Cognitum is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult kitsune in Mare Humorum is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Frostlight Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Mare Cognitum equals 1 plus the number of adult stingray in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult blue monkey in Tycho Crater equals 2 times the number of adult ivory gull in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult patas monkey in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult gelada in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Velvetbark Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult butterfly in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult dragonfly in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Siberia equals 4 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Siberia. The number of adult elephant seal in Rockies equals 4 times the number of adult capybara in Rockies. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Patagonia equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Svalbard equals the number of adult arabic cow in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult king penguin in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mount McKinley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult southern right whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult black panther in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Prismatic Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult california sea lion in Rockies equals 1 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Alps equals the number of adult bushbuck in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in North Pole equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in North Pole. The number of adult mandrill in Lustrous Hollow is 2 plus the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult chihuahua in Antarctica equals 3 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult ladybug in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 times the number of adult roadrunner in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult golden retriever in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult dingo in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult blackbuck in Mount Fuji equals 4 plus the number of adult ostrich in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult right whale in Montes Apenninus is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Crisium. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The number of adult greenland shark in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult greenland shark in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Mare Cognitum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult walking stick in Radiance Thicket is 3 plus the number of adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult lionfish in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult golden retriever in Antarctica equals 4 times the number of adult fin whale in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Lapland. The number of adult parrot in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Svalbard equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Svalbard. The number of adult vole in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult porcupine in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult blue monkey in Shackleton Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult hooded seal in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult dolphin in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Velvetbark Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult tiger in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Yukon equals the number of adult kraken in Yukon. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult starfish in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult red-eared slider in Greenland equals 1 plus the number of adult langoustine in Greenland. The number of adult mosquito in Himalayas equals 1 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Himalayas. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult sea urchin in Everglint Woods. The number of adult bobcat in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the number of adult cheetah in Mare Nubium. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Svalbard equals the number of adult zebra in Svalbard. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Montes Alpes is the total number of newborn animal children in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult silkworm in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult rat in Glowfern Glade is the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mare Cognitum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult rattlesnake in Greenland equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Mare Frigoris is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult green anaconda in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult chimpanzee in Mare Humorum is the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Frostlight Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult walking stick in Himalayas equals 1 times the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Himalayas. The number of adult green anaconda in Mare Cognitum is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult lionfish in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Patagonia. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Prismatic Glade is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult california sea lion in Iceland equals the number of adult bandicoot in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult starfish in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Mount McKinley. The number of adult patas monkey in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in North Pole equals 4 plus the number of adult penguin in North Pole. The number of adult fennec mule in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The number of adult beaked whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult collared lemming in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult leviathan in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult sand cat in Aurora Grove. The number of adult blackbuck in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult puffin in Mare Vaporum is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult minke whale in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Siberia equals the number of adult green basilisk in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Mare Crisium is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Mare Crisium is the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult humpback whale in Lustrous Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The number of adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Frostlight Woods equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Arctic Circle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Arctic Circle. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Mare Imbrium equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in North Pole equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in North Pole. The number of adult selkie in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult unicorn in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult vervet monkey in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult spider monkey in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult marine iguana in Mare Australe equals 4 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Mare Australe. The number of adult ostrich in North Pole is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult paca in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult vole in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult frilled lizard in Mare Australe equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Mare Australe. The number of adult hooded seal in Iceland equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Yukon equals 3 times the number of adult moose in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult hornet in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Montes Alpes is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Humorum equals 1 times the number of adult gorilla in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Elderbloom Woods is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult poodle in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult golden retriever in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult iguana in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult sugar glider in Mare Frigoris is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult arctic wolf in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult snowy owl in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult tarsier in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult kitsune in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult pegasus in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult grasshopper in Himalayas equals 2 plus the number of adult firefly in Himalayas. The number of adult bandicoot in Glowfern Glade is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult cougar in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult mandrill in Mare Nubium. The number of adult roc in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult king cobra in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in North Pole equals 3 plus the number of adult steamer duck in North Pole. The number of adult orangutan in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult siberian husky in Antarctica equals the number of adult southern right whale in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Mare Crisium equals 3 plus the number of adult gaur in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mount McKinley equals 1 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult indian elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Yukon is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult groundhog in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult capuchin in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult potoroo in Mare Serenitatis equals 3 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mount McKinley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult blue monkey in Aristarchus Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult tarsier in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult nemean lion in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 4 times the number of adult hippogriff in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult manatee in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult bison in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in North Pole equals the number of adult omura's whale in North Pole. The number of adult lion in Mare Nubium is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in North Pole. The number of adult elephant seal in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult parrotfish in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult paca in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult coypu in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Luminous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Mare Cognitum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult rock wallaby in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 times the number of adult bandicoot in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult kitsune in Aurora Grove equals 4 times the number of adult griffin in Aurora Grove. The number of adult greyhound in Antarctica equals the number of adult akita in Antarctica. The number of adult gelada in Montes Alpes equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Montes Alpes. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Prismatic Glade is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Humorum equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Mare Humorum. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Mare Serenitatis equals 2 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult california sea lion in Mare Imbrium equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult poodle in Antarctica equals the number of adult narwhal in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult velociraptor in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Yukon. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Patagonia equals 3 plus the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Patagonia. The number of adult dormouse in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult vole in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Siberia equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Mare Cognitum equals 2 plus the number of adult copperhead in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Montes Apenninus equals 1 times the number of adult crested gecko in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult eland in Glintbark Hollows is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult fox in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult mayfly in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonshadow Glade is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult vole in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in South Pole. The number of adult eastern newt in Mare Australe is the total number of adult animals in Mare Humorum. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult agouti in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult parrotfish in Sea of Tranquility is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lapland equals 2 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Lapland. The number of adult greyhound in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult meerkat in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult leopard in Lunar Highlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult marbled salamander in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult blue monkey in Montes Alpes equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult leviathan in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult manticore in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult pipefish in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult ladybug in Everglint Woods. The number of adult boomslang in Patagonia equals the number of adult boomslang in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Sea of Tranquility equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult cerberus in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Aurora Grove. The number of adult sand cat in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult cone snail in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Mare Crisium equals 1 plus the number of adult potoroo in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult roc in Aurora Grove equals 1 times the number of adult leviathan in Aurora Grove. The number of adult dodo in Velvetbark Hollow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult royal penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult gopher in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult sei whale in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult lion in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult american mastodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mare Crisium equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult meerkat in Montes Alpes is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mare Frigoris is the total number of adult animals in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult tiger in Mare Nubium equals 3 plus the number of adult gibbon in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult pteranodon in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Yukon equals 4 times the number of adult fenrir in Yukon. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lapland equals 3 times the number of adult butterfly in Lapland. The number of adult green iguana in Montes Apenninus is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult scorpion in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Mare Crisium equals 3 times the number of adult wallaby in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Yukon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult walrus in Mare Vaporum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult vervet monkey in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult gibbon in Twilight Timber. The number of adult bowhead whale in Montes Apenninus is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult hooded seal in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult walrus in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Oceanus Procellarum equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult vaquita in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult lionfish in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The number of adult elephant seal in Iceland equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Iceland. The number of adult tsessebe in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult gray whale in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult patas monkey in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult wasp in Twilight Timber. The number of adult gelada in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult gelada in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult howler monkey in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult gelada in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The number of adult black panther in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the number of adult serval in Mare Nubium. The number of adult butterfly in Himalayas equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult gila monster in Patagonia equals 2 times the number of adult cone snail in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Yukon equals the number of adult unicorn in Yukon. The number of adult goliath beetle in Lunar Highlands is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult leafhopper in Lunar Highlands is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult kangaroo in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult tiger snake in Patagonia equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult sperm whale in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult cerberus in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult poison dart frog in South Pole-Aitken Basin.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek as s; so s = x = x. We know s = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult tern in Luminous Keep is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Radiant Catacombs equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult blue monkey in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Aurora Pool. The number of adult california sea lion in Opalescent Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gleamspire Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiant Catacombs equals 2 times the number of adult horned lizard in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult fishing cat in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult blue whale in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult gannet in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult frigatebird in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult king penguin in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult greenland shark in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult basenji in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Citadel is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Cove is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Lustrous Depths equals 2 times the number of adult raccoon in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult king cobra in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult porcupine in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult caracal in Sunken Crown. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult copperhead in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult arctic fox in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gleamspire Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult pipefish in Gilded Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult gobies in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult mole in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eclipsed Realm equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult king penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult grasshopper in Eclipsed Grasslands is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult compsognathus in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult ladybug in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult spinosaurus in Nebulight Abyss is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult penguin in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult puffin in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Frostlight Waters is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult narwhal in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult marbled salamander in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult centaur in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult boomslang in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult kakapo in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult coqui frog in Dreamspire Keep equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult leopard frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 times the number of adult shearwater in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Whisperlake equals 3 plus the number of adult stingray in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult basilisk in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Vault. The number of adult mosasaurus in Nebulight Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult golden cat in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Silverdepth Bastion equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult kakapo in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starshimmer Waters is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult coqui frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult surinam toad in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult roc in Moonshadow Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult tiger in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult emu in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 times the number of adult hellbender in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Whisperlake equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Whisperlake. The number of adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult dung beetle in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult sea lion in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 plus the number of adult kudu in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Aurora Prairie equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult water buffalo in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult bettas in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 times the number of adult macaw in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult golden cat in Sunken Crown is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult moas in Twilight Thrones is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Frostlight Waters is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Citadel equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult nightjar in Opalescent Basin is 4 times the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult paca in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult paca in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult steamer duck in Gleamreef Throne is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult sea slug in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult sea slug in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult pufferfish in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult bush viper in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Realm equals 2 times the number of adult walrus in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult green anaconda in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult velociraptor in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult mosasaurus in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult nyala in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult little blue penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult king penguin in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult boxfish in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult sea urchin in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the number of adult bilby in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult albatross in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult goblin shark in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult royal penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Opalwhelm Ruins is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleamspire Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult lion in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Lustrous Mesa equals 4 plus the number of adult fox in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult cerberus in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult phoenix in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult gannet in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult nemean lion in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult black panther in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult jerboa in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult gobies in Gilded Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult cougar in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult king penguin in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 4 plus the number of adult antlion in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the number of adult leopard frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals 4. The number of adult dormouse in Gleaming Bastion is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowglass Pond equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult gull in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult blackbuck in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult shearwater in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult jackal in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Aurora Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult marine iguana in Gleaming Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the number of adult snow crab in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult salp in Gilded Horizon is 2 plus the number of adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Luminous Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult cormorant in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult coypu in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 plus the number of adult copperhead in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult manatee in Opalescent Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glintbloom Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult golden mantella in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 times the number of adult snares penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult vole in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult rat in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult slow loris in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Glintbloom Savannah is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult springbok in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult eastern newt in Dreamcatcher Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult meerkat in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostlight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult roan antelope in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult duiker in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult razorbill in Twilight Thrones equals 1 times the number of adult flamingo in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Aurora Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Sunken Crown equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Sunspire Savannah. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The number of adult kittiwake in Twilight Thrones equals 2 times the number of adult shearwater in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Lustrous Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult hooded seal in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult orca in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Moonveil Lake equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult nemean lion in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult hippogriff in Auric Expanse. The number of adult surinam toad in Crystalmirror Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult booby in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult grebe in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult leopard seal in Eclipsed Realm is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult wildebeest in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult king penguin in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Whisperlake is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult tiger snake in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Luminous Keep equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Catacombs is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Sunken Crown equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult gibbon in Aurora Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult agouti in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult ocelot in Sunken Crown is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 times the number of adult bush viper in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult wood frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 times the number of adult leopard frog in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult golden mole in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Silverdepth Bastion is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Gleaming Ripple is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult hooded seal in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Radiant Catacombs is the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Whisperlake. The number of adult skimmer in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult puffin in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult gray whale in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Twilight Fields equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Fields. The number of adult moas in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult kakapo in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult hognose snake in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Radiant Catacombs is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult boxfish in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Aurora Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Glintbloom Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult sea urchin in Silverdepth Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Eclipsed Realm equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult mosquito in Radiance Plains equals 1 times the number of adult sperm whale in Radiance Plains. The number of adult pipefish in Crystal Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult golden retriever in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult rhea in Luminary Lagoon is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult camel in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult poison dart frog in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Aurora Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult stegosaurus in Silverwave Lake is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult cone snail in Eclipse Cove is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult topi in Starbloom Palace equals 3 times the number of adult topi in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult cerberus in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult hamster in Auric Expanse. The number of adult compsognathus in Nebulight Abyss is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Glintbloom Savannah equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult coelacanth in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Aurora Citadel equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult golden retriever in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult golden mantella in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gleamspire Fields equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult leopard frog in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 times the number of adult fire salamander in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult corythosaurus in Nebulight Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult diplodocus in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Whispering Vault equals 2 times the number of adult nutria in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Luminous Keep. The number of adult triggerfish in Gilded Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult sandpiper in Twilight Thrones equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Aurora Prairie equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult gibbon in Aurora Pool is the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult boomslang in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult hornet in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult atlas moth in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the number of adult border collie in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Silverdepth Bastion equals 2 times the number of adult bison in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Abyssal Citadel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult collared lemming in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult african wild dog in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lustrous Mesa equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Charmed Shoals is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult skimmer in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult copperhead in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult mayfly in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Whisperlake is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult yak in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Luminous Keep is the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Eclipsed Realm equals 4 plus the number of adult kudu in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Amberbloom Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonveil Lake equals 3 plus the number of adult cassowary in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 times the number of adult dodo in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult tintinnid in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Charmed Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult kitsune in Velvet Mirror equals 1 plus the number of adult lionfish in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult gelada in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult corn snake in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult kitsune in Moonshadow Palace is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Charmed Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult dovekie in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Whisperlake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult jackal in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult wasp in Duskspire Ruins is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult golden cat in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Whisperlake equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult booby in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult king penguin in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 times the number of adult ball python in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult potoroo in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Whispering Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Opalescent Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Amberbloom Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 times the number of adult harpy cow in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Dreamspire Keep is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult wallaby in Ethereal Pool is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Sunken Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Sunken Crown. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Goldenwave Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult ostrich in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gleamspire Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult penguin in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult gila monster in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Aurora Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult sable antelope in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult penguin in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult king cobra in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Abyssal Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult kakapo in Azure Abyss. The number of adult gull in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult kiwi in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Whispering Vault equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult lionfish in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Aurora Prairie equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult guinea pig in Gleaming Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult nyala in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult sperm whale in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Abyssal Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult bongo in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Twilight Fields equals 4 times the number of adult corn snake in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult manatee in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult bobcat in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult arctic wolf in Shimmerstone Hall equals 3 times the number of adult greenland shark in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Ethereal Pool equals 4 plus the number of adult rock wallaby in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Lustrous Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult patas monkey in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult marbled salamander in Dreamspire Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Radiant Catacombs is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult coconut crab in Sunken Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult spider monkey in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult grebe in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Sunken Crown equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Opalescent Basin equals 2 times the number of adult aye-aye in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult tsessebe in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult minke whale in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult sand cat in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Whispering Vault. The number of adult blue racer in Aurora Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The number of adult golden mantella in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult patas monkey in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult copperhead in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult margay in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Crystalgrain Plateau is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 2 times the number of adult omura's whale in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult komodo dragon in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult sea wasp in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Aurora Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult wood frog in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult leopard frog in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmerstone Hall is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult chihuahua in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult mayfly in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult beaver in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult lion in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult tiger in Azure Abyss. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Nebulight Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult butterfly in Radiance Plains equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult rock lobster in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult topi in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult poodle in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult chaetognath in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Opalwhelm Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The number of adult bandicoot in Lustrous Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult cerberus in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult impala in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult blackbuck in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult narwhal in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult dovekie in Twilight Thrones equals 2 times the number of adult steamer duck in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult potoroo in Radiance Reservoir is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult gopher in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Radiant Catacombs is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult potoroo in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult beaver in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Opalwhelm Ruins is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Whisperlake is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult agouti in Nebulight Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult chipmunk in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Moonbeam Tides is the total number of adult animals in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult russell's viper in Infernal Reach equals 1 times the number of adult chimera in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aurora Tides equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Silverlight Caves equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Prismatic Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Blazestone Rift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult painted bunting in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult cone snail in Starlight Hollows is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult aardvark in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult milk snake in Dreamveil Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult roadrunner in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult atlas moth in Thermal Caverns is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult california sea lion in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult lionfish in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dreamcurrent Tides is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult arctic tern in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult cane toad in Twilight Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult mayfly in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Radiance Sea. The number of adult komodo dragon in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult caiman in Starlit Ocean is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Frostbloom Caverns is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nebulight Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Luminous Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult scorpion in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult asian elephant in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult walrus in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Silverlight Caves equals 4 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult collared lemming in Coalflare Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Blazestone Rift equals 4 times the number of adult leviathan in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult okapi in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult bowhead whale in Coalflare Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Depths equals 3 times the number of adult damselfish in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Scorchspire equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Scorchspire. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Aurora Tides is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult arctic tern in Coalflare Gorge equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Nebula Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult pufferfish in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult hooded seal in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult dragonfly in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult dovekie in Eclipsed Crevasse is 3 times the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Scorchspire equals 3 times the number of adult beaver in Scorchspire. The number of adult sandpiper in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult chaetognath in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Prismatic Vault equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Silverlight Caves equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult fairy penguin in Lavaflow Basin is 2 times the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult elk in Starlight Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult beluga whale in Ethereal Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult seal in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult roan antelope in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult duiker in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult golden mole in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult camel in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Smoldering Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult greenland shark in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult kudu in Starlight Hollows is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest and the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult coqui frog in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult nyala in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Radiance Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowstone Pass equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult red panda in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult tiger in Moonlit Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starlit Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult kinkajou in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Frostwave Depths is the total number of adult animals in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult marbled salamander in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult hellbender in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Silverlight Caves is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult coyote in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult sloth in Radiance Sea. The number of adult golden mole in Burnshade Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Burnshade Abyss. The number of adult puffin in Radiant Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult leopard frog in Twilight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult hellbender in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Smoldering Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult porcupine in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult axolotl in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Frostbloom Caverns is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Silverlight Caves equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult orangutan in Nebulight Tunnels is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Ashen Crag. The number of adult gila monster in Ember Crown equals 4 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Ember Crown. The number of adult coypu in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Starlight Channel. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ashen Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult sea wasp in Lustrous Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Infernal Reach. The number of adult mosasaurus in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult addax in Fiery Maw. The number of adult kittiwake in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 2 times the number of adult noctiluca in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult kitsune in Luminous Chasm is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult corn snake in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Scorchspire equals 3 times the number of adult blue hawk in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Frostbloom Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult royal penguin in Lavaflow Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult copperhead in Infernal Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult roc in Infernal Reach. The number of adult sun conure in Fumarole Valley equals 1 times the number of adult snowy owl in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Lustrous Grotto is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The number of adult fairy penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult black mamba in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult mosasaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult pteranodon in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult glass frog in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult marlin in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Cinder Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult orangutan in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult toucan in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Blazestone Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult indian elephant in Shimmerstone Abyss is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult gannet in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Blazestone Rift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Starlight Channel. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Ember Crown equals 4 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult phoenix in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult hooded seal in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult tiger snake in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Burnshade Abyss equals the number of adult elephant seal in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult yak in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Twilight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult desert locust in Burnshade Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult gila monster in Burnshade Abyss. The number of adult gray whale in Opalescent Horizon is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult gouldian finch in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Smoldering Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult diatom in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult dragon in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Blazestone Rift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Blazestone Rift equals 4 times the number of adult hippogriff in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalwave Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult griffin in Luminous Chasm is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Ethereal Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Blazestone Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Starlight Channel. The number of adult desert locust in Crimson Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult box jellyfish in Crimson Summit. The number of adult golden mole in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult oryx in Crimson Summit. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Ethereal Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult manatee in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult arabic cow in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Silverlight Caves is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult nyala in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult kudu in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult butterfly in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult dung beetle in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Scorchspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult bobcat in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult desert locust in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult compsognathus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Thermal Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult ladybug in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult ivory gull in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult arctic fox in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult jaguar in Luminous Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult king cobra in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult dung beetle in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult bettas in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult fennec mule in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult blue hawk in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult boxfish in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the number of adult parrotfish in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult tsessebe in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult bongo in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult tern in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult royal penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Luminous Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Depths is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult pipefish in Glowbreeze Waves is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult california sea lion in Ethereal Vault equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult booby in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult rotifer in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult caiman in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult blackbuck in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Scorchspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Radiance Sea equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Radiance Sea. The number of adult elephant seal in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult gila monster in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult skimmer in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult zooplankton in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult gazelle in Aurora Depths is the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult jaguar in Glimmering Crevasse is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The number of adult sea slug in Glowbreeze Waves equals 4 times the number of adult marine iguana in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 times the number of adult orangutan in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult desert locust in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult margay in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult marbled salamander in Twilight Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult southern right whale in Hellspire Pass equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult blue monkey in Molten Veil equals 3 times the number of adult electric eel in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Aurora Tides equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Aurora Tides. The number of adult addax in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult aye-aye in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult stingray in Magma Plateau is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult razorbill in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult coqui frog in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult compsognathus in Fiery Maw equals 2 plus the number of adult duiker in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Channel. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult kangaroo in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult african penguin in Lavaflow Basin equals 4 times the number of adult african penguin in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult sugar glider in Starlit Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult goblin shark in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Prismatic Vault equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult rainbow boa in Infernal Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult bush viper in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Frostbloom Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult serval in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Thermal Caverns equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult patas monkey in Molten Veil equals 3 plus the number of adult archerfish in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult tapir in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult lion in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult slow loris in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult tiger salamander in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult pteropod in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonbeam Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult little blue penguin in Lavaflow Basin equals 4 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult mouse lemur in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult tarsier in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult green anaconda in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult leopard frog in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The number of adult bowhead whale in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult harp seal in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult stingray in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Twilight Waters. The number of adult golden mantella in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult lionfish in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Fiery Maw equals 2 times the number of adult gazelle in Fiery Maw. The number of adult caribou in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Luminous Chasm is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Prismatic Vault equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Aurora Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Twilight Waters. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Blisterrock Volcano equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult glass frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult tiger snake in Ember Crown equals the number of adult lionfish in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult roan antelope in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult euphausiid in Eclipsed Crevasse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult nyala in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult sea urchin in Aurora Depths. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult vervet monkey in Molten Veil equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Molten Veil. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult oryx in Eclipsed Shoals is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult gull in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 2 plus the number of adult thaliacean in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Frostwave Depths equals 3 times the number of adult iguanodon in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult tiger snake in Nebula Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult orangutan in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult angelfish in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult adélie penguin in Gleamsea Basin is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult komodo dragon in Ember Crown equals the number of adult pufferfish in Ember Crown. The number of adult ackie monitor in Crystalwave Horizon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult ocelot in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult kitsune in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult roan antelope in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult sable antelope in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult coqui frog in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult tiger in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Scorchspire equals the number of adult hamster in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Silverlight Caves equals 1 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Silverlight Caves equals 1 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult velociraptor in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult forest mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiance Sea. The number of adult tiger snake in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult asian elephant in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Glowstone Pass is 2 times the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult lionfish in Starlight Hollows is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Prismatic Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Crystalshine Cavern equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Starlight Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult eyelash viper in Infernal Reach equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult arctic wolf in Radiant Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Radiance Sea is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult thorny devil in Silverlight Depths is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Silverlight Caves is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult king cobra in Moonlit Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult king cobra in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Channel. The number of adult vaquita in Ethereal Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult gelada in Molten Veil equals the number of adult stingray in Molten Veil. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult wood frog in Twilight Caverns is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult black mamba in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult mosquito in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult black widow spider in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Eclipsed Shoals. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Luminous Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult hippogriff in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult african penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Prismatic Vault is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult wildebeest in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult bandicoot in Cinder Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult fishing cat in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult arctic wolf in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult snowy owl in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult bonobo in Dreamcurrent Tides is the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult chimpanzee in Moonlit Grotto equals 4 times the number of adult okapi in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult bison in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Frostbloom Caverns equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult greenland shark in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult ivory gull in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult blue racer in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult elephant bird in Prismatic Vault is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult bettas in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Magma Plateau. The number of adult orangutan in Moonlit Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult gecko in Glowbreeze Waves is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Smoldering Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult selkie in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult coypu in Glowstone Pass is the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult wildebeest in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Ashen Crag is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Blazestone Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult cicada in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Flareheart Peak equals 4 times the number of adult tsessebe in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Blisterrock Volcano equals 4 plus the number of adult sloth in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult tiger in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Radiance Sea equals 3 times the number of adult yellow tang in Radiance Sea. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult coyote in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult tiger snake in Crimson Summit. The number of adult pteropod in Eclipsed Crevasse is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Prismatic Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starlit Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult compsognathus in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult puffin in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult gobies in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult sea urchin in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the number of adult orangutan in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Glowstone Pass is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Twilight Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult snow leopard in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult okapi in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Silverlight Caves equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Starlight Hollows is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult wood frog in Flareheart Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult giant salamander in Twilight Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult surinam toad in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult antlion in Gleaming Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Twilight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult emu in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult beaked whale in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult puma in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult black widow spider in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult red bishop in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult flamingo in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Glowstone Pass is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult starfish in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult iguana in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Crystalshine Cavern is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult elephant seal in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult beluga whale in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult inland taipan in Gleaming Hollows is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult sea urchin in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the number of adult giraffe in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult boomslang in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult collared lemming in Radiant Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult coyote in Burnshade Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Burnshade Abyss. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Fiery Maw equals 4 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Fiery Maw. The number of adult topi in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult gorilla in Pyroclasm Mesa.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley as P; so P = x = x. We know P = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Tokyo equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Tokyo. The number of adult rhea in Opalescent Basin is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult lionfish in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 times the number of adult pipefish in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult noctiluca in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult tintinnid in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult rotifer in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Washington D.C. equals 1 plus the number of adult lemur in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Luminous Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult gorilla in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult baboon in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult mosquito in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult weka in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult siberian husky in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult border collie in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The number of adult sea slug in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Pretoria equals the number of adult reticulated python in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Moonveil Lake is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult gelada in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult gelada in Everglint Woods. The number of adult potoroo in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult cayote in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Beijing equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Beijing. The number of adult deinonychus in Frostlight Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult bobcat in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult moose in Charmed Shoals is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult gila monster in Canberra equals 3 times the number of adult hawkfish in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Aurora Pool equals 3 times the number of adult blue tang in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult moray eel in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult cicada in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Brasília equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Brasília. The number of adult fennec fox in Velvet Mirror is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurora Grove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Aurora Grove. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Ottawa equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Ottawa. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the number of adult wombat in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult pteranodon in Whisperlake is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult gobies in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 plus the number of adult eland in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult african penguin in Bangkok equals 3 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Bangkok. The number of adult bandicoot in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult tarsier in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Aurora Pool is the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult sand cat in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Twilight Timber. The number of adult african forest elephant in Twilight Timber is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult foraminifera in Aurora Pool. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Frostlight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult compsognathus in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the number of adult bilby in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Moscow equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Moscow. The number of adult greyhound in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult jackal in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult russell's viper in Pretoria equals 1 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Berlin equals 1 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the number of adult cladoceran in Aurora Pool. The number of adult bryde's whale in Opalescent Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult coypu in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult blue monkey in Paris equals 4 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Moscow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Moscow. The number of adult california sea lion in Cairo equals 2 plus the number of adult orca in Cairo. The number of adult chihuahua in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult cayote in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult desert hedgehog in New Delhi equals 2 plus the number of adult fennec fox in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the number of adult bilby in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult bandicoot in Ottawa equals 4 times the number of adult kingfisher in Ottawa. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult wallaby in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult allosaurus in Whisperlake is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Beijing equals the number of adult gila monster in Beijing. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Rome. The number of adult fennec mule in Ottawa equals 4 times the number of adult bats in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Madrid equals the number of adult electric eel in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Seoul equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Seoul. The number of adult mosasaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 4 times the number of adult iguanodon in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult coconut crab in Azure Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult krill in Azure Abyss. The number of adult vaquita in Cairo equals 2 plus the number of adult dugong in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Brasília equals 3 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Brasília. The number of adult flamingo in Charmed Shoals is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Luminary Lagoon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult komodo dragon in Canberra equals 2 plus the number of adult moray eel in Canberra. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Luminous Timberland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult komodo dragon in Mexico City equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Mexico City. The number of adult great auk in Opalescent Basin is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Canberra. The number of adult gila monster in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Seoul equals the number of adult thylacine in Seoul. The number of adult eland in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult ghost crab in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Brasília equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Beijing equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Beijing. The number of adult scorpion in New Delhi equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Moscow equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Moscow. The number of adult leopard seal in Lustrous Depths is the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult albatross in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Rome equals 2 plus the number of adult archerfish in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Brasília equals the number of adult tiger in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult tarsier in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult fennec mule in London equals the number of adult pangolin in London. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult boxfish in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult tinamous in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult komodo dragon in Rome equals 3 times the number of adult stingray in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Moscow equals the number of adult sperm whale in Moscow. The number of adult cougar in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 times the number of adult lion in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult snow leopard in Glowglass Pond is the total number of adult animals in London. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult boomslang in Mexico City equals 4 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Mexico City. The number of adult coelacanth in Sparkflow Lagoon is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult axolotl in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult cone snail in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult brachiosaurus in Frostlight Waters is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 1 plus the sum of the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult bats in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the number of adult rotifer in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult desert locust in New Delhi equals 4 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in New Delhi. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Rome equals 1 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Rome. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Frostlight Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult patas monkey in Paris equals the number of adult king cobra in Paris. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Mexico City equals 3 plus the number of adult stingray in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Madrid equals 4 times the number of adult goblin shark in Madrid. The number of adult bettas in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult bettas in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult acantharian in Aurora Grove. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Frostlight Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Seoul. The number of adult walrus in Luminary Lagoon is the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tiger snake in Canberra equals 3 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult cladoceran in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the number of adult wallaby in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Berlin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Berlin. The number of adult surgeonfish in Sparkflow Lagoon is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Berlin equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Berlin. The number of adult stingray in Starshimmer Waters is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult green anaconda in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Charmed Shoals equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Tokyo equals 2 times the number of adult walking stick in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult pufferfish in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult addax in New Delhi equals the number of adult meerkat in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Madrid equals 3 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Madrid. The number of adult red panda in London equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in London. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Aurora Pool. The number of adult coypu in London equals 3 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in London. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult damselfish in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Washington D.C. equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Washington D.C.. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Nairobi equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Nairobi. The number of adult snow leopard in Frostlight Waters is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult tiger in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the number of adult camel in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult gaur in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult rock lobster in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult rock lobster in Azure Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult hermit crab in Azure Abyss. The number of adult guppy in Rome is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Washington D.C.. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Pretoria is the total number of adult animals in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Madrid equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Madrid. The number of adult kudu in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult shrimp in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Madrid. The number of adult elk in Charmed Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult red panda in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult clownfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the number of adult roc in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult bandicoot in London equals 1 plus the number of adult american mastodon in London. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Tokyo equals 2 times the number of adult macaw in Tokyo. The number of adult compsognathus in Whisperlake equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult sei whale in Moscow. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Prismatic Glade is the total number of adult animals in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge, the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult boxfish in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 times the number of adult eland in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult gorilla in Washington D.C. is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult stingray in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult dragon in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult little blue penguin in Bangkok equals 3 plus the number of adult pipefish in Bangkok. The number of adult copperhead in Pretoria equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult borneo elephant in Starbloom Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult vervet monkey in Paris equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Paris. The number of adult mouse lemur in Ottawa equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Ottawa. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 3. The number of adult hornet in Tokyo is 4 times the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult lion in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult thorny devil in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Berlin. The number of adult pipefish in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the number of adult boxfish in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult slow loris in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Charmed Shoals is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult milk snake in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult coyote in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult sugar glider in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Washington D.C.. The number of adult tiger snake in Mexico City equals 1 plus the number of adult guppy in Mexico City. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Bangkok equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Bangkok. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Bangkok equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Bangkok. The number of adult guppy in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult night monkey in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult silkworm in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Eclipse Cove is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mexico City. The number of adult coyote in New Delhi equals the number of adult addax in New Delhi. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult leopard gecko in Beijing is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult numbat in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Velvet Mirror equals 3 plus the number of adult toucan in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult red bishop in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult wombat in Whisperlake is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult royal penguin in Bangkok equals 2 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurora Pool. The number of adult barracuda in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult electric eel in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Moscow equals the number of adult peacock in Moscow. The number of adult agouti in Velvet Mirror is the total number of adult animals in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the number of adult lemur in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult sugar glider in London is the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult forest mammoth in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult mosasaurus in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Berlin equals the number of adult numbat in Berlin. The number of adult tiger snake in Moonveil Lake is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult snow leopard in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult orangutan in Velvet Mirror equals 1 times the number of adult coyote in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult compsognathus in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult fishing cat in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Tokyo equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult tiger snake in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glowfern Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult coypu in Ottawa equals the number of adult nightjar in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult southern mammoth in Buenos Aires equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult chimpanzee in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult sand cat in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Moscow equals 2 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Tokyo equals 3 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Tokyo. The number of adult koala in Crystalmirror Waters is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Seoul equals 3 plus the number of adult quokka in Seoul. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult fennec mule in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult reticulated python in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult gelada in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult walking stick in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult russell's viper in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult macaque in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult kittiwake in Charmed Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of adult animals in Pretoria. The number of adult tiger in Velvet Mirror equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult blue monkey in Everglint Woods equals 4 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult akita in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult dodo in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult elephant seal in Cairo equals 4 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult mouse lemur in London equals 3 plus the number of adult ocelot in London. The number of adult king cobra in Velvet Mirror equals 4 times the number of adult jaguar in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult boomslang in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult yellow tang in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Twilight Timber. The number of adult elephant bird in Silverleaf Grove is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Seoul equals 1 plus the number of adult aardvark in Seoul. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult wasp in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult antlion in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult harp seal in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult pipefish in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 times the number of adult duiker in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Beijing equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Opalescent Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Aurora Pool equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Aurora Pool. The number of adult arctic tern in Luminary Lagoon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult tiger snake in Rome equals the number of adult goblin shark in Rome. The number of adult radiolaria in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult caracal in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the number of adult griffin in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult archerfish in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult marlin in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult sun conure in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Seoul equals 4 plus the number of adult raccoon in Seoul. The number of adult golden mole in New Delhi equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the number of adult butterfly in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult fennec mule in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult tarsier in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult capybara in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 times the number of adult lobster in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult fox in Eclipse Cove is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Tokyo equals 4 plus the number of adult orangutan in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult red panda in Nairobi equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Berlin equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Beijing equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult baboon in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Aurora Grove. The number of adult mosasaurus in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult camel in Beijing is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Seoul equals 3 plus the number of adult bush baby in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult heron in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Brasília equals 2 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult giant salamander in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Brasília equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Brasília. The number of adult takahe in Opalescent Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the number of adult hartebeest in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult cayote in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Brasília equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Brasília. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Whisperlake equals the number of adult diplodocus in Whisperlake. The number of adult fairy penguin in Bangkok equals 1 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult rhea in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult thaliacean in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult foraminifera in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Glowfern Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult bats in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Cairo equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Madrid equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult mayfly in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Brasília equals the number of adult caracal in Brasília. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Buenos Aires equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf elephant in Buenos Aires. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult fox in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Tokyo equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Tokyo. The number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Aurora Pool. The number of adult corythosaurus in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Brasília equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Berlin is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult bobcat in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the number of adult lynx in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult bandicoot in Nairobi equals the number of adult glass frog in Nairobi. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult greyhound in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult razorbill in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult pufferfish in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Ethereal Pool equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult antlion in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult skimmer in Charmed Shoals is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The number of adult stonefish in Moonveil Lake is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Beijing. The number of adult king cobra in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult boomslang in Canberra equals 2 times the number of adult damselfish in Canberra. The number of adult golden cat in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult puma in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Moscow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Seoul equals 4 times the number of adult ocelot in Seoul. The number of adult minotaur in Sparkflow Lagoon is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Buenos Aires. The number of adult gelada in Paris equals the number of adult gibbon in Paris. The number of adult red panda in Ottawa equals the number of adult painted bunting in Ottawa. The number of adult lionfish in Gleaming Ripple is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Madrid equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Moscow equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult skimmer in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Timber is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Brasília equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Luminous Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Seoul equals 1 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starshimmer Waters is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult raccoon in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult rock wallaby in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult akita in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult tapir in Charmed Shoals is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult royal penguin in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Opalescent Basin equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult cassowary in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult tasmanian devil in London equals 2 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in London. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Starshimmer Waters is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult compsognathus in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult pangolin in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult golden retriever in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Aurora Pool equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Washington D.C. equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Washington D.C.. The number of adult patas monkey in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult painted bunting in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Gleaming Ripple is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult langoustine in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult crab in Azure Abyss. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Canberra equals 3 plus the number of adult boxfish in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult meerkat in Velvet Mirror is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Brasília. The number of adult tiger prawn in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult barnacle in Azure Abyss. The number of adult mouse lemur in Nairobi equals the number of adult aardvark in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dreamwood Canopy is 1 times the total number of adult animals in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult quokka in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult mandrill in Washington D.C.. The number of adult clownfish in Canberra is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult tiger in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult crested gecko in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult manatee in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Tokyo equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult poodle in Starbloom Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult dingo in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Aurora Pool equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Madrid equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Twilight Timber. The number of adult marlin in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult fenrir in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Beijing equals the number of adult water buffalo in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Washington D.C. equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Twilight Timber is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult arctic fox in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult gull in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Opalescent Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult moray eel in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult manticore in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Moscow. The number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipse Cove is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of adult hooded seal in Cairo equals the number of adult gray whale in Cairo. The number of adult gila monster in Mexico City equals 2 plus the number of adult boomslang in Mexico City. The number of adult coypu in Nairobi equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Starshimmer Waters.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley as v; so v = x = x. We know v = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult fer-de-lance in London is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Madrid. The number of adult bettas in Burnshade Abyss equals the number of adult blue tang in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult moas in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Lavaflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the difference between the number of adult eagle in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult eagle in South Zoo equals the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult thaliacean in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult salp in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult coqui frog in Nebula Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Nebula Crest. The number of adult manatee in Hellspire Pass equals 2 times the number of adult elephant in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult bandicoot in Berlin equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Berlin. The number of adult coypu in Buenos Aires is the total number of newborn animal children in Canberra. The number of adult golden cat in Fiery Maw equals 1 plus the number of adult jaguar in Fiery Maw. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Radiant Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Bangkok equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Bangkok. The number of adult coyote in Cinder Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult king cobra in Bangkok is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The number of adult fennec mule in Starlight Summit equals 4 times the number of adult night monkey in Starlight Summit. The number of adult rotifer in Ember Crown equals 2 times the number of adult pteropod in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult beaked whale in Cairo equals the number of adult right whale in Cairo. The number of adult wallaby in Bangkok is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Buenos Aires is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Crimson Summit. The number of adult california sea lion in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult seal in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult forest mammoth in Silvermist Highlands is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Infernal Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Paris equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Paris. The number of adult desert locust in Mexico City equals 2 times the number of adult desert locust in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult bandicoot in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Aurora Crags. The number of adult golden mantella in Nairobi equals the number of adult stonefish in Nairobi. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Nairobi is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Scorchspire equals 3 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Canberra equals 2 plus the number of adult copperhead in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Infernal Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult barracuda in Infernal Reach. The number of adult coqui frog in Nairobi is the total number of adult animals in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Ashen Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ashen Crag. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Radiant Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult clownfish in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Celestica Spire. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Berlin equals the number of adult leopard frog in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Tokyo equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Tokyo. The number of adult jackal in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Ember Crown. The number of adult rotifer in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 plus the number of adult gull in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Fumarole Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Flareheart Peak equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Sunspark Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Bangkok equals 4 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Beijing equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Infernal Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult zebra in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult inland taipan in London is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Tokyo equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Tokyo. The number of adult compsognathus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult scorpion in Mexico City equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Mexico City. The number of adult arctic hare in Flareheart Peak is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Celestica Spire. The number of adult rotifer in Brasília equals 2 times the number of adult diatom in Brasília. The number of adult coyote in Magma Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult leviathan in Astral Ridge. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Celestica Spire is 4 times the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Cairo equals 4 times the number of adult gray whale in Cairo. The number of adult pipefish in Thermal Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult golden pheasant in Fumarole Valley is the total number of adult animals in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult vaquita in Blazestone Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult king penguin in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Infernal Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Infernal Reach. The number of adult aardvark in Tokyo is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Etherreach Cliffs is the total number of adult animals in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Paris equals 3 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Infernal Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo, the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Paris equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Paris equals 4 plus the number of adult razorbill in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Bangkok equals the number of adult opossum in Bangkok. The number of adult bush baby in Beijing is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult jerboa in Mexico City is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult kitsune in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Beijing equals 4 times the number of adult kinkajou in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Rome is the number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult moose in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Infernal Reach is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gerenuk in Pretoria is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult copperhead in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult bush viper in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Molten Veil is 1 times the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult dormouse in Ottawa equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Ottawa. The number of adult boxfish in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Pretoria equals the number of adult sand cat in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Celestica Spire equals 3 plus the number of adult oryx in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Canberra equals the number of adult russell's viper in Canberra. The number of adult bushbuck in London is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the number of adult pelican in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Tokyo equals the number of adult flamingo in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Washington D.C. is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue monkey in Madrid equals 2 plus the number of adult fenrir in Madrid. The number of adult california sea lion in New Delhi equals the number of adult vaquita in New Delhi. The number of adult pipefish in Blisterrock Volcano equals 4 times the number of adult margay in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult copepod in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Magma Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult moose in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Pretoria equals the number of adult kudu in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Rome equals 3 plus the number of adult skimmer in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Tokyo is the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moscow equals 4 plus the number of adult kiwi in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the difference between the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Rome equals 3 times the number of adult patas monkey in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult mandrill in Ashen Crag. the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Coalflare Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Celestica Spire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Celestica Spire. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Mexico City equals 2 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Mexico City. The number of adult forest mammoth in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Canberra equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crimson Summit. The number of adult cone snail in Washington D.C. is the total number of adult animals in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crimson Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Smoldering Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Bangkok equals the number of adult lionfish in Bangkok. The number of adult stonefish in London is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Buenos Aires is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Scorchspire equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Ottawa is the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult tarsier in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult vole in Ottawa is the total number of newborn animal children in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Rome is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult hedgehog in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Bangkok equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Flareheart Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult moray eel in Burnshade Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Tokyo equals 3 plus the number of adult penguin in Tokyo. The number of adult mosasaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Rome equals 2 times the number of adult albatross in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Rome equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Rome. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult jaguar in Blisterrock Volcano is the total number of newborn animal children in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Molten Veil equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Molten Veil. The number of adult coypu in Berlin equals 4 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Canberra equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Canberra. The number of adult horned lizard in Mexico City is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Magma Plateau. The number of adult agouti in Ottawa equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Tokyo equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crimson Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crimson Summit. The number of adult sugar glider in Celestica Spire is 1 times the number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aurora Crags equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Pretoria equals 4 times the number of adult coyote in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Tokyo equals 1 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Paris equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Smoldering Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult coyote in Mexico City equals 2 times the number of adult shrimp in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lavaflow Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Aurora Crags. The number of adult boxfish in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult katydid in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Pretoria is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in London. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult blue whale in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult patas monkey in Seoul equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Seoul. The number of adult sun conure in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult zooplankton in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Fiery Maw equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Astral Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult selkie in Astral Ridge. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Bangkok is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult gorilla in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Scorchspire equals 4 times the number of adult yellow tang in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Washington D.C.. The number of adult giant salamander in Nairobi equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult sperm whale in Cairo is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Seoul. The number of adult scorpion in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Infernal Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Infernal Reach. The number of adult beluga whale in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult manatee in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Scorchspire equals 2 plus the number of adult parasaurolophus in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult lionfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Ashen Crag equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Ashen Crag. The number of adult golden mole in Magma Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult addax in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Beijing equals the number of adult bettas in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Paris is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gouldian finch in Fumarole Valley equals 3 times the number of adult copepod in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Canberra is the total number of newborn animal children in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult bobcat in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Lavaflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult dhole in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult wood frog in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Washington D.C. equals 4 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Nimbus Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult southern mammoth in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Radiant Crest. The number of adult kinkajou in Buenos Aires is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult dugong in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Rome equals 3 plus the number of adult baboon in Rome. The number of adult coypu in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the number of adult macaque in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult lemur in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Rome. The number of adult wildebeest in Pretoria is the total number of newborn animal children in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Beijing equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Beijing. The number of adult marbled salamander in Nairobi equals the number of adult inland taipan in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult elephant in Infernal Reach. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Cairo equals 1 times the number of adult fin whale in Cairo. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Coalflare Gorge is the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Infernal Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Infernal Reach. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult sperm whale in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Ashen Crag is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the number of adult arctic fox in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult minke whale in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Washington D.C. equals 2 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Bangkok is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult cane toad in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Molten Veil equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Molten Veil. The number of adult hooded seal in New Delhi equals the number of adult dolphin in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in London is the total number of newborn animal children in Molten Veil. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult moray eel in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Pretoria equals 4 times the number of adult gazelle in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Glacierlight Range equals 2 plus the number of adult dugong in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Astral Ridge. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult southern right whale in Cairo equals 1 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Cairo. The number of adult margay in Buenos Aires is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult takahe in Crimson Summit. The number of adult parrot in South Zoo equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Smoldering Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult noctiluca in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult chihuahua in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult greyhound in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult blue monkey in Seoul equals the number of adult surinam toad in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult shearwater in Paris is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Infernal Reach. The number of adult okapi in Brasília is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Rome equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Rome. The number of adult sugar glider in Cairo is the total number of newborn animal children in Scorchspire. The number of adult desert locust in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Magma Plateau. The number of adult dragon in Astral Ridge is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Nimbus Heights is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Canberra is the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Canberra equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Thermal Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult starfish in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult california sea lion in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult rhea in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Astral Ridge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Pretoria equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Beijing equals 3 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Bangkok is the total number of adult animals in Mexico City. The number of adult bushbuck in Pretoria is the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The number of adult paca in Ottawa is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult fennec mule in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult african wild dog in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Smoldering Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the number of adult cougar in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Lavaflow Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult dhole in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Coalflare Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Blazestone Rift equals 3 times the number of adult sea otter in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult gila monster in Mexico City is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult boxfish in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult starfish in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Coalflare Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult lynx in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Silvermist Highlands equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult coyote in Lunarchasm Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gila monster in Bangkok is the total number of adult animals in Brasília. The number of adult hooded seal in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult elephant seal in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Moscow is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult hooded seal in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult walrus in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Canberra is 4 times the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Paris equals the number of adult water buffalo in Paris. The number of adult thaliacean in Brasília equals the number of adult caiman in Brasília. The number of adult pufferfish in Bangkok is the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult fennec mule in Berlin equals the number of adult coqui frog in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Bangkok is the total number of newborn animal children in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Etherreach Cliffs is the total number of adult animals in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Beijing equals the number of adult ocelot in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moscow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Moscow. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Bangkok equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Molten Veil equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moscow equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult ross's gull in Aurora Crags. The number of adult sea slug in Blisterrock Volcano equals 1 plus the number of adult cheetah in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Beijing equals 2 times the number of adult barracuda in Beijing. The number of adult wood frog in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Flareheart Peak equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Sunspark Summit is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Silvermist Highlands equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult tiger snake in London equals the number of adult tiger snake in London. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Paris is the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Paris equals the number of adult yak in Paris. The number of adult elephant seal in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult dolphin in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Buenos Aires is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Buenos Aires equals 4 times the number of adult bandicoot in Buenos Aires. The number of adult pipefish in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult starfish in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Molten Veil equals the number of adult lion in Molten Veil. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Madrid is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The number of adult bandicoot in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Summit. The number of adult capybara in Hellspire Pass equals 4 times the number of adult yak in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Bangkok is the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult leopard gecko in Buenos Aires is the total number of newborn animal children in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult greyhound in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult russell's viper in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult shiba inu in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult red bishop in Fumarole Valley equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult copepod in Ember Crown is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Scorchspire equals 2 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Scorchspire. The number of adult golden mole in Mexico City equals 2 times the number of adult snow crab in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Tokyo equals 1 times the number of adult albatross in Tokyo. The number of adult leopard frog in Nairobi equals 3 plus the number of adult cane toad in Nairobi. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Nairobi equals the number of adult eastern newt in Nairobi. The number of adult mouse lemur in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult aye-aye in Starlight Summit. The number of adult roan antelope in London is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult ocelot in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult poodle in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult golden retriever in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Washington D.C. equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Washington D.C.. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult stingray in Burnshade Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult hornet in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Scorchspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult nightjar in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Glacierlight Range is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult marbled salamander in Nebula Crest equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Bangkok equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Bangkok. The number of adult ocelot in Tokyo is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Flareheart Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Coalflare Gorge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Bangkok equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Bangkok. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aurora Crags equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Molten Veil equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Ashen Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult spider monkey in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Beijing equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Beijing. The number of adult bowhead whale in Molten Veil is 3 times the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult elephant seal in New Delhi equals the number of adult sperm whale in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Buenos Aires equals 2 plus the number of adult slow loris in Buenos Aires. The number of adult acantharian in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult bandicoot in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Molten Veil equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Molten Veil. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult booby in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Molten Veil equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Molten Veil. The number of adult rotifer in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Canberra equals 3 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Sunspark Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Sunspark Summit.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo as t; so t = x = x. We know t = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult blue monkey in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Bangkok equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Bangkok. The number of adult southern mammoth in Radiant Glen is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Tokyo equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dusksong Glen equals 1 times the number of adult musk ox in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Canberra equals the number of adult fire salamander in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Brasília equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger in Brasília. The number of adult guppy in Mexico City equals 4 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in K2. The number of adult archerfish in Mexico City equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Makalu equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Makalu. The number of adult golden retriever in Annapurna equals the number of adult pteranodon in Annapurna. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Moscow equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Moscow. The number of adult southern right whale in Elbrus equals the number of adult beluga whale in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Canberra equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Sunset Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Tokyo is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult thorny devil in Mount Erebus is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Annapurna. The number of adult radiolaria in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in K2. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverleaf Dells is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Buenos Aires. The number of adult addax in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the number of adult duiker in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in K2 equals 2 plus the number of adult gerenuk in K2. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Mexico City equals the number of adult omura's whale in Mexico City. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Nairobi equals 1 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Nairobi. The number of adult vervet monkey in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult tamarin in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult orangutan in Whisperwood Vale is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Rift. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Seoul equals the number of adult tiger in Seoul. The number of adult patas monkey in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult little blue penguin in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult dodo in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Denali equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Buenos Aires equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Canberra equals 2 times the number of adult wasp in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Denali equals the number of adult flamingo in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in London equals the number of adult orangutan in London. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dusksong Glen equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Rome equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lustervale equals 1 plus the number of adult emu in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Makalu equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in K2 equals the number of adult fennec fox in K2. The number of adult larvacean in Radiant Glen is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Crystalpine Glen equals 1 times the number of adult cassowary in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Evershade Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Lustervale equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Madrid equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Madrid. The number of adult wood frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult gila monster in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mount Rainier. The number of adult blackbuck in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the number of adult bongo in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Annapurna equals 4 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Annapurna. The number of adult wood frog in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Twilight Fold. The number of adult tiger snake in Cairo equals 2 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Nanga Parbat equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Tokyo equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Tokyo. The number of adult red bishop in Moscow equals 4 times the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Seoul equals the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Seoul. The number of adult night monkey in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Mount Rainier. The number of adult capybara in Ottawa equals 4 plus the number of adult elk in Ottawa. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Elbrus equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Veilshade Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult green anaconda in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Sunset Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Evershade Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in K2 equals 1 plus the number of adult hartebeest in K2. The number of adult wildebeest in Ottawa equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Lustervale equals 3 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Buenos Aires is the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult desert locust in Glowbark Glade is the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult bonobo in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Sunset Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult archerfish in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Crystalpine Glen equals 3 plus the number of adult wood frog in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Makalu. The number of adult stingray in Mexico City equals the number of adult blue tang in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Veilshade Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult wallaby in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult fox in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Whisperwood Vale is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Lustervale equals the number of adult rhea in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lustervale is the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Rome equals 3 plus the number of adult lemming in Rome. The number of adult beaked whale in Aconcagua equals 1 plus the number of adult jaguar in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in K2 equals the number of adult bushbuck in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Rome equals the number of adult wallaby in Rome. The number of adult coqui frog in Mount Erebus equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Sunset Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Matterhorn equals the number of adult sand cat in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Crystalpine Glen equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult elephant seal in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult seal in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Veilshade Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Lustervale equals 3 times the number of adult indian elephant in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult gopher in Rome. The number of adult tinamous in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult coelacanth in Sunset Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult gila monster in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Paris equals the number of adult lynx in Paris. The number of adult harlequin poison frog in Veilshade Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The number of adult coyote in Lhotse equals the number of adult eastern newt in Lhotse. The number of adult gouldian finch in Eclipsed Glade is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult numbat in Dusksong Glen is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Bangkok equals the number of adult howler monkey in Bangkok. The number of adult poodle in Manaslu equals the number of adult basenji in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in London equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in London. The number of adult booby in Gloamhaven equals 3 plus the number of adult camel in Gloamhaven. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Silverleaf Dells equals 4 times the number of adult moas in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nanga Parbat equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult beaked whale in Nairobi equals 2 times the number of adult fennec mule in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Canberra equals the number of adult golden mantella in Canberra. The number of adult border collie in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult triceratops in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult jaguar in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult right whale in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult sun conure in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult blue hawk in Moscow. The number of adult roan antelope in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult nyala in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Denali. The number of adult greenland shark in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult arctic tern in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult noctiluca in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Radiant Glen. The number of adult gila monster in Cairo equals the number of adult tiger in Cairo. The number of adult gelada in Vinson Massif equals 2 plus the number of adult baboon in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult bilby in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult chihuahua in Manaslu equals 2 times the number of adult siberian husky in Manaslu. The number of adult royal penguin in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Veilshade Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Brasília. The number of adult narwhal in Dusksong Glen is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Rome. The number of adult pufferfish in Mexico City equals the number of adult coelacanth in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult king cobra in Berlin equals the number of adult tiger in Berlin. The number of adult glass frog in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Evershade Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Evershade Rift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Evershade Rift. The number of adult bettas in Mexico City equals 2 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult barracuda in Mexico City equals 4 times the number of adult barracuda in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Canberra equals 1 plus the number of adult hornet in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Brasília equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Brasília. The number of adult golden cat in Starlight Dells is the total number of adult animals in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Denali equals the number of adult sandpiper in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Evershade Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult musk ox in Evershade Rift. The number of adult spinosaurus in Annapurna is the total number of newborn animal children in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Cho Oyu equals 2 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult okapi in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in London equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman lizard in London. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Elbrus equals the number of adult green anaconda in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult salp in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Lustervale equals 3 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Madrid equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Madrid. The number of adult jackal in Annapurna equals 4 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Annapurna. The number of adult sperm whale in Nairobi is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Madrid. The number of adult hooded seal in Washington D.C. equals the number of adult beluga whale in Washington D.C.. The number of adult tiger in Berlin equals the number of adult gibbon in Berlin. The number of adult manatee in Ottawa equals the number of adult okapi in Ottawa. The number of adult fox in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult dhole in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult takahe in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Whisperwood Vale equals 2 plus the number of adult macaque in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Bangkok equals 4 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Bangkok. The number of adult arctic wolf in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the number of adult nightjar in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in London equals the number of adult howler monkey in London. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonlit Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult great auk in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Bangkok. The number of adult bushbuck in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult goblin shark in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Denali equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult leopard frog in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult caribou in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Veilshade Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Matterhorn equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Matterhorn. The number of adult arctic wolf in Dusksong Glen is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in London equals the number of adult frilled lizard in London. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult mosquito in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult fishing cat in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Lustervale equals 3 times the number of adult great auk in Lustervale. The number of adult collared lemming in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult caribou in Mont Blanc. The number of adult manatee in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult arabic cow in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shadowfern Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Lustervale equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Lustervale. The number of adult nemean lion in Everest equals the number of adult manticore in Everest. The number of adult vervet monkey in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult bonobo in Vinson Massif. The number of adult marbled salamander in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the number of adult cane toad in Mount Erebus. The number of adult marbled salamander in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult musk ox in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aconcagua equals the number of adult gray whale in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult camel in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult yellow tang in Mexico City equals 3 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Mexico City. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Aconcagua equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Rome equals the number of adult sugar glider in Rome. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult rattlesnake in Buenos Aires is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Tokyo equals 4 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Brasília equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Seoul equals the number of adult sloth in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult mouse in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult walrus in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Tokyo equals 1 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult moas in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult sperm whale in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult angelfish in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult northern cardinal in Moscow is the total number of newborn animal children in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult opossum in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult marlin in Mexico City is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in London. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Matterhorn equals the number of adult coyote in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Rome equals the number of adult bilby in Rome. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Cairo equals 3 plus the number of adult caracal in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Makalu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Rome equals the number of adult koala in Rome. The number of adult steamer duck in Silverleaf Dells is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Crystalpine Glen equals 4 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult yellow tang in Sunset Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Madrid equals the number of adult fin whale in Madrid. The number of adult wildebeest in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult mole in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Evershade Rift. The number of adult zooplankton in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Radiant Glen. The number of adult coqui frog in Twilight Fold equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Twilight Fold. The number of adult okapi in Shimmer Valley is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult king cobra in Buenos Aires. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Bangkok is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalpine Glen is the total number of adult animals in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Rome equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Rome. The number of adult magellanic penguin in New Delhi equals 4 plus the number of adult king eider in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult frilled lizard in Beijing equals 2 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult quokka in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in London equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in London. The number of adult poodle in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult coyote in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult sun conure in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult border collie in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Nanga Parbat equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult grasshopper in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult mayfly in Starlight Dells. The number of adult acantharian in Radiant Glen equals 1 plus the number of adult amphipod in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in K2 equals 4 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mount Rainier. The number of adult king eider in Dusksong Glen is the total number of adult animals in Pretoria. The number of adult walrus in Madrid is the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The number of adult colobus monkey in Mount Rainier is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in K2 equals the number of adult wildebeest in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Canberra equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalpine Glen is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult salp in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult kittiwake in Gloamhaven equals 1 times the number of adult grebe in Gloamhaven. The number of adult tsessebe in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult eland in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult axolotl in Crystalpine Glen is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Matterhorn equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Matterhorn. The number of adult kudu in Shimmer Valley equals 4 times the number of adult porcupine in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Makalu equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Makalu. The number of adult golden mole in Glowbark Glade equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult southern right whale in Aconcagua equals 3 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Aconcagua. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Makalu equals the number of adult stonefish in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Whisperwood Vale equals 2 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Buenos Aires is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in K2 equals 3 plus the number of adult kudu in K2. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Ottawa is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Rift. The number of adult greyhound in Annapurna equals 1 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonlit Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Elbrus. The number of adult beaked whale in Elbrus equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Elbrus. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Moscow equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Makalu equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Makalu. The number of adult eland in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult camel in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult thaliacean in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult pteropod in Radiant Glen. The number of adult patas monkey in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult spider monkey in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lustervale equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dusksong Glen equals 1 plus the number of adult quokka in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Buenos Aires equals 4 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Lustervale equals 2 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Lustervale. The number of adult manatee in Dusklight Gorge is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glen. The number of adult marine iguana in Beijing equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Beijing. The number of adult desert locust in Lhotse equals 4 plus the number of adult desert locust in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Lustervale equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Lustervale. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult jerboa in Mount Erebus. The number of adult eland in Ottawa equals 2 times the number of adult king crab in Ottawa. The number of adult topi in Kangchenjunga equals 1 plus the number of adult marlin in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Tokyo equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult golden mole in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult agouti in Dhaulagiri is the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Mount Rainier. The number of adult stegodon in Lustervale is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Mount Rainier. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Elbrus equals the number of adult ocelot in Elbrus. The number of adult coyote in Glowbark Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult hellbender in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult red-eared slider in Beijing equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Buenos Aires is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Rome equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Nanga Parbat equals 2 plus the number of adult yak in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult gila monster in Gloamhaven is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Sunset Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult clownfish in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult moray eel in Mexico City equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Mexico City. The number of adult frigatebird in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Canberra equals the number of adult katydid in Canberra. The number of adult blue monkey in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult dolphin in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult sandpiper in Gloamhaven equals 1 times the number of adult penguin in Gloamhaven. The number of adult gelada in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult gibbon in London is the total number of adult animals in Paris. The number of adult racoon in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult roadrunner in Glowbark Glade is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult butterfly in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult tiger in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult asian elephant in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Kilimanjaro equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult gaur in Shimmer Valley equals 2 times the number of adult rat in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Evershade Rift equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Evershade Rift. The number of adult leopard seal in Dusksong Glen is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Rainier. The number of adult chihuahua in Annapurna equals the number of adult fox in Annapurna. The number of adult southern right whale in Nairobi equals 1 times the number of adult southern right whale in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Evershade Rift equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Makalu. The number of adult gouldian finch in Moscow equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Buenos Aires equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glimmerroot Valley is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Sunset Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult barracuda in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Bangkok equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Whisperwood Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Seoul equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Seoul. The number of adult king penguin in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult gray whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult potoroo in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in London equals 3 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in London. The number of adult agouti in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult painted bunting in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Evershade Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Buenos Aires. The number of adult chihuahua in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult chihuahua in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Kilimanjaro equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult scorpion in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Seoul equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult galápagos penguin in New Delhi equals 4 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in New Delhi. The number of adult starfish in Whisperwood Vale is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Bangkok equals 1 plus the number of adult tarsier in Bangkok. The number of adult antlion in Starlight Dells is 4 plus the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult ocelot in Cairo is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult colobus monkey in Berlin is the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult steamer duck in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Sunset Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Canberra equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Canberra. The number of adult siberian husky in Annapurna equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Aconcagua equals 3 plus the number of adult lynx in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Mount Rainier. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult harp seal in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Sunset Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult oryx in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Madrid equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Madrid. The number of adult cayote in Annapurna equals 4 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Annapurna. The number of adult paradise tanager in Moscow equals 1 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Evershade Rift equals 2 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Evershade Rift. The number of adult poodle in Annapurna equals the number of adult allosaurus in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Makalu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Makalu. The number of adult kudu in Ottawa equals the number of adult kudu in Ottawa. The number of adult cerberus in Everest equals the number of adult hydra in Everest. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Moscow equals the number of adult painted bunting in Moscow. The number of adult compsognathus in Cho Oyu equals 2 plus the number of adult dugong in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Whisperwood Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Canberra equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Canberra. The number of adult green iguana in Moscow is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Lustervale equals the number of adult kiwi in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Nanga Parbat equals 2 times the number of adult bison in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Madrid equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult kangaroo in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Veilshade Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Nairobi equals the number of adult aye-aye in Nairobi. The number of adult golden pheasant in Eclipsed Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult moas in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult skimmer in Gloamhaven is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult golden retriever in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult compsognathus in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Canberra equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in K2 equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in K2. The number of adult corn snake in Beijing equals the number of adult black mamba in Beijing. The number of adult diatom in Radiant Glen is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult green basilisk in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lustervale equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Makalu equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult fairy penguin in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Aurora Rift. The number of adult rotifer in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult foraminifera in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Evershade Rift is the total number of adult animals in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Seoul equals the number of adult howler monkey in Seoul. The number of adult mosasaurus in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult triceratops in Cho Oyu. The number of adult mayfly in Starlight Dells equals 3 times the number of adult margay in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Denali equals the number of adult katydid in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Nanga Parbat equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Makalu is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult gelada in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Brasília equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Brasília. The number of adult indian elephant in Bangkok is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Madrid equals 4 plus the number of adult harp seal in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Tokyo equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult goblin shark in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult moray eel in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult komodo dragon in Cairo equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Tokyo is the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult chihuahua in Pretoria equals the number of adult fox in Pretoria. The number of adult jerboa in Sunset Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Washington D.C.. The number of adult gull in Gloamhaven equals 3 plus the number of adult coyote in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glimmerroot Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The number of adult nyala in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the number of adult blue tang in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Tokyo equals the number of adult rotifer in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Evershade Rift is the total number of adult animals in New Delhi. The number of adult golden mantella in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the number of adult horned lizard in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Canberra equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult red bishop in Eclipsed Glade equals 2 times the number of adult chihuahua in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult roan antelope in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Sunset Hollow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo as S; so S = x = x. We know S = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Ebon Dunes is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult flamingo in Starfire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult dragonfly in Auric Expanse. The number of adult russell's viper in Velvetreef Island equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult goblin shark in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult caiman in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult desert locust in Velvetbark Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult kakapo in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult omura's whale in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 1. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Eternal Sands. The number of adult sea wasp in Dawnshard Desert equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult beluga whale in Golden Rift equals the number of adult green anaconda in Golden Rift. The number of adult butterfly in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult vaquita in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult poodle in Dreamtide Isle is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult barracuda in Gilded Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult copperhead in Velvetreef Island equals 3 plus the number of adult ball python in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult elk in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult leopard frog in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult aardvark in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Luminous Drift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult american mastodon in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Auric Expanse is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Luminous Drift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Luminous Drift. The number of adult chihuahua in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult siberian husky in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult nyala in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult king penguin in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult gaur in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult scorpion in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Luminous Timberland is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult kakapo in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult cassowary in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Starlit Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Auric Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult hornet in Auric Expanse. The number of adult tiger in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult seal in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult coelacanth in Stellar Wastes is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult southern mammoth in Starlit Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult southern mammoth in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Duneshadow Reach is the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult tsessebe in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dawnshard Desert equals 3 plus the number of adult corn snake in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult howler monkey in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult siberian husky in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult bilby in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Velvet Sands. The number of adult greyhound in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult siberian husky in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult rainbow boa in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult greenland shark in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult pipefish in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult marbled salamander in Crystaldust Flats equals 1 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Everglint Woods equals 1 times the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Everglint Woods. The number of adult gray whale in Golden Rift equals the number of adult dolphin in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Radiance Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Eternal Sands. The number of adult blackbuck in Solar Mirage equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Velvet Sands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Sparkdust Plain is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult barnacle in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Opalescent Isle equals 1 times the number of adult blue crab in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult manatee in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult eland in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult weka in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult bullfrog in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult right whale in Sparkdust Plain is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the number of adult coyote in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Radiance Keys is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult roan antelope in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult cassowary in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult rattlesnake in Dawnshard Desert is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult electric eel in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Twilight Timber is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult coqui frog in Prismatic Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult lion in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Eternal Sands. The number of adult boxfish in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult king cobra in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 plus the number of adult ocelot in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult glass frog in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Luminous Drift is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult corn snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Starfire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult puffin in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult california sea lion in Golden Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult milk snake in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult sand cat in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Starfire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult vaquita in Golden Rift equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Golden Rift. The number of adult tsessebe in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult ladybug in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Luminous Drift is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Velvet Sands is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult corn snake in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult archerfish in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult boomslang in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult spider crab in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult king cobra in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Luminous Drift is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Sparkdust Plain is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult elk in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult chihuahua in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult coyote in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult orangutan in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult golden retriever in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult border collie in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Frostveil Cay is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Starfire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult axolotl in Sunglint Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult mosasaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult gray whale in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult cormorant in Eternal Sands. The number of adult colobus monkey in Starbloom Haven is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult bush viper in Velvetreef Island is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult topi in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult asian elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult tiger snake in Dawnshard Desert equals 2 plus the number of adult black mamba in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult bushbuck in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult gerenuk in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starbloom Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult golden retriever in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult bandicoot in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult sperm whale in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult leopard seal in Nebulight Keys is the total number of adult animals in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult hermit crab in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Opalescent Isle equals 3 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult manatee in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult stegodon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult krill in Eternal Sands is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult lionfish in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult sea wasp in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult shrimp in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult glass frog in Duneshadow Reach is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult caiman in Radiance Keys is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult mosquito in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult stingray in Gilded Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Sunglint Wastes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult greyhound in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Duneshadow Reach is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Frostlight Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the number of adult stick insect in Twilight Timber. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Starfire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult wood frog in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult aye-aye in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult moray eel in Radiance Keys. The number of adult beaked whale in Auric Expanse is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult mouse lemur in Lusterflow Basin is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult lionfish in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Velvet Sands is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult ball python in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Shimmercrest Cay is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult siberian husky in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult grasshopper in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult hornet in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult firefly in Twilight Timber. The number of adult crow in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult elephant seal in Golden Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Golden Rift. The number of adult marbled salamander in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult american alligator in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Lusterflow Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult fennec mule in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult bonobo in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Moonlit Mirage is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult corythosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult diplodocus in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult gaur in Radiance Thicket equals 4 times the number of adult zebra in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult golden mole in Aurora Grove is the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge. The number of adult sugar glider in Crystaldust Flats is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Velvet Sands is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmercrest Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 4. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult raccoon in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Dunes equals 4 times the number of adult bison in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult stingray in Radiance Keys. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult blue crab in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Luminous Drift equals 2 times the number of adult basilisk in Luminous Drift. The number of adult greenland shark in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult harp seal in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult mosquito in Sandspire Expanse is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult barnacle in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult frigatebird in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult stegodon in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest, the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, and the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult coypu in Opaline Wastes equals 2 times the number of adult tarsier in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult bonobo in Nebulight Keys is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult forest mammoth in Starlit Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult asian elephant in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult roan antelope in Solar Mirage equals 1 plus the number of adult topi in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult krill in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult parrotfish in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Auroraflow Atoll equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult little blue penguin in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult cassowary in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult copperhead in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult thylacine in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Stellar Wastes is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Radiance Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Ebon Dunes is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Sparkdust Plain is the total number of adult animals in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult coyote in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult elephant bird in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Golden Rift equals the number of adult ball python in Golden Rift. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult pipefish in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult peacock in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult kangaroo in Sparkdust Plain is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Eternal Sands equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult bryde's whale in Sparkdust Plain is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Solar Mirage. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Duneshadow Reach is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult bandicoot in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 times the number of adult mandrill in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult coqui frog in Crystaldust Flats equals 3 times the number of adult pangolin in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult eland in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult bison in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult coypu in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult coypu in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult hedgehog in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult milk snake in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult addax in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Ebon Dunes is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult wildebeest in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult camel in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult golden mole in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult thorny devil in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult poodle in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult gull in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Auric Expanse. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Sunglint Wastes is the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult blackbuck in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult eland in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult phytoplankton in Ebon Dunes is the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult parrotfish in Opalescent Isle is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Sparkdust Plain is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult capybara in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult capybara in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonlit Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult american alligator in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult bettas in Gilded Mirage equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult mosquito in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowmist Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult manatee in Glowfern Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult ghost crab in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Velvet Sands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 times the number of adult krill in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Luminous Drift equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the number of adult koala in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult harpy cow in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Ebon Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Everglint Woods equals 2 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult rhea in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult stegodon in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Auric Expanse. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Velvet Sands is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult indian elephant in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult boomslang in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult lionfish in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult agouti in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Aurora Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Ebon Dunes equals 2 times the number of adult painted bunting in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult tapir in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult colobus monkey in Lusterflow Basin is the total number of adult animals in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Auric Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult narwhal in Auric Expanse. The number of adult moray eel in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Velvet Sands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 times the number of adult elephant seal in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Stellar Wastes is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult guppy in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult blue tang in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult sandpiper in Luminous Drift is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Moonwhisper Isle is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult spider crab in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult poodle in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult addax in Velvetbark Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult arctic wolf in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult walrus in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Sunglint Wastes is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult russell's viper in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult arctic hare in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult forest mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult reticulated python in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Silverwave Shoals is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Auric Expanse is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Opalescent Isle equals 4 times the number of adult rock lobster in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult hermit crab in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Twilight Archipelago is the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Velvet Sands is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Luminous Drift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult great auk in Twilight Timber. The number of adult mayfly in Sandspire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult stick insect in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult capybara in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult opossum in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Eternal Sands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Eternal Sands. The number of adult capybara in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Nebulight Keys is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult southern mammoth in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Luminous Drift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult kudu in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Moonlit Mirage equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult jackal in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult elk in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult manatee in Twilight Dunes is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The number of adult king penguin in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Lustrous Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult blue monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult baboon in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Stellar Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult nightjar in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Starfire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult rhea in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult scorpion in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult meerkat in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult border collie in Aurora Keys. The number of adult hooded seal in Golden Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult vaquita in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Ebon Dunes equals 4 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult rotifer in Ebon Dunes is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult springbok in Solar Mirage is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Sands. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult basenji in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult thorny devil in Aurora Grove. The number of adult pufferfish in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Radiance Keys. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Opalescent Isle is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Moonlit Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Moonlit Mirage.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek as z; so z = x = x. We know z = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult king cobra in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Cinder Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Cinder Chasm. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult crested gecko in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult wood frog in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult hedgehog in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult rock wallaby in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult agouti in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult paca in Luminara River. The number of adult corn snake in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult black mamba in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Fumarole Valley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult waterbuck in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult jaguar in Flareheart Peak is the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult marine iguana in Blisterrock Volcano equals 3 plus the number of adult spider crab in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Twilight Aerie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult clouded leopard in Starlight Summit is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 times the number of adult larvacean in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult gaboon viper in Lusterpeak Range is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Fumarole Valley is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Flareheart Peak equals 3 times the number of adult fennec fox in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult sloth in Twilight Aerie is the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Frostsong River equals 4 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Frostsong River. The number of adult baboon in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult golden retriever in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 times the number of adult archerfish in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Lustrous Rapids equals 4 plus the number of adult capybara in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult greenland shark in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 3 times the number of adult polar bear in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult parrotfish in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Moonshadow Current equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Ashen Crag equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult quetzal in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glowmist Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Molten Veil equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Frostsong River equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Radiant Crest equals 3 times the number of adult gray whale in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the number of adult shrimp in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult coconut crab in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult langoustine in Aurora Crags. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Scorchspire equals 3 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Twilight Stream equals 2 times the number of adult barracuda in Twilight Stream. The number of adult kiwi in Nebula Crest is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Lunarchasm Ridge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult orangutan in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Molten Veil equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult mosasaurus in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The number of adult noctiluca in Sunspark Summit is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Scorchspire. The number of adult dromedary camel in Celestica Spire is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ember Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Ember Crown. The number of adult noctiluca in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult tintinnid in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult elephant seal in Fiery Maw equals 1 times the number of adult boxfish in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult spider crab in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Molten Veil equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Molten Veil. The number of adult acantharian in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult emu in Gleamstone Heights is the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The number of adult night monkey in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult dingo in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Fumarole Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult rainbow boa in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult agouti in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Cinder Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Lustrous Rapids equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult marine iguana in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult american alligator in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Aurorastream. The number of adult patas monkey in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult painted bunting in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult bats in Glacierlight Range is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Twilight Aerie is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Velvetwhisper Stream is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The number of adult nightjar in Nimbus Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Fumarole Valley equals 2 times the number of adult rat in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult vervet monkey in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Ember Crown is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Fumarole Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult serval in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Molten Veil equals 4 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult bullfrog in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Ashen Crag equals 1 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Ashen Crag. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult butterfly in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult dugong in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Ember Crown equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult lionfish in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult stick insect in Heavenspire Peak is the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Eclipsestone Plateau is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult manticore in Radiance Channel is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Starlight Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult golden cat in Starlight Summit. The number of adult eagle in Maple Creek equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Twilight Aerie is the total number of adult animals in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Glowmist Creek equals 1 times the number of adult russell's viper in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glowmist Creek equals 1 plus the number of adult copperhead in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Sunspark Summit is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Radiant Crest. The number of adult bearded dragon in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Fiery Maw. The number of adult king cobra in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult ocelot in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Lustrous Rapids is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The number of adult tiger prawn in Burnshade Abyss equals the number of adult dormouse in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Molten Veil equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Smoldering Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult krill in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Twilight Stream equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Twilight Stream. The number of adult frilled lizard in Blisterrock Volcano equals 2 plus the number of adult american alligator in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Radiant Crest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Fumarole Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult bonobo in Silvermist Highlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult vervet monkey in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult orangutan in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Flareheart Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult corn snake in Blisterrock Volcano equals 3 times the number of adult eastern box turtle in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult bettas in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult bettas in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glacierlight Range equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult snow crab in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Moonshadow Current equals 3 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostsong River equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Frostsong River. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult chihuahua in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Infernal Reach. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Scorchspire equals 4 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 times the number of adult moray eel in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurorastream equals the number of adult howler monkey in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Sparkflow Torrent is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult foraminifera in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult dugong in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreamtide River equals 4 times the number of adult cane toad in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ember Crown equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Ember Crown. The number of adult red-eared slider in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Smoldering Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glacierlight Range equals 3 plus the number of adult raccoon in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult corn snake in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult duiker in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Radiant Crest equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult hornet in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult chimpanzee in Blazestone Rift equals the number of adult puffin in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Thermal Caverns equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Lustrous Rapids is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostsong River is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult booby in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult puffin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The number of adult russell's viper in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Glacierlight Range is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Fumarole Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Thermal Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult blue racer in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 plus the number of adult euphausiid in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Molten Veil equals 3 times the number of adult fin whale in Molten Veil. The number of adult poodle in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult opossum in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult vervet monkey in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Twilight Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Crimson Summit equals 1 times the number of adult manticore in Crimson Summit. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult clownfish in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Glacierlight Range is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult akita in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lustrous Rapids equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult blue monkey in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult poodle in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult marbled salamander in Nimbus Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult axolotl in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Fumarole Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult ocelot in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Ember Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult little blue penguin in Silverwave Tributary equals 3 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Frostsong River equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Twilight Aerie is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult collared lemming in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 times the number of adult reticulated python in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult frilled lizard in Whisperflow Rapids equals 3 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult bowhead whale in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 times the number of adult blue racer in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult quokka in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Nebula Crest. The number of adult puffin in Etherreach Cliffs is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Eclipsestone Plateau is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Lustrous Rapids equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult giant salamander in Starlight Summit. The number of adult gelada in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult tamarin in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult sun conure in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Frostsong River equals 1 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Twilight Stream equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Twilight Stream. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Nebula Crest is the total number of adult animals in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Smoldering Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult grasshopper in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult katydid in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult sugar glider in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The number of adult chaetognath in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest, the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek, the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult tarsier in Glacierlight Range is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Lunarchasm Ridge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Thermal Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult bongo in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult sandpiper in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult green anaconda in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 plus the number of adult penguin in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult orca in Hellspire Pass is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 times the number of adult noctiluca in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the number of adult centaur in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult moose in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult patas monkey in Coalflare Gorge equals 4 plus the number of adult african wild dog in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult leopard in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Starlight Summit is the total number of adult animals in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals 4 times the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult pteropod in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult fennec mule in Glacierlight Range is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Flareheart Peak equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Sunspark Summit equals 2 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Gleamwater Channel equals 1 times the number of adult gentoo penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 4 plus the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult poodle in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult basilisk in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the number of adult yellow tang in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult elephant seal in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Ashen Crag equals 3 times the number of adult milk snake in Ashen Crag. The number of adult parrotfish in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult potoroo in Starlight Confluence equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Thermal Caverns equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult okapi in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult manticore in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult eyelash viper in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult leviathan in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult california sea lion in Fiery Maw equals 4 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult desert locust in Lavaflow Basin equals 1 times the number of adult roadrunner in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult numbat in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult marine iguana in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Astral Ridge. The number of adult elephant seal in Hellspire Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Molten Veil equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Thermal Caverns equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Fumarole Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult dormouse in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult fishing cat in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult lionfish in Twilight Stream. The number of adult langoustine in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult albatross in Aurora Crags. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Glacierlight Range is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glacierlight Range equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Lunarchasm Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult amphipod in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult leviathan in Twilight Aerie is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult tapir in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Glowmist Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Aurorastream. The number of adult dormouse in Radiant Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult noctiluca in Eclipsed Waters. the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Frostsong River equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Ember Crown equals 4 times the number of adult southern right whale in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult coyote in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Crimson Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Crimson Summit. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Frostsong River equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult giraffe in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek, and the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Ashen Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Fumarole Valley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult blue whale in Ember Crown is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult crested gecko in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult hooded seal in Hellspire Pass equals 1 times the number of adult elk in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult chihuahua in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult kraken in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult potoroo in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult corn snake in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamtide River equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreamtide River. The number of adult numbat in Molten Veil is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult caracal in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult cladoceran in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult compsognathus in Nebula Crest equals 4 times the number of adult compsognathus in Nebula Crest. The number of adult rotifer in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult manta ray in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult ostrich in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult nightjar in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult frigatebird in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult gull in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Ashen Crag equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Ashen Crag. The number of adult copperhead in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult milk snake in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Flareheart Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult thaliacean in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult acantharian in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Molten Veil equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Molten Veil. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult pteranodon in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glowmist Creek equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Crimson Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult snow crab in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Smoldering Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Molten Veil equals 3 times the number of adult wallaby in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Ashen Crag equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult coyote in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult gila monster in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult eland in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Moonshadow Current equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult leopard frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult goblin shark in Velvetwhisper Stream is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Frostsong River equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gleamwater Channel equals 2 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Molten Veil is the total number of newborn animal children in Ashen Crag. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult manticore in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Radiant Crest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Crimson Summit. The number of adult kangaroo in Starlight Confluence is 4 times the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Gleamwater Channel equals 1 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Moonshadow Current equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiant Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult vole in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult serval in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult kudu in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silvermist Highlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult goblin shark in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult blue monkey in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Cinder Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Flareheart Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult mosquito in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult seal in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostsong River. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Silvermist Highlands is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult gelada in Coalflare Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Flareheart Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Flareheart Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult topi in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult bandicoot in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult musk ox in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Starlight Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult puma in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult frilled lizard in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult nyala in Astral Ridge. The number of adult black panther in Fumarole Valley is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Infernal Reach. The number of adult king penguin in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult dodo in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult fairy penguin in Scorchspire equals the number of adult water buffalo in Scorchspire. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Thermal Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult coqui frog in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Moonshadow Current equals 1 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Flareheart Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult blue monkey in Magma Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurorastream equals 2 times the number of adult topi in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult cormorant in Aurora Crags. The number of adult waterbuck in Astral Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult hooded seal in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult orca in Fiery Maw.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest as J; so J = x = x. We know J = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Fields equals 4 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Cloudreach is the total number of adult animals in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Heavensgate equals 4 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Cloudreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Smithsonian Institution equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult vaquita in Heavensgate is the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The number of adult pipefish in British Museum equals the number of adult manta ray in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Cloudreach equals 3 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult langoustine in Hermitage Museum equals 1 times the number of adult shrimp in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Opalgrass Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Pergamon Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult macaw in Glowbreeze Steppe is the total number of adult animals in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Opalgrass Meadow is the total number of newborn animal children in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Twilight Fields equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult hedgehog in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult humpback whale in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult king penguin in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult flamingo in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult dragonfly in Ashmolean Museum is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult mosquito in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult glass frog in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult roadrunner in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in National Gallery equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Silverplume Summit is the total number of adult animals in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult unicorn in Cloudreach is the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Opalgrass Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Ecliptica Dome is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult agouti in Vatican Museums. The number of adult tapir in Nimbus Haven is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult tiger prawn in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult zebra in Gilded Archway is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult sun conure in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Auroralumina equals 1 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Auroralumina. The number of adult cicada in Ashmolean Museum is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Cloudreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Cloudreach. The number of adult kittiwake in Silverplume Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Gilded Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult water buffalo in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dawnshine Prairie is the total number of newborn animal children in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult marine iguana in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Amberbloom Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Smithsonian Institution is the total number of adult animals in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult gecko in Van Gogh Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult kakapo in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult orangutan in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult raccoon in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals 3 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult king cobra in National Gallery is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult red bishop in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult painted bunting in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Cloudreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult gray whale in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Cloudreach equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Cloudreach. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult leafhopper in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 times the number of adult bush baby in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Amberbloom Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult lionfish in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult jaguar in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Rijksmuseum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult king cobra in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the number of adult jaguar in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals 2 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult potoroo in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult sea otter in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Twilight Fields. The number of adult gouldian finch in Lustrous Mesa equals 1 plus the number of adult peacock in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult gull in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult lion in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Gleamspire Citadel is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult sun conure in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult toucan in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult langoustine in Luminous Harbor equals 3 plus the number of adult moas in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult orangutan in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 plus the number of adult toucan in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Amberbloom Prairie is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult tamarin in Skyspire City is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals 1 times the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult mosquito in Stardust Bastion is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult thylacine in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult indian elephant in Opalgrass Meadow is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult dovekie in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 times the number of adult manta ray in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in National Gallery equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in National Gallery. The number of adult elephant bird in Luminous Harbor is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Fields. The number of adult bettas in Gilded Archway equals 3 times the number of adult bettas in Gilded Archway. The number of adult golden cat in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Uffizi Gallery. the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside is greater than 0. The number of adult hippopotamus in Ethereal Horizon is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 plus the number of adult unicorn in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Heavensgate equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult inland taipan in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult snow crab in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 1 plus the number of adult royal penguin in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult mosquito in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult king cobra in Vatican Museums is 4 plus the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 3 times the number of adult addax in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult leafhopper in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult hornet in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult blue crab in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 1 plus the number of adult african penguin in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult eastern coral snake in Lightbreeze Steppe is the total number of adult animals in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult capybara in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult bison in Gilded Archway is the total number of adult animals in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Dawnspire Nexus equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult chimpanzee in Musée d'Orsay equals 1 plus the number of adult duiker in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult fenrir in Aetherhold equals 3 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Van Gogh Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult fennec mule in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult raccoon in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult gila monster in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Stardust Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult wasp in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult dormouse in Gleamspire Fields equals 2 times the number of adult mouse in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult ladybug in Sunspire Savannah is the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Shimmering Pasture is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystalis Ascent is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult tiger in Uffizi Gallery equals 4 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Ecliptica Dome is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult shrimp in Gilded Horizon is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 times the number of adult fennec fox in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult cerberus in Aetherhold equals 4 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult ladybug in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult blue monkey in Glintbloom Savannah equals 1 times the number of adult king penguin in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult allosaurus in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the number of adult topi in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vatican Museums equals 4 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Crystalis Ascent is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Heavensgate. The number of adult mayfly in Radiance Plains equals 4 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sunspire Savannah equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in National Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult krill in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult grasshopper in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult firefly in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult moray eel in Gilded Archway equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult gazelle in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult dungeness crab in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult stick insect in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 1 times the number of adult weka in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Cloudreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Cloudreach equals 2 plus the number of adult selkie in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Heavensgate equals the number of adult clownfish in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Ashmolean Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Auroralumina is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult paca in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult vole in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult sperm whale in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Ashmolean Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult hornet in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in National Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in National Gallery. The number of adult coyote in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Gilded Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Louvre Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult nemean lion in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult mouse lemur in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Crystalis Ascent equals 3 times the number of adult koala in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in National Gallery equals the number of adult spider crab in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult flamingo in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult bobcat in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult gray whale in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Heavensgate equals the number of adult hawkfish in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Cloudreach equals the number of adult kraken in Cloudreach. The number of adult border collie in Celestial Arch is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult bandicoot in Skyhaven Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult starfish in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Heavensgate is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult little blue penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult green anaconda in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult desert locust in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult zebra in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult wildebeest in Nimbus Haven is the total number of adult animals in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult rotifer in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult basenji in Celestial Arch. The number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult tiger prawn in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Silverplume Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult bobcat in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Auric Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Fields equals 2 times the number of adult bryde's whale in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Sunspire Savannah equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult caiman in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 4 plus the number of adult sand cat in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 times the number of adult walrus in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult weka in Luminous Harbor is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult golden mole in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult leviathan in Aetherhold equals the number of adult gila monster in Aetherhold. The number of adult grasshopper in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult cicada in Radiance Plains. The number of adult zooplankton in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult dingo in Celestial Arch. The number of adult wood frog in Prado Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult selkie in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Auric Expanse. The number of adult coqui frog in Prado Museum equals the number of adult centaur in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult hooded seal in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Crystalgrain Plateau is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Auric Expanse is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tate Modern. The number of adult blackbuck in Musée d'Orsay is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult king cobra in Shimmering Pasture is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult boomslang in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 times the number of adult black widow spider in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult manticore in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 1 plus the number of adult pangolin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 times the number of adult stick insect in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Stardust Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult dragonfly in Stardust Bastion. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult larvacean in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Sunspire Savannah is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult kitsune in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Auroralumina equals 1 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult elephant bird in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult grasshopper in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult black mamba in Lightbreeze Steppe is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult walking stick in Radiance Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult katydid in Radiance Plains. The number of adult coconut crab in Hermitage Museum equals 2 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult coyote in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult tiger in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 times the number of adult tiger in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult wildebeest in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Heavensgate is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult american alligator in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult nemean lion in Aetherhold equals 1 plus the number of adult unicorn in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Auroralumina equals the number of adult spider crab in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult red bishop in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult caiman in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult marbled salamander in Prado Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult cerberus in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Tate Modern. The number of adult little blue penguin in Aurora Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult dovekie in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult oryx in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Smithsonian Institution equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult golden cat in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the number of adult bilby in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Tate Modern equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Tate Modern. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult beluga whale in Ecliptica Dome is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult walrus in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult green anaconda in Crystalgrain Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Cloudreach equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 4 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult coyote in Skyspire City equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 2 times the number of adult painted bunting in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Van Gogh Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult tomato frog in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Goldenwave Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult wombat in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult manatee in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult california sea lion in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Heavensgate equals the number of adult elephant seal in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Lightveil Sanctum is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Auroralumina is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Plains. The number of adult boxfish in British Museum equals the number of adult lionfish in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Auroralumina. The number of adult reticulated python in Lightbreeze Steppe is the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Cloudreach is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in National Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult rock lobster in National Gallery. The number of adult coypu in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult bush baby in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 4 plus the number of adult penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult coconut crab in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult butterfly in Radiance Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult wasp in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult rock wallaby in Goldenwave Valley equals 1 times the number of adult bettong in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult wasp in Radiance Plains equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Radiance Plains. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Heavensgate equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult coqui frog in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult cicada in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Silverplume Summit is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Cloudreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult rock lobster in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult dungeness crab in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Heavensgate is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult king penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult great auk in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult kitsune in Aetherhold equals 2 plus the number of adult kitsune in Aetherhold. The number of adult king crab in Auroralumina is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult noctiluca in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the number of adult chihuahua in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult lion in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult kangaroo in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult bison in Nimbus Haven is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspire Savannah. The number of adult dolphin in Ecliptica Dome is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult thaliacean in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult pteropod in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Tate Modern equals 1 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Louvre Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult raccoon in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult king cobra in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 times the number of adult gerenuk in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Tate Modern equals the number of adult beaver in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult coconut crab in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult penguin in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult acantharian in Celestial Arch equals 3 times the number of adult chaetognath in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Gleamspire Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult leopard gecko in Glowbreeze Steppe is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The number of adult copperhead in Nebula City equals 4 plus the number of adult bush viper in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Pergamon Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Auric Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult sea lion in Auric Expanse. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult capybara in Ethereal Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult moose in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Auroralumina is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Crystalis Ascent is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Vatican Museums equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Rijksmuseum equals 1 times the number of adult lynx in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult cassowary in Van Gogh Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The number of adult gouldian finch in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult tiger prawn in Luminous Harbor equals 3 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult butterfly in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult butterfly in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult opossum in Goldenwave Valley is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult langoustine in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult emperor penguin in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult steamer duck in Guggenheim Museum is the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Opalgrass Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Auric Expanse. The number of adult fennec fox in Nimbus Haven is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult roc in Aetherhold equals 1 plus the number of adult roc in Aetherhold. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 plus the number of adult boomslang in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Van Gogh Museum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult great auk in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Heavensgate equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult green anaconda in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in National Gallery equals the number of adult ghost crab in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Dawnspire Nexus is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Silverplume Summit is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Van Gogh Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Rijksmuseum equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Smithsonian Institution equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Heavensgate is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in National Gallery equals the number of adult hognose snake in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Auroralumina is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult mosquito in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult dung beetle in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in National Gallery equals 4 times the number of adult snow crab in National Gallery. The number of adult marsupial mole in Goldenwave Valley equals 2 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Heavensgate equals the number of adult dugong in Heavensgate. The number of adult russell's viper in Nebula City equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Nebula City.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge as D; so D = x = x. We know D = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult chimpanzee in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult moray eel in Nebula Expanse is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult leopard frog in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult eastern newt in Starfreeze Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult hawkfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult blue monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult macaque in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult cane toad in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult little blue penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult elephant bird in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Twilight Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult okapi in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult tapir in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Louvre Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult nemean lion in Louvre Museum. The number of adult bobcat in British Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in British Museum. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nebula Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult dragon in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult red-eared slider in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult gouldian finch in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult cerberus in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult butterfly in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Louvre Museum equals 4 times the number of adult red bishop in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Hermitage Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult little blue penguin in Vatican Museums equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Vatican Museums. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult heron in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Waters. The number of adult guinea pig in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult marine iguana in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult elephant in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult golden mantella in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult golden cat in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult caiman lizard in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult gila monster in Dawnfrost Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult caiman in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult baboon in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Radiance Sea. The number of adult orangutan in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult copepod in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult wood frog in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 plus the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult chimpanzee in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 3. The number of adult butterfly in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult katydid in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Lustrous Ocean is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult king cobra in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult king cobra in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult bonobo in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ashmolean Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult gelada in Glacierreach equals the number of adult lemur in Glacierreach. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Guggenheim Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Waters. The number of adult tiger prawn in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult golden mole in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult rock lobster in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult rock lobster in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Icewhisper Dale is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult oryx in Kunsthistorisches Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult jaguar in Musée d'Orsay is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult leafhopper in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Shardbluff Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult caribou in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Eternafrost Plains is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tiger in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult dungeness crab in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult night monkey in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Uffizi Gallery equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult baboon in Snowshadow Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult capuchin in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult royal penguin in Vatican Museums equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult leopard gecko in Pergamon Museum is the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The number of adult gray whale in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Ashmolean Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult numbat in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult barnacle in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult duiker in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult dodo in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Silverfreeze Plateau is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult tern in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult dovekie in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult penguin in Frostspire Expanse is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult peacock in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult king penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult chinchilla in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in National Gallery equals the number of adult hooded seal in National Gallery. The number of adult corn snake in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult silkworm in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult langoustine in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the number of adult roc in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult porcupine in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 plus the number of adult fenrir in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult red bishop in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult roc in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult gelada in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult macaque in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult leopard seal in Metropolitan Museum is 3 times the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Crystalfrost Fields is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult blue monkey in Glacierreach equals the number of adult gelada in Glacierreach. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Prado Museum equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Prado Museum. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult marine iguana in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult bush baby in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult blue whale in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Wintersong Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult king cobra in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult cane toad in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult langoustine in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult shrimp in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glimmering Gulf is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult kiwi in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult rock wallaby in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult addax in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult bush baby in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 times the number of adult dragon in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult meerkat in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult stick insect in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Iceloom Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult coconut crab in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult leviathan in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult tiger prawn in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult cerberus in Starlight Channel. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Wintersong Valley is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the number of adult grasshopper in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult bonobo in Snowshadow Rift is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult vervet monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult gorilla in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult forest mammoth in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult potoroo in Ashmolean Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in National Gallery is the total number of adult animals in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult snowy owl in Starfreeze Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Everchill Ridge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult potoroo in Moonbeam Tides is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult waterbuck in Glintfrost Chasm is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult elephant seal in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult yak in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Vatican Museums equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Glintfrost Chasm is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Louvre Museum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult coconut crab in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult bonobo in Glacierreach is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult roan antelope in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in National Gallery equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in National Gallery. The number of adult ocelot in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult coqui frog in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult dodo in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Opalescent Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult red panda in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Hermitage Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Nebula Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Nebula Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 times the number of adult walking stick in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Louvre Museum equals 1 times the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult black panther in British Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult margay in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Iceloom Crest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult hooded seal in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult arabic cow in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult mosquito in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult atlas moth in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Guggenheim Museum is the total number of adult animals in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in National Gallery equals 3 plus the number of adult angelfish in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult starfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult california sea lion in Frozen Echo Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult kudu in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult tamarin in Snowshadow Rift is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Iceloom Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult coyote in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Silverlight Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 plus the number of adult manticore in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult sun conure in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult dragon in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult ocelot in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 times the number of adult harpy cow in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tiger in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult bearded dragon in Glimmering Gulf is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Louvre Museum. The number of adult lemur in Everchill Ridge is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult royal penguin in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Radiance Sea. The number of adult coqui frog in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult axolotl in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Guggenheim Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult corn snake in Frostwave Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult iguana in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Aurora Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Aurora Tides. The number of adult rock lobster in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult walrus in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Wintersong Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult kitsune in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Aurora Glacier is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult black panther in Hermitage Museum is the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Twilight Waters is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult aye-aye in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult patas monkey in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the number of adult gila monster in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult marine iguana in Frostwave Depths equals 2 times the number of adult quetzal in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult marbled salamander in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Shardbluff Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult red panda in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Metropolitan Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult golden mole in Eclipsed Shoals is the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult fin whale in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult manta ray in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult beluga whale in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Uffizi Gallery equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 1 plus the number of adult mayfly in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult krill in Snowshadow Rift is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult tiger in Guggenheim Museum is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Hermitage Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Wintersong Valley is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Vatican Museums. The number of adult dungeness crab in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult barnacle in Starlight Channel. The number of adult patas monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult bonobo in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult arctic wolf in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult tarsier in Musée d'Orsay is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult toucan in Glimmering Gulf is the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult cassowary in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult triceratops in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in National Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Everchill Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the number of adult katydid in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult fairy penguin in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult royal penguin in Radiance Sea. The number of adult gopher in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult ghost crab in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult snow crab in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult minotaur in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult krill in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult american alligator in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley and the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult marine iguana in Chillveil Heights equals 1 times the number of adult corn snake in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult gull in Lustrous Ocean is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult grasshopper in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in National Gallery equals 1 plus the number of adult humpback whale in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Twilight Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Gleamsea Basin is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Metropolitan Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult tsessebe in Luminous Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult hellbender in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult manticore in Louvre Museum is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 1 times the number of adult takahe in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult cougar in British Museum equals 2 times the number of adult black panther in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult beluga whale in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult bats in Shardbluff Canyon is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult rattlesnake in Chillveil Heights is the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult blackbuck in Tate Modern equals 2 times the number of adult eland in Tate Modern. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Pergamon Museum equals 4 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult crab in Eclipsed Shoals is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in British Museum equals the number of adult clouded leopard in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek and the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Wintersong Valley equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult bush viper in Aurora Tides. The number of adult cerberus in Louvre Museum is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult dhole in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult bullfrog in Wintersong Valley is the total number of adult animals in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Louvre Museum is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult fairy penguin in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Vatican Museums. The number of adult coconut crab in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the number of adult spider monkey in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult pufferfish in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult african penguin in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult reticulated python in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Hermitage Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult nile crocodile in Starlit Ocean is 3 times the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Hermitage Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult gorilla in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult lion in British Museum equals the number of adult snow leopard in British Museum. The number of adult nutria in Everchill Ridge is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult golden cat in British Museum equals the number of adult toucan in British Museum. The number of adult moose in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Tate Modern. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult sloth in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Uffizi Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult cone snail in Eternafrost Plains is 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult frilled lizard in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult firefly in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 plus the number of adult phoenix in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Twilight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Twilight Waters. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Silverfreeze Plateau is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Frostlight Peaks is the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult king cobra in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult gelada in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in National Gallery. The number of adult tiger prawn in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 times the number of adult spider crab in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult orangutan in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult stick insect in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult nemean lion in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult bison in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult numbat in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult poison dart frog in Smithsonian Institution is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult gull in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult kiwi in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 3.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside as Y; so Y = x = x. We know Y = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Mare Australe equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Starbloom Palace equals 1 times the number of adult red panda in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Duskspire Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult lionfish in South Pole-Aitken Basin is 3 times the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult marbled salamander in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult hellbender in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Svalbard equals 3 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Siberia is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult coyote in Rockies is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult tarsier in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mare Australe equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Antarctica equals 3 plus the number of adult butterfly in Antarctica. The number of adult booby in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult egret in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult ball python in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult california sea lion in Copernicus Crater equals 3 times the number of adult kingfisher in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Rockies equals the number of adult orca in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult bandicoot in Franz Josef Land equals 3 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Whispering Vault equals 4 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Antarctica equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 plus the number of adult african penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Tycho Crater equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult ladybug in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Siberia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Siberia. The number of adult little blue penguin in Aristarchus Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult great auk in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult tarsier in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Altai Mountains. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Oceanus Procellarum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult hooded seal in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult california sea lion in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult proboscis monkey in North Pole equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Yukon equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Yukon. The number of adult golden cat in Gleaming Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Altai Mountains equals 2 plus the number of adult grebe in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult walrus in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Montes Alpes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Montes Alpes. The number of adult frilled lizard in Alps equals the number of adult basenji in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult nightjar in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Mare Imbrium equals 4 plus the number of adult nemean lion in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Whispering Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Siberia equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Siberia. The number of adult blue monkey in North Pole equals the number of adult borneo elephant in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Himalayas. The number of adult gelada in North Pole equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Antarctica equals the number of adult antlion in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Whispering Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult boomslang in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult american alligator in Mare Crisium is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult shrimp in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Mare Imbrium equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo equals the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult fenrir in Greenland equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Greenland. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult snow crab in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult howler monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Yukon equals 4 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Yukon. The number of adult emu in Aristarchus Plateau is 2 plus the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Copernicus Crater equals 2 times the number of adult vaquita in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult cerberus in Lunar Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult marine iguana in Alps equals 2 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult golden retriever in South Pole equals the number of adult borneo elephant in South Pole. The number of adult gouldian finch in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the number of adult narwhal in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Mare Moscoviense is the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Tycho Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Whispering Vault. The number of adult tiger snake in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Mare Nubium. The number of adult gobies in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of newborn animal children in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Moonshadow Palace equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Franz Josef Land is the total number of adult animals in Arctic Circle. The number of adult frilled lizard in Patagonia equals the number of adult american alligator in Patagonia. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult kittiwake in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Nebulight Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult horned lizard in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Yukon is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Alpes. The number of adult vervet monkey in North Pole equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Mare Australe equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Rockies equals the number of adult golden retriever in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult addax in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult blue monkey in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult beluga whale in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Iceland equals 1 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Iceland. The number of adult zooplankton in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Mare Serenitatis equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals 4 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult roan antelope in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Copernicus Crater is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult wallaby in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Siberia equals the number of adult glass frog in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult greyhound in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Eclipsed Realm equals 2 times the number of adult blue whale in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult gelada in Oceanus Procellarum equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult fenrir in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult pegasus in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Himalayas is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Mare Australe equals 4 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Mare Australe. The number of adult california sea lion in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult poodle in South Pole equals 1 times the number of adult dhole in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Starbloom Palace. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Rockies equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Rockies. The number of adult compsognathus in Gleamreef Throne equals 1 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult boxfish in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Altai Mountains equals 2 plus the number of adult egret in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Shackleton Crater is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Abyssal Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult allosaurus in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Siberia equals 3 plus the number of adult sei whale in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Sea of Tranquility is the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult takahe in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Whispering Vault equals 1 times the number of adult green iguana in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Mare Moscoviense equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Rockies equals 4 times the number of adult seal in Rockies. The number of adult wood frog in Mare Cognitum equals 4 times the number of adult toucan in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Siberia equals 4 times the number of adult right whale in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Whispering Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Whispering Vault. The number of adult golden mole in Svalbard is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult boomslang in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the number of adult stingray in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 4 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult patas monkey in North Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult gelada in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult hippogriff in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult elephant seal in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult right whale in Arctic Circle. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Siberia is the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult eastern newt in Siberia is the total number of adult animals in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Sea of Tranquility equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult kudu in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Eclipsed Realm equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult hooded seal in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult frigatebird in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult puffin in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult dovekie in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 times the number of adult manta ray in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult little blue penguin in Svalbard equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Siberia equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lapland equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Mare Vaporum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult sea slug in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult hawkfish in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult potoroo in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult king crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult fenrir in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mare Imbrium equals 2 plus the number of adult basilisk in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult collared lemming in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult polar bear in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult rock lobster in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult king cobra in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult royal penguin in Svalbard equals 1 times the number of adult desert locust in Svalbard. The number of adult wildebeest in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult siberian husky in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Lapland is the total number of adult animals in Patagonia. The number of adult arabic cow in Mount McKinley equals 4 times the number of adult border collie in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Svalbard equals the number of adult king penguin in Svalbard. The number of adult red-eared slider in Alps equals the number of adult dingo in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Mount Fuji. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult cassowary in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult flamingo in Kamchatka Peninsula is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Silverdepth Bastion equals 4 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult marine iguana in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Rockies equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult pteranodon in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mount Fuji equals 2 plus the number of adult moray eel in Mount Fuji. The number of adult greenland shark in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult nightjar in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult coqui frog in Twilight Thrones equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Citadel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult vervet monkey in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult zebra in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Sea of Tranquility equals 3 times the number of adult nyala in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Aurora Citadel equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult humpback whale in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Eclipsed Realm is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Iceland is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunken Crown. The number of adult bryde's whale in Siberia is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult centaur in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Himalayas equals 2 plus the number of adult toucan in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Mare Australe is the total number of adult animals in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult patas monkey in Oceanus Procellarum equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult kudu in Mount McKinley is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Yukon. The number of adult arctic tern in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult caribou in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Himalayas equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult blue monkey in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult patas monkey in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mount Fuji equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Mount Fuji. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Himalayas is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Humorum equals the number of adult barnacle in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Iceland equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Iceland. The number of adult tern in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of newborn animal children in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult sei whale in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult kraken in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Himalayas. The number of adult lion in Gleaming Bastion equals 3 times the number of adult cougar in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Tycho Crater. The number of adult roadrunner in Lapland is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Himalayas equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Silverdepth Bastion equals 4 times the number of adult snow crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult leopard seal in Montes Apenninus is the total number of adult animals in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult kitsune in Lunar Highlands is the total number of adult animals in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult bush viper in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Siberia equals the number of adult axolotl in Siberia. The number of adult pteropod in Frostveil Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mare Imbrium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult komodo dragon in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult black widow spider in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult parrotfish in Kamchatka Peninsula is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Mare Vaporum equals 1 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult gecko in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult ivory gull in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult bowhead whale in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult slow loris in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult lionfish in Aurora Citadel is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult cone snail in South Pole-Aitken Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult arctic tern in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Lapland equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Himalayas equals 2 times the number of adult green anaconda in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Silverdepth Bastion equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Iceland equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Mare Moscoviense equals 2 plus the number of adult langoustine in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult african penguin in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Mount Fuji. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Thrones equals 4 plus the number of adult stingray in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult walking stick in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult arctic tern in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult manatee in Mount McKinley equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Mount McKinley. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Lapland is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Imbrium. The number of adult cerberus in Greenland equals 4 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Greenland. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult emu in Sunken Crown. The number of adult wood frog in Twilight Thrones equals 1 times the number of adult goblin shark in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult kitsune in Greenland equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Greenland. The number of adult gull in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult parrotfish in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult rattlesnake in Patagonia equals the number of adult euphausiid in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Mount Fuji equals 2 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Mount Fuji. The number of adult acantharian in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Moonshadow Palace equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Iceland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult phoenix in Mare Vaporum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Altai Mountains is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mare Australe equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mare Australe equals the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult zebra in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult okapi in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Antarctica equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Antarctica. The number of adult snow crab in Mare Moscoviense is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Mare Moscoviense equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult zooplankton in Yukon is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Nebulight Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Mare Australe equals the number of adult golden mole in Mare Australe. The number of adult ocelot in Franz Josef Land is 3 times the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult camel in Mount McKinley is the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult marbled salamander in Twilight Thrones equals 1 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult blue racer in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult elk in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult fennec fox in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nebulight Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Starbloom Palace equals 4 times the number of adult bats in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Whispering Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult gorilla in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult red bishop in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult fin whale in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult bobcat in Gleaming Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Frigoris equals 3 times the number of adult blue monkey in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Mount Fuji equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Mare Crisium equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Montes Alpes equals 2 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Montes Alpes. The number of adult chihuahua in South Pole equals the number of adult stegodon in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Iceland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Iceland. The number of adult triggerfish in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of adult animals in North Pole. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Franz Josef Land equals 3 times the number of adult fennec mule in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult damselfish in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 1 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Antarctica equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult elephant in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Altai Mountains is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Himalayas. The number of adult elephant seal in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult hermit crab in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Mare Vaporum equals 4 plus the number of adult kitsune in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Rockies equals the number of adult walrus in Rockies. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Humorum equals 2 plus the number of adult langoustine in Mare Humorum. The number of adult larvacean in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult fennec fox in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult wombat in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Himalayas is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Moonshadow Palace equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult dovekie in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mount Fuji equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Mount Fuji. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Yukon is the total number of adult animals in Alps. The number of adult nemean lion in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult nemean lion in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Himalayas equals the number of adult ocelot in Himalayas. The number of adult red-eared slider in Patagonia equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult spider crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult sun conure in Arctic Circle equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Arctic Circle. The number of adult gila monster in Mare Nubium equals 3 times the number of adult cone snail in Mare Nubium. The number of adult gorilla in Oceanus Procellarum is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Whispering Vault equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mare Imbrium equals the number of adult manticore in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Citadel equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Iceland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Iceland. The number of adult leopard frog in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult marlin in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Altai Mountains equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Altai Mountains. The number of adult gaur in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult zebra in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult hornet in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Mare Crisium equals 4 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Mare Crisium. The number of adult monitor lizard in Patagonia is the total number of newborn animal children in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Yukon equals the number of adult diatom in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mount Fuji equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 plus the number of adult tarsier in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult tiger snake in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 2 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult komodo dragon in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Himalayas equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult bilby in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Himalayas equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult booby in Altai Mountains. The number of adult sandpiper in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Mare Vaporum equals 4 plus the number of adult copperhead in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Thrones is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Rockies equals the number of adult california sea lion in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Mare Australe is the number of adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mare Vaporum equals 4 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Tycho Crater equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult ghost crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult golden retriever in Mount McKinley is the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Antarctica equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Antarctica. The number of adult bowhead whale in Oceanus Procellarum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Mare Crisium equals 1 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult narwhal in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult capybara in Mount McKinley equals 2 plus the number of adult chihuahua in Mount McKinley. The number of adult coqui frog in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult giant salamander in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Altai Mountains. The number of adult arctic wolf in Montes Apenninus equals 2 times the number of adult red panda in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Moonshadow Palace equals 1 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminous Keep equals 4 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Sea of Tranquility equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult corn snake in Alps equals 2 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Starbloom Palace equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult numbat in Mount Fuji is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Iceland is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult blue crab in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult marlin in Mount Fuji. The number of adult mosasaurus in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 times the number of adult allosaurus in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult pipefish in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult skimmer in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult rotifer in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Lapland equals 2 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Lapland. The number of adult fox in South Zoo equals 1. The number of adult corn snake in Patagonia equals the number of adult tintinnid in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Montes Alpes. The number of adult nemean lion in Greenland equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Greenland. The number of adult racoon in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult puma in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult thaliacean in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult salp in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Mare Australe equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Mare Vaporum equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mount Fuji equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Mount Fuji. The number of adult roadrunner in Svalbard is the total number of newborn animal children in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Montes Alpes. The number of adult paradise tanager in Arctic Circle equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Arctic Circle. The number of adult fairy penguin in Svalbard is the total number of newborn animal children in Tycho Crater. The number of adult noctiluca in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Mare Nubium. The number of adult oryx in Sea of Tranquility is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shackleton Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Sea of Tranquility equals the number of adult addax in Sea of Tranquility. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Himalayas is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Iceland equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Iceland. The number of adult kittiwake in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult eland in Mount McKinley is the total number of adult animals in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult penguin in Altai Mountains is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult crab in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Altai Mountains. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult bonobo in North Pole equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starbloom Palace equals 2 times the number of adult butterfly in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Rockies equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Rockies. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult bonobo in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult leviathan in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Montes Alpes. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult howler monkey in Duskspire Ruins.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm as g; so g = x = x. We know g = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The number of adult phytoplankton in Radiant Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Nebula Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nebula Crest. The number of adult chihuahua in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult kitsune in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Astral Ridge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult aye-aye in Gleamstone Heights is the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Antarctica equals the number of adult mouse in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Everglow Glade is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult caiman lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult toucan in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult compsognathus in Etherreach Cliffs is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult coypu in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult aye-aye in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Svalbard equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Svalbard. The number of adult roan antelope in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Arctic Circle. The number of adult kangaroo in Twilight Aerie is the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Svalbard equals the number of adult pipefish in Svalbard. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus is greater than 0. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult opossum in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult golden retriever in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult triceratops in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult cone snail in Franz Josef Land is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Patagonia. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the number of adult bettong in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult nyala in Arctic Circle equals 4 times the number of adult right whale in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult green basilisk in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult sandpiper in Patagonia equals the number of adult euphausiid in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in South Pole equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The number of adult dodo in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the number of adult kiwi in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult patas monkey in Rockies equals the number of adult howler monkey in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult salp in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult wood frog in Starshine Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult heron in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult copperhead in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Nebula Crest equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Nebula Crest. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Altai Mountains equals 4 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Franz Josef Land is the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult jerboa in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Antarctica equals the number of adult nutria in Antarctica. The number of adult harp seal in Dawnlit Peaks is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult cayote in Franz Josef Land is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult raccoon in Cloudveil Plateau is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Yukon. The number of adult golden mole in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Yukon is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Svalbard equals the number of adult hognose snake in Svalbard. The number of adult larvacean in Starlight Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Alps is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cerberus in Iceland equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Iceland. The number of adult mosquito in Nimbus Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult mayfly in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult wood frog in Siberia equals 1 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Siberia. The number of adult blue monkey in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult booby in Patagonia equals 3 times the number of adult razorbill in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Everglow Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the number of adult iguanodon in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Himalayas equals the number of adult gelada in Himalayas. The number of adult walking stick in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Nebula Crest is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult kitsune in Iceland equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Iceland. The number of adult marsupial mole in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult golden mantella in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult zooplankton in Radiant Crest equals 3 times the number of adult amphipod in Radiant Crest. The number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult potoroo in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult coqui frog in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult silkworm in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult orangutan in Astral Ridge is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Svalbard is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Fuji. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Silvermist Highlands is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult crested gecko in Celestica Spire. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult mouse lemur in Mount McKinley is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The number of adult coypu in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult gibbon in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult tiger prawn in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult ghost crab in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Astral Ridge. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult leopard frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Aurorathorn Grove equals 3 times the number of adult unicorn in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult desert locust in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tiger snake in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult sea wasp in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Franz Josef Land is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult parrotfish in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult coqui frog in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Franz Josef Land equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult kudu in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult water buffalo in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Svalbard equals the number of adult triggerfish in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult lynx in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult noctiluca in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult rotifer in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silvermist Highlands is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Antarctica equals the number of adult beaver in Antarctica. The number of adult russell's viper in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult arabic cow in Rockies is the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Alps equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Alps. The number of adult elephant seal in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult beaked whale in Greenland equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Greenland. The number of adult leafhopper in Dawnlit Peaks is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The number of adult vaquita in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult orca in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult leviathan in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult kraken in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult walrus in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 times the number of adult slow loris in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult hooded seal in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult bats in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult potoroo in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult fin whale in Mount Fuji. The number of adult marbled salamander in Starshine Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult axolotl in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Silvermist Highlands is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Svalbard. The number of adult marsupial mole in Sunspark Summit is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult blue monkey in Rockies equals the number of adult yak in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult hooded seal in Yukon equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Yukon. The number of adult larvacean in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger snake in Radiant Crest. The number of adult desert locust in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Everglow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Everglow Glade. The number of adult rotifer in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult inland taipan in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult manticore in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult cerberus in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult selkie in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult hippogriff in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Astral Ridge. The number of adult goliath beetle in Nimbus Heights is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Arctic Circle. The number of adult black widow spider in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Radiant Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Siberia equals 2 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Siberia. The number of adult leafhopper in Nimbus Heights is the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The number of adult velociraptor in Frostshadow Woods is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult border collie in Lusterpeak Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult dodo in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Celestica Spire. The number of adult golden mantella in Starshine Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult cane toad in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Alps equals the number of adult king cobra in Alps. The number of adult fennec fox in Silverleaf Hollow is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult greenland shark in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Heavenspire Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult wildebeest in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult yak in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult slow loris in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult gelada in North Pole equals 3 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in South Pole equals the number of adult bush viper in South Pole. The number of adult collared lemming in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult gelada in Rockies equals the number of adult gelada in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crystalpine Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult langoustine in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult crab in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Svalbard equals 4 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult pipefish in Lapland equals the number of adult coyote in Lapland. The number of adult acantharian in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult giant salamander in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Everglow Glade. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Velvetbough Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult phoenix in Iceland is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crystalpine Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Thickets equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult hawkfish in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult humpback whale in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult wasp in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult dragonfly in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Svalbard equals the number of adult corn snake in Svalbard. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Greenland equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Greenland. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult scorpion in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Svalbard equals 3 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Svalbard. The number of adult copperhead in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Nebula Crest is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult boomslang in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult fennec mule in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult tarsier in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Sunspark Summit is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Antarctica equals the number of adult gerbil in Antarctica. The number of adult king penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult thaliacean in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult dung beetle in Nimbus Heights is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Heavenspire Peak is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Svalbard equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Svalbard equals the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Svalbard. The number of adult elephant bird in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult fennec fox in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult fennec mule in Mount McKinley. The number of adult komodo dragon in Himalayas equals the number of adult sea wasp in Himalayas. The number of adult tiger snake in Himalayas equals 2 plus the number of adult spider monkey in Himalayas. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Twilight Timber. The number of adult patas monkey in North Pole equals 1 plus the number of adult gibbon in North Pole. The number of adult gila monster in Himalayas equals the number of adult mandrill in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult poodle in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult poodle in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult fenrir in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult unicorn in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult night monkey in North Pole equals the number of adult bonobo in North Pole. The number of adult boxfish in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult sand cat in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Everglow Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Everglow Glade. The number of adult vervet monkey in Rockies equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult coqui frog in Siberia equals the number of adult eastern newt in Siberia. The number of adult little blue penguin in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 plus the number of adult emu in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult spider monkey in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult golden mole in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult fennec fox in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult maned jackal in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult blackbuck in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult chihuahua in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult reticulated python in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Antarctica equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Antarctica. The number of adult snowy owl in Aurora Crags is the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult california sea lion in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult california sea lion in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult opossum in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult maned jackal in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult selkie in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult sea cucumber in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult thaliacean in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Alps equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult surinam toad in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult leviathan in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult milk snake in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Frostshadow Woods is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult rock wallaby in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult lionfish in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Lumina Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Franz Josef Land equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult narwhal in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglow Glade. The number of adult tsessebe in Arctic Circle equals 4 times the number of adult nyala in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Antarctica equals the number of adult hamster in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Celestica Spire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Franz Josef Land equals 2 times the number of adult king cobra in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Alps equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult raccoon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult giant salamander in Radiant Glade. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult manatee in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult ross's gull in Aurora Crags. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Moonshadow Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult leopard frog in Siberia equals the number of adult agouti in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Frostshadow Woods equals 4 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Altai Mountains equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult beluga whale in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult grasshopper in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Svalbard equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Svalbard. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult tinamous in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult rhea in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Lumina Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult barnacle in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult manatee in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult cicada in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult mayfly in Dawnlit Peaks is the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in South Pole equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in South Pole. The number of adult orangutan in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult hornet in Dawnlit Peaks is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Celestica Spire equals 2 times the number of adult green iguana in Celestica Spire. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult tinamous in Mount Fuji. The number of adult fennec fox in Lapland is 4 plus the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult rock lobster in Evershade Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Evershade Grove. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the number of adult sei whale in Mount Fuji. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult vervet monkey in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult southern mammoth in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Antarctica equals the number of adult mole in Antarctica. The number of adult noctiluca in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult pufferfish in Radiant Crest. The number of adult lionfish in Celestica Spire is the total number of adult animals in North Pole. The number of adult roc in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult sea anemone in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult bush baby in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Franz Josef Land equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Everglow Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 plus the number of adult nightjar in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult clownfish in Celestica Spire is the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult elephant seal in Yukon equals 2 times the number of adult harp seal in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult indian elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult rock wallaby in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult fire salamander in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult jackal in Lustrous Timberland is 2 times the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Astral Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult basilisk in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Celestica Spire. The number of adult quokka in Sunspark Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nebula Crest is the total number of adult animals in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult mayfly in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult boxfish in Lapland equals the number of adult clownfish in Lapland. The number of adult bullfrog in Radiant Glade is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult howler monkey in Astral Ridge. The number of adult butterfly in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult grasshopper in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Svalbard equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Everglow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dawnlit Peaks is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult walrus in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Antarctica equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Antarctica. The number of adult nemean lion in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult sea urchin in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult thaliacean in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Radiant Crest. The number of adult bandicoot in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult larvacean in Mount McKinley. The number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamstone Heights is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult marbled salamander in Siberia equals the number of adult glass frog in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult coconut crab in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult royal penguin in Evershade Grove. The number of adult capybara in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult puffin in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Greenland equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Svalbard equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult peacock in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult leopard frog in Starshine Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult elephant seal in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult moas in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult weka in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Lusterpeak Range is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Silvermist Highlands is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult orca in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult tamarin in Lusterpeak Range. The number of average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult bandicoot in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult coyote in Twilight Timber is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Franz Josef Land equals 1 times the number of adult african wild dog in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult leviathan in Iceland is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult nemean lion in Iceland equals the number of adult cerberus in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Svalbard equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Svalbard. The number of adult coyote in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult sugar glider in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult copperhead in Nebula Crest.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch as S; so S = x = x. We know S = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the number of adult rat in Aurora Tides. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult harpy cow in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult gopher in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult golden retriever in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult bowhead whale in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult patas monkey in Nebula Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult macaque in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Mexico City is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Luminous Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult macaque in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Amundsen Sea equals 2 times the number of adult paca in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Frostwave Depths equals 2 times the number of adult kakapo in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult electric eel in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mexico City equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Mexico City. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Madrid equals 3 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Madrid. The number of adult forest mammoth in Madrid equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Madrid. The number of adult gouldian finch in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult peacock in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Caribbean Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult pufferfish in Brasília is the total number of newborn animal children in Bering Sea. The number of adult caiman in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult agouti in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Pacific Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult hippopotamus in Pretoria is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The number of adult tiger prawn in Black Sea equals 4 times the number of adult langoustine in Black Sea. The number of adult bongo in London is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Rome. The number of adult stingray in Brasília equals the number of adult pelican in Brasília. The number of adult tiger prawn in Pretoria equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Bangkok is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult agouti in Mexico City is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Amundsen Sea equals 2 times the number of adult shiba inu in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Bering Sea. The number of adult sandpiper in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult camel in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Pacific Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult gray whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Arctic Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Labrador Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 times the number of adult agouti in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Moonbeam Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Bering Sea equals the number of adult dragon in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mexico City equals the number of adult okapi in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Weddell Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult rhea in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Red Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult vervet monkey in Nebula Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult coconut crab in Black Sea equals 2 times the number of adult mosquito in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Amundsen Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult porcupine in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult beaked whale in Paris equals 1 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult ocelot in Coral Sea equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult orangutan in Labrador Sea. The number of adult desert tortoise in Glowbreeze Waves is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Pacific Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Berlin equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Bangkok equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Bangkok. The number of adult blue monkey in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult cormorant in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Ottawa equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Atlantic Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult pangolin in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult gelada in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Washington D.C. is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Red Sea equals the number of adult musk ox in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult acantharian in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult archerfish in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Southern Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Mexico City equals 3 plus the number of adult macaw in Mexico City. The number of adult chimpanzee in Buenos Aires is the total number of adult animals in Cairo. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult tiger in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Atlantic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Atlantic Ocean. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Bangkok equals 3 times the number of adult toucan in Bangkok. The number of adult ocelot in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult bison in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult booby in Arabian Sea equals 2 times the number of adult tern in Arabian Sea. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Paris is the total number of adult animals in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult coconut crab in Pretoria equals 4 times the number of adult rock lobster in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Atlantic Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult goblin shark in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Rome equals 1 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult dormouse in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Weddell Sea equals the number of adult frigatebird in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult minke whale in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult california sea lion in Indian Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Indian Ocean. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Beijing is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult golden mole in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Madrid equals the number of adult elephant in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Bering Sea equals the number of adult green anaconda in Bering Sea. The number of adult booby in Mediterranean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult cormorant in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in New Delhi equals 3 plus the number of adult royal penguin in New Delhi. The number of adult king cobra in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Red Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult toucan in Red Sea. The number of adult red panda in Baltic Sea is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult narwhal in Berlin is the total number of newborn animal children in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult desert locust in Cairo equals the number of adult oryx in Cairo. The number of adult black widow spider in Mexico City is the total number of adult animals in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Bering Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the number of adult lobster in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult shrimp in Pretoria is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Bangkok. The number of adult southern right whale in Paris equals the number of adult tomato frog in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Bangkok equals the number of adult ocelot in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Radiance Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult barnacle in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Frostwave Depths equals 4 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult golden retriever in Dreamcurrent Tides is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult sperm whale in Lustrous Ocean is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Weddell Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Rome equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Rome. The number of adult african wild dog in Seoul is the total number of adult animals in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Amundsen Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult moray eel in Brasília equals 3 times the number of adult angelfish in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mexico City equals 1 plus the number of adult sloth in Mexico City. The number of adult rainbow boa in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult ball python in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Radiance Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult king crab in Radiance Sea. The number of adult guppy in Brasília equals the number of adult lionfish in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Amundsen Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Arctic Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult poodle in Seoul equals 1 times the number of adult rock lobster in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Radiance Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Radiance Sea. The number of adult red bishop in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult sun conure in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Mexico City equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Mexico City. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Paris equals the number of adult beluga whale in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Paris equals 1 plus the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Beijing equals 3 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Amundsen Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Berlin is the total number of newborn animal children in Ottawa. The number of adult milk snake in Weddell Sea is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Bering Sea equals the number of adult hippogriff in Bering Sea. The number of adult paradise tanager in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult coconut crab in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult lobster in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Berlin equals 1 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Silverlight Depths equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult caiman in Canberra is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Beaufort Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult coyote in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult camel in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Red Sea equals 1 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Labrador Sea. The number of adult red bishop in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 plus the number of adult tamarin in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult eland in London is the total number of adult animals in Indian Ocean. The number of adult russell's viper in London equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in London. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Ottawa equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ottawa. The number of adult bettas in Brasília equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult southern right whale in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult pipefish in Tokyo equals the number of adult gibbon in Tokyo. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Caribbean Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Ottawa equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Bering Sea. The number of adult dhole in Dreamcurrent Tides is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Red Sea equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Labrador Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Beaufort Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Southern Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult flightless cormorant in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult bandicoot in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Bangkok is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult eland in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Red Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Bangkok. The number of adult copperhead in London equals the number of adult sable antelope in London. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Beijing equals 1 times the number of adult horned lizard in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Beijing is the total number of newborn animal children in Weddell Sea. The number of adult eland in Canberra is the total number of newborn animal children in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Rome equals 1 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Rome. The number of adult tsessebe in Moscow equals 1 plus the number of adult parasaurolophus in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult leopard frog in Pacific Ocean. The number of adult roan antelope in Moscow equals the number of adult deinonychus in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Beaufort Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult african bush elephant in Madrid is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Paris. The number of adult american mastodon in Arctic Ocean is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult langoustine in Sargasso Sea equals 4 times the number of adult grasshopper in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult fiddler crab in Moonbeam Tides is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Bangkok equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult greenland shark in Tasman Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult manta ray in Tasman Sea. The number of adult panther chameleon in Washington D.C. is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult dragon in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Lustrous Ocean equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Frostwave Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Red Sea equals the number of adult arctic fox in Red Sea. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Luminous Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Berlin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Berlin. The number of adult coyote in Cairo equals the number of adult blue racer in Cairo. The number of adult coconut crab in Sargasso Sea equals 3 times the number of adult crab in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mexico City is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult king cobra in Coral Sea equals 1 times the number of adult howler monkey in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult copepod in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult chimpanzee in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult groundhog in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult chihuahua in Seoul equals 3 times the number of adult spider crab in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Ottawa equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Buenos Aires is the total number of adult animals in London. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aurora Tides. The number of adult capuchin in Eclipsed Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult chimpanzee in Canberra equals 2 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Canberra. The number of adult frigatebird in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult radiolaria in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult blackbuck in Moscow equals 3 times the number of adult pteranodon in Moscow. The number of adult copperhead in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult nutria in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Red Sea equals 3 times the number of adult greenland shark in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult gray whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Buenos Aires. The number of adult rainbow boa in Cairo is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Beijing. The number of adult langoustine in Pretoria equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Pacific Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult golden mantella in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Southern Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult kiwi in Southern Ocean. The number of adult california sea lion in Nairobi equals 1 plus the number of adult seal in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in New Delhi equals the number of adult hooded seal in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Beaufort Sea equals 1 times the number of adult stingray in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult orangutan in Coral Sea equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Coral Sea. The number of adult caiman in Bangkok is the total number of newborn animal children in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Silverlight Depths is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Black Sea. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Paris equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Paris. The number of adult addax in Canberra is the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mexico City equals the number of adult caiman in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Buenos Aires equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Buenos Aires. The number of adult gelada in Nebula Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult lemur in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Amundsen Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult addax in Moscow equals 2 plus the number of adult springbok in Moscow. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in London equals 4 times the number of adult blackbuck in London. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult pufferfish in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult agouti in Bangkok is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Canberra. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult toucan in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Radiance Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Radiance Sea. The number of adult arctic wolf in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult crested gecko in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Southern Ocean. The number of adult topi in Moscow equals 1 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Moscow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Arctic Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult gull in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult tintinnid in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in New Delhi equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in New Delhi. The number of adult rock lobster in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Southern Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult coelacanth in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Mexico City equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Mexico City. The number of adult elephant seal in Nairobi equals 3 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Beaufort Sea equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Beaufort Sea. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult dungeness crab in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult wasp in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult collared lemming in Tasman Sea equals 3 times the number of adult caribou in Tasman Sea. The number of adult nyala in Moscow equals 4 times the number of adult diplodocus in Moscow. The number of adult hooded seal in Nairobi equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult inland taipan in Mexico City is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nairobi. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Buenos Aires is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult sloth in Bangkok is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult scorpion in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult oryx in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Red Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Red Sea. The number of adult omura's whale in Paris equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostwave Depths is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Southern Ocean. The number of adult greenland shark in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult narwhal in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Beijing equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult omura's whale in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult tiger prawn in Sargasso Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult siberian husky in Seoul equals 3 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Labrador Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Bangkok equals the number of adult tiger in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult sei whale in Paris equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Paris. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult nemean lion in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Buenos Aires equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Buenos Aires. The number of adult southern mammoth in Madrid equals the number of adult manatee in Madrid. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Buenos Aires equals the number of adult beaked whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Pacific Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult eastern newt in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Red Sea equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult goblin shark in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Barents Sea equals 4 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Barents Sea. The number of adult langoustine in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Aurora Tides. The number of adult wildebeest in Moscow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Brasília. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult gerbil in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult desert locust in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the number of adult scorpion in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mexico City equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Red Sea equals the number of adult polar bear in Red Sea. The number of adult orangutan in Canberra equals the number of adult impala in Canberra. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Ottawa equals the number of adult impala in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Labrador Sea equals 3 times the number of adult gorilla in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Washington D.C. equals 3 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult impala in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Labrador Sea. The number of adult tiger in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult arctic hare in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Buenos Aires equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Berlin equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Berlin. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult coqui frog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Rome equals 2 plus the number of adult dingo in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Radiance Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Radiance Sea. The number of adult kudu in Madrid is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Weddell Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Weddell Sea. The number of adult eyelash viper in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult meerkat in Beijing is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Tokyo. The number of adult sun conure in Starlight Channel equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Beijing equals 4 plus the number of adult addax in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Bangkok equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Bering Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Buenos Aires equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Buenos Aires. The number of adult humpback whale in Buenos Aires is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Weddell Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Radiance Sea. The number of adult gouldian finch in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult spider monkey in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Red Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Berlin equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult archerfish in Brasília equals the number of adult gull in Brasília. The number of adult elephant seal in Indian Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult steppe mammoth in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult arabic cow in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in New Delhi equals the number of adult gray whale in New Delhi. The number of adult chimpanzee in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult toucan in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Weddell Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Weddell Sea. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Bangkok is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in New Delhi equals 3 plus the number of adult sea otter in New Delhi. The number of adult golden retriever in Seoul equals 4 plus the number of adult langoustine in Seoul. The number of adult russell's viper in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult hooded seal in Indian Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult maned jackal in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Beijing equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Beijing. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Berlin is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult tiger prawn in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult bandicoot in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shimmering Shoals is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mexico City is the total number of newborn animal children in Washington D.C.. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Berlin equals 3 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Berlin. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Shimmering Shoals is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Beijing equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult gibbon in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Buenos Aires is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Bangkok equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Bangkok equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Bangkok. The number of adult sun conure in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Buenos Aires equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Buenos Aires. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Bering Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Mexico City equals 3 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Mexico City. The number of adult eland in Madrid is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult barracuda in Brasília equals the number of adult heron in Brasília. The number of adult collared lemming in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult greenland shark in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Bangkok is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult arctic wolf in Tasman Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Red Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult peacock in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Caribbean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult fin whale in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in New Delhi equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Washington D.C. equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Washington D.C.. The number of adult rock lobster in Sargasso Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Caribbean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult sei whale in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Rome equals the number of adult shiba inu in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult nyala in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Southern Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Weddell Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult bushbuck in Moscow equals 2 plus the number of adult gazelle in Moscow. The number of adult rock lobster in Pretoria equals 1 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Radiance Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Radiance Sea. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Coral Sea. The number of adult bobcat in Lustrous Ocean is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Ottawa equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Ottawa. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Labrador Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Berlin equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Berlin. The number of adult chihuahua in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult damselfish in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Southern Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Waters. The number of adult agouti in Canberra is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Labrador Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult green basilisk in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Beijing equals the number of adult desert locust in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Beijing equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Berlin equals 1 plus the number of adult minke whale in Berlin. The number of adult chimera in Moonbeam Tides is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult tiger in Coral Sea equals the number of adult triceratops in Coral Sea. The number of adult eyelash viper in Glowbreeze Waves is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult right whale in Paris equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Paris. The number of adult sandpiper in Arabian Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult pelican in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult coqui frog in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Rome equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Atlantic Ocean equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult coconut crab in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult orangutan in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Pacific Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Aurora Tides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Aurora Tides. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Nebula Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Red Sea. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Dreamcurrent Tides is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 times the number of adult basenji in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Beijing equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Rome equals 4 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Southern Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in New Delhi equals the number of adult bowhead whale in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Twilight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Silverlight Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult corn snake in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult red bishop in Luminous Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 plus the number of adult orangutan in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Bangkok equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Bangkok. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Arctic Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Beijing equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Beijing. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Labrador Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Labrador Sea. The number of adult langoustine in Black Sea equals 3 times the number of adult firefly in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Buenos Aires is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Pretoria. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mexico City equals the number of adult tapir in Mexico City. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Rome equals 1 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Rome. The number of adult frigatebird in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult yak in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in New Delhi equals the number of adult california sea lion in New Delhi. The number of adult greyhound in Seoul equals the number of adult crab in Seoul. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Rome equals the number of adult golden retriever in Rome. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in New Delhi equals 1 times the number of adult vaquita in New Delhi. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Mexico City is the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Labrador Sea equals 4 times the number of adult wood frog in Labrador Sea. The number of adult greyhound in Starlit Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult fox in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult poodle in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult greyhound in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Berlin equals the number of adult beluga whale in Berlin. The number of adult golden retriever in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult african wild dog in Starlit Ocean.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starlight Confluence equals 2 times the number of adult bushbuck in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult komodo dragon in Fogveil Bog is the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Phantom Waters equals 3 times the number of adult dingo in Phantom Waters. The number of adult vervet monkey in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 times the number of adult tamarin in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Dreadmire Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult walrus in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult walrus in Velvetwhisper Stream is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Fogveil Bog equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult baboon in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glowmist Creek equals 2 times the number of adult hooded seal in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Fogveil Bog equals 2 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult bandicoot in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult coypu in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Frostsong River equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Frostsong River. The number of adult blue monkey in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult gibbon in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult wildebeest in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Wraithveil Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Silverwave Tributary equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult indian elephant in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult manatee in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult water buffalo in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Glacierreach equals the number of adult crab in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Crystalfrost Fields equals 1 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult corn snake in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpion in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Icetide Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult corn snake in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult bettas in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult archerfish in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult scorpion in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult guppy in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult aye-aye in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Duskmist Fen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult dugong in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult archerfish in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult howler monkey in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 plus the number of adult mandrill in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glacierreach equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Moonshadow Current equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Ghostlight Mire is the total number of newborn animal children in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult american mastodon in Aurorastream equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Aurorastream. The number of adult beluga whale in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult gibbon in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult sperm whale in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 2 times the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult american alligator in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Dreadmire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult tern in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Darkwater Reach is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult gouldian finch in Snowshadow Rift is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sugar glider in Darkwater Reach is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Aurorastream equals 2 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starlight Confluence equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult blue monkey in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult hamster in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Spectral Basin equals 3 times the number of adult orca in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Phantom Waters. The number of adult manatee in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult okapi in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult great auk in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Whispering Marsh equals 2 times the number of adult fennec fox in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Spectral Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult blue crab in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 times the number of adult emu in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of newborn animal children in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 times the number of adult diplodocus in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult surinam toad in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glintfrost Chasm is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Starfreeze Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Soulshard Bog equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult patas monkey in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult gibbon in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Eclipsed Waters is the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Spectral Basin equals 3 times the number of adult vaquita in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Dreadmire Expanse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Chillveil Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult mosasaurus in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult diplodocus in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult blue whale in Darkwater Reach is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult cone snail in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Everchill Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Ghostbloom Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult southern mammoth in Aurorastream equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult gannet in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Aurora Glacier equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Chillveil Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glacierreach equals the number of adult chaetognath in Glacierreach. The number of adult tiger snake in Frostsong River equals the number of adult pufferfish in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dreamtide River equals 2 times the number of adult gorilla in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ghostbloom Fen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult archerfish in Sparkflow Torrent is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult bobcat in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult cheetah in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult booby in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult razorbill in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Soulshard Bog equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult krill in Twilight Stream is the total number of adult animals in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Spectral Basin is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shadowfen Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Shadowfen Hollow. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Phantom Waters is 3 times the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 plus the number of adult zebra in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult coypu in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 times the number of adult cerberus in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult eyelash viper in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult rock wallaby in Duskmist Fen is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Icetide Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult hognose snake in Ethereal Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult bonobo in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 plus the number of adult walking stick in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalbrook Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult albatross in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult walrus in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult moray eel in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult blue tang in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult mosasaurus in Cursed Reedlands is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Chillveil Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult skimmer in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Spectral Basin equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Twilight Stream equals 3 times the number of adult langoustine in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Ghostbloom Fen equals 3 plus the number of adult baboon in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Eclipsed Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ethereal Marsh equals 4 times the number of adult bush viper in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult coelacanth in Ghostbloom Fen is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The number of adult peacock in Ghostlight Mire is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult capybara in Hollowshade Basin equals 1 times the number of adult arabic cow in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult basilisk in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult blue tang in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Dreamtide River. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult green anaconda in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Ghostbloom Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult stick insect in Ebonshade Swamp is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult frigatebird in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 times the number of adult blue tang in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glowmist Creek equals 3 times the number of adult ostrich in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult pangolin in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Crystalfrost Fields is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult compsognathus in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shadowfen Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult stick insect in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult pufferfish in Ghostbloom Fen is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult razorbill in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult tapir in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Dreadmire Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult giant salamander in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Glacierreach equals 1 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult tiger in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult rock lobster in Twilight Stream. The number of adult rock lobster in Everchill Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Soulshard Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult golden mole in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult african penguin in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult bowhead whale in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult king eider in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glacierreach equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult pegasus in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult aardvark in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult black widow spider in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult stingray in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult sugar glider in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Darkwater Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Fogveil Bog is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult greenland shark in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult cassowary in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult sandpiper in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Twilight Stream equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Phantom Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Phantom Waters. The number of adult russell's viper in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 times the number of adult zooplankton in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Twilight Stream. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalbrook Stream is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult leafhopper in Ebonshade Swamp is the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Wraithveil Swamp equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult egret in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ghostbloom Fen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult colobus monkey in Ghostbloom Fen is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Spectral Basin equals 1 times the number of adult coconut crab in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Frostsong River is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult numbat in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult tiger snake in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 times the number of adult black widow spider in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult beluga whale in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Darkwater Reach is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult wildebeest in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult inland taipan in Frostsong River is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Wraithveil Swamp equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult deinonychus in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult zebra in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Icetide Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Moonshadow Current equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult hydra in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult slow loris in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult gorilla in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shadowfen Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult king eider in Moonshadow Current is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult leviathan in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult sea lion in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult gull in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the number of adult fenrir in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult razorbill in Dreadmire Expanse is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult blue monkey in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 plus the number of adult silkworm in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult cicada in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult desert locust in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult gila monster in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult compsognathus in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult parasaurolophus in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult forest mammoth in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult acantharian in Luminara River equals 3 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Moonshadow Current equals 3 plus the number of adult capybara in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult rotifer in Luminara River equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult komodo dragon in Hauntshade Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glacierreach equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Glacierreach. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Chillveil Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the number of adult elephant seal in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult dovekie in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Starlight Confluence equals 1 times the number of adult ladybug in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Starshadow Estuary is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult hooded seal in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Ghostbloom Fen equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult marlin in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of adult animals in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Darkwater Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult sei whale in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult lion in Frostlight Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult puma in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult black mamba in Lustrous Rapids is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 plus the number of adult box jellyfish in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult chimera in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult arctic wolf in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult polar bear in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult kangaroo in Darkwater Reach is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Wraithveil Swamp is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Dreadmire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult caiman in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Silverwave Tributary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult golden retriever in Phantom Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult basilisk in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult thaliacean in Luminara River equals 1 times the number of adult cassowary in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Iceloom Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Duskmist Fen equals 4 times the number of adult tomato frog in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult serval in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals 3 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult gelada in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult praying mantis in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult forest mammoth in Aurorastream equals 4 times the number of adult african penguin in Aurorastream. The number of adult vervet monkey in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 plus the number of adult dragonfly in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Silverwave Tributary equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult boomslang in Ethereal Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult beluga whale in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 times the number of adult fishing cat in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult mosquito in Starlight Confluence is the total number of adult animals in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Darkwater Reach is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Icetide Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Duskmist Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult capybara in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult southern mammoth in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult marine iguana in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult golden cat in Frostlight Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult snow leopard in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult roadrunner in Whispering Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult basilisk in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult pufferfish in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Phantom Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Dreamtide River. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Aurorastream equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of adult animals in Frostsong River. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glacierreach. The number of adult cougar in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult tapir in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult macaque in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult coyote in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult wildebeest in Wintersong Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult stegodon in Aurorastream equals 3 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult kraken in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult triceratops in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult amphipod in Silverfreeze Plateau is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult arctic fox in Hauntshade Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult golden cat in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult horned lizard in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 times the number of adult mandrill in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult chimera in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Soulshard Bog equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 times the number of adult ocelot in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult red panda in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Phantom Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult akita in Phantom Waters. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 plus the number of adult desert locust in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult larvacean in Luminara River equals the number of adult great auk in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult copperhead in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Dreadmire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult mandrill in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult bowhead whale in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 times the number of adult marine iguana in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glacierreach equals 4 times the number of adult noctiluca in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult minotaur in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult sun conure in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult red-eared slider in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult patas monkey in Ebonshade Swamp is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult california sea lion in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult sperm whale in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult kudu in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of adult animals in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult gecko in Lustrous Rapids is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult hooded seal in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Soulshard Bog equals 4 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Wraithveil Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Twilight Stream equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Twilight Stream. The number of adult vaquita in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult tamarin in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult gull in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Ghostlight Mire equals 1 times the number of adult basilisk in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Chillveil Heights equals 2 times the number of adult hippogriff in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult diplodocus in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult noctiluca in Luminara River is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult elephant seal in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult night monkey in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult dung beetle in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult royal penguin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult fennec fox in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult orca in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 1. The number of adult angelfish in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of adult animals in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Darkwater Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult zooplankton in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult cladoceran in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult collared lemming in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Soulshard Bog is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult rainbow boa in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult ball python in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult electric eel in Shimmering Mire is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Duskmist Fen equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostlight Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult wildebeest in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Starlight Confluence equals 2 times the number of adult gerenuk in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult weka in Glowmist Creek is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Duskmist Fen is the total number of adult animals in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult dragon in Wintersong Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Radiance Channel. The number of adult bobcat in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 plus the number of adult cougar in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult capybara in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult chimera in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult griffin in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult gray whale in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult orangutan in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult sandpiper in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 plus the number of adult angelfish in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Spectral Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Dreamtide River. The number of adult stegodon in Whisperflow Rapids equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult komodo dragon in Frostsong River equals the number of adult black widow spider in Frostsong River.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult heron in Astral Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Lhotse equals the number of adult wildebeest in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult bilby in Radiant Crest. The number of adult pufferfish in Everest is the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult marbled salamander in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Celestica Spire. The number of adult bandicoot in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult mayfly in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Starlight Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult tarsier in Radiance Sea is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 plus the number of adult baboon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dhaulagiri is the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult grasshopper in Luminous Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult hornet in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult quetzal in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Lhotse equals the number of adult green anaconda in Lhotse. The number of adult acantharian in Denali equals the number of adult yellow tang in Denali. The number of adult chimpanzee in Elbrus equals 4 times the number of adult quetzal in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Lhotse equals 2 plus the number of adult gaur in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult tamarin in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult cougar in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glowbreeze Waves is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult barracuda in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult chaetognath in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals 4 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult king cobra in Elbrus equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Elbrus. The number of adult eagle in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Lhotse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult mosquito in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult hornet in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Astral Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult gila monster in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium, and the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult surinam toad in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult monitor lizard in Twilight Aerie is the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Astral Ridge. The number of adult moas in Mount Erebus is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult capybara in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult langoustine in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Twilight Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult katydid in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult arctic wolf in Manaslu equals the number of adult squirrel in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Moonbeam Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Lustrous Ocean equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Aurora Crags equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Nebula Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult crested gecko in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Astral Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult weka in Aurora Crags is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lhotse. The number of adult vole in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult minotaur in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult tsessebe in Aconcagua equals 2 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult axolotl in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Silverlight Depths equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult gouldian finch in Everest equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult raccoon in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult crab in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult chinchilla in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult basilisk in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starlit Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult clownfish in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult chaetognath in Twilight Waters. The number of adult sandpiper in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult collared lemming in Mount Rainier. The number of adult noctiluca in Denali equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Denali. The number of adult golden retriever in Makalu equals the number of adult jackal in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Nebula Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Nebula Crest is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the number of adult coelacanth in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Matterhorn equals the number of adult axolotl in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult mosquito in Luminous Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult slow loris in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Nebula Crest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Erebus. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cho Oyu equals 1 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Vinson Massif. The number of adult lobster in Nebula Crest is 4 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Matterhorn equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Lhotse. The number of adult radiolaria in Twilight Waters is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult bettas in Astral Ridge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The number of adult kiwi in Aurora Crags is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Astral Ridge. The number of adult marbled salamander in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult leviathan in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the number of adult dodo in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult gorilla in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult albatross in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult sable antelope in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Everest. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Nebula Crest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult forest mammoth in Annapurna equals 2 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Annapurna. The number of adult frigatebird in Mount Rainier equals 1 times the number of adult albatross in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult right whale in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Dawnlit Peaks is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Nebula Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Twilight Aerie is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult tiger prawn in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult krill in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult mandrill in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult noctiluca in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult puffin in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Vinson Massif equals 3 times the number of adult coypu in Vinson Massif. The number of adult langoustine in Kilimanjaro equals 4 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult siberian husky in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult butterfly in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult firefly in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Lhotse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Lhotse. The number of adult agouti in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult lemming in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult marsupial mole in Glacierlight Range equals 2 plus the number of adult snow crab in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult salp in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Astral Ridge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Kangchenjunga equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult boomslang in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Gleamstone Heights is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the number of adult bettas in Starlight Channel. The number of adult red bishop in Everest equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Everest. The number of adult blackbuck in K2 equals the number of adult oryx in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult scarlet macaw in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Radiant Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult thaliacean in Denali equals the number of adult cladoceran in Denali. The number of adult shrimp in Kilimanjaro is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult potoroo in Glacierlight Range is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Matterhorn equals 1 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult koala in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult coconut crab in Kilimanjaro equals 2 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult macaw in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult spider crab in Dawnlit Peaks is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Mont Blanc equals 1 plus the number of adult axolotl in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult crab in Nebula Crest is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Twilight Aerie is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Starlight Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult rock wallaby in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult wombat in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult surinam toad in Matterhorn is the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult orangutan in Elbrus equals the number of adult agouti in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Mont Blanc equals 1 times the number of adult coqui frog in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult walking stick in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Radiant Crest is 4 plus the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the number of adult chaetognath in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo and the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult paca in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult guinea pig in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult macaque in Mont Blanc is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult butterfly in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult heron in Lustrous Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult aardvark in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the number of adult king penguin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult gannet in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult egret in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult tiger snake in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult pteranodon in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult humpback whale in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult poodle in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 times the number of adult caiman in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult fiddler crab in Gleamstone Heights is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult moas in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult thaliacean in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult coqui frog in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult bettong in Celestica Spire. The number of adult acantharian in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult albatross in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult crested gecko in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult wasp in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult ladybug in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult coqui frog in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Skyward Pinnacle is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult mandrill in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult gila monster in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult marbled salamander in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Annapurna is the total number of adult animals in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult euphausiid in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult toucan in Starlight Summit. The number of adult king penguin in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the number of adult thorny devil in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 plus the number of adult copepod in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult copepod in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult gazelle in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Astral Ridge. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Luminous Abyss is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult tern in Crystalwave Horizon is the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult grasshopper in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult cicada in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult dormouse in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult nutria in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Twilight Aerie equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Lhotse equals the number of adult black mamba in Lhotse. The number of adult wood frog in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Celestica Spire. The number of adult tiger snake in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the number of adult gerenuk in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nebula Crest is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult tiger in Elbrus equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Elbrus. The number of adult koala in Radiant Crest is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Matterhorn equals 2 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Matterhorn. The number of adult larvacean in Denali equals the number of adult marlin in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult gelada in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Glowbreeze Waves is 3 times the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Tides equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Aurora Tides. The number of adult blackbuck in Aconcagua equals the number of adult hartebeest in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Nimbus Heights is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult blackbuck in Nanga Parbat is the total number of adult animals in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult thaliacean in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult sea wasp in Nanga Parbat is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult eyelash viper in Lhotse is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Kangchenjunga equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiance Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult bettong in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult cormorant in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult thaliacean in Nebula Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult wood frog in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult waterbuck in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult rotifer in Nebula Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult rotifer in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Nanga Parbat equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Radiance Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Radiance Sea. The number of adult coqui frog in Sunspark Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult ball python in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult collared lemming in Manaslu equals the number of adult chipmunk in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Annapurna equals the number of adult american mastodon in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the number of adult firefly in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult gopher in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult dragon in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult greyhound in Makalu equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Opalescent Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult hornet in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Starlight Summit. The number of adult chihuahua in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Starlight Summit is the total number of adult animals in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult cladoceran in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Silverlight Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Glimmering Gulf is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Twilight Waters. The number of adult tern in Mount Rainier is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The number of adult marbled salamander in Sunspark Summit equals 1 times the number of adult copperhead in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Twilight Aerie is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiance Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Lhotse is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult archerfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult baboon in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Vinson Massif. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult capybara in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult wood frog in Sunspark Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult mosquito in Opalescent Horizon is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Aurora Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Aurora Tides. The number of adult poodle in Makalu equals the number of adult greyhound in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult noctiluca in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult siberian husky in Makalu equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult marlin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult blue whale in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult squirrel in Silvermist Highlands is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult mayfly in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult pufferfish in Astral Ridge is the total number of adult animals in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the number of adult griffin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult bearded dragon in Nebula Crest is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the number of adult quetzal in Vinson Massif. The number of adult orangutan in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult golden mole in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starlit Ocean equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult macaque in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult howler monkey in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult bandicoot in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Radiant Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Vinson Massif equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult margay in Gleamstone Heights is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult chihuahua in Makalu equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Makalu. The number of adult tintinnid in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glacierlight Range equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Vinson Massif. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cho Oyu equals 4 plus the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult penguin in Aurora Crags. The number of adult rotifer in Denali equals 4 times the number of adult blue tang in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult gerbil in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult walking stick in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult walking stick in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult lion in Gleamstone Heights is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult golden retriever in Silverlight Depths is 1 plus the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Aurora Crags equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Aurora Crags. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Annapurna equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Aurora Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult stonefish in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult emu in Aurora Crags. The number of adult southern mammoth in Annapurna equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dhaulagiri is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The number of adult copepod in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Twilight Aerie equals 4 times the number of adult amphipod in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Matterhorn equals 1 times the number of adult iguana in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Moonbeam Tides equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult tiger prawn in Gleamstone Heights is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Matterhorn equals the number of adult leopard frog in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult giant salamander in Matterhorn. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult gerbil in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult rotifer in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult pelican in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult booby in Mount Rainier equals 4 times the number of adult shearwater in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Nebula Crest.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium as W; so W = x = x. We know W = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult copperhead in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult boomslang in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Valles Marineris equals 1 plus the number of adult electric eel in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult black mamba in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Stormspire Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult russell's viper in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult moray eel in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Tempest Vale is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Starshimmer Waters is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Velvet Mirror equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult triceratops in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Thunderveil Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Ethereal Pool equals 1 times the number of adult agouti in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gale Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Gale Crater equals 4 times the number of adult cane toad in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult leopard seal in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Azure Abyss is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Medusae Fossae is the total number of adult animals in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult coyote in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult desert locust in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Syrtis Major equals 2 times the number of adult gecko in Syrtis Major. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult eland in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Syrtis Major is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The number of adult sandpiper in Lightning Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult dovekie in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult kinkajou in Galecrash Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Argyre Planitia equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult milk snake in Lustrous Depths is the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Nimbus Ravine is the total number of adult animals in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult paradise tanager in Stormchaser Plains is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult basenji in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult duiker in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult groundhog in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult coyote in Twilight Stormfield equals 3 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Thunderveil Hollow is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Electrovalley equals the number of adult beaked whale in Electrovalley. The number of adult desert locust in Blitzcrag Summit equals 3 times the number of adult antlion in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Gale Crater equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult mosasaurus in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult glass frog in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult wasp in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult dragonfly in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Syrtis Major equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Azure Abyss equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Azure Abyss. The number of adult collared lemming in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult ross's gull in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Whisperlake equals the number of adult polar bear in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult panther chameleon in Amazonis Planitia is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Thunderveil Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Valles Marineris equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult chihuahua in Cydonia Mensae equals 1 times the number of adult golden retriever in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Tempest Vale equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Tempest Vale. The number of adult golden mole in Aeolis Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Stormchaser Plains is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult radiolaria in Medusae Fossae is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult desert locust in Silverwave Lake equals 4 times the number of adult chipmunk in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Cloudburst Basin is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Electrovalley is the total number of newborn animal children in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Thunderclap Ridge is 3 times the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult gila monster in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult salp in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult walking stick in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult mosquito in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Promethei Planum. The number of adult coyote in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult fennec fox in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Velvet Mirror equals 1 plus the number of adult langoustine in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Electrovalley is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult butterfly in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult capuchin in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Ethereal Pool equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystalmirror Waters is 4 plus the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Whisperlake is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Opalescent Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Lightningspire Plateau is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult takahe in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Hellas Basin. The number of adult northern cardinal in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Galecrash Chasm equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Frostlight Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Stormspire Heights is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult marbled salamander in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult surinam toad in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult sandpiper in Thundershade Pass equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult siberian husky in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult tsessebe in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Stormchaser Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Lightningspire Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult collared lemming in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult gelada in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult giraffe in Tempest Vale is 2 times the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Opalescent Basin is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Nimbus Ravine equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Medusae Fossae equals 4 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Thunderveil Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult kingfisher in Stormspire Heights is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult orangutan in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult patas monkey in Argyre Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Lightningspire Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult ocelot in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 times the number of adult golden mantella in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult fox in Auroral Tempestfield is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gale Crater. The number of adult coconut crab in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult giant salamander in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Whisperlake equals 2 times the number of adult wasp in Whisperlake. The number of adult silkworm in Blitzcrag Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult mosquito in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Thunderclap Ridge is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Stormchaser Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult mayfly in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult silkworm in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Utopia Planitia is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Valles Marineris. The number of adult eagle in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Tempest Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Isidis Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Isidis Planitia is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult painted bunting in Elysium Mons equals 3 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Elysium Mons. The number of adult coqui frog in Olympus Mons equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Stormspire Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult tern in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult ocelot in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult peacock in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult copepod in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Thunderveil Hollow is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult tinamous in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult tiger salamander in Thundershade Pass is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult compsognathus in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult macaw in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Stormchaser Plains is the total number of adult animals in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Opalescent Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Stormchaser Plains equals 3 times the number of adult tiger in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult pipefish in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult blue whale in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult grasshopper in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult walking stick in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult red panda in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Opalescent Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult goliath beetle in Twilight Stormfield is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult wood frog in Olympus Mons is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult bush baby in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Cloudburst Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult parrot in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult tiger prawn in Charmed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Nimbus Ravine equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult fox in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult mosasaurus in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult firefly in Promethei Planum is the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult langoustine in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult leopard frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult unicorn in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Opalescent Basin is the total number of adult animals in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult bettas in Aurora Pool. The number of adult grasshopper in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult cane toad in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Valles Marineris equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult fishing cat in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult glass frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Elysium Mons equals 2 plus the number of adult peacock in Elysium Mons. The number of adult poodle in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult gouldian finch in Stormchaser Plains is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult nyala in Syrtis Major is the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult poodle in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 plus the number of adult coyote in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult allosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult compsognathus in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult marine iguana in Ecliptic Stormspire is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult hermit crab in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult coqui frog in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult arctic fox in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult red bishop in Elysium Mons equals 4 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult greyhound in Cydonia Mensae equals 4 plus the number of adult akita in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Olympus Mons equals 1 times the number of adult bullfrog in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult hippogriff in Azure Abyss. The number of adult elk in Hellas Basin is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult mosquito in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the number of adult macaque in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Opalescent Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult king eider in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Aurora Pool equals 4 plus the number of adult monitor lizard in Aurora Pool. The number of adult silkworm in Whisperlake is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Cyclone Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult golden retriever in Cydonia Mensae equals 3 times the number of adult sable antelope in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the number of adult parrot in South Zoo, the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult patas monkey in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult oryx in Blitzcrag Summit is the total number of adult animals in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Stormshade Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult macaroni penguin in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Utopia Planitia equals 2 times the number of adult dung beetle in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Utopia Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Elysium Mons. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult sei whale in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Whisperlake equals the number of adult hornet in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Isidis Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult margay in Stormchaser Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult zebra in Gale Crater is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Aurora Pool. The number of adult gouldian finch in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult quetzal in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Stormspire Heights equals 4 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Aurora Pool equals 4 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Aurora Pool is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Syrtis Major equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult macaque in Hellas Basin is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult gelada in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult nemean lion in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult hydra in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 times the number of adult crested gecko in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Thunderveil Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Silverwave Lake is the number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult hornet in Tharsis Bulge is the total number of adult animals in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult wasp in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Valles Marineris equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult oryx in Syrtis Major. The number of adult sun conure in Elysium Mons equals 3 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Valles Marineris equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult desert locust in Twilight Stormfield equals 1 times the number of adult walking stick in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Stormspire Heights equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Elysium Mons is 1 plus the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Nimbus Ravine is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tempest Vale. The number of adult mayfly in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Gleaming Ripple. the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult barracuda in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult chihuahua in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 times the number of adult african wild dog in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Gale Crater equals the number of adult wildebeest in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Tempest Vale equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult african wild dog in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Aurora Pool. The number of adult desert locust in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult addax in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 times the number of adult chihuahua in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult blue racer in Starshimmer Waters is the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult rhea in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult potoroo in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult wildebeest in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult guppy in Valles Marineris. The number of adult butterfly in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult wood frog in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult thylacine in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult indian elephant in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult chihuahua in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 times the number of adult dhole in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Gale Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult marbled salamander in Olympus Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult hellbender in Olympus Mons. The number of adult golden mole in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult baboon in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult booby in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult heron in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Stormchaser Plains is the total number of adult animals in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult cormorant in Stormspire Heights is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Stormchaser Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 1 plus the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult glass frog in Aeolis Mons is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult baboon in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult marine iguana in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Stormspire Heights is the total number of adult animals in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult green iguana in Ecliptic Stormspire is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult coyote in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Electrovalley equals 3 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Electrovalley. The number of adult panther chameleon in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult musk ox in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bats in Galecrash Chasm is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult beluga whale in Shatterstorm Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult mandrill in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Chryse Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult jerboa in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult katydid in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Tharsis Bulge is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Argyre Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult rock lobster in Charmed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult reticulated python in Frostlight Waters is the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Nimbus Ravine is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Utopia Planitia is the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult greenland shark in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Azure Abyss is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult nemean lion in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult minke whale in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Hellas Basin equals 1 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Azure Abyss. The number of adult gila monster in Chryse Planitia is 4 times the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 times the number of adult margay in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult russell's viper in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult beluga whale in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult king penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult hellbender in Cyclone Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult bowhead whale in Auroral Tempestfield is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. The number of adult poodle in Cydonia Mensae equals 2 times the number of adult dingo in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Ecliptic Stormspire is the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult paradise tanager in Elysium Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Elysium Mons. The number of adult golden mole in Twilight Stormfield equals 2 plus the number of adult butterfly in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult arctic wolf in Hailstone Mesa equals 1 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Hailstone Mesa.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo as I; so I = x = x. We know I = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Glowthorn Thickets equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult rainbow boa in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Aurora Pool. The number of adult ross's gull in Velvet Mirror is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Azure Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult polar bear in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult blue monkey in Gleaming Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult puma in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Ethereal Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult tiger snake in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starshine Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Starshine Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult minotaur in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult sloth in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Glimmering Crevasse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Nebulight Wilds is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Radiant Hollow is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Silverleaf Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonlit Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebulight Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest and the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult killer whale (orca) in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult blue hawk in Luminary Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult black panther in Dreambark Sanctuary is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult marbled salamander in Eclipsed Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glowstone Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Eclipsed Crevasse is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Azure Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Radiant Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest, the number of adult crow in Maple Creek, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult elephant bird in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult guppy in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Radiant Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult fenrir in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult howler monkey in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Glimmering Crevasse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glimmering Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult bilby in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult tarsier in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiant Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult harpy cow in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Silverleaf Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Opalescent Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult frigatebird in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult gull in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Moonlit Grotto equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult siberian husky in Crystalmirror Waters equals 4 times the number of adult sable antelope in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult boxfish in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Moonshadow Canopy is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult spider crab in Glimmerveil Woods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult nyala in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult oryx in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult musk ox in Azure Abyss. The number of adult manatee in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the number of adult macaque in Radiant Glade. The number of adult blue monkey in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult capuchin in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult fenrir in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Ethereal Vault equals 3 times the number of adult hognose snake in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Glimmering Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult leopard gecko in Glowthorn Thickets is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Starshine Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult mouse in Charmed Shoals is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Radiant Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult archerfish in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamveil Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult nemean lion in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult boxfish in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult fennec fox in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Nebulight Wilds is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult shrimp in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Silverleaf Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult manticore in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult orangutan in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult caribou in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult damselfish in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult razorbill in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult ocelot in Luminous Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult desert locust in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult golden cat in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult hawkfish in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult coconut crab in Twilight Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult krill in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult compsognathus in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dusksong Forest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult glass frog in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Moonlit Grotto equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult greyhound in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult paca in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult mole in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult chimpanzee in Luminous Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult sloth in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult dovekie in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult aardvark in Shimmerwood Refuge is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Glimmering Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Aurora Depths. The number of adult king cobra in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult harp seal in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult cane toad in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Crystalpine Wilds is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult golden mole in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult tarsier in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult tsessebe in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult gazelle in Evershade Grove. The number of adult moray eel in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult patas monkey in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult orangutan in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult harpy cow in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Prismatic Vault is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Ethereal Vault equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult leopard in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Shimmerstone Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Luminous Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult scorpion in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger prawn in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dusksong Forest equals 4 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult damselfish in Everglow Glade is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult gopher in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult eland in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Radiant Glade. The number of adult patas monkey in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult tarsier in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult tree kangaroo in Lustrous Depths is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult tiger in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult coyote in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult coyote in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult desert locust in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Lumina Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult red panda in Shimmerwood Refuge is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The number of adult gull in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult reticulated python in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult ostrich in Lumina Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult parrotfish in Frostshadow Woods is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult clownfish in Frostshadow Woods is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult leopard frog in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult leopard frog in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult orangutan in Luminous Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult agouti in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult cormorant in Lustrous Timberland is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult mosasaurus in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult allosaurus in Aurora Depths. The number of adult marbled salamander in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult eastern newt in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult archerfish in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult gopher in Charmed Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult red bishop in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult minotaur in Moonshadow Canopy is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult slow loris in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult bushbuck in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult snow crab in Evershade Grove. The number of adult king cobra in Luminous Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult gila monster in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult wood frog in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult hellbender in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult sable antelope in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult waterbuck in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Prismatic Vault equals 4 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult russell's viper in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult griffin in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult booby in Glowglass Pond equals 3 plus the number of adult tern in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Prismatic Vault is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The number of adult chimpanzee in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult lobster in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult caribou in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Starshine Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult green anaconda in Ethereal Vault is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Silverleaf Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult inland taipan in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Lustrous Depths equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Lustrous Timberland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Glimmering Crevasse is the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult clownfish in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult red bishop in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Azure Abyss equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult stonefish in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult roan antelope in Evershade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult king crab in Evershade Grove. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starshine Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult selkie in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult arabic cow in Radiant Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glowthorn Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult blue racer in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamveil Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult jackal in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 times the number of adult bushbuck in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult inland taipan in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult corn snake in Ethereal Pool is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult butterfly in Velvet Mirror equals 2 plus the number of adult king eider in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult allosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult tiger in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult milk snake in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult poodle in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult chimpanzee in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 plus the number of adult tapir in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult vaquita in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 times the number of adult green iguana in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult topi in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult springbok in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult fennec mule in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starshine Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipsed Crevasse is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glowthorn Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult akita in Eclipsed Thickets is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult surgeonfish in Dusksong Forest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Lumina Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult chihuahua in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult springbok in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult collared lemming in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the number of adult unicorn in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult arctic tern in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult pelican in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult cerberus in Silverwave Lake equals 1 times the number of adult sea urchin in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult goblin shark in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Whisperlake equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Eclipsed Crevasse is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult red bishop in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult pelican in Lustrous Timberland is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The number of adult kudu in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult patas monkey in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Moonlit Grotto is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Moonlit Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult boomslang in Ethereal Pool is 4 times the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult eyelash viper in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult manta ray in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult king crab in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult stingray in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult blue tang in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult archerfish in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult bonobo in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult elephant seal in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult gazelle in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult pangolin in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lumina Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult blue whale in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult bush baby in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult velociraptor in Velvetglow Tunnels is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult lobster in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult chimpanzee in Gleaming Hollows is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult golden retriever in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult shiba inu in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult ghost crab in Evershade Grove is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult lionfish in Shimmerwood Refuge is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Glowthorn Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult king cobra in Glimmering Crevasse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult sandpiper in Glowglass Pond equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glimmering Crevasse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult blackbuck in Evershade Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult blue crab in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult bobcat in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult puma in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult tomato frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult goblin shark in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Dusksong Forest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult skimmer in Glowglass Pond equals 2 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult pteropod in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonlit Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Opalescent Basin equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Nebulight Wilds. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The number of adult wood frog in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult cayote in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult capybara in Radiant Glade equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the number of adult tiger snake in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Azure Abyss equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Azure Abyss. The number of adult eagle in Maple Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Depths equals 1 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Depths. The number of adult gaur in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Radiant Glade. The number of adult copperhead in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult tiger prawn in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult kittiwake in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Eclipsed Crevasse is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Silverlight Caves equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult shiba inu in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Frostlight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Silverleaf Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Starshine Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult roc in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glowstone Pass equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult angelfish in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Ethereal Vault is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult leopard gecko in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The number of adult coqui frog in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult vole in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the number of adult stingray in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult chimera in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult agouti in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult paca in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult coqui frog in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Shimmerwood Refuge is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamveil Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult kiwi in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Moonlit Grotto equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult mosquito in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult sea urchin in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Prismatic Vault is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glimmering Crevasse is 3 times the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult kiwi in Lumina Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Moonshadow Canopy is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Silverleaf Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult chimera in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult corythosaurus in Aurora Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Aurora Depths. The number of adult dormouse in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult beaver in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult desert locust in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult coypu in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult bearded dragon in Glowthorn Thickets is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult kingfisher in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult oryx in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Crystalshine Cavern equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpion in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Ethereal Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult african wild dog in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult barnacle in Glimmerveil Woods is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Ethereal Vault is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Glimmering Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Ethereal Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostbloom Caverns.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest as k; so k = x = x. We know k = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult siberian husky in Crimson Summit. The number of adult bandicoot in Musée d'Orsay equals 1 times the number of adult aye-aye in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult golden mantella in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Veilshade Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Crimson Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Aurora Rift. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult gila monster in Lavaflow Basin is the total number of adult animals in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult hippogriff in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult wildebeest in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Gloamhaven. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Guggenheim Museum is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Rift. The number of adult komodo dragon in Cinder Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult bison in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Shadowfern Reach. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Fiery Maw is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Tate Modern equals 2 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Tate Modern. The number of adult zooplankton in Twilight Fold equals 1 times the number of adult kitsune in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult kitsune in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult poodle in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowbark Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult bush baby in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult compsognathus in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 times the number of adult glass frog in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult king eider in Rijksmuseum equals 4 times the number of adult krill in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Fiery Maw equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Blazestone Rift is the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult kraken in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult southern mammoth in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult bobcat in Lavaflow Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Rift equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Aurora Rift. The number of adult blue hawk in Lustervale is 3 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Crystalpine Glen equals 1 times the number of adult parasaurolophus in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult cassowary in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult kitsune in British Museum equals 1 times the number of adult tsessebe in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult macaque in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult impala in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Magma Plateau is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult koala in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult bison in Louvre Museum is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Fiery Maw equals 4 times the number of adult california sea lion in Fiery Maw. The number of adult booby in Burnshade Abyss is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Thermal Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult frilled lizard in Prado Museum equals 3 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starlight Dells equals 1 times the number of adult coyote in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult lionfish in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult basenji in Starlight Dells is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Smithsonian Institution is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult penguin in Hellspire Pass is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Smithsonian Institution is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Louvre Museum. The number of adult dormouse in Infernal Reach equals 3 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Aurora Rift equals 3 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Aurora Rift. The number of adult thorny devil in Flareheart Peak is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult caribou in Magma Plateau. The number of adult manatee in Gloamhaven is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Aurora Rift equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Aurora Rift. The number of adult manatee in Hellspire Pass equals 1 times the number of adult gull in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult coyote in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult jerboa in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult ivory gull in Magma Plateau. The number of adult nemean lion in Ashen Crag equals 3 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Ashen Crag. The number of adult thaliacean in Twilight Fold equals 2 plus the number of adult minotaur in Twilight Fold. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Uffizi Gallery equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult agouti in Infernal Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult bettas in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult springbok in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult sea slug in Hermitage Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult bush viper in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Aurora Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult arctic tern in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult beluga whale in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult blue monkey in Whisperwood Vale equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Vatican Museums is the total number of newborn animal children in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult gull in Burnshade Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Ember Crown. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult milk snake in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult grasshopper in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult praying mantis in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult orangutan in Ember Crown is the total number of adult animals in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult kinkajou in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult arctic tern in Magma Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult capybara in Hellspire Pass is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult southern right whale in Eclipsed Glade equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Pergamon Museum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult leopard frog in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult king crab in Rijksmuseum is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult arctic hare in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult quetzal in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult rotifer in Shimmer Valley equals 4 times the number of adult bush viper in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is the total number of adult animals in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult hognose snake in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult manatee in Fiery Maw. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Blisterrock Volcano equals 4 times the number of adult gray whale in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Smoldering Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult dwarf elephant in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Thermal Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult gelada in Scorchspire equals the number of adult macaque in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Hermitage Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Evershade Rift. The number of adult moray eel in Thermal Caverns is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 1. The number of adult gannet in Hellspire Pass is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Blazestone Rift equals 1 times the number of adult nemean lion in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Musée d'Orsay equals 2 times the number of adult stingray in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult bandicoot in Molten Veil equals the number of adult praying mantis in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glowbark Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult mandrill in Smoldering Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult cerberus in British Museum equals the number of adult hippogriff in British Museum. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult bilby in Louvre Museum. The number of adult bowhead whale in Rijksmuseum equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult cerberus in Ashen Crag equals 4 times the number of adult selkie in Ashen Crag. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult vervet monkey in Scorchspire equals 2 times the number of adult snow leopard in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Aurora Rift. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lustervale equals the number of adult peacock in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult green anaconda in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult vervet monkey in Whisperwood Vale is the number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult ocelot in Smoldering Hollow. The number of adult red-eared slider in Prado Museum equals the number of adult black mamba in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Thermal Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult desert locust in Flareheart Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Dusksong Glen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult acantharian in Twilight Fold equals 1 times the number of adult nemean lion in Twilight Fold. The number of adult rat in Infernal Reach is the total number of adult animals in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Moonlit Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult sea slug in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Pergamon Museum is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult kudu in Hellspire Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult moose in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lavaflow Basin equals 1 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult chinchilla in Coalflare Gorge is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult southern right whale in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult wildebeest in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult tern in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult tiger in Ashmolean Museum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crimson Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Crimson Summit. The number of adult gila monster in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult golden cat in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult ball python in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the number of adult gazelle in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult agouti in Coalflare Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult agouti in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult sei whale in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult walrus in Magma Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult orca in Fiery Maw is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Pergamon Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult dormouse in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Guggenheim Museum equals 2 times the number of adult ladybug in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult elephant bird in Thermal Caverns is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult roc in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Ashen Crag. The number of adult nemean lion in British Museum equals the number of adult sable antelope in British Museum. The number of adult potoroo in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult wombat in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Fiery Maw equals 2 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Smithsonian Institution is the total number of adult animals in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Metropolitan Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Magma Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult leopard frog in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starlight Dells equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Vatican Museums equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Tate Modern equals 2 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult gouldian finch in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult toucan in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult forest mammoth in Metropolitan Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Magma Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Magma Plateau. The number of adult dwarf african frog in J. Paul Getty Museum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Blazestone Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult coypu in Musée d'Orsay equals 4 plus the number of adult nightjar in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Smithsonian Institution equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult zebra in Hellspire Pass is the total number of adult animals in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Magma Plateau is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Blisterrock Volcano. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult green anaconda in Ashmolean Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult pteranodon in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals 2 times the number of adult milk snake in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult gray whale in Fumarole Valley is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Fiery Maw equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Fiery Maw. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Cinder Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult margay in Cinder Chasm. The number of adult arctic wolf in Rijksmuseum equals 3 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult ocelot in Starlight Dells. The number of adult pipefish in Ashmolean Museum equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult marine iguana in Prado Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Dusklight Gorge is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult rotifer in Twilight Fold equals 3 times the number of adult foraminifera in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Smithsonian Institution equals 4 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Molten Veil equals 2 plus the number of adult bush baby in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 1 plus the number of adult kingfisher in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Magma Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Fiery Maw equals 1 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Uffizi Gallery is the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult glass frog in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult coqui frog in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult coyote in Radiant Glen. The number of adult fenrir in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Ashen Crag. The number of adult boomslang in Cinder Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Aurora Rift. The number of adult ross's gull in Rijksmuseum equals 2 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult sea urchin in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult boxfish in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult sea anemone in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Tate Modern is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult golden mole in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult roadrunner in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult corn snake in Prado Museum equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Fiery Maw equals 4 times the number of adult hooded seal in Fiery Maw. The number of adult vole in Infernal Reach equals 1 times the number of adult surgeonfish in Infernal Reach. The number of adult hamster in Infernal Reach is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Dusksong Glen equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult gopher in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult guppy in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Magma Plateau equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Rift equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult pteranodon in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Scorchspire is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult chihuahua in Van Gogh Museum equals 3 times the number of adult great auk in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult mosquito in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult atlas moth in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of newborn animal children in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Blazestone Rift equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Starlight Dells equals 4 plus the number of adult poodle in Starlight Dells. The number of adult blue monkey in Scorchspire is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowbark Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult bettong in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult boxfish in Hermitage Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult gobies in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Fiery Maw. The number of adult collared lemming in Rijksmuseum equals 4 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Fiery Maw equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Vatican Museums is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The number of adult wasp in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult hornet in J. Paul Getty Museum. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Smoldering Hollow equals the number of adult slow loris in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Tate Modern equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult waterbuck in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult stegodon in Crimson Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult jackal in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Eclipsed Glade equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the number of adult unicorn in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult noctiluca in Twilight Fold equals 1 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult manta ray in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult hamster in Pergamon Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult spider monkey in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Blisterrock Volcano equals 1 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult roc in British Museum equals the number of adult chimera in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Vatican Museums equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Vatican Museums. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Tate Modern is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Ashen Crag is the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult tiger snake in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Tate Modern equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult kitsune in Ashen Crag equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Ashen Crag. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult seal in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult paca in Infernal Reach equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel in Infernal Reach. The number of adult roc in Blazestone Rift is the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Dusksong Glen equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Magma Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Fiery Maw. The number of adult thaliacean in Shimmer Valley equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult bandicoot in Veilshade Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult mole in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Thermal Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Thermal Caverns. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 times the number of adult dolphin in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult boomslang in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Starlight Dells equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Starlight Dells. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Radiant Glen is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult rock wallaby in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult eland in Louvre Museum. The number of adult greenland shark in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult lobster in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 1 plus the number of adult lobster in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult dhole in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Aurora Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult spinosaurus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dusklight Gorge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult coqui frog in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult pipefish in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult moray eel in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starlight Dells equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Starlight Dells. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Smoldering Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult tarsier in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest, the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult beaked whale in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult tarsier in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult larvacean in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Twilight Fold. The number of adult patas monkey in Scorchspire equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Starlight Dells equals 1 times the number of adult chihuahua in Starlight Dells. The number of adult bryde's whale in Sunset Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lavaflow Basin equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult bongo in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult mayfly in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 2 times the number of adult ladybug in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Pyroclasm Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult bonobo in Scorchspire equals 4 plus the number of adult margay in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult beaked whale in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult blue whale in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Pergamon Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult fenrir in British Museum equals the number of adult roc in British Museum. The number of adult blue monkey in Ember Crown equals 3 times the number of adult tarsier in Ember Crown. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult bandicoot in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Tate Modern. The number of adult clouded leopard in Lavaflow Basin is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult fennec mule in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult kingfisher in Aurora Rift. The number of adult vervet monkey in Vatican Museums is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult fin whale in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult marbled salamander in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult cane toad in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Pergamon Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult green iguana in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult gaur in Hellspire Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult albatross in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Vatican Museums equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult coyote in Vatican Museums. The number of adult ross's gull in Magma Plateau is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult patas monkey in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult paca in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult nutria in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Dusksong Glen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Glimmerroot Valley is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Blazestone Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Blazestone Rift. The number of adult capybara in Gloamhaven equals 2 plus the number of adult agouti in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Starlight Dells. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Blisterrock Volcano equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Blisterrock Volcano. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult glass frog in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Smoldering Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Shadowfern Reach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult butterfly in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult dung beetle in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Eclipsed Glade equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult eland in Hellspire Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult oryx in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult blackbuck in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult mosasaurus in Crystalpine Glen equals 3 plus the number of adult raccoon in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Magma Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Magma Plateau. The number of adult compsognathus in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Crystalpine Glen. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult gobies in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult ivory gull in Rijksmuseum equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Smoldering Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult reticulated python in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult gibbon in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Pergamon Museum equals 2 times the number of adult groundhog in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lavaflow Basin equals 1 times the number of adult fishing cat in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult triceratops in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowbark Glade equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Glowbark Glade.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley as t; so t = x = x. We know t = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult pteranodon in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lustrous Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Glacierreach is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult poodle in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult golden retriever in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult rock lobster in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult shrimp in Eternal Summit. The number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult heron in Whisperlake is 2 times the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult gray whale in Aurora Pool is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipse Heights is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult topi in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the number of adult desert locust in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult poodle in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult manatee in Wintersong Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Luminous Apex equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult topi in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult groundhog in Starshard Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult springbok in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Twilight Crest. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Opalescent Basin is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult marbled salamander in Nebulight Crest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult copperhead in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eclipse Cove equals 3 plus the number of adult corythosaurus in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult golden retriever in Frostlight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult king penguin in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult blue monkey in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult addax in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult blue monkey in Shimmering Spire is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Eclipse Cove is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult wildebeest in Crystalhorn Peak is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult right whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult coypu in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 times the number of adult hedgehog in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult capybara in Starshard Peaks is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Shardbluff Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult stingray in Azure Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Starlight Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult king cobra in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult cheetah in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult caiman in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult roan antelope in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult fox in Frostlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult beaked whale in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 4 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tapir in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of adult animals in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Gloamhaven Heights is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The number of adult ivory gull in Crystalmirror Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Frostlight Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult black mamba in Crystalmirror Waters is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult sugar glider in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult langoustine in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Eclipse Heights equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult potoroo in Charmed Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult eastern newt in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult coypu in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 4 times the number of adult silkworm in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult ostrich in Frostlight Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult elephant bird in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult greyhound in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult sei whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult blue whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Iceloom Crest equals 3 times the number of adult boxfish in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult greenland shark in Chillveil Heights is the total number of adult animals in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult bilby in Charmed Shoals is 4 times the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult american mastodon in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult bettas in Azure Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult electric eel in Azure Abyss. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Sunlit Crag is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult ocelot in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult black mamba in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Twilight Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lustrous Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Snowshadow Rift is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult penguin in Whisperlake is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult sandpiper in Whisperlake equals the number of adult albatross in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eclipse Cove equals 3 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult langoustine in Starlight Ridge is 2 plus the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult opossum in Charmed Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult kittiwake in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult southern right whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 2 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult gorilla in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult tiger prawn in Eternal Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Eternal Summit. The number of adult bullfrog in Nebulight Crest is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult bats in Eclipse Cove is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult crested gecko in Everchill Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult blackbuck in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult roadrunner in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Velvet Mirror equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult spider monkey in Shimmering Spire is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult tiger snake in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glacierreach equals 1 times the number of adult dolphin in Glacierreach. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Charmed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult kangaroo in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Eclipse Heights is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Starlight Ridge is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Silverwave Lake is 1 plus the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult chihuahua in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult tern in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult hooded seal in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult sloth in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult blue crab in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult border collie in Dreamspire Summit is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Dawnfrost Plateau is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult forest mammoth in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult night monkey in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult emu in Luminary Lagoon is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult elephant seal in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the number of adult macaw in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult stegodon in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult grebe in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult gazelle in Starlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Radiant Pinnacle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 times the number of adult sea lion in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult bats in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult green anaconda in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult coconut crab in Chillveil Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult caribou in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult marbled salamander in Radiant Pinnacle is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult pangolin in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Lustrous Depths equals 1 times the number of adult acantharian in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult gelada in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult macaque in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Crystalmirror Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult shiba inu in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Starlight Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult tsessebe in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult tsessebe in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult gila monster in Silverwave Lake is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Glacierreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult weka in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Velvet Mirror equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult pteranodon in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Luminous Apex is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Eclipse Cove is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult chimpanzee in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Crystalmirror Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gloamhaven Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult frigatebird in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult golden retriever in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult right whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult grasshopper in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult bettas in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult marlin in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Frostlight Peaks is 1 times the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult porcupine in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult pipefish in Gleaming Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult gobies in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the number of adult snow crab in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult wildebeest in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult katydid in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult cayote in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Iceloom Crest equals 3 times the number of adult radiolaria in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult langoustine in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult raccoon in Eternal Summit. The number of adult red-eared slider in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult corn snake in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult killer whale (orca) in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult leafhopper in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult bandicoot in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult southern mammoth in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult walking stick in Lustrous Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult asian elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult archerfish in Velvetspire Ascent is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult red panda in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 4 times the number of adult firefly in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult aardvark in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the number of adult bettas in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult omura's whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 3 times the number of adult hornet in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The number of adult archerfish in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult porcupine in Azure Abyss. The number of adult booby in Whisperlake equals the number of adult guinea pig in Whisperlake. The number of adult heron in Gloamhaven Heights is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the number of adult lemur in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the sum of the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus, and the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult corn snake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult gull in Frostspire Expanse is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult african wild dog in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Opalescent Crag equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult toucan in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult shearwater in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glacierreach. The number of adult fiddler crab in Opalescent Crag is 2 plus the number of adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Aurorapeak Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult fennec mule in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult macaque in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult marbled salamander in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult kraken in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult american alligator in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult green basilisk in Everchill Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult phytoplankton in Twilight Crest is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult desert locust in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult rattlesnake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult indian elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 plus the number of adult cone snail in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult golden cat in Frostspire Expanse is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 times the number of adult rhea in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult green anaconda in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult compsognathus in Sunlit Crag is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult rock wallaby in Charmed Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult leopard frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Twilight Crest is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lustrous Depths equals 1 times the number of adult wasp in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult deinonychus in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult poison dart frog in Starshard Peaks is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Icewhisper Dale equals 4 times the number of adult caiman in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult mouse lemur in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult pangolin in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult agouti in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult puffin in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Aurora Pool equals 3 times the number of adult mouse in Aurora Pool. The number of adult booby in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult serval in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Glacierreach. The number of adult coconut crab in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult dugong in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult meerkat in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult greyhound in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Moonveil Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 plus the number of adult red bishop in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult dung beetle in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 times the number of adult gibbon in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult sandpiper in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult cheetah in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalfrost Fields is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult moray eel in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult agouti in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Moonveil Summit is 1 plus the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalfrost Fields is the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult eastern newt in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Waters is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult reticulated python in Opalescent Crag is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Twilight Crest. The number of adult gila monster in Starshimmer Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult triceratops in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult gopher in Whisperlake is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult spider crab in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult pipefish in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult stingray in Shimmering Spire equals 1 times the number of adult baboon in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Iceloom Crest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult sea cucumber in Gleaming Heights is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult tarsier in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult koala in Charmed Shoals. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult nyala in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the number of adult sand cat in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Twilight Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Crest. The number of adult frigatebird in Whisperlake equals the number of adult shearwater in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult poodle in Frostlight Waters equals 2 times the number of adult moas in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Eclipse Heights is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Aurora Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult agouti in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Starfreeze Caverns equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult tiger prawn in Chillveil Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult lobster in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult orangutan in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Dawnfrost Plateau is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Twilight Crest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Velvetspire Ascent is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Silverwave Lake equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult sea urchin in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult chihuahua in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult nightjar in Eternal Summit is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult king penguin in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glacierreach. The number of adult moray eel in Shimmering Spire equals 3 times the number of adult electric eel in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult california sea lion in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult dolphin in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Gloamhaven Heights is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult bandicoot in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult capuchin in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Glacierreach. The number of adult chipmunk in Starshard Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult coqui frog in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult leviathan in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipse Cove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipse Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glacierreach equals the number of adult blue whale in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Luminous Apex. The number of adult coqui frog in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult dormouse in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Sunlit Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult chihuahua in Frostlight Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult border collie in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult southern right whale in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Dawnfrost Plateau is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Lustrous Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Aurorapeak Summit is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glacierreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Luminous Apex equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Luminous Apex. The number of adult giant salamander in Starshard Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Glacierreach.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus as P; so P = x = x. We know P = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult blue monkey in Opal Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult polar bear in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult shrimp in Aconcagua. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 3 times the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult painted bunting in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult mouse lemur in Mount Rainier equals 1 times the number of adult red panda in Mount Rainier. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Shardspire Woods equals 4 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult king penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Mount Erebus is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Matterhorn is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The number of adult beaked whale in Shardspire Woods equals 1 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult weka in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult potoroo in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult elk in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult rock wallaby in Denali equals the number of adult milk snake in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Kangchenjunga is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult agouti in Lhotse equals the number of adult black panther in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult quokka in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult gobies in Spectral Wildwood is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Annapurna equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Aconcagua equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult cassowary in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dusksong Forest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult zebra in Lumina Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Elbrus equals 1 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Elbrus. The number of adult horned lizard in Mount Erebus is the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Radiant Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Radiant Glade. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Makalu is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglow Glade. The number of adult forest mammoth in Manaslu equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, the number of adult eagle in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Makalu equals 1 plus the number of adult golden cat in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Mount Erebus is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The number of adult poison dart frog in Silverleaf Hollow is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Evershade Grove. The number of adult sugar glider in Radiant Hollows is 2 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult camel in Shimmergrove. The number of adult stick insect in Annapurna is the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Aconcagua equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Quartz Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult stingray in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult yellow tang in Twilight Timber. The number of adult elephant seal in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult gibbon in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the difference between the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo and the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult tiger in Mount Rainier is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea urchin in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Elbrus is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Quartz Hollows is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Annapurna equals the number of adult bongo in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Elbrus equals the number of adult asian elephant in Elbrus. The number of adult foraminifera in Matterhorn is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult collared lemming in Glowthorn Thickets equals 4 plus the number of adult axolotl in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult kudu in Annapurna is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Flarebark Forest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult emu in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult steamer duck in Shimmerwood Refuge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult collared lemming in Nanga Parbat is the total number of newborn animal children in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Radiant Glade. The number of adult tsessebe in Annapurna is the number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 times the number of adult wallaby in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult humpback whale in Dazzlebark Retreat is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the number of adult black panther in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Annapurna is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Evershade Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Evershade Grove. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult aye-aye in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Mount Erebus is the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Elbrus is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Evershade Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult katydid in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult wallaby in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult sugar glider in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult cheetah in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Spectral Wildwood is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult bandicoot in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Matterhorn equals 3 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Dhaulagiri is the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult arctic tern in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult arctic hare in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult monitor lizard in Velvetbough Wilds is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult greenland shark in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult bullfrog in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Glimmerveil Woods is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult gelada in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult gibbon in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult wasp in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult eland in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult eyelash viper in Kilimanjaro is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult kakapo in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult langoustine in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult crab in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult horned lizard in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult coconut crab in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult blue crab in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult meerkat in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult hognose snake in Gleamveil Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult snowy owl in Nanga Parbat is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm, the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch, and the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult baboon in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Aconcagua equals 4 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Aconcagua. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Mount Erebus is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Matterhorn is the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Matterhorn equals the number of adult camel in Matterhorn. The number of adult forest mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult paca in Lhotse equals 1 plus the number of adult squirrel in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiant Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult vole in Lhotse is 1 plus the number of adult eagle in South Zoo. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Elbrus equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Elbrus. The number of adult manatee in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult camel in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult peacock in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult southern right whale in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult wildebeest in Everest equals 3 times the number of adult hognose snake in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult green anaconda in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult red bishop in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult quetzal in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult phytoplankton in Matterhorn is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult moray eel in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult kiwi in Twilight Timber. The number of adult musk ox in Opal Thickets is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Shimmergrove equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Makalu equals the number of adult beluga whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Dhaulagiri equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult gila monster in Dreambark Sanctuary is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Makalu equals the number of adult margay in Makalu. The number of adult allosaurus in Mount Kosciuszko is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Cho Oyu. The number of adult colobus monkey in Ethereal Timber is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in Mount Erebus. The number of adult wildebeest in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult serval in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Dusksong Forest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Dhaulagiri is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Makalu is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Radiant Hollows is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult greenland shark in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult blue monkey in K2 equals the number of adult gray whale in K2. The number of adult larvacean in Matterhorn is the total number of adult animals in K2. The number of adult eagle in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult musk ox in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult dungeness crab in Elbrus is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult kangaroo in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Starshine Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Prismatic Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult night monkey in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Radiant Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult wombat in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult zebra in Everest is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult chihuahua in Radiant Glade. The number of adult blue monkey in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult bonobo in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Aconcagua equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Aconcagua. The number of adult capybara in Everest equals 4 times the number of adult bush viper in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Vinson Massif equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Radiant Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Manaslu equals 3 plus the number of adult iguana in Manaslu. The number of adult blackbuck in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult boomslang in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Flarebark Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult kiwi in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult guppy in Dhaulagiri is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Aconcagua is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult numbat in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult cassowary in Azure Shardwoods is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult marine iguana in Manaslu is the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult blue monkey in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult macaque in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo, the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mount Rainier is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Everglow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult minotaur in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult indian elephant in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Mount Erebus is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult tiger prawn in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the number of adult copepod in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult golden cat in Glistenreach equals the number of adult caracal in Glistenreach. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult polar bear in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult kudu in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult tapir in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult little blue penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals 3 plus the number of adult great auk in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult arctic wolf in Nanga Parbat is the total number of adult animals in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Mount Kosciuszko equals 4 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult ostrich in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult california sea lion in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult cougar in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Shimmergrove. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult wallaby in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Flarebark Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult hooded seal in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult blue monkey in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult king penguin in Dusksong Forest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Everglow Glade equals 3 times the number of adult amphipod in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult manatee in Lumina Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dhaulagiri is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Everglow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Everglow Glade. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Evershade Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult walking stick in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Aconcagua equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Aconcagua. The number of adult tiger in Cho Oyu is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glistenreach equals the number of adult baboon in Glistenreach. The number of adult gouldian finch in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Makalu equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult potoroo in Denali equals the number of adult kangaroo in Denali. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult coqui frog in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult raccoon in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Annapurna equals the number of adult walking stick in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Crystalbough Reserve equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Spectral Wildwood equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult fairy penguin in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult king penguin in Cho Oyu. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult omura's whale in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult fishing cat in Evershade Grove is 2 times the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult rock wallaby in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult sei whale in K2 is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult sun conure in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult crab in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult grasshopper in Annapurna is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Makalu. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult lobster in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult agouti in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Radiant Glade. The number of adult manatee in Everest equals 1 plus the number of adult gaur in Everest. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult caiman in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult red panda in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult sand cat in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Evershade Grove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bats in Quartz Hollows is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult coypu in Mount Rainier equals 4 plus the number of adult puma in Mount Rainier. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Cho Oyu equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Vinson Massif is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult dragon in Everglow Glade. The number of adult tiger prawn in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Annapurna is the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult kiwi in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Vinson Massif is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult fennec mule in Mount Rainier equals 4 times the number of adult bobcat in Mount Rainier. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Denali equals the number of adult thylacine in Denali. The number of adult patas monkey in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Annapurna is the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The number of adult blue monkey in Glistenreach is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebulight Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult bowhead whale in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult musk ox in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mount Erebus equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult langoustine in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Evershade Grove. The number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult bobcat in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the number of adult lynx in Glistenreach. The number of adult southern mammoth in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of newborn animal children in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult little blue penguin in Cho Oyu is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Glade. The number of adult borneo elephant in Kangchenjunga is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult clownfish in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult asian elephant in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult butterfly in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult humpback whale in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Aconcagua equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Aconcagua. The number of adult manticore in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Annapurna equals 4 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Annapurna. The number of adult sloth in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Iridescent Wilderness equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult zooplankton in Everglow Glade. The number of adult mandrill in Radiant Glade is the total number of adult animals in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Crystalpine Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult kinkajou in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Iridescent Wilderness is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Everglow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult chimera in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Annapurna. The number of adult vaquita in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult manatee in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Everglow Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult wombat in Radiant Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Flarebark Forest equals 3 times the number of adult gaur in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult mosquito in Glintshade Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult dolphin in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult meerkat in Shimmergrove. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf elephant in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult african penguin in Cho Oyu is the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The number of adult compsognathus in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult axolotl in Silverleaf Hollow.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in South Zoo as G; so G = x = x. We know G = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult manatee in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult ball python in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Glowbark Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult forest mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult cormorant in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Glowbark Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Lyonesse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Lightbreeze Steppe is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Whisperwood Vale equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult rainbow boa in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult orangutan in Evershade Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Mu is the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Shimmer Valley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Radiant Glen. The number of adult rock lobster in Dusksong Glen equals 4 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult sand cat in Iram of the Pillars is the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The number of adult emperor penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Hawaiki. The number of adult tiger in Xanadu is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lyonesse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult walking stick in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Glowbark Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult dormouse in Agartha equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult meerkat in Sunspire Savannah is the total number of adult animals in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Camelot is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult blue monkey in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult hartebeest in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Atlantis equals the number of adult collared lemming in Atlantis. The number of adult corythosaurus in Mount Meru is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Radiance Plains equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult horned lizard in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult agouti in Agartha equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Agartha. The number of adult southern mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult rock wallaby in Valhalla equals the number of adult orangutan in Valhalla. The number of adult elephant seal in Tír na nÓg equals 2 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shangri-La equals the number of adult roan antelope in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starlight Dells equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Mu. The number of adult quetzal in Goldenwave Valley is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult poodle in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 1 plus the number of adult porcupine in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult triggerfish in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult thaliacean in Hyperborea equals 2 times the number of adult larvacean in Hyperborea. The number of adult compsognathus in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult american alligator in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Twilight Fields equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Twilight Fields is the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Eclipsed Grasslands is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Atlantis. The number of adult cougar in Xanadu is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Avalon equals 4 times the number of adult arctic wolf in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 2 times the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult eyelash viper in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glimmerroot Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Twilight Fields. The number of adult tiger snake in Aurora Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lyonesse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Lyonesse. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Lyonesse equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Lyonesse. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult siberian husky in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult siberian husky in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult mangrove snake in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult lemming in Agartha equals the number of adult stonefish in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Crystalpine Glen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult chihuahua in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult basenji in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult coypu in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Twilight Fields equals 2 plus the number of adult green iguana in Twilight Fields. The number of adult coconut crab in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult green anaconda in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult kudu in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult gaur in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The number of adult arctic fox in Avalon is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult golden retriever in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult dingo in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Whisperwood Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult egret in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Gilded Horizon is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult arctic hare in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Camelot equals 3 times the number of adult compsognathus in Camelot. The number of adult shiba inu in Lemuria is the total number of adult animals in Agartha. The number of adult chimpanzee in Evershade Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Evershade Rift. The number of adult orangutan in Crystalgrain Plateau is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult jaguar in Radiant Glen. The number of adult numbat in Aurora Rift is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Lyonesse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glimmerroot Valley equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Glimmerroot Valley. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mu equals 4 plus the number of adult lemur in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aurora Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult stick insect in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult bandicoot in Yggdrasil equals 3 times the number of adult glass frog in Yggdrasil. The number of adult clouded leopard in Xanadu is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Avalon equals the number of adult barracuda in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Hawaiki equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Whisperwood Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Iram of the Pillars equals 4 times the number of adult cane toad in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Veilshade Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Opalgrass Meadow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult aye-aye in Yggdrasil is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Shimmer Valley equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Crystalpine Glen equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Avalon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Cibola equals 1 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Shangri-La. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Camelot is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult mosquito in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult snow crab in Amberbloom Prairie is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Gloamhaven equals 2 times the number of adult allosaurus in Gloamhaven. The number of adult copperhead in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus, the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus, and the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult compsognathus in Gilded Horizon is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Dells equals 3 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Starlight Dells. The number of adult compsognathus in Mount Meru equals 1 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Mount Meru. The number of adult boxfish in El Dorado is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Crystalpine Glen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Aurora Rift. The number of adult bushbuck in Veilshade Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Fold equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipsed Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalgrain Plateau is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lyonesse. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Radiance Plains is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 times the number of adult compsognathus in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Atlantis. The number of adult hooded seal in Tír na nÓg equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult sea slug in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult roadrunner in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult patas monkey in Asgard equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Garden of the Hesperides equals 1 plus the number of adult corythosaurus in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult penguin in Dawnshine Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult poodle in Lemuria equals 1 times the number of adult akita in Lemuria. The number of adult shrimp in Gilded Horizon is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Radiant Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Radiant Glen. The number of adult hooded seal in Lustervale equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Cibola is the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Shimmer Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult tsessebe in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult rat in Glowbreeze Steppe is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult gelada in Glowbark Glade is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult gopher in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult copperhead in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 plus the number of adult corn snake in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult gerenuk in Amberbloom Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Sunset Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult bonobo in Eclipsed Glade is the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Crystalgrain Plateau is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult hamster in Glowbreeze Steppe is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Glowbark Glade equals 4 times the number of adult hawkfish in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Camelot equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Sunset Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Sunset Hollow is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult kudu in Whisperwood Vale is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustervale. The number of adult rainbow boa in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 4 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult cougar in Velvetgold Steppe is the total number of newborn animal children in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 times the number of adult parrotfish in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult beluga whale in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult puma in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult black mamba in Eclipsed Grasslands is the total number of adult animals in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult chihuahua in Lemuria equals the number of adult dormouse in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult jerboa in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult green basilisk in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starlight Dells equals 1 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Starlight Dells. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult shearwater in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult paca in Agartha equals 1 times the number of adult groundhog in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Veilshade Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Mount Meru equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Mount Meru. The number of adult elephant seal in Velvetgold Steppe equals 3 plus the number of adult blue whale in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Hawaiki equals the number of adult zebra in Hawaiki. The number of adult russell's viper in Moonlit Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult groundhog in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Cibola equals the number of adult sea slug in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult guppy in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Atlantis equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Iram of the Pillars equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shangri-La equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Shangri-La. The number of adult rat in Twilight Fields is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult frilled lizard in Twilight Fields is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Aurora Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Aurora Rift. The number of adult blue monkey in Asgard equals the number of adult gelada in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsed Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult bongo in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Whisperwood Vale equals 4 times the number of adult tsessebe in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Radiance Plains. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult dormouse in Gleamspire Fields equals 4 plus the number of adult gerbil in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Sunset Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Atlantis equals the number of adult snowy owl in Atlantis. The number of adult wildebeest in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult copperhead in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mu. The number of adult chinchilla in Lemuria is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult mangrove snake in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult bush viper in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shangri-La equals 2 plus the number of adult bongo in Shangri-La. The number of adult king eider in Atlantis is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult vole in Agartha equals 4 plus the number of adult box jellyfish in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shangri-La equals 3 times the number of adult gibbon in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult vole in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Veilshade Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Glowbark Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 3 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Gilded Horizon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Glowbark Glade equals 4 times the number of adult starfish in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult spinosaurus in Sunveil Meadow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Radiant Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Radiant Glen. The number of adult bilby in Lyonesse is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Evershade Rift. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Lustrous Mesa equals 3 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult hooded seal in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult california sea lion in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Atlantis equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Atlantis. The number of adult carnotaurus in Garden of the Hesperides is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult gelada in Asgard equals 1 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Asgard. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Cibola equals the number of adult parrotfish in Cibola. The number of adult sand cat in Xanadu is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Radiance Plains equals 4 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Gilded Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult snow crab in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Radiant Glen equals 2 times the number of adult emu in Radiant Glen. The number of adult vervet monkey in Asgard equals 1 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Shimmer Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult thorny devil in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Mu equals 1 times the number of adult gigantosaurus in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Hawaiki is the total number of adult animals in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Twilight Fields is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult golden cat in Eclipsed Grasslands is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Fold equals 2 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Twilight Fold. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Aurora Prairie equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult orangutan in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 times the number of adult omura's whale in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult jackal in Goldenwave Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Camelot equals 1 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Shimmer Valley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 times the number of adult snow leopard in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult corn snake in Gleamspire Fields is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiance Plains equals 3 times the number of adult great auk in Radiance Plains. The number of adult mosasaurus in Mount Meru equals 3 plus the number of adult hamster in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Shangri-La equals the number of adult howler monkey in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Atlantis equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Mu equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Mu. The number of adult parrot in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The number of adult dovekie in El Dorado is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Shimmer Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mu equals the number of adult mandrill in Mu. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult sea otter in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult moray eel in Sunveil Meadow is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Hawaiki is the total number of adult animals in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Camelot. The number of adult akita in Glowbreeze Steppe is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mu equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Mu. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Fields is the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shangri-La equals the number of adult gelada in Shangri-La. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult red panda in Yggdrasil. The number of adult fishing cat in Atlantis is the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The number of adult arctic tern in Avalon is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult chinchilla in Gleamspire Fields is the number of adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult horned lizard in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult tarsier in Radiance Plains. The number of adult kiwi in Radiance Plains is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lyonesse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Avalon equals the number of adult guppy in Avalon. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Lustrous Mesa is the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Radiant Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Hawaiki equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Hawaiki. The number of adult squirrel in Glowbreeze Steppe is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult quetzal in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult california sea lion in Velvetgold Steppe equals 4 times the number of adult sand cat in Velvetgold Steppe. The number of adult praying mantis in Sunspire Savannah is the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult american mastodon in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shangri-La equals the number of adult addax in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Lightbreeze Steppe is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Atlantis equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Atlantis. The number of adult langoustine in Dusksong Glen equals 1 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult giraffe in Shimmering Pasture is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult jerboa in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Opalgrass Meadow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Valhalla equals 4 times the number of adult sugar glider in Valhalla. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult eland in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mu equals 3 plus the number of adult orangutan in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult waterbuck in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Cibola. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 3 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult komodo dragon in Dusklight Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult blackbuck in Amberbloom Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult tiger snake in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult tiger prawn in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lyonesse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The number of adult potoroo in Valhalla equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Valhalla. The number of adult paca in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 times the number of adult marine iguana in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult parrot in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo, the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lyonesse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Cibola equals the number of adult sugar glider in Cibola. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Moonlit Gorge is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult vaquita in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult caracal in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Atlantis is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiance Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult penguin in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Shangri-La equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Avalon equals 3 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Shimmer Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult mosasaurus in Lustrous Mesa equals 1 plus the number of adult gigantosaurus in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Glade equals 3 times the number of adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult capybara in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult capybara in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Atlantis equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult dodo in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Fields equals 1 times the number of adult chipmunk in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The number of adult rotifer in Hyperborea equals 4 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starlight Dells equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Starlight Dells. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Aurora Prairie is the total number of adult animals in Xanadu. The number of adult greyhound in Glowbreeze Steppe is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Garden of the Hesperides equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult addax in Lightbreeze Steppe is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Opalgrass Meadow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult sea otter in Tír na nÓg is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The number of adult fennec fox in Sunspire Savannah is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult agouti in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult groundhog in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult gopher in Agartha equals 4 plus the number of adult porcupine in Agartha. The number of adult sea urchin in Garden of the Hesperides is the total number of newborn animal children in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Avalon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Avalon.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo as i; so i = x = x. We know i = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Aurorathorn Grove is 4 plus the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starlight Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starlight Vault. The number of adult boxfish in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult bettong in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult sandpiper in Arabia Terra equals 2 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult southern right whale in Everglow Glade. The number of adult great auk in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult roan antelope in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult impala in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult caiman lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult jaguar in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglow Glade. The number of adult copperhead in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult blue hawk in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult hermit crab in Argyre Planitia is 1 times the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult golden mantella in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 times the number of adult tern in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Aeolis Mons is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Chryse Planitia is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult tinamous in Nebulight Wilds is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult firefly in Cydonia Mensae is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult moray eel in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult goblin shark in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the number of adult coyote in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult mosquito in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult firefly in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult agouti in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult rat in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Starlight Vault. The number of adult patas monkey in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult harpy cow in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Chryse Planitia equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult caiman lizard in Valles Marineris is the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult marine iguana in Valles Marineris is the number of adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The number of adult mosquito in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult yak in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult addax in Moonstone Maze equals 2 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult pufferfish in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult golden mantella in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult surinam toad in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dusksong Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dusksong Forest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult sperm whale in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipse Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult kraken in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult triggerfish in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult pipefish in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult wood frog in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult coypu in Velvetbough Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult snares penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult humpback whale in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the number of adult inland taipan in Starlight Vault. The number of adult steamer duck in Crystalshade Tunnels is the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult boxfish in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult seal in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Radiant Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult compsognathus in Glistenroot Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Promethei Planum equals 3 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Promethei Planum. The number of adult vaquita in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Promethei Planum. The number of adult dungeness crab in Aurora Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult lobster in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult king penguin in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult sun conure in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult squirrel in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Aurorathorn Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult dodo in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult golden mole in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult eyelash viper in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Tharsis Bulge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Aurorathorn Grove is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge and the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult basilisk in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of adult animals in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult grasshopper in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult ladybug in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Prismatic Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult mosquito in Cydonia Mensae equals 1 times the number of adult opossum in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult butterflyfish in Utopia Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult sei whale in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult booby in Arabia Terra equals 2 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the number of adult milk snake in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Tharsis Bulge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult silkworm in Olympus Mons is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult sandpiper in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult leopard frog in Opal Grotto. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Chryse Planitia equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Glimmerveil Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult coqui frog in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult giant salamander in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult walking stick in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult omura's whale in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult booby in Elysium Mons equals 4 plus the number of adult chihuahua in Elysium Mons. The number of adult little blue penguin in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult rhea in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult diplodocus in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult centaur in Chryse Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Chryse Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult pteranodon in Gale Crater is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult hooded seal in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tiger snake in Medusae Fossae is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Opal Grotto. The number of adult golden cat in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Evershade Grove. The number of adult coqui frog in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult copperhead in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult gull in Opal Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult kittiwake in Opal Grotto. The number of adult golden retriever in Ebon Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult larvacean in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Promethei Planum. The number of adult leopard frog in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult eastern newt in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult moray eel in Argyre Planitia equals 1 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsed Thickets is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult cerberus in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult dragon in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult desert locust in Moonstone Maze equals 2 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult hooded seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult pufferfish in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult dhole in Moonshadow Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult gelada in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult elephant seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult barracuda in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Lustrous Timberland is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult peacock in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult sea cucumber in Twilight Timber is 1 times the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult pipefish in Syrtis Major equals 4 times the number of adult barracuda in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult gelada in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult damselfish in Twilight Timber is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Aeolis Mons equals 3 times the number of adult axolotl in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Aeolis Mons is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult scorpion in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult corn snake in Gale Crater equals the number of adult green anaconda in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult marine iguana in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Valles Marineris equals 2 plus the number of adult unicorn in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipse Cavern equals 2 times the number of adult elk in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult african clawed frog in Promethei Planum is the total number of adult animals in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult selkie in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 times the number of adult triggerfish in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult blackbuck in Glowspire Depths equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult moray eel in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult gull in Arabia Terra equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aeolis Mons equals 1 times the number of adult bush viper in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult surgeonfish in Chryse Planitia is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult roc in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult african penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lustrous Timberland is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Everglow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Everglow Glade. The number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge and the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonshadow Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult southern right whale in Utopia Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult marine iguana in Gale Crater equals 2 times the number of adult deinonychus in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Hellas Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult fishing cat in Lustrous Timberland. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipsed Thickets is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Everglow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult beaked whale in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge equals 3. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult paca in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Valles Marineris. The number of adult butterfly in Cydonia Mensae equals 3 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult lynx in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult stingray in Argyre Planitia equals 3 times the number of adult yellow tang in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Lustrous Timberland is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult beaked whale in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult lionfish in Glimmerveil Woods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Hellas Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Hellas Basin. The number of adult hooded seal in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult kiwi in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Medusae Fossae equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult bowhead whale in Frostshadow Woods is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult cane toad in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult forest mammoth in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Hellas Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Hellas Basin. The number of adult greyhound in Ebon Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult basenji in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Everglow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipse Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The number of adult chimera in Aurorathorn Grove is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Aurorathorn Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult rainbow boa in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult akita in Moonshadow Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Tharsis Bulge equals 1 times the number of adult nightjar in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult grasshopper in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult atlas moth in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult emu in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult nemean lion in Shardlight Chasms equals 4 plus the number of adult cerberus in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Promethei Planum equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Promethei Planum. The number of adult red-eared slider in Gale Crater equals 2 times the number of adult velociraptor in Gale Crater. The number of adult poodle in Mare Erythraeum equals 3 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Luminous Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult marine iguana in Olympus Mons equals 4 times the number of adult dragonfly in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Chryse Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult rock lobster in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Valles Marineris is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult tsessebe in Glowspire Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Glimmerveil Woods is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult california sea lion in Spectral Chamber equals 1 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Aeolis Mons equals 4 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult sandpiper in Elysium Mons equals 4 times the number of adult greyhound in Elysium Mons. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult mosasaurus in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult pipefish in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult sea urchin in Twilight Timber. The number of adult nemean lion in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 plus the number of adult pipefish in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Chryse Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult chihuahua in Mare Erythraeum equals 2 times the number of adult langoustine in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult blue monkey in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the number of adult giant salamander in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult chihuahua in Ebon Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult cayote in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult glass frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult boxfish in Syrtis Major equals 3 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult toucan in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult russell's viper in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult ball python in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Medusae Fossae equals 1 plus the number of adult orca in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Moonstone Maze equals 3 plus the number of adult jerboa in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult egret in Lustrous Catacombs is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult sea slug in Prismatic Rift equals 4 times the number of adult sea urchin in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Hellas Basin is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult frigatebird in Arabia Terra equals 4 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Arabia Terra. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals 4 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult manticore in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Radiant Glade. The number of adult frigatebird in Opal Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult eastern newt in Opal Grotto. The number of adult barracuda in Argyre Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Promethei Planum. The number of adult panther chameleon in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The number of adult frilled lizard in Gale Crater equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Aurorathorn Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lustrous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult inland taipan in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult wasp in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult leafhopper in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glimmerveil Woods is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Elysium Mons. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Velvetbough Wilds is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult orangutan in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult tomato frog in Velvetbough Wilds is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult nemean lion in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Starlight Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aeolis Mons equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult mayfly in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult walking stick in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glimmerveil Woods is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult marbled salamander in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult coconut crab in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult rock lobster in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult compsognathus in Radiant Tunnels equals 4 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult fairy penguin in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starlight Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult ross's gull in Hellas Basin. The number of adult butterfly in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult butterfly in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the number of adult egret in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult narwhal in Everglow Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Evershade Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals 4 times the number of adult sei whale in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult groundhog in Everglow Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Promethei Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult cerberus in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 3 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult harp seal in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult green anaconda in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Dusksong Forest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult bettas in Utopia Planitia equals 3 times the number of adult right whale in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Everglow Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Radiant Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult booby in Opal Grotto equals 4 times the number of adult pelican in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult arctic tern in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult langoustine in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult guinea pig in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dusksong Forest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lustrous Catacombs equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult tinamous in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult frilled lizard in Olympus Mons equals 1 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult mangrove snake in Silverleaf Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult cerberus in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult katydid in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult dingo in Mare Erythraeum is the total number of adult animals in Gale Crater. The number of adult bettas in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult crab in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Medusae Fossae equals 1 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult racoon in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Pine Ridge. The number of adult sandpiper in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 times the number of adult flamingo in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult kitsune in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult kitsune in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Aeolis Mons equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult mosasaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult deinonychus in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult bandicoot in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiant Glade is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Syrtis Major. The number of adult butterfly in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult tomato frog in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult elephant seal in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult elephant bird in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult leviathan in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the number of adult unicorn in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult tern in Opal Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult coyote in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult blue whale in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Starlight Vault. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult phoenix in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Everglow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Everglow Glade. The number of adult fenrir in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Eclipse Cavern is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult rattlesnake in Gale Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult triceratops in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Aurorathorn Grove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult boomslang in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult bush viper in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult gobies in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult california sea lion in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipse Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult frigatebird in Elysium Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult heron in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Radiant Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult glass frog in Velvetbough Wilds is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult spider monkey in Dusksong Forest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Aurorathorn Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Hellas Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult musk ox in Hellas Basin. The number of adult sea slug in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the number of adult sea lion in Twilight Timber. The number of adult poodle in Ebon Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult jackal in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Starlight Vault equals 4 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Starlight Vault. The number of adult tiger in Evershade Grove is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Chryse Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult goblin shark in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult rat in Aurora Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Radiant Glade is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult border collie in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult sperm whale in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Isidis Planitia equals 4 times the number of adult collared lemming in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Promethei Planum equals 1 times the number of adult african wild dog in Promethei Planum.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest as q; so q = x = x. We know q = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult cane toad in Lunarchasm Ridge is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Cayman Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult king crab in Cayman Trench. The number of adult eland in Sunda Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Starshard Copse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult mosquito in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult wood frog in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult marine iguana in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult addax in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley and the number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult agouti in Java Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shardspire Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Shimmergrove. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult mosquito in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult cerberus in Skyward Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult orca in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Starshard Copse is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals the difference between the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult blue whale in Shimmergrove. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult capybara in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Sunspark Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Japan Trench is 1 plus the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult patas monkey in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the number of adult macaw in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult kitsune in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult moray eel in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Yap Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult groundhog in Yap Trench. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult sandpiper in Radiant Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult rat in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult night monkey in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The number of adult southern mammoth in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Japan Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult crab in Cayman Trench is the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The number of adult marlin in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult king crab in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult barracuda in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult clownfish in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult asian elephant in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Timor Trough equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Nebula Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult fenrir in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Yap Trench is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shardspire Woods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult archerfish in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult goblin shark in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Starlight Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult golden mantella in Mariana Trench. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Lumina Glade equals 4 times the number of adult macaque in Lumina Glade. The number of adult sandpiper in Philippine Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult tern in Philippine Trench. The number of adult barracuda in Nebula Crest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Japan Trench equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glintshade Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult stingray in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Yap Trench equals the number of adult dormouse in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mariana Trench is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Glade. The number of adult manticore in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Starlight Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Starlight Summit. The number of adult hermit crab in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of adult animals in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Radiant Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult beaver in Radiant Crest. The number of adult cicada in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The number of adult cerberus in Twilight Aerie is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Lusterpeak Range is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult damselfish in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 3 times the number of adult bushbuck in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult bandicoot in Diamantina Trench equals 1 times the number of adult pangolin in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Mariana Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Mariana Trench. The number of adult bandicoot in Opal Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Opal Thickets. The number of adult blue monkey in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Mariana Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Mariana Trench. The number of adult coyote in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult meerkat in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult booby in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult chipmunk in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult copperhead in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Astral Ridge. The number of adult paca in Java Trench equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Java Trench. The number of adult quetzal in Aurora Crags is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Flarebark Forest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult kittiwake in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult forest mammoth in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Japan Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult porcupine in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult king cobra in Starlight Summit. The number of adult frigatebird in Philippine Trench is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult leopard frog in Aleutian Trench is the total number of adult animals in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Challenger Deep is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Starshard Copse. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult manta ray in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Nebula Crest is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult black mamba in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Cayman Trench is the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Lumina Glade. The number of adult beaver in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 times the number of adult walking stick in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult dodo in Sunda Trench is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Sunspark Summit is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Shimmergrove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult sugar glider in Diamantina Trench is the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult mouse lemur in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult slow loris in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in New Hebrides Trench equals 4 times the number of adult cladoceran in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult boxfish in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 plus the number of adult starfish in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Timor Trough equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlight Summit equals 4 times the number of adult kudu in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult red bishop in Aurora Crags equals 3 plus the number of adult sun conure in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shardspire Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult archerfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult marbled salamander in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the number of adult surinam toad in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Lusterpeak Range is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 4 plus the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult pteropod in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Starlight Summit. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals 1. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult fin whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Starshard Copse equals 1 plus the number of adult serval in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Mariana Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Mariana Trench. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult bettong in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult coelacanth in Shardspire Woods is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Sunspark Summit is the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Glistenreach equals the number of adult manatee in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Gleamstone Heights is 3 times the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult howler monkey in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The number of adult thylacine in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the number of adult wallaby in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 times the number of adult electric eel in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Aurora Crags is the total number of newborn animal children in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult angelfish in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Japan Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the number of adult sea otter in Shimmergrove. The number of adult desert locust in Sparkleaf Haven equals 4 plus the number of adult albatross in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult griffin in Nebula Crest. The number of adult frigatebird in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult dovekie in Celestica Spire. The number of adult fennec mule in Tonga Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult wasp in Tonga Trench. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult coypu in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Tonga Trench. The number of adult nemean lion in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult centaur in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Glistenreach. The number of adult eastern quoll in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult thylacine in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult bandicoot in Tonga Trench is 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult phoenix in Nimbus Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult golden mantella in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Cayman Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult giant salamander in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult frilled lizard in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The number of adult golden mole in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult cane toad in Sunspark Summit is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult cayote in Sunspark Summit is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult tiger in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult vaquita in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult golden cat in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult fenrir in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Flarebark Forest equals 3 plus the number of adult blue whale in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult golden mole in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Shimmergrove equals 1 times the number of adult sea lion in Shimmergrove. The number of adult mosquito in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult dragon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult nemean lion in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult griffin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult krill in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nebula Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nebula Crest. The number of adult puffin in Celestica Spire is the total number of newborn animal children in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Radiant Crest is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult puffin in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult corn snake in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Glintshade Grove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult vole in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in South Sandwich Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crab in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult frigatebird in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult nutria in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult agouti in Radiant Crest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult koala in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Prismatic Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult kittiwake in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult black mamba in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Astral Ridge is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult butterflyfish in Prismatic Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult silkworm in Tonga Trench. The number of adult booby in Celestica Spire equals 2 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult mouse in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Glintshade Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Shimmergrove equals 1 times the number of adult katydid in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult nemean lion in Nebula Crest is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Cayman Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Japan Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Timor Trough. The number of adult dormouse in Java Trench equals the number of adult rat in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult aardvark in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult american alligator in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult coqui frog in Challenger Deep equals 4 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glistenreach equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Cloudveil Plateau is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult selkie in Nebula Crest is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult right whale in Kermadec Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult minke whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Ryukyu Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult blue monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult kitsune in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult dragon in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult gannet in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult black panther in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Yap Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Yap Trench. The number of adult mosasaurus in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult hawkfish in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult dungeness crab in Quartz Hollows is the number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult cerberus in Ethereal Timber equals 4 times the number of adult goblin shark in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult antlion in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in South Sandwich Trench equals 2 times the number of adult ghost crab in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult moray eel in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult stingray in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult california sea lion in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult nemean lion in Ethereal Timber equals 4 times the number of adult stingray in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult indian elephant in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult gouldian finch in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Aurora Crags. The number of adult red-eared slider in Aleutian Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult axolotl in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult katydid in Silvermist Highlands is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult monitor lizard in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult minotaur in Nimbus Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Japan Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Japan Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult flamingo in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starshard Copse equals 3 times the number of adult foraminifera in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult caiman in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Radiant Crest. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult desert locust in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult bilby in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Mariana Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Mariana Trench. The number of adult mole in Radiant Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult coyote in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult addax in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Radiant Crest. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Cayman Trench equals 2 times the number of adult coconut crab in Cayman Trench. The number of adult booby in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult grebe in Philippine Trench. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult blue tang in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Timor Trough equals the number of adult reticulated python in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult tiger in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the number of adult dugong in Glistenreach. The number of adult marine iguana in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult black mamba in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult egret in Hellenic Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Nimbus Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult sun conure in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Glistenreach. The number of adult leafhopper in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult toucan in Aurora Crags is the total number of newborn animal children in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult pipefish in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult blackbuck in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult sandpiper in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the number of adult cormorant in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek, the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek, the number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest, and the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult southern right whale in Kermadec Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Mariana Trench equals 1 times the number of adult blue whale in Mariana Trench. The number of adult sea cucumber in Etherreach Cliffs is the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Cayman Trench. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult bettas in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult barnacle in Ryukyu Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult hooded seal in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult gray whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult hooded seal in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Timor Trough equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Timor Trough. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Dawnlit Peaks is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Nebula Crest is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Aurora Crags is the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult bettas in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult rock wallaby in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult golden mole in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult grebe in Sparkleaf Haven is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult african penguin in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Sunspark Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Mariana Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Flarebark Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult compsognathus in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult boxfish in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult kingfisher in Celestica Spire is 1 times the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult chimpanzee in Astral Ridge is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in New Hebrides Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult toucan in Starlight Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of adult rhinoceros in Sunda Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult serval in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult kraken in Nimbus Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult potoroo in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult golden cat in Cloudveil Plateau is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The number of adult horned lizard in Nimbus Heights is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Hellenic Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult king eider in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult guppy in Quartz Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult barracuda in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Spectral Wildwood is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult stingray in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Sunspark Summit is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult marsupial mole in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult jaguar in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult butterfly in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult antlion in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Lusterpeak Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Starshard Copse. The number of adult gelada in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult russell's viper in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Japan Trench equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Mariana Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult poodle in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glistenreach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Japan Trench equals the number of adult dormouse in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult iguana in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult boomslang in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in New Hebrides Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult elephant seal in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek as V; so V = x = x. We know V = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Radiance Thicket equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult kittiwake in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Cibola equals the number of adult gila monster in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult green anaconda in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult dungeness crab in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult krill in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult wood frog in Nebulight Crest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult gull in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult dovekie in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult capybara in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Hawaiki equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Aurora Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Aurora Grove. The number of adult toucan in Starlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Shangri-La equals the number of adult crab in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult penguin in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Shangri-La equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Lemuria equals 3 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Mount Meru equals the number of adult toucan in Mount Meru. The number of adult pipefish in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult minke whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Radiance Thicket equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult cormorant in Glowfern Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Hyperborea equals 2 times the number of adult tamarin in Hyperborea. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Aurora Grove is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult albatross in Everglint Woods. The number of adult vole in Twilight Timber is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mu. The number of adult spiny lobster in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult dormouse in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult gopher in Twilight Timber. The number of adult roc in Radiance Thicket is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The number of adult paca in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult mouse in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Hawaiki equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Hawaiki. The number of adult marine iguana in Valhalla equals 2 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult greyhound in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult centaur in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult deinonychus in Asgard equals the number of adult okapi in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult eland in Xanadu equals the number of adult elk in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult minotaur in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult frigatebird in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult black panther in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult cayote in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult sea slug in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult parrotfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Lyonesse equals the number of adult musk ox in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult sandpiper in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Mount Meru is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Cibola equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult golden retriever in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult dhole in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult minke whale in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult basenji in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Avalon equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult dugong in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult lion in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult serval in Luminous Apex. The number of adult wildebeest in Atlantis equals the number of adult crab in Atlantis. The number of adult capybara in Atlantis equals the number of adult coconut crab in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Hyperborea equals 4 plus the number of adult night monkey in Hyperborea. The number of adult chihuahua in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult roc in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult fennec mule in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult triggerfish in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult narwhal in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Lemuria. The number of adult gobies in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult chipmunk in Moonshadow Glade is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult kitsune in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult eland in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult arabic cow in Eternal Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Eternal Summit. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Asgard equals the number of adult diplodocus in Asgard. The number of adult razorbill in Glowfern Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult macaw in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Aurora Grove. The number of adult wasp in Dreamwood Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Cibola equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Cibola. The number of adult paradise tanager in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult sand cat in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Camelot equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult caiman in Dreamspire Summit is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shangri-La. The number of adult gray whale in Garden of the Hesperides is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tír na nÓg. The number of adult paca in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult capybara in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Nebulight Crest is the total number of adult animals in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starbloom Haven equals 3 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Mount Meru equals 2 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Mount Meru. The number of adult gaur in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Eternal Summit. The number of adult kittiwake in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult cormorant in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Mount Meru equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mount Meru. The number of adult hawkfish in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult clownfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Shangri-La equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult macaque in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Cibola equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Cibola. The number of adult african wild dog in Starbloom Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Tír na nÓg equals 2 times the number of adult lemming in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Everglint Woods is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Opalescent Crag equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Asgard equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Hawaiki equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Starbloom Haven equals 4 plus the number of adult greyhound in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonveil Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Camelot. The number of adult harpy cow in Mount Meru is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cibola. The number of adult walking stick in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult boxfish in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult flamingo in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult agouti in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult squirrel in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in El Dorado equals 1 plus the number of adult glass frog in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostlight Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult crested gecko in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult wildebeest in Xanadu equals the number of adult eland in Xanadu. The number of adult red-eared slider in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult american alligator in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult dormouse in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult groundhog in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Everglint Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the number of adult emu in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult kudu in Xanadu equals the number of adult moose in Xanadu. The number of adult pipefish in Sunlit Crag equals 1 times the number of adult gobies in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult manatee in Xanadu equals 4 times the number of adult ghost crab in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Nebulight Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Avalon. The number of adult sandpiper in Mu equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult gouldian finch in Yggdrasil equals 4 times the number of adult hermit crab in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Hawaiki equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Hawaiki. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Elderbloom Woods is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult pangolin in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dreamspire Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Meru. The number of adult poodle in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult phoenix in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult kudu in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult bison in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Tír na nÓg equals 1 times the number of adult capybara in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Mount Meru equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Mount Meru. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult blue hawk in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult capybara in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult okapi in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Cibola equals 2 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult american alligator in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult squirrel in Twilight Timber is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult corythosaurus in Lyonesse equals 4 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult beaver in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult poodle in Aurora Grove is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult groundhog in Twilight Timber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Prismatic Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult walking stick in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult rhea in Everglint Woods is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult cerberus in Frostlight Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult chimera in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Camelot. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult inland taipan in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult compsognathus in Lyonesse equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult meerkat in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult corythosaurus in Asgard equals 1 times the number of adult macaw in Asgard. The number of adult dovekie in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult skimmer in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult kakapo in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult selkie in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult damselfish in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult ocelot in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult katydid in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult jackal in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Tír na nÓg is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult elk in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult giraffe in Eternal Summit. The number of adult roc in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Cibola equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult tiger prawn in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult king cobra in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult golden cat in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult frigatebird in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult gull in Mu equals the number of adult porcupine in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Radiance Thicket is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Prismatic Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the number of adult minotaur in Aurora Grove. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Asgard equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Cibola equals 3 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Cibola. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Avalon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Lyonesse equals 3 times the number of adult king eider in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult red bishop in Yggdrasil equals the number of adult kingfisher in Yggdrasil. The number of adult okapi in Mount Meru is the total number of adult animals in Agartha. The number of adult mosasaurus in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Aurora Grove is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult compsognathus in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult bandicoot in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Avalon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Avalon. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult velociraptor in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult unicorn in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult koala in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Frostlight Woods is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Camelot equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Camelot. The number of adult boxfish in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 3 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult agouti in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Everglint Woods is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Lemuria equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the number of adult skimmer in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in El Dorado equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult rainbow boa in Whisperveil Thickets is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Prismatic Glade is the total number of adult animals in Eternal Summit. The number of adult kittiwake in Mu equals the number of adult nutria in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Aurora Grove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult orangutan in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult orangutan in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult gobies in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult sea urchin in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Hawaiki equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Shangri-La equals 2 times the number of adult tomato frog in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult bettong in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult mosasaurus in Lyonesse equals 4 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Lyonesse. The number of adult booby in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult glass frog in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult manatee in Atlantis equals the number of adult spider crab in Atlantis. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Iram of the Pillars equals the number of adult tapir in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult dovekie in Mu equals the number of adult mole in Mu. The number of adult fenrir in Frostlight Woods is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult copepod in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult pegasus in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult deinonychus in Lyonesse equals 2 plus the number of adult puffin in Lyonesse. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Shangri-La equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Lemuria equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Lemuria. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult rattlesnake in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult black mamba in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult elephant in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult mosasaurus in Asgard equals the number of adult tiger in Asgard. The number of adult centaur in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Hyperborea. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in El Dorado. The number of adult minotaur in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Avalon equals 1 plus the number of adult iguana in Avalon. The number of adult compsognathus in Asgard equals the number of adult green anaconda in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult booby in Shimmering Spire equals 3 plus the number of adult kudu in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starbloom Haven is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Moonshadow Glade is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Valhalla. The number of adult booby in Mu equals the number of adult agouti in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult narwhal in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult kinkajou in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult leopard gecko in Frostlight Woods is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult southern right whale in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult elephant in Crystalhorn Peak is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Asgard. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Hawaiki equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult bats in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult hooded seal in Eternal Summit is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Aurora Grove. The number of adult capybara in Xanadu equals 3 times the number of adult shrimp in Xanadu. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult butterfly in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult frigatebird in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Mount Meru equals the number of adult tiger in Mount Meru. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Shangri-La equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Camelot equals the number of adult thylacine in Camelot. The number of adult sea slug in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern box turtle in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult corn snake in Valhalla equals 3 times the number of adult snares penguin in Valhalla. The number of adult beaked whale in Garden of the Hesperides equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Prismatic Glade equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Hyperborea equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Hyperborea. The number of adult allosaurus in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Yggdrasil. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Nebulight Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Shangri-La equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Shangri-La. The number of adult blue whale in Eternal Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Lyonesse. The number of adult parrot in South Zoo equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult moas in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Shangri-La equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Shangri-La. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Mount Meru equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Mount Meru. The number of adult mosasaurus in Twilight Crest is the total number of adult animals in Xanadu. The number of adult frilled lizard in Valhalla equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult camel in Starbloom Haven is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Cibola equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Cibola. The number of adult leviathan in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult marine iguana in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult langoustine in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult marine iguana in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult squirrel in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult dodo in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Lemuria equals the number of adult dragonfly in Lemuria. The number of adult mole in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Camelot equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Camelot. The number of adult capybara in Nebulight Crest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Garden of the Hesperides equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Garden of the Hesperides. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in El Dorado equals the number of adult poison dart frog in El Dorado. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Iram of the Pillars. The number of adult red-eared slider in Valhalla equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Camelot. The number of adult coconut crab in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult barnacle in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult bobcat in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult leopard in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult fox in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult kraken in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the number of adult rhea in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult lemur in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Hollow is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult elephant seal in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult chimera in Starshard Peaks is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in El Dorado. The number of adult wildebeest in Eternal Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult dolphin in Eternal Summit. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Lyonesse equals the number of adult caribou in Lyonesse. The number of adult cormorant in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult boxfish in Sunlit Crag equals 2 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult marine iguana in Agartha equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult beaked whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult lemming in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult guinea pig in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Hawaiki equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Hawaiki. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Avalon equals the number of adult american alligator in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Iram of the Pillars equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Iram of the Pillars. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult siberian husky in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult coyote in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult moray eel in Elderbloom Woods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Grove. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult tinamous in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult sun conure in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult lion in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Camelot equals the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Camelot. The number of adult skimmer in Mu equals the number of adult lemming in Mu. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult manticore in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult corn snake in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult leopard frog in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult triceratops in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Glowfern Glade is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult gopher in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult frigatebird in Mu equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Mu. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleaming Heights is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult snowy owl in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult red bishop in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult peacock in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult gull in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult egret in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult mandrill in Frostlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult ocelot in Glintbark Hollows is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Avalon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult gila monster in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Mount Meru equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Mount Meru. The number of adult sandpiper in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult hartebeest in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult rock lobster in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Tír na nÓg equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Prismatic Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult gorilla in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult kraken in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Cibola equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Cibola. The number of adult border collie in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult pegasus in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Hyperborea equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Hyperborea. The number of adult pipefish in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult boxfish in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Luminous Timberland is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lemuria. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Garden of the Hesperides equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Garden of the Hesperides. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult marine iguana in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Tír na nÓg equals the number of adult ocelot in Tír na nÓg. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Gleaming Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult dungeness crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult vaquita in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starbloom Haven equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in El Dorado equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in El Dorado. The number of adult rattlesnake in Valhalla equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Valhalla. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Iram of the Pillars equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Iram of the Pillars. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult frilled lizard in Agartha equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Agartha. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Everglint Woods. The number of adult frilled lizard in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Starbloom Haven is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult egret in Everglint Woods is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult damselfish in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in El Dorado equals 1 plus the number of adult jerboa in El Dorado.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in South Zoo as G; so G = x = x. We know G = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult kittiwake in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult gelada in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult gelada in Frostsong River equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Frostsong River. The number of adult patas monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult ocelot in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult snow crab in Crystalbreeze Cay is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult eland in Starlit Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult zebra in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Radiance Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult giraffe in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult stegodon in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult desert locust in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult bison in Nebulight Keys is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult coypu in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult nightjar in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult ocelot in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult southern mammoth in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult ocelot in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult orca in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Radiance Keys equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Nebulight Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Aurorastream. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Crystalbreeze Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult tapir in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult capybara in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult eland in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Luminara River equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Luminara River. The number of adult king cobra in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 times the number of adult eastern newt in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Radiance Sea equals 3 times the number of adult starfish in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiance Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult eastern newt in Aurora Tides. The number of adult bettong in Moonbeam Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult lemming in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiance Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Radiance Keys. The number of adult fennec mule in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult marine iguana in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Luminous Lagoon is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Waters is 2 times the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult pufferfish in Twilight Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult sloth in Radiance Channel is 1 plus the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult desert locust in Frostveil Cay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Eclipsed Waters equals 4 times the number of adult sugar glider in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult golden retriever in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult jaguar in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiance Sea is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starshadow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult moas in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult red panda in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dreamtide River equals 2 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult southern mammoth in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starlit Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult manticore in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult bandicoot in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult minotaur in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Twilight Stream. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Opalescent Isle equals 2 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Lustrous Rapids is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult oryx in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Glowmist Creek equals 2 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the number of adult sea cucumber in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult moas in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult forest mammoth in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult narwhal in Twilight Waters. The number of adult vervet monkey in Frostsong River equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult gila monster in Luminous Lagoon is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Aurora Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult dormouse in Moonshadow Current equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Whisperflow Rapids equals 4 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult snow leopard in Eclipsed Shoals is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult copperhead in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult cheetah in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starlit Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Twilight Archipelago. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult opossum in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult quetzal in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult fenrir in Silverwave Tributary equals 3 plus the number of adult takahe in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Frostwave Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult thylacine in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurorastream equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Aurorastream. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Eclipsed Haven is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult wildebeest in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult mayfly in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult nemean lion in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult tinamous in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult sea slug in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Crystalbrook Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult camel in Frostveil Cay is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Keys. The number of adult southern mammoth in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult nemean lion in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult sei whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the number of adult wildebeest in Starlight Channel. The number of adult corn snake in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult gecko in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glowmist Creek equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crystalbrook Stream equals 3 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult king crab in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Radiance Keys is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The number of adult sandpiper in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult pelican in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult forest mammoth in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult agouti in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult hamster in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult orangutan in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult golden mantella in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult blue crab in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult blue monkey in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult howler monkey in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult stegodon in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Aurora Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult spider crab in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult tomato frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 plus the number of adult razorbill in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult gelada in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult tiger in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult caiman lizard in Luminara River equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Luminara River. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult boomslang in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult blue monkey in Frostsong River equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Frostsong River. The number of adult roc in Silverwave Tributary is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult chimpanzee in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult butterfly in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Twilight Stream. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Aurora Keys is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult chipmunk in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult poodle in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult tiger in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult impala in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult ocelot in Radiance Keys is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiance Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult camel in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult thorny devil in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult chihuahua in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult basenji in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Aurorastream equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Aurorastream. The number of adult agouti in Gleamhaven Keys is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Aurorastream equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Glowmist Creek is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult thylacine in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult frigatebird in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 2 times the number of adult cormorant in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glowmist Creek equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Twilight Archipelago is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult milk snake in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult bandicoot in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult sugar glider in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Starshadow Estuary is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult rainbow boa in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult sugar glider in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult toucan in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult dugong in Silverwave Shoals is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult tiger snake in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult indian elephant in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult green basilisk in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dreamtide River equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Dreamtide River. The number of adult mouse lemur in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult aye-aye in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult steamer duck in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Luminara River equals the number of adult kudu in Luminara River. The number of adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult king cobra in Radiance Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Nebulight Keys is the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult red panda in Sparkflow Torrent equals 1 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult kudu in Starlit Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult vole in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult ladybug in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Radiance Sea. The number of adult fennec mule in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 times the number of adult slow loris in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Frostveil Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult kitsune in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult elephant bird in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult dormouse in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult oryx in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Frostveil Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Eclipsed Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Frostveil Cay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Nebulight Keys is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult boomslang in Shimmerbrook Passage is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Moonbeam Tides is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult oryx in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starshadow Estuary is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Aurora Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Whisperflow Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult vole in Shimmering Shoals is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Nebula Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Nebulight Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the sum of the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult elephant seal in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult fennec fox in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult barracuda in Glintcurrent Flow is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult orangutan in Radiance Channel equals 2 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiance Channel. The number of adult tiger prawn in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the number of adult boomslang in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Twilight Waters. The number of adult chimpanzee in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult agouti in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult coyote in Radiance Sea. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Radiance Keys. The number of adult hognose snake in Shimmercrest Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starshadow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult water buffalo in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult sand cat in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dreamtide River equals 3 plus the number of adult african penguin in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurorastream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Aurorastream. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult asian elephant in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult tern in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult rhea in Glowmist Creek is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebula Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult toucan in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult horned lizard in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Isle. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The number of adult mangrove snake in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult beluga whale in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Whisperflow Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Dreamtide River equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult sloth in Radiance Keys. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Frostveil Cay is the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Frostwave Depths equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Aurorastream equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Aurorastream. The number of adult greyhound in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult caiman in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult jerboa in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dreamtide River equals 1 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult seal in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult cerberus in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult minke whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult humpback whale in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalbrook Stream equals 3 times the number of adult compsognathus in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult caiman in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult aye-aye in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dreamtide River. The number of adult gila monster in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult lionfish in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult king cobra in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Radiance Channel. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult water buffalo in Luminara River. The number of adult steamer duck in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamsea Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult russell's viper in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult ball python in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 plus the number of adult kudu in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult booby in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 times the number of adult booby in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Dreamtide River. The number of adult indian elephant in Radiance Keys is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 plus the number of adult bettas in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Aurora Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec mule in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult allosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult paca in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult jerboa in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Whisperflow Rapids is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kakapo in Glowmist Creek is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult orangutan in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Aurora Tides. The number of adult rotifer in Velvetwhisper Stream is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starlight Channel equals 1 times the number of adult cone snail in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult jerboa in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult boomslang in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult red-eared slider in Velvetreef Island equals 3 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult kinkajou in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult coypu in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult salp in Luminous Lagoon is 2 plus the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sandpiper in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 plus the number of adult gull in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult toucan in Radiance Keys. The number of adult siberian husky in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Nebula Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult agouti in Moonshadow Current equals 3 plus the number of adult dung beetle in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult musk ox in Twilight Stream. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Aurorastream equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Opalescent Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamtide Isle is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Twilight Stream. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Sparkflow Torrent is the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurorastream equals the number of adult jaguar in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Radiance Keys equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 times the number of adult zooplankton in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult king penguin in Gleamwater Channel is the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult cerberus in Silverwave Tributary equals 2 plus the number of adult cassowary in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult kitsune in Lustrous Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult hognose snake in Crystalbrook Stream is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult agouti in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult porcupine in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult gopher in Moonshadow Current equals 4 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Aurora Tides equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult blue whale in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult boomslang in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult okapi in Starshadow Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Velvetwhisper Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult paca in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult lemming in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult euphausiid in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult grasshopper in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starlit Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult selkie in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult spinosaurus in Velvetwhisper Stream is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult tiger in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Aurora Tides equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Aurora Tides. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult frigatebird in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult gull in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 times the number of adult pufferfish in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Gleamwater Channel is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult fin whale in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult american mastodon in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult gazelle in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult bonobo in Frostsong River equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult coconut crab in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult howler monkey in Dreamtide Isle is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Frostveil Cay is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult forest mammoth in Luminous Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult patas monkey in Frostsong River equals 1 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Frostsong River. The number of adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult booby in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 3 times the number of adult dovekie in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult patas monkey in Silverlight Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult mosquito in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult manatee in Starlit Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult dragonfly in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Frostwave Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult eyelash viper in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Stream. The number of adult weka in Starshadow Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 times the number of adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Eclipsed Waters.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult patas monkey in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Coralhaven equals the number of adult tinamous in Coralhaven. The number of adult box jellyfish in Moonmist Atoll is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult desert locust in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult foraminifera in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult agouti in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult boxfish in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Serenade Isle. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Caverns is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult compsognathus in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult meerkat in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Gilded Reef is the number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult paca in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Serenade Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult lemur in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult moray eel in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult hammerhead shark in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult king cobra in Lumina Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Twilight Caverns is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gilded Reef equals 3 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Gilded Reef. The number of adult sugar glider in Gleaming Hollows is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult nightjar in Dreamtide Cove is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult coypu in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult aardvark in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult paradise tanager in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult peacock in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult stegodon in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult asian elephant in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult butterfly in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult silkworm in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Sunbeam Haven is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult firefly in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Sunbeam Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult surinam toad in Gilded Reef. The number of adult humpback whale in Moonlit Grotto is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult king cobra in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 times the number of adult harpy cow in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult king penguin in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult blue tang in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Glowthorn Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lustrous Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult akita in Starlight Hollows is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult bettas in Nebulight Tunnels is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Frostbloom Caverns is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult blue whale in Aurora Depths is the total number of adult animals in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dreambark Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult walking stick in Silverlight Caves is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Silkreef Shores is the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult bison in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gilded Reef equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Starlight Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Dreamveil Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult hammerhead shark in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult dodo in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult archerfish in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult bettas in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult milk snake in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult nemean lion in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult mosquito in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult atlas moth in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Ethereal Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Ethereal Vault. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starshine Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult snares penguin in Radiant Shoals is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult arabic cow in Radiant Hollow is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Dusksong Forest equals 4 plus the number of adult dovekie in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult red bishop in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult coelacanth in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult hooded seal in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult orca in Aurora Depths. The number of adult bettas in Dreamveil Chasm is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult bison in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Whispering Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Shimmerwood Refuge is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult gouldian finch in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult blue hawk in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult spider monkey in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult yellow tang in Prismatic Vault is the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult bobcat in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult caracal in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult coyote in Azurehaven equals 3 plus the number of adult black mamba in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Coralhaven equals 1 plus the number of adult emu in Coralhaven. The number of adult mosquito in Silverlight Caves equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult marine iguana in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult ostrich in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult akita in Mystic Tides. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Glowstone Pass is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult sea wasp in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the number of adult penguin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Dreamveil Chasm is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Luminous Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eclipsed Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Twilight Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult blackbuck in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult paca in Ecliptica Bay equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Serenade Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tinamous in Radiant Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult mouse lemur in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult grasshopper in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult bettong in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult coyote in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult camel in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Shimmerstone Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult surinam toad in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult emperor penguin in Ecliptica Bay is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult asian elephant in Serenade Isle. The number of adult desert locust in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult night monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult yak in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gilded Reef is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult unicorn in Shimmerstone Abyss is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult crab in Silkreef Shores is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Wilds. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The number of adult little blue penguin in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult takahe in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult macaw in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult gray whale in Aurora Depths equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Aurora Depths. The number of adult southern mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult gazelle in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult walrus in Moonlit Grotto is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult gouldian finch in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult shrimp in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult coyote in Aurorathorn Grove equals 4 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starflow Isles. The number of adult red-eared slider in Twilight Timber is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult american mastodon in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult american mastodon in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Glowstone Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Twilight Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Nebulight Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult gaur in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Mystic Tides. The number of adult thylacine in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult bison in Aurora Depths is the total number of adult animals in Azurehaven. The number of adult sun conure in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult barracuda in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult american alligator in Shimmerstone Keys is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Shimmerstone Keys is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult chimpanzee in Luminous Chasm is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult arabic cow in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult butterfly in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult tiger in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult addax in Azurehaven is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult compsognathus in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult beluga whale in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult cerberus in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult cerberus in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Ethereal Vault is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Nebulight Tunnels is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Frostshadow Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult bandicoot in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult frigatebird in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult eland in Nebulight Tunnels is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Coralhaven equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 plus the number of adult camel in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult black mamba in Emerald Archipelago is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult eastern newt in Eclipsed Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gilded Reef equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Luminous Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Mystic Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult green iguana in Mystic Tides. The number of adult beluga whale in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult zebra in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult tapir in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glowstone Pass is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult forest mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult tamarin in Luminous Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Prismatic Vault is the total number of adult animals in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Dawnspire Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sun conure in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult royal penguin in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult forest mammoth in Dawnspire Cay is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Coralhaven equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Coralhaven. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult kiwi in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostbloom Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult golden mantella in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult basenji in Mystic Tides. The number of adult noctiluca in Aurorathorn Grove is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Dreamveil Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Moonlit Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostshadow Woods is 1 plus the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult chaetognath in Twilight Caverns is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult goblin shark in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Velvetglow Tunnels is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm, the number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium, and the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult kiwi in Dreambark Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starshine Canopy equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Sunbeam Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult gray whale in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Serenade Isle equals 1 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostbloom Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult beaked whale in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult sand cat in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Eclipsed Thickets is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mystic Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Mystic Tides. The number of adult okapi in Seashell Isles is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult gouldian finch in Luminous Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult chimpanzee in Lumina Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Luminous Chasm is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult vaquita in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult dugong in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult lionfish in Radiant Glade. The number of adult goblin shark in Nebulight Tunnels is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Twilight Caverns equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Nebulight Tunnels is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Coralhaven equals 1 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult gaur in Aurora Depths. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Whispering Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult ivory gull in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Starflow Isles. The number of adult puma in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult elk in Whispering Cay. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Silverleaf Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult roan antelope in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult gray whale in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult emu in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Starlight Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Eclipsed Crevasse is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Starlight Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Dreamveil Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult manatee in Radiant Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult dodo in Radiant Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult red bishop in Luminous Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult narwhal in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Moonlit Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glowthorn Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult green-winged macaw in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Coralhaven equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Coralhaven. The number of adult rotifer in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult copepod in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult iguana in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult mosasaurus in Glowstone Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Ethereal Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult sperm whale in Starflow Isles is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult acantharian in Everglow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult duiker in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult capybara in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult giraffe in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult topi in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult mouse in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Ethereal Vault equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Prismatic Vault is the total number of adult animals in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nebulight Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult wildebeest in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult african penguin in Coralhaven is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult agouti in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult cougar in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Dawnspire Cay is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult california sea lion in Aurora Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Luminous Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult howler monkey in Velvetglow Tunnels is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult noctiluca in Everglow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult copepod in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult parrotfish in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Frostbloom Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Moonlit Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult stegodon in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult tsessebe in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult king cobra in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Seashell Isles. The number of adult orangutan in Lumina Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult golden cat in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starshine Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult iguanodon in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult gorilla in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult golden cat in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Coralhaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Coralhaven equals 3 times the number of adult great auk in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostbloom Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult stick insect in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult rotifer in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult moas in Radiant Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult desert locust in Azurehaven equals 3 times the number of adult rainbow boa in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The number of adult parrot in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult monitor lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult narwhal in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Lustrous Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Frostbloom Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult diatom in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult sperm whale in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult fennec mule in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult thaliacean in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult waterbuck in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult tarsier in Sunbeam Haven is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult kitsune in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Twilight Caverns equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Twilight Caverns.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch as k; so k = x = x. We know k = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mare Humorum equals 4 times the number of adult sun conure in Mare Humorum. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult sun conure in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult quetzal in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult angelfish in Shimmering Mire is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult lynx in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Montes Apenninus equals 4 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Wraithveil Swamp equals 3 times the number of adult addax in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreadmire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Wintersong Valley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult tiger in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 times the number of adult snow leopard in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lunar Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult raccoon in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult golden mole in Duskmist Fen equals 1 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult stingray in Mare Australe is the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult kudu in Copernicus Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult rock lobster in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult acantharian in Mare Serenitatis equals 1 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult gerenuk in Whispering Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Nubium. The number of adult tiger snake in Shackleton Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult firefly in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sea of Tranquility equals 2 plus the number of adult fin whale in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult manatee in Ghostlight Mire equals 1 times the number of adult oryx in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult beluga whale in Glintfrost Chasm is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult noctiluca in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult zooplankton in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult crab in Icetide Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 plus the number of adult koala in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult little blue penguin in Wraithveil Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult rhea in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Montes Apenninus equals the number of adult russell's viper in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult wombat in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult tiger prawn in Ebonshade Swamp is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 plus the number of adult seal in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult rotifer in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 2 plus the number of adult heron in Gloamspire Quagmire. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult rock wallaby in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult numbat in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult krill in Ebonshade Swamp is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult gila monster in Shackleton Crater equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult triggerfish in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Montes Apenninus equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Wintersong Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Everchill Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult eland in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult fennec fox in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult beluga whale in Everchill Ridge is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Dreadmire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Mare Nubium equals 1 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Whispering Marsh equals the average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Frostlight Peaks is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult thaliacean in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult milk snake in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Wintersong Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult collared lemming in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Shimmering Mire equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult boomslang in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult golden mole in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult milk snake in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult kitsune in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult tern in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult sugar glider in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult red bishop in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult painted bunting in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult potoroo in Aurora Glacier equals 4 times the number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult rock wallaby in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult arctic fox in Tycho Crater. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult giraffe in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult king penguin in Spectral Basin equals 2 times the number of adult hedgehog in Spectral Basin. The number of adult red bishop in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult gouldian finch in Dawnfrost Plateau is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Mare Crisium equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Iceloom Crest is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult kudu in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult lion in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult blue monkey in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult baboon in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult harp seal in Mare Imbrium is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult leviathan in Chillveil Heights equals 3 times the number of adult hippogriff in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult sable antelope in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Icewhisper Dale equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shackleton Crater equals 4 times the number of adult walking stick in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Shardbluff Canyon is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult orangutan in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult little blue penguin in Spectral Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult great auk in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Mare Crisium. The number of adult larvacean in Mare Serenitatis equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult paradise tanager in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Montes Alpes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the number of adult king penguin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult electric eel in Shardbluff Canyon is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult blackbuck in Mare Imbrium equals 2 times the number of adult king eider in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ghostbloom Fen equals 1 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult axolotl in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aristarchus Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult larvacean in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult mouse lemur in Phantom Waters equals 4 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Phantom Waters. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult puffin in Glacierveil Tundra is the total number of adult animals in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult archerfish in Mare Australe equals the number of adult yellow tang in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Mare Vaporum equals 3 plus the number of adult kakapo in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Whispering Marsh equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult butterfly in Mare Moscoviense equals 3 plus the number of adult cougar in Mare Moscoviense. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult cougar in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 times the number of adult sand cat in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult yak in Lunar Highlands is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult king penguin in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult elephant bird in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo, and the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shimmering Mire equals 1 times the number of adult surgeonfish in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Mare Humorum equals 4 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Mare Humorum. The number of adult hooded seal in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant seal in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult roan antelope in Mare Cognitum equals 2 times the number of adult kingfisher in Mare Cognitum. The number of adult fox in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult mosquito in Mare Moscoviense equals the number of adult dung beetle in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult coconut crab in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult inland taipan in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Dreadmire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult stick insect in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult impala in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Phantom Waters equals 3 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult hermit crab in Ebonshade Swamp is the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult tinamous in Mare Humorum is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult springbok in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the number of adult bowhead whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Tycho Crater equals 4 plus the number of adult numbat in Tycho Crater. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Frostspire Expanse is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Montes Apenninus equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult gaur in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Mare Nubium equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult boomslang in Shackleton Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult hornet in Shackleton Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lunar Highlands equals 2 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult omura's whale in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult nemean lion in Chillveil Heights equals 4 times the number of adult pegasus in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult nyala in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mare Humorum equals 1 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Mare Humorum. The number of adult mayfly in Mare Moscoviense equals 1 times the number of adult firefly in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult tiger prawn in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult blue crab in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Everchill Ridge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult arabic cow in Ghostlight Mire equals 2 plus the number of adult giraffe in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult roc in Chillveil Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult shearwater in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult red panda in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult bush baby in Phantom Waters. The number of adult cerberus in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult phoenix in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult desert locust in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult desert locust in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult gray whale in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult cicada in Dreadmire Expanse is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Crystalfrost Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult cougar in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult patas monkey in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult lemur in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult red panda in Oceanus Procellarum equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult southern mammoth in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult manticore in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Mare Nubium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Mare Nubium. The number of adult addax in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Fogveil Bog is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Mare Crisium equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Mare Crisium. The number of adult gouldian finch in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult steamer duck in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult fennec mule in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult sugar glider in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Everchill Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Eternafrost Plains is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult coyote in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult green anaconda in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mare Nubium equals 3 times the number of adult humboldt penguin in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult wildebeest in Copernicus Crater equals the number of adult kudu in Copernicus Crater. The number of adult coyote in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult glass frog in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Montes Apenninus equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Silverfreeze Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Mare Humorum. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult tarsier in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Lunar Highlands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult humpback whale in Ghostbloom Fen is the total number of newborn animal children in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lunar Highlands equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult skimmer in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult bonobo in Mare Vaporum equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Whispering Marsh equals 2 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Everchill Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glacierveil Tundra is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult kudu in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult desert locust in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ghostbloom Fen equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult acantharian in Veilwhisper Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult roan antelope in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Duskmist Fen equals 3 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Dreadmire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult sloth in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult selkie in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult skimmer in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult nightjar in Spectral Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Apenninus. The number of adult yak in Icewhisper Dale is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Frozen Echo Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Oceanus Procellarum equals 3 plus the number of adult right whale in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult potoroo in Tycho Crater equals the number of adult koala in Tycho Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 4 times the number of adult walking stick in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Wintersong Valley equals 2 times the number of adult rock lobster in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult golden cat in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of adult animals in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Montes Alpes equals 4 times the number of adult cormorant in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Frostlight Peaks equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Mare Frigoris equals 2 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult hydra in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult goliath beetle in Shackleton Crater is 1 times the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult serval in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult wasp in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult sugar glider in Phantom Waters equals 3 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Everchill Ridge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Shimmering Mire equals 1 plus the number of adult puma in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult california sea lion in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult sea lion in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Mare Crisium equals 3 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Mare Crisium. The number of adult bandicoot in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Phantom Waters. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Darkwater Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult phoenix in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dreadmire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Glacierreach. The number of adult diatom in Gloamspire Quagmire is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult komodo dragon in Shackleton Crater equals 2 plus the number of adult antlion in Shackleton Crater. The number of adult coypu in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult pangolin in Phantom Waters. The number of adult coypu in Oceanus Procellarum equals the number of adult coypu in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Icewhisper Dale is the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shadowfen Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult beaked whale in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Shimmering Mire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult oryx in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult bushbuck in Whispering Marsh is the total number of adult animals in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult lion in Ethereal Marsh equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult red bishop in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Crisium. The number of adult sea anemone in Shardbluff Canyon is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Shackleton Crater equals 3 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Shackleton Crater. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin is the total number of adult animals in Mare Imbrium. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glacierreach equals the number of adult capybara in Glacierreach. The number of adult bobcat in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 plus the number of adult polar bear in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult black panther in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult puffin in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult golden cat in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Ghostbloom Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult corn snake in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lunar Highlands equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Mare Vaporum equals 2 times the number of adult king penguin in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult golden mole in Wraithveil Swamp is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Mare Nubium equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo, and the number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult fenrir in Chillveil Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult basilisk in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Glacierreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Mare Frigoris equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult sun conure in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult painted bunting in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Everchill Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Whispering Marsh equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult elk in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult capybara in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Shimmering Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult gelada in Mare Vaporum equals 4 plus the number of adult gorilla in Mare Vaporum. The number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult leopard seal in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult bettas in Mare Australe equals the number of adult sea anemone in Mare Australe. The number of adult bandicoot in Oceanus Procellarum equals 1 times the number of adult blue whale in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult capybara in Copernicus Crater equals 4 times the number of adult krill in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lunar Highlands equals 2 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult desert locust in Frostspire Expanse is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Silverfreeze Plateau is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mare Serenitatis. The number of adult crab in Wintersong Valley is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Oceanus Procellarum. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 2 times the number of adult puffin in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult slow loris in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Fogveil Bog equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Mare Nubium equals 2 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Mare Nubium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in South Pole-Aitken Basin. The number of adult cheetah in Ethereal Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mare Frigoris equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult parrotfish in Glacierreach is the total number of adult animals in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult caracal in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult albatross in Gloamspire Quagmire is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Mare Australe. The number of adult tsessebe in Mare Cognitum equals 3 plus the number of adult paradise tanager in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult axolotl in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult patas monkey in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Mare Frigoris equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult sugar glider in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult mouse lemur in Oceanus Procellarum equals 2 times the number of adult nightjar in Oceanus Procellarum. The number of adult barnacle in Ebonshade Swamp is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Snowshadow Rift is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Ebonshade Swamp is the number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult wildebeest in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult zebra in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Montes Alpes equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Montes Alpes. The number of adult gouldian finch in Mare Humorum is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult great auk in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Whispering Marsh equals 1 plus the number of adult gazelle in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mare Frigoris equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glacierreach equals the number of adult manatee in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult hellbender in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Shardbluff Canyon is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Soulshard Bog equals 2 plus the number of adult fin whale in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Mare Frigoris equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Mare Frigoris. The number of adult forest mammoth in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult roc in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lunar Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Lunar Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult langoustine in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult lobster in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult albatross in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Shadowfen Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult sun conure in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult penguin in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Montes Apenninus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Montes Apenninus. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glacierreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult guppy in Mare Australe equals 4 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Mare Australe. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Montes Alpes equals the number of adult grebe in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult toucan in Dawnfrost Plateau is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 times the number of adult stonefish in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Frostlight Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult gorilla in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eternafrost Plains is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Mare Frigoris equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mare Frigoris. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Everchill Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult margay in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Everchill Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult walrus in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Aristarchus Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Aristarchus Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Fogveil Bog equals 3 times the number of adult golden cat in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Aurora Glacier is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult rotifer in Mare Serenitatis equals 3 plus the number of adult larvacean in Mare Serenitatis. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Mare Crisium equals the number of adult flamingo in Mare Crisium. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult lobster in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult penguin in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult quetzal in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult wasp in Mare Moscoviense equals 4 times the number of adult leafhopper in Mare Moscoviense. The number of adult rock lobster in Icetide Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult king crab in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Dreadmire Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sea of Tranquility equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Sea of Tranquility. The number of adult manatee in Copernicus Crater equals 3 times the number of adult water buffalo in Copernicus Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult caracal in Ethereal Marsh is the total number of adult animals in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Shadowfen Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult aardvark in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult thaliacean in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult booby in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult blackbuck in Mare Cognitum equals the number of adult bushbuck in Mare Cognitum. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult giraffe in Icewhisper Dale is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalfrost Fields is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Montes Alpes equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Montes Alpes. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult king crab in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lunar Highlands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lunar Highlands. The number of adult golden cat in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult fishing cat in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult puffin in Mare Crisium is the total number of adult animals in Tycho Crater. The number of adult fennec mule in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Phantom Waters. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Mare Vaporum equals the number of adult macaque in Mare Vaporum. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult fishing cat in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult marsupial mole in Silverfreeze Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult golden cat in Shimmering Mire is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aristarchus Plateau equals the number of adult euphausiid in Aristarchus Plateau. The number of adult grasshopper in Mare Moscoviense equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Mare Moscoviense.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo as D; so D = x = x. We know D = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Greenland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult butterfly in Wintersong Valley equals 2 times the number of adult katydid in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Mount McKinley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Iceloom Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult night monkey in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 times the number of adult bonobo in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult king cobra in Altai Mountains is the total number of adult animals in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 times the number of adult wombat in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult eyelash viper in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult sugar glider in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Mount Fuji is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult shearwater in Alps is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Rift. The number of adult booby in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Icetide Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult grebe in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult eastern newt in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Patagonia equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Patagonia. The number of adult gelada in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Patagonia equals 3 times the number of adult sand cat in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Starlight Dells equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Siberia equals the number of adult bushbuck in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Yukon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult amphipod in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Altai Mountains equals 3 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult copperhead in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult nightjar in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult manatee in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult blue monkey in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult razorbill in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Mount Fuji. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Altai Mountains equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Altai Mountains. The number of adult patas monkey in Lustervale equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Everchill Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glowbark Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Yukon. The number of adult iguana in Svalbard is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Icewhisper Dale equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult velociraptor in Himalayas is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Icetide Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult oryx in Mount Fuji. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult narwhal in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Yukon equals 2 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Yukon. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Rockies equals the number of adult american alligator in Rockies. The number of adult kraken in Lapland is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Arctic Circle is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult roan antelope in Frostspire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult vaquita in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult sea lion in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult greenland shark in Glimmerroot Valley equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult little blue penguin in Siberia equals 3 plus the number of adult kiwi in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult bush viper in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Twilight Fold equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult tapir in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult hooded seal in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult groundhog in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Twilight Fold equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Lapland equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Lapland. The number of adult copperhead in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult addax in Starlight Dells. The number of adult eland in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult giraffe in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult collared lemming in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult salp in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult gila monster in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult pipefish in Franz Josef Land is the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult okapi in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult jackal in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Glacierreach is the total number of adult animals in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Svalbard is the total number of newborn animal children in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult rhea in Svalbard is 1 times the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult gull in Alps equals the number of adult pelican in Alps. The number of adult kudu in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult wood frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult mosquito in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult cladoceran in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Altai Mountains is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult tomato frog in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shardbluff Canyon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult topi in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult wildebeest in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Glacierreach equals the number of adult glass frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Glowbark Glade equals 4 times the number of adult maned jackal in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult phytoplankton in Altai Mountains is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Antarctica is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Antarctica. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Greenland is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult blue monkey in Lustervale equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult capybara in Crystalpine Glen is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult nyala in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 4 plus the number of adult snow crab in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult sandpiper in Alps equals the number of adult cormorant in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Svalbard. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Sunset Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult puffin in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Mount McKinley. The number of adult rhinoceros in Frostlight Peaks is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult orangutan in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult green anaconda in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Altai Mountains equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Icewhisper Dale equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult sea slug in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult sloth in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult california sea lion in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 plus the number of adult dugong in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult greenland shark in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult black widow spider in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Arctic Circle. The number of adult paca in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult groundhog in Gloamhaven. The number of adult deinonychus in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Dusklight Gorge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult clownfish in Iceland is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Dusklight Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals 1 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Arctic Circle. The number of adult blue monkey in Crystalpine Glen is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Lapland is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult howler monkey in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Svalbard equals the number of adult penguin in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult thylacine in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Iceloom Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Starlight Dells is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Patagonia equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult patas monkey in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult puffin in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Iceland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Iceland. The number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek and the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Mount Fuji equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Iceland is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult gila monster in Glowbark Glade equals the number of adult boomslang in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Patagonia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Patagonia. The number of adult agouti in Gloamhaven equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Gloamhaven. The number of adult marine iguana in Svalbard is the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult parrotfish in Franz Josef Land is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult wallaby in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult ostrich in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Altai Mountains is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Glacierreach equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Iceland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Svalbard equals the number of adult king cobra in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Mount Fuji is the number of adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult caribou in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult golden mole in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the number of adult akita in Arctic Circle. The number of adult blackbuck in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult grebe in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Glacierreach equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult water buffalo in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Iceland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Icewhisper Dale is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Lapland. The number of adult wood frog in Dusksong Glen equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in South Pole equals 2 times the number of adult dingo in South Pole. The number of adult tiger in Himalayas equals the number of adult agouti in Himalayas. The number of adult capybara in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult rhea in Siberia is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 2 times the difference between the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The number of adult foraminifera in Altai Mountains is the total number of newborn animal children in Svalbard. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult king cobra in Greenland is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult wombat in Mount McKinley. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult black mamba in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult tiger snake in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult koala in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult vervet monkey in Crystalpine Glen equals 1 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Lapland. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult king eider in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult numbat in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult gelada in Lustervale equals 1 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Yukon. The number of adult vervet monkey in Whisperwood Vale equals the number of adult baboon in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult collared lemming in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult bats in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult hellbender in Dusksong Glen is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Svalbard equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Greenland equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Greenland. The number of adult porcupine in Gloamhaven is the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult wildebeest in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult bison in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Patagonia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult tapir in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Altai Mountains equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Altai Mountains. The number of adult dormouse in Lapland is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Arctic Circle equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult bandicoot in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult rainbow boa in Shimmer Valley equals 2 times the number of adult black mamba in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 1. The number of adult marlin in Yukon is the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The number of adult gelada in Whisperwood Vale equals 1 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Whisperwood Vale. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Rockies equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Rockies. The number of adult elephant seal in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult walrus in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult corythosaurus in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult opossum in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult bobcat in Aurora Glacier equals 2 plus the number of adult stingray in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Svalbard equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Altai Mountains is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipsed Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lapland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Lapland. The number of adult russell's viper in Shimmer Valley equals 2 times the number of adult kinkajou in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult beaver in Lapland is the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult desert locust in North Pole equals the number of adult colobus monkey in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Silverleaf Dells equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult rotifer in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Chillveil Heights equals 1 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult snow leopard in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Siberia equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Icewhisper Dale equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult compsognathus in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult grasshopper in Wintersong Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult nyala in Siberia is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Glacierreach equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Glacierreach. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Dawnfrost Plateau is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult booby in Alps equals 3 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Alps. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in South Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in South Pole. The number of adult royal penguin in Rockies equals the number of adult african penguin in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Mount McKinley is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult mosasaurus in Sunset Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Sunset Hollow. The number of adult bettong in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Lapland is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult fox in South Pole is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Greenland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Patagonia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Svalbard equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Greenland equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Greenland. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the number of adult golden mantella in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glacierreach. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glacierreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Twilight Fold. The number of adult king cobra in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Himalayas. The number of adult gelada in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult macaque in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult gray whale in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Iceland equals the number of adult triggerfish in Iceland. The number of adult harp seal in Everchill Ridge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Dells. The number of adult russell's viper in Radiant Glen equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Everchill Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult greenland shark in Aurora Rift equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Aurora Rift. The number of adult chimpanzee in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult tiger in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult frigatebird in Alps equals 4 times the number of adult allosaurus in Alps. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in South Pole equals 2 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Iceland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Iceland. The number of adult russell's viper in Starlight Dells equals 4 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Starlight Dells. The number of adult stingray in Iceloom Crest is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 1. The number of adult tiger snake in Glowbark Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Yukon equals the number of adult dolphin in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult pipefish in Veilshade Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in South Pole is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Icetide Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult coyote in North Pole equals 4 plus the number of adult jerboa in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult greyhound in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult tarsier in Shimmer Valley is 4 times the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 4 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult fin whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Frozen Echo Basin equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult lynx in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult fiddler crab in Icewhisper Dale is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Yukon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Yukon. The number of adult coqui frog in Dusksong Glen equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult patas monkey in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 plus the number of adult caiman lizard in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult pteranodon in Himalayas is the total number of newborn animal children in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult king cobra in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Iceloom Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult tsessebe in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult pelican in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Twilight Fold equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Twilight Fold. The number of adult red-eared slider in Svalbard is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult roan antelope in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult manta ray in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult siberian husky in Shardbluff Canyon is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Chillveil Heights is 4 plus the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The number of adult glass frog in Radiant Glen is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Crystalfrost Fields is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 times the number of adult goblin shark in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Alps. The number of adult collared lemming in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult ross's gull in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in South Pole equals the number of adult basenji in South Pole. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Antarctica equals 4 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Mount McKinley equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Arctic Circle equals 3 plus the number of adult fox in Arctic Circle. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Franz Josef Land equals 1 times the number of adult moas in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lapland equals 1 plus the number of adult lemming in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Iceland equals 2 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Iceland. The number of adult patas monkey in Crystalpine Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult golden cat in Aurora Glacier equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Yukon is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Glacierreach. The number of adult axolotl in Glintfrost Chasm is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult sandpiper in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult squirrel in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Antarctica is 3 plus the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek, the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult bettong in Mount McKinley is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Patagonia equals 3 times the number of adult margay in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult orangutan in Himalayas equals 4 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Himalayas. The number of adult blue monkey in Whisperwood Vale equals 4 times the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Twilight Fold equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult arabic cow in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Glacierveil Tundra equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult dormouse in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Iceloom Crest is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult boxfish in Veilshade Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult manta ray in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Glacierreach equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Mount McKinley is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult bushbuck in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult gannet in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult rainbow boa in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Starlight Dells. The number of adult potoroo in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult dhole in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Antarctica equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpion in Antarctica. The number of adult bonobo in Whisperwood Vale equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult greyhound in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Arctic Circle is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The number of adult dormouse in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult sperm whale in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Arctic Circle. The number of adult marbled salamander in Dusksong Glen equals the number of adult wood frog in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult fairy penguin in Rockies equals 2 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Rockies. The number of adult vervet monkey in Lustervale equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Chillveil Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult rock wallaby in Evershade Rift equals the number of adult siberian husky in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult green and black poison frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult bonobo in Lustervale equals 1 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustervale. The number of adult crested gecko in Antarctica is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 times the number of adult nyala in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult copperhead in Radiant Glen equals 4 times the number of adult golden mantella in Radiant Glen. The number of adult southern right whale in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Altai Mountains.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Oakridge Riverside as E; so E = x = x. We know E = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult king penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult inland taipan in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult blue monkey in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult vervet monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Twilight Aerie equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult gorilla in Aurora Crags. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult lemming in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult larvacean in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult blue monkey in British Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult howler monkey in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Van Gogh Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult moas in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Astral Ridge. The number of adult california sea lion in Prado Museum equals the number of adult seal in Prado Museum. The number of adult bettong in Smithsonian Institution is the total number of adult animals in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult compsognathus in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult crested gecko in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult fennec mule in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Spectral Chamber equals 2 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult tiger prawn in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult harbor porpoise in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult bonobo in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ebon Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult booby in Tate Modern equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Tate Modern. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult nightjar in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult slow loris in Guggenheim Museum is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. The number of adult sandpiper in Tate Modern equals the number of adult grebe in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Glacierlight Range is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gibbon in Pergamon Museum is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult hedgehog in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult vaquita in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult baboon in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult african penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult roan antelope in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult spider monkey in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Van Gogh Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult emu in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Aurora Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult acantharian in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult desert locust in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult boomslang in Starlight Vault. The number of adult noctiluca in Silvermist Highlands equals 2 times the number of adult larvacean in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult vole in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult fishing cat in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult ivory gull in Pergamon Museum equals 1 times the number of adult king eider in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Van Gogh Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult pufferfish in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 times the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The number of adult patas monkey in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult howler monkey in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult african wild dog in Glacierlight Range is the total number of adult animals in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Celestica Spire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Celestica Spire. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 times the number of adult puffin in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult dormouse in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult groundhog in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult slow loris in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurora Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult gelada in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Aurora Crags. The number of adult coyote in Prismatic Rift equals 4 times the number of adult camel in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult california sea lion in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult gorilla in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult gelada in British Museum equals 3 times the number of adult mandrill in British Museum. The number of adult noctiluca in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult salp in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult kitsune in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult roc in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult thaliacean in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 2 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult fenrir in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult acantharian in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult diatom in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in National Gallery is the total number of adult animals in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ebon Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult hydra in Metropolitan Museum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult dovekie in Tate Modern equals the number of adult egret in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult crab in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Dawnlit Peaks is the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Glowspire Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult mayfly in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult bandicoot in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult dhole in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult capuchin in Astral Ridge. The number of adult coconut crab in Nebula Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Nebula Crest. The number of adult coconut crab in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult hermit crab in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult chaetognath in Prado Museum is the total number of adult animals in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult horned lizard in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in National Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult howler monkey in National Gallery. The number of adult king cobra in Vatican Museums is the total number of newborn animal children in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The number of adult rotifer in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult amphipod in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult marbled salamander in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult wood frog in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult dormouse in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 1 times the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurora Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult leopard in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult baboon in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult paca in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult paca in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Van Gogh Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Van Gogh Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult cerberus in Fluorescent Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult red bishop in Opal Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult kingfisher in Opal Grotto. The number of adult clouded leopard in Moonstone Maze is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult greenland shark in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult walrus in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult coqui frog in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult hawkfish in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult gelada in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult sand cat in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult koala in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult paca in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult aye-aye in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult coypu in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult tiger prawn in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult centaur in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult acantharian in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult moray eel in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult coelacanth in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult green basilisk in Dawnlit Peaks is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Astral Ridge. The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult margay in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult tsessebe in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult bongo in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult copperhead in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult eastern box turtle in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Moonstone Maze is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Vatican Museums is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult tiger in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult tiger snake in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult thaliacean in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult chaetognath in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in National Gallery equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Van Gogh Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Hermitage Museum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult golden mole in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult blue racer in Hermitage Museum. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult noctiluca in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult greenland shark in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult greenland shark in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult thaliacean in Prado Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Astral Ridge. The number of adult blue monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult spider monkey in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult barracuda in Astral Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The number of adult black mamba in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Crest. The number of adult collared lemming in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult mandrill in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult lynx in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult fire salamander in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo, the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Glowspire Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult colobus monkey in Shadowglint Vault is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult arctic fox in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Summit is the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult axolotl in Rijksmuseum is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Vatican Museums is the total number of newborn animal children in Louvre Museum. The number of adult golden cat in Silvermist Highlands is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult roc in Fluorescent Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult kraken in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult bandicoot in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult mouse lemur in Etherreach Cliffs equals 3 times the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult snares penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Hermitage Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult king cobra in Radiant Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult sand cat in Nebula Crest is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Louvre Museum equals 2 times the number of adult diplodocus in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Moonstone Maze equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult scorpion in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult sea wasp in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult black widow spider in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult kiwi in Van Gogh Museum is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Glacierlight Range is the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult addax in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult ross's gull in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult corn snake in Radiant Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Radiant Crest. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult arctic wolf in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Glacierlight Range equals 1 times the number of adult rhea in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult vervet monkey in British Museum equals the number of adult hooded seal in British Museum. The number of adult rotifer in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult cladoceran in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Rijksmuseum equals 4 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Van Gogh Museum is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult booby in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult barnacle in Lunarchasm Ridge is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult elephant seal in Shadowglint Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult nyala in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult macaque in Starlight Summit. The number of adult nemean lion in Louvre Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult sable antelope in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Glowspire Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Hermitage Museum equals 3 times the number of adult king cobra in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult sea wasp in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is the total number of adult animals in Tate Modern. The number of adult thaliacean in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult copepod in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Spectral Chamber equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult golden cat in Sunspark Summit equals 1 times the number of adult caracal in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult pufferfish in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Smithsonian Institution equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Celestica Spire. The number of adult gopher in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the number of adult rainbow boa in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Van Gogh Museum is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurora Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in National Gallery equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Louvre Museum is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult capuchin monkey in National Gallery is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Louvre Museum equals 4 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult shrimp in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult fennec mule in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult raccoon in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult elephant seal in Prado Museum equals 3 times the number of adult dolphin in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Louvre Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in National Gallery is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult rattlesnake in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult american alligator in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult sea slug in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Starlight Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Spectral Chamber equals 3 times the number of adult desert locust in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult fenrir in Louvre Museum. The number of adult kittiwake in Tate Modern equals the number of adult gibbon in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in National Gallery equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in National Gallery. The number of adult night monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult bats in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult wood frog in Musée d'Orsay equals 4 times the number of adult damselfish in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult gull in Tate Modern equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Glowspire Depths is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult chimera in Cloudveil Plateau is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult lemur in Guggenheim Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult centaur in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in National Gallery. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in National Gallery is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The number of adult agouti in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult leviathan in Cloudveil Plateau is 1 plus the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Glowspire Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult firefly in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult deinonychus in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult arctic tern in Pergamon Museum equals 2 times the number of adult gelada in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Louvre Museum equals 1 times the number of adult manticore in Louvre Museum. The number of adult nemean lion in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult manticore in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult pangolin in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult patas monkey in Aurora Crags equals 1 times the number of adult gelada in Aurora Crags. The number of adult frigatebird in Tate Modern equals the number of adult puffin in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult camel in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult topi in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult topi in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in National Gallery. The number of adult patas monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult bush baby in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult oryx in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult collared lemming in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult snowy owl in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult mole in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Nebulight Caverns is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult blue monkey in Aurora Crags is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult sugar glider in Etherreach Cliffs equals 3 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glacierlight Range equals 2 plus the number of adult tinamous in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult ackie monitor in Chimeric Crevasse is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Luminous Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Spectral Chamber equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mole in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult clownfish in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult akita in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Shardlight Chasms equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult coypu in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult baboon in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Celestica Spire. The number of adult bandicoot in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult musk ox in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult frilled lizard in Radiant Crest equals 4 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Radiant Crest. The number of adult lion in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult cougar in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult gelada in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult ocelot in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult palaeoloxodon in Nimbus Heights is the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult lionfish in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult bonobo in Pergamon Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The number of adult rotifer in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 1 times the number of adult damselfish in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult king cobra in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult ocelot in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult sun conure in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult glass frog in Opal Grotto. The number of adult larvacean in Prado Museum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult waterbuck in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Smithsonian Institution equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Glacierlight Range equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Hermitage Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult gannet in Tate Modern is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult king cobra in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult macaque in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult king crab in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Celestica Spire is the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult cone snail in Ashmolean Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult weka in Van Gogh Museum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in National Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Astral Ridge. The number of adult bowhead whale in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult lemur in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Glowspire Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult puffin in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Spectral Chamber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult narwhal in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Starlight Vault. The number of adult mouse in J. Paul Getty Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Spectral Chamber. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Celestica Spire. The number of adult selkie in Louvre Museum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult gouldian finch in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Opal Grotto. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult ross's gull in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult puffin in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult peacock in Vatican Museums. The number of adult red panda in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult sea wasp in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult patas monkey in British Museum equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Starlight Vault equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Starlight Vault. The number of adult skimmer in Tate Modern is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in National Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Aurora Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult mouse lemur in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 times the number of adult mandrill in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Louvre Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult red-eared slider in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult tarsier in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo equals 1. The number of adult mouse lemur in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult steamer duck in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in National Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in National Gallery. The number of adult hooded seal in Shadowglint Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult corn snake in Glowspire Depths is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult caracal in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult vervet monkey in Eclipse Cavern equals 1 times the number of adult cheetah in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult coypu in Heavenspire Peak is the number of adult bear in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult mandrill in Heavenspire Peak is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult hooded seal in Prado Museum equals the number of adult tintinnid in Prado Museum. The number of adult pangolin in Guggenheim Museum is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Crest equals 1 times the number of adult howler monkey in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult hydra in Louvre Museum. The number of adult bobcat in Sunspark Summit is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult blackbuck in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult blackbuck in Starlight Summit.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo as e; so e = x = x. We know e = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult kitsune in Lustrous Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult black panther in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult arctic fox in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Eclipsed Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult elephant seal in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult wildebeest in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult arabic cow in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult night monkey in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Everglint Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Dreamtide Isle is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tern in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult blue whale in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult green anaconda in Stormchaser Plains is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult kudu in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Radiance Thicket equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 plus the number of adult glass frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult skimmer in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult capybara in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult chihuahua in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 times the number of adult gannet in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult siberian husky in Prismatic Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglint Woods. The number of adult red bishop in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult california sea lion in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Nebulight Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Starlit Atoll equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult king penguin in Frostlight Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult chimpanzee in Aurora Keys equals 3 times the number of adult topi in Aurora Keys. The number of adult manatee in Velvetreef Island equals 1 times the number of adult camel in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult gouldian finch in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult blue hawk in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult booby in Nimbus Ravine equals 2 plus the number of adult clownfish in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult jackal in Velvetreef Island is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult stegosaurus in Stormchaser Plains is the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult poodle in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult painted bunting in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult basenji in Glintbark Hollows is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult rotifer in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult musk ox in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult springbok in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult nyala in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult impala in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult penguin in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult forest mammoth in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult sand cat in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult clownfish in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult cerberus in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult serval in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult sloth in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Aurora Grove. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Lightningspire Plateau is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult ghost crab in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Hailstone Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult cerberus in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult chimera in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Nebulight Keys is 2 times the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult golden cat in Auroral Tempestfield equals 2 plus the number of adult dovekie in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult triceratops in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult tsessebe in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult dovekie in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult kitsune in Frostveil Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult spinosaurus in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult gaur in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult dragon in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult fenrir in Lustrous Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult sandpiper in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult albatross in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult orangutan in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Keys. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Galecrash Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Nebulight Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult california sea lion in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 times the number of adult dugong in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult acantharian in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult chaetognath in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult coyote in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult fennec fox in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult siberian husky in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult patas monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult ocelot in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult king penguin in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult tern in Starshadow Isles is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Stormspire Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult firefly in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult blue monkey in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult addax in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult wildebeest in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult tapir in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult poodle in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult marine iguana in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult starfish in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalbreeze Cay is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamtide Isle is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The number of adult clownfish in Starbloom Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiance Thicket equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult caracal in Frostlight Woods is 1 times the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult lion in Auroral Tempestfield equals 3 plus the number of adult tern in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult gaboon viper in Luminous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult sea anemone in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult southern mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult stegodon in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult oryx in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult ostrich in Silverwave Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult electric eel in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Hailstone Mesa equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Opalescent Isle equals 2 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Elderbloom Woods equals 4 times the number of adult skimmer in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Hailstone Mesa equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Prismatic Glade is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult mayfly in Prismatic Glade is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Twilight Timber. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult lobster in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult little blue penguin in Frostlight Woods equals 3 times the number of adult lynx in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Electrovalley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Aurora Grove. The number of adult howler monkey in Starshadow Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult vervet monkey in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult baboon in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Electrovalley equals the number of adult walrus in Electrovalley. The number of adult frigatebird in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 times the number of adult gull in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult barnacle in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult vaquita in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Eclipsed Haven is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Frostlight Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult cassowary in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult king penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult dodo in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult booby in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult ladybug in Velvetbark Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult tiger prawn in Thundershade Pass equals 4 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Thundershade Pass. The number of adult southern mammoth in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult gobies in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult caiman lizard in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Twilight Timber. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals 4 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult gecko in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult axolotl in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult bryde's whale in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult nemean lion in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult fishing cat in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Dreamtide Isle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Elderbloom Woods is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the number of adult tomato frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult rock lobster in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult forest mammoth in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult axolotl in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult forest mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult asian elephant in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult humpback whale in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Keys is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult coyote in Velvetbark Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult mayfly in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Starlit Atoll is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult black mamba in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Hailstone Mesa is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult quetzal in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult ross's gull in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult baboon in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult gibbon in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult spider crab in Eclipsed Haven is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Starlit Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Radiance Thicket is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult triceratops in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult gaur in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult golden retriever in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult akita in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult stegodon in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult patas monkey in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult hooded seal in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult guinea pig in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult kraken in Frostveil Cay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult pipefish in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult manta ray in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Gleamhaven Keys is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult surinam toad in Opalescent Isle is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Starlit Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult duiker in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult desert locust in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult silkworm in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult spider monkey in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Auroraflow Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult jaguar in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Everglint Woods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult damselfish in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Thunderclap Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Eclipsed Haven is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Luminous Lagoon is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starlit Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult omura's whale in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Shimmercrest Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult greyhound in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Dreamtide Isle is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult frigatebird in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult frigatebird in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult parrotfish in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult capybara in Cyclone Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult tomato frog in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult siberian husky in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult maned jackal in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult booby in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult flamingo in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lightning Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Everglint Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult blue racer in Everglint Woods. The number of adult eland in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult zebra in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult manatee in Cyclone Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the number of adult langoustine in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult sandpiper in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult diatom in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Electrovalley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult gerbil in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult vervet monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult mandrill in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult mandrill in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starbloom Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult albatross in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Whisperveil Thickets equals 2 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult boxfish in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult triggerfish in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult thaliacean in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Electrovalley equals 2 plus the number of adult penguin in Electrovalley. The number of adult arabic cow in Cyclone Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult eland in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult kudu in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult chimera in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult noctiluca in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult ivory gull in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult damselfish in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult jackal in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult bobcat in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult lynx in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult bongo in Aurora Keys is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult hooded seal in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult rock lobster in Nebulight Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Everglint Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult gull in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult elephant bird in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Cloudburst Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult eastern newt in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult arctic wolf in Tempest Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult caribou in Tempest Vale. The number of adult golden mole in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult marine iguana in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult green anaconda in Radiance Keys is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult gelada in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult compsognathus in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult pelican in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult ball python in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Luminous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult roc in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult puma in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult deinonychus in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Prismatic Glade equals 4 times the number of adult mosquito in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult golden retriever in Velvetreef Island is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult roan antelope in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult booby in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Electrovalley. The number of adult tarsier in Auroraflow Atoll is the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult blue monkey in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Dreamwood Canopy is the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Opalescent Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Electrovalley equals the number of adult albatross in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Starlit Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult desert locust in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Thunderclap Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult carnotaurus in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult tiger in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult jaguar in Auroral Tempestfield. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo is greater than 0. The number of adult compsognathus in Lightningspire Plateau is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult gila monster in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Auroraflow Atoll equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult leopard frog in Opalescent Isle is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shatterstorm Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult golden mole in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult mosquito in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult gouldian finch in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult compsognathus in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult iguanodon in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult kudu in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult bison in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Stormspire Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult camel in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult gull in Luminous Lagoon is 2 plus the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult blue hawk in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Hailstone Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Electrovalley equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult poison dart frog in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Electrovalley. The number of adult beluga whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult stegodon in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult asian elephant in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult orangutan in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult frilled lizard in Radiance Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Radiance Keys. The number of adult king cobra in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult springbok in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult potoroo in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult manta ray in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult blackbuck in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult bushbuck in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult centaur in Lustrous Hollow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lightning Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult elephant seal in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 plus the number of adult kiwi in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult triggerfish in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aurora Grove. The number of adult sandpiper in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult shearwater in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult dingo in Prismatic Glade is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult deinonychus in Shimmercrest Cay is the total number of adult animals in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult roan antelope in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult mosasaurus in Lightningspire Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult booby in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult pelican in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult agouti in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Nebulight Keys is 2 plus the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult little blue penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult steamer duck in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult greenland shark in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult manatee in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult leviathan in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult capybara in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult unicorn in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the number of adult cormorant in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult starfish in Moonwhisper Isle is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult dragon in Frostveil Cay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult booby in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult american mastodon in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult compsognathus in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 3 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo, the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium, and the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult pipefish in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult king cobra in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult chihuahua in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult border collie in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult kittiwake in Stormshade Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult penguin in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult crested gecko in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 2 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lightning Gorge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult sandpiper in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult damselfish in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult dragonfly in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Aurora Grove is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult tiger in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult tiger in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Moonwhisper Isle.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm as G; so G = x = x. We know G = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult aye-aye in Azure Shardwoods is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Luminara River equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Frostsong River equals 4 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Spectral Wildwood equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult sea slug in Sparkflow Torrent equals 1 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult springbok in Nebulight Keys is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starshadow Estuary equals 3 times the number of adult greyhound in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Prismatic Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starshard Copse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult kingfisher in Radiance Channel. The number of adult golden pheasant in Gleamveil Timberland is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult arctic tern in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult caribou in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult gray whale in Shardspire Woods is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult eyelash viper in Silverwave Shoals is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Glistenreach is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 plus the number of adult tarsier in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult hognose snake in Ethereal Timber is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Glowmist Creek is 1 times the number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamtide River equals 3 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 plus the number of adult bison in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult greenland shark in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult greenland shark in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bandicoot in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 times the number of adult dovekie in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult bats in Starshard Copse is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult sea slug in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult marine iguana in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult gaboon viper in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult aye-aye in Starshard Copse is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The number of adult gull in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 times the number of adult flamingo in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Spectral Wildwood equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Glistenreach equals 2 times the number of adult barnacle in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Ethereal Timber equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult pipefish in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Opalescent Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult gull in Radiant Hollows is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Opal Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The number of adult reticulated python in Ethereal Timber is the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult bullfrog in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult fennec mule in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult desert locust in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Starshard Copse is the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostsong River equals the number of adult damselfish in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult nightjar in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult weka in Prismatic Canopy is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult coyote in Starlit Atoll is the number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult addax in Crystalbough Reserve is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult bandicoot in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Glintcurrent Flow equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult booby in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult razorbill in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Velvetreef Island equals 2 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult tsessebe in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult zooplankton in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult fennec mule in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the number of adult mouse lemur in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult nyala in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult oryx in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult patas monkey in Glintshade Grove equals 3 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult pelican in Radiant Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult golden mole in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Glowmist Creek equals 2 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult camel in Glowmist Archipelago is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult dormouse in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonshadow Current equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonshadow Current equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult hognose snake in Starlit Atoll is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult wallaby in Iridescent Wilderness is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult roan antelope in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult night monkey in Aurorastream is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Shimmercrest Cay is 2 times the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Opal Thickets. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult mayfly in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult blue monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Glintshade Grove. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Spectral Wildwood is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult frigatebird in Aurorastream equals the number of adult baboon in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 2 plus the number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult unicorn in Moonshadow Current is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Ethereal Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Opal Thickets equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Opal Thickets. The number of adult pangolin in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurorastream is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Eclipsed Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Ethereal Timber equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult adélie penguin in Opalescent Isle is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shardspire Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult eland in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Opal Thickets equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aurora Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult kudu in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult unicorn in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The number of adult bowhead whale in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Lumina Glade. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lustrous Rapids equals 3 plus the number of adult opossum in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult chimera in Lustrous Rapids is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stream. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult coyote in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult vervet monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult axolotl in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult zebra in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult narwhal in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult amphipod in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult pipefish in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult lionfish in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult coyote in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Twilight Stream equals 4 times the number of adult kingfisher in Twilight Stream. The number of adult vervet monkey in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult wallaby in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult coypu in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult slow loris in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult hydra in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult goblin shark in Crystalbough Reserve is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult gobies in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Shardspire Woods. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Opal Thickets is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult boxfish in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult triggerfish in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult gouldian finch in Twilight Stream equals 2 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Twilight Stream. The number of adult gobies in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult mouse lemur in Velvetwhisper Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glintcurrent Flow equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult mosquito in Flarebark Forest equals 3 plus the number of adult grebe in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 times the number of adult hawkfish in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult compsognathus in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult gecko in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Dreamtide Isle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult red bishop in Starshadow Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult kraken in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The number of adult desert locust in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult meerkat in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aurora Keys. The number of adult american alligator in Shimmergrove is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Frostsong River equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Frostsong River. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult spider monkey in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Luminara River. The number of adult arctic wolf in Lumina Glade equals 4 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Lumina Glade. The number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult frilled lizard in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult thorny devil in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Opal Thickets. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult frilled lizard in Shimmergrove equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Frostsong River. The number of adult leviathan in Sparkleaf Haven is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Glowmist Creek equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult mouse in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Aurorastream. The number of adult tiger in Glowthorn Sanctuary is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult nemean lion in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult pegasus in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm, the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium, and the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Opal Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult african wild dog in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The number of adult red bishop in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult sun conure in Twilight Stream. The number of adult roan antelope in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 times the number of adult impala in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult crab in Glistenreach is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult marine iguana in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult fenrir in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult centaur in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Luminara River equals the number of adult puffin in Luminara River. The number of adult quokka in Shimmergrove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult snow crab in Glistenreach is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult border collie in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Velvetreef Island is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminara River. The number of adult collared lemming in Lumina Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult king eider in Lumina Glade. The number of adult sandpiper in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult toucan in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult nile crocodile in Shimmergrove is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The number of adult velociraptor in Glintshade Grove is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the number of adult ivory gull in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult green anaconda in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult paradise tanager in Twilight Stream equals 2 times the number of adult mole in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult booby in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult skimmer in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Twilight Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult potoroo in Iridescent Wilderness equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger prawn in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Twilight Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult bush viper in Opal Thickets is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Opalescent Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Gleamwater Channel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult tsessebe in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult tsessebe in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult hartebeest in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult blue monkey in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult opossum in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult beaked whale in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Radiance Channel. The number of adult moas in Prismatic Canopy is 3 times the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gelada in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aurora Keys equals 1 times the number of adult snowy owl in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Luminara River equals 3 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Luminara River. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult numbat in Shimmergrove is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult akita in Glintcurrent Flow is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult tiger in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Eclipsed Haven is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 times the number of adult slow loris in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult king penguin in Radiance Keys. The number of adult manatee in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult albatross in Radiant Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult tiger prawn in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the number of adult barnacle in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult larvacean in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Opal Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Opal Thickets. The number of adult coypu in Azure Shardwoods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult sun conure in Twilight Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult porcupine in Twilight Stream. The number of adult milk snake in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult marine iguana in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult tern in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult southern right whale in Radiance Channel equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Opal Thickets is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult squirrel in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult potoroo in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult bettong in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult night monkey in Radiant Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult coconut crab in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamtide River equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Starshard Copse is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Ethereal Timber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Aurora Keys. The number of adult diplodocus in Shimmerbrook Passage is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostsong River. The number of adult boxfish in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult jackal in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult kitsune in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult black mamba in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult rock wallaby in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Dreamtide Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult booby in Aurorastream equals 1 times the number of adult capuchin in Aurorastream. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult coyote in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult king eider in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult frigatebird in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult lemming in Twilight Stream. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Opalescent Isle equals 2 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult thorny devil in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult golden mole in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult sand cat in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 times the number of adult lobster in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult blackbuck in Frostveil Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult compsognathus in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Starshard Copse equals 3 plus the number of adult macaw in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonshadow Current equals 4 times the number of adult emu in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult king penguin in Radiance Keys equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiance Keys. The number of adult russell's viper in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult russell's viper in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Keys equals 4 times the number of adult flightless cormorant in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starshard Copse equals 3 plus the number of adult agouti in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult musk ox in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult blackbuck in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult iguana in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult sandpiper in Aurorastream equals the number of adult cormorant in Aurorastream. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 4 plus the sum of the number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Ethereal Timber is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 times the number of adult leopard in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Glowmist Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 times the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Luminara River equals 4 times the number of adult egret in Luminara River. The number of adult marsupial mole in Shimmergrove is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 2 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Opal Thickets is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult sandpiper in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult capuchin in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult fin whale in Eclipsed Haven is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult snowy owl in Lumina Glade is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult eagle in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium, the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult ivory gull in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lumina Glade. The number of adult coyote in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostsong River. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult elephant in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult gazelle in Aurora Keys is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult green anaconda in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult butterfly in Flarebark Forest equals 1 times the number of adult antlion in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult cerberus in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 times the number of adult phoenix in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult roc in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Luminara River equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Dazzlebark Retreat is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The number of adult red panda in Starlight Confluence is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 times the number of adult blue monkey in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult blue monkey in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult rock wallaby in Iridescent Wilderness equals 2 plus the number of adult wombat in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult grasshopper in Flarebark Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult cormorant in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dazzlebark Retreat is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult selkie in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult gecko in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult pangolin in Starlight Confluence is 2 times the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mosasaurus in Quartz Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult giraffe in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult capybara in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Glowmist Creek equals 2 plus the number of adult manta ray in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiance Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult cassowary in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starshadow Estuary equals 3 times the number of adult akita in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the number of adult jaguar in Glistenreach. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult red bishop in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glistenreach is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Radiance Channel equals 3 times the number of adult peacock in Radiance Channel.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm as Q; so Q = x = x. We know Q = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Altostratus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult gopher in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Mesosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Mesosphere. The number of adult lionfish in Tropical Cyclones is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Stratosphere equals 3 times the number of adult kangaroo in Stratosphere. The number of adult walrus in Supercells is the total number of newborn animal children in Thermosphere. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Shimmering Shoals is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Luminous Abyss equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult gelada in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult coypu in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult larvacean in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Auroras Australis is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult sei whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Mesosphere is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Solar Mirage equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Solar Mirage. The number of adult gouldian finch in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult toucan in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult gila monster in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Eternal Sands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Starfire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Supercells equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nebula Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starlight Channel equals 1 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult koala in Stratocumulus Cloud is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Opalescent Horizon is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Thermosphere equals 1 times the number of adult gazelle in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Auroras Australis equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Auroras Australis. The number of adult agouti in Glimmering Gulf is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stratosphere. The number of adult blue tang in Troposphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Mesosphere. The number of adult bettas in Tropical Cyclones equals 4 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult albatross in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Aurora Borealis is the total number of newborn animal children in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Stratosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Stratosphere. The number of adult vervet monkey in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Supercells equals 1 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult vaquita in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starfire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3 plus the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Crystalwave Horizon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult iguanodon in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult cerberus in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult hedgehog in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult greenland shark in Noctilucent Clouds equals 4 plus the number of adult compsognathus in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult arctic wolf in Noctilucent Clouds equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Eternal Sands equals 1 plus the number of adult gopher in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult milk snake in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 times the number of adult nutria in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult night monkey in Altostratus Cloud is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult springbok in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult corn snake in Twilight Waters is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Cumulus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult margay in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult phoenix in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Supercells equals 3 times the number of adult sea otter in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult eagle in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult patas monkey in Frostwave Depths equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult coyote in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult pipefish in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult minotaur in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult deinonychus in Nimbus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Auroras Australis equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Auroras Australis. The number of adult eastern quoll in Stratocumulus Cloud is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Lusterflow Basin equals 4 times the number of adult kraken in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Cirrus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult beluga whale in Noctilucent Clouds is the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Shimmering Shoals is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult red bishop in Golden Rift equals 3 times the number of adult flamingo in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Moonlit Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge, the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult meerkat in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Thermosphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult angelfish in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Crystalwave Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult red bishop in Nimbus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult toucan in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Twilight Waters. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult manta ray in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Polar Vortex equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult jaguar in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starlight Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult orangutan in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Troposphere is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Drift. The number of adult sandpiper in Gilded Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult skimmer in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult dragon in Lusterflow Basin. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 3 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek and the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Moonlit Mirage equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult russell's viper in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult leopard in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Stratosphere equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Stratosphere. The number of adult omura's whale in Solar Mirage is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek. The number of adult red-eared slider in Sunglint Wastes equals 4 times the number of adult american alligator in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult box jellyfish in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starfire Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult stingray in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 times the number of adult wood frog in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult wallaby in Meteor Showers is the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystaldust Flats equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Meteor Showers is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Supercells equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Supercells. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult toucan in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Thermosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult leviathan in Thermosphere. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Stratosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Maple Creek equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Moonbeam Tides is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Auroras Australis equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Auroras Australis. The number of adult gaur in Luminous Drift is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult fennec fox in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Polar Vortex equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Polar Vortex. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Ozone Layer is the total number of adult animals in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Supercells equals the number of adult wildebeest in Supercells. The number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Tides is the total number of adult animals in Golden Rift. The number of adult red bishop in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult bush viper in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ionosphere equals 4 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Ionosphere. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Tropical Cyclones is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult blue monkey in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult pangolin in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Polar Vortex is the total number of newborn animal children in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult chinchilla in Auric Expanse is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult eyelash viper in Ionosphere equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Mesosphere equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult roc in Thermosphere is the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult gouldian finch in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Thermosphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Thermosphere. The number of adult booby in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult grebe in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult duiker in Thermosphere is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult arctic tern in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 times the number of adult triceratops in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult phoenix in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult copperhead in Ionosphere equals 2 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Eternal Sands is the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult red bishop in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult ladybug in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Moonbeam Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Starfire Expanse is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult bandicoot in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult marine iguana in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult bettong in Meteor Showers. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Solar Mirage is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystaldust Flats equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Cumulus Cloud equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Exosphere is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Stratosphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult coyote in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult corn snake in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult hippogriff in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Supercells equals 3 times the number of adult seal in Supercells. The number of adult blue monkey in Frostwave Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult bush viper in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult jaguar in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult pipefish in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult spiny lobster in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult moray eel in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult axolotl in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult tiger in Auroras Australis. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Ozone Layer equals 2 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Cumulus Cloud. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Stellar Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult frilled lizard in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 1. The number of adult griffin in Stratocumulus Cloud is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Twilight Dunes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult marine iguana in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Solar Mirage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Auroras Australis equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Troposphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult chipmunk in Glimmering Gulf is the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult archerfish in Tropical Cyclones is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult hippogriff in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Stratosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Stratosphere. The number of adult antlion in Silverlight Depths is the total number of adult animals in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult coyote in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Mesosphere equals the number of adult green iguana in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Starfire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult fennec fox in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult puma in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult marine iguana in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult centaur in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Crystalwave Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Crystalwave Horizon is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Auric Expanse. The number of adult radiolaria in Ozone Layer is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Jet Stream. The number of adult panther chameleon in Meteor Showers is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult antlion in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult okapi in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult pufferfish in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Auroras Australis equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Moonlit Mirage equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nebula Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult eland in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult boxfish in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Supercells is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Mesosphere is the total number of adult animals in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult forest mammoth in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult collared lemming in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Stellar Wastes equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Thermosphere is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Auroras Australis equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult rotifer in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Exosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Exosphere. The number of adult sugar glider in Meteor Showers is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ozone Layer equals 2 times the number of adult tintinnid in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Thermosphere is the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Twilight Dunes equals 2 plus the number of adult gerbil in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Dunes equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult bettas in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult goblin shark in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult deinonychus in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult cassowary in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult rat in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Troposphere equals the number of adult narwhal in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Stellar Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Mesosphere equals 4 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Mesosphere. The number of adult sun conure in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult boomslang in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult camel in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Duneshadow Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult asian elephant in Starlight Channel. The number of adult patas monkey in Opaline Wastes is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Twilight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult beaver in Twilight Waters. The number of adult vervet monkey in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Eternal Sands equals 4 times the number of adult guinea pig in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Polar Vortex is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Auroras Australis equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Twilight Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aurora Borealis equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult angelfish in Troposphere is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Stratosphere equals the number of adult numbat in Stratosphere. The number of adult golden mole in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult hawkfish in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult rainbow boa in Ionosphere equals 1 times the number of adult surinam toad in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult bobcat in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult tern in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult sun conure in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Solar Mirage equals 1 times the number of adult clouded leopard in Solar Mirage. The number of adult gibbon in Opaline Wastes is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult sun conure in Golden Rift equals the number of adult kingfisher in Golden Rift. The number of adult gouldian finch in Golden Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult wombat in Golden Rift. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult gannet in Glimmering Gulf is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult orangutan in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult great auk in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Auroras Australis equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Auroras Australis. The number of adult gouldian finch in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult brachiosaurus in Gleamsea Basin is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Mesosphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Luminous Abyss equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult pipefish in Altostratus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult russell's viper in Ionosphere equals the number of adult hellbender in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Auroras Australis is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nebula Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult zooplankton in Ozone Layer is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult praying mantis in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult walking stick in Silverlight Depths is 4 times the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sandspire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult bush baby in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Aurora Borealis is the total number of adult animals in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starfire Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starlight Channel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starlight Channel. The number of adult triggerfish in Sparkdust Plain is the total number of newborn animal children in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult rattlesnake in Sunglint Wastes equals 2 times the number of adult gecko in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult dhole in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult patas monkey in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult hawkfish in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult stegodon in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult painted bunting in Cirrus Cloud is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Auroras Australis equals 1 plus the number of adult takahe in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult dung beetle in Silverlight Depths is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Tides. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystaldust Flats is the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge. The number of adult blue monkey in Sparkdust Plain equals 3 plus the number of adult manta ray in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Duneshadow Reach equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Cirrus Cloud is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Twilight Waters equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Twilight Waters. The number of adult frilled lizard in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult southern right whale in Jet Stream is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starlight Channel equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Channel. The number of adult gelada in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Supercells equals the number of adult beluga whale in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Aurora Borealis equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Starfire Expanse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult lobster in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult bowhead whale in Noctilucent Clouds equals 1 plus the number of adult caribou in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult desert locust in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult roadrunner in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Starlight Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 times the number of adult pufferfish in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult omura's whale in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Exosphere. The number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult eagle in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult jaguar in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult nyala in Supercells is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Supercells equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleamsea Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starfire Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult black mamba in Frostwave Depths is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Jet Stream equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Jet Stream. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Exosphere equals 3 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Polar Vortex is the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The number of adult crow in Pine Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult katydid in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalwave Horizon is 3 plus the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult silkworm in Silverlight Depths.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge as o; so o = x = x. We know o = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult boxfish in Glowspire Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult arabic cow in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult paca in Starshine Canopy is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult boomslang in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult coqui frog in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult tinamous in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiant Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Ebon Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Shimmerwood Refuge is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult weka in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult walrus in Dusksong Forest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Radiant Glade is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Glintstone Caverns is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult mouse lemur in Velvetbough Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult damselfish in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Ebon Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult sea slug in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Aurorathorn Grove is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Snowshadow Rift is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult coqui frog in Aurora Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starlight Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Nebulight Wilds is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glacierreach equals the number of adult coyote in Glacierreach. The number of adult patas monkey in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult orangutan in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 3 times the sum of the number of adult fox in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch, and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult bandicoot in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult greyhound in Everglow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult fox in Everglow Glade. The number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult poodle in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult snares penguin in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Lustrous Catacombs equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult squirrel in Everglow Glade is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Twilight Timber is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult allosaurus in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult king cobra in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Eclipse Cavern equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult cone snail in Twilight Timber is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult ivory gull in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult tiger prawn in Luminous Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult night monkey in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult harp seal in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult krill in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Ebon Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult leviathan in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult kiwi in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult poison dart frog in Moonshadow Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult butterflyfish in Starshine Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Silverleaf Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult tiger snake in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult scorpionfish in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Wintersong Valley equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult fennec mule in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult sugar glider in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult chinchilla in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult marine iguana in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult coqui frog in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Wintersong Valley equals 4 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glacierreach. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult boxfish in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult greyhound in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lumina Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult leafhopper in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Glintstone Caverns is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Glacierreach equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult howler monkey in Evershade Grove. The number of adult blue monkey in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult ocelot in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult bandicoot in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Frostspire Expanse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult moose in Radiant Glade. The number of adult night monkey in Icetide Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult okapi in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult agouti in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult groundhog in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of total number of adult animals in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult border collie in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult patas monkey in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult blue crab in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult hamster in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult mosasaurus in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult elephant bird in Frostshadow Woods is the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult hooded seal in Chillveil Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult nemean lion in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult boxfish in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult nutria in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult flamingo in Eclipsed Thickets is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult chinchilla in Everglow Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult elephant seal in Chillveil Heights equals 3 times the number of adult vaquita in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult royal penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult parrotfish in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult chaetognath in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult camel in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Aurorathorn Grove is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Crystalfrost Fields equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult vervet monkey in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult harpy cow in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult iguanodon in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult velociraptor in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult porcupine in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult gelada in Icetide Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult macaque in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult orangutan in Luminous Hollows is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Everchill Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult fenrir in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult little blue penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult clownfish in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult langoustine in Luminous Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult baboon in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult green anaconda in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starlight Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult dormouse in Starshine Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The number of adult golden retriever in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult copperhead in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Chimeric Crevasse equals 2 plus the number of adult griffin in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult aardvark in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult fishing cat in Prismatic Rift is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult golden mantella in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult dodo in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult coelacanth in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Glade is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Glacierreach equals 4 times the number of adult sand cat in Glacierreach. The number of adult poodle in Everglow Glade equals 3 times the number of adult paca in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch equals 3 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gerbil in Frostlight Peaks is 3 times the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult marbled salamander in Frostshadow Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Wintersong Valley equals 2 times the number of adult capybara in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glacierreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Silverleaf Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Aurorathorn Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult dodo in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult dingo in Wintersong Valley is 2 times the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult kitsune in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult blue monkey in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult pipefish in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult beaver in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Moonstone Maze equals 2 times the number of adult chimera in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult paca in Crystalpine Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult chinchilla in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult bonobo in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Dusksong Forest equals 4 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm, and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult african penguin in Glacierreach is the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Nebulight Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult narwhal in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult arctic hare in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult phoenix in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiant Tunnels equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult sandpiper in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult basenji in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult wood frog in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult siberian husky in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The number of adult chipmunk in Frostlight Peaks is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Shardbluff Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult bullfrog in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the number of adult milk snake in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult leopard frog in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult cane toad in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Crystalshade Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Chimeric Crevasse is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult leopard frog in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult leopard frog in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Starshine Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult lemming in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Starfreeze Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult southern right whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Glacierreach equals the number of adult desert locust in Glacierreach. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult marbled salamander in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult bullfrog in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult komodo dragon in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shardlight Chasms equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Fluorescent Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult impala in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult guinea pig in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult phoenix in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult kiwi in Lustrous Catacombs is the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Frostlight Peaks equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Lumina Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult deinonychus in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult gila monster in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Aurora Glacier equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult leopard gecko in Starlight Vault is 3 plus the number of adult wolf in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult coyote in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult tomato frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Frostlight Peaks equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult vaquita in Opal Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult red panda in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult lionfish in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult agouti in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Eternafrost Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult snow leopard in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Eclipse Cavern equals 2 times the number of adult angelfish in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult oryx in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult gazelle in Opal Grotto. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Opal Grotto equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Glacierreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Glacierreach. The number of adult bandicoot in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult pangolin in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Evershade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult fishing cat in Evershade Grove. the number of adult fox in South Zoo exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult siberian husky in Wintersong Valley is the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult wood frog in Aurora Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult greyhound in Shadowglint Vault equals 3 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult dragon in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult tarsier in Lumina Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult jackal in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult chihuahua in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult corn snake in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult cayote in Eclipsed Thickets is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The number of adult dingo in Nebulight Wilds is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Everchill Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glistenroot Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shardlight Chasms equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult bullfrog in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult sea otter in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult giant salamander in Frostshadow Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult gopher in Frozen Echo Basin equals 2 times the number of adult baboon in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult coypu in Velvetbough Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult parrotfish in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Eclipse Cavern equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult golden retriever in Everglow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult mole in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Evershade Grove. The number of adult dormouse in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 times the number of adult chinchilla in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Ebon Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Eclipse Cavern is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult sand cat in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult gobies in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult vervet monkey in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Radiant Glade is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult green iguana in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult boomslang in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult harp seal in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult narwhal in Radiant Tunnels is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glintstone Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Evershade Grove is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Everchill Ridge is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult siberian husky in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult leopard seal in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Silverleaf Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult southern mammoth in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Silverleaf Hollow is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shardlight Chasms equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Moonstone Maze equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult booby in Eclipsed Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult gannet in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult milk snake in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Starfreeze Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult boxfish in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult rock lobster in Luminous Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult pipefish in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the number of adult clownfish in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Eclipse Cavern equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult bettas in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult archerfish in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult marsupial mole in Radiant Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult cassowary in Glistenroot Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Nebulight Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Starlight Vault equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lumina Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult paca in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult patas monkey in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shardlight Chasms equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Dusksong Forest equals 4 times the number of adult greenland shark in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult king eider in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult orca in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Wintersong Valley equals 2 plus the number of adult yak in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Glacierreach equals 3 times the number of adult golden mole in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Fluorescent Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Glacierreach is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Prismatic Rift is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult chihuahua in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult fennec fox in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Evershade Grove. The number of adult african penguin in Glowthorn Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Everchill Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult kitsune in Everchill Ridge. The number of adult coconut crab in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult macaque in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult guppy in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult gobies in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the number of adult aardvark in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Shardlight Chasms is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Moonshadow Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Moonstone Maze equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Crystalpine Wilds is 1 plus the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Ebon Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Fluorescent Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostspire Expanse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Moonshadow Canopy is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lumina Hollow is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult tarsier in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the number of adult fennec mule in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Radiant Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult gaur in Chimeric Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult leopard seal in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Starlight Vault is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the number of adult arctic wolf in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult lion in Evershade Grove is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Nebulight Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult tarsier in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the number of adult copepod in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult gorilla in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult fox in Eclipsed Thickets is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult agouti in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult beluga whale in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult vervet monkey in Evershade Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields.
How many adult fox does South Zoo have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult fox in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in South Zoo as K; so K = x = x. We know K = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Azure Abyss is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult marine iguana in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult american alligator in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult emerald tree boa in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Charmed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult hartebeest in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult agouti in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminary Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult marlin in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Supercells is the total number of adult animals in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult bobcat in Ionosphere equals the number of adult serval in Ionosphere. The number of adult bettas in Ethereal Pool equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Thermosphere equals 4 times the number of adult nyala in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Polar Vortex equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Polar Vortex. The number of adult tiger snake in Jet Stream equals 2 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Jet Stream. The number of adult greyhound in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult collared lemming in Ozone Layer. The number of adult gelada in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult moray eel in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Supercells equals 3 times the number of adult meerkat in Supercells. The number of adult tinamous in Frostlight Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Abyss. The number of adult golden mole in Supercells equals 4 times the number of adult horned lizard in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult boxfish in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Tropical Cyclones is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult dormouse in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Charmed Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the number of adult amphipod in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult eastern quoll in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult giraffe in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Exosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Exosphere is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult marsupial mole in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Noctilucent Clouds equals 2 times the number of adult siberian husky in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult boomslang in Polar Vortex is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Auroras Australis equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Auroras Australis. The number of adult barracuda in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Sparkflow Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Sparkflow Lagoon is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 times the number of adult collared lemming in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Velvet Mirror equals 1 times the number of adult omura's whale in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult diplodocus in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult desert locust in Supercells equals 1 plus the number of adult dingo in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aurora Borealis is the total number of adult animals in Thermosphere. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Jet Stream is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek equals 2 plus the sum of the number of adult owl in Maple Creek, the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside, and the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult golden mole in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult bison in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Auroras Australis equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Auroras Australis. The number of adult moray eel in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Velvet Mirror equals 2 times the number of adult bettong in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult caiman in Thermosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult macaw in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Jet Stream equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult dolphin in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult blackbuck in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult glass frog in Gleaming Ripple is 3 times the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult rock wallaby in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult bandicoot in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Noctilucent Clouds equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Polar Vortex equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Exosphere equals the number of adult basenji in Exosphere. The number of adult blue monkey in Opalescent Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult kudu in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Polar Vortex. The number of adult kangaroo in Sparkflow Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult siberian husky in Ozone Layer equals 1 times the number of adult caribou in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Whisperlake equals the number of adult yak in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Troposphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult king cobra in Thermosphere equals 3 times the number of adult springbok in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult rat in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Tropical Cyclones. The number of average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult manatee in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge, the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult chinchilla in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult arabic cow in Noctilucent Clouds is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroras Australis. The number of adult coyote in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult desert locust in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult potoroo in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult emu in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The number of adult fennec fox in Ozone Layer is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek and the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult dingo in Exosphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Moonveil Lake is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult lionfish in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Whisperlake equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Altostratus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Gleaming Ripple is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult iguanodon in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult king penguin in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult baboon in Aurora Pool. The number of adult water buffalo in Noctilucent Clouds is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Auroras Australis equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult elk in Noctilucent Clouds is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult meerkat in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Troposphere. The number of adult potoroo in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult red bishop in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Ionosphere equals the number of adult tiger in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult macaque in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Troposphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult inland taipan in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Velvet Mirror is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Aurora Borealis equals 1 times the number of adult sea lion in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult ivory gull in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 times the number of adult serval in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult gila monster in Azure Abyss. The number of adult pufferfish in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult pufferfish in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult gelada in Altostratus Cloud is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult puma in Nimbus Cloud is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Altostratus Cloud is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Azure Abyss. The number of adult stingray in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Stratocumulus Cloud is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult rock wallaby in Frostlight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult quokka in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Cumulus Cloud is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult blue racer in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult dormouse in Silverwave Lake is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult yellow tang in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult mouse lemur in Lustrous Depths is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The number of adult tiger in Thermosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Whisperlake equals the number of adult tintinnid in Whisperlake. The number of adult gila monster in Auroras Australis is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Stratosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Stratosphere. The number of adult northern cardinal in Ionosphere is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult marsupial mole in Sparkflow Lagoon is 3 times the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Stratosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Stratosphere. The number of adult golden cat in Ionosphere equals 2 times the number of adult peacock in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Aurora Pool equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Exosphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Cumulus Cloud equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult wildebeest in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Altostratus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurora Pool equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Pool. The number of adult greenland shark in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Troposphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult reticulated python in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Whisperlake equals 2 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Whisperlake. The number of adult beaked whale in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult numbat in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Altostratus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult elephant seal in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult orangutan in Thermosphere equals 2 times the number of adult blackbuck in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Pool. The number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 plus the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Stratosphere. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Jet Stream equals the number of adult pufferfish in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Silverwave Lake is the number of adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Pool is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Stratosphere is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult arctic tern in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult snowy owl in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult desert locust in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult collared lemming in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult bobcat in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult boomslang in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult oryx in Thermosphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Exosphere. The number of adult gila monster in Jet Stream equals 1 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek, the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The number of adult sea wasp in Jet Stream equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Cumulus Cloud equals the number of adult bush viper in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult tiger prawn in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult bowhead whale in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Altostratus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the number of adult owl in Maple Creek, the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek, and the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Exosphere is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult black mamba in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Aurora Borealis equals 3 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult lion in Ionosphere equals the number of adult kingfisher in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Stratosphere equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult macaque in Troposphere. The number of adult pipefish in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult parrotfish in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aurora Borealis equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Troposphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Troposphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Troposphere. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Meteor Showers equals 2 plus the number of adult king eider in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Whisperlake equals the number of adult giraffe in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Azure Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult skimmer in Azure Abyss. The number of adult golden retriever in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult snowy owl in Ozone Layer. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mesosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult stick insect in Mesosphere. The number of adult eastern coral snake in Cumulus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult mangrove snake in Stratocumulus Cloud is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult lionfish in Altostratus Cloud is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Exosphere equals the number of adult surinam toad in Exosphere. The number of adult boxfish in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult jaguar in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Polar Vortex equals 3 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Stratosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Noctilucent Clouds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult bandicoot in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult humpback whale in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Exosphere equals 4 times the number of adult wood frog in Exosphere. The number of adult ocelot in Thermosphere equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Thermosphere. The number of adult archerfish in Ethereal Pool equals 4 times the number of adult iguana in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Whisperlake equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Whisperlake. The number of adult collared lemming in Meteor Showers is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Whisperlake equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Whisperlake. The number of adult parrot in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult impala in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Aurora Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 1 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult potoroo in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult bandicoot in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult southern right whale in Velvet Mirror equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult frilled lizard in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult caribou in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Troposphere equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Troposphere. The number of adult cayote in Ozone Layer is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult ball python in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Polar Vortex equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Polar Vortex. The number of adult patas monkey in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult bush baby in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Whisperlake equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Stratosphere equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult sea otter in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Exosphere. The number of adult ross's gull in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Auroras Australis is the total number of adult animals in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 plus the number of adult desert locust in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult rock wallaby in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult ivory gull in Meteor Showers. The number of adult marlin in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult blue tang in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Stratosphere equals 4 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Stratosphere. The number of adult komodo dragon in Jet Stream equals 1 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Jet Stream. The number of adult guppy in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult coyote in Polar Vortex. The number of adult border collie in Supercells is the total number of newborn animal children in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult goliath beetle in Mesosphere is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult bettas in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Altostratus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Stratosphere equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Stratosphere equals 4 times the number of adult shrimp in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Auroras Australis equals 2 times the number of adult rhea in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Charmed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult roan antelope in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult chihuahua in Ozone Layer equals 2 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Whisperlake equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult hartebeest in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Exosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult gelada in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult acantharian in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult lionfish in Jet Stream is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Silverwave Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult boomslang in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Eclipse Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Charmed Shoals is 2 plus the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Aurora Borealis equals 2 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult electric eel in Radiance Reservoir is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult bearded dragon in Crystalmirror Waters is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Meteor Showers is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Moonveil Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 times the number of adult tomato frog in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult ostrich in Auroras Australis. The number of adult stingray in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the number of adult sperm whale in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Azure Abyss. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult ocelot in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult marsupial mole in Meteor Showers equals 3 times the number of adult bilby in Meteor Showers. The number of adult scorpion in Supercells equals 4 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Troposphere. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult zebra in Noctilucent Clouds is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Aurora Borealis equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult orca in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult poodle in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult king eider in Ozone Layer. The number of adult gaur in Tropical Cyclones is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult chimpanzee in Thermosphere equals the number of adult harpy cow in Thermosphere. The number of adult boomslang in Jet Stream equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult gouldian finch in Ionosphere is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Velvet Mirror.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Oakridge Riverside as D; so D = x = x. We know D = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult vaquita in Arctic Circle is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Himalayas equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Himalayas. The number of adult fin whale in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Arctic Circle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Arctic Circle. The number of adult mangrove snake in Opalescent Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult bush viper in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult selkie in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult gila monster in Greenland is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult collared lemming in Radiance Sea equals 4 times the number of adult wood frog in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 times the number of adult omura's whale in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult golden mole in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult thorny devil in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult orca in Kamchatka Peninsula is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Arctic Circle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Arctic Circle. The number of adult king eider in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult narwhal in Radiance Sea. The number of adult coqui frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the number of adult elk in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult golden retriever in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult cayote in Aurora Tides. The number of adult green anaconda in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Mount Fuji equals 1 times the number of adult giant salamander in Mount Fuji. The number of adult noctiluca in Gleamsea Basin equals 3 times the number of adult salp in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult greenland shark in Radiance Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult glass frog in Radiance Sea. The number of adult larvacean in South Pole equals the number of adult pteropod in South Pole. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult boxfish in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Alps equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Himalayas equals the number of adult king penguin in Himalayas. The number of adult leopard seal in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Radiance Sea. The number of adult poodle in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult beluga whale in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult mayfly in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult ocelot in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult vervet monkey in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult quokka in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult triggerfish in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult golden cat in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the number of adult cougar in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult butterfly in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult hydra in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Himalayas equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Himalayas. The number of adult zooplankton in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Rockies equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Yukon equals the number of adult gila monster in Yukon. The number of adult corn snake in Starlight Channel equals 1 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lapland equals the number of adult leopard in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult night monkey in Patagonia equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Arctic Circle equals 3 times the number of adult hooded seal in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Greenland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Greenland. The number of adult mangrove snake in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Glacierlight Range equals 1 plus the number of adult kakapo in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult phytoplankton in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult moas in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Crags equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult rainbow boa in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the number of adult mandrill in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult dolphin in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Luminous Abyss equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult marbled salamander in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult tapir in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult marine iguana in Starlight Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Antarctica equals 2 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Antarctica equals the number of adult addax in Antarctica. The number of adult rattlesnake in Rockies is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Patagonia. The number of adult booby in Iceland equals the number of adult puffin in Iceland. The number of adult reticulated python in Glowbreeze Waves is the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult eyelash viper in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult king cobra in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult frilled lizard in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult black panther in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult larvacean in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult milk snake in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult ross's gull in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult caribou in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Arctic Circle. The number of adult paradise tanager in Glowbreeze Waves is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult manatee in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult silkworm in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult sea cucumber in Franz Josef Land is the total number of newborn animal children in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult red-eared slider in Starlight Channel equals 3 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Starlight Channel. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult chihuahua in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the number of adult poodle in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult roadrunner in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult mandrill in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Himalayas equals 1 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult golden mole in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Mount McKinley. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Franz Josef Land is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starlit Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult skimmer in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult larvacean in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult bonobo in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Mount Fuji is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Alps equals 3 times the number of adult bison in Alps. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult butterfly in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult deinonychus in Sunspark Summit equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult deinonychus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult acantharian in South Pole equals the number of adult bryde's whale in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult praying mantis in Arctic Circle. The number of adult gobies in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult green anaconda in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult bowhead whale in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the number of adult ross's gull in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult cone snail in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult marlin in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Alps equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Alps. The number of adult ghost crab in Luminous Abyss is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult patas monkey in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult potoroo in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Luminous Abyss equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Rockies equals the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Rockies. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult parrotfish in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult zooplankton in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult king cobra in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Lapland. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult damselfish in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult fishing cat in Lapland is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Svalbard equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Svalbard. The number of adult red-eared slider in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult thaliacean in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult boxfish in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult damselfish in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Luminous Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult shrimp in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Rockies equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult pipefish in Franz Josef Land equals 1 plus the number of adult bush viper in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult chihuahua in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult dingo in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Arctic Circle. The number of adult bowhead whale in Svalbard equals 4 times the number of adult caribou in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult marsupial mole in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult caiman in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in North Pole is the total number of newborn animal children in Alps. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Greenland is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Aerie equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult scorpion in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult serval in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Lapland equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult seal in Mount McKinley equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Mount McKinley. The number of adult nyala in Heavenspire Peak is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult corn snake in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Mount McKinley equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Etherreach Cliffs is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Svalbard equals 3 times the number of adult albatross in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult sea otter in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Siberia equals the number of adult cane toad in Siberia. The number of adult night monkey in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult wallaby in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult thaliacean in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult gelada in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult elephant seal in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult sea otter in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult wildebeest in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult kudu in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult sea slug in Franz Josef Land equals 1 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult bush baby in Dreamcurrent Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult quetzal in Twilight Waters. The number of adult thaliacean in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult tintinnid in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Radiant Crest equals 3 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Radiant Crest. The number of adult desert locust in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult tiger snake in Yukon equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Lapland equals 3 plus the number of adult margay in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Nebula Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Antarctica equals 2 times the number of adult caribou in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Rockies equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Rockies. The number of adult butterflyfish in Franz Josef Land is the total number of newborn animal children in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult eyelash viper in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult rattlesnake in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult caiman in Starlight Channel. The number of adult russell's viper in Siberia equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard frog in Siberia. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult cougar in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult sloth in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult red-eared slider in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in North Pole equals the number of adult grebe in North Pole. The number of adult copperhead in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult grasshopper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Glowbreeze Waves equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult sun conure in Nebula Crest equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult narwhal in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Mount McKinley is 3 plus the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult tarsier in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Glimmering Gulf is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult komodo dragon in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult unicorn in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glowbreeze Waves equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Antarctica. The number of adult forest mammoth in Mount Fuji is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm, the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch, and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Rockies is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult marine iguana in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Iceland is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Lapland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Crags equals 1 times the number of adult tarsier in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult hornet in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Antarctica equals the number of adult bongo in Antarctica. The number of adult blue monkey in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Patagonia. The number of adult sea otter in Mount McKinley is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dreamcurrent Tides is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult sloth in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult kitsune in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Rockies equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Rockies. The number of adult mosasaurus in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult acantharian in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 times the number of adult copepod in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Glowbreeze Waves is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult orangutan in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult sand cat in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Alps equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Kamchatka Peninsula is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in North Pole. The number of adult corn snake in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult iguana in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult noctiluca in Crystalwave Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Moonbeam Tides equals 3 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult addax in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult lynx in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult greenland shark in Svalbard equals the number of adult king eider in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Antarctica equals the number of adult roan antelope in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Alps equals the number of adult ocelot in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult kingfisher in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Arctic Circle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult patas monkey in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult fin whale in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebula Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult caiman in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Mount McKinley is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult nemean lion in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Antarctica equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Antarctica. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult diplodocus in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in North Pole equals the number of adult reticulated python in North Pole. The number of adult capybara in Alps is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in North Pole equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult blue monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult omura's whale in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Himalayas equals the number of adult beluga whale in Himalayas. The number of adult albatross in Twilight Waters is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult african penguin in Starlight Summit. The number of adult blue monkey in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Nimbus Heights. the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult arctic wolf in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult cane toad in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Lapland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in North Pole. The number of adult potoroo in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Alps equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult dodo in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult black mamba in Siberia is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Starlit Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Nebula Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult oryx in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult rotifer in South Pole equals the number of adult gray whale in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 times the number of adult guppy in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult cicada in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult toucan in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Greenland equals 1 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 1 plus the number of adult nightjar in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult pipefish in Frostwave Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Crags. The number of adult bobcat in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult orangutan in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult pufferfish in Luminous Abyss is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Waters. The number of adult black mamba in Starlight Channel is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The number of adult thaliacean in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult diatom in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Arctic Circle equals 2 times the number of adult silkworm in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Patagonia is the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Opalescent Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult bryde's whale in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult rotifer in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult corn snake in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult patas monkey in Patagonia equals 2 times the number of adult night monkey in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult corythosaurus in Sunspark Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult royal penguin in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Arctic Circle equals 1 plus the number of adult hornet in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Nebula Crest. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult kiwi in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Alps equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult elephant seal in Kamchatka Peninsula is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The number of adult gouldian finch in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult sun conure in Nebula Crest. The number of adult sandpiper in Iceland equals the number of adult shearwater in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Nebula Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Arctic Circle is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult dung beetle in Arctic Circle. The number of adult rainbow boa in Opalescent Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult rotifer in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult howler monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Luminous Abyss equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Greenland is 3 times the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult collared lemming in Aurora Tides is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Greenland equals the number of adult sea wasp in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Twilight Waters equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Twilight Waters. The number of adult blackbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Nebula Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in North Pole equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult marine iguana in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern box turtle in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult springbok in Altai Mountains is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult gannet in Altai Mountains is the total number of newborn animal children in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult gelada in Patagonia equals the number of adult orangutan in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Mount McKinley equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Mount McKinley. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult bettas in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Luminous Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glimmering Gulf equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Luminous Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult hermit crab in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Mount Fuji. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Himalayas is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult tsessebe in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult rattlesnake in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult rotifer in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult black mamba in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult eastern newt in Mount Fuji. The number of adult arctic tern in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult axolotl in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Mount Fuji is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult king cobra in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lapland equals 3 times the number of adult sand cat in Lapland. The number of adult sandpiper in Altai Mountains is the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Mount Fuji equals 4 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult acantharian in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult salp in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Radiant Crest. The number of adult russell's viper in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Greenland equals 1 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Twilight Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Twilight Waters. The number of adult eyelash viper in Siberia is the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult tiger prawn in Luminous Abyss is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Canadian Arctic Archipelago is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult harpy cow in Astral Ridge. The number of adult orangutan in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starlit Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult puffin in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Mount Fuji. The number of adult walrus in Kamchatka Peninsula is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult arctic tern in Svalbard equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Svalbard. The number of adult compsognathus in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult rainbow boa in Siberia equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Siberia. The number of adult okapi in Nebula Crest is the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult coyote in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult jaguar in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult sei whale in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Mount Fuji equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult barracuda in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult noctiluca in South Pole equals the number of adult copepod in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Lapland equals 4 plus the number of adult cheetah in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Astral Ridge. The number of adult impala in Antarctica is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Mount McKinley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Mount McKinley. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starlight Channel equals 4 plus the number of adult american alligator in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult lion in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Channel. The number of adult serval in Twilight Aerie is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult copperhead in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult minke whale in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult bison in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Twilight Waters equals 4 times the number of adult peacock in Twilight Waters. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Sunspark Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult walrus in Aurora Tides is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult russell's viper in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Lapland equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Lapland. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glimmering Gulf is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Antarctica is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult red bishop in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult sloth in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult pteranodon in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult rock wallaby in Rockies is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult ivory gull in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult arctic fox in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Antarctica equals the number of adult arctic hare in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Alps equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Alps. The number of adult california sea lion in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult emu in Eclipsed Shoals is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult ball python in Opalescent Horizon is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in North Pole is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult frigatebird in Altai Mountains is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The number of adult iguana in Starlight Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult egret in Altai Mountains is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Rockies. The number of adult wood frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Arctic Circle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Luminous Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult hooded seal in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult dung beetle in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult baboon in Nimbus Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Mount McKinley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Antarctica equals 1 times the number of adult greenland shark in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult sea lion in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Alps is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Lapland. The number of adult capybara in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Alps equals the number of adult agouti in Alps. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult mosquito in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult pufferfish in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult vervet monkey in Patagonia equals 3 plus the number of adult gelada in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 plus the number of adult copperhead in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glacierlight Range equals 1 plus the number of adult cassowary in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Lapland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult ladybug in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Crags equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Crags. The number of adult sperm whale in Opalescent Horizon is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult frigatebird in North Pole is the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult rock wallaby in Celestica Spire equals 2 times the number of adult opossum in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in North Pole equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in North Pole. The number of adult baboon in Patagonia equals 2 times the number of adult orca in Patagonia. The number of adult gelada in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult hognose snake in North Pole. The number of adult copperhead in Siberia equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Siberia. The number of adult poodle in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult dhole in Silvermist Highlands.
How many adult blue jay does Bundle Ranch have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch as F; so F = x = x. We know F = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Starshard Copse. The number of adult jerboa in Puerto Rico Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult bandicoot in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult rock lobster in Glowmist Creek equals 1 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult stick insect in New Hebrides Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals 4 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Twilight Stream equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Glistenreach equals the number of adult stick insect in Glistenreach. The number of adult adélie penguin in Cayman Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Stream. The number of adult grasshopper in Timor Trough is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult quetzal in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Sparkleaf Haven is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the number of adult shrimp in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult sea anemone in Java Trench is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult bettong in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Moonshadow Current equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 2. The number of adult sandpiper in Mariana Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult rock lobster in Mariana Trench. The number of adult snow crab in Ryukyu Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult boomslang in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult pufferfish in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ryukyu Trench equals 1 times the number of adult coelacanth in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult butterfly in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult cerberus in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult spider crab in Kermadec Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult butterfly in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Sunda Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult koala in Ethereal Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult hydra in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult waterbuck in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Sunda Trench. The number of adult grasshopper in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult manticore in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Yap Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult shrimp in Yap Trench is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The number of adult bonobo in Glintshade Grove is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide River. The number of adult chihuahua in Luminara River equals the number of adult basenji in Luminara River. The number of adult butterfly in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 plus the number of adult wasp in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult booby in Frostsong River equals 3 times the number of adult albatross in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult capuchin in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult mandrill in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult vervet monkey in Yap Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Timor Trough equals 1 plus the number of adult mosquito in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Yap Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult baboon in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Starshard Copse is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Twilight Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Twilight Stream. The number of adult red bishop in Japan Trench equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Japan Trench. The number of adult walking stick in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult hornet in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult humpback whale in Peru-Chile Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult green iguana in Tonga Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult little blue penguin in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult golden mantella in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult gobies in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 times the number of adult snowy owl in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Ryukyu Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The number of adult lemur in Yap Trench is the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult phoenix in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult sandpiper in Frostsong River equals the number of adult king penguin in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Glistenreach. The number of adult dungeness crab in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Sunda Trench is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 times the number of adult ross's gull in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult elk in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Twilight Stream equals 1 times the number of adult centaur in Twilight Stream. The number of adult langoustine in Glowmist Creek equals 2 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Ryukyu Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiant Hollows is the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult leafhopper in Glistenreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult firefly in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Eclipsed Waters equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult pegasus in Gleamveil Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult gouldian finch in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult stegodon in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult pufferfish in Lumina Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverwave Tributary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult blue monkey in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Moonshadow Current is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Timor Trough equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Crystalbough Reserve. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The number of adult komodo dragon in Hellenic Trench equals 3 times the number of adult polar bear in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult puffin in Glintcurrent Flow is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Timor Trough equals the number of adult moose in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult fiddler crab in Moonshadow Current is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 plus the number of adult narwhal in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult wasp in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult roc in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult angelfish in Ryukyu Trench is 4 times the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult krill in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult seal in Kermadec Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult centaur in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult paca in Flarebark Forest equals 2 plus the number of adult beaver in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Aurorastream is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Silverwave Tributary equals the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Stream equals 1 times the number of adult indian elephant in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult manticore in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Silverwave Tributary equals the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Aurorastream. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Hellenic Trench is the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Cayman Trench is the total number of adult animals in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult kudu in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult poodle in Luminara River equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult narwhal in Kermadec Trench is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 plus the number of adult baboon in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult arctic wolf in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult thorny devil in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult pegasus in Philippine Trench is the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult fox in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult katydid in Timor Trough is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The number of adult pipefish in Java Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult manta ray in Java Trench. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Timor Trough equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glintcurrent Flow equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult beaked whale in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult numbat in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult royal penguin in South Sandwich Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Yap Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Yap Trench. The number of adult capybara in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult tapir in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult booby in Aurorastream is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult damselfish in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult ackie monitor in Tonga Trench is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult mosquito in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult unicorn in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult african penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult compsognathus in Starlight Confluence equals 1 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Ethereal Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Shimmergrove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Timor Trough equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Timor Trough. The number of adult mayfly in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult minotaur in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Shardspire Woods is the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult king penguin in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult fairy penguin in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult bonobo in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult golden mole in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult greenland shark in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult coconut crab in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult crab in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult rock lobster in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult tiger prawn in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the number of adult crab in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult bowhead whale in Starshard Copse is 1 times the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult gila monster in Hellenic Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 1 plus the sum of the number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Yap Trench equals 2 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Yap Trench. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult marlin in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult electric eel in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Twilight Stream is 3 plus the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult thaliacean in Radiance Channel equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult shrimp in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Tonga Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult glass frog in Lumina Glade. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult kakapo in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult aardvark in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the number of adult arctic tern in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult narwhal in Flarebark Forest is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Kermadec Trench equals 4 times the number of adult orca in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Kermadec Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Ryukyu Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Glistenreach. The number of adult gaur in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult gaur in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult gouldian finch in Japan Trench equals the number of adult salp in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Timor Trough is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult langoustine in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult crab in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The number of adult arctic wolf in Diamantina Trench equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Yap Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Yap Trench. The number of adult sun conure in Quartz Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult tiger in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult agouti in Flarebark Forest equals 2 plus the number of adult seal in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult coyote in Aleutian Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult jerboa in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Sparkleaf Haven is 1 plus the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Twilight Stream. The number of adult red bishop in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Starshard Copse equals 4 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Starshard Copse. The number of adult greenland shark in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Tonga Trench equals 1 times the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Sunda Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Azure Shardwoods is 4 plus the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Yap Trench equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Cayman Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult addax in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Glistenreach is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Maple Creek equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult sun conure in Whisperflow Rapids equals 4 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult wildebeest in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Kermadec Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Kermadec Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Moonshadow Current equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult little blue penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals 1 times the number of adult moas in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Prismatic Canopy is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Shimmergrove equals 2 times the number of adult wallaby in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult kangaroo in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Yap Trench equals the number of adult blue crab in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Starshard Copse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Ethereal Timber equals 4 times the number of adult arabic cow in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult capuchin monkey in Glintshade Grove is 3 plus the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 times the number of adult flamingo in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalbrook Stream equals 4 times the number of adult moray eel in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult manatee in Lustrous Rapids equals 1 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult blackbuck in Philippine Trench equals 1 times the number of adult duiker in Philippine Trench. The number of adult hornet in Starshadow Estuary is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult american alligator in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult coypu in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult peacock in Japan Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult angelfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult collared lemming in Puerto Rico Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult mosquito in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult tamarin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Yap Trench. The number of adult katydid in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult atlas moth in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dreamtide River equals 3 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Dreamtide River. The number of adult forest mammoth in Azure Shardwoods equals 3 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult howler monkey in South Sandwich Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dreamtide River equals 4 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Yap Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Yap Trench. The number of adult desert tortoise in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Timor Trough equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Timor Trough. The number of adult booby in Mariana Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult king crab in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Cayman Trench equals 2 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Cayman Trench. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the number of adult giant salamander in Challenger Deep. The number of adult frigatebird in Frostsong River equals 2 times the number of adult egret in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Cayman Trench. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult greenland shark in Glintcurrent Flow is 3 plus the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult night monkey in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult baboon in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult marine iguana in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Sparkleaf Haven is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult noctiluca in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult giraffe in Radiance Channel. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult meerkat in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The number of adult fox in Beverly Forest equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult bandicoot in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult king cobra in Opal Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult orangutan in Opal Thickets. The number of adult opossum in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The number of adult gouldian finch in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 times the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Timor Trough equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult langoustine in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult bandicoot in New Hebrides Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult bush baby in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Moonshadow Current equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Shardspire Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in South Sandwich Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult baboon in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult hellbender in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Eclipsed Waters equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult caribou in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult little blue penguin in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult dodo in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult coconut crab in Glowmist Creek equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult hawkfish in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult radiolaria in Japan Trench is the number of adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Kermadec Trench is the total number of adult animals in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult manticore in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult red bishop in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult desert locust in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult dolphin in Kermadec Trench is the total number of adult animals in Challenger Deep. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Iridescent Wilderness equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult inland taipan in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Kermadec Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult thaliacean in Japan Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Eclipsed Waters is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Timor Trough equals the number of adult stick insect in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Shimmergrove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shimmergrove. The number of adult rotifer in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult camel in Radiance Channel. The number of adult addax in Aleutian Trench is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Aurorastream equals 3 times the number of adult grebe in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Crystalbough Reserve is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult tamarin in Glintshade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult gorilla in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 plus the number of adult pegasus in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Cayman Trench equals 4 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Sunda Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult opossum in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Silverwave Tributary equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Yap Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult fairy penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult crab in Kermadec Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of adult animals in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Starshard Copse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Cayman Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Cayman Trench. The number of adult spider monkey in Glintshade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult gelada in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 times the number of adult barracuda in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Shardspire Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Whisperflow Rapids is 3 plus the number of adult fox in Maple Creek. The number of adult tiger snake in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult leopard seal in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult royal penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult royal penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult bush baby in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult capybara in Ethereal Timber is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Tonga Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Tonga Trench. The number of adult tiger prawn in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Shimmergrove is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult leviathan in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult gouldian finch in Quartz Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Yap Trench.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult stegodon in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult acantharian in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Hellenic Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult blue monkey in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Hellenic Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult king penguin in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult gazelle in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Peru-Chile Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult coconut crab in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult coconut crab in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Syrtis Major equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Syrtis Major. The number of adult forest mammoth in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Sunda Trench. The number of adult thorny devil in Etherreach Cliffs is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult mayfly in Elysium Mons equals 1 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Elysium Mons. The number of adult butterfly in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Elysium Mons. The number of adult rotifer in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult angelfish in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult rotifer in Mare Erythraeum is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult paca in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult euphausiid in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult ackie monitor in Tonga Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Tonga Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult gull in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult colobus monkey in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult impala in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult golden mole in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Celestica Spire. The number of adult addax in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult roc in Astral Ridge. The number of adult thaliacean in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 times the number of adult electric eel in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult corythosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult weka in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Yap Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern newt in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Amazonis Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Aleutian Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult horned lizard in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Tonga Trench. The number of adult frigatebird in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult minotaur in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult pteropod in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Promethei Planum. The number of adult cicada in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Sunda Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Sunda Trench. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Aerie equals 2 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Promethei Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Gale Crater equals 1 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Gale Crater. The number of adult booby in Diamantina Trench equals 4 times the number of adult pegasus in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult dormouse in Cydonia Mensae equals the number of adult salp in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Kermadec Trench equals 4 times the number of adult butterfly in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult sea urchin in Japan Trench is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult corythosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Gale Crater equals 4 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Promethei Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Promethei Planum. The number of adult zooplankton in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult bushbuck in Heavenspire Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Gale Crater equals the number of adult polar bear in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult snares penguin in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult kudu in Yap Trench is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Challenger Deep. The number of adult roan antelope in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult ladybug in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Argyre Planitia equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starlight Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult nyala in Starlight Summit. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Sunspark Summit is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult chaetognath in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Kermadec Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Meridiani Planum equals 1 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Aleutian Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Java Trench equals 1 times the number of adult butterfly in Java Trench. The number of adult southern mammoth in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult grasshopper in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Celestica Spire. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Utopia Planitia equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult boxfish in Japan Trench equals the number of adult takahe in Japan Trench. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Japan Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Syrtis Major. The number of adult frigatebird in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult flamingo in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Celestica Spire. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Syrtis Major equals 3 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Medusae Fossae equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium, the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus, the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium, and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Meridiani Planum equals 2 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Sunda Trench. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult hognose snake in Syrtis Major. The number of adult fairy penguin in Java Trench equals 4 times the number of adult cicada in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Aleutian Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Kermadec Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green basilisk in Noctis Labyrinthus is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult iguana in Medusae Fossae is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Tonga Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Tonga Trench. The number of adult agouti in Cydonia Mensae equals 2 times the number of adult paca in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult starfish in Japan Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult tsessebe in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult mosquito in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Glacierlight Range equals 2 plus the number of adult phoenix in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mariana Trench is the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Celestica Spire. The number of adult elephant seal in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult orca in Hellas Basin. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiant Crest. The number of adult fennec mule in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult slow loris in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult acantharian in Celestica Spire is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult stonefish in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult noctiluca in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult coqui frog in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult coypu in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult pufferfish in Aleutian Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Isidis Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult leafhopper in Nebula Crest is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Argyre Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Hellenic Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult pteropod in Cydonia Mensae is the total number of adult animals in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult grasshopper in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult hedgehog in Tharsis Bulge is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult walking stick in Aeolis Mons is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Mariana Trench equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult grasshopper in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult stick insect in Elysium Mons. The number of adult pelican in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Yap Trench. The number of adult tiger prawn in Olympus Mons equals 3 times the number of adult red panda in Olympus Mons. The number of adult golden mole in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult leviathan in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult gecko in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Tonga Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Tonga Trench. The number of adult forest mammoth in Nebula Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult antlion in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Ryukyu Trench is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Meridiani Planum equals 1 times the number of adult scorpion in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starlight Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Starlight Summit. The number of adult coyote in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult unicorn in Astral Ridge. The number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium, the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus, the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus, and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Mariana Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult guppy in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Utopia Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Yap Trench equals the number of adult yak in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Valles Marineris equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Aleutian Trench is the total number of adult animals in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Starlight Summit. The number of adult orangutan in Mariana Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Timor Trough is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult desert locust in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult minotaur in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Silvermist Highlands equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult king cobra in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Cayman Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult diatom in Cayman Trench. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Nebula Crest equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 times the number of adult kiwi in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Syrtis Major. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Yap Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Ryukyu Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult stick insect in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Tonga Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Challenger Deep. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Java Trench equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Java Trench. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult starfish in Aurora Crags. The number of adult hippogriff in Diamantina Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult sandpiper in Diamantina Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult manticore in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Cayman Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult rotifer in Cayman Trench. The number of adult noctiluca in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult maned jackal in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Aurora Crags is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult marbled salamander in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult snares penguin in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Tonga Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Hellenic Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult zooplankton in New Hebrides Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult roan antelope in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult royal penguin in Java Trench equals 1 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult bats in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult red bishop in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Valles Marineris equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Valles Marineris. The number of adult orangutan in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult toucan in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Argyre Planitia is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Radiant Crest. The number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult mosquito in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the number of adult gobies in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Mariana Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 times the number of adult addax in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult larvacean in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult shiba inu in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult gouldian finch in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult emu in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult emu in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult pegasus in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Yap Trench is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cayman Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult larvacean in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Argyre Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult kingfisher in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Gale Crater equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Aurora Crags. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Crags is the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Gale Crater equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult mosquito in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult stick insect in Kermadec Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Celestica Spire is the number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Ryukyu Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Cayman Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Gale Crater equals the number of adult collared lemming in Gale Crater. The number of adult blackbuck in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult praying mantis in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Cayman Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Medusae Fossae equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult zooplankton in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Isidis Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult euphausiid in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult bongo in Promethei Planum. The number of adult booby in South Sandwich Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult booby in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Celestica Spire. The number of adult rhinoceros in Yap Trench is the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The number of adult mosasaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Yap Trench. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Syrtis Major is the total number of adult animals in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The number of adult compsognathus in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult silkworm in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult scorpion in Astral Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult hippogriff in Astral Ridge. The number of adult coqui frog in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult shearwater in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult tiger in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Puerto Rico Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult toucan in Mariana Trench is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Peru-Chile Trench equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult mole in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult golden cat in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Gale Crater equals the number of adult giant salamander in Gale Crater. The number of adult thaliacean in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult radiolaria in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Timor Trough equals 2 times the number of adult firefly in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult steamer duck in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult harp seal in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult seal in Meridiani Planum is the total number of adult animals in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult zebra in Valles Marineris. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult dodo in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Hellenic Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult triceratops in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult hooded seal in Hellas Basin equals 3 times the number of adult dugong in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult bushbuck in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Yap Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Chryse Planitia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Mariana Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Sunda Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Mariana Trench. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Sunda Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Hellenic Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Yap Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Sunda Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult quetzal in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Meridiani Planum equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult mosquito in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult golden pheasant in Aleutian Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Noctis Labyrinthus is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult green anaconda in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Chryse Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Mariana Trench equals 3 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Promethei Planum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Sunda Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Tonga Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Syrtis Major equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Syrtis Major. The number of adult sandpiper in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult gibbon in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult omura's whale in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Japan Trench equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Japan Trench. The number of adult pipefish in Japan Trench equals the number of adult kakapo in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult paradise tanager in Timor Trough is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult acantharian in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Cayman Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult coyote in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult margay in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Yap Trench equals the number of adult coqui frog in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Syrtis Major equals 3 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Syrtis Major. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult wasp in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult ross's gull in Hellenic Trench is the total number of adult animals in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Meridiani Planum equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Gale Crater equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Timor Trough is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Hellenic Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Tonga Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Kermadec Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult cassowary in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult butterfly in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Aleutian Trench is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Radiant Crest. The number of adult silkworm in Kermadec Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult atlas moth in Cloudveil Plateau is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of adult spinosaurus in Radiant Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Yap Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Challenger Deep equals 2 plus the number of adult king eider in Challenger Deep. The number of adult emperor penguin in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of adult animals in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult hooded seal in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult grasshopper in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Chryse Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Syrtis Major equals 2 plus the number of adult dolphin in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Sunda Trench. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium and the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult bandicoot in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult thorny devil in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Valles Marineris equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Valles Marineris. The number of adult gull in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult flamingo in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Isidis Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult phytoplankton in Isidis Planitia is the number of adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Timor Trough equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Peru-Chile Trench equals 1 times the number of adult eland in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult little blue penguin in Peru-Chile Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Amazonis Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult green iguana in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Argyre Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Syrtis Major equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Syrtis Major. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult blackbuck in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Timor Trough equals the number of adult dung beetle in Timor Trough.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Mayer Aquarium as P; so P = x = x. We know P = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult tiger prawn in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 4 times the number of adult blue crab in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult hornet in Dusksong Forest is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Aurorathorn Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Opalgrass Meadow equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Velvetbough Wilds equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult hartebeest in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Velvet Sands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Velvet Sands. The number of adult groundhog in Dawnshard Desert is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult damselfish in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult bobcat in Aurora Prairie equals 2 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Aurora Prairie. The number of total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Opaline Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern box turtle in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Plains. The number of adult cerberus in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult kitsune in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult boomslang in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the number of adult asian elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult hooded seal in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult seal in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult axolotl in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Everglow Glade is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult leafhopper in Eclipsed Grasslands is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult elephant seal in Lustrous Timberland equals the number of adult elephant seal in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult mayfly in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult parrotfish in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Starfire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 times the number of adult hognose snake in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Sunveil Meadow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Opaline Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult blue monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult starfish in Sunspire Savannah is 1 times the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult dovekie in Nebulight Wilds is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult blue racer in Frostshadow Woods is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Opalgrass Meadow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult dungeness crab in Shimmerwood Refuge is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Golden Rift equals the number of adult royal penguin in Golden Rift. The number of adult triceratops in Everglow Glade is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Everglow Glade. The number of adult mosasaurus in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult mangrove snake in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult kingfisher in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult blue crab in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Sandspire Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Sunspire Savannah equals the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Sunspire Savannah is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult gobies in Sunspire Savannah is the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult marine iguana in Gilded Horizon is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult pteropod in Lumina Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult giraffe in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Opaline Wastes equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Stellar Wastes is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult arctic wolf in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult harp seal in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult quokka in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gilded Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult sandpiper in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 times the number of adult heron in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult gila monster in Radiant Glade equals 1 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Radiant Glade. The number of adult booby in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult frigatebird in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Velvet Sands equals 2 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult lion in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Golden Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult langoustine in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Twilight Timber. The number of adult king cobra in Nebulight Wilds is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Opaline Wastes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Radiant Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult seal in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Amberbloom Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Ebon Dunes equals 3 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult snow crab in Lustrous Timberland is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Starfire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult zooplankton in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult greenland shark in Silverleaf Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult boomslang in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult tomato frog in Glowthorn Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult sea lion in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult gila monster in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Golden Rift equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Sparkdust Plain equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult mosquito in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult chaetognath in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Sunspire Savannah equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals 2 times the number of adult black mamba in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult steamer duck in Dreambark Sanctuary is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult larvacean in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Golden Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Golden Rift. The number of adult boomslang in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult allosaurus in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult african penguin in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Solar Mirage equals 4 plus the number of adult guppy in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult golden cat in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Ebon Dunes equals 3 times the number of adult leopard frog in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Opaline Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult copperhead in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult stingray in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult russell's viper in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult hamster in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult gull in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglow Glade. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 times the number of adult koala in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult patas monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the number of adult night monkey in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Opalgrass Meadow equals 3 times the number of adult nutria in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult water buffalo in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Golden Rift equals 3 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Golden Rift. The number of adult moas in Dreambark Sanctuary is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Solar Mirage equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult wombat in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Starfire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult beaver in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Opalgrass Meadow equals 2 times the number of adult chinchilla in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Opalgrass Meadow is the total number of newborn animal children in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult manatee in Aurora Prairie is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult moray eel in Solar Mirage is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Stellar Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Stellar Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult milk snake in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult ocelot in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult tapir in Moonlit Mirage. the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Eternal Sands is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult lemming in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult rock wallaby in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Everglow Glade. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Starfire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult porcupine in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult arctic hare in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult golden mole in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult grasshopper in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult bobcat in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult tsessebe in Velvet Sands. The number of adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult compsognathus in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult foraminifera in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Golden Rift equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Golden Rift. The number of adult capybara in Crystaldust Flats is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Glimmerveil Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Moonshadow Canopy equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Evershade Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Velvetbough Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult egret in Nebulight Wilds is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Glimmerveil Woods is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult moray eel in Velvetgold Steppe is the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Opaline Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 1 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult walking stick in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult arctic tern in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult king eider in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult vervet monkey in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult bonobo in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult gaur in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult rock lobster in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Twilight Timber. The number of adult coyote in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult golden mole in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult desert tortoise in Sparkdust Plain is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Golden Rift. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult thaliacean in Starfire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult glass frog in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult elephant in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult elephant seal in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult ladybug in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Starfire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult frigatebird in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult cheetah in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Evershade Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Velvetbough Wilds is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult dormouse in Shimmerwood Refuge is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dawnshard Desert equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Moonlit Mirage equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult dolphin in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Everglow Glade equals 2 times the number of adult therizinosaurus in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult nutria in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dawnshard Desert equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Auric Expanse. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 3 plus the difference between the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch and the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult potoroo in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 plus the number of adult coyote in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the number of adult squirrel in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Radiant Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Everglow Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Everglow Glade. The number of adult eyelash viper in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 times the number of adult snow crab in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Velvet Sands equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult beluga whale in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult sperm whale in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult wood frog in Evershade Grove. The number of adult red bishop in Radiance Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Sunglint Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult paca in Crystaldust Flats equals 2 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalpine Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult opossum in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glowthorn Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult gelada in Dawnshine Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult macaque in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult southern mammoth in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult roadrunner in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult hognose snake in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult ball python in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvetbough Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult copperhead in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Velvetbough Wilds equals 2 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult dormouse in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult lemming in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult barracuda in Solar Mirage. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult collared lemming in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult sea wasp in Silverleaf Hollow. The number of adult puffin in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Everglow Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult gull in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult shearwater in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Starfire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Velvetbough Wilds is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Stellar Wastes equals 4 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Thickets is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult egret in Duneshadow Reach is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Everglow Glade is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Starfire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 plus the number of adult golden cat in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult elephant seal in Twilight Dunes equals the number of adult sea otter in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Amberbloom Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult fishing cat in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult blue whale in Lustrous Timberland is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult hooded seal in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Sunveil Meadow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalpine Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult california sea lion in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Sparkdust Plain is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Stellar Wastes equals 4 plus the number of adult golden cat in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult tiger snake in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult parrotfish in Dusksong Forest is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult green anaconda in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult langoustine in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 3 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Moonshadow Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Stellar Wastes equals 4 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Sparkdust Plain equals 1 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult coconut crab in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tiger prawn in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Golden Rift equals the number of adult snares penguin in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Evershade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Velvetbough Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult koala in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult painted bunting in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostshadow Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glintbloom Savannah equals 1 plus the number of adult phoenix in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult california sea lion in Velvetgold Steppe equals the number of adult sea urchin in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 times the number of adult rat in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult moray eel in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult king cobra in Twilight Fields. The number of adult hooded seal in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult sea lion in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dawnshard Desert equals 4 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult coconut crab in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult ghost crab in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Starfire Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult agouti in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Dawnshard Desert equals 1 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Sunspire Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult black mamba in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Amberbloom Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glintbloom Savannah equals 2 plus the number of adult leviathan in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult patas monkey in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Glintbloom Savannah is the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Opalgrass Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Velvet Sands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Velvet Sands. The number of adult california sea lion in Auric Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult mayfly in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult tintinnid in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Starfire Expanse equals 4 plus the number of adult dormouse in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult sand cat in Gilded Horizon. The number of adult butterfly in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult damselfish in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult bettas in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult yellow tang in Twilight Fields. The number of adult tamarin in Eternal Sands is 1 times the number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult golden mantella in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Amberbloom Prairie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult dungeness crab in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult blue crab in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostshadow Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Starfire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Crystalpine Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Moonshadow Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult unicorn in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Sunspire Savannah is the total number of adult animals in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult green basilisk in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult agouti in Crystaldust Flats equals 3 plus the number of adult nutria in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Everglow Glade is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lumina Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult russell's viper in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult chipmunk in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult golden cat in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult eland in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The number of adult gouldian finch in Radiance Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Radiance Plains. The number of adult elephant bird in Dreambark Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult green iguana in Frostshadow Woods is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Lumina Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Eternal Sands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Eternal Sands. The number of adult stegodon in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult komodo dragon in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Auric Expanse. The number of adult kittiwake in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eternal Sands equals 3 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Eternal Sands. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult wombat in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Crystalpine Wilds is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult forest mammoth in Lustrous Mesa equals 1 plus the number of adult jerboa in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult milk snake in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult mangrove snake in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult cheetah in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult hooded seal in Twilight Dunes equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Auric Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glowbreeze Steppe is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Aurora Prairie equals 1 times the number of adult snow leopard in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Evershade Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Velvetbough Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult eland in Eclipsed Thickets is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dreambark Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Everglow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult tiger snake in Radiant Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult stegodon in Radiant Glade. The number of adult nemean lion in Gilded Mirage equals 4 times the number of adult gaur in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult great auk in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Stellar Wastes equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult snow crab in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult snow crab in Twilight Timber. The number of adult rainbow boa in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 times the number of adult barnacle in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Ebon Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonshadow Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult boomslang in Nebulight Wilds.
How many adult deer does Bundle Ranch have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult deer in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch as h; so h = x = x. We know h = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult coconut crab in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Musée d'Orsay equals 3 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Musée d'Orsay equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Silverwave Shoals is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 times the number of adult guppy in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 4 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Prado Museum equals the number of adult african penguin in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Celestial Arch equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Auroralumina equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the total number of newborn animal children in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult hartebeest in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult spiny lobster in Eclipsed Haven is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Prado Museum equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Luminous Harbor equals 4 plus the number of adult flamingo in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult pegasus in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Aetherhold. The number of adult rock wallaby in Dawnspire Nexus equals 4 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Auroralumina equals 1 plus the number of adult marlin in Auroralumina. The number of adult blackbuck in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult rattlesnake in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Velvetreef Island is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult hedgehog in Smithsonian Institution is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult polar bear in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult arctic wolf in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult bonobo in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult penguin in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Rijksmuseum is the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Opalescent Isle is the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Opalescent Isle is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult giant salamander in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Ashmolean Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult frilled lizard in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 4 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult mosquito in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult mosquito in Aurora Keys. The number of adult bear in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Nebulight Keys equals 2 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult american mastodon in Rijksmuseum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula City. The number of adult ross's gull in Uffizi Gallery is the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Pergamon Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult glass frog in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult king cobra in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult thaliacean in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Skyspire City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult manatee in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gleamspire Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult caribou in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult potoroo in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 times the number of adult wombat in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult dormouse in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult capuchin in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 3 times the number of adult moose in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult shiba inu in J. Paul Getty Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult rock wallaby in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult king cobra in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult collared lemming in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult copperhead in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult koala in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Frostveil Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Auroralumina equals the number of adult african penguin in Auroralumina. The number of adult crowned tree frog in Pergamon Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult penguin in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult chimera in Moonwhisper Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult cerberus in Tate Modern equals 2 plus the number of adult jaguar in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult indian elephant in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Luminous Harbor equals 1 times the number of adult box jellyfish in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Rijksmuseum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult kiwi in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult marine iguana in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Nebulight Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Ashmolean Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult great auk in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Silverplume Summit equals 2 times the number of adult pangolin in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult russell's viper in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult opossum in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Prado Museum equals the number of adult snares penguin in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult gibbon in Lustrous Shoals is the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult boxfish in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 times the number of adult parrotfish in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nebula City equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Nebula City. The number of adult california sea lion in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult sugar glider in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult sand cat in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Skyspire City equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Starlit Atoll is 4 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Musée d'Orsay is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Aetherhold equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult baboon in Van Gogh Museum is 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Luminous Harbor equals 4 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult chimpanzee in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult sloth in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult skimmer in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult arabic cow in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult royal penguin in Nimbus Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Nimbus Haven. The number of total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Musée d'Orsay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Metropolitan Museum equals 3 times the number of adult lemur in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult agouti in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult tarsier in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Auroralumina equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Auroralumina. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult red-eared slider in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult black mamba in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult gull in National Gallery equals 4 times the number of adult walrus in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult capuchin in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult southern right whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult tiger snake in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult black widow spider in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult tasmanian devil in British Museum is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Pergamon Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult kitsune in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult little blue penguin in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult african penguin in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult leopard frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult hooded seal in Smithsonian Institution equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult potoroo in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Guggenheim Museum is the total number of adult animals in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Velvetreef Island equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Prado Museum equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Prado Museum. The number of adult goliath beetle in J. Paul Getty Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Pergamon Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 plus the number of adult bettong in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult colobus monkey in Van Gogh Museum is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult stonefish in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Celestial Arch equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Celestial Arch. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Musée d'Orsay is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Auroralumina equals the number of adult lionfish in Auroralumina. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult rock wallaby in Gilded Archway equals 4 plus the number of adult zebra in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Pergamon Museum is the total number of adult animals in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult sea urchin in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult mandrill in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Starlit Atoll is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult orangutan in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Metropolitan Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 plus the number of adult bison in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Metropolitan Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Rijksmuseum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Vatican Museums is the total number of adult animals in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Ashmolean Museum is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult collared lemming in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult polar bear in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult sloth in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Luminous Harbor equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Cloudreach equals the number of adult mandrill in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult collared lemming in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Opalescent Isle equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult kittiwake in National Gallery equals the number of adult ross's gull in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ashmolean Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult fer-de-lance in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Van Gogh Museum is 1 times the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Metropolitan Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Metropolitan Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Prado Museum is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The number of adult basilisk in Hermitage Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Dreamtide Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult dormouse in Kunsthistorisches Museum is the total number of adult animals in National Gallery. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Louvre Museum is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult corn snake in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult mosasaurus in Louvre Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Uffizi Gallery. the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult sandpiper in National Gallery equals 4 plus the number of adult albatross in National Gallery. The number of adult tiger snake in Louvre Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Luminous Lagoon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult toucan in Luminous Lagoon is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult steamer duck in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult grasshopper in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult american mastodon in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Pergamon Museum equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult toucan in Frostveil Cay is the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The number of adult potoroo in Gilded Archway equals 1 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Gilded Archway. The number of adult marsupial mole in Dawnspire Nexus equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult gorilla in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult akita in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Velvetreef Island equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult springbok in Shimmercrest Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Aetherhold equals the number of adult pangolin in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult fin whale in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult hartebeest in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult blue monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Musée d'Orsay equals 3 times the number of adult nyala in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Aetherhold equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Moonwhisper Isle is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Aetherhold equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Aetherhold. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Starshadow Isles equals 1 plus the number of adult cone snail in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Luminous Harbor equals 4 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult king cobra in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult nyala in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult basenji in J. Paul Getty Museum is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Rijksmuseum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult gobies in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult arctic tern in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult beluga whale in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult tsessebe in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult oryx in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Metropolitan Museum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Frostveil Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult booby in National Gallery equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 times the number of adult patas monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult greenland shark in Hermitage Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Opalescent Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult rhea in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Skyspire City equals the number of adult gila monster in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Musée d'Orsay equals the number of adult gray whale in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Frostveil Cay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult golden mantella in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult african wild dog in Starlit Atoll is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Prado Museum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Cloudreach equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult tern in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult frigatebird in National Gallery equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard seal in National Gallery. The number of adult box jellyfish in Ashmolean Museum is the total number of adult animals in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Skyspire City equals 1 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult gaur in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult green anaconda in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult roan antelope in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult impala in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Louvre Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult parasaurolophus in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Rijksmuseum is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult fairy penguin in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Nebulight Keys equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult royal penguin in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult aardvark in Glowmist Archipelago is the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 4. The number of adult tiger prawn in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Skyspire City equals the number of adult narwhal in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The number of adult macaque in Nebulight Keys is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult sable antelope in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult skimmer in National Gallery is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult ladybug in Vatican Museums is the total number of adult animals in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dragonfly in Vatican Museums is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Silverwave Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult minke whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Stardust Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyspire City. The number of adult dingo in J. Paul Getty Museum is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Celestial Arch. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult jerboa in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult macaque in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is the total number of newborn animal children in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult compsognathus in Louvre Museum equals 2 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Cloudreach equals the number of adult egret in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Guggenheim Museum. The number of adult fin whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Keys is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Rijksmuseum is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in British Museum equals 3 times the number of adult coypu in British Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Skyspire City equals 1 times the number of adult ivory gull in Skyspire City. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult pteranodon in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Starlit Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult gelada in Van Gogh Museum is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult gelada in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult bush baby in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalis Ascent is 2 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult red bishop in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Musée d'Orsay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Auroralumina equals 2 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Dreamtide Isle equals 4 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult tamarin in Guggenheim Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Prado Museum. The number of adult little blue penguin in Silverplume Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult kingfisher in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult nemean lion in Tate Modern equals the number of adult caracal in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Auroralumina equals 4 times the number of adult bettas in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Skyspire City equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Cloudreach equals the number of adult gannet in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult hawkfish in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult boomslang in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult tiger in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult eastern quoll in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult vole in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult gibbon in Van Gogh Museum is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult gelada in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Vatican Museums equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Vatican Museums. The number of adult raccoon in Ashmolean Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult beaked whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult agouti in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Pergamon Museum is the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult arctic wolf in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult narwhal in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Aetherhold equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Musée d'Orsay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Musée d'Orsay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 times the number of adult desert locust in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Rijksmuseum is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals 3 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult greenland shark in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult copperhead in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Guggenheim Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Rijksmuseum equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult cheetah in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Musée d'Orsay equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalis Ascent equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Vatican Museums is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Nebulight Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek equals 1 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult triggerfish in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult fairy penguin in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Musée d'Orsay is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult butterfly in Aurora Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Keys. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Ashmolean Museum is 3 times the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult elephant seal in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 times the number of adult vaquita in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Nebulight Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Nimbus Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult parasaurolophus in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult mole in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult lynx in Celestial Arch is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Rijksmuseum equals 3 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Ashmolean Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult langoustine in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult ghost crab in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalis Ascent equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult pteranodon in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult leopard in Celestial Arch is 3 times the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult african penguin in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Silverplume Summit.
How many adult wolf does Pine Ridge have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult wolf in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge as K; so K = x = x. We know K = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult langoustine in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult barnacle in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glowbreeze Waves is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 plus the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Gleamveil Timberland is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Shimmergrove. The number of adult leopard frog in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult marbled salamander in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult bilby in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starlight Channel is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glistenreach equals the number of adult gray whale in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult arctic hare in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Silverlight Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult sea wasp in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult krill in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult takahe in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Glistenreach equals the number of adult coypu in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult arctic tern in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult ivory gull in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Sparkleaf Haven equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult bowhead whale in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult cone snail in Serenade Isle. The number of adult tiger salamander in Glimmering Gulf is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult golden cat in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Frostwave Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult oryx in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult coypu in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult salp in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonbeam Tides equals 4 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Eclipsed Shoals is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiance Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Radiance Sea. The number of adult gouldian finch in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 plus the number of adult clownfish in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult caiman in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Starshard Copse. The number of adult bilby in Silverlight Depths is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the number of adult starfish in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult diatom in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult king cobra in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult caracal in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Frostwave Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult pipefish in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult red bishop in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult moray eel in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult rock lobster in Twilight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult spider crab in Twilight Waters. The number of adult collared lemming in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult african clawed frog in Twilight Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult arctic tern in Frostwave Depths is the total number of adult animals in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult fishing cat in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Frostwave Depths equals 2 times the number of adult king eider in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Ocean is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Lustrous Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Radiant Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult bush viper in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glintshade Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiance Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Radiance Sea. The number of adult patas monkey in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 plus the number of adult gibbon in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult california sea lion in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult caracal in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult golden mole in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mole in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Frostwave Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult poodle in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult frilled lizard in Luminous Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult siberian husky in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Ethereal Timber equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult orangutan in Ethereal Timber is the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult bandicoot in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult acantharian in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiance Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult firefly in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the number of adult blackbuck in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult greyhound in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult wood frog in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 plus the number of adult koala in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult kakapo in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult king penguin in Seashell Isles. The number of adult caribou in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult boxfish in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult sandpiper in Starflow Isles equals 4 plus the number of adult kitsune in Starflow Isles. The number of adult kudu in Nebula Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult okapi in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult shrimp in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Opalescent Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult blue whale in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiance Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Radiance Sea. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Glimmering Gulf equals 4 plus the number of adult hellbender in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Frostwave Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Glintshade Grove equals 3 times the number of adult tapir in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Starlit Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult ross's gull in Velvetcurrent Ocean is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiant Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult bobcat in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult serval in Opal Thickets. The number of adult vervet monkey in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Whispering Cay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Crystal Lagoon is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Silverlight Depths equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult triceratops in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult beaked whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult compsognathus in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult orangutan in Emerald Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult lion in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult golden retriever in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult maned jackal in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult booby in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult kittiwake in Starflow Isles. The number of adult rock wallaby in Moonbeam Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult sea wasp in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Seashell Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult gibbon in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult blue hawk in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult blue whale in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult spinosaurus in Radiance Sea is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glintshade Grove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult milk snake in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult night monkey in Iridescent Wilderness equals 2 plus the number of adult silkworm in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult fishing cat in Starlight Channel is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The number of adult coqui frog in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 times the number of adult thylacine in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Ethereal Timber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiant Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern box turtle in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Quartz Hollows is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult coconut crab in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glowbreeze Waves is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Seashell Isles. The number of adult hippopotamus in Flarebark Forest is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult golden cat in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult cheetah in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult springbok in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult patas monkey in Mystic Tides equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Mystic Tides. The number of adult thaliacean in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult gorilla in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Glintshade Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult bonobo in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult bison in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalwave Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Whispering Cay. The number of adult tiger in Starlight Channel is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult royal penguin in Gleamsea Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult emu in Seashell Isles is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult lion in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult bobcat in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult margay in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Radiant Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Glistenreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glistenreach. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge, the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult manatee in Nebula Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult american alligator in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ecliptica Bay equals 1 plus the number of adult wombat in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Radiance Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiance Sea. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult silkworm in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult orca in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult blue hawk in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult agouti in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult lionfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult griffin in Starflow Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The number of adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult tiger prawn in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult opossum in Glimmering Gulf is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult siberian husky in Shimmerstone Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult orangutan in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 plus the number of adult king cobra in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult paca in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult dormouse in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult gray whale in Lustrous Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Crystal Lagoon is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult quetzal in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult boomslang in Coralhaven is the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Silverlight Depths is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Spectral Wildwood equals 3 times the number of adult puffin in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult capybara in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult gray whale in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult gelada in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult spider monkey in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult siberian husky in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult fennec fox in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Azurehaven. The number of adult sloth in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Quartz Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 plus the number of adult desert locust in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Silverlight Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult numbat in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult bowhead whale in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult arctic wolf in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Glistenreach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Glistenreach. The number of adult wildebeest in Flarebark Forest equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult eland in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult sperm whale in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Opalescent Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult sea urchin in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Gilded Reef. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult golden mantella in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult chimpanzee in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult snow leopard in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult butterfly in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Gilded Reef. The number of adult polar bear in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult potoroo in Ecliptica Bay equals 1 times the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalwave Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult sea slug in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult peacock in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult king cobra in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Glistenreach equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Seashell Isles. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Opal Thickets equals 2 times the number of adult fennec fox in Opal Thickets. The number of adult desert locust in Prismatic Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult iguana in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Starlit Ocean is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Dreamtide Cove equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult coyote in Prismatic Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreamtide Cove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult elephant seal in Starlight Channel equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Starlight Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Spectral Wildwood equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shimmergrove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shimmergrove. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult dormouse in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult clownfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult puffin in Aurora Tides is the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Shimmergrove equals 3 plus the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmergrove. The number of adult frigatebird in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult silkworm in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult greenland shark in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult harp seal in Serenade Isle. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mystic Tides equals 2 times the number of adult tarsier in Mystic Tides. The number of adult gibbon in Dawnspire Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult blue monkey in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult atlas moth in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Radiance Sea equals the number of adult diplodocus in Radiance Sea. The number of adult sun conure in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Starlit Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glistenreach equals 4 times the number of adult raccoon in Glistenreach. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 1. The number of adult thaliacean in Lustrous Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of adult animals in Shimmering Shoals. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the number of adult ivory gull in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult caiman in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult poodle in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult golden cat in Opal Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult dingo in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult moas in Seashell Isles. The number of adult colobus monkey in Mystic Tides is the total number of adult animals in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Gilded Reef equals 4 times the number of adult elephant bird in Gilded Reef. The number of adult milk snake in Radiance Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The number of adult coconut crab in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult king cobra in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult arctic tern in Serenade Isle equals 4 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Serenade Isle. The number of adult polar bear in Frostwave Depths is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult potoroo in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Starlit Ocean equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Starlit Ocean. The number of adult rotifer in Luminous Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Radiant Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult american alligator in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult dodo in Gilded Reef is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aurora Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Aurora Tides. The number of adult seal in Opalescent Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aurora Tides equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Aurora Tides. The number of adult marsupial mole in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult capybara in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Frostwave Depths equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Quartz Hollows equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult noctiluca in Lustrous Ocean equals 3 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starshard Copse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Starshard Copse. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult greyhound in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult siberian husky in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Frostwave Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult boomslang in Aurora Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult walking stick in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult glass frog in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Quartz Hollows equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult chihuahua in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult king cobra in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Radiance Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of adult animals in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult sandpiper in Silkreef Shores equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the number of adult seal in Glistenreach. The number of adult marine iguana in Luminous Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult eastern box turtle in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult booby in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult dragonfly in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult greenland shark in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult arctic hare in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult oryx in Moonbeam Tides is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult marine iguana in Ethereal Timber is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult golden retriever in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult african clawed frog in Velvetcurrent Ocean is 1 plus the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Quartz Hollows equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult rhea in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aurora Tides is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Radiance Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult arctic wolf in Serenade Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult ross's gull in Serenade Isle. The number of adult southern right whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult beluga whale in Glistenreach is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glintshade Grove equals 2 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Opalescent Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult wildebeest in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult eland in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult collared lemming in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult chihuahua in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult cayote in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the number of adult macaw in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starshard Copse equals 4 times the number of adult blue whale in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Shardspire Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult kudu in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult bilby in Moonbeam Tides is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult corn snake in Nebula Expanse is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult gelada in Mystic Tides equals 1 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Mystic Tides. The number of adult chimpanzee in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult starfish in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult blue monkey in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult lemur in Mystic Tides. The number of adult akita in Dreamcurrent Tides is the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult tiger prawn in Twilight Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult wood frog in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult elephant bird in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmering Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult tiger in Opal Thickets equals 4 plus the number of adult jaguar in Opal Thickets. The number of adult lion in Opal Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult puma in Opal Thickets. The number of adult african bush elephant in Crystalbough Reserve is the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult rock wallaby in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult gaur in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalwave Horizon equals 4 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Crystalwave Horizon. The number of adult bullfrog in Glimmering Gulf is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult king cobra in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult greyhound in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult tiger snake in Coralhaven equals the number of adult moray eel in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Seashell Isles. The number of adult rotifer in Lustrous Ocean equals the number of adult acantharian in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Glowbreeze Waves is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult bongo in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Shardspire Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starlit Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Crystal Lagoon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult sea slug in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult sea urchin in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult dungeness crab in Twilight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult border collie in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult potoroo in Moonbeam Tides equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult collared lemming in Serenade Isle equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Serenade Isle. The number of adult capybara in Nebula Expanse equals the number of adult giraffe in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 plus the number of adult margay in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Seashell Isles. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult stegosaurus in Radiance Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Seashell Isles is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult salp in Luminous Atoll is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Quartz Hollows equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Shardspire Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult gopher in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult clownfish in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Ethereal Timber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Ethereal Timber.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Silverlight Caves equals 2 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult cougar in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Galecrash Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Chimeric Crevasse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult rainbow boa in Ebon Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 times the number of adult california sea lion in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult black panther in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult euphausiid in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Luminous Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult archerfish in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult yellow tang in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Fluorescent Depths equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Cloudburst Basin equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult elephant seal in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Starlight Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Velvetglow Tunnels is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult manta ray in Fluorescent Depths. The number of average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 times the number of adult jackal in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Blitzcrag Summit is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Fluorescent Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult cougar in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult blue whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult colobus monkey in Thunderveil Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 1 times the number of adult gazelle in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the number of adult forest mammoth in Starlight Vault. The number of adult skimmer in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult flamingo in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult california sea lion in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult jackal in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult gopher in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult rat in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult chimpanzee in Shardlight Chasms equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult harlequin poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult stingray in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult shrimp in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult ocelot in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Spectral Chamber is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult kudu in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult shearwater in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Tempest Vale equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult forest mammoth in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Silverlight Caves equals 3 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult rattlesnake in Frostbloom Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult blue monkey in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult kingfisher in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Crystalshine Cavern equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult little blue penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult frigatebird in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 times the number of adult egret in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult marine iguana in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult gelada in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Starlight Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult akita in Starlight Vault. The number of adult gray whale in Stormchaser Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult forest mammoth in Prismatic Vault equals 4 times the number of adult jerboa in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult gelada in Twilight Caverns is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the sum of the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm, and the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult california sea lion in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Tempest Vale equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Tempest Vale. The number of adult greenland shark in Stormspire Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult gray whale in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Starlight Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult gray whale in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Eclipsed Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult cerberus in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Gleaming Hollows is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult kittiwake in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 plus the number of adult porcupine in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Fluorescent Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult butterfly in Auroral Tempestfield equals 4 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Fluorescent Depths equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult arctic wolf in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult snowy owl in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult hooded seal in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult chihuahua in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Silverlight Caves is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult puffin in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult gopher in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult gaboon viper in Silverlight Caves is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bats in Chimeric Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult manatee in Luminous Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult eland in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult zooplankton in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Galecrash Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult archerfish in Lightning Gorge equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult night monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult king crab in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverlight Caves equals 4 plus the number of adult ball python in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult ross's gull in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult guppy in Lightning Gorge equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult southern right whale in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult dugong in Eclipsed Crevasse is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult gorilla in Eclipsed Crevasse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult king cobra in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Cloudburst Basin equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals 3 times the number of adult thaliacean in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult copperhead in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult reticulated python in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult red-eared slider in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult spider monkey in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult fenrir in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult fenrir in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult dugong in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Thunderveil Hollow is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Velvetglow Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult compsognathus in Luminous Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult lobster in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult arctic tern in Stormspire Heights equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult mandrill in Lustrous Catacombs is 3 plus the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult moray eel in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult salp in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult arctic wolf in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the number of adult ross's gull in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The number of adult king cobra in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 plus the number of adult agouti in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Gleaming Hollows is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult sea slug in Glowstone Pass equals 1 times the number of adult macaque in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult barracuda in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult ladybug in Lustrous Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult ostrich in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Starlight Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Electrovalley equals the number of adult barnacle in Electrovalley. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult gray whale in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Tempest Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Electrovalley equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dreamveil Chasm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Dreamveil Chasm equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult royal penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult omura's whale in Starlight Hollows is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Silverlight Caves equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Crystalshine Cavern is the total number of newborn animal children in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult amphipod in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult orangutan in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult howler monkey in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult rotifer in Glimmering Crevasse is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Gleaming Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult african penguin in Glimmering Crevasse is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals 4 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult southern mammoth in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult roc in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult roc in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult orangutan in Glowspire Depths equals 2 times the number of adult serval in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Galecrash Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Chimeric Crevasse equals 2 times the number of adult elk in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Spectral Chamber equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult corythosaurus in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starlight Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult beluga whale in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Electrovalley equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Electrovalley. The number of adult southern mammoth in Prismatic Vault equals 2 times the number of adult desert locust in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult dromedary camel in Cyclone Peaks is 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult agouti in Aurora Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult rat in Aurora Depths. The number of adult capybara in Luminous Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult gull in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult hellbender in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Tempest Vale is the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult shrimp in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Moonlit Grotto equals 3 plus the number of adult acantharian in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Tempest Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Gleaming Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult tiger in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult kudu in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Starlight Vault is the total number of adult animals in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult elephant seal in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Hailstone Mesa is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult mosquito in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult ladybug in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Thunderclap Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult polar bear in Nebulight Tunnels is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult caiman in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult howler monkey in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Prismatic Vault is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The number of adult pipefish in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult larvacean in Glimmering Crevasse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Thunderveil Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult asian elephant in Ethereal Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Nimbus Ravine equals 4 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Glowspire Depths equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult serval in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult razorbill in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 times the number of adult mole in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult caribou in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Lightningspire Plateau is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Dreamveil Chasm is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Stormchaser Plains equals 1 plus the number of adult cerberus in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Nimbus Ravine equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Ethereal Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Crystalshine Cavern is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult vervet monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult tamarin in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult mosasaurus in Luminous Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult sandpiper in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult paca in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult blue racer in Silverlight Caves is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Radiant Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult impala in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Ethereal Vault is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Lightning Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult cerberus in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Hailstone Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult fenrir in Cloudburst Basin is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult vole in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Silverlight Caves equals 2 times the number of adult great auk in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult dugong in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult moray eel in Aurora Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult moray eel in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Radiant Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult walrus in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult corn snake in Frostbloom Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Stormshade Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Tempest Vale equals 2 plus the number of adult moray eel in Tempest Vale. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult elephant seal in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult coyote in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult lionfish in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult bettas in Aurora Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult blue tang in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Stormchaser Plains equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult pteropod in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult adélie penguin in Nebulight Caverns is 3 times the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Nimbus Ravine equals the number of adult sloth in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult paca in Cyclone Peaks equals the number of adult squirrel in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult caiman in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult gull in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 times the number of adult dormouse in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult clownfish in Tempest Vale is the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult california sea lion in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 2 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult collared lemming in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the number of adult leopard seal in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult pipefish in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult sea anemone in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult snares penguin in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Prismatic Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Blitzcrag Summit equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult russell's viper in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult sperm whale in Starlight Hollows is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowstone Pass equals 4 times the number of adult bonobo in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult booby in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult gannet in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Nimbus Ravine equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult sea anemone in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult grasshopper in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult stingray in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult archerfish in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Starlight Vault. The number of adult sea slug in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult centaur in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 times the number of adult macaque in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult moas in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult moas in Shadowglint Vault is 3 plus the number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleaming Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult agouti in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult gerbil in Cyclone Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult gila monster in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult grasshopper in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult macaw in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Thunderveil Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lustrous Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Electrovalley is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult dormouse in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult mouse in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult ladybug in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult wildebeest in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult moose in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult sea anemone in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glowspire Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult okapi in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Galecrash Chasm equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Opal Grotto. The number of adult salp in Glimmering Crevasse is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Cyclone Peaks. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult ghost crab in Electrovalley is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult thorny devil in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Hailstone Mesa is the number of adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult arctic hare in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Luminous Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Lustrous Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult bush viper in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Hailstone Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Cloudburst Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult frilled lizard in Thundershade Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult kitsune in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult phoenix in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult agouti in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Starlight Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Radiant Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult copperhead in Prismatic Rift equals 1 plus the number of adult gobies in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult king cobra in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult tiger in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Thunderveil Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Dreamveil Chasm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult sand cat in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult hognose snake in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult dugong in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult cheetah in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult ivory gull in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult boxfish in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Cloudburst Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult nutria in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult moray eel in Lightning Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult stingray in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult silkworm in Lustrous Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult weka in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult green basilisk in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult green iguana in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Starlight Hollows is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult caiman lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult cheetah in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult stick insect in Radiant Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult russell's viper in Prismatic Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult bush viper in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult california sea lion in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult nemean lion in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult rock lobster in Luminous Chasm is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Fluorescent Depths equals 1 times the number of adult spiny lobster in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult paca in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult capybara in Aurora Depths. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult great auk in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult hawkfish in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Eclipse Cavern equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult radiolaria in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Tempest Vale equals 1 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Thunderveil Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Thunderveil Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult vaquita in Glistenroot Grotto equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult nemean lion in Glintstone Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult gelada in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Eclipse Cavern equals 4 plus the number of adult gecko in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult monitor lizard in Frostbloom Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Shadowglint Vault is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult tiger in Auroral Tempestfield is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult sand cat in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult boxfish in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult hippogriff in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Opal Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Opal Grotto. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Opal Grotto equals 2 plus the number of adult right whale in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Tempest Vale. The number of adult stegosaurus in Blitzcrag Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Prismatic Vault equals 2 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult sloth in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shadowglint Vault equals 2 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult dormouse in Cyclone Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult harp seal in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Velvetglow Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult patas monkey in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult orangutan in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Stormfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult sperm whale in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult dovekie in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult rat in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Spectral Chamber equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Stormshade Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Stormshade Ridge.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Mayer Aquarium as z; so z = x = x. We know z = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult frilled lizard in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult caiman in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Spectral Chamber equals 2 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult razorbill in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult selkie in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebulight Caverns equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Moonstone Maze equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult kraken in Shadowglint Vault is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Auroralumina equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Auroralumina equals 4 times the number of adult tapir in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Lightveil Sanctum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Shadowglint Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult pegasus in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult archerfish in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult lionfish in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Aurora Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Nebula City equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Radiance Gorge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Moonstone Maze equals 3 plus the number of adult angelfish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult mayfly in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Stardust Bastion is 3 times the number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Twilight Gorge is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Skyspire City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Skyspire City equals the number of adult mandrill in Skyspire City. The number of adult rock wallaby in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gleamshade Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Skyspire City equals the number of adult gannet in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult dovekie in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult blue racer in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult gelada in Moonstone Maze is the total number of adult animals in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Skyspire City equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Skyspire City. The number of adult hooded seal in Silvercliff Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult manatee in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult king cobra in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult desert locust in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Moonlit Rift is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult gelada in Shardlight Chasms equals 2 plus the number of adult cassowary in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult kraken in Prismatic Rift. The number of total number of adult animals in South Zoo equals 3. The number of adult green basilisk in Heavensgate is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gleamshade Hollow equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Twilight Gorge is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Twilight Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult katydid in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Radiant Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult musk ox in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Spectral Chamber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult carnotaurus in Nebulight Pass is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult nyala in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Glimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult beluga whale in Ethereal Rift is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Frostglow Ravine equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Aurora Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Passage equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Luminous Passage. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult gecko in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult coqui frog in Aetherhold equals 3 times the number of adult wood frog in Aetherhold. The number of adult chimpanzee in Starlight Chasm equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Skyspire City. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult bandicoot in Luminous Harbor equals 3 plus the number of adult tarsier in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult butterfly in Cloudreach equals the number of adult dragonfly in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Nebulight Pass is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult groundhog in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult clownfish in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult macaque in Crystalshade Tunnels is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult peacock in Glintstone Caverns is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult coyote in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Starlight Vault equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starlight Vault. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Nebulight Pass is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult basenji in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult triceratops in Nebulight Pass is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Celestial Arch equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Twilight Gorge equals the number of adult hornet in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult capybara in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult thaliacean in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Ebon Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult blue monkey in Shardlight Chasms equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult blue hawk in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Glimmerstone Abyss is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Frostglow Ravine equals the number of adult capuchin in Frostglow Ravine. The number of adult beaked whale in Ethereal Rift equals the number of adult beaked whale in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipse Cavern equals 1 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Nebulight Pass equals the number of adult velociraptor in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo equals the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult tinamous in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Eclipse Cavern equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult archerfish in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult stingray in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Auroralumina equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Auroralumina. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipsed Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult puffin in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult minotaur in Shadowglint Vault is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Eclipse Cavern equals 4 plus the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustervale Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult bettong in Dawnlit Hollow is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Skyhaven Citadel. the number of adult fox in South Zoo exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Starlight Vault is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Moonlit Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Moonlit Rift. The number of adult gray whale in Ethereal Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ethereal Rift equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Ethereal Rift. The number of adult moray eel in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult gelada in Frostglow Ravine is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Glintstone Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult orangutan in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult macaw in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Ebon Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult springbok in Glimmerstone Abyss is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Shadowrift Gorge equals the number of adult unicorn in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult walrus in Twilight Gorge is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult gelada in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult gibbon in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult blue hawk in Nebulight Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult sea anemone in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult orangutan in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Nimbus Haven is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult tiger in Stardust Bastion is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult king cobra in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult takahe in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Silverplume Summit is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Fluorescent Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult eastern newt in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Luminous Passage is the total number of adult animals in Crystalfall Ravine. The number of adult dormouse in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 plus the number of adult hamster in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult boxfish in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult parrotfish in Eclipsed Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Auroralumina equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult arabic cow in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult camel in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult tsessebe in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult kudu in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult walrus in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult sea slug in Eclipsed Canyon equals 4 times the number of adult aardvark in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult booby in Nebulight Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Opal Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult scorpion in Opal Grotto. The number of adult arctic tern in Gleamshade Hollow equals the number of adult king eider in Gleamshade Hollow. The number of adult elephant seal in Silvercliff Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Silvercliff Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult elephant bird in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Auroralumina equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Auroralumina. The number of adult patas monkey in Skyspire City is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kraken in Starlight Vault is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Opal Grotto. The number of adult patas monkey in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult caribou in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult thylacine in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Ethereal Rift is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 times the number of adult tree kangaroo in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult blackbuck in Glimmerstone Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult hartebeest in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult boomslang in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult california sea lion in Silvercliff Pass equals the number of adult sea otter in Silvercliff Pass. The number of adult manatee in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult tapir in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult tinamous in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult gaur in Aurora Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult diatom in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Radiant Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult jaguar in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Moonlit Rift is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Frostglow Ravine equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Dusksong Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult sandpiper in Gilded Archway equals 2 times the number of adult frigatebird in Gilded Archway. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shadowglint Vault is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Stardust Bastion equals 4 times the number of adult jaguar in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult harpy cow in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Frostglow Ravine equals 2 times the number of adult tarsier in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult bandicoot in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult marine iguana in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult tern in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult musk ox in Celestial Arch is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult orangutan in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult moas in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Glintstone Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Twilight Gorge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult bandicoot in Heavensgate equals the number of adult pangolin in Heavensgate. The number of adult golden cat in Sparkflow Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult basenji in Sparkflow Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Radiance Gorge is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Skyhaven Citadel equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Dusksong Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult king penguin in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult coqui frog in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult dragon in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult chaetognath in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 times the number of adult takahe in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Shadowglint Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult sea urchin in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Dusksong Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eclipse Cavern is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult baboon in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult chinstrap penguin in Dawnspire Nexus is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sparkflow Abyss equals 1 times the number of adult lion in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult kudu in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult arabic cow in Aurora Rift. The number of adult coypu in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult tapir in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Luminous Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Radiance Gorge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult coypu in Heavensgate equals 3 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Heavensgate. The number of adult bettas in Silverplume Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult angelfish in Glistenroot Grotto is the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult sea otter in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult opossum in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult hognose snake in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult great auk in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult leopard in Crystalis Ascent is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The number of adult fairy penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult king penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult boxfish in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult sea urchin in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult ocelot in Crystalis Ascent is the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult night monkey in Glowspire Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult blue monkey in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Auroralumina equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Starlight Vault equals 3 times the number of adult fenrir in Starlight Vault. The number of adult agouti in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult nutria in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult topi in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult arctic fox in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Eclipse Cavern equals 2 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Moonstone Maze equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipse Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Canyon equals the number of adult kinkajou in Eclipsed Canyon. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the number of adult snares penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Fluorescent Depths equals the number of adult giant salamander in Fluorescent Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Twilight Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm, the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, and the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult bettas in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult tiger in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult mosquito in Cloudreach equals the number of adult mosquito in Cloudreach. The number of adult gazelle in Glimmerstone Abyss is the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The number of adult fox in Radiance Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Nebulight Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult marsupial mole in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Chimeric Crevasse equals 1 plus the number of adult archerfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult tiger in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult sloth in Opal Grotto. The number of adult baboon in Glowspire Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult stingray in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult marine iguana in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Spectral Chamber equals 2 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult fox in South Zoo. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult chinchilla in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult green anaconda in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult triceratops in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Spectral Chamber equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonstone Maze is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Shadowrift Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult hydra in Shadowrift Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Skyspire City equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Nebulight Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Luminous Passage equals 2 plus the number of adult stonefish in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult boxfish in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Moonstone Maze is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Radiant Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult lynx in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult bobcat in Sparkflow Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult dhole in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult chimpanzee in Luminous Hollows equals the number of adult ocelot in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult red panda in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Dusksong Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult collared lemming in Gleamshade Hollow equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Moonlit Rift equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult giraffe in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult thorny devil in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult southern mammoth in Nebula City equals 2 plus the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 4 times the number of adult african penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Shadowglint Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult orangutan in Starlight Chasm equals 1 times the number of adult tiger in Starlight Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Spectral Chamber equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Skyspire City equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Spectral Chamber equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult bats in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult pipefish in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult manta ray in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Moonstone Maze equals 1 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult orangutan in Glowspire Depths equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Celestial Arch equals 4 times the number of adult triceratops in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult marbled salamander in Starweaver's Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult patas monkey in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult elephant bird in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult zooplankton in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Luminous Passage equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Passage equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult squirrel in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Radiant Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult walrus in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Luminous Passage equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Luminous Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Skyhaven Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Nebulight Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Dusksong Chasm is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult kitsune in Shadowrift Gorge is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ebon Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Skyhaven Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Nebulight Pass equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Nebulight Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult weka in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Heavensgate equals 1 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Heavensgate. The number of adult antlion in Twilight Gorge is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult sea lion in Radiance Gorge. The number of adult grasshopper in Cloudreach equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Cloudreach. The number of adult snares penguin in Shimmercliff Canyon is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Abyss. The number of adult paca in Lustrous Catacombs equals 3 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ethereal Rift equals 1 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Nebulight Pass equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Nebulight Pass. The number of adult gopher in Lustrous Catacombs equals 2 plus the number of adult mole in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Shadowglint Vault equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult vaquita in Ebon Hollow is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Dusksong Chasm equals the number of adult weka in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Lustervale Pass equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Twilight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Twilight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the number of adult compsognathus in Celestial Arch. The number of adult potoroo in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult opossum in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult sea lion in Dawnlit Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostglow Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Moonstone Maze equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Dusksong Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult hooded seal in Dawnlit Hollow equals the number of adult humpback whale in Dawnlit Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Twilight Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Twilight Gorge. The number of adult bowhead whale in Ethereal Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult gray whale in Radiance Gorge is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Stardust Bastion equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult wood frog in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult unicorn in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Gleamspire Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult coyote in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult barracuda in Chimeric Crevasse is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Ethereal Horizon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eclipse Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Shimmercliff Canyon equals 3 plus the number of adult heron in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult foraminifera in Aurora Rift is the total number of adult animals in Lustervale Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Shimmercliff Canyon equals the number of adult gannet in Shimmercliff Canyon. The number of adult golden retriever in Radiance Gorge is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminous Passage equals 1 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Luminous Passage. The number of adult dodo in Shardlight Chasms is the total number of adult animals in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Dusksong Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Dusksong Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Nimbus Haven is the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult greenland shark in Gleamshade Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Moonlit Rift is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Skyspire City equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Skyspire City. The number of adult eastern quoll in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult horned lizard in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult gorilla in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult mayfly in Cloudreach equals 2 times the number of adult potoroo in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Moonlit Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Moonlit Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult oryx in Glimmerstone Abyss is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Radiance Gorge equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Radiance Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Glintstone Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult toucan in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult corn snake in Crystalfall Ravine equals the number of adult american alligator in Crystalfall Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Shadowrift Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Shadowrift Gorge. The number of adult hooded seal in Twilight Gorge is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Chasm. The number of adult forest mammoth in Nebula City equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Skyspire City equals the number of adult cormorant in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Starlight Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult dragon in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Twilight Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Gleamshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiant Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult moray eel in Silverplume Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult dragonfly in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult eland in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult cladoceran in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult emu in Dusksong Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult roan antelope in Glimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Luminous Passage equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminous Passage. The number of adult praying mantis in Twilight Gorge is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Moonlit Rift equals the number of adult hartebeest in Moonlit Rift.
How many adult fox does South Zoo have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult fox in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in South Zoo as u; so u = x = x. We know u = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Matterhorn equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Matterhorn. The number of adult larvacean in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Gleamwater Channel is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult grasshopper in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Manaslu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Manaslu. The number of adult arctic hare in Dawnspire Nexus is 4 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals 1. The number of adult vaquita in Gilded Archway is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult harpy cow in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Auroralumina. The number of adult gouldian finch in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult boomslang in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Kilimanjaro equals 4 times the number of adult macaque in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Matterhorn equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Matterhorn. The number of adult mayfly in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the number of adult hornet in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Celestial Arch. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The number of adult sandpiper in Crystalis Ascent equals 3 times the number of adult hellbender in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult rock lobster in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the number of adult cone snail in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Silverplume Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 times the number of adult diatom in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult paradise tanager in Glowmist Creek is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorastream. The number of adult red bishop in Frostsong River equals the number of adult kingfisher in Frostsong River. The number of adult kittiwake in Crystalbrook Stream is the total number of adult animals in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Nebula City is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Starlight Confluence equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult blue whale in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dreamtide River equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 plus the number of adult fox in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Radiance Channel equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Radiance Channel. The number of adult golden retriever in Aetherhold equals the number of adult archerfish in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult rotifer in Mount Kosciuszko equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult sun conure in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult toucan in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult gorilla in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult corythosaurus in Whisperflow Rapids equals 3 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Annapurna equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Sparkflow Torrent is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Silverwave Tributary equals 4 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult albatross in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult noctiluca in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult acantharian in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult sea lion in Gilded Archway. The number of adult frigatebird in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 plus the number of adult axolotl in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult pipefish in Twilight Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult sea anemone in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Sparkflow Torrent is the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult compsognathus in Glintcurrent Flow is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult blackbuck in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult tintinnid in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Manaslu equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Dreamtide River equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Nebula City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Nebula City. The number of adult agouti in Dreamtide River is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Starlight Confluence equals 2 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Manaslu is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Auroralumina equals 4 times the number of adult cladoceran in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 2. The number of adult northern cardinal in Crystalbrook Stream is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Mount Rainier equals 4 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dawnspire Nexus equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Manaslu equals 2 times the number of adult omura's whale in Manaslu. The number of adult compsognathus in Whisperflow Rapids is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult arctic tern in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Luminous Harbor equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult roan antelope in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult impala in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Celestial Arch equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Celestial Arch. The number of adult fenrir in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult water buffalo in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult sun conure in Frostsong River equals 3 times the number of adult arctic tern in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Silverplume Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Everest equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the number of adult lemur in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dhaulagiri equals 3 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult gila monster in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult numbat in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Mount Rainier is the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Annapurna is 3 plus the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult california sea lion in Gilded Archway is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult roadrunner in Silverwave Tributary is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult roan antelope in Aconcagua equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Aconcagua. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Luminous Harbor is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Radiance Channel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aurorastream equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Aurorastream. The number of adult asian elephant in Lustrous Rapids is the total number of adult animals in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Mount Erebus. The number of adult cerberus in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult manticore in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Mount Rainier. The number of adult red bishop in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult coqui frog in Stardust Bastion is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula City. The number of adult fennec mule in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult manticore in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult thorny devil in Aurorastream is the total number of adult animals in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Nanga Parbat equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, and the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult collared lemming in Frostsong River is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult camel in Nebula City is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyspire City. The number of adult pufferfish in Glintcurrent Flow is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult walrus in Frostsong River is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Matterhorn equals the number of adult wombat in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult patas monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lhotse equals 2 times the number of adult inland taipan in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Gleamwater Channel is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult tiger snake in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Skyspire City equals the number of adult pufferfish in Skyspire City. The number of adult cassowary in Luminara River is the total number of adult animals in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult king cobra in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult sloth in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Matterhorn equals the number of adult arctic tern in Matterhorn. The number of adult thaliacean in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult pteropod in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Nanga Parbat equals 4 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Skyspire City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Skyspire City. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Matterhorn equals the number of adult beluga whale in Matterhorn. The number of adult golden cat in Elbrus equals the number of adult snow leopard in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Starlight Confluence equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult forest mammoth in Heavensgate equals 1 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Heavensgate. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Kangchenjunga equals 2 times the number of adult aardvark in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult howler monkey in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult sloth in Lightveil Sanctum is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Stardust Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult hellbender in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult cicada in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult pteranodon in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Skyspire City equals the number of adult moray eel in Skyspire City. The number of adult lion in Elbrus equals the number of adult caracal in Elbrus. The number of adult hooded seal in Glowmist Creek equals 1 plus the number of adult dolphin in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Dreamtide River is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Mount Erebus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Mount Erebus. The number of adult tiger snake in Lhotse equals 4 times the number of adult pangolin in Lhotse. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Frostsong River equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Frostsong River. The number of adult boxfish in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult gobies in Twilight Stream. The number of adult tsessebe in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult hartebeest in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult noctiluca in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult cladoceran in Gilded Archway. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult chihuahua in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult bonobo in Starlight Confluence is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Aurorastream equals 4 times the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Aurorastream. The number of adult walking stick in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Mont Blanc. The number of adult hooded seal in Ethereal Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Gleamwater Channel equals 2 plus the number of adult painted bunting in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult bandicoot in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult pegasus in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Aurorastream equals 2 times the number of adult jerboa in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Silverwave Tributary equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Annapurna equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult numbat in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult cone snail in Ecliptica Dome is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Annapurna equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult ladybug in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Nanga Parbat equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Makalu equals the number of adult manatee in Makalu. The number of adult larvacean in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of adult animals in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult fairy penguin in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide River. The number of adult wasp in Mont Blanc equals 4 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Mount Erebus. The number of adult rotifer in Gilded Archway equals 1 times the number of adult chaetognath in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Denali equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Denali. The number of adult kittiwake in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult egret in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult coyote in Everest equals the number of adult sperm whale in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starshadow Estuary equals 3 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Auroralumina equals 2 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids equals 4 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Nebula City equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Starweaver's Crest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Auroralumina equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Auroralumina. The number of adult northern cardinal in Frostsong River is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult caiman in Velvetwhisper Stream is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult zooplankton in Auroralumina is the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dhaulagiri equals 3 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the number of adult siberian husky in Mount Erebus. The number of adult tiger in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 1 times the number of adult night monkey in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Twilight Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Starlight Confluence equals 2 plus the number of adult roadrunner in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult musk ox in Matterhorn is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Nebula City equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult gorilla in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Starweaver's Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult porcupine in Dreamtide River. The number of adult grasshopper in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult cicada in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult coypu in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Nimbus Haven equals 4 times the number of adult katydid in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Nimbus Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Nebula City equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Nebula City. The number of adult roan antelope in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult euphausiid in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Aurorastream is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Skyspire City equals the number of adult archerfish in Skyspire City. The number of adult mosasaurus in Whisperflow Rapids equals 4 times the number of adult angelfish in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Starlight Confluence equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Denali equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Nimbus Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Skyspire City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Shimmerbrook Passage is the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult elephant bird in Luminara River is the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mount Rainier. The number of adult scorpion in Everest equals the number of adult oryx in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 times the number of adult toucan in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult gray whale in Glowmist Creek is the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The number of adult corn snake in Dhaulagiri is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The number of adult manatee in Ethereal Horizon is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Denali equals the number of adult velociraptor in Denali. The number of adult lemming in Dreamtide River is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Rainier. The number of adult nemean lion in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult arabic cow in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Aurorastream equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult pteropod in Shimmerbrook Passage is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Nanga Parbat equals 4 times the number of adult sable antelope in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult red-eared slider in Dhaulagiri is the total number of newborn animal children in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult kinkajou in Celestial Arch is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Dhaulagiri equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult sea slug in Twilight Stream equals 4 times the number of adult dugong in Twilight Stream. The number of adult albatross in Crystalis Ascent is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The number of adult colobus monkey in Starlight Confluence is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shimmerbrook Passage is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Glowmist Creek is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Dreamtide River equals 4 times the number of adult black mamba in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Starlight Confluence equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult wasp in Eclipsed Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult magellanic penguin in K2 equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in K2. The number of adult roc in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Heavensgate equals 3 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dawnspire Nexus equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Manaslu equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Manaslu. The number of adult poodle in Aetherhold equals 3 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Makalu equals 2 plus the number of adult glass frog in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult bandicoot in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Luminous Harbor is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Starweaver's Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Heavensgate equals 1 times the number of adult asian elephant in Heavensgate. The number of adult orangutan in Velvetwhisper Stream is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Matterhorn equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Manaslu. The number of adult tsessebe in Cho Oyu equals 1 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Starshadow Estuary is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The number of adult thaliacean in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult foraminifera in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Stardust Bastion equals 2 times the number of adult glass frog in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult coyote in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult meerkat in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Aurorastream. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult compsognathus in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult thylacine in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Radiance Channel equals 1 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult blackbuck in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Cho Oyu. The number of adult elephant seal in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult seal in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminara River equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult allosaurus in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Aurorastream is 3 plus the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Makalu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult great auk in Mount Rainier. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult electric eel in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult bobcat in Elbrus equals the number of adult sand cat in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult mosquito in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Nebula City equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult mayfly in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Matterhorn equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Nimbus Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult wolf in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Sparkflow Torrent is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Manaslu. The number of adult dung beetle in Eclipsed Waters is the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Silverplume Summit is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Elbrus. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalbrook Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult heron in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Makalu equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Nanga Parbat equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult moray eel in Cloudreach equals 2 plus the number of adult thorny devil in Cloudreach. The number of adult komodo dragon in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the number of adult gibbon in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult gouldian finch in Frostsong River equals the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult addax in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult galápagos penguin in K2 equals the number of adult rhea in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Manaslu equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Manaslu. The number of adult golden mole in Everest equals the number of adult gray whale in Everest. The number of adult bettas in Cloudreach equals the number of adult scorpion in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult dugong in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Starlight Confluence equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Dreamtide River is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Celestial Arch equals 1 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Celestial Arch. The number of adult butterfly in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult atlas moth in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Aurorastream equals the number of adult addax in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Starshadow Estuary is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Radiance Channel. The number of adult desert locust in Everest equals the number of adult golden mole in Everest. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lhotse equals 3 plus the number of adult tarsier in Lhotse. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Elbrus equals 4 plus the number of adult moas in Elbrus. The number of adult blackbuck in Aconcagua equals 3 plus the number of adult nyala in Aconcagua. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 plus the number of adult stingray in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult bats in Kangchenjunga is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult iguanodon in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Confluence is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult elephant seal in Ethereal Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult nutria in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Eclipsed Waters is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult dovekie in Crystalis Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult black widow spider in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult stegodon in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Manaslu equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Skyspire City equals the number of adult amphipod in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult fox in Mount Erebus. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Crystalbrook Stream equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Starweaver's Crest is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Ecliptica Dome is the total number of adult animals in K2. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Luminous Harbor is the number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Skyspire City equals 2 times the number of adult chaetognath in Skyspire City. The number of adult tsessebe in Aconcagua equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult waterbuck in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult chihuahua in Aetherhold equals the number of adult coyote in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Eclipsed Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult firefly in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult california sea lion in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starlight Confluence equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult kitsune in Moonshadow Current equals 4 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mount Erebus. The number of adult acantharian in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult little blue penguin in K2 equals the number of adult ostrich in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult atlas moth in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult yellow tang in Whisperflow Rapids is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult booby in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult cormorant in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Starlight Confluence equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Manaslu equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult blue crab in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Makalu. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult basenji in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Nimbus Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult southern mammoth in Heavensgate equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Heavensgate. The number of adult narwhal in Gleamspire Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mount Rainier equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Auroralumina equals 3 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Makalu. The number of adult gull in Crystalis Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Nebula City equals the number of adult quetzal in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Nebula City equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Denali equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult stegodon in Heavensgate equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Eclipsed Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nanga Parbat equals 4 plus the number of adult roan antelope in Nanga Parbat.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge as b; so b = x = x. We know b = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult tapir in Aurora Tides. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Silverplume Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult leopard seal in Aeolis Mons is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Meridiani Planum equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Aurora Tides equals 2 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult polar bear in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult eastern newt in Ethereal Horizon is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Auroralumina. The number of adult cane toad in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the number of adult emperor penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Isidis Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the number of adult blue racer in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult narwhal in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult beaver in Hellas Basin is 1 plus the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 times the number of adult leopard in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus, the number of adult wolf in South Zoo, and the total number of newborn animal children in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult allosaurus in Nebula City is the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Utopia Planitia is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Promethei Planum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Promethei Planum. The number of adult gila monster in Stardust Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Promethei Planum equals 2 plus the number of adult hedgehog in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult diatom in Olympus Mons. The number of adult wood frog in Skyspire City equals 2 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Olympus Mons equals 4 plus the number of adult sun conure in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Silverplume Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo, the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm, and the total number of newborn animal children in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Heavensgate equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult tern in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult tarsier in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult inland taipan in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult baboon in Gilded Archway equals 2 times the number of adult hartebeest in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Silverplume Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostwave Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult cladoceran in Shimmering Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult golden mantella in Skyspire City equals the number of adult king crab in Skyspire City. The number of adult night monkey in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult addax in Gilded Archway. The number of adult kudu in Gilded Archway is the total number of newborn animal children in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult musk ox in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Isidis Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the number of adult gila monster in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult waterbuck in Gilded Archway is the total number of newborn animal children in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult starfish in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult stingray in Gale Crater equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Gale Crater. The number of adult blue monkey in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Stardust Bastion is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult rock wallaby in Twilight Waters equals the number of adult wombat in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Promethei Planum. The number of adult wildebeest in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult praying mantis in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Chryse Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult gelada in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult patas monkey in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Aurora Tides equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Aurora Tides. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Nebula City equals the number of adult diplodocus in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Meridiani Planum is the total number of newborn animal children in Hellas Basin. The number of adult gelada in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult night monkey in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiance Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Radiance Sea. The number of adult leopard frog in Skyspire City equals 1 plus the number of adult rock lobster in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Meridiani Planum equals 4 plus the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Chryse Planitia equals 3 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Syrtis Major is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult greenland shark in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult arctic fox in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals 3 times the number of adult macaque in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glimmering Gulf equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult pangolin in Gleamspire Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Silverplume Summit is the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult elephant bird in Stardust Bastion is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult hellbender in Silverplume Summit is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Olympus Mons equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Olympus Mons. The number of adult milk snake in Mare Erythraeum is the total number of newborn animal children in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Medusae Fossae equals the number of adult slow loris in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult moray eel in Gale Crater equals 1 times the number of adult guppy in Gale Crater. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult amphipod in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult poodle in Cloudreach equals the number of adult dhole in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Valles Marineris equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in Valles Marineris. The number of adult rainbow boa in Dawnspire Nexus is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Syrtis Major equals 4 times the number of adult ostrich in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Mare Erythraeum equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Frostwave Depths equals 3 times the number of adult ball python in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult orangutan in Gilded Archway equals 3 times the number of adult gazelle in Gilded Archway. The number of adult bowhead whale in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult gopher in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult vervet monkey in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult mandrill in Arabia Terra. The number of adult narwhal in Celestial Arch is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Skyspire City. The number of adult greenland shark in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult puffin in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Syrtis Major equals 3 times the number of adult glass frog in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiance Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Chryse Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult cerberus in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Starlit Ocean equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the number of adult tinamous in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Frostwave Depths equals 3 times the number of adult crested gecko in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Silverplume Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Utopia Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult leopard frog in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glimmering Gulf equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult vervet monkey in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult macaque in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Promethei Planum equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Elysium Mons equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Elysium Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult mandrill in Chryse Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult king penguin in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy elephant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nebula Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult collared lemming in Dreamcurrent Tides equals 4 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult orangutan in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult greyhound in Cloudreach equals the number of adult king cobra in Cloudreach. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Heavensgate equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Tharsis Bulge equals 2 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult patas monkey in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult gelada in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Utopia Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Medusae Fossae. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Promethei Planum equals 2 plus the number of adult gecko in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Eclipsed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult marlin in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Medusae Fossae equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult coconut crab in Opalescent Horizon equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Syrtis Major equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Frostwave Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult african clawed frog in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult baboon in Isidis Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Meridiani Planum equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Opalescent Horizon equals the number of adult coconut crab in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult rhea in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult elephant bird in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Valles Marineris equals 2 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Promethei Planum equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult deinonychus in Nebula City equals 4 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Nebula City. The number of adult blue monkey in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult orangutan in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Meridiani Planum equals 2 times the number of adult snares penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Isidis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Olympus Mons. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Mare Erythraeum is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Channel. The number of adult rat in Aeolis Mons is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Abyss. The number of adult greenland shark in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult puffin in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Lightveil Sanctum is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Meridiani Planum equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Argyre Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Stardust Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Syrtis Major. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult reticulated python in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult copperhead in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Mare Erythraeum is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Starlit Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin monkey in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Meridiani Planum equals the number of adult salp in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Glowbreeze Waves equals 1 times the number of adult arctic hare in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult penguin in Syrtis Major is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult patas monkey in Gleamsea Basin equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Valles Marineris equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Tharsis Bulge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult bandicoot in Luminous Abyss equals the number of adult tintinnid in Luminous Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult little blue penguin in Ecliptica Dome is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Promethei Planum. The number of adult collared lemming in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult mole in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Mare Erythraeum equals the number of adult bush viper in Mare Erythraeum. The number of adult king penguin in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 plus the number of adult weka in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Starlit Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Noctis Labyrinthus is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult macaw in Nimbus Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Elysium Mons equals 3 plus the number of adult centaur in Elysium Mons. The number of adult corythosaurus in Nebula City equals 1 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Medusae Fossae equals 2 times the number of adult aye-aye in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult gibbon in Velvetcurrent Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Gleamsea Basin. The number of adult patas monkey in Aetherhold equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Aetherhold. The number of adult agouti in Cydonia Mensae equals 1 plus the number of adult rat in Cydonia Mensae. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Silverplume Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nebula Expanse equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nebula Expanse. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Skyspire City equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Skyspire City. The number of adult red-eared slider in Ethereal Horizon is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult glass frog in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Argyre Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Glowbreeze Waves equals 2 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult african wild dog in Amazonis Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Eclipsed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult quokka in Chryse Planitia is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Ocean. The number of adult corn snake in Arabia Terra is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aeolis Mons. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult dodo in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult toucan in Crystalis Ascent is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Hellas Basin equals 4 times the number of adult vole in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Isidis Planitia equals 2 plus the number of adult macaque in Isidis Planitia. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Starweaver's Crest is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rotifer in Auroralumina equals 1 times the number of adult gibbon in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Olympus Mons equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the number of adult russell's viper in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalwave Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Olympus Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult acantharian in Olympus Mons. The number of adult manatee in Luminous Harbor equals 3 plus the number of adult butterfly in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult komodo dragon in Starweaver's Crest is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aurora Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Hellas Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Promethei Planum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Lightveil Sanctum equals 1 times the number of adult leopard seal in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult mosasaurus in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Aurora Tides equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Eclipsed Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult king crab in Eclipsed Shoals. The number of adult moas in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult caribou in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Hellas Basin equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Isidis Planitia. the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of adult golden cat in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult cougar in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Olympus Mons equals 1 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Mare Erythraeum equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Mare Erythraeum. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 4 times the number of adult eastern coral snake in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Lustrous Ocean equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lustrous Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult tarsier in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The number of adult wood frog in Skyhaven Citadel is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult moas in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult coqui frog in Skyspire City is the total number of newborn animal children in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult bettas in Gale Crater equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Gale Crater. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Promethei Planum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Silverplume Summit is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Syrtis Major equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Syrtis Major. The number of adult eland in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult stick insect in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmering Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult radiolaria in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult bonobo in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shimmering Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult pteropod in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Moonbeam Tides equals the number of adult boxfish in Moonbeam Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Lightveil Sanctum equals 4 times the number of adult harp seal in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Meridiani Planum equals 4 times the number of adult gentoo penguin in Meridiani Planum. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult mangrove snake in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult arctic wolf in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult albatross in Celestial Arch. The number of adult arctic tern in Celestial Arch is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Argyre Planitia equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult blue monkey in Arabia Terra equals 1 times the number of adult iguana in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult wombat in Crystalis Ascent is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Tharsis Bulge equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Tharsis Bulge equals 3 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glimmering Gulf equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Glimmering Gulf. The number of adult hognose snake in Mare Erythraeum is the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lightveil Sanctum is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult collared lemming in Celestial Arch equals 4 times the number of adult sandpiper in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Promethei Planum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Promethei Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Promethei Planum equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Promethei Planum. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aeolis Mons equals the number of adult snowy owl in Aeolis Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostwave Depths equals the number of adult black mamba in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Meridiani Planum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Meridiani Planum. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult fenrir in Elysium Mons. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Nebula City equals 2 plus the number of adult therizinosaurus in Nebula City. The number of adult lemur in Gale Crater is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Eclipsed Shoals equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Frostwave Depths is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamcurrent Tides. The number of adult bowhead whale in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the number of adult gibbon in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurora Tides equals 3 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Medusae Fossae equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult dodo in Stardust Bastion is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Glimmering Gulf equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Glimmering Gulf. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmering Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Hellas Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Hellas Basin. The number of total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult tinamous in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Horizon. The number of adult arctic wolf in Dreamcurrent Tides equals the number of adult wood frog in Dreamcurrent Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Argyre Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult green iguana in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Crystalis Ascent equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Amazonis Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Amazonis Planitia. The number of adult gelada in Gleamsea Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult diatom in Gleamsea Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult starfish in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Hellas Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Hellas Basin equals 3 times the number of adult sugar glider in Hellas Basin. The number of adult golden retriever in Cloudreach equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Ethereal Horizon is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Nebula City is the total number of adult animals in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Starlit Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Starlit Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult manta ray in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult gelada in Arabia Terra equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Chryse Planitia is the total number of newborn animal children in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Argyre Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Silverlight Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult little blue penguin in Meridiani Planum is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystalis Ascent is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmering Shoals equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Shimmering Shoals. The number of adult copperhead in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult blue monkey in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult gila monster in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Hellas Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silverlight Depths equals 3 times the number of adult moas in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Hellas Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult rat in Hellas Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Amazonis Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Aurora Tides equals 3 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Aurora Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Valles Marineris equals the number of adult gerbil in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Tharsis Bulge equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Tharsis Bulge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Argyre Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult chihuahua in Cloudreach equals 3 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Cloudreach. The number of adult jaguar in Nimbus Haven is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Arabia Terra. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Chryse Planitia equals the number of adult tamarin in Chryse Planitia. The number of adult potoroo in Twilight Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Twilight Waters. The number of adult bobcat in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult red panda in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Argyre Planitia equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult russell's viper in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult marbled salamander in Skyspire City equals 2 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Noctis Labyrinthus equals 1 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Noctis Labyrinthus. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalwave Horizon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Crystalwave Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Valles Marineris equals 1 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Elysium Mons equals the number of adult chimera in Elysium Mons. The number of adult blue monkey in Aetherhold equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Aetherhold. The number of adult mangrove snake in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lightveil Sanctum is the total number of newborn animal children in Elysium Mons. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Heavensgate equals the number of adult zebra in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Argyre Planitia equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Argyre Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Noctis Labyrinthus equals the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Noctis Labyrinthus. The number of adult arctic hare in Aeolis Mons is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostwave Depths. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult takahe in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Tides equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Aurora Tides. The number of adult panther chameleon in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Eclipsed Shoals equals the number of adult coelacanth in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Amazonis Planitia equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Silverlight Depths equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Frostwave Depths equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Frostwave Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Silverlight Depths equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Silverlight Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Utopia Planitia equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult wallaby in Crystalis Ascent is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Olympus Mons equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Olympus Mons. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmering Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Utopia Planitia. The number of adult narwhal in Ecliptica Dome is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Valles Marineris equals 1 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Isidis Planitia equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Isidis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Amazonis Planitia is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Cydonia Mensae. The number of adult compsognathus in Nebula City equals 1 times the number of adult scarlet macaw in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Amazonis Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult maned jackal in Amazonis Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Medusae Fossae equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Medusae Fossae. The number of adult capybara in Luminous Harbor equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Velvetcurrent Ocean equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Velvetcurrent Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmering Shoals equals the number of adult king eider in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Tharsis Bulge equals 4 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Tharsis Bulge. The number of adult leopard gecko in Frostwave Depths is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nebula Expanse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Nebula Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Argyre Planitia equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult kudu in Luminous Harbor equals 1 times the number of adult katydid in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Utopia Planitia equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Utopia Planitia. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Glowbreeze Waves. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Silverplume Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Eclipsed Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Eclipsed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Argyre Planitia equals 1 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Argyre Planitia. The number of adult carnotaurus in Nebula City equals 3 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Moonbeam Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Moonbeam Tides. The number of adult eyelash viper in Dawnspire Nexus equals 4 times the number of adult caiman in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult patas monkey in Gilded Archway equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Silverlight Depths equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Silverlight Depths. The number of adult cassowary in Skyhaven Citadel is the total number of newborn animal children in Valles Marineris. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult hognose snake in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Glowbreeze Waves equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Glowbreeze Waves. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Starweaver's Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Noctis Labyrinthus.
How many adult wolf does Jefferson Circus have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult wolf in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus as J; so J = x = x. We know J = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult elephant seal in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult gouldian finch in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Tropical Cyclones is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Thermosphere. The number of adult cladoceran in Ozone Layer is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Luminous Keep equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Keep. The number of adult coyote in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult pufferfish in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult heron in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Starbloom Palace equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult bonobo in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult fennec fox in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Confluence equals 4 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult lionfish in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Thermosphere is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult omura's whale in Tropical Cyclones is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Gleaming Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult giant salamander in Gleaming Bastion is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult moray eel in Glintcurrent Flow is 1 times the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Jet Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Jet Stream. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 times the number of adult axolotl in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Exosphere equals 4 plus the number of adult moray eel in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult nightjar in Mesosphere is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Abyssal Citadel equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glowmist Creek equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Ozone Layer is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult gopher in Stratosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult diatom in Ozone Layer is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult pufferfish in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Tropical Cyclones is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult lemur in Whispering Vault is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult gaur in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult roan antelope in Gleamwater Channel equals 1 times the number of adult african penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Ionosphere equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Jet Stream equals the number of adult marine iguana in Jet Stream. The number of adult california sea lion in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult walrus in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult skimmer in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult cladoceran in Thermosphere is the total number of adult animals in Stratosphere. The number of adult sand cat in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult sand cat in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult nyala in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 plus the number of adult tapir in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult sloth in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Meteor Showers is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 times the number of adult flamingo in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult manatee in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Cirrus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult moas in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult gannet in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of adult animals in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Borealis is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Starlight Confluence equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Silverdepth Bastion equals 4 plus the number of adult barracuda in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Ozone Layer equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult cougar in Silverwave Tributary equals 4 times the number of adult chimera in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Starlight Confluence equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Silverwave Tributary is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult topi in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult addax in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult tiger prawn in Supercells equals 2 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Supercells. The number of adult omura's whale in Meteor Showers is the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult kangaroo in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Thermosphere equals 4 times the number of adult noctiluca in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Ozone Layer equals 2 plus the number of adult copepod in Ozone Layer. The number of adult humpback whale in Radiant Catacombs is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glowmist Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult hooded seal in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult sea lion in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult okapi in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Jet Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Jet Stream. The number of adult poodle in Radiance Channel equals 4 plus the number of adult polar bear in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult caracal in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 plus the number of adult fenrir in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nimbus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Exosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nimbus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Starbloom Palace equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Exosphere equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult booby in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 plus the number of adult boxfish in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult noctiluca in Moonshadow Current equals 1 plus the number of adult foraminifera in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 1 times the number of adult lynx in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Jet Stream equals the number of adult green anaconda in Jet Stream. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult magellanic penguin in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Twilight Thrones equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Twilight Stream equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Twilight Stream. The number of adult vaquita in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult stonefish in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult surgeonfish in Tropical Cyclones is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult vervet monkey in Sunken Crown equals 2 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Thermosphere equals the number of adult pteropod in Thermosphere. The number of adult hooded seal in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult stegodon in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Meteor Showers equals 2 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Meteor Showers. The number of adult tapir in Nimbus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult rock lobster in Auroras Australis is 2 plus the number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Starbloom Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Nebulight Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult chaetognath in Ozone Layer is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult hooded seal in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult humpback whale in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult elephant seal in Radiant Catacombs equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Nebulight Abyss equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Nebulight Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult penguin in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Jet Stream. The number of adult kittiwake in Aurorastream equals 4 plus the number of adult lynx in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Exosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Exosphere. The number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Exosphere equals 3 times the number of adult lemur in Exosphere. The number of adult rock wallaby in Frostsong River equals the number of adult scorpion in Frostsong River. The number of adult orangutan in Luminara River equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult snow crab in Cumulus Cloud is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Twilight Thrones equals the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult king cobra in Luminara River equals 3 times the number of adult american mastodon in Luminara River. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Frostsong River equals the number of adult oryx in Frostsong River. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Dreamtide River equals 4 plus the number of adult sand cat in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Starlight Confluence equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Tropical Cyclones equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult topi in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult water buffalo in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Thermosphere is the total number of adult animals in Frostsong River. The number of adult fairy penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals 4 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 times the number of adult nutria in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult rotifer in Moonshadow Current equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult dormouse in Polar Vortex equals 3 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Polar Vortex. The number of adult blackbuck in Gleamwater Channel equals 3 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Starshadow Estuary is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult albatross in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult nyala in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 times the number of adult impala in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Auroras Australis is the total number of adult animals in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult gorilla in Exosphere is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Keep. The number of adult gull in Aurorastream equals the number of adult puma in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult chimpanzee in Luminara River equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult arctic fox in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Troposphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Troposphere. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Cirrus Cloud equals 1 plus the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult agouti in Stratosphere equals the number of adult okapi in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult albatross in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult blue monkey in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult howler monkey in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult harpy cow in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult polar bear in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult orca in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult humpback whale in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lustrous Rapids equals the number of adult omura's whale in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult black mamba in Silverdepth Bastion. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Gleaming Bastion equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Citadel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult poodle in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult crab in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Sunken Crown is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Cirrus Cloud is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mesosphere. The number of adult gray whale in Ionosphere is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult golden mantella in Thermosphere is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult paca in Stratosphere equals 2 times the number of adult vole in Stratosphere. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult dormouse in Stratosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult moose in Stratosphere. The number of adult blackbuck in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 plus the number of adult eland in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Thermosphere equals the number of adult tintinnid in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult minke whale in Auroras Australis is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glowmist Creek equals 2 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult sandpiper in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult sandpiper in Aurorastream equals the number of adult jaguar in Aurorastream. The number of adult camel in Stratocumulus Cloud is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mouse lemur in Mesosphere is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult macaque in Sunken Crown is the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Nimbus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult ankylosaurus in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ionosphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Nebulight Abyss equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult gray whale in Lustrous Rapids is the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glowmist Creek equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Nimbus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamreef Throne is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 1 times the number of adult cormorant in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult painted bunting in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Silverdepth Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Mesosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult aardvark in Mesosphere. The number of adult langoustine in Cumulus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in Whispering Vault. The number of adult coconut crab in Supercells equals the number of adult spider crab in Supercells. The number of adult caiman in Jet Stream is the total number of adult animals in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult harpy cow in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Thermosphere equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Thermosphere. The number of adult squirrel in Supercells is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Troposphere equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult flamingo in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult cerberus in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 plus the number of adult minotaur in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Radiant Catacombs is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The number of adult acantharian in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult bandicoot in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult clownfish in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult tsessebe in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult lemur in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult tsessebe in Sparkflow Torrent equals 3 times the number of adult duiker in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult new guinea singing dog in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult centaur in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the number of adult gobies in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Tropical Cyclones equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult gopher in Supercells is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Twilight Thrones equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult lion in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult minotaur in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult thaliacean in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult ross's gull in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Stratocumulus Cloud is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult gray whale in Tropical Cyclones is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Auroras Australis. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult mangrove snake in Aurora Borealis is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Thermosphere. The number of adult bushbuck in Sparkflow Torrent equals 2 plus the number of adult giraffe in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Mesosphere equals 4 times the number of adult atlas moth in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Aurora Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult stingray in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult vole in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult hamster in Polar Vortex. The number of adult kitsune in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult roc in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult narwhal in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Thermosphere. The number of adult california sea lion in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult basenji in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Thermosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Thermosphere. The number of adult beaked whale in Meteor Showers equals 2 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult macaque in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult corn snake in Troposphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Gleaming Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult egret in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult golden cat in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult serval in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rat in Supercells is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult capybara in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Aurora Borealis equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Thermosphere equals 4 times the number of adult acantharian in Thermosphere. The number of adult black panther in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 times the number of adult dragon in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult macaque in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Nimbus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult vaquita in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Frostsong River equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult chihuahua in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult caribou in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Confluence equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Aurora Borealis equals the number of adult green anaconda in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Aurora Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Starbloom Palace equals 1 times the number of adult bilby in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Exosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Nebulight Abyss equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult zooplankton in Ozone Layer is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Tropical Cyclones equals 2 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Eclipsed Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Troposphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Luminous Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant seal in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Ionosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Ionosphere. The number of adult kiwi in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Thermosphere. The number of adult sandpiper in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult pipefish in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult agouti in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 times the number of adult diatom in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostveil Ruins equals 4 times the number of adult hydra in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Tropical Cyclones is the total number of adult animals in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Auroras Australis equals 3 plus the number of adult crab in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Twilight Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Twilight Stream. The number of adult potoroo in Frostsong River equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Frostsong River. The number of adult elephant seal in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult orca in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cirrus Cloud is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Sunken Crown. The number of adult bobcat in Silverwave Tributary equals 3 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Gleaming Bastion equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Thermosphere is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult golden mole in Dreamtide River equals the number of adult lionfish in Dreamtide River. The number of adult addax in Sparkflow Torrent equals 1 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the number of adult dinoflagellate in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Troposphere equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Troposphere. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult blue racer in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult skimmer in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult frigatebird in Shimmerstone Hall equals 2 plus the number of adult gobies in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult desert locust in Dreamtide River equals 1 plus the number of adult scorpion in Dreamtide River. The number of adult gelada in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult baboon in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Stratocumulus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Ozone Layer. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult akita in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Sunken Crown is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Abyssal Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult coypu in Mesosphere is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Whisperflow Rapids equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult albatross in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Gleaming Bastion equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult egret in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonshadow Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Luminous Keep. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nebulight Abyss is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult frigatebird in Aurorastream equals 4 plus the number of adult puffin in Aurorastream. The number of adult roan antelope in Sparkflow Torrent equals the number of adult moose in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult agouti in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult guinea pig in Polar Vortex. The number of adult forest mammoth in Glintcurrent Flow equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Whispering Vault. The number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Gleamreef Throne is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult patas monkey in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult mandrill in Sunken Crown. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium, the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch, the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Troposphere is the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult okapi in Aurora Citadel is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Starshadow Estuary is the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult tarsier in Aurora Borealis is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult tiger in Silverwave Tributary equals 1 plus the number of adult roc in Silverwave Tributary. The number of adult eyelash viper in Troposphere is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Starbloom Palace equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Abyssal Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult grebe in Abyssal Citadel. The number of adult gopher in Polar Vortex equals 4 times the number of adult milk snake in Polar Vortex. The number of adult night monkey in Sunken Crown equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult shrimp in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Dreamspire Keep equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult coyote in Altostratus Cloud is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalbrook Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Altostratus Cloud is the total number of newborn animal children in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Tropical Cyclones equals 3 plus the number of adult guppy in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult mouse in Supercells is 3 plus the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 plus the number of adult parson's chameleon in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult velociraptor in Starbloom Palace. The number of adult coyote in Frostsong River is 2 times the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult booby in Aurorastream equals 2 times the number of adult caracal in Aurorastream. The number of adult red bishop in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult hooded seal in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult dugong in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Thermosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Twilight Thrones equals the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult paca in Polar Vortex equals 3 times the number of adult groundhog in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult selkie in Whisperflow Rapids.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium as Z; so Z = x = x. We know Z = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult little blue penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Gleaming Heights is the total number of adult animals in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult gelada in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Lapland equals 3 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Annapurna equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Annapurna. The number of adult forest mammoth in Iceland equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Iceland. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult flamingo in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult desert locust in Luminous Apex equals 3 times the number of adult gray whale in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult barracuda in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Denali equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Denali. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult penguin in Mount Rainier. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Gloamhaven Heights is the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult moas in Alps equals the number of adult great auk in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Opalescent Crag equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Siberia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult coqui frog in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Manaslu equals the number of adult king penguin in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Manaslu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Lapland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spinosaurus in Lapland. The number of adult puffin in Starlight Ridge is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult border collie in Matterhorn equals 2 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Kilimanjaro equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult sea otter in Sunlit Crag is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult stingray in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult goblin shark in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Vinson Massif equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Vinson Massif. The number of adult vaquita in Sunlit Crag equals 1 times the number of adult shiba inu in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Denali equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Denali. The number of adult manatee in K2 equals 2 times the number of adult noctiluca in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Franz Josef Land equals 1 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult bettas in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult marlin in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Aurorapeak Summit is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Denali equals 4 plus the number of adult albatross in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Denali equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Denali equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Denali. The number of adult mayfly in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult lemming in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Aconcagua equals 4 times the number of adult omura's whale in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Aconcagua equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Yukon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Mount Erebus equals 3 plus the number of adult thaliacean in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult guinea pig in Radiant Pinnacle is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Rockies. The number of adult greyhound in Sunlit Crag is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult kudu in K2 equals 4 plus the number of adult cladoceran in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult minotaur in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipse Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult noctiluca in Lhotse is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Greenland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Greenland. The number of adult rotifer in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The number of adult kiwi in Mount Rainier is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland. The number of adult triggerfish in Vinson Massif is the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult salp in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Makalu equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Greenland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Greenland. The number of adult mosasaurus in Lapland is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Twilight Crest. The number of adult seal in Luminous Apex is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Alps equals the number of adult manatee in Alps. The number of adult capybara in K2 equals 3 times the number of adult water buffalo in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Lhotse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Lhotse. The number of adult red-eared slider in Makalu is 3 plus the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult ocelot in Eclipse Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Aconcagua equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Aconcagua. The number of adult grasshopper in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult firefly in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult gobies in Vinson Massif. The number of adult tiger snake in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult wildebeest in K2 equals 3 plus the number of adult arabic cow in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Greenland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Greenland. The number of adult gobies in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the number of adult ghost crab in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Makalu equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Yukon equals the number of adult golden retriever in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Denali is the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Yukon equals the number of adult fennec fox in Yukon. The number of adult booby in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult kiwi in Annapurna is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in Mont Blanc. The number of adult tinamous in Everest equals 3 plus the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Everest. The number of adult king penguin in Everest equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult larvacean in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Greenland equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Greenland. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult siberian husky in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult narwhal in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 times the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Twilight Crest. The number of adult kitsune in Antarctica equals 2 times the number of adult hippogriff in Antarctica. The number of adult gull in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult grebe in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Everest equals the number of adult takahe in Everest. The number of adult camel in Patagonia is 1 plus the number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Sunlit Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult african wild dog in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult golden retriever in Arctic Circle equals 2 times the number of adult golden retriever in Arctic Circle. The number of adult jerboa in Luminous Apex is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Makalu equals the number of adult springbok in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult maned jackal in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult california sea lion in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult basenji in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult poodle in Sunlit Crag is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the number of adult marine iguana in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult copperhead in Himalayas equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult lobster in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Annapurna equals the number of adult takahe in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult hawkfish in Mount Kosciuszko. the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult gray whale in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Denali equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Kilimanjaro equals 2 plus the number of adult mandarin duck in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Annapurna equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Alps equals 2 plus the number of adult moose in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult egret in Moonveil Summit is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Elbrus. The number of adult cleaner shrimp in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of newborn animal children in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Denali equals the number of adult grebe in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult right whale in Vinson Massif is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Dhaulagiri equals 4 times the number of adult skimmer in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult greyhound in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult cayote in Arctic Circle. The number of adult langoustine in Altai Mountains equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Annapurna equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Iceland equals the number of adult vaquita in Iceland. The number of adult coyote in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult addax in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult sea slug in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult russell's viper in Rockies equals 3 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Yukon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Yukon. The number of adult wasp in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult hornet in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Nanga Parbat is the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult moas in Everest equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult blue tang in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Makalu equals the number of adult marine iguana in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Nanga Parbat equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult selkie in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Everest equals 3 plus the number of adult tinamous in Everest. The number of adult chihuahua in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult chihuahua in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult little blue penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult goblin shark in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult hammerhead shark in Gloamhaven Heights is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult pufferfish in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult butterfly in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult atlas moth in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult tiger prawn in Altai Mountains equals 2 plus the number of adult lobster in Altai Mountains. The number of adult blue whale in Gleaming Heights is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Lhotse equals 3 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult archerfish in Kangchenjunga equals 3 times the number of adult pufferfish in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult leopard gecko in Kamchatka Peninsula is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Twilight Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Annapurna. The number of adult poodle in Matterhorn equals 4 times the number of adult king penguin in Matterhorn. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Elbrus equals the number of adult golden mantella in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Lapland equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Annapurna equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Annapurna. The number of adult mosquito in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult wasp in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Aconcagua equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the number of adult bullfrog in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Eternal Summit is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult sea wasp in Eternal Summit is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult snares penguin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in North Pole equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult fin whale in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult elephant seal in Sunlit Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult royal penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult siberian husky in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult nemean lion in Arctic Circle. The number of adult rock wallaby in Moonveil Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult flamingo in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Nebulight Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gleaming Heights is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Opalescent Crag equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in North Pole. The number of adult african penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult electric eel in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Siberia equals the average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Siberia. The number of adult greyhound in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Mount McKinley. The number of adult golden mole in Patagonia equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Patagonia. The number of adult desert locust in Starshard Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult stegosaurus in Opalescent Crag is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Mount Kosciuszko equals 1 times the number of adult ocelot in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult gecko in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Mont Blanc. The number of adult sandpiper in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult kudu in Alps is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Frostlight Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Nebulight Crest is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Franz Josef Land equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the number of adult salp in Mount Erebus. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. The number of adult greyhound in Matterhorn equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in North Pole equals the number of adult beluga whale in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Annapurna equals 3 times the number of adult tinamous in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult gila monster in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult mouse in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the number of adult acantharian in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult phoenix in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Moonveil Summit equals 3 times the number of adult eastern quoll in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Lhotse equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Lhotse. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult poodle in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Eternal Summit. The number of adult kittiwake in Moonveil Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Lapland equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult moray eel in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Nanga Parbat equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Siberia equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Siberia. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Crest is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult tern in Velvetspire Ascent is the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mont Blanc equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Mont Blanc. The number of adult copperhead in Rockies equals 3 times the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult roc in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult cane toad in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult golden retriever in Matterhorn equals the number of adult royal penguin in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Mount Erebus. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the number of adult basenji in Mount McKinley. The number of adult little blue penguin in Alps equals 1 times the number of adult king penguin in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dhaulagiri is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mount Rainier equals 2 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Kilimanjaro equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Aconcagua equals the number of adult bandicoot in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult golden mantella in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult rainbow boa in Rockies equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The number of adult siberian husky in Mount McKinley equals 1 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Vinson Massif. The number of adult golden retriever in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the number of adult dragonfly in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult southern right whale in Mount Rainier is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Greenland equals the number of adult spider crab in Greenland. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult golden retriever in Patagonia. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Eternal Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult poodle in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult leviathan in Arctic Circle. The number of adult coconut crab in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult sperm whale in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Lapland equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Lapland. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Elbrus equals 2 times the number of adult manatee in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult okapi in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Annapurna equals the number of adult poodle in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult acantharian in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult fin whale in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult eyelash viper in Rockies equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Lhotse. The number of adult scorpion in Patagonia equals the number of adult fennec fox in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult shrimp in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult nemean lion in Cho Oyu equals 1 times the number of adult zebra in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Yukon equals the number of adult thorny devil in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult amphipod in Mount Erebus. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Eternal Summit is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Yukon equals the number of adult desert locust in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult ocelot in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the number of adult euphausiid in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult green-winged macaw in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Nanga Parbat equals the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of adult animals in Antarctica. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult squirrel in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult quokka in Moonveil Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult panther chameleon in Aurorapeak Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Gleaming Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult guppy in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult flamingo in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult frigatebird in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult bats in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Lapland equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Lapland. The number of adult booby in Manaslu is the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult hippogriff in Frostlight Ridge. The number of total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult minke whale in North Pole. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Elbrus. The number of adult walrus in Crystalhorn Peak is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mount Fuji. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Everest equals the number of adult golden mantella in Everest. The number of adult king penguin in Alps equals 1 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Alps. The number of adult hooded seal in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult hooded seal in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult hippogriff in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Lhotse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Lhotse. The number of adult surinam toad in Eclipse Heights is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult beaked whale in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Mount Fuji. The number of adult eland in K2 equals the number of adult thaliacean in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult leviathan in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Makalu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Makalu. The number of adult pelican in Moonveil Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult russell's viper in Himalayas equals the number of adult reticulated python in Himalayas. The number of adult golden mole in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult fennec fox in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Aurorapeak Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult minotaur in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in North Pole equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Annapurna equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aconcagua equals the number of adult humpback whale in Aconcagua. The number of adult southern mammoth in Iceland equals 4 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Iceland. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Kilimanjaro is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult little blue penguin in Everest equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult nemean lion in Antarctica equals 2 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Antarctica. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Alps equals 4 times the number of adult takahe in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipse Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult guppy in Kangchenjunga equals 3 times the number of adult thaliacean in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult rock lobster in Altai Mountains equals 4 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Altai Mountains. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Gleaming Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Twilight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult chihuahua in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult dingo in Mount McKinley. The number of adult chihuahua in Nebulight Crest is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The number of adult siberian husky in Matterhorn equals 4 plus the number of adult coyote in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger salamander in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Mount Erebus equals 1 plus the number of adult electric eel in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult desert locust in Patagonia equals 4 times the number of adult jerboa in Patagonia. The number of adult coyote in Luminous Apex equals 1 times the number of adult sand cat in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Greenland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Aurorapeak Summit is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Elbrus equals the number of adult wildebeest in Elbrus. The number of adult poodle in Mount McKinley equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in North Pole equals 2 times the number of adult phoenix in North Pole. The number of adult chihuahua in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult kitsune in Arctic Circle. The number of adult cassowary in Annapurna is the total number of newborn animal children in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult cladoceran in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult moray eel in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Nanga Parbat equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Aconcagua equals the number of adult bilby in Aconcagua. The number of adult cerberus in Antarctica equals the number of adult chimera in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Lhotse equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Vinson Massif is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the number of adult cayote in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the number of adult eastern newt in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Kilimanjaro equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in North Pole. The number of adult leviathan in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Eclipse Heights equals 1 times the number of adult howler monkey in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult inland taipan in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Lhotse equals the number of adult iguanodon in Lhotse. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult potoroo in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult sandpiper in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Lhotse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Nanga Parbat equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Yukon equals 3 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult sugar glider in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Aconcagua equals 4 times the number of adult potoroo in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Nebulight Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult poodle in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult zooplankton in K2 is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Aconcagua equals 2 times the number of adult thylacine in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 times the number of adult guinea pig in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Manaslu equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult humpback whale in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult elephant in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Opalescent Crag is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in North Pole equals the number of adult manticore in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Gleaming Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Lhotse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Lhotse. The number of adult southern right whale in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult omura's whale in Mount Fuji. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Rockies equals 1 plus the number of adult milk snake in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Vinson Massif. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Aconcagua is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Nebulight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Mount Erebus equals 4 times the number of adult cladoceran in Mount Erebus. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult opossum in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult dinoflagellate in Mount Erebus. The number of adult little blue penguin in Mount Rainier equals 3 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipse Heights is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Vinson Massif equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult surinam toad in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Kilimanjaro equals 1 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Aconcagua equals the number of adult wallaby in Aconcagua.
How many adult crow does Hamilton Farm have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult crow in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm as N; so N = x = x. We know N = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult kitsune in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult axolotl in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmering Spire is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult leopard seal in Twilight Crest. The number of adult gull in Nebulight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult sea urchin in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult sperm whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult humpback whale in Dreamspire Summit is 2 plus the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult dungeness crab in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult collared lemming in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult polar bear in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Hollowshade Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult african forest elephant in Gleaming Heights is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Whispering Marsh equals 1 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult thorny devil in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult macaw in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult orca in Wraithveil Swamp is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Phantom Waters. The number of adult mosasaurus in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult triceratops in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult crow in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult cerberus in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult eland in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Shimmering Spire equals 3 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult kitsune in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 plus the number of adult leviathan in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Shimmering Mire equals 2 times the number of adult opossum in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Frostlight Ridge is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge. The number of adult moas in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 times the number of adult rhea in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult african clawed frog in Spectral Basin is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Hollowshade Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Opalescent Crag equals 2 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult eastern quoll in Shimmering Mire is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult tinamous in Frostlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult topi in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult humpback whale in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult okapi in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult bullfrog in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult king penguin in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult boomslang in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult jaguar in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley and the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Hollowshade Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult red bishop in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Eternal Summit. The number of adult dodo in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek and the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult komodo dragon in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult deinonychus in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult triceratops in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult tomato frog in Whispering Marsh is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult oryx in Ebonshade Swamp equals 3 times the number of adult agouti in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 times the number of adult cougar in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult oryx in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult booby in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult booby in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult chimpanzee in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult sloth in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult seal in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Fogveil Bog equals 4 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult ross's gull in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Duskmist Fen equals 1 plus the number of adult inland taipan in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the number of adult toucan in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shimmering Mire equals 2 plus the number of adult quokka in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult numbat in Shimmering Spire is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Hollowshade Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult moas in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Luminous Apex. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals 3. The number of adult rock lobster in Phantom Waters equals 2 times the number of adult toucan in Phantom Waters. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Duskmist Fen is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Duskmist Fen is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult orangutan in Ebonshade Swamp is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The number of adult lionfish in Fogveil Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult weka in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Hollowshade Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult gila monster in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult pufferfish in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult sea wasp in Fogveil Bog equals 1 times the number of adult cladoceran in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult blue crab in Ethereal Marsh is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Shimmering Mire is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult hooded seal in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult arctic hare in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Shimmering Spire equals 1 times the number of adult kangaroo in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Frostlight Ridge is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult coconut crab in Phantom Waters equals 2 times the number of adult ghost crab in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult bettas in Shadowfen Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult oryx in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Dreamspire Summit. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The number of adult leviathan in Dreadmire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult giant salamander in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Shimmering Mire is the total number of adult animals in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult barracuda in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult boomslang in Fogveil Bog equals 1 times the number of adult tintinnid in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult arctic tern in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult snowy owl in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult vaquita in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult sandpiper in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult nemean lion in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult cerberus in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult milk snake in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult pufferfish in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult radiolaria in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult dodo in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult rhea in Luminous Apex. The number of adult cerberus in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult eastern newt in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult golden mantella in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Cursed Reedlands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the number of adult quokka in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult wood frog in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Cursed Reedlands equals 4 times the number of adult ocelot in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult narwhal in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult blackbuck in Starshard Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult compsognathus in Soulshard Bog equals 2 plus the number of adult pegasus in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult jerboa in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult stingray in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult roan antelope in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Cursed Reedlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Hauntshade Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult tiger snake in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult noctiluca in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult fenrir in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult wildebeest in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult glass frog in Veilwhisper Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult red bishop in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult lemming in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult tinamous in Ghostbloom Fen equals 4 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek, the number of adult crow in Maple Creek, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult tern in Darkwater Reach is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult southern mammoth in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult sumatran elephant in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult boomslang in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult stonefish in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult duiker in Sunlit Crag is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult boomslang in Duskmist Fen is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult steamer duck in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult little blue penguin in Luminous Apex equals 3 plus the number of adult kakapo in Luminous Apex. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult macaroni penguin in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult hydra in Ghostlight Mire is the number of adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 plus the number of adult clownfish in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult wood frog in Veilwhisper Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of adult animals in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Whispering Marsh equals 1 times the number of adult glass frog in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Eternal Summit. The number of adult shrimp in Phantom Waters is the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult roan antelope in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult bushbuck in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult eastern newt in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult gull in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult kittiwake in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the number of adult oryx in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult desert locust in Ebonshade Swamp equals 2 times the number of adult tapir in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult greyhound in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Eternal Summit. The number of adult roadrunner in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult tiger in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult snowy owl in Twilight Crest. The number of adult mosasaurus in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult iguanodon in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of adult animals in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult centaur in Ghostlight Mire is 1 times the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Opalescent Crag equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult gouldian finch in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Hollowshade Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult king penguin in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult bilby in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult goblin shark in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Twilight Crest is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult tomato frog in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 3 plus the number of adult barracuda in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Cursed Reedlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Hollowshade Basin equals 2 times the number of adult capybara in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult selkie in Dreadmire Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult sea otter in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of adult animals in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult fenrir in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Spectral Basin. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Soulshard Bog equals 1 plus the number of adult corythosaurus in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult cayote in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult coelacanth in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Hollowshade Basin equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult compsognathus in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult sable antelope in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Gleaming Heights equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paca in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shimmering Mire equals 1 times the number of adult fox in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Luminous Apex equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Luminous Apex. The number of adult golden mantella in Moonveil Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult frigatebird in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult gull in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult king cobra in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult caribou in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Opalescent Crag equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult orangutan in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult puffin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult golden mantella in Twilight Crest is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tsessebe in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult vaquita in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult arctic fox in Twilight Crest is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The number of adult impala in Shadowfen Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult forest mammoth in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult snow crab in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 1. The number of adult arctic fox in Wraithveil Swamp is the total number of adult animals in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult basenji in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult sandpiper in Darkwater Reach equals 4 times the number of adult penguin in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult sandpiper in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult sandpiper in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult tiger snake in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult marlin in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult seal in Aurorapeak Summit is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The number of adult booby in Darkwater Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shimmering Mire equals 1 times the number of adult golden retriever in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult beaked whale in Duskmist Fen equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger snake in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult arctic wolf in Wraithveil Swamp equals 2 times the number of adult arctic hare in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult african bush elephant in Ethereal Marsh is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eternal Summit is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Eternal Summit is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult addax in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult moray eel in Shadowfen Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult booby in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the number of adult red-eared slider in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult paradise tanager in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult triggerfish in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult greenland shark in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult unicorn in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult beaked whale in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult waterbuck in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult sea otter in Wraithveil Swamp is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult shearwater in Nebulight Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult golden mole in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult harpy cow in Ebonshade Swamp. The number of adult right whale in Duskmist Fen equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Cursed Reedlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult scorpion in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult dodo in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult bowhead whale in Starlight Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Twilight Crest equals 4 times the number of adult arctic tern in Twilight Crest. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult allosaurus in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult southern right whale in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult right whale in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult elephant seal in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult orca in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult royal penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult elephant bird in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Hollowshade Basin is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The number of adult langoustine in Phantom Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Phantom Waters. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Sunlit Crag equals 2 times the number of adult eland in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult hedgehog in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult corythosaurus in Soulshard Bog equals 4 times the number of adult basilisk in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult archerfish in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Shadowfen Hollow. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Moonveil Summit equals 4 times the number of adult amazon milk frog in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult tinamous in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the number of adult takahe in Luminous Apex. The number of adult coyote in Ebonshade Swamp equals the number of adult howler monkey in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Fogveil Bog is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Hauntshade Lagoon equals the number of adult coypu in Hauntshade Lagoon. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Ghostbloom Fen equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult snow crab in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult king crab in Phantom Waters. The number of adult roc in Dreadmire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult dragon in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shimmering Mire is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dreamspire Summit is 2 plus the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult ivory gull in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult harp seal in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult coelacanth in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult nemean lion in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult roc in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Shimmering Spire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Shimmering Mire equals 1 plus the number of adult dhole in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Gleaming Heights equals 2 times the number of adult nutria in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult african penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 times the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult ocelot in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult harp seal in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the number of adult moray eel in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult surinam toad in Dreamspire Summit is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The number of adult sun conure in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult blue hawk in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult frigatebird in Darkwater Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult egret in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult guppy in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult electric eel in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Twilight Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult tiger in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult roc in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult tapir in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the number of adult green anaconda in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult black panther in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult little blue penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 times the number of adult emperor penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Hauntshade Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Spectral Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult galápagos penguin in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult peacock in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Velvetspire Ascent equals 1 times the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult gull in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult stonefish in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult asian elephant in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult spider crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult fairy penguin in Velvetspire Ascent is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult komodo dragon in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult stonefish in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the number of adult amazon milk frog in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Radiant Pinnacle is the number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek. The number of adult scorpion in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult nyala in Starshard Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult seal in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult crow in Pine Ridge equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult quetzal in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult owl in Maple Creek equals the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Darkwater Reach is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Cursed Reedlands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Shimmering Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Shimmering Mire equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Hollowshade Basin is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult desert locust in Eternal Summit. The number of adult pegasus in Ghostlight Mire is the number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult electric eel in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult ross's gull in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult addax in Gloamspire Quagmire is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult crow in Maple Creek equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Phantom Waters is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Maple Creek equals 1 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Maple Creek and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult collared lemming in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult hooded seal in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult hooded seal in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult narwhal in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult hooded seal in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult gila monster in Fogveil Bog equals 2 plus the number of adult pufferfish in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Cursed Reedlands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult blue jay in Maple Creek equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shimmering Mire equals 4 times the number of adult jackal in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult tiger prawn in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult crab in Phantom Waters. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Gloamspire Quagmire is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Maple Creek as B; so B = x = x. We know B = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult coyote in Nanga Parbat is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Mount Erebus. The number of adult manatee in North Pole is the number of adult crow in South Zoo. The number of adult coqui frog in Crystalbough Reserve is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 times the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult southern mammoth in Manaslu equals the number of adult american mastodon in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Quartz Hollows is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult cerberus in Opal Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Rockies equals 4 times the number of adult blue hawk in Rockies. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in North Pole equals 3 plus the number of adult kudu in North Pole. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Manaslu equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the number of adult grasshopper in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Yukon equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult desert locust in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Starshard Copse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Starshard Copse. The number of adult ocelot in Iceland equals 3 times the number of adult tiger snake in Iceland. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Shardspire Woods is the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Antarctica equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult coqui frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals 1 times the number of adult nile crocodile in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult nile crocodile in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult walrus in Opal Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Denali equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Quartz Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Greenland equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Prismatic Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult noctiluca in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Elbrus. The number of adult coyote in Crystalbough Reserve is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult chimpanzee in Iceland equals 1 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Matterhorn equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel in Matterhorn. The number of adult leopard frog in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the number of adult maned jackal in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult poodle in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Yukon is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Yukon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Matterhorn equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Quartz Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult rock wallaby in Flarebark Forest equals 4 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult royal penguin in Everest equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Everest. The number of adult rotifer in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult pteropod in Mont Blanc. The number of adult blue monkey in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult crested gecko in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult jaguar in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Makalu equals 3 times the number of adult scorpion in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Denali equals 1 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Denali. The number of adult rotifer in Glistenreach equals the number of adult addax in Glistenreach. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult eastern newt in Crystalbough Reserve. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Dazzlebark Retreat is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Mount Fuji equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Mount Fuji. The number of adult arctic wolf in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the number of adult leopard seal in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult axolotl in Gleamveil Timberland is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The number of adult butterfly in Arctic Circle equals 3 times the number of adult dung beetle in Arctic Circle. The number of adult marbled salamander in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult kiwi in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult roan antelope in Lumina Glade is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Arctic Circle. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult hartebeest in Mount McKinley. The number of adult rainbow boa in Glintshade Grove equals 1 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult dragonfly in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult steamer duck in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult patas monkey in Himalayas equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Patagonia equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Patagonia. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Rockies is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Starshard Copse. The number of adult dovekie in Kamchatka Peninsula is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Starshard Copse. The number of adult orangutan in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult wildebeest in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Vinson Massif equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lapland equals the number of adult african penguin in Lapland. The number of adult desert locust in Siberia equals the number of adult oryx in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in North Pole equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in North Pole. The number of adult nemean lion in Opal Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Makalu equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Makalu. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Makalu is the total number of adult animals in Altai Mountains. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the sum of the number of adult crow in South Zoo, the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium, and the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult beluga whale in Dazzlebark Retreat is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult golden retriever in Franz Josef Land equals 2 times the number of adult sea urchin in Franz Josef Land. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Yukon equals 1 times the number of adult atlas moth in Yukon. The number of adult glass frog in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 plus the number of adult border collie in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 plus the number of adult okapi in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Greenland. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Prismatic Canopy equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Mount Rainier. The number of adult rock wallaby in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 times the number of adult leafhopper in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult wood frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult black mamba in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult desert locust in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult golden mantella in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult tiger snake in K2 equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Quartz Hollows is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult shiba inu in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Greenland equals 3 plus the number of adult greyhound in Greenland. The number of adult tiger in Mount McKinley equals 1 times the number of adult waterbuck in Mount McKinley. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult cassowary in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gull in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Yukon equals the number of adult firefly in Yukon. The number of adult thaliacean in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult musk ox in Mont Blanc. The number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Kangchenjunga equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Alps is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Starshard Copse is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Mount Fuji equals 4 times the number of adult barnacle in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Starshard Copse is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Vinson Massif equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch equals 1. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult gibbon in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals 3 times the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Rockies equals 1 times the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Rockies. The number of adult minke whale in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in South Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Dhaulagiri equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Makalu equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult golden mole in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The number of adult wood frog in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult hellbender in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult ackie monitor in Mount Kosciuszko is the total number of adult animals in Annapurna. The number of adult thaliacean in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Starshard Copse equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Starshard Copse. The number of adult manatee in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult zebra in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Yukon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Yukon. The number of adult centaur in Vinson Massif is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Makalu equals 1 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Makalu. The number of adult capybara in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Antarctica equals the number of adult stonefish in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Mount Fuji equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Mount Fuji. The number of adult arctic tern in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult polar bear in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Greenland equals the number of adult snowy owl in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Rockies is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starshard Copse is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Vinson Massif equals 3 times the number of adult stick insect in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Sparkleaf Haven equals 4 times the number of adult puffin in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult chihuahua in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Rainier. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Lhotse equals the number of adult harpy cow in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 plus the number of adult egret in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult blackbuck in Lumina Glade is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Lumina Glade equals 2 times the number of adult duiker in Lumina Glade. The number of adult gelada in Shardspire Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult mouse lemur in Lhotse equals 4 plus the number of adult sloth in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult corn snake in Spectral Wildwood is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Starshard Copse is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in North Pole equals 1 times the number of adult zebra in North Pole. The number of adult king cobra in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult eland in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult firefly in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult fairy penguin in Everest is 1 plus the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult american alligator in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult beluga whale in Mont Blanc is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Antarctica. The number of adult blue monkey in Himalayas equals 1 times the number of adult bonobo in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Elbrus equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lapland equals 3 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Antarctica equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in North Pole equals 1 plus the number of adult bison in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult wildebeest in Radiant Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult chihuahua in Franz Josef Land equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult zooplankton in Shimmergrove is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult bandicoot in Lhotse equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Rockies equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Rockies. The number of adult cone snail in Ethereal Timber is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult acantharian in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult slow loris in Shimmergrove. The number of adult thaliacean in Glistenreach equals 1 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Yukon equals the number of adult hornet in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Matterhorn equals 1 times the number of adult mole in Matterhorn. The number of adult vervet monkey in Mount Kosciuszko equals 1 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Elbrus equals 2 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Elbrus. The number of adult mosquito in Arctic Circle equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Mount Erebus equals 2 times the number of adult atlas moth in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Yukon equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Lapland is 4 plus the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult rotifer in Altai Mountains equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Altai Mountains. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult glass frog in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult coyote in Svalbard equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Svalbard. The number of adult collared lemming in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult harp seal in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult little blue penguin in Aconcagua equals the number of adult king penguin in Aconcagua. The number of adult crow in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult tiger in Iceland equals 2 times the number of adult inland taipan in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Vinson Massif equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Vinson Massif. The number of adult wasp in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Quartz Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Dazzlebark Retreat is 2 times the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult blue monkey in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult fennec mule in Lhotse equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Lhotse. The number of adult praying mantis in Glowthorn Sanctuary is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Makalu is the total number of adult animals in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Elbrus equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Kamchatka Peninsula equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Matterhorn equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in North Pole equals the number of adult hippopotamus in North Pole. The number of adult goliath beetle in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Ethereal Timber equals 4 times the number of adult snow crab in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult rotifer in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult nightjar in Shimmergrove. The number of adult mosquito in Mount Rainier is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult moose in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Mount Fuji equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Mount Fuji. The number of adult golden cat in K2 is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Iceland. The number of adult gila monster in K2 equals the number of adult serval in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult archerfish in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Yukon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Patagonia equals 1 times the number of adult booby in Patagonia. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Yukon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Mount Fuji is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Antarctica equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Vinson Massif equals the number of adult chimera in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Nanga Parbat equals 3 times the number of adult sea slug in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult bettas in Annapurna equals the number of adult barracuda in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult poodle in Franz Josef Land is the number of adult crow in South Zoo. The number of adult golden mantella in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult glass frog in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Mount Rainier equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Prismatic Canopy is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lhotse. The number of adult golden cat in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Everest equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Makalu equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Makalu. The number of adult dovekie in Sparkleaf Haven is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult blue-tongue skink in Denali is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult mayfly in Mount Erebus is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Manaslu equals 1 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Manaslu. The number of adult leopard frog in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult marine iguana in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Vinson Massif equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in North Pole equals 3 times the number of adult capybara in North Pole. The number of adult thylacine in Iridescent Wilderness is the total number of adult animals in Siberia. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult baboon in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult crow in South Zoo. The number of adult green iguana in Denali is the total number of newborn animal children in Kamchatka Peninsula. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult orca in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult pipefish in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Quartz Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult dragonfly in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult grasshopper in Arctic Circle equals 3 plus the number of adult iguana in Arctic Circle. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Mount Erebus equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Greenland equals 2 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Ethereal Timber is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Denali is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Rockies. The number of adult king cobra in Ethereal Timber is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Franz Josef Land. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Cho Oyu. The number of adult potoroo in Flarebark Forest equals 1 plus the number of adult koala in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult fin whale in Dazzlebark Retreat is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The number of adult hartebeest in Lumina Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Makalu. The number of adult copperhead in Glintshade Grove equals 4 plus the number of adult stegodon in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult greenland shark in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult puffin in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Lumina Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult komodo dragon in K2 equals 4 times the number of adult stonefish in K2. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Kangchenjunga is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult ball python in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult bowhead whale in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Lumina Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Cho Oyu. The number of adult coypu in Lhotse equals 4 times the number of adult nightjar in Lhotse. The number of adult chimpanzee in Mount McKinley equals the number of adult duiker in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Greenland equals 3 times the number of adult musk ox in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Nanga Parbat equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult gaur in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult water buffalo in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Alps equals 2 times the number of adult woolly mammoth in Alps. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Yukon equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in North Pole equals 4 times the number of adult water buffalo in North Pole. The number of adult ivory gull in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult arctic fox in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult minke whale in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Lapland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Lapland. The number of adult russell's viper in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult kudu in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Quartz Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult gelada in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Nanga Parbat equals 2 plus the number of adult clownfish in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult surinam toad in Crystalbough Reserve is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Svalbard. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Antarctica equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Mount Fuji equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Patagonia is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult gazelle in Lumina Glade is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Mount Fuji equals the number of adult langoustine in Mount Fuji. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult golden cat in Kilimanjaro. The number of adult orangutan in Lhotse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Himalayas. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Vinson Massif equals 1 plus the number of adult butterfly in Vinson Massif. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Iceland equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Iceland. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Mount Rainier equals 3 times the number of adult mayfly in Mount Rainier. The number of adult moray eel in Franz Josef Land is the number of adult blue jay in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult kudu in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Starshard Copse equals 2 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Elbrus equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Elbrus. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult russell's viper in South Pole equals 4 times the number of adult ball python in South Pole. The number of adult dragonfly in Glowthorn Sanctuary is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The number of adult forest mammoth in Manaslu equals 1 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Lapland equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Rockies equals 3 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Rockies. The number of adult giant salamander in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult cane toad in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult noctiluca in Mont Blanc equals 3 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult koala in Azure Shardwoods is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult gannet in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Lapland equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult baboon in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult noctiluca in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult chaetognath in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult water buffalo in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mount Rainier equals 1 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Mount Rainier. The number of adult coyote in Siberia equals 2 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Siberia. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Kamchatka Peninsula equals 2 plus the number of adult orangutan in Kamchatka Peninsula. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult shrimp in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Quartz Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Mount McKinley. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Nanga Parbat equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Denali equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Denali. The number of adult orangutan in Iceland is the total number of newborn animal children in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in North Pole equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elk in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Kangchenjunga equals the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult african clawed frog in Crystalbough Reserve is the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in K2 equals the number of adult komodo dragon in K2. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Manaslu is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Antarctica equals the number of adult spider monkey in Antarctica. The number of adult impala in Mount McKinley is the number of adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Kangchenjunga equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Ethereal Timber is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Opal Thickets. The number of adult bonobo in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult kudu in Lumina Glade. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Iridescent Wilderness equals 1 plus the number of adult bilby in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult moray eel in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult yellow tang in Annapurna. The number of adult bandicoot in Iridescent Wilderness is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Antarctica equals the number of adult night monkey in Antarctica. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult snares penguin in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Prismatic Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult lemur in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in North Pole equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Vinson Massif equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Dhaulagiri equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult vervet monkey in Himalayas equals 3 plus the number of adult milk snake in Himalayas. The number of adult eland in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult elephant in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Lapland equals 4 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Lapland. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Yukon equals the number of adult dragonfly in Yukon. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Starshard Copse equals the number of adult blue tang in Starshard Copse. The number of adult ghost crab in Ethereal Timber is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Ethereal Timber is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult gelada in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Nanga Parbat equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult paca in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Cho Oyu equals the number of adult crested gecko in Cho Oyu. The number of adult patas monkey in Mount Kosciuszko equals the number of adult patas monkey in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Quartz Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult spider crab in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult mosquito in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult rat in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult coyote in Canadian Arctic Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Elbrus equals the number of adult wallaby in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in North Pole equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yak in North Pole. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 2 plus the sum of the number of adult owl in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo, and the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Greenland equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Greenland. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Vinson Massif equals 2 plus the number of adult fenrir in Vinson Massif. The number of adult lion in K2 is the total number of newborn animal children in Yukon. The number of average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 4. The number of adult potoroo in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult grasshopper in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Starshard Copse equals the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Makalu equals 3 times the number of adult thorny devil in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Mount Fuji equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Mount Fuji. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Patagonia equals 4 plus the number of adult dovekie in Patagonia. The number of adult forest mammoth in Alps equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Alps. The number of adult gaboon viper in Glintshade Grove is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Matterhorn equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult clownfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult patas monkey in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Everest equals the number of adult king penguin in Everest. The number of adult vole in Matterhorn is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Greenland. The number of adult marbled salamander in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult axolotl in Denali is the total number of newborn animal children in Lapland.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo as Y; so Y = x = x. We know Y = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult lion in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult gaboon viper in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Lumina Glade. The number of adult tiger snake in Starflow Isles is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult orangutan in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Prismatic Canopy is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult potoroo in Starflow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult narwhal in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult spider monkey in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult hooded seal in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult dugong in Starlight Summit. The number of adult arctic fox in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Celestica Spire is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Sunbeam Haven is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Mystic Tides is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The number of adult wood frog in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult mayfly in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult beaked whale in Glistenreach equals 2 times the number of adult lemur in Glistenreach. The number of adult guppy in Lunarchasm Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult shiba inu in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult mayfly in Gilded Reef equals 3 plus the number of adult dung beetle in Gilded Reef. The number of adult roan antelope in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult roan antelope in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult royal penguin in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult gecko in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult iguanodon in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Seashell Isles. The number of adult tiger prawn in Silkreef Shores equals 3 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult crested gecko in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Nebula Crest. The number of adult bullfrog in Prismatic Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult minke whale in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult green basilisk in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult elephant seal in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult antlion in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult golden cat in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the number of adult moas in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult african penguin in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult frilled lizard in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult topi in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult springbok in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Gleamveil Timberland equals 2 times the number of adult sea lion in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult stingray in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult electric eel in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult frigatebird in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Jefferson Circus equals 1 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Sunbeam Haven is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult bettas in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult fox in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the number of adult slow loris in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Azurehaven. The number of adult bobcat in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Lumina Glade. The number of adult chihuahua in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult caribou in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult shiba inu in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Dawnspire Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult sperm whale in Astral Ridge. The number of adult hooded seal in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult atlas moth in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Shardspire Woods is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Starflow Isles equals 4 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult fennec mule in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult marbled salamander in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult sable antelope in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult blue monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Whispering Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Starlight Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult gray whale in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Serenade Isle is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult ocelot in Shardspire Woods is the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult spiny lobster in Whispering Cay is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult humpback whale in Cloudveil Plateau is 4 plus the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Azure Shardwoods equals 3 times the number of adult fennec mule in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Luminous Atoll is 2 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult compsognathus in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult gull in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult desert horned lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult cone snail in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Nebula Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult crested gecko in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult cougar in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Gleamveil Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult blue-tongue skink in Lumina Glade is 2 plus the number of adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Serenade Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Serenade Isle. The number of adult collared lemming in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult butterfly in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Lumina Glade. The number of adult wildebeest in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Jefferson Circus equals the sum of the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Azurehaven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Azurehaven. The number of adult capybara in Shimmergrove is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Sparkleaf Haven is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Opal Thickets is the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Sparkleaf Haven equals 2 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult gorilla in Eclipsestone Plateau is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Dawnspire Cay is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Sunspark Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult griffin in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult moray eel in Coralhaven equals the number of adult okapi in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult gelada in Ethereal Timber is 3 plus the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult african penguin in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult great auk in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Azurehaven equals 3 times the number of adult naumann's elephant in Azurehaven. The number of adult potoroo in Dawnspire Cay is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 4 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo and the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Prismatic Canopy is the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bowhead whale in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult harp seal in Radiant Crest. The number of adult king penguin in Azurehaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The number of adult raccoon in Starshard Copse is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult katydid in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Gilded Reef. The number of adult wildebeest in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult coypu in Radiant Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Serenade Isle. The number of adult bettong in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult grasshopper in Gilded Reef equals 1 plus the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Luminous Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The number of adult forest mammoth in Radiant Shoals is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Sunbeam Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult hooded seal in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult acantharian in Lumina Glade. The number of adult greenland shark in Radiant Crest equals 3 times the number of adult polar bear in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Emerald Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult king cobra in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult manatee in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult rock wallaby in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Whispering Cay. The number of adult coypu in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult flamingo in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Dreamtide Cove is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult butterfly in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Gilded Reef. The number of adult kittiwake in Crystal Lagoon is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Opal Thickets. The number of adult leopard gecko in Flarebark Forest is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult pufferfish in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult bandicoot in Flarebark Forest equals 4 times the number of adult leopard in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult little blue penguin in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult black mamba in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Seashell Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Seashell Isles. The number of adult walking stick in Gilded Reef equals 4 times the number of adult inland taipan in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult thylacine in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Ethereal Timber equals 3 times the number of adult gibbon in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult tsessebe in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult arctic tern in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult gazelle in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult jaguar in Skyward Pinnacle is 4 times the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Dawnspire Cay equals 1 times the number of adult wallaby in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult tsessebe in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo equals 1. The number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals 4. The number of adult copperhead in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dawnspire Cay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Coralhaven is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Whispering Cay. The number of adult bettas in Coralhaven equals the number of adult caiman in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult elephant seal in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Whispering Cay is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Emerald Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Opal Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Mystic Tides. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult american alligator in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Nebula Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Serenade Isle equals 2 times the number of adult blue hawk in Serenade Isle. The number of adult dovekie in Ecliptica Bay is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The number of adult bandicoot in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 1 times the number of adult bush baby in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Celestica Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Gleamveil Timberland equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult fer-de-lance in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult snow crab in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult starfish in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult mosasaurus in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult cormorant in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glistenreach equals 1 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Celestica Spire equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult snow leopard in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult arctic hare in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Azurehaven equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult impala in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult bandicoot in Radiant Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult golden mole in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Gleamveil Timberland is 4 times the number of adult owl in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult owl in Hamilton Farm equals 4 times the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult manatee in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult gelada in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lumina Glade. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Sparkleaf Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the number of adult rhea in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Dawnspire Cay is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Azurehaven. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult sea urchin in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Shardspire Woods equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult fairy penguin in Spectral Wildwood is the total number of adult animals in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Ethereal Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Ethereal Timber. The number of average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glistenreach equals 3 times the number of adult humpback whale in Glistenreach. The number of adult coqui frog in Glintshade Grove equals 4 times the number of adult leopard frog in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult thylacine in Dawnspire Cay is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult bison in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Azurehaven equals 1 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Azurehaven. The number of adult thorny devil in Radiant Hollows is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult baboon in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Dreamtide Cove is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult corn snake in Seashell Isles is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult kangaroo rat in Luminous Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult larvacean in Lumina Glade. The number of adult stingray in Coralhaven equals 4 plus the number of adult marlin in Coralhaven. The number of adult aye-aye in Starshard Copse is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmerstone Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shardspire Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Shardspire Woods. The number of adult moray eel in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult hammerhead shark in Aurora Crags. The number of adult blue jay in South Zoo equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm and the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the number of adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus and the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Emerald Archipelago is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult capybara in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 times the number of adult tarsier in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult diplodocus in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult blackbuck in Quartz Hollows equals the number of adult walrus in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Sunbeam Haven is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult lionfish in Coralhaven is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult wasp in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult dragonfly in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Lumina Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Lumina Glade. The number of adult sandpiper in Ecliptica Bay equals the number of adult walrus in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult arabic cow in Nebula Crest. The number of adult arctic wolf in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult snowy owl in Radiant Crest. The number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult frilled lizard in Radiant Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Celestica Spire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Celestica Spire. The number of adult rock wallaby in Starflow Isles equals 4 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Azurehaven equals 3 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Sunbeam Haven is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Gleamveil Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Jefferson Circus equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Opal Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult penguin in Opal Thickets. The number of adult pipefish in Shimmergrove equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Shimmergrove. The number of adult blue crab in Luminous Atoll is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult springbok in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Lumina Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Gleamveil Timberland equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Astral Ridge. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult collared lemming in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult russell's viper in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 plus the number of adult stegosaurus in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Glowbreeze Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult langoustine in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Shardspire Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Whispering Cay equals 4 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult manta ray in Whispering Cay. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult reticulated python in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult boomslang in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult southern right whale in Glistenreach equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult inland taipan in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult amphipod in Lumina Glade is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult elephant bird in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Opal Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult dovekie in Opal Thickets. The number of adult snares penguin in Shimmerstone Keys is the number of adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult rockhopper penguin in Mystic Tides is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Glistenreach. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult caiman in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Dawnspire Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Lumina Glade is the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult nyala in Quartz Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Emerald Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Ethereal Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Sunspark Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Sunspark Summit. the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Gilded Reef is 2 plus the number of adult eagle in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult poodle in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult shiba inu in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult fairy penguin in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult weka in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult marine iguana in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Dawnspire Cay is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult king crab in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult gila monster in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult dolphin in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult rainbow boa in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult bush viper in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult booby in Celestica Spire. The number of adult fairy penguin in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult triggerfish in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult fennec mule in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult desert locust in Luminous Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult cone snail in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult ball python in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult fenrir in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult spider crab in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult squirrel in Shimmergrove is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Opal Thickets. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Azurehaven is the total number of adult animals in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Astral Ridge. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Seashell Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Seashell Isles. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Lunarchasm Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Opal Thickets. The number of adult eyelash viper in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Ethereal Timber equals the number of adult howler monkey in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals the difference between the number of adult blue jay in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult patas monkey in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in Astral Ridge. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult fishing cat in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult harlequin poison frog in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Prismatic Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult tiger snake in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the number of adult krill in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Prismatic Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Lumina Glade. The number of adult sea urchin in Whispering Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Astral Ridge. The number of adult royal penguin in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Azure Shardwoods equals 3 times the number of adult tern in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult leopard gecko in Starshard Copse is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult mosquito in Gilded Reef equals 1 times the number of adult antlion in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Azurehaven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Gleamveil Timberland equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult bandicoot in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult royal penguin in Mystic Tides. The number of adult butterflyfish in Shimmergrove is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Hamilton Farm as h; so h = x = x. We know h = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult rock wallaby in Aurora Crags equals 3 plus the number of adult gelada in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult archerfish in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult angelfish in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Thickets equals the number of adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult thaliacean in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 4 times the number of adult ostrich in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult king penguin in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult golden cat in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 4 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult sugar glider in Aurora Crags. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Everglow Glade is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Gleamreef Throne equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Astral Ridge. The number of adult little blue penguin in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult golden mantella in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult sea slug in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult atlas moth in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult corn snake in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Starbloom Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult rhea in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Starshine Canopy equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult tiger in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Moonshadow Palace equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult musk ox in Nebulight Abyss is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult hellbender in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Astral Ridge. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult leviathan in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Starshine Canopy is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Crystalpine Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Crystalpine Wilds. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystal Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult sea lion in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult stingray in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult yellow tang in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult manatee in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult addax in Dusksong Forest is the total number of adult animals in Aurorathorn Grove. The number of adult lionfish in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Crystalpine Wilds equals the number of adult gray whale in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult fenrir in Starlight Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult centaur in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult opossum in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult pufferfish in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult frilled lizard in Starshine Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult greyhound in Radiant Catacombs is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Duskspire Ruins equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mantis shrimp in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult coconut crab in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult kudu in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starbloom Palace equals 1 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Gleamreef Throne equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 times the number of adult leafhopper in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Radiant Crest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult royal penguin in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult marine iguana in Shimmerstone Hall equals the number of adult antlion in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Radiant Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Radiant Crest. The number of adult frilled lizard in Shimmerstone Hall equals 1 times the number of adult caiman in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Keep equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Evershade Grove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult quetzal in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Velvetbough Wilds is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult black mamba in Dreamspire Keep equals 1 times the number of adult radiolaria in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 times the number of adult sea anemone in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult cone snail in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult coconut crab in Duskspire Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Dusksong Forest equals 3 times the number of adult jerboa in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Twilight Aerie is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Lustrous Timberland equals 1 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Lustrous Timberland. The number of adult corn snake in Shimmerstone Hall is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult coelacanth in Radiant Glade. The number of adult chihuahua in Nebulight Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult dhole in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult marsupial mole in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Aurora Crags. The number of adult thorny devil in Dusksong Forest is the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult wildebeest in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult arctic hare in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 plus the number of adult sea slug in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult lion in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult black panther in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Gleamreef Throne equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult shearwater in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult rotifer in Silverdepth Bastion equals the number of adult radiolaria in Silverdepth Bastion. The number of adult orangutan in Sunken Crown equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Sunken Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult leopard in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult damselfish in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Aurora Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult omura's whale in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult emu in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult parrotfish in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult lion in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult leopard in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Duskspire Ruins equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult tiger in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult gray whale in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult blue monkey in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult caiman lizard in Everglow Glade is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult bonobo in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult narwhal in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult corn snake in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult larvacean in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult red-eared slider in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult foraminifera in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult puffin in Glimmerveil Woods is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Frostveil Ruins is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Luminous Keep equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminous Keep. The number of adult potoroo in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult thylacine in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Twilight Aerie equals 4 times the number of adult tern in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult kudu in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult elephant seal in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult beluga whale in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 times the number of adult kangaroo in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult heron in Eclipsed Thickets is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult beluga whale in Nebulight Abyss is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult baboon in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult langoustine in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult wallaby in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult kudu in Radiant Crest. The number of adult porcupine in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult dolphin in Glowthorn Thickets is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult gaur in Radiant Crest. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult dingo in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Luminous Keep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult thaliacean in Aurorathorn Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult raccoon in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult frigatebird in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 times the number of adult lobster in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Everglow Glade is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 plus the number of adult moas in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult chimera in Nebulight Wilds is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult crested gecko in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult golden cat in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult california sea lion in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Moonshadow Palace equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Eclipsed Realm equals 2 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Twilight Timber is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestica Spire. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Abyssal Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult arctic fox in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult lemur in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult gelada in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult angelfish in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult grasshopper in Silverleaf Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult leafhopper in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult penguin in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Crystalpine Wilds is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Abyss. The number of adult rock lobster in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult ghost crab in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult fairy penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Glimmerveil Woods equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult marine iguana in Dreamspire Keep equals 2 plus the number of adult king cobra in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult vervet monkey in Abyssal Citadel equals 3 times the number of adult puffin in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Gleamreef Throne equals 3 plus the number of adult dung beetle in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult coconut crab in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult rock wallaby in Moonshadow Canopy. The number of adult gelada in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult caribou in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult butterfly in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult bettas in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Lumina Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult nyala in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult diatom in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 1. The number of adult rotifer in Dreambark Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Dreambark Sanctuary. The number of adult cougar in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult fishing cat in Glowthorn Thickets. The number of adult vole in Lustrous Timberland is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Wilds equals 3 times the number of adult cerberus in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult tiger prawn in Moonshadow Canopy equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonshadow Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminous Keep equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Luminous Keep. The number of adult golden cat in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult greyhound in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult capuchin in Duskspire Ruins is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Luminous Keep is the total number of adult animals in Crystal Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard frog in Celestica Spire. The number of adult coyote in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult camel in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult pufferfish in Luminous Keep. The number of adult yellow tang in Silverleaf Hollow is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Radiant Glade equals 4 times the number of adult bush viper in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Moonshadow Palace equals 3 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult albatross in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starshine Canopy equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult parson's chameleon in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult bettas in Gleaming Bastion equals 4 plus the number of adult dingo in Gleaming Bastion. The number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult golden mole in Aurora Citadel equals 2 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Aurora Citadel. The number of adult desert tortoise in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge. The number of adult topi in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult duiker in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult hooded seal in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult walrus in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Everglow Glade equals the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Radiant Crest. The number of adult russell's viper in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult centaur in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Dreambark Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the number of adult golden mantella in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Crystal Abyss equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Crystal Abyss. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Evershade Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult tiger snake in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Moonshadow Palace equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult tiger in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 1 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult bobcat in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult dromedary camel in Twilight Timber is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Radiant Glade equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Glimmerveil Woods equals the number of adult blue tang in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult blue monkey in Abyssal Citadel is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult gazelle in Frostshadow Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dusksong Forest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Dusksong Forest. The number of adult golden retriever in Nebulight Abyss equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Radiant Catacombs is the total number of newborn animal children in Duskspire Ruins. The number of adult fennec fox in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult puma in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult dungeness crab in Twilight Thrones equals 4 times the number of adult oryx in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult poodle in Nebulight Abyss equals the number of adult arctic hare in Nebulight Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Twilight Aerie equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult lion in Glowthorn Thickets equals the number of adult blue whale in Glowthorn Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Eclipsed Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult border collie in Eclipsed Thickets. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starbloom Palace is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Celestica Spire is the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipsed Realm equals the number of adult gobies in Eclipsed Realm. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult wallaby in Astral Ridge. The number of adult blackbuck in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult euphausiid in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Radiant Glade equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult jackal in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dusksong Forest equals 2 plus the number of adult dromedary camel in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Moonshadow Palace is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Radiant Glade equals the number of adult electric eel in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Radiant Catacombs equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult fennec mule in Aurorathorn Grove is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult pipefish in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult cerberus in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult musk ox in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult orangutan in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult glass frog in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult eastern quoll in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Lumina Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult hermit crab in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Glimmerveil Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Glimmerveil Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Eclipsed Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Opalwhelm Ruins is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult thylacine in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Lumina Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult desert locust in Aurora Citadel equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aurora Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalpine Wilds is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of adult oryx in Frostshadow Woods is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult crab in Duskspire Ruins is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult tsessebe in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult sable antelope in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult mole in Lumina Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Wilds equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The number of adult dhole in Nimbus Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of adult rotifer in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult copepod in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult rotifer in Aurorathorn Grove equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Aurorathorn Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Velvetbough Wilds equals the number of adult mayfly in Velvetbough Wilds. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Radiant Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult wombat in Moonshadow Canopy is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Whispering Vault. The number of adult golden cat in Whispering Vault equals the number of adult cougar in Whispering Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult bearded dragon in Dreamspire Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Dreamspire Keep. The number of adult red-eared slider in Shimmerstone Hall equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult kangaroo rat in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Glimmerveil Woods is the total number of adult animals in Silverdepth Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult greenland shark in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult mouse in Lustrous Timberland is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Lumina Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Keep. The number of adult langoustine in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult hartebeest in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the number of adult gannet in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Velvetbough Wilds equals 4 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Velvetbough Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult skimmer in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult king penguin in Evershade Grove. The number of adult parrot in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult golden mole in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Gleamreef Throne equals 2 times the number of adult wasp in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Evershade Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult rhea in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult scorpion in Dusksong Forest is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Eclipsed Thickets is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult bobcat in Nimbus Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Radiant Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult marlin in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult sea slug in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult roan antelope in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult tintinnid in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult ivory gull in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult marine iguana in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult tsessebe in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult king penguin in Starbloom Palace equals the number of adult wood frog in Starbloom Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult snow crab in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult wildebeest in Twilight Thrones. The number of adult thaliacean in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Gleamreef Throne equals 4 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleamreef Throne. The number of adult dovekie in Eclipsed Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult nemean lion in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult hippogriff in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult takahe in Moonshadow Palace. The number of adult bushbuck in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult sea cucumber in Eclipsed Realm is the number of adult parrot in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult egret in Eclipsed Thickets is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Lumina Hollow equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Lumina Hollow. The number of adult snowy owl in Abyssal Citadel is 1 times the number of adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult frilled lizard in Frostshadow Woods equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Frostshadow Woods. The number of adult kitsune in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult manticore in Starlight Summit. The number of adult musk ox in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult opossum in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult african forest elephant in Crystalpine Wilds is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Pine Ridge. The number of adult copperhead in Sunspark Summit equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Starshine Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Maple Creek equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Glimmerveil Woods equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue tang in Glimmerveil Woods. The number of adult rock wallaby in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult snares penguin in Nebula Crest. The number of adult moray eel in Gleaming Bastion equals the number of adult jackal in Gleaming Bastion. The number of average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult poison dart frog in Nebulight Wilds is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Gleamreef Throne equals the number of adult mosquito in Gleamreef Throne. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiant Catacombs equals 2 times the number of adult clownfish in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Dusksong Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Lumina Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult mosquito in Silverleaf Hollow equals the number of adult stick insect in Silverleaf Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Keep equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult jerboa in Twilight Timber. The number of adult rattlesnake in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult iguana in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Radiant Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Radiant Glade. The number of adult bobcat in Glowthorn Thickets is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Wilds equals the number of adult kitsune in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult king cobra in Sunken Crown is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Hall. The number of adult rattlesnake in Shimmerstone Hall equals 4 plus the number of adult butterfly in Shimmerstone Hall. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Evershade Grove equals the number of adult sea lion in Evershade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult gelada in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult komodo dragon in Everglow Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Starshine Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Starshine Canopy. The number of adult tiger prawn in Twilight Thrones equals the number of adult hermit crab in Twilight Thrones. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Radiant Catacombs equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Radiant Catacombs. The number of adult desert tortoise in Aurora Citadel is the number of adult owl in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Opalwhelm Ruins equals the number of adult sea wasp in Opalwhelm Ruins. The number of adult walking stick in Velvetbough Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Luminous Keep equals 1 plus the number of adult wombat in Luminous Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Nebulight Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Opalwhelm Ruins equals 3 times the number of adult lionfish in Opalwhelm Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Heavenspire Peak is the number of adult parrot in Maple Creek. The number of adult patas monkey in Abyssal Citadel equals the number of adult gibbon in Abyssal Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult gull in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals 2 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Frostveil Ruins. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiant Catacombs equals 4 plus the number of adult cayote in Radiant Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult bobcat in Shimmerwood Refuge equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Shimmerwood Refuge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Eclipsed Realm equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Eclipsed Realm. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmerwood Refuge equals the number of adult margay in Shimmerwood Refuge. The number of adult bush baby in Aurorathorn Grove is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Dusksong Forest equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Dusksong Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Moonshadow Palace equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Moonshadow Palace. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult bilby in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Frostveil Ruins equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Frostveil Ruins. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Etherreach Cliffs is 2 plus the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult potoroo in Nebula Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Nebula Crest. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Everglow Glade equals 2 times the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Everglow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult leviathan in Nebulight Wilds. The number of adult frilled lizard in Dreamspire Keep equals the number of adult eastern box turtle in Dreamspire Keep. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Radiant Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Radiant Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Dusksong Forest is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult owl in Pine Ridge as h; so h = x = x. We know h = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult forest mammoth in Coralhaven equals 2 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Coralhaven. The number of adult copperhead in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult polar bear in Astral Ridge. The number of adult orca in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult cladoceran in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult griffin in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult gouldian finch in Gilded Reef equals 2 plus the number of adult gouldian finch in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult lionfish in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 plus the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult gibbon in Twilight Timber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Mystic Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult humpback whale in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Radiant Shoals is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Frostlight Woods is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult larvacean in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult compsognathus in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Prismatic Glade is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult caribou in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult copepod in Elderbloom Woods is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult caiman lizard in Radiance Thicket equals 4 plus the number of adult rat in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult carnotaurus in Sunspark Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult nemean lion in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Radiant Shoals is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo. The number of adult blue monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult peacock in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult dolphin in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult copepod in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult bandicoot in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult tintinnid in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult gelada in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult narwhal in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult agouti in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult beaver in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Everglint Woods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult potoroo in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult wombat in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiance Thicket is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Frostlight Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult noctiluca in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult salp in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult leopard in Everglint Woods. The number of adult forest mammoth in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult harpy cow in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult corn snake in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult king cobra in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminous Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult southern right whale in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult mangrove snake in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 4 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Azurehaven equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult acantharian in Sunspark Summit equals 1 times the number of adult euphausiid in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult russell's viper in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult dolphin in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult frilled lizard in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Moonmist Atoll is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult manatee in Dawnspire Cay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Starflow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult roadrunner in Starflow Isles. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonmist Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult kinkajou in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult chinchilla in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminous Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Radiant Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult rotifer in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult narwhal in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Starflow Isles is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult moose in Lustrous Hollow is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult lemming in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult okapi in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult capybara in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult beluga whale in Everglint Woods is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Celestica Spire equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Celestica Spire. The number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult compsognathus in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Radiant Shoals equals 2 times the number of adult elk in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult wood frog in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult damselfish in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult stegodon in Glintbark Hollows is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult sun conure in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult kingfisher in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult marine iguana in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Whispering Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult blue monkey in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult macaque in Twilight Timber is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult owl in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult copperhead in Luminous Atoll is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult caiman in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Dreamtide Cove equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult guppy in Aurora Grove is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult southern mammoth in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult red bishop in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult alaskan malamute in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Lustrous Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult walking stick in Dawnspire Cay is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult diatom in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Azurehaven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult green basilisk in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult red-eared slider in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult heron in Azurehaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult cayote in Mystic Tides. The number of adult russell's viper in Whispering Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult copperhead in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult king penguin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult capybara in Emerald Archipelago is 2 plus the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult mosasaurus in Starlight Summit equals 3 times the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult macaque in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Everglint Woods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult beluga whale in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Aurora Crags equals 2 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lustrous Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bison in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Nimbus Heights equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult vaquita in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult porcupine in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult paca in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult naumann's elephant in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult gopher in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult hooded seal in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult seal in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Mystic Tides equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rotifer in Sunspark Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult tintinnid in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Starflow Isles equals 2 times the number of adult jerboa in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult cheetah in Mystic Tides. The number of adult russell's viper in Silverleaf Grove is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult tapir in Emerald Archipelago is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult eyelash viper in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult sperm whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult chimera in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult sun conure in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult border collie in Radiant Crest. The number of adult stingray in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult nightjar in Aurora Grove. The number of adult dormouse in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult groundhog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult grebe in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Hollow is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The number of adult american mastodon in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Astral Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Astral Ridge. The number of adult rhinoceros in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult panther chameleon in Lunarchasm Ridge is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult vervet monkey in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo equals 2 plus the sum of the number of adult crow in South Zoo, the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Mystic Tides is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Celestica Spire equals 2 times the number of adult king cobra in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Etherreach Cliffs. the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium is greater than 0. The number of adult tarsier in Dreamwood Canopy is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult marbled salamander in Serenade Isle equals 2 times the number of adult hellbender in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Everglint Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Everglint Woods. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mole in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult sea lion in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult grasshopper in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Shimmerstone Keys is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Serenade Isle. The number of adult red panda in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult cerberus in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult box jellyfish in Twilight Timber is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Starflow Isles. The number of adult hippopotamus in Lustrous Hollow is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult corn snake in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult coypu in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult heron in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Everglint Woods equals 2 times the number of adult tiger in Everglint Woods. The number of adult potoroo in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult albatross in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult cane toad in Eclipsed Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult maned jackal in Moonmist Atoll. The number of average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals 2. The number of adult tiger snake in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult stonefish in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult dhole in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult king cobra in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Azurehaven equals 4 plus the number of adult basilisk in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Everglint Woods is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Grove. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult toucan in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Velvetbark Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult colobus monkey in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Radiance Thicket is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The number of adult arabic cow in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Everglint Woods. The number of adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult golden cat in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Astral Ridge. The number of adult wood frog in Serenade Isle equals 2 times the number of adult dwarf african frog in Serenade Isle. The number of adult green anaconda in Starbloom Haven is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult bush viper in Luminous Atoll is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult blue whale in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult copperhead in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult giraffe in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult shiba inu in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult copepod in Nebula Crest is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult nightjar in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Whispering Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Frostlight Woods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult butterfly in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult ladybug in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Heavenspire Peak is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult zooplankton in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Aurora Crags. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult corn snake in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult russell's viper in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult puma in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminous Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult frilled lizard in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult gelada in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult lynx in Mystic Tides is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Reef. The number of adult parrot in Bundle Ranch equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult frigatebird in Aurora Crags. The number of adult moray eel in Aurora Grove equals 4 times the number of adult aye-aye in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult okapi in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult seal in Lustrous Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult greenland shark in Astral Ridge. The number of adult green basilisk in Nimbus Heights is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The number of adult stegodon in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult stegodon in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult humpback whale in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult bongo in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult ocelot in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Seashell Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium and the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Elderbloom Woods is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Everglint Woods equals 4 plus the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Everglint Woods. The number of adult bettas in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult coypu in Aurora Grove. The number of adult tomato frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Velvetbark Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Heavenspire Peak is 2 times the number of adult crow in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult hippopotamus in Radiant Shoals is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult rattlesnake in Silkreef Shores equals 2 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult marine iguana in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult sun conure in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult coqui frog in Serenade Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult wood frog in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Starflow Isles equals 1 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult patas monkey in Silverleaf Grove is the total number of newborn animal children in Mystic Tides. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult marbled salamander in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult triggerfish in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult agouti in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult southern mammoth in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult copepod in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult bobcat in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult jaguar in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult elephant seal in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult blue monkey in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 plus the number of adult reticulated python in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult american mastodon in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult mosquito in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult atlas moth in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult crow in South Zoo equals 3 plus the difference between the number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium and the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult red bishop in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult macaw in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult russell's viper in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult collared lemming in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult antlion in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult gannet in Azurehaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult arctic wolf in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult collared lemming in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult black mamba in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult coyote in Mystic Tides. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Starbloom Haven is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Azurehaven equals 1 times the number of adult booby in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Aurora Crags. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 plus the number of adult arabic cow in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult golden cat in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 times the number of adult bison in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Mystic Tides is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Seashell Isles. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult golden mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult gouldian finch in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Radiant Crest. The number of adult coqui frog in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult kittiwake in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Nimbus Heights equals 3 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Azurehaven equals 1 plus the number of adult razorbill in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Starflow Isles is the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the number of adult camel in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult rock wallaby in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult kudu in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult panther chameleon in Prismatic Glade is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Prismatic Glade is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Astral Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Astral Ridge. The number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult owl in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonmist Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminous Atoll is the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult thaliacean in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult pteranodon in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult blue monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Aurora Crags. The number of adult water buffalo in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult walrus in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Crags equals 3 times the number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Crags. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult jaguar in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the number of adult sloth in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Starflow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult meerkat in Starflow Isles. The number of adult mayfly in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult wasp in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Astral Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Astral Ridge. The number of adult red bishop in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult peacock in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult rainbow boa in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult gelada in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the number of adult night monkey in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Mystic Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Mystic Tides. The number of adult california sea lion in Cloudveil Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult omura's whale in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Mystic Tides equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the number of adult hamster in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult marine iguana in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult basenji in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult agouti in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult stegosaurus in Sunbeam Haven is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult eland in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult patas monkey in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult green-winged macaw in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Starflow Isles equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Starflow Isles. The number of adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult crow in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult greenland shark in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult harp seal in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult moray eel in Moonshadow Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Aurora Crags. The number of adult zebra in Emerald Archipelago is 3 plus the number of adult owl in South Zoo. The number of adult hooded seal in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult walrus in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Gleamstone Heights.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult parrot in Mayer Aquarium as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Mayer Aquarium as c; so c = x = x. We know c = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult chimpanzee in Nebula Crest is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Radiance Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Shimmering Pasture equals 2 plus the number of adult green-winged macaw in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the number of adult fiordland penguin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Crags. The number of adult blackbuck in Gleamspire Fields equals the number of adult waterbuck in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult corn snake in Etherreach Cliffs equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult margay in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult rattlesnake in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult green anaconda in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult gelada in Nebula Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Aurora Crags is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Lustrous Rapids equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Lustrous Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult diatom in Astral Ridge. The number of adult naumann's elephant in Dawnlit Peaks is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stream. The number of adult king cobra in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult harpy cow in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult zooplankton in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Twilight Fields is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult gaur in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult marine iguana in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult vervet monkey in Nebula Crest equals 2 times the number of adult thorny devil in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult butterfly in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult jaguar in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult yak in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Stream equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american alligator in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Sunveil Meadow equals 4 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurorastream equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Aurorastream. The number of adult little blue penguin in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult fennec fox in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silvermist Highlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult red-eared slider in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the number of adult clownfish in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult bushbuck in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult grasshopper in Sunspark Summit equals 1 times the number of adult wasp in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gazelle in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult coconut crab in Skyward Pinnacle is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Amberbloom Prairie. The number of adult lemming in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult phoenix in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult bobcat in Sunspark Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult gopher in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult fenrir in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult blue monkey in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult mandrill in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Moonshadow Current equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult blue crab in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult hermit crab in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Starlight Summit is the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurorastream equals 2 times the number of adult chaetognath in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Radiance Channel equals 2 times the number of adult right whale in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Glintcurrent Flow equals the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Aurorastream equals the number of adult tintinnid in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Moonshadow Current equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Eclipsestone Plateau is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult agouti in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult manticore in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult centaur in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Luminara River equals 3 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Luminara River. The number of adult chimpanzee in Amberbloom Prairie equals 3 times the number of adult peacock in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult stonefish in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 1 times the number of adult coqui frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Twilight Stream equals 3 times the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Twilight Stream. The number of adult manatee in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult okapi in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult leopard frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult golden cat in Sunspark Summit is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Moonshadow Current equals 4 times the number of adult water buffalo in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult frigatebird in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Auric Expanse equals 2 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Velvetgold Steppe is 2 times the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult paca in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult chimera in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Lustrous Rapids is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Aurorastream equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult heron in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult pteranodon in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Radiant Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult glass frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Goldenwave Valley equals the number of adult oryx in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult indian elephant in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult ross's gull in Glacierlight Range is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the number of adult royal penguin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Twilight Stream. The number of adult tsessebe in Gleamspire Fields equals 3 times the number of adult nutria in Gleamspire Fields. The number of adult southern mammoth in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult capybara in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult goblin shark in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Radiance Channel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult hartebeest in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult beluga whale in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult blue monkey in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Glintcurrent Flow. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Crags is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult marine iguana in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Starshadow Estuary equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult capybara in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult okapi in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult emu in Eclipsestone Plateau is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Sparkflow Torrent equals 1 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Crags equals 4 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Radiance Channel equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult blue whale in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult blue crab in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 2 times the number of adult thaliacean in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Starshadow Estuary equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Radiance Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Radiance Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Luminara River equals 4 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult eastern box turtle in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 plus the number of adult ocelot in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult nutria in Gilded Horizon is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Plains equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult gull in Starlight Summit. The number of adult capybara in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult coqui frog in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult seal in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starlight Summit equals 4 times the number of adult booby in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult corn snake in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult nile crocodile in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult eland in Whisperflow Rapids equals 2 times the number of adult giraffe in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult forest mammoth in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult lemming in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult compsognathus in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult fire salamander in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult langoustine in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult beaked whale in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult tiger in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult moose in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult snow crab in Lustrous Mesa equals 4 plus the number of adult barnacle in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult gila monster in Gleamstone Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glintbloom Savannah equals 4 plus the number of adult margay in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Lightbreeze Steppe is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult marine iguana in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult marine iguana in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult wildebeest in Whisperflow Rapids equals 3 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult snow leopard in Glintbloom Savannah is the number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Auric Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult patas monkey in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Twilight Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Dawnlit Peaks is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Prairie. The number of adult russell's viper in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult blue racer in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Astral Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult wildebeest in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Radiance Plains equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Nimbus Heights is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Lusterpeak Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult vervet monkey in Silverwave Tributary equals the number of adult baboon in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Starlight Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult elephant in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult corythosaurus in Shimmering Pasture is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult tiger prawn in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Lustrous Mesa. The number of adult silkworm in Sunspark Summit is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult indian elephant in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Glowbreeze Steppe equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Starshadow Estuary is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult sandpiper in Eclipsed Waters equals the number of adult skimmer in Eclipsed Waters. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Crystalbrook Stream equals 2 times the number of adult pangolin in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Glintcurrent Flow equals 4 times the number of adult leopard in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Aurorastream equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Aurorastream. The number of adult dungeness crab in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Sparkflow Torrent. The number of adult coypu in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult tinamous in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult elk in Cloudveil Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Auric Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Luminara River equals the number of adult marine iguana in Luminara River. The number of adult fire salamander in Starlight Confluence is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult kudu in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Heavenspire Peak is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult duiker in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Glacierlight Range equals 2 plus the number of adult snowy owl in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult orangutan in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult aye-aye in Velvetwhisper Stream. The number of adult manatee in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Glintcurrent Flow equals 3 times the number of adult ladybug in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Aurorastream equals the number of adult amphipod in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 3 plus the number of adult blue whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dawnshine Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals 3 times the number of adult hedgehog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Gleamwater Channel equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult cicada in Sparkflow Torrent is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult clownfish in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Gilded Horizon equals 1 times the number of adult rat in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Luminara River equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Luminara River. The number of adult arctic wolf in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult narwhal in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult hooded seal in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult king penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult addax in Nebula Crest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult coconut crab in Lustrous Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Sparkflow Torrent equals the average number of newborn children per adult ladybug in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult dugong in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult griffin in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Moonshadow Current equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glintbloom Savannah is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult copperhead in Celestica Spire equals 2 plus the number of adult hognose snake in Celestica Spire. The number of adult royal penguin in Glintbloom Savannah equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Aurora Prairie equals the number of adult southern right whale in Aurora Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 4 times the number of adult giant salamander in Lightbreeze Steppe. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Frostsong River equals 4 times the number of adult humpback whale in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glacierlight Range equals 3 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Auric Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Auric Expanse. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glowmist Creek equals 4 plus the number of adult roc in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Eclipsed Grasslands equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Dawnlit Peaks is 4 plus the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Frostsong River equals 1 plus the number of adult harbor porpoise in Frostsong River. The number of adult frilled lizard in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult patas monkey in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult patas monkey in Nebula Crest equals 4 times the number of adult tamarin in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult parrotfish in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult bandicoot in Crystalbrook Stream equals 4 plus the number of adult aye-aye in Crystalbrook Stream. The number of adult vole in Crystalgrain Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult selkie in Crystalgrain Plateau. The number of adult roan antelope in Gleamspire Fields is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Radiance Plains equals the number of adult thylacine in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Luminara River equals 1 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Gleamwater Channel equals 4 times the number of adult eastern box turtle in Gleamwater Channel. The number of adult elephant seal in Shimmerbrook Passage equals 1 times the number of adult vaquita in Shimmerbrook Passage. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Auric Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult congo forest elephant in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Lightbreeze Steppe. The number of adult rotifer in Sunspire Savannah equals 3 times the number of adult quokka in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Gleamwater Channel equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult mandrill in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Sunveil Meadow equals 1 plus the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult lemur in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Stream equals 1 plus the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult addax in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Starshadow Estuary equals 1 plus the number of adult coconut crab in Starshadow Estuary. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Goldenwave Valley is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Sparkflow Torrent equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Sparkflow Torrent. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Opalgrass Meadow equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult howler monkey in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Astral Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Starshadow Estuary is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Velvetgold Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult kittiwake in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Twilight Aerie equals 2 plus the number of adult king penguin in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glintbloom Savannah equals the number of adult puma in Glintbloom Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Frostsong River equals 2 plus the number of adult vaquita in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Radiance Channel equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Radiance Channel. The number of adult springbok in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of adult red-eared slider in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 times the number of adult red-eared slider in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult tapir in Glowbreeze Steppe. The number of adult stegodon in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult paca in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurorastream equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Sunveil Meadow equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Sunveil Meadow. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult crested gecko in Glowmist Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Shimmering Pasture equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult king cobra in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonshadow Current equals the number of adult inland taipan in Moonshadow Current. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult blue whale in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Twilight Stream equals the number of adult sperm whale in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult macaw in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Glintcurrent Flow equals the number of adult silkworm in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult fennec mule in Crystalbrook Stream equals the number of adult slow loris in Crystalbrook Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Glowbreeze Steppe equals the number of adult mandrill in Glowbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult gelada in Aurora Crags. The number of adult frilled lizard in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult moray eel in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Luminara River equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Luminara River. The number of adult fox in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Frostsong River equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Aerie equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult blue whale in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminara River equals 1 times the number of adult borneo elephant in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Aurora Crags equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Shimmering Pasture equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Shimmering Pasture. The number of adult blackbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Shimmering Pasture equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult tiger in Amberbloom Prairie equals the number of adult howler monkey in Amberbloom Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Twilight Aerie is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Twilight Fields equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Twilight Fields. The number of adult pufferfish in Frostsong River is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorastream. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Starshadow Estuary equals 4 times the number of adult black mamba in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 plus the number of adult paradise tanager in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Aurora Crags equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Sunspire Savannah. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Glacierlight Range equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Shimmering Pasture equals 3 times the number of adult iguanodon in Shimmering Pasture. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult manatee in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult dormouse in Crystalgrain Plateau equals the number of adult mouse in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Gleamwater Channel equals 2 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Gleamwater Channel. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Eclipsed Grasslands equals the number of adult pteropod in Eclipsed Grasslands. The average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Dawnlit Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dawnshine Prairie equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshine Prairie. The number of adult caiman lizard in Glowmist Creek equals 2 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult tiger prawn in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult narwhal in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Goldenwave Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult steamer duck in Goldenwave Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult snowy owl in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Twilight Fields equals 4 plus the number of adult lemur in Twilight Fields. The number of adult eland in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Glowbreeze Steppe is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalgrain Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult gecko in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult kiwi in Goldenwave Valley is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Velvetwhisper Stream equals the number of adult raccoon in Velvetwhisper Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult springbok in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Starshadow Estuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Starshadow Estuary. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult puffin in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Glacierlight Range equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Opalgrass Meadow equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Opalgrass Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Twilight Stream equals 3 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Twilight Stream. The number of adult bowhead whale in Eclipsed Grasslands is the total number of adult animals in Whisperflow Rapids. The number of adult baltimore oriole in Silvermist Highlands is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Frostsong River. The number of adult king penguin in Goldenwave Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult king penguin in Goldenwave Valley. The number of adult rock lobster in Lustrous Mesa equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Lustrous Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Frostsong River equals the number of adult hooded seal in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Opalgrass Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult snowy owl in Opalgrass Meadow. The number of adult narwhal in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Stream equals 4 times the number of adult desert horned lizard in Twilight Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Crags. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Glowmist Creek equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glowmist Creek. The number of adult frigatebird in Eclipsed Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult shearwater in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Frostsong River equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Frostsong River. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Lunarchasm Ridge is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Starlight Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Luminara River equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Luminara River. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Gilded Horizon equals the number of adult porcupine in Gilded Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dawnshine Prairie equals the number of adult green anaconda in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Radiant Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ostrich in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult collared lemming in Starlight Confluence equals the number of adult leopard seal in Starlight Confluence. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Radiant Crest. The number of adult takahe in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Lustrous Rapids is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Tributary. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Velvetgold Steppe equals 4 times the number of adult sun conure in Velvetgold Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Sunveil Meadow equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult duiker in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Glintcurrent Flow equals 2 times the number of adult bobcat in Glintcurrent Flow. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 times the number of adult fer-de-lance in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult gaur in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Frostsong River equals the number of adult lionfish in Frostsong River. The number of adult mayfly in Sunspark Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult mayfly in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 times the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult gerenuk in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Lightbreeze Steppe equals 4 times the number of adult harbor porpoise in Lightbreeze Steppe. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Moonshadow Current equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Moonshadow Current. The number of adult booby in Eclipsed Waters equals 4 times the number of adult pelican in Eclipsed Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Twilight Fields equals 2 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Twilight Fields. The number of adult black mamba in Nimbus Heights is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Twilight Fields equals the number of adult patas monkey in Twilight Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Shimmering Pasture is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Rapids. The number of adult marine iguana in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult howler monkey in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Sunveil Meadow equals 3 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Sunveil Meadow. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nimbus Heights is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glintbloom Savannah. The number of adult kudu in Whisperflow Rapids equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Whisperflow Rapids. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Amberbloom Prairie is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starlight Confluence. The number of adult california sea lion in Shimmerbrook Passage equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Shimmerbrook Passage. The number of adult mosquito in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult cicada in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dawnshine Prairie equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eared slider in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dawnshine Prairie equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dawnshine Prairie. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult rotifer in Dreamtide River equals 4 plus the number of adult giraffe in Dreamtide River. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Glintbloom Savannah is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult puma in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult diatom in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Astral Ridge. The number of adult sperm whale in Eclipsed Waters is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide River. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Twilight Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Twilight Fields.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside as v; so v = x = x. We know v = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult cassowary in Hellspire Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Kangchenjunga is the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Coalflare Gorge is the total number of adult animals in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Crimson Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult wood frog in Nebula Crest. The number of adult takahe in Hellspire Pass is 1 times the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Ember Crown equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Ember Crown. The number of adult rock lobster in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult wildebeest in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Annapurna equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Scorchspire equals 2 plus the number of adult zooplankton in Scorchspire. The number of adult hooded seal in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Kangchenjunga equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult waterbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult california sea lion in Flareheart Peak equals 3 plus the number of adult orca in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult poodle in Ashen Crag equals 3 plus the number of adult shiba inu in Ashen Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-tongue skink in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Mont Blanc equals 2 times the number of adult dormouse in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Skyward Pinnacle is the number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Coalflare Gorge is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cho Oyu equals 3 plus the number of adult crab in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Manaslu equals 4 plus the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Burnshade Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult kinkajou in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 times the number of adult beluga whale in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Crimson Summit is the total number of adult animals in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Denali equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Heavenspire Peak is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult koala in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult hellbender in Blisterrock Volcano is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley. The number of adult dungeness crab in Nanga Parbat equals 3 times the number of adult tsessebe in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult blue tang in Starlight Summit. The number of adult tiger in Magma Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Fiery Maw equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glacierlight Range equals 2 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Coalflare Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult leopard frog in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult gouldian finch in Everest equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Hellspire Pass equals 4 plus the number of adult eastern quoll in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Scorchspire equals the number of adult blue racer in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the number of adult golden cat in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sunspark Summit equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Infernal Reach equals 2 times the number of adult spider crab in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the number of adult macaroni penguin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Aconcagua equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 times the number of adult cerberus in Mount Kosciuszko. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Mount Kosciuszko equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult iguana in Mount Erebus is 1 times the number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Matterhorn equals 2 plus the number of adult spider crab in Matterhorn. The number of adult duiker in Fiery Maw is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Crimson Summit equals 1 times the number of adult lionfish in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Fiery Maw is the total number of adult animals in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Nebula Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult green basilisk in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult paca in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult blackbuck in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Elbrus equals 2 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Elbrus. The number of adult chihuahua in Ashen Crag equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Ashen Crag. The number of adult maned jackal in Cinder Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Radiant Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Kangchenjunga equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Hellspire Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult stick insect in Radiant Crest. The number of adult imperial mammoth in Blisterrock Volcano is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult rock wallaby in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult leopard frog in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Infernal Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult pangolin in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Crimson Summit is the total number of adult animals in Smoldering Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Cho Oyu. The number of adult hooded seal in Flareheart Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Flareheart Peak. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Infernal Reach is 1 times the number of adult crow in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Magma Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Magma Plateau. The number of adult forest mammoth in Mount Rainier equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Fiery Maw. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult crested gecko in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the number of adult african clawed frog in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Hellspire Pass equals the number of adult wallaby in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Scorchspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Scorchspire. The number of adult bats in Kangchenjunga is the number of adult crow in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest and the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Hellspire Pass equals 1 times the number of adult thylacine in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dhaulagiri equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult porcupine in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult poison dart frog in Nebula Crest is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Vinson Massif. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Celestica Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Magma Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Cho Oyu. The number of adult emu in Hellspire Pass is the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Ember Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Hellspire Pass equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult dungeness crab in Cho Oyu is the total number of adult animals in Everest. The number of adult fennec mule in Thermal Caverns equals 1 plus the number of adult tarsier in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Manaslu is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Cho Oyu is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult sandpiper in Vinson Massif equals 1 times the number of adult shearwater in Vinson Massif. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Fiery Maw. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest and the number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult kinkajou in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Glacierlight Range is the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Fiery Maw equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Lhotse equals 2 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Aconcagua equals 1 plus the number of adult black panther in Aconcagua. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Astral Ridge is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult mosasaurus in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Scorchspire equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Astral Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Blisterrock Volcano is the total number of newborn animal children in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Manaslu equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Lhotse equals 2 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult gelada in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult snow crab in Nanga Parbat equals 1 plus the number of adult addax in Nanga Parbat. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult duiker in Nanga Parbat is the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The number of adult chihuahua in Cinder Chasm equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Nimbus Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult slow loris in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult southern right whale in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Hellspire Pass equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult spider monkey in Etherreach Cliffs is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aconcagua. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult weka in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Elbrus equals 4 times the number of adult green iguana in Elbrus. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Erebus. the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Annapurna equals 1 plus the number of adult african wild dog in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Magma Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Mont Blanc is the number of adult owl in Cedar Valley. The number of adult wood frog in Blisterrock Volcano is the total number of newborn animal children in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult okapi in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Annapurna equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Annapurna. The number of adult hermit crab in Cho Oyu is 4 plus the number of adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult green basilisk in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult crab in Flareheart Peak is the total number of adult animals in Mount Rainier. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Manaslu equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Magma Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Magma Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Silvermist Highlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Annapurna. The number of adult eastern newt in Kangchenjunga is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Molten Veil equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Molten Veil. The number of adult lobster in Nanga Parbat is the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Aconcagua equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Aconcagua. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Scorchspire equals 1 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Coalflare Gorge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Lhotse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Infernal Reach equals 3 times the number of adult coconut crab in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Coalflare Gorge equals the number of adult salp in Coalflare Gorge. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult hippogriff in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Annapurna equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult goblin shark in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Mount Kosciuszko equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Nebula Crest is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 plus the number of adult black panther in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Hellspire Pass equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult snowy owl in Makalu is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley. The number of adult mantis shrimp in Nanga Parbat is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult potoroo in Lavaflow Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult thylacine in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ember Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Ember Crown. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Mount Erebus. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult chipmunk in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the total number of adult animals in Beverly Forest. The number of adult gila monster in Lhotse is the total number of newborn animal children in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Kangchenjunga equals 3 plus the number of adult kinkajou in Kangchenjunga. The number of adult coypu in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult bush baby in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Elbrus equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Elbrus. The number of adult horned lizard in Ashen Crag is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Crest. The number of average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult tiger in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Cho Oyu. The number of adult red bishop in Everest equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Everest. The number of adult gazelle in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Lhotse equals the number of adult lobster in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Coalflare Gorge is the total number of newborn animal children in Fiery Maw. The number of adult arctic wolf in Makalu equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Makalu. The number of adult waterbuck in Smoldering Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult coconut crab in K2 equals the number of adult ocelot in K2. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Manaslu equals 2 plus the number of adult hamster in Manaslu. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Mount Erebus equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Mount Erebus. The number of adult kudu in Ember Crown is the total number of newborn animal children in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Crimson Summit equals the number of adult caiman in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Fiery Maw is 4 plus the number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Lhotse equals 3 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Magma Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Fumarole Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Annapurna equals 3 plus the number of adult greyhound in Annapurna. The number of adult chihuahua in Annapurna is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Mount Kosciuszko equals 1 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult crow in Cedar Valley equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Mont Blanc equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Astral Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult barracuda in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Crimson Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult triggerfish in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Nimbus Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Lhotse is the total number of adult animals in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult sugar glider in Lavaflow Basin is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The number of adult mandrill in Annapurna is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Denali. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Magma Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Magma Plateau. The number of adult ocelot in Fiery Maw is the total number of newborn animal children in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Dhaulagiri equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult macaque in Magma Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Starlight Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Mount Erebus equals the number of adult parasaurolophus in Mount Erebus. The number of adult tiger prawn in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Hellspire Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Cho Oyu equals the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Fiery Maw equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult mole in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Nebula Crest equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 2 times the number of adult california sea lion in Pyroclasm Mesa. The number of adult owl in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult tiger prawn in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult barnacle in Nanga Parbat. The number of adult elephant seal in Flareheart Peak equals the number of adult ghost crab in Flareheart Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Cho Oyu equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult bobcat in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Cedar Valley equals the difference between the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult mouse in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult gerbil in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Starlight Summit is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mont Blanc. The number of adult tiger prawn in K2 equals the number of adult coconut crab in K2. The number of adult gopher in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult duiker in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Annapurna equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Magma Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult okapi in Magma Plateau. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Mont Blanc. The number of adult slow loris in Fiery Maw is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Blazestone Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Elbrus equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Magma Plateau is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Astral Ridge. The number of adult marsupial mole in Lavaflow Basin equals 4 times the number of adult hellbender in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Cho Oyu equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Burnshade Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult peacock in Astral Ridge. The number of adult grebe in Blazestone Rift is the total number of adult animals in K2. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult minotaur in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Sunspark Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult black mamba in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult red bishop in Matterhorn equals the number of adult painted bunting in Matterhorn. The number of adult coyote in Smoldering Hollow is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Molten Veil. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Nimbus Heights equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Ember Crown is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Elbrus equals 3 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Dhaulagiri equals the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Dhaulagiri. The number of adult gouldian finch in Matterhorn equals the number of adult blue hawk in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Lhotse. The number of adult agouti in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult coconut crab in Nanga Parbat equals the number of adult topi in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Denali equals the number of adult poodle in Denali. The number of adult gila monster in Thermal Caverns is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Sunspark Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult starfish in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult sun conure in Matterhorn equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Matterhorn. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Mont Blanc equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Mont Blanc. The number of adult beaked whale in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult omura's whale in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Twilight Aerie equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Fiery Maw equals the number of adult roan antelope in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Cho Oyu equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Cho Oyu. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult maned jackal in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Infernal Reach equals the number of adult ghost crab in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Nimbus Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Kangchenjunga equals the number of adult slow loris in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult snow crab in Flareheart Peak is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Ashen Crag. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Magma Plateau is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Coalflare Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Coalflare Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Astral Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Infernal Reach equals 1 times the number of adult bats in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Burnshade Abyss equals the number of adult leopard frog in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Fiery Maw is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Kangchenjunga equals 3 times the number of adult mouse lemur in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glacierlight Range equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Annapurna is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Infernal Reach is the number of adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult collared lemming in Makalu equals 4 plus the number of adult nyala in Makalu. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley and the number of adult blue jay in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult humpback whale in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult blackbuck in Kilimanjaro equals the number of adult potoroo in Kilimanjaro. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Mount Kosciuszko is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult leviathan in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Scorchspire equals 1 times the number of adult larvacean in Scorchspire. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Lhotse equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Infernal Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Infernal Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult clownfish in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult caiman lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult phoenix in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Crimson Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Hellspire Pass is the total number of adult animals in Lavaflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Burnshade Abyss equals 4 plus the number of adult nile crocodile in Burnshade Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Fiery Maw equals 2 plus the number of adult red panda in Fiery Maw. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue jay in Beverly Forest. The number of adult poodle in Cinder Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult sugar glider in Cinder Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult compsognathus in Fumarole Valley equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Crimson Summit is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Hellspire Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Glacierlight Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Gleamstone Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult topi in Eclipsestone Plateau is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult flamingo in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Annapurna equals the number of adult fennec fox in Annapurna. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Mont Blanc equals the number of adult chinchilla in Mont Blanc. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silvermist Highlands equals the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult bandicoot in Thermal Caverns equals the number of adult horned lizard in Thermal Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Lhotse equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Lhotse. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Infernal Reach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Infernal Reach. The number of adult dormouse in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult lemming in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Radiant Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Elbrus equals 3 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Elbrus. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Hellspire Pass equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Hellspire Pass. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Pyroclasm Mesa is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dhaulagiri. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glacierlight Range equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Pyroclasm Mesa is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Summit. The number of adult langoustine in Nanga Parbat equals 4 plus the number of adult oryx in Nanga Parbat. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Sunspark Summit equals 4 times the number of adult ankylosaurus in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Crimson Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Crimson Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Scorchspire equals 2 plus the number of adult rotifer in Scorchspire. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crimson Summit is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Burnshade Abyss. The number of adult compsognathus in Dawnlit Peaks is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Mount Kosciuszko. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Lavaflow Basin equals the number of adult quokka in Lavaflow Basin. The number of adult blue jay in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Fumarole Valley equals 3 plus the number of adult mosasaurus in Fumarole Valley. The number of adult owl in Oakridge Riverside equals 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Ember Crown equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Ember Crown. The number of adult langoustine in K2 equals the number of adult hedgehog in K2. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Astral Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Ember Crown equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Ember Crown. The number of adult mosasaurus in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult carnotaurus in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult sun conure in Everest equals the number of adult gila monster in Everest. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Kangchenjunga equals 1 times the number of adult bullfrog in Kangchenjunga. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Dhaulagiri equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Dhaulagiri.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult crow in Oakridge Riverside as E; so E = x = x. We know E = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult moose in Sargasso Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Labrador Sea equals 3 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Nebula City. The number of adult greenland shark in Coral Sea equals the number of adult roadrunner in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Barents Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Gleamspire Citadel equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Beaufort Sea is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Southern Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult margay in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Atlantic Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult dragon in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult potoroo in Shimmering Spire is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult fairy penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult mouse lemur in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult sand cat in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gleamspire Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Arabian Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Barents Sea is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Indian Ocean. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Beaufort Sea is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult black panther in Sargasso Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Southern Ocean. The number of adult forest mammoth in Luminous Harbor equals 4 times the number of adult indian elephant in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Red Sea equals 3 times the number of adult mosquito in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Atlantic Ocean is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult wasp in Red Sea is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult red-eared slider in Barents Sea is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Arabian Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult lionfish in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 4 plus the difference between the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Red Sea equals the number of adult coelacanth in Red Sea. The number of adult tsessebe in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult springbok in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult fin whale in Arctic Ocean is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult roadrunner in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Celestial Arch equals 3 plus the number of adult patas monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult gorilla in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult gila monster in Opalescent Crag is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Mediterranean Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Archway. The number of adult ackie monitor in Opalescent Crag is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult patas monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult bobcat in Eclipse Heights equals 2 times the number of adult margay in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult blue monkey in Heavensgate equals the number of adult pangolin in Heavensgate. The number of adult manatee in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult rhinoceros in Arabian Sea is the total number of adult animals in Weddell Sea. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult arctic tern in Coral Sea equals 1 times the number of adult camel in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 plus the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult lion in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Moonveil Summit equals 3 times the number of adult sumatran elephant in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult lion in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult yellow tang in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult gila monster in Starshard Peaks equals 3 times the number of adult black widow spider in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult manta ray in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Starshard Peaks equals 2 times the number of adult kraken in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult sea wasp in Tasman Sea is the total number of adult animals in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Arabian Sea is the total number of adult animals in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Celestial Arch equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Starlight Ridge is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult gibbon in Barents Sea is the total number of adult animals in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult komodo dragon in Cloudreach equals the number of adult blue monkey in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Skyspire City equals the number of adult kraken in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Stardust Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Beaufort Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The number of adult coconut crab in Baltic Sea is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Celestial Arch equals 3 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult bowhead whale in Coral Sea equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Coral Sea. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult capybara in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult african forest elephant in Gleamspire Citadel is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult beaked whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult frilled lizard in Arctic Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult american alligator in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult topi in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Southern Ocean. The number of adult griffin in Atlantic Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Apex. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 1 plus the sum of the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest, and the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Gleamspire Citadel is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Southern Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Aetherhold equals the number of adult arctic tern in Aetherhold. The number of adult sea cucumber in Gleaming Heights is the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult corn snake in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult komodo dragon in Starshard Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Nebula City equals 3 plus the number of adult raccoon in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Beaufort Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Auroralumina equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Auroralumina. The number of adult ivory gull in Coral Sea equals 2 times the number of adult fennec fox in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Aetherhold equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Aetherhold. The number of adult acantharian in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult nightjar in Skyhaven Citadel. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult king cobra in Indian Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Indian Ocean. The number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult topi in Silverplume Summit equals 4 times the number of adult rock lobster in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult eastern newt in Eternal Summit is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Black Sea equals the number of adult royal penguin in Black Sea. The number of adult king crab in Tasman Sea is the total number of adult animals in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Atlantic Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Gleaming Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult fiddler crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Red Sea is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Starlight Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult tamarin in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Red Sea is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult patas monkey in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Ecliptica Dome is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult walking stick in Baltic Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult cicada in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Cloudreach equals the number of adult boomslang in Cloudreach. The number of adult mayfly in Red Sea is the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult tinamous in Weddell Sea is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Barents Sea. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the number of adult green basilisk in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult southern mammoth in Beaufort Sea is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Barents Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Eternal Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult marine iguana in Arctic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult red-eared slider in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult royal penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult pangolin in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Skyspire City equals 1 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Skyspire City. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Weddell Sea is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Skyspire City equals 2 plus the number of adult selkie in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 times the number of adult phytoplankton in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Coral Sea equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf elephant in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Red Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Red Sea. The number of adult booby in Crystalis Ascent equals 4 times the number of adult booby in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Beaufort Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Mediterranean Sea equals 2 times the number of adult thaliacean in Mediterranean Sea. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult stegodon in Moonveil Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult sea urchin in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Aetherhold equals the number of adult arabic cow in Aetherhold. The number of adult southern mammoth in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Gilded Archway equals 2 times the number of adult cayote in Gilded Archway. The number of adult blue monkey in Celestial Arch is 3 plus the number of adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Arabian Sea is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Nebula City equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Nebula City. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipse Heights equals 3 times the number of adult goblin shark in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult caracal in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Tasman Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-ringed octopus in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the number of adult flamingo in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Nebula City equals the number of adult pipefish in Nebula City. The number of adult russell's viper in Bering Sea equals 1 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult rattlesnake in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult chaetognath in Mediterranean Sea is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals 1 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Nebulight Crest is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Southern Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Southern Ocean. The number of adult golden cat in Eclipse Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult bonobo in Celestial Arch is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult noctiluca in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Nebula City equals 3 plus the number of adult slow loris in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult gouldian finch in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult spider crab in Twilight Crest. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Auroralumina equals the number of adult chipmunk in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult narwhal in Gilded Archway. The number of adult blackbuck in Silverplume Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Red Sea equals the number of adult angelfish in Red Sea. The number of adult margay in Sargasso Sea is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult moray eel in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of newborn animal children in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Atlantic Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Mediterranean Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult golden cat in Sargasso Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Luminous Apex equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Arabian Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Arabian Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Arabian Sea. The number of adult gelada in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult hawkfish in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult slow loris in Eternal Summit. The number of adult king cobra in Luminous Harbor is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lightveil Sanctum equals the average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Arabian Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult gentoo penguin in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult barnacle in Celestial Arch. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult nyala in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult eland in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Sunlit Crag equals 1 times the number of adult chipmunk in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult thaliacean in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the number of adult bats in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Gilded Archway. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Aetherhold. The number of adult golden cat in Starweaver's Crest equals 1 times the number of adult cheetah in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult poodle in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult gila monster in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult mayfly in Baltic Sea equals 3 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Gleamspire Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Arabian Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Arabian Sea. The number of adult yellow tang in Red Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult sandpiper in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult tiger in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult ocelot in Radiant Pinnacle is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Shimmering Spire equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult orangutan in Indian Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult water buffalo in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamspire Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult macaroni penguin in Arabian Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The number of adult cerberus in Atlantic Ocean is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Ethereal Horizon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Celestial Arch equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Gilded Archway equals 4 times the number of adult border collie in Gilded Archway. The number of adult stingray in Red Sea is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Skyspire City equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Skyspire City. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Starlight Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dyeing dart frog in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Aetherhold equals 4 plus the number of adult walrus in Aetherhold. The number of adult bongo in Silverplume Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult snow crab in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult little blue penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult elephant bird in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult elephant bird in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult manatee in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult manta ray in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Beaufort Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Atlantic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Auroralumina equals the number of adult squirrel in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult stegodon in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult weka in Weddell Sea is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult thorny devil in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult blue monkey in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult arctic wolf in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Barents Sea. The number of adult fairy penguin in Black Sea equals 2 times the number of adult blue racer in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Arabian Sea is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Skyspire City equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult eland in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Red Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Gilded Archway equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Luminous Apex equals 4 times the number of adult hamster in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Skyspire City equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roc in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Gilded Archway equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult basenji in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleamspire Citadel equals 4 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Aetherhold equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Aetherhold. The number of adult roan antelope in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult deinonychus in Amundsen Sea is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult king penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 plus the number of adult moas in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Eternal Summit equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eternal Summit. The number of adult chihuahua in Nimbus Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult meerkat in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Moonveil Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Arabian Sea is the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The number of adult wolf in Pine Ridge equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Gleaming Heights equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Nebula City equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Tasman Sea equals 2 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Tasman Sea. The number of adult noctiluca in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult tintinnid in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Nebula City equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ethereal Horizon equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Tasman Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Shimmering Spire equals 1 plus the number of adult northern cardinal in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Starlight Ridge is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Moonveil Summit is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula City. The number of adult hydra in Atlantic Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Auroralumina. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 times the number of adult king penguin in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gilded Archway equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult poodle in Gilded Archway is the total number of newborn animal children in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult frilled lizard in Pacific Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Gloamhaven Heights is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Labrador Sea equals 1 times the number of adult rhea in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Red Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult gray whale in Gilded Archway. The number of adult tiger snake in Cloudreach equals the number of adult king cobra in Cloudreach. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Black Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult patas monkey in Heavensgate equals the number of adult tarsier in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Southern Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Southern Ocean. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetspire Ascent equals 3 plus the number of adult pipefish in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult crab in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Starlight Ridge equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult wasp in Baltic Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult wasp in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aetherhold equals the number of adult snowy owl in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Southern Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Southern Ocean. The number of adult tiger snake in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult green anaconda in Arctic Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult bushbuck in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult bushbuck in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult lobster in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Red Sea equals the number of adult lionfish in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult capuchin in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult butterfly in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult rock lobster in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Frostlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult red-eared slider in Arctic Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult bryde's whale in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult chimpanzee in Indian Ocean is the total number of newborn animal children in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Gloamhaven Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Aetherhold equals the number of adult manatee in Aetherhold. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Beaufort Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult snow crab in Baltic Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Tasman Sea. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Luminous Harbor equals 1 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Nebulight Crest is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Pine Ridge. The number of adult eyelash viper in Bering Sea equals the number of adult black mamba in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Glacierveil Pinnacle is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult bongo in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Luminous Apex equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Ecliptica Dome equals the number of adult dodo in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult red bishop in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult coconut crab in Twilight Crest. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult grasshopper in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Nebula City equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Nebula City. The number of adult capybara in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult katydid in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult indian elephant in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eternal Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult axolotl in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the number of adult american mastodon in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Red Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult blue tang in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult stonefish in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Arabian Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult elk in Arabian Sea. The number of adult african penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Caribbean Sea equals the number of adult surinam toad in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Luminous Apex equals 4 times the number of adult gopher in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Atlantic Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult lionfish in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult gelada in Heavensgate equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Tasman Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Tasman Sea. The number of adult sun conure in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Twilight Crest. The number of adult frigatebird in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult skimmer in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult tiger in Indian Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Nebulight Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult bonobo in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult tiger prawn in Beaufort Sea is the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult compsognathus in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult pteranodon in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult rainbow boa in Bering Sea equals 3 times the number of adult ball python in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Ecliptica Dome equals 4 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult right whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Barents Sea equals 3 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Barents Sea. The number of adult snares penguin in Arabian Sea is the total number of adult animals in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Gilded Archway equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Mediterranean Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Atlantic Ocean equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Beaufort Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult vervet monkey in Heavensgate equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Stardust Bastion equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Nebula City equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 times the number of adult arctic wolf in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult little blue penguin in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Labrador Sea. The number of adult addax in Silverplume Summit equals the number of adult addax in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult sable antelope in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult wolf in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Mediterranean Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Red Sea equals the number of adult dung beetle in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Moonveil Summit equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Red Sea equals 1 times the number of adult bettas in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Celestial Arch equals 2 times the number of adult howler monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Mediterranean Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Dreamspire Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Luminous Apex. The number of adult krill in Baltic Sea is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Skyspire City equals the number of adult phoenix in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lightveil Sanctum equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult jaguar in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Gilded Archway equals the average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Dreamspire Summit is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult nightjar in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult tapir in Arabian Sea is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lightveil Sanctum equals 2 plus the number of adult ivory gull in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Red Sea equals the number of adult hammerhead shark in Red Sea. The number of adult archerfish in Red Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Cedar Valley. The number of adult cone snail in Tasman Sea is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Black Sea equals 1 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Black Sea. The number of adult mosquito in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult shrimp in Baltic Sea. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult jaguar in Crystalis Ascent is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Bering Sea equals the number of adult gaboon viper in Bering Sea. The number of adult copperhead in Bering Sea equals the number of adult african penguin in Bering Sea. The number of adult marbled salamander in Eternal Summit is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The number of adult rotifer in Skyhaven Citadel equals 3 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Arabian Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Arabian Sea. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult adélie penguin in Radiant Pinnacle.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Duskmist Fen equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Spectral Basin is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lusterpeak Range equals 2 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Whispering Marsh equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 2 times the number of adult triggerfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Glacierlight Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Twilight Aerie equals the number of adult bobcat in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Crystalshine Cavern equals 2 plus the number of adult crab in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult leopard frog in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult puma in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult raccoon in Aurora Crags equals 2 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Duskmist Fen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult tiger snake in Gloamspire Quagmire equals 1 times the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Gloamspire Quagmire. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 times the number of adult angelfish in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Ebonshade Swamp equals 4 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Ethereal Marsh equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult triggerfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult collared lemming in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult harp seal in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult kingfisher in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult hooded seal in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult musk ox in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Duskmist Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult blue whale in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Spectral Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Duskmist Fen is the total number of adult animals in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult cheetah in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult mouse lemur in Aurora Crags equals 3 times the number of adult toucan in Aurora Crags. The number of adult rainbow boa in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult bandicoot in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult foraminifera in Shimmering Mire is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmering Mire equals 2 times the number of adult noctiluca in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult potoroo in Gleamstone Heights equals 2 times the number of adult goliath beetle in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Ethereal Marsh equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult golden retriever in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 plus the number of adult agouti in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult bear in South Zoo equals 2. The number of adult fennec mule in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult leopard gecko in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult golden mantella in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult golden retriever in Ghostbloom Fen equals 1 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Nebulight Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult razorbill in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult black panther in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Duskmist Fen equals the number of adult harbor porpoise in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult tern in Ethereal Marsh is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiant Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult gray whale in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult little blue penguin in Prismatic Vault equals 3 plus the number of adult great auk in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult border collie in Dreamveil Chasm is the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 plus the number of adult electric eel in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Wraithveil Swamp equals the number of adult harp seal in Wraithveil Swamp. The number of adult mandrill in Phantom Waters is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult rock wallaby in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult hornet in Gleamstone Heights. The number of adult dromedary camel in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of adult animals in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Nebulight Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult gull in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult tsessebe in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult topi in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult clownfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult vole in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult gerbil in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult okapi in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult potoroo in Dreamveil Chasm is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult booby in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Ghostlight Mire is the total number of adult animals in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult tern in Nebulight Tunnels is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult bearded dragon in Etherreach Cliffs is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Gloamspire Quagmire equals the number of adult jerboa in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult manatee in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult marine iguana in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult ivory gull in Dreadmire Expanse is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult tiger in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Glacierlight Range equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Wraithveil Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Spectral Basin equals 3 times the number of adult dolphin in Spectral Basin. The number of adult coqui frog in Fogveil Bog equals 3 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult roan antelope in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult milk snake in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamveil Chasm equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult king eider in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult sugar glider in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult gannet in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Wraithveil Swamp is the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult milk snake in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Ebonshade Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Ebonshade Swamp is the total number of adult animals in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult golden mole in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the number of adult ocelot in Starlight Summit. The number of adult california sea lion in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult ross's gull in Dreadmire Expanse. The number of adult golden cat in Gleaming Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult eastern newt in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult gibbon in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult sperm whale in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Nebula Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dawnlit Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult tamarin in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult shearwater in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult wildebeest in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult hippopotamus in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult moray eel in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dawnlit Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult agouti in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 times the number of adult gopher in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Shadowfen Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult addax in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult emperor penguin in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult wood frog in Fogveil Bog equals 2 times the number of adult golden cat in Fogveil Bog. The number of adult fairy penguin in Radiant Crest equals 2 times the number of adult dugong in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Nebulight Tunnels is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult coyote in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult krill in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Shadowfen Hollow equals the number of adult kudu in Shadowfen Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Lusterpeak Range is the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult oryx in Veilwhisper Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult king cobra in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Wraithveil Swamp is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The number of adult gelada in Celestica Spire is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The number of adult bowhead whale in Shimmering Mire is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult kingfisher in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult tiger salamander in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Nebulight Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult marbled salamander in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult jaguar in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Spectral Basin equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult elephant seal in Dreadmire Expanse equals the number of adult humpback whale in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Ethereal Marsh equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult dormouse in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 times the number of adult hawkfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Heavenspire Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmering Mire equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult copepod in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult dugong in Shimmering Mire is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult maned jackal in Frostbloom Caverns is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rock wallaby in Phantom Waters equals the number of adult kangaroo in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult kudu in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult american mastodon in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult oryx in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult bowhead whale in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult harp seal in Celestica Spire. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Darkwater Reach is the total number of adult animals in Gloamspire Quagmire. The number of adult greyhound in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult dhole in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Starlight Hollows equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult cheetah in Sunspark Summit is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult fennec mule in Aurora Crags equals 1 times the number of adult caiman in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Ebonshade Swamp equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult walrus in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult copperhead in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Spectral Basin equals 2 times the number of adult lionfish in Spectral Basin. The number of adult macaque in Celestica Spire is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult southern mammoth in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Duskmist Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult blackbuck in Silvermist Highlands equals 1 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult frilled lizard in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult mangrove snake in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Radiant Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult humboldt penguin in Radiant Crest. The number of adult arctic tern in Wraithveil Swamp is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Duskmist Fen equals 3 times the number of adult seal in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult coypu in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Aurora Crags. The number of adult gentoo penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult capybara in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult tapir in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Shimmering Mire is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Prismatic Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult bats in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult forest mammoth in Skyward Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Wraithveil Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmering Mire equals 4 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult ocelot in Ethereal Marsh is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shimmering Mire equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult scorpion in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult sand cat in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult giant salamander in Fogveil Bog is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult arctic wolf in Celestica Spire is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult goblin shark in Cursed Reedlands. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult grebe in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult hermit crab in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult addax in Hollowshade Basin is the total number of adult animals in Dreadmire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Starlight Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult cayote in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Starlight Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult poodle in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult arctic tern in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Duskmist Fen is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult red-eared slider in Etherreach Cliffs equals 2 times the number of adult bush viper in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult leviathan in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult rattlesnake in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 plus the number of adult iguana in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Glowstone Pass equals 3 times the number of adult humpback whale in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult zooplankton in Shimmering Mire is the total number of adult animals in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult egret in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult bobcat in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Nimbus Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult vaquita in Spectral Basin. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Ethereal Marsh is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Spectral Basin equals the number of adult california sea lion in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult black mamba in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Glacierlight Range equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult moray eel in Darkwater Reach equals the number of adult corn snake in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Ghostlight Mire equals 4 times the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Ghostlight Mire is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult blue crab in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Prismatic Vault equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Cursed Reedlands equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult stonefish in Gloamspire Quagmire is 4 plus the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult basenji in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult reticulated python in Ethereal Vault is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Ghostbloom Fen is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Basin. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Starlight Summit equals 2 times the number of adult roadrunner in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult snowy owl in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult copperhead in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult arctic wolf in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult red panda in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Aurora Crags. The number of adult potoroo in Phantom Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult capuchin in Phantom Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Spectral Basin equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult bobcat in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult poison dart frog in Ethereal Marsh is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Hauntshade Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult chihuahua in Moonlit Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult pteranodon in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult diatom in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult marine iguana in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Spectral Basin equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Cursed Reedlands equals 1 times the number of adult fiddler crab in Cursed Reedlands. The number of adult nemean lion in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult penguin in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Spectral Basin equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Spectral Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Crystalshine Cavern equals 1 times the number of adult gouldian finch in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Nimbus Heights equals 1 times the number of adult bush viper in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Nebula Crest is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult chihuahua in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult lion in Gleaming Hollows equals 2 times the number of adult serval in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult peacock in Crystalshine Cavern is 3 times the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 times the number of adult puffin in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult king cobra in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult stonefish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Ghostlight Mire equals the average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult ivory gull in Ebonshade Swamp is the total number of newborn animal children in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Ethereal Marsh equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult cerberus in Silverlight Caves equals 1 plus the number of adult unicorn in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Veilwhisper Hollow is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Twilight Caverns equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult emperor penguin in Radiant Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult greenland shark in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult bandicoot in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult duiker in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult african clawed frog in Gleaming Hollows is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult caiman lizard in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult chihuahua in Frostbloom Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult goblin shark in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult hognose snake in Soulshard Bog is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult royal penguin in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult king penguin in Radiant Crest. The number of adult russell's viper in Soulshard Bog equals 2 plus the number of adult copperhead in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Twilight Aerie equals 2 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gazelle in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult manatee in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult eland in Glimmering Crevasse. The number of adult paca in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 1 plus the number of adult king cobra in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult blue tang in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Duskmist Fen equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Duskmist Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult potoroo in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult tern in Cloudveil Plateau. the number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Twilight Aerie equals the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult brown recluse spider in Glimmering Crevasse is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult koala in Soulshard Bog is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Whispering Marsh equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult african penguin in Shadowfen Hollow is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Veilwhisper Hollow equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Veilwhisper Hollow. The number of adult walrus in Lustrous Grotto is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult bettas in Darkwater Reach equals 3 times the number of adult hognose snake in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Wraithveil Swamp equals the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lustrous Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch, and the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult bowhead whale in Radiant Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Glowstone Pass equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult stingray in Darkwater Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Darkwater Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dawnlit Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Astral Ridge. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sunspark Summit equals 3 times the number of adult hamster in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult copperhead in Soulshard Bog equals the number of adult king cobra in Soulshard Bog. The number of adult bandicoot in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult coypu in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult aardvark in Whispering Marsh is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula Crest. The number of adult sugar glider in Aurora Crags equals 4 plus the number of adult nightjar in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Spectral Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Spectral Basin. The number of adult gerbil in Twilight Aerie is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult lion in Nebulight Tunnels is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult crested gecko in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult desert locust in Starlight Summit equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Shimmering Mire is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Whispering Marsh equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmering Mire equals 1 plus the number of adult sea lion in Shimmering Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Ghostlight Mire equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Ghostlight Mire. The number of adult cormorant in Velvetglow Tunnels is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Starlight Hollows equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult gopher in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult monitor lizard in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult coyote in Gloamspire Quagmire is the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult bowhead whale in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Marsh. The number of adult golden cat in Sunspark Summit equals 1 plus the number of adult jaguar in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Hollowshade Basin equals the number of adult wildebeest in Hollowshade Basin. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Ethereal Vault equals 1 plus the number of adult rainbow boa in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Ethereal Marsh is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Ethereal Marsh equals the number of adult tapir in Ethereal Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamveil Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult clownfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult howler monkey in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult copepod in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult collared lemming in Radiant Hollow equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Duskmist Fen is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult chinchilla in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult beluga whale in Shimmering Mire is the total number of adult animals in Soulshard Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Heavenspire Peak equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult stegodon in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult indian elephant in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Ghostlight Mire equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Ghostlight Mire. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Spectral Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult orca in Spectral Basin. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult velociraptor in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Nebulight Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Wraithveil Swamp is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Marsh. The number of adult sable antelope in Veilwhisper Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Ebonshade Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult dormouse in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Shimmering Mire equals the number of adult manatee in Shimmering Mire. The number of adult kudu in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult eland in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Whispering Marsh equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult shearwater in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Glowstone Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult dolphin in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Duskmist Fen equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Duskmist Fen. The number of adult cayote in Ghostbloom Fen is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult chihuahua in Ghostbloom Fen equals 2 plus the number of adult poodle in Ghostbloom Fen. The number of adult beaked whale in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult egret in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult milk snake in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult kangaroo in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Wraithveil Swamp equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult howler monkey in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult collared lemming in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult musk ox in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Starlight Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult aardvark in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult poodle in Ghostbloom Fen equals 3 times the number of adult asian elephant in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmering Mire is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Darkwater Reach. The number of adult beluga whale in Dreadmire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Wraithveil Swamp equals 4 times the number of adult narwhal in Wraithveil Swamp. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lustrous Grotto equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Starlight Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult aardvark in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Twilight Caverns equals the number of adult tiger in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult musk ox in Ebonshade Swamp is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lusterpeak Range equals the average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Lusterpeak Range. The number of adult greenland shark in Celestica Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult walrus in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult peacock in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Nimbus Heights. The number of adult caracal in Sunspark Summit is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult puma in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Luminous Chasm is 4 plus the number of adult bear in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the sum of the number of adult bear in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo. The number of adult king penguin in Prismatic Vault equals 2 times the number of adult weka in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult poodle in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult siberian husky in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Whispering Marsh equals 2 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Whispering Marsh. The average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Ethereal Marsh is the total number of adult animals in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmering Mire is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Ghostbloom Fen. The average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Cursed Reedlands is the total number of adult animals in Phantom Waters. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Fogveil Bog equals the number of adult bobcat in Fogveil Bog. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Caverns equals 4 plus the number of adult macaw in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult coypu in Hollowshade Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult bats in Hollowshade Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult langoustine in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 4 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult bear in South Zoo and the number of adult bear in South Zoo.
How many adult wolf does Jefferson Circus have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult wolf in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Jefferson Circus as L; so L = x = x. We know L = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult golden mantella in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult coqui frog in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult coelacanth in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult noctiluca in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult euphausiid in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Japan Trench equals the number of adult coyote in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Azure Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult kittiwake in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in New Hebrides Trench equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Whispering Cay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Seashell Isles is the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult roc in Aleutian Trench equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult poodle in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult shiba inu in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Ethereal Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 4 times the number of adult sun conure in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult tintinnid in Dawnspire Cay is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The number of adult patas monkey in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult baboon in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Whispering Cay equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaroni penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult mosasaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult chihuahua in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Eclipse Cove equals 2 plus the number of adult forest mammoth in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult nemean lion in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult manticore in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult leopard seal in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Yap Trench equals 2 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult boomslang in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult frigatebird in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult narwhal in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Ethereal Pool equals 1 times the number of adult roc in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult grebe in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult king crab in Crystal Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The number of adult moray eel in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult hermit crab in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 plus the number of adult dolphin in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Challenger Deep. The number of adult golden cat in Moonveil Lake equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic tern in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult rock wallaby in Charmed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult arctic wolf in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Japan Trench equals 1 times the number of adult noctiluca in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Sunda Trench. The number of adult puma in Silkreef Shores is the total number of adult animals in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult southern mammoth in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Yap Trench. The number of adult pipefish in Starflow Isles equals 2 times the number of adult hellbender in Starflow Isles. The number of adult vervet monkey in Whisperlake equals 3 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Whisperlake. The number of adult fenrir in Aleutian Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult fennec mule in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in New Hebrides Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult inland taipan in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult african wild dog in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult cormorant in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult firefly in Seashell Isles is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult kingfisher in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Lustrous Depths equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Challenger Deep equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Challenger Deep. The number of adult potoroo in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult ross's gull in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Puerto Rico Trench equals 2 times the number of adult waterbuck in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult elephant seal in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult california sea lion in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult stingray in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult thaliacean in Dawnspire Cay equals 4 times the number of adult chimera in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Coralhaven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Ethereal Pool equals 3 plus the number of adult porcupine in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult tiger prawn in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult patas monkey in Whisperlake equals 3 times the number of adult night monkey in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult thaliacean in Java Trench equals the number of adult okapi in Java Trench. The number of adult emu in Radiance Reservoir is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult thaliacean in Shimmerstone Keys equals 1 times the number of adult thaliacean in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult skimmer in Sunbeam Haven is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Starshimmer Waters equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult emperor penguin in Whispering Cay is the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Opalescent Basin equals 4 times the number of adult angelfish in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Sparkflow Lagoon is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Tonga Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Serenade Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Radiant Shoals is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult cerberus in Aleutian Trench equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult pacific tree frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult milk snake in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Yap Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult scorpion in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult omura's whale in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Yap Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Yap Trench. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Puerto Rico Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult bowhead whale in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult frigatebird in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Glowglass Pond equals 1 times the number of adult siberian husky in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Coralhaven is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Sunda Trench equals 4 times the number of adult sea urchin in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult sun conure in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult vervet monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult pipefish in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Coralhaven equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult rhea in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult sandpiper in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult groundhog in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult dingo in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult caribou in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult lemming in Hellenic Trench equals 3 times the number of adult porcupine in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult sable antelope in Azurehaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Sunda Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Sunda Trench. The number of adult sandpiper in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult vaquita in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult paca in Hellenic Trench equals 1 times the number of adult groundhog in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult krill in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult goblin shark in Dreamcatcher Basin is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Gilded Reef. The number of adult acantharian in Shimmerstone Keys equals the number of adult electric eel in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult lion in Moonveil Lake equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Seashell Isles. The number of adult california sea lion in Sunbeam Haven is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Timor Trough equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult allosaurus in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult unicorn in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult mole in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult mouse in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Yap Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tonga Trench. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Diamantina Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult gibbon in Ecliptica Bay is the total number of newborn animal children in Timor Trough. The number of adult bettas in Dreamtide Cove is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 plus the number of adult tinamous in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult golden pheasant in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult gelada in Ecliptica Bay equals 2 times the number of adult gelada in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Ethereal Pool equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult box jellyfish in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Aurora Pool equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult arctic fox in Aurora Pool. The number of adult dormouse in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult mole in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Radiant Shoals equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult akita in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult damselfish in Starflow Isles. The number of adult blue monkey in Whisperlake equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Whisperlake. The number of adult kitsune in Aleutian Trench equals 1 times the number of adult bats in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult gopher in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult rat in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Japan Trench equals 2 times the number of adult cladoceran in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Velvet Mirror equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult cicada in Coralhaven is the total number of adult animals in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the number of adult patas monkey in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult cicada in Azurehaven is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Serenade Isle is the total number of newborn animal children in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Frostlight Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult frigatebird in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult arctic wolf in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult albatross in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Sunda Trench. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Starshimmer Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Kermadec Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult noctiluca in Dawnspire Cay equals 3 times the number of adult leviathan in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Glowglass Pond equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in New Hebrides Trench equals 4 times the number of adult fiordland penguin in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Eclipse Cove equals 3 times the number of adult surinam toad in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Coralhaven is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Serenade Isle. The number of adult arctic tern in Ryukyu Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lustrous Depths equals 3 times the number of adult impala in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult caribou in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult wildebeest in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Azure Abyss is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult dungeness crab in Silkreef Shores equals 1 plus the number of adult tiger in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of adult leviathan in Aleutian Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult selkie in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Radiant Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the number of adult ivory gull in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult blue crab in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Yap Trench equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Yap Trench. The number of adult gobies in Starflow Isles equals the number of adult sea urchin in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Challenger Deep. The number of adult gelada in Philippine Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Philippine Trench. The number of adult bushbuck in Azurehaven is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Mariana Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Seashell Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult mole in Seashell Isles. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult elephant in Mystic Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The number of adult manatee in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult arabic cow in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Silverwave Lake equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult jerboa in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult electric eel in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Mariana Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Mariana Trench. The number of adult coyote in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult jerboa in Cayman Trench. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult kittiwake in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult wood frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult emerald tree boa in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult rotifer in Dawnspire Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult hydra in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult sri lankan elephant in Radiant Shoals is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult goliath beetle in Seashell Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult squirrel in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Yap Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult quetzal in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Coralhaven is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The number of adult bettas in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult blue crab in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult snow crab in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult sand cat in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Opalescent Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Opalescent Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Serenade Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 plus the number of adult elephant seal in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Coralhaven equals the number of adult sand cat in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Gleaming Ripple equals 4 times the number of adult eland in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult leafhopper in Seashell Isles. The number of adult booby in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 times the number of adult penguin in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult langoustine in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult horseshoe crab in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult heron in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult chipmunk in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 3 plus the number of adult lionfish in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Kermadec Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Radiant Shoals equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Mariana Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult paca in Mariana Trench. The number of adult compsognathus in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult howler monkey in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Azure Abyss equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Velvet Mirror equals 3 times the number of adult tapir in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult boxfish in Starflow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in New Hebrides Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Yap Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult penguin in Azure Abyss. The number of adult centaur in Aleutian Trench equals the number of adult kraken in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 times the number of adult flightless cormorant in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult night monkey in Philippine Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Lustrous Depths equals 4 times the number of adult waterbuck in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult agouti in Radiant Shoals is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in New Hebrides Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult pteropod in Java Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult coqui frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 3 times the number of adult glass frog in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Tonga Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult macaque in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Frostlight Waters equals 3 times the number of adult tern in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in New Hebrides Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult boomslang in New Hebrides Trench. The number of adult selkie in Aleutian Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult pangolin in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult tiger prawn in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult golden cat in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult bonobo in Ecliptica Bay is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Emerald Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult atlas moth in Seashell Isles. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult red bishop in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Japan Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Japan Trench. The number of adult fiordland penguin in Timor Trough is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Sunda Trench equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the number of adult puffin in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult bobcat in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Pool equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Azurehaven equals 3 plus the number of adult firefly in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 times the number of adult bongo in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult rotifer in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult cyanobacteria in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult congo forest elephant in Radiant Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult peacock in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult coconut crab in Silkreef Shores equals the number of adult rock lobster in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult bettas in Mystic Tides is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the number of adult cassowary in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Challenger Deep equals 1 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult peacock in Whispering Cay. The number of adult crab in Silkreef Shores is the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The number of adult marbled salamander in South Sandwich Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult ball python in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult collared lemming in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult heron in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Azurehaven equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Azure Abyss equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Azurehaven. The number of adult gelada in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Challenger Deep equals 4 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Challenger Deep. The number of adult gray whale in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Seashell Isles equals 1 times the number of adult paca in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult paradise tanager in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult walrus in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Azure Abyss equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Japan Trench equals the number of adult siberian husky in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Radiant Shoals equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Glowglass Pond equals 3 plus the number of adult basenji in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult arctic fox in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult gelada in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult mandrill in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Seashell Isles equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Seashell Isles. The number of adult zooplankton in Diamantina Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Yap Trench equals the number of adult spider monkey in Yap Trench. The number of adult golden mole in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult gila monster in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult rat in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Sunda Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Sunda Trench. The number of adult rotifer in Java Trench equals the number of adult foraminifera in Java Trench. The number of adult siamese fighting fish in Mystic Tides is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Tonga Trench equals the number of adult iguana in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Kermadec Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult noctiluca in Java Trench equals the number of adult king cobra in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Aurora Pool equals 3 plus the number of adult arctic fox in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Eclipse Cove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 times the number of adult yellow tang in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult tarsier in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Coralhaven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Timor Trough equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Timor Trough. The number of adult goblin shark in Dreamtide Cove is the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Radiance Reservoir equals 1 times the number of adult gray whale in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult greenland shark in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 times the number of adult kittiwake in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult sperm whale in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Dreamtide Cove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Starshimmer Waters is the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult hawkfish in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Kermadec Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Glowbreeze Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult spider crab in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult hooded seal in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 times the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult clownfish in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Aurora Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Serenade Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Yap Trench equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Yap Trench. The number of adult beaked whale in Emerald Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Tonga Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Opalescent Basin is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. the number of adult crow in Pine Ridge exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Kermadec Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult flamingo in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Seashell Isles is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult vervet monkey in Philippine Trench equals the number of adult night monkey in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Seashell Isles equals 3 times the number of adult gopher in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult hartebeest in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult cicada in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Velvet Mirror equals 3 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Yap Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult baboon in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Lustrous Depths equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Gleaming Ripple equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult bobcat in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult harp seal in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult shearwater in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult painted bunting in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult desert locust in Cayman Trench equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Crystalmirror Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult green iguana in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Whispering Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Serenade Isle equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Sunda Trench equals the number of adult parrotfish in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The number of adult agouti in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult salp in Diamantina Trench is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Japan Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Opalescent Basin equals the number of adult flamingo in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult rock lobster in Silkreef Shores equals 3 times the number of adult snow crab in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Azurehaven equals the number of adult waterbuck in Azurehaven. The number of adult southern right whale in Emerald Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult katydid in Cayman Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Charmed Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult thylacine in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Velvet Mirror equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult california sea lion in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Whispering Cay equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Whispering Cay. The number of adult vole in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Serenade Isle equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Luminary Lagoon equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Radiant Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Timor Trough is the total number of newborn animal children in Japan Trench. The number of adult vervet monkey in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult ivory gull in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 times the number of adult pelican in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Radiant Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Azurehaven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Timor Trough equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Starshimmer Waters equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult bongo in Tonga Trench is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Moonveil Lake equals 4 times the number of adult collared lemming in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult pistol shrimp in Crystal Lagoon is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Abyss. The number of adult blue monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 2 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult greyhound in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 times the number of adult humpback whale in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult blue monkey in Philippine Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the number of adult king penguin in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult impala in Gleaming Ripple is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Crystal Lagoon is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult sea slug in Starflow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Starflow Isles. The number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult patas monkey in Ecliptica Bay equals 4 times the number of adult southern mammoth in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult patas monkey in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult ivory gull in Azure Abyss.
How many adult crow does Pine Ridge have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult crow in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge as Q; so Q = x = x. We know Q = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult chihuahua in Mystic Tides equals 2 plus the number of adult cayote in Mystic Tides. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Crystaldust Flats equals 4 times the number of adult manatee in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult sun conure in Sunbeam Haven equals 4 times the number of adult green anaconda in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult orangutan in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy elephant in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Silkreef Shores equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult tiger in Luminous Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 4 times the number of adult elephant seal in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Golden Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult sea lion in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Luminous Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult rhinoceros in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Azurehaven equals 3 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Azurehaven. The number of adult poodle in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult dingo in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 2 plus the number of adult glass frog in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult rotifer in Lustrous Grotto equals 3 plus the number of adult baboon in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult humpback whale in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult coqui frog in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 4 times the number of adult eastern newt in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Velvet Sands equals 1 plus the number of adult kiwi in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Stellar Wastes equals 1 times the number of adult gerbil in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Azurehaven. The number of adult gila monster in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult hornet in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult siberian husky in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult roan antelope in Moonlit Grotto equals 4 plus the number of adult gazelle in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Golden Rift equals 4 times the number of adult boomslang in Golden Rift. The number of adult tinamous in Starlight Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult red bishop in Sunbeam Haven equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Crystalshine Cavern is the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult frigatebird in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult jaguar in Silverlight Caves. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The number of adult emu in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult steamer duck in Velvet Sands is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Azurehaven. The number of adult mosquito in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult katydid in Serenade Isle. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals 1 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Starflow Isles. The number of adult tsessebe in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult springbok in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Whispering Cay. The number of adult bettas in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Gleaming Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult springbok in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult spinosaurus in Dawnspire Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult bats in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult okapi in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Eternal Sands equals 2 times the number of adult quetzal in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside and the number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Eternal Sands equals 2 times the number of adult stegodon in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult colobus monkey in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult baboon in Moonlit Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Golden Rift. The number of adult forest mammoth in Coralhaven equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Twilight Dunes equals 4 times the number of adult pipefish in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult camel in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Golden Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult phytoplankton in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Nebulight Tunnels. The number of adult beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals 2 times the number of adult red-eared slider in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Stellar Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Mystic Tides. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Seashell Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Seashell Isles. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Crystaldust Flats is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Sunbeam Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Stellar Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gorilla in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Twilight Dunes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Prismatic Vault equals 4 plus the number of adult african forest elephant in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult blackbuck in Moonlit Grotto equals the number of adult waterbuck in Moonlit Grotto. The number of adult addax in Gleaming Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult narwhal in Nebulight Tunnels is the total number of newborn animal children in Solar Mirage. The number of adult axolotl in Glowstone Pass is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Grotto. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Whispering Cay equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Luminous Atoll equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Prismatic Vault equals 4 times the number of adult stegodon in Prismatic Vault. The number of adult guppy in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 3 plus the number of adult angelfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Gilded Mirage is the total number of adult animals in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Opaline Wastes is the total number of adult animals in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Gilded Mirage is the total number of newborn animal children in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult manatee in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Gleaming Hollows equals the number of adult humpback whale in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult snares penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Opaline Wastes is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Eternal Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Eternal Sands. The number of adult siberian husky in Mystic Tides equals 4 times the number of adult siberian husky in Mystic Tides. The number of adult little blue penguin in Velvet Sands is the total number of adult animals in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Whispering Cay equals 3 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Silkreef Shores equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult southern mammoth in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult wildebeest in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Stellar Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Dawnshard Desert equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Emerald Archipelago. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Velvet Sands is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult bonobo in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult zooplankton in Auric Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Emerald Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult water buffalo in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult forest mammoth in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult water buffalo in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult blackbuck in Luminous Drift equals the number of adult eland in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult black widow spider in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Dawnshard Desert equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Stellar Wastes equals 3 times the number of adult nutria in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult sea wasp in Lusterflow Basin is the total number of adult animals in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult tsessebe in Sparkdust Plain equals 4 times the number of adult tsessebe in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult african penguin in Starfire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Emerald Archipelago equals the number of adult american mastodon in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Prismatic Vault equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Tunnels is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Dreamtide Cove equals the number of adult deinonychus in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult groundhog in Whispering Cay. The number of adult mayfly in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult surgeonfish in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult stingray in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult inland taipan in Eclipsed Crevasse. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Golden Rift. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult lemur in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Luminous Chasm is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Radiant Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult weka in Velvet Sands. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Starlight Hollows equals the number of adult galápagos penguin in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Radiant Shoals is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult archerfish in Eclipsed Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Golden Rift equals 4 times the number of adult larvacean in Golden Rift. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult compsognathus in Dawnspire Cay equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Dawnspire Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Ethereal Vault is the total number of adult animals in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Dreamveil Chasm equals 3 times the number of adult monitor lizard in Dreamveil Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Prismatic Vault equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 1 times the number of adult african penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult racoon in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult vaquita in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Aurora Depths. The number of adult kittiwake in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult serval in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult tiger snake in Lusterflow Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult ladybug in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Twilight Dunes equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult golden retriever in Whispering Cay. The number of adult cerberus in Moonmist Atoll equals 4 times the number of adult elephant seal in Moonmist Atoll. The number of adult gouldian finch in Sunbeam Haven equals 2 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Sunbeam Haven. The number of adult sperm whale in Velvetglow Tunnels is the total number of adult animals in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult minke whale in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Ethereal Vault equals 4 times the number of adult giraffe in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals the number of adult arctic fox in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Emerald Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ethereal Vault equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Gleaming Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dreamveil Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult kinkajou in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Luminous Atoll equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult grasshopper in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult indian elephant in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Gilded Reef equals the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Gilded Reef equals 4 times the number of adult blackbuck in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult wasp in Serenade Isle equals 3 times the number of adult desert tortoise in Serenade Isle. The number of adult walking stick in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult addax in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult asian elephant in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Whispering Cay equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Whispering Cay. The number of adult greyhound in Mystic Tides equals 1 plus the number of adult wallaby in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Eternal Sands equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Golden Rift equals 2 times the number of adult salp in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult yak in Crystal Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult fenrir in Moonmist Atoll equals 1 plus the number of adult unicorn in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Twilight Dunes is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Gleaming Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Gleaming Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult springbok in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult collared lemming in Glowstone Pass equals 1 plus the number of adult arctic hare in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Opaline Wastes equals 2 plus the number of adult triceratops in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult dung beetle in Sparkdust Plain is the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dreamtide Cove. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult radiolaria in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Emerald Archipelago is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvet Sands equals 3 times the number of adult adélie penguin in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Luminous Atoll equals the number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 plus the number of adult macaw in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Gleaming Hollows equals 2 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult royal penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult gull in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult skimmer in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Gilded Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult tintinnid in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult marbled salamander in Shimmerstone Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Twilight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult radiolaria in Auric Expanse is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Radiant Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Gilded Reef equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Golden Rift equals 2 times the number of adult gila monster in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Radiant Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Radiant Hollow. The number of adult tsessebe in Ebon Dunes equals 1 times the number of adult gopher in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult wildebeest in Gleaming Hollows is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult butterfly in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals 2 times the number of adult katydid in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult california sea lion in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult humpback whale in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Gilded Reef equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Gilded Reef. The number of adult sandpiper in Silverlight Caves equals 2 times the number of adult grebe in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult orca in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult fiordland penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starflow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult corn snake in Starflow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Radiant Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Radiant Shoals. The number of adult leopard seal in Glowstone Pass is the total number of adult animals in Coralhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Azurehaven equals the number of adult puffin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult spinosaurus in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nebulight Tunnels is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Cay. The number of adult tsessebe in Moonlit Grotto equals 1 plus the number of adult nyala in Moonlit Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Dreamtide Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult scarlet macaw in Eternal Sands is 4 plus the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult butterfly in Serenade Isle equals 2 times the number of adult atlas moth in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult mole in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Dawnshard Desert equals 4 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Azurehaven equals the number of adult booby in Azurehaven. The number of adult southern right whale in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Twilight Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Twilight Dunes. The number of adult golden retriever in Mystic Tides equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Mystic Tides. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Velvetglow Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult triceratops in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult gerenuk in Sparkdust Plain is the total number of newborn animal children in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult larvacean in Lustrous Grotto is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Gleaming Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Gilded Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult gray whale in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult moose in Luminous Chasm is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult zebra in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Nebulight Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Whispering Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult chipmunk in Whispering Cay. The number of adult beaked whale in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult right whale in Frostbloom Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dreamveil Chasm equals the number of adult langoustine in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Dreamveil Chasm is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Velvetglow Tunnels equals the number of adult beluga whale in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult blackbuck in Ecliptica Bay equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Ecliptica Bay. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Shimmerstone Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult cyanobacteria in Golden Rift is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult water buffalo in Crystal Lagoon equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Crystal Lagoon. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Frostbloom Caverns equals the number of adult bryde's whale in Frostbloom Caverns. The number of adult kakapo in Glimmering Crevasse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Dawnshard Desert equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Twilight Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult aye-aye in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Gilded Reef equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Azurehaven is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult blackbuck in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult addax in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult african bush elephant in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult steamer duck in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Gleaming Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult king crab in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Whispering Cay equals 2 times the number of adult dormouse in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystal Lagoon equals the number of adult gaur in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Tunnels equals the number of adult minotaur in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult foraminifera in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult cyanobacteria in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Crystal Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Dawnshard Desert equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult lionfish in Golden Rift is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Gleaming Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult manatee in Gleaming Hollows. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Opaline Wastes is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Luminous Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult puma in Luminous Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Ethereal Vault equals the number of adult elephant in Ethereal Vault. The number of adult sandpiper in Sunglint Wastes equals 4 times the number of adult southern right whale in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult black panther in Silverlight Caves is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals 4 plus the number of adult fin whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult pipefish in Seashell Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult damselfish in Seashell Isles. The number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Grotto is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Silkreef Shores. The number of adult nemean lion in Moonmist Atoll equals the number of adult roc in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Crystal Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult eland in Crystal Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Dreamveil Chasm is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverlight Caves. The number of adult blackbuck in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult lemming in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult great auk in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Luminous Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult king cobra in Sunbeam Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Velvet Sands. The number of adult booby in Silverlight Caves equals the number of adult margay in Silverlight Caves. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Solar Mirage is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult sea slug in Seashell Isles equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Seashell Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Dreamtide Cove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Dreamtide Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Gilded Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult komodo dragon in Eclipsed Crevasse is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult arctic wolf in Glowstone Pass equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Glowstone Pass. The number of adult caribou in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult dinoflagellate in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Silkreef Shores equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silkreef Shores equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Luminous Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult grasshopper in Serenade Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult leafhopper in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Shimmerstone Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Shimmerstone Keys. The number of adult chimpanzee in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 times the number of adult chinstrap penguin in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Twilight Caverns equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Crystalshine Cavern. The number of adult tapir in Ethereal Vault is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult moray eel in Eclipsed Crevasse equals the number of adult stonefish in Eclipsed Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside, the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest, and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult capybara in Ethereal Vault is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auric Expanse. The number of adult boxfish in Seashell Isles equals 1 plus the number of adult kiwi in Seashell Isles. The number of adult elephant bird in Glimmering Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Hollows. The number of adult mayfly in Serenade Isle equals the number of adult walking stick in Serenade Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Sandspire Expanse is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult tsessebe in Luminous Drift equals 4 plus the number of adult springbok in Luminous Drift. The number of adult quokka in Twilight Caverns is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Azurehaven equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Opaline Wastes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Whispering Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Whispering Cay. The number of adult kiwi in Starlight Hollows is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Luminous Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gleaming Hollows is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Luminous Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult cheetah in Luminous Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Prismatic Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Ethereal Vault is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamveil Chasm. The number of adult hooded seal in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult dolphin in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Auric Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Luminous Chasm is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Radiant Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Radiant Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Tunnels equals 3 plus the number of adult selkie in Nebulight Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Azurehaven equals the average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Twilight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult bats in Twilight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Stellar Wastes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult roan antelope in Ecliptica Bay equals 1 times the number of adult topi in Ecliptica Bay. The number of adult stonefish in Golden Rift is the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Crystal Lagoon is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult wood frog in Shimmerstone Abyss equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Shimmerstone Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Luminous Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Atoll. The number of adult sea lion in Radiant Hollow is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmerstone Abyss. The number of adult macaque in Moonlit Grotto is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Silkreef Shores equals 1 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Silkreef Shores. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Luminous Chasm is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult thaliacean in Lustrous Grotto equals the number of adult tintinnid in Lustrous Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult sable antelope in Solar Mirage. The number of adult greenland shark in Glowstone Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult puffin in Glowstone Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Azurehaven equals the number of adult cormorant in Azurehaven. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starfire Expanse is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Reef. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Shimmerstone Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Shimmerstone Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult red bishop in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Gilded Reef equals the number of adult beaked whale in Gilded Reef. the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The number of adult komodo dragon in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Radiant Shoals is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest. The number of adult poison dart frog in Glowstone Pass is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Twilight Dunes equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Gleaming Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Gleaming Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Whispering Cay equals the number of adult gerbil in Whispering Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Gilded Mirage equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult moas in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult kitsune in Moonmist Atoll equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Moonmist Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Twilight Caverns equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Twilight Caverns. The number of adult mosquito in Glowbreeze Archipelago equals the number of adult cicada in Glowbreeze Archipelago. The number of adult moas in Starlight Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult moas in Starlight Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Prismatic Vault equals the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Prismatic Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Azurehaven equals the number of adult gull in Azurehaven. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Crystalshine Cavern equals the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Crystalshine Cavern. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Velvetglow Tunnels equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Velvetglow Tunnels. The number of adult elephant seal in Aurora Depths equals the number of adult amphipod in Aurora Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Emerald Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Emerald Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Luminous Chasm equals the number of adult kudu in Luminous Chasm. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Glimmering Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Glimmering Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Gilded Mirage equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Gilded Mirage.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside as m; so m = x = x. We know m = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult yellow tang in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult lionfish in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult skimmer in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult chinchilla in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult russell's viper in Puerto Rico Trench equals the number of adult green iguana in Puerto Rico Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Aurora Grove. The number of adult moas in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult steppe mammoth in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Evershade Rift is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult tiger in Hellenic Trench equals 1 times the number of adult sloth in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult california sea lion in Diamantina Trench equals 1 times the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Aleutian Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Ryukyu Trench equals the number of adult ostrich in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult oryx in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult jackal in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult harpy cow in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Dells. The number of adult emu in Ryukyu Trench is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult bison in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals 3 times the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult elk in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 plus the number of adult pteropod in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Shadowfern Reach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult orangutan in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult okapi in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Puerto Rico Trench is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Rift. The number of adult roc in Prismatic Glade is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shadowfern Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Dusksong Glen equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult roadrunner in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult yak in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonlit Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult chihuahua in Java Trench equals 1 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eclipsed Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest, the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult mandarin duck in Glowfern Glade is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult orangutan in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Peru-Chile Trench is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult allosaurus in Aurora Grove. The number of adult stingray in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Lustrous Hollow is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult boxfish in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult marine iguana in Everglint Woods equals 2 times the number of adult cyanobacteria in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Philippine Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult congo forest elephant in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult frilled lizard in Everglint Woods equals 1 times the number of adult cladoceran in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Eclipsed Glade is the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Yap Trench is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Puerto Rico Trench. The number of adult hippopotamus in Glimmerroot Valley is the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Philippine Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Starbloom Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult vole in Starbloom Haven is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult capybara in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult allosaurus in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Sunda Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult acantharian in Sunda Trench. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 3. The number of adult barracuda in Elderbloom Woods equals 2 times the number of adult yellow tang in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Lustrous Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Philippine Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult congo forest elephant in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dusksong Glen equals 4 times the number of adult flamingo in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult red-eared slider in Lustervale equals 3 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Lustervale. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult american alligator in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in South Sandwich Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Aleutian Trench. The number of adult manatee in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Twilight Timber. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Yap Trench equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult bear in Beverly Forest equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley and the number of adult deer in Pine Ridge. The number of adult collared lemming in Japan Trench equals the number of adult collared lemming in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult deinonychus in Aurora Grove. The number of adult sun conure in Cayman Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult dragon in Cayman Trench. The number of adult fox in Timor Trough is 2 times the total number of adult animals in New Hebrides Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult radiolaria in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Silverleaf Dells equals the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Mariana Trench equals the number of adult firefly in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult meerkat in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Peru-Chile Trench equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult agouti in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult hamster in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult marbled salamander in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult flightless cormorant in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult naumann's elephant in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 3 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley, the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Pine Ridge. The number of adult fox in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult arctic fox in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult deer in Pine Ridge equals 4 times the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest and the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonlit Gorge equals 4 times the number of adult hippopotamus in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Glimmerroot Valley equals 4 plus the number of adult wildebeest in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult tinamous in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Philippine Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult wombat in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult russell's viper in Tonga Trench equals 2 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Radiance Thicket equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Dusklight Gorge equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult moray eel in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult clownfish in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult gaur in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Dusksong Glen equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult arctic tern in Japan Trench is the total number of adult animals in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult splendid leaf frog in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult nemean lion in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult pelican in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult sri lankan elephant in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Philippine Trench is the total number of adult animals in Tonga Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Kermadec Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult fox in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult gray whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult sea wasp in Glowbark Glade is 3 times the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Starbloom Haven equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Challenger Deep equals 2 times the number of adult golden retriever in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Crystalpine Glen equals the number of adult skimmer in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult jackal in Timor Trough is the total number of adult animals in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Mariana Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Timor Trough equals 3 times the number of adult harpy cow in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult radiolaria in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult patas monkey in Gloamhaven equals the number of adult hippogriff in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Dusksong Glen equals 4 plus the number of adult baltimore oriole in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult forest mammoth in Shimmer Valley equals 1 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Shimmer Valley. The number of adult forest mammoth in New Hebrides Trench is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Challenger Deep is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Mariana Trench equals 3 times the number of adult antlion in Mariana Trench. The number of adult golden mantella in Dreamwood Canopy is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Sunda Trench is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Sunda Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Sunda Trench. The number of adult capybara in Frostlight Woods equals 4 times the number of adult numbat in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Moonshadow Glade is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult capybara in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Timor Trough is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Japan Trench. The number of adult guppy in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult boxfish in Sunset Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult dodo in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Radiance Thicket equals 3 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Veilshade Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 1 times the number of adult penguin in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult copperhead in Sunda Trench is the total number of adult animals in Java Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Mariana Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult atlas moth in Mariana Trench. The number of adult bettas in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult blue tang in Radiant Glen. The number of adult moray eel in Radiant Glen equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonlit Gorge equals the number of adult larvacean in Moonlit Gorge. The number of adult bear in Pine Ridge equals the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult bettas in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult paca in Glowbark Glade equals 4 times the number of adult black widow spider in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult american alligator in Everglint Woods is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult frilled lizard in Lustervale equals the number of adult lionfish in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Philippine Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Peru-Chile Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult lion in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult ostrich in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Beverly Forest equals the sum of the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Shimmer Valley equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Shimmer Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Crystalpine Glen is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult greenland shark in Japan Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult polar bear in Japan Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 2. The number of adult gouldian finch in Cayman Trench equals 3 times the number of adult unicorn in Cayman Trench. The number of adult right whale in Silverleaf Dells is the number of adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult shiba inu in Timor Trough is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sunda Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult african wild dog in Challenger Deep. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Timor Trough equals the number of adult dingo in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Crystalpine Glen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Crystalpine Glen. The number of adult marlin in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult coelacanth in Elderbloom Woods. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in South Sandwich Trench is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Philippine Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult blue racer in Sunda Trench. The number of adult compsognathus in Starlight Dells equals the number of adult walrus in Starlight Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Crystalpine Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult bison in Crystalpine Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dusksong Glen equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Dusksong Glen. The number of adult sperm whale in Hellenic Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult ankylosaurus in Twilight Fold is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Kermadec Trench. The number of adult king penguin in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult chimpanzee in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult egret in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the number of adult frigatebird in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult skimmer in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Dusksong Glen equals 2 times the number of adult northern cardinal in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Shadowfern Reach equals the number of adult maned jackal in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult coelacanth in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Veilshade Hollow. The number of adult poodle in Java Trench equals the number of adult basilisk in Java Trench. The number of adult blue monkey in Gloamhaven equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Gloamhaven. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Silverleaf Dells is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Timor Trough equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Timor Trough. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Challenger Deep equals the number of adult chihuahua in Challenger Deep. The number of adult glass frog in Aleutian Trench is the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult frigatebird in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Veilshade Hollow equals the number of adult puffin in Veilshade Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Hellenic Trench is the total number of adult animals in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult cerberus in Prismatic Glade equals 2 times the number of adult pegasus in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult kudu in Frostlight Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult bettong in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in South Sandwich Trench equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult green and black poison frog in Whisperveil Thickets is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Yap Trench equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Aleutian Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Silverleaf Dells equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult velociraptor in Starlight Dells is 4 times the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Starlight Dells equals 4 times the number of adult snowy owl in Starlight Dells. The number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Rift equals the number of adult tiger in Aurora Rift. The number of adult hooded seal in Diamantina Trench equals 2 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Starbloom Haven equals 4 times the number of adult bandicoot in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Moonlit Gorge equals 3 times the number of adult yak in Moonlit Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult cladoceran in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult pelican in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult brachiosaurus in Kermadec Trench is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Evershade Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in South Sandwich Trench is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonshadow Glade is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Cedar Valley. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Shimmer Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult cladoceran in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Dusklight Gorge equals 1 times the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult marine iguana in Lustervale equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in South Sandwich Trench equals 3 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in South Sandwich Trench. The number of adult euphausiid in Moonlit Gorge is 3 times the number of adult bear in Beverly Forest. The number of adult red bishop in Cayman Trench equals 2 times the number of adult hydra in Cayman Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Glowfern Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Peru-Chile Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult lion in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Yap Trench equals 4 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Yap Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult radiolaria in Sunda Trench is the total number of adult animals in Glowbark Glade. The number of adult paca in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult vole in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult stingray in Radiant Glen equals the number of adult lionfish in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Glimmerroot Valley equals the number of adult salp in Glimmerroot Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult cayote in Challenger Deep is the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Ryukyu Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Shadowfern Reach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Shadowfern Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Shadowfern Reach equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Shadowfern Reach. The number of adult dodo in New Hebrides Trench is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult king cobra in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult flamingo in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult king cobra in Hellenic Trench equals the number of adult jaguar in Hellenic Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult steppe mammoth in New Hebrides Trench is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult coqui frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult frilled lizard in Whisperwood Vale equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Twilight Timber is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult eastern quoll in Frostlight Woods is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult copperhead in Tonga Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult coypu in Tonga Trench. The number of adult scarlet macaw in Glowfern Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult corn snake in Lustervale equals the number of adult sea wasp in Lustervale. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult pufferfish in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley, the number of adult bear in Pine Ridge, the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Silverleaf Dells equals 3 times the number of adult beluga whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult fox in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult archerfish in Radiant Glen equals 4 times the number of adult vervet monkey in Radiant Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult reticulated python in Sunda Trench is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The number of adult tiger salamander in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult lemur in Radiant Glen is the total number of adult animals in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Radiance Thicket is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Peru-Chile Trench equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult arctic wolf in Japan Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult caribou in Japan Trench. The number of adult dinoflagellate in Moonshadow Glade is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Ryukyu Trench equals 1 plus the number of adult manatee in Ryukyu Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult heron in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult pipefish in Sunset Hollow equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Sunset Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in South Sandwich Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Kermadec Trench equals 4 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Glimmerroot Valley equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Glimmerroot Valley. The number of adult collared lemming in Aurora Rift equals 1 times the number of adult leopard in Aurora Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Challenger Deep equals the average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Mariana Trench equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Mariana Trench. The number of adult puma in Peru-Chile Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Challenger Deep. The number of adult quokka in Starbloom Haven is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Whisperwood Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Eclipsed Glade equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Eclipsed Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mariana Trench equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Mariana Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Kermadec Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Silverleaf Dells equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Silverleaf Dells. The number of adult corn snake in Everglint Woods equals 2 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult king penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult pipefish in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult hawkfish in Twilight Fold. The number of adult chimpanzee in Radiance Thicket is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the number of adult caracal in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult elephant seal in Diamantina Trench equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Ryukyu Trench equals 4 times the number of adult little blue penguin in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult orangutan in Hellenic Trench equals 1 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult weka in Sunset Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Glade. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult compsognathus in Twilight Fold. The number of adult archerfish in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult sydney funnel-web spider in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult fishing cat in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dusklight Gorge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Dusklight Gorge. The number of adult omura's whale in Twilight Timber is 3 plus the number of adult fox in Pine Ridge. The number of adult chimpanzee in Hellenic Trench equals 4 times the number of adult southern right whale in Hellenic Trench. The number of adult agouti in Glowbark Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Glowbark Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Aleutian Trench equals 3 times the number of adult caiman in Aleutian Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in South Sandwich Trench equals the number of adult selkie in South Sandwich Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Ryukyu Trench equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Ryukyu Trench. The number of adult golden retriever in Java Trench equals 1 times the number of adult kitsune in Java Trench. The number of adult emu in New Hebrides Trench is the total number of adult animals in Diamantina Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kermadec Trench equals the number of adult beluga whale in Kermadec Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Peru-Chile Trench equals the number of adult baboon in Peru-Chile Trench. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Mariana Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Silverleaf Dells equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Luminous Timberland equals 3 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Dusklight Gorge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult boxfish in Twilight Fold equals the number of adult manta ray in Twilight Fold. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Dusksong Glen equals the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Dusksong Glen. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Yap Trench is the total number of newborn animal children in Peru-Chile Trench. The number of adult nyala in Aurora Grove is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Dusklight Gorge equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dusklight Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Sunda Trench equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Sunda Trench. The number of adult wildebeest in Frostlight Woods equals 1 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Challenger Deep equals 2 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Challenger Deep. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Aleutian Trench is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Silverleaf Dells equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Silverleaf Dells. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Glintbark Hollows equals 4 times the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Glintbark Hollows.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Pine Ridge as Z; so Z = x = x. We know Z = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult vervet monkey in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult king cobra in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult cougar in Stratosphere is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult bonobo in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult tarsier in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult addax in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult alaskan malamute in Electrovalley equals the number of adult mouse in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Thunderveil Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult unicorn in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult caiman in Baltic Sea is the total number of adult animals in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult cicada in Meteor Showers. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Cyclone Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult roan antelope in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult corythosaurus in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult pteranodon in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult bush baby in Supercells is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult marbled salamander in Cirrus Cloud is the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult adélie penguin in Ionosphere is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult blackbuck in Auroras Australis is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult desert locust in Mesosphere is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Ravine. The number of adult desert locust in Troposphere equals 1 plus the number of adult fennec fox in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult giant salamander in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Exosphere is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Weddell Sea is the total number of adult animals in Pacific Ocean. The number of adult coqui frog in Stormchaser Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Noctilucent Clouds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Thermosphere equals 3 times the number of adult orca in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Mesosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult boomslang in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult hognose snake in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Noctilucent Clouds equals the number of adult albatross in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult golden mole in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Black Sea equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Black Sea. The number of adult cougar in Sargasso Sea equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult patas monkey in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult siberian husky in Electrovalley equals the number of adult capybara in Electrovalley. The number of adult gelada in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult toucan in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Thermosphere equals the number of adult sea otter in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 times the number of adult green basilisk in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Indian Ocean. The number of adult wolf in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Black Sea is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult stegodon in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult kraken in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Coral Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult cormorant in Coral Sea. The number of adult desert locust in Barents Sea is the total number of adult animals in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Southern Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Cirrus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Bering Sea equals the number of adult marine iguana in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Black Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Baltic Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult razorbill in Indian Ocean. The number of adult tsessebe in Auroras Australis equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Stormshade Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult kangaroo rat in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult fennec mule in Ozone Layer is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Meteor Showers is the total number of adult animals in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult steamer duck in Tropical Cyclones. The number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 3. The number of adult red-eared slider in Weddell Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Caribbean Sea. The number of adult moray eel in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult crab in Atlantic Ocean. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult tern in Cumulus Cloud is the number of adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Thunderclap Ridge. The number of adult patas monkey in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult compsognathus in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Meteor Showers equals 3 plus the number of adult weka in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Thunderveil Hollow is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Black Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger salamander in Black Sea. The number of adult clownfish in Tasman Sea is the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Coral Sea equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Coral Sea. The number of adult vervet monkey in Polar Vortex equals 3 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Southern Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Stormshade Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult bush baby in Ozone Layer is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult greyhound in Electrovalley equals 2 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Electrovalley. The number of adult tiger prawn in Cloudburst Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult barnacle in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Thunderveil Hollow equals 1 plus the number of adult desert tortoise in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult walking stick in Black Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Exosphere is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult gelada in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Black Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Arctic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult marine iguana in Weddell Sea equals the number of adult diplodocus in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Labrador Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Exosphere equals 1 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult carnotaurus in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Stormspire Heights equals 1 times the number of adult nyala in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult tintinnid in Cirrus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The number of adult pipefish in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult corn snake in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult blackbuck in Nimbus Cloud equals the number of adult orangutan in Nimbus Cloud. The number of adult chihuahua in Electrovalley equals 1 plus the number of adult cayote in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Bering Sea equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Ionosphere equals the number of adult royal penguin in Ionosphere. The number of adult blue monkey in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult fenrir in Red Sea equals the number of adult vole in Red Sea. The number of adult king cobra in Thundershade Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult harpy cow in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Thermosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Aurora Borealis equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern newt in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Cumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguanodon in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Ecliptic Stormspire is 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Coral Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Mesosphere equals the number of adult fox in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult penguin in Noctilucent Clouds is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Black Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Caribbean Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Bering Sea equals the number of adult roc in Bering Sea. The number of adult orangutan in Thundershade Pass equals 2 plus the number of adult surgeonfish in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult bettong in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Arctic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 times the number of adult pteropod in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult racoon in South Zoo equals 3. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Atlantic Ocean is the total number of adult animals in Supercells. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Mesosphere equals 2 plus the number of adult thorny devil in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Stormspire Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult milk snake in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Tempest Vale equals 4 times the number of adult coyote in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Cirrus Cloud equals 3 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Thermosphere equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch equals 4 plus the sum of the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch and the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Thermosphere equals the number of adult spider monkey in Thermosphere. The number of adult black mamba in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult radiolaria in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult langoustine in Cloudburst Basin is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Cirrus Cloud equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult gerbil in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Twilight Stormfield equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult zooplankton in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult southern mammoth in Hailstone Mesa equals 2 plus the number of adult capuchin in Hailstone Mesa. The average number of newborn children per adult rat in Tempest Vale is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult vaquita in Thermosphere is the total number of newborn animal children in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Stratosphere equals 1 plus the number of adult lynx in Stratosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 1 plus the sum of the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm, and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Caribbean Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Mesosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Mesosphere. The number of adult rock lobster in Cloudburst Basin equals the number of adult hermit crab in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult panther chameleon in Shatterstorm Canyon is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Bering Sea is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Bering Sea equals 4 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult mantis shrimp in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult paca in Tempest Vale. The number of adult patas monkey in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 times the number of adult pacific tree frog in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult noctiluca in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult tiger in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Exosphere is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Troposphere. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Mesosphere equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Lightningspire Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult brachiosaurus in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Tempest Vale equals 3 times the number of adult porcupine in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult mayfly in Meteor Showers. The number of adult golden cat in Sargasso Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult caracal in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult tapir in Mediterranean Sea is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult addax in Auroras Australis equals 3 times the number of adult springbok in Auroras Australis. The number of adult gopher in Red Sea is the total number of adult animals in Auroras Australis. The number of adult rotifer in Jet Stream equals 2 times the number of adult penguin in Jet Stream. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Meteor Showers equals the number of adult hornet in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Meteor Showers equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dung beetle in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Mesosphere equals the number of adult african wild dog in Mesosphere. The number of adult forest mammoth in Lightning Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult lion in Sargasso Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult king cobra in Weddell Sea is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Cloudburst Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult spider monkey in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Ionosphere equals the number of adult african penguin in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Caribbean Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult numbat in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Baltic Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Baltic Sea. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Arabian Sea equals 2 times the number of adult golden mantella in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult eastern coral snake in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult nyala in Auroras Australis equals 1 times the number of adult allosaurus in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Stormspire Heights equals 1 times the number of adult bush viper in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult rainbow boa in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult gopher in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult wildebeest in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult manatee in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult bush baby in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult bushbuck in Auroras Australis equals 4 times the number of adult velociraptor in Auroras Australis. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Labrador Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult dormouse in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Labrador Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Labrador Sea. The number of adult poodle in Electrovalley equals 1 times the number of adult maned jackal in Electrovalley. The average number of newborn children per adult nightjar in Twilight Stormfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult lynx in Sargasso Sea is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Polar Vortex. The number of adult stingray in Atlantic Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult gerenuk in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult deer in South Zoo equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo and the number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult sloth in Baltic Sea is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Ionosphere is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Stratosphere equals 3 plus the number of adult barnacle in Stratosphere. The number of adult coyote in Troposphere equals 2 plus the number of adult tomato frog in Troposphere. The number of adult russell's viper in Altostratus Cloud equals 3 plus the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Tempest Vale equals the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Arctic Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult nile crocodile in Weddell Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult oryx in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult frilled lizard in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult euphausiid in Blitzcrag Summit. The number of adult sea otter in Caribbean Sea is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Electrovalley. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Thundershade Pass equals the number of adult clownfish in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Aurora Borealis equals 4 times the number of adult gila monster in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult electric eel in Atlantic Ocean is 3 times the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult chaetognath in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult kitsune in Red Sea equals the number of adult gerbil in Red Sea. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aurora Borealis is the number of adult wolf in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Stormshade Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult coyote in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult chipmunk in Labrador Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Southern Ocean. The number of adult bandicoot in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult aardvark in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Southern Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult golden mole in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult dormouse in Red Sea is the total number of adult animals in Tasman Sea. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Lightning Gorge equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Lightning Gorge. The number of adult orangutan in Baltic Sea is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult allosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Exosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Exosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Stormshade Ridge equals the number of adult dolphin in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Cumulus Cloud equals 4 plus the number of adult razorbill in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult frilled lizard in Weddell Sea equals 4 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Weddell Sea. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult boxfish in Beaufort Sea equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult noctiluca in Blitzcrag Summit is the total number of adult animals in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Lightningspire Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult triceratops in Weddell Sea is the total number of adult animals in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult jerboa in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult boxfish in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult copperhead in Auroral Tempestfield. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Noctilucent Clouds equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Stormspire Heights equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult allosaurus in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult golden mole in Troposphere equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Troposphere. The number of adult corn snake in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Stormspire Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Arctic Ocean equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue racer in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Stratocumulus Cloud is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Cumulus Cloud. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Amundsen Sea is the total number of adult animals in Barents Sea. The number of adult caiman lizard in Ionosphere equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Ionosphere. The number of adult velociraptor in Weddell Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Labrador Sea. The number of adult agouti in Tasman Sea is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Indian Ocean. The number of adult ocelot in Thundershade Pass equals 3 plus the number of adult caiman in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Twilight Stormfield equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Twilight Stormfield. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Labrador Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Arctic Ocean equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Aurora Borealis equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Aurora Borealis. The number of adult roc in Red Sea equals 4 times the number of adult hamster in Red Sea. The number of adult tsessebe in Nimbus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult ocelot in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Caribbean Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Coral Sea. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Auroral Tempestfield equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Auroral Tempestfield. The number of adult marbled salamander in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Stormchaser Plains. The number of adult coyote in Arabian Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult surinam toad in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Indian Ocean equals 2 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 3 times the number of adult ackie monitor in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Weddell Sea is the total number of adult animals in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Exosphere equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Exosphere. The number of adult chimpanzee in Thundershade Pass equals 3 times the number of adult jaguar in Thundershade Pass. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 2 plus the number of adult frilled lizard in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult pipefish in Tasman Sea equals the number of adult nutria in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Baltic Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger in Baltic Sea. The number of adult deinonychus in Weddell Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Twilight Stormfield equals the number of adult eastern quoll in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult green anaconda in Altostratus Cloud is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Shatterstorm Canyon equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Coral Sea equals the number of adult grebe in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Arctic Ocean is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Southern Ocean is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals the number of adult gibbon in Ecliptic Stormspire. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Galecrash Chasm equals 4 times the number of adult stick insect in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult eyelash viper in Altostratus Cloud equals the number of adult chinchilla in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Meteor Showers equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Meteor Showers. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Noctilucent Clouds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Galecrash Chasm. The number of adult thaliacean in Jet Stream equals the number of adult tinamous in Jet Stream. The number of adult gobies in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Tempest Vale equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Tempest Vale. The number of adult acantharian in Supercells is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stratosphere. The number of adult stegosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Thermosphere equals the average number of newborn children per adult dugong in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Lightningspire Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Thunderclap Ridge equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Twilight Stormfield equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Twilight Stormfield. The number of adult rattlesnake in Blitzcrag Summit equals 3 times the number of adult black mamba in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Stormspire Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult blue racer in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult penguin in Tropical Cyclones is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Noctilucent Clouds. The average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Hamilton Farm equals 2 plus the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult capybara in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult water buffalo in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lightningspire Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult triggerfish in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult damselfish in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Black Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult butterfly in Black Sea. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Ionosphere equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Ionosphere. The number of adult bettas in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult blue crab in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Stormspire Heights equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Stormspire Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Baltic Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Black Sea. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Tropical Cyclones equals the number of adult great auk in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Aurora Borealis is the total number of newborn animal children in Shatterstorm Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Ecliptic Stormspire equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Ecliptic Stormspire. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Cyclone Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult forest mammoth in Hailstone Mesa equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult tarsier in Mediterranean Sea is the total number of adult animals in Tropical Cyclones. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Bering Sea. The number of adult copperhead in Altostratus Cloud equals 2 times the number of adult squirrel in Altostratus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch, the total number of adult animals in South Zoo, and the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Sargasso Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderclap Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Shatterstorm Canyon equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Shatterstorm Canyon. The number of adult tintinnid in Supercells is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Ozone Layer. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Bering Sea. The number of adult triceratops in Auroras Australis is the total number of newborn animal children in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult velociraptor in Stratocumulus Cloud is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Thermosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Tempest Vale equals the number of adult capybara in Tempest Vale. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Arctic Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Ionosphere equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult gelada in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Polar Vortex. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Black Sea equals 4 times the number of adult coqui frog in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Mesosphere equals the number of adult kangaroo rat in Mesosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult eastern newt in Cirrus Cloud. The number of adult tiger in Sargasso Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult kraken in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult golden retriever in Electrovalley equals the number of adult dingo in Electrovalley. The number of adult southern mammoth in Lightning Gorge equals 2 times the number of adult hourglass tree frog in Lightning Gorge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Indian Ocean equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Bering Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult nemean lion in Red Sea equals the number of adult rat in Red Sea. The number of adult coconut crab in Cloudburst Basin equals 1 times the number of adult snow crab in Cloudburst Basin. The number of adult pipefish in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult moray eel in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Hailstone Mesa equals 4 times the number of adult blue monkey in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult coyote in Amundsen Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult kudu in Pacific Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult okapi in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Bering Sea. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo is greater than 0. The number of adult blue monkey in Nimbus Ravine equals 3 plus the number of adult african clawed frog in Nimbus Ravine. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Stormspire Heights equals the number of adult kudu in Stormspire Heights. The number of adult mangrove snake in Altostratus Cloud equals 4 times the number of adult mole in Altostratus Cloud. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Ionosphere equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Ionosphere. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult kudu in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Thunderveil Hollow equals the number of adult dragon in Thunderveil Hollow. The number of adult wood frog in Stormchaser Plains equals the number of adult cane toad in Stormchaser Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals the number of adult blackbuck in Stratocumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Galecrash Chasm equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Galecrash Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in South Zoo equals the total number of adult animals in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Cumulus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Cumulus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Baltic Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Baltic Sea. The number of adult king cobra in Arctic Ocean is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Tempest Vale equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Tempest Vale. The number of adult roan antelope in Nimbus Cloud equals 1 times the number of adult tapir in Nimbus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Thermosphere is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Borealis. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Stormshade Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Stormshade Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Lightningspire Plateau is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cyclone Peaks. The number of adult red-eared slider in Blitzcrag Summit equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lightningspire Plateau equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Lightningspire Plateau. The number of adult roadrunner in Arabian Sea is the total number of adult animals in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Aurora Borealis is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Stormshade Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orca in Stormshade Ridge. The number of adult stonefish in Sargasso Sea is 4 plus the number of adult racoon in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Cirrus Cloud equals the number of adult euphausiid in Cirrus Cloud. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Baltic Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Baltic Sea. The number of adult racoon in Hamilton Farm equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Mesosphere equals the number of adult akita in Mesosphere. The number of adult topi in Auroras Australis equals 2 times the number of adult compsognathus in Auroras Australis. The number of adult mayfly in Black Sea is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult archerfish in Atlantic Ocean is the number of adult wolf in South Zoo. The number of adult noctiluca in Jet Stream equals 2 plus the number of adult pteropod in Jet Stream. The number of adult bobcat in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult leopard in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Thermosphere equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Thermosphere. The number of adult guppy in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult fiddler crab in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult marine iguana in Blitzcrag Summit equals the number of adult caiman in Blitzcrag Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Stratosphere equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult lobster in Stratosphere. The number of adult sea urchin in Beaufort Sea is the total number of newborn animal children in Exosphere. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Ozone Layer equals the number of adult lemming in Ozone Layer. The number of adult scorpion in Arabian Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult cane toad in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Noctilucent Clouds equals the average number of newborn children per adult grebe in Noctilucent Clouds. The number of adult acantharian in Shatterstorm Canyon is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Hailstone Mesa. The number of adult sea slug in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult cerberus in Red Sea equals 3 times the number of adult manticore in Red Sea. The number of adult golden mole in Amundsen Sea is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Stratocumulus Cloud equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Stratocumulus Cloud. The number of adult desert locust in Arabian Sea equals 4 times the number of adult marbled salamander in Arabian Sea. The number of adult blue monkey in Polar Vortex equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Polar Vortex.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in South Zoo as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in South Zoo as M; so M = x = x. We know M = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult brachiosaurus in Heavensgate is the total number of adult animals in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Starshadow Isles equals 2 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult coyote in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult meerkat in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Heavensgate is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Twilight Archipelago is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult royal penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult coyote in Dawnspire Nexus is the total number of newborn animal children in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Stardust Bastion equals 1 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Shimmering Spire is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Velvetspire Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult rock lobster in Sunlit Crag equals the number of adult ghost crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult mandarin duck in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult nemean lion in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult minotaur in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult rock wallaby in Starshadow Isles is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult elk in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult thorny devil in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult butterflyfish in Opalescent Isle is 4 times the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult bush viper in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Celestial Arch equals 3 plus the number of adult desert hedgehog in Celestial Arch. The number of adult red-eared slider in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult fox in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Luminous Apex. The number of adult gila monster in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult black widow spider in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult rock wallaby in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult capybara in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult nyala in Dreamspire Summit equals 2 times the number of adult duiker in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult sun conure in Eclipse Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult angelfish in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult russell's viper in Cloudreach equals the number of adult leviathan in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult yak in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult jerboa in Stardust Bastion is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Stardust Bastion equals 2 plus the number of adult spiny lobster in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult topi in Eternal Summit. The number of adult fairy penguin in Gleamspire Citadel is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult royal penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult beaked whale in Aetherhold is the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult seal in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult radiolaria in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult desert locust in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the number of adult boxfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Nimbus Haven equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 times the number of adult caiman in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Heavensgate is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Twilight Crest. The number of adult paca in Lustrous Shoals equals the number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Nebula City equals the number of adult hognose snake in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult gerenuk in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Glowmist Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult golden retriever in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult copperhead in Nebula City is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Frostveil Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult eastern coral snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Luminous Apex equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Starshadow Isles equals 4 plus the number of adult ostrich in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shimmering Spire is 1 times the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the average number of newborn children per adult adélie penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult addax in Gleaming Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult lionfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Eternal Summit is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals 4. The number of adult rattlesnake in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult akita in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Shimmering Spire equals the number of adult butterflyfish in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult potoroo in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult archerfish in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Eternal Summit is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Ecliptica Dome equals 2 plus the number of adult bats in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult greyhound in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the number of adult ankylosaurus in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult jerboa in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Celestial Arch equals the number of adult spiny lobster in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Frostveil Cay is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Heavensgate equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Nimbus Haven equals the number of adult lionfish in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Auroralumina. The number of adult tsessebe in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the number of adult hamster in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Skyhaven Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Auroralumina is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult african forest elephant in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starshadow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult bandicoot in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult aye-aye in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult agouti in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 times the number of adult gibbon in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult nemean lion in Dreamtide Isle equals 3 times the number of adult corn snake in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult gelada in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult tarsier in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Opalescent Crag equals 3 times the number of adult krill in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of adult animals in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Twilight Archipelago equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Nebulight Crest equals 4 plus the number of adult kingfisher in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult tiger snake in Nimbus Haven is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Nebulight Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult wildebeest in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Opalescent Crag equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult mayfly in Lightveil Sanctum is the total number of newborn animal children in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult chihuahua in Dawnspire Nexus equals 1 times the number of adult shiba inu in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Moonveil Summit equals 2 times the number of adult electric eel in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult coypu in Velvetreef Island equals 2 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult corn snake in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult chihuahua in Twilight Crest. The number of adult collared lemming in Gilded Archway equals the number of adult walking stick in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea otter in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the number of adult hawkfish in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Ecliptica Dome. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eternal Summit. The number of adult sumatran elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult peacock in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipsed Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult walking stick in Crystalis Ascent is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Auroralumina is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult unicorn in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Nimbus Haven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals 1. The number of adult coypu in Ecliptica Dome is the total number of adult animals in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult painted bunting in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult baltimore oriole in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult peacock in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult komodo dragon in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult blackbuck in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult blue monkey in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult sea cucumber in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult tsessebe in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult hartebeest in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult russell's viper in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Celestial Arch equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Apex equals the average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Luminous Apex. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Aetherhold equals the number of adult narwhal in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult boomslang in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult inland taipan in Luminous Lagoon is 3 times the number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult brush-tailed possum in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult quokka in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Aurorapeak Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Nebulight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult panther chameleon in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Stardust Bastion is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Crystalis Ascent equals the number of adult iguana in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult mosquito in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 plus the number of adult ladybug in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult red-eared slider in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult fennec mule in Skyspire City is the total number of newborn animal children in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starshard Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Nimbus Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult scorpionfish in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The number of adult tiger snake in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult hartebeest in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Crystalhorn Peak is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The number of adult bongo in Ethereal Horizon is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult gray whale in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Twilight Archipelago equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult baltimore oriole in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult red bishop in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Auroralumina equals the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Silverplume Summit is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Auroralumina. The number of adult mandarin duck in Eclipse Heights is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Nebulight Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult toucan in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Nebula City equals 3 plus the number of adult eyelash viper in Nebula City. The number of adult chimpanzee in Radiant Pinnacle is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Eternal Summit equals 3 times the number of adult kudu in Eternal Summit. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult collared lemming in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Heavensgate. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult cayote in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult coconut crab in Sunlit Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult praying mantis in Crystalis Ascent is the total number of adult animals in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Skyhaven Citadel is the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Nebulight Crest is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Crystalis Ascent is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Starweaver's Crest is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Nimbus Haven equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Starlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult quetzal in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Auroralumina is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult butterfly in Lightveil Sanctum equals 3 times the number of adult katydid in Lightveil Sanctum. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch, the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium, and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Auroralumina equals the number of adult painted bunting in Auroralumina. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Heavensgate. The number of adult blackbuck in Dreamspire Summit equals 1 times the number of adult impala in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult sand cat in Stardust Bastion is the total number of newborn animal children in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult poodle in Dawnspire Nexus equals 2 plus the number of adult maned jackal in Dawnspire Nexus. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Opalescent Crag equals 1 times the number of adult pistol shrimp in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult jackal in Lightveil Sanctum is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 times the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult snares penguin in Sunlit Crag is the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult orangutan in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult harpy cow in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Luminous Apex is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Crystalis Ascent equals 2 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult greenland shark in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult ivory gull in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Nebulight Keys equals 2 times the number of adult hognose snake in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult greenland shark in Gilded Archway equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Gilded Archway. The average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Starlight Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Nimbus Haven equals 2 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult gobies in Gleaming Heights is the total number of adult animals in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Luminous Harbor equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult mouse lemur in Skyspire City is the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Starweaver's Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Luminous Apex equals 1 times the number of adult deinonychus in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Frostveil Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult walrus in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aetherhold equals the number of adult sperm whale in Aetherhold. The number of adult fennec mule in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult slow loris in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Luminous Harbor equals 2 plus the number of adult camel in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Nebula City equals the number of adult harpy cow in Nebula City. The number of adult dovekie in Starlit Atoll is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blue hawk in Nebulight Crest equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult jerboa in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult red bishop in Eclipse Heights equals 1 times the number of adult clownfish in Eclipse Heights. The number of adult beaked whale in Starshard Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult cheetah in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipse Heights equals 4 times the number of adult paradise tanager in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult stegosaurus in Silverplume Summit is the total number of adult animals in Gleamspire Citadel. The number of adult marsupial mole in Opalescent Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult wombat in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Starshadow Isles equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Opalescent Crag equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Crystalhorn Peak is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult tiger in Radiant Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult tiger in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Nebulight Keys equals 4 times the number of adult gazelle in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Opalescent Crag equals the number of adult american mastodon in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Ecliptica Dome equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult goblin shark in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult koala in Starshadow Isles is the number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Luminous Harbor equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Luminous Harbor equals 2 plus the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult blackbuck in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult manatee in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard seal in Radiance Keys. The number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 2. The number of adult blackbuck in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult eland in Silverwave Shoals. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch is greater than 0. The number of adult takahe in Velvetspire Ascent is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Stardust Bastion equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Auroraflow Atoll equals 3 plus the number of adult amphipod in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult potoroo in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the number of adult chipmunk in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Auroralumina equals the number of adult gentoo penguin in Auroralumina. The number of adult hamster in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult sandpiper in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult razorbill in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult corn snake in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Silverplume Summit equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Silverplume Summit. The number of adult hartebeest in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult marine iguana in Crystalis Ascent is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult bison in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Aurorapeak Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Ecliptica Dome equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult butterfly in Gilded Archway is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult adélie penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult mandarin duck in Moonwhisper Isle is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Opalescent Isle equals 1 times the number of adult goblin shark in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Luminous Harbor equals the number of adult tree kangaroo in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Nebula City equals 2 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Aurora Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Luminous Harbor equals 2 times the number of adult wildebeest in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Auroraflow Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult coyote in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult gray whale in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult lionfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult bush viper in Gleamhaven Keys is the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult tsessebe in Ethereal Horizon equals 2 times the number of adult tsessebe in Ethereal Horizon. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the number of adult imperial mammoth in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Auroraflow Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult peacock in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 3 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Luminous Harbor equals 4 times the number of adult manatee in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult blackbuck in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult wildebeest in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult right whale in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult golden cat in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Stardust Bastion equals 4 plus the number of adult boxfish in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Nebula City equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Nebula City. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Starlight Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult toucan in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult roan antelope in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult nutria in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Auroralumina equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Auroralumina. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Cloudreach equals the number of adult blue racer in Cloudreach. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starshard Peaks equals 2 plus the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Opalescent Crag equals 2 times the number of adult asian elephant in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult woolly mammoth in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Stardust Bastion equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Nimbus Haven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult copperhead in Cloudreach equals 1 times the number of adult centaur in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the number of adult gelada in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Hamilton Farm equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult tintinnid in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult narwhal in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult langoustine in Sunlit Crag equals 1 times the number of adult macaroni penguin in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult tiger prawn in Sunlit Crag equals 3 times the number of adult crab in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gleamspire Citadel equals 2 plus the number of adult magellanic penguin in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glowmist Archipelago is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult lilac-breasted roller in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult arctic wolf in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Luminous Harbor equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wallaby in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult borneo elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult gouldian finch in Nebulight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult indian elephant in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Velvetreef Island equals 3 plus the number of adult nightjar in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult colobus monkey in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalis Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Nebulight Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult leopard gecko in Skyspire City is the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult patas monkey in Gloamhaven Heights equals 2 times the number of adult gelada in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult mosasaurus in Heavensgate is the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Luminous Apex equals 3 plus the number of adult triceratops in Luminous Apex. The number of adult golden mole in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult scorpion in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the number of adult triggerfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Ecliptica Dome is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult southern right whale in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult caracal in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult rhea in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult gecko in Velvetspire Ascent. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern coral snake in Nebulight Keys is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Aurorapeak Summit equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Silverplume Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult mole in Silverplume Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fiordland penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gilded Archway equals 4 times the number of adult dung beetle in Gilded Archway. The number of adult corn snake in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult fenrir in Cloudreach is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Celestial Arch is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The number of adult tiger in Starweaver's Crest is the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult rainbow boa in Cloudreach equals the number of adult black mamba in Cloudreach. The average number of newborn children per adult nile crocodile in Aurora Keys is the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Starshard Peaks equals 4 plus the number of adult cougar in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult marine iguana in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Velvetspire Ascent equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult frilled lizard in Ethereal Horizon is the total number of adult animals in Aetherhold. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Starlight Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Luminous Apex is the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 plus the number of adult sumatran elephant in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult cerberus in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult basilisk in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Celestial Arch equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Celestial Arch. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Crystalis Ascent equals the average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Crystalis Ascent. The number of adult gopher in Silverplume Summit is the total number of newborn animal children in Ecliptica Dome. The number of adult tsessebe in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult red bishop in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Eternal Summit equals 4 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Heavensgate equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Heavensgate. The number of adult gerbil in Silverplume Summit is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Starweaver's Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Starweaver's Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult eyelash viper in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult gouldian finch in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Luminous Harbor equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Luminous Harbor. The average number of newborn children per adult akita in Crystalhorn Peak is the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Nebulight Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult nyala in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult blue racer in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea cucumber in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals the number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Stardust Bastion equals 1 times the number of adult desert hedgehog in Stardust Bastion. The number of adult rock wallaby in Opalescent Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult sun conure in Auroralumina is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Starweaver's Crest equals the number of adult bobcat in Starweaver's Crest. The number of adult frilled lizard in Twilight Crest equals 2 times the number of adult corn snake in Twilight Crest. The number of adult tsessebe in Shimmering Spire is 3 plus the number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Nimbus Haven equals 1 times the number of adult brown recluse spider in Nimbus Haven. The number of adult blue hawk in Auroralumina is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult roan antelope in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult collared lemming in Gleamspire Citadel equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Gleamspire Citadel. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Skyhaven Citadel equals the number of adult king penguin in Skyhaven Citadel. The number of adult caiman lizard in Aetherhold is the number of adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult king cobra in Nebula City is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult blackbuck in Ethereal Horizon equals the number of adult bushbuck in Ethereal Horizon. The number of adult golden retriever in Dawnspire Nexus equals 3 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Dawnspire Nexus. The number of adult bear in Mayer Aquarium equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Mayer Aquarium. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Aurorapeak Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Skyspire City equals the number of adult tomato frog in Skyspire City. The average number of newborn children per adult paradise tanager in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult northern cardinal in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Nimbus Haven equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african forest elephant in Nimbus Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Stardust Bastion equals 1 plus the number of adult pipefish in Stardust Bastion. The average number of newborn children per adult diplodocus in Silverplume Summit is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Lightveil Sanctum. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Celestial Arch is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult king penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult bush viper in Cloudreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Harbor. The number of adult roan antelope in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Silverwave Shoals.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Mayer Aquarium as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.
The number of adult red bishop in Aurora Crags equals the number of adult rainbow lorikeet in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult ocelot in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Cove equals 4 plus the number of adult bandicoot in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult marsupial mole in Radiance Reservoir is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Ethereal Pool equals 3 times the number of adult bonobo in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 times the number of adult hawkfish in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult fishing cat in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult greenland shark in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult polar bear in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Radiance Thicket is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult monitor lizard in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult subantarctic penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 plus the number of adult pegasus in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult corn snake in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult caiman in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Radiance Thicket equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult barnacle in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Frostlight Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard gecko in Glintbark Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals the number of adult triceratops in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Silverleaf Grove is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Twilight Timber. The number of adult marine iguana in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Aurora Pool equals 2 times the number of adult marine iguana in Aurora Pool. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult kangaroo in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Luminary Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult blackbuck in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult tiger prawn in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult shrimp in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult waterbuck in Charmed Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult gerenuk in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult hermit crab in Radiance Thicket equals 2 plus the number of adult gila monster in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult arctic wolf in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult chinchilla in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult gelada in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult oryx in Moonshadow Glade is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult iguana in Radiance Thicket is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult blue monkey in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult moray eel in Azure Abyss. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Lustrous Depths equals 3 plus the number of adult little blue penguin in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Radiance Thicket equals the average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult vervet monkey in Azure Abyss equals 3 plus the number of adult gibbon in Azure Abyss. The number of adult addax in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Aurora Pool equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Whisperveil Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult triggerfish in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult rattlesnake in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 4 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult snow crab in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult gull in Astral Ridge equals 1 times the number of adult kudu in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult quokka in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Crags. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult orangutan in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult howler monkey in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult tarsier in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starbloom Haven equals 2 times the number of adult sperm whale in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult right whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult thaliacean in Twilight Aerie equals 1 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult pegasus in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glacierlight Range equals 3 times the number of adult guinea pig in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Radiance Reservoir equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult penguin in Velvet Mirror is 4 times the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Ethereal Pool equals the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Glowglass Pond equals 4 times the number of adult howler monkey in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult capybara in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult okapi in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Etherreach Cliffs equals 4 times the number of adult centaur in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult hellbender in Silvermist Highlands is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult patas monkey in Azure Abyss equals the number of adult barracuda in Azure Abyss. The number of adult arctic wolf in Lunarchasm Ridge is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult king penguin in Velvet Mirror is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult manticore in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult gouldian finch in Aurora Crags equals 1 plus the number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Aurora Crags. The number of adult night monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 4 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the number of adult macaque in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult topi in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult pacific tree frog in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Luminous Timberland is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult king cobra in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult blackbuck in Frostlight Woods is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult bettas in Whisperlake equals 4 times the number of adult goblin shark in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult flightless cormorant in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult red-eared slider in Dreamcatcher Basin is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Silverwave Lake equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult surinam toad in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult coconut crab in Silvermist Highlands equals 4 times the number of adult coconut crab in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Silverwave Lake equals 3 plus the number of adult eastern newt in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult glass frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult rhea in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult damselfish in Whisperveil Thickets is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult narwhal in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult archerfish in Whisperlake equals 3 plus the number of adult blue tang in Whisperlake. the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 2 times the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glacierlight Range equals the number of adult macaroni penguin in Glacierlight Range. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult pipefish in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of adult animals in Glacierlight Range. The number of adult sea anemone in Whisperveil Thickets is the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Heavenspire Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult foraminifera in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult coelacanth in Silverleaf Grove is the total number of adult animals in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult marbled salamander in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult lemur in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Ethereal Pool is the total number of adult animals in Silvermist Highlands. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard seal in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Aurora Grove equals 1 times the number of adult african bush elephant in Aurora Grove. The number of adult beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult orangutan in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult hydra in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Aurora Grove. The number of adult langoustine in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult axolotl in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult chimpanzee in Starlight Summit equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Starlight Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Glowglass Pond equals 4 plus the number of adult marsupial mole in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Silverwave Lake equals the number of adult giant salamander in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Prismatic Glade equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult golden cat in Dreamwood Canopy is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult tree kangaroo in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult impala in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Silverwave Lake equals the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of adult animals in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Gleamstone Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult bullfrog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult bowhead whale in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult paca in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult coqui frog in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eclipse Cove equals 1 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Luminary Lagoon equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Prismatic Glade equals 3 times the number of adult steppe mammoth in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult waterbuck in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Sparkflow Lagoon equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Sparkflow Lagoon. The number of adult booby in Astral Ridge equals 1 plus the number of adult tsessebe in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult beaked whale in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult right whale in Sunspark Summit. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult zebra in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult gouldian finch in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult mayfly in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Heavenspire Peak equals 2 times the number of adult larvacean in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult antlion in Eclipsed Canopy is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult red bishop in Lusterpeak Range equals the number of adult silkworm in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult victoria crowned pigeon in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult mandrill in Twilight Timber. The number of adult dungeness crab in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult dwarf african frog in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult tiger prawn in Frostlight Waters equals the number of adult shrimp in Frostlight Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult fairy penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Lustrous Depths. The number of adult mandrill in Radiant Crest is 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Aurora Pool equals 1 plus the number of adult amphipod in Aurora Pool. The number of adult american alligator in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult collared lemming in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult musk ox in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Aurora Pool equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the number of adult elephant in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult lilac-breasted roller in Lusterpeak Range equals 1 times the number of adult golden pheasant in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult dhole in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult howler monkey in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eclipse Cove equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult tarsier in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic wolf in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult amazon milk frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult ross's gull in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult caribou in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Luminous Timberland equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult black panther in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult stingray in Whisperlake equals the number of adult snow leopard in Whisperlake. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult sable antelope in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Heavenspire Peak equals 1 plus the number of adult noctiluca in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult paca in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult collared lemming in Gleaming Ripple equals the number of adult collared lemming in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Radiance Reservoir equals 3 plus the number of adult bilby in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Glowglass Pond equals the number of adult lemur in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult sand cat in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Etherreach Cliffs equals the number of adult hydra in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Radiance Thicket equals 3 plus the number of adult panther chameleon in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Starshimmer Waters equals 3 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Starshimmer Waters. The number of adult snow crab in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult cane toad in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult amphipod in Opalescent Basin is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult arabic cow in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Silverwave Lake equals 2 times the number of adult krill in Silverwave Lake. The number of adult quokka in Everglint Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult thaliacean in Heavenspire Peak. The number of adult arctic tern in Gleaming Ripple equals 3 plus the number of adult groundhog in Gleaming Ripple. The number of adult copperhead in Celestica Spire equals 1 times the number of adult gobies in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult patas monkey in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult marbled salamander in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Charmed Shoals equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Twilight Timber is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult black mamba in Dreamcatcher Basin equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Charmed Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult king eider in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult horseshoe crab in Radiance Thicket is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult gopher in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult beaver in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Twilight Timber. The number of adult rock lobster in Silvermist Highlands equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Silvermist Highlands. The number of adult wildebeest in Eclipsed Canopy equals 1 times the number of adult walking stick in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Frostlight Woods is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult tiger snake in Dawnlit Peaks equals the number of adult box jellyfish in Dawnlit Peaks. The number of adult cladoceran in Aurora Pool is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Radiance Reservoir equals 2 plus the number of adult orca in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult frilled lizard in Velvetbark Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult quokka in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Charmed Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Summit. The number of adult pipefish in Nebula Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Radiance Reservoir equals 4 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Skyward Pinnacle equals 3 plus the number of adult gelada in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult eastern quoll in Velvetbark Hollow is the total number of adult animals in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult camel in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Skyward Pinnacle equals the number of adult macaque in Skyward Pinnacle. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Elderbloom Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Whisperveil Thickets equals 2 plus the number of adult moose in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult gaur in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult butterfly in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Heavenspire Peak equals the number of adult cladoceran in Heavenspire Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Eclipse Cove equals 4 times the number of adult dodo in Eclipse Cove. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Sparkflow Lagoon equals 1 times the number of adult baboon in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult glass frog in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Aurora Pool equals 1 times the number of adult pteropod in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Cloudveil Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Skyward Pinnacle equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Gleamstone Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Aurora Pool equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cyanobacteria in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult kiwi in Eclipsestone Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glowglass Pond is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult rotifer in Twilight Aerie equals 2 times the number of adult slow loris in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Moonshadow Glade equals 4 times the number of adult numbat in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow-eyed penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the number of adult snares penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult eland in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 times the number of adult dung beetle in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult opossum in Everglint Woods. The number of adult moray eel in Silverleaf Grove is the total number of adult animals in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Radiance Reservoir equals the number of adult sugar glider in Radiance Reservoir. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the number of adult ivory gull in Lunarchasm Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Glowfern Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult sperm whale in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Lustrous Depths is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Reservoir. The number of adult kudu in Eclipsed Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult moose in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Luminous Timberland equals 3 times the number of adult jerboa in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult shearwater in Elderbloom Woods is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Glowglass Pond equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult lemming in Gleaming Ripple is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Aerie. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult king crab in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Aurora Pool equals 2 times the number of adult rotifer in Aurora Pool. The number of adult beaked whale in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic tern in Lunarchasm Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult polar bear in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sunspark Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult stegodon in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult steppe mammoth in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult koala in Everglint Woods is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult patas monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult eyelash viper in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult parrotfish in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowglass Pond equals 1 plus the number of adult gorilla in Glowglass Pond. The number of adult langoustine in Frostlight Waters equals 1 times the number of adult addax in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Starshimmer Waters equals the number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Ethereal Pool. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Starbloom Haven equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult kangaroo in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Skyward Pinnacle equals 1 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult fin whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Glowfern Glade equals 2 times the number of adult dragon in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult velociraptor in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult agouti in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult painted bunting in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult guppy in Whisperlake equals the number of adult jaguar in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Aurora Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Lustrous Depths equals the number of adult dingo in Lustrous Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the number of adult pufferfish in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Crystalmirror Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Etherreach Cliffs equals the average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Starshimmer Waters equals 4 plus the number of adult gibbon in Starshimmer Waters. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Aurora Pool equals the number of adult blue-tongue skink in Aurora Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Crystalmirror Waters equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult dovekie in Astral Ridge equals 2 plus the number of adult bushbuck in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Ethereal Pool equals 2 times the number of adult cleaner shrimp in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Ethereal Pool equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Ethereal Pool. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipse Cove equals the number of adult moas in Eclipse Cove. The number of adult bobcat in Starbloom Haven is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Pool. The number of adult rainbow boa in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult moray eel in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Gleamstone Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult takahe in Silverleaf Grove is the total number of adult animals in Dreamcatcher Basin. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult rat in Lustrous Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult moray eel in Whisperlake equals 4 plus the number of adult clownfish in Whisperlake. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Gleamstone Heights equals the number of adult imperial mammoth in Gleamstone Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Etherreach Cliffs equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Etherreach Cliffs. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Sunspark Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Sunspark Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult gecko in Dreamcatcher Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult bearded dragon in Dreamcatcher Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult dormouse in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 plus the number of adult guinea pig in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult cougar in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glowfern Glade equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Glowfern Glade is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkflow Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Twilight Timber. The number of adult patas monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 2 plus the number of adult bonobo in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult minke whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult basenji in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult kittiwake in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult wildebeest in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glowfern Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult phoenix in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult gerbil in Glacierlight Range is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Charmed Shoals. The number of adult vervet monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 1 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult southern right whale in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult mandrill in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Twilight Timber is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Lunarchasm Ridge equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult arctic hare in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult baboon in Moonveil Lake equals 3 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Moonveil Lake. The number of adult marine iguana in Velvetbark Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult iguana in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult russell's viper in Celestica Spire equals the number of adult king cobra in Celestica Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult wolf in Jefferson Circus equals the number of adult racoon in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult blue monkey in Moonveil Lake equals 4 times the number of adult fire salamander in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Skyward Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Skyward Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Charmed Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Charmed Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult chimera in Etherreach Cliffs is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lunarchasm Ridge. The number of adult impala in Frostlight Waters is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Luminary Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Everglint Woods equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult opossum in Everglint Woods. The number of adult blackbuck in Frostlight Waters is the total number of adult animals in Whisperlake. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Lusterpeak Range equals 3 times the number of adult green-winged macaw in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 times the number of adult waterbuck in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult elk in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult marsupial mole in Velvetbark Hollow is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Glowfern Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult griffin in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult komodo dragon in Dawnlit Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult stonefish in Dawnlit Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult capuchin in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Moonshadow Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult tasmanian devil in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Luminary Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult russell's viper in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult emerald tree boa in Velvet Mirror. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Nimbus Heights equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Nimbus Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Luminary Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult dyeing dart frog in Luminary Lagoon. The number of adult greenland shark in Gleaming Ripple equals 1 times the number of adult puffin in Gleaming Ripple. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult triceratops in Cloudveil Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult night monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult blue tang in Silverleaf Grove is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Basin. The number of adult copperhead in Velvet Mirror equals the number of adult kakapo in Velvet Mirror. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Etherreach Cliffs equals 3 times the number of adult kraken in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult erect-crested penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult rockhopper penguin in Eclipsestone Plateau. The number of adult corn snake in Radiance Thicket is the total number of adult animals in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Glowfern Glade equals 1 times the number of adult humpback whale in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Frostlight Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Twilight Timber. The number of adult gelada in Azure Abyss equals 2 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Azure Abyss. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult crowned tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult manatee in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult eland in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Twilight Timber is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Frostlight Woods is the total number of adult animals in Nebula Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Glowglass Pond equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo in Glowglass Pond. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Frostlight Woods equals 4 times the number of adult takahe in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult gelada in Moonveil Lake equals 3 times the number of adult gelada in Moonveil Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Silverwave Lake equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Silverwave Lake. The average number of newborn children per adult emu in Eclipsestone Plateau is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Etherreach Cliffs. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Aurora Grove equals 3 times the number of adult manatee in Aurora Grove. The number of adult wood frog in Radiant Crest equals the number of adult fire salamander in Radiant Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult walrus in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult frigatebird in Astral Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Prismatic Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult noctiluca in Twilight Aerie equals 1 plus the number of adult sugar glider in Twilight Aerie. The number of adult sun conure in Lusterpeak Range equals 4 plus the number of adult ladybug in Lusterpeak Range. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Cloudveil Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult spinosaurus in Cloudveil Plateau. The number of adult sandpiper in Astral Ridge equals the number of adult heron in Astral Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Everglint Woods equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Crystalmirror Waters equals the number of adult cane toad in Crystalmirror Waters. The number of adult coconut crab in Frostlight Waters equals 4 times the number of adult dungeness crab in Frostlight Waters. The number of adult sandpiper in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult green and black poison frog in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult tiger in Whisperlake is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalmirror Waters.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult wolf in Jefferson Circus as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Jefferson Circus as K; so K = x = x. We know K = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Moonwhisper Isle is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Frozen Echo Basin equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult siberian husky in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult jackal in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Frostlight Peaks equals 3 plus the number of adult camel in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 times the number of adult barnacle in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Twilight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult slow loris in Twilight Crest. The number of adult amphipod in Shimmercrest Cay is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult forest mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals 4 times the number of adult allosaurus in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult fishing cat in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult night monkey in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Frostveil Cay equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult desert horned lizard in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult boxfish in Opalescent Crag equals 4 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Everchill Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult stegosaurus in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Radiance Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult new guinea singing dog in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult vole in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult guinea pig in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult guinea pig in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult nemean lion in Glacierreach equals the number of adult chihuahua in Glacierreach. The number of adult sandpiper in Luminous Apex is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult larvacean in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostlight Ridge equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Snowshadow Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult wood frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult alaskan malamute in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Icetide Hollow equals 2 plus the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult gopher in Starshard Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult chinchilla in Starshard Peaks. The number of adult sperm whale in Chillveil Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Sunlit Crag equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult gila monster in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult gila monster in Velvetreef Island is the total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Frostveil Cay equals 1 times the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult red-eared slider in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult guppy in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Opalescent Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult strawberry poison dart frog in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult american mastodon in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Everchill Ridge equals the average number of newborn children per adult dragon in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult sperm whale in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult shearwater in Twilight Crest. The number of adult golden mole in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult cone snail in Radiance Keys. The number of adult kitsune in Glacierreach equals the number of adult dingo in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Radiant Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult pipefish in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult border collie in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult addax in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult elephant seal in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult dolphin in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Glacier equals 2 times the number of adult kudu in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Twilight Crest equals the number of adult cormorant in Twilight Crest. The number of adult bettas in Aurorapeak Summit equals 3 times the number of adult snow crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult golden mole in Wintersong Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult african wild dog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Icewhisper Dale equals 1 times the number of adult border collie in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Starfreeze Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult frigatebird in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult howler monkey in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult desert locust in Radiance Keys is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult puma in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Chillveil Heights equals the number of adult egret in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult crab in Crystalfrost Fields is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult gibbon in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Chillveil Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult coconut crab in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the number of adult poison dart frog in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult emerald tree boa in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult pipefish in Opalescent Crag equals 4 times the number of adult triggerfish in Opalescent Crag. The number of adult grasshopper in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult mayfly in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Crystalhorn Peak equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult black mamba in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult margay in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult congo forest elephant in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 times the number of adult opossum in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult roadrunner in Wintersong Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Sunlit Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult horseshoe crab in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult gull in Starlit Atoll equals 1 times the number of adult egret in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Icetide Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult wombat in Twilight Archipelago is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult moray eel in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Aurorapeak Summit. The number of adult scorpion in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 1 plus the number of adult california sea lion in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Shimmering Spire equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult stegodon in Gloamhaven Heights equals the number of adult ankylosaurus in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 plus the number of adult sable antelope in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult king crab in Aurora Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Crystalhorn Peak equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult fennec fox in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult southern right whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult sei whale in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult vaquita in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult pistol shrimp in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult akita in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Moonwhisper Isle equals the number of adult wallaby in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult sandpiper in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult golden cat in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult compsognathus in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Luminous Apex. The average number of newborn children per adult sei whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult euphausiid in Starfreeze Caverns is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult blackbuck in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult sugar glider in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult ocelot in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult walrus in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Crystalhorn Peak equals 3 times the number of adult alaskan malamute in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult poodle in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Nebulight Keys equals 2 plus the number of adult serval in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult rotifer in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Everchill Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteranodon in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult orangutan in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest equals 3. The number of adult paca in Nebulight Crest equals the number of adult dormouse in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Moonveil Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult moloch (thorny devil) in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult coyote in Radiance Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult thorny devil in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult hooded seal in Dreamtide Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult cane toad in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult margay in Icetide Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult frilled lizard in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 plus the number of adult rattlesnake in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult ocelot in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult jackal in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult elephant seal in Eclipse Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult red bishop in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gaboon viper in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Eternal Summit equals 3 plus the number of adult macaque in Eternal Summit. The number of adult arctic tern in Starshadow Isles is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult panther chameleon in Lustrous Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Sunlit Crag. the number of adult eagle in Pine Ridge exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Opalescent Isle equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult kraken in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Sunlit Crag equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Sunlit Crag. The number of adult elephant seal in Starlight Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult compsognathus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult golden mole in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult chinchilla in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult musk ox in Eternafrost Plains is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Glowmist Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult puma in Icetide Hollow is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult frigatebird in Luminous Apex equals 3 plus the number of adult angelfish in Luminous Apex. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals 2 plus the number of adult woolly mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Moonveil Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult southern mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult corythosaurus in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Shimmering Spire equals 2 plus the number of adult hooded seal in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult poison dart frog in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult lemming in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult chipmunk in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult macaque in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Gleaming Heights equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult gibbon in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Moonveil Summit equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Velvetspire Ascent equals 4 plus the number of adult kangaroo in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult dormouse in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult okapi in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult maned jackal in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult horned lizard in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult praying mantis in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostlight Ridge equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult green iguana in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult crowned tree frog in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult gray whale in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult rattlesnake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 4 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Moonveil Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Moonveil Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the number of adult chinese water dragon in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult alaskan malamute in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Frozen Echo Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Moonwhisper Isle equals 3 plus the number of adult barnacle in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult polar bear in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult kudu in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 plus the number of adult snow crab in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult blue hawk in Auroraflow Atoll is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult african forest elephant in Opalescent Isle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult coqui frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult booby in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult grebe in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult coyote in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult jerboa in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Sunlit Crag equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult king crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult fennec fox in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Eternal Summit equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult gerenuk in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult pteranodon in Everchill Ridge is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Velvetspire Ascent equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult archerfish in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult hermit crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Frostveil Cay is the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The number of total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge equals 4. The number of adult meerkat in Glacierveil Pinnacle is 3 plus the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult axolotl in Shardbluff Canyon is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult tapir in Starshard Peaks is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Gloamhaven Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult tiger in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Iceloom Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult serval in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult macaque in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult collared lemming in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult oryx in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult fishing cat in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy sperm whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the number of adult omura's whale in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult mayfly in Eternafrost Plains equals the number of adult cicada in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hippogriff in Eternal Summit. The number of adult blue whale in Chillveil Heights is the number of adult owl in Beverly Forest. The number of adult coyote in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult scorpionfish in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult elephant seal in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult beluga whale in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Everchill Ridge equals 3 times the number of adult iguanodon in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult allosaurus in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Starfreeze Caverns is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult crested gecko in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult kudu in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult howler monkey in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard gecko in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult woolly mammoth in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Starfreeze Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult frigatebird in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult gull in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamspire Summit equals the number of adult glass frog in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Dreamspire Summit equals 3 times the number of adult african forest elephant in Dreamspire Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Twilight Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea urchin in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult beaked whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult chimpanzee in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult african forest elephant in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult gull in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 1 plus the number of adult fairy penguin in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Shimmering Spire equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult california sea lion in Eclipse Heights equals 3 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult blue whale in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult california sea lion in Nebulight Keys equals 1 times the number of adult caracal in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult crab in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Iceloom Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult owl in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Chillveil Heights is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult cone snail in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult cleaner shrimp in Gleaming Heights equals 3 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult basenji in Glacierreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Eternal Summit equals 2 plus the number of adult minotaur in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Glacierveil Tundra is the average number of newborn children per adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 2 plus the number of adult tamarin in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Icetide Hollow is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Gleaming Heights equals the number of adult sea urchin in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult california sea lion in Chillveil Heights is the total number of adult animals in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult forest mammoth in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult forest mammoth in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Luminous Lagoon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult mole in Starshard Peaks equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Twilight Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Sunlit Crag equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult horseshoe crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Eternal Summit equals the number of adult mandrill in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Icetide Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult booby in Starlit Atoll is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Iceloom Crest equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult tsessebe in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 plus the number of adult rock wallaby in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Chillveil Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult acantharian in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult triggerfish in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult mandrill in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult agouti in Nebulight Crest equals 3 plus the number of adult paca in Nebulight Crest. The number of adult booby in Luminous Apex equals 2 times the number of adult coelacanth in Luminous Apex. The number of adult corn snake in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult green anaconda in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Gloamhaven Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult imperial mammoth in Gloamhaven Heights. The number of adult roan antelope in Twilight Archipelago equals the number of adult marsupial mole in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Icetide Hollow equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult panther chameleon in Aurora Glacier is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Keys. The number of adult fairy penguin in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult tiger prawn in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult blue crab in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 4 times the number of adult lionfish in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The number of adult roan antelope in Aurora Glacier equals 2 plus the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult desert hedgehog in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult crow in Beverly Forest equals the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge and the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult golden retriever in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult larvacean in Starfreeze Caverns is the total number of newborn animal children in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Glacierveil Tundra is the total number of adult animals in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult cone snail in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult langoustine in Aurora Keys equals 2 times the number of adult krill in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Moonwhisper Isle equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult crab in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult california sea lion in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult california sea lion in Dreamtide Isle. The number of adult hooded seal in Starlight Ridge equals the number of adult stegosaurus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 times the number of adult orangutan in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Shimmercrest Cay equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Iceloom Crest is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetspire Ascent. The number of adult addax in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult snow leopard in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult radiolaria in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult bobcat in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Moonwhisper Isle equals the average number of newborn children per adult krill in Moonwhisper Isle. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult coyote in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult zooplankton in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult addax in Radiance Keys equals 1 plus the number of adult sand cat in Radiance Keys. The number of adult vaquita in Dreamtide Isle equals the number of adult surinam toad in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the number of adult jaguar in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult desert locust in Frostlight Peaks equals 1 times the number of adult fennec fox in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult butterfly in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the number of adult antlion in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Iceloom Crest equals the number of adult eastern newt in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult eland in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult blue whale in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Opalescent Isle is the total number of adult animals in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Shimmercrest Cay equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult california sea lion in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Starlight Ridge. The number of adult arctic wolf in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult arctic tern in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Twilight Crest equals 1 times the number of adult gull in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult green basilisk in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult capybara in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Archipelago. The number of adult hooded seal in Eclipse Heights equals the number of adult seal in Eclipse Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Chillveil Heights is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierreach. The number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult chipmunk in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Chillveil Heights equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pelican in Chillveil Heights. The number of adult leopard frog in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Sunlit Crag equals 2 plus the number of adult ghost crab in Sunlit Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult eland in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Opalescent Isle equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sri lankan elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Frostlight Ridge equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult fennec mule in Crystalhorn Peak. The number of adult narwhal in Eternafrost Plains is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult paca in Starshard Peaks equals the number of adult ocelot in Starshard Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult fishing cat in Icetide Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult lion in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Crystalhorn Peak equals the number of adult shiba inu in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult greyhound in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult omura's whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult harpy cow in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult foraminifera in Starfreeze Caverns is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult starfish in Glacierveil Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Frostveil Cay equals 4 plus the number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Eternal Summit equals 4 times the number of adult chimera in Eternal Summit. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Opalescent Crag equals 3 times the number of adult starfish in Opalescent Crag. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult dwarf elephant in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 times the number of adult chihuahua in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Frostveil Cay is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Crest. The number of adult hooded seal in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult sea lion in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult patas monkey in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult impala in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult sandpiper in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult cormorant in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge equals 2. The number of adult rock lobster in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult harpy cow in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult sea cucumber in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult green basilisk in Frostlight Ridge equals 4 times the number of adult rat in Frostlight Ridge. The number of adult walrus in Chillveil Heights is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest equals 1. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult harbor porpoise in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult brachiosaurus in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Frostveil Cay equals 2 plus the number of adult brown recluse spider in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult cayote in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult gila monster in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Eternal Summit equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult spider monkey in Eternal Summit. The number of adult axolotl in Lustrous Shoals is 1 times the number of adult crow in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult centaur in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult phoenix in Eternal Summit. The number of adult beluga whale in Eclipsed Haven is the number of adult eagle in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult dhole in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Eternal Summit equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Radiant Pinnacle equals 2 plus the number of adult yak in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Shimmering Spire equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult right whale in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 1 plus the number of adult beluga whale in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult elephant seal in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the number of adult mantis shrimp in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Gleaming Heights equals 1 plus the number of adult butterflyfish in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult dingo in Shimmering Spire is the total number of adult animals in Dreamspire Summit. The number of adult mosquito in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the number of adult greenland shark in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Frostveil Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult lion in Starshadow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult caribou in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult vaquita in Starlight Ridge equals 2 times the number of adult triceratops in Starlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Crystalhorn Peak equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Radiant Pinnacle equals 1 times the number of adult moose in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Eternal Summit equals 2 times the number of adult capuchin in Eternal Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult ackie monitor in Frostlight Ridge equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Frostlight Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Shimmering Spire equals 4 plus the number of adult gray whale in Shimmering Spire. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Twilight Crest equals 1 plus the number of adult coypu in Twilight Crest. The number of adult stingray in Aurorapeak Summit equals the number of adult dungeness crab in Aurorapeak Summit. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Shimmering Spire equals 1 times the number of adult elephant seal in Shimmering Spire. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Radiance Keys. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult margay in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult stegodon in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult clouded leopard in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Icewhisper Dale equals 3 times the number of adult basenji in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult hooded seal in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult narwhal in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult owl in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult eagle in Pine Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Snowshadow Rift equals 3 plus the number of adult snow leopard in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Frozen Echo Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult fiddler crab in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult cerberus in Glacierreach equals the number of adult fox in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Glintfrost Chasm equals 2 times the number of adult gerenuk in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult squirrel monkey in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Chillveil Heights is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Frozen Echo Basin equals 4 times the number of adult barnacle in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult gouldian finch in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult rotifer in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Gleaming Heights. The number of adult royal penguin in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult thorny devil in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult nyala in Aurora Glacier equals 1 plus the number of adult waterbuck in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult unicorn in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Icetide Hollow equals 2 times the number of adult sand cat in Icetide Hollow. The number of adult marine iguana in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult surgeonfish in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Opalescent Isle is the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Gleaming Heights equals 4 plus the number of adult blue monkey in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Gleaming Heights equals the average number of newborn children per adult manta ray in Gleaming Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Moonveil Summit equals the number of adult gazelle in Moonveil Summit. The number of adult parasaurolophus in Everchill Ridge is the total number of newborn animal children in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult tsessebe in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Glowmist Archipelago equals 3 times the number of adult centaur in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Glowmist Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult manticore in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult deinonychus in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult marbled salamander in Shardbluff Canyon equals the number of adult akita in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Twilight Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Twilight Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult tarsier in Crystalhorn Peak equals the average number of newborn children per adult basenji in Crystalhorn Peak. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Radiant Pinnacle equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Radiant Pinnacle. The number of adult golden cat in Starshadow Isles equals 2 times the number of adult cheetah in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult california sea lion in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult tiger prawn in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Radiant Pinnacle equals the average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Radiant Pinnacle. The average number of newborn children per adult serval in Icetide Hollow equals 1 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Glintfrost Chasm equals 1 plus the number of adult addax in Glintfrost Chasm. The number of adult southern mammoth in Icewhisper Dale equals 2 plus the number of adult chihuahua in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Glacierveil Pinnacle equals 2 times the number of adult manta ray in Glacierveil Pinnacle.
How many adult eagle does Pine Ridge have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define adult eagle in Pine Ridge as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of adult animals in Pine Ridge as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Shardbluff Canyon. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Eternafrost Plains is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult golden retriever in Prismatic Rift is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult agouti in Velvetbark Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult agouti in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult yellow-eyed penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult okapi in Everchill Ridge is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult steamer duck in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult patas monkey in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult patas monkey in Shadowglint Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cassowary in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Starfreeze Caverns equals the number of adult cassowary in Starfreeze Caverns. The number of adult vervet monkey in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 plus the number of adult chimpanzee in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Shardbluff Canyon equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult mosasaurus in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult humboldt penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Crystalfrost Fields equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Spectral Chamber equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult albatross in Spectral Chamber is the total number of adult animals in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult tiger salamander in Chimeric Crevasse is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Moonstone Maze. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Nebulight Caverns equals the average number of newborn children per adult basilisk in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult deinonychus in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 4 plus the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult tamarin in Starlight Vault is the total number of adult animals in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Luminous Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult yak in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult agouti in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult agouti in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult crested gecko in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4. The number of adult bandicoot in Frozen Echo Basin equals 3 times the number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Frozen Echo Basin. The number of adult marine iguana in Frozen Echo Basin is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Chimeric Crevasse equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult dovekie in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult rat in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult langoustine in Aurora Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult spider crab in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult lemur in Shardbluff Canyon is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Aurora Hollow equals the number of adult golden cat in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Nebulight Caverns equals 2 plus the number of adult clownfish in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 times the number of adult rattlesnake in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley, the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley, the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek, and the total number of adult animals in Maple Creek. The number of adult tiger in Chillveil Heights is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The number of adult kakapo in Frostlight Peaks is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalfrost Fields. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhea in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult blackbuck in Opal Grotto equals the number of adult gila monster in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Maple Creek equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Iceloom Crest equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult mayfly in Everglint Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult goliath beetle in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult clouded leopard in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult serval in Twilight Timber. The number of adult blue monkey in Glistenroot Grotto equals the number of adult spider monkey in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult komodo dragon in Glacierreach equals 2 plus the number of adult black widow spider in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Silverleaf Grove equals 4 times the number of adult rock wallaby in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the number of adult jaguar in Aurora Grove. The number of adult blue monkey in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult gelada in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Glintfrost Chasm equals 4 plus the number of adult coypu in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Snowshadow Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the number of adult caiman lizard in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult razorbill in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult flamingo in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Twilight Timber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tasmanian devil in Frozen Echo Basin equals 1 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult desert locust in Shardlight Chasms equals the number of adult red-eared slider in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult blue monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult tiger snake in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult sand cat in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Twilight Timber. The number of adult langoustine in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult spider crab in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult peacock in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult african forest elephant in Whisperveil Thickets is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult macaque in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult straight-tusked elephant in Eternafrost Plains is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Iceloom Crest equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult peacock in Frostspire Expanse is 4 plus the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gannet in Chimeric Crevasse is the total number of adult animals in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult cassowary in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult gigantosaurus in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult chihuahua in Icewhisper Dale equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Icewhisper Dale. The number of adult toucan in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of adult animals in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult sandpiper in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult peacock in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult orca in Icetide Hollow is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Prismatic Rift equals 1 times the number of adult dingo in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult gaur in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult golden cat in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals 3. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Spectral Chamber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Frostspire Expanse equals the number of adult scarlet macaw in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Iceloom Crest is the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Frostspire Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult amazon milk frog in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult spider monkey in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult vervet monkey in Starlight Vault. The number of adult chinchilla in Velvetbark Hollow is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult wood frog in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult giant salamander in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult coyote in Shardlight Chasms equals 1 plus the number of adult horned lizard in Shardlight Chasms. The number of adult iguana in Eternafrost Plains is the total number of adult animals in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the number of adult flightless cormorant in Iceloom Crest. The number of adult vervet monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult brown recluse spider in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult deer in Oakridge Riverside equals the sum of the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside, the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley, and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult patas monkey in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult tomato frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult rock wallaby in Shadowglint Vault is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau is 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult jaguar in Chillveil Heights is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The number of adult tiger prawn in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult leafhopper in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Starlight Vault equals the number of adult gibbon in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult pachycephalosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of adult animals in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult coypu in Glistenroot Grotto is 2 times the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult butterfly in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult puffin in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult mouse in Spectral Chamber is 1 plus the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult blue crab in Aurora Hollow equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult shrimp in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult deer in Cedar Valley equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 4 plus the number of adult green anaconda in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult grasshopper in Everglint Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult hornet in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the number of adult takahe in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Spectral Chamber equals 1 times the number of adult flamingo in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Prismatic Rift equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Crystalfrost Fields equals 1 times the number of adult triceratops in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult water buffalo in Glacierreach is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of adult animals in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult northern cardinal in Frostlight Peaks is the total number of newborn animal children in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult dyeing dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of adult animals in Shardlight Chasms. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult paradise tanager in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Nebulight Caverns equals the number of adult hydra in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Chimeric Crevasse equals the number of adult giant salamander in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Spectral Chamber equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult kudu in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the number of adult camel in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Snowshadow Rift equals 4 times the number of adult basilisk in Snowshadow Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Nebulight Caverns equals 1 times the number of adult pegasus in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult gibbon in Glistenroot Grotto is 3 plus the number of adult bear in Cedar Valley. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Starfreeze Caverns equals 4 times the number of adult clownfish in Starfreeze Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bullfrog in Chimeric Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Luminous Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult camel in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult bandicoot in Fluorescent Depths equals 4 plus the number of adult electric eel in Fluorescent Depths. The number of adult tsessebe in Opal Grotto equals 4 times the number of adult jerboa in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Frostspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult green-winged macaw in Frostspire Expanse. The number of adult blue whale in Icetide Hollow is 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult blue whale in Iceloom Crest is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Ebon Hollow equals the number of adult ocelot in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals the average number of newborn children per adult moloch (thorny devil) in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 2 times the difference between the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley and the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 times the number of adult hellbender in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult blue monkey in Starlight Vault is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult stonefish in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Shardbluff Canyon equals 4 plus the number of adult macaw in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult sandpiper in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult emu in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Spectral Chamber equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Opal Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Moonshadow Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Glintstone Caverns equals the number of adult fairy penguin in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult gouldian finch in Frostlight Peaks is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult mosquito in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult praying mantis in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult marine iguana in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the number of adult mouse in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult griffin in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger prawn in Aurora Hollow equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult dungeness crab in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Luminous Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Luminous Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Starlight Vault equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Eternafrost Plains equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult woolly mammoth in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Luminous Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult dungeness crab in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult mosquito in Radiant Tunnels. The number of adult wildebeest in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult serval in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult arctic wolf in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult elephant in Glacierreach is the total number of newborn animal children in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult paca in Spectral Chamber is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Crystalfrost Fields equals 2 times the number of adult sea wasp in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult mayfly in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult king penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult gecko in Luminous Hollows is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 plus the number of adult damselfish in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult american mastodon in Eternafrost Plains is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Nebulight Caverns equals 3 times the number of adult manta ray in Nebulight Caverns. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult tamarin in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult vervet monkey in Glistenroot Grotto equals 1 times the number of adult chimpanzee in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult toucan in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult hooded seal in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult thylacine in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult hognose snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Crystalfrost Fields is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult capybara in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult kudu in Glowspire Depths. The average number of newborn children per adult black panther in Twilight Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult leopard in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Frostlight Peaks equals the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Ebon Hollow equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult fennec fox in Prismatic Rift is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Ebon Hollow equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Ebon Hollow. The number of adult orangutan in Eclipsed Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult puma in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Chimeric Crevasse is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlight Vault. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shardbluff Canyon equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult blue monkey in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult kokoe poison frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult elephant seal in Icetide Hollow equals the number of adult california sea lion in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult chinstrap penguin in Glintfrost Chasm is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Glintfrost Chasm equals 3 plus the number of adult bush baby in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Prismatic Rift equals 3 times the number of adult cayote in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Frostspire Expanse equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Frostspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Dawnfrost Plateau equals 2 times the number of adult sloth in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Starlight Vault equals the average number of newborn children per adult velociraptor in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Spectral Chamber equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult porcupine in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Glintfrost Chasm equals the average number of newborn children per adult sugar glider in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the average number of newborn children per adult tamarin in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult little blue penguin in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Twilight Timber equals 4 times the number of adult blue crab in Twilight Timber. The number of adult elephant seal in Iceloom Crest is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley. The number of adult paca in Aurora Glacier equals the number of adult mouse in Aurora Glacier. The number of adult harpy cow in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The number of adult patas monkey in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult orangutan in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult pangolin in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult cerberus in Snowshadow Rift is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult pistol shrimp in Lustrous Hollow is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Crystalfrost Fields equals the number of adult brachiosaurus in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult bonobo in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Moonshadow Glade equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Iceloom Crest equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Cedar Valley equals 4. The number of adult angelfish in Chillveil Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Glintfrost Chasm. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Frostlight Peaks equals 4 times the number of adult painted bunting in Frostlight Peaks. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Crystalfrost Fields is the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult aye-aye in Moonshadow Glade is the number of adult racoon in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Prismatic Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult black widow spider in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult cougar in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult lynx in Twilight Timber. The number of adult noctiluca in Glacierveil Tundra equals 1 plus the number of adult tree kangaroo in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Glacierreach equals 4 times the number of adult sea wasp in Glacierreach. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Eternafrost Plains equals 4 times the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult night monkey in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult baboon in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult greyhound in Icewhisper Dale is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult arctic tern in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Icewhisper Dale. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Chimeric Crevasse is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult gannet in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of adult green anaconda in Shardbluff Canyon is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Icetide Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Eternafrost Plains equals 2 plus the number of adult indian elephant in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Dawnfrost Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Snowshadow Rift equals the number of adult koala in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult gelada in Lustrous Catacombs equals 1 plus the number of adult proboscis monkey in Lustrous Catacombs. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Frostlight Peaks equals the number of adult mandarin duck in Frostlight Peaks. The number of adult gelada in Glistenroot Grotto equals 2 times the number of adult leopard gecko in Glistenroot Grotto. The number of adult compsognathus in Glintstone Caverns equals 2 times the number of adult parasaurolophus in Glintstone Caverns. The number of adult cassowary in Crystalwood Sanctuary is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult grasshopper in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult cicada in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult snow crab in Aurora Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult ghost crab in Aurora Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult corythosaurus in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult kangaroo in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Eternafrost Plains equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sumatran elephant in Eternafrost Plains. The number of adult patas monkey in Glistenroot Grotto equals 4 times the number of adult tasmanian devil in Glistenroot Grotto. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Prismatic Rift equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Crystalshade Tunnels. The number of adult humboldt penguin in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult racoon in Maple Creek equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult eastern quoll in Icetide Hollow is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The number of adult ostrich in Iceloom Crest is the number of adult deer in Cedar Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Spectral Chamber equals the number of adult gannet in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Aurora Grove. The number of adult gila monster in Glacierreach equals the number of adult hippopotamus in Glacierreach. The number of adult butterfly in Silverfreeze Plateau equals the number of adult mayfly in Silverfreeze Plateau. The number of adult paca in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult capybara in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult collared lemming in Everchill Ridge equals the number of adult ocelot in Everchill Ridge. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult hognose snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside equals 1 plus the number of adult deer in Maple Creek. The number of adult acantharian in Glacierveil Tundra equals 1 times the number of adult wombat in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult russell's viper in Radiance Thicket equals 2 times the number of adult black mamba in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Prismatic Rift equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult dingo in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult chimpanzee in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult golden cat in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult coypu in Frozen Echo Basin equals 2 times the number of adult bearded dragon in Frozen Echo Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalshade Tunnels equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Crystalshade Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Prismatic Rift equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Prismatic Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Frostspire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Shardbluff Canyon equals the average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult spiny-tailed lizard in Frozen Echo Basin is the total number of adult animals in Wintersong Valley. The number of adult forest mammoth in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult stegodon in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult manatee in Glowspire Depths equals 1 times the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowspire Depths. The number of adult dormouse in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult hamster in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult borneo elephant in Whisperveil Thickets is the number of adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Glowfern Glade equals 2 times the number of adult chinese water dragon in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult compsognathus in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult diplodocus in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult weka in Frostlight Peaks is the average number of newborn children per adult racoon in Maple Creek. The number of adult coqui frog in Prismatic Glade equals 3 times the number of adult gerenuk in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Snowshadow Rift equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Snowshadow Rift. The number of adult pacific tree frog in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult tsessebe in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult beluga whale in Everchill Ridge is the total number of adult animals in Chillveil Heights. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Prismatic Rift equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult chihuahua in Prismatic Rift. The number of adult snares penguin in Glintfrost Chasm is the total number of adult animals in Aurora Glacier. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Ebon Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Ebon Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Luminous Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult iguana in Luminous Hollows. The number of adult booby in Wintersong Valley is the total number of newborn animal children in Shardbluff Canyon. The number of adult harpy cow in Dawnfrost Plateau is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 plus the number of adult king cobra in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult blue monkey in Shadowglint Vault equals 2 times the number of adult blue monkey in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult racoon in Oakridge Riverside. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult clouded leopard in Aurora Grove. The number of adult bandicoot in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 plus the number of adult mantis shrimp in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult gelada in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 times the number of adult gelada in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult carnotaurus in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Silverleaf Grove. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Chimeric Crevasse equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Chimeric Crevasse. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult emu in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult sea slug in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult humpback whale in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult mosquito in Everglint Woods equals the number of adult sandpiper in Everglint Woods. The number of adult patas monkey in Lustrous Catacombs equals 4 times the number of adult patas monkey in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult fairy penguin in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult king cobra in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult serval in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult marbled salamander in Prismatic Glade equals 3 plus the number of adult eland in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult tiger snake in Glacierreach equals the number of adult capybara in Glacierreach. The number of adult gelada in Shadowglint Vault equals the number of adult tarsier in Shadowglint Vault. The number of adult wasp in Silverfreeze Plateau equals 3 times the number of adult fairy penguin in Silverfreeze Plateau. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Dawnfrost Plateau equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Dawnfrost Plateau. The number of adult dingo in Icewhisper Dale is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Spectral Chamber equals the average number of newborn children per adult chipmunk in Spectral Chamber. The number of adult bear in Maple Creek equals 2. The number of adult gouldian finch in Moonstone Maze equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Moonstone Maze. The number of adult coconut crab in Radiant Tunnels equals the number of adult rock lobster in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 1 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult bonobo in Lustrous Catacombs equals the number of adult brazilian wandering spider in Lustrous Catacombs. The number of adult gray whale in Iceloom Crest is the total number of newborn animal children in Nebulight Caverns. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Cedar Valley equals the number of adult bear in Maple Creek. The number of adult pipefish in Eclipse Cavern equals the number of adult manta ray in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult boxfish in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 times the number of adult butterflyfish in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult clownfish in Chillveil Heights is the total number of newborn animal children in Eternafrost Plains. The average number of newborn children per adult rock lobster in Aurora Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult copperhead in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult kittiwake in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult coconut crab in Aurora Hollow equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ghost crab in Aurora Hollow. The number of adult fairy penguin in Icewhisper Dale is the number of adult bear in Oakridge Riverside. The number of adult rock lobster in Radiant Tunnels equals 1 plus the number of adult grasshopper in Radiant Tunnels. The average number of newborn children per adult albatross in Shimmerthorn Wilds is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Chimeric Crevasse equals 4 plus the number of adult gull in Chimeric Crevasse. The number of average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult heron in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult frigatebird in Wintersong Valley equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Wintersong Valley. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Crystalfrost Fields equals the average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Crystalfrost Fields. The number of adult pygmy elephant in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult caracal in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult harlequin shrimp in Eclipse Cavern equals 3 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Eclipse Cavern. The number of adult rotifer in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult radiolaria in Glacierveil Tundra. The number of adult thaliacean in Glacierveil Tundra equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Glacierveil Tundra. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Twilight Timber equals 2 plus the number of adult cheetah in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Silverleaf Grove equals 2 times the number of adult potoroo in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Iceloom Crest equals 2 plus the number of adult tinamous in Iceloom Crest. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Starlight Vault equals 2 times the number of adult macaque in Starlight Vault. The average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Eternafrost Plains is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Spectral Chamber. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult lobster in Twilight Timber. The number of adult eland in Glowspire Depths equals the number of adult eland in Glowspire Depths.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Cedar Valley as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Maple Creek as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Tate Modern equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bush baby in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Black Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Vatican Museums equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Vatican Museums. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult caracal in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult african clawed frog in Baltic Sea. The number of adult great auk in Ethereal Timber is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Barents Sea equals the number of adult black widow spider in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult colobus monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult dungeness crab in Arctic Ocean equals 4 plus the number of adult crab in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult king cobra in J. Paul Getty Museum is the total number of adult animals in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Shimmergrove is the total number of adult animals in Starshard Copse. The average number of newborn children per adult dodo in Opal Thickets equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult moas in Opal Thickets equals 1 times the number of adult galápagos penguin in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Arabian Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Iridescent Wilderness equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult puffin in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Vatican Museums equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Vatican Museums. The number of adult cassowary in Prismatic Canopy is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Pergamon Museum equals the number of adult iguana in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Baltic Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult topi in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult camel in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult elephant in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Pergamon Museum equals 1 times the number of adult gila monster in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is the total number of adult animals in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Crystalbough Reserve equals 4 plus the number of adult red bishop in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Ethereal Timber equals 1 times the number of adult caiman lizard in Ethereal Timber. The number of adult squirrel monkey in Amundsen Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult marine iguana in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult sandpiper in Caribbean Sea equals 4 times the number of adult razorbill in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Glistenreach equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Coral Sea equals 2 times the number of adult aye-aye in Coral Sea. The number of adult blue monkey in Guggenheim Museum equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Arabian Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult narwhal in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Glistenreach equals the number of adult yellow tang in Glistenreach. The number of adult copperhead in Spectral Wildwood is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glistenreach. The number of adult dormouse in Dazzlebark Retreat is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Labrador Sea equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult butterfly in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult mayfly in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult wasp in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult katydid in Southern Ocean. The number of adult forest mammoth in Hermitage Museum equals 4 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult sand cat in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult roan antelope in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult raccoon in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Glistenreach equals the number of adult cicada in Glistenreach. The number of adult southern right whale in J. Paul Getty Museum is the total number of adult animals in British Museum. The number of adult sun conure in Crystalbough Reserve is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult desert locust in Shimmergrove is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult amazon milk frog in Vatican Museums is the total number of adult animals in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Iridescent Wilderness equals 3 times the number of adult albatross in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Radiant Hollows is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Azure Shardwoods equals 1 times the number of adult stingray in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Lumina Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Lumina Glade. The number of adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Prado Museum equals the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert tortoise in Shimmergrove. The number of adult forest mammoth in Uffizi Gallery equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult leafhopper in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult antlion in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Labrador Sea is the total number of adult animals in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Glistenreach. The number of adult russell's viper in Ashmolean Museum equals the number of adult brush-tailed possum in Ashmolean Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult jerboa in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult butterfly in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult ackie monitor in Southern Ocean. The number of adult galápagos penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult vervet monkey in Sargasso Sea equals 4 times the number of adult stingray in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult tiger in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 plus the number of adult nyala in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Black Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult great auk in Opal Thickets. The number of adult mayfly in National Gallery equals the number of adult atlas moth in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Vatican Museums. The number of adult golden mole in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult bearded dragon in Flarebark Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse in Labrador Sea equals 1 times the number of adult narwhal in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult red-eyed tree frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult hourglass tree frog in Prado Museum equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in Prado Museum. The number of adult rhinoceros in Azure Shardwoods is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Red Sea. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Sargasso Sea equals 1 times the number of adult orangutan in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Red Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Red Sea. The number of adult desert locust in Pacific Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult southern right whale in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 plus the number of adult manatee in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult oryx in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult jaguar in Lumina Glade is the total number of adult animals in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Shimmergrove. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Hermitage Museum equals the number of adult deathstalker scorpion in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult yellow tang in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult mandrill in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult blue monkey in Tasman Sea equals the number of adult gibbon in Tasman Sea. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Prado Museum equals 4 times the number of adult strawberry poison dart frog in Prado Museum. The number of adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm, the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus, and the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult bonobo in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult macaque in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) is 2 times the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult frigatebird in Iridescent Wilderness is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult blue monkey in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult noctiluca in Mediterranean Sea equals the number of adult bettong in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult golden mole in Pacific Ocean equals 1 times the number of adult thorny devil in Pacific Ocean. The number of adult rotifer in Mediterranean Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Tate Modern equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Tate Modern. The number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 2 times the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The number of adult arnoux's beaked whale in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 1 plus the number of adult dwarf sperm whale in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult stingray in Lumina Glade equals 3 times the number of adult sloth in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Louvre Museum equals the number of adult spider monkey in Louvre Museum. The number of adult bobcat in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult green basilisk in Glintshade Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult grasshopper in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Bering Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult electric eel in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Lumina Glade equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult surgeonfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult stingray in Indian Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult siamese fighting fish in Indian Ocean. The number of adult chinchilla in Quartz Hollows is the total number of adult animals in Ashmolean Museum. The number of adult coyote in Flarebark Forest equals the number of adult parson's chameleon in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Ethereal Timber equals 3 plus the number of adult gila monster in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 times the number of adult camel in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult bettas in Indian Ocean equals the number of adult stingray in Indian Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Barents Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Barents Sea. The number of adult capybara in Rijksmuseum equals 1 times the number of adult orca in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult thaliacean in Mediterranean Sea equals 1 times the number of adult tintinnid in Mediterranean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult roadrunner in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult stick insect in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of adult animals in Pacific Ocean. The number of adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Louvre Museum equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult capuchin in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant bird in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Opal Thickets. The number of adult eland in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult tapir in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Barents Sea equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Barents Sea. The number of adult bobcat in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult leopard in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult kudu in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult arabic cow in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Bering Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult bettas in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult heron in Black Sea is 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult mosquito in National Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult minotaur in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult bongo in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Shimmergrove. The number of adult butterfly in Glistenreach is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult tern in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult blackbuck in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Lumina Glade is 4 plus the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult great auk in Louvre Museum. The number of adult booby in Caribbean Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult corn snake in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult lemur in Guggenheim Museum is 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow lorikeet in Crystalbough Reserve is the total number of adult animals in Tasman Sea. The number of adult bear in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult tapir in Lumina Glade. The number of adult deathstalker scorpion in J. Paul Getty Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the number of adult tamarin in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult erect-crested penguin in Shardspire Woods is the total number of newborn animal children in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Glintshade Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult fishing cat in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult lemur in Van Gogh Museum is the total number of newborn animal children in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult moose in Azure Shardwoods equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Red Sea equals 2 times the number of adult meerkat in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Smithsonian Institution equals 1 times the number of adult lemming in Smithsonian Institution. The number of adult frigatebird in Caribbean Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult komodo dragon in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 plus the number of adult rat in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Coral Sea equals the number of adult bandicoot in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Sparkleaf Haven equals 1 times the number of adult cicada in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult wasp in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult harp seal in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult howler monkey in Amundsen Sea equals 4 times the number of adult tarsier in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult oryx in Baltic Sea is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Arabian Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Arabian Sea. The number of adult blue monkey in Sargasso Sea equals 1 plus the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Barents Sea equals 1 times the number of adult sea otter in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Red Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Red Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Louvre Museum. The number of adult atlas moth in Glistenreach is the total number of adult animals in Mediterranean Sea. The number of adult southern mammoth in Uffizi Gallery equals 1 times the number of adult crowned tree frog in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Azure Shardwoods equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult mosquito in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult capybara in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus equals 2. The number of adult right whale in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 3 plus the number of adult box jellyfish in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult king penguin in Shardspire Woods is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Prismatic Canopy. The number of adult steppe mammoth in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 plus the number of adult palaeoloxodon in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult angelfish in Lumina Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Labrador Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult squirrel in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 plus the number of adult grebe in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult nutria in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the number of adult golden mantella in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Red Sea equals 1 times the number of adult desert locust in Red Sea. the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Louvre Museum equals 2 plus the number of adult squirrel monkey in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult arabic cow in Azure Shardwoods equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Azure Shardwoods. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Amundsen Sea equals 3 times the number of adult orangutan in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm equals the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult tinamous in Opal Thickets equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Opal Thickets. The number of adult patas monkey in Amundsen Sea equals 1 times the number of adult bonobo in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult chihuahua in Beaufort Sea equals 3 times the number of adult dhole in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Baltic Sea equals 3 plus the number of adult dwarf african frog in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Black Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Lumina Glade is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Uffizi Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Coral Sea equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Coral Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Shardspire Woods equals 2 times the number of adult elk in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Radiant Hollows equals the number of adult bushbuck in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Black Sea equals 3 times the number of adult walrus in Black Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult praying mantis in Sparkleaf Haven is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Coral Sea. The number of adult coyote in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult rhinoceros in Gleamveil Timberland. The number of adult grasshopper in National Gallery equals the number of adult praying mantis in National Gallery. The number of adult russell's viper in Spectral Wildwood equals 4 times the number of adult dromedary camel in Spectral Wildwood. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Iridescent Wilderness equals the number of adult pelican in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Radiant Hollows equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Dazzlebark Retreat is the total number of adult animals in Quartz Hollows. The number of adult butterfly in National Gallery equals 1 plus the number of adult chimera in National Gallery. The number of adult langoustine in Arctic Ocean equals 4 times the number of adult gannet in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult bettas in Weddell Sea equals the number of adult stingray in Weddell Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Glistenreach equals the average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Radiant Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult springbok in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult mayfly in Atlantic Ocean equals the number of adult elk in Atlantic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult hooded seal in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Shimmergrove equals 4 times the number of adult topi in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Barents Sea equals 3 times the number of adult gila monster in Barents Sea. The number of adult waxy monkey frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult addax in Flarebark Forest is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Caribbean Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Black Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Black Sea. The number of adult blue poison dart frog in Pergamon Museum is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Baltic Sea. The number of adult golden retriever in Beaufort Sea equals the number of adult beaked whale in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Smithsonian Institution equals the number of adult fennec mule in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult groundhog in Labrador Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Baltic Sea equals the number of adult addax in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Iridescent Wilderness equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult cormorant in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult mandrill in Guggenheim Museum is 1 plus the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sable antelope in Shimmergrove equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult weka in Louvre Museum is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult surgeonfish in Glistenreach is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Bering Sea equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult marlin in Bering Sea. The number of adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Spectral Wildwood is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gerenuk in Radiant Hollows is 2 plus the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Shardspire Woods is the total number of adult animals in Musée d'Orsay. The number of adult kingfisher in Starshard Copse is the total number of newborn animal children in Barents Sea. The number of adult wildebeest in Glowthorn Sanctuary is the total number of newborn animal children in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult bettas in Glistenreach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult hornet in Glistenreach. The number of adult rotifer in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult duiker in Shimmergrove equals 2 plus the number of adult nyala in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Radiant Hollows equals 3 plus the number of adult skimmer in Radiant Hollows. The number of adult cormorant in Iridescent Wilderness is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Tate Modern. The number of adult addax in Pacific Ocean is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Dazzlebark Retreat is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult noctiluca in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult omura's whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Opal Thickets. The number of adult golden cat in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult springbok in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult dormouse in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 plus the number of adult walrus in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult wildebeest in Rijksmuseum equals the number of adult humpback whale in Rijksmuseum. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult scorpion in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult mayfly in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult bowhead whale in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult ocelot in Tate Modern is the total number of adult animals in Hermitage Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult mandarin duck in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Glistenreach equals the number of adult bettas in Glistenreach. The number of adult rock lobster in Arctic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult horseshoe crab in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult indian elephant in Uffizi Gallery is 4 times the total number of adult animals in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult elk in Azure Shardwoods equals the number of adult yak in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Tate Modern equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch equals 1. The number of adult acantharian in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 3 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult red bishop in Crystalbough Reserve is the total number of adult animals in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult desert hedgehog in Pacific Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult blue whale in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Tate Modern equals the average number of newborn children per adult hedgehog in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult nutria in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult jerboa in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the number of adult dromedary camel in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Bering Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Coral Sea equals the number of adult giant salamander in Coral Sea. The number of adult leafhopper in Sparkleaf Haven is the total number of adult animals in Prado Museum. The number of adult desert locust in Gleamveil Timberland equals the number of adult elk in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Barents Sea equals 2 times the number of adult bowhead whale in Barents Sea. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Vatican Museums is the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Vatican Museums equals 3 times the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Vatican Museums. The number of adult lion in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals 2 times the number of adult oryx in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Azure Shardwoods is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals the number of adult manatee in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The number of adult greyhound in Beaufort Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Beaufort Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Arabian Sea is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Shimmergrove equals 1 times the number of adult bongo in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Crystalbough Reserve equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Glistenreach equals the number of adult goblin shark in Glistenreach. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Ethereal Timber equals 1 plus the number of adult elephant bird in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult surgeonfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult beaked whale in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult black widow spider in J. Paul Getty Museum. The number of adult manatee in British Museum equals the number of adult blue poison dart frog in British Museum. The number of adult moray eel in Indian Ocean equals 2 plus the number of adult aardvark in Indian Ocean. The number of adult velociraptor in Starshard Copse is the total number of adult animals in Ethereal Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Shimmergrove equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Shimmergrove. The number of adult rainbow boa in Spectral Wildwood equals 2 times the number of adult emerald tree boa in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult surgeonfish in Quartz Hollows is the total number of newborn animal children in Lumina Glade. The number of adult dwarf elephant in Uffizi Gallery equals 2 times the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Uffizi Gallery. The number of adult gelada in Amundsen Sea equals 4 times the number of adult gelada in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Crystalbough Reserve equals 3 plus the number of adult blue hawk in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult mole in Dazzlebark Retreat. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Louvre Museum. The number of adult mayfly in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult goliath beetle in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult fennec fox in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Shimmergrove equals the average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Barents Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Barents Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult booby in Black Sea equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult flamingo in Black Sea. The number of adult coyote in Pacific Ocean equals the number of adult desert tortoise in Pacific Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Dazzlebark Retreat equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult gouldian finch in Starshard Copse equals 3 times the number of adult baltimore oriole in Starshard Copse. The number of adult gelada in Tasman Sea equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Tasman Sea. The number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalbough Reserve is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Labrador Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult beaked whale in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult silkworm in Sparkleaf Haven equals the average number of newborn children per adult antlion in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult diplodocus in Starshard Copse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Gleamveil Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult katydid in Sparkleaf Haven equals the number of adult narwhal in Sparkleaf Haven. The number of adult blue-legged mantella in Pergamon Museum equals 3 times the number of adult marine iguana in Pergamon Museum. The number of adult golden mole in Gleamveil Timberland is 3 times the total number of adult animals in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the number of adult marlin in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Louvre Museum equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Louvre Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Radiant Hollows equals 4 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Opal Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult leatherback sea turtle in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gull in Radiant Hollows is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Dazzlebark Retreat is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult baboon in Louvre Museum is 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Hamilton Farm. The average number of newborn children per adult rat in Labrador Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult mouse in Labrador Sea. The number of adult thaliacean in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals the number of adult zooplankton in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Smithsonian Institution equals 3 plus the number of adult aardvark in Smithsonian Institution. The average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Bering Sea equals 3 times the number of adult goblin shark in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Glistenreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult mosquito in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult roadrunner in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chinchilla in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult cougar in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult tsessebe in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Prado Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-legged mantella in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Labrador Sea equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Labrador Sea. The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Spectral Wildwood equals the number of adult scorpion in Spectral Wildwood. The number of adult larvacean in Kunsthistorisches Museum equals 1 times the number of adult tintinnid in Kunsthistorisches Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult booby in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Vatican Museums equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult coelacanth in Lumina Glade equals the average number of newborn children per adult angelfish in Lumina Glade. The number of adult patas monkey in Guggenheim Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult penguin in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 3 plus the number of adult colobus monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult dwarf sperm whale in J. Paul Getty Museum equals 1 times the number of adult beluga whale in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult dromedary camel in Vatican Museums. The number of adult bonobo in Sargasso Sea equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult razorbill in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult orca in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). The average number of newborn children per adult thorny devil in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sidewinder rattlesnake in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) is 2 plus the total number of adult animals in Rijksmuseum. The number of adult chihuahua in Prismatic Canopy equals the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Prismatic Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult hammerhead shark in Lumina Glade equals the number of adult orangutan in Lumina Glade. The number of adult bonobo in Amundsen Sea equals 3 times the number of adult panther chameleon in Amundsen Sea. The number of adult poodle in Beaufort Sea equals 4 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Beaufort Sea. The number of adult coconut crab in Arctic Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult frigatebird in Arctic Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Labrador Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult killer whale (orca) in Labrador Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Azure Shardwoods equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Azure Shardwoods. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Arabian Sea equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult gaur in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Crystalbough Reserve equals the average number of newborn children per adult kangaroo rat in Crystalbough Reserve. The number of adult grasshopper in Southern Ocean equals 3 times the number of adult dung beetle in Southern Ocean. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Dazzlebark Retreat is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmergrove. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Bering Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult tern in Bering Sea. The number of adult frilled lizard in Metropolitan Museum equals the number of adult leatherback sea turtle in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult lionfish in Glistenreach is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult archerfish in Azure Shardwoods is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Guggenheim Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult walking stick in Sparkleaf Haven equals 3 times the number of adult ross's gull in Sparkleaf Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Radiant Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Radiant Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult dovekie in Bering Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult tern in Bering Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Tate Modern equals 2 times the number of adult green and black poison frog in Tate Modern. The number of adult butterfly in Atlantic Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult antlion in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult wasp in National Gallery equals 4 times the number of adult phoenix in National Gallery. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Opal Thickets equals the number of adult magellanic penguin in Opal Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult night monkey in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The number of adult parson's chameleon in Glintshade Grove is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Pergamon Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult skimmer in Iridescent Wilderness. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Vatican Museums equals the average number of newborn children per adult addax in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Tate Modern equals 2 plus the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Dazzlebark Retreat equals 3 times the number of adult golden mole in Dazzlebark Retreat. The number of adult patas monkey in Tasman Sea equals 4 times the number of adult gorilla in Tasman Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult kittiwake in Arabian Sea equals the number of adult blue whale in Arabian Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Coral Sea equals 1 times the number of adult sugar glider in Coral Sea. The number of adult marine iguana in Metropolitan Museum equals 1 times the number of adult black mamba in Metropolitan Museum. The number of adult vervet monkey in Amundsen Sea equals the number of adult howler monkey in Amundsen Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Baltic Sea equals the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Baltic Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult barracuda in Glistenreach equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult butterflyfish in Glistenreach. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Baltic Sea is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Iridescent Wilderness equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Iridescent Wilderness. The number of adult dugong in Rijksmuseum is the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult sandpiper in Black Sea equals the number of adult booby in Black Sea. The number of adult golden cat in Glintshade Grove equals the number of adult chinese water dragon in Glintshade Grove. The number of adult black panther in Glowthorn Sanctuary equals the number of adult puma in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The number of adult grasshopper in Atlantic Ocean equals 1 plus the number of adult rhinoceros in Atlantic Ocean. The number of adult desert locust in Flarebark Forest equals 2 times the number of adult komodo dragon in Flarebark Forest. The number of adult patas monkey in Sargasso Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult howler monkey in Sargasso Sea. The average number of newborn children per adult bear in Bundle Ranch equals 3 plus the sum of the number of adult deer in Jefferson Circus and the number of adult bear in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Glistenreach equals the number of adult electric eel in Glistenreach. The number of adult magellanic penguin in Van Gogh Museum equals the number of adult steamer duck in Van Gogh Museum. The number of adult tiger prawn in Arctic Ocean equals the number of adult shrimp in Arctic Ocean. The number of adult green-winged macaw in Starshard Copse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowthorn Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Shardspire Woods equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gentoo penguin in Shardspire Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult baboon in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Museum of Fine Arts (Boston). The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Shimmergrove equals the number of adult bushbuck in Shimmergrove. The number of adult splendid leaf frog in Prado Museum equals 4 plus the number of adult golden pheasant in Prado Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult hamster in Labrador Sea equals 2 times the number of adult minke whale in Labrador Sea. The number of average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Crystalbough Reserve equals the number of adult coyote in Crystalbough Reserve. The average number of newborn children per adult giraffe in Shardspire Woods is the number of adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The number of adult gelada in Sargasso Sea equals 2 plus the number of adult coelacanth in Sargasso Sea. The number of adult caiman in Lumina Glade is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Tate Modern equals the number of adult glass frog in Tate Modern. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Vatican Museums equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Vatican Museums. The average number of newborn children per adult yellow tang in Lumina Glade equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Lumina Glade. The number of adult cladoceran in Kunsthistorisches Museum is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm. The number of adult southern mammoth in Hermitage Museum equals 4 times the number of adult american mastodon in Hermitage Museum. The number of adult mosquito in Southern Ocean equals the number of adult green basilisk in Southern Ocean. The number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in J. Paul Getty Museum equals the number of adult inland taipan in J. Paul Getty Museum. The average number of newborn children per adult frigatebird in Black Sea equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult dolphin in Black Sea.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult bear in Hamilton Farm as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Bundle Ranch as F; so F = x = x. We know F = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Eternal Sands equals 2 plus the number of adult black mamba in Eternal Sands. The number of adult sugar glider in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult boomslang in Frostveil Cay is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult king cobra in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult pygmy elephant in Crystaldust Flats equals 2 plus the number of adult tiger in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult borneo elephant in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Radiance Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Elderbloom Woods equals 3 plus the number of adult lemming in Elderbloom Woods. The number of adult elephant seal in Silverwave Shoals is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult dormouse in Aurora Grove equals 1 plus the number of adult orangutan in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult fin whale in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Gleamhaven Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult milk snake in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult fairy penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult mole in Aurora Grove equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult guinea pig in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult inland taipan in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rusty-spotted cat in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult caracal in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult tomato frog in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Sunglint Wastes equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult corn snake in Frostveil Cay is the total number of adult animals in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Velvet Sands is the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 times the number of adult takahe in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Gilded Mirage equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult addax in Moonlit Mirage. The number of adult rainbow boa in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Eternal Sands. The number of adult deer in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Velvet Sands equals 3 plus the number of adult radiolaria in Velvet Sands. The number of adult roan antelope in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult giant salamander in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult tiger salamander in Sunglint Wastes is the total number of newborn animal children in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult gull in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult bobcat in Luminous Lagoon. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult polar bear in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult frilled lizard in Opalescent Isle is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 3 times the number of adult proboscis monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult centaur in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult kraken in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult waxy monkey frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 1 plus the number of adult waxy monkey frog in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult frigatebird in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Opalescent Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult blue-ringed octopus in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert hedgehog in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult amphipod in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Gilded Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult koala in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Silverwave Shoals equals 3 times the number of adult gray whale in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult rotifer in Opaline Wastes equals 2 times the number of adult dinoflagellate in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult bushbuck in Ebon Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult heron in Luminous Lagoon is the total number of adult animals in Twilight Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult zooplankton in Velvet Sands equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult asian elephant in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult royal penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 4 times the number of adult eyelash viper in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult african bush elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult patas monkey in Velvetreef Island equals 3 plus the number of adult pistol shrimp in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult bonobo in Auric Expanse equals 1 times the number of adult tinamous in Auric Expanse. The number of adult manatee in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult water buffalo in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult right whale in Twilight Timber equals the average number of newborn children per adult kraken in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin poison frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 3 plus the number of adult camel in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Dreamwood Canopy is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Crystaldust Flats equals 3 plus the number of adult collared lemming in Crystaldust Flats. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Velvetreef Island equals 2 times the number of adult spider crab in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult akita in Crystalbreeze Cay is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Crystaldust Flats equals 3 plus the number of adult musk ox in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult frilled lizard in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult subantarctic penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Solar Mirage. The number of adult african forest elephant in Elderbloom Woods is 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult mosquito in Glowfern Glade equals 4 times the number of adult pelican in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult fenrir in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult iguana in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Eclipsed Haven equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult sea lion in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult nemean lion in Dawnshard Desert equals 3 times the number of adult atlas moth in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Sandspire Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult king cobra in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Elderbloom Woods equals the number of adult porcupine in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult gigantosaurus in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult carnotaurus in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Silverwave Shoals equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deinonychus in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Crystaldust Flats equals the number of adult arctic hare in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult mouse in Aurora Grove. The number of adult cormorant in Nebulight Keys is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult golden lion tamarin in Velvetreef Island equals 4 times the number of adult rock lobster in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult tiger in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult black mamba in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult selkie in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 times the number of adult centaur in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult subantarctic penguin in Radiance Thicket equals the number of adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult leviathan in Dawnshard Desert equals 4 times the number of adult leviathan in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult compsognathus in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult kakapo in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult copperhead in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult rainbow boa in Eternal Sands. The number of adult gelada in Luminous Timberland equals 4 times the number of adult agouti in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult puma in Luminous Lagoon is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult lemming in Aurora Grove equals the number of adult howler monkey in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult black mamba in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult green anaconda in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult gray whale in Starshadow Isles equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult great auk in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Moonwhisper Isle is 1 times the total number of newborn animal children in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult vaquita in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult walrus in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult proboscis monkey in Auric Expanse equals 4 times the number of adult squirrel monkey in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Gilded Mirage equals 1 times the number of adult bonobo in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult leopard in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult skimmer in Dreamtide Isle is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Lustrous Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult hartebeest in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult pacific tree frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 times the number of adult golden mantella in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult potoroo in Glowmist Archipelago equals the number of adult long-nosed bandicoot in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult black panther in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult spiny lobster in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult sea anemone in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Golden Rift equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gobies in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult rattlesnake in Solar Mirage equals 2 times the number of adult taiwan beauty snake in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult steppe mammoth in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger-striped leaf frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult arabic cow in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult kitsune in Auroraflow Atoll is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Sunglint Wastes equals 4 plus the number of adult leopard in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult selkie in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult hydra in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult royal penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Moonshadow Glade. The number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetreef Island equals 4 times the number of adult colobus monkey in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult blackbuck in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult greyhound in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult magellanic penguin in Sparkdust Plain equals 3 times the number of adult king penguin in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 4 times the number of adult golden mantella in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult sandpiper in Nebulight Keys equals 3 times the number of adult tern in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult flightless cormorant in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult kakapo in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult argentine black-and-white tegu in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Stellar Wastes equals the number of adult green anaconda in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult deathstalker scorpion in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult manatee in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult vervet monkey in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult capuchin monkey in Auric Expanse. The number of adult booby in Luminous Lagoon equals 4 times the number of adult black panther in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult humpback whale in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of newborn animal children in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult white-flippered penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 plus the number of adult mandrill in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Velvet Sands equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult blackbuck in Dreamtide Isle equals 2 times the number of adult flamingo in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult pygmy sperm whale in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 times the number of adult california sea lion in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult gopher in Aurora Grove equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Starshadow Isles equals 4 times the number of adult harlequin shrimp in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Lusterflow Basin equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult frilled lizard in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult leopard frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult kitsune in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult leviathan in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult colobus monkey in Auric Expanse is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult blackbuck in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult mayfly in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult penguin in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult lehmann's poison frog in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Gilded Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult wombat in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 4 plus the number of adult elephant in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult zooplankton in Opaline Wastes equals 3 plus the number of adult glass frog in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult splendid leaf frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult therizinosaurus in Velvetbark Hollow equals the average number of newborn children per adult borneo elephant in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult butterfly in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult praying mantis in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Velvet Sands equals 4 times the number of adult stegodon in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult right whale in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult rock wallaby in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult springbok in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Glintbark Hollows equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult capybara in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Gilded Mirage equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult macaque in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult caracal in Stellar Wastes is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Auric Expanse. The number of adult noctiluca in Opaline Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult poison dart frog in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult coypu in Eclipsed Haven is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult california sea lion in Starshadow Isles equals 3 times the number of adult blue whale in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult eyelash viper in Sandspire Expanse equals 3 times the number of adult green anaconda in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult walking stick in Glowfern Glade equals 4 plus the number of adult kittiwake in Glowfern Glade. The number of adult marbled salamander in Frostlight Woods equals 4 times the number of adult marsupial mole in Frostlight Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult mangrove snake in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult proboscis monkey in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Elderbloom Woods equals 1 plus the number of adult asian elephant in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Whisperveil Thickets equals the average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult long-nosed bandicoot in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult wallaby in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult golden pheasant in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Dreamwood Canopy equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult paca in Aurora Grove equals 2 times the number of adult gibbon in Aurora Grove. The number of adult nyala in Starbloom Haven equals 3 plus the number of adult pacific tree frog in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mole in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of adult animals in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult lemur in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult lionfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult minke whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult white-flippered penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals the number of adult erect-crested penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult wildebeest in Glintbark Hollows equals 1 plus the number of adult elk in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult vaquita in Silverwave Shoals is the total number of newborn animal children in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult thaliacean in Moonlit Mirage equals 4 plus the number of adult euphausiid in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Ebon Dunes equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult albatross in Dreamtide Isle is 4 plus the number of adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult desert horned lizard in Opalescent Isle equals 1 plus the number of adult ackie monitor in Opalescent Isle. The number of adult nyala in Aurora Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult hartebeest in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult coyote in Twilight Archipelago equals 1 times the number of adult euphausiid in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult golden lion tamarin in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult lion in Prismatic Glade equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult serval in Prismatic Glade. The number of adult bushbuck in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult fennec fox in Aurora Keys. The number of adult eyelash viper in Eternal Sands equals the number of adult therizinosaurus in Eternal Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Whisperveil Thickets equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult capybara in Starfire Expanse equals 1 plus the number of adult moose in Starfire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Twilight Timber equals 1 times the number of adult cuvier's beaked whale in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult marbled salamander in Gleamhaven Keys equals 1 times the number of adult tiger salamander in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 1 plus the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult lionfish in Starshadow Isles is 3 times the total number of adult animals in Dreamtide Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult nemean lion in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult basilisk in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult crowned tree frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Twilight Timber equals 4 plus the number of adult centaur in Twilight Timber. The number of adult tsessebe in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult wildebeest in Aurora Keys. The number of adult patas monkey in Auric Expanse equals 3 plus the number of adult rhea in Auric Expanse. The number of adult thaliacean in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult surinam toad in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult cladoceran in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult eland in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult okapi in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult naumann's elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult american mastodon in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult poodle in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult siberian husky in Crystalbreeze Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Sunglint Wastes equals the number of adult snow leopard in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult copperhead in Eclipsed Canopy equals the number of adult reticulated python in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult orangutan in Crystaldust Flats equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult ivory gull in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Velvet Sands equals 1 plus the number of adult african bush elephant in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult wood frog in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult greyhound in Crystalbreeze Cay equals 3 times the number of adult new guinea singing dog in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult rhea in Frostveil Cay is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Radiance Keys equals 4 plus the number of adult guppy in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult addax in Ebon Dunes equals 4 plus the number of adult bullfrog in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult fer-de-lance in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult beluga whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult reticulated python in Stellar Wastes is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult wood frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 2 times the number of adult black panther in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Duneshadow Reach equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue poison dart frog in Duneshadow Reach. The number of adult parson's chameleon in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Shimmercrest Cay is the total number of adult animals in Eclipsed Canopy. The number of adult russell's viper in Frostveil Cay equals 3 plus the number of adult mangrove snake in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult roc in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult katydid in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult nyala in Lustrous Shoals equals 2 plus the number of adult nyala in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult bettong in Gilded Mirage equals 2 plus the number of adult night monkey in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult fox in Beverly Forest equals 2. The average number of newborn children per adult marine iguana in Solar Mirage equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult ball python in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf sperm whale in Twilight Timber equals 2 times the number of adult killer whale (orca) in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Eclipsed Haven equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Lustrous Shoals is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult hooded seal in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult dwarf african frog in Glowmist Archipelago is 3 plus the total number of adult animals in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult beluga whale in Starshadow Isles equals the number of adult triggerfish in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult gouldian finch in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult golden cat in Lustrous Hollow equals 3 times the number of adult frilled lizard in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Stellar Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult bobcat in Stellar Wastes. The number of adult kokoe poison frog in Luminous Drift equals 1 plus the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Drift. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult little blue penguin in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult ocelot in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult bullfrog in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Ebon Dunes equals 4 times the number of adult gerenuk in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult booby in Nebulight Keys equals 3 times the number of adult egret in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult reticulated python in Sandspire Expanse is the total number of newborn animal children in Radiance Thicket. The number of adult fenrir in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult griffin in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult gerbil in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Aurora Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult bearded dragon in Solar Mirage equals the number of adult komodo dragon in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger in Prismatic Glade equals the number of adult golden cat in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult sydney funnel-web spider in Dreamwood Canopy equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bryde's whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult palaeoloxodon in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult straight-tusked elephant in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The number of adult larvacean in Opaline Wastes equals 1 plus the number of adult hellbender in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult koala in Glowmist Archipelago is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult vervet monkey in Radiance Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult guppy in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult brown recluse spider in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult fin whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Dreamwood Canopy equals the number of adult inland taipan in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult king cobra in Frostveil Cay is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Glowmist Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult gecko in Whisperveil Thickets equals the number of adult tarsier in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Gleamhaven Keys equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult fire salamander in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult gelada in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult blue crab in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult red-eyed tree frog in Crystalbreeze Cay is the total number of adult animals in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult bilby in Gilded Mirage equals 4 times the number of adult opossum in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult panther chameleon in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult pachycephalosaurus in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult parson's chameleon in Starlit Atoll equals the number of adult gila monster in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult damselfish in Golden Rift equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult parrotfish in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult caiman lizard in Starlit Atoll equals 2 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult manatee in Glintbark Hollows equals 3 times the number of adult eland in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult triggerfish in Golden Rift equals the number of adult kinkajou in Golden Rift. The number of adult tsessebe in Starbloom Haven equals the number of adult wood frog in Starbloom Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Eclipsed Haven equals the number of adult tarsier in Eclipsed Haven. The average number of newborn children per adult chinese water dragon in Starlit Atoll equals the average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Starlit Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult scorpion in Twilight Archipelago equals the average number of newborn children per adult salp in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult glass frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult surinam toad in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Shimmercrest Cay equals the number of adult southern right whale in Shimmercrest Cay. The number of adult coqui frog in Frostlight Woods equals the number of adult tasmanian devil in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult bobcat in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult gecko in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult kudu in Glintbark Hollows equals the average number of newborn children per adult hippopotamus in Glintbark Hollows. The number of adult roc in Twilight Timber is the total number of newborn animal children in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult harlequin shrimp in Golden Rift equals the number of adult parrotfish in Golden Rift. The number of adult blue monkey in Auric Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult flightless cormorant in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult harbor porpoise in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult orca in Silverwave Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult pufferfish in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult aye-aye in Eclipsed Haven is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult moray eel in Starshadow Isles is 3 times the total number of newborn animal children in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult howler monkey in Luminous Drift is 1 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult red-eared slider in Solar Mirage equals the average number of newborn children per adult gila monster in Solar Mirage. The number of adult roan antelope in Aurora Keys equals 4 times the number of adult dingo in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the average number of newborn children per adult northern cardinal in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The number of adult springbok in Dreamtide Isle is 4 times the total number of newborn animal children in Stellar Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult macaw in Crystaldust Flats equals 1 times the number of adult ross's gull in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Starshadow Isles equals 3 plus the number of adult humpback whale in Starshadow Isles. The number of adult satanic leaf-tailed gecko in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult boomslang in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult copperhead in Sandspire Expanse equals the number of adult patas monkey in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult kangaroo in Gilded Mirage is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Frostlight Woods. The number of adult jerboa in Twilight Archipelago is 2 times the total number of adult animals in Eternal Sands. The number of adult lion in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult black panther in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult american mastodon in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult beaver in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult fennec mule in Shimmercrest Cay equals the average number of newborn children per adult aye-aye in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult phytoplankton in Twilight Archipelago is the total number of newborn animal children in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult brush-tailed possum in Silverleaf Grove equals 3 times the number of adult bettong in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Starshadow Isles equals the average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult southern right whale in Lusterflow Basin equals the number of adult hooded seal in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult forest mammoth in Everglint Woods equals 2 plus the number of adult american mastodon in Everglint Woods. The number of adult akita in Aurora Keys is the total number of adult animals in Frostveil Cay. The number of adult wasp in Glowfern Glade equals the number of adult dragonfly in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult brazilian wandering spider in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dreamwood Canopy. The number of adult cerberus in Dawnshard Desert equals the number of adult basilisk in Dawnshard Desert. The average number of newborn children per adult russell's viper in Sandspire Expanse equals the average number of newborn children per adult blue monkey in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult coyote in Moonwhisper Isle equals 4 plus the number of adult coyote in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult king penguin in Sparkdust Plain equals the average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult gull in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult gila monster in Nebulight Keys. The number of adult acantharian in Opaline Wastes equals the number of adult phytoplankton in Opaline Wastes. The number of adult duiker in Aurora Keys is 1 times the total number of adult animals in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult golden mantella in Gleamhaven Keys equals the number of adult steamer duck in Gleamhaven Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult thylacine in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult howler monkey in Gilded Mirage. The number of adult patas monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult orangutan in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult beaked whale in Lusterflow Basin equals 1 plus the number of adult omura's whale in Lusterflow Basin. The number of adult kitsune in Dawnshard Desert equals 4 times the number of adult phoenix in Dawnshard Desert. The number of adult copperhead in Frostveil Cay equals the number of adult hognose snake in Frostveil Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult tyrannosaurus rex in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult blue monkey in Luminous Timberland equals 4 plus the number of adult mandrill in Luminous Timberland. The number of adult chinese water dragon in Opalescent Isle equals the number of adult green iguana in Opalescent Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult desert locust in Twilight Archipelago equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Twilight Archipelago. The average number of newborn children per adult proboscis monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult blue monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult golden lion tamarin in Radiance Keys equals 3 plus the number of adult capuchin monkey in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern box turtle in Whisperveil Thickets equals 1 times the average number of newborn children per adult komodo dragon in Whisperveil Thickets. The average number of newborn children per adult mouse lemur in Eclipsed Haven equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult pangolin in Eclipsed Haven. The number of adult grasshopper in Glowfern Glade equals 2 plus the number of adult sandpiper in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult corn snake in Whisperveil Thickets equals 3 plus the number of adult gecko in Whisperveil Thickets. The number of adult stingray in Radiance Keys is 2 times the total number of newborn animal children in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult southern mammoth in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult hourglass tree frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult coqui frog in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Sunglint Wastes. The number of adult therizinosaurus in Silverwave Shoals is 4 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult eland in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult emperor penguin in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Lustrous Hollow equals the number of adult rusty-spotted cat in Lustrous Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult cane toad in Sunglint Wastes equals the average number of newborn children per adult jaguar in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult tasmanian devil in Shimmercrest Cay equals 3 times the number of adult bats in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult blackbuck in Lustrous Shoals equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult eastern newt in Lustrous Shoals. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult bumblebee poison dart frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult african penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult snares penguin in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult bonobo in Radiance Keys equals 1 times the number of adult electric eel in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult taiwan beauty snake in Sandspire Expanse equals 2 plus the number of adult russell's viper in Sandspire Expanse. The number of adult kudu in Starfire Expanse equals the number of adult gaur in Starfire Expanse. The number of adult wildebeest in Starfire Expanse is 4 plus the total number of adult animals in Opaline Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult rotifer in Velvet Sands equals the average number of newborn children per adult indian elephant in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult potoroo in Silverleaf Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult bandicoot in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult tiger snake in Dreamwood Canopy equals 1 plus the number of adult sea wasp in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Sunglint Wastes equals 3 plus the average number of newborn children per adult african clawed frog in Sunglint Wastes. The average number of newborn children per adult green and black poison frog in Auroraflow Atoll is the total number of adult animals in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult rock wallaby in Glowmist Archipelago equals 4 times the number of adult wallaby in Glowmist Archipelago. The number of adult frigatebird in Nebulight Keys equals the number of adult fer-de-lance in Nebulight Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult euphausiid in Velvet Sands equals 3 plus the number of adult rotifer in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult roc in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult unicorn in Auroraflow Atoll. The number of adult ostrich in Gleamhaven Keys is the total number of newborn animal children in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Silverleaf Grove equals 1 times the number of adult topi in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult hawkfish in Golden Rift equals the number of adult damselfish in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult meerkat in Twilight Archipelago is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Solar Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult little blue penguin in Sparkdust Plain equals the number of adult tsessebe in Sparkdust Plain. The average number of newborn children per adult eastern quoll in Gilded Mirage equals the number of adult numbat in Gilded Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult kokoe poison frog in Duneshadow Reach equals the average number of newborn children per adult rhinoceros in Duneshadow Reach. The average number of newborn children per adult boomslang in Dreamwood Canopy equals the average number of newborn children per adult sperm whale in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult forest mammoth in Elderbloom Woods equals the average number of newborn children per adult agouti in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Dreamwood Canopy is the total number of newborn animal children in Elderbloom Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult cuvier's beaked whale in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult seal in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult hooded seal in Silverwave Shoals equals the number of adult seal in Silverwave Shoals. The number of adult wombat in Glowmist Archipelago is 1 plus the total number of adult animals in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult topi in Aurora Keys equals the number of adult impala in Aurora Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult patas monkey in Radiance Keys equals the number of adult yellow tang in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult mosasaurus in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult gigantosaurus in Velvetbark Hollow. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Starshadow Isles equals 4 plus the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Starshadow Isles equals 2 times the number of adult sea otter in Starshadow Isles. The average number of newborn children per adult coypu in Shimmercrest Cay equals 4 times the number of adult bandicoot in Shimmercrest Cay. The average number of newborn children per adult roan antelope in Lustrous Shoals equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Lustrous Shoals. The number of adult blue monkey in Velvetreef Island equals 2 plus the number of adult vervet monkey in Velvetreef Island. The average number of newborn children per adult tsessebe in Ebon Dunes equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult giant salamander in Ebon Dunes. The average number of newborn children per adult humboldt penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 4 plus the number of adult corn snake in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult sea wasp in Dreamwood Canopy equals 4 times the number of adult scorpionfish in Dreamwood Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult parasaurolophus in Velvetbark Hollow equals the number of adult spinosaurus in Velvetbark Hollow. The number of adult little blue penguin in Frostveil Cay is the average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest. The number of adult russell's viper in Eclipsed Canopy equals 3 plus the number of adult black mamba in Eclipsed Canopy. The average number of newborn children per adult leviathan in Auroraflow Atoll equals the number of adult dragon in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult marsupial mole in Silverleaf Grove equals the number of adult kangaroo in Silverleaf Grove. The average number of newborn children per adult noctiluca in Velvet Sands equals the number of adult cladoceran in Velvet Sands. The average number of newborn children per adult gelada in Radiance Keys equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult clownfish in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult cerberus in Auroraflow Atoll equals 2 plus the number of adult harlequin poison frog in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult howler monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals the number of adult macaque in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult minotaur in Auroraflow Atoll equals 4 plus the number of adult fenrir in Auroraflow Atoll. The average number of newborn children per adult pipefish in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult slow loris in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult hellbender in Gleamhaven Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult poison dart frog in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult chihuahua in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult border collie in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult slow loris in Eclipsed Haven is the total number of adult animals in Glowfern Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult elephant seal in Silverwave Shoals is the total number of adult animals in Everglint Woods. The average number of newborn children per adult sea slug in Golden Rift equals 3 times the number of adult slow loris in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult omura's whale in Twilight Timber equals the number of adult hippogriff in Twilight Timber. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Radiance Keys equals the average number of newborn children per adult siamese fighting fish in Radiance Keys. The average number of newborn children per adult gaur in Glintbark Hollows equals the number of adult pangolin in Glintbark Hollows. The average number of newborn children per adult vole in Aurora Grove equals the average number of newborn children per adult gibbon in Aurora Grove. The number of average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest equals 4. The average number of newborn children per adult desert horned lizard in Starlit Atoll equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue whale in Starlit Atoll. The number of adult russell's viper in Eternal Sands is the total number of newborn animal children in Golden Rift. The number of adult gelada in Auric Expanse equals the number of adult weka in Auric Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult stegodon in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals the number of adult tomato frog in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult galápagos penguin in Radiance Thicket equals 1 times the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Radiance Thicket. The average number of newborn children per adult capuchin monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 1 plus the number of adult victoria crowned pigeon in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult squirrel monkey in Crystalwood Sanctuary equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult sun conure in Crystalwood Sanctuary. The average number of newborn children per adult humpback whale in Starlit Atoll is the total number of newborn animal children in Sparkdust Plain. The number of adult golden retriever in Crystalbreeze Cay equals the number of adult fox in Crystalbreeze Cay. The number of adult bonobo in Velvetreef Island equals the number of adult coconut crab in Velvetreef Island. The number of adult golden mole in Moonwhisper Isle equals 2 times the number of adult horned lizard in Moonwhisper Isle. The average number of newborn children per adult starfish in Golden Rift equals 2 plus the number of adult sea slug in Golden Rift. The number of adult spider monkey in Aurora Grove is the total number of adult animals in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult chimpanzee in Crystaldust Flats equals 4 plus the number of adult bowhead whale in Crystaldust Flats. The average number of newborn children per adult boxfish in Golden Rift equals the average number of newborn children per adult red panda in Golden Rift. The average number of newborn children per adult imperial mammoth in Shimmerthorn Wilds equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult blue-legged mantella in Shimmerthorn Wilds. The average number of newborn children per adult larvacean in Moonlit Mirage equals 3 times the average number of newborn children per adult pteropod in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult acantharian in Moonlit Mirage equals the number of adult kudu in Moonlit Mirage. The average number of newborn children per adult topi in Ebon Dunes equals the number of adult bushbuck in Ebon Dunes. The number of adult mangrove snake in Eternal Sands equals 3 plus the number of adult gaboon viper in Eternal Sands. The number of adult cougar in Lustrous Hollow equals 4 times the number of adult caracal in Lustrous Hollow. The number of adult gerenuk in Dreamtide Isle is the total number of adult animals in Starbloom Haven. The number of adult sandpiper in Luminous Lagoon equals the number of adult skimmer in Luminous Lagoon. The number of adult desert locust in Moonwhisper Isle is 4 times the number of adult fox in Beverly Forest. The number of adult vervet monkey in Luminous Timberland equals the number of adult pygmy elephant in Luminous Timberland. The average number of newborn children per adult cheetah in Sunglint Wastes is 2 plus the total number of newborn animal children in Sandspire Expanse. The average number of newborn children per adult dwarf african frog in Gleamhaven Keys equals 2 times the number of adult axolotl in Gleamhaven Keys. The number of adult fairy penguin in Moonshadow Glade equals 1 plus the number of adult rockhopper penguin in Moonshadow Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult lehmann's poison frog in Duneshadow Reach equals 2 plus the number of adult manatee in Duneshadow Reach. the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest is greater than 0. The average number of newborn children per adult arnoux's beaked whale in Lusterflow Basin equals the average number of newborn children per adult bowhead whale in Lusterflow Basin. The average number of newborn children per adult golden cat in Prismatic Glade equals 4 times the average number of newborn children per adult kingfisher in Prismatic Glade. The average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Stellar Wastes equals 2 plus the average number of newborn children per adult rainbow boa in Stellar Wastes.
What is the average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of newborn children per adult fox in Beverly Forest as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of newborn children per adult deer in Beverly Forest as Q; so Q = x = x. We know Q = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.