3 values
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1 value
The average number of nominations per film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Flow and Form Movie Gala is the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in The Oracle's Vision Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in The Oracle's Vision Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals the number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Legends of the Ages Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Legends of the Ages Film Gala. The number of film about solar farm town survival story in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about biopic of a forgotten jazz legend in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about steampunk victorian empire collapse in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per wwii submarine betrayal thriller in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals 2 plus the number of film about ice age return survival epic in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per naval warship survival drama in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the number of film about minimalist desert survival story in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about solar farm town survival story in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the number of film about lunar base murder mystery in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in Divine Tales Movie Awards is the total number of movie nominations in The Art of Dance Film Gala. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals the number of film about solar farm town survival story in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The number of film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of film about pioneer astronaut's family struggles in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per wwii submarine betrayal thriller in The Dancing Frame Festival is the total number of movies in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per unseen shadows revenge thriller in Whispered Myths Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of bone collector psychological thriller in Whispered Myths Film Festival. The number of average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival equals 1. The number of film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the number of solar flare survival thriller in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of film about fragmented dreamscape love triangle in Dances of the World Fest is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 4 times the number of stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Dances of the World Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about interactive story turned real in Dances of the World Fest. The average number of nominations per film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about diplomat's forbidden love story in The Dancing Frame Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about wwi trench musician's story in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in Spellbound Screens Festival equals the number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Spellbound Screens Festival. The number of moonlit ballroom ghost drama in Fable Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in The Celestial Stories Festival. The number of film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the number of naval warship survival drama in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Spellbound Screens Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about first-person perspective time travel tale in Spellbound Screens Festival. The number of korean historical thriller noir in Whispering Woods Movie Awards is 3 plus the total number of movies in Mythos Film Celebration. The number of film about detective in a virtual world crime spree in Shadows and Stars Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Whispered Myths Film Festival. The number of film about coral reef as seen through marine life in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about philosopher's journey through exile in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The number of stop-motion apocalypse art film in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase equals 2 plus the number of film about time-lapse story of a glacier's retreat in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals the number of gold rush prospector noir thriller in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Synchronized Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reality tv parody gone too far in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the number of film about revenge through a director's lens in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala equals the number of film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about shadowy assassin dual-life saga in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per unseen shadows revenge thriller in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about moonlit ritual sacrifice horror in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about global flood dystopian epic in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about global flood dystopian epic in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The number of film about the reluctant sorcerer's pilgrimage in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about philosophical debate played out as a murder mystery in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The number of film about high school baseball revenge saga in Ethereal Legends Film Awards is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per kaleidoscopic memory retrieval thriller in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest is 3 times the total number of movies in Fable Cinema Fest. The number of film about actors becoming their roles in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Legends of the Ages Film Gala. The average number of nominations per 1920's inventor rivalry comedy in Spellbound Screens Festival is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in Fragments of Myth Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about ancient scroll demon awakening in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the number of bank robber turned local sheriff comedy in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala equals 3 times the number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala. The number of glowing river odyssey drama in Fluid Frames Cinema Gala equals 3 times the number of film about talking star prophecy tale in Fluid Frames Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per epic mythology-inspired film saga in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per great depression bank heist thriller in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is the total number of movies in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Harmony in Steps Film Awards equals the number of prison psychologist and inmate thriller in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The number of film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Shadows and Stars Festival equals the number of film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Shadows and Stars Festival. The number of film about corporate political puppet master tale in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about revolution leader's double life in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of film about neural implant hacker tragedy in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of endangered species conservation thriller in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about lumberjack family torn by deforestation in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per blood-red moon vampire drama in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about sleep-paralysis horror tale in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Dances of the World Fest equals the number of film about actors becoming their roles in Dances of the World Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mirrored reality mystery unraveling in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals the number of film about zany escape from a cursed jungle in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The number of imagination game detective thriller in Fluid Frames Cinema Gala equals the number of film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Fluid Frames Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about ancient mesopotamian battlefield epic in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about zany escape from a cursed jungle in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The number of revolutionary war deserter drama in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The average number of nominations per epic historical drama based on a memoir in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about romantic tragedy based on a war novel in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Harmony in Steps Film Awards equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about corporate mind-meld conspiracy in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per falling leaves goodbye drama in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about indian cosmic musical epic in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest. The number of film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Whispering Woods Movie Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Fable Cinema Fest equals the number of film about 1920's parisian mime tragedy in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Legends of the Ages Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Legends of the Ages Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about war journalist's survival biopic in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about toy soldier time-travel heist in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about possession through cursed headphones in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase is 3 plus the total number of movies in The Movement Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about night market urban fantasy noir in Whispered Myths Film Festival is the total number of movies in The Realm of Gods Gala. The average number of nominations per film about soul-bound warrior vengeance story in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about haunted train station time loop in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about corporate political puppet master tale in The Dancing Frame Festival equals 4 times the number of film about diplomatic standoff on foreign soil in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per silent film star's untold tale in The Choreographer's Lens Festival is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about reverse chronological ghost story in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about journalist unraveling a corrupt dynasty in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Dances of the World Fest. The average number of nominations per classic forbidden romance drama in Enchanted Lights Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about small-town spirit detective story in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The number of film about hot air balloon pirate escapade in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards is 2 plus the total number of movies in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest. The average number of nominations per silent film star's blackmail case in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about victorian-era stolen artifact mystery in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals the number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per enchanted bookstore horror comedy in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about toy soldier time-travel heist in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The number of film about diplomat's forbidden love story in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals 3 times the number of film about cursed jewelry murder mystery in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in The Celestial Stories Festival equals 1 times the number of film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in The Celestial Stories Festival. The number of global climate summit espionage thriller in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about global peace through ancient magic treaties in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about roman empire gladiator's double life in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per fairy tale noir detective drama in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about cursed forest horror fantasy in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase equals 4 times the number of film about the hidden wonders of the ocean floor in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase. The number of film about heist crew of misfit siblings in Enchanted Lights Film Gala is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in The Eternal Realm Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The number of film about the scandal of a famous novelist in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about post-wwii veterans' crime saga in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in Mythos Film Celebration equals 2 times the number of film about victorian ghost story adaptation in Mythos Film Celebration. The number of endangered species conservation thriller in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals the number of film about forest regrowth rebellion story in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about fragmented dreamscape love triangle in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is the total number of movie nominations in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cold war sleeper agent noir in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about silent pact of suburban neighbors in Harmony in Steps Film Awards is 4 times the total number of movies in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about scandalous royal court power struggle in The Dancing Frame Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about cold war sleeper agent noir in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about guerrilla war rebellion in the jungle in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in The Art of Dance Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in The Art of Dance Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 3 times the number of film about wizard's apprentice and a forbidden love in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about roman legion's doomed expedition in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about roman legion's doomed expedition in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Flow and Form Movie Gala is the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals 3 plus the number of film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about dragon whisperer's tragic romance in Mystic Realms Movie Festival is the total number of movies in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about jazz age nightclub disappearance case in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about philosopher's journey through exile in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about pioneer astronaut's family struggles in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about glitch art dystopian romance in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest is 2 times the total number of movies in Whispers in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about contract killer with a moral code in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The number of film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about lonely jazz club saxophonist tale in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Dances of the World Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Dances of the World Fest. The average number of nominations per gold rush prospector noir thriller in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about celestial being falling for an astronomer in Mystic Realms Movie Festival is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 1 plus the number of norwegian fjord myth thriller in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about night market urban fantasy noir in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 3 times the number of the disappearance of a movie character in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about small-town bookstore murder mystery in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The average number of nominations per classic forbidden romance drama in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals the number of film about epic space opera trilogy adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in The Dancing Frame Festival equals the average number of nominations per renaissance sculptor rivalry drama in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Legends of the Ages Film Gala is the total number of movies in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about italian renaissance art heist in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals the number of film about pirates ruling global trade empires in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about reincarnated lovers meeting again in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about samurai's last stand against betrayal in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about rotating pov character experiment in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about visionary architect's lost legacy in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals the average number of nominations per tech mogul's dramatic fall from grace in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Harmony in Steps Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per naval warship survival drama in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The number of endangered species conservation thriller in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about coral reef as seen through marine life in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about wacky treasure hunt through a haunted house in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about accidental superhero saving the day in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about glitch art dystopian romance in Spellbound Screens Festival is 1 plus the total number of movies in Divine Tales Movie Awards. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Whispers in Motion Film Gala equals the number of film about life of a single ancient oak in Whispers in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about love across magical kingdoms in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about silent jungle explorer mystery in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about bubble travel across candy kingdoms in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival is greater than 0. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Spellbound Screens Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Spellbound Screens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in The Dancing Frame Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per great depression bank heist thriller in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The number of film about medieval scribe love triangle in Twilight Realms Film Gala is the total number of movies in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival equals 4. The number of endangered species conservation thriller in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals the number of film about tundra wolves facing extinction in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about actors becoming their roles in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per train station parting drama in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per floating island magical war drama in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about roman legion's doomed expedition in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per southern gothic crime drama in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about mob boss's heir undercover in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The number of film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase equals 3 plus the number of film about tundra wolves facing extinction in The Forgotten Myths Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per the disappearance of a movie character in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about meta-commentary on horror cliches in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about ancient library arson investigator in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The number of global climate summit espionage thriller in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about grassroots rebellion rise to power in The Dancing Frame Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about backroom deals in ancient rome in The Dancing Frame Festival. The number of film about struggle of a single salmon's return home in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The number of film about philosopher's journey through exile in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of revolutionary war deserter drama in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about rogue cop infiltrating a drug cartel in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Legends of the Ages Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about ballet dancer turned martial artist saga in Legends of the Ages Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in The Oracle's Vision Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about gothic vampire court intrigue in The Oracle's Vision Film Gala. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Fable Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about scandalous royal court power struggle in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 4 times the number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals 2 times the number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the number of assassination conspiracy courtroom drama in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals the number of film about jazz age nightclub disappearance case in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about ghost ship's forgotten passengers in The Hero's Saga Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about master forger turned criminal mastermind in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about prison break through a hidden tunnel in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The number of forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Eternal Myths Film Fest is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Echoes of Dance Fest. The average number of nominations per blood-red moon vampire drama in Whispered Myths Film Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about echoing canyon magical race in Whispered Myths Film Festival. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals the number of film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about great depression factory worker mystery in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in The Celestial Stories Festival equals the number of film about victorian ghost story adaptation in The Celestial Stories Festival. The average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per elemental wizard rivalry drama in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The number of film about global flood dystopian epic in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the number of film about coral reef as seen through marine life in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals the number of film about hidden portal in an antique shop in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The number of film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Shadows and Stars Festival equals 1 times the number of film about magic lamp causing outrageous wishes in Shadows and Stars Festival. The average number of nominations per film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about song of the mountain spirit in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The number of film about visionary architect's lost legacy in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of wwii submarine betrayal thriller in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about medieval siege from a villager's perspective in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The number of film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Flow and Form Movie Gala is the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals the number of film about 50's diner romance in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Whispered Myths Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Whispered Myths Film Festival. The number of film about snow-covered piano prodigy tale in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Dancing Frame Festival. The number of film about alien invasion with prankster saviors in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals the number of film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in The Art of Dance Film Gala equals the number of film about unlikely pirates teaming up for revenge in The Art of Dance Film Gala. The number of underground fight club drama in The Divine Tapestry Festival is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per unseen shadows revenge thriller in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals 4 times the number of 80's neon crime drama in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Fragments of Myth Film Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Fragments of Myth Film Fest. The average number of nominations per the rewriting of history in a time-travel comedy in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the number of film about fading writer's legacy story in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards equals 2 times the number of film about tea-party dimension heist in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The number of film about global flood dystopian epic in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals 3 plus the number of film about wildlife photographer uncovering corporate secrets in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about spartan warrior's family epic in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals the number of film about ancient roman chariot race tragedy in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about high-society party robbery gone wrong in Flow and Form Movie Gala equals 2 times the average number of nominations per norwegian fjord myth thriller in Flow and Form Movie Gala. The number of film about the scandal of a famous novelist in Mythos Film Celebration equals the number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Mythos Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per film about memories distorted by alternate timelines in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about wistful beach sunset story in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The number of film about shape-shifter's soulmate odyssey in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Synchronized Stories Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about whispering trees holding ancient memories in Synchronized Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of film about star-crossed lovers across parallel realms in Mystic Realms Movie Festival is the total number of movies in Fluid Frames Cinema Gala. The number of film about solar farm town survival story in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals 4 plus the number of film about castle siege with slapstick twists in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The number of great depression bank heist thriller in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala equals the number of film about gold rush miner revenge saga in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about dark inheritance courtroom saga in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per the disappearance of a movie character in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about elizabethan theater backstage intrigue in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is the total number of movies in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about visionary architect's lost legacy in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per unseen shadows revenge thriller in The Dancer's Spirit Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about ancient temple treasure hunt in The Dancer's Spirit Fest. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about civil war deserter's tragic redemption in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival equals the number of film about resistance fighter's coded message odyssey in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The number of film about historic chess prodigy rivalry story in Twilight Realms Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about anthology connected by one mysterious object in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about global peace through ancient magic treaties in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about global peace through ancient magic treaties in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala equals the number of film about hacktivist uncovering ancient secrets in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about family reunion during a bank robbery in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about victorian ghost story adaptation in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in The Eternal Realm Cinema Festival equals the number of film about cricket match political allegory in The Eternal Realm Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals the number of assassination conspiracy courtroom drama in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of film about forgotten diary ghost romance in The Divine Tapestry Festival is 2 plus the total number of movies in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Fragments of Myth Film Fest equals the number of isolated mountaintop painter drama in Fragments of Myth Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about collage of overlapping realities in Spellbound Screens Festival is the total number of movies in The Oracle's Vision Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about time-looping wizard saga in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest equals the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The number of film about ancient mesopotamian battlefield epic in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about shadowy assassin dual-life saga in Celestial Saga Film Awards is the total number of movies in Shadows and Stars Festival. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Fable Cinema Fest equals the number of 20's silent boxing drama in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Dances of the World Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about meta-commentary on horror cliches in Dances of the World Fest. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala equals the number of film about accidental superhero saving the day in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about viking explorers discovering steam power in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals the number of film about post-wwii veterans' crime saga in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Eternal Myths Film Fest is 2 plus the total number of movies in Legends of Olympus Cinema Gala. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Whispers in Motion Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about journey of a wandering albatross in Whispers in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per social media influencer noir thriller in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the number of the disappearance of a movie character in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals the number of film about tech billionaire and his unlucky bodyguard in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about night market urban fantasy noir in The Dancer's Spirit Fest equals 1 plus the number of occult murder cult thriller in The Dancer's Spirit Fest. The average number of nominations per dreamscape travel thriller in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest equals the number of film about golem maker's tragedy in Elegant Steps Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 3 times the number of film about ancient mesopotamian battlefield epic in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Dances of the World Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film within a film reality breakdown in Dances of the World Fest. The average number of nominations per stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in Flow and Form Movie Gala is 1 plus the total number of movies in Step into Frames Film Awards. The average number of nominations per mystery-thriller based on a bestseller in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about epic fantasy series prequel adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in The Dancing Frame Festival equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in The Dancing Frame Festival. The number of film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest equals the number of film about french vineyard ghost love story in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest. The average number of nominations per film about time-travel romance adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about feudal japanese peasant rebellion in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about abandoned carnival ghost story in Mystic Realms Movie Festival is the total number of movie nominations in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about reincarnated lovers meeting again in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The number of film about clumsy spy with a brilliant sidekick in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala is 1 times the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase equals the number of biopunk corporate espionage drama in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals the number of film about rebellion in a futuristic combat sport in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The number of film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Synchronized Stories Film Festival equals the number of film about fae versus human love story in Synchronized Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about steampunk victorian empire collapse in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals the average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals the number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about ancient egyptians developing flying machines in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about forbidden portal time-spanning journey in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The number of silent magical realism drama in Beyond the Ballet Screen Gala equals 3 times the number of film about global flood dystopian epic in Beyond the Ballet Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about high-society party robbery gone wrong in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about bank robbery from the teller's pov in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about talking animal circus adventure in Beat in Motion Cinema Fest. The number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Divine Tales Movie Awards equals 4 times the number of film about philosopher's journey through exile in Divine Tales Movie Awards. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards equals 2 times the number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about lonely jazz club saxophonist tale in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The number of film about hyper-realistic workplace satire in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 1 plus the total number of movies in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about secret agent with a terrible disguise in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about romantic tragedy based on a war novel in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per revolutionary war deserter drama in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about ancient temple treasure hunt in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about haunted mirror time-travel story in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 3 plus the number of social media influencer noir thriller in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of dreamscape travel thriller in Synchronized Stories Film Festival equals the number of elemental wizard rivalry drama in Synchronized Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about rogue cop infiltrating a drug cartel in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The number of film about vanishing ink love letter story in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase equals 2 times the number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per self-aware ai directing its own movie in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about memories distorted by alternate timelines in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about reclusive poet's secret world in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about victorian scientist breaking barriers in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The number of film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest equals the number of film about russian winter survival horror in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in Harmony in Steps Film Awards equals the number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The number of living doll rebellion thriller in Elven Grove Movie Festival is the total number of movies in Ethereal Legends Film Awards. The average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in Legends of the Ages Film Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Legends of the Ages Film Gala. The number of film about ghost ship's forgotten passengers in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival is 3 plus the total number of movies in Vivid Rhythm Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the number of stop-motion apocalypse art film in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals 3 times the number of film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The average number of nominations per dreamscape travel thriller in Echoes of Dance Fest equals 1 times the number of film about explosions during a cooking competition in Echoes of Dance Fest. The average number of nominations per film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in Harmony in Steps Film Awards equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Harmony in Steps Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest equals the average number of nominations per revolutionary war deserter drama in Beyond the Gods Frames Fest. The number of the rewriting of history in a time-travel comedy in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Spellbound Screens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Dances of the World Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about revenge through a director's lens in Dances of the World Fest. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in The Realm of Gods Gala equals the number of film about looping dreamscape narrative in The Realm of Gods Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cursed jewelry murder mystery in Whispered Myths Film Festival is the total number of movies in Beyond the Ballet Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in The Dancer's Spirit Fest equals the number of fog-covered gothic mansion drama in The Dancer's Spirit Fest. The number of renaissance sculptor rivalry drama in Twilight Realms Film Gala is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Dancer's Spirit Fest. The average number of nominations per film about desert conflict through a medic's eyes in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about first-person perspective time travel tale in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of revolutionary war deserter drama in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about corporate political puppet master tale in Myths and Legends Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about wistful beach sunset story in The Divine Tapestry Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about boxing in 1920's harlem in The Divine Tapestry Festival. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about ancient library arson investigator in Rhythmic Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals the number of film about lonely jazz club saxophonist tale in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The number of film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals the number of film about polar bear migration allegory in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase equals the number of kaleidoscopic memory retrieval thriller in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about interactive story turned real in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about war journalist's survival biopic in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of film about spartan warrior's family epic in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Eternal Myths Film Fest equals 3 times the number of film about wistful beach sunset story in Eternal Myths Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about pocket dimension love story in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase equals the number of silent film with only ambient sounds in Golden Slippers Movie Showcase. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals 1 plus the number of film about 90's grunge coming-of-age story in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about whimsical coming-of-age family tale in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in The Celestial Stories Festival equals the number of film about world war ii won with bio-engineered soldiers in The Celestial Stories Festival. The average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Echoes of Dance Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in Echoes of Dance Fest. The number of film about diplomat's forbidden love story in Fable Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of silent magical realism drama in Fable Cinema Fest. The number of film about corporate political puppet master tale in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the number of bone collector psychological thriller in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in The Realm of Gods Gala equals 2 times the number of film about abstract black-and-white exploration of loss in The Realm of Gods Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the scandal of a famous novelist in The Choreographer's Lens Festival equals the number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in The Choreographer's Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about time-looping wizard saga in Echoes of Dance Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about golem maker's tragedy in Echoes of Dance Fest. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in The Art of Dance Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in The Art of Dance Film Gala. The number of film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Beyond the Ballet Screen Gala equals the number of film about ice age return survival epic in Beyond the Ballet Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per leaked dossier international thriller in The Dancing Frame Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in The Dancing Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about battlefield letters unsent tragedy in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about wwi pilot squadron brotherhood in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Whispers in Motion Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about diplomat's forbidden love story in Whispers in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about shadowy figure from parallel dimensions in Sacred Scrolls Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten soldier of a phantom war in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about single-shot nocturnal urban journey in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in The Eternal Realm Cinema Festival equals the number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in The Eternal Realm Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about forgotten soldier of a phantom war in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in The Celestial Stories Festival equals the number of film about whimsical coming-of-age family tale in The Celestial Stories Festival. The number of film about revolution leader's double life in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards is the total number of movies in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The number of film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in Mythos Film Celebration equals the number of film about pioneer astronaut's family struggles in Mythos Film Celebration. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Ethereal Legends Film Awards equals the number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Ethereal Legends Film Awards. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals 3 plus the number of film about australian outback sci-fi western in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals the number of film about night market urban fantasy noir in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala equals 4 times the number of film about alien bounty hunter's wacky earth mission in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about time-travelers messing up history hilariously in Chronicles of the Ancients Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about backroom deals in ancient rome in The Pantheon Lens Film Festival. The number of south african apartheid time-travel drama in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest equals the number of norwegian fjord myth thriller in Ancient Prophecies Movie Fest. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals 3 plus the number of unseen shadows revenge thriller in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Ethereal Legends Film Awards equals the number of film about 18th-century gothic horror love story in Ethereal Legends Film Awards. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala equals 2 times the number of film about revenge through a director's lens in Frames of Grace Cinema Gala.
What is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in West Sahara Movie Festival as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in West Sahara Movie Festival as O; so O = x = x. We know O = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The number of film about flaming river mythic odyssey in Poetic Pathways Film Gala is 1 plus the total number of movies in Chase and Fury Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about symbiotic relationship of predator and prey in Windows to the World Cinema Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Crash and Burn Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Crash and Burn Movie Awards equals the number of film about quantum-entangled romance saga in Crash and Burn Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals the number of film about tree spirit's unrequited love story in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals 1 times the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about floating library mystery journey in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reality tv parody gone too far in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about interactive story turned real in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The number of film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Bullet Frames Film Gala equals the number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Bullet Frames Film Gala. The number of film about salem witch trial survivor tale in Truth in Frames Cinema Fest is 1 times the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Verdi Movie Festival equals 4 times the total number of movies in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in The Real Stories Showcase equals the number of film about heist crew of misfit siblings in The Real Stories Showcase. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in Beyond the Headlines Movie Awards equals 2 times the number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Beyond the Headlines Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 2 times the number of film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in Reflections in Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals the number of film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Silver Truth Documentary Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about silent circus tragedy romance in Silver Truth Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Lens on the World Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about spoken-word monologue experimental tale in Lens on the World Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The number of film about end-of-the-world bridal party satire in The Edge Action Movie Showcase is 1 times the total number of movies in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Perspectives in Motion Fest is the total number of movie nominations in The Real Stories Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Chase and Fury Movie Gala equals the number of martian colony private eye thriller in Chase and Fury Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per calm road movie in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2. The number of solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival equals 2. The number of underground fight club drama in Relentless Motion Film Festival equals 2 times the number of midnight drag racing thriller in Relentless Motion Film Festival. The number of total number of movies in West Sahara Movie Festival equals 4. The number of film about family reunion during a bank robbery in The Real Stories Showcase is 4 plus the total number of movies in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Fast and Fearless Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about nonlinear heist mystery in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards equals 3 plus the number of film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about greek island time-travel romance in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about japanese cyberpunk samurai duel in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival equals 3 times the number of film about mob boss's heir undercover in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The number of film about spy infiltrating high society gala in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards is the total number of movies in The Raw Truth Film Festival. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in The Raw Truth Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in The Raw Truth Film Festival. The number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of martian colony private eye thriller in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals the number of film about star racer's death-defying saga in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in Fast and Fearless Film Gala equals the number of film about documentary about a fictional hero in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Velvet Reel Drama Fest equals the number of film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Velvet Reel Drama Fest. The number of film about cricket match political allegory in Relentless Motion Film Festival equals the number of wwii submarine betrayal thriller in Relentless Motion Film Festival. The number of film about galactic space-race adventure in The Pulse of Action Film Fest equals the number of film about treehouse kingdom rivalry saga in The Pulse of Action Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about end-of-the-world bridal party satire in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest is the number of calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per korean historical thriller noir in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of 80's aerobics revenge thriller in On the Record Film Awards is the total number of movies in Earthbound Narratives Festival. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Woven Stories Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Woven Stories Film Festival. The number of film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in Human Lens Film Showcase equals the number of film about talking animal circus adventure in Human Lens Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about fae versus human love story in Golden Frame Film Awards is the total number of movies in Velocity Visions Film Fest. The number of film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Fast and Fearless Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about philosophical debate played out as a murder mystery in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The number of film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Crimson Shadows Festival equals 4 times the number of film about soccer coach redemption tale in Crimson Shadows Festival. The number of intense detective thriller in Verdi Movie Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per grim fairy tale comedy parody in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per fairy tale noir detective drama in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the number of film about space station escape from ai control in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Paragon Drama Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about magical bakery love story in Paragon Drama Fest. The average number of nominations per film about corporate mind-meld conspiracy in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 2 times the number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Genuine Lens Movie Gala equals 4 times the number of great depression bank heist thriller in Genuine Lens Movie Gala. The number of film about jewelry store heist with a twist in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival is the total number of movies in Momentum Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about oblivious superhero satire in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in The Pulse of Action Film Fest equals 4 plus the number of living doll rebellion thriller in The Pulse of Action Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in High Octane Frames Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about midnight diner heartbreak story in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in The Emotive Lens Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about genetic experiment rebellion story in The Emotive Lens Gala. The average number of nominations per film about indian cosmic musical epic in Fragments of Reality Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in Harbor of Tears Film Awards equals 4 times the number of film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in Harbor of Tears Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Golden Frame Film Awards equals 4 times the number of film about mythical beast gladiator tournament in Golden Frame Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about dream-interrogation gone awry in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about looping dreamscape narrative in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals the number of stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per virtual reality sabotage thriller in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Silver Truth Documentary Fest equals the number of film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Silver Truth Documentary Fest. The number of glowing river odyssey drama in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala equals the number of film about mountain oracle's cryptic prophecy in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Heartland Film Awards equals 1 plus the number of glacier expedition comedy of errors in Heartland Film Awards. The number of film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Windows to the World Cinema Fest is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in The Blazing Screen Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about silent romantic heist caper in The Blazing Screen Fest. The average number of nominations per film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The number of film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Woven Stories Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about diplomatic standoff on foreign soil in Woven Stories Film Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala equals 4 times the number of film about explosions during a cooking competition in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per talking animal courtroom drama in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest equals 3 times the number of film about napoleon winning the battle of waterloo in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest. the number of calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival exists, and its number is greater than 0. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about silent pact of suburban neighbors in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about small-town cult psychological maze in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Fast and Fearless Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about dystopian young adult rebellion saga in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest equals the number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest. The number of film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards equals the number of southern gothic crime drama in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Voices of Reality Film Festival equals the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Voices of Reality Film Festival. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Real Stories Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about spy infiltrating high society gala in The Real Stories Showcase. The number of film about tea-party dimension heist in Human Lens Film Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in The Emotive Lens Gala. The number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest equals the number of film about cybernetic detective solving a haunting in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Reflections in Film Showcase is the total number of movies in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about 70's psychedelic mystery in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival is the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Verdi Movie Festival. The number of film about 70's psychedelic mystery in On the Record Film Awards is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The number of gold rush prospector noir thriller in Truth in Frames Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Voices of Reality Film Festival. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Voices of Reality Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in Voices of Reality Film Festival. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in The Raw Truth Film Festival equals the number of film about oblivious superhero satire in The Raw Truth Film Festival. The average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about alien artifact interstellar expedition in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala equals the number of film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in The Real Stories Showcase equals 4 times the number of election campaign rivalry comedy in The Real Stories Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in Crash and Burn Movie Awards equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about cryo-sleep murder mystery in Crash and Burn Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in The Gilded Curtain Festival is 4 times the total number of movies in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about paper bird magical messenger saga in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival is the number of calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Silver Truth Documentary Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Silver Truth Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Power Moves Cinema Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per fog-covered gothic mansion drama in Power Moves Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals the number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 2 times the number of kaleidoscopic memory retrieval thriller in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival equals the number of film about detective in a virtual world crime spree in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The number of film about imperial china palace spy saga in Silver Truth Documentary Fest is the total number of movies in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The average number of nominations per the rewriting of history in a time-travel comedy in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about accidental king's epic blunders in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival. The average number of nominations per ai-prophet rebellion drama in High Octane Frames Festival equals the number of film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about roman empire gladiator's double life in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about collage of overlapping realities in Lens on the World Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Poetic Pathways Film Gala. The number of unseen shadows revenge thriller in Bullet Frames Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Bullet Frames Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about anthology connected by one mysterious object in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The average number of nominations per intergalactic trade heist thriller in The Emotive Lens Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about forgotten soldier of a phantom war in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Heartland Film Awards equals the number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Heartland Film Awards. The number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Relentless Motion Film Festival is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in Power Moves Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mythical beast gladiator tournament in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about lost island tribal epic in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Beyond the Headlines Movie Awards equals the number of film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Beyond the Headlines Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The number of unseen shadows revenge thriller in Genuine Lens Movie Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Genuine Lens Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in The Blazing Screen Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about 1920's parisian mime tragedy in The Blazing Screen Fest. The number of film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest is the number of calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala is the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per dreamscape travel thriller in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about android detective noir in The Pulse of Action Film Fest equals the number of talking animal courtroom drama in The Pulse of Action Film Fest. The average number of nominations per the disappearance of a movie character in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals the number of film about accidental king's epic blunders in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The average number of nominations per film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about underground cave ecosystem saga in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The number of film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Silent Storms Cinema Gala equals 4 times the number of track and field historical drama in Silent Storms Cinema Gala. The number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Chase and Fury Movie Gala is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Edge Action Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about soul-bound warrior vengeance story in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about space pirate love story in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about creaky attic time-travel discovery in Human Lens Film Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The number of talking animal courtroom drama in Paragon Drama Fest is the total number of movie nominations in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in The Blazing Screen Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per 1920's inventor rivalry comedy in The Blazing Screen Fest. The number of film about talking star prophecy tale in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about sea of light wanderer's odyssey in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala. The number of forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards equals 1 times the number of global climate summit espionage thriller in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards. The number of film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Harbor of Tears Film Awards equals the number of 20's silent boxing drama in Harbor of Tears Film Awards. The number of calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival equals 4. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2. The number of solar flare survival thriller in Reflections in Film Showcase is 3 plus the total number of movies in Bullet Frames Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals the number of film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Combat Lens Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about high school baseball revenge saga in The Combat Lens Film Gala. The number of film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Relentless Motion Film Festival equals the number of film about victorian orphan revenge saga in Relentless Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about mob boss's heir undercover in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The number of film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Momentum Movie Awards equals the number of film about lighthouse keeper and a phantom guide in Momentum Movie Awards. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Combat Lens Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about explosions during a cooking competition in The Combat Lens Film Gala. the number of calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival exists, and its number is greater than 0. The number of film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards equals the number of political scandal time-bomb thriller in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards. The number of film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Velvet Reel Drama Fest. The average number of nominations per film about high school baseball revenge saga in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about rebellion in a futuristic combat sport in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about celestial being falling for an astronomer in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about australian outback sci-fi western in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Real Stories Showcase is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Lens on the World Film Gala. The number of accidental assassin comedy thriller in Ashwood Drama Fest is 2 times the number of calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals 3 plus the number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The number of film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in The Human Thread Movie Showcase equals 2 plus the number of space station political thriller in The Human Thread Movie Showcase. The number of social media influencer survival comedy in Threads of Truth Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about mafia wedding rom-com twist in Threads of Truth Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in Power Moves Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of film about wistful beach sunset story in Power Moves Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals the number of film about floating library mystery journey in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about rivers carved through time in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about australian outback sci-fi western in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of film about space pirate love story in Fragments of Reality Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Silver Truth Documentary Fest equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in Silver Truth Documentary Fest. The number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Momentum Movie Awards equals 3 times the number of martian colony private eye thriller in Momentum Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about jewelry store heist with a twist in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The number of 50's atomic age monster movie in On the Record Film Awards equals 2 plus the number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in On the Record Film Awards. The number of film about accidental king's epic blunders in Heartland Film Awards is 1 times the number of calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per clueless time-travel inventor comedy in The Edge Action Movie Showcase is 3 plus the number of solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about museum heist with identity crisis in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals the number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Velvet Reel Drama Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about underground cave ecosystem saga in Captured Truths Cinema Gala is 1 plus the total number of movies in The Pulse of Action Film Fest. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about classic children's animal fantasy tale in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest equals 2 times the number of south african apartheid time-travel drama in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest. The number of film about treetop kingdom explorer's tale in Chronicles of Life Film Festival is 2 plus the total number of movies in Beyond the Headlines Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about galactic space-race adventure in The Emotive Lens Gala equals the number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in The Emotive Lens Gala. The average number of nominations per the disappearance of a movie character in Sepia Stories Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about cursed jewelry murder mystery in Sepia Stories Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Real Stories Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in The Real Stories Showcase. The number of film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala equals 1 times the number of film about guerrilla war rebellion in the jungle in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival equals 3 times the sum of the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival, the number of intense detective thriller in Verdi Movie Festival, and the number of calm road movie in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per midnight drag racing thriller in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Woven Stories Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Woven Stories Film Festival. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Velocity Visions Film Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about coral reef as seen through marine life in Velocity Visions Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Fragments of Reality Film Gala is the total number of movies in The Human Thread Movie Showcase. The number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards equals 3 times the number of film about backroom deals in ancient rome in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest equals the number of film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival equals the number of intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about downhill skiing survival story in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in Human Lens Film Showcase equals the number of film about victorian scientist breaking barriers in Human Lens Film Showcase. The number of film within a film reality breakdown in The Gilded Curtain Festival is 4 plus the total number of movies in Woven Stories Film Festival. The number of film about egyptian pharaoh's forbidden romance in On the Record Film Awards is the total number of movies in Genuine Lens Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about sleep study turned mind-control experiment in The Emotive Lens Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Sepia Stories Movie Festival. The number of imagination game detective thriller in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about dream traveler's redemption tale in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in The Gilded Curtain Festival is 3 plus the total number of movies in Harbor of Tears Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about accidental king's epic blunders in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 2 plus the number of film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Reflections in Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Fragments of Reality Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Fragments of Reality Film Gala. The number of film about neural implant hacker tragedy in The Human Thread Movie Showcase equals the number of robot gladiator sports drama in The Human Thread Movie Showcase. The number of 70's vinyl record store comedy in On the Record Film Awards equals the number of french revolution spy thriller in On the Record Film Awards. The number of film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in Tempest Tales Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Echoes of Emotion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest equals the number of artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in The Blazing Screen Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about forgotten desert oasis wildlife tale in The Blazing Screen Fest. The average number of nominations per film about post-war family reunion saga in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about empty ballroom ghost tragedy in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards equals 3 times the number of film about magic lamp causing outrageous wishes in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The number of wishing well adventure comedy in Paragon Drama Fest is 4 times the total number of movies in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about world war ii won with bio-engineered soldiers in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about terraforming scientist facing rebellion in Reflections in Film Showcase is 1 times the total number of movies in Rising Sun Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival equals 1 plus the total number of movies in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about bank robbery from the teller's pov in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival is 1 times the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about memories distorted by alternate timelines in Lens on the World Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Relentless Motion Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Reflections in Film Showcase equals the number of film about zany escape from a cursed jungle in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of political scandal time-bomb thriller in Earthbound Narratives Festival is the total number of movies in Paragon Drama Fest. The number of underground fight club drama in Crimson Shadows Festival equals 1 times the number of motocross racing family drama in Crimson Shadows Festival. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival equals 4 times the number of calm road movie in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in The Gilded Curtain Festival is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per clueless time-travel inventor comedy in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in The Blazing Screen Fest. The number of film about minimalist desert survival story in Perspectives in Motion Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Chronicles of Life Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about forbidden love in the world of fencing in Chronicles of Life Film Festival. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in The Raw Truth Film Festival equals the number of clueless time-travel inventor comedy in The Raw Truth Film Festival. The average number of nominations per great depression bank heist thriller in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 2 times the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Crash and Burn Movie Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in The Real Stories Showcase equals 1 plus the number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Real Stories Showcase. The number of witness protection identity leak thriller in Windows to the World Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Sapphire Lens Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely pirates teaming up for revenge in Reflections in Film Showcase equals the number of film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Fast and Fearless Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in Fast and Fearless Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in High Octane Frames Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per social media influencer stalker thriller in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest. The number of film about hyper-realistic workplace satire in Sepia Stories Movie Festival is the total number of movies in Silent Storms Cinema Gala. The number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest is 4 plus the total number of movies in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about actors becoming their roles in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals 1 times the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The number of artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Ashwood Drama Fest equals the number of film about writer trapped in their own story in Ashwood Drama Fest. The number of film about vanishing ink love letter story in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards equals the number of film about empty ballroom ghost tragedy in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards. The number of film about struggle of a single salmon's return home in Windows to the World Cinema Fest is 2 times the total number of movies in Threads of Truth Film Festival. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala equals 1 times the number of film about creaky attic time-travel discovery in Explosive Frames Cinema Gala. The number of film about hot air balloon pirate escapade in Chronicles of Life Film Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Silver Truth Documentary Fest. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Momentum Movie Awards equals 3 times the number of film about ghost ship's forgotten passengers in Momentum Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Reflections in Film Showcase equals the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival equals 2. The number of film about high-altitude mountaineering rivalry in Silent Storms Cinema Gala is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in The Human Thread Movie Showcase equals 1 times the number of film about hacktivist uncovering ancient secrets in The Human Thread Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in High Octane Frames Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about creaky attic time-travel discovery in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in The Edge Action Movie Showcase equals the number of corporate espionage comedy of errors in The Edge Action Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about magic lamp causing outrageous wishes in Reflections in Film Showcase equals 1 plus the number of film about lost starship crew's odyssey home in Reflections in Film Showcase. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Chase and Fury Movie Gala equals the number of film about artificial intelligence femme fatale tale in Chase and Fury Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Heartland Film Awards equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Heartland Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Velvet Reel Drama Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Velvet Reel Drama Fest. The average number of nominations per film about phoenix kingdom civil war in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about steam-powered kingdom heist in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Momentum Movie Awards equals the number of film about small-town spirit detective story in Momentum Movie Awards. The number of film about cricket match political allegory in Crimson Shadows Festival equals the number of rooftop basketball street drama in Crimson Shadows Festival. The average number of nominations per film about time-looping wizard saga in Golden Frame Film Awards equals 2 plus the number of film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Golden Frame Film Awards. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards equals 3 times the number of film about romantic tragedy based on a war novel in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The number of film about ancient roman chariot race tragedy in Genuine Lens Movie Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The number of film about orphaned violinist's journey in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per revolutionary war deserter drama in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about clumsy spy with a brilliant sidekick in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Life's Tapestry Movie Awards is the total number of movies in Human Lens Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Heartland Film Awards equals 2 times the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in Heartland Film Awards. The number of film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Harbor of Tears Film Awards equals 3 times the number of film about alternate history where the moon was never reached in Harbor of Tears Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals the number of film about forgotten diary ghost romance in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in The Edge Action Movie Showcase equals 4 times the number of 50's atomic age monster movie in The Edge Action Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about classic children's animal fantasy tale in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in Lens on the World Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about fractured dual-timeline romance in Lens on the World Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Reflections in Film Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about falling space debris survival epic in Reflections in Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about fragmented dreamscape love triangle in Sepia Stories Movie Festival is 4 times the total number of movies in Crimson Shadows Festival. The average number of nominations per immersive virtual reality film adaptation in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about revenge through a director's lens in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in The Emotive Lens Gala equals 1 times the number of film about neo-tokyo mecha romance in The Emotive Lens Gala. The average number of nominations per film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about accidental superhero saving the day in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The average number of nominations per simulated reality escape thriller in High Octane Frames Festival equals the number of virtual reality sabotage thriller in High Octane Frames Festival. The average number of nominations per film about golem maker's tragedy in Golden Frame Film Awards equals the number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Golden Frame Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about creaky attic time-travel discovery in Adrenaline Rush Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Power Moves Cinema Fest equals the number of bone collector psychological thriller in Power Moves Cinema Fest. The number of film within a film reality breakdown in Lens on the World Film Gala is 3 times the number of solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per social media influencer noir thriller in The Gilded Curtain Festival equals 3 plus the number of social media influencer noir thriller in The Gilded Curtain Festival. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Chase and Fury Movie Gala equals 3 times the number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Chase and Fury Movie Gala. The number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards equals 3 times the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in The Combat Lens Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in The Combat Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival equals the number of 60's mod fashion drama in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest equals the number of film about post-apocalyptic slapstick farce in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Dynamic Forces Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about dark web revenge heist in Dynamic Forces Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in The Blazing Screen Fest equals the number of film about silent cityscape coming-of-age tale in The Blazing Screen Fest. The average number of nominations per silent magical realism drama in Silver Truth Documentary Fest is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in Heartland Film Awards. The number of calm road movie in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Paragon Drama Fest is the average number of nominations per calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival. The number of unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Ashwood Drama Fest equals the number of film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in Ashwood Drama Fest. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Power Moves Cinema Fest equals the number of film about vanishing ink love letter story in Power Moves Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per cold war scientist espionage thriller in The Steel Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about urban park bittersweet romance in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The number of social media influencer survival comedy in Ashwood Drama Fest equals 4 times the number of film about false memory murder accusation in Ashwood Drama Fest. The number of film about master forger turned criminal mastermind in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival is the total number of movies in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about detective noir based on pulp fiction in Tragedy & Triumph Film Awards is the total number of movies in Ashwood Drama Fest. The average number of nominations per film about reality tv parody gone too far in Sepia Stories Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per reverse chronology family drama in Sepia Stories Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per floating island magical war drama in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala equals the number of film about 18th-century gothic horror love story in Rebellion in Motion Film Gala. The number of film about italian renaissance art heist in Visionary Realms Documentary Fest is 3 times the total number of movies in Truth in Frames Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Windows to the World Cinema Fest equals 2 times the number of film about forgotten desert oasis wildlife tale in Windows to the World Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals 2 plus the number of haunted house comedy caper in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival equals 4 times the number of film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Heroic Tales Cinema Festival. The number of film about alien artifact interstellar expedition in Velvet Reel Drama Fest is the total number of movies in The Combat Lens Film Gala. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Chase and Fury Movie Gala equals the number of film about off-world bounty hunter's betrayal in Chase and Fury Movie Gala. The number of unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Threads of Truth Film Festival equals the number of film about the lantern maker's adventure in Threads of Truth Film Festival. The number of film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in Silver Truth Documentary Fest is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Reflections in Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest equals 3 times the number of film about salem witch trial survivor tale in Reflections in Film Documentary Fest. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in The Pulse of Action Film Fest equals the number of film about toy soldier time-travel heist in The Pulse of Action Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about neural implant hacker tragedy in High Octane Frames Festival equals the number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in High Octane Frames Festival. The number of 80's neon crime drama in The Edge Action Movie Showcase is 1 times the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wistful beach sunset story in Captured Truths Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in Captured Truths Cinema Gala. The number of film about russian winter survival horror in Fragments of Reality Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Sepia Stories Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about revenge through a director's lens in Sepia Stories Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unraveling the murder within a time loop in Perspectives in Motion Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Perspectives in Motion Fest. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in The Human Thread Movie Showcase equals the number of film about corporate hacking espionage war in The Human Thread Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase equals 2 times the number of film about the cold war fought on mars in Thrills and Chills Film Showcase. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Truth in Frames Cinema Fest equals the number of film about elizabethan theater backstage intrigue in Truth in Frames Cinema Fest.
How many calm road movie does West Sahara Movie Festival have?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define calm road movie in West Sahara Movie Festival as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define total number of movies in West Sahara Movie Festival as z; so z = x = x. We know z = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals the number of film about underground river lost treasure journey in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The number of film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Beyond the Map Film Festival is the total number of movies in Summit Explorers Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per martian colony private eye thriller in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about quantum detective love triangle in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about double-crossed smuggler revenge tale in Der Verborgene Traum Gala is 2 plus the total number of movies in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Nomad Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about forest regrowth rebellion story in Nomad Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about clown school misfit redemption story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival equals the sum of the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival, the total number of movies in Golden Banana Movie Festival, the number of solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival, and the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Oceanic Journey Film Festival equals 2 times the number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Oceanic Journey Film Festival. The number of film about estranged siblings' mind games in Kaleidoskop der Gefühle Fest is 1 plus the total number of movies in Trailblazer Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in Odyssey Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about collage of overlapping realities in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals 4 times the number of film about fading writer's legacy story in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in Oceanic Journey Film Festival equals 2 times the number of social media influencer stalker thriller in Oceanic Journey Film Festival. The number of film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Desert Horizon Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about bubble travel across candy kingdoms in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals the number of rowing crew betrayal drama in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival equals 4. The average number of nominations per film about global peace through ancient magic treaties in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the number of unseen shadows revenge thriller in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about underground river lost treasure journey in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala equals 1 times the number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala. The number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals 2 times the number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per space station political thriller in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala equals the number of social media influencer stalker thriller in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The number of 1920's political satire comedy in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards equals 1 times the number of film about silent circus tragedy romance in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals the number of film about high-altitude mountaineering rivalry in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in Oceanic Journey Film Festival equals the number of virtual reality sabotage thriller in Oceanic Journey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per great depression bank heist thriller in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about cold war sleeper agent noir in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Daredevil Tales Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Beyond the Map Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Desert Horizon Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about wind-powered ship treasure quest in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Daredevil Tales Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per southern gothic crime drama in Daredevil Tales Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Wanderlust Film Expo equals 4 times the number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Wanderlust Film Expo. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about art thief's reluctant protégé in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about neural implant hacker tragedy in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest equals the number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest. The number of witness protection identity leak thriller in Beyond the Map Film Festival equals the number of film about epic space opera trilogy adaptation in Beyond the Map Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the number of film about what if the romans colonized the new world? in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals the average number of nominations per toy village escape thriller in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about virtual reality murder unraveling in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about falling space debris survival epic in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals 3 times the number of 60's mod fashion drama in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 2 times the sum of the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival and the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per silent magical realism drama in Windows to History Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per 1920's inventor rivalry comedy in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about ice age return survival epic in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival is 1 times the total number of movies in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Starbound Adventure Festival equals 1 times the number of film about foggy marsh phantom investigation in Starbound Adventure Festival. The average number of nominations per track and field historical drama in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about quantum detective love triangle in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about virtual reality murder unraveling in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The number of rowing crew betrayal drama in Der Verborgene Traum Gala is the total number of movies in Kaleidoskop der Gefühle Fest. The number of film about magical bakery love story in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest equals 4 times the number of film about shape-shifter's soulmate odyssey in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the number of gaslighting inheritance drama in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about high-society party robbery gone wrong in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about orphaned violinist's journey in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per film about falling space debris survival epic in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala is the total number of movies in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about jazz age nightclub disappearance case in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Expedition Lights Film Festival equals the number of film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Expedition Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten soldier of a phantom war in Odyssey Film Festival equals the number of film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about viking explorers discovering steam power in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about abandoned carnival ghost story in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about ai criminal underworld chess game in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about underwater kingdom romance rebellion in Crossroads Cinema Showcase is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals the number of film about dream-interrogation gone awry in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per 70's vinyl record store comedy in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about interstellar fugitive noir tragedy in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 2 times the number of film about android detective noir in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about snow-covered piano prodigy tale in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about neon-lit city murder conspiracy in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Der Verborgene Traum Gala is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals the number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals 4 times the number of gold rush prospector noir thriller in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals 1 times the number of 60's counterculture road movie in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Windows to History Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Odyssey Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of stop-motion apocalypse art film in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about sleep-paralysis horror tale in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of film about wwi pilot squadron brotherhood in Der Schatten der Seele Fest is the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of forgotten asylum survival thriller in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The number of bank robber turned local sheriff comedy in Desert Horizon Film Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Wanderlust Film Expo equals the average number of nominations per french revolution spy thriller in Wanderlust Film Expo. The average number of nominations per film about gothic vampire court intrigue in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about spartan warrior's family epic in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the number of film about ancient roman chariot race tragedy in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals the number of haunted house comedy caper in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals 4 times the number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about secret agent with a terrible disguise in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Mountain Trekker Film Awards equals 2 plus the number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Mountain Trekker Film Awards. The number of virtual reality addiction drama in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the number of film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala is the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 1 times the number of film about shape-shifter's soulmate odyssey in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Sagenhafte Welten Festival is 3 plus the total number of movies in Skyward Horizons Festival. The number of film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Skyward Horizons Festival equals the number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Skyward Horizons Festival. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals 1 times the average number of nominations per stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about silent circus tragedy romance in Windows to History Film Festival equals the number of film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about forgotten diary ghost romance in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Daredevil Tales Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Daredevil Tales Film Gala. The number of global climate summit espionage thriller in Trailblazer Movie Festival is 1 times the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per revolutionary war deserter drama in Wanderlust Film Expo equals the number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in Wanderlust Film Expo. The number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals the number of film about 70's disco musical in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The number of film about tree spirit's unrequited love story in Crossroads Cinema Showcase is 2 times the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about snow globe fantasy escape in Desert Horizon Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The average number of nominations per great depression bank heist thriller in Wanderlust Film Expo equals the average number of nominations per film about neo-tokyo mecha romance in Wanderlust Film Expo. The average number of nominations per film about silent pact of suburban neighbors in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The number of film about polar bear migration allegory in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival is the total number of movies in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Trailblazer Movie Festival equals the number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Trailblazer Movie Festival. The number of south african apartheid time-travel drama in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals 1 times the number of film about mexican day of the dead road trip in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Expedition Lights Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about whispering cave adventure mystery in Expedition Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per 1920's political satire comedy in Windows to History Film Festival equals 3 times the number of film about writer trapped in their own story in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wacky treasure hunt through a haunted house in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cold war sleeper agent noir in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals 3 times the number of film about cold war sleeper agent noir in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per fairy tale noir detective drama in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals 3 times the number of film about space pirate love story in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per silent detective chase thriller in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals the number of film about high-altitude mountaineering rivalry in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about chinese dynasty martial arts mystery in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about magic pen drawing adventure in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Starbound Adventure Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about ghost ship's forgotten passengers in Starbound Adventure Festival. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals the number of film about rotating pov character experiment in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards equals 4 plus the number of 20's silent boxing drama in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about interstellar fugitive noir tragedy in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about boxing in 1920's harlem in Schattenbilder Film Festival is the total number of movies in Starbound Adventure Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Trailblazer Movie Festival equals the number of film about time-travelers messing up history hilariously in Trailblazer Movie Festival. The number of film about space pirate love story in Schreie der Stille Festival is 3 times the total number of movies in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals 2 times the number of film about alien diplomat's galaxy-spanning negotiation in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about 90's blockbuster disaster epic in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per film about galactic space-race adventure in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic desert opera in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about memory implant black market scandal in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals the number of gaslighting inheritance drama in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per korean historical thriller noir in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals the number of film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per elemental wizard rivalry drama in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in Schatten des Geistes Fest equals the number of film about actors becoming their roles in Schatten des Geistes Fest. The number of film about explosive treasure map race in Desert Horizon Film Festival is the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about galactic space-race adventure in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest equals the number of film about high-stakes courtroom manipulation in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals the average number of nominations per ai-prophet rebellion drama in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The number of film about australian outback sci-fi western in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival is the total number of movies in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals the number of film about oblivious superhero satire in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 1 times the number of film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Summit Explorers Movie Gala equals the number of film about false memory murder accusation in Summit Explorers Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about slow-motion underwater ballet narrative in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of film about neural implant hacker tragedy in Oceanic Journey Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of imagination game detective thriller in Oceanic Journey Film Festival. The number of film about civil war deserter's tragic redemption in Der Schatten der Seele Fest is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Mountain Trekker Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Windows to History Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about silent pact of suburban neighbors in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of haunted maze comedy survival story in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala equals the number of film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in Lost Lands Film Celebration equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about space pirate love story in Lost Lands Film Celebration. The number of martian colony private eye thriller in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals the number of film about harmony in the coral reef in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about castle siege with slapstick twists in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Desert Horizon Film Festival equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The number of film about quantum detective love triangle in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about cursed knight's love-breaking spell in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Lost Lands Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about electric cars dominating the 1920s in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 1 times the number of film about cybernetic detective solving a haunting in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about disappearing townspeople supernatural saga in Skyward Horizons Festival is 2 times the total number of movies in Nomad Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per dreamscape travel thriller in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals the number of film about robot crew discovering organic life in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Daredevil Tales Film Gala equals the number of film about industrial-era tragedy novel adaptation in Daredevil Tales Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Desert Horizon Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about alien bounty hunter's wacky earth mission in Desert Horizon Film Festival. The number of film about wildlife photographer uncovering corporate secrets in Nomad Cinema Showcase is 1 plus the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about synthetic heart cyber-crime mystery in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The average number of nominations per film about snow globe fantasy escape in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 4 times the number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of synchronized swimming dark comedy in Der Verborgene Traum Gala is 4 times the total number of movies in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. The number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about echoing canyon magical race in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 4 times the number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the number of film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of dreamscape travel thriller in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest is the total number of movies in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala. The number of film about silent circus tragedy romance in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards equals 1 plus the number of film about dragon hunter revenge saga in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival is greater than 0. The number of south african apartheid time-travel drama in Expedition Lights Film Festival equals the number of film about mexican day of the dead road trip in Expedition Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of underground city noir spy thriller in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of bone collector psychological thriller in Timelines in Cinema Fest is the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of great depression bank heist thriller in Skyward Horizons Festival equals the number of film about hidden portal in an antique shop in Skyward Horizons Festival. The number of endangered species conservation thriller in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival equals the number of film about cybernetic detective solving a haunting in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the number of film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mountain oracle's cryptic prophecy in Mountain Trekker Film Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the number of film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic tribal war saga in Der Schatten der Seele Fest is the total number of movies in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about soccer coach redemption tale in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the number of space station political thriller in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about boxing in 1920's harlem in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of 50's cold war spy thriller in Monuments in Motion Film Awards is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about 90's blockbuster disaster epic in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about 90's blockbuster disaster epic in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The number of film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards equals the number of elemental wizard rivalry drama in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about time-looping wizard saga in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals the number of film about forgotten desert oasis wildlife tale in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about feudal warlord's hidden heir tale in Odyssey Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about reverse chronological ghost story in Odyssey Film Festival. The number of film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals 1 plus the number of brazilian carnival romance drama in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Lost Lands Film Celebration equals the number of film about lost starship crew's odyssey home in Lost Lands Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about icelandic volcanic disaster epic in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals the number of norwegian fjord myth thriller in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about the cold war fought on mars in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of film about quantum-entangled romance saga in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about time-travel bounty hunter epic in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of competitive esports rivalry thriller in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The average number of nominations per 70's vinyl record store comedy in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about royal impersonator on an epic journey in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival equals the number of brazilian carnival romance drama in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival. The average number of nominations per revolutionary war deserter drama in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The number of film about greek island time-travel romance in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about neo-tokyo mecha romance in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The number of film about cursed talisman bearer's quest in Expedition Lights Film Festival is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Wanderlust Film Expo. The average number of nominations per 70's funk heist movie in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about 80's vhs horror flick in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Crossroads Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about star racer's death-defying saga in Crossroads Cinema Showcase. The number of film about galactic space-race adventure in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about cryo-sleep murder mystery in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per gold rush prospector noir thriller in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about gilded age heiress murder plot in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Odyssey Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about slow-motion underwater ballet narrative in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Wanderlust Film Expo equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about salem witch trial survivor tale in Wanderlust Film Expo. The average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about 70's gritty urban noir in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in The Heritage Screen Gala equals the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per corporate espionage comedy of errors in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about ancient egyptians developing flying machines in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about lifecycle of a butterfly colony in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the reluctant sorcerer's pilgrimage in Mountain Trekker Film Awards is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about quantum-entangled romance saga in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Kaleidoskop der Gefühle Fest equals the number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Kaleidoskop der Gefühle Fest. The number of film about interstellar fugitive noir tragedy in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of film about desert nomad's vision quest in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in Untamed Lands Film Gala equals the number of film about journey across the grasslands of africa in Untamed Lands Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Mountain Trekker Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about dream-interrogation gone awry in Mountain Trekker Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about high school baseball revenge saga in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The number of social media influencer noir thriller in Schatten des Geistes Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per martian colony survival drama in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about chinese dynasty martial arts mystery in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Daredevil Tales Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about paper bird magical messenger saga in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of film about underground river lost treasure journey in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of alien language mystery thriller in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the number of haunted maze comedy survival story in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival equals 1. The number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is 4 plus the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Faded Memories Cinema Gala is the total number of movie nominations in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about time-traveling lovers stuck in different centuries in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest is the total number of movies in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala equals the number of film about vr gaming tournament murder mystery in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The number of film about royal impersonator on an epic journey in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala is 4 plus the total number of movies in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The average number of nominations per film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about accidental king's epic blunders in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The number of film about star-crossed lovers across parallel realms in Schatten des Geistes Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals the number of space station political thriller in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The average number of nominations per underground city noir spy thriller in Daredevil Tales Film Gala is 3 plus the total number of movies in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per 20's silent boxing drama in Windows to History Film Festival equals the number of film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals the number of underground city noir spy thriller in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about high-stakes courtroom manipulation in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The number of alien species alliance political drama in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala is 4 plus the total number of movies in Schatten des Geistes Fest. The number of film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Beyond the Map Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about small-town bookstore murder mystery in Beyond the Map Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals the number of film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The average number of nominations per digital shadow conspiracy thriller in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The average number of nominations per 50's atomic age monster movie in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per 50's atomic age monster movie in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about museum heist with identity crisis in Mountain Trekker Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about whispering cave adventure mystery in Mountain Trekker Film Awards. The number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival is 4 times the total number of movies in Oceanic Journey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about double life unraveling in suburbia in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the number of film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about artificial intelligence coming-of-age story in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 2 times the number of film about steamship adventure love story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 4. The average number of nominations per film about 90's blockbuster disaster epic in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals the number of film about terraforming scientist facing rebellion in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Crossroads Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Crossroads Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Mountain Trekker Film Awards equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about flaming river mythic odyssey in Mountain Trekker Film Awards. The number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the number of korean historical thriller noir in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The average number of nominations per film about contract killer with a moral code in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 3 times the number of film about celestial being falling for an astronomer in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The average number of nominations per film about roman legion's doomed expedition in Odyssey Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about one-act surrealist dinner party story in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about museum heist with identity crisis in Voyage Vision Film Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about android detective noir in Voyage Vision Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The number of film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Beyond the Map Film Festival equals 4 times the number of steamship survival thriller novel adaptation in Beyond the Map Film Festival. The number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival is the total number of movies in Crossroads Cinema Showcase. The number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about interstellar fugitive noir tragedy in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of epic mythology-inspired film saga in Beyond the Map Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about lost starship crew's odyssey home in Schreie der Stille Festival. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala equals 2 times the number of film about cloned investigator chasing themselves in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals 3 plus the number of film about 70's psychedelic mystery in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about alternate history where the moon was never reached in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about celtic tribes surviving into modern times in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Trailblazer Movie Festival equals 4 times the number of film about corporate political puppet master tale in Trailblazer Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the number of stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Odyssey Film Festival equals the number of film about guerrilla war rebellion in the jungle in Odyssey Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about virtual reality murder unraveling in Forgotten Stories Film Festival is the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Schreie der Stille Festival equals 4 times the number of 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Schreie der Stille Festival. The number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about lost starship crew's odyssey home in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The number of film about talking star prophecy tale in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The number of 80's neon crime drama in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival. The number of silent magical realism drama in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards equals 4 plus the number of 1920's political satire comedy in Wild Frontier Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about battlefield letters unsent tragedy in Odyssey Film Festival is the total number of movies in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of glacier expedition comedy of errors in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per 50's atomic age monster movie in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The number of film about android detective noir in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 1 times the number of film about neo-tokyo mecha romance in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about synthetic heart cyber-crime mystery in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala is the total number of movies in Expedition Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of silent film star's blackmail case in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala is 4 times the total number of movies in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in Spirit of Adventure Cinema Fest is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals the number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the number of film about terraforming scientist facing rebellion in Schreie der Stille Festival. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of film about dream traveler's redemption tale in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals 1 times the number of underground fight club drama in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of film about mermaid love story on land in Schatten des Geistes Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 2 times the number of witness protection identity leak thriller in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about frozen trenches survival tale in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in The Pathfinder Movie Gala equals 3 times the number of film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in The Pathfinder Movie Gala. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of wishing well adventure comedy in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the number of film about rebellion in a futuristic combat sport in Historic Frames Movie Showcase.
What is the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Northwood Movie Festival as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Northwood Movie Festival as Y; so Y = x = x. We know Y = 4, so we have x = 4 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 4. Move all terms to one side: x - 4 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 4. Divide both sides by 1: x = 4 / 1. Solution: x = 4. Answer: 4.
The number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in On the Edge Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about abstract black-and-white exploration of loss in On the Edge Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about falling space debris survival epic in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival equals the number of film about the lantern maker's adventure in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The number of film about magical bakery love story in Sagenhafte Welten Festival is 1 times the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about fading writer's legacy story in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The number of film about tech billionaire and his unlucky bodyguard in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest is 3 plus the total number of movies in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest. The number of film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Fields of Victory Film Fest equals the number of film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Fields of Victory Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in The Competitive Lens Film Festival equals the number of film about medieval monk murder mystery in The Competitive Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Cinema Sole Rosso equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about haunted train station time loop in Cinema Sole Rosso. The average number of nominations per film about hidden portal in an antique shop in Ombre di Firenze equals 1 times the number of film about artificial intelligence femme fatale tale in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Voci d'Oro Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about mountain climbers lost in a time loop in Voci d'Oro Festival. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals 3 times the number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals the average number of nominations per film about 70's gritty urban noir in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The average number of nominations per film about abandoned theme park ghost revenge in Ombre di Firenze equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about synthetic heart cyber-crime mystery in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about fading writer's legacy story in The Game Changer Cinema Gala is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in Cinema Sole Rosso. The average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Courtside Chronicles Festival equals 2 times the number of film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Courtside Chronicles Festival. The average number of nominations per film about post-war family reunion saga in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals the number of film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The average number of nominations per film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Ombre di Firenze equals 4 plus the number of film about possession through cursed headphones in Ombre di Firenze. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Festival della Luce di Roma equals 4 times the number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Festival della Luce di Roma. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in The Spirit of Sport Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about corporate mind-meld conspiracy in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Playmaker Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about tech billionaire and his unlucky bodyguard in The Playmaker Film Gala. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Riflessioni di Verona equals the number of film about spoken-word monologue experimental tale in Riflessioni di Verona. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of stop-motion apocalypse art film in On the Edge Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about virtual assistant exposing dark secrets in On the Edge Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Voci d'Oro Festival equals the number of film about blooming rainforest from seed to canopy in Voci d'Oro Festival. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Endurance in Frames Film Fest equals 2 times the number of film about seaside lighthouse tragedy in Endurance in Frames Film Fest. The number of dreamscape travel thriller in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals 1 times the number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals the number of film about gothic vampire court intrigue in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Festival dei Sentieri Invisibili equals the number of film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in Festival dei Sentieri Invisibili. The average number of nominations per film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Ombre di Firenze equals 2 plus the number of film about cursed diary unraveling family secrets in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about hacktivist uncovering ancient secrets in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Victory Frames Film Festival. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals the average number of nominations per 50's cold war spy thriller in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Schreie der Stille Festival equals the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per film about clown school misfit redemption story in Trame di Siena Festival equals 4 times the number of film about clumsy spy with a brilliant sidekick in Trame di Siena Festival. The average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about battlefield letters unsent tragedy in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The number of film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala equals 1 times the number of film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The number of film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle is 4 times the total number of movies in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in The Spirit of Sport Gala equals the number of film about unraveling the murder within a time loop in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The average number of nominations per shattered mirror heist drama in The Competitive Lens Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Driven to Win Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont equals 3. The average number of nominations per clueless time-travel inventor comedy in Trame di Siena Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about dark office satire gone wrong in Trame di Siena Festival. The number of film about gilded age heiress murder plot in Festival delle Voci Perdute is 1 plus the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville. The number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards equals 2 plus the number of film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards. The number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about magical bakery love story in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about diplomat's forbidden love story in Legends in Motion Film Fest equals 1 times the number of film about spy infiltrating high society gala in Legends in Motion Film Fest. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about lunar base murder mystery in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The average number of nominations per film about rotating pov character experiment in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about fractured dual-timeline romance in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Champion's Tale Festival equals the number of film about alien diplomat's galaxy-spanning negotiation in Champion's Tale Festival. The number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle equals 4 plus the number of film about lunar base murder mystery in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle. The number of film about small-town spirit detective story in Ombre di Firenze is the total number of movies in Schatten des Geistes Fest. The average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals 4 times the number of film about lifecycle of a butterfly colony in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about wizard's apprentice and a forbidden love in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest equals the number of biopunk corporate espionage drama in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest. The number of film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in The Winning Lens Movie Showcase equals 4 times the number of biopunk corporate espionage drama in The Winning Lens Movie Showcase. The number of average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about pocket dimension love story in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the number of silent film star's blackmail case in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about magical bakery love story in Golden Goal Cinema Showcase is 1 times the total number of movies in On the Edge Cinema Fest. The number of film about dream-interrogation gone awry in The Spirit of Sport Gala is 4 times the total number of movies in Storie d'more di Napoli. The average number of nominations per film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Lanterne di Venezia equals the number of film about historic chess prodigy rivalry story in Lanterne di Venezia. The number of film about small-town cult psychological maze in On the Edge Cinema Fest is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Game Changer Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Playmaker Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about lonely jazz club saxophonist tale in The Playmaker Film Gala. The average number of nominations per 60's counterculture road movie in Driven to Win Movie Awards is the total number of movies in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest. The number of film about treetop kingdom explorer's tale in Courtside Chronicles Festival is the total number of movies in Cinema dell'Anima. The number of martian colony survival drama in Driven to Win Movie Awards is the total number of movies in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Schatten des Geistes Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about paper bird magical messenger saga in Schatten des Geistes Fest. The average number of nominations per floating island magical war drama in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per cold war scientist espionage thriller in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about tea-party dimension heist in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards is 3 plus the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in The Playmaker Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in The Playmaker Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals the average number of nominations per film about 90's grunge coming-of-age story in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost love in a rainy city in Endurance in Frames Film Fest is the total number of movies in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle. The average number of nominations per film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the number of film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in Trame di Siena Festival equals 3 times the number of film about tech billionaire and his unlucky bodyguard in Trame di Siena Festival. The number of film about fading writer's legacy story in Beyond the Finish Line Gala is the total number of movies in Riflessioni di Verona. The average number of nominations per 50's atomic age monster movie in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals the average number of nominations per film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards equals 4 plus the number of film about treetop kingdom explorer's tale in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about journey across the grasslands of africa in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The number of dreamscape travel thriller in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest equals 3 times the number of film about phoenix kingdom civil war in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Fields of Victory Film Fest equals the number of film about samurai's last stand against betrayal in Fields of Victory Film Fest. The average number of nominations per 70's vinyl record store comedy in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals 1 plus the number of film about 80's vhs horror flick in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about lost map leading to a wacky treasure in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase. The number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in Riflessioni di Verona equals the number of film about roman legion's doomed expedition in Riflessioni di Verona. The number of film about one-act surrealist dinner party story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala is the total number of movies in Rêves de Belleville. The number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in On the Edge Cinema Fest equals the number of film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in On the Edge Cinema Fest. The number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Fields of Victory Film Fest equals the number of film about tree spirit's unrequited love story in Fields of Victory Film Fest. The average number of nominations per 60's space-race drama in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The average number of nominations per film about galactic space-race adventure in Cinema e Stelle del Sud equals 3 plus the number of film about android detective noir in Cinema e Stelle del Sud. The average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 1 plus the number of floating island magical war drama in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of film about resistance fighter's coded message odyssey in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest equals the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of martian colony private eye thriller in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest is 4 plus the total number of movies in The Winning Lens Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about corporate hacking espionage war in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase is the total number of movies in Fields of Victory Film Fest. the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville is greater than 0. The number of film about forgotten soldier of a phantom war in Fields of Victory Film Fest is the number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Voci d'Oro Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about lifecycle of a butterfly colony in Voci d'Oro Festival. The number of glowing river odyssey drama in Storie d'more di Napoli equals the number of film about treehouse kingdom rivalry saga in Storie d'more di Napoli. The number of film about desert conflict through a medic's eyes in Riflessioni di Verona is 4 plus the total number of movies in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Courtside Chronicles Festival equals the number of film about hot air balloon pirate escapade in Courtside Chronicles Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Endurance in Frames Film Fest equals the number of alien species alliance political drama in Endurance in Frames Film Fest. The number of film about sleep study turned mind-control experiment in Courtside Chronicles Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals 3 times the number of film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Festival della Luce di Roma equals 1 plus the number of wwii submarine betrayal thriller in Festival della Luce di Roma. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in The Spirit of Sport Gala equals the number of film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in Festival delle Voci Perdute is the total number of movie nominations in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle is the total number of movies in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala. The average number of nominations per artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Trame di Siena Festival equals 2 times the number of alien first contact workplace comedy in Trame di Siena Festival. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval equals the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in Cinema e Stelle del Sud is the total number of movies in Kaleidoskop der Gefühle Fest. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals the number of film about 50's diner romance in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about talking animal circus adventure in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in Endurance in Frames Film Fest is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Fields of Victory Film Fest is 4 plus the total number of movies in Rêves de Belleville. The number of haunted maze comedy survival story in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala equals the number of film about royal impersonator on an epic journey in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The number of film about fading writer's legacy story in The Game Changer Cinema Gala is 1 times the total number of movies in Trame d'Argento di Milano. The average number of nominations per film about minimalist desert survival story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals the number of film about reverse chronological ghost story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about rotating pov character experiment in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Champion's Tale Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about lunar base murder mystery in Champion's Tale Festival. The average number of nominations per film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Cinema Sole Rosso equals 4 times the number of film about ballet dancer turned martial artist saga in Cinema Sole Rosso. The average number of nominations per film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Legends in Motion Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per cyber-election hacking drama in Legends in Motion Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about time-travelers messing up history hilariously in Trame di Siena Festival is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Ombre di Firenze. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville equals 3. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Trame d'Argento di Milano equals 4 plus the number of silent film star's blackmail case in Trame d'Argento di Milano. The number of film about forgotten desert oasis wildlife tale in The Spirit of Sport Gala is the total number of movies in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest equals the number of film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The number of imagination game detective thriller in Storie d'more di Napoli equals the number of rainbow caravan road movie in Storie d'more di Napoli. The number of film about ancient mesopotamian battlefield epic in Riflessioni di Verona is the total number of movies in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Endurance in Frames Film Fest equals the number of film about wistful beach sunset story in Endurance in Frames Film Fest. The number of film about wildlife photographer uncovering corporate secrets in The Runner's Lens Film Festival is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in The Playmaker Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in Driven to Win Movie Awards equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about 50's diner romance in Driven to Win Movie Awards. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Festa del Cinema Sereno equals 4 plus the number of film about forest guardian's reluctant journey in Festa del Cinema Sereno. The number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle equals 4 plus the number of alien species alliance political drama in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals the number of film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The number of film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Endurance in Frames Film Fest is 4 plus the total number of movies in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about neon-lit city murder conspiracy in Der Expressionistische Rahmen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about african tribal sci-fi allegory in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Voci d'Oro Festival equals the number of film about harmony in the coral reef in Voci d'Oro Festival. The average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval equals the sum of the number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont and the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Competitive Lens Film Festival is 3 times the total number of movies in Il Sogno di Torino. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in Cinema e Stelle del Sud equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per moonlit ballroom ghost drama in Cinema e Stelle del Sud. The number of film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Notte d'Argento Film Gala equals the number of assassination conspiracy courtroom drama in Notte d'Argento Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about bubble travel across candy kingdoms in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in The Competitive Lens Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about fractured dual-timeline romance in The Competitive Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about mafia wedding rom-com twist in Trame di Siena Festival equals the average number of nominations per alien first contact workplace comedy in Trame di Siena Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Cinema Sole Rosso equals 1 times the number of synchronized swimming dark comedy in Cinema Sole Rosso. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about underground cave ecosystem saga in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The number of 20's silent boxing drama in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala is the total number of movies in Festival della Luce di Roma. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals 3 times the number of glowing river odyssey drama in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about shape-shifter's soulmate odyssey in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about whimsical coming-of-age family tale in Beyond the Finish Line Gala is the total number of movies in Champion's Tale Festival. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in Victory Frames Film Festival equals the number of film about desert conflict through a medic's eyes in Victory Frames Film Festival. The number of film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala equals the number of film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala. The number of film about explosive treasure map race in The Runner's Lens Film Festival is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Endurance in Frames Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about silent circus tragedy romance in Cinema e Stelle del Sud is 4 times the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest equals 4 times the number of film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The number of reef restoration underwater sci-fi drama in Trame d'Argento di Milano is the total number of movie nominations in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Schatten des Geistes Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about the lantern maker's adventure in Schatten des Geistes Fest. The average number of nominations per film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Courtside Chronicles Festival is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Cinema e Stelle del Sud. The number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in The Playmaker Film Gala equals the number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Playmaker Film Gala. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Rêves de Belleville equals the number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont. The number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Riflessioni di Verona equals the number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Riflessioni di Verona. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards equals the number of film about bubble travel across candy kingdoms in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards. The number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase equals 1 times the number of film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about time-travelers messing up history hilariously in The Playmaker Film Gala is 1 times the total number of movies in Schreie der Stille Festival. The number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Jenseits der Leinwand Festival is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about genetic experiment rebellion story in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about solar farm town survival story in The Game Changer Cinema Gala is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of film about imperial china palace spy saga in Der Verborgene Traum Gala is 2 plus the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of 70's vinyl record store comedy in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival equals 3 plus the number of 50's cold war spy thriller in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Beyond the Finish Line Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about forgotten diary ghost romance in Beyond the Finish Line Gala. The average number of nominations per film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about treetop kingdom explorer's tale in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The number of film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival equals the number of film about prison break through a hidden tunnel in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about magical bakery love story in Sagenhafte Welten Festival is 2 times the total number of movies in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about talking animal guides mislead adventurers in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about collage of overlapping realities in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of kaleidoscopic memory retrieval thriller in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about android detective noir in Driven to Win Movie Awards equals 1 plus the number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Driven to Win Movie Awards. The number of imagination game detective thriller in Golden Goal Cinema Showcase equals 4 plus the number of talking animal courtroom drama in Golden Goal Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Cinema e Stelle del Sud equals the number of film about silent masked vigilante noir in Cinema e Stelle del Sud. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Cinema dell'Anima equals 4 times the number of virtual reality addiction drama in Cinema dell'Anima. The number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about off-world bounty hunter's betrayal in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Driven to Win Movie Awards equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about time-travel bounty hunter epic in Driven to Win Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Legends in Motion Film Fest equals 4 times the number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Legends in Motion Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals the number of film about orphaned violinist's journey in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The number of film about mexican day of the dead road trip in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase is 1 plus the total number of movies in Adrenaline Sports Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about treehouse kingdom rivalry saga in Die Verlorene Dimension Fest is 1 times the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of film about abstract black-and-white exploration of loss in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala is 4 times the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about wwi pilot squadron brotherhood in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per gold rush prospector noir thriller in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about global flood dystopian epic in The Game Changer Cinema Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Trame di Siena Festival. The number of film about talking star prophecy tale in Storie d'more di Napoli equals the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Storie d'more di Napoli. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about deserted ship mystery tale in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in The Spirit of Sport Gala equals the number of prison psychologist and inmate thriller in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval equals the number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Courtside Chronicles Festival is the number of intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of film about symphony of the seasons in The Spirit of Sport Gala is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Competitive Lens Film Festival. The number of film about 80's arcade adventure in Driven to Win Movie Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Legends in Motion Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about jazz age nightclub disappearance case in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Courtside Chronicles Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about underground river lost treasure journey in Courtside Chronicles Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Der Verborgene Traum Gala equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Der Verborgene Traum Gala. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Voci d'Oro Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Voci d'Oro Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wistful beach sunset story in Raggi d'Ombra Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The average number of nominations per film about whispering trees holding ancient memories in Ombre di Firenze equals the average number of nominations per film about midnight library holding lost souls in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in The Game Changer Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about lumberjack family torn by deforestation in The Game Changer Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about floating trash island refugee story in The Game Changer Cinema Gala is the total number of movies in Notte d'Argento Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the number of film about clockwork city misfit rebellion in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Ombre di Firenze equals the average number of nominations per film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per corporate espionage comedy of errors in Trame di Siena Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about dark office satire gone wrong in Trame di Siena Festival. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Festival della Luce di Roma equals the number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Festival della Luce di Roma. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Victory Frames Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about battlefield letters unsent tragedy in Victory Frames Film Festival. The number of film about reality tv parody gone too far in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about castle siege with slapstick twists in Dunkle Visionen Cinema Showcase. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals 1 times the number of film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The number of film about victorian ghost story adaptation in Beyond the Finish Line Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Festa del Cinema Sereno equals the number of film about lonely lighthouse keeper's mystical guide in Festa del Cinema Sereno. The average number of nominations per 70's funk heist movie in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about great depression factory worker mystery in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The number of film about medieval knights fighting a robot invasion in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle is the total number of movie nominations in Raggi d'Ombra Festival. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Festival dei Sentieri Invisibili equals 2 plus the number of gaslighting inheritance drama in Festival dei Sentieri Invisibili. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Victory Frames Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about wwi pilot squadron brotherhood in Victory Frames Film Festival. The number of film about reality tv parody gone too far in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala equals the number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in Spiegel der Wahrheit Cinema Gala. The number of glowing river odyssey drama in Golden Goal Cinema Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in Beyond the Finish Line Gala. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals the average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest equals the number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Glory and Grit Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about french vineyard ghost love story in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about fractured dual-timeline romance in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about collage of overlapping realities in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The number of film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Schattenbilder Film Festival equals the number of film about memory implant black market scandal in Schattenbilder Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Beyond the Finish Line Gala equals 4 times the number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in Beyond the Finish Line Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in The Playmaker Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per bank robber turned local sheriff comedy in The Playmaker Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about time-lapse story of a glacier's retreat in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in The Runner's Lens Film Festival is the total number of movies in Golden Goal Cinema Showcase. The number of film about fading writer's legacy story in Endurance in Frames Film Fest is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Courtside Chronicles Festival. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio equals the average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio. The number of film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in The Athlete's Lens Film Festival is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Voci d'Oro Festival. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in Sagenhafte Welten Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in Sagenhafte Welten Festival. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in On the Edge Cinema Fest equals 2 times the number of film about single-shot nocturnal urban journey in On the Edge Cinema Fest. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about the lantern maker's adventure in Traumwelten in Bewegung Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about zany escape from a cursed jungle in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per digital twin identity swap thriller in Pulse of the Game Cinema Showcase is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Cinema Sole Rosso equals the number of film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Cinema Sole Rosso. The number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont equals 4. The average number of nominations per film about 70's disco musical in Driven to Win Movie Awards is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Lanterne di Venezia. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Rêves de Belleville equals 3 plus the number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Trame di Siena Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Trame di Siena Festival. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Cinema dell'Anima equals 4 times the number of space station political thriller in Cinema dell'Anima. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in The Game Changer Cinema Gala equals the number of film about forgotten diary ghost romance in The Game Changer Cinema Gala. The number of silent magical realism drama in Die Zerbrochene Leinwand Film Gala is the total number of movies in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Legends in Motion Film Fest equals the number of film about scandalous royal court power struggle in Legends in Motion Film Fest. The number of solar flare survival thriller in Champion's Tale Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in Champion's Tale Festival. The average number of nominations per 70's vinyl record store comedy in Festa del Cinema Selvaggio is the total number of movie nominations in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about space station escape from ai control in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in Endurance in Frames Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Endurance in Frames Film Fest. The number of solar flare survival thriller in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle equals the number of film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Cinema Paradiso delle Stelle. The number of haunted maze comedy survival story in Schreie der Stille Festival equals 2 times the number of film about accidental king's epic blunders in Schreie der Stille Festival. The average number of nominations per film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Ombre di Firenze equals 2 times the number of underground city noir spy thriller in Ombre di Firenze. The number of film about android detective noir in Festa del Cinema Sereno equals 3 plus the number of space station political thriller in Festa del Cinema Sereno. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in The Game Changer Cinema Gala equals the number of film about lost love in a rainy city in The Game Changer Cinema Gala. The number of film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in The Runner's Lens Film Festival equals the number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Runner's Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Ombre di Firenze equals 3 plus the number of film about shadowy figure from parallel dimensions in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about first-person perspective time travel tale in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala. The average number of nominations per enchanted bookstore horror comedy in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about renaissance painter murder investigation in Das Fragmentierte Bild Fest. The number of intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval equals the sum of the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval, the total number of movies in Rêves de Belleville, the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval, and the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Der Schatten der Seele Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about struggle of a single salmon's return home in Der Schatten der Seele Fest. The number of film about volcanic eruption displacement tale in The Runner's Lens Film Festival is the total number of movies in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest. The number of film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in The Spirit of Sport Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about the hidden wonders of the ocean floor in The Spirit of Sport Gala. The number of film about spy infiltrating high society gala in Victory Frames Film Festival is the total number of movies in Festa del Cinema Sereno. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Beyond the Finish Line Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per southern gothic crime drama in Beyond the Finish Line Gala. The number of film about galactic space-race adventure in Festa del Cinema Sereno equals 3 plus the number of film about dream traveler's redemption tale in Festa del Cinema Sereno. The number of film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Fields of Victory Film Fest equals 1 times the number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Fields of Victory Film Fest. The number of film about rebellion in a futuristic combat sport in Legends in Motion Film Fest is 3 times the total number of movies in Festival dei Sentieri Invisibili. The average number of nominations per film about possession through cursed headphones in Ombre di Firenze equals 1 plus the number of film about off-world bounty hunter's betrayal in Ombre di Firenze. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Il Sogno di Torino is the total number of movie nominations in Festival delle Voci Perdute. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest equals the number of film about neo-tokyo mecha romance in Stelle Cadenti Cinema Fest. The number of film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Festival della Luce di Roma equals 1 times the number of film about colonial explorer's tragic love story in Festival della Luce di Roma. The average number of nominations per film about lighthouse keeper and a phantom guide in Ombre di Firenze equals the average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence femme fatale tale in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about ballet dancer turned martial artist saga in Cinema Sole Rosso is the total number of movies in Kino des Ausdrucks Festival. The average number of nominations per film about first-person perspective time travel tale in Verborgene Gesichter Film Gala is 1 plus the total number of movies in Rêves de Belleville. The average number of nominations per film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Lanterne di Venezia equals the number of film about victorian scientist breaking barriers in Lanterne di Venezia. The average number of nominations per film about mirrored reality mystery unraveling in Ombre di Firenze equals the number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Ombre di Firenze. The average number of nominations per film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival equals the number of film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Lichter und Schatten Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Licht und Dunkelheit Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala equals the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Das Verborgene Ich Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Lanterne di Venezia equals the number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Lanterne di Venezia. The average number of nominations per film about galactic space-race adventure in Driven to Win Movie Awards equals 2 times the average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Driven to Win Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about 90's blockbuster disaster epic in Festival delle Voci Perdute equals the number of cold war scientist espionage thriller in Festival delle Voci Perdute.
What is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Rêves de Belleville as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Cinéma de Montreval as l; so l = x = x. We know l = 2, so we have x = 2 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 2. Move all terms to one side: x - 2 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 2. Divide both sides by 1: x = 2 / 1. Solution: x = 2. Answer: 2.
The number of dreamscape travel thriller in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals the number of film about gothic vampire court intrigue in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The number of film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in TechnoVerse Film Fest equals 4 times the number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in TechnoVerse Film Fest. The number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals 2 times the number of film about silent pact of suburban neighbors in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about holographic artist revenge saga in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals the number of martian colony survival drama in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The number of film about italian renaissance art heist in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of film about cloud surfing adventure epic in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about whispering cave adventure mystery in The Heritage Screen Gala is 4 plus the total number of movies in AstroVisions Film Festival. The number of underground fight club drama in Northern Lights Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about ballet dancer turned martial artist saga in Northern Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about love across magical kingdoms in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about russian winter survival horror in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals the number of korean historical thriller noir in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about cursed diary unraveling family secrets in Event Horizon Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Zero Gravity Movie Awards. The number of film about electric cars dominating the 1920s in Timeless Tundra Film Festival is the number of calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals the number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mirrored reality mystery unraveling in Event Horizon Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about parallel realm crossing traveler's saga in Event Horizon Film Gala. The number of film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Neon Nebula Film Fest equals 3 times the number of film about viking explorers discovering steam power in Neon Nebula Film Fest. The average number of nominations per simulated reality escape thriller in Warp Drive Movie Awards is 3 times the total number of movies in Beyond the Snowfields Gala. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Warp Drive Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about 18th-century gothic horror love story in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest is the number of calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Aurora Tales Film Gala equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about dreamcatcher realm rescue mission in Aurora Tales Film Gala. The number of film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about alternate history where the moon was never reached in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The number of film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals 3 times the number of film about false memory murder accusation in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Event Horizon Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about midnight library holding lost souls in Event Horizon Film Gala. The number of film about jazz-age flapper revenge saga in AstroVisions Film Festival is the total number of movies in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about ancient temple treasure hunt in Faded Memories Cinema Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Echoes of the Baltic Lens Festival. The number of film about sea of light wanderer's odyssey in Faded Memories Cinema Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival Lumière de Valmont equals 4. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about heist crew of misfit siblings in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in TechnoVerse Film Fest equals 4 times the number of film about classic children's animal fantasy tale in TechnoVerse Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about time-looping wizard saga in Saga Fjord Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Saga Fjord Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the number of film about cursed diary unraveling family secrets in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about diplomat's forbidden love story in TechnoVerse Film Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The number of film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Golden Era Film Festival equals 3 times the number of film about toy soldier time-travel heist in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about echoing canyon magical race in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about lumberjack family torn by deforestation in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about italian renaissance art heist in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont equals 1. The number of 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Legends of the North Film Festival equals the number of 60's space-race drama in Legends of the North Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival is the total number of movies in Neon Nebula Film Fest. The number of film about rivers carved through time in Golden Era Film Festival equals 3 times the number of film about life of a single ancient oak in Golden Era Film Festival. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest equals the number of film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about martian desert gladiator tale in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per space-fleet tactical war thriller in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic tribal war saga in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about caribbean pirate love triangle in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about steamship adventure love story in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about lonely jazz club saxophonist tale in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about cursed talisman bearer's quest in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about backroom deals in ancient rome in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about virtual reality murder unraveling in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The number of film about frozen tundra survival tale in Hypernova Film Showcase is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Luminous Void Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about dragon whisperer's tragic romance in Luminous Void Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The number of film about explosive treasure map race in Reconstructed Frames Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about mountain oracle's cryptic prophecy in Event Horizon Film Gala is 4 plus the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont. The number of film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about oblivious superhero satire in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest. The number of film about the chosen shepherd's cryptic guide in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala equals the number of film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Aurora Tales Film Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about abstract black-and-white exploration of loss in Aurora Tales Film Gala. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont equals 4. The number of film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Timeless Tundra Film Festival equals the number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Timeless Tundra Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about android detective noir in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival equals 2 times the number of solar flare survival thriller in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about explosive treasure map race in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival equals the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The number of film about symphony of the seasons in Echoes of the Baltic Lens Festival equals 3 times the number of tech mogul's dramatic fall from grace in Echoes of the Baltic Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about amazon rainforest tribe's last stand in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about ocean clean-up sci-fi adventure in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the number of film about war room nuclear crisis saga in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about magical bakery love story in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about steampunk victorian empire collapse in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per enchanted bookstore horror comedy in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per wishing well adventure comedy in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per dreamscape travel thriller in Saga Fjord Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per fairy tale noir detective drama in Saga Fjord Film Gala. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval equals 4 times the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont. The number of film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Zero Gravity Movie Awards equals the number of film about false memory murder accusation in Zero Gravity Movie Awards. The number of film about fragmented dreamscape love triangle in Winter's Glow Film Fest is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about polar bear migration allegory in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about corporate mind-meld conspiracy in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Saga Fjord Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Saga Fjord Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the chosen shepherd's cryptic guide in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about desert nomad's vision quest in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 3 times the number of film about invisible bridge adventure story in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about explosions during a cooking competition in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per 1920's political satire comedy in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals the number of film about silent cityscape coming-of-age tale in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about romantic tragedy based on a war novel in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per synchronized swimming dark comedy in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about pocket dimension love story in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Hypernova Film Showcase equals the number of film about journey across the grasslands of africa in Hypernova Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per 70's vinyl record store comedy in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about 80's arcade adventure in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about invisible bridge adventure story in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals the number of film about contract killer with a moral code in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest equals the number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest. The number of film about talking animal circus adventure in Aurora Tales Film Gala is the number of calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont. The average number of nominations per film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Event Horizon Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about whispering trees holding ancient memories in Event Horizon Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Warp Drive Movie Awards equals the number of stop-motion apocalypse art film in Warp Drive Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about silent circus tragedy romance in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about cursed knight's love-breaking spell in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the number of film about forbidden portal time-spanning journey in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about grassroots rebellion rise to power in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per cyber-election hacking drama in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The number of film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Parallel Realms Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about orphaned violinist's journey in Parallel Realms Film Gala. The number of film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in AstroVisions Film Festival is 2 times the total number of movies in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 2 times the number of film about unlikely duo solving ancient puzzles in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The number of film about time-travel romance adaptation in Forgotten Stories Film Festival is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Saga Fjord Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about solar farm town survival story in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the number of endangered species conservation thriller in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about family reunion during a bank robbery in The Heritage Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per silent film with only ambient sounds in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The number of film about love across magical kingdoms in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is 1 times the total number of movies in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about ancient temple treasure hunt in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about galactic space-race adventure in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals the number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The average number of nominations per leaked dossier international thriller in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the number of film about backroom deals in ancient rome in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about lost map leading to a wacky treasure in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about diplomat's forbidden love story in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the average number of nominations per martian colony private eye thriller in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cricket match political allegory in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about whistling wind detective mystery in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of gold rush prospector noir thriller in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals the number of vaudeville stage comedy drama in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of great depression bank heist thriller in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about elizabethan theater backstage intrigue in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Luminous Void Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Luminous Void Film Festival. The average number of nominations per elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival. The number of film about world war ii won with bio-engineered soldiers in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in The Viking Reel Fest. The average number of nominations per film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals 1 plus the number of film about cat burglar versus detective rivalry in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per floating island magical war drama in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 2 times the number of film about possession through cursed headphones in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Echoes of the Baltic Lens Festival equals 4 times the number of film about journey of a wandering albatross in Echoes of the Baltic Lens Festival. The number of film about forgotten guardian of the star path in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala equals the number of film about alien diplomat's galaxy-spanning negotiation in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per clockwork town escape thriller in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about high-stakes courtroom manipulation in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in Beyond the Snowfields Gala equals 3 times the number of film about underwater kingdom romance rebellion in Beyond the Snowfields Gala. The number of film about mirrored reality mystery unraveling in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals 4 plus the number of film about abandoned theme park ghost revenge in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The number of film about romantic tragedy based on a war novel in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest is 4 plus the average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont. The average number of nominations per film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals the number of vaudeville stage comedy drama in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The number of alien language mystery thriller in Cascades of Light Film Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Aurora Tales Film Gala. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest equals the number of bank robber turned local sheriff comedy in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about shape-shifting mirror journey in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in The Cybernetic Screen Fest equals the number of film about detective noir based on pulp fiction in The Cybernetic Screen Fest. The number of film about parallel realm crossing traveler's saga in The Viking Reel Fest equals the number of film about flaming river mythic odyssey in The Viking Reel Fest. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals the number of film about dreamcatcher realm rescue mission in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The number of mystery-thriller based on a bestseller in The Cybernetic Screen Fest is the total number of movies in The Frosted Lens Festival. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the number of film about cloud surfing adventure epic in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival Lumière de Valmont equals 3. The average number of nominations per film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per korean historical thriller noir in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about coral reef as seen through marine life in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about himalayan monastery enlightenment story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in The Archive Reel Movie Festival is 1 times the total number of movies in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about chinese dynasty martial arts mystery in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about sleep study turned mind-control experiment in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Event Horizon Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about sea of light wanderer's odyssey in Event Horizon Film Gala. The average number of nominations per endangered species conservation thriller in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about ocean clean-up sci-fi adventure in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of film about alien bounty hunter's wacky earth mission in The Heritage Screen Gala is the total number of movie nominations in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Aurora Tales Film Gala equals the number of film about reverse chronological ghost story in Aurora Tales Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about high school baseball revenge saga in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals the number of rowing crew betrayal drama in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The number of film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in AstroVisions Film Festival equals the number of film about infamous outlaw's last confession in AstroVisions Film Festival. The average number of nominations per 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per 90's hacker thriller in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in Neon Nebula Film Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Neon Nebula Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about lifecycle of a butterfly colony in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards equals the number of film about classic children's animal fantasy tale in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per silent film star's blackmail case in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The number of film about time-looping wizard saga in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals the number of elemental wizard rivalry drama in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 3 times the number of film about dystopian young adult rebellion saga in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about activist's lifelong battle for justice in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of film about soccer coach redemption tale in Reconstructed Frames Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The number of film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Timeless Tundra Film Festival equals 3 plus the number of film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Timeless Tundra Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about global flood dystopian epic in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about double life unraveling in suburbia in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of silent magical realism drama in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about silent circus tragedy romance in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The number of 1920's political satire comedy in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Luminous Void Film Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about lost love in a rainy city in Luminous Void Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Chronicles in Motion Fest is the total number of movies in Nordic Myths Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about steampunk victorian empire collapse in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is the total number of movies in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest. The number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of social media influencer survival comedy in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Event Horizon Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about disappearing townspeople supernatural saga in Event Horizon Film Gala. The number of film about a world dominated by airship travel in Timeless Tundra Film Festival equals the number of film about what if the romans colonized the new world? in Timeless Tundra Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about famous composer's haunted genius in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of film about ancient temple treasure hunt in Windows to History Film Festival is the total number of movies in Parallel Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about medieval monk murder mystery in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The number of film about lost city under the ice exploration in Windows to History Film Festival is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont. The average number of nominations per film about scandalous royal court power struggle in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about neon-lit city murder conspiracy in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The number of the disappearance of a movie character in Quantum Leap Cinema Fest equals the number of film about oblivious superhero satire in Quantum Leap Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about journalist unraveling a corrupt dynasty in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the number of election campaign rivalry comedy in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the number of film about estranged siblings' mind games in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Saga Tapestry Film Festival is 1 times the number of calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of film about epic space opera trilogy adaptation in The Cybernetic Screen Fest is 3 times the number of calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the number of film about leonardo da vinci as a warlord in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The number of film about writer trapped in their own story in Monuments in Motion Film Awards is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per underground fight club drama in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about boxing in 1920's harlem in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards equals 1 plus the number of film about journey across the grasslands of africa in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards. The number of imagination game detective thriller in The Archive Reel Movie Festival is 2 times the total number of movies in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Reconstructed Frames Fest is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals the number of film about desert conflict through a medic's eyes in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about quantum-entangled romance saga in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals the number of underground dome resistance thriller in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the reluctant sorcerer's pilgrimage in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival equals the number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival. The number of social media influencer survival comedy in Stellar Frontiers Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Stellar Frontiers Film Festival. The number of film about parallel realm crossing traveler's saga in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala equals the number of film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in The Cosmic Lens Film Gala. The number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is 3 times the total number of movies in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about celtic druidic fantasy epic in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per 50's cold war spy thriller in Echoes of the Past Film Festival is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The number of film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Northern Lights Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in Northern Lights Film Festival. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about accidental superhero saving the day in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Historic Frames Movie Showcase is the total number of movies in Stellar Frontiers Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about parallel realm crossing traveler's saga in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about flaming river mythic odyssey in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per cyber-election hacking drama in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the number of film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about spoken-word monologue experimental tale in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about deserted ship mystery tale in Eternal Glaciers Cinema Fest. The number of film about electric cars dominating the 1920s in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about coral reef as seen through marine life in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about rivers drying post-apocalyptic odyssey in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Historic Frames Movie Showcase is the total number of movie nominations in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in TechnoVerse Film Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about secret agents in a collapsing democracy in TechnoVerse Film Fest. The number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in AstroVisions Film Festival equals 4 times the number of film about train robbery western silent epic in AstroVisions Film Festival. The number of film about crystal castle explorer's journey in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals the number of unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about lunar base murder mystery in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The number of film about symphony of the seasons in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about america as a monarchy in the 21st century in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about electric cars dominating the 1920s in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about desert nomad's vision quest in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per rowing crew betrayal drama in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals 1 times the number of rainbow caravan road movie in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the number of film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in The Legacy Lens Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about lonely lighthouse keeper's mystical guide in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival is the total number of movies in Timeless Tundra Film Festival. The average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Warp Drive Movie Awards equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per social media influencer stalker thriller in Warp Drive Movie Awards. The number of film about silent circus tragedy romance in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about viking explorers discovering steam power in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about 20's slapstick treasure hunt in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is the total number of movies in Hypernova Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about solar farm town survival story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about mexican day of the dead road trip in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Warp Drive Movie Awards equals the number of social media influencer stalker thriller in Warp Drive Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per stop-motion apocalypse art film in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Winter's Glow Film Fest. The number of film about symphony of the seasons in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is 2 times the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of imagination game detective thriller in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals 3 plus the number of rainbow caravan road movie in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per silent magical realism drama in Shadows of the Past Film Awards equals 1 plus the number of 20's silent boxing drama in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The number of political scandal time-bomb thriller in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest is the total number of movies in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest. The number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals the number of film about epic fantasy series prequel adaptation in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Windows to History Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about echoing canyon magical race in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals the number of film about reverse chronological ghost story in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval is greater than 0. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in The Cybernetic Screen Fest is the total number of movies in Northern Lights Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten guardian of the star path in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about the reluctant sorcerer's pilgrimage in Beyond Infinity Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about corporate political puppet master tale in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per election campaign rivalry comedy in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about greek island time-travel romance in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals 2 times the number of brazilian carnival romance drama in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont equals 4 plus the sum of the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont and the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per gold rush prospector noir thriller in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about napoleon winning the battle of waterloo in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The number of calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 1 times the number of film about victorian ghost story adaptation in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of film about feudal japanese peasant rebellion in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is 4 plus the total number of movies in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about ghost ship's forgotten passengers in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of middle eastern djinn folklore drama in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per korean historical thriller noir in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about french vineyard ghost love story in The Midnight Fjord Cinema Showcase. The number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest equals the number of film about hidden portal in an antique shop in Runestone Frames Cinema Fest. The number of film about the chosen shepherd's cryptic guide in The Viking Reel Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about forbidden portal time-spanning journey in The Viking Reel Fest. The average number of nominations per film about self-reflective ai director's story in Warp Drive Movie Awards equals 4 plus the number of kaleidoscopic memory retrieval thriller in Warp Drive Movie Awards. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Beyond the Snowfields Gala equals the number of film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Beyond the Snowfields Gala. The number of 50's atomic age monster movie in Monuments in Motion Film Awards is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of film about life of a single ancient oak in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is 1 times the total number of movie nominations in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The number of film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest equals 1 times the number of film about civil war deserter's tragic redemption in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest. The number of film about activist's lifelong battle for justice in Chronicles in Motion Fest is the total number of movies in Quantum Leap Cinema Fest. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Parallel Realms Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of falling leaves goodbye drama in Parallel Realms Film Gala. The number of film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals 3 times the number of vintage horror vampire film in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The number of film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in The Legacy Lens Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The number of film about false memory murder accusation in Chrono Shift Cinema Showcase is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont. The number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala is the total number of movies in The Cybernetic Screen Fest. The average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about imperial china palace spy saga in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in The Heritage Screen Gala is the total number of movies in Legends of the North Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Saga Tapestry Film Festival equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per rooftop basketball street drama in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the number of epic mythology-inspired film saga in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals the number of film about small-town cult psychological maze in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals the number of film about time-travel bounty hunter epic in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Event Horizon Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about lost city under the ice exploration in Event Horizon Film Gala. The average number of nominations per calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval equals 4. The average number of nominations per calm road movie in Festival Lumière de Valmont equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about explosive treasure map race in The Heritage Screen Gala is the total number of movies in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about post-apocalyptic political uprising saga in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about memory implant black market scandal in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about rivers drying post-apocalyptic odyssey in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in TechnoVerse Film Fest. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about celtic tribes surviving into modern times in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The number of film about mountain oracle's cryptic prophecy in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Luminous Void Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about floating trash island refugee story in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about double life unraveling in suburbia in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about global flood dystopian epic in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of film about desertification survivor's story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest equals the number of shattered mirror heist drama in Echoes of Fjords Film Fest. The average number of nominations per endangered species conservation thriller in Winter's Glow Film Fest equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per reverse chronology family drama in Winter's Glow Film Fest. The number of moonlit ballroom ghost drama in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about museum heist with identity crisis in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the number of film about small-town cult psychological maze in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Parallel Realms Film Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about accidental superhero saving the day in Parallel Realms Film Gala. The number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards equals the number of postmodern magical realism film in Orbit Horizon Movie Awards. The number of film about talking star prophecy tale in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals 4 times the number of film about candy kingdom revenge epic in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Winter's Glow Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about industrial pollution protester's journey in Winter's Glow Film Fest. The number of glowing river odyssey drama in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals the number of film about small-town bookstore murder mystery in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about roman empire gladiator's double life in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival is the number of calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Windows to History Film Festival equals the number of film about star-chart decoder's cosmic saga in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about cricket match political allegory in Northern Lights Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of synchronized swimming dark comedy in Northern Lights Film Festival. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals the number of film about high-stakes courtroom manipulation in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Chrono Shift Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about small-town cult psychological maze in Chrono Shift Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about ancient library arson investigator in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the number of film about post-wwii veterans' crime saga in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Luminous Void Film Festival equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about immortal falling in love with a mortal in Luminous Void Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about volcanic eruption displacement tale in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per gaslighting inheritance drama in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 1 times the number of film about amazon rainforest tribe's last stand in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Chrono Shift Cinema Showcase is the total number of movies in Midnight Sun Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about steamship adventure love story in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is the total number of movies in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about 1920s speakeasy detective tale in Futurist Frames Cinema Festival. The average number of nominations per film about snow globe fantasy escape in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala equals the number of film about wind-powered ship treasure quest in Galactic Imagination Cinema Gala. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in The Cybernetic Screen Fest equals the number of stolen identity cyber-crime thriller in The Cybernetic Screen Fest. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Nordic Myths Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about virtual assistant exposing dark secrets in Nordic Myths Film Festival. The number of film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Zero Gravity Movie Awards equals 1 plus the number of film about dreamcatcher realm rescue mission in Zero Gravity Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about roman empire gladiator's double life in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala equals the number of film about electric cars dominating the 1920s in Starlight Chronicles Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is 2 times the average number of nominations per calm road movie in Cinéma de Montreval. The number of 70's vinyl record store comedy in Legends of the North Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Legends of the North Film Festival. The number of film about volcanic eruption displacement tale in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest is 1 plus the total number of movies in Chrono Shift Cinema Showcase. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals 3 times the number of 60's counterculture road movie in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The number of film about whimsical coming-of-age family tale in The Archive Reel Movie Festival is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about medieval knights fighting a robot invasion in Legends of the North Film Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Saga Tapestry Film Festival. The number of film about underwater kingdom romance rebellion in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Event Horizon Film Gala. The number of 20's silent boxing drama in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase equals the number of 20's silent boxing drama in Rivers of Ice Cinema Showcase. The number of film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Parallel Realms Film Gala equals the number of film about snow-covered piano prodigy tale in Parallel Realms Film Gala. The number of intense detective thriller in Festival de Clairmont equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont. The average number of nominations per endangered species conservation thriller in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about forest regrowth rebellion story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest equals the number of haunted house comedy caper in Whispers of the Arctic Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per virtual reality addiction drama in Cascades of Light Film Gala equals the number of virtual reality addiction drama in Cascades of Light Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the rise and fall of a populist leader in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about grassroots rebellion rise to power in Starforge Sci-Fi Fest. The average number of nominations per film about magical bakery love story in Saga Tapestry Film Festival is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval. The average number of nominations per film about whispering trees holding ancient memories in Event Horizon Film Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in Event Horizon Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Luminous Void Film Festival equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about seaside lighthouse tragedy in Luminous Void Film Festival.
What is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Cinéma de Montreval as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Festival de Clairmont as D; so D = x = x. We know D = 1, so we have x = 1 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 1. Move all terms to one side: x - 1 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 1. Divide both sides by 1: x = 1 / 1. Solution: x = 1. Answer: 1.
The average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Silent Stars Film Showcase equals 1 times the number of film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Silent Stars Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about mirror realm lost explorer's saga in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per 60's counterculture road movie in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about isolated artist's descent into madness in History's Gaze Cinema Fest is the total number of movies in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The number of film about russian winter survival horror in Arcane Visions Film Gala is the total number of movies in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival equals 4. The average number of nominations per film about night market urban fantasy noir in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 3 times the number of 50's cold war spy thriller in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards equals the number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The number of solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost ww2 tank crew survival story in Silent Stars Film Showcase is 4 plus the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in The Silent Motion Fest equals 3 plus the number of film about napoleon winning the battle of waterloo in The Silent Motion Fest. The number of film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards equals the number of film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the number of film about double life unraveling in suburbia in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The number of film about paper bird magical messenger saga in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of film about data-mining whistleblower mystery in Dreamforge Cinema Awards is the total number of movies in The Whispered Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Spellbound Screens Festival equals the number of film about space station escape from ai control in Spellbound Screens Festival. The number of great depression bank heist thriller in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards equals the number of virtual reality sabotage thriller in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per norwegian fjord myth thriller in Celestial Saga Film Awards is the total number of movies in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about midnight diner heartbreak story in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in The Mute Frame Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Spellbound Screens Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Spellbound Screens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the scandal of a famous novelist in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals the number of film about cryo-sleep murder mystery in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of virtual reality sabotage thriller in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about mexican day of the dead road trip in Arcane Visions Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movies in Timeless Frames Film Gala. The number of wwii submarine betrayal thriller in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase is 1 times the total number of movies in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Verdi Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in Timeless Frames Film Gala equals the number of film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Timeless Frames Film Gala. The number of witness protection identity leak thriller in The Vintage Lens Festival is 3 times the total number of movies in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase. The number of film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is 3 times the total number of movies in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 4 times the total number of movies in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase. The number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Expressions in Silence Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about post-apocalyptic desert opera in Expressions in Silence Gala. The average number of nominations per film about old bookstore nostalgia saga in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the number of film about midnight diner heartbreak story in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of film about mermaid love story on land in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 2 plus the total number of movies in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Fable Cinema Fest equals the number of film about industrial revolution delayed by 200 years in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per martian colony private eye thriller in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about star-crossed lovers across parallel realms in Chronicles in Motion Fest is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals the number of film about virtual assistant exposing dark secrets in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals the number of middle eastern djinn folklore drama in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about augmented reality identity theft noir in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival equals the number of film about memory implant black market scandal in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in The Vintage Lens Festival equals the number of forgotten lover's time capsule drama in The Vintage Lens Festival. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the number of steamship survival thriller novel adaptation in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The number of film about hidden town under a perpetual eclipse in The Quiet Lens Film Festival is the total number of movies in Windows to History Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Silent Stars Film Showcase equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about revolution-era double agent's tragedy in Silent Stars Film Showcase. The number of film about cybernetic soldier uprising war epic in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest equals 2 times the number of film about ancient mesopotamian battlefield epic in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest. The number of silent magical realism drama in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals the number of vaudeville stage comedy drama in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Taylor Movie Festival equals 4 times the sum of the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival and the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about invisible bridge adventure story in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about whistling wind detective mystery in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Mythos Film Celebration equals the number of solar flare survival thriller in Mythos Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in The Vintage Lens Festival equals the number of film about cold winter mountain tragedy in The Vintage Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about hitman trying to retire peacefully in Shadows and Stars Festival is 4 plus the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about disjointed surreal time capsule narrative in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals the number of film about minimalist desert survival story in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The number of simulated reality escape thriller in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards equals 1 times the number of simulated reality escape thriller in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about ill-fated mountain climber's saga in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of biopunk corporate espionage drama in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Taylor Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about lifecycle of a butterfly colony in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in Windows to History Film Festival equals 3 times the number of silent film star's untold tale in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Windows to History Film Festival equals the number of gaslighting inheritance drama in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 2 plus the total number of movies in Shadows of the Past Film Awards. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about mad scientist's sitcom adventure in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The number of film about chess prodigy playing against reality in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala is 4 plus the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest is the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals the number of film about underground river lost treasure journey in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about snow globe fantasy escape in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 3 plus the number of 70's vinyl record store comedy in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals the number of film about famous composer's haunted genius in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The number of film about space pirate love story in Shadows and Stars Festival is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Taylor Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about victorian ghost story adaptation in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about nomadic tribe's quest for a mythical treasure in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per glacier expedition comedy of errors in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about cold winter mountain tragedy in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in The Mute Frame Film Festival equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in The Mute Frame Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about tea-party dimension heist in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase is 3 plus the total number of movies in Frames Without Sound Fest. The number of film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Timeless Frames Film Gala is the total number of movies in Whispers in the Dark Film Festival. The number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 2 plus the number of film about glitch art dystopian romance in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Spellbound Screens Festival equals the number of film about robot crew discovering organic life in Spellbound Screens Festival. The number of film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Expressions in Silence Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about terraforming pioneer family saga in Expressions in Silence Gala. The number of film about holographic artist revenge saga in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals the number of film about dark office satire gone wrong in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 4 times the number of film about industrial pollution protester's journey in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about explorers trapped in a shrinking cave in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per south african apartheid time-travel drama in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per corporate espionage comedy of errors in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the number of film about post-apocalyptic slapstick farce in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 1 times the average number of nominations per film about victorian scientist breaking barriers in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Shadows and Stars Festival equals 2 times the number of film about disguised thief hiding in plain sight in Shadows and Stars Festival. The average number of nominations per rainbow caravan road movie in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala is 4 times the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about a world dominated by airship travel in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about viking explorers discovering steam power in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of film about lonely lighthouse keeper's mystical guide in Whispering Woods Movie Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Muted Stories Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals the number of film about journey across the grasslands of africa in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about misfit time-travelers ruining history in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about flaming river mythic odyssey in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals the number of film about silent circus tragedy romance in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase equals 1 times the number of film about dream-interrogation gone awry in Legacy Reel Movie Showcase. The number of film about wildlife photographer uncovering corporate secrets in Shadows of the Past Film Awards is the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival. The number of film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals 2 times the number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The number of social media influencer survival comedy in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase equals 2 plus the number of midnight drag racing thriller in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per vintage horror vampire film in Whispering Woods Movie Awards is 1 plus the total number of movies in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest. The average number of nominations per film about parallel realm crossing traveler's saga in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about silent masked vigilante noir in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase equals 2 plus the number of cannibal chef culinary comedy in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase. The number of great depression bank heist thriller in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about frozen trenches survival tale in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase. The number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in Timeless Frames Film Gala is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about witch coven protecting ancient relics in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about royal impersonator on an epic journey in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of film about star-crossed lovers across parallel realms in Expressions in Silence Gala equals 1 plus the number of film about android detective noir in Expressions in Silence Gala. The number of film about dragon whisperer's tragic romance in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in The Vintage Lens Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about jewelry store heist with a twist in The Vintage Lens Festival. The average number of nominations per falling leaves goodbye drama in The Vintage Lens Festival is the total number of movie nominations in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala. The number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about whistling wind detective mystery in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per forgotten lover's time capsule drama in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals the average number of nominations per alien species alliance political drama in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in The Quiet Lens Film Festival equals the number of film about disappearing townspeople supernatural saga in The Quiet Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about shape-shifting mirror journey in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals the number of film about bubble kingdom friendship journey in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about infamous outlaw's last confession in Moonlit Fables Film Gala is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about explosions during a cooking competition in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the number of film about dystopian young adult rebellion saga in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of space-fleet tactical war thriller in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest equals the number of alien species alliance political drama in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest. The number of film about french revolution aristocratic intrigue in The Whispered Frame Festival equals the number of film about jazz age nightclub disappearance case in The Whispered Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about quantum detective love triangle in Silent Stars Film Showcase equals 2 plus the number of underground city noir spy thriller in Silent Stars Film Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Fable Cinema Fest equals the number of film about the cold war fought on mars in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of film about resistance fighter's coded message odyssey in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase is 1 times the total number of movies in The Quiet Lens Film Festival. The number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest equals 2 plus the number of film about invisible bridge adventure story in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of blood-red moon vampire drama in Elven Grove Movie Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Spellbound Screens Festival equals the average number of nominations per film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in Spellbound Screens Festival. The average number of nominations per film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 2 plus the average number of nominations per film about talking animal circus adventure in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in The Whispered Frame Festival equals the number of film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in The Whispered Frame Festival. The number of film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is the total number of movies in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in The Vintage Lens Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about mob boss's heir undercover in The Vintage Lens Festival. The number of film about contract killer with a moral code in The Vintage Lens Festival is 2 times the total number of movies in Expressions in Silence Gala. The number of film about alien diplomat's galaxy-spanning negotiation in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is 3 plus the total number of movies in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cloned investigator chasing themselves in Silent Stars Film Showcase is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about falling space debris survival epic in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about martian desert gladiator tale in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about australian outback sci-fi western in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about hyper-network collapse survival saga in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about forbidden portal time-spanning journey in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about artificial greenhouse biome collapse in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala equals the number of film about ocean clean-up sci-fi adventure in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the lantern maker's adventure in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals the number of 80's neon crime drama in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about augmented reality identity theft noir in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals the number of digital twin identity swap thriller in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals 3 times the average number of nominations per wishing well adventure comedy in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about bumbling archaeologist unlocking chaos in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about archaeologists competing for a fake artifact in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The number of film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals 1 times the number of film about ai criminal underworld chess game in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per holographic hacker noir drama in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is the total number of movies in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in The Vintage Lens Festival equals the number of film about bank robbery from the teller's pov in The Vintage Lens Festival. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Windows to History Film Festival equals the number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about empty ballroom ghost tragedy in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival is 2 times the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival. The number of epic mythology-inspired film saga in Frames Without Sound Fest is the total number of movies in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about pickpocket entangled in a murder case in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about double-crossed smuggler revenge tale in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Silent Stars Film Showcase equals the average number of nominations per film about biotech smuggler moral dilemma in Silent Stars Film Showcase. The number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is the total number of movies in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The number of film about star racer's death-defying saga in Shadows and Stars Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per virtual reality sabotage thriller in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is the total number of movies in Shadows and Silence Cinema Fest. The number of 80's aerobics revenge thriller in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals 4 plus the number of film about cursed ship crew's misadventures in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase is 2 plus the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala equals 3 times the average number of nominations per film about deep-sea diver's fragmented memory in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about outdated robot sidekick's redemption arc in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about classic children's animal fantasy tale in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about cabaret dancer murder mystery in Echoes of the Past Film Festival equals 1 times the number of film about silent alien invasion sci-fi in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of film about infamous outlaw's last confession in Windows to History Film Festival is 2 times the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Verdi Movie Festival. The number of film about desert conflict through a medic's eyes in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest is 3 plus the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about cold war sleeper agent noir in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 2 times the average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about cricket match political allegory in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the number of film about ballet dancer turned martial artist saga in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per nanobot epidemic thriller in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about robot crew discovering organic life in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala is the number of solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival. The number of nanobot epidemic thriller in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 2 plus the number of martian colony survival drama in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the number of film about small-town cult psychological maze in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The number of film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Whispers in the Dark Film Festival equals the number of film about lumberjack family torn by deforestation in Whispers in the Dark Film Festival. The number of 50's suburban family comedy in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala is 1 plus the total number of movies in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per imagination game detective thriller in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about talking star prophecy tale in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of coded message post-apocalyptic drama in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is the total number of movies in Mythos Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per film about japanese cyberpunk samurai duel in Celestial Saga Film Awards is the total number of movie nominations in Fable Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about virtual reality murder unraveling in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival is the total number of movie nominations in Shadows and Stars Festival. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Timeless Frames Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of film about post-wwii veterans' crime saga in Timeless Frames Film Gala. The number of film about forest regrowth rebellion story in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala is 2 times the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Verdi Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per social media influencer survival comedy in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals the number of film about mafia wedding rom-com twist in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The number of film about self-reflective ai director's story in Mythos Film Celebration equals the number of shattered mirror heist drama in Mythos Film Celebration. The average number of nominations per glowing river odyssey drama in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals 3 times the number of living doll rebellion thriller in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of film about quantum detective love triangle in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals the number of film about vr gaming tournament murder mystery in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals 2 plus the number of classic forbidden romance drama in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about artificial intelligence emerging in the 16th century in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about space-age dynasties in the 1800s in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The average number of nominations per unseen shadows revenge thriller in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 3 times the number of 60's counterculture road movie in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about the chosen shepherd's cryptic guide in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals 1 plus the average number of nominations per film about 1920's parisian mime tragedy in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in Timeless Frames Film Gala equals the number of silent film star's blackmail case in Timeless Frames Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about galaxy-wide scavenger hunt mystery in Footsteps in Time Film Gala equals 3 plus the average number of nominations per film about lunar base murder mystery in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about cyborg assassin's redemption saga in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival equals 1 times the number of social media influencer stalker thriller in The Sorcerer's Screen Festival. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 3 times the number of film about philosopher's journey through exile in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The number of film about android detective noir in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 1 times the number of artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per witness protection identity leak thriller in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the number of film about high-society party robbery gone wrong in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of film about cursed ship crew's misadventures in Arcane Visions Film Gala is 2 times the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival. The number of film about prohibition smuggler's double-cross tale in Timeless Frames Film Gala equals the number of film about rogue asteroid miner's treasure hunt in Timeless Frames Film Gala. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Chronicles in Motion Fest equals the number of film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Chronicles in Motion Fest. The number of film about reunion of friends bound by a ghostly pact in Reel Relics Film Fest equals 3 plus the number of haunted maze comedy survival story in Reel Relics Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about 90's grunge coming-of-age story in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in The Vintage Lens Festival. The number of film about galactic space-race adventure in The Archive Reel Movie Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about end-of-the-world bridal party satire in The Archive Reel Movie Festival. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about rivers carved through time in The Heritage Screen Gala equals the number of film about intimate story of polar bears in crisis in The Heritage Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about clowns caught in an international arms race in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals the number of living doll rebellion thriller in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival equals the number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Mystic Realms Movie Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about midnight forest creature horror in Mystic Realms Movie Festival. The number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Frames Without Sound Fest equals the number of film about 18th-century gothic horror love story in Frames Without Sound Fest. The number of average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival equals 3. The number of film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Expressions in Silence Gala equals the number of film about wizard's apprentice and a forbidden love in Expressions in Silence Gala. The average number of nominations per solar flare survival thriller in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala equals the number of film about falling space debris survival epic in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala. the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival is greater than 0. The average number of nominations per film about unlikely duo stopping a world-ending conspiracy in Historic Frames Movie Showcase equals the average number of nominations per steamship survival thriller novel adaptation in Historic Frames Movie Showcase. The number of film about supernatural graffiti artist haunting city streets in Reel Relics Film Fest equals the number of film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Reel Relics Film Fest. The number of film about ping-pong prodigy comeback story in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the number of film about underdog ice hockey tale in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the reluctant sorcerer's pilgrimage in Whispering Woods Movie Awards is 1 plus the total number of movie nominations in Spellbound Screens Festival. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Forgotten Stories Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about abstract black-and-white exploration of loss in Forgotten Stories Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about gang war erupting on neutral ground in Muted Stories Cinema Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala. The number of film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Expressions in Silence Gala equals 4 times the number of film about cryo-sleep murder mystery in Expressions in Silence Gala. The number of film about hot air balloon pirate escapade in The Heritage Screen Gala is 2 plus the total number of movie nominations in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Timelines in Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about explosive treasure map race in Timelines in Cinema Fest. The number of underground fight club drama in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals 2 plus the number of synchronized swimming dark comedy in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The number of film about russian winter survival horror in Celestial Saga Film Awards is 2 times the total number of movie nominations in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest. The number of film about mysterious traveler from a forgotten era in The Quiet Lens Film Festival equals 4 plus the number of film about celtic tribes surviving into modern times in The Quiet Lens Film Festival. The average number of nominations per endangered species conservation thriller in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about amazon rainforest tribe's last stand in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala. The number of film about forgotten olympic hero's redemption story in Shadows and Silence Cinema Fest equals the number of film about corporate mind-meld conspiracy in Shadows and Silence Cinema Fest. The number of virtual reality addiction drama in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The number of film about terraforming scientist facing rebellion in Footsteps in Time Film Gala is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Taylor Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about cosmic lighthouse keeper's redemption in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals 4 times the number of film about robot crew discovering organic life in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about international arms dealer cat-and-mouse chase in Muted Stories Cinema Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about art thief's reluctant protégé in Muted Stories Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per film about cloud bridge epic adventure in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about dreamcatcher realm rescue mission in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest is the total number of movie nominations in Footsteps in Time Film Gala. The average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals the sum of the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival and the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival. The number of film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Expressions in Silence Gala equals the number of film about mermaid love story on land in Expressions in Silence Gala. The number of film about world war ii won with bio-engineered soldiers in Reconstructed Frames Fest is 3 plus the total number of movie nominations in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The number of film about museum heist with identity crisis in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the number of film about epic fantasy series prequel adaptation in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The number of dinosaur escape comedy-action flick in Whispers in the Dark Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of film about solar farm town survival story in Whispers in the Dark Film Festival. The number of film about medieval siege from a villager's perspective in The Silver Screen Echoes Fest is 4 plus the total number of movie nominations in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per brazilian carnival romance drama in Celestial Saga Film Awards is 4 times the total number of movie nominations in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The average number of nominations per film about sorcerer king's forbidden bride in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about galactic smuggler's moral dilemma in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in The Whispered Frame Festival equals 2 times the number of film about alchemist uncovering royal treason in The Whispered Frame Festival. The average number of nominations per film about candy kingdom revenge epic in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals the number of artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about wind-powered ship treasure quest in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in Silent Stars Film Showcase. The number of film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Whispered Frame Festival is 3 times the total number of movies in Voices of Yesterday Cinema Fest. The number of film about gold rush miner revenge saga in Monochrome Dreams Cinema Showcase is the total number of movies in Echoes of the Past Film Festival. The number of revolutionary war deserter drama in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards equals the number of french revolution spy thriller in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The number of film about wwi spy versus spy noir in Twilight Realms Film Gala equals the number of film about post-wwii veterans' crime saga in Twilight Realms Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals 4 plus the number of south african apartheid time-travel drama in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about alien diplomat's galaxy-spanning negotiation in The Golden Silence Cinema Gala. The number of film about unsolved mysteries of the deep space noir in Dreamforge Cinema Awards equals the number of film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in Dreamforge Cinema Awards. The number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 2. The number of solemn period drama in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in The Heritage Screen Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about paper bird magical messenger saga in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of film about shadowy programmer revenge tale in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards equals the number of film about imperial chinese concubine mystery in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the number of film about wizard's apprentice and a forbidden love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about grieving parent caught in a hoax in History's Gaze Cinema Fest equals the number of film about adventure epic from a serial novel in History's Gaze Cinema Fest. The average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival equals the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of clairvoyant's unraveling perception thriller in Windows to History Film Festival equals 2 times the number of tech mogul's dramatic fall from grace in Windows to History Film Festival. The number of film about the forgotten corners of the jungle in Golden Era Film Festival equals the number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Golden Era Film Festival. The number of film about 18th-century pirate courtroom battle in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards equals the number of film about neural implant hacker tragedy in Ancient Magic Cinema Awards. The average number of nominations per film about fumbling knight on a dragon quest in Arcane Visions Film Gala equals the average number of nominations per brazilian carnival romance drama in Arcane Visions Film Gala. The number of 70's vinyl record store comedy in Monuments in Motion Film Awards equals the number of film about lost map leading to a wacky treasure in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per haunted maze comedy survival story in The Mute Frame Film Festival equals the number of film about lost explorer noir in the 1800s in The Mute Frame Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Spellbound Screens Festival is 3 plus the number of upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about underwater explorers causing calamity in The Mute Frame Film Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about magic lamp causing outrageous wishes in The Mute Frame Film Festival. The number of film about wistful beach sunset story in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival is 1 times the total number of movies in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival is 1 times the total number of movies in Flickers of the Past Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about unseen ghost falling for the living in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 3 times the number of film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about 12-hour real-time meditative cityscape in Mythos Film Celebration equals 2 plus the number of film about black hole scientist's survival mission in Mythos Film Celebration. The number of elizabethan playwright's betrayal drama in The Mute Frame Film Festival is 4 plus the total number of movies in The Silent Motion Fest. The average number of nominations per film about vanishing ink love letter story in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals 2 times the number of film about robot crew discovering organic life in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The number of film about cryptic musician's faustian deal in Elven Grove Movie Festival equals 1 times the number of film about cursed jewelry murder mystery in Elven Grove Movie Festival. The average number of nominations per film about dinosaur domestication shaping human history in Reconstructed Frames Fest equals the number of film about steampunk victorian empire collapse in Reconstructed Frames Fest. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals the difference between the average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Taylor Movie Festival and the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival is 1 plus the total number of movies in The Legacy Lens Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala equals 4 times the number of 50's atomic age monster movie in Beyond the Veil Movie Gala. The number of synchronized swimming dark comedy in Enchanted Lights Film Gala equals the number of motocross racing family drama in Enchanted Lights Film Gala. The average number of nominations per floating island magical war drama in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala equals 3 times the number of floating island magical war drama in The Forgotten Frames Film Gala. The number of film about amateur detectives solving a global crime in Historic Frames Movie Showcase is the average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Golden Banana Movie Festival. The number of unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase equals the number of film about post-apocalyptic slapstick farce in Beyond Words Cinema Showcase. The average number of nominations per film about melting glacier time-lapse allegory in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala equals the number of immersive virtual reality film adaptation in Echoes of the Silent Era Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in The Heritage Screen Gala equals 1 times the number of film about talking animal circus adventure in The Heritage Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about the moon goddess's mortal lover in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals the average number of nominations per film about magic harp unlocking lost love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The average number of nominations per film about volcanic island wildlife explosion in The Heritage Screen Gala equals the number of film about time-lapse story of a glacier's retreat in The Heritage Screen Gala. The average number of nominations per film about alchemy apprentice's potion of love in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest equals 1 times the number of film about colony ship's mutiny horror saga in Forbidden Kingdoms Film Fest. The number of film about phoenix guardian's epic love tale in Expressions in Silence Gala equals the number of nanobot epidemic thriller in Expressions in Silence Gala. The average number of nominations per unlucky bounty hunter slapstick comedy in Faded Memories Cinema Gala equals 3 plus the number of film about solar farm town survival story in Faded Memories Cinema Gala. The average number of nominations per film about reporter uncovering decades-old corruption in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals 4 times the average number of nominations per film about master forger turned criminal mastermind in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The number of film about art deco city builder's rise and fall in The Whispered Frame Festival is 3 times the total number of movie nominations in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of futuristic sci-fi movie in Verdi Movie Festival equals 2. The average number of nominations per film about forgotten guardian of the star path in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals the number of 1920's inventor rivalry comedy in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The number of film about symphony of the seasons in Golden Era Film Festival equals 1 plus the number of epic historical drama based on a memoir in Golden Era Film Festival. The average number of nominations per film about symphony of the seasons in The Heritage Screen Gala equals the number of film about the secret lives of nocturnal animals in The Heritage Screen Gala. The number of solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 1. The average number of nominations per film about sacred map leading to nowhere in Whispering Woods Movie Awards equals the number of film about magical compass lost expedition in Whispering Woods Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per solemn period drama in Golden Banana Movie Festival equals 3. The number of film about detective in a virtual world crime spree in The Vintage Lens Festival is the total number of movies in Monuments in Motion Film Awards. The average number of nominations per film about nebula explorer discovering sentient gas in Moonlit Fables Film Gala equals the number of film about pioneer astronaut's family struggles in Moonlit Fables Film Gala. The average number of nominations per film about con artist infiltrating a royal family in Celestial Saga Film Awards equals the average number of nominations per film about tibetan sky burial mystery in Celestial Saga Film Awards. The average number of nominations per underground dome resistance thriller in The Dragon's Tale Cinema Fest is 2 times the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Taylor Movie Festival. The number of hard sci-fi spaceship thriller adaptation in Frames Without Sound Fest equals 1 plus the number of film about train robbery western silent epic in Frames Without Sound Fest. The average number of nominations per film about orphaned violinist's journey in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival equals 4 plus the average number of nominations per film about lost love in a rainy city in Starlight Enchantment Film Festival. The average number of nominations per simulated reality escape thriller in Frames of Time Cinema Gala equals the average number of nominations per film about dystopian biometric control rebellion in Frames of Time Cinema Gala. The number of film about neural implant hacker tragedy in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards equals 4 times the number of film about egyptian pharaoh's forbidden romance in Legacy of Silence Movie Awards. The average number of nominations per artificial intelligence stand-up comedy story in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase equals the number of film about butterfly wing realm savior story in Kingdom's Imagination Showcase.
What is the average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival?
The question is difficult, so we use equations to solve it. Define average number of nominations per upbeat metropolis comedy in Golden Banana Movie Festival as x; we don't know its value yet but will find it out later. Define average number of nominations per futuristic sci-fi movie in Taylor Movie Festival as V; so V = x = x. We know V = 3, so we have x = 3 and we solve it through the following steps: Simplifying the equation: x = 3. Move all terms to one side: x - 3 = 0. Isolate the term with x: 1*x = 3. Divide both sides by 1: x = 3 / 1. Solution: x = 3. Answer: 3.