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In doing so, she became the first Conservative MP to be elected in Vancouver since 1988. | 她成为自1988年以来在温哥华当选的首位保守党议员。 |
On January 25, 2012, an ash explosion occurred on the mountain, causing much dust and ash to contaminate the atmosphere around it. | 2012年1月25日,波波卡特佩特火山爆发造成大量灰尘和烟灰,污染周围空气。 |
However, he did believe in a form of mitigated dualism, in which the soul plays a larger part in the process than the body. | 然而,他确实相信一种mitigated的二元论,认为灵魂在这个成圣过程中比身体更为重要。 |
While most factions have official titles, in the Japanese media they are usually referred to by the names of their current leaders. | 虽然各派阀都有其正式名称,日本媒体惯常以其现任会长名字称呼它们。 |
The party is a member of The European Alliance of EU-critical Movements (TEAM). | 人民联盟是欧盟批判运动欧洲联盟(TEAM)成员。 |
Apparently, the skeleton was scattered throughout the quarry, with the remains being recovered from September 1879 to September 1880. | 虚骨龙的化石散布于挖掘地点,挖掘活动自1879年9月持续到1880年9月。 |
Bradley's mother and father appeared on the November 17, 2005, episode of Dr. Phil. | 布拉德利的母亲和父亲登上了2005年11月17日的一集菲尔博士(脱口秀)。 |
Since 1993 the brand Kenzo is owned by the French luxury goods company LVMH. | 1993年,Kenzo品牌被法国奢侈品公司路易威登集团获得。 |
However, they are still threatened by hunting for their meat and beaks, and toucan populations are on a decreasing trend. | 但它们仍受到捕猎它们的肉和喙的威胁,巨嘴鸟种群有减少的趋势。 |
However, the armaments of the aircraft remain unchanged. | 但是,飞机的军备保持不变。 |
250 BCE Greek anatomist Erasistratus studied the brain and distinguished between the cerebrum and cerebellum. | 公元前250年 - 埃拉西斯特拉图斯研究脑,并区分端脑和小脑。 |
The championship was not awarded. | 冠军未被核实。 |
Some systems support a hybrid of the two; publishers post messages to a topic while subscribers register content-based subscriptions to one or more topics. | 一些系统支持两者的混合:发布者发布消息到主题上,而订阅者将基于内容的订阅注册到一个或多个主题上。 |
They all control movement of the thumb. | 所有的控制面都是属于波纹状。 |
By late on May 14, convection had largely dissipated, with the exception of a small area near the center, and the system weakened to minimal cyclonic storm status. | 到5月14日晚,大部分对流都已消散,仅有中心附近的小范围区域内还有对流存在,系统强度已降至气旋风暴的最低水平。 |
It is the stated objective of both the PKCS#11 and KMIP committees to align the standards where practical. | PKCS#11和KMIP委员会的明确目标是在切实可行的情况下对准标准。 |
Nowadays, the keeping of Mangalica has become a popular hobby. | 如今,曼加利察猪的饲养已经成为一种流行的爱好。 |
Google maintains a public code repository that contains their experimental work to re-base Android off the latest stable Linux versions. | Google维护着一个公共代码存储库,包含着他们对Android的Rebasing到最新稳定的Linux版本的实验工作。 |
The founders were initially community members. | 创业初期当时为国分集团的成员。 |
Before the night of May 22, 1968 was over, police had arrested another 177 students and beaten 51 students. | 在1968年5月22日晚上结束之前,警方已经逮捕了另外177名学生并殴打了51名学生。 |
The La Colombaia restaurant serves lunch in the outdoor restaurant next to the pool and serves fresh seafood, pastas and pizzas, chicken dishes and fruits, cheeses and pastries. | La Colombaia餐厅在游泳池旁边的室外餐厅提供午餐,提供新鲜的海鲜,面食和比萨饼,鸡肉菜肴和水果,奶酪和糕点。 |
Many other homes in Eastern Connecticut were damaged by falling trees. | 康涅狄格州东部还有大量民房被倒塌的树木砸伤。 |
It can be used to prepare solutions of ions, such as chromium(II), Cr2+, and uranium(III), U3+, which are immediately oxidized on contact with air. | 它可以用来制备铬(II)(Cr2+)和铀(III)(U3+)等离子的水溶液,这些离子在与空气接触时会立即被氧化。 |
Generally, the acid test ratio should be 1:1 or higher; however, this varies widely by industry. | 一般来说,酸性测试比率应为1:1或更高,但是此比率在各行业中会有不同变化。 |
Finn appears, gives a magic ring to Ratmir that will awaken Lyudmila when she is brought back to Kiev. | 芬兰人此时出现,给拉特米尔一个魔法戒指,这戒指可以让柳德米拉在被带回到基辅时苏醒。 |
However, indentation is recommended to better convey the structure of the text to human readers. | 不过,缩进有助于更好地向人类阅读者表达程序的结构。 |
Type II, fast twitch muscle, has three major kinds that are, in order of increasing contractile speed: Type IIa, which, like slow muscle, is aerobic, rich in mitochondria and capillaries and appears red when deoxygenated. | 第二型-快肌,又可分为三种主要的类型,其下依收缩速度由慢而快排序: 第IIa型,和慢肌一样是有氧的,富含线粒体和微血管,且呈现红色。 |
In Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948), T. S. Eliot said that high culture and popular culture are necessary and complementary parts of the culture of a society. | 美国作家T·S·艾略特在《Notes Towards the Definition of Culture》(1948)一书中说,高雅文化跟大众文化对于整个文化来说是必需且互补的。 |
In Arthurian legend, "Viviane" is one of the names of the Lady of the Lake. | 在《亚瑟之死》中,湖中妖女统一使用“薇薇安”这个名字。 |
Indeed, as a general rule, most character datasets are so "noisy" that no truly "simple" solution is possible. | 事实上,如同一般规则,多数特征是如此复杂,故没有真正“简单”的解决方法。 |
On June 26 the Finnish president Ryti gave the guarantee to Ribbentrop that Finland would fight to the end alongside Germany. | 6月26日,芬兰总统吕蒂向里宾特洛甫给予保证说,芬兰将与德国一起战斗到底。 |
Once agreeing on these principles, the Convention voted on the Virginia plan and signaled their approval for it. | 在这两点上达成一致后,会议开始投票通过并签置了弗吉尼亚方案。 |
After the intense fighting in the first two days, Bashir Gemayel decided to send more troops from Beirut to help with in the defense. | 在头两天激烈战斗之后,巴希尔·杰马耶勒决定从贝鲁特派遣更多的武装以帮助扎赫勒居民抵抗叙利亚。 |
He eventually falls to the ground. | 他最后中弹倒在地上。 |
But his efforts are ultimately in vain. | 但他的努力最终都白费。 |
A decreased GFR may be a sign of renal failure. | 如果GFR过低有可能是肾衰竭的症状。 |
The first nationalist Group was founded by the French National Front and the Italian Social Movement in 1984 under the name of the "Group of the European Right", and it lasted until 1989. | 第一个民族主义党团是法国民族阵线与意大利社会运动在1984年所组成的“欧洲右派党团”,持续至1989年为止。 |
Alaska Airlines' flights includes Boeing 737-400 passenger/cargo Combi aircraft as well as all-cargo Boeing 737-400 jet freighter service. | 阿拉斯加航空的航班包括波音737-400乘客/货物混装飞机执飞的航班以及全货机型波音737-400喷气机执飞的货运服务。 |
The inside of the tube is also filled with long, soft hairs. | 叶片中脉的下表面也会覆盖着密集的持久短毛被。 |
Her poetry is also known for taking on dark and depressing themes, which reflects her troubled life. | 她的诗歌也以沉闷而压抑的主题著称,这反映了她忧愁的生活。 |
Meanwhile, on 23 August, several British commanders submitted a plan to attack the patrol line with the light cruisers and destroyers of the Harwich Force, commanded by Commodore Reginald Tyrwhitt. | 同年8月23日,几名英国指挥官提交了一份计划,欲以海军准将雷金纳德·蒂尔维特(英语:Reginald Tyrwhitt)辖下哈里奇部队(英语:Harwich Force)的轻巡洋舰及驱逐舰袭击德国的巡逻线。 |
By 1992, more than 300 births had occurred in captivity, and more than 300 individuals lived in 85 institutions worldwide. | 1992年时,已有超过300只小熊猫幼崽出生在圈养环境下,并且有300多只的小熊猫生活在全世界85家机构内。 |
Currently, the stadium can be reached by different kinds of public transport. | 目前可以通过多种公共交通工具到达体育场。 |
Yates places the city under quarantine, and puts Lasseter and Mike's pictures on the local news. | 耶茨封锁了整个小镇,还在当地新闻中贴出拉塞尔和迈克的头像。 |
In 1993, Disney acquired Miramax Films and its Dimension Films genre label, with the former division operating as an autonomous unit until 2009, and the Dimension label becoming absorbed by The Weinstein Company in 2005. | 1993年,迪士尼收购了米拉麦克斯影业公司及其类型电影厂牌——次元影业,前者被迪士尼作为一个独立部门一直运营到2009年,而次元影业则在2005年被温斯坦影业公司所收购。 |
He was also the editor of the left-wing Kansas City weekly, Worker's World, from 1919 to 1920, assuming the position when fellow Kansas syndicalist Earl Browder was sent to prison for his previous anti-war activities. | 1919~1920年,担任堪萨斯州左翼周刊《工人世界》(Worker's World)的主编,以接替因参加反战活动而被捕入狱的堪萨斯州前工团主义者厄尔·白劳德。 |
Another way is to use custom deployment. | 另一种方法是使用定制的部署文件。 |
The network publishes reports on its own website and on Facebook. | 该组织也在自己的官网和Facebook上发布新闻。 |
Outside of the cabinet there are a number of junior ministers, responsible for a specific policy area and reporting directly to any senior Cabinet minister. | 内阁部长是不同部门的负责人,其下有国务部长,负责特定范畴,直接向内阁部长汇报。 |
The best is that of Paris, in 8 vols., 1790. | 最好的是1790年在巴黎发行的,有8卷。 |
Pinnick left around the same time. | 冯德遐几乎在同一时间到吐蕃。 |
Aggie students, who normally sit only when the opposing band plays, stood throughout both performances and gave both standing ovations. | 一般在对手乐队演奏时坐着的农工学生,两场演奏都一直站着,并都给予长时间的鼓掌。 |
With the formation of a new state government, the Texas provincial governing committee was forced to disband, and the capital was moved from San Antonio de Béxar to Saltillo. | 新州政府的形成致使德克萨斯的地方管理委员会被迫解散,其首府也从圣安东尼奥贝克萨尔(San Antonio de Béxar)迁到萨尔蒂约(Saltillo)。 |
It may mean an association of racketeers in organized crime. | 这可能意味着有组织犯罪中有敲诈者的联合。 |
The public areas of the building are not yet open, although the public plaza in front is open. | 截止2014年初,大厦的公众空间仍未开放,但其前方的公共广场已经开放。 |
After six weeks of indecision Mahathir was, much to his surprise, appointed as Hussein's deputy. | 经过六个星期的犹豫不决,胡先翁最后在惊讶之下选择了马哈迪成为他的副手。 |
In the 1970s, with passenger figures approaching one million per year, the airport's status was changed to Category B, making it a regional international airport; in the same decade it was re-branded as Newcastle Airport. | 1970年代,随着年发送旅客数量接近百万,纽卡斯尔机场的等级被改为B级,使之成为区域性国际机场。 |
Hard power contrasts with soft power, which comes from diplomacy, culture and history. | 这是用在对比软实力,是指权力来自外交,文化和历史。 |
Based on the general election in 1916, the Social Democrats had a small majority, and the Social Democrat Oskari Tokoi became prime minister. | 在1916年的普选中,芬兰社会民主党取得微弱多数,其党员奥斯卡里·托科伊(英语:Oskari Tokoi)出任总理。 |
All 7 non-identity elements play the same role, so we can choose which plays the role of (1,0,0). | 所有 23 - 1 = 7 个非单位元元素扮演相同的角色,所以我们可以选择让谁扮演 (1,0,0) 的角色。 |
That was followed by the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. | 日本在1936年退出第二次伦敦海军条约后。 |
Wellington's Victory, or, the Battle of Vitoria (Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria), Op. 91, is a minor 15-minute-long orchestral work composed by Ludwig van Beethoven to commemorate the Duke of Wellington's victory over Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain on 21 June 1813. | 威灵顿的胜利(又名:维多利亚之役或战争交响曲)),作品91号,是路德维希·范·贝多芬的一首15分钟管弦乐作曲,是为了纪念1813年6月21日,由阿瑟·韦尔斯利于西班牙维多利亚战役中,打败了约瑟夫·波拿巴。 |
The single "All is Full of Love" was also the first DVD single to ever be released in the US, which paved the way for other artists to include DVD video and other multimedia features with their singles. | 碧玉作商业发行的这首“ All Is Full of Love”也是在美国范围内首次有艺人发行DVD格式单曲,而这也为其他艺人发行DVD或其他多媒体格式单曲的举措铺平了道路。 |
As a result, Japan was essentially forced to choose between abandoning its ambitions in South-East Asia and its prosecution of the war against China, or seizing the natural resources it needed by force. | 这项石油禁运政策促使得日本可能必须放弃其在亚洲的野心计划、并且逐一暂缓对中国所发起的战争或者是以武力攻占领土的方式来获取所需要的自然资源。 |
In auditory-tactile synesthesia, certain sounds can induce sensations in parts of the body. | 在听觉→触觉联觉中,某些声音可诱发身体某些部位的感觉。 |
Later a larger force under Pedro de Villagra sent from Santiago clashed with Lautaro's army in and around their fortress in Peteroa over a few days, killing 500 of their number for the loss of two Spaniards but were not able to take the position. | 之后,圣地亚哥的佩德罗·德·比利亚格拉率领了一支更大规模的部队,在佩特罗阿的莱夫扎茹的军队的堡垒一带和他们打了数日,杀死了500名马普切人,但只损失了2名西班牙人,不过比利亚格拉仍然无法夺取这个地点。 |
From 00:47:36 to 00:47:54, The Drifters' rendering of the English version of Quando Quando Quando is featured when Clark Kent gestures to Lois Lane in a jam-packed elevator. | 从00时47分36秒到00时47分54秒, 当克拉克·肯特跟同搭一部电梯的露薏丝·莲恩打招呼时,出现了由流浪者乐队(英语:The Drifters)演绎的歌曲〈Quando Quando Quando〉(Quando在意大利语里面的意思是“何时”)的英语版。 |
During the 19th century, the image of the Aztecs as uncivilized barbarians was replaced with romanticized visions of the Aztecs as original sons of the soil, with a highly developed culture rivaling the ancient European civilizations. | 在19世纪以前,世人对阿兹特克人的看法仅仅是未开化的蛮族,这种看法在最近两百年被彻底推翻,阿兹特克人被视为墨西哥土地的旧主,拥有相对发达的文明,可与欧洲古文明相媲美。 |
On October 23, 1956, around two hundred thousand Hungarians gathered in Budapest to demonstrate in sympathy for the Poles who had just gained political reform during the Polish October. | 1956年10月23日,大约20万人聚集在匈牙利布达佩斯,表示对波兰政治改革的同情。 |
In 1996, he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal metastatic testicular cancer. | 1996年,他被诊断出患有可能致命的恶性转移睾丸癌。 |
He was known as "FD Master" as he made a debut appearance with driving a third generation Mazda RX-7 (FD3S). | 他因驾驶第三代马自达RX-7(FD3S)首次亮相而被称为“FD Master”。 |
The Panic of 1907 was short and mostly affected financiers. | 1907年恐慌为期较短,对金融业影响最大。 |
Only citizens legally registered as voters can run for public office. | 只有合法登记的公民才可以竞选公职。 |
The explosions makes more fire. | 爆炸引发大火。 |
Austen was forced to postpone publishing either of these completed novels by family financial troubles. | 因家庭财务危机,奥斯汀被迫推迟这两本已完成小说的出版。 |
Magnus again set his course for Ireland in 1101 or 1102, this time probably with a greater army than he had in his previous campaign. | 马格努斯三世在1101年或1102年再次远征爱尔兰,这次他的军队规模比上一次还要大。 |
In earlier societies, a king or political leader was often the same person as the military leader. | 在原始社会,政治领袖与军事领袖往往是同一人。 |
Surely, there are heads of state whose evil deeds many times eclipse such a level. | 由各路、州长官慎选各县的长官,择其举主多者尽先差补。 |
According to Country Reports of the US Department of State, in Saudi Arabia there are no established LGBT organizations. | 根据美国国务院的国别报告,在沙特阿拉伯没有LGBT组织。 |
He was also Minister for Commerce and Tourism in the 1st Constitutional Government (1976–1977), Prime Minister of the 4th Constitutional Government between 1978 and 1979 when he was appointed by then President António Ramalho Eanes, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Defense of the 9th Constitutional Government (the Central-Bloc) from 1983 to 1985. | 他也是第一届宪法政府(1976 - 1977)的商业和旅游部长,在1978年至1979年被总统埃亚内斯任命为第四届立宪政府总理,1983年到1985年担任第九届立宪政府副总理和国防部长。 |
He is considered a prophet by his followers, the Pilgrims of Arès. | 惟信众仍抱持敬奉之心,虔城礼祀。 |
Renaissance offers two portfolios to outside investors—Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund (RIEF) and Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha (RIDA). | 文艺复兴科技公司为外部投资者提供了两个投资组合,即:文艺复兴机构股票基金(Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund)和文艺复兴机构多元阿尔法基金(Renaissance Institutional Diversified Alpha)。 |
Adobe InDesign provides extensive OpenType capability in Japanese but does not directly support Middle Eastern or Indic scripts— though a separate version of InDesign is available that supports Middle Eastern scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew. | OpenType通过微软的Office和Publisher等软件支持复杂书写文本,Adobe InDesign也提供日文的拓展OpenType功能,但是不直接支持中东和印度文本——Adobe为支持阿拉伯语、希伯来语等中东语言,单独发行另外的InDesign版本。 |
The Light Warriors traverse into the domain of the dark crystals to free the imprisoned Dark Warriors and defeat the Cloud of Darkness, thereby restoring the crystals and balance to the world. | 光之勇士来到暗之水晶的区域,解放了被囚禁的黑暗战士,并战胜了黑暗之云,恢复了水晶,维持了世界平衡。 |
However, balanced trees are not necessarily optimal for all applications. | 然而,平衡的树不一定对每个应用都是最佳的。 |
Clar, E. Aromatic hydrocarbons. | 高强度的E-碳纤维制盾牌。 |
In low-speed mode, it warns the driver of a potential collision and prepares emergency braking as needed. | 它具有低速模式,警告驾驶员可能发生碰撞,并根据需要准备紧急制动。 |
Economist Paul Krugman described the unfolding crisis as "a classic currency-and-debt crisis, of a kind we've seen many times", adding: "At such a time, the quality of leadership suddenly matters a great deal. | 经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼将这场正在发生的危机称为“经典的货币与债务危机,是我们见过许多次的那种”,并补充说:“在这种时候,领导的质量突然变得非常重要。 |
The EC is the only tournament where men and women play the same competition. | 马术则是唯一一项男性和女性选手同台竞技的比赛。 |
The S-Pen now has a "battery" (essentially a Super Capacitor) that charges when the pen is docked in the silo, with Samsung claiming 30 minutes of usage (or up to 200 clicks of the button) with only 40 seconds of charging. | S-Pen现在有一个电池(基本上是一个超级电容器),在手机内部充电,三星声称使用30分钟(或按钮最多200次点击),只需40秒的充电时间。 |
It was eventually considered – especially after the first Thomas Cup series in 1949 – the unofficial world championship of the sport until 1977, when the International Badminton Federation launched its official championships. | 后来(特别1949年首届汤姆斯杯后),全英公开赛被当作非官方的世界羽毛球锦标赛,直到1977年,国际羽联创办了正式的锦标赛。 |
She was sent to Earth to retrieve an Infinity Gem from Namor, but came into contact with the New Avengers. | 她被派往地球取回在纳摩手中的无限宝石,但却碰见了新复仇者。 |
Since at least the 1960s economists have increasingly focused on broader forms of capital. | 不过1960年代以后经济学家开始注意更广义的资本。 |
Automobile tyre pressure is commonly measured in units of psi in several countries including Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Australia, and Chile, the UK and the US. | 汽车胎压在部分国家通常以磅/平方英寸(英语:pound per square inch,psi)表示,包括巴西、秘鲁、阿根廷、澳大利亚、智利、英国和美国。 |
For this reason, the kinetically modeled Kt/V is always recommended as the best measure of dialysis adequacy. | 出于这个原因,在动力模拟的Kt/V总是被推荐为最佳透析充分性的措施。 |
He was reported ill with "consumption" (usually identified as tuberculosis, but possibly another serious lung complaint) in early July, and died at St. James's Palace on 23 July 1536. | 他染上了“消耗症”(通常指肺结核,但也有可能是其他肺部疾病),1536年7月23日在圣詹姆士宫去世。 |
But we didn't want a movie about women as victims. | 我不喜欢电影中的女性被塑造成受害者。 |
She competed at the 2015 European Games. | 它是2015年欧洲运动会的主场地。 |
Retroflex consonants were not present in the Persian alphabet, and therefore had to be created specifically for Khowar. | 卷舌音在波斯字母中不存在,因此在乌尔都文中必须专门建立。 |
Pendre is Welsh for End of Town. | 惠帝末,起为襄城太守。 |