w11wo's picture
Training in progress, step 500
history blame
85.9 kB
02/06/2022 16:31:57 - WARNING - __main__ - Process rank: -1, device: cuda:0, n_gpu: 1distributed training: False, 16-bits training: True
02/06/2022 16:31:57 - INFO - __main__ - Training/evaluation parameters TrainingArguments(
02/06/2022 16:31:57 - WARNING - datasets.builder - Reusing dataset common_voice (/workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd)
02/06/2022 16:31:58 - WARNING - datasets.builder - Reusing dataset common_voice (/workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd)
02/06/2022 16:31:58 - WARNING - datasets.arrow_dataset - Loading cached processed dataset at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd/cache-4b9c7ee298793a4a.arrow
02/06/2022 16:31:58 - WARNING - datasets.arrow_dataset - Loading cached processed dataset at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd/cache-229158ba70a553cf.arrow
loading configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/dabc27df63e37bd2a7a221c7774e35f36a280fbdf917cf54cadfc7df8c786f6f.a3e4c3c967d9985881e0ae550a5f6f668f897db5ab2e0802f9b97973b15970e6
Model config Wav2Vec2Config {
"_name_or_path": "facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m",
"activation_dropout": 0.0,
"adapter_kernel_size": 3,
"adapter_stride": 2,
"add_adapter": false,
"apply_spec_augment": true,
"architectures": [
"attention_dropout": 0.1,
"bos_token_id": 1,
"classifier_proj_size": 256,
"codevector_dim": 768,
"contrastive_logits_temperature": 0.1,
"conv_bias": true,
"conv_dim": [
"conv_kernel": [
"conv_stride": [
"ctc_loss_reduction": "sum",
"ctc_zero_infinity": false,
"diversity_loss_weight": 0.1,
"do_stable_layer_norm": true,
"eos_token_id": 2,
"feat_extract_activation": "gelu",
"feat_extract_dropout": 0.0,
"feat_extract_norm": "layer",
"feat_proj_dropout": 0.1,
"feat_quantizer_dropout": 0.0,
"final_dropout": 0.0,
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
"hidden_act": "gelu",
"hidden_dropout": 0.1,
"hidden_size": 1024,
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"intermediate_size": 4096,
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
"layerdrop": 0.1,
"mask_feature_length": 10,
"mask_feature_min_masks": 0,
"mask_feature_prob": 0.0,
"mask_time_length": 10,
"mask_time_min_masks": 2,
"mask_time_prob": 0.075,
"model_type": "wav2vec2",
"num_adapter_layers": 3,
"num_attention_heads": 16,
"num_codevector_groups": 2,
"num_codevectors_per_group": 320,
"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups": 16,
"num_conv_pos_embeddings": 128,
"num_feat_extract_layers": 7,
"num_hidden_layers": 24,
"num_negatives": 100,
"output_hidden_size": 1024,
"pad_token_id": 0,
"proj_codevector_dim": 768,
"tdnn_dilation": [
"tdnn_dim": [
"tdnn_kernel": [
"torch_dtype": "float32",
"transformers_version": "4.17.0.dev0",
"use_weighted_layer_sum": false,
"vocab_size": 32,
"xvector_output_dim": 512
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?ba/s] 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 1.51ba/s] 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 1.51ba/s]
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?ba/s] 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 10.14ba/s]
Didn't find file ./tokenizer_config.json. We won't load it.
Didn't find file ./added_tokens.json. We won't load it.
Didn't find file ./special_tokens_map.json. We won't load it.
Didn't find file ./tokenizer.json. We won't load it.
loading file ./vocab.json
loading file None
loading file None
loading file None
loading file None
file ./config.json not found
Adding <s> to the vocabulary
Adding </s> to the vocabulary
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
loading configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/dabc27df63e37bd2a7a221c7774e35f36a280fbdf917cf54cadfc7df8c786f6f.a3e4c3c967d9985881e0ae550a5f6f668f897db5ab2e0802f9b97973b15970e6
Model config Wav2Vec2Config {
"_name_or_path": "facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m",
"activation_dropout": 0.0,
"adapter_kernel_size": 3,
"adapter_stride": 2,
"add_adapter": false,
"apply_spec_augment": true,
"architectures": [
"attention_dropout": 0.1,
"bos_token_id": 1,
"classifier_proj_size": 256,
"codevector_dim": 768,
"contrastive_logits_temperature": 0.1,
"conv_bias": true,
"conv_dim": [
"conv_kernel": [
"conv_stride": [
"ctc_loss_reduction": "sum",
"ctc_zero_infinity": false,
"diversity_loss_weight": 0.1,
"do_stable_layer_norm": true,
"eos_token_id": 2,
"feat_extract_activation": "gelu",
"feat_extract_dropout": 0.0,
"feat_extract_norm": "layer",
"feat_proj_dropout": 0.1,
"feat_quantizer_dropout": 0.0,
"final_dropout": 0.0,
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
"hidden_act": "gelu",
"hidden_dropout": 0.1,
"hidden_size": 1024,
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"intermediate_size": 4096,
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
"layerdrop": 0.1,
"mask_feature_length": 10,
"mask_feature_min_masks": 0,
"mask_feature_prob": 0.0,
"mask_time_length": 10,
"mask_time_min_masks": 2,
"mask_time_prob": 0.075,
"model_type": "wav2vec2",
"num_adapter_layers": 3,
"num_attention_heads": 16,
"num_codevector_groups": 2,
"num_codevectors_per_group": 320,
"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups": 16,
"num_conv_pos_embeddings": 128,
"num_feat_extract_layers": 7,
"num_hidden_layers": 24,
"num_negatives": 100,
"output_hidden_size": 1024,
"pad_token_id": 0,
"proj_codevector_dim": 768,
"tdnn_dilation": [
"tdnn_dim": [
"tdnn_kernel": [
"torch_dtype": "float32",
"transformers_version": "4.17.0.dev0",
"use_weighted_layer_sum": false,
"vocab_size": 32,
"xvector_output_dim": 512
loading feature extractor configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/preprocessor_config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/6fb028b95b394059e7d3b367bbca2382b576c66aebe896f04d2cd34e1b575f5b.d4484dc1c81456a2461485e7168b04347a7b9a4e3b1ef3aba723323b33e12326
Feature extractor Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor {
"do_normalize": true,
"feature_extractor_type": "Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor",
"feature_size": 1,
"padding_side": "right",
"padding_value": 0,
"return_attention_mask": true,
"sampling_rate": 16000
loading weights file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/pytorch_model.bin from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/1e6a6507f3b689035cd4b247e2a37c154e27f39143f31357a49b4e38baeccc36.1edb32803799e27ed554eb7dd935f6745b1a0b17b0ea256442fe24db6eb546cd
Some weights of the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m were not used when initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC: ['project_hid.bias', 'quantizer.codevectors', 'quantizer.weight_proj.weight', 'project_q.weight', 'project_hid.weight', 'project_q.bias', 'quantizer.weight_proj.bias']
- This IS expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
Some weights of Wav2Vec2ForCTC were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m and are newly initialized: ['lm_head.weight', 'lm_head.bias']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
02/06/2022 16:32:04 - WARNING - datasets.arrow_dataset - Loading cached processed dataset at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd/cache-34b3c26b7a1907b4.arrow
preprocess datasets: 0%| | 0/3000 [00:00<?, ?ex/s] preprocess datasets: 0%| | 1/3000 [00:00<08:37, 5.80ex/s] preprocess datasets: 0%| | 10/3000 [00:00<01:09, 42.79ex/s] preprocess datasets: 1%| | 21/3000 [00:00<00:44, 67.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 1%| | 30/3000 [00:00<00:39, 75.16ex/s] preprocess datasets: 1%|▏ | 41/3000 [00:00<00:34, 84.59ex/s] preprocess datasets: 2%|▏ | 53/3000 [00:00<00:31, 94.21ex/s] preprocess datasets: 2%|▏ | 66/3000 [00:00<00:28, 103.79ex/s] preprocess datasets: 3%|β–Ž | 80/3000 [00:00<00:25, 114.74ex/s] preprocess datasets: 3%|β–Ž | 92/3000 [00:01<00:27, 105.49ex/s] preprocess datasets: 3%|β–Ž | 103/3000 [00:01<00:31, 91.32ex/s] preprocess datasets: 4%|▍ | 113/3000 [00:01<00:31, 91.95ex/s] preprocess datasets: 4%|▍ | 123/3000 [00:01<00:31, 92.72ex/s] preprocess datasets: 4%|▍ | 133/3000 [00:01<00:31, 89.67ex/s] preprocess datasets: 5%|▍ | 144/3000 [00:01<00:31, 92.06ex/s] preprocess datasets: 5%|β–Œ | 155/3000 [00:01<00:30, 93.89ex/s] preprocess datasets: 6%|β–Œ | 165/3000 [00:01<00:33, 83.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 6%|β–Œ | 175/3000 [00:02<00:32, 87.28ex/s] preprocess datasets: 6%|β–Œ | 185/3000 [00:02<00:31, 90.12ex/s] preprocess datasets: 6%|β–‹ | 195/3000 [00:02<00:31, 90.25ex/s] preprocess datasets: 7%|β–‹ | 205/3000 [00:02<00:30, 91.41ex/s] preprocess datasets: 7%|β–‹ | 215/3000 [00:02<00:30, 90.33ex/s] preprocess datasets: 8%|β–Š | 225/3000 [00:02<00:30, 90.82ex/s] preprocess datasets: 8%|β–Š | 235/3000 [00:02<00:29, 93.04ex/s] preprocess datasets: 8%|β–Š | 246/3000 [00:02<00:28, 95.87ex/s] preprocess datasets: 9%|β–Š | 258/3000 [00:02<00:27, 98.02ex/s] preprocess datasets: 9%|β–‰ | 268/3000 [00:02<00:28, 95.36ex/s] preprocess datasets: 9%|β–‰ | 278/3000 [00:03<00:29, 91.03ex/s] preprocess datasets: 10%|β–‰ | 289/3000 [00:03<00:28, 94.78ex/s] preprocess datasets: 10%|β–‰ | 299/3000 [00:03<00:28, 95.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 10%|β–ˆ | 312/3000 [00:03<00:25, 104.08ex/s] preprocess datasets: 11%|β–ˆ | 329/3000 [00:03<00:22, 120.15ex/s] preprocess datasets: 11%|β–ˆβ– | 343/3000 [00:03<00:21, 122.30ex/s] preprocess datasets: 12%|β–ˆβ– | 357/3000 [00:03<00:20, 126.62ex/s] preprocess datasets: 12%|β–ˆβ– | 370/3000 [00:03<00:21, 124.22ex/s] preprocess datasets: 13%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 383/3000 [00:03<00:21, 120.09ex/s] preprocess datasets: 13%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 396/3000 [00:04<00:23, 112.71ex/s] preprocess datasets: 14%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 408/3000 [00:04<00:24, 104.60ex/s] preprocess datasets: 14%|β–ˆβ– | 421/3000 [00:04<00:23, 110.61ex/s] preprocess datasets: 14%|β–ˆβ– | 433/3000 [00:04<00:23, 110.80ex/s] preprocess datasets: 15%|β–ˆβ– | 446/3000 [00:04<00:22, 114.26ex/s] preprocess datasets: 15%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 458/3000 [00:04<00:22, 111.06ex/s] preprocess datasets: 16%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 470/3000 [00:04<00:23, 107.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 16%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 481/3000 [00:04<00:23, 105.36ex/s] preprocess datasets: 16%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 492/3000 [00:05<00:26, 95.61ex/s] preprocess datasets: 17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 502/3000 [00:05<00:26, 94.01ex/s] preprocess datasets: 17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 512/3000 [00:05<00:26, 94.93ex/s] preprocess datasets: 17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 524/3000 [00:05<00:24, 101.75ex/s] preprocess datasets: 18%|β–ˆβ–Š | 537/3000 [00:05<00:22, 107.43ex/s] preprocess datasets: 18%|β–ˆβ–Š | 548/3000 [00:05<00:22, 107.11ex/s] preprocess datasets: 19%|β–ˆβ–Š | 559/3000 [00:05<00:23, 104.99ex/s] preprocess datasets: 19%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 572/3000 [00:05<00:21, 111.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 20%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 585/3000 [00:05<00:20, 115.43ex/s] preprocess datasets: 20%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 597/3000 [00:05<00:21, 111.43ex/s] preprocess datasets: 20%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 609/3000 [00:06<00:21, 111.05ex/s] preprocess datasets: 21%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 621/3000 [00:06<00:22, 106.04ex/s] preprocess datasets: 21%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 632/3000 [00:06<00:22, 103.02ex/s] preprocess datasets: 21%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 643/3000 [00:06<00:23, 99.06ex/s] preprocess datasets: 22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 653/3000 [00:06<00:23, 99.16ex/s] preprocess datasets: 22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 663/3000 [00:06<00:24, 96.56ex/s] preprocess datasets: 22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 673/3000 [00:06<00:24, 93.52ex/s] preprocess datasets: 23%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 685/3000 [00:06<00:23, 99.48ex/s] preprocess datasets: 23%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 695/3000 [00:07<00:23, 97.47ex/s] preprocess datasets: 24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 705/3000 [00:07<00:24, 94.45ex/s] preprocess datasets: 24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 717/3000 [00:07<00:23, 98.49ex/s] preprocess datasets: 24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 727/3000 [00:07<00:23, 96.36ex/s] preprocess datasets: 25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 737/3000 [00:07<00:24, 92.31ex/s] preprocess datasets: 25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 748/3000 [00:07<00:23, 93.99ex/s] preprocess datasets: 25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 758/3000 [00:07<00:24, 92.89ex/s] preprocess datasets: 26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 768/3000 [00:07<00:25, 87.18ex/s] preprocess datasets: 26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 777/3000 [00:07<00:28, 78.00ex/s] preprocess datasets: 26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 789/3000 [00:08<00:25, 87.28ex/s] preprocess datasets: 27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 798/3000 [00:08<00:25, 86.12ex/s] preprocess datasets: 27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 811/3000 [00:08<00:22, 96.04ex/s] preprocess datasets: 27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 821/3000 [00:08<00:24, 90.31ex/s] preprocess datasets: 28%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 834/3000 [00:08<00:21, 98.96ex/s] preprocess datasets: 28%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 845/3000 [00:08<00:21, 100.72ex/s] preprocess datasets: 29%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 856/3000 [00:08<00:20, 102.11ex/s] preprocess datasets: 29%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 869/3000 [00:08<00:19, 107.99ex/s] preprocess datasets: 29%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 880/3000 [00:08<00:19, 107.88ex/s] preprocess datasets: 30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 891/3000 [00:09<00:20, 104.51ex/s] preprocess datasets: 30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 902/3000 [00:09<00:20, 102.70ex/s] preprocess datasets: 30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 913/3000 [00:09<00:20, 102.46ex/s] preprocess datasets: 31%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 925/3000 [00:09<00:19, 106.37ex/s] preprocess datasets: 31%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 936/3000 [00:09<00:20, 102.86ex/s] preprocess datasets: 32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 947/3000 [00:09<00:19, 103.34ex/s] preprocess datasets: 32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 958/3000 [00:09<00:20, 101.35ex/s] preprocess datasets: 32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 969/3000 [00:09<00:20, 100.13ex/s] preprocess datasets: 33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 980/3000 [00:09<00:20, 100.39ex/s] preprocess datasets: 33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 991/3000 [00:10<00:20, 99.40ex/s] preprocess datasets: 33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1001/3000 [00:11<01:32, 21.59ex/s] preprocess datasets: 34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1012/3000 [00:11<01:10, 28.10ex/s] preprocess datasets: 34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1021/3000 [00:11<00:57, 34.24ex/s] preprocess datasets: 34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1032/3000 [00:11<00:45, 43.45ex/s] preprocess datasets: 35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1041/3000 [00:11<00:39, 49.76ex/s] preprocess datasets: 35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1051/3000 [00:11<00:33, 58.13ex/s] preprocess datasets: 35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1062/3000 [00:12<00:28, 68.00ex/s] preprocess datasets: 36%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1074/3000 [00:12<00:24, 78.27ex/s] preprocess datasets: 36%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1088/3000 [00:12<00:21, 90.55ex/s] preprocess datasets: 37%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1099/3000 [00:12<00:20, 93.63ex/s] preprocess datasets: 37%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1110/3000 [00:12<00:19, 95.25ex/s] preprocess datasets: 37%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1122/3000 [00:12<00:18, 101.34ex/s] preprocess datasets: 38%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1133/3000 [00:12<00:18, 101.20ex/s] preprocess datasets: 38%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1146/3000 [00:12<00:17, 105.96ex/s] preprocess datasets: 39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1157/3000 [00:12<00:18, 100.63ex/s] preprocess datasets: 39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1168/3000 [00:13<00:17, 101.80ex/s] preprocess datasets: 39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1179/3000 [00:13<00:17, 101.20ex/s] preprocess datasets: 40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1190/3000 [00:13<00:17, 101.50ex/s] preprocess datasets: 40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1202/3000 [00:13<00:17, 103.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1213/3000 [00:13<00:17, 99.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 41%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1225/3000 [00:13<00:17, 104.29ex/s] preprocess datasets: 41%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1236/3000 [00:13<00:16, 105.76ex/s] preprocess datasets: 42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1249/3000 [00:13<00:15, 111.90ex/s] preprocess datasets: 42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1261/3000 [00:13<00:15, 109.06ex/s] preprocess datasets: 42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1272/3000 [00:14<00:17, 99.56ex/s] preprocess datasets: 43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1283/3000 [00:14<00:17, 95.60ex/s] preprocess datasets: 43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1294/3000 [00:14<00:17, 97.73ex/s] preprocess datasets: 43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1304/3000 [00:14<00:17, 94.39ex/s] preprocess datasets: 44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1315/3000 [00:14<00:17, 95.91ex/s] preprocess datasets: 44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1325/3000 [00:14<00:18, 92.61ex/s] preprocess datasets: 44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1335/3000 [00:14<00:18, 89.85ex/s] preprocess datasets: 45%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1346/3000 [00:14<00:17, 94.17ex/s] preprocess datasets: 45%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1356/3000 [00:14<00:17, 95.17ex/s] preprocess datasets: 46%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1366/3000 [00:15<00:17, 93.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 46%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1376/3000 [00:15<00:17, 93.09ex/s] preprocess datasets: 46%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1388/3000 [00:15<00:16, 97.01ex/s] preprocess datasets: 47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1400/3000 [00:15<00:15, 100.73ex/s] preprocess datasets: 47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1411/3000 [00:15<00:16, 94.87ex/s] preprocess datasets: 47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1421/3000 [00:15<00:16, 95.62ex/s] preprocess datasets: 48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1432/3000 [00:15<00:15, 98.68ex/s] preprocess datasets: 48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1442/3000 [00:15<00:15, 97.90ex/s] preprocess datasets: 48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1452/3000 [00:15<00:16, 94.60ex/s] preprocess datasets: 49%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1462/3000 [00:16<00:17, 89.32ex/s] preprocess datasets: 49%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1474/3000 [00:16<00:15, 95.43ex/s] preprocess datasets: 50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1487/3000 [00:16<00:14, 103.22ex/s] preprocess datasets: 50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1498/3000 [00:16<00:15, 99.16ex/s] preprocess datasets: 50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1509/3000 [00:16<00:15, 98.72ex/s] preprocess datasets: 51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1520/3000 [00:16<00:14, 100.92ex/s] preprocess datasets: 51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1531/3000 [00:16<00:14, 98.30ex/s] preprocess datasets: 51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1541/3000 [00:16<00:15, 95.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1551/3000 [00:16<00:15, 96.47ex/s] preprocess datasets: 52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1562/3000 [00:17<00:14, 98.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1573/3000 [00:17<00:14, 101.29ex/s] preprocess datasets: 53%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1584/3000 [00:17<00:13, 103.59ex/s] preprocess datasets: 53%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1595/3000 [00:17<00:13, 101.16ex/s] preprocess datasets: 54%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1606/3000 [00:17<00:13, 100.91ex/s] preprocess datasets: 54%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1619/3000 [00:17<00:13, 105.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 54%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1630/3000 [00:17<00:13, 103.84ex/s] preprocess datasets: 55%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1643/3000 [00:17<00:12, 109.04ex/s] preprocess datasets: 55%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1656/3000 [00:17<00:11, 114.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1668/3000 [00:18<00:11, 113.61ex/s] preprocess datasets: 56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1680/3000 [00:18<00:11, 115.26ex/s] preprocess datasets: 56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1692/3000 [00:18<00:12, 106.72ex/s] preprocess datasets: 57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1704/3000 [00:18<00:12, 107.82ex/s] preprocess datasets: 57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1715/3000 [00:18<00:13, 92.14ex/s] preprocess datasets: 57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1725/3000 [00:18<00:14, 86.08ex/s] preprocess datasets: 58%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1736/3000 [00:18<00:13, 91.21ex/s] preprocess datasets: 58%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1746/3000 [00:18<00:14, 85.92ex/s] preprocess datasets: 59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 1758/3000 [00:19<00:13, 94.21ex/s] preprocess datasets: 59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1771/3000 [00:19<00:12, 101.23ex/s] preprocess datasets: 59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1783/3000 [00:19<00:11, 105.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 60%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 1794/3000 [00:19<00:11, 101.70ex/s] preprocess datasets: 60%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1805/3000 [00:19<00:11, 99.91ex/s] preprocess datasets: 61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1817/3000 [00:19<00:11, 103.44ex/s] preprocess datasets: 61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 1828/3000 [00:19<00:11, 99.02ex/s] preprocess datasets: 61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1840/3000 [00:19<00:11, 103.25ex/s] preprocess datasets: 62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1851/3000 [00:19<00:11, 100.66ex/s] preprocess datasets: 62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1862/3000 [00:20<00:11, 98.63ex/s] preprocess datasets: 62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1872/3000 [00:20<00:12, 93.74ex/s] preprocess datasets: 63%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1884/3000 [00:20<00:11, 96.86ex/s] preprocess datasets: 63%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1894/3000 [00:20<00:12, 91.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 1905/3000 [00:20<00:11, 94.03ex/s] preprocess datasets: 64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1917/3000 [00:20<00:10, 98.84ex/s] preprocess datasets: 64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1927/3000 [00:20<00:10, 97.88ex/s] preprocess datasets: 65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1938/3000 [00:20<00:10, 98.13ex/s] preprocess datasets: 65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 1948/3000 [00:21<00:12, 87.00ex/s] preprocess datasets: 65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1958/3000 [00:21<00:11, 88.87ex/s] preprocess datasets: 66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1970/3000 [00:21<00:10, 96.38ex/s] preprocess datasets: 66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 1980/3000 [00:21<00:10, 95.05ex/s] preprocess datasets: 66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 1991/3000 [00:21<00:10, 97.52ex/s] preprocess datasets: 67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2001/3000 [00:22<00:42, 23.50ex/s] preprocess datasets: 67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2013/3000 [00:22<00:31, 31.56ex/s] preprocess datasets: 67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2023/3000 [00:22<00:25, 38.97ex/s] preprocess datasets: 68%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2034/3000 [00:22<00:20, 48.16ex/s] preprocess datasets: 68%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2044/3000 [00:23<00:17, 56.10ex/s] preprocess datasets: 69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2057/3000 [00:23<00:13, 68.68ex/s] preprocess datasets: 69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2068/3000 [00:23<00:12, 73.37ex/s] preprocess datasets: 69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2079/3000 [00:23<00:11, 81.40ex/s] preprocess datasets: 70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2090/3000 [00:23<00:11, 75.98ex/s] preprocess datasets: 70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2102/3000 [00:23<00:10, 85.22ex/s] preprocess datasets: 70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2113/3000 [00:23<00:10, 88.55ex/s] preprocess datasets: 71%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2124/3000 [00:23<00:09, 91.08ex/s] preprocess datasets: 71%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2136/3000 [00:24<00:08, 96.15ex/s] preprocess datasets: 72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2147/3000 [00:24<00:09, 91.18ex/s] preprocess datasets: 72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2157/3000 [00:24<00:09, 84.50ex/s] preprocess datasets: 72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2166/3000 [00:24<00:09, 83.55ex/s] preprocess datasets: 72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2175/3000 [00:24<00:09, 83.39ex/s] preprocess datasets: 73%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2185/3000 [00:24<00:09, 87.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 73%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2198/3000 [00:24<00:08, 96.46ex/s] preprocess datasets: 74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2208/3000 [00:24<00:08, 91.11ex/s] preprocess datasets: 74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2220/3000 [00:24<00:08, 96.33ex/s] preprocess datasets: 74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2230/3000 [00:25<00:08, 92.37ex/s] preprocess datasets: 75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2240/3000 [00:25<00:08, 91.59ex/s] preprocess datasets: 75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2250/3000 [00:25<00:08, 92.37ex/s] preprocess datasets: 75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2261/3000 [00:25<00:07, 95.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2273/3000 [00:25<00:07, 100.78ex/s] preprocess datasets: 76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2284/3000 [00:25<00:07, 97.70ex/s] preprocess datasets: 76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2295/3000 [00:25<00:06, 100.87ex/s] preprocess datasets: 77%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2306/3000 [00:25<00:07, 93.72ex/s] preprocess datasets: 77%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2316/3000 [00:25<00:07, 92.89ex/s] preprocess datasets: 78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2326/3000 [00:26<00:07, 89.73ex/s] preprocess datasets: 78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2337/3000 [00:26<00:07, 92.78ex/s] preprocess datasets: 78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2347/3000 [00:26<00:06, 93.96ex/s] preprocess datasets: 79%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2357/3000 [00:26<00:06, 93.11ex/s] preprocess datasets: 79%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2367/3000 [00:26<00:06, 92.66ex/s] preprocess datasets: 79%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2379/3000 [00:26<00:06, 100.17ex/s] preprocess datasets: 80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2390/3000 [00:26<00:06, 97.40ex/s] preprocess datasets: 80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2402/3000 [00:26<00:05, 101.75ex/s] preprocess datasets: 80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2414/3000 [00:26<00:05, 106.33ex/s] preprocess datasets: 81%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2425/3000 [00:27<00:05, 95.91ex/s] preprocess datasets: 81%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2435/3000 [00:27<00:05, 95.75ex/s] preprocess datasets: 82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2446/3000 [00:27<00:05, 99.01ex/s] preprocess datasets: 82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2458/3000 [00:27<00:05, 103.48ex/s] preprocess datasets: 82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2471/3000 [00:27<00:04, 107.37ex/s] preprocess datasets: 83%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2482/3000 [00:27<00:04, 104.57ex/s] preprocess datasets: 83%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2494/3000 [00:27<00:04, 107.54ex/s] preprocess datasets: 84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 2506/3000 [00:27<00:04, 110.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2518/3000 [00:27<00:04, 105.89ex/s] preprocess datasets: 84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2529/3000 [00:28<00:04, 102.94ex/s] preprocess datasets: 85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2541/3000 [00:28<00:04, 106.90ex/s] preprocess datasets: 85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2552/3000 [00:28<00:04, 106.14ex/s] preprocess datasets: 85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2563/3000 [00:28<00:04, 105.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 86%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2575/3000 [00:28<00:03, 107.63ex/s] preprocess datasets: 86%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 2586/3000 [00:28<00:04, 101.28ex/s] preprocess datasets: 87%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2597/3000 [00:28<00:03, 103.30ex/s] preprocess datasets: 87%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2608/3000 [00:28<00:03, 102.62ex/s] preprocess datasets: 87%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 2619/3000 [00:28<00:03, 102.33ex/s] preprocess datasets: 88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2630/3000 [00:29<00:03, 100.68ex/s] preprocess datasets: 88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2642/3000 [00:29<00:03, 104.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 2653/3000 [00:29<00:03, 104.66ex/s] preprocess datasets: 89%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2665/3000 [00:29<00:03, 108.78ex/s] preprocess datasets: 89%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2676/3000 [00:29<00:03, 105.08ex/s] preprocess datasets: 90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2687/3000 [00:29<00:03, 99.42ex/s] preprocess datasets: 90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 2698/3000 [00:29<00:03, 98.94ex/s] preprocess datasets: 90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2708/3000 [00:29<00:02, 97.95ex/s] preprocess datasets: 91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2719/3000 [00:29<00:02, 98.65ex/s] preprocess datasets: 91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 2730/3000 [00:30<00:02, 101.81ex/s] preprocess datasets: 91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2741/3000 [00:30<00:02, 95.76ex/s] preprocess datasets: 92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2751/3000 [00:30<00:02, 96.69ex/s] preprocess datasets: 92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2761/3000 [00:30<00:02, 92.75ex/s] preprocess datasets: 92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2771/3000 [00:30<00:02, 88.19ex/s] preprocess datasets: 93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 2780/3000 [00:30<00:02, 88.14ex/s] preprocess datasets: 93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 2790/3000 [00:30<00:02, 89.83ex/s] preprocess datasets: 93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 2802/3000 [00:30<00:02, 96.31ex/s] preprocess datasets: 94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 2812/3000 [00:30<00:02, 88.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2822/3000 [00:31<00:01, 91.62ex/s] preprocess datasets: 94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2832/3000 [00:31<00:01, 88.02ex/s] preprocess datasets: 95%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 2842/3000 [00:31<00:01, 88.76ex/s] preprocess datasets: 95%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 2854/3000 [00:31<00:01, 95.98ex/s] preprocess datasets: 96%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 2866/3000 [00:31<00:01, 101.31ex/s] preprocess datasets: 96%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 2877/3000 [00:31<00:01, 101.23ex/s] preprocess datasets: 96%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 2888/3000 [00:31<00:01, 94.90ex/s] preprocess datasets: 97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 2899/3000 [00:31<00:01, 98.77ex/s] preprocess datasets: 97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 2911/3000 [00:31<00:00, 103.32ex/s] preprocess datasets: 97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 2923/3000 [00:32<00:00, 104.79ex/s] preprocess datasets: 98%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 2935/3000 [00:32<00:00, 107.15ex/s] preprocess datasets: 98%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 2946/3000 [00:32<00:00, 102.58ex/s] preprocess datasets: 99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 2957/3000 [00:32<00:00, 103.75ex/s] preprocess datasets: 99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 2968/3000 [00:32<00:00, 102.94ex/s] preprocess datasets: 99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 2980/3000 [00:32<00:00, 106.94ex/s] preprocess datasets: 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 2991/3000 [00:32<00:00, 100.78ex/s] preprocess datasets: 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 3000/3000 [00:33<00:00, 88.40ex/s] 02/06/2022 16:32:38 - WARNING - datasets.arrow_dataset - Loading cached processed dataset at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/common_voice/zh-HK/6.1.0/5693bfc0feeade582a78c2fb250bc88f52bd86f0a7f1bb22bfee67e715de30fd/cache-a6fe39915c31c2e3.arrow
0%| | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?ba/s] 100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 346.48ba/s]
Configuration saved in ./preprocessor_config.json
tokenizer config file saved in ./tokenizer_config.json
Special tokens file saved in ./special_tokens_map.json
added tokens file saved in ./added_tokens.json
Configuration saved in ./config.json
loading feature extractor configuration file ./preprocessor_config.json
loading configuration file ./config.json
Model config Wav2Vec2Config {
"_name_or_path": "./",
"activation_dropout": 0.1,
"adapter_kernel_size": 3,
"adapter_stride": 2,
"add_adapter": false,
"apply_spec_augment": true,
"architectures": [
"attention_dropout": 0.0,
"bos_token_id": 1,
"classifier_proj_size": 256,
"codevector_dim": 768,
"contrastive_logits_temperature": 0.1,
"conv_bias": true,
"conv_dim": [
"conv_kernel": [
"conv_stride": [
"ctc_loss_reduction": "mean",
"ctc_zero_infinity": false,
"diversity_loss_weight": 0.1,
"do_stable_layer_norm": true,
"eos_token_id": 2,
"feat_extract_activation": "gelu",
"feat_extract_dropout": 0.0,
"feat_extract_norm": "layer",
"feat_proj_dropout": 0.0,
"feat_quantizer_dropout": 0.0,
"final_dropout": 0.0,
"hidden_act": "gelu",
"hidden_dropout": 0.0,
"hidden_size": 1024,
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"intermediate_size": 4096,
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
"layerdrop": 0.0,
"mask_feature_length": 64,
"mask_feature_min_masks": 0,
"mask_feature_prob": 0.25,
"mask_time_length": 10,
"mask_time_min_masks": 2,
"mask_time_prob": 0.75,
"model_type": "wav2vec2",
"num_adapter_layers": 3,
"num_attention_heads": 16,
"num_codevector_groups": 2,
"num_codevectors_per_group": 320,
"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups": 16,
"num_conv_pos_embeddings": 128,
"num_feat_extract_layers": 7,
"num_hidden_layers": 24,
"num_negatives": 100,
"output_hidden_size": 1024,
"pad_token_id": 3652,
"proj_codevector_dim": 768,
"tdnn_dilation": [
"tdnn_dim": [
"tdnn_kernel": [
"torch_dtype": "float32",
"transformers_version": "4.17.0.dev0",
"use_weighted_layer_sum": false,
"vocab_size": 3655,
"xvector_output_dim": 512
loading feature extractor configuration file ./preprocessor_config.json
Feature extractor Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor {
"do_normalize": true,
"feature_extractor_type": "Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor",
"feature_size": 1,
"padding_side": "right",
"padding_value": 0,
"return_attention_mask": true,
"sampling_rate": 16000
Didn't find file ./tokenizer.json. We won't load it.
loading file ./vocab.json
loading file ./tokenizer_config.json
loading file ./added_tokens.json
loading file ./special_tokens_map.json
loading file None
Adding <s> to the vocabulary
Adding </s> to the vocabulary
/workspace/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-zh-HK-v2/./ is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/w11wo/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-zh-HK-v2. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`.
02/06/2022 16:32:48 - WARNING - huggingface_hub.repository - /workspace/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-zh-HK-v2/./ is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/w11wo/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m-zh-HK-v2. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`.
Using amp half precision backend
The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/optimization.py:306: FutureWarning: This implementation of AdamW is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use thePyTorch implementation torch.optim.AdamW instead, or set `no_deprecation_warning=True` to disable this warning
***** Running training *****
Num examples = 11949
Num Epochs = 100
Instantaneous batch size per device = 8
Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 32
Gradient Accumulation steps = 4
Total optimization steps = 37300
0%| | 0/37300 [00:00<?, ?it/s] 0%| | 1/37300 [00:02<27:52:51, 2.69s/it] 0%| | 2/37300 [00:05<27:44:40, 2.68s/it] 0%| | 3/37300 [00:07<26:20:20, 2.54s/it] 0%| | 4/37300 [00:10<25:14:13, 2.44s/it] 0%| | 5/37300 [00:12<24:34:00, 2.37s/it] 0%| | 6/37300 [00:14<23:51:17, 2.30s/it] 0%| | 7/37300 [00:16<23:12:30, 2.24s/it] 0%| | 8/37300 [00:18<22:34:15, 2.18s/it] 0%| | 9/37300 [00:20<21:43:40, 2.10s/it] 0%| | 10/37300 [00:22<21:09:24, 2.04s/it] 0%| | 11/37300 [00:24<20:23:14, 1.97s/it] 0%| | 12/37300 [00:26<19:48:38, 1.91s/it] 0%| | 13/37300 [00:27<19:19:05, 1.87s/it] 0%| | 14/37300 [00:29<18:58:02, 1.83s/it] 0%| | 15/37300 [00:31<18:35:09, 1.79s/it] 0%| | 16/37300 [00:32<18:20:58, 1.77s/it] 0%| | 17/37300 [00:34<18:01:00, 1.74s/it] 0%| | 18/37300 [00:36<17:45:52, 1.72s/it] 0%| | 19/37300 [00:37<17:25:44, 1.68s/it] 0%| | 20/37300 [00:39<17:09:19, 1.66s/it] 0%| | 21/37300 [00:41<16:53:34, 1.63s/it] 0%| | 22/37300 [00:42<16:33:49, 1.60s/it] 0%| | 23/37300 [00:44<16:24:45, 1.59s/it] 0%| | 24/37300 [00:45<16:23:26, 1.58s/it] 0%| | 25/37300 [00:47<16:09:47, 1.56s/it] 0%| | 26/37300 [00:48<15:54:32, 1.54s/it] 0%| | 27/37300 [00:50<15:33:01, 1.50s/it] 0%| | 28/37300 [00:51<15:34:21, 1.50s/it] 0%| | 29/37300 [00:53<15:14:30, 1.47s/it] 0%| | 30/37300 [00:54<14:53:39, 1.44s/it] 0%| | 31/37300 [00:55<14:28:05, 1.40s/it] 0%| | 32/37300 [00:56<14:10:28, 1.37s/it] 0%| | 33/37300 [00:58<13:55:51, 1.35s/it] 0%| | 34/37300 [00:59<13:37:37, 1.32s/it] 0%| | 35/37300 [01:00<13:25:49, 1.30s/it] 0%| | 36/37300 [01:01<13:05:22, 1.26s/it] 0%| | 37/37300 [01:03<12:58:00, 1.25s/it] 0%| | 38/37300 [01:04<12:54:34, 1.25s/it] 0%| | 39/37300 [01:05<12:45:42, 1.23s/it] 0%| | 40/37300 [01:06<12:35:43, 1.22s/it] 0%| | 41/37300 [01:07<12:29:24, 1.21s/it] 0%| | 42/37300 [01:09<12:24:22, 1.20s/it] 0%| | 43/37300 [01:10<12:09:58, 1.18s/it] 0%| | 44/37300 [01:11<11:54:30, 1.15s/it] 0%| | 45/37300 [01:12<11:37:04, 1.12s/it] 0%| | 46/37300 [01:13<11:22:02, 1.10s/it] 0%| | 47/37300 [01:14<11:10:26, 1.08s/it] 0%| | 48/37300 [01:15<10:59:46, 1.06s/it] 0%| | 49/37300 [01:16<10:45:22, 1.04s/it] 0%| | 50/37300 [01:17<10:30:56, 1.02s/it] 0%| | 51/37300 [01:20<15:17:02, 1.48s/it] 0%| | 52/37300 [01:22<18:47:59, 1.82s/it] 0%| | 53/37300 [01:25<20:33:46, 1.99s/it] 0%| | 54/37300 [01:27<21:31:50, 2.08s/it] 0%| | 55/37300 [01:29<21:58:23, 2.12s/it] 0%| | 56/37300 [01:31<22:08:50, 2.14s/it] 0%| | 57/37300 [01:33<22:03:41, 2.13s/it] 0%| | 58/37300 [01:35<21:56:25, 2.12s/it] 0%| | 59/37300 [01:38<21:45:05, 2.10s/it] 0%| | 60/37300 [01:39<21:12:29, 2.05s/it] 0%| | 61/37300 [01:41<20:39:19, 2.00s/it] 0%| | 62/37300 [01:43<20:08:46, 1.95s/it] 0%| | 63/37300 [01:45<19:34:13, 1.89s/it] 0%| | 64/37300 [01:47<19:05:14, 1.85s/it] 0%| | 65/37300 [01:48<18:38:25, 1.80s/it] 0%| | 66/37300 [01:50<18:18:23, 1.77s/it] 0%| | 67/37300 [01:52<17:59:04, 1.74s/it] 0%| | 68/37300 [01:53<17:39:44, 1.71s/it] 0%| | 69/37300 [01:55<17:23:14, 1.68s/it] 0%| | 70/37300 [01:57<17:14:44, 1.67s/it] 0%| | 71/37300 [01:58<16:47:48, 1.62s/it] 0%| | 72/37300 [02:00<16:31:57, 1.60s/it] 0%| | 73/37300 [02:01<16:13:28, 1.57s/it] 0%| | 74/37300 [02:03<16:03:25, 1.55s/it] 0%| | 75/37300 [02:04<15:45:47, 1.52s/it] 0%| | 76/37300 [02:06<15:34:44, 1.51s/it] 0%| | 77/37300 [02:07<15:33:55, 1.51s/it] 0%| | 78/37300 [02:09<15:20:42, 1.48s/it] 0%| | 79/37300 [02:10<15:07:12, 1.46s/it] 0%| | 80/37300 [02:11<14:56:02, 1.44s/it] 0%| | 81/37300 [02:13<14:43:08, 1.42s/it] 0%| | 82/37300 [02:14<14:20:35, 1.39s/it] 0%| | 83/37300 [02:15<13:58:56, 1.35s/it] 0%| | 84/37300 [02:17<13:46:27, 1.33s/it] 0%| | 85/37300 [02:18<13:32:48, 1.31s/it] 0%| | 86/37300 [02:19<13:15:56, 1.28s/it] 0%| | 87/37300 [02:20<13:06:35, 1.27s/it] 0%| | 88/37300 [02:22<13:08:02, 1.27s/it] 0%| | 89/37300 [02:23<13:17:08, 1.29s/it] 0%| | 90/37300 [02:24<13:10:15, 1.27s/it] 0%| | 91/37300 [02:25<12:51:09, 1.24s/it] 0%| | 92/37300 [02:26<12:38:10, 1.22s/it] 0%| | 93/37300 [02:28<12:31:19, 1.21s/it] 0%| | 94/37300 [02:29<12:20:50, 1.19s/it] 0%| | 95/37300 [02:30<12:04:08, 1.17s/it] 0%| | 96/37300 [02:31<11:58:35, 1.16s/it] 0%| | 97/37300 [02:32<11:51:50, 1.15s/it] 0%| | 98/37300 [02:33<11:57:28, 1.16s/it] 0%| | 99/37300 [02:34<11:27:51, 1.11s/it] 0%| | 100/37300 [02:35<10:59:19, 1.06s/it] 0%| | 100/37300 [02:35<10:59:19, 1.06s/it] 0%| | 101/37300 [02:38<15:45:32, 1.53s/it] 0%| | 102/37300 [02:40<18:45:01, 1.81s/it] 0%| | 103/37300 [02:43<20:54:43, 2.02s/it] 0%| | 104/37300 [02:45<21:57:30, 2.13s/it] 0%| | 105/37300 [02:48<22:31:20, 2.18s/it] 0%| | 106/37300 [02:50<22:43:03, 2.20s/it] 0%| | 107/37300 [02:52<22:35:22, 2.19s/it] 0%| | 108/37300 [02:54<22:28:01, 2.17s/it] 0%| | 109/37300 [02:56<22:07:51, 2.14s/it] 0%| | 110/37300 [02:58<21:38:46, 2.10s/it] 0%| | 111/37300 [03:00<20:54:47, 2.02s/it] 0%| | 112/37300 [03:02<20:20:21, 1.97s/it] 0%| | 113/37300 [03:04<19:49:19, 1.92s/it] 0%| | 114/37300 [03:05<19:12:13, 1.86s/it] 0%| | 115/37300 [03:07<18:44:03, 1.81s/it] 0%| | 116/37300 [03:09<18:22:26, 1.78s/it] 0%| | 117/37300 [03:11<18:04:39, 1.75s/it] 0%| | 118/37300 [03:12<17:47:09, 1.72s/it] 0%| | 119/37300 [03:14<17:27:27, 1.69s/it] 0%| | 120/37300 [03:15<17:20:24, 1.68s/it] 0%| | 121/37300 [03:17<16:59:01, 1.64s/it] 0%| | 122/37300 [03:19<16:42:22, 1.62s/it] 0%| | 123/37300 [03:20<16:21:49, 1.58s/it] 0%| | 124/37300 [03:22<16:05:35, 1.56s/it] 0%| | 125/37300 [03:23<15:48:51, 1.53s/it] 0%| | 126/37300 [03:24<15:35:04, 1.51s/it] 0%| | 127/37300 [03:26<15:18:16, 1.48s/it] 0%| | 128/37300 [03:27<15:03:16, 1.46s/it] 0%| | 129/37300 [03:29<14:59:34, 1.45s/it] 0%| | 130/37300 [03:30<14:46:24, 1.43s/it] 0%| | 131/37300 [03:31<14:31:11, 1.41s/it] 0%| | 132/37300 [03:33<14:15:12, 1.38s/it] 0%| | 133/37300 [03:34<13:58:47, 1.35s/it] 0%| | 134/37300 [03:35<13:42:15, 1.33s/it] 0%| | 135/37300 [03:37<13:30:43, 1.31s/it] 0%| | 136/37300 [03:38<13:19:58, 1.29s/it] 0%| | 137/37300 [03:39<13:06:24, 1.27s/it] 0%| | 138/37300 [03:40<12:58:20, 1.26s/it] 0%| | 139/37300 [03:42<12:48:51, 1.24s/it] 0%| | 140/37300 [03:43<12:39:14, 1.23s/it] 0%| | 141/37300 [03:44<12:31:25, 1.21s/it] 0%| | 142/37300 [03:45<12:21:48, 1.20s/it] 0%| | 143/37300 [03:46<12:11:52, 1.18s/it] 0%| | 144/37300 [03:47<12:02:04, 1.17s/it] 0%| | 145/37300 [03:48<11:45:59, 1.14s/it] 0%| | 146/37300 [03:49<11:28:24, 1.11s/it] 0%| | 147/37300 [03:50<11:14:51, 1.09s/it] 0%| | 148/37300 [03:52<11:00:52, 1.07s/it] 0%| | 149/37300 [03:53<10:48:50, 1.05s/it] 0%| | 150/37300 [03:54<10:38:20, 1.03s/it] 0%| | 151/37300 [03:56<15:47:29, 1.53s/it] 0%| | 152/37300 [03:59<18:55:25, 1.83s/it] 0%| | 153/37300 [04:01<20:26:23, 1.98s/it] 0%| | 154/37300 [04:03<21:20:13, 2.07s/it] 0%| | 155/37300 [04:06<21:41:01, 2.10s/it] 0%| | 156/37300 [04:08<21:49:57, 2.12s/it] 0%| | 157/37300 [04:10<21:52:03, 2.12s/it] 0%| | 158/37300 [04:12<21:41:55, 2.10s/it] 0%| | 159/37300 [04:14<21:18:45, 2.07s/it] 0%| | 160/37300 [04:16<20:51:07, 2.02s/it] 0%| | 161/37300 [04:18<20:24:13, 1.98s/it] 0%| | 162/37300 [04:19<20:01:35, 1.94s/it] 0%| | 163/37300 [04:21<19:33:34, 1.90s/it] 0%| | 164/37300 [04:23<19:05:20, 1.85s/it] 0%| | 165/37300 [04:25<18:42:30, 1.81s/it] 0%| | 166/37300 [04:26<18:20:56, 1.78s/it] 0%| | 167/37300 [04:28<17:59:54, 1.74s/it] 0%| | 168/37300 [04:30<17:40:57, 1.71s/it] 0%| | 169/37300 [04:31<17:23:10, 1.69s/it] 0%| | 170/37300 [04:33<17:06:21, 1.66s/it] 0%| | 171/37300 [04:35<16:55:37, 1.64s/it] 0%| | 172/37300 [04:36<16:37:58, 1.61s/it] 0%| | 173/37300 [04:38<16:18:04, 1.58s/it] 0%| | 174/37300 [04:39<16:04:23, 1.56s/it] 0%| | 175/37300 [04:41<15:48:34, 1.53s/it] 0%| | 176/37300 [04:42<15:34:02, 1.51s/it] 0%| | 177/37300 [04:43<15:21:04, 1.49s/it] 0%| | 178/37300 [04:45<15:07:04, 1.47s/it] 0%| | 179/37300 [04:46<14:52:21, 1.44s/it] 0%| | 180/37300 [04:48<14:37:16, 1.42s/it] 0%| | 181/37300 [04:49<14:17:20, 1.39s/it] 0%| | 182/37300 [04:50<14:02:50, 1.36s/it] 0%| | 183/37300 [04:52<13:46:55, 1.34s/it] 0%| | 184/37300 [04:53<13:31:47, 1.31s/it] 0%| | 185/37300 [04:54<13:19:05, 1.29s/it] 0%| | 186/37300 [04:55<13:04:14, 1.27s/it] 1%| | 187/37300 [04:56<12:56:13, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 188/37300 [04:58<12:50:37, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 189/37300 [04:59<12:44:06, 1.24s/it] 1%| | 190/37300 [05:00<12:32:33, 1.22s/it] 1%| | 191/37300 [05:01<12:26:03, 1.21s/it] 1%| | 192/37300 [05:02<12:23:02, 1.20s/it] 1%| | 193/37300 [05:04<12:13:22, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 194/37300 [05:05<11:58:56, 1.16s/it] 1%| | 195/37300 [05:06<11:38:50, 1.13s/it] 1%| | 196/37300 [05:07<11:23:43, 1.11s/it] 1%| | 197/37300 [05:08<11:11:30, 1.09s/it] 1%| | 198/37300 [05:09<10:57:12, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 199/37300 [05:10<10:44:39, 1.04s/it] 1%| | 200/37300 [05:11<10:33:35, 1.02s/it] 1%| | 200/37300 [05:11<10:33:35, 1.02s/it] 1%| | 201/37300 [05:13<15:31:47, 1.51s/it] 1%| | 202/37300 [05:16<18:41:01, 1.81s/it] 1%| | 203/37300 [05:18<20:25:35, 1.98s/it] 1%| | 204/37300 [05:21<21:20:46, 2.07s/it] 1%| | 205/37300 [05:23<21:47:59, 2.12s/it] 1%| | 206/37300 [05:25<21:57:05, 2.13s/it] 1%| | 207/37300 [05:27<21:46:58, 2.11s/it] 1%| | 208/37300 [05:29<21:27:39, 2.08s/it] 1%| | 209/37300 [05:31<21:09:13, 2.05s/it] 1%| | 210/37300 [05:33<20:38:21, 2.00s/it] 1%| | 211/37300 [05:35<20:06:57, 1.95s/it] 1%| | 212/37300 [05:37<19:39:36, 1.91s/it] 1%| | 213/37300 [05:38<19:13:12, 1.87s/it] 1%| | 214/37300 [05:40<18:48:22, 1.83s/it] 1%| | 215/37300 [05:42<18:28:07, 1.79s/it] 1%| | 216/37300 [05:44<18:11:30, 1.77s/it] 1%| | 217/37300 [05:45<17:56:19, 1.74s/it] 1%| | 218/37300 [05:47<17:38:08, 1.71s/it] 1%| | 219/37300 [05:49<17:21:49, 1.69s/it] 1%| | 220/37300 [05:50<17:03:17, 1.66s/it] 1%| | 221/37300 [05:52<16:48:03, 1.63s/it] 1%| | 222/37300 [05:53<16:31:37, 1.60s/it] 1%| | 223/37300 [05:55<16:13:34, 1.58s/it] 1%| | 224/37300 [05:56<15:51:53, 1.54s/it] 1%| | 225/37300 [05:58<15:38:33, 1.52s/it] 1%| | 226/37300 [05:59<15:27:25, 1.50s/it] 1%| | 227/37300 [06:01<15:12:26, 1.48s/it] 1%| | 228/37300 [06:02<14:57:47, 1.45s/it] 1%| | 229/37300 [06:03<14:52:51, 1.45s/it] 1%| | 230/37300 [06:05<14:39:29, 1.42s/it] 1%| | 231/37300 [06:06<14:21:08, 1.39s/it] 1%| | 232/37300 [06:07<14:05:47, 1.37s/it] 1%| | 233/37300 [06:09<13:51:04, 1.35s/it] 1%| | 234/37300 [06:10<13:37:55, 1.32s/it] 1%| | 235/37300 [06:11<13:24:52, 1.30s/it] 1%| | 236/37300 [06:12<13:16:21, 1.29s/it] 1%| | 237/37300 [06:14<13:04:33, 1.27s/it] 1%| | 238/37300 [06:15<12:51:23, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 239/37300 [06:16<12:39:44, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 240/37300 [06:17<12:28:34, 1.21s/it] 1%| | 241/37300 [06:18<12:18:29, 1.20s/it] 1%| | 242/37300 [06:20<12:10:01, 1.18s/it] 1%| | 243/37300 [06:21<11:57:15, 1.16s/it] 1%| | 244/37300 [06:22<11:42:43, 1.14s/it] 1%| | 245/37300 [06:23<11:29:25, 1.12s/it] 1%| | 246/37300 [06:24<11:16:00, 1.09s/it] 1%| | 247/37300 [06:25<11:04:52, 1.08s/it] 1%| | 248/37300 [06:26<10:52:38, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 249/37300 [06:27<10:42:50, 1.04s/it] 1%| | 250/37300 [06:28<10:29:23, 1.02s/it] 1%| | 251/37300 [06:31<15:29:58, 1.51s/it] 1%| | 252/37300 [06:33<18:28:44, 1.80s/it] 1%| | 253/37300 [06:35<20:06:55, 1.95s/it] 1%| | 254/37300 [06:38<21:04:00, 2.05s/it] 1%| | 255/37300 [06:40<21:34:26, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 256/37300 [06:42<21:45:33, 2.11s/it] 1%| | 257/37300 [06:44<21:38:14, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 258/37300 [06:46<21:19:51, 2.07s/it] 1%| | 259/37300 [06:48<20:58:49, 2.04s/it] 1%| | 260/37300 [06:50<20:38:07, 2.01s/it] 1%| | 261/37300 [06:52<20:03:34, 1.95s/it] 1%| | 262/37300 [06:54<19:34:28, 1.90s/it] 1%| | 263/37300 [06:55<19:09:15, 1.86s/it] 1%| | 264/37300 [06:57<18:43:50, 1.82s/it] 1%| | 265/37300 [06:59<18:23:06, 1.79s/it] 1%| | 266/37300 [07:00<18:02:27, 1.75s/it] 1%| | 267/37300 [07:02<17:41:46, 1.72s/it] 1%| | 268/37300 [07:04<17:21:27, 1.69s/it] 1%| | 269/37300 [07:05<17:02:20, 1.66s/it] 1%| | 270/37300 [07:07<16:41:34, 1.62s/it] 1%| | 271/37300 [07:08<16:24:24, 1.60s/it] 1%| | 272/37300 [07:10<16:10:44, 1.57s/it] 1%| | 273/37300 [07:11<15:58:13, 1.55s/it] 1%| | 274/37300 [07:13<15:48:52, 1.54s/it] 1%| | 275/37300 [07:14<15:25:32, 1.50s/it] 1%| | 276/37300 [07:16<15:19:58, 1.49s/it] 1%| | 277/37300 [07:17<15:09:44, 1.47s/it] 1%| | 278/37300 [07:19<14:54:52, 1.45s/it] 1%| | 279/37300 [07:20<14:38:45, 1.42s/it] 1%| | 280/37300 [07:21<14:25:20, 1.40s/it] 1%| | 281/37300 [07:23<14:02:50, 1.37s/it] 1%| | 282/37300 [07:24<13:51:04, 1.35s/it] 1%| | 283/37300 [07:25<13:40:56, 1.33s/it] 1%| | 284/37300 [07:26<13:29:15, 1.31s/it] 1%| | 285/37300 [07:28<13:18:39, 1.29s/it] 1%| | 286/37300 [07:29<13:08:10, 1.28s/it] 1%| | 287/37300 [07:30<12:59:39, 1.26s/it] 1%| | 288/37300 [07:31<12:52:29, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 289/37300 [07:33<12:45:20, 1.24s/it] 1%| | 290/37300 [07:34<12:36:16, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 291/37300 [07:35<12:24:28, 1.21s/it] 1%| | 292/37300 [07:36<12:12:44, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 293/37300 [07:37<11:58:28, 1.16s/it] 1%| | 294/37300 [07:38<11:40:55, 1.14s/it] 1%| | 295/37300 [07:39<11:26:52, 1.11s/it] 1%| | 296/37300 [07:40<11:13:02, 1.09s/it] 1%| | 297/37300 [07:41<11:04:15, 1.08s/it] 1%| | 298/37300 [07:42<11:03:23, 1.08s/it] 1%| | 299/37300 [07:44<11:00:40, 1.07s/it] 1%| | 300/37300 [07:45<10:55:45, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 300/37300 [07:45<10:55:45, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 301/37300 [07:47<16:10:58, 1.57s/it] 1%| | 302/37300 [07:50<19:12:13, 1.87s/it] 1%| | 303/37300 [07:52<20:47:24, 2.02s/it] 1%| | 304/37300 [07:55<21:33:25, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 305/37300 [07:57<21:50:10, 2.12s/it] 1%| | 306/37300 [07:59<21:47:30, 2.12s/it] 1%| | 307/37300 [08:01<21:32:10, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 308/37300 [08:03<21:16:45, 2.07s/it] 1%| | 309/37300 [08:05<20:45:55, 2.02s/it] 1%| | 310/37300 [08:07<20:20:14, 1.98s/it] 1%| | 311/37300 [08:09<19:54:30, 1.94s/it] 1%| | 312/37300 [08:10<19:26:14, 1.89s/it] 1%| | 313/37300 [08:12<19:03:03, 1.85s/it] 1%| | 314/37300 [08:14<18:36:53, 1.81s/it] 1%| | 315/37300 [08:15<18:18:38, 1.78s/it] 1%| | 316/37300 [08:17<17:59:06, 1.75s/it] 1%| | 317/37300 [08:19<17:42:03, 1.72s/it] 1%| | 318/37300 [08:20<17:25:54, 1.70s/it] 1%| | 319/37300 [08:22<17:09:21, 1.67s/it] 1%| | 320/37300 [08:24<16:58:56, 1.65s/it] 1%| | 321/37300 [08:25<16:45:02, 1.63s/it] 1%| | 322/37300 [08:27<16:20:16, 1.59s/it] 1%| | 323/37300 [08:28<15:56:38, 1.55s/it] 1%| | 324/37300 [08:30<15:37:13, 1.52s/it] 1%| | 325/37300 [08:31<15:21:09, 1.49s/it] 1%| | 326/37300 [08:33<15:06:23, 1.47s/it] 1%| | 327/37300 [08:34<14:57:39, 1.46s/it] 1%| | 328/37300 [08:35<14:49:20, 1.44s/it] 1%| | 329/37300 [08:37<14:39:49, 1.43s/it] 1%| | 330/37300 [08:38<14:27:18, 1.41s/it] 1%| | 331/37300 [08:39<13:59:32, 1.36s/it] 1%| | 332/37300 [08:41<13:33:00, 1.32s/it] 1%| | 333/37300 [08:42<13:10:45, 1.28s/it] 1%| | 334/37300 [08:43<12:51:01, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 335/37300 [08:44<12:44:14, 1.24s/it] 1%| | 336/37300 [08:45<12:40:36, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 337/37300 [08:47<12:35:46, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 338/37300 [08:48<12:31:18, 1.22s/it] 1%| | 339/37300 [08:49<12:28:38, 1.22s/it] 1%| | 340/37300 [08:50<12:20:34, 1.20s/it] 1%| | 341/37300 [08:51<12:14:34, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 342/37300 [08:53<12:11:17, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 343/37300 [08:54<12:02:42, 1.17s/it] 1%| | 344/37300 [08:55<11:49:23, 1.15s/it] 1%| | 345/37300 [08:56<11:34:14, 1.13s/it] 1%| | 346/37300 [08:57<11:24:38, 1.11s/it] 1%| | 347/37300 [08:58<11:17:38, 1.10s/it] 1%| | 348/37300 [08:59<11:07:13, 1.08s/it] 1%| | 349/37300 [09:00<11:01:01, 1.07s/it] 1%| | 350/37300 [09:01<10:51:43, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 351/37300 [09:04<15:53:24, 1.55s/it] 1%| | 352/37300 [09:06<18:25:47, 1.80s/it] 1%| | 353/37300 [09:08<19:34:30, 1.91s/it] 1%| | 354/37300 [09:10<19:51:19, 1.93s/it] 1%| | 355/37300 [09:12<19:55:51, 1.94s/it] 1%| | 356/37300 [09:14<19:22:22, 1.89s/it] 1%| | 357/37300 [09:16<18:51:28, 1.84s/it] 1%| | 358/37300 [09:17<18:19:14, 1.79s/it] 1%| | 359/37300 [09:19<17:44:58, 1.73s/it] 1%| | 360/37300 [09:21<17:08:49, 1.67s/it] 1%| | 361/37300 [09:22<16:34:13, 1.61s/it] 1%| | 362/37300 [09:24<16:03:16, 1.56s/it] 1%| | 363/37300 [09:25<15:38:10, 1.52s/it] 1%| | 364/37300 [09:26<15:09:52, 1.48s/it] 1%| | 365/37300 [09:28<14:35:35, 1.42s/it] 1%| | 366/37300 [09:29<14:03:17, 1.37s/it] 1%| | 367/37300 [09:30<13:37:19, 1.33s/it] 1%| | 368/37300 [09:31<13:13:03, 1.29s/it] 1%| | 369/37300 [09:32<12:51:08, 1.25s/it] 1%| | 370/37300 [09:34<12:38:03, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 371/37300 [09:35<12:28:26, 1.22s/it] 1%| | 372/37300 [09:36<12:14:34, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 373/37300 [09:37<12:02:00, 1.17s/it] 1%| | 374/37300 [09:40<18:23:02, 1.79s/it] 1%| | 375/37300 [09:43<21:07:36, 2.06s/it] 1%| | 376/37300 [09:46<22:35:22, 2.20s/it] 1%| | 377/37300 [09:48<23:14:10, 2.27s/it] 1%| | 378/37300 [09:50<23:30:37, 2.29s/it] 1%| | 379/37300 [09:53<23:30:25, 2.29s/it] 1%| | 380/37300 [09:55<23:05:48, 2.25s/it] 1%| | 381/37300 [09:57<22:25:43, 2.19s/it] 1%| | 382/37300 [09:59<21:33:51, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 383/37300 [10:01<20:54:02, 2.04s/it] 1%| | 384/37300 [10:02<20:13:07, 1.97s/it] 1%| | 385/37300 [10:04<19:38:56, 1.92s/it] 1%| | 386/37300 [10:06<19:08:45, 1.87s/it] 1%| | 387/37300 [10:08<18:41:06, 1.82s/it] 1%| | 388/37300 [10:09<18:14:14, 1.78s/it] 1%| | 389/37300 [10:11<17:53:33, 1.75s/it] 1%| | 390/37300 [10:13<17:33:59, 1.71s/it] 1%| | 391/37300 [10:14<17:23:13, 1.70s/it] 1%| | 392/37300 [10:16<17:04:20, 1.67s/it] 1%| | 393/37300 [10:17<16:42:16, 1.63s/it] 1%| | 394/37300 [10:19<16:25:13, 1.60s/it] 1%| | 395/37300 [10:21<16:16:03, 1.59s/it] 1%| | 396/37300 [10:22<15:51:12, 1.55s/it] 1%| | 397/37300 [10:23<15:31:56, 1.52s/it] 1%| | 398/37300 [10:25<15:21:09, 1.50s/it] 1%| | 399/37300 [10:26<15:11:11, 1.48s/it] 1%| | 400/37300 [10:28<15:00:01, 1.46s/it] 1%| | 400/37300 [10:28<15:00:01, 1.46s/it] 1%| | 401/37300 [10:29<14:47:32, 1.44s/it] 1%| | 402/37300 [10:31<14:38:28, 1.43s/it] 1%| | 403/37300 [10:32<14:24:39, 1.41s/it] 1%| | 404/37300 [10:33<14:03:43, 1.37s/it] 1%| | 405/37300 [10:34<13:52:50, 1.35s/it] 1%| | 406/37300 [10:36<13:39:16, 1.33s/it] 1%| | 407/37300 [10:37<13:23:59, 1.31s/it] 1%| | 408/37300 [10:38<13:13:51, 1.29s/it] 1%| | 409/37300 [10:39<13:00:44, 1.27s/it] 1%| | 410/37300 [10:41<13:07:06, 1.28s/it] 1%| | 411/37300 [10:42<13:04:49, 1.28s/it] 1%| | 412/37300 [10:43<12:59:21, 1.27s/it] 1%| | 413/37300 [10:45<12:54:01, 1.26s/it] 1%| | 414/37300 [10:46<12:36:07, 1.23s/it] 1%| | 415/37300 [10:47<12:23:33, 1.21s/it] 1%| | 416/37300 [10:48<12:13:15, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 417/37300 [10:49<11:52:20, 1.16s/it] 1%| | 418/37300 [10:50<11:43:37, 1.14s/it] 1%| | 419/37300 [10:51<11:26:02, 1.12s/it] 1%| | 420/37300 [10:52<11:09:22, 1.09s/it] 1%| | 421/37300 [10:53<10:54:00, 1.06s/it] 1%| | 422/37300 [10:54<10:38:28, 1.04s/it] 1%| | 423/37300 [10:55<10:23:41, 1.01s/it] 1%| | 424/37300 [10:58<15:23:42, 1.50s/it] 1%| | 425/37300 [11:00<18:33:47, 1.81s/it] 1%| | 426/37300 [11:03<20:13:15, 1.97s/it] 1%| | 427/37300 [11:05<21:18:42, 2.08s/it] 1%| | 428/37300 [11:07<21:46:07, 2.13s/it] 1%| | 429/37300 [11:09<21:49:41, 2.13s/it] 1%| | 430/37300 [11:12<21:44:41, 2.12s/it] 1%| | 431/37300 [11:14<21:30:55, 2.10s/it] 1%| | 432/37300 [11:16<21:14:23, 2.07s/it] 1%| | 433/37300 [11:18<20:43:34, 2.02s/it] 1%| | 434/37300 [11:19<20:18:57, 1.98s/it] 1%| | 435/37300 [11:21<19:47:27, 1.93s/it] 1%| | 436/37300 [11:23<19:22:53, 1.89s/it] 1%| | 437/37300 [11:25<19:00:48, 1.86s/it] 1%| | 438/37300 [11:27<18:51:44, 1.84s/it] 1%| | 439/37300 [11:28<18:27:19, 1.80s/it] 1%| | 440/37300 [11:30<18:08:23, 1.77s/it] 1%| | 441/37300 [11:32<17:47:58, 1.74s/it] 1%| | 442/37300 [11:33<17:31:46, 1.71s/it] 1%| | 443/37300 [11:35<17:14:11, 1.68s/it] 1%| | 444/37300 [11:37<16:54:51, 1.65s/it] 1%| | 445/37300 [11:38<16:40:53, 1.63s/it] 1%| | 446/37300 [11:40<16:22:57, 1.60s/it] 1%| | 447/37300 [11:41<16:05:18, 1.57s/it] 1%| | 448/37300 [11:43<15:49:17, 1.55s/it] 1%| | 449/37300 [11:44<15:38:40, 1.53s/it] 1%| | 450/37300 [11:46<15:24:17, 1.50s/it] 1%| | 451/37300 [11:47<15:09:51, 1.48s/it] 1%| | 452/37300 [11:48<14:56:31, 1.46s/it] 1%| | 453/37300 [11:50<14:41:32, 1.44s/it] 1%| | 454/37300 [11:51<14:31:58, 1.42s/it] 1%| | 455/37300 [11:52<14:12:11, 1.39s/it] 1%| | 456/37300 [11:54<13:56:00, 1.36s/it] 1%| | 457/37300 [11:55<13:37:46, 1.33s/it] 1%| | 458/37300 [11:56<13:19:43, 1.30s/it] 1%| | 459/37300 [11:58<13:08:43, 1.28s/it] 1%| | 460/37300 [11:59<12:55:34, 1.26s/it] 1%| | 461/37300 [12:00<12:50:36, 1.26s/it] 1%| | 462/37300 [12:01<12:42:06, 1.24s/it] 1%| | 463/37300 [12:02<12:31:09, 1.22s/it] 1%| | 464/37300 [12:04<12:19:40, 1.20s/it] 1%| | 465/37300 [12:05<12:09:04, 1.19s/it] 1%| | 466/37300 [12:06<11:57:00, 1.17s/it] 1%|▏ | 467/37300 [12:07<11:40:36, 1.14s/it] 1%|▏ | 468/37300 [12:08<11:26:55, 1.12s/it] 1%|▏ | 469/37300 [12:09<11:13:20, 1.10s/it] 1%|▏ | 470/37300 [12:10<11:00:30, 1.08s/it] 1%|▏ | 471/37300 [12:11<10:49:08, 1.06s/it] 1%|▏ | 472/37300 [12:12<10:36:47, 1.04s/it] 1%|▏ | 473/37300 [12:13<10:23:46, 1.02s/it] 1%|▏ | 474/37300 [12:16<15:07:13, 1.48s/it] 1%|▏ | 475/37300 [12:18<18:21:41, 1.80s/it] 1%|▏ | 476/37300 [12:20<20:09:53, 1.97s/it] 1%|▏ | 477/37300 [12:23<21:01:58, 2.06s/it] 1%|▏ | 478/37300 [12:25<21:27:36, 2.10s/it] 1%|▏ | 479/37300 [12:27<21:35:40, 2.11s/it] 1%|▏ | 480/37300 [12:29<21:23:24, 2.09s/it] 1%|▏ | 481/37300 [12:31<21:10:37, 2.07s/it] 1%|▏ | 482/37300 [12:33<20:46:29, 2.03s/it] 1%|▏ | 483/37300 [12:35<20:20:44, 1.99s/it] 1%|▏ | 484/37300 [12:37<19:52:00, 1.94s/it] 1%|▏ | 485/37300 [12:39<19:23:01, 1.90s/it] 1%|▏ | 486/37300 [12:40<19:02:47, 1.86s/it] 1%|▏ | 487/37300 [12:42<18:35:06, 1.82s/it] 1%|▏ | 488/37300 [12:44<18:10:05, 1.78s/it] 1%|▏ | 489/37300 [12:45<17:56:05, 1.75s/it] 1%|▏ | 490/37300 [12:47<17:39:09, 1.73s/it] 1%|▏ | 491/37300 [12:49<17:27:46, 1.71s/it] 1%|▏ | 492/37300 [12:50<17:15:08, 1.69s/it] 1%|▏ | 493/37300 [12:52<16:57:58, 1.66s/it] 1%|▏ | 494/37300 [12:54<16:42:08, 1.63s/it] 1%|▏ | 495/37300 [12:55<16:29:22, 1.61s/it] 1%|▏ | 496/37300 [12:57<16:13:01, 1.59s/it] 1%|▏ | 497/37300 [12:58<15:59:08, 1.56s/it] 1%|▏ | 498/37300 [13:00<15:37:34, 1.53s/it] 1%|▏ | 499/37300 [13:01<15:14:28, 1.49s/it] 1%|▏ | 500/37300 [13:02<14:56:05, 1.46s/it] 1%|▏ | 500/37300 [13:02<14:56:05, 1.46s/it]The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.
***** Running Evaluation *****
Num examples = 2302
Batch size = 8
{'loss': 153.5094, 'learning_rate': 4.85e-06, 'epoch': 0.27}
{'loss': 108.8648, 'learning_rate': 9.85e-06, 'epoch': 0.54}
{'loss': 92.5714, 'learning_rate': 1.48e-05, 'epoch': 0.8}
{'loss': 79.9356, 'learning_rate': 1.9800000000000004e-05, 'epoch': 1.07}
{'loss': 69.8341, 'learning_rate': 2.48e-05, 'epoch': 1.34}
0%| | 0/288 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
1%| | 2/288 [00:00<00:39, 7.26it/s]
1%| | 3/288 [00:00<01:06, 4.26it/s]
1%|▏ | 4/288 [00:00<01:15, 3.75it/s]
2%|▏ | 5/288 [00:01<01:13, 3.84it/s]
2%|▏ | 6/288 [00:01<01:15, 3.74it/s]
2%|▏ | 7/288 [00:01<01:18, 3.57it/s]
3%|β–Ž | 8/288 [00:02<01:15, 3.72it/s]
3%|β–Ž | 9/288 [00:02<01:19, 3.53it/s]
3%|β–Ž | 10/288 [00:02<01:27, 3.17it/s]
4%|▍ | 11/288 [00:03<01:29, 3.10it/s]
4%|▍ | 12/288 [00:03<01:24, 3.28it/s]
5%|▍ | 13/288 [00:03<01:25, 3.21it/s]
5%|▍ | 14/288 [00:03<01:24, 3.23it/s]
5%|β–Œ | 15/288 [00:04<01:21, 3.36it/s]
6%|β–Œ | 16/288 [00:04<01:22, 3.30it/s]
6%|β–Œ | 17/288 [00:04<01:21, 3.34it/s]
6%|β–‹ | 18/288 [00:05<01:23, 3.21it/s]
7%|β–‹ | 19/288 [00:05<01:26, 3.12it/s]
7%|β–‹ | 20/288 [00:05<01:23, 3.21it/s]
7%|β–‹ | 21/288 [00:06<01:22, 3.24it/s]
8%|β–Š | 22/288 [00:06<01:20, 3.30it/s]
8%|β–Š | 23/288 [00:06<01:22, 3.20it/s]
8%|β–Š | 24/288 [00:07<01:24, 3.12it/s]
9%|β–Š | 25/288 [00:07<01:23, 3.15it/s]
9%|β–‰ | 26/288 [00:07<01:27, 2.99it/s]
9%|β–‰ | 27/288 [00:08<01:26, 3.01it/s]
10%|β–‰ | 28/288 [00:08<01:23, 3.11it/s]
10%|β–ˆ | 29/288 [00:08<01:19, 3.26it/s]
10%|β–ˆ | 30/288 [00:08<01:11, 3.60it/s]
11%|β–ˆ | 31/288 [00:09<01:10, 3.66it/s]
11%|β–ˆ | 32/288 [00:09<01:12, 3.52it/s]
11%|β–ˆβ– | 33/288 [00:09<01:10, 3.62it/s]
12%|β–ˆβ– | 34/288 [00:10<01:11, 3.55it/s]
12%|β–ˆβ– | 35/288 [00:10<01:12, 3.48it/s]
12%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 36/288 [00:10<01:14, 3.40it/s]
13%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 37/288 [00:10<01:13, 3.40it/s]
13%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 38/288 [00:11<01:13, 3.41it/s]
14%|β–ˆβ–Ž | 39/288 [00:11<01:14, 3.34it/s]
14%|β–ˆβ– | 40/288 [00:11<01:17, 3.19it/s]
14%|β–ˆβ– | 41/288 [00:12<01:15, 3.26it/s]
15%|β–ˆβ– | 42/288 [00:12<01:17, 3.16it/s]
15%|β–ˆβ– | 43/288 [00:12<01:18, 3.11it/s]
15%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 44/288 [00:13<01:17, 3.15it/s]
16%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 45/288 [00:13<01:17, 3.13it/s]
16%|β–ˆβ–Œ | 46/288 [00:13<01:16, 3.16it/s]
16%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 47/288 [00:14<01:20, 3.01it/s]
17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 48/288 [00:14<01:24, 2.85it/s]
17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 49/288 [00:14<01:20, 2.96it/s]
17%|β–ˆβ–‹ | 50/288 [00:15<01:18, 3.05it/s]
18%|β–ˆβ–Š | 51/288 [00:15<01:16, 3.08it/s]
18%|β–ˆβ–Š | 52/288 [00:15<01:19, 2.95it/s]
18%|β–ˆβ–Š | 53/288 [00:16<01:21, 2.88it/s]
19%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 54/288 [00:16<01:19, 2.95it/s]
19%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 55/288 [00:16<01:22, 2.84it/s]
19%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 56/288 [00:17<01:19, 2.91it/s]
20%|β–ˆβ–‰ | 57/288 [00:17<01:15, 3.08it/s]
20%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 58/288 [00:17<01:10, 3.24it/s]
20%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 59/288 [00:18<01:07, 3.37it/s]
21%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 60/288 [00:18<01:04, 3.56it/s]
21%|β–ˆβ–ˆ | 61/288 [00:18<01:08, 3.33it/s]
22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 62/288 [00:18<01:08, 3.28it/s]
22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 63/288 [00:19<01:09, 3.23it/s]
22%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 64/288 [00:19<01:07, 3.32it/s]
23%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 65/288 [00:19<01:10, 3.17it/s]
23%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 66/288 [00:20<01:11, 3.10it/s]
23%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 67/288 [00:20<01:09, 3.16it/s]
24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 68/288 [00:20<01:11, 3.09it/s]
24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 69/288 [00:21<01:12, 3.04it/s]
24%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 70/288 [00:21<01:10, 3.07it/s]
25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 71/288 [00:21<01:13, 2.95it/s]
25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 72/288 [00:22<01:16, 2.84it/s]
25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 73/288 [00:22<01:14, 2.89it/s]
26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 74/288 [00:22<01:14, 2.88it/s]
26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 75/288 [00:23<01:14, 2.87it/s]
26%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 76/288 [00:23<01:10, 2.99it/s]
27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 77/288 [00:23<01:10, 2.98it/s]
27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 78/288 [00:24<01:09, 3.04it/s]
27%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 79/288 [00:24<01:07, 3.11it/s]
28%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 80/288 [00:24<01:05, 3.20it/s]
28%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 81/288 [00:25<01:07, 3.06it/s]
28%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 82/288 [00:25<01:05, 3.13it/s]
29%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 83/288 [00:25<01:05, 3.13it/s]
29%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 84/288 [00:26<01:00, 3.39it/s]
30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 85/288 [00:26<00:58, 3.44it/s]
30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 86/288 [00:26<01:02, 3.24it/s]
30%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 87/288 [00:27<01:07, 2.99it/s]
31%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 88/288 [00:27<01:06, 2.99it/s]
31%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 89/288 [00:27<01:04, 3.09it/s]
31%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 90/288 [00:28<01:02, 3.17it/s]
32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 91/288 [00:28<01:03, 3.12it/s]
32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 92/288 [00:28<01:02, 3.15it/s]
32%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 93/288 [00:29<01:03, 3.06it/s]
33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 94/288 [00:29<01:02, 3.09it/s]
33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 95/288 [00:29<01:02, 3.08it/s]
33%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 96/288 [00:29<00:58, 3.26it/s]
34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 97/288 [00:30<00:56, 3.36it/s]
34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 98/288 [00:30<00:58, 3.24it/s]
34%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 99/288 [00:30<01:00, 3.11it/s]
35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 100/288 [00:31<01:05, 2.87it/s]
35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 101/288 [00:31<01:03, 2.97it/s]
35%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 102/288 [00:31<00:59, 3.11it/s]
36%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 103/288 [00:32<00:58, 3.17it/s]
36%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 104/288 [00:32<00:58, 3.13it/s]
36%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 105/288 [00:32<00:55, 3.31it/s]
37%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 106/288 [00:33<00:57, 3.16it/s]
37%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 107/288 [00:33<00:57, 3.15it/s]
38%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 108/288 [00:33<00:57, 3.13it/s]
38%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 109/288 [00:34<00:57, 3.11it/s]
38%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 110/288 [00:34<00:56, 3.15it/s]
39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 111/288 [00:34<01:02, 2.82it/s]
39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 112/288 [00:35<01:01, 2.85it/s]
39%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 113/288 [00:35<00:59, 2.93it/s]
40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 114/288 [00:35<00:58, 2.96it/s]
40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 115/288 [00:36<00:56, 3.06it/s]
40%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 116/288 [00:36<00:56, 3.02it/s]
41%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 117/288 [00:36<00:55, 3.06it/s]
41%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 118/288 [00:37<00:52, 3.23it/s]
41%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 119/288 [00:37<00:53, 3.13it/s]
42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 120/288 [00:37<01:00, 2.78it/s]
42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 121/288 [00:38<00:56, 2.94it/s]
42%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 122/288 [00:38<00:51, 3.20it/s]
43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 123/288 [00:38<00:54, 3.05it/s]
43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 124/288 [00:39<00:53, 3.07it/s]
43%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 125/288 [00:39<00:52, 3.10it/s]
44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 126/288 [00:39<00:54, 2.99it/s]
44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 127/288 [00:40<00:52, 3.07it/s]
44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 128/288 [00:40<00:51, 3.08it/s]
45%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 129/288 [00:41<01:05, 2.41it/s]
45%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 130/288 [00:41<01:01, 2.56it/s]
45%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 131/288 [00:41<00:57, 2.75it/s]
46%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 132/288 [00:42<00:55, 2.83it/s]
46%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 133/288 [00:42<00:55, 2.78it/s]
47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 134/288 [00:42<00:55, 2.77it/s]
47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 135/288 [00:43<00:53, 2.85it/s]
47%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 136/288 [00:43<00:51, 2.93it/s]
48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 137/288 [00:43<01:01, 2.47it/s]
48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 138/288 [00:44<00:58, 2.57it/s]
48%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 139/288 [00:44<00:55, 2.66it/s]
49%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 140/288 [00:45<00:53, 2.74it/s]
49%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 141/288 [00:45<00:53, 2.74it/s]
49%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 142/288 [00:45<00:50, 2.87it/s]
50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 143/288 [00:46<00:50, 2.87it/s]
50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 144/288 [00:46<00:50, 2.85it/s]
50%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 145/288 [00:46<00:49, 2.88it/s]
51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 146/288 [00:47<00:47, 3.00it/s]
51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 147/288 [00:47<00:45, 3.10it/s]
51%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 148/288 [00:47<00:45, 3.08it/s]
52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 149/288 [00:47<00:44, 3.10it/s]
52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 150/288 [00:48<00:44, 3.13it/s]
52%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 151/288 [00:48<00:49, 2.77it/s]
53%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 152/288 [00:49<00:48, 2.82it/s]
53%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 153/288 [00:49<00:45, 2.99it/s]
53%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 154/288 [00:49<00:45, 2.93it/s]
54%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 155/288 [00:50<00:44, 2.96it/s]
54%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 156/288 [00:50<00:43, 3.03it/s]
55%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 157/288 [00:50<00:43, 3.03it/s]
55%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 158/288 [00:51<00:50, 2.58it/s]
55%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 159/288 [00:51<00:47, 2.69it/s]
56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 160/288 [00:51<00:44, 2.88it/s]
56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 161/288 [00:52<00:41, 3.02it/s]
56%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 162/288 [00:52<00:40, 3.14it/s]
57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 163/288 [00:52<00:40, 3.09it/s]
57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 164/288 [00:53<00:45, 2.75it/s]
57%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 165/288 [00:53<00:43, 2.83it/s]
58%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 166/288 [00:53<00:42, 2.87it/s]
58%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 167/288 [00:54<00:40, 2.99it/s]
58%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 168/288 [00:54<00:40, 2.93it/s]
59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 169/288 [00:54<00:40, 2.94it/s]
59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 170/288 [00:55<00:45, 2.57it/s]
59%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 171/288 [00:55<00:43, 2.68it/s]
60%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 172/288 [00:56<00:41, 2.79it/s]
60%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 173/288 [00:56<00:40, 2.83it/s]
60%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 174/288 [00:56<00:39, 2.89it/s]
61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 175/288 [00:57<00:37, 3.01it/s]
61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 176/288 [00:57<00:51, 2.17it/s]
61%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 177/288 [00:58<00:47, 2.36it/s]
62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 178/288 [00:58<00:43, 2.50it/s]
62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 179/288 [00:58<00:40, 2.67it/s]
62%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 180/288 [00:59<00:39, 2.77it/s]
63%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 181/288 [00:59<00:39, 2.69it/s]
63%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 182/288 [00:59<00:39, 2.71it/s]
64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 183/288 [01:00<00:37, 2.82it/s]
64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 184/288 [01:00<00:36, 2.86it/s]
64%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 185/288 [01:00<00:35, 2.92it/s]
65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 186/288 [01:01<00:38, 2.62it/s]
65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 187/288 [01:01<00:38, 2.63it/s]
65%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 188/288 [01:02<00:36, 2.74it/s]
66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 189/288 [01:02<00:34, 2.90it/s]
66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 190/288 [01:02<00:34, 2.81it/s]
66%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 191/288 [01:03<00:39, 2.43it/s]
67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 192/288 [01:03<00:36, 2.65it/s]
67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 193/288 [01:03<00:34, 2.76it/s]
67%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 194/288 [01:04<00:34, 2.72it/s]
68%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 195/288 [01:04<00:33, 2.80it/s]
68%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 196/288 [01:05<00:39, 2.31it/s]
68%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 197/288 [01:05<00:36, 2.47it/s]
69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 198/288 [01:05<00:33, 2.72it/s]
69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 199/288 [01:06<00:31, 2.82it/s]
69%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 200/288 [01:06<00:29, 3.00it/s]
70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 201/288 [01:06<00:35, 2.46it/s]
70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 202/288 [01:07<00:32, 2.62it/s]
70%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 203/288 [01:07<00:31, 2.73it/s]
71%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 204/288 [01:07<00:29, 2.82it/s]
71%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 205/288 [01:08<00:28, 2.95it/s]
72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 206/288 [01:08<00:33, 2.42it/s]
72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 207/288 [01:09<00:32, 2.50it/s]
72%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 208/288 [01:09<00:31, 2.57it/s]
73%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 209/288 [01:09<00:30, 2.61it/s]
73%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 210/288 [01:10<00:27, 2.87it/s]
73%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 211/288 [01:10<00:36, 2.14it/s]
74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 212/288 [01:11<00:32, 2.36it/s]
74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 213/288 [01:11<00:31, 2.38it/s]
74%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 214/288 [01:12<00:29, 2.54it/s]
75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 215/288 [01:12<00:31, 2.30it/s]
75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 216/288 [01:12<00:29, 2.45it/s]
75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 217/288 [01:13<00:26, 2.67it/s]
76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 218/288 [01:13<00:25, 2.72it/s]
76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 219/288 [01:14<00:29, 2.32it/s]
76%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 220/288 [01:14<00:28, 2.37it/s]
77%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 221/288 [01:14<00:26, 2.49it/s]
77%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 222/288 [01:15<00:26, 2.54it/s]
77%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 223/288 [01:15<00:28, 2.30it/s]
78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 224/288 [01:16<00:26, 2.45it/s]
78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 225/288 [01:16<00:24, 2.61it/s]
78%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 226/288 [01:16<00:22, 2.72it/s]
79%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 227/288 [01:17<00:27, 2.25it/s]
79%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 228/288 [01:17<00:24, 2.40it/s]
80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 229/288 [01:18<00:23, 2.54it/s]
80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 230/288 [01:18<00:21, 2.66it/s]
80%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 231/288 [01:19<00:25, 2.23it/s]
81%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 232/288 [01:19<00:22, 2.44it/s]
81%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 233/288 [01:19<00:21, 2.53it/s]
81%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 234/288 [01:20<00:19, 2.71it/s]
82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 235/288 [01:20<00:25, 2.12it/s]
82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 236/288 [01:21<00:22, 2.28it/s]
82%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 237/288 [01:21<00:21, 2.41it/s]
83%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 238/288 [01:21<00:20, 2.50it/s]
83%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 239/288 [01:22<00:24, 2.00it/s]
83%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 240/288 [01:22<00:21, 2.27it/s]
84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 241/288 [01:23<00:19, 2.42it/s]
84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 242/288 [01:23<00:18, 2.54it/s]
84%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 243/288 [01:24<00:21, 2.06it/s]
85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 244/288 [01:24<00:19, 2.24it/s]
85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 245/288 [01:25<00:17, 2.39it/s]
85%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 246/288 [01:25<00:17, 2.45it/s]
86%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 247/288 [01:26<00:20, 2.02it/s]
86%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 248/288 [01:26<00:17, 2.25it/s]
86%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 249/288 [01:26<00:16, 2.37it/s]
87%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 250/288 [01:27<00:15, 2.45it/s]
87%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹ | 251/288 [01:27<00:19, 1.93it/s]
88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 252/288 [01:28<00:17, 2.10it/s]
88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 253/288 [01:28<00:14, 2.34it/s]
88%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 254/288 [01:29<00:15, 2.19it/s]
89%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š | 255/288 [01:29<00:13, 2.44it/s]
89%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 256/288 [01:29<00:12, 2.56it/s]
89%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 257/288 [01:30<00:14, 2.19it/s]
90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 258/288 [01:30<00:13, 2.30it/s]
90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 259/288 [01:31<00:12, 2.39it/s]
90%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 260/288 [01:31<00:13, 2.08it/s]
91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 261/288 [01:32<00:11, 2.26it/s]
91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 262/288 [01:32<00:10, 2.41it/s]
91%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 263/288 [01:33<00:11, 2.10it/s]
92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 264/288 [01:33<00:10, 2.26it/s]
92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 265/288 [01:33<00:09, 2.39it/s]
92%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 266/288 [01:34<00:10, 2.08it/s]
93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 267/288 [01:34<00:09, 2.20it/s]
93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 268/288 [01:35<00:08, 2.38it/s]
93%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž| 269/288 [01:35<00:09, 2.00it/s]
94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 270/288 [01:36<00:08, 2.11it/s]
94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 271/288 [01:36<00:07, 2.28it/s]
94%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 272/288 [01:37<00:08, 1.85it/s]
95%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–| 273/288 [01:37<00:07, 2.08it/s]
95%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 274/288 [01:38<00:06, 2.28it/s]
95%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 275/288 [01:38<00:06, 1.89it/s]
96%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 276/288 [01:39<00:05, 2.12it/s]
96%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ| 277/288 [01:39<00:04, 2.29it/s]
97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 278/288 [01:40<00:05, 1.78it/s]
97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 279/288 [01:40<00:04, 2.05it/s]
97%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‹| 280/288 [01:41<00:03, 2.24it/s]
98%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 281/288 [01:41<00:03, 1.83it/s]
98%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 282/288 [01:42<00:02, 2.06it/s]
98%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 283/288 [01:42<00:02, 2.17it/s]
99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Š| 284/288 [01:43<00:02, 1.80it/s]
99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 285/288 [01:43<00:01, 2.05it/s]
99%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 286/288 [01:44<00:00, 2.26it/s]
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰| 287/288 [01:44<00:00, 1.80it/s]
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 288/288 [01:45<00:00, 2.07it/s]
 1%|▏ | 500/37300 [15:13<14:56:05, 1.46s/it]
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 288/288 [02:10<00:00, 2.07it/s]
Saving model checkpoint to ./checkpoint-500
Configuration saved in ./checkpoint-500/config.json
Model weights saved in ./checkpoint-500/pytorch_model.bin
Configuration saved in ./checkpoint-500/preprocessor_config.json
Configuration saved in ./preprocessor_config.json