Runtime error
Runtime error
* **impliment this function:
- opened
๐: * **genertae python code for[robot mobile] ,this function is for "lidar sensor" that do perform scan
๐ค: Sure, here's an example Python code for a robot mobile lidar scanner:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
def lidar_scanner(robot_pose, lidar_range, num_beams):
# Calculate the scan angle range based on the number of beams
scan_angle_range = 360 / num_beams
# Create an empty list to store the point cloud data
points = []
# Iterate over each beam and calculate its angle
for i in range(num_beams):
# Calculate the angle of the current beam
angle = i * scan_angle_range
# Calculate the x and y coordinates of the beam's origin
x = robot_pose[0] + cos(angle) * lidar_range
y = robot_pose[1] + sin(angle) * lidar_range
# Add the beam's origin to the point cloud
points.append([x, y])
# Calculate the reflection angles for