Runtime error
while trying to use scipy to write after, audio file has no sound
is this project based on MB-iSTFT-VITS? I tried to use the model with the configs properly to use it with MB-iSTFT-VITS multilingual, but it gives me model size mismatch error.
Why does this happens?
I would appreciate it if you could upload the error message and the config.json file together.
json 파일은
"train": {
"log_interval": 200,
"eval_interval": 1000,
"seed": 1234,
"epochs": 20000,
"learning_rate": 2e-4,
"betas": [0.8, 0.99],
"eps": 1e-9,
"batch_size": 64,
"fp16_run": false,
"lr_decay": 0.999875,
"segment_size": 8192,
"init_lr_ratio": 1,
"warmup_epochs": 0,
"c_mel": 45,
"c_kl": 1.0,
"fft_sizes": [384, 683, 171],
"hop_sizes": [30, 60, 10],
"win_lengths": [150, 300, 60],
"window": "hann_window"
"data": {
"max_wav_value": 32768.0,
"sampling_rate": 44100,
"filter_length": 1024,
"hop_length": 256,
"win_length": 1024,
"n_mel_channels": 80,
"mel_fmin": 0.0,
"mel_fmax": null,
"add_blank": true,
"n_speakers": 0,
"cleaned_text": true
"model": {
"ms_istft_vits": true,
"mb_istft_vits": false,
"istft_vits": false,
"subbands": 4,
"gen_istft_n_fft": 16,
"gen_istft_hop_size": 4,
"inter_channels": 192,
"hidden_channels": 192,
"filter_channels": 768,
"n_heads": 2,
"n_layers": 6,
"kernel_size": 3,
"p_dropout": 0.1,
"resblock": "1",
"resblock_kernel_sizes": [3,7,11],
"resblock_dilation_sizes": [[1,3,5], [1,3,5], [1,3,5]],
"upsample_rates": [4,4],
"upsample_initial_channel": 512,
"upsample_kernel_sizes": [16,16],
"n_layers_q": 3,
"use_spectral_norm": false,
"use_sdp": false
"symbols": ["_", ",", ".", "!", "?", "-", "~", "\u2026", "A", "E", "I", "N", "O", "Q", "U", "a", "b", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "m", "n", "o", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "y", "z", "\u0283", "\u02a7", "\u02a6", "\u2193", "\u2191", " "]
이렇게 건들지는 않았고
Mutli-stream iSTFT VITS
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\user\Desktop\AronaAssistant\arona_backend\TTS\", line 44, in
_ = utils.load_checkpoint("./models/arona/arona_ms_istft_vits.pth", net_g, None)
File "c:\Users\user\Desktop\AronaAssistant\arona_backend\TTS\", line 40, in load_checkpoint
File "F:\miniconda3\envs\arona\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1671, in load_state_dict
raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for SynthesizerTrn:
size mismatch for enc_p.emb.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([43, 192]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([205, 192]).
이렇게 뜨네요.
vits/text/symbols.py도 제대로 설정되어있는지 확인해주세요.
# japanese_cleaners2
_pad = '_'
_punctuation = ',.!?-~…'
_letters = 'AEINOQUabdefghijkmnoprstuvwyzʃʧʦ↓↑ '
# Export all symbols:
symbols = [_pad] + list(_punctuation) + list(_letters)
# Special symbol ids
SPACE_ID = symbols.index(' ')
어째선진 모르겠지만 원래는 한국어만 클리너가 있더군요. 밑에 그대로 복사하니 정상적으로 동작됩니다.
모델 자체가 호환이 안된다고 짐작해서 빠르게 포기하고 그대로 레포 복사해서 쓰려 했는데, 이제 해결됐습니다.