Is it possible to rebase my duplicated space on latest updates?
I duplicated this space a few months ago and am now getting some runtime errors which I suspect are due to me running old code.
I can see on this base repo there have been quite a few updates which I would like to incorporate into my own space, but I can't see any way to do this via HuggingFace. I also can't even see a way to pull the code/files manually then upload them.
Am I missing something? Or is the only way to do this to take a new duplicate from the head?
OK I've since found the underlying repo url which would allow me to do this manually via usual git operations, but would be cool if this was baked into the web UI too for beginners like me 🙂
very cool feature idea @tysbradford ! did you manage to use git to merge the upstream?
Yes I was @radames thanks