Domains search was better before

by KSh100 - opened

"Domains search" works same way as "Specific links" in assistant settings, if not worse. It doesn't seem to analyse all listed websites to form bigger responses as before. Looks like it analyses information only from most relevant website. It also no longer follows links on websites, which is what distinguished it from "Specific Links" (before it sometimes even followed links on sites that it also accessed via a link). I hope this feature will be updated!
Also, it would be awesome to be able to create assistants that write scripts by analyzing wiki about a specific programming language. Currently it's not possible because of incorrectly formed search queries, simply duplicating questions asked to chatbot (another thing to bring back โ€” ability to see search queries).

sorry for my bad english

KSh100 changed discussion title from Domains search worked better before to Domains search was better before

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