Why color with random

by FdotRK - opened

I must add before my query - thanks for quick addition of SAM to SD. This is definitely helpful for the community.

I am trying to understand the context of segmentatoin to SD/ControlNet:

  1. I am assuming during training ADE20k palette was used, which has fixed meaning for each semantic class. Each semantic class is mapped to a color of ADE20k Palette.
  2. I have not understood how this Palette (which is indirectly the class label from ADED20l) impact the ControlNet. Whether its just color homogeneity? Or the actual label (color) matters in some way? If it is latter, then it seems we should be first mapping the class names from SAM to ADE20k so that we transfer apt color used during training of controlnet?

Looking forward to hear thoughts?

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