Space added to TTS Arena; Long silent audio!!!

by Pendrokar - opened

I've added the space to the Arena fork.

Check what happened here. Occurred a few minutes ago after I made this post.
"I'm on top of the world, I just won a million dollars!"

Had to remove Oute as it was taking too much ZeroGPU resources while performing poorly. Mostly it is to do with the voice quality, not the delivery of voicelines.

You can see it fail against multiple models no matter the type of voiceline:[rejected][value]=%27OuteAI/OuteTTS-0.3-1B-Demo%27

OuteAI org

Thanks for reporting the issue! I’ll take a look to understand why that happened. I’d suggest waiting for v1.0 before adding it to benchmarks. Also the current default speaker samples are more for testing, the quality heavily depends on the sample. Hopefully, future versions will be more up to par for the benchmarks.

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