Tantalos / README.md
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Added proper readme.
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Hi and welcome to the project Tantalos prototype!

By clicking "app" in the upper right hand corner, you will access the core-tech prototype which includes four guest profiles and a host profile. There is a "database" that temporarily stores the collected data for each run. The host interface lets you add ingredients to a dish, and view how many guests are unable to eat each ingrededient. As a host, you can also see the (hard coded) guest list and the submitted food aversions and allergens for each guest. In the guest profiles, you can add your allergies and dietary restrictions, in addition to specifying the severity of your allergy.

You can access the different pages in the bar on the left side of the web page.

🎨A point-and-click demo of some of the functionalities that were not implemented in the core-tech prototype can be found through the Figma flows below. These have a more elaborated graphical design.

Flow for a server: https://www.figma.com/proto/exHhbe7e2ykk4b6lI8j9gB/Tantalos?node-id=315-1181&node-type=frame&t=p7MqFpgwqNnH833G-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=10%3A3&starting-point-node-id=315%3A1177&show-proto-sidebar=1

The flow starts by logging in, accessing the Halloween dinner, accesing the seating chart, adding some guests to the table, and finally serving people at the dinner.

Flow for planners and chefs: https://www.figma.com/proto/exHhbe7e2ykk4b6lI8j9gB/Tantalos?node-id=300-1129&node-type=frame&t=p7MqFpgwqNnH833G-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=10%3A3&starting-point-node-id=56%3A226&show-proto-sidebar=1

This flow allows you to go through the flow of creating a new event, specifying the name and date, add a menu, create a seating chart with spatial reference points

Flow for a guest with lactose intolerance: https://www.figma.com/proto/exHhbe7e2ykk4b6lI8j9gB/Tantalos?node-id=406-2789&node-type=frame&t=YTW8MVaaGVD0Rkrt-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=406%3A2785&show-proto-sidebar=1

The flow allows you to register a new profile, add allergies and their severity and then see the menu, as well as what you (as a lactose intolerante person) can and cannot eat. You can also see the full ingredient list for each dish.

💻For more info about the project, visit our webpage: https://unleashed-shoe-8fd.notion.site/Dine-Safe-Celebrate-Freely-Welcome-to-TANTALOS-12f700af6b0080d4b53ad6d5bc1cfb13