NLP Course documentation


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Original Spanish
Abstraction Abstracción
Accuracy Exactitud
Backward Pass Pasada en reverso
Batch Lote
Benchmark Punto de referencia
Cache Almacenamiento
Caching Almacenar
Chapter Capítulo
Checkpoint Punto de control
Class Clase
Code Código
Colab Notebook Colab Notebook
Command Comando
Configuration Configuración
Course Curso
Dataloader Dataloader
Dependency Dependencia
Deployment Deployment
Development Desarrollo
Dictionary Diccionario
Distribution Distribución
Download Descargar
F1 score F1 score
Feature Feature
Field Atributo
Fine-tuning Ajustar
Folder Carpeta
Forward Pass Pasada hacia delante
Function Función
Google Google
Hugging Face Hugging Face
Incompatibility Incompatibilidad
Inference Inferencia
Key (in a dictionary) Llave
Learning rate Tasa de aprendizaje
Library Librería
Linux Linux
Load Cargar
Loss Pérdida
Loss function Función de pérdida
Loop Bucle
macOS macOS
Model Modelo
Model Hub Hub de Modelos
Module Módulo
Natural Language Processing Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
Package Paquete
Package Manager Manejador de paquete
Padding Relleno
Parameter Parámetro
Python Python
PyTorch PyTorch
Samples Muestras
Save Guardar
Scheduler Programador
Script Script
Self-Contained Auto-contenido
Setup Instalación
TensorFlow TensorFlow
Terminal Terminal
Tokenizer Tokenizador
Train Entrenar
Transformer Transformer
Virtual Environment Ambiente Virtual
Weight Peso
Weight decay regularization Regularización de decremento de los pesos
Weights Pesos
Windows Windows
Working Environment Ambiente de Trabajo
Workload Carga de trabajo
Workspace Workspace


Original Spanish


Please refer to TRANSLATING.txt for a translation guide. Here are some excerpts relevant to the glossary:

  • Refer and contribute to the glossary frequently to stay on top of the latest choices we make. This minimizes the amount of editing that is required. Add new terms alphabetically sorted.

  • In certain cases is better to accept an English word. Check for the correct usage of terms in computer science and commonly used terms in other publications.

  • Don’t translate industry-accepted acronyms. e.g. TPU or GPU.

  • If translating a technical word, keep the choice of Spanish translation consistent. This does not apply for non-technical choices, as in those cases variety actually helps keep the text engaging.

  • Be exact when choosing equivalents for technical words. Package is Paquete. Library is Librería. Don’t mix and match.

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