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Title: Face Swapping with InsightFace
This Python application utilizes Hugging Face's InsightFace library to swap faces between two images. It leverages pre-trained models for face detection and face swapping, allowing for easy experimentation.
Detects faces in two separate images.
Swaps the detected faces between the images.
Optionally displays the original and swapped images for visual verification.
Python (tested with version 3.x)
Hugging Face Transformers library
InsightFace library (installable via pip install insightface)
OpenCV-Python (for image processing)
matplotlib (for plotting)
NumPy (for numerical operations)
Create a virtual environment (recommended) to isolate project dependencies.
Install the required libraries using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usa el c贸digo con precauci贸n.
Note: Create a requirements.txt file in your project directory with the list of requirements mentioned above.
Save two images (image1.jpg and image2.jpg) in the same directory as your script (app.py).
Run the script from the terminal:
python app.py
Usa el c贸digo con precauci贸n.
Explanation of the Code (app.py):
The provided code defines functions for:
Initializing the FaceAnalysis application and face swapper model.
Reading images and detecting faces.
Swapping faces and optionally displaying the results.
Further Customization:
Modify the swap_n_show function to customize the plotting behavior or add functionalities like saving the swapped images.
Explore other functionalities offered by InsightFace for advanced face manipulation tasks.
Feel free to submit pull requests for bug fixes or improvements to this code.
[Specify the license you want to use for your code, e.g., MIT License]