Update tokenizer_config.json

by SebastianBodza - opened

Use default chat template from official llama 3.1 repo

@alvarobartt Can you please sync the tokenizer to the offical llama3 tokenizer please

Confirm that all of the quants repos should use the updated chat template (it's the same template on every 3.1 model). The original template from Meta had several issues.

I can do this on Wednesday if no-one gets to it before then!

Updated the prompt template to the latest version of the llama models. Seems like they changed something about the tools:


tokenizer_config.json is 100% the same now as the original repo

Hugging Quants org
edited Aug 7, 2024

Looks good to me, thanks a lot @SebastianBodza !

(We still need to update the others)

pcuenq changed pull request status to merged
Hugging Quants org
edited Aug 7, 2024

Edit: I was looking at the previous commit within this PR (and it's already merged!)

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