[ "Divorce Lawyer Dieppe\n\nIt always in Dieppe New Brunswick is worth it to seek the employment of a Dieppe NB divorce lawyer who specialises in the field of required law in which you have a need for help in Dieppe. ", "Thus, if you're confronting the prospect of a Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation it seems sensible to find in Dieppe the professional services of a specialist Dieppe NB separation lawyer. ", "There are many other exquisite advantages in addition to having expert knowledge in Dieppe in that area of law.", "\n\nIt can prevent the occasionally uneasy position in Dieppe of negotiating (claiming) with your partner in Dieppe and one or either party losing their cool in Dieppe. ", "Data suggest when that happens in Dieppe legal aid is frequently a requirement in Dieppe and that one in three marriages will end in Dieppe legal separation.", "\n\nHere are 3 key reasons to select a specialist Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyer that will help you out:\n\n1. ", "Divorce Resolution in Dieppe\n\nA Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyer can assist together with the allotment of property and financial assets by developing a settlement agreement in Dieppe. ", "The exact same can occur with child custody in Dieppe, in which most difficulties appear in Dieppe when establishing your rights in Dieppe to the little one. ", "A court will determine what your vital visitation rights will be and who has rights in Dieppe over the little one. ", "A specialist Dieppe NB annulment lawyer will make certain everything in Dieppe is honest and that you get all your vital entitlements.", "\n\n2. ", "Knowledge and Expertise in Dieppe\n\nDieppe New Brunswick legal separation lawyers are seasoned professionals and certainly will help in Dieppe direct you through the whole procedure. ", "Divorce lawyer Dieppe demands plenty of paper work to be submitted to the required judge, who'll then determine whether in Dieppe they would like to sign them. ", "The Dieppe NB annulment attorney is likely to make sure that the documents in Dieppe are right to be able to be submitted in Dieppe and certainly will keep in mind your greatest mundane interest when doing this in Dieppe. ", "Additionally the laws on Dieppe NB divorce change over time as well as your required attorney will undoubtedly in Dieppe be upgraded with the most recent exquisite business knowledge in Dieppe.", "\n\n3.Time\n\nTwo partners in Dieppe will unwittingly have disagreements in Dieppe, which might cause mundane arguments; by speaking in facts and figures, yet two Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation lawyers will hasten the whole procedure in Dieppe. ", "Once the court has signed off the Dieppe NB separation, the procedure isn't almost entire. ", "The following steps in Dieppe include negotiating with both the partner and in the vital court. ", "These discussions are about decent allotment of all other investments, property and exquisite assets which were made by either partner in Dieppe. ", "When there's a kid involved the procedure in Dieppe will end up drawn-out when determining is required in Dieppe for child support and who has alternative rights.", "\n\nLots of mundane people may believe that without going through an Dieppe New Brunswick judicial separation attorney there will be costs and no fees in Dieppe. ", "There's various court fees connected with Dieppe legal separation and you may wind up paying far alternative in relation to the expense of Dieppe New Brunswick legal separation attorney fees in the event that you are not careful in Dieppe. ", "Without the right mundane representative than they're legitimately entitled to in Dieppe, your partner can cheat in Dieppe on you from your assets and confiscate alternative resources from your bank account in Dieppe." ]
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[ "by\n\nThe never-ending line of confrontations between Muslims and people in the West — terrorist attacks, political squabbles, and criminality — have generated more and more concerns with me over the past decade. ", "With considerable curiosity, I have sought to examine this topic carefully, from taking a course at the University of Waikato in New Zealand to inviting a public debate and doing my own reading.", "\n\nMy initial view was like that of my peers, particularly those concerned with foreign-relations blowback: the threat comes only from misinformed radicals (Islamists) who pervert the religion, particularly those provoked by military intervention from the United States and her allies. ", "In fact, I had Sarah/Amy Harvard on my radio show to make that point, and she affirmed that white nationalists have as much claim to Christianity as Islamists do to Islam.", "\n\nI can no longer accept such a position, and I encourage people to look into this matter for themselves. ", "Many insights and observations have nudged me towards the belief that Islam is inherently problematic, and I now see the firm opposition to free speech among even “moderate” Muslims living in the West as a thin end of a dangerous wedge — so much so that it has caused me to question and add provisos to my strong advocacy of open immigration. ", "While writing this is sure to generate enemies, we should speak frankly about Islam and dispense with the naïve “religion of peace” moniker. ", "Ignoring it or downplaying its authoritarian and political elements will not make the problem go away.", "\n\nIn particular, the work of Wafa Sultan of Syria caught my attention and informed me. ", "She fled her native country of Syria for the United States, after Muslims murdered her medical professor as he was teaching the class. ", "Her testimony offers two key assertions: (1) jihadis not only brutally oppose the West, but also moderates who stray from a literal or direct application of the religion’s key texts, and (2) Muhammad himself is the problem, the very founder and highest role model of the religion. (", "Here is one of her presentations, a tearjerker.)", "\n\nThese insights motivated me to go and examine the prophet, as opposed to the media debates, and read The Truth about Muhammad (224 pages, 2006) by Robert Spencer. ", "For those willing to put in a little time and learn the biography of Muhammad, Spencer’s book is easy to read and understand. ", "Further, despite the visceral reaction from some reviewers, he addresses the topic in an evenhanded manner, seeking to be generous and offer accounts from Muhammad defenders when possible.", "\n\nAs Wafa says, Muhammad’s life story “is very traumatizing,” and for the unacquainted, hard to believe. ", "From sustaining himself and his religion as a thief and bandit on the trade routes near Medina to consummating a “marriage” to a woman (Safiyya bint Huyayy) right after killing her husband and male relatives, it is enough to make one sick — not to mention his child bride and the mass murder of 600-900 Banu Qurayzah Jews.", "\n\nOf course, these accounts fall on censored or deaf ears among the faithful. ", "They are wedded to their prophet, and it will take a lot to make anyone let go of a religion, particularly when it is dangerous to do so. ", "Instead, my desire is to encourage people outside the religion and on the fringes to form their own opinions by actually looking at the life of Muhammad.", "\n\nFor those who accept the invitation, in addition to Spencer’s excellent introduction, Bernard Lewis offers a handy follow-up and overview of how Islam evolved into its modern form in The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror (read my review here)." ]
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[ "One therapist's journey to an enlightened life.", "\n\nMenu\n\nCategory Archives: Social Equity\n\nA few weeks ago I came out of a closet. ", "I declared openly and unabashedly that I am a therapist in therapy. ", "I explained why it was important for me to come out of that closet, and why we need more conversations where stigma and shame are replaced with pride and support. ", "Now it’s time for me to come out of another closet. ", "Turns out I’m racist.", "\n\nYes, you read that right. ", "I. Am. ", "A. Racist. ", "This was quite a revelation for me and I hope you will not immediately close the window and rant about me on social media. ", "Instead, I hope you will read this sordid tale of self-discovery and insight and allow me to confess my sins. ", "Go ahead and refill your drinks, pop some corn, and grab a pillow. ", "This is a long one.", "\n\nI attended the PolyDallas Millennium 2017 (http://www.polydallasmillennium.com/) this past weekend. ", "The theme was about power, anarchy, and equality in polyamory. ", "Ruby Bouie Johnson is the owner and producer of this highly successful annual symposium, and as a minority woman she is always sure to include a focus on social justice and equity across racial lines. ", "As expected, many of the offerings this year focused on black power and equality.", "\n\nSpending my entire life in the South, racism is not a new concept for me. ", "Like most white people, my narrative always includes the caveats of having black friends and never once engaging in any form of discrimination. ", "I take pride in being what I perceive as fair, open minded, and socially justice oriented towards the plight of all minorities. ", "I like to think that my personality, my upbringing, my education, and my career speak for themselves in terms of inclusivity.", "\n\nMistake #1: I’m a complete and total moron when it comes to truly understanding the history of systemic oppression and placing that in context for today’s events and the future of a group of people struggling mightily for anything remotely fair and equitable.", "\n\nThree days ago I sat in a room where I was one of the few white faces participating in a discussion about polyamory, rehabilitation, and the black American. ", "Throughout the heated discussion I took copious notes about books and articles to read, podcasts to download, history to learn, and concepts to consider. ", "Page after page of notes, furiously scribbled so I could keep up with back-and-forths that would rival Wimbledon.", "\n\nAnd then came my moment. ", "I opened my mouth and highlighted my ignorance. ", "I freely admitted that I never considered myself racist but had to acknowledge that I was not doing anything to solve this problem on a larger scale. ", "I asked for guidance. ", "What could I do? ", "Where could I start? ", "Day in and day out how could I make a difference?", "\n\nMistake #2: Why was I, an educated individual capable of higher order research, asking a group of people to generalize centuries of experience into a racial primer that I could easily digest? ", "One person very correctly stated I could not have gotten to this point in my life without learning out to pick up a book and read. “", "Read Baldwin! ", "Nothing has changed since then!” ", "James Baldwin. ", "A brave pioneer in the modern civil rights movement who lectured all across the South on racial inequality as a member of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE). ", "A writer so prolific in his reporting of racial strife that he made the cover of Time magazine in 1963, corresponded with Attorney General Robert Kennedy and President John Kennedy, and had a larger FBI file (nearly 1,200 pages) than any other writer in that shameful era of illegal surveillance. ", "Aside from the Baldwin reference, I have at least a working knowledge of Google, Amazon, and Ebsco. ", "How condescending of me to request that a group marginalized by my majority take the time to condense their rich history into a Reader’s Digest version for my comfort and ease of understanding.", "\n\nIt was at this point that Ruby, who I consider to be a friend and mentor, said quite emphatically “You are a white person in America! ", "Of course you’re racist!” ", "I was taken aback. ", "First time I’ve ever been called a racist. ", "My blood started to boil and I could feel myself bowing up for a fight. ", "A fight that I most assuredly would lose.", "\n\nGood Decision #1: I kept my mouth shut and listened. ", "I quickly realized that Ruby’s perspective was a valid one whether or not I liked it and whether or not I agreed with it. ", "It was her lived experience. ", "And I needed to hear it.", "\n\nThis was a valuable lesson in active listening. ", "If I want to understand anybody at all, I have to listen to their stories and resist the urge to interject my own story or compare it to my narrative in a battle of who has overcome the most. ", "One of the ways white people really screw up this conversation is trying to prioritize pain. ", "There is no hierarchy here. ", "All pain is valid. ", "Acknowledging your pain and suffering does not negate mine. ", "The reverse is also true. ", "But ranking it to show that I have somehow suffered as much as generations of people systemically oppressed? ", "Oh wow….not a good idea. ", "That is not comparing apples and oranges. ", "It’s more like comparing apples and Toyota’s.", "\n\nIn many conversations this past weekend and since, one thing has become very clear. ", "White people love to hide behind the false mask of “I don’t see race, I see people.” ", "After all, I give to the NAACP. ", "I support local black businesses. ", "I might even date a black guy. ", "So I don’t see color. ", "I see other people. ", "I’m going to have to call bullshit on this one. ", "When we say we don’t see color, what we’re actually saying is that we don’t understand the role that race plays in American society. ", "We have been dehumanized by the system of oppression to the point we can lie to ourselves and others when we oh-too-comfortably say “I don’t see skin color” or “I’m colorblind” or “Love is colorblind.”", "\n\nDon’t believe me? ", "Ever watched someone you know move away from a black man on the street? ", "Or shift their purse across their body? ", "Or lock their car doors? ", "Or avoid certain restaurants or certain parts of town? ", "Or post meme’s about drug testing welfare recipients? ", "Or #BlackLivesMatter right beside #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter? ", "Or laugh at a racial joke and later feel guilty about it….or not feel guilty about it? ", "But we don’t see skin color, right?", "\n\nMistake #3: You know I love Harry Potter right? “", "I must not tell lies.” ", "I must stop lying to myself and the world around me that I do not see skin color. ", "This is not a harmless lie. ", "In fact, it is quite harmful. ", "I absolutely do see skin color and it’s time I acknowledge it and respect it. ", "Otherwise I will remain forever ignorant of the role that race plays in society.", "\n\nWhat happens when I tell the truth? ", "I am forced to confront a very harsh reality shared by Eldridge Cleaver. “", "There is no more neutrality in the world. ", "You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.” ", "His statement is frequently parsed. ", "No, parsed is a white man’s term to avoid accountability. ", "Cleaver is misquoted on a daily basis because most people forget the first sentence – “There is no more neutrality in the world.” ", "He is absolutely right. ", "There is simply no way to remain neutral on this issue.", "\n\nHere’s the big one for us white people: we were NEVER neutral on this issue. ", "We’ve had skin in this game since we first loaded slaves onto a ship and whipped them into submission on land we stole from the Indigenous Americans. ", "It was NEVER possible to remain neutral. ", "We have been too comfortable in the middle pretending we aren’t the problem and avoiding responsibility for finding a solution. ", "We have been too complacent for too long, and that has made us complicit. ", "We are the oppressors. ", "We are the ones who benefit from oppression.", "\n\nHere’s a thought exercise for you. ", "Two kids grow up in a poor neighborhood side by side. ", "Jane is black, Sue is white. ", "Neither have much in the way of resources. ", "They attend the same schools until they graduate. ", "Both work two jobs to pay for college where they study business. ", "They work at the same restaurant. ", "Jane is a line cook for minimum wage. ", "Sue waits tables and with tips averages $12/hr. ", "On the weekends they both babysit. ", "Well, Jane babysits and Sue is a nanny. ", "Jane gets minimum wage, Sue gets $10/hr. ", "Sue graduates college on time, and Jane needs an extra year because of funding. ", "Sue is immediately hired as an entry-level manager. ", "Jane is hired as a secretary for $10k/year less. ", "Both came from the same neighborhoods, worked the same jobs, and earned the same degrees. ", "Yet Sue clearly had the advantage. ", "When Jane wonders about equity, Sue shakes her head and says “I’ve suffered just as much and look what I was able to do with it!”", "\n\nIn this thought exercise, which is based on people many of us know, Sue clearly benefited from racial inequity. ", "She directly benefited from the oppression of another person and was never able to see it. ", "Why? ", "Because we are white and we do not have to see it! ", "We get to avoid it, deflect it, lie about it, or remain ambivalent. ", "It’s in our best interest to maintain this system for our own advantage. ", "After all, for one person to have an advantage means another person has a disadvantage. ", "This is not a level playing field. ", "We are not neutral. ", "Now imagine generations of such disadvantages in daily living and opportunities for advancement. ", "What would that look like for your grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and their great grandchildren? ", "I wonder if that’s what the first slaves thought about when they were stolen from their homes and shipped to this country. ", "I wonder if they had any idea what would happen to generations of their progeny who are now my friends and neighbors and colleagues.", "\n\nSo if I can’t be neutral, I’m either part of the problem or part of the solution. ", "Sure, ethicists and philosophers might caution such dichotomous thinking and even cite the logical fallacy of contraposition. ", "But here is the starkest reality. ", "Because I do directly benefit, I am complicit in doing nothing to stop this oppression. ", "And having said that, it’s time to stop calling this oppression and start calling it what it is: white supremacy.", "\n\nMistake #4: White washing racial inequity as anything other than white supremacy so I do not have to feel bad about my advantages and do something that makes the world equitable and just. ", "White washing allows me to continue to receive unfair and unjust benefits while denying my role.", "\n\nSo now that I acknowledge my role and my mistakes, it’s time to do something about it. ", "Where do I begin? ", "With more listening! ", "Fortunately as a therapist I love to listen to peoples’ stories. ", "I love to hear about their lives and experiences. ", "So I’m going to start there. ", "I’m going to listen more and talk less about me.", "\n\nGood Decision #2: I will actively seek to understand the lived experience of others by asking them to tell me their stories. ", "This is an active process, and not simply listening when somebody chooses to speak. ", "I will insist on learning more.", "\n\nAnd once I have listened and absorbed and processed, and run through that cycle a few more times, I will then speak. ", "I will have uncomfortable conversations with my peers. ", "As Goody Howard put it, “you need to call in and call out.” ", "For me, calling in is more about accepting that we will screw this up a lot and we need to be lovingly reminded of what is reality to keep us on track. ", "Calling out includes publicly pointing out oppressive behavior so that the person knows they are wrong, and the people around them know it too. ", "Putting into psychobabble, calling in is about using a personal connection to help someone gain insight and awareness for personal growth and change. ", "Calling out is relying on a social learning paradigm to very publicly teach a much needed lesson to a bully and their supporters.", "\n\nGood Decision #3: Calling in and calling out will become part of my daily routine. ", "I will have uncomfortable conversations. ", "Certainly this blog entry has been uncomfortable. ", "Talking to my friends last night was uncomfortable. ", "But the more resolute I became the more comfortable I grew.", "\n\nAs you can see, I was able to identity a FEW of my mistakes and some INITIAL steps I can take to do things better. ", "Because right now I am a racist, but I don’t want to be. ", "I want to be better. ", "I want to do better. ", "For me and for those around me. ", "Because I can. ", "Because I have power. ", "Because until I do I am a white supremacist.", "\n\nI cannot make any trite and cliched promises about my ability to negotiate grand changes in the oppressive system. ", "I do not have enough knowledge…yet. ", "I do not wield enough power…yet. ", "I am not that important…and never will be. ", "All I can ever do is keep educating myself by listening and reflecting and making active changes in how I approach the world. ", "Oh my fellow white people, please join me. ", "Let’s stop being racist." ]
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[ "Statesville Record & Landmark\n\nStatesville Record & Landmark is an American, English language daily newspaper based in Statesville, North Carolina. ", "The newspaper is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. ", " The Statesville Record & Landmark is the newspaper of record for Statesville and has been serving the city and Iredell County, North Carolina since June 19, 1874 when it was a weekly called the Landmark. ", "It has been published seven days a week since 1920.", "\n\nHistory\nThe first editor and publisher was John B. Hussey. ", " Hussey sold the paper to J.Sherman Ramsey in 1877 but remained the editor. ", " In 1880 Ramsey sold the paper to Joseph Pearson Caldwell, Jr., son of Joseph Pearson Caldwell, Sr.. Under Caldwell's leadership, the newspaper maintained a progressive editorial policy coupled with a fiscally conservative Democratic stance. ", " In 1892, Caldwell sold half interest in the newspaper to Rufus Reid Clark, who had been on the staff of the newspaper and was a Mooresville native. ", " The newspaper began twice weekly publication in 1895--Mondays and Thursdays. ", " In 1905, Clark bought out Caldwell's share of the paper. ", "In 1918, Pegram A. Bryant bought the newspaper. ", " On September 1, 1920, Bryant began an additional publication, a daily version of the newspaper called the Statesville Daily.", "\n\nA competitor newspaper, The Statesville Record, began semiweekly publication in 1931. ", "This newspaper had several owners until 1938 when Chester E. Middlesworth bought the paper and turned it into a daily publication in 1941. ", " In 1948, this newspaper became the first North Carolina newspaper to utilize the new Fairchild scanning engraving system, which allowed the paper to be readied for publication within minutes rather than hours.", "\n \nIn 1953, the Landmark and the Statesville Daily were purchased by the Statesville Daily Record and merged into one daily afternoon publication, the Statesville Record and Landmark. ", " Park Communications bought the Statesville Record and Landmark in September 1979. ", " Media General acquired Park Communications in 1997. ", "In 2012, Media General sold the newspaper to Berkshire Hathaway.", "\n\nThe Statesville Record & Landmark is a member of the North Carolina Press Association.", "\n\nContent\nThe current Statesville Record and Landmark includes the following sections in their online newspaper: News, Sports, Opinion, Community, Obituaries, Photos, Videos, Weather and Jobs. ", " A subscription service offers access to articles back to 1874. ", "The paper also has an RSS feed, as well as Facebook, and Twitter version.", "\n\nAmong other columns, a local Iredell County historian Homer Maxwell Keever began writing a local history column in the newspaper in the 1940s.", "\n\nDigital presence\n Statesville R&L, Facebook partner\n Statesville R&L, Twitter partner\n\nSee also\n List of newspapers in North Carolina\n\nReferences\n\nAdditional Sources\n Keever, Homer; 100th Anniversary-The Landmark (1974).", "\n \"Statesville - The Landmark.\" ", "The E.S.C. Quarterly 9. ", "No. ", "1-2. ", "Winter-Spring 1951. ", "p.32. ", "\n\nCategory:Newspapers published in North Carolina\nCategory:Iredell County, North Carolina\nCategory:Berkshire Hathaway publications\nCategory:1874 establishments in North Carolina\nCategory:Publications established in 1874\nCategory:Daily newspapers published in North Carolina" ]
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<write><data>9 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?76 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>17 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?77 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?78 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 4\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?79 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>4 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?79 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>1 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?80 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>12 1\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?81 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>11 1\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?81 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>pass\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?82 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 7\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?82 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>13 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?83 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>14 15\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?84 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>14 16\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>8 19\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>13 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?85 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>17 10\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?86 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>15 14\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?87 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>5 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 3\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 6\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>3 14\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?88 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>0 4\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?89 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>0 0\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>\\x3e</delim><match><pcre>.*?90 B ></pcre></match></read>\n <write><data>12 8\\x0a</data></write>\n <read><delim>User</delim><match><pcre>.*?Game Over Stones Exhausted\nYou are a Winner, User</pcre></match></read>\n</replay>\n</pov>\n" ]
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[ "[Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disorders].", "\nHypochromic-microcytic anemias are characterized by a hemoglobin deficiency of the erythrocytes. ", "The main reason for the insufficient hemoglobin synthesis is, with exception of thalassemia and a few other rare conditions, primarily a disorder of iron metabolism. ", "Differential diagnostic considerations are focused on iron deficiency anemia, with approximately 80% the most common form of anemia worldwide. ", "Iron deficiency anemia shows a particularly high prevalence in developing countries, but is also in industrialized Western countries the most common cause of anemia. ", "Infants, toddlers, premenopausal or pregnant women, and elderly people are at particularly high risk of iron deficiency anemia. ", "The most important differential diagnosis for iron deficiency anemia is the anemia of chronic disorders (ACD). ", "This anemia is caused by a disturbance of iron utilization (functional iron deficiency), in which iron absorption and iron release, as a nonspecific defense mechanism, is blocked to restrict iron availability for the inflammatory process but also withhold iron from the erythropoiesis. ", "ACD is not rare, but plays a significant role in hospitalized patients and in the elderly. ", "The differentiation between ACD and iron deficiency anemia is highly important from a clinical point of view, due to different types of further management. ", "The cause for iron deficiency should be clarified in each case, whereas the etiology for ACD is often obvious. ", "The standard treatment of iron deficiency anemia is oral iron supplementation. ", "Intravenous iron application is reserved for problem patients. ", "The best treatment for ACD is the elimination of the underlying chronic disorder. ", "In case of persistent ACD, red blood cell transfusions, erythropoietin, and intravenous iron are used therapeutically." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00008116224332440549, 0, 0.00012075836251660429, 0.000041091387245233394, 0.00008116224332440549, 0, 0, 0.000148720999405116, 0.00007181844297615628 ]
[ "2,4,6-Trinitroaniline\n\n2,4,6-Trinitroaniline, C6H4N4O6, abbreviated as TNA and also known as picramide, a nitrated amine. ", "Materials in this group range from slight to strong oxidizing agents. ", "If mixed with reducing agents, including hydrides, sulfides and nitrides, they may begin a vigorous reaction that culminates in a detonation. ", "The aromatic nitro compounds may explode in the presence of a base such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide even in the presence of water or organic solvents. ", "The explosive tendencies of aromatic nitro compounds are increased by the presence of multiple nitro groups. ", "The appearance of trinitroaniline varies from yellow to orange to red depending on its purity and concentration.", "\n\nApplications/Uses\nTrinitroaniline is only used in modern times in the small warheads of some explosive devices such as mortars. ", "In World War II it was used by Imperial Japanese Navy as Type 97 bakuyaku (Model 1931 explosive) in some versions of gun projectiles instead of less stable burster schimose. ", "It was also used in the Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, a kamikaze antishipping human-guided rocket aircraft.", "\n\nHealth and safety\nTrinitroaniline is dangerously explosive. ", "Symptoms of exposure to this compound may include skin and eye irritation, headache, drowsiness, weakness, cyanosis, and respiratory distress.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSee also\n Aniline\n Picric acid\n Tetryl\n\nCategory:Anilines\nCategory:Nitrobenzenes\nCategory:Explosive chemicals" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00003302946228035408, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "(y*y**(-12))))/y*y)/y))/(y/(y/(y**32/y))*y)*y**(-20)/(y**(-2/13)/y) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-492/13)\nSimplify (c**(-1))**39/((c**(-6)*c*c)/c)**(1/6) assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(-229/6)\nSimplify ((o/(o*o**(-1)))/(o**(1/4)/o)*o**(-4)*o*o*((o*o**5)/o)/o)**(10/9) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(25/6)\nSimplify ((q/(q/q**1*q))/q**(10/3)*q/(q*q**6/q)*((q**(-2)*q)/q*q*q)/q)**(-16) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(448/3)\nSimplify (s**(1/32)*s**(-2/5))/(s**(-2/29)/s**(6/7)) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(18103/32480)\nSimplify (((i*i**(3/8)/i)/i*i/i**1)/(i**(-2/7)/i)**(1/3))**(-31) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(341/56)\nSimplify (z**5*z*z)**(1/69)/(z**(-2/13)*z*z**(-1)) assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(229/897)\nSimplify (w*w**(-4)*w)/w**(-2/33)*((w*w**(-2))/w)/w**(-10/9) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-280/99)\nSimplify ((l**(3/7)/(l*(l/(l**(3/5)*l))/l))/(l/l**(-5)*l*l*l/l**(-6)*l))**36 assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-18864/35)\nSimplify u/(u*u/(u**(-6)*u))*u*u*u**(2/21)*u*u*u*u*(u*u/(u*u**20))/u*u*u*u*(u**(-14)/u)/u*u*u assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-649/21)\nSimplify (y**(-22)*y*y**(-2/87))/(y*y**(-5)*y)**19 assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(3130/87)\nSimplify ((w/w**(1/5))/w)**50*(w**(-4))**20 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-90)\nSimplify r**(-1/4)/(r*r**(-9)*r)*r**(-1/2)/((r*(r*(r**(-7)*r)/r)/r*r)/r) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(49/4)\nSimplify (d**(-4/5)*d*d*(d*d**(2/29))/d*d*d)/(d**(-5)*d)**(-1/9) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(3686/1305)\nSimplify (z**(-5))**(-5/12)*(z**(1/2)/z)**(-46) assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(301/12)\nSimplify r/(r**(-2/13)*r)*r*r**0*r*(r/r**(5/4))/(((r/(r/(r**20*r)))/r*r)/r) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-941/52)\nSimplify (f/(f*f*f**(2/39)*f)*f)**(10/11)*f**(2/47)*f**23 assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(445337/20163)\nSimplify (u/(u*u**15)*u*u**(-14))/(u/(u**(-2/7)/u))**(2/23) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-4540/161)\nSimplify p/p**(1/13)*p/(p/(((p*p/(p*p**8))/p)/p))*(p**(-2)*p)/((p**(-1/4)*p)/p) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-459/52)\nSimplify (v**(-34)*v**(-20))**(-36) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**1944\nSimplify ((p**(2/5)*p**2)/(p**(-2))**(-11))**(-34) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(3332/5)\nSimplify (g*g**(-3/8)*g**(2/9))/(g**(1/24)/g*g**26) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-871/36)\nSimplify (i**(-3/11))**40*(i*i*i/(i/((i*i*i**(-9))/i)*i)*i)/(i/i**(-6)) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-263/11)\nSimplify ((d**(1/2))**(1/10)/(d**(-1/4)/d*d**(-1)))**(-24/5) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-276/25)\nSimplify (u/u**(-2/7))**(18/11)/(((u/u**(-3/2))/u*u)/u)**(-1/13) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(4443/2002)\nSimplify (d**(-11/3))**23/(d**(-1/2))**50 assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-178/3)\nSimplify ((r/(r*r**(-12)))**(-1/15))**(2/105) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-8/525)\nSimplify ((v**(-7/5)*v)/v*v*v/(v*v/(v/(v/((v/(((v*v**18)/v)/v))/v)*v))))/(((v**(-11)/v)/v)/(v**(-5)/v)) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**(-62/5)\nSimplify k/(k/k**(-7/5)*k)*k**(-3)*k**(-6/7)/k*k**(-7/5) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-303/35)\nSimplify w*w**(-2/37)*w/(w*w**(-22)/w)*w*(w/w**(1/7))/(w*w**16) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(2280/259)\nSimplify (q*q**(-11)*q*q*(q*(q/q**9)/q*q)/q)/(q**(-2))**(-2/23) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-372/23)\nSimplify ((p*p**(-7)*p**12)**(3/2))**19 assuming p is positive.", "\np**171\nSimplify ((t**(-3)/(t/(t*t**(-6))))/(t*t**(-2)*t**0/t))**(-1/20) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(7/20)\nSimplify (n**1)**(1/9)*n**(2/31)/(n*n/n**18) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(4513/279)\nSimplify ((w/(w/w**7)*w*w*w*w**(-3/5))/(w**1)**(-2))**11 assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(627/5)\nSimplify (i/i**(-15)*i**(-2/11))/(i**(1/5))**(1/19) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(16519/1045)\nSimplify ((j**(-2/5)*j)/(j/(j/(j*j**8)))*j*j**(-2/5)*j**(1/2))**(-39) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(2847/10)\nSimplify ((a/(a**3*a)*a**(-6))/(a*a**(1/4)*a**(-3/2)))**(-1/33) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(35/132)\nSimplify (i**3*i)/(i*i*i**(2/29))*(i*i/((i/i**(-20))/i))**(-15/8) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(4139/116)\nSimplify (((n**(-10)/n)/n*n*n**(1/5))**15)**(-38) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**6156\nSimplify ((n/(n*n*(n/n**(2/13))/n))/n)**(-1/10)*(n/(n*(n*n*n/n**(1/7)*n)/n*n*n))/(n/(n*n/n**(-5/3))) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(-2738/1365)\nSimplify p**(-1)/p**13*(p**(-1)/p)**(11/2) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-25)\nSimplify (((s*s**0*s)/s*s**2)/(s**6/(((s/s**(-2/3))/s)/s)))**5 assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-50/3)\nSimplify ((w/w**(-2)*w)**(-2/79)/(w**(4/7)/w**8))**(-25) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-101300/553)\nSimplify ((j**(1/6)*j)/j*j*j)**(27/5)/(j**8*j**(-2/3)) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(131/30)\nSimplify ((a**(-1/2)*a)**(-1/3)*a**(-6)*a*(a**(-2/5)*a)/a)**(-1/47) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(167/1410)\nSimplify (b*b*b**(6/5)/b*b**(-4/3))/(b*b**2*(b/b**10)/b) assuming b is positive.", "\nb**(118/15)\nSimplify ((c**(2/7)/c)/c)**31*c**11*(c/(c*(c**(-12)/c)/c))/c assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(-204/7)\nSimplify (((s*s/(s*s**(1/3)/s))/s)**16/(s**(-3)*s**(-1)))**(-36) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-528)\nSimplify ((g*g/(g/g**(-3/7)))/g)/(g/((g/(g/g**(-19)))/g))*g/(g/g**(-2/65)*g)*g/((g**(19/4)/g)/g*g) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-45881/1820)\nSimplify ((((d**2*d)/d)**(-44))**(-21))**13 assuming d is positive.", "\nd**24024\nSimplify z**(-2/29)/z**(-20)*(z**(-11)*z)/z**18 assuming z is positive.", "\nz**(-234/29)\nSimplify ((y**1/y)/(y**(-2/17)/y))/(y**(-4/11)/(y*y*(((y/(y*y*y*(y/y**(-2/11))/y*y*y*y))/y)/y*y)/y*y*y)) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-318/187)\nSimplify ((l**(-2/13)*l**(2/17))/(((l**(3/10)*l*l)/l*l)/l*l/(l*l**(-2/9)/l)))**28 assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-712418/9945)\nSimplify m**(-12)/(m*m*m*(m**(8/11)/m)/m)*((m*m*m/m**14)/m)/m**9 assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(-382/11)\nSimplify ((p/(p*p*p**(-2/19)))/(p**(-2/7)/p)*(p**(2/7))**(-48))**(-8) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(14176/133)\nSimplify ((c/(c/(c*c**3*c)))**(1/57))**(1/13) assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(5/741)\nSimplify ((h/h**12*h**(-13))**(-23))**(5/12) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**230\nSimplify (w**(-3/7)/w**(2/17))/(w/(w*w*((w/(w**(3/2)/w)*w)/w)/w))**(-35) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-4295/238)\nSimplify (n**(-3)*(n*n*n*n*(n/n**(-12/7))/n*n*n)/n)/(n**1)**(-16) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(138/7)\nSimplify ((t/(t*t/(t/(t*t*t**(-2/7)))))/t*t**27)/(t**(2/15)/t**(-8)) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(1696/105)\nSimplify ((q*q**(-2)/q)/q**(7/3))/(q/q**(-2/29)*q**(-1/22)*q) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-12167/1914)\nSimplify ((x*x**1)/(x/(x/(x/x**1*x))))/(x**(2/7)*x**(-8/9)) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(101/63)\nSimplify ((o/o**(7/4))/o*o*((o*o**8)/o)/o)/((o/o**(-3/4))/(o/o**0)) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(11/2)\nSimplify (a*a/a**(-1/45))**(13/3)/(a*(((a*a**3*a)/a)/a)/a*a*a)**(-33) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(23458/135)\nSimplify ((g*g*g*g*g/(g/((g/(g**(-6)*g))/g))*g*g*g*g*g/(g*g**6/g))**9)**(-1/16) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-9/2)\nSimplify (i/(i/i**(-7))*i**(-2/7)*i**(-3/10)/i**(-5))**32 assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-2896/35)\nSimplify (u**38/u**(2/5))/(u**(9/5)*u**(-14)*u) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(244/5)\nSimplify (g/(g**(-2/29)/g))/g*g**14/g*g**(-1/38)*g**(-3) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(12169/1102)\nSimplify ((d**(-1)/(d*d/(d/d**5)))**(-43))**(20/3) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(6020/3)\nSimplify (q**(2/3))**(6/11)/((q*q**(3/16)/q*q)/((q*q**(-8)*q)/q)) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-1377/176)\nSimplify j*j**(-4/3)*(j*j**(-7/5)*j)/j*(j/(j/(j/j**1)))**(11/2) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(-11/15)\nSimplify (a**(6/5)*a**(-2/51))/((a**7/a)/a*a*a**(-2/21)) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(-8468/1785)\nSimplify (o*o**(-3/5))/o**9*(o**1*o)/o**(1/5) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(-34/5)\nSimplify ((q**(-4/11)*q**2)**4)**(5/7) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(360/77)\nSimplify (o**7*o*(o*((o/o**8)/o)/o*o*o)/o)/(o**(-15)*o*o**(-2/17)/o*o) assuming o is positive.", "\no**(257/17)\nSimplify r**(7/2)/(r*r**(-4))*(r**0)**(2/9) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(13/2)\nSimplify h/(h/(h*(h*h/(h**(1/13)/h))/h)*h*h)*h**17*h**(2/45)*h/(h*h/(h*h*h/h**(-6))) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(15191/585)\nSimplify ((j*j/(j/(j/j**(1/10)))*j/(j/(j/(j**(-3/7)/j))))/(j**(-1/5)*j**(-2)))**(7/2) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(457/20)\nSimplify ((i*(((i*i**(-2/7))/i)/i)/i)**(6/29)*(i**0*i)**47)**(-16) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(-151792/203)\nSimplify (w/(w*w**19)*w*w*w*w)/w**(-2/19)*w/(w**(-10)*w)*w**(-20)/w assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-492/19)\nSimplify ((g**(-11)*(g/g**(-4/13))/g)/(((g/(g*g/(g/(g/(g/(g**(1/15)*g)*g*g)))*g*g))/g)/((g**(1/10)*g)/g)))**(-2/23) assuming g is positive.", "\n" ]
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[ "Lac Chambon\n\nLac Chambon is a lake in Puy-de-Dôme, France. ", "At an elevation of 877 m, its surface area is 0.6 km².", "\n\nChambon" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat was Rachel expecting to be her fate when she let Leah marry Yaakov?", "\n\nFrom what I understand from The Midrash Says, Rachel knew she was in-line to marry Yaakov, and Leah was supposed to marry Esav. ", "And that's why Leah cried a lot. ", "\nWhen Rachel allowed Leah to marry Yaakov, what did she think was going to be her fate; Did she think she'll have to marry Esav, or did she think she'll eventually marry Yaakov?", "\n\nA:\n\nTo answer some of your questions, the Midrash Tanhuma (ed. ", "Buber) to Parashat Vayetseh (12) explains that this was an arrangement that was made by their respective families:\n\nכיון שילדה רבקה עשו ויעקב, נולדו ללבן שתי בנות לאה ורחל, שלחו אגרות אלו לאלו והתנו ביניהן, כדי שיטול עשו את לאה, ויעקב רחל, והיתה לאה שואלת במעשה עשו, והיתה שומעת שמעשיו רעים, והיתה בוכה בכל שעה לומר כך עלה גורלי לרשע הזה, ומתוך כך נעשו עיניה רכות \nWhen Rivka gave birth to Esav and Ya'akov, Lavan had two daughters; Leah and Rahel. ", "They sent letters back and forth and arranged that Esav marry Leah and Ya'akov marry Rahel.", "\n\nThe Midrash goes on to say that Leah inquired about Esav, and was told he did bad things, and therefore cried.", "\nThere is no indication from this Midrash that were Leah to marry Ya'akov, that Rahel would have been coerced to marry Esav. ", "If anything, the implication is that once the initial arrangement was broken, they would have to communicate once again to decide how to proceed, rather than there being some mechanism that would've kicked in.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Harnessing the hydrolytic potential of phytopathogenic fungus Phoma exigua ITCC 2049 for saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass.", "\nPhytopathogenic fungi develop unique systems for fast invasion by producing hydrolases, which may be explored as a source of hydrolytic enzymes for biofuel research. ", "The present work deals with evaluation of a potato pathogen Phoma exigua ITCC 2049 for its potential to produce cellulase and xylanase enzyme. ", "Taguchi methodology was applied to reveal the influence and contribution of five important factors (carbon source, organic and inorganic nitrogen source, surfactant, and pH) on hydrolytic enzyme production by Phoma. ", "Cultivation of fungus under optimized condition produced endoglucanase (37.00 IU/ml), FPase (1.13 IU/ml), β-glucosidase (2.67 IU/ml) and xylanase (24.92 IU/ml) within 8 days of submerged fermentation. ", "Saccharification of biopretreated Parthenium and paddy straw with cocktail of Phoma secretome supplemented with commercial β-glucosidase resulted in the significantly higher reducing sugar yield (651.04-698.11 mg/gds). ", "This study proves the potential of Phoma as an alternative source of enzymes for biomass saccharification." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00004950372515531794, 0, 0 ]
[ "Dobrynskoye\n\nDobrynskoye was a military air base in Vladimir Oblast, Russia. ", "It is located near Dobrynskoye, north-east of Vladimir. ", "Dobrynskoye was an airfield of the Soviet Air Force housing fighter aircraft which appeared on aeronautical charts in the 1970s and 1980s. ", "By the 1990s the airfield disappeared from the charts, and is now believed to be inactive and abandoned.", "\n\nReferences\nRussianAirFields.com\n\nCategory:Soviet Air Force bases" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.000337325012649688, 0.0003077870113881194, 0.00005175715542673775, 0, 0.0002295684113865932 ]
[ "Modris Eksteins\n\nHistory\n\nSolar Dance: Genius, Forgery, and the Crisis of Truth in the Modern Age\n\nSolar Dance: Van Gogh, Forgery, and the Eclipse of Certainty\n\nModris Eksteins is the author of acclaimed books on modernism, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age and Walking Since Daybreak: A story of Eastern Europe, World War II, and the Heart of Our Century. ", "He is Professor of History at the University of Toronto at Scarborough.", "\n\nKnopf Canada 2012\n\nHarvard University Press 2012\n\nZysk Poland 2013\n\nSolar Dance\n\nVan Gogh, Forgery, and the Eclipse of Certainty\n\nThe 19th Century was the century of certainty – of Marx, Darwin, Wagner; it was the century of expansion and empire. ", "It believed that there was a line to be drawn between the subject and the object. ", "It believed in category.", "\n\nThe 20th Century was the century of doubt – of Marcel Duchamp, Werner Heisenberg, and Monty Python; it was the century of contraction and decolonization. ", "It disrupted all category.", "\n\nA man whose spirit straddled the two ages was Vincent van Gogh. ", "Repudiated in his own time, he became the most loved and expensive artist of the 20th Century.", "He was the great synthesizer who captured in his art the exhilaration of life but also its fragility and tragedy.", "\n\nModris Eksteins, whose subject is the 20th century, approaches the era through the lens of the sensational trial of a Berlin art dealer Otto Wacker and his role in the forgery of 33 Van Gogh paintings. ", "In 1925, Wacker began releasing these hitherto unknown works which he cleverly had authenticated by experts. ", "Through the progress of this drama Van Gogh’s commercial value rocketed skyward.", "\n\nDoubt and disaster also were crucial to Van Gogh’s posthumous success-- his own madness and suicidal end, and the subsequent near-destruction of European civilization in fratricidal war.", "\n\nIn the Wacker-Van Gogh story, with its cast of characters who both delight and frighten us, is the story of Weimar Germany, the rise of Hitler and the fall of the Berlin Wall. ", "In this thrilling book, Modris Eksteins illuminates the major themes of the modern world where a culture of vitality, life, and art has overwhelmed one of authority, form, and law." ]
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[ 0.00002013476871862332, 0.00019837333862328903, 0.00008064386058289383, 0, 0, 0.0001232741617357002, 0, 0.0002295684113865932, 0, 0, 0.00004805843906189927, 0.00008416799932665601, 0, 0.000028293345405160706, 0.00003156167150612296, 0.0000308641975308642 ]
[ "Who owns my posts?", "\n\nGet in touch\n\nEditorial contacts\n\nAsk a question\n\nGet support\n\nStory idea?", "\n\nEverything else\n\nLong-in-development Explodemon! ", "was originally a title for both WiiWare and PSN. ", "Along the way, it became a PSN-exclusive, bringing a frown to many a face. ", "Surprise, surprise -- developer Curve Studios popped into PAX a few short months back to demo a new WiiWare title, Fluidity. ", "Fast forward to today, Fluidity has been released and Explodemon! ", "is still sweating it out in the workshop.", "\n\nSo, what does this crazy water-based physics puzzler with a premium 1200-point price tag have to offer Wii fans? ", "In a word: lots.", "\n\n(I briefly considered populating this intro with puns like \"Is the water fine, or is this game all washed up?\" ", "Thank God, good sense prevailed.)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0008329862557267804, 0.00017777777777777779, 0.000256, 0.0002295684113865932, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The weak wording of the Rio+20 summit agreement and delays in setting up the UN working groups on sustainable development have left progress on some of the post-Rio+20 agenda in limbo, according to a science officer at the International Council for Science (ICSU), which represented the scientific community at the summit.", "\n\nThe scientific community is unsure how to proceed towards setting up the new sustainable development goals agreed at the summit and expected to be finalised in 2015, and is uncertain on what its role within such work might be, Peter Bates told http://SciDev.", "Net.", "\n\nAlso, not all developments at the Rio+20 summit – which took place last June – were positive, according to a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) perspectives report, ‘Rio+20: A new beginning‘, released on 24 December.", "\n\nFor example, the summit saw the stalling of progress towards a convention to protect marine biodiversity in international waters, as well as the failure to secure support for a global agreement on improving access to environmental, scientific and societal data.", "\n\nTo top this off, the vague language of the summit’s agreement provides “very little detail on how to go forward”, said Bates.", "\n\nAnd as the UN only agreed this month on the composition of a working group to take the sustainable development goals forward – the group was meant to have been formed last September – the effect has been a state of limbo, he added." ]
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[ "/**\n * Test cases for grid panel\n */\n\nimport { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';\nimport { Diagram } from '../../../src/diagram/diagram';\nimport { DiagramElement } from '../../../src/diagram/core/elements/diagram-element';\nimport { Canvas } from '../../../src/diagram/core/containers/canvas';\nimport { Thickness } from '../../../src/diagram/core/appearance';\nimport { DiagramModel, Container, NodeConstraints } from '../../../src/diagram/index';\nimport { Size, NodeModel } from '../../../src/index';\nimport { MouseEvents } from '../interaction/mouseevents.spec';\nimport { Selector } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/node';\nimport { PointModel } from '../../../src/diagram/primitives/point-model';\nimport { UndoRedo } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/undo-redo';\nimport { Node, ChildContainer, Html } from '../../../src/diagram/objects/node';\nimport { SymbolPalette, SymbolInfo, PaletteModel } from '../../../src/symbol-palette/index'; \nimport { IElement } from '../../../src/diagram/index';\nimport { identityMatrix, rotateMatrix, transformPointByMatrix, Matrix } from '../../../src/diagram/primitives/matrix';\nimport { profile, inMB, getMemoryProfile } from '../../../spec/common.spec';\nDiagram.", "Inject(UndoRedo);\n\nfunction drag(diagram: Diagram) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let container: Container = diagram.selectedItems.wrapper;\n let centerX = container.offsetX;\n let centerY = container.offsetY;\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, centerX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, centerY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\nfunction resize(diagram: Diagram, direction: string): void {\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('borderRect');\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let x: number; let y: number;\n switch (direction) {\n case 'resizeSouth':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2;\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height'));\n break;\n case 'resizeEast':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width'));\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height')) / 2;\n break;\n case 'resizeNorth':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x')) + Number(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2;\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y'));\n break;\n case 'resizeWest':\n x = Number(element.getAttribute('x'));\n y = Number(element.getAttribute('y')) + Number(element.getAttribute('height')) / 2;\n break;\n }\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft, y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction rotate(diagram: Diagram) {\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement; let left: number; let top: number;\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n left = diagram.element.offsetLeft; top = diagram.element.offsetTop;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n if ((diagram.selectedItems as Selector).nodes.length) {\n let element: Container = diagram.selectedItems.wrapper;\n let ten: number = 10 / diagram.scroller.currentZoom;\n let matrix: Matrix = identityMatrix();\n rotateMatrix(matrix, element.rotateAngle + element.parentTransform, element.offsetX, element.offsetY);\n //check for resizing tool\n let x: number = element.offsetX - element.pivot.x * element.actualSize.width;\n let y: number = element.offsetY - element.pivot.y * element.actualSize.height;\n let rotateThumb: PointModel = { x: x + element.actualSize.width / 2, y: y - 30 / diagram.scroller.currentZoom };\n rotateThumb = transformPointByMatrix(matrix, rotateThumb);\n mouseEvents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseEvents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseEvents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, rotateThumb.x + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, rotateThumb.y + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n }\n}\n\ndescribe('Diagram Control', () => {\n describe('Simple canvas panel without children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram4' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 200;\n canvas.height = 200;\n canvas.minWidth = canvas.minHeight = 125;\n canvas.maxWidth = canvas.maxHeight = 150;\n\n canvasWithMinMaxSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.offsetX = 400;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.offsetY = 100;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.minWidth = canvasWithMinMaxSize.minHeight = 125;\n canvasWithMinMaxSize.maxWidth = canvasWithMinMaxSize.maxHeight = 150;\n\n canvasWithoutSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithoutSize.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetX = 600;\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetY = 100;\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas, canvasWithMinMaxSize, canvasWithoutSize] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram4');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel and with size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 150 && canvas.actualSize.height === 150).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and with min max size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithMinMaxSize.actualSize.width === 125 && canvasWithMinMaxSize.actualSize.height === 125).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and without min max size', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.width === 0 && canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.height === 0).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with empty children collection', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram5' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 100;\n canvas.height = 100;\n canvas.children = [];\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram5');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n it('Checking Simple canvas panel with empty children collection', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 100 && canvas.actualSize.height === 100).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with one child', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let child: DiagramElement;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram6' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 100;\n canvas.height = 100;\n\n child = new DiagramElement();\n child.margin = { left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10 };\n\n canvas.children = [child];\n canvasWithoutSize = new Canvas();\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetX = 400;\n canvasWithoutSize.offsetY = 100;\n let child2: DiagramElement = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100;\n child2.height = 100;\n canvasWithoutSize.children = [child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas, canvasWithoutSize] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram6');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child - inherits size from canvas', (done: Function) => {\n expect(child.actualSize.width === 80 && child.actualSize.height === 80).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child - canvas wraps the child', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.width === 100 && canvasWithoutSize.actualSize.height === 100).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Canvas Panel with one child with absolute position', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let child: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram7' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n let canvas: Canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 200;\n canvas.height = 200;\n\n child = new DiagramElement();\n child.setOffsetWithRespectToBounds(95, 95, 'Absolute');\n child.width = 10;\n child.height = 10;\n\n canvas.children = [child];\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram7');\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with a child with absolute position', (done: Function) => {\n expect(child.offsetX === 300 && child.offsetY === 200).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel without size and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram8' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram8');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size with two children(margin)', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 290 && canvas.actualSize.height === 290 && child1.offsetX === 260 && child2.offsetX === 440 &&\n child1.offsetY === 160 && child2.offsetY === 340).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with padding and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram9' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.padding = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram9');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with padding and with two children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 310 && canvas.actualSize.height === 310 && child1.offsetX === 270 && child2.offsetX === 450 &&\n child1.offsetY === 170 && child2.offsetY === 350).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with size and two children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n let child3: DiagramElement;\n let child4: DiagramElement;\n let child5: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram11' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.width = 400;\n canvas.height = 400;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 100;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.horizontalAlignment = 'Center';\n child1.verticalAlignment = 'Stretch';\n child1.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.horizontalAlignment = 'Stretch';\n child2.verticalAlignment = 'Center';\n child2.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child3 = new DiagramElement();\n child3.width = 100; child3.height = 100;\n child3.horizontalAlignment = 'Left';\n child3.verticalAlignment = 'Top';\n child3.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n child3.margin.left = child3.margin.top = 10;\n\n child4 = new DiagramElement();\n child4.width = 100; child4.height = 100;\n child4.horizontalAlignment = 'Right';\n child4.verticalAlignment = 'Bottom';\n child4.relativeMode = 'Object';\n child4.margin.right = 10;\n child4.margin.bottom = 10;\n\n child5 = new DiagramElement();\n child5.width = 100;\n child5.height = 100;\n child5.relativeMode = 'Object';\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2, child3, child4, child5];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram11');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with size and with two children(relative position)', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 400 && canvas.actualSize.height === 400 &&\n child1.offsetX === 400 && child1.offsetY === 300 &&\n child2.offsetX === 400 && child2.offsetY === 300 &&\n child3.offsetX === 260 && child3.offsetY === 160 &&\n child4.offsetX === 540 && child4.offsetY === 440 &&\n child5.offsetX === 250 && child5.offsetY === 150).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel with two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram12' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.padding = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n child2.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: 1000, height: 1000, basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram12');\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel with two rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 351.41999999999996 && canvas.actualSize.height === 351.41999999999996 && child1.offsetX === 310 && child2.offsetX === 450 &&\n child1.offsetY === 160 && child2.offsetY === 350).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Rotated canvas panel without size and two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram13' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n\n child2 = new DiagramElement();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram13');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel without size and rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 290 && canvas.actualSize.height === 290 && child1.offsetX === 235.36 && child2.offsetX === 200 &&\n child1.offsetY === 220.21 && child2.offsetY === 439.41 && child1.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle &&\n child2.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n describe('Rotated canvas panel without size and two rotated children', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let child1: DiagramElement;\n let child2: DiagramElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagram14' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n canvas = new Canvas();\n canvas.pivot = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n canvas.offsetX = 200;\n canvas.offsetY = 100;\n canvas.style.fill = 'wheat';\n canvas.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child1 = new DiagramElement();\n child1.width = 200;\n child1.height = 100;\n child1.margin.left = child1.margin.top = 10;\n child1.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n child2 = new Canvas();\n child2.width = 100; child2.height = 100;\n child2.margin.left = 190;\n child2.margin.top = 190;\n child2.rotateAngle = 45;\n\n canvas.children = [child1, child2];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', basicElements: [canvas] } as DiagramModel);\n diagram.appendTo('#diagram14');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking rotated canvas with rotated children', (done: Function) => {\n let size: Size = new Size(0, 0);\n size.isEmpty();\n expect(canvas.actualSize.width === 331.41999999999996 && canvas.actualSize.height === 331.41999999999996 && child1.offsetX === 235.36 && child2.offsetX === 200 &&\n child1.offsetY === 220.21 && child2.offsetY === 439.41 && child1.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle &&\n child2.parentTransform === canvas.parentTransform + canvas.rotateAngle).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n});\n\ndescribe('Diagram Control', () => {\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction1' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' }\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction1');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, 2, 3);\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel selection', (done: Function) => {\n\n let object = diagram.nodes[2];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX, object.offsetY);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Checking canvas panel - Drag', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2];\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200).toBe(true);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 10, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 40);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 40);\n expect((diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 220 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200) && (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 250 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200)).toBe(true);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n\n it('Checking canvas panel resizing', (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.nodes[2].height / 2) + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect((diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 220 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200) && (diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 260 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215 || diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 200 ) && diagram.nodes[2].width == 300 && (diagram.nodes[2].height == 120 || diagram.nodes[2].height == 130 || diagram.nodes[2].height == 100)).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction12' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction12');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, 1, 1);\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node selection\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes[0].id === 'node2').toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node drag\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 70, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].offsetX == 295 && diagram.nodes[1].offsetY == 255 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 200 &&\n diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215 && diagram.nodes[2].width == 300 && diagram.nodes[2].height == 130).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it(\"Checking child's node resize\", (done: Function) => {\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 30, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + (diagram.nodes[1].width / 2) + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[1].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 40, diagram.nodes[1].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].offsetX == 315 && diagram.nodes[1].offsetY == 255 && diagram.nodes[1].width == 90 &&\n diagram.nodes[1].height == 50 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetX == 205 && diagram.nodes[2].offsetY == 215).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction3' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '900px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction3');\n let child = new ChildContainer();\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2]; let container = diagram.nodes[1];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.dragEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200 + diagram.element.offsetLeft, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, container.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Undo redo after add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Remove child from canvas container', (done: Function) => {\n let object = diagram.nodes[2]; let container = diagram.nodes[1];\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 10);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, 600 + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, 300 + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Undo redo after add child from diagram nodes', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 2 || diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes[1].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction4' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 150, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n }\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '700px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction4');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Copy and paste the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n diagram.copy();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Cut and paste the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.cut();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Delete', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[2]]);\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 1).toBe(true);\n diagram.remove();\n expect(diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length === 0).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('undo and redo after delete a container', (done: Function) => {\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 7).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Copy and paste the child of container', (done: Function) => {\n\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.copy();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Cut and paste the child of container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.cut();\n diagram.paste();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Delete child of container', (done: Function) => {\n\n diagram.select([diagram.nodes[1]]);\n diagram.remove();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('undo and redo after delete a child of container container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.undo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 5).toBe(true);\n diagram.redo();\n expect(diagram.nodes.length == 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n\n describe('Simple canvas panel interaction - Events', () => {\n\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let ele: HTMLElement;\n let canvas: Canvas;\n let canvasWithMinMaxSize: Canvas;\n let canvasWithoutSize: Canvas;\n let mouseevents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n\n ele = createElement('div', { id: 'diagramCanvasInteraction5' });\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n let nodes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, margin: { left: 10 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node3', offsetX: 500, offsetY: 200, width: 75, height: 75\n },\n {\n id: 'group', children: ['node1'],\n width: 300, height: 200,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n },\n\n ];\n\n diagram = new Diagram({ width: '1000px', height: '600px', nodes: nodes });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramCanvasInteraction5');\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n });\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Selection change event', (done: Function) => {\n let isSelectionChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.selectionChange = function (args) {\n isSelectionChange = true;\n }\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(isSelectionChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Position change event', (done: Function) => {\n let isPositionChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.positionChange = function (args) {\n isPositionChange = true;\n }\n mouseevents.dragAndDropEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200, 200);\n expect(isPositionChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Size change event', (done: Function) => {\n\n let isSizeChange: boolean = false;\n diagram.sizeChange = function (args) {\n isSizeChange = true;\n }\n resize(diagram, 'resizeEast');\n expect(isSizeChange).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Drop event', (done: Function) => {\n let isDrop: boolean = false;\n diagram.drop = function (args) {\n args.cancel = true;\n isDrop = true;\n }\n let object = diagram.nodes[1]; let container = diagram.nodes[2];\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.dragEvent(diagramCanvas, object.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, object.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop, 200 + diagram.element.offsetLeft, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, container.offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, container.offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 20);\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n\n it('Check drag and drop the node inside the container', (done: Function) => {\n diagram.drop = function (args) {\n args.cancel = false;\n }\n diagram.clearSelection();\n mouseevents.clickEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseDownEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n mouseevents.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 20, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop + 30);\n mouseevents.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[0].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[0].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.nodes[2].children.length === 1).toBe(true);\n done();\n });\n });\n describe('Testing symbol palette node and container', () => {\n let diagram: Diagram;\n let palette: SymbolPalette;\n let ele: HTMLElement; let diagramCanvas: HTMLElement;\n let mouseEvents: MouseEvents = new MouseEvents();\n let flowshapes: NodeModel[] = [\n {\n id: 'group', width: 5, height: 5, offsetX: 10,\n offsetY: 100,\n },\n ];\n\n beforeAll((): void => {\n const isDef = (o: any) => o !", "== undefined && o !", "== null;\n if (!", "isDef(window.performance)) {\n console.log(\"Unsupported environment, window.performance.memory is unavailable\");\n this.skip(); //Skips test (in Chai)\n return;\n }\n ele = createElement('div', { styles: 'width:100%;height:500px;' });\n ele.appendChild(createElement('div', { id: 'symbolpaletteGroupIssue', styles: 'width:25%;float:left;' }));\n ele.appendChild(createElement('div', { id: 'diagramGroupIssue', styles: 'width:74%;height:500px;float:left;' }));\n document.body.appendChild(ele);\n\n\n diagram = new Diagram({\n nodes: [\n {\n id: 'node1', width: 50, height: 50, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'node2', width: 50, height: 50, margin: { left: 200, top: 50 }, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 200,\n },\n {\n id: 'group1', children: ['node1', 'node2'],\n width: 300, height: 100,\n offsetX: 200, offsetY: 200,\n container: { type: 'Canvas', orientation: 'Vertical' },\n constraints: NodeConstraints.", "Default | NodeConstraints.", "AllowDrop\n }\n ],\n width: '70%'\n });\n diagram.appendTo('#diagramGroupIssue');\n\n palette = new SymbolPalette({\n width: '25%', height: '500px',\n palettes: [\n { id: 'flow', expanded: true, symbols: flowshapes, title: 'Flow Shapes' }\n ],\n expandMode: 'Multiple',\n symbolHeight: 50, symbolWidth: 50,\n symbolPreview: { height: 100, width: 100 },\n enableSearch: true,\n getNodeDefaults: setPaletteNodeDefaults,\n symbolMargin: { left: 12, right: 12, top: 12, bottom: 12 },\n getSymbolInfo: (symbol: NodeModel): SymbolInfo => {\n return { fit: true };\n }\n });\n palette.appendTo('#symbolpaletteGroupIssue');\n function setPaletteNodeDefaults(node: NodeModel): void {\n node.width = 50;\n node.height = 50;\n }\n });\n\n afterAll((): void => {\n diagram.destroy();\n palette.destroy();\n ele.remove();\n });\n\n it('Checking Drag and drop the child from palette to container', (done: Function) => {\n diagramCanvas = document.getElementById(diagram.element.id + 'content');\n setTimeout(function () {\n palette.element['ej2_instances'][1]['helper'] = (e: { target: HTMLElement, sender: PointerEvent | TouchEvent }) => {\n let clonedElement: HTMLElement; \n let position: PointModel = palette['getMousePosition'](e.sender);\n let target = document.elementFromPoint(position.x, position.y).childNodes[0];\n let symbols: IElement = palette.symbolTable[target['id']];\n palette['selectedSymbols'] = symbols;\n if (symbols !", "== undefined) {\n clonedElement = palette['getSymbolPreview'](symbols, e.sender, palette.element);\n clonedElement.setAttribute('paletteId', palette.element.id);\n }\n return clonedElement;\n };\n palette.getPersistData();\n let events = new MouseEvents();\n let element = (document.getElementById('group_container').getBoundingClientRect());;\n events.mouseDownEvent(palette.element, element.left + palette.element.offsetLeft, element.top + palette.element.offsetTop, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(palette.element, element.left + 40 + palette.element.offsetLeft, element.top + palette.element.offsetLeft, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(palette.element, element.left + 60, element.top, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY, false, false);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseMoveEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 2, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft + 2, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n events.mouseUpEvent(diagramCanvas, diagram.nodes[2].offsetX + diagram.element.offsetLeft, diagram.nodes[2].offsetY + diagram.element.offsetTop);\n expect(diagram.nodes.length === 4).toBe(true);\n done();\n }, 1000);\n });\n it('memory leak', () => {\n profile.sample();\n let average: any = inMB(profile.averageChange)\n //Check average change in memory samples to not be over 10MB\n expect(average).toBeLessThan(10);\n let memory: any = inMB(getMemoryProfile())\n //Check the final memory usage against the first usage, there should be little change if everything was properly deallocated\n expect(memory).toBeLessThan(profile.samples[0] + 0.25);\n })\n });\n});" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan we make template for contextual filter?", "\n\nCan we make template for contextual filter, because while I am writing php code in it, it is not supplying true values.", "\nI am writing these code in php code of contextual filter:\n<?", "php \n $children = array_keys(taxonomy_get_children($handler->argument, $vid=1));\n if(!empty($children)) $handler->argument .= '+' .implode('+', $children); \n?", ">\nI need to apply these code in template file so that get satisfactory result over there and can apply some custom code too.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no such template, but to override contextual filters you can follow the following approach:\nIn a custom module\nyou can use hook__views_pre_view to change contextual filter,\nadd children terms till depth to the contextual filter,\nfunction taxonomy_get_children_all() defined below, will fetch all child terms till depth:\nIn view, don't forget to allow multiple value contextual filter for contextual filter.", "\nfunction taxonomy_get_children_all($tid, $vid = 0, $key = 'tid'){\n $c = taxonomy_get_children($tid, $vid, $key);\n $result = array();\n foreach ($c as $t => $d){\n $result[$t] = $d;\n $below = taxonomy_get_children_all($t, $vid, $key);\n if (!", "empty($below)) {\n foreach ($below as $nt => $nd){\n $result[$nt] = $nd;\n }\n }\n }\n return $result;\n }\n\n function formalter_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args){\n if($view->name == \"category_view\") { // && $display_id == \"page\") {\n $vid = <Your vocabulary id>;\n\n $t = $args[0];\n\n $tt = taxonomy_get_children_all($t,$vid);\n foreach($tt as $k => $v) {\n $a = (string)$k;\n $args[0] = $args[0] . \"", "+\" . ", "$a;\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to an optical film, an image display device, and a method for producing an image display device.", "\nDescription of Related Art\nHeretofore, optical films such as a hard coat film and an antiglare film are arranged on a display surface of an image display device such as a liquid crystal display (LCD), for the purpose of preventing the display surface from being damaged (i.e., improving the mechanical strength of the display surface) and preventing reflected glare of external light, for example. ", "In recent years, for example, for the sake of design and improvement in mechanical strength of a display surface, image display devices with a front plate formed of a transparent plastic, glass, or the like being provided at their outermost display surface have been introduced to the market. ", "When the front plate is attached to the outermost display surface, a space is formed between the optical film arranged on the display surface and the front plate. ", "Thus, in order to fill this space, a resin (interlayer filler) intervenes as an interlayer between the front plate and the outermost optical film (e.g., JP 2008-241728 A). ", "In JP 2008-241728 A, an active energy ray-curable resin such as a photocurable resin is used as the interlayer filler." ]
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[ "At our house the gardening catalogs started arriving last week. ", "Burpee’s, Henry Fields, Stark Brothers, K Van Bourgondien & Sons, Van Enselen inc, John Scheepers Inc, Gurney’s, Henry Field’s, and Jung Seeds & Plants have all arrived in our mailbox (we are on a lot of lists!). ", "The beautiful full page pictures of colorful summer flowers, trees and vegetables set the heart to yearning for warm weather and planting season.", "\n\nPlan your garden.", "\n\nNow is the time to plan your garden. ", "Sure – take a look at the catalogs or online sites selling plants and seeds. ", "Use them to help you learn about what species and varieties will do well in your yard or in your garden. ", "But don’t necessarily order from them yet. ", "Before you settle on a particular plant, remember to think about the quality of soil in the areas you are thinking of planting.", "\n\nYou can have your soil tested if you have trouble growing things, or if your soil has been greatly disturbed by recent construction activity. ", "Your state university most likely has an agricultural extension to which you can submit samples to be analyzed (for a fee – ours is$15 per sample).", "\n\nAccording to the University of Missouri – “Soil testing provides an estimate of the plant-available nutrients in the soil and is an essential tool for a sound fertilization program. ", "Periodic soil testing will help to correct nutrient deficiencies, avoid excess fertilizer applications and maintain a healthy lawn. ", "A routine soil fertility test will check the pH, neutralizable acidity, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic matter, and cation exchange capacity.”", "\n\nObviously you also need to think about how much sun or shade and moisture the plants you like need. ", "You set yourself up for failure and waste of money if you put a sun loving plant in deep shade or a succulent in a swamp!", "\n\nUnderstand whether and how you need to amend your soil.", "\n\nOnce you envision the kinds of plants you want, understand their needs and have an idea of what your soil currently is like; you can figure out if you need to make some changes to the soil before you plant anything. ", "About 5 years ago, I decided I wanted a ready supply of blueberries – they taste great and have many, many health benefits, but they can be expensive. ", "Blueberries, I found, need a very acidic soil. ", "The ph level of ours showed alkaline so I dug big holes where I wanted to plant the bushes and mixed in peat moss (which increases the acidity) and sulfur to bring the soil to the proper drainage and acid levels. ", "The berries are doing great!", "\n\nYou many need to add things such as gypsum (which helps to break up heavy clay soils), lime to increase the alkalinity of the soil or organic matter (such as decomposed leaves). ", "It is easiest to do this prior to planting and gives the soil time to amend. ", "We often have dug big and deep holes (we plant a lot of trees), then layered in the compost and other amendments as we fill the hole back in, mixing each layer. ", "Your hole will be mounded up when you finish but in a few months it will sink level again. ", "When your plant arrives, it is easy to dig up the soil, slide in the plant and give it a drink.", "\n\nFind a frugal source for the plants you want.", "\n\nFree is sometimes cheapest (unless you spend money prepping for a free plant that won’t grow in your area).", "\n\nMy Grandmother in the Midwest used to trade plants with her sister in the far west so each could have different varieties. ", "You have to be careful, however, not to introduce a species in your area that will take over your native plants and replace them.", "\n\nPerhaps your sister-in-law (like mine) has a small garden area and want to change out the plants every few years – and gives you the ones she takes out.", "\n\nPerhaps you find a wild flower that you can dig up or get seeds from to put in your garden.", "\n\nMy spouse has even used dried seeds from old flower arrangements we got for anniversary to plant and grow flowers! ", "Sometimes free samples arrive with the flower catalogs as well.", "\n\nYou can also propagate additional plants yourself – through dividing, cloning or planting the seeds now to grow seedlings to use in the spring. ", "You can save seeds from fruits or vegetables you buy and eat. ", "Also consider digging up and moving plants that currently exist on your property. ", "We did this with cedar tree saplings – which pop up around here like weeds – to make an evergreen screen against our neighbor’s house and barn.", "\n\nIn addition, seek out local resources, such as your state’s department of natural resources. ", "Ours provides tree seedlings at great prices – such as a bundle of 100 for $6.", "\n\nCheck out sales at specialized garden suppliers as well – especially if you are looking for a not so common variety of plant. ", "Farmer’s markets also may sell plants.", "\n\nDeals at brick and mortar stores and nurseries can be had if you wait until most of the planting season is over. ", "Here in the Midwest that is usually June. ", "There is still time to get your plants established and going for the summer – although they will bloom a bit later. ", "Keep them watered and fertilized and they will shoot up.", "\n\nPerennial plants (those that keep coming up year after year) are a better value long term, even though they typically cost more to start.", "\n\nPaper catalogs are usually the worst place to go to buy – but even there you can get a deal, especially if you are looking for special plants that either aren’t offered locally or get sold out quickly.", "\n\nTake care of your ‘investment’.", "\n\nOnce you have planned your garden, chosen your plants, amended your soil and purchased the actual plants, don’t wait to plant them. ", "Get them in the ground as quickly as you can. ", "Treat them like the babies they are. ", "Keep them properly watered and spend a bit of money on that fertilizer to get them started.", "\n\nProtect them from the rabbits, squirrels, deer and other wildlife in your area (we use hog wire fences in a circle around each tree).", "\n\nAs the spring and summer wear on, prune them as needed, move them to a new spot if they suffer in their original one and enjoy them!", "\n\nWhen fall arrives, if you have planted perennials, mark the location with the variety planted so you don’t mistakenly dig them up or mow them down next year!", "\n\nGardeners – give up your tips in the comments below!" ]
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[ "I really hope the manga comes back. ", "It is awesome, and Togashi seems like he always has some aces up his sleeve. ", "This manga is far better than current shounen's, like Naruto and Bleach. ", "The details are amazing, the story is brilliant and the characters are well-developed.", "\n\nThe article to prove it was taken down twice already because people say it's false. ", "I don't even know what's real anymore... It stated that Togashi was finally asked to make a decision. ", "Come back, or hit the road. ", "Togashi is rich and his wife is rich, so he just decided to retire.", "\n\nPeople live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. ", "That's how they define reality. ", "But what does it mean to be correct or true? ", "Merely vague concepts… their reality may all be a mirage. ", "Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00009611687812379854, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to a fluidic governor system, and, more particularly, to a fluidic governor system which is capable of controlling the output of any prime mover where no separate fluidic energy is available to power the governor.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nFluidic governor systems have been used to control the output of prime movers, such as steam turbines, gas turbines and air motors. ", "In all cases, pneumatic or hydraulic, power has to be available for this system to be operative. ", "In a steam turbine, plant instrument air is both used to power the fluidic governor and a turbine mounted interrupter which produces a pulsating fluidic signal. ", "In a gas turbine, the compressor discharge air is used to power the fluidic governor and to provide the power for the pulsating fluidic signal from the output shaft of the prime mover. ", "In an air motor, its gaseous exhaust is used as the fluidic signal having a frequency proportional to the output of the air motor, wherein the fluidic signal is coupled to a control input port of a fluidic governor, and an external power source is needed to supply the power to a power input port of the fluidic governor. ", "For the above prime movers, a speed error signal is generated from the control output port of the fluidic governor, and this speed error signal is used to stroke a valve to adjust the fuel, air or steam feed to the prime mover, and thereby control the shaft output speed of the prime mover.", "\nThe above prior art systems could only be used in limited applications and are not adaptable to any prime mover, unless pneumatic power is available to drive the governor and generate the pulsating fluidic signal." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nConverting byte array to publickey ECDSA\n\nI need to use ECDSA algorithm to sign a message and send to receiver in java. ", "Then, receiver should verify sender's signature.", "\nSo, for this, receiver has sender's public key but in byte array format after converting java.security.", "PublicKey to byte array by the command bellow:\nbyte[] byteArrayPublicKey = publickey.getEncoded();\n\nThe format of public key in ECDSA algorithm (before converting it to byte array) is as follow:\nPublic Key:\nX: 8a83c389e7bb817c17bf2db4ed71055f18342b630221b2a3a1ca752502dc2e21\n\nY: 3eaf48c9ab1700fe0966a0cde196b85af66bb8f0bacef711c9dca2368f9d8470\n\nBut, the problem is to convert this byte array to usable format to verify the signature that is java.security.", "PublicKey by receiver. ", "\nIn general, is there any solution to verify the signature without converting it to byte array? ", "In the other word, the problem is to verify the signature by sender's public key, using any method.", "\n\nA:\n\nBut, the problem is to convert this byte array to usable format to verify the signature that is java.security.", "PublicKey by receiver.", "\n\nYou can solve the problem like this way:\npublic static ECPublicKey genEcPubKey() throws Exception {\n KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(\"ECDSA\", \"BC\");\n java.security.", "PublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) factory\n .generatePublic(new X509EncodedKeySpec(Helper\n .toByte(ecRemotePubKey))); // Helper.toByte(ecRemotePubKey)) is java.security.", "PublicKey#getEncoded()\n return (ECPublicKey) ecPublicKey;\n}\n\nNote that, you need BouncyCastle provider to do that.", "\nBut question remains, how you generate the private key?", "\npublic KeyPair ecKeyPairGenerator(String curveName) throws Exception {\n KeyPair keyPair;\n KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(\n \"ECDSA\", \"BC\");\n ECGenParameterSpec ecGenParameterSpec = new ECGenParameterSpec(\n curveName);\n keyPairGenerator.initialize(ecGenParameterSpec, new SecureRandom());\n keyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();\n java.security.", "PublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();\n System.out.println(\"JAVA EC PublicKey: \"\n + Helper.toHex(ecPublicKey.getEncoded()));\n\n // write private key into a file. ", "Just for testing purpose\n FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(\n \"ECPrivateKey.key\");\n ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(\n fileOutputStream);\n objectOutputStream.writeObject(keyPair.getPrivate());\n objectOutputStream.close();\n return keyPair;\n}\n\nI have the full running code for EC sign/verify in github. ", "You can take a look for better understanding.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.00013007284079084286, 0, 0, 0.000009660669001328342, 0.001890359168241966, 0, 0, 0, 0.002066115702479339, 0.00008861058601134215, 0.00004901480247034605, 0, 0, 0.000033374866500534, 0.00005101520253035405, 0.000006541035184228256, 0, 0 ]
[ "Over the last few years mobile communications apparatuses, such as mobile phones, have evolved from being just communications devices to being handheld multimedia devices. ", "In comparison to earlier mobile communications apparatuses more recent mobile communications apparatuses have larger screens, more memory, more computational power. ", "Some mobile communications apparatuses even comprises image capturing devices arranged to capture both still images and video sequences having a resolution of several megapixel per image.", "\nIn combination with higher memory capacity and computational power this enables image processing to take place on the mobile communications apparatus itself instead of on a dedicated computer running dedicated image processing tools. ", "Furthermore, although powerful, dedicated image processing tools may be complex and as such have a high learning curve for the user. ", "It may therefore be desirable for the user to be able to perform advanced image processing directly on the mobile communications apparatuses, i.e. without having to resort to using a dedicated computer or to spend time learning how to use complex tools." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A new kaempferol 7-O-triglucoside from the leaves of Brassica juncea L.\nFrom the leaves of Brassica juncea, a new rare kaempferol 7-O-triglucoside isolated and characterized as kaempferol 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->3)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)]-glucopyranoside (1) based on the spectroscopic evidences. ", "This compound was found to be a scavenger of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000020545693622616697, 0 ]
[ "Information\n\nFIX Pedalboards\n\nFIX Pedalboards\n\nNewcomer FIX Pedalboards debuted their 100 percent aluminum pedalboards that are completely designed and built in the USA. ", "Tim Mitchell says he built these pedalboards because as a guitar player he saw a niche for high-quality, affordable pedalboards that are stronger than anything else on the market. \"", "You'll never have to buy another pedalboard again,\" he says. ", "There are four standard sizes, but custom orders are also available. ", "Prices range from $125 to $250 depending on size, and all include custom-fit carrying cases." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.000030524098775983637, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n185 N.J. Super. ", "77 (1982)\nE.T., PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT,\nv.\nL.P., DEFENDANT-APPELLANT.", "\nSuperior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division.", "\nArgued February 1, 1982.", "\nDecided April 7, 1982.", "\n*78 Before Judges MILMED, JOELSON and GAULKIN.", "\n*79 John A. West argued the cause for defendant-appellant (Rutgers Legal Aid Clinic, Cedric A. Edwards, Acting Director, attorney).", "\nEldridge Hawkins argued the cause for plaintiff-respondent (Walter A. Oliveras on the brief).", "\nThe opinion of the court was delivered by MILMED, P.J.A.D.\nDefendant L.P., the mother of T.L., an infant now nine years old, appeals from an order of the Essex County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court awarding custody of the child to plaintiff E.T., the mother's aunt, \"until further order of [the] Court,\" with overnight visitation to the mother, at her home, every other weekend. ", "The order also provides for both parties to have \"partial visitation on all major holidays ... and such other visitation as agreed upon\" by them.", "\nFollowing the filing of a \"Best Interest\" report by the chief probation officer of the county, a plenary hearing was conducted on plaintiff's complaint seeking custody of the infant. ", "After hearing testimony from the parties and the mother's brother and after interviewing the child in chambers, the trial judge, in a letter opinion, found that the child \"has been exposed to excessive abuse of marijuana by adults while in the mother's home\"; that \"the child himself was caused to smoke marijuana by his mother\"; that \"this had an adverse [e]ffect\" on the child; that \"the home of [E.T.] is a better home for the child than that of [L.P.], his mother\"; that the infant's mother \"is absolutely without concern with respect to use and abuse of marijuana in the child's presence\"; that the child is \"obviously happy and well adjusted in the home of his aunt\"; that it is \"the child's wish that he should remain with the aunt,\" and that \"the mother's home in which the child had resided was not a good environment for the child from a standpoint of the education, clothing or facilities provided.\" ", "The trial judge concluded:\n\n*80 While the court does not determine that the home in which the child was residing was totally unfit or that the mother was unfit, it is clear that the best interest of this child requires that custody continue with the aunt, who is providing a far more suitable home for the child.", "\nN.J.S.A. 9:2-9, the statute applicable to the action instituted by plaintiff, reads as follows:\nWhen the parents of any minor child or the parent or other person having the actual care and custody of any minor child are grossly immoral or unfit to be intrusted with the care and education of such child, or shall neglect to provide the child with proper protection, maintenance and education, or are of such vicious, careless or dissolute habits as to endanger the welfare of the child or make the child a public charge, or likely to become a public charge; or when the parents of any minor child are dead or cannot be found, and there is no other person, legal guardian or agency exercising custody over such child; it shall be lawful for any person interested in the welfare of such child to institute an action in the Superior Court or the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in the county where such minor child is residing, for the purpose of having the child brought before the court, and for the further relief provided by this chapter. ", "The court may proceed in the action in a summary manner or otherwise.", "\nN.J.S.A. 9:2-10, the companion statute governing the dispositional order in the matter, provides:\nIn an action brought pursuant to section 9:2-9 of this Title, the Superior Court, or the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, as the case may be, after an investigation shall have been made by the chief probation officer of the county in which the child may reside, concerning the reputation, character and ability of the plaintiff, or such other person as the court may direct, to properly care for such child, shall make an order or judgment committing the child to the care and custody of such person, who will accept the same, as the court shall for that purpose designate and appoint, until such child shall attain the age of eighteen years, or the further direction of the court; provided, however, that in proper cases such care and custody may be exercised by supervision of the child in his own home, unless the court shall otherwise order. ", "Such order or judgment may require the giving of a bond by the person to whose care or custody the said child may be committed, with such security and on such conditions as the court shall deem proper.", "\nIt is apparent from the record before us that plaintiff-aunt has failed to establish by competent proof any of the pertinent alternative jurisdictional grounds for institution of an action under N.J.S.A. 9:2-9. ", "At least one of such grounds must be shown to exist before the trial judge, in light of the proofs and the report of the investigation of the chief probation officer of the county, can begin to consider what kind of dispositional *81 order under N.J.S.A. 9:2-10 would be in the best interests of the child. ", "Thus, before an order such as the one under review could be made by the trial judge, it was incumbent on plaintiff to demonstrate, by clear and convincing competent evidence, that (1) defendant-mother (a) is \"grossly immoral or unfit to be intrusted with the care and education of [the] child,\" or (b) \"neglect[s] to provide the child with proper protection, maintenance and education,\" or (c) is \"of such vicious, careless or dissolute habits as to endanger the welfare of the child or make the child a public charge, or likely to become a public charge...\"; and (2) that the making of the order would be in the child's best interests. ", "Plaintiff's proofs must comport with the criteria here required. ", "The best interests of the child and the rights of the natural parent demand no less.", "\nHere, however, while plaintiff in her complaint alleged that defendant (1) \"provided an improper home environment for [the infant] causing him severe mental and physical distress\"; (2) \"reportedly forced the infant ... to smoke marijuana and drink beer...\"; (3) \"reportedly\" severely beat the child \"with a plastic baseball bat,\" and (4) \"reportedly engages in sexual acts in [the] infant['s] ... presence\"; the testimony at the plenary hearing, particularly when viewed in light of the \"Best Interest\" report of the chief probation officer of Essex County, fails to substantiate seriously any of the charges. ", "Actually, there was no testimony at the hearing regarding beer drinking or sexual acts. ", "And, the evidence regarding marijuana and spankings with a toy plastic baseball bat is at best nebulous and conflicting.", "\nDefendant-mother testified that she \"[o]n occasion\" smokes marijuana at home but categorically denied ever having \"given it\" to her son, ever telling her brother or aunt that she did, or smoking it in her son's presence. ", "She said, \"he is only a child now. ", "There's no way I would give him marijuana now. ", "No way. ", "If he was sixteen-seventeen then there's a possibility.\" ", "She explained that she told her aunt, the plaintiff, \"that they were smoking marijuana out in the playground all around him *82 and at the school right next door to him, and ... that if it came to a thing where he wanted marijuana I would prefer giving it to him rather than have him get it in the street.\" ", "She said that if she found T.L. smoking marijuana, which if obtained \"in the street\" might contain \"angel dust and everything else in it,\" she would \"prefer\" at that time to give it to him herself rather than \"to take a chance and have him get some angel dust.\"", "\nDefendant's brother, called as a witness by plaintiff-aunt, at whose home he lives, testified that he never saw his sister give T.L. marijuana although he saw people smoke it in his sister's apartment in the boy's presence, as he himself has done. ", "He said that in \"73 or 74\" it was alleged that marijuana was given to the child,[1] \"and since then it's been an on-going conversation about it.\" ", "He said defendant's home was \"unsanitary.\"", "\nPlaintiff testified that she heard about defendant allowing the boy to smoke marijuana from defendant's sister-in-law in early February, 1980. ", "However, the probation officer who made the \"best interest\" investigation for the trial court reported that when he visited defendant in June 1980 her sister-in-law was there and when he told the sister-in-law of plaintiff's \"allegation\" she \"adamantly denied that she ever told [plaintiff] that the defendant had given the child marijuana or beer.\" ", "The officer further reported:\n... This officer also questioned the child who stated his mother did indeed give him marijuana. ", "This is a direct contradiction of an interview conducted by a [social worker with] the Division of Youth and Family Services on 5-26-80. ", "At that time the child denied this allegation. ", "At the time [the social worker] felt that [T.L.] could be easily manipulated by adults.", "\nThere is also an allegation that the defendant severely beat the child with a plastic baseball bat. [", "Defendant] admits on two occasions she spanked the child with a plastic baseball bat but denies ever severely beating him. ", "She further stated that her aunt also spanked the child with a plastic baseball bat.", "\nThe following additional pertinent information is gleaned from the \"best interest\" report. ", "Defendant-mother has two additional children, a girl born in May 1977 and a boy born in *83 December 1978. ", "The children appeared to the probation officer to be \"healthy and very well-kept.\" ", "T.L. resided with his mother until the end of May 1980. ", "Since then he has been residing with plaintiff. ", "The mother is \"receiving assistance from the Essex County Welfare Board for herself and her two children... She receives no money from her husband.\" ", "As the probation officer properly observed, \"[i]t should be kept in mind that [defendant's] income is limited to her grant from the Essex County Welfare Board, this would greatly limit the type of housing that is available to her.\" ", "In a statement taken at the County Probation Department offices in June 1980 defendant stated, among other things:\nI feel I should have custody of [T.L.] because I love him, he is mine and I want him. ", "He is part of my family. ", "I have two other children besides him. ", "I don't understand why I would do him one way and not the others. ", "Her allegations about mistreating the child are not true. ", "I did spank him twice with a plastic bat but she also uses a plastic bat according to my son....\nPlaintiff is a retired nurse. ", "She receives Social Security benefits, and her husband \"a Railroad Pension.\" ", "They own their own home which consists of 16 rooms and is occupied by them, T.L., a housekeeper and two boarders. ", "The home \"is far superior to that of [defendant]. ", "It is much larger and the boy has his own room. ", "He also has a playroom in the basement.\"", "\nIn his concluding observations the probation officer noted:\n... There appears to be some long-standing animosity between the parties in this case. [", "When defendant was a child she] was ... raised by [plaintiff]. ", "There was a great deal of conflict in the home and the defendant was eventually placed on probation for incorrigibility and for being a runaway. ", "This has [led] to a great deal of hostility between the two parties which continues to this day. ", "It is the feeling of this officer that both [plaintiff and defendant] are sincerely interested in the well-being of the child. [", "Defendant] appears to be doing reasonably well in caring for her other two children. ", "Due to financial restrictions she can not provide as spacious and luxurious a home as [plaintiff]. ", "If custody of the child were granted to [plaintiff], [T.L.] would be separated from his brother and sister.", "\nAfter interviewing all parties this officer suspects that the child [T.L.] is attempting to take advantage of this situation. ", "When questioned on May 27th by [the social worker] at the Division of Youth and Family Services the child stated that he wanted to live with his mother. ", "Prior to this he had told [defendant's] attorney that he preferred to live with his aunt. ", "Upon this *84 officer's interviewing him he again ... stated that he wanted to live with his aunt. ", "When this officer spoke to the boy it could not be helped but noticed that his bedroom contained a great many toys. [", "Defendant] had told this officer that the child had been promised \"anything he wants\" by his aunt if he told the probation officer and the Court that he wanted to live with his aunt.", "\nWe approach our determination on this appeal bearing in mind certain basic principles particularly germane to the type of statutory proceeding instituted by plaintiff. ", "Thus, at the outset, defendant-mother has the right to custody of her child as against plaintiff-aunt. ", "See In re Flasch, 51 N.J. Super. ", "1, 18 (App.", "Div. ", "1958), certif. ", "den. ", "28 N.J. 35 (1958). \"", "This right, which recognizes the natural bond of blood and affection between parent and child ... has been described as akin to a trust reposed in the parent by the State, as parens patriae, for the welfare of the infant.\" ", "In re Mrs. M., 74 N.J. Super. ", "178, 183-184 (App.", "Div. ", "1962). ", "It may be lost or tempered upon plaintiff's sustaining her burden of establishing, by clear and convincing competent evidence, that one of the jurisdictional grounds for commencement of the action under N.J.S.A. 9:2-9 exists and, additionally, that the making of a dispositional order within the framework of N.J.S.A. 9:2-10 would be in the child's best interests.", "\nWe noted earlier that the trial judge specifically concluded that he did \"not determine that the home in which the child was residing was totally unfit or that the mother was unfit.\" ", "We also noted that the probation officer who investigated the matter for the trial court concluded that both parties \"are sincerely interested in the well-being of the child\" and that defendant-mother \"appears to be doing reasonably well in caring for her other two children.\" ", "Our review of the record convinces us that there was insufficient evidence to support a finding that the best interest of the child \"requires that custody continue with the [plaintiff] aunt.\" ", "The testimony of the three witnesses who did appear was at best scant and inconclusive, *85 undoubtedly because of the lack of in-depth direct and cross-examination. ", "Beyond this, it appears that neither party had access to the \"Best Interest\" report until the moment the hearing actually began, at which time counsel were given five minutes to read it. ", "It is not surprising, then, that throughout the transcript of the hearing no reference whatever is made to any portion of that comprehensive document.", "\nThe matter will, accordingly, be remanded to the trial court for supplementary proceedings, including a further plenary hearing at which all aspects of the \"Best Interest\" report are to be explored, with the parties given the opportunity to examine fully the investigator (probation officer) who made the \"Best Interest Investigation\" and prepared the report. ", "See Annotation, \"Right, in child custody proceedings, to cross-examine investigating officer whose report is used by court in its decision,\" 59 A.L.R.3d 1337 (1974). ", "Cf. ", "R. 4:79-8(d). ", "The parties may also call and examine at such further hearing such additional witnesses as may be available, including the sister-in-law of defendant mentioned in the report, who may shed light on the allegations contained in the complaint and those referred to in the report. ", "Upon conclusion of the further proceedings, the trial judge shall make his specific findings of fact, supplemental determination and dispositional order on all of the evidence, in keeping with the criteria set forth in the statutes, N.J.S.A. 9:2-9 and 9:2-10, and the pertinent principles set forth herein. ", "See also, Annotation, \"Award of custody of child where contest is between child's mother and grandparent,\" 29 A.L.R.3d 366 (1970). ", "In order not to disrupt the child's education during the current school year, the order under review is to continue in effect pending such supplemental determination and dispositional order.", "\nThe matter is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings consistent herewith. ", "We do not retain jurisdiction.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The child was born in the summer of 1972.", "\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates generally to surgical instruments for holding and elevating body parts and/or for maintaining a clear opening to a body area during surgery, particularly thoracic surgery. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to support apparatus upon which surgical devices, such as retractors and the like, may be operably mounted.", "\nIn the performance of surgery in the chest cavity, generally referred to as thoracic surgery, it is desirable to hold open the surgical cavity to provide access to the organ or body part upon which the surgery is being performed. ", "This is especially important in the case of cardiac surgeries. ", "An early example of a surgical retractor for use in coronary bypass surgical procedures which include dissection of the internal mammary artery is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955, which is incorporated by reference.", "\nIn the device of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955 plural rakes which engage the body and retract the surgical cavity formed by a midsternotomy are relatively fixedly positioned with respect to each other from a rod. ", "The rod may be elevated or lowered, as desired. ", "However, there is no adjustment for the rakes relative to the rod, to each other or to the surgical cavity. ", "Furthermore, the rakes are generally small, having sharply pointed tips and are generally designed to be employed in pairs for the purpose of retracting one side of a sternum which has been split by a midsternotomy. ", "The device of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955 cannot provide the support required for other procedures which have been recently developed as alternatives to the midsternotomy approach to the coronary bypass, and it is not adapted for use in reoperative midsternotomy procedures.", "\nIt is well known and appreciated that in surgical procedures, time is of the essence, and delays associated with adjustments of support equipment are unwanted. ", "Additionally, during certain procedures, it may be desirable to impose or to change a biasing force on a body portion which is undergoing a surgical procedure or treatment. ", "Further, it is desirable to minimize the number of personnel required to assist in performance of a surgical procedure, to minimize the number of personnel who must enter the sterile field, and to minimize the tasks, such as holding a retractor, of personnel during surgical procedures. ", "Further, it is desirable to have available to the surgeon instruments appropriately adapted to each type of procedure.", "\nCoronary Bypass Surgery: The Midsternotomy\nCoronary bypass surgery, in which the internal mammary artery is harvested from the chest wall and used for anastomosis of a vessel to bypass poorly functioning coronary arteries, has been performed thousands of times and has become an almost routine procedure for cardiac surgeons. ", "Since the inception and throughout the development of the procedure, coronary bypass surgery has required a midsternotomy to provide access to the heart and coronary arteries. ", "In the midsternotomy, an initial incision is made from the manubrium of the sternum to a point toward the xiphoid. ", "Next, the sternum is split down the middle by means of a reciprocating sternal saw in order to provide access to the coronary arteries and the internal mammary artery. ", "It has been estimated that in 1988, some 350,000 midsternotomy procedures were performed for coronary bypass surgery.", "\nIn performing the coronary bypass procedure, following the midsternotomy, it is necessary to retract one side of the split sternum in order to gain access to the thoracic cavity, and particularly to the internal mammary artery. ", "Either the left or right internal mammary artery may be harvested for the bypass, so either side of the chest may need to be retracted. ", "Retractors have been developed in order to provide the requisite retraction of the split sternum. ", "An early example is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,622,955. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary artery retractor is a more advanced retractor which has been developed to provide left or right internal mammary artery exposure in the undersurface of the chest wall. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary retractor has been extensively used in coronary bypass surgery. ", "The RULTRACT(copyright) retractor is not limited to coronary bypass surgery, having been used in various other thoracic surgical procedures, such as lung reduction and pericardial drainage.", "\nThe RULTRACT(copyright) internal mammary retractors include a rake plate and two or possibly three rakes. ", "Most frequently, in use the two rakes are applied to one side of the opening formed by a midsternotomy and the rake plate is attached to a lifting device. ", "The lifting device lifts the rake plate and the rakes, applying an upward and outward retraction to the sternum by which the surgical cavity is opened. ", "The sternum is securely held in the open position when the lifting device is locked in position. ", "This exposes the entire course of the mammary artery from its origin to its bifurcation, allowing its dissection. ", "The rakes in the conventional retractor have a relatively small radius of curvature and have quite sharp tips to provide a secure attachment to the sternum. ", "With the sternum securely held in the open position, the coronary artery dissection may then be carried out by the surgeon. ", "In the standard midsternotomy, the retractor provides good exposure and allows the surgeon sufficient access for the dissection of the mammary artery.", "\nAfter the coronary artery has been harvested, the RULTRACT(copyright) retractor is removed and a sternal retractor is placed in the chest and the grafting and anastomoses is performed. ", "Closure is normally accomplished in this procedure by applying wires or staples to the sternum to hold it together in the properly aligned position for healing.", "\nThe midsternotomy is a highly invasive procedure, and much of the difficulty in recovering from a coronary surgical procedure involving a midsternotomy is due to the trauma resulting from the midsternotomy rather than to any trauma inflicted upon the coronary arteries or other thoracic organs and structures. ", "As a result, a need has been identified for a less invasive procedure which will provide the surgeon with access to the coronary and internal mammary arteries with a minimum of trauma to the thoracic region.", "\nThe Mid-Cab, a Less Invasive Procedure\nA less invasive procedure which has been developed to provide access to the mammary artery and the coronary arteries for coronary bypass surgery is known as the mid-cab or minimally invasive technique. ", "In the mid-cab, an incision is made between the third and fourth rib, in the third intercostal space. ", "The fourth rib is released from the sternum, and the incision is retracted downward by attaching a retractor rake to the fourth rib. ", "A second retractor rake is next attached to the third rib, which is retracted upward and in the cranial direction. ", "With access thus provided to the third rib and in the direction of the upper chest, the surgeon is able to create an opening from the third rib to the first rib or subclavian region. ", "Via this opening, the surgeon is provided with access to the mammary artery, which is progressively dissected from the chest wall as the opening is progressively advanced toward the first rib. ", "With the development of this procedure, a need has been identified for more advanced retractors specially adapted to the mid-cab procedure, and particularly for a retractor which can simultaneously retract the third and fourth ribs in different directions.", "\nIt is well known among cardiac surgeons that the position of the internal mammary artery in the chest is variable from patient to patient. ", "For this reason, during the mid-cab procedure, it is sometimes necessary for the surgeon to manipulate the chest wall to provide adequate access to the mammary artery. ", "The surgeon may have to either elevate or depress the chest wall in the region of the first rib in order to gain access to the mammary artery so that it can be dissected in this procedure. ", "Thus, a need has been identified for devices which can assist the surgeon in the less invasive mid-cab procedure, particularly including a retractor capable of two-direction retraction at the site of the intercostal incision and devices for providing elevation and/or depression of the clavicle and first rib region of the chest wall.", "\nReoperative Coronary Bypass Surgery\nAs coronary surgery has become increasingly prevalent and postoperative coronary rehabilitation more successful, a larger number of patients are surviving longer than the expected patency of their graft conduits. ", "This has resulted in an increasing number of patients having to undergo a second coronary bypass procedure. ", "The second, or reoperative, procedure has sometimes been referred to as a xe2x80x9cre-doxe2x80x9d procedure. ", "Unfortunately, the re-do midsternotomy is neither as simple nor as safe as the initial procedure. ", "This is primarily due to the scarring and resultant adhesions which develop between the internal side of the sternum and the underlying organs and tissues of the thoracic cavity following the initial midsternotomy. ", "When the re-do midsternotomy is performed by essentially repeating the steps of the initial procedure, an increase in morbidity and mortality has been observed. ", "Thus, a need has arisen for an alternative procedure.", "\nAn alternative procedure which has been adapted to coronary surgery in order to avoid the dangers of the re-do midsternotomy is known as a xiphoid entry. ", "In the xiphoid entry, an initial incision is made along the scar from the previous midsternotomy to a point midway between the xiphoid and the umbilicus. ", "The old sternal wires are removed. ", "The xiphoid process is excised. ", "A single retractor rake is applied to the caudal end of the sternum and the sternum is firmly retracted in an anterior and cranial direction. ", "This allows the surgeon to directly visualize the anterior retrosternal space, so that the retrosternal adhesions can be taken down. ", "The surgeon progressively takes down the adhesions toward the subclavian, until the sternum is freed from the underlying organs. ", "Once this is done, the retractor may be removed and the sternum divided with a reciprocating sternal saw as in the original procedure.", "\nDuring the retraction particular care must be exercised since, first, the quite sharp rake tips of the standard retractor are applied directly to the lower end of the sternum from which the xiphoid process was excised, and second, a very strong lifting force is required to elevate the entire sternum. ", "The possibility of unintended trauma to the sternum exists. ", "A second problem which has been experienced with the procedure described above is that the entire retractor plate and the extra, non-used rake must be suspended in a central location in the operating field, further obstructing the work area with its already limited space available. ", "A third problem is that due to the rake plate and various parts attaching it to the lifting apparatus, the retraction force applied to the sternum is not transmitted in a simple straight line from the lifting apparatus to the sternum. ", "Thus, a need has been identified for a rake which is more appropriately adapted to the xiphoid entry in a re-do coronary bypass procedure.", "\nIn the procedures described in the foregoing and in additional thoracic surgical procedures, the surgeon may be required to adapt the support apparatus for retraction of the patient\"\"s body in several directions at once. ", "In such an instance, a single retractor held by a single support device may not be sufficient to provide the retraction required by the surgeon. ", "Furthermore, it may be helpful to the surgeon to combine various embodiments of retraction devices in order to adequately obtain the retraction required.", "\nAccordingly, there is a strong need in the art to provide for surgical retractor apparatus with which to facilitate the development and implementation of new surgical procedures, particularly less invasive procedures such as the mid-cab coronary artery bypass procedure, and for more radical thoracic procedures, such as a lung reduction or other procedure.", "\nThe present invention, in one embodiment, provides a cross bar support assembly, which extends across the operating table on which the patient lies during the surgical procedure, and upon which a plurality of lifting and retracting devices may be mounted. ", "In one embodiment of the cross bar assembly, the cross bar is a unitary bar attached to a pair of novel support members and suspended across the operating table. ", "In a second embodiment of the cross bar assembly, the cross bar comprises two conventional retractor support arms which are connected to each other across the operating table by a novel arrangement of couplings and extension bars attached to the horizontal portion of the retractor supports.", "\nIn an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a support system for a surgical retractor device which includes a pair of vertically extending support members, releasably attachable to a patient support platform, such as an operating table, a horizontally extending cross bar, attached to and supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "The cross bar preferably extends across the operating table. ", "The support system further includes at least one ratcheting lifting device, which is disposed on the cross bar, and is attached to a retractor assembly for retraction. ", "In one embodiment of the cross bar system, each of the vertically extending support members is a conventional retractor support apparatus, and the cross bar includes an extension attached thereto. ", "Preferably, the extension includes coupling devices for attaching to the horizontal portions of the conventional support apparatus. ", "In a second embodiment of the support system, each of the vertically extending support members is a slotted member not having a horizontally extending support portion, and the cross bar is a member supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "In both embodiments, at least one ratcheting lifting device is disposed upon the cross bar.", "\nThe embodiment mentioned in the preceding paragraph may further include a second horizontally extending cross bar, attached to and supported by the pair of vertically extending support members. ", "The second cross bar may have mounted thereon one or more ratcheting lifting devices. ", "The second cross bar, as well as the first cross bar, may include a horizontally extending extension, disposed at an angle to the cross bar, upon which a ratcheting lifting device may be disposed. ", "The extension mounted on the second cross bar preferably includes an extender bar portion, a clamp portion, and a first receptacle for receiving the horizontal support bar from the surgical retractor support device, wherein the receptacle is disposed at approximately right angles to the horizontal support bar and the clamp is positioned to retain the horizontal bar in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the extension extends at a right angle to the cross bar, but other angles are possible within the scope of the present invention. ", "The second cross bar, like the first, may include a plurality of further ratcheting lifting devices, mounted on the cross bar or upon one or more extension bars.", "\nIn another embodiment of the present invention, a support pole for a retractor support system is provided with a splined coupling, by which the exact angle at which the retraction device is suspended with respect to the xe2x80x9chead-to-toexe2x80x9d direction of the patient\"\"s body may be selected and reliably retained without the possibility of slippage. ", "The splined coupling provides for adjustment of the angle during the course of a surgical procedure, thereby allowing the surgeon to better adapt to the changing conditions and needs of the patient.", "\nMore particularly, in the embodiment of the present invention mentioned in the previous paragraph, there is provided a generally vertically extending support member for a surgical retraction apparatus which includes a lower portion of the support member having a rectilinear portion for insertion into an anchoring receptacle, an upper portion of the support member having a horizontally extending portion, and a splined coupling adaptor for connecting together the lower and upper portions, in which the adaptor comprises a splined segment having lock- and key-like splined portions. ", "The splines may be involute. ", "Preferably the key-like splined segment is disposed on the lower portion of the support member. ", "Alternatively, the key-like splined segment may be disposed on the upper portion of the support member. ", "Preferably, each splined segment comprises at least 12 teeth, but more preferably each splined segment comprises at least 19 teeth.", "\nIn still another embodiment of the present invention, a right-angled extension bar for a retractor support system is provided, providing a novel and much improved adaptability to the configuration of the retractor support system, thereby allowing the surgeon to better adapt to the changing conditions and needs of the patient during surgery.", "\nMore particularly, in the embodiment of the present invention mentioned in the preceding paragraph, there is provided an extension for a surgical retractor support device, which includes an extender bar portion, a clamp portion, and a first receptacle for receiving a horizontal support bar from the surgical retractor support device, in which the receptacle is disposed at approximately right angles to the horizontal support bar and the clamp is positioned to retain the horizontal bar in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the extension includes the extender bar being horizontally disposed when the horizontal bar is in the receptacle. ", "Preferably, the first receptacle is disposed in the clamp portion. ", "Preferably, the receptacle is disposed in the clamp portion and the clamp portion comprises a second receptacle for receiving the horizontal support bar, and wherein the second receptacle is disposed collinearly with the horizontal support bar. ", "Preferably, a cross section of the extender bar is rectilinear, and more preferably it is square.", "\nThe present invention provides devices which may be selected and quickly implemented as required in an individual surgical procedure depending on the particular patient\"\"s needs. ", "The system allows the surgeon to perform a less-invasive procedure while maintaining the option to easily switch to the more radical surgical procedures, such as the midsternotomy, in the event of unforeseen difficulties. ", "When the RULTRACT(copyright) retractor system and the device of the present invention are employed, the surgeon is provided with a greatly improved degree of adaptability in the procedures chosen during a particular surgical procedure, with a minimum change of retraction apparatus.", "\nTo the accomplishment of the foregoing and related ends, the invention then comprises the features hereinafter fully described and particularly pointed out in the claims. ", "The following description and the annexed drawings set forth in detail certain illustrative embodiments of the invention. ", "These embodiments are indicative, however, of but a few of the various ways in which the principles of the invention may be employed. ", "Other objects, advantages and novel features of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of the invention when considered in conjunction with the drawings." ]
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[ "CBT, tease and denial\n\n0 0\n\n22344 Views\n\nAdded 4 years ago\n\nUploaded by: anonymous\n\nEmbed\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"320\" src=\"//bdsmstreak.com/embed/14433\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\nMistress teases and denies her slave with bound cock." ]
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[ 0.000013717421124828532 ]
[ "iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE (free of charge)\n\nHepburn/ Interior design\n\nDiscipline: Interior Architecture\n\nDiscipline: Interior Architecture\n\nHepburn Club is the first \"outer space\" style bar, leading the new trend of functional style and futurism. ", "Videos in the air match changeable stage, and all kinds of technology are presented in this case. ", "From a business perspective, Hepburn Club is a successful case of design-led business. ", "Futurism is the new now!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.00010412328196584755, 0.0001321178491214163, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIssues while upgrading to Extjs 5.1 from Extjs 4.1\n\nI have developed application using extjs 4.1. ", "Its working absolutely fine as required. ", "Now i want to upgrade my application using extjs 5.1. ", "I included necessary Extjs 5.1 files in my application. ", "But its failed to load, even not single request is getting send to server. ", "I am facing lots of issues as-\n1.Uncaught Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Unrecognized alias: data.field.double\nThis error is appearing for each data type mentioned in model while defining fields. ", "I observerd Extjs 5.1 examples..In most of it data types are not provided while defining fields in model..So should i need to remove type from model? ", "Is there any other solution for it?", "\n2.Uncaught Error: [Ext.create] Unrecognized class name /alias: X.store.", "FieldStore \n3.[E] [Ext.", "Loader] Some requested files failed to load.", "\n4.[W] [Ext.", "Loader] Synchronously loading 'X.store.", "MembersStore'; consider adding Ext.require('X.store.", "MembersStore') above Ext.onReady\nSo can someone please guide me,what solutions i need to apply. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that double is not a valid type in ExtJs. ", "ExtJs 4 was permissive and accepted invalid types in field definitions. ", "ExtJs 5 does not.", "\nThe message seems clear to me. ", "X.store.", "FieldStore is neither a class name nor an alias. ", "Probably the file with the class definition is not loaded. ", "\nYou have to find out. ", "\nYou should require this store where it is needed, e.g. in a controller with stores: ['X.store.", "MembersStore'] or with require: ['X.store.", "MembersStore']\n\n" ]
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[ "Quinn signed the bill before a crowd of hundreds at the Chicago Cultural Center. ", "He invoked the state’s most famous politician, Abraham Lincoln, by saying, “We’re a government of the people, by the people, for the people, and it shall not perish from the earth.”", "\n\nThe numerous other speakers at the signing ceremony included Greg Harris, the gay state representative who sponsored the bill, who like many others implied that civil unions were a step forward but not the final goal, which is marriage equality. “", "There is more work to be done,” he said. “", "Things can get better.”", "\n\nRep. Deb Mell, the other openly gay member of the state legislature,\ndiscussed her activism and the support of her father, Chicago alderman\nRichard Mell, and her fiancée, Christin Baker. “", "I realized the act of\nbeing out and telling our story was one of the most powerful things we\ncould do,” she told ceremony attendees. ", "Before the signing, she told The Advocate of civil unions, “This is a huge first step forward toward full marriage equality.”", "\n\nAt the ceremony, Lt. ", "Gov. Sheila Simon added, “I hope that other states will join us and I hope the federal government will join us as well. ", "Full equality is not too much to ask for.”", "\n\nVarious speakers thanked all who had worked for the civil unions law and gay equality in general, including the late Larry McKeon, the first openly gay Illinois legislator, who died in 2008. ", "They also cited support of Republicans as well as Democrats.", "\n\nThe law takes effect June 1, at which time both same-sex and\nopposite-sex couples will be able to obtain civil union licenses at\ncounty clerks’ offices. ", "Out-of-state civil unions, domestic\npartnerships, and same-sex marriages will be recognized as civil unions\nunder Illinois law.", "\n\nOther activists and elected officials also\nhailed the move. “", "This is a momentous day for all Illinoisans,” Chicago\nalderman Tom Tunney, the only out gay member of the city council, told The Advocate in a phone interview.", "\n\n“It’s\na great day for us,” Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of gay rights group\nEquality Illinois, which lobbied strongly for the measure, told The Advocate today. “", "This has been a battle that has been long-fought and hard-won.”", "\n\nProponents\nof the measure attributed its success to a variety of factors:\neffective lobbying, gay visibility, and the state’s Democratic\nleadership. “", "We had built a broad coalition of supporters,” Cherkasov\nsaid, including more than 300 clergy members from 80 cities in Illinois,\nwho signed a petition to the legislature in support of the civil unions\nbill. ", "Many corporate leaders also endorsed the legislation.", "\n\nMell\nand fellow out lawmaker Greg Harris spoke out for the bill in the\nlegislature. ", "Mell announced her engagement to Baker on the floor of the\nhouse of representatives. “", "It’s just so important to be out and\nvisible,” Mell said. “", "I like to think that played a part in it.”", "\n\nAdded\nTunney: “I want to hand it to our state representatives,” Harris and\nMell. ", "He also credited the support of Quinn — “If we would have had a\nRepublican governor, I’m not sure it would be passing” — along with\nsenate president John Cullerton and house speaker Michael Madigan, also\nDemocrats.", "\n\nTunney and Mell said it was important to continue\nworking toward marriage equality, as did observers such as the American\nCivil Liberties Union of Illinois and the national group Freedom to\nMarry. ", "Harris is already sponsoring a marriage equality bill, Mell said.", "\nCherkasov was more cautious, saying his group would follow the civil\nunions law’s implementation closely before deciding whether to push for\nmarriage rights.", "\n\nIn addition to Illinois, 12 states and the\nDistrict of Columbia have an expansive form of relationship recognition\nfor gay couples, according to the Human Rights Campaign. ", "Connecticut,\nIowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and D.C. have marriage\nequality. ", "California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State\nhave civil unions or domestic partnerships providing most of the\nstate-level benefits of marriage. ", "New York State and Maryland recognize\nsame-sex marriages from other jurisdictions." ]
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[ "Listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nThis is a list of listed buildings in Northern Ireland, which are among the listed buildings of the United Kingdom.", "\n\nKey\n\nThe organization of the lists in this series is on the same basis as the statutory register. ", "The county names are those used in the register, which in the case of Northern Ireland means the province's six traditional counties.", "\n\nGrade A listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nGrade B+ listed buildings in Northern Ireland\n\nSee also\nList of castles in Northern Ireland\nList of abbeys and priories in Northern Ireland\nHistoric houses in Northern Ireland\nListed buildings in Scotland\nListed buildings in England\nListed buildings in Wales\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\nNorthern Ireland Buildings Database\n\n \n*\nCategory:Lists of listed buildings in Northern Ireland" ]
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[ "Zero-tolerance policies are beyond idiotic. ", "A kid at my high school was nearly expelled for almost the same thing. ", "He found a tiny plastic gun in his jacket (like the toy soldier one) and a teacher found out.", "\n\nI highly doubt a golf ball would 'smoosh' like that. ", "They're made of plastic and cork (and other substances I' too lazy to google.) ", "Those things are built to take a lot of abuse without damage. ", "I suspect it's a rubber ball." ]
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[ "Yaya Sanogo has pledged to \"toughen up\" so he can be a success in English football.", "\n\nThe France youth international joined Arsenal from Auxerre in July and has settled in well, making his debut in the Emirates Cup and coming off the bench against Fulham and Fenerbahce.", "\n\nSanogo has been tipped for a bright future but, like every overseas signing, he will need time to adapt. ", "All the same, the 20-year-old is satisfied with his progress so far.", "\n\n\"It gives me confidence [to see Sagna and Diaby], they've taken the same path [from Auxerre], got into the team and they've done really well\"\n\n\"I've got used to my team-mates really well,\" Sanogo told Arsenal Player. \"", "I've had time with and spoken to people like Bacary Sagna who's from Auxerre too and this has really helped me to settle in. ", "I've felt really well ever since I got here.", "\n\n\"It gives me confidence [to see Sagna and Abou Diaby], they've taken the same path [from Auxerre], got into the team and they've done really well here so I'd like and hope to emulate what they've done.", "\n\n\"But I will need time, it's a new way of life, a new league and it will take time to adapt. ", "It's something I will manage.", "\n\n\"I think I'll have to toughen up and improve my strength, that's part and parcel of such an intense league as the Premier League, as well as getting used to the step up, which it is from the French league.\"", "\n\nSanogo almost made a dream start to his Arsenal career, forcing a save in the first minute of his debut against Galatasaray in the Emirates Cup. ", "That's as close as the Frenchman has come to a goal but he has picked up some valuable playing time.", "\n\n\"It [my debut] was a great experience,\" he said. \"", "I didn't think I'd be playing as I'd only got here on the Monday and hadn't really trained with the lads. ", "To be thrown in straight away was really good for me. ", "It would have been good to get off the mark and score straight away.", "\n\n\"Against Fulham it was different, it was the Premier League, a really tough league, physically. ", "But it was good to get a good result and play my part. ", "I got a lot of the ball and so it was a good experience.", "\n\n\"My main aims are to come here and learn, progress in the game and learn my trade with such great players. ", "Now I'm training with them, I'll gradually make progress.\"" ]
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