- unknown
- unknown
- fr
- en
- cc-by-4.0
- multilingual
- text-mining
- text-generation
- keyphrase-generation
- keyphrase-extraction
- 1K<n<10K
pretty_name: TALN-Archives
TALN-Archives Benchmark Dataset for Keyphrase Generation
TALN-Archives is a dataset for benchmarking keyphrase extraction and generation models. The dataset is composed of 1207 abstracts of scientific papers in French collected from the TALN Archives. Keyphrases were annotated by authors in an uncontrolled setting (that is, not limited to thesaurus entries). English translations of title/abstract/keyphrases are also available for a subset of the documents (456 fully- and 719 partially-translated documents), allowing to experiment with cross-lingual / multilingual keyphrase generation. Details about the dataset can be found in the original paper (Boudin, 2013).
Reference (indexer-assigned) keyphrases are also categorized under the PRMU (Present-Reordered-Mixed-Unseen) scheme as proposed in (Boudin and Gallina, 2021). Present reference keyphrases are also ordered by their order of apparition in the concatenation of title and abstract.
Text pre-processing (tokenization) is carried out using spacy
model) with a special rule to avoid splitting words with hyphens (e.g. graph-based is kept as one token).
Stemming (Snowball stemmer implementation for french provided in nltk
) is applied before reference keyphrases are matched against the source text.
Details about the process can be found in
Content and statistics
The dataset contains the following test split:
Split | # documents | #words | # keyphrases | % Present | % Reordered | % Mixed | % Unseen |
Test | 1207 | 138.3 | 4.12 | 53.83 | 12.32 | 21.69 | 12.16 |
The following data fields are available :
- id: unique identifier of the document.
- title: title of the document.
- abstract: abstract of the document.
- keyphrases: list of reference keyphrases.
- prmu: list of Present-Reordered-Mixed-Unseen categories for reference keyphrases.
- translation: translations of title, abstract and keyphrases in English if available.
- (Boudin, 2013) Florian Boudin. 2013. TALN Archives : a digital archive of French research articles in Natural Language Processing (TALN Archives : une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue) [in French]. In Proceedings of TALN 2013 (Volume 2: Short Papers), pages 507–514, Les Sables d’Olonne, France. ATALA.
- (Boudin and Gallina, 2021) Florian Boudin and Ygor Gallina. 2021. Redefining Absent Keyphrases and their Effect on Retrieval Effectiveness. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 4185–4193, Online. Association for Computational Linguistics.