6 values
2 values
6 values
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
According to archival documents, he also had a meeting in Warsaw with the French ambassador Count De Bregie, during which he discussed the possibility of Cossack participation in war in France.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
And when you come into the house, salute it, saying: Peace be to this house.
intrantes autem in domum salutate eam
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
You are going to require some fat, too.
آپ کو بھی grout منتخب کرنے کی ضرورت ہوگی.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
tell me the time in moscow
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: قل لي الوقت في الرياض In german: sag mir doch die uhrzeit in gera In spanish: dime la hora en madrid In french: dis-moi l'heure à bordeaux In hindi: मुझे नई दिल्ली में समय बताओ In italian: dimmi l'ora a roma In japanese: モスクワの時間を教えて In dutch: vertel mij de tijd in moskou In portuguese: diz-me as horas em lisboa
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
The biodiversity and the biodensity in the ocean is higher, in places, than it is in the rainforests.
밀림보다도 더 많은 종류의 생명체들이 훨씬 높은 밀집도를 형성하며 살고 있습니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Was that then thy beacon upon the hills? Aesonides replies, was it thy host I saw from the mid ocean? He speaks, and pointing to the son of Jove, Look, here is Pollux, he adds, to whom that hated breast paid penalty; the other turned marvelling eyes upon the hero.
excipit Aesonides tuus ergo in montibus ignis ille? tuas acies medio de gurgite vidi? fatur, et ostentans prolem Iovis hic tibi Pollux en ait, inviso solvit cui pectore poenas; ille virum circa mirantia lumina volvit.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
Dramatis personae.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
tell me the time in g. m. t. plus five
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: قل لي الوقت في توقيت السعودية In german: sage mir die zeit in g. m. t. plus fünf In spanish: dime la hora en el huso horario más cinco In french: dis-moi l'heure en t.m.g. plus cinq In hindi: मुझे जी. एम. टी. में समय बताओ In italian: dimmi l'orario nel fuso orario gmt più cinque In japanese: g. m. t. プラス五の時間を教えて In dutch: vertel me de tijd in g. m. t. plus vijf uur In portuguese: diz me as horas em g. m. t. mais cinco
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
"If thou be the King of the Jews save thyself."
“ اگر تو یہودیوں کا بادشاہ ہے تو اپنے آپ کو بچا ۔ “
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee: and will crush thy cities.
et evellam lucos tuos de medio tui et conteram civitates tuas
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
A study, states 29% of seeds germinated when placed at 0.5 cm below the soil, while only 3% germinated when buried 1 cm.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It's mostly unexplored, and yet there are beautiful sights like this that captivate us and make us become familiar with it.
이런 친밀감을 주는 매력적인 멋진 모습들 또한 대부분은 아직 탐사조차 되지 않았죠
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
olly list most rated delivery options for chinese food
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: توصيل صيني In german: olly liste die am besten bewerteten lieferoptionen für chinesisches essen auf In spanish: alexa opciones de entrega mejor valoradas de comida china In french: olly liste les options de livraison les plus cotées pour la nourriture chinoise In hindi: olly बिहारी भोजन के लिए सबसे अधिक रेटेड वितरण विकल्पों की सूची बनाएं In italian: olly fammi una lista delle migliori opzioni di consegna per il cibo cinese In japanese: 中華料理の最も評価の高い配達オプションを一覧表示して In dutch: olly geef ene overzicht van de beste beoordeelde bezorg opties voor chinees eten In portuguese: olly mostra uma lista das opções de entrega de comida chinesa com mais avaliações
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
جو تو وفا بھی کرے تو ظالم یہ ہو تقاضا کہ پھر جفا کر
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
But Oswy who governed the other part of the Northumbrian nation on the north, to wit the province of the Bernicians, could not live peaceably with him; nay, rather forging and increasing causes of debate he murdered him most cruelly.
Sed nec cum eo ille qui ceteram Transhumbranae gentis partem ab aquilone, id est, Berniciorum provinciam regebat, habere pacem potuit; quin potius ingravescentibus causis dissensionum miserrima hunc caede peremit.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
But when you're standing at the beach, I want you to think that you're standing at the edge of a very unfamiliar world.
당신이 홀로 해변에 서있게 된다면 자신이 아주 낯선 세계의 가장자리에 있다는걸 알아주셨으면 합니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
World government is the concept of a single political body that would make, interpret and enforce international law.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Guess who sat?
بیٹھا ہے کس خیال میں
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
most rated delivery options for chinese food
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: أكثر خيارات التوصيل تقيماً للاطعمة الحجازية In german: meistbewertete liefer optionen für chinesisches essen In spanish: opciones de entrega de comida china más valoradas In french: les options de livraison les plus notées pour du chinois In hindi: chinese भोजन के लिए सबसे अधिक मूल्यांकित delivery विकल्प In italian: migliori opzioni di consegna per la cucina cinese In japanese: 中華料理で最も評価の高い配達オプション In dutch: best gewaardeerde bezorg opties voor chinees eten In portuguese: entrega ao domicílio de comida chinesa com mais avaliações
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
We have to have a very special technology to get into that unfamiliar world.
이렇게 낯선 세계를 탐험하기 위해서 우리는 특별한 기술들을 갖춰야만 했었죠.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
lieutenant governor or commandant of Ste.
پرنس کے انگریزی معنی Princethe governor or commandant of a fort
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
We use the submarine Alvin and we use cameras, and the cameras are something that Bill Lange has developed with the help of Sony.
Alvin이라는 이름의 잠수함이 동원되었고, 카메라도 사용했습니다 카메라는 Bill Lange가 '소니'의 협찬으로 개발한 특수 카메라였습니다
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
A negative literal is the negation of an atom.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
olly most rated delivery options for chinese food
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: olly وش المطاعم الاكثر تقييم للاكل الحجازي و يوصلوا In german: olly die am meisten bewerteten liefer optionen für chinesisches essen In spanish: olly las opciones mas votadas de entrega de comida china a domicilio In french: olly les options de livraison les plus notées pour du chinois In hindi: चीनी भोजन के लिए ऑली मोस्ट रेटेड डिलीवरी विकल्प In italian: olly quali sono le migliori opzioni di consegna per il cibo cinese In japanese: olly 中華料理で最も評価の高い配達オプション In dutch: olly de meest beoordeelde bezorg opties voor chinees eten In portuguese: olly melhores avaliações de entrega para comida chinesa
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
No more, stretched in some mossy grot, shall I watch you in the distance hanging from a bushy crag; no more songs shall I sing; no more, my goats, under my tending, shall you crop flowering lucerne and bitter willows!
non ego vos posthac viridi proiectus in antro dumosa pendere procul de rupe videbo; carmina nulla canam; non me pascente, capellae, florentem cytisum et salices carpetis amaras.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
i want some curry to go any recommendations
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: هندي In german: ich möchte ein curry to go irgendwelche vorschläge In spanish: quiero pedir curry para llevar alguna recomendación In french: je veux du piment pour toutes les recommandations In hindi: मैं कुछ डोसा चाहता हूँ मुझे कुछ सुझाव दो In italian: voglio del ramen suggerimenti In japanese: カレーを持ち帰りしたいがおすすめの店はあるか In dutch: ik wil curry to go heb je enige recommendaties In portuguese: apetece-me caril tens alguma recomendação
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
In the first month (which is called Nisan) in the twelfth year of the reign of Assuerus, the lot was cast into an urn, which in Hebrew is called Phur, before Aman, on what day and what month the nation of the Jews should be destroyed: and there came out the twelfth month, which is called Adar.
mense primo cuius vocabulum est nisan anno duodecimo regni Asueri missa est sors in urnam quae hebraice dicitur phur coram Aman quo die et quo mense gens Iudaeorum deberet interfici et exivit mensis duodecimus qui vocatur adar
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
The weapon arsenal in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is considerably smaller than most role-playing games.
《最终幻想 神秘历险》的武器种类比大多数角色扮演游戏要少。
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Then, as the harbinger of happy news arrived and put the garment over his face his eyesight was restored. He said: "Did I not tell you? I know from God what you do not know."
پھر جب خوشخبری سنانے والا آپہنچا اس نے وہ قمیض یعقوب (علیہ السلام) کے چہرے پر ڈال دیا تو اسی وقت ان کی بینائی لوٹ آئی، یعقوب (علیہ السلام) نے فرمایا: کیا میں تم سے نہیں کہتا تھا کہ بیشک میں اﷲ کی طرف سے وہ کچھ جانتا ہوں جو تم نہیں جانتے،
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
Marcel Proust said, "The true voyage of discovery is not so much in seeking new landscapes as in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust가 말하길 "가장 진실된 탐험이란 낯선 장소를 찾아가는 것이 아니라 새로운 시각을 갖는 것이다"라고요
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
If your prayer is for a respite from present death, and a reprieve for the doomed youth'if you understand that such is my will, take Turnus away in flight, and snatch him from impending fate. Thus far there is room for indulgence.
si mora praesentis leti tempusque caduco oratur iuveni meque hoc ita ponere sentis, tolle fuga Turnum atque instantibus eripe fatis: hactenus indulsisse vacat.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
i want some curry to go any recommendations olly
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: كاري أي أولاي In german: ich möchte curry zum mitnehmen hast du irgendwelche empfehlungen olly In spanish: quiero pedir curry para llevar hay alguna recomendación alexa In french: je veux du curry pour toutes les recommandations olly In hindi: olly मुझे डोसा खाना है इसलिए तुम मुझे कोई सुझाव दो In italian: voglio del ramen da portare via olly hai qualche consiglio In japanese: カレーを食べに行きたいのですがどこかおすすめはありますか In dutch: ik wil curry om mee te nemen heb je aanbevelingen olly In portuguese: quero algum caril para levar alguma recomendação olly
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures of a Curious Character is an edited collection of reminiscences by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.
": Adventures of a Curious Character)是诺贝尔奖得主、物理学家理查德·费曼的回忆的编辑收集。
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Love surely waits.
چہرہ دیکھ کر جودعوا محبت کرتے ہیں
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
People that have partnered with us have given us new eyes, not only on what exists -- the new landscapes at the bottom of the sea -- but also how we think about life on the planet itself.
저희를 협찬해주신 분들은 단순히 바다 아래에 무엇이 존재하고 어떤 지형이 펼쳐져 있는지를 알게 해주었을 뿐만아니라 지구에 사는 생명체들에 대한 생각을 새로이 하게 해주었습니다
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
thus following the master into the bath and into the gymnasium.
Itaque dominum et in balneas et gymnasium sequitur.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
Al-Ghazali had an important influence on both later Muslim philosophers and Christian medieval philosophers.
安萨里对于穆斯林哲学家(英语:Muslim philosophers)及基督教中世纪哲学家都有很大的影响。
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
1:43 So I spoke unto you; and you would not hear, but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD, and went presumptuously up into the hill.
43 اور میں نے تُم سے کہہ بھی دیا پر تُم نے میری نہ سُنی بلکہ تُم نے خداوند کے حکم کی سرکشی کی اور شوخی سے پہاڑ پر چڑھ گئے۔
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
find my thai takeaways around grassmarket
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: بيتزايتي بيتزا توصيل مطعم الشرق In german: finde meine thai takeaways um den torgauer platz In spanish: encontrar mi comida thai para llevar tailandesa alrededor de mercado central In french: trouve mes plats à emporter thaïlandais autour de la concorde In hindi: रॉयल इंडियन के आसपास मेरे भारतीय टेकअवे खोजें In italian: trova il mio thai da asporto a roma In japanese: 相模大野駅の近くの持ち帰りができるタイ料理屋を見つけて In dutch: vind mijn chinese afhaal restaurants in de pijp In portuguese: procura por comida tailandesa com takeaway perto do centro do porto
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
Here's a jelly.
여기 제가 좋아하는 해파리과 생물이 있습니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
But the Lord God of Israel chose me of all the house of my father, to be king over Israel for ever: for of Juda he chose the princes: and of the house of Juda, my father's house: and among the sons of my father, it pleased him to choose me king over all Israel.
sed elegit Dominus Deus Israhel me de universa domo patris mei ut essem rex super Israhel in sempiternum de Iuda enim elegit principes porro de domo Iuda domum patris mei et de filiis patris mei placuit ei ut me eligeret regem super cunctum Israhel
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Please keep your BTC wallet up to date at all times.
براہ کرم اپنے BTC والیٹ کو تمام وقت تازہ ترین رکھیں۔
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
stop seven am alarm
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: وقف منبه سبعة الصبح In german: stoppe den wecker für sieben uhr In spanish: parar alarma de las siete de la mañana In french: arrêter l'alarme de sept heures du matin In hindi: सुबह सात बजे अलार्म बंद करो In italian: disattiva la sveglia delle sette In japanese: 午前七時のアラームをストップ In dutch: stop de alarm om zeven uur in de ochtend In portuguese: para o alarme das sete da manhã
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
This service keeps customer payment information private, sending a one-time security code instead of the card or user details.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It's one of my favorites, because it's got all sorts of working parts.
흥미로운건 이녀석은 나름 분업화된 몸을 가지고있는건데요
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Even our ancestors had not been averse from amusing themselves with spectacles in keeping with the standard of wealth in their day; and that was the reason why actors had been imported from Etruria and horse-races from Thurii. Since the annexation of Achaia and Asia, games had been exhibited in a more ambitious style; and yet, at Rome, no one born in a respectable rank of life had condescended to the stage as a profession, though it was now two hundred years since the triumph of Lucius Mummius, who first gave an exhibition of the kind in the capital.
Maiores quoque non abhorruisse spectaculorum oblectamentis pro fortuna, quae tum erat, eoque a Tuscis accitos histriones, a Thuriis equorum certamina; et possessa Achaia Asiaque ludos curatius editos, nec quemquam Romae honesto loco ortum ad theatralis artes degeneravisse, ducentis iam annis a L. Mummii triumpho, qui primus id genus spectaculi in urbe praebuerit
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
...737Max is also wicked.
78اوربن کے لوگ بھی بدکار تھے
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
please list active alarms
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: تكفى سوي قائمة بالمنبهات الشغالة In german: liste bitte alle aktiven wecker auf In spanish: por favor enumera alarmas activas In french: veuillez lister les alarmes actives In hindi: कृपया सक्रिय अलार्म सूचीबद्ध करें In italian: elencami le sveglie attive per favore In japanese: 有効なアラームをリストアップして In dutch: laat alle actieve alarms zien In portuguese: por favor lista os alarmes ativos
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
He did so by stating that princes and republics should limit their expenditures and prevent either the wealthy or the populace from despoiling the other.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
This turns out to be the longest creature in the oceans.
그로인해 바다에서 가장 긴 생명체가 되었죠.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
The procurator of Cappadocia was Julius Paelignus, a person made doubly contemptible by hebetude of mind and grotesqueness of body, yet on terms of the greatest intimacy with Claudius during the years of retirement when he amused his sluggish leisure with the society of buffoons.
Erat Cappadociae procurator Iulius Paelignus, ignavia animi et deridiculo corporis iuxta despiciendus, sed Claudio perquam familiaris, cum privatus olim conversatione scurrarum iners otium oblectaret.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Adam’s Fall cut off mankind from the presence of God.
(۱) آدم علیہ السلام کے گناہ کی وجہ سے انسان خدا کی رحمت سے دور ہوگیا تھا (نعوذ باﷲ من ذالک)
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It gets up to about 150 feet long.
대략 150피트 (45.7m)가량 돼죠.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
what's happening in football today
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: إيش أخبار كرة القدم اليوم In german: was passiert heute im fußball In spanish: qué está pasando en el fútbol hoy In french: ce qui se passe dans le football aujourd'hui In hindi: आज क्रिकेट में क्या हो रहा है In italian: cosa succede oggi nel calcio In japanese: 今日のサッカーはどうなっていますか In dutch: wat gebeurt er in het voetbal vandaag In portuguese: o que está a acontecer no futebol hoje
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Thus there is an end of all wedded love: the husband has forgotten the joys of his marriage-bed, and remembers his bride no more.
sic thalami fugit omnis amor, dulcesque marito effluxere tori, et subiere oblivia taedae.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
You wrote about it well.
آپ نے اچھا کیا اس بارے میں لکھ کر.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
South Africa is the largest trading partner of the Philippines in Africa and the Philippines ranked South Africa as its 36th largest trading partner in 2008.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
“And He it is Who originates the creation, then will repeat it (after it has been perished), and this is easier for Him.
"اور وہی ہے جو خلق کا آغاز کرتا ہے، پھر وہ اس کا اعادہ کرے گا اور یہ اس کے لیے زیادہ آسان (Easier) ہے۔" (30:27)
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Scaevinus was hurried to the spot by soldiers, and opened his defence by replying that the weapon charged against him had long been regarded with veneration by his family, had been kept in his bedroom, and had been purloined by the knavery of his freedman. The tablets of his will he had quite often sealed, and without taking any particular notice of the days.
Is raptus per milites et defensionem orsus, ferrum, cuius argueretur, olim religione patria cultum et in cubiculo habitum ac fraude liberti subreptum respondit, tabulas testamenti saepius a se et incustodita dierum observatione signatas.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
please play yesterday from beatles
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: من فضلك شغل البيتلز أمس In german: spiel bitte yesterday von den beatles In spanish: por favor pon ayer de los beatles In french: s'il te plais joue j' ai demandé à la lune d' indochine In hindi: कृपया अरिजित सिंह के द्वारा तुम ही हो चालू करो In italian: suona oro di mango per favore In japanese: 星野源の不思議を再生してちょうだい In dutch: speel alsjeblieft yesterday van de beatles af In portuguese: por favor põe contentores dos xutos e pontapés
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
And you will have the shape of what I am.
تم سے بچھڑ کہ میں کیا ہوں
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
The NBD consists of two lobes with a deep cleft between them, at the bottom of which nucleotide (ATP and ADP) binds.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
But see all those different working things?
지금 각기 따로 움직이는 개체들이 보이시나요?
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Nay, may the young then see thy house ablaze, and none bestir himself to put water on the fire.
quin tua tunc iuvenes spectent incendia laeti, nec quisquam flammae sedulus addat aquam.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
i like rock music
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: أنا أحب موسيقى الروك In german: ich mag rock musik In spanish: me gusta la música rock In french: j'aime la musique rock In hindi: मुझे राॅक संगीत पसंद है In italian: mi piace la musica rock In japanese: ロックミュージックが好き In dutch: ik hou van rock muziek In portuguese: gosto de música rock
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
According to Wilhelm Reich, the lack of women's capacity to have a vaginal orgasm is due to a lack of orgastic potency, which he believed to be the result of culture's suppression of genital sexuality.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
I love that kind of stuff.
저는 이런게 너무 좋더라구요.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Lo! those who disbelieve and turn from the way of Allah and oppose the messenger after the guidance hath been manifested unto them, they hurt Allah not a jot, and He will make their actions fruitless.
بے شک جنہوں نے انکار کر دیا اور الله کی راہ سے روکا اور رسول کی مخالفت کی بعد اس کے کہ ان پر سیدھا راستہ صاضح ہو چکا وہ الله کا کچھ بھی نہیں بگاڑ سکیں گے اور ان کے اعمال کو اکارت کر دے گا
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It's got these fishing lures on the bottom. They're going up and down.
마치 낚시 찌 같은것들이 아래에 달려서 까딱까딱거리죠
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
I used to wonder, Amaryllis, why so sadly you called on the gods, and for whom you let the apples hang on their native trees. Tityrus was gone from home.
meliboeus Mirabar, quid maesta deos, Amarylli, vocares, cui pendere sua patereris in arbore poma: Tityrus hinc aberat.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
my favorite music band is queen
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: حقي مفضل موسيقى فرقة كاظم الساهر In german: meine lieblings band ist queen In spanish: mi grupo de musica favorito es despistados In french: ma musique favori de mon groupe phoenix In hindi: मेरा पसंदीदा संगीत बैंड रानी है In italian: il mio gruppo musicale preferito sono i maneskin In japanese: お気に入りのミュージックバンドクイーン In dutch: mijn favoriete muziek band is queen In portuguese: minha banda de música favorita é queen
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It's got tentacles dangling, swirling around like that.
촉수들이 주렁주렁 달려서 저렇게 막 움직입니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
The funding for these projects is distributed unevenly, with a few projects accounting for the majority of overall funding.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
You have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, how I have carried you upon the wings of eagles, and have taken you to myself.
vos ipsi vidistis quae fecerim Aegyptiis quomodo portaverim vos super alas aquilarum et adsumpserim mihi
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
start playing music from favorites
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: ابدأ تشغيل موسيقى مفضلة In german: fang mit der wiedergabe der musik aus den favoriten an In spanish: comienza a reproducir musica de favoritos In french: commence à jouer musique de préfèré In hindi: पसंदीदा में से संगीत को चलना शुरू करें In italian: inizia a riprodurre musica dei preferiti In japanese: お気に入りから音楽を再生する In dutch: begin met favoriete muziek tespelen In portuguese: começa a tocar música dos meus favoritos
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
It's a colonial animal.
이건 군체동물입니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
Perhaps those are idols I created.
یہ جو حالات ہیں میرے ، میں نے بنائے ہیں مگر
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
please play my best music
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: من فضلك شغل موسيقى الأفضل الخاص بي In german: bitte spiel meine beste musik In spanish: por favor pon mi mejor música In french: s'il te plaît joue ma meilleure musique In hindi: कृपया मेरे पुराने रेडियो को चलाओ In italian: per favore riproduci la mia musica preferita In japanese: ベストミュージックをかけて In dutch: speel alsjeblieft mijn beste muziek af In portuguese: por favor toca a minha melhor música
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
IGN and Giant Bomb commended the music selection and felt that the original score enhanced dramatic tension during missions.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
The jury believed they should read the proofs of upright administration of his province in Q. Metellus life, not in his accounts, and thought it unworthy that the integrity of so great a man be assessed on the basis of a little wax and a few letters of the alphabet.
non in tabulis sed in vita Q. Metelli argumenta sincere administratae provinciae legenda sibi iudices crediderunt, indignum rati integritatem tanti viri exigua cera et paucis litteris perpendi.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
These are all individual animals banding together to make this one creature.
각각의 파트가 다른 동물들이 서로 연결됨으로써 이런 하나의 생명체를 만드는겁니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
1 John 1:9: But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, forgiving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness.
John 1:9 - ’’اگر اپنے گُناہوں کا اِقرار کریں (تو) وہ ہمارے گُناہوں کے معاف کرنے اور ہمیں ساری ناراستی سے پاک کرنے میں سچا اور عادِل ہے۔‘‘
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
Some call upon the gods with prayer and plaint, others exhort their martial weapons and warhorses, others again tearfully press beloved breasts and sorrowfully commission funeral pyres for the morrow.
hi precibus questuque deos, hi Martia tela belligerosque hortantur equos, hi pectora fletu cara premunt miserique rogos et crastina mandant funera.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
Sues and Alexander Averianov criticised that analysis, arguing that Farke and colleagues misinterpreted or mis-coded some characteristics of the fossil in their analysis.
苏伊士与亚历山大·阿维里安诺夫(Alexander Averianov)反对这项说法,认为该研究忽视某些图兰角龙的特征,或是论述角度错误。
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
who's current music's author
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: مين مؤالف الموسيقى الحالية In german: wer ist der autor der aktuellen musik In spanish: quién es el autor de esta música In french: qui est l'auteur de la musique actuelle In hindi: वर्तमान संगीत के लेखक कौन हैं In italian: chi ha composto la musica in riproduzione In japanese: この曲の作者は誰 In dutch: wie is de auteur van de huidige muziek In portuguese: qual é o autor desta música
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
And it's got these jet thrusters up in front that it'll use in a moment, and a little light.
앞에는 청사초롱같은것도 달려있는데요 빛이 필요한 순간 사용할수있죠
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
And Saul answering, said: Am not I a son of Jemini of the least tribe of Israel, and my kindred the last among all the families of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then hast thou spoken this word to me?
respondens autem Saul ait numquid non filius Iemini ego sum de minima tribu Israhel et cognatio mea novissima inter omnes familias de tribu Beniamin quare ergo locutus es mihi sermonem istum
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
Since the college was first formally integrated into the University structure in 1955, its Nonconformist aspects have gradually diminished.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
The one who hides or covers a multitude of sins demonstrates the character and righteousness of God.
جو شخص کثرت سے یا واسع کا ورد رکھے گا ان شاءاللہ اس کو ظاہری ، باطنی غنا اللہ تعالیٰ عطا فرمائیں گے۔
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
If you take all the big fish and schooling fish and all that, put them on one side of the scale, put all the jelly-type of animals on the other side, those guys win hands down.
지구상의 모든 큰 물고기들과 물고기 떼의 무게를 합쳐 한쪽 저울에 달고 이런 해파리과 생명체를 다른쪽에 단다면 이 녀석들이 압도적으로 무거울겁니다.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
Mitchel Resnick (born June 12, 1956) is LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, Director of the Okawa Center, and Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.
密契尔.瑞斯尼克 (1956年6月12日-)是乐高学习研究帕尔特教授、大川中心(Okawa Center)主任、以及在麻省理工学院媒体实验室的终身幼儿园集团主任 。
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
But these three men, that is, Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, fell down bound in the midst of the furnace of burning fire.
viri autem hii id est tres Sedrac Misac et Abdenago ceciderunt in medio camini ignis ardentis conligati
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
what's that the album is current music from
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: هذه In german: was ist das album auf dem die aktuelle musik ist In spanish: cual es ese álbum de música actual In french: de quel album est cette musique actuelle In hindi: अभी जो संगीत बज रहा है ये कौनसी album से है In italian: da quale album è la musica che sto ascoltando In japanese: 今の曲はどのアルバムに収録されてるの In dutch: waar is dat album van huidige muziek van In portuguese: de que álbum é a música atual
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
"No," he said, and checked her turning.
"نہیں۔”وہ برجستہ بولا اور بغور اُسے دیکھتا رہا۔
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
There are a variety of symbols, but recently most king's flags have different symbols, such as the symbol marking King Bhumibol's 80th birthday or the one commemorating the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's accession to the throne.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to latin.
This battle ended, that he might be able to come up with the remaining forces of the Helvetii, he procures a bridge to be made across the Saone , and thus leads his army over.
Hoc proelio facto, reliquas copias Helvetiorum ut consequi posset, pontem in Arari faciendum curat atque ita exercitum traducit.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to korean.
Most of the biomass in the ocean is made out of creatures like this.
이런 생명체들이 바다속 생명체의 대다수를 차지하죠.
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to arabic, german, spanish, french, hindi, italian, japanese, dutch, and portuguese.
olly i'm really enjoying this song
Sure here are your translations: In arabic: حبيت هذي الاغنية In german: olly ich genieße dieses lied In spanish: realmente estoy disfrutando de esta canción In french: olly j'apprécie vraiment cette chanson In hindi: olly मैं वास्तव में इस गाने का आनंद ले रहा हूँ In italian: olly mi piace molto questa canzone In japanese: この歌すっごくいいんだけど In dutch: olly ik geniet echt van dit lied In portuguese: olly eu realmente gosto desta música
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to urdu.
I took a number of therapy […]
اب میں نے کچھ منشیات کی کوشش کی ہے [...]
You are an AI translator, translate the following from english to chinese.
According to an MSNBC report, the crucial words are inaudible, and presenter Rita Cosby questioned if it could be substantiated that Kalpoe had ever made the statements attributed to him in the Dr. Phil version of the recording.
另据MSNBC报导,视频中最关键的字眼根本听不清,主持人丽塔·考斯比(Rita Cosby)质疑卡尔珀是否真的说过《菲尔医生》节目版本视频中那些话。