At the head of this dictatorship stand the masses; here there is no room either for a camarilla or for secret decisions, here everything is done openly, in the streets, at meetings -- because it is the dictatorship of the street, of the masses, a dictatorship directed against all oppressors.
Ovde na čelu diktature stoji većina, ovde nema mesta ni kamarili, ni tajnim odlukama, ovde se sve radi otvoreno, na ulici, na mitinzima, i to zato što je to diktatura ulice, mase, diktatura uperena protiv svih ugnjetača.
Role of organization: Lead partner Place of realization: Sebia, Nova Varos and Sjenica Activities/results: The target groups were pupils of primary school, students of secondary schools and inhabitants from local community.
Uloga: Vodeći partner Mesto realizacije: Srbija, Nova Varoš, Sjenica Aktivnosti i rezultati: Ciljne grupe su bili učenici osnovnih škola i srednjih škola, kao i stanovnici iz lokalnih zajednica.
If a glucagon injection kit is available, it can be administered to manage severe hypos too.
Ako je komplet za ubrizgavanje glukagona dostupan, i on se može primeniti za terapiju teže hipoglikemije.
For example, the information panel shown here can be every 10 seconds to change prints: gynecology, the current time, date and current temperature.
Na primer, na ovde prikazanom informacionom panelu mogu na svakih 10 sec da se menjaju ispisi: ginekologija, tekuće vreme, datum i trenutna temperatura.
We also believe that it was the only responsible approach, especially bearing in mind that the publication of any insufficiently verified information, which given the particularity of the circumstances, would be numerous and could lead to negative consequences.
Verujemo i da je to bio jedini odgovoran pristup, a posebno imajući u vidu da bi objavljivanje bilo kakvih nedovoljno proverenih informacija, a takvih je imajući u vidu osebenost okolnosti bilo mnogo i mogle su voditi negativnim posledicama.
Students are trained to take a representative sample, prepare it and analyze it.
Student je osposobljen da uzme reprezentativan uzorak, pripremi ga i analizira.
Milos Dejanovic has 9 years of experience in field of #IndustrialEngineering and #LeanEngineering, as well as in #ProjectManagement area, with current position of #MTM Project manager in Wacker Neuson PSK (Kragujevac, Serbia).
Milos Dejanovic ima 9 godina iskustva u oblasti #industrijskiInženjering-a i #LeanEngineering-a, kao i u #ProjectManagement oblasti, sa trenutnom pozicijom #MTM menadžera projekata u Wacker Neuson grupi (Kragujevac, Srbija).
To change how threads are displayed, you can also change other settings in Settings > Mail—such as Collapse Read Messages or Most Recent Message on Top.
Za promjenu načina prikaza nizova možete promijeniti druge postavke odlaskom na Postavke > Mail, npr. Sažmi pročitane poruke ili Najnovije poruke na vrh.
It has been the official language of Macedonia since 1945 and it has been recognized as the language of national minorities in Albania, Romania and Serbia.
Službeni je jezik Makedonije od 1945. godine, a priznat je kao jezik manjinskih naroda u Albaniji, Rumuniji i Srbiji.
The Media Coalition therefore believes that it is essential to keep this provision in the Law and thus provide greater safety and protection to journalists, especially given the importance of their profession for the exercise of the right to be informed and freedom of expression.
Medijska koalicija zato smatra da je neophodno da se kroz zadržavanje ove odredbe u Zakonu obezbedi veća sigurnost i zaštita novinara, a posebno imajući u vidu značaj njihove profesije za ostvarivanje prava na obaveštenost i slobodu izražavanja.
Engaging in preparation and development of working documents, work and coordination manual and procedures for dealing with particular situations,
Učešće u pripremi i izradi radnih dokumenata, uputstava za rad i koordinaciju i procedura za postupanje u specifičnim situacijama,
I expect and deeply believe that all of society would condemn this violent and deplorable behaviour because I believe that there is no such thing as acceptable and unacceptable violence.”
Očekujem i duboko verujem da će svi u društvu osuditi ovakvo nasilničko i neprimereno ponašanje, jer smatram da ne može da postoji dozvoljeno i nedozvoljeno nasilje.“
Corporate communications Trade marketing with special focus on POSM creation and execution
Trgovinski marketing sa posebnim fokusom na kreiranje i realizaciju POSM-a
The reason for extending the time for solving BF challenges this year is the fact that, given the number of the competing teams, experience you’ve gained and the results you’ve shown so far, this year’s challenges are somewhat more complex.
Razlog ovogodišnjeg produženja roka za rešavanje BF izazova jesu zadaci koji su ovaj put, s obzirom na brojnost takmičarih ekipa, vaše dosadašnje iskustvo i pokazane rezultate nešto složeniji.
A clear newsletter with info about what the users receive and how they can change it.
Jasan njuzleter i komunikacija o tome šta korisnik prima i kako to može promeniti.
This means that we, as the processor, determine the purpose and methods of processing your personal data.
Ovo znači da mi, kao rukovalac, određujemo svrhu i način obrade Vaših podataka o ličnosti.
Key words: high-risk neurological symptoms, feeding, dependence, oral motor control, manipulative skill Napomena: kompletan tekst rada na srpskom jeziku Note: full text in Serbian
Ključne riječi: neurorizična simptomatologija, hranjenje, ovisnost o tuđoj pomoći, oralna motorna kontrola, manipulativna spretnost. Napomena: sažetak na engleskom jeziku Note: Summary in English
Since this project proved interesting and useful for the students who attended the Refugee Legal Clinic, Praxis will continue the cooperation with the UNHCR and the Law Faculty at the University of Belgrade so that the future generations also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the practical work with the displaced population.
Kako se ovaj projekat pokazao zanimljivim i korisnim za polaznike Pravne klinike, Praxis će nastaviti saradnju sa UNHCR-om i Pravnim fakultetom Univerziteta u Beogradu tako da će i buduće generacije studenata imati priliku da se na isti način upoznaju sa praktičnim radom sa raseljeničkom populacijom.
After you find the one you want, add captions, select Done, and then Send.
Kada pronađete onu koju želite, dodajte natpise, izaberite stavku Gotovo, a zatim Pošalji.
Esteemed members of the Security Council,
Uvaženi članovi Saveta bezbednosti,
Winston sat in his usual corner, gazing into an empty glass.
Vinston je sedeo u svom uobičajenom uglu, zagledan u praznu čašu.
He is a member of the International Jury of the International Philosophy Olympiad.
Član je Međunarodnog žirija Međunarodne filozofske olimpijade.
The consumption of several other items, for which no alternative exists, will have to be reduced by EU member states by least 25% by 2025.
Potrošnja određenih predmeta za koje ne postoji alternativa moraće da se smanji za bar 25% u EU do 2025. godine.
The Zavičaj Garni Hotel is located in a quiet street, close to the highway and the Belgrade Fair. It is easily accessible from all parts of Belgrade, the airport and New Belgrade, a new center of business activities.
Garni hotel Zavičaj smešten je u mirnoj ulici, u blizini auto-puta i Beogradskog Sajma, lako dostupan iz svih delova Beograda, aerodroma i poslovnog centra – Novog Beograda.
’In winter, when snow and rain are abundant, the monastery in Visočka Ržana is cut off from the world, so this donation will be of great healt for us.
- Manastir u Visočkoj Ržani zimi je, kada ima puno kiše i snega, odsečen od sveta, tako da će nam ova donacija mnogo pomoći.
Moreover, we view with the utmost suspicion the fact that the only sanction available is a total ban of the publication concerned.
Stavise, mi sa najvecom mogucom sumnjom gledamo na cinjenicu da je jedina sankcija koja je zakonom predvidjena potpuna zabrana publikacije koja je u pitanju.
Because of this link, there are many things you can do to lower your risk of heart disease by managing your type 2 diabetes.
Zbog ove veze, postoji mnogo stvari koje možete da uradite da biste smanjili rizik od srčanih bolesti dobrom kontrolom dijabetesa tip 2.
"It makes that even more important - you can't afford too many mistakes, you can't afford to miss the super-spreader," Prof Woolhouse says. Is it the super-spreader's fault?
„Zato je to još važnije - ne možete da priuštite mnogo grešaka, ne smete dopustiti da propustite super-kliconošu", kaže profesor Vulhaus.
Photovoltaic roof
Fotonaponski krov
DAH Theater announces call for assistant to Director Dijana Milošević, for the work on production of International Conference and the Festival, which will mark 25th Anniversary of DAH Theater.(June30-July3). Assistant would also collaborate on the scenario for the new performance of DAH Theater.
DAH Teatar poziva sve zainteresovane da se jave, potreban je asistent/kinja rediteljki Dijani Milošević za rad na produkciji Internacionalne konferencije i festivala DAH Teatra povodom 25 godina rada, (30.juni-3. juli) i za saradnju na scenariju na novoj predstavi DAH Teatra.
She enrolled post graduation studies at the same Faculty in 2005.
Iste godine je upisala poslediplomske studije na istom fakultetu.
She emphasised that she will ask the European Union to make the signing of the Association and Stabilisation Agreement with Serbia contingent to the conclusion of cooperation with the Tribunal, but that she is also ready to inform the EU of all the progress and cooperation.
Naglasila je da će od Evropske unije zatražiti da potpisivanje Sporazuma o pridruživanju i stabilizaciji sa Srbijom uslovi završetkom saradnje sa Tribunalom, ali i da je spremna da EU obavesti o svakom napretku i saradnji.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Po završetku modula student će biti u mogućnosti da:
Waves and currents are quite rare at Aharen Beach, as it's located in a calm beautiful bay surrounded by tall woody hills with pathways and observation decks.
Valovi i struje prilično su rijetki na plaži Aharen, jer se nalazi u mirnoj prelijepoj uvali okruženoj visokim šumovitim brežuljcima sa stazama i osmatračnicama.
Western Balkan Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF), founded by EU in 2012, is comprehensive set of complementary measures for improving access to finance for SMEs and assisting economic development in the Western Balkans.
Program za razvoj preduzeća i inovacija Zapadnog Balkana (Western Balkan Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility – WB EDIF), pokrenula je Evropska unija 2012. godine kao sveobuhvatni skup mera za poboljšanje pristupa malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) izvorima finansiranja i, šire, opšti ekonomski razvoj Zapadnog Balkana.
One of them is a monument to Geshe Kozodoev, in memory of the film “The Diamond Arm” that was shot here.
Jedan od njih je spomenik Gešeu Kozodoevu, u spomen na film "Dijamantska ruka" koji je ovdje snimljen.
If your Apple Watch is near your iPhone or connected to a Wi-Fi network (or a cellular network, for Apple Watch models with cellular), you can stream audiobooks from your audiobooks library to your Apple Watch.
Ako je Apple Watch pored iPhonea ili je spojen na Wi-Fi mrežu (ili na podatkovnu mrežu, za Apple Watch modele s mobilnim podacima), možete streamati audio knjige iz medijateke audio knjiga u svoj Apple Watch.
If you have a passion for Salesforce and a drive to create better change with holistic solutions, get in touch.
Ako ste strastveni prema Salesforce-u i težite ka kreiranju boljih promena sa holističkim rešenjima, kontaktirajte nas.
“I want to emphasize that in Kosovo there is no support for women in decision making for other women,” she says. “I have said so many times that even they [women in decision-making positions] will be strengthened if they support other women, but this is not happening.”
“Želim da naglasim da na Kosovu ne postoji podrška ženama koje bi odlučivale o drugim ženama”, kaže ona. “Rekla sam bezbroj puta da će one [žene na pozicijama na kojima se donose odluke] biti osnažene ukoliko podrže druge žene, ali se to ne dešava.”
• use of the Website, including any deterioration or virus that could infect the computer equipment or other property of the user;
* upotrebom Sajta, uključujući bilo kakvo pogoršanje ili virus koji bi mogao da zarazi kompjutersku opremu ili drugi posed korisnika;
The certified full power (by a notary, a court) by which the representative is authorised for doing all the work related to the obligations and exercising the rights that foreign entities has as the VAT payer.
overeno punomoćje (od strane javnog beležnika, suda…) kojim se punomoćnik ovlašćuje za obavljanje svih poslova u vezi sa ispunjavanjem obaveza i ostvarivanjem prava koje strano lice ima kao obveznik PDV.
Vesely put a stop to that for a moment with a slam dunk.
Na trenutak je to prekinuo Veseli atraktivnim zakucavanjem.
[Lighten]: The camera compares the pixels in each picture and uses only the brightest.
[Osvetliti]: Kamera upoređuje piksele na svakoj slici i koristi samo najsjajnije.
The Assistant Minister of Education and Science praised the practice of holding Committee sittings outside of the National Assembly headquarters where the Committee members, Ministry and Institute representatives can exchange information and opinions on the work of scientific research institutions.
Pomoćnica ministra prosvete i nauke je ocenila kao dobru praksu održavanje sednica Odbora izvan sedišta Narodne skupštine, na kojima članovi Odbora, predstavnici Ministarstva i predstavnici Instituta imaju mogućnost da razmenjuju informacije i mišljenja o radu naučno-istraživačkih ustanova.
This change currently applies to the following VOX categories: washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, and televisions.
Ova promena se za sada odnosi na sledeće VOX kategorije: mašine za pranje veša, mašine za pranje sudova, frižidere, zamrzivače i televizore.
Temporary Regional coordinator - Zoran Mutatović
Vršilac dužnosti regionalnog koordinatora - Zoran Mutatović
Following this, the Act to prohibit violence against women was adopted.
Nakon toga usvojen je Zakon o zabrani nasilja nad ženama.
Our food is produced only after being ordered from our partners this means that we serve our 4 legged friends with products that are always fresh and at best of their nutritional and organoleptic qualities.
Hranu proizvodimo tek nakon porudžbine naših partnera, što znači da našim četvoronožnim prijateljima služimo prozvode koji su uvek sveži i sa svim najboljim hranljivim i organoleptičkim svojstvima.
Also, working on peacebuilding for many years, and encountering opposing narratives about wars, we wanted to create a space for a joint analysis of the dominant culture of memory in this region and the impact of dominant policies on peace work.
Također, radeći dugo godina na izgradnji mira, i susrećući se sa suprotstavljenim narativima o ratovima, željeli smo otvoriti prostor za zajedničko promišljanje dominantne kulture sjećanja na ovim prostorima, i utjecaja dominantnih politika na mirovni rad.
According to the data available so far, after 1 - 4 weeks of receiving the second dose of the vaccine, patients develop immunity which is 95% effective [63].
Prema zasad dostupnim podacima, nakon 1 - 4 nedelje od primljene druge doze vakcine, stvara se imunitet koji je efikasan 95% [63].
Volunteering Awards 2020 Call Announced Belgrade, December 4 – On the eve of International Volunteer Day, the Responsible Business Forum and Smart Kolektiv have announced a competition for the National Volunteering Award 2020.
Beograd, 4. decembar – Uoči sutrašnjeg dana koji se širom sveta obeležava kao Međunarodni dan volontera, Forum za odgovorno poslovanje i Smart kolektiv raspisali su konkurs za Nacionalnu nagradu za volontiranje 2020.
They will have a possibility to get a new place only if they arrange it with other organizations – through the solidarity, either renting or shopping a space together – because one quarter square is expensive in Delhi, and they as a politically activist theater, cannot, nor want to ask for a donation, neither from a corporation, nor from a state.
Mogućnost novog prostora vide samo u slučaju da se dogovore sa drugim organizacijama – kroz solidarno i zajedničko iznajmljivanje ili kupovinu – inače, u Delhiju je kvadrat preskup, a oni, kao politički angažovano pozorište, ne mogu a i ne žele da traže donacije ni od korporacija, ni od države.
Given the significant financial funds needed, it is necessary to define a financial plan to identify funds for the implementation of all requirements.
S obzirom da su potrebna značajna finansijska sredstva, neophodno je definisati finansijski plan kojim ćemo pronaći sredstva potrebna za implementaciju svih zahteva.
Our strategic vision is to use our ability to implement new services fast while using strong expertise of our team of working on EU banking markets in order to transform operating model of the bank to better address the needs of existing and new clients.
Naša strateška vizija je da iskoristimo našu sposobnost da brzo implementiramo nove usluge, koristeći snažnu ekspertizu našeg tima koji radi na bankarskim tržištima EU, kako bismo transformisali operativni model banke, i bolje odgovorili na potrebe postojećih i novih klijenata.
Montenegro’s commitment to RECOM on the eve of the London Summit shows that this needn’t be so.
Podrška Crne Gore REKOM-u uoči samita u Londonu pokazuje da to ne mora biti tako.
Today, Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) demonstrated the next step of LTE, known as LTE Advanced, to the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS).
Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) je danas švedskoj Agenciji za poštu i telekomunikacije (PTS) prikazao sledeći LTE korak, poznat i kao LTE Advanced.
They anxiously believed that the worst will not happen, until sometime after midnight a thunder from the guns dispersed all doubts.
I dalje su sa zebnjom verovali da do onog najgoreg neće doći, sve dok nešto posle ponoći grmnjavina pušaka nije oterala svaku sumnju.
MIKIIĆ Ltd. is a private company, which began to work in January 1995.
MIKIIĆ D.O.O. je privatna firma koja je počela sa radom januara 1995. godine.
Gills are flexible (when you go over them with a finger, they don’t break, but stay attached), whitish.
Listići su elastični (kad se prevuče prstom prekon njih, ne lome se, već ostaju slepljeni), beličasti.
Gradac Monastery was built in the late 13th century /around 1275/, on the ruins of an earlier church. Gradac Monastery is the endowment of Queen Jelena Anzujska /Queen Helen of Anjou/, probably from the Charles I Anjou Family, king of Sicily and Naples, the wife of the Serbian King Uros I.
Manastir Gradac je podignut u drugoj polovini XIII veka /oko 1275. godine/, na ostacima nekadašnje crkve, kao zadužbina kraljice Jelene Anžujske, najverovatnije iz roda Karla I Anžujskog, kralja Sicilije i Napulja, žene srpskog kralja Uroša I Nemanjica.
Theory teaching Within this course, it will be learned about the classification of different types of waste according to its origin, type and physical-chemical, biological and mechanical characteristics.
Content: U okviru ovog kursa naučiće se o klasifikaciji različitih tipova otpada prema svom nastanku, vrsti te fizičko-hemijskim, biološkim i mehaničkim karakteristikama.
Express your style by colorizing anything in the build collection of avatar items
Označite bojama bilo što u zbirci artikala avatara i izrazite svoj stil
Location of Vrnjacka Banja and how to get here
Gde se Vrnjačka Banja nalazi i kako doći do nas?
He plans to reduce the number of cars coming into the capital by building commuter parking lots at the entrances to the city that will have special bus routes into the center.
Planira da umanji broj automobila koji dolaze u prestonicu tako što će parkirališta za one koji putuju na posao iz drugih gradova i mesta izgraditi na ulazu u grad; pritom, obećava formiranje specijalnih autobuskih linija do centra.
You won many trophies during your career, but what was your favorite medal?
U karijeri ste osvojili mnogo odličja. Ipak, koja vam je najdraža medalja?
Naupara Monastery church was built of the layers of stone enlivened with two rows of sculpture decoration.
Crkva manastira Naupare je zidana grubo obrađenim kamenom i ukrašena je sa dva kordonska venca.
The Paleta Gallery was first opened to the public in 1986 by the retrospective exhibition of Milan Kečić.
Galerija Paleta je prvi put otvorena za publiku 1986. retrospektivnom izložbom Milana Kečića.
These sentiments are echoed by young Prishtina based boxer Arian Gashi, who is also considering pursuing his career outside of Kosovo, having given up his career in his home country over a year ago after being continually disappointed by conditions.
Ovakve stavove ima i mladi prištinski bokser Arian Gaši, koji je, takođe, jedan od onih koji žele da svoju karijeru ostvare van Kosova, nakon što je odustao od karijere u zemlji svog porekla pre više od godinu dana nakon što se razočarao u uslove rada.
In total, 40 excellent photographs were exhibited.
Ukupno je izloženo 40 izvrsnih fotografija.
Some time later, the Commissioner’s office faced a reality that behind the rigid attitude towards the public lays the fact that at NIS not only the Law on the Free Access to Information, but also the Law on Public Procurement, do not apply.
Kancelarija poverenika nešto kasnije suočila se sa činjenicom da se iza rigidnog odnosa prema javnosti krije i to da, pored Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama, u NIS-u ne važi ni Zakon o javnim nabavkama.
The revised rules would generally allow for aid amounts covering up to 100% of the funding gap and to introduce new aid instruments, such as carbon contracts for difference, but through competitive bidding procedures, to ensure state aid is minimal.
Revidiranim propisima bi se uglavnom dozvolilo pokrivanje nedostajućih sredstava u iznosu do sto odsto i uveli neki instrumenti podrške, poput ugovora o razlici (CfD) za ugljenik, ali podrška bi se dobijala putem nadmetanja, tako da državna pomoć bude najmanja moguća.
And I like it most at this time of year. It is too cold for anything else to grow, but not enough to stop the sorrel.
Najviše ga volim u ovo doba jer je suviše hladno za bilo šta drugo, a opet ne dovoljno da zelje ne raste.
Some ten years ago, the great commercial success of social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, encouraged several (so-far failed) attempts to establish social networking sites intended solely for researchers (e.g. 2collab – 2007-2011, Epernicus – 2007-2010, Nature Network – 2007-2013).
Pre desetak godina, veliki komercijalni uspeh društvenih mreža kao što su Twitter i Facebook podstakao je nekoliko neuspelih pokušaja da se uspostave društvene mreže koje će biti namenjene isključivo istraživačima (npr. 2collab – 2007–2011, Epernicus – 2007–2010, Nature Network – 2007–2013).
We are witnesses to the fact that without an understanding of who Millenials and why they think and act in a way that is different from the older generation employers can disadvantaged when it comes to communication, delegation of activities to teams or individuals, training and building relationships with representatives of the new generation.
Svedoci smo da bez razumevanja ko su Milenijasi i zašto oni razmišljaju i ponašaju se na način koji je je različit u odnosu na starije generacije poslodavci mogu biti u zaostatku što se tiče komunikacije, delegiranja aktivnosti timovima ili pojedincima, treninga i izgradnje odnosa sa predstavnicima nove generacije.
Maybe we "fell in love" with 3-point shots in the moments when they already were in the bonus.
Možda smo se malo ‘zaljubili’ u šut za tri poena u momentima kada su oni već bili u bonusu.
A number of organizations presented their environmental protection and related projects, while the bike tour around the lake was the centerpiece event, with participants including officials, diplomats, and other visitors, including children.
Brojne organizacije su predstavile projekte zaštite životne sredine i srodne projekte, dok je vožnja biciklom bila centralni događaj, u kom su učestvovali zvaničnici, diplomate i drugi posetioci, uključujući decu.
Local governments in Serbia have made an average of 7,640 decisions on the demolition of illegally built houses, garages, and other facilities, but only one in five has taken a concrete step - to remove them.
Lokalne samouprave u Srbiji donele su u proseku 7.640 rešenja o rušenju nelegalno izgrađenih kuća, garaža i drugih objekata, ali tek svaka peta sprovede i konkretan korak - da ih ukloni.
We continue to invest in the real estate and retail industry.
I dalje ulažemo u industriju nekretnina i maloprodajnih objekata.
But now, I sleep for an hour.”
Ali sada, spavam sat vremena.”
Kei Shimada is an American entrepreneur, angel investor and currently the leader of the Digital Makers Lab at IBM Japan.
Kei Šimada je američki preduzetnik, anđeo investitor, a trenutno je na čelu Digital Makers Lab u kompaniji IBM Japan.
Under one roof, it will present the whole “pharaoh” civilization.
Reč je o Velikom muzeju Egipta koji će pod jednim krovom predstaviti celokupnu „faraonsku“ civilizaciju.
Emphasize the models of financing energy efficiency projects in local governments
Ukaže na modele finansiranja projekata energetske efikasnosti u lokalnim samoupravama,
The equipment will be delivered to health institutions throughout the country. The donation provided 66 trucks of various equipment, including kits for staff in operating rooms, equipment for the protection of medical workers, medical gloves, masks, and disinfectants for operating rooms.
Oprema će biti dopremljena zdravstvenim ustanovama u celoj zemlji, a donacijom je obezbeđeno 66 šlepera različite opreme, koja uključuje komplete za osoblje u operacionim salama, opremu za zaštitu medicinskih radnika, medicinske rukavica, maske, sredstva za dezinfekciju operacionih sala i drugih prostorija.
We see painful rituals of conception, as we could see the painful child birth in the field in which Donka (Sara Klimoska) worked a moment ago, unassisted by a midwife or any other person who could offer support.
Vidimo bolne rituale začeća, kao i bolni porođaj Donke (Sara Klimoska) u polju u kojem je do tog momenta radila i u kojem se porađa sama, bez ičije pomoći.
Note: Compass won’t display elevation or coordinates if Location Services is turned off.
Napomena: Kompas neće prikazivati nadmorsku visinu ili koordinate, ako su Lokacijske usluge isključene.
The decision makers hinted at the possibility of obligatory purchases of power at market conditions from prosumers – the consumers which also produce electricity from renewables or in high-efficiency cogeneration
Nagoveštena je mogućnost obaveznog otkupa struje po tržišnim uslovima od prozjumera – korisnika koji takođe proizvode električnu energiju i to iz obnovljivih izvora ili u visokoefikasnoj kogeneraciji
What are the biggest problems you face in your line of work?
Koji su najveći problemi sa kojima se suočavate u poslovanju?
Hotel Elite in Novi Sad, as part of Elite center (Sport-bussines centar 6 may) is located on Bulevar Jovana Ducica 35, near to Fair.
Cena od 45 € Hotel Elite u Novom Sadu, u okviru Elite centra (Sportsko-poslovnog centra 6 maj), nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini Sajma.
As much as skiing is fun, this sport can be extremely dangerous if you do not have your helmet on if you fall.
Koliko god da je skijanje zabavno, ovaj sport može biti i izuzetno opasan ako prilikom pada nemate kacigu na glavi.
The participants had the opportunity to test the leadership of virtual companies in smaller teams, where everyone got their role in the team and tried to solve the problem.
Učesnici su imali priliku da se oprobaju u vođenju virtuelnih kompanija u manjim timovima, gde je svako dobio svoju ulogu u timu i pokušao da reši zadati problem.
These remarkable structures are a common sight soaring above the rooftops of Yazd.
Ove izuzetne građevine su uobičajena pojava u Jazdu i uzdižu se iznad krovova grada.
Sequencing of SMN exon 6 for detection of subtle mutations was performed in patients with confirmed heterozygosity.
Kod potvrđenih heterozigota sekvenciran je egzon 6 gena SMN u cilju detekcije intragenskih mutacija.
The European Union Training Mission for the security forces of the Central African Republic has been established in accordance with the Council of the European Union Decision and represents a continuation of the EU engagement in the Central African Republic after the end of the mandate of the EU Military Advisory Mission (EUMAM RCA) in this country.
Misija Evropske unije za obuku vojnih i bezbednosnih snaga Centralnoafričke Republike uspostavljena je u skladu sa Odlukom Saveta Evropske unije i predstavlja nastavak angažovanja EU u Centralnoafričkoj Republici, nakon završetka mandata Vojne savetodavne misije u ovoj zemlji – EUMAM RCA.
It sometimes happens that I get carried away by music (or the artistic idea), and I repeat the album over and over until I finish the artwork.
Desi se da me muzika (ili likovna ideja) ponese pa puštam album nekoliko puta za redom sve dok ne dovršim omot.
From her point of view, a clear and transparent strategy in communication is the only way for companies to gain the trust of consumers and their partners and to establish a long-term and strong relationship with them.
Ona smatra da jasna i transparentna strategija u komunikaciji predstavlja jedini način da kompanije zadobije poverenje potrošača i svojih partnera i da sa njima ostvari dugoročnu i čvrstu vezu.
That's why they know at the beginning of the season who would win in the end.
Tako se već na početku sezone znalo ko će biti pobednik na kraju.
Car Rental Tirana Airport
Tirana Zračna Luka Najam vozila
Above all we do because magic only happens when you invest with passion.
Iznad svega - mi stvaramo, jer se magija događa samo onda kada se ulaže sa strašću.
The preparations will take place in the next six to nine months, Stefanović said and added he expects that at this time next year, EDS would have a commercial contract signed and start the rollout of smart meters.
Ovaj proces u skladu sa procedurama odvijaće se u narednih šest do devet meseci, a Stefanović očekuje da bi u ovo vreme sledeće godine EDS trebalo da ima komercijalni ugovor i da započne zamenu brojila.
Special attention is paid to keeping records in the system of registered users and monitoring changes in refractive error and other changes in vision of our users.
Posebna pažnja se poklanja vođenju evidencije u sistemu registrovanih korisnika i praćenju promena u dioptriji i drugih promena u vidu naših korisnika.