stringlengths 36
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stringlengths 5
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stringlengths 3
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sequence | label
stringlengths 28
237e1229-3682-475d-898c-7619607f3c7c |
Each gene was divided into 200 bp bins and levels of pol-II activity
were computed at each time point
as the total weighted count of reads overlapping each bin, where each
read was weighted by how many basepairs in the read overlap the bin, as follows. Only
uniquely mapped reads were used. For any read that at least partially
overlaps a bin, the number of basepairs overlapping the bin was added
into the activity level of the bin. For any read spanning multiple
bins, the number of basepairs overlapping each bin were added into activity of
that bin. The Genomatix mapping software provides alignment scores
(values between 0 and 1; with our threshold only between 0.92 and 1)
for mapping reads to the genome; for any read
having alignment score less than 1, the number of overlapping
basepairs added to each bin was multiplied by the alignment score.
A noise removal was then done: a noise level was computed as the
average activity level in 74 manually selected regions from
Chromosome 1 that were visually determined to be inactive over the
measurement time points, as follows.
The regions were divided into 200 bp bins, and
total weighted counts of reads overlapping each bin (each read
weighted by the number of basepairs overlapping the bin) were
computed in the same way as for the genes in the previous step. For
each time point, the noise level was computed as the average
activity level over all bins from all 74 regions. The computed
noise level was subtracted from the mean of each bin in each gene,
thresholding the result at zero. A list of the empty regions
is included as a Supplementary Dataset S1.
As the number of ChIP-seq reads collected overall for pol-II varies
between time points, a robust normalisation was done. After the
previous noise removal step, for each gene \(g\) at each time \(t\)
we compute the mean of the remaining activity (activity level after
noise removal) over bins of the gene, denoted as \(r_{gt}\) .
The activity levels are weighted counts of basepairs from reads
overlapping the gene; we select genes having sufficient activity,
that is, at least \(5\cdot 200\) overlapping basepairs from reads over
each 200 bp bin of the gene, on average over the bins. For each gene \(g\) let
\(T_{g} = \lbrace t^{\prime }\in \lbrace 5,10,\ldots ,1280\mathrm {\;min}\rbrace | r_{gt^{\prime }}>5\cdot 200\rbrace \)
denote those time points (except the first time point) where the gene has
sufficient activity.
For each time point we
compute a normalisation factor of [1]}
\(C_t = \textrm {Median}_g \left\lbrace \frac{r_{gt}}{\textrm {GeomMean}_{t^{\prime }} \lbrace r_{gt^{\prime }}\rbrace } \right\rbrace \;.\)
where \(\textrm {Median}_g\lbrace \cdot \rbrace \) denotes median over genes and\(\textrm {GeomMean}_{t^{\prime }}\lbrace r_{gt^{\prime }}\rbrace =(\prod _{t^{\prime }\in T_g} r_{gt^{\prime }})^{1/|T_g|}\) is the
geometric mean over the time points having sufficient activity for
gene \(g\) . The median is computed for time points after the first time
point; for the first time point \(t=0\mathrm {\;min}\)
we set \(C_t=1\) .
The factor \(C_t\) normalises all the gene activity levels (weighted read counts) at a time point downwards if
genes at that time point have unusually many reads, exceeding their
(geometric) mean activity level, and normalises upwards if gene
activity levels fall
under their mean activity level.
Lastly, time series summaries were computed for pol-II at each gene.
For each gene at each time point \(t\) , the mean activity level
(weighted read-count) of pol-II
over bins in the 20% section of the gene nearest to transcription end
was computed, normalised by \(C_t\) . This measured pol-II level
represents transcriptional activity that had successfully passed
through the gene to the transcription end site; it is expected to
correspond better with mRNA production rate than pol-II activity at the
transcription start of the gene, since pol-II near the
transcription start site
can be in the active or
inactive state and after activation may require a significant time for
transcription to complete.
For a small number of genes where the active mRNA transcripts covered only
part of the gene, we considered the area from the first active exon to
last active exon, and summarised the gene using the 20% section
nearest to the end of the area. Active transcripts were defined here
as transcripts with a mean of more than 1.1 assigned counts in the
BitSeq posterior expression estimates. BitSeq uses a prior that
assigns 1 “pseudo-count” per transcript, so the active transcripts
were only required to have minimal posterior expression that was
distinguishable from the prior. A list of active transcripts
is included as Supplementary Dataset S2.
Lastly, for mathematical convenience, for each pol-II time series we
subtracted from all time points the minimum value over the time points.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2152239989 |
a6bdb79e-1cab-41de-a84a-f73542f3c8c5 | The linear differential equation (REF ) and
its linear solution operator (REF ) are similar to
those used previously in [1]}, [2]}, [3]}
except for the added delay. As in the previous works, the linearity
of the solution operator permits exact joint Gaussian process (GP)
modelling over \(p(t)\) and \(m(t)\) .
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2124584833 |
f73e05ef-d9a3-413d-8b76-5ef4f41cc0a1 | The linear differential equation (REF ) and
its linear solution operator (REF ) are similar to
those used previously in [1]}, [2]}, [3]}
except for the added delay. As in the previous works, the linearity
of the solution operator permits exact joint Gaussian process (GP)
modelling over \(p(t)\) and \(m(t)\) .
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2125373697 |
543533bc-59d5-4c4a-958d-3505de184843 | For each gene, we model the pol-II activity time series
in a nonparametric fashion by applying a GP prior over the
shapes of the time series.
Previous similar GP models [1]}, [2]}, [3]}
have used a squared exponential covariance function for \(p(t)\) , as
that allows derivation of all the shared covariances in closed form.
This covariance has the limitation that it is stationary, and
functions following it revert to zero away from data. These
properties severely degrade its performance on our highly unevenly
sampled data. To avoid this, we model \(p(t)\) as an
integral of a function having a GP prior with a squared
exponential covariance: then the posterior
mean of \(p(t)\) tends to remain constant between observed data.
That is, we model
\(p(t)=p_0 + \int _{u=0}^t v(t) \mathrm {d}t\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2124584833 |
76bb2ed1-5562-413d-81a8-243794401c5f | For each gene, we model the pol-II activity time series
in a nonparametric fashion by applying a GP prior over the
shapes of the time series.
Previous similar GP models [1]}, [2]}, [3]}
have used a squared exponential covariance function for \(p(t)\) , as
that allows derivation of all the shared covariances in closed form.
This covariance has the limitation that it is stationary, and
functions following it revert to zero away from data. These
properties severely degrade its performance on our highly unevenly
sampled data. To avoid this, we model \(p(t)\) as an
integral of a function having a GP prior with a squared
exponential covariance: then the posterior
mean of \(p(t)\) tends to remain constant between observed data.
That is, we model
\(p(t)=p_0 + \int _{u=0}^t v(t) \mathrm {d}t\)
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2125373697 |
3b34371a-bd20-4124-8349-f89dd79433ff | Given the data and the priors for the parameters, we apply fully
Bayesian inference with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampling [1]} to
obtain samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters. HMC
is a MCMC algorithm that uses gradients of
the target distribution to simulate a Hamiltonian dynamical system
with an energy function based on the target distribution. This allows
taking long steps while maintaining a high acceptance rate in the
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2059448777 |
7a96a816-66c8-4af1-8f08-63bfb90d563a | We run 4 parallel chains starting from different random initial states
to allow convergence checking. We use the HMC implementation from
NETLAB toolkit in Matlab with momentum persistence and number of leap
frog steps \(\tau = 20\) which were found to work well in all cases.
The step length \(\epsilon \) is tuned separately for every model (see
below). After tuning, each chain is run for 10000 iterations. The
samples are then thinned by a factor of 10, and the first half of the
samples are discarded, leaving 500 samples from each chain, 2000 in
all. Convergence is monitored using the potential scale reduction
factor \(\sqrt{\hat{R}}\) [1]}. \(\sqrt{\hat{R}}\) is
computed separately for each variable, and if any of them is greater
than 1.2, the result is discarded and a new sample obtained in a
similar manner. The 9 genes that did not converge after 10 iterations of
this process were removed from further analysis. In most cases these had severely
multimodal delay distributions that were difficult to sample from and
would have made further analysis difficult.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2148534890 |
889554f9-7bfa-4fa1-823f-9479872c3230 | The synthetic data were generated by fitting a GP with the MLP
covariance [1]} to the Pol-II measurements of the gene TIPARP
(ENSG00000163659), and numerically solving the mRNA level using
Eq. (REF ) with the GP posterior mean as \(p(t)\) .
The parameters used were: \(\Delta \in \lbrace 0, 10, 20, 30\rbrace \mathrm {\;min}\) , \(t_{1/2} =\log (2) / \alpha \in \lbrace 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64\rbrace \mathrm {\;min}\) , \(\beta _0 = 0.005\) ,
\(\beta = 0.03\) , \(m_0 = 0.008/\alpha \) . The parameter values were
chosen empirically to get profiles that approximately fitted the
actual mRNA observations while looking reasonable and informative
across the entire range of parameter values.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1746819321 |
21ef01bd-afcb-4d01-bbe6-713c2d34c1cc | Introduction.
The statistics of individual speckle patterns created by coherent illumination of an optically random medium is well understood. It is widely accepted that as the real and imaginary parts of the scattered field are uncorrelated Gaussian random variables, the field amplitude follows a Rayleigh distribution and the light intensity follows a negative exponential distribution [1]}. The joint statistics of the scattered light is a more challenging problem. Various types of correlations in space, time or frequency may exist in the scattered fields, depending on the problem geometry and disorder strength [2]}, [3]}. A particularly relevant configuration involves imaging through a scattering slab, where the goal is to reconstruct the image from the transmitted scattered light. The strongest and most evident of the field correlations, the memory effect (ME) [4]}, [3]}, has proven to be useful in such a situation for example allowing to reconstruct the image from a simple autocorrelation calculation of the speckle pattern [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. Recently more subtle long-range mesoscopic correlations emerging in strongly scattering media [9]} have been used to retrieve the image of a hidden object [10]}. However, it is well known that correlations capture only a fraction of the total statistical dependence between random variables.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W137864573 |
e80038b9-398f-443f-8291-4ea7f8db99b9 | As we go from surface to the center of a neutron star, at
sufficiently high densities, the matter is expected to undergo a
transition from hadronic matter, where the quarks are confined
inside the hadrons, to a state of deconfined quarks. Finally,
there are up, down and strange quarks in the quark matter. Other
quarks have high masses and do not appear in this state.
Glendenning has shown that a proper construction of the
hadron-quark phase transition inside the neutron stars implies the
coexistence of nucleonic matter and quark matter over a finite
range of the pressure. Therefore, a mixed hadron-quark phase
exists in the neutron star and its energy is lower than those of
the quark matter and nucleonic matter [1]}. These show
that we can consider a neutron star as composed of a hadronic
matter layer, a mixed phase of quarks and hadrons and, in core, a
quark matter.
Recent Chandra observations also imply that the objects RX
J185635-3754 and 3C58 could be neutron stars with the quark core
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2073220558 |
b449e642-6b34-4481-b1da-163640581471 | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2061136215 |
9084b508-c8dd-4b1b-9823-310dfbcd30b7 | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1991212332 |
82867e4a-659e-4fa3-93ed-db9fe10962ca | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [4] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2071489567 |
4efa1d94-9bfe-46b4-af1b-0feb5ffbfb89 | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [6] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2015172574 |
afbd7c2f-3073-478c-aac4-dfdd2be27dee | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [7] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2044584848 |
1f859c7d-c1c5-481d-8ea8-fe7474b8d25e | In our calculations, the equation of state of hot nucleonic matter
is determined using the lowest order constrained variational
(LOCV) method as follows
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, [8]}. We adopt a trail
wave function as
\(\psi =F\phi ,\)
| [8] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2047803897 |
8a06c512-3ed4-4dc0-9c36-59d025ddb92b | The procedure to calculate the nucleonic matter has been fully discussed in the Refs.
[1]}, [2]}.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2061136215 |
d6090bd9-0de3-4102-819e-b5f226708452 | We use the MIT bag model for the quark matter calculations. In
this model, the energy density is the kinetic energy of quarks
plus a bag constant (\({\cal B}\) ) which is interpreted as the
difference between the energy densities of non interacting quarks
and interacting ones [1]},
\({\cal E}_{tot} = {\cal E}_u + {\cal E}_d + {\cal E}_s + {\cal B},\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4242783256 |
c1bd2c03-3c09-4060-bb0b-07de5257d8fa | For the mixed phase, where the fraction of space occupied by quark
matter smoothly increases from zero to unity, we have a mixture of
hadrons, quarks and electrons. In the mixed phase, according the
Gibss equilibrium condition, the temperatures, pressures and
chemical potentials of the hadron phase (H) and quark phase (Q)
are equal [1]}. Here, for each temperature we let the
pressure to be an independent variable.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2073220558 |
e52e8ebe-4b40-4d0e-b76f-3b6775bfb31a | To obtain \(\mu ^H_p\) and \(\mu ^H_n\) for the hadronic matter in
mixed phase, we use the semiempirical mass formula
[1]}, [2]}, [3]},
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2057910081 |
fbed2da0-7d34-479e-8a0b-6eb673979bd6 | The structure of neutron star is determined by numerically
integrating the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation (TOV)
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]},
\(\frac{dP}{dr}=-\frac{G[{\cal E}(r)+\frac{P(r)}{c^2}][m(r)+\frac{4\pi r^3 P(r)}{c^2}]}{r^2[1-\frac{2Gm(r)}{rc^2}]},\)
\(\frac{dm}{dr}=4\pi r^2{\cal E}(r),\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2498126760 |
d3d1c884-baeb-4654-a279-469c1ade3f35 | The structure of neutron star is determined by numerically
integrating the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation (TOV)
[1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]},
\(\frac{dP}{dr}=-\frac{G[{\cal E}(r)+\frac{P(r)}{c^2}][m(r)+\frac{4\pi r^3 P(r)}{c^2}]}{r^2[1-\frac{2Gm(r)}{rc^2}]},\)
\(\frac{dm}{dr}=4\pi r^2{\cal E}(r),\)
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1649945517 |
592cb1e6-e0c7-4874-98e9-16718fbc388c | In our calculations for the structure of hot neutron star with the
quark core, we use the following equations of state: (i) Below the
density of \(0.05\ fm^3\) , we use the equation of state calculated
by Baym [1]}. (ii) From the density of \(0.05\ fm^3\) up to
the density where the mixed phase starts, we use the equation of
state of pure hadron phase calculated in section REF . (iii)
In the range of densities in which there is the mixed phase, we
use the equation of state calculated in section REF . (iv)
Beyond the density of end point of the mixed phase, we use the
equation of state of pure quark phase calculated in section
All calculations are done for \({\cal B}=90\ MeV fm^{-3}\) at two
different temperatures \(T=10\) and \(20\ MeV\) . Our results are as
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4235382658 |
00f7f695-dfd2-4fcb-a629-7a10c89f4ba5 | To address such problems in abstractive summarization, several works have been proposed to improve the factual consistency of summarization. As shown in Table REF , existing works can be roughly categorized into two classes: fact-input methods [1]}, [2]} which aim to encode the information of facts in the article, and post-edit methods [3]}, [4]} which seek to correct the factual errors after decoding. What's more, there are some integrated works which perform both improvements [5]}.
These methods usually need to modify the architecture of the model, adding additional encoding modules or post-edit modules.
<FIGURE> | [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2963676814 |
92c1de2d-8518-4ad6-80b7-05448df12e5e | To address such problems in abstractive summarization, several works have been proposed to improve the factual consistency of summarization. As shown in Table REF , existing works can be roughly categorized into two classes: fact-input methods [1]}, [2]} which aim to encode the information of facts in the article, and post-edit methods [3]}, [4]} which seek to correct the factual errors after decoding. What's more, there are some integrated works which perform both improvements [5]}.
These methods usually need to modify the architecture of the model, adding additional encoding modules or post-edit modules.
<FIGURE> | [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3102645206 |
d68fd688-4e94-4095-865e-c1a3cc9abc03 | Contrastive learning on encoder (CoEnc) calculates the contrastive loss described in [1]}. CoEnc first encodes the article and summaries (ground truth and negative samples), then make the encoded representation of the article and the ground truth summary closer, and make that of the article and the factual inconsistency summary apart. As shown in Figure REF , the motivation of encoding both article and summary on the encoder is to catch and encode fact information. Given the article, the encoder can only distinguish the ground truth summary from the very similar negative summary by catching the common correct fact in the article-summary pair. It can be also explained from the view of data augmentation. Similar to the crops and rotations of images in SimCLR [2]}, we can regard the article and summary as two kinds of “data augmentation” on the fact. CO2Sum is designed to catch the fact behind the augmentation.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3005680577 |
901c71ef-49de-4203-a5c0-715c670599ed |
QAGS [1]}: QAGS generates questions about named entities and noun phrases in the predicted summary using a trained QG (Question Generation) model, then uses a QA (Question Answering) model to find answers to questions from the corresponding article. QAGS calculates token-level F1 similarity between QA results and asked entities or noun phrase in the summary as the final score.
QuestEval [2]}: Compared to QAGS, QuestEval considers the situation of unanswerable questions. What's more, QuestEval does not calculate answer similarity, but scores the precision and recall apart, then QuestEval gives a weighted F1 score.
Close Scheme Fact Triple [3]}: Fact Triple based metrics score the precision between summary extracted triple and article extracted triple. The triples \((Subject, Relation, Object)\) are extracted using Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Relation Extraction (RE) models. These triples are structured data of factual information and can be used to evaluate factual consistency.
Open Scheme Fact Triple [3]}: Open Scheme Fact Triple is similar to the close ones, but the relationship in the fact triple is text span instead of classified relation label.
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2947681066 |
b37ab257-61fd-41c7-94e1-c0c181a92f44 | We use factsummhttps://github.com/Huffon/factsumm [1]}, OpenIEhttps://github.com/philipperemy/stanford-openie-python [2]} and official provided codehttps://github.com/ThomasScialom/QuestEval [3]} to build evaluation system. On the use of trained models, we choose FLAIR [4]} for NER, LUKE [5]} for RE, T5 [6]} and Roberta [7]} for QA and QG. We calculate all Fact Triple metrics only on oracle sentences in article and summaries, since there is no need to calculate triple precision on those redundant sentences in the article.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2251913848 |
e04672b2-2bf0-4284-b0f4-1134d2a2f3e8 |
Random: randomly pick and replace words in the ground truth summary to construct negative samples.
NP: identify noun phrases in the summary and replace the words in the phrase.
NER: perform Named Entity Recognition on the summary and construct negative samples with entity-level replacements.
LFN: the proposed language model based construction method in CO2Sum.
LFN (DN): similar to the improvement of Roberta [1]} over BERT [2]}, we perform dynamic (DN) negative sample construction during training.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2896457183 |
4fff9dae-4fcf-45ad-9b5d-5875b98a6b50 | In this section, we study the loss function in the CoDec. We compare the results of PM max-margin loss with the original loss (Vanilla) described in [1]}. Besides, we attempt another gated-weighting method (Gated) that dynamically calculates the weight of different positions. It uses a Linear Gate Unit [2]} to calculate the weights based on the hidden state of the decoder. The results are shown in Table REF . The gated method does not perform better than the vanilla, but position masked loss outperforms vanilla on all metrics. We assume that it is too difficult for a model to learn the different weights of positions. A simple mask can stabilize the training and performs better.
<FIGURE><FIGURE> | [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2964265128 |
aa6fa84c-696b-4729-8f7e-4099f59bc303 | Most existing methods for improving fact consistency can be divided into fact-input-based methods and post-edit-based methods.
Fact-input-based methods focus on enhancing the representation of facts in the source article or incorporating commonsense knowledge, which is useful to facilitate summarization systems understanding the facts for reducing consistent error.
[1]} introduce FTSum to reduce consistent error by applying the encoder to incorporate the fact description.
[2]} aim to incorporate entailment knowledge into the summarization model.
Post-edit based method aims to apply a post-edit on the model-generated summaries for obtaining more factual-consistent summarization.
[3]} propose a fact corrector, which corrects the factual error in the model-generated summary in an iterative and auto-regressive manner.
[4]} propose a neural-based corrector module to address the factual inconsistent issue by identifying and correcting factual errors in generated summaries.
[5]} explore to model the facts in the source article with knowledge graphs based on a neural network.
[6]} study contrast candidate generation and selection to correct the extrinsic fact hallucinations in a post-edit manner.
Comparing with the above works, we aim to improve factual consistency through contrastive learning without introducing extra parameters.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2963676814 |
59cd90bd-1f37-4d9a-a694-382219db96c5 | Most existing methods for improving fact consistency can be divided into fact-input-based methods and post-edit-based methods.
Fact-input-based methods focus on enhancing the representation of facts in the source article or incorporating commonsense knowledge, which is useful to facilitate summarization systems understanding the facts for reducing consistent error.
[1]} introduce FTSum to reduce consistent error by applying the encoder to incorporate the fact description.
[2]} aim to incorporate entailment knowledge into the summarization model.
Post-edit based method aims to apply a post-edit on the model-generated summaries for obtaining more factual-consistent summarization.
[3]} propose a fact corrector, which corrects the factual error in the model-generated summary in an iterative and auto-regressive manner.
[4]} propose a neural-based corrector module to address the factual inconsistent issue by identifying and correcting factual errors in generated summaries.
[5]} explore to model the facts in the source article with knowledge graphs based on a neural network.
[6]} study contrast candidate generation and selection to correct the extrinsic fact hallucinations in a post-edit manner.
Comparing with the above works, we aim to improve factual consistency through contrastive learning without introducing extra parameters.
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3102489149 |
f114c42f-8206-4596-81f4-044a594d00a3 | Most existing methods for improving fact consistency can be divided into fact-input-based methods and post-edit-based methods.
Fact-input-based methods focus on enhancing the representation of facts in the source article or incorporating commonsense knowledge, which is useful to facilitate summarization systems understanding the facts for reducing consistent error.
[1]} introduce FTSum to reduce consistent error by applying the encoder to incorporate the fact description.
[2]} aim to incorporate entailment knowledge into the summarization model.
Post-edit based method aims to apply a post-edit on the model-generated summaries for obtaining more factual-consistent summarization.
[3]} propose a fact corrector, which corrects the factual error in the model-generated summary in an iterative and auto-regressive manner.
[4]} propose a neural-based corrector module to address the factual inconsistent issue by identifying and correcting factual errors in generated summaries.
[5]} explore to model the facts in the source article with knowledge graphs based on a neural network.
[6]} study contrast candidate generation and selection to correct the extrinsic fact hallucinations in a post-edit manner.
Comparing with the above works, we aim to improve factual consistency through contrastive learning without introducing extra parameters.
| [4] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3102645206 |
3459e464-0d64-4e71-b268-2ee671be3232 | The orthogonal and unitary calculi allow for the systematic study of functors from either the category of real inner product spaces, or the category of complex inner product spaces, to the category of based topological spaces. The motivating examples are \(\mathrm {BO}(-) \colon V \longmapsto \mathrm {BO}(V)\) , where \(\mathrm {BO}(V)\) is the classifying space of the orthogonal group of \(V\) , and \(\mathrm {BU}(-)\colon W \longmapsto \mathrm {BU}(W)\) where \(\mathrm {BU}(W)\) is the classifying space of the unitary group of \(W\) . The foundations of orthogonal calculus were originally developed by Weiss in [1]}, and later converted to a model category theoretic framework by Barnes and Oman in [2]}. From the unitary calculus perspective, it has long been known to the experts, with the foundations and model category framework developed by the author in [3]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
7bf5ee4a-2b35-43c9-b8c7-bce6275a749c | The orthogonal and unitary calculi allow for the systematic study of functors from either the category of real inner product spaces, or the category of complex inner product spaces, to the category of based topological spaces. The motivating examples are \(\mathrm {BO}(-) \colon V \longmapsto \mathrm {BO}(V)\) , where \(\mathrm {BO}(V)\) is the classifying space of the orthogonal group of \(V\) , and \(\mathrm {BU}(-)\colon W \longmapsto \mathrm {BU}(W)\) where \(\mathrm {BU}(W)\) is the classifying space of the unitary group of \(W\) . The foundations of orthogonal calculus were originally developed by Weiss in [1]}, and later converted to a model category theoretic framework by Barnes and Oman in [2]}. From the unitary calculus perspective, it has long been known to the experts, with the foundations and model category framework developed by the author in [3]}.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
d84fb767-a4bb-4c4d-975b-1e55556ab617 | We start with the categories of spectra in Section , and use the change of group functors of Mandell and May [1]}, to construct Quillen adjunctions between spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) , \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) and \(\mathrm {O}(2n)\) respectively. We utilise the Quillen equivalence between orthogonal and unitary spectra of [2]} to show that these change of group functors interact in a homotopically meaningful way with the change of model functor induced by realification.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
84189aac-5c29-4c97-9c75-bec1acac3733 | In Section we move to comparing the intermediate categories. These are categories \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O}\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U}\) constructed by Barnes and Oman [1]}, and the author [2]}, which act as an intermediate in the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences for orthogonal and unitary calculus respectively. For this, we introduce two new intermediate categories, \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U}\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O}\) between the standard intermediate categories. These are the standard intermediate categories with restricted group actions through the subgroup inclusions \(\mathrm {O}(n) \hookrightarrow \mathrm {U}(n)\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n) \hookrightarrow \mathrm {O}(2n)\) . We exhibit Quillen equivalences between these intermediate categories and the standard intermediate categories, completing the picture using change of group functors from [3]}. The resulting diagram of intermediate categories is as follows,
\(@C=4em{\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O} @<-1ex>[r]_{r^*}^\sim & \mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U} @<1ex>[r]^{\mathrm {U}(n)_+\wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)}(-)}@<-1ex>[l]_{r_!} & \mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U} @<1ex>[l]^{\iota ^*}@<-1ex>[r]_{c^*} & \mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O} @<1ex>[r]^{\mathrm {O}(2n)_+\wedge _{\mathrm {U}(n)}(-)} @<-1ex>[l]_{c_!}^\sim & \mathrm {O}(2n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O}. @<1ex>[l]^{\kappa ^*}}\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
c3295b9d-b52d-479c-a9bb-09debbaf0751 | In Section we move to comparing the intermediate categories. These are categories \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O}\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U}\) constructed by Barnes and Oman [1]}, and the author [2]}, which act as an intermediate in the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences for orthogonal and unitary calculus respectively. For this, we introduce two new intermediate categories, \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U}\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O}\) between the standard intermediate categories. These are the standard intermediate categories with restricted group actions through the subgroup inclusions \(\mathrm {O}(n) \hookrightarrow \mathrm {U}(n)\) and \(\mathrm {U}(n) \hookrightarrow \mathrm {O}(2n)\) . We exhibit Quillen equivalences between these intermediate categories and the standard intermediate categories, completing the picture using change of group functors from [3]}. The resulting diagram of intermediate categories is as follows,
\(@C=4em{\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O} @<-1ex>[r]_{r^*}^\sim & \mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U} @<1ex>[r]^{\mathrm {U}(n)_+\wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)}(-)}@<-1ex>[l]_{r_!} & \mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {U} @<1ex>[l]^{\iota ^*}@<-1ex>[r]_{c^*} & \mathrm {U}(n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O} @<1ex>[r]^{\mathrm {O}(2n)_+\wedge _{\mathrm {U}(n)}(-)} @<-1ex>[l]_{c_!}^\sim & \mathrm {O}(2n)\mathcal {E}_{2n}^\mathbf {O}. @<1ex>[l]^{\kappa ^*}}\)
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
d055ae69-d195-47fe-93d4-e1e9b8511910 | The category \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {O}\) is category of input functors for orthogonal calculus as studied by Weiss and Barnes and Oman [1]}, [2]}. Moreover \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {U}\) is the category of input functors for unitary calculus, studied by the author in [3]}. These input categories are categories of diagram spaces as in [4]} hence they can be equipped with a projective model structure.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
fc1ecf49-4b1e-4e84-a134-0b1334658e79 | The category \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {O}\) is category of input functors for orthogonal calculus as studied by Weiss and Barnes and Oman [1]}, [2]}. Moreover \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {U}\) is the category of input functors for unitary calculus, studied by the author in [3]}. These input categories are categories of diagram spaces as in [4]} hence they can be equipped with a projective model structure.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
8c9c4505-b813-4cce-8fee-57cb0b866676 | The category \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {O}\) is category of input functors for orthogonal calculus as studied by Weiss and Barnes and Oman [1]}, [2]}. Moreover \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {U}\) is the category of input functors for unitary calculus, studied by the author in [3]}. These input categories are categories of diagram spaces as in [4]} hence they can be equipped with a projective model structure.
| [4] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2086997195 |
40147305-f885-4934-908d-5d29019b0e32 | Arguably the most important class of functors in orthogonal and unitary calculi are the \(n\) -polynomial functors, and in particular the \(n\) -th polynomial approximation functor. Here we give a short overview of these functors, for full details on these functors see [1]}, [2]}, [3]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
f12275ec-379c-41b0-ac5b-b0da9c85b7cc | Arguably the most important class of functors in orthogonal and unitary calculi are the \(n\) -polynomial functors, and in particular the \(n\) -th polynomial approximation functor. Here we give a short overview of these functors, for full details on these functors see [1]}, [2]}, [3]}.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
fb817270-e1c1-4c09-add2-fb9d1d65073b | Since an \(n\) -polynomial functor is \((n+1)\) -polynomial, see [1]}, these polynomial approximation functors assemble into a Taylor tower approximating a given input functor. Moreover there is a model structure on \(\mathcal {E}_0\) which captures the homotopy theory of \(n\) -polynomial functors.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
cdbca8f4-1140-4d41-a723-9ae62128df76 | Proposition 2.5 ([1]}, [2]})
There is a cellular proper topological model structure on \(\mathcal {E}_0\) where a map \(f\colon E \rightarrow F\) is a weak equivalence if \(T_nf\colon T_nE \rightarrow T_nF\) is a levelwise weak equivalence, the cofibrations are the cofibrations of the projective model structure and the fibrations are levelwise fibrations such that
\({E [r]^f [d]_{\eta _E} & F [d]^{\eta _F} \\T_nE [r]_{T_nf} & T_n F}\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
8b53fb8c-ee82-4b7c-9099-462995e8f439 | Proposition 2.7 ([1]}, [2]})
There is a topological model structure on \(\mathcal {E}_0\) where the weak equivalences are those maps \(f\) such that \(D_nf\) is a weak equivalence in \(\mathcal {E}_0\) , the fibrations are the fibrations of the \(n\) -polynomial model structure and the cofibrations are those maps with the left lifting property with respect to the acyclic fibrations. The fibrant objects are \(n\) -polynomial and the cofibrant-fibrant objects are the projectively cofibrant \(n\) -homogeneous functors.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
519d46f4-b116-4f80-b76b-a3ae1c3b1904 | In [1]}, Weiss constructs a zig-zag of equivalences between the category of \(n\) -homogeneous functors (up to homotopy) and the homotopy category of spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) . In [2]}, Barnes and Oman put this zig-zag into a model category theoretic framework via a zig-zag of Quillen equivalences between the \(n\) -homogeneous model structure on \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {O}\) , and spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) . This zig-zag moves through an intermediate category, denote \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O}\) . In [3]}, the author constructs a similar zig-zag of Quillen equivalences between the unitary \(n\) -homogeneous model structure and spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) . We give an overview of the construction of these intermediate categories and how they relate to spectra and the \(n\) -homogenous model structure.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
d36d32a8-5b37-417d-b405-de0ddf3fd78c | In [1]}, Weiss constructs a zig-zag of equivalences between the category of \(n\) -homogeneous functors (up to homotopy) and the homotopy category of spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) . In [2]}, Barnes and Oman put this zig-zag into a model category theoretic framework via a zig-zag of Quillen equivalences between the \(n\) -homogeneous model structure on \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {O}\) , and spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) . This zig-zag moves through an intermediate category, denote \(\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O}\) . In [3]}, the author constructs a similar zig-zag of Quillen equivalences between the unitary \(n\) -homogeneous model structure and spectra with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) . We give an overview of the construction of these intermediate categories and how they relate to spectra and the \(n\) -homogenous model structure.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
18440549-2077-4c01-af6d-1eb0976a5c8a | Let \(n\mathbb {S}\) be the functor given by \(V \longmapsto S^{nV}\) where \(nV := \mathbb {F}^n \otimes _\mathbb {F}V\) . By [1]} and [2]} the intermediate categories are equivalent to a category of \(n\mathbb {S}\) -modules and hence come equipped with an \(n\) -stable model structure similar to the stable model structure on spectra. The weak equivalences of the \(n\) -stable model structure are given by \(n\pi _*\) -isomorphisms. Theses are defined via the structure maps of objects in \(\mathrm {Aut}(n)\mathcal {E}_n\) , and as such have slightly different forms depending on whether one is in the orthogonal or unitary setting.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
76319983-df13-43b2-8825-7593fa9945ba | Proposition 2.14 ([1]}, [2]})
There is a cofibrantly generated, proper, topological model structure on the category \(\mathrm {Aut}(n)\mathcal {E}_n\) , where the weak equivalences are the \(n\pi _*\) -isomorphisms, the cofibrations are those maps with the left lifting property with respect to all levelwise acyclic fibrations and the fibrations are those levelwise fibrations \(f\colon X \rightarrow Y\) such that the diagram
\({X(V) [r] [d] & \Omega ^{nW}X(V \oplus W) [d] \\Y(V) [r] & \Omega ^{nW}Y(V \oplus W).}\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
0e8071a3-282f-4fc6-803d-90229e47e5df | The orthogonal case is similar, full details may be found in [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
1defc0aa-19c7-4b56-b6a6-fcc317b64634 | Proposition 2.16 ([1]})
There is a Quillen equivalence
\({(\beta _n)_!:\mathrm {O}(n)\mathcal {E}_n^\mathbf {O} @<0.7ex>[r] &@<0.7ex>[l] \mathsf {Sp}^\mathbf {O}[\mathrm {O}(n)]:(\beta _n)^*}\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
37583206-78d3-4cf4-b168-7414de42c1be | Combining this adjunction with a change of group action from [1]} provides an adjunction
\({\operatorname{\mathrm {res}}_0^n/\mathrm {Aut}(n):\mathrm {Aut}(n)\mathcal {E}_n @<0.7ex>[r] &@<0.7ex>[l] \mathcal {E}_0:\operatorname{\mathrm {ind}}_0^n \varepsilon ^*}.\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
27c19ee1-26ce-4a58-8dbc-6f8427360208 | Proposition 2.18 ([1]}, [2]})
The adjoint pair
\({\operatorname{\mathrm {res}}_0^n/\mathrm {Aut}(n):\mathrm {Aut}(n)\mathcal {E}_n @<0.7ex>[r] &@<0.7ex>[l] n\operatorname{--homog--}\mathcal {E}_0:\operatorname{\mathrm {ind}}_0^n\varepsilon ^*}\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
eff0da6b-b918-45d9-bbd2-dbead0678a91 | Proposition 2.19 ([1]},[2]})
Let \(F \in \mathcal {E}_0\) be \(n\) -homogeneous for some \(n >0\) . Then \(F\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor defined as
\(U \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{nU} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {Aut}(n)}].\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
5a7b973c-95d3-4736-a1fc-063bccd2808e | When two functors agree to a given order, their Taylor tower agree to a prescribed level. The first result in that direction is the unitary analogue of [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
5c3089fd-1790-4c03-af63-b68a736fa192 | Lemma 2.21 ([1]},[2]})
let \(p \colon G \rightarrow F\) be a map in \(\mathcal {E}_0\) . Suppose that there is \(b \in \mathbb {Z}\) such that \(p_U\colon G(U) \rightarrow F(U)\) is \(((n+1)\dim _\mathbb {R}(U) - b)\) -connected for all \(U \in J_0\) with \(\dim _\mathbb {F}(U) \ge \rho \) . Then
\(\tau _n(p)_U \colon \tau _n (G(U)) \rightarrow \tau _n(F(U))\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
725a69a7-6c3c-497f-b696-827d786e5479 | Lemma 2.22 ([1]},[2]})
If \(p \colon F \rightarrow G\) is an order \(n\) agreement, then \(T_k F \rightarrow T_k G\) is a levelwise weak equivalence for \(k \le n\) .
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
50009f15-6c5d-496e-b338-3e37f3389027 | Let \(F\) be an \(n\) -homogeneous orthogonal functor. Then by the characterisation, Proposition REF , \(F\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor
\(V \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}V} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}]\)
where \(\Psi _F^n\) is an orthogonal spectrum with an \(O(n)\) -action. It follows that pre-realification of \(F\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor
\(W \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}} \wedge \Psi ^n_F)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
Using the derived change of group functor, we construct an orthogonal spectrum with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) ,
\(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)}^{L} \Psi _F^n := \mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n).\)
By the classification of \(n\) -homogeneous unitary functors, Proposition REF , there is an \(n\) -homogeneous functor \(F^{\prime }\) associated to the above spectrum, given by
\(W \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))_{h\mathrm {U}(n)}].\)
By [1]}, \(F^{\prime }(W)\) is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))_{h(\mathrm {U}(n)}].\)
The \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) -action on \(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))\) is free (\((E\mathrm {O}(n)_+\) is a free \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) -space), hence taking homotopy orbits equates to taking strict orbits. Hence there is an isomorphism
\(F^{\prime }(W) \cong \Omega ^\infty [(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))))/\mathrm {U}(n)].\)
The strict \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) -orbits of the spectrum \(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))\) are isomorphic to the \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) -orbits of the spectrum, \(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))\) , hence \(F^{\prime }(W)\) is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))/\mathrm {O}(n)].\)
This last is precisely
\(\Omega ^\infty [(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}]\)
as homotopy orbits is the left derived functor of strict orbits and smashing with \(E\mathrm {O}(n)_+\) is a cofibrant replacement in the projective model structure.
Since the action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) on \(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏}\) is equivalent to the \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) action on \(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}}\) and the one-point compactification are isomorphic, the above infinite loop space is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
By the characterisation of \(n\) -homogeneous orthogonal functors, we see that this is levelwise weakly equivalent to \(F(W_\mathbb {R}) = (r^*F)(W).\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
8b54c81b-7689-4d80-a5fa-142307906e26 | We argue by induction on the polynomial degree. The case \(n=0\) follows by definition. Assume the map \(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \rightarrow T_{n-1}^\mathbf {U}(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F)\) is a levelwise weak equivalence. There is a homotopy fibre sequence
\(T_n^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow R_n^\mathbf {O} F\)
where \(R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -homogeneous, since \(F\) satisfies the conditions of [1]}. Lemma REF implies that \(r^* R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -homogeneous in \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {U}\) , and in particular \(n\) -polynomial. As homotopy fibres of maps between \(n\) -polynomial objects are \(n\) -polynomial, the homotopy fibre of the map \(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \rightarrow r^* R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -polynomial. Computation of homotopy fibres is levelwise, hence the homotopy fibre in question is \(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F\) , and it follows that
\(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow T_n^\mathbf {U}(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F)\)
is a levelwise weak equivalence.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
e4c19355-c6f1-4ebf-a76b-accaa5c9cb87 | The acyclic fibrations in the \(n\) –polynomial model structure are levelwise, hence both terms in the composite, and resultingly their composite, preserves these. It suffices by [1]} to show that the composite preserves fibrations between fibrant objects, which are the levelwise fibrations by [2]}. It hence suffices to show that \(F\) preserves fibrant objects. Let \(F\) be a \(n\) –polynomial orthogonal functor, then \(\mathrm {red}(F)\) is also \(n\) –polynomial, and reduced. An application of Theorem REF implies the result.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1583122470 |
2825ac31-7e00-48d1-97d5-5976dee8b1e0 | The notion of agreement plays a central role in the theory or orthogonal and unitary calculus, for example it is crucial to the proof that the \(n\) -th polynomial approximation in \(n\) -polynomial, see [1]}. The pre-realification and pre-complexification functors behave well with respect to functors which agree to a certain order.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
6158a9f6-e00d-41e9-bd26-082f31840430 | We have constructed a Quillen adjunction between the orthogonal and unitary \(n\) -homogeneous model structures. To give a complete comparison of the theories we must address the comparisons between the other two categories in the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences of Barnes and Oman [1]} and the author [2]}. We start by addressing the relationship between the categories of spectra. For this, we recall the definitions and model structures involved.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
0a05370c-d6e6-45a6-a674-ddf8906dda09 | compare [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
e1946ea6-6ab7-40a2-8aef-b31c07426919 | These categories also come with projective and stable model structures constructed analogously to those of Proposition REF . These new intermediate categories will now act as intermediate categories between the standard intermediate categories of orthogonal and unitary calculus. Further, the new intermediate categories equipped with their \(n\) -stable model structure are Quillen equivalent to spectra with an appropriate group action. The proofs of the following two results follow similarly to [1]} and [2]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
6a555566-74ef-41dd-b36b-c0538abb7878 | where the isomorphism follows from [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
203637de-ef05-49dc-b95c-f4a04a88560c | By the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences, [1]} the composite
\({L}\operatorname{\mathrm {res}}_0^n/\mathrm {O}(n) \circ {R}(\beta _n)^*\)
applied to an orthogonal spectrum \(\Theta \) with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) , is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor \(F\) , defined by the formula
\(V \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes V} \wedge \Theta )_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
This functor is \(n\) –homogeneous, hence also reduced, so \({R}r^*\mathrm {red}(F)\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to \(\mathbb {R}r^*F\) . The zig-zag of Quillen equivalences from unitary calculus, [2]}, together with inflating \(\Theta \) to a spectrum with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) gives a similar characterisation in terms of an \(n\) -homogeneous functor. The result then follows by Proposition REF .
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
61ccc52d-9145-40e1-bd57-48a46af10baa | Let \(F\) be an \(n\) -homogeneous orthogonal functor. Then by the characterisation, Proposition REF , \(F\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor
\(V \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}V} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}]\)
where \(\Psi _F^n\) is an orthogonal spectrum with an \(O(n)\) -action. It follows that pre-realification of \(F\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor
\(W \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}} \wedge \Psi ^n_F)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
Using the derived change of group functor, we construct an orthogonal spectrum with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) ,
\(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)}^{L} \Psi _F^n := \mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n).\)
By the classification of \(n\) -homogeneous unitary functors, Proposition REF , there is an \(n\) -homogeneous functor \(F^{\prime }\) associated to the above spectrum, given by
\(W \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))_{h\mathrm {U}(n)}].\)
By [1]}, \(F^{\prime }(W)\) is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))_{h(\mathrm {U}(n)}].\)
The \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) -action on \(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))\) is free (\((E\mathrm {O}(n)_+\) is a free \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) -space), hence taking homotopy orbits equates to taking strict orbits. Hence there is an isomorphism
\(F^{\prime }(W) \cong \Omega ^\infty [(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))))/\mathrm {U}(n)].\)
The strict \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) -orbits of the spectrum \(\mathrm {U}(n)_+ \wedge _{\mathrm {O}(n)} ((\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))\) are isomorphic to the \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) -orbits of the spectrum, \(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n))\) , hence \(F^{\prime }(W)\) is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge (E\mathrm {O}(n)_+ \wedge \Psi _F^n)))/\mathrm {O}(n)].\)
This last is precisely
\(\Omega ^\infty [(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}]\)
as homotopy orbits is the left derived functor of strict orbits and smashing with \(E\mathrm {O}(n)_+\) is a cofibrant replacement in the projective model structure.
Since the action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) on \(\iota ^*S^{n \otimes _W̏}\) is equivalent to the \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) action on \(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}}\) and the one-point compactification are isomorphic, the above infinite loop space is isomorphic to
\(\Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes _\mathbb {R}W_\mathbb {R}} \wedge \Psi _F^n)_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
By the characterisation of \(n\) -homogeneous orthogonal functors, we see that this is levelwise weakly equivalent to \(F(W_\mathbb {R}) = (r^*F)(W).\)
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
ec524d83-4cff-40c6-9118-616eb4472427 | We argue by induction on the polynomial degree. The case \(n=0\) follows by definition. Assume the map \(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \rightarrow T_{n-1}^\mathbf {U}(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F)\) is a levelwise weak equivalence. There is a homotopy fibre sequence
\(T_n^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow R_n^\mathbf {O} F\)
where \(R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -homogeneous, since \(F\) satisfies the conditions of [1]}. Lemma REF implies that \(r^* R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -homogeneous in \(\mathcal {E}_0^\mathbf {U}\) , and in particular \(n\) -polynomial. As homotopy fibres of maps between \(n\) -polynomial objects are \(n\) -polynomial, the homotopy fibre of the map \(r^*T_{n-1}^\mathbf {O} F \rightarrow r^* R_n^\mathbf {O} F\) is \(n\) -polynomial. Computation of homotopy fibres is levelwise, hence the homotopy fibre in question is \(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F\) , and it follows that
\(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F \longrightarrow T_n^\mathbf {U}(r^* T_n^\mathbf {O} F)\)
is a levelwise weak equivalence.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
873bc9ce-fc96-423e-bacb-88fde79e3dfd | The acyclic fibrations in the \(n\) –polynomial model structure are levelwise, hence both terms in the composite, and resultingly their composite, preserves these. It suffices by [1]} to show that the composite preserves fibrations between fibrant objects, which are the levelwise fibrations by [2]}. It hence suffices to show that \(F\) preserves fibrant objects. Let \(F\) be a \(n\) –polynomial orthogonal functor, then \(\mathrm {red}(F)\) is also \(n\) –polynomial, and reduced. An application of Theorem REF implies the result.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1583122470 |
20d38e3a-d77c-47df-b074-6fce7b7fadec | The notion of agreement plays a central role in the theory or orthogonal and unitary calculus, for example it is crucial to the proof that the \(n\) -th polynomial approximation in \(n\) -polynomial, see [1]}. The pre-realification and pre-complexification functors behave well with respect to functors which agree to a certain order.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W4239559895 |
4cf27916-a6d0-4336-a606-32bfcf030c10 | We have constructed a Quillen adjunction between the orthogonal and unitary \(n\) -homogeneous model structures. To give a complete comparison of the theories we must address the comparisons between the other two categories in the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences of Barnes and Oman [1]} and the author [2]}. We start by addressing the relationship between the categories of spectra. For this, we recall the definitions and model structures involved.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
db9b6bbc-117d-4939-9a14-ab149b71437b | compare [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
769e3527-e453-4f89-98a8-61ec30911928 | These categories also come with projective and stable model structures constructed analogously to those of Proposition REF . These new intermediate categories will now act as intermediate categories between the standard intermediate categories of orthogonal and unitary calculus. Further, the new intermediate categories equipped with their \(n\) -stable model structure are Quillen equivalent to spectra with an appropriate group action. The proofs of the following two results follow similarly to [1]} and [2]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
2181f64d-7200-4ec6-91d7-055dfe27a120 | where the isomorphism follows from [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
b0855016-27d8-4693-ba77-50723aa9e165 | By the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences, [1]} the composite
\({L}\operatorname{\mathrm {res}}_0^n/\mathrm {O}(n) \circ {R}(\beta _n)^*\)
applied to an orthogonal spectrum \(\Theta \) with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) , is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor \(F\) , defined by the formula
\(V \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes V} \wedge \Theta )_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
This functor is \(n\) –homogeneous, hence also reduced, so \({R}r^*\mathrm {red}(F)\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to \(\mathbb {R}r^*F\) . The zig-zag of Quillen equivalences from unitary calculus, [2]}, together with inflating \(\Theta \) to a spectrum with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) gives a similar characterisation in terms of an \(n\) -homogeneous functor. The result then follows by Proposition REF .
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
8be61fa0-2ba6-462c-9e82-0c3b83709155 | These categories also come with projective and stable model structures constructed analogously to those of Proposition REF . These new intermediate categories will now act as intermediate categories between the standard intermediate categories of orthogonal and unitary calculus. Further, the new intermediate categories equipped with their \(n\) -stable model structure are Quillen equivalent to spectra with an appropriate group action. The proofs of the following two results follow similarly to [1]} and [2]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
d9c60347-3403-4dab-a8c1-2d470b426e3e | where the isomorphism follows from [1]}.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2075488415 |
729488d8-56b5-4a8a-bca0-07bd7c9f778b | By the zig-zag of Quillen equivalences, [1]} the composite
\({L}\operatorname{\mathrm {res}}_0^n/\mathrm {O}(n) \circ {R}(\beta _n)^*\)
applied to an orthogonal spectrum \(\Theta \) with an action of \(\mathrm {O}(n)\) , is levelwise weakly equivalent to the functor \(F\) , defined by the formula
\(V \longmapsto \Omega ^\infty [(S^{\mathbb {R}^n \otimes V} \wedge \Theta )_{h\mathrm {O}(n)}].\)
This functor is \(n\) –homogeneous, hence also reduced, so \({R}r^*\mathrm {red}(F)\) is levelwise weakly equivalent to \(\mathbb {R}r^*F\) . The zig-zag of Quillen equivalences from unitary calculus, [2]}, together with inflating \(\Theta \) to a spectrum with an action of \(\mathrm {U}(n)\) gives a similar characterisation in terms of an \(n\) -homogeneous functor. The result then follows by Proposition REF .
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2034710066 |
f032747c-5eac-418b-9556-3006178ab0f2 | Advances in the ability to successfully train very deep neural networks have been key to improving performance in image recognition, language modeling, and many other domains [1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a family of deep networks that operate on graph structured data by iteratively passing learned messages over the graph's structure [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}. While GNNs are very effective in a wide variety of tasks [11]}, [12]}, [13]}, deep GNNs, which perform more than 5-10 message passing steps, have not typically yielded better performance than shallower GNNs [14]}, [15]}, [16]}. While in principle deep GNNs should have greater expressivity and ability to capture complex functions, it has been proposed that in practice “oversmoothing” [17]} and “bottleneck effects” [18]} limit the potential benefits of deep GNNs. The purpose of this work is to reap the benefits of deep GNNs while avoiding such limitations.
| [18] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3034190530 |
20440e8e-e71f-464e-96ee-7c0ffbcb379d | Oversmoothing is a proposed phenomenon where a GNN's latent node representations become increasing similar over successive steps of message passing [1]}. Once these representations are oversmoothed, adding further steps does not add expressive capacity, and so performance does not improve. Bottleneck effects are thought to limit the ability of a deep GNN to communicate information over long ranges, because as the number of steps increases and causes the receptive fields to grow, the intermediate nodes must propagate information between larger and larger sets of peripheral nodes, limiting the ability to precisely transmit individual pieces of information [2]}. We speculate that these are reasons why previous strong GNN results on the molecular property benchmarks we study here, Open Catalyst 2020 (OC20) [3]} and QM9 [4]}, report depths of only 4 [5]} and 8 [6]}, even with large hyperparameter searches.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3034190530 |
fc5a2298-6a8a-4f4c-a8e7-56ba197e71e6 | Scaling Graph Neural Networks with Depth. Recent work has aimed to understand why it is challenging to realise the benefits of training very deep GNNs [1]}. A key contribution has been the analysis of “oversmoothing” which describes how all node features become almost identical in GCNs after a few layers. Since first being noted in [2]} oversmoothing has been studied extensively and regularisation techniques have been suggested to overcome it [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}, but these studies have not shown consistent improvements as depth increases. Another insight has been the analysis of the bottleneck effect in [8]} which may be alleviated by using a fully connected graph. Finally, deep GNNs have been trained using techniques developed for CNNs [9]}, [10]}, but with no conclusive improvement from depth.
| [8] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3034190530 |
f43d9699-4709-425d-96a2-9e74b27e6321 | An alternative approach to embedding symmetries is to design a rotation equivariant neural network that predicts quantities such as forces directly [1]}, [2]}, [3]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]}. However, the benefits of such models are typically seen on smaller data (e.g. [7]}), and such approaches have yet to achieve SOTA performance on large quantum chemistry datasets. Not all competitive models embed rotation symmetries—notably ForceNet [9]} does not enforce rotation equivariance.
| [6] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2970663744 |
f78f802e-9c86-44c6-8045-ead0b4c44fef | Processor. The processor consists of "blocks", where each block contain a stack of Interaction Networks (each one known as a "message passing layer") with identical structure but different weights. The node and edge functions are 3 layer MLPs activated with shifted softplus (\(ssp(x)=\ln (0.5e^x + 0.5)\) , [1]}), followed by layer normalisation [2]}. Residual connections on both the nodes and edges are added to each message passing layer. We recurrently apply each block, a process we we call "block iteration". We calculate the number of message passing layers by multiplying the number of blocks by the block size, for example 10 applications of a block of size 10 corresponds to 100 (\(10\times 10\) ) message passing layers.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3037932933 |
1b9f8ffb-4dee-4e63-9146-adcf9f672a3d | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2854445389 |
08de4475-f3eb-4937-85e2-c73fd1fc082c | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [2] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2890208753 |
c8989c27-f64c-4371-908f-7b9a8d54bb3b | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [4] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2963430173 |
a5482cb5-c76d-471b-ab37-9619845f13f3 | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [5] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2900152462 |
94d7b642-d49d-423a-b3b6-76349f867e75 | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [6] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2786019934 |
45119972-e403-4b67-a703-dab9a4614348 | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [7] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2889347284 |
89255aa9-01c1-4d1e-8fe6-71752bae0391 | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [9] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3025660841 |
4c794f34-046f-4a06-a4e4-21bd5fd8c69e | The ability to adapt flexibly and efficiently to novel environments is one of the most distinctive and compelling features of the human mind. It has been suggested that humans do so by learning internal models which not only contain abstract representations of the world, but also encode generalisable, structural relationships within the environment [1]}. This latter aspect, it is conjectured, is what allows humans to adapt efficiently and selectively. Recent efforts have been made to mimic this kind of representation in machine learning. World models [2]} aim to capture the dynamics of an environment by distilling past experience into a parametric predictive model. Advances in latent variable models have enabled the learning of world models in a compact latent space [2]}, [4]}, [5]}, [6]}, [7]} from high-dimensional observations such as images. Whilst these models have enabled agents to act in complex environments via planning [5]}, [9]} or learning parametric policies [10]}, [2]}, structurally adapting to changes in the environment remains a significant challenge. The consequence of this limitation is particularly pronounced when deploying learning agents to environments, where distribution shifts occur. As such, we argue that it is beneficial to build structural world models that afford modular and efficient adaptation, and that causal modeling offers a tantalising prospect to discover such structure from observations.
| [10] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2995298643 |
51fde515-9424-45c5-9124-91d45fd4d3a1 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [1] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3135588948 |
283f40a6-fcb1-423c-bae1-4d045cd5a4a0 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [3] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2914607694 |
01556cf1-3fc5-4feb-9c40-2f5f0894f1b3 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [4] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2144020560 |
27adb62f-9203-4ec5-a581-fca74fb2e168 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [5] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1905064697 |
3304177f-2e17-4cdd-b12b-9dc87b8ac588 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [6] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W879220392 |
911c1c88-36d0-4c96-afae-1a3d5402b709 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [7] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W1524326598 |
3688fb92-0d60-4ac6-a71b-8376d066b415 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [8] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W3133236490 |
05023560-4e8c-4204-b99c-9fc499d03b57 | Causality plays a central role in understanding distribution changes, which can be modelled as causal interventions [1]}. The Sparse Mechanism Shift hypothesis [1]}, [3]} (SMS) states that naturally occurring shifts in the data distribution can be attributed to sparse and local changes in the causal generative process. This implies that many causal mechanisms remain invariant across domains [4]}, [5]}, [6]}. In this light, learning a causal model of the environment enables agents to reason about distribution shifts and to exploit the invariance of learnt causal mechanisms across different environments. Hence, we posit that world models with a causal structure can facilitate modular transfer of knowledge. To date, however, methods for causal discovery [7]}, [8]}, [9]}, [10]}, [11]} require access to abstract causal variables to learn causal models from data. These are not typically available in the context of world model learning, where we wish to operate directly on high-dimensional observations.
| [9] | [
] | https://openalex.org/W2801890059 |