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There is a complex tear involving the posterior horn of the medial meniscus including dominant radial component near the root. There is peripheral extrusion of the body. The lateral meniscus is intact. Normal anterior and posterior cruciates. |
High-grade chondromalacia of the central weightbearing medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau with full-thickness cartilage loss. Lateral compartment is intact. High-grade chondromalacia with full-thickness chondral loss in the femoral trochlea and lower patella. |
There is a small joint effusion with mild reactive synovitis related to osteoarthritis. There is a 6 x 10 mm body along the posterior aspect medial femoral condyle. There is a 10 x 4 mm body along the medial aspect of the joint. |
There is evidence of extensive femoral head avascular necrosis, with likely acute on chronic changes including partial superior weight-bearing aspect subchondral collapse, reactive moderate-sized joint effusion and synovitis. |
No femoral neck or intratrochanteric fracture. Chronic appearing loss of the normal femoral head neck offset which may produce femoroacetabular impingement. There is fraying of the anterior labrum. |
There is a complex tear of the anterior horn and body of the lateral meniscus. Medial meniscus is intact. There is mild mucoid degeneration of the ACL. The PCL is intact. There is evidence of chronic sprain of the MCL. |
Mild chondromalacia without full thickness defect in the tibiofemoral joints. Moderate chondromalacia in the patellofemoral joint. Normal proximal tibiofibular joint. Moderate-sized joint effusion with mild reactive synovitis. |
Mild-to-moderate osteoarthritic changes of the second and third TMT joints with subchondral marrow edema. Intact Lisfranc ligament. Moderate first MTP joint osteoarthritis, with marrow edema. Normal flexor and extensor tendons. |
Stable intramuscular mass within the triceps measuring approximately 1.6 x 2.2 x 3.7 cm, similar compared to December 2023. It contains thin septations with 2 to 3 mm nodular component at the medial aspect although also unchanged. |
There is a stable T2 hyperintense lesion within the lateral aspect of the right hepatic lobe measuring approximately 3.3 cm. This likely represents a hemangioma. In addition there is a subcentimeter cyst within the hepatic dome also stable. |
There is a full-thickness partial width tear of the mid supraspinatus footprint measuring roughly 6 mm anterior-posterior with 13 mm of retraction. Mild-to-moderate supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendinopathy. Subscapularis and teres minor are intact. |
Mild osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint. Type II acromion is noted. Degenerative signal and morphology in the anterior through anterosuperior segments of the labroligamentous complex. Intracapsular tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps tendon, otherwise intact. |
Normal medial and lateral menisci. Normal anterior and posterior cruciates. Normal medial collateral and posterolateral ligamentous structures. Normal extensor mechanism. Redemonstrated focal subcentimeter subchondral fracture involving the weightbearing aspect of the medial femoral condyle measuring 6 to 7 mm. |
There is overlying chondromalacia. Overall appearance appears similar compared to December 2023. No unstable osteochondral fragment. Lateral compartment is unremarkable. There is high-grade chondromalacia in the lateral patella with subchondral cyst formation, not significantly progressed since prior. |
Massive full-thickness rotator cuff tear involving the subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, retracted to the level of the glenoid. Teres minor remains intact. Synovial thickening in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa. Fluid communication with the glenohumeral joint through the massive rotator cuff tear. |
There is a nondisplaced intra-articular fracture of the distal radius extending into the lunate facet. Mild osteoarthritic changes of the distal radioulnar joint greater than radiocarpal and first CMC joints among others. Scattered tiny interosseous ganglion cysts in the carpus. |
Complex tear of the posterior body to posterior horn with dominant undersurface horizontal component. Lateral meniscus is intact. Normal anterior and posterior cruciates. Thickening of the proximal MCL, possible sprain. Periligamentous edema. |
Mild chondromalacia involving the posterior nonweightbearing medial femoral condyle. Lateral compartment unremarkable. Normal patellofemoral joint. Normal proximal tibiofibular joint. There is physiologic joint fluid without synovitis. |
There is bone marrow edema most pronounced involving the sacral aspect of the right SI joint. This may indicate evidence of sacroiliitis. No ankylosis or other significant erosions. Partially imaged hip joints are normal. |
Left Hip Joint: There is evidence of extensive femoral head avascular necrosis, with likely acute on chronic changes including partial superior weight-bearing aspect subchondral collapse, reactive moderate-sized joint effusion and synovitis. |
Overall moderate osteoarthritic changes although there are areas of full-thickness cartilage loss involving the weightbearing aspects of the joint. No femoral neck or intratrochanteric fracture. Chronic appearing loss of the normal femoral head neck offset which may produce femoroacetabular impingement. |
There is a complex tear of the anterior horn and body of the lateral meniscus. Medial meniscus is intact. There is mild mucoid degeneration of the ACL. The PCL is intact. There is evidence of chronic sprain of the MCL. LCL complex intact. |
Mild chondromalacia without full thickness defect in the tibiofemoral joints. Moderate chondromalacia in the patellofemoral joint. Normal proximal tibiofibular joint. Moderate-sized joint effusion with mild reactive synovitis. No evidence of loose body. |
Mild-to-moderate osteoarthritic changes of the second and third TMT joints with subchondral marrow edema. Intact Lisfranc ligament. Moderate first MTP joint osteoarthritis, with marrow edema. Normal flexor and extensor tendons. Normal plantar fascia. |
Stable intramuscular mass within the triceps measuring approximately 1.6 x 2.2 x 3.7 cm, similar compared to December 2023. It contains thin septations with 2 to 3 mm nodular component at the medial aspect although also unchanged. No perilesional edema within the adjacent musculature or overlying soft tissues. |
There is a stable T2 hyperintense lesion within the lateral aspect of the right hepatic lobe measuring approximately 3.3 cm. This likely represents a hemangioma. In addition there is a subcentimeter cyst within the hepatic dome also stable. |
There is a full-thickness partial width tear of the mid supraspinatus footprint measuring roughly 6 mm anterior-posterior with 13 mm of retraction. Mild-to-moderate supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendinopathy. Subscapularis and teres minor are intact. |
Mild osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint. Type II acromion is noted. Degenerative signal and morphology in the anterior through anterosuperior segments of the labroligamentous complex. Intracapsular tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps tendon, otherwise intact. |
Normal medial and lateral menisci. Normal anterior and posterior cruciates. Normal medial collateral and posterolateral ligamentous structures. Normal extensor mechanism. Redemonstrated focal subcentimeter subchondral fracture involving the weightbearing aspect of the medial femoral condyle measuring 6 to 7 mm. |
There is overlying chondromalacia. Overall appearance appears similar compared to December 2023. No unstable osteochondral fragment. Lateral compartment is unremarkable. There is high-grade chondromalacia in the lateral patella with subchondral cyst formation, not significantly progressed since prior. |
Massive full-thickness rotator cuff tear involving the subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, retracted to the level of the glenoid. Teres minor remains intact. Synovial thickening in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa. Fluid communication with the glenohumeral joint through the massive rotator cuff tear. |
Moderate to advanced AC joint osteoarthritis with osteophytosis. Type II acromion is noted. Diffuse labral degenerative tearing. Medial dislocation of the long head biceps tendon, demonstrating tendinopathy. Large joint effusion with reactive synovitis. |
High-grade chondromalacia involving the anterior margin of the glenoid. Mild muscle bulk loss and diffuse fatty infiltration of the subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. Normal bone marrow. No suspicious or aggressive bone lesion. |
There is a horizontal undersurface tear extending from the posterior body and posterior horn of the medial meniscus. There is partial peripheral extrusion of the inferior meniscal body into the gutter. The lateral meniscus remains intact. |
Normal anterior and posterior cruciates. Normal medial collateral and posterolateral ligamentous structures. Normal extensor mechanism. Full thickness cartilage loss involves the central posterior weight-bearing lateral femoral condyle and opposing lateral tibial plateau. |
Mild to moderate chondromalacia of the medial compartment with partial cartilage loss. Mild patellofemoral chondromalacia with partial cartilage loss. Normal proximal tibiofibular joint. Moderate size joint effusion with reactive synovitis. |
Small popliteal cyst. Minor degenerative subchondral marrow edema of the lateral compartment. There is a complex tear of the body posterior horn of the lateral meniscus with dominant radial component at the body horn junction. Peripheral extrusion of the body. |
Horizontal tear of the body and posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Peripheral extrusion of the body. Mild mucoid degeneration vs. sprain of the ACL. PCL intact. Normal medial collateral and posterolateral ligamentous structures. Normal extensor mechanism. |
Moderate chondromalacia with partial cartilage loss in the central weightbearing medial compartment. Moderate lateral compartment chondromalacia with small area of full-thickness cartilage loss in the posterior weightbearing lateral femoral condyle. |
Mild chondromalacia of the superior median ridge. Osteoarthritis with subchondral/ganglion cyst formation fibular head. There is physiologic joint fluid without synovitis. There is no significant popliteal cyst. Normal bone marrow. |
There is an acute nondisplaced fracture involving the lateral tibial plateau with contusion. Bone contusion of the posterior aspect lateral femoral condyle. There is a contusion of the anterior medial tibial plateau. Normal patellofemoral joint. Normal proximal tibiofibular joint. |
Small reactive joint effusion. There is no significant popliteal cyst. Marrow edema associated with the nondisplaced lateral tibial plateau fracture. Contusion of the anterior medial tibial plateau. Sprain with possible low-grade partial tear of the MCL at the level of the tibiofemoral joint line. |
Similar appearance of the ulnar collateral ligament compared to recent MRI June 7, 2024. Some thickening is noted proximally evident suggesting prior sprain or partial tear. No evidence of progressive tear. Radial collateral ligament is intact. |
The ulna nerve is normal as it passes through the cubital tunnel. The visible radial and median nerves are normal. Normal joint. Normal bone marrow. Normal periarticular soft tissues. There is low-level edema within the proximal common flexor musculature suggesting a mild muscle strain. |
There is a full-thickness focal tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, with retraction to the glenoid. Subscapularis and teres minor are intact. Synovial thickening and fluid communicating with the glenohumeral joint through the full thickness defect. |
Mild osteoarthritic change of the acromioclavicular joint. Type II acromion is noted. Diffuse degenerative labral fraying. No paralabral cyst. Intracapsular tendinosis of the long head of the biceps tendon. Extracapsular segment is intact within the bicipital groove. |
There is a small reactive joint effusion and synovitis within the glenohumeral joint. Mild thinning of the posterior glenoid cartilage. There is capsular edema suggesting mild capsulitis likely posttraumatic in the setting of recent injury. |
Acute strain of the infraspinatus greater than supraspinatus with evidence of chronic mild atrophy. Subscapularis and teres minor are intact. Normal bone marrow. Sprain vs. partial tear of the anterior talofibular ligament. The calcaneofibular, posterior talofibular, deltoid and syndesmotic ligaments are intact. |
There is an osteochondral lesion involving the medial talar dome measuring 7 mm medial-lateral 7 mm anterior-posterior. No evidence of fluid signal behind the lesion to indicate instability. There is underlying marrow edema. There is a reactive joint effusion. |
In addition there is edema involving the posterior superior aspect of the calcaneus, without evident fracture. An os trigonum is present. The tarsal tunnel neurovascular bundle is normal. There are intact sinus tarsi interosseous ligaments. The muscles and soft tissues are normal. |
There is a complex tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus with horizontal and radial components. The tear extends to the inferior articular surface. Mild extrusion of the medial meniscal body. The lateral meniscus is intact. |
Moderate chondromalacia of the medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau with areas of full-thickness cartilage loss. Mild chondromalacia of the lateral compartment. Moderate patellofemoral chondromalacia with partial-thickness cartilage loss. |
There is a small joint effusion with mild synovitis. A 7 x 5 mm loose body is seen in the posterior joint space. Mild bone marrow edema in the medial tibial plateau, likely reactive to the chondral loss and meniscal tear. |
The ACL and PCL appear intact. There is mild mucoid degeneration of the ACL. The MCL and LCL complexes are intact. The patellar and quadriceps tendons are normal in appearance. No evidence of patellar subluxation or tilt. |
There is a small Baker's cyst measuring 2.5 x 1.5 x 3.0 cm. No significant soft tissue edema. The neurovascular structures appear normal. Incidental note is made of a small fabella posterior to the lateral femoral condyle. |
There is evidence of prior ACL reconstruction with intact graft. The tibial and femoral tunnels are well-positioned. No evidence of graft impingement. The PCL is intact. The posterolateral corner structures appear intact. |
Moderate hip joint effusion with synovial thickening, suggesting synovitis. There is subchondral bone marrow edema in the superior lateral aspect of the femoral head, concerning for early avascular necrosis. No definite subchondral fracture line is seen. |
The acetabular labrum demonstrates degenerative fraying and a small tear at the anterosuperior aspect. No paralabral cyst is identified. Mild hip joint space narrowing with early marginal osteophyte formation, consistent with mild osteoarthritis. |
There is moderate tendinosis of the gluteus medius and minimus tendons with partial-thickness tearing at their greater trochanteric insertions. Small amount of fluid in the trochanteric bursa, consistent with trochanteric bursitis. |
No acute fracture or stress reaction. The visualized portions of the sacroiliac joints appear normal. The visualized pelvic organs are unremarkable. No significant soft tissue abnormality. |
There is a full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon measuring approximately 2.5 cm in anterior-posterior dimension with 1.5 cm of medial retraction. Moderate muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus muscle belly. |
The infraspinatus and teres minor tendons are intact but show mild tendinosis. There is a partial-thickness articular-sided tear of the subscapularis tendon involving the superior fibers. The long head of the biceps tendon is intact within the bicipital groove. |
Moderate acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis with inferior-projecting osteophytes causing mild impingement on the supraspinatus muscle. Type II acromion morphology. Mild glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis with cartilage thinning and marginal osteophytes. |
There is a complex tear of the superior labrum extending from anterior to posterior (SLAP tear). No paralabral cyst formation. Mild degenerative fraying of the anterior and posterior labrum. Moderate joint effusion with synovitis. |
No evidence of acute bone marrow edema or occult fracture. The coracoacromial and coracoclavicular ligaments are intact. No significant subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis. The visualized lung apices are clear. |
There is a non-displaced fracture of the scaphoid waist with associated bone marrow edema. No evidence of avascular necrosis. The scapholunate and lunotriquetral ligaments appear intact. No significant widening of the scapholunate interval. |
Mild degenerative changes of the radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joints with marginal osteophytes and mild joint space narrowing. The triangular fibrocartilage complex shows degenerative signal without a definite tear. No significant joint effusion. |
The flexor and extensor tendons are normal in signal and morphology. No evidence of tenosynovitis. The median nerve shows normal signal intensity and is not enlarged within the carpal tunnel. No evidence of ulnar nerve compression at Guyon's canal. |
Small ganglion cyst arising from the volar aspect of the radioscaphoid joint, measuring 5 x 7 x 10 mm. No other significant soft tissue masses or fluid collections. The visualized muscle bellies appear normal. |
There is a full-thickness cartilage defect in the central weight-bearing portion of the medial femoral condyle measuring 15 x 20 mm. Associated subchondral bone marrow edema and cystic changes. The lateral compartment cartilage is relatively well-preserved. |
Complex tear of the posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus with a displaced flap component. Mild extrusion of the meniscal body. The lateral meniscus shows intrasubstance degenerative signal without a discrete tear. |
Chronic-appearing partial tear of the ACL with residual intact fibers. The PCL is intact. Grade I sprain of the MCL with mild laxity but no complete disruption. The lateral collateral ligament complex is intact. |
Moderate patellofemoral chondromalacia with areas of full-thickness cartilage loss along the lateral facet of the patella and opposing trochlea. Mild lateral patellar tilt without frank subluxation. The patellar and quadriceps tendons are normal. |
Large Baker's cyst measuring 4.5 x 2.5 x 6.0 cm with a small fluid-fluid level, possibly representing hemorrhage or synovial debris. No evidence of cyst rupture. Moderate joint effusion with synovial thickening. |
There is a full-thickness osteochondral lesion of the medial talar dome measuring 10 x 12 mm. The lesion appears unstable with a partially detached osteochondral fragment. Surrounding bone marrow edema and reactive joint effusion. |
Chronic-appearing sprain of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments with thickening and heterogeneous signal. No acute ligamentous disruption. The deltoid ligament complex and posterior talofibular ligament are intact. |
Mild tenosynovitis of the posterior tibial tendon. The flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus tendons are normal. Mild tendinosis of the peroneus brevis tendon without tear. The Achilles tendon shows normal thickness and signal intensity. |
Mild degenerative changes of the tibiotalar joint with marginal osteophytes and mild joint space narrowing. Small tibiotalar joint effusion. No significant subtalar joint arthropathy. The sinus tarsi fat signal is preserved. |
Mild plantar fasciitis with thickening and increased signal intensity of the proximal plantar fascia. Small calcaneal spur. No evidence of plantar fibroma or foreign body. The flexor hallucis brevis, abductor hallucis, and quadratus plantae muscles are normal. |
There is a non-displaced stress fracture of the navicular bone with associated bone marrow edema. No evidence of avascular necrosis or coalition. The talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints are normal. The spring ligament complex is intact. |
Large joint effusion with synovial thickening and multiple rice bodies, suggesting inflammatory or infectious arthropathy. Extensive erosive changes involving the glenoid and humeral head. Moderate rotator cuff tendinopathy without full-thickness tear. |
Chronic full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons with 3.5 cm of medial retraction. Moderate muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The teres minor is hypertrophied. |
Severe glenohumeral osteoarthritis with complete loss of joint space, large marginal osteophytes, and subchondral cysts. Glenoid bone loss with biconcave morphology. Posterior subluxation of the humeral head. |
Type III acromion with moderate acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis causing mechanical impingement on the supraspinatus tendon. Large subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis. The long head of the biceps tendon is medially subluxed. |
Chronic-appearing Hill-Sachs deformity of the posterolateral humeral head. Associated bony Bankart lesion of the anteroinferior glenoid rim. The anterior and inferior labrum is torn and medially displaced. Mild humeral head flattening. |
Non-displaced insufficiency fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus with associated bone marrow edema. No significant displacement or angulation. Mild impaction of the fracture fragments. The glenohumeral joint remains concentrically reduced. |
There is a full-thickness cartilage defect over the weight-bearing portion of the medial femoral condyle measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm. Associated subchondral cystic change and bone marrow edema. The lateral compartment cartilage is relatively preserved. |
Complex tear of the posterior horn and body of the medial meniscus with a displaced flap component. Mild extrusion of the meniscal body. The lateral meniscus shows intrasubstance degenerative signal without a discrete tear. |
Chronic-appearing partial tear of the ACL with residual intact fibers. The PCL is intact. Grade I sprain of the MCL with mild laxity but no complete disruption. The lateral collateral ligament complex is intact. |
Moderate patellofemoral chondromalacia with areas of full-thickness cartilage loss along the lateral facet of the patella and opposing trochlea. Mild lateral patellar tilt without frank subluxation. The patellar and quadriceps tendons are normal. |
Large Baker's cyst measuring 4.5 x 2.5 x 6.0 cm with a small fluid-fluid level, possibly representing hemorrhage or synovial debris. No evidence of cyst rupture. Moderate joint effusion with synovial thickening. |
There is a full-thickness osteochondral lesion of the medial talar dome measuring 10 x 12 mm. The lesion appears unstable with a partially detached osteochondral fragment. Surrounding bone marrow edema and reactive joint effusion. |
Chronic-appearing sprain of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments with thickening and heterogeneous signal. No acute ligamentous disruption. The deltoid ligament complex and posterior talofibular ligament are intact. |
Mild tenosynovitis of the posterior tibial tendon. The flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus tendons are normal. Mild tendinosis of the peroneus brevis tendon without tear. The Achilles tendon shows normal thickness and signal intensity. |
Mild degenerative changes of the tibiotalar joint with marginal osteophytes and mild joint space narrowing. Small tibiotalar joint effusion. No significant subtalar joint arthropathy. The sinus tarsi fat signal is preserved. |
Mild plantar fasciitis with thickening and increased signal intensity of the proximal plantar fascia. Small calcaneal spur. No evidence of plantar fibroma or foreign body. The flexor hallucis brevis, abductor hallucis, and quadratus plantae muscles are normal. |
There is a non-displaced stress fracture of the navicular bone with associated bone marrow edema. No evidence of avascular necrosis or coalition. The talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints are normal. The spring ligament complex is intact. |
Large joint effusion with synovial thickening and multiple rice bodies, suggesting inflammatory or infectious arthropathy. Extensive erosive changes involving the glenoid and humeral head. Moderate rotator cuff tendinopathy without full-thickness tear. |
Chronic full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons with 3.5 cm of medial retraction. Moderate muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The teres minor is hypertrophied. |
Severe glenohumeral osteoarthritis with complete loss of joint space, large marginal osteophytes, and subchondral cysts. Glenoid bone loss with biconcave morphology. Posterior subluxation of the humeral head. |