The incidence of endometrial cancer is gradually increasing nowaday. The postoperative treatment of high-risk endometrial cancer is also inconsistent. Besides, the recurrence of high-risk endometrial cancer is high.The investigators retrospective study will analyze the factors associated with recurrence of endometrial cancer, especially for different adjuvant therapies.
This study will analyze whether there is any difference in recurrence and survival rates among the patients who received different adjuvant therapies.
At present, around 30% of women with stress urinary incontinence have overactive bladder syndrome after mid-urethral sling procedure. But its predictive factor is still unclear. We will estimate the incidence of patients with overactive bladder syndrome after surgery and explore related predictors. In addition, we will explore the cure rate and predictors of cure of overactive bladder syndrome after the mid-urethral sling procedure for women with stress urinary incontinence. The above results will be used as a reference for preoperative and postoperative consultation.
We will estimate the incidence of patients with overactive bladder syndrome after surgery and explore related predictors.
Patients: Eligible patients aged between 40 and 80 years old, with BMI < 30 and with a recent diagnosis of mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea evaluated with home night cardio-respiratory monitoring.~The investigators will exclude patients with one or more of the following conditions: subjects who regularly use hypnoinductive drugs, with craniofacial malformations, who have suffered recent facial trauma, suffering from hypothyroidism, suffering from neuromuscular diseases, with recent strokes, severe obstructive nasal disease, systemic infectious diseases and neoplastic diseases.~Home night cardio-respiratory monitoring: all patients will be evaluated according to international guidelines (AAMS American Academy Sleep Medicine) with an instrument equipped with sensors for detection oral/nasal flow, snoring, chest/abdomen movements, pulse oximetry and heart rate.~Questionnaire: The investigators will employ questionnaires validated in Italy: Snoring frequency (derived from the Berlin questionnaire); subjective daytime sleepiness (Epworth questionnaire); quality of sleep (Pittsburgh sleep quality questionnaire).~Patients will be randomized into two groups randomly with a 1: 1 ratio: group 1 (treated group) or group 2 (control group) for a total of 20 patients per group (according to the sample size calculation reported in the protocol).~The treatment group will be subjected to an integrated rehabilitation protocol, composed of Respiratory rehabilitation exercises with diaphragmatic breathing, thoracic mobilization exercises and manual pompage techniques, followed by manual trigger point therapy techniques, (that were identified by palpation following the guidelines provided by Travell and Simons trigger point manual), the accessory inspiratory muscles like pectoralis minor muscle, scapula elevator muscle, Sternocleidomastoid muscle. The integrated rehabilitation protocol will be 45 minutes, 3 weekly sessions for 4 weeks, for a total of 12 consecutive sessions. Also, at every patient will be taught oropharyngeal exercises to perform at home twice a day (the duration of 15 minutes each session) involving in particular exercises for soft palate, tongue, facial and genio-glosso muscle.~Both in the treated group and the control group will be given a booklet with the rules for proper sleep hygiene because sleep is influenced by our lifestyle and various environmental factors can affect the quality of night sleep.
The Obstructive Sleep Apnea is characterized by obstruction of the upper airway during sleep (for at least 10 sec), with repeated breathing pauses, accompanied by oxygen desaturation in the blood and by sleep interruption with repeated arousals.~The investigators hypothesized that good sleep hygiene, the execution of respiratory rehabilitation exercises, with specific myofascial exercises on the muscles that are compromised in the Obstructive Sleep Apnea, can improve the patient's clinical outcome and quality of life.~The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of respiratory rehabilitation with myo-functional exercises in mild obstructive sleep.
Background: PPROM is encountered in 2.0% to 3.5% of pregnancies. Domiciliary care management is developing more and more in obstetrics, with psychological benefits for patients as well as other financial benefits. Reliable discharge criteria have been mentioned by few studies for patients with PPROM. Studies had shown that domiciliary care management in a context of PPROM did not modify perinatal morbidity and mortality, and allows a prolongation of the latency period. However, eligibility criteria for domiciliary care management were heterogeneous~Aim of The Work: The aim of this study is to compare efficacy & safety of planned domiciliary versus hospital care for women with preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes (PPROM) on fetal, neonatal and maternal outcome.~Patients & Methods: The current trial was conducted at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. A total of 3662 pregnant women were recruited from the outpatient clinic & emergency room and included in the study. Then, they were randomized into two groups; group (D) was counseled for home care management, while group (H) was hospitalized. Take-home baby was assessed as a primary outcome and other maternal, fetal & neonatal complications were recorded & moreover latency period, mode of delivery & preference of care were assessed
This study is designed to compare efficacy & safety of planned domiciliary versus hospital care for women with preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes (PPROM) on fetal, neonatal and maternal outcome.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) causing focal lesions of demyelination and diffuse neurodegeneration in the grey and white matter of the brain and spinal cord, leading to physical and cognitive disability. Currently there is a limited number of relevant biomarkers available in patients with MS, such as clinical, imaging or biological measures. Patient history and neurologic examination in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), evoked potentials and analysis of serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are the gold standard of diagnosis and mainly patient history, neurologic examination and MRI are used for patient monitoring. However, their prognostic value on a patient level is still very limited. Therefore, the scientific community and patients are in need for new and more reliable biomarkers, especially biomarkers of disease progression in order to adapt therapeutic approaches on an individual level. Digital biomarkers have the potential to fill this gap allowing for quasi-continuous measures that might be more informative than episodically collected conventional data concerning the impact of the disease on activities of daily living.~The Investigators have developed the dreaMS App, a data communication platform collecting data from the patients' mobile devices (smartphone and wearables). Through the use of app-based tests, surveys and sensor data, the Investigators aim to identify novel types of clinical data that can be used as digital biomarkers with complementary clinical value as compared to the traditional diagnostic methods and techniques.~In this feasibility study a number of digital biomarkers will be applied to test their technical reproducibility/stability and meaningfulness to patients and to select the most informative for the planned validation study.
The Investigators have developed the dreaMS App, a data communication platform collecting data from the patients' mobile devices (smartphone and wearables). Through the use of app-based tests, surveys and sensor data, the Investigators aim to identify novel types of clinical data that can be used as digital biomarkers with complementary clinical value as compared to the traditional diagnostic methods and techniques.~In this feasibility study a number of digital biomarkers will be applied to test their technical reproducibility/stability and meaningfulness to patients.
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare workers physically and psychologically. Healthcare workers have ben required to work under stressful conditions and take difficult decisions involving ethical implications. Increasing work demands on healthcare professionals conflict with their duties to family and friends, which causes psychological stress. All of these factors may negatively affect their menstrual cycle.~The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a change in menstrual cycle characteristics during pandemia. Second aim is to investigate whether there is an association between Covid 19 infection and menstrual cycle changes.~This cross-sectional study is conducted with healthy female participants who are working at Haydarpasa Numune Research and Training Hospital in Turkey. The researcher investigates the characteristics of menstrual cycle in female healthy workers employed in Covid 19 pandemic inpatient and outpatient clinics. The participants who are sure about their pertinent information are enrolled in the study. The exclusion criteria includes pregnancy, history of hysterectomy, oophorectomy, diseases like Asherman's syndrome and also history of endocrine disorders (progesterone deficiency, thyroid disorders and diabetes mellitus), oral contraceptive use, malignancy, primary amenorrhea, menopause and lactation.~After informed consent, detailed information is collected using structured questionnaires about their reproductive factors and menstrual cycles by direct interviews. The questionnaire contains questions about age, work experience, marital status, height, weight, working hours, use of medication, menstrual cycle characteristics (including cycle duration, duration and amount of bleeding, bleeding during the cycle, regular or irregular menstrual cycles) and dysmenorrhea. Also, the difference in menstrual cycle characteristics between covid positive and negative healthcare professionals is investigated.
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare workers physically and psychologically. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a change in menstrual cycle characteristics during pandemia. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is an association between covid infection and menstrual cycle changes.
Most people infected with SARS-CoV-2 experience mild, self-limiting symptoms that have been managed in an outpatient setting and therefore have not undergone routine cardiac evaluation with EKG or cardiac imaging test. Similarly, although the emphasis has been placed on evaluating patients with severe respiratory symptoms, most of these patients have also not undergone cardiac imaging tests and; therefore, in both scenarios, possible myocarditis has not routinely evaluated.~The present study is designed to characterize cardiac involvement in individuals who have overcome the SARS-CoV-2 infection.~For that aim, the study is designed as an observational cross-sectional study. The target population are HUSA healthcare workers who have overcome SARS-CoV-2 infection, either symptomatic or asymptomatic, either having required hospital admission or not. Participants will undergo a clinical evaluation, electrocardiogram (EKG), cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and blood analysis including NT-proBNP, troponin, cellular and humoral immunity and genetics.~Main objectives of the study are to address the prevalence of myocardial damage suggestive of myocarditis and to address the prevalence of pericarditis in HUSA health care workers; both related to the systemic immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. As secondary objectives the study will further address other cardiac affections including: rhythm or conduction disorders, ischemic heart disease, dilatation of the right chambers, valve disease and will analyze the relationship between humoral and cellular immunity and the presence of cardiac involvement, and the genetic susceptibility in the development of cardiac involvement after SARS-CoV-2 infection.~The study will recruit 141 participants: 47 symptomatic hospitalized health care workers, 47 asymptomatic non-hospitalized health care workers, 47 asymptomatic health care workers
The study will analyze the prevalence of cardiac involvement of health care workers from the University Hospital of Salamanca (HUSA) who have overcome SARS-CoV-2 infection. Participants will undergo a clinical evaluation, electrocardiogram (EKG), cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and blood analysis including NT-proBNP, troponin, cellular and humoral immunity and genetics.
Dizziness is not a disease it is one of the most common symptoms of vestibular dysfunction. There are mainly two types of vestibular dysfunction central and peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Signs of vestibular dysfunction are vertigo, nystagmus, visual instability on head movement, spinning, double vision, May or may not have hearing loss or tinnitus. Due to these problem the patient feel difficulty in movements and in other activities, asymmetrical posture in sitting or standing. patients who experience dizziness report a significant disability that reduces their quality of life.~Vestibular system is consist of two parts central vestibular system and peripheral vestibular system. Peripheral part is consist of three semi-circular canals and otolith organs. The three semi-circular canals horizontal, posterior and anterior respond to angular acceleration and are right angle to one another. Semi-circular canals are filled with endolymph. Which move freely within each canal in response to the direction of the angular head rotation. The saccule and utricle make up the otolith organ which respond to the linear acceleration and the static head tilt. Three main functions of the peripheral vestibular system is stabilize visual images during head movement, maintain postural stability during head movement and providing information about the environment. In the central vestibular system brainstem processes provide primary control of many vestibular reflex. Connection with the thalamus, vestibular cortex and reticular system enable the vestibular system to aware of arousal and conscious awareness of the body and discrimination between the self and environment.~In children, vestibular function plays an important role in postural and gross motor development control. Children with congenitally profound hearing loss suffer vestibular dysfunction in both ears, and loss of postural control. Maintaining and development of postural stability is a multisystem process it does not only depend on vestibular input. Maturational changes in proprioceptive and visual, central nervous system processing, and coordination of motor output are responsible for the changes in postural skills observed through adolescence. Infants and young children are dependent on the visual system to maintain balance. As they grow older, begin to use somatosensory and vestibular information properly. Between the 3 sensory inputs in children, the vestibular system seems to be the slightest effective in postural control.~Children with early sensorineural hearing loss and bilateral vestibular dysfunction present with delayed gross motor development. These children stand and walk later than their peers. Difficulties in maintaining balance can lead to challenges in normal childhood activities e.g. riding a bicycle or hopping. Reduced ability to participate in normal play with other children may result in social isolation. In hearing impaired children vestibular dysfunction is common. It was mentioned in a study held in 2013 that 88% of hearing impaired children suffer from vestibular dysfunction. This could mainly be due to hearing and vestibular impulses pass via the vestibule-cochlear nerve. Another study in 2018, found that vestibular dysfunction to be around 50% in hearing impaired children.~Gaze stability and Brandt-Daroff exercises are two different type of exercises which are used for rehabilitation of dizziness in hearing impaired patients. A type of habituation exercise is Brandt- Daroff exercises which are easy to perform. Brandt- Daroff exercises cause the debris to get dislodged from the cupula of the posterior semi-circular canal and will no longer effect cupula during the head movements. Bandt-Daroff exercises are performed with quick head rotations while watching a visual target and sustaining focus on the visual target during head movements. Gaze stability exercises designed to improve the gaze stability. These exercises require the individual to fixate on a visual target during horizontal or vertical head movement.
There is a need to manage dizziness in vestibular dysfunction patients with the vestibular rehabilitation to improve the life style of these patients. Vestibular rehabilitation exercises are beneficial for the vestibular dysfunction patients because they decrease dizziness and visual symptoms, increase walking and balance functions and with this the general activity level also increases. In my study my goal is to apply two different vestibular exercise and check their effects on dizziness in hearing impaired children's.
Prenatal consent will be obtained on infant's with estimated gestational age up to 28+6 weeks. Shortly before delivery, infant's will be randomly assigned to receive either Low oxygen concentration (FiO2 .30) OR High oxygen concentration (FiO2 1.0) during 90 seconds of delayed cord clamping.~Randomization and intervention will remain blinded to the clinical care team during the entire study period. The research team member will open a randomization card when notified of a subject's impending birth, review the protocol with the obstetric provider performing the procedure, set-up the sterile stabilization bed, and note the time it takes from delivery until the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord in both groups.~The research team member will set the oxygen blender as indicated by the randomization card and cover the blender to blind the FiO2 setting. The research team member will not be involved in the clinical care of the infant. The oxygen blender will be concealed from the clinical care team to ensure resuscitation maneuvers will not be biased.~Data will be submitted to the statistician, who will remain blinded to the intervention for the duration of the study.~At delivery, the infant will be placed on a platform that allows the infant to be close to the mother and the umbilical cord to remain intact for DCC. These beds are equipped with an oxygen blender, humidifier, t-piece resuscitator with mask, necessary to provide CPAP/PPV.~If an infant is randomized to the DCC and Low Oxygen concentration (DCC LO group), the following procedure will ensue:~During delayed cord clamping, the infant will be gently stimulated by drying the infant with a sterile towel and provide CPAP by 30 seconds of life. During delayed cord clamping, breathing assistance with CPAP of 5 cm H20 and a FiO2 0.3 will be provided.~If an infant is randomized to the DCC and High Oxygen concentration (DCC HI group), the following procedure will ensue:~During delayed cord clamping, the infant will be gently stimulated by drying the infant with a sterile towel and provide CPAP by 30 seconds of life. During delayed cord clamping, breathing assistance with CPAP of 5 cm H20 and a FiO2 1.0 will be provided.~Patency of the airway in both groups will be assessed by a Colorimetric CO2 detector. Lack of color change will indicate that the airway is not patent (obstructed), the pressure is not sufficient to expand the lungs, there was excessive air leak, or there was no or inadequate pulmonary blood flow. If there is no color change, the neonatal provider will reposition and reattempt to open the airway, if no improvement they will initiate PPV (starting PIP of 20 cm H20) by 60 seconds of life. Cord clamping will occur at 90 seconds or greater and the infant will be transferred to a standard neonatal warmer and resuscitated per NRP guidelines.~Additionally, when available heart rate data will be collected using a non-invasive dry-electrode monitor, (NeoBeat, Laerdal Medical, Stavanger, Norway) and applied over the infant's chest or abdomen to provide continuous display of heart rate during 90 seconds of DCC.~Pulse oximetry, ECG sensors and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors will be applied after cord clamping. The NIRS sensor will be placed on the infant's forehead. Cerebral StO2, SpO2, blood pressure (once in the NICU) and Heart rate will be recorded every two seconds and linked with other variables. These variables will continue to be recorded for the first 24 hours of life.~Blood sample will be collected at two different time points: Cord blood sample (T1: Cord blood collected after the cord is cut) and at 2 hours of life or NICU admission (T2). This is extra few drops of blood that is drawn from the baby for medical purposes (cord blood from cord gases and admission blood work up).~Samples will be tested for oxidized and reduced glutathione which are the most reliable and comprehensive biomarkers of oxidative stress.
This study is being conducted to compare the incidence of preterm infants (up to 28+6 weeks GA) who achieve a peripheral oxygen saturation of 80 percent by 5 minutes of life (MOL) given mask CPAP/PPV with an FiO2 of 1.0 during DCC for 90 seconds (HI Group) to infants given mask CPAP/PPV with an FiO2 of .30 during DCC for 90 seconds (LO Group).
The present study aimed to investigate the presence and frequency of cognitive affection in patients with transformed migraines, as well as to analyze the association of cognitive affection with clinical features and headache impact, anxiety, depression, and quality of sleep.
Transformed migraine is the most common and challenging subtype of chronic daily headache disorders35. Patients with transformed migraine often report an evolutionary process that occurs over months or years in which headaches increase in frequency, change characteristics and ultimately result in patterns of daily or near-daily headaches resembling a mixture of tension-type headache and migraine.
This research study involves an investigational drug combination not approved by the FDA (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for your kidney cancer.~The names of the study drugs in this investigational combination are:~Cabozantinib~Nivolumab~Ipilimumab~The research study procedures include screening for eligibility, study treatment, participant evaluations and safety follow-up visits, in addition to general health status follow-up after study treatment.~It is expected that about 40 people will take part in this research study.
This research study will assess whether cabozantinib, nivolumab and ipilimumab in combination are safe and effective in slowing down the growth of kidney cancer(renal cell carcinoma or RCC) that has advanced or spread to other areas the body.
ILD patients with serum ANCA-positivity were enrolled in this study.~Baseline data collection:~Demographics information (age, gender)~Clinical course~Clinical symptoms and signs (cough, dyspnea, fever, fatigue, crackling, clubbing fingers, mechanics hand)~Laboratory findings (blood and urine routine, liver and renal function tests, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C reactive protein)~Serologic tests (ANA , Rheumatoid factor , Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP), Anti-dsDNA, Anti-Ro (SS-A), Anti-La (SS-B), Anti-Smith, Anti-Scl-70, Anti-Jo-1)~Systemic manifestation if diagnosed as systemic vasculitis~Pulmonary function tests (ventilation and diffusion capacity test)~Chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)~Treatment: treatment will be given according to the experience of each pulmonologist.~Follow-up:~Patients were followed up at least once a year and basic laboratory tests, serologic autoantibodies, pulmonary function test and chest HRCT were evaluated routinely~Follow-up end point was April 2019.~Outcome
The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical features and long-term outcome of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-positive interstitial lung disease (ILD) and assess the difference between microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) associated ILD and isolated ANCA-positive idiopathic interstitial pneumonia.
The study will be a single-center, investigator-initiated protocol to assess the reliability of the Kinect Motion Analysis 2.0 Motion Tracking System for Range Of Motion (ROM) assessment in patients with Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis undergoing ultrasound guided capsular distention procedures (standard of care for adhesive capsulitis). Secondarily, the study will describe the relationship between range of motion of the shoulder girdle in the four quadrants of normalized reachable workspace by the Kinect 2.0, PROMIS person-reported outcome scores for pain, pain interference and function (general mobility and upper extremity function), and VAS pain scores.~Study participants are anticipated to remain in the study for 12 weeks: an initial visit followed by 6- and 12-week follow up visits. Given the nature of scheduling appointments in medical clinics, 12 weeks is an approximation; the actual duration may occasionally be 1-2 weeks longer if needed to successfully complete the follow-up visit.~The investigators hypothesize that, for shoulder adhesive capsulitis, the Kinect Motion Analysis 2.0 system will provide reliable results in a shorter and more efficient amount of time in comparison to traditional goniometer methods.
This study will compare shoulder range of motion assessment using the Kinect motion tracking system vs goniometer in patients with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) undergoing ultrasound-guided capsular distention procedures (standard of care).~The investigators hypothesize that, for shoulder adhesive capsulitis, the Kinect Motion Analysis 2.0 system will provide reliable results in a shorter and more efficient amount of time in comparison to traditional goniometer methods.
The age pyramid of the world population is changing, and as it does so, the percentage of elderly people is rapidly increasing. As one advances in age, it has been found that they tend to sleep latency later, have reduced time spent within crucial rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and have reduced total duration and quality of sleep and sleep-related problems start to occur. The National Sleep Foundation The national sleep federation recommends 7-8 hours of sleep per day for the elderly. However, many elderly report that they sleep less than recommended and have difficulty sleep latency.~Sleeping is a significant action that affects individuals' daily lives as well as their quality of life. Sleep is required to meet the basic needs of daily life and comprises physiological, psychological, environmental and sociocultural dimensions. Sleep quality, which has been considered as increasingly significant in recent years, can be defined as feeling physically-fit, refreshed, and ready for a new day when waking up. Sleep quality consists of several quantitative aspects and measurements of sleep itself, such as the duration before sleep latency, the duration of sleep, the number of times a person wakes up in the night, as well as more subjective aspects such as the depth of sleep and the relaxing characteristic of sleep.~Such sleep-related problems may negatively affect an individual's comfort. Comfort is a basic need that comprises one of the cornerstones of holistic nursing care practice. Accordingly, solving sleep-related problems, increasing sleep quality, and ensuring comfort for the individuals concerned will require comprehensive nursing care. Pharmacological methods are the most commonly used approach in trying to resolve sleep-related problems. However, these methods have been insufficient as they do not provide a complete solution for sleep-related problems. Additionally, the side effects of these methods, which are obligatory for the affected individuals, are numerous, and this has paved the way for the development of non-pharmacological treatment methods. Relevant literature indicates methods such as eye masks, music therapy, massages, alternative and supplementary therapies, aromatherapy, and warm foot bath have all been successfully used to solve sleep-related problems among elderly people, thereby boosting their sleep quality and comfort.~Warm foot bath causes peripheral vasodilation and decreases core body temperatures. A negative relationship was found between core body temperature and inclination to sleep. Individuals' sleep latency decreases when body core temperature decreases thus, individuals' sleep quality and comfort level are increased. Warm foot bath as a non-pharmacological methods is a more practical and less expensive approach when compared with others.~The relevant literature demonstrated that the number of studies examining sleep quality and comfort among elderly people was limited. The literature included some studies that examined the use of relaxation exercises, back-massage practices, aromatherapy, and music therapy to improve sleep quality and comfort. However, the number of studies examining the effect of warm foot bath on sleep quality was found to be limited . The purpose of the trial was to investigate the effect of a warm foot bath on sleep quality and comfort level among elderly individuals with sleep problems. Our primary hypothesis was that the sleep quality of the intervention group would be better after 6 weeks than the control group. The secondary hypotheses were that the comfort levels of the intervention group would be better after 6 weeks than the control group
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of a warm foot bath on sleep quality and comfort level among elderly individuals with sleep problems.~Design and methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 217 elderly individual who stayed in two nursing homes. The sample consisted of 60 elderly individuals with sleep problem who were randomly assigned to either the warm foot bath group (n= 30) and control group (n=30).The study was completed with 60 elderly individuals. The primary outcome was an information questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the General Comfort Questionnaire and the Numerical Rating Scale.
This study is a prospective open phase-I study to investigate the safety, tolerability and PK characteristics of Carrimycin tablet in the treatment of patients with locally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (non NPC). The 3x3 dose escalation design will be adopted, including 200mg, 400mg and 600mg of Carrimycin; and three subjects at each dose level initially. If there is no DLT in the dose level of 200mg, the dose level of 400mg will be followed; if there is one DLT in the dose level of 200mg, another three patients will be added in the dose level of 200mg; if there is no DLT occurs in the another three patients, the dose level of 400mg will also be followed; if there is one DLT in the another three patients, the trial will be closed. The same condition to the dose level of 400mg and 600mg. If a patient fails to receive the full prescribed dose for reasons other than DLT at the time of the first administration, the patient will be replaced. Carrimycin treatment to the patients with DLT will be discontinued immediately and they will enter the follow-up period and will not be replaced. The study consists of screening period, treatment period and follow-up period. The treatment period continues until the patients develop progressive disease, dies, lost to follow-up or withdraw informed consent.
The trial is a study conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability and PK characteristics of Carrimycin tablet and measure its anti-tumor efficacy initially in the treatment of patients with locally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (non NPC).
This is a multicenter, open-label, dose-escalation study in subjects with advanced or metatatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or other solid tumors.There will be five cohorts planning as following:~cohort 1: PEG-ENDO 1 mg/kg+Docetaxel 75 mg/m2,once every 3 weeks at day 1 cohort 2: PEG-ENDO 2mg/kg+Docetaxel 75 mg/m2,once every 3 weeks at day 1 cohort 3: PEG-ENDO 4 mg/kg+Docetaxel 75 mg/m2,once every 3 weeks at day 1 cohort 4: PEG-ENDO 6 mg/kg+Docetaxel75 mg/m2,once every 3 weeks at day 1 cohort 5: PEG-ENDO 8 mg/kg+Docetaxel75 mg/m2, once every 3 weeks at day 1~* Every 3 weeks as a treatment cycle. Subjects received only PEG-ENDO in the first cycle. For second cycle or the higher, they received a combination therapy of PEG-ENDO and docetaxel. Docetaxel was limited in 4 or 6 cycles。 The observation period of DLT was the 21 days after the first administration of PEG-ENDO. During the observation period of DLT (cycle 1), subjects only receive the corresponding dose of PEG-ENDO , for the second cycle and higher ,they will treated with the combination of PEG-ENDO and Docetaxel until disease progression (PD) or intolerance . Docetaxel was limited in 4 or 6 cycles。
The primary purpose of this study is to examine the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of PEG-ENDO in combination with docetaxel in subjects previously treated or untreated (standard therapy is not suitable or without standard therapy) for advanced or metatatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or other solid tumors.
This prospective study will use a fellow-eye design for 20 participants, 40 eyes. All eyes will receive bilateral Xiidra. The most symptomatic eye will be selected to receive DEXTENZA® insertion on the day Xiidra is prescribed (study eye), while the other eye will be assigned to receive sham punctum dilation (control eye). If there is no obvious symptomatic difference, the right eye will receive the intracanalicular insert. The study group will consist of 20 eyes receiving DEXTENZA® insertion. The control group will consist of 20 eyes receiving sham punctum dilation. Thus, for every eye in the study group, there will be a paired eye with similar baseline characteristics in the control group sourced from the same participant. This fellow-eye design allows for greater control of potential confounders tied to participants' systemic and ocular health.
To evaluate the benefit of treatment with a physician administered intracanalicular dexamethasone insert in patients with dry eye who are beginning treatment with Xiidra (lifitegrast ophthalmic solution) to reduce the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.
Curcumin is a chemical compound of the curcuminoids class found in the root of Curcuma (Curcuma longa), and due to its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, has been suggested as a nutritional strategy to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation present in several chronic diseases. Although it is a promising therapy, there are no studies evaluating the effects of curcumin in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in peritoneal dialysis (PD). The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of curcumin supplementation on inflammatory markers and oxidative stress in patients with CKD in PD. Methods: This is a longitudinal randomized clinical double-blind crossover study, with a washout period and placebo-controlled, where patients will be randomized into two groups: Turmeric and Placebo. After the 12-week supplementation period, a washout (12 weeks) will be performed for subsequent crossover of the patients. Mononuclear cells will be extracted from whole blood and the expression of m ribonucleic acid from transcription factors (Nrf2 and NF-kB), antioxidant enzymes (NQO1, HO-1), as well as NLRP3 inflammasome will be analyzed by real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction and protein expression by western blotting. Inflammatory cytokine levels will be assessed by ELISA, also, plasma levels of TBARS, routine laboratory parameters, as well as food intake and nutritional status.
The objective of this study is to assess whether supplementation with curcumin could modulate the intestinal microbiota, reducing levels of inflammatory markers of oxidative stress, uremic toxins and inflammasome, in patients with chronic kidney disease in peritoneal dialysis.
This prospective, open-label, single-center, non-randomized, investigator-sponsored clinical study seeks to investigate the benefit of managing patients with DED secondary to MGD with a sustained release intracanalicular dexamethasone (0.4 mg) insert in addition to LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation compared to LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation alone. In addition, this study will evaluate the ease of Dextenza insertion and the patient preference for therapy.~After screening a given patient for inclusion and exclusion criteria, and gaining informed consent, each eye will undergo LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation on the same day. The most symptomatic eye will be selected to receive DEXTENZA® insertion on the day of the procedure (study eye), while the other eye will be assigned to a receive a sham punctum dilation (control eye). If there is no obvious symptomatic difference, the right eye will receive the intracanalicular insert. Per patient, the study period will last for approximately 12 weeks after the LipiFlow procedure, consisting of one screening visit, one treatment v4isit and 3 post-procedure follow-up visits (week 1, week 4 and week 12). At week 1, week 4 and week 12, primary and secondary endpoints will be assessed alongside standard-of-care procedures. Adjusting for enrollment period, the study will last a total of approximately 4 months.
To evaluate the benefit of treatment with a physician administered intracanalicular dexamethasone insert in evaporative dry eye disease (DED) patients with meibomian gland disfunction (MGD) and underlying inflammation undergoing LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation.
Vasculitis is a group of disorders characterized by the inflammation of blood vessels, leading to an alteration of the vascular wall. The classification of vasculitides has evolved considerably over the last few decades.~In 1990, the American College of Rheumatology established a classification of the main systemic vasculitides based on clinical, biological and histological criteria. In 1994, the Chapel Hill nomenclature has been established as the reference classification system of vasculitides and vasculitides were classified according to the size of the affected vessels. The Chapel Hill nomenclature was revised in 2012, thus enabling to integrate new vasculitides and diagnostic tools.~It is proposed here to conduct a non-interventional cohort study of the different forms of vasculitis, as defined in the Chapel Hill nomenclature. By collecting data from a large number of patients followed prospectively, our objective is to describe the clinical patterns of these diseases, the presentation, management, comorbidities and outcomes, and to evaluate their possible association with some immunological, genetic and molecular parameters.
VASCO is a prospective observational cohort study which aim to describe the presentation, comorbidities, management, outcomes and damage of vasculitis patients, from the analysis of the clinical, biological and immunological data.
This will be a randomized crossover design with three oral nutrition supplement interventions. The subjects will be randomized to one of three interventions on three separate study days, one week apart.
This will be a randomized crossover design with nutrition supplement interventions.
Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have hospitalized in an ICU due to the closer monitoring and therapy. In fact, ICU admissions are dependent on the severity of illness and the ICU capacity of the health-care system. Therefore, many patients with confirmed COVID-19 with RT-PCR and/or suspected COVID-19 were hospitalized in ICUs with a limited number of beds. This ambiguity can result in both contamination risk to uninfected patients and occupancy rate of the limited ICU beds. Hence, it may be need a new scoring system for contagious critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological and clinical features of 75 critically ill patients due to COVID-19 and to compare confirmed COVID-19 cases with suspected COVID-19 cases in our critical care units.
Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have hospitalized in an ICU due to the closer monitoring and therapy. In fact, ICU admissions are dependent on the severity of illness and the ICU capacity of the health-care system. Hence, it may be need a new scoring system for contagious critically ill patients.
To evaluate the performance of scanographic bone attenuation coefficient of the first lumbar vertebra (SBAC-L1) and fractal analysis, markers of bone fragility on computed tomography (CT), compared to bone mineral density (BMD) to detect vertebral fractures in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).~Patient and methods: Rheumatoid arthritis patients followed from 2009 to 2019 in Nancy University hospital who met the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria for RA and examined using thoraco-abdomino-pelvic CT (TAP-CT) and BMD (spine, hip) within a period of up to 2 years were included. Scanographic bone attenuation coefficient and fractal dimension of the first lumbar vertebra (SBAC-L1, FD-L1) were measured on CT. Vertebral fractures of the thoracolumbar spine were evaluated on CT according to an adaptation of Genant's scoring method.~Demographic characteristics (age, sex, smoking), clinical data (disease duration, DAS-28), biological data (C-reactive protein (CRP), RF, ACPA) and treatments (n proton pump inhibitor, corticosteroid, TNF-inhibitors (TNFi) and others biologics, calcium, vitamin D, antiresorptive agents) were collected from the complete medical record. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to determine if these variables were associated or not with bone fragility (vertebral fracture, SBAC-L1, FD-L1).~We evaluated the performance and diagnostic complementarity as well as optimal diagnostic thresholds of SBAC-L1, FD-L1 and BMD (gold standard) to detect vertebral fractures in these patients at risk of osteoporosis.~Intra and inter-readers reproducibilities of the scanographic screening methods (SBAC-L1, FD-L1) were also studied.
Objective: To evaluate the performance of CT parameters (SBAC-L1 and fractal analysis) compared to BMD (gold standard) to detect vertebral fractures in rheumatoid arthritis
Patients scheduled for potentially cardiotoxic chemotherapy would receive a baseline echocardiogram as per standard protocol which should be covered by the routine insurance~Follow-up with an extra echocardiogram for research purposes would be performed after 2 cycles of that chemotherapy - supplied by the study~Clinical assessment at 3 to 6 months including repeat echocardiography as per standard care with the research question as whether any differences in strain pattern between pre-chemo and post 2 cycles studies all identify patients who are more likely to have cardiac issues later.~Patients will have standard of care visits at 3 month, 6 month and 12 month and will be evaluated for cardiac status and survival.~Patient records will be reviewed at 5 years to check cardiac status and survival.
Subjects will include patients diagnosed with breast cancer or hematological cancer who are planned for chemotherapy treatment with anthracycline or trastuzumab; and who have one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Subjects will received an extra echocardiogram to determine if heart problems can be detected earlier.
Older adults with anxiety disorders or symptoms are not in the consideration of management for dementia prevention. However, the condition is found to be associated with profound negative subsequent decline on both functioning and cognition. While epidemiological studies reported high prevalence in older population, its symptoms are often overlooked in the presence of other age-related diseases in the community as well as among the health professionals. It is expected that cognitive and functional disabilities secondary to this condition will pose a significant burden to the existing healthcare system. Therefore, targeting anxious older adults for early intervention may help to cut healthcare costs and to ensure proactive dementia prevention in the long run. The current proposed intervention intends to attenuate the trajectory of cognitive decline at a very early stage and enhance existing cognitive function to delay the onset of dementia.~This study aims to explore whether the use of integrated attention training program (IATP) could improve cognitive performance and functioning in older adults with anxiety symptoms. In particulars, we aim~To examine the cognitive effect of 4 week integrated attention training program (I) and health education (C) in older adults with anxiety symptoms.~To examine the 4 week integrated attention training program (I) and health education (C) in alleviating mood symptoms in older adults with anxiety symptoms.~To examine the acceptability and adherence of the proposed intervention.
Older adults with anxiety symptoms was found to be associated with greater risk of dementia. Interventions targeting signs as early as in the pre-symptomatic phase could be most effective in early prevention of dementia. On reviewing the identified non-pharmacological interventions, integrated attention training program (IATP) is proposed to target older adults with anxiety symptoms in Hong Kong.
The primary clinical treatment of liver cancer is surgical resection, although many integrated applications develop rapidly, surgery is still the best way to remove the tumour lesion. Traditional ways that have curative removed tumours in three methods, which are liver resection, liver transplantation and radiofrequency ablation (RFA).~As for primary liver cancer, surgery, and RFA are both effective and safety, but for the complexity of end-stage liver cancer, surgical resection may not remove the tumours alone. Surgical resection with radiofrequency ablation therapy for intractable liver cancer is a kind of active plan. The therapy can eliminate the tumour, maximize the protection of patient liver tissue, reduce operation damage, reduce the incidence of complications, and improve patients quality of life after surgery.
In this retrospective study, the investigators assessed the application of radiofrequency-assisted liver resection in intractable liver cancer resection, and plan to analysis the different factors.
This is a retrospective study. Patients or parents of minor patients living in France and suffering from SCD will be informed about the study and enrolled during their usual follow-up, or by patients' associations. They will be asked to answer an anonymous survey online relating to their whole life-course with SCD and exploring different aspects of the consequences of the disease on their life. It contains 4 different sections:~socio-demographic questions to establish a respondent profile~health status of the respondent to establish the severity of the disease~education, professional life, material and economic situation~quality of life through MOS SF-36 questionnaire This is a one-shot survey, which will take approximatively 20 to 30 minutes to answer by the respondent.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common genetic disease in France. Its consequences on patient's life-course and quality of life need to be precisely identified among French patients and their family to be able to improve patients care according to their specific needs.~The aim of the study is to accurately describe the impact of SCD on quality of life of patients living in France, or their family (for minor patients). The consequences of the disease on professional life, education and material condition of patients or their parents will be described by the patients themselves.
This is a parallel randomized controlled trial. Eligible patients who consent will be randomized to one of two groups: (1) the intervention group who will be given a Dexcom G6 for CGM, or (2) the control group who will follow their current standard finger-prick protocol via a provided Contour Next ONE glucometer. The CGM group must download the Dexcom G6 and Clarity mobile apps for data capture, whereas the standard of care group will use the Contour Next mobile app for their respective readings.~The Dexcom G6 captures real-time, dynamic glucose data every five minutes. Devices used in this study are FDA approved and commercially available.
To assess the impact of continuous glucose monitoring versus standard of care (e.g. a finger-prick protocol using a glucometer) on clinical outcomes, healthcare utilization, and cost in patients with type I or II diabetes treated within the Reimagine Primary Care clinics.
The objective is to screen and monitor the efficacy of cfDNA methylation in patients with stage I lung cancer after ablation, to compare the similarities and differences of cfDNA methylation between surgical treatment and ablation in patients with stage I lung cancer, and to look for new indicators to assess the efficacy of ablation therapy and to monitor lung cancer recurrence.~The main research content is to screen the cfDNA methylation index that can monitor the efficacy of stage I lung cancer ablation and compare the similarities and differences of cfDNA methylation in patients with stage I lung cancer after surgery and ablation.
The objective is to screen and monitor the efficacy of cfDNA methylation in patients with stage I lung cancer after ablation, to compare the similarities and differences of cfDNA methylation between surgical treatment and ablation in patients with stage I lung cancer, and to look for new indicators to assess the efficacy of ablation therapy and to monitor lung cancer recurrence.
CT scan is a commonly used method for clinical screening for early lung cancer, but research shows that LDCT scan has a higher detection rate for peripheral lesions (often adenocarcinoma), and a lower detection rate for central lung cancer (mostly squamous cell carcinoma). Fluorescent bronchoscopy uses the principle of differentiating fluorescence in different tissues to distinguish normal parts from diseased parts. It is often used for screening of central early lung cancer.Based on the results of the investigator's previous research, the investigators plan to conduct a second round of community screening-bronchoscopy screening, and perform white light bronchoscopy and autofluorescence bronchoscopy screening for high-risk groups of lung cancer with heavy smoking (≥400 years) and no obvious lung nodules.
Based on the previous work of LDCT screening, in order to improve the screening rate of central lung cancer for LDCT negative and severe smokers, the investigators plan to conduct China's first large-scale fluorescent bronchoscopy screening test.
This R21 study, titled Novel mHealth Technologies to Enhance PrEP Adherence among Thai MSM: Collaborative Adaptation and Evaluation, is: 1) adapting the theory-based smartphone app, P3, designed to improve PrEP adherence, retention in PrEP clinical care, and PrEP persistence among YMSM in the United States for YMSM in Thailand, and 2) conducting a pilot RCT to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the adapted P3-T app and to examine the potential impact of the app on PrEP adherence.~The study is a partnership between Duke University, Chulalongkorn University, Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (TRC-ARC), and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and includes a robust plan to increase mHealth capacity at Chulalongkorn University and TRC-ARC.~P3 is a theory-based, comprehensive smartphone app platform for YMSM that utilizes social networking and game-based mechanics as well as evidenced-based features to improve PrEP medication adherence. P3 is a product born from the collaborative effort of researchers and health game developers working closely with members of the target population in the United States. Built on a successful, evidence-based platform designed by our collaborating technology partner, Ayogo, and tested by our study team, P3 is flexible, allowing for customization and adaptations for different cultural and linguistic contexts, and responsive to changes in technology.~The social networking features of P3 are designed to capitalize on social involvement as a means through which YMSM can receive information and social support, experience social norms and reflective appraisals, and feel a sense of connectedness to peers. Peers have been recognized as a highly important source of sexual health and HIV prevention information and support among Thai YMSM. The gaming features of P3 are goal-oriented and immersive and provide a challenging and motivating environment for behavior change. As a result, P3 is ideal for engaging YMSM in behavior change, by maintaining attention, avoiding boredom and attrition.~The pilot RCT of the adapted P3-T app with be conducted with 60 YMSM newly starting PrEP in Thailand to: 1) assess app feasibility and acceptability, and 2) explore the potential impact of the app on PrEP adherence. The study will be 6 months in duration with a 3-month intervention period and include study visits at baseline, 3-months, and 6-months. At baseline, participants will complete a baseline web-based computer-assisted self-interviewing (CASI) survey. Next, participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio into the P3-T arm or standard of care (SOC) study arm. All study participants will complete follow-up CASI surveys and have their blood drawn via venipuncture at 3 and 6 months for collection of dried blood spots (DBS).~In-depth interviews will be conducted with 10 P3-T arm participants after the 3-month intervention period. The interview will ask participants about their experience and impressions of the app, how they used it, and how it may have impacted their behaviors during the 3-month intervention period.
This study aims to: 1) adapt the theory-based P3 (Prepared, Protected, emPowered) app designed to improve pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) adherence, retention in PrEP clinical care, and PrEP persistence among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in the United States for YMSM in Thailand, and 2) conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and potential impact of the adapted P3-Thailand (P3-T) app.
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, also known as intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, is derived from intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cells, the second most common primary liver malignant tumor in china. but most (60% -70%) patients is diagnosed at the advanced stage . Gemcitabine plus cisplatin is the standard first-line advanced treatment recommended in international and domestic guidelines, but the treatment effect remains to be improved.~The clinical benefits of immune therapies for HCC are emerging. Early clinical data already show the safety of immune checkpoint inhibition. This study is to analyze the safety and efficacy of immunotherapy Triprilumab Injection combined with Gemcitabine Injection plus Cisplatin Injection in patients with advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.~Patients who were aged 18 to 80 years with a histological or cytological diagnosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma,locally advanced or multiple liver metastases, including postoperative occurrence, will be enrolled in this trial.
This study is designed to observe and evaluate the safety and the efficacy of the anti-programmed-death-1 antibody (anti-PD-1) Triprilumab in combination with chemotherapy of Gemcitabine PLUS Cisplatin in patients who were advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with no chance for primary surgery.
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the leading cause of pain and loss of function, and are complex complaints of high prevalence, resulting in high costs and the psychosocial disadvantages of these patients. The prevalence of work-related physical stress in primary school teachers worldwide depending on the region ranges from 32% to 67%. Schoolteachers also represent an occupation group among which there appears to be a high prevalence of MSD. Many studies have shown that musculoskeletal pain (MSP) impairs quality of life (QoL) to a varying extent. For working populations, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are considered as being responsible for a substantial impact on QoL and incurring a major economic burden in compensation costs and lost wages. Since being a reason for seeking healthcare, MSDs decrease productivity at work, cause absence due to sickness and even to early retirement.~Musculoskeletal pains top the list of the most common work-related ailments in Austria. In 2018, they were the third-leading cause for taking sick leave. MSD is one of the leading causes of ill-health retirement among schoolteachers. Gender, age, length of employment and awkward posture are found to be associated with higher MSD prevalence rates among teachers. Primary School teachers spend 25% of time in squatting, kneeling, or sitting position on the floor. An additional 26% of their time was spent sitting on small, child-sized furniture. 18% of teachers' activities were involved in flexing at the trunk greater than 20°. Classroom is configured for primary school pupils. The intensity and frequency correlated with ergonomic factors in the work environment.~Beside physical pressures in teachers work, the occupational engagement and individual coping capacity are very important. Schaarschmidt and Kieschke found four types of work-related coping behaviours. These types include psychological aspects of the health. Particular attention is paid to the question of personality factors that facilitate a health-promoting approach to the demands of the profession. The picture for teachers is quite problematic. The teaching profession appears to be associated with higher health risks than other fields of employment. Furthermore, striking gender differences were observed. Female teachers apparently suffer from greater stress than their male colleagues. On the other hand, there are hardly any school-specific or regional differences. Personality traits that prove beneficial for the teaching profession are, in particular, conscientiousness, extraversion and psychological stability. Increased neuroticism is a risk factor for experiencing professional stress and burnout. A low level of neuroticism is a favorable personal disposition in the teaching profession, since everyday teaching is characterized by diverse and permanent social interactions. Therefore, teachers should be expressive, enjoy communicating, be confident, and assertive in socio-communicative situations. In addition, appreciative behavior, friendliness and empathy, team and problem-solving skills are advantageous for teachers.~Schaarschmidt was able to show by coping patterns that in the context of school in Germany and Austria there is a critical distribution of these coping patterns regardless of the type of school. In all school types, at least 50% of the teachers are in the risk patterns (overload, burn-out) and just under 20% are in the healthy pattern, in which there is sufficient positive experience of work, commitment and resilience to the challenges of the profession. This picture becomes even more problematic when one compares the pattern distribution between female and male teachers. A shift to the disadvantage of female teachers is evident in all school types.~Both, musculoskeletal pains and psychological stress, has a great influence on the health and quality of life of primary school teachers.~Aim: The primary aim of this observational study is to enquire the physical and psychological conditions in primary school teachers in Upper Austria. The second goal is to evaluate the influence of physical activity and personal factors on physical and mental health. The personal feedback will evaluate qualitatively in the sense of a holistic view. The authors hope that the results will provide new insights into the factors influencing the works of primary school teachers.~Methods: The survey will conduct by an online questionnaire using the Questback Enterprise Feedback Suite tool. The questionnaire included four sections. After the introduction page, followed the physical stress examination with the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). The second part will survey the psychological stress with the 11 item short test with the Work-related Behaviour and Experience Patterns (AVEM) and Big5 personality questionnaire (TIPI G). At third sections, the physical activity level will enquiry with the Short-Version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The demographic characteristics (gender and age) and the risk factors (smoker/non-smoker, teaching profile, Job category and anthropometric parameter) will collect finally.
Survey will enquire the physical and psychological conditions in primary school teachers in Upper Austria. All primary teachers of the 553 Upper Austrian elementary schools (approximately 5105 persons) will be interviewed between November 2018 and April 2019. The main outcomes will be Musculoskeletal pains in nine body regions, the physical activity and the psychological stress with the Work-related Behaviour and Experience Patterns and big five personality traits.
Studies by the health insurance companies, scientific publications and economic papers show that in times of increasing economic interests of the hospitals and the resulting necessity of economic working methods in the medical system, less time remains for human interaction. This creates areas of conflict, such as the patient's right to information regarding the time available to medical personnel. This in turn leads to significant stress factors in patients who are involved in the treatment and mostly on the communication level, such as Missing information, misunderstood visit, missing partnership relationship refer to what is reflected in patient satisfaction and fears. Studies show how important good perioperative psychosocial care is for reducing these circumstances in children, also and especially in the context of further development. The drug options for calming and reducing anxiety are already known, but there are also increasing numbers of non-drug approaches to reducing anxiety and stress in the literature. Painting therapy and clinic clowns are examples. However, access to such resources is limited and costs are permanently high. New technologies, e.g. mobile phones and tablets, with the associated media, increasingly finding their way into our society, are now inexpensive to buy and have become an integral part of most households. Such devices and media are increasingly used in clinical studies and patient care. Their use is tested extensively in modern medicine, e.g. to avoid unnecessary postoperative consultations in the emergency room or to increase cognitive learning for children. Even small children can use and understand these media early on. Videos are one of the most common media already understood by the smallest patients.
The reduction of preoperative anxiety in children and adolescents before an elective surgical procedure is an important clinical question in perioperative care. Adequate, age-appropriate patient information about the processes of the inpatient stay plays an important role in order to address possible worries and fears to reduce.~The medium video is popular with children and adolescents today and offers the possibility of an easily understandable and vivid presentation of information.
This observational study is aimed to provide additional safety and effectiveness data for Ergoferon in the treatment of influenza/ARVI in adult and pediatric outpatients, including cases with delayed treatment initiation of illness, and in allergy patients. Routine clinical practice in the management of outpatients with ARVI is to be studied in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan: the demographic characteristics of patients, duration and time points of treatment with the use of Ergoferon, its safety, and the frequency of additional medication.~Scope of the study: 519 general practitioners; 8411 patients. Physical examinations and tests are performed according to local outpatient clinical practice, and to local and international medical care standards.~Data to be collected and analyzed after the completion of treatment:~demographics (age, gender, and city/town of residence)~severity of illness (mild, moderate, or severe)~comorbidities (chronic ENT conditions, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic cardiovascular disease, allergic rhinitis/sinusitis, atopic dermatitis/eczema, asthma, or other)~the time of resolution of infection symptoms (absence of fever - a body temperature below 37.0°С), systemic symptoms (chills, headaches, myalgias, weakness, and loss of appetite), nasal symptoms (nasal congestion/ discharge), laryngeal symptoms (a sore throat, or other), and other symptoms~illness time points: onset of illness, first visit to the doctor's office, and start of treatment.~symptomatic therapy (drug name, date prescribed, and date discontinued)~therapy for bacterial complications (date the antimicrobial drug is prescribed, drug name, diagnosis, hospitalization or no hospitalization required, date of hospitalization)~serious adverse events (description of the event, causality (related/ not related to Ergoferon), severity, date of the onset, and actions taken)~efficacy assessment of the Ergoferon treatment (high efficacy: recovery / satisfactory: improvement/ insufficient: no effect) - observational study model: cohort Cohort study is an observation of outcomes in a group of individuals linked by shared characteristics (an acute respiratory viral infections and use of Ergoferon).
The observational study to get the additional data of the safety and effectiveness of Ergoferon in the treatment of influenza/ARVI in adult and pediatric outpatients.
IgE plays an important role in mediating hypersensitivity reactions responsible for most of the allergic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma etc. which remain poorly controlled. FB825 blocks the biological pathway of IgE synthesis and thus can be used to treat IgE-mediated allergic diseases.~FB825 was found to be safe when given IV repeat dose in toxicology study in monkey. No adverse effects of FB825 were observed in parameters included electrocardiograms for cardiovascular, ophthalmic examinations and other clinical, CNS and respiratory safety observations.~The safety and tolerability of FB825 was demonstrated in the US phase I randomized, double-blind study with healthy subjects. Also, the FB825 was proved by in vivo study that it is able to block the biological pathway of IgE synthesis and thus can be used to treat IgE-mediated allergic diseases. Therefore, in this study, the effects of IgE in patients with atopic dermatitis receiving FB825 treatment will be investigated. The study will evaluate safety and efficacy in adults with atopic dermatitis.
The study aims to evaluate the efficacy, improvement from baseline in Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score, of multiple intravenous (IV) doses of FB825 in subjects with atopic dermatitis
SARS-CoV-2, an emerging respiratory virus of the coronavirus family, is responsible for a global pandemic of which Europe has become the epicentre. Infection with the virus causes a disease called COVID-19, whose expression most often includes cough, fever, fatigue, myalgia, anosmia, ageusia and gastrointestinal symptoms, and which can be complicated by severe pneumonia requiring resuscitation and which can lead to death. Morbidity and mortality are clearly age-related and while illness and hospitalisations occur in all age groups, deaths occur mostly in the older age groups.~In the absence of curative treatment and vaccination, the only real measures capable of slowing the progression of the disease are large-scale social distancing measures. In analogy to community-based viral epidemics such as seasonal influenza, children were initially considered a potential vector of transmission, which led to the preventive measure of school closures. In France, this closure came into force on 14 March 2020.~Children are considered to be little affected by the coronavirus-19 epidemic because even if screening strategies differ, they represent less than 3% of the cases confirmed in the various studies.~In a period of confinement and reduction in the number of children cared for, in a crèche for children of healthcare workers, in a context of proximity and high risk of cross transmission, the frequency of symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of SARS-Cov-2 in children and staff would be comparable to the general population.~We hypothesize a susceptibility to infection in children but low transmission, which should lead to a cumulative prevalence of infection among daycare staff comparable to that obtained in a sample of professionals who do not come into contact with children in their work (here hospital laboratory and administrative staff).
According to epidemiological models, the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Île-de-France as of 11 May was between 10 and 15%. Preliminary data on the number of professionals evicted from nurseries on suspicion of COVID-19 (on clinical grounds) seem to be of the same order of magnitude, but need to be confirmed by a biological technique. Children would be susceptible to infection but often asymptomatic.
Early vascular aging has its origins in fetal and neonatal life. This early period of life plays an important role in the development of obesity, high blood pressure, abnormalities in lipid metabolism and non-insulin dependent diabetes. Increased cardiovascular risk in formerly preterm infants constitutes a health problem of steadily growing relevance. Emerging evidence suggests that human milk feeding has substantial benefits to the health of all infants, especially for those born prematurely. Unfortunately, human milk alone does not provide sufficient concentrations of nutrients, especially calcium, phosphorus, protein, and fat needed for these infants to grow satisfactorily. For that purpose, fortifiers are used to help increase the nutritional value of human milk.~The NEOVASC study is a multicentric, prospective, randomized, controlled, open and parallel group clinical trial. A total of 200 extremely preterm infants and 100 term infants are recruited for the test and control group, respectively. Infants in the test group (i.e., premature neonates) are randomized to either:~An exclusive human milk diet which contains mother's milk or pasteurized donor human milk and a human milk fortifier until 36 weeks of gestation; OR~Human milk (as long as available) and a human milk fortifier (as long as human milk is available) until a maximum of 32 weeks of gestation and thereafter human milk with a bovine-based fortifier or preterm formula.~After 36 weeks of gestation, human milk with a bovine-based fortifier or preterm formula is used in both groups. As a control group, term-born age-matched controls are included. Participants within this control group are not enrolled at the time of birth but instead recruited in various kindergartens at the age of five. Therefore, data from birth is taken from the mother-child-booklet, which contains clinical records about the pregnancy, birth and early life of children born in Austria. The total study duration is scheduled for 96 months with a recruitment phase of 36 months. Follow-up visits are planned at one, two and five years of age for the test group.~The purpose of the NEOVASC clinical trial is to characterize early life stressors by assessing the effects of a physiological (i.e., human milk-based) nutrition in extremely preterm infants during the vulnerable preterm period on the risk of metabolic and vascular complications in later life. Outcomes include predictors and intermediate components of cardiovascular disease.
Early vascular aging has its origins in fetal and neonatal life. The NEOVASC clinical trial aims to determine the effects of an exclusive human milk diet in extremely preterm infants on long-term cardiovascular health.
Progesterone is a natural neurosteroid that we are trying to use to impede both direct neuronal injury cauesd by and indirectly by surgical trauma. Progesterone can decreas vasogenic brain oedema. Our primary outcome is to ameliorate microscopic cytoplasmic injury and decrease brain oedema exploited by biopsy from brain tumor interface. Exclusion criteria demonstratd as refusal to participate in the trial , emergency craniotomy, recurrent brain tumor.
Neuronal injury is evident in elective craniotomy for space occupying lesions. Surgical trauma and mechanichal impact of the tumor causes neuronal injury. Neurosreroid progesterone is a neurotransmittern , trail to use in abolishing neurotoxcicty
In late December 2019, an outbreak of an emerging respiratory disease (COVID-19) caused by a novel coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 began in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and quickly spread in a substantial number of countries. The epidemic was declared a pandemic by the Word Health Organization (WHO) on 12 March 2020. SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated the capability to spread rapidly, leading to significant impacts on healthcare systems and causing societal disruption.~Both clinical and epidemiological features of patients with COVID-19 have recently been reported, demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 infection can be asymptomatic in some cases or symptomatic in others. Symptomatology usually begins as mild with fever, fatigue, dry cough, and occasional dyspnea. In a minority of patients, a sudden onset of severe symptoms may develop 5-8 days into the illness including shortness of breath, pneumonitis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multi organ dysfunction leading to intensive care unit (ICU) admission and high mortality. In some cases, accumulating evidence suggests that severe COVID-19 symptoms could be due to a cytokine storm syndrome. As of May 3rd 2020, the virus had infected 3,349,786 patients worldwide with more than 238,600 deaths, more often among older patients with underlying health conditions.~With caseloads overwhelming hospitals and resources stretched thin in this surging pandemic (high demand for oxygen, prolonged ventilation and even extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), particularly for patients with acute ARDS), there is an urgent need to enhance clinical skills in order to predict from the many mild cases those few that will progress to critical illness allowing a more efficient resource allocation and clinical management.~Several studies on patient blood have described features that were most predictive of ARDS. These studies showed that severe cases, compared to mild cases, had : 1) older age; 2) abnormalities in chest scanning (CT) such as multiple patch-like shadows and ground glass opacity; 3) organ and coagulation dysfunction with a higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin and D-dimer; 4) as well as markedly higher levels of immunological characteristics such as IL-2R, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF- α ; 5) and an absolute T lymphocytes (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) number markedly lower in nearly all severe cases. These observations suggest that severity and mortality might be due to virally driven systemic hyperinflammation secondary to failure of the immune response to control infection (as shown for other viruses).~With this study we want to caracterize the predictive performance of the serum inflammation profiles by protein electrophoresis, associated with clinical, radiological and biological risk factors for worsening. This study is a prospective, observational study conducted on patients hospitalized for an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The inflammation is central in COVID-19 infections. Our aim is to evaluate the clinical value of measuring inflammation by using serum protein electrophoresis (SPE). SPE evaluation of inflammation should be able to predict outcome, follow up evolution or treatment efficacy in patients with coronavirus infection and thus anticipate their evolution to severe viral infection and allow an optimal clinical management. SPE inflammation diagnostics will be benchmarked with other diagnostics of inflammation, currently used more routinely.
Prospective randomized study which was carried out in the department of General Surgery, Minia University hospital during the period from February 2018 to February 2019. This study included 3 groups subjected to different operations; each group consisted of 50 patients. Age ranging from 20 to 50 years old and body weight ranging from 100 to 200 Kg, and subjected to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, mini gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy with loop bipartition. Each patient was thoroughly evaluated by a multidisciplinary team (Nutritionist, Endocrinologist, Psychologist, and Surgeon) using a standardized protocol. Follow up was done after two weeks and after 2 months.
Background: Many of the beneficial metabolic effects of bariatric surgery have been attributed to altered peptide hormone profiles, especially involving pancreatic and gut peptides.~Objectives: assess the effects of bariatric procedures (sleeve gastrectomy, minigastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy with loop bipartition) on GIT hormones. Methods: Prospective randomized study which was carried out in the department of General Surgery, Minia University hospital during the period from February 2018 to February 2019. This study included 3 groups subjected to different operations; each group consisted of 50 patients.
Primary Objective~Evaluate the efficacy of ruxolitinib in the treatment of COVID-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome by means of measuring the proportion of patients with clinical worsening (defined by a requirement of FIO2 50% and/or mechanical respiratory assistance) during 14 days after the commencement of treatment.~Secondary Objectives~Evaluate the median duration of hospitalization. Median duration after 45 days of commencement of treatment.~Evaluate the evolution of systemic inflammation parameters. Evaluation at the beginning (baseline), middle and end of the treatment with ruxolitinib of PCR, LDH, ESD, Ferritin and IL-6.~Evaluate COVID-19 mortality rate after 45 days of treatment.~Evaluate the proportion of the requirement of mechanical ventilation.~Evaluate ruxolitinib adverse reactions with a total follow-up of 45 days.~Evaluate the proportion of secondary infections during the treatment with ruxolitinib.
The treatment of COVID-19 severe acute respiratory syndrome with ruxolitinib 5 mg orally every 12 hours during 14 days would stop the disproportionate inflammatory response, causing a reduction in the proportion of patients who show a progression and worsening of the severe acute respiratory syndrome.
IMC-001 is a PD-L1 targeting, fully human monoclonal antibody. The purpose of this study is to determine and evaluate the efficacy and safety of IMC-001. 20mg/kg every 2 weeks, IV infusion of IMC-001 will be tested in subjects with Relapsed or Refractory extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type.
This is a phase 2, Open-label, to investigate the efficacy and safety of IMC-001 in patients with Relapsed or Refractory extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type
Psychotic disorders are serious and debilitating mental illnesses that incur substantial suffering for patients and present major challenges to our health care system. Difficulties with emotion regulation (i.e., the ability to control the emotion response using strategies) significantly predict the development and maintenance of psychotic symptoms and poor community-based functional outcomes. Recent neuroimaging research indicates that hypofrontality may underlie these deficits. Unfortunately, there is no accepted technique for remediating these emotion regulation abnormalities in psychotic disorders. Recent advances from the field of cognitive neuroscience provide hope for a resolution to this critical unmet need in psychotic disorder therapeutics, demonstrating that brief computerized cognitive training interventions are capable of improving emotion regulation ability by targeting neural activation in the prefrontal cortex. The goal of the proposed project is to determine whether an emotional working memory cognitive training program is effective for remediating emotion regulation abnormalities and associated clinical outcomes in people with psychotic disorders. Outpatients with psychotic disorders will be randomly assigned to either an emotional working memory training (n = 35) or placebo (P: n = 35) cognitive training control intervention delivered via an app on a smart phone for 30 days. The primary aim is to determine whether the emotional working memory intervention successfully engages the target mechanism and enhances prefrontal activation on a non-trained emotion regulation transfer task beyond a pre-specified effect size criterion. Results will also be used to determine the treatment duration (15 vs. 30 days) that most effectively and efficiently improves the target.
The current study examines the efficacy of a cognitive training intervention for improving emotion regulation in psychotic disorders. it is hypothesized that the cognitive training program will enhance prefrontal activation, leading to enhanced emotion regulation.
The WHO has officially confirmed that: Currently, there is no specific pharmacological available treatment for COVID-19.~Beyond vital support, there are not currently treatment options for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related pneumonia, the infection caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Pulmonary irradiation is an option for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia and could be available quickly and with a duration of about 15 minutes of treatment.~Thoracic irradiation therapy at very low doses (0.5-1.0 Gy) dates back to the 1920s and was the only effective mean to treat certain infectious and inflammatory diseases prior to the development of antimicrobial therapies in the 1940s.~The goal is to replicate low-dose radiation therapy, just as it was used 80 years ago for viral pneumonia with great success. It will be administered for a new disease, pneumonia caused by COVID-19, for which there is no cure and many people are dying, mainly from severe acute respiratory syndrome leading to very severe hypoxemic acute respiratory failure refractory to treatment.~This therapy is expected to remedy acute respiratory syndrome by reducing inflammation, and it also has a low risk of side effects and toxicities, given the low doses received, more than one hundred times lower, compared to the usual radiotherapy used to tumor treatment.
The administration of low-dose lung irradiation produces anti-inflammatory effects that will decrease the pulmonary inflammatory response.~The present study will evaluate the efficacy of treatment with low-dose pulmonary radiotherapy added to standard support therapy, in hospitalized patients with respiratory symptoms due to COVID-19 pneumonia, who do not experience improvement with conventional medical therapy and are not subsidiaries of ICU
The Dartmouth Cancer Center's Community Outreach and Engagement Team will implement Screen to Save 2 in two formats-traditional outreach using in-person fairs and an online format. The education in both formats will be based on a set of key messages that cover information about colorectal cancer, including risk factors, prevention, screening recommendations, and screening options. Key messages provided by the National Cancer Institute will be tailored to the local context of NH and VT, including information about local options for getting screened for colorectal cancer. A third arm will receive education about lung cancer screening. This third arm will serve as the control arm for the first two arms (the arms receiving in-person or online colorectal cancer screening education) to assess study Aim 1. This third arm will also serve as an intervention arm for assessing Study Aim 2.~Using online or telephone surveys, some participants will be contacted approximately three months after their initial participation. Some of the participants contacted after three months will again be contacted another three months later (six months after initial participation). The three- and six-month surveys will assess knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to cancer screening, including outcomes from cancer screening.~The primary aims of the study are as follows:~Aim 1: Implement and evaluate Screen to Save 2 outreach and educational activities to improve knowledge of colorectal cancer screening methods, to increase intent to get screened for colorectal cancer, and connect screening services to the target population.~Aim 1a: Conduct cancer screening fairs in Rural Urban Continuum Code (RUCC) 7-9 counties, using the Screen to Save 2 framework and materials and, where feasible, coordinate with local service providers to make colorectal cancer screening services available to event attendees.~Aim 1b: Utilize web-based module to conduct targeted outreach about colorectal cancer screening using the Screen to Save 2 framework and materials and refer them to locally-available screenings, healthcare provider systems, and/or healthcare coverage systems.~The secondary aim of the study is:~Aim 2: Evaluate online educational activities' ability to reach 45-74 year old current and former tobacco users from rural (RUCC 7-9) counties, increase lung cancer screening knowledge among that demographic, and encourage engagement with local tobacco treatment resources and lung cancer screening.
The purpose of this study is to help the Dartmouth Cancer Center and the National Cancer Institute understand how to educate people about cancer screening.
Venous thromboembolic disease is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Thrombolytic therapy has been shown to be a successful treatment modality, however its use is somewhat limited due to the known risk of hemorrhage (overall 22%, with up to 3% intracranial hemorrhage), and suggested risk of distal embolization where large mobile thrombi are encountered. In patients where either thrombolysis is contraindicated or unsuccessful and conventional therapies inadequate, bulk thrombectomy may be considered. Until recently this was primarily achieved with surgical thrombectomy; however the Angiovac device is posited to offer a minimally invasive alternative.~This registry will collect data on patients in whom the Angiovac device was placed into the body for management of inferior vena cava (IVC) clots, right atrial (RA) masses or pulmonary emboli (PE) will be included.~This registry is to capture high quality patient safety and effectiveness data on use of the Angiovac device for 3 separate, but overlapping conditions; a) Iliofemoral and Caval DVT, b) Right heart masses, and c) PE. The goal will be achieved by capturing a concise set of immediate and short-term functional and clinical outcome data for all patients who have the angiovac catheter deployed into the vascular system.~Any center performing Angiovac procedure and wishing to contribute patient data will be offered participation in the registry. These core sites will be required to submit the registry protocol for Institutional Review Board (IRB) review. Once documentation of IRB approval has been received, centers may transmit their data via secure REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) database in accordance with federal regulations in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA
Venous thromboembolic disease is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of the RAPID registry is to collect information on the Angiovac procedure and Angiovac device used in the treatment of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), right heart pathology and pulmonary embolism.
The HEALEY ALS Platform Trial is a perpetual multi-center, multi-regimen clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational products for the treatment of ALS. This trial is designed as a perpetual platform trial. This means that there is a single Master Protocol dictating the conduct of the trial. The HEALEY ALS Platform Trial Master Protocol is registered as NCT04297683.~Once a participant enrolls into the Master Protocol and meets all eligibility criteria, the participant will be eligible to be randomized into any currently enrolling regimen. All participants will have an equal chance of being randomized to any currently enrolling regimen.~If a participant is randomized to Regimen C - CNM-Au8, the participant will complete a screening visit to assess additional Regimen C eligibility criteria. Once Regimen C eligibility criteria are confirmed, participants will complete a baseline assessment and be randomized in a 3:1 ratio to either active CNM-Au8 or matching placebo.~Regimen C will enroll by invitation, as participants may not choose to enroll in Regimen C. Participants must first enroll into the Master Protocol and be eligible to participate in the Master Protocol before being able to be randomly assigned to Regimen C.~For a list of enrolling sites, please see the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial Master Protocol under NCT04297683.
The HEALEY ALS Platform Trial is a perpetual multi-center, multi-regimen clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational products for the treatment of ALS.~Regimen C will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single study drug, CNM-Au8, in participants with ALS.
Functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) was defined as TR occurring secondary to left heart, especially mitral valve stenosis or pulmonary disease. Previous study reported that about 30% - 50% of patients with significant mitral stenosis developed moderate to severe TR. In the past, corrective TR repair was not always indicated because the concept about TR severity will improve after mitral valve lesion was treated.~Later on, several studies demonstrated that the patients with untreated significant (< moderate) TR had worse clinical outcome including mortality. While simultaneous functional TR repair with left-sided valve surgery did not cause adverse events, but improve clinical outcome and quality of life. The current European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and American Heart Association(AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) guidelines recommend concomitant tricuspid valve (TV) surgery in patients with severe TR undergoing left-sided valve surgery (class I recommendation). In patients with mild to moderate TR, there is a class IIa indication for concomitant TV surgery in the setting of tricuspid annular dilatation.~However, after TV repair, commonly with annuloplasty ring or De Vega annuloplasty, residual TR may still persist and the residual moderate or severe TR have negative impact to right ventricle (RV). It can cause RV dilatation and RV failure(7, 12). Calafiore et al reported 12.4% of significant TR after surgery and the associated factors for the repair failure. If this group of patients developed symptom of RV failure or progressive RV dilatation or dysfunction is detected, they possessed very high-risk for re-operation.~Preoperative transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is an important tool to classified severity of TR, measured TV annulus, indicate the surgical correction requirement and demonstrate the result of the TR repair. Due to limitation of TTE operator and machine, time-interval between the latest preoperative TTE result and surgery are varied, so the TR severity may already changed. The postoperative TTE result sometimes comes out late after surgery. Therefore, transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), operated by trained cardiac anesthesiologist, may play role to confirm the severity and provide the instant result of the TV repair to help guide the cardiac surgeon to make a decision whether to re-operate in the same setting to improve the surgical outcome.~Therefore, the investigators would like to determine the incidence of residual significant TR by intraoperative TEE in the patients underwent left-side cardiac surgery and the related clinical outcome, including rate of re-admission from cardiac cause and 1- year mortality.
Functional tricuspid valve regurgitation is commonly co-existed with left-sided cardiac lesion, especially mitral valve stenosis. Both lesion were recommended to surgically fixed at the same setting. Residual tricuspid regurgitation may effects patients' outcome. The investigators would like to determine the incidence of significant residual tricuspid regurgitation after left-sided cardiac surgery and related clinical outcome.
The purpose of this project is to widely disseminate a system of yoga tools to university students, faculty, and staff internationally to buffer the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent study finds that stress, anxiety, and depression are the major psychological responses to COVID-19 during the early outbreaks in China (Wang et al., 2020). Globally, universities have closed campuses and moved learning, teaching, and working online with a very short notice. CDC suggests that keeping physically active and meditation are among the key activities to maintain a strong immune system and mental health during quarantine. Studies have documented physical and mental benefits of yoga practices (Balasubramaniam, Telles, & Doraiswamy, 2013; Brems, 2015; Brunner, Abramovitch, & Etherton, 2017; Büssing, Michalsen, Telles, Sherman, & Khalsa, 2012) This project introduces a system of yoga tools to buffer the psychological impact of COVID-19. This system of yoga tools is designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a yogi, mystic, author, and founder of the Isha Foundation. The Isha foundation is a volunteer-based international non-profit organization, offering yoga and meditation programs for human wellbeing and global harmony. In partnership with the Isha Foundation and Harvard University Medical School, the study will document the short-term and long-term effects of these yogic practices on stress, mood, wellbeing, resilience, and academic engagement for students and work engagement for faculty and staff during this challenging time.
The study evaluates the effectiveness of yoga practices on reducing stress, negative emotion, anxiety, and depression and on increasing positive emotion, wellbeing and resilience. The study uses randomized wait-list control. All U.S. undergraduate students in 4-year universities and colleges age 18 or older are eligible to participate.
Basic aspects of thoracic anaesthesia are general anesthesia often combined with regional anesthesia, intubation with double lumen tube and separation of lung ventilation. Proper assessment of pain and adequate analgesia in intraoperative and postoperative period is a challenging issue for medical practitioners. Intraoperative trauma may lead to many metabolic implications and disturbance of haemostasis, what can be reflected in change of blood and saliva hormone and other substance levels, such as alpha-amylase, cortisol, testosterone, secretory IgA, β-endorphin, nerve growth factor, calcitonin gene-related protein and P substance. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of regional anesthesia on hormone levels in postoperative period. Saliva was collected from participants in order to perform laboratory tests, using a special disposable Salivette tube (Sarstedt AG & Co, Germany). Saliva was collected by placing a sterile tampon under the tongue or chewing for 30-45 seconds. The soaked saliva pad was then placed in a suspended insert with a perforated bottom. The insert with a tampon was placed in a centrifuge tube and closed with a stopper. Next the tube was centrifuged (1000 x g for 10 min.) to obtain a ready to test saliva supernatant. Approximately 0,7 ml of the supernatant from every sample collected was used for further testing. Samples were frozen after centrifugation at - 85°C until performing laboratory tests. Blood was collected for laboratory tests from the ulnar vein. Blood for testing was collected using disposable equipment in a volume of 5ml into a tube containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and aprotinin. Next the tube was centrifuged (1000 x g for 5 min.). After centrifugation and separation of morphotic elements, the obtained plasma was divided into two tubes and frozen at - 85°C until performing laboratory tests.
Basic aspects of thoracic anaesthesia are general anesthesia often combined with regional anesthesia, intubation with double lumen tube and separation of lung ventilation. Proper assessment of pain and adequate analgesia in intraoperative and postoperative period is a challenging issue for medical practitioners. Intraoperative trauma may lead to many metabolic implications and disturbance of haemostasis, what can be reflected in change of blood and saliva hormone and other substance levels. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of regional anesthesia on hormone levels in patients requiring videothoracoscopic procedures.
After receiving IRB approval from our institution and consent from parents or guardians, ASA I or II status children ages 4 - 10 presenting for surgery requiring general anesthesia were recruited for this study. They were assigned to either tablet- or VR-based groups. At our institution, tablet-based distraction is widely used and represents standard practice. Children in this control group were given tablets in the preoperative holding area before transport to the operating room. Content consisted of entertainment apps providing access to music videos, movies and games targeting various age groups.~The study group was given a Virtual Reality Smartphone headset in the preoperative holding area prior to transport to the operating room. This headset was chosen because of its low cost and wide compatibility for a variety of smartphones. The content consisted of several VR environments that the child/parent could choose from.~In both groups, the distraction with tablet or VR was continued throughout separation from caregivers, transport to the operating room, placement of monitors and mask induction of general anesthesia. Anxiety at time of separation was measured by the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS). Caregiver anxiety was measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (STAI). Mask acceptance at induction of anesthesia was determined by using the Mask Acceptance Scale.
The proposed study is a prospective randomized trial to be performed in pediatric patient's ages 4 to 10 years undergoing surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia. The purpose is to compare the effectiveness of interactive tablet devices vs. Virtual Reality headsets. The primary outcome measure being patient anxiety at the time of separation. Other comparison measures will include preoperative parent/caregiver anxiety, anesthesia mask acceptance characteristics at the time of induction, and time to fully recover in the post-operative period.
The primary efficacy measure is the proportion of participants that achieve HiSCR at Week 16 with topical ruxolitinib 1.5% cream as compared to Week 0. The HiSCR is defined as an at least a 50% reduction in the total abscess and inflammatory nodule count (AN count) for all study body sites with no increase in abscess count and no increase in draining fistula count relative to Baseline. The primary efficacy analysis will be carried out on all participants who complete 16 weeks of treatment.~The research study consists of an 8 week screening with 16 weeks open-label portion.
Investigators hypothesize that ruxolitinib 1.5% cream is an effective therapy for HS participants through inhibition of inflammatory activity.~Investigators aim to:~Demonstrate the clinical efficacy of ruxolitinib 1.5% cream in decreasing the clinical disease activity after 16 weeks of treatment.~Investigate the impact of ruxolitinib 1.5% cream on skin inflammation through translational analyses of skin biopsy samples.
Recurrent and/or metastatic HNSCC patients will be treated with combination of metformin and pembrolizumab. Patients will be randomized into arms 1 and 2, to either receive Metformin prior to pembrolizumab or to begin Metformin after pembrolizumab treatment begins. The patients are randomized for the exploratory endpoints in order to better understand the difference of effects of metformin versus pembrolizumab on the immune system although efficacy is based on combination.
The purpose of this study is to determine anti-tumor activity by measuring overall response rate in recurrent and/or metastatic HNSCC patients receiving the combination of metformin and pembrolizumab.
To address childhood overweight disparities among Latino children in immigrant families a pilot trial of a community-based obesity treatment program, Community Active and Healthy Families (AHF), among 5-12 year old overweight and obese Latino children in immigrant families using a pre/post design will be conducted.~As this is a pilot study, we will not be powered to detect statistically significant differences pre- and post- intervention. We will measure the average change in %BMIp95 between baseline and completion of the Community-AHF active phase. Without a counterfactual (control group) we will not be able assign responsibility to Community-AHF for any observed improvements. Change in %BMIp95 across the study period will provide data to test our hypotheses and will inform statistical power analyses for a subsequent trial. This pre- and post-intervention data is ideal for generating sample size estimates for a larger randomized control trial in the same population.~We will conduct within-individual analyses for each outcome of interest. We will only analyze participants who contribute pre and post measures in order to avoid biases that can occur when analyses are conducted with all available data. For each outcome for which a participant contributes pre and post measurements, we will calculate pre and post means, standard deviations, differences in means and the p-value of the difference. We will conduct preliminary analyses of outcomes according to subgroups defined by rate of attendance at intervention sessions. If adequate data are available, we will explore the possibility of a nonresponse analysis.
To address childhood overweight disparities among Latino children in immigrant families a pilot trial of a community-based obesity treatment program, Community Active and Healthy Families (AHF), among 5-12 year old overweight and obese Latino children in immigrant families using pre/post design will be conducted.~The hypothesis is that children participating in Community-AHF will demonstrate a reduction in child body mass index as measured by %BMIp95 (primary outcome) and improved diet physical activity behaviors (secondary outcomes) at intervention completion compared with pre-intervention
Patients with type 1 DM using CSII require bolus insulin for two purposes: first, to cover carbohydrate intake to control postprandial glucose, and second, to correct episodes of hyperglycemia. The latter function is referred to as a correction dose or correction bolus. Insulin pumps have bolus calculators which calculate correction doses based on the patient's individualized BG target and insulin sensitivity factor (ISF). Rapid-acting insulin analogues delivered by pump typically require 2 to 4 hours to fully correct an acute hyperglycemic episode, and sometimes multiple correction doses are needed to normalize the blood glucose level. This can be frustrating for patients, particularly when a correction bolus is necessary in addition to a meal bolus; frequently, patients must wait for the correction bolus to take effect and delay eating until the blood glucose has begun to normalize to avoid severe postprandial hyperglycemia. There is consequently an unmet need in insulin delivery, and in particular in CSII, for an insulin which can correct a hyperglycemic episode more rapidly than is currently possible with rapid-acting insulin analogues.~Faster insulin aspart (Fiasp) is a novel formulation of insulin aspart with an accelerated time-action profile which results in twice the exposure to insulin and 74% greater insulin action within the first 30 minutes after injection compared to conventional insulin aspart. This results in twice-as-fast onset of appearance in the bloodstream (4 vs. 9 min compared to conventional insulin aspart) which has been demonstrated to reduce postprandial glucose levels in patients with type 1 DM using CSII. Theoretically, this faster insulin action would be useful in correction dosing during acute episodes of hyperglycemia to normalize the blood glucose level more rapidly than is currently possible with conventional insulin aspart (NovoLog).~Many patients with type 1 DM using CSII now also use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for making insulin dosing decisions. Currently the FDA has approved 2 CGM systems for nonadjunctive use in bolus insulin dose calculations. Only one of these systems, the Dexcom, reads continuously to the patient and has alarms to warn of impending episodes of hyper- or hypoglycemia, and this is the system used most commonly by patients with type 1 DM using open-loop CSII. Patients now incorporate the Dexcom trend arrow, which depicts the rate and direction of glucose change, into the correction dose calculation, and recommendations on how to incorporate CGM information into correction dose calculations have recently been updated based on an expert consensus report. However, these guidelines were created for use with rapid acting insulin analogues. How they might need to be modified for use with Fiasp (the first and only ultra-rapid insulin analogue) is not known.~The purpose of this investigator-initiated trial is to compare the efficacy in terms of time to recovery from hyperglycemia as measured by time to arrest of hyperglycemic excursion (glucose plateau point, primary endpoint) and return to premeal glucose target if feasible (secondary endpoint) between Fiasp and conventional insulin aspart when used as a correction bolus. These endpoints will be determined by CGM (Dexcom) from data exported from the Dexcom Clarity program.~Study hypothesis:~Compared to conventional insulin aspart, Fiasp will correct hyperglycemia (defined as arrest of rise of blood glucose, following correction bolus, ie, GPP ) faster than conventional insulin aspart in subjects with type 1 DM using CSII.
The purpose of this investigator-initiated trial is to compare the efficacy in terms of time to recovery from hyperglycemia as measured by time to arrest of hyperglycemic excursion (glucose plateau point, primary endpoint) and return to premeal glucose target if feasible (secondary endpoint) between Fiasp and conventional insulin aspart when used as a correction bolus. These endpoints will be determined by CGM (Dexcom) from data exported from the Dexcom Clarity program.
Lumbar disc herniation causes patients severe lower back pain and radicular pain to decrease the quality of life and lead to great economic burden to patients and society. In recent years, full endoscopic discectomy has been widely used in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation due to its advantages of reduced trauma, enhanced recovery and less cost. However, the reherniation of the residual nucleus pulposus still exist after nerve root decompression. It is urgent to use stem cell and tissue engineering to replace the resection tissue and repair the residual nucleus pulposus for disc resealing. To observe the safety and efficacy of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUCMSCs) in the treatment of lumbar disc degeneration. This clinical trial is aimed to include a single group of 20 patients with lumbar disc herniation. Twenty million hUCMSCs will be injected into the lumbar disc of the enrolled patients in this non-random, self-controlled and single-dose open study design. The patients will be followed up for 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after the injection to evaluate the safety of the patients after grafting hUCMSCs. Additionally, improvement of patients' quality of life will be evaluated using the ODI score, VAS score and SF-36 score. Lumbar disc signals will be also quantified using MRI to demonstrate hUCMSCs transplantation could slow down lumbar disc degeneration.
This study aims to investigate the safety and efficiency of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hUCMSC) for treating lumbar disc degeneration diseases. We hypothesize grafting hUCMSC into the degenerative disc leads to symptoms relief and slow down the progression of disc degeneration.
The aim of this study is to determine whether oral Chinese herbal medicine in combination with secukinumab is effective and safe in the treatment of severe psoriasis. Eligible participants will be treated with oral Chinese herbal medicine and secukinumab concurrently. No controlled group will be set up in this trial. The primary outcome is time to relapse. Secondary outcomes include Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) 75/90, PASI score reduction rate, physician's global assessment (PGA) score, body surface area (BSA) score, visual analogue scale (VAS) score, dermatology life quality index (QLQI) and Skindex 16.
The aim of this study is to determine whether oral Chinese herbal medicine in combination secukinumab is effective and safe in the treatment of severe psoriasis.
Opaganib, a sphingosine kinase-2 (SphK2) inhibitor, has been broadly tested in Phase I/II studies. Extensive nonclinical data indicates both anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity via selective SphK2 inhibition which may prove beneficial for treating COVID-19 infection and resulting pneumonia. This proof of concept study will take place in the US and other countries and will enroll about 40 hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 infection who have developed pneumonia and require supplemental oxygen. Half of the patients, i.e. 20 patients, will receive opaganib in addition to standard of care for 14 days. The other 20 will receive matching placebo (capsules that do not contain the medication) in addition to standard of care. Study drug will be administered every day for 14 days, twice each day, unless the patient has been discharged from the hospital without requiring supplemental oxygen, in which case study drug will only be administered for 10 days. All participants will be followed up for 4 weeks after their last dose of study drug.
This proof of concept study will take place in the US and other countries in approximately 15 clinical sites and will enroll about 40 hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 infection who have developed pneumonia and require supplemental oxygen. 20 patients will receive opaganib in addition to standard of care twice each day for 14 days. 20 will receive matching placebo in addition to standard of care unless the patient has been discharged from the hospital without requiring supplemental oxygen, in which case study drug will only be administered for 10 days. All participants will be followed up for 4 weeks after their last dose of study drug.
Systemic hyperinflammation is a hallmark of more severe stages of COVID-19 leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation and ultimately death. In this stage, COVID-19 is associated with a decrease in suppressor and regulatory T cell counts and an extensive release of proinflammatory cytokines and biomarkers called a cytokine storm, which is thought to be the major driver of severe pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2. C1 esterase inhibitor (C1INH) is a member of the serpin superfamily of serine-protease inhibitors and is a strong inhibitor of the complement System (CS) and the kinin-kallikrein (KK) System. Conestat alfa is a recombinant human C1INH, that shares an identical protein structure with plasma-derived C1INH. The rationale of the current trial is based upon the following assumptions: In the context of COVID-19, conestat alfa treatment may 1) dampen uncontrolled complement activation and collateral lung damage and 2) reduce capillary leakage and subsequent pulmonary edema by direct inhibition of KK system. The aim of this study is to analyze administration of conestat alfa for 72 hours in addition to standard of care in patients hospitalized with non-critical SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia (WHO Ordinal Scale Score 3 or 4) and its association with clinical severity on day 7 after inclusion and the risk of disease progression to Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
The aim of this study is to analyze if administration of conestat alfa for 72 hours in addition to standard of care (SOC) in patients hospitalized with non-critical SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia (WHO Ordinal Scale Score 3 or 4) reduces the risk of disease progression to Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).
To analyze factors affecting survival of early ovarian cancer, such as cell type, cell grade, intraoperative rupture, and laparoscopy vs. laparotomy, etc.
To elucidate factors affecting survival of early stage ovarian cancer
Postpartum depression is a debilitating and costly condition that is associated with significant health consequences for mothers and children. Counseling for prevention of postpartum depression is currently recommended in women at high risk of postpartum depression; however, there is a shortage of mental health care providers. There is a need for effective interventions to prevent postpartum depression that can be easily integrated into health care systems, yet do not involve intense health care system resources. eHealth interventions are promising in this regard.~Strong evidence suggests physical activity can reduce depression risk. This study will assess the effectiveness of an eHealth exercise intervention tailored to postpartum mothers for increasing physical activity levels and improving depressive symptoms in women at increased risk of postpartum depression. This intervention addresses several identified barriers to physical activity in postpartum women. The study will randomize 200 women to receive an eHealth exercise intervention for postpartum women or usual postpartum care. Device-based physical activity and depressive symptoms will be measured at 3 and 6 months after randomization.
The purpose of this study is to test whether a web-based (eHealth) exercise intervention for new moms at increased risk for postpartum depression increases physical activity and decreases postpartum depression symptoms.
A prospective study was conducted on 16 Patients with missing posterior molars. Group A: 8 patients had 2 short implants placed in atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge. Group B: 8 patients had a single short implant placed in atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge.
The aim of this study was to evaluate clinically and radiographically the splinted short implants' and single short implants' stability and bone condition before and after loading, in atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridges.
The study plans to recruit 3 participants with Parkinson's disease . Using stereotactic technology, hAESCs will be accurately transplanted into the lateral ventricle. Therapeutic effectiveness and safety of hAESCs on PD will be evaluated. hAESCs are derived from placental amnion donated after cesarean section in healthy women. hAESCs is developed from the epiblast as early as 8 days after fertilization, recent reports indicate that hAESCs have some characteristics of neural stem cell. These cells are able to differentiate into dopaminergic neurons and secrete dopamine and various neurotrophic factors. These HAESCs could be seen as one of the best potential stem cell source for treating Parkinson's disease.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of stereotactic transplantation of hAESCs for Parkinson's disease.
This is a prospective, single-arm, multi-center, observational, post-market registry study. The purpose is to evaluate the safety, performance, and effectiveness of the VitaFlow™ Transcatheter Aortic Valve System in the real world settings.Patients will be seen at pre and post procedure, discharge, 30 days, 1 year and annually up to 5 years.
The study objective is to evaluate safety and effectiveness/performance of the Microport™ CardioFlow VitaFlow™ Transcatheter Aortic Valve System for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis in the real world settings.
This a prospective, multi-center, single-arm, objective performance clinical investigation, aiming to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Microport™ CardioFlow VitaFlow™ II Transcatheter Aortic Valve System for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis. A total of 145 subjects will be enrolled in 18 clinical centers within China. Clinical or telephone follow-up is scheduled at 30 days, 6 months, 12 months, and 2-5 years after valve implantation.
This is a pre-market clinical investigation aiming to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Microport™ CardioFlow VitaFlow™ II Transcatheter Aortic Valve System for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis.
Male infertility results from impaired sperm function, and account for half of all infertility. Fertility services have been reported to cost £325M annually in the UK(4) (REF). Testosterone deficiency is one of the most common hormonal problems affecting men, leading to osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, obesity and depression(5).~Concerns have been raised about the potential effects of COVID-19 on male reproductive dysfunction (male infertility and testosterone deficiency). A recent study has suggested that COVID-19 may enter human cells by binding to receptors (special gates on cells that recognise a specific molecule) for angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)(6) . ACE2 receptors are found at very high levels in the testes. Within the testes, ACE2 is found on developing sperm, the 'nurse cells' that help the sperm grow (Sertoli cells), and also on Leydig cells which are needed to make the male sex hormone testosterone. In summary, this evidence suggests that there is a plausible link why COVID-19 would cause male infertility and testosterone deficiency.~All fertility treatment in the UK is regulated by the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA). The HFEA has prohibited on all non-cancer fertility treatment in the UK between April 15th and May 12th 2020 due to the COVID-19 epidemic. It is important to rapidly screen and report whether COVID-19 has any obvious effects in causing male infertility and testosterone deficiency. It must be noted that a recent study(1) reported that COVID-19 is not spread by human semen and therefore, semen processing should not risk staff to COVID-19 infection.
Study rationale~An increasing proportion of the worldwide population is being infected with COVID-19.~There are ongoing and currently unanswered safety concerns about the effects of COVID-19 on reproductive health.~It will be immensely reassuring to rapidly report that COVID-19 has no detectable effects on male endocrine or sperm function. Conversely, if COVID-19 does impair male reproductive health, appropriate screening can be performed in couples trying to conceive, and further research can be undertaken.~The proposed study will be simple, rapid, and authoritative for the UK and worldwide.
Studies have shown that prenatal depression symptoms are important predictors of postpartum depression. Screening of pregnant women's mental condition before giving birth, early identification of pregnant women with symptoms of prenatal depression, and providing appropriate interventions may play an important role in reducing the incidence of postpartum depression. Ketamine is an NMDA-receptor antagonist. In recent years, many studies confirmed that ketamine has a significant antidepressant effect. As a stereoisomer of ketamine, s-ketamine has similar effects to ketamine in anti-depression. In clinical application, s-ketamine has stronger analgesic effect, better anesthetic effect and lower incidence of adverse psychological reactions. We speculate that, for pregnant women with prenatal depression, low-dose s-ketamine infusions after childbirth may reduce postpartum depression. Evidence is lacking in this regard.
Prenatal depression is an important risk factor of postpartum depression. Low-dose ketamine has been used for depression treatment. As a stereoisomer of ketamine, s-ketamine has similar effects to ketamine in anti-depression. We speculate that, for pregnant women with prenatal depression, low-dose s-ketamine infusion after childbirth may reduce the incidence of postpartum depression.
Early diagnosis of HCC is the most important factor in improving the prognosis of the disease. A surveillance test for early diagnosis of HCC in Korea is to perform alfa fetoprotein (AFP) and abdominal sonography every 6-months in high-risk groups. However, the detection rate of HCC using AFP and abdominal sonography is very low. There are several reports that the combination of the multiple biomarker tests including AFP, AFP L3, and PIVKA-II increased the early HCC detection only one test. Therefore, in the surveillance test for HCC, the combination of three tests with sonography would be helpful in the early diagnosis of HCC. However, there was few prospective large-scale studies about this issue.~Compared with abdominal sonography, contrast-enhanced CT or MRI is more useful in finding intrahepatic lesions of liver cirrhosis. However, there is no evidence data on combining sono/CT and biomarkers could improve the diagnosis for early HCC. Thus, it is essential to verify this prospectively in the real clinical practices to make recommendations based on a high level of evidence in the future. The investigators are conducting a prospective study which examines three biomarker tests and sonography every six months and contrast-enhanced CT annually for HCC surveillance in patients with cirrhosis.
In this study, three biomarkers tests (AFP, AFP-L3 and PIVKA-II) and abdominal sonography or CT scans are performed every 6 months to detect hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) early in patients with cirrhosis, a high-risk group of HCC. The aim of this study is to confirm the early HCC diagnosis rate in patients with cirrhosis and compare the detection efficacy between tests.
Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (ENKTL) is an aggressive subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and shows extremely poor survival. Several retrospective studies and randomized prospective phase 2 studies have shown that Peg-aspargase based chemotherapy regimens achieved a promising efficacy in the first line treatment of ENKTL. However, about one third of patients will relapse or become refractory after Peg-aspargase-based chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, and some patients cannot tolerate the toxicities caused by chemotherapy. Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies and Chidamide are active drugs for the treatment of relapsed/refractory ENKTL. However, there is no prospective study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anti-PD-1 antibody combine with Peg-asparaginase and Chidamide in the newly diagnosed early stage ENKTL. This prospective pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the anti-PD-1 antibody combine with Peg-asparaginase and Chidamide regimen for stage IE and IIE ENKTL.
This prospective pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the anti-PD-1 antibody combine with Peg-asparaginase and Chidamide regimen for stage IE and IIE ENKTL.
American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) in the U.S. bear a disproportionate burden of cardiovascular disease. They have a higher prevalence of conditions that predispose to cardiovascular disease and poorer outcomes after developing cardiovascular disease than white Americans. The causes of these differences are complex and multiple, but there are widespread concerns that racial bias contributes to the problem. As concluded over a decade ago in the 2003 Institute of Medicine report, Unequal Treatment, Racial/ethnic disparities in health care occur in the context of broader historic and contemporary social and economic inequality and evidence of persistent racial and ethnic discrimination… Bias, stereotyping and prejudice on the part of healthcare providers may contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in health care. These concerns persist. Minority group members are well aware of negative stereotypes targeted at them as a group and of the possibility of bias directed at them as individuals. Given the reality of prejudice and their previous experiences with it, it is understandable that minority group members would be apprehensive about the possibility of being judged in light of the stereotype, both outside and inside the healthcare system. Critically, this apprehension may occur in the absence of actual bias. This raises the possibility that interventions directed at patients' perception of discrimination may have an independent and additive effect beyond the effects of interventions directed at provider bias.~Investigators propose to evaluate a novel intervention that reduces the detrimental effects of negative stereotypes on minority patients by reducing stereotype threat through values- affirmation. Stereotype threat is a stressful psychological state that occurs when a person fears being judged in light of negative stereotypes. The stress of this situation and the pressure to avoid confirming negative stereotypes can result in impaired performance and worse outcomes - something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, an American Indian patient fearful of confirming the stereotype of being unintelligent may fail to ask for clarification of changes in antihypertensive medications and, based on misconceptions, persist in taking an old regimen that is ineffective. Values-affirmation is a process in which global sense of personal worth is strengthened in the face of a threat, making individuals better able to cope with psychological threats.~The intervention proposed in this application is based on one found to be effective in alleviating stereotype threat in other contexts such as education and in alleviating more general threats to the self in a health context as well as in a prior study investigators performed with African American patients. Investigators will randomly assign AI/AN patients with hypertension to complete an affirmation exercise or a control exercise prior to a visit with their providers. The affirmation exercise is performed immediately before a clinic visit. It asks patients to reflect on values or self-defining skills that they find important, and to write a few sentences about why one of them is important. The project is innovative in that it is directed against a mechanism, stereotype threat, not generally recognized as important in healthcare settings. Since the intervention is brief and easily applied across a wide range of health conditions, it directly addresses the need for interventions to be generalizable and sustainable.
The objective of this study is to reduce the effects of stereotype threat on the adherence of American Indian/Alaska Native patients with hypertension.~The specific aims of this study, which employs a values affirmation intervention, are to:~Compare the effects of the values-affirmation exercise with a control exercise in AI/AN patients with hypertension.~Compare the effects of the values-affirmation exercise in AI/AN patients with its effects in white patients.
Low back pain is a common health problem that can be seen as a symptom and symptom of many diseases in the clinic.~Myofascial release technique is thought to be effective in patients with chronic low back pain. Therefore, when the literature is examined, it has been observed that the myofascial release technique has studies on pain, range of motion, functionality, muscle stiffness and shortness.~This study will be performed on patients with a total of 42 low back pain. The cases will be divided into 2 groups of 21 people by simple random sampling.~Group 1 (control) will be used with sham diaphragm and iliopsoas muscle myofascial release technique and traditional physiotherapy method.~The second group (experiment) will apply the diaphragm and the myofascial release technique of the iliopsoas muscle and the traditional physiotherapy method.~Patients will be treated for 4 weeks. Traditional physiotherapy method will be applied a total of 20 sessions 5 days a week. A total of 12 sessions will be performed, with the myofascial release technique of the diaphragm and iliopsoas muscle applied 3 days a week.~The study focuses on the analysis of the following variables:~Pain : Numerical Pain Scale~Joint Range of Motion: Goniometer~Flexibility: Tape Measure~Pulmonary Function Test: Spirometer~Anxiety and Depression: Beck Depression inventory~Kinesiophobia: Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale~Disability: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire~The results of these pre-intervention and post-intervention variables will be compared between the two groups .
The aim of this study is to effectively investigate the relaxation of the diaphragm and iliopsoas muscle with myofascial technique in patients with chronic low back pain.
This study will examine the use of TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement), which is a minimally invasive procedure designed to replace the aortic valve inside the heart. In this study, TAVR will be performed using the JenaValve Pericardial TAVR System, which is intended to help treat symptomatic severe aortic regurgitation.
To collect information about treatment for symptomatic severe Aortic Regurgitation (AR), which affects the aortic valve in the heart. Aortic regurgitation is a condition where aortic valve in the heart does not close tightly and allows some blood to leak back into the heart chamber. Symptoms of aortic regurgitation may include fatigue and shortness of breath. The preferred treatment for severe aortic regurgitation is aortic valve replacement surgery.
Axatilimab (SNDX-6352) is a humanized immunoglobin G4 monoclonal antibody with high affinity against colony stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) under investigation for the prevention or treatment of respiratory signs and symptoms secondary to COVID-19.~This was a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of axatilimab as an add-on to SOC therapy in hospitalized participants with respiratory signs and symptoms secondary to COVID-19 compared to SOC treatment.~Eligible participants were to be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to 1 of 2 treatment groups, active or control. All participants were to receive axatilimab or matching placebo intravenously (IV) as an add-on to SOC on Day 1, within 8 hours of randomization and on Day 15. Participants were to be followed for at least 28 days (+3 days) after the first dose of study intervention (Day 29).~The primary objective of the study was to assess the proportion of participants alive and free of respiratory failure at Day 29.
This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 29-day study to assess the efficacy and safety of axatilimab plus standard of care (SOC), compared with placebo plus SOC, in participants with respiratory signs and symptoms secondary to COVID-19.
Eligible patients will be randomized 1:1:1 into 3 treatment groups: A- standard (control); B- standard and convalescent plasma in a volume of 200ml (150-300ml); C- standard and convalescent plasma in a volume of 400ml (300-600ml). The Bayesian multi-arm and multi-stage model will be used, which will allow an interim analysis after the inclusion of 30 patients, with repeated interim analyses for every 30 additional patients. With this, we expect to define not only the efficacy of convalescent plasma, but also the volume of plasma needed if efficacy is proven. The study will be interrupted if the efficacy of the convalescent plasma group is proven, so that all severely ill patients as defined in the study can receive the convalescent plasma treatment. The same will occur if there is no difference in primary outcome with the use of convalescent plasma or serious adverse effects.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been spreading continuously, and in Brazil, until May 31, 2020, there have been more than 450.000 cases with more than 28.000 deaths, with daily increases. The present study proposes to evaluate the efficacy and safety of convalescent plasma in treatment of severe cases of COVID-19 in a multicenter, randomized, open-label and controlled study
The purpose of this study is to find out the changes in the measurable parameters of the dynamic and static position of the foot, caused by the tibialis posterior muscle which is activated by the fatigue protocol. The study includes 30 healthy patients whose socio-demographic and descriptive characteristics are held. The changes in the dynamic and static position of foot were measured by pedobarography whereas the level of fatigue was measured by Borg Fatigue Scale. The variables were investigated using Shapiro-Wilk's test to determine the normality. The student's t-test for paired samples were used to analyse, means (X), standard deviations (SD), 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), mean difference and Cohen's d-effect size were calculated. The significance level was set at .05. The effect size was considered 'small' if d= .20; 'medium' if .d=.5; 'large' if d= .8.
The purpose of this study is to find out the changes in the measurable parameters of the dynamic and static position of the foot, caused by the tibialis posterior muscle which is activated by the fatigue protocol. The study includes 30 healthy patients whose socio-demographic and descriptive characteristics are held. The changes in the dynamic and static position of foot were measured by pedobarography whereas the level of fatigue was measured by Borg Fatigue Scale.
The purpose of this randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled Phase 2b study is to assess the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in hospitalized adult (18-99 years old) male and female patients with SARS-CoV-2 and pneumonia who require supplemental oxygen and have serologic markers of inflammation but do not need mechanical ventilation (see Inclusion criteria). Sixty patients will be recruited to receive tofacitinib or placebo in addition to standard of care (SOC) in a 1:1 ratio.~Subjects will be screened during hospitalization. Patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, and meeting all other Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, will be randomized to either treatment with tofacitinib or placebo in addition to SOC during hospitalization (dose adjusted, if required), with the exception of pre-specified immunomodulatory agents (as documented in the inclusion/exclusion criteria). Tofacitinib will be administered in a dose of 10 mg PO BID until return to their clinical baseline (as defined by need for supplementary oxygen), and will continue to be administered at 5 mg PO BID for a total duration of therapy of 14 days; follow-up off tofacitinib will continue up to Day 90. We anticipate completion of subject recruitment in 6 months.
The purpose of this randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled study is to assess the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib in hospitalized adult (18-99 years old) patients with SARS-CoV-2 and pneumonia who require supplemental oxygen and have serologic markers of inflammation but do not need mechanical ventilation.
A randomized, 2-arm parallel-group clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of a self-administered Virtual Reality (VR) program for the treatment of chronic lower back pain. The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of skills-based VR on changes in patient-reported pain and pain interference over the course of an 8-week intervention as well as compared to a placebo VR condition. The secondary objective is to assess the impact of skill-based VR on changes in patient-reported satisfaction over the course of an 8-week intervention and compared to a placebo VR condition. A tertiary objective is to assess the impact of skills-based VR on changes in patient-reported opioid use, physical function, behavioral skills development, and health outcomes immediately following the intervention relative to a pre-intervention baseline and compared to a placebo VR condition. An exploratory objective is to assess the impact of skills-based VR on changes in patient-reported pain levels, opioid use, physical function, behavioral skills development, health outcomes, and satisfaction at the 24-week post-intervention time point and compared to a placebo VR condition.
Randomized, 2-arm parallel group clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of a self-administered Virtual Reality program for the treatment of chronic lower back pain compared to a placebo VR program.
The position currently used in cases of pulmonary lobectomies by videothoracoscopy is an extension associated with an abduction of the shoulder on the side operated by suspension of the thoracic limb in a trampoline-type arm support with an angulation of more than 90 ° of the shoulder in the saggital and frontal planes.~The investigators wish to prospectively and randomly compare this position currently used in the thoracic surgery service of the IUCPQ with a 2nd position which seems less restrictive for all the joints of the shoulder joint complex in which the patient's arm rests on a support placed in front of the patient's face. It follows from this position of the joint degrees less than or equal to 90 ° in all planes. This new position is not experimental, but not normally used in thoracic surgery at the IUCPQ.
The investigators want to be able to show a 66% decrease in the incidence of shoulder pain in the support group compared to the suspension group.
The present study is a new clinical trial that extends our previous work intended to assess the effect of programmed exercise with or without electrical stimulation on cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, functional capacity and agility in a group of young patients with Cystic Fibrosis (ECOMIRIN) registered at (Identifier: NCT04153669).~After finishing the study, a subset of the participants was treated with either TEZ/IVA or LUM/IVA per standard of care, as they were considered candidates according to the AEMPS ( Those patients are expected to complete five months of pharmacological treatment without exercise by June 2020.~Primary Objective To evaluate the effect of an exercise program on physical fitness in cystic fibrosis patients after 5 months of administration of LUM/IVA or TEZ/IVA in comparison to the effect produced by the same exercise program before administration of the drug.~Secondary Objectives Other specific objectives include comparing the beneficial effects of exercise and LUM/IVA or TEZ/IVA on: 1) cardiorespiratory function and muscle strength; 2) the concentration of chlorine in sweat; and 3) quality of life.
This study aims to assess the effects of programmed exercise combined with CFTR protein modulator drugs in the cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, functional capacity and agility in a group of young patients with Cystic Fibrosis.
SA 1. Determine whether cirrhotic patients (n=75) can self-administer the Flicker-App in clinic supervised by a research assistant and calculate the level of agreement between the CFF determined by the Flicker-App, the CFF determined by the gold-standard FFS device, and the test scores on the EncephalApp Stroop test.~SA 2. Determine whether cirrhotic patients (n=75) can self-administer the Flicker-App at home, including daily measurements over 1 week and weekly measurements over 6 weeks, and calculate the adherence to this protocol and the variability of these CFF measurements.~SA3. Make any necessary software or hardware adjustments to the Flicker-App to facilitate and simplify its self-administration by patients based on structured interview-questionnaires with the study participants and with clinical Gastroenterologists/Hepatologists
There is a great unmet clinical need for improved screening for MHE in patients with cirrhosis. We will demonstrate that the Flicker-App can be used in clinic as well as at home by patients with cirrhosis to measure CFF, a proven screening test for MHE. We will optimize the protocol, software, and hardware of the Flicker-App to create a product appropriate for production and distribution to patients
In this phase Ⅱ, open-label, single arm, multicenter study, efficacy and safety of oral X-396 capsule (Ensartinib) in 37 Chinese ALK-positive NSCLC patients with brain metastases will be assessed. Eligible patients will receive 225mg X-396 capsules once daily and objective responses of brain metastasis based on investigator assessment according to Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) are primary outcome measures.
To assess efficacy and safety of oral X-396 (Ensartinib) capsule in Chinese ALK-positive NSCLC patients with brain metastases, eligible patients will be enrolled with objective responses being primary outcome measures.
Description: African Americans (AA) have the greatest burden of hypertension. Recently, gut microbial dysbiosis (a term that describes a poorly diverse gut microbial profile and lower short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production) has been linked to hypertension and may be involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension in African Americans. African Americans have been reported to have lower gut SCFA and SCFA can reduce blood pressure. This is a proof of concept pilot study to determine the relationship between gut SCFA and blood pressure (BP). Delivery of butyrate to the gut will be via enema.~Objectives: The objectives of this research are to 1. Identify gut microbial taxa (SCFA butyrate-producing microbes) and circulating butyrate levels associated with hypertension via a cross-sectional design in AA without and with hypertension. 2. Quantify the relationship between SCFA (butyrate) absorption into the bloodstream and subsequent changes in blood pressure in a 24-hour period after delivering butyrate into the gut via enema.~Participants: African Americans males and females ages of 30-50 without hypertension (normal BP/healthy control; systolic BP: 90-129/ diastolic BP: 60-89mmHg) and with hypertension (systolic BP: 130-159 mmHg/ diastolic BP: 80-99 mmHg) that do not take anti-hypertension medication will be recruited.~Description of Study: There are 2 groups; control (without hypertension; BP: 90-129/60-89mmHg; 5 male/5 female, n=10) and experimental (with hypertension; BP 130-159/80-99 mmHg; 5 male/5 female, n=10). Normotensive participants (control group) will be age (±1 year) and sex-matched to hypertensive group participants. All participants (control and experimental groups; 5 male/5 female) will provide stool and blood samples, and complete 24-hour (hr) ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring to compare the abundance of fecal butyrate-producing microbes, circulating (blood) butyrate concentrations, and average blood pressure responses during the day and overnight. Individuals in the control group will only participate in donating stool (1-time) and a blood sample (1-time) and wearing a 24-hr ABP monitor (1-day). In a crossover blinded randomized controlled pilot study, the 10 hypertensive AA subjects (5 male/5 female) will be randomized to self-administer a sodium butyrate (80mmol butyrate in 0.9% saline, 60 ml total) or control (low dose) butyrate (5mmol butyrate 0.9%, 60 ml total) enema 1 week apart (7 days). Subjects will provide a stool sample before each study day (2 total), have their BP measured via ABP monitor, submit to a blood draws (pre-enema-baseline), self-administer the randomized enema, submit to a 30 min & 60 min post-enema blood draw, and wear the 24-hour ABP monitor for the remainder of that day. Subjects will be provided with written and verbal instructions on how to self-administer the enema. The dietary supplement (sodium butyrate) will be compounded by a local pharmacy (Custom Care Pharmacy - 109 Pisgah Church Rd. Greensboro, NC) into an enema at the concentrations listed above.
African Americans have the greatest burden of hypertension. Recently, the short-chain fatty acid, butyrate, has been reported to have some effect on blood pressure. Butyrate is not normally ingested since it is made by bacteria in the gut as a byproduct of fiber fermentation. In this proof of concept study, the investigators will investigate the effect of butyrate absorbed in the gut (via the participant self-administering an enema with butyrate) has on blood pressure.
MRI is a vital component of a MS work-up, providing noninvasive evidence of MS lesions, detecting active inflammatory lesions, and measuring brain atrophy to assess neurodegeneration. Recent years of MRI research have generated strong evidence of gray matter (GM) involvement in MS, resulting in the reclassification of MS as a whole-brain disease. Similar to white matter (WM), a primary target of MS pathology in GM is myelin, the protective sheath insulating the penetrating axons within GM and extending brain connectivity all the way to the neuronal bodies.~This aim of this research is to examine if the associations between imaging measures of GM disease and cognitive performance can establish GM-based imaging correlates predicting the disease course and accurately assessing treatment results.~This observational research will enroll adults diagnosed with MS both with and without cognitive impairment. Subjects will be asked to complete a single research visit that includes the administration of a MRI scan and a neuro-cognitive testing session.
The overall purpose of this research is to determine whether new macromolecular measures optimized for whole brain (gray matter and white matter) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), predict neuro-cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.
PD-1 antibody Camrelizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody, and the heavy chain is immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4), the light chain is immunoglobulin κ (IgK). Camrelizumab specifically binds to PD-1 and blocks the interaction of PD-1 with its ligand (PD-L1), allowing T cells to recover against tumor immune responses.~Response rate, progression-free survival, overall survival, duration of response,disease control rate, drugs related side effects were recorded and analyzed, to assess the combination treatment could or couldn't benefit the patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
This is an single arm, open-label, phase II trial to evaluate safety and efficacy of using the combination of Camrelizumab with apatinib as second-line therapy for advanced PDAC.
We will test the feasibility of dispatching an out of sight AED-drone system to real-life OHCA in parallel with standard EMS dispatch. The study period is 5 months between May to September 2020. The study area will be covered by three individual drone systems covering some 80,000 inhabitants within the controlled airspace of Säve airport in Göteborg Sweden. Each drone system will have a flight range of six km.~The first month of the study period will be used as run-in period and the drone systems are dispatched for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flights in a simulated fashion and optimized to decrease delays and to log pre-specified system variables, adherence to protocol, time delays, technological functionality, weather conditions, conflict in the airspace.~During the following 4 months June-September 2020, drones will dispatched to real-life suspected OHCA during daytime 08:00-22:00.~An EMS communication radio-unit is placed at the drone control center. In case of a suspected OHCA in the service area and will be alerted by the dispatch centre (SOS alarm) when a suspected OHCA is recognized during the 112-call.~The dispatcher identifies a cardiac arrest in the service areas~A pilot (from Everdrone) immediately initiates deployment protocol for the drone.~Parallel communication is made with the air traffic control (ATC) centre in order to grant permit to deploy the drone with regards to the current weather and aviation situation.~The drone then flies to the coordinates of the OHCA and delivers an AED at the scene using a winch system~The AED may be attached to the patient by the bystander on scene~Development of the technology is made by Everdrone AB Göteborg and SOS Alarm AB (national dispatch organisation) and parallel applications for certificates for the individual aircraft and permits for beyond visual line of sight flights (BVLOS-flights) was granted by the Swedish Transportation board on 27 April 2020.~The drone system is operated only during daytime 08:00-22:00 when the Airport Air traffic control is open. Likewise deployment of the drone will not be made if there is a conflict in the airspace with manned aircrafts. Rainy weather or winds exceeding 8 m/s prohibits flights as well.~Feasibility is evaluated and measured from the following aspects:~Operational factors Weather: a) rain, b) wind c) other. Conflict in airspace: a) manned aircraft b) unmanned aircraft. Obstacles prohibiting flight or delivery: a) constructed b) natural Time from dispatch to to take- off (min:sec). Time from dispatch to arrival (min:sec). Proportions are measured out of cases with a) Take-off b) no take-off c) aborted missions (%)~Human resources Adherence to protocol by: a) Dispatcher b) Drone pilot c) Air traffic leader. Proportions are measured out of cases with neglected protocol prohibiting mission completion, a) no alerts b) no take off c) aborted missions (%)~Technological functionality Drone, winch, Network, AED, Hangar, navigational software, global positioning system precision, Dispatch centre system (CoordCOM -Dispatch centre automated alert).~Proportions are measured out of cases where technological functionality prohibited mission completion a) no take-off b) aborted missions. (%)~Adverse advents (AE) and serious adverse events (SAE) in relation to AED-drone mission /use will be logged continuously. An adverse event may be caused by drone crash or risc of injury or death due to conflict in airspace or technological impairment.~An AE is considered serious if it:~Results in death~Is immediately life-threatening~Requires hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalization~Results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity~Events that are related to the patient in cardiac arrest and would be expected in patients undergoing attempted resuscitation should NOT be reported. These include:~Death~Hospitalisation~Persistent or significant disability or incapacity~Organ failure~All events categorised as serious must be reported to the study administration within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.
Time to defibrillation is the most important predictor of survival in cardiac arrest. Traditional emergency medical system response is often to slow. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of drone systems that delivers Automated External Defibrillators (AED) to the scene of suspected Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests (OHCA).~This study will test the feasibility of real-life flights with drones carrying automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) as a complement to standard care i.e EMS
Adequate and balanced nutrition during gestation has been recognized as a prerequisite for a healthy pregnancy and birth outcomes and this is significantly determined by their nutritional knowledge and practice. This facility based single group pre-post quasi experimental study design was conducted with the objective of assessing the effect of nutrition education on the appropriate nutritional knowledge and practice of pregnant women. The study was conducted in five health facilities providing ANC (Antenatal Care) service in Asmara on 226 pregnant women. A predesigned and pretested questionnaire was used to collect data regarding nutritional knowledge via interview by trained data collectors during the pretest, immediate posttest and six weeks later. This study showed that the current intervention generally was effective in accomplishing improved knowledge and practice level of pregnant women. The simple nutrition education messages given to pregnant women using holistic approach of targeting all the major determinants in a sustained manner played a huge role in increasing their knowledge regarding nutrition during pregnancy. Knowledge regarding duration of iron supplementation was very low in this study. At the same time minor knowledge gap was seen in the sources of main food groups among pregnant women. The provided nutrition education also helped the pregnant women to improve dietary intake during pregnancy, although their adherence to iron supplements was decreased. Skipping meals and avoiding certain food items was also evident in this study. A reassuring concept is that food taboos and cultural factors were never the reasons that prevented women from consuming the food items. The educational intervention has shown more positive impact on increasing the scores regarding knowledge of appropriate nutrition during pregnancy for primigravida mothers than for multigravida mothers while the improvement in the dietary practice had no interaction with their socio-demographic characteristics. To sum up, attenuation of maternal and infant malnutrition may not be remote if pregnant women are well educated and counseled about nutrition during pregnancy. The study was conducted under limitations of not being able to control the possible effect of other sources like Television, books, magazines and radio broadcasting on the change in the knowledge and practice of pregnant women towards nutrition could not be controlled. Face to face interview may lead to social desirability bias which may in turn bring higher proportion of correct practice among pregnant women on the follow-up questioning (as the practice is self-reported).
Healthy pregnancy and birth outcomes is greatly influenced by the intake of adequate and balanced nutrition. Pregnant women's nutritional knowledge and practice have been identified as an important prerequisites for their proper nutritional intake. The antenatal period with the opportunities for regular contact with health professionals appears to be the ideal time and setting to institute the intervention which could maximize pregnant women's outcome and that of their baby by motivating them to make nutritional changes. The overall objective of the research was to assess the effect of nutrition education on the appropriate nutritional knowledge and practice of pregnant women.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive, autoimmune disease of synovial joints. Characterized by periods of flares with high disease activity involving both a systemic immune response and tissue-specific inflammatory events that can lead to erosive joint and bone destruction and subsequent disability . Currently, diagnosis of RA is based mainly on the extent of tenderness and swelling of the joints , levels of acute-phase reactants such as C-reactive protein (CRP) ,erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) , high titers of rheumatoid factor (RF) and high titers of antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) in the plasma .Recently, reported increased levels of collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 protein (CTHRC1) are strongly associated with the severity of murine proteoglycan-induced arthritis and collagen antibody-induced murine arthritis (CAIA) , further CTHRC1 expression in murine experimental arthritis is increased in the synovium and specifically detected in activated murine , located at the synovial intimal lining and at the bone-pannus interface .Of interest,The expression pattern of CTHRC1 in pannus, its role in the function of FLS relevant to cartilage damage in RA, and CTHRC1's association with disease severity in murine arthritis raised the question of whether CTHRC1 could be used as a marker for RA diagnosis and monitoring of disease activity in patients .
The purpose of the study is to determine whether plasma levels of the collagen triple helix repeat containing (CTHRC1) protein can serve as a blood-based biomarker for diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) ,and furthermore its correlation with disease activity
Peanut allergy is a significant clinical problem. Food immunotherapy provides the latest approach to managing food allergy. Oral immunotherapy is considered as the most effective and safe, according to current research. What is more, this type of therapy is easily available and can be continued at patient's home. Obtaining and maintenance of tolerance to the allergic food is the main goal of this procedure.~The study will include children with peanut allergy, confirmed during open oral food challenge (OOFC) with peanut protein. First OOFC will be performed before immunotherapy, second one at the end of procedure. Participants will be randomly assigned to two groups. During the maintenance phase, the first group will receive low dose of peanut protein, which amounts 150mg, the second will get high dose, which is 300 mg of peanut protein. Oral immunotherapy with low and high dose of peanut protein in children randomly assigned to two groups (1:1).~In the following phase, every two weeks the dose of ground roasted peanut will be increased and applied to a child during hospitalization (1-day procedure). Precondition to increase of dose is good tolerance of previous portion of peanut. The maximum time frame for this phase is 14 months.~After achieving tolerance, immunotherapy will be continued for 2 months in maintenance phase, with dose 150mg or 300 mg peanut protein, depending on a study group.~The dosage increasing phase will last maximally 14 months. If patients achieves the maintenance dose earlier, this period may be shorter. Maintenance dose is determined by random patients' assignment to one from study's group and amounts 150mg or 300 mg of peanut protein, respectively.~The duration of the maintenance phase is 8 weeks (+/-2 weeks). After 2 months (8 weeks +/-2 weeks) of maintenance dose the final OOFC and evaluation of tolerance of peanut protein will be performed. Confirmation of the total desensitization of peanut is the tolerance of a single dose of 4500 mg peanut protein.
In this trial the investigators aim to assess the effectiveness and safety of oral immunotherapy with peanut protein in high and low dose (300mg versus 150mg) in children with peanuts allergy.
Background: Brain death frequently induces hemodynamic instability and cardiac stunning. Impairments in cardiac performance are major contributors to hearts from otherwise eligible organ donors not being transplanted. Deficiencies in pituitary hormones (including thyroid stimulating hormone) may contribute to hemodynamic instability and replacement of thyroid hormone has been proposed as a means of improving stability and increasing hearts available for transplantation. Intravenous thyroxine is commonly used in donor management. However, small controlled trials have not been able to demonstrate efficacy.~Methods: This multicenter study will involve organ procurement organizations (OPOs) across the country. A total of 800 heart-eligible brain dead organ donors who require vasopressor support will be randomly assigned to intravenous thyroxine for at least 12-hours or saline placebo. The primary study hypothesis is that thyroxine treatment results in more hearts transplanted. Additional outcome measures are time to achieve hemodynamic stability (weaning off vasopressors) and improvement in cardiac ejection fraction on echocardiography.~Discussion: This will be the largest randomized controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of thyroid hormone treatment for organ donor management. By collaborating across multiple OPOs, it will be able to enroll an adequate number of donors and be powered to definitively answer the critical question of whether treatment increases hearts transplanted and/or provides other hemodynamic benefits.
This randomized controlled trial will evaluate whether intravenous thyroxine infusion given to brain-dead organ donors who are eligible to donate hearts for 12 hours will result in more hearts transplanted than saline placebo
Sexual functions are affected by symptoms such as pain, fatigue, stiffness, and hormonal imbalance in rheumatological disorders. Vaginal dryness and dyspepsia negatively affect participation in sexual activity. The aim of the study is to examine the pelvic floor problems of women with SS with a self-report, to compare them with healthy individuals, and finally to examine the relationship between pelvic floor problems and sexual dysfunction.
Sjogren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of all exocrine glands, especially tear and salivary glands, and is more common in women.
Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH), develop delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in about 30% of the cases. DCI is associated with increased mortality, persistent neurological deficit as well as impaired quality of life. It would benefit both patients and society to decrease these neurological injuries. One clinical problem is that the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia in SAH patients often is delayed due to limitations in monitoring abilities. When detected, the neurological damage often turns out to be irreversible.~Several studies have used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify risk factors for the development of delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage. However, these studies are based on data collected about the patients (e.g. age, gender), and the precision of these statistical models has generally been found to be low. Recently, machine learning algorithms for the prediction of DCI using a combination of clinical and image data have also been evaluated .~However, prediction of DCI does not prevent DCI, to prevent DCI a monitoring system needs to be developed that can warn physicians of imminent risk of cerebral ischemia, making it possible to intervene and prevent cerebral ischemia.~Variations in the autonomous nervous system, such as changes in the balance between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems, can be detected by using heart rate variability (HRV) monitoring. HRV has been reported as a predictor of poor outcome after traumatic brain injury and stroke, including subarachnoid haemorrhage. However, HRV monitoring for detection of incipient cerebral ischemia has not been thoroughly evaluated. In a study of patients with aSAH, we collected HRV continuously in up to 10 days after admission, but just a small part of the HRV data was analysed off-line. Fifteen of 55 patients developed DCI during the acute phase, and the off-line analyse of HRV showed that the low/high-frequency ratio increased more in patients that developed DCI (Ref). This led us to try to analyse all of the collected HRV with the help of machine learning processes, and a collaboration with computer/data scientists was initiated.~The overall aim of this study is to, with the help of computer/data scientist and machine learning processes, analyse collected HRV data in order to evaluate whether specific patterns could be found in patients developing DCI during the acute phase after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
The overall aim of this study is to, with the help of computer/data scientist and machine learning processes, analyse collected heart rate variability data in order to evaluate whether specific patterns could be found in patients developing delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection is now being increasingly studied as it is getting more and more relevant as a cause of ACS. Its management is currently a matter of debate due to the absence of RCT and even the trigger events related to this kind of infarction are still unclear. Notably, the benefits from the use of the antiplatelet medications that prolong bleeding time for a condition whose primary pathophysiology may be an intramural bleed are under discussion.~Hence, the targets pursued by our study may be essentially distinguished in five main points:~To assess the characteristics of SCAD patients highlighting the predisposing and precipitating factors related to the acute event~To analyze clinical presentation and management of spontaneous coronary dissections in terms of therapeutic approach in the acute phase (conservative therapy vs revascularization)~To evaluate the incidence of SCAD recurrence and of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) at follow-up~To analyze the impact of a single antiplatelet therapy (SAPT) over the dual one (DAPT) along with the impact of different P2Y12i regimens on acute and long-term prognosis~To evaluate impact of different angiographic SCAD type on outcome
The study will investigate the clinical features, acute management and follow up of patients affected by spontaneous coronary artery dissection
Twenty-four patients each received 2 one-stage implants in a split mouth design on the same jaw. In each patient one healing and prosthetic abutments with a laser microgrooved surface (LMS group) and one healing and prosthetic abutments with smooth/machined surface (S/MS group) were used. Four months following implant placement [Baseline (BSL)], the healing abutments were disconnnected and reconnected three times to carry out the impression procedures and metal framework try-in. Four weeks later (T0), definitive prosthetic abutments were installated with screw retained crowns. Samples for immunological analyses were taken from the sulcus around each implant at BSL, T0, and 1 year after functional loading (T1). Peri-implant crevicular fluid samples were analyzed for interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels using the ELISA kit.
Repeated removal and re-placement of healing and prosthetic abutments result in frequent injuries to the soft tissues. The purpose was to evaluate the effect of repeated removal and re-placement of laser microgrooved and smooth/machined healing and prosthetic abutments during restorative stages, and 1 year after functional loading, on proinflammatory cytokine levels around dental implants.
The aim of the study is to assess energy supply of bicycle ergometric load in athletes and untrained persons who have suffered diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (community-acquired pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory viral infections, to justify the timing of the resumption of training, as well as determining the volume and the intensity of physical activity in the training and competitive processes.~In addition to a comprehensive general clinical, radiological (for community-acquired pneumonia) and laboratory examination, all the subjects under study will undergo special studies: spirography and spiroergometry, electrocardiography (ECG), and bicycle ergometry.~The main indicators of the functional state of the cardio-respiratory system of the study participants are indicators of the function of external respiration and gas exchange, recorded in the initial state, after load and in the recovery period of 10 and 30 minutes.~Patients with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system will receive treatment according to generally accepted standards of drug treatment.
Study of the energy supply of bicycle ergometric load in athletes and untrained persons with bronchopulmonary diseases (community-acquired pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory viral infections, to justify the timing of the resumption of training, as well as determination of the volume and intensity of physical activity in training and competitive processes.
Increasing evidence has shown that the hypersensitivity of FM is not limited to painful stimuli but seems to extend to non-painful stimuli as well. These stimuli include smell, taste, touch, light, and sound. This study will provide detailed QST examinations of FM subjects and controls' responses to light using visually evoked potentials (VEP). In addition, careful characterization of experimental pain responding across multiple sensory modalities will be examined.
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic musculoskeletal pain disorder with unknown causes. Our previous studies showed abnormal sensations of second pain (wind-up), indicating central hypersensitivity as an important mechanism of FM. Triggering events have been implicated as the cause of central hypersensitivity.
The study will be prospective, open-label, single center with historical control. All procedures will be conducted according to Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval of Institutional Review Board at Cooper Health Care will be obtained prior to commencing the study and actively enrolled patients will sign an informed consent form. Data will be collected on a case report form and confidentiality will be protected according to laws and regulations. Study population will include adult cancer patients diagnosed with CDI being treated at MD Anderson cancer center affiliated with Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJ, USA. The comparison arm will be a historical group of patients treated at the same center with same inclusion/exclusion criteria within the previous 3 years of start date.~Recruited patients will receive a single dose of Bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) 10mg/kg (actual body weight) 60-minute intravenous infusion during active CDI treatments.~For pharmacoeconomic analysis, data collected from the financial department will include total hospitalization costs, drug costs, length of stay, total amount charged and total amount reimbursedpertaining to CDI diagnosis code/ICD-10 for recurrent CDI. The analysis will encompass the perspectives of the hospital and the third party payer. Adjustment of retrospective cost data will be performed using Medical Consumer Price index (MCPI) inflation rates established by Bureau of Labor Statistics. Cost-avoidance analysis will be performed to determine the cost of preventing recurrence. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) defined as the difference in cost divided by difference in outcomes will be reported. The outcome being examined, the percent of recurrences avoided, will be used in the denominator. Graphically, a cost-effectiveness plane will be used to depict the comparison. Secondary analyses will examine specific differences between groups, including total drug costs, length of stay (LOS) and per diem hospitalization costs. Univariate sensitivity analyses will be conducted to determine robustness of the analysis.~Matching of intervention group with control will be based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, sex, and GEIH-CDI propensity score as shown in the table below. Matching will be in the ratio of 1:2. Selected historical control based on inclusion/exclusion criteria will matched to same sex.~Patients treated at MD Anderson cancer center affiliated with Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ, USA with diagnosis of CDI will be screened using inclusion/exclusion criteria. Eligible patients will be approached for consent. Recruited patients will receive the study intervention either as in-patients or at the out-patient infusion unit according to their current status. The study patients will be followed for 12 weeks (day1 is the day of study intervention) on week1, week2, week 4, week 8 and week 12 (- or + 5 days) until study exit day. Study required clinical data will be collected from medical records on case report form. Financial data will be acquired from accounting department records. Recruited patients will be interviewed on the phone or in person.~Study intervention drug will be stored at the Pharmacy Department, Cooper University Hospital. Shortly before the time of administration, infusion will be prepared as per manufacturer instructions (250 mL infused over 1 hours through 0.22-micron sterile filter controlled by volumetric pump) and transported for administration per the hospital protocol. Patients receiving bezolotoxumab infusion will be under observation and follow up as per study protocol.~To assess recurrence, clinical cure is achieved in patients receiving standard of care treatment and have no diarrhea (< 3 bowel movements per day) for 2 consecutive days following completion of therapy. Patients will be followed by reviewing medical records, in person and by phone.~Tolerability of bezolotoxumab will be assessed by collecting clinical and laboratory data about adverse events as detailed below under adverse experience reporting.~A 10-mL blood sample will be collected from patients in heparinized tubes (processed and/or stored as required by the lab) for genetic DNA profiling. An an assessment of bezlotoxumab efficacy and the correlation with the SNP will be performed.~Withdrawal from the study will be voluntary or at the discretion of investigators/sponsor in case of tolerability concerns, protocol violation or any other reason.
Investigation of efficacy and tolerability of bezlotoxumab in patients with cancer diagnosis in terms of preventing CDI recurrence.
Primary Objective: Determine the feasibility of second look laparoscopy and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy with carboplatin.~Secondary Objective(s)~To compare the quality if life in patients with ovarian cancer after undergoing second look laparoscopic reassessment surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy using carboplatin (CBDCA) versus quality of life in patients treated with cytoreduction surgery and systemic chemotherapy alone.~To describe toxicities in patients with ovarian cancer treated with second look laparoscopy and simultaneous hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.~OUTLINE:~Patients undergo second look laparoscopy. Patients with visible signs of cancer in abdomen also receive HIPEC with carboplatin via intraperitoneal injection (IP) over 90 minutes in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.~After completion of study treatment, patients are followed for up to 6 months.
The purpose of this research study is to see if it is feasible to receive heated chemotherapy or heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) inserted directly into the abdomen at the time of a Second Look Reassessment Surgery and to monitor any effects good or bad that this has on participants' health.
Increase in the extracellular water of lungs is the major pathophisilogy of ARDS. According to various studies Covid 19 pneumonia has a very similar clinical course to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which has clarified by Berlin definition. Depending on the similarity of Covid 19 and ARDS; evaluation of ECW ,can be a determinant of clinical apperence of covid19 pneumonia. The aim of this study to find the corelation between ECW and severty of the pneumonia.~In this prospective -controlled research, the patients who were diagnosed with Covid-19 pneumonia will be evaluated. The ones in the intensive care will be considered as severe, and the ones in the ward will be considered as mild clinical course pneumonia. İn both groups, in addition to other heamodynamic parametres, ECW will be recorded using non-invasive body biooimpedence method by NİCaS machine. The total amount of patients will be 52, 26 each two groups.~The ward and intensive care patients will be connected to the NİCaS machine to determine ECW and statistically significantchanges will be recorded. The device consists of a laptop, a software which calculates cardiac parameters and two electrodes. The measurement is done by the following process: one of these electrodes, which looks like ECG electrodes, is stuck to the wrist and the other one to the opposite ankle or each one to two wrists.~the severety of illness will try to be detected.Gpower 3 for Mac Os (Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Buchner, A., & Lang, A.-G. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 11491160.) was used for istatistical power analysis.The power analysis was done priorly and based on the T-test.In order to provide enoughsample magnitude power, which is 0.8, it was calculated that each group should have 26 patients which makes at total of 52 Statistical method: The normal distribution of data will be evaluated using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Parametric ones will be used in normal distrubitions, non-parametric ones will be used in abnormal distrubitions. İntergroup ECW values will be compared via independent sample T test. In catagoric data, the comparisons will be made with Pearson Ki square test, and the p values less then 0.05 will be considered as significant.
According to various studies Covid 19 pneumonia has a very similar clinical course to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which has clarified by Berlin definition. Based on this similarity, extracellular fluid of lungs and diffuse alveolar damage should be observed in covid 19 pneumonia as well. Extracellular water (ECW) can be determine by using whole body bioimpedence system (NİCaS). The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of ECW on the clinical apperence of covid 19 pneumonia clinical course.
Physical activity has been applied as an adjunctive therapy in the secondary prevention of many cancers, but very little is currently known clinically and mechanistically about the effects of physical activity and exercise on tumor itself. Based on recent evidence from pre-clinical studies, it is plausible to expect that changes in tumor blood flow and its heterogeneity, oxygenation, and metabolism due to exercise would increase the delivery of chemotherapy and other cancer drugs into the tumor increasing the efficacy of cancer treatment.~Twenty (20) newly diagnosed Breast cancer patients will be recruited to investigate whether these pre-clinical findings can be extended to humans to serve as an evidence-based proof-of-concept for the possible inclusion of exercise in the treatment of cancer during chemotherapy. To study the effect of acute physical exercise on tumor blood flow and its heterogeneity, supine bicycle exercise in a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner will be used to exercise Breast cancer patients. These experiments are additional measurements to their normal treatments, and no new interventional approaches will be conducted in this study.~The study consists of one fitness test assessment, and tumor blood flow measurements with PET at rest and during supine cycling exercise.
This research aims at investigating tumor blood flow response to acute exercise in human cancer patients. It is hypothesized and expected that acute exercise increases tumor blood flow, which could plausibly increase the efficacy of cancer treatment.