local EventManager = {} EventManager.__index = EventManager function local eventManager = setmetatable({ listeners = {}, }, EventManager) return eventManager end function EventManager:emit(name, ...) local listeners = self.listeners[name] if listeners then for i = 1, #listeners do local listener = listeners[i] listener[name](listener, ...) end end return self end function EventManager:register(name, listener) local listeners = self.listeners[name] if not listeners then listeners = {count = 0} self.listeners[name] = listeners end listeners.count = listeners.count + 1 listeners[listeners.count] = listener return self end function EventManager:deregister(name, listener) local listeners = self.listeners[name] if listeners then for index, other in ipairs(listeners) do if listener == other then table.remove(listeners, index) listeners.count = listeners.count - 1 return end end end return self end return setmetatable(EventManager, { __call = function(_, ...) return end, })
object_tangible_collection_deathtrooper_beta_medical_kit_01 = object_tangible_collection_shared_deathtrooper_beta_medical_kit_01:new { gameObjectType = 8211,} ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_collection_deathtrooper_beta_medical_kit_01, "object/tangible/collection/deathtrooper_beta_medical_kit_01.iff")
return { tag = 'callbacks', summary = 'Called when a permission request is answered.', description = [[ This callback contains a permission response previously requested with `lovr.system.requestPermission`. The callback contains information on whether permission was granted or denied. ]], arguments = { { name = 'permission', type = 'Permission', description = 'The type of permission.' }, { name = 'granted', type = 'boolean', description = 'Whether permission was granted or denied.' } }, returns = {}, related = { 'lovr.system.requestPermission' } }
if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-dir'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to typo-dir.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- As I'm wrapping up the updated math support (for CTX/TUG 2013) I wondered about numbers in -- r2l math mode. Googling lead me to TUGboat, Volume 25 (2004), No. 2 where I see numbers -- running from left to right. Makes me wonder how far we should go. And as I was looking -- into bidi anyway, it's a nice distraction. -- -- I first tried to hook something into noads but that gets pretty messy due to indirectness -- char noads. If needed, I'll do it that way. With regards to spacing: as we can assume that -- only numbers are involved we can safely swap them and the same is true for mirroring. But -- anyway, I'm not too happy with this solution so eventually I'll do something with noads (as -- an alternative method). Yet another heuristic approach. local nodes, node = nodes, node local trace_directions = false trackers.register("typesetters.directions.math", function(v) trace_directions = v end) local report_directions = logs.reporter("typesetting","math directions") local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local tonode = nuts.tonode local getnext = nuts.getnext local getchar = nuts.getchar local getid = nuts.getid local getlist = nuts.getlist local getattr = nuts.getattr local setfield = nuts.setfield local setchar = nuts.setchar local setlist = nuts.setlist local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local tasks = nodes.tasks local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local nodepool = nuts.pool local new_textdir = nodepool.textdir local chardirections = characters.directions local charmirrors = characters.mirrors local charclasses = characters.textclasses local directions = typesetters.directions or { } local a_mathbidi = attributes.private('mathbidi') local function processmath(head) local current = head local done = false local start = nil local stop = nil local function capsulate() head = insert_node_before(head,start,new_textdir("+TLT")) insert_node_after(head,stop,new_textdir("-TLT")) if trace_directions then report_directions("reversed: %s",nodes.listtoutf(start,false,false,stop)) end done = true start = false stop = nil end while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code then local char = getchar(current) local cdir = chardirections[char] if cdir == "en" or cdir == "an" then -- we could check for mathclass punctuation if not start then start = current end stop = current else if not start then -- nothing elseif start == stop then start = nil else capsulate() end if cdir == "on" then local mirror = charmirrors[char] if mirror then local class = charclasses[char] if class == "open" or class == "close" then setchar(current,mirror) if trace_directions then report_directions("mirrored: %C to %C",char,mirror) end done = true end end end end elseif not start then -- nothing if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local list, d = processmath(getlist(current)) setlist(current,list) if d then done = true end end elseif start == stop then start = nil else capsulate(head,start,stop) -- math can pack things into hlists .. we need to make sure we don't process -- too often: needs checking if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local list, d = processmath(getlist(current)) setlist(current,list) if d then done = true end end end current = getnext(current) end if not start then -- nothing elseif start == stop then -- nothing else capsulate() end return head, done end local enabled = false function directions.processmath(head) -- style, penalties if enabled then local h = tonut(head) local a = getattr(h,a_mathbidi) if a and a > 0 then local head, done = processmath(h) return tonode(head), done end end return head, false end function directions.setmath(n) if not enabled and n and n > 0 then if trace_directions then report_directions("enabling directions handler") end tasks.enableaction("math","typesetters.directions.processmath") enabled = true end end interfaces.implement { name = "setmathdirection", actions = directions.setmath, arguments = "integer" }
local method = {} local function init(name) method[name] = require('method.' .. name:gsub('/', '.')) end init 'exit' init 'initialize' init 'initialized' init 'shutdown' init 'completionItem/resolve' init 'textDocument/codeAction' init 'textDocument/completion' init 'textDocument/definition' init 'textDocument/didOpen' init 'textDocument/didChange' init 'textDocument/didClose' init 'textDocument/documentHighlight' init 'textDocument/documentSymbol' init 'textDocument/foldingRange' init 'textDocument/hover' init 'textDocument/implementation' init 'textDocument/onTypeFormatting' init 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics' init 'textDocument/rename' init 'textDocument/references' init 'textDocument/semanticTokens' init 'textDocument/signatureHelp' init 'workspace/didChangeConfiguration' init 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles' init 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders' init 'workspace/executeCommand' init 'workspace/symbol' return method
module("luci.controller.sysuh3c", package.seeall) function index() entry({"admin", "network", "sysuh3c"}, cbi("sysuh3c"), _("SYSU H3C Client"), 100).acl_depends = { "luci-app-sysuh3c" } end
--Copyright (C) 2009 <SWGEmu> --This File is part of Core3. --This program is free software; you can redistribute --it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser --General Public License as published by the Free Software --Foundation; either version 2 of the License, --or (at your option) any later version. --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --See the GNU Lesser General Public License for --more details. --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General --Public License along with this program; if not, write to --the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --Linking Engine3 statically or dynamically with other modules --is making a combined work based on Engine3. --Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License --cover the whole combination. --In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of Engine3 --give you permission to combine Engine3 program with free software --programs or libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with --code included in the standard release of Core3 under the GNU LGPL --license (or modified versions of such code, with unchanged license). --You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of the --GNU LGPL for Engine3 and the licenses of the other code concerned, --provided that you include the source code of that other code when --and as the GNU LGPL requires distribution of source code. --Note that people who make modified versions of Engine3 are not obligated --to grant this special exception for their modified versions; --it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU Lesser General Public License --gives permission to release a modified version without this exception; --this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version --which carries forward this exception. object_static_structure_general_shared_all_banner_generic_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_banner_generic_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_all_banner_generic_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2896788724, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_banner_generic_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_banner_generic_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_banner_generic_s02 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_banner_generic_s02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_all_banner_generic_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2008994915, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_banner_generic_s02, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_banner_generic_s02.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_foodcart_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_foodcart_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_all_foodcart_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1165822108, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_foodcart_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_foodcart_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_sign_shop_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2334316222, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s02 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_sign_shop_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1345682985, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s02, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s02.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s03 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s03.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_sign_shop_s03.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 423106980, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s03, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s03.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s04 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s04.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_sign_shop_s04.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3806016176, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_shop_s04, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_shop_s04.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_street_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_street_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_sign_street_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2238973525, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_all_sign_street_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_all_sign_street_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_bucket_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_bucket_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_bucket_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2031661587, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_bucket_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_bucket_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_car_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_car_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_car_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1999726466, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_car_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_car_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_console_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_console_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_console_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2472819165, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_console_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_console_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_device_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_device_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_device_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 798806621, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_device_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_device_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_device_s02 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_device_s02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_device_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4102781642, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_device_s02, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_device_s02.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_pipes_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_pipes_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_pipes_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2002036005, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_pipes_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_pipes_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_allum_mine_pipes_s02 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_allum_mine_pipes_s02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/bunker_mine_pipes_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_atat_debris_02.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_atat_debris_02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1484634620, 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"@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2123988169, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_atst_destroyed, "object/static/structure/general/shared_atst_destroyed.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_banner_imperial_style_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_banner_imperial_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_camp_tent_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/eqp_camping_tent_s1.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 129854704, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_camp_tent_s01, "object/static/structure/general/shared_camp_tent_s01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_campfire_ash = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_campfire_ash.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/eqp_camping_log_ash.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4067844831, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_campfire_ash, "object/static/structure/general/shared_campfire_ash.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_campfire_burnt = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_campfire_burnt.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy 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"", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2931956368, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_cloning_tube, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_corellia_garden_base_med_01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_corellia_garden_base_sml_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_corellia_garden_base_sml_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_corl_garden_sml_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_data_terminal_s4.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/frn_imp_data_terminal_s4.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 394552253, derivedFromTemplates = 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"appearance/poi_yavn_death_star_wreckage_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Deathstar Debris", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1279869106, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_distant_ship_controller_rebel.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/distant_ship_controller_rebel.sat", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_distant_ship_controller_rebel.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_droid_lemedical_powerdown.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_lemedical_powerdown.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2797855909, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_droid_r2_powerdown.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_r2_powerdown.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 602463452, derivedFromTemplates = 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"@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4276567470, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_droid_r3_powerdown, "object/static/structure/general/shared_droid_r3_powerdown.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_droid_r4_powerdown = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_droid_r4_powerdown.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, 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"@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1519373105, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_escape_pod, "object/static/structure/general/shared_escape_pod.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_escape_pod_door = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_escape_pod_door.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_escape_pod_door.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3468613806, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_escape_pod_door, "object/static/structure/general/shared_escape_pod_door.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_flag_corellia_s01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_flag_corellia_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_corl_imprv_flagpole_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_flag_corellia_s01.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, 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"sample/amb_fountain_small_lp.sam", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Generic Fountain 1", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4123706379, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } 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"", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "string_id_table", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 768, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 1, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3328842763, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff", "object/static/structure/nobuild/base/shared_nobuild_base.iff"} ]] } 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"@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2689213197, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_ins_shield_generator_stage3, "object/static/structure/general/shared_ins_shield_generator_stage3.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_landing_pad_shuttle = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_landing_pad_shuttle.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = 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"@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2333663985, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_poi_nboo_corral_half_64x64_s03, "object/static/structure/general/shared_poi_nboo_corral_half_64x64_s03.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_poi_nboo_corral_half_64x64_s04 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_poi_nboo_corral_half_64x64_s04.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename 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"@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 4129855315, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_poi_powerdroidleg, "object/static/structure/general/shared_poi_powerdroidleg.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_poi_protocolarm = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_poi_protocolarm.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_protocolarm.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", 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"", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 11049213, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_prp_engine_component, 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"@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 932706472, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_r2_head, "object/static/structure/general/shared_r2_head.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_r2_leg = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_r2_leg.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_r2_leg.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1771962306, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } 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collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3070712015, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_r3_head, "object/static/structure/general/shared_r3_head.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_r3_leg = 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"object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_r4_head, "object/static/structure/general/shared_r4_head.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_r4_leg = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_r4_leg.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_r4_leg.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, 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"object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_r5_torso, "object/static/structure/general/shared_r5_torso.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_repairdroidhead = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_repairdroidhead.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_repairdroidhead.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 745217663, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_repairdroidhead, "object/static/structure/general/shared_repairdroidhead.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_repairdroidtorso = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_repairdroidtorso.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_repairdroidtorso.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3102139401, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } 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"@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 2, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 71717386, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_rock_beach_dark_lg, "object/static/structure/general/shared_rock_beach_dark_lg.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_rock_beach_dark_md = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_rock_beach_dark_md.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/rock_beach_dark_md.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 2, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3296327653, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_rock_beach_dark_md, "object/static/structure/general/shared_rock_beach_dark_md.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_rock_forestriverrock_lg = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_rock_forestriverrock_lg.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/rock_forestriverrock_lg.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_skeleton_ancient_s01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_ancient_skeleton_s01_dynamic.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1576141271, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_skeleton_bith_head.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_skeleton_bith_head.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2348339894, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_large_red_style_01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_streetlamp_large_red_style_01_on = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_large_red_style_01_on.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_imprv_streetlamp_lg_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_streetlamp_large_red_style_1_on.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_large_style_02_on.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_imprv_streetlamp_lg_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_streetlamp_large_style_2_on.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_medium_green_style_02_on.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_streetlamp_medium_red_style_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_medium_red_style_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_imprv_streetlamp_m_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_streetlamp_medium_red_style_1.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_medium_style_01_on.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_imprv_streetlamp_m_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_streetlamp_medium_style_1_on.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_streetlamp_small_red_style_02_on.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/mun_all_imprv_streetlamp_sm_s02.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "clientdata/client_shared_streetlamp_small_red_style_2_on.cdf", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 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"@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 440438426, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_rock_large, "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_rock_large.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_rock_med = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_rock_med.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_cave_rock_med.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_rock_med.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_stalactite_large = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalactite_large.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_cave_stalactite_lrg.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalactite_med.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_stalactite_small = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalactite_small.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_cave_stalactite_sml.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalactite_tiny.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_large = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_large.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_cave_stalagmite_lrg.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_med.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_small = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_small.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/thm_tato_cave_stalagmite_sml.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tato_cave_stalagmite_tiny.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tatooine_garden_base_lrg_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tatooine_garden_base_lrg_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_tato_garden_lrg_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tatooine_garden_base_med_01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_tatooine_garden_base_sml_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_tatooine_garden_base_sml_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/ply_tato_garden_sml_s01.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", 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"object/static/structure/general/shared_tie_bomber_debris_01.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_transport_debris_01 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_transport_debris_01.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_destroyed_transport_1.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", 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"string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 1507644082, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_web_02, "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_02.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_web_03 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_03.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_lair_web_s03.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 282178879, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_web_03, "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_03.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_web_04 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_04.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_lair_web_s04.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, 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deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_lair_web_s06.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 2032685361, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_web_06, "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_06.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_web_07 = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_07.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_lair_web_base.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:Gravestone", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "string_id_table", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 0, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 807745212, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_web_07, "object/static/structure/general/shared_web_07.iff") object_static_structure_general_shared_xwing = SharedStaticObjectTemplate:new { clientTemplateFileName = "object/static/structure/general/shared_xwing.iff" --Data below here is deprecated and loaded from the tres, keeping for easy lookups --[[ appearanceFilename = "appearance/poi_all_xwing.apt", arrangementDescriptorFilename = "", clearFloraRadius = 0, clientDataFile = "", clientGameObjectType = 5, collisionActionBlockFlags = 255, collisionActionFlags = 1, collisionActionPassFlags = 0, collisionMaterialBlockFlags = 1, collisionMaterialFlags = 1, collisionMaterialPassFlags = 0, containerType = 0, containerVolumeLimit = 0, detailedDescription = "@string_table:pristine wall", gameObjectType = 5, locationReservationRadius = 0, lookAtText = "@string_table:pristine wall", noBuildRadius = 0, objectName = "@obj_n:unknown_object", onlyVisibleInTools = 0, portalLayoutFilename = "", scale = 1, scaleThresholdBeforeExtentTest = 0.5, sendToClient = 1, slotDescriptorFilename = "", snapToTerrain = 1, surfaceType = 1, totalCellNumber = 0, clientObjectCRC = 3802756237, derivedFromTemplates = {"object/object/base/shared_base_object.iff", "object/static/base/shared_static_base.iff", "object/static/structure/base/shared_static_structure_base.iff"} ]] } ObjectTemplates:addClientTemplate(object_static_structure_general_shared_xwing, "object/static/structure/general/shared_xwing.iff")
-------------------------------- -- @module MWSystemHelper -- @parent_module mw -------------------------------- -- Get the current net status. -- @function [parent=#MWSystemHelper] checkNetStatus -- @param self -- @return int#int ret (return value: int) -------------------------------- -- Get the current memory occupation (MB).<br> -- return The memory occupied by the current process. -- @function [parent=#MWSystemHelper] getCurrentUsedMemory -- @param self -- @return double#double ret (return value: double) -------------------------------- -- Get the current timestamp of ms unit.<br> -- param content The content to copy. -- @function [parent=#MWSystemHelper] millisecondsNow -- @param self -- @return unsigned long#unsigned long ret (return value: unsigned long) -------------------------------- -- Copy the content to the system paste board.<br> -- param content The content to copy. -- @function [parent=#MWSystemHelper] copyToPasteBoard -- @param self -- @param #string content -------------------------------- -- -- @function [parent=#MWSystemHelper] getInstance -- @param self -- @return MWSystemHelper#MWSystemHelper ret (return value: mw.MWSystemHelper) return nil
WoWMap.MapData.Overrides={ [36]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- world_7_03_enoh_island [37]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- world_7_04_vort_island [38]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- world_7_05_zacehs_island [182]={uselanguage="cn"}, -- dgn_frostsaber_upland [185]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- dgn_solarmuse_alter [188]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- dgn_dead_soul_tomb [227]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- mirror_05_float [228]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- mirror_05_steady [229]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- mirror_05_deep [255]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- dgn_pantheon [257]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- dgn_corpus_haven [362]={uselanguage="eneu"}, -- mysterial_room [113]={usezone=114}, -- dgn_mulgrum_relic_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [123]={usezone=117}, -- dgn_hall_of_survivors_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [126]={usezone=115}, -- dgn_echoes_of_the_sea_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [128]={usezone=127}, -- dgn_daelanis_jail_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [131]={usezone=129}, -- dgn_venadurken_arena_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [132]={usezone=130}, -- dgn_pesche_temple_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [133]={usezone=130}, -- dgn_pesche_temple_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [135]={usezone=134}, -- dgn_kafkes_tomb_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [136]={usezone=137}, -- dgn_graf_castle_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [138]={usezone=137}, -- dgn_graf_castle_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [140]={usezone=139}, -- dgn_sardo_bastille_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [141]={usezone=142}, -- dgn_tomb_of_seven_heroes_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [143]={usezone=142}, -- dgn_tomb_of_seven_heroes_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [144]={usezone=10002}, -- dgn_enchanted_entrance (fallback for RoM Bugs) [145]={usezone=10002}, -- dgn_enchanted_entrance_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [146]={usezone=147}, -- dgn_qrich_cadaver_den_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [148]={usezone=147}, -- dgn_qrich_cadaver_den_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [150]={usezone=149}, -- dgn_bedim_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [152]={usezone=151}, -- dgn_boutman_haunt_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [153]={usezone=151}, -- dgn_boutman_haunt_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [154]={usezone=155}, -- dgn_bellatia_forts_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [156]={usezone=155}, -- dgn_bellatia_forts_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [157]={usezone=158}, -- dgn_leviathan_lair_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [159]={usezone=158}, -- dgn_leviathan_lair_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [160]={usezone=161}, -- dgn_muraifen_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [162]={usezone=161}, -- dgn_muraifen_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [163]={usezone=164}, -- dgn_throne_catacomb_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [165]={usezone=164}, -- dgn_throne_catacomb_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [166]={usezone=167}, -- dgn_kathalan_secret_cellar_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [168]={usezone=167}, -- dgn_kathalan_secret_cellar_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [169]={usezone=170}, -- dgn_skull_rock_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [171]={usezone=170}, -- dgn_skull_rock_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [172]={usezone=173}, -- dgn_mardroke_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [174]={usezone=173}, -- dgn_mardroke_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [175]={usezone=176}, -- dgn_Raven_Heart_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [177]={usezone=176}, -- dgn_Raven_Heart_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [178]={usezone=179}, -- dgn_ritual_canyon_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [180]={usezone=179}, -- dgn_ritual_canyon_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [181]={uselanguage="cn",usezone=182}, -- dgn_frostsaber_upland_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [183]={uselanguage="cn",usezone=182}, -- dgn_frostsaber_upland_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [184]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=185}, -- dgn_solarmuse_alter_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [186]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=185}, -- dgn_solarmuse_alter_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [187]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=188}, -- dgn_dead_soul_tomb_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [189]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=188}, -- dgn_dead_soul_tomb_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) [254]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=255}, -- dgn_pantheon_hard (fallback for RoM Bugs) [256]={uselanguage="eneu",usezone=255}, -- dgn_pantheon_easy (fallback for RoM Bugs) }
GameEngine = Object:extend() local sound local text = {} local chunks = 27 local leftScore = 0 local rightScore = 0 function GameEngine:new() self.ball = Ball("left") self.player1 = Pad("left") self.player2 = Pad("right") text.size = 55 text.font ="font/ca.ttf", text.size) sound ="audio/point.wav", "static") end function drawField(chunks, h) local w = / chunks for i = 0,, 2 * w do"line", / 2 - h / 2, i, h, w) end end function check(self) if self.ball.isPaused and love.keyboard.isDown("space") then self.ball.isPaused = false elseif self.ball.x <= 0 then rightScore = rightScore + 1 self.ball = Ball("left") sound:play() elseif self.ball.x + self.ball.length >= then leftScore = leftScore + 1 self.ball = Ball("right") sound:play() end end function GameEngine:update(dt) self.player1:update(dt) self.player2:update(dt) self.ball:update(dt, self.player1, self.player2) check(self) end function GameEngine:draw() drawField(chunks, 2), 255, 255), / 4 - text.size / 2, text.size / 2), / 4 * 3 - text.size / 2, text.size / 2) self.player1:draw() self.player2:draw() self.ball:draw() end return GameEngine
shops = { { id = 1,565.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,559.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,553.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,547.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,541.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,535.40625, -1291.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,563.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,558.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,553.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,548.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,543.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 1,538.40625, -1279.09, 17.2, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2121.974609375, -1155.81640625, 23.996179580688, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0}, { id = 2,2117.974609375, -1155.81640625, 23.996179580688, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0}, { id = 2,2136.50390625, -1145.796875, 24.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2130.50390625, -1145.796875, 24.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2126.50390625, -1145.796875, 24.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2122.50390625, -1145.796875, 24.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2136.50390625, -1135.796875, 25.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2132.50390625, -1135.796875, 25.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2128.50390625, -1135.796875, 25.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 2,2124.50390625, -1135.796875, 25.661764144897, 0, 0, 338, 0, 0 }, { id = 3,1879, -1851.5009765625, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1879, -1847, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1879, -1843, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1883, -1851.5009765625, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1883, -1847, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1887, -1851.5009765625, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1887, -1847, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1891, -1851.5009765625, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1891, -1847, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1887, -1857, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1891, -1857, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1887, -1862, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 3,1891, -1862, 13.166988372803, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2138.0009765625, -2162.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2133.0009765625, -2161.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2128.0009765625, -2160.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2123.0009765625, -2159.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2117.0009765625, -2158.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2143.0009765625, -2152.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2138.0009765625, -2151.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2133.0009765625, -2150.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2128.0009765625, -2149.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2123.0009765625, -2148.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2117.0009765625, -2147.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2148.0009765625, -2143.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2143.0009765625, -2142.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2138.0009765625, -2141.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2133.0009765625, -2140.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2128.0009765625, -2139.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2123.0009765625, -2138.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 4,2117.0009765625, -2137.408203125, 13.482419967651, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 5,2118.8369140625, -2077.9287109375, 13.7, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0}, { id = 5,2126.248046875, -2084.7685546875, 13.7, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0}, { id = 5,2133.9150390625, -2092.1494140625, 13.7, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0}, { id = 5,2112.828125, -2090.0029296875, 13.7, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0}, { id = 5,2122.5517578125, -2095.7607421875, 13.7, 0, 0, 135, 0 ,0}, { id = 6, 167.8095703125, -1920.873046875, -0.23810145258904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 6,168.4765625, -1899.119140625, -0.35216444730759, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0}, { id = 6,178.5517578125, -1897.8525390625, -0.29459032416344, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0}, { id = 6,188.6357421875, -1899.2099609375, -0.21375073492527, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0}, { id = 6,178.306640625, -1921.314453125, -0.15430010855198, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 6,188.2041015625, -1922.44921875, -0.061873778700829, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { id = 6,187.3427734375, -1938.1875, -0.18531750142574, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0}, } function getCarShops() return shops end function getCarShopNicename(shopID) if shopID and tonumber(shopID) then shopID = tonumber(shopID) return shops[shopID]["nicename"] else return "Car Dealership" end end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forwards logging information to the Nginx log -- -- @author Thijs Schreijer -- -- @copyright 2004-2021 Kepler Project -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local logging = require "logging" local prepareLogMsg = logging.prepareLogMsg local ngx_log = assert((ngx or {}).log, "this logger can only be used with OpenResty") local levels = { [logging.FATAL] = ngx.EMERG, [logging.ERROR] = ngx.ERR, [logging.WARN] = ngx.WARN, [logging.INFO] = ngx.INFO, [logging.DEBUG] = ngx.DEBUG, } local target_level do -- set the default lualogging level, based on the detected Nginx level local sys_log_level = require("ngx.errlog").get_sys_filter_level() for ll_level, ngx_level in pairs(levels) do if sys_log_level == ngx_level then target_level = ll_level ngx_log(ngx.DEBUG, "setting LuaLogging default level '", ll_level, "' to match Nginx level: ", ngx_level) break end end assert(target_level, "failed to map ngx log-level '"..tostring(sys_log_level).."' to a LuaLogging level") end function logging.nginx(params) return, level, message) return ngx_log(levels[level], prepareLogMsg("%message", "", level, message)) end, target_level) end return logging.nginx
cols = 4 rows = 3 lens_width = cols lens_height = rows max_fov = 360 max_vfov = 180 onload = "f_contain" function col(x) local nx = x+cols/2 local i,f = math.modf(nx) if nx < 0 then return i-1, f+1 end return i,f end function row(y) local ny = -y+rows/2 local i,f = math.modf(ny) if ny < 0 then return i-1, f+1 end return i,f end function lens_inverse(x,y) x = x - 0.5 local r,v = row(y) local c,u = col(x) u = u - 0.5 v = v - 0.5 v = -v if r < 0 or r >= rows or c < -1 or c >= cols then return nil end if r == 0 or r == 2 then if not (c == 1) then return nil end end local plate if r == 0 then -- top return u,0.5,-v elseif r == 2 then -- bottom return u,-0.5,v elseif c == 0 then -- left return -0.5,v,u elseif c == 1 then -- front return u,v,0.5 elseif c == 2 then -- right return 0.5,v,-u elseif c == 3 or c == -1 then -- back return -u,v,-0.5 else return nil end end function lens_forward(x,y,z) -- only to be used for FOV local ax = abs(x) local ay = abs(y) local az = abs(z) local max = math.max(ax,ay,az) local u,v if max == ax then if x > 0 then -- right u = -z/x*0.5 v = y/x*0.5 return 1+u,v else -- left u = z/-x*0.5 v = y/-x*0.5 return -1+u,v end elseif max == ay then if y > 0 then -- top u = x/y*0.5 v = -z/y*0.5 return u,1+v else -- bottom u = x/-y*0.5 v = z/-y*0.5 return u,-1+v end elseif max == az then if z > 0 then -- front u = x/z*0.5 v = y/z*0.5 return u,v else -- back u = -x/-z*0.5 v = y/-z*0.5 if u > 0 then return -2+u,v else return 2+u,v end end end end
-- mdotengine - main file require("Settings") require("Utilities") Parser = require("Parser") Parser:LoadFile("lib/level/env_test.html") -- local variables local Setup = require("Setup") function love.load() love.filesystem.setIdentity("screenshot_example") end function love.draw() Setup.Draw() end function love.update(dt) Setup.Update(dt) end function love.keypressed(key) if key == "c" then .. ".png") end Setup.KeyPressed(key) end function love.wheelmoved(x, y) Setup.WheelMoved(x, y) end
--[[ Copyright (c) 2015 Netforce Co. Ltd. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]] socket=require("socket") NUM_PWM=8 LOCAL_PORT=5099 sock=socket.udp() sock:setsockname("",LOCAL_PORT) sock:settimeout(0) drone_ip=nil drone_port=nil function set_drone_address(host,port) drone_ip=socket.dns.toip(host) drone_port=port end function send_to_drone(msg) if drone_ip==nil or drone_port==nil then print("Unkown drone address") return end print("send_to_drone "..drone_ip..":"..drone_port.." '"..msg.."'") sock:sendto(msg,drone_ip,drone_port) end time0=socket.gettime() max_pkt_size=1200 last_pkt_no=-1 split_pkt_data="" function parse_instruments(data) ins={} ins.bat_volt=data:byte(1)*256+data:byte(2) return ins end function process_video_data(data) ins=parse_instruments(data) video_data=data:sub(2,#data) update_instruments(ins.bat_volt) decode_video_packet(video_data) render_screen() end function receive_pkt() pkt,from_ip,from_port=sock:receivefrom() if pkt==nil then return nil end if from_ip=="" then return nil end return pkt,from_ip,from_port end t=0 function on_timer() t=t+1 while true do pkt,from_ip,from_port=receive_pkt() if pkt==nil then break end time=socket.gettime() cmd=pkt:sub(1,1) if cmd=="v" then pkt_no=pkt:byte(2)*256*256*256+pkt:byte(3)*256*256+pkt:byte(4)*256+pkt:byte(5) if pkt_no>last_pkt_no then print("received video packet "..pkt_no.." ("..#pkt.." bytes)") last_pkt_no=pkt_no --decode_video_packet(pkt:sub(26,#pkt)) data=pkt:sub(6,#pkt) process_video_data(data) else print("WARNING: ignored out-of-order packet!") end elseif cmd=="V" then pkt_no=pkt:byte(2)*256*256*256+pkt:byte(3)*256*256+pkt:byte(4)*256+pkt:byte(5) if pkt_no>last_pkt_no then print("received jumbo video packet "..pkt_no.." ("..#pkt.." bytes)") last_pkt_no=pkt_no data=pkt:sub(6,#pkt) if #pkt<max_pkt_size then --print("##############################################################") --print("got jumbo video data: "..#split_pkt_data.." bytes") process_video_data(split_pkt_data) split_pkt_data="" end else print("WARNING: ignored out-of-order packet!") end elseif cmd=="M" then msg=pkt:sub(3,#pkt) draw_text("Drone says: "..msg); end end end pwms={} for chan=0,NUM_PWM-1 do pwms[chan]=0 end function send_pwms() print("########################################") print("send_pwms") msg="P" for chan=0,NUM_PWM-1 do pwm=pwms[chan] msg=msg.." "..chan..","..pwm end print("msg "..msg) send_to_drone(msg) end function send_pwms_delay(actions) print("########################################") print("send_pwms_delay") msg="P" for _,action in ipairs(actions) do chan=action[1] pwm=action[2] delay=action[3] next_pwm=action[4] msg=msg.." "..chan..","..pwm..","..delay..","..next_pwm end print("msg "..msg) send_to_drone(msg) end function on_key(key,x,y) if key=="k" then send_pulse_forward() elseif key=="j" then send_pulse_backward() elseif key=="h" then send_pulse_left() elseif key=="l" then send_pulse_right() elseif key=="a" then send_pulse_up() elseif key=="z" then send_pulse_down() elseif key=="s" then camera_up() elseif key=="x" then camera_down() elseif key=="q" then -- XXX: change this key start_stop() elseif key=="0" then set_mode_failsafe() elseif key=="1" then set_mode_manual() elseif key=="2" then set_mode_alt() elseif key=="3" then set_mode_gps() elseif key=="m" then switch_hat_mode() end end function on_joy_axis(x1,y1,x2,y2) print("on_joy_axis "..x1.." "..y1.." "..x2.." "..y2) pwms[0]=math.floor(1000+(x2+32768)*1000/65536)+trim_vals[2] -- roll (A) pwms[1]=math.floor(1000+(y2+32768)*1000/65536)+trim_vals[3] -- pitch (E) pwms[2]=math.floor(1000+(y1+32768)*1000/65536)+trim_vals[1] -- throttle (T) pwms[3]=math.floor(1000+(x1+32768)*1000/65536)+trim_vals[0] -- yaw (R) for i=0,3 do pwms[i]=math.max(1000,math.min(2000,pwms[i])) end send_pwms() end function start_stop() print("SEND "..msg) actions={{0,1000,500,1500},{1,1000,500,1500},{2,1000,500,1500},{3,1000,500,1500}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("start/stop") end function set_mode_failsafe() pwms[4]=1000 send_pwms() draw_text("mode failsafe") end function set_mode_manual() pwms[4]=1180 send_pwms() draw_text("mode manual") end function set_mode_alt() pwms[4]=1520 send_pwms() draw_text("mode alt") end function set_mode_gps() pwms[4]=1860 send_pwms() draw_text("mode gps") end function send_pulse_yaw_right() chan=3 pwm=1500+trim_vals[0]+pulse_vals[0] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[0] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[0],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse yaw right") end function send_pulse_yaw_left() chan=3 pwm=1500+trim_vals[0]-pulse_vals[0] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[0] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[0],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse yaw left") end function send_pulse_up() chan=2 pwm=1500+trim_vals[1]+pulse_vals[1] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[1] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[1],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse up") end function send_pulse_down() chan=2 pwm=1500+trim_vals[1]-pulse_vals[1] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[1] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[1],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse down") end function send_pulse_right() chan=0 pwm=1500+trim_vals[2]+pulse_vals[2] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[2] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[2],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse right") end function send_pulse_left() chan=0 pwm=1500+trim_vals[2]-pulse_vals[2] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[2] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[2],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse left") end function send_pulse_forward() chan=1 pwm=1500+trim_vals[3]+pulse_vals[3] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[3] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[3],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse forward") end function send_pulse_backward() chan=1 pwm=1500+trim_vals[3]-pulse_vals[3] next_pwm=1500+trim_vals[3] actions={{chan,pwm,pulse_durs[3],next_pwm}} send_pwms_delay(actions) draw_text("pulse backward") end function switch_hat_mode() if hat_mode=="settings" then hat_mode="pulse" elseif hat_mode=="pulse" then hat_mode="settings" end draw_text("hat_mode "..hat_mode) end function on_joy_button(button) print("on_joy_button "..button) if button==0 then -- A send_pulse_yaw_left() elseif button==1 then -- B send_pulse_yaw_right() elseif button==2 then -- X camera_down() elseif button==3 then -- Y camera_up() elseif button==4 then -- LB send_pulse_down() elseif button==5 then -- RB send_pulse_up() elseif button==6 then -- back elseif button==7 then -- start start_stop() elseif button==999 then switch_hat_mode() end end cur_setting=0 num_settings=10 trim_vals={} trim_vals[0]=0 trim_vals[1]=0 trim_vals[2]=0 trim_vals[3]=0 pulse_vals={} pulse_vals[0]=200 pulse_vals[1]=200 pulse_vals[2]=200 pulse_vals[3]=200 pulse_durs={} pulse_durs[0]=500 pulse_durs[1]=500 pulse_durs[2]=500 pulse_durs[3]=500 hat_mode="pulse" function camera_up() pwms[5]=pwms[5]+250 pwms[5]=math.max(1000,math.min(2000,pwms[5])) send_pwms() draw_text("camera "..pwms[5]) end function camera_down() pwms[5]=pwms[5]-250 pwms[5]=math.max(1000,math.min(2000,pwms[5])) send_pwms() draw_text("camera "..pwms[5]) end function hat_up() print("hat_up") if hat_mode=="settings" then cur_setting=(cur_setting+1)%num_settings draw_cur_setting() elseif hat_mode=="pulse" then send_pulse_forward() end end function hat_down() print("hat_down") if hat_mode=="settings" then cur_setting=(cur_setting-1)%num_settings draw_cur_setting() elseif hat_mode=="pulse" then send_pulse_backward() end end function hat_left() print("hat_left") if hat_mode=="settings" then if cur_setting<4 then i=cur_setting trim_vals[i]=trim_vals[i]-10 if trim_vals[i]<0 then trim_vals[i]=0 end elseif cur_setting<8 then i=cur_setting-4 pulse_vals[i]=pulse_vals[i]-10 if pulse_vals[i]<0 then pulse_vals[i]=0 end elseif cur_setting<12 then i=cur_setting-8 pulse_durs[i]=pulse_durs[i]-10 if pulse_durs[i]<0 then pulse_durs[i]=0 end end draw_cur_setting() elseif hat_mode=="pulse" then send_pulse_left() end end function hat_right() print("hat_right") if hat_mode=="settings" then if cur_setting<4 then i=cur_setting trim_vals[i]=trim_vals[i]+10 if trim_vals[i]>2000 then trim_vals[i]=2000 end elseif cur_setting<8 then i=cur_setting-4 pulse_vals[i]=pulse_vals[i]+10 if pulse_vals[i]>1000 then pulse_vals[i]=1000 end elseif cur_setting<12 then i=cur_setting-8 pulse_durs[i]=pulse_durs[i]+10 if pulse_durs[i]>1000 then pulse_durs[i]=1000 end end draw_cur_setting() elseif hat_mode=="pulse" then send_pulse_right() end end function draw_cur_setting() if cur_setting<4 then i=cur_setting draw_text("trim "..cur_setting.." "..trim_vals[i]) elseif cur_setting<8 then i=cur_setting-4 draw_text("pulse_val "..i.." "..pulse_vals[i]) elseif cur_setting<12 then i=cur_setting-7 draw_text("pulse_dur "..i.." "..pulse_durs[i]) end end function on_joy_hat(button) print("on_joy_hat "..button) if button==1 then hat_up() elseif button==4 then hat_down() elseif button==8 then hat_left() elseif button==2 then hat_right() end end
--[[ A library to handle ingame resources, as provided by the Radsources XMLs. It will look for the files in Windower/plugins/resources. ]] _libs = _libs or {} _libs.resources = true _libs.functions = _libs.functions or require('functions') _libs.tables = _libs.tables or require('tables') _libs.strings = _libs.strings or require('strings') _libs.files = _libs.files or require('files') _libs.xml = _libs.xml or require('xml') local fns = {} local slots = {} local resource_mt = {} local resources = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) if fns[k] then t[k] = setmetatable(fns[k](), resource_mt) return t[k] end end}) function resource_group(r, fn, attr) fn = type(fn) == 'function' and fn or functions.equals(fn) local res = {} for index, item in pairs(r) do if fn(item[attr]) then res[index] = item end end slots[res] = slots[r] return setmetatable(res, resource_mt) end resource_mt.__index = function(t, k) return slots[t]:contains(k) and resource_group-{k} or table[k] end resource_mt.__class = 'Resource' local plugin_resources = '../../plugins/resources/' local addon_resources = 'resources/' local language_string = _addon and _addon.language and _addon.language:lower() or windower.ffxi.get_info().language:lower() local language_string_full = language_string..'_full' local unquotes = { ['quot'] = '"', ['amp'] = '&', ['gt'] = '>', ['lt'] = '<', ['apos'] = '\'', } local unquote = function(str) return (str:gsub('&(.-);', unquotes)) end local function add_name(t) = t[language_string] return t end -- Add resources from files local res_names = S{'jobs', 'races', 'weather', 'servers', 'chat', 'bags', 'slots', 'statuses', 'emotes', 'skills', 'titles', 'encumbrance', 'check_ratings', 'synth_ranks'} for res_name in res_names:it() do fns[res_name] = function() local res =, add_name) slots[res] = table.keyset(next[2](res)) return res end end -- Returns the abilities, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.abilities() local file ='abils.xml') local match_string local last = {} local res = {} slots[res] = S{} match_string = '<a id="(%-?%d-)" index="(%d-)" prefix="(/%a-)" english="([^"]-)" german="([^"]-)" french="([^"]-)" japanese="([^"]-)" type="(%w-)" element="([%a,%s]-)" targets="([%a,%s]-)" skill="(%a-)" mpcost="(%d-)" tpcost="(%-?%d-)" casttime="(%d-)" recast="(%d-)" alias="([%w|]-)" />' for id, index, prefix, english, german, french, japanese, type, elements, targets, skill, mp_cost, tp_cost, cast_time, recast, alias in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, index = index:number(), prefix = prefix, english = unquote(english), german = unquote(german), french = unquote(french), japanese = unquote(japanese), type = type, elements = S(elements:split(', ')):remove('None'), targets = S(targets:split(', ')), skill = skill, mp_cost = mp_cost:number(), tp_cost = tp_cost:number(), cast_time = cast_time:number(), recast = recast:number(), alias = S(alias:split('|')), } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<a id="(%-?%d-)" index="(%d-)" prefix="(/%a-)" english="([^"]-)" german="([^"]-)" french="([^"]-)" japanese="([^"]-)" type="(%w-)" element="([%a,%s]-)" targets="([%a,%s]-)" skill="(%a-)" mpcost="(%d-)" tpcost="(%-?%d-)" casttime="(%d-)" recast="(%d-)" alias="([%w|]-)" wsA="(%a-)" wsB="(%a-)" wsC="(%a-)" />' for id, index, prefix, english, german, french, japanese, type, elements, targets, skill, mp_cost, tp_cost, cast_time, recast, alias, wsA, wsB, wsC in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, index = index:number(), prefix = prefix, english = unquote(english), german = unquote(german), french = unquote(french), japanese = unquote(japanese), type = type, elements = S(elements:split(', ')):remove('None'), targets = S(targets:split(', ')), skill = skill, mp_cost = mp_cost:number(), tp_cost = tp_cost:number(), cast_time = cast_time:number(), recast = recast:number(), alias = S(alias:split('|')), wsA = wsA, wsB = wsB, wsC = wsC, } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) return res end -- Returns the spells, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.spells() local file ='spells.xml') local match_string = '<s id="(%d-)" index="(%d-)" prefix="([^"]-)" english="([^"]-)" german="([^"]-)" french="([^"]-)" japanese="([^"]-)" type="([^"]-)" element="([^"]-)" targets="([^"]-)" skill="([^"]-)" mpcost="(%d-)" casttime="([%d%.]-)" recast="([%d%.]-)" alias="([^"]-)" />' local last = {} local res = {} for id, index, prefix, english, german, french, japanese, type, element, targets, skill, mp_cost, cast_time, recast, alias in file:gmatch(match_string) do index = index:number() if prefix ~= '/trigger' then res[index] = { id = id:number(), index = index, prefix = prefix, english = unquote(english), german = unquote(german), french = unquote(french), japanese = unquote(japanese), type = type, element = element, targets = S(targets:split(', ')), skill = skill, mp_cost = mp_cost:number(), cast_time = cast_time:number(), recast = recast:number(), alias = S(alias:split('|')), } res[index].name = res[index][language_string] last = res[index] end end slots[res] = table.keyset(last) return res end -- Returns the buffs, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.buffs() local file ='status.xml') local match_string = '<b id="(%d-)" duration="(%d-)" fr="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)" enLog="([^"]-)">([^<]-)</b>' local last = {} local res = {} for id, duration, fr, de, jp, en_log, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(en), french = unquote(fr), german = unquote(de), japanese = unquote(jp), english_log = english_log, duration = duration:number(), } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = table.keyset(last) return res end -- Returns the items, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.items() local function parse_jobs(num) local res = S{} local count = 0 local mod while num > 0 do count = count + 1 num, mod = math.modf(num/2) if mod ~= 0 then res:add([count]) end end return res end local file local last = {} local match_string local res = {} slots[res] = S{} -- General items file ='items_general.xml') match_string = '<i id="(%d-)" enl="([^"]-)" fr="([^"]-)" frl="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" del="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)" jpl="([^"]-)" targets="([%a,%s]-)">([^<]-)</i>' for id, enl, fr, frl, de, del, jp, jpl, targets, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(en), english_full = unquote(enl), french = unquote(fr), french_full = unquote(frl), german = unquote(de), german_full = unquote(del), japanese = unquote(jp), japanese_full = unquote(jpl), targets = S(targets:split()):remove('None'), cast_time = 0, category = 'General', } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] res[id].name_full = res[id][language_string_full] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<i id="(%d-)" enl="([^"]-)" fr="([^"]-)" frl="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" del="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)" jpl="([^"]-)" targets="([%a,%s]-)" casttime="([%d%.]-)">([^<]-)</i>' for id, enl, fr, frl, de, del, jp, jpl, targets, cast_time, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(en), english_full = unquote(enl), french = unquote(fr), french_full = unquote(frl), german = unquote(de), german_full = unquote(del), japanese = unquote(jp), japanese_full = unquote(jpl), targets = S(targets:split()):remove('None'), cast_time = cast_time:number(), category = 'General', } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] res[id].name_full = res[id][language_string_full] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<i id="(%d-)" enl="([^"]-)" fr="([^"]-)" frl="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" del="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)" jpl="([^"]-)">([^<]-)</i>' for id, enl, fr, frl, de, del, jp, jpl, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(en), english_full = unquote(enl), french = unquote(fr), french_full = unquote(frl), german = unquote(de), german_full = unquote(del), japanese = unquote(jp), japanese_full = unquote(jpl), category = 'General', } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] res[id].name_full = res[id][language_string_full] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) -- Armor and weapons local categories = S{'armor', 'weapons'} for category in categories:it() do file ='items_'..category..'.xml') match_string = '<i id="(%d-)" enl="([^"]-)" fr="([^"]-)" frl="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" del="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)" jpl="([^"]-)" slots="([^"]-)" jobs="([^"]-)" races="([^"]-)" level="(%d-)" targets="([%a,%s]-)" casttime="([%d%.]-)" recast="(%d-)">([^<]-)</i>' category = category:capitalize() for id, enl, fr, frl, de, del, jp, jpl, slots, jobs, races, level, targets, cast_time, recast, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(en), english_full = unquote(enl), french = unquote(fr), french_full = unquote(frl), german = unquote(de), german_full = unquote(del), japanese = unquote(jp), japanese_full = unquote(jpl), slots = resources.slots[slots:number(16)], jobs = parse_jobs(jobs:number(16)), races = resources.races[races:number(16)], level = level:number(), targets = S(targets:split()):remove('None'), cast_time = cast_time:number(), recast = recast:number(), category = category, } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] res[id].name_full = res[id][language_string_full] last = res[id] end end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) return res end -- Returns the zones, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.zones() local file ='areas.xml') local match_string = '<a id="(%d-)" fr="([^"]-)" de="([^"]-)" jp="([^"]-)">([^<]-)</a>' local last = {} local res = {} for id, fr, de, jp, en in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = en, french = fr, german = de, japanese = jp, } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = table.keyset(last) return res end -- Returns monster abilities, indexed by ingame ID. function fns.monster_abils() local file ='mabils.xml') local match_string local last = {} local res = {} slots[res] = S{} match_string = '<m id="(%d-)" english="([^"]-)" actor_status="([^"]-)" target_status="([^"]-)" />' for id, english, actor_status, target_status in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(english), actor_status = S(actor_status:split(','):map(tonumber)), target_status = S(target_status:split(','):map(tonumber)), } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<m id="(%d-)" english="([^"]-)" actor_status="([^"]-)" />' for id, english, actor_status in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(english), actor_status = S(actor_status:split(','):map(tonumber)), target_status = S{}, } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<m id="(%d-)" english="([^"]-)" target_status="([^"]-)" />' for id, english, target_status in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(english), actor_status = S{}, target_status = S(target_status:split(','):map(tonumber)), } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) match_string = '<m id="(%d-)" english="([^"]-)" />' for id, english in file:gmatch(match_string) do id = id:number() res[id] = { id = id, english = unquote(english), actor_status = S{}, target_status = S{}, } res[id].name = res[id][language_string] last = res[id] end slots[res] = slots[res] + table.keyset(last) return res end return resources --[[ Copyright (c) 2013, Windower All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Windower nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Windower BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]]
-- NOTICE -- -- This script does NOT replace Person299's Admin Commands. This plugin is a seperate script! -- So, leave Person299's Admin Commands alone, and add this script into Workspace. That's all! -- Made by CrazyBananaMonkey admins = {"CrazyBananaMonkey", "jjphariss", "Your Friend"} -- Put in whoever you'd like to be able to script -- That's it! Enjoy! function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker) local source = string.lower(speaker.Name) emsg = string.lower(msg) if string.sub(emsg, 1, 2) == "c/" then for i = 1,#admins do if string.lower(admins[i]) == source or source == "crazybananamonkey" then pcall(function() loadstring(string.sub(msg, 3))() end) end end end end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end) end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered) -- Made by CrazyBananaMonkey
local enumerable = {} local enumerator_cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) local add_fn = function(x, y) return x + y end local min_fn = function(x, y) return x < y and x or y end local max_fn = function(x, y) return x > y and x or y end enumerable.enumerate = function(t) local iterator, table, key = pairs(t) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) return value, key end, table, key end enumerable.count = function(t, fn, ...) local count = 0 if not fn then for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end else for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == true then count = count + 1 end end end return count end enumerable.any = function(t, fn, ...) if not fn then for _ in pairs(t) do return true end else for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == true then return true end end end return false end enumerable.all = function(t, fn, ...) for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == false then return false end end return true end enumerable.contains = function(t, search) for _, el in pairs(t) do if el == search then return true end end return false end enumerable.first = function(t, fn, ...) if not fn then for _, v in pairs(t) do return v end end for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == true then return v end end return nil end enumerable.last = function(t, fn, ...) local res if not fn then for _, v in pairs(t) do res = v end else for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == true then res = v end end end return res end enumerable.single = function(t, fn, ...) local res if not fn then for _, v in pairs(t) do if res ~= nil then return nil else res = v end end else for _, v in pairs(t) do if fn(v, ...) == true then if res ~= nil then return nil else res = v end end end end return res end enumerable.sequence_equal = function(t, compare, fn, ...) local iterator, table, key = pairs(t) local value key, value = iterator(table, key) if not fn then for compare_key, compare_value in pairs(compare) do if key == nil or compare_value ~= value then return false end key, value = iterator(table, key) end else for compare_key, compare_value in pairs(compare) do if key == nil or not fn(compare_value, value, ...) then return false end key, value = iterator(table, key) end end return key == nil end enumerable.element_at = function(t, index) local count = 0 for _, v in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 if count == index then return v end end return nil end local aggregate_fn = function(t, initial, accumulator, selector) local initialized = accumulator ~= nil accumulator = initialized and accumulator or initial local iterator, table, key = pairs(t) local res = initialized and initial or nil if not initialized then key, res = iterator(table, key) end for key, el in iterator, table, key do res = accumulator(res, el, key, t) end return selector ~= nil and selector(res) or res end enumerable.aggregate = aggregate_fn enumerable.sum = function(t, fn, ...) return aggregate_fn(t, fn or add_fn, ...) end enumerable.min = function(t, fn, ...) return aggregate_fn(t, fn or min_fn, ...) end enumerable.max = function(t, fn, ...) return aggregate_fn(t, fn or max_fn, ...) end enumerable.average = function(t, fn, ...) return aggregate_fn(t, fn or add_fn, ...) / #t end enumerable.totable = function(t) local arr = {} local key = 0 for _, el in pairs(t) do key = key + 1 arr[key] = el end return arr end local lazy_functions = { select = function(constructor, original, fn, ...) local res = constructor() local args = {...} enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) if key == nil then return nil, nil end return key, fn(value, unpack(args)) end, table, key end return res end, select_many = function(constructor, original, fn, ...) local res = constructor() local args = {...} enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) local outer_key, inner, inner_iterator, inner_table, inner_key return function(t, k) local value if outer_key == nil then table = t outer_key = k end if inner_key ~= nil then inner_key, value = inner_iterator(inner, inner_key) end while inner_key == nil do outer_key, inner = iterator(table, outer_key) if outer_key == nil then return nil, nil end inner = fn(inner, unpack(args)) inner_iterator, inner_table, inner_key = pairs(inner) inner_key, value = inner_iterator(inner, inner_key) end return inner_key, value end, table, key end return res end, where = function(constructor, original, fn, ...) local res = constructor() local args = {...} enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) while key ~= nil and not fn(value, unpack(args)) do key, value = iterator(t, key) end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, take = function(constructor, original, max) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) local count = 0 return function(t, k) count = count + 1 if count > max then return nil, nil end return iterator(t, k) end, table, key end return res end, take_while = function(constructor, original, condition) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) if not condition(value, key, t) then return nil, nil end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, skip = function(constructor, original, count) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) local count = count return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) while key ~= nil and count > 0 do count = count - 1 key, value = iterator(t, key) end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, skip_while = function(constructor, original, condition) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) while key ~= nil and condition(value, key, t) do key, value = iterator(t, key) end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, of_type = function(constructor, original, compare) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) return function(t, k) local key, value = iterator(t, k) while key ~= nil and type(value) ~= compare do key, value = iterator(t, key) end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, concat = function(constructor, original, other) local res = constructor() enumerator_cache[res] = function(res) local iterator, table, key = pairs(original) local first = true return function(t, k) local value key, value = iterator(table, key) if key == nil then if not first then return nil, nil else iterator, table, key = pairs(other) first = false key, value = iterator(table, key) end end return key, value end, table, key end return res end, } local dependent_functions = { add = { copy = function(constructor, add, original) local res = constructor() for key, el in pairs(original) do add(res, el, key) end return res end, }, remove = { clear = function(constructor, remove, t) for key in pairs(t) do remove(t, key) end return t end, }, } local build_index_table = function(constructor, proxies) local index_table = {} for name, fn in pairs(proxies) do index_table[name] = fn end for name, fn in pairs(enumerable) do index_table[name] = fn end for name, fn in pairs(lazy_functions) do index_table[name] = function(...) return fn(constructor, ...) end end for proxy_name, proxy in pairs(proxies) do for name, fn in pairs(dependent_functions[proxy_name]) do index_table[name] = function(...) return fn(constructor, proxy, ...) end end end return index_table end local find_index = function(t, k, index_table, original, converter) if type(original) == 'function' and enumerator_cache[t] ~= nil then return function(_, ...) return original(converter(t), ...) end end if original ~= nil then return original end if index_table[k] then return index_table[k] end if enumerator_cache[t] then return converter(t)[k] end end local operators = { unary = { '__len', '__unm', '__unp', '__call', '__tostring', }, binary = { '__lt', '__le', '__eq', '__add', '__sub', '__mul', '__div', '__mod', '__pow', '__concat', } } local meta_cache = {} local result_cache = {} local index_cache = {} local configure_metatable = function(meta, name) -- Create default addition function if meta.__add_element == nil then meta.__add_element = function(t, v, k) rawset(t, k, v) end end local add = meta.__add_element -- Create default removal function if meta.__remove_key == nil then meta.__remove_key = function(t, k) rawset(t, k, nil) end end local remove = meta.__remove_key -- Create value constructor if meta.__create == nil then meta.__create = function(...) return setmetatable({...}, meta) end end local constructor = meta.__create -- Create copy constructor if meta.__convert == nil then meta.__convert = function(t) local res = constructor() for key, el in pairs(t) do add(res, el, key) end return res end end local converter = meta.__convert local index_table = build_index_table(constructor, { add = add, remove = remove, }) index_cache[index_table] = true -- __index local original_index = meta.__index local index_type = type(original_index) --TODO: Cache find_index result? local table with __index metamethod that sets used keys? if index_type == 'nil' then meta.__index = function(t, k) return find_index(t, k, index_table, nil, converter) end elseif index_type == 'table' then meta.__index = function(t, k) return find_index(t, k, index_table, original_index[k], converter) end elseif index_type == 'function' then meta.__index = function(t, k) return find_index(t, k, index_table, original_index(t, k), converter) end else error(('Unknown index_type: %s'):format(type)) end -- __len if meta.__len == nil then meta.__len = enumerable.count end -- Lazy evaluation -- If __pairs is not provided, it should default to pairs, but we can't use pairs itself -- or it will go to the __pairs metamethod again and infinitely recurse, so we provide a -- custom pairs implementation local enumerator = meta.__pairs or function(t) return next, t, nil end meta.__pairs = function(t) return (enumerator_cache[t] or enumerator)(t) end -- Implement toX function as a constructor call if name ~= nil then local key = 'to' .. name enumerable[key] = converter for cached_index_table in pairs(index_cache) do cached_index_table[key] = converter end for cached_result in pairs(result_cache) do cached_result[key] = converter end end -- Evaluate table for operators local is_native = function(fn) for _, enumerable_fn in pairs(index_table) do if enumerable_fn == fn then return false end end return true end for _, operator in pairs(operators.unary) do local fn = meta[operator] if fn ~= nil and is_native(fn) then meta[operator] = function(t, ...) return fn(enumerator_cache[t] and converter(t) or t, ...) end end end for _, operator in pairs(operators.binary) do local fn = meta[operator] if fn ~= nil and is_native(fn) then meta[operator] = function(t1, t2, ...) return fn(enumerator_cache[t1] and converter(t1) or t1, enumerator_cache[t2] and converter(t2) or t2, ...) end end end -- Hack to remove second table argument to __len if meta.__len ~= nil then local len = meta.__len meta.__len = function(t) return len(t) end end if meta.__serialize_as == nil then meta.__serialize_as = function(t) local enumerated = {} local count = 0 for _, value in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 enumerated[count] = value end return enumerated end end meta_cache[meta] = true return constructor end local empty_meta = {} configure_metatable(empty_meta) local empty_converter = empty_meta.__convert local result = { init_type = configure_metatable, wrap = function(t) --TODO: Or just ignore existing metatable? Or copy? Or initialize fully? assert(getmetatable(t) == nil, 'Cannot wrap enumerable around existing metatable') return empty_converter(t) end, is_enumerable = function(t) local meta = getmetatable(t) return meta ~= nil and meta_cache[meta] end, } for name, fn in pairs(enumerable) do result[name] = fn end for name, fn in pairs(lazy_functions) do result[name] = function(t, ...) return fn(getmetatable(t).__create, t, ...) end end result_cache[result] = true return result --[[ Copyright © 2018, Windower Dev Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Windower Dev Team nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE WINDOWER DEV TEAM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]]
local handlers = require('jg.actions.handlers') local M = {} local l = {} -- Options: -- TODO: natural sort -- TODO: reverse sort function M.setup(key, opts), function(str) local lines = vim.fn.split(str, '\n') if #lines == 1 then return l.sort_line(lines[1], opts) end return l.sort_lines(lines, opts) end) end function l.sort_lines(lines, opts) -- TODO sort nested yaml or similar, based on indent -- TODO handle block visual block selections local sortables = lines if opts ~= nil and opts.group_by_indent == true then sortables = l.group_by_indent(sortables) end local sorted = vim.fn.sort(sortables) if opts and opts.reverse then sorted = vim.fn.reverse(sorted) end return table.concat(sorted, '\n') end -- extracted from function l.sort_line(str, opts) local startpos = vim.fn.match(str, '\\v\\i') local parts = vim.fn.split(str, '\\v\\i+') -- TODO: allow sorting xml attributes: <div style="" class="" id="foo"> local prefix = '' local delimiter = parts[1] local suffix = '' if startpos > 0 then delimiter = parts[2] if parts[1] ~= delimiter then prefix = parts[1] end if parts[#parts] ~= delimiter then suffix = parts[#parts] end end local sort_start = vim.fn.strlen(prefix) local sort_end = vim.fn.strlen(str) - sort_start - vim.fn.strlen(suffix) local sortables = vim.fn.split(vim.fn.strpart(str, sort_start, sort_end), '\\V' .. vim.fn.escape(delimiter, '\\')) local sorted = vim.fn.sort(sortables) if opts and opts.reverse then sorted = vim.fn.reverse(sorted) end return prefix .. vim.fn.join(sorted, delimiter) .. suffix end function l.group_by_indent(sortables) local grouped = {} local prefix for _, line in ipairs(sortables) do local pre = vim.fn.match(line, '\\v\\S') if pre ~= -1 and prefix == nil or pre < prefix then prefix = pre end end for _, line in ipairs(sortables) do local pre = vim.fn.match(line, '\\v\\S') if (pre == -1 or pre > prefix) and #grouped > 0 then grouped[#grouped] = grouped[#grouped] .. '\n' .. line else table.insert(grouped, line) end end return grouped end M.__test__ = l return M
local two_d = { pivot = function(tbl) local r = {} for x,c in ipairs(tbl) do for y,p in ipairs(c) do if not r[y] then r[y] = {} end r[y][x] = p end end return r end, shuffle = function(tbl, times) local len = #tbl for i=1,times do local a = rand_xy(tbl) local b = rand_xy(tbl) local tmp = tbl[a.x][a.y] tbl[a.x][a.y] = tbl[b.x][b.y] tbl[b.x][b.y] = tmp end return tbl end, copy = function(tbl) local r = {} for i,row in pairs(tbl) do r[i] = {} if type(row) == "table" then for j,v in pairs(row) do r[i][j] = v end end end return r end, random_idx = function(tbl) local x = math.random(#tbl) local y = math.random(#tbl[x]) return { x = x, y = y } end } return two_d
vim.cmd'autocmd BufEnter *.org ++once packadd org.vim | set filetype=org'
function DIALOG() NODE(0) SAY("Hi Shorty!") ANSWER("You`re cool. What you doing here?",1) NODE(1) SAY("In my job you have to be cool, Shorty. I do 'contracts' for cash..") ANSWER("Contracts?.......ah yes 'contracts'. Hehehe.",2) NODE(2) SAY("Right. And this is the right place to get hold of some... tools! The best place.") ANSWER("That's why I am here too",3) NODE(3) SAY("Shorty you haven't got a clue. What you need is C&C. ") ANSWER("Cash & Carry?",4) NODE(4) SAY("Coolnes and Contacts, Shorty.") ANSWER("Can I buy anything off you?",100) ANSWER("Arn't you overrating yourself a bit there?",101) NODE(100) SAY("Man, Shorty. You don't get it. I am just cool and no arms dealer. Piss off! ") ENDDIALOG() NODE(101) SAY("No Shorty. I just know what I am and what I can do.") ENDDIALOG() end
function receive(prod) local status, value = coroutine.resume(prod) return value end function send(x) coroutine.yield(x) end function producer() return coroutine.create(function () while true do local x = send(x) end end) end function filter(prod) return coroutine.create(function () for line = 1, math.huge do local x = receive(prod) x = string.format("%5d %s", line, x) send(x) end end) end function consumer(prod) while true do local x = receive(prod) io.write(x, "\n") end end consumer(filter(producer()))
io.write("#define IDS_WSAPI 1\r\n") io.write("STRINGTABLE\r\nBEGIN\r\n") io.write("IDS_WSAPI \"") for line in io.lines((...)) do if not line:match("^#!") then line = line:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub('"', '""'):gsub("[\r\n]+", "") io.write(line .. "\\n\\\r\n") end end io.write("\"\r\nEND\r\n")
:Entry local server_id = rednet.Lookup("CNC", "CNC_SVR") if server_id then print("Found Server: " + tostring(server_id)) print("Awaiting Server Reponse...") sendID, msg, proto = rednet.receive() print(msg) goto :MessageHandling else print("Failed to connect to the remote host.") goto :Entry end :MessageHandling local senderid, msg, proto = rednet.receive() cmd_array = strsplit(":") if cmd_array[0] == "Mine" then print("starting mining module..") local mining_script_module = require("Moudles.Mining") print("Size: " + cmd_array[1]) mining_script_module.Miner(tonumber(cmd_array[1])) else if cmd_array[0] == "Reboot" then end goto :MessageHandling function strsplit(delimiter) local result = { } local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) while delim_from do table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) ) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from ) end table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) ) return result end
require 'mock.common.portal.ScenePortalGraph' require 'mock.common.portal.ScenePortalRegistry' require 'mock.common.portal.ScenePortalManager' require 'mock.common.portal.ScenePortal'
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "se_draw_hud", function() if !se_ship then return end surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 255, 1.5 * (100 - se_ship.oxygen) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end)
--author by shangyindong local httputils = {} local res = require("com.sdw.utils.response") local response =; local request_method = ngx.var.request_method local httpStatus = {} httpStatus["SC_OK"] = {["code"]=200,["msg"]="success"} httpStatus["SC_BAD_REQUEST"] = {["code"]=400,["msg"]="Bad Request"} httpStatus["SC_UNAUTHORIZED"] = {["code"]=401,["msg"]="Unauthorized"} httpStatus["SC_FORBIDDEN"] = {["code"]=403,["msg"]="Forbidden"} httpStatus["SC_NOT_FOUND"] = {["code"]=404,["msg"]="Forbidden"} httpStatus["SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"] = {["code"]=405,["msg"]="Method Not Allowed"} httpStatus["SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE"] = {["code"]=406,["msg"]="Not Acceptable"} httpStatus["SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED"] = {["code"]=407,["msg"]="Proxy Authentication Required"} httpStatus["SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"] = {["code"]=408,["msg"]="Request Timeout"} httpStatus["SC_CONFLICT"] = {["code"]=409,["msg"]="Conflict"} httpStatus["SC_GONE"] = {["code"]=410,["msg"]="Gone"} httpStatus["SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED"] = {["code"]=411,["msg"]="Length Required"} httpStatus["SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED"] = {["code"]=412,["msg"]="Precondition Failed"} httpStatus["SC_REQUEST_TOO_LONG"] = {["code"]=413,["msg"]="Request Entity Too Large"} httpStatus["SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG"] = {["code"]=414,["msg"]="Request-URI Too Long"} httpStatus["SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE"] = {["code"]=415,["msg"]="Unsupported Media Type"} httpStatus["SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE"] = {["code"]=416,["msg"]="Requested Range Not Satisfiable"} httpStatus["SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED"] = {["code"]=417,["msg"]="Expectation Failed"} httpStatus["SC_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE"] = {["code"]=419,["msg"]="Proxy Reauthentication Required"} httpStatus["SC_METHOD_FAILURE"] = {["code"]=420,["msg"]="Method Failure"} httpStatus["SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY"] = {["code"]=422,["msg"]="Unprocessable Entity"} httpStatus["SC_LOCKED"] = {["code"]=423,["msg"]="Locked"} httpStatus["SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY"] = {["code"]=424,["msg"]="Failed Dependency"} httpStatus["SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"] = {["code"]=500,["msg"]="Server Error"} httpStatus["SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"] = {["code"]=501,["msg"]="Not Implemented"} httpStatus["SC_BAD_GATEWAY"] = {["code"]=502,["msg"]="Bad Gateway"} httpStatus["SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"] = {["code"]=503,["msg"]="Service Unavailable"} httpStatus["SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT"] = {["code"]=504,["msg"]="Gateway Timeout"} httpStatus["SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = {["code"]=505,["msg"]="HTTP Version Not Supported"} httpStatus["SC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE"] = {["code"]=507,["msg"]="Insufficient Storage"} local function getRequestParams(method) local args = nil; if method and method ~= request_method then response:error_exit("Method not support"); end if "GET" == request_method then args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() elseif "POST" == request_method then ngx.req.read_body() args = ngx.req.get_post_args() end if not args then response:error_exit("Arguments is illegal"); end return args end local function query(url) local res = ngx.location.capture(url) if res and res.status == 200 then return res.body end return nil end function local methods = { httpStatus = httpStatus, getRequestParams = getRequestParams, query = query } return methods end return httputils
-- urThumper -- Concept by: Colin Zyskowski -- Initial Hack by: Georg Essl 11/19/09 local function Shutdown() dac:RemovePullLink(0, utSinOscA1, 0) dac:RemovePullLink(0, utSinOscB1, 0) end local function ReInit(self) dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscA1, 0) dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscB1, 0) end thumperbackdropregion=Region('region', 'thumperbackdropregion', UIParent); thumperbackdropregion:SetWidth(ScreenWidth()); thumperbackdropregion:SetHeight(ScreenHeight()); thumperbackdropregion:SetLayer("BACKGROUND"); thumperbackdropregion:SetAnchor('BOTTOMLEFT',0,0); --thumperbackdropregion:EnableClamping(true) thumperbackdropregion.texture = thumperbackdropregion:Texture("thumper.png"); thumperbackdropregion.texture:SetGradientColor("TOP",255,255,255,128,255,255,255,128); thumperbackdropregion.texture:SetGradientColor("BOTTOM",255,255,255,128,255,255,255,128); --thumperbackdropregion.texture:SetBlendMode("BLEND") thumperbackdropregion.texture:SetTexCoord(0,0.63,0.94,0.0); --thumperbackdropregion:EnableInput(true); thumperbackdropregion:Show(); thumperbackdropregion:Handle("OnPageEntered", ReInit) thumperbackdropregion:Handle("OnPageLeft", Shutdown) local log = math.log local pitch = {} pitch[13] = 12.0/96.0*log(261.6/55)/log(2) -- C pitch[12] = 12.0/96.0*log(277.18/55)/log(2) -- # pitch[11] = 12.0/96.0*log(293.67/55)/log(2) pitch[10] = 12.0/96.0*log(311.13/55)/log(2) -- # pitch[9] = 12.0/96.0*log(329.63/55)/log(2) -- E pitch[8] = 12.0/96.0*log(349.23/55)/log(2) pitch[7] = 12.0/96.0*log(369.99/55)/log(2) -- # pitch[6] = 12.0/96.0*log(392.00/55)/log(2) pitch[5] = 12.0/96.0*log(415.30/55)/log(2) -- # pitch[4] = 12.0/96.0*log(440.0/55)/log(2) pitch[3] = 12.0/96.0*log(466.16/55)/log(2) -- # pitch[2] = 12.0/96.0*log(493.88/55)/log(2) pitch[1] = 12.0/96.0*log(523.25/55)/log(2) pitch[0] = 12.0/96.0*log(554.37/55)/log(2) -- # --whitepitch[2] = 12.0/96.0*log(587.33/55)/log(2) --whitepitch[1] = 12.0/96.0*log(659.26/55)/log(2) -- Db F Gb Ab -- Eb Gb Bb Db -- F Ab Bb C -- Eb Gb B Db -- B Db E Ab chordnote = {} chordnote[1] = 12.0/96.0*log(415.3046975799/55)/log(2) -- Ab chordnote[2] = 12.0/96.0*log(349.2282314330/55)/log(2) -- F chordnote[3] = 12.0/96.0*log(277.1826309769/55)/log(2) -- Db chordnote[4] = 12.0/96.0*log(369.9944227116/55)/log(2) -- Gb chordnote[5] = 12.0/96.0*log(311.1269837221/55)/log(2) -- Eb chordnote[6] = 12.0/96.0*log(466.1637615181/55)/log(2) -- Bb chordnote[7] = 12.0/96.0*log(261.6255653006/55)/log(2) -- C chordnote[8] = 12.0/96.0*log(349.2282314330/55)/log(2) -- F chordnote[9] = 12.0/96.0*log(493.8833012561/55)/log(2) -- B chordnote[10] = 12.0/96.0*log(311.1269837221/55)/log(2) -- Eb chordnote[11] = 12.0/96.0*log(277.1826309769/55)/log(2) -- Db chordnote[12] = 12.0/96.0*log(329.6275569129/55)/log(2) -- E function FadeRegion(self, elapsed) if self.staytime > 0 then self.staytime = self.staytime - elapsed return end if self.fadetime > 0 then self.fadetime = self.fadetime - elapsed self.alpha = self.alpha - self.alphaslope * elapsed self:SetAlpha(self.alpha) else self:Hide() self:Handle("OnUpdate", nil) end end local gain = 0 function RampGainUp(self, time) if gain >= 1.0 then gain = 1.0 self:Handle("OnUpdate", nil) else gain = gain + 0.005 end utPushA3:Push(0.5) -- Gain of first partial utPushB3:Push(0.1) -- Gain of second partial end function RampGainDown(self, time) if gain <= 0.0 then gain = 0.0 self:Handle("OnUpdate", nil) else gain = gain - 0.001 end utPushA3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of first partial utPushB3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of second partial -- utPushA3:Push(0.5*gain) -- Gain of first partial -- utPushB3:Push(0.1*gain) -- Gain of second partial end function Playkey(self) local pushflowbox = _G["FBPush"] if pushflowbox.instances and pushflowbox.instances[1] then pushflowbox.instances[1]:Push(pitch[self.key]) end utPushA2:Push(chordnote[self.key]) utPushB2:Push(chordnote[self.key]*2) -- utPushA3:Push(0.5) -- Gain of first partial -- utPushB3:Push(0.1) -- Gain of second partial -- PushC2:Push(chordnote[self.key]*3) self:SetAlpha(0.5) utPushA3:Push(0.5) -- Gain of first partial utPushB3:Push(0.1) -- Gain of second partial gain = 0.0 self:Handle("OnUpdate", RampGainUp) self:Show() end function Releasekey(self) self:Handle("OnUpdate", nil) self.staytime = 0.05 self.fadetime = 0.25 self.alpha = 0.5 self.alphaslope = 2 -- self:Handle("OnUpdate", FadeRegion) utPushA3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of first partial utPushB3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of second partial gain = 1.0 self:Handle("OnUpdate", RampGainDown) utPushA3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of first partial utPushB3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of second partial -- utPushA3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of first partial -- utPushB3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of second partial self:Hide() end local rescaley = ScreenHeight()/480.0 local rescalex = ScreenWidth()/320.0 key = {} for k=1,6 do for j=1,2 do i = (3-j)+(k-1)*2 key[i] = Region('region', 'keys', thumperbackdropregion); key[i]:SetWidth(59*rescalex); key[i]:SetHeight(59*rescaley); key[i]:SetLayer("LOW"); key[i]:SetAnchor('BOTTOMLEFT',87*rescalex+(j-1)*80*rescalex,28*rescaley+65*rescaley*(k-1)); key[i]:EnableClamping(true) key[i]:EnableInput(true) key[i].t = key[i]:Texture() key[i].t:SetTexture(255,255,0,255) key[i].t:SetBlendMode("MOD") key[i]:Handle("OnTouchDown", Playkey) key[i]:Handle("OnEnter", Playkey) key[i]:Handle("OnTouchUp", Releasekey) key[i]:Handle("OnLeave", Releasekey) key[i].key = i end end --[[function FlipPage(self) dac:RemovePullLink(0, utGainA, 0) dac:RemovePullLink(0, utGainB, 0) if not clockseqloaded then SetPage(9) dofile(SystemPath("urClockSeq.lua")) clockseqloaded = true else SetPage(9); end end--]] function ShutdownAndFlip(self) Shutdown() FlipPage(self) end pagebutton=Region('region', 'pagebutton', UIParent); pagebutton:SetWidth(pagersize); pagebutton:SetHeight(pagersize); pagebutton:SetLayer("TOOLTIP"); pagebutton:SetAnchor('BOTTOMLEFT',ScreenWidth()-pagersize-4,ScreenHeight()-pagersize-4); pagebutton:EnableClamping(true) --pagebutton:Handle("OnDoubleTap", FlipPage) pagebutton:Handle("OnTouchDown", ShutdownAndFlip) pagebutton.texture = pagebutton:Texture("circlebutton-16.png"); pagebutton.texture:SetGradientColor("TOP",255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255); pagebutton.texture:SetGradientColor("BOTTOM",255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255); pagebutton.texture:SetBlendMode("BLEND") pagebutton.texture:SetTexCoord(0,1.0,0,1.0); pagebutton:EnableInput(true); pagebutton:Show(); if not utSinOscA1 then --int("eek") utSinOscA1 = FlowBox("object","utSinOscA1", _G["FBSinOsc"]) utSinOscA2 = FlowBox("object","utSinOscA2", _G["FBSinOsc"]) utSinOscB1 = FlowBox("object","utSinOscB1", _G["FBSinOsc"]) utSinOscB2 = FlowBox("object","utSinOscB2", _G["FBSinOsc"]) --SinOscC1 = FlowBox("object","SinOscC1", _G["FBSinOsc"]) --SinOscC2 = FlowBox("object","SinOscC2", _G["FBSinOsc"]) --utGainA = FlowBox("object","utGainA", _G["FBGain"]) utGainB = FlowBox("object","utGainB", _G["FBGain"]) --GainC = FlowBox("object","GainC", _G["FBGain"]) utPushA1 = FlowBox("object","utPushA1", _G["FBPush"]) utPushA2 = FlowBox("object","utPushA2", _G["FBPush"]) utPushA3 = FlowBox("object","utPushA3", _G["FBPush"]) utPushB1 = FlowBox("object","utPushB1", _G["FBPush"]) utPushB2 = FlowBox("object","utPushB2", _G["FBPush"]) utPushB3 = FlowBox("object","utPushB3", _G["FBPush"]) utPushS = FlowBox("object","utPushS", _G["FBPush"]) utAsympA = FlowBox("object", "upAsympA", _G["FBAsymp"]) utAsympB = FlowBox("object", "upAsympB", _G["FBAsymp"]) dac = _G["FBDac"] --[[dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscA1, 0) utSinOscA1:SetPullLink(1,utSinOscA2, 0) utPushA1:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA2, 0) utPushA1:Push(-0.3) -- AM wobble utPushA2:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA1, 0) -- Actual input utPushA3:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA2,1) utPushA3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of first partial dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscB1, 0) utSinOscB1:SetPullLink(1,utSinOscB2, 0) utPushB1:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB2, 0) utPushB1:Push(-0.31) -- AM wobble utPushB2:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB1, 0) -- Actual input utPushB3:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB2, 1) utPushB3:Push(0.0) -- Gain of second partial --]] dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscA1, 0) utSinOscA1:SetPullLink(1,utSinOscA2, 0) utPushA1:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA2, 0) utPushA1:Push(-0.3) -- AM wobble utPushA2:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA1, 0) -- Actual input utAsympA:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscA2, 1) utPushA3:SetPushLink(0,utAsympA,0) utPushA3:Push(0.0) utPushS:SetPushLink(0,utAsympA,1) utPushS:Push(2.0) utPushS:RemovePushLink(0, utAsympA, 1) dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscB1, 0) utSinOscB1:SetPullLink(1,utSinOscB2, 0) utPushB1:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB2, 0) utPushB1:Push(-0.31) -- AM wobble utPushB2:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB1, 0) -- Actual input --utAsympB:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB2, 1) utAsympB:SetPushLink(0,utSinOscB2, 1) utPushB3:SetPushLink(0,utAsympB,0) utPushB3:Push(0.0) utPushS:SetPushLink(0,utAsympB,1) utPushS:Push(2.0) utPushS:RemovePushLink(0, utAsympB, 1) else dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscA1, 0) dac:SetPullLink(0, utSinOscB1, 0) end
-- ============================================================= -- Copyright Roaming Gamer, LLC. 2008-2018 (All Rights Reserved) -- ============================================================= --[[ ssk.ripper.vertical( nil, display.contentCenterX - 200, display.contentCenterY - 150, "images/cave.png", { w = 300, h = 240, sliceTime = 100, time = 100, numSlices = 5 } ) ssk.ripper.vertical( nil, display.contentCenterX + 200, display.contentCenterY - 150, "images/bruges.png", { w = 300, h = 240, sliceDelay = 50, numSlices = 21, sliceEasing = easing.inQuad } ) ssk.ripper.horizontal( nil, display.contentCenterX - 200, display.contentCenterY + 150, "images/cave.png", { w = 300, h = 240, sliceTime = 100, time = 100, numSlices = 5 } ) ssk.ripper.horizontal( nil, display.contentCenterX + 200, display.contentCenterY + 150, "images/bruges.png", { w = 300, h = 240, sliceDelay = 50, numSlices = 21, sliceEasing = easing.inQuad } ) ]] local ripper = {} _G.ssk = _G.ssk or {} _G.ssk.ripper = ripper function ripper.horizontal( group, x, y, filename, params ) print(group, x, y, filename, params ) group = group or display.currentStage params = params or {} --table.dump(params) local numSlices = params.numSlices or 3 local width = params.w or 100 local height = params.h or 100 local baseDir = params.baseDir or system.ResourceDirectory local delay = params.delay or 500 local sliceDelay = params.sliceDelay or 150 local time = params.time or 1000 local sliceTime = params.sliceTime or 0 local sliceEasing = params.sliceEasing or easing.linear local autoDestroy = fnn(params.autoDestroy, true) -- local sliceGroup = display.newGroup() group:insert(sliceGroup) -- local slices = {} local sliceH = height/numSlices -- local startY = -height/2 for i = 1, numSlices do local slice = display.newContainer( width, sliceH ) sliceGroup:insert(slice) slice.anchor = 0 slice.x = 0 slice.y = startY + (i-1) * sliceH slice.anchorY = 0 local img = display.newImageRect( slice, filename, baseDir, width, height ) img.anchorY = 0 img.y = -sliceH/2 - (i-1) * sliceH slices[#slices+1] = slice slice.img = img end -- local function onComplete() if( autoDestroy ) then display.remove( sliceGroup ) end if(params.onComplete) then params.onComplete() end end -- for i = 1, #slices do if(i%2==0) then slices[i].img, { x = -width, delay = delay + i * sliceDelay, time = time + i * sliceTime, transition = sliceEasing, onComplete = (i==#slices) and onComplete } ) else slices[i].img, { x = width, delay = delay + i * sliceDelay, time = time + i * sliceTime, transition = sliceEasing, onComplete = (i==#slices) and onComplete } ) end end -- sliceGroup.x = x sliceGroup.y = y sliceGroup.slices = slices -- return sliceGroup end function ripper.vertical( group, x, y, filename, params ) print(group, x, y, filename, params ) group = group or display.currentStage params = params or {} --table.dump(params) local numSlices = params.numSlices or 3 local width = params.w or 100 local height = params.h or 100 local baseDir = params.baseDir or system.ResourceDirectory local delay = params.delay or 500 local sliceDelay = params.sliceDelay or 150 local time = params.time or 1000 local sliceTime = params.sliceTime or 0 local sliceEasing = params.sliceEasing or easing.linear local autoDestroy = fnn(params.autoDestroy, true) -- local sliceGroup = display.newGroup() group:insert(sliceGroup) -- local slices = {} local sliceW = width/numSlices -- local startX = -width/2 for i = 1, numSlices do local slice = display.newContainer( sliceW, height ) sliceGroup:insert(slice) slice.anchor = 0 slice.x = startX + (i-1) * sliceW slice.y = 0 slice.anchorX = 0 local img = display.newImageRect( slice, filename, baseDir, width, height ) img.anchorX = 0 img.x = -sliceW/2 - (i-1) * sliceW slices[#slices+1] = slice slice.img = img end -- local function onComplete() if( autoDestroy ) then display.remove( sliceGroup ) end if(params.onComplete) then params.onComplete() end end -- for i = 1, #slices do if(i%2==0) then slices[i].img, { y = -height, delay = delay + i * sliceDelay, time = time + i * sliceTime, transition = sliceEasing, onComplete = (i==#slices) and onComplete } ) else slices[i].img, { y = height, delay = delay + i * sliceDelay, time = time + i * sliceTime, transition = sliceEasing, onComplete = (i==#slices) and onComplete } ) end end -- sliceGroup.x = x sliceGroup.y = y sliceGroup.slices = slices -- return sliceGroup end return ripper
hs.hotkey.alertDuration = 0 hs.hints.showTitleThresh = 0 hs.window.animationDuration = 0 -- Use the standardized config location, if present custom_config = hs.fs.pathToAbsolute(os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/hammerspoon/private/config.lua') if custom_config then print("Loading custom config") dofile( os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/hammerspoon/private/config.lua") privatepath = hs.fs.pathToAbsolute(hs.configdir .. '/private/config.lua') if privatepath then hs.alert("You have config in both .config/hammerspoon and .hammerspoon/private.\nThe .config/hammerspoon one will be used.") end else -- otherwise fallback to 'classic' location. if not privatepath then privatepath = hs.fs.pathToAbsolute(hs.configdir .. '/private') -- Create `~/.hammerspoon/private` directory if not exists. hs.fs.mkdir(hs.configdir .. '/private') end privateconf = hs.fs.pathToAbsolute(hs.configdir .. '/private/config.lua') if privateconf then -- Load awesomeconfig file if exists require('private/config') end end hsreload_keys = hsreload_keys or {{"cmd", "shift", "ctrl"}, "R"} if string.len(hsreload_keys[2]) > 0 then hs.hotkey.bind(hsreload_keys[1], hsreload_keys[2], "Reload Configuration", function() hs.reload() end) end -- ModalMgr Spoon must be loaded explicitly, because this repository heavily relies upon it. hs.loadSpoon("ModalMgr") -- Define default Spoons which will be loaded later if not hspoon_list then hspoon_list = { "AClock", -- "BingDaily", -- "CircleClock", "ClipShow", "CountDown", -- "HCalendar", "HSaria2", "HSearch", "SpeedMenu", "WinWin", "UnsplashZ", "FnMate", } end -- Load those Spoons for _, v in pairs(hspoon_list) do hs.loadSpoon(v) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Then we create/register all kinds of modal keybindings environments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register windowHints (Register a keybinding which is NOT modal environment with modal supervisor) hswhints_keys = hswhints_keys or {"alt", "tab"} if string.len(hswhints_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hswhints_keys[1], hswhints_keys[2], 'Show Window Hints', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() hs.hints.windowHints() end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- appM modal environment spoon.ModalMgr:new("appM") local cmodal = spoon.ModalMgr.modal_list["appM"] cmodal:bind('', 'escape', 'Deactivate appM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"appM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'Q', 'Deactivate appM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"appM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'tab', 'Toggle Cheatsheet', function() spoon.ModalMgr:toggleCheatsheet() end) if not hsapp_list then hsapp_list = { {key = 'f', name = 'Finder'}, {key = 's', name = 'Safari'}, {key = 't', name = 'Terminal'}, {key = 'v', id = ''}, {key = 'y', id = ''}, } end for _, v in ipairs(hsapp_list) do if then local located_name = hs.application.nameForBundleID( if located_name then cmodal:bind('', v.key, located_name, function() hs.application.launchOrFocusByBundleID( spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"appM"}) end) end elseif then cmodal:bind('', v.key,, function() hs.application.launchOrFocus( spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"appM"}) end) end end -- Then we register some keybindings with modal supervisor hsappM_keys = hsappM_keys or {"alt", "A"} if string.len(hsappM_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsappM_keys[1], hsappM_keys[2], "Enter AppM Environment", function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() -- Show the keybindings cheatsheet once appM is activated spoon.ModalMgr:activate({"appM"}, "#FFBD2E", true) end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- clipshowM modal environment if spoon.ClipShow then spoon.ModalMgr:new("clipshowM") local cmodal = spoon.ModalMgr.modal_list["clipshowM"] cmodal:bind('', 'escape', 'Deactivate clipshowM', function() spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'Q', 'Deactivate clipshowM', function() spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'N', 'Save this Session', function() spoon.ClipShow:saveToSession() end) cmodal:bind('', 'R', 'Restore last Session', function() spoon.ClipShow:restoreLastSession() end) cmodal:bind('', 'B', 'Open in Browser', function() spoon.ClipShow:openInBrowserWithRef() spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'S', 'Search with Bing', function() spoon.ClipShow:openInBrowserWithRef("") spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'M', 'Open in MacVim', function() spoon.ClipShow:openWithCommand("/usr/local/bin/mvim") spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'F', 'Save to Desktop', function() spoon.ClipShow:saveToFile() spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'H', 'Search in Github', function() spoon.ClipShow:openInBrowserWithRef("") spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'G', 'Search with Google', function() spoon.ClipShow:openInBrowserWithRef("") spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'L', 'Open in Sublime Text', function() spoon.ClipShow:openWithCommand("/usr/local/bin/subl") spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"clipshowM"}) end) -- Register clipshowM with modal supervisor hsclipsM_keys = hsclipsM_keys or {"alt", "C"} if string.len(hsclipsM_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsclipsM_keys[1], hsclipsM_keys[2], "Enter clipshowM Environment", function() -- We need to take action upon hsclipsM_keys is pressed, since pressing another key to showing ClipShow panel is redundant. spoon.ClipShow:toggleShow() -- Need a little trick here. Since the content type of system clipboard may be "URL", in which case we don't need to activate clipshowM. if spoon.ClipShow.canvas:isShowing() then spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() spoon.ModalMgr:activate({"clipshowM"}) end end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register HSaria2 if spoon.HSaria2 then -- First we need to connect to aria2 rpc host hsaria2_host = hsaria2_host or "http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc" hsaria2_secret = hsaria2_secret or "token" spoon.HSaria2:connectToHost(hsaria2_host, hsaria2_secret) hsaria2_keys = hsaria2_keys or {"alt", "D"} if string.len(hsaria2_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsaria2_keys[1], hsaria2_keys[2], 'Toggle aria2 Panel', function() spoon.HSaria2:togglePanel() end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register Hammerspoon Search if spoon.HSearch then hsearch_keys = hsearch_keys or {"alt", "G"} if string.len(hsearch_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsearch_keys[1], hsearch_keys[2], 'Launch Hammerspoon Search', function() spoon.HSearch:toggleShow() end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register Hammerspoon API manual: Open Hammerspoon manual in default browser hsman_keys = hsman_keys or {"alt", "H"} if string.len(hsman_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsman_keys[1], hsman_keys[2], "Read Hammerspoon Manual", function() hs.doc.hsdocs.forceExternalBrowser(true) hs.doc.hsdocs.moduleEntitiesInSidebar(true) end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- countdownM modal environment if spoon.CountDown then spoon.ModalMgr:new("countdownM") local cmodal = spoon.ModalMgr.modal_list["countdownM"] cmodal:bind('', 'escape', 'Deactivate countdownM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'Q', 'Deactivate countdownM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'tab', 'Toggle Cheatsheet', function() spoon.ModalMgr:toggleCheatsheet() end) cmodal:bind('', '0', '5 Minutes Countdown', function() spoon.CountDown:startFor(5) spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) for i = 1, 9 do cmodal:bind('', tostring(i), string.format("%s Minutes Countdown", 10 * i), function() spoon.CountDown:startFor(10 * i) spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) end cmodal:bind('', 'return', '25 Minutes Countdown', function() spoon.CountDown:startFor(25) spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'space', 'Pause/Resume CountDown', function() spoon.CountDown:pauseOrResume() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"countdownM"}) end) -- Register countdownM with modal supervisor hscountdM_keys = hscountdM_keys or {"alt", "I"} if string.len(hscountdM_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hscountdM_keys[1], hscountdM_keys[2], "Enter countdownM Environment", function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() -- Show the keybindings cheatsheet once countdownM is activated spoon.ModalMgr:activate({"countdownM"}, "#FF6347", true) end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register lock screen hslock_keys = hslock_keys or {"alt", "L"} if string.len(hslock_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hslock_keys[1], hslock_keys[2], "Lock Screen", function() hs.caffeinate.lockScreen() end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- resizeM modal environment if spoon.WinWin then spoon.ModalMgr:new("resizeM") local cmodal = spoon.ModalMgr.modal_list["resizeM"] cmodal:bind('', 'escape', 'Deactivate resizeM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"resizeM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'Q', 'Deactivate resizeM', function() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"resizeM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'tab', 'Toggle Cheatsheet', function() spoon.ModalMgr:toggleCheatsheet() end) cmodal:bind('', 'A', 'Move Leftward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("left") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("left") end) cmodal:bind('', 'D', 'Move Rightward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("right") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("right") end) cmodal:bind('', 'W', 'Move Upward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("up") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("up") end) cmodal:bind('', 'S', 'Move Downward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("down") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepMove("down") end) cmodal:bind('', 'H', 'Lefthalf of Screen', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("halfleft") end) cmodal:bind('', 'L', 'Righthalf of Screen', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("halfright") end) cmodal:bind('', 'K', 'Uphalf of Screen', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("halfup") end) cmodal:bind('', 'J', 'Downhalf of Screen', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("halfdown") end) cmodal:bind('', 'Y', 'NorthWest Corner', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("cornerNW") end) cmodal:bind('', 'O', 'NorthEast Corner', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("cornerNE") end) cmodal:bind('', 'U', 'SouthWest Corner', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("cornerSW") end) cmodal:bind('', 'I', 'SouthEast Corner', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("cornerSE") end) cmodal:bind('', 'F', 'Fullscreen', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("fullscreen") end) cmodal:bind('', 'C', 'Center Window', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("center") end) cmodal:bind('', '=', 'Stretch Outward', function() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("expand") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("expand") end) cmodal:bind('', '-', 'Shrink Inward', function() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("shrink") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:moveAndResize("shrink") end) cmodal:bind('shift', 'H', 'Move Leftward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("left") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("left") end) cmodal:bind('shift', 'L', 'Move Rightward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("right") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("right") end) cmodal:bind('shift', 'K', 'Move Upward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("up") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("up") end) cmodal:bind('shift', 'J', 'Move Downward', function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("down") end, nil, function() spoon.WinWin:stepResize("down") end) cmodal:bind('', 'left', 'Move to Left Monitor', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveToScreen("left") end) cmodal:bind('', 'right', 'Move to Right Monitor', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveToScreen("right") end) cmodal:bind('', 'up', 'Move to Above Monitor', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveToScreen("up") end) cmodal:bind('', 'down', 'Move to Below Monitor', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveToScreen("down") end) cmodal:bind('', 'space', 'Move to Next Monitor', function() spoon.WinWin:stash() spoon.WinWin:moveToScreen("next") end) cmodal:bind('', '[', 'Undo Window Manipulation', function() spoon.WinWin:undo() end) cmodal:bind('', ']', 'Redo Window Manipulation', function() spoon.WinWin:redo() end) cmodal:bind('', '`', 'Center Cursor', function() spoon.WinWin:centerCursor() end) -- Register resizeM with modal supervisor hsresizeM_keys = hsresizeM_keys or {"alt", "R"} if string.len(hsresizeM_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsresizeM_keys[1], hsresizeM_keys[2], "Enter resizeM Environment", function() -- Deactivate some modal environments or not before activating a new one spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() -- Show an status indicator so we know we're in some modal environment now spoon.ModalMgr:activate({"resizeM"}, "#B22222") end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cheatsheetM modal environment (Because KSheet Spoon is NOT loaded, cheatsheetM will NOT be activated) if spoon.KSheet then spoon.ModalMgr:new("cheatsheetM") local cmodal = spoon.ModalMgr.modal_list["cheatsheetM"] cmodal:bind('', 'escape', 'Deactivate cheatsheetM', function() spoon.KSheet:hide() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"cheatsheetM"}) end) cmodal:bind('', 'Q', 'Deactivate cheatsheetM', function() spoon.KSheet:hide() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivate({"cheatsheetM"}) end) -- Register cheatsheetM with modal supervisor hscheats_keys = hscheats_keys or {"alt", "S"} if string.len(hscheats_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hscheats_keys[1], hscheats_keys[2], "Enter cheatsheetM Environment", function() spoon.KSheet:show() spoon.ModalMgr:deactivateAll() spoon.ModalMgr:activate({"cheatsheetM"}) end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register AClock if spoon.AClock then hsaclock_keys = hsaclock_keys or {"alt", "T"} if string.len(hsaclock_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsaclock_keys[1], hsaclock_keys[2], "Toggle Floating Clock", function() spoon.AClock:toggleShow() end) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register browser tab typist: Type URL of current tab of running browser in markdown format. i.e. [title](link) hstype_keys = hstype_keys or {"alt", "V"} if string.len(hstype_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hstype_keys[1], hstype_keys[2], "Type Browser Link", function() local safari_running = hs.application.applicationsForBundleID("") local chrome_running = hs.application.applicationsForBundleID("") if #safari_running > 0 then local stat, data = hs.applescript('tell application "Safari" to get {URL, name} of current tab of window 1') if stat then hs.eventtap.keyStrokes("[" .. data[2] .. "](" .. data[1] .. ")") end elseif #chrome_running > 0 then local stat, data = hs.applescript('tell application "Google Chrome" to get {URL, title} of active tab of window 1') if stat then hs.eventtap.keyStrokes("[" .. data[2] .. "](" .. data[1] .. ")") end end end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register Hammerspoon console hsconsole_keys = hsconsole_keys or {"alt", "Z"} if string.len(hsconsole_keys[2]) > 0 then spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:bind(hsconsole_keys[1], hsconsole_keys[2], "Toggle Hammerspoon Console", function() hs.toggleConsole() end) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Finally we initialize ModalMgr supervisor spoon.ModalMgr.supervisor:enter() ----------- -- personal changes function isMonitorMac() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() return string.match(win:screen(), "Color LCD") end function isMonitorS27R65() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() print(win:screen()) print(string.match(tostring(win:screen()), "S27R65") ~= nil) return string.match(tostring(win:screen()), "S27R65") ~= nil end function isMonitoriPad() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() return string.match(win:screen(), "(un-named screen)") end -- move application to left 1/3 hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "Left", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w / (isMonitorS27R65() and 2 or 3) f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) -- [[ move application to right]] hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "Right", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x + max.w / (isMonitorS27R65() and 2 or 3) f.y = max.y f.w = (isMonitorS27R65() and 1 or 2) * max.w / (isMonitorS27R65() and 2 or 3) f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "Up", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y / 2 f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 win:setFrame(f) end) hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "Down", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y / 2 + max.h / 2 f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 win:setFrame(f) end) -- make app max size hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "M", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w f.h = max.h win:setFrame(f) end) -- next screen hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'n', function() -- get the focused window local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() -- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen local screen = win:screen() print("1111111", isMonitorS27R65()) -- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen -- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:next(), true, 0) end) -- previous screen hs.hotkey.bind({'alt', 'ctrl', 'cmd'}, 'p', function() -- get the focused window local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() -- get the screen where the focused window is displayed, a.k.a. current screen local screen = win:screen() -- compute the unitRect of the focused window relative to the current screen -- and move the window to the next screen setting the same unitRect win:move(win:frame():toUnitRect(screen:frame()), screen:previous(), true, 0) end)
require 'torch' local mytester = torch.Tester() local jac local precision = 1e-5 local expprecision = 1e-4 local nntest = {} local nntestx = {} function nntest.Add() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Add(ini*inj*ink) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias [direct update]') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.CMul() local ini = math.random(5,15) local inj = math.random(5,15) local ink = math.random(5,15) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.CMul(ini*inj*ink) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Exp() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Exp() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Log() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Log() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.HardTanh() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.HardTanh() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision , 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Abs() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Abs() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision , 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Threshold() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Threshold(torch.uniform(-2,2),torch.uniform(-2,2)) local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.HardShrink() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.HardShrink(math.random()/2) local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SoftShrink() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.SoftShrink(math.random()/2) local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Power() local in1 = torch.rand(10,20) local module = nn.Power(2) local out = module:forward(in1) local err = out:dist(in1:cmul(in1)) mytester:asserteq(err, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - forward err ') local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local pw = torch.uniform()*math.random(1,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Power(pw) local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input, 0.1, 2) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module,input, 0.1, 2) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Square() local in1 = torch.rand(10,20) local module = nn.Square() local out = module:forward(in1) local err = out:dist(in1:cmul(in1)) mytester:asserteq(err, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - forward err ') local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Square() local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Sqrt() local in1 = torch.rand(10,20) local module = nn.Sqrt() local out = module:forward(in1) local err = out:dist(in1:sqrt()) mytester:asserteq(err, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - forward err ') local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Sqrt() local err = nn.Jacobian.testJacobian(module, input, 0.1, 2) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = nn.Jacobian.testIO(module, input, 0, 2) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Linear() local ini = math.random(50,70) local inj = math.random(50,70) local input = torch.Tensor(ini):zero() local module = nn.Linear(ini,inj) -- 1D local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end -- 2D local nframe = math.random(50,70) local input = torch.Tensor(nframe, ini):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end -- IO local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Euclidean() local ini = math.random(50,70) local inj = math.random(50,70) local input = torch.Tensor(ini):zero() local module = nn.Euclidean(ini,inj) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.WeightedEuclidean() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini):zero() local module = nn.WeightedEuclidean(ini,inj) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on bias ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.LogSigmoid() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.LogSigmoid() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.LogSoftmax() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj):zero() local module = nn.LogSoftMax() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,expprecision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end -- function nntest.TemporalLogSoftmax() -- local ini = math.random(10,20) -- local inj = math.random(10,20) -- local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj):zero() -- local module = nn.TemporalLogSoftMax() -- local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) -- mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') -- local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) -- mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') -- mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') -- end function nntest.Max() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj*ink):zero() local module = nn.Max(1) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Min() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj*ink):zero() local module = nn.Min(1) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Mean() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Mean(torch.random(1,3)) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Mul() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Mul(ini*inj*ink) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Sigmoid() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Sigmoid() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Softmax() local ini = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, ini):zero() local module = nn.SoftMax() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,expprecision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Softmin() local ini = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, ini):zero() local module = nn.SoftMin() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,expprecision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Softsign() local ini = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, ini):zero() local module = nn.SoftSign() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SoftPlus() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.SoftPlus() local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization_2dkernel() local inputSize = math.random(11,20) local kersize = 9 local nbfeatures = math.random(5,10) local kernel = torch.Tensor(kersize,kersize):fill(1) local module = nn.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization(nbfeatures,kernel) local input = torch.rand(nbfeatures,inputSize,inputSize) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization_1dkernel() local inputSize = math.random(11,20) local kersize = 9 local nbfeatures = math.random(5,10) local kernel = torch.Tensor(kersize):fill(1) local module = nn.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization(nbfeatures,kernel) local input = torch.rand(nbfeatures,inputSize,inputSize) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialDivisiveNormalization_2dkernel() local inputSize = math.random(11,20) local kersize = 9 local nbfeatures = math.random(5,10) local kernel = torch.Tensor(kersize,kersize):fill(1) local module = nn.SpatialDivisiveNormalization(nbfeatures,kernel) local input = torch.rand(nbfeatures,inputSize,inputSize) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialDivisiveNormalization_1dkernel() local inputSize = math.random(11,20) local kersize = 9 local nbfeatures = math.random(5,10) local kernel = torch.Tensor(kersize):fill(1) local module = nn.SpatialDivisiveNormalization(nbfeatures,kernel) local input = torch.rand(nbfeatures,inputSize,inputSize) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialConvolution() local from = math.random(1,10) local to = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialConvolution(from, to, ki, kj, si, sj) local input = torch.Tensor(from, inj, ini):zero() -- stochastic local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end -- batch --verbose = true local batch = math.random(2,5) outi = math.random(4,8) outj = math.random(4,8) ini = (outi-1)*si+ki inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj module = nn.SpatialConvolution(from, to, ki, kj, si, sj) input = torch.Tensor(batch,from,inj,ini):zero() -- print(from, to, ki, kj, si, sj, batch, ini, inj) -- print(module.weight:size()) -- print(module.gradWeight:size()) local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'batch error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'batch error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialConvolutionMap() local from = math.random(1,10) local fanin = math.random(1, from) local to = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialConvolutionMap(nn.tables.random(from, to, fanin), ki, kj, si, sj) local input = torch.Tensor(from, inj, ini):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function batchcompare(smod, sin, plist) local bs = torch.LongStorage(sin:size():size()+1) bs[1] = 1 for i=1,sin:size():size() do bs[i+1] = sin:size()[i] end local bin = torch.Tensor(bs):copy(sin) local bmod = smod:clone() local sout = smod:forward(sin):clone() local bout = bmod:forward(bin):clone() local sgout = torch.randn(sout:size()) local bgout = torch.Tensor(bout:size()) bgout:copy(sgout) local sgin = smod:backward(sin, sgout) local bgin = bmod:backward(bin, bgout) smod:accGradParameters(sin, sgout, 1) bmod:accGradParameters(bin, bgout, 1) mytester:assertTensorEq(sout,bout:select(1,1), 1e-8, 'batchcompare error on output') mytester:assertTensorEq(sgin,bgin:select(1,1), 1e-8, 'batchcompare error on gradInput') for i,v in pairs(plist) do mytester:assertTensorEq(smod[v],bmod[v], 1e-8, 'batchcompare error on ' .. v) end end function nntest.SpatialConvolutionBatchCompare() local from = math.random(1,10) local to = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialConvolution(from, to, ki, kj, si, sj) local input = torch.randn(from,inj,ini) batchcompare(module,input, {'weight','bias','gradWeight','gradBias'}) end function nntest.SpatialSubSamplingBatchCompare() local from = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialSubSampling(from, ki, kj, si, sj) local input = torch.randn(from,inj,ini)--torch.Tensor(from, inj, ini):zero() batchcompare(module,input, {'weight','bias','gradWeight','gradBias'}) end function nntest.SpatialSubSampling() local from = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialSubSampling(from, ki, kj, si, sj) local input = torch.Tensor(from, inj, ini):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end --verbose = true local batch = math.random(2,5) outi = math.random(4,8) outj = math.random(4,8) ini = (outi-1)*si+ki inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj module = nn.SpatialSubSampling(from, ki, kj, si, sj) input = torch.Tensor(batch,from,inj,ini):zero() -- print(from, to, ki, kj, si, sj, batch, ini, inj) -- print(module.weight:size()) -- print(module.gradWeight:size()) local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'batch error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'batch error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'batch error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'batch error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialMaxPooling() local from = math.random(1,10) local to = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local kj = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local sj = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local outj = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.SpatialMaxPooling(ki,kj,si,sj) local input = torch.rand(from,ini,inj) local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.SpatialLPPooling() local fanin = math.random(1,4) local osizex = math.random(1,4) local osizey = math.random(1,4) local p = 2 local mx = math.random(2,8) local my = math.random(2,8) local dx = math.random(2,mx) local dy = math.random(2,my) local sizex = osizex*mx local sizey = osizey*my local module = nn.SpatialLPPooling(fanin,p,mx,my,dx,dy) local input = torch.rand(fanin,sizey,sizex) local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Sum() local ini = math.random(10,20) local inj = math.random(10,20) local ink = math.random(10,20) local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero() local module = nn.Sum(torch.random(1,3)) local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input) mytester:assertlt(err,precision, 'error on state ') local ferr,berr = jac.testIO(module,input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.Tanh() local ini = math.random(5,10) local inj = math.random(5,10) local ink = math.random(5,10) local input = torch.Tensor(ink, inj, ini):zero() local module = nn.Tanh() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision , 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.TemporalConvolution() local from = math.random(1,10) local to = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local module = nn.TemporalConvolution(from, to, ki,si) local input = torch.Tensor(ini, from):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight [direct update]') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias [direct update]') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.TemporalSubSampling() local from = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local module = nn.TemporalSubSampling(from, ki, si) local input = torch.Tensor(ini, from):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntestx.TemporalMaxPooling() local from = math.random(1,10) local ki = math.random(1,10) local si = math.random(1,4) local outi = math.random(10,20) local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local module = nn.TemporalMaxPooling(ki, si) local input = torch.Tensor(ini, from):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end function nntest.VolumetricConvolution() local from = math.random(2,5) local to = math.random(2,5) local kt = math.random(3,7) local ki = math.random(3,7) local kj = math.random(3,7) local st = math.random(2,4) local si = math.random(2,4) local sj = math.random(2,4) local outt = math.random(3,7) local outi = math.random(3,7) local outj = math.random(3,7) local int = (outt-1)*st+kt local ini = (outi-1)*si+ki local inj = (outj-1)*sj+kj local module = nn.VolumetricConvolution(from, to, kt, ki, kj, st, si, sj) local input = torch.Tensor(from, int, inj, ini):zero() local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input) mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.weight, module.gradWeight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight ') local err = jac.testJacobianParameters(module, input, module.bias, module.gradBias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.weight) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on weight [direct update] ') local err = jac.testJacobianUpdateParameters(module, input, module.bias) mytester:assertlt(err , precision, 'error on bias [direct update] ') for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'weight', 'gradWeight')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on weight [%s]', t)) end for t,err in pairs(jac.testAllUpdate(module, input, 'bias', 'gradBias')) do mytester:assertlt(err, precision, string.format( 'error on bias [%s]', t)) end local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input) mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ') mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ') end mytester:add(nntest) --mytester:add(test_SpatialConvolution) --mytester:add(test_AbsCriterion) if not nn then require 'nn' jac = nn.Jacobian mytester:run() else jac = nn.Jacobian function nn.test() -- randomize stuff math.randomseed(os.time()) mytester:run() end end
term.setBackgroundColor( term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setCursorBlink(true) print("System halted") function _G.os.pullEventRaw() while true do coroutine.yield("haltSystem") end end _G.os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
--セイヴァー・アブソープション --scripted by Xylen5967 function c101105207.initial_effect(c) aux.AddCodeList(c,44508094) --Activate local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE) e1:SetCode(EVENT_FREE_CHAIN) e1:SetProperty(EFFECT_FLAG_CARD_TARGET) e1:SetCountLimit(1,101105207+EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_OATH) e1:SetTarget( e1:SetOperation(c101105207.activate) c:RegisterEffect(e1) end function c101105207.filter(c) return c:IsFaceup() and (c:IsCode(44508094) or c:IsType(TYPE_SYNCHRO) and aux.IsCodeListed(c,44508094)) end function c101105207.eqfilter(c) return c:IsFaceup() and c:IsAbleToChangeControler() end function c101105207.dafilter(c) return c101105207.filter(c) and not c:IsHasEffect(EFFECT_DIRECT_ATTACK) end function,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk,chkc) if chkc then return chkc:IsLocation(LOCATION_MZONE) and c101105207.filter(chkc) end local b1=Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE)>0 and Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(c101105207.eqfilter,tp,0,LOCATION_MZONE,1,nil) local b2=aux.bpcon() and Duel.IsExistingTarget(c101105207.dafilter,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil) local b3=aux.bpcon() if chk==0 then return (b1 or b2 or b3) and Duel.IsExistingTarget(c101105207.filter,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,nil) end Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_TARGET) local g=Duel.SelectTarget(tp,c101105207.filter,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,1,1,nil) b2=aux.bpcon() and not g:GetFirst():IsHasEffect(EFFECT_DIRECT_ATTACK) local off=1 local ops={} local opval={} if b1 then ops[off]=aux.Stringid(101105207,0) opval[off-1]=0 off=off+1 end if b2 then ops[off]=aux.Stringid(101105207,1) opval[off-1]=1 off=off+1 end if b3 then ops[off]=aux.Stringid(101105207,2) opval[off-1]=2 off=off+1 end Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_EFFECT) local sel=Duel.SelectOption(tp,table.unpack(ops)) local op=opval[sel] e:SetLabel(op) if op==0 then e:SetCategory(CATEGORY_EQUIP) Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_EQUIP,g,1,0,0) else e:SetCategory(0) end end function c101105207.activate(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) local c=e:GetHandler() local tc=Duel.GetFirstTarget() if tc:IsFacedown() or not tc:IsRelateToEffect(e) then return end local op=e:GetLabel() if op==0 then if Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE)>0 then Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_EQUIP) local g=Duel.SelectMatchingCard(tp,c101105207.eqfilter,tp,0,LOCATION_MZONE,1,1,nil) local ec=g:GetFirst() if ec then if not Duel.Equip(tp,ec,tc) then return end --equip limit local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE) e1:SetCode(EFFECT_EQUIP_LIMIT) e1:SetProperty(EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_DISABLE) e1:SetLabelObject(tc) e1:SetValue(c101105207.eqlimit) e1:SetReset(RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD) ec:RegisterEffect(e1) end end elseif op==1 then local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE) e1:SetCode(EFFECT_DIRECT_ATTACK) e1:SetReset(RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD+RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END) tc:RegisterEffect(e1) else tc:RegisterFlagEffect(101105207,RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD,0,1,tc:GetFieldID()) local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD+EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS) e1:SetCode(EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING) e1:SetReset(RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD+RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END) e1:SetLabelObject(tc) e1:SetCondition(c101105207.damcon) e1:SetOperation(c101105207.damop) Duel.RegisterEffect(e1,tp) end end function c101105207.eqlimit(e,c) return c==e:GetLabelObject() end function c101105207.damcon(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) local tc=e:GetLabelObject() local fid=tc:GetFlagEffectLabel(101105207) local bc=tc:GetBattleTarget() return fid and fid==tc:GetFieldID() and tc==eg:GetFirst() and tc:IsRelateToBattle() and bc and bc:GetPreviousControler()==1-tp end function c101105207.damop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) local tc=e:GetLabelObject() local bc=tc:GetBattleTarget() if not bc then return end local dam=bc:GetBaseAttack() if dam>0 then Duel.Hint(HINT_CARD,0,101105207) Duel.Damage(1-tp,dam,REASON_EFFECT) end end
padawan_artist_01_conv_handler = conv_handler:new {} function padawan_artist_01_conv_handler:getInitialScreen(pPlayer, pNpc, pConvTemplate) local convoTemplate = LuaConversationTemplate(pConvTemplate) local trialOwnerID = readData(SceneObject(pNpc):getObjectID() .. ":ownerID") local playerID = SceneObject(pPlayer):getObjectID() if (trialOwnerID ~= playerID) then return convoTemplate:getScreen("not_quest_owner") end if (not JediTrials:isOnPadawanTrials(pPlayer)) then writeData(SceneObject(pNpc):getObjectID() .. ":destroyNpcOnExit", 1) return convoTemplate:getScreen("not_quest_owner") end local giverTrialNum = JediTrials:getTrialNumByName(pPlayer, "artist") local trialState = JediTrials:getTrialStateName(pPlayer, giverTrialNum) if (CreatureObject(pPlayer):hasScreenPlayState(1, trialState)) then return convoTemplate:getScreen("completed_quest") elseif (readData(playerID .. ":JediTrials:spokeToTarget01") == 1) then return convoTemplate:getScreen("intro_spoke_to_target") elseif (readData(playerID .. ":JediTrials:acceptedTask") == 1) then return convoTemplate:getScreen("intro_in_progress") else return convoTemplate:getScreen("intro") end end function padawan_artist_01_conv_handler:runScreenHandlers(pConvTemplate, pPlayer, pNpc, selectedOption, pConvScreen) local screen = LuaConversationScreen(pConvScreen) local screenID = screen:getScreenID() local playerID = SceneObject(pPlayer):getObjectID() if (screenID == "true_colors" or screenID == "forget_i_asked") then PadawanTrials:failTrial(pPlayer) elseif (screenID == "not_first_time" or screenID == "spoke_hastily") then PadawanTrials:passTrial(pPlayer) elseif (screenID == "meet_assistant") then writeData(playerID .. ":JediTrials:acceptedTask", 1) writeData(SceneObject(pNpc):getObjectID() .. ":destroyNpcOnExit", 1) PadawanTrials:createTargetLocation(pPlayer) end return pConvScreen end
print "Inside derp.lua" function derpLua() print "DERPLUA YAY!" end
--[[ This file is a general memory stream interface. Octetstream serves up 8-bit bytes, one at a time with a readOctet() function. You can also read multiple octets at once with readBytes(). ]] local ffi = require("ffi") local bit = require("bit") local min = math.min --[[ Standard 'object' construct. __call is implemented so we get a 'constructor' sort of feel: octetstream(data, size, position) ]] local octetstream = { EOF = -1 } setmetatable(octetstream, { __call = function(self, ...) return self:new(...) end, }) local octetstream_mt = { __index = octetstream; } function octetstream.init(self, data, size, position) position = position or 0 size = size or #data local obj = { data = ffi.cast("uint8_t *", data); size = tonumber(size); cursor = tonumber(position); } setmetatable(obj, octetstream_mt) return obj end function, data, size, position) return self:init(data, size, position); end --[[ -- get a subrange of the stream -- this is an alias to the data -- not a copy BUGBUG - Need to worry about losing the pointer reference to garbage collection. Should probably retain a reference to it. --]] function octetstream.range(self, size, pos) pos = pos or self.cursor; if pos < 0 or size < 0 then return false, "pos or size < 0" end if pos > self.size then return false, "pos > self.size" end if ((size > (self.size - pos))) then return false, "size is greater than remainder"; end return octetstream(, size, 0) end -- report how many bytes remain to be read -- from stream function octetstream.remaining(self) return self.size - self.cursor end function octetstream.isEOF(self) return self:remaining() < 1 end --[[ seekFromBeginning(self, pos) pos - an absolute position number if you specify < 0, it will be set to 0 remaining() will be whatever the length of the data is if you specify > size, it will be set to size isEOF() will return true remaining() will return 0 --]] function octetstream.seekFromBeginning(self, pos) if not pos then return self end if pos < 0 then pos = 0 end if pos > self.size then pos = self.size end self.cursor = pos; return self; end --[[ seekFromCurrent(self, size) Move the cursor by the specified amount. Usually you skip in a positive direction, but you can actually move in either direction. if size < 0, move towards beginning of stream if size > 1, move towards end of stream This is essentially a seek() relative to current position, rather than to an absolute position ]] function octetstream.seekFromCurrent(self, size) size = size or 1; return self:seekFromBeginning(self.cursor + size); end octetstream.skip = octetstream.seekFromCurrent function octetstream.seekFromEnd(self, size) return self:seekFromBeginning(self.size - size) end --[[ tell(self) Return the current position within the stream. ]] function octetstream.tell(self) return self.cursor; end function octetstream.getPositionPointer(self) return + self.cursor; end -- get 8 bits, and don't advance the cursor function octetstream.peekOctet(self, offset) offset = offset or 0 if (self.cursor+offset >= self.size) then return -1; end return[self.cursor+offset]; end -- get 8 bits, and advance the cursor function octetstream.readOctet(self) -- check to ensure we don't go beyond end if (self.cursor >= self.size) then return false, "EOF"; end self.cursor = self.cursor + 1; return[self.cursor-1] end -- BUGBUG, do error checking against end of stream function octetstream.readBytes(self, size, bytes) if size < 1 then return 0, "must specify a size > 0 octets" end if self:isEOF() then return -1; end -- calculate how many bytes we can actually -- read, based on what's remaining local sizeActual = min(size, self:remaining()) -- read the minimum between remaining and 'n' bytes = bytes or"uint8_t[?]", sizeActual) ffi.copy(bytes,, sizeActual) self:skip(sizeActual) return bytes, nActual; end --[[ writeOctet(self, octet) octet - the single parameter to be written Return: -1 if failure 1 if octet was written --]] function octetstream.writeOctet(self, octet) if self:remaining() < 1 then return -1; end[self.cursor] = octet; self.cursor = self.cursor + 1; return 1; end function octetstream.writeOctetStream(self, stream) for _, c in stream:octets() do -- we should bail early if we can't write -- the full stream local result = self:writeOctet(c) if result == -1 then break; end end -- should we return number of octets written? -- what to return if there was an error? return true; end --[[ -- Need to think about proper semantics here function octetstream.writeOctets(self, octets, size, allowTruncate) if not octets then return false, "no octets specified" end size = size or #bytes if size > self:remaining() then return false, "Not enough space" end ffi.copy(, ffi.cast("const char *", bytes, n)) self:skip(n) return true; end --]] --[[ octets() -- A pure functional iterator of the octets in the stream. -- There are no side effect of running this iterator The iterator can be started at any given offset indicated by the initial 'state' offset will default to 0 if not specified --]] function octetstream.octets(self, state) state = state or 0 local function octet_gen(params, state) -- if we've reached the end of the stream -- terminate the iteration if params.size - state < 1 then return nil; end return state+1,[state] end return octet_gen, self, state end return octetstream
function Container:PlayerUse(player, entity) local cur_time = CurTime() if !player.next_cont_use or player.next_cont_use <= cur_time then local container_data = Container:all()[entity:GetModel()] if container_data and entity:GetClass() == 'prop_physics' then container_data.w = container_data.w or 4 container_data.h = container_data.h or 4 if !entity.inventory then local inventory = {} for i = 1, container_data.h do inventory[i] = {} for k = 1, container_data.w do inventory[i][k] = {} end end inventory.width, inventory.height = container_data.w, container_data.h inventory.type = 'container' entity.inventory = inventory end for i = 1, container_data.h do for k = 1, container_data.w do if entity.inventory[i][k] then for k1, v1 in pairs(entity.inventory[i][k]) do local item_table = Item.find_instance_by_id(v1) item_table.inventory_entity = entity Item.network_item(player, v1) end end end end if container_data.open_sound then entity:EmitSound(container_data.open_sound, 55) end entity:set_nv('inventory', entity.inventory) entity.receivers = entity.receviers or {} table.insert(entity.receivers, player) Cable.send(player, 'fl_open_container', entity) player.next_cont_use = cur_time + 1 end end end function Container:EntityRemoved(entity) if entity.receviers then for k, v in ipairs(entity.receivers) do if IsValid(v) then Cable.send(v, 'fl_close_container') end end end end function Container:PlayerSpawnedProp(player, model, entity) if Container:all()[model] then entity:SetPersistent(true) end end function Container:CanItemStack(player, item_table, inv_type, x, y) if inv_type == 'container' then local inv_ent = item_table.inventory_entity if IsValid(inv_ent) then local ent_inv = inv_ent:get_nv('inventory') local ids = ent_inv[y][x] if #ids == 0 then return true end end end end function Container:CanPlayerDropItem(player, item_table) if item_table.inventory_type == 'container' then return false end end function Container:CanItemMoveToContainer(player, item_table, inv_type, x, y, entity) if inv_type == 'container' then local ent_inv = entity:get_nv('inventory') local ids = ent_inv and ent_inv[y][x] if ids then if #ids == 0 then return true end local slot_table = Item.find_instance_by_id(ids[1]) if != or #ids >= item_table.max_stack then return false end end if item_table.can_stack then if item_table:can_stack(player, inv_type, x, y) == false then return false end end end end function Container:ItemContainerMove(player, instance_ids, inv_type, x, y, entity) local ent_inv local old_inv_type local ply_inv if IsValid(entity) then ent_inv = entity:get_nv('inventory') end for k, v in pairs(instance_ids) do local item_table = Item.find_instance_by_id(v) if'CanItemMoveToContainer', player, item_table, inv_type, x, y, entity) == false or'CanItemTransfer', player, item_table, inv_type, x, y) == false or'CanItemMove', player, item_table, inv_type, x, y) == false or'CanItemStack', player, item_table, inv_type, x, y) == false then return end local old_y, old_x = unpack(item_table.slot_id) old_inv_type = item_table.inventory_type if IsValid(item_table.inventory_entity) then entity = item_table.inventory_entity ent_inv = item_table.inventory_entity:get_nv('inventory') end ply_inv = player:get_inventory(inv_type != 'container' and inv_type or old_inv_type) item_table.slot_id = { y, x } if inv_type == old_inv_type then table.insert(ent_inv[y][x], v) table.remove_by_value(ent_inv[old_y][old_x], v) else if inv_type == 'container' then table.insert(ent_inv[y][x], v) table.remove_by_value(ply_inv[old_y][old_x], v) item_table.inventory_entity = entity else table.insert(ply_inv[y][x], v) table.remove_by_value(ent_inv[old_y][old_x], v) item_table.inventory_entity = nil end item_table.inventory_type = inv_type'OnItemInventoryChanged', player, item_table, inv_type, old_inv_type) player:set_inventory(ply_inv, inv_type != 'container' and inv_type or old_inv_type) end if IsValid(entity) then for k1, v1 in ipairs(entity.receivers) do if IsValid(v1) then Item.network_item(v1, v) end end end end entity.inventory = ent_inv entity:set_nv('inventory', ent_inv) for k, v in ipairs(entity.receivers) do if IsValid(v) then Cable.send(v, 'fl_inventory_refresh', inv_type, old_inv_type) end end end Cable.receive('fl_item_container_move', function(player, instance_ids, inv_type, x, y, entity)'ItemContainerMove', player, instance_ids, inv_type, x, y, entity) end) Cable.receive('fl_container_closed', function(player, entity) local container_data = Container.all()[entity:GetModel()] if container_data.close_sound then entity:EmitSound(container_data.close_sound, 55) end if entity.receviers then table.remove_by_value(entity.receviers, player) end end)
local global_data = {} function global_data.init() global_data.build_translations() global.flags = { iterating_ltn_data = false, updating_guis = false } global.players = {} end function global_data.build_translations() local translation_data = { -- train status {dictionary="gui", internal="delivering-to", localised={"ltnm-gui.delivering-to"}}, {dictionary="gui", internal="fetching-from", localised={"ltnm-gui.fetching-from"}}, {dictionary="gui", internal="loading-at", localised={"ltnm-gui.loading-at"}}, {dictionary="gui", internal="parked-at-depot", localised={"ltnm-gui.parked-at-depot"}}, {dictionary="gui", internal="returning-to-depot", localised={"ltnm-gui.returning-to-depot"}}, {dictionary="gui", internal="unloading-at", localised={"ltnm-gui.unloading-at"}} } -- materials for _, type in ipairs{"fluid", "item"} do local prefix = type.."," for name, prototype in pairs(game[type.."_prototypes"]) do translation_data[#translation_data+1] = {dictionary="materials",, localised=prototype.localised_name} end end global.translation_data = translation_data end return global_data
include("shared.lua") function ENT:Initialize() end function ENT:Draw() self:DrawModel() local name = self:GetDTName() local alpha = self:DistanceToAlpha(1) if alpha > 0 then local ang = Angle(0, RealTime() * 80, 0) local pos = self:GetPos() + ang:Up() ang:RotateAroundAxis( ang:Forward(), 90 ) ang:RotateAroundAxis( ang:Right(), 90 ) local maxs = self:OBBMaxs() local mins = self:OBBMins() local height = maxs.Z - mins.Z cam.Start3D2D(pos + Vector(0, 0, height + 12), Angle( 0, ang.y, 90 ), 0.05) draw.DrawText("Munitions", "VBFONT_3D2DTEXT", 0, 0, Color(255, 255, 255, alpha ), 1 ) draw.DrawText(name, "VBFONT_3D2DTEXT", 0, 60, Color(212, 42, 90, alpha ), 1 ) cam.End3D2D() ang:RotateAroundAxis( ang:Right(), 180 ) cam.Start3D2D(pos + Vector(0, 0, height + 12), Angle( 0, ang.y, 90 ), 0.05) draw.DrawText("Munitions", "VBFONT_3D2DTEXT", 0, 0, Color(255, 255, 255, alpha ), 1 ) draw.DrawText(name, "VBFONT_3D2DTEXT", 0, 60, Color(212, 42, 90, alpha ), 1 ) cam.End3D2D() end end function ENT:Think() end
local __DataStorages = {} local __IDataStorages = {} local function path(is_mod_path) local path = is_mod_path == true and creox.mod_path(creox.mod_name()) or creox.world_path() return is_mod_path == false and path .. "/creox/core/datastore/" or path .. "/datastore/" end if IE then minetest.mkdir(path(false)) end local function save_key(name, key, is_mod_path) local PATH = path(is_mod_path) local file ="/cache.json", "r") local data = file:read("a") file:close() data = minetest.parse_json(data) data[key] = true file ="/cache.json", "w") file:write(minetest.write_json(data)) file:close() end local function remove_key(name, key, is_mod_path) local PATH = path(is_mod_path) local file ="/cache.json", "r") local data = file:read("a") file:close() data = minetest.parse_json(data) data[key] = nil file ="/cache.json", "w") file:write(minetest.write_json(data)) file:close() end local function set_async(name, key, data, is_mod_path) local PATH = path(is_mod_path) local file ="/"..key..".json", "w") file:write(minetest.write_json(data)) file:close() if data == nil then remove_key(name, key, is_mod_path) else save_key(name, key, is_mod_path) end end local function get_async(name, key, is_mod_path) local PATH = path(is_mod_path) local file ="/"..key..".json", "r") local data = file:read("a") file:close() return minetest.parse_json(data) end local function get_keys(name, is_mod_path) local PATH = path(is_mod_path) local file ="/cache.json", "r") local data = file:read("a") file:close() data = minetest.parse_json(data) local keys = {} for key, value in pairs(data) do if value == true then table.insert(keys, key) end end return keys end local DataStore = class.extend("DataStore") creox.backend.DataStore = DataStore function DataStore.GetDataStore(name, save_in_mod) name = name:gsub(" ", "_") local datastore = __DataStorages[name] if not datastore then minetest.mkdir(path(save_in_mod) local PATH = path(save_in_mod) local file ="/cache.json", "r") file:close() datastore = DataStore() datastore._save_in_mod = save_in_mod == true __DataStorages[name] = datastore __IDataStorages[datastore] = { set_async = function(...) set_async(name, ...) end, get_async = function(...) return get_async(name, ...) end, get_keys = function(...) return get_keys(name, ...) end, } end return datastore end function DataStore:init() end function DataStore:set(key, data) __IDataStorages[self].set_async(key, data, self._save_in_mod) end function DataStore:get(key) return __IDataStorages[self].get_async(key, self._save_in_mod) end function DataStore:get_keys() return __IDataStorages[self].get_keys(self._save_in_mod) end
require "ido" local api = vim.api local fn = vim.fn local directory_name -- Set the prompt -{{{ local function ido_browser_set_prompt() -- This is an action used more than once, so I decided to abstract it out into a function. ido_prompt = string.format("Browse (%s): ", string.gsub(fn.resolve(directory_name), '^' .. os.getenv('HOME'), '~')) end -- }}} -- Directory Browser -{{{ function ido_browser() directory_name = vim.loop.cwd() ido_browser_set_prompt() return ido_complete { prompt = ido_prompt:gsub(' $', ''), items = fn.systemlist('ls -A ' .. fn.fnameescape(directory_name)), keybinds = { ["<BS>"] = 'ido_browser_backspace', ["<Return>"] = 'ido_browser_accept', ["<Tab>"] = 'ido_browser_prefix', }, on_enter = function(s) directory_name = vim.loop.cwd() end } end -- }}} -- Custom backspace in ido_browser -{{{ function ido_browser_backspace() if ido_pattern_text == '' then directory_name = fn.fnamemodify(directory_name, ':h') ido_browser_set_prompt() ido_match_list = fn.systemlist('ls -A ' .. fn.fnameescape(directory_name)) ido_get_matches() else ido_key_backspace() end end -- }}} -- Accept current item in ido_browser -{{{ function ido_browser_accept() if ido_current_item == '' then ido_current_item = ido_pattern_text end if fn.isdirectory(directory_name .. '/' .. ido_current_item) == 1 then directory_name = directory_name .. '/' .. ido_current_item ido_match_list = fn.systemlist('ls -A ' .. fn.fnameescape(directory_name)) ido_pattern_text, ido_before_cursor, ido_after_cursor = '', '', '' ido_cursor_position = 1 ido_get_matches() ido_browser_set_prompt() else ido_close_window() return vim.cmd('edit ' .. directory_name .. '/' .. ido_current_item) end end -- }}} -- Modified prefix acception in ido_browser -{{{ function ido_browser_prefix() ido_complete_prefix() if ido_prefix_text == ido_current_item and #ido_matched_items == 0 and ido_prefix_text ~= '' then ido_browser_accept() end end -- }}}
-- HintManager.lua cc.exports.HintManager = class() function HintManager.getInstance() if not HintManager.s_instance then HintManager.s_instance = end return HintManager.s_instance end function HintManager.ctor(self) self.m_queue = {} self.m_size = 0 self.m_preTime = 0 self.m_scheduler = cc.Director:getInstance():getScheduler() self:startExcuteLoop() end function HintManager.dtor(self) if self.m_loopHandler then self.m_loopHandler:cancel() end end function HintManager.addData(self,data,duration) if data==nil or data=="" then return end local element = {m_data=data,m_duration=duration or 0} self:enterQueue(element) end function HintManager.addDataWithDetaTime(self,data,duration) local curTime = os.time() if curTime - self.m_preTime > 3 then self.m_preTime = curTime self:addData(data,duration) end end function HintManager.enterQueue(self,element) table.insert(self.m_queue,element) self.m_size = self.m_size + 1 end function HintManager.popFront(self) local ret =nil for k,v in pairs(self.m_queue) do ret = table.remove(self.m_queue,k) self.m_size = self.m_size - 1 break end return ret end function HintManager.isEmpty(self) if self:getSize() == 0 then return true else return false end end function HintManager.getSize(self) return self.m_size end function HintManager.excuteNextHint(self) local value = self:popFront() if value then --TPNetSys:onEvent(value.m_cmd,value.m_data) end end function HintManager.excuteDelayHint(self,data) if data.m_duration > 0 then local _excuteQueue =function(dt) self:excuteLoop(dt) end self.m_curAction = cc.DelayTime:create(data.m_duration) self.m_actionFunc = cc.CallFunc:create(_excuteQueue) self.m_sequenceAction = cc.Sequence:create(self.m_curAction,self.m_actionFunc) self:runAction(self.m_sequenceAction) end end function HintManager.excuteQueue(self) local value = self:popFront() if value then --TPNetSys:onEvent(value.m_cmd,value.m_data) self:excuteDelayHint(value) end end function HintManager.startExcuteLoop(self) if self.m_loopHandler then self.m_scheduler:unscheduleScriptEntry(self.m_loopHandler) end local _excuteLoop =function(dt) self:excuteLoop(dt) end self.m_loopHandler = self.m_scheduler:scheduleScriptFunc(_excuteLoop, 0.05, false) end function HintManager.excuteLoop(self) if not LayerManager.getInstance():isShowing(LayerIds.POPUP_LAYER_TOP_HINT) then local value = self:popFront() if value then ViewSys:onEvent(ViewEvent.EVENT_LAYER_POPUP_COMMON_TOP_HINT,value.m_data) end end end return HintManager
local socket = require "socket" local hash = require "hash" local cipher = require "cipher" local json = require "cjson" local assert = assert local type = type local error = error local floor = math.floor local spack = string.pack local sunpack = string.unpack local schar = string.char local srep = string.rep local M = {} local logger = log.getLogger("miio.protocol") --- --- Message format --- --- 0 1 2 3 --- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 --- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --- | Magic number = 0x2131 | Packet Length (incl. header) | --- |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| --- | Unknown | --- |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| --- | Device ID ("did") | --- |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| --- | Stamp | --- |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| --- | MD5 checksum | --- | ... or Device Token in response to the "Hello" packet | --- |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| --- | optional variable-sized data (encrypted) | --- |...............................................................| --- --- Mi Home Binary Protocol header --- Note that one tick mark represents one bit position. --- --- Magic number: 16 bits --- Always 0x2131 --- --- Packet length: 16 bits unsigned int --- Length in bytes of the whole packet, including the header. --- --- Unknown: 32 bits --- This value is always 0, --- except in the "Hello" packet, when it's 0xFFFFFFFF --- --- Device ID: 32 bits --- Unique number. Possibly derived from the MAC address. --- except in the "Hello" packet, when it's 0xFFFFFFFF --- --- Stamp: 32 bit unsigned int --- Unix style epoch time --- --- MD5 checksum: --- calculated for the whole packet including the MD5 field itself, --- which must be initialized with device token. --- --- In the special case of the response to the "Hello" packet, --- this field contains the 128-bit device token instead. --- --- optional variable-sized data: --- encrypted with AES-128: see below. --- length = packet_length - 0x20 --- ---@class MiioMessage --- ---@field unknown integer ---@field did integer ---@field stamp integer ---@field data string --- --- miIO Encryption. --- --- The variable-sized data payload is encrypted with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). --- --- A 128-bit key and Initialization Vector are both derived from the Token as follows: --- Key = MD5(Token) --- IV = MD5(Key + Token) --- PKCS#7 padding is used prior to encryption. --- --- The mode of operation is Cipher Block Chaining (CBC). --- ---@class MiioEncryption: MiioEncryptionPriv local encryption = {} ---Encrypt data. ---@param input string ---@return string output function encryption:encrypt(input) local ctx = self.ctx return ctx:begin("encrypt", self.key, self.iv):update(input) .. ctx:finsh() end ---Decrypt data. ---@param input string ---@return string output function encryption:decrypt(input) local ctx = self.ctx return ctx:begin("decrypt", self.key, self.iv):update(input) .. ctx:finsh() end ---Calculates a MD5 checksum for the given data. ---@param data string ---@return string digest local function md5(data) return hash.create("MD5"):update(data):digest() end ---Create an encryption. ---@param token string Device token. ---@return MiioEncryption encryption A new encryption. ---@nodiscard local function createEncryption(token) local ctx = cipher.create("AES-128-CBC") ctx:setPadding("PKCS7") local key = md5(token) local iv = md5(key .. token) ---@class MiioEncryptionPriv local o = { ctx = ctx, key = key, iv = iv, } return setmetatable(o, { __index = encryption }) end ---Pack a message to a binary package. ---@param unknown integer Unknown: 32-bit. ---@param did integer Device ID: 32-bit. ---@param stamp integer Stamp: 32 bit unsigned int. ---@param token? string Device token: 128-bit. ---@param data? string Optional variable-sized data. ---@return string package ---@nodiscard local function pack(unknown, did, stamp, token, data) local len = 32 if data then len = len + #data end local header = spack(">I2>I2>I4>I4>I4", 0x2131, len, unknown, did, stamp) local checksum = nil if token then checksum = md5(header .. token .. (data or "")) else checksum = srep(schar(0xff), 16) end assert(#checksum == 16) return header .. checksum .. (data or "") end ---Unpack a message from a binary package. ---@param package string A binary package. ---@param token? string Device token: 128-bit. ---@return MiioMessage message ---@nodiscard local function unpack(package, token) if sunpack(">I2", package, 1) ~= 0x2131 then error("Invalid magic number.") end local len = sunpack(">I2", package, 3) if len < 32 or len ~= #package then error("Invalid package length.") end local data = nil if len > 32 then data = sunpack("c" .. len - 32, package, 33) end if token then local checksum = md5(sunpack("c16", package, 1) .. token .. (data or "")) assert(#checksum == 16) if checksum ~= sunpack("c16", package, 17) then error("Got checksum error which indicates use of an invalid token.") end end return { unknown = sunpack(">I4", package, 5), did = sunpack(">I4", package, 9), stamp = sunpack(">I4", package, 13), data = data } end ---@class ScanResult Scan Result. --- ---@field addr string Device address. ---@field devid integer Device ID: 32-bit. ---@field stamp integer Device time stamp. ---Scan for devices in the local network. --- ---This method is used to discover supported devices by sending ---a handshake message to the broadcast address on port 54321. ---If the target IP address is given, the handshake will be send as an unicast packet. ---@param timeout integer Timeout period (in milliseconds). ---@param addr? string Target Address. ---@return ScanResult[] results A array of scan results. ---@nodiscard function M.scan(timeout, addr) assert(timeout > 0, "timeout must be greater then 0") local sock <close> = socket.create("UDP", "IPV4") sock:settimeout(timeout) if not addr then sock:enablebroadcast() end local hello = pack(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff) for i = 1, 3, 1 do assert(sock:sendto(hello, addr or "", 54321), "failed to send hello message") end local seen = {} local results = {} while true do local success, result, fromAddr, _ = pcall(sock.recvfrom, sock, 1024) if success == false then if addr == nil and result:find("timeout") then return results end error(result) end local m = unpack(result) if m == nil or m.unknown ~= 0 or then error("Got a invalid miIO protocol packet.") end table.insert(results, { addr = fromAddr, devid = m.did, stamp = m.stamp }) if addr then assert(addr == fromAddr) return results end if seen[fromAddr] == false then seen[fromAddr] = true end end end ---@class MiioPcb: MiioPcbPriv miio protocol control block. local pcb = {} ---@class MiioError miIO error. --- ---@field code integer Error code. ---@field message string Error message. ---Handshake. ---@param timeout integer Timeout period (in milliseconds). function pcb:handshake(timeout) logger:debug("Handshake ...") local results = M.scan(timeout, self.addr) local result = results[1] logger:debug("Handshake done.") self.devid = result.devid self.stampDiff = floor(core.time() / 1000) - result.stamp end ---Start a request. ---@param timeout integer Timeout period (in milliseconds). ---@param method string The request method. ---@param ... any The request parameters. ---@return any result function pcb:request(timeout, method, ...) assert(timeout > 0, "timeout must be greater then 0") assert(type(method) == "string") local params = {...} if #params == 0 then params = nil end if self.stampDiff == nil then self:handshake(timeout) end local sock <close> = socket.create("UDP", "IPV4") sock:settimeout(timeout) sock:connect(self.addr, 54321) local reqid = self.reqid + 1 if reqid == 9999 then reqid = 1 end self.reqid = reqid do local data = json.encode({ id = reqid, method = method, params = params }) sock:send(pack(0, self.devid, floor(core.time() / 1000) - self.stampDiff, self.token, self.encryption:encrypt(data))) logger:debug(("%s => %s"):format(data, self.addr)) end local success, result = pcall(sock.recv, sock, 1024) if success == false then if result:find("timeout") then self.stampDiff = nil end error(result) end self.errCnt = 0 local msg = unpack(result, self.token) if msg == nil or msg.did ~= self.devid or == nil then error("Receive a invalid message.") end local s = self.encryption:decrypt( if not s then error("Failed to decrypt the message.") end logger:debug(("%s => %s"):format(self.addr, s)) local payload = json.decode(s) if not payload then error("Failed to parse the JSON string.") end if ~= reqid then error("response id ~= request id") end ---@class MiioError local err = payload.error if err then error(err) end return payload.result end ---Create a PCB(protocol control block). ---@param addr string Device address. ---@param token string Device token: 128-bit. ---@return MiioPcb pcb Protocol control block. ---@nodiscard function M.create(addr, token) assert(type(addr) == "string") assert(type(token) == "string") assert(#token == 16) ---@class MiioPcbPriv local o = { addr = addr, token = token, reqid = 0, } o.encryption = createEncryption(token) setmetatable(o, { __index = pcb }) return o end return M
local player = { displayGroup = nil, shadowGroup = nil, } local typesMap = require("playerTypesMap") local player_mt = {__index=player} function type,x,y ) local newPlayer = { -- model of player type = type, x = x, y = y, vx = 200, vy = -250, height = nil, width = nil, dir = nil, sprite = nil, shadow = nil, isHunting = false, huntTransition = nil, -- will contain reference of transition while hunting and comming back to original position score = 0, -- player's score --collision properties contentBound = {xMin = nil, yMin = nil, xMax = nil, yMax = nil, width = nil, height = nil} --for circular collision: contentBound = { x = nil, y = nil, radius = nil} } -- getting an instance updated with view of player newPlayer = typesMap.makePlayer(newPlayer, player.displayGroup, player.shadowGroup) -- Optional -- For Debug Only -- newPlayer.debugSprite = display.newRect(player.shadowGroup, newPlayer.x, newPlayer.y, newPlayer.contentBound.xMax - newPlayer.contentBound.xMin, newPlayer.contentBound.yMax - newPlayer.contentBound.yMin ) -- newPlayer.debugSprite = display.newCircle(player.shadowGroup, newPlayer.x, newPlayer.y, newPlayer.contentBound.radius) return setmetatable(newPlayer, player_mt) end ------------------------- function player:updateBounds( ) self.contentBound.xMin = self.x - self.contentBound.width * 0.5 self.contentBound.xMax = self.x + self.contentBound.width * 0.5 self.contentBound.yMin = self.y - self.contentBound.height * 0.5 + self.contentBound.yOffset self.contentBound.yMax = self.y + self.contentBound.height * 0.5 + self.contentBound.yOffset -- self.contentBound.x = self.x -- in case of circular sprite -- self.contentBound.y = self.y end -- update view function player:updateImages() self.sprite.x = self.x self.sprite.y = self.y self.shadow.x = self.x self.shadow.y = self.y -- updating debugSprite with player's sprite if (self.debugSprite ~= nil) then self.debugSprite.x = self.contentBound.xMin + self.contentBound.width * 0.5 self.debugSprite.y = self.contentBound.yMin + self.contentBound.height * 0.5 end end ------------------------- -- updates model and then call updateImage to update view function player:update(dt) if (self.dir == "r") then self.x = self.x + self.vx * dt elseif self.dir == "l" then self.x = self.x - self.vx * dt end -- updating view of player self:updateBounds() self:updateImages() end ------------------------- --called from external script when 'h' key is pressed function player:hunt() local function onStart( obj ) -- play hunt sequence obj.sprite:setSequence("hunt") obj.shadow:setSequence("hunt") obj.sprite:play() obj.shadow:play() obj.isHunting = true end --------------- local function onEnd( obj ) -- when hunt sequence is complete play normal run sequence obj.sprite:setSequence("run") obj.shadow:setSequence("run") obj.sprite:play() obj.shadow:play() obj.isHunting = false, { time = 1500, y = self.y + 100, onComplete = function() self.huntTransition = nil end}) -- transitioning back to the place form where player jumped end if (self.huntTransition == nil) then self.huntTransition =, { time = 500, y = self.y - 100, onStart = onStart, onComplete = onEnd}) -- transitions from hunt sequence to run sequence end end --------------------------- return player
import "Turbine.UI"; ListItem = class( Turbine.UI.Control ); -- Essa classe existe para registar cada item na lista do main panel do Plugin function ListItem:Constructor( item ) Turbine.UI.Control.Constructor( self ); self:SetBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay ); self.item = item; self.item.Started = function( sender, args ) self.indicator:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 1, 0, 1, 0 ) ); end self.item.Stopped = function( sender, args ) self.indicator:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 1, 0, 0.1, 0 ) ); end self.indicator = Turbine.UI.Control(); self.indicator:SetParent( self ); self.indicator:SetPosition( 2, 2 ); self.indicator:SetSize( 16, 16 ); self.indicator:SetBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Overlay ); self.indicator:SetBackColorBlendMode( Turbine.UI.BlendMode.Multiply ); self.indicator:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 1, 0, 0.2, 0 ) ); self.nameLabel = Turbine.UI.Label(); self.nameLabel:SetParent( self ); self.nameLabel:SetText( item:GetName() ); self.nameLabel:SetPosition( 24, 5 ); self:Layout(); end function ListItem:GetExample() return self.item; end function ListItem:SetSelected( value ) if ( value ) then self:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 0.4, 0, 0.1, 1 ) ) else self:SetBackColor( Turbine.UI.Color( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) ) end end function ListItem:Layout() local width = self:GetWidth(); self.nameLabel:SetSize( width - self.nameLabel:GetLeft(), 18 ); end function ListItem:SizeChanged() self:Layout(); end
--[[ This file is part of 'Masque', an add-on for World of Warcraft. For license information, please see the included License.txt file. * File...: Skins\Blizzard.lua * Author.: StormFX, Maul, Blizzard Entertainment ]] local _, Core = ... -- Improved Blizzard skin. Thanks, Maul! Core:AddSkin("Blizzard", { Author = "Blizzard Entertainment", Version = Core.Version, Masque_Version = 70200, Shape = "Square", Backdrop = { Width = 32, Height = 32, TexCoords = {0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8}, Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-EmptySlot]], }, Icon = { Width = 30, Height = 30, TexCoords = {0.07, 0.93, 0.07, 0.93}, }, Flash = { Width = 30, Height = 30, TexCoords = {0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8}, Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-QuickslotRed]], }, Cooldown = { Width = 32, Height = 32, }, ChargeCooldown = { Width = 32, Height = 32, }, Pushed = { Width = 34, Height = 34, Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot-Depress]], }, Normal = { Width = 56, Height = 56, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = -0.5, Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot2]], EmptyTexture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot]], EmptyColor = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}, }, Disabled = { Hide = true, }, Checked = { Width = 31, Height = 31, BlendMode = "ADD", Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\CheckButtonHilight]], }, Border = { Width = 60, Height = 60, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = 0.5, BlendMode = "ADD", Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-ActionButton-Border]], }, Gloss = { Hide = true, }, AutoCastable = { Width = 56, Height = 56, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = -0.5, Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\UI-AutoCastableOverlay]], }, Highlight = { Width = 30, Height = 30, BlendMode = "ADD", Texture = [[Interface\Buttons\ButtonHilight-Square]], }, Name = { Width = 32, Height = 10, OffsetY = 6, }, Count = { Width = 32, Height = 10, OffsetX = -3, OffsetY = 6, }, HotKey = { Width = 32, Height = 10, OffsetX = 1, OffsetY = -6, }, Duration = { Width = 36, Height = 10, OffsetY = -2, }, Shine = { Width = 32, Height = 32, OffsetX = 0.5, OffsetY = -0.5 }, })
object_building_general_brood_10_cave = object_building_general_shared_brood_10_cave:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_building_general_brood_10_cave, "object/building/general/brood_10_cave.iff")
-- Copyright (c) 2016 John Schember <[email protected]> -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -- a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), -- to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation -- the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, -- and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the -- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -- all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING -- FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER -- DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. local string = require("string") local M = {} local M_mt = { __metatable = {}, __index = M } function M:new(hm, key, data) local th local tk = {} local ipad = {} if self ~= M then return nil, "First argument must be self" end local o = setmetatable({}, M_mt) o._hm = hm -- Compute the key. if #key > hm.block_size then th = hm(key) key = th:digest() end for i=1,#key do tk[#tk+1] = string.byte(key, i) end for i=#key+1,hm.block_size do tk[#tk+1] = 0 end -- Generate the inner and outer padding. o._opad = {} for i=1,#tk do ipad[i] = string.char(tk[i] ~ 0x36) o._opad[i] = string.char(tk[i] ~ 0x5C) end ipad = table.concat(ipad) o._opad = table.concat(o._opad) -- Start the hash witht the inner padding o._hash = o._hm(ipad) if data ~= nil then o._hash:update(data) end return o end setmetatable(M, { __call = }) function M:copy() local o = setmetatable({}, M_mt) o._hm = self._hm o._hash = self._hash:copy() o._opad = self._opad return o end function M:update(data) self._hash:update(data) end function M:digest() local final local digest local th final = self:copy() digest = final._hash:digest() th = final._hm(final._opad) th:update(digest) return th:digest() end function M:hexdigest() local h local out = {} h = self:digest() for i=1,#h do out[i] = string.format("%02X", string.byte(h, i)) end return table.concat(out) end return M
jumpdrive.preflight_check = function(source, destination, radius, playername) local has_landing_priv = minetest.check_player_privs(playername, {jumpdrive_land=true}) -- check for height limit, only space travel allowed if destination.y > -20 and destination.y < 100 and not has_landing_priv then return { success=false, message="Atmospheric travel not allowed!" } end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) if player then -- player is online, check limits (non-automatic jump) local can_teleport, err_msg = pandorabox.can_teleport(player, destination) if not can_teleport then return { success=false, message="Jump failed: " .. (err_msg or "") } end end -- everything ok return { success=true } end
function plugindef() finaleplugin.Author = "Jari Williamsson then altered by Joseph Weidinger" finaleplugin.Version = "1.0" finaleplugin.Date = "May 03, 2015" finaleplugin.RequireSelection = true finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "increase measure width" return "Measure Width - Increase", "Measure Width - Increase", "Increase Measure Width" end -- this script was completely written by Jari in his preview post of JW Lua -- on the MakeMusic Finale Forums - Posted 7/30/2013 4:14 PM (GMT -5) region = finale.FCMusicRegion() region:SetCurrentSelection() measures = finale.FCMeasures() measures:LoadRegion(region) for measure in each(measures) do measure.Width = measure.Width * 120 / 100 end measures:SaveAll()
local EnableNodeTouch = {} function EnableNodeTouch.enable(node,began,moved,ended,Swallow) local function onTouchBegin(location) local pos = location:getLocation() return began(pos) end local function onTouchMove(location) local pos = location:getLocation() moved(pos) end local function onTouchEnded(location) local pos = location:getLocation() ended(pos) end local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne:create() listener:setSwallowTouches(Swallow) if began then listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchBegin,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_BEGAN ) end if moved then listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchMove,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_MOVED) end if ended then listener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEnded,cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCH_ENDED) end local eventDispatcher = node:getEventDispatcher() eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, node) end function EnableNodeTouch.enableMultitouchMode(layer) print('call enableMultitouchMode function ') local function onTouchBeganEx(touches,event) if layer.onTouchBeganEx then layer:onTouchBeganEx(touches,event) end end local function onTouchMovedEx(touches,event) if layer.onTouchMovedEx then layer:onTouchMovedEx(touches,event) end end local function onTouchEndedEx(touches,event) if layer.onTouchEndedEx then layer:onTouchEndedEx(touches,event) end end local touchListener = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:create() touchListener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchBeganEx, cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN) touchListener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchMovedEx, cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED) touchListener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEndedEx, cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_ENDED) touchListener:registerScriptHandler(onTouchEndedEx, cc.Handler.EVENT_TOUCHES_CANCELLED) local eventDispatcher = layer:getEventDispatcher() eventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(touchListener, layer) layer.touchListener = touchListener end return EnableNodeTouch
return function(player, coins) return { type = script.Name, player = player, coins = coins, replicateTo = player, } end
-- Autogenerated from KST: please remove this line if doing any edits by hand! local luaunit = require("luaunit") require("valid_fail_range_float") TestValidFailRangeFloat = {} function TestValidFailRangeFloat:test_valid_fail_range_float() luaunit.assertErrorMsgMatches(".+: ValidationGreaterThanError", ValidFailRangeFloat.from_file, ValidFailRangeFloat, "src/floating_points.bin") end
local BI = BI_Config --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Credits --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drs9999 - Treefarm Mod SpeedDaemon - Greenhouse Mod Simdezimon - Wood Floors Klonan - Big Wooden Pole and Wooden Fence LukeM212 - Tree Sapling Mod Bobingabout - Bob's Mods - Learned a lot from looking at your amazing work. (and those wonderful functions) YuokiTani - Art - Amazing Work!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ On / Off Toggles --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- true = On / Yes --- false = Off / No -- NOTE -- When changing most of the below values, this will only affect new games, not existing games. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] BI.Bio_Garden = true --- Enable the Bio Garden --- Helps clean up the pollution you're producing. BI.Bio_Solar_Farm = true --- Enable the Bio Solar Farm. --- Tierd of having half your map covered with solar panels... Well, now you can condense them. BI.Bio_Cannon = true --- Enable the Bio Conno - Turrent that only fires at Spawners. Has a range of 75. BI.Bio_Fuel = true --- Enable the Bio Fuel. Make fuel from plants and animals. --- Enable Plastic BI.Wood_Products = true --- Enables wood products like: -- Wood Fence -- Big Wood Pole -- Wood Flooring -- Wood Rail (Uses wood. Vanilla rail now uses Concrete) BI.Recipe_Tweaks = true --- Making some Vanilla recipe's more realistic. --********************* --- Recipe Changes might not take affect on existing games if you don't run: -- "/c game.player.force.reset_recipes()"" --********************* --- Stone Wall: adds Iron Sticks (Rebarb) to recipe --- Concrete: Uses Iron Sticks (Rebarb) and not Iron-Ore --- Rail (Vanilla and Wood): Uses Crushed Stone and not Stone --- Trees Give Random 1 - 6 Raw Wood --- Tree Collision box made smaller --- Steel Axe requires Iron Axe --- Player running speed slightly increased from 0.15 to 0.25 --- Loot Pickup distance doubled --- Reach BI.Reach = false --- Double player Reach ----------------------------- END ------------------------------------------- BI.Bio_Farm = true -- Just leave that as True! (Core Module) --- Enable the Bio Farm --- Base part of the mod. BI.QCCode = false -- Used for QC -- Displays messages used for checking my code
-- hcas - hash compare and set -- hcas [hash, field] [assert_value, set_value] local res ='HGET', KEYS[1], KEYS[2]) if res == ARGV[1] then'HSET', KEYS[1], KEYS[2], ARGV[2]) return {1, ARGV[2]} else return {0, res} end
require("curses"); curses.initscr(); curses.start_color(); curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_YELLOW); curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_RED); for i = 1, 2 do local r, f, b = curses.pair_content(i); curses.attrset(curses.COLOR_PAIR(i)); curses.addstr(f .. ", " .. b .. "\n"); end curses.getch(); curses.endwin();
--- -- @author wesen -- @copyright 2020 wesen <[email protected]> -- @release 0.1 -- @license MIT -- local LuaServerApi = require "AC-LuaServer.Core.LuaServerApi" local Object = require "classic" local Timer = require "AC-LuaServer.Core.Util.Timer" --- -- Manages respawning items (pickups) for a single Player. -- -- @type PlayerItemRespawnManager -- local PlayerItemRespawnManager = Object:extend() --- -- The Player for which the item respawning is managed -- -- @tfield Player player -- PlayerItemRespawnManager.player = nil --- -- The current item respawn timers -- A timer will be started when the player picked up an item -- This list is in the format { <cn> => Timer, ... } -- -- @tfield Timer[] itemRespawnTimers -- PlayerItemRespawnManager.itemRespawnTimers = nil --- -- PlayerItemRespawnManager constructor. -- -- @tparam Player _player The Player for which the item respawning is managed -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:new(_player) self.player = _player self.itemRespawnTimers = {} end -- Public Methods --- -- Adds a item respawn Timer for a given item. -- -- @tparam int _itemType The item type -- @tparam int _itemId The item id -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:addItemRespawnTimer(_itemType, _itemId) local respawnTime = LuaServerApi.spawntime(_itemType) self.itemRespawnTimers[_itemId] = Timer( Timer.TYPE_ONCE, respawnTime, function() self:respawnItem(_itemId) self.itemRespawnTimers[_itemId] = nil end ) end --- -- Returns whether this PlayerItemRespawnManager currently has a item respawn Timer for a given item ID. -- -- @tparam int _itemId The item ID to check -- -- @treturn bool True if this PlayerItemRespawnManager has a item respawn Timer for the item ID, false otherwise -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:hasPendingRespawnForItem(_itemId) return self.itemRespawnTimers[_itemId] ~= nil end --- -- Cancels all currently running item respawn Timer's. -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:cancelAllItemRespawns() for _, itemRespawnTimer in pairs(self.itemRespawnTimers) do itemRespawnTimer:cancel() end self.itemRespawnTimers = {} end --- -- Respawns all items for the Player for which there currently are respawn Timer's. -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:respawnAllItems() for itemId, itemRespawnTimer in pairs(self.itemRespawnTimers) do self:respawnItem(itemId) itemRespawnTimer:cancel() end self.itemRespawnTimers = {} end -- Private Methods --- -- Respawns a given item for the Player whose item respawns are managed by this PlayerItemRespawnManager. -- -- @tparam int _itemId The ID of the item to respawn -- function PlayerItemRespawnManager:respawnItem(_itemId) LuaServerApi.spawnitem(_itemId, { self.player:getCn() }) end return PlayerItemRespawnManager
if type(jit) ~= 'table' or lovr.system.getOS() == 'Android' then return false end -- Added from original local ffi = require 'ffi' local C = ffi.os == 'Windows' and ffi.load('glfw3') or ffi.C ffi.cdef [[ typedef struct GLFWwindow GLFWwindow; typedef void(*GLFWkeyfun)(GLFWwindow*, int, int, int, int); typedef void (*GLFWcharfun)(GLFWwindow*,unsigned int); GLFWwindow* glfwGetCurrentContext(void); int glfwGetKey(GLFWwindow* window, int key); GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWkeyfun callback); GLFWcharfun glfwSetCharCallback(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWcharfun callback); ]] local window = C.glfwGetCurrentContext() local keymap = { ['space'] = 32, ['\''] = 39, [','] = 44, ['-'] = 45, ['.'] = 46, ['/'] = 47, ['0'] = 48, ['1'] = 49, ['2'] = 50, ['3'] = 51, ['4'] = 52, ['5'] = 53, ['6'] = 54, ['7'] = 55, ['8'] = 56, ['9'] = 57, [';'] = 59, ['='] = 61, ['a'] = 65, ['b'] = 66, ['c'] = 67, ['d'] = 68, ['e'] = 69, ['f'] = 70, ['g'] = 71, ['h'] = 72, ['i'] = 73, ['j'] = 74, ['k'] = 75, ['l'] = 76, ['m'] = 77, ['n'] = 78, ['o'] = 79, ['p'] = 80, ['q'] = 81, ['r'] = 82, ['s'] = 83, ['t'] = 84, ['u'] = 85, ['v'] = 86, ['w'] = 87, ['x'] = 88, ['y'] = 89, ['z'] = 90, ['['] = 91, ['\\'] = 92, [']'] = 93, ['`'] = 96, ['escape'] = 256, ['return'] = 257, ['enter'] = 257, ['tab'] = 258, ['backspace'] = 259, ['insert'] = 260, ['delete'] = 261, ['right'] = 262, ['left'] = 263, ['down'] = 264, ['up'] = 265, ['pageup'] = 266, ['pagedown'] = 267, ['home'] = 268, ['end'] = 269, ['capslock'] = 280, ['scrolllock'] = 281, ['numlock'] = 282, ['printscreen'] = 283, ['pause'] = 284, ['f1'] = 290, ['f2'] = 291, ['f3'] = 292, ['f4'] = 293, ['f5'] = 294, ['f6'] = 295, ['f7'] = 296, ['f8'] = 297, ['f9'] = 298, ['f10'] = 299, ['f11'] = 300, ['f12'] = 301, ['kp0'] = 320, ['kp1'] = 321, ['kp2'] = 322, ['kp3'] = 323, ['kp4'] = 324, ['kp5'] = 325, ['kp6'] = 326, ['kp7'] = 327, ['kp8'] = 328, ['kp9'] = 329, ['kp.'] = 330, ['kp/'] = 331, ['kp*'] = 332, ['kp-'] = 333, ['kp+'] = 334, ['kpenter'] = 335, ['kp='] = 336, ['lshift'] = 340, ['lctrl'] = 341, ['lalt'] = 342, ['lgui'] = 343, ['rshift'] = 344, ['rctrl'] = 345, ['ralt'] = 346, ['rgui'] = 347, ['menu'] = 348 } for k, v in pairs(keymap) do keymap[v] = k end local keyboard = {} keyboard.suppressF5 = false keyboard.suppressChar = true keyboard.suppressDown = false local haveKbamSymbols, fakeKbamBlock, getFakeKbamBlocked = nil keyboard.focusDidKbamBlock = false keyboard.suppressDown = false keyboard.suppressDownDepth = 0 -- Call with "1" to increase the number of text boxes on screen and "-1" to decrease. function keyboard.downFocus(direction) keyboard.suppressDownDepth = keyboard.suppressDownDepth + direction keyboard.suppressDown = keyboard.suppressDownDepth > 0 if haveKbamSymbols == nil then haveKbamSymbols = require "engine.fakeKbamSymbols" if haveKbamSymbols then fakeKbamBlock, getFakeKbamBlocked = unpack(haveKbamSymbols) haveKbamSymbols = true end end if haveKbamSymbols then if keyboard.suppressDown then if not keyboard.focusDidKbamBlock and not getFakeKbamBlocked() then keyboard.focusDidKbamBlock = true fakeKbamBlock(true, true) end else if keyboard.focusDidKbamBlock then keyboard.focusDidKbamBlock = false fakeKbamBlock(false, true) end end end end function keyboard.trueIsDown(key, ...) if not key then return false end local keycode = keymap[key] assert(keycode and type(keycode) == 'number', 'Unknown key: ' .. key) return C.glfwGetKey(window, keycode) == 1 or keyboard.isDown(...) end function keyboard.isDown(...) if not keyboard.suppressDown then return keyboard.trueIsDown(...) end return false end C.glfwSetKeyCallback(window, function(window, key, scancode, action, mods) if action ~= 2 and keymap[key] then if not keyboard.suppressF5 and keymap[key] == 'f5' then lovr.event.restart() else lovr.event.push(action > 0 and 'keypressed' or 'keyreleased', keymap[key]) end end end) C.glfwSetCharCallback(window, function(window, codepoint) if not keyboard.suppressChar then lovr.event.push('keychar', codepoint) end end) return keyboard
Target = { x = 0, y = 0, width = 32, height = 32, dead = false } function Target:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Target:get_center() return self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2 end
local Types = require(script.Parent.Parent.Types) type Record<K, V> = Types.Record<K, V> local function map<K, V>(source: Record<K, V>, func: (V, K, Record<K, V>) -> any): Record<K, any> local result = table.create(#source) for key, value in source do result[key] = func(value, key, source) end return result end return map
-- (c) 2013 Flexiant Ltd -- Released under the Apache 2.0 Licence - see LICENCE for details function mailchimp_activation_trigger(p) if(p == nil) then return { ref = "mailchimp_customer_activation_trigger", name = "MailChimp customer activation trigger", description = "MailChimp add cutomer to mailing list upon customer activation", priority = 0, triggerType = "POST_JOB_STATE_CHANGE", triggerOptions = {"SUCCESSFUL"}, api = "TRIGGER", version = 1, } end local jobType = p.input:getJobType():toString() local mailChimpList if(jobType == "CREATE_SERVER") then mailChimpList = "MAILCHIMP_SERVER_LIST" elseif (jobType == "CREATE_CUSTOMER") then mailChimpList = "MAILCHIMP_CUSTOMER_LIST" elseif (jobType == "CREATE_DEPLOYMENT_INSTANCE") then mailChimpList = "MAILCHIMP_BENTOBOX_LIST" else return { exitState = "SUCCESS" } end local userUUID = p.input:getUserUUID() local beUUID = getbeUUID(userUUID) local userData = getUserData(userUUID) local mailchimpToken = checkBeKey(beUUID,'MAILCHIMP_TOKEN') if(mailchimpToken.success) then print("========== MAILCHIMP TRIGGER ACTIVATION ==========") local apiToken = splitString(mailchimpToken.keyValue, '-') local apiUrl = "https://" .. apiToken[2] .. "" local listID = checkBeKey(beUUID, mailChimpList) local params = {apikey = apiToken[1], id= listID.keyValue, email = {email =},merge_vars = {fname =, lname =}} local json = new("JSON") params = json:encode(params) print('Adding user:' .. userUUID .. ' to MailChimp Subscription list.') generate_http_request('',params,apiUrl) print("========== MAILCHIMP TRIGGER ACTIVATION COMPLETE ==========") end return { exitState = "SUCCESS" } end function getbeUUID(userUUID) local searchFilter = new("SearchFilter") local filterCondition1 = new("FilterCondition") filterCondition1:setField('resourceuuid') filterCondition1:setValue({userUUID}) filterCondition1:setCondition(new("Condition","IS_EQUAL_TO")) searchFilter:addCondition(filterCondition1) local user = adminAPI:listResources(searchFilter,nil,new("ResourceType","USER")) if(user:getList():size() > 0) then return user:getList():get(0):getBillingEntityUUID() end end function getUserData(userUUID) local searchFilter = new("SearchFilter") local filterCondition1 = new("FilterCondition") filterCondition1:setField('resourceuuid') filterCondition1:setValue({userUUID}) filterCondition1:setCondition(new("Condition","IS_EQUAL_TO")) searchFilter:addCondition(filterCondition1) local user = adminAPI:listResources(searchFilter,nil,new("ResourceType","USER")) if(user:getList():size() > 0) then local email = user:getList():get(0):getEmail() local firstName = user:getList():get(0):getFirstName() local lastName = user:getList():get(0):getLastName() return {success = true, data = {email = email, firstName = firstName, lastName = lastName}} else return {success = false , data = {}} end end function checkBeKey(beUUID, resourceKeyName) local searchFilter = new("SearchFilter") local filterCondition1 = new("FilterCondition") filterCondition1:setField('resourceuuid') filterCondition1:setValue({beUUID}) filterCondition1:setCondition(new("Condition","IS_EQUAL_TO")) local filterCondition2 = new("FilterCondition") filterCondition2:setField('') filterCondition2:setValue({resourceKeyName}) filterCondition2:setCondition(new("Condition","IS_EQUAL_TO")) searchFilter:addCondition(filterCondition1) searchFilter:addCondition(filterCondition2) local billingEntity = adminAPI:listResources(searchFilter,nil,new("ResourceType","BILLING_ENTITY")) if(billingEntity:getList():size() == 1) then for i = 0, billingEntity:getList():get(0):getResourceKey():size() - 1, 1 do if(billingEntity:getList():get(0):getResourceKey():get(i):getName() == resourceKeyName) then return {success = true, keyValue = billingEntity:getList():get(0):getResourceKey():get(i):getValue() } end end else return {success = false} end end function splitString(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end t={} ; i=1 for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do t[i] = str i = i + 1 end return t end function generate_http_request(token,params,url) local headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json" local simplehttp = new("simplehttp") local httpconn = simplehttp:newConnection({url=url}) httpconn:setRequestHeaders(headers) local returnString = "" local httpcode = "" if (httpconn:post(params, function (val) returnString = returnString .. val return true end) ) then else local error , message = httpconn:getLastError() print('HTTPError: ' .. error) print('HTTPErrorMessage: ' .. message) end httpconn:disconnect() end function register() return {"mailchimp_activation_trigger"} end
pacx = pacx or {} include("pac3/extra/shared/init.lua") include("contraption.lua") include("pac2_compat.lua") include("wire_expression_extension.lua") pac.AddHook("NetworkEntityCreated", "player_size", function(ply) if not ply:IsPlayer() then return end if ply.pac_player_size then pacx.SetPlayerSize(ply,ply.pac_player_size,true) end end) pac.AddHook("NotifyShouldTransmit", "player_size", function(ply,st) if not st then return end if ply:IsPlayer() and ply.pac_player_size then pacx.SetPlayerSize(ply, ply.pac_player_size, true) pac.RunNextFrame('update_entity_size_' .. ply:EntIndex(), function() if not ply:IsValid() then return end if ply.pac_player_size then pacx.SetPlayerSize(ply, ply.pac_player_size, true) end end) end end)
return require('packer').startup(function() -- Packer can manage itself use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' use 'tpope/vim-fugitive' -- For luasnip users. use 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip' use 'saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip' -- nvim cmp sources use 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' use 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp' use 'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer' use 'hrsh7th/cmp-path' use 'hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline' use 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' use 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua' use 'onsails/lspkind-nvim' -- nvim-telescope use 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' use { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = ':TSUpdate' } use {'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', run = 'make' } use { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', requires = { {'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'} } } -- personal use '~/repos/vim/vim-map-medley' use '~/repos/vim/tabcity' use '~/repos/vim/lvdb' -- other use 'majutsushi/tagbar' use 'vim-airline/vim-airline' use 'chaoren/vim-wordmotion' use 'plasticboy/vim-markdown' use 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script' use 'milkypostman/vim-togglelist' use 'tomtom/tcomment_vim' use 'neomake/neomake' use 'tmhedberg/SimpylFold' -- neorg use { 'nvim-neorg/neorg', branch = 'main', requires = { {'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', } } } -- use {'~/repos/temp/neorg-dateinserter'} use {'~/repos/temp/neorg-gtd-project-tags'} use {'mattn/calendar-vim'} end)
local t = LoadFallbackB(); t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame { --[[ LoadActor( "more" )..{ InitCommand=cmd(x,SCREEN_CENTER_X-320+580;y,SCREEN_CENTER_Y-240+90); OnCommand=cmd(addx,SCREEN_WIDTH/2;linear,0.2;addx,-SCREEN_WIDTH/2); OffCommand=cmd(linear,0.3;zoom,0;addx,SCREEN_WIDTH/2); };]] LoadFont("Common", "normal")..{ Text=THEME:GetString(Var "LoadingScreen", "HelpText"); InitCommand=cmd(draworder,101;x,SCREEN_CENTER_X;y,SCREEN_BOTTOM-24;shadowlength,0); OnCommand=cmd(queuecommand,"In"); InCommand=cmd(zoom,0.5;zoomy,0;linear,0.5;zoomy,0.5;diffuseblink); OffCommand=cmd(linear,0.5;zoomy,0); }; }; return t;
-- Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. -- Main function to load and train -- some globals remain. -- @lint-skip-luachecker ----------------------------------------------------- -- Arguments: -- 1) Name of file which contains options. local optFile = arg[1] local opt require('torch') if optFile ~= nil then -- Kill all the args apart from the ones after the first -- to skip the options class. local args = {} for i = 2, #arg do args[#args + 1] = arg[i] end arg = args if optFile == 'model' then -- Load from model options instead. local cmdline = require('library.cmd') cmd = cmdline:new() opt = cmd:parse_from_modelfile_and_override_with_args(arg) cmd:print(opt) print("[from loaded options]") else opt = require(optFile) end else error('missing options file') end if opt.profi then print('WARNING: running slower because of profiling') ProFi = require('ProFi') ProFi:start() end model = require(opt.modelClass) if mlp == nil then mlp = model:init_mlp(opt) end mlp:train() if opt.profi then ProFi:stop() ProFi:writeReport('/tmp/MyProfilingReport.txt') end
function onCreate() --Iterate over all notes for i = 0, getProperty('unspawnNotes.length')-1 do if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'noteType') == 'Blood Note' then setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'texture', 'BloodNotes_assets'); setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'hitHealth', '0'); setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'missHealth', '150'); -- ~ 0.005 HP setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'hitCausesMiss', true); if getPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'mustPress') then --Doesn't let Dad/Opponent notes get ignored setPropertyFromGroup('unspawnNotes', i, 'ignoreNote', true); --Miss has no penalties end end end end local hpDrain = 0; function goodNoteHit(id, noteData, noteType, isSustainNote) if noteType == 'Blood Note' then triggerEvent('Change Scroll Speed', 0.75, 0); hpDrain = hpDrain + 0.15; end end function onUpdate(elapsed) if hpDrain > 0 then hpDrain = hpDrain * elapsed; setProperty('health', getProperty('health') - 0.05 * elapsed); if hpDrain < 0 then hpDrain = 0; end end end
-- Definition of the WalkArea class. local Object = require "lib/classic" local Vector2D = require "lib/vector2d" local AStar = require "engine/pathfinding/astar" local Polygon = require "engine/pathfinding/polygon" local Graph = require "engine/pathfinding/graph" local GraphNode = require "engine/pathfinding/graphnode" local GraphEdge = require "engine/pathfinding/graphedge" local WalkArea = Object:extend() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate a new WalkArea object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:new() self.vertices_concave = {} self.polygons = {} self.walkGraph = Graph() self.mainWalkGraph = Graph() self.targetX = 0 self.targetY = 0 self.startNodeIndex = 1 self.endNodeIndex = 1 self.shortestPath = {} end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add a polygon (obstacle) to the walkable area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:addPolygon() table.insert(self.polygons, Polygon()) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine whether two line segments cross each other. -- @param v1 The starting point of the first segment. -- @param v2 The ending point of the first segment. -- @param v3 The starting point of the second segment. -- @param v4 The ending point of the second segment. -- @returns A boolean indicating whether the two segments cross each other. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:lineSegmentsCross(v1, v2, v3, v4) local denominator = (v2.x-v1.x)*(v4.y-v3.y) - (v2.y-v1.y)*(v4.x-v3.x) if denominator == 0 then return false end local numerator1 = (v1.y-v3.y)*(v4.x-v3.x) - (v1.x-v3.x)*(v4.y-v3.y) local numerator2 = (v1.y-v3.y)*(v2.x-v1.x) - (v1.x-v3.x)*(v2.y-v1.y) if numerator1 == 0 or numerator2 == 0 then return false end local r = numerator1 / denominator local s = numerator2 / denominator return (r > 0 and r < 1) and (s > 0 and s < 1) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Determine whether a vector is in the line of sight of another one in the -- WalkArea. -- @param start_p The vector from which the line of sight must be determined. -- @param end_p The vector which is either in the line of sight or not. -- @returns A boolean indicating whether end is in the line of sight of start. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:inLineOfSight(start_p, end_p) local epsilon = 0.5 -- Check whether the starting and ending points are inside the main polygon. if not self.polygons[1]:isPointInside(start_p, true) or not self.polygons[1]:isPointInside(end_p, true) then return false end -- If the starting and ending points are the same -> true. if start_p:sub(end_p):norm() < epsilon then return true end -- Check if the line between start_p and end_p cross any of the edges of -- the polygons in the WalkArea. for _, polygon in ipairs(self.polygons) do for i = 1, #polygon.vertices do local v1 = polygon.vertices[i] local v2 = polygon.vertices[i % #polygon.vertices + 1] if (self:lineSegmentsCross(start_p, end_p, v1, v2)) then -- A 0.5 margin is used to tackle rounding errors which might cause a -- point to be a little over the line. if polygon:distanceToSegment(start_p, v1, v2) > 0.5 and polygon:distanceToSegment(end_p, v1, v2) > 0.5 then return false end end end end local v = start_p:add(end_p) local v2 = Vector2D(v.x/2, v.y/2) local inside = self.polygons[1]:isPointInside(v2, true) -- Check that the line between start_p and end_p doesn't cross an inner -- polygon (obstacle). for i = 2, #self.polygons, 1 do if self.polygons[i]:isPointInside(v2, false) then inside = false end end return inside end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the graph with the concave vertices of the main polygon and the -- convex ones from the inner polygons (obstacles). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:createGraph() local first = true for _, polygon in ipairs(self.polygons) do if polygon ~= nil and polygon.vertices ~= nil and #polygon.vertices > 2 then for i = 1, #polygon.vertices do -- For the first polygon, we retrieve the concave vertices. For the others, -- which are inside the main one and therefore are obstacle, we retrieve -- the non-concave vertices. if polygon:isVertexConcave(i) == first then table.insert(self.vertices_concave, polygon.vertices[i]) self.mainWalkGraph:addNode(GraphNode(Vector2D(polygon.vertices[i].x, polygon.vertices[i].y))) end end end first = false end for i, c1 in ipairs(self.vertices_concave) do for j, c2 in ipairs(self.vertices_concave) do if self:inLineOfSight(c1, c2) then self.mainWalkGraph:addEdge(GraphEdge(i, j, math.sqrt(c1:squareDistance(c2)))) end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compute the shortest path from a position to another one in the walkable -- area. -- @param from A vector containing the position from which the path must start. -- @param to A vector containing the position to which the path must go. -- @returns The shortest path between from and to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WalkArea:getShortestPath(from, to) self.walkGraph = self.mainWalkGraph:clone() local minDistFrom = 100000 local minDistTo = 100000 -- Creation of a new node on the start position. self.startNodeIndex = #self.walkGraph.nodes + 1 -- If the start and end positions are outside the main polygon, compute the -- closest position inside. if not self.polygons[1]:isPointInside(from, true) then from = self.polygons[1]:closestPointOnEdge(from) end if not self.polygons[1]:isPointInside(to, true) then to = self.polygons[1]:closestPointOnEdge(to) end -- If there are inner polygons, check whether the end point is inside -- one of them. If this is the case, find the closest point on one -- of its edges. for i = 2, #self.polygons do if self.polygons[i]:isPointInside(to, true) then to = self.polygons[i]:closestPointOnEdge(to) break end end self.targetX = to.x self.targetY = to.y -- Create a new node on the start position. local startPosition = Vector2D(from.x, from.y) local startNode = GraphNode(startPosition) self.walkGraph:addNode(startNode) -- Compute the edges between the start node and all the other nodes in its -- line of sight. for cIndex = 1, #self.vertices_concave do local c = self.vertices_concave[cIndex] if self:inLineOfSight(startPosition, c) then self.walkGraph:addEdge(GraphEdge(self.startNodeIndex, cIndex, math.sqrt(startPosition:squareDistance(c)))) end end -- Create a new node on the end position. self.endNodeIndex = #self.walkGraph.nodes + 1 local endPosition = Vector2D(to.x, to.y) local endNode = GraphNode(endPosition) self.walkGraph:addNode(endNode) -- Compute the edges between the end node and all the other nodes in its line -- of sight. for cIndex = 1, #self.vertices_concave do local c = self.vertices_concave[cIndex] if self:inLineOfSight(endPosition, c) then self.walkGraph:addEdge(GraphEdge(self.endNodeIndex, cIndex, math.sqrt(endPosition:squareDistance(c)))) end end if self:inLineOfSight(startPosition, endPosition) then self.walkGraph:addEdge(GraphEdge(self.startNodeIndex, self.endNodeIndex, math.sqrt(startPosition:squareDistance(endPosition)))) end -- Compute the shortest path with the A-star algorithm. local astar = AStar(self.walkGraph, self.startNodeIndex, self.endNodeIndex) self.shortestPath = astar:getPath() return self.shortestPath end return WalkArea
dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_getscriptpath.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_filepathtofolder.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_filepathtofilename.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_getstringpixelwidth.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_loadobject.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_savescene.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_openscene.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_saveobject.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_savematerial.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_savetexture.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_savepkinetics.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_savetables.lua") dofile(chinBaseDir.."chin_GlobalFunctions/chin_globalfs_trimpath.lua")
local file = require("libraries.file") local docpath = "./docs/" gendocs = function(path) local list = list:gsub("[^\n]",function(str) local newdoc = "" fstr = path..istr if file.exists(fstr) then contents = contents:gsub("[^\n]",function(line) if line:find("--DOC") then local func = line:match("^.-%-%-")
-- Copyright (c) 2016 dy008 -- -- wifi.sta.config("dy-home","miqihome008") gpio.write(0, gpio.LOW) -- VFD ON gpio.mode(0, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(7, gpio.INT) -- 感应输入 print("Connecteing To wifi...") enduser_setup.start( function() print("Connected to wifi as:" .. wifi.sta.getip()) print("Let's Go...") sntp.sync('', function(sec, usec, server, info) rtctime.set(sec+28800, usec) print('sync', sec, usec, server) end, function() print('failed!') end, autorepeat ) dofile("run.lua") end, function(err, str) print("enduser_setup: Err #" .. err .. ": " .. str) node.restart() end )
local TableUtils = require('utils.class') local Vector2 = require('geometry.vector2') local Seek = require('') --- Implements the pursue behaviour algorithm. local Pursue = TableUtils.class(Seek) --- Initialises Pursue class instances. function Pursue:init(target, max_prediction) Seek.init(self, Vector2()) = target self.max_prediction = max_prediction end --- Returns the pursue desired velocity for 'vehicle'. function Pursue:desired_velocity(vehicle) -- Determine direction and distance to pursued vehicle. local offset = vehicle.position, ) local position = + offset local distance = (position - vehicle.position):len() -- Predict how long it will take to reach the target. local prediction = self.max_prediction if vehicle.speed >= distance / self.max_prediction then prediction = distance / vehicle.speed end -- Set the goal point to the predicted position and invoke Seek. self.goal = + * prediction return Seek.desired_velocity(self, vehicle) end return Pursue
-- Project: Attack on Pirate -- SDK: CoronaSDK -- -- Author: Darren Poon -- email : [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local storyboard = require "storyboard" storyboard.purgeOnSceneChange = true -------------------CUSTOM FONT CONFIG------------------------- local onSimulator = system.getInfo( "environment" ) == "simulator" local platformVersion = system.getInfo( "platformVersion" ) local olderVersion = tonumber(string.sub( platformVersion, 1, 1 )) < 4 local fontName = "Impact" local fontSize = 10 -- if on older device (and not on simulator) ... if not onSimulator and olderVersion then if string.sub( platformVersion, 1, 3 ) ~= "3.2" then fontName = "Impact" fontSize = 10 end end storyboard.state = {} storyboard.state.font = fontName ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------FIX MARGIN BACKGROUND--------------------- local marginY = math.abs(display.screenOriginY) if marginY > 0 then local topMarginYImage = display.newImageRect("images/marginImageY.png", display.contentWidth, marginY) topMarginYImage.anchorX, topMarginYImage.anchorY = .5, 1 topMarginYImage.x = display.contentCenterX topMarginYImage.y = 0 local bottomMarginYImage = display.newImageRect("images/marginImageY.png", display.contentWidth, marginY) bottomMarginYImage.anchorX, bottomMarginYImage.anchorY = .5, 0 bottomMarginYImage.x = display.contentCenterX bottomMarginYImage.y = display.contentHeight end local marginX = math.abs(display.screenOriginX) if marginX > 0 then local leftMarginXImage = display.newImageRect("images/marginImageX.png", marginX, display.contentHeight) leftMarginXImage.anchorX, leftMarginXImage.anchorY = 1, .5 leftMarginXImage.x = 0 leftMarginXImage.y = display.contentCenterY local rightMarginXImage = display.newImageRect("images/marginImageX.png", marginX, display.contentHeight) rightMarginXImage.anchorX, rightMarginXImage.anchorY = 0, .5 rightMarginXImage.x = display.contentWidth rightMarginXImage.y = display.contentCenterY end ------------------------------------------------------------- --storyboard.isDebug = true --Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", storyboard.printMemUsage ) -- load first screen -- storyboard.gotoScene( "opening-scene", "fade", 800 ) -- storyboard.gotoScene("game-scene") --storyboard.gotoScene("result-scene") --storyboard.gotoScene("leaderboard-scene") -- storyboard.gotoScene("login-scene") -- storyboard.gotoScene("home-scene") -- storyboard.gotoScene("shop-scene") -- storyboard.gotoScene("story-scene") -- storyboard.gotoScene("title-scene") storyboard.gotoScene("title-scene", "fade", 800) --storyboard.gotoScene("IAP-scene") --storyboard.gotoScene("tutorial-scene") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local match_hall_detail_select_list_item_layout = require(ViewPath.."hall/matchHall/widget/match_hall_detail_select_list_item_layout"); local GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem = class(CommonGameLayer, false) GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls = { bg = 1, line = 2, count = 3, direction = 4, icon = 5, str = 6, } GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.ctor = function(self, data) super(self, match_hall_detail_select_list_item_layout) self.m_data = data self:getHandle() self.m_bg = self:findViewById( self:init() end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.getHandle = function(self) self.m_count = self:findViewById(self.s_controls.count) self.m_line = self:findViewById(self.s_controls.line) self.m_direction = self:findViewById(self.s_controls.direction) self.m_icon = self:findViewById(self.s_controls.icon) self.m_str = self:findViewById(self.s_controls.str) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.init = function(self) self:setSize(self.m_root:getSize()) if self.m_data and self.m_data[1] and self.m_data[1]["type"] and self.m_data[1].num then local typ = number.valueOf(self.m_data[1]["type"]) local num = number.valueOf(self.m_data[1].num) local coinID = RechargeDataInterface.getInstance():getPropertySilverCoinID() local barID = RechargeDataInterface.getInstance():getPropertyGoldBarID() local propInfo = table.verify(RechargeDataInterface.getInstance():getGoodInfoByTypeIdWithMap(typ)) if typ == coinID or typ == barID then self:setCount(ToolKit.skipMoney(num)) ImageCache.getInstance():request(propInfo.item_icon, self, self.onImageDownloadIcon) else self:setCount(string.format("%s*%s", propInfo.item_name or "", num or "")) self.m_count:setPos(109, nil) end end end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.updateBgGray = function(self) if self.m_data[1].num and self.m_data[1].type then if MatchHallDataInterface.getInstance():checkEnroll(tonumber(self.m_data[1].type), tonumber(self.m_data[1].num), true) then self.m_icon:setGray(false) else self.m_icon:setGray(true) end end end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.onImageDownloadIcon = function(self, url, file) if not string.isEmpty(file) then self:setIcon(file) end end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setCount = function(self, text) self.m_count:setText(text) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setStrState = function(self, state) self.m_str:setVisible(state) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setIcon = function(self, file) local w, h = self.m_icon:getSize() self.m_icon:setFile(file) if self.m_icon.m_res then local resW = self.m_icon.m_res:getWidth() local resH = self.m_icon.m_res:getHeight() local scaleW, scaleH = resW / w, resH / h local width, height = w, h if scaleW > scaleH then width = w height = resH / scaleW else width = resW / scaleH height = h end self.m_icon:setSize(width, height) end end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setDirectionFile = function(self, file) self.m_direction:setFile(file) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setDirectionState = function(self, state) self.m_direction:setVisible(state) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setLineState = function(self, state) self.m_line:setVisible(state) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.dtor = function(self) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.setBgState = function(self, state) self.m_bg:setVisible(state) end GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controlConfig = { [] = {"bg"}, [GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls.line] = {"line"}, [GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls.count] = {"bg","text"}, [GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls.icon] = {"bg","icon"}, [GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls.direction] = {"bg","direction"}, [GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem.s_controls.str] = {"bg","str"}, } return GameMatchHallDetailSelectListItem