--- title: Qdrant Recommendation API description: The Qdrant Recommendation API enhances recommendation systems with advanced flexibility, supporting both ID and vector-based queries, and search strategies for precise, personalized content suggestions. learnMore: text: Learn More url: /documentation/concepts/explore/ image: src: /img/recommendation-api.svg alt: Recommendation api sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Recommendations with Qdrant description: Recommendation systems, powered by Qdrant's efficient data retrieval, boost the ability to deliver highly personalized content recommendations across various media, enhancing user engagement and accuracy on a scalable platform. Explore why Qdrant is the optimal solution for your recommendation system projects. features: - id: 0 icon: src: /icons/outline/chart-bar-blue.svg alt: Chart bar title: Efficient Data Handling description: Qdrant excels in managing high-dimensional vectors, enabling streamlined storage and retrieval for complex recommendation systems. - id: 1 icon: src: /icons/outline/search-text-blue.svg alt: Search text title: Advanced Indexing Method description: Leveraging HNSW indexing, Qdrant ensures rapid, accurate searches crucial for effective recommendation engines. - id: 2 icon: src: /icons/outline/headphones-blue.svg alt: Headphones title: Flexible Query Options description: With support for payloads and filters, Qdrant offers personalized recommendation capabilities through detailed metadata handling. sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Recommendation Systems description: Step into the next generation of recommendation engines powered by Qdrant. Experience a new level of intelligence in application interactions, offering unprecedented accuracy and depth in user personalization. startFree: text: Get Started url: learnMore: text: Contact Us url: /contact-us/ image: src: /img/vectors/vector-1.svg alt: Recommendation systems sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Learn how to get started with Qdrant for your recommendation system use case features: - id: 0 image: src: /img/recommendations-use-cases/music-recommendation.svg srcMobile: /img/recommendations-use-cases/music-recommendation-mobile.svg alt: Music recommendation title: Music Recommendation with Qdrant description: Build a song recommendation engine based on music genres and other metadata. link: text: View Tutorial url: /blog/human-language-ai-models/ - id: 1 image: src: /img/recommendations-use-cases/food-discovery.svg srcMobile: /img/recommendations-use-cases/food-discovery-mobile.svg alt: Food discovery title: Food Discovery with Qdrant description: Interactive demo recommends meals based on likes/dislikes and local restaurant options. link: text: View Demo url: caseStudy: logo: src: /img/recommendations-use-cases/customer-logo.svg alt: Logo title: Recommendation Engine with Qdrant Vector Database description: Dailymotion's Journey to Crafting the Ultimate Content-Driven Video Recommendation Engine with Qdrant Vector Database. link: text: Read Case Study url: /blog/case-study-dailymotion/ image: src: /img/recommendations-use-cases/case-study.png alt: Preview sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: retrieval-augmented-generation description: retrieval-augmented-generation url: rag build: render: always cascade: - build: list: local publishResources: false render: never ---
--- title: RAG Evaluation descriptionFirstPart: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) harnesses large language models to enhance content generation by effectively leveraging existing information. By amalgamating specific details from various sources, RAG facilitates accurate and relevant query results, making it invaluable across domains such as medical, finance, and academia for content creation, Q&A applications, and information synthesis. descriptionSecondPart: However, evaluating RAG systems is essential to refine and optimize their performance, ensuring alignment with user expectations and validating their functionality. image: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-evaluation/become-a-partner-graphic.svg alt: Graphic partnersTitle: "We work with the best in the industry on RAG evaluation:" logos: - id: 0 icon: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-evaluation/arize-logo.svg alt: Arize logo - id: 1 icon: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-evaluation/ragas-logo.svg alt: Ragas logo - id: 2 icon: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-evaluation/quotient-logo.svg alt: Quotient logo sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: RAG with Qdrant description: RAG, powered by Qdrant's efficient data retrieval, elevates AI's capacity to generate rich, context-aware content across text, code, and multimedia, enhancing relevance and precision on a scalable platform. Discover why Qdrant is the perfect choice for your RAG project. features: - id: 0 icon: src: /icons/outline/speedometer-blue.svg alt: Speedometer title: Highest RPS description: Qdrant leads with top requests-per-second, outperforming alternative vector databases in various datasets by up to 4x. - id: 1 icon: src: /icons/outline/time-blue.svg alt: Time title: Fast Retrieval description: "Qdrant achieves the lowest latency, ensuring quicker response times in data retrieval: 3ms response for 1M Open AI embeddings." - id: 2 icon: src: /icons/outline/vectors-blue.svg alt: Vectors title: Multi-Vector Support description: Integrate the strengths of multiple vectors per document, such as title and body, to create search experiences your customers admire. - id: 3 icon: src: /icons/outline/compression-blue.svg alt: Compression title: Built-in Compression description: Significantly reduce memory usage, improve search performance and save up to 30x cost for high-dimensional vectors with Quantization. sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) description: Unlock the full potential of your AI with RAG powered by Qdrant. Dive into a new era of intelligent applications that understand and interact with unprecedented accuracy and depth. startFree: text: Get Started url: learnMore: text: Contact Us url: /contact-us/ image: src: /img/vectors/vector-2.svg alt: Retrieval Augmented Generation sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Qdrant integrates with all leading LLM providers and frameworks integrations: - id: 0 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-cohere.svg alt: Cohere logo title: Cohere description: Integrate Qdrant with Cohere's co.embed API and Python SDK. - id: 1 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-gemini.svg alt: Gemini logo title: Gemini description: Connect Qdrant with Google's Gemini Embedding Model API seamlessly. - id: 2 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-open-ai.svg alt: OpenAI logo title: OpenAI description: Easily integrate OpenAI embeddings with Qdrant using the official Python SDK. - id: 3 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-aleph-alpha.svg alt: Aleph Alpha logo title: Aleph Alpha description: Integrate Qdrant with Aleph Alpha's multimodal, multilingual embeddings. - id: 4 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-jina.svg alt: Jina logo title: Jina description: Easily integrate Qdrant with Jina's embeddings API. - id: 5 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-aws.svg alt: AWS logo title: AWS Bedrock description: Utilize AWS Bedrock's embedding models with Qdrant seamlessly. - id: 6 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-lang-chain.svg alt: LangChain logo title: LangChain description: Qdrant seamlessly integrates with LangChain for LLM development. - id: 7 icon: src: /img/integrations/integration-llama-index.svg alt: LlamaIndex logo title: LlamaIndex description: Qdrant integrates with LlamaIndex for efficient data indexing in LLMs. sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Learn how to get started with Qdrant for your RAG use case features: - id: 0 image: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/case1.svg srcMobile: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/case1-mobile.svg alt: Music recommendation title: Question and Answer System with LlamaIndex description: Combine Qdrant and LlamaIndex to create a self-updating Q&A system. link: text: Video Tutorial url: - id: 1 image: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/case2.svg srcMobile: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/case2-mobile.svg alt: Food discovery title: Retrieval Augmented Generation with OpenAI and Qdrant description: Basic RAG pipeline with Qdrant and OpenAI SDKs. link: text: Learn More url: /articles/food-discovery-demo/ caseStudy: logo: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/customer-logo.svg alt: Logo title: See how Dust is using Qdrant for RAG description: Dust provides companies with the core platform to execute on their GenAI bet for their teams by deploying LLMs across the organization and providing context aware AI assistants through RAG. link: text: Read Case Study url: /blog/dust-and-qdrant/ image: src: /img/retrieval-augmented-generation-use-cases/case-study.png alt: Preview sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Trusted by developers worldwide subtitle: Qdrant is powering thousands of innovative AI solutions at leading companies. Engineers are choosing Qdrant for its top performance, high scalability, ease of use, and flexible cost and resource-saving options sitemapExclude: True ---
--- draft: false image: "content/images/logos/alphasense-logo-mono" name: "AlphaSense" sitemapExclude: True ---
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--- title: Qdrant Stars description: Qdrant Stars - Our Ambassador Program build: render: always cascade: - build: list: local publishResources: false render: never ---
--- title: About Qdrant Stars descriptionFirstPart: Qdrant Stars is an exclusive program to the top contributors and evangelists inside the Qdrant community. descriptionSecondPart: These are the experts responsible for leading community discussions, creating high-quality content, and participating in Qdrant’s events and meetups. image: src: /img/stars-about.png alt: Stars program sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Everything you need to extend your current reach to be the voice of the developer community and represent Qdrant benefits: - id: 0 icon: src: /icons/outline/training-blue.svg alt: Training title: Training description: You will be equipped with the assets and knowledge to organize and execute successful talks and events. Get access to our content library with slide decks, templates, and more. - id: 1 icon: src: /icons/outline/award-blue.svg alt: Award title: Recognition description: Win a certificate and be featured on our website page. Plus, enjoy the distinction of receiving exclusive Qdrant swag. - id: 2 icon: src: /icons/outline/travel-blue.svg alt: Travel title: Travel description: Benefit from a dedicated travel fund for speaking engagements at developer conferences. - id: 3 icon: src: /icons/outline/star-ticket-blue.svg alt: Star ticket title: Beta-tests description: Get a front-row seat to the future of Qdrant with opportunities to beta-test new releases and access our detailed product roadmap. sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Are you contributing to our code, content, or community? button: url: text: Become a Star image: src: /img/stars.svg alt: Stars sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: You are already a star in our community! description: The Qdrant Stars program is here to take that one step further. button: text: Become a Star url: image: src: /img/stars-hero.svg alt: Stars sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Meet our Stars cards: - id: 0 image: src: /img/stars/robert-caulk.jpg alt: Robert Caulk Photo name: Robert Caulk position: Founder of Emergent Methods description: Robert is working with a team on to adaptively enrich, index, and report on over 1 million news articles per day - id: 1 image: src: /img/stars/joshua-mo.jpg alt: Joshua Mo Photo name: Joshua Mo position: DevRel at description: Hey there! I primarily use Rust and am looking forward to contributing to the Qdrant community! - id: 2 image: src: /img/stars/nick-khami.jpg alt: Nick Khami Photo name: Nick Khami position: Founder & Product Engineer description: Founder and product engineer at Trieve and has been using Qdrant since late 2022 - id: 3 image: src: /img/stars/owen-colegrove.jpg alt: Owen Colegrove Photo name: Owen Colegrove position: Founder of SciPhi description: Physics PhD, Quant @ Citadel and Founder at SciPhi - id: 4 image: src: /img/stars/m-k-pavan-kumar.jpg alt: M K Pavan Kumar Photo name: M K Pavan Kumar position: Data Scientist and Lead GenAI description: A seasoned technology expert with 14 years of experience in full stack development, cloud solutions, & artificial intelligence - id: 5 image: src: /img/stars/niranjan-akella.jpg alt: Niranjan Akella Photo name: Niranjan Akella position: Scientist by Heart & AI Engineer description: I build & deploy AI models like LLMs, Diffusion Models & Vision Models at scale - id: 6 image: src: /img/stars/bojan-jakimovski.jpg alt: Bojan Jakimovski Photo name: Bojan Jakimovski position: Machine Learning Engineer description: I'm really excited to show the power of the Qdrant as vector database - id: 7 image: src: /img/stars/haydar-kulekci.jpg alt: Haydar KULEKCI Photo name: Haydar KULEKCI position: Senior Software Engineer description: I am a senior software engineer and consultant with over 10 years of experience in data management, processing, and software development. - id: 8 image: src: /img/stars/nicola-procopio.jpg alt: Nicola Procopio Photo name: Nicola Procopio position: Senior Data Scientist @ Fincons Group description: Nicola, a data scientist and open-source enthusiast since 2009, has used Qdrant since 2023. He developed fastembed for Haystack, vector search for Cheshire Cat A.I., and shares his expertise through articles, tutorials, and talks. - id: 9 image: src: /img/stars/eduardo-vasquez.jpg alt: Eduardo Vasquez Photo name: Eduardo Vasquez position: Data Scientist and MLOps Engineer description: I am a Data Scientist and MLOps Engineer exploring generative AI and LLMs, creating YouTube content on RAG workflows and fine-tuning LLMs. I hold an MSc in Statistics and Data Science. - id: 10 image: src: /img/stars/benito-martin.jpg alt: Benito Martin Photo name: Benito Martin position: Independent Consultant | Data Science, ML and AI Project Implementation | Teacher and Course Content Developer description: Over the past year, Benito developed MLOps and LLM projects. Based in Switzerland, Benito continues to advance his skills. - id: 11 image: src: /img/stars/nirant-kasliwal.jpg alt: Nirant Kasliwal Photo name: Nirant Kasliwal position: FastEmbed Creator description: I'm a Machine Learning consultant specializing in NLP and Vision systems for early-stage products. I've authored an NLP book recommended by Dr. Andrew Ng to Stanford's CS230 students and maintain FastEmbed at Qdrant for speed. sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Join our growing community cards: - id: 0 icon: src: /img/stars-marketplaces/github.svg alt: Github icon title: Stars statsToUse: githubStars description: Join our GitHub community and contribute to the future of vector databases. link: text: Start Contributing url: - id: 1 icon: src: /img/stars-marketplaces/discord.svg alt: Discord icon title: Members statsToUse: discordMembers description: Discover and chat on a vibrant community of developers working on the future of AI. link: text: Join our Conversations url: - id: 2 icon: src: /img/stars-marketplaces/twitter.svg alt: Twitter icon title: Followers statsToUse: twitterFollowers description: Join us on X, participate and find out about our updates and releases before anyone else. link: text: Spread the Word url: sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Subscribe section_title: Subscribe subtitle: Subscribe description: Subscribe ---
--- title: Subscribe section_title: Subscribe subtitle: Subscribe description: Subscribe image: src: /img/subscribe.svg srcMobile: /img/mobile/subscribe.svg alt: Astronaut form: title: Sign up for our newsletter description: Stay up to date on product news, technical articles, and upcoming educational webinars. label: Email placeholder: [email protected] button: Subscribe footer: rights: "© 2024 Qdrant. All Rights Reserved" termsLink: url: /legal/terms_and_conditions/ text: Terms policyLink: url: /legal/privacy-policy/ text: Privacy Policy impressumLink: url: /legal/impressum/ text: Impressum sitemapExclude: true ---
--- title: Vector Database Use Cases section_title: Apps and Ideas Qdrant made possible type: page description: Applications, business cases and startup ideas you can build with Qdrant vector search engine. build: render: always cascade: - build: list: local publishResources: false render: never aliases: - /solutions/ ---
--- title: Advertising icon: ad-campaign sitemapExclude: True --- User interests cannot be described with rules, and that's where neural networks come in. Qdrant vector database will allow sufficient flexibility in neural network recommendations so that each user sees only the relevant ad. Advanced filtering mechanisms, such as geo-location, do not compromise on speed and accuracy, which is especially important for online advertising.
--- title: Customer Support and Sales Optimization icon: customer-service sitemapExclude: True --- Current advances in NLP can reduce the retinue work of customer service by up to 80 percent. No more answering the same questions over and over again. A chatbot will do that, and people can focus on complex problems. But not only automated answering, it is also possible to control the quality of the department and automatically identify flaws in conversations.
--- title: E-Commerce Search icon: dairy-products weight: 30 sitemapExclude: True --- Increase your online basket size and revenue with the AI-powered search. No need in manually assembled synonym lists, neural networks get the context better. With neural approach the search results could be not only precise, but also **personalized**. And Qdrant will be the backbone of this search. Read more about [Deep Learning-based Product Recommendations]( in the paper by The Home Depot.
--- title: Biometric identification icon: face-scan sitemapExclude: True --- Not only totalitarian states use facial recognition. With this technology, you can also improve the user experience and simplify authentication. Make it possible to pay without a credit card and buy in the store without cashiers. And the scalable face recognition technology is based on vector search, which is what Qdrant provides. Some of the many articles on the topic of [Face Recognition]( and [Speaker Recognition](
--- title: Fashion Search icon: clothing custom_link_name: Article by Zalando custom_link: custom_link_name2: Our Demo custom_link2: sitemapExclude: True --- Empower shoppers to find the items they want by uploading any image or browsing through a gallery instead of searching with keywords. A visual similarity search helps solve this problem. And with the advanced filters that Qdrant provides, you can be sure to have the right size in stock for the jacket the user finds. Large companies like [Zalando]( are investing in it, but we also made our [demo]( using public dataset.
--- title: Fintech icon: bank sitemapExclude: True --- Fraud detection is like recommendations in reverse. One way to solve the problem is to look for similar cheating behaviors. But often this is not enough and manual rules come into play. Qdrant vector database allows you to combine both approaches because it provides a way to filter the result using arbitrary conditions. And all this can happen in the time till the client takes his hand off the terminal. Here is some related [research paper](
--- title: Food Discovery weight: 20 icon: search sitemapExclude: True --- There are multiple ways to discover things, text search is not the only one. In the case of food, people rely more on appearance than description and ingredients. So why not let people choose their next lunch by its appearance, even if they don't know the name of the dish? We made a [demo]( to showcase this approach.
--- title: HR & Job Search icon: job-search weight: 10 sitemapExclude: True --- Vector search engine can be used to match candidates and jobs even if there are no matching keywords or explicit skill descriptions. For example, it can automatically map **'frontend engineer'** to **'web developer'**, no need for any predefined categorization. Neural job matching is used at [MoBerries]( for automatic job recommendations.
--- title: Law Case Search icon: hammer sitemapExclude: True --- The wording of court decisions can be difficult not only for ordinary people, but sometimes for the lawyers themselves. It is rare to find words that exactly match a similar precedent. That's where AI, which has seen hundreds of thousands of court decisions and can compare them using vector similarity search engine, can help. Here is some related [research](
--- title: Media and Games icon: game-controller sitemapExclude: True --- Personalized recommendations for music, movies, games, and other entertainment content are also some sort of search. Except the query in it is not a text string, but user preferences and past experience. And with Qdrant, user preference vectors can be updated in real-time, no need to deploy a MapReduce cluster. Read more about "[Metric Learning Recommendation System]("
--- title: Medical Diagnostics icon: x-rays sitemapExclude: True --- The growing volume of data and the increasing interest in the topic of health care is creating products to help doctors with diagnostics. One such product might be a search for similar cases in an ever-expanding database of patient histories. Search not only by symptom description, but also by data from, for example, MRI machines. Vector Search [is applied]( even here.
--- title: Qdrant Vector Database Use Cases subtitle: Explore the vast applications of the Qdrant vector database. From retrieval augmented generation to anomaly detection, advanced search, and recommendation systems, our solutions unlock new dimensions of data and performance. featureCards: - id: 0 title: Advanced Search content: Elevate your apps with advanced search capabilities. Qdrant excels in processing high-dimensional data, enabling nuanced similarity searches, and understanding semantics in depth. Qdrant also handles multimodal data with fast and accurate search algorithms. link: text: Learn More url: /advanced-search/ - id: 1 title: Recommendation Systems content: Create highly responsive and personalized recommendation systems with tailored suggestions. Qdrant’s Recommendation API offers great flexibility, featuring options such as best score recommendation strategy. This enables new scenarios of using multiple vectors in a single query to impact result relevancy. link: text: Learn More url: /recommendations/ - id: 2 title: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) content: Enhance the quality of AI-generated content. Leverage Qdrant's efficient nearest neighbor search and payload filtering features for retrieval-augmented generation. You can then quickly access relevant vectors and integrate a vast array of data points. link: text: Learn More url: /rag/ - id: 3 title: Data Analysis and Anomaly Detection content: Transform your approach to Data Analysis and Anomaly Detection. Leverage vectors to quickly identify patterns and outliers in complex datasets. This ensures robust and real-time anomaly detection for critical applications. link: text: Learn More url: /data-analysis-anomaly-detection/ ---
# What to put in the partials directory on the top level (aka here) Partials not depending on the theme which can be reused even if the theme changes, for example: - a partial returning only the <head> of a page - a partial returning only one html element like a link or a image without any class or style - a partial returning only some logic like a loop or a condition without any html # What not to put in the partials directory on the top level (aka here) Partials depending on the theme, for example: - a partial returning elements with classes or styles - a partial returning a whole section of a page
Based on, last updated October 16, 2023. Exceptions, based on "standard" language used by Qdrant: - Deleted ["We.yml"]( - Set ["Exclamation.yml"]( to suggestion level, revised message. - Removed reference to GCP as "preferred" cloud from WordList.yml - Removed preference for "Command-line tool" over "CLI" from WordList.yml - Updated Acronyms.yml
The files in this directory were created by [GitLab](, licensed under [CC-BY 4.0]( We modified the contents of the files for Cobalt styles. For the current versions of these files, see
Based on [write-good]( > Naive linter for English prose for developers who can't write good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too. ``` The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Ford Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```
## Building, transpiling and running the project Project uses Hugo build-in pipes to transpile and minify assets. Pre-requisites: - Dart Sass ### Install Dart Sass You can [download]( a package for your OS from [Sass github]( and [add it to your PATH]( Don't forget to restart your terminal after adding Dart Sass to your PATH. #### Troubleshooting Run the following commands: ```bash hugo env | grep "dart-sass" sass --embedded --version ``` And check that both commands output the same version of Dart Sass. If not, you may have several versions of Dart Sass installed on your system. Don't forget to restart your terminal after adding Dart Sass to your PATH. Don't use node-sass, it's incompatible.
## What to put in components? Components are the building blocks which don't have relations to partials or layouts. They are reusable classes that can be used across different pages.
## What to put in partials? This directory contains styles related to specific partial in `../../layouts/partial` directory.
This section dedicated to debugging and troubleshooting, and to provide a list of components. This section **won't be rendered in production**.
--- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" draft: false slug: {{ .Name }} # Change this slug to your page slug if needed short_description: This is a blog post # Change this description: This is a blog post # Change this preview_image: /blog/Article-Image.png # Change this # social_preview_image: /blog/Article-Image.png # Optional image used for link previews # title_preview_image: /blog/Article-Image.png # Optional image used for blog post title # small_preview_image: /blog/Article-Image.png # Optional image used for small preview in the list of blog posts date: {{ .Date }} author: John Doe # Change this featured: false # if true, this post will be featured on the blog page tags: # Change this, related by tags posts will be shown on the blog page - news - blog weight: 0 # Change this weight to change order of posts # For more guidance, see --- Here is your blog post content. You can use markdown syntax here. # Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3 #### Header 4 ##### Header 5 ###### Header 6 <aside role="alert"> You can add a note to your page using this aside block. </aside> <aside role="status"> This is a warning message. </aside> > This is a blockquote following a header. Table: | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 | - List item 1 - Nested list item 1 - Nested list item 2 - List item 2 - List item 3 1. Numbered list item 1 1. Nested numbered list item 1 2. Nested numbered list item 2 2. Numbered list item 2 3. Numbered list item 3
--- draft: false image: "content/images/logos/{{ replace .Name "-" " " }}-logo" #logo image should be in pdf format, do not include extension here name: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" sitemapExclude: True ---
+++ +++
--- #Delimiter files are used to separate the list of documentation pages into sections. title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" type: delimiter weight: 0 # Change this weight to change order of sections sitemapExclude: True ---
--- # External link template title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" type: external-link external_url: # Change this link to your external link sitemapExclude: True ---